#slenderman one shot
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
i’m not even that big into cinematography but marble hornets is THE exception for me because it’s genuinely just so impressive at times. because of its structure and how everything is shot in tapes basically all of it is straight, unedited shots. so you have anywhere between like 2 to 10 minutes of a continuous, unbroken take, and that’s SO fucking impressive. because even other works like unfriended who claimed to be “shot in one take” utilized different takes/clips, and used camera glitches to cut everything together, but marble hornets doesn’t. it’s just straight footage that must’ve been reshot dozens if not hundreds of times for all the correct camera framings, line deliveries, prop works, etc, and that’s just so fucking cool to me. indie creators just do it better!!!
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creepiefarm · 1 year
if i wrote a silly creepypasta about Sloober would u guys read that
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Creepypasta Masterlist
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❗️Yandere ✨️ Crossover
♥️ Fluff ♣️ Angst
《 Requests for this fandom are closed 》
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Bloody Painter
Of Love And War || ❗️♥️ ♣️ ✨️
Summary : Helen was a lot of things but now was important, was he truly yours?
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Ben Drowned
Upcoming fic || ❗️✨️ ??
Sumarry : TBH // Talokan x Wakandan Reader
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You || ❗️( old fic)
Summary : Your new friend is not who he pretends to be.
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Old Fics Masterlist
Because You're His || Masky ❗️
Run || Slenderwoman ❗️♣️
Don't Worry, You're Safe Now || Homicidal Lui ❗️♥️ ♣️
Summary : In which Insane Meets Broken
Always Watching, No Eyes || Eyeless Jack ❗️
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We Did It (We Didn't)
Post-MH, Tim and Brian attempted to leave the past behind them… but they're now being hunted
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Months had passed since Jay’s death and Alex’s demise. The only good thing was that Tim had, hopefully, set Jessica up to have a normal future going forward and he’d managed to rescue Brian after his fall. Although, the journey to getting him up and walking again had been a long one—and healing the mental and emotional damage done by that entity was still a work in progress. So many late nights trying to scrape together the cash to pay for the medical bills on top of everything else had taken its toll on Tim as well. 
But overall, things were getting better! ‘Were,’ being the key word. Even after moving away trouble began to catch up to them. First he’d gotten a tape with Jessica’s gruesome murder by some thin masked figure in a white, grimy hoodie. The dried black ooze reminded him of the stuff he’d sometimes coughed up along with blood due to the tall entity. They’d moved soon after that, fearing how this stranger had gotten their address. 
But the proxy had found them again regardless. After a fight resulting in their attacker’s death—something he felt guilty about given how young the teen girl had been, Tim was once again finding himself stuck in a hospital praying for Brian to pull through. The blow to the head had worsened the injuries from the original fall and this time, the doctors didn’t seem to think he’d be as lucky. 
“I’ll be al’ight.” Brian had promised with that toothy grin of his. 
Tim wasn’t so sure. 
But he’d tried to stay positive for Brian’s sake. He stayed at the man’s side as long as he was allowed between check-ins and visitation hours. The prognosis was still guarded according to the last update and Tim knew his time allowed in the room was running out for the night as the clock ticked on the wall—a sound that had started to annoy him now that things were quieting down for the night. 
A little too quiet. A frown crossed his face as he took note of the silence. For a moment the humming of the machines started to sound like a familiar distortion and the hairs on the back of his neck and along his arms prickled. He tried to tell himself it was nothing, just bad memories playing tricks on him. Then the power went out.
The hospital plunged into darkness for a moment before the backup kicked on. Machines could be heard coming back to life as the staff called out somewhere in the distance. The overhead lighting however, stayed dim and flickering. Orange emergency lights swirled and flashed against the wall outside. 
Goosebumps rose on his skin as he peered into the strangely deserted hall. The way the orange lights moved against the sterile walls reminded him of his own time in the mental hospital… when it was burning. Minus the smoke and the doctors rushing around to get themselves and the patients out. 
“Where are they anyway?” Shouldn’t someone be coming down to check the patients in this wing? Should he hit the call button to get someone here?
Tim ducked back into the room, feeling his paranoia playing up again. Something wasn’t right. That buzzing was wrong. He shook Brian rougher than he’d wanted to but was desperate to wake the man up. 
“Bri, hey, we have to go.” He tugged the IV and other wires and needles from the man’s arms as gently as he could while moving quickly. 
Brian groaned and looked around groggily. “Wha’s happening?” 
“Nothing good. Can you walk?” 
Of course he couldn’t. Not on his own at least. Tim helped support Brian’s weight and hurried into the hall with the taller man limping beside him. Glancing down both ways, he tried to recall which way would take them to the exit. 
“Left.” Brian tugged at him. 
Tim didn’t know how he’d know considering he’d been unconscious on arrival but it was a fifty-fifty shot. He tried to keep the panic in the back of his mind as they wove through the squeaky-clean halls. Each turn was making him feel more lost. Surely there weren’t that many hallways, right? At least not that he’d been down when they’d taken him to Brian’s room. 
“Tim…” A cough followed Brian’s panting breath as the man leaned more weight on him. 
Pausing, he checked in on the other man. Despite the poor lighting, he could see how pale and unfocused Brian was getting. Looking around, he still couldn’t see any signs of other people… He couldn’t hear them anymore either. 
“Rest for a moment… get my bearings… We aren’t trapped here. I just… went in a circle or something.” He tried to convince himself, though it didn’t work very well with the paranoia playing the worst scenarios. “It isn’t here. We’re states away from Rosswood. This is just.. Something else.” 
He sucked in a harsh breath as he heard footsteps walking closer. Whirling around, he saw a man in a doctor’s coat walking towards them. His dark hair had a tint of gray in it and his face was scruffy—features he couldn’t recall any of the doctors here having. As the man got closer, Tim caught a glimpse of dark stains around the cuffs of the white overcoat… and a dark wet trail back towards another room. He’d seen enough blood to know what it was even in the swirling of orange colored lights; they needed to get out of here.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” The man was taller and clearly built as he looked down on Tim. 
He couldn’t find his voice as he dragged Brian with him in retreat. The guy tilted his head to the side, revealing that same damned mark that girl had. As if knowing his train of thought, the man smiled and pushed back the white fabric to show off the weapon hilted at his side. The sharp blade swished out as the man charged. 
Tim ran as best he could with Brian’s now completely dead weight. It’d be faster to ditch the injured man and save himself yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave Brian for dead. He turned another corner only to skid to a halt on the slick floor as a wiry figure came from the other end of the hall with a metal bat. They looked closer to his age than the man had. However she was leaner and definitely shorter than the other guy who was now blocking the way he’d come. But those differences certainly didn’t make them less dangerous.
“Nothing against ya, kid.” 
Tim turned as the man spoke, his heart leaping into his throat when he saw the mask he now wore. The smooth features and thin white over the eye holes reassembled the Operator’s face just a little too much for his liking. Paired with the orange lights flickering like fire against it, he realized with a sense of dread that he’d seen this man before… The night the hospital burned to the ground. He’d even said those exact same words.
His body felt numb as he tried to scramble away, tripping over his own feet as he adjusted his grip on Brian. The man had gone too still in his arms. Tim wasn’t sure if it was his mind playing tricks or if Brian’s body was growing colder. His eyes darted back to the younger figure, noting the familial resemblance with the older man—not that it aided his situation. Unlike her father, their expression seemed more sad about what was about to happen. 
He pressed his back to the wall, completely trapped. A fit of coughing wracked his body, flecks of blood speckling the formerly pristine floor. Through blurred vision he could see the faceless entity itself watching several rooms down. Tim lunged for the younger of the two attackers, determined to at least go down fighting. Their scuffle didn’t last long before a sharp blade opened a gash across his back. 
His shout was muffled by the woman beneath him freeing an arm from his grip and landing a blow to his throat. Once more he was coughing and his moment of weakness brought another stab of the man’s weapon into his flesh. The feel of his body tearing open as the blade yanked out was painful. Even without looking he knew it was fatal. His brain was feeling cloudier and his limbs were losing their ability to respond. Tim crawled over to Brian’s side, relieved that they’d at least left him alone… Although, he knew it meant the man was already gone. 
“We didn’t get away… don’t… don’t think… we ever could’ve…” His eyelids felt heavy. 
Breathing was becoming a real chore too, though he tried to force himself to keep it up. Through tunneling vision he could see the younger of his two murderers walk over and crouch down in front of him. She was saying something but his mind couldn’t process it. Tim flinched as they reached out, closing Brian’s eyes and then his, plunging him into darkness as the rest of his life ebbed away.
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lordprettyflackotara · 4 months
till dawn || eyeless jack || bonus part
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SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+. tw: this is unfortunately very fluffy as well as smutty. if you came here for raw intense fucking wait until i release my new one shot with ej called huntin’ wabbitz. this is for the till dawn girlies ONLY. enjoy <3
“Why are we doing this again?”
Jeff’s voice was harsh, raising the question Ben had as well. The blonde stood in front of Jack, attempting to gracefully finish tying the demons bow tie. “Well Jeff in human culture weddings are a symbolic ceremony of love and unconditional commitment,” Ben explained, not glancing up at the pale killer. Somehow your request of a wedding had managed to get every creep dressed up, including Jacks friends.
Jeff went to run his fingers through his ash black hair, frowning once he realized it was in a man bun. “Yeah no I obviously have that part down pat. But I meant why are we doing this? We aren’t exactly humans anymore you know,” Jeff pointed out. Ben smiled as he finished adjusting Jacks bow tie. The sapphire blue suited him the best, according to Clockwork anyways.
“You are aware she’s a human right?” Ben asked. Jeff sighed, refraining himself from face palming. “As everyone has been talking about for the past twenty four hours, yes I am aware she’s a human,” Jeff answered. Ben went to defend you further, Jacks voice interrupting the blonde.
“We’re doing this because it’s what she wants.”
Believe it or not, Jack was apprehensive about the whole thing. It wasn’t the ceremony he feared or the social pressure to lift his mask to kiss your sweet lips. It was having you around so many creeps at once. The residents at Slender’s mansion had grown accustomed to your presence. You became just another resident, killer or not. Even the proxies had grown fond of you, initially pushing back on your stay due to your mortality. It may not have been a life they would’ve chosen for themselves, but you had proved time and time again your love for Jack prevailed all doubts.
It was also highly convenient to have someone able to grocery shop without a swat team being called.
You hadn’t outright come out and said you wanted marriage to Jack, but he was no fool. The magazines left out with pages of rings and dresses. Weddings were apart of your kinds culture and more importantly, they meant something to you. It wasn’t long after that Jack bribed Hoodie into helping him rob a jewelry store to get as many rings as they could carry. What else was he supposed to do? He didn’t know your ring size and he couldn’t possibly acquire the knowledge and be inconspicuous at the same time.
Word of your engagement spread like wildfire, the concept alone unheard of. Creeps from all over, including the Trenderman mansion, had been invited per your request. You had never met Laughing Jack, Jason the toy maker, Candypop, etc. Yet, you wanted all of them there for your special day. Jack thought it was touching once he put aside all of his fears about having that many immortal psychopaths around you. The main reason every creep turned up to your wedding was simple: you were human.
Outside of proxies, the supernatural haze that imbedded itself into creeps. It slowed down their aging, kept their bloodlust prevalent. Many of them didn’t even recall their human life. If they even had one to begin with. The idea alone that someone like you, could love someone endlessly like them was incomprehensible. This resulted in every creep on the planet to attend, that fact alone making Jack more nervous.
Slenderman had high expectations of his residents, ensuring that although unhinged they would maintain a stable and respectable behavior. Many of the creeps attending, including X-Virus and Nina the killer, were highly unpredictable. In the back of his mind he doubted that he would be able to protect you from all of them.
“Dude you should sit down, you don’t look so good,” Ben said, guiding him to sit down on the end of the bed. It was rare Jack had his mask off and it was most certainly non negotiable during the ceremony. But here in his bedroom with his (whether he’d admit it or not) best friends, he felt comfortable enough to take it off. Just for a moment. “You look kinda pale,” Jeff said, helping Ben guide Jack to sit down. The demon stifled a laugh. “Yeah you’re one to talk casper,” He chuckled.
Jeff rolled his eyes, a knock on the door interrupting a comeback that threatened to roll off of his tongue. The pale killer answered the door, revealing you. You were mesmerizing, the white dress Jane and Clockwork helped you acquire fitting you perfect. “I’d like a moment alone with Jack, if y’all don’t mind,” You say. Ben and Jeff exchanged glances. “Isn’t there some tradition about not seeing the bride until-” Jeff began, Ben’s hand planting a sharp slap on his shoulder.
“Hey dude what the fuck-”
Ben grabbed Jeff’s suit sleeve, dragging him towards the door. “Message received, see you guys at the ceremony,” He chimed cheerfully, a confused and mumbling Jeff trailing behind him. You could hear grumbling about Ben tearing the suit, the complaining making you giggle. You stepped inside, shutting the door behind you. Jack was eager to be beside you, approaching you quickly.
“Hi there,” You greeted, giving him a genuine smile. Upon seeing your face he began to relax, the dark gray color returning to his face. “You look absolutely stunning my mate,” Jack purred, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The sound of chatter from the hallway made Jack jump, pulling you behind him. He recognized the voices to belong to Laughing Jill and Kate the chaser, two creeps he did not trust. His gaze was centered on the door, your soft hand grabbing his arm.
“Jack, I need you to relax,” You say softly. Your voice was like warm honey, temptation threatening him to look away from the door. How could he protect you if he wasn’t ready? You walked around him, looking up at him as he towered over you. “EJ seriously, it’s okay. I’m okay,” You told him. Jacks gaze finally broke from the door, the sound of the girls straying off in the distance. “It’s hard to focus when there’s so many of my kind around. You’re not a proxy you know, you don’t have Slender’s unlimited protection,” Jack explained. His eyebrows furrowed as you admired his suit, rubbing his fingers over the suit jackets fabric.
“Maybe not. But I have yours, Jeffs, Ben’s, the proxies, Jane’s grown to like me I think, oh and Smiley,” You replied, giving him a small smile. Jacks eyebrows furrowed, tilting his head to the side. “You really think we could take on all of them and win?” He questioned. You giggled. You took his large hand, guiding him over to the window. You gestured for him to look outside, the creeps all taking their seats and talking. “This isn’t a war EJ. They’re not here to kill me. They’re here to celebrate,” You say. Jack watched as Smiley chased Sally around the yard, Slender and Trender caught up in a telepathic conversation at the podium.
Where the fuck did they get a podium?
“I guess what i’m trying to say is that you worry too much. Your friends like me right? So will they,” You told him, tucking your hair behind your ears. Jack contemplated your reasoning, glancing down and spotting the bloody painter. “You invited the bloody painter?” Jack questioned. You followed his gaze, spotting him talking to X-Virus. “I guess? Does it matter?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. Jack inhaled sharply. The last time he saw the Bloody Painter it ended in a bloody brawl. No pun intended.
“He’s just uh, not my favorite person on the planet,” Jack answered dryly. His gaze was locked onto him, refusing to shift away. You grabbed Jacks chin, guiding him to look at you. “I don’t like the idea of him seeing you. Being near you,” Jack admitted. It was something primal, something he couldn’t shake off. You were his mate and an enemy was prancing around his territory. “Guess you should show him who I belong to then,” You suggested, biting your bottom lip.
Jack could hear your heart skip a beat, a smile creeping across his face. “Oh you naughty little thing,” He whispered, bringing his lips to yours. Jack was never soft or gentle, but he tried his hardest to be so he didn’t ruin the dress. His kisses were hungry and desperate, his primal instincts ensuing. “How long do we have until the ceremony starts?” Jack asked, his lips refusing to stray from yours. You giggled, lying down on his bed. “Oh I don’t know, maybe till dawn?” You teased. Jack pounced on top of you, giving you a small smile.
“Need to know how much time I have with you love,” He purred, his breath hot against your ear. The sensation made you shudder in pleasure, your body igniting itself on fire. “Maybe twenty minutes?” You guessed. Jacks hands slowly pulled up your tight dress before cupping your drenched heat. “Okay maybe thirty,” You groaned. He could feel your dampness through your lacey white panties, the feeling alone euphoric. “Tsk tsk. Dressed so pure when you know I stole that purity long ago,” Jack hummed, teasingly dragging two fingers up and down your slit.
You whined, your hips bucking upwards. “Jack we don’t have time for teasing,” You say, eager to feel him. The demon above you quietly snickered, pushing your panties to the side. “It’s our wedding, they can wait,” He said, dropping to his knees. He dragged you by your thighs to the end of the bed, playfully licking up your thigh. “Jack please,” You whined, running your fingers through his hair. You tugged harshly at the roots, trying to drag him to your cunt. “So desperate,” Jack murmured before diving into your folds.
You could never explain or process the euphoria his three tongues provided. Two would shove themselves inside of you, scissoring your walls to stretch you out as much as they could. The third would attach itself to your clit, stimulating the bud as much as possible. It was an indescribable feeling, one that always made you moan and pant like a wild animal. Jack had purposefully gave you head everyday for a month, just to train the muscles in his tongues to be able to fuck you better.
As much as you were hesitant, it paid off.
“Fucking shit, Jack!” You moaned, throwing your head back as his large hands pried your thighs open. A primal growl rumbled in the bottom of his throat, his gaze centered on watching you fall apart. His tongues curled to begin abusing your g spot, your back arching off of the bed. You yanked at his locs, trying to pry him away from your aching cunt. You bit your bottom lip. “Jack if you keep that up you’re going to get very wet,” You threatened, your face turning red. You always got embarrassed of your bodies natural functions, Jack noticed. He didn’t see the point. He had seen every part of you and adored every nanometer.
You also had squirted on his fingers, tongues, and cock more times than he could count. How you orgasmed didn’t matter to him. He smirked as he continued his motions, your thighs trembling in his grasp. You whimpered as you came, your juices squirting across his face. You could feel your face growing hot, some of Jacks suit jacket soaked. He leaned back, your juices coating some of his clothing. He could hear your heart practically pounding against your rib cage.
“Goddammit-” Inhale. “Jack-” Exhale. “Your suits now all wet,” You sighed, trying to swallow as much air as possible Jack on the other hand was gleaming with pride, helping you rise to your feet. “It’ll dry. Besides, I think it’s pretty fucking hot,” He purred. He brought you over in front of his full length mirror, bringing your hands to either side of it to hold yourself up for support. “You look so beautiful, just watch yourself crumble for me,” Jack ordered. You could hear the clinking of his belt, the demon then wrapping his arms around your waist.
The height difference was one that couldn’t be ignored. Originally you didn’t think it would be possible for Jack to fuck you standing. That was of course until one eventful morning in the shower made it possible. All he had to do was pick you up and guide you down onto his cock. He did just that, watching you awkwardly balance on your tip toes to stay standing. As many times as you took him it always felt the same, your walls spasming around him as you struggled to take his girth.
“You’re doing so well for me beautiful, now open your eyes and watch,” Jack purred, placing a kiss on the side of your head. You felt him bottom out inside of you, the bulge of his cock visible through your dress. You whimpered as he let you adjust to him, his ears twitching at the sound of your heart beat. It always sped up when he first entered you, creating an addicting sympathy he wanted to hear forever. He swallowed as his gaze fell down to your neck, the urge to cover you in marks ensuing.
Jacks large hands grabbed your hips, slowly guiding you up and down his cock. “Fucking- fuck,” You moaned, struggling to keep your eyes open. Jack couldn’t control himself as he thrusted into you, his mind emptying entirely. “Such a good mate for me, taking me like this,” He panted. He licked the tender side of your neck, a chill running down your spine as he continued to fuck you. “You like this huh? Being used like my own personal fleshlight?” Jack chuckled darkly. Your head fell forward, your eyes screwing shut.
“Oh don’t get all shy on me now. Look at yourself,” Jack ordered. He slithered one hand up to your face, forcing you to look up. “Watch as I breed you mate. Fucking watch,” Jack rambled, grinning as your lips puckered out like a fish. Your noises were sinful, Jack couldn’t help but have an egotistical sense of pride. You could feel your second orgasm coming, your hands grabbing onto Jacks arm.
“J-Jack i’m gonna cum,” You panted. Jack’s hand slithered to your throat, squeezing the airway. “Not yet mate, wait for me,” He ordered. He continued to snap his hips into yours, your body beginning to shake as you tried to listen. “F-f-fuck I can’t-” You rambled. You moaned as you felt him choke you harder. “Awe you wanna cum so badly? Go on, cum. Cum on my fucking cock,” Jack huffed. The cord inside of you snapped, your body trembling as Jack came undone inside of you. Cumming anywhere besides deep in your cunt was out of the question, your pussy often dripping with his seed.
For a brief moment Jack held you in place, enjoying the feeling of your abused walls settling down around his shaft. “EJ?” You panted, still dazed. Your fingertips traced over the bulge that showed through your stomach. “Yeah?” Jack hummed. He wiped your smudged eye makeup, trying to clean you up without taking you off of his cock. “We’re still supposed to be getting married you know,” You chuckled. Jack playfully sighed, rolling his non existent eyes. He lifted you off of him, your bare feet hitting the wooden floor.
You turned around, pressing your lips to his. You smiled into the kiss, Jacks hands going to help you fix your dress. “How kind of you good sir,” You say teasingly, both of you letting out a genuine chuckle. A loud knock made both of you jump, Jacks eyebrows furrowing.
“Guys i’m not going to come in I know what you guys are up to but everyone’s hungry can you come get married already?” Ben asked. Jack quickly redressed himself, the two of you making sure the other was presentable. Once you both were properly dressed Jack opened the door. Ben’s eyes were buried in his hands. “Ben you can look at us you know,” Jack said, reaching over to his nightstand and grabbing his mask. The blonde shook his head. You stuck your head out from behind Jack.
“You really don’t wanna see me naked?” You asked curiously. You couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles as Ben quickly looked at you. Jack went to hit him, the blonde dodging his hit. “You gotta be faster than that Jacky boy,” He said teasingly, running down the hallway. Jack looked at you, his blue mask secured to his face. You stood on your tippy toes, pressing a kiss to his mask before encouraging him, “Go get em tiger, i’ll make sure the bridal party is ready.”
The bridal party in question was standing in beside the alter. Toby was your maid of honor, the ticking time bomb the most excited out of the three of them. Masky and Hoodie on the other hand, could not believe you roped them into this. “They’re fucking right now aren’t they?” Masky asked. Their gazes fell on Jack chasing Ben across the yard. “Maybe Ben got a peak, lucky man,” Hoodie snickered. Masky elbowed his partner, rolling his eyes. “They’re going on a honeymoon right? We’re never gonna get any sleep if they stay here after this is over,” Masky grumbled. They watched as Jack tackled Ben, the two tumbling to the ground.
“Where could they even go for a honeymoon?” Hoodie questioned. Toby waved cheerfully as you walked out of the back door. “They’re going to a remote cabin Slender got for them, isn’t that sweet?” He asked, smiling as you wobbled across the yard. Masky and Hoodie exchanged glances before resuming a calm facade. “Ten dollars says she’s pregnant by the time she gets back,” Hoodie said immediately. Masky grabbed a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket and showed it to his friends. “Make it twenty, not physically possible,” Masky replied. He raised his eyebrows as he watched Ben climb Jack like a jungle gym, the two in a petty brawl.
“They are aware they’re supposed to be getting married right now right?” Hoodie asked, watching as you smiled and greeted Laughing Jill and Jack. Masky sighed, reaching in his pocket and grabbing a box of cigarettes. “You can’t do that! This is a sacred ceremony!” Toby gasped, his head twitching to the side. Masky dug around in his suit pockets for a lighter. “Yeah yeah it’ll be fine kid. How long are we required to be here anyways? Boss was pretty vague with us,” Masky asked. Toby’s smile was cheerful as Hoodie handed Masky a lighter.
“He said till dawn.”
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creeps-and-pasta · 3 months
creepypasta been around so long the discourse never changes its always one of these:
nooo you can't date the creepypastas because they'd murder you! anyway enjoy my super realistic and gritty creepypasta rewrite where Jeff the killer eats babies
character age-based shipping discourse. Ben is 12 except when he's weed smoking college student and can't be shipped with Jeff who's an adult except Jeff is also 12 or maybe 14. Tim can't be shipped with Toby because he looks older and Toby is only 16. except for when Toby is an adult.
^^^ ppl using the above point to try and justify shipping Sally with other characters
hey guys have you considered tagging ur nsfw or putting it under a readmore that way the hundreds of children in this fandom don't find out what Slenderman's dong looks like
your oc is dumb and you should be drawn and quartered because of this
your headcannons are dumb and you should be shot by firing squad because of this
you drew a popular character as a POC and now ppl are mailing you anthrax
hey guys did you ever notice the creators of some of these stories are....bad?
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ozzgin · 1 year
omg, i'm so happy i stumble at your blog❤️❤️❤️..It's so very good and beautiful 😭💋.... btw, i was thinking about reader who's have kanae, mitsuri,and daki attitude. She's a model and a girlfriend from Jeff the killer , offenderman and Slenderman ... please 🙏🙏🙏....
Based on my brief google search I’m assuming those are characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba? Sadly I haven’t watched it yet, so I can only refer to the wiki. Since this is creepypasta I hope you don’t mind if it’s more yandere and horror themed.
Yandere! Creepypasta x Reader Headcanons
Featuring Jeff the Killer, Offenderman, Slenderman, and a model reader that becomes their partner with or without her approval. TW: may contain violence and dubious consent
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Jeff the Killer
Jeff can tell that behind those pretty little eyes of yours lies a grim, unorthodox curiosity for the darker things in life. You might deceive anyone else as you confidently strut the catwalk flooded with glamorous light, but he knows better. He’s known it from the moment he laid his eyes on you, and you’ve confirmed his feelings every single day since. He’ll show you what you’re missing. He’s watched you long enough.
You wake up with a dry throat and try to shuffle in your sheets before you realize that something is pressing them down, limiting your movement. With eyes now shot open, you erratically look around in the darkness trying to find the cause of this strange feeling. Something tickles your face and you try to regulate your rapidly increasing breathing, slowly accustoming yourself to the pitch black room. It’s hair. Long, coarse hair frames a bizarrely distorted face with bulging eyes burning holes in you. You gasp silently, unsure how to proceed. The mysterious man has efficiently caged you in with his body, his limbs fencing your helpless self. “Do you usually take sleeping pills?” his voice creaks disturbingly loud in the previously quiet room. “It’s the first time you’ve woken up just from this.”
He cackles and lowers his head until his forehead is pressing against yours. You feel a faint moisture coming from his mouth and wonder if its source is the gaping wounds that spread across his cheeks. “Watching you sleep has its charm, but this way I can finally talk to you properly. I’m not really good with confessions, so don’t expect a cheesy ‘will you be my girlfriend~’. Alright?” You stare, struggling to follow. Has he been stalking you? Is this why you’ve been plagued with a feeling of impending doom for months? And your manager had suggested you might just be fatigued, arranging for a prescription for sleeping pills.
“Hey! I don’t like talking to myself” the man growls, seemingly angered. He slaps a cold hand onto your cheek, now sticky with sweat, and proceeds to harshly grab your chin and force you into a nod. “That’s more like it. Good. If you behave properly we’ll be done with this in a second.” “Are you here to kill me?” you manage to blurt out, despite your mouth being mangled between his fingers. “Huh? What? Have you been listening?” He lifts his head once again, now fully towering over you. “I said you’re my partner starting now. So no more flirting with those little worms that pile around you. Either way I’m getting rid of them.” You manage to turn your head somewhat and notice the dull blade that’s been laying next to your pillow. “Do you comprehend, (Y/N)? You belong to me.” He pulls your jaw down into another nod. You feel like a rag doll.
With the other hand he cups your chin and gently squeezes your face. “Oh, you really are the prettiest thing. Look at this lovely face of yours. Would be a great shame if someone were to mess it up, huh?” He releases your cheeks and you hear the knife shift across the sheets.
You sink yourself further into the camping chair and lazily raise the can of beer that’s uncomfortably wet from the condensation. Your friends follow the gesture and congratulate you one more time as a toast opportunity. Following the latest fashion show, you’ve gotten several offers to be featured in some big name magazines. You can’t be bothered to remember the names as this whole charade is just your main way of earning enough to survive. As the night goes on it abruptly occurs to you that you might’ve had one sip too much and groggily get out of your seat. You’re mildly dizzy and hold onto the tree trunks for balance, hoping to find a spot far enough from the tents that you avoid invading everyone else’s nostrils with the smell of fresh puke.
Strange. Have your friends suddenly gone to bed? The sound of the badly tuned guitar has faded without you noticing. You turn around and squint your eyes for the camping lights, but it’s unexpectedly dark. Did you walk that much in your quest to find a quiet place for your drunken relief? You’re a bit uneasy at the idea of being alone in a big forest at night, so you turn around and try to retrace your steps. Your sickness has suddenly been replaced with impalpable fear. You swallow dryly as you pat the branches in your blind pursuit. You barely distanced yourself from the camp. You’re sure of it.
Finally, some bushes rustle loudly behind you and a homely feeling warms your body once again. “Christ, you guys. I’m losing my drinking game, I can’t believe I almost got lost in the-“
Were these two trees here before? The slender black forms sway briefly and your stomach drops. You gather up the courage to move your gaze gradually upwards, following the shape of the objects in front of you. They’re legs. Your head is now fully tilted back as you try to take in the image of the massive, faceless creature that stands there quietly. You dare to blink, hoping it will erase this unholy deformation of nightmares.
Not only does the man remain before you, consolidating his factual existence, but almost instantly your ankles twitch from the pressure of some mysterious dark tendrils that slither they way from an unknown source and are now taking over your body. The large arms extend outwards in a frightening span before circling around you, bringing you closer. You can now discern that the creature is wearing a suit and an earthy scent takes over you as you bury your nose in the old, dusty clothing. You begin to shiver, wondering if this is how you die. Shh, shh, darling. One pale, clawed hand pats your back in a soothing manner. You’re at last away from those humans, back to where you belong. He’s waited for you a long, long time. Only watching you from a distance, admiring your beautiful features and counting towards this day. Oh, what an agonizing wait. He’s been tormented by dreams of hope. And now you’re finally his.
You’re home.
You check your phone one more time and sigh in frustration. You aren’t even remotely interested in dating this guy, but his profile mentioned he’s a designer and you could use some networking. You cross your legs the other way and scan the park. He could at least show up on time. As you idly fiddle with your thumbs you feel a sudden wetness on your shoulder. You pull your shirt to inspect it and twist your mouth in disgust upon seeing the liquid slowly being absorbed by the textile. What the hell, bird droppings? Another drop falls nearby and you look up.
The first thing that comes into your view is the unnaturally wide mouth comprising of sharp teeth tightly pressed together. Saliva seems to be pooling into the edge of the lower lip before spilling over. He’s drooling. You instinctively try to get up, but the large creature’s hands quickly push you back onto the bench. Rude! If you’re going to walk around being this pretty, at least have the common sense to let him admire you in peace. His mouth is curled into a satisfied, perverted grin as he carefully slurps your features in.
He’d say that you look way better than in the photos, but that would be a lie. That would imply it’s his first time meeting you, but he’s been stalking you for a fair amount of time now. You can’t blame him, he knows you’ve been cheekily tempting him even if you aren’t aware of it. Naughty girls like you need to be punished and luckily he’s a master at delivering the best kind of discipline.
He easily lifts you up and throws you over the shoulder. Your screams of protest only make him giddy with excitement. Oh, the things he’s going to do to you. You might be upset now, but you’ll soon be begging him for more. It’s always like this. Though he may keep you around for longer. He’s rather fond of you and might even make you his girlfriend.
“Miss (Y/N)”, the words roll out of his mouth as he’s testing the sound of it. Nice. “What do you say about being Offenderman’s girlfriend? I’m just kidding love, you don’t need to answer that. I’ve already decided.” He proceeds to walk away, blissfully ignoring your clenched fists hitting against his back.
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rubytuezday · 8 months
Modern Eren Jäger headcannons
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on the college soccer team
listens to 2016 frat party music (the Weekend, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Childish Gambino) and also rock (Nirvana, Deaftones, Radiohead)
wears clear plastic frame glasses when he's too lazy to put in his contacts (saw someone else say this and I can't stop thinking about it)
loves piano - grew up listening to his mom play classical
tans so fast it's unfair
super flirty with everyone - he's a natural charmer
secretly listens to asmr when he can't sleep
got his tongue pierced when he turned 18
really good at doing accents (his favorite is Aussie)
fluent in German (raised bilingual)
wants to be an honorary uncle to his friends' future kids
frequent special guest on Connie's YouTube channel (like almost every gaming vid)
favorite movie is Return of the King (he cries at the ending every time but pretends like he doesn't)
really good at rolling blunts
coffee order is either the sugariest thing on the menu or a redeye (black coffee with a shot (or two) of espresso)
silver > gold
had a Creepypasta/Slenderman phase when he was 13 (still secretly rewatches Marble Hornets and EveryManHybrid)
read all the Percy Jackson books and liked to pretend that he was also a long lost son of Poseidon (main character syndrome to the max)
remembers everything anyone tells him. You mentioned your major? Eren remembers. You eat a specific food frequently? Eren knows that it's your favorite. Ordered a coffee around him exactly one time? Eren has that shit memorized
obsessed with mood-lighting
either super expressive or impossible to read, no in between
loves taking his mom to the symphony
knows how to cook exactly 3 meals (no I will not elaborate)
favorite sitcom is That '70s Show
so feral for him sorry not sorry
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raccoondude · 4 months
Creepypasta Sexuality/Gender HCs For Pride Month!
This is my first semi-writing post lmao, I write for a lot of creepypastas, so they'll all be listed here. I will say that this is for my main fic that I'm working on and has yet to be posted, so they can change from fic to fic or one shot to one shot. For any requests, they don't have to follow my headcanon.
Also quick note: I do write for Sally, but as she is an 8 year old child in my head, I'm not giving her a sexuality or including her here.
Slenderman (The Operator):
Gender: Technically none, but is male presenting
Pronouns: He/it (doesn’t care)
Sexuality: AroAce, he's a straight up demonic, god-like entity, he doesn't feel romantic or sexual connection
Tim Wright (Masky):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Prefers he, but doesn't mind they)
Sexuality: Def Bi king
Brian Thomas (Hoodie):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Tobias (Toby) Erin Rogers:
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Prefers he)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Jeffery Woods (Jeff The Killer):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Secretly prefers they)
Sexuality: Bisexual but prefers women
Heather Marshall (Rouge):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demi-sexual/Demi-romantic and genderblind
Eyeless Jack (EJ):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They interchangably (Will go feral if someone calls him it)
Sexuality: Demi-romantic, asexual, sex is just a chore for him, he doesn't have a repulsion to it, but he's not exactly pouncing on an opportunity for a bang sesh
Ann Lusen Mia (Nurse Ann):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian, asexual, rarely has a sex drive
Laughing Jack (LJ):
Gender: Technically none, but he’s male presenting 
Pronouns: He/They/It  
Sexuality: AroAce, no interest in sex or romance, just tormenting souls forever, how sweet
Jane Tod Richardson (Jane The Killer):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Oh definitely a full lesbian, no one can convince me otherwise
Benjamin Lawman (BEN/Ben Drowned):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Major bisexual/demi-romantic vibes
Liu Woods (Homicidal Liu):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Kate Milens (Kate The Chaser):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They (Prefers she)
Sexuality: Bisexual but a preference for women
Nina Hopkins (Nina The Killer):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They (Prefers she)
Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers men, specifically Jeff, but wouldn’t mind women
Cody (X-Virus): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They interchangeably
Sexuality: Pansexual
The Rake:
Gender: None
Pronouns: It/its
Sexuality: None, like c’mon it’s basically an immortal wild animal bro
Helen Otis (Bloody Painter): 
Gender: Genderfluid, but typically presents as male
Pronouns: He/She/They (Normally goes by he or they, indifferent to she)
Sexuality: AroAce, but wants a platonic relationship with cuddles and forehead kisses
Jason Meyer (Jason the Toymaker):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual/demiromantic with a preference for women
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (prefers he)
Sexuality: AroAce, no interest in sex or romance, just his evil plans to build an army
Dr. Smiley:
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demiromantic, asexual, he’d like a romantic relationship with someone he’s close to and cares about him, but doesn’t want sex
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Zachary Gibson (Puppet): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They 
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Quick note about this guy, he’s one of The Puppeteer’s proxies/puppets, yes I went down a massive rabbit hole when looking up creepypastas
The Seed Eater: 
Gender: None
Pronouns: it/its
Sexuality: None, again what do you guys expect, it’s a forest creature with nothing on its mind other than tormenting its prey and eating.
Anastasia Morozov (Ani the Wight): 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Demi-romantic, straight, she’s canonically straight, but I feel like she’d be demi-romantic at least
Sadie Marie Bennett (Suicide Sadie): 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rodrigo Ortiz (Cat Hunter): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rachel Marget Downs (Arcane): 
Gender: Female 
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
The Creepypasta Masterlist, Volume 2
I don't think this needs any introductions, but welcome to volume 2 of the creepypasta masterlist! here you will find even more links to more of my writing! as usual if theres anything wrong with any of the links please let me know! As of 3/22/24 this list is complete!
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Hugging Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Masky/Tim, Hoodie/Brian, Toby, Puppeteer, Jeff, and Ben
Jeff, Slender, EJ, Toby w/ an albino!reader
Tim, Masky, Brian, and Hoodie developing a crush on the reader
LJ, EJ, and Slender w/ a reader who looks like Clyde (Pastra)
Kissing hcs for Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoodie and Puppeteer
Proxies, Ben, and EJ x reader w/ Albinism
LJ, Jeff, and Ben w/ a reader who has a perma smile
LJ, EJ, and Slender x reader who bottles up emotions
Reader meets LJ, Slender, and Ben
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoodie, Toby, Jeff, Ben, and Puppeteer comforting the reader
LJ, EJ, Hoodie x reader who misses them and steals their clothes
EJ, Slender and Jeff as dads/dad figures
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoodie, Toby, Jeff, Ben, Puppeteer on valentines w/ the reader
Slender, Splendor, and EJ visiting an old playground w/ the reader
Masky, Hoodie, and EJ when the reader wants their masks
Flirting w/ Masky and Hoodie
Slenderman, Splendorman, Masky, and Puppeteer x reader who steals their clothing
Slenderman, Masky, and Hoodie x quiet but sweet!preteen!reader (platonic)
Splendorman, Puppeteer, and Hoodie w/ a reader who got stood up on Valentine's day
Tim, Masky, and EJ x mother hen!hypocrite!reader
The proxies x reader who has a ballerina fighting style
Reader who hugs and kisses his tentacles
Celebrating christmas
Flirting w/ Slenderman
Getting into an argument w/ Slenderman
Splendorman x gloomy!reader
Flirting w/ Splendorman
Arguments w/ Splendorman
Splendorman x quiet!shy!reader
EJ x stoic!reader whos only nice to him
Flirting w/ EJ
Aftermath of EJ accidentally hurting the reader
EJ x demon!reader who feeds off of emotion
Hunted (EJ x reader being tracked down by the cult)
EJ x reader who gets cuteness aggression
EJ interacting with his past self
EJs thoughts on the readers looks
Prince!EJ x Maiden!reader
More general EJ hcs
EJ x girly!childish!cheerful!reader
Reader telling him they love him
Eyeless Jack x gloomy!reader
Shut In (one shot fic)
EJ x reader who is stuck in a timeloop
Valentine's w/ EJ
EJ celebrating the readers birthday
Prompts 2 and 14 w/ EJ
Prompts 15 and 6 w/ EJ
EJ x immortal reader
Prompt 41 with EJ
Haunted House attraction
Lj x reader who has BPD and has him as her FP
Flirting w/ LJ
LJ x possessive!reader
Cuddling w/ LJ
LJ comforting the reader + gift giving hcs
LJ x cheerful!girly!reader
LJ x Baker!reader
Arguing w/ Laughing Jack
Holding hands
Resting his head on your lap
SFW taking a bath with LJ
Dancing with LJ
LJ x pierrot!reader
Masky laying his head on your lap
Reader undressing Masky to tend to a wound
Reader doing Masky's nails
Hoodie doing the readers makeup
Getting him snacks
General Puppeteer hcs
Flirting w/ Puppeteer
Platonic Toby x reader w/ chronic pain
Platonic Jeff friendship hcs
Platonic Ben x seraphim!reader
Platonic Ben x computer ghost!reader
Arguments w/ Jeff the Killer (platonic)
Jeff the Killer cutting the readers hair (platonic)
Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jack dynamic
General dynamics and relationships
Platonic jeff x kid!reader
Platonic H I J with Toby
R T Y with toby but its the platonic alphabet
W T P with Jeff but it's the platonic alphabet
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d0g0r0t · 1 year
I have such a specific request for ticci Toby head cannon, as seen in the timeline 30 year old Toby got institutionalized.My question is what he doing????
Not necessarily how he got there but maybe his reaction to being separated from you for an extended period of time?
Thank you : DD
Currently kicking my feet up in the air thinking about this 
When Toby got institutionalized
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When he got caught he went fucking MENTAL on everyone and everything around him. Not because he got caught because he was being taken away from you
The moment he was in the facility he wouldn't talk to anyone, and when he did it would be lash outs screaming, kicking, punching, slapping, biting, anything to cause a scene and the most trouble
And when he did have these melt downs he would be locked in one of those rubber rooms so he wouldn't hurt himself or anyone else
After about a week you were all he thought about. During free time he would draw you and write little poems about you. And every time a person asked who you were he give them the most drop dead stare
The idea of you not by his side sent him into a deep depression. He would rot in his bed for hours and would only come out if he was physically dragged out. He would eat unless he we held down and food shoved down his throat.
Doctors tried getting a reason out of him but he wouldn't budge.
The only time he did talk about you was when he accidentally slipped and said your name in such a sad and weak manner
It was honestly sad to see
He missed you so so so much It actually pained him that he couldn't see you. He knew he had to get out some how but he didn't know what that some how was.
He would see you in his dreams and every time he woke he would sob quietly into his pillow
You were his only reason of actually trying anymore. And now that he was taken away from you he couldn't even function
He loved you with all his heart and not having you in the same room as him made him angry at the world
There was multiple reports of people catching him mumbling you name in his sleep or going into full on breaks as he stared at the wall for hours. They had to let him snapped out of it at his own time or else someone would get seriously hurt
He was sentenced to 355 years in the mental facility.
He had a reputation there to say the least. Everyone feared him. People thought he was crazy with the whole slenderman thing and all the murders. It was a shocker to them he wasn't caught sooner
How I think he got caught was when he was cornered by a large group of cops and literally had no where to go. He knew if he swung he would be shot on the spot so with a lot of thinking he gave in
Once he snapped at this guy and killed him with a coloring pencil...
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Bro got thrown in the silly bin
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
Notable Slenderman designs from over the years
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Something Awful: As the users of the original Create Paranormal Images thread took to calling him, "Poo Poo", the first Slendy on this list is sort of a composite variant of his first depictions. After Victor Surge had made "the Slender Man" people started creating their own photos and a couple even drew him. Designs varied, but many featured arms that turned into tentacles or tree branches, and blank faces with either few or very pronounced facial features. These first drawings gave me the impression that Slendy was a creature that attempted to blend in and look human, but if examined its nonhuman aspects would become apparent almost immediately, empty face notwithstanding. As such, while his suit gives the impression of a well-dressed man, if one looks at it from a small distance they'll note the lack of buttons, pockets and other such accessories, so in a way the suit is like a second skin as opposed to actual clothes. Merely a disguise.
Marble Hornets: The Operator! Version that got many people into the Slenderman mythos, the Marble Hornets rendition streamlined the many variations of the Something Awful forum into a simple yet iconic design. This guy is very tall, and makes it clear that he's the furthest thing from human. Proportion-wise, his torso is not even half of his total height, while his arms almost reach the ground. Weirdly enough, his hands don't seem to have fingers? And look to be morphed into the suit, though they could be wearing fingerless gloves. He has a straight upper body and shoulders, and in most entries has barely if any shadows on his face to enunciate human features. As in, most of the time his face is completely blank, although there are entries where you can spot the outlines of a nose, mouth and eye sockets.
TribeTwelve: To me, the Administrator is a more grounded (heh) Slenderman. If you ignore the times he's shown to tower over humans, this guy, while tall, isn't abnormally long. He even has human-looking skin and visible eye sockets! With regular proportions for a Slenderman depiction, he's pretty tame in appearance when he doesn't have his tentacles or spider legs out. So really, he's just a regular man in black with no face, which makes him a bit more believable but still creepy as all hell.
DarkHarvest00: Gorr'rylaehotep! This dude's like a streamlined version of the Marble Hornets Operator, which was himself a streamlined Slendy. He's like an expected evolution of a live action Slenderman, where his body isn't elongated so much as it's scaled up for him to appear larger. That said, he's in no way thick, being quite thin for a big guy in a business suit. Luckily, that doesn't take away from his scare factor, as he's remains an imposing figure throughout the series... In the shots where he doesn't move too much, that is… Having fewer overall appearances in DarkHarvest00, he's also the most consistent Slendy on this list to keep a totally blank face with no features. Neato!
Slender: the Arrival: This guy isn't slender. Like, at all. He's well-built for a Slenderman and, dare I say, kind of muscular-looking. If you shorten his arms, he's just a big human, but I think that strengthens the unease you have when you see him. The others, aside from the TribeTwelve design, don't really hide their uncannyness. Once you’ve spotted them, you know there's something wrong when you look at them. The Arrival Slenderman takes it a step further. He gets all up in your face, not even stalking you all that much. He almost refuses to blend into the background, opting to terrorize you up close. He doesn't obscure the fact that he's an otherworldy entity that shouldn't exist, and I think that's great. His ragged skin and ears melted into his skull offer him an incredibly distinct look, and given how well the game uses him, he's super scary to play against. He's also among the first Slendermen to feature a red tie, which will go on to be a very popular design choice when depicting this character.
The ways people chose to draw/show/model Slendy have always intrigued me, so I made this lil thing to show off the differences in a few designs over the past decade! I hope you've enjoyed reading through this, and I'll see you next time when I'll draw and analyse five more. Have a good day!
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Batmeman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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lordprettyflackotara · 2 months
noise || masky (maid!reader)
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tw: PLEASE READ: gun play, gun fucking? humiliation, throat fucking, public fucking, cnc if you squint but you’re really a horny freaky fuck, public use kink lowkey, hair pulling
spin off with hoodie is here
Masky knew how he liked to spend his Saturday nights.
Typically they included Hoodie and Toby, maybe a few bottles of liquor and some friendly rounds of russian roulette.
Yet on this Saturday his eyes were glazed over as he stared at you over the rim of his glass. Hoodie and Toby were no where to be seen. Instead he was accompanied by his gun, a good old fashioned bottle of whiskey, and you. You were just adorable, shuffling awkwardly in your seat in front of him. As the mansions maid your rights were very much stripped from you, as was your dignity. The vile combination landed you on a bar stool in a lousy maid outfit across the table from Masky.
Questioning why Masky wanted to spend his evening with you in particular wasn’t your job. With that being said, the curiosity lingered in the back of your mind the longer you watched you drink. ��You sure you don’t drink?” Masky huffed, downing another shot. Oh you were sure alright, your eyes briefly flickering to his veiny hands. “I’m sure,” You replied modestly. You tried to remain confident, ignoring Masky’s not so subtle gaze at your breast. Curse this stereotypical ass costume. “There a particular reason why?” Masky asked. He was trying his hardest to engage in conversation with you. He noted despite your flusteredness you seemed to reciprocate the effort. “Not particularly,” You answered.
Masky poured himself another shot, eyeing you suspiciously, “It’s because I make you nervous, don’t I?”
You felt heat dash across your cheeks, your face turning bright red. “Excuse me?” You asked. Masky chuckled at your response, fighting the urge to lean across the table and pinch your cheeks. “You heard me princess. I don’t stutter,” Masky replied in a cocky tone. You narrowed your eyes, up for a decent challenge. One that wouldn’t include dusting the tippy tops of Slenderman’s bookshelves. You slid off of your chair, pulling down your mini dress as you grabbed a glass from the kitchen cabinet. Masky ensured to snag an eyeful of your plump ass as you reached upwards.
Stomping back to the table you slammed the glass down, grabbing the bottle of whiskey. Masky’s eyebrows raised as you practically threw off the top, pouring the firey liquid in your glass. “Dont pour more than you can drink sweetheart,” Masky suggested. You set the bottle aside, grabbing the glass. Sarcastically you raised it, fighting a smirk. “Cheers,” You say bitterly. You brought the glass to your lips, maintaining eye contact with the brunette as you did so. “That shit isn’t cheap. You better swallow all of it unless you want to pay me back,” He threatened. He noted your thighs subtly rubbing together under the sound of his threat. He smirked as he watched you down the whiskey, ignoring the hazardous feeling of fire spreading down your throat.
You stopped halfway to take a breath, your eyes watering. Masky’s dark gaze stared you down. “Keep going. I didn’t tell you to stop,” He said. You gulped as you brought the glass back to your lips, finishing the drink. Masky grinned at your obedience. “Thats a good girl,” He murmured. Swallowing you beamed with pride, wiping the sides of your mouth. Your stomach rumbled with fire and desire, your gaze landing back on the man across from you. “Wanna play a game?” You asked curiously, tilting your head to the side. Masky’s interest was peaked, the brunette sipping his own whiskey. “I don’t play games sweetheart, I win them,” He gloated. Your gaze fell to his veiny hands once again, the thought of them tangling themselves in your hair making your mouth water.
“You’ll be really good at this one then,” You reply, your mind rancid with utter filth. Masky noticed your hazy expression, leaning forward. “Oh really? What do I need to do?” He asked. Biting your bottom lip you slid off of your chair, crawling underneath the table. The table cloth kept you being hidden, Masky curiously glancing downwards as you crawled in between his legs. Your fingers began to fiddle with his belt, the metal clinking. “Be very very quiet,” You hummed. Masky briefly lifted his hips, allowing you to tug down his jeans and boxers enough for his cock to spring out.
The brunette felt himself growing warm as you took his cock in your hands, giving it a couple pumps before bringing it to your lips. Masky shifted in his chair, grabbing the sides as you licked the slit of his tip. “Oh I see, you’re a nasty slut aren’t you?” He huffed. You took him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down his cock. One of his hands slithered underneath the tablecloth, his fingers raking through your hair. He tugged at the roots, shoving you further down his cock. You whined from the pain, your core throbbing as his tip brushed against the back of your throat.
Masky grunted quietly as he forced you down further, his cock now deep down your throat. You admittedly gagged around his shaft, your cheeks turning a deep red from embarrassment. You tried to pull away, his strong hand holding you in place. “I didn’t say you could move. Stay still and relax your jaw,” He ordered sternly. Blinking away the tears that had accumulated in your flooded waterline, you dropped your jaw, forcing yourself to relax under his tight grip. “Thats it. Just submit,” He grumbled, slowly pulling you off of his cock. He gave you a moment to breathe, relishing in the sound of you gasping for oxygen before he shoved you back onto his cock.
The brunette was anything but gentle, using your throat as he pleased. You felt humiliated, saliva trailing down your chin and forming a small pool on the floor below. Masky sipped his whiskey nonchalantly as he abused your throat, the pride and satisfaction practically dripping off of him. It was then you heard footsteps, every fiber in you screaming at you to stop the sinful act you were committing. Clutching Masky’s thighs as a silent plea for him to stop, he momentarily froze. Releasing your hair he grabbed his gun off of the table, your eyes widening as you met the end of it. He pressed the cold metal against your forehead, turning off the safety.
“I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?” He asked, just quiet enough for only you to hear. You swallowed, nervously tucking your hair behind your ears as you reattached your mouth to his cock. Masky watched Jeff and Toby waltz into the kitchen, not even attempting to hide his smug expression. “Gentleman,” Masky said plainly. Jeff raised an eyebrow, shooting the brunette a confused expression. You gripped Masky’s thighs as you licked the underside of his cock, before running your tongue through his slit. “What’s got you all chipper?” Jeff questioned. The sound of the pale killers voice made you freeze, Masky quick to push the gun against your head. “Beautiful night isn’t it?” Masky quipped.
Toby was busy digging through the cabinets for a snack, Jeff shooting him a look. “Uh huh,” Jeff mused. He walked past Masky, walking up to Toby. “Did EJ give him new meds or something?” He whispered. Toby shrugged, pulling out a box of trix cereal. “B-beats me. I’m m-m-more interested in where the maid is,” He replied. You forced yourself lower onto Masky’s shaft, concealing your gagging sounds. “Why’s that?” Masky asked. You could feel your panties begin to soak with arousal, causing you to uncomfortably rub your thighs together. “Shes a fine little thing. Needa get her alone,” Jeff agreed. His humiliating words only turned you on more, making you suck Masky’s cock harder.
“Hoodie a-already had a t-t-turn. She’s up-p for grabs,” Toby mentioned. Masky’s eyes widened, realizing you weren’t the innocent little maid you made yourself out to be. “Really? Is that so?” He asked. Toby nodded, grabbing a handful of cereal and shoving it in his mouth. “Bringing her in as our personal whore and maid has got to be the best decision Slender’s ever made,” Jeff commented. He crossed his arms, his gaze briefly flickering down to the table cloth on the kitchen table. He tilted his head to the side, noticing it looked a bit slanted. Just as he was about to ask, Toby elbowed him. “Let’s g-g-go find her. If you don’t mind s-sharing of course,” Toby chuckled. Jeff rolled his eyes, his attention now refocusing on his moron of a friend.
“Not really. I won’t need to share if I find her first though,” Jeff snickered. Masky watched as he darted out of the kitchen, leaving Toby behind. “Y-you bitch! I call dibs!” Toby yelled, slamming his box of cereal down. He sprinted after the pale killer, not giving Masky a second glance. The moment they were gone the brunette pushed his chair back, looking down at you. “Make me cum and then i’ll consider letting you do the same,” He growled. His finger rested on the trigger, his itch to pull it only growing as you desperately sucked his cock. His other hand grabbed your hair, forcing you down further. Fuck, did he love the sound of you gagging.
He tilted his head back as he came down your throat, his seed causing you to choke. He licked his lips as he looked down at you. “Swallow it all stupid slut,” Masky barked. He watched you struggle to obey him as his cock stayed lodged in your throat, the brunette finally merciful enough to remove himself from you. You gasped for air, panting as the brunette glared down at you. “Get on the table and spread your fucking legs,” He snarled. You scrambled to listen to him, dreading the panties that were apart of your uniform being revealed. Shyly you spread your thighs once you were seated on the table, your white thong failing to conceal your wet cunt.
“As much as i’d love to fuck you, I don’t fuck community whores,” He grumbled. With his gloved hand he dragged two fingers up your folds, collecting your slick. “Such a pretty pussy though. Such a shame,” Masky mumbled to himself. You whimpered under his touch, bucking your hips since you were so desperate to get off. The brunette didn’t fail to notice this, pulling your thong to the side. He brought his gun to your cunt, rubbing it teasingly up and down your folds. He watched in awe as you grinded against it, Masky’s cock threatening to get hard all over again.
“You’re so desperate you’re willing to get off on my gun? Really? Do you know how many people i’ve killed with this thing?” Masky questioned. He watched you bite your lower lip, your gaze focused on the weapon brushing against your clit. He roughly grabbed your face with his spare hand, puckering your lips out like a fish. “But that doesn’t matter to you does it? As long as you cum you’ll be satisfied,” He huffed. You whimpered under his grasp, your small hands grabbing onto his arm. He licked his lips, eyeing yours carefully. “You wanna get off so bad? Fine,” He grunted. Abruptly he shoved the cold metal inside of you, your body tensing.
“M-Masky-” You sputtered, gripping the table. The brunette smirked as your gummy walls eagerly clamped down on the metal. “Dont act all scared. I know you like this you freaky bitch,” Masky chuckled darkly. He shoved the gun inside of you further, your cunt eager. A groan fell from your lips as it brushed against your g spot, causing Masky to smirk at the sound. “Stay still princess, wouldn’t want to pull the trigger. That might hurt,” He taunted. He began to fuck his gun into you, your groans turning into sinful moans as it abused your g spot. “But Masky, I want you,” You slurred, your eyes threatening to flutter shut from the pleasure.
Reaching forward he grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking you closer to him. “Dirty whores don’t get my cock,” He growled. You whimpered as the metal grew warmer from your heat, your hand slithered down to your neglected clit. “Thats it, shut up and take it,” Masky snickered. You drew fast circles around your clit, allowing him to fuck you with his gun. “So fucking pathetic,” He mumbled. He watched as your head tilted back, your body threatening to squirm as he pleased you. “Mmm, feels so good,” You whined. He continued to abuse your cunt as he pleased, your g spot repeatedly hitting the tip of his gun. You felt your orgasm growing closer, the cord inside of you tightening.
“Does it princess? Tell me how good it feels,” Masky replied. You allowed your eyes to flutter shut, your oncoming orgasm coming quickly. “So fucking good Masky. Fuckkkk,” You moaned. You felt your hips stutter as you came around Masky’s gun, your vision turning white from euphoria. Your heart was pounding against your chest, your breath shallow as you came down from your high. Slowly Masky removed his gun from your cunt, your juices coating the metal. “Clean it,” He huffed, dragging you by your hair towards the gun. Dazed, you lapped at the metal, your own juices coating your tongue. Masky watched as you wrapped your tongue around the gun, his gaze glued to you.
“Don’t get all shy now,” He said, forcing the gun further into your mouth. You met his dark gaze, forcing your jaw to go slack. Before Masky could go any further, the sound of Toby’s voice broke him from his lustful trance.
“H-holy shit!”
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crushedsweets · 10 months
nina and jeff headcanons ?? like what was there relationship like ?? love your work btw
i just lost my mind in chat about them. this is gonna be a LOT. nina probably has the most complicated story in my AU because her motives are all over the place and everything with jeff is terrible. ok letsgo
General rundown of their childhood/teens in my au: nina got sent to live w her grandparents when she was around 14 and got caught cutting the smile into her cheeks (very surface level scars that healed after a few weeks). she robbed her grandparents and ran away when she was 18 when she found out jeff&liu were in alabama. never killed anyone.
jeffs story is relatively close to canon, until he made a deal with slenderman to go more.. undercover with his murder.... and kill less. now he's chilling in alabama. robs his victims. THEIR CURRENT RELATIONSHIP..
now theyre in their early-mid 20s when they meet, this isnt the first time jeffs ran into a freaky fangirl. this is the first time he's given it a shot.
jeff uses nina. sure, he's physically attracted to her - she's pretty, takes good car of herself, etc - but he has no place in his heart to love her. he finds her annoying, too chatty, and he does think her infatuation is pathetic - he just knows it benefits him
for the first bit of their 'relationship', he was just testing the limits. coming over unannounced, telling her to make him some dinner, leaving laundry for her to do.
he'd let her kiss him, sit on his lap, hug him, so on and so forth - but he wasn't one to initiate & he wasn't crazy interested in entertaining her. eventually, she started meeting the other creeps, and by time she was intertwined in their life as well, he pushed even further.
he made nina suddenly show up at crime scenes, lie to cops on his behalf. toss some bloody clothes in her trunk and hope she doesn't get caught. make her handle burning up some official documents from his victims, even if it didn't help hide anything - he just wanted to see what she'd do.
one time they drove a victim's car into a lake together. she wasn't really sure what he was doing at the time, but he was speeding, and they were in a car heading straight for a lake, and she started to panic, and telling him to slow down , and he didn't. before she knew it they were both climbing out of a lake coughing up nasty ass lake water. she would've been crying cuz it'd have scared her so bad, but jeff would've been filled with so much adrenaline. he'd be grabbing her, spinning her and laughing, and for the first time he seemed genuinely fucking hyped to be with her - so she wiped off her tears and they went home and she made them dinner. like nothing happened.
but he's only willing to entertain her for so long. after 5 months, he gets really fucking snappy(he always was), and begins screaming at her for fucking everything. if she can't get a stain out of his hoodie, he's mad. if she doesn't have dinner ready by time he's hungry, he's mad. he'll stop coming home for weeks, ignore her texts. if she doesn't call back when he finally contacts her after a month, he's mad.
he eventually gets impossible to please. but she doesn't quit, and eventually, he decides to take shit a step further.
one night after a long shift, nina comes home. theres mud tracked through her house, and she knows it was jeff. aside from the mess, she's beyond excited - she stumbles through the house looking for him, and she finally swings open the bathroom door and is mortified.
in her bathtub, there is a body wrapped in trash bags and duct tape. it smells disgusting and there's a bag with tools sprawled on the floor. a saw, more heavy duty trash bags, bleach - and a note telling her to handle it.
nina wasn't built for this, she was the type of girl to cry if she stepped on a cats tail. she didn't even like getting into arguments.
but she can't call the cops, so she does what he asks. she dismembers the body, bleaches her bathroom, gets the remains in a suitcase, and drags it out to the forest. she spent the entire time sobbing, throwing up, fainting, having to cry in a different room because she couldn't sit with the corpse anymore. it took probably 10 hours for her to get it all out of the way. she runs into a proxy as she's doing it, and they help her out. they get rid of the body for her deep in the forest. she spends the night at the proxy's cabin, crying herself to sleep on the couch. the next morning nobody comes to comfort her. she realizes just how much she's fucked up
that wouldn't have been the last time jeff left a body for her to clean up
eventually toby and clocky start coming over to handle it from the get go. they care about her by now. toby beats jeffs ass after the fourth time
after that, jeff goes to confront nina. smth smth "why the fuck are you telling people" and she starts crying and yelling back for the first time, and he gets so fucking mad he stabs her in the stomach - a little above her hip, a couple inches from her belly button.
nina would go to liu. she had been stalking him for some time and leaving him emails, letters, fanmail. nina would be hysterical, crying and begging him to help her, but refusing to let him call 911 - she was scared of going to jail, of sending jeff to jail.
by this point, liu would've hired jane (an unethical private investigator) to investigate nina. so liu calls jane.
jane would know the creeps because slender sent sally to haunt(and then live with) jane, so she'd bring nina to jack. this would be lius first time interacting with the other creeps.
from here on out, nina would really start trying to get away from jeff . a long fucking fight for herself . luckily she already formed a decent friendship with clocky and toby by this point - and mayhaps a crush on kate .. but that last part is just for me.. :3... LOL
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pagodazz · 8 months
thinking about how people just. don't ever talk about how Vinnie literally shot himself. Like did you guys??? genuinely forget about that.??
We talk about Evan and Jeff's attempt but ?#?$? we never talk about the fact Vinnie SHOT HIMSELF. AND WE SAW IT ON VIDEO.
I just AIYHHSGSHHH I know they're everyone's favorites but sometimes it seems like no one actually ever acknowledges Vinnie and the stuff that he went through too.
and I mean that is genuinely the point of his character,
and so many people just really did assume that he was perfectly fine and that he didn't have it as bad as the others.
WHEN IT COMES TO HABIT?? yes Vinnie did NOT have it as bad. if anything HABIT has treated Vinnie with literal luxury compared to the others but.
with slenderman??? Jesus fucking christ Vinnie never got a moment ALONE. He's probably coughing up blood more then the average person even should.
This is one thing I've noticed people don't understand about the story, Evan is working to defeat HABIT more than he's working to defeat slenderman, and Vinnie is SOLELY working towards defeating slenderman.
I don't know I'm really just rambling over nothing. it just makes me really sad when I see people talking about Vinnie as if he isn't just a guy who was doing all the could. He doesn't feel good about the things he's done and he wishes he never did it, but it's not even his fault. He's destined to fail every single time.
There's nothing that he could've done, HE TRIED. LIKE WHAT DID YOU GUYS WANT HIM TO DO????? what was he SUPPOSED to do.
slenderman is in his FUCKING HEAD DUDE, Slenderman has such a HOLD over him and is so auyhhhh. HES PART OF THE MACHINE. SLENDERMANS MACHINE AND HES SO FUCKING GOOD AT IT I'M JUST.
oiuhhhduh. I'm gonna shut up now I'm sorry I just have so many thoughts about Vinnie and how so much of his character goes unseen if you're not exactly looking
also adding this. bc I'm actually not done. HE DIDNT EVEN WANNA SHOOT HIMSELF EITHER. he did BUT HE DIDNT. its awful. I hate it
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