#slightly based on how I might have accidentally burned my arm taking a shower
How does water temperature work…? The river water made my body shake when I got out, but this other water I touched made my skin all red and hurt… I don’t get it, they feel the same, so why is it so different in how my body reacts…?
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hood-ex · 3 years
This is a fic written for @stxleslyds! The prompt was: a fic with Dick, Roy and Lian spending time together in the Outsiders era. Thanks for the donation, Tati 💙.
Important: This fic takes place a week after the events of Outsiders (2003) #19.
“We could use you here,” Roy says. Even with his voice coming directly through the comm, Dick almost doesn’t hear him say, “I need you here.”
A soft wind blows through Blüdhaven, ruffling through Dick’s sweat-matted hair. What a filthy night it is for a Friday. Thunder rumbling in the distance with hot, humid air filling Dick’s lungs. It’s the kind of air that isn’t natural for a place like the ‘Haven. It’s here for whatever reason, and it’s no better now that the sun has been replaced by pink and purple neon lights flashing across the strip. It’s nights like these that Dick can admit to missing his red tunic and green shorts. It was shit to wear them in the winter but an absolute godsend in the summer.
Dick sighs deeply, moving away from the ledge of the building and away from his view of the herds of drunk people whose laughter echoes between the bars and casinos. There’s a tall HVAC unit in the middle of the building that he walks over to and sits against. The fabric of his suit rubs against it, and he squirms a little at the uncomfortable position. He bears it because this is a conversation that requires a little support.
“I know,” Dick mutters.
He should be under the streets of Brooklyn the same as all the other Outsiders should be. Considering the circumstances, it’s no surprise that some of them have deserted the ship for the time being. Licking their wounds in private so to speak. Dick’s not proud of it. He tacks it onto his mental bulletin board of shame where it sits up there all torn and ugly like the rest of his deplorable moments.
“I’d feel better if you were here to watch Lian when I step out of the room,” Roy says in Japanese. Dick’s brow furrows. Either Lian is in the same room as Roy and he doesn’t want her to know they’re talking about her or there’s an Outsider nearby that he doesn’t want listening in on his personal issues. “She hasn’t started therapy yet and her separation anxiety is still high.”
“High for both of you,” Dick points out. He thinks back to a few days ago when Roy had called him in a panic because he’d left all of his groceries in the middle of the store after his paranoia got the best of him and had him running back to the base to check on Lian.
“Tell me about it,” Roy laughs dryly. “I feel like I’m going fuckin’ nuts, dude.” The strain in his voice sends a full body shiver down Dick’s spine. “All I can think about is whether she’s okay and if the base is protected enough, and if I can really trust everyone here. You and Kory are the only ones I feel okay leaving her with.”
You shouldn’t trust me like that, Dick thinks bitterly. Lilith and Donna trusted me with their lives and look where they are now.
“Everyone else is… I trust them as teammates. I trust them with my life. But I can’t—"
“Trust them with Lian’s,” Dick says, knowing how much this whole situation has fucked with Roy's ability to trust anyone and everyone. Except him and Kory, apparently. Probably Ollie and the rest of Roy's family too.
He thunks his head against the HVAC unit and stares up at the dark sky. Not a single star up there, he thinks, and something like guilt burns in his chest. You took them all with you, didn’t you, Donna? Put them in your pockets and faded away. “She might not be comfortable with me there,” he says after a moment.
It pains him to think that Lian could be scared of him. Scared of him because he looks similar to one of the blue-eyed, dark-haired kidnappers who murdered her babysitter and then branded her like cattle. That type of trauma association doesn’t go away after a week.
“Kory told Lian you might stop by, and you know what Lian asked her?”
Terrible things flash through Dick’s head. Things like words born of fear or disgust. He hugs his arms around his knees and squeezes them tight.
“No, what did she say?”
“She asked, ‘Is Uncle Nightwing gonna bring Blue’s Clues with him?’”
A smile tugs at the corner of Dick’s lips and his eyes start to sting. He can’t believe that’s the first thing she thought of. It only seems like yesterday that he was watching Blue’s Clues with her in Titans Tower. Sometimes he would pause the show and ask Lian questions about each of the clues just to hear what kind of outlandish answers her kid brain could come up with. Other times the detective in him couldn’t help but steer her towards a logical answer. Roy used to always roll his eyes and tell him to stop trying to turn her into a mini Nightwing.
“That doesn’t mean she’ll be okay seeing me in person and you know it,” Dick reminds him.
Roy’s sigh is soft and muffled in his ear. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
Dick’s not one to wait around.
“Let’s cross it now.”
“You’re coming over?” Roy asks, and even though he mostly sounds neutral, Dick can hear the disbelief hidden under it all.
If there was an award for the world's most shitty friend, Dick would probably be in the lead to receive it. Here Roy is dealing with the fact that his daughter was abducted and almost trafficked, and what’s Dick been doing for the last few days instead of sticking by his side? Working himself to the bone in Blüdhaven, that’s what. Hiding away from the fact that he almost lost another important person to him. Trying to avoid the crushing weight of failure that clings to him like a second skin.
Pathetic. Some safety net he is.
“Yeah, give me an hour,” Dick says.
The commute from Blüdhaven to Brooklyn isn’t bad at this time of night. Most of the traffic is packed downtown where all the bars are lined up. Dick takes the highway to avoid the worst of it.
The roar of the city dies off once he goes underground. Down here the HQ looms over him in all its steel glory. Dick’s always thought of it like one giant elevator. It’s all hard angles and sleek, silver walls. Hardly a place one would describe as homey, but it was home to a few people nevertheless.
Dick goes inside after getting his eye and hand scanned by the computer. He heads down the hallway, keeping his footsteps light and quiet out of habit. So far there’s no sign of Jade, Indigo, or Rex in any of the rooms he passes. They’re the most likely to be here around this time. From what Kory told him the other day, Grace has been spending most of her time clubbing, and Anissa has been staying with her dad. He hates to admit it but it’s almost a relief that he doesn’t have to worry about running into either of them.
He ends up finding Roy and Lian in the rec room. Lian is sitting on the leather couch in the middle of the room. She must have had a shower not too long ago because her hair is a little damp and she’s wearing a pair of purple pajamas with unicorns on them. A Cinderella blanket is strewn across her lap and a stuffed rabbit sits discarded on the floor by her feet.
Roy looks small squatting in front of her. His pants are the only sign of his Arsenal gear, and it makes Dick feel slightly out of place since he’s still decked out in full mask and suit. It’s the first time Dick’s seen Roy in person since they brought down Tanner’s operations a week ago. He looks how Dick would expect any parent to look after being targeted by a major sex trafficker: stressed and exhausted.
Those tired eyes of his shift to the doorway where Dick stands, and Dick can see the way Roy looks him over from head to toe, assessing Dick’s condition. He can look as hard as he wants, but he won’t find anything. Dick keeps his face blank and unreadable.
“It still hurts,” Lian whimpers, and both Dick and Roy's attention immediately snaps back to her.
She wraps her arms around her stomach and bends over her lap like she’s going to throw up all over the floor. Roy doesn’t move to try and avoid any possible bouts of vomit. Nothing happens as the seconds tick by. No retching or anything. There’s only the sound of Roy’s hand rubbing up and down Lian’s arm.
“Me and your Uncle Nightwing are gonna get you feeling better soon,” Roy assures her in a gentle voice. “And guess what?”
Lian makes a questioning sound in the back of her throat.
The look Roy shoots Dick is somewhere between caution and amusement. “He’s been playing quiet mouse behind you this whole time.”
Dick braces himself as Lian shoots back up like a rocket. “He’s behind me?” she asks, twisting around in her seat. Dick’s heart starts jackrabbiting because what if she’s scared of him? What if he accidentally triggers her PTSD? What if— “Uncle Nightwing!” Lian shrieks.
Relief shudders through him because she sounds happy to see him. Not scared or angry or disgusted like he feared. She’s looking at him like he just told her he brought her a bag of candy, and that revelation is enough to make him take a breath and finally enter the room.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dick says, hurrying over to the couch so that she doesn’t have to get up. “I missed you.”
Lian reaches for his hand and holds on to it. It’s not like the hug Dick usually gets from her and maybe that’s because she doesn’t want anyone touching her back after the incident. Dick will take anything he can get. His much larger hand closes over her own and he swings them back and forth lightly.
“Me too,” Lian says. She squeezes his hand three times. “Why do you still have your gloves on?”
“My hands are cold,” Dick lies. “Why were you bent over like an accordion just a minute ago?”
“Her tummy’s been hurting,” Roy says with a frown.
“It’s because tigers used to try and eat people,” Lian tells him matter-of-factly. Roy looks like he’s about to correct her but she quickly hurries on. “My brain says there’s danger and it makes my tummy stop working.”
A lightbulb goes off in Dick’s head as he realizes that she’s describing anxiety. A simplified explanation of how the digestive system shuts down and sends blood to other parts of the body when there’s danger.
“My tummy does that too,” Dick says after a pause. “I get a lot of anxiety sometimes. Do you want me to show you how I try to make it go away?”
Lian scrunches her nose. “Do we have to take medicine?”
“Nope. All we need to do is sit up straight and breathe. Breathing really deep helps our brains calm down and makes our tummies feel more relaxed,” Dick explains. He sinks down on the plush couch and demonstrates how she should be sitting. “Now move back until you’re sitting like me.”
Lian does as she’s told and scoots back until she’s resting against the back of the couch. Dick only remembers how short she is when he notices how her feet stick out straight in front of her instead of dangling over the edge of the couch.
“Now tell your daddy to get in position.”
“Daddy,” Lian slaps the free cushion beside her, “sit next to me.”
“Magic word?” Roy prompts.
“Please,” Lian pouts.
“That’s better.” Roy’s knees pop when he shifts out of his crouched position. The whole couch rocks when he falls back against it. “What’s the strat here, Wing? We need to close our eyes or what?”
Dick wants to ask him why he’s acting like he’s never done this before but the playful words stick in his mouth like glue.
“We’ll close our eyes in a second. Lian, I want you to watch how your daddy and I take really deep breaths, okay? Then we’re all going to do it together.”
“I can take really big breaths!” Lian insists. She scrambles out of her pose and gets on her knees. Her little fingers wrap around Dick’s bicep as she leans in close to him. “I can take one million breaths as big as an elephant!”
The tired and apathetic part of him tells him to ignore her kid logic and to get back on track. The uncle part of him is another story. It wants him to be fun and helpful. To distract Lian from the worries and fears she has.
In the end, he does what he always does best: puts on a performance.
“Oh yeah?” Dick challenges with a grin that hopefully doesn’t look as strained as it feels. “I can take five billion breaths as big as a planet.”
“Elephants are bigger than planets,” she says.
“I think maybe the elephants are only bigger in your dreams.”
“Yeah, they are,” Lian agrees because she’s a typical kid who will support anything that proves she’s right in some capacity.
Roy looks amused when he puts his hands on Lian’s shoulders and steers her to sit back on her bottom. “Alright little missy, no more talking. We’re gonna do what Uncle Nightwing says now, okay?”
“Okay,” Lian agrees, looking over at Dick expectantly.
Coaching Lian through the exercise is easy. The most important part is making sure she’s taking breaths that are deep enough to make her stomach expand like a balloon. Dick has her place her hands on top of her stomach so he can see them rise when she inhales.
Roy follows along and Dick can tell that he’s taking advantage of the exercises for his own benefit. His face looks peaceful and relaxed as he follows along with Dick’s instructions to suck in a breath on the count of one and exhale up until the count of ten.
“Keep focusing on counting,” Dick tells them while they exhale. “We don’t want any other thoughts in our heads. No bad thoughts or funny thoughts. Only think about counting to ten.”
They run through a few more cycles. Dick’s pleased when he hears both Lian and Roy’s stomachs grumbling as they exhale. It’s a good sign that the deep breaths are massaging their organs and decreasing any kind of stomach pain.
“That’s it,” Dick says. “We’re all done.” He opens his eyes and sees Lian slumped against the back of the couch. Her hands are still resting on her stomach, but she looks languid instead of tense like she was when he first saw her.
“I’m tired now,” Roy says. His movements are slow as molasses when he slides forward to the edge of the couch and bends over to rest his arms on his thighs. He looks at Lian. “How about you, princess? You feeling any better?”
“Mhmm. My tummy doesn’t feel really uh…”
“Tight?” Dick offers.
“Yeah, it’s not so tight anymore.”
Roy pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Good. Mine feels a little better too.”
“Can we do Uncle Nightwing’s breathing thing again tomorrow?” she asks through a yawn.
“Sure thing,” Roy nods. His attention shifts to Dick. “Are you gonna still be here to lead us through it?”
This isn’t some kind of test but it feels like one. It feels like if he says no then he’s only proving that he’s a bad friend. That he can’t be relied on. He doesn’t want to give Roy that impression because it’s not true. Roy can rely on him the same way Dick relies on Roy. He hopes showing up here tonight is proof of that.
“That’s the plan,” he says, voice soft.
Roy leans over the couch and squeezes Dick’s knee gently. “You sure?” he asks, and his eyes roam over Dick’s face like he’s trying to find evidence that Dick is lying.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He pats Roy’s hand reassuringly in the same way Alfred's done for him and Bruce a hundred times. It's only now that he realizes it's a habit he's picked up.
Lian suddenly leans into Dick’s side and presses her weight against his arm. She pats both his and Roy’s hands.
“I’m sure too,” she says, and this time Dick can’t help but smile.
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Regret Like A Riot
Pairing: Sam Harvey x reader
Request: Something like the girls are trying to set them up cause they're really close and like each other but are scared to admit it. Anonymous
A/N It went a little different then your request but I really hope you like it regardless. 
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You promise yourself you’ll tell him if he just makes it through the night. If he just stays alive long enough for the Burned One to be killed, you’ll tell him everything. You’ll admit to why you always turn clumsy around him and can hardly formulate a sentence. You’ll admit to blushing even if you only catch sight of his back as he’s walking down the hallway. You’ll admit to everything in the morning if he just stays alive. And you truly do have every intention of telling him but then you see Musa holding his hand and taking away his pain. You see the way she looks at him and your heart cracks just slightly because you know you’ll never be able to compete with her. And frankly, you don’t want to compete with her. If she makes him happy, then you’re happy. That’s why you stay silent when morning arrives. You don’t say anything as you help him to his room or when he asks you to stay a while until he falls asleep. 
“I love you,” you whisper telling yourself that it counts even though he’s far away in his dreams. You spend a moment too long looking at him sleeping before you tiptoe to the door and exit his bedroom.
“You’re still here?” Caught in the act. Slowly you turn around to face Terra. 
“He was scared he might have nightmares so I stayed to make sure he fell asleep,” you explain not meeting her eyes at any point. The last thing you need right now is for Terra to know why you really stayed. As much as you love her, you also know that she’s a blabber mouth and not one to tell secrets too. 
“That was nice of you.” She’s too tired to notice anything it seems. 
“I lit the fireplace in there to keep him warm but someone should probably check on it in a few hours.” Terra stumbles slightly but manages to nod. 
“You must be exhausted. Get some sleep, I’ll make sure he’s alright.” You don’t have to be a mind fairy to feel her gratefulness. She hugs you before heading off to her own room. You’re guessing everyone will be asleep right now so you figure you should get some rest too. Just as you’re about to leave, you hear him scream. You’re by his side immediately clasping his hand in yours. 
“Are you okay? Should I get your dad?” He hugs you tightly trying to regain control of his breathing. It must’ve been a nightmare. 
“It came back,” he whimpers. You don’t have to ask what he means. It’s as fresh in your mind as it is in his. 
“I’m not going anywhere, okay? Just get some rest.” You pull over a chair and take his hand in yours once more. It doesn’t take him long to fall asleep but this time you stay. Even though your entire body is screaming for rest, you force yourself to stay awake. You’ll sleep when you feel absolutely sure Sam is okay. But even with that conviction, there comes a point where your body just gives up. It’s night time when you do wake up. Sam is still sleeping but the fire has gone out making the room feel like a freezer. It’s almost second nature to you now when you wave your hand towards the ashes and create a fire. It takes four days before you leave the room. He asked you to stay and you’re not about to say no. On the fourth day, you return to your own room ready to stand under the shower until the warm water runs out but the girls have something else planned. 
“How long have you been dating Sam?” Musa asks. You make a sound that’s somewhere between laughing and choking. 
“I’m not dating Sam. We’re best friends, you know that.” This is not the time for to ask these questions. You’re exhausted and drained. All you want to do is clean up and then sleep for weeks. 
“Best friends care for each other, yeah. But you just spent the last couple of days glued to his side,” Stella chips in 
“He almost died. Terra’s been there too!” It’s a very weak argument considering Terra is his sister. Of course she’s going to be there. By the looks on their faces no one believes you. 
“Fine!” you exclaim ready to own up to your feelings if it means you can get some sleep, “I like Sam. I really really like him. But it’s never going to happen so what’s the point?” 
“What are you talking about? Sam literally never stops talking about you. He is most definitely in love with you,” Terra says. Pure exhaustion threatens to turn you into a weeping mess. 
“I saw the moment he shared with you, Musa. When you took his pain. I don’t want to ruin that for you.” 
“What moment? I helped him because I could. Because he’s my friend and so is Terra. I don’t have any feelings whatsoever for him.” It’s like a weight is lifted from your shoulders when you realise that there might be a chance for you. 
“If you won’t tell him, I will. You guys would be the cutest couple and we need something good,” Bloom smiles. The rest of the girls are quick to nod in agreement. 
“Terra?” you ask because you need to hear her say that it’s okay. You need to know that you’re not burning a bridge with her. You’ve known her and Sam for as long as you can remember. They’ve become your family. 
“Of course it’s okay! I’ve been shipping the two of you since we were ten.” You hug her tightly knowing you’ll never be able to explain to her how much it means that she thinks you’re good enough for Sam. 
“I have to go,” you mumble already heading out the door when Stella stops you. 
“You’re not about to confess your love for that boy looking like that. You’ve waited how many years? It can wait another hour.” And with that she whisks you into the bathroom along with the other girls. Exactly one hour later your hair is done, you have a very natural base of makeup on and Stella has picked out the perfect outfit. 
“Thank you for your help, girls.” You bring them in for a group hug and then you’re off. Down the hall and to the left. Once you’re in front his door, you hesitate. What if Terra has gotten this all wrong? But you promised yourself you’d tell him if you both made it through that night so you knock on the door and anxiously wait for him to open the door. 
“Hey. Miss me already?” he jokes but you’re too nervous to laugh. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks always so aware of your mood. 
“Nothing’s wrong. Or maybe it is. I guess it depends on a lot of things, but inherently there’s nothing wrong at the moment. I just-”
“You’re rambling. Spill it.” He drags you into his room and closes the door. You’ve been alone together in his room a million times before but now you’re painfully aware of how his shirt is hugging his body and how tempting it is to just rip it off him. 
“I like you.” 
“I like you too.” He doesn’t get it and you have no idea how to begin explaining. Your thoughts are coming and going too fast for you to form a plan for what you want to say. 
“Breathe,” he reminds you. Two deep breaths later and you feel slightly calmer. 
“When I say I like you, I don’t mean as a friend. I mean I really, truly care for you.” He stays quiet perhaps in shock. You never should’ve told him. 
“I’m going to go,” you say hoping for a quick exit but he stops you.
“You like me as more than a friend?” You’re not entirely sure why he needs you to why he needs to rub it in your face so you just nod. Again, he goes quiet but he’s blocking the door so there’s no way you can leave unless jumping out the window is an option. It feels like a good idea right about now. 
“Why?” His question brings you back to reality and away from the window. 
“Why? Because you’re you. And you’re pretty amazing.” He opens his mouth and closes it again. He repeats this action three times before something clicks inside of him. You see the change in his face as he leans down towards you. Is this really happening? You don’t have time to think when his lips connect with yours. Time stops, cue fireworks. You both jump when you accidentally start the fireplace. 
“Sorry. Too many positive feelings, I guess.” You blush deciding that your shoes are very interesting. 
“I really care about you too. I have for a long time. But you’re this badass fire fairy, I had no idea how to tell you.” 
“You like me?” He lifts your head and nods. You kiss him again revelling in the feeling of his body pressed against yours. He slowly backs you towards the bed and you make no objections. You’ve waited so long for this moment. 
“This should really go,” you whisper tugging at his shirt. He doesn’t need to be told twice. It’s gone before you can blink and seeing him with no shirt makes you not want to blink at all. 
“Have I ever mentioned you’re really hot?” He chuckles hugging you tightly. His skin is still slightly pink where the Burned One got him. You try to ignore the stabbing feeling in your heart when you think back to that night. You don’t know what you’d done if he hadn’t made it. You’re just about to pull off your shirt when the door burst open and five fairies fall through the opening. 
“Terra?” Sam asks darting over to pick up his shirt from the floor. 
“Oh my God!” Aisha laughs, “I knew we should’ve left them alone.” 
“Well, I wanted to know how it went. He’s my brother,” Terra defends herself trying to maintain at least some dignity. 
“By the looks of it, everything went really well.” Stella smirks looking from Sam to you. Looking at all of them, you feel infinitely grateful to have them in your life. These people have become your family. So even though you’re itching to get Sam alone, you don’t mind it when you all settle down on the floor to talk. The girls want to know every little detail and you try to give them as much as possible while still keeping just a few things private. Sam sneaks his arm around you and kisses the top of your head but other than that he just listens. You regret not telling him sooner. You hate to think how much time was waisted when you could’ve been cuddled up next to him like you are right now. 
“Later,” you whisper to Sam at one point when the other girls are distracted by the gossip. 
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kaywinchester · 4 years
Dark Power
@gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang asked: An angsty long-ff or series request, Sam daughter reader based off of the song In Control- by Nemesea.She was born before the event of the pilot. (like 17 months old by the pilot).So when Sam left her w/Jessica,Azazel did something to her before he killed Jess.She showed minor symptoms of powers and stuff up until the end of the Apocalypse arc.But then sometime when God(season14) came back or whenever you think is best for the story.Powers, darker self, fallow the song, accidentally hurts others
Word Count: 1,521
A/N: I will most likely end up turning this into a series because it sounds like an awesome plot (thanks for the request btw) but I hope I wrote it the way you pictured it lol :)
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“You’re leaving. Just like that?” Jess asked Sam.
“Jess, it’ll only be til Monday.”
“What about Y/N?”
“She’ll be fine with you. Everything she needs is here, and I know you can handle her.” Sam said.
Y/N was Sam Winchester’s daughter. Sam was dating someone briefly during his senior year of high school. When his girlfriend at the time told him she was pregnant and was going to give up the baby, Sam had to make one of the most difficult decisions of his life. Either he could agree with the mother or take full custody of his child. It was not easy telling John or Dean. There was a lot of yelling and frustration that night, plus John didn’t agree with Sam going to college so there was a lot of tension between the two. But it all came down to Sam choosing to raise Y/N himself. For a while, he questioned his decision and wasn’t sure if he was ready. But when he held his newborn daughter for the first time and looked into her glistening green eyes, he knew he had chosen the right path. Sam promised himself he would do anything in his power to protect his little girl.
College was another obstacle Sam had to make a decision on. It was something he had wanted to do when he graduated high school. It was his opportunity to move away from the hunting life temporarily and pursue what he wanted to do. After lots of planning and thinking, Sam found a small apartment on campus that he could move into with Y/N. While Sam would attend classes in the morning, Y/N would stay with a sitter that lived nearby. Then, all afternoon and evening, Sam would be home studying and taking care of Y/N. Until he met Jess......
Sam was surprised a girl like Jess took interest in him, and he was worried she would change her mind when she found out he had a daughter. To his surprise, she stuck around. Jess moved in with Sam after six months and helped take care of Y/N. Their schedules lined up to where someone was always home with her. It was difficult at times but they made it work.
That’s when Dean came in. After a long time of not talking or visiting, Dean barged in unannounced that night. It scared the shit out of Sam in the process and pissed him off a little. Jess walked out into the living room and switched on the light.
“Sam?” She called out.
Sam and Dean stood in the middle of the room. Dean looked over and saw Jess holding a very sleepy looking Y/N. She had grown so much since the last time he saw her. Dean explained the whole situation with John, Sam was not happy to hear the news. He was just settling into his new life, he didn’t want to worry about hunting.
“Dean, I have Jess and Y/N, I can’t leave.” Sam said.
“Look, I have a few leads on dad. How bout we just go on with this for a few days. I’ll have you back by Monday.” Dean insisted.
“I don’t know, Dean. Dad is probably just caught up somewhere and isn’t checking his phone.” Sam explained.
“No. It’s different. I know it.” Dean told him.
Sam agreeed to help Dean, but it pained him to get back into his past, especially with his daughter in his life now.
“Promise you’ll be back by Monday?” Jess sighed.
“I promise.” Sam said as he kissed Jess’s forehead. He kissed Y/N’s tiny cheek. “I love you both. I’ll call you tomorrow morning, alright?” Sam reassured as he picked up his duffel bag and left.
Sam sat in the passenger seat of the impala while Dean drove. It had been a while since he had sat on the leather seats of baby.
“How old is Y/N now?” Dean asked, breaking the silence.
“Eighteen months...... She’s starting to crawl a little bit.” Sam smiled to himself
“What do you think you’ll end up doing? I mean, after college. You gonna have that cookie cutter lifestyle? Eh? Maybe have a little garden in front of the house type stuff?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know, Dean. I try not to think about it but, I know having the past that I do, with hunting and everything. I don’t know if I can get rid of that. I always wonder if I made the right decision with Y/N. What if I try to escape hunting and something ends up happening to her that I can’t control? It’ll be my fault. I just don’t want her to grow up scared all the time.” Sam explained.
“Well, she’s you’re kid. She’s a Winchester. Whatever happens, she’ll be strong....and she has a pretty cool dad. And uncle if I might add.” Dean smirked.
Meanwhile, back at home..... Jess was keeping Y/N entertained while getting ready for bed. Y/N was in her play pen with some toys around her. Jess had gone to clean up the bedroom a little bit.
The curtains started moving with the wind from the window. The lights in the room flickered slightly. Y/N looked around the room for Jess or Sam, but she was alone. A dark shadow figure appeared in the corner behind the door. Y/N spotted it and locked her eyes on it. The figure moved slowly from the corner to reveal a man, with yellow glowing eyes that stared at Y/N. She didn’t know who it was, but as far as her little brain knew, it looked like any other person. The man walked closer and kneeled down to her pen.
He reached out and placed his hand on Y/N’s head. She wriggled around a little bit when her eyes flashed and light emitted from her being. The man smirked and stepped back, the light subsided and Y/N looked up at the man with a look of shock. She started crying which alerted Jess.
The man walked over to the window and looked back at Y/N before disappearing into thin air. Jess walked back into the room and picked up the fussy child, placing her in her arms. Y/N stared at the window, too young to know what happened, and too young to know what was coming.
It was Monday and Sam and Dean hadn’t found much on dad, but they did catch up with each other and got to re-live the hunting life for a few days.
“I really wish we could do this more often.” Dean sighed as he parked baby in front of Sam’s apartment.
“I know, but you know how it goes. You can’t just call it quits once you start on a hunting spree. It’s one or the other.” Sam stated.
“Take care.” Dean said as Sam grabbed his stuff from the back.
“I’m home!” Sam called out as he entered the apartment.
“In here!” Jess shouted from the other room.
Sam walked into the bedroom to see Y/N in her jumper. She smiled and giggled as he walked over to her.
“There’s my girl!” Sam cheered as he lifted her up into his arms. Jess was in the shower so Sam rested on the bed with Y/N on his chest.
He closed is eyes and took a deep breath, happy that he was home. All of a sudden, Sam felt something wet dripping down onto his forehead. He flinched and opened his eyes to see the worst thing he could possibly witness.
Jess was on the ceiling looking down at him. “Jessica!” Sam shouted as the ceiling burst into flames. Dean happened to be checking a lead on his phone in the car as he heard Sam shout. He flew up the flight of stairs into the burning apartment. Sam was standing in the room looking up at Jess while Y/N sat herself up on the bed screaming.
“Sam!” Dean shouted as he grabbed Y/N and pulled a resistant Sam out of the room.
The two of them rushed outside and looked up at the burning apartment. Dean looked over at Sam. His eyes glossed over as tears formed. Dean remembered back to the same night he had to carry Sam out of the house when his mom got caught in the fire. The same pain filled the air.
The fire department finally arrived and put out the flames. They asked Sam if there were any belongings he wanted them to grab, if they were still useable. He told them to grab any baby items that were still okay, and a few family items that he explained.
Sam was numb. It hadn’t hit him yet that Jess was dead. It all happened so fast. He could’ve put himself or Y/N in danger from his emotions. He wasn’t paying attention in the moment. Thank god for Dean. So many thoughts were going through his head. He didn’t know what he was going to do with himself, and Y/N especially.
All he knew was, something was out to get him and his daughter. And it was not a good sign.
Requests Are Closed
Read Part 2 HERE!
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dershloop · 3 years
Title: Burning Pile
Words: 2410
Ship: Lava
Warnings: depressive episode, mentions of worthlessness. i wrote this based off od how my own depressive episodes tend to happen/come about so this might not be accurate to everyone so dont start yelling at me if its not "how depression is for you" anyone who says that will be blocked. its more of a comfort fic to get me through the last week of school.
Cole yawned, throwing his bag on the floor and rolling his shoulders, feeling them pop satisfyingly. Finally, he was home. Rubbing his eyes; cracking his neck and feeling his limbs come alive once more. He hated long car rides, they cramped his limps and make him travel sick. That’s the problem being tall and large; the back of cars wasn’t made to accommodate you. Jay kept telling him to learn to drive himself, but he didn’t have the time. Being a ninja was surprisingly hard work, with little time in between to learn to drive. He’d just have to make do.
“Oh Cole, hey dude, forgot you were coming back today,” Jay said, walking into the room, leaning against the counter, a strange look contorting his face, “How’s your dad?”
“Not too bad. Still pretty insistent on me being a good singer. Apparently, I just have to ‘dig deep. Something tells me he’s never going to back off with it,” Cole said with a laugh, Jay laughed, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, “Are you ok man? You seem… I dunno. Off,” Jay’s face fell, his mouth scrunching nervously.
“You’re gonna be so pissed I didn’t tell you but… Kai’s not ok, he-”
“Wait what? What happened, where is he?’ Cole said frantically, his face falling in panic.
“I don’t- I don’t know dude! He’s barely been leaving his room, I don’t think he’s showered all week and I’ve barely seen him eat anything. We’ve tried to give him stuff and made him drink some water but-” Jay didn’t get a chance to finish, Cole pushed past him, dashing to his boyfriend’s room. From what he could gather, this had started a week ago. When he’d left. He hadn’t had a depressive episode in months now; had him leaving been the catalyst for all this? He was sure he’d been careful, he’d texted him every day. Even if they hadn’t called, he hadn’t asked. Besides, his dad didn’t know about them yet, he didn’t want to accidentally come out because of a phone call. Either way, if Kai had been in a bad way he hadn’t seemed like it. Apart from not asking to call, he’d seemed relatively normal. No slow replies. No giving texts. Nothing.
Cole softly knocked on Kai’s bedroom door, though it seemed pointless. No matter the response, he was going in there.
“What?” A hoarse voice called from inside the room. Kai’s hoarse voice. Cole opened the door, staring in awe at the state of the room. It was… messy to say the least. Clothes were scattered across the floor, making it so you couldn't even see the carpet. Mugs and glasses and bowls and plates littered around, just extra obstacles to the already high-staked trek to Kai’s bed.
“I’ve told you guys, leave me alone!” Kai yelled pushing himself up from his flat position on the bed, twisting his head around and staring at Cole, slightly gone out. His face fell when he realised who it was, staring at him solemnly from his position in the doorway.
“You’re back,” He murmured, twisting himself around fully so he was looking at Cole. Properly this time.
“Yeah,” Cole said softly, stepping carefully around the rubble and decay scattered all over the floor, sitting down on Kai’s bed when he finally got to it, “What… What happened?”
Kai shrugged, not looking at Cole. His hair was slicked back, matted to his skull with grease. Pimples beginning to form on his face, the lack of skincare irritating his delicate skin. Cole would be lying if he said he didn’t look gross and smell just as bad, but that didn’t put him off. Obviously, something was wrong, what kind of a boyfriend would he be if he didn’t do anything.
“I just… started feeling empty. I don’t care about anything and I have no motivation to do anything but… I didn’t want to be a burden, and I knew that if you suspected anything you’d come back so I just played it cool. Half expected one of them to tell you but… I guess they didn’t want you cutting your trip short for me either,” He muttered sadly, still not making eye contact. He couldn't. Not in this state. He was disgusting. His breath stunk like he’d just eaten something that’d been dead for a while and he probably stunk like something that’d been dead for a while too. Despite barely leaving his bed, his face was gaunt, his cheekbones beginning to further protrude, this time to an unhealthy degree and his eye sagging, purple eyebags hanging down as if weighing down his entire soul.
“Oh firefly,” Cole mumbled, opening his arms and wrapping them around Kai’s shoulders and pulling him close, feeling as Kai slowly relaxed into his body, not moving his arms.
“I’m sorry,” Kai said softly into Cole’s chest.
“For what?”
“Not telling you. Lying to you.”
“I don’t care. You have nothing to be sorry for, you weren’t in the right headspace and still aren’t. But I’m home now, so I’ll help you get out of this. Have you been taking your meds?” Cole said, still speaking in hushed tones. He wasn’t 100% sure why, but it seemed to be comforting to him, so he continued doing it.
Kai shook his head slowly, knowing he was about to get lectured.
“Ok, that’d explain a lot. Let’s start with that then,” Cole said simply, standing up and looking down at Kai.
“What?” He said, confused as Cole looked down at him expectantly.
“Come on. I’m taking you to take your medication,” Cole stated, holding out his hand, “If I bring ‘em to you, you’ll not feel any better.” Kai sighed and took his hand, letting his boyfriend’s strong form pull him out of bed. He slumped over slightly, his legs barely able to keep him standing. Letting his arm hang limply, his hand barely holding Coles, they walked out of his room and to the kitchen. He wasn’t 100% sure he was even in the room with him, his mind fuzzing in and out of focus from his surroundings. One moment, he was in the kitchen with his boyfriend. Next, he was in his head, letting his thoughts run wild. The latter was less than ideal; especially without the prescribed dosage of antidepressants in his system; but he didn’t have the energy to care.
“Ok,” Cole said, putting 2 small pills down in front of Kai along with a cup of water, “Take them.” Kai nodded, letting go of Cole’s hand and picked up the tablets, sloppily placing them in his mouth and swallowing them with the cool water. It felt heavenly, rolling down his dry throat and even drier tongue, giving them a new lease of life.
“Better?” Cole said softly, taking Kai’s hand back in his own. Kai shrugged, leaning against Cole and closing his eyes.
“Don’t bother going back to sleep on my arm, there’s more,” Cole continued, firmly but lovingly. Kai knew it was for his own good but… he just wanted to get back in bed. There was an immovable weight on his chest, dragging him down and increasing the effort to keep himself upright. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could actually stay stood up.
“Ok, have you had something to eat today?” Cole asked, taking Kai’s other hand and looking at him softly. Kai nodded, looking back, but not quite meeting Cole’s eyes. His heart twisted with every beat in his chest; his stomach turning in knots. He knew he couldn’t give in and let him go back to bed- he’d never feel better while he’s in this state- but the look in his eyes. It was so… void. So tired. So… emotionless. Yet full of emotion. Twisting and turning. Hurt, anger, sadness and an utter lack of anything positive.
“Ok. In that case, only 2 more things. We’re gonna brush your teeth and shower,” Cole said, Kai’s face falling in desperation. Evidently, he didn’t want to do either of those things; but Cole knew full well that he wouldn’t do it of his own volition.
“Please, firefly. We can watch a movie or something after that. I just… want you to feel better. I’m doing this for your own good. Plus, I’ll help you. I won’t get in the shower with you, but if you need help with anything I’ll stay in the bathroom while you’re in there. Just… how about this. Just wash your hair. Then I can put some deodorant on you and wipe your face. Are you ok with that?” Kai nodded in response, eliciting a small smile from Cole.
“Good. I’m so insanely proud of you Kai, for working with me here. I know how hard it can be when you get like this so I know how much it’s taking for you to do this right now. So, I’m insanely proud of you for actually going along with me,” Cole said sincerely, raising his free hand and resting it on Kai’s cheek. Kai leant into his hand and smiled a small, but tired, smile, raising his own hand and resting it on top of Cole’s.
Walking towards the bathroom, Kai took a reluctant breath and stepped inside, Cole following soon after. Cole turned the water on, pulling the mildly disgusting shirt off of Kai and tossing it into the laundry basket, letting him take off his boxers. Slowly stepping into the shower, Kai winced as the hot water hit his skin, cascading down his body and washing any surface-level grime away. His arms were lead; his eyelids hanging heavily over his eyes. He couldn’t do this.
“Cole,” He said weakly, not moving from under the warm water, “I want to get out.”
“Come on Kai, don’t give up now,” Cole replied softly, moving towards the shower and opening the curtain, seeing the exhausted look in his eyes, “I’ll wash your hair. How about that?” Kai nodded slowly. Cole smiled, pulling his own shirt over his head and discarding it to the side, reaching around his boyfriend and grabbing the shampoo, making sure Kai’s hair was wet enough before applying any. He slowly massaged it into his skull, looking down from his hair to Kai every so often to give him a comforting smile. Kai sighed contently, feeling the first bout of comfort; and even the first sliver of joy; in days. The feeling of Cole’s fingers on his head… knowing he was here and he was ok and alive. He was alive. Cole was here. The steady scratching and rubs keeping him grounded.
Quickly washing the shampoo out of Kai’s hair and turning off the water, Cole smiled, taking Kai’s hand again and leading him out and towards the sink. Cole grabbed his robe from the back of the door, bundling Kai up in it to assure he stayed warm. Cole laughed a little, looking down at Kai’s short, thin figure wrapped in his large robe, like a baby in a teenagers coat.
“You just look really cute. You know like when a little kid just gets out of the shower. Their hair’s all slicked back and their bathrobe is about 10 sizes too big?” Kai blushed and crinkled his brow indignantly.
“I do not look like a child, not all of us were blessed to be 6 foot you know,” He huffed, pulling the robe around himself tighter.
“Yes, you do! You’re my cute little baby boy!” Cole said enthusiastically, noticing the smallest of sparkes light up in Kai’s eyes again as he glared indignantly at his boyfriend. With a laugh, Cole grabbed Kai’s toothbrush, putting some toothpaste on it and splattering it with water.
“Open up baby boy!” Cole said with a grin. Kai rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, allowing him to quickly brush his teeth. Grabbing a face wipe from the cupboard, he gently scrubbed the grease off of his boyfriend’s face. Then, finally, he grabbed a can of deodorant and sprayed him all over, banishing any thought of odour away from their minds (and bodies). Cole grabbed his shirt from the spot on the floor where it had landed earlier and pulled it back over his head.
“Hair drying time now,” Cole said, grabbing a clean towel from the cupboard and laying it over Kai’s wet hair, gently beginning to rub it, dragging the worst of the moisture out. Kai sighed in contentment, feeling himself shake and move as Cole dried his hair, the rough towel feeling heavenly as it dragged along his scalp, massaging any worries or unnecessary emotions away. Now all he felt was a deep feeling of peace and quiet.
“Damn, I’ll rub your head more often, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy,” Cole said with a laugh, continuing to softly rub his head with the towel, unable to contain his laughter at the small noises of contentment coming from Kai. Eventually, he took the towel back off his head and smiled down at his boyfriend, ruffling his hair affectionately.
“Now we just need to get you some clothes, then it’s dumb movie time,” Kai smiled, his lips softly curving into a smile; a real one.
“Can I wear your clothes?” he said softly, his voice still hoarse from barely speaking this last week.
“Of course firefly, it’d be rude of me not to!” Cole said lightly, taking his hand and leading him to his room, immediately grabbing his largest hoodie and sweatpants. He helped Kai put them on and stared down at him in awe.
“You. Are. So. Damn. Small!” Cole said happily, looking at his boyfriend’s small frame being taken over by his large clothing.
“No, you’re just too big,” Kai said indignantly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of the hoodie.
“You know I mean it lovingly, you just look too cute in my clothes,” Cole gleamed, his face lighting up in pure delight. Kai said nothing, just let out a small giggle, his face glowing crimson.
“Now come! My sweet little baby boy! We shall watch dumb movies made for people 10 years younger than us until you feel better!” Cole exclaimed, sweeping Kai off his feet and holding him bridal style, carrying him towards his own room where he dumped him on the bed, turning on the TV and preparing for at least a day of watching weird movies and enjoying each others company.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
Hey I would like to propose something rather dirty with Sakusa (sakusa and dirty in the same sentence: O) that he's having sex while his girlfriend is on her period! Thanks, good luck!
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Paring: K. Sakusa x period-having!reader (i’m going to use gender neutral pronouns bc not just girls have menstrual cycles)
Warnings: 18+, all characters are aged up, smut, period sex, fingering, shower sex, mentions of menstrual blood, brief mention of alcohol
A/n: this ask has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i’m so sorry, i literally wrote is all out and then it just sat there (?) Sakusa has a very special place in my heart as i deal with ocd and anxiety disorders, so i think it’s important to remember that people are dynamic and ever-changing, and just because they have a certain anxiety doesn’t mean they aren’t able to function in a romantic relationship.
also, @joyousandverywarlike just wrote an *insane* Sakusa fic. it’s not about period sex but zo literally said “I bet you never thought I would be dirtier than you” and i about fell down the fucking stairs, so if you want some amazing Sakusa smut go read Filthy.😩
Okay enough with the proselytizing, let’s get nasty.
period sex is amazing, and honestly i think everyone should be doing it, even Sakusa.
he’s a very clean person, but i don’t think he would actually have a problem with this. he’s around bodily fluids all the time and gets all sweaty and gross while he’s playing.
(also i’m p sure there’s a panel where he literally stretches his hands on the fucking dirty floor so my dude will be fine)
he is an anxious person so feeling comfortable with your body takes time, and you have always been patient with him, which he appreciates more than he actually expresses.
he loves you so much, it kills him that sometimes his anxieties keep him from being super affectionate with you, but he tries to show you he cares in the best ways he knows how
i headcannon him as having an “acts of service” love language so on cold mornings he goes out and starts your car for you before leaving for practice, or he throws your towel in the dryer as your showering and brings it to you all nice and warm (i am so soft for him okay he’s my comfort character the nasty is coming)
sex was slow-starting in your relationship, taking months to have him feel confident enough to let go completely with you, so the idea of him actually wanting to have sex with you on your period never seemed plausible
but tonight, your cramps are intense. like twisting-knife-in-your-ovaries bad, and your ever observant boyfriend can tell how much pain you’re in
he’s not great with bedside manner, but he’s trying okay. without a word he puts his shoes and mask on and fucking leaves the apartment 💀
but he’s just going to the store to buy you chocolate and some red wine because he read that it could help, and at least the wine will make you feel better in some way
in the most unromantic way he literally just waltzes back into the apartment and shoves a chocolate bar into your hands, and goes to the kitchen to pour you a glass of wine
he’s so soft in his own way 😭
you happily accept both offerings and he pulls you into his side on the couch, physical touch was panic-inducing to him at first but over the years he’s realized he yearns for skinship with you
he puts his big hand (😩) on your abdomen and rubs circles into your skin, trying to ease your pain in anyway.
as he’s rubbing though, you’re cheeks are burning hot because your body is so sensitive and reactive on your period, a moan accidentally slips out and your whole body tenses
you immediately start to worry that Kiyoomi is going to grimace and be disgusted by you, his head snaps towards you but there’s no disgust written on his face.
his eyes read surprised, yes, but his pupils are blown and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth... he’s turned on and you are more than a bit shocked
“I read online that orgasms can help with period cramps.” Your boyfriend blurts out, as blunt as ever, and your mouth hangs. Is he serious?
you’re obviously treading lightly based on his hang ups when it comes this kind of stuff, and the knowledge that he has a way to possibly make you feel better but you not wanting to ask makes his heart ache a little
he puts his forehead against yours for a moment, taking in the smell of your shampoo before pulling you gently to straddle his lap
even the minimal friction makes you groan, causing blood to rush straight to Kiyoomi’s cock
“do you want to go take a shower with me, angel? the hot water might help you relax.” he says, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips
you agree and let your boyfriend lead you to the bathroom, he starts the shower and makes sure it’s nice and scalding hot (there’s no way Sakusa doesn’t shower in a lake of hellfire)
he pulls you into the stream and trails his soapy hands all over your body, pressing into your shoulders to relieve the tension built up
kiyoomi presses your back to his hard, muscular front, hands wandering down to your chest, you arch into him as he squeezes your acutely sensitive nipples
his ministrations are relaxing your body but every touch is becoming less and less innocent, so by the time his fingers wander down to your clit you’re already whimpering
“i want to help you feel better angel,” he says, trailing his lips over your neck, his dark ringlets tickling your shoulder, “you know i don’t mind getting a little dirty if it’s for you.”
just as the words leave his mouth, two long fingers dip into your pussy, ripping a groan from your throat.
Sakusa feels your tight warmth in a new way, you’re clenching around his digits immediately and there’s a soft, syrupy quality to your pussy that’s different than usual. the feeling of you wrapped around his fingers alone is driving him insane
he positions his thumb against your clit to rub tight circles, kissing and biting down on your neck when your head rolls to the side
all of the pleasure Koyoomi is giving you is magnified, feeing each movement of his hands electricly through your veins
“do you want to cum on my fingers y/n?”he’s spurring you on, making you clench desperately around him. your hand finds purchase in the hair at the back of his head tugging as the tension in your stomach snaps
your only upright because of your boyfriends strong arms wrapped around you, fingers still inside and marveling at the way you pulse around him.
he’s obviously doing this to ease your cramps and help you relax, but his cock is aching at the feeling of your pussy and needs to get inside of you desperately
Sakusa grabs your hips and turns you around, pinning you against the wall with ferocious resolve
he’s more wild animal at this point than man, hungry for something now that’s he’s gotten a little taste
he hoists you up slightly so that he can line himself up with your cunt, he pushes in slowly, not wanting to cause you any pain
as he delves in inch by inch, the feeling of your slick, relaxed walls welcoming him in and the breathy calls for his name are intoxicating
he rocks into you, noticing how each thrust has you twitching, begging him not to stop
“feels so good oomi. fuck” you run your nails across his slick back, the hot, rushing water combined with your sex is fogging every surface of the bathroom
“cum for me one more time, angel. let me see how good i make you feel.” he snaps back into you, angling your ass to make sure he’s pumping right against your sweet spot. he wants to feel you come around his dick like this, but he also wants you to know he can push past his anxieties and take care of you
especially if taking care of you feels this fucking good
when he feels your warm, drooling cunt pulse around him he can’t hold back anymore, spilling inside you with a round of breathy grunts and moans of your name
you stay like that for a moment, presses against the shower wall tightly wrapped i. each other.
he helps you clean off, taking his time to rub every inch of your body, your cramps melt off in the hot water and circle down the drain
after you two are nice and clean, Kiyoomi wraps you in the towel he had thrown into the dryer before your shower. 🥴
i’ll pray for all of you’re nasty Sakusa thoughts,
Sinners Anonymous
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egelantier · 4 years
Yuletide Recs
Having had two days of more or less nothing but reading fics, I come bearing recs!
First of all, my amazing gifts:
The Goblin Emperor
For Thy Principles
The nohecharei of Edrehasivar VII were unparalleled in their defense of his person, but there were limits to even their prowess. When Maia first developed the fever, Cala quickly determined that it was not the end result of a magically-based assassination attempt – and from there it had to be left to the court physicians.
Maia falls ill, and Csethiro protects him as best she can.
Beautifully gentle Maia sickfic, with Csethiro holding him together. For me all for meeee.
Benjamin January Mysteries
Dry as a Bone
“Oh. Well, I’ve been better, maestro, been a hell of a lot better to tell truth.” Shaw stared at him for a long moment, and he was stunned to see honest to God grief in his eyes. Even when Shaw had just lost his brother he had been so much more himself than this lost man currently standing before him. “Not that I mean to put anything extra on your shoulders, I’m sure you’ve got enough of your own shit going on at present moment, but it seems like I’ve just lost my job.”
Shaw loses his job, and finally confronts Ben about trust (and lack thereof) between them. It’s GREAT.
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards
A Distraction Worth Losing
They may never be together, but the gods would have to move heaven and earth to split Rune and Brand apart.
Brand, Rune and The Kiss incident. (Poor messed up babies, somebody save them.)
And fics of the collection:
17776, Astreiant, Raksura, Frederica, The Gentlemen, The Goblin Emperor, Hades, Innkeeper Chronicles, Jeeves, Kate Daniels, King Arthur the movie, My Next Life as a Villainess, Nirvana in Fire, No. 6, Psmith, The Secret Garden, The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, Swordspoint, The Tarot Sequence, Teixcalaan Series, The Temple of the White Rat verse
17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future
so far, so fast
When Manny gets a craving for some fancy meal he had once, over ten thousand years ago, Nick decides he’s gonna fulfill that craving, no matter how hard it is. Because real romance is about making the impossible happen for his husband.
Goddamn transcendental.
Go Get It
Sometimes you start out just planning to get some groceries with your husband, and next thing you know, you’re committing to join the most hopeless team in college football.
Nick and Manny decide to play. It’s perfect.
A young man dies six months before the end of human death; his loss saves five lives, which end up much longer than anyone expects. (A series of worldbuilding vignettes about original characters in the 17776 setting.)
Made me cry, in a very cathartic way.
Astreiant Series - Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnett
April dressed in all his trim
A quiet evening in spring.
Sweet little slice-of-life with lovely sensory details.
Books of the Raksura
The Second Consort
“When Glow arrives, be friendly and welcoming,” Ember said. “Not scary.”
“Why does everyone think I’m going to scare him?”
Chime said, “They can see your face when you look at him.” He paused, glancing over at Moon. “That face, that’s the one.”
Ember sighed. “I remember being in his position. It’s pretty nerve-wracking coming to a new court and not knowing what’s going to happen to you there - whether they’re going to welcome you or shun you, whether you’ll make new friends, whether a queen is going to claim you…” He came and put a sympathetic hand on Moon’s shoulder. “Glow is probably worried about all of those things, and missing his home and clutchmates, and it’s our job to try and help him relax.” For a moment Moon thought he was just being soft-hearted, until Ember added, “He won’t open up and tell us what’s really going on unless he’s relaxed.”
Jade takes in a new consort, on Moon’s permission, and everybody is delightfully adult about it.
Lady Alverstoke
Frederica commences her first Season as a married woman by planning a ball, promising most straitly that her husband will have nothing whatsoever to do …
Sweet and funny slice-of-life post-happy-ending for canon.
**The Gentlemen (2019) **
The week after he intercepts Fletcher, that squirrelly little cunt, outside the London Miramax office, Raymond reluctantly ventures down to Brixton.
Under normal circumstances, Raymond tends to give this part of Brixton a wide berth, but he has unfinished business that needs attending to. Of course, that doesn’t mean he has to like being accosted by the overwhelming smell of greasy fish and chips when he pushes the car door open, doesn’t mean he has to be pleased about stepping into a piece of chewed-up gum the moment he sets a foot on the kerb.
But then, he can always take a shower after an errand in Brixton. The deep-seated discomfort of unfinished business doesn’t wash off that easily.
Raymond tries to pay Coach back for saving his life, and it doesn’t quite go as planned :D
The Goblin Emperor
The Archduke’s Discovery
Prince Nemolis goes on a journey, and learns a bit more than he wanted to know.
Really great point of canon divergence, and true and precise character voices.
all the spaces between us
For a place full of the dead, crammed with ghostly shades and nothing but the endless lull of eternity unchanging, gossip sure travelled fast in the Underworld.
Or, Zagreus mulls over his relationship with Thanatos while the rest of the Underworld get overly invested.
Slow, slow, slowest of burns.
Innkeeper Chronicles - Ilona Andrews
A Quick Trip
“It’ll be a quick trip,” Maud said, more to herself than to Arland. “No one will even notice we’re gone.”
Pirates are plaguing an ally, just outside of vampire space. Maud and Arland don some aesthetically beat-up armor and try to get more information from the pirates themselves. Of course, plans only last until you meet your enemy. Or your enemy’s giant alien attack boar.
Excellent canon voice, action/adventure sprinkled with badassery and hilarity.
Jeeves & Wooster
August Thirteenth
Discovering that this is not the first August thirteenth that he’s lived through, that certainly was a head scratcher. Luckily Bertie has the stalwart presence of his man’s man, Jeeves.
Very, very great and satisfying use of the time loop.
Kate Daniels - Ilona Andrews
lookin’ like a snack (cake)
It took Barabas a while to figure it out, because he wasn’t used to not being taken seriously.
Barabas considered several ways to phrase it, and finally settled upon, “Do you have a thing for twinks?” Christopher knocked his head back against the headrest: once, then again. “Is that a yes?”
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
When Goosefat Bill finds himself in a difficult situation, the last thing he wants is the King to show up and “help”, in his own unique and unexpected way.
Goosefat Bill does not need to be rescued by his King. But he might just enjoy it a little.
My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime)
All I Have To Bring Today
Catarina and Sophia had been discussing the latest in the Devilish Count series, and Sophia had mentioned how romantic the surprise picnic the count had planned for his lover was and how she wished for someone to surprise her like that.
“What about you, Catarina? Have you ever wished for someone to sweep you off your feet?” Sophia had asked.
Catarina makes a choice! As sweet and as hilarious as the canon.
Nirvana in Fire
Adverse Event
What a pitiful man must he have become, if the only thing he could provoke in bed was a monologue on his character flaws.
: or, the famous strategist mei changsu plays xanatos speed chess against truth serum: the fic.
Mei Changsu gets hit with an accidental truth serum; it doesn’t stop him from lying to himself, but it does buy Jingyan a clue.
Records of the Land of Xiang
There was something of Xiao Jingyan there, in the firmness of his jaw, the unforgiving slash of his brows, and most clearly in the eyes that neither saw nor conveyed deception. But Long Zhan was not Jingyan, could never be, no matter how much Changsu might wish otherwise, because Jingyan was dead.
In service to a very-much-alive Prince Qi, Jingyan dons a Jianghu-typical disguise and infiltrates the Jiangzuo Alliance to suss out this Mei Changsu fellow and see if he might be useful in helping them re-open the Chiyan conspiracy case. Basically, a slightly ridiculous premise where everyone is running around the Jianghu with masks, multiple identities, and secret agendas.
Fascinating and fun AU scenario that delves, among other things, into Mei Changsu the jianghu chef, not Sir Su the court schemer.
suffering as I suffer you
The first time Jingyan stays the night at Su Manor, he discovers an uncomfortable truth about Mei Changsu.
Excellent extrapolation of Mei Changsu’s illness into his nightly routine - with Jingyan watching…
Here, In Our Arms
With the world put to rights, however briefly, Xiao Jingyan and Mu Nihuang take the opportunity to make a fuss over their beloved Lin Shu, and will not take no for an answer.
Sweet moment of comfort.
Find the Coals Amid the Ashes
Despite Changsu’s assertions, Lin Chen is a well brought up person. He would never violate his host’s privacy during a social call. It would be inexcusable, for example, to break into a marquis’s private alchemy lab in the middle of said marquis’s birthday party, in order to search said alchemy lab for certain hard to find medicinal herbs, which one has reason to believe can be found therein. These would be the actions of a man without honour, of a man who has only desperation to his name.
Lin Chen crashes a party and makes a new friend.
The best team up ever :D
Dead Letters
Mei Changsu isn’t the only schemer in Da Liang.
Fei Liu fixes things, in the most Fei Liu way imaginable, and it’s great.
No. 6
All Good Things
In the midst of a crisis for No. 6, Nezumi returns to Shion’s side.
A reunion! And cuddling.
The Psky Is The Limit
“As this ship’s Orator, my mission is still as it was in the beginning and shall ever be, world without end. It is to hail any message sent by comrades from outer space and pass it on to you verbatim. Well! The hour, I say, has come. The Word has come into being. Here comes Psmith, bearing news of great mirth: the intercom has spoken.”
(A Mike and Psmith Space AU)
Psmith in space! Hysterically funny Psmith in Pspace, at that.
Psmith Pops In
Psmith reached over and solicitously loosened Mike’s scarf, his fingers brushing the skin of Mike’s neck, and that young man, to his horror, felt heat creeping up from where gloved fingers brushed his bare skin. Really, this blushing nonsense was getting out of hand. Ever since Psmith had tried to take the blame in the case of the painted dog, Mike had developed an inexplicable habit of turning hot and cold around him, and these odd responses had become more and more frequent.
Very funny! And then very tragique! And then jussssst right.
The Secret Garden
The Space Garden
When Meri La Nix was sent from the Mars colony to live with her aunt at Missiles Wait Manor, nobody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. But some of them thought it.
Beautifully inventive space retelling - with gardens, still.
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty
The sky spinning above him
In which there’s a jewellery thief on the loose, Tang Fan plays dress up, gets a mild concussion and also a boyfriend.
Frothy, sweet, well-grounded and hot. Also hilarious (check the end note!)
truth in fiction
Three days after Wang Zhi leaves the capital, bits and pieces of his extensive library begin arriving at Sui Zhou’s house.
Sui Zhou is really committed to research and accuracy in Tang Fan’s porn. It’s delightful.
Time don’t fool me no more
“The electrician is a Tang dynasty spy,” he says, dumping some of his eggs in Tang Fan’s bowl.
Tang Fan nods, shovels more food in his mouth, and starts talking again.
Past or future, Tang Fan has Priorities. And Sui Zhou is weak.
Meeting at the End
Sui Zhou knew he never should have let Tang Fan go alone. He knew he should have gone with him.
Really, really great and desperate whump. Super satisfying.
clever boy
Tang Fan never spares a smile for any of the girls at Wang Zhi’s establishment, he’s noticed. That’s alright, though. It means Wang Zhi gets his attention for himself.
Wang Zhi falling, falling hard; it’s delightful.
a bold and brilliant sun
“You’re sure you didn’t do something to it? They don’t usually stall out,” Sui Zhou says. He looks away from Tang Fan, out the windshield at the endless rust-red of the planet.
Tang Fan pouts at this, and slumps down on the edge of the console, feet propped up at an absurd angle against the pilot’s seat. “You think I’d fake a mechanical issue just so that they’d send a sexy Fleet crewman out here to rescue me?” As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he giggles. “Okay, I would do that, but I promise that this time the problem is real.”
Space AU! Most excellent space AU condensing all there is to love about the canon in one perfect package.
Blind Taste Test
Wang Zhi invites Tang Fan to evaluate Joyous Brothel’s chefs — but it’s Tang Fan and Sui Zhou who are really being tested.
Wang Zhi, ever helpful :)
Authorial Intent
Sui Zhou and Tang Fan end up in hot water yet again. Kinky sex ensues.
Hilarious, kinky, heartfelt, and in character.
Swordspoint Series - Ellen Kushner
It struck Alec that this would have been much easier if their positions were reversed. Richard would have known what to do if he’d been dragged back here with a hole in his gut. He was quite simply not supposed to be the one on this end of the equation. In fact, it was possible he had done something very bad to deserve this.
Richard is wounded, and Alex is coping. Excellent h/c and excellent bloodplay and sharp, painful slice of Alex’ POV, excellently rendered.
At first — this was just like him — he thought he was hearing god. But it was only the man in the bed, whose face had turned toward him on the ragged pillow.
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards
Third’s a Charm
Addam asks a favor of Brand.
Addam asks Brand for help, which ends up being exactly what Brand and Rune need.
Pretty good
Five times Brand crawls into Rune’s bed and one time Rune crawls into Brand’s.
Brand and Rune, through the years.
Teixcalaan Series - Arkady Martine
Also in the Act of Reaching
When Three Seagrass arrived at Lsel Station, she was, officially at least, traveling as a private personage. She had missed Mahit and the possibilities they’d both chosen to turn away from. She also had– would always have– a gaping hole in her life where Petal had once stood.
It was simply that, left on her own, Three Seagrass wouldn’t have let either absence drag her to the ass-end of beyond.
Reunion, metaphors and realigment. Subtle and clever and just right.
The (concept of the) World Was Wide Enough
Yskandr Aghavn comes to the world like a drowning man comes to shore, but he is living on borrowed time. Teixcalaan has so many wonderful things to choke on.
Teixcalaan has had his heart for all of his life, has elevated him, corrupted him, and discarded him.
It is Lsel that he thinks of as he dies.
Temple of the White Rat Universe - T. Kingfisher
If Grace Is Too Much
Zale is given a case by Bishop Beartongue which turns out to be more complicated and personal than a holy advocate-priest would prefer.
Clever and sweet and carefully shocking, but in a very right way.
“We don’t generally assess the… cursédness… of objects, trees or otherwise,” Beartongue said.
Utterly delightful.
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tsnderes · 5 years
hiya! congrats on 100! i honestly thought you had more! but is it alright if i request a scenario or headcanons on deku finding out about readers massive thirst for him? maybe he overhears her talking to her friend about him, or she accidentally sends and dirty text about him to him by accident? sorry if this is specific 😅 totally ok if you don’t write it!
a/n: ahh, anon. i think i went overboard but i bet you won’t mind. this was fun for me to write! i always love writing for my baebe izu-chan. 😚 this one is nasty, super nasty.
word count: 1,435 | nsf w !
             ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  the deku thirst | izuku midoriya  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Izuku never viewed himself as sexy or hot, he wouldn’t use those adjectives to describe himself. He knew he wasn’t unattractive but growing up, Izuku only heard that he was short and cute; Eventually, he got used to it. 
Nobody ever thirsted over him like Todoroki or Bakugou. He would always hear the gossip of the girls from other classes in the hallways, noting how strong their bodies were and how they would be in bed. It made Izuku red every time; they were so bold about it!
Izuku never meant to eavesdrop, that was more of Kaminari and Mineta’s thing. He was by no means a creep, never! Izukuhappened to pass the girls’ dorms on his way from the showers and his interest only piqued because he heard his name.
“Have you seen Midoriya’s abs, his arms when he’s working out? It’s so hot.”
Izuku’s eyes widened when he recognized the voice, that was (Name). He pressed his ear to the door now, face burning.
“Huh? How long have you felt like this, (Name)?!” Mina gasped.
“A while.” You said, twiddling your fingers, “He’s really sexy and I can’t help but stare at him. Sometimes I want to get on my knees and suck-”
Jirou reached over and covered your mouth, the room full of excited giggles and gasps at your bold statement. “Ah, that’s enough Deku Thirst for tonight.”
Izuku thanked God for Jirou, he didn’t think he could handle anymore; All of your words went right to his ego (and his dick). (Name) of all people thought he was sexy! He genuinely couldn’t believe it.
Izuku waddled the rest of his way to the room, covering his manhood with his hands. Thankfully nobody was roaming the halls that night.
You almost fainted when Aizawa paired you with Izuku to train. It didn’t help that he had his shirt off, the sun gleaming on the sweat that framed his muscles; His pants low enough that his v-line jutted out, the scars that riddled his body. The way he’d bite his lips when he’s really into it and the handsome smirk on his face. Fuck, everything made this man made you disgustingly wet.
“(Name)?” Izuku’s voice snapped you out of your daydream, his face red. “You’re staring.”
You licked your lips, eyes shining with a glint of mischief. “I can’t help it. You look good, Midoriya.”
The blush spread to his body, a shy smile on his lips. “So what you said last night was true…”
Last night? Your eyes widened as the realization dawned on you, he’d heard the conversation with the girls! He’d been eavesdropping! Not only was this embarrassing, but totally unexpected. You swore all the boys were sleeping last night… He must’ve planned this. 
“Wow. You were being a creep, then?”
Izuku shook his head rapidly, arms flailing. “N-no! It wasn’t like that, I swear! I was walking past and I heard my name, you weren’t very quiet about it-”
You rolled your eyes and turned on your heel, lips turned in a scowl. “Learning from Mineta and Kaminari, huh? I bet the girls would love to hear this-” 
Izuku quickly grasped your arm and spun you around, his bright eyes gazing deep into yours, full of worry. “I-I’m sorry for invading your privacy like that, (Name). It won’t happen again, please don’t tell them!”
At first, you weren’t sure but the look in Midoriya’s eyes let you know he was truly sorry. It didn’t matter considering you weren’t really upset; it was cute just seeing how Izuku wanted to regain your trust; You could use this to your advantage.
“All right, I won’t tell them.” You hummed. “Only on one condition, though.”
“Ok, what is it?”
“Let me suck your dick.”
Izuku didn’t know why you wanted to suck his dick or how you persuaded him to let you but it would be rude to refuse, right? A pretty girl was willing to pleasure him out of her own desire; Never in a million years would he expect this.
He’d never gotten head before and he was biting his lip at the thought. Most guys claimed it felt amazing and there was nothing like it; There was no denying the curiosity bubbling in his chest.
There was a knock at the door and his head popped up, sweat pooling on his temple. “C-come in!”
Your head peeked in before your body, a bright smile on your lips. Izuku’s eyes fell on your figure, how your pert nipples stood through the fabric of your cami, the way the shorts you had showcased your pretty thighs. Were you trying to tease him?
“Like what you see?” You winked, inching closer until you stood at the foot of his bed.
Izuku blushed. “You look n-nice, (Name)-chan.”
“Just call me (Name).” You said and shifted your focus to the task at hand. “Do you want to do it like this, or do you want me on my knees?”
Izuku’s eyes widened, you were giving him options? He felt himself harden in his boxers; He almost forgot what you came for. 
“On your knees, I-If you don’t mind.”
“Who would’ve known you were the dominant type?” You teased and he turned his head. “Fine by me, I like it rough.”
You sunk to your knees and positioned yourself as Izuku hesitantly slid off his bed, body trembling as he stood before you. You giggled, hands reaching to palm him through his pants. Izuku thrusts his hips to your touch, a low groan coming from his throat.
“Don’t be nervous, Midori. It’ll feel so good, I promise.” You smirked, pulling his pants and boxers down in one quick motion.
You gasped as your eyes focused on his dick, how long and thick it felt in your hand, your hand could barely wrap around the girth; This was more than what you were expecting. 
“You’re so big. It might not fit in my mouth.” You watched as he looked away with red cheeks, muttering a small thanks under his breath. You kissed your teeth, squeezing his length so he could look at you. “Keep your eyes on me, ok?”
He turned his head just as you licked a stripe from the base up, your tongue trailing along a prominent vein before you moved to the head, hollowing your cheeks and sucking.
Izuku concealed his moans in his palm, breath uneven as you started working on him. He made a sound of confusion as your other hand reached up to tangle his fingers between your hair, eyes sultry as you pulled off.
“It’s ok to let loose, you know.” You shot him a knowing smile before he was back in your mouth, the warm wetness making him thrust his hips, his tip barely missing the back of your throat. You groaned on his dick; The vibrations sending shivers up his spine as you reached to palm his balls, a loud moan ripping through his mouth.
“F-fuck, you look so good like this… It feels so good.” Izuku let his other hand card through your hair, forcing you further down his length until you gagged, his head lolling back from the sensation. Izuku shook his head and didn’t let you up, coaxing you to take more of him in your throat, his soft pubes brushing your nose. Your hand slipped into your soaked panties, slightly relieving the ache in your core.
Izuku didn’t bother controlling his moans; This felt too good, too raw. His hips were moving on their own too, he couldn’t get enough of it. The way you were gagging on him and drool pooled down your chin, the lustful look in your eyes, it was driving him mad; He knew he wouldn’t last.
“(Name), ahh, m’close.” He desperately tried to pull you off but you gripped his thighs, pushing yourself down until he was comfortably in your throat and swallowed. With a shout of your name, Izuku held your head down as his cum painted your throat, the amount surprising you as you struggled to swallow, the white dribbling down your chin.
When Izuku let you pull off, he collapsed on his bed, chest heaving from his orgasm. You patted his thigh, suddenly shy as you averted his gaze and Izuku sleepily chuckled.
“You’re shy after sucking my dick like that? You’re dirtier than I thought, (Name).” He teased.
Your cheeks heated as you pouted. “S-shut up!”
Izuku shook his head and propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes pooling with passion. “Give me a minute and I’ll return the offer.”
You were in for a long night.
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buckysbest · 4 years
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CHAPTER ONE: GROWING PAINS PAIRING: best friend!peter parker x reader WARNINGS: swearing, heartbreak, slow burn SERIES SUMMARY: Peter Parker is about to embark in the next chapter in his life with his best friends by his side. A secret relationship, a heartbroken girl, and the pains of growing might be strong enough to pry these friends apart. WORD COUNT: 1.5k A/N: this series is based off the album “the pains of growing” by Alessia Cara! if you want to follow along, you can listen to growing pains (track one on the album)! I hope you like the new story!
series masterlist // masterlist
“Jesus Peter!” MJ yelled across the pool, holding her book upside down in an attempt to rid it of the water that joined its pages after your best friend jumped into Liz’s pool. 
“Oh come on MJ! It’s our freaking grad party! Get your head out of that book, I promise it will be there tomorrow!” you giggled, causing a small crack to form in her hardened exterior. From the small smile that snuck onto her face spilled a mumble of agreement as she took off her coverup and joined the group in the pool. Ned and Peter continued their game of Marco polo but now with a third player while Liz sat to your left absolutely glowing in the sun as you both bathed in the warmness that soaked into your skin. Flipping over to your stomach, the cool grain of the sun chair melted away like the stress off your shoulders in the rays that hit your back. A content smile adorned your face as your favorite accessory on most days but today it was a little bigger. The soundtrack to your life was the laughter of your 4 best friends and Aunt may tossing burgers on the grill and you wanted to loop the song for eternity.  This bubbling gratitude showed itself in the form of a wider smile you flaunted throughout the day. 
“Kids! Burgers are done! Come up on the deck yeah?” Aunt May's voice seemed to prompt the apocalypse as MJ, Liz, and Ned sprinted past each other, trying to be the first to the food. A smooth chuckle behind your back sent butterflies to your stomach as you heard Peter exit the pool. 
“Not hungry?” he teased, grabbing the towel off the concrete next to you. 
“Just trying to enjoy the moment a little longer” you smiled, stretching your legs out a little before sitting up and facing the brunette in front of you. A semi-dry hand extended in front of you as he finished drying off his hair. 
“M’lady” A giggle escaped both of your lips as you accepted his hand to get off the low sun chair. “You don't have to wait up for me, I’m gonna clean up down here a bit, will you tell aunt may i’ll be there in a second?”
“Sure, don't take too long. Not sure how much will be left after MJ gets her hands on the food” you poke, sliding on your flip flops and heading up the deck. “Aunt May, go grab a seat! You’ve done enough,” 
“Y/N, you're too sweet” she sighed as you took the apron off her and handed her a made plate. 
You flipped off the grill letting it cool before you scrubbed it down and closed it. “Peter said he would be right up Aunt May” 
“Of course you would know,” Michelle snickered quietly causing a blush to raid your cheeks. You found your seat next to Ned as you put your feet up across his lap. The empty chair next to you was soon filled by Peter. 
Ned’s head dropped a little as he played with the last fry left of his plate. “Man, I’m gonna miss this”
The mood grew somber for a second before you gently slapped his arm, “Ned! There's nothing to miss silly! The three of us got chosen for Stark apprenticeships and MJ and Liz will be right across the street at NYU!”
“Yeah, you're not getting rid of us that easily” MJ chuckled, lifting the spirits of the table around us. Aunt May was the first to go inside. As food was eaten and laughter took over most of the conversation, the sun drifted lower and lower into the sky and the only illumination came from the LEDs lining the porch. Somehow you found yourself curled up on Liz’s lap while MJ stretched out over Peter and Ned. 
“An-and remember when Ned accidentally stole Mrs. Hairns textbook!” MJ cried, laughter and tears emerging from her face as you all mirrored her expression. 
“I thought she was gonna kill me” he laughed, furthering your fit of giggles. 
After this, Ned was the next to enter the house, not that it surprised anyone. He was practically a zombie without his mid-day nap. Then about an hour later, it was MJ, citing her tiredness to ‘putting up with you fools all day’. Leaving just you, Peter, and Liz. 
“Man what a day,” Liz sighed as the three of you walked down to the lawn, blankets in hand. You laid them out and each found your spot under the stars.”I’m really gonna miss you guys”
The bottom of your throat contracted slightly as tears welled in your eyes. “Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too.”
“Y/N, What about what you said earlier! You guys can't be losing hope this early.” Peter nervously retorted.
You braved back the tears and half heartedly agreed,“Yeah, yeah, you're right… I think I’m gonna call it a night.” The two called goodnight to you as you climbed the stairs and enter the dark house. After showering the chlorine and dirt from the day off, you got into your pjs and went to set your alarm. Crap. You crept down the stairs to retrieve your phone from the lawn. You quietly opened the door and pattered onto the deck.
“Peter… Things are gonna change after today… I just wanted to let you know…” You froze at Liz’s queue, peering over the bannister onto the lawn below you. “I am afraid of losing you guys…. I’m afraid of losing you…”
Peter swept the hair behind her ear and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Nothing will come between us… or the group… I promise.”
Famous Last Words...
My heart dropped into my stomach as I quickly snuck back into the house and to my room. When I collapsed, I let the tears fall freely.
“I can't believe my babies are leaving the nest!” Aunt May cried as Peter packed his last box into your car. Aunt May insisted on seeing you out before you drove upstate. 
Peter's face turned a bright pink as he closed the trunk and turned around, “Aunt May.. We’re only like an hour north..”
“That's an hour too far,” she retorted, pulling both of you into a tight hug. “Stay safe, drive slow, and call me when you get there!” 
Your eyes teared as the warm safety that encompassed you dropped with her arms. “Of course Aunt May, Love you” Wiping your eyes, you hopped into the car with Peter copying you on the passenger side. 
“Ready?” he sighed, a smile replacing the frown that was seen on his face just moments ago.
You turned the keys and released a sigh of content as well when the grumble of the engine filled your bones. “Yeah” The trip was a short one. Peter mostly scrolled through his phone and you mostly sang to the songs on the radio. 
After arriving at the new apartment Ned, who had already been there for a week or so, rushed out to help carry in their boxes, “Hey Losers!” After exchanging greetings, box after box was unloaded and placed in the new 4 bedroom suite you shared. You took your time tediously unpacking your contents throughout the day and placing them throughout your room. The boys, not so much. By the end of the night, both of the boys were out in the living room because their rooms were blocked off by boxes. Their sleeping figures warmed your heart as a sad smile found itself on your face for the 30-somethingth night in a row. Finding your way to your bed, your heartstrings were pulled in harmonious fashion, wailing a ballad only you could hear. With another sleepless night threatening your hollow shape, you sighed and walked into the kitchen and bathrooms, unpacking almost the entire apartment. 
The boys awakened around 7:00 due to the rustle of you sorting through the living room boxes and unpacking them. Ned was the first to notice the lack of boxes. “Damn Girl, what time did you wake up!” he laughed.
“I couldn't sleep last night, that's all” you nervously chuckled, catching the attention of Peter. 
Concern painted itself on his face as he walked over and knelt in front of the box you were unpacking. “You couldn't sleep?”
“Yeah, its nothing”
His hand reached out and grabbed yours, stopping you from unpacking, and his eyes searched yours. “What's wrong Y/N?”
“N-Nothing Peter. Just not used to the new setting that's all” 
He let out a suspicious “ok” and returned to his playful behavior with Ned in the kitchen. You quickly wiped a tear from your eye as you picked the box up and folded it, throwing it into the pile.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 1
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity. Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 48 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
For Science! by pm_lo E | 21k | ABO, Omega!cas, Alpha!Dean,
Selected transcripts and supporting materials from Dr. Castiel Williams and Dean Winchester’s seminal study on physiological and psychological sexual response by gender designation.
Even though this is a dialogue/email text only story, I still very much enjoyed it and found it ridiculously hot. Maybe I'm just easy. (No I'm not. This fic is good, read it.)
Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison E | 68k | Firefighter!Dean, Professor!Cas, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining
Sam and Jess are getting married and Dean couldn’t be any happier for them. Honestly, they’re kind of disgustingly perfect for each other and Dean’s pretty damn excited about staying with them the week before the wedding. He’s Sam’s best man, of course, and he doesn’t even mind that Jess has her own best man to share in all the organizational duties. The more the merrier, right? Except Dean must have done something to epically piss off the universe because Jess’s best man just happens to be Castiel friggin’ Novak. He’s got even hotter since High School, but apparently no friendlier and if Cas wants to spend the week pretending like they’ve never met before? Fine. Two can play at that game.
THIS WAS SO GOOD I'M TEARING UP. tropes abound and I love it!
Cops and Robbers by kinkstiel E | 53k [WIP] | Detective!Dean, Criminal!Cas, Top!Cas, Bottom!dean
They locked eyes for a minute and then Cas leaned back as far as the cuffs would let him go, spreading his legs obscenely wide. “I want you to suck my cock, Dean.” Dean balked, mouth going dry in a second, eyes slipping to the now visible bulge in Castiel’s suit pants. “Um,” he said stupidly, face flushing red, eyes unable to pull away. Cas hummed. “Depending on how well you suck me, I might just tell you everything you want to know.” He licked his lips, smirking slightly when he caught Dean’s gaze. “And with sinful little lips like yours,” he made a low whistling sound, “I don’t doubt you’ll get every last name out of me.
So very good. Love the dark and dirtiness of it. It does get lighter and sappier towards the end tho.
Cursed or Not ❤ by Ltleflrt E | 115k | witch!Cas, shapeshifter!Dean, switching
While experimenting with magic when he was a kid, Sam accidentally cursed Dean. Now, Dean is forced to wear a spelled amulet constantly, or he'll turn into a random animal. For a little over a decade, he's learned to live with the curse, and has even found it useful in some cases, but he sure would be happier without it. When he meets a witch named Castiel, he's offered a deal. Instead of assuming all witches are bad, Dean can spend a season getting to know him. If at the end of the season, Dean still thinks he's evil Castiel will send him away with his memory wiped of the whole experience. But if he learns that Castiel is not the monster Dean assumes he is, he'll lift Dean's curse. It's an offer Dean can't bring himself to pass up.
Literally perfect. Enthralling world, magical relationship.    
Surprise Package by wannaliveindeansdimples E | 3k | Hot, , Dom Cas, Sub Dean, Light BDSM
When Cas' roommate Meg has to go out of town suddenly, she leaves him an unexpected gift.
So so hot. Non extreme Dom!cas and sub!dean.    
Never Have I ever by sweetdean M | 78k | Fluff,  High School AU, top!cas, bottom!dean
When Jo drags Dean along to a game of "never have I ever" with her friends, he finds himself getting caught up in a lot more than just a game. “Never have I ever hung out with such an asshole,” Dean countered, positively shocked at his own sass. Cas smirked again. “Oh, are we hanging out now?fricken adorable  
Road Signs by gemmiel E | 9k| Canon!verse, true form
Dean is curious about how angels have sex. Castiel shows him.
Damn. True form, soul sex, and regular sex. Yes please.    
It's Brilliant, Really by snarkymonkey E | 15k | Fluff,  AU, Professor!cas, Stuntman!dean
Castiel Novak is a History adjunct at Stanford University. He's also the most patient younger brother. When his older brother, Gabriel, decides to start *wooing* one of his younger waiters, Castiel reluctantly agrees to double-date with the intended paramour's older brother. What he didn't expect, however, was how much his own life would flip over such a careless decision.
Adorable. Hot, and adorable.  
Gabriel's Unfortunate Mistake by JackHawksmoor E | 8k | Hot,  AU
an answer to a prompt: Gabriel decides to hire a prostitute for his virgin brother Castiel as a joke, but instead accidentally hires Dean, a professional Dom. The moment Dean first lays a hand on him, Castiel knows he is lost. Dean/Castiel AU.
Um mm.... Damn. That was hot. Newbie sub!cas and pro dom!dean    
Well-Beloved Unto Me by  Moorishflower E | 3k | Alt!Canon, tentacles
The Winchesters don't get rewarded for all the shit they go through, so Dean is understandably wary when a few recharged and promoted angels offer him and Sam the vacation of a lifetime. Title comes from the Song of Solomon.
True form. And sex. MY FAVE.  
How to Date an Angel in 12 Easy Steps by Fourthduckling E | 23k | Fluff,  Alt!canon
It's not that hard to date an angel. All Dean has to do is fight off hordes of vampires, research gay porn, get sucked into a crappy Narnia, endure Sam's comments, creep out on Dr. Sexy, get harassed -- oh, and that's right-- figure out he's into Cas. Easy, right?
SQUUEEEE. Perfect and cute and cuddly.  
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right But Three Rights Make A Left by the0voice0from0above E | 45k | High School AU, Dancer!Cas, Welder!Dean,
The beautiful Garrison Ballet School becomes home to a reckless bunch of misfits after the Colt Welding Academy is severely damaged in a fire and has to close for repairs. Needless to say, Castiel and his friends clash with their unwanted guests but there's one boy in particular who infuriates him.
Dancer!au. Love it love it love it!    
Rest My Angel by cobalt_wings E | 86k | Fluff,  Season 9 AU
Angels are falling from the sky, and Dean is losing it. Sam is dying in his arms, and one of those burning, twisting figures blazing through the night air might be his very own angel, Castiel. What can he do to help those he loves?
Sex and domestic and lots of fucking. My fave.    
One Species Too Many by wallmakerrelict E | 21k | Fluff,  Alt!canon
While Dean is laid up for a month after breaking his leg on a hunt, Cas decides that it's a perfect time to adopt a litter of kittens. But even though he's gotten better since Purgatory, Cas still isn't quite the same as he was before fixing Sam's head, and being trapped in a cabin with him for weeks on end is making that all the more obvious to Dean. When Sam takes off on a hunt, Dean has to figure out on his own how to navigate his new relationship with Cas while also helping to raise a bunch of fuzzballs that aren't even cute. Not even a little bit. (Well, maybe a little bit.)
Team free will with kittens!! So fluffy and domestic but also a touch of angst.    
It's A Bet by vitamindesi E | 34k | College AU, top!cas, bottom!dean
Destiel College!AU in which freshman Dean is dared by his best friends to hit on senior Castiel at a party. He wants to say no but then someone starts a bet and Benny bets a sum that is ridiculously high for a student and Dean can’t disappoint Benny, right? I deviated only, but hopefully it suffices.
So fabulous and smutty I want to cry. Literally perfection.
Your Call Cannot Be Completed As Dialed by eBob, K_K_TiBal T | 66k [WIP] | Fluff,  College AU
AU in which Castiel accidentally sends a text message to the wrong number and befriends the person at the other end of the line. However, accidents don’t just happen accidentally, and sometimes two completely different people are exactly what the other needs.
Equinox by luchia E  | 12k | Alt!canon, time travel
In which Castiel is the weird time-traveling freak who just might be the love of Dean Winchester's life.
Confusing but perfect time travel fic.   
If I run by betty days E | 4k | Hot,  AU, sexting, long distance relationship
"Dean Winchester is a red-blooded American male. He lifts all the things. He aims for functional strength. He counts his macros and makes fun of curlbros. He is not a member of the Tarahumara tribe and he will not read Born to Run, no matter how many times Sam tells him to, because Starting Strength is the only book Dean will ever fucking need." Wherein a friendly competition with the mysterious ThursdaysAngel turns into a sexy selfie-trading spree that motivates Dean Winchester to train for his first marathon.
Soo. Hot. Makes me want to actually exercise?    
The Little Things by Alreadypainfullygone T | 2k | Angst,  Cancer, Major Character Death
Au based on 'the big C' in which Dean gets very sick, and deals with it the denial way. Meeting a homeless man on the way. Dean/Castiel Angst. Warning for trigger - Cancer. sorry if you think I dealt with it badly.
This is only 2.8k words, and yet it managed to make me cry.    
Do What Feels Good by  Catchclaw, cymbalism E | 12k | Hot,  Alt!canon, PWP
Castiel learns to love alone time in the shower. And then he learns to share.
Fuuuuuck that was hot. Castubation and shower sex is just so hnnnggg.    
All That Is And Used To Be by MisaChan E | 26k | Alt!Canon, wing!Kink
Dean never even knew anyone was living in the old estate outside of town until its mysterious occupant contracts his shop for a very specific job: a custom piano bench with grooves cut into the back. He finds Castiel and his terms to be eccentric with a capital E but the money is too good to turn down and anyway, Dean can't help indulging his curiosity about the guy and his secretive, isolated life. There are secrets that will not stay hidden and stories that refuse to be forgotten. Especially when they happen to involve Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.
Ugh, I love this story. Concept, execution, and characterization are all perfect.    
Do I Have Something Like That? by MysticMoonhigh E | 2k | Hot,  horn!kink, wing!kink
based on the tumblr post I made: Does anybody know any demon!Dean fics where Cas makes Dean climax by basically giving his demon horns a hand job because I want this so badly out of lifE | I'm. I've read this about three times and I think I'm finally coming to terms with my alien biology kink. Hot. Wink!kink and horn!kink. Yes.    
The Doctor Will See You Now by  PetrichorPerfume E | 7k| Hot,  PWP sub!dean, gentle dom!cas, wing!kink
Dean has a medical kink. Castiel is more than happy to oblige. Starring Castiel as the slightly unorthodox Dr. Novak who enjoys prescribing enforced chastity and daily tease and denial sessions, and Dean as his needy, submissive patient who will do anything for a chance to come.
Wowowwowowow. Um. This was super hot. Nnnghhhh.    
Into Your Hideaway by thepinupchemist E  | 176k |Angst,  a/b/o, omega!dean, alpha!cas, mpreg
Driving down a deserted road in the Rocky Mountains, Castiel finds something unexpected: An omega. Not only an omega, but a naked, injured, pregnant omega. Dean doesn't talk much at first, but that doesn't change the brightness of his soul. It also doesn't stop Castiel from falling in love with him.
I just... Wow. This was an amazing story. Beware that it is possibly very triggering, because of rape, assault, violence, and general bigotry. But perhaps because of all of that, you get a story that is almost painful in its reality, and it is all the more loveable for that.    
The World Crashing All Around by thepinupchemist E | 36k| Alt!canon, best friends wing!Kink, kid!fic
During a storm in September of 1987, Dean and Sam hear something hit their roof. When they brave the backyard to investigate, they find a fledgling angel. A story about best friendship, spoiled plans, and love, in four parts.
OH MY GOD. This was perfect all the way through. From soul bonds, to slow burn, to growing up together as best friends, it's all my favorite. And it even has wing kink, which is literally the best.    
Share Your Burden by aTimeOfMagic E | 3k Hot,  PWP, Sub!dean, dom!cas
Set at the end of 'Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester.' 4.02. Castiel shows Dean that he deserves respect, and Dean comes to see that Cas is not, in fact, just a 'hammer'. He also learns that his 'people skills' are definitely not entirely 'rusty'.
Damn. Um, really hot. Also, unexpectedly sweet.    
Flawless by Vaerin E | 69k | a/b/o, accidental bonding, sub!dean, dom!cas
A contract is out on the Winchesters, a large sum of money the reward for throwing them off their game. A witch in the town they happen to be passing through decides to collect. She sets her sights on Dean, trying to seduce him into leaving his job to stay with her. When she can't even convince him to warm her bed, she decides to turn her job into his punishment. Knowing he fears commitment and can't stand the thought of being with a man, she works a spell between him and Castiel... the one friend he can call a safe haven. When they end up mated the next morning, not only does the Winchester family business suffer... but so does Dean's friendship with Castiel.
Cute long soul bond fic. Contains sabriel.    
Chasing Normal by Donovanspen M | 16k | Fluff,  First time, Cuddling & Snuggling
Dean reevaluates his definition of an 'apple pie life' and what that means for him, personally.
This is the definition of domestic fluff and smut. There's a wee bit of angst because hey, it's set in the canon verse. But so worth it.    
Hold On by somuchforbaggles E | 92k | Fluff,  Angst,   mental illness
Castiel is sure that nothing in his life will ever change. Everything that happens to him is predictable, from the stability of his job to the unrelenting sporadic anxiety attacks, he can rely on his life to stay the same forever - until he saves Dean Winchester from the path of an oncoming train. From then on, everything changes for both of them, and the only way they can deal with it is together.
Woww. This was an amazing ride. Angsty and fluffy, then angsty again, then back to fluffy. So good.    
I said to myself again by avyssoseleison E | 2k | Fluff,  Praise!kink, Self-esteem issues
Dean finally lets himself be appreciated and cared for by his angel.
Praise kink is my ultimate weakness    
The One Thing You Can't Lose by MajorEnglishEsquire T | 4k | Fluff,  Cuddling & Snuggling
You know what I like a lot? The thought that Dean can just tug Cas anywhere at any time and Cas, who can lift tons without effort, who can demolish things with the light of his grace, who has battled and gone to war, has defended and broken, will just let Dean do it.
fluffy love    
Spit Slick by VeraBAdler M | 1k | Fluff, , First Time
[no description]
A super cute fluffy little oneshot :3 (tags say 'happy sex' and 'sexy cuddling' if you need more to go on)  
Late Bloomer by somuchforbaggles T | 7k | Alt!Canon, Wing!kink, Wingfic, Soulmates
On every child’s seventh birthday, a celebration is held to mark the beginning of their journey as a fledgling - a sprouting ceremony. It doesn’t matter if the child hasn't shown the symptoms of emerging wings yet, for it is scientific fact that every child grows wings in their seventh year, sometimes even earlier. Castiel is not every child.
A coming of age wing fic. With mates. Basically, I'm in love.    
Sleight of Hand by aileenrose M | 64k | Angst,  Human AU, psychic cas, journalist dean
Dean Winchester has interviewed them all--mob bosses, serial killers, crooked politicians. Next he plans to unveil the con-man who markets himself as Castiel, a reclusive and secretive "healer" who claims to heal the sick in return for thousands of dollars. Dean's expecting a challenge, but he never expected Castiel to be so clueless or sweet...or that he might be telling the truth.
I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS AU. The one where Dean is a skeptical journalist/professional idiot and Cas is a socially inept healer and mind reader. There's lots of angst, but the payoff is so worth it.    
Leaning In by Anonymous T | 15k | Hospital AU
Castiel never changed out his scrubs, Dean had a way of getting himself injured and Sam seemed to think it was a good pairing
Even though I have no idea who actually wrote this story, it's worth a read. I'm always up for a good medical AU.    
Someone I Forgot to Be by  MatildaMavis E | 36k Fluff,  Angst,  Human AU
Castiel is content - sort of - with his quiet life in Boston...at least, until his new neighbor moves in. It's Dean Winchester, the cliched long lost love of his life. Can these two idiots find their way back to each other after eight years, after fame and loss and heartbreak? After Dean has found love again with Cas' neighbor, Lisa? Fate can be a sadistic bitch, they've both learned that, but maybe they've matured enough to be able to handle it this time. The sparks, the attraction, the tension...or maybe not.
I thought this would be extremely painful, and it sort of was. But it was so worth it.    
Didn't Get That Particular Memo by Snarkymonkey E | 5k
Dean has worked with his best friend for years and maybe it's a bit more than that for him but not for Castiel, right? Right. And really, he'd feel so much better if Castiel would just get a companion already. Because it's not like Castiel actually wants him, right? Right.
Damn, that was fucking hot.  
Cas, You Had A Baby? by allthebeautifulthings9828 M | 132k | Fluff,  Alt!Canon, Kid Fic, Slow Build
At some point in every angel's life, raising a fledgling is required. Castiel's turn comes rather unexpectedly when his superiors hand off a newly created infant angel to him and leave him to raise it with all of Heaven's principles of blind obedience. He's not sure what to do, so he tucks the fledgling in his coat and goes straight to Dean and Sam Winchester. Together, Dean and Castiel hatch a plan to raise the fledgling away from Heaven's control. And soon, the angel Hael arrives with news that, after Castiel disappeared, she and four other angels ran from Heaven's oppression with their fledglings. Castiel finds himself the unwitting ringleader of angels choosing to raise their fledglings with the principles of free will. Is angelic parenthood too much for his deepening relationship with Dean? Who can they really trust? (Disclaimer: This story depicts fledglings consuming honey for the nourishment of their undeveloped graces. Human babies cannot consume honey, so please do not feed it to your infants. This is fiction.)
Oh. My. God. I admit that I was skeptical at the beginning about this story, but let me tell you, it sucked me in. Sometimes, you run across a story that has wonderful OCs that you get attached to. This is one of those. And of course, the baby is adorable.    
Healing by Jacqueline Albright-Beckett M | 2k | Fluff,  Canon!verse, PWP
Castiel can heal more than just physical wounds.
Sensual and romantic.    
Better Late Than Never by whelvenwings G | 23k | Fluff,  Alt!canon, friends to lovers,
When Dean first sees Castiel, he's clinging on for dear life - and things never really get any easier. In fact, they get a lot harder; Dean's worst enemy isn't always the monkey bars. Bound together year on year by the ritual pact of being a Guardian Angel, Dean and Cas grow close, showing loyalty and bravery in the face of danger. But will they ever find the courage to admit their true feelings for each other - and will it be too late by the time they do?
i LOVE best friends to lovers fics! and this delivers on that perfectly.    
Like A Candle In The Window On A Cold Dark Winter's Night by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel T | 6k | Fluff,  Canon!verse, asexual Cas
In which Castiel saves Dean, Dean saves Castiel, there is beer and TV watching, and if it weren't for the monsters and assassination attempts, life would be almost perfect.
A cute little fic I've read multiple times :)    
How many slams in an old screen door? by dandelioness T | 15k | Fluff,  Theatre AU, Asexual Cas
In which Castiel is a theatre major terrible at first impressions; Dean is a set designer who likes Cas anyway; and the most chaotic production of Les Miserables in history somehow manages to go off without a hitch. Or, just as you should never give a moose a muffin (because he'll want some jam to go with it), you should never give a blank check to a university theatre department.
This is perfect. I can't speak for the accuracy of the information and feelings given about asexuals/asexuality, but I enjoyed this fic nonetheless.    
Breath of Heaven by solacesnake18 E | 9k
When Dean is wounded and dying in Purgatory, Castiel returns from his self-imposed exile to help him.
Wow. True!form cas and metaphysical sex that somehow manages to be poetic, emotional, and erotic all at once. I approve.    
The Mirror by CloudyJenn M | 24k | Canon!Verse,
When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
One of my favorite fics, and a fandom classic. So beautiful. It's a trip, but you'll love it. The ending makes me really emotional.    
Rock 'n' Roll Queer Bar by chasingrabbits E | 121k | Fluff,  Human AU
Ellen and Jo Harvelle run Harvelle's Roadhouse, a bar that unintentionally becomes a beacon for wayward queer souls. Her employees: Dean, the smartass runaway with a big heart and bigger mouth; Castiel, the college drop-out turned hippie; his (surprisingly heterosexual) trouble-making brother Gabriel; and Charlie, who has been told several times that the back room is not to be used for after-hours Dungeons & Dragons games. But there's a lot of love in this place, and a new family for anyone who may otherwise be without.
Sweet little (well, not so little really) universe. Link is to the series.    
A Million Ways to Go by chasingrabbits E | 91k | High School AU,
Castiel Novak is a preacher's son living in a world of black and white. Pragmatic and dutiful, he doesn't understand why anybody would want to make waves. Then the Winchesters move in down the street. Soon many of the skeletons in the Novak family's closet are exposed, and as the family faces them, Castiel begins to understand that there are many ways to see the world and so many more ways to live than what he's been told.
Wow, this was a ride. Set in an alternate!canon where Cas is a repressed preacher's kid and dean still grows up a hunter. Also, lots of Sam and Gabriel brother!feels. Not sabriel.
Like That Foreigner Song... by DevilMadeMeDoIt E | 5k | Hot,  Alt!Canon, Deancest, Time trave
Dean and Cas have been together for a while now, but Dean always regrets that he has been with so many people in the past. He wishes he could go back in time and tell his 15 year old self that there is someone worth waiting for. Cas gives him the chance and the outcome is one that neither of them expected.
Oh god, this was a perfect little story. So much love.    
TutorMate by faeryn M | 21k | College AU
Sam leaves Dean's laptop logged in to some app called "TutorMate" and Dean meets his brother's tutor. Cas helps him with his own work and they strike up a friendship. Before long Dean finds himself growing attached to the cute, clever Cas and flirtatiously suggests they go on a date if he applies himself to his college work. Cas agrees, but Dean discovers his online friend is not quite what he expected. (Or, in which Dean thinks he's met a cute girl and finds out he's actually met a cute boy.)
Wowowwowowow adorable. Perfect little college AU.    
More recs coming soon.
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hotforharrison · 5 years
The 5 Misadventures of Jessica Drew (+1 Adventure)
Check out my Masterlist here!
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Holland/Reader
Summary: When you meet Tom Holland, you have the worst luck on what’s supposed to be your best day ever.
Word Count: 3,042
Warnings: Smut and language
A/N: This is for the @unholyhaz and @spidey-waffles11 Milestone Celebration Writing Challenge! My prompt was “Stop laughing at me!”
Misadventure #1: Slice of Life
It was starting to sink in that you were about to meet Tom Holland for the first time, and you had no idea what you were going to say or do. Most likely act like a lovestruck idiot, but he was probably used to that.
You were wearing your Spider-woman cosplay for the event, and it definitely accentuated your best assets. There was no shame in wanting to look good for your biggest crush.
When you finally approached him, you nervously handed your photo to him to get your autograph.
“It’s the lovely Jessica Drew!”
You were a bit surprised he knew the identity behind your Spider-woman cosplay.
“And the even lovelier Peter Parker!” And god, was he ever lovely. The videos you’d seen did not do the man justice.
“The British Peter Parker and American Jessica Drew,” he mused.
“But you’re a whole lot better at faking it than I am,” you commented.
He chuckled. “I’m sure you’re not that bad.”
“I can assure you that I’m bloody rubbish at it, darling,” you couldn’t help but say in your best, but you knew still godawful, British accent.
You hadn’t really planned on embarrassing yourself, but this whole thing wasn’t going exactly how you’d envisioned it.
He laughed brightly, though, and that was worth it. You could watch and listen to him laugh all day.
“Maybe you are, but I’m sure you have other talents,” he teased.
“I might have some hidden up my sleeve,” you commented, mysteriously.
You watched as he made eye contact with you with those gorgeous brown eyes, your heart thumping faster in your chest. He flipped the photo over to quickly write something down on the back before he handed it back to you.
“Shit!” You hissed as the photo sliced into your thumb.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Just a papercut. I’ll survive! Anyway, thanks!” you told him.
“Any time, darling,” he said, smiling at you.
You smiled back and walked away. He even called you ‘darling.’ You were on cloud nine, and very curious what he’d written on the back.
You took a deep breath and flipped it over to find a hotel name, room number and 8pm.
Was he propositioning you? Why else would someone invite you to a hotel room in the evening?
There had to be other possibilities that weren’t just you being overly optimistic, right?
You weren’t sure what to think.
Misadventure #2: Lovestruck
You immediately headed back to your own hotel room to change into something that wasn’t your Spider-woman cosplay.
After contemplating your sadly limited options, you decided on a floral blouse and a pair of leggings. You wanted something cute, but casual.
Erring on the side of optimistic caution, you stopped by a pharmacy to grab a box of condoms to put in your handbag.
No matter how much you wanted him, and that was most definitely a lot, you didn’t want to leave with anything that you hadn’t come with.
Then, you headed to his hotel so you’d arrive about 10 minutes early. You made your way slowly down the halls to the room number he’d given you and waited outside the door.
After your phone reached 8:00, you nervously knocked and waited, bouncing on the balls of your feet. You knocked again a few minutes later. No answer.
You played on your phone for a while, taking up some time. Maybe he’d been in the shower and hadn’t heard you.
With one last knock when it hit 8:30, you sighed and walked toward the elevators, shoulders slumped and feeling down.
It was apparently too good to be true.
When you were about to turn the corner, someone ran into you and knocked you to the floor, pain blossoming across your cheek.
“Fuckin’ hell, I’m so sorry,” you heard a male British accent tell you, and it couldn’t be?
You looked up, and it was Tom. You hadn’t been stood up.
“Jessica Drew!” he said in recognition until he saw the bruise blooming on your cheek. “Oh my god, I just assaulted you. Shit, are you alright?”
You fell into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous this was.
“Stop laughing at me!” he complained, but started laughing himself.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” you eventually told him.
“I was running late, and I was in a rush to get back here to see you before you left thinking I was a dick,” he explained.
“That’s really sweet of you,” you said. “You caught me just in time. I was about to leave.”
“Let me go grab you some ice, and we can head back to my room,” he suggested.
Misadventure #3: I’ve Got My Eye On You
You waited inside Tom’s room while he went to get you some ice for your cheek, going to the bathroom to check your face in the mirror.
It was definitely going to bruise, but you honestly didn’t mind. Spending time with him was entirely worth a bruise.
The door opened, and Tom returned, coming into the bathroom to grab a washcloth to wrap the ice in. He handed it to you.
You placed it against your cheek, hissing at the soreness of the contact and cold.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” he told you, guilt apparent across his face.
“I’m okay,” you reassured him.
“Let me show you a good time to make up for it?” he asked.
Your heart started pounding in your chest. You swallowed. “What did you have in mind?”
“I invited you to my hotel room. What do you think?” he teased, eyes glinting mischievously.
“I don’t know. Maybe some Bible study?” you joked.
“Well, I’m definitely hoping to hear at least a few ‘oh god’s by the time tonight’s over.” He ran a finger down your arm, leaving goosebumps in its trail.
You gasped. So, he was propositioning you. That was something you could definitely get on board with. A bruise and a papercut were so worth this.
He took the ice from your hand and placed it on the vanity. “Is it alright if I kiss you, sweetheart?”
You nodded, probably too eagerly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Tom fucking Holland wanted to kiss you.
“Come on,” he said, taking you by the hand to lead you to sit on the edge of the bed with him.
You turned to look at his handsome face, your eyes meeting his. Instead of waiting for him to close the gap, you kissed him, shutting your eyes when your lips pressed together.
From there, he took the lead.
His tongue made its way past your parted lips and ran across your teeth. You let him in and brushed your tongue against his, exploring each other’s mouths.
The kiss turned from unhurried to heated rather quickly, one of his hands cupping your breast through your top while the other slipped under the hem of your top to brush against the bare small of your back.
You moved down onto your knees in front of him, pushing his legs apart to make space for you between them. You popped the button on his pants and pulled down the zipper, eagerly freeing his erection from the confines of his boxers. 
He was slightly above average in size with a nice curve that you already knew would hit your g-spot just right when he fucked you. And god, he was going to fuck you. Maybe even more than once. Your life was awesome. 
You wrapped your hand around the base and took the head in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. His precum was bitter on your tongue, but you didn’t mind. You took him as deep as you could, gagging slightly. 
He moaned when you did that. You took his hand and put it on the back of your head. 
"Want me to fuck your mouth, love?" he asked. 
You nodded vigorously. 
"Whatever the lady wants," he agreed. 
You let go of his dick with your hand and let him take over.
He tangled his fingers in your hair and started tentatively thrusting into your mouth, gradually going deeper and faster.
You noticed he seemed to enjoy it the most when you gagged slightly, so you encouraged him to do that, to take what he wanted.
It wasn't long before he pulled out of your mouth and began cumming on your face in spurts, while you watched his face as he climaxed, rapt. You’d always wanted to see him fall apart like that, and it didn’t disappoint.
You realized too late that you'd made a mistake. His cum got in your eye, and dammit, that burned. Involuntary tears streamed down your face at the sting. 
"Are you alright?" he asked, after he glanced down at you, concern apparent across his face. "Did I accidentally touch your cheek?" 
"No, just got cum in my eye. I should have closed them, but I wanted to watch you," you admitted.
"Oh, darling," he said, pulling you into a hug. "You're not having the best luck today, are you?" 
"Well, I am here with you. I assure you that's entirely worth the little mishaps." 
He chuckled. "Let me take care of you now and make it even better."
Misadventure #4: A Breath of Fresh Air
Tom retrieved a damp washcloth from the bathroom and gently wiped your face clean while you sat on the edge of the bed again, careful with your cheek.
“There, that’s better,” he said after he was finished. 
“Can I take these off?” he asked, playing with the hem of your top.
“Definitely,” you replied.
He undressed you unhurriedly, fingers brushing teasingly against the newly bare skin.
When you were finally naked, he quickly took off his own clothes, not making a show of it. 
You were glad because you wanted him badly, and you weren’t in the mood to wait.
“Now, lie down, and I’ll make you feel good,” he told you.
You didn’t have to be told twice, lying down at the top of the bed. He joined you.
His lips were soon back on yours while he palmed one of your breasts, toying with your already hardened nipple.
The feeling went straight to your core, and you rubbed your thighs together automatically.
You broke the kiss. “Please,” you begged against his lips.
“Do you want my mouth or my hand first?” he asked quietly.
“Would you talk dirty to me if I picked your hand?” you requested.
“I can do that,” he agreed.
You spread your legs while his hand slid down your stomach to brush over your mons. His fingers slipped between your folds, and you whimpered.
“Eager, aren’t we?” he commented. “You’re fucking soaked, too. Did sucking me off really turn you on that much?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but you’re extremely hot.”
He chuckled. “I might have been told that a time or two, yeah. You’re still talking in complete sentences, though. We definitely can’t have that.”
You moaned when he pushed two fingers inside you while his thumb found your clit, rubbing slow circles around it while he moved his fingers in and out.
“Nice and tight for me, too. You’re going to feel like heaven around my dick. I’ll fuck you into the mattress, until you forget everything but my name. Would you like that, love?”
“Yeah,” you told him, a bit breathlessly. “Please.”
“Nope, you don’t get my dick until you cum for me first.”
“Can you faster?” you whined.
“You’ll take what I give you,” he said, but his thumb sped up a bit regardless, and he pressed a third finger into you.
His fingers curved up to brush against your g-spot every few thrusts, and it felt amazing. No one had ever made you feel this good before, and he was just using his hand to pleasure you. You hadn’t even had his mouth or his dick yet.
“God, Tom,” you moaned, grabbing his free hand and interlacing your fingers with his.
“Love the way you say my name, sweetheart, “ he commented. “Are you going to cum on my fingers?”
“Almost there, Tom,” you said, wanting to please him.
Your orgasm hit you, and it was intense. You called out his name repeatedly.
He fucked you roughly with his fingers, and the worst possible thing you could think of at the moment happened. You farted, loudly and unmistakably.
You immediately let go of his hand and covered your face with both of your hands. Your hand pressed against your wounded cheek, making you cry out in pain.
You could tell he tried to suppress it, but he started laughing and couldn’t seem to stop.
“I’m so sorry,” you groaned, hiding your face still. “I can leave if you want me to.”
“I don’t want you to go anywhere. Really, don’t worry about it. It happens,” he eventually said after he calmed down.
“I’m so embarrassed,” you told him.
He moved your hands away from your face and kissed you lightly.
“You still want to keep going?” you asked.
“Only if you do,” he responded.
“Yeah, I do,” you said.
You were pretty sure you’d regret it for the rest of your life if you didn’t actually have sex with him, bad luck be damned.
Misadventure #5: Ride ‘Em Cowgirl
“I’ll be right back.” You went over to your purse to grab a strip of condoms.
“I think you have more faith in my stamina than I do,” he said, chuckling.
“Just being prepared in case.” You tore one off the strip and rolled it down his erection. “Can I ride you?”
He nodded. “Be my guest.”
You climbed on top of him and positioned him against your entrance, then slowly sank down until your bodies were flush. You paused to adjust. “God, Tom, you’re so big inside me.”
“You’re fucking tight and hot. I can tell you’re wet, too. Wish I could feel it,” he commented.
“With the luck I’m having today, we’d somehow both end up with gonoherpasyphilaids, and a baby in 9 months.” You were only half-joking.
He laughed. “I wasn’t suggesting barebacking. It’s important to be safe.”
You started moving your hips up and down unhurriedly, enjoying the feeling of him brushing your g-spot as you moved.
After letting you set the pace for a while, he started thrusting up into you faster, grabbing your hips to pull you down harder.
You head dropped back as you loudly moaned, meeting his thrusts.
“God, I’m getting close,” you told him.
His fingers moved up to find your clit, collecting some of your wetness before rubbing it with a single fingertip, fucking you faster and harder.
You quickly climaxed again, all uninterrupted pleasure this time, toes curling and nails digging into his skin. It was everything you’d hoped the first orgasm you’d had with him would be.
“Stop, too much,” you told him after you came down, and he stilled.
“Can we try reverse cowgirl now?” he asked, breathing a bit hard.
“Yeah,” you agreed.
You started to crawl around to face away from him and fell off the bed instead, your side thudding very painfully on the hard floor.
“Fuck, are you alright?” he asked.
“This is the worst best day ever,” you groaned into the floor.
He climbed down next to you and helped you to your feet again. 
You hissed in pain, tears dripping down your cheeks, when he grabbed your left wrist.
“Let me see,” he said, looking at your wrist. “I hate to tell you this, darling, but I think it’s broken. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
You sighed, sniffling. “Not really, but do I have much of a choice?”
“No,” he told you. “I’m going to have to insist. I couldn’t in good conscience let you leave without making sure you get it looked at.”
“If you’re not busy, can I have a do over at some point tomorrow? The fucking me into the mattress thing? I want that.”
“Absolutely,” he agreed. “I don’t want you to remember me as the worst sex you’ve ever had.”
Adventure #1: A Do-Over
The hospital wasn’t fun, but Tom remained by your side the entire time, and was even sweeter than you’d imagined him being.
Now, it was time for your do-over.
Your wrist, in its new cast, was carefully placed above your head out of immediate reach as Tom positioned himself on top of you, at the center of the bed where you were unlikely to fall off.
He positioned himself at your entrance and pushed in slowly until he bottomed out, eyes focused on your face.
“Feeling alright?” he asked.
“I’m good,” you replied, “but I’d be better if you moved.”
His thrusts went from slow and gentle to quick and rough in increments, fueled by the noises you were making and desperate pleas.
“I’m so close.” You reached your free hand down between your bodies to get yourself the rest of the way there. He moved it away and used his own fingers to rub your clit in small circles to the pace of his thrusts.
“Tom, I’m going to-” Your climax hit you hard, pleasure coursing through your entire body from head to toes. You cried out his name between moans.
He plowed into you, chasing his own orgasm. With a last few erratic thrusts, he spilled into the condom, your name on his lips.
Once you had both come down from your highs, he carefully withdrew and walked over to the bathroom to get rid of the condom.
“Do you cuddle?” you asked hopefully as he returned.
“I love to cuddle,” he said, lying back down and tugging you close to him, careful of your arm.
“Thank you for the do-over,” you told him. “That was what I’d been hoping for.”
“You know, I still haven’t eaten you out,” he pointed out. “I wouldn’t want to deny you the full experience.”
“Do we have time?” you asked.
“I don’t fly out until tomorrow night,” he replied. “We have plenty of time for me to see how much I can make you cum in 36 hours.”
You grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”
Tag list: @adayasgeorgia @moorehollandplz @thollandss @dasexydevitt13 @imagine-lovebug @relise-thefury @strang-ersclub @hollandisapuppy @goldenpeaxh
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dyde21 · 5 years
Grown up
This is based off a prompt from @cakesnomnom of an older Percy and Annabeth living a cute domestic life! I hope you all enjoy it! Warning, bit raunchy humor for my usual work but nothing bad. =P
“Sally… are you sure? Really, I don’t mind. It’s not a problem…” Annabeth said, running a hand through her hair.
“Annabeth, dear, you look like you’re about to pass out. It’s fine, I’ve done this twice before, I have a bit of practice with it.”
The corner of Annabeth’s mouth quirked up slightly. Leave it to Sally to say things how they are. “We’ve just been busy finishing things with the venue and catering…”
Sally just shook her head across the iris message. “I know some wonderful florists that I can get a deal with. It’s not a large wedding either so it’ll be fine. Just rest up and enjoy it, okay? That’s what I’m here for.”
Annabeth smiled, nodding in defeat. Sally could be as stubborn as her son. 
“Thank you.” She finally said.
Sally just beamed at her. “My pleasure. Now I have to go but tell Percy I say hi, okay? Love you, dear.”
Annabeth nodded. “Love you too, Sally.” She said, waving once before waving her hand through the mist to dismiss it. 
Leaning back in her kitchen chair, Annabeth just let her head fall back for a moment and took a deep breath. She could practically feel the weight fall off her shoulders. One less thing to worry about felt like a gift from the gods. But like, an actual welcome one for once.
Leaning forward she drew a thick line through “flowers” on her latest iteration of her “To-Do” list.
That only left… a lot. 
Standing up, she pushed her chair back and walked over to the window of their small apartment in downtown New York. Scooping up her cooling coffee from the table, she took a sip and just stood in peace for a moment. Some part of her wondered when Percy would be back with the groceries. Things had been a bit hectic since he had proposed to her and she teary-eyed accepted on the beach. Ever since they had graduated, things had thankfully settled down for a bit. It was clear they could never live a truly normal life, but this little apartment had been their own sort of elysium. 
She was happy to discover though that time had done little to dull the burning love she felt her boyfr- fiance. It still felt a little weird calling the dork she had known for so long that. But she couldn’t be happier. Just thinking those words made her chest warm and a jolt of energy coursed from her head to her toes. 
She sighed, taking another sip of her coffee, wishing Percy would hurry up. She should have just ordered out for dinner so they could have stayed home all day together. She toyed with the idea of driving off to vegas, grabbing Sally on the way and having a small impromptu wedding just so they could get it over with and get to their honeymoon where they would have two weeks of nothing but each other’s company to enjoy.
With a sigh, she set down her coffee on the table again and figure she should do a little more work while Percy was out rather than just daydreaming like she did when she was a teenager. She was on her way to thirty now.
The sound of keys opening their door jolted Annabeth to attention, and before she really made the choice to she was standing in front of the door, watching it open and seeing Percy waddle his way through the door with both arms full of groceries threatening to spill over. 
“Hey babe. I’m ho-” He was cut off as she stared at her, a bit caught off guard to see her standing there waiting for him. That only lasted a moment before a grin crept on his face. “Missed me?”
Annabeth just flushed red, realizing how childish it looked. “I thought you might need help with groceries.” She muttered, looking off to the side and ignoring how much her ears burned. 
Stepping forward she grabbed two bags from him. “Well… maybe a little.” She confessed, kissing him on the cheek before walking back and setting the bags down on the counter. 
It had taken quite a while, but Annabeth had forced herself to pick up the habit of being a little more honest with herself and Percy. It was one thing to know your fatal flaw, and it was another to work on it. 
“I should hope so, soon-to-be Mrs. Jackson.” He said, causing another jolt of energy through her system. She was really starting to like the sound of that.
“Well, I missed you too. Especially when picking out laundry detergent. I don’t get why there are a million different brightly colored bottles with vague names on them. I really feel like they’re just confusing us intentionally with all the choices…” He continued to rant with a smile about shopping and Annabeth just stood next to him, unpacking the bags as she bumped her hips into his.
They finished the bags, closing all the cabinets and Percy just turned to her. “You really should come next time, it’s more fun shopping with you anyway. You never forg-” He was cut off as Annabeth had closed the distance and cupped his face with both hands before kissing him.
Percy was surprised, but only for a moment before he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. They kissed in their peaceful kitchen for a few more moments, before Annabeth pulled away and took a deep breath. 
“...I should go shopping more often.” He teased, causing Annabeth to laugh. “Maybe. But for now you should shower. You stink like sweat.”
Percy shrugged. “Not my fault it’s so hot out.” He said, kissing her forehead once before walking towards their room, throwing his shirt over his shoulder as he walked. 
Annabeth leaned around the corner to watch him walk away, her eyes glued to the muscles on his back as he undid his belt. Biting her lip, she considered joining him in the shower too, but shook her head and focused on making some food for lunch. She knew  him well enough by now that when he got out of the shower the first he’d do would be to start pawing through the cabinets and start devouring whatever he could get open first. Settling for a simple sandwich and chips, she made his just the way he liked it, humming to herself. Compared to the stress she felt this morning while working on plans, right now she just felt at peace. This was on the one place she found she truly could find peace.
“You know me so well.” Percy’s voice sounded from behind her, as she felt his arms wrap around his waist and pull her closer, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looked down at the food. 
Annabeth snickered, leaning her head back slightly to rest against his. “Not the most complicated puzzle out there.” She teased. Some stray drops of water dripped from his hair and she pouted. “You’re still soaked! Move, you’re gonna get me wet.”
Percy leaned back, raising an eyebrow with a troublemaker smile at her. It dawned on her a moment later but Percy just innocently took a bite of his sandwich and grabbed his plate and started walking towards the couch. “Love you.” 
“Love you too.” She mumbled, annoyed that the smile on her face was truly stopping her from getting upset at the brat she would be marrying soon.
He had flipped on the game and was eating his sandwich happily like he had no cares in the world. 
Right when she sat down, without even thinking he just lifted the plate so she could rest his legs over his lap, a habit she had picked up some time as she leaned against the side of the couch.
“Oh, your mom says hi, by the way. She said she’s going to take care of the florist for us.”
Percy looked over, a mix of emotions on his face. “That’s great but I feel bad…”
Annabeth just shrugged. “I do kinda too, but I really do think she wants to do it. Probably her way of helping out, plus she probably would do a better job than either of us.” 
Percy nodded. “That’s true…”
“Besides I’m pretty sure she was happier that we’re getting married than even we are.” She teased with a laugh, and Percy laughed in turn. 
“She had been nagging me for months, and for the whole month afterwards she practically started every conversation with “I can’t believe you did it finally.” 
Annabeth just laughed, dropping a chip on the floor accidentally. “True, you did take a while…” She teased.
Percy shot her a mild glare. “I was waiting for the right moment. You know how much I love you… I just… didn’t want to screw it up.”
Annabeth was touched by his sincerity, pausing for a moment. “You’re cute when you’re honestly.”
Percy just rolled his eyes. “Fine, I won’t do it again.”
Annabeth just smiled, moving her plate to the side as she sat up properly, kissing his cheek. “I mean it, it was really sweet that you cared so much. But I am happy that you’ll be my husband soon finally.” She said, looking down and twisting the ring on her finger happily. 
Percy blushed red, looking away and nodding. “Me too.”
Annabeth just shifted to rest her head on her shoulder, curling her legs up under her. 
Annabeth wasn’t sure how long they laid on that couch together, the fan gently blowing on them as they pretended all their responsibilities didn’t exist. It wasn’t like she had planned to avoid being productive for the rest of the day, but she felt into a comfortable groove with Percy and didn’t exactly want to break it. Everyone else could wait a day.
When Annabeth woke up draped across Percy’s chest, she just smiled, burying.her face into his shirt a little more, enjoying the familiar scent.
Their legs were tangled up, and she wasn’t sure when they had switched from idle chit chat to napping together, but she sure as Hades didn’t mind. 
“Perce…” She mumbled half asleep. It took a few more attempts before he finally woke up enough to look at her bleary eyed. “Hm..?” 
“We fell asleep. Again.” She muttered.
“So…?” He said through a yawn.
“We missed dinner, and if we keep sleeping we’ll be up super early tomorrow.” She explained, though her voice betrayed how much she’d love to stay here with him.
“So?” He repeated, a sleepy smirk on his face.
Annabeth just headbutted his chest gently. “Shush, we need to get up, and I’m getting hungry. Pizza?”
That seemed to do the trick as Percy was suddenly a little more awake. “Fine, but only because I’m hungry. I expect you to be right back in my arms when we get back.”
Annabeth was too tired to hide her blush. “There’s no place I’d rather be. Now let’s get going.”
She said, crawling up him slightly to share a brief kiss with him before she forced herself to her feet. Looking down at her still dishelved fiance as he looked up at her like she was an angel, Annabeth realized things were good. That “To-Do” list felt a little shorter, and she just knew things would work out in the end.
Offering a hand up, she helped her lazy fiance sit up. “Go fix your hair and get changed so we can go out. And wipe your chin, you drool when you sleep.”
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
My contribution to the Mystic Messenger Winterzine: MC x Zen fanfic, for all audiences, 2,809 words
The entire Winterzine and more info on it is available here, on the Mystic Messenger Discord server's Tumblr @mm-discord.
MC Under the Mistletoe
The delicious, rich, spicy scent of gingerbread being baked wafted in Zen’s apartment. MC had volunteered to bake gingerbread cookies for the RFA Christmas party with the actor, and here they were, making them now. She loved to see the dough smooth under her rolling pin. It was so much fun to carefully place and press the cookie-cutter on the dough sheet, in order to get as many shapes as possible from the first sheet. They made stars, different animals, spruce trees, and hearts - placing the cookies on the trays to wait for their turn in the oven.
For the past hour or so, the favorite Christmas carols picked by both MC and Zen had been playing on the speakers as the pile of the gingerbread shapes grew ever higher. Finally, MC put away the baking tools, sighing contently as the last batch of tasty treats stood there ready for oven-baking. Finishing up the clean-up of the kitchen counter, she failed to notice the tall albino sneak up right next to her. When a pair of strong arms snaked around her, MC jumped, squealing out loud - not startled but tickled! She bent over in a fit of giggles, trying to squirm away from the fingers aimed at her sides. The gorgeous dork loved to hear her laughing, so he told her all the time. Thus, she was constantly the target of his stealthy attacks of hugs, tickles, and kisses.
“Truce! - ahahaha - Hyun!!! Truce!!! ” “But babe~, I just caught you in my arms…” “The gingerbread - hahaha - trays are in danger!!!” “Alright, if you’re sure~” The man squeezed his girlfriend into a tight embrace instead. He wanted to try her gingerbread cookies for the first time, too - so he didn’t want to risk any of the trays getting knocked off of the table and kitchen counter. Zen danced them around the kitchen and stopped at the doorway - just long enough to smooch MC. His boyish grin was as charming as ever as he glanced at the little mistletoe he had insisted on placing on the doorframe even though it wasn't a Korean tradition. Zen enjoyed the sentiment, and being the cuddle-bug he was, that kissing tradition fit him well.
“I’ll go for my run now, just had to get my fill of your giggles first. I’ll be about an hour, and my phone is with me - so call me if anything happens, okay, cutie?” Zen made MC promise the same thing every time he left the house, and it had become more their routine than a real concern of his. Smiling warmly at her love, the woman watched the long, silvery white rattail disappear from sight as the front door closed behind the man. Now MC was home alone and the sole baker responsible for not burning the goodies. She checked the oven temperature, pushed the first batch of baking in, and set the timer to go off when the cookies would be ready.
She curled up under a soft blanket in a corner of the sofa, her laptop on her knees. After testing the game only because Zen starred in the musical version of the story, MC was now totally hooked on Tendelion. The girl continued the gameplay from her last save point. Chuckling to herself MC, shook her head at a thought - imagining that the ultimate cat-allergic man had played the part of the human form of a black cat!
Level-up after level-up in different attributes for the main character, interaction after interaction earning hearts from the different love interests, MC was immersed in the gameplay. At some point, she realized she heard shuffling by the door and greeted the man brightly - eyes never leaving the screen, though. MC didn’t even notice the absence of any sort of a reply to her greeting… She was in a super exciting situation in the game. The story could now go either way, as she was about to end up on one of the guys’ routes - but whose?
Deciding to take a break - and stretch the anticipation that much longer - MC made a save and got up from the couch. She stretched languidly, a delighted little moan escaping her. Sauntering to the kitchen, she pinched the bridge of her nose. Hm, my eyes are a bit tired, did I really play that long? But the timer hasn’t rung yet, has it, she mused to herself. Her lips dry and mouth parched, MC reached for a glass from the cupboard. Before she could fill it with the cold water she craved, warm hands covered her eyes.
Without a word, a firm chest pressed to MC’s back - the feel of it familiar and pleasant to her. For a split-second MC wondered if the spices used in the baking had messed up her sense of smell, due to her not recognizing Zen’s scent. That thought got pushed aside, though, as the man walked her forward, still flush against her. A confused little giggle and heat rising to her face - radiating unmistakably to his palms - revealed that the surprise was a success. They came to a halt and the man spun her around - one hand remaining over her eyes to keep her blinded. She felt another large palm cupping her cheek and a light puff of air as his breath hit her lips, sending shivers down her spine. Just a heartbeat later, the soft touch of his kiss made the woman go weak in the knees and wobble a bit.
A chuckle, very different to Zen’s, made MC’s eyes shoot open. Yellowy-gold eyes were right before hers - instead of the rare crimson she expected. This caused the woman to flinch back from the kiss and let out a screech of horror. Despite her reaction, the stranger stood too close to her, holding her gaze calmly - a gentle smile pulling on his lips. The young, wide-shouldered man wore a red-and-black jacket and a black beanie was pulled over his unruly raven hair. There was an ornate silver pendant hanging from a thin strap loosely tied around his neck, guiding her eyes down to his collarbones, of which his loose shirt collar showed a glimpse. MC felt like she recognized the pendant - and the man. But that couldn’t be, right… The man crossed his arms over his chest and studied her face, an enigmatic, feline-like smile on his features.
“Who the hell are you?! What are you doing here? How did you get in!?! Who gave you the permission to KISS ME?!?!? Where--” “My bad for startling you, Foodgiver - or, should I say, cookie-giver. You’re the best!” “What did you call me just now!?” “Relax, MC, it’s alright. Also, the mistletoe, it’s right above us. You know I’d never harm ya.” “What? What do you mean ‘I know?’ I’ve never...” “Haha! So you’d think~! You’ve become happy, haven’t you?” “Yes, of course! But what does that have to…”
An annoying beeping sound distracted MC, taking her attention but for a moment - her gaze only briefly snapping to the oven. The guy had disappeared, as if into thin air. Touching her chapped lips lightly with her fingertips, she found them still warm from the kiss. The woman blinked a dozen times, frozen in place. She concluded that a handsome stranger popping by just to kiss her  - and her not kicking his ass for it - had to have been a dream. One really lifelike dream... She shook her head and padded silently in her neon-colored knit socks to save the baking. As soon as she opened the oven door, the delicious smell of baked gingerbread cookies filled the room - making MC’s mouth water. After setting the baked batch aside to cool down, pushing a new tray full of raw goods into the oven, and leaving the bright red oven mitts on the countertop, it was time for MC to reset the timer and go back to her game.
No longer in the mood for grinding the stats of Tendelion, she switched over to the next game. One she had heard of from one of the guests at her first RFA party: Nameless. It was also an otome-type of game, but with different game logic - more story-based than the previous one. MC hadn’t played it before, and she’d managed to avoid any accidental spoilers online. Such interesting characters were written into the game! There was an intense scene going on and as it ended with an alarming voice speaking to the main character, MC was all but biting her nails. The story is super engaging! I can’t believe this game isn’t more widely known... The only downside to such addictive gameplay was that the woman lost the track of time completely. Luckily, she knew that and, thus, used the timer.
After a few more trays full of cookies had baked ready, MC heard faint singing from the bathroom and the shower sloshing. She smiled to herself. The actor had obviously returned from his run while she’d been totally focused in the game world, her headphones on tight. On one hand MC was itching to tell Zen about her wild dream, but on the other...she hesitated somewhat. The man was still sometimes insecure about her love toward him and had been known to get jealous pretty easily. It was still just a dream, and besides, starring someone MC had never seen before in her life. Although, he did remind her of a role character Zen had played back before they had met… Perhaps her love and adoration had made the character come alive in her dreams? She had told him before how she’d almost developed a crush on some of his role characters.
Still slightly dazed by the intense game moment she shook her head once more to her inner musings and lazily dragged herself up from the couch. Checking on her baking she wondered if the romance games just played tricks on her subconscious. The woman had just taken the last hot tray of gingerbread cookies out of the oven and was carefully setting it aside. Before she could finish the task, though, a hot pair of arms circled her midriff again and soft humming tickled her ear. Noticing a different scent to the usual made MC briefly think that maybe Zen had switched his body wash again. The thought was soon replaced with the worry over her baking for the RFA. “Oh, you’re back at it, mister?! Just...Please, don’t tickle me this time…I might drop these.” “I would never play such a nasty trick on you, my honey~” yet another unfamiliar voice whispered in MC’s ear.
The tray fell from her hands - luckily only a few centimeters onto the kitchen counter - making a loud noise, nonetheless. MC flailed fervently to free herself from the hold of a second stranger in the same day. Surprising even herself, the resourceful female managed to force the male backwards and away from the stove. However, the man maneuvered the two of them as though leading her in a dance, so that she didn’t bump into the walls or furniture. He brought them to a full stop, turned her around in his arms, and dropped a tender kiss on her mouth.
Finally freed from his hold, MC stared unblinking at the uniquely gorgeous guy - who was standing almost as if striking a pose for her. His short, black hair with a trendy cut was pulled back behind his left ear - revealing an earring - and his bangs fell over his right eye. The man wore an exquisite, long, white jacket with an unusual design. MC gawked at him long enough to notice that his bare, shapely chest and flat stomach were partly showing, due to the cut of the garment. The tall, toned man held her gaze, mirth sparkling in his eyes that were locked on hers. An alluring smile adorned his face, making her suddenly feel hot in the presence of this new stranger. Nevertheless, this is totally inappropriate!!!
“Who are you, mister? And how the hell did you get in?! Is there a sign on the door saying ‘damsel in no distress, but come and grab anyway’?! I don’t understand any of this!” “Don’t understand, MC? Which part, my honey?” “The part where a freaking stranger waltzes in, embraces and kisses me - without my consent, may I add!” “I am here only to make good use of that mistletoe, my flower…And to thank my owner for believing in me~”
This hunk even has the audacity to wink at me!!! MC didn’t know if she was more baffled, irked, or embarrassed - or if those feelings were aimed toward the behavior of this guy or her own emotions…Why does my heart do backflips - just like when Hyun teases me!? It was such a puzzling reaction to a man she had never met before. “What in the world does that mean?! Owner?!” “Just that you own my heart - my full, intact, sensitive heart - only beating for you, my honey~.” MC sharply sucked in a lungful of air, to really reprimand this - God forgive her - astonishingly beautiful man. The next heartbeat, though, MC felt incredibly sleepy, her eyes fluttering shut almost as if her eyelids had weighed a ton. As she opened her mouth to speak, she felt something familiar, soft, and sweet peck her lips.
The weather had been excellent, not too many fans kept Zen from running his laps, and it was just an all-round perfect day for him! He returned home to the delicious smell of baked goods - and just had to risk MC’s wrath by tasting one gingerbread cookie. Finding the woman blushing in her sleep on the sofa - her mouth slightly agape - was too adorable an addition to Zen’s good mood...He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to wake his girlfriend with a gingerbread-flavored kiss.
MC hardly even stirred when he pecked her lips. “Babe~” She started to register the familiar voice and touch as Zen spoke softly, his warm palm on her shoulder. “Are you awake yet, my flower~?” The man continued cooing at her, gently stroking her arm. His white rattail flowed over his shoulder, the tips of his hair swiping her cheek. “Wake up, foodgiver~” She scrunched up her nose, finally moving a little to push at the distracting sensation disturbing her sleep.
Mumbling quietly MC objected to being shaken from her sleepy state. “Hey, sit up for me, my honey~” The man continued to coax his love into returning to him from the land of dreams and a blissful smile bloomed on MC’s face as she finally managed to pry her eyes open. “Hey, Hyun…Did you have a good jog?” she muttered, still sleepy. A whiff of the fresh outdoors combined with his wonderful scent was home to her. The extra coziness thanks to the spices of the season didn’t help with waking her, either...
“I did! And the day gets better and better with your baking, Jagi~! Do you even know how you hold my heart~?” MC laughed along with Zen in the warmth of their small home, as they chatted about nothing and everything, nibbling on some cookies she’d set aside for the two of them. Eventually she worked up the courage to tell Zen all about her weird mistletoe dreams. After the tale was over, the man chuckled as he studied MC’s face - a tender, loving smile on his own. To her surprise, Zen didn't get miffed nor jealous of the imaginary guys in her subconscious.
Instead, he just asked one puzzling question - winking at her: “Tell me, how were their kisses compared to mine~?” This left MC blinking and utterly flustered. She couldn't lie that they would've been bad at it or even worse than Zen. Swallowing her words one after another, she opened and closed her mouth. Suddenly, something she hadn’t really noticed earlier dawned on her: the men in her dreams had called her ‘foodgiver’ and ‘my honey’. Why did he think to call me with those endearments - today of all days, and ones he’s never used before? Zen simply grinned radiantly, watching the expressions on MC’s face change.
Finally, the man pulled her into his arms in a tight, warm embrace - silencing her altogether. “Don’t think about it too much, babe~ Just know that I will love you forever, my cookie-giver, my flower - in every lifetime and each dimension.” The whispered words sent shivers down MC’s spine - but at the same time, they warmed her heart and calmed her down. She no longer mistook the encounters under the mistletoe for dreams. The woman sighed, wondering why she wasn’t nervous about that realization, either. MC trusted Zen with her life. She simply melted into his safe and secure hold, squeezing him back. She was so content right here with him. “I love you, too, Hyun.”
2018-2020 © MirjaH
If you like my work, please consider commissioning me!
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crispychrissy · 7 years
Shifting Friends
Summary: You’re on and off again with Sam, but the elder Winchester always butts heads with you. What happens when you’ve finally had enough? Pairing: Sam Winchester x Shapeshifter!Reader, Dean Winchester Word Count: 1597 Warnings: Language, sexual situation, bit of angst, fighting, sassy reader A/N: After watching the most recent episode, I had this dream. I write down all my dreams and sometimes they turn into fanfics, like this one. Based on the several episodes we’ve had with shapeshifters, I’ve deduced what I believe happens when they shed their skin. I know it might not be accurate, but it’s personal interpretation. Beta’d by the lovely @saxxxology!
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“Really, Y/N?! In the bathroom?” Dean’s voice echoed through the halls of the bunker, reaching you and Sam in the library.
You let out a heavy sigh and locked eyes with Sam. “Why can’t Dean be more like you, baby? It never bothers you.”
Sam shrugged and flipped the top of his laptop closed. “I know your schedule, so I avoid the communal bathroom, skip a shower, and use the one in my room.”
“It’s only once a week. Maybe I should just start going outside when it happens,” you said, wrinkling your nose in thought.
“As considerate as that might be, a pile of shifter skin near an abandoned water treatment plant might raise some questions.” Sam sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. “The last thing we need is people poking around because someone is skinning people and they end up finding the bunker.”
You were about to reply when a very stern-faced and angry Dean stormed up the stairs to the library. You had this argument at least once a week with the eldest Winchester, and it was getting pretty old since you’ve been living with the Winchesters for over a month now. You and Sam had a purely physical relationship that started less than a week after you moved in, much to Dean’s displeasure.
“You need to do that shit somewhere else, Y/N. I stepped in it!” Dean shuddered in repulsion at the memory. “Do you know how disgusting it is? It felt like I was walking on soggy tofu covered in lube.”
“Well, maybe you should look before you step into the shower stall,” you said quietly before taking a sip of beer.
“That’s it! I’m changing all the door knobs to silver!” Dean shouted, slamming his hand down on the end of the table in the library, causing it to shake.
You jumped up to your feet and took a few steps closer to him. “You wouldn’t dare. Don’t fuck with me, Dean. You learned that the hard way when you kept replacing my metal forks with silver ones. Did you ever get the skin out of your bed sheets?”
You smirked at Dean’s obviously disgusted expression as he remembered when you’d left him a nice souvenir in his bed after he continued to prank you with silver.
Dean looked down at Sam with his mouth open and just gestured to you. “Sam? A little help here?”
Sam shrugged and raised his hands in surrender. “I don’t have a problem with Y/N. She’s helped us several times on a lot of cases since she moved in.”
“And I’ve helped you mess with Cas,” you laughed, “nothing like a confused Angel.”
You saw a smile twitch at Dean’s lips when he thought about when you shapeshifted into Meg and started making out with him. Castiel was a pretty good kisser for an angel and had very soft lips which surprised you.
Dean shook his head and frowned at you again. “No, as funny as it was, it’s still gross. Can’t you shift somewhere else or actually explain it? I mean, you can change forms as many times as you like without having to shed your skin, why do you have to do it once a week?”
You leaned against the edge of the table and took a deep breath. “You guys are the hunters, you figure it out.”
“Humor me.”
“Fine,” you retorted, “when I shift forms, the skin of the person I was gets buried under my current skin. Imagine painting a wall over and over again with different layers of paint. After a while, the layers get heavy. Same thing happens to me. The skin I shed is actually dozens of layers of skin from previous people I’ve been.”
“Gross,” Dean grimaced. “So the form you’re in now, is that some random person?”
You stretched your arms out and looked down at your body, shaking your head. “No, this is how I was born. My mother was able to suppress my natural urge to shift when I was growing up with the help of some kind of witchy tea. Once I was old enough to understand what was happening, she helped me control it. The perks of a pureblood, I guess.” You looked at Dean and furrowed your brow. “Why all the sudden interest in me?”
Dean shrugged and tore his eyes away from your skin-tight halter top. “No reason. You’re the one who’s been around for a month and hasn’t said anything.”
“Well, I’ve been a little busy having to watch my ass just in case you decide to prank me by stabbing me with a silver knife.” You crossed your arms over your chest and raised a defiant eyebrow at Dean.
Dean scoffed. “You’re too useful to kill, sweetheart. Don’t flatter yourself.”
All you saw was red at Dean’s remark and that was the last straw. You walked over and grabbed a hold of his arm, absorbing his genetic info and body structure through your touch. His eyes went wide when he saw what you were doing and he tore his arm from your grasp.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Dean hissed through gritted teeth.
You flashed him an evil smirk as your body began to shimmer and change. Your natural eyes were replaced with Dean’s deep green ones and you began to gain a few inches of height as your face and clothing changed. Within a few seconds, you had completely shifted into Dean.
“Get out of me!” Dean yelled, grabbing your - or rather his - shoulders.
“I bet that’s not the first time a chick has yelled that at you, is it, Dean?” You closed your eyes and began to browse through his memories.
You knew Dean and Sam had been through a lot, but you weren’t ready for the amount of shit that you saw. From Dean watching Sam die, to his father dying, to losing almost all of his friends, all the way to him torturing and cutting apart souls in Hell. You opened your eyes and searched out Dean’s.
You felt your eyes begin to burn with tears as you locked eyes with Dean. His expression softened slightly when he realized you must have linked memories with him and saw all of the dark things he’s seen.
“Not pretty is it, Y/N?” He said softly.
“No, but I can also see the good things. You shouldn’t feel so bad, Dean. We’ve all made choices that affect other people, and nobody should be carrying around this amount of guilt. You’ve got Sam and Cas, and they both love you,” you stepped closer to him, “and do you want to know a secret?
He raised an eyebrow and nodded.
“I love you, too.” You smiled at him as his eyes went wide. “I was always the freak when I was growing up. I was terrified of accidentally shifting in front of people so I had to keep my distance. I had no friends and rarely left my house besides going to school. Nothing hurts worse than being lonely, believe me. You’re not alone, Dean… and although you’re an asshole and keep pranking me, it makes me feel welcome. It makes me feel accepted.”
Dean cleared his throat and you could tell he was trying not to get emotional. He looked down at the ground and shifted on his feet.
“Yeah, whatever. Easier said than done.” Dean looked up at you. “Can you just… like… wash out the shower after you shift or something? So at least it’s not as gooey?”
You smiled and nodded. “Truce?”
Dean grumbled, but he nodded. “Yeah, truce. Just please, change back to your normal body. It’s weird talking to myself.”
“Not your first time, though. Zachariah sent you to the future and you met yourself. Interesting…” You trailed off and closed your eyes, concentrating on the memory. “Aww, stoner Cas was adorable.”
You heard Dean groan and start to walk away when you focused on a specific part of the memory and opened your eyes. He was halfway through the war room when you opened your mouth.
“Holy shit, did you really wear pink satin panties?”
Sam choked on his gulp of beer and Dean turned around so you could see the slight pink hue of a blush creep up on his cheeks. You shot him a knowing look and started laughing.
“Hey, nothing to be ashamed of, Dean. I have a nice pair of blue ones if you ever wanted to borrow them and relive your glory days.” You were laughing pretty hard, and Sam was trying to hold back his laughter as well.
Dean turned around and quickly started walking toward the doorway to the kitchen. “Get out of my head, woman!”
You shook your head as Dean disappeared into the hallway and looked over at Sam, who finally allowed himself to laugh.
“Hey Sam,” you purred and leaned down to him, “wanna see those blue panties yourself?”
Sam’s eyebrows shot up and he shifted uncomfortably. “Uhhh, Y/N,” he cleared his throat, “please change out of my brother before you say stuff like that. I’m really creeped out.”
“Oh, my bad.” You let go of the connection between you and Dean and allowed your body to relax and shift back to your normal form. You wiggled slightly as you got used to your new layer of skin and put your hands on your hips. “Better?”
“Much. Let’s go see those panties.” He grabbed your arm and dragged you with him down the hallway toward his room.
Tags: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @just-another-busy-fangirl @growningupgeek @ididntasktogetmadedidi @trashimaginezblog @jensen-gal @spnbaby-67 @feelmyroarrrr @donnaintx @potterhead1265 @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @sis-tafics @kittenofdoomage @ilostmyshoe-79 @sofreddie @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
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thesirenserenity · 7 years
Miraculous Medley Chapter Seven: Closer
Marinette, a Vocal Performance and Composition Music Major at a local community college, is secretly Ladybug, the lead singer and songwriter for Paris’ most famous band, The AKs. Adrien, a Cello Performance Major at the most elite Music Conservatory, joins them under the guise of Chat Noir to play Bass. Adrien grew up believing that music was all about following exactly what the composer wanted, but Marinette teaches him that there is so much that can be communicated through music - everyone has someting to say through this universal language. Marinette is closed off to the world after being burned from a recent breakup, and Adrien helps her break down the walls she built up arround her. Based off of gittana’s Musicans AU
Rating: T - swearing and some adult content
Also on: AO3 | Fanfiction
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Sorry for the delay guys! I’ve had severe writer’s (and life) block for the past couple months.. I think I’m pulling out now (: I’m always looking for more friends/mutuals, so come chat with me! 
We ain’t ever getting older
We aint ever getting older
Adrien sighed and leaned his head against the girls’ kitchen counter, his cheek pressing against the cold tile. His eyes followed Marinette’s pacing through a small patch of the tile floor. Her hands were waving frantically in the air as she talked to Alya, who was leaning against the counter with a smug look on her face.
He stretched his arms out across the counter in a lazy stretch, blinking slowly at the abrasive kitchen light. He was slightly tipsy, enjoying the low buzz of the alcohol in his system and the sleepiness it brought.
They all still had their face paint on, Adrien noticed. Marinette’s was running down her face more than usual, courtesy of the heat of the dance floor at the club. He was sure that his matched, as they had danced for a while longer after discovering Alya’s ‘accidental’ publicity stunt. A couple drinks and dances later, they had made their way back to the girls’ house to scatter to respective homes. Adrien hadn’t gotten that far, following the raging Marinette, who had been dragging a smirking Alya, to the kitchen and planting on a stool at the island. Nino had wisely scattered, disappearing into the house.
Adrien had seen some of the comments on the multiple social media sites. Declarations of how adorable they were together, comments on their natural chemistry, and wistful hopes of them singing together littered the #ladynoir tag. He didn’t see the problem, feeling slightly smug that everyone could see how amazing his lady was and believed that he stood a chance with her; they were rather adorable together. Just by closing his eyes, he could feel her back in his arms on the dance floor, her lithe body swaying against his.
“… you see the problem here, right Adrien?” Marinette’s voice woke him out of his daydreaming stupor. Or was it a nightdreaming stupor? He wasn’t sure, nor did he care.
He lazily lifted his head off the counter. “What problem?” he asked.
Marinette huffed, much to Alya’s amusement. “Everyone is clamoring for us to sing together and they ship us!”
“So give them what they want; it could be fun to sing together,” Adrien murmured as he snuggled back down into his folded arm.
He could see Marinette throwing her arms in the air in frustration, “I don’t have any duets written!”
Adrien sighed, realizing that Marinette had worked herself into her frantic, worried mess. He shook off the dregs of his cat-nap and sat up, ready to reassure his partner and friend.
“Marinette, stop pacing and come sit next to me for a second.”
He watched as she took a deep breath, calming herself, and then came around the island to plop into the seat next to him with a little huff.
Scooping up her hands in his, he turned to face her and met her gaze with his own. “Everyone loves you, no matter what you do. You have an amazing fan base that will stick with you. But, their suggestion could turn out to be something wonderful! It’s a chance to write a whole new type of music. I’m not a trained singer like you, but no one’s complained about my singing yet, and I’m sure that under your guide we could be wonderful. I’ll follow your lead, no matter what.” He could see the frantic anxiety draining out of her eyes as she began to relax.
“What if you guys did a cover? Just a special thing to give the fans what they want?” Alya suggested. “That way, you don’t have to try writing duets yet and can experiment in the style. Though, I don’t think it would be much different than what you normally write, you dork. You’re freaking out over nothing, as per usual.” Alya rolled her eyes affectionately.
Adrien watched the tension melt from Marinette’s body as she began to process Alya’s idea. Her nose scrunched up like when she processed lyrics, her finger coming to tap against the bridge of her nose.
Her eyes lit up and a small smirk quirked up the right side of her mouth. “You know, Alya, I think you are onto something.”
Alya rolled her eyes, “Aren’t I always, girl?’
“Of course,” Marinette huffed. “All hail queen Alya and her brilliant ideas, like posting the video that started this whole mess.”
“Hey, you guys were freaking adorable and the whole world needed to see it,” Alya waved her phone. “Besides, you like to be challenged and stretched. So you’re welcome.”
Adrien’s head had fallen back onto his arms on the table, a sleepy smile stretching across his face.
Marinette’s hand fell on top of his hair, burrowing its way through the locks and scratching his head. His back arched in satisfaction and he moved his head closer to her hand.
Her giggle rang through his ears. “I guess we better get to covering a duet then, kitty. You willing to help me?”
He blinked up at her sleepily, “’course, M’ lady.”
Adrien woke up burrowed in his bed, the comforter wrapped up to his chin. He nuzzled back down into the fluffy pillow and smiled, the thought of Marinette in his arms dancing through his head. She was such an amazing friend and a talented musician. Even though she was trained in vocal music, and him in orchestral music, her knowledge was immense and he always learned with her. They had spent over an hour pouring over popular duets, before he had called Natalie to send him a ride.
They had selected a couple options, but none of them sat right with either of them. Marinette was adamant about not picking a lovey-dovey song and sticking to something more neutral, saying that she didn’t want to feed the fans more.
Adrien unplugged his phone and pulled it into the cocoon of covers, setting it against the pillow in front of his face. Scrolling through youtube, he found himself searching the band that sang one of the songs they danced to the previous night.
Just something I can turn to, somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
He smiled to himself, remember how she felt in his arms. How she seemed to know exactly what step he would take and what to do to compliment it. How her voice intermingled with his, their noses touching. He would give anything to sing with her again, and thanks to the fans, they were now looking for a duet to cover.
Adrien flipped through the American group’s youtube channel, playing a few of their songs. They seemed to be a pop take on EDM music, and had two main members who wrote and performed the songs.
He noticed that one had a girl’s name featured in the title. Clicking on it, the music filled the room.
Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again
It was catchy, the beat making him want to snap and clap along. Juleka would have a blast making a cover to this. Or maybe they could do a body drumming thing?
The girl’s voice came in a little while into the song.
You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
That we beat to death in Tuscon, okay
Adrien smiled at the catchy chorus, and how their two voices intermingled. It was not too ‘lovey-dovey,’ as Marinette would say, but it still had a lot implied. It could be a really cool cover, without stretching their capabilities. Plus, this was the same group that sung the song that had started this whole shenanigan.
Adrien copied the link and sent it to Marinette.
To Marinette: “Good Morning Bug-a-boo! Check out this song, it’s the same band as the song we got famous with. Could be a good enough excuse for all the lovey-dovey lyrics ;)”
He continued to scroll through their music, listening to the next song on the list. They had a very similar style to something the AK’s would produce.
His phone binged over the music.
From Marinette: “WOW, this might just be perfect, kitty. I like it a lot. I’m surprised I haven’t heard this song before? WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL MY LIFE. Working on a cover now.”
He smiled at her enthusiasm, wishing he could have watched her reaction as she listened to the song for the first time.
Another text came in right away.
From Marinette: “What are you doing today? You should come over cause I need my partner in crime to do this.”
Adrien’s face lit up as he read the text. He quickly checked his schedule and replied.
To Marinette: “I’m free! I’ll be over as soon as I can get my ass out of bed.”
He added a cute cat emoji and sent it, stretching his arms out of his comforter cocoon. Untangling his legs from the bed, he rolled onto the floor and huffed. Peeling himself from the floor, he made his way to the bathroom for a shower and much needed teeth brushing.
His phone binged at him.
From Marinette: “Can’t wait to see you!”
Adrien grinned, letting the words of the song wash over him.
We ain't ever getting older
No we ain't ever getting older
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emeraldxmonarch · 8 years
Hello :3 Your writing is beautiful !!^^ I hope I'm not rushing you, but how will the RFA+ Saeran & V react when they know that MC is depressed. Sorry if this topic makes you uncomfortable, of so then please ignore this ask! Take care ^^
(Hello!! I’m so so sorry it has taken me so so long to answer this! I truly do apologize from the bottom of my heart! I hope this fits what you wanted, and I’m sorry a few of them are shorter than the rest! I’ll be more than happy to rewrite anything! And thank you so so much for the request
note: I based MC’s depression symptoms off of symptoms I experience when I get a episode of depression. Please let me know if it isn’t what you wanted, or you feel it was portrayed wrongly. Everyone experiences depression differently, and I want to make that clear. There is no right or wrong way to experience it because every single experience is valid. Please know I’m always here to talk, if you need someone.)
Trigger warning: Mentions of depression!
RFA reacting to depression.
He didn’t really notice at first, since the signs were more subtle.
You took longer naps, ate less, spent less time on your phone, and in general, just became much.
He finally noticed, when he came into the bedroom, and saw you just blankly staring at the ceiling
“MC? What’s wrong?” He was definitely worried now.
You didn’t want to tell him at first, not wanting to burden him.
He just wanted to help you! He didn’t know what to do, all he saw, was the same thing that happened to Rika.
Those sad, blank episodes, that he still noticed too late.
But he didn’t want a repeat!
So he begged you to tell him, he begged you to tell him what you felt.
You couldn’t resist those big, sad eyes. This precious puppy omg
You told him everything.
From having depression, for a long time, to where you thought you were starting to heal, after meeting him and the RFA, to the sudden relapse.
You didn’t know what triggered you, you just woke up, with a sadness in your chest, and you didn’t know what to do.
He teared up, listening to you.
He threw his arms around you and squeezed you tight.
You both may not have all the answers right now, but he would definitely be there for you.
And he was.
He first noticed when you missed two of his shows.
The first one he understood, maybe you were busy, or something important came up. He knew how supportive you were. He wouldn’t hold one miss against you.
When the second show came along, and you weren’t there, and there wasn’t a single word from you, thats when he got worried.
Were you losing interest in him? Were you getting bored with his shows? Was acting just no longer interesting to you?
So he decided to talk to you, hoping he was only overreacting.
With a knock to the bedroom door, he slowly walked in, “Princess…?”
He saw you curled up on the bed, underneath all of the comforters.
Was his princess sick?!
He went over to you, and gently tugged the blanket away, and saw your eyes that were just a little too bright.
Wait, why is his princess crying?!
Cue the Knight in Shining Armor!
“What happened Princess? Did someone hurt you?! Did some–”
You had to stop him before he got too riled up.
“N-No! Zen I’m okay….I’m just…I’m just a bit emotional…”
He was confused, emotional?
You hesitated, but you didn’t want to make him think something else or someone else was causing this.
So you opened up, about your depression.
You were just having a bad bout, and because of it, you ended up missing two of his shows.
You felt horrible about it, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed.
He literally threw himself at you for a hug.
He refused to listen to any apologies!
But he was going to be your Knight in Shining Armor!
He would be there for it all, and never let you go through it alone! He might not have the cure all, but he would definitely try his best for his princess!
This poor baby was so busy with work, that she didn’t notice that you were a little MIA.
She just thought you might be tired, or fell asleep early because she came home so late from work.
But when she finally had some time in the afternoon to actually grab some lunch, she stopped by the house, and saw you curled up on the couch in tears.
“MC?!” She could see the shock on your face, as you quickly tried to wipe away the tears, but the area around you was covered in used tissues, showing that you had been crying for a while.
Activate Mama Jaehee.
“N-No I swear I can-”
She gently knelt by you, and saw the dark circles under your eyes, and paleness in your skin.
“MC….what’s going on…please…?”
You couldn’t do this to her, you saw the worry on her face, and it broke your heart.
“I….I’m sorry….I just….I feel so…so empty….and emotional and sad and tired and nothing all at once and I know it doesn’t….” you trailed off, unable to really explain how you felt.
Jaehee was smart, she could see those were some symptoms of depression.
“MC…I…I may not know everything there is to know about depression,” She couldn’t help but be grateful of the knowledge (at limited as it was), when she saw the relief on your face, because you didn’t have to keep pushing yourself to try and  explain.
“But I do know….that…I can be there for you…that…it’s going to be hard, but I’ll help you…” She wasn’t sure of what to say, but she knew she needed to be there for you, like you were for her.
She took a few days off Cue Salty Jumin.
And did her best to try and take care of you.
Which included cuddles, coffee and a LOT of Zen’s musicals.
He noticed immediately.
He saw that you were spending more and more time in the bedroom.
And at night, you had trouble falling asleep, or sometimes, slept too late into the day.
During mealtimes, you began to ate less and less, often barely touching your food.
At first, he thought maybe you didn’t have a taste for the food.
He talked to chef, trying to change the menu up.
Even then, you barely touching the food.
He was getting worried.
And he didn’t waste any time talking to you about it.
“MC? Kitten? Is there something wrong with the food? Is it not to your tastes anymore?”
He sat down in front of you, trying to get to what was really going on.
“No no…Jumin the food is just fine…I’m just not too hungry these days…it’s nothing to worry about”
Yeah no.
There was plenty to worry about.
He gently took your hands, and felt the slight coldness in your skin.
“Kitten, I want to take care of you in every aspect. If something isn’t to your liking, I want to fix it. Are you feeling sick? Should I call the doctor?”
He stood up, completely ready to have the doctor come in.
But you grabbed his arm, slightly worried, “Jumin I don’t need a doctor!”
You hesitated, but the last thing you wanted was this to escalate, so you decided to open up.
You wanted him to open up and talk, it was only fair if you did too.
You told him about your depression, and you told him that you were going through another bout, which is why you were eating so little and sleeping so much.
He wasn’t very familiar with handling such delicate and complicated emotions, but he was completely dedicated in trying to help you.
So he did.
With some encouragement, he got you to the best therapist, and was there for all of your appointments.
He did his best to try and surprise you with small presents.
But most of all, he made sure to remind you, how much he loved you and that he would always be there for you.
Seven is no stranger to depression.
So he immediately recognized the signs.
He had a suspicious feeling, when he was watching you through the CCTV.
But he was preoccupied with the bomb and the issue with the hacker.
But now that she was living with him.
He had the time to focus on her and what she was going through.
He didn’t think about it at first, because you seemed so happy with him.
But then it caught up to you.
Sleepless nights, missed meals, and showers that become more and more infrequent.
So he came up to you, while you were curled up in bed, and pulled you into a tight hug.
You jumped, surprised because you thought he was still working.
“I know it’s gonna be hard, but, I promise I won’t let you go through this alone”
He knew, in part, the words he said to you at the apartment, the harsh and cold words, still affected you.
So he knew, even more so, that it was his responsibility, to make things right, to make what he had done right.
He would help you, the way you always helped him.
He would be there to help you heal.
He ended up losing his sight, while you both were together.
Which made him much more attuned to his other senses.
So when you were locked in the bathroom, softly crying, he didn’t miss it.
“MC? Darling? What’s wrong?” He softly knocked on the door, and heard your surprised gasp.
“N-Nothing Jihyun! I accidentally put on some old makeup, so my eyes are just burning a bit”
He didn’t buy it, but he also didn’t want to force you into telling him.
He just wanted the absolute best for his darling angel.
“Darling….please….come out here…”
You hesitated, but slowly came out, and saw him standing in front of the door.
When he heard the door re-close, he slowly walked up to you, and gently cupped your face.
“Please…talk to me…” He held you close, held you lovingly, and you couldn’t hold it back.
You ended up crying into his chest, letting out everything you had been holding in.
At the end of it, he just held you even tighter to him.
He let Rika suffer, but he refused to let you suffer.
He would help you through this, and he did.
He made you tea or coffee, whatever you preferred that day, and while he wasn’t that used to maneuvering the stove quite yet, it wasn’t too difficult for him to make a small sandwich, or small ready made meals.
He made sure to take care of you and to never push you to talk. Healing happened gradually, and while he was a bit firm, in not letting you be alone, he knew when and where you had limits.
He made sure you were loved and cared for, always reminding you, that you would never be alone in this. Never.
Neither of you would be alone again.
He was still very unstable with his emotions.
But, he knew the symptoms of depression like the back of his hand.
And he could see them clear as day with you.
Lack of eating, sleeping, and even personal hygiene on the worse days.
It was like looking into a mirror.
A mirror he wished he never saw.
So, on one of the rougher days, a day where you were curled up in your bed, with your favorite blanket and favorite stuffed bear, because it was just too hard to get up that morning.
He came inside.
Laid down next to you.
And wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You didn’t have the energy to fight him.
He wasn’t good with his words, because he couldn’t properly convey what he really felt sometimes.
So he hoped, this embrace, showed that you weren’t alone, that you didn’t have to suffer it alone.
You both laid there for hours, and eventually you turned so you could face him.
Neither of you said anything, but the promise was clear.
You would both help each other  heal, no matter how long it took.
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