#she wants to see this new shiny perspective
kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
mai and maple fit perfectly into a human mermaid au the way that maple is kind yet completely unattainable (she isn't supposed to be in your world)
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wildemaven · 4 months
first anniversary | dieter x poppy
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A Sweet Creature
Ava Greene sits down with actor and friend, Dieter Bravo. Hollywood’s new leading man gets candid about life in front of and behind the camera. He talks about his latest movie, his commitment to his sobriety and his newest role— husband?!
Ava Greene: You're approaching three years sober now, how are you feeling?
Dieter Bravo: Probably the best I’ve felt in a long time. Sobriety is a day to day progression that I take very seriously, and I try to not lose sight of that even when I’m having bad days. Though, I’m grateful bad days have been few and far between at this point in my sobriety. I can attribute that to the support system I have built for myself through friends, family, my sponsor that I still work with and most importantly my wife who keeps me grounded daily. They all continue to keep me in check and remind me how awesome my life is, especially right now. Staying clean is a full time commitment, and it’s really a beautiful thing.
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AG: You followed in your famous parents footsteps by going into acting and your career and struggles with sobriety have been well documented but your parents have rarely commented publicly, are they supportive of your work and your journey?
DB: For me, I don’t need them to make a show of it by commenting or sharing their thoughts publicly to know they support me. There was a point in time where they did all they could do for me, but ultimately it had to be my choice to make the decision to get clean. Thankfully, we’ve been rebuilding our relationship over the last few years. And being in the public eye for most of our lives, the last thing we want is for outsiders thinking they have a say in our lives. In short, yes I have very supportive parents in all aspects of my life and I’m so happy for that.
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AG: This is your second project since rehab, are you viewing this as a comeback or a fresh start?
DB: Comeback? I didn’t know I left… Kidding! Sure, some might say it’s a comeback. A fresh start. Whatever analogy best fits the narrative is fine by me— and I don’t mean that negatively in any sense. I mean, you’ve known me long enough to know I just try not to focus on any of that stuff, messes with my fucking brain waves. I just see it as me doing what I love with a new perspective and a different approach to choosing what projects I’m going to give my time to than I have in the past.
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AG: What can you tell us about this project and the character you're playing?
DB: I had the best f*ckin’ time while shooting this film— sorry, but the emphasis was needed. I was really drawn to the vibrancy that this script evoked, even with the serious nature of the storyline and characters. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about for weeks afterwards. I’d sit with my wife at breakfast and we’d discuss the script and my character for what felt like hours. I knew after I heard her feedback that I needed to be apart of this film— she might have said I’d be stupid to say no to it, in her own loving way.
The film is really about the process of rediscovering yourself. Navigating the challenges that come along with being at your lowest point and leaning on the ones who have been there for you. It’s about finding love in its purest form when you never thought you were deserving of it.
I found bits of myself in this character as we were filming, it was very much a cathartic experience for me. I guess you could say it was art imitating life in a weird way.
AG: There's already been some buzz about this year's award season, do you think this is finally your year?
DB: Ooooh! Is it too presumptuous for me to say yes?! I’ve started dusting the spot where I plan for it to go. I sound like some sort of pompous idiot! Now no one is going to go see it!*
I take it back!
In all seriousness, ‘cause I’m sure Poppy and my agent will be rolling their eyes when they read this. If all I get is a couple nominations, that alone feels like winning. A shiny statue would be nice though— just saying.
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AG: You've talked often about your love of art and you recently purchased a gallery. Are you planning to publicly pursue other creative endeavors?
DB: I won’t be joining American Idol anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Oh, you weren’t referring to my ability to hold a note during our many karaoke nights— noted!
How did you put it? Other creative endeavors? I’ve got a few art pieces in the works right now that I’m itching to dive back into when I get home. I’ve got a major gallery in LA lined up later in the year for an artist spotlight exhibit, they’ll be housing some of my work through the next year. Shoutout to my wife for getting that all lined up while I was away shooting this film.
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AG: What's next for Dieter Bravo? Any other projects lined up you can tell us about?
DB: I’m looking forward to some downtime I have coming up. Poppy has the summer off, so we’ll get to finally live that newlywed life. Settle into the role of doting husband while she does her thing at the gallery.
AG: Off the record, if you got married and didn't tell anyone I will kick yours and Poppy’s ass!
DB: We’re celebrating our one year this month actually. We eloped quietly last year right after we got engaged— wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while. Which reminds me, you and Bryony should hop on a call with Poppy after this. Seeing as I let the cat out of the bag and this is our announcement— surprise!
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Huge shoutout out to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for allowing me to borrow her Ava from Conversations with a Movie Star for this. Ava was so gracious and even wrote the questions herself. I’m so grateful for Lellen and all her support and advice she had given me throughout the writing process of Sweet Creature!
Sweet Creature Celebration
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lani-heart · 3 months
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|| series masterlist || ACT II PREVIEW // previously
parings -> riki nishimura x readerg enre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> neglectment / rejection word count -> 1k
abstract -> sometimes certain sacrifices have to be made.
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y/n's perspective
The party was fine… despite our hybrids glaring at each of us. Karina was his hybrid who… didn’t like me. While Niki… looked like he wanted to jump my new fake boyfriend at any moment. 
Our parents thought it was a good idea because they thought we were a little too close to them. What I didn’t know was that he was in a relationship with his hybrid. We were both the same, and we’d both have to lie for the time being so our hybrids wouldn’t get the treatment we feared.
“I was thinking of having her join those classes!” he said and she scoffed. “I don’t think you should. I didn’t want Niki to but he begged for them” I explained and he nodded. “Yeah, listen to your shiny new girlfriend,” she scoffed, and he sighed. 
She had every right to be angry… but I didn’t want to be physically involved with him. 
“y/nnie I wanna go home” Niki begged and I did too but we had a quota to finish before leaving. “I do too!” Karina also added to her owner and I chuckled. 
“Hey, Niki? Should we go to the street market after?” I ask and his eyes light up. 
“Do you really need to ask?” he said happily as Karina was now trying to be comforted by her owner. “Do… you have to fake date that guy?” he asked and I sighed. 
“Niki… my parents want to set me up in an arranged marriage,” I said and he stopped walking to look at me. “W-what?” he asked and I sighed. “At first they wanted me to marry Hyunsuk, but he refused thankfully and then he rebelled so they dropped it for a bit. But… They wanted me to start dating friends and they gave me this huge list of boys to see if I got along with them.” I confessed and he looked… upset. “Of course I said no,” I said and he nodded as he hugged me tightly. 
“He was one of them… but it seems like we have a similar situation to him. There are rumors about him, and how he’s in a relationship with his cat hybrid Karina '' I said and he hummed. 
“Trust me… I won’t let them actually marry me off. I plan to stall until I have my own income and then, you and me!” I said and he chuckled. “We should live in Japan,” he offered. 
“We should! Then we’d be free to do what we wanted” 
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niki’s perspective
She wasn’t kidding when she said she got a list. 
Hyunsuk, Junghwan, Chenle, Seonghwa, so many but I also know some of them would never agree which meant she would choose and her parents would handle it. 
I wonder… What would happen if we ran away like Hyunsuk’s sister?
While looking through her messages with her mom about this stupid arranged marriage… I saw something. “You’re planning on studying abroad?” I am now excited to see Kyoto University as her option with her mom. She smiled… “Snooping now aren’t you?” she teased and I chuckled. 
“Yeah… Chenle was telling me how his friend is currently in China and how it was a good break for her. Especially since she’s an art student, she’s getting over the artist block and I thought… this would be a good way to avoid the rumors and dating situation to get out of hand” she said and I grinned. 
“Where should we go first?” I asked and she chuckled. “Hmm… we have a lot to do there don’t we?” she asked and I nodded. 
This was different from visiting Japan with her parents… we had no supervision and could go anywhere without being asked where. 
“I do want to do some shopping in Shibuya, '' she said and I chuckled. “I want to go to Akihabara! We have to see what cafes have events soon!” 
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We were finishing up this semester early so we could have a head start in Japan. So this was my last etiquette class… I wanted to say bye to Jake but I don’t know what happened for him not to show up. 
“That dog stole your coat, you know?” I heard and saw the bird. My coat that I left? “He also ran… not like I blame him,” he said. “Hybrids have chips though–” “They do… but you can easily cut them out” he explained and I sighed. Hybrids who ran away often were found easily… someone could report it. 
“I don’t think he’ll last that long. They’ll find him easily” he added and I wondered… “Why didn’t you snitch?” I asked and he scoffed. “If I could run, I would too…” he said as he went to his seat by himself. He’d run away too? 
It sometimes made me realize… the hybrids here, the majority, were miserable. Under either adoption programs or… rich kids with too much money. 
Jay was a bird hybrid… exotic here for Korea often found in North America. Some hybrids were happy… but most were miserable. Jay and Sunoo were examples that I knew of… the bird hybrid has a reputation of being a good and responsible hybrid but never could stay with an owner for more than a few months. He was a free trial hybrid so others could see what they wanted in a hybrid to have a reference and then dispose of him. 
Whilst Sunoo was a popular hybrid known for his looks but also for how fidgety the fox was… his owner was one that I hated. When we were younger we often talked and got along but with how his owner became more and more bitchy y/n no longer associated herself with her and so I never talked to him again. 
Even Jake I guess… he was so desperate that he must've been given bad news. 
It made me feel guilty at times but it wasn’t my fault I was given someone who actually cared about me. 
“Stop that before I tell your owners!” the professor said as she scolded a group of hybrids throwing stuff at the deer hybrid on the other side. “His antlers are in the way!” Sunghoon said… he’s another example of a miserable hybrid. 
“Idiots” I heard as I saw the black cat hybrid who always sat in front of me say bored out of his mind. 
Maybe… I just quit these classes?
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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Finished reading Harrow the Ninth last week! It was a lot smoother than the previous book, and another fun read. Thoughts (spoiler free):
- This may be the only book I've ever read where 2nd person narration didn't make me want to pull my hair out, because it's the only time I've seen it done for a clear reason! The narration switching between chapters helps set a discordant tone and creates mystery in a unique way, and the bit where it switches to first person for just a few words 3/4 of the way through the book hits like a truck.
- Continuing to love how puzzley this series is. Piecing together stories from scraps is soo fun and satisfying. The pacing at which we receive information is (again) perfect and (again) we never get the entire picture so there's always something extra during a reveal.
- I felt this in Gideon but it's more relevant now: 10,000 years is way too long a timescale for the setting and characters, and the absurdity of it makes it feel less real. It should be 1,000 years maximum given how little it seems humanity has evolved since the resurrection, and nearly every length of time stated by a lyctor should be about 1/10 of what it is. The single reason I would accept for it really being 10k years is if it's a setup for an "over 9000" joke which, to be fair, is extremely plausible.
- Every new character has a name that's 3 syllables or less! I could actually remember who everyone was!
- It's even clearer in this book how unique and complex the characters' relationships are. I don't often encounter series where I genuinely couldn't give a concise answer for how anyone feels about anyone else. I'm so glad there's more.
- The one alien planet with substantial life we encounter is almost exactly like earth, down to Harrow assuming there are mammals and annelids. Unless these planets were purposely set up with Earth flora/fauna (despite being supposedly almost inaccessible) this feels like a cop-out to not have to make up alien biology and frankly it was disappointing. Really hoping this was done for a reason.
- Having a narrator we know is unreliable adds so much depth to the mystery of the story, especially the 3rd person segments. I said this before but I really wish more people wrote from the perspective of deeply flawed or ignorant characters.
- The visuals are detailed and often stunning, but sometimes they're just redundant. We do not need to be reminded what the lyctor robes look like every time someone is wearing one, I am going to assume they are still the same two pages later. The constant focus on the color of people's eyes could be considered an exception since it's a very plot-relevant detail, but even that was a little much at times.
- The lyctors and God read like an office drama where everyone involved is an objectively shitty person and I enjoyed every moment of it.
- I thought I was prepared to encounter none pizza with left beef. I was not prepared to encounter none pizza with left beef.
- The prose has been smoothed out a lot. The voice feels consistent even across chapters (and even near the end!), and the number of unnecessarily long and/or obscure words is slightly less but still got irritating at times. Muir definitely has a handful of favorites she overuses, namely:
Tessellate: Fair for the setting but unnecessary when telling us the wallpaper has a pattern
Scintillating: We see synonyms for this maybe once, it's used every single time something sparkles or is shiny
Deliquesce: Again great for the setting, but again it is used every single time something is melty (and a few times metaphorically). She even uses it to describe a soggy biscuit once. I don't know how to express just how much biscuits cannot deliquesce without going on an unhinged rant about the mechanics of rot.
- There are also still instances of clear thesaurus overuse, such as fog being described as "lubricious". I am assuming this was because in context it's supposed to be contrasting cold weather and that's a listed antonym for "frigid" but explicitly in a metaphorical sense. Did Muir know she was telling us the fog was horny? I want to believe there was some hidden joke but I couldn't find one, and it's far from the only time a college-level vocab word is used instead of a simpler synonym in a context that just doesn't quite work (because it adds connotations that don't make sense).
- On the other end of vocab things, there are a few obscure words she uses only once that are so vividly relevant to the setting it's almost weird they never come back. "Flense", for example, is probably the most necromancy-friendly 19th century word imaginable and using it metaphorically is a brilliant choice, but Muir has given priority to other less grotesque (but higher in syllable count) 19th century words and it only appears a single time. Yes, my irritation is showing. Unnecessary syllables irritate me.
- None pizza with left beef aside, my personal favorite meme was the Miette reference, but "wake me up inside" was a close second.
- Overall, similar in enjoyment to Gideon but easier to read. Excited to start Nona when I get the chance!
(Gideon the Ninth review here)
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Ok so I had this thing bubbling in my head today. FIRST A DISCLAIMER: I 100% acknowledge that Taylor’s music is written from her perspective, from her gaze, about her own experiences and feelings. Just getting that out of the way.
But after thinking about the New Year’s Day/Peace medley from last night, it kind of hit me that there are several references in her discography to her making a commitment (to Joe), but there aren’t any of him reciprocating, or a mutual future being built.
(Again: I know that this is Taylor’s music, not Joe’s, so obviously she’s going to speak about her side of things.)
Even as early as reputation, we start getting references that this is the Big One for her, e.g. New Year’s Day’s “I want your midnights,” “you and me forevermore.” We continue to see more of these sprinkled throughout her subsequent discography, e.g. on Lover with Lover (“can we be this close forever and ever?” “I’ve loved you three summers now honey but I want them all,” the entire bridge being like wedding vows), Paper Rings (“I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings”), All of the Girls (“I want to teach you how forever feels”), folklore’s invisible string (“one single thread of gold tied me to you”) and peace (“give you my wild give you my child” along with, like, the entire rest of the song), evermore’s Cowboy Like Me (“that was before I locked it down,” “forever is the sweetest con,” “I’m never gonna love again”).
Midnights obviously has its share of references too, though interestingly maybe less overt than the other albums? Sweet Nothing implies a shared home she’s running home to, as does Hits Different (…). The Great War is probably the most obvious with, “I vowed I would always be yours ‘cause we survived the Great War.” There’s also “I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever,” in Paris and “I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch,” in Glitch.
The most obvious reference to her commitment that we hear is on You’re Losing Me, with “I wouldn’t marry me either” implying that it was something that was discussed and a point of contention given the way she spits it out in the bridge and there are also the references to their shared home (“remember looking at this room, we loved it cause of the light,” “every morning I glared at you with storms in my eyes,” “do I throw out everything we built or keep it?” Etc.).
Yet throughout these songs, where she’s saying she wants to be with this person forever, she wants to show him how forever feels, she wants to marry him, etc., in retrospect they’re kind of one-sided. AGAIN I UNDERSTAND THAT THAT’S BECAUSE THESE ARE TAYLOR’S SONGS. But it’s interesting that when she does sprinkle in references to his side of things, they’re directed at her (e.g. “You said I had to trust more freely,” “You say ‘I don’t understand’ and I say ‘I know you don’t,’” “You say ‘what a mind’,” and so on). It’s like she captures his reaction to her actions, but not that he’s in this with her.
I repeat: I know that this is because this is Taylor’s music, not Joe’s, and she’s writing about her experience of these situations. But in retrospect, and with everything we’re finding out now, it’s just really interesting that the way she wrote about commitment/marriage/family in her music about this period in her life was about what she wanted, what she brought to the table, what she hoped for the future, etc. But she didn’t write about how her partner made her feel about those same commitments. She vowed to always be his, but we don’t know if he vowed to be hers after the war. She fastened herself to him, but did he rip the seam? She wanted to marry him with paper rings, but YLM indicates the feeling may not have been reciprocated after all at the end of the day. Etc. In her music at least, looking back it’s like there isn’t as much reassurance on the other person’s end that this is what they wanted after all, especially by Midnights.
I know this is a jumble of thoughts and by no means a literary analysis of her discography, but it’s just kind of hit me out of the blue today in ways that I think were completely unintentional, but with the imminent release of TTPD, the secret songs on tour and the general ~vibes~ of what we’re all picking up these days, I think we’re in for some more emotional damage by this next album.
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arsonlookers · 2 months
My Thalassophile
childe x fem! reader
This original story from @kiryoutann
𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃! 𝐀𝐔 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ::: 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐀
A/n: this is just my own ending thought of the story, if the original idea author @kiryoutann wanted this to be down i can delete this if they want. the perspective might be so confusing sorry about that I will read it again to correct it, in the future...hopefully.
The Mermaid reader this time as a supermodel was the heartbreaker, she will play with his heart this time around, you really do not want to bother with him but just seeing him and how he never even remember what he did centuries ago pissed you off and somehow made you ...feel something...and the pain of the betrayal, the reader wanted to make him feel what she felt centuries ago, though this means stooping low on his level centuries ago but why does that matter now?
It's been centuries yet you were still trapped on the past he had done and even if you wanted to move on, how? the reader already gave their heart for him....one heart he should have treasured and not broken.
A curse. they say, and it's true, for centuries you have made yourself believe that loving him was a curse. Meeting him was an unfortunate fate, and the fairy tale is not real....so is true love's kiss.
A heartbroken mermaid for centuries cursed by the land and by the sea for loving both.
both the impossible.
What an unfortunate fate it is that you two were both to meet again in this lifetime, a curse indeed.
Just like how the ocean will meet the land, again and again, never-ending repeat and yet never meant to be.
After planning and seducing him it took years, you made him fall harder and harder every day for her, without suspicion.
yet her heart was never to love another man again, he may be the same man from centuries ago the past should not be dwelled and yet she was trapped in the said past he had created.
Though from deep inside you know there was something that you had long been buried inside bloomed...yet you ignored it and kept stepping on it, not thinking too much for the man you long once loved.
As for Ajax? at first he really just wanted a break from everything and to stay away from love, yes he does flirt with people a lot but committing to the relationship? he can't... Remembering the pain he has gone through his the past 7 years with his ex's relationship, he just wanted a break from the emotion called love.
But when he met you as if something was pulling him in for you, how beautiful your eyes are, how shiny your hair is, and how mysterious you were, he was interested but inside his heart was beating, too much that he remembered was beating for his long-gone ex. though yes he was cautious still he thought "It's not gonna hurt to be her friend and have a deep relationship, right?" But every day was like a new feeling for him with you, it's as if you know him...you understand who he is, and for some reason this made him feel so connected with you.
Ajax, sweet Ajax was starting to get addicted and starts to love you deeply how amazing your voice is, and when he had nightmares of drowning (which is actually from his past but he always forgets what's it about) you were always there to reassure him, and sing him to sleep as if it was normal. it feels unreal and yet he wants you for himself though he also knows you want your freedom, so he stayed.
that one time when you said that you needed to go somewhere and it would take months or years to go back home in his arms, you said and promised that you would be back, and told him to just wait for you.
(this time around he knows, you were a mermaid and this makes him love you more without any question, though you never told him about your past and absolutely His past)
he was heartbroken when you said this, "you will be gone that long?" Ajax said laying his head on your lap and gazing you with sadness on his eyes
the thought of you leaving him was painful, his heart felt like it was going to burst by how, much it was squeezed, and yet the way you sounded missing your home and the sound of you talking about how much you wanted to see your family. It was heartbreaking.
"yes...I have decided to go home for a while" looking outside where the scenery was the ocean as if calling to you and how much you heard how it misses you too.
Ajax was speechless at the view he saw now, you look so sad and it pains him seeing you like this he doesn't want you to leave him but the thought of making you sad by staying on his side is also not an option.
he murmured silently
"i love you [name]..."
You heard this and made you look at him, you smiled gently and even Ajax notices how different this smile is from the other smile you have always given him...it looks genuine...yet sad.
though you never said 'i love you' back he was satisfied with this silence...because deep down he feels like every time you look at him makes you sad, he doesn't know why but it feels like he deserved it.
he still remembers that one time he heard your cries on the seabed, he remembers how painful that cries was, he didnt want to disturb you and yet he also dont want to leave you, so he decided to stay there...all night.
the next night he has a vivid dream, and as always he doesn't remember it but tears fall from his eyes... painful unknown feelings, he doesn't understand why, he doesn't know why, and yet he feels like he deserves it yet it feels like he doesn't deserve you... That same morning he was absent from the set and called it a sick day, when in reality he cried his heart out without even knowing what this painful feeling was and he didn't want to know.
he sat back on the bed and sat by your side skin to skin and he could feel your hair on his skin because of how close you were.
with this closeness, you decided to lay your head on his shoulder and never said anything just the sound of the ocean and silence
Ajax too looks outside the window, the moonlight reflecting on the ocean, it looks beautiful and yet he feels nostalgic. he closes his eyes and opens it again turning his head to yours, he can't see you fully but he can see it in how you look in the ocean, sadness.
how he can feel your breathing and how the air outside the window makes your hair flow gently.
He promises himself he will forever bury this in his memory and remember how beautiful you look tonight, after all, he has this feeling this will be the last night he will be seeing you like this...
"ok...i'll wait for you" he said sadly and yet he cant look at everywhere except you and this picture perfect in front of him.
this made you look at him and there was sadness and shocked on your eyes he can see it and yet there was also happiness shining on your beautiful orbs.
you didn't say anything You never said anything that night and just smiled happily at him.
the two of you lay there on the bed he hugs you and he keeps touching you as to remember everything about you, and how you feel so warm and how beautiful you are tonight.
he mumbles on your sleep form
"i'll love you...i'll wait for you.. even if it meant forever" as he closes his eyes and falls asleep
You heard him...you were never asleep from the start...and yet when he said that it made your heart squeeze ....you feel sadness.
in the cold night the ocean can be heard outside calling for her, yet in front of her was the man she once loved.
with his orange hair falling on his eyes, oh how you remember the first time you laid your eyes on him how you find his eyes beautiful and resemble the ocean, how it shines with you.
This time around you have seen it in his eyes were dark and it reminded you of the dark and cold ocean and yet it still shines now that he looks at you.
You moved his fluffy hair strands away from his face and
kissed his forehead.
as you close your eyes and feel yourself betray your past self, it hurts and yet so sad.
you mumbles so quietly that it blend on the sound of the ocean outside "i..love..you..aj..ax"
you stayed there for a quiet while and that night
Ajax fell asleep without you and was alone on the bed.
When Ajax woke up the next day, he could feel how cold the other side of the bed and this made him panic...yet again tears fell from his eyes, and he cried and cried that day, his heart was like being torn to pieces.
If once in the fairy tale of the centuries said that a brokenhearted mermaid caused the disaster that erased a kingdom, in that same land, A man cried his heart out and called out on the one he loves in the ocean, calling her name, and staying there on days on end.
he was always seen on the shore, still calling out for someone and yet people around him called him crazy. It doesn't matter he said. he keeps his gaze on the ocean and he keeps the memories he has with you, he never failed to remember your birthday and your anniversaries, he always faces the ocean every time he is sad and so does when he remembers you.
5 years later, Ajax becomes a successful actor, though he never accepts some happy endings in the movies he joined it was always a sad one, or either he was the unrequited second lead.
he was successful and yet he still remembers you every time, every day, every month, every year.
he stayed on his usual spot on the beach after a breakthrough in his career he went straight to the ocean, he talked to himself there and how happy he was, how he missed you, and how...much he loves you.
"[name] did you know...." he rambles on and on
"[name] I comes home to my family last week, sorry for not coming and visiting you, but even there I keep my eyes on the ocean" he sadly smiled
he keeps his gaze on the ocean as if expecting something to come out...expecting you to just hugged him and say hello, to hear your voice and to feel your touch.
and yet
tears fall out of his eyes "I miss you, baby" he says quietly the sound of the ocean overpowering his calling and yet so calming as if it's the way of hearing his call he can only hear the sound of the ocean back. but over that He can hear your voice calling out for him just like how his memories call out for him, you and him together sitting on your bed facing the ocean in your open balcony window and having you on his shoulder as the sound of the ocean in the background.
"I love you, [Name]"
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redphlox · 2 months
Do you think it's possible that we may see the new Todoroki house in the end? I really hope so, although I have a small fear that Hori may have tossed that idea out.
That was one of the very few aspects of Endeavor's atonement arc I actually enjoyed. Him building a new home for them to live in without all the horrible memories from the old home. It would have been a place for them to heal and be a family together. It felt like it was foreshadowing the family being together and whole again. I always loved and look forward to seeing the new Todoroki home in the end, especially since it seemed like it heavily foreshadowed a healthy ending for the Todoroki family.
Although, with what we have currently in canon, I am a little afraid Horikoshi may have flip-flopped a little too much and forgot about the new Todoroki home.
As it stands now, Endeavor can't live alone in the old home because he's going to need a caretaker. Chapter 426 it looks like Rei is going to be his caretaker now. Touya will need to stay in the hospital due to his condition.
I do think it's still possible we'll see the new Todoroki family house in the end. After all, Endeavor had it built with the idea that the family could be together and heal apart from him, and he's still of this mindset. The house imagery has been a common motif throughout the story - look at Tenko and Toga's backstories. Tenko's home is destroyed, Toga's home is destroyed, and their families are gone because they either died and can't come back or don't want anything to do with their kid. But here sits this new, shiny, trauma-free house for the Todorokis who haven't abandoned their villain son Touya and WANT him in their lives despite the hell of it all. The new Todoroki house is there for a reason, narratively. As for Rei being a caretaker - there are many cultural elements at play regarding forgiveness, disability, and the duty of caring for a spouse. However, I personally, absolutely loathe the idea of Rei having to care for her abuser on multiple levels - morally, in terms of justice for abuse survivors, gender roles and stereotypes, and through a disability perspective. It's appalling that she lost ten years of being with her children, only to have to care for the person who took her away from them, especially since one of their children doesn't want to be near Endeavor. Also, not to mention the fact that the caretaker doesn't HAVE to be Rei. Expecting her to be his caretaker negates the guilt he feels about pushing her into a psychosis. "Hey, sorry about abusing you to the point that you threw scalding water on our son because he reminded you of me. Now you have to be my 24-hour helper and look at me all the time, though." It falls flat. He could hire someone. But above all else, if we're talking realistically, I disagree that Endeavor can't live alone and that he'd need a caregiver. My career is literally just this - rehabilitating people from injury and illness, etc. If Endeavor were my patient, I'd say he would be a great candidate for prosthetics and could learn different adaptations, techniques, and skills to become independent. He could even still be independent at wheelchair level, and would require less help than what other manga readers are imagining. There's even an example of this through Miruko, who also has two amputations, just like Endeavor, but now has prosthetics. And even if he needed help (which is completely fine - no one is morally obligated to become independent), he could hire someone to help. Lol. I want to type a much longer, more nuanced discussion about how BNHA frames disability, but that's for another post. This discussion is a lot more complex than what I just stated and I want to touch on many aspects, including how disability is portrayed in the general media and specifics in BNHA. Anyway… I went on a little tangent - but yes, I think the Todoroki house could come up again. I'm hopeful. Hori set these things up for a reason and I'm expecting he follows through. Endeavor and Dabi losing their arms also has set up to bring back a certain gag from the Stain arc.
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lovepersevering13 · 11 months
Would love to read a fic or oneshot about everlark Post Revolution opening a new bakery in district 12.
Love your writing 💗
Growing - Everlark
Wonderful request!! Kinda got a bit sidetracked at the end because I love the toast babies too much.
Summary: Katniss’s perspective of Peeta falling in love with owning a bakery
Warnings: Slight references to past abuse, this has not been edited
Word count: 886
I’d never really had friends so the lack of wasn’t something that bothered me. We had Johanna and Annie, and when he wasn’t drunk off his face Haymitch too. That’s more than I ever had before the games. But Peeta was lonely, he’d never sat alone at lunch, always surrounded by a group of merchant friends. He’d always been more social than me, laughing boisterously at lunch, captivating the Capitol audience, befriending the other tributes during the quarter quell.
Right after the war neither of us had really been ready to venture back out into the world but with everyday I noticed our secluded routine wasn’t enough for him.
It had been 5 years since the war ended. Peeta deserved something good in his life.
It was actually Effie who suggested it first, we were enjoying our weekly dinner and an indepth conversation about the ever present difference between food security in the Capitol and the districts.
“Well Peeta, darling, I’m sure all of district 12 would enjoy more of your baking,” Effie suggested.
It started off slow. Peeta still held so much trauma from the dreadful environment he grew up in. We lay in bed one night, Peeta’s head on my chest as I twirled his baby soft blonde curls through my fingers,
“Do you think I’ll be like my Mother?” He asked abruptly,
“Never.” I assured him,
“If we go through with this bakery thing… I need it to be nothing like the old bakery,”
“Peeta it won’t be,”
Peeta tilted his head up to look at me, I smiled at the sight of his light, watery eyes as he asked, “How do you know?”
“Because, Peeta, I know you. You loved me when I couldn’t love you, you loved me when everything in your mind told you not to. I have no doubt that anything you could create would be full of nothing but love.”
He buried his face against my chest,
“If you want to go through with this, I will support you in every step of the way because I know it will be the most beautiful and happy place in all of district 12, nae, all of Panem.”
And so it begun, Peeta chose a lot in the centre of the new town- backing onto a large flowery field very far from the old town square.
Everyone was eager to help with getting the bakery ready. Effie ordered in all the supplies Peeta could need and Johanna even came to visit and help build furniture for the bakery.
The final product was marvellous. White wooden paneling, with a dandelion yellow trim around the roof, most importantly- a large, well lit, shiny window to display all of Peeta’s gorgeous cakes. Prim would’ve loved it…
“Do you think people will come?” Peeta asked nervously, 5 minutes before opening on the first day,
“Of course, everyone loves your baking kid,”
Haymitch assured him. I peered out the window, though it was true everyone loved Peeta’s baking, it was also true that everyone had kept their distance from their three dysfunctional victors.
“People are here,” Effie grinned, she wasn’t kidding- there was a crowd growing at the stairs to the bakery. I turned back to see Peeta who was peering over my shoulder with a contagious smile on his face. The kind of smile which you’d hardly believe possible after everything he’d lived through.
Haymitch leant over the counter and squeezed Peeta’s shoulder “Well, what are you waiting for? Let them in.”
The bakery is a huge success. Everyday the doors are flooded with regulars and new customers, all eager to fill their mouths with the sweetness of Peeta’s baking. With each day I notice Peeta’s smile grow. I used to think we’d never get the old Peeta back but every morning that I watch him kneading fresh bread in the glow of the oven it’s like nothing bad has ever happened to us.
On the bad days, which are fewer and fewer, Peeta hires one of Delly’s old friends to hold down the bakery. Everyone is always pleased when Peeta returns. On mornings I can’t get out of bed to accompany him down to the bakery he brings a warm loaf back with a bowl of soup at lunch. Somehow I’m always out of bed by dinner.
We heal, not fully, never fully healed, but better. District 12 evolves into a place of healing and growth alongside us.
Peeta’s fear of turning out like his mother becomes less by the day. I see him grow fonder of the young children running up to the display window. I think of the past, Prim, hunger, burnt bread. Peeta thinks of the future, I know he does. One day I hope to give him that future he aches for so purely.
One day, 5 maybe 10 years later our own daughter will press her nose against the window, She’ll have Prim’s eye for beauty but none of her longing. The dancing girl will never know a day where her father doesn’t sneak her a treat over the counter. That night when I told Peeta anything he creates will be filled with nothing but love will be true for not only the bakery, but the dancing girl and the boy with blonde curls who will follow shortly after.
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zealouscanonindeer · 2 months
Bright bugs
Book: The Desert Rose
Pairing: Adil Badawi x MC (Noor Al-Aziz)
Warnings: none
Rating: All
Tags: @rc-catalog
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Just finished TDR and we had no dialogue with our babies.. So i just had to do this.
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Nafisa crinkled her nose as the Sahara's sun burned in the sky, it's rays waking the sleeping babe from her deep slumber.
She opened her deep blue eyes, searching for either of her parents before waddling out of the room towards the kitchen. Her mother stood with her back to her child brewing herself some morning coffee. Nafisa called out to her mother, making her turn around and gather the sleepy cuddly child in her arms.
Resting her on her hip, she returned to her previous task as the little one snuggled into her mothers warmth, resting her head on her shoulder and wrapping her tiny arms around her neck.
Noor began humming the song Adil and her had first sang in the square, a testament of their love, she held another testament in her arms, one that was getting heavier as days went by. Suddenly she was joined by a low voice, a drum accompanying the melody as Nafisa giggled, squirming excitedly as she saw her father.
Noor turned around, making a silly face at her daughter, bobbing her up and down in tune with the song as Adil reached them, the babe putting one hand on his broad shoulder and pulling him towards the duo so that all three of their heads rested close to each other.
Noor looked at her husband with adoration and respect at the way he was with his child, his own childhood had been so scarring that he often worried how his cold detached self would ever show affection to their child but that all dissipated as time with Nafisa went by, steadily she healed him, both of them to become better than their own pasts and leave it behind, learning to carry each other forward.
The song ended as Nafisa clapped in joy and her parents cheered and laughed. She launched into her father's arms, gently patting his cheek with her palm, one that he captured in his hand and kissed.
The moment ended as Adil passed his daughter back to his wife as he fixed the turban on his head, readying to leave. He travelled most days either to the Bedouin establishments or the city, specifically the meat shop. He kissed both their foreheads before leaving. However his daughter's eyes pooled with tears seeing him leave as she tried to cling to him and accompamy him.
It broke his heart to see her tear stained cheeks but he soothed her, promising to read her so many tales when he returned. Still crestfallen, she agreed reluctantly and waved sadly at the white horse her father rode into the distance.
To cheer her up, Noor decided to take her to the Bedouins, they all enjoyed entertaining the little rebel that often ended up having her own adventures much to the dismay of her parents. Noor began understanding Zuleika from a new perspective but Zuleika would only laugh saying that she now had a shaitaan of her own to keep up with.
As they reached the settlement, Nafisa took off in the direction of the familiar setting as her mother warned her to stay within eyesight.
They were greeted warmly and enjoyed their time before retiring to a tent for respite from the midday sun. Nafisa rested against her mother who slowly drifted off to sleep.
Nafisa was too excited to sleep, she removed herself from her mother's embrace and ran out the tent to Zuleika. On the way, she saw a colourful beetle making it's way through the sand. It's shiny green coat sparkled in the sun as she gazed in awe. But the moment she neared it, she beetle sped up, she meant no harm she only wanted to see it's beautiful colours closely.
Thinking she could explain herself, she followed the creature over the dunes. She finally caught the insect in her palms, inspecting it, she delightedly turned around, eager to show her mother what she had found.
Her eyes only saw sand and sand, spread across the horizon, she had drifted too far along from the settlement! Her cheeks flushed with emotions and fear coursed through her as tears pooled in her eyes.
Noor sighed as she walked to Zuleika's tent knowing she would have Nafisa with her. However, she was surprised to see that her wet nurse was busy reading fortunes and hadn't seen the child since the afternoon.
Noor's blood turned cold and she rushed out, calling out and almost pleading to the fellow Bedouins to tell her her child's whereabouts. Everyone was just as shocked and dismayed, Madi hurried to start looking but how could they really know? The sand left behind no trail to follow and the desert knew no master.
Rajab left to get Adil, after all no one knew the desert as well as he did. Noor herself started out in a different direction, her heart crumbling in horror and desperation as her eyes scanned the dunes searching for her treasure.. How could she have been so careless? She felt sick with worry, she prayed the desert would be kind, terrible thoughts plagued her mind, image upon image settling before her eyes as she cried in anguish.
She returned unsuccessful, she hoped Madi had better luck but one look at him left her defeated. She saw Adil's horse and the moment she found him, she broke down throwing herself into his arms.
"I.. I lost her! She's nowhere to be found.. Oh.. My baby.. Where is she? Find her.. I beg of you.. Find her. " She looked at her husband who himself had a look of horror and pain, his eyes teary as he comforted his wife.
"Qalbi.. Calm down..You didn't lose her. I won't return until I've found her. I won't let her be hurt. I promise."
He mounted Nadim and headed off as the sun began it's everyday course to sink as the desert would be covered in darkness. Noor shivered wondering whether her baby was cold and freezing.
Adil rode through the sharp wind, his eyes searching and searching. After what seemed like hours of screaming put her name, he decided to take a breather, he sat in the sand lost, not knowing what to do next.
He sat, his hope ebbing as the sun descended further down, he began walking, the desert could very well be cruel if she pleased. He began singing, almost wailing the song they had sung that very morning, his voice a silent plea to return his child. He continued humming when..
"Qalbi.. " He heard a scream. He yelled back, in return he heards more screaming.
"Here, I'm here. " He waved the fabric on his turban in the restless wind.
He fell in the sand as he got closer, when a little dot in the periphery turned into his very daughter. Her hair were ruffled, her dress worn but her face held the most exquisite expression.. Joy. Relief washed over him as she neared and crashed into him, her hands gripping so tightly, her knuckles turned white. He felt tears rolling down as he held her but soon she began squirming.
"Don't cry..Look what I have. " She held her hand out which glowed, she opened her fist to reveal the biolumiscent bug scrambling in her palm. He touched the creature and it went into a frenzy.
"Gently." Nafisa chided. "Can we keep him? " She looked at him with hopeful innocent eyes and how could he ever say no to her.
He picked her up and placed her on Nadim as they walked back, sometimes talking about their days, sometimes singing and sometimes discussing what fun things they were going to do the next day.
Noor sat outside the tent, her heart hammering amd Zuleika comforted the young mother. She herself was beside worry along with all the Bedouins who sat in silence, waiting.
Suddenly there was so much activity, Noor jumped up gasping, running towards the approaching camel and everyone was buzzing in excitement.
Adil handed her to Noor who clutched her tightly to her chest all the while mumbling shukran to no one in particular.
She looked sternly at her daughter, scolding her but her return washed over all of that as she looked at the little one's new friend.
"Oh! You shaitaan! You troublemaker! I shall age years at a time! " She voiced as her husband only laughed. They knew they couldn't hold it against her, after all she was her mother's daughter with a penchant for adventure.
She showed Zuleika her bright friend whose only response was.. "Dear god..The mothers and daughters of this family.. "
Nafisa was asleep soon enough, she was cleaned, bathed and fed. She slept in between her parents as her bug was placed in a big jar with a whole to allow him to breathe, she even poured it some water and left a few morsels for it out of her meals.
Adil stared at his wife and smiled before commenting. "She takes after you. "
"Yes, yes her father's no less either. " She retorted, rolling her eyes.
"I meant her kindness. "
"Even in that, you are no less." After a moment of silence she continued." I'm beginning to feel I did maybe trouble Zuleika a little too much.. "
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“History does not remember blood. It remembers names…”
Continuation of my House of the Dragon season 1 rewatching experience. Where I pick apart small details and examine the events and characters from a different perspective.
This time, I wanna break down Corlys Velaryon’s character and his “loyalty” to Rhaenyra as well as Rhaenys and the part she plays. This one is more of me finally understanding where Corlys is coming from - something that I’m sure most people have already figured out by now, and I’m probably just slow to the party because I didn’t really pay attention to him the first time I watched the show.
When I first watched the show, I was baffled at Corlys and his blindness towards Rhaenyra’s children. Like how can this man stand there, and think “yep, those are my grandsons alright!” and honestly support their claim to Driftmark over his granddaughters who we can clearly see are legitimate?
We know he would supposedly have no problems naming Baela or Rhaena heir to Driftmark as he himself disagreed with Viserys being named heir over Rhaenys. Claiming she should’ve been next in line and it shouldn’t have mattered if she were a woman.
Most people assume this is the reason Corlys is supporting and fighting for Rhaenyra. Not wanting the same thing that happened to his wife, happen to her.
But honestly? Corlys has never done nor supported anything that does not directly benefit himself and his house. Corlys ultimate approach to anything at all, is “does this benefit me or my house?”
I don’t think he will be as loyal to Rhaenyra as we think he will be…
For some context:
The Step Stones
Straight from the get go in episode 1, Corlys was insistent that the crown should interfere with the war brewing in the step stones. He mentions how it’s his houses ships and men who were being attacked and slaughtered. This was a fair ask: who would want to sit there and watch as their assets are stolen or broken down? It brings down his house reputation and makes others question their strength, when a few rebels from the free cities can wage war and defeat the fleet of House Velaryon.
Potential Queen?
In episode 2, it’s Corlys who is insistent that Viserys should marry his daughter Laena and unite their two houses. He obviously just did this because he wanted to have his daughter be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms - something every lord in Westeros would want as it seems to come with many perks and prestige.
Rebelling and disobeying his King
After having his offer declined, and Alicent announced as Viserys’ new bride, Corlys marches out of the small council, and runs straight to Daemon in exchange for support and aid in his battle at the step stones. Corlys does this without leave or permission from the king. He’s angry, has now been ignored twice by the king and crown, and also hasn’t managed to secure any kind of benefit for himself.
This shows that due to Viserys lazy attitude and approach to brewing war, something House Velaryon is suffering for, Corlys is ready to risk it all and disobey the crown to help his house.
When returning from the step stones, Corlys doesn’t even go back to Kingslanding. Instead he goes straight home to Driftmark, and when visited by Viserys in episode 5, he doesn’t even bother to greet the royals at the gates. This shows his ongoing lack of respect towards Viserys, Rhaenyra, and the crown itself.
New sighting of power and legacy
When Viserys offers a marriage proposal between Rhaenyra, the heir to the iron throne, and his only legitimate son Laenor… it gives Corlys a glimmer of hope, in restoring his house’s rank. Marrying into the royal family, and having his son as king consort is his shiny new opportunity that he missed out on with Laena.
However, instead of being joyful and immediately accepting the offer, Corlys’ first question is in regards to the name both Laenor and Rhaenyra’s children would take. By Westerosi tradition, they should take their fathers name, and therefore be Velaryon’s - something that greatly excites Corlys because it would mean his houses’ name would continue on to form a new dynasty of kings and queens.
Of course Viserys shuts this idea down, already knowing what Corlys is thinking, and instead claims that only the second born son would inherit Driftmark with the name Velaryon. The heir being reserved as Targaryen. Corlys thinks this over and accepts the offer.
History remembers names
Now, Corlys and Rhaenys, are not idiots. They can clearly see at Laena’s funeral that Rhaenyra’s children are bastards, and know they have no Velaryon blood in them whatsoever.
They have two granddaughters standing right there in front of them, who are CLEARLY Laena’s daughters, but instead, both choose to turn a blind eye to the legitimacy of Rhaenyra’s sons.
Why? Because as Corlys put it, “history doesn’t remember blood, it remembers names”
If Corlys had decided to care more about blood, he would’ve made Baela or Rhaena the next in line (after Laenor at this point) to inherit the driftwood throne. But because Corlys knows that history books do not care whose blood you have running through your veins, he continues to support Lucerys’ claim to Driftmark.
If he were to name either Baela or Rhaena lady of the tides, his ancestral home would pass to a Targaryen - something he would not let happen. Daemon Targaryen is their father, and therefore they have his name. Lucerys Velaryon however, may not have Corlys’ blood, but he has his name.
Corlys has proven time and time again, that he is only looking out for his house and his legacy. He will take whatever offer he can get, that allows him to climb the ranks.
Rhaenys on the other hand does not care so much about names. She only cared about her children, and her grandchildren being Baela and Rhaena.
When comforting the children in the Driftmark episode, she runs straight to Baela and Rhaena, and doesn’t seem to think twice about Luke or Jace. She does not consider Luke her grandson, and therefore would most likely prefer Baela and Rhaena be named heir to Driftmark.
I think after the Driftmark episode, Rhaenys could care less about Daemon and Rhaenyra. This episode is very heavy on her - she is attending the funeral of her daughter, who she hadn’t seen in quite a long time thanks to Daemon who refused to leave Pentos to return. She then also loses her son in the very same episode, who was conveniently murdered right before Rhaenyra and Daemon got married. Not to forget how Daemon just stands there watching after his daughters were beaten up.
From here on out, her only priority is to defend and protect her granddaughters.
Lucerys’ claim and legitimacy
Rhaenyra visits Rhaenys in episode 8 in the gardens. As Lucerys’ claim is being questioned and reevaluated, Rhaenyra knows (as Corlys is injured) that Rhaenys is her best chance.
Unfortunately, Rhaenyra has a habit of living in her own happy bubble, thinking everything around her is going great. She expects that Rhaenys will support Luke immediately, using the logic “Luke is her grandson” but is a bit shocked when Rhaenys doesn’t seem to care.
Desperately, Rhaenyra makes her an offer - Baela would marry Jace and become Queen one day, and Rhaena would marry Luke, and become Lady of Driftmark.
This is ultimately the best decision if Rhaenys wanted to support her granddaughters and simultaneously respect her husbands desire to strengthen his house and legacy. So she takes it.
House Velaryon would live on through Lucerys and Rhaena Velaryon, whilst the Targaryen dynasty would live on through Jace and Baela Targaryen.
Rhaenys did not accept Rhaenyra’s offer out of love for her, or loyalty, or her claim. She accepted it as it was the best decision for her house and granddaughters. Corlys would’ve done the same, for the exact same reasons.
The death of Lucerys Velaryon
If my logic is correct thus far, then why didn’t Corlys or Rhaenys pull out of the war when Lucerys died? Rhaena would no longer become lady of Driftmark, Lucerys was dead. Both Corlys and Rhaenys’ children are dead.
We know Rhaenys didn’t even want to get into a war with the greens in the first place, hence not killing them at the crowning. They could’ve chosen to remain neutral and refused to take part.
Especially after (SPOILER) Jace comes back from Winterfell after having met Sara Snow…
Well it’s simply because Joffrey Velaryon is still alive and well. If Joffrey was not there, I truly believe Corlys would’ve been VERY hesitant to support Rhaenyra at all.
Loyalty to Rhaenyra (not)
I honestly DO NOT believe Corlys is being loyal to Rhaenyra out of the goodness of his heart, nor his sense of justice that his own wife was snuffed out of the position as Queen and therefore he must make it right this time around. Rhaenys couldn’t care less as she had already warned both Rhaenyra and Corlys that there were be a war, as the realm would not accept a Queen peacefully.
I think their alliance is only holding on by a thread that happens to have brown hair, brown eyes, whose name starts with a J and ends with a Y. Without Joffrey, supporting the blacks does nothing for Corlys or his house.
This man is more complex than I originally thought him to be. Maybe I’m just slow and maybe everyone is already like “well yeah duh” but it’s an interesting take on him. That he’s not this loyal puppy dog who cares for Rhaenyra and her children, but instead is playing the long game.
I don’t think he’s going to stay loyal to her as I believe when a better offer comes his way, he will not hesitate to take it.
He can see how this ends. He just wants to make sure that when it does, he’s on the side that wins, and the side who will help strengthen his house and legacy…
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zaeliaeve · 1 year
𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮 [𝓚.𝓜] 𝟏𝟖+ Chapter 5
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WARNINGS: mentions of power dynamics, daddy kink, oral sex, and squirting.
Life inside the firm was changing.
Bianca had spent almost every moment there beside Jude these days, partially because she had to since they shared a desk, but also because they had been getting along well so she didn't mind at all.
It was a nice distraction from Kylian, for whom she had decided that needed space from. Distantly knowing he had a girlfriend was one thing, but to see it in front of her face was a whole other. He told Camille he loved her knowing he just had sex with Bianca and she was scared to death underneath his desk, and then in that same conversation with Camille seemingly wanting to work things out.
It was too overwhelming.
She decided to just say nothing and pretend nothing happened, ignoring Kylian's attempts to reach out. There were texts sent throughout the days and calls made, but she didn't answer any of them no matter how badly she wanted to.
KM: I know I fucked up I'm sorry Bianca
KM: I had to defuse the situation, my feelings for you have never changed
KM: Bianca I promise I never meant to hurt you, things are just complicated
KM:  Please just give me the chance to explain myself and then I promise I'll leave you alone after if that's what you want.
KM: I miss you
Reading Kylian's pleas broke her heart. Bianca wanted nothing more than to answer back and scream at the top of her lungs that she missed him too, but she knew that it was a horrible idea. The moment they would speak again, she knows she would be like putty in his hands all over again.
In her mind, she wondered, does he miss me or does he miss the sexual fulfillment?
There was an odd gray area of What is this? What could it ever even be? Had it been only sex for him?
It was testing seeing his face every day and having to hold strong. Kylian would leave longing glances as he walked past but she would pretend that she was suddenly busy with work. His face would appear in her dreams every night and she thought about him most mornings.
Kylian was inescapable. There was no one that would understand her situation so she was forced to just suck up the pain and just hoped it would go away with time, but luckily there was someone interesting around to brighten up her days.
Jude Bellingham is objectively likable.
The British native is young, polite, ambitious, and easy on the eyes; which makes for a magnetic personality that everyone was drawn to. He offered a new perspective that was well-needed as things began to become stale around the office. The higher-ups loved him, always stopping by at the front desk just to chit-chat about football or ask him how his day was.
Even Sergio Ramos liked him, and Sergio didn't like anyone besides Leo. He was the shiny new toy, and everyone wanted a turn to play with him.
There was something about Jude that absolutely irked Kylian to his core. Maybe it was what Kylian deemed Jude's obnoxious accent, or what he called his kiss-ass personality but each time he saw him, he only liked Jude less.
Perhaps it started when Kylian had gone to the front desk with donuts in an attempt to speak to Bianca again after she's ignored every one of his calls and texts for three days straight.
Kylian clutched the pink box full of powdered pastries in one hand while the other opened the front door, instantly revealing boisterous laughter and pained squeals. Kylian froze in his place when he saw Bianca practically straddling Jude facing away from the door, only a mere two inches away from each other's faces.
"Fuckin' hell Bianca" Jude winced, fingernails digging into her sides.
Bianca's giggles grew louder as she pulled her hand away, twinkly metal tweezers in hand. "I'm sorry that one was right in the middle so I had to get it!" Her thumb soothed the spot that she just plucked from.
"I better look like Idris Elba when you're done."
She shook her head and brought the cold metal back up to his eyebrows. "You'll look even better. Stay still this time or you'll go home with bald 'brows" He could hear the smile in her voice.
Kylian felt like a creep staring at them but he couldn't stop. The way Jude was clutching her like she was his and making her laugh like a schoolgirl caused stinging in Kylian's chest. His nostrils were flared and he was gripping the box so hard he hadn't even noticed it was now dented and crushed.
Jude's eyes eventually caught Kylian's and his chair moved back almost causing Bianca to fall backwards. "Good morning, Mr. Mbappé" He tried to regain his composure, hand catching Bianca's back to steady her and spin her around.
She looked like a deer caught in headlights, her large eyes wide and thick eyebrows raised. "Good morning, sir." There wasn't a hint of anything but professionalism in her voice no matter how hard Kylian analyzed it.
Kylian ignored the duo's greetings and tossed the disfigured box in front of Bianca before heading to the elevators in a discombobulated rush. He could have sworn he heard Jude whisper to Bianca faintly "What a dickhead."
Events like that only kept happening.
Kylian waltzed into the breaking room after a long meeting, head pounding after the hours of discussion about crunching numbers without break. He swore he never wanted to look at another calculator again, or at least for the next hour.
By this time usually, the break room was filled with people grabbing snacks or coffee, but it was surprisingly empty. The silence provided a needed serene peace for Kylian after the day he had. A loud creaking broke his calmful state, only to be even more annoyed when he saw who it was.
Jude entered first with Bianca just behind him, both of them holding the same design of takeout bags, clearly ordering from the same place. He was off to the side so he wouldn't be surprised if the pair haven't noticed him.
They sat at the small table and laid out their food in platters. Kylian tried not to watch this time, keeping his eyes concentrated on his almost full container of yogurt. "Damn, this has broccoli in it" Jude sighed as he looked down at his rice.
Bianca leaned her head forward to get a peak at the paper plate to spot the green vegetable. "You don't like broccoli?"
Jude took the plastic fork and started picking out one of the many pieces of broccoli "Don't like isn't a strong enough word-"
"That's two words."
"-Whatever. Either way, I hate it."
Bianca picked up her plate and held it out to him. "Do you want mine? I like broccoli so it's kind of a treat for me."
Jude took her plate and slid his over to her in exchange. "I should have guessed you'd like broccoli, nerd."
His tone became serious for a moment. "Thank you though that's very kind of you, Bee."
She smiled genuinely at him before digging her fork into the rice.
Kylian's voice broke them out of their own world as he stood up, his chair squeaking against the floor. "How cute." He didn't mean for it to come out as sarcastic as it did.
Bianca's lips downturned and her eyes fell into her lap. "Oh hello I didn't see you Mr.Mbappé. How are you?" Jude's grinned at the Frenchman.
"You two are always together these days. Are you guys dating?" Kylian tried to keep his tone casual, but he had to force the sentence out of his teeth.
Now it was Bianca's turn to storm out, leaving her vegetable rice behind on the table. Jude's upper lip rose and his eyebrows knitted together with confusion as the door shut behind her quietly. There was an awkward silence for a moment while Jude packed up the leftover food.
"I think I should go see what's bothering her. Have a good lunch sir" He was off, taking the plastic bags with him as he left.
Kylian let out a heavy sigh and threw away the rest of his yogurt.
Stalking any of your or ex-romantic interests accounts is never a good idea. There is nothing you can find that will bring you satisfaction, especially if you go in looking for the bad things. The things you know will hurt you.
Bianca knew this was an especially dumb idea seeing as Kylian had a whole life outside of her, but she couldn't stop herself as her thumbs typed in his name into the search bar. Shockingly he was public and held a normal following of about a thousand followers.
The most recent picture was of him and his brother at what appeared to be a football match with the caption Good times with my bro @ EthanMbappé *french flag emoji.*
Kylian looked relaxed, like the stress of his life had taken the day off as he sat with his brother on the sidelines, teeth showing and sunglasses up showing the reflection of the flash of his camera.  Bianca found herself smiling as she scrolled to the next picture.
The next photo was of him and Ariella dated to the fall set outside a classroom with Ariella clinging onto her dad as he held her with a big grin in contrast to her pout. The caption read So hard to say goodbye to ma coccinelle *heart emoji*
Bianca clicked on the comments to see the first one was Camille, followed by his mother and another random account whom she assumed was his friend. Camille wrote a simple My loves!!!
She felt bad for laughing when she noticed Kylian hadn't responded to the comment but responded to his friends.
Bianca somehow ended up on his mom's page scrolling through their Christmas photos. She held the phone in one hand while she took a sip of her poorly made horchata in the other and when she set the drink back down, she dropped the phone flat on its face.
Her first reaction was to cringe and hope the screen was not shattered, but when she picked it back up it was far worse. On Kylian's comment saying he loves his mother, there was a highlighted red heart showing she liked it somewhere in the process of the phone falling.
Bianca screamed and slapped her hand to her mouth, quickly unliking the comment. There was a thick silence amongst herself as she sat in shock, quietly praying that he has his notifications off.
Things stayed stagnant for the next hour, Bianca paced around her living room hoping that he would never notice. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she heard the familiar Whatsapp notification.
Bianca was horrified to check the app but she knew she had to.
KM: Stalker ;)
She held her face to the pillow as she let out a long wail, her face burning with shame. Maybe it was the embarrassment or maybe she just outright missed him but no matter the reason the responded within five minutes.
B: I could say the same for you
Before Bianca could leave the app he was typing again.
KM: You're deflecting
KM: Just say you missed me too
At that moment nothing else mattered, no other distraction or person between them was stopping her as read his texts.
B: Maybe just a little bit
KM: You're so cute
KM: Do you have some free time? We should talk about everything
B: I think the real question is do you have free time?
KM: I'll be there in an hour let me take care of some things
Bianca rushed out of her bed like a bat out of hell. All of her efforts for the past week have gone to the wayside as she jumped into the shower and prepared like she was going off to war, smothering herself in every fancy soap, cream, and glitter she could.
There was enough time for her to take time to really prepare how she wanted to in hopes of wanting to impress Kylian. She had managed to get ready with a spare five minutes but she sat waiting for twenty before Kylian had texted her again.
KM: I'm outside
Three knocks proceed the text.
Bianca walked over to the door unsure of what to expect, but when she opened the door she was greeted by a comfortably dressed Kylian sporting a black Valentino hoodie with matching sweatpants. She wasn't sure how to approach him so she just kissed both of his cheeks in a neutral greeting.
He stopped to take off his white sneakers at the doormat while Bianca shut the door behind him. "You smell good, ma belle" he noted as he stepped onto her carpet.
"Thank you, so do you."
That was an understatement. Just smelling his familiar strong cologne made her press her thighs together. It was hypocritical to think that he possibly wanted her just for her body when all she can think about is getting on her knee's from him, but it was hard not to when he stood there in the flesh looking finer than ever in his sweatsuit.
They walked over to her couch and sat beside each other but their bodies leaned so they could face each other. "Sorry about being a little late I had to finish speaking with Ibrahimovic about-"
Bianca couldn't focus, only watching his mouth move but not processing his words. She swung her leg up across his lap and rubbed slowly, hoping to get her point across. "You little brat you aren't listening to me" Kylian's hands found her leg and guided her.
"I am listening to you." She lied, sitting up so she could use her palm instead.
Kylian grew underneath her hand, the thick material of his pants not shielding his excitement. "Ahh- as much as I wanna do this we have a lot of things we have to discuss princess" He couldn't stop himself from bucking up into her touch.
Bianca's hand froze and her lower lip pouted out as she batted her long eyelashes at him. "Can't we talk about it after Daddy?"
His eyes darkened as he leaned forward to crash his lips onto hers roughly, tongue slipping into her mouth when she gasped. Butterflies erupted in Bianca's stomach as Kylian lightly sucked on her tongue teasingly.
Bianca could feel the puddle pooling between her legs and wanted relief so she crawled onto Kylian's lap. "So eager tonight" he mumbled as he trailed his kisses down into her neck.
She winced loudly as a sharp pain stung her neck, Kylian's teeth biting into the corner of her skin. Kylian sucked harshly until Bianca was whining and clawing at his back. He pulled back with a smile on his face, pressing another quick kiss to the wet spot. "Perfect."
Kylian's thumb grazed over the forming bruise and Bianca slapped his shoulder softly. "Did you give me a hickey?" She asked with disbelief, eyelids low.
"Wanted to remind you that you're mine."
Bianca was so pleased with his response that she didn't even want to break down the irony or think about the repercussions.
She lifted up her shirt so that he could have better access to her body and Kylian wasted no time undoing her bra. Kylian cupped her breast as he bit above her nipple, teeth sinking down into the soft skin to leave another mark. "All mine." He muttered against her.
His knees sunk into the couch further as he sat up to take his hoodie off, him now wearing a plain white shirt. Kylian stripped that off too before he turned his attention to fully undressing Bianca.
Bianca's hips rose as he tore her underwear off, stroking his neck as he left bites all down her body to her stomach where he started to become more careful and sweet, licking and caressing at her curves. "All yours." She repeated back to him as he get lower.
Kylian seemed to be on a mission as he parted Bianca's legs and kissed up her thighs until he reached her  wet center. He licked a long stripe before delving deeper inside, nudging at her clit with his nose.
He teased her for a very short bit, licking everywhere besides where she needed it most. Bianca was whimpering and grasping at the cushions for support. She couldn't take it anymore and squeezed her thighs closer to his head.  "Need your big dick inside Daddy" she cried, the heels of her feet digging into his bare back.
Kylian shook his head and lapped at her clear juices, causing her to squirm around from oversensitivity "t-too much" she mewled as she gripped his short hair.
He pulled his head up only enough to hover over her clenching hole. "You've been bad, mon bébé. Now you gotta take your punishment like a good girl."
Bianca was practically drooling at his words, bracing herself for whatever he wanted."Yes, daddy."
"You listen so well for me"
His mouth attached to her clit, gently sucking to ease her into it. Bianca's thighs shook as he began to hallow his cheeks against the sensitive bud,  causing tears to well up in her eyes.
Kylian's tongue circled as he continued slurping, groaning at the sweetness of her on his tastebuds. Bianca couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks, the pleasure at a new height. "Haaah daddy, yes!" she practically screamed.
He was enjoying every moment of this, eyes opening to watch her face contort from the overstimulation. Her tears of happiness only caused him to go faster, adding two fingers into her hole when he felt she was ready for it.
His long fingers scissored inside of her at a steady pace making lewd notices as he pushed the slick liquid back into her. The entire room was loud between Bianca's pleading moans and the sound of Kylian gulping at her sopping folds. He began grinding against the couch, his own body throbbing for him to be inside of her.
Bianca's hips were rocking in time with his smooth pink tongue, spreading her mess all over Kylian's face who licked up every ounce he could.
Kylian felt her swollen organ tighten more rapidly signaling she was already close. Bianca was a  mess above him, shoving her fingers in her mouth in an attempt to subdue herself but failing. The strange pressure had built up once again and Bianca now understood what it meant.
"I think I'm g-gonna-" She stopped to let out a scratchy moan, unable to hold back any longer.
Kylian didn't stop pumping his fingers deep inside of her but he did pull his mouth away to stick his tongue out in order to catch the shooting liquid. "Daddy, daddy fuck oh fuck" she babbled out, grinding against his fingers.
He drank up the liquid like it was water, delving back into her wet heat to catch the last of it he could while she rode out her orgasm on his fingers, shaking and squeezing around his thick digits.
Bianca's screams quieted and Kylian pressed one last long kiss to her clit before getting up and enveloping his tongue into hers, sharing her taste with herself. Bianca wrapped her arms around his neck as they swapped their spit back and forth in a kiss. "Do you taste yourself, princess? Do you see why I'm addicted?" He asks as he sticks his coated fingers in her warm mouth.
She hummed around them in agreement and bobbed her head against the shiny skin. "I want to be the only one doing this to you. You want that too don't you, baby?" Kylian took his slimy fingers out to squeeze her cheeks together.
Bianca couldn't get out anything, only a quick nod. "We'll figure this all out. One day it'll be just us." He yanked her face to his for another sloppy kiss before grabbing her naked body and placing her on the floor in front of him.
"Open your pretty mouth for Daddy."
It felt like a dream, like what he was saying was too good to be true. Just them?  It's everything she wants to hear.  All she wishes for is him in any capacity she can take and it only feels more true right now.
Bianca wondered to herself how she could go days without speaking with him and vowed to never do it again if possible. 
The two of them went on until Kylian spilled his seed down her throat, praising her for being so good to him. Bianca was in pure bliss as she gulped him down, only pulling up when Kylian told her to.
They cleaned up and nestled together on the couch in a blanket, some random movie in French playing in the background. It felt like heaven on Earth being in his arms once again, being able to play pretend for a couple of hours.
This time, Kylian was adamant about not falling asleep because he had seen how that ended last time and did not want to repeat it.
Kylian ran one hand along her now-clothed stomach caringly while the other was entangled with Bianca's. "What do you wanna do?" Kylian asked, head leaning down at the girl to see her face.
Bianca's eyes didn't leave the TV. "About what?"
In her head she thought, Please don't ruin the moment. Let's stay like this just a little longer.
"You and I. We're in such a fucked position, Mon amour."
Bianca's perfect bubble busted and they're forced to once again face reality.
When she didn't answer, Kylian kept talking. "If anyone found out about us, I would lose my job. Getting involved with anyone below me in the company's hierarchy will get me fired, no questions asked. It opens the company up to potential lawsuits and I'd be a liability. You know that, Bianca." He kept his tone as nice as he could but stern to emphasize the significance.
She had known that for a long time but pushed it down as far as she could but she knows she can't anymore. Truthfully she had been focusing so much on his relationship that she almost forgot about the risks that came with this. The danger was too realistic, too important to ignore any longer.
"We'll be more careful. No more fooling around at work," Bianca tried to bargain, setting up from his hold to meet his gaze.
Kylian looked empathic as he pursed his lips together. "This is my entire career on the line. I've worked all of my adult life to get up to this point."
Bianca frowned and tried to think of what to say, but her mind drew a blank. What reasoning is there to say to refute him? He's not wrong. "I'm sorry, Kylian."
He breathed heavily out of his nostrils and brought the back of her hand up to meet his lips. "I don't want to lose my job, but I can't quit this either."
She couldn't look at him anymore. He still had the power to make her just as nervous and shy as the day she first started liking him so she turned her head to look back at the TV.  He brought his hand to her chin, nudging her to look at him again and she complied, her cheeks warming up.
"I don't want to lose you," Bianca told him, hands wrapping around his arm.
Kylian shook his head like that wasn't anything she should be concerned about. "You won't. You're like a little worm in my brain now that I can't get rid of" He joked, dimples poking out as he smiled.
Bianca rolled her eyes playfully. "How romantic."
He laced his hands with hers. "Seriously though. You're always there in my head. No matter where I am, I'm just waiting until the next time I can be with you. Unless I'm with Ariella of course."
She would never, ever want to be before Ariella so she nodded understandingly. "I feel the same way. We just have to be a lot more sneaky, and definitely no more work sex until I find a new job."
Kylian was visibly shocked. "Another job?"
Bianca looked at him like it was the easiest decision in the world. "I'm a secretary, it's not exactly the most rare job out there. You have a daughter to feed and I'm not going to ruin her life just because her dad decided to hook up with his employee. With all due respect of course." She lightened her tone at the end in order to soften the blow.
"It's honestly not the worst idea you've had. I'd feel guilty about you leaving though." Kylian frowned at her.
He looked at her concernedly, like he wanted her to really think about her words. "Let's say things don't work out between us. Then what, I'm forced to look at your face every day for the rest of my life and torture myself? It'll be even worse if it does work out because then you'll be out of a job." Bianca explained.
"So will you, if you leave because of me."
She made a 'seriously?' face at him. "You're only two positions away from being CEO of the highest-rated finance firm in all of France and you're only twenty-four. I'll be fine taking calls at another place and quite frankly, I don't like working there all that much either."
Kylian's flashed his teeth at her words. "Keep stroking my ego, I like it."
She stuck her middle finger out to him and he bit it playfully.
"You have a good heart, but don't do anything rash. Just think about it, the decision is completely yours." Kylian kissed the side of her head and melted at the thought of how giving she was.
He cupped the sides of her face as he kissed her lovingly. When they pulled away, he noticed a flash in her eyes. "Wait a minute what about Camille?'
Kylian looked confused before groaning and leaning back on the couch as if it all flooded back to him. "Fuck Bianca we're really in a messy situation."
She remained deadpan. "You don't say."
He rubbed his hand across his forehead, stress clearly weighing on him again. "Promise you we will talk about it tomorrow. I just wanted to get the job talk of the way tonight so we can clear some things up. I want to spend this next hour holding you before I have to leave."
Bianca settled into his arms again with a grin, happy to not have to face any more of the big problems today. She knows the Camille dilemma comes with more complications and she was not in the mood to dissect that today.
Kylian rubbed all over her body absentmindedly as they enjoyed each other's company, attention turning back to the movie. Bianca finally felt safe for the first time in a long time.
She lazily picked up her phone when she got a text notification and opened it directly in front of Kylian.
J: u've stood me up for hot chocolate that's vile bee
J: have you died?
𝔸/ℕ: 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘! 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪, 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕦𝕡 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕟𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝟛𝕜 𝕠𝕗 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕀 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪'𝕒𝕝𝕝! 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕠𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕙𝕒. 𝕊𝕠 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕖 𝕧 𝕂𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟! 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕞𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙, 𝕋ℍ𝔸ℕ𝕂 𝕐𝕆𝕌 !!!!!!! <𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
choose your own adventure interactive story bg3 | Part Ten - The End
So...funny thing the poll ended in a tie somehow and now you have two endings because of it!
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Ending A - The friendzone
> tell him he's welcome back here anytime.
He seems content with your reply, giving a grateful smile before stepping through the portal. It pulses and glows with lights as it swallows him whole, shrinking in size afterwards until the waves of colours snapped out of existence.
You're all alone again, in your living room. Not a trace of him left, almost as if he never came to begin with. You wonder if it was really just a dream, a hallucination maybe.
The loud meow of your cat snaps you back to reality, the little thing has been ignoring the whole impossible to exist magic portal and was focusing on their food instead.
You find out the ate through the whole middle sections and now the food is collecting around the edges of the plate, they stare at you expectingly. You walk over and shake the plate a bit, spreading the food out.
A happy purr greets you as they go back to annihilating their food.
That was the last you saw of him for a while, Gale. Days become weeks and weeks become months. Until you eventually find an envelope under your doorstep when coming home one day.
It smells just like him, it's signed off with Prof.Dekarios.
You open the envelope and a comically long letter unfolds down, written in cursive on a lovely lavender parchment.
It's from Gale, he tells you how your talk with him encouraged him to face Mystra. How it probably saved him from the biggest mistake of his life, his ego had blinded him and led him down a dangerous path in magic.
Thankfully, his old mentor visited him and talked him out of it just in time. Apparently when he demanded a break from Mystra to her face, it caused quite a stirr in the magical society which is why his mentor must have sensed that something isn't right with him.
Still, he feels like he owes the thanks to you most of all. You truly made him see the whole picture, step back and put things into perspective. He is so much more than just Mystra's lover, he doesn't have to try hard to impress her. If she loses interest in him then so be it.
And just like he predicted, she eventually did end up moving into a shiny new wizard. Some idiot in a tower in Baldur's gate who claims he achieved immortality somehow? Gale never really bothered with the mages gossip anymore.
Especially not since he finally took the job offered to him and became a professor! At a wizarding school in waterdeep to boost! Both his mother and Tara look more proud of him than they have been in years.
At the end of the letter, he apologized for not writing sooner. He just wanted to get his life in order first, untangle himself from the mess he suddenly found himself in. A mess he would've dived deeper into, wasn't it for you waking him up.
The two of you end up writing letters back and forth. Maybe it was already a hobby of years, or maybe you pulled a quick tutorial on youtube each time.
He tells you about his life, you tell him about yours. One time you send a picture inside the envelope of your cat being adorable and he is so fascinated by this invention that he asks if he can come and visit you agian.
Growing closer, becoming friends and trusting each other more and more. He opens himself to you, tells you secrets that he hasn't told a soul before. Likewise he is there for you when life becomes too much, he is by your side when you can't bare the idea of being alone.
Ending B - Wizard's apprentice
> ask if he can take you with him, and your cat.
He looks hesitant, unsure of how to respond. He wants to politely refuse, but it seems like such a rude thing to do, especially after all you did for him today.
And so he extends his hand to you, still holding the heavy grocery bags so please hurry up and take it. You don't have to be told twice as you pick up your cat who's midway through their dinner and step with Gale into the portal.
There's a whirl of stars and colours around you, forms of magic passing through you as waves after waves of purple and blue protect you and Gale from the outside. Inside this small pocket of safety amidst the galaxy of stars.
Light emerges at the end of the tunnel, bright, warm, and orange as it becones you closer. Your floating feet land on the lovely wooden floor of a balcony with the sun itself melting down into the ocean in front of you in the most mesmerising view.
You've seen this room before, you recognise the furniture from your playthroughs. This is Gale's house in waterdeep, but more detailed than mere pixles and blendered objects. It looks real, alive and lived in.
He's still holding your hand, looking at you with the excitement of someone showing another their favourite thing in the world. To impress you, earning for your approval.
Gale wonders if maybe you'd like to join him in preparing dinner. This beautiful view shouldn't be left unenjoyed, especially when having a company as lovely as yours.
The days slip by in an almost trance like dream, everything you see from the simplest potion bottles to a whole ritual room for Arch-mages to preform their ceremonies in is greater than what you've ever could've imagined.
And Gale happily indulges you with all your questions, all your thirst for knowledge and curiosities. As if he was rediscovering magic himself but through your own eyes this time, through holding your hands as he teaches you the correct gestures to cast a spell, reads you all the books in the languages you never thought actually existed.
The magical tome of Karsus stays collecting dust on his desk, nothing more than a paper weight. Mystra never came here herself either, you noticed that each time Gale had to go visit her on his own in a nearby temple of hers.
Even this his visits dwindled, he spoke less and less of her each day with a nonchalant attitude. It seems like she was the one failing to gain his interest rather than the other way around.
Because how could he find anything else more interesting than your current journey through the weave? He promises to give you everything he himself never had growing up as a wizard, teach you every trick in the book and personally guide you.
Let you experiment and makes sure to be there to keep you safe, he will protect you but never underestimate you much like his own teachers did to him.
And most of all, he will make sure to hide you from Mystra if you happened to become another prodigy. You deserve far more than ending up as a plaything for her, your passion is worth the weight of the whole world in gold.
Also I lied, you have three endings and not two <3 the middle option is the one I would've voted for if I didn't refrain myself this time which would've resulted in a 3 way tie, it's so close too almost a shame.
So here is the bonus bonus third ending!
Ending C - Pet pals...and maybe more?
> say you're still looking forward to seeing Tara one day.
With a smile he promises to bring Tara to meet you soon.
And true to his words, the next day you wake up to another cat cuddling your own on their cat bed, except that one had wings.
Gale is sitting in the living room reading a book, maybe it's one of your books that he saw laying around or maybe it's a one he brought back himself. Either way he beams to see you and tells you about how Tara was very...protectively curious when she heard about you and demanded to meet that human who finally spoke sense into his thick skull.
Although she seems to have forgotten her original purpose once she stepped through the portal and was greeted by the adorable sight of your own cat.
As Gale puts it, she become a completely new and nicer Tara that he never saw before. She even ignored him when he told her it's impolite to just cuddle your cat when this is fair first visit.
But she called him a simpleton of a human who may never the understand the rick complexity of cat culture and how this is the highest of honours and most appropriate of behaviours.
The two of you end up supervising this playdate between your cats on more than one occasion, they seem to have developed and instant liking to each other and Gale doesn't remember ever seeing Tara so enamoured with a person before, or well a cat.
One time you let the existence of cat cafes in this world slip and Gale reacted as if you just invented true perpetual motion. You end up taking him to one and two of you have a great time sharing drinks and snacks while surrounded by so many cuddly cats, Gale falls in love more with your world bit by bit.
Eventually he confesses that Tara has been unbearable when she's away from you cat, and he hints at the idea of letting her stay with you? He will definitely pay for everything including her food and treatment, of course he will still come and visit on most days.
It almost like co-parenting, you see him three times a week and he's always bringing something for you and your cat. Tara is surprisingly easy to get along with, she seems grateful for letting her stay in your home and translates what your cat says sometimes.
One day, she says how her and Mrs.Dekarios have been wondering on when do you finally plan on tieing the knot with Mr.Dekarios.
I originally planned to add one last poll for the ending that's just for flavour, but tumblr only allows one poll per post so you'll have to share.
Part 9
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crash476 · 1 year
Alright, I just got up and I go to the Peggy Carter tag to see some hate thrown her way about the HYDRA/SHIELD shit and who's responsible for what and guys...
I think we all know the difference between a Watsonian and Doylist explanation, and honestly, finding a diegetic answer is a lost cause. There is no diegetic answer.
The Iron Man and Avengers scripts imply that SHIELD is a fairly new organization - likely birthed after 9/11 like the Department of Homeland Security - which gets contradicted by the Agent Carter short, which itself is practically no longer canon by the Agent Carter show, which itself is barely canon due to Endgame. She's confirmed to be director of SHIELD in Agents of SHIELD - which itself is shunted to a separate universe because the film side of Marvel wasn't talking to the pre-Disney+ TV, particularly the AoS team. Like they were begging for scraps about Winter Soldier so they could account for HYDRA. They may as well have gotten nothing because the infiltration was completely dropped from the movie story line. You'd think it would be a bigger plot point in Age of Ultron, right? While there was some consequences in Civil War, the HYDRA infiltration comes off as a minor inconvenience at best.
Seriously, there's next to no discussion of it in universe following Winter Soldier. The only place it had an impact was AoS, which the movie side seemed determined to kill. It's like someone or a bunch of people up top got spooked about the HYDRA reveal and wanted to bury it deep in the past. Hell, the whole Captain Carter thing seems to be Marvel's attempt to wipe the slate clean with Peggy. One of the reasons I bounced hard off of What If was because the Captain Carter episode felt like the execs were jangling keys in front of me like I was a baby.
"Forget about Agent Carter and the dark implications we accidently put into her story because we didn't think these retcons through, look at this shiny new character! "
I remember reading something or hearing a rumour that Winter Soldier was the lone Marvel-Disney film that didn't get Pentagon money. The Pentagon shells out a shit ton of money and aid to films as long as they tow the propaganda line and Winter Soldier was too critical of the US security state for their liking. Part of me thinks if that's true, then Disney got scared and dropped HYDRA very quickly. I mean, Baron Strucker was killed off unceremoniously in Age of Ultron and he's one of Cap's biggest villains. Whatever decisions were made, it results in the main timeline Peggy being all but erased. The implications are bad for Steve's main love interest. I don't even think it's about Peggy Carter herself, it's all about crafting Steve's perfect girlfriend.
Because of some poorly thought out retcons, her time as SHIELD director makes her come off as either a figure-head, incompetent, or corrupt. Giving her Alzheimer's at the end of her life all for the tragedy of Steve's situation stripped Peggy of her voice! Ever notice that we only hear of Peggy's time as SHIELD director second hand? We get one interview from (maybe) the late 50s where she's talking about Steve and moving on with her life, and a few scattered scenes in other movies. That's it. But almost everything set after Agent Carter season 2 is coming filtered through other people. Both in and out of universe, the main timeline MCU Peggy is a cypher. And I feel like various people at Marvel are more concerned about keeping her Steve's perfect girlfriend.
I doubt we'll ever see anything about SHIELD, HYDRA, or Peggy's time as director. Marvel, at least from my perspective, wants all of that forgotten because it's messy like all history is.
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goldeneyedgirl · 6 months
Can we get a little snippet of STL pretty pleaseeeeeee. I’m about to go back to college as a 28 yo (obviously nothing wrong with that) but something about knowing this fic started when I was in college the first time is making me super emotional and nostalgic. Super excited for the next chappie!!
Congratulations! I went back to uni at 26 and listen, it's so much better when you're older. I had way more fun and way more perspective about what and how I was learning. I also gave 0 shits about what anyone thought of me by, like, mid-second year.
Also wow, I'm horrified that much time has passed. Academically I know I started in 2017 but goddamn, that's a long time. Just redefining the slow burn in new and weird ways, I guess.
(That makes her squeeze her eyes tight because yes, things would be very different. She can still see those old visions, the very first ones, where Alice Cullen smiles across a sticky Formica table at a wary old vampire, and gets her first kiss ten minutes later in a dark alley. The ones where she doesn’t have any scars, and wears new dresses and shiny shoes, and gets to be bashful when the Major’s hand settles against her back. And she wants that kind of different. Not the kind of different that means the Major wouldn’t know her, wouldn’t be with her. That terrifies her.) // (There was a sense of security in it; those days before he started falling apart. She had a certain amount of confidence in her place and that life back then. Chalk-maps and training, the Major’s gaze like a security blanket around her. That there was some kind of respect there, an understanding between them. That they both understand he was her architect; the blank slate of his needs and desires. Now it’s a terrifying thought, that she was so willing to let him bend her to his will that she went in blind. But that’s her thinking back. She’d do it all the same, a hundred times over. Not out of a altruistic desire to protect him. But because she is selfish and he was hers as much as she was his.)
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write-feel-live-love · 6 months
Therapy Homework
My therapist recently decided to enlighten me that I've had depression for 6 years. I had done an amazing job hiding it with my anxiety disorder, but now that that particular disorder is being handled, depression has reared it's head. Yay.
We've been discussing it in my sessions and she decided to give me some homework (I'm a school nerd. I love homework. Actual yay!)
I have to rewrite the ending of Inside Out, but from MY emotions perspective. In my therapist's words: "How SHOULD the movie have ended from your perspective?"
So here goes....
"Guys... we can't make Riley feel....anything."
Anger, Disgust, and Fear stood frozen in sheer terror at what they had done. With Joy and Sadness out of the picture, they had ruined Riley. She stared out the bus window not even seeing her own reflection. Empty. Feeling nothing. Thinking nothing. Just running. Running from the life she had in San Francisco and hopefully Home, to where she was happy. She had friends there, her family was happiest there, her whole life was there. It was stupid to move out here anyway. It was time to go home.
But would anything really change? Mom and Dad would still be Mom and Dad. Her best friend would still have a new best friend. Where would that leave her?
Where does that leave her now?
"Stop the bus! I want to get off!" Thank the heavens Joy and Sadness were able to reverse the damage. But there was still a problem. Sadness has been put in a box. Riley had no idea what this emotion was, or how to handle it. She'd been sad before, but this.... This was different. This sadness demanded time. Time Riley didn't want to take. Time that her Mom and Dad didn't want to take.
"You're always our sweet, happy girl. Thank you Riley."
That's what Mom had said that night. When they were sad, or stressed, they depended on her. She couldn't let Sadness hurt her family. That wasn't her role to play. Her role was to keep every one happy. And happiness brings happiness. Right?
She walked into her home, and her parents nearly tackled her to the floor. And as their love sunk in, Sadness looked at her yellow friend. With a small, sad nod from Joy, Sadness approached the console.
Shiny tears welled in Riley's eyes. The battle was lost, and Joy had let go of control. She silently begged for Anger to take control, Disgust, even Fear! But they knew this was one emotion she had to learn to cope with. They all took an agonizing step backwards away from the console and watched Riley start to cry in her parents' arms.
She explained what had happened. How she missed home. How she thought going home would fix it. She explained that the years of being the "happy one" had finally taken its toll. As she let her dark truths pour out, something started to happen. Sadness glanced back at Joy, and rushed to her new found friend.
Joy had started to go dim. Against all rational thought, Joy was burning out. She'd been going so strong, for so long, that she was burning out. They all managed to wrangle her into her room to let her rest, and all of the manuals said she would be fine. Joy cannot permanently burn out, but she could fade for longer if she didn't rest.
Even Joy couldn't find the bright spot in this situation.....and neither could Riley.
Her parents did what they could, adjusted expectations, took her to get help, but Joy wasn't getting any better.
Sadness, however, was almost happy. She finally got to meet Riley. She got to really understand her and bond with her in a way she never could with Joy around. And while sometimes things went a little too far, Fear was always there to step in to stop Riley from going too deep into Sadness.
This went on for some time. Occasionally, Joy thought she was improving and would come out to the console, but it never lasted long. Her light would dim, and she'd have to go back to bed.
Anger, Disgust, and Fear all took turns helping Sadness so there weren't even more emotions out of commission, but that didn't always end well either.
Riley was stuck. And so was Joy.
And that's a wrap for tonight. I'm gonna go cuddle up with some nonfiction to shake that off. Happiness Project, here I come!
Goodnight void.
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kitkatt0430 · 5 days
I hate the suicide portrayal in Titanic. People act like that movie is above criticism, but it actually has many flaws.
Titanic is definitely one of those movies that is super mired in nostalgia that I do agree that it gets a bit over-romanticized in people's memories over how good it really is. I'm honestly not sure how much I even like the movie, though it's one I'll rewatch from time to time for reasons that are as much about what the movie represents for me personally - the people I've watched it with in the past - as for the plot and place it still holds in pop culture.
The movie's handling of suicide is... honestly not that bad. There are plenty of flaws in the movie - admittedly my go-to criticisms are with how that door could have easily supported Rose and Jack and Rose dropping that necklace into the ocean instead of giving one last middle finger to her former fiance by using it for a charity auction to support a food pantry or something that specifically benefits the poor. But there is definitely a lot of things about the film worth nitpicking and I can understand why it's handling of the topic of suicide will rub a lot of people the wrong way.
So from a narrative point of view, suicide as a plot device is always going to be a very controversial choice. Real life suicides are mired in mental health issues and for those who have any kind of experience with it - either having attempted suicide or known those who have or people who have lost loved ones to suicide or even just experienced suicidal ideation without actually making any attempts - there is no such thing as a universal experience. And because of this, even the most well researched depiction of suicide in fiction is going to run smack into the wall that is competing access needs.
Titanic is certainly no different. But as a narrative device, Rose's suicide attempt where she meets Jack is meant as a parallel to her choice after surviving the Titanic's destruction to metaphorically let her old self die and be reborn as someone new. The person Rose is as the start of the movie is depressed and suicidal. Her mother is forcing her into a marriage she desperately does not want and is verbally abusive towards her. Her fiance also shows shades of verbal abuse and viewing Rose not as a person but as a shiny trinket he can show off, with no more consideration given to her agency as a person than he would give an inanimate object like the Heart of the Ocean diamond. Unable to see a way out, it does make sense that Rose would be suicidal.
Historically, there have been plenty of men and women who when forced into a situation like Rose's, see no way out except through death. And Rose's situation at that point is a pretty textbook representation of people who feel trapped by their friends and family in an abusive situation that's primed to only grow worse. Not everyone would handle her situation the way she attempts to, but it's not exactly unheard of either.
So Jack saves Rose literally from suicide. And it's not uncommon for people committing suicide to change their mind like Rose does, so her realizing because of Jack that actually no she doesn't want to drown doesn't detract from the movie's depiction of the suicide attempt. Often suicide is referred to as a cry for help and it really is - in the case of Rose's fictional suicide attempt, she's essentially begging for someone to validate her feelings and give her new options. Because even though she'd rather die than let things continue as they are, she doesn't actually want to be dead.
And that's where Jack essentially saves her again. He doesn't handle everything perfectly by any means, but he shows Rose that she does have more options than she knows. The reason she is able to shed her old life - to let Rose Bukater die and start living as Rose Dawson - is because Jack helps her find strength inside herself she didn't know was there.
From a narrative perspective, it's definitely not badly done and one of the more decently handled suicide in historical fiction plots I've seen.
Rose's suicide attempt isn't the only was suicide is addressed in the movie, though. And they're all pretty decently rooted in actual history. From Rose's attempt to escape an unwanted marriage through death, to the suicides committed during the Titanic's slow sinking, to the reference of the suicides that happened when Wall Street's crash heralded the start of the Great Depression, these are all things we can find examples of in actual historical accounts of the time.
I wouldn't call the Titanic movie the best fictional accounting of the Titanic I've ever seen. If I could find my old copy of the Dear America diary set on the Titanic, I'd cheerfully pick that over the movie hands down. And if I never see a copy of the book Amanda/Miranda again it'll be too soon. Truly there are worse depictions than that movie and Amanda/Miranda is definitely one of them.
(For the curious - Amanda/Miranda on Goodreads)
But having said all of that, I really don't expect to change your mind or how you feel about the movie's use of suicide. It's something that has rubbed me the wrong way in the past too and will no doubt do so again in the future. It's just one of those topics that's never going to be handled in a way that satisfies everyone or even the same person from one viewing to the next.
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