#single parent
hannarchive · 3 months
✨ HANNArchive BTS Fic Recs ✨
A little collection of my favorite fics I’ve read over the past year. Please go support the writers. ❣
✰ Clingy by @bonny-kookoo (Series, ongoing) WolfHybrid!JK x OtterHybrid!Reader. Smut, angst, fluff? Strangers to ?? 
✰ A Sea of Indigo by foxymoxy(Ao3) / @foxymoxynoona (Series, 48 chapters, 240k words) PitbullHybrid!JK x HumanNurse!Reader. Angst, fluff, smut. 
⋆  also check out this drabble(tumblr) (3k) and the sequel A Beautiful Beyond (AO3 / tumblr) (14.3k)
✰ Pi Gasu by @jungk0oksthighs (Series, ongoing) Vampire!JK x Donor!Reader. Angst, smut, romance.  ⋆   Obsessed with this!! I’m down bad for this jungkook fr. Haven’t been this into a vampire fic in forever. (Not sure it’ll get finished tho, as the author don’t seem to be active anymore. I still enjoyed it tho)
✰ Long Way Home by @sparklingchim (Series, 49.5k (+ drabbles) ) Single Dad!JK x Best Friend!Reader. Angst, fluff, smut.
✰ Alpha Jeon by @pbandjk (Series, 87k) Werewolf AU, Alpha!JK x Luna!Reader. Angst, fluff, smut.
✰ Obsidian by @kpopfanfictrash (Series) Warlock!Tae x Witch!Reader. Enemies to lovers. Angst, smut, fluff.
✰ Evocation by @bonny-kookoo (Series) Dragon!JK x Dragon!Reader. Angst, fluff, smut.
✰ Fragile by @augustbutwinter (drabble, 681 words) Jimin x Reader, established relationship. Hurt/comfort.
✰ Of Bears and Bonds by @yoonia (One shot, 19k words) Bear!Jin x Witch!Reader. Angst, fluff, smut.
✰ Someone to Love by @lubdubsworld (One shot, 6k) Werewolf AU, Alpha!JK x Omega!OC. Angst, fluff, mild smut.
✰ Blackjack by @kpopfanfictrash (Series) Mafia AU, JK x Reader. Angst, smut, fluff.
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roxygen22 · 2 months
Still Here
Chapter 1
Summary: After the life and home you built falls apart, you serendipitously bump into your old high school sweetheart, Timothée.
C/W: Divorce, mention of complicated pregnancy (nothing graphic)
"I thought you were too good for this place, [Y/N]."
You spun around in the grocery store aisle to see your high school sweetheart, Timothée, holding a box of cereal in one hand, a shopping basket in the other, and a smirk on his face. His still very handsome face. He seemed to take great pleasure in the look of shock on yours.
"Timmy," you breathed.
"You came back."
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<three weeks earlier>
The road ahead of you seemed to go on and on and on. You hadn't seen another car in at least an hour as you drove across the plains of Kansas. Your nine year old daughter, Madison, was asleep in the back seat, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Alone. That word didn't sit well with you.
A nasty divorce left you with nothing but what you could pack in your car. You had nowhere to go except back to your tiny hometown across the country in rural Tennessee to move back in with your parents. You hadn't been back since you graduated from high school 12 years ago.
You were valedictorian and had your pick of schools. Much to your parents' chagrin, you were itching to get as far away from the "sticks" as possible, so you applied to universities all along the West Coast. You were over the moon when you received a full ride to UCLA to study biomedical engineering, where you met...him. Your now ex-husband. The two of you met during convocation festivities your freshman, his junior year. You had just left your friends behind in Tennessee and had not yet built a local support network, so you latched onto this cute, kind man who picked up the book you dropped.
The kind man who later left you and your daughter to live with a younger woman who "gets" him better.
You and he dated for a little over a year before he asked you to marry him. Not one for big productions, you decided for a courthouse ceremony a few days later because you just couldn't wait to be joined with the love of your life in marriage forever. You were soon pregnant. Unfortunately, the pregnancy was not an easy one. Severe morning (more like morning, noon, and night) sickness led to multiple hospitalizations, forcing you to miss classes. You eventually reached a point of no return and had to drop out.
Your husband was still able to finish university, though, and was luckily able to quickly secure stable employment, which allowed you to stay home to care for your newborn baby. As the years passed, he became increasingly distant, staying late at work or making excuses to leave again once he was home. You weren't surprised when, after ten years of marriage, he told you he wanted a divorce, because you did, too. But you had no way to support yourself and a child. You hadn't held down a job since before Madison was born. Your work history prior to that was limited because you were so young. You had no collateral or credit history, either. Everything had been in his name.
You had to start over. You had to go back to the beginning.
"You came back."
"Yes, I just recently moved back in with my parents. I-"
"Mom, can we get some chips? Nana doesn't have any good snacks," Madison complained behind you as she came back to the same aisle. Timothée went wide-eyed as he looked at the girl and then back at you. She leaned around you to stare back at him. "Who's he?"
"This is my- uh- friend from high school, Timothée. Timothée, this is my daughter, Madison."
"Whoa. She looks just like you did at that age." He shook his head as if to clear a fog. "Where are my manners?" he quipped as he stepped around you and held out his hand to her. "It's nice to meet you, Madison. Your mother and I go way back."
"You knew my mom when she was my age?"
"Before that, even. We went to school together all the way from kindergarten to senior year until she moved to California for college," Timothée replied before locking eyes with you. "She was very eager to get out of here, so I am rather surprised to run into her today."
"It's a long story." You cleared the lump forming in your throat and looked down at Madison. "We should get going. We need to get these groceries home and refrigerated again."
"Right, well, maybe I'll see you around again now that you are back in town." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I'm sure we will bump into each other." Hopefully, you thought to yourself. "It's a small town - that's practically inevitable."
Chapter 2
Tag List: @croatianprincess
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iikisa · 7 months
a little comic i made a long time ago
slacker life haha 🙉🛑
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xmalereader · 2 years
Simon Riley X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: This was funny in my head and got inspiration from my favorite confort show: bobs burgers, theirs an episode where Bob plays a hostage during a robbery and his kids go crazy when he had to leave 🤣, I simply imagined Simon going through the same whenever he leaves has to leave. Here is a clip of inspiration.
Summary: Simon comes back to his family, reunited with his husband and kids only for his reunion to be cut short when he’s sent back out.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, kissing, dad Simon, Reader is a single father, twin kids, mentions of past memories, task 141 are great uncles, chaotic children, humor, threats.
Word count: 2.2k
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Simon was a private man, always keeping to himself and not speaking about his personal life outside of the military. Whenever the team asked if he had anyone back at home he’d simply ignore their question, changing the topic and focusing back on the mission. Imagine their surprise when his team finds out that Simon is not only married but with children too.
His husband was a single father with twins when they first met, having a daughter and a son to raise on his own wasn’t easy. The two met when the twins randomly appeared in front of Simons porch, playing with the stray cat that He’s been feeding for some time and perhaps had gotten attached to the feline. The twins were both six years old when they first saw Simon, instead of running away in fright or crying due to his large structure it was the young girl who had stood up and pointed at him while shouting. “Wow! You’re so tall!!” Simon was surprised by the child’s reaction, expecting the total opposite. It was the boy who coward away and hid behind his sister as he whimpered in fear by simons appearance but his sister acted tough and kept him safe.
It wasn’t long until Simon met Y/n. The single father would come around everyday to collect his children who continued to sneak out of the house without notice in order to play outside. Due to him being a single father he can’t help but worry for the two only to continue finding them at Simons place. Simon didn’t mind the twins coming around everyday, he mainly worked outside minding his own business but also keeping a close eye on the twins and making sure that they didn’t cause trouble or get hurt. As the two adults continued to interact their conversations grew deeper and meaningful to the point where they started dating until they finally got married.
Four years married. Simon never thought he’d feel warm in his heart again after everything he’s been through. He’d taken care of his family and loved the twins, even though they weren’t his by blood he still cared for them deeply. When simon finally got a break and was able to return back home he didn’t think that he’d see his husband and kids waiting for him close to the base. His husband had close connections to Laswell and allowed the family to wait outside the base.
The team was shocked when they saw two teenagers run up to Simon and tackle him, clinging onto his legs and arms as they cried in joy, happy to be reunited again. Everyone stares with wide eyes as Simon holds both twins up, chuckling softly at the two before his husband approached him. “Welcome home.” Y/n whispers, also pulling him into a hug and kissing the side of his balacava while Simon gives a faint smile underneath. “It’s good to be back.”
“Hey, hey! Stop hogging him!” His daughter, Briar shouts, her arms around his torso and her legs wrapped around his waist. “You’re hogging!” His son, Ren shouts back. He too, is wrapped around his arm and legs, the two holding on tight. Simon huffs a laugh, glancing at the two teens who argued with each other.
“You all forget that he married me, right?” Y/n raises a brow but the twins ignore them and continue to fight. “They never change.” He sighs out deeply. “I expected them to change after being gone for so long.” Simon is able to shake the twins off, finally free from their grip as hovering close to Y/n’s side.
It doesn’t take long for Y/n to approach his team and introduce himself to them, giving them a warm smile and a thank you from protecting his husbands back during his hard and dangerous missions. He finally meets Soap in person after hearing about him for days from Simons short calls or whenever he spent a few days back home. He already knew that Simon wouldn’t be staying for long before he’s sent out on another mission again.
After Y/n speaks with the team and gets to know them, it’s the twins who ask the most questions, especially his daughter.
“Why is your hair like that? How many people did you kill? What does your code name mean? How did you get it?”
It took Ren to drag his sister away from the men, apologizing quietly with a hint of embarrassment as he drags her away from the group and to the kitchen in order to help their father with cooking and keeping her away from talking their ears off.
“You have some kids.” Said Alejandro with a cheeky grin on his face as Simon friend under his mask. “There twins and are opposite from each other, Ren rarely does conversation but Briar can talk your ear off all day.” He didn’t know why he was telling them this but it felt nice too, letting them know a little about his family.
Ren enters the living room and asks everyone. “Does anyone have allergies? We want to make sure so that no one dies on us.” He said softly, causing Simon to release a chuckle while the others let the teen know that they don’t have any allergies before rushing back into the kitchen to continue helping.
His team and family are together and held many conversations, his husband asking about Simon and the things he did during his work while the twins sat in front of soap, asking him many questions, stroking his ego a bit whenever the twins said something that brought him pride.
The first day went by fast, everyone ate, met with each other and then left to see their own families. Simon finally felt at peace to be back home, interacting with the twins and catching up with their lives. He’d found out that Ren had made it into the fencing team at school, becoming the top of the team while Briar still continued to cause chaos, showing him a record of her detention time at school for the amount of pranks she’s caused. Y/n wasn’t too happy about the record but at long as his daughter was passing her classes that’s all that mattered to him. Which was true, even though briar caused trouble she still had good grades in all of her classes.
“ I have report due on Monday. I have to write about someone important and can’t think of anyone. It’s either between you or dad.” Briar grumbled, tapping her pencil on her notebook as she thinks while Ren plays chess with Y/n. “What about Soap? He was interesting.” Said Ren.
“Fuckin hell, you ain’t writing a report about Johnny.” Said Simon with a frown on his face while Briar laughs. “But he’s interesting and his code name ‘soap’.” She air quotes. “Has an interesting story too.”
“Do whatever you want, kid.” Y/n mumbled, focusing on the game as he hums to himself. “As long as you get the report done.” He added, making his next move and letting Ren focus back on his own side of the game. “Besides, you have all week to get the report done. Don’t stress yourself out.” Said Y/n smiling at Briar and reassuring his daughter.
“Well—“ she slams her notebook shut and tossed it aside. “I’ll deal with it later!” She jumps up from her seated spot with a smile on her face, turning to Simon. “Tell us about your work! Did you get someone important?”
“That’s classified.”
Briar pouts. “That’s stupid.”
The four of them enjoyed their time together. Simon could only enjoy their time together until it was cut short again. After being back home for a month he was being sent out again on another mission which caused him to sigh deeply. As much as he hates leaving his family behind he still had a duty to complete.
He stood in his and Y/n’s bedroom, packing up his things while Y/n sat on their bed watching him pack with sad eyes. “It’s sucks how you have to leave again.” He murmured while Simon sighs, setting his shirt inside his bag and rounding the bed to stand in front of his husband. “M’sorry my love.” He leans down to place a kiss on his forehead and then his lips, holding his husband close as the two hold each other. “Good luck on telling the twins.”
Simon groans, knowing the hell the two teens will bring once he tells them that he is leaving again. The two have grown attached to Simon as children, following him around like lost ducklings and always sticking to his side. Y/n was happy to know that his kids loved Simon and quickly accepted him as a parent when they started dating, when they announced their marriage the twins went crazy, throwing themselves on Simon as they cheered happily and were excited to have another dad in their family.
“I’ll make sure they don’t go to crazy.” Said Y/n but also smirked. “But, I can’t promise that it’ll go well.” Simon rolls his eyes, giving him another kiss and getting back to packing. “Soap will pick me up and will head out together.” He zips up his bag after and looks down at his wedding band, taking a chain out of his pocket as he slips off the ring, placing it on the chain and putting the necklace around his neck for safe keeping.
Y/n stands from the bed, walking over and sighing to himself before patting his chest. “Anyways—good luck with the kids!” His sudden mood changing to a mischievous one before leaving their room, heading downstairs to where the twins sat in the kitchen eating breakfast.
Simon had made his way downstairs with bag in hand, setting it by the door. The loud thump gets Rens attention, looking over to eye the bag and then look up to Simon before going back to the bag. His tired eyes suddenly widen in realization. “You’re leaving again?”
Briar chokes on her breakfast, coughing as she shot up from her seat. “Again?!”
“Yes, again.” Simon confirms to the twins as they stumble out of their seats and race to his side. “But you just got here!” Ren exclaimed, upset that Simon had to leave again. Simon gives Ren a sad smile, tussling his hair. “I know, but I have a duty and have to go.” He always had a warm spot for Ren, even though he was a quiet kid he also showed emotion towards current things.
The knock on their front door gets their attention, Simon reached over to unlock the door and pulling it open to see Soap on the other end, giving the Riley family and wave. “It’s time.” He tells Simon who nods in understanding.
“Wait, wait, come here.” Y/n approached his husband and kissed him again. “Be safe and don’t die.” His voice is stern and serious, he couldn’t lose someone important.
“I’ll be back.” Simon picks up his bag, but before he can follow soap out the twins cling onto him.
“I love you father!” Briar exclaimed, her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. “If you die imma write my report on Soap—no, if you die I’ll write my report about you.”
“I know, I have to go—“
“No wait, dad I changed my mind don’t go!” Ren climbs onto his arm, his legs wrapped around simons left leg as he holds himself up on his arm. Simon is strong enough to balance both twins as he tries to move. “Ren—!”
“Ghost, we have to go.” Said Soap, watching the chaos unveil.
“Don’t go! Who’s gonna walk me down the aisle on my wedding?!” Shouted Briar.
“I have so many unanswered questions what is sex—!” Ren says next as the two continued to go off.
“That’s enough!” Y/n tries to remove the kids from Simon but fails.
“Shake them off, ghost!”
“I’m trying!!”
“I don’t know what sex is!”
“I love you dad!”
Simon shakes his leg, but Briar doesn’t nor does Ren when he tries to remove his arm from his grip. The twins are strong as they hold onto him, soap on the other hand tries to pry the kids off but fails miserably while Y/n wasn’t much help.
The twins continue on until Simon finally snaps. “Enough!” He shouts, stopping the twins rambling as they froze in spot, soap stares with wide eyes until y/n steps forward and whines. “Please be safe Simon, don’t leave me with these freakin kids.”
The twins finally let him go and cling onto Y/n. Briar glaring at Simon while Ren turns to soap. “You better take care of my dad or else I’ll hunt you down the same way my father hunts down his prey.” He hissed out, pointing a finger at soap with intimidation.
Soap gives a stiff nod. “Will do.” He chuckles nervously before saying his farewell and rushing back to the car. Simon shakes his head, turning to Y/n and the twins. “Don’t cause trouble.”
“No promises!” Shouted Briar, who huffed and marched back to her breakfast. Y/n chuckled and gives Simon one last wave as he watched him take his things and enter the car with soap as the two drive away from the Riley residence.
“Uh—“ Soap clears his throat. “Ren was kidding right?”
Soap paled.
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thepenultimateword · 11 months
Prompt #220
Teenager froze, backpack slowly sliding off their shoulder and dropping to the floor with a thud.
They’d come to the kitchen for an after school snack. The last thing they’d expected to find was Villain at their kitchen table.
“What are you doing in our house?”
Villain fiddled with the sleeves of her super suit. “Oh, well…you’re dad told me to wait here… You’re out of bandaids so he ran out to get some.” She raised out of her seat with a weak smile. “Um, you’re dad said you like anything with peanut butter, do want me to whip something up? I’m pretty good at snacks.”
Teenager halted her with an outstretched hand, glaring murderously from under their lashes. “Let’s get something straight. My dad is having a lapse in judgement. He was married to a superhero. If it weren’t for the accident he’d still be married to a superhero. So don’t get too comfortable being in our lives, villain.”
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 8 months
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Yinyin, Glase and Kon always fall asleep pretty fast. Kori, on the other side...
Ben is so tired. He has help as a hero from Gwen and Kevin, and help with school from Julie and his parents, but who helps him raise his children, when they are a secret he can't bring himself to let go?
This is set in my Snowflakes AU, where four of the Necrofriggian children come back to earth a few days after "Save the Last Dance". Ben decides to tell no one, for a series of reasons, and suffers in silence while he tries to care for them.
Their names all mean "Ice" in different languages (Yinyin: Yoruba, Glase: Lingala, Kon: Lao and Kori: Japanese)
Being a single parent is no joy ride. And at fifteen years old, with four kids, I imagine it cannot be any easier.
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taiyou-hibiscus · 5 months
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Okay. Hear me out. KidouFudou. Like. ????
Imagined, An AU (where they are Adult) where Fudou has like 5 different jobs, and Kidou is a rich man, heir, CEO of a big company, and maybe a great football player? And he goes to a café recommended by Gouenji or Otonashi (because why not?) and Fudou is there, taking his order while being beautiful (Which is all the time) And Kidou falls in love at first sight and only dreams of marrying Fudou after that.
And so he tries to flirt with Fudou but with the "Kidou" method, giant bouquets of flowers, invitations to great restaurants, cruises on a yoat, buys him stuff, help with its money problem, etc...ect. 
And Fudou who, One : doesn't really like to receive gift (Even more so if they are expensive) Two: Don't like to receive "pity" from people. And Three : Don't believe in love because "inserted sad Backstorie" Just don't react at all to these advances.
Bonus point if Fudou is completely blind and believe that Kidou is making fun of him, or he thinks it's a rich man's thing.
Double bonus point If Fudou's colleagues/friends watch all the chaos happen, meet Kidou's friends, and start a betting pool on what will happen in the end. 
Which are :
1 : Fudou realizes he was stupid.
 2 : Kidou doesn't support him anymore and kisses him hard. 
3 : Them being idiots for the rest of their lives.
 4 : Someone tells them what's going on.
Oh, and they're also betting on when it's going to happen.
Btw for Fudou's colleagues I was thinking of Midorikawa Fubuki and maybe Kazemaru? Hiroto is a friend of Kidou's and goes out with Midorikawa but we don't find out until later.
The last thing I could add, is Fudou being a single parent? And that's why he has so many jobs, AND THAT WOULD EXPLAIN HIS FEAR OF LOVE AFTER BEING DUMPED AND ABANDONED WITH A CHILD, OH MY GOD ALL OF THIS CONNECTS!
Which would add an extra challenge to have to introduce Kidou and the child, But Kidou is a gentleman he will take care of both of them with love, no worries about
I'm writing this as I go along :')
 that. OK, I'll stop there before I have another idea XD
Really sorry for the spelling mistakes, English is not my first language, I did the best I could... 🙇��♂️
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I am staunchly childfree, and I can't remember a single instance where an interested suitor (who had kids himself) found this out and took it graciously and maturely. Not one, and it doesn't even matter how gently you convey that message and let them know that it's not personal at all. They always become bitter and act as though you're being shallow, unreasonable, and prioritizing the wrong things in a relationship by deciding you don't want a partner who has kids - as if you don't have the right to decide what you want your life to look like, and what you want in a relationship. If it excludes them from getting what they want, then you're "in the wrong."
Even people who are not looking to date you, like married couples who have kids and happen to hear that you're looking for someone who is childfree, will become vaguely defensive and even start implying that your life has no meaning or purpose without reproducing.
Having children does not give your life meaning. It gives you a distraction and a responsibility, but it does not make *you* any more important or valuable than you were previously, or more so than people who have not reproduced. In fact, having to take care of kids often keeps people from self-actualization and the fulfillment of dreams, robs them of their peace and quiet, their ability to travel, to be spontaneous, to become college educated, to practice hobbies, to save money, to have nice things, and many other freedoms - if you want to get right down to it, which I'm perfectly happy to do with people like that.
I just wish everyone would respect other people's chosen life paths. If anyone told me "Well, nothing personal but I'd like to date someone who wants kids with me someday," I'd have absolutely no problem; I'd just tell them that I hope they find what they're looking for, and to be blessed. It's that easy.
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Ambiparent Pride Flag
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Ambiparent: a parent that considers themself to be both a mother and a father, for any reason.
In Brazil, it's common for people to use pãe (pai+mãe) denominating ambiparents. This concept is usually used by single parents who share both parental gender roles while parenting, while not essentially being multigender or non-binary at all (but it's useful for them). However, many non-single/nonsolo parents can be this, as many of them parent primarily alone or experience system member plurality. Another reason could be being an intersex parent or transitioner parent.
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fosterwhat · 28 days
I am supposed to go on a work trip tomorrow. To a different state. This has meant juggling my whole schedule (overnight childcare and dog care required).
When I purchased tickets last week they were double what they normally are — our company has really tightened the budget so I immediately emailed my manager — shared tickets were far more expensive than normal, explained that I had purchased refundable tickets just so they wouldn’t sell out, and asked if I should bow out of the meeting. This wouldn’t be a huge deal as we have another staff member who is local to the meeting and already planning on attending.
I emailed again this morning at 9am on the same chain — just bringing this back to the top of your inbox, please let me know, what did business manager say, etc.
We were supposed to have a meeting this afternoon so I decided I’d ask them. Manager no-showed
I pinged again on Slack at 2pm — hi, please see email from this AM (ahem technically last week) is this amount approved? I can only refund through EOD. (The manager is active on Slack)
I have since had to confirm childcare and my dog walker. Not to mention I’m confirmed for the actual meeting. Frankly I don’t care if I go, I don’t even really want to go (it’s a 5 hour trip there and back so I’ll need to leave at 6am and not get home until midnight)
Do I start calling personal cellphones? Can I flag for the supervisor at this point?
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mothofmyth · 8 months
Meet cute! Single parent (or other form of carer) on a plane, reading softly to their infant, and the insomniac in the seat next to them who falls asleep to the soft, rhythmic sound of their voice.
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hannarchive · 1 year
lubdubsworld (prev. sunshyngal) fics w/ chapter links
My favorite @lubdubsworld fics with updated links, (since their masterlist haven’t been updated with new links since they changed URL). Had a few people ask about it too, so hope others find this helpful as well.
(This is not even close to all of their fics. If you want to find more you’ll have to search their blog and/or go through their archive)
Yoongi x OC
Make it Hurt (Then Kiss it Better) -  A/B/O
Summary : Min Jung fights her biology, her genetic make up, her body. But she can’t fight her heart. Especially when said heart keeps calling for a handsome Alpha with warm brown eyes and a breathtaking smile.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 6.5  - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (Final) 
Amor Vincit Omnia - Gang!AU,  Arranged Marriage
Summary : The worst thing you can do to a guy? Marry him when he begs you not to. Worst thing you can do to yourself? Fall in love with him afterwards.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 (Final)
Taehyung x OC
Change of Heart -  Werewolf!AU
Times are changing. After years of being oppressed, werewolves are taking a stand against humans , demanding equal rights and fair treatment. Heading the movement is Kim Taehyung, the breathtaking heir to the Kim fortune and one of the few remaining Alpha werewolves in the country. His disdain for the human race is well known and well warranted. They killed his family after all. He wants to change the world , to put humans in their place but when his five year old daughter takes a shine to their very human neighbor , maybe he has to start with a change of heart, first.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 -  Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 -  Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 -  Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 (Final)
Jungkook x OC
The Sadness of Things - A/B/O, Arranged Marriage
Summary : A recently widowed Jungkook agrees to a contract marriage to keep his company afloat. His grief overwhelms him and it is hard to look at his new wife as anything other than an intruder .
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 (Final)
Harvest Moon -  Werewolf!AU
Summery : Jungkook is a very special Alpha. The future head alpha and one of the strongest wolves in the clan. He is spoken for, a perfect mate ready for him. OC isn’t anything special. She’s an orphan and she wants only to spend the rest of her life in her cottage with a normal mate. She’s nothing special but somehow, Jungkook chooses her during the mating run and suddenly she’s thrown into a world that is both new and terrifying.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 (Final)
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roxygen22 · 2 months
Still Here (Chapter 6)
Summary: Dinner with Timothée reveals feelings.
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"There is something I want to show you."
It was Friday, so your curiosity over his words could finally be sated. Timothée was due to pick you up about 6 o'clock so the two of you could go out for dinner in the closest city of any appreciable size, Hartley. Unsure of where exactly where you were going, you opted for a cute blouse, jeans, and cowboy boots.
Madison was cozy on the couch with her grandparents with a bowl of popcorn in her lap when you walked out of your room. She had convinced them to watch the new Wonka movie with her while you were away. You hugged them all and kissed Madison on the head.
"Be good, do as you're told, and remember to brush your teeth."
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, Mom."
"Love you!" you called back to her as you grabbed your things and walked to the door. Right as you looked out the window, you saw Timothée's blue truck pull up. You locked the door and skipped down the steps. It felt like you were in high school all over again. You were all smiles as you walked quickly to the passenger side.
"Hi!" you said cheerily as you climbed in.
Timothée looked up and down at your outfit. "Howdy," he replied through a grin.
"Hey now, I can get right back out of this truck if you're going to make fun of me," you sassed.
He held up his hands to feign surrender. "No, no. It's a good look! I swear!"
You playfully popped him on the arm. "So where are we going?"
He put the truck in gear and moved along. "There is an Italian restaurant I love to visit when I'm in town. Thought we could go there."
"And what?" He clamped down his lips to prevent himself from smiling.
"There was something you wanted to show me. Surely it wasn't an Italian restaurant."
"Oh yeah, that. Yes, definitely that, too," he said with an exaggerated nod.
"What is it?!"
"You'll have to wait about..." He looked over at the truck's clock. "30 minutes to find out. We'll stop there before dinner so you can actually enjoy the food instead of wonder."
Timothée drove through Hartley's downtown square, pulled up in front of a closed shop, and turned off the truck. "We're here!" he said excitedly.
You looked around. "Ooo...kay. Where is 'here'?"
"Well, come on, get out of the truck."
"But Timothée, everything on this street is already closed for the night."
He held up a key. "Yep!"
He walked to a storefront and opened it up. You followed him through the door. "Wait here," he instructed. He walked to the back and flipped on the lights. You found yourself surrounded by the most beautiful wooden furniture you had ever laid eyes on.
"Welcome to my store."
"Yours. This is yours?" You spun around to take it all in.
"Yes. I made all of this."
"You what? Oh, wow. Mr. McDowell from wood shop would be so proud."
Timothée chuckled. "He was, actually. Bought a chair for his deck before he passed. Your mother bought a piece, too."
"She did?" You went through a mental list of all the furniture in the house as you walked through the showroom. "The porch swing?"
"I love that swing. Even more so now." You fingers gingerly grazed the handcrafted dining table next to you. "It's beautiful."
"Yes," Timothée said, not looking at the table, but at you. He cleared his throat when you turned and made eye contact. "Thank you."
"Where did you learn how to do this? Let me guess, another hobby you took up after you came back from Texas?" you inquired.
He shrugged. "Something like that. I needed to keep my hands busy. I turned the barn on my parents' land into my shop, and I sell out here. More traffic."
"What took you to Texas, anyway?"
Timothée's stomach growled. "Maybe we should discuss over dinner."
You stifled a giggle. "Fair enough. But don't think you are getting out of talking about yourself that easily."
The two of you loaded back up in the truck and drove a couple of blocks away to the Italian restaurant Timothée raved about. After you were seated on the patio and placed your orders, you set your chin in your hand and stared at him.
"Now spill." You grinned and waggled your eyebrows.
Timothée smiled. "Where should I start?"
"Well, the last I time I saw you before running into you at the grocery store was graduation. How about there?"
"As you know, I still hadn't figured out what I wanted to do. I hadn't made any plans for college, so I continued working at the hardware store for a while. That got boring. Sure as hell didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. So I started taking some auto mechanic classes at the vocational school here in Hartley."
"Is that where you learned to fix up the truck?"
"Yep. But that didn't seem like the right path, either. I felt...lost. Like I said the other day, once I got over the hurt of you leaving, I began to understand that you had the right idea all along. I even seriously considered giving you a call to see if your invitation still stood, but by the time I worked up the nerve, I learned from your mother that you were getting married. I didn't want to mess that up for you."
He paused when the server came by with the food. You both thanked her and took up your utensils. You couldn't believe what you had just heard. He considered coming all the way out to California. For me.
"What happened then?"
Timothée continued his story between bites. "Well, I figured I shouldn't waste the momentum to leave this place, so I just got in the truck in left. I held down some odd and end jobs, camped out in state parks or hotels until I got to the oil fields in Texas. Found a steady job and set myself up pretty well there for a few years until Mom died. I came back to help my dad keep up with the land and the house. He's not in great health, either."
"I'm so sorry, Timmy."
He paused, fork mid-air. "You haven't called me that in ages."
"Oh, sorr-"
"No, don't be. I- I've missed it." He half-smiled.
You blushed, dropped your eyes to your plate, and cleared your throat. "Any...significant others along the way?"
"I was engaged for a bit when I was in Texas. She was a nice girl, but I broke it off because it just didn't feel right. That was right before Mom passed. Since then, between work and taking care of my dad, I haven't had much time for, uh, exploring."
"You two ready for dessert?" the server asked as she came back around.
Timothée looked from the server to you. "The tiramisu here is amazing! Want to split one? Dessert's on me."
"That sounds divine."
With the previous candor interrupted, the two of you idly chatted while you waited for dessert. You asked after some of your high school classmates. He asked you about college life in California. Timothée offered you the first bite of the tiramisu when the server dropped it off.
"Oh, wow - that IS amazing!" You covered your mouth with your hand so as to not reveal the half-chewed cake.
Timothée chuckled. "Told you," he bragged as he popped a bite into his own mouth. You continued to take turns taking slivers of the cake until it disappeared.
You leaned back in your chair. "Mmm. That was so good."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
You settled the tab for the food, and he did so for the dessert. You left the restaurant and slowly ambled side by side back to the truck.
"Timmy?" You stopped short on the sidewalk in front of the truck, forcing him to turn back to look at you. "Thank you for making this whole...situation...more bearable. I can't imagine how lonely I would be right now if I hadn't bumped into you at the store."
Timothée stepped closer to you. He brushed a hair behind your ear that had been loosened by the wind. Your heart hammered at his touch and you felt heat flush your cheeks. He nudged your chin with his index finger so he could look you in the eyes.
"I should have followed you when you asked me."
Chapter 7
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@croatianprincess @bluizh
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xmalereader · 2 years
Simon Riley X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: Another Baker dad shot!! 😩 This is is full of fluff and possibly leaning more towards readers son and Simon bonding with each other. I might make more of these shots since I freakin love the idea of Simon falling in love with a sweet baker who’s a single father but also amazing and Simon would do anything for them.
Summary: Simon offered his help at the bakery, growing closer to the owner of the bakery along with his teen age son who’s grown fond of Simons presences.
Warnings: Fluff, pinning, slow burn, Simon wearing an apron, slight angst, mentions of abuse, trauma, childhood memories, mentions of death and war. Simon is slowly becoming a father himself.
Word count: 2k
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Simon didn’t think he’d end up on the other side of the counter, wearing a black apron while helping out a young teenager with baking and drinks. After Y/n’s first wedding cake commission he started to get more, too many that he was booked for the whole month. The poor single father was busy waking up at early hours and getting ready to bake while his son woke up a few hours later and dealt with opening up the shop and taking orders from cranky college students.
Simon had noticed the struggle the two had been going through the last few days that Simon volunteered to continue helping. He’d helped Alex open up a few times and that was it. He didn’t do any baking or take any orders, he simply got his usual and left earlier than he usually did since he didn’t want to keep the two distracted from all the busy mornings and afternoons. He had told Y/n that he could help Alex for a bit until Y/n had gotten all of his orders completed and on time, the other man had broken down in tears of joy, hugging a surprised Simon. Y/n had been stressed for days that having Simon step in and help caused him to break down.
Y/n had offered to pay Simon for his help but Simon rejected his payments, telling him that he’d rather take his food and drinks as payment since he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart. The baker knew that he couldn’t force simon to take the money and agreed to his terms, smiling widely at the idea of getting extra help.
Simon was only suppose to help for a short period of time. That time extended for a week, then two, until he finally realized that he was there for almost two months, helping Alex with the shop while Y/n continued with his separate duties. After his last commission, more people began to recommend his bakery and goods. Which kept the man busy constantly.
During his time at the bakery he usually stayed in the back room, away from the public since he didn’t want to frighten any of the students or any other neighbors that came by the shop. Simon wasn’t a baker but, Y/n had taught him how to do simple pastries while Alex handled the much harder ones that took time and effort to make. His time alone with Alex gave him the advantage to know the teen a bit more, learning about his childhood and how Y/n came to adopt him. The both of them had a similar past, filled with abuse and loneliness.
Alex had told Simon that Y/n fought for custody, taking him away from his old home and into a new one. One that gave him a proper childhood that he lacked along with love that he never got as a child. Y/n had taken very good care of Alex and raising him on his own, even though he was very young for a parent that didn’t stop Y/n from spending time with Alex.
Simon had gained a soft spot for the kid, keeping a close eye on him each time the bakery got full and busy. He’s seen the kid deal with rude customers and didn’t hesitate to fight back, calling them out on their rudeness and the way they treated other customers. Alex had once blown up on an old cranky lady who’d snapped her fingers at him and yelling at him for being slow and how her drink was bitter or the fact that her cookie was cold.
Alex was ready to climb over the counter and tackle the lady, yelling at her that he owned the damn place when she requested to speak with someone in order to file a complaint. Simon had stepped in when things grew escalated, his presences had shut the women up, fear in her eyes when he stared down at her with cold eyes. Simon wasn’t polite when someone was treating the people he cared about poorly, he instead leaned down to the women and calmly tells her to leave the bakery and that she was holding up the line, blaming her for holding back orders and causing the food to go cold. His bluntness cashed the women to leave in a hurry without saying another word, she never showed her face again. Ever since Simon at
After helping the bakery, everyone knew not to mess with either Alex or Y/n or else they face the bigger man.
When the third month hit. The university students who’d visited every day had grown used to Simons presences, their sudden fear of the taller man vanished and would usually greet him with small voices before sitting down and focusing on their work.
Y/n enters the shop after returning back from another wedding that was hosted outside of town. When the bell of the front entrance rings, the two look up from their duties to see Y/n with a wide smile on his face. Alex is the first to jump over the counter, tackling Y/n into a hug. “You’re back! How was the wedding?”
Y/n chuckles. “Oh, this a wedding was wild.” He wiggles his brows as they approach the counter where Simon stood, cleaning a few mugs. “What kind of Wild?” Alex asks.
“Well,” Y/n removed his jacket and makes his way around the counter. “Turns out that the groom was actually cheating on the bride.” Alex’s eyes widen in disbelief. “What—?!”
“That’s not all.” Y/n continues, side stepping Simon as he takes one of the clean aprons and slips it on. “Not only was the groom cheating but he invited the mistress to his wedding.” He whispers.
Simon sets the clean mug down with the rest, looking over his shoulder as he listened to both father and son gossip about the wedding. He’d grown to listen into their conversations and neither of them minded his ease dropping.
“Holy shit!”
“Language!” Y/n scolds the teen. “Anyways, it was a mess. The bride knew and showed video proof to the entire party and things just got worse, the parents got involved and stuff was thrown until the police got involved. I didn’t stay much longer and quickly left before I got involved.” He shrugs his shoulders. “This wouldn’t be my first disaster wedding that I’ve witnessed.” Simon had handed him an empty mug, which he takes and used it to make his own coffee.
“Enough about me, what about you two? Did everything go well while I was gone?” Y/n leans against the counter as he waits for his coffee.
Simon speaks up first, cutting Alex off from rambling away. “Alex nearly lit the place on fire.”
“—I did not!” Alex shouts back, glaring at Simon. “In my defense I forgot about the cakes because it was busy, you were in the back all day and could’ve easily turned off the oven.” He shot back.
“I was busy finishing up the blackberry cakes that you requested since they ran out.” Simon smiles under his mask. “The place burning down would still be your fault.”
Alex groans in frustration, going over the counter again as he stands next to Simon. Y/n softly smiles to himself, listening to the two argue with each other as he focused on his coffee, taking a small sip before turning back around. “Alright, that’s enough. We should get back to work.” He orders the two.
“Yes, sir.” Simon responds back and makes his way to the back to continue with the rest of the baking while Y/n stays up front to help Alex. While the duo worked up front, Y/n with making drinks and Alex taking orders, it didn’t take long for the place to grow calm. Only a few students were around since the semester was ending majority of them were either back in their dorms studying or working in the library near campus.
“I’m going to check on Simon, think you’ll be alright with taking the orders?” Y/n questions his own son who laughs at him. “Hm, I took care of the place on my own for the last few days without you. I think I can handle a few hours on my own.”
Y/n rolls his eyes, flicking Alex on the forehead. “I know you can, still asking.” He shakes his head with a laugh before heading to the back to find Simon focusing on finishing the macaroons. Y/n stood quietly as he watched Simon work, tilting his head to the side as his chest is filled with warmth at the sight of the bigger man focusing on such small pastries. How can a man who looked so scary and intimating look adorable while baking?
“Is that a new batch?” Y/n asks, approaching Simon who looks up. “Alex wanted me to make more, they’ve been getting sold out very quickly.” His response is soft, eyeing the macaroons that he’s finished so far. Y/n smiles, shifting closer to Simon as he clears his throat. “I just want to let you know that I appreciate you helping me here…at the bakery. You’ve been here for three months, having to deal with Alex for awhile even though he can be a bit sarcastic and rude.” He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing up to Simon. “So, thank you for everything.”
Simon stares down at the baker. A soft smile on his lips as he too nods at him. “You are welcome, for everything.” He’d leaned closer to the baker, hand twitching on the table, antsy to reach up and touch his face and feel the smooth skin under his fingertips. Being around the baker had caused him to grow feelings that he’d never thought he’d ever get, not after everything he’s been through. How could a baker like Y/n like someone like him? His hands were covered in blood from all the people he’s killed when he was in the military, all the horror and death he saw during his time away stopped him from pushing his feelings. He didn’t know how the baker would react if he knew about his past life and work and so, he keeps his hand still and instead grips the counter.
“I should—probably put these to bake.” Y/n mumbled, pointing at the finished macaroons as Simon moves to give him space, taking the tray in hand and watching Y/n head further into the baker and towards the oven room. Simon sighs to himself and removes his gloves, tossing them in the trash and making his way to the front to check up on Alex. Before he can step outside he hears Alex talking to a young university student.
“—I took notice that it usually gets busy here, do you hire by any chance? I think you’re father would need the extra help.” The girl said to Alex as the teen focused on making a few coffee orders. “We’ve handled worse days.”
“Still, are you by any chance hiring?” The girl on the other side batted her lashes at Alex which he ignored. Too focused on his task as he responds back. “We aren’t hiring, it’s a family business by the way.”
The girl frowns. “Family business? Then why did you hire the tall guy with the creepy mask?”
Alex hands the girl her coffee, giving her a forced smiled. “Like I said, it’s a family business and he’s apart of it.” With that the girl takes her drink and leaves with a scoff.
Simon was standing on the other side of the door the whole time, listening into Alex’s conversation as he stood still. Even though Simon has only been helping for a few months he didn’t think that his bond with Alex depended enough for the teen to claim him as family. Simon didn’t have anyone else and to hear the kid say those words warmed his heart.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
What would the SK bros do if they see parents although not abusive and love their children, they aren’t exactly experienced with how to properly care for their child? Would they try to help/teach them how to do it or?
In this case, there isn't really much Sun or Moon can do. They wish they could help, but they both have jobs of their own that they can't just abandon.
If the parent asks for advice, though, they are more than willing to give some. But they won't parent the child for them, if that makes sense.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
I found out recently that my favorite actress is single and had a kid by a surrogate. I don't know if she is aro or ace, but that made me happy to see a by choice single parent as an aroace person.
Submitted March 19, 2023
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