#since i'll be driving us both monday night
celeryw · 1 year
actually need to go to bed i have been waking up extremely late
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willowsnook · 13 days
Right Place, Right Time (LN pt. 2)
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
@seasonswinter @drdbnkl2008
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It'd been a couple of months since the Dutch Grand Prix and your life went back to normal. Work, hanging out with friends, watching sports, walking your dog, the usual. The weather was starting to get nicer in Austin so you were in a good mental spot.
You and Lily had checked in every couple of weeks to chat and you had grown to really like her. About a month ago you had gotten a text from an unknown number.
L: Hey, this is Lando. Lily gave me your number I hope that's okay
Y/N: Lando who?
L: 🙄 very funny
Y/n: How do I even know this isn't spam???
L: [video attachement]
"Hey y/n, it's Lando Norris. You know the driver for McLaren that you met in August. Just wanted to say hi, okay bye."
Since then you had been casually texting, nothing crazy just pretty much sending memes back and forth. The Austin GP was coming up and your whole team was going much to Lando's delight.
The Monday of race week, you were in your office working when you looked down to see Lando calling.
Y/n: What's up?
LN: Nothing much just packing. I'm flying in on Wednesday.
Y/n: Coolio, I hate to do this but I have a meeting in 5 minutes. Can I call you later?
LN: No no it's okay. I was calling to see if maybe you could give me a little tour of Austin when I get in?
Y/N: Hmmm I am pretty packed this week hanging with Lily.
LN: Yeah but you can hang out with her when Osc and I are doing stuff.
Y/n: Fine, text me when you land and i'll figure something out.
LN: Cool, I'll see you then.
You said goodbye and hung up, leaning back in your chair. This whole situation was very strange to you considering you and Lando had spoken one time in person. But maybe he just needed a friend.
You were at happy hour later than day with two of your friends when the subject came up.
"So yeah, I'm picking him up from his hotel and going sight seeing and eating I guess," you said nonchalantly as you finished the story to your two best friends, Maggie and Jaelen.
"Oh yeah so casual," Jaelen said. "Just hanging out with a famous F1 driver. Nothing odd about that." You rolled her eyes and Maggie snickered.
"Did you like put a spell on him when you were there and now he's in love with you?" She asked and you flipped her off.
"I literally didn't do anything!" You exclaimed. "We just talked for a bit and I was being nice."
"You're just not like other girls," Jaelen mocked and you groaned. This whole thing was getting out of hand.
"I am excited for you guys to meet Lily though," you said. "She's cool."
"Sounds like it," Maggie said. "Girls night on Thursday right?" You nodded. You had planned a little girls night slumber party with them and Lily to just hang and watch movies and gossip. The usual activities.
The day had flown by at work and before you knew it you were heading out the door to pick up Lando. Your hair sat in waves down your back and you decided on a casual cute vibe wearing a cropped knit brown tank top paired with light baggy jeans. It wasn't that far of a drive to his hotel and you texted him when you got there.
Glued to your phone, you didn't see him walk up and jumped a little when the passenger door opened. He gave you a big smile as your eyes raked over him in a big gray t-shirt and black jeans.
"You are totally checking me out," he said and you huffed.
"I am not," you replied and he laughed.
"It's good to see you," he said sweetly and you smiled.
"You too, are you hungry?"
You pulled out and headed towards the restaurant, the two of you casually chatting about his travel and your work day. You found parking at the place and you both jumped out and headed in.
"Tex mex," Lando said looking at the menu with his face scrunched. "Isn't it just like Mexican food?"
"Yes and no," you said. "It's like American Mexican food so it uses more beef and yellow cheese vs. what you would get in an authentic mexican restaurant."
"What do they mean by a bowl of queso?" He asked and your eyes snapped up to him.
"It's just like a bowl of cheese that you eat with chips," you said slowly.
"And that's good?" he asked innocently.
"You are going to make me cry in public right now," you warned. When your waiter came over it was the first thing you ordered for the two of you.
"How long have you lived here?" Lando asked after you put in your orders.
"A couple of years actually," you said. "I grew up a couple of states north of here, went to college up there, and then moved down when I got the job at Monster."
"Do you have family here?"
"A couple of second cousins but my parents still live where I grew up," you replied. "You live in Monaco now right?" He smirked.
"Looking me up online now are you?" He teased and you blushed.
"I had to make sure you weren't crazy if I was going to show you around my city," you defended and he laughed.
"Yeah I'm in Monaco, I grew up in Glastonbury though," he said and you nodded.
"Is it hard being away from your family?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Yes and no. I miss them a lot but a lot of people involved in F1 live in Monaco so I'm not totally alone. It can be lonely though." You smiled sympathetically.
When your food arrived you waited patiently for Lando to try the infamous queso.
"Well?" You asked nervously. This was very important to you.
"It's pretty good," he said taking another bite.
"Just pretty good?" You questioned.
"It's like exotic," he said and you choked on the sip of water you had just taken a drink of.
"Exotic?? It's melted cheese buddy." Lando blushed and you laughed.
"Are you like a picky eater?" You asked and he nodded.
"Yeah I get a lot of shit for it," he admitted.
"I can't imagine why."
Conversation flowed over the next half hour while you ate, trading childhood stories and hobbies. Lando picked up the bill much to your protest and you headed out to your next stop.
"Mini golf? You really did stalk me online," Lando said as you pulled up to your favorite mini golf course that was peter pan themed.
"Yeah yeah, I wanted to make sure you had fun," you said.
"I would have fun with you even if we did nothing but stare at each other for two hours," he said cheekily.
"Yeah because I'm hot," you replied with a wink and he laughed.
Lando quickly realized that you were a pretty competitive mini golfer so there wasn't much conversation even though he tried. You complained about him distracting you multiple times which made him giggle.
In the end it did not pay off as he beat you by 5 strokes causing you to pout in the car.
"You realize I play golf like all the time," he said looking at you with amusement.
"Yeah whatever," you muttered and he laughed. As you pulled up to his hotel he turned to you.
"Come have a drink to end the night," he said pleading.
"I don't want to pay for parking," you countered and he waved his hand.
"I'll pay for valet come on," he said and got out of the car. You waited while he talked to the valet guy and then followed him in and towards the bar. You got a vodka soda and you found some comfy chairs to sit in. Right when Lando started to say something, someone sunk into the third chair by you guys.
"Mind if I join you guys?" You looked to see Max Verstappen with a drink in his hand casually sitting back.
"Not at all," you said.
"Max, this is Y/n, y/n this is Max," Lando introduced and Max nodded.
"Ahh the mysterious y/n," he said smirking and you turned to Lando who was looking anywhere else but you. The three of you chatted as you got to know Max a little more and the conversation naturally turned to the upcoming race.
"Are you ready for the race this week?" You asked and Max nodded.
"Yeah, don't have really any expectations so we will just see what happens," he said nonchalantly.
"Why not?" You asked.
"The car sucks so who cares," he said and you snorted.
"What?" He asked with an eyebrow raise.
"You've won the championship how many times now? And you expect me to believe that you really just don't care?" You asked incredulously. Lando leaned up about to say something but Max beat him to it.
"Tell me what you really think then," he challenged.
"I think it's so easy for you to fall into this nonchalant attitude because you're Max Verstappen," you said and he raised his eyebrows. "You've painted yourself as this self-assured confident guy so of course you wouldn't be worked up. But how did you get to where you are? By not caring? By not having passion? I don't believe it for one second."
He sat thoughtfully for a moment before speaking again.
"You know my dad used to always tell me that if I'm not winning, then what's the point," he said.
"I think the point is that you are doing what you love and trying to get better everytime because you love the sport," you said sadly. "Winning is just a bonus. And it's you in the car not him."
Max looked at you for a second before turning his attention to Lando.
"I can see why you like her," he said before turning again to you. He reached out and grabbed your hand, caressing his thumb over the back. "It was nice meeting you and thank you."
You bid him farewell before turning back to Lando who was lost in thought.
"I think I'm going to head home," you told him and he nodded. His hand rested on the bottom of your back as you walked back towards the entrance. Lando paid the valet guy and the two of you waited for your car.
"When can I see you again?" He asked.
"I'll probably be there Saturday for qualifying," you said and he frowned.
"That's a long time from now," he said and you smirked looking away.
"I'm hanging out with Lily buddy, she's my main priority not you," you teased and he huffed.
"I want to see you sooner," he complained.
"We'll see," you replied. Your car came back into your vision and you wrapped your arms around Lando's neck pulling him in for a hug. HIs arms wrapped around your waist and he kissed your cheek before letting go.
"I had fun tonight," he said.
"Me too," you replied. "See you Saturday."
"See you Friday," he said waving and you rolled your eyes but smiled as you got in your car.
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 16
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Warning: Brief mention of S.A.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
Five-thirty in the morning. Monday. It had been the day I had been dreading since I’d been whisked away to Dr. Miller’s castle of mystery on Thursday evening. The crushing weight of my feelings overpowered the unanswered questions and the part I tried to ignore - the red flags. I was completely seduced by everything my professor had to offer, from his body to his perplexing home, to the way he looked at me and all of the secrecy involved. Magnetic was the only adjective I had in my mind that could accurately describe how things felt.
When my alarm sounded off, waking both of us, Dr. Miller turned it off and cuddled me close for another extra second or two, holding me from behind.
“I’m going to make you breakfast,” he explained, kissing the top of my shoulder. “Go take a shower.”
I turned to face him and our noses touched as I spoke. “Okay.”
Dr. Miller kissed me and my hand naturally moved to his face. Why did this day have to come? Would I ever get the chance to come back here? Were his words in the heat of our passionate weekend truthful, or just said in the moment?
“I’ll drop you off at work.”
It suddenly dawned on me that I had left my car on campus all weekend. Before I could say anything about it, Dr. Miller spoke, again, like he could read my thoughts.
“I had your car towed to your house,” he informed me. “It’s paid for. I just didn’t want anything to happen to it all weekend unattended.”
I opened my mouth to speak but then stopped.
“I hope that’s okay,” he added. “If there’s anything wrong with your car I’ll personally-”
“No,” I shook my head to let him know I wasn’t displeased. “Thank you.” I couldn't believe I hadn't even given a single thought to my car. And I couldn't even wrap my head around Dr. Miller having it towed to my house.
“I’ll pick you up from work, too,” Dr. Miller offered, and then added, “If you’d like.”
I smiled at him now, beginning to truly feel that the obsessive, little thoughts that had creeped into my brain were mutual. Dr. Miller wanted to be around me as much as I wanted to be around him. He was doting on me and making sure I was happy and content. I loved how he took care of my every need.
He pecked my lips and I took his face in both hands now and kissed him hard. Dr. Miller reciprocated, kissing me back with just as much intensity as he moved partially on top of me. After a whirlwind romance from Thursday night through Saturday, Sunday had been far more low key after the odd all-nighter that still left me uneasy during any downtime where I had too much time to think. I was ready to get back to the whirlwind.
Dr. Miller parted his lips from mine with a deep breath. “Save it for later.” He dove back in for another kiss, “You’ll be late for work.”
“So what.” I giggled and he kissed me hard again. “We have ten minutes to spare.”
“Mmm..” he grunted the word and I could tell there was a hint of playful frustration that lingered in his response. Dr. Miller’s hands locked mine down onto the bed and he moved fully on top of me. “You don't play fair.”
“Neither do you.”
I made it to work on time that morning - barely. When he dropped me off near the main entrance of the building I was thankful no one I was close with was around to ask questions.
Dr. Miller left me with a steamy kiss behind the tinted windows of his Mercedes and tapped beneath my chin with his first two fingers.
“I'll be back at three-thirty,” he assured me.
“Okay.” Our lips touched again and he waited until I was inside before driving off.
Things almost felt foreign when I walked in through the doors of the building I had been working in for so long. It wasn't the surroundings. I felt different.
“Feeling better?” One of my coworkers greeted me with a smile as I entered the office.
“A lot better.” I smiled back., “Thanks.”
All day behind my desk I went through the motions, but my mind was elsewhere. Thankfully everything on my plate that day was routine and I didn't have to think too hard about what I was doing.
My mind flashed back to all the highlights of the weekend. If I was being completely honest with myself, it was the best weekend of my life.
But where did he go Saturday night?
I knew, in time, I had to ask. I had to know.
The hours ticked by like molasses in winter. Each time I paid attention to the clock it had only ticked by in small increments.
Am I being toxic? I wondered. Is my current obsession truly unhealthy, or is it normal to feel this way about someone early in the relationship? Am I Dr. Miller’s girlfriend? Am I just some random girl to him? I didn't think the last one was true. I wasn't the most intuitive person out there, but I knew I couldn't be reading this wrong. The man dropped me off at work and offered to pick me up. He could've politely suggested I go home at any point in our long weekend together but he didn't.
I breathed and looked at the clock again, suddenly wondering where I would be sleeping that night. Another wave of excitement and anxiety washed over me at the thought. I truly felt like my brain chemistry was being altered from all the dopamine releases as of late. I wasn't complaining, but I hadn't exactly relaxed or turned my brain off for an extended period of time for well over a week - possibly a little longer.
“Hey (Y/N).” My coworker, Olivia, wheeled her chair across the low, blue carpet.
“Hey.” I smiled. “What's up?”
“You're taking classes down at Woodbridge, right?”
There was the adrenaline shot again. Anything that had to do with Woodbridge or Dr. Miller instantly put me into that hyper alert mode.
“Yeah.” I nodded nonchalantly, masking it all rather easily.
“How crazy is it about those girls who were killed?”
“I know.” I shook my head. “I was in class nearby when they found the first body. There was a whole crowd gathered around and reporters and stuff.”
“I know.”
“At least they have a suspect in mind.”
“What? They do.” Olivia had my attention now.
“Yeah, it was on the news this morning. The police even raided his house this morning but he wasn't there.”
“Who is he?”
“Some guy named Alec Pryor. Registered sex offender, confessed to some seriously messed up shit in the past.”
I shuddered. “That's so scary.” I cringed. “And he was just lurking on campus.. waiting.. ugh.”
“Yeah apparently he got released back in, like, April.”
“They should never let those guys out.”
“Right!” Olivia nodded. “Sexual assault is the lowest kind of crime you can commit. The absolute worst. They should just kill those guys. Get rid of ‘em.”
“I know.” I scrunched my nose and shook my head. “So, where is he then? Did they pick him up somewhere else?”
My work friend whipped out her cell phone and began typing furiously with her thumbs before staring at the screen. She scrolled for a moment and adjusted her circular glasses before pausing as she read up on something.
“This article says..” Olivia angled her body toward mine. “They have yet to find him.” She made a face that broke the tension and made me crack a faint smile. “But they're on the hunt for him, currently.”
“Don't go anywhere alone when you're near that campus,” she advised.
“They'll catch him,” I said, only slightly confident that that was true.
“I hope so.”
“So crazy.” I repeated the name to myself. “Alec Pryor.”
“Looks like a creep.” Olivia turned her phone around and showed me a picture of the scowling, middle-aged man in a former mug shot.
“They should post his face all over the place so people are aware,” I said.
“I think they are.” She scrolled some more, “Oo, this one is calling it a ‘manhunt’.”
“That means he's on the run,” I said and added, mostly to make myself feel more secure. “He's probably hours away by now.”
Olivia shuddered and rolled back to her desk. “Be careful. That's all I'm sayin’. This is exactly why I have two German Shepherds.”
“I don't blame you.” I sighed, welcoming the interaction. It was a perfect distraction. I needed it to get my overdriven hormones somewhat back to neutral.
A little female bonding did just that, helping the work day move along a little faster.
When the day finally neared its end, I caught a glance of the Mercedes out one of the many windows in the office. I smiled to myself and hurried to finish up the last of my work and respond to the last few emails.
The time between three-fifteen and three-thirty felt like hours. As soon as the minute hand aligned vertically with the number six, I grabbed my coat and headed out the doors with a quick farewell to everybody.
I didn’t know if anyone was looking when I hopped into the passenger side of Dr. Miller’s car. I didn’t care. All I cared about was the man sitting behind the wheel.
“Hey, baby.” He flashed a cool smile in my direction as I climbed in and I slammed the door behind me.
“I love it when you call me that.” I leaned over and we shared a smoldering kiss. Again, I was thankful for the tints. I was breathless when our lips parted and settled beside him in the vehicle. Dr. Miller rested a hand on my knee as he put the car in drive and cruised out of the parking lot.
“Why don’t you let me drive you home,” he said.
I swallowed hard when he didn’t say anything more. Home? I had to go home and sit there and think of him and what he might be doing? I had to sleep without him? I had to-
“I’ll help you pack some things and then you can..” Dr. Miller shrugged, “Decide how long you want to stay at my place.”
Fuck. I calmed down immediately from the insanely frantic thoughts he caused by the dramatic pause. There was the push and pull of emotions again.
“How long am I welcome for?”
“For as long as you decide.” Dr. Miller glanced over at me as we drove and we both smirked.
“Well, then I better pack heavy.”
Dr. Miller’s grin widened as he stared out at the road. “Suit yourself.’
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17
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lokavisi · 9 days
This vent turned Loki Appreciation Post™️ got rather lengthy, so I'm gonna pop it under a line so it doesn't take up too much space on your feed. But I do appreciate it if you read it. I need some good vibes...
I don't really talk much about my personal life on this blog, but I've been having a Week™️. Well, maybe Two Weeks™️. Two weeks ago, my wife and I had the beginning stages of a cold and accidentally passed to 3/4 other people in our TTRPG group. We got over the cold, and last Monday night/Tuesday morning, we were in the ER because my wife was having such intense upper abdominal pain. She seems to experience acid reflux in an atypical way. The meds they gave her have been helping, so that seems to be what it was, but now she's getting a sore throat again. We went to the clinic today. She got a strep, flu, and COVID test, which all came back negative, so the person said she likely picked up a virus while at the ER. (Even though we were both masked the entire time, there is still always a possibility.) Now I can't tell if I'm getting sick, too, or if I'm just stressed out of my mind. I've been taking care of her for the majority of this past week and haven't really been able to take care of myself in the ways that I need to. On the few days she was feeling ok, I went to some overstimulating events that I don't feel like I fully recovered from, either. I've been holding back a full breakdown all day, but short periodic cries have helped relieve some tension.
And here's where I'll tie it in to Loki: last night, I decided to do some journeywork since I haven't in a good while. I thought it might also be some good self-care time to visit the little home space I've made with Loki and his family. The thing is, Atlas was the one to great me as soon as I entered trance. In chatting with him a little, it was obvious that Loki called on him to really drive home the "you don't have to carry/aren't carrying the whole world on your shoulders" message. After this realization, it took me a second to really lock onto Loki's energy so I could talk with them about it. When I finally did, they showed me all these key stepping stones of progress in my journeying practice, especially finding and traveling to different locations. So they asked, "Why do you want to come to this place you spend so much time in?" Referring to our little home space. I broke down, and when I heard myself speak, it was like I was hearing a child. I was saying I just "wanted to see daddy" (i.e. Loki) and I didn't like that every task I picked up felt like a whole world for me to carry. Then I started apologizing to nearly every major deity in the Norse pantheon for not doing any of the work we've spoken about doing together. Each time I named one, they appeared before us. I was bawling into Loki's chest as they held me, and I could feel the tears and snot dripping down my actual physical face, too. As I did, I shifted into a toddler. Loki wasn't just hugging me. He was holding me, my legs around his waist with his right arm under my butt to hold me up. He motioned to everyone around us, saying that they are all family and part of this home space. Like my inner circle. Then he referenced me going to other circles (i.e. learning about and working with deities or spirits from other pantheons and practices) as a way for me to learn. And that they will all still be here for me even when I venture out to "meet new people" and that some people I meet may even join us in our inner circle. Cue Apollo walking up to us, holding his arms out for me to go to him. Loki passed me over to him like a parent handing their kid off to a babysitter or family member. There were a few small things that happened after that, but I'm still so struck by that sense of family. I felt so much more relaxed crying into Dad's (Loki's) arms. I felt safe and loved, and I felt safe and supported even when I was handed off to Apollo.
I'm really holding on to the comfort of those moments right now as I still try to care for myself in this moment. I am slightly dreading the inevitable inner child work that this was also clearly alluding to, just because I know it will be a lot emotionally, but it clearly needs to be done, right? It feels like a lot to maintain my current practices and deity relationships AND explore new ones. That in and of itself feels like taking on the world, and that doesn't even include all of the mundane adulting shit I have to do every day. I've just been so overwhelmed and overstimulated this week. I need everything to just stop for a second. I need to not be needed for just a little while. I need to be held for just a little longer until every last ounce of tension gets released from my mind and body. I need to get 10-12 hours of sleep for the next few nights. Gods, give me strength and rest, please. 🙏
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theloveoffootball10 · 15 days
sᴛɪᴄᴋᴡɪᴛᴜ : s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
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m a s t e r l i s t
s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
Arriving back home on the Tuesday night I slump back on the sofa with a huff. The whole weekend has been incredible and now I have to prepare myself to go back into the office tomorrow. After I left Lando at the hotel on Monday morning I spent the rest of my time with my dad.
We went for breakfast before I met him back at home in Oxfordshire for the night. Being at my dad's home has always been one of my biggest security blankets and getting to spend the time there with him always reminds me of being a kid. Although I grew up with my parents not being together my mum would always drive the near 6 hour round trip from Cheshire to Oxfordshire and back again if I wanted to see my dad and he was home. We'd never tell him, we'd just jump in the car and be welcomed with open arms at the end of the journey.
"Hello to you as well, talk about moody Margaret walking through the door" my mum says from her spot in the corner of the sofa.
"I don't want to go back to work tomorrow" I feel like I'm on the biggest comedown of my life after spending so much time with Lando.
"Right who is he?" My mum asks as she pauses whatever she has playing in the background "come on tell me. You're never this depressed when you come home from your dads and you've been in the house less than 10 minutes"
"Mum do we have to" I say with a groan. I don't mind telling my mum what happened, I tell her literally everything I just don't know if I'm ready to have this conversation out loud.
"Yes we have to, you're not having a pity party for one over this. Which driver is it?" Turning my head to my mum I nearly give myself whiplash as I frown "don't give me that look. I've been there. Only a formula one driver can turn a girl to this"
"Lando Norris. Fucking hell I can't believe I'm saying it out loud to you"
"Ooh he's a good looking lad Lucía! He had a good weekend and now I think I know why" I can't believe my mum has just said that! "Look, I've been there Lucía and you've grown up in that world so I'm not surprised you've met someone working in formula one, if Lando Norris makes you happy then I'm made up for you"
"Muuuum nothing has happened other than sex" I say with a groan knowing in her head my mum has my wedding planned and is thinking of names for her future grandchildren "he wants to take me out in Miami for an actual date though"
"And I'm guessing you said yes? I'm sure he's got something insane up his sleeve if it's in Miami but after that date you had with that Jake lad even going to Starbucks for a brew is an improvement"
"Don't ever mention that date again! It was traumatic, I think I'm mentally scarred from that experience! Who tells a girl they're taking her out, tells her to dress to impress then takes her fishing! I won't ever be over that mum" I cringe at the thought of the worst date I've ever been taken on, sitting in the rain at the side of a lake surrounded by fishing gear absolutely freezing was never my idea of a good time.
"To be completely serious for a minute though Lucía, if you think you could have feelings for Lando give him a chance. If you don't that's fine, you're an adult and I trust that you're sensible enough to make the best decision for you. As always this stays between us until you're ready for your dad to know anything"
"Thanks mum. I appreciate it. We both have completely different lives but I'll see how it goes in Miami and then go from there" I can always count on my mum to make me feel better about a situation "did the stuff I need for Tomorrowland come?"
"You've got a load of parcels that came over the last few days so I'm guessing so. When is it you go?"
"Just under two weeks time, so this weekend I don't have plans then I have Tomorrowland, I'm home for like a week then fly to Miami" when it comes to summer I'm always back to back with plans. Since I was old enough to do my own thing I've always made the most of my anual leave throughout the summer. It would be easy for me to not work and live off my dad forever but I actually really like my job.
"I won't see you until you're back from Miami. I fly to Ibiza with the girls on Sunday when you're in Belgium. I'll make sure I leave your birthday present for you to open before you go or for when you're in Miami" my mum may be in her forties but I love that she still has girls party holidays to places like Ibiza. Me and some of my friends have been on holiday with my mum and her friends one of the most memorable being a long weekend in Magaluf.
"Mum don't worry about it. I can get it when we're both home. I'm going to shower and get sorted for work tomorrow" making my way to my bedroom I throw myself on the bed. I need to shower but I can't get Lando out of my head. Checking instagram I notice I don't have any messages from him which makes me wonder if this was just a Silverstone thing. I suppose I'll have to see what happens between now and Miami. I'm not saying I want scheduled phone calls from him but a few messages would be nice especially if he is serious about taking me out in Miami.
Nine days later I arrive in Belgium with some of my closest friends for Tomorrowland, the sun is shining and we're staying in a mansion rather than camping this year so the ten of us can stay together. As a group we do this trip every year, kind of like a ritual but we've grown up together and since we were all old enough it became our thing. Posting a photo of the girls to my instagram story I pour the first of many drinks I'll be consuming this weekend.
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As we're all getting settled in our home from home for the weekend I sit on my bed when I see a notification pop up on my phone. Lando Norris replied to your story. I've spoken to Lando a few times since we left Silverstone and still it's always a dm. Neither of us has asked for the other's number but I always feel like I have a heard of elephants in my stomach when I see his name on my phone screen.
I guess I'll see you Sunday and won't have to wait until Miami x
You're coming to Tomorrowland?
Aren't you in Hungary?
I'm flying straight over after the race and when I'm done with media x
I might just sack off the media now I know you're at Tomorrowland x
That wouldn't be a good idea would it Mr Norris. I can only imagine how much the media and your PR manager would disapprove. However I would appreciate seeing your face x
Mr Norris is my dad plz don't ever say that again 🤢 you can see my face as much as you like. Enjoy the weekend as much as you can, I'm jealous I can only be there Sunday x
we both know your weekend will be even better when you see me though so it doesn't matter if you're not here for the full weekend 😜
See you Sunday Lando x
I'm fucked. Lando Norris has well and truly got me under his spell and I'm hanging on his every word. I might love Tomorrowland but I'm wishing the next three days away until it's Sunday and I get to see him again. The fact I get to see him before Miami has made my weekend.
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study-coffee-chicago · 10 months
Halstead Headcanons Pt. 5
A/N: I wanted to write a Halstead Thanksgiving imagine and I also had a headcanon where Halstead sister chokes sitting in my drafts. Since they're both pretty short, I decided to combine them into another installment of Halstead Headcanons.
You anxiously looked at the forecast for the third time this hour. But, at this point, you knew it was no use. It was currently Monday morning and a snowstorm had hit Chicago late last night. Seeing as your 9 am Monday class was the only class that hadn't been canceled this week, you planned to leave right after class and make the eight-hour drive from Kansas City to Chicago, and planned to get back home around 9 pm at night. You, Will, and Jay had been discussing this possibility of you not coming home since last Thursday when the storm had been forecasted.
You sighed and looked at all you stuff that you had lined up in the hallway of your apartment, right beside your door. You figured maybe they'd be wrong, so maybe you'd be able to leave today...it wouldn't be the first time meteorologists had been wrong.
You dialed Will's number and put your phone on speaker as you started to make your coffee.
"Hey, kiddo," he answered.
"I can't come home. It's supposed to keep snowing and there's accidents everywhere when I get about two hours from home and--"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Will said.
"But it's not! I wanna come home for Thanksgiving, Will!"
"And you will. Thanksgiving's on Thursday. It's only Monday. You can always make the drive on Wednesday if it clears up."
"But what if it doesn't!"
"Hey, don't think like that. The plows will be out soon and then we'll go from there, okay?"
You sniffled. "Okay."
"Now, get ready for class and me and Jay will keep you updated on the road conditions. Sound good?"
"I guess," you answered.
"If there's one thing I know about Chicago weather is that it's unpredictable, so think positive."
"Yeah. I'm gonna go now. I'll text Jay and tell him I won't be coming home today. He's probably gonna call me in the next thirty minutes, too."
"Good idea. Have a good day, kiddo. And, there's still three days until Thanksgiving, so don't stress."
"Easier said than done."
Wednesday, 7 am
Jay stood in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Then, he looked outside. It wasn't snowing as hard, but after one quick look at the traffic and road conditions online, he knew most of the roads were still glare ice. There was no way you could make the drive back.
"Morning," Hailey said. She grabbed a mug from the cupboard. "Roads not looking any better?"
"No. I don't know what to do, Hailey. I don't want her to miss Thanksgiving, but it's not safe for her to drive. I mean, we could try to go there later in the day, but with traffic and everything..."
"We wouldn't get there until the middle of the night," Hailey finished.
Then his phone buzzed. It was a text from Will. There was also a picture attached.
Train tickets? the text read with a picture of train tickets that left at 9:30 am and got into Kansas City around 5 pm.
"Don't tell my brother I said this," Jay began, "but he's a genius." Hailey furrowed her eyebrows and Jay passed her his phone. "The Amtrac is still running."
Hailey smiled. "Nine-thirty, huh? Guess we better start packing."
You curled up on your bed. Even though it was only 6 pm, it was dark. And, hey, maybe you'd sleep for over 24 hours and could sleep through Thanksgiving. You and Jay had talked this morning and he told you it still wasn't safe for you to drive home. He said that if he could drive out, he would. But, even he knew it was unsafe to drive long distances in this weather.
You were just about to turn your phone on silent and put it in sleep mode when a call came through. It was from Jay.
"Yeah?" you asked while you held back tears.
"Come to your window. We're outside."
"What? Jay, I think I heard you wrong."
"Just, come look out your window," he repeated.
"You're scaring me. I'm not gonna go look outside without knowing what I'm gonna see. It's dark outside! Is there a serial killer near me? Is that why you want me to look outside? I didn't get an emergency alert or anything!"
"Y/N, nothing's wrong. But, the Amtrac was still running and we rented a car when we got down here and--"
"You're here?!" you exclaimed and jumped out of bed and ran to your window.
You quickly peeked through the blinds and sure enough, there were Jay, Will, and Hailey standing in front of a small, blue rental car, the headlights illuminating them.
Your face lit up. "I'm coming down!"
Then, you hung up your phone and quickly threw on a hoodie over your t-shirt and slipped your feet into your shoes, not caring if the sweatpants you were wearing had a little stain on them.
You ran from the walking gate to the parking lot. "How did you guys...Scratch that! When did you guys think this up?"
Jay pulled you into a hug. "Ugh, missed you, kid. Morning's aren't the same without you trying to steal my coffee."
"You loved it," you joked.
"And, to answer your question," Will started and you gave him a hug, "It was my idea."
"Jay even went so far as to call him a genius," Hailey supplied.
"I told you not to tell him that," Jay muttered.
"Oops, must've been all the drinks I had on the train."
"You didn't even—" Jay cut himself off with a sigh. "Forget it. Happy wife, happy life."
"Glad I wasn't on that train," you muttered.
"Wasn't too bad," Will said. "If you had headphones."
"You're an ass," Jay said.
"Well, this ass was the one who had the idea to get Amtrac tickets."
"So, you're a smart ass then?"
"C'mon you guys," you said, trying your best to stop their bickering. "Grab your stuff. Let's get inside and then we can order from the pub across the street."
"Sounds good to me," Will said. "I gotta try that fried chicken sandwich you're always talking about."
"Holy shit," Will said after he took his first bite of the fried chicken sandwich. "You weren't kidding."
"I think this is one of the best things I've ever tasted," Jay agreed.
Then, Hailey quickly reached over and stole the other half of her husband's sandwich.
"I wanna try it!" Then she took a bite. "You guys are right, this is really good!"
Then, she gave Jay his sandwich back and dipped her five cheese grilled cheese that she'd gotten in her bowl of tomato soup.
"So, what are we doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow?" you asked.
"Shit. I didn't that far ahead," Will said.
"Can't get a turkey now, wouldn't thaw in time," Hailey said. "They'd probably be sold out anyway."
You stood up and started looking through your fridge. "Let's see...I have eggs, bread, milk, a bunch of condiments, wraps..." you continued listing off what you had in your fridge, freezer, and cupboard. "I probably have the stuff for sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and we can do sandwiches instead of turkey. Oh! I can also make these apple butter cinnamon rolls I've made a couple times when I have friends over."
"We can probably find rolls somewhere in the morning," Jay supplied. "And maybe some carrots somewhere for cooked carrots."
"I can make spanikopita if I can find the ingredients tomorrow," Hailey said.
"And I'll find the wine aisle tomorrow," Will said.
"Or Trulys. We can always have those," you suggested. "The tropical pack, though."
Will rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd suggest that."
"So, me and Will will go to the store tomorrow morning and you can make the cinnamon rolls. Hails, what do you need for the spanikopita?"
Hailey then told Jay what she needed and he wrote it down on his phone. Then, the four of you continued eating and thinking about everything you needed to do tomorrow.
"Morning, sleepy head," Hailey greeted when you woke up the next morning. She was standing at the stove making eggs, a cup of coffee sitting on the counter next to her. "Want some eggs?"
"Oh, you don't have to make me any. I can cook for myself," you answered.
"I know you can cook for yourself. But, I'm already cooking, so if you want some, I can make you some."
"Okay," you answered. "Thank you."
"No problem."
You went back to your room and grabbed the current book that you were reading.
"Here you go," Hailey said a few minutes later and handed you a plate of eggs and toast along with a cup of coffee.
"Thanks, Hails."
"You're welcome. Hey, you mind if I steal a book from you to read?"
You shook your head. "Go right ahead," you answered. "I'd highly recommend The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue."
"Alright, I'll read that one then."
Then, the two of you ate your breakfast and read your books and you had a quiet morning with your sister-in-law before you started cooking.
Six hours later, the grilled sandwiches were made and all the sides and the cinnamon rolls and wine were on the counter. There was a Blackhawks game on your tv since none of you watched the game that they played yesterday. And, even though it wasn't the Thanksgiving you had in mind, your brothers and Hailey still made it one to remember.
Request from anon on tumblr: Hey can you pls do a story of like the Halstead siblings with y/n Halstead (their sister) and they are at dinner and she starts choking and they like save her and she passes out and worries them
A/N: The age in this one is first grade.
For Jay and Will, grades had always been something important...well, Will a bit more so than Jay. But, they were important nonetheless and they had instilled that in you. Because of this, you were super excited to show Jay your report card after school because you had gotten all As (the A in math could definitely be attributed to your brothers going over subtraction flashcards with you almost every day). So, Will sent a quick text telling him to meet the two of you at Applebees because that's where you wanted to go for dinner. And, if you got all As (or all As and Bs, but you didn't know about the B part, which was between Jay and Will), you got to go wherever you wanted that night for dinner. Tonight, you chose Applebees.
"Will!" you exclaimed when you saw him while waiting for your table. "I got all A's!"
"I heard!" Will said, matching your enthusiasm. "You might be smarter than me!"
You quickly shook your head. "Nuh-uh."
"And what makes you say that, missy?"
"Because you a doctor!"
"Well...you're definitely smarter than Jay."
"Hey!" Jay yelled, faking offense.
"You did mess up that subtraction problem that day," Will reminded him.
"I had been up for over 24 hours!"
They quickly stopped their petty bickering when Jay's name was called for their table.
Half an hour later, you were eating your chicken tenders and fries while your brothers ate their food.
You swallowed a big bite and felt it get stuck a bit, so you took a sip of water. It still wouldn't go down and you still had the water in your mouth!
You started to cough and the water spewed out of your mouth.
Jay saw your red face and quickly started hitting your back, trying to get the food to come out.
"Keep coughing, Y/N," Will told you as he stood up and got right next to you.
You did three big coughs and still nothing.
Will crouched down next to you. "Y/N, I'm gonna get this out."
Your head was starting to feel weird, so whatever Will said, you didn't hear him. But, the next thing you knew, you felt hands wrap around your belly and then you felt yourself go forward and then back quickly and then then the big piece of chicken tender came flying out of your mouth and hit the spot in the booth where Will had previously been sitting.
You gasped for air.
"You okay, kiddo?" Jay asked and ran a hand through your hair.
You shook your head and buried your face in his chest.
"I'll go get the bill and order a milkshake for her to go," Will said and stood up.
Jay nodded and just continued to hold you.
"No more chicken and fries!" you told him.
"It's okay," he said. "You don't have to finish them. Will's gonna get you your milkshake and pay and then we're gonna go home. Does that sound okay?"
You nodded.
No more chicken tenders for you!
The next day when you came home from school, Jay inspected your lunch box and saw that all you had eaten out of it, was your juice box. It had taken a bit of coaxing last night to get you to drink your milkshake, but they finally got you to drink it by explaining that you didn't have to chew.
He walked into your room to see you grabbing some stuffed animals, presumably bringing them out into the living room to play with.
"Are you feeling okay, kiddo?" Jay asked and crouched down to your height and handed you your stuffed cat.
"Uh huh," you told him, even though your head felt funny.
"You sure? You didn't eat your lunch today."
He put a hand to your forehead. You didn't feel warm.
"Wasn't hungry," you answered.
At that, your stomach growled.
"Well, you're hungry now. How about you come eat your sandwich or Goldfish, alright? Your animals can come with you, too."
At this, you started to cry. You were scared, you felt funny, and you were hungry.
"No!" you wailed. "Just juice! I want juice!"
"Why just juice, Y/N? Why don't you want Goldfish? You love Goldfish."
"Don't want Goldfishies cause they get stuck. Like the chicken nugget!"
"No. They won't," Jay reassured you.
"How you know?"
Jay thought for a second. How could he make a first-grader understand this.
Then, a lightbulb went off in his head.
"C'mere. I gotta show you something," Jay told you.
You followed him out of your room—arms full of stuffed animals—and into the kitchen. He grabbed an empty cardboard toilet paper roll from the recycling bin and set that on the counter. Then, he grabbed a piece of bread from the fridge.
He held up the empty toilet paper roll. "This is like your mouth, okay?" You nodded. He crumpled up the piece of bread. "And pretend this is the chicken nugget you ate last night."
"But that's not a chicken nuggy! That's bread!"
Jay smiled. "I know that. But just pretend. Just like when you pretend you're a princess."
"When you put a big piece of food in your mouth, like this–" Jay tried his best to shove the piece of bread into the empty roll. "--it gets stuck," he finished. "Then, someone has to help you get it out." With a little effort, Jay managed to squeeze the piece of bread out. "Like this. That's what happened to you last night and then Will had to help you get it out."
"Uh-huh," you agreed.
Jay then proceeded to rip the bread into little pieces. "But, when the food is smaller, it doesn't get stuck. See?" He fed a few pieces of bread through the empty roll and then let them fall out the other side and onto the table. "Then they go into your tummy. You just need to make sure the food is small and chewed up."
"I just gotta bite my chicken nuggies and then they don't get stuck anymore?" you asked with a curious look on your face.
"And chew them good," Jay confirmed.
"Can I have chicken nuggies now? And Goldfishes?"
Jay laughed. In a normal scenario, he wouldn't let you have both chicken nuggets and Goldfish; he'd make you eat your sandwich that was leftover from your lunch. But, seeing as you've barely eaten today, he figured one time wouldn't kill you.
"I think we have some Dino nuggies somewhere."
You gasped excitedly. "You got me the Dino ones?"
"I did. Now, how about you and your animals go sit down and I'll bring them to you, okay?"
You did as Jay suggested and went and sat down, putting your stuffed animals on the other chairs at the table.
And, when Jay told Will about everything and how he convinced you to eat with that demonstration, Will told him that he could be a science teacher. Of course, Jay had laughed and told him no way. You were more than enough. He didn't think he could deal with twenty of you.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Don't forget to reblog and comment!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @911ls-tarlos @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88 @glitterquadricorn @luvreading67 @smoothdogsgirl @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @actlikesummerr @lcothr523 @star-wars-lover
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
okay okay I'm back with more self indulgent poly coffee au. Last time I said Lucifer fixed up the piano, and there's definitely another scene idea there, but I'm so excited about the Horror night one that I'm skipping the piano scene aksjdj. I even re-read the horror movie night devilgrams for research. Yeahhh, research,,,,(that one line from Mammon where he comments on MC's scared face lives rent free in my head). But I learned Mammon would have nightmares, and Solomon gets really into the plot.
okay so I think it'd be nice if the three of us meet on Wednesdays before I head to the record shop. Solomon brings his homework, but never gets much done, too happy to talk to us instead. Wednesday is the only day I wake up super early, all because I'm looking forward to hanging out for longer with the two of them. It gets me out of bed, but I have shown up looking groggy as hell some days. Record shop is open 11-7:30 Monday through Friday? And 11-9 on Saturday, but closed Sunday. The only reason it closes early is because I take the bus, and that's not something that's fun taking at night. Saturday night I stay at the shop (thinking of a mini storage/break room upstairs where I've set up a sleeping bag). Coffee shop I think is also closed Sunday, but Mon-Friday it's 7-3:30, with Saturday being 7-12 so he can get errands done. And then Sol has classes Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.
OKAY ANYWAY, WORLD BUILDING ASIDE, the three of us meeting on our usual Wednesday, and Solomon mentions this movie he wants to see. He says he has extra tickets because the people he planned on asking can't make it, it's a midnight showing on Friday. Says he understands if we can't since we both need to get up early the next day, but wanted to ask. I agree because I think it'd be nice to hang out outside of the coffee shop, and Mammon says he's not one to turn down a free outing. He can run on little sleep anyway, he's got espresso to help.
The three of us trying to figure out the logistics, Solomon saying he'll even pay for rides there and back home if needed. Mammon blurts out "Why don't y'all sleep over after?" and we both turn to look at him. He freezes and turns red, but he's already said it, he can't turn back now. "What? I-I got a car, I'll pick the two of you up, and y'all can stay at my place. T-That way, it's not too far from your shop, and your apartment, right?" "I could walk home from here, I wouldn't want to intrude-" "Yeah, I don't mind taking an uber-" "Walking at night can be dangerous, don't you know!? And you! Getting into a strangers car so late is even worse! I'll drive you both home if that's what ya want, but I don't mind having you two over." Solomon is fighting the urge to make a comment about it being like a date. I'm just happy to not have to wake up as early.
"Yo, why'd you want to go to the midnight showing anyway? Are ya that excited to see it?" "Haha, that's not the main reason. It's a horror movie! A midnight showing would be the most immersive." Cue me and Mammon freezing, giving each other terrified looks. Oh man.
Leading up to the outing date, Mammon and I are researching like crazy, only to find out it's the premiere. So there's no spoilers or ways to prepare. We're going in blind. I'm not one to watch many horror movies, the closest things being Saw, Final Destination (both of which I love), and I think a movie series called Paranormal Activity or something. But I always looked away during scary scenes during that. Yet I'm too stubborn to turn it off because I need to know the ending.
Friday comes, Mammon closes up and tries to take a nap to calm his nerves after stress cleaning to get everything neat for the sleepover. And no one planned it, but everyone has dressed up a little nicer than usual. Mammon's got a lucky watch that was gifted from Lucifer, and an open button up with the sleeves rolled up.
He gets in his car to go pick up Solomon, his heart hammering in his chest because Solomon is wearing a nice button up and maybe a sweater? And wearing cologne?? Please help Mammon, he is panicking, trying to reign it in as Solomon puts his overnight bag in the trunk. His voice cracks as he greets Solomon, and immediately begins driving to pick me up, turning up the music as a distraction.
Not sure what I'd wear, but I've got extra jewelry on because it makes me feel cool. Maybe a mesh shirt and a cardigan?? But I wear perfume, and I'm nervous without any clue why. I've got my wallet and my duffel bag, and snort when Solomon jumps out and opens the passenger door like a gentleman before climbing into the backseat. The drive is slightly tense, all of us nervous until I spot a car with a difference state plate. My friend introduced me to this game, and I instinctively bump Mammon's arm and call out the state, which breaks the tense atmosphere. The three of us fall into comfortable conversation until we reach the movie theater.
okay there's a really funny idea I have for the next part that happens during the actual movie. Solomon is going to be living his best life very soon OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
AHHHH I wanna know about Solomon living his best life!! Lemme guess, he's sitting between you two and something especially scary happens so you're both clinging to him out of fear?!? LOL!
Oh man, both of you guys not liking horror is so cute! I totally get it, I'm not a horror fan at all. I can't watch horror movies because I get so freaked out, I can't sleep for months. Books seem to be no problem, but movies for some reason I can't handle lol.
ANYWAY I also love how Mammon is coming up with reasons why you should both sleep over, that is so sweet - of course he's getting all overprotective! Walking at night! Getting into a stranger's car!! You're gonna give him a conniption!
And ohh Solomon being the gentleman and opening the door for you, that's adorable, too!!
As always, I will be pleased to know what happens next, but of course no pressure & no rush! I'm just enjoying this cute lil love story~
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Apple Picking - Eggsy Unwin x reader
all right! I decided on a random monday night a couple of days too late that I was going to challenge myself to write and publish one fic for each week of October. Had I thought of the idea earlier this one would've come out on the 6th, but I thought of it when writing this last night so it's coming out today instead.
The goal with this event is to write for characters and pairings I don't write for often and like my account to a certain extent, this event is multifandom! Eggsy Unwin is kicking it off because I love him wholeheartedly and don't write for him as often as I should.
This fic was written while I was listening to the Boygenius song Leonard Cohen and directly uses the lyric 'I never thought you'd happen to me' twice because I love Boygenius and I couldn't help myself.
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- none
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There was not a day that surpassed the both of you wherein Eggsy Unwin did not second guess himself. He wondered why, out of all of the people you could've chosen, you chose him.
You were the best person Eggsy could've met in the beginnings of his career as a Kingsman. You liked to read, you loved to write, you didn't hate dogs and you loved the autumn.
Eggsy had met you while waiting for Harry at a coffee place. You'd bumped into him while taking an idle step backwards, you'd chatted in line, he'd made you laugh, and you'd exchanged numbers and then it was like that was it. He was in your life, you were in his, and things would probably stay that way.
Still, four years later, you were thirty-two and had been sharing an apartment since just a bit before Eggsys 30th birthday. It was near the Kingsman tailors and near where you worked, so it was a good fit.
He was grinning to himself as he parked his car into one of the two parking spots that was included in the rent, Harry on the phone with him as he talked animatedly about plans you'd made for the upcoming and extremely rare weekend Eggsy had off.
As Eggsy turned the car off, he took Harry off speaker, pressing the phone to his ear. He opened the door just enough to hear the sound of rain and pocketed his car keys.
"Yeah! It's gonna be great--late morning, we're going to order in, I think? Once that's done with we're going to take JB and we're going to go apple picking. They do it with JB every season so that they can use the apples for apple butter, but I have the weekend off so we're turning it into a staycation type thing."
"Staycation?" Harry asked as Eggsy ran from his parking spot to the front door of the flat complex, barely dodging the rain in the process. "The closest apple picking place is three hours out of the city. That's not staying in."
"Close enough, innit?" Eggsy said, swiping the fob and grinning as he approached the elevator. The thought of seeing you had turned the exhaustion he felt into something more content, something happy.
"I suppose," Harry said as Eggsy pressed the button. The doors promptly opened and in Eggsy stepped, pressing the button for your floor and shaking his head as though to focus. "Are you staying at a hotel?"
"Only decent one we could find doesn't allow pets," Eggsy said. "We're going to drive thirty minutes back around so that he can stay at a pet hotel, I think. Bit of extra work, but he'll be happy with the hordes of attention he'll get. I'll be happy because--it's not like opportunities like this come often."
Despite the fact that he couldn't see him, Eggsy knew that the expression Harry wore was a sad smile on the other end of the phone line.
"Have you proposed yet?"
"I'm working on it," Eggsy said as the elevator doors opened. He stepped into the hallway and approached your door, grabbing his keys from his pocket. "Just bought the ring yesterday. The secret of it might bloody well eat me alive, Harry."
Harry laughed halfheartedly. "You have a good night, Eggsy."
"You too, mate," and the call was done.
Eggsy put his key into the lock and turned, sighing with relief and pressing his head against the door as it opened slightly. It didn't take him long to hear the sound of JBs claws scraping against the floor and your gentle discipline, telling him to wait until Eggsy had gotten a foot through the door to bide for his attention.
Eggsy laughed and proceeded inward, heart heavy with how happy he felt.
A day later, it was six, you'd just ordered McDonalds to your hotel room and the hotel mini fridge was full of ten pounds of apples from the time you and Eggsy had spent picking them while JB found his soulmate in a pug owned by a couple in their sixties.
Eggsy had just gotten out of the shower where you'd showered beforehand, and you were sitting in the chair that had been placed by the window, using it for what seemed to be it's purpose as you read something.
Eggsy said nothing, leaning slightly against the door frame in his Kingsman sweatpants and a baggier shirt that smelled a little like you, indicating you'd stolen it in recent, then washed it and sprayed it with some of the scent you liked before placing it in one of the clean clothes baskets that Eggsy would later sort and fold.
You were reading a book, and Eggsy was looking at you, and it just--everything kind of just hit him.
He'd bought the ring. He could've proposed to you right then if it really, truly seemed like the right time as he always kept it in one of his pockets. He could've proposed at the apple orchard but it just didn't seem like the right time then.
All that Eggsy could think of was that first time you'd met in the coffeeshop. You'd bumped into him while taking a step back, and you'd chatted, and he'd made you laugh and it felt like it was perfect.
Four years gone, four of the best years he'd experienced, and he found himself leaning against a bathroom door frame and looking at you, and it just--woah.
"This is going to seem so random," he said, one hand idly going to his pocket, where he'd slipped the ring out of what had managed to become a habit after only three days. "But it just--we've been together for four years now, and it's all kind of just hitting me."
You turned to look at him, grinning as your gaze met his.
"Yeah?" You asked. "What is it?"
"I never thought that--well--you see, I'm not really known for my smarts," Eggsy sighed. "Roxy and Merlin and Harry--and, well, everyone, realistically--would make a case for the fact that I don't really know much at all, but I do know that I know you."
You were looking at him like he was the love of your life. Eggsy knew that you were his without a doubt in his mind.
"I never thought that when you bumped into me, we'd find ourselves here. I never thought that I would be using one of the only weekends off I've gotten since I started working for the Kingsmen to propose to you in some hotel, but this where we are and I am so grateful for it."
You stood, approached him. Eggsy pulled the ring out of his pocket and presented it to you, shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Harry, the guy who had a love for romantics somewhere deep down, was going to kill him for proposing in the hotel rather than at the orchard.
"I never thought you'd happen to me," Eggsy said. "Seriously. I didn't, and I don't know how I've managed to get so lucky but I am so happy I have."
"You realize that marrying me means your stuck with me forever, right?" You asked, pressing a quick peck to his lips. "Like, no escape. In sickness and in health, in every single moment where I choose to annoy you because it's funny, in every single time you come home from a mission at seven in the morning because the mission ran long or you got called in late, and discover I've made brownies or butter tarts or peanut butter cookies. You're stuck with me even then."
"I never thought you'd happen to me," Eggsy said again. "So yeah. I realize it means I'll be stuck with you when you annoy me and that it means I'll come home to brownies, or butter tarts, or peanut butter cookies. I realize it means I'll be stuck with you when we're both drunk and we can't stop laughing. In sickness and in health, Y/N. Sunny days, and the rainy ones, too."
Eggsy loved you so much and often found that it was impossible to put it into words.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
"I'd be an idiot not to," you grinned.
Eggsy slipped the ring onto your finger and made a note to call Harry before the two of you went to bed as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, his around your waist, and the two of you hugged.
You couldn't believe your luck, and Eggsy couldn't believe his.
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musette22 · 2 years
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The Element of Surprise
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (Evanstan)
Rating: Explicit (18+ only please)
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: rough(er) sex, light degrading language, light roleplay, light Dom/sub
A/N: AKA the long awaited mustache fic (awaited by no one but me, but still). I've had that little text convo at the beginning saved in my notes app for a long time, but I never quite knew how I wanted to follow it up. I still didn’t really know where I was going with this when I finally started writing it, but I should have known it would turn into filth. I’m not sorry, except to those of you who can't abide the 'stache (even though your opinion is wrong) <3 And btw, if you're thinking 'this reads like a bad porn flick', that is entirely intentional 😌 Hope you enjoy! Comments = love <3
C: be there in 30
S: I'll put a beer in the freezer
C: I love you
S: I know
S: love you too
C: and seb, just
C: don't laugh ok
S: huh?
S: why would I laugh
C: you'll see
S: ?? what does that mean?
C: be there soon 😘
Sebastian huffs, leaving his phone on the couch as he heads into his kitchen and pulls open the pantry door.
He doesn’t drink enough beer to permanently keep his fridge stocked with the stuff, and while Chris does love his beer (understatement), he’s trying to cut back. Or at least not to drink on weeknights. Too much. But since tonight is Friday and they have a whole weekend ahead of them in which they’ll be doing nothing but relaxing, ordering pizza, and watching movies, Sebastian figures they can start indulging a little early. He grabs a couple of beers from the bottom shelf, sticking them in the freezer to chill, so Chris will come home to a cold beer later.
As he returns to the living room and stretches out on the couch, bag of potato chips in hand, it occurs to Sebastian just how domestic it all feels. The thought makes him smile.
He’s never been very good at domesticity, which it’s why it’s even more surprising how much he likes it, this time around. He knows he shouldn’t get too used to having Chris in his space, he does, but it’s just too nice not to want to soak it up and roll around in it every chance he gets. The prospect of Chris staying at his place for longer than just a weekend makes something warm and giddy fizz in the pit of his stomach. It’s addictive.
For the next few months, Chris will be on stage every night in his first ever Broadway play, and for the duration of its run, he’ll be staying in New York.
Officially, Chris is renting a swanky place in Tribeca.
Unofficially, he’s staying with Sebastian at his tiny SoHo apartment.
The fact that Sebastian lives in New York played at least some part in Chris’s decision to do a Broadway play this year. They were both tired of only seeing each other whenever one of them could take a few days off to visit the other (under the radar, of course). Already, Chris spending an extended period of time in New York has done their relationship a world of good.
Things are good. Easy. If he’s being honest with himself, Sebastian can’t remember the last time he felt so content.
Since coming to New York, Chris has been going to rehearsals every weekday. Sebastian has sometime off in between projects, and he’s set to attend the premiere of Lobby Hero this Monday – ostensibly as an interested co-star, secretly in the capacity of supportive boyfriend. He can’t wait to see Chris shine on stage. Chris is nervous as hell, to the point where he’s wondered if blowing the whole thing off wouldn’t be better than letting everyone down, but there’s no doubt in Sebastian’s mind that he’ll knock it out of the park. Chris is a lot better than he gives himself credit for.
When a car door slams outside his apartment, Sebastian sits up, brushing the crumbs off his sweater – a soft, light blue one that Chris says brings out his eyes. When he darts a look out the window, Chris’s cab is just driving off. The man himself is keeping his head down, so all Sebastian can see is the top of the baseball cap he’s wearing.
Curious now, Sebastian gets up to greet Chris. Less than a minute later, the door to Sebastian’s apartment opens, Chris walks in, looks up, and –
Sebastian chokes on air.
The sound that leaves him is one he’s never heard himself make before; something high and squeaky and extremely embarrassing.
“Don’t,” Chris says instantly, a warning in his voice.
Sebastian gapes at him.
“You have a mustache,” he says faintly, once he’s remembered how to talk.
“Yep.” Chris lifts a hand to his face, fiddling with said mustache. “It’s for the role.”
Distantly, Sebastian registers he sounds a little off, and that’s when he finally notices the hint of apprehension in Chris’s eyes. Just the smallest glint of poorly concealed uncertainty.
Chris is worried, Sebastian realizes with a start.
Worried that Sebastian will laugh at him. That Sebastian might not find him attractive anymore.
Well. No need to worry about that, apparently.
Because for some unholy reason, that thing on Chris’s upper lip – big and bushy and only about half an inch on either side removed from being a handlebar mustache – is currently making Sebastian want to climb him like a fucking tree.
Not that he doesn’t normally want to do that, but urge is suddenly more intense than usual. By about three hundred and twelve percent.
“You look…”
“Ridiculous?” Chris supplies, self-deprecating as always. “Like my dad? A 70s porn star?”
“You look hot.” Sebastian doesn’t quite mean to blurt it out like that, but he does anyway. And. Well. That’s out there now.
Chris’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “I – what?”
“Fuck,” Sebastian breathes. He runs a shaky hand through his short hair, trying to gather his thoughts. “Look, I don’t know what this says about me, but uh. I am like, really fucking attracted to you right now. Even more than usual, I mean.”
For a long moment, Chris looks at him as if he’s crazy, or maybe like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, but once it becomes clear that Sebastian isn’t joking (if only he were), Chris’s expression turns into one of tentative amusement.
“You’re serious,” he says, taking a step closer. Keeping his eyes fixed on Sebastian’s face, he carefully runs his thumb and forefinger over the mustache in a gesture that kind of makes him look like he’s up to no good. “You like it?”
Sebastian swallows. “Uh-huh.”
“Didn’t know you had a thing for guys with mustaches.”
“Neither did I.” Sebastian takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I think it might even just be you.”
“Oh, really?” Chris asks, some of his usual cheek returning now that he realizes he isn’t going to get laughed at. Far from it, in fact. “Huh. What do you like about it?”
“Um,” Sebastian says, swallowing as Chris steps closer. Oh Christ, it’s even worse up close. Or better, depending how you look at it. And Sebastian is looking at it. Can’t tear his eyes away from it, actually. “It. Uh - it makes you look…”
Several words flit, unbidden, through Sebastian’s mind, each one worse than the last. Macho. Authoritative. Mean.
“…good,” he finishes lamely.
Worryingly, Chris’s smile grows into a full-blown grin, and Sebastian’s skin erupts into goosebumps.
Oh, no. Sometimes Sebastian really wishes Chris didn’t know him as well as he does.
Though when Chris takes off his baseball cap, tossing it onto the hallway table, Sebastian hisses. “Ah, okay. The hair is kinda bad.”
Chris snorts, running his fingers through the spiky strands. “Right? I look like an asshole.”
“Little bit.”
Chris gives him a calculating look. “So… does that mean the effect is ruined?”
Sebastian takes a moment to consider this. “I mean, it’s objectively bad, but…” he trails off. Ugh, he really should be used to this by now, but on some level Sebastian still can’t believe that Chris can make literally any look work for him. So annoying. “…no. Not ruined. Sadly.”
Reassured, Chris slowly starts to advance on him. With every step that Chris takes forward, Sebastian takes one back, until his heels hit the wall of his hallway. He holds his breath, feeling like a bunny rabbit about to be eaten by a wolf, though presumably a little more turned on than said bunny rabbit would be at the prospect.
Stopping right in front of him, Chris leans in, placing his hands against the wall on either side of Sebastian’s shoulders.
“Hey, good lookin’,” Chris says, his breath ghosting Sebastian’s left ear. Sebastian shivers with his entire body – something which doesn’t escape Chris’s notice, and makes the grin turn into a smirk. “You come here often?”
Despite how turned on he’s rapidly getting, Sebastian snorts. “Yeah, I’d say so.”
Chris hums. “Funny how I haven’t seen you here before, then.”
“I have been saying you should get an eye test. You’ve been squinting a lot more lately.”
“Seb,” Chris huffs, fighting a smile. “C’mon, I’m tryin’ something here.”
“Right, sorry.” Sebastian clears his throat. “I, uh. I haven’t seen you before either.” Licking his lips, he adds, “Would’ve noticed if I had.”
“You would, huh? And why’s that?”
“Well, see…” Sebastian’s eyes drop to Chris’s mouth. Specifically, his upper lip situation. “It’s the mustache. Kinda hard to miss.”
Chris raises one eyebrow. “You know what else is hard?” he asks lewdly, rolling his hips.
Sebastian can’t stop himself – he lets out a helpless peal of laughter, throwing his head back and making it collide with the wall. He barely notices it, because the next thing he knows, Chris is on him, kissing up his throat and oh hello, okay, that feels weird. Good, but weird. He can’t even say why exactly it feels weird, since Chris’s beard used to tickle too, but somehow, when it’s just the ‘stache without the rest of it, it tickles more than it used to. Feels way more bristly like this.
Under Chris demanding mouth, Sebastian’s laugh morphs into a moan, and he slides down the wall a fraction, pressing into Chris and baring his neck a little further. Chris’s teeth scrape over his Adam’s apple, one of his hands wandering over Sebastian’s chest and squeezing at a pec.
“Sir,” Sebastian says, breathlessly scandalized. “Wh- what are you doing?”
“Just takin’ what I want.” Chris pulls back to look Sebastian in the eye, grabbing his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You got a problem with that, sweetheart?”
Sebastian gulps, blinking hard. “No, sir.”
“That’s what I thought,” Chris leers, leaning in to bite at Sebastian’s bottom lip and pulling at it with his teeth. At the same time, he runs his left hand down Sebastian’s side and abs, all the way down until it slips between his legs. He cups the growing hardness there, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Oh, fuck,” Sebastian breathes, hands flying up to Chris’s waist.
“How’s that feel, honey? You like that?”
“Yeah? You want me to keep touching you?”
“Yes.” Another mean squeeze. “Yes, please,” Sebastian amends quickly.
“How sweet.” Chris palms Sebastian’s dick again, tight and warm and so good, before abruptly pulling back his hand, leaving Sebastian to whimper and buck his hips. “Well, that’s tough, sweetheart,” Chris tells him, “‘cause you’re not gettin’ anything else till I decide you’ve earned it.”
Before Sebastian even has time to process that, Chris spins them around so that Chris is the one with his back against the wall, and then roughly pushes Sebastian down to his knees with a big hand on his shoulder.
Sebastian moans; a little for show, and a little because he genuinely likes being pushed around a bit. Usually, though, it takes Chris a lot longer to let go liken this. It tends to happen only when he’s getting close and his all he blood in his brain has relocated to his dick, but now, it seems that a little bit of clumsy role-play also does the trick.
Whatever it is, Sebastian thinks, he’ll be damned if he lets an opportunity like this pass him by.
Resting his hands on Chris thighs, Sebastian eagerly leans in to nuzzle at his crotch, mouthing at the hardening outline of his dick through his jeans. Chris hisses, hand scrabbling at Sebastian’s hair, trying to find purchase before seeming to realize that Sebastian’s hair is too short to grab right now (and doesn’t that make Sebastian suddenly regret cutting it immensely) and resorting to putting a hand over Sebastian’s face and just pushing him away instead.
“Did I say you could do that?” Chris’s asks. His usually easy voice is now laced with something dark, something almost menacing, sending a shiver down Sebastian’s spine.
He swallows hard, his throat suddenly dry, dick perking up eagerly inside his sweats. “No, sir. Sorry.”
“Damn right,” Chris mutters. “You’ll get it when I give it to you. Now, are you gonna be good for me?”
Sebastian sucks in a shaky breath. Goddamn.
“Are you?” Chris repeats, tapping Sebastian’s cheek to prompt him.
“Yeah,” Sebastian nods, a little dazed. “Yeah, I’ll be good.” He watches, fascinated, as Chris’s right hand deftly flicks open the button on his jeans, before slowly pulling down his zipper, inch by excruciating inch. Sebastian finds himself willing Chris to go faster, to let him see what he’s got in his pants, which is ridiculous, because Sebastian knows what Chris has got in his pants. He should, seeing as he’s sucked it plenty of times. But somehow, what they’re doing here feels all kinds of new and exciting. Makes his breath come faster, eyes glued to the bulge in Chris’s jeans and mouth starting to water in anticipation.
Once his zip is down, Chris lowers his jeans a little, just enough so he can comfortably cup his dick, giving himself a teasing squeeze. “You want this?”
Sebastian tears his eyes away from it and looks up at Chris, who’s looking down at him with a sardonic smile on his face.
“Yes, please,” Sebastian says, feeling his eyes go big and round almost of their own volition.
Chris groans quietly, stroking Sebastian’s cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Look at you. Such a pretty guy.” A devilish glint appears in his eyes as he adds, “Be a shame if something got you all dirty, wouldn’t it?”
Oh, jesus.
While Sebastian can’t do anything but watch uselessly, Chris takes himself out of his underwear, pulling down his boxers enough to hook the waistband under his balls but otherwise remaining fully clothed. His dick is all the way hard already, flushed that pretty shade of pink Sebastian loves so much, wetness pearling at the exposed tip. Sebastian’s mouth literally waters so much he needs to swallow. Once again, he leans in to try and get his mouth on Chris, and once again Chris pushes him back with an admonishing hand to the face.
“Now, now. Don’t be greedy.”
Sebastian huffs impatiently behind Chris’s palm. “Please.”
Chris chuckles, taking hold of Sebastian’s chin again and running the pad of his thumb over Sebastian’s bottom lip. Sebastian doesn’t waste any time in letting his mouth drop open, something thrilling inside of him when Chris slides his thumb between his lips and presses down on his tongue. Sebastian closes his lips around the digit, moaning softly as he suckles at it. It’s not quite what he wants, but it’s still part of Chris inside of him, and he’ll take what he can get.
Sebastian is all set to protest again when Chris pulls his finger out, but before he can say anything, Chris shuts him right back up again by taking his cock in hand and literally rubbing it in Sebastian’s face.
Sebastian makes a shocked noise, eyes fluttering closed and mouth going slack. He moans, louder than before, and it’s not for show this time. Not even a little bit. Fire licks up his spine, his dick giving a desperate twitch inside his sweats. Fuck, but that’s hot. It’s downright filthy, the way the wetness leaking from Chris’s dick feels on his clean-shaven cheeks. Makes him feel dirty and owned, helpless, desperate for it.
“Open up,” Chris tells him, tapping his cheek. “Stick out your tongue.”
Sebastian does, and then--  Chris puts his dick on it. Just rests it there, not moving. Like he has all the time in the world. Oh, god.
“Stay still.”
Sebastian tries – he tries so hard to keep still, to be good and wait until Chris tells him he can move, but his tongue seems to have a mind of its own, rubbing lightly along the underside of Chris’s cock. The action causes it to spurt out some precome, which drips down his throat, making Sebastian swallow involuntarily. If asked, he’d swear he doesn’t shut his mouth on purpose, but if his lips closing around Chris’s shaft happens to make Chris groan and push in deeper, then that’s just a happy side effect.
“Suck it.” Chris’s voice has gone all low and rough now – and the order should sound stupid, like something out of a bad porn flick, but then this whole thing is kind of like a bad porn flick. And while that would usually be a turn off, right now, it’s setting Sebastian on fucking fire.
“I said, suck it,” Chris repeats, when Sebastian doesn’t obey right away, and presses in deeper, a little rough with it.
Sebastian jolts into action, moaning feverishly as he starts to suck Chris off as if his life depends on it. He uses his left hand, his tongue, his lips, and choking a little when he takes Chris too deep in one go –
And then suddenly, he’s being pushed back again.
Sebastian whines.
“Easy, tiger,” Chris clucks, a little condescending despite his breathlessness. “I said suck it, not slobber all over it like some horny teen that’s never seen a dick before.”
The rejection stings, but it’s a good sting; one that makes the back of Sebastian’s neck burn hot and his dick strain almost painfully against the material of his pants.
“You know,” Chris continues, rubbing the tip of his cock over Sebastian’s slick lips, almost absent-mindedly. “If you can’t control yourself, I’m gonna have to do it for you.” Not waiting for a reply, Chris grabs the back of Sebastian’s sweater and uses it to hold him in place. The neck of it strains against Sebastian’s throat when he tries to lean forward, causing him to draw in a raspy breath. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” Sebastian whispers. He’s not sure if that’s the right answer, but it’s the honest answer, and the only one he’s got right now.
Chris shrugs. “Suit yourself.” Hooking his thumb over Sebastian’s bottom row of teeth, he pries his mouth open, forces his jaw down, and proceeds to feed his cock back into Sebastian’s mouth. And this time, he doesn’t stop until the head hits the back of his throat.
Despite having had a bit of practice, Sebastian’s gag reflex kicks in. He tries to swallows, and that makes Chris moan real pretty, so of course he does it again. Chris hips stutter and Sebastian’s eyelids flutter, and Chris pulls out before then sliding all the way back in again, over and over until Sebastian’s eyes start to water and his vision goes blurry.
When Chris tentatively thrusts in a little deeper still, a little rougher and less controlled, Sebastian lets out what is quite probably the most wanton sound he’s ever made.
“Ohh,” Chris muses, low and a little mean. “You like that, huh? Like it when you’re chokin’ on my dick? Yeah, ‘course you do, pretty little thing like you.”
Ho-ly-shit. They’re no strangers to a bit of dirty talk, but this… this feels different. It’s borderline degrading, what Chris is saying and doing, and Sebastian finds himself going wild for it.
Who knew.
Undoubtedly noticing Sebastian’s reaction, Chris does it again, pushing in deep and holding there until Sebastian starts to splutter. “Take it, all of it,” Chris orders, sounding almost unaffected. “Thought you wanted it, huh? C’mon, open wider. Yeah, that’s it.”
Feeling hot all over, Sebastian does his best to do what is asked of him. He opens his throat and relaxes as best he can, breathing harshly through his nose while he takes what Chris is giving him. He honestly might come in his pants any minute now, just from this. Chris’s cock is hard and heavy on his tongue, dripping down his throat, his familiar, musky scent everywhere, clouding Sebastian’s brain with screaming lust. One big hand rests heavy on Sebastian’s shoulder, fingers digging almost painfully into his trapezius muscle, and Sebastian’s knees hurt, and his jaw hurts, and he’s sore, and he’s gonna be even more sore later, but right now, he doesn’t care.
He feels good, amazing even. The only thing that’s missing now is seeing Chris fall apart. He wants Chris to come so badly, more so even than he wants to come himself, that he can feel it all the way down in his toes.
He doesn’t notice that his cheeks are wet until Chris brings up a hand to wipe at the tear tracks, meanwhile keeping up the relentless rhythm of his hips, steadily pumping in and out.
Sebastian turns his eyes up, meeting Chris dark and heated gaze, misty through the tears. For a split second, Chris looks at him like himself, quickly cataloguing Sebastian’s condition, before seeming to decide they’re still on the same page. His eyes turn mean again, and Sebastian’s already racing heart skips a beat.
Chris coos then, a soft aaww which makes Sebastian feel equal parts cherished and pathetic. “Should see yourself, honey. Cryin’ and drooling all over my cock…” Chris thumbs at the corner of Sebastian’s mouth, wet with a mixture of spit and tears and Chris’s slick. “Jesus, you’re a mess.”
The words are condescending, but Chris’s voice sounds awed despite himself, and Sebastian is lit up with it from the inside out. He can tell Chris is getting close. Can hear it in his breathing, feel it from the way his thrusts get sloppier and rougher, dick occasionally slipping out and rubbing against Sebastian’s cheek before making its home in his eager mouth again.
“Oh, that’s it, baby,” Chris groans, fingers tightening impossibly on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Gonna make me come. Shit.”
Sebastian moans, letting Chris know how much he wants that, willing him to go faster.
Chris curses again, breathless now, heavy lidded eyes locked on Sebastian’s. “So close, f-fuck. Gonna come all over that pretty face, baby. Ahh, fuck yeah.”
Chris thrusts in deeply one last time, his mouth dropping open. Sebastian feels the first spurt of his release hit the back of his throat, before Chris hastily pulls out and lets the rest of it spill on Sebastian’s face. Come hits his cheeks, his nose, drips down into his mouth, warm and wet and Chris. It’s accompanied by an acute sense of accomplishment, making Sebastian feel boneless and sated, like he’s the one who just blew his load.
As if his strings have been cut, Chris slumps, sliding down the wall until he’s sitting on the floor. His eyes, still a little wild with the remnants of his ecstasy, roam over Sebastian’s face, wide like he can’t quite believe what he’s seeing.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he breathes, grabbing Sebastian’s head between his hands and kissing him, deep and filthy. His tongue pushes in, hot and demanding, licking the taste of himself out of Sebastian’s slack mouth. The mustache is rough against Sebastian’s face. It stings a little, and Sebastian relishes it.
Abruptly, Chris breaks the kiss only to pull him closer, practically into his lap. Sebastian is mostly boneless at this point, except for the bit between his legs, so he lets himself be pulled and arranged like a ragdoll until he’s sandwiched between Chris’s spread thighs.
Chris’s hand fumbles with the drawstring on Sebastian’s sweats, sticking a hand down his pants. When his fingers wrap around his aching dick, Sebastian nearly sobs with relief. He hadn’t even realized how desperate for release he was, too focused on Chris’s pleasure to even register his own need, but now that Chris is touching him, finally touching him, the need to come slams into him like a freight train. The angle is awkward, and Sebastian has trouble breathing because his throat hurts and Chris is still trying to sucking his face off, but it doesn’t matter. He is so on edge that after only a few strokes, he cries out and shoots off all over Chris’s hand. He buries his face in Chris’s neck, mouth open and slack against the warm skin beneath Chris’s ear, while he rides out the aftershocks.
Christ, that was good.
An indeterminate amount of time later, Chris starts rubbing circles over Sebastian’s back. It’s a calming gesture, soothing. Apologetic. “You okay?” he asks quietly. “Did I hurt you?”
Sebastian takes stock of his body. He’s sore as hell, but it’s a good kind of sore. Nothing hurts, in the bad sense of the word. “I’m okay,” he slurs, only it comes out more like, “Mmmhfgk.”
“You sure?” Chris presses. “‘Cause I – I got a little carried away there. Fuck, I didn’t even check if that was okay, I’m sorry.”
Sebastian scoffs, lifting his head. If there’s one thing Sebastian is certain of, it’s that Chris would have stopped immediately if Sebastian had given even the slightest indication that he wasn’t having a good time. He fixes Chris with a hard look – or at least, as hard as he’s capable of in his post-orgasmic state. “Did I look like it wasn’t okay? That was so hot, Chris. It was like, maximum okay.”
Chris makes a sound, reaching up to wipe at Sebastian’s cheeks with his sleeve. “Jesus, Seb.” He still looks a little stunned, wide-eyed and red-cheeked. The mustache makes him look a little dumb, and Sebastian really does kind of love it.
He lifts a finger, gently stroking it over the bristly hairs.
“Thanks for making me feel better about this thing,” Chris says, his eyes back to being soft and loving now.
Sebastian shakes his head. “My pleasure, believe me. I mean, I’m a little concerned about myself, but I’m glad it stopped you worrying.”
“I wasn’t worried.”
“’Course not,” Sebastian replies, patting Chris’s chest.
They sit there for a moment, catching their breath and allowing their minds to unmuddle themselves.
Suddenly, Sebastian jolts upright. “Oh, shit.”
Chris is on instant alert, gaze sharpening as he takes Sebastian in from head to toe. “What is it?” he asks, obviously assuming Sebastian has suddenly discovered that Chris did hurt him after all. “What’s wrong?”
“Your beer.”
Chris blinks at him. “My beer?”
“It’s still in the freezer. It’s only supposed to be in there for like, fifteen minutes tops.”
Chris rolls his eyes. “Fuck the beer,” he says, pulling Sebastian back into his chest.
“But what if it explodes and ruins my freezer?”
“I’ll buy you a new freezer, jeez. Dork.”
“Hey,” Sebastian scolds mildly. “Don’t forget I’m the dork who just made you come your brains out.”
“Trust me,” Chris says, leaning in to kiss him again. “I’m not forgetting that any time soon.”
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geek-fashionista · 1 month
Hi! Hope you wouldn't mind my asking you questions. You can decline, no pressure :')
How do you manage your time between writing both fanfiction and original work? Have you assigned some days or you write it daily by assigning some hours that in noon, I would write fanfic while at night, I would focus on my original novel.
Do you type both your fanfiction and original work in laptop or somewhere in your notebook?
Thank you!
Hello Anon! Don't worry, I love questions. :D
At the moment, it helps that none of the fan fiction I've been reposting is written from scratch. While I was in graduate school, I was writing both fan fiction and original fiction at the same time, with no assigned hours, running completely on inspiration and vibes. It was chaotic, but one of the greatest and most creative periods of my life. Since quitting my job back in May, I've been writing original fiction from 8AM to 4:30PM (or from 6AM to 9PM if I'm really inspired), while editing and reposting old fan fics every Monday and Friday (this takes 30 minutes at most). My posting schedule will change in September when Trainwrecks officially launches, with fan fiction moving to Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I have small notebooks that I brainstorm, outline, and argue with myself in. There are 14-16 notebooks dedicated almost exclusively to Trainwrecks, and that's just from the last five years! There are also sketchbooks, blog posts, journals, and drabbles dating back to MySpace days saved on my external hard drive. I like to hash stories out on paper first, though I do significantly less planning for fan fiction than I do for original fiction. Once I've reached a point where I'm satisfied with my characters and plot, I switch to my laptop for official outlines and drafts. The last fan fiction I planned on paper was Continue? because the story is written backwards and needed a lot more structural work than a typical narrative. One-shots are usually improvised on the spot. Long fics I'll just start writing, and outline on paper only when I've written myself into a corner. This is why the pacing is wonky in spots. *looks at Lucky Us*
Sorry, I rambled. Long story short, I'm "unemployed" at the moment so I have all the time in the world to devote to writing. But I try to stop when my husband gets off work so we can spend time together. :D
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beanmom · 7 months
My husband just informed me that he's planning to take the day of the upcoming solar eclipse off work. He found an AirBnB outside of Rochester (like 5 hrs away) so he's gonna drive up Sunday, stay over, see the eclipse Monday afternoon (it'll be total there whereas here it'll only be like 95% or something), then drive back home that night. He asked me if I wanted to come along.
Now, do I think it would be cool to see a total solar eclipse? Sure, yeah, of course. Is it a bucket list item for me like it is for him, though? Nah. But more to the point, the day of the eclipse is the day before our daughter flies out to Norway for good. So it's not a great time for me to dip for 36 hours or whatever. And plus she and I have a baby shower to attend that Sunday, her last chance to see one whole side of the family before she emigrates, so the calendar is already full for me.
Additionally, in general, it is complicated for both me and my husband to travel at the same time because we have a diabetic cat who needs insulin morning and evening. We have a sitter we can hire who will come care for him but she's not cheap, especially if we need her to come at precise times, multiple times a day. (Boarding him is not an option because it would be much too stressful for him.)
So yeah, I'm not going to Rochester on the 8th. And I'm fine with that specific thing. What I'm not entirely fine with is the ongoing fact that he Goes Places and I just fucking do NOT.
He has a job that requires him to travel occasionally. In the recent past he's had work trips to Austin and to Boulder. This year, he has a new job, and they are apparently sending him to, like, Brazil and uhhh some other country, maybe Romania? Additionally, he has friends in various places who invite him for visits sometimes, or with whom he plans little excursions a few times a year.
I do not have these things. My job is a piddly little part-time job. I am autistic and basically in-fucking-tolerable so I do not have people in the world who want to spend time with me. We went to Norway last summer to meet our future son-in-law and that was the first time I'd been on a plane in 20 years, first time I'd been off the continent in 30. It was the first vacation of any kind I'd had since, like, 2017.
Y'all, I fucking love to travel. I love just being new places. I love airports. I love learning how to use a city's public transport system. I love trying new foods. I love architecture. I am mastering two different languages on Duolingo right now.
My husband does not begrudge me anything. We are finally doing well financially after many years of struggle and worry. My passport is current. If I wanted to take myself somewhere I could do it. But, what, I book myself a trip to walk around in some city by myself? Stay in a room by myself? Speak to no one but myself for five days or whatever? I'm an introvert, yeah, but that sounds lonely.
So he gets to run off on a wild hair and trust that I'll stay here and keep the lights on, and I'm just envious. Little bitter. Not gonna lie.
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temptingempress · 2 years
Man in the Woods ( Hoseok Smut )
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Summary: A couple gets lost in the woods, and to their luck, they find a nice house in the woods owned by a mysterious, handsome man. As they delve deeper into the strange man, they find out all his dirty twisted secrets he tries not to unleash.
Rated: 18+
Words: 1,375
(Notes: there are no warnings for this chapter. Its pretty safe. Its just a chapter to set everything up! Trust me.. you dont wanna miss out on this one.)
This was day 3 of the never-ending woods.
3 days ago, Jungkook and Areum got lost in the vast, never-ending woods. Ever since they've decided to somewhat "run away" from their home lifes and start new ones. "Like Gale and Katniss should've done," Jungkook exclaims, but he didn't expect it to go this far into the endless woods. When they were walking to carelessly, talking about the meaningless things, they forgot all about the trail signs warning them of danger close by.
Jungkook owned his own sneaker company named 'POWER'. He designed trendy yet high-end sneakers that took off on day one, just three days ago he was kissing his follower's goodbye and promising them he'd get back to them but now, here he was, with no signal. "It's like a social retreat!" He said at first, but when a couple hours came around, he was flinging his phone in the air, trying to at least get one bar of data.
Areum on the other hand, owned a whole ass daycare in her house, and today was probably Monday, which means her clients would be driving their kids to her house, thinking she's there yet she is not! Which is going to be very terrible on her business. She could only imagine how many bad reviews she's going to get on her website called 'dependablesunshinedaycare.com' the next day!
"If you didn't take the wrong freaking turn, we wouldn't be here right now!" Areum huffed as she lunged over a big boulder blocking their way "We've been walking forever Rexx! I'm tired"
Jungkook brushed the leaves that suddenly smacked his face. "I don't want to spend another night here Areum and what's done is done! You should've spoken up if you knew we were going the wrong way."
"I did!" her voice slowly raises."I told you we had to go the other way to get to your damn jeep!" she then closed her eyes and calmed down taking a deep breath and clasping her hands together. "I don't even know this part of the woods. We're stranded."
"We're not ashore, so technically we're not stranded" Jungkook looked at Areum.
"Well, you get my point!" she sighed loudly "okay okay, we have to mark our path. I'll collect rocks on the way and lay them down at every point we step. If we dont get anywhere by sundown, we'll go the other way tomorrow."
"that's a stupid plan."
"Well, Jungkook, it's my only plan unles. You have some ideas! It's not like we have a freaking flare to shoot off to let people know we're lost."
"Hey hey hey." Jungkook walked up to Areum, taking her hand and smiling. "Areum, when have I not saved us from our problems." He looked into her frustrated eyes with calm meek ones
"That time you broke under the pressure and tattled to us to my mom that we ate all her deviled eggs."
"Okay, okay, after that! Remember when I saved you from your professor by saying I broke up with you, or that one time where I saved us from that aggressive dog, oh! oh, you have to remember that onee time! You broke your mother's favorite vase, and I covered for you and said I broke it, and we both know oh" he laughs "we both know your mom i from the gates of hell."
"Jungkook..." She rolled her eye and tried to suppress her smile. This was a very serious moment
"What I'm just saying! If I can save us from your mother this would be a piece of cake baby gorilla!"
She couldn't take it and let out a tiny laugh "Fine fine, whatever you say. I'm still going to lay rocks, though." Everything will be fine...
Five hours passed, and they were both tired and decided to settle down for the night. The sun was setting, and the breeze was brutal. Winter had just begun. Usually, Areum would be loving this breeze when she was tidied up in blankets, hugged by her close family, and sharing stories and smores by the fire that reached the night sky but not tonight. Tonight was different. She was in nothing than just a t shirt and pants. She didn't think she'd stay in the woods for long, so he didn't think it was necessary to dress up. She was so cold that she could feel her hands go numb and her ears go solid.
The air that was once filled with laughter and jokes from Kook, but now it was stone cold. Just silent. If you spoke, the condensation of your breath would coat your already cold face. There they were, just sitting on a log waiting for the sun to come out, and that wouldn't be for another what 7 hours.
Areum looked over to Kook, he looked miserable. It was as if the situation they're in really hit him and it hurt Areum's heart to see. Jungkook had finally broke the ice "I'm sorry I let you down."
Areum scoots closer to him and gently hugs him. "You know, even though we're literally freezing to death... I think.. I'm happy still. Happy with you." she wipes her nose and smiled at him. Resting her chin on his shoulder. If they were going to die tomorrow, now was the time to confess their thoughts, and Areum's thoughts about Jungkook had only grown stronger over the past years she knew him. "Im really happy with you, Jungkook..."
Kook gave Areum a slight smile and hugs her back. He spoke calmly. "I'm happy with you too... I wish... I wish before I left I shouldv'e confessed. I've been wanting to confess for a while, but I guess if any time is the best time, it's now."
Areum's heart started beating from inside her chest, getting the slightest warmth on her cheeks. She was silent as she listened to him. His glossy eyes looked her in the soul. Was this the moment the moment he'd pour out his heart to her. Saying that he loved her from day one? That she was always his special girl... if it was, she'd be able to freeze to death peacefully...
"I like your sister.. I should've confessed that to her."
"Yeah... if one of us makes it out alive she has to know. Hold up. I got a good idea. I've been using the power bank to charge my phone. I think it's full." He pulls the powerbank out. The little red light one the power bank indicating the power bank is dead, but his phone is at 100 bars. Sweet,
He holds on the camera towards them and presses the recording button. "Hello guys, if anyone stumbles upon this video, it means I didn't make it.. We didn't make it. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support... i ate all the granola bars and drubk all the water, so yeah, we're basically done"
As he rambles on, Areum stood there in disbelief. There were so many things that went wrong in that situation. One, he loves her sister, not her, two, he used their power bank just so he could make a video for his followers and 3 he ate up all their resources. The light redness on her face spread like a wild fire.. She was about to let her heart shout, but what Kook said next interrupted her thoughts.
"Wait... what's that." He turned his camera to what seemed to be a fire and smoke in the distance. "We might be dying of heat instead of cold."
"Wait.." Areum smelled the air, it smelt like... pig. Someone was smoking something. Areum quickly stood up and jogged toward the fairy lights that lit up she didn't care if she tripped at this point she could see hope. If she was gonna die, she didn't want to die with him. Well, not anymore.
"Areum wait!" Kook followed her after and they ran for what seemed like a mile, tripping on dirt on the way.
"AH!" Areum could feel her pants being ripped at her hip by a tough tree trunk, but that didn't stop her from running. Finally, they saw what looked like heaven to them.
Chapter 2 out now!
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onyourstageleft · 10 months
rant: things keep happening
tw animal sickness, tw person death, tw cancer mention
my cat is recovering from surgery (dw she's doing great we are so happy that her recovery is going good but it's still another thing on my list of things keep happening)
my car is back in the shop (again)
I'm behind on grading (for both sections of the class I teach)
I'm struggling to keep up in my classes (the three that I'm taking)
I got a call last night that my grandfather is in hospice and Not Doing Good so we're probably losing him this weekend (unsurprising he has had severe dementia for a long time and tbh I mourned the loss of him like two years ago but the timing sucks)
my Friendsgiving is tomorrow (v excited for it but it's a 2.5 hour drive away and we have to take Peggy with us to keep an eye on her and give her her antibiotics and we haven't finished packing for that even though we're leaving in like 8 hours and my partners may have to drop me off at the airport on the way home from that on Sunday since I will have to fly to FL bc again, car in the shop, so I have to pack extra things in case Poppy passes over the weekend)
one of my students committed a plagiarism on two assignments so I have to report him and I'm waiting on an email back about how that process works
I had the worst panic attack of my Life on Wednesday night (fully locked up like couldn't move. I am fine now it was just a reaction to all of the things that keep. fuckin. happening)
if I do have to go down to FL for a funeral I have to move one of my classes to online (the other is already online next week) so that's more prep I may or may not have to do before Monday
I'll be getting a call sometime next week about what the masses were that were removed from Peggy so that's still up in the air (fingers crossed for fatty masses and not cancer)
the first family Christmas that me + my partners are hosting together is on December 8th and we have Not planned anything, like a) we need to do a total deep clean of the house bc ppl will be staying here b) we don't know what the menu looks like or the schedule or anything, I literally just know when my mom is flying in and when she is leaving
the end of the quarter for classes I teach and semester for classes I take is rapidly approaching and time simply will Not slow down like I was Really hoping to get a breather of even a few days over Thanksgiving but that does not seem to be in the cards
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Singapore, I... have no words
That didn't start the way we expected it to, did it now?
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I mean, delayed for 1 hour, starting behind the Safety Car... For the first time since working on this island, today was the race I could watch from start to finish and this shit happens. I feel as lucky as Charles must feel this season 🥲
I'll have to finish watching and editing this post after work as usual then, so I will for now comment on the beginning of the race and I'll keep up while reading on Twitter what's going on after I leave to do nothing at the Reception.
(I've ended up watching it and obviously posting today, Monday, after work also but on a much more normal fashion than yesterday, last night I was beat).
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Thank God for Kevin Magnussen, that was wild! And the only good thing about this start, fucking Pérez and Sainz.
Zhou stopping at an escape... I hope we don't get a VSC... Latifi didn't see him... Oh my God. WTF NOW A SAFETY CAR!? Aaaaaand Checo doing illegal things? That's suspicious. And what about Pierre moving aside for Flopstappen? Fuck's sake.
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Fernando decided today that it was the day he was gonna mess with Crystappen and keep him behind and I'm actually here for it. After a little while, Alonso ended up losing the engine and giving us a VSC too. Way to celebrate your 350th, dude 😂
Albon hitting the wall straight on, let's hope no SC comes out.... But I bet I'm so wrong. Shit, VSC. Here we go. So, until now we got 3 retired drivers and almost a 4th, if I'm correct? Yes, indeed.
And now Estie Bestie is done... Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck happened yesterday!? His car failed. Another VSC? Less than 5 laps and we've had 3 incidents?
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Lewis intimidating Carlos is sending me. He was hunter mode yesterday 🥲
Can Verstappen be decent for once? Not because I care about Lando, because I don't even give a crap, but man learn how to drive. AND LEWIS CRASHES NOOOOOOOOO!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!
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AND NOW YUKI NOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!! NOT A SAFETY CAR FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Only Lando and Daniel benefited from this, at least we got some good news for Danny boy.
Now the countdown begins for the end of the race after all that time lost. Good God.
And Checo being "investigated" (yeah, right) for messing with the SC. Like we didn't know from the beginning what was gonna happen.
Ah, crap George and Mick touched. Both needed to pit because they had some part messed up. And now the comment I saw George made while trying to pass Mick. I don't see anything wrong with it, I think is just a comment you make at a time like that and that's it. No disrespect towards Mick, no negative tone, he's just frustrated and that's it. Unlike other drivers (yes, Fernando, I'm actually looking at you).
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So Checo didn't put anybody at risk playing around the SC, but how much any of you are willing to bet that if that had been Lewis he'd have received the biggest penalty available for that kind of infringement? Yep, thought so.
Lewis!? Jesus, what is going on today... He was so focused on taking advantage of Seb's mistake and he messed it up... Damn. Fortunately, this is ending. Good thing at least that Cheatstappen couldn't take on Seb, he's not that good.
Anyway, so what the fuck. I'm just looking forward to Suzuka. I'm not gonna even watch the podium or interviews, I'm done for the day.
Peace out!
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People are just mean, everybody is so busy living their own lives and doing their own jobs, just selfish and self centered or is it me who's just too selfish and narcissistic?
I am no saint, but is it too much to have little expectation from the ones who you love? My spouse has been having a rough time since yesterday. We had some disagreements yesterday and I still reached out and thought we were ok. Then all morning I've been getting the cold shoulder and when I approached her she said she wanted to be alone and that it wasn't me. Ok, I can do that.
Then in the evening there was this other incident. Paapu loves grabbing this chair and climbing on it and doing stuff on the counter - I hate it. I think it's unsafe but my wife thinks "it keeps her occupied and quiet", "she's just exploring and experimenting", so let her be. I have been saying 100s of times this is not at all safe and she'll fall. Today she fell, and she fell on her f'ing head. In a rage of fear, guilt, panic and anger I scolded them both, aggressively said I told you so to my wife, and then said that I'm just going to trash that f'ing chair if anybody climbs on it ever again. paapu is ok thankfully, or at least she looked ok. I was losing my mind, so I just stepped away when it was her dinner time, went on a drive and calmed down. came back and tried to make small talk and received cold shoulder all night leading up to dinner.
Then this other thing happened. She had told me a couple of days back that I had to take paapu to her doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and I had to reschedule my own appointment from Friday to Monday because she wanted me to spend time with her on my birthday. Then today she tells me that my daughter's appt is actually on Monday and guess when, at the same time that I rescheduled my appointment on. Well no issues, happens, she was doing some office work on her laptop, and she's the one who manages the online stuff for the pediatrician so I asked her if she could please reschedule the appointment to another date, her exact words "I don't have time I'm busy doing office work, I'll do it later". ok, all good. Within 2 minutes her sister calls her and they chat about some bull**** for 15 minutes? Like no, I'm not making this shit up - I am bipolar, but I'm not a psycho. And no kidding, it really was a bull**** topic, like literally her sister was talking about "how a taxi driver was treating her on a trip, being rude and disrespectful" blah blah blah.
Eventually the "more important than work or rescheduling my daughter's appointment" call ended. At this point, I would sincerely like to thank my therapist! She kept telling me, to keep practicing the coping techniques, they will come in handy and they did. I immediately distracted myself, started grounding techniques, listing the colors that I was seeing around myself, counted the number of balloons we had left from paapu's birthday party week. I could feel myself coming back to reality. The fast and aggressive breathing stopped, my heart rate stabilized, hands stopped shivering - I had not realized all this was happening until it stopped. I intervened at the right time and had regained my composure by this time and asked one more time, and the whole schedule thing got sorted out. At this point I really felt like we were not in the right headspace to go out on a date tomorrow. And anyway she's been complaining about how her work had piled up and as I said she's been working extra, so I suggested she didn't need to take me out and should work instead if she wants. Oops, big mistake. Poor girl, didn't see a therapist like me, so she doesn't have the tools I have, lol /s. She got visibly angry, and told me that she's going to take the day off anyway and go do the things she has planned for us alone. There aren't really any reservations or tickets or activity planned or anything mind you. It was a quiet dinner, she finished and immediately got back to her work, I finished the rest of my dinner, set the dishes, took out trash and quietly came upstairs to the room.
Around midnight she called me downstairs. She had a big chocolate made out which contained smaller candies. She hugged me and I am expected to get a hug, forget everything and move on and just smile and take pictures? Hmm. What would've happened if the roles were reversed? Women are tough, man. They're insensitive to others feelings, unpredictable and extremely complicated. How does one live peacefully with them? I think they can't take it when they see their other halves peaceful, they just need to mess with it. The hug was it, no other convos, no I love you nothing. I'm genuinely interested in learning how to deal with women from anybody who's reading this. Because soon, paapu will grow up and once she hits teens, I AM FINISHED! These two girls are going to drive me crazy.
Sorry, this turned into a rant. I just, I want to be paid attention to for once. Nobody usually asks me how I'm doing you know? I just want my loved ones to come up to me themselves unprompted and tell me they love me for once. I need to go tell my daughter that I love her at least 100 times before she might decide to say it back once. I have to go tell my wife that I love her just so she can tell me "I love you too", because the assurance that I'm wanted and loved makes me feel safe. We don't say it often enough to each other, nobody sees that we all are just craving to hear it all the time, for our love to be reciprocated. But no, our insecurities and vulnerability, we have to wait for the other person to say it first, always, right? No matter how badly you are craving it. I have learnt over the past many years, nobody cares about how a man feels, I'm not trying to sound like one of those alpha male or incel or whatever, just stating what I experience. There's this expectation that men are tough, that they aren't emotional, they run away from feelings, they don't feel bad. My secret? I just keep them to myself, because nobody asked and I don't think anybody genuinely cares.
No wait, my mom cares. She shows me that me she loves me. Let me get this out of the way first, mom has issues, she's not perfect. She introduces a lot of drama, is manipulative, our relationship is complicated. But she's the only person in this world who loves me unconditionally - not my father, or my brother or my wife or daughter. Don't get me wrong they love me a lot and I love them a lot. I consider myself genuinely lucky to have all these members of my family, but there's an expectation of you there, like they each have a bar that you need to meet for you to get their love, it's the harsh reality of this world. But mom? No matter where I am, or how I am, what I say, or how I treat her (I have treated her really well as well as really horribly), she'd always just give me love. Moms are just like that, aren't they? They have a special bond with their kids, it's inexplicable. They're like this 24 hours all you can eat buffet where they serve love, affection, mercy and attention in unlimited supply. And guess what? I have lifetime free coupons for it!
Anyway, that's what's been going on with my life. How is everybody else on Tumblr doing? My last posts have 0 views I think, lol! Is there anybody reading this out there? I mean it's nothing special, just a bland, ordinary, guy struggling with day to day issues, but I just want to share. To understand if there's anybody else who feels the same feelings and emotions, thinks the same thoughts, lives a similar life! Am I doing it right? Am I making mistakes?
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stonedstr8 · 23 days
"Ads are getting so damn invasive." Lucas thought to himself, clicking skip on yet another pointless car commercial interrupting the video essay he was watching. "You think the algorithm would know its audience by now, I'm too gay to drive!"
He laughed a little bit at the joke, running a hand through his soft, bleached blonde hair. He was the epitome of a high-maintenance twink, with his smooth, hairless body and perfect sense of style. He was smart too and liked to boast about it, with a scholarship for his English Lit degree and being made President of his university's LGBT Chapter, which he was hoping to use as a stepping stone to become Student Body President next year.
Leaning back again in his chair he reached for his cellphone, seeing a text from his boyfriend Alex.
Alex: "Hey cutie, still busy with finals this weekend, but have time for a dinner date Sunday night?"
He smiled to himself, giving an eager text back to set it up, and to wish him well on his upcoming exams. "Ugh, I need to start studying too, Monday's going to be one hell of a final... I'll focus on it and head to the library after this video and-"
Just like that, his train of thought was interrupted again by a stupid ad, this time some obnoxious psychedelic visuals and a bad electric guitar riff blared out of his monitor. It startled him so badly that he seized up for a second, accidentally clicking the ad and being brought to their store page. "Broski's Bud's, one stop ship and shop for weed strains to fix your brain..." He rolled his eyes at the cringe marketing, getting ready to close the tab when a pop-up opened trying to tell him all about a deal he 'wouldn't want to miss out on'. "No thanks, stupid site, you can keep your Bro Buds or whatever to yourself." but every time he hit X on the popup another would open, being more and more insistent each time about new deals, until finally a desperate '90% OFF AND SPECIAL STARTER KIT AS A BONUS WITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE' filled his screen. "FINE," he scoffed at his computer, "I'll take a look at the stupid site. My therapist suggested I try out weed to help lessen my anxiety anyways, so might as well get a good deal on it..."
Clicking the pop-up added the 'starter kit' to his cart, it was a pack of pre-rolled blunts and some sort of mystery box, but the description didn't help him understand it much either. "Get ready to step into the zone and open ur mind with this one bros, Broski's Buds bestselling strain, Toke 'n Stroke, is sure to change your life by stimulating a high never felt before! This isn't your sissy uncle's strain, this shit puts hair on your chest like a real man!"
"God this is so cringe, I bet they get all kinds of business marketing to the dumb jocks in town, no wonder their brains are mush. Still, it's just weed and for $20 I might as well give it a try, I probably won't find it cheaper anywhere else..." sitting in thought about it for a few seconds, Lucas finally filled in his payment info and placed his order, getting a free upgrade to same-day delivery since they seem to have a storefront a few miles from his apartment.
"Well, there goes my library plans I guess, I'll have to wait around for delivery since my package will probably get swiped otherwise..." Lucas sighed, turning off his computer and plopping down onto the couch, picking up his Switch to play Animal Crossing and kill time.
A few hours passed and the sky got dark before finally a long buzz came from his intercom. "Took them long enough, it's nearly 9pm!" he complained, putting his jacket on to head downstairs. When he got down there the delivery guy had already gotten into his car again, driving away and leaving Lucas to carry the package back upstairs all on his own. It was bigger than he expected, taking both hands to lift it and keep it stable. "Jesus, this thing must weight like 40 pounds! What did they put in here?"
After a bit of struggling and the occasional break to catch his breath, Lucas pushed his package into the living room, collapsing on the floor next to it for a while. "After that workout I'm surprised I don't look like the douchebags around campus." he laughed to himself, bouncing up to get a box cutter and pry his package open. After taking the carton of pre-rolled blunts out, he started into the box with a bit of confusion and disgust, pulling things out one after the other.
"A sleeveless tank top that says 'Toke 'n Stroke Bro'... A pair of douchey sunglasses... Some red gym shorts, socks and slides... Ew, a snapback saying 'Who ate all the pussy?', why the fuck would anyone wear this!... And 2 dumbbells, no wonder this thing was so heavy! All of this is useless shit that's gonna end up in a donation bin now, I'll have to drop this trashy stuff off tomorrow on my way to the library... But hey, at least the weed seems fine, smells... potent." He said, tossing everything back into the box and taking a whiff of one of the blunts.
Kicking back on the couch again, he played with the blunt in his hand for a while before finally having the courage to light it up, taking a hit. Immediately he started coughing, not used to the sensation, but it did make his brain start to feel... fuzzy. "Damn, okay I need to push past it and get used to it." he said, lighting up for another hit of the blunt, this time barely a cough escaping his throat, feeling suspiciously more used to it. Then another, and another, until finally the whole blunt was gone. Sitting in his daze for a while, he enjoyed the sensation of his mind drifting around experiencing the high, his anxiety melting away as if he didn't have a care in the world. Eventually he decided to try and get up, but his body slumped over off the couch and hitting the floor, the room fading to black...
When Lucas finally came to again, the first thing that hit him was the strong smell of weed floating around in the air. "Damn bro, did I smoke the whole set or what..." he laughed groggily, getting ready to stretch out and get back to laying on the couch before he was startled by the sound of moaning blasting from his TV, eyes shooting open in confusion. On the screen, two busty lesbians were making out, them taking turns groping each others boobs and fingering each other. "What the fuck bro, how long has this been on?" he cursed, nervous that the neighbors nextdoor might have heard it playing as he started desperately looking for the remote.
When he couldn't find it in the cushions, he got up from the couch only to be met with his feet kicking a bunch of empty beer cans. "Dude, there's gotta be 2 dozen thrown all over the floor, did I have a party or something? I don't even know anyone who drinks beer..." he mumbled, going to scratch his head in confusion, but was even more confused when instead of his hair he felt a hat on top of his head. "Huh?" he thought, as he looked down at the floor again, noticing that instead of his skinny jeans and converse he was now wearing the socks and slides from the box, along with the sleeveless tank top and the shorts too. He stumbled his way to the bathroom door still baked out of his mind, mouth dropping open at his reflection in the full-length mirror in front of him.
"Broooo, am I dreaming or what the fuckkkk is going on" he said in disbelief. No more was the cute, pale twink he used to be staring back at him. Instead, a douchey bro he didn't recognize was standing face to face with him. Tanned skin, pillowy muscles, his once blonde hair turned into a brown buzz cut and with that stupid "Who ate all the pussy?" hat slapped over it. He touched his face, feeling along his chin where his once smooth skin now had a rougher texture, and a trashy chinstrap sprouted from his jawline. He slapped his face a few times in his daze, trying to wake up from the dream and growing more confused each time nothing changed.
Turning around and staggering back to his living room to try and make sense of what's going on, it hit him that he barely recognizes the room anymore. His apartment used to be perfectly maintained and well-decorated, now there was beer cans all over the floor, along with dirty socks and cummed-in underwear, greasy pizza boxes and chip bags all over the table and counter, the decorations on his walls had been torn down and replaced with posters of chicks in bikinis and sports teams, his Switch replaced with an X-Box and a stack of COD games next to it, DVD cases of trashy bro-comedies were thrown around near the TV too... Then the smell hit him, it STUNK in here, like a sickening mixture of weed, cheap body spray, and sour BO wafting in a heat around the room. "Bro, it fucking reeks in here... Or wait..." he mumbled as he gave himself a whiff, "I fucking reek!"
After a bit of stunned silence he finally started to process things in his brain again. How the fuck did he get like this, was any of this even real, and how does he get back to normal? He plopped back onto the couch, picking up his phone to see he had a handful of missed texts and calls from his boyfriend before noticing the time... 2:00pm. On Sunday. He had somehow been blacked out for 2 whole nights, with no memory of anything that had happened. While getting ready to call his boyfriend back, Lucas felt his insides rumbling and at first he thought it was from the munchies because of all the weed, but then he realized "Oh bro, all that double-cheese pizza is really gonna fucking..."
His body instinctively lifted its leg as it pushed out the loudest and most obnoxious fart he'd ever ripped in his life, as his body seemed to react on its own, letting out an immature laugh and wafting the air before muttering "Fuck yeah bro, smells like victory!" He leaned back into the couch, remembering he needed to call Alex, but the loud moaning on the TV caught him off guard again. This time he locked eyes with the screen, the cock in his shorts immediately bulging and straining at the sight of the lesbian porn before him. "I really need to turn this shit off and get whatever's going on sorted out..." he thought, but he realized he couldn't move his hand to reach for his phone, instead it reacted on its own, reaching down his waistband to pull out his cock and start stroking for the busty babes on TV.
"All I do is Toke 'n Stroke, bro..." a voice in his head seemed to say, except it didn't come from within, he spoke it directly out of his own mouth.
"Wait, I didn't say that bro, it's-" he tried to talk, realizing that his thoughts echoed around stuck in his own head, not even leaving the lips of his own body. He was just stuck there, watching in a dazed horror as he went on autopilot.
"Toke 'n Stroke bro, I'm such a loyal customer Broski's Buds will HAVE to take me as a hype boy this time haha!" his voice spoke again, continuing to stroke for the porn on TV, Lucas's eyes stuck fixed on the screen. Suddenly though, he was interrupted by his phone vibrating, a text from his boyfriend coming through.
Alex: "Hey cutie, I hope everything is alright? You haven't answered my calls or texts in a couple days, I know it's busy with all your studying but we do still have dinner planned for tonight. Still on for me to pick you up at 5?"
"Oh thank God," Lucas thought, reading the message, "I can tell him what's going on and have him come over to help me fix this shit!" Unlocking his phone, Lucas let out a sigh of relief as he got ready to reply, only for his body to still be taken over by whatever douchey daze it was stuck in.
Lucas: "dont u ever come around me u faggy creep, if me or my bros ever catch u within 100 feet of us we'll give u the beating of a lifetime! fuck around n find out if u dare to show ur face here."
Lucas screamed internally as the message was typed out and sent in front of his very eyes, before his hand moved to block his boyfriend's number and turn his phone off. "Something is seriously fucking wrong with me bro, I need to-"
Another obnoxious and sickening fart blasted out of his ass, filling the room and breaking Lucas's thoughts down into a daze again, as he felt around under the couch for something before pulling a sweaty, well-used fuck toy of a girls ass and pussy up from the mess.
As Lucas once again locked eyes with the TV, he took another hit from his dwindling blunt stash, finishing up the last one. After throwing what was left onto the floor, he prepared the fuck toy and slid it right down onto his cock, starting to bounce the toy up and down as he edged himself closer to finishing.
"If I can't figure out a way to snap out of this, I'm so fucked..." he thought, as his voice spoke again. "Toke 'n Stroke bro, this chick is soooo getting fucked!" He moaned, as he shot his thick load into the toy, feeling some of his braincells permanently shoot out with it, sloppily wiping the mess on the cushion next to him as he laid back, feeling his insides start to bubble again.
Lucas had a lot of Bro Time to catch up on, but luckily his new favorite weed strain was making sure that he was a captive audience until he was fully converted and assimilated into just another Bro.
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