#she totally not gonna beat him up in his sleep
kxjostarr · 9 months
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rejectshumanity asked: “Well, I hope I ruined your night. If not, there’s always tomorrow!” 
Hateship Sentence Starters
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"Yeah, if you're alive the next day." Him just showing up at her house was enough to sour her mood. "By the way, I'm going to be in the same room with my mom tonight; so don't even try sneaking in."
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cas-skz · 11 months
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Wooyoung x FEM!reader
| non-idol au | drama/romance/smut | 18+!! |
Hiding your true feelings for your brothers best friend was something you had grown used to but when life took a turn, it came crumbling down even faster.
Akakakakakakaka so seeing Wooyoung with a kid caused this story to take a turn and he’s a daddddy!!!! Lmao stay tuned for part two!!! Enjoy xx
“San- my boy. We hit it big tonight. You keep this up and we’ll be loaded with cash in no time.” Wooyoung’s voice echoed through the small apartment as you emerged from the bathroom, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel. The boys had just returned from their usual Friday night boxing match - underground and illegal, but the money was worth it at the end of the day.
Two set of eyes immediately scanned your body, with devilish smiles creeping onto their lips as they leaned forward on the couch. Seonghwa and Yunho, more inner fight circle boys. “Don’t be a tease, y/n, drop the towel.” Yunho shot, earning a bag of frozen veggies to be thrown at him by San. “She’s my fucking sister bro.”
“Don’t worry Sannie, I know where he’s been.” You smirked, patting San on the shoulder as you walked to your room. It wasn’t long after that you heard the boys saying their goodbyes and your brother had poked his head in your room to let you know he’d be gone for the night. “Woo is gonna crash here. He’s fighting with that bitch again.”
“Why does he have to sleep here?”
“Where else would he go?”
“Seonghwa’s? Yunho’s? That baby face security guard dude thst comes here sometimes.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Wooyoung, he’d been in your life for years and you had grown close to him but as time passed, you couldn’t help but find him addictively attractive.
“Shut up dude.” San laughed, shaking his head. “He’ll probably just be gaming all night. I’m sure you won’t even know he’s here.”
“Fine.” You grumbled, waving him off.
A few hours had past since San left and as promised, the apartment had remained quiet. You had curled up in bed watching Netflix and snacking until you finally had to use the bathroom. In just an oversized shirt, you pushed off the bed and started down the hall.
“Shit, fuck!” You yelled, strumbling into Woo as he headed back to San’s room. His hands went to your waist, holding you in place as you laughed into your hands. “You scared the shit outta me.”
It wasn’t until you opened your eyes that you realized the close proximity to a shirtless Wooyoung, his toned chest and arms sent shivers down your spine. “Sorry..” Woo awkwardly laughed, letting his hands slowly slide off your sides.
“No, it’s fine. I’m usually walking mindlessly.”
“It is your place. I’m just taking up room.”
“You do the dishes sometimes, so I guess you’re not a total waste.”
Wooyoung huffed a laugh as he gazed down at you, “I’ll let you get to it.”
You smiled gently at him before going into the bathroom, groaning quietly as you plopped down and glanced at yourself in the mirror. Your face was beat red from blushing so hard and as you reached for the toilet paper, you noticed the goosebumps that had taken over your arm.
Even after shoving your feelings deep down and having a couple of relationships over the past years, Woo always had a special place in your heart. You sighed softly as you finished up, finding it nearly impossible to ignore your now throbbing clit.
You turned your back to the sink and propped yourself up against it. After finding a comfortable spot your hand quickly went to work swirling quick circles.
The thing about living in a small apartment was the unfortunate close proximity of everything and keeping things quiet, wasn’t always the easiest. You bit your lip hard as you concealed your moans,
Your mind wondered to Woo, thinking of how you’d want him touch you all over. Thinking of how good he’d feel deep inside your pussy. Your head fell back into the wall as you pleased yourself, blocking the world out.
You had almost hit your peak when the sound of the microwave door slamming shut. “Fuck” you muttered, knocking a few things of the counter as you tried to compose yourself.
“You good in there?” Woo yelled from the kitchen, that unfortunately was only a few feet away.
“Yea, I’m fine!” You replied, quickly picking up the fallen items before turning off the light. You took a deep breath and opened the door, Wooyoung’s eyes shot to you. “I’m making popcorn if you want some.”
You could feel your face burning red, “uh no, thanks though. I’m just gonna go lay down.” You babbled, flashing him a quick smile before quickly returning to your room.
Had he heard you? Did he know what you were doing? All questions ran through your head as you flopped on your bed, groaning into your pillow in frustration.
A few hours had passed before you heard noise coming from the room next to yours, lowering the volume on your tv, you could hear the sound of moaning and dirty talking could almost perfectly through the wall. You listened carefully, quickly clueing in that he was watching porn. What followed next made your pussy start to throb again.
The more you listened, the hotter things seemed to get. Woo’s soft groans entered the mix, you whined quietly as your entrance begged for attention.
Your hand quickly moved to your exposed pussy and to no surprise it was soaking wet. Your head gently knocked on the wall as you slipped your fingers inside your tight entrance, causing you to let out a small moan.
In the room next to you, Wooyoung sat directly on the opposite side of the wall, his hard cock gripped in one hand. He had been driving himself crazy the last few hours, hearing the sounds of your moans from the bathroom played in his head over and over again.
All he wanted to do was go into your room and shove his cock inside you, but he resisted and that’s when he turned to his phone. His cock twitched as he heard you start to moan, the bright red tip leaked pre-cum that he used as lube to help pump his hand.
You and Woo continued to moan and it had became obvious that it wasn’t to the porno. You couldn’t keep yourself from just moaning anymore, and softly started to speak. “I’m so wet.”
Woo audibly groaned in response, “my dick is so hard for you.”
The moans and dirty talking continued back and forth, pushing you closer and closer to orgasm.
“Fuck, I wanna cum,” you moaned
“You want me to cum with you?”
“Yea, cum with me. Cum like you’re fucking this tight pussy,”
Both your moans increased, your hands worked quickly to pump your hole and rub your clit. Your body started to shake as you got louder and louder with each rub, “I’m gonna cum….fuck”
“Cum for me.”
“Yes. Yes I’m fucking cumming.” Your body shook into orgasm as you continued to rub your clit, the other gripped the sheets as you listened to the sound of Woo panting and groaning.
“You made me cum so much,” he groaned, “what a good girl you are.”
His words sent shivers down your spine, pushing you further more into orgasm. “Only for you,” you moaned, your body hovering a bit off the bed as your came to peak.
You finally came to rest, continuing to softly moan as you came down.
“This has to be our secret, you know that right, baby?”
“Our secret.” You yawned, curling yourself up in your sheets.
You had slept peacefully through the night, feeling relieved but afraid of what was to come.
The next morning you woke to the sound of yelling coming from the kitchen, but what through you off was the unknown female who was arguing with Wooyoung.
“You’re just leaving? She needs her mother, why would you even think of leaving?”
“Because I can’t take being stuck her anymore. I need to get out and have some freedom.”
“At our daughters expense?”
The voices lowered as you heard San enter the apartment, he was quick to address the situation and defend his best friend.
“What? She trying to run away again?” San scoffed, it was a rare tone for your brother to have but you could hear the hatred in his voice.
“This has nothing to do with you San!” The female shouted.
“Considering she’s my god-child, I think it does. Why don’t you just tell him the truth.”
“San, shut the fuck up.”
You were too focused on the argument happening that you didn’t hear the footsteps coming towards your room, “Hey, sorry…” Woo peaked his head in, holding back a small laugh as he saw your attempt to hide against the wall.
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks again as you took a few steps back, allowing Woo into your room. Your fingers played with the bottom of your shirt as he set a baby carrier down, “Your brother is scary when he’s mad.” He chuckled nervously, running his hand through his long black hair.
“He cares deeply that’s why.” You said softly, kneeling on the ground next to the carrier. “What’s this little ones name?”
Wooyoung lowered himself down next to you, his closeness sent waves of warmth through your body. “This is miss Ella, my pride and joy.”
His face brightened as the beautiful baby girl smiled up at him, her small hand wrapped around his finger. “Do you mind watching her? Just until everything is sorted.” He asked.
“Of course I don’t mind.” You smiled, tickling your finger along Ella’s chubby leg. Woo quickly freed her from her carrier, standing up to embrace and kiss her sweetly. You couldn’t help but smile.
“She’s really chill and everything you need is in the bag.” Woo noted, turning to pass Ella to you. “Hey pretty girl.” You smiled as you took her into your arms. You wanted to pause this moment forever, but the yelling from the living room was only getting worse.
“Fu- thank you.” Woo said quickly, pulling you in for a quick hug. He paused for a moment, pressing a kiss above your ear before whispering, “I owe you.”
The time had past faster than expected and thankfully the three in the living room calmed down and started to speak about the situation. As far as you knew, Woo had been fighting with his, now ex, for almost a year. You remember him mentioning how she just wanted to party and bullshit her life away, thankfully it hadn’t effected Ella in any way.
Both you and Ella had passed out at some point, the quiet sound of baby sensory videos made it one of the best naps you’ve ever had.
Your eyes fluttered opened as Woo sat down on the bed, taking Ella into his lap. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You shook your head as you sat up, running a hand through your hair as you grabbed some of Ella’s snacks. “No, it’s okay. I bet this one is starving.” You popped open the can of puffs, which she happily started shoving in her mouth.
“San went out to get some stuff, he wanted me to ask you if it was okay if we stayed here for a bit.” Woo’s eyes met with yours for a quick second, “I told him I couldn’t do that to you. It’s not fair.”
“I’m not letting you guys live in a motel or something.” You chewed on the inside of your lip as you crisscrossed your legs and scooted a little closer. “She deserves somewhere safe.” You smiled down at Ella, booping her nose.
You could feel Woo’s eyes on you as you babbled with Ella, it made you feel warm and safe in a way. But with things taking a sudden turn, you felt like you had to shove those feelings back down again.
“If San says you’re staying then you are.” You insisted. “I’ll help with whatever you need.”
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“I want to, it’s the least I could do really.”
Your hand slowly slid to his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Please, let me help.”
His eyes met with yours again, giving you that tingly feeling you were becoming familiar with. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek, letting it linger for a long moment before he pulled back and looked at you. His eyes flashed from yours to your lips, he slowly leaned in and your eyes fluttered shut.
“Yunho! Can you watch where you’re going!” San’s voice suddenly filled the apartment, causing you to jump back and climb off the bed. “We should probably go help.” You said quickly, trying to stop yourself from blushing hard.
Thankfully Yunho had dragged Ella’s play-pen in first, so you set her up inside it with a few toys to keep her busy. The next few hours were spent helping San gather some of his things, as he planned to stay with his girlfriend so Woo and Ella could use the room.
After stuffing their faces with pizza, the boys were on their way, leaving you alone with Woo and Ella.
You hummed quietly to yourself as you washed the dishes, lost in your own thoughts when a set of arms gently wrapped around your core. “I could have done those.” Woo said softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
“It’s fine, doing dishes actually relaxes me.” You laughed, glancing down at his hands as his thumb gently rubbed against your stomach. You knew shoving your feelings down was going to be a challenge.
“Hey, I think we should-” You paused to turn around, taking his hands in yours. You looked into his eyes, getting lost in sparkly brown galaxies for a moment. “I just…” your eyes trailed to his lips before shifting back downward.
His pressed a kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug. “I know.”
You rested your head against his chest, taking in his scent. The feeling of comfort and warmth washed over you as you hugged him back, “You have no idea how much this sucks.”
A few days passed since Woo and Ella moved in and things around the apartment finally felt calm. You spent a majority of your time with Ella while Woo helped San prepare for the next fight.
After a day at the gym, Woo came home drenched in sweat and quickly took a shower after popping in to say hi to Ella. 
You were sitting on your bed reading when he walked into your room in nothing but a towel.
“I got something for you.”
“Something other than this?” You joked, sue him up and down.
He smirked and shook his head as he sat down next to you in your bed, placing a little square box down. “Open it.”
You rose your eyebrow at him before opening the black box, inside was a rose gold bracelet with a row of tiny aquamarine crystals on it. Your eyes filled with tears as a child hood memory flooded in. The bracelet was almost an exact match to one your late father had given to you and that your former best friend stole.
“Where did you find this?” You asked, looking at him through watery eyes.
“San and I where checking out a space under this pawn shop up north. I spotted it thinking you’d like it and San told me about the one your dad gave you.” Woo took the bracelet from the box and took your hand into his and placed it on. “He pouted the whole way home that I never buy him gifts.” Woo laughed, adjusting it on your wrist before holding it in his.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful.” You leaned over and wrapped your arms around him, placing one hand on the back of his head so you could hold him close. His wet body practically stuck to yours and as he hugged you back, he placed gentle kisses between your neck and shoulder.
You felt your body shutter at the sensation, the faintest of moans escaped your lips.
Woo’s hands slipped up the back of your shirt as your breathing picked up, he moved a small bit to get more access to your neck. His lips started to peck softly, slowly turning into gentle sucking and nibbling.
Your hand slowly slid from the back of his head and down his chest before resting gently on his waist, tempted to pull the towel open. Your legs slowly pushed down the light comforter on top of you as you moved yourself closer to Woo, unable to contain yourself any longer.
One of Wooyoung’s hands moved to your front, he slowly ran his fingers across your side boob before starting to play with your nipple. You moaned softly, letting out a small whine as he finally pulled away and looking at you with shy eyes. “Can I take this off?” He asked, tugging at your shirt.
You leaned away from him and nodded, helping him as he slipped you out of your shirt, exposing your naked body. Your cheeks rushed a dark red as your finger tapped on the loosely wrapped towel, you pulled it open with his permission.
You both took a minute to scan each others bodies, Woo fingers trailed against your sensitive skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
“I want you.” Woo whispered.
You scooted back on the bed, giving him room to lay down next to you. His towel fell as he stood to reposition, his hard cock stood to attention as he pulled the covers over the both of you.
Your lips were now itches away from his, “We shouldn’t.” Your hand trailed down the side of his body before resting on his hip. “But I don’t think I can keep myself from you any longer.”
Wooyoung pulled himself closer to you, “So don’t.” His lips brushed against yours, “He knows I’m in love with you.”
“W-what? What ar-”
His lips crashed into yours before you could finish your sentence, kissing you deeply and passionately.
You let your whole body sink into the kiss, tangling your legs with his as you moved your hand to his cock while his found its way to your clit.
He was everything you’d dreamt about and even better than you’re fantasies. Wooyoung made your entire body feel electric.
You moaned against his lips as you became more and more aroused. A small gasp escaped your lips as he slid a finger inside your tight entrance, you could hear how wet you were with each movement his finger made.
Woo’s head dipped down to your chest, where he placed kisses all around your breast before taking the nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the tender bud, flicking and sucking.
“Fuck.” You moaned, tangling your hand in his hair as he leaned you onto your back. His mouth moved to your other nipple and your hands gripped the sheets as he added a second finger into your pussy.
Woo trailed kisses back up to your lips as his fingers slowly slid from inside you, “Taste.”
You opened your mouth as he slowly put two sweet tasting fingers inside, “Good girl.” He praised, kissing you again as he guided the tip of his cock through your pussy lips.
You whined quietly as he teased your entrance, poking just the tip in and out as he slowly worked to fit his cock deeper and deeper inside. You cursed against his lips as your nails dug into his chest and his thick cock filled you out.
You held each other close as you continued to fuck, whispering sweet nothings to each other and none stop kissing. You couldn’t help fall for him more and more as the night went on. It felt so new but familiar at the same time.
You woke the next morning in bed alone, but to the sound of dishes clinking in the kitchen. You ran a hand through your hair, still damp from the late night shower you had with Woo and grabbed one of his long sleeve shirts before making your way into the kitchen.
You stood back and took a moment to take it all in. Wooyoung cooking away with Ella balanced on his hip, chatting away with her about colors and numbers.
“Morning.” You said softly, walking towards the two and placed a kiss on Ella’s cheek before Woo’s.
Wooyoung smiled down at you, “Could you put her in her chair please.” He asked, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Of course.”
When you turned around again, Woo quickly cupped your face and kissed you deeply, pulling you in as close as he could. “I couldn’t kiss you properly with her in my arms.”
You leaned up on your tippy toes as you wrapped your arms around his waist, “I guess we can forgive you.” You teased.
After a few minutes, Woo joined you and Ella at the table, pulling you onto his lap as you happily enjoyed the meal he made. It made your heart warm.
Weeks started to fly by as you grew closer to Wooyoung, falling more and more in love with him. You also got to know Ella a lot more, her habits and routine, things that made her happy or upset. She was pretty easy once you figured out what the problem was.
Wooyoung and San had been winning fights left and right, bringing in more money than their accounts could hold. While things seemed to be going perfectly, it suddenly came crashing down.
The door slammed opened just as you were finished changing Ella, a wave of panic and urgency filled the home.
“Y/N, get your things. Now. Whatever you need for at least a month” San ordered, his eyes filled with anger as he stormed through the house, grabbing your items of clothing and shoving them into a duffle bag.
Wooyoung was right behind him, your heart dropped as your eyes met with his. “What’s happening?”
“Y/N! Hurry!” San yelled from your room.
“We need to get you two out of here.” His words were cut short as San came out of your room, once again shouting an order at you to gather your things.
Within a few minutes you had gathered just about everything you could think of, anything you needed on a daily. It took all your energy to hold your emotions back as the sight unfolded in front of you, San and Woo were running back and forth packing things into an unfamiliar vehicle.
“Woo…please tell me what’s going on?” You asked as Ella started to cry in your arms. You softly patted her back and shushed her as he quickly started to bring you to the SUV, doing everything in your power to hold back tears.
Without an answer, he swept Ella from your arms as San spun you towards him.
“You trust me?” He asked, looking you directly in the eyes.
He pulled you into a hug, immediately causing the tears to fall from your eyes. “I promise we’ll come back to you and Ella.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” You shoved yourself back from him, anger now taking over.
“We have to go. I love you.”
He rushed over to his car, yelling at Woo to wrap it up.
You yelled after him, trying to follow when Wooyoung grabbed your wrist and turned you to him. There was sadness in his eyes and it broke your heart.
Your tears started to fall again as he pulled you into him for a kiss. The salty taste from your combined tears slipped between your lips.
“I love you. Please take care of her.”
Wooyoung quickly got you into the car where Ella was sitting in her car seat, holding one of Woo’s shirts. He gave you one last kiss before closing the door.
“No…No!” You cried out, trying to open the door. Childlock was on, and he was already quickly heading towards the other car.
As both cars took off in opposite direction, there was nothing you could do but fall onto the seat and cry.
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 33
part 1 | part 32 | ao3
Chapter 8
cw: period-typical attitudes/language
"Steve," Robin hisses through the phone, and he can practically hear her nostrils flaring. "I have been trapped at Uncle Bobby and Aunt Deb's house for six. days." She drops her voice to a harsh whisper, the tone somehow even more disapproving at a lower volume. "HOW have you not kissed him yet??"
"It's not like I didn't try!" Steve throws his hands up; nearly knocks his broom to the floor. He's finally sweeping up the shards of glass in the living room, because he's tired of wearing shoes in his own house (and because at some point he's going to have to have the kids over whether he wants to or not. He's kind of surprised Erica hasn't shown up demanding to hang Christmas lights yet; that girl is aggressively festive.) "He was all 'ask me in the morning,' so I was gonna ask him in the morning! Not my fault it was Monday morning and his stupid uncle barged in yelling about how he was going to be late for school."
"You really shouldn't call him stupid," she interrupts, "that man is a saint."
"No, you’re right. Wayne's awesome."
It’s true. Wayne walked in on them that morning, like, fully spooning in their sleep — Eddie pressed all along Steve's back with an arm over his waist, their ankles intertwined — and rather than beat Steve's ass and ban him from their house like Steve expected him to, he just awkwardly grunted 'breakfast is ready' and shut the door.
"I'm always right," Robin gloats in his ear.
"You're always the worst."
"You love me." Steve hears shuffling as she adjusts the cord — probably wiggling around to lie on her stomach on the bed and kick her feet up in the air the way she likes — and then she says, "I'm still not seeing how this explains the other five whole days, though."
Jesus. Five whole days. Like she's his unimpressed boss and he’s late with the quarterly reports. "Our schedules kept not lining up! And then he went out of town with Jeff's family for the holiday."
"And you haven't called him?"
Steve glares flatly at the phone; hopes she can feel it through the line. "Literally how would I do that, Robin?"
"Well— I don't know! Maybe..." She hums in thought then snaps her fingers, talking fast. "Ooh! You could ask Wayne for the number? I mean, he'd have to know it in case he needed to reach Eddie, right?"
"Uh huh." Steve loves her solution-oriented brain, he really does, but that's one of the worst ideas he's heard in a while. (And he's including Mike and Dustin's attempted kidnapping last month.) "Yeah, let me get right on that," he snarks, switching the phone to his other ear. "I’ll just call them up and say, 'Hey, Mr. or Mrs. Jeff's Grandparents! This is Steve Harrington, may I—? Oh. Who's Steve Harrington, you ask? Nobody, sir or ma’am, just the kid who stood by and watched while his teammates gave your grandson a swirlie two years ago, so I'm sure he fucking hates me still for that! Anyway, can I please flirt with your house guest now?'"
Robin's whinnying into the receiver by the time Steve finishes his rant, and he begrudgingly laughs along with her, shaking his head as he stoops to pick up the dust pan.
"Okay," she concedes. "You may have a point."
"Thank you."
"But you still have to do something to make up for this when he gets home! Otherwise, he's going to think you're, like, having a straight boy crisis or something and get all weird."
"I'm not having a 'straight boy crisis,'" Steve rolls his eyes. He's having a bisexual boy crisis — at least, according to the three hour phone call he had with Robin the other night (which was humiliating, by the way; he never thought he'd be quietly crying tears of total confusion while saying the words 'I still likes boobies, though' out loud. Jesus Christ. Sexuality is embarrassing.) "And I already have a grand gesture in mind, anyway."
"Oh?" Robin perks up. "Do tell."
"I was thinking we could, like..." Hmm. It's sounding less grand when he goes to say it out loud. "Well, shit, I don't know. I thought we could go to one of his shows together when you get back, but now that sounds kind of lame?"
“No, that's good! That's perfect, actually. We can get a whole group together to go support him, then he'll see that you're not embarrassed to be seen around him with your friends."
"Wait, was that a concern?" Oh, god. He dumps more glass into the trash can; hisses when a little shard gets his fingertip; sucks the wound into his mouth. "Are you sure it’s not-? I mean, I want him to know I mean it in a romantic way, not just a friendly gesture."
"Well, yeah, obviously. But you can't just go by yourself; his bandmates hate you."
Oh, right. “Yeah.” That would be pretty awkward to loiter in a booth by himself all night while Jeff and Gareth and the other kid glare daggers at him. "Do you think you could get a group together? If I do it…"
"…We'll be hanging out with a group of dorky freshman all night?”
"You know what? Tell Deb and Bobby they can keep you."
"Ah!" Robin gasps. "You would turn to stone like a troll in the sun without me, and you know it!"
Man, he misses her. "Yeah, I know it." He puts the broom back up on the hook. "When ya comin' home?"
"Soon, I hope. I swear to god if I have to hear Deb and Patty fight over the leftovers one more time—!" She cuts herself off with a strangled noise, and Steve laughs at her plight. "Anyway, yes. I'll ask some friends at school—"
"—Is one of those friends Vickie?"
“I can multi-task; shut up."
"I love you," he smiles.
"Love you, too, dingus.” Her voice dips soft and sincere for just a second; there and gone. “Hey, I have to go, Carrie wants the phone.”
“You have too many relatives.”
“Ugh, I know. Okay. Leaving for real now; can't wait to see you for Operation Woo Your Man!”
"Robin, no-!”
“Got to go byeeeee.”
“We’re not calling it that!” He holds the phone out with both hands so he can yell into the receiver. “Robin? Robin!"
The line's already dead.
part 34
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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pinejayy · 1 year
Rutting Urogi and Hawks x F!Reader
I love my men with wings, but I would love see them how they would act around you when it's spring time // both characters are gonna get their separate headcanons
also I have like 5 requests in my inbox so imma work on those when I have a day off from work
trigger warnings: nsfw, dry humping, oral (both receiving), fingering (on hawks part), face sitting, le sex, cock warming
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Oh so dating the four clones was a handful but You deeply loved them all. But when you experienced your first spring with the boys it was handful, there was a bunch of fighting.
Those flights mainly were around Urogi, because it was spring and that's when birds experienced mating season. And he became more clingy towards you.
He doesn't allow any of the other clones around you. And if one of them were to grab you he would lash out and fight them. And he becomes really aggressive.
One time Aizetsu made the fatal mistake of grabbing you and Urogi went crazy, he literally jumped him and beat him up. The poor blue eyed Demon was a crying mess. "YOU HAVE TO SHARE HER!"
The clones have this schedule to decide which day they get to have you, but Urogi is like fuck that! And of course he’s getting yelled at!
“You selfish demon! You can’t keep her to yourself!” And “I don’t care what time of the year it is! Go jerk yourself off!” And “Please give me Y/N! She’s not yours!”
The Bird Demon has made a nest, and the nest includes your favorite clothes mostly your underwear and bras. The nest also includes pillows so you could be comfortable. But he's also added sticks and leafs he's found around the woods.
Whenever he wants total alone time with you and without the constant nagging about the clones he'll pick you up and fly you somewhere so you guys are alone.
As much as you wanna spend time with the others he won't allow you to leave. Please just stay with him. He needs you. He craves you.
He loves seeing you sleep on his nest. A bunch of cuddles!!
Oh boy!! This boy always wants sex with you. Your moans drive him crazy! He loves watching you lay on his nest completely naked.
You're definitely covered in bite marks, hickeys and scratch marks.
Whenever he wants to bury his cock inside of you he's gonna hold you close against his chest and place gentle kisses along your neck. The Demon is also gonna dry hump you until you give him what he wants.
Please Sit On His FACE!! He wants to feel your weight on him, he wants to be your seat so please for the love of god sit on his face!
But when you do sit in his face he moans about how good you taste, he loves lapping his tongue on your folds and clit.
A bunch of teasing!! Like!! "Who's my good girl! Or I'm gonna fill you up so good baby girl!"
Dude is gonna force you on your knees and shove his cock inside your mouth, he doesn't care if your a gagging mess. You're gonna take that cock sweetheart.
Whenever you're tried he'll allow you to sleep but he'll still have his cock buried inside of you!
He loves making you feel good, so good! Heck to spite the other clones he’ll make you moan out his name! Let them hear you! He doesn’t care uwu
He’s so good with aftercare, he’ll make sure you’re good and well taken care of! Lots of kisses and cuddles! He’ll holding you and whisper sweet things to you. “You did a good job babygirl.”
Once his rut is over the other clones are now fighting over you and who’s gonna get you first! So oof you have 3 other cocks to think about still! Good luck princess.
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Hawks has been clingy with you, and with spring around he’s extra clingy with you. He doesn’t allow you to leave his eye sight, even going to the store alone is a huge no no for him. He doesn’t want anyone around you!
Since you guys live together he’s always by your side and grabbing your body, and around this time he’s extra sweet. A bunch of nicknames “Princess, My Song Bird and Mine.”
Hawks also build a nest around the living room, the nest consist of your clothes, underwear and pillows/blankets you sleep with. He’s so addictive to the way you smell.
He hides your dirty underwear so he can smell them as he jerks off while you’re not giving his attention he craves for.
During this time he’s also quite aggressive, and during his rut he’s specifically has told Endeavor not to contact him, since it’s not a good time for him. And Endeavor doesn’t wanna know what’s going on and also because he doesn’t care enough but he does pray for you because you’re gonna need it. 💀
Hawks doesn’t allow you outside so you have everything delivered to the house, one time you ordered a pizza and the guy who brought over the pizza was chased away, how dare you look at someone!
Hawks yelled at the poor pizza man. He loves making the pizza guy cry.
Do not touch his wings…please. He’s very sensitive with him and especially during this time of the year! And speaking of his wings! There’s red features everything, and I mean everywhere!
The poor baby loves to hold you, he loves feeling your warm body against his. Please let him hold you
He always wants to be by your side, while sleeping, eating and in the bathroom. And good luck trying to get him away from you. He doesn’t understand personal space ..
Hawks always wants you in the nest with him. And if you don’t get in he’ll start throwing a hissy fit. Honestly he’s kinda childish during this time of the year but that’s because he always wants you by his side!
Dude is so rough with you when he’s pumping into you. He loves holding you down by your waist and loves seeing his cock slid in and out of you. And your moans drive him even crazier.
He loves being in between your legs, he loves licking your folds and he can’t help it but moan at the way you taste, you taste so divine to him and he lets you know as well. “You taste so divine princess.” “Good you taste so fucking good! God I want more!”
And dude is gonna make you sit on his face! He wants you to suffocate him with your lovely thighs. And if you move your hips against his face he’ll get worked up.
He’ll choke you as he’s fucking you. uwu
He enjoys seeing you a moaning mess, and during this time he’s also a huge tease. He’ll drag his fingers around your folds and clit. He wants you to beg for his cock. Like he’ll finger you real slow and smirk. “Come on princess beg for my cock…beg for me to fuck you.”
But you can also be a tease too, you especially love pinning him down and love placing kisses all over his body. First you start off at his lips then slowly you make it to his neck then his chest until you have your pretty little lips around his cock, sucking him.
God he loves watching your head moving up and down, taking his cock down your throat. And he’ll be begging for more. “Please Princess, I want you inside of me…please ride me.”
Hawks knows this can be very exhausting for you so whenever you’re feeling sleepy he’ll allow you to sleep but in one condition. You let him cock warm you. He just wants to be inside of you. He can’t get enough of how tight your walls are against him.
You’re covered in marks!! And I mean everywhere! You’re covered in bite marks, scratch marks, and bruises. And this makes him weak!! Seeing your body marked by him.
But honestly he’s great with aftercare! He’ll make sure you’re good and that he didn’t hurt you. He’ll order food (and he’ll try his best not to yell at the poor person who delivers it ) and he’ll cuddle you too. Lots of sweet comments and kisses.
Once his rut is over, he makes sure to clean up the house since he made into a mess! And jokingly he’ll tell you “How about around 2!”
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girlboypersonthingy · 1 month
Could you maybe write a Sally Face One Shot, where Sal developed a huge crush on reader. But he thinks she doesn’t feel the same way. So he writes a love letter in which he puts no hope in, but then she actually tells him she does feel the same.
Does that even make any sense?😭
Yes…it makes sense and I’m weeping over this omggggg 😭😭😭 bruh this had me screaming and kicking in bed as I wrote it omfgggggg. Sal is pretty smart so I know this mf would write some pretty, thought out, poetic type shit
Notes: gn!reader, established friendship, friends to lovers trope
TW: none, just so fucking sappy and fluffy
Sal x reader- Sincerely Sally 💌
Dear (Y/N),
I want to start by telling you that you’re an amazing friend. I’m beyond grateful we’ve met. You’ve always made me feel so comfortable, so wanted, so important. No words could ever truly explain my feelings for you or the thoughts behind them, but I’m going to try.
Since we met, I’ve seen nothing but good in you and I think you’ve made me good, too. You make me feel good. You make me a better person. I don’t know who I’d be without you, but I know who I want to be now.
I want to be the one on your arm when we walk into a room.
I want to be the one you wake up to every morning and fall asleep next to every night.
I want to kiss you every time we say ‘good bye’ and every time we say ‘hello’ again.
I want to be the one you point to with a smile and say ‘him’ when talking to others.
I want to be the one to hold you when you cry.
I want to be the one to hug you when you’re excited.
I want to go every where you go.
I want to slow dance with you.
I want to head bang with you.
I want to paint with you.
I want to sing to you.
I want to hold you.
I want you.
I love you.
I’m in love with you.
And I’m sorry.
Sally <3
Sal felt like a total loser while sneaking over to your place, which was just down the street from Todd’s house, and slipping the letter in your mailbox. He felt like he could puke just from writing the letter, there’s no way he could ever say these things to your face. He couldn’t help but hesitate, staring at the mailbox as his heart beat rapidly in his chest. ‘They’re going to hate me. I’m gonna ruin everything. What the hell am I doing?’ Sal thinks to himself, staying frozen in place for a good few minutes as thousands of thoughts race through his mind, shaky hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets.
He jumps a bit when he notices the light in your bedroom flick on through your window. He ducks his head and turns to leave, not wanting to get caught lurking around your house in the middle of the night. As he rushes back home, the panic begins to set in because now he realizes he left it…he left the letter behind. It was done. No turning back. He felt sick to his stomach and like he was already grieving the loss of your friendship.
Sal tip toes back in the house, praying neither Neil nor Todd would catch him sneaking in so late and ask questions. He trudges to his room, shedding his clothes before flopping onto his bed. Sal lays on his side and after taking his prosthetic off, stares at the wall for hours thinking about all the ways this could go wrong, all the ways you could reject him, every excuse and lie he could use later to act like it wasn’t even serious, like it was a dumb joke or something. Finally, after his brain had tortured him enough, he drifts off to sleep just before the sun begins to rise.
~next morning~
‘Holy shit…’ You think as you hold the piece of lined note book paper in your shaky hands. “No way…no way!” A giddy smile grows on your face as you clumsily drop all the other mail you had in your hands, besides Sal’s letter, on the ground and take off running for him. It was early in the morning and you were in pajamas still but nothing could stop you now. His house was not far at all and you were too excited not to immediately run to him and profess your love for him.
You and Sal had been friends almost as long as he has with Larry and Todd. You’ve slowly fallen in love with him just as hard as he has with you- the issue is that you are both dummies and think the other person sees you as a friend and a friend only. You’d find yourself dreaming of Sal, not knowing he was dreaming of you too. You’d absentmindedly doodle his name on piece of paper and blush, he’d find a strand of your hair on his shirt and smile so big under his mask. You two have been pining for so long but both so afraid to wreck the relationship you already have. Eventually, Sal felt like he couldn’t get anything done, couldn’t focus on his studies or the ghosts or even eating throughout the day. His brain was full, flooded even, with thoughts of you. He just had to get it out, he had to say it to you now or he would be haunted by it forever. Unbeknownst to Sal…you felt the exact same way.
Bouncing up to his doorstep with an uncontrollable smile on your face, cheeks aching and turning red, you knock on the door and ball your fists up out of excitement. Finally, Todd answers the door, smiling at you before greeting you. “(Y/N)! What are you doing here so early? We-“ “Sal! I-I’m sorry. I need to talk to Sal.” You interrupt, your crazy smile making Todd chuckle softly just as Neil comes up behind him. “Morning, (Y/N)! Sal isn’t up yet. He’s still-“
You weren’t trying to be rude, you adored Todd and Neil but you were currently completely 100% hyperfixated on the sleeping blue haired poet behind the door at the end of the hall way and you just had to see him immediately. “I-I’m sorry…” You laugh softly as you push past them, sprinting for his door, gripping the knob excitedly before swinging the door open. The sound of the door swinging back against the door frame stirs Sally from his sleep, making him groan and glance over at the doorway. Before he can react to you being in his bedroom, in your pajamas still with bed head and an adorable love sick smile on your face, you’re jumping into his blankets with arms wide open. As you practically belly flop on top of him, he huffs softly then chuckles, groggily blinking at you.
“Uh…morning…” He mumbles just before you place the folded love letter on his chest, giving him a small smirk. His eyes open wider now, his prosthetic eye not in its usual socket. Sal scrambles nervously to sit up more, his breath hitching in his throat. He was so half asleep for a moment there, he had forgotten all about the letter he planted in your mailbox last night. “Oh I uh….yeah uh-uhm-“ Sal can’t seem to move his mouth correctly, can’t focus his brain on the words he wants to say. And he just breaks down even more when he realizes you’re in his bed, still in pajamas with the cutest messiest bed head. He can’t deal with the cuteness and his gnawing anxiety…So you speak up instead.
“I love you too.” You smile sweetly before pulling yourself up closer to his scarred face and rubbing your nose against his. Sal lets out a whiny little hum as he lets his nervous hands very slowly move up to rest on your back, smiling like a sappy dork as he hugs you softly. He’s not sure what exactly he was expecting to happen after giving you that letter but this is most definitely the best case scenario. “Let’s just…fucking kiss already.” You say with a cheeky smile, eyes half lidded as you lean in closer. Sal sucks in a breath before letting his eyes close along with yours, pursing his lips out as his hands move up your arms and to your cheeks. His big palms caress your face so perfectly, his thumbs sliding back and forth over your skin as you lock lips, gently moving your mouths together as soft sighs leave both of you.
As his hands pull your face closer, your hands wander up and down his bare arms, legs tangled up in his blankets along with him now, you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh against his lips. “I’m glad you finally told me…that letter was so beautiful.” You whisper, lips gently ghosting against his now. Sal keeps his eyes closed but smiles brightly. “I wrote 153 of those letters.” He confesses, face burning bright red. “No you didn’t.” You scoff, looking down at him, finding this fact hilarious and also adorable and flattering.
“Oh yes he did!” Todd and Neil are leaning in the open doorway. Oops…you got so excited you didn’t shut the door behind you when you ran in. “Proof!” Neil laughs out loudly as he points to Sal’s trash can in the corner of the room, overflowing with balled up pieces of paper. You laugh as you look over, Neil and Todd laughing along with you. Sal drapes an arm over his face, trying to hold back his flustered smile and embarrassed expression. “Stoopppp.” He complains before you’re standing and playfully glaring at the two boys in the doorway. “That’s enough teasing. Shoo!” You grin at Todd before shutting the door on them and turning back to Sal.
“153, huh? Wow. That’s some dedication, lover boy.” You climb back into his bed, sitting cross legged beside him. “Why didn’t you just tell me in person, Sal? Would’ve been way easier.” You scoot closer to him and run your fingers through his tangled hair. “Uh, I totally disagree. I nearly had a panic attack just putting that letter in your mailbox and then having to walk away from it.” A laugh rings out from you as you toss your head back. “Ha! So, What? You’re afraid to say you love me but not afraid of ghosts or demons or cults?” You taunt him before leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a second. “You’re strange. And I love that about you.” You rest there with him for a moment before a fantastic idea hits you, making you sit up and gasp excitedly.
“Can I read the other ones too?!” Before Sal can answer, you’ve jumped up and ran to the rejected pile of love letters in the corner. “No! (Y/N)! No no nononononono!” Sal jumps up and runs to tackle you, his face blushing so red from his ears and down his neck. You laugh loudly as he wraps his arms around your waist and tries to pull you away from all the other embarrassing things he wrote and considered saying to you. “They’re…in the trash…for a reason!” He laughs and huffs as you you push forward, trying to reach even just one crumpled up piece of paper. “Pleeaaassseeeee?” You plead but your strength leaves you as Sal tickles you and has you cackling on the ground instantly.
And the next 10 minutes are spent wrestling with him on the floor of his bedroom while laughing like drunk idiots and occasionally pressing a kiss to the other’s lips. Eventually, you do get ahold of a few of the discarded love letter drafts and they are either like Shakespeare poetry type shit, or so fucking dorky and corny, full of puns and shit. Larry probably tried to help him with that one lol
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sturn1olo-ffics · 8 months
chris x fem!reader and reader had a vv long day nd she js wants to cuddle w her boyfriend?
if you don’t wanna write it totally okay 😜
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- Chris Sturniolo x Fem reader (she/her pronouns used)
- Warnings: barely any kissing, cuddling, use of y/n, fluff, I think that’s it??; NOT PROOFREAD
- About: request above 😈 I love this 😩
(Y/N’s POV):
It was 10:00 and I was just getting out of a meeting. My manager kept throwing things on me left and right and I was starting to get extremely overwhelmed.
I hopped in the drivers seat of my car and began to drive home. I had such a long day, I didn’t even turn any music on.
I got home, walked inside my house, and immediately got in the shower before I hear my phone ding.
“Hey :) I saw you had a long day on your Snapchat story. Wanna come over? Or I can come to yours?” 10:31 p.m.
It was a text from Chris.
“Yeah, I’ll be over in about 30 minutes. Gotta shower” 10:32 p.m. I respond.
After showering and doing my skin care, I throw on a big t-shirt and some pajama shorts along with some shoes before grabbing my phone, wallet, and keys, and stepping out of the house.
The drive over to Chris’ wasn’t bad. My head was pounding and I just wanted to be with my boy.
After pulling in the driveway, I was met with Matt and Nick in the front yard.
“What are y’all doing?” I laughed. They were filming a TikTok, but seeing it from an outside perspective was embarrassingly funny.
“Y/N!!” Nick yelled as he ran towards me.
“Chill Nick it’s 11:00 at night. We have neighbors.” Matt said calmly before grabbing Nick’s shoulder.
“Where’s Chris?” I asked, dapping both the boys up.
“He’s in his room. Told us not to go in there.” Nick responded.
“Ah- okay. Well, I’m gonna go see what he’s up to.” I giggled before walking into their house.
“Hi sweet girl.” A loving voice came from behind me as I entered the kitchen.
I turn around to see it was Chris, and he instantly pulls me into a hug.
“Been a long day, huh?” He asked, rubbing little circles into my back.
I nodded into his shoulder before he pulled away and turned me around, setting a hand on the small of my back, leading me down to his room.
I open the bedroom door to see my favorite movie queued on the TV and my favorite snacks on the bed.
“Chris-” I said before a tear slipped out.
“I know you’ve had a rough day, and I was hoping to try and make you feel better.” He giggles at me crying over the simple gesture.
He pulled me into another hug and gave me a soft, sweet peck to the lips before he lead me to the bed and turned out the lights.
I curled up into his side while he wrapped one arm around me, pulling me closer to him.
He leaned down and gently placed a kiss to the top of my head as we watched my favorite movie and ate snacks.
Every single bit of stress I felt on me had been swept away because I was with Chris. My favorite person. I slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.
The movie ended and just as he leaned over to grab the remote to turn the TV off, Matt walked in.
“Hey do you know where the-” Matt began before Chris interrupted.
My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Matt’s voice.
“Shhh Matt. My girl is sleeping. Go ask Nick.” He whispered across the room.
I was barely awake, but hearing him call me “his girl” made my heart skip 3 beats.
“My bad.” Matt whispered back before softly closing the door behind him.
I shifted a little bit in my sleep before Chris placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Sorry sweet girl.” He patted my back.
“I love when you call me your girl.” I mumbled into his chest.
“Oh yeah?” He giggled, pulling me impossibly closer to him.
“I love you Chris.” I smiled into him.
“I love you more, y/n. Good night.” He whispered as my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.
A/N: This was more of a blurb almost but I low key really like it. I’m all here for short-ish, sweet fics. Also, I will literally do any request ever as long as it has nothing weird in it like smut or implied smut. Love always 💙💙.
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johnsgunbelt · 4 months
Okay so I have Haphephobia (The fear of being touched) and I was wondering if you could write a fic with Simon Riley about the reader initiating physical touch? Like he's sitting on the couch, watching a show, and the reader comes up to him and doesn't really say anything and just cuddles up to him? Like they had worked up to the holding hands and cheek kisses but reader (pref fem) is having a hard day and realizes she's comfortable enough with him to cuddle? Like hella fluffy and them both relaxing into eachother n all that :DD
If not that's totally okay
Have a good day!
Haphephobia - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Haphephobia!Fem Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff.
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To say you had a Bad day was an understatement. You just wanted to lay on the couch and curl up into a ball and forget about everything for about 10 minutes.
But when you had gotten to the living room you saw Ghost just watching TV and he looked up at you. Now you guys kiss and hold hands but you never really hug him and you have NEVER cuddled him. He knows your boundaries.
“Hey Lovie, need me to move over or get up-?” And without missing a beat you just fell on top of him cuddling onto his chest. He froze up, he didn’t know where to place his hands or what to do. “No, I just need to rest.” “Oh-Okay-Uhm-I-” He decided the safest option was your back, he placed both hands VERY gently on your back and with his fingers drew small circles onto your back.
“Are you okay?” “Shh, I like whatever you're doing and I want to sleep.” “Right, I’ll talk when you wake up then?” “Mhm..” And then you closed your eyes and fell asleep. Right on top of him! Were you aware you were giving this man a heart attack? Or how nervous he is? And the fact he is trying his hardest to make you comfortable without touching you too much? 
He tried moving his whole chest just to move your head into a comfortable position and he wrapped you into a heavier blanket. And then he saw your beautiful face. You looked so at ease and calm. He moved some stray hairs out of your face and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. He definitely is gonna cherish this moment forever. His sweet girl trusted him enough to lay with him, wow.
He saw around 2 hours later you started to stir awake and he acted like he was focused on the TV and not stare at you. You rubbed your eyes and then looked up at Simon.
“Did I scare you?” “No…You made me a bit nervous, are you okay? You wanna talk now?” You giggled a little and nodded as you began to speak. He listened to every word. If you ever needed to decompress now this was the routine. You'd text him, he'd wait on the couch, you'd get home, shower n change of clothes, and then you'd run to him to plop down on him and rant about your day. As he listened, he'd throw in a couple of insults to the people you talked about or give you some advice on how to deal with a situation. He loved his sweet girl and he couldn't believe how comfortable you've become, he's proud of you.
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AWWW!! I really enjoy writing fluff so this was fun for me to write thank you! 🥰
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lume-nosity · 1 year
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an: this is a reupload!! (copy and paste pain) because for some reason my original post wasn’t showing up on the tags?? even my own??? if this doesn’t show up again i’m just gonna leave it as is. also the og’s who saw the post before i took it down are the real ones <3 anyways, requests are closed but i took this as a suggestion because i wanted to do it. when i saw this in my inbox i felt productive/determined to fulfill this ask so you're welcome /Ih and holy shit 2k+ notes on part one you guys are crazy thank you so much i'm so glad you liked it!! you take care of yourself as well dear anon <3
‘i've got my eye on you.’ (pt. 2)
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prompt: what would they do if they saw their s/o in an uncomfortable situation
characters: itto, diluc, zhongli, ayato, tartaglia, thoma, kaeya
style: fluff, much fluff
notes: not proofread, lowercase intended, possibly ooc because i used character demos/teasers/ a few voicelines as references, gender neutral reader, the smaller text is whispering, no dialogue/use for [name], kuki shinobu mention in itto's part, how tf do you write zhongli and kaeya, petnames: beloved, treasure, love, swearing, blood mention in tartaglia's part, tartaglia getting a little violent, got lazy while writing the last few portions
reblogs are appreciated!
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"HEYYYY THERE YOU ARE!! so uh, are these guys bothering you?"
"huh, so they are. hey! hey, no worries! ill getcha outta here. i'm THE arataki numero uno they’re dealing with."
"hey, so, you're making my lovely super amazing wonderful partner uncomfortable and i would absolutely LOVE it if you leave em alone."
"oh wait, they're already gone. OHHHH did i scare them?? HAHAHAAA, man, that was great. totally worth the scare. anyways! want to have an onikabuto battle? yeah? OKAY! come on, come on, come on!!! i know the best spot to find them. but just so you know, i will beat you this time!"
let me tell you itto's was a lot of fun to write. i don't have to write too seriously!!!
he was looking for you actually, to have a little onikabuto battle since he's determined to win. (despite the many losses he has under his belt)
but seeing you look so uneasy from afar, yeah no he's not having it. ran towards you at mach 20.
one simple glance at him, those creeps are running to their mothers. the best part was that itto was confused as to why they've run off but he assumed it was because of him.
well, he's half right, because what really scared them off was kuki shinobu's shadow quite literally appeared out of nowhere next to you and itto. mvp! you guys weren't aware of her presence, because after they ran off, she just walked away. stealthy. like a boss.
i find it canon that if itto has a s/o shinobu would do anything in her power to keep those two away from trouble/danger. it's her job as deputy leader of the arataki gang, right?
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"look, i'm not interested in small talk, but i'll get straight to the point. if you wish to make things simple for the both of us, see yourselves out. i won't ask again."
"what am i going to do about it? well, wouldn't you like to know." (casually readies his claymore)
"what a bunch of imbeciles. *sigh* i apologize for not arriving here sooner, i'll escort you home."
"you. want to stay with me? alright, i'll arrange a room for you at the winery right away. no? ah. i see. then i suppose my bed would big enough for the two of us to sleep on. are you satisfied with that? good. now let's go."
he isn't the darknight hero for nothing
like the gentleman he is, he was going to accompany you until you get home safely and then exchange goodbyes.
but no, you wanted to stay with him for the night. he has many rooms for the guests to use, but when you in particular suggested to sleep with him in his room, he of course doesn't mind since it's you.
should it be anyone else, it'll be an immediate no. so be glad you get to have this privilege from the guy because he loves you and is willing to do anything for you
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"pardon the intrusion, but i believe now's the time for the both of us to take our leave. please excuse us."
"it'd be wise for you to not place your indelicate hands onto my beloved. lest you'll see a rather.. grotesque, outcome."
"my dear, are you alright? ... how did i find you, you may ask? oh, please do not underestimate me. i'm far more than what meets the eye."
"we are sharing a contract, after all. to live and cherish life with one another until the end of time, to be safe, filled with tenderness and warmth within our hearts, and to not have anyone interfere that great deal of a bond. for you are my greatest treasure."
rip my brain for having to push zhongli's portion out because it clearly cannot comprehend this man's vocabulary.
you and him are to follow a contract, yes. but it's similar to a confession, if that makes sense?
basically zhongli was the one to confess to you first with his built-in thesaurus (to which you accepted of course if you like him too) and then have you and him sign' this sort of contract as a promise to stick with one another for as long as life can allow it. and by sign...
it's a kiss. to seal the contract :)
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"a pity. hm? yes, i am 'the head of the kamisato clan. but your concerns about my reputation is irrelevant."
"you're harassing my lover, and if i catch you doing this unsightly act once again, then i'm afraid i'll have to resort to something that'll make you wish you've never been born."
"ah, my words were too harsh? nonsense, it was vitally necessary. at least it'd driven them away. well, i guess there are benefits for someone of high status."
"come now, i'll have my staff cook you something to your liking. you are my lover, so they'll be sure to suit your needs. you needn't worry."
fun fact: i've never finished ayato's story quest so i was writing this blind (with the help of some voicelines/demos/teasers, this goes along with the rest of the men on this list)
originally, you two were going on a nightly stroll since he was free but were stopped by a group of creeps. however, ayato handled the matter in his way.
in his head, those creeps are a waste of time and mere bugs because, well, they are. and pathetic, because they immediately recognize him for his high status and they all shrank in his presence. which made things easier for ayato. he made a small threat, and then they zoomed.
afterwards, he wanted to bring you home for dinner instead. continuing to stay out after that ordeal was not an option in his book.
what a good man
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"wow, you all are quite bold. daring to do that while i'm here? hah, how risky. i'm actually impressed, by how wrong of a move you've just played."
"say, wouldn't you guys be interested for a sparring session? i'll be delighted to fight you all at the same time to enhance my combative capabilities. no? are you sure? okay, the offer's still on the table you know. and don't think i'm letting you all off so easily."
"love, are you alright? did they hurt you? if they did then i'll be sure to give them the same pain as they did to you. but worse. hm? no? okay, if you insist."
"moving on, let's go home shall we? the more i think about those creeps, the more i'm itching to grab my blades and hunt them down. oh! no, it's nothing. let's move, wouldn't want to stay out for too long."
we all know that he'll definitely end them
the thing is, he was right next to you when it happened and it's almost as if those asshats were blind!!!
blinded by his beauty ig
well, those assholes should sleep with one eye open every night now that tartaglia has seen them.
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"excuse me, my partner and i are in a hurry. we have important business to attend to and we wouldn't want to be late."
"we won't take up the rest of your time, so please, if you'll excuse us."
"phew, that was rough. i didn't like how they were treating you, so i wanted to help you out. oh nonono, there's no need to thank me! as your boyfriend, it's my job to make sure that you're safe and happy at all times!"
"to get your mind off of what happened, i'll cook dinner for you tonight. any preferences? favorites? recipes? ill be sure to write them down!"
thoma based
instead of staying and insulting them, he just makes up an excuse to leave! it saves less time!!
..which shunned the creeps to bits. because you see, to me, people who are as kindhearted as thoma are equivalent to sunshine. and by sunshine i mean blindingly bright.
too nice and polite to the point the creeps are blind and deaf, you get what i mean?
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"well, well, well, how amusing of you all to act in such a way while i'm here. clearly you weren't cautious about your surroundings nor able to understand the differences between common courtesy and disrespect."
"how do i think so? from what you were displaying a few seconds ago, there's an obvious answer to that. it's allill written in your face. uneasiness. just like my partner."
"run along now, before your feet will run cold."
"ah, please, spare me the thanks. i only did what i had to do. as long as you're safe, that's all that matters to me. now then, allow me to treat you to dinner. it's all on me~"
honestly i got very lost in writing kaya's portion despite listening to his voicelines for like 2-3 times :,)
but, what i can conclude from this is that he'll be the sly bro he usually is with people
except in here, it's a bit different. his words are like that of a snake, wrapping around its prey.
makes sense, because kaeya doesn't stand people who make his s/o uncomfortable. if he scares them off or anything, then so be it. anything to keep you safe.
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Pacify Her || Kinktober - Day 5
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pairing ▸ choi jongho × f!reader
now playing ▸ pacify her - melanie martinez
⤷ ❝someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours, but was he yours if he wanted me so bad?❞
genre ▸ college au, best friends to lovers, smut
warnings ▸ hand kink, degradation, gagging, choking, fingering, rough sex, infidelity
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You walk into the house, feeling the base of the music in your core. It felt stimulating since you pre-gamed with your friends before your arrival.
Yunjin: Somi and I are gonna go dance!
Y/n: I've gotta go find Jongho.
They exchange knowing smirks, heading for the dance floor. You roll your eyes, turning to scan the room.
You maneuver your way around the sweaty bodies of your classmates and finally spot your best friend.
He sits on a couch in the corner, drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage. His friend group sits around, two of them with a girl on their laps.
Yeosang: Hey, look! It's Jongho's girlfriend! Come take a seat.
His what?
Jongho: She's not my girlfriend.
His scowl pierces through the older, who simply shrugs and sits back.
Yeosang: Right. You're dating that one girl in your major. What was her name? Raven? My bad, I forgot. Y/n, come sit on my lap, baby.
Jongho clenches his jaw. He knows what he's doing and he doesn't like it.
Y/n: I'll pass. You're too much of a man whore for me.
Everyone laughs, including Yeosang. He can't argue with your statement because it's true.
You sit next to Jongho, head immediately laying on his lap.
Y/n: What were you guys talking about?
Mingi: The trip to the ski resort coming up. Lots of us think it's gonna be a disaster.
Y/n: Why?
Mingi: Because lots of shit goes down on trips like this. Last time, the admins had to separate a few girls because they were fighting.
Y/n: Damn. For what?
Mingi: They all thought sleeping with the same guy meant they were dating him. Next thing you know, they're fighting to see who's worthy to be his girlfriend.
Yeosang: Not my fault they got attached. I've made it clear plenty of times I was just there for fucking.
Y/n: I'm not surprised you were involved. How'd you get them to back off?
Yeosang: I'm still fucking them.
Of course he is.
Y/n: And on that note, I'm gonna go get a drink.
Jongho: I'll come with. Need more vodka.
You both get up, heading into the kitchen. You start fixing yourself some tequila, watching Jongho pour straight vodka into his cup.
Y/n: Rough night?
He shrugs, gulping down the alcohol.
Jongho: Raven and I got into a fight.
Y/n: For real? What about?
Jongho: It's stupid.
Y/n: It's not if it's bothering you. Come on, you can totally tell me.
Jongho: Not this. I'm still trying to figure out if she was right or just paranoid.
You furrow your eyebrows, but don't push further. If he needs time, you'll give it to him.
Y/n: Alright, then. Cheers to you solving your relationship problems soon.
He chuckles, clinking his red cup with yours.
He can't find it in his heart to tell you that you're the reason he's been arguing with Raven. She accused him of having feelings for you.
The idea was ridiculous at first. You're his best friend, of course you two would be close.
But then he started noticing the way he treats you over anyone else. He drops everything just to help you out. He laughs around you the most, feels happier too.
He was scared of accepting the possibility and chose to escalate their fighting more. Never once did he lay a hand on her, though. He just insults her, calls her insecure and jealous.
But he's starting to realize Raven was right as he looks at you. His heart beats faster, checking you out. The tight black dress fitting you perfectly.
He has the urge to fuck you in it. Right in that very kitchen.
Y/n: Dude!
He snaps out of his daze, looking at you attentively.
Y/n: I asked if you wanted to go somewhere quieter? This fucking music is blasting my eardrums.
Being alone with you in a room sounds like a terrible idea, but the vodka in his system is like a booster shot to his desires.
Jongho: Yeah. It's better than having to yell over the music.
You agree, heading up the stairs of the frat house. You open a familiar room, hoping it's empty. You sigh in relief seeing no one inside.
You plop onto the bed, not noticing your best friend locking the door.
Y/n: I think I shouldn't have pre-gamed. Yunjin made me take four double shots.
Jongho: Bad idea. You sleep with random strangers when the alcohol hits you.
Y/n: But I do end up with a new fuck buddy! Guess we'll find out who's the next victim later. Come lay down, maybe you need some rest.
No, he needs to fuck you.
Just to confirm his theories. Nothing else.
He slips in next to you, staring at the ceiling.
Jongho: Oh, look! They have those glow in the dark stars. I wonder who's room this is.
Y/n: It's Yeonjun's.
Jongho: How do you know?
Y/n: He's the guy I told you about. The fuck buddy that might become more.
Jongho: Do you like him?
You stay silent. Yeonjun's nice and all, but he doesn't make you feel alive. The only guy to make you feel like that is unavailable.
Y/n: I think so. He's the only other guy I let into my dorm.
Jongho: There's others?
Y/n: Hell no. Just you and Yeonjun.
He wants to be the only guy allowed in your room.
You look at his hands and widen your eyes.
Y/n: When the fuck did you get a ring?
Jongho: Raven.
You clear your throat, turning on your side to play with the ring in his hand.
Y/n: It suits you. Makes your hands look even more pretty.
Jongho: You think they're pretty?
Fuck, you didn't mean to say that out loud.
Y/n: I didn't say that.
Jongho: It was implied.
Yeah, it was. But he has a girlfriend, you can't let your feelings for him drive you to do stupid things.
Jongho: You're staring at my hands.
Y/n: Hot.
Jongho smirks. He just discovered something new about you.
You've got a hand kink.
Jongho: Open your mouth, baby.
You widen your eyes at the petname. But he looks at you with a fond smile, so you immediately comply.
He shoves his fingers into your mouth, making you sigh in satisfaction. You've wanted this to happen for so long, it feels good to finally get it.
Jongho: Look at you, sucking like a sex-deprived whore.
You moan at his words, moving to sit on his crotch. He chuckles as you start to grind on him.
Jongho: Fucking hell, Y/n.
You start to feel him harden under you. He's fucking huge, it makes your mouth water more.
Jongho: Look at that, you're a drooling mess.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head when he rocks his hips up into you, goaded by the warm pressure that is your pussy.
You whimper, taking his other hand to your throat.
He lightly squeezes, pulling you down. His fingers in your mouth hit the back of your throat. You moan, rutting your hips even faster.
Jongho: Get naked.
You nod while climbing off. A pout forms on your face at no longer having his fingers in your mouth, but get so excited when he starts stripping as well.
Jongho: Lay down.
You do as he says, spreading your legs for him to see all of you.
Jongho: So pretty.
You giggle, opening your mouth in silent invitation.
Jongho: So cute.
He climbs over you, his cock rubbing against your clit. You moan, wanting him inside of you already.
Jongho: So impatient.
His left hand chokes you, his other back inside your mouth. You hum, smiling as his hips rut against you. His cock sliding up and down your folds, getting soaking wet.
Jongho: Wanna see what else my hands can do for you, baby?
You nod, anticipation filling your veins.
He takes his hand out your mouth, reaching down to slip into your warm cunt. You moan at the feeling knowing the music outside the room was drowning you out.
Jongho: Like my hands so much, might as well let them make you cum multiple times, hm? Would you like that?
You nod again. You desperately want him to go faster.
He squeezes your neck a little tighter, curling his fingers at a rapid pace. Your pussy clenches around his fingers, the pressure in your lower stomach intensifying.
Your orgasm hits strong, Jongho not giving you any time to rest. His fingers continue abusing you until you cum again. Your moans rival the loud bass of the music downstairs.
He takes his fingers out and shoves them into your mouth.
Jongho: Suck.
You don't have to be told twice, licking your juices clean. You moan when he shoves his cock into you with no warning.
Your back arches off the bed, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He uses his knees to push your legs up, slamming his hips at an angle that has you screaming even louder than you've been the entire night.
He laughs at your attempt to say something, but his fingers prevented you from doing so.
Jongho: What'd you say, baby? I can't understand you with my fingers in your mouth.
You let out a choked whine, cumming on his cock. He doesn't stop ramming his cock against your walls.
The reality of your actions only hit you now. You're fucking your best friend at a frat party. You remember that he's a taken man, tears building in your eyes.
He takes your tears as a sign that he's making you feel good, fucking you rougher.
Jongho: I love you. Always have.
Your worries go away, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. His girlfriend is nothing but a distraction, much like your handful of fuck buddies.
It's always been Jongho. It'll always be him.
You cum all over his cock again. His thrusts become sloppy, pulling out and spilling all over your stomach. He lays next to you, very out of breath.
Jongho: I love you.
You cuddle into his side, kissing his shoulder.
Y/n: I love you, too.
He kisses your temple, rubbing your back in soothing patterns.
Y/n: Please tell me you're getting rid of Raven.
He laughs, stroking your hair out of your face.
Jongho: Worry about that later. You and I are just getting started.
a/n: the way i can definitely make a part two... oh well! thanks for reading ‹𝟹
You yelp when he rolls you on top of him, aligning you onto his cock.
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ghostfacd · 7 months
lost him | connor bedard
au masterlist
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Y/N “Bells” Belliemine. She was the star of the show, the smart pretty long haired girl from Yale. One look at Bells and you’d almost feel a spurge of jealousy flow through your veins.
What everyone didn’t expect was for the girl to be dating Connor Bedard, the hockey player. Sure, he was cute and all, but really? The two just didn’t seem to mix well together.
Bells, after a long day of studying, decided that she was going to go to the party her boyfriend’s teammates have been all raging about.
It was a party at one of the frats, and although Connor told her that if she didn’t want him going, then he’s totally okay with staying home.
Despite Bells’ jealousy towards the insane amount of fangirls that Connor had due to him playing hockey for their college, Bells knew it wouldn’t be fair of her to restrict him from going out with his friends to party. She didn’t want to be that girlfriend, anyway.
When Bells arrived, her eyes automatically searched for Connor, and she couldn’t find him until she had bumped into one of his friends and teammate, Ryan.
“Oh hi Bells!” Ryan says, too tipsy to notice how Bells’ smile had transformed into a frown in a matter of seconds.
Bells had saw Connor just before Ryan had approached her, and although that would give her a sense of relief that she finally found her boyfriend, it made her stomach drop because he was talking closely with a girl.
Not just any girl, a pretty, smooth skin, skinny, and just about everything Bells wished she was in a girl.
“Didn’t expect you to be here!” Ryan wraps his arm around Bells shoulders, something the two had grown used to because Ryan was such an affectionate person. “Are you having fun?”
When Bells doesn’t reply back, Ryan pulls away to get a closer look at her face. “Why do you look so sad Bells? Do I have to beat someone up?”
Bells can only point at where Connor was standing, still engrossed in his conversation with the girl, who was now giggling and pushing him back jokingly.
What the hell.
“Oh, that’s not—” Ryan begins, but Bells already heads off, done with the party scene.
“Bells..” Ryan frowns as he makes his way over to Connor and the girl. “What’re you doing Connor?”
“What do you mean?” Connor furrows his eyebrows, taking in Ryan’s appearance. “Are you already drunk man? Here, my math tutor can give you a ride home, she was just gonna get going anyways.”
Ryan pauses, letting his body rest against the kitchen island. “Wait—math tutor?”
“Yep, apparently, when you spend all your time at hockey practice, you become increasingly bad at math,” the girl jokes, a genuine sparkle appears in her eyes. “Ryan, is it? Lets get you home buddy, I know that the hockey team has early practice tomorrow so you’re gonna thank me for this.”
Connor mouths a thank you to his tutor, “I’ll text you his address. Thanks.”
“Of course Con.”
When the two finally leave, Connor takes out his phone to text Bells as he had missed her the entire night. He just wished she wasn’t so hard on herself when it came to her academics.
You still up baby?
Ten minutes have passed, and no reply seems to come from Bells, so Connor guesses that she’s already asleep, hopefully, instead of having her nose in her textbooks.
But what he doesn’t know, however, is that Bells cried herself to sleep that night, her insecurities getting the best of her. She never once did speak about what she felt insecure about in their relationship, she didn’t want to come off as an overbearing and sensitive girlfriend, but it was really taking a toll on her.
The next day, Bells knew that she would cry if she even saw a glimpse of Connor, so she decided that she would pivot. How? By ignoring him.
She knew it would hurt her to do so, but she couldn’t bring herself to even talk to Connor after last night. The mere image of him laughing it up with the girl was enough to make her throw up.
She decides to lay low the entire day, until she sees Ryan come out of his class.
“Ry!” She says, making her way to him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey Bells,” Ryan replies, giving her a small smile.
Connor, who steps out the same class as Ryan watches this interaction with furrowed eyebrows. His eyes twitch in annoyance as he watches Bells smile at something Ryan says, and he hates that she lightly graze his arm for a second.
Oh, he thinks. So she cant talk to me all day but can laugh it up with my best friend?
He walks off with a scoff, not before texting her very classy, Y/N. He didn’t want to see the two people he cherished most in the world just plainly ignored him like he wasn’t there.
“You okay?” His math tutor asks when Connor takes a seat.
“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”
His tutor scoffs. “For one, you slammed your textbooks on this table when you walked in. And two, your eyebrows are furrowed.”
“Okay, okay.” Connor sighs. “It’s just, remember the girl Bells I was talking about?”
“Your lovely and extremely smart girlfriend?” His tutor teases, “how could I forget? You talked my ear off the entire night about how much you missed her Con.”
“She’s been ignoring me since last night and now she’s all buddy buddy with my teammate.”
“Who? Ryan?”
“Yes, Ryan.”
His tutor sighs, looking at Connor directly in the eyes. “Listen, I’ve been in a million relationships, so I know how this usually goes. I think you should talk to her, communicate how you feel. Ask her why she’s ignoring you, and tell her how that makes you feel.”
“Wow,” Connor laughs, back hitting the back of his chair. “Who knew you were good at math and relationship advice Claire.”
Claire shrugs. “Just am. Now get your girl back Bedard.”
- - -
“We should talk.” Connor corners Bells the next day after his class.
“I’ll see you later Ryan.” Bells says, knowing she cant get out of this one.
Ryan nods, awkwardly leaving the couple alone.
“See, this is what I mean,” Connor scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“What is your problem Connor?” Bells says, pushing him back slightly.
“What’s my problem? What’s your problem?” Connor pinches the the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “First, you don’t answer any of my texts. And next, you’re getting all close and touchy with Ryan now?”
“Ryan is my friend.” Bells says, voice quivering. Connor had never actually yelled at her before, and this was all too much for Bells to handle.
“Friends don’t get super close with each other Y/N!” Connor yells.
“Well why did you get so close with that girl at the party then huh?” Bells yells back, upset that he was putting all the blame on her. “Friends don’t get super close with each other, right Connor? Then why?!”
“What girl?” Connor asks, exasperated. “What girl Bells?”
“That girl you were laughing with at the party!”
Bells’ words fully reach Connor’s brain, and he’s offended that she even thinks that he was getting close to Claire. He knew what a boyfriend was supposed to do, which was why he made sure to keep at least a distance between them when they spoke. And now his own girlfriend was accusing of him being too close and friendly?
“Is this what this is all about Bells?” Connor asks. “Because you’re insecure of some girl I was talking to?”
Those words simply make Bells bawl, her hands coming up quickly to wipe her face.
“You know I’ve loved you since the day I’ve known you, Bells?” Connor says, his own eyes filling with tears. “And you were busy with your college applications and weren’t ready for a relationship, which was fine, but I cannot go on like this any longer!”
“Stop, stop.” Bells cries, distancing herself from her boyfriend.
“I moved to Connecticut for you,” Connor says in a whispered voice, almost in a offended manner, “I remembered your favorite order from the cafe down the street that you go to everyday, I’m happy I did, it’s fine, and I watched as you bottled up your feelings, and I waited and waited until one day you’d open up, because..” Connor’s voice cracks, “I figured, you know, that you’d love me. I thought you’d trust me enough to open up with me.”
“I do love you!” Bells sobs, “Connor, I do, I—”
“Clearly, this isn’t working out.” Connor mutters, hands coming up to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his face. “Is it, Bells? Call me when you actually want to speak about your feelings rather than burying it.”
And for the first time, Connor leaves Bells there crying. For the first time, he doesn’t wrap her in his arms and tell her everything’s going to be okay. For the first time, he doesn’t wave her goodbye with an I love you or wipe away her tears. For the first time, Bells realizes she had lost Connor.
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dlysthings · 2 months
Little crush pt.2
Here you can find pt.1
This is something i don't hink is that good, but i want tolearn how to write so hopefully its not that bad.
That evening Daryl couldn’t fall asleep. Shuffling around in his bed, tossing and turning. He was still thinking of the feeling of your hand on his. Your touch so gentle on his hand. Daryl was hopping you will touch him like that again, someday. Though that was only a dream. You didn’t mean too. Probably not even remembering. For you that was something normal. Nothing special. He wasn’t special.
He needed to understand that. Shouldn’t get his hopes up for nothing. And hopes for what? He was sure you will never look at him again. The smile and the squeeze of his hand was just out of gratuity. No other reason.
But he couldn’t help it, he longed to feel your touch again. The warmth of your skin against his. To affectionately brush your hand through his hair, moving a loose strand of his hair. And God, if you kissed him? He would be a goner. Your soft lips slotting against his and pouring pure affection.
But him? He didn’t know how to properly kiss. He would probably do something wrong and repel you. And the touches? How was he supposed to return them? No doubt his hand is gonna shake, his body buzzing with nerves.
Why is he even thinking about that? There was no way chance of this becoming a reality. Thinking about it was gonna make him feel even more miserable than he already was. No chance she will ever think of ya like that, ya idiot…
Eventually after many hours of tossing and turning, restless sleep found him. His dreams full of a lovely girl with a breath-taking smile and gorgeous eyes.
The next day Daryl was sitting in class, bored as usual. The teacher obviously didn’t know how to deal with the teenagers sitting in front of him. Just standing in front of the class, talking just loud enough for the person in front of him to hear. That’s why Daryl didn’t like school. Total loss of time. It’s not like he was learning anything.
However, that was the only place he could see you almost every day. And he needed that. You were the light that was keeping him in line. He didn’t want to get into trouble, just for you to know that whatever bad things you were thinking about him were true.
Today you were sitting next to him again, in a cute, light pink dress. A matching color bow was in your hair, making you look beautiful. Daryl looked at you again, but found you already looking at him. A small smile grazing your face. He looked away, crimson painting his cheeks. Why were you looking at him? Was he looking that bad?
He looked at himself. A white thank top, thin jeans from washing them so many times he couldn’t count, beat up shoes that were about ready to just fall apart and leave him barefoot. He looked like a joke next to you. You belonged with some well put guy, living in a nice neighborhood. Not some trailer park white trash like ya, dumbass.
Risking another glance at you, he saw your gaze on him again. With your warm smile and adoring eyes. That look made him feel warm from the inside out. Like someone lit a fire inside his core, the warmth going to every part of his body. He liked that. He wanted you to keep looking at him and at the same time to stop. He didn’t want you to know how much he was enjoying it and the traitorous color of hi cheeks was doing exactly that.
That evening Daryl was trying to write an essay for one of his classes. He didn’t like going to school, but wanted to graduate. That was the only way he could find a good job later in life.
Alas his head was empty. He didn’t know what to write, just mindlessly doodling something in his notebook. But it wasn’t mindless, he knew what he was writing. Silly combinations of your names together. He has heard of the girls in his school making combinations of a couple’s names together. It sounded silly, even childish, but for him it felt like something intimate.
It was useless. It’s not like you were together, but it filled a hole in his chest he didn’t know needed filling until he did. Every single one of his notebooks was filled with these. Every combination of your names together he could think of, written in his handwriting.
 He wondered how will they look like if written with your handwriting? Neat and cute? Or you also had a messy handwriting? Will he feel the same way he felt like when he heard his name come out of your mouth for the first time? So sweet. Till then he didn’t know his name could sound like that.
I hope she says it more. That was the last thing he thought before falling asleep with his notebook open on his chest, the combinations of your names on display.
AN: If you have an idea on how this can continue please coment it!
Taglist: @marvelcasey05
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essenceofelegance · 3 months
Sand on cheeks (pt. 1)
Percy Jackson x reader
m.list pt.2
warnings: none
disclaimer: this is also on wattpad as Sand on cheeks
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I sat up in a panic with a pounding headache, cold sweat clinging to my forehead,
I took deep breaths, quickly fishing out a light pink notebook, 
grabbing a pen from my bedside table and jotted down what my nightmare consisted of.
It had become a routine I had grown used to, nightmares always haunting my sleep.
I set down my notebook, shoving the pen in between the pages hastily, grabbing my cup and took a sip of water.
I lied back down on the bed, closing my eyes, reaching up to rub my temples.
I let out a sigh, directing my eyes to the clock sitting on m bedside table. 5:53am. The sun had already risen.  Almost time to get up. 
I stared at the ceiling.
I started imagining blinds that could block out the Sun entirely, blinds that could protect me from the Sun's wrath- 
Sometimes, I don't know why I think my thoughts are like the way they are, almost wandering.
I think about the consequences of staying in bed all day,
I already knew that staying in bed was not a possibility,
but a little imagination didn't hurt anyone, let a girl dream.
After what seemed like a minute, I got up, slipping into my fuzzy slippers, not seeing the point in trying to fall asleep again.
I walked to the camp bathroom and did my usual morning routine, brush my teeth, skincare, makeup, hair and clothes.
By the time I walked back into the Aphrodite cabin in my bright orange camp t-shirt that I wanted to burn so badly- most of my siblings had already woken up. 
I walked  to my bed and replaced my slippers for my sneakers, greeting some of my siblings as I walked to the pavilion. 
"Hey, princess," Percy said as he jogged up to me, flashing me a smile.
"Hey, seaweed brain," I said as I flashed him a tired smile, "Nightmares?" Percy said, though it wasn't really a question. "Mmhm," I nodded.
"Do you have to help with sword training today?" I asked as I tied my hair up into a low messy bun, strands of curly hair fell loose, but looked perfect nevertheless, thanks to my mother.
"Nope," Percy said as he waved to some of his friends in the distance,  "I was gonna take a dip by the lake again, are you coming?" 
I considered his offer.
Well, I didn't have to teach archery lessons today, and who would give up an opportunity to hang out with Percy? He's always busy.
"Yeah," I said after a beat. Percy nodded in response, "I'll catch you later," he said, giving me a playful wink. I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"Hey," I greet my siblings as I sat down at the Aphrodite table. 
"Percy broke up with Annabeth!" one said, "Yeah! He's single now, we should totally go get him!" then a bunch of compliments starting pouring in. 
It's not a secret that Percy was attractive.
Having been on more quests then most demigods could only dream of — Percy was something of a legend. Saving Mount Olympus? Check. Surviving Tartarus? Check. Being unnecessarily hot? Double check.
Dark hair ruffled in a summer breeze. Vibrant eyes blending into the coast line. Tan skin draped over a body sculpted by gods.
Percy was the ultimate prize.
I never denied my feelings for Percy, I just never told him.
Why risk throwing away years of friendship when I know that he doesn't feel the same?
"Earth to Y/n!" Silena snapped her fingers in front of my face, "Sorry," I mumbled, "I'm okay."
Silena sent me a knowing glare, "You better shoot your shot before it's too late, if you don't want history to repeat itself," she whispered. 
She was right. I had already started liking Percy before he and Annie become a thing. 
And just as I was about to tell Percy how I felt, they had already fallen in love.
Fallen in love. 
It was no secret that I was Aphrodite's favourite daughter.
Then why couldn't she give me the one thing I wanted?
I spent the entirety of breakfast thinking, until I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder.
I snapped my head towards the owner of the hand. Percy.
"You okay?" he asked as he took a seat next to me, it was only then I realised most of my siblings were done with their meal and went off to their activities.
"Yeah," I answered with a nod. Percy shot me a knowing look.
"What? I'm fine," I sent him a glare, "You know you can always tell me, right?" he said, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm gonna go get my stuff," I muttered. 
Percy knew better than to follow me.
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author: okay okay i know i have a reputation for not uploading very often- almost never- but i’ve already written a couple of parts for thi and i’m feeling really motivated, so this will officially be my first (mini?) series!! at least one new part every week- i got you- part two coming in really soon, in like half an hour probably. taglist is open, send an ask or a comment<333 also i’m using a completely new writing style this time soo
Copyright © 2024 Emory Belrose. All rights reserved. 
Please do not re-upload my work on any platforms without permission.
Any reblogs, comments, likes, shares, and follows are appreciated.
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sheluvv-gambino · 10 months
okay before i start i just wanna say how much i love your fics. they got me giggling, twirling my hair, yelling at the characters, all of the above. love you!!!
(my first time typing a request i’m so sorry if it doesn’t make sense 😭🤚🏽) do you think you could do a fic with 1610 Miles and black fem reader who are in a happy/stable relationship, but Gwen tries to break them apart/get miles to hookup with her? then reader finds out and doesnt stand for that shit? like, we beat her ass. i’m tired of seeing so many fics where we just brush it off or yell at Gwen. LIKE, BEAT HER ASS GIRL.
"Oh word!?"
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A/N : Yes I added Hobie in just because I absolutely love the man but I didn’t add him as the next romantic partner just because i feel like using hobie as a rebound is so icky.
pairings : Aged up!1610!miles morales x black fem!reader (aged up to 18 because what 15 year old his sleeping with someone under his parents roof.
summary : If it’s okay for Miles to cheat and hurt you then it’s okay for you to proceed with anything you want to do, no matter if a certain blondie with a bad bob gets in the way.
warnings : violence, cheating, weed, gw*n ( Yup she’s a warning in itself especially after the way she did my man dirty.)
There was nothing that Miles could do that would lead you to thinking that he would ever cheat on you until hangouts with Gwen became more frequent.
You’re not a jealous person by any means and you’ve never restricted Miles from having any female friends, you just weren’t built to have a pit of hatred here for another woman that has a friendship with your man.
You would be a hypocrite to not let Miles have any female friends considering how close you and Hobie were. Hobie has never and would never overstep on any boundaries, he respected you and Miles way too much to do that.
But what you were built for was not tolerating when another girl attacks your relationship like a pigeon finally getting access to bread after begging from strangers just to get food.
It wasn’t your fault that Gwen couldn’t find a man nor keep a man.
She took the only genuine friendship she had and used it against Miles just because of how naive he was in that friendship.
Miles had always been sweet to you.He never skipped out on dates and always made you a priority in his life even though he juggled being Spiderman, a son, and your boyfriend.
Miles truly let him be himself when he was around you. He put his full trust into you like you had done with him.
But with Miles being the most perfect boyfriend he thought he could be, he also realised the second he screwed up what he had with you just by entertaining Gwen’s antics which ultimately led to the two of them in bed together heavy breathing.
Of course you realised the second Gwen started acting different with Miles.
You had even talked to Miles about setting boundaries so that she understood her place in Miles life and not to cross a bridge she couldn’t come back from.
“Ion like the way Gwen’s been moving with you lately. It’s like she went from totally platonic to flirting with you with no care in the world.” You said whilst massaging Miles’ scalp as his lay on your chest.
“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I would’ve seen it.” Miles responded.
“That’s because my love, you are not a woman nor do you have the mind of one. You don’t see the way woman move behind closed doors.” You looked down at him lovingly.
“Maybe your just overreacting. I mean Gwen would never do that. Do you not trust me or something?” Miles questioned with pure disbelief in his voice.
“Nah I didn’t say that and you know it. Of course I trust, why else would i be with you. What I am saying is that right now I don’t trust her and her intentions. I’m telling you now if you don’t dead that shit she’s gonna use that as her way into snake this relationship and hurt us.” You told him now sitting up to have direct eye contact.
“Okay I hear you, mi vida.”
He obviously heard you he just clearly didn’t understand you.
You were walking home from Miles’ apartment when you realised that you left your purse that had your keys inside as well. So you decided to just walk back to Miles’ as you knew he wouldn’t have mind.
You were just there thirty minutes ago what could’ve changed in half an hour
Apparently a lot.
Walking back into Miles’ apartment you took your shoes off to respect his parents rules even when they weren’t here.
You knocked on his door before opening it and walked in.
You weren’t ready for what was in front of you.
They obviously didn’t hear you as they kept up the action on his bed.
“Oh word?! That’s what we doing now? You got that bitch in your bed after I told you how i felt about what she was doing. How incompetent do you have to be to loose a three year relationship over a girl that clearly doesn’t even respect you or me!” You said calmly, you weren’t going to let them know the bubbling tension you felt in your heart in that moment.
They quickly gathered themselves and Miles pulled himself from Gwen and made his way over to you.
Before he could even stutter a half assed apology you launched over to Gwen who was putting her pants back on and dragged her by her brittle hair down to the floor.
You couldn’t even hear what Miles was trying to say, you pounded Gwen’s head in numerous times .
Although she was stronger than you due to her spider powers she clearly had never been a fight without her suit before.
She on the ground trying to cover her head looking like a cockroach that had just been found.
She was bleeding from so many holes that you had given her.
You pulled her up just to slam how by the ridges of Miles’ bed to make her back hurt.
All whilst this was happening Miles was just standing in the corner having no idea what to do.
Sure he had just had sex with Gwen but that didn’t mean she didn’t deserve that ass beating since she was the one to initiate her and Miles’s interaction after you had left.
Finally you had come back to your senses and let go of Gwen.
You booted her with your foot just to be sure you left Miles to deal with a bleeding mess.
“That’s the bitch you put over me, just remember that. We’re done you dumbass nigga!” You looked a Miles as you dusted of your hands and darter out the Morales residence. Even though Jeff loved you like his own he was still a police officer and you had just broken up with his son so the odds weren’t particularly in your favour since you had just beat up Gwen in his home.
As you walked back to your house from Miles’ for the last time you decided to text Hobie.
“I am so bloody glad I popped over to your dimension.” Hobie laughed as he took in another drag of the joint the two you had lit up.
“Ha ha Hobie, yes me getting cheated on is very funny.” You glared at him and snatching the joint back into your hands.
“Nah I’m sorry lov’ i just weren’t expecting that is all, as cheesy as it sounds I’ll always be ‘ere for ya.” He said genuinely, slugging his arm around your shoulder to pull you in closer.
“Yeah, thanks Mr Hobart Brown!” You giggled, the weed finally hitting you.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
“In walks König, and it seems even the birds have gone silent, the sun goes into a cloud, and he stands there at her door, barely fits to straighten to his full height under that frame, his ice blue eyes creasing in the depths of the hood – of course he's smiling. And then he tilts his head, terror and lust pool in her stomach again as he says......
...And she despises herself for the first thought she's having, the unchecked little whisper...
He came for me.
"Found you."
i am literally spiralling rn this had my damn heart beat speeding up!!!!!😭😭😭😭 howwwww do you manage to outdo yourself every time, it’s like you add another twisted piece of a puzzle into building this man😭😭😭
good luck getting rid of him now, he’s gonna put a tracker on your phone, car, laptop etc making sure you don’t stray from your regular routes (he compromises after you two make up and says he’s fine with you working/studying and having a few close friends, friends he has of course done an extensive background check on without your knowledge. The private military allows one such perks)
he’d put hidden cameras all over the house, just for making sure that you’re safe when he’s out during missions no ulterior motives whatsoever he’s totally not creeping on you when you’re sleeping or showering no mam
he’ll give you the illusion of freedom, but in reality you’re only moving freely within the confines he has created for you. Everything to keep you pliant, and willing.
he’d put hidden cameras all over the house, just for making sure that you’re safe when he’s out during missions no ulterior motives whatsoever he’s totally not creeping on you when you’re sleeping or showering no mam
PLEASE my drink came out of my nose
König could just watch you for hours ❤️ (with a zoned out, blank expression). It's cute when you go into a fetal position when you're sleeping, as if you can sense you're being watched… And when he's at the base he would plug that stuff in and watch it from a bigger screen in some surveillance room. It's just to make sure you do what you said you would are safe, to check that everything's ok.
He would so watch those tapes, preferably a live stream, every chance he gets. And if he can't get it real-time he'll just watch the recording when he gets back, fast forwards through some of it but checks meticulously certain parts & that you keep to your routines. You know, go to work and come home at times you're supposed to.
Checks the tracker for your routes, that everything matches, but mostly just loves it that he put those cams inside your house. Sometimes plays the parts where you're having breakfast, sitting and sipping your drink all cute... watches you sleep, too.
And omg the shower cam??
Someone walks in the surv. room when he's having some me time and watching you shower, and is like "König…? What r u doing?" Because there's an odd scent of musk hovering in the air, and König looks at the screen completely obsessed, answers without ever moving his eyes from it:
"Mm, watching the perimeter."
And the rando soldier leaves with a feeling that someone just sent ice down their back... They think to themselves, "Why the hell is he so mesmerized by some CCTV material? There's nothing going on out there, just wind blowing and like… this is a heavily guarded secret military base we're not in some safe house wtf?"
…doesn't know König was slowly fisting himself under the table while watching his Engel rub some shower gel on those tits 💖👀
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starsscribble · 1 year
Little Thing
Fandom: COD Characters: Ghost A/N: There is no real plot. It’s basically cute one off scenarios that came to mind. 
You had been working for two days on no sleep trying to crack the encryption on the laptop Gaz had recovered. Price kept breathing down your neck, and you were beating yourself up. It was hell all around. Groaning as you found a way past one wall only to hit another you slummed in your chair. “I’d kill for some caffeine right now.” You said to no one, or so you thought. Ghost had been passing by when he heard your request. If he had anything to do it was put on hold as he pivoted towards the kitchen.
Only when he had a hot drink in his hand did he make his presence known when entering your area; you didn’t notice. You were about to rip out more hair when a mug came into view held by a gloved hand. “Appreciate the thought. But I don’t drink-” “It’s tea love. No coffee.” He cut you off as he pulled up a spare chair to your desk. “Take some time to destress.” He half ordered sliding the hot drink closer towards you. He watched as you picked it up, carefully taking a sip of the tea and melted. At that moment it was just what you needed.
Ghost watches and listens as some hot shot talks at you; not with you at you. About how if you need help with throwing knives he was your man. You smiled at him in that sugary sweet way that told anyone close to you, how much you wanted to gut him. You nodded at his words and gave short and curt, “Mhm.” Letting him know that even though you hate this hold interaction you were still listening. But Ghost also notices your hand sliding out one of your throwing knives. He bumps Soap’s shoulder pointing it out to the man. “You don’t think she’s gonna kill him? Do you Lt.?” The worried man shot his superior a glance who simply shrugged. They both know if you did kill this poor man they would cover it up for you. You don’t kill the hotshot thought. As he is still talking himself up you glance only once toward the target and back toward him. Turning back to face him that sugary sweet smile still on your lips you throw the knife. The target beeps, pulling everyone's attention toward it. Your knife stuck straight in the dumb’s throat. Gently patting the man on the shoulder you sweetly say. “I think I’m good honey.” Ghost can’t help but watch as you walk away from the slack jaw man; his big grin hidden under the mask.
The intel they worked so hard for; had taken down a whole compound for was taken by Laswell. Everyone in the 141 knows she was just doing her job. But it was still a kick in the teeth. Watching the helicopter fly off the once joyous members were at a loss. They were back to square one. “So,” you started. “Is now a good time to say I made a copy?” All heads turn towards you. They are trying to see if you are joking; not that you would. But still, maybe you were trying to lift the mood in a not-so-great way. Yet you pull out a second USB from your breast pocket and their eyes widen. “You did not!” Gaz exclaims in total shock that you not only copied the intel but that you had the time to do so. “How on earth?” Price started as you give him a cheeky smile. “Know what you keep your secrets. Just glad you're on our side.” “Techie, I could kiss you right now,” Ghost said his smile hidden from the group as your cunning had saved the mission they work so hard on. “Now that’s a reward I would like.” You hummed, throwing the USB to Price. The captain caught it with ease and a grin.
It was late when Ghost returned from his mission. Everyone in the base was asleep, or so he thought. Passing the kitchen he saw you, dressed in an oversized cardigan and shorts. You were humming to music he couldn’t hear as you worked away with something on the stove. You turned to get something from the fridge when you saw him. Still in full gear, the scent of death lingering like it also did after a mission. You smiled at him as you pulled a wireless earbud out to speak with him.
“Heard you were coming back. Figured you would like a hot meal.” His heart melted, normally he would just rest in his room not even thinking about food. Yet he walked farther into the kitchen to get what you made for him. He waited quietly as you finished cooking and made him a bowl. It was a simple pasta dish, garden rotini with alfredo, bell peppers, and chicken nuggets. “This is one of my comfort meals. Hope you don’t mind.” You threw out cleaning up your mess from his meal. “It’s perfect.” He says after the first bit. No, it wasn’t a five-star meal; it was better because it was made by you.
Their last mission had been a rough one. So much so it didn’t take much to get Ghost to agree to join the group at the bar. People easily split into pairs. Price was off talking with Laswell, Soap challenged Gaz to pool, and you just didn’t move from your spot at the table nor did he. Both were far too sore from the mission to enjoy the activities the bar offered. It was nice to just talk with you outside of work. With each story you shared about yourself; he even found himself smiling more under his mask. “Alright,” you gently slapped the table before scooting out of the booth. “I’m getting myself another drink. Be right back because you owe me some Ghosty stories.” He chuckled and nodded before taking another sip of his beer. His eyes followed you with ease as you slipped through the crowd. He knew you could take care of yourself but in a crowded place like this, you needed someone watching your back. As you got to the bar waiting patiently for the server to get to you, Ghost noticed a man working his way towards you. He watched as this man came to stand next to you. He began talking and you engaged in patient conversation. However when he saw the man drape an arm over your injured shoulder making you flinch; he stood. You were far too nice to civilians. You wouldn’t push him away like you would the recruits. You would grin and bear it, something Ghost hated. “Tech,” he called out as soon as he was close enough to the bar to be heard. You and the man beside you turned. Your eyes lit up when you saw him and his heart raced more. “I’m heading out. Are you coming?” “Ya,” you flagged the bartender down to get your card back. You were thankful you hadn’t placed another order yet. Once your card was back in hand you slipped out from the other man’s arm and over towards Ghost. “Thank you.” You said once you were far away from the bar. “It was nothing, love.” He replied as you both slipped into the cool night air.
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luffyrose · 1 year
Dc x Dp Random Blurb #2
I know I just made the first but it's midnight, I can't sleep, and I'm thinking about random things.
Anyway. Siblings. And Pranks.
You know how people always kinda portray Dick as a little chaotic but mainly the one doing damage control for his brothers? Yeah, that's total bs when it comes to siblings.
My oldest sibling most literally tried to convince me to jump off the roof of a church on time. I WAS 8. They also cried when I went on a school trip for a week because they were worried I would get hurt or something.
So. Got me thinking. Dick is SEEN as the tame one by his siblings solely because he's too tired tm to do anything and no one seems to remember him being an absolute gremlin so he's not gonna just out himself when he could cause mayhem later.
Only Cass is vaguely aware of how chaotic Dick can be and that's only because she walked in on him pouring a literal ton of sleeping meds into various things Tim eats while giggling maniacally to himself. Of course, she's not gonna rat him out though, he gives the best hugs.
Either way, no one is aware or remembers how much of a gremlin Dick can truly be, especially being the eldest sibling of many.
In comes Danny. For whatever reason.
Danny LOOKS just like Jason and that tripped everyone up. But when he settles into living with them, they discover that this 'Jason 2.0' is in fact a mini Dick Grayson running around causing absolute chaos.
Dick is delighted by this news and get out of here depression, he must show his newest sibling how to hand from a chandelier long enough to drop a bucket of the most rancid things imaginable onto the first person, minus Alfred, to walk under it.
Upon the gremlin duo having free, acrobatic range, of the house, Bruce is reminded why he questioned adopting his oldest son when he was still younger. That plus the chaos he did with the other heroes in training at the time.
It's one prank too many that Bruce, at dinner, stares dead ahead and just sighs.
"Not again Dick, not again."
Because I think we can all guess who a moody teen who runs around beating up bad guys at night would prank the most if said baby hero had been grounded. Danny's own abilities just seem to make it much easier for the now SUPPOSEDLY adult hero to do the same pranks to his very unsuspecting family.
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