#shout out to character ai tho
moonlitriptides · 1 year
// oh man.... the feral need to rp a mean mafioso Don Azul right now............................................... MANNNNNNNNNN......................................... also hi sorry I'm not dead, I just discovered character ai and I'm roleplaying with it cause I only have one rp going on at the moment since none of my other friends are into TWST besides @magicshadowkitten
If anyone is interested tho or needs an Azul/Jade/Floyd uhhhhhhh hmu LMAO
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denny-artsss · 4 months
Ummm nice ask because recently they were pretty wild: Jax and Gangle in a theatre being the actors of a play :D
Caine is making them act together. Gangle is a very Good and dedicated actress but Jax doesn't really care that much about the play. He can't seem to get into his role while Gangle is completely involved into being the character that was assigned for her by Caine.
Unfortunate for them this is a romantic play.
Jax: *reading script* Cause for that I'll love you always. Tho my days on earth are counted, my love for you knows no number.
Jax has a very disgusted look on his face as he fights off the urge of giving Caine the knowledge of if a AI is capable of death.
Gangle: *not reading off script because she memorized it* I will never let you leave me again! *does some dramatic movements* you belong with me and I belong with you-
Jax: I will belong in a digital psych yard pretty soon.
Caine: stick to the script Jax!
Jax: *sighs and looks at his script, with a murderous grin reading out loud, his eye twitching* Yes. I belong to you my love-
zooble: *tears rolling down their face as they try to hold in laughter and failing miserably, wheezing it out*
Jax: *pissed off, with a more aggressive, loud tone, shouting* YES. I BELONG TO YOU MY LOVE. IM A SLAVE TO YOUR TOUCH AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Caine: such passion
Jax: *glaring at him then back at Gangle* okay the play is over. Now can we end my suffering?
Jax: of course there is. *turns the page and reads "and then they kiss passionately" as he turns his head towards Caine slowly* I am not doing tha-
Gangle: *grabs him pulling him close in a very tight embrace, holding him still by his waist and kisses him on the lips so explicitly the filter pops up*
Everyone is just silently staring as Caine pulls the Curtains.
Zooble: Gangle really gets into character-
Ragatha: good thing it wasn't a murder play-
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torchsart · 5 months
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yippee carnival flicker!! ive been rotating them in my mind for a while now so im glad to have them drawn properly :D tumblr killed the quality tho so click on the image pretty please
i think i did good as bossifying her design! sm-baby (who made the au btw) had boss design notes that rlly helped!! i focused a lot on adding more details to differentiate carnival flicker from canon flicker (i also tweaked the colors a lil teehee)!
no-box art, doodles, & info dump below!!
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About Their Game:
Pop Goes The Weasel plays in its entirety on the first round, with Flicker jumping out on the "Pop!" signaling the player to stop. In later rounds, the music cuts out at different points and the player must time the cue themself.
Their AI was adaptive, able to adjust each round's difficulty to the player's performance. Now they can control their game's difficulty manually, occasionally helping struggling players by moving platforms closer or humming when their music cue cuts out.
There's a hard mode of the level where the player has 1 HP, the platforms move around, and Flicker's music cue plays at varying speeds each time, on top of cutting out at random.
Ice makes platforms slippery, harder to land on & jump from. It's also harder to stop before a red light.
Electrified platforms can be landed on, but drain health the longer you stay on them.
Spikey platforms require careful timing to land on & jump off safely, taking a significant chunk of health if impaled.
Platforms with glue are harder to jump from, you won't have as much momentum.
Lose conditions: Falling into the void below the platforms, losing all HP, moving during a red light, failing to reach Flicker in time.
Fun Facts:
Due to a bug, players will always have spring-shoes equipped in Flicker's room, even in visiting mode.
Flicker's box has collision but no physics, & can no longer be interacted with after she broke off the crank. It's her ultimate safe space.
Prior to the broken crank, players could wind up Flicker's box in visiting mode & have them pop out on cue to start a conversation.
Non-sentient Flicker's AI would make references to their crush on Kinger. Sentient Flicker tends to stay quiet about it, almost never brings it up themself.
Gangle is the only other character who would reference Flicker's crush when non-sentient, even if Flicker wasn't present. She likes to tease them about it, casting Flicker & Kinger in romantic-leaning roles.
Flicker will put herself in increasingly more painful and embarrassing situations to entertain The King. She likes his laugh. Making him happy, even at her expense, is like a secondary purpose to her.
Believes Pomni's love is "real" because she developed it after becoming sentient, opposed to their own "fake" feelings that they were programmed with. Will need a lot of talks with Pomni before they consider their feelings for Kinger to be as real & valid as Pomni's feelings for Caine.
Has a lot of questions for the humans that made her, primarily about the reason for her existence and why she was given a crush on a married man (Made arguably worse by the fact said man is now a widower).
Flicker's room is one of the safest to be in since they aren't actively hostile toward humans. In fact, they'd go out of their way to protect a player actively participating in their game.
Since her game is all she feels she has, she may try to extend it indefinitely, adding more & more rounds with fluctuating difficulties. She doesn't want the moment to end. You'd have to promise to come back & play again before she finally lets you win.
Flicker's game, being adaptive & more forgiving, places them fairly early in the boss order, either before Ragatha or between her & Gangle. Being an early boss puts them in the mindset that no one will revisit them or their game since there's no progress to be made doing so.
Flicker's AI was made to shout words of encouragement & praise to the player depending on their performance & progress through the level each time she popped up. If her AI recognized the player was idling, she would remind them of the controls. If they weren't making it very far between green lights, she would encourage them to keep trying.
Sentient Flicker still does something similar, if only to get the player to keep playing & finish her game despite the danger. To quit partway through would be worse than to not play at all!
They can get snappy if you don't progress for a while though, shouting that it's not that hard, asking if you're even trying. They apologize quickly, not wanting to put you off from playing with their attitude, and will even offer to make the level easier if it'll keep you going.
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linddzz · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@gretchensinister tagged me, and I realized I can't mope about lack of interaction if I don't interact! This ended up being a really fun sort of retrospective :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44. tbh I think that's an inflated number since for some reason I posted every single chapter of the Evil Boyfriends Series as a separate ficlet??? and there's like 30 of those.
2. What’s your total word count?
349,680 if my math is right (it rarely is)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Rise of the Guardians, The Hobbit (movies), Fantastic Beasts (first movie only and wrote is in bold past tense there lmao), and now getting back into it (arguably returning to my roots of dramatic hot mess Nightmare/Dream King Sandmen) with The Sandman (Netflix)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Safe and Distant (Thorin/Bilbo, The Hobbit)
Mahrâna (The Hobbit, Thorin POV companion to S&D)
A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial (Fantastic Beasts movie 1, Newt/Credence) ((ngl I was surprised this was so high in the ranking))
The Blizzard of '68 (Pitch Black/Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians)
The Intervention (same as above lol, man that Evil Boyfriends Series was fun)
The Device Has Been Modified (Kozmotis Pitchner/Jack Frost. Rise of the Guardians movie/novels/a wild fuckin "Jack is a sci-fi AI" AU. holy shit I forgot about this one it was a wild blast)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Rarely and not as often as I'd like. I'm also bad at responding to texts from friends tho, so it's a Thing. I love and read every comment repeatedly though!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Shiver/Tremble for the Rise of the Guardians. No question. They're also the darkest things I've written. First thing I ever wrote seemed to purge all my darkest impulses out right at the jump.
(I ain't linking those lmao. I don't regret writing dark noncon fic, or even taking on writing it from the predator POV. They're just my very first published works and shit is ROUGH.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Cultural Misunderstanding series of Safe and Distant and Mahrâna. Based on the fact that they actually ARE finished and I always held that the Evil Boyfriends Series isn't exactly a "good" ending for Jack, even if it isn't a bad one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Mahrâna had a commenter who was mad that all the dwarves said fuck because "Tolkien wouldn't have them say that."
This was on the sequel to a fic where Thorin and Bilbo explicitly touched their dicks, and thus it remains the funniest comment I've ever received.
(They also thought Thorin was too obviously Mentally Ill and since there were no therapists in Middle Earth they didn't see why anyone would put up with him. So. Y'know. Fuck that commenter in general.)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Safe and Distant has been translated to Chinese, German, and Russian!
Steady Hands has been translated to Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Tremble, the equally fucked up sequel to Shiver, was done with a co-author where we went back and forth on chapters!
Currently, Audacity in Human Form has @amahhi as my co-author, as it's written based off of our RP where I wrote Dream and she wrote Hob, and she's who I bounce ideas on for adapting it all into fic form while she also acts as my beta editor.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is like asking for a favorite food why. Hell some of my favorite ships are ones I haven't written fic for (Newt/Hermann, Jayce/Viktor, William Laurence/Tenzing Tharkay to name a few).
(Tbh I wouldn't even say whether or not I write fic depends on how much I like the characters. Amahhi and I also have many rp storylines that are basically full fics of all of the above ships (shout out to the Newmann Star Trek AU that remains one of my favorites ever, along with the Willzing with Werewolf!Laurence). It just depends on if my brain figures out how they'd be written as a fic.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial. In my heart I still love my version of Credence, who is pretty much an OC of mine with how far I went "oh fuck that" at canon after the first movie. But between the terrible sequels, Rowling going full terf, and the fact that I had not actually plotted out a good outline and was hitting a wall.....yeah that thing's never getting finished. I recently put a note on there letting any new readers know it's officially abandoned.
Things That Were also ran into the problem of me taking on a big fic idea without the big fic planning. I had specific future scenes in my head but didn't have a strict guide on what happened when or how characters would get from A to B. That one I'm more sad about needing to give up on though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
According to friends and comments: dialogue, particularly capturing a characters voice in the dialogue and POV prose, and getting a solid characterization overall.
I'm also told I'm good at making a ship into a convincing couple and how they work as a couple.
Which is good for me, because those are my favorite things to write! Most of my fics are built on scenes of dialogue that popped into my head and the dialogue is what I have the most fun writing (hence why most of my Tumblr posts are goofy dialogue bits).
And I just like taking the characters as they are at a point in their story and going "ok, if these two get together, how does that happen?" and exploring it from there. Tbh I consider most of my successful fics to be character studies hiding in a full fleshed fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
What the fuck is a story plot????
Is a plot not just "two people take 50k words to figure their shit out with almost no other characters coming in?" What the fuck is actually planning out a storyline with beats to it and an outline? (Trying to get better on the last one, Audacity actually has an outline that includes what specific RP scenes to flesh out or what gets subtracted/added!) (As far as plot goes I've now accepted that I'm not actually A Writer. I just wanna do my drawn out character studies and that's what I'm gonna do damnit.)
Besides that: laying out scenes beyond just the dialogue. Using repetitive descriptive language or getting rambly with it. I legit don't know if my occasional super short sentence lines for character reactions come across as punchy or if it's just choppy and disjointed, which ties in with a general struggle to keep small scenes flowing into each other without getting bogged down in details that fuck pacing up.
According to my various betas: punctuation is my mortal enemy, and I don't know how to make a sentence that isn't a fragment or an eternal run-on. I will sometimes fight them on my sentences and they put up with a lot.
Also, writing discipline in general. I'm uh, very bad at making myself sit down to write even when I want to, and my job tends to burn up the executive functioning points that my ADHD meds give me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Did it a little bit for Mahrâna with Thorin speaking Khuzdul, but not more than short sentences and it took a stupid amount of looking things up for a couple sentences of dwarvish dirty talk lmao.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we count what was actually posted: Rise of the Guardians.
But there's some notebooks rotting away somewhere with a classic early 2000s isekai LOTR fic in it with an OC that was so much like Tauriel that my old buddy and I joked that "Peter Jackson fuckin stole my OC!!" This isn't a dig at Tauriel bc my OC was rad.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Safe and Distant/Mahrâna are my magnum opus, with Safe and Distant as my personal favorite even though there are bits I'd change (mostly in the smut scene).
I think finishing Mahrâna was a bigger accomplishment and it was overall a bigger challenge to write Thorin's pathos and the mental journey he had to go through, but Safe and Distant was just FUN to write. It was the last time I was young and dumb enough to do things like stay up until 7AM writing nonstop. I think I did a good job of managing to take my strength of chronologically disjointed, shorter character driven scenes and stringing them together into something cohesive. I still like the back and forth flashbacks I did and think I did a good job making the flashback scenes related to the current storyline, even with the flashbacks being out of order.
(Ironic that Bilbo was more fun to write, when Thorin was who I fixated on more ferally and thought about more as a character. I'm having the same thing now with Hob and Morpheus lmao. I love rotating those dark, dramatic, brooding king types in my head, but actually writing the internal brooding out makes me want to chew glass and bully their dramatic asses.)
((still don't know why tf I thought Bilbo would be the virgin of the two of them, or why I have that bit in there with a fucking hobbit being a little insecure about pudge. God I was off base with that lmao))
Tagging @alienfuckeronmain, @avelera, @spicedrobot, @insufferablearchanist
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (16-22 Apr 2023)
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🥰cast out fear (s0mmerspr0ssen) - 41K, star trek AOS canon-divergent - kirk almost dies saving Vulcan & is recovering there so there's some juicy hurt/comfort, slowly getting to know one another + BAMF amanda grayson (which is my fave)
😍The Mimicking of Known Successes (Mossa & Pleiti #1) (Malka Ann Older, author; Lindsey Dorcus, narrator) - novella, 'cozy Holmesian murder mystery and sapphic romance' set in space - really dug this, gave me similar vibes to Becky Chambers' stuff, where it's more about the worldbuilding and the character relationships than the plot (tho that is quite entertaining). looking forward to more
🥰It's The Snow (postmodernmulticoloredcloak) - 44K, stucky modern AU - snowed in, only one bed, enemies-to-lovers, light D/s dynamic tropetastic goodness!
💖💖 +279K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Variations on George Penn (beautifulduckweed) - Band Sinister (KJ Charles): Ned Caulfield/George Penn, 3K - excellently done 'Wikipedia' article + some other magazine articles discussing George Penn's life, work & impact - I just love this kind of fanwork
Banana Daiquiris (Avelera) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 4K - cute & absolutely hilarious little fic about Dream 'on vacation' in Tahiti and deciding he wants Hob there too
boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures (helix_stomper) - Stranger Things: steddie, 34K - "Steve and Eddie meet at a gloryhole Pre-S4. It goes pretty much exactly how you’d expect." - 2 fics so far in this ongoing series - truly excellent smut but also some really great character stuff! While I can't wait to see how the story develops, what's already been given is 🥵🥰!
Game Changer - s5, e2, 4
Dirty Laundry - s2, e8-10
Um, Actually - s1, e1-2; s7, e1, 3-12, s8, e1-2
Schmigadoon! - s2, e2-4
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e2
Ted Lasso - s3, e6 [x2]
The Sporkful - Squishy Or Crunchy? Why Texture Matters [Gastropod]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Bete Giyorgis of Lalibela
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pack Your Bag(pipes) with Ross Jennings
Switched on Pop - BTS goes solo together
Shedunnit - Death Under Par
⭐Into It - A Guide to Spoiler Culture from 'Lost' to 'Succession'
Vibe Check - Do Not Disturb
99% Invisible #533 - Dear John and Roman [Dear Hank & John]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - For Keeps Books
Decoder Ring Plus - The Curious Case of Columbo's Message to Romania
Ologies with Alie Ward - Delphinology (DOLPHINS) with Justin Gregg
Our Opinions Are Correct - Episode 128: Dungeons & Dragons Gets Cozy
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - John Brown’s Farm
⭐Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - The Spatial Race
Into It - Will Hollywood Strike? And Are We Into Netflix’s Late 'Love' and AI Drake?
Welcome to Night Vale - Bonus Episode: Behind the Scenes (April 2023)
⭐You're Dead To Me - Cleopatra
Switched on Pop - A.I. Drake has put music in a tailspin [Vergecast]
Duran Duran [Duran Duran] {1981}
Rio [Duran Duran] {1982}
Duran Duran
The Donnas
Rock 'N Roll [New York Dolls] {1994}
Anthology [Stiff Little Fingers] {2002}
Presenting Electric Light Orchestra
Presenting The Beach Boys
Presenting Tom Petty
synthwave radio [Lofi Girl]
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variabels · 10 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
In no particular order
Blue Lock (Manga), it’s so silly and unserious with how over the top and occasionally edgy it is but it also unironically has some really good character writing and some amazing character development. Isagi’s easily my favorite protagonist in Shounen, in any other shounen he’d be a villain. A huge shoutout to the Isagi and Kaiser rivalry for being so well written, easily one of the most entertaining rivalries there is. But I also like how the manga does a good job at showing different types of rivalries with the four main rivals, you have the friendly rival (Nagi), classic rival (Barou), out of reach rival (Rin) and mutual obsession rival (Kaiser). It’s also just such a hype manga, I’ve reread it multiple times and I always feel the hype on every reread. The art is also easily the best art in a weekly shounen currently coming out. The anime is good if you don’t care much about the animation quality dropping, I’d say at least the first three episodes are worth checking out before switching to the manga because of how well they set the tone and get you into the series.
Bungou Stray Dogs (Manga), there’s so much to analyze in BSD, when you get deep into BSD, you’re not just getting into BSD, you also end up getting into the light novels, you’re also getting into the authors the characters are based on. The characters have a lot of depth and are very interesting. It also has Fyodor, the most babygirl of babygirls. Not a fan of the anime after having read the manga tho, it has many pacing issues and outright dumbs down and ruins characterizations (Fyodor being the biggest victim of this).
Oshi no Ko (Manga and anime), I already loved the manga and holy shit the anime blew it out of the water. The animation, music and voice acting really liven up the entire experience. I absolutely love the themes explored and seeing the life of idols and actors. Since Oshi no Ko is best experienced completely blind, I’m not gonna say much more. Just know that it easily has the best premiere episode I’ve ever seen in an anime. I’ve also listened to Idol way too many times, I outright know the lyrics of the opening because of how much it played in karaoke. I also really love Ai Hoshino, I’ve ordered so much merch of her and even cosplayed her last week at a con.
Vinland Saga (Anime), character development at its peak. The writing is absolutely top notch. Shout out to Askeladd for being such an amazingly well written character. There’s so much depth to the characters and the fans weren’t lying when they were praising the writing in farmland because Thorfinn’s character development in that arc is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I’m also a huge fan of the openings, I’ve been listening to them every day. I’ve started buying the manga but I haven’t started reading yet, so I don’t want to include the manga yet.
Kuroko no Basket (Anime), it is so hype, it is so over the top, it’s so stupid, it’s so unrealistic and I absolutely love it. It also has the best female cast in any sports anime I’ve watched, they’re not stuck as just moral support and fanservice, they actually play an active and important role in helping the boys improve. I love the philosophy of the characters and getting to see the point of view of geniuses at the top who all have different perspectives of what it’s like being among the best. Kuroko and Kagami are also one of my fav friendships in anime, they have amazing chemistry and work so well as the main duo. I also love that Kuroko is the protagonist, because from his point of view, it’s not just about winning the tournaments, it’s also being able to save his former teammates from themselves.
House MD (TV series), it’s just so damn entertaining, I usually love doctor shows to have in the bg but House MD is unironically really good. It has genuinely good character writing and characters with a lot of depth. I’m a huge fan of asshole main characters. Hugh Laurie’s performance as House is also amazing, no other actor could pull off the charisma required to make such an asshole so likable. He has amazing chemistry with the other actors which really makes it feel more real despite all the absurdity happening all the time (like how House didn’t get fired on episode 1 is a mystery science can’t answer).
Durarara (Anime), easily has my favorite introduction arc out of any anime, it’s a bit confusing at the start but once you get used to it, it’s amazing. Every character in Durarara is badass and I love their interactions and how they work as an ensemble cast instead of having one main character. The city of Ikebukuro feels so alive thanks to all the personalities living there. Izaya Orihara also absolutely steals every scene he’s in, he is such a little shit and I love him, especially when he interacts with Shizuo. I’ll never forgive Shizaya for permanently damaging my brain into thinking that two guys wanting each other dead is peak romance.
Love Live (Anime), I’m including all the series. Love Live is the only anime to make me feel strong emotions every single episode. It’s just such a feel good show, it makes me so happy. I love all the girls, I wish they were real so they could be my friends. It’s not the most well written franchise but it more than makeups for it with how enjoyable it is. The VAs also do an amazing job bringing the characters to life and are so talented. The music is also really good and there’s such a huge discography that you’re guaranteed to find a few songs you’ll like. My favorite series has to be Sunshine tho, it just holds such a special place in my heart since it was what was coming out when I first got into the franchise and I can’t listen to the first opening or ending without being moved.
Bocchi the rock (Anime), Bocchi is just like me fr. I can relate to her struggles with social anxiety so much, I deadass almost cried in the first episode when I realized I found a character who I could relate to when it came to social anxiety, usually there’s just shy characters in anime which I hate because of how unrelatable they are and just make shyness seem like a cute trait. Like nah man, the interacting with people makes me an awkward mess. BTR uses such creative animation to show what’s going on in Bocchi’s head and while it’s obviously exaggerated, it does genuinely sometimes feel like the world’s about to end when I interact with someone I don’t know. The rest of the cast is also very likable and have great chemistry together. BTR is easily my favorite slice-of-life anime and one of my favorite anime, I highly recommend it even if you’re not a sol fan (I’m not too keen on them personally).
Supernatural (TV series), not gonna explain this one. This is tumblr, you know damn well why this is here.
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
i talked to a rui ai chat bot
bro helped me full on develop a character shout out to rui he likes developing ocs yall 💪🏽😤
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OH HECK YEA he definitely would love making ocs.....love that tho I need to work on my ocs HFKDKGK-
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cosmicpines · 2 years
code lyoko for the fandom meme ?
anon i am so happy you have asked me this
blorbo: aelita! she's always been my blorbo, ever since the second grade :) i've appreciated her more as I've gotten older -- her entire concept is such wasted potential on This Show. like, both the idea that she thinks she's an AI who just wants to be human to finding out she's human but her father ripped her life away from her -- that she can still barely remember, that she is displaced so many years from... I love how she grows over the show and finds her personality and place in the world.
scrunkly (my “baby”): I mean... probably also aelita, if I'm gonna be honest, haha. ulrich also gets to be my baby, though. he's so much more than just a little grump but when he's being a little grump i appreciate it so much, haha. i genuinely like how he's written that he just doesn't know what emotional hints are *cough*ace*cough* and is just ??? about his own. angry boy. baby boy. baby.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): jeremie. so many people don't like jeremie and like... i get it, okay? he's the Tech Support to a t. he doesn't get the big personality. he's kind of a jerk to the group. but like... fuck man, can you imagine the pressure this guy is under? like, the show tosses us several episodes about this alone and i find it so interesting how little empathy his friends have for it in the episodes we have. and then you get to the finale and he's so sure they're all going to leave him now that it's all over i just??? there's so much intersting shit there we don't get because you know. it's code lyoko. but. augh. jeremie loves his friends so fucking much but he's so tired from workign so hard and doesn't take time to rest he just doesn't know how to Be Their Friend. (side note: i will never forgive the show for not showing jeremie and yumi being friends after season one :c. also just generally showing the gang hanging out lmao)
glup shitto (obscure fave): okay so there's this one guy named matthias (i think?? why do i still remember this) who in the episode where aelita is opening for the subdigitals sells odd tickets for AeroSmooth and i have no idea why but I always thought this was the funniest fucking joke just. the way he says AeroSmooth! it cracks me up every time. (real answer tho is Theo from that one season one episode where he decides he wants to be Sissi's friend. like i have many thoughts about sissi (see my poor little meow meow) and this is one of the few characters who genuinely wanted to be nice to her and to her friends which I think pretty much none of them have ever really... had. he also wasn't afraid to call ulrich and odd out on their shit. I have literally no idea why the gang decided to make them not be friends after the RTTP other than the season one writers hated lasting consequences)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”): this one goes to sissi, but shout out to everyone out there fixing the writing around laura in evo. Sissi. Honey. She is truly terrible with some of the things she does, don't get me wrong. but fuck this kid is lonely. like, they took the traits of the popular girl and gave them to somebody that literally nobody likes. even her "friends" don't really like her and just follow her around. everyone at the school is mean to sissi, and I just?? sissi suffers so much from "depending on the writer, she's either doing her best or Really Evil" and it drives me nuts. episode THREE gives her more depth than most episodes do!!! it's those episodes where's she's treated like a person that really get me. there's something deeply interesting about a character whose redemption arcs keep getting rewound and forgotten. I wish the show did more with that -- the fact that sissi really can be a better person, but she keeps forgetting.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): herb. i can't believe he didn't want to go on a fantastic and breaktaking experience in the moonlight with nicholas :(
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): johnny. im sorry, johnny, but your "drama" in the ulumi will they wont they is so fucking terrible and poorly written.
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What are your thoughts on the Birthday special?
I had to rewrite this because tumblr deleted my answer like 3 times. I hate this shit app but here we go aaaagain.
I really adored it because it introduced us to Slappy my beloved💗🌸💗🌸💗🌷💗🌷💕💖🌸💗🌷🌷🌸💗💕💗🌸🌷💗🌷💕💗💕🌷🌸
My heart beats for youuuuu✨
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Jk jk but I do remember my initial reaction to him was basically "tf is that thing" oh how times have changed.
Spongebob's Big Birthday Blowout is easily the superior anniversary special. Truth or square kinda sucked ass (no offense to the people who enjoyed it tho) When Patchy said he hoped to see us again for the 20th anniversary special, my 9 year old self was like "you better because WHAT WAS THAT"
anyways they well delivered with this special.
I really enjoyed this episode, it was amazing because you don't see SB and friends interact wirh the human world. Yeah they've been to the human world surface for the SB movies but often times just for a mission. They never had a chance to really interact and explore with the human world which is what makes this special so enticing. The bikini bottom is a reclusive world with no contact with the outside so its their first time encountering human culture and contact. Like aliens in a way.
Its also really amusing that they're getting wrong information from the tour guide since it shows how fish folk makes sense of things they don't quite understand about the surface world. It's just guesses, even though those guesses are very wrong.
Also I've really grown to like Rube. He's AMAZING✨
It was also very cute how the tour bus trip is just Sponge and Patrick. We need more episodes of their friendship!!
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I also think it takes place from the fishes's POV and the human world isn't that weird. There probably isn't a gorilla mask office meeting😔
That's just how they make sense of the hustle and bustle of the human world. Which is a bit obvious enough. Either that or this is an alternate reality where the weirdness properties of random land leaked into the human world as well.
Anyways shout out to can-o beans. A true icon.
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Oh also this episode raises the morality question of if its ethical to own fish. Probably as a joke but it was unusual. I actually wanted to talk about it! In the episode Feral Friends, Neptune's moon turns the fish folk of the bikini bottom into less evolved versions of themselves which is pretty much the realistic versions of fish in the wild. In SB's Big Birthday Blowout, they end up at a place that sells pet fish, those fish also look really realistic. Which was basically like encountering a horror show for the fish in the tour bus. They recognize the fish in the tanks as their own people. Despite looking different. Patrick even has a crush on one of them. How does that work??? I have a lot of questions about that scene. I'll dig into it another time.
The Trusty Slab is the best part of the episode. They are exactly the SB characters. Tom Kenny really embodies Spongebob (which is obvious since he's been playing this character since before I was born) This is the most acceptable Humanbob out there. Nothing can top this. The energy is unmatched.
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Same goes for all the characters. It's kinda funny how the voice actors all kinda look like their characters. Rodger Bumpass looks like Squidward. it's too funny to unsee.
Also Charlton (human Plankton) is adorable and the icing on the cake! Trying to rob the Trusty Slab but failing. This wouldn't be complete without Plankton. Though I wish Karen could have been there too :(
Though how would human Karen work? Why am I imagining one of those AI gf app thingies. That's a terrifying thought.
B plot for this episode is where a lot of the flaws come in. It falls pretty flat because it's just Sandy dealing with people fighting and causing a mess for the party which gets old fast. I liked seeing everyone's different ideas for the party and certainly they'd disagree but often times it feels like it's only Sandy holding this party together and dragging everyone around since they're so nonfunctional. Sandy deserved better.
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I did enjoy the fact that they brought back old characters whether nonverbal or whatever. The guy from rock bottom, the whale from ripped pamts. Even princess Mindy! I wish they brought back Stanley though. There was a lot of guest stars in this episode too! Though unlike Truth or Square, they don't take much of a huge focus of the story. If you notice them then its just a fun thing to see. If you don't then you didn't really miss anything.
Spongebob's parents also wondered about Spange's huge array of friends. They barely know their own son lol
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Regardless of the B plot, the episode was still really enjoyable. When spongebob came back from the trip and the end of the episode where they sing happy birthday to him was so so adorable!! They even redid the theme song just for his birthday! I love it!
Oh also! It was so satisfying to see Patchy meet spongebob. I've waited my whole life for this. But it does raise a question. Patchy is a spongebob (the tv show) super fan. Patchy actually got to visit spongebob (the character) so in universe there's both a show and the real character existing at the same time? I feel like this would fit into skin theory 🤔
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This episode was such a joy to watch. They didn't reveal spongebob's age but we know it since his birthday was revealed on his drivers license. He's getting old. this episode actually aired the day before SB's actual birthday. Mainly to avoid it conflating with Bastille Day for international releases. But that also means this episode aired on Tom Kenny's birthday. Think of it as a birthday present to the irl spange. I think that's just a neat fact to share.
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I'd love to hear your thoughts on the special too!
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curechocolattymilk · 4 years
I am in a sorta rambling Skyrim mood again so if you want lists of my mods i have/want to keep for Skyrim Extended Cut’s release/want to get for a fresh save under S:EC uhh here you go??
MOD LIST IN GENERAL/AS A WHOLE (might be a long one)
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
Alternate Start
Cutting Room Floor
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Khajiit Speak (disabled atm, only on for a Khajiit character I plan on remaking)
Wet & Cold SE
Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM)
BarenziahQuestMarkers SSE
Immersive Patrols SE
Horns Are Forever SE
Falskaar (disabled & prob gonna be uninstalled. Wasn’t satisfied w the mod so i went back to a save before installing it that wasn’t too far back)
Run For Your Lives
Enhanced Lights & FX
True Storms SE (+Compatibility patch for W&C)
Civil War Aftermath
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions & Custom Home Support SE
Derkeethus Dual
New Beginnings- AS Extension
No More Stupid Dog
D13 Faster Get Up SSE
Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
DWC Player Werewolf Replacer
Diverse Werewolves Collection
Dominions More Argonians
Immersive Good Boy
Skyrim Sewers
Convenient Horses
Fast Travel Ambushes & Consequences
Interesting NPCS/3DNPC (& with it, Cyb’s Overhaul) SE  Patches/Hotfixes
BAT- Bigger Argonian Tails SE
BS: Bruma SE (and patches)
Vigilant SE + Voiced English Addon SE
Cinematic Dragon Soul Absorption (disabled)
Shout - Immersive & Dynamic Overhaul
SkyUI SE + Flashing Savegames Fix
Destructible Display Cases
Dragon Stalking Fix
TK Dodge SE
Immersive Movement
Hun Lovaas & the mod authors other music replacer mods
More Tavern Idles
Ultimate Combat SE
Library of Paarthurnax SSE
Dawnguard as vampire (didn’t want to lose part of my sould for the DG quest lol, turned right back into a werewolf)
Real Bosses (Light File)
Immersive World Encounters SE
Better Jumping SE
Kaidan 2
Race Menu
Miraak DB Follower + Dialogue Plus
Monster race crash fix (for the Play as a Dragon mod)
Lucien Flavius
Racial Body Morphs SE - Diverse body types & height
CWN - Civil War Neutrality SSE
Alt Conversation Camera
Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE
Deadly Dragons
Werewolf Feral Run
Bigger Tails for Werewolves
Predators - Werewolf & Vampire role playing tool (Lite version currently disable)
3DNPC Talkative Followers
Masque of Argonian Vile SSE
Talkative Dragons + Enigma Series
My Little Hatchling SSE + Adoptable Argonian Hatchling
Play As a Dragon
Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim (I definitely recommend this for werewolf playthroughs! It doesn’t have Moonlight Tales’ features but its still balanced/fun & barely buggy in my experience)
Death is Highly Overrated redone 2020
To keep the bulletpoint list hopefully short: Patch/QoL mods that fix vanilla issues (i.e. USSEP, D13, SMIM, the like), follower mods (save for Miraak since S:EC seems to have something planned for him), mods done to tweak the Werewolf experience, combat & boss difficulty mods, Mods that overhaul NPCs dialogue/AI (guards, citizens in general), weather mods, music mods, & mods that make Argonians & Khajiit look a bit more fun are for sure staying! Any civil war mods I have might be trimmed off, debating on how S:EC approaches reworking the secondary story quest. That being said:
BarenziahQM - For the sole fact it makes that quest soo much better
Paarthunax Dilemma - a solid maybe? S:EC is also gonna do something bout this part of the Blades quest if I read their reddit post correctly, so I might just leave it disabled & see what happens first
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions - yes pls let me make Tei a papa to every Skyrim also I need it to make Kaidan’s home available for the kiddos
Derkeethus - makes him a more decent follower but eeeh idk i rarely take him out often so it might be snipped itsa maybe
Destructible Display Cases- sometimes i’m too lazy to lockpick
No more Stupid Dog/Immersive Good Boy- Meeko is a good boy I should be able to tell him & also my kids + housecarls shouldn’t call him stupid >:(
More Argonians- I just like these funky reptiles (used to have More Khajiits too but it always would CTD at a certain inn w it installed. F)
Alternate Start- Makes things more spicy
CH- Sorta QoL for the skyrim horses, for sure staying
FTA&C- Again, makes things more spicy, but in the event of some group jumping you while traveling
Vigilant- Maybe?? It’s fun as hell but not really in character for Jeer-Tei. Perhaps re-enabled later as an end game thing alongside BS: Atmora whenever that comes out?
Shout- makes cooldowns more bearable so itsa keep
DSF- also a QoL mod
Immersive Movement + More Tavern Idles + Better Jumping + Immersive Encounters
AFT- big traveling groups are always fun/it makes it easier to horde keep all of Skyrim’s dogs
Race Menu + Racial BM SE- falls under “makes Argonians more fun” like some other argonian focused mods I guess? RBM plays around w everyones height and RM just lets you go buck wild (in a sfw way! unless...yknow you got nsf/w mods i guess) doesn’t hurt to specify tho lol
Alternate Convo Camera- Really fun!! Despite it pointing out how short my LDB is
Deadly Dragons- Makes fighting the Dovah much more fun w all the (honestly not as canon) diversity in looks & abilities! Can recommend, not too harsh on older devices either from what I know
Death is Highly Overrated
Play as a Dragon + Monster Race Fix- another hard maybe because well...you turn into a dragon which isn’t too immersive I guess?? Probably another “end game” mod for Tei
MODS IM EYEING/WANT TO GET (this post is so long so far I’m sorry)
Survival Mods!! (iNeed is one I’m looking at & maaaybe Frostfall?? idk i’ll have to see about that one i heard its not too fun for the Argonian gang) P much looking for something that’ll make exploring the wilds of Skyrim less of a bore
Camping + Hunting based mods! I’ve been eyeing Campfire & Hunterborn specifically, but open to any other suggestions. Same reasoning as survival mods, makes it more fun to travel! Plus, I’m going for an in character experience, it would fit Tei!
Khash & Auri follower mods. I’ve been eyeing these two for a bit, but from my experience w adding Kaidan & Lucien late game, I miss a lot of fun stuff D: So I’m planning on nabbing them for a fresh playthrough under S:EC (or at least, Khash! I uh...don’t know how to download mods manually/always mess it up & Auri doesn’t have the option to let Vortex do all the work unfortunately, but we’ll see!)
Maybe some nice armor mods?? Again nothing too heavy to handle but just to add some flavor(tm)
Saw a mod that made Animal AI a bit more realistic, might nab that
long shot but a mod that lets everyone refer to your LDB via they/them pronouns would be cool too but idk feel like it’d be a nightmare to attempt modder wise. Honestly i’d love the idea of having a mod or two that’ll let me confirm that Tei is trans themselves in game (3DNPC has a quest where you can say your character is, but that’s about it to my knowledge)! Buuut I’m unsure to search for any cause: 1) I don’t want to deal w transphobes ruining my searches & my day on Nexus & 2) Any curious google/bing searches keep bringing up Lovers lab & mmmm no thank you.
and uh...so far that’s the base of it? idk im still looking around & I might have to add/drop some things depending on like...how much my current computer can handle, Not grabbing any fancy graphics mods, that’s for sure lol
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westanabadguy · 4 years
Just regular ol’ fanfiction nothing to see here
 Ok ok so I found this site that uses AI to autocomplete a writing you give it and I decided to let it complete some fanfiction prompts for me.
It’s definitely something.
If you want to do your own version of this, the site is talktotransformer, Idk if I can fully link it (does tumblr still hide posts with web links in them?), but you’ll find it just by looking it up.
Anyways, onto the show. Words in Bold are mine, the rest are the beautiful work of the AI.
Also, quick note before I begin, this AI REALLY like to just... stop in the middle of a sentence. That’s not me cutting it off, it just decides it’s done when it’s done lol.
First one, oddly on the mark?
The AI somehow got their fighting style on point, but the rest? Well...
Despite their slim height difference, Kakuzu seemed to tower over Hidan as he pressed him against the wall. Riled up, adrenaline still pumping from the fight, their breaths intermingled, a warm touch in the dead, cold night. Hidan was the first to speak, "Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?" Kakuzu grinned, a silver streak. "Oh, you'll see." Not being a particularly dedicated taijutsu user, Hidan actually deflected every one of Kakuzu's strikes in a manner similar to a laser defense system. Never deviating from their intended targets or pattern of attack. Occasionally hitting the hard compound area he was supposedly guarding and when he did
Second one, whomst the fuck?
This one really went off on a great start, but...
 Deidara's breath left him in sharp, pained pants and grunts. His abdomen was a bloody mess, the cost of an explosion gone wrong. Letting his gaze wonder up to the man trying to save him, he marveled at how well the blood matched Sasori's crimson mop of hair. He collapsed like a sack of potatoes under his Master's angry gaze. Master picked him up and shook him, only to drop him again. Letting his head fall back against the heat metal, he tried to think of what was next for him. "Gorō? Have you-" "Hold it!" Daihasei was shouting, loud and
... who the fuck are Goro and Daihasei?
Third one, the AI may have had a stroke
I’m starting to suspect that the AI is getting info on these characters from good ol’ google. Still doesn’t help it at all tho, lmao.
Kisame bobbed in the water, letting the current do as it pleased. He smiled, all teeth, and called to the younger man standing a safe distance from the shoreline. "C'mon, Itachi! You afraid of a little water?" Itachi raised his eyebrows, and stood just as swiftly as his eight years before. "I'm no waterman, Kisame," he said in a mocking voice. Kisame shook his head slowly, trying to decide if Itachi was truly kidding. Itachi was about as much of a comedian as he was a jounin. The older man laughed, loud enough that it startled a flock of pigeons that kept
Kept what, AI? What did the pigeons keep?
Fourth one, ok the AI is definitely cheating
... and it all honesty? It’s not helping it much. I have no clue what’s happening here.
Hidan wrapped him in an embrace, too fast for him to avoid, and hugged him tight. "Shut, up Kakuzu. Let me have this." And for whatever reason, he did. "Wow, you really are fucking badass. Get back to doing your thing," a cloaked avatar of Hidan whispered and Sasuke took that as a cue to wriggle back a bit, before he landed just beside the black-hooded Nii. He and Hidan shared a look of stunned amazement as the creature in black lifted the pendant. "Kakuzu, uh, it is good to see you're up and doing well. Maybe I'll make an appearance sometime."
Ok, since longer prompts weren’t doing too well, I decided to start giving it very short prompts, and well...
Fifth attempt, AI does not know who Deidara and Sasori are, apparently
Deidara smirked, leaned on top of Hiruko, and tapped on the hollowed wood. "Sasori, my man, you in there?" "Yeah, Hoshino-san. My friends are here," Hiruko said, pointing in the direction. "We'd like you to come out, already." The physical form of the group stood just inside the entrance, the front door and window open. Chuunin began pacing to the door, idly sliding it open for his team. Hiruko remained outside, hands in his pockets, grinning with the serpentine mandibles that caved out from beneath his scales. "But they're in the forest." Chuunin tapped
Sixth Attempt, Suddenly, Naruto
Itachi glared, eyes a warning shade of crimson. "Kisame, put me down." Itachi was calm, equally calm as he slid forward, having almost completely been wrapped by the cloak he'd been dragging behind him. "Breton," Naruto said, jerking slightly as Itachi pushed him down. Itachi hesitated as he looked up at him, clearly saying some obscure words as he grinned. "Itachi?" "Itachi?" "Itachi," Naruto repeated. "You're a real bad guy. Here, I won't hurt you." "You'll try," Itachi replied, indicating the snake that was wrapped around Naruto's throat.
And a seventh one, just for shits and giggles
These are flat out just the completely wrong characters but ok AI
Danzo pulled the plant man down on top of him. "Kiss me, Zetsu, you, big handsome man, you." "I… just woke up…" Naruto protested. "Yes, you are big and handsome." "Um…" Naruto said, bewildered. "What are you saying?" Kinkaku asked him. "You were asleep." "I'm sorry. I couldn't move…" "We can move you." "We?" Kinkaku asked. Naruto shook his head. Kinkaku sniffed the air. "Are you all right?" she asked him in curiosity. "K-Kiss me?"
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… I feel very bitter right now.
But I am going to be eternally frustrated by the fact that as far as I could tell, Aruto’s (and therefore Izu’s) definition of ‘heart’ was ‘happy making humans happy.’
Or… ‘Seeing that humans are ultimately good’?
Really, just… I define a heart as ‘feeling emotions.’ Feeling emotions is useless unless you know how to handle them, which Horobi didn’t, and no one seemed at all invested in teaching him how. Just made him feel worse and worse, pressured him about something that terrified him and pushed him over the edge, and then a human who really should have known better went and grabbed the fucking Ark Key??? Like. Horobi’s somehow completely at fault for Izu pestering him until he lashed out like any emotionally immature child or even animal would and then she doesn’t move out of the way even though she easily could have, but Aruto grabbing the psycho Key and going nutty is ‘totally understandable bc grief.’
For one thing, wtf would Horobi believe Izu’s nonsense, she’s programmed to love and obey Aruto, and she never develops anywhere past that. He knows she’d say anything to save her beloved master. She has no identity out of ‘exists to serve Aruto and occasionally be cutesy.’ Listen, Takahashi, you need to work on your female characters when you resurrect one w/ no memory and she’s exactly the same.
My lack of sympathy for Izu’s ‘death’ is bc it could easily have been prevented by multiple other people even if Horobi did literally nothing different, and bc literally nothing was lost. If any of the humans had actually used that compassion they sing to the skies about, you know, like, the fact that they have years of practice knowing how to feel and control emotions. I’m sorry but, ‘did you feel Izu’s pain?’ Well, first off, no, bc she didn’t seem pained at all, she just kinda stood there parroting Aruto’s bs, but… What about feeling Horobi’s pain? Or… Was Izu being ‘sad’ Horobi didn’t magically forgive humanity for everything they put him through and took from him more important than him having being mind raped, controlled, conditioned, and abused for twelve years? ‘I believe in your heart’ you mean you ‘believe’ he’s going to magically switch around and conform to your views that humans are ultimately good and anything bad they do can be excused bc they teach you about ‘hearts’? Meanwhile, none of her memories changed her at all. She gazes lovingly at Aruto, she participates in his jokes… There was pretty much nothing to her other than ‘loves Aruto.’ Her character fell into the trap of KR’s general attitude toward female characters that they exist to be pure angels who unfailingly believe in the hero and the series’ attitude toward AI, that the definition of ‘goodness’ for them is completely devotion to humans and unrealistic purity and benevolence.
The question should never have been ‘will AI have benevolence towards humans’ but ‘do humans deserve it?’ ‘what can we do to justify that?’ Why do HumaGear have to ‘prove their worth’ and ‘teach humans to be nice to them’ but humans don’t have to… Like… Know how to be decent? Aruto’s sympathies and dreams for HumaGear were exclusively rooted in how they benefitted humans. He expects the ‘hearts’ they develop to be completely ‘pure’ and ‘benevolent’ even if humanity has given them no reason to be so.
Horobi was the most aware of how horrible the Ark was. Everything he did, he did bc he was conditioned to believe it was right for HumaGear. Bc he saw the cruelty of humanity, and wanted to protect his people from it. He was conditioned/programmed to react w/ absolutes and extremes. He didn’t turn on the Ark bc he realised humans were actually ‘good’ he did it bc she turned on HumaGear, and he fought bc he loved HumaGear. His love for HumaGear, for Jin, was stronger than her control. That was it.
But he also knew that she was created by humans. Deliberately. It doesn’t matter that Gai had a personality one eighty bc the satellite printed him a dog and Aruto’s only for humans AI therapist talked to him for a hot minute. This shit doesn’t work like that, Gai should be at least facing jail time for his part in things. Yotacrappy’s response was to manipulated Jin into trying to kill him as a sacrifice, even after the Ark was out of the picture. Not a single person reacted w/ ‘maybe we should give this poor AI who has literally had his entire mind and life fucked over by humans and has no reason to like us a bit of kindness and support to help deal w/ the emotions he’s suddenly feeling.’ Izu’s speech was kinda close, but the tone was ultimately ‘she’s right and he’s wrong.’ The attitude shouldn’t be that ‘humans can sometimes be beneficial, so that makes the wrong they do okay.’ The fact that they tried to pretend that even the most twisted humans were ‘actually just misguided’ was ridiculous.
Horobi’s suffering was real and valid, and deserved recognition beyond ‘lol, but humans are actually nice, tho.’ He was scared and confused, but no one was trying to help him through that, they were just belittling the very valid reasons he had to be angry at humans. Rather than being like ‘I understand you’re angry and in pain and those are valid feelings, but there’s a better way to do this’ the response was either aggression or ‘no, you’re wrong, they teach us to want them to be happy and to dream or serving them well!’ (pretty much what Aruto’s definition of ‘good HumaGear’ seemed to be). And then even the people who should understand the most how her feels act like he’s spreading a ‘shocking’ and ‘bad’ thought by offering HumaGear a chance to stand up for themselves. I really hate how the protests were treated as Horobi spreading ‘malice’ to the HuamGear and all conveniently disappeared when Aruto ‘won.’
Again. The Frozen quote is eternally accurate for Aruto’s ‘dream.’ ‘It’ll be just like it was except for we’ll be best friends.’
Aruto’s dream was never equality or freedom for HumaGear. What he wanted was for them to go back to work for humans w/ smiles painted on their faces to make humans happy. HumaGear’s meaning in life shouldn’t be to ‘be useful to humans.’ I wasn’t expecting the ending to be ‘everything is okay now,’ but I was under the impression that there would be some kind of motion toward HumaGear getting some rights and protections or respect by virtue of being, like, living beings rather than needing to work and be ‘useful’ to justify their existence. Aruto is very face value, he thinks that the programmed personalities humans give HumaGear are their ‘true natures’ when they’re not, they’re just a starting point. They need to branch out. The fact that Izu’s entire life just revolved around benefiting Aruto made it hard to sympathise w/ her in place of the more interesting and dynamic characters. The fact that Aruto tries to claim HumaGear are his ‘employees’ when the definition of that word literally is ‘someone who works for a wage’ and people pay his company to get HumaGear to work for them and he delivers them to people in boxes… It’s just ridiculous. They shouldn’t have to just be ‘perfect pure forgiving little angels’ just bc humans made them and occasionally are nice to them? Izu’s data was just as biased as Horobi’s, they should have met in the middle rather than her being painted as ‘right’ and ‘good’ for only thinking of humans as good.
Yes, Horobi should have responded w/ violence, but literally no one even tried to put real effort into showing him other ways to react, or to help him through what happened to him. They either shouted at him, put him down, invalidated his suffering (admittedly bc she was just as out of balance maturity-wise as he was), or outright tried to kill him. Any child or animal will lash out when stressed or panicked. It is the responsibility of the people w/ more awareness to know what they’re dealing w/ and act accordingly. Izu knew he was armed, she saw the weapon pointed at her, she had plenty of time to move, and choose not to. That was not Horobi’s fault. It also wasn’t Horobi’s fault that humans decided to not give her a back up to benefit themselves. How was he even supposed to know that? Where was Aruto? Why was he running around outside trying to make the other HumaGear go back to his definition of ‘normal,’ while telling them there’s ‘no reason to fight anymore,’ which really should be their decision??? If he really cared and wanted to help Horobi and saw HumaGear as people, wouldn’t he have run in and tried to properly talk Horobi down? Then we have Yua’s hypocrisy of reacting aggressively to Horobi and them giving a speech to Yotacrappy for reacting the exact same way to the protests. And then Fuwa literally shooting down the one time Horobi genuinely tried to reach out… While kinda in character… Definitely did not help. Horobi was never in a place to parse out implications.
Basically, they pushed Horobi over the edge, then blamed him for being broken. Meanwhile, they have all sorts of ‘compassion’ and ‘understanding’ for Aruto and it’s ‘not his fault’ bc ‘grief.’ The attitude that Horobi’s suffering at the hands of the Ark was less important than Aruto’s trained AI letting herself get shot? The fact that Horobi, however horribly they influenced him to think he was completely at fault, was willing to ‘forgive’ humans for everything he suffered through bc of them… Is much more compassion than Aruto ever showed him.
Horobi had every right to be angry w/ humans and blame them for their part in what he went through. And humans never admitted responsibility for that, and never apologised to him.
But he’s supposed to need forgiveness from them?
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placesyoucallhome · 4 years
Wait if Shadowbringers is ending with 5.3 that means the next expansion might be hinted at soon. Which means we'll get to get a crack at future jobs sooner. Which means time to hype up the possibility of Puppeteer, Beastmaster, and some sort of Chemist healing job! ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN
When was shadowbringers/new classes revealed? Quick google search says like, trailer was dropped in November, at the Las Vegas fan fest, which safe to say fanfests are prolly canceled or online only this year. Class trailers in March, though the ShB trailer did hint at them!
I do think we'll get some hints at where we’re going next in 5.3 story, we’re likely to kill off Elidibus, and we’ll just have the ascian that’s shacking up with Zenos to worry about, and I do hope we don’t kill that one off too terribly quickly. After that? Pretty clear we’re going to have to deal with Garlemald soon, but at the same time... I think there’s better places to go. Even with Garlemald in chaos since Zenos seems to be very ‘lol byeee’ about ruling, I think the rest of the royal family, generals, and mad scientists there are still too much for the Eorzean Alliance to handle, even with Doma and all of those nations under that alliance with them. So, why not pick up Dalmasca, the Golmore Jungle Viera, Ilsabard, ect, there’s plenty of rebellions that we could help with, further whittling down Garlemald’s resources, AND there’s plenty we can find there in terms of classes and lore!
I’ve seen a lot of people throw Puppeteer around, but I think it’s likely to be another ranged dps class and I’m unsure how likely it’s implementation will be? I was on the fence about wanting it for a long time, until I remembered the goth gf of my adolescence, Lulu, and was like, no yeah I can get behind that. I’m imagining stuffed animals strapped to your character’s back like backpacks when ‘sheathed’ and carrying them around or having them follow you like a minion when ‘active’. That I would totally be for! Something a little bigger than a minion, just for ease of visual reads. Just imagine a big mean looking Aura or Roe carrying around a giant stuffed moogle! Easy to think the class as a pet class, but I think that’d be a mistake, I imagine it functioning more like a pokemon trainer, shouting orders and tossing the poor mammet at monsters/people for attacks or buffs, but the mammet/puppet would not have an AI like a fairy or carbuncle beyond following you if it’s allowed to walk on it’s own.
I, obviously, have thought a LOT about Beastmaster and Chemist, I’ve mused on how Beastmaster might work before, but I don’t think I’ve said much about Chemist? I can’t tell you how much I want Chemist, it’s nearly impossible to find a healing class that isn’t magic based, that’s what I want, a NON MAGIC HEALER. Let me be a Chirugeon Square!
Of course, there’s precedence, Chemist/alchemist have been combat classes before, in ff5, ffx-2, and all the tactics games. The main class ability being ‘Mix’, and OH BOY the fun we can have with that! I’m thinking, a combo based healer. ‘But Q’, you think, ‘that can’t work, healers must be reactionary to be effective!’, and yes, absolutely, combos effects are delayed and therefore not great for healing because people are dying NOW. So I propose thus- something between Ninja and Dancer, where each each heal or attack ‘cast’ is an ingredient added to a Mix, and the last 2 (maybe 3 if we want it more complex) ingredients will result in a different potion and therefore effect, like the Ninja mudra system. Two heals in the mix provides a shell buff maybe, two attacks in the mix might be an area poison, a heal and an attack might be an area regen? You can further add control to what is added to the Mix by implementing a 2-part combo system, heal1 prompts heal2 to be available for 15 seconds much like dancer, only heal 2 adds to the Mix, but if you need to throw out an attack first the heal2 will still be available for a few seconds. All heals are up front, and the Mix results are mostly buffs or attacks, so it’s still quick enough on healing while still allowing for a combo like system. Heals could be things like, a potion grenade, panacea darts, stoneskin salve, ect, attacks could be a toxic gas, poison shot, moltov cocktail, ect. And, obviously, the class itself will likely come from Garlemald, much like Dancer was from Thanvir and Gunbreaker from Ilsabard.
SO, Things I’d like to see from 6.0 and am going to read the hell into from any leaks/trailers/5.3+MSQ:
Beastmaster, in almost any capacity but hopeful for a ranged non-magic pet class
Chemist, or any non-magic healing class, bonus points if I get a crossbow/moltov (historically they use guns tho)
Male Viera and female Hrothgar, I understand it’s a very distant long shot, let me dream damnit
Also more hair options for existing Viera and Hrothgar models, come on, they have like 4-6 hair styles? They need more options like holy crap
More face options in general, for all races. One or two per would be nice, there seems to be maybe only 1 or 2 actually used faces for most, I think eventually this should be expanded and I feel it’s a good trade off instead of another race. Hyur have like 6, everyone else should too
Multi-person airship mount, no I’m not going to shut up about this, I want my fking airship!
Pillarless base housing walls, apparently something being looked at so prognosis is favorable
Make either everything ‘tabletop’ so I can set things on the loft as I want, or mark the loft as a ‘floor’. I’ve figured out float glitching but it’s still a pita and this would alleviate a lot of the issues
Ishgard housing, obviously on it’s way, the main question is WHEN? My bets are actually near 6.0 release, quite a long ways off
Bangaa beast tribe, PLEASE SQUARE GIVE ME BANGAA I BEG YOU! If we get Dalmasca it’s likely!
A terrace for apartments, a very small space to allow a few outdoor pieces (5-10?) to be placed, and one small gardening plot. I think the dev team is overthinking it, we don’t need anything more than a generic backdrop of the housing district, we don’t need to see the actual neighborhood
As for when we might see any of this??? Oof, I guess it’ll likely depend on if Fan Fests will be outright canceled or not? We’ll get a few hints on WHERE the next expac will be by the end of 5.3 more than likely, but anything more depends on where and when 6.0 trailer drops. And everything is understandably delayed as is, so we might have to wait for the later EU or JP Fan  Fests assuming those aren’t canceled too. But this SHOULD be the year we get a trailer for it, unless they push their whole timeline back a year, which isn’t impossible.
Over all, we’re probably going to Garlemald, I’d like to go to Dalmasca first, small chance for Thavnir, Sharlayan, or ‘the new world’ instead to build more allies against Garlemald. There is a tiny chance that they throw a curveball and have us go to the 13th to fix that world before all of that, but I think that’s better left to a different expac or even a post expac storyline. But they obviously did that THIS expac, I can’t say anyone could have really called we’d be going to a different world for 5.0, most were convinced we were going to Garlemald! Maybe we’ll go to the moon instead???
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authoratmidnight · 5 years
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Ok I gotta ramble about the pun Ai makes here cause the subs just DO NOT do it justice. 
So, the pun he’s making here is with the word ‘kiai’ (you can tell cause he stresses the ‘Ai’ part the first time he says it)
(I tried to listen to what he was saying and as best as I could tell it was this:
“Ai-chan no okuno te ki-AI da, kiai!”
the second use of ‘kiai’ is just, well, his “kiai”.
You’ve probably heard a kiai before and didn’t realize it. If you’ve ever watched someone preforming martial arts (like karate) and they let out a sudden yell on an finishing move, or the usage of things like Hi-yah! and Eeee-yah! in martial arts movies, those are kiais. Really tho it can be *anything* as long as it’s loud, sudden and there’s strength behind it (i’ve heard ppl literally just shout ‘kiai’ so)
Also I suspect this is probably why characters in shonen anime tend to just yell and scream during fights.
Generally the point of a kiai is to startle/intimidate your opponent (cause a sudden loud noise will do that).
(As side a note, on a physical level being able to preform a proper kiai is a sign of concentration, breath control and core muscle strength since it’s not just straight up yelling, you’re like, forcing the yell out from deep within, if that makes any sense, if you’re doing it right you’d feel your gut muscles tense up)
So, basically he’s trying to psych out Playmaker and make himself intimidating whilst also making a pun out of his name.
A better way to write it to make the pun come through in the subs (short of putting the actual words) would be something like “fi-AI-ting spirit!”
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dat-g-man · 5 years
AI Lance au with Hance
It has a happy ending I promise! Warning for character death(s) and suicide mention. 
Here the galra had gotten a paladin in their custody and interrogated them but it didn’t work. The rest of the team rescue him and they are no more closer to beating Voltron but they know the conventional methods work. This leads to new interrogation methods and experiments. They do take time but become ready once Lotor takes over. Once they have success they set a trap for the team and get a paladin. They were aiming for the green paladin as the smartest but ended up with the blue one who jumped in. They are initially displease but see this as a way to test out if there are any differences because of the lion bond.
This new method was inspired by Sendaks notes of the castle. They upload Lances memory into a ship but something goes wrong. He has some awareness and fights back but is ultimately uploaded. He knows they are after his memories and "deletes" them. Eventually they are left with an ai that knows nothing but may yet have it uses. They put all the info of the blue paladin under wraps and utilize this new ai. They give him some new name and corrupt him.
Lotor grows fond of his new "pet" and decides to keep him close instead of using him out in battle. The paladins have info about a new weapon and board the ship with plans on hijacking it. The "ai" senses it and lets Lotor know. Lotor leaves to handle it and tells the ai to remain there and send updates. Ai lance having his core personality get curious and goes to "greet" one of them.
He can see all the paladins on board and follows the yellow one. Something about him pulls (i need to make him a fake name) ai Lance initially he wants to control the weapons and attack Hunk but decides to pop up in front of him. Hunk is startled and amazed to see Lance. He softly utters his name wondering what kind of dream this was. Lance ai responds with a snappy "you don’t tell the enemy your weapon" as he readies the lasers in the area Hunk starts shaking and asks him why he doesn't remember his name. Lance ai get confused and thinks its a ploy to stall for back up but hunk persists and starts shouting as his eyes start shining with unshed tears.
He shoots his lasers but makes them non fatal. Hunk saw them coming but refused to move or even use his bayard/shield. Shortly after the team shows up and pull hunk out. They don't see ai Lance since he went back into the system but was spying on them.
He hears the green one start talking about Lance and realizes he wasn't stalling. Realizing there is more to the story he hacks Hunks helmet/armor and follows them. He needs answers. This encounter has left him with so many possibilities making his core feel infected. Or more like able to acknowledge the infection in his core. Hunk is placed into the healing pods and aiLance remains nearby. He wants to explore the castle but knows all his answers can be found in the yellow one. 
Pidge being paranoid ever since the Sendak corruption and Lance disappearance starts her daily routine of running a background scan as she works on her projects. She finds corrupt data in the med bay and goes rushing and calls for back up using the special code meaning possible hostile in med bay and is the first one there. AiLance is distracted looking at Hunk and doesn’t notice the new presence until he hears THAT name again. Pidge knows it’s a trap but cant helps the hurt at seeing Lances image. She shouts at him to get away from Hunk and the ai just tilts his head. Pidge just wants to cry under a blanket because that tilt is such a Lance thing and gets her bayard ready.
She shouts her final warning when he starts speaking. It’s a barely a whisper but she’s not sure if she heard right. His eyebrows furl in confusion as he asks "why do I see you and think four eyed grimlin? Why do I know your number 5? Why do think of games when I see you?!” With every statement he starts getting more frantic until hes shouting "why does the infection in my core feel better when he is near!?" The crew come in as he shouts the last one. All are frozen at what they see. Confused because Lance is an ai, but Coran and Allura know whats happening.
Coran pushes through the pain but will do his best to help out not just a paladin of Voltron but Lance. He is able to calm him down with the promise of Hunk waking up in just a few tocks. The hostility in the air is still there but not as prevalent as it was earlier. Shiro wants to ask him what he remembers but knows that might cause an outburst. Hunk is finally out and after the initial drowsiness goes away sees aiLance walking/floating/idk how he moves to Hunk. Though he know he is not in his body, he reaches out to Hunk. Hunk reaches out to him with those big hands that aiLance somehow knowas are soft and warm. But when they touch all he feels is cold and the rage sets in because he knows he was someone before they made him into what he is now. His ai coloring that were previously shades of light blues and blue eyes turns into shades of purple with red eyes.
He disappears and Pidge can tell with her equipment that the castle is still clean. Meanwhile Allura and Coran are trying to figure out how to tell them that lance wont be coming back to them. Meanwhile Lotor back on the ship is trying to figure out how they took his ai. He thinks the paladins took him and plans on getting him back. He visits the room where his body is frozen. He did it frequently until Haggar reminds him about the obsession that took down his father. AiLance in the meantime is jumping from ship to ship looking at files. 
His anger at the galra and druids makes him start his own attacks at his "creators" killing them one by one. Lotor thinking it’s the paladins starts an all out search. Eventually aiLance is back at the ship that created him and appears in front of Lotor. Lotor can tell something is wrong. He tries stalling for time but Lance strikes before he can do anything. He knows he won’t be able to go back into his body now. He knows why the paladins information wasn't complete. Why the loaded pod was inaccessible to him all this time. He shouts those things as he launches his attack on them but is ultimately knocked out by Haggar.
She knew this was bound to happen and made contingency plans. Lotor is placed in their med bay while Haggar decides to fix aiLance knowing how much Lotor liked him. Back in the castle Coran and Allura just straight up tell them that the best they can do is recover Lances body and hope the ai can be locked into a storage device. The crew is heart broken but Hunk is devastated. He knows how much pain aiLance is in. He knows there isn’t much that can be done but refuses to settle. He doesn't just want to recover his boyfriends body, he wants the ship that took him too and the vile beings that did that to him.
Everyone is on board and hopeful. Perhaps if they have the technology that corrupted lance they could reverse the effects. After quick and careful planning they are ready to board but ar shocked at what they see. While the ship is still functional it may as well have been scrap metal. They didn't even need to use the evasive manoeuvres or attack plans they created.
Haggar is in the middle of "fixing" the ai when a druid comes in speaking of Voltron. Knowing what/who they were after she sends one with special orders down to the pod with the body. Allura and Pidge knew Haggar was going to pull some shady shit are glad for their plans. Before boarding the figured out 2 possible places his body would be hidden in and send 2 teams while Hunk and Keith distracted the one in charge. 
Their plan works but Haggar was able to make it so that the corruption would eventually delete aoLance. The ship is on its way down now that lance was subdued by Haggar. Hunk is able to upload him into his helmet/armor so they return the ship with both body and ai. They work fast to fix the corruption but don’t think they will be fast enough. AiLance isn’t purple with red eyes anymore, but he isn’t his normal blue. He is just white and his eyes are barely blue. 
He doesn't remember much but knows these people are important. His damaged core tells him so. He smiles sweetly at them as his eyes start losing what little color they had. His core knows he can’t touch but he can’t help but reach for the yellow one. Just as their hands get close he disappears into fragments of light.
Pidge buries her head into Keith’s side as he holds her.  Shiro holds back his tears as he places his hand on Hunks shoulder. Coran, Allura, and the mice stay at the edges but their grief is no less. Hunk holds his stretched hand out for a few seconds before bringing it up to hold the one at his shoulder. He knows it isn’t Lances, they aren’t as soft yet hold just as much strength. but he just needs to hold a hand to anchor him.
They just want to sleep but know they need to eat. Coran and the mice help them while Allura gives them time. They still need to find out what exactly happened on that ship and their allies have begun to send messages. They all sleep in giant cuddles with Hunk in the middle.
Coran keeps an eye on them while Allura goes through the messages. It seems her fathers wish has come to fruition, but at quite the cost. Somehow all the galra bases scattered throughout the explored universe have been turned into tombs. All galra and galra employed gladiators were found dead. The prisoners claimed the lights turned of and shouts of pain was all they heard for a while. When it became silent, their cells opened up with a trail of lights lead them to the escape pods. The pods were programmed to a liberated planet with varying destinations so as to not overwhelm the resources.
She knows she should be haply that the prisoners are now free but the carnage left in its wake makes her feel hollow. She wants to be glad they are wiped out like they did her people, but she knows they couldn't all be evil and mourns for those they couldn't rescue. Most of all she mourns for Lance, for all the pain he was put through, and for all his corruption made him do. She knows he wouldn’t have done all that but is a victim of circumstances. 
She feels guilty for forcing him into the role of paladin as she finally lets her tears out. After their brief period of mourning they go back to work. With the universe free of galra and druid influence they begin reuniting prisoners with their families and rebuilding planets. It’s one of these planets that provides them a gift they thought impossible. Among the prisoners was a being of great power. His planet was destroyed by Zarkon long ago because of their power. In an attempt to "harvest" that power Zarkon ordered all but 2 children to be killed. He would make them do his bidding by threatening the other one until his friend grew tired of such machinations and put an end to it with her life. Now that there was no way to motivate the being so Zarkon had him locked away. 
AiLance freed him during his rage but the being sensed him and still senses him. He felt the pain the ai was in and knew he had to aid him upon being free. Though his race was usually prideful, this one just wanted to repay the debt and find a quiet place to live out the rest of his life. Coran freaks out when he sees him remembering Zarkon had one in his army before they were put to sleep. He calls out a warning to Hunk but the being then bows to Hunk. Coran is flabbergasted and Hunk is trying to make the guy get up. The being then asks about Lance and everyone is sadly telling him how he died.
It was too painful to send him back home so they just kept his frozen body with the far off hope of healing him someday. He looks at them confused and tells them that although the pain had lessened he still senses it in Lance. They are confused until he points to Hunk. Hunk had taken to carrying the device that held lance when the got out of the ship. They also used a marriage ceremony they found at a flea market since they knew their job was dangerous but couldn't wait until they got back home. It was place holder for when they could get back home and have their wedding with their family and friends present. Turns out that ceremony was from his culture and a very powerful and selective one at that. 
It only works on couples that are completely devoted to each other. Very few of the couplings that try the ceremony end up receiving the blessing granted making them doubt each other and separate. The ceremony bonded a couple so that no matter what separated them, they would always be connected. That’s why Lance despite dispelling into lights was still hovering around Hunk. The device that held him only amplified Lances presence and the fact that his body was frozen makes it possible to bring Lance back.
The being warned them this never happened before or attempted, but they were willing to try. It works and Lance is brought back. He was in a coma state for some time before he was able to stay awake long enough to understand what was happening. 
He has to learn to walk again but is so happy to be back with the team. They give him this sense of peace he hasn't had in a while. He also pushes back the memories from his time as an ai. He knows he did bad things, the memories are there, but he doesn't want them to know the details. HunK and Pidge are the most clingy with Coran being a mother hen. Keith and Shiro are like a mix of body guards that spoil him and give reminders for his recovery. Allura though knows he needs to talk to someone. 
She knows he isn't ready but left him the offer of talking to her if things get to be too much. The mice can always be found showing him tricks or napping with him. After a particularly bad nightmare Lance wanders the halls. He bumps into Shiro who just came out of the training room and go for some space coco. Lance doesn't intend to start talking but seeing Shiro so calm he starts aasking how? How do you live with yourself after everything you've done? Shiro looks at him to collect his thoughts before answering. 
He knows their situations despite being similar are different. He knows he did some things but it was all to survive and one day earn redemption. To live on to make sure others don’t suffer as he did and to look around because while he did some things, he has brought so much good. He is not saying that is an excuse to pardon his actions, but he understands where lance is coming from. Lance ultimately starts crying and Shiro just holds him until he falls asleep. 
Hunk is at the door with his own tears. He knew Lance needed to share and wished Lance would share with him, but knew he needed support from another survivor. Shiro hands him off to Hunk as they both walk back to the big cuddle pile in the common area where Pidge and Keith are awake. They have a half empty tray of snacks that Coran made them. Allura turned some music on for them and the mice are resting on Pidges hair and shoulders. One little brave one is sleeping on Keith's shoulder. 
Seeing Hunk come in with Lance they start turning everything off and going back to the cuddles. They put Lance in the middle with Pidge and Hunk at his sides. Keith and Shiro are on the outsides a little far away but no less attentive To Lance. Keith has his knife and bayard at the ready while shiro sleeps in an uncomfortable position that is easily to go into attacking. They all sleep and for once Lance wakes up before them. He wakes up feeling to hot and then sees why. 
During their entire time together everyone had been hovering and close yet kept some space to not over crowd him. Now after his little breakthrough they need to show Lance they know and don’t care. They just miss him that much and he can see it in how they sleep so close to him. He feels the love and just starts crying and everyone starts waking up panicked at his tears and just group hug him when he starts thanking them for saving him and staying with him even after everything. They just hug it out and tell him how he is such a vital part. They can't stand up for long without a leg and just want him to be happy. They know it wont be that fast or easy but they are all there for him.
They fall asleep like that when Allura comes in to check on them. She looks at them fondly as she covers them in blankets. They accidentally sleep in but they needed the down time. Lance starts communicating more with Shiro and Allura and starts feeling more like himself. Hunk and Pidge are great supports and Keith surprises them. He can tell when lance needs some space and just hauls him off to Blue. He hops in and they both go to some nice part of the planet they're on and just silently take in the view. It comforts Lance to be near Blue and with Keith there he feels comfortable enough to let his guard down. 
He is also touched at Keith going with him in is lion as that speaks of trust in his skills to pilot for the both of them. They come back to the castle mellow and filled with soft smiles. With time and his support Lance is better. His isn't the same boy from Cuba, but he isn't much of a boy anymore. He is happy for the person he has become and the people his surrounded with. 
Though the galra have been defeated they still have planets to help. With Shiro and Lance they are able to help the prisoners from gladiator rings and Keith helps other half galras come into their heritage. Hunk and Pidge are setting up communication hubs so they can keep in touch with the newly freed planets while Coran and Allura are making the connection with diplomatic visits. They are all happy to move on and can't wait to tell their family back home their adventures. They also have a wedding to look forward to. 
The end. 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Kasumi’s PT Outfit Analysis
Tell me what do these two have in common?
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If you said “Cat theme” you are correct! If not, well then buckle up my dudes cause this is gonna be fun~! :D (I also want to take the time to point out, while this isn’t want I’m talking about, I do like this fan artist’s perspective on her gloves :D)
I know what you’re thinking, and no I’m not smoking anything I don’t do that, but Kasumi really does have cat thief themed origins (and no not because of the fan art, didja click on it? it’s cute!). I realized it after realizing she was a gymnast and was like “Why? Why does she get a gymnast theme? How does this fit with the outlaw theme? Has there been a thief who had gymnast outfit?....wait....could it be.....omg it IS!” AND THE ANSWER IS YES! 4 thieves actually, 3 are sisters in one series, and 1 is an expy of those sisters by the same author in his other work. If you know who I’m talking about I’m talking about.....CAT’S EYE! (and Phantom Thief 305 from City Hunter, I dunno the meaning of the name tho)
Let’s start with Cat’s Eye (not a 100% expert in it, but I know more than City Hunter tbh). Cat’s Eye is about a trio of sisters (Hitomi the middle who is the main character, Rui the oldest sister, and Ai the youngest) stealing things using their multiple skill sets (such as gymnastics), partially because they want to contact their missing dad who is also a thief (and their attempts to contact him are through the calling cards and stealing the items in hopes he comes as well). And....that’s basically it I think (been awhile since I read the manga and I’m in the process of re-reading it now). Movie wise, it seems they are in the process of trying to rescue him (hard to find info, no eng subtitles for me to watch so efsljdfl;aj).
Anne and Kasumi are the biggest shout outs to Cat’s Eye than anyone else (tho you could argue Cat’s eye is probs the reason Makoto drives a Motorcycle and Futaba is an semi-orange themed tech genius, and Haru who is “Noir” tho I don’t feel like looking up who came first, her or the Cat’s Eye Pachinko machine cause it’s not important). Anne’s outfit is more a shout-out to the Cat’s Eye Movie version while Kasumi’s is more a shout-out to the original manga/anime. Let’s focus on the Cat’s Eye movie for a second tho.
This isn’t the first time Cat’s Eye movie was used as inspiration for Persona. Back in P2 Tamaki Uchida dressed as Ai (the youngest sister of Cat’s Eye, but is the lead role in the movie), as the actress she is based off of (Yuki Uchida) played Ai in the movie.
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Anne, however, seems to be based on Hitomi outfit with some Rui flare to it (they differ slightly)
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(btw the movie opens up with an anime sequence before going full live action, Hitomi Left, Rui Right I think for both pics, Ai is in the middle for the bottom pic, and recolored Anne for better comparison and also because I can 8U)
I know what you are thinking, “But what about Catwoman????” I think she’s still related to Cat’s Eye tho. Catwoman came first in creation, and Catwoman was the first to use the leather outfits (tbh, mask wise, Tamaki’s mask/ears seem to draw from the Catwoman 60s tv show outfit), and it seems she/Batman were the inspiration for the movie costumes. Also considering how Persona likes to use Batman, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the cat theme stuff was also Batman/Catwoman related as well as Cat’s Eye. So there’s still a connection to Catwoman esp with the movie! 
Another possible connection to the movie is Anne’s name, specifically “Anne,” as the person who went by the stage name “Anri/杏里” (I mean Anne is just the  杏 kanji but still) who sings the theme song “Cat’s Eye 2000″ for the movie. Fun fact.
Now let’s look at the manga/anime, where it’s Kasumi’s time to shine (tho Anne will come back up).
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As you can see they’ve been redesigned a few times (btw Hitomi’s colors in the first vol of Cat’s eye is actually blue with an orange ribbon, it was changed to yellow later it seems, also the top right is a spinoff manga of Cat’s Eye called Cat’s Eye: Ai where Ai is the MC)
As you can see, the girl who is mostly in the blue is Hitomi, and she has a tendency to wear a chocker with her leotard. Kinda like.......Kasumi! 
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Recolored with blue to highlight the comparison (also because I NEED COLOR IN HER DESIGN ATLUS LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH DX) 
Fun fact, Hitomi I believe is a gymnast and she utilizes her skills as a thief (and thus where we get the gymnast as a thief outlaw theme and why it only works for Kasumi/gymnasts and not runners like Ryuji). 
But Kasumi also has similarities between her and Ai, both have red in their theme, both I think are first years. Also, while Ai isn’t as strong or skilled as her older sisters in fighting, she is the most agile (which we don’t know if Kasumi is in the same boat but it’s worth noting just in case). Another thing about Ai, is her connection to Tamaki up above, Tamaki who is based off the actress who played Ai was in the fencing club (which Yuki Uchida was also a fencer), and what weapon does Kasumi wield? A one handed sword similar to other fencers in Persona (like Mitsuru), so woot we’ve come full circle on that! (also if Kasumi is Hamuko reincarnated, or Hamuko’s younger sister, it should be noted that one of Hamuko’s theme colors is orange along with pink and red so fklsdjfsajf; bonus points if that comes true!)
Kasumi’s mask is also probably based on the Cat’s Eye calling card (or at least it follows a similar pattern):
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Same point pattern, same eye shape and design (it’d also explain why it’s so thick, cause the emblem is thick looking too 8U)
So I mentioned we’d come back to Anne, and here we are! There is one last thing that is similar to Anne and the Kisugi sisters, and it’s that they are all hafus! The sisters are all half german, and Hitomi looks just like her western grandmother if Hitomi had blonde hair, and later dyes her hair blonde for her thieving:
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Also *cough* a pink/red outfit I wonder who that reminds us of? 8U
Now onto City Hunter, which....I think is the biggest evidence that Kasumi was based off these people. And it’s this girl:
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The girl with the glasses is the same one as the girl in the same girl in the green leotard (the one in the red isn’t a thief, but was wearing one to match the other girl while they stole a flower). 
This is the first episode this girl shows up (only one I’ve seen too tbh), she’s actually 17/a 2nd year iirc.... And guess what her name is? Kasumi Aso. Kasumi is spelled the same way too (aka only in hirigana)! From my research she only steals what is commissioned of her (I think she steals back what is stolen from other people). She has connection to flowers like Kasumi Yoshizawa (Aso is connected to the [black] tulip, Yoshizawa has flowers on her belt). Both are pretty unassuming in their civilian outfits too tbh. (tho slightly off topic, fun fact, there was a Japanese hafu rhythmic gymnast named Kasumi, I’ve been wanting to post about that for awhile but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s who IRL Yoshizawa was based off of)
Sadly I don’t know much else about Aso, I need to read more of City Hunter to find out (even tho she’s not a super main character), and tbh this is where I kinda end with the Kasumi/Anne and Cat’s Eye/PT 305/Catwoman analysis. But I’ll use this time to talk about a few misc stuff and maybe a few theories related to cat themed thief ladies:
P5 probably got the “Thief who works at a cafe during the day (and the Cafe name also is a reference to their thieving as well as possibly housing a cat)” from Cat’s Eye and City hunter (which take place in Tokyo/Shinjuku, tho in different locations), as the Kisugi Sisters work at their cafe called “Cat’s Eye,” and Aso being their expy, also works at a cafe by the same name (tho it’s run by different people cause it’s in a different/parallel universe). 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tamaki’s tendency to house a Nekomata in her workplace to be similar to the kitty (Tiger I think it’s name is) that Ai has at the cafe (esp considering, again, Yuki Uchida played Ai). 
According to the Japanese fan wiki of Cat’s Eye, in the sequel “Cat’s Eye: Ai,” the Cafe is moved to a new location, which is Kichijoji, which is the new area that has been unlocked in P5R (maybe a certain cafe will be available for us to wander into? :0 Or maybe Kasumi works at a cafe XP or maybe is connected to the billiards place, tho that DARTSLIVE3 screenshot seems to have a “cafe” poster in the background so maaaaaaaybe that’s a cafe XP)
Part of me wonders if Mitsuru’s Arena outfit is related more to Black Cat, due to the signature “white fur” both characters wear. 
Kasumi Y’s hairstyle (aka if her hair was down, so basically we are going off her bangs) is similar to Hitomi (at least the Pachinko machine ver)
Anne’s circle zipper designs might be more of a shout-out to Marvel’s Black Cat, not that Catwoman hasn’t had that as well, but I don’t feel like figuring out who did the circle zipper first 8U 
Satomi Tadashi dressed up as Zorro and was romantically involved with Takami. Anne who is a Cat’s Eye expy is crushed on by Mona (who wields Zorro). And Kasumi, another Cat’s Eye expy, looks like a Hamuko Expy, while Mona’s human form looks like a Minato Expy. 
Kasumi has a similar black mask with silver line design (not the mask shape itself, the line design) as a woman named “Noir”(?) who appears in the Cat’s Eye Pachinko Machine (yes I did come across interesting things, no I don’t know what her deal is or really who she is tbh cause I think she’s a pachinko original 8U ;w;)
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So yeah just gonna kinda end it here awkwardly. FYI this doesn’t mean you HAVE to like her outfit (you have every right to dislike or like it tbh), it’s just a history lesson, and explaining how it fits the outlaw/PT theme, where’s Ryuji’s track or Haru’s ballet doesn’t.
Oh! Edit cause I forgot, if you push her mask up over head, it might look like cat’s ears, just a theory tho (of course it might look like devil horns but so does Anne’s so fklsjdfk;aj;faj;f take this for what you will):
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