#slight plot. there is slight plot
llycaons · 2 years
“You have to stop critiquing American imperialism in public, baby,” Wei Ying says, covering his mouth with one hand. “You know how it gets me going.”
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
I just went through the whole cave!danny/Brucie AU, and am in love with it, what do you think the batfam's reaction to Danny accidentally dropping/complaining about Vlad and that whole... (human not halfa) situation?
I'm glad you like the au!
Danny wouldn't complain about Vlad without something prompting him to. Since he was trying to lie to Waynes by claiming to be a version of Bruce, he wouldn't give away information about himself that could counteract his lie. (we now know that the Waynes knew all along that he was a version of Bruce and the only one who wasn't aware was Danny himself).
He does, however, let things slip. Calling people a fruitloop? It could just be slang from his universe, but he says it with a capital F, so Brucie must mean a person. Brucie adoes animals like Damian but makes little comments about how "If he had a cat he wouldn't be such a lonely loser" and they file that way.
Jason makes a death joke and Brucie doesn't react like most people do. There isn't the shock, sad or even nervous smile. It's just the laughter of someone who relates to the joke. That's filed away too.
Tim says all these little things point to Brucie plotting something sinister. Steph says that it's someone in Brucie's life he can't respect or get along with. Likely a adult.
He never brings up either issue, but there are definitely signs. Bruce himself thought his counterpart was a meta, but when they tested him during the night they caught him, nothing came up.
They choose to watch and learn trying to see what course of action he will take, while Danny is watching them in turn and adjusting his actions accordingly by taking no action at all.
It's a stalemate that was only broken the day Danny ran.
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
First Cuts
Part 1 | Part 2
“Hey,” Steve says breathlessly. “Y’know that thing that we are not mentioning, ever, on pain of death?”
Eddie blinks. “Y’know you’re still mentioning it even if you don’t call it what it is, right?”
“Eddie,” Steve says seriously, which causes Eddie to focus. “I need your help. I’m kinda freaking out, here.”
“Okay,” Eddie says, running through things in his mind. “Want me to come over? Or wanna come over here? Or just over the phone?”
“I’m stressed out enough I can’t make any decisions right now,” Steve says.
“Okay,” Eddie says, “then I’m coming over. Unlock the door for me, ‘kay? I’ll be there in ten.”
“M’kay. Thank you.” With a click he’s gone, and Eddie hangs his phone back up too, looking around for his keys.
He snatches them off the counter, jams his feet into his shoes, and takes off.
He realizes halfway there that he’s still in his pajamas.
He walks in when he arrives to find Steve sitting at the table, staring at an envelope like he’s trying to disintegrate it with just his vision. Eddie thinks he can almost see the paper smoking. “Hey,” he says softly. “What’s going on?”
Steve doesn’t meet his eyes, just keeps his gaze locked on the envelope. “I did something impulsive. And Robin doesn’t know. And either nothing changes, or everything does.” He lifts his face to Eddie’s. His bottom lip is bitten raw.
“Okay,” Eddie says. “Well, first things first is to figure out which of those options it is, right? I’m assuming the letter will determine which it is.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, reaching for it, only to push it towards Eddie. “I, uh. I applied to a specific school. And I know the kids are going to tease me about it-”
“Hey,” Eddie interrupts, brows furrowed. “You’re plenty smart, Stevie, don’t listen to the little shitheads, alright? Whatever the answer is, whatever you decide to do, I’m with you. One hundred percent. I’ll even punish the little twerps during our next session if they say anything, okay?”
“Can you open it?” Steve begs, whispering, eyes wide.
Eddie’s hopeless to refuse. “Of course I can,” he replies, just as softly.
He looks at the envelope. Good, thick paper. Sticker return address. He opens it and pulls out a letter.
Dear Steven J. Harrington,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for 1988’s starting class! In Tricoci University, we pride ourselves on…
Eddie looks up at Steve with a grin. “You’re in.”
“Holy shit,” Steve breathes. “Holy shit!” He begins to grin. “I made it!”
“You made it!” Eddie celebrates, then keeps reading.
We hope you look forward to your time here at Tricoci University of Beauty Culture Bloomington.
Eddie looks up at Steve again. “A beauty school?”
Steve flushes scarlet. “Cosmetology. I wanna do hair.”
Eddie sits for a minute, thinking, before he grins at Steve and stands to sweep him into a spinning hug. “That sounds perfect for you!”
Steve giggles giddily, then grins happily at Eddie when he’s set down. “You really think so?”
“Think so? I know so! Stevie! This is gonna be so good for you!” He drags Steve over to the couch so they can both sit. “I mean, think about it. And I don’t just mean the obvious high school shit. Even the little things. You’re good with people, dude. They just like you just ‘cause you’re you. And who knows more about you than anyone else?”
Steve frowns. “Robin?”
Eddie chuckles. “My mistake. General you, not specific. Your hairdresser! You tell them everything. And you live for that shit, Stevie, I see how your eyes light up when the kids share gossip.” He grabs Steve’s hands and smiles warmly at him. “I promise, everyone’s gonna be so happy for you.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Steve murmurs, cheeks still pink.
“And hey,” Eddie says, grinning again. “You’ve got at least one lifelong customer.” He points to himself, grinning when Steve laughs.
“Thanks,” he says, then takes a deep breath, suddenly serious again. Eddie schools his face accordingly. “Will you help me tell Robin?”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @wonderland-girl143-blog
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
“while I’m kidnapping this lady to extort her species for money I need to blow up this ship because their oil production methods are objectionable” who let this kid out and someone teach him hypocrisy
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crimson-nail · 8 months
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i have been cooking an over-complicated roleswap au for. a VERY long time
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crvida · 5 months
i think dead boy detectives would have really suited a longer season format
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
Total Eclipse
Eclipse!Sans x OC
Eclipse!Sans belongs to @llamagoddessofficial and I am rather obsessed with them! I hope I captured them accurately but I couldn't help but wonder how they'd react to my OC.
Their design is based on art that @sparticus2000art created. I loved the first one the most so I hope you don't mind that I used it.
Background: This drabble is not canon to The Nightmare of Apathy and is a sort of "What if?" situation for whatever happens after the story ends.
All you really need to know to enjoy this is that the Reader was in a relationship with Nightmare and lives in his castle with the rest of the gang. The world is only lit up by the moon and the stars, thanks to Nightmare's influence.
Word Count: 1,959
You woke up alone, which wasn't too unusual in of itself. Still, you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that Nightmare hadn't joined you this time. He'd been extra busy ever since forming a treaty with his brother but you'd hoped he'd take a break on his own. Now it seemed like you'd have to go bug him about getting proper rest, even though he always insisted that he didn't need to.
You crawled out of bed and pulled the curtains aside. Just like always, the world outside the castle was dark. Only the light from the stars and the moon could pierce through the veil, but you didn't mind as it was all you'd ever known. Well that wasn't entirely true since you'd visited a few other worlds by now. Despite how pretty it was, you didn't think you'd get used to how bright the sun was anytime soon.
To your surprise and shock, the moon looked...different.
Somehow, it had turned black although the edges also seemed to be glowing. It was so bright, that you couldn't bear to look at it for longer than a second.
What did this mean? Was the world in danger? You'd never heard of anything like this happening before, although there was one person who might.
With little care for your appearance, you threw on a robe and hurried through the castle to find Nightmare, but when he wasn't in any of his usual spots like his office or the library, you started to get worried. In your hurry, you nearly ran into Killer in the hallway but his quick reflexes kept the two of you from ending up on the floor in a heap.
"woah there, what's the hurry, angel?" he asked teasingly.
"Where is he?!" You were slightly out of breath and had to take a moment to recover. "Where's Nightmare?"
Killer hummed thoughtfully, "i actually haven't seen him in a while." He seemed to notice how concerned you were and the corners of his smile quirked up slightly. "what? is the world ending or something?" he asked with a chuckle.
You huffed and shot him a glare. "Maybe? The moon is completely messed up and I don't know where he is."
That seemed to catch his attention. "i'll go ask the others and see if they've heard anything."
You nodded and Killer shot you a wink before vanishing into mid-air. As irritating as he could be, you had to appreciate how serious he got when it counted. No wonder Nightmare trusted him with important jobs.
You continued to search the castle and were soon joined by Nightmare's other henchmen, but no matter how hard you looked, there was no trace of him. At some point, you happened to glance outside and noticed that there was somebody on the veranda. They were facing away so you couldn't really make out what they looked like beyond being a tall skeleton with pitch black bones.
Maybe you should've been more cautious about approaching the strange skeleton, especially with everything that had happened before the treaty, but the moment you stepped outside, you couldn't help but feel drawn to them. They just felt oddly familiar, like an old friend or loved one.
You only got about halfway across the veranda when they seemed to sense your presence. They turned quickly and the moment you made eye contact, you realized that despite what you had thought, you'd never seen them before.
They were much taller than you'd initially thought; easily pushing eight feet tall, making them taller than even Horror. While their bones were indeed black, they actually seemed to have a white glow, kind of similar to Dream. Their eyelights were mismatched, with the left being cyan while the right was gold, and there was a flared halo hovering around the top of their skull. You were also immediately struck with their intense aura that was reminiscent of both the god brothers. You could feel your eyes start to sting with tears that threatened to spill over and yet your soul nearly leapt for joy at the same time.
They wore an elegant black overcoat with white epaulettes, a flared collar, white buttons, a white sun motive on the lapels, and their tail coats had a white lining. Under the jacket, they had on a dress shirt with lace ruffles, high waisted black pants with buttons that matched the jacket's, and knee high boots with white accents.
"Who...? Who are you?" you asked cautiously.
They gave you an amused smile but said nothing at first and just continued watching you.
You frowned and took a step closer. They just seemed so familiar and you felt like you should know who they were. The more you stared up into their eyes, the stronger that feeling became. His facial bones vaguely resembled Nightmare's but maybe that was just because their left eyelight was the same colour.
Your eyes widened with the realization that this was why he hadn't been anywhere in the castle. What could've caused such an extreme change in appearance? Was this related to the moon?
Their smile didn't falter and they just continued watching you, although you felt their already very intense aura flare up even more. You could feel the buzz of ecstasy in your veins and how your soul seemed to swell from the positivity.
It actually hurt.
You recoiled and quickly stepped back. While your body was nearly overwhelmed by emotions, your mind was relatively clear at the moment. You wished you had more control over your magic, especially for times like these, but at least you had some defense against this manipulation attempt.
This wasn't Nightmare. It couldn't be! He wasn't capable of inflicting positive emotions and he hadn't tried to influence your emotions at all since the beginning of your relationship. There was only one other person who could, and previously had, tried to do these things.
"Dream...?" you tried again, although your voice trembled as you spoke.
They blinked before the amused smiled finally faded a bit. They did vaguely resemble the god of positivity, especially with the whole inflicting positive feelings ability. The gold right eyelight did seem like the exact same shade as his as well.
"That is not my name anymore."
You could hardly believe your ears but their voice was exactly like Nightmare's, although it was the one he used when he was trying to intimidate mortals. It was nothing like the calm, velvety tone he used when you were alone together.
You couldn't keep yourself composed any longer and the tears that had threatened to burst earlier, now flowed freely down your cheeks. You didn't want to believe it, but you could see that something terrible had befallen your partner and it seemed like Dream was involved as well.
You felt their claws press into the skin around your jaw as they ever so gently tilted your head up to meet their gaze again. When had they gotten so close?
Even though your head was dwarfed by the size of their hands, they were so careful as they wiped your tears away with the tips of their claws. You didn't dare move in case they injured you with how sharp they were.
It felt like their eyelights could pierce through to your soul with how intensely they were gazing at you. Their aura felt a lot warmer all of the sudden too and your mind felt kind of fuzzy.
They began to stroke your hair in what felt like a reassuring way, although you felt shivers run down your spine every time their claws grazed your scalp. You had been in too much of a hurry to brush your hair earlier and their claws caught on the occasional knot every now and then, but they were careful not to tug on the individual strands too much at least.
"It's... It's alright to cry..." Their voice suddenly lowered mid-sentence until it was almost a whisper. It still didn't sound exactly like Nightmare's voice but it was eerily similar. "Would...a hug help you feel better?"
You swallowed and barely got out a "Yes" when they practically engulfed you in a warm embrace. Their bones were quite literally warm, much like Dream's were the few times you'd touched him, although you could sense that the temperature was actually from how much mana they had contained in their form than anything else.
You couldn't physically wrap your arms around them, so you settled for letting your hands rest on their chest instead. They didn't seem to mind in the slightest, although you thought you faintly heard a soft purr when you touched them.
They suddenly scooped you up in their arms as if you were nothing but a small child, causing you to gasp as your feet left the stone tiles. They held you close to their ribcage and pressed their teeth against your hair, as if mimicking a kiss.
"Dear little human... I'm sorry for causing you such distress."
You sniffled and buried your face into their shirt. Everything felt wrong and knowing that this entity wasn't Nightmare hurt so much.
"You're...a very special human. The last thing I want is to hurt you..." they purred.
"Do... Do you remember me...?"
They stilled for a moment before moving to sit down on a nearby bench and setting you in their lap. They resumed stroking your hair before even attempting to answer your question.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't remember someone I've never met." They moved one of their hands to your back and began to rub circles into your shoulders. "You're certainly familiar to me though."
You pulled back so you could look up at them again. "Night...what happened to you? Why do you look like this? I don't... I don't understand what's going on..."
"I'm not your Nightmare, not anymore," they answered. They paused for a moment, as if trying to find the right words to say next. "I'm not either of them anymore. This is...just the natural result..."
"But why?"
"It just is. I am the god of feelings, both positive and negative." They sighed and lightly caressed your cheek. "If it is of any comfort to you, they didn't plan for this to happen."
You took a deep breath. "Was it because of the truce?"
The edges of their permanent smile quirked up slightly but they said nothing. You weren't sure if that was a yes or no but you couldn't think of any other reason for the brothers to have accidentally merged into one body out of nowhere.
They let out a quiet chuckle and softly poked your nose. "He may not have always been able to say it, but he loved you so much. If you'll allow me, I would be happy to share the depths of his love with you sometime, dear."
You furrowed your eyebrows and glanced away from them. "I... I don't know... Does this mean you have their memories?"
They shook their skull ever so slightly. "Not quite, but I have their combined knowledge. Anything you could possibly want to know, I can explain."
"How about a name first?"
They practically beamed and quickly pressed their teeth against your forehead. "My name is Total Eclipse or, if you prefer, you can just call me Eclipse."
You felt your cheeks grow warm at the contact but quickly forced any emotions down for now. "My name is Aylin. It means 'moon halo' and, well..."
They let out a quick bark of laughter. "...'the one who belongs to the moon...' I think it's rather fitting."
"That's... That's actually almost exactly what he said when we first met..."
"I told you, I know everything that they knew..."
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pilkypills · 2 months
News to me that modern bagginshield aus aren’t super popular. I love em. I also love ridiculous, crazy aus. I wish that kind of out there writing was as common as it used to be.
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leulahart · 10 months
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"I think your days of pink lipstick and ribbons are behind you." -Cinna
I have always hated the Victory Tour outfits in the movie, because besides being Ugly, they also go way off base from the intention of making Katniss seem like a sweet innocent teenage girl. I think they were just too afraid of Katniss seeming "girly" and not a #girlboss. So here are vague doodles of different outfits from the Victory Tour in my head + an interpretation of the weird mini skirt outfit they have in the movie which you KNOW would've been scandalous and impractical to her.
Bonus: Taking a break on the train
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teecupangel · 5 months
This is kind of odd and very specific but idea:
Desmond in either Ezio or Altaïrs time (and I know which one you have a bias towards) and he’s just a normal guy except he’s moving at x2 speed. He can’t turn it off. The whole everything for him is just at x2 speed (as in he’s faster). And it’s not like super speed where he can still talk and stuff at normal speed, EVERYTHING is x2 speed.
I was thinking how this would impact Desmond because the entire world would look like it’s 2x slower than him. And how would it even look like if he talks? Like his entire face is moving normally while the rest of his body is faster? XD
Desmond would probably be grabbed by Altaïr or Ezio (and yeah, we all know who I would pick) and they’d be like “Stay still, Desmond.”
The only way to have a conversation with Desmond without being distracted by his… everything… is when he stays still.
But if he sees the world slower, doesn’t that mean he hears everything slower as well?
That sounds like the kind of nightmare we will ‘give’ him affectionately, to be perfectly honest.
In combat, he’d definitely be the best and even during missions.
But conversation-wise, it’ll take a lot of time getting used to.
His ancestor is the one to adapt to his needs and starts to speak faster.
It makes it harder for the two of them to be understood by others but this is the best way for Desmond to understand him and he’s willing to make such adjustment to make Desmond feel normal.
Does this mean that Desmond’s metabolic rate and sleeping habits are sped up as well?
Does this mean Desmond would burn through what he’d eaten faster and he would need to eat more frequently?
Does this mean that Desmond’s sleeping pattern is shorter but more frequently?
Because what is part of the ‘stuff’ portion of the ‘he can still talk and stuff at normal speed’?
His body moves x2 speed.
Doesn’t this mean that his body, in general, is aging faster???
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ja3yun · 5 months
heeseungs chapter hitting 15k as if anyone is gonna read all that 😮‍💨
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libraryleopard · 3 months
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girl help i am writing more fanfiction about jenny and the cat king bitching at each other
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berrisweet · 2 months
SUMMER LOVE . . . suna rintarou
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intro : its the summer after graduation and you decide to confess your feelings to suna. you know you have to seperate, but will you fall in love anyway? you both promise to make it the summer of your lives.
rika 💬 : i'm craving angst fics so here i am providing one , this is gonna be a series ! :D
tw : right person, wrong time. hurt/slight comfort.
you lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling. today was your graduation ceremony. the day you confess your feelings to the one and only, suna rintarou. you liked him ever since you started high school, a mere first year. you sit up, shaking a feeling of nervousness. 'the worst he could say is no, right?' you ask yourself. you sit up grogilly, making your way over to your closet to go and get changed.
your morning routine went by quicker, or at least it felt like it, maybe due to the underlying nerves. you finish getting ready, checking your appearance and sighing softly. today was gonna be a big day.
you arrive at school, your friends greeting you by your class door. "(name)! i can't believe we're graduating today," one of them says, nudging your shoulder. "it feels unreal." you reply, nodding. you hadn't expected your last year to go by fast, especially since it was filled with endless amounts of projects and schoolwork.
you're snapped out of your thoughts as the bell rings. signaling that you should probably start unpacking and getting ready for the classes ahead.
the rest of the day went by in a blur. classes, schoolwork, breaks with friends. the graduation ceremony wasn't until later that night, so you still had time to prepare. you sigh softly, picking up your bag and joining your friends who're walking out. you planned to join them to get ready for the ceremony, hitching a ride as well.
"we're glad you could join us! we're gonna doll you up real pretty. especially since you're confessing to you know who tonight." one of your friends says, smiling warmly and wiggling their eyebrows. you wave them off, blushing slightly. they were a bit over the top sometimes, but you always found it endearing how much they cared for you.
you arrive at their house, getting out, along with the others. as soon as you enter, you're greeted by their mother. "oh (name)! how have you been, sweetheart?" she asks, wrapping you in a warm embrace. you smile, replying, "i'm good, thank you." she nods, releasing you from her grasp. you make your way to their bedroom, dropping your bag.
"let's get you ready, yeah?" one of them says, while the rest of them chime excitedly. you nod, grinning. after they finish dolling you up, you look in the mirror, admiring your appearance. your hair was as silky as ever, light makeup on your gorgeous features, jewelry adorning your body. you smile softly, very thankful for their help. "oh my gosh (name), you look stunning!" one of them exclaims. "i know! they're absolutely gorgeous." another one chimes in, staring at you in awe. "oh guys stop it, i couldn't have done it without you guys." you say, shaking your head. they all wrap you in a group hug, squeezing you tightly.
fast forward to the start of the ceremony, when you arrive. you step out of the car, smoothing out your clothes. you make your way over to the chairs, taking a seat whilst your friends sit beside you.
as the ceremony went along, the overwhelming feeling in your stomach hadn't settled in. you take a deep breath to try and ease your mind, but the thoughts in your mind didn't stop, and the ideas forming in your brain only caused your queasiness to intensify and your palms to sweat.
after what seemed like an eternity, the ceremony ended. you stand up, stretching your aching limbs. you walk over to find your friends in a group, talking. you approach them, a nervous smile on your face. one of them gives you a knowing look. "are you gonna talk to him?" they ask, clearly excited. you nod, your insides churning with uncertainty. "i'll be back. wish me luck." you say, smiling at them and walking over to him.
"suna?" you ask, gently tapping his shoulder. he turns around, smiling. "(name)! what's up?" he asks, tilting his head. "can we talk? it's nothing bad, i promise." you reassure, a nervous smile on your face. he nods, face full of curiosity. you both walk away from the crowds of students, finding a small bench under a pretty magnolia tree. the street was beautifully lit, with street lamps adorning the scenery. you take a deep breath, pushing the feelings of uncertainty down.
"take your time." he says, noticing how serious you were about whatever you were about to tell him. you nod, gratefully, inhaling again. "i like you, suna. i've liked you ever since we met at the camp, when i was a manager. well a soon to be manager." you start, smiling sheepishly. "i was scared to tell you how i felt because i didn't know how you would react- and i understand if you don't-"
he cuts you off with a firm kiss to your lips, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. your eyes widen momentarily, before relaxing and melting into the kiss. he pulls back just enough to rest his forehead against yours. "you have your answer now?" he asks, caressing your cheek softly. you nod, your face a shade of pink.
taglist ! @chloiyoomi , @kozuwhore , tba !
dedicated to my sweet sweet angel, mira, who was soso kind to let me use her plot and help me proofread and give me tips! thank you soso much lovey, ilysm! <3 having the honor of being mooties with you truly makes me so incredibly happy & lucky, I LUV YOU SOSO MUCH !!
(check out her blog! @mirailles )
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bacchuschucklefuck · 3 months
holding onto nsbu with both hands you are my saviour my everything. why is izzy doing the Most
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sora-of-uranus · 7 months
Hearing Aang over explain how bending works each episode is genuinely so annoying. Now listen, I know the original show also has info dumped about bending. But at appropriate times! 
It feels like whenever Katara is bending with Aang around he just takes the time to say how air bending works. And then Katara can magically do the move. It doesn’t draw this obvious distinction between the bending forms, if he had said that for air benders it's about blah blah or if he had mentioned how a friend used to do an exercise where they follow the push and pull of the ocean that would be decent. It would show the difference, show how Aang as a bending master can be helpful, but also how he isn’t a stand-in for an actual water bending master and also explain why HE can’t just start water bending like a genius. 
I think a lot of the issue stems from making Katara an idiot when it comes to water bending. She couldn’t even draw a water droplet up in the live action, yet in the animated show she was teaching aang during the first few episodes what she DID know. This allowed for the two benders to play off each other, to explore Kataras own self-worth issues when it comes to being the last bender of her tribe, and also explore how Aang's inability to self regulate because he is 12 can unknowingly hurt his friends. But in the live action, Katara isn’t skilled, she can’t do anything, they literally remove the entire fighting scene of Zuko's ship which is SUCH an important moment for Katara and her bending! It's frustrating. Honestly if she can’t even teach herself to lift a water droplet on her own I don’t have that expectation of her growing into a master bender status once she DOES learn the actual forms. It's her determination, her natural ability, her attempts to use her bending to help that make her a really interesting and powerful character in the early episodes of season 1. She doesn’t have that in the La and any sense of natural talent or personal experimentation is replaced with Aang going “well the monks said-”.
No Aang, the monks didn’t say anything because Air bending and water bending are different bending  forms!
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whipitgod · 5 months
I Panicked
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
oneshot - wc: 2.3k
summary: post fall hannigram, fits in the same universe as ‘pushed in’ but its not necessary to read that to understand this one. Hannibal gets a bit introspective as he thinks about how his life turned out, Will just really wants Hannibal to stop stabbing him
warnings: canon typical violence though non-graphic (will gets lightly stabbed), somewhat crack-ish as per usual, and a decent helping of some tooth rotting domesticity
a/n: YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO AMAZING!!! thank you for all the love on the destiel fic! this was fun to write because I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while so it was good to finally flesh it out, i hope you all enjoy it!! if you like this remember to leave a like/reblog! maybe even follow me :D! Happy reading!!
All things considered, Hannibal had never expected his life to turn out like this; he had been, for lack of better phrasing, well and truly domesticated. They had settled into a small home in rural Argentina after pulling themselves out of the raging water Will had thrown them into, the nearest town no less than 30 minutes away; which Hannibal had initially taken issue with before seeing how at peace the younger man had been in the countryside.
Will had flourished in the new environment much to Hannibal's delight, the ex-profilers joy making it hard for Hannibal to be upset about their living situation. The home is nothing like how his home in Baltimore had been, the one they reside in now was single story and unassuming. White in color and surrounded by trees with a lake a couple hundred yards back behind the house, the home reminded him more of how Will's home had been in Wolf Trap. Hannibal found it difficult to complain about the home when it was shared with the younger man, whenever he felt the need to his mind would supply him with memories of Will walking through the back door after spending all day down by the lake fishing, the dog Hannibal had got him when they had first arrived at the home following close behind him.
Hannibal really had never pictured his life ever being anything like this, the concept of finding a shelter and choosing a dog for someone would have made him laugh a decade ago. He reasons that he had never had anyone to do it for before, because when they had arrived in Argentina almost three years ago Hannibal had barely batted an eye while he made quick work of locating a shelter about an hour away from the home to find a dog for Will.
Despite all this he still has his moments, he reminds himself sometimes that nobody is perfect; everyone has moments of weakness and lapses in judgment. Hannibal tries his best to maintain his composure and not let himself do anything too impulsive but sometimes the flood of emotions he gets in the face of the domesticity he and will now shared got the better of him; he had never been good at reacting rationally and it was apparent in how he tended to handle his emotions.
His most recent lapse in judgment had surprised even him, even now a week later he’s still a little unclear on why he had reacted to the emotions he shared with Will the way he did. He really had no reason to do what he did but Hannibal had never been a very reasonable man despite how much he tried to claim he was.
2 Weeks Ago
“Jesus Christ Hannibal, why did you stab me!?” Will’s hand presses against the wound made by the small paring knife Hannibal had been using to prepare dinner.
Hannibal, to his credit, feels at least slightly bad about the turn of events and responds with a flustered, “I'm not sure, I panicked,” the cannibal reaches to move Will's hand so he can inspect the wound, “my sincerest apologies Will.”
Will lets out a disbelieving sound akin to a laugh, “Panicked about what!” His tone is sharp, and he lets out a hiss as Hannibal prods at the wound, “We were just talking about our plans for tomorrow!”
Hannibal freezes momentarily at the words; why had he stabbed Will? The man honestly isn't quite sure, he supposes it might have something to do with the domesticity of the situation and the overwhelming rush of emotions he got whilst listening to Will talk about their plans like they were an old married couple.
“I believe I had meant to kiss you,” Hannibal meets Will's eyes briefly as he says this, “again, I sincerely apologize.”
Will just sighs at this, “It’s fine Hannibal, just help me stitch this up,” he shakes his head muttering a frustrated, “I can’t believe you stabbed me.”
“Of course, dear.” The older man pulls his hands away from where he had them still pressed against the wound, turning slightly to turn the stove off; Hannibal can’t believe he stabbed him either. Will begins walking towards their bathroom, hand clutched to his side and his gait a little uneven betraying the pain he was in; Hannibal really isn’t sure how he was going to make up for this one. The cannibal trails behind him, instructing him to remove his shirt once they had reached the somewhat small room.
“You’re unbelievable,” the words leave Will with a surprising amount of fondness, “Remind me to stop standing so close to you while you make dinner.”
Hannibal lets out a light chuckle at this, shaking his head slightly, “I will try and refrain from stabbing you going forward,” He inspects the wound on Will's lower stomach, sighing softly, “You don’t need stitches dear, but let me clean and bandage it.”
“Little victories,” it’s said with a teasing smile, “and I've heard that before Hannibal, it feels a bit hollow when you keep stabbing me.”
The older man huffs an affronted sound at this, lips curling down a bit, “I haven’t stabbed you in four months.”
“It’s fun that you keep track,” Will spots the guilty look gracing the cannibals features and sighs, he reaches up and places a hand on the man's cheek feeling the slight stubble there, “I know emotions aren’t easy for you, and for what it’s worth I'm proud of you.”
Hannibal scoffs quietly at this, shaking the man's hand off, “Don’t patronize me Will.”
“I'm not,” urged Will, “I really am proud of how well you’ve adapted to our life here; I know it wasn't easy for you.”
The cannibal offers him a small smile at this before patting the bandage that now adorned Will’s abdomen, “Good as new.”
Present day
Hannibal shakes his head at the memory, all things considered, Will had gotten over the man's slip up with a surprising ease; Of course nothing is ever truly easy with Will. The ex-profiler had a tendency to hold onto things to use them as leverage, bringing up Hannibal's misdeeds whenever the couple would argue. The most recent incident had been used to strong arm Hannibal into a fishing trip, the younger man lamenting how Hannibal never partook in the activities that he enjoyed; saying that the cannibal owed it to him to join him on the fishing trip after the older man had stabbed him.
Hannibal had decided not to argue, having learned that with Will he had to pick his battles carefully. The fallout of the cannibal denying him would be worse than a day sat on a boat under the hot sun; at least that's what he had thought up until he had seen the life jacket Will was insistent on having him wear. He thinks back on the argument the life jacket had caused with a huff of retroactive annoyance.
1 Week Ago
“Good lord, what is that?” Hannibal chokes out whilst looking at the neon orange life jacket that Will is holding out for him.
“You’ve never seen a life jacket?” Will's tone is sarcastic as he waves the life jacket in front of the cannibal's face; the older man staring at it like he’s trying to set it on fire with his mind.
“Of course I've seen a life jacket William, don't be ridiculous,” Hannibal waves a hand in its direction, “but why in god's name is it that color?”
“In case emergency search and rescue has to find your body in the lake.” The younger man says this like it's the most obvious thing in the world and Hannibal finds the statement a bit unsettling.
His brows furrowed as he finished processing what Will had said, “Do you plan on me ending up dead in the lake?”
“Depends,” Will shoves the life jacket to Hannibal's chest and the older man lets it fall to the floor without sparing it a glance, “are you gonna be this irritating all day?”
“Very funny dear.”
“I’m not laughing.”
Will, deciding the conversation is over, turns away from Hannibal to finish organizing his tackle box and assorted fishing gear, not sparing another glance to the man even when he starts grumbling quietly to himself; Will only picks up on some of it, not really paying attention.
“We’ll see who ends up in the lake,” there's rustling behind will and the sound of the life jacket being picked up off the floor, “could call it payback for the dress shoes I lost in the ocean.”
Will looks over his shoulder at the man and sends him an annoyed glare, effectively silencing the cannibal.
Present day
Hannibal hated that life jacket; he hated that Will hadn’t worn one as well even more. The fishing trip wasn’t all that bad, though he’d never admit that to the other man; he had complained too much to then turn around and say that he had had a good time. He had found fishing to be rather peaceful, the calm waves rocking the boat accompanied by a comfortable silence, well partial silence. Once Hannibal had stopped complaining there was a comfortable silence, and even though he would never admit it to Will, he knew that he had complained for quite a while.
Hannibal startles slightly at the sound of the back door banging open and the thud Will’s boots made as he entered their home, he hears the paws of the dog following shortly after, the dog never far behind will.
“Honey I’m home!”
Another thing Hannibal would never admit to was how much he enjoyed when Will would enter the house like that, finding a lot of pleasure in hearing Will call the place they resided ‘home’, the phrase always implying that it was their home; a space that they shared. The younger man enters the kitchen, setting the fish he had caught during his trip on the small island, before shifting his eyes to where Hannibal sat and sending the man a smile, eyes crinkling in the corners with the force of it.
“How was your trip dear?” Hannibal stands walking over to where Will is standing at the island starting the process of cleaning the fish. His hands reach out landing on the counter each side of Will’s waist as he peers over the man's shoulder at the fish in front of them, “By the looks of it, it went well.”
Will cranes his neck to look briefly at the man, eyes softening before he leans in and steals a chaste kiss; Their affection had become startlingly domestic compared to how it was when they had first arrived. They had behaved like touch starved teenagers for the first couple months, every kiss turning into something more. The two, now a few years into living with each other, expressed more casual intimacy than Hannibal had ever thought he was capable of. Quick kisses in greeting, or the gentle kisses Will would press to his cheek before he would rush out the door becoming a part of their routine; Hannibal frequently pressing kisses to the top of Will’s head when he would walk behind where the man was sitting, inhaling deeply as he does, taking in the smell of their shared shampoo.
The memories as well as the current position they’re in is horrifically domestic and Hannibal kind of wants to stab him again, though he stamps the thought down as quickly as it comes. Emotions swirl inside of him and he’s unable to pinpoint all of them though he’s able to pick out happiness fairly easily, the emotion had become commonplace after their years of living together; Hannibal had never thought it would be possible to feel as deeply as he does now.
“It was good,” Wills hands now working with a skill that had taken decades to acquire as he guts and cleans the fish in front of him, “how was your day? Do anything fun?”
Hannibal pauses for a moment considering, “It was good, though rather uneventful.”
Will let out a curious noise urging Hannibal to continue, “Oh yeah? Why's that?”
“The day somewhat slipped away from me; I haven’t even begun preparing for dinner.”
Will snorts at this, “Oh no, how will we ever survive,” his tone is teasing, and he laughs a bit as the words leave him, “we’ll starve before you manage to get dinner together.”
“I know, what a horrible twist of fate,” Hannibal presses a kiss to the side of Will’s head before continuing, “we managed to elude the FBI’s grasp for years only to succumb to hunger.”
Will’s shoulders shake with silent laughter before he sets the knife in his hand down, wiping the fish viscera off of his hands before turning in Hannibal’s arms, the man having yet to move them from the island, keeping Will caged. Will doesn’t attempt to touch the man, very familiar with his obsession with cleanliness, instead he leans his head forwards and rests it against Hannibal’s chest. The man's hands move from the counter then landing on the small of Will’s back, fingers toying with the waistband on the back of the younger man's pants.
Will heaves a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly as the tension releases from his body now that he’s wrapped in the other man's arms. They stay like this for a few minutes, Hannibal rocking slightly, a soothing gesture that makes Will’s shoulders slump even further.
The ex-profiler starts to laugh, the sound vibrating against Hannibal's chest prompting the cannibal to pull Will back slightly to look at his face, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I'm great,” more laughter leaves him, “I was just thinking about stabbing you.”
“Excuse me?!”
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