#sirius giving remus lap dances to these
addsalwayssick · 3 months
sirius giving remus a lap dance to the beginning of sexyback send tweet
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slythergirl666 · 5 months
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james potter who always wants you in his lap because you sitting next to him isn't close enough. james potter who lifts you onto his shoulders after he wins a Quidditch match. like he is so hyper that he jumps up and down, seemingly forgetting that you are holding onto his hair for dear life. james potter who bribes you with your favorite sweets when he needs help on homework. james potter who needs a cuddle break every five minutes when you're tutoring him. james potter who gives you piggyback rides when you're tired after a long night out. james potter who lets you win when you play-fight. oh who am i kidding, he would throw you over his shoulder and dance around before pinning you down and kissing every inch of your face sloppily. james potter who would randomly tell you which piece to move when you’re playing chess against remus or sirius because he always wins against the three of you.
remus lupin. sirius black.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
hi lovely I hope you’re feeling better!!!! I was wondering if I could request something with poly!marauders where she’s like simmering with anxiety and isn’t having a panic attack but is sort of close bc she’s just really overwhelmed and the boys notice and try to calm her down and are just sweet <3
Thank you for requesting sweetheart!
cw: signs of anxiety
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You appear caught in a state of restlessness. You’re meant to be reading, but Remus hasn’t seen you turn a page in ages. Your eyes keep unfocusing, your knee bouncing underneath your blanket and your fingers toying absentmindedly with the corner of your page. 
Remus supposes your boyfriends haven’t done much to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home tonight. Earlier he’d let Sirius keep an eye on the stove while he minced garlic, and of course that had ended with you and James rushing to open every window near the kitchen to get the smoke alarm to turn off, and even once he’d traded Sirius’ help for James’ there’d been several near-misses with the kitchen knives and his reckless chopping. It also doesn’t help that James and Sirius are in one of their moods where listening to them talk is like watching a tennis match. Trying to keep up could give you whiplash, but luckily you don’t seem to be paying attention as they bicker about whether rugby or cricket is the rougher sport (Sirius is only trying to rile James; James clearly knows this, but he persists nonetheless). Still, it can’t make for nice background noise. 
Remus corners the page of his own book and reaches across the space between you, taking your hand. You look up with a smile, pleasantly surprised. 
“Alright, lovely?” he asks, fingers dancing up the length of your palm to your wrist. 
“I’m good,” you reply softly. “How’s your book?” 
“It’s off to a slow start,” Remus admits, “but I’m hoping it’ll pick up soon. How’s yours?” 
You look down at the book in your lap. He almost wonders if you’d forgotten it was there. “It’s not bad.” 
“Yeah?” He lets his fingers rest over the bump of your pulse, trying not to frown at its quick beat. “You haven’t seemed to be reading much.” 
By now your conversation has caught the attention of the other boys, James turning towards you and Sirius tilting his head to see around him. 
“Oh,” James says sympathetically, “is it not very good?” 
“No, it’s fine.” You look back down at your book, a bit sheepish. “I guess I’m just a little distracted.” 
Remus hums knowingly, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. James’ brow furrows, but Sirius, true to form, asks outright, “Is something the matter?” 
You shake your head, seeming a bit perplexed yourself. “No,” you say, “I don’t know what my problem is.” 
“You seem a bit strung up,” Remus suggests gently. 
“Yeah, but” —you shrug, lips curving halfheartedly— “not for any good reason.” 
James makes a woeful pitying sound, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Sweetheart,” he laments, “do you think you might want a cuddle?” 
“Sure,” you agree, and your hand is removed from Remus’ as James pulls you into his lap, propping his chin on your shoulder with a pout, “but everything’s really fine, don’t worry.” 
Sirius leans his head on the couch cushion, looking at you with eyes sharp and contemplative. “What’s going through your head, pretty girl?” he asks. 
James covers your heart with a big hand, frowning at what he feels. You shrug. “I was just thinking about what I have to do tomorrow.” 
“You’ve been keeping busy lately,” Remus says. “Maybe you need to take some things off your plate.” 
A grimace is fixed upon your face before he’s finished talking. “It all has to get done, though,” you sigh. “No way around it.” 
Sirius and Remus exchange a look. “Maybe we can help,” Sirius says. 
You shake your head. “There’s nothing you can do,” you insist. “It’s not impossible, I’ve just been lazy and now it’s all piled up and I have to deal with it.” Your voice tenses as you lay it out, and your body with it. “It’s my problem. It’s not great, but I’ll get it done.” 
Sirius’ expression twitches into a frown at your increasingly agitated tone, and James gives you a firm squeeze, pressing a kiss into the side of your head. 
“Shh, angel, just slow down for a minute. You’re okay right now, aren’t you?” 
Some of the frustration slips from your expression. “I’m fine, I just—” 
“Then relax.” James’ voice is equal parts gentle and firm. “Take a deep breath.” 
You do. You close your eyes, and Remus can almost hear you counting as you inhale through your nose. James and Sirius, for probably the first time all evening, are silent. 
You stop breathing in. A small dent forms between your brows. 
“I can’t do it all the way,” you say, a slight vulnerability to your voice. 
Remus tries to make his low and sure to counter it. “That’s okay, it still counts. Just keep going, love. And maybe hear Sirius out.” 
Sirius very obviously fights the urge to gloat at the support, but he softens his preening into a lightly teasing look, narrowing his eyes at you playfully. “As I was saying, there have to be things we can make easier for you. What’s on your to-do list?” 
You take in another breath, and James makes a satisfied humming sound against your temple. “I mean, I really have to do laundry.” 
“Are you joking?” A grin splits Sirius’ face. “We can do that for you, baby, easy.” 
“And I have to finish my project,” you go on, as though determined to prove the impossibility of your tasks, “which will likely take all morning.” 
“I’ll be here tomorrow,” James reminds you. “Would it help if I made you breakfast so you don’t have to take the time?” 
You look surprised, head turning towards him. “Yeah,” you say. “That would be really helpful, actually.” 
“Stubborn thing.” Sirius pinches at your thigh, but Remus catches his hand before it can do any real damage. “Nothing we can do, huh?”
You duck your head sheepishly. Still, Remus can hear your smile when you say, “Sorry, you were right.” 
“It happens more often than you’d think, doll. Really astute of you to recognize it, though.”  
“For now,” Remus cuts in before Sirius can get to really gloating, “maybe it’s best to just try to relax, dove. Tomorrow’s problems will be manageable, there’s no sense in stressing yourself out tonight.” 
“Yeah,” you say, almost shyly. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking properly.” 
“Don’t be sorry, baby,” James chides, tightening his hold on you. “It’s all good now, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you admit. 
There’s a brief pause. 
“Sorry,” Sirius says, not sounding apologetic in the slightest, “I just want to hear it from your lips one more time. You said I was what?”
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theemporium · 1 year
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[4.7k] remus is dragged out to a rock pub after being influenced by sirius, but maybe the pretty punk girl talking to him makes it worth the sacrifice. even if she makes him unreasonably flustered. (smut)
based off the prompt: “i’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly”
Remus Lupin was never one to let peer pressure get to him, especially done by the likes of Sirius Black. 
His resolve was always pretty strong and despite his friend’s annoying persistency, he always did a pretty damn good job of telling him to fuck off before he finally caught the hint. It had been the practice over the many years of friendship the boys had shared and would most likely continue into their many years spent together into the future. 
Except for tonight. 
For some reason that was beyond him, he had broken his own tradition and found himself agreeing to whatever nonsense Sirius was rambling on about when he walked into the common room, dramatically sighing and pouting when he mentioned James bailed on him at the last minute for a date with Lily. 
“C’mon, Moony, it’s just one night,” Sirius had pleaded, half lying on the boy’s lap so he could grab the book out of his hands and gain the werewolf’s full attention. “Prongs is off with Evans and Peter has detention with Minnie. Come on! You’re my only hope!” 
“What about Mary?” 
“It’s not her scene.” 
“And Marlene?” 
“She slammed the door in my face before I could even ask.” 
Remus closed his eyes, letting out a sigh that told the boy his resolve was wearing thin. “And you can’t take Lily and James?” 
“I’m not being the fucking third wheel again,” Sirius scoffed, nose scrunched up as memories flashed through his mind. “Not after New Years. I don’t think I’ll ever get my innocence back.” 
Remus snorted. “Like you ever had it in the first place.” 
Sirius waved him off, eyes wide and hopeful as he flashed his friend a grin. “So you’ll come with?” 
“Brilliant, see you at six, Moony!” 
“I didn’t even say yes yet!” Remus called out after him but the boy was already running towards the common room door, not giving the boy a chance to even wiggle his way out of whatever Sirius had been begging him to attend. 
And maybe that was his mistake. He never asked Sirius what this event was, mostly because it was usually easier to not be an accomplice in his crimes—even by knowledge. But that was clearly the regrettable choice when Sirius dragged him away from the school, using the map to guide them through the secret passages until they were beyond the wards before apparating to merlin-knows-where. 
Because of fucking course Sirius Black would drag him to a punk rock grunge bar in a part of London he wasn’t familiar with.
“Pads,” he murmured in a warning voice, hands tucked into the pocket on his jacket as he followed his friend towards the door. 
“Just chill, Moony,” Sirius called out as the sound of music thumped beyond the closed doors. “Who knows, maybe you’ll have fun.” 
“In a muggle bar?” 
Sirius turned to look at him over his shoulder, eyes gleaming with mischief. “Who said it was a muggle bar?”
Remus held back his own wince the second the atmosphere of the bar hit him: the loud music, the throng of dancing bodies, the smell of alcohol and sweat and the taste of tobacco and marijuana thick in the clouded air. 
No wonder the little prick ran out before Remus could interrogate him on where they were going. 
To his credit, Sirius had stuck to his side for a total twenty minutes before the boy disappeared into the crowd of dancing partygoers, drink in one hand and a half-smoked cigarette in the other. Remus could only laugh and shake his head as he watched his friend go. 
He knew there was nothing stopping him from walking out the pub and heading back. Despite his dramatics, Sirius would understand and wouldn’t hold it against him. But he knew the kind of mood his friend was in, and nine times out of ten, Remus would be needed to intervene before Sirius got his ass kicked. 
Might as well sit around until that moment inevitably came. 
He had tucked himself at the back of the pub where the bar was situated, taking a stool at the very end of the bar where he could sip on his drink and observe. He recognised most of the songs considering Sirius had played them in the dorm more times than he could remember, and he couldn’t deny he enjoyed some of them. But it was difficult to fit in when everybody there was in various pieces of leather clothing, chunky boots and more pieces of jewellry than he could ever imagine.
It was a pub full of Sirius Black’s and that thought was concerning enough for him to order another drink soon after.
He was fiddling with a napkin when a body slid between his stool and the one next to him, arms pressed against the sticky counter and the scent of vanilla overbearing his senses from the smell of the pub. It felt almost instinctive to keep his eyes on the napkin, watching the way the paper shredded with each piece he ripped off until he had a small pile lying beside his glass. It felt instinctive to keep his eyes anywhere but on the pair of eyes he could feel burning into his side. 
“You look like you’ve just been dropped here after your shift at the library.”
But something about the voice was magnetic and he couldn’t help himself from turning his head to peek at you through the mess of brown curls on his head and—fuck, it felt like someone had hit him right in the centre of his chest.
Remus had met many attractive people in his life. Pretty ones and handsome ones and gorgeous ones and ones that took your breath. Everyone had a side of beauty in them that could make them shine and stand out in a crowd, but fuck had he ever seen someone like you. 
His mind went completely blank when he looked at you, almost as though his brain was trying to process the fact you existed and were not just a perfect figment of his imagination. Your skin was covered with a thin layer of sweat, your hair was messy and wild from dancing and the makeup around your eyes looked a little more smudged than usual—but it was fucking mesmirising and he couldn’t find it within himself to look away.  
He opened his mouth to say something—anything—to you. Hell, even just to say hello but the boy found himself speechless as he openly gaped at you. 
“It’s cute though,” you reassured him, painted lips curving up in a smirk and it took him a few seconds to tear his eyes away from them. “Hot librarian is really in these days.” 
“I’m not a librarian!” he blurted out, his cheeks instantly heating up when he realised how loud he had him.
But you laughed and the embarrassment swelling in his chest eased up a little at the sound. 
“Of course not, silly,” you said with an amused tone in your voice. “You’re missing the glasses.” 
Remus could only let out a shaky breath, hand clenching around his glass a little too hard that he was honestly surprised it didn’t shatter in his hold but he couldn’t quite find the words to reply just yet. 
“So, how did you find yourself dragged out here?” you asked, seeming to take it upon yourself to continue the conversation even when the bartender dropped your drink in front of you. But you remained in your spot, tucked between the stools as you took a leisurely sip from the bottle you had just ordered. “Got a girlfriend who dragged you out?” 
His eyes widened a little. “No!” 
“No?” you questioned, not even bothering to bite back your smile. “Boyfriend then?” 
“No, no, I–” Remus paused for a moment, clearing his throat as he tried to string together a coherent sentence. “I came with my friend, Sirius. He didn’t have anyone to go with so…I came.”
You raised your brows. “Do I get to know your name or do I have to keep referring to you as Sirius’ cute friend?”
Remus only hoped the lights of the pub didn’t pick up on his burning cheeks, or the way the tips of his ears matched his blush. “I, uh, Remus. My name is Remus.” 
“Well, Remus, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said as you introduced yourself, extending your hand to the boy. You watched the way his eyes dropped to your hand, eyeing it carefully and you couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I promise I don’t bite.” 
His eyes widened. “No, I–” 
 “Unless you want me to,” you added and watched in delight the way his lips parted in surprise. 
Remus was different from every other witch and wizard in this establishment. From the tattered jeans and knitted sweater he wore to the worn trainers and dishevelled hair, he stood out like a sore thumb in a place like this. And yet, you loved it. 
You loved it when you spotted him from across the pub. You loved it when you pushed your way through the crowd and made your way to the bar to get closer to him. You loved it when you could see the way his eyes fought to not glance over as you settled beside him. 
You fucking loved how flustered he got around you. It wasn’t the first time you made a man feel that way and you doubt it would be the last, but there was something different—something more satisfying—when it came to Remus.
“I mean, I just—” he gulped a little when you stepped closer to him, his body seeming to have a mind of its own as his legs parted to accommodate you standing between them. “Yeah…” 
“Yeah? You’d like that?” you teased, head tilted to the side as you raised a hand to his face. Your finger traced down the line of his jaw, watching the way it clenched under your touch before he let out a shaky breath. “Maybe I can add to those wicked scars you have.” 
His heart was thundering in his chest. “Wicked?” 
“Wicked hot,” you murmured absentmindedly as you traced along the scars slashed across his face. They weren’t obvious, the pale marks almost invisible against his skin in the pub lighting but you noticed them the second you stepped between his legs. And fuck, you loved the way they looked. 
“T-Thanks,” he stuttered out, hooded eyes focused on how close you were to him. How fucking easy it would be for him to just lean down and—
“Do I make you nervous, Remus?” you asked innocently. 
His eyes snapped back up to meet yours, a small crease forming between his brows. “I–no, why would you think that?”
“You’re really hot and you’re breathing funny,” you told him, though the gleam in your eyes told him this was beyond concern. You knew you made him nervous and he knew you loved. Fuck, he loved it. You were the kind of girl people would tell him to run for the hills if he ever came across you, but he didn’t want to run. He wanted to stay right where he was even if it was his own ruination. 
“Crowds make me nervous,” he blurted out, smart enough to know you were teasing him but not quite brave enough to admit it. It seems like the Gryffindor within him couldn’t compete with the pretty girl standing between his legs.
Your smile made his breath catch in his throat. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he rasped as your hand fell to his chest, feeling his pounding heart beneath your palm before your hand slid down to intertwine with his.
“You wanna go somewhere a little more quiet?” 
And before he could even process the question, the words left his lips.
“Lead the way.” 
His drink was left abandoned on the bar counter as he let you pull him through the crowd of dancing witches and wizards. His eyes never strayed away from you, his attention completely locked on you as you led him down a dimly lit corridor before you reached a fire exit door and quickly pushed it open, leading him outside before the door closed behind you. 
He glanced around, picking up on the small space as the light chill brushed against his heated cheeks. It seemed like it was a back alley, blocked off from the main street. The space was decorated with some old, battered sofas and chairs but there was an odd sense of comradery in the air.
“Are we allowed to be back here?” he asked, taking a few steps deeper into the back alley. 
“Legally? No,” you stated simply, grinning at the way his head swivelled around to meet your gaze. “But that’s why it’s so fun.” 
“You’re confident we won’t get caught?” 
“Also no.” 
Remus huffed out a little laugh. It was almost like you were reading out the marauders motto and he found his chest tightening a little at the idea. 
He watched as you sauntered across the space, falling back onto one of the cracked leather sofas and grinned up at him. You patted the spot next to you, eyebrows raising a little in your offer and he couldn’t find it within himself to deny you. 
Remus settled into the spot next to you, his thigh pressed against your thigh and his shoulder pressed against your shoulder. He could feel his body tensing at the touch, his hands laying on his lap in tight fists as he cleared his throat a little to distract him from the way his stomach twisted in delight at the lack of space between you. 
“Relax, Remus,” you spoke softly, arm stretching out along the back of the sofa as your hand rested on his shoulder.
“You got something to help me relax?” he joked, though it came off a little flat with his shaky voice but you laughed regardless.
“Is that all you need to let me see the real Remus?” you questioned, bottom lip tucked between your teeth. 
His eyes caught the movement, body working on autopilot when his brain went blank with an array of thoughts that made him want to squirm in his seat. “Maybe so.”
“You should’ve told me earlier,” you grinned at him, watching as his eyes went comically wide as you reached into your bra, only to pull out a joint a few seconds later. “Got a light?” 
“Uh, no,” he murmured as he watched you place the joint between your lips. You raised your brows and Remus leaned forwards slightly, whispering a charm under his breath until the end of the joint lit up in a soft orange.
“Guess the nerd aesthetic isn’t for show,” you teased, taking a deep inhale before softly blowing out the smoke. “Good to see you got the looks and the brains, Remus.” 
But the boy could barely reply, just simply content to lay his head back on the back of the sofa and watch you. The way your body was twisted, turned towards him with your legs tucked underneath you. The way your painted lips wrapped around the joint, staining the rolling paper with the colour of your lipstick but it drove him even more mad to see the marks. Even the way your hair fell across your face, a mind of his own as the light breeze softly grazed your skin, goosebumps raised on your arms but you only grinned when he offered to charm a heating spell over you.
He was completely and utterly enamoured about you, and he couldn’t bring himself to even care or bother hiding it.
“You think you can handle a hit, big boy?” you asked, a dangerous look on your face that told Remus you could’ve asked him anything and he would’ve agreed to it. 
He nodded his head, eyes dipping down to your lipstick-stained joint before he lifted his hand to take it from you, but you acted quicker than the werewolf. 
Before he could even process it, you had swung your legs over him and planted yourself on his lap. Your smile widened when you saw the way his cheeks flushed, his hands instantly dropping to your waist and holding onto you, almost like he was scared you were going to jump off his lap. 
“Be a good boy f’me, okay?” you murmured before bringing the joint to your lips, taking a deep inhale and keeping the smoke in your mouth. 
Your eyes never looked away from him as you gripped his chin, watching his lips part just enough for you to lean down and slowly blow the smoke into his mouth. 
The boy beneath you let out a soft groan, your lips brushing against his and his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you a little closer. 
“Keep it there,” you ordered him softly, nose nudging against his as you watched his face. As you watched the way his eyes started to water slightly and his lips trembled and only then did you whisper again. “Let it out.”
His breaths were a little shaky as he stared up at you, eyes a little hooded and hazy as your hand still gripped his chin. You murmured a soft praise under your breath, thumb fanning over his pouty lips but it wasn’t enough. 
“Please,” he let out, his voice low and guttural and fuck, you couldn’t lie at the way your stomach clenched a little at the sound. 
“Such a gentleman, Remus,” you murmured before you threw the joint somewhere behind you on the ground, both hands grabbing his face before you pressed your lips against his. 
The boy shamelessly moaned against your lips, squeezing your hips as his lips began to move against yours. It was slow and lazy at first, no rush as your tongue teased him before you deepened the kiss. And then the pace started picking up and your hands were running up and down his chest, along his neck and through his hair and Remus felt like he was going to fucking explode. 
The way your fingers tangled in his messy brown hair, tugging his head to the side before your head dipped down to kiss along the expanse of his neck and jaw, nibbling on the skin softly just to hear the way he whimpered into your ear when your teeth bit down on the spot just below his ear. 
But no matter how passionately you kissed him and no matter how much he moaned, his hands never swayed away your hips. They stayed firmly planted at your sides, squeezing whenever you did anything that made his head fucking spin but they never moved. 
He didn’t want to push your boundaries or cross a line you didn’t want. The boy could barely comprehend the super hot witch grinding against his lap and kissing him until he couldn’t breathe, he wasn’t about to ruin it with wandering hands. 
But then you pulled away, lips red and swollen, and gave him a look that made his jeans feel tight around his cock. 
“Do you want to fuck or not?” you asked bluntly, eyes darkened by desire and lust for the werewolf beneath you. 
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly,” he blurted out, cheeks tinted pink by his confession but it was the least of his problem when a smirk split across your face. 
“Then touch me like you mean it,” you said as you slid your hands over his, guiding them along your sides and up your stomach until both hands rested over your tits. “Get it?” 
“Got it,” he confirmed with a nod of his head, hooded eyes stuck on your chest as he gave your tits an experimental squeeze. 
“C’mon, Remus,” you murmured as you leaned down to kiss along his jaw and towards his ear, lips brushing against him as your warm breath fanned over his skin. “Show me your wild side.”
Remus couldn’t get enough of you from that point on. Maybe it was the liquid courage. Maybe it was the weed that finally relaxed him. Or maybe it was that Gryffindor courage that finally made him get his head out of his ass and take what he wanted. 
Because he wanted you. Fuck, he wanted you badly. He wanted you the second he first laid his eyes on you and now here you were, sitting on his lap and practically ordering him to touch you, and he honestly thought he was seconds away from waking up from the best dream in his life but this was real. 
You were real. 
And Merlin, did Remus want to bask in every fucking moment of attention you gave him.
“Fuck,” you whispered between kisses, your fingers tugging the fabric of his knitted sweater over his head. “You taste like chocolate.” 
He lifted his hands, letting you chuck the sweater to the side before his hands were all over you again. The way he wrapped his arms around you, tugging you closer to him as your head dipped down to press kisses along his scars. The way his hands grabbed your ass, groaning at the way your jeans fitted you because it was just another thing added to your list of many perfections. 
“Are you particularly attached to this top?” he asked breathlessly, fingers digging into your thighs as he impatiently tugged on the denim fabric. 
Your hands moved to the button of your jeans, your belt already long gone and your jeans soon following. “Not really—” 
You hadn’t even finished talking before the sound of fabric ripping echoed against the brick walls of the back alley, your top now in shred and abandoned to the side before Remus’ face was nuzzled between your tits, his hands groping any inch of skin his lips couldn’t kiss. 
“Fucking knew it,” you moaned as your head fell back, nails digging into his shoulders as he began to leave pretty purple marks along the swells of your tits. “Wild side.” 
“Just wanna make you feel good,” he muttered as a pathetic defence, but defending his honour was the last thing on his mind when he could feel the fabric of your soaked panties pressed against the bulge of his jeans. 
Remus whined when you pulled away, even if it was for a short few moments to shed the remainder of the pieces of clothing keeping you away from each other. But then you were grabbing his face once again, fingers pressing into his cheeks as he stared up at you with wide eyes. 
“You gonna let me fuck you, baby?” 
He nodded. 
“You gonna make me feel good?” 
He nodded again. 
“Good,” you murmured before kissing him senseless, letting your moans be muffled by his lips against yours as you reached down to stroke his cock. He whined and bucked against your touch, letting out a pathetic whimper when you squeezed his tip before you slowly sunk down on him, eyes falling shut and curse words leaving your parted lips. 
“Shit,” he hissed, squeezing your hips as he watched himself disappear inside you. “You feel…so fucking good, sweetheart.” 
“Fuck, Remus,” you breathed out, nails digging into his shoulders but he couldn’t even bring himself to care about the sting of pain. Not when you were squeezing around his cock, making the werewolf whine in response. “That’s it, baby, let me hear it.”
The idea of silencing charms and spells were the last thing on either of your minds. It wouldn’t take long to do, maybe less than thirty seconds. But you would be lying if he didn’t fucking love the idea that anybody could walk through that fire door and catch you both. That anybody could come out here and see the flustered, needy boy beneath you. That anybody could see the way he begged for your touch, your kisses, your filthy words whispered in his ear.
“Remus,” you moaned, your words seeming to get choked up in your throat as you bounced up and down on his cock, as you listened to the way he whined about how good you felt. “Fuck, that’s it, baby, just like that.” 
He could feel the way you were clenching around him. He could see the way your eyes were fluttering shut, breathless remarks made as you tried to catch your breath but he knew you were struggling. Your legs starting to shake and your nails digging further into skin and you were close, so fucking close but you just—” 
You could barely comprehend the wizard below you as he lifted you, his hips bucking up into you at a relentless speed that made it difficult to fight the orgasm washing over you. You whined as he kept going, kept fucking you as stars started to dance in your vision and your muscles tensed but he never stopped. Never stopped fucking you until you were whining his name. 
Your hands laid on his chest, your own lungs heaving for air as you rolled your hips against his, biting back the whimpers of pleasure that wanted to escape. “You didn’t—”
“Wanted to make you feel good,” he whispered as he kissed you, soft and chaste kisses that were pressed along your neck and chest as he continued to speak. “Wanna see you come again. You look so pretty when you come.” 
“Fuck,” you murmured as his hands on your hips started to move you on his cock again. “Remus, I can’t—”
“Shhh, relax,” he whispered between kisses. “Let me make you feel so fucking good, sweetheart.” 
And you didn’t have it within you to argue when he shifted you with unreasonably ease, picking you up like you weighed nothing until your back was pressed against the tattered leather sofa and he was crawling above you, kissing up your stomach and between your tits before he met your lips once again. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist like instinct, ankles locked behind his back as he slowly guided his cock back inside you with a guttural groan, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck as he slowly began to thrust. 
“Right there, baby, right there,” the words left your lips in breathless praises, seeming to spur the boy on as he gripped your hips, his tempo speeding up shit. “Shit, yes!” 
“Fuck,” Remus whined, his cock hard and desperate for release. He didn’t know how much longer he could last inside you, last with your nails raking down his back and face scrunched up as your second orgasm was so close. He couldn’t help himself as a hand disappeared between your bodies, pressing his thumb against your swollen clit and watching as your lips parted in a silent scream as you came, him following you seconds after. 
It took you a few minutes to ground yourself. To catch your breath and open your eyes, taking in your surroundings before you glanced down at the boy laying on your chest, his arms wrapped around you and soft kisses pressed on your skin that made your heart swell. 
“Did you really throw your joint on the floor?” 
The question caught you off guard before you laughed, your fingers running through his hair before he lifted his head up to look at you. “Want another hit?” 
“No, I just—” Remus flashed you a sheepish smile. “I felt bad, don’t want you to waste it.” 
“You’re quite adorable, aren’t you?” you commented casually, and despite the fact this boy had just given you two of the best orgasms of your life, he still had the audacity to blush at the simple compliment. 
“Thank you,” he murmured before pausing. “I think.”
“It was a compliment, Remus,” you hummed as you pushed some of his hair away from his face, eyes scanning the small details you hadn’t noticed before. The small scars you couldn’t see unless you were up close, or the freckles sprinkled along the bridge of his nose or apples of his cheeks. “More people oughta tell you how pretty you are.” 
He let out a slightly nervous laugh. “I don’t think anyone has ever called me pretty before.” 
“Tragic,” you muttered before smiling at him. “I guess I gotta change that.” 
His mood seemed to perk up a little. “You mean like…you’d wanna do this again?” 
“You don’t?” you teased.
“No, I do!” he blurted out before clearing his throat. “I-I would love to see you again.” 
“Good, because I wanna see how many other pretty ways I can make you blush, baby.”
And fuck, there were many ways a girl as pretty as you could make Remus Lupin blush.
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georgie-weasley · 6 months
Grinch Young R.L. x GN!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of depression, mentions of poverty, and just disliking Christmas
Word Count: 2.8k
Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Gender Neutral Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: Christmas was quickly approaching and everyone was excited but you. As the residential Grinch you were not looking forward to the holiday but turns out Remus Lupin is a Grinch as well.
A/N: Hello all! This is my first fic back after a break and I'm really glad to be back. Thank you to everyone who is still reading my stories and I love you all. Also this was inspired by my disliking of Christmas so I projected on the reader and Remus a smidge.
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Christmas had exploded around Hogwarts. Pine trees were set up in just about every corner in every single room in the castle. Trees were taller than most of the students and covered in brightly colored baubles and tinsel and magic balls of light that changed color every minute. Garlands and wreaths covered the stone walls and the smell of gingerbread followed the students everywhere they went. The suits of armor broke out into Christmas songs and danced anytime someone passed by. The Great Hall was by far the most decorated part of Hogwarts with festive table runners, stockings hung on the fireplace, large real snowflakes on every surface enchanted to never melt, and the magical ceiling was snowing. It was horrible.
You had never been one to get into the Christmas spirit. The songs were annoying and wormed their way into your brain and never left. The decorations were everywhere and followed you around, literally while at Hogwarts. People were just insanely obsessed with Christmas and overly happy. They were happy to the point of it being creepy and fake and weird.
Possibly the worst was just how excited all of your friends seemed to be. James Potter, sunshine incarnate and your best friend, loved Christmas. He loved everything you hated about it. In fact, James had been talking about Christmas since the beginning of November and he never let you escape it.
“Happy 10th day of Christmas Y/N!” James’s bright and cheerful smile popped up between you and your book. The sudden appearance of his face made you jump, smacking him a little with your book.
“James! You absolute asshole! I’m trying to read.” You huffed and shoved him away as you tried to turn back to your book. The common room was quiet and the perfect place to read until now.
James only rolled his eyes and wedged himself into the miniscule space between you and the arm of the couch. “You know there is an entire couch open? Actually the whole common room is open but you had to sit practically on my lap?”
“Well yeah,” James chuckled as he tore the book out of your grasp and fully moved himself onto your lap. “I have to tell you what I want for Christmas! This year I want Lily Evans to date me.”
“Fat chance buddy. You’ve been wishing for that since you were 13. Give it a rest.” With one hard push, James fell off of your lap and onto the rug with a loud thud. “Besides, don’t you know you don’t get your Christmas wish if you tell it to the Grinch.”
James just looked at you with a wild smirk. “Then I suppose I’ll have to sing a song to reverse the curse!” He then burst into song, singing the Twelve Days of Christmas at the top of his lungs. You clamped your hands over your ears but nothing managed to block out the horrible sounds coming from James until the portrait opened and a figure sped by and body slammed James.
Sirius pulled James into a headlock while Peter quickly sprinted over and sat on James’s chest. “Please Prongs, we’ve talked about this. You can’t sing. Don’t ever try to do it again.” While James struggled to break free from Sirius and Peter, the fourth marauder sat in the open space next to you, his eyes already on his book.
You knew Sirius, Peter, and Remus but not like you knew James. Yes they were friends with your best friend but you never spoke to them unless it was for class or James made you. There was nothing wrong with the three of them. Actually, quite the opposite. You loved them and loved hearing stories about them but you never ran in the same circles. In fact, you didn’t see James as much as you used to either. You had grown up next door to him and as kids you two were always together. It’s not that you two aren’t friends anymore because clearly you are, you just don’t see him around as much.
James found Sirius, Remus, and Peter and never left them. You found your own friends and spent more time on your studies than James ever could. Sirius was fine and you waved to him in the halls. Peter would wave if he was with James or Sirius but not on his own. Remus never really acknowledged you. However, that never stopped you from looking at him. Since James had become friends with Remus Lupin, you were drawn to him. He was quiet just about all of the time but that didn’t mean he wasn’t sassy. You heard the way he would call out James and it was cutthroat. He was tall and handsome and rather mysterious in a way. Not to mention he was smart and was always seen with a book.
“Hey Grinch!” James's voice came from somewhere on the floor.
“What?” You and Remus both said. At the same time, you looked away from Remus as he looked away from his book to find James. Hearing Remus, you then looked at him while he looked at you.
For only a second, no one moved or spoke until James broke the silence. “Right, sorry. Forgot there’s two of ya. Moony?” Remus slowly tore his gaze away from yours to look at his friend who had continued speaking but you could hear none of it.
That was an interesting development. You had assumed James was talking to you since not only does he know about your distaste for Christmas but you called yourself Grinch not very long ago. But Remus also responded so Remus must also not be the biggest fan of Christmas. Otherwise, there would have been no reason for James to call him that or for him to respond.
The night slowly grew darker and while more and more students arrived in the common room, Remus never left the spot next to you. James, Sirius, and Peter eventually left to find some poor soul to bother but Remus remained, his nose still in his book. Honestly, it was making you a little nervous at this point. The man has hardly ever spoken to you since you were introduced back in third year. It's been three years since then and it wasn’t like you were much closer than before.
“You don’t like Christmas?” Remus mumbled, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. He sounded almost disinterested.
“Yeah, I think it’s quite dumb to be honest.” You expected him to respond, like people usually do when having a conversation but he didn’t. He just hummed a little and went back to his book. “You don’t like it either?” If he wasn’t going to continue then maybe you would just have to make him. It brought almost a sense of hope thinking about the fact that maybe someone else wasn’t enjoying the season. You didn’t want someone to wallow around with but to have someone that wasn’t going to complain about your less than thrilled outlook would be really nice.
“I don’t. Never have.” Remus didn’t even bother taking his eyes off of his book as he answered. It could have been just your imagination but you thought you could just hardly see him smile. He suddenly closed his book and stood, his arm brushing yours in the process. Remus made it to the base of the stairs before he turned back around to look at you. “Hey Grinch.” As soon as you turned and he could see your face, he smiled. “See you later.”
At the Gryffindor table later that week, you had once again been minding your own business when James interrupted you. He sat across from you and smirked, reaching over to poke your arm. “Happy 14th day of Christmas, Grinch Number Two.”
“How come I’m the second?” You said with a roll of your eyes before you continued eating your breakfast.
“Because Remus is number one.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well, I disagree. I knew you first.”
James hummed and shrugged. “I’ll take that into consideration. Did you talk to him after we all left?”
“Did you set that up James?” You asked with narrow eyes.
“No, I just simply called him the nickname I always give him this time of year which just so happens to be the same as yours and I assumed he would mention something about it to you after. Did he?” He leaned forward, eagerly awaiting your answer.
“Yes.” James let out a cheer at your answer, getting him some weird looks from the whole room since he was so loud. Before you could chastise him for being so loud and obnoxious, Remus sat next to you. Which was very odd since before last night, he’s never sat next to you.
Immediately, James got up and moved further down the table to bother Lily. “Are you going home for Christmas?” Remus asked as soon as James was out of earshot. “The final day to sign up to stay here is Saturday.”
“Will you be staying?” You asked.
Remus nodded. “I stay every year.” He opened his mouth and closed it a few times before he evidently decided he didn’t want to say anything and kept it shut.
You could have gone home and while it would have been nice to be with family, you never actually stayed at the castle for Christmas. Now might be a good chance to do it. “I think I’ll stay. I go home every year; my family can survive without me for one year.”
He smiled and started adding food to his plate. “I’m glad you’ll be staying.” You were too busy trying to hide the blush on your cheeks to notice the blush on his.
As the holiday neared closer and closer, everyone got happier and happier. Well, everyone but you and Remus. While James and Sirius, who were also staying at Hogwarts, were planning a Christmas party and singing songs, you and Remus bonded over the opposite.
His least favorite song was We Wish You a Merry Christmas, he thought Santa was beyond creepy, and he found the smell of pine to be overpowering. You sat together at meals and laughed at people who were wearing festive outfits. He made you smile as he made faces behind peoples’ backs as they gushed over holiday traditions. On more than one occasion, he shoved James into a pile of snow when he was being too cheery. Remus Lupin was bringing you a lot of joy this season and you were not the only one to notice it.
James made it a point to tell you that this was the happiest he had ever seen both of you around this time of year. In fact, it almost looked like you were enjoying Christmas. You had scoffed at that and then proceeded to shove him into some snow but he did have a point. Remus was making you really happy and it's hard to be a grinch when you’re happy.
But it was nice being happy around the holiday and it was even nicer that Remus was the one making you so happy. You always found him attractive and you knew he was smart and funny but now you got to know just how sweet he was. Yes, he was poking fun at other people but he was doing it purely for your entertainment. He admitted one night after you two had made fun of a particularly ugly Christmas sweater that he never does this; he just liked hearing you laugh. Which made your insides turn into jelly and you couldn’t stop smiling. You also learned that he liked the same books as you and he was so passionate about reading.
He was extremely loyal to his friends and would do anything for them. He wasn’t great at expressing his feelings but he tried his best to let the people close to him know they were loved. He was brutally honest especially when it came to James and Sirius; he was always telling them how stupid they looked or when they were acting like idiots. You felt like a cliche Christmas romance movie but you were falling in love.
It was Christmas Eve and James had insisted all seven of the Gryffindors who had stayed needed to sleep in the common room. It was a tradition you two used to have as kids. The night before Christmas you two would sleep on the floor in the living room in front of the tree; you kept up with that tradition until you went to Hogwarts.
Of course before that, there was a party. It was nothing insane like the parties Sirius and James threw after winning a Quidditch game but it was still a party. There were snacks, drinks, games, and Christmas music, much to yours and Remus’s disappointment. You mingled for a while, which is more than Remus could say. He sat on one of the loveseats and only moved to grab more snacks. James tried to get him to play pin the nose on Rudolph but it was easy to guess how that went. While you also didn’t join in on the festive games, you stayed to watch. Sirius managed to get the nose perfectly on Rudolph which made James accuse him of cheating to which Sirius tackled him for ‘insulting his honor’. He confessed to cheating ten minutes later.
Many more games went on like that and after the fifth one, you found Remus still on the loveseat. As you approached, he moved so there would be more space for you. You sat in silence for a while before he spoke up. “Why do you hate Christmas, really?”
You had told him once you didn’t like the music and yes that’s true but it's not the only reason. “I guess I just don’t like how happy people pretend to be. There’s real genuine happiness like James but so many people aren’t happy. Life is horrible and nothing is going right but as soon as it's December, they pretend. It's ok to be unhappy during the holidays; you don’t have to pretend life is perfect just because it's Christmas.” You looked at Remus only to find him watching you. “Can I ask why you don’t like Christmas?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I never really had a good Christmas. My mom really struggled to be happy around this time of year, especially after…”
“After you became a werewolf?” His eyes grew wide and he started to shake. “No one told me,” you whispered and put a hand on his arm to calm him. “You just were always missing on the full moon and sometimes the day after. I figured it out. I don’t think of you differently.”
Remus took a minute to process the fact that you knew his deepest secret before he continued his story. “Yes, after I was bitten my mother was horribly depressed around Christmas. I think it made her remember everything and she couldn’t be happy. It also was harder for my parents to get money after since no one really wanted to be around us. I saw my parents struggle all month to save money to get me a gift. My mother especially would go without dinner just to waste money on some stupid toy. After seeing that, well it makes it hard to like Christmas.”
Your hand found his and you intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m sorry Remus.”
He shrugged a little and watched your hand as his thumb stroked yours. “It isn’t your fault. Actually, you’ve made this the best Christmas I’ve ever had.” He smiled and looked up at you, his cheeks a dusty rose.
“You’ve made this my best Christmas as well.” It was then something bumped your head, causing you to look up. Behind the loveseat was James who had tied some mistletoe to a stick and was holding it over your head. Remus followed your gaze and sighed, rolling his eyes. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Do you want to?” Remus whispered. You knew James could hear every word you were saying despite him pretending not to listen but you didn’t really care.
“Yes.” You hardly finished the word before Remus leaned down and brought his lips to yours. Immediately your arms wrapped around his neck and brought him closer if it was even possible. His hands found your waist, lips moving against yours in perfect sync. Unfortunately, the kiss had to end so you could breathe.
Remus nudged your nose with his. “Now it’s the best Christmas ever.”
@100gaysnails @weasleybuns @s1aaaaayyyyyyyt @steelthistle @jsjcue @Andy200700 @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @daisydark @creepybloodykitty2 @avatheveela @themarauderswife7 @mintyme101
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thebibutterflyao3 · 5 months
Day 22 - Prompt: Rough @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 907 words
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Remus smirked at last night’s texting conversation with Sirius, which was temporarily interrupted by Regulus and James.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: I disagree. The Greeks may be visionaries, but the Romans were revolutionaries.
Remus: Just because they built fancy streets and aqueducts?
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: Their infrastructure lasted centuries!
Remus: So? They plagiarised their entire religion and stole both of those concepts from other cultures.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: They improved them!
Remus: That’s hardly objective evidence.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: It doesn’t aldnbnsmzm.,,
Remus: Are you okay?
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: omg u r talking ancient civ shite
Remus: ?
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: This is pathetic. Both of you are twats.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: be nice reg
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: ✨No.✨
Remus: Both of you stfu and give Sirius back his phone.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: This is an intervention. Grow a pair and shag already.
Remus: Like you & James? Go on, let’s hear all about it.
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: Piss off.
Remus: Slag. What did you do to Sirius?
Padfoot’s Dad🐶: James is sitting on him. He says that he’s very wiggly.
Remus: Tell Sirius to call me when he’s free.
He hadn’t heard from Sirius since, which he assumed meant that they confiscated his phone during their rather rough “intervention.” It amused him to see Regulus was still a menace even after James won him over. Sirius’s silence was less so.
After a quick check of social media revealed that the Black brothers were at a familiar pub, Remus hauled himself off of his sofa and showered. He’d call Lily on the way. She was usually up for a night out. If nothing else, he would get to watch Sirius dance again. That was worth the effort.
When he followed Lily into the pub, the bass pounding through the speakers slapped him upside the head. It was loud. Lily clapped excitedly, then dragged him toward the bar.
“Love this song!” she shouted over the din.
Remus recognised it as one by Billie Eilish and shook his head. Lily enjoyed any pop song that she could dance to, but sassy lyrics sucked her right in. He was just glad that she didn’t demand he dance with her. No one wanted that level of awkward on the dance floor.
After he’d bought the first round, Lily disappeared into the crowd with the promise to check in every hour. It was their standard protocol. Remus had a tendency to wander off and forget that she drove him here, after a few rounds.
“Remus!” Mary called, waving as she made her way through the crowd.
He grinned and waved back. Mary was a uni friend that never went back home. She and Lily clicked right away and had been nearly inseparable ever since. By the time she reached him, he’d already ordered her a dirty martini.
“Thank you, love! If you’re here, Lils must be around?”
“Yeah, she just headed that way,” he said, pointing her toward the DJ. “Are you here on your own?”
Mary shook her head, her glossy halo of dark curls bouncing freely. “No, Alice and Tillie are with me. Over there.”
He followed her hand to the row of booths along the wall and was delighted to find Sirius, James, and Regulus chatting with the girls. That was too convenient to dismiss. Remus followed Mary to the booth and listened closely as she explained their plan for the evening.
“After here, we’re heading downtown to the Grim, then to Frank's Place to sober up.”
“Good plan.”
Mary bounded ahead of him and sidled up to Alice, then plopped in her lap. When Remus reached the table, James waved enthusiastically, then scooped Regulus up one-handed and slid over to free up a seat. Regulus didn’t even break eye contact with his brother as he settled onto James’s thighs. Sirius was chatting animatedly when he slid in next to James, but then stopped mid-sentence and stared.
“Remus?” he said, blinking rapidly. “What are you doing here?”
“Lily and I come by regularly.” Remus turned and pointed out the redhead, who had joined a group of girls in a dance circle. “We usually meet up with Mary at some point.”
Mary nodded. “Lils drags him out of his flat at least once a week.”
“But last week, she came alone.”
“No, she didn’t. I was here,” Remus said, shaking his head. He pointed to a booth on the other side of the club.
Sirius groaned and rubbed his hand over his face. “You have to be fucking kidding me.”
“Caught the Sirius and Lily show, did you?” James teased, leaning in to bump Remus’s shoulder. “It was certainly something, wasn’t it?”
Remus hid his smirk behind his drink. It was something alright. She and Sirius were both pissed and grinding on each other pretty intensely, which was hot enough on its own, but then Mary joined them. He’d stayed hidden in a back booth to hide his tenting trousers.
“You said I wasn’t that bad!” Sirius accused, jabbing James’s shoulder.
Regulus swatted his brother away with a threatening look when James winced. “That’s his sore arm, you prick!”
“It wasn’t bad. Just a little…”
“A little nothing, James!” Mary chimed in, shimmying her shoulders. “It was very sexy!”
Sirius was clearly mortified, though Remus couldn’t understand why. He spent the entire evening wishing he had an ounce of Sirius’s rhythm and even a smidge of Lily’s courage.
What I wouldn’t give to be in her shoes that night.
Next Part>>>
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impishtubist · 4 months
Prompt: Three times Sirius almost murdered someone in public over his fame and one time he tried to use his fame to his advantage (and failed) - bonus points if he was trying to bone someone😬
So, confession time: I actually started writing this prompt when you first gave it to me, without the boning part, so now I feel weird that the "failed" portion of the ficlet involves a child and does not involve boning 🤣
That being said, I think that someone *cough cough* could write a 5 + 1 ficlet about Sirius trying to get laid, and he fails 5 times because no one is impressed with his fame, and succeeds once because, idk, Kingsley is more famous than he is. ANYWAY. Here is your fic. It's very dumb and unedited. Enjoy.
“Mr. Black!”
“Lord Black!”
Shit. Sirius shoves his list into his pocket and pops the collar of his coat in an effort to shield most of his face from the cameras. He’d purposely come to Diagon at ass-o’clock on a Sunday, hoping to get his shopping out of the way before the crowds arrived. He’d managed to get gifts for everyone on his list, too, except for Harry.
Harry is the one he always has the hardest time shopping for, because the gifts have to be perfect. He accepts nothing less for his son. 
And now the paparazzi have spotted him, which means that he has to put off shopping for Harry until another day. He briefly contemplates setting the street (and the reporters) on fire as a distraction, but that would only draw more attention.
Instead, he ducks down an alley and Apparates home.
Harry glances over his shoulder, and quickly pales. “Uh, Sirius…”
“Don’t tell me,” Sirius sighs.
“We’ve in the fucking Maldives.” 
“They have reporters in the Maldives.”
Sirius glares at him, and Harry gives him an innocent smile. “They’re here for you, too, Potter.”
“I didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive by Witch Weekly this year. They’re here for you.” 
Sirius twirls his wand between his fingers, eyeing the approaching reporters warily. “Do you think I can transform them all into rabbits?”
“I don’t think Remus will bail you out of jail again. Aunt Andy said she wouldn’t, either.”
“Kingsley might.”
“Yeah, because he’s asked you to marry him three times and you keep turning him down. He’d do anything for you.”
“He would, wouldn’t he?”
Harry’s nose wrinkles. “Gross, Sirius.”
Sirius winks. “It’s the Black charm, Harry.”
“Yeah, well, can the Black charm get us out of here unnoticed and without any murder? I want some lunch.” 
Sirius steps into Remus’s office, and the whole room falls silent, sixteen pairs of eyes staring at him in astonishment.
“Er,” he says eloquently, “hello.”
Pandemonium breaks out after that, students clamoring for his autograph and his photograph and wanting to shake his hand. If he’d known that Remus held office hours at six o’clock on a Thursday of all days, he wouldn’t have stopped by to visit his friend after the Board of Governors meeting let out. 
“I’m going to kill you,” he mutters under his breath at one point, while three awestruck first-years try to get his attention. 
“No, you won’t,” Remus says cheerfully. “You need your best man intact for the wedding.”
“Mummy, I can’t see!” 
“Shh, darling.”
“But I can’t. He’s too tall.”
“Here, Melinda, why don’t you sit on Mama’s lap? That will help you be taller, won’t it?”
There’s some shuffling, and then a huff. “I still can’t see.”
Sirius can’t help it. Curious, he twists around in his seat to find a young girl glaring at him. She can’t be older than Lily Luna, and she’s dressed in a frilly princess dress for the show. Her mothers gape at him.
“Oh!” the one holding Melinda exclaims. “Oh, Lord Black, I am so sorry--”
“It’s quite alright,” he says, giving Melinda the patented and dazzling Black smile. She remains unmoved. “I am very tall, aren’t I?”
“I wanna see the dancing,” Melinda pouts.
“Why don’t we switch?” Kingsley suggests, and he swaps seats with Sirius. 
“You’re too tall, too,” Melinda informs him. “Mummy, can I sit on your shoulders?”
“No, baby, I don’t think the theater would like that very much.”
“But how am I supposed to see Clara?” Melinda demands. “And the dancing?” 
“We’ll switch seats with you,” Sirius says, and both of Melinda’s mothers look mortified.
“Oh, no, Lord Black--”
“We couldn’t possibly--”
“I insist,” he says, getting up, and Kingsley follows him. The two women get up after a moment’s hesitation and take their seats, Melinda on one lap. “Is that better, my lady?”
“Yes,” Melinda says, not sparing him a glance. 
“Melinda,” one of her mothers scolds. “What do we say?”
Melinda turns around to look at Sirius. “What’s your name?”
Her nose wrinkles. “That’s a funny name.”
“Thank you, Sirius,” Melinda says primly, and then she turns around again, Sirius utterly forgotten.
Her mothers are bright red. Sirius leans forward.
“My granddaughter is five,” he says to them. “I've never been so humbled in my life.”
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jupiter-mylove · 9 months
-This man definitely gives piggy back rides, he doesn’t care if you think your heavy or anything. He would sprint through the halls carrying you in his back if you said you were tired.
-He’s a really good cook. He isn’t Gordon Ramsey but he can make home cooked meals almost as good as his momma. Man would totally make Alfredo or some kind of pasta for your first date.
-If you play quidditch on the Gryffindor team he would make sure you didn’t have practice while you were on your period (if you have one!) or if your sick
-If you wear his clothes he will pull you onto his lap, and show it off. Loves when people know your his <3
-Always makes sure he has a book with him that you might like, especially on the train or during classes. Will definitely annotate books and gift them to you so you can read the book and all his silly thoughts with it
-Would be so scared to tell you about his lycanthropy but will be super happy and grateful that you weren’t mad. He loves you and wants to be able to be honest but didn’t know how to break the news.
-Would always help you with your homework. Even if you don’t ask, he’s gonna proofread you essays and double check your astronomy charts.
-GIVES THE BEST MASSAGES! If your stuff after a long day, he will legit sit you down, massage your shoulders, and kiss your neck while asking about your day.
-Cuddle bug right here, he always wants to be cuddled up next to you, on the common room couch, train compartment, three broomsticks booth, bench in the great hall, or by the black lake.
-Kisses are a must, if you haven’t had at least five kisses by breakfast he’s afraid you might die. James, Remus, and Peter tried to get him to do a prank and miss breakfast and he whined the whole time because he "didn’t get a second good morning kiss."
-At parties (especially his annual famous birthday party) he makes you dance with him so much. Every song, all night, every kind of dance. He somehow knows all the lyrics to every song they play and will sing the night away. Don’t let him get started on karaoke, though.
Peter (no I won’t exclude him, he’s a marauder too)
-Peter is the kind of guy that would take care of you when your sick. He goes full mum mode and brings you soup, checks your temp, and makes sure you get rest.
-He makes sure that the boys don’t prank you too bad, but if they do and you prank them back he would team up with you so he didn’t get on your bad side.
-I personally headcannon Peter to be neurodivergent and I think he would have trouble focusing in classes and things. He would lace your fingers together and play with your jewelry in class.
-Peter is really sweet and would never forget a date, special day, or anniversary. He brings you sunflowers to all of the dates, and charms them to not wilt
(A/N this is my first post on here! I have been in the marauders fandom for three years and the hp fandom for 12 years. I love all of these characters. I will write for the marauders era girls, regulus/+skittles, poly!marauders, golden trio era, and other fandoms if requested!)
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Happy birthday, Padfoot!
My favourite boy, my darling, who deserved so much better than canon ever gave him. Good thing we can give him just that.
Today’s @wolfstarmicrofic maybe? The prompt is Happy Birthday of course.
Sort of nsfw-adjacent under the cut.
Sirius hears the stairs creaking, the shuffle of feet outside the door. There’s the sound of whispered voices and then the door is pushed open and Sirius closes his eyes quickly.
Harry’s sort of shouted whisper carries across the room and Sirius forces himself not to smile as he makes a low, exaggerated snore, pretending to be asleep.
“Go on then,” comes Remus’ voice and Sirius can hear the amusement, the fondness, there. ”But Harry, be care–”
There’s the sound of hurried footsteps and then the dip of the bed followed by-
”–ful,” Remus finishes and Sirius finds himself with a sharp elbow against his side and an excited four-year-old on his chest.
“Oof,” he groans, opening his eyes to see Harry’s bright green eyes swimming only inches away from his own face. 
“HELLO!” Harry shouts, ”WAKE UP PA’FOOT, WAKE UP!”
Sirius laughs, unable not to, pushing the boy away gently as he sits himself up, but without letting him get too far.
”Merlin, Harry. I know I’m getting older but I’m not deaf yet.”
”But it’s your birthday!” The boy insists with a loud and excited sort of whisper this time, as he slides off Sirius lap to settle cross-legged on the bed next to him. ”Aren’t you excited?”
Sirius smiles fondly, ruffling the boy’s hair.
”Sure I am, sprog,” he grins, looking up to see Remus at the foot of the bed, watching them both with a soft sort of smile. ”Hey.”
”Hey Pads,” replies Remus as he sets the tray down on the bedside table before leaning down, kissing Sirius softly and murmuring against his lips. ”Harry birthday.”
”Thanks,” Sirius murmurs, warmth spreading through him at the adoration in the other man’s eyes, but then Harry’s climbing on top of him again, inserting himself between the two of them with the practiced ease only a four-year-old could muster.
”You have presents, Pa’foot. I’ll help you open them! And cake, there’s cake. For breakfast!”
Sirius laughs, letting go of Remus a little reluctantly to wrap an arm around the boy in his lap instead, using his free hand to tickle him.
”What? Cake for breakfast? That can’t be right, it’s not your birthday, Hare-bear. It must be only for me.”
”No!” Harry protests with a giggle and a squirm, ”It’s for all of us, Moony said.”
”But it’s not Moony’s birthday,” Sirius teases, glancing at his husband who’s merely watching them both amusedly. ”I think I call the shots today, it’s my birthday after all.”
”Nah-uh,” Harry gasps, stumbling over the words as he shuffles around to seek refuge from the tickling with Remus instead. ”Moony decides because he said so.”
”Oh did he now?” Sirius murmurs, arching a brow as he looks up at Remus through lowered lashes, the small curve of Remus’ mouth sending a little hot spark dance down his spine. ”Interesting.”
”Isn’t it,” Remus deadpans even though his eyes glitter thrillingly but then the moment is broken as Remus hoists the boy into the air, making him shriek in delight. ”How about you go get Padfoot his gift, hm?”
”YES!” Harry shouts, scurrying out of the room as soon as Remus sets him back down on the floor.
”He’s still going to your mum’s today, right?” Sirius mumbles under his breath as he watches Harry disappear out the door.
”Oh yes,” Remus assures him, Sirius’ skin tingling where Remus’ hand settles at the back of his neck, giving him a light squeeze. ”Taking him as soon as we’ve had breakfast and picking him up tomorrow.”
”Thank fuck,” Sirius murmurs, leaning into the touch slightly. 
He loves Harry, of course he does, but he doesn’t remember the last time he and Remus had a night for themselves and he’s getting desperate for it. Remus chuckles lowly, fingers threading through Sirius’ hair and then the grip tightens, unexpectedly, sending licks of fire from Sirius’ scalp down his spine to pool somewhere in his groin and he sucks in a sharp and keening breath.
”LOOK!” Harry shouts as he slams the bedroom door open again, brandishing a wrapped gift in his small hand. ”For you Pa’foot!”
Remus hand is gone but Sirius feels as if he’s still reeling, and it takes him a second to find his voice, but then Harry is in his lap again, pushing the gift into his hands. 
”I can open it for you,” Harry offers graciously, eager fingers already working on the wrapping paper.
”Thanks, sprog,” Sirius chuckles, letting the boy get to work as he looks up to meet his husband’s gaze again.
”Later,” Remus mouths soundlessly at him, and the way his gaze has gone dark with promise makes anticipation sizzle through Sirius’ veins.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Congratulations for 1k !! you really deserve it !
can i request
i can't believe she's gone sirius black x fem!reader where she sings and/or plays sirius' favorite song to calm him down after an argument with his family or something like that
thank youu<3
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Amour de ma vie
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Sirius Black x fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n finds her boyfriend crying late at night and comforts him
Warnings: comfort, established relationship, feels, mentions of a toxic household
A/n: 0.9k words, aww thank you x hope you like it 💛
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist | Celebration
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You patted the bed beside you, frowning as you realised Sirius was no longer there. Opening your eyes you look around the dorm room, James was sprawled out snoring softly on his stomach, Peter was not there either, but then you saw the flick of a tail which you tried not to giggle at, and finally Remus was under his covers reading as you could see the faint light through his blanket
You shuffled out of the bed, heading over to Remus and accidently scaring the boy half to death as you whisper “Moony?”
You hear a small gasp followed by a groan as you are certain he just wacked himself in the face with the book before he peels off the covers
“Hi” he cringes but then it turns to concern “You okay?” he asks cringles forming on his forehead 
“Yeah I’m fine just…” you bite your lip looking over at the empty bed “…you didn’t happen to see where Sirius went? I would have thought the bathroom but the doors open” 
Remus sits up, eyes blinking to adjust when you shiver, noticing the window was open “That’s strange…” he says as you both peer at the window, birdseed scattered across the sill
You hum in agreement “I’ll go check the common room” you give him a small smile starting to head out
He returns it before calling out “Y/n love?” 
You turn back around “Yeah?” you reply hugging yourself
“Can you close the window? I'd do it but my leg is dead from sitting like this for the last three hours” he lets out a small chuckle
You smile moving over to close the window then to Remus “Lift your legs up” you instruct him, he looks a little confused but does as you say, watching as you slip a pillow under his legs “That should help” you guide his legs to lay over the pillow, gently bent
“Thanks” he gives you a grateful look 
“Anytime” you say before heading off, giggling quietly as you look back to see Remus pulling the blanket over him and doing a little happy dance as he starts reading once more
Walking down to the common room you stop at the balcony, deciding to check the room from up there so you didn’t have to climb back up if you didn't need to. You were about to give up and go back to the dorm, maybe join Remus reading until he returned, when you heard it.
A sniffle
You felt yourself fill with worry, Sirius never cried, so if this was him then something really bad must have happened.
Softly descending the steps, you shuffled over to the couches, your heart breaking as you saw your boyfriend crying with his head in his hands.
He hears the creak in the floorboards, frantically wiping the tears before looking up, relaxing instantly as he realises it’s just you
“Hi” you smile sadly, moving kneel in front of him, hands finding his knees
His tears continue to flow, voice raspy from crying and it kills you to know he must have been down here for a while “Hey”
“You wanna talk about it?” you ask, eyes flicking to what looks like a pile of ripped up howlers, and a bunch of half open letters
He follows your eyes, shaking his head as he sniffs again “Hug?” he pouts at you
You stand up and move to straddle his legs. His head buries itself into the crook of your neck as soon as your settled on his lap, fresh hot tears beginning to wet the skin as his arms wrap around you, hands clutching to your shirt so tightly, almost like he’s afraid you’ll disappear
You kiss his hair, fingers moving to caress it and letting your nails gently scratch his scalp in the way you know he loves. His nose nuzzles deeper into your neck but you can tell he’s still tense.
You let your eyes flick to the letters, you recognised the seal, all from his parents, and from the closest you could read the horrible words they wrote…merlin only only knows what they screamed at him through the howlers, even then you doubted merlin would want to know
After a few more seconds you beginning to hum gently, the first few notes are a little off but then you get into a pretty rhythm.
His sniffling seems to stop as he tries to figure out what you're doing before you feel his cheeks rise and his body melt into yours. You were humming his song, the one he always listened to when he was in need of comfort, and he one he played in his room back home before he gained the courage to run away
You would have sung but you didn’t know the lyrics well having only heard it a few times, and they were also in French. Sirius may have been an ABBA man but this song reminded him of a younger Black brother, reminded him of time when he and his brother were just that…brothers. Before the purist politics, before the abuse, before the constant fighting, heartbreak and emotional manipulation, before he abandoned the brother he still loved with all his heart
You remained in that position for a long time, humming the song in a soft loop while his tears dried and his mood began to lift. He pulls away from your neck, hand cupping your cheek as you continued humming, eyes fluttering shut at his touch.
He could tell you were growing sleepy, so he shifted around to lay on the couch, your head on his chest and his arms wrapping around you loosely. The letters, that you would hold his hand whilst burning later that morning, long forgotten and crushed by your tangled legs
Your humming becomes lazier until eventually it fades away completely and you fall asleep. Sirius isn't long behind you, only awake enough to softly kiss the top of your head and whisper
“Night, amour de ma vie”
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Thank you for reading 💛
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silentsneezes · 1 month
here’s another m/arauders snzfic for the void (it’s post Hogwarts & they’re in their early 20s). if anyone has any requests or prompts for m/arauders fics pls send them!! anyways, i hope someone enjoys this 900 word oneshot
It was rare that the group of vagabonds from Hogwarts saw each other after they graduated, and even rarer that those meetings weren’t tainted by the war. However, they occasionally forget about the war, the Order, and their responsibilities: pockets of time in which they could pretend to live normal lives, to be normal twenty year olds fresh out of school.
This was one of those times, as they sat in the backyard of James Potter’s family estate. Sirius Black had orchestrated the gathering, sending letters to their friends in riddled codes in case they fell into the wrong hands- one could never be too careful nowadays. Only a handful of people could make it, but Sirius considered it a success as soon as Remus walked through the door.
Sirius was, of course, excited to see everyone else as well. He’d only seen Marlene Mckinnon three or four times since graduating: brief encounters at Order of the Phoenix meetings. Nothing like the hours they used to spend theorizing and infodumping about their favorite quidditch teams.
And he always enjoyed seeing James, who he’d considered a second brother since his first year at Hogwarts.
Lily Evans was as kind and as welcoming as ever, and she shined particularly bright in the company of her friends. Sirius couldn’t help but think that Lily and James’s son was going to have the best smile in the world. He’d have to, with parents like that.
And Remus. Sirius didn’t know what they were, if anything, but he didn’t seem to care as long as he saw his Moony.
Truthfully, Sirius did care. Probably too much. He cared enough to avoid drinking whiskey- though he’d recently developed a taste for it- because he knew Remus didn’t like the taste of it when they kissed. He cared enough to change his tie three times in case Remus had a preference for one over the other. He finally discarded the notion of wearing a tie at all and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, letting it fall open slightly.
He’d even cared enough to take an allergy potion before everyone arrived, hoping not to make a fool out of himself. It didn’t take a genius to see it wasn’t working.
Sirius stifled two harsh sneezes into his fist, sniffling and nodding his thanks as Marlene blessed him for the fourth time that hour. He forced himself to focus on her words rather than the constant itch in the back of his sinuses, prickling to the bridge of his nose.
Admittedly, sitting outside wasn’t the greatest idea on Sirius’s part. He’d considered the high pollen count and his history with summer allergies, but the promise of a beautiful sunset was enough to outweigh the possibility of an allergy attack.
Luckily for the black haired boy, Marlene cut off her long winded rant about the semi-final quidditch series and shrieked as her favorite song started playing.
“Sorry Sirius,” she apologized as Dorcas pulled her away to dance, grinning ear to ear. Sirius smiled and waved a dismissive hand before placing a finger under his nose.
His nostrils flared and his breath caught once, twice. And then it was gone. He sighed, sniffling and rubbing his nose to try and either quell the itch or induce a sneeze- whichever would give him relief. His nose decided on the latter and he ducked into his elbow, “hehH’RRSCHu! hURSCH’SHew!”
“Bless” Remus said as he dropped a handkerchief onto Sirius’s lap, sitting beside him at an old picnic table. Lily and James’s initials were carved into the wood- it had been their first item of furniture moved into their new house.
“Thanks,” Sirius snatched up the handkerchief gratefully, pressing it to his nose. Wrong choice. As soon as the fabric touched the sensitive appendage, Sirius’s breath hitched.
Sirius’s shoulders shook with the suppressed sneeze, his head bobbing towards his lap.
“Bless you.” Remus said with a pointed look, “High pollen count today, huh?”
Sirius waved his hand dismissively, tucking the handkerchief in his pocket and shooting Remus one of his trademark ‘Sirius Black’ grins, “S’ nothing I can’t handle.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but couldn’t stop himself from smiling. How could anyone not smile when Sirius looked at them like that?
“Besides, look at them,” Sirius smiled as he gestured to their friends, dancing, laughing, and living, “It’s worth it.”
Remus couldn’t argue with that. They had all lost so much from the war, and he knew they were certain to lose more.
“I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius quipped, smirking. His expression faltered as his nose twitched again. Before he even managed to grab the handkerchief, he snapped to the side with three sneezes, tumbling out in quick succession.
“Bless you”
That was only the second of many blessing’s Remus gave Sirius as he had one of his infamous late-summer allergy attacks. Eventually, after much persuasion, Sirius followed Remus inside and begrudgingly took another allergy potion. All in all, it wasn’t terrible. Sure, he was a sneezy mess for the rest of the evening, but Remus stayed by his side until he fell asleep.
i know it’s short but i needed to write about them, i hope someone else can appreciate m/arauders sneeze content lol, im really hyperfixated on them at the moment
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Congrats on 1k love!!! Im so happy for you, you deserve all the love 🩶
Could i request a ravenclaw!reader who's a little volatile (i suppose like dark acadameia) that the slytherins have kind of adopted (because shes volatile not violent and they think its cute). But shes been in a relationship with Remus on the down low and they realise at a halloween party?
I imagine Remus as an angel while reader is a devil and the slytherins were already concerned by the costume but then they notice you and Remus and just loose their marbles. Barty's having a meltdown, evans im shock and Sirius is cackling because Regulus is trying to stand tall but Remus is so much bigger than him its just impossible.
Anyway, tysm for your wonderful self and feel free to twist this however fits you, love!!
Hi lovely, thank you so much! I'm assuming you meant this to be for the Fade Into You part of the celebration since it's a specific reader, and also I don't know the Slytherin boys very well so I feel like my characterization could be wayyyyy off but I hope this is alright!
join the party
Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!reader ♡ 930 words
You’re dancing with your friends when your drink is plucked suddenly from your hand. 
“Hey!” You spin around to find the thief, and then your tone changes completely. “Hey, Remus, you came!” You crash into him, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. Remus hugs you back the best he’s able, a drink in each hand. “And you wore your costume!” You grin as you pull away, resting a hand on either side of his face to admire how soft and sweet he looks in seraphim white. “Is that glitter on your cheeks?”
Said cheeks grow warm under your hands. “That’s Sirius’ touch.” 
“You look very pretty.” He grins, and you stand on tiptoe to whisper sweetly in his ear, “Now give me back my drink, pretty boy.” 
Remus’ smile doesn’t waver, but he becomes a tad more serious about the eyes. “How many have you had?”
“Oh, don’t be such a drag, Lupin,” Barty pipes up, coming up behind you to sling an arm around your shoulder. “She’s fine, and not that it’s any business of yours, but we won’t let anything happen to her.” 
“She just seems like maybe she’s had enough,” Remus replies, and his tone is far from unkind, but there’s an edge of admonishment to it that has Barty bristling noticeably. He turns back to you, voice softening. “What do you say, lovely, want to go sit down for a little while?”
You look at Barty, who raises an eyebrow at you. Behind him, Reggie stands with his arms crossed, looking bored with the whole thing.  
“I won’t be gone long,” you say in apology, and Barty scoffs disgustedly, but releases you. 
“Fine, go play with your costume buddy,” he says. “We’ll be here when you get sick of him.” 
You take Remus’ hand in one of yours, flipping Barty off with the other. 
“Are we really going to sit down?” you whisper hopefully, and Remus chuckles. 
“Yeah, we are. Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re not exactly walking in a straight line right now.” 
You grin, tugging at his hand playfully. “That’s just ‘cause I’m a rebel. The boys would never let me hang out with them if I walked the straight and narrow.” 
“That so?” Remus hums, pulling you down onto a couch beside him. “Have I mentioned how nice you look yet? You really do.” 
“I’m not supposed to look nice.” You roll your eyes, shuffling closer to him. “I’m a devil, Rem. I’m supposed to look hot and salacious.” 
Remus graces you with a smile, brushing a piece of hair from in front of your eye. “You do look hot, but you look nice too. I don’t think you can help that one, dovey.” 
“Yeah?” You bat your eyelashes, moving into his lap. Remus’ eyebrow quirks up slightly, cheeks glittering with the movement, but he doesn’t stop you. “Is it just that I radiate sweetness?” You kiss his jaw. “And patience?” Remus’ cheek is faintly pink where you press your lips. “Innocence, certainly,” you tease, breath hot on his ear, “but what else?” 
“Dove,” he whispers, “I think your friends are watching.” 
“Hm?” You look up, and sure enough, Regulus, Barty, and Evan are standing just a few feet away by the punch bowl, expressions ranging from bewilderment to abject horror. “Oh. Oops.” 
“I—I can’t,” Barty sputters. “I can’t be seeing this. Are you plastered? Get off him.” 
You don’t, but Remus does it for you, standing and setting you on your feet as Regulus stalks forward. He stops with his arms crossed in front of the two of you. 
“Is this who you’ve been ditching us for lately?” he asks you. 
You start to reply, but Barty talks over you. “No.” He shakes his head. “No, there’s no way. There’s no way.” 
Others have started migrating toward you to watch the show, among them Remus’ friends. Normally you wouldn't care, but Remus is beginning to squirm, so you try to calm things down for his benefit. 
“You guys are overreacting,” you say, as peaceably as you’re capable of. “As if it really matters what house my boyfriend is in.” 
“Boyfriend?” Barty despairs, and you should have known better than to think anything could quell his dramatics once they’ve begun. “God, as if the costumes weren’t bad enough, you have to throw lovey-dovey terms like boyfriend around.” 
A peal of laughter sounds from somewhere nearby, and you look around to find Sirius, eyes already wet with mirth as he watches his younger brother. “Reggie,” he manages between giggles, “are you trying to look taller than him?”
Reg raises an unimpressed brow, and anyone who didn’t know him well might not notice the flicker of embarrassment in his gaze. “Don’t be stupid,” he says, but his posture is better than you’ve ever seen it, his neck elongated in an attempt to look Remus in the eyes without having to tilt his head. 
“Reg.” Sirius swipes under his eyes. “You may be taller than me, but you’re never gonna get all the way up there.” “Alright,” you say decisively, taking Remus’ hand and proceeding to push past Regulus’ stiff form. You shoot Evan a half-apologetic look as you go by, still standing frozen like he’s been stupefied, and Barty follows your movement with eyes blown wide. “Just for that, we’re going back to you guys’ dorm, Black. And we’re going to fuck, loudly, all night.” You shoot your most winning smile in his direction, even as Remus’ face takes on a fiery hue beneath the white glitter. “I wouldn’t recommend coming home. Goodnight!”
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ofallplaceswhythis · 3 months
tcoptp thoughts pt.18
im currently emotionally sapped, i have no idea whats going on, my hair looks amazing and i have eyebags as deep as the mariana trench. this may be the only good thing (besides my hair) that will come out of this day.
....are they betting on regulus? amazing. wish i could do that
can they please play more songs my panic attacks are going away
sirius you don't deserve this its ok <33
sirius and mary speaking in french and remus being pissed is peak third wheeling in like a friendship kinda way
'i dare you to kiss me' 'HE PCIKED TRUTH' lmao i love them
'whats a lap dance' regulus ily
......is McGonagall making them do the baby project.... 😭😭 [also a mention to EMOJIS CAN BE ITALICISED WHAT]
'my mom never held me, and i turned out fine' sirius ily
'everybody needs name. even baking costituents' james ily
sometimes i hate sirius like please dude have some empathy
'moony's deep enough for the both of us' excuse me i break down
i really dont want to write my insult for snape again
...atleast peter doesnt hate them for being queer
am i dumb? what did the blue mean? because aren't his eyes gray??? [I DID get the 'a very specific kind' reference BUT STILL WHAT DOES THE BLUE MEAN]
'might get us a grammy' 👀👀👀👀👀
'magic' eiutkweygasdufguadsgfaudsfgueygkweygfukdsyguy
sheila and remus <333333
marlene chose the weirdest way to come out and i love her for it
....this fight between peter and sirius is gonna be foreshadowing i just know it fuckk
fits that one of the only times james gets angry is to talk scream some sense into his friends
they made up! in a really weird way but still!!!
'before remus could be legally considered a living person' LMAO
'why dont they get to go' 'because they're in love' 'this is discrimination' peter ily
'to find my own athlete to flirt with' remus ily
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justmevoldemort · 2 years
Wrote this because I needed it, sharing it because others might need it too.
Summary: Female reader feels numb, the Marauders provide some comfort
Numb. That’s what she felt. Or rather, she didn’t feel anything. Just a strange and heavy numbness that gathered in her bones, pressed against her chest and kept a solemn look on her face. She hasn’t felt anything but this all consuming numbness for hours. And so she sat, alone and secluded because she couldn’t muster the energy to interact with or be around anyone. But she didn’t need the company of anyone, the night sky provided comfort enough. 
The cold stone of the astronomy tower pressed against her thighs and back as she stared up at the deep darkness of the cloudless night. Moony and Padfoot were especially bright that night. An odd comfort as she stared, feeling everything and yet nothing at all. But the moon was her friend. It felt her and listened to her without her needing to say a word. She often basked in the sun during the day, but the moon knew all her secrets. All her smiles and joys were absorbed by the sunlight, but the moonbeams absorbed her tears and struggles, the things she hid from the world. 
A slight breeze filtered past the window and she shivered, drawing the woolen jumper closer to her body. Peter’s. It was much too big for her. The sleeves slipped over her fingers and she clutched at them like her lifeline. Heavy and cold against her chest rested a small golden snitch, charmed to flutter against her heart when he thought of her. James’s. The small wings fluttered against her skin in a sensation she barely registered. Her cold fingers slipped in to hold it, slowly drawing it across the chain, back and forth in a mindless haze. A loud, boisterous laugh echoed from somewhere inside the castle, piercing through the silence of the night. Sirius’s. A strange peace settled on her as his laugh danced through the breeze, the numbness receding briefly until the silence settled into her again, accompanied by a coldness that pressed through her skin and into her heart. 
The door to the astronomy tower shut with a soft thud and she heard the movement of four sets of feet moving through the room, though she could not bring himself to turn. A whisper of her name came from someone, though she knew not who, and upon the following silence, she was enveloped in the soft, long arms of someone who sat beside her and pulled her into his chest. He smelled of chocolate and autumn and comfort personified. Remus. Mindlessly and instinctually, she snuggled in closer to his chest, allowing him to hold her tighter against him, his weight countering the weight within her body and heart. Her arms made no movement to return his hold, but that was just fine. Within another moment, her hands were grasped by large, calloused hands, and his thumb began rubbing small circles soothingly against the back of her hand. James. She allowed her hands to be redirected by his, and hooked her pinky with his, a small movement, but enough to tell him to stay. Remus shifted and she was pulled away from the wall, backwards further into the tower and into another set of arms wrapped around her and Remus. The arms were thick, a softness unlike any other and a comfort that was uniquely his. Peter. He removed one of her hands from James’s grip and threaded her arm through his own before placing it back in James’s palm. Cold fingers gripped her ankles delicately, unraveling them from where they were tucked under her and placing them on a warm lap of rough denim. Sirius. His hands slowly moved up and down her ankles, providing comfort from the contact, and a soothing gesture. 
She settled against them, still staring up at the moon, her numbness still present but no longer as heavy and suffocating. Peter, Remus, James and Sirius held her tightly and lovingly, providing all the comfort they knew she needed, giving everything through their actions and touches. Moon and stars glinted brightly in the sky, illuminating the faces of every person in the astronomy tower, shining against the deep darkness that had settled in her. They held her for an indefinite amount of time, their breaths the only sound, save for the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves off through the distance. Their silence did not drag her down as the silence had before, it was a soft silence, a comforting silence, one that she relished in, her heart slowly beating on purpose again, and not simply for survival. 
Sirius began to sing softly in French, his voice a deep silk that slipped all around her and her boys; the notes brushing against their skin, leaving kisses and trails of love. The vowels she did not understand were soft and beautiful, a melody unlike any she had heard but nostalgic and comforting all the same. Remus leaned down and began pressing soft kisses into her hairline, mumbling something into her hair that she could not make out. The vibrations of his voice spread through her body, introducing a new feeling to her bones, giving her something new to feel, to consider. Peter leaned forward and rested his head on her shoulder and though there was more physical weight on her body, the mental weight became lighter and more manageable the moment his cheek pressed against her body. His arms still wrapped around her, but he helped her to feel as though she was comforting him too, exactly what she needed. James remained consistent, rubbing her hands with soft circles and a few squeezes here and there. James was always constant and perfect in the comfort of what she needed, an anchor in the storm, a fixed point for her to rely on. The snitch against her heart fluttered constantly, no longer a cold piece of gold, but now warm and filled with the love and magic that filled the air surrounding them.  
A breeze blew over them once again, but this time, she did not shudder and draw further into Peter’s jumper. Instead, she felt as the wind caressed her face, providing the last piece of comfort and feeling that she hadn’t realized she needed. And under the moonlight, her solemn face relaxed. Though a weighted sadness still resided inside her, there was no longer a heavy weight pressing her down, and the numbness was no longer all consuming. The longer Sirius sang, James stroked her hands, Peter rested on her, and Remus held her, the more the numbness receded into something manageable and almost absent. A few tears slipped down her cheeks, but it was okay. She was safe and held. Her boys had her, and they would continue to have her until she could hold herself with the same care once again. 
Sometimes there was numbness, but through the numbness always came the warmth of her boys. Their warmth always came, no matter how cold she felt. Their presence and love warmed her from the inside out, and through them, she felt thoroughly loved.
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siriuslyrjl · 11 months
One thing that Remus Lupin knew was that he was doomed.
Gryffindor had won another match against Slytherin. And being the captain, James had to celebrate. Remus wasn’t truly up for it, but was dragged down into the common room against his free will.
The party started off as usual; people just sitting around, drinking just enough to get tipsy while talking shit about people they knew. Remus couldn’t even take in his surroundings before a cup was shoved into his hands with some random sort of alcohol inside.
“Here, Moons. You seem stressed, so I made you something myself.” James hummed with a slightly tipsy smile, a cup in his own hand.
“Thanks, Prongs.” Remus sighed lightly, taking a swig from his drink and letting his mind blur as he faded into the feeling of alcohol.
Everyone was now far from sober, either playing spin the bottle, dancing, drinking more, or just talking. Remus found himself drunkenly talking with Lily off near the fireplace, another cup in hand.
“Merlin Remus, you’re still single?!” Lily had exclaimed, throwing one of her hands in the air in surprise.
“Of course, Lils. It’s not like I’m that special or anything-“ Remus had started, only to be cut off with Sirius sitting down next to him, complaining about his brother and his friends.
“The hell do you mean you’re single? You’re literally the Casanova of Gryffindor and most girls have a crush on you!“ Sirius exclaimed, practically falling onto Remus’s lap
“He’s not wrong, Rem. And it’s not just us ladies that like you.” Lily giggled, drinking a bit more.
“Oh shove off, Evans.” Sirius rolled his eyes playfully, sliding up so he was sitting on Remus’s lap, making the latter shiver.
Remus became flustered, looking away and pulling out a joint and lighting it with a slight click of his lighter Lily had decorated.
“Shit, give me that.” Sirius suddenly muttered, snatching the joint straight from Remus’s lips, earning a soft gasp.
Remus was beyond flustered at this point. He knew in the back of his head that it was just drunk flirting that didn’t mean anything, but it was still getting to him as he looked down slightly at Sirius. The little fucker had his damn joint hanging limply from his lips.
And that’s when Remus Lupin became fully aware of his obsession with Sirius Black.
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sliebman10 · 1 year
Place Your Bets
“Alright boys, the game is dreidel. You know what to do.” Uncle Alphard’s eyes danced with mirth as he watched Harry spin the dreidel. This was really the first year he could manage to get a good spin, and he had been anxious to show Uncle Alphard when he arrived that evening with his husband, Levi, laden with gifts and jelly donuts from what he deemed the best bakery in town.
The red dreidel landed and Harry looked at it eagerly. “I got a gimmel , look!” Harry said, pointing.
Alphard grinned. “I knew you’d take me for the whole pot, kid,” he said, winking and pushing the chocolate coins toward Harry. “Leave some so we can keep playing, ok?” Harry nodded earnestly, picking out the coins to leave in the middle.
“Is it Teddy’s turn?” Harry asked.
Teddy was watching from Remus’s lap, in a bout of four year old shyness. “Want to try, Ted?” Remus asked. Teddy nodded slowly. He took the plastic dreidel and made an attempt to spin it, and it landed on hey .
“Good job, Teddy,” Harry said. “You get these.” Harry passed him two of the four coins that were still in the middle.
“You’ll get a shin yet, Harry, and have to give some back,” Alphard said.
“I can share,” Harry said, handing Alphard the two biggest coins.
Sirius came into the living room. “Can we put the game on pause? Dinner’s ready.”
Harry looked at Alphard, who stood up and offered Harry his hand.
Read more on AO3.
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