#simon snow type
carryonprompts · 3 months
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Maybe something like this for snowbaz 👉👈🥺
New Carry On prompt!
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Happy Wednesday! I’m on spring break and blissfully alone at a cafe writing for a few hours this morning. The weather is just starting to turn nice (though its supposed to rain tomorrow) but I can feel spring coming properly, which makes me happy. I hope y’all are getting some nicer weather soon, too.
I’m plugging away on my new WIP. I previously mentioned I’m tentatively titling it Back and Back and Back. I also quite like Start at the End, though I’m not sure if that description will end up strictly accurate, so might not work. We shall see.
I’m going to go ahead and share the premise now (or rather, the inspiration) because why not? I was reading through @carryonprompts and found this one and quite liked the idea. I started daydreaming about it in earnest right away. This was the first thing I wrote:
BAZ age 6, 2003
When I get home from school, Vera always makes me a snack. After that, I’m supposed to do my homework before I’m allowed to go outside and play. There’s always pages and pages of it, and it’s horrid, because it’s so easy, it makes me want to rip it to pieces, or hide it under my bed. And if I have to read one more book about Dick and Jane, I think I might scream. (I’ve read every one of the books in my Beatrix Potter collections. Doesn’t my teacher know that if I can read words like presently, I shouldn’t need to read these baby primers?)
Even though I could do this stuff in my sleep, it’s going to have to wait because today he is here.
Or at least, I think he is. I only saw a flash of red out beyond the trees, but that’s as good a sign as any. I don’t want to make him wait, because I don’t know how long he’ll have to visit today, so I have to plan my escape quite quickly.
I don’t imagine this holding too closely to the book/movie. I’m taking inspiration from parts I liked (and can remember 15 years later lol) but shaping this to be a Watford-era, canon divergent fic with some time traveling/soul mate/destiny elements. It feels very ambitious for me to try writing time travel because it hurts my brain to even consume time travel media sometimes 🤣 and I am much more of a pantser than a planner when I write. Then again, the prospect of pulling off this sort of challenge intrigues me. Wish me luck!
Tags/hello/hope you are well 😘
@fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @moodandmist @mooncello @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @valeffelees @shrekgogurt @iamamythologicalcreature @youarenevertooold @brilla-brilla-estrellita @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @larkral @leithillustration @messofthejess @captain-aralias @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @run-for-chamo-miles @roomwithanopenfire @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @theimpossibledemon @theearlgreymage @whogaveyoupermission @monbons @noblecorgi @emeryhall @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ileadacharmedlife @that-disabled-princess @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @ic3-que3n @hushed-chorus @orange-peony @alexalexinii @angelsfalling16 @arthurkko @letraspal @supercutedinosaurs
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“What kind of pet would snowbaz have” absolutely not. Have we forgotten that Baz has murdered at least 3 type of pet animals and that, crucially, he would fucking do it again. Have we forgotten that Simon felt the need to ask him not to drink the magical sacred goats, or that no animal with a working survival instinct, magical or normal, would dare come close to Baz. 
He’s my most beloved – might as well call me Simon because everyone else comes second to Baz for me – and I’m a true Wayward Son enjoyer. I do not give a fuck about whatever criticism one might have about structure and pacing or whatever. I embrace it. I revel in the chaos. But I draw the fucking line at being made to read a scene where stray cats are lured to their deaths. He could have gone out the door of the cheesecake factory as I stayed in Penny or Simon’s POV until he came back, and I would be none the wiser. Yes, I can see the point of that scene. No, I don’t care. A bitch is sensible. I will not forgive and I will not forget. He absolutely cannot have a pet. 
In all seriousness, Baz drinking pets is not just something that he doesn’t enjoy – it’s part of what feeds his self-hatred. He praises animals when they run from him – trying to have a pet would just constantly make him feel like a monster. It would be a constant reminder that he’s different in the worst way: he’s not “safe” to live with. And Simon “sort of accidentally killed a dog without a second thought” Snow is not exactly pet owner material either. Simon “I’m not normal about the things I would do for Baz” would prioritize Baz’s drinking needs over Mr. Fluffy’s life I’m afraid. He would certainly prioritize Baz’s survival/wellbeing if it comes down to it. Simon “please don’t drink the goats, they’re my friends” would not be bringing an animal he cares about into the home he shares with Baz in the first place. Baz wouldn’t want that either. 
If there is a pet in these boys' lives, it has to be something that’s perhaps not easily killed, something Baz would not be able to drink even in “an emergency,” something that wouldn’t fear a vampire’s predator nature, plus maybe magical etc etc. Not a regular cat or a dog. These boys are menaces. Please have some mercy on the poor pets  
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asexualsimonsnow · 6 months
hi! I just made this blog and I’d really love to find some tumblr accounts posting/reblogging about carry on / the simon snow series, so if that sounds like you, please interact with this post :-)
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lonleyhumanbeing · 1 year
There are about four scenes in Wayward Son that really stand out to me, to the point that I have them bookmarked.
Baz has drained a unicorn before. They apparently taste like lavender.
“Ill be damned and drawn and fucking quartered before I watch some devil-eyed goat feel up my boyfriend right in front of me.” Simon Snow when he and said boyfriend are unable to communicate and are about to break up.
“I’d tie our hearts together, chamber by chamber.” IF THEY HAD JUST TALKED IT OUT THEN…
The entire saga of Natasha’s scarf. They both care so much BUT CANT COMMUNICATE It
This book puts the best kind of bee in my bonnet
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writing agatha fics and making her the most stone-cold midtwenties bitch with a quarter-life-crisis, causing simon to unfortunately realise that he has a type
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yellobb · 2 years
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mylittlepimp · 8 months
So I'm a respite provider and an elderly caregiver.
My client just said out of context, "I don't know why but sometimes I just have a weak moment."
And I'm immediately like (in my head) *lol same*
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Then my client says, "my brain just goes dumb sometimes.
*Me too*
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Listen you gotta find humor where you can...
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aweirdofangirl · 1 year
No character has alerted me to the fact that I am completely unprepared for emotional vulnerability the way that Baz Grimm Pitch has. If I spent years longing for someone, hid that longing under layer upon layer of resentment, finally got to be with them and explain the intricacies of that longing, only for them to break up with me in the long run I'd never speak to them again. I love Simon Snow, but he would never see me again in his lifetime. Especially not if that longing and desperation manifested itself into me declaring that nothing else is as important as our relationship. Especially not if I had to beg him not to end things. And then the next time they talk he says that he never even tried. I'd be gone. I'd cease to exist. In that moment. I can't believe Baz ends the conversation happy after that. I understand that Simon was just being real, but I could never be honest with him again and I may need to seek therapy for that.
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catbus-door-sound · 2 years
i NEED more jokes abt baz being flammable. carry on did it flawlessly but there were not NEARLY enough in wayward son or awtwb
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yawnderu · 9 months
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Simon's encounters with an angel or Simon Riley is pathetically in love with his princess
>Simon Riley x Bimbo!Reader Masterlist♡
🌸'cause this type of love's the epitome | playlist
>Reqs closed! 🎀
✩ Another planet earth?
✩ Ms. Whiskers
✩ Their dynamic
✩ Their dynamic | Part 2
✩ Their dynamic | Part 3
✩ Skincare
✩ Corruption (NOT CANON, OOC)
✩ Jealousy (NOT CANON, OOC)
✩ Gym Princess
✩ Clubbing
✩ Interests and book smarts
✩ Would you still love me if I was a worm?
✩ Simon carrying her out of the club
✩ Does Simon support her financially?
✩ Goofy Trial | Friendship with Gaz and Soap
✩ Filthy Frank Merch
✩ Taking the lead
✩ Kiss marks
✩ Matching nails
✩ How did they meet?
✩ Does she know he's in the SAS?
✩ I <3 my boyfriend sweatpants
✩ Does she ever get jealous?
✩ Would she wear the TikTok forbidden pants?
✩ Bow trend
✩ Rewards after acing an exam
✩ Bow trend... on his dick
✩ Would Simon share her with the 141?
✩ Christmas with Simon and your family
✩ Would Simon let her see his soft dick?
✩ Their Instagram accounts
✩ Albert Whiskers
✩ Baby carrier
✩ Playing Roblox together
✩ Doing her skincare after finding her asleep on the couch
✩ Snow day
✩ How would he propose?
✩ Spa day at home
✩ Matching tracksuits
✩ Did you know him? [meme]
✩ What would they argue about and how would they make up?
✩ Matching crop tops
✩ Sex!💗
✩ Would he fuck her with full gear and mask on?
✩ Sonny Angels
✩ Boyfriend effect
✩ Simon's reaction to her nipple piercings
✩ Relationship weight gain
✩ Pillow fort
✩ Periods stop nothing but sentences
✩ Wrapping a bow on it
✩ Pegging
✩ Backshots
✩ Interacting with Gaz and Johnny
✩ Playing mermaids
✩ Eating pussy
✩ Long nails
✩ Their daughter
✩ NSFW Link
✩ Trying anal
✩ Holding her pregnant belly💗
✩ Baby kicking
✩ Fashion style while pregnant
✩ Hand tattoos
✩ This type of love's the epitome
✩ Valentine's day card
✩ Back scratches
✩ Masturbating on videocall
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carryonprompts · 2 months
At Heathrow, when they get back from the US, Baz and Simon go to say goodbye, but Spadey senses Simon’s pending self-sabotage and grabs hold of Baz and *will not* let go.
As a result, Simon ends up going with Baz to get Fiona, and then to check in at Oxford. They work their shit out, no breakup required, because Spadey said Not on My Watch.
Bonus: At Oxford, Baz takes the couch and Simon sleeps on the floor, but this does not prevent Spadey from trying to spice things up. Honestly, the more we see of Spadey meddling, the better.
New Carry On prompt!
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moondirti · 5 months
ghoap x nanny! reader / 18+ / previous ft. surveillance. handjobs. voyeurism. mild s/m. dirty talk.
They check up on you when they can.
Price wasn't exaggerating when he doled out the mission details. It's a tough one. Grueling. The type that necessitates four flights a week and days of little to no sleep, the men fuelled on nothing but a snow-balling urgency to get it done. The target is a slippery fuck, with connections that transport him across the globe at the first sign of conflict. They come close to apprehending him only once, and nothing comes of it but the exacerbated threat of nuclear war as the bastard starts to squeak like a cornered mouse. Gaz has a near constant migraine. Soap stops being fun around the two week mark, exhaustion slowing his tongue. Ghost grows more unhinged with his kills, punching blades through the throats of anyone who dares get in their way.
But still, they check on you.
Isla occupies a quarter of their headspace at all times; half when they don't have to dedicate their focus to the operation. It's the longest they've ever spent away from their girl, the withdrawals hitting them like a bag of bricks. They do whatever's necessary, then, to tune into the nanny cams they have set up around the house, lest Johnny cries about the way her hands dimple when she uncurls a fist again. Or worse – before Simon forgets what tethers him to humanity.
They find the two of you are always doing something.
Which isn't a surprise. You had mentioned your background in early childhood education; they just thought that it'd been a device to impress them. But it's clear that you're eager to put your degree to use when they see you setting up yet another enrichment activity for their daughter and encouraging her to engage.
The first time, they had just arrived on base. It'd been five hours since they've seen you last and already, Johnny had pulled his phone to log onto the monitoring app he had installed.
Sure enough, you were in the same overalls they saw you in last, Isla changed into a fresh pair of pyjamas after her bath. You had her set on her play mat, but replaced the dangling toys for newer, more colourful ones. As she reached for them, you would sound out the shade in a high-pitched voice and grin excitedly when she'd babble back, as if aaaah! meant green.
He felt his heart tug something fierce, caught between endearment and unease at missing out, before getting dressed for debrief.
The third time, you let them know you could tell when the nanny cam is in active use. Not accusatorially, of course – it unfolded in a way too innocent to be anything but a whammy on their part.
They were in a humvee on exfil after being ambushed by the local army – soldiers with blood money lining their pockets, tasked with dispatching the bloodhounds that keep sniffing their patron's trail. Simon had watched a little boy get caught in the crossfire and decided it was imperative to check if Isla was okay, despite her being hundreds of miles away and off anyone's radar.
You're the first thing he saw, carrying the weight of a huge plastic storage container filled with water. In it, there were several rubber animals that inspired a fit of squeals somewhere off screen. You had laughed, a little out of breath, and he remembers the relief that flooded his chest at the dual sounds. Like the cold lick of waves across scorching sand.
As you'd passed by the camera, you stopped and crouched so your face would be in view.
"Isla likes splashing around in the water. I'm thinking of getting her a paddling pool." And you lifted the container as if you would ever need to justify the way you take of their daughter. "Hope you guys are well."
Johnny murmured from beside him. "Forgot aboot th' status light."
The seventh– ninth– maybe twelfth time (having lost count), it was just in time to catch you on your way out with Isla in tow.
They'd tuckered down in a shitty motel, awaiting the next word from Laswell, all four of them in one room. Gaz had been given the bed as consolation for the torn tendon in his knee, and Price had claimed the couch with nothing more than a growl about his back needing it. Thus, Ghost and Soap found themselves on the floor, the latter man tucked under his partner's arm, the other occupied with checking in on the porch feed. The time difference made it so that it was midday where you were.
You were dressed – and Simon recalls it as clearly as the day you met – in a green wrap skirt and tulip hat, their darling girl in a shade of pink that complimented its petals, sat on your hip as you struggled with her buggy. They forgot to give you the run down on unfolding it before they left, too overwhelmed with everything else to pay mind to the little things.
Johnny had jumped for the two-way talk function immediately, tapping on the little mic before clearing his throat.
"There's a latch under th' left arm. Flip it 'n' it shuid unfold automatically."
You jumped, pausing to face the porch cam with wide eyes. "Oh– Oh my god. Haha," Following his directions, you were able to get it open with little fuss. "that is so embarrassing. Pretend you never saw that."
Simon had his balaclava on, uncomfortable with going bare-faced in an unfamiliar room, but Johnny still felt the soft smile splitting his cheeks. Its warmth was unmistakable.
"Nonsense, lass. 'twas cute."
You bloomed at that, wiggling a little in place. Though the flustered moment hadn't lasted long, for Isla's mouth fell open at the recognition of her father's voice, chubby hand reaching out in its direction.
"Bldha! Pffffpp."
"That's right, baby! That's Da." You waddled closer to have her inspect the strange contraption hooked above their mailbox, turning your attention back to them. "We're going on a narration walk! Isla's gotten so good at recognising animals because of them. But it was so nice to hear from you. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
Simon locked the phone when neither of them could muster a response, emotion rushing their throats like white-river rapids. Hot tears seep into his side, a pair of misty eyes buried in his ribs.
"I know. I know, Johnny. S'alright. We'll see 'er again soon."
Now, he's made good on his promise.
All three rogue missiles located and dismantled in record time, meaning their slimy target could no longer use them as a shield. He'd been in shackles within the next day, wrangled somewhere in Istanbul and shipped off to a maximum security prison in The Hague. The task force left no loose thread untugged, which took an extra day but will be worth it in the long run. Price promises to reward them with a round, on him.
They're on their way back to base when Johnny tunes in a final time.
He's sure that Isla is asleep by now, confirmed by the baby monitor that focuses on the sprawled form in her cot. It would be best to exit the app and doze off like the other men – lord knows he needs it – but he can't help the itch to look for you too. To click through every channel, his curiosity unquenched, until–
Ah. There.
On the couch, bare legs stretched out along its length. A throw blanket tangled between them, one bent at the knee to support the book you're currently fingering through. The sight alone is enough to make him salivate.
But then he notices the thin material of your top.
Practically translucent. No doubt made for bed. You aren't wearing a bra, either, and the darker shade of your nipples practically flaunts itself through the fabric. They're too soft to protrude and cast a shadow on your breasts, but he's still able to get a good impression of what you would look like nude. Some part of him wilts with guilt at the shameless voyeurism he's subjecting you to.
Another part sends blood to the weight between his legs.
"Bleedin' Christ."
"Hm?" Simon grunts, disturbed by the restless pace of Johnny's heart. His head lifts off his shoulder, blinking warily to clear the silky gossamer of sleep threading his eyelids, before focusing on the grainy footage on his partner's screen.
"Ghost." He whines, hips bucking in desperation when the larger man does nothing. They haven't had the chance to relieve themselves since that night at the motel, and even then it had been a messy frotting as they tried not to disturb their sleeping comrades.
"A'right. Off to the bathroom with you, then."
He doesn't turn off of the live feed even as they cram into the compact space. Though he should. He needs to. Not because you're aware of their surveillance – you're far too engrossed in your book to pay mind to the blinking red light on the nanny cam. But because only depraved men gets off to unsuspecting hens, especially the ones they hired in good faith to take care of their child while they're away.
It's a dirty, dirty thrill that roars through him as Simon wraps an arm around his waist, palming his hard-on through his trousers. And it's a dirty thrill he wants no part of.
"Practically leakin' in your pants, boy. First time you see a pair of tits?" In the small mirror before him, he watches his pants get pulled down past his ass, underwear stained a deeper swatch of blue where his tip spits prespend.
It might as well be the first time, way he's humping Simon's hand like an over-eager mutt. Though he can't manage to choke it out through the rough groans pressing his vocal chords. Instead, what escapes him is a pathetic mess of trembling letters. "S'not... fookin, not– not–"
"Shhh, it's okay. She's jus' so pretty, yeah? Can't help but chub up and beg me to rub your aching cock, wishing it was her darlin' hand wrapped 'round you instead. I know."
"Nn, nae, Sim- Si– I wouid never... Ah!"
It's dry. A little raw. He makes no effort to lube his calloused palm to help it glide easier along Johnny's length, but he knows his boy better than he knows himself sometimes. That he needs pain when he's doing something bad like this, or else he'll lose himself to the guilt. A little bit of penance for the Catholic.
"Don' lie to me. Y'can't. But tha's alright," He pulls the foreskin off the head of his uncut mass, kneading a bit into his frenulum to watch the way white oozes against red. "I think about it too."
"Hm. Think 'bout ya swallowing my cock while I sit 'er on my face. Bet she tastes sweet, like nectar. Jus' look at the thing." Which he does. You're seated a bit differently than you had been before. Less liberal. Wound up tight, with your nose buried in your book and your toes curled beneath your feet. Surely captured by some tense plot line or the other. "Would make you clean her cunt after I pump 'er full. Or vice versa, if she's into tha'."
"Yer a-aff yer heid... Fuck, I cannae–"
"That's it, Johnny. Let go, boy." Simon's strokes keep at the top, tugging in short, rough movements over the phone. The blanket now covers you fully, but it's no matter. The image of your breasts are now seared into both their minds, an array of fantasies unfurling before them, each nastier than the last. "Jus' like that."
Thick ropes of cum streak over the screen and sink countertop. It's weeks worth of pent up frustration, a culmination of despair and desire as a stuttered moan claws up Johnny's throat. The hand leaves his cock only when he starts shooting blanks, clenching tight at the overstimulation.
Simon makes him lick the mess off his palm.
(And unbeknownst to them, they'd hit the mic on their way to the bathroom.
You'd heard the whole thing.)
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Maybe I just haven't been to that part of social media, but seeing that it's "nice to see Agatha and Simon being treated as valid" or something stands out to me, because it has been my experience since I read these books that people talk about them as a regular teenage romance that fizzled out – I've lost count of how many times I've seen them despicted practically with heart eyes for each other (or worse: Simon "completely in love" while Agatha apparently can't even stand his presence) in scenes or poses and with color and the like has me like "yes, I've seen this in media, I've seen these things used as shortcuts to convey (straight) romance hundreds of times, but I fail to see how it makes sense to imagine these two specific characters genuinely experiencing this." I've been frustrated encountering the notion that you either respect and honor them by acknowledging "their past romance" or you're being dismissive or disrespectful or whatever if you say "these kids were never in love or actually attracted to each other." Like it's black and white. Like their story needs to be romantic in order to be valid or important or to say something about the characters.
Comphet exists. It's valid. Heteronormativity exists and it fucks with most if not all of us. The desperation to belong and the crushing weight of expectations are very real things. Being a kid who knows nothing and is just trying to figure it out it's a valid experience. Experiencing complex feelings that say something about us, about the things we seek and the ways in which we perceive ourselves, but reframing it as something more palatable or easy to understand, even if it's wrong, it's a thing we can absolutely do. We can think we're in love when we're not, we can feel something and mistake for another feeling. If Agatha and Simon were meant to be read as genuinely romantic (or romantic once but it has faded) I would put them on the list of yet another terribly written straight romance – the kind that has the audacity to ask me to give a fuck merely because a boy and a girl happen to breathe while in the same room, I would remark on their lack of chemistry, and I would proceed to never again give them another thought. To me, Agatha and Simon are interesting and important precisely because they dated despite not being in love, despite not ever being attracted. It's precisely because they unsettle, and the mere idea of them being together can be so off-putting when you actually give it any thought – it's in asking why that is the case! (I mean, they are good kids! They are friends! You would not expect this reaction! And yet...) it's im the sort of thought required to arrive at an answer. In how Agatha never actually expresses romance or sexual thoughts when she's imagining herself in the center of a love triangle that in reality has never truly been a triangle (or centered her) (I've seen people believe in the triangle because they believe in Simon being in love with Agatha! Simon is not even particularly convicing in how he lies to himself here, and yet). In how intentional it is that Simon never has any romantic instinct or any sexual thought towards Agatha, in how you would think he even dislikes PDA with some things he says about her (and the way in which he says it), in how certain scenes are constructed, in the things that are conflacted etc and how that compares in the ways in which he thinks and talks and acts around Baz
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deunmiu-dessie · 3 months
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(unedited)³ retired simon has nowhere to go, so you offer. { his pov } [ one, two, three]
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she’s like a breath of fresh air. bright and cold. a gust so frigid that it sends goosebumps to shroud his skin. like the first fall of snow. was it december now? how long has it been since he’d left? how long has he wandered? adrift like a buoy at sea. but strangely stuck, straying in place. like some sort of ghost. trapped and terrified.
he thinks she’s naive. strange, even. like a child left outside without supervision. prone to being up to no good. she’s insistent in her little fiat car. her hands are covered in a pair of creme wool gloves. and when he looks close enough he notices that they’re fraying at the seam. worn. loved.
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she says her name. it’s pretty, her name. it fits. she’s expectant, waiting for him to speak. give her something, anything he’s sure. she seems like a good girl. too good, too much for him, not enough for her. he hardly even knew her. but she wants to know you. she’s being nice. nothing more. simon. that’s what he tells her and it rolls off her tongue faultlessly. “well, we’re not strangers anymore, simon.” is what she says. he finds her amusing.
it’s her eyes. that’s what makes him slide into the passenger seat. they're wide. warm. nervous— despite her being the one to offer him a ride. it’s endearing, if not a bit entertaining. and the cold has already frozen his body. he can hardly feel his feet. but he deserves this. this life that he’s been subjected to.
she’s an anxious thing. her gloved hands drum lightly against the steering wheel. she’s shit at making small talk. and from the reflection of the car window, he can see the way she works her bottom lip into her mouth. he’s tempted to thumb it from within the wet heat. he doesn't.
“could be a killer.” she smiles. her eyes brighten. it’s small but he finds himself forgetting to breathe. in and out. in and out. she smells temptingly like honey and spices, all tangy and sweet. fuck. he holds his breath. “are you?” he doesn't respond. after all the killing. the blood that stains his hands. his skin. won't come off no matter how hard he scrubs. he’s a murderer. yes, i am. she’s too trusting. he wouldn't hurt her. never.
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small. is how he would describe the apartment. small but homey. filled with greenery, color, and a tiny christmas tree. it’s tucked away. surrounded by lights at its base. it smells like chocolate, milk to be specific. but her as well. honeyed spices and dried fruits, tangy and sweet. the radio that he hears plays quietly. silent night in instrumental. his heart tightens in his chest.
he’s not sure how he ended up here. surrounded by her four walls. she suggests sweetly. eyes wide and sad at his destination. he declines. she isn't the type to take no for an answer. her brows are knitted. hands tightening. he’s enamored. he shouldn't stay. he should tuck and roll out the car while he has the chance. run. like he’s used to doing. too late the two pull in. she’s pleased with herself. he grins faintly beneath his mask. cute.
the couch is a bed. it pulls out into one anyway. she busies herself. shuffling to get sheets and a comforter. it’s a faded baby blue, printed with delicate flowers. and she looks proud. smiling at the cozy couch. her lips are coated in a sheen. from the lip balm she’d put on a second ago. and he adverts his eyes when she looks toward him. couldn't meet those wide eyes. sweet and nervous. he stares instead at the makeshift bed. she speaks. grins awkwardly.
“thank you.” he means it. it’s stiff. his voice hoarse from the cold but, he means it— no matter how gruff it comes out. her hands. no longer swathed by wool gloves, slide down denim-clad thighs. lips press. and her head nods. she says his name again, but scurries before he can reply, and maybe it’s for the best. he can barely speak.
he shouldn't. but he finds himself amused. good girl. he was still a stranger after all. a strange man she has willingly invited into her home. he wondered briefly if she was right in the head. right to slow for him. to smile at him. she couldn't be. unsure. he can’t get comfortable. just lays there and listens to her faint voice. walls thin. voice muffled. but words clear. “die tonight.”— “…love you.” he ponders.
he doesn't remember a ring. friend? mom? boyfriend? his heart aches. he doesn't know her. he has no right to feel anything. she was nice, too good. he was the opposite, with nowhere to go. nothing to offer. why was he here? he should leave. but sleep weighs heavy on his eyes. bing crosby lulls him to sleep. he’d be gone before she woke.
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i've always thought simon to have very choppy thoughts. and always being very in his head. very observant. so yeah. listened to christmas music making this! hehehe
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
you: an absolute teeth-aching bone deep want to be loved and to give love. that hollow feeling behind your chest is too familiar and you want it gone. you just want to be in love, to treat someone with gentleness and to be wanted.
your 141 bae who has been in love with you since the moment he met you: ...i'm right here
gn!reader headcanons below the cut:
childhood best friend simon: let's say you knew him before he lost his family. a scrawny-limbed blond, always willing to extend a trip to the park or a cigarette behind school - anything to not go home. you'd visit him when he started part-time as a butcher in high school, wrinkling your nose at the smell of bloody meat but staying anyways, doing your homework at the singular table in the shop. he was there when you moved away from town, for college or a new job or any life-altering decision that he was secondary to, something simon could only hope to grasp. once he leaves for the military, you mourn your relationship and move on. simon is a blur in your mind, a reminder of snow days and sweet tea summers and leaf piles and dandelion picking, on a nostalgic shelf in the untouched corners of your brain. ten years later, you've finally made a name for yourself and truly gotten out; grown roots. but you still have this soul-deep yearning, some unfamiliar-shaped hole in your chest that miraculously fills when you open your door to simon, a grown man who's tired of wanting you from afar. tired of stalking your social media and writing fantasies in his head. tired of picking people to fuck just because they look like you, then going soft halfway through because their voice isn't the right pitch. he's here, and he's ready to do whatever it takes.
best friend gaz: now this is different from a childhood best friend, so keep that in mind. gaz is always this guy-next-door type with a panty-dropping smile and impeccable manners. this notion does him some good, helps him avoid some deep-rooted british military prejudices, but it also turns you away. you check him off as nice and place him in the best friend box. you don't understand how he tracks your every move on a mission, almost always getting caught by johnny or price. you miss how he grips his pint ten times harder when he sees you on the pub floor, dancing with some stranger whose hands are a bit too low. he tells you he gets rejected for being "too nice", but really, he ignores his 27 unread DMs and flirty cafe eye contact in favor of movie nights, prank wars, your shitty reality shows. he's grasping onto straws, can't you see sweetheart? when you're drunk and turn into a cuddler, he can pretend just for a second that you truly mean it. gaz lets your hands wander under his shirt, lets you murmur your darkest fear of never being loved into the quietness of your room, leaving you to sleep on top of your covers with a kiss to the forehead. he doesn't know what's pushed him over: you almost dying on that last mission, you making out with a stranger in a bar, you you you in those pants and that shirt and that's it. he has to say something. has to put it all on the line because gaz can't live like this anymore.
best friend's brother price: it was some one-sided crush, your best friend's brother with his suave teenage ways as compared to your brutal tween phase, acne and braces on the way. it had dissipated quickly, john never the wiser, his presence substituted with trendy band obsessions and first kisses. instead, it happened at your best friend's wedding. you were both in the wedding party, some object of fate throwing you together as your best friend forced you two to dance. you were tipsy on champagne, on the happiness of marriage, that you giddily admitted your fleeting childhood crush and how much john had grown since then. and that was it. john was always going to settle down, always going to have a pretty thing waiting for him back home, he just didn't figure out until right now that it would be you. he tries to hide his affections under friendliness, not wanting to ruin your friendship with his sibling, but john has never been discrete. he's suddenly invading your life with offers of fixing your kitchen sink, painting that one spot you can't reach, moving your couch to fit your latest pinterest board. you're practically family, love - which kills all your hopes for something more, feeling like a familyzone. but john means it differently, means you're predestined to be his, already accepted and loved by his loved ones and how could he not see it before? you refuse to accept his kindness and it absolutely kills him, so he scares off potential dates and any chance of meet-cutes with an arm around your waist and why can't you see him the way he sees you?
friends with benefits johnny: it was just sex, right? you'd been the one to say it, the one to set that boundary with your fellow sergeant. you didn't think johnny was capable of more, mistaking his cheeky smirks and booming laugh for being unserious, when in reality, johnny is as serious as it gets. he tells himself he can fuck you because he'll marry you one day, that cross sitting heavy under his shirts. he doesn't wash his sheets for weeks after that first fuck, too busy inhaling the scent of you cumming around his mouth, his cock. that is, until, you tell him his sheets stink and refuse to fuck him and he pretends you're having an argument as a married couple, all intimate and bored. johnny sees a recruit getting too flirty and pulls you into a supply closet using his best distraction methods. he sways you from joining a month's long solo mission, some stupid excuse about missing your lips too much when really he knows it's a suicide mission. johnny forces you to stay over after a midnight fuck, some bullshit about simon being up at that time and seeing you in the hallway on base. in reality, he treasures cuddling you with his brawny arms, pretending you're his willingly. pretending he's made peace with you, this wild creature, never tamed but understood. he can't force himself to ask for more, too scared to lose the crumbs he's holding onto. johnny tries to hide it with a fiery personality and a thick accent, but inside? he's a complete goner.
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