#she’ll be turned off by my personality anyway. i’ve been THERE before
izvmimi · 10 months
cw: mildly suggestive.
Yuuji doesn’t typically call without priming through a text or when he’s on his way to his former sensei’s home, which is why when Gojo picks up the phone at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning, to hear Yuuji’s loud greeting on the other end of the receiver, he is genuinely taken off guard.
“What’s up?”
It’s barely 7am, and even the great Satoru Gojo is still rubbing the crust out of his eyes. Yuuji sounded partially out of breath when greeting him, and Satoru is partially suspicious that something must be wrong, but the idea of his former student running from a curse on God’s good morning and calling him instead of taking care of the problem at hand is laughable if anything. 
“When did you know?”
Gojo rises, stretching his left arm over his head as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed, instead of rising up straight like a board like the creature he is, and yawns.
“The hell are you talking about?”
Yuuji is still slightly out of breath, and Gojo suspects that he’s outside from the whooshing of air hitting the receiver. “Yuuji where exactly are you?”
Gojo decides not to probe further, but Yuuji always seems to offer more information than necessary anyway. 
“I can’t get her out of my head. I’ve been out here for two hours, just circling the neighborhood. People are looking suspicious. If I get arrested, please bail me out.”
The words come out choppy and agitated and Gojo can’t help but chuckle, knowing exactly who the ‘her’ is.
“So you thought to call me and not Megumi or Todo?” Gojo laughs. The phone is now on speakerphone as Gojo makes his way to the bathroom, setting the phone down on the sink counter as he splashes water on his face.
“You’re the only one who can relate,” is Yuuji’s simple reply.
“Well, that’s silly.” Gojo replies. But he knows it’s true - after all, the first thing he did upon waking is send his favorite person a good morning message that she’ll pretend didn’t make her heart flutter. And now, just like that, he’s thinking about you, and just maybe he should join Yuuji on that lap.
“So how did you know? When does it end?”
Yuuji has finally stopped, and his pants are louder now. Gojo can imagine him, hunched over, possibly at an intersection of roads, squinting from the light of the morning sun, discharging the energy of unrealized feelings.
Gojo was once there, many nights prior where lovesickness made it hard for him to eat or drink, instead preferring to feast his eyes on the image of you smiling, laughing, pouting, turning your head to him and away, biting your lip, scrunching your nose, twiddling your thumbs, reaching out for him… On that alone, he could feed and feed until he were full to bursting, and then more.
“That’s awful news!”
“Isn’t that the truth?” He replies. Gojo’s camera flips on and he lowers the hem of his pajamas just enough to expose his V-line, the miniscule more reasonable part of his psyche praying that he didn’t actually turn on Facetime, before snapping a suggestive photo and sending it to you.
‘Missed u’ it says in the caption, before he hits send.
Two seconds pass before Yuuji finally says, “Dude what the hell.”
Gojo’s stomach sinks. He was sure he had checked…
“That wasn’t meant-“
“Forget it, I’m going to call Aoi. Thanks though.”
Gojo ends up laughing as Yuuji hangs up, amused that his student has turned out more like him than expected. 
A last text message comes from Yuuji.
Angle more on the side and move the towel from the background. I’m sure she’ll like it.
The student surpasses the master.
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nadvs · 2 months
hi I’m current obsessed with swte universe 😭
would you write a blurb showing us how rafe and the reader dealt with the pregnancy? Specially after finding out it was twins. Like her mood changes and how Rafe dealt with all of that. Oh and if you could also show us about the day the babies were born 🥹🎉
omg thank you so much 🥹 yes of course!! i wrote a little pregnancy blurb and will do the birth story separately 🥰
based on this fic
» au masterlist
rafe is already protective as hell. but when he finds out she’s pregnant, it reaches a new level. he doesn’t even let her try to reach something off of the top shelf in the kitchen.
“i need to be active,” she says to him as he hands her the pan she was trying to grab. “it’s not good for me or the baby if i don’t move around.”
“then take walks,” rafe says, towering over her. “but if you need to reach something, get me.”
“what if you’re not home?”
“then wait for me to get home.”
she rolls her eyes, irritated but mostly endeared that he’s being so careful.
she gets morning sickness. and afternoon sickness. and night sickness. every time she retches in the bathroom and rafe is home to hear it, she comes out to see him standing by the door, a concerned wince on his face and a glass of water in his hand.
“you okay?” he asks.
she just shakes her head no and takes the glass.
when she reaches eight weeks, they go for her first ultrasound. she can tell something’s up when the technician who’s scanning her stomach seems to straighten up a few minutes in, then continues to take photos.
“is everything okay?” she asks nervously.
“yup,” the tech says. a few gruelling minutes pass by before she turns the screen towards her and rafe.
“i just wanted to confirm before telling you,” the tech explains, “i’m detecting two heartbeats. you’re having twins.”
they speechlessly watch the black and grey screen, following the tech’s finger as she points at a faint blinking.
“there’s one…” she says, then moves, “and two.”
“two,” rafe repeats. he’s still wrapping his head around the fact that he just saw his baby’s heartbeat, let alone two. he meets eyes with his girlfriend, both of them astonished.
a smile grows on his face, his warm hand wrapping around hers. but she’s still in shock.
“w-wow,” she stutters. “you’re sure?”
“positive,” the tech replies.
“i guess, um,” she says, “i guess my doctor will talk to me about it, but is there a higher risk of complications?”
all she’s been reading about is general, common, one-baby pregnancy. this is throwing her for a loop.
“it’s different for every woman,” she tells her, “but you’ll probably have more appointments than you expected just because doctors prefer to monitor multiple births closer.”
“okay,” she says. “thank you.”
“i’ll be sending the images to your doctor and she’ll follow up,” she says, handing her a wad of paper towels. “congratulations. i’ll give you some space to clean the gel and you can head out the same way you came in.”
the tech leaves the room. she meets her boyfriend’s eyes, still unable to crack a smile.
“you okay?” rafe asks.
“i’m…” she begins. “i can’t believe this. this whole time, i’ve been picturing… but there’s… there’s two?”
“there’s two,” he says. he can see how anxious she is. “i’ll be with you through it all.”
“i’m gonna get huge,” she says, shaking her head as she wipes the gel off her stomach.
“i hope so,” he replies. “future nba stars in there. they need to be tall.”
“god,” she says. “twins. why’d you do this to me?”
“i’m efficient.”
she meets his eyes, finally smiling.
“i’m glad you’re so happy,” she tells him.
he looks at her with soft eyes. he knows she’s still harboring a fear that rafe will treat their child like she was treated by her father. he’s learned not to take it personally. but even if he did, he’s determined not to stress her out at all through these nine months, so he wouldn’t say anything anyway.
“are you? happy?” he asks. he realizes he’s kind of fearful, too. maybe she’ll just be worried throughout the pregnancy. maybe they will face complications.
“yes,” she breathes. “i just need to shock to wear off first.”
sure enough, the doctor confirms it. she tells them that multiple pregnancies are riskier, but that they’ll monitor her closely.
as she gets heavier, she gets more irritable and demanding. rafe hates himself for it, but he gets frustrated at times, especially when he’s had a long day and comes home to their penthouse condo to see her on the couch, looking like she’s annoyed he’s home.
he never says anything when he’s irritated. but she can read him like a book.
“why are you mad at me?” she snaps, following him into the bedroom one night after he gets home from the gym.
“i didn’t say a word,” rafe mumbles.
“i can see it on your face,” he says. “what, is it because i don’t have dinner waiting? the smell of anything cooking makes me hurl, you know.”
“i know,” he says, throwing his gym clothes in the hamper. “i’m not mad.”
“can’t you look at me?”
rafe sighs and turns to look at her, her belly round and protruding under her shirt.
“you’re not even happy to be home,” she says, her hands on her hips.
“i am,” he says. “i’m just tired.”
“and i’m not? i have not one, but two things draining me of everything in me every second of every day. i don’t get any breaks. i can’t sleep.”
“i know,” he breathes. “i’m sorry. did you eat?”
“you think i’m stupid enough to be skipping meals? i’m nourishing them,” she says, touching her stomach. “don’t worry about that.”
“i meant…” rafe scratches the back of his neck. he refuses to lose his temper on her when she’s in this state; especially because she’s suffering for both of them. “for you. did you eat?”
“yes,” she says, her hard expression faltering a bit.
“can i get you anything? you have any cravings?”
“not right now,” she replies.
he nods and turns to finish emptying his gym bag.
“i’m making a protein shake soon. you want one, too?” he asks, his back to her.
she sighs, tears welling up in her eyes, and steps forward, putting her arms around him, her stomach pushing against his lower back.
“i’m sorry i’m such a bitch,” she mumbles, sniffling.
“don’t say that. you’re not a bitch,” he says. he’s used to her mood swings by now, but she usually just goes from indifferent to angry and back. she hasn’t cried in a while.
“i can see myself being crazy but i can’t stop,” she admits. “and i’m nervous about tomorrow. i hope they’re doing okay. i still haven’t felt them move.”
her twenty-week ultrasound is tomorrow. they’ll be finding out the twins’ genders.
rafe turns and plants a slow, gentle kiss on her forehead. he exhales slowly as she shudders with her cries.
“they’re doing great,” he says. “all the appointments and check-ups have been good. and whatever they end up being, we’ll love them.”
“you’re right.” she sighs and tilts her chin to kiss him. she hates that she can’t remember the last time they kissed. she feels like all she’s been doing lately is whining and puking.
“how are you?” she asks.
“how are you really?”
“i can’t complain.” he puts a hand on her belly. “i’m not the one with two things draining me every second of every day.”
“you’re allowed to be tired, too,” she says. “i’m sorry.”
“it’s all good, baby,” he says. “let’s watch something and pass out on the couch.”
the next day, they learn that she’s carrying a boy and a girl. rafe can’t believe how lucky he is.
when he falls asleep next to his girlfriend that night, curled up behind her, his hand on her belly, he feels a light, almost imperceptible movement on his palm.
“oh, my god,” she whispers into the dark. “did you feel that?”
“was that…?”
“it was,” she says, choking up. “one of them saying hi.”
rafe shuffles closer and kisses her neck a hundred times, gently rubbing her tummy. he still can’t get the way they looked on the ultrasound screen out of his head. he can’t fully comprehend that this is really happening, that this is his life, playing professionally and expecting babies with the only girl he’s ever loved.
he can take her mood swings. he can take her any way. as long as she’s with him.
a few days later, she suggests rafe go on a trip with his friends since it’s the off season. he asks her why and she tells him “so you get a break from me.”
rafe chuckles and kisses her before he tells her, “i don’t need a break from my best friend. what’d i tell you? you won’t do any of this alone.”
by the third trimester, she’s heavy and uncomfortable, but she’s not throwing up anymore. her mood swings are more manageable. at this point, she’s scared for the delivery, fully aware that babies can always come early, especially twins, but she’s excited to finally meet them.
and every chance he gets, rafe kisses her forehead, then gives two kisses to her stomach, telling his son and his daughter that he loves them.
she’s amazed at this side of him. she already knew beneath his aggressive, temperamental exterior was a fiercely protective man with a big heart. but the way he’s been treating her, even when she’s been so difficult and unreasonable, is astonishing.
and she can’t wait to see him as a father. she realizes now that she has no doubt that he’ll always make their children feel loved.
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petite-phthora · 8 months
Please don't shake the cat
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 13]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Private chat
RedHood: *picture*
RedHood: this yours???
Seeing the picture of Ellie clamped onto Red Hood’s arm Danny lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. He takes a few seconds to look at the picture while deciding on how to reply.
Private chat
Danny: you don’t happen to be in Mexico right now by any chance, do you?
RedHood: No.
RedHood: I was out patrolling when I was suddenly bitten by her.
RedHood: Thought it might have been a criminal or stray cat or something like that at first.
RedHood: I was not expecting a feral teenager, but I can’t say this is the first time it’s happened.
Danny: damn, she was supposed to be in Mexico 😕😥
Danny: I guess this is what she was trying to tell me with that cryptic message she sent me huh
Danny: and the stray cat analogy isn’t too far off to be perfectly honest 🤔
RedHood: So you know her?
RedHood: Can you help me get her off? I’ve tried prying but she’s got some sick ass jaw strength.
RedHood: Which would have been pretty cool any other time, but it’s currently not really working in my favor.
Danny: I’m so sorry about her 😓 😓
Danny: we’ve been trying to teach her to ask for consent first
Danny: but it’s still a work in progress 😅
Danny: of course I'll help you get her off!! 😊🙃
RedHood: Great! You’re at your apartment, right?
RedHood: I’ll be there in two shakes.
Danny: please don’t shake the cat 😰
Danny: she’ll get grumpy and might latch on even tighter
Danny: I’ll come to you instead 🙃
Danny: you said you were patrolling, so crime alley, right? 🤔🤔
RedHood: Well, yes, but I doubt you’ll be able to get up where I am right now.
RedHood: Let me at least come down to the ground first and I’ll tell you how to get here.
RedHood: Danny?
Jason looks down at his unread messages with a slight frown. He puts his phone away and looks back at the teenager on his arm.
He gives his arm a small shake, causing her to growl at him which immediately makes him stop.
Right… No shaking the cat.
Jason lets out a weary sigh before looking down over the edge of the building to the ground below. He’s trying to think of the best way to get down with only one functional arm when a voice breaks him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Hood. I’m here!”
He turns around, slightly alarmed that there’s a second person who managed to sneak up on him tonight.
Damn, he’s getting rusty
Though from anyone whom he had been expecting to see, he had not been expecting to see the guy he messaged a minute ago standing behind him on the roof.
“How did you get here so quickly? And for that matter, how did you even get up here?” Jason asks confused.
“Oh, I flew” is Danny’s casual response, which gives Jason more questions than have been answered. But before he can decide whether he should bother asking for clarification Danny already moves on to the next topic.
“Anyway, let’s see what we can do about this,” he says, approaching Jason’s arm and the girl that’s hanging off of it.
“Good luck,” Jason says, holding out his arm a little better and watching bemused as Danny and the teen have a stare-down.
“Ellie, what did we say about biting others?”
The teen, Ellie, narrows her eyes and growls at him. Danny just crosses his arms and gives her an unimpressed stare.
“Nah-ah, you have to let him go. We ask before we bite someone. It’s called consent. Don’t make me get Jazz to give you another lecture”
It’s clear to Jason that Danny’s attempt at talking to her isn’t working when the teen proceeds to glance at Jason calculatingly before giving Danny a challenging look and biting down harder.
Apparently, it’s clear to Danny as well, as the next thing he does is let out a put-upon sigh before declaring “Well, I gave you a chance. Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Danny then grabs a hold of her and tries pulling her off of him.
What is his life? Jason thinks as he’s standing there while Danny tries to physically pull the teenage girl, who decided his arm looked like a nice snack, off of him.
Though luckily for him, it seems to work as not a few seconds later Danny has pulled her off of his arm and is now holding the teenage girl with a bloody mouth up by her armpits.
Danny sets her down with a sigh but before he can speak up, the teen crosses her arms and levels Jason with a sharp look that makes him straighten up.
“Thou winneth this round, Red-Helmed Knight of the Night. Though thou should be prepareth, as the upcoming trials will be even more toilsome” Ellie declares while pointing at him, uncaring of the blood on her face.
“And I,” She points a finger back at herself for emphasis, ”Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms, will—” she gets cut off when a fly enters her mouth.
Danny moves to help her but she holds up a hand to stop him, using her other hand to thump on her chest a few times.
She spits the dislodged fly out onto the floor and glares at it.
“Curse you! Foiling my monologuing once again!” she yells after the fly as it flies off.
Jason turns to Danny.
“So is she your sister?” he asks curiously. And totally not trying to fish for more information about Danny and his family.
Instead of Danny answering the question though, Ellie cuts him off.
“I’m his love child with the mayor of our town.”
Danny gives her a disgusted look.
She looks back at Danny with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Yeah, definitely siblings.
“I love my dads!” she says proudly, her eyes still on Danny.
Danny gives her a deadpan look in response before it changes to a more mischievous one.
“Oh, I’m sure Vlad would love to hear all about how you reclaimed him as a father figure—”
“Oh Ancients, no. Don’t even joke about that” She fake gags at him before turning back to Jason.
“Can I change my answer? I’m his bodyguard” She says, pointing her thumb at Danny.
That makes both Danny and Jason raise an eyebrow at her, though Jason’s can’t be seen through the helmet. They speak up at the same time.
“A bodyguard, huh?”
“No, you’re not, that’s Frighty”
Danny’s statement makes Jason pause and turn to look at him.
He’s got a bodyguard?
Ellie shakes her head happily.
“Nope! I took over the position. My knightly title isn’t just for show, y’know? I earned it fair and square!”
“When did this even happen? And why was I not told?” Danny asks, bewilderment covering his face.
Jason stays silent as he tries to make sense of the conversation.
“About…” Ellie takes a moment to think about it “3 months ago? I think it was when you were dealing with some time chores. And I thought it’d be a nice surprise, so… Surprise!” she exclaims, doing some jazz hands at the end of the sentence.
“What did you even do?”
“I snuck up on him and threw a Fenton Wii remote at his head which knocked him out cold. It counted as a win so I earned the position by right of conquest and gained my knighthood” She says with a shrug.
“Huh… think that would’ve worked for Pariah Dark as well? Would’ve made things so much easier…”
Ellie gives another careless shrug as Danny lets out a small reminiscent sigh. Meanwhile, Jason stands awkwardly to the side.
“Well, either way, I’m proud of you. Do you have a video?”
“Tucker filmed it for me, yeah”
They high-five with grins on their faces. At this point, Jason lets out a small cough which has the Fenton siblings turn around startled and proceed to then give him identical sheepish smiles.
They really look like they could be twins…
“Ah, sorry Red Hood. And again, I’m sorry for Ellie.” Danny says, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face.
“I’ll take her back home. And uhh… see you next time?”
Jason gives him a smile from under his helmet.
“Sure, if you’re still up for that next date?” Jason trails off with some hope.
His words make Danny’s blush darken.
“Ah uh, yeah! Yeah, of course! The next date! Uhmm, I’ll text you! Or you can text me. That’s fine too!”
Next to him, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes some fake gagging motions. She then grabs Danny by his arm and starts dragging him away.
“Come on, Loverboy. You can and your paramour can flirt later. When I’m not there… and after he’s passed my trials” she says, muttering the latter part low enough that Jason can’t hear. But, judging by the way Danny’s head snaps back to her and how his brows furrow, he did hear.
Just as Jason goes to reply, giving them a thank you and a goodbye of his own, perhaps even an offering to help them get down from the roof, he picks up on movement behind him.
Quickly turning around has him regretting not leaving the rooftop earlier, as he watches the Bats (and birds) land.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
As tends to happen when I’m in an art funk, I’ve stockpiled a few sketch sheets.
First up, a little Momo love!
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These ones are based on a plushie I got for Christmas. I want to reverse engineer its pattern someday, because I ADORE its proportions!
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(The bottom right two are just freehands, not based on the plushie.)
And then just some “whatever my hands felt like doing” doodles.
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And… a character that I’ve been trying to iron out for a bit now… she’ll be relevant to the story at some point, but I’ve been enjoying drawing her and finally getting a solid idea of what I want her to be.
But since she’s relevant to the future, I’ll put her stuff under a read more, for those who would rather wait until she’s officially introduced.
This character is named Jamie, and is very near and dear to my heart. She’s not only an old OC of mine, but she—with help from a Gardevoir— is basically the one who got me out of a human drawing phobia many years ago. (So you can thank her for me being bold enough to share today, lol.) She started out as a trainer-sona, but quickly became a character all her own, very different from me as a person.
Anyway, first for her, some gesture things and mood drawings.
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Some hairdo practice
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(I default to making parts either in the middle or on the left, hence the blurb in there, lol.)
And some fun I had with her Crobat, partially inspired by a comment from @penumbramewtwos
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(I forgot her scars there, but it kinda works because I feel like this would happen before she got them. X3)
And finally, the part where I really felt like I was getting somewhere with her, aka some clothing testing.
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I’ve been wanting to hold off revealing her until she comes into the story, but I really like how these all turned out, and I don’t know when I’ll be ready to move the story along. On top of that, her reveal really wouldn't have any special impact to most of you, since you don't know her. (Aside from a select few.)
So I thought I’d give in and share her with you all. Plus that frees me up to share more doodles of her if I so choose.
I hope you enjoy! ^v^
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badasmuse · 11 months
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: language, lowercase intended, pretty cute tbh
Summary: after countless failed dates, bada finds herself with a good one. she’s never been so shocked-
Based off the song “Shipoopi” from The Music Man
“bada where are you going all dressed up?” lusher says after i ran down the stairs.
“on a date. i gotta go or else i’ll be late.” i said slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys. “don’t wait up love you lush!” i ran to my car and pull off without a thought.
my palms are sweaty and i have no clue why. this isn’t my first time. in fact, i’ve been on approximately seven dates in the past two months. they never last. most of them just want a quick fuck which is something i’m preparing myself for.
i pull up to the restaurant and get out paying for valet because i am in fact too lazy to park my own car. anyways, i turn my head at the sound of my name.
“bada right? i’m y/n.” she smiles at me. shes fucking gorgeous.
“h-hi.” i stutter then facepalm because no way i just stuttered in front of the beautiful woman.
she giggles and hooks her arm in mine. “let’s go.” she guides me into the restaurant and to the table after giving my name to the hostess.
we talked a lot to each other and i swear i’m in love. she hasn’t touched her phone once, she’s been staring me in the eyes the whole time i spoke. man i hope this doesn’t take a turn for the worst.
after it was over, i walked her to her car. “so what next? am i going back to your place or would you like to come to mine?”
y/n laughs, “bada, sweetheart, i don’t know what kind of girls you’ve fucked with before but i don’t put out on the first date. but let’s go on another date soon. i enjoyed this.”
i blinked a few times. surprise and relief filling me. “y-yeah of course.. i’ll text you.” here i go stuttering again.
she waves bye and pulls off. i like her.
the second date was just as good, if not better, than the first one. i’ve never been on more than one date with the same person. we went to an arcade and got ice cream. it was the sweetest date i’ve ever been on. no pun intended.
afterwards we go to her car and she smiles at me, “hope you don’t mind me asking for a third date.” she says, giggling. “i’m having a lot of fun with you.”
i nod, “i am too. i’d love a third date. i’ll call you. bye y/n.”
she waves and pulls off.
three, four, seven dates pass and we still haven’t done a thing besides hold hands and hug. i’m not complaining, it’s very refreshing.
“and like she hasn’t even kissed me yet. i haven’t kissed her either, not even on the cheek. it’s not like she’s hard to get but she is and i’m not complaining but i’ve never done this and i’m so glad i found her. it feels good.” i rant laying my head on lusher’s lap.
“oh shit, she’s your shipoopi!” she says.
i sit up fast, “bitch my what??”
“shipoopi! the girl that’s hard to get but you get her, and you basically have her. you’re glad you found her. she’s your shipoopi! you should ask her out. she’ll probably say yes!”
i sigh and look at my watch, “oh shit i’m meeting her in fifteen minutes. gotta go bye lush!” i grab my keys, slide on my shoes, and drive to the cafe down the road.
she’s your shipoopi! you should ask her out.
lusher’s words replay in my head. maybe i’ll ask her out…
she walks in, looking gorgeous as ever. “my bada!” she says sitting across from me.
my heart flutters when she calls me her bada. “hi y/n.”
“what’s wrong? your vibe is off.” she cocks her head to the side.
i open my mouth then close it. should i ask?
“bada, talk to-“
“will you be my girlfriend?” i blurt out, cutting her off, then covering my mouth.
“i am so sorry. oh my gosh i did not mean to cut you off. it’s the nerves. my hands are so sweaty right now. oh you did not need to know that.” i sigh and look down at my shoes.
i hear her giggle which causes me to look up. “yes bada i’ll be your girlfriend.” she says.
“yes really.” she stands up and leans over kissing me on my lips. “i hope that was okay.” she says after she pulls back.
my mind blanks. i just stare at her. my heart is beating fast and i’m frozen.
“uh oh i broke her.” y/n giggles yet again before she lays her hands in my face gently. “get out your mind sweetheart.”
“s-sorry.” i stutter. man can i not? “um… wanna go see a movie?”
she nods, “yes, but, let’s watch at your place.”
“we’ve been on enough dates. i trust you now. come on.” she walks with me to my car. “my brother dropped me off, you don’t mind me being your passenger princess do you?”
“absolutely not. i didn’t think you’d say yes to me..” i say honestly after opening the door for her and sliding in the drivers seat.
“i may seem hard to get but honestly bada you had me after the second date. you could’ve asked then and i would’ve said yes.”
“really? i guess i should’ve then huh?” i pause and think, “my best friend, and roommate, said you’re my… shipoopi. i’m not sure what that really means. i mean she explained it but i’m lost.”
she laughs and covers her mouth. “you mind if i see your phone?”
i hand it to her unlocked and she scrolls for a minute before typing and a song starts to play.
i listen to the lyrics carefully and laugh, “OH this is what she meant.”
“she’s 100% correct.” she giggles holding my hand that’s on the middle console.
i guess she’s my shipoopi… i hate that word bro what the fuck.
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formosusiniquis · 7 months
Am I the Asshole?
Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington; Robin Buckley/Original Female Character(s); Steve Harrington/Original Character(s); Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WC: 6052 | Rated: T | Tags: Modern AU, Reddit AU, Some AITA typical terrible people, QPR Steve & Robin, NB Steve, NB Robin AKA the Stobin AITA fic
r/AmITheAssshole u/HufflepuffHero94 9yrs ago AITA for being concerned about my girlfriends living situation?
Context: My (20F) girlfriend (18F) is amazing. She's a polyglot linguistics major, speaks three languages fluently and she's completely self-taught, a genius basically. We go to the same college (Midwestern Liberal Arts college) where we met in the marching band. Now R, my girlfriend, is from a small town. Like the kind of small town that they make jokes about in sitcoms, she isn't really online (so I'm not worried about her seeing this) because she claims they didn't even have the internet until she was in high school. She isn’t really “out” because of this. It’s like she lives in this semi-closeted space like some kind of TV queerbait character. It's not really a problem, I mean she’ll tell people we’re dating if they ask and all of our marching band friends know but when I ask about it she says it’s because it wasn’t really safe in her hometown growing up. But it’s 2014 not 1980…
Even though R is a freshman she’s in special accommodations. Instead of living in the dorms like the school usually requires she’s got a small, studio apartment just off of campus. A perk considering how awful living in the dorms is. R is a pretty private person and super studious. Most of our dates have been in the library or a study date at the coffee place on campus. She’s not big on PDA, she says she’s trying to get better at it but she’s still only sort of out and I’m her first real girlfriend. I was psyched when she asked me if I wanted to go with her to her apartment to study, said her best friend had a never fail study method that she was eager to try (and when she told me what it was I was pretty eager too).
R can’t drive, so when I pull into the parking lot of her complex she notices something and says her roommate hasn’t left for work yet. I’m a little confused because like I said she lives in a studio apartment, but she just brushes it off and says something about asshole parents and this being what they could afford when some money fell through. She’s sent me snaps from her place, so I know it’s pretty cozy so I tell her it’s fine. Obviously I’m concerned about what the set up is going to be like when we get up there but she insists that dingus (her words) will only be there for another couple minutes before they have to leave for work and that Stevie (again her words) is her best friend in the world. They moved here together from the same small town or something.
To give R credit, she’s definitely done the best she can with the space. When I walked it it definitely felt as homey as it does in her pictures. The door opened up into the kitchen and living room and she’s got those spaces divided off from the beds with one of those Chinese paper divider thingies. Anyway to make a long story short it turns out her roommate and best friend Stevie is actually a whole dude (19). He comes out, gives her a look and asks her if “us girls are planning a sleepover” and if he should make himself scarce for the evening. R says she doesn’t give him shit when his “special friends” come over and after that I kinda stopped listening. I slipped off into the apartment looking for the bathroom and that’s when I saw how their “bedroom” was set up. Twin beds INCHES apart, they might as well be sharing the same one.
Here’s where I might be the asshole. When her “friend” finally cleared out I told her the truth. I didn’t know how comfortable I was hanging out in her place where she lives with a guy. I do live in the dorms but I’ve got a single right now. I asked her to move in with me so she wouldn’t have to be in this situation. I guess it maybe sounded like I was dissing her friend, which I was but I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. I just think it’s weird that she won’t come out to anyone and is also living with some guy! I told her I wasn’t interested in being an experiment and if things were serious then she would want to move in with me.
That’s when she kicked me out and called me an asshole. But really I don’t think I’m being a dick for being concerned that she might just be jerking me along while she plays lesbian so she can tell her boyfriend about it at home. Even if nothing is going on I'm just worried that living in this kind of environment isn't safe for her. I mean this guy is probably just pretending to be her friend to get in her pants, I think the fact that they're from the same small town means she can't see that. I really think she would be better off if she moved into the dorms with me aita?
u/otpsnotbrotps NTA
u/foreplayisntreal NTA guys and girls can't be friends. If she even is a lez and a katy perry wannabe then roomie is just biding his time til she's ready to be converted
Read the rest on AO3
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wandas-lunchbox · 5 months
so sick of you (chapter 4)
series summary: you and natasha have ended your relationship due to her cheating on you. it's been 5 years now. what happens when you bump into her at a bar on your birthday?
warnings: some swearing, light make-out sessions but otherwise none
a/n: took me 4 months to write this, progress?
day one in italy. it was like you could smell the pizza in the air as you walked out of the plane.
“are you ready to get this party started” wanda exclaims.
crazy how this girl was dead asleep not even 10 minutes ago and now she has the most energy.
i didn’t answer her however, looking for the girl who was on the plane with me.
“bitch i know you did not just leave me on heard!”
“hm?” i say looking at her
she rolls her eyes and repeats “i saidddd, are you ready to get this party started”
i grin at her, trying to forget the thoughts of the girl on the plane. i still never got her name.
we start walking out of the airport with our bags in hand. we (or well wanda) had ordered a scheduled taxi before the flight so we didn’t need to wait to call one. we head into the car to our hotel. looking at the view from the car i could just cry from seeing the view. my thoughts about natasha had faded from my mind. my thoughts were all on the plane girl and italy. i mean what better thoughts could i have?
once we reached the hotel we spent some time just hanging out there before deciding to start getting ready for some dinner wanda planned.
“girl i dont know about you but i’m just hoping to get fucked, it’s been too long since i’ve done it. your girl has needs.”
i laugh at wanda, she’s always got some out of pocket thing to say.
“girl same”
“don’t lie to me, i’m your best friend i know someone caught your eye on that plane, what’s her name”
i give her a look
“so you were awake! omg i hate you!”
“i love to sleep but mate i needed some entertainment and you being a fumbling mess was the best.”
“i hate you”
“remember the person who planned this trip” wanda reminds.
i roll my eyes and continue to get ready. i end up wearing a mini skirt and a cropped baby tee that says “i love italy” because of course you need one.
after eating dinner we head to a bar. we decided to just get a couple drinks the two of us and talk.
“yeah, and you know what that asshole steve did—”
she gets cut off by my phone ringing
“sorry!” i say
checking my phone i see “unknown number” flashed on the screen. i pick up anyways
“hey! plane girl!”
“hey! how come you’re calling me?”
“turn around” she says through the phone
i turn and see the brunette. her hair down in waves. wearing a button up half open with a loosely done tie and a black mini skirt. her glasses substituted with most likely contacts.
“how come you’re here? did you miss me that much?” i say
“no silly, you told me on the plane you were coming here after eating”
wanda looks at me with a stinky eye
i look back apologetically (even though i wasn’t sorry one bit)
“but how come you came?” i say
“i mean why not. when you do come you’re gonna need a name to scream right? and i don’t think i want to hear you screaming plane girl as entertaining as it sounds”
i laugh.
“well this is wanda, and she’s awake now, we were just talking but i don’t think she’ll mind if we leave for a few mins” i say also asking wanda
wanda looks away for a second not meeting my gaze.
“yeah go ahead, have the sex before me i guess” she says grumpily, with a hint of sadness in her eyes
why was she sad?
“bye!” i shout
i see from the corner of my eye wanda walking up to the bar to talk to some other girl. go her i guess.
“so! plane girl, what is your actual name”
“madison, but people call me maddie most of the time”
“pretty name, it suits you,”
“thank you baby. do you wanna get a couple drinks”
“sure, margaritas for me please!”
“wow cute”
“i’ll take the same as her please” she says to the bartender as i order my drink.
from the corner of my eye i see wanda leaving but i don’t go not wanting to leave maddie in this moment.
we continue to talk before deciding that it was getting late. it was around 2am when maddie and i get into the car. there’s music playing the background.
i feel maddies arm brush my thigh and it sends shivers up my spine. my body starts to warm up. we are still talking until she realizes my shiver. she looks at me eyeing my lips and my eyes. before anything else could happen she kisses me. our lips intertwine and we kiss like theres no tomorrow. she leans towards my neck and leaves a couple kisses there. by the end of it we are both breathing heavily. we reach my hotel and i step out of the car, thanking the driver. i kiss maddie one more time before getting out of the car.
“thanks for tonight” i say
“goodnight baby” she says before having the taxi driver drive.
i walk up into the hotel and get in the elevator taking out my key. it was silent in the room. wanda already snuggled up into our bed. i go to take my makeup off and see lipstick marks all over my lips and neck. i take a photo before taking my make up off.
i change into my pjs and slip into our bed before sending a text to maddie
attachement one photo
nice art maybe you should frame it?
i send to her, along with the photo of the lipstick stains.
“haha, goodnight angel see u soon ;)” she texts back.
i switch my phone off putting it on charge slowly starting to fall asleep.
i heard a faint sigh from wanda but i didn’t think much of it before falling asleep.
a/n: chapter 4 donee (ops on maddie??)
taglist: @lakita-fisher @marvelogic @dark-hunter16 @marvelwomen-simp
(lmk if you want to be added to the taglist ( i am in the process of making a new one)
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lisbeth-kk · 9 months
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Sherlock fandom.
I can’t get you off my mind
I knew Mrs. Hudson was wrong when she told me marriage changes people. 
Not my John, I thought.
How wrong I was.  
Seen in hindsight; has it been three months already, she was right. I should have known that. After all, she was more of an expert on relationships than me. What did I have to show for? My only relationship, if you didn’t count family, had been with John. He was the only one who could fit that term. 
I told Mrs. Hudson that Mary would be reasonable when I needed John on a case. Her response baffled me. 
“Don’t ever use that word and her name in the same sentence, Sherlock. They don’t match. At all.”
Then she huffed and clenched her jaw tight, unwilling to explain herself. So, I’d turned to Mycroft. If anyone knew what was going on, it was him.
“Brother mine,” he said quietly when I came forth with my request about John’s wife. 
“Don’t patronise me, Mycroft,” I snapped. “Just tell me what’s going on. Is John safe?”
“Why would you ask…” Mycroft began, but something about my appearance stopped him from whatever nonsense he was going to utter. 
He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. Neither were good signs. 
“She’s an assassin with a prize on her head. We have her under surveillance. I suspect she’ll attempt to flee any day to escape,” Mycroft told me. 
My brain buzzed, analysed, and calculated in quick succession, but in vain. All I could think of was John, unknowing, unsafe, and the baby.
“Mary isn’t pregnant, Sherlock,” Mycroft said. 
“Excuse me?” Were you ever going to tell me any of this?” I asked furiously.
It’s over now. John’s personal Armageddon. His wife gone when he woke. A letter explaining nothing. The fake pregnancy belly was the final nail in the coffin. I tried to reach out to him, but he was so angry. Thought I’d known all along. He didn’t want to listen to reason. I didn’t blame him. I still don’t. 
Again, it’s Mrs. Hudson’s words putting things in motion.
“Are you just going to let it slide? He needs you, Sherlock! You are his best friend, his entire world. Save him, dear, and yourself. Ask him to come home.”
“He is home,” I protest. 
The look she gives me, makes me feel like a five-year old again. She doesn’t pester me further, but it’s enough. I fetch my laptop and start to write an email. The most important one I’ve ever written.
Dear, John
Believe me when I say I didn’t know anything about Mary or the baby until the day before she left. I would’ve told you if I knew. I was terrified when Mycroft told me, and I couldn’t bear the thought of you being unsafe and unknowing. My plan was to tell you the day you woke up without her, but by then it was too late. 
I don’t blame you for not believing me, John. After all, I’ve lied to you about severe things in the past. If you want to talk, we can. Whenever you want. I’m just a text away. And if you can’t bear the thought of staying where you live; know that you’re always welcome at Baker Street. It was your home, and it’s empty without you. 
We’re not good with words, John. Not these kinds, anyway, but don’t let our friendship end like this. I want you in my life, in my home, our home. I can’t get you off my mind, John. I never could. Please, consider coming back. 
If you don’t answer this email, text, phone or come to Baker Street, I’ll understand, but I hope you’ll do at least one of those things. To let me know where we stand. 
I’m mentally exhausted after I’ve sent the email, and go to bed, sleeping like the dead for almost ten hours. When I’ve showered and had some tea and toast, I take out my violin and play all of John’s favourites. 
This can’t be how it ends; I think when I lower the violin and bow. After I’ve placed the instrument back in its case, I hear a sound. I’d been so lost in my own head and haven’t been paying attention to my surroundings. And why would I? I’ve lived alone for months, but now I sense a presence. 
I turn, slowly, alert, and there he is, in his chair, looking at me with eyes filled with unshed tears. Any second now they will trickle down his cheeks. In an instant I’m kneeling in front of him, letting my hands rest on his knees. 
“John, is everything okay? Are you…”
“I’m okay, Sherlock. Just…”
His voice his hoarse. I can tell this isn’t the first time he’s been crying today. Something catches my eye just inside the door. John’s duffle bag. I jerk my head back to look at him.
“I’m coming home, Sherlock. For good,” he says and manages to smile while he’s crying. 
So, this is how it ends. With a pair of broken hearts that are going to be mended. We only have to give it some time, and we will get there. Together.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @sabsi221b @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitchworld @raina-at @helloliriels @peanitbear @topsyturvy-turtely
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taloumina · 1 year
Dream Girl
Yuki Tsukumo/Female Reader
Fluff, angst, confessions
Spoilers: Spoils a line from chapter 205
Summary: Yuki asks you the same question again, and this time, you answer her honestly.
Super happy to have finally written something for Yuki!
= = = = =
Weeks after you were asked a certain question by a certain girl, your answer still haunted you.
“What type of girls do you like?”
“Um, nice girls?”
Fuck, why didn’t you say something else, something more believable than “nice girls”? It was like saying your type was any decent girl who lived and breathed and talked and walked… Was this even a type at all?
And anyway, there was only one girl you liked, but she was as attainable to you as the rank of Special Grade. Which was to say not at all.
You thought that you would spend a few more minutes berating yourself over your memory and feelings, but Yuki Tsukumo, the girl herself, spotted you sitting alone and called out to you.
You looked up in surprise. “Yuki!”
She waved a cheery hand. “What are you doing all alone in here? It’s sunny outside!”
“Not in the mood for sun today, I guess.” You didn’t want to say that it was much more fitting to brood when you were by yourself in a room with all the lights off (and limited natural lighting). “What about you? I thought you were off on a trip or… something.”
“‘Or something,’” Yuki confirmed, winking before she slid into a seat next to you. “Now I’m here talking with my favorite person.”
You ignored the jump your heart did at this. “I thought your ‘favorite’ was Satoru?”
“Suuure, we hang out all the time.”
“More than me and you.”
Yuki laughed. “Okay, enough of that nightmare.” She leaned her elbow on the table and propped her chin on top of her hand, looking at you thoughtfully. “While I’ve got you right now, let me ask you something.”
“What?” you said with a smile. You were glad she was back, even if you didn’t quite know how long she’ll be here or what she’s been up to.
“What type of girls do you like?”
In a blink, your smile turned into a frown. “This again?”
“You never gave me a real answer.”
“I-I thought I did?” You struggled to hold her gaze.
“Nope, and I still wanna know.”
You fiddled with your hands in your lap. You wouldn’t dare repeat the same answer as that first time, hoping Yuki wouldn’t ask you to either. And while you might not be able to redeem yourself, maybe… just maybe it was finally time to be honest.
“Well,” you said slowly. “It’s not so much ‘girls’ as it is a girl. You, Yuki.”
Despite her smile, you couldn’t read what she was thinking. “That’s not a type.”
You heard the teasing in her voice, but it didn’t unnerve you. “I don’t think of you as one. You’re the most amazing person I know—that, I think, I’ll ever meet,” you said, looking anywhere but at her. “I could never think of you as anyone or anything but yourself. There’s really… no one else out there like you.”
“You say that like I’m the only special one here, but so are you.”
“Me? No, if anything I’m just your typical sorcerer trying not to fail at my job.” You laughed at your own statement, but Yuki didn’t seem to find the humor in it like you did.
“When have you ever been ‘typical,’ (Name)?”
It was how softly she said this that made your breath catch as she continued.
“I like you.”
“Why?” you asked, uncomprehending. “I’m not your type at all. I’m not… rough.” You cringed even saying it because the word didn’t describe you one bit.
“You don’t have to be.” Yuki took your hand in hers so you couldn’t fiddle with it anymore.
It wasn’t the first time you’ve held hands, but you always thought she did it out of friendship. Now that you knew how she felt about you, though, you couldn’t see it that way ever again.
“I fell for you without you ever having to change yourself,” Yuki said.
“Fell for? But that’s not what you said a second ago!”
She lightly tugged you down by your hand when it looked like you were going to rise from your chair. “I know, I know, but I just can’t help it! You’re my dream girl!”
You stared at her. “Yuki, be serious.”
“I am serious!”
“If you were, then you wouldn’t like me.”
“But I do,” she said, giving your hand a squeeze as though that small action could convince you that she was truly serious. “Is that so wrong?”
“No, of course not.” You didn’t stop her from lacing your fingers together, and her eyes beckoned you to continue. “But I can’t ever be what you want. It just wouldn’t be… me.”
“And you as you are now is exactly what I want.” Yuki’s voice was soft, sweet, and you didn’t think you'd ever heard her like this before—and only for you.
“What if, in time, you resent me for not being your type?”
“Nope.” Yuki placed her other hand over the one you had already laced through hers, and she made sure you watched her kiss you there, right below your knuckles. “That’s all it is: a type. Didn’t stop me from liking you, and I’m not gonna let it.”
The earnest expression on her face was too much to look at in that moment. You glanced down at your hands and hers, both now resting in her lap.
You looked up with a smile. “I guess this means you’ll have to come back more often now.”
“Or you could join me,” Yuki suggested.
“Wouldn’t I only get in your way?”
She feigned confusion. “Why? You, a beautiful girl, who also happens to be a Grade 1 sorcerer? Stealing you from this school wouldn’t make me feel guilty at all.”
Careful not to sound too eager, you asked, “Is it really stealing if I go willingly with you?”
“Depends. Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” you said, finding that you really meant it. You didn’t want to be here anymore, waiting for her to return again. “Take me with you, Yuki.”
She let go of your hand and reached for you, caressing your cheek, and before her lips touched yours, she whispered, “Then let’s get out of here.”
"Give me a few weeks," Yuki said.
"For what?"
"You wanna know why I'm into the rough type, right? I can show you."
You blushed more deeply than you ever have in your entire life. "Y-Yuki, that's—!"
She laughed and kissed you again.
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If case if you got access to Occult notes: With whom Luisa will reunite first? Isabela and Dolores or her parents? Or a secret third option?
Luisa took a breath, staring at the new front door of her home. The walls too had been redone, it makes the house look more modern and the technique of the brick layering is everything - before everything happened, she loved construction. She had plans to start an apprenticeship in that field, but then of course…
Even now, she’s still scared and nervous and feels like she is going to be sick all over what is surely a nice new carpet. She hasn’t seen her parents in ages. They must think she’s dead, it’s been so long. She has to do this though. If she’s learnt anything from her time away and staying within a wolf pack, it is the importance of family. And hey, if they don’t accept her, sure, it will suck and she’ll probably hate herself forever but Camilo has promised her a home there. Not to mention, she now has friends in Isabela and Dolores, and the most precious angel in Mirabel.
“Maybe… we should go?” Mirabel suggested, quietly. She shifted her eyes around the neighbourhood warily, pulling the cape tighter around her wings.
She shook her head though. “No,” she said. “I need to do this. They are my family. They love me; they won’t do anything to harm me.”
Mirabel didn’t argue with her but looked away in discomfort. Luisa didn’t know what had happened to her, when she was a living person and not an angel, but it hadn’t taken her too long to realise it was something relating to her birth family. Whoever they were and whatever had happened to them. She’s sure they must be proud of such a wonderful daughter.
“I mean, what’s the worse that could happen? They kick me out?” She tried to laugh, ignoring the way her eye was beginning to twitch with the nerves she was failing to conceal. “I’ve already done that myself! And I’ve made friends, they will let us stay if we need a place.”
Without wasting any more time, she reached for the doorbell.
“Wait!” Mirabel squeaked.
“What is it?” She asked.
Mirabel glanced from her to the house, swallowing a little. She looked pale and briefly Luisa wondered if angels could get sick.
The younger shuffled on her feet, “I am not going to go in.”
“I’ll stay nearby, in case you need me. But I will not go in.” Mirabel turned on her heel and left.
Luisa watched the girl walk back down the street, until she disappeared out of sight in confusion. She scratched her neck, awkwardly alone, before shrugging it off. She can’t blame Mirabel for not being keen on meeting new people, the last few ones hated her at first sight and the others decided she was food.
To be fair, it would probably be a lot to dump on her parents in one sitting anyways. They will already have to come to terms with their daughter still being alive and having been turned a werewolf by her supposed friends…
She pressed a sweaty finger against the doorbell.
It wasn’t the chime she was use to hearing. This one was more like a loud buzz than a melodic bell. She didn’t like it, it made her ears sting. Was it possible to get a doorbell that sounded like a dog whistle? She nervously fiddled with the zip on her jacket, her mind plaguing her with ideas of different dog torture devices lining the hallway.
The door opened with a sigh, “Sorry, I’m not looking for a new window cleaner today—”
“Papí? It’s me, Luisa.”
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littlerequiem · 2 months
I binge-read we all bleed red until 5 am this morning and I genuinely have not been so captivated by a fic to sacrifice sleep over it in years, so thank you! I'm absolutely enamored by the OC as well as Levi. Their banter is so well-written, and I love the spunk and grit that OC has. I always love a resilient female lead, and given the time period her defiance is even more admirable
So much love and research has been put into writing this fic and I can tell just from reading it. The plot goes crazy too. There are still so many mysteries—how Levi turned into a vampire, where tf Erwin and Miche are, what tf is up with Zachary's obsession to marry into the Clary household despite the fact that they're broke… I find Zachary to be one of the most suspicious people, even though it might also just be a red herring
I also can’t emphasize how obsessed I am with OC and Levi’s relationship. I’m sorry but the progression was insanely written—from them just being mildly fascinated with each other to full-blown I want you and need you but we fucking can’t—HOLY SHIT. I find their dynamic so heart-aching thinking about it in the long run as well. If OC never turns into a vampire, she’ll be not more than half a second in Levi’s timeline :( If I were immortal I’d refuse to get attached to anyone again so I 100% understood Levi’s hesitation to become fond of OC. And ALSO just the way Levi treats OC oh GOD. I didn’t realize how feral I’d go for a bodyguard au but here I am going absolutely feral LOL. One line that BURNS into my mind—when Levi asks “Are you decent?” before walking into the room and helping her with her dress LIKE GOD HE HAS MANNERS THAT’S SEXY. I also didn’t realize how hot the feeding scenes would be… The first time he feeds from her and she sees her reflection in the mirror but not him!! Such an amazing (and hot) detail. I’m TERRIFIED of vampires and blood normally but this fic is single-handedly making me thirst for them too LOL
One thing I’m a little curious about, which you don’t have to answer if it’s not pertinent to the plot, is the main characters’ ages. I know it was mentioned that Zachary’s in his 50s but I imagine Levi might be technically just as old…? Unless he was turned recently; that would change things. There are still moments when OC calls him an old man so I imagine she’s on the younger side (since they also marry off women so young during those times). I’ve been imaging her as someone in her early 20s (I hope I’m not too far off), and I haven’t really dared to imagine an age for Levi bc I could be hundreds of years off
Anyways! Sorry this turned out so long. I can go on and on about every line I adored and every character I would LOVE to meet irl but then you’d be sitting here all day reading so! Thank you for writing this absolute gem of a fic FOR FREE might I add??? And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
P.S. I’ve never been so grateful to have taken 4 years of French class LMAO
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I can't even begin to tell you what your message has done to me. I feel like I'm on cloud nine so excuse my incoherent answer lmao.
Thank YOU for taking the time and writing such a thoughtful message! Seriously. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the world I've built, that you've discovered new tropes to enjoy, and that you like the characters and their dynamic - especially Levi & the OC. You know, when I started writing this fic, I had no idea if any of it would resonate with anyone, so that it's touched even ONE person makes me just......... so so so happy.
To answer your question, the ages are purposefully vague. Originally, I did have a specific age in mind for Levi, but I know age gaps between immortal creatures & humans aren't everyone's cup of tea, so I scrapped it. With the way the story is going to unfold, Levi could be anywhere between 35 to a 100 years old, but I leave that decision up to the reader. As for the OC, I envisioned her to be between 25 to 29, since she's stated to be older than the average woman that married (24 at the time, sorry that the source is in French) BUT, having said that, I also leave this to reader preference. I hope this somewhat answered your question :D
All this to say - THANK YOU for coming into my inbox and showering me with all these words. I hope you have a superb start of the week, and just know you just injected me with a boost of serotonin that's making me want to write right now <3
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quillkiller · 3 months
I had a dream about Bellatrix X fem!regulus. Is this weird or can you see the vision
baby i so see the vision and i’ve had wandering thoughts about them before………. lesbian regulus is my favorite regulus.. and as you all know bella is always a lesbian to me <3
to me, this relationship would be sort of similar to her affair with lucius which i’ve written about here. something something about how it’s easier to endure together, easier to explore together— but instead of bella wanting to ruin reg like she wants to ruin and possess lucy, i feel like she’d be a lot more protective and familial with regulus. she’d want to be her protector and dark knight and take reg under her wing. it would be sort or mutually destructive and chaotic i think but at the same time they’d feel completely safe together? there’s a knowing within the black family that i’ve talked to kara about before. they’re brought up repressing their feelings and desires and they so badly want their lovers to just be able to read their minds. to just be able know. which is why most of their relationships not only ends, but more often than not ends in tragedy. bella and reg would both be blacks, and while they can’t actually read each others minds there’s still a knowing and understanding between them that only exists within the black family itself. even sirius and andy know this even when they run away, which is why it hurts so much to think about what they left behind. the blacks are so intertwined and similar in what they don’t say that they can very nearly make it out from nothing but a gut feeling or a look.
bellas and regs differences are also interesting to think about. first off there would be quire the age gap. bella is almost always atleast 8 years older than reg to me. then there’s bellas determination and ambition to make it to the very top. to get the best grade in Loyal Follower. she’s a woman who’s not only willing to, but has been actively looking her whole life for something to devote herself to body and soul. she doesn’t want to be a person, and having a sense of self makes her uncomfortable. makes her think of all the ways she’s lacking. how she’ll never be heir. how she’ll never be equal to a man no matter how hard she works. no matter if she works harder than all of them. and (if this is a voldy vision) before she stumbles upon the dark lord, bella is desperately looking for things to devote herself to in the meantime.
reg would soak it up a think. to be she’s always the second choice. the quiet one and to everyone else she’s always been not-sirius. reg isn’t charming like sirius, isn’t charismatic like like sirius, doesn’t turn heads like sirius does, isn’t fit to be a leader like sirius. sirius, the favorite son and favorite friend and favorite cousin. reg to me is a mtf lesbian btw, or i always see her gender and something strange and vague and she doesn’t ever really transform to me more than she relates to a genderless experience/a womans experience. usually she’s a he/him nonbinary dyke to me but i think in a voldy world she’d be more confused about her gender and consider herself mtf regardless of if she comes out or not. anyway! sirius leaves and now she’s heir because she’s still percieved as a man. and that’s where bella swoops in and bends the knee, wants to be regs dark knight and devote herself to her. i don’t think reg has ever felt anything like it. to be the center or someones world. to be the object of someones desire in this obsessive and intense way. so i think she’d bask in it. bella would know about regs gender identity and be protective. there’s a familial bond between them that doesn’t exist between her and lucy in my other au. bella would want reg under her wing, would always want an eye on her. would always want her safe…..? what if they’d even get married.
please tell me more about your dream!!! id LOVE to hear your vision!!!!
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dudeshusband · 1 year
Title: To Tame a Lion
Word Count: 750
Ship: Mike/Pete Nelson
Description: For the safeshiptember day 1 prompt "first date/meeting." I've done a meeting.
With the limited profit Clyde Brent Circus had been making, it had been quite some time since anyone new had been hired. This is what struck Mike immediately about the curly-headed man and his goofy friend. Word around the other employees was that whichever was named Jerry had been hired as a lion tamer. Looking the two over as they received their blue jumpsuits, Mike could only figure it was the curly-headed one. He appeared at first glance to be stronger, braver, and less goofy than his friend.
The pair left to put on the jumpsuits, and when they returned they were assigned to clean by the elephants, a job Mike had often done. 
Mike approached the pair. “Hi! I’ve worked here for some time now and I can show you where the elephants are if you like.” 
On closer look, it seemed that the curly-headed one had brown eyes, very beautiful brown eyes. 
“You must be Jerry, right?” Mike asked. “The lion tamer?” 
He laughed. His eyes crinkled when he laughed, which somehow made them prettier. “Oh, no, he’s Jerry. I’m Pete.” 
Mike looked at Jerry. He had a goofy but friendly smile and did not seem to have a lion tamer’s disposition. “You’re the lion tamer?” 
Jerry nodded. “For now! I’m going to be a clown.” 
“We already have our clowns,” Mike said. “Puffo’s our main one.” 
“He’s a better clown,” Pete said confidently “He’ll show you.”
Mike shared Pete’s smile. “I’d like to see that. Anyway, the elephants are this way, if you’ll follow me.” 
All the way there, the trio picked up whatever litter they found and put into their bags. Eventually they came to the elephant tent. 
“This is one of the dirtiest areas, as you can imagine,” Mike said. 
Jerry crinkled up his nose. “Smells like elephant booty.” 
“You know that from personal experience?” Mike asked. 
That got a chuckle out of everybody. 
“Pete, why don’t you take up lion taming?” Jerry asked. 
“You kiddin’?” Pete asked, slightly incredulously. “Work with those cats? Not me!” 
Jerry made a disgruntled noise as he continued to pick up trash. 
“You got nothin’ to worry about. You got moxie. So what if they’re wild, who cares? Once you get in there, you’ll control ‘em. Even though they’re” — Pete leans in close to Jerry, cupping his mouth — “Killers and man-eaters.” 
Mike chuckled. 
“Hotchkiss!” their supervisor, Sam, yelled eventually. 
Both Pete and Jerry turned. 
Apparently Jerry was Jerry Hotchkiss since Sam approached him and demanded “Report to Colonel Schlitz.” 
“Colonel Schlitz?” Jerry asked. 
Colonel Schlitz was the circus’ current lion tamer, an old German man. 
“Oh, no! No!” Jerry said, beginning to panic. He dropped his things and took off in a sprint. 
“Hotchkiss!” Sam yelled. He bolted after him. 
“Crazy mixed-up kid,” Pete commented, while picking up more trash. 
“So, uh, Pete,” Mike said awkwardly. “Did you come all the way out here just to see your friend get eaten by lions? You don’t seem like the circus type.” 
“Well, I’m broke, I needed a job, and Jerry had an invite to work here at the circus,” Pete said. “Between you and me, I’m looking to move up.” 
Mike chuckled. “Move up? I’ve worked here for two years. Same spot.” 
He smiled. “I got my ways.” 
“Oh, if you think you’ll get over on Jill Brent, think again.” 
His eyes sparkled. “Get over on? I’m not gettin’ over on anybody. I think she’ll find I’m a great worker.” 
There was something almost suggestive in that statement but Mike couldn’t put their finger on how or why. 
“So, what did you do before you got here, Pete?” 
“I was in the army,” he said. “I was a corporal. Honorably discharged.” 
“Army man. That’s nice.” 
“What about you, huh? What’s a pretty girl doing picking up trash in a circus?” 
Mike scoffed. “Well, you’re wrong on two counts.”
“You’re picking up trash and this is a circus. So, are you debatin’ the pretty or the girl?” 
“Both,” Mike said. 
He smiled. “Well, what did you say your name was?” 
Mike internally cursed at themselves. “Oh, sorry, it’s Mike.” 
“Well, Mike, you can debate me on the girl but you can’t debate me on the pretty.” 
He gave them another charming grin then turned. As he walked away to pick up trash in another spot, Mike was frozen in a state of shock. They couldn't help but watch him as he went further and further into the distance.
Maybe he did have his ways…
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sweetjulieapples · 3 months
"Dear Commander" - Chapter Five: The Greatest Love Of All
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Cullen x Trevelyan
Cullen receives a surprising letter while Juliette falls in love with her newest companion.
full chapter below
Everything was black. Pure darkness and a sense of dread.
Was this death?
Juliette believed it was her time to meet The Maker.
“I’m dead!” she tried screaming, but her voice was soft and barely audible. She could hear herself talking, yet she didn’t feel her lips move. “I don’t want to die.”
“You’re not dead,” a voice sighed with frustration. “Not yet anyway.” Rustling and grunts could be heard followed by a thump.
“No, I must be dead,” Juliette tried to reason. She didn’t understand. All she knew, all she could feel, was voices. “I can’t see!”
“You’re not dead, Lady,” a familiar voice chuckled. “You wouldn’t be talking if you were.”
“Varric?” she asked with confusion.
“Ya just took a little knock to head,” he explained.
“Can you squeeze my hand, Herald?” a woman spoke with a soothing voice. This person Juliette didn’t recognise.
A bright light began to fill her vision and soon Juliette could see. Blue sky and trees sat above her. Then her feeling came back: itchy grass, throbbing headache, hot prickling in her face! A sudden pain in her stomach that felt like sharp knives assaulted her senses and then followed a violent lurch. Juliette rolled to her side and began to retch. The heat in her face felt unbearable and her eyes stung as though they were filled with poison.
“There you go,” the soothing voice spoke and Juliette could feel a hand gather her hair away from her face. Through heavy eyes she looked up at the woman aiding her and recognised the uniform. They were back at camp with the healer. An unexpected crash of cold glass against her teeth made Juliette yelp in surprise.
“Drink!” Cassandra ordered.
After obediently gulping the liquid, Juliette was encouraged to lie back down by the healer. “Try to rest a while, Herald. You were out cold for some time.” She closed her eyes and listened as Cassandra had a meltdown.
“This is hard enough as it is without the constant stopping and reviving! She needs to go back to Haven!”
“Aw, don’t be like that Seeker. Aren’t you having fun?” Varric teased.
“No.” she replied coldly. “She needs to be trained.”
Solas shook his head. “She’s remarkably proficient at sealing the rifts. She can wield the mark, we need her.”
“What good is the mark if a Templar can slit her throat from behind?” Cassandra argued.
Solas chuckled, smugly, “They won’t. It must've been some time since the renegade Templars faced a mage of any real talent.”
“She’ll learn!” Varric added in Juliette’s defence. “I’ve seen it all before, trust me.”
Juliette sat up, wearily. “If I may interrupt?” she asked. Her companions turned to look at her. “I am trying my best. I’ll be more careful and I’ll watch my back.”
“No, Herald,” Cassandra sighed. “We need to work harder to protect you. A bit more communication on our part could be beneficial.” She glared at Varric and he shrugged. “Just rest, I’m sure Master Dennet won’t mind us camping on his property a while longer.” There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She began to pace back and forth, her frustration obvious. “But we do need to organise some training when we get back,” Cassandra added.
“Lady Pentaghast!” a messenger called out. Varric smirked when he noticed her predictable eye-roll. Cassandra hated when people called her that. “I have letters for you.” With a stern face she held out her hand to accept the stack of parchment. Her face screwed up with disgust when she recognised the seal. “All this? From from Cullen?”
Juliette felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his name. She hated herself for feeling this way. It had been quite some time since a man had consumed her thoughts in this manner. She tried to talk herself out of it, pass it off as just another childish crush. This time however, she wasn’t an adolescent mage batting her eyelashes at suave Enchanters or attractive Templars. Just past her thirtieth year, Juliette should have known better by now. It seemed so foolish to have these feelings, especially during a war. She gulped nervously. She couldn’t let anyone know about it. She faced enough hardships proving her worth as it was.
Cassandra tore open the letters with aggression. “Ugh!” she scrunched up the parchment and pegged it towards the ground. “The horses! My men need horses!” she mocked. She turned to the messenger and pointed a finger. “Just tell the Commander that I’m not writing back! I have more important matters that require my attention.”
The messenger nodded fearfully. “Yes, my lady.”
“And tell him that if he asks about the horses again…” Cassandra continued. “I will shove the horses so far up his --”
“I’ll do it!” Juliette yelled out. Everyone stopped to look at her interruption with surprise. She smiled cautiously, terrified that the blush she could feel in her cheeks would raise questions. “The letter I mean, I’ll write. I can handle any correspondence for you…not whatever that was going to be about shoving horses and , uh..” She stopped her sentence and chose to stop any accompanying thoughts.
Varric laughed out loud, “That’s something I would have paid to see.”
Cassandra sneered at Varric, as she often would. “Are you sure?” she asked the Herald. “Cullen is persistent, and also very annoying.”
“Yes. I’m sure I can handle it,” Juliette giggled as she slowly began to stand. She walked over to Cassandra and picked up the scrunched ball of a letter. “I’m not a great deal of help in combat, I can accept that. This is something that I am able to help with though. Anything to take some of the pressure off you, Cassandra.” She looked to the messenger who was still standing by, waiting for instruction. “You’re dismissed, I’ll write to The Commander.”
The messenger exhaled a sigh of relief and nodded. “Thank you, Herald,” he spoke with an arm raised to his chest.
“I’ll go speak with Master Dennet. I’ll see about these horses,” Juliette smiled and began to walk towards the farm.
“I might suggest that you rest a moment more, Herald,” the healer called out with worry.
“I'll be fine. Thank you!” Juliette called back.
“Get her some puffy sleeves and we’ll have ourselves an on-road ambassador,” Varric joked.
Cassandra dropped her face into her palm. “Let’s hope her negotiation skills are better than her fighting.”
When Juliette approached the farmstead, a young woman came running towards her from the stables. “I saw you! Herald of Andraste! I saw it all!” she called out with excitement.
“Seanna?” Juliette spun around to greet her.
“Oh! You remembered my name?” Seanna asked with surprise.
“Of course,” Juliette smiled. “Are you looking for another race?”
“No,” Seanna laughed. “I learned my lesson yesterday. I was up on the hill earlier and saw you using that glow from your hand. I believed what people said about you but seeing it is a whole other story. You’re remarkable!”
Juliette smiled, “Thank you. Although I probably would have died if not for the help of The Inquisition.” She looked towards the camp where the others remained. Varric was sitting on the ground tending to his beloved crossbow and Cassandra stood beside him with her hands on her hips. So much for trying to alleviate her stress. A sense of sentiment washed over Juliette as she watched them from afar. She still had a lot to prove and didn’t exactly feel as though she could fit in. Nonetheless, she was enjoying the time spent travelling. It had been a while since she had the opportunity to meet new people and Juliette liked to believe that someday she could consider herself a friend amongst Cassandra, Varric and Solas.
���Will you speak with my father?” Seanna asked. “He mentioned that you wanted his help for The Inquisition.”
“Yes, I’m heading there now actually.” Juliette smiled and continued to walk ahead.
“Before you go, I want to say that I’m sorry!” Seanna shouted. Juliette turned around and gave her a confused look. “I hope that you didn’t get in trouble yesterday when we were racing the horses. The woman travelling with you looked angry.”
“Oh no that’s Cassandra. That’s just how she looks,” Juliette chuckled .
“Oh, good,” Seanna replied. “ ‘Cause my father wasn’t impressed.”
“He wasn’t? Why?” Juliette worried. She needed to sway his favour so that The Inquisition could acquire horses. Making a good impression was important. Perhaps rather selfishly, she wanted to impress the horsemaster so that she could prove herself useful to Cassandra and the others. More importantly to Juliette, she needed to write back to Cullen with good news. She felt guilty that her priorities were so easily influenced by what other people might think of her.
“Well…” Seanna started to explain. “He actually did find your riding to be impressive and surprising really. I didn’t know circle mages had riding experience.”
“Typically, they don’t. But I started to ride long before I joined the circle. It’s a Trevelyan thing,” Juliette explained. Her eyes came to life with excitement as she spoke and her smile grew wide. “It’s in my blood. I know that sounds so silly, but it just feels right. Riding horses was always a passion before my magic manifested.”
“I can tell, you’ve got some skill. However my father doesn’t think too highly of you, The Inquisition, wasting time on hobbies. He says that there’s a war and that we should be focusing on protecting our people.”
Juliette nodded. “We’re dedicated to helping, I can assure you.”
Seanna spoke with jittery laughter, “All well and good, but I’m not the one you need to convince.”
The orange glow of the setting sun crept through the the door to Juliette’s tent while she sat inside, letters neatly arranged before her. Correspondence from Josephine informing of Orlesian activity, various requests from the requisition officer and numerous other trivial information spread across the floor awaiting her reply. It was clear why Cassandra was so easily convinced to delegate this Juliette’s way. She gently picked up the letter from Cullen. Her lips soon grew a smile as she read over his message. She took great notice of the way that he wrote, his handwriting and choice of words.
“Oh, no!” she whispered. Juliette placed the letter on the ground, face over as though hiding it could achieve anything. She pushed her palm into her forehead and chuckled nervously. “Maker, why are you doing this to me? Pull it together, Juliette!” She quietly chastised herself. “He’s just a man. This is just a silly little crush, it will pass. Best not to think anything of it, just a Templar…templar-ing. Think of anything else, anything!” She sat wide-eyed and breathing heavily. “Yep, a thought of anything should come any moment now.”
“Excuse me, Herald?” a voice at the door frightened Juliette into a startled jump and papers went flying. Her cheeks turned scarlet red at the realisation that someone may have heard her talking to herself like a crazed woman. She was starting that believe that perhaps she was a crazed woman.
“Um, yes?” she replied, flustered.
“Sorry to interrupt, my lady. There is someone here to see you. A man and a…” the Inquisition officer paused a moment, an amused look on his face. “A horse.” he added.
“A horse?” she asked, slowly. “Give me a moment and I’ll be out.”
“Yes, Herald,” he nodded and left her alone. Juliette scooped up the letters and sat them aside for later, thankful for the distraction.
When she stepped out of the tent, Master Dennet stood impatiently talking with Varric. Accompanying Dennet was a beautiful Ferelden Forder.
“Wow!” Juliette gushed with awe at the sight of the horse. “ Is this the horse that I was riding yesterday?” she asked when approaching Dennet.
“A keen eye! He is and a good evening to you, Inquisition,” the horsemaster nodded. Juliette gently placed her hand on the side of the Forder’s neck, smiling widely as she petted him. “My wife told me that you solved her problem with the wolves, demonic bastards! Seanna speaks highly of you also and I have come to consider your request from earlier. I present the Herald of Andraste with one horse.”
“One?” Cassandra shrieked. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“Hardly,” Dennet replied with a stern expression. “I’m not willing to send a hundred horses to their death simply because you asked nicely.”
“Then perhaps we should ask less nicely,” sneered Cassandra.
“What of the watchtowers?” Juliette asked. “You said that you would provide our army the mounts they require.”
“Once the watchtowers are built, I will send horses. You have my word, providing that you uphold your end of the bargain.” Master Dennet stepped aside, allowing Juliette to move in front of the horse. “For now, one horse.”
“What’s his name?” Juliette asked, focused more on stroking the horse’s muzzle than making eye contact during conversation.
“He’s a horse! He doesn’t have a name,” Dennet spoke with an indifferent expression.
Varric chimed in with a grin, “Every great steed needs a name.” Cassandra raised an eyebrow before exchanging a look of mutual disinterest with Dennet.
Juliette pulled her eyes away from the horse for a moment. “Well, what’s his temperament?”
Dennet scratched the back of his head, seemingly confused as to why he would indulge such a juvenile conversation. “He’s healthy and strong. Should be all that matters.” His stern features softened when The Herald gave him a look of disappointment. Her brown eyes evoked a familiar tenderness that caused him to sigh in defeat. “You remind me of my bloody daughter.” With folded arms he continued, “He’s loyal and intelligent, perfectly suited to lead you and your army. He has been known to be stubborn at times, however.”
Cassandra snorted a laugh. “Perhaps we should call him Cullen.”
Juliette hid the small grin that tugged at her lips by resting her head against the horses’ muzzle. He huffed air from his nostrils in approval. “I think I’ll call him Romeo,” Juliette spoke softly.
“Romeo?” Varric cringed. “What could possibly go wrong?”
The lines of ink that represented Lake Calenhad began to blur through Cullen’s tired eyes. While he stared absently at the map of Ferelden, Josephine and Leliana engaged in discussion - planning, scheming and chattering. He moved his gaze to the Hinterlands and imagined what was happening there. He’d heard a number of rumours from returning soldiers, some good and others terrifying. Tales of The Inquisition’s triumph on the battlefield against the renegade Templars and fallen apostate camps swept throughout Haven. Refugees that arrived at Haven’s doorstep, dedicating their service to The Inquisition , spoke so highly of The Herald of Andraste that some would consider their words to be fanatical exaggeration. Whilst The Inquisition’s activity was on every Ferelden’s lips, official reports had become sparse. The lack of contact was beginning to trouble The Commander.
“Cullen?” Josephine asked, impatiently. He straightened his posture and inhaled sharply, snapping his attention back to the discussion.
“Hmm?” Cullen widened his eyes, looking dazed for just a moment. “I…er..yes!” he stammered. “Haven has limited space for our soldiers to train, perhaps we could set up something over here” he pointed towards the map. Leliana and Josephine exchanged a confused look.
“And what are you thoughts on the Chantry situation in Orlais?” Josephine asked.
“The topic of discussion,” Leliana added with a grin.
Cullen folded his arms and scoffed, “Oh, I don’t know. Send Chancellor Roderick for all I care. Our focus should remain here in Ferelden. ”
“That reminds me, Commander,” Josephine scratched her quill roughly against the clipboard that she is rarely seen without. Looking up from her notes, she eyed him with authority. “Could you try not to antagonize the chancellor, he came to speak with me and had plenty to say of your attitude.”
“If I offend the man so easily, perhaps he should try leaving me alone,” Cullen said defiantly.
“There will be many members of the Chantry staying with us, as well as some important political figures. It’s imperative that we are impressionable in the best possible way. We need to win their respect,” Josephine explained.
“You have been rather hot-headed lately, Cullen,” Leliana observed. “Is everything alright?”
Cullen furrowed his brows at the question. “Of course. I just need to be left to my work without random clerics antagonising me. The same goes for the two of you.”
“Thankfully Mother Giselle was able to accept your apology after your rather aggressive training session with our new recruits. The rest of the Chantry may not be so forgiving.” Josephine returned her focus to her notes , preparing for her next rant about Orlesian politics.
“You,” Cullen began, pausing to sigh in frustration. “You didn’t hear what they were saying about The Herald. You would understand had you heard how vulgar they were speaking of her.”
Leliana raised her eyebrows and released a drawn out “Oh.” She stepped closer towards Cullen and watched him closely. “So this is about The Herald?”
“No!” Culled said, slightly high of pitch. “It’s about speaking with respect and…” he stopped talking and shook his head. “I’ll be more mindful of my audience.” He hung his head in defeat, knowing that they wouldn’t understand.
With a smirk, Leliana placed a letter on the table in front of Cullen. “This came this morning, from Cassandra.” Cullen’s demeanor quickly shifted when he grabbed the letter, tearing the seal eagerly.
“Hopefully good news. Perhaps they’ve finally acquired mounts for the…” Cullen froze and stood staring at the message with a shocked expression.
“Is everything aright?” Josephine worried.
Cullen cleared his throat “Yes, they have horses it seems.” He folded the letter and looked ahead. There was a brief silence in the room and the ladies glanced at each other, seemingly unsure what to make of the Commander’s strange behaviour.
“Let us continue,” Josephine broke the silence and began to prepare a lengthy speech relating to the Orlesian situation.
After a lengthy meeting with his fellow advisors, Cullen retreated to his tent by the makeshift barracks. He was thankful for the moment alone and the chance to finally read the letter in it’s entirety. Her elegant handwriting fascinated him. Most correspondence was scribbled in a hurried manner, but hers was carefully crafted with intent.
Dear Commander, It is now my duty to handle any correspondence on behalf of both Cassandra and our travelling party. I hope that you can forgive my lack of decorum, it has been some time since I have written a letter and I am not familiar with the correct manner in which to address a colleague, military-wise. Cassandra has requested that you arrange training in combat defence for myself upon our return to Haven. I fear my skill in that regard is lacking and a run down of basics will be very beneficial. With the aid of our soldiers, we have cleared the road to Redcliffe Village, however we will be returning to base for re-supply and will meet with the advisory council before proceeding. I have personally negotiated with Master Dennet in regard to his supply of mounts for The Inquisition. He has promised many horses on the condition that your men arrange the construction of watchtowers in the vicinity of his farmlands. Whilst he was reluctant at first, I was able to convince Master Dennet to gift us one dozen horses for our return, a promise of good faith. Eleven of the twelve mounts will be available to your soldiers, the twelfth being my personal horse. Sincerely, Juliette  
With a deep chuckle and a smile Cullen said to himself, “Well played, Lady Trevelyan.”
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themalhambird · 4 months
Four Degrees of Separation
The cafe is heaving: Shahara Hasan is clearly not the only person to have ducked in out of the rain. She turns from the counter, teapot and china-laden tray in her hands, scanning for an empty table- or at least an empty seat. Several people studiously avoid making eye contact, but a man with curling auburn hair and carefully trimmed beard sitting alone at a table for four glances up at her, and starts to move the cups of coffee littered around him to the side of the table. Shahara crosses to him. “Do you mind if I sit?” she asks. He’s sitting at the back right corner, she indicates the seat diagonally opposite him. He gives a half smiles wrapping his hands around the coffee left in front of him. 
“Please,” he says, “I’ll be leaving once I’ve finished this anyway.” The sentence finishes in a quiet sort of sigh. Shahara sits, and pours out her tea. It’s her day off, but that doesn’t mean her detective habits switch off: she watches the man from the corner of her eye as he checks his wristwatch, and then his phone, which is laying on the table next to him, and then his watch again. His shoulders slump, and he picks up his cup- but puts it down again without drinking. He looks over to the door. 
“Waiting for someone?” Shahara asks, sipping her tea. She can’t help it. It seems rude to sit here and not strike up a conversation and besides- detective. A certain amount of nosiness comes with the territory. The man looks back at her.
“My daughter,” he says, after a moment’s hesitation. “It’s- she’s eighteen. I left my wife- her mother last week,” he grimaces. “She was supposed to meet me when her classes were over, but- well. I told her I would stay until three.” 
It’s somewhere around three thirty. Shahara gives him a sympathetic grimace of her own. “I’m sure she’ll come round,” she offers.
“I hope so,” the man finally takes a long sip of his coffee, then puts the cup down and stands up. “I think I’ll call her,” he says, picking up his phone and offering Shahara something of an awkward smile. “And leave you to enjoy your tea in peace. Have a good afternoon.”
“And you,” Shahara says. She notices as leaves that a fairly worn looking wedding band is still encircling his ring finger. 
Her phone lights up and starts to ring; “Dad!” is emblazoned across the screen. Polly Hillinghead stares at it for a good five seconds before firmly jabbing ‘reject call’ with her finger “Fuck off,” she mutters. A few moments pass, and a text message pops up. 
Dad!: just let me know you’re all in one piece x
The familiar refrain of her teenage years- “You don’t need to say exactly where you are, just let me know you’re all in one piece”. “You can stay out with your friends late as you like, but let me know every hour you’re all in one piece.”- makes her angrier than she already is. Of course she’s not “all in one piece,” how can she be when her Dad just- just left, out of nowhere!? “He’s figured something out,” Polly’s mum had said, seeming sad but far too calm. Like something she’d been waiting for for a while had finally happened- but as far back as Polly could remember, her mum and dad had never fought- never really been at odds, except when her dad got caught up working late and forgot to let them know.
Another message pops up.
Dad!: if you don’t want to message me, can you text your mother to let her know you’re alright?
Polly’s frustration rises further still. Why won’t he bloody well fight? The moment she messaged him to say she might not come see him at that cafe and if she did, she would definitely be late, he should have been messaging back all, “You made a commitment, come and find me or I’ll come and find you.” Instead, he’s giving her space- being understanding and reasonable and-
“You look pissed.”
Polly looks up. 
There’s a kid, probably eight or nine, or thereabouts, in a bright red anorak staring at her with bright, curious eyes. “Why are you pissed?” she asks.
“My dad’s being annoying,” Polly says slowly, looking around. None of the adults passing by seem to be paying the slightest bit of attention to the little girl. “Where’s your dad? Or your mum?”
“Don’t have either,” the girl says cheerfully. “Uncle Karl’s in there,”- pointing at the T.M Lewin’s opposite the shopping centre bench that Polly had been sitting on for the last hour and a half- “and I was with him, but he’s taking forever and I got bored.”
“...Right,” Polly says. “Grown ups can seem to go really slowly, sometimes, but you shouldn’t wander off. When your uncle turns around and sees that you’re missing he’ll probably be really-”
“Esther!” A tall, handsome man in a very smart suit bursts out of the shop, looking frantically around
“-worried,” Polly finishes, standing.She sweeps her arm in an arc above her head and the peculiar movement catches the man’s attention- as Polly had hoped it would- and his gaze narrows in on the bright red anorak. He crosses over to them in three long strides as the kid- Esther- turns away from Polly, folding her arms. 
“Esther, what do I say about staying close!” “Uncle Karl” demands, grabbing the girl by her upper arms. “Do not! Wander off! You’re going to turn me grey the rate you’re going-”
“You were going grey before I got here.”
There’s no, Polly can’t help noticing, trace of grey whatsoever in the man’s jet black hair. “Yeah, well.” Uncle Karl says. “You’re making it worse. Come on.” He straightens, and looks Polly squarely in the face for the first time. “Thanks for keeping an eye on her, miss. Sorry if she bothered you.”
Polly smiles. She smiles, and she definitely does not blush. “Not at all.”
“The lady’s mad because her father’s being annoying,” Esther says. “Like you’re annoying for taking ten hours to look at stupid ties.”
“It was not ten hours,” her uncle growls. “You’re annoying.”
“You said when you were done in there we could get ice cream. Can we go get ice cream?” 
Polly bites back a laugh. Karl gives her one last thanks-and-also-kids,- am -I -right?- sort of expression, and steers his niece away with a firm grip on her shoulder. Polly watches them go, then looks down at her phone. I’m fine, she texts her father. Then: 
-I’ve been sitting in the shopping centre trying to figure out if I want to see you or not and I still don’t know right now.
-Why can’t you just come home? Tell mum you made a mistake, whatever it was, and come home.
They get ice cream, but only because Charles Whiteman wants one himself after that sickening thirty seconds. He’d paid for the tie he’d decided on for Callaghan’s birthday present- never hurt to give the boss something nice when it didn’t look so much like sucking up-  he’d turned around…
Well. That was this afternoon, and now it was evening: Esther was safely tucked up in bed and he, Whiteman, was standing outside the apartment complex enjoying a well deserved cigarette. He took a drag and exhaled, closing his eyes and savouring the faint rush. When he opened them again, a woman in a wheelchair was pushing herself toward the apartment entrance. Vaguely recognising her, Whiteman stubbed his cigarette out on the wall behind him, and then pulled open the door just as she came up to it. “Thanks,” she said, heading through. 
“No problem,” he said. And then: “Not sure how long you’ve been out, but sometime between this morning and two hours ago, the lift broke down, apparently. There’s a sign gone up on it, do you need any help, or…?”
She looks over her shoulder at him. “I’m on the ground floor,” she says, “But thanks anyway. It’s Mr. Whiteman, right? I’ve seen you about.”
“Yeah. Charles Whiteman. Sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“I’m Iris. Maplewood.” She smiles politely at him. “I’ll see you sometime, probably.”
“Yeah,” Whiteman says. “And you. Good night.”
“Good night,” 
Iris Maplewood moves off. Whiteman lets the apartment door go, and fishes in his pocket for another cigarette. 
The apartment complex isn’t the nicest in London, but it’s not the worst- not by a wide margin. The neighbours- like Mr. Whiteman- tend to be polite enough in passing, but keep more or less to themselves, which suits Iris Maplewood fine. She’s a private person, she’d rather not have well meaning people trying to meddle. Although…
She pulls out her phone and dials a number, raising the phone to her ear. It rings, and it rings, and it rings, and then a familiar pre-recorded voice tells her to leave a message after the tone. 
“Shahara? It’s Iris. I just got back from that date you insisted I go on.  You were right. Defoe is kind of cute, if  a bit nerdy. A lot nerdy. Anyway I’m still not convinced that setting someone who works in dispatch up with someone who may or may not be a witness in a case is completely ethical, but I didn’t get murdered and I had a nice time, so you win, I guess. Bye.”
She hangs up, and grins a small grin to herself. Defoe’s not a witness- not really. He’s a physics professor that Shahara had to ask a few questions about some students who he could only just recognise by face, and not at all by name… and he’d been sweet, and engaging, and Iris had enjoyed herself. And so had Defoe- Gabriel- apparently, because at the end of the date, he’d asked if they could do it again some time.  Iris had replied with a very emphatic yes.
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ouatsqincorrect · 11 months
Not sure if you’ve already answered this and I’ve missed it 🙈 but do you have any Emma and Zelena headcanons? I love their brotps in fics
oh absolutely! sorry this has taken me a minute—it’s been sitting in my drafts as i slowly add to it. anyway
i know it seems like every member of this family likes to take each other lunch/snacks while they’re at work, but that’s just how it is. sometimes, zelena will pick up two bear claws from granny’s and drop them off for emma and david
usually, this ends with her sitting in one of the office chairs for a while, most likely trying to annoy the crap out of them, but failing (with robyn in daycare and no job, zelena has a lot of time on her hands)
once, zelena breaks regina’s blender and begs emma not to tell regina, and when emma inevitably does (regina gets it out of her) zelena calls emma a traitor and gives her the cold shoulder for exactly 2 hours before she decides not talking all the time is too boring
they don’t really talk about deep things. at least, not often, but they both totally get using humor as a defense mechanism and when they do talk about the hard stuff, it usually entails a lot of jokes
zelena doesn’t have her magic anymore, so one day she tries to get emma to magic things for her. it ends with snow having green hair and an alpaca in regina’s office (emma is confused, zelena just cackles)
regina is the person zelena goes to for movie recommendations, but emma is the person she goes to when she wants to listen to some new music—she goes through this phase where she wants to learn all about pop culture in this world and emma is happy to help
when emma and regina do get together, zelena tells emma she’ll turn back into the wicked with if emma ever dares to hurt her sister, but she knows emma won’t
(zelena’s just happy she doesn’t have to watch them “helplessly pine after each other” anymore—although she outwardly wonders if seeing them “turn into “the charmings 2.0” is actually worse—she knows it’s not)
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