#smooth move minako
tickledpink31 · 3 years
Epics of Ink & Light Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror
Summary: In which Minako ends up at Night Raven College.
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◐ ━━━━━ ºoº Minako ºoº ━━━━━ ◑
There was a haziness that Minako couldn’t shake from her head. Like the beginnings of a lucid dream, her senses have become heightened. Finding herself a pitch black void gave way for plenty of things to fear. It was funny how she never used to be afraid of the dark as a child and now, she was sixteen and rarely went to bed without a nightlight.
It wasn’t dark for long, thankfully, for green lights just barely brightened her surroundings. She could see now that she was in a strange room with a platform and a floating mirror in the centre.
“ Ah, my dear beloved. A lovely and noble flower of evil .”
Acid green flames burst within the mirror’s glass.
“ Truly you are the most beautiful of all. ”
Minako wanted to think that maybe it was just another nightmare, but it certainly didn’t feel like a nightmare. Whatever her mind had concocted was creepy just not something that made her heart race or cry for help like usual. There was no chaotic jumble of bad memories or excruciating pain, but this could be the beginnings of a bad dream for all she knew.
“ Mirror, mirror, on the wall … who is the … ”
Noises of hooves clopping and wheels grinding against a dry path muffled out the voice’s last few words, the cacophony sounding closer by the second. The room was darkening too with only the mirror's flames to light it.
“ As long as your heart desires, take the hand that appears in the mirror. ”
The emerald flames extinguished and sure enough, a hand appeared in front of her to reach out beyond where the glass should be. Minako would think that she would be smart enough to not follow a sketchy stranger’s advice. Instead, all skepticism had left her as if she was spellbound.
To be fair, she had no other option but to take the hand.
It had a firm grip on Minako. There was no use letting go and no use fighting back. The hand pulled her through the mirror and back into a deep, dark abyss. She only had a stranger's hold to comfort her.
“ For me. For them. For you. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand. ”
“What do you mean?” Minako finally spoke after what seemed like a lifetime of silence.
She was offered no answer.
◐ ━━━━━ ºoº ━━━━━ ◑
Her forehead collided into something hard, shaking the drowsiness away. She groaned from the pain and wondered if she actually fell asleep while she was standing. The room was dark. Not good.
Minako could feel the solid ground beneath her feet and the strong presence of magic surrounding her. Her best guess as to where she was now was probably one of the supply closets at Hogwarts, her school. That was normal for her at least; either some bully locked her in here or she went inside herself for some private studying. Her light spell must have faded out when she nodded off.
Minako moved her arms up and outward to stretch only to be stopped abruptly by walls on both of her sides that were way too close for comfort. Weird. Was the closet always this small, or did she finally have growth spurt after not having one in years?
She reached out behind her back and she was stopped by another solid wall. Nope, this wasn’t the supply closet. The walls were clear of cleaning supplies, brooms, and even shelves. It was just a tight, empty box that she was trapped in. Her hands went to feel the walls to find a doorknob that she might have missed. She had half a mind to scream for help if she hadn't heard a voice mumbling outside the enclosed space.
“Crap. People are coming! I need to find a uniform quickly,” said the voice. It made a strained grunt as if it was trying to lift something. “Grr… The lid is too heavy. Time for my secret move!”
Enough was enough and Minako wanted out. Instinctively, her hand went to the holster on her hip and was relieved to find the smooth ebony wood of her wand there. With the hope that she wasn’t barred by some imprisoning hex, she pointed the wand in front of her and shouted, “Reducto!”
Whoever was outside shrieked at how the lid was suddenly blasted to pieces. Minako hissed when the lights had hit her sensitive eyes as if she had woken up from a long sleep and she was no longer used to the sun. Surprisingly, she found that the room she was in was not too bright once her eyes adjusted.
What caught her eye was the mirror in the centre of the room then the floating coffins surrounding it. It was the same place that her vision showed her but brighter and less hazy. Her shoes clacked against the marble floors as she stepped out of the box, wondering to herself if she had stumbled upon yet another secret room hidden in Hogwarts.
Her hand caught the wall of the box she was trapped in, turned around, and found that she had broken herself out of one of those coffins.
Minako recoiled away with a gasp. She had one dreaded thought in her mind: Did I die? She sensed a foreboding implication of the coffins. The healers were right, she should have controlled her emotions better. She didn’t even make it to graduation.
“Hey! What gives you the right to blast the Great Grim like that?”
Now, Minako had a face and a name for the voice she heard earlier, only she didn't expect to see an angry, gray cat by her feet. He was a bit big for a normal cat. His strange three-pronged tail lashed around angrily and blue flames blazed from the flaps of his ears.
“Are you some kind of kneazle?” Minako devoted much of her time studying magical creatures to become a Magizoologist, but she had never seen anything like this talking fire cat before. Or perhaps he can be classified as a Magical Being instead, given his ability to talk to her.
“A what? I’m not a kneazle! Give me that uniform you’re wearing!”
It was only now that Minako looked down in confusion and noticed that she was wearing a black robe with elaborate gold embroidery and lined with purple on the inside. It looked much higher in quality than she could ever afford for her Hogwarts uniform. That also explained the hood she felt over her head.
“What? Why should I do that?” she asked, taking a couple of steps back.
Grim growled at her. “Give me those clothes or I'll roast you!” He then proceeded to spew blue flames from his mouth, singing the tips of her shoes.
"Ow!” Minako jumped back, narrowly dodging the attack. Now knowing that she would get barbecued alive if she didn't act quickly, she braced herself to tame yet another aggressive beast. She’s handled wild dragons before, this one will be calm in a pinch. “Nice kitty. There’s no need to get angry.”
“Don’t you talk to me like that!” Grim shouted, trails of smoke escaping through the gaps of his serrated teeth.
Predicting another attack, Minako was ready to defend herself. “Protego!” She put up a shield charm just in time when Grim blasted another fireball at her before it bounced off of her spell and dissolved. It became nothing but warm air, raising the temperature of the once cool room.
“Ah! My fire!”
“Are you going to settle down now?” asked Minako. She patted her robes to check if she had any treats in her pockets but alas, they were empty. Alright, new plan. At her command, a brightly coloured toy bird on a string sprouted from the tip of her wand. The bells on the toy jingled with a gentle shake. “I don’t have any treats, but you can have this pretty bird if you behave.”
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Grim paused, eyeing the toy and following the way the feathers moved. He shook his head with the need to get rid of the temptation. “Dumb, human! You think I want that? Ptooey!”
The toy went up in flames when he spat at her, prompting Minako to vanish the toy away before it could burn her precious wand. Yes, this would have been much easier if she had any treats. Of all the things she can conjure from thin air, it was neither food nor money.
Or perhaps I was condescending , Minako thought. If Grim could talk, he was likely a Being and not a Beast. How one communicated with Magical Beings and Beasts differed wildly from each other. The most basic kind of decency was to talk to another Being like they were another human, and she’s been treating Grim like he was a common Kneazle.
“I’m sorry, but there’s no way I can give you these clothes. I might not be wearing anything underneath.” She tried reasoning with him.
Minako's peace of mind was quickly slipping away (like she had any to begin with). Only one wrong step away from outright panicking and triggering her curse, if she was actually still alive that is. She found herself slowly backing towards what she hoped was an exit. Although she was trained for situations like these, her place as a Slytherin has also taught her a lesson or two on self-preservation. The last thing she wanted was to get barbecued alive because of her own stupidity as an animal lover.
“Where do you think you’re going?!” Blue flames flared from Grim’s mouth.
Minako booked for the large double doors, Grim and his fire at her heels. It soon proved to be a bad idea to not be looking where she was going when she collided into something, or rather someone.
Someone grunted in pain right by her ear just before she and a stranger slammed onto the floor.
“Get off me!”
Before Minako could even respond to the order or even apologize, the stranger boorishly shoved her off of him. As they both got up, she came face to face with a teenage boy dressed in the same robes as hers. She found herself staring at the patch of hair peeking from under his hood. It was so red that it had to be dyed. Opening his grey eyes, he gave her a stern frown that marred his babyish features. Then his expression changed to one of astonishment. But why?
Assessing her surroundings once more, Minako found that there were four more boys and a floating tablet that had come in with similar looks of surprise.
There was a tall, dark man with long, brown hair that appeared to be older than the rest of them. He sniffed the air. “A girl, huh? You think the old bird is going for a tester?”
Minako noticed the lion’s tail behind the man’s robes gently flicking from side to side.
“Hm. It’s likely. More funds for his Winter Holiday Vacation I guess.” said a bored voice from the tablet.
Six. There were six boys counting the one on the other side of the tablet screen.
“Hey, Miss? Are you alright?” A boy, tan and white-haired, asked her politely.
Tongue-tied, Minako couldn’t find the words to respond.
“People are here! I’m too late!” Grim pointed an accusing paw at Minako. “You should have handed your uniform over in the first place!”
There was a loud crack that cut Grim off. “Hold it right there raccoon!” cried a new voice.
Grim yelped when his back caught a leather whip that knocked him off of his hind paws. “Ow! What’s with this cord?”
“It is no mere cord. It is a Lash of Love!” Yet another tall man entered the room, a whip in hand
If the man's beaked mask was not enough to draw Minako's attention, his flamboyant feathered suit sure did. It made quite the imposing silhouette with his greatcoat hanging off his shoulders and the large blackbird feathers curling out from his collar. To complete the look, he sported a top hat that only made him look taller.
What was with the brightly coloured cosmetics these men had? Last time she checked, it wasn’t Halloween. Or maybe Hogwarts housed more students with dyed hair and Metamorphmagi than she initially thought.
The masked man quickly made his way over to Grim to pick him and restrain him. “My goodness you’re a wild familiar. You should be kept on a shorter leash.”
Grim thrashed about in the man’s grip. “What? I’m not her freaking familiar! Hmmph—” His mouth was muzzled by a gloved hand decorated with golden claw rings.
“Headmaster, this poor girl was being attacked by it. It was a good thing you came before she got seriously hurt,” said a fair-skinned boy with glasses and silvery-blue hair. His voice was dripping with false sincerity.
A beautiful, blonde man clicked his tongue. “The floor is a mess. Which one of you potatoes singed it?” The man’s eyes were fierce as he turned to look at Minako and Grim. His features were womanly but not something that would be considered delicate.
The redheaded boy she crashed into earlier bombarded her with another question. “You. Why did you leave the gate? That’s against the rules!” He accusingly pointed a pen at her, one with a ruby crystal attached to it.
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“I—” Minako struggled to get a word out. This boy was the shortest of the group and not much taller than she was, but he was the most commanding presence in the room. Under the heat of his glare, she felt smaller than ever.
“Now, now, Mr. Rosehearts. There’s no need to get hostile with a new student.” The Headmaster put an arm in between them. “Although, I’m afraid that he’s right, young lady. You and your untrained familiar did break a number of rules.”
"Familiar?" Minako echoed, taking a glance at Grim writhing in Crowley’s tight grip. "He's not my—"
“It’s strange though. I don’t remember requesting for a female student to attend,” Crowley murmured.
“So we’re not actually getting a girl this year?” asked the white haired boy.
The Headmaster gave her a quick glance. Minako shivered under his gaze, the man’s piercing yellow eyes pinning her down.
“No, but the Dark Mirror did summon her. Let’s make her feel as welcome as we do with new students,” the Headmaster said cheerfully.
A scoff sounded from the tablet, “So, not welcome at all.”
School? Student? The only girl? Minako discreetly eyed the mirror—the Dark Mirror as the Headmaster called it—and her stomach churned. Regret. She shouldn’t have listened to that voice. What was she thinking? She had no clue where she was or what was going on.
The curse was acting up now too. Her forearm was stinging and the pain was gradually spreading through her whole arm. She closed her fist as if it would somehow dull the sting.
“By the way,” the Headmaster’s voice broke her out of her thoughts, “how did you even leave the gate without a key?” he asked
“What gate? You mean the coffin?”
“Yes, that coffin.” The man corrected.
“Oh... I might have destroyed the door,” Minako admitted sheepishly.
“What?!” The man squawked. His head whipped around to find the remains of the door she blew to bits.
“Ah, that explains the debris, and here I thought you’d be cleaner than the raccoon,” said the blonde man.
“That’s a cat, not a raccoon,” said the voice from the tablet.
“Sorry.” Minako fiddled with her wand guiltily.
The Headmaster groaned. “You’re lucky that we have plenty more of these coffins. Breaking one barely makes a dent in our budget. However, I still expect you to clean this up later.”
“That’s fair,” said Minako.
“Apologies won’t change the fact that you disrupted our ceremony!” Rosehearts, the redhead, argued.
“The ceremony hasn’t even started,” the lion man muttered.
“Can you all give me a chance to explain myself?” Minako boomed. With a quick pause, she dialed down her tone, “I think you're mistaken. I'm not a student here, and I don't know where I am.”
“Still in a daze, I see? It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented. A common occurrence. I shall explain it to you for I am gracious,” said the Headmaster. “You six, have a seat. We’ll be starting the ceremony soon.”
The six of them silently shuffled over to a bench closest to the Mirror, some giving her brief glances that all varied in expressions. The white-haired boy sent her a friendly wave, the one in glasses scrutinized her with a hint of slyness that made her wary, then Rosehearts cast her a disdainful look before sitting next to the rest of the boys.
Minako tried to speak up once more, “Sir, I really don’t think that I’m meant to be here. I’m already—”
The Headmaster interrupted her again as he gently ushered her over to a row of pews situated farther from the mirror. He cleared his throat, "This is Night Raven College. Magicians blessed with a unique aptitude for magic are called from all over the world to attend the most prestigious academy in Twisted Wonderland. And I am the headmaster, Dire Crowley."
“Night Raven College?” Minako racked her brain trying to remember the names of other wizarding schools from Professor Binns' class. “Are you one of those smaller Wizarding schools? Your name doesn’t appear in any of the Established Eleven Schools.”
“I… have no idea what you are talking about. This school isn’t small and it’s quite well-known,” Crowley said, "but we are a Wizarding school as you say. The Dark Mirror has an eye for talented magicians, so it called you and many others over when it recognized your magical prowess. An ebony carriage carrying a Gate was what brought you here."
“I think I heard horses earlier," said Minako. “So you're saying that carriage just brought me here on its own?"
Grim squirmed and yowled once more against Crowley's vice-like grip in an attempt to escape but to no avail.
Crowley adjusted his grip and continued, “That does it for explanations for I’m sure it’ll all come back to you later on. Let the ceremony begin!”
With a clap of his hands, dozens of keys flew in from what seemed like nowhere towards the lowering coffins, then each key assigned themselves to a gate. Minako could see now what the large keyholes were for on the lids as the keys slotted themselves into the locks. The synchronous opening of the coffins unveiled more boys in the same dark robes, all looking a tad weary probably due to standing in a dark box for a while. They wordlessly stepped out and gathered in front of the Dark Mirror.
“Go stand over there with the first years.” Crowley pulled her up from the pew and nudged her forward like a pushy parent would to a child.
As she made her way over to the mob of students, quite a number of them did double takes when they spotted her. Some whispered among themselves, commenting about her being a girl. It was at that moment when Minako realized that her hood had slipped off of her head. She hurriedly pulled the hood over her head, not wanting to draw any more attention to herself, and shuffled over to the group of first years with hesitance.
It looked like a bad time to bring up her issue again. Minako would have to bide her time until she found the right moment to take action.
Her arm was hurting less. She discreetly pulled her sleeve up enough to expose her wrist. The black curse marks were thinning and fading away. A relief, but she needed a couple more minutes to calm down.
Crowley made his way to stand next to the Dark Mirror, Grim still awkwardly subdued at his side. A key-shaped staff materialized from thin air and his clawed fingers curled around its gold raven-shaped handle.
Minako eyed the staff then the miniature gold mirrors and keys attached to his hip, comparing it to the flying keys for the gates and the Dark Mirror. Gold seemed to be his favourite colour too aside from black. How fitting for a crow.
If someone told her that he was a Headmaster of a prestigious school, she would have a hard time believing it. He was dressed like a villain from a shoujo anime and less like a principal.
“Ahem! Settle down students.” Crowley tapped his staff on the floor a couple of times. “Night Raven College, it is with great honour that…”
Minako tuned out much of Crowley’s speech. It was the typical words said at every beginning of the school year expressed with grandiose, compared to Headmistress McGonagall’s more serious and authoritative tone. Her voice never wavered despite her old age.
At the conclusion of his speech, Crowley beckoned for a student to stand in front of the Mirror. One student volunteered, his gait giving an air of cockiness as he stepped forward.
Just like how it played in her vision, green flames suddenly flared within the reflective glass. Minako did not, however, expect a stark white face to emerge from the fire. No, that wasn’t a face. It was a ghastly-looking mask.
“State thy name.” The Dark Mirror’s voice was deep.
“Ace Trappola.”
“The shape of thy soul is… Heartslabyul.”
Minako caught a glimpse of the boy as he casually brushed past her to sit at a pew—wild red hair and a mischievous grin. Looks like trouble. She made a note to be cautious if she ever encountered him again.
Another student approached the Mirror and stated his name.
Sounds like Ravenclaw , thought Minako. It didn’t take long for her to understand that this was some kind of sorting ceremony, though she had never heard of a method that used a magic mirror. From every source she’s consulted, a sorting hat was used all over the world. The ceremony was rather solemn too. At Hogwarts, the Great Hall would be brightly lit and each table would be cheering and clapping for just about anyone who joined their house. Even Slytherin applauded for her when she joined them despite knowing that she was yet another Muggle-born from Nezumi the family.
Not wanting to get ahead of herself by being sorted, Minako stayed at the back of the dwindling crowd. She continued to watch and wait for every boy to be sorted just until she could find a good time to speak up.
The next boy went up. Then the next. Then another.
At this point, all Minako could remember was this chamber and the names of Night Raven’s houses. Pomefiore… Ignihyde… Diasomnia . There were at least seven houses that she heard the Mirror utter to the students.
Finally, she was the last “first year” standing. Should she do it? It didn’t look like she had any other choice. She stepped up to the Mirror, mesmerized by it’s glow but repulsed at the same time by the mask’s perma-frown. Her every movement and the contents of her being was under the Mirror’s scrutiny.
“State thy name,” instructed the Dark Mirror.
“Minako Nezumi.”
“The shape of thy soul is…” The Mirror's face scrunched up in thought as he took a long pause.
One minute passed then two minutes. The whole room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The Mirror sure was taking its time to answer.
The Mirror had yet to give an answer, and Crowley was getting a tad bit impatient. "Um… Magic Mirror?"
The Mirror spoke up, looking as stoic as ever, “This one cannot be put into a dorm.”
At that, Minako didn't know how to feel other than shock. Hushed murmurs of confusion started up amongst the sorted students.
Crowley spluttered. “C-come again?”
“Her power is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. The contents of her soul are hard to understand. Therefore, this one cannot simply be placed in a dormitory.”
Crowley let out an appalled gasp. “I don't believe this! This has never happened before.”
At last, Grim had found the strength to break free from his restraints and announced himself to everyone in the room. “If you can't place her in a dorm, give me her place then! I can use magic too!” Standing on his hind paws, he struck a haughty pose.
“Stay right there, raccoon!” Crowley brandished out his whip.
Grim squeaked and backed away before regaining his smug posture. “I, the Great Grim, can do much better than whatever she can do! It’s my destiny to become the greatest magician who ever lived!”
There was a silent pause, then it was broken with a snicker that went around the room.
“A monster? Become a great magician? Yeah, right!” one student chortled.
“Why don’t you go back to the mountains, raccoon?” another student piped up.
“I’m not a raccoon!” cried Grim.
More and more people were joining in on the jokes and soon, laughter filled the room. Grim earned the slightest bit of sympathy from Minako at that moment, which was why she almost didn’t feel bad when he sent a torrent of fire at the students. Hysterics quickly turned into shouts of alarm.
“Everyone, get down!” ordered Rosehearts as he rose from his seat.
“How do you like me now?” Grim shouted.
By now, the students had taken off from the pews to head to the double doors. Unfortunately for them, Grim had already covered the venue in a sea of electric blue flames including their path to escape.
Smoke filled her lungs; a sign that Minako had to do something about this quickly. Her hand flew to her wand holster with the intent on firing a stupefy. Anyone within the vicinity of Grim scattered to avoid him, but the white-haired boy from earlier failed to dodge the attack and his robes caught on fire.
◐ ━━━━━ ºoº Kalim ºoº ━━━━━ ◑
“Help! My butt's on fire!” Kalim cried, slapping his derrière in a panic.
He looked around and nobody seemed to be listening to him when his voice was drowned out by the screams of the other students. Meanwhile, his fellow dorm leaders were far enough from the damage the monster had caused and were calmly watching the chaos ensue.
He wished that Jamil was allowed to attend the ceremony. He would know what to do.
“Somebody catch that raccoon!” ordered Headmaster Crowley.
Vil turned to Leona. “Hey, you're good at hunting. Doesn't that raccoon look like a delicious snack to you?”
“Do it yourself,” Leona yawned, rebuffing the suggestion.
“Headmaster, I'll do it. I'm sure many would feel awful for hurting that poor creature,” Azul offered politely.
“How typical for someone like Azul. Always trying to earn brownie points,” said Idia
“Hello? Somebody help me please!” Kalim called out to them again. He whimpered as he felt the flames getting closer and closer to burning his skin. Tears pricked his eyes.
“Aguamenti!” Kalim heard the new girl bellow before he felt the burning sensation die down and be replaced by a cool stream of water.
With a turn of his head, he came face-to-face with the mysterious girl (Minako, was it?) and his cheeks felt warm. How lucky was he to be saved by a pretty girl?
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“T-thank you so much!” Kalim's heartbeat sped up.
“No problem,” the girl replied.
He would have hugged her if she hadn't turned away to focus on capturing the monster with her wand pointed upward. He could see that she put out some of the fire with her water magic too and that reminded him of something.
Kalim smacked his head for his own forgetfulness. He took out his magical pen, one with a scarlet gem attached to it, and concentrated. Summoning his strength, he cast his unique magic all over the room. “Oasis Maker!”
Droplets of water rained down and several students ran for cover. Kalim heard Idia yelp from the other side of his screen and his tablet floated quickly to a drier area, Vil also made a move, lest his makeup be ruined by the rain, Leona and Riddle had cursed but stood their grounds, and it was only Azul who was enjoying the fresh rain pouring down from nowhere. The monster had screeched and his fiery rampage came to a halt, making a fuss about the flames in his ears.
Oops. Maybe he had overdone it just a smidge.
◐ ━━━━━ ºoº Minako ºoº ━━━━━ ◑
With the downpour, Grim's remaining defence was his incredible speed as he ran. Some students had seized this opportunity to grab him. Many tried and fell flat on their stomachs, unable to catch up to the cat’s dexterity.
“Stupefy!” Minako fired a spell at Grim. The red light narrowly missed his paws.
“Watch it!” Grim yelled at her. He spat a fireball at her. It was small under the rain but fast and still had the potential to harm her.
“Protego.” The flames disappeared upon hitting her shield. “Stupefy!”
The spell hit him square in the face and it ended just as quickly as it started. Grim tilted sideways fell on a puddle with a splash making Minako wince. The flames in his ears burned low and yet, they never went out. The indoor rain had stopped pouring, leaving the floor shiny and slippery.
The boy she saved came up behind her. He asked with worry, “Is he… you know?”
“No. I just stunned him,” Minako replied. She went over to pick him up and found that he was surprisingly heavy. “Bloody hell. Do you eat rocks for dinner?”
Suddenly, she felt someone grab her arm then swung her around to face the Headmaster's glowing yellow eyes glaring at her. His grip was firm but not enough for his gold claw rings to dig into her arm.
“Young lady! Do you realize how untrained and destructive your familiar is—”
“He's not mine!” She cut him off. Minako had had enough of this man ignoring her protests and concerns.
Crowley flinched at the sudden assertiveness. “Oh… he's not?”
“I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”
“I see.” The headmaster gulped.
A groan left Grim’s mouth who was beginning to regain consciousness from the shouting. “Huh, what's that noise?” Grim quickly recovered from his stupor and jumped out of Minako's grasp. “Hey! You stunned me! You'll burn for tha—mmph!”
Minako clamped his mouth shut, preventing him from spewing anymore fire at her. “Calm down now. Be a good kitty.”
“Wow, impressive wandwork,” a smooth voice spoke next to her. Her head whipped around to find the shady boy in glasses. “Minako Nezumi, right? My name is Azul Ashengrotto, the Head of Octavinelle.”
Azul wore a smile that Minako was all too familiar with. She's seen that kind of smile on some of her fellow Slytherins. Hell, her siblings have accused her of wearing the same expression sometimes. It was like Minako could see the wheels turn in his head, scheming to get something out of her.
I don't like that smile . Minako shifted away and didn’t reply just to send an obvious message that she didn’t trust him. She nearly lost her grip on Grim.
“It looks like you need help with a pest. We ought to make sure that the raccoon doesn’t go ballistic again,” said Azul as he turned to talk to Rosehearts. “Care to help me, Riddle?”
Rosehearts— er… Riddle whipped out his pen. He pointed it at Grim and said, “Of course. I cannot tolerate rule-breakers. Off with your head!”
“Wait!” Minako choked on a horrified gasp that she would actually witness Grim being decapitated. By accident, she dropped him.
Grim made another attempt to escape, but the spell had already landed on him. There was a flash of light and a bulky, red-and-black, heart-shaped collar appeared around Grim's neck as it locked itself in place. He landed flat on his belly with the weight of the collar.
Wait, that was it? Oh thank Merlin . Relief washed over Minako.
“Hey! What the heck is this?” Grim pawed fruitlessly at the collar.
“Laws of the Queen of Hearts Number twenty-three states: ‘One shall never bring a cat to a festival,’” Riddle seethed. “You being a cat have therefore broken the rule. I demand that you leave.”
Minako wondered if she heard Riddle correctly about the Queen of Hearts. Last time she checked, the Queen of Hearts was a fictional, foul-tempered villain who’s example shouldn’t be followed.
“I'm no cat! I'm a great magician,” Grim protested. “I'll roast this collar and you!” He opened his mouth to breathe fire, but there was only air that came out. “Huh? I can't use my fire!”
Riddle smirked at him. “Anyone wearing that collar will have their magic sealed until I remove it. Now, you're just an ordinary house cat.”
“I'm not some pet!”
“As if I want a pet like you. I'll remove the collar right before you leave.” Riddle turned his nose up snobbishly.
“Lovely. I never get tired of seeing your unique magic.” Azul fawned over Riddle… or rather his power. “I want it… No, I don't want it cast on me.”
As it turns out, Minako was right about her assumptions of Azul. A Slytherin can spot another Slytherin. House solidarity be damned when one is plotting against the other.
The headmaster found his composure. “Well let's send the raccoon away. We won't be putting you on the school's lunch menu for I am gracious.” He plucked Grim off the floor by his scruff.
“No! Let me go!” Grim struggled one more time. “I swear… I'm going to become… a great magician! You'll see!”
Grim was tossed out and the doors slammed shut.
Minako stared back at the doors, feeling half-bad. “Why was he so desperate to get into this school?" she quietly asked herself.
“What a night.” Crowley massaged his head, careful not to hurt himself with the sharp tips of his claw rings. “This ceremony is over. Dorm leaders, please show the new students to their dormitories.”
One by one, the students shuffled out of the room and Minako took the time to observe who the other dorm leaders were. She already knew Azul was one and she expected that someone with an authoritative demeanor like Riddle would be dorm leader. Then there was that pretty blonde man, a man with a lion's tail, and the floating tablet in place of a living person.
The white-haired boy she saved from getting roasted came up to her with a smile that could shame the sun. He told her that his name was Kalim, thanked her again, and promised to invite her to one of his parties if she was still around before he called his dorm members over to follow him.
Minako noticed that some of the boys had yet to leave or even move from their spots before she caught sight of a boy with black hair, cropped short and streaked with pink dye, walking the opposite direction of the departing students. He was almost as short as she was and appeared to be much younger than all of the boys she's seen so far.
"I see that my boy, Malleus, missed the invitation to the ceremony again," the newcomer said with a disappointed sigh.
To Minako's surprise, his voice was quite deep. Definitely not a voice that would belong to a boy but a grown man.
Crowley perked up. "Ah so that's who we were missing! I apologize, Mr. Vanrouge. My students seem to find Mr. Draconia so unapproachable that they neglected to invite him."
"Poor guy," Minako whispered under breath. She may have never met this Malleus person, but she was familiar with the feeling of being left out.
For a brief moment, she made eye contact with Vanrouge's blood red eyes. Did he hear her?
Vanrouge turned his gaze to the remaining students. "I sure hope he isn't too upset over this. Diasomnia, please follow me." He turned back to exit and the rest of the students followed suit.
And then there were two.
“Hey,” Minako broke the silence between them. “If it’s not too much to ask, can I go back now?”
“What? Don’t you want to be the first girl to attend our school? I can sense potential in you.” Crowley looked upset, though it sounded like he was feigning it.
“I’m already a student in another school. Come to think of it, I think I was on an excursion at Hogsmeade before I woke up in that coffin. I was supposed to get back to the campus by dinner.”
Speaking of which, Kikyo Malfoy* was with her at Hogsmeade. Minako hoped that her best friend wasn’t tearing the place apart too badly trying to look for her.
“Well, it wouldn’t be gracious of me to not return you to your rightful school,” Crowley sighed with disappointment. “Not to worry, the Dark Mirror will send you back from whence you came. But first we need to clean the mess you made with the gate.”
“Yes, of course.” Minako directed her wand to the bits and pieces of the broken lid. Thankfully, the force of her spell didn’t reduce too much of it into dust. “Reparo.”
Quick as a flash, the fragments of the lid mended itself seamlessly together and even attached itself to its correct gate. She was relieved that the spell had worked. Charms were such a fickle thing for her given her history of being terrible at the subject for her first two years at Hogwarts.
“Amazing! We could save money with your spells. Are you sure you don't want to attend this school?”
“Are you going back on your promise?”
“No—Ahem! Why don’t you go back to your gate. Picture your home clearly and the Dark Mirror should take you back.”
“Thank you.”
Minako hurried to step inside the newly fixed coffin and prayed that it would work. Her mind pictured her chambers in the Slytherin Common Room. She made a note to herself to apologize to Kikyo for vanishing out of nowhere.
With his arms dramatically spread wide, Crowley boomed, “Oh, Dark Mirror! Guide this child back to their home!”
The Mirror kept quiet.
Crowley cleared his throat. “Once more. Oh Dark Mirr—”
“It is nowhere,” the Mirror declared.
“What?” Minako's heart froze.
“The place you think of cannot be found. It does not exist,” the Mirror said and that was the final nail in the coffin.
“What?!” Crowley echoed with a shout.
“That… can’t be true.” Minako's knees buckled.
◐ ━━━━━ ºoº ━━━━━ ◑
Notes: *Kikyo Malfoy is one of my earlier OCs when joining the Harry Potter fandom when I was 17. She's the daughter of Draco Malfoy and my first Harry Potter OC, Erika Matsumori who is also a Muggle-born Slytherin. I wanted to incorporate them in this fanfic in some way. I might make side-story for Draco and Erika and how they made their famiy.
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kationella · 4 years
Who is the most likely to...
... kill someone?
See, this one depends on Yu's character interpretation. The anime version showed him more willing to kill Namatame than the game did.
The other protag who would come close to killing if the other person harmed/killed someone close to them would be Tatsuya. "He only did what I would've done" comes to mind.
... become a famous actor/actress?
Akira already has the flair, charisma and talent to become a successful actor. Look at him go!
... jump off a moving train?
Honestly, every Persona protag is too impulsive. Most would jump with a straight face.
I guess the most likely one who would jump no questions asked would be Akira, with Minako being a close second. I guess it depends on the circumstances.
... watch romantic movies?
Did somebody call for Big Sis Maya? In her defense, it was Ulala who got her into this genre.
... get detained for harassing a police officer?
Most would believe that I would say Akira, but the boi got detained for different reasons, plus he usually tries to pass under the radar. If only Katsuya detained his brother for everytime Tatsuya harassed him, then it would be him.
Honestly, I believe Maya has the most probabilities, and all those times would be because of something related to her job. She is very dedicated.
... be the most emotional?
I'm torn between Naoya and Maya. To be fair, Maya got a speaking role while Naoya didn't, so much is left to interpretation. In the end, I guess Naoya's teenage hormones would win. The boi got so depressed that no one liked his singing that he took a silent vow, so...
... be awkward on their first date?
Ha, ha, ha. Poor Tatsuya is blushing!
Naoya would only be awkward at first before getting comfortable, Maya is more than excited to be on her first date, Minato is more confused over what he should be doing than anything else, Minako is confident, Yu and Akira are smooth (Akira more than Yu)...
Yeah, Tatsuya is a hot mess. Don't worry, he gets better.
... worry about their aspect?
The thing about the Persona protags is that they roll at their own rhythm and don't care what anyone else thinks. The only one who actually considers what to wear is Akira, if the "fake glasses to appear harmless" are anything to go by.
... be the best at math?
Yu Narukami.
Naoya is not doing so hot at school, Tatsuya keeps skipping for one reason or another, Maya conforms herself with the basics, Minato and Minako fall asleep in class and Akira only memorizes what he needs for the exams.
No competition here.
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docholligay · 4 years
SM rewrite: any of haruka's first times meeting the inners
EPisode 92! 1960 words, I hope you enjoy, I AM HAVING FUN TODAY
“He’s SO HOT, Mina.” 
Usagi was off on yet another one of her larks, talking about some guy she’d seen at the arcade. She’d thought, at first, that she was talking about Motoki, who Mina took to be her current obsession who was not Mamoru of the moment, but maybe that had been several moments ago. It was hard to tell with Usagi. 
People always took her and Usagi to be alike, and if that gave Mina the benefit of being underestimated, that was fine with her. And it was true, that they both liked attractive people, in a way, but Mina was more of a freelancer, moving from this flower to that like a brilliant butterfly with no particular link to any one person, while Usagi fell in love with every man she ever met. 
That too. Usagi was still under the impression that she was straight, and the delusion might yet follow her all the way to the wedding altar. That, in particular, was none of Mina’s business, who had realized since the age of 12 that attractive was attractive in her eyes, which became the fact that a bedroom was a bedroom, as she got older, and what it might say on someone’s driver’s license or facebook held little notice for her when it was time to go home. 
Dating, on the other hand--well, she wasn’t bold enough to tell Usagi to never date a man, if she had other options, not while she was still enamored of Mamoru, but she certainly thought it hard enough. Mina had learned that lesson quickly. Men were like riding a roller coaster, exhilarating and fun, for a quick ride, but eventually you just get sick. 
Usagi had not yet learned this, and it was in this that Minako allowed her to keep your youthful naivete. She had time yet to learn. 
“His name is HARUKA,” she swung her bag around, “I heard the cashier say it. Isn’t that dreamy?” 
Mina chuckled, “It’s one of the most popular names in Japan, Usagi. I go to school with like, 4 Harukas.” 
“Well, it seems different on him!” She gave a little scowl and a stomp of her foot, but then smiled brightly and whipped around, “Come to the arcade with me and see him!” She narrowed her eyes playfully, “We can compete to see who he’ll fall in love with.” 
This was the point at which Rei would have chimed in that Usaig had a boyfriend, if she had denied to leave off from her shrine duties and hang out with them after school, but she hadn’t, and Mina didn’t see why something like a boyfriend should get in the way of a good time. 
“Amazing. I hope you like losing.” Mina cackled as she swanned toward The Crown. She hadn’t been in a while, not for any particular reason, other than she was doing a bunch of back work for a hostess club, which she hoped would hire her as a hostess the absolute second she turned 18. Unfortunately, they were too above-board to hire her for anything at the front right now. It was less than a year. She’d live. 
Usagi rushed into the Crown, ever with the perfect idea of how to act casual, and gazed immediately over to the racing game in the corner, hand under her chin as she leaned against an old copy of Pacman. 
“There he is!!!” she stage whispered, hissing as she grabbed Mina’s hand. 
She sighed and turned to tell Usagi that he was going to hear them, but he didn’t look over even at all, and Mina’s brow twitched as she noticed it. His hearing must not be anything to write home about. He was wearing a blazer over the top of a sweater, over the top of a collared shirt, which seemed a bit like overkill to Mina, but hey, maybe he was cold. 
MIna walked over to him, Usagi half-tiptoeing behind in a way that Haruka would find either cute or incredibly unsettling, and based on that, Mina would change her strategy. It was all a sort of chess game, flirting and seduction, and with men maybe it wasn’t even chess. Checkers, or something.
“Hi!” Usagi popped up, “Good afternoon! We saw that you were playing alone here, and were wondering, you know!” 
Mina looped her arm across the back of the car seat, and leaned against it. “Care for a friendly game?” 
Haruka ruffled his hair, and looked up at her, and Mina nearly burst out laughing. She hadn’t noticed, with the bulkiness of the blazer and other entrappings, and she hadn’t looked hard enough when she’d been standing with Usagi, but looking now, there was no mistake. Haruka wasn’t a man at all. Oh, she was tall, and gangly, and even given the sweater probably fairly flat-chested, but there was the unmistakable fullness of her lip, the softness of her brow, the way she looked at Usagi and Mina. Mina was a bit of an expert, in these matters. 
She looked over to Usagi. No reason not to let this play out. Why not, she’d earned some fun. Maybe Usagi would have a moment of realization--Mina doubted she’d ever seen a butch lesbian outside of Takarazuka, and those women were made up to the high heavens, more drag than the genuine article. 
So she smiled. 
“Just a race or two.” 
Usagi started to stammer, and step in front of her, but Mina dodged it effortlessly. Why have one bit of fun, when she could have two? Besides, Usagi may have been wrong about Haruka being a boy, but she wasn’t wrong about a certain quality of rough handsomeness that she carried, that sort of young, gentlemanly way, with a touch of insecurity, that Mina sometimes found very winning about the younger butch set. She could have a worse time. 
“Sure,” Haruka smiled, and nodded, then added, “I always like to play with a pretty girl.” 
Her voice was deep, but not overly so, and Mina found the feminine lilt at the end of her sentences quite charming. She rather liked butches, when it came down to it. They had a habit of picking up the charming parts of masculinity while letting the rest rot where it belonged. 
MIna slid in next to her. She smelled good, like sandalwood and maybe a touch of motor oil, which Mina wouldn’t have thought would be charming. Usagi was salivating as they put their coins into the slot, but she stood and watched Mina. She’d played this game plenty of times, and beaten Usagi at it nearly every time, save when Motoki accidentally spilled a drink on her in the middle of a race. This wouldn’t be too hard, but she would be careful not to humiliate Haruka, and maybe even let her win in the last stretch--
She looked over to the map. Haruka was already out in front, her car on full manual and effortlessly gliding through it, swinging the wheel and tapping on the brake and gas at perfect intervals. 
Minako, for a moment, became just a little enraged. She hadn’t even wanted to win before this moment, but for her to be beaten so easily, by whatever putz of a nerd was too old to be hanging out in an arcade but clearly WAS hanging out in an arcade, on an afternoon, and didn’t she have a job or college or something to go to? 
She slammed down on the gas, trying desperately to catch up, to make a better showin, but Haruka just kept going and going, hitting checkpoints without a second thought, not even the slightest amount of wrinkle to her forehead. 
Besides all that, Usagi was laughing and clapping her hands like the damn fool she was. 
Mina tried to weave around the fake traffic in her way, but ended up broadsiding a bus full of fake schoolchildren, and she imagined their fake screams echoing her own as the Game Over flashed across the screen. She quite forgot her seduction, in the moment, as she slapped the middle of the steering wheel and laid her head down on it. 
“I can’t believe I lost that bad!” 
Haruka chuckled, “No, you actually did pretty good.” 
Mina straightened up, smoothed her hair, and tried to regain herself. 
“Sorry, it’s just,” she giggled, “I get so competitive. The uh….heat of the moment, you know what I mean?” 
Haruka looked at her with a slightly confused sideways grin. “Sure.” 
“Oh but I am sorry, Haruka, mother was forever at lunch, sometimes I swear she asks for things only to see the human limit of what a waiter will bear before smoke begins to run from his ears. It was never my intention to keep you waiting.” 
“Oh, that’s okay.” 
Mina saw Game Over flash across the screen a second time as Haruka looked at the woman who had just entered. 
She was unquestionably beautiful, with a delicately rounded face that suggested a touch of foreignness at the eyes, eyes in green or blue but also somehow both, shifting a bit as the tides. Her hair was elegantly curled to her shoulders, and her carriage was straight and practiced, a show dog out for the afternoon with all the regular mutts. She wore a finely tailored blouse of silk with a demurely pleated skirt, round toe leather on that fit her perfectly on her feet, a bag at her side that was the sort of designer you wore if you were too polished for garishness of advertising that you wore designer. The whole of her felt wrong in the crown, like placing Italian marble in a kid’s playplace, and she smelled of rose and jasmine. 
But none of that was what stopped Mina in her tracks, no, wealth and polish was not enough to frighten her off. It was the look Haruka gave her, that wide-eyed gaze like a tourist standing in front of some great masterwork, and the softness with which she had responded. Mina didn’t know if they were together, or if they weren’t but she knew one thing for sure: 
Haruka was desperately smitten. She could have competed with Usagi for stupid in love, at that point. She and Usagi were getting nowhere with this one. 
Haruka rose to her feet, taking her bag and tossing it over her shoulder in one motion. MIchiru turned to leave the arcade, and Haruka gave a nod back to Usagi. 
“Hey, uh, you with the buns,” She smiled and tossed her hair, “We should play next time.” 
Usagi’s eyes damn near became hearts, but Mina just gave a half-hearted wave and a nod. There were fights you could win, and fights you couldn’t win, and Minako Aino didn’t ever throw effort straight into a fire. She had more of a sense of self-preservation than that. 
Haruka turned to walk next to her companion, who gave her the smallest closed-mouth smile. 
“Well, aren’t we making friends so quickly today?” 
Haruka chuckled. “You jealous or something?” She looked at the woman with what Mina noted was a mix of hope and fear. 
“Oh, terribly.” she answered. This woman knew exactly what Mina knew.
Haruka shook her head, unable to keep up the ruse. “They’re high school girls,” she shrugged, “ They seem like such little kids. But they’re cute, right?” 
“As kittens.” Noted the elegant woman, as they breezed out the door. 
There was a pause for a moment as even Motoki stood beside them to watch them leave, the perfume still hanging in the air as if the entire place were surrounded by petals. Usagi put her hands on her hips. 
“Is it just me, or were they both ridiculously good-looking?”
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softlimefluff · 3 years
Pink Dark Boy: Start!
Disclaimer: While I’m using the actual company names that Rohan/Jojo uses like David Pro, Shueisha, and some voice actor’s names, this is still a work of fiction. Pink Dark Boy is sadly not getting a real adaptation (YET!! >:D ). I hope you enjoy our announcement nonetheless!
Fans and press alike fill the main hall of SPW Foundation Morioh, excited conversation buzzing through the crowd, echoing against the vaulted ceilings. 
Today was the official announcement and press conference for Pink Dark Boy getting an anime.
Back in the private living quarters, Rohan and Ariel are making last minute adjustments to their outfits. Rohan has on his traditional pen nib earrings, but opted for a dark pair of suit pants, a tucked in white dress shirt with a black tie and coordinating black silk headband. The monotone is in stark contrast to his usual look, but he’s included a shot of color with a hot pink Versace belt, a nod to the character who’s being honored today.
Ari has on a blue floral kimono with a dark pink hair bow—the robe tied at the waist specifically to enhance and highlight her growing bump. She’s now at week 39 and getting closer and closer to the due date.
Smoothing his hands over the bump, Rohan leans down and kisses it gently, holding his palm there to feel Ellie kicking and swimming around. Ari leans into his shoulder, sighing as they take a moment together.
“We’re so close, Han. Everything’s in place.”
He sighs in return, brushing his hands through her hair. 
“My heart is pounding, Ari. I know we prepared everything for this, but I’m still…” He swallows hard, holding her close. “Still nervous.”
“Mmmm.” She looks up with a soft smile, pushing some loose strands of his hair back. “Come here. “ 
Holding his face between her hands, she catches his gaze, then presses her forehead to his. 
“You are so amazing, Rohan Kishibe. You’ve done the work. For so many years, chased your dreams. Up to right now today… Let the anxiety pool, but mix it with confidence. Courage. You deserve this. This is your dream. This is real.”
She laces her fingers between his and squeezes. “I’m real.”
Rohan’s shoulders relax, holding on tighter. “You’ll be where I can see you, right?”
Ari nods, smiling back. “Absolutely. I’ll always be there for you.”
Stealing a kiss, Rohan grins onto her lips, chuckling. “What would I do without you?”
She grins back, running her thumb over the shell of his ear. “Probably be a nervous wreck~”
“Probably.” He pulls back, standing up tall. “We’d better get out there.”
The room grows louder as the Kishibe’s enter the room, then silences as the stage fills: first Rohan, then the animation head from David Pro, a representative from Shueisha, and finally a moderator to field questions from the crowd and keep the conversation moving.
Around the room, large posters hang with key art and characters from the manga. Cut outs of characters also stand in one corner for photo opportunities. The cafe and gift shop are closed until the press conference ends—not wanting merch or exclusives to get out until the official release. A video camera is set up as well to stream the conference, with a minimal fee to make it more accessible to worldwide fans.
As the clock runs up to 1pm, the room goes quiet, anticipating the start of the event. Rohan takes one last smile at Ari before settling into his chair with his sketchbook, ready to start. 
Music fills the space, announcing the start of the conference with an audio introduction, cutting directly to the moderator, who welcomes the crowd to the event. 
“Welcome everyone, here and online, to the official start conference for Pink Dark Boy’s anime adaptation. I’ll be your host and moderator this afternoon, Minako Hazekura.” She bows, giving a polite smile to the camera. 
“As you may have heard, production for the Pink Dark Boy anime adaption has been announced, to great enthusiasm from the manga and anime community. We’ve brought the creator, Rohan Kishibe, here to give us more details, along with a few other guests, and even some unexpected surprises! Be sure to stay tuned for the whole conference to enjoy all Pink Dark Boy has to offer!”
The lights come up on the room, lightening the mood, and the interviews begin, each member at the table with a microphone. The Shueisha representative speaks first, giving more details about the anime:
“Pink Dark Boy has been a beloved manga ever since it’s debut—it has a strong reader and fan base, and we considered it was finally time to give the series an anime. David Productions came up early in the conversation, as their previous projects seemed suited to the style and complexity of the project.”
The animation head joins in, nodding his head in agreement. “When this project was proposed to us, we immediately knew we had to agree. Many of us in the studio were longtime fans of the series, and the chance to work directly with Kishibe-sensei was just too exciting. We’ve been honored in this collaboration and working with Kishibe-sensei on the extra details has awakened the otaku in all of us.”
Rohan smirks at that, feeling a swell of pride at the man’s words. Minako nods in acknowledgement, looking over to Rohan.
“Kishibe-sensei, can you tell us anything about the process for adapting the manga? The first arc, of course, is important for Myo’s introduction and capturing readers and viewers into the story.”
Rohan nods, sliding the microphone closer. “Of course.” His voice is slightly shaky, but he sits up taller, tapping into his  confidence. “At the start of the story, Myo is just a regular kid—he could be any of us. When he finds the figurine and awakens the spirit within, that’s when the story starts to move forward. Once Myo delves into the world of ghosts and spirits, he will inevitably start changing and growing. I’m thrilled with how David Pro has handled this introduction to the story, especially in the setting and bringing a sense of reverence and wonder to the scenes.”
Smiling slightly, Minako gestures up to a screen behind them. “I’m told we have a preview for the scene in question prepared, so if you’ll all direct your gaze to the screen.”
The room dims completely, everyone holding their breath as the first footage for the series comes alive onscreen. The crowd is mesmerized, hanging on every moment, hearing the voice actors for the first time and seeing the manga come to life. 
Just as Myo and Umai face each other for the first time, the kitsune utters the words, “Let’s make a deal.” and the screen fades to a title card—Pink Dark Boy: Core Ascent: first cour coming Fall 2021
The room erupts into applause as the lights raise slowly. Rohan takes in the room in as he realizes just how many people have actually come to support the project. Fighting back tears, he stands and bows, grateful for the enthusiastic support.
Minako comes to the stage again, speaking once the applause dies down. 
“We are delighted to announce our first official voice casting picks: Koki Uciyama as Myo himself, our Pink Dark Boy!! And Jun’ichi Suwave as Umai, the ancient trickster kitsune spirit! We have prerecorded messages from both actors, if you’ll draw your attention to the screens once more. ”
Each man offers his thanks at being included in the project, excitement at being able to portray the character, and hopes that everyone will enjoy Pink Dark Boy as much as they have. 
When the videos end, the lights come up one last time and Minako bows to the crowd, giving a send-off.
“Thank you everyone for your time this afternoon. We will be opening the stage for press questions soon, but this concludes our official announcements. The gift shop and cafe will be opening shortly—please enjoy your day and thank you for supporting Pink Dark Boy.”
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akechicrimes · 5 years
46 + Aigis/MC or FeMC?
46. “As long as I get to hold your hand.”
femc gets nightmares sometimes and the only person she’ll admit it to is aigis.
It is sometimes the case that Minako will have unusual dreams and wake up in a cold sweat, which she will brush off with a cheerful smile and a self-deprecating joke; and it is sometimes the case that Minako will stay up all night, fiddling with her MP3 player, replaying the same songs and staring at the wall, to deny the entire event ever occurred with another cheerful smile and self-deprecating joke. Aigis does not yet have a program to hold interest in why Minako continually suffers sleepless nights and denies the phenomenon, but she has thoroughly incorporated two aspects of the situation into her operations: firstly, that Takeba, Iori, Kirijo, and Sanada would be more suspicious if she denied the incidents outright, and that Minako never does, only admits the incident and then moves the conversation right along, which all of them seem to take without much questioning; secondly, that Aigis is forbidden from bringing up the matter.
"But I am only concerned for your wellbeing," says Aigis, in the middle of Minako shoving a piece of toast into the toaster for breakfast.
"Ahh, one or two sleepless nights here and there won't do anything," says Minako, waving a hand and cracking open the fridge for the iced coffee and butter. "I promise I'm quite used to it. It happens now and then, for all sorts of reasons! Especially around finals weeks—pulling all-nighters is more common than you'd think."
"The commonality of an 'all-nighter' does not make it more healthy for you."
"No, no—I'm saying it's nothing to be worried about," says Minako soothingly, and then nearly tips over her own coffee mug.
"I do not experience worry," says Aigis, which is perhaps less than technically true considering the way Minako then proceeds to nearly drop the butter, fumble a save, and then drop the butter knife in the process. Coordination must be low. Humans really do need their sleep. "My concern is your performance in Tartarus."
"Oh! Well, that's a relief," says Minako, and laughs. "Then do me a favor? Just don't tell anyone else about it, okay? They won't understand."
"That it's nothing. My performance in Tartarus won't fall, I promise. You can count on me," she says, and beams with a little salute.
"Why is that a relief?" Aigis asks.
Minako smiles. The toaster dings and the toast pops to the surface. "I just don't want to make anyone worry," says Minako, and then finally, finally knocks over the entire jug of iced coffee with her elbow, which Aigis promptly snatches out of midair.
"Understood," says Aigis, and Minako beams, like Aigis is the only person in the world.
Therefore, because Aigis has agreed not to worry, she does not go to Minako's room the next time she wakes up from a bad nightmare out of worry. She goes to inform her that she is going to get Takeba, who will be equipped to worry in Aigis's stead.
"Don't!" says Minako sharply. She says it like a field leader order, like it's a matter of life or death, and there's an immediate threat in the vicinity. Aigis's sensors do not detect a threat in the immediate vicinity. Minako is acting irrationally as a result of emotion, but as per usual, with enough force and conviction that she can make even a robot like Aigis wonder if her sensors are mistaken.
"It will be best if someone is able to offer you emotional support—"
"No," says Minako. Her red eyes are signal flares in the dark.
"Your safety can and does override your wishes."
"I'm fine. I am fine. You said you wouldn't worry about me."
"I am not worrying about you. I am electing to get Takeba so she can worry about you."
"No, no, I—I'll be fine. I am fine! I don't need Yukari to worry about me. She has enough on her plate with her father and Mitsuru and..." Minako scrapes hair away from her face, and grimaces at the sweat that comes off. "...Aigis, just... stay with me."
"I am an anti-Shadow weapon. I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time."
"No, um... think of it like a safety thing. You have to keep me safe, right?"
"I must ensure your wellbeing, health, and safety. There is no immediate threat in the viciinity. Your wellness would be improved should someone offer you empathy."
"And I said I don't need someone to worry about me. You said you wouldn't worry about me." Minako wipes her hand clean on her shirt, then sticks it out, like an order. "I know what I'm doing, Aigis. Just stay, okay?"
"I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time."
"It's fine. Come on."
After a long moment, Aigis shoves the sentence into the command box, and takes Minako's hand. "I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time," Aigis repeats.
"Okay. Um—I don't know if you're okay with this, or—or if you can feel uncomfortable, or if you can refuse, but... can you just... stay with me for tonight?"
"I regularly stay in this room to watch you sleep," says Aigis.
Minako giggles, but it sounds... odd. Not bubbly and bright like her usual giggles. Sounds wet. Resigned. "Then maybe I'll feel safer knowing you're here," she says, and folds her fingers between Aigis'.
Minako lies back down on the pillow, her hair arrayed out around her shoulders, the open V-neck of her pajamas framing smooth moonlight skin just below Aigis' face. "You can lie down with me," says Minako, which is probably not a command but Aigis shoves into the command box again, so that they're lying face to face. Under the covers, Minako's fingers lace between Aigis', her nails scraping the soft back of Aigis's cloth synthetic skin. Aigis cannot feel Minako's hand under the hollow end-points of her gun-barrel fingers.
"Is this... enough?" Aigis asks.
"It's perfect as long as I get to hold your hand," says Minako. She looks, even sound, more content. Which is odd, because Aigis is a robot, who is neither worried about Minako nor able to offer empathy and emotional support.
"Should I be worried?" Aigis asks.
"You promised you wouldn't be. Don't."
"Understood," says Aigis. Minako closes her eyes, and breathes deep into her pillow. Her whole body sags into the mattress, a construction of flesh and blood, next to Aigis's mannequin form full of bolts and bullets. The mattress is cold on Aigis' end.
"I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time," Aigis whispers.
"Shhh," says Minako quietly, without opening her eyes. "Go to sleep."
Not a command, Aigis determines. Aigis' duties for Minako's welfare take priority. When the sun rises, Aigis is still there, watching the steady rise of Minako's chest, the tension in her eyes, measuring how, even as Minako enteres the deepest REM sleep, Minako's nails on Aigis's hand could rip a real human's skin clear through.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic, Chapter One
A03 l This is a MLB OHSHC crossover fic, with heavy Felinette.
Marinette stormed into the studio sub-basement, and stalked over to the speaker. She scrolled through her songs, chose the right one, and hit play. She jogged to the center of the room, twisting her hair into a dance bun. She threw herself into the movement, smooth lines and harsh turns. She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes further shut. How could they do this to her? They were supposed to be her friends, and they betrayed her. For that lying little...
The music stopped, and Marinette stumbled. Standing in the doorway was her mother, looking at her, worry evident in the gray eyes that they shared.
"Marinette, what's wrong? You only ever dance like that when you're upset. Your father wanted to come down too, but he needed to handle some customers. Talk to me, please." Sabine stumbled a little when her crying daughter slammed into her chest.
"They all dumped me like day-old pain au chocolate, Maman! For Lila! I thought they were my friends! What do I do? I want to take Oji-chan up on his offer, but I want to stay with you and Papa. I'm so confused." The young girl sobbed.
"Let's head upstairs and figure this out. The shop won't close for a few hours yet, but until then how about you and I make some dumplings, hmm? I bought the ingredients yesterday, so they're nice and fresh. Come on." Marinette nodded, morose. Not even the promise of fresh dumplings could help with this. Neither spoke of the fact that it was only lunch break.
"Hey, where's Marinette? You guys don't think that she's that mad about us switching seats? It's been three days." Alya asked when the bell rang. "Nino, you two have known each other your whole lives, right?" Nino, who had pulled off his headphones when his girlfriend had called his name, nodded.
"Since her family moved here from Japan when we were five, why?" Alya paused.
"She lived in Japan?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, they go back every summer. Not surprised you didn't know. She doesn't talk about it much. Again, why?" Nino's voice was growing heavy with concern.
"She hasn't been in in three days, Nino!" Alya shouted.
"She's m- wait, did you not go over and apologize yet?" Alya winced "No wonder you don't know! Alya, Marinette is moving! Back to Japan! She said- she said you two had talked." Nino's voice broke in distress.
"What!? Why would she just leave without telling me?! I'm her best friend!" Alya slammed her hands on the table in front of her.
"Best friend? You haven't even gone over to apologize!" Nino ran a hand over his hair.
"Why should I? She was just overreacting! She was just jealous!" Alya scoffed.
"In the year that you've known her, when has Marinette ever overreacted like this? You knows Marinette hates lies, that she can't lie to save her own life, so why would she lie about this? Dammit, Alya! I need to go." Nino stood and ran from the cafeteria, taking the sharp turn towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery, only to skid to a halt. Hanging in the front window was a sign, made in Marinette's unique handwriting, all loops and curls, reading 'Going out of business. Everything 75% off! '. He burst through the door, rushed past the line, and ran past the counter and up the stairs to the apartment. Sabine was packing family photos into a box stuffed with bubble wrap, while Tom was taping another shut. The two looked up at his abrupt entrance.
"Where's...Mari?" He panted. The couple exchanged glances.
“We’re sorry, Nino. You just missed her. She left on her plane two hours ago.” Sabine paced a hand on his arm. Nino shook his head.
“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I’ve known her my whole life, but I trusted Lila over her. God, how am I gonna tell Alya?” Nino twisted his cap in his hands.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, son.” Tom clapped a hand down on Nino’s shoulder, nearly making his knees buckle.
Marinette sighed and stretched. Her plane had landed, and first class or no, she hated flying. Unfortunately, it was the quickest way to Japan. Usually, at the start of summer, she and her parents took a cruise to get there, but there had been no available cabins. She walked down the hall, carrying only her carry-on bag. Her grandparents had insisted on booking her luggage, and refused to listen to her protests. She saw her bag on the carousel, and grabbed the pink and white spotted hard case, before making her way outside. She spotted her family’s chauffer, standing in front of a Porsche, holding a card with her name written on it in kanji, wearing a suit and sunglasses. She made her way over, set down her case, and gave him a hug.
“Kon’nichiwa, Shota-kun. How have you and Momo-chan been?” Marinette asked as the man placed her bags in the trunk.
“We’ve been fine, Marinette-chan. She looks forward to seeing you again.” The man smiled warmly at the thought of his wife and the girl who was practically his niece spending time together.
“I’ve missed her too.” Marinette slid into the back seat of the car, enjoying all the legroom.
The Porsche pulled to a halt in front of a western-style mansion in the suburbs. It was four stories, with a large wrap around porch and a giant garage. The gardens were a mix of traditional and western, with sand arranged in intricate patterns and rosebushes in every color. As soon as the car stopped, Marinette unbuckled and slid from the car, racing for the woman standing atop the stairs leading to the large double doors. She slowed down just before she reached the woman, and bowed hastily.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Oba-san. How are you today?” Marinette struggled to stay bowed, itching to hug her grandmother.
“Ohayo, Marinette-san. I am well, and you?” The older woman’s voice was like a river over sharp rocks, soft and inviting, yet hiding a deeper threat.
“I’m well.” Marinette recited the proper response.
“Oh, enough formality, give me hug!” A smile broke, warm and maternal, on the stern woman’s face. Marinette eagerly hugged her grandmother. “Come inside. It’s too cold out here, and you are far too thin! I’ve had Momo-chan prepare all your favorites! You don’t start school for another week, so we have plenty of time to spend together! Your Oji-kun will be home tomorrow, and your parents will join us in a month. For now, we eat!”
The first day after her arrival, Marinette did nothing but adjust to the nine-hour time difference. On her second day, one of the maids woke her early, to inform her that her Grandmother wanted her to join her in the studio. Marinette scrambled into her favorite sweater and leggings, before grabbing her dance bag. She hurried to the east wing, where the dance studio was located, next to the dojo. She entered, listening to the music drifting from the top of the line speakers. She watched her grandmother stretch for a moment, before setting down her bag and joining her at the bar. After a few minutes, they fell into an old routine, one they had choreographed the last time Marinette was home, the summer before. The two were so deeply invested in their dance, they failed to notice the elderly man slip into the room. He was tall, with black hair that was starting to go gray. He had kind, warm chocolate brown eyes, with a mole by the other corner of the left. His smile somewhat resembled a smirk, mildly higher on one side than the other, as he watched his wife and granddaughter dance. His name was Koki Cheng, father of Sabine and head chef, owner, and manager of the Lotus Flower Restaurant, the most exclusive restaurant in all Japan. The music stopped, and he cleared his throat.
“Oji-kun!” Marinette cried, throwing herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much! How was the conference?” She beamed up at him with eyes identical to his wife and daughter.
“It was fine, Mari-chan. Now, how have you been? Any potential suitors for Felix-kun to fight off?” He chuckled at her embarrassed squeak, and the way she turned bright red.
“Oji-kun! Of course not!” Both the adults laughed at the way her voice cracked at the end. “You both are so mean!” The girl protested, struggling with a smile.
The next day, instead of dance, she and her grandmother went into the dojo. Marinette wore sweat pants and a tank top, with her hands wrapped in tape. She bowed to her grandmother, prepared her bo-staff, and fell into form. The second she was ready, she turned, spinning the staff so that it caught against that of her grandmother, blocking a swing that would have hit the back of her knees. She lunged, trying to strike, but her grandmother dodged back. The two went on this way for a few minutes, until Minako caught her granddaughter in the stomach. The girl grunted, heaving as the air was knocked out of her. She slid the mouthguard out, and stretched her jaw.
“Good hit, Oba-chan! Boxing next?” The older woman nodded, leaning both staffs against the wall, before bracing the punching bag for her granddaughter. After almost thirty minutes, the two switched, so that Minako was hitting and Marinette held the bag, and continued for half an hour more. The two circulated the large dojo slash gym, until they had done a full circuit. Nearly two hours after they had started, the duo headed up the stairs.
“So, Marinette, are you excited to see Felix-kun when school starts? He’s missed you, you know.” Minako unwrapped her hands as she walked, casting a sly glance at Marinette.
“I really am. I’ve missed him too.” Felix Culpa was Marinette’s best friend since childhood. When Felix was thirteen and Marinette was twelve, their families had decided that the two would be part of a marriage contract. Either one could back out at any time, but neither had any intention. Marinette, to avoid scrutiny, had played up her mild attraction to Adrien. In all reality, she just thought he was cute. He was far too much of a push-over for her tastes. Felix, on the other hand, was slightly cold, a little cruel to those he disliked, and decidedly more assertive. In fact, thinking back on it, Adrien looked a lot like Felix. Maybe that was why she thought he was cute?
“Well, you have less than a week to wait. Now, it’s time for lunch. We’re having katsudon.” Marinette gasped, before doubling her pace. Her grandmother’s tinkling, bell-like laughter following behind her.
It was time for Marinette to leave. She started at her new school tomorrow, and she would be spending the week at her family’s penthouse a few miles from the school, and commuting back on weekends. She had her case behind her, and was hugging her grandmother tight.
“I’ll see you Friday night, right Oba-chan?” She hugged her grandmother tighter.
“Of course, Marinette-chan. For now, you need to get going if you want to reach the apartment by midnight.” The elder woman pet her granddaughter’s hair, sighing. The two so rarely got time together.
“I’ll call you after school tomorrow. I love you, Oba-chan, Oji-chan.” Marinette stepped back, and smiled weakly.
“I love you too, Mari-chan.” Her grandfather watched as she walked morosely towards the Rolls Royce waiting on her.
“I love you too, Marinette-chan. Have fun at school, and tell Felix-kun we said hello.” Marinette’s smile grew more sincere at the mention of her boyfriend.
“I will, Oba-chan! Bye!” Marinette called to her grandparents, as Shota shut her door, climbed in, and started the car.
“How do you think she’ll handle Ouran?” Minako asked her husband.
“The real question is, how will Ouran handle her?” Koki chuckled. “Our little Marinette is a spitfire, quite unlike the other heiress’ attending Suoh’s precious academy. This will be fun.” Minako slapped her husband’s arm.
“Right though you may be, Marinette is more than entertainment, husband mine.” He smiled.
“You’re right. Still, imagine the rude awakening when Felix acts like he usually does around her.” Koki chuckled again at the image.
Marinette awoke early, stretching thoroughly before heading to the kitchen. She had convinced her grandmother that she didn’t need a chef to cook for her while she was there, so she grabbed an apple and a container of yogurt, ate quickly, and headed back to her room to dress. She didn’t much like the uniform, but she would wear it. She grabbed her favorite pair of flats, twisted her hair into a bun, and contemplated what make-up to wear. She soon decided that some blush and highlighter would be plenty. With deft flicks of her wrist, she was done. Smiling at her reflection in the full-length mirror, she made her way to the penthouse’s private elevator. She pushed the button to close the doors behind her, and made her way to the street once she reached the ground floor. She nodded to Shota, who was in the front of the Rolls, and shut her door.
Ouran was massive. Five stories, three wings, and a large campus. For some reason, the whole building was pink, and seemed to glitter in the sunlight. She took a deep breath, adjusted her bag, and made her way in. She ignored the stares and whispers, and made her way to the main building, where, according to the map she had memorized the night before, the main office was. She entered an opulent office, within which sat a blond man with sharp brown eyes.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Suoh-san.” Marinette bowed quickly. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I was told by my grandfather to see you before classes started.” The man smiled and nodded.
“Your grandfather has spoken of you many times, Dupain-Cheng-san. Here is your schedule. Should you need anything, please, come straight to me. If I’m not available, you can ask my son, Tamaki. He’s a junior this year.” His eyes held a gleam she recognized from attending meetings with her grandfather. He was seeking a contract. In this case, he likely wanted her to marry his son. No, thanks. Marinette thought.
“Thank you for your time and generous offer, Suoh-san. I need to get to classes.” The man chuckled, though it lacked warmth.
“I hope you enjoy your time here, Dupain-Cheng-san.” Marinette pasted on her best fake smile.
“As do I, sir.”
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madegeeky · 5 years
Harumichi angst for everyone! This is the fic that’s been rambling about in my head for quite a while now and I finally got tired of it running itself into circles, so here it is. Inspired, as all of my Harumichi fics are, by @docholligay.
Michiru did not pray. It seemed a rather pointless endeavor, when all was said and done. 
Either deities didn’t care to exist and thus her pleas were heard by no one or the deities that did exist were cruel and she didn’t particularly care to draw their attention.
However, desperation can sometimes make even the most skeptical into a temporary supplicant. And standing amidst the wreckage of all that she had held dear, surrounded by the bloodied and broken bodies of those she had cared for, she couldn’t stop the unspoken prayer from sweeping through her, like a wave crashing on the surf. 
Please. Not this. I’ll do anything.
A heartbeat.
Then Sailor Pluto was standing in front of her. For a moment they stared at each other before Pluto stepped to the side, revealing a door behind her. “Queen Serenity wishes to speak with you,” Pluto said, waving her hand at the door which opened to blinding white.
It took a moment for Michiru to realize that the fear that had risen inside her was not her own. Or, no, not quite her own. There were sense memories that Michiru sometimes felt, when transformed. Things that the Sailor Neptune in her past life had known so well or remembered so strongly that they carried over into Michiru. 
They had never been all that strong. But the fear that rose inside her felt like a tsunami crashing on the shore. Vivid and powerful and uncontrollable, attempting to drown everything in its path. Michiru knew very little about her past life, besides the reflexes and feelings that sometimes rose within her, but she now knew this: whatever else the previous Sailor Neptune had been, she had been terrified of Queen Serenity. From the offhand comments that the cats and other Senshi had made--and even more importantly what Minako didn’t say--Michiru had no doubt that there was good reason for this fear. 
But Michiru had spent most of her life learning how to shape her emotions into submission; to obey her and not the other way around. And she was not going to allow emotions that were not quite hers to sublimate that. So she didn’t pause as she walked forward, taking deliberate steps around the bodies on the ground, special care taken not to notice who, in particular, she was stepping over. And, in the end, it hardly mattered what Queen Serenity may or may not do to her; anything was preferable to the alternative of staying here and now.
Her foot left grass and landed on white marble, as she stepped through the time gate, hearing it shut behind her. She continued to walk forward, refusing to turn her head or her eyes from the path in front of them. She had no way of knowing if the Queen was watching her and, if she was, Michiru wanted her to know that she was unimpressed with the display of opulence around her. Ahead of her, a silvery white wooden door stood open, Serenity clearly awaiting her arrival.
She stepped into a library. She saw movement out of the corner of her right eye. She turned. She saw silvery white hair. And then she found herself on one knee, her head bowed low. 
Some things become so ingrained in one’s soul, Michiru knew from experience, that they become reflex.
She did not wait for Serenity to give her permission to stand. The rage boiled inside of her, roiling with the idea that her past self had been so indoctrinated to bow to the woman before her that even now, hundreds of years and an entire life away from Serenity, the instinct had been so strong that Michiru had not been given even a chance to fight it. 
She stood in one fluid motion, head held high, face placid, steadily meeting Serenity’s eyes. Queen Serenity smiled, benevolent and beautiful, the soft tilt of her lips spoke of sympathy and kindness. The memory inside Michiru quailed but Michiru did not need that to see the sharp teeth behind Serenity’s lips.
“Ah, Sailor Neptune. I’m sorry to see you again under circumstances such as these,” Serenity said, her smile growing softer and more sympathetic, her fangs growing longer. 
“As am I, Queen Serenity,” Michiru replied, biting back the ‘your majesty’ that nipped at the tip of her tongue. Queen Serenity was not her liege anymore. Michiru was already in service to one queen of the moon, she did not need or want another. 
Serenity’s face didn’t change but Michiru knew what it looked like when one bared their fangs without showing their teeth. “Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto has told me of what has passed in your time, your world. It is unacceptable, I’m sure that even you will agree.” Michiru thought that this, perhaps, might be the only thing she and Serenity would ever agree on.
Michiru didn’t reply; she didn’t need to.
“Sailor Pluto and I have talked at great length on the best way to circumvent your mistakes. The plan with the most likelihood of success involves traveling to the past in an attempt to change things. Are you amenable to this plan?”
Michiru paused. Thought. And then said, “If Sailor Pluto has agreed that this is the best of all possible options, then I shall do it.” 
Serenity smiled and it was not kind. “Then it is decided.” A heartbeat. “However, to make your chances of success more likely, I have prepared a gift for you.” Serenity turned to the desk behind her, on which a box the size of a children’s shoe box sat, white and closed with silver ribbon. She picked it up gently, as though there was something fragile inside, and turned around, holding it out to Michiru.
Her smile was merciless. Her fangs dripped with poison.
Michiru took the box.
She had no doubt that whatever she found in the package would be helpful; she did not think that Serenity would lie when it came to the continued life of her daughter and bloodline. But Michiru also knew that she had been right; deities, should they exist, would indeed be cruel and it did one no good to receive their attention.
Michiru opened the box.
Inside lay a human heart wrapped in silvery-white threads of magic, steadily beating as though it did not realize that it had been taken from the chest meant to house it. Michiru very carefully did not react, as she looked back up at the queen standing before her. 
The queen’s smile had not changed. “A tool for you, Sailor Neptune, meant to divine the secrets in the hearts of those around you. It will reveal the monsters to you, so they do not take you unaware. You need only hold it in your hand for it to whisper its secrets to you. Once you return to the past, none but you will be able to see it.”
Serenity did not tell her to pick it up. Michiru did so because to do otherwise would be admitting weakness in front of Serenity.
Immediately a whispery voice echoed in her head, as she stared at the queen, “She wants to hurt you; she wants to see you suffer.” Michiru had not needed the heart to tell her that, but it was confirmation that at least what Serenity said was true: it did reveal the monsters around her. “I’m sorry,” the heart whispered.
It is not the snake bite that does the deadly damage, it is the venom.
There are some things, upon the knowing, which will break one beyond all sense of repair. 
The brain knows this and so it begins to work. Smoothly and deftly, the process needed to follow one logical thought to the next folds in on itself, over and over again, an origami of paths from one truth to another.
The heart, held safely and gently in Michiru’s hand, feels so terribly familiar. 
Fold. Smooth. Bend.
The whisper is strange to hear in her head, instead of with her ears.
Fold. Smooth. Bend.
The heartbeat sounds strange, out in the open, instead of being cradled in a warm moving chest.
Fold. Smooth. Bend.
Thoughts folded until the shape was so complex it was hard to divine the beginning or the end. Michiru tucks it all into the very deepest recesses of her soul, taking great care not to look at its shape, as she nods once to Serenity. “You have my gratitude, Queen Serenity. I promise that I will not let this future come to pass again.”
“I’m sure it won’t,” Serenity replies. It is a threat. It is a promise. Her fangs are still dripping with poison. This queen of the moon is not her daughter; she does not give second chances to those who disappoint her.
Without another word, Michiru turns and leaves. She does not look back. The heart beats in her hand, strong and firm and rhythmic, and whispers, “This place is wrong. Home. I miss home. Where is it? I don’t remember…”
A heartbeat. The origami deep inside Michiru folds into itself once again before sinking even deeper.
Michiru walks through the time gate, heart in her hand, and does not look back.
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awashsquid · 5 years
Part 3 of @sittingoverheredreaming‘s commission series! Group post is here, if you want to catch up (which I recommend doing before this chapter!). This part is right around 2400 words.  If you like it, thank Sam for commissioning it, reblog, leave a comment - y’all know the drill :)  If you’re interested in commissioning me, click on this handy lil link!
Haruka had returned in a matter of minutes after Hotaru’s exit, so quickly that Michiru wondered aloud how they had not ran into each other in the hall, to which Haruka just shrugged.  The nurse had acquiesced to lowering Michiru’s pain medications, and she could feel the fog dissipating from her vision.  Though this should have been a relief, the intense pain of her wounds healing at accelerated speeds acted as a hot knife, slicing and searing through each agonizing moment.  She could taste blood on her bottom lip from biting down to hold in a scream when a particularly bad wave had hit, the coppery aftertaste lingering even after the wound had stopped bleeding.
After a few minutes of Haruka whispering reassurances from beside her, Michiru began to regain enough sense to fill her in on the updates from Hotaru.  The act of explaining kept her mind somewhat distracted from the sensation of her bones knitting back together, and Haruka seemed to sense this as she quietly listened, simply nodding when Michiru would pause.
“And thus, here we are,” Michiru concluded, the somehow still perfect manicure on her left hand digging deeply into her palm as she clenched her hand into a fist from the pain.  “The handful of us against Serenity, with Mercury at her back besides.”  The pain mercifully dulled to an acute throb - impossible to ignore, but more manageable as her body and mind adjusted to its presence.  “Will you join us in killing the would-be Queen?  Of ensuring that Crystal Tokyo never comes to pass?”  
There was barely a pause before Haruka’s answer came, delivered with a small smile.  “Michi, you don’t even have to ask.  You know I would follow you anywhere, even into Hell.”  She punctuated this statement by moving a piece of hair back from where it had stuck to Michiru’s cheek, tucking it gently behind her ear, the touch as soft as a quiet wind.
Relief swelled in Michiru’s chest as the tension in her shoulders sagged.  There had not been an argument, as she had assumed there would be, and for this she was immensely grateful; she had not needed to defend the fact that Usagi, too, had died on that battlefield, and an imposter now wore her corpse.  She allowed the balm of her lover’s assurances, more effective than any medicine the hospital had to offer, to wash away the twinge of fear that the argument had been too easily won.  She almost allowed herself to believe that Haruka’s love for her meant more than her devotion to their Princess, but her brain stopped short of such blatant optimism, the serpent’s voice in the back of her mind whispering that it must be too good to be true, that she needed to ask; she could not remain blissfully ignorant in the Garden when such fruit hung inches from her face.
Michiru smiled, forcing those thoughts down, focusing only on the deep green of Haruka’s eyes as they twinkled, the brightest stars amidst the constellation of freckles on her nose, her lips wishing to explore every inch of the galaxy that her love contained.  “I’m glad to hear it.  This will be challenging enough with you; I do not wish to imagine without.”
“You’ll never have to,” Haruka replied easily before standing, the bed barely moving with the smoothness of her rising.  She leaned overtop of the resting woman and pressed a gentle kiss on the sweat-dampened forehead, and Michiru knew she should be appalled that Haruka was seeing her in such a state, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care about anything more than the lips on her brow.
As she stepped backwards, Michiru’s skin immediately tingling from the memory of those lips, gentle as a ghost, Haruka deftly plucked the call button from where it rested and placed it underneath her right hand.  “Now that’s settled, why don’t you call the nurse and ask for more pain meds?  You look like you need them.”  It wasn’t said unkindly, her lover’s eyes sympathetic and warm, but Michiru still felt the sting of the words, a cold spray of seawater splashed onto her cheek by an aggressive breeze, her cheeks flushing with the impact.
“I - perhaps it is unwise to…” her sentence drifted off as she stared at Haruka’s face, brow quirked and mouth still wearing that gently teasing smile.
“You already got approved to leave tomorrow, right?  Why make yourself suffer in the meantime?”  The corners of her mouth ticked downward and her voice took on a somber tone, losing the playful lilt of a moment before.  “I hate seeing you like this,” Haruka murmured as her eyes darted around Michiru’s body, carving out a path from the bandages on her chest to the IV in her arm, and every bruise and cut in-between.  “It’ll be easier if you just take the medicine, Michi.”  Haruka’s expression was somewhat forlorn, and Michiru found that if a suitable argument existed to the contrary, she did not know it.
“All right,” Michiru whispered, index finger lightly touching the call button.  The smile returned to Haruka’s face and she leaned down to give another feather-light kiss, the sweet temptation of her breath overpowering all traces of blood on her lips.
When Michiru awoke the next morning, eyes squinting with the effort of not simply succumbing back into blissful sleep, her vision cleared around the sight of hawklike eyes, watching her every breath intently.  It took another moment for her to realize that it was Haruka’s gaze that met her own. “How are you feeling, Michiru?”
Michiru forced her eyelids to open and shut several times, her vision still dark at the corners despite these efforts.  “Tired,” she replied plainly as she stared at the clock, brain initially almost too sluggish to determine what it read.  “Isn’t it a bit too early for visiting hours?”  She knew that her memory wasn’t currently at its best, but a memory stirred involving someone trying to see her and a nurse shooing them away, citing the policy as their argument faded into the blackness of sleep.
“Not if you’re family,” Haruka answered with a grin, although she took that moment to glance down at the watch on her arm.  “Visiting starts soon - bet the girls will be here right as they open it up.  Are you sure you feel well enough to leave?”
“I don’t feel as though I have much option,” she sighed, head sagging against the pillow behind it, the one that hadn’t improved from Haruka’s dozen or so attempts to fluff it up.  Hotaru had been correct; she was healing more quickly than a normal person would.  The doctor attributed this progress to his own qualifications, unable or unwilling to see what was there instead, and Michiru had allowed him to think that was the case.  But a few of the nurses didn’t seem to trust the good doctor as much as he trusted himself - the woman who had changed the bandage over her heart where the defibrillator had scorched her flesh had made a few too many comments about the now-unblemished skin for Michiru’s comfort.
“You can do anything, Michiru.  We can do anything.”  Haruka looked to the doorway, ensuring that they were alone before continuing in slightly hushed tones.  She leaned forward co-conspiratorially, eyes alight with mischief and promise. “We could run away together, just the two of us.  Let them sort out all this mess.  Didn’t you say you wanted to go back to Paris this year?”
“But you hate Paris,” Michiru blurted out, her forehead crinkling as her limited cognitive function struggled to the surface, each thought threatening to sink back down to the ocean floor.  “And if Serenity is allowed to rule, there will be no Paris, besides.”  She pictured the Eiffel Tower replaced by a huge crystal shard and wrinkled her nose in distaste.
“Maybe - or maybe they can beat her without us.  We could be eating pastries and drinking wine this time tomorrow, if you wanted.”  It was a careful argument, measured and thought out and so unlike Haruka’s usual rash insistence that it seemed somehow more logical than the alternative.  
Because of this, Michiru was running out of arguments against the temptation of flight.  She had always known herself to be selfish, and often a coward besides, and she could think of no better Eden than the penthouse suite of a fine hotel, Haruka ordering copious room service between rounds of intimacy under the silken sheets - 
She forced those thoughts out of her head before they threatened to swallow her up, definitively shaking her head in response to the proposition.  Michiru had bitten the apple long ago, the first time her fingers touched the warm metal rod and felt the call of the sea at her command; she knew that she could never remain in that garden paradise after knowing such destruction, lest she decimate its beauty.  “What about the Mission, Haruka?  Were you not always the one who loved the Princess so?”  The argument was all wrong, all backwards - shouldn’t she be the one wishing to flee, to escape the destiny she had so loathed?
“My Princess is dead.  I have no one left to protect.”  Haruka leaned forward, eyes smoldering with heat and intensity as she swore her next words, a devotion deep as prayer falling from her lips.  “No one - except you.”
Michiru felt her heart thud and flip wetly in her chest, a combination of joy and confusion that muddled the ability to feel either emotion in its entirety.  A reply did not come swiftly, but mercifully she was saved the trouble by a knock from the doorway of her hospital room, Hotaru’s pale fist rapping against the wooden doorframe and lingering there.
Without waiting for an invitation, Hotaru entered.  She was followed by Minako, the cadence of her walk almost military, and then Rei, her usual stomping footfalls louder than the rest as she bustled in behind.
“You got everything fixed, right?” Hotaru asked as she stopped at the foot of the bed, crossing her arms impatiently.
“And good morning to you all as well,” Michiru snipped, knowing that perhaps she deserved no niceties but wishing for them all the same, especially from the girl she had once looked after as though she were her own.  “Yes, everything is taken care of.”
“Good,” Minako answered, ignoring the snide remark.  “Once we get you home, Hotaru has volunteered to use her healing powers on you intermittently.  It’ll help the healing happen even faster.”
“Thank you,” she replied frankly, trying to catch Hotaru’s gaze as the younger girl pointedly looked out of the window to her right.  
Minako snorted.  “Don’t take it as a favor; we need all four of us if we have any chance of taking down Serenity, especially now that she has Mercury with her.”
“Five,” Michiru automatically corrected, also choosing to ignore the slight handed to her, the two exchanging blows in a more intense version of their usual verbal sparring, the training foils replaced with thin, sharp blades that required a deft ballet to dodge.
The three women standing at the bottom of her bed looked at one another with indiscernible expressions before Rei stepped closer to Michiru, eyes fixed firmly on her own.  “Michiru, there are four of us.”
Michiru shook her head and looked at Haruka, still sitting in the corner, her expression neutral as she watched the exchange.  “Unless the fundamentals of basic mathematics have been altered during my absence, I am counting five.  You, Hotaru, Minako, Haruka, and myself.”  She punctuated each name by gesturing loosely towards the corresponding woman, their eyes following her movements.
“Shit,” Minako cursed under her breath.
“I told you,” hissed Hotaru at the same time.  Rei was silent as she turned to glare at them both, and Minako turned away from the bed, her expression hidden from view.  Rei inhaled deeply before perching on the bed next to Michiru, the mattress sagging under her weight.
“Michiru, where’s Haruka?” she asked, her tone that nearly-gentle lilt she sometimes used with Usagi when she was being particularly difficult, a patient schoolteacher imparting a lesson on some unruly child.
She huffed somewhat, unaccustomed to being patronized by anyone, let alone one of very few people that she would consider a friend.  “She’s right there,” Michiru indicated, again pointing to the corner where Haruka sat sideways in the chair, her back resting against the wall.  “She’s been here since I woke up.”
Rei opened her mouth to say something, but Minako whipped around in a flurry of blonde hair and raised her face up to meet Michiru’s gaze, tears streaming down her cheeks even as her eyes were filled with fury.  “Haruka’s dead.”
Michiru felt her heart burst open and drop, hemorrhaging blood and bile into her stomach as it twisted and roiled in her gut.  Her eyes moved unbidden to the corner chair, where Haruka was casually engaged in staring at the ceiling.  “That’s not possible,” Michiru whispered, the words shaking as her breaths heaved unsteadily.
“Oh, it’s more than possible,” Minako answered coldly, her voice a sword as it was unsheathed, the metallic scraping present over every syllable.  “It happened.  You didn’t stab the monster; you stabbed Uranus - you stabbed Haruka - instead.”  She let out a bitter snort, and it was the sound of the blade pushing through flesh.  “You’d think you’d remember killing your own partner.”
Michiru shook her head wildly, hands clenching the hospital sheets as they balled into tight fists at her sides.  “Whatever idea of a joke you are presenting, it is not funny, Minako,” she hissed, never taking her eyes off of Haruka, almost afraid that if she looked away, the woman would disappear into the wind.
Rei took hold of her hand and Michiru startled slightly at the contact, her gaze moving to the woman on her bed instinctively.  The hand squeezed hers carefully, avoiding the IV line, and all Michiru could focus on was the fact that Rei’s middle finger’s nail polish was chipped, a piece of the red missing to reveal the pale pink underneath, naked and exposed.  “She’s telling the truth, Michiru,” Rei said in tones almost hushed enough to be a whisper, a sort of pleading in her eyes that Michiru pretended not to see as she looked back to the chair where Haruka still sat, handsome and smiling and real.
“I told you we should have run away together,” Haruka murmured sadly, a wry grin on her face.  She pulled a perfectly red apple from her pocket and took a bite, letting the juices run down her chin.
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iohourtime · 5 years
Semi Otoko (Cicada Man) - Story, Cast, and Comments
From the Official Website of the show  https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/semio/#/?category=drama
Start Date: 2019.07.26 (Friday) 11:15 pm JST on TV Asahi
“What a Wonderful World!” - Semi
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This is a miraculous love story between a beautiful cicada prince and a 30-ish woman
The story was set in an apartment building called “Utsusemi* Sou (Manor)” located just outside the city center. The old, but tasteful and elegant English-style building was home to a number of unique residents.
Semi was a cicada born in the garden behind the apartment complex. After spending a long time underground, he was finally ready to emerge in the summer. "Finally I can go to the world I so longed for!” --- with high expectations and exuberant spirits, he popped out of the ground, but in that moment, he felt a woman about to land on his head…! “I went into the world as determined but I am going to die before I even take flight…” Just as he was ready to accept his unavoidable death, the woman managed to swerve and fell just a little off to his side. Semi cheated death this time.
The woman was Yuka, who lived in “Utsusemi Manor”. She was a 30-ish (arasa) woman who worked in a food company and spent most of her days not doing much.  Semi, seeing Yuka’s lonely and dispirited face, decided to become human to thank her for saving his life, promising to fulfill Yuka’s wish!
Without knowing why, Semi and Yuka spent 7 days living together. Although she was often shocked and bewildered by Semi’s weird and otherworldly behaviour, she started falling in love with this semi prince who was doing everything he can to try to make her happy.
The emerged Semi can only live for 7 days above ground - don’t you all want to see how the miraculous love story between the beautiful, personified Semi and the sullen, 30-ish Yuka?
* I looked up Utsusemi in the dictionary.  Utsusemi apparently means “man of the world”, “”the real world”, or “temporal things”.  It also could refer to a “cicada shell” or “cast-off”. So I guess it is a double entendre.
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Semi (Yamada Ryosuke - Hey! Say! JUMP)*
This summer, Semi emerged from the ground (as a human).
In the moment he emerged from the ground, Yuka was about to fall on him, ending this chapter of the story… as he thought about that, Yuka brilliant "avoidance" saved his life.
He became concerned about Yuka, who is kind, but also a bit sad. “Can I do anything for this person?”, “I want to make her smile.”, he started thinking…
With that, he transformed into human form (very beautiful), and started living with Yuka at “Utsusemi Manor” in his limited, 7-days lifespan. To Semi, everything in the world is glorious, a place he yearned for. That’s why his catchphrase is “What a wonderful world!” His favourite food is maple syrup.
Since he is a cicada, he is not familiar with normal human behaviour, so he frequently act in weird, other-worldly ways.
* Weird. I thought Yamada stopped being credited with the group’s name since a few years ago. I guess we’ll have to see the credits on the episode itself.
Okawa Yuka (Kinami Haruka)
A 30-ish woman who lived in "Utsusemi Manor". She worked in a food factory and was really bad at communicating with people (not a smooth-talker). Anyway, she did not have much of a life.
Both her parents were hardcore gansters (Yankee). Her brother was The Legendary Yankee. One day, she unknowingly reported her brother’s crimes to the police, and everyone around her blamed her for this. As a result, she found it hard to live in her hometown and moved to Tokyo.
Since Semi was furiously expressing his thanks for saving his life, and before she knew it, she started living with him for the next 7 days...
Kumada Minako (Imada Mio)
A resident of “Utsusemi “Manor”. She dreamed of becoming a designer, so she went from Fukuoka to Tokyo. She attended a school of fashion and asked Yuka for help on many of her sewing projects. She made clothes for Kugiko, Nejiko, and Haru, and the residents wore those clothes a lot.
She was the type who would say whatever is on her mind and she’s also very fashionable.
Okawa Kenta (Miyake Ken)
Yuka's older brother. He is famous in his hometown as the "legendary Yankee". He’s a legend is not only because he’s strong, but he may also be a legendary idiot... He was too stupid, so he unknowingly participated in breaking and entering; his younger sister, Yuka, reported him to [the police], leading to his arrest.
Iwamoto Haru (Yamazaki Shizuyo)
A picture book writer who lived in "Utsusemi Manor". She went around wearing a beret and unusual clothes. She was a very strong and kind-hearted woman who was loved by all the residents. She used to be part of a comedy duo with her husband, Masa.
Iwamoto Masa (Yatsui Ichiro)
A resident of “Utsusemi Manor”. He was Haru’s husband and used to be part of a comedy duo with her.  Because he loved Haru so much, he became too sweet as the straight-man in the duo, so he had to give up being a comic. He currently worked in a company [as a regular employee].
Ogawa Kunio (Kitamura Yukiya)
A resident of “Utsusemi Manor”. He worked in an unspecified job and often stayed in his apartment. He kept saying “his body is weak" and "his will die soon", but it had been many years since [he started saying that]. Anyway, he was a man of mysteries.
Shouno Nejiko (Agawa Sawako)
One of the landlords of “Utsusemi Manor”. She was the younger sister of the so-called "Kokubunji Sisters". In contrast to her impatient sister, she was very easygoing and a little slow.
Shono Kugiko (Dan Fumi)
One of the landlords of “Utsusemi Manor”. She was the older sister of the so-called "Kokubunji Sisters". She was very impatient, who always complained about her dumb sister. Although they argue all the time, the sisters actually got along very well.
Comments from the Cast, Writer, and Producer
Semi - Yamada Ryosuke
This is my first appearance in a TV Asahi drama! And I am playing “Semi”! A semi that goes “min, min” (laughs).
When I first heard about it, I thought it was a type of drama that I have never seen before. Since Okada Yoshikazu-san worked on the script, and it is very interesting! It depicted the importance of human connections, and my character has a lot of lines that will move people’s hearts, so it’ll be nice if it resonates with the audience. The story also unfolds in a very interesting way and I hope all of us will have fun making this drama.
Today, we went to take photos and videos for the press release and promotional segment, but it was very surreal! (Laughs) I was filming at a certain park in Tokyo, but the way people looked at me… (Laughs). While I was doing various things like clinging to trees and pretending to fly, a child who was watching said "What is that Onii-chan doing?" I so was embarrassed (laughs). However, I think I want to act well in the drama from the surreal parts to the touching parts.
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Actually, this is the second time I played the role of "Semi." Last time, I was a contract killer called “Semi” in the movie "Glasshopper", which is completely different from the “Semi” this time. I think I might be the only one in this industry that had played "Semi" twice (laughs)?
I have never thought I needed to "understand the feeling of a cicada" in my life, but I guess I have to study hard on its ecology this summer! Since nobody had tried to personify a cicada before, so I'll try to prepare for this challenge!
It’s my first appearance in a TV Asahi drama and I am really excited. Since I have only gone on “Music Station” before, I think it is nice and a bit stressful to see myself in other timeslots.
"Semi Otoko" is definitely going to be the drama that will make you laugh and cry this summer! Please look forward to it.
Ozawa Yuka - Kinami Haruka*
* The official site have not updated the other cast’s comments yet. I got this from the article announcing the additional cast.
When I heard that it is a love story with a cicada, I already thought it sounded interesting. I am very excited and look forward to how this story develops. I want to throw myself into the role and show the changes in the relationships, not just with Semi-Otoko, but also with the various characters as written by Okada-san.
(Yamada, who plays Semi, looks forward to meeting Kinami. "Kinami-san really likes bread ... and so do I! I think I can get a lot of detailed information [about bread] from her while we are filming!”)
Ozawa Kenta - Miyake Ken
This time I'm playing the older brother of Yuka, played by Kinami Haruka-san; the character is said to be “the legendary Yankee,” but he's just an idiot (laughs). However, I want to be a lovable idiot, so I want everyone who watch the drama to feel that way about my older brother character.
I worked with Yamada Ryosuke-kun when V6 and Hey! Say! JUMP were the main personalities in the “24 Hour TV” special, and at that time, we worked on “Stomp” together. My impression is that he was serious and stoic about practicing and he is very responsible. This time, I will do my best to spice up this drama starring Yamada-kun.
This story is a wonderful fantasy in which Semi gradually gains a place in Yuka’s heart. Yuka is a woman whose family is very unhelpful, meets Semi, who wants to properly thank her and fulfil her wish; the little blessings in life gradually become important things - I think that I want to see this Yuka appear.
When you see a beautiful, cute, and pale young man like Yamada-kun in a drama on Friday night, I hope you will feel healed from the tiredness of work and study. Immerse yourself in the elixir that is Yamada-kun’s “Semi Otoko", and I think you can have a pleasant weekend and be ready to face Monday again.
Screenplay - Okada Yoshikazu
It’s been 20 years since I last wrote a drama for TV Asahi, and it is for the “Friday Night Drama” slot, which had been the home of many interesting works before, so I am having a great time [working on this project].
This time, I have indulgently used Yamada Ryosuke-san as my muse for this original project. I was very happy when he accepted the offer to act as the titular character. This is an ambitious project, but at the same time, I am very confident about it. It is at once funny and sad, it will move your heart, and while you may cry, it is not tears of sadness. That’s the type of drama. Yamada-san’s Semi Otoko will surely wash away your tiredness every Friday night. It is “very cute”.
It is not only Yamada-san. The heroine of the story is also someone I really love. There are also a lot of other interesting actors in the show. It is quite fun to write.
You will cry your heart out in the last episode; I probably cried the most as I wrote it.
I hope you can look forward to it.
TV Asahi - Producer Hattori Nobuyuki
These days, you cannot go a day without someone being shamed on SNS.
Someone tried to bring someone else down a peg and take a little pleasure, and [somehow] it spread like wildfire .... It is a difficult world to live in. That’s why I want to make a warm drama that can give people a [virtual] hug and gentle encouragement them in these times.
The gentle yet sad story woven by Okada Yoshikaz-san… This is a "fully affirmative drama" that reinforces everyone's way of life.
Who would you want to give you that gentle hug and encouragement?
For the role of the Semi Prince, I cannot think of anyone other than Yamada Ryosuke-san. He is Japan’s number one “affectionate” and “gentle” actor.  How will Yamada-san be like in the slightly surreal world created by Okada-san…, I am happily looking forward to it.
I hope “Yamada-san is Semi!” will not get dragged on SNS...
Photos and First Teaser
There is no photos or teasers from the show yet since they haven’t started shooting as far as we know. The first teaser is actually a homage to the long running docuseries “Jonetsu Dairoku” featuring actor Yamada Ryosuke and has nothing to do with the actual show.
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The video is also geo-blocked to Japan only.
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disneydreamlights · 5 years
Ticole, Skyuuya, Matt/Luca, NiNick, Syrice/Alex, Akiham, Shuake, Chrobin
 Like per usual, fandom ships above read more. OC ships below.
big spoon/little spoon: Akihiko is big spoon. He’s like a lot bigger than Minako if I’m remembering correctly.
favorite non-sexual activity: You can’t tell me they don’t have eating contests regularly. Mr. Protein beef bowl and Ms. Don’t Touch My Food or I kill you both have to fight over this.
who uses all the hot water: Minako, I cannot explain this thought but Akihiko seems like the guy who would shower in an absolutely cold shower. Minako meanwhile will turn the water up to eleven.
most trivial thing they fight over: “Akihiko you need a diet other than protein” “No.” Okay so here’s the thing, Minako and Akihiko are the type of couple to fight over the stupidest things but never anything serious. So it’s probably something insanely dumb like who destroyed the most Shadows in Tartarus.
who does most of the cleaning: Minako. Akihiko’s room is sorta a mess if I’m remembering the room explorations correctly.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Minako watches a ton of TV and thus pays for all of it. Akihiko just watches whatever she does.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Akihiko calls Mitsuru, because she’s probably his landlord.
who leaves their stuff around: Again Akihiko’s room is kinda a mess, I’d bet he leaves his stuff all over the place.
who remembers to buy the milk: Akihiko? Remembering to buy anything other than protein? Nah.
who remembers anniversaries: Both of them. Akihiko writes it down for months to make sure that he doesn’t forget and Minako just naturally remembers because she remembers all important dates.
Who cooks normally? ...I wouldn’t trust Akihiko to cook. I really wouldn’t.
How often do they fight? Playful bickering? Probably a fair amount of times. Serious arguing? I can really only think of one in my headcanon, because I headcanon that Akihiko was the one who pushed Minako to make the right decision on New Years Eve, but it took a fight to get them there, so it’s very very rare.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Akihiko does boxing and training, as well as his studies. Minako does her various club and school activities and socializing.
Nicknames for each other? Minako calls him “Aki” after their rank ten, and she’s one of few people to do it. I headcanon that he calls her “Mina” in return.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Minako has a ton of money after P3 sooooooo...
Who steals the covers at night? Again, Minako’s a blanket thief, she totally does this.
What would they get each other for gifts? HEY I’M SUPER FUCKING EMOTIONAL OVER THIS MINOR P3 SPOILERS FOR THE SOCIAL THING THAT SOLD ME ON THIS BOY. Okay so on Christmas Eve Akihiko buys Minako a music box which is a) The best item in the game (seriously, unlimited SP heals, it’s awesome) and b) is symbolic of a promise. Every Christmas afterwards he plans on buying her jewelry, as a promise to each other that they’ll both make it out and defeat Nyx and it’s basically his hope for the future and I love this boy so much. As for his gift, Minako makes them all, because Minako is super crafty.
Who kissed who first? I had to think about this for a sec and I’m pretty sure it was Minako who does this? I think???
Who made the first move? ...Minako
Who remembers things? Minako naturally remembers, Akihiko makes notes in an effort to remember.
Who started the relationship? YOU THINK AKIHIKO CAN START ANYTHING ROMANTICALLY??? You have to tell this idiot how he feels to start romancing him.
Who cusses more? Minako has surprisingly bad language, neither of them use a lot but I think Minako might a bit more?
What would they do if the other was hurt? Minako would beat herself up because she failed her team. Akihiko would prepare to kill anything in his path, anything in an attempt to bury his pain and lose himself.
big spoon/little spoon: Akira is a big spoon in any and all relationships and that’s final.
favorite non-sexual activity: I can see the both of them spending hours sitting over some kind of puzzle or strategy game and either working together or going against each other.
who uses all the hot water: Akechi spoils himself in some ways now that he can and the hot water is definitely a thing he can spoil himself with.
most trivial thing they fight over: Knowing these two? Literally everything.
who does most of the cleaning: Both. Akechi can’t handle messes because he needs to have control over every little detail possible. Akira is just a naturally neat person and so he tidies up quickly.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Akechi does and he uses it for kids animes. This is a boy who was obsessed with hero animes and the like.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Akira. Akechi probably wouldn’t care and just put up with it. Even if he hates the cold
who steals the blankets: Morgana steals it from both of them, much to Akechi’s annoyance.
who leaves their stuff around: Like with the cleaning question, I can’t really see either of them doing this.
who remembers to buy the milk: Akira, he’s probably in charge of food in general for the two of them, so he takes care of it.
who remembers anniversaries: Both of them remember this at least.
Who cooks normally? Akira’s a good cook, Akechi doesn’t really care half as much about food, you know, despite running a food blog.
How often do they fight? A lot, especially in the beginning. As time goes on though they mellow out considerably.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Akechi has his work as a detective to fall back on, and the two also have a lot of studying to do.
Nicknames for each other? God I cannot see either of these two using cutesy nicknames ever.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Akechi probably pays for most but there are at least a few times that Akira decides to try and pay.
Who steals the covers at night? Akechi, he gets colder easier if you want my opinion so he would need more blankets at night.
What would they get each other for gifts? Akira goes out of his way to find Akechi limited edition Featherman merch. Akechi gets Akira small sentimental items, because that’s the sort of thing Akira appreciates.
Who kissed who first? Akira’s the smooth one, he’s the one who kisses first.
Who made the first move? So Akechi confesses first, he absolutely does not expect Akira to respond but then Akira does and he’s like “??? Somebody actually likes me?????”
Who remembers things? Akira has a much better memory when it comes to smaller things. Akechi has a good memory, but his focus means that he doesn’t always remember when it matters.
Who started the relationship? Akechi
Who cusses more? DEPENDS because when Akechi wears his pleasant boy face? He hardly ever curses, but the moment he drops the facade, he has no filter.
What would they do if the other was hurt? Akechi would kill. Akira would do what he can to protect and hold off.
big spoon/little spoon: Chrom is big spoon that’s all I’m saying.
favorite non-sexual activity: Chrom just really likes listening to Robin read. They kinda mutter to themself a lot over the text they’re reading and they just have quiet conversations over whatever the story is, probably some bickering over the story as well.
who uses all the hot water: Chrom is spoiled and uses way too much hot water. Everybody in the castle hates him for it, not just Robin.
most trivial thing they fight over: All I can think of is the F!Robin/Chrom supports where the entire thing is just trivial fighting and honestly? That’s probably it.
who does most of the cleaning: Robin. I cannot imagine Chrom ever having a clean home or organized whatsoever.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: I feel like Chrom would be the one with this. He’s a total nerd and he tries to get Robin into the same stuff as him.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Chrom is the landlord.
who steals the blankets: Robin steals the blankets. When you spend all that time in a cloak you’re bound to prefer things warmer, and thus they try to steal blankets all the time.
who leaves their stuff around: Robin. They clean it up later but they’re an organized mess and while they’re working it means things end up in random places until they’re done doing their tactician stuff.
who remembers to buy the milk: Frederick. Robin and Chrom are banned from anything that involves food or groceries.
who remembers anniversaries: Chrom puts forth like super extra effort on the anniversaries to make sure that Robin always has one to remember.
Who cooks normally? Again, Frederick.
How often do they fight? Almost never. Robin and Chrom trust each other explicitly and know better than to step on each other’s toes. The only time they’ve ever truly fought was when it was revealed Robin was Grima.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? I mean...Chrom has a kingdom to rule, Robin has strategies. They both have friends to hang around and kids to take care of. They just kinda go about their lives.
Nicknames for each other? Just all sorts of general pet names, no real specific nicknames that stick.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? ...I mean Chrom’s a prince, I think he has money.
Who steals the covers at night? Chrom does. Sorta. It’s more like he serves as Robin’s covers and then uses the covers for himself.
What would they get each other for gifts? Robin’s gift is that they pay for all the damage that Chrom causes around the castle and doesn’t tell other people. That and they get him small things that make them think of him, like it’s more gifts from the heart than anything else. Chrom gets Robin memories. And I mean that literally, he’ll buy them things based on things that they’ve done. So even if they forget, they remember.
Who kissed who first? This is the only thing I’m pretty sure Robin did first, in secret, in the tactician tent after Chrom confessed.
Who made the first move? Chrom. Robin is not about to date during the middle of a war, let alone the person in charge of the army.
Who remembers things? Robin makes sure to never forget anything, since they’re always worried about that.
Who started the relationship? Chrom. Again, Robin wasn’t even willing to move forward with it until after the war. Chrom was.
Who cusses more? Chrom has a sailors mouth and you can’t convince me otherwise.
What would they do if the other was hurt? Based on his reaction after what happened to Emmeryn? Chrom probably goes mad in grief and fear. Robin has a much quieter method, and chooses to make the more strategically sound option while trying to keep Chrom safe. They stay rational.
big spoon/little spoon: Nicole is too small to be the big spoon and honestly? That’s a shame.
favorite non-sexual activity: Is dragon raising a valid answer? I’m pretty sure it’s dragon raising Nicole loves her pet dragon. Also hanging around with their friends.
who uses all the hot water: ...honestly Nicole? She showers in water so hot it probably burns.
most trivial thing they fight over: Do they fight???? Nicole is bad at fighting people she cares about and Tip is timid as hell I don’t even know what or when they’d be fighting at all?
who does most of the cleaning: Tip definitely prefers to do the cleaning. Nicole helps out whenever she can, but Tip does it more.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Nicole. Mostly for Disney stuff. *shot*
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: They own their own house.
who steals the blankets: Nicole wraps Tip in all the blankets and then admires the cute blanket burrito that is the product of all her energy.
who leaves their stuff around: Probably Nicole??? I’m honestly not really sure.
who remembers to buy the milk: Pretty sure this is Tip. He probably has lists and triple checks them.
who remembers anniversaries: I don’t think either of them could forget honestly. Tip is hyperfocused on remembering every single important date and Nicole is just super dedicated where she never would.
Who cooks normally? Tip
How often do they fight? Honestly??? Like never. I don’t think they’ve fought once. I really don’t. I can’t remember rping any fights for them.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Hahahahahahahahaha. Okay we’re going with normal away from each other and not that alive/death thing. Nicole’s probably hanging out with Ian and Charles or in the arena earning a little bit of extra gold if Tip’s with Ian and Charles and they’re not together. Tip’s probably reading or helping take care of Celestia.
Nicknames for each other? There was a weird phase where Nicole called Tip “Tippy” in SC but uh...neither of them are really nicknamey people tbh.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? I mean they share funds pretty much always since rp funds are collaborative anyways.
Who steals the covers at night? ...honestly Nicole. She’ll never admit it, but she gets cold super easy.
What would they get each other for gifts? Man Tip bought Nicole like...a house, won her a dragon, I don’t think she’s topping that. But she does at least try. I think honestly though in all seriousness they tend to just get each other little things. There’s not really any big things but just tiny little signs of happiness.
Who kissed who first? Nicole, for sure.
Who made the first move? Nicole asked Tip to raise a dragon with her, so I’d say it was probably her.
Who remembers things? Both do.
Who started the relationship? Tip confessed first, so I guess that’d mean he was the one to start the relationship.
Who cusses more? Nicole. She has...moderately bad language. Tip cursed once and it was so ooc I almost washed his mouth out with soap.
What would they do if the other was hurt? Tip would try to heal her right away, and do what he could to keep her stable while boosting other people so they can get out of the battle. Nicole would...go murderous whoops.
big spoon/little spoon: Yuuya’s too tall for Sky to be big spoon so I guess she’s just gotta be the little spoon here.
favorite non-sexual activity: We’ve put these two through...so much...are they even allowed to have fun??? Is that legal??? I think at this point so long as they’re together and alive, it’s a favorite activity. (On that note though, I am a music bitch. I remember you headcanoning Yuuya playing Saxophone and I always like the idea of Sky playing flute. Let them play some duets when they have free time together.)
who uses all the hot water: I can’t see either of them doing this honestly? Forgetting their situation I don’t see either of them as long shower people.
most trivial thing they fight over: Their relationship is built on bickering it probably has something to do with Yuuya being dumb of ass.
who does most of the cleaning: Both, they’re both clean enough people where I can’t see them just kinda leaving things a mess if they have a chance to clean.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: So it’s actually Sera’s but Sky has a profile and so whenever they go on dates she just casually puts it on.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Yuuya would if they had a landlord. Spoiler alert: They kinda don’t despair world ain’t a place for that.
who steals the blankets: Sky. She’s long since learned that Yuuya would rather her have them than himself and so she ends up just taking them for herself.
who leaves their stuff around: They don’t really have a lot of stuff, but Sky’s a lot more likely to do this than Yuuya is.
who remembers to buy the milk: Good memory means that they both manage to remember.
who remembers anniversaries: Both of them do, but given that Yuuya’s a foppish romantic he has a tendency to remember them earlier and do more of the prep work for celebrating.
Who cooks normally? Sky probably does it more often than not. I’m sure Yuuya does on dates because he wants to treat Sky well but outside of that? Sky.
How often do they fight? I’d like to think after the conversation where Sky learns Yuuya’s a spy in PoD, they very rarely have a true fight. Most of them afterwards would probably come after Sylvia and Leone are born, and the two of them have to come to terms with the fact that if something happens to them then that fucks the kids but also neither really wants to stop trying to save the world, if they ever happened at all.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Sky does a lot of training, or reaches out to contact Sera and do offworld missions. Yuuya does a lot of his spy stuff, or hangs around Hiyoko and Sakuya. (If Sakuya will let him.)
Nicknames for each other? Yuuya calls Sky “mon amie” which I guess technically he kinda does to a lot of people, but he gradually reserves it only for Sky when she does become his love. Sky meanwhile calls him “birdbrain” which started as a meta joke (because Yuuya’s a Hatoful Boyfriend character get it?) and an insult but gradually just kinda became this endearing name. Like if anybody else called him that it’d probably be mean but there’s no real other way to describe it besides teasing at this point.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? I’m pretty sure Yuuya would want to treat Sky for dinner as many times as he possibly can, even if she doesn’t let him.
Who steals the covers at night? Sky makes extra efforts to share them, because neither of them are full cover thiefs. But on really cold nights she might steal the extra ones.
What would they get each other for gifts? A Keyblade Okay so first of all I have to just like...make this clear, I think in general getting gifts for each other is very difficult between the two? The nature of the world kinda makes it hard to do traditional gifts, so I think the gifts are less possession in nature and more like...experience gifts. So like for a gift they might take each other to a peaceful night where they can pretend the world isn’t ending.
Who kissed who first? Sky did. Mostly to make him shut up after asking for one. Mostly.
Who made the first move? Technically Yuuya did. I mean he flirted with her in like...the first ten minutes of meeting her.
Who remembers things? Both of them. As spies and heroes, having a good memory to do things is kinda a very important skill to have.
Who started the relationship? Sky confessed, so that’d mean probably her.
Who cusses more? Yuuya. Sky very, very rarely curses, if ever, so he kinda wins by default.
What would they do if the other was hurt? HEY ZOE REMEMBER WHEN SKY GOT KILLED AND YUUYA JUST COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN LIKE FIRST HIS EMOTIONS AND THEN HIMSELF. I do. I still hurt. Holy hell ow. Anyways he would probably do whatever he could to save her to avoid that happening because never ever again. Sky herself is likely trying to suppress her panic response, and just does her best to get him to a healer like...as quickly as possible. They’ve been through this much together and she’s not about to let him die now.
big spoon/little spoon: Luca is little spoon for one big important reason, he is absolutely terrified to like close Matt in in any possible way because he wants to avoid causing a panic attack.
favorite non-sexual activity: A part of me wants to joke and say Matt’s a corruptive influence and their favorite activity is stealing and sneaking but in all seriousness it’s hard to say. I’d honestly probably say playing sports together, since while Luca’s a huge dork, he’s also fairly good in shape and decent at several sports, while Matt you’ve mentioned has issues with doing less...active activities, so it allows him to keep moving as well. Matt also probably sometimes just does running and Luca draws him.
who uses all the hot water: Both do so it’s whoever showers first. Matt’s a little shit and probably does it on purpose to annoy people. Luca’s Luca and spends an hour in the shower so that uses a lot of hot water.
most trivial thing they fight over: Lila’s dogs. Matt adores them long after they’re no longer in the apartment, Luca still insists their monsters.
who does most of the cleaning: Luca’s very much a disorganized mess. His entire house will only have an organizational method that makes sense to him. So Matt probably has to be the one to do this.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Luca’s the only one of these two who cares enough about movies to have this.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Considering at least the current apartment is in his name, Luca has to do this.
who steals the blankets: Matt probably doesn’t even need them but he is absolutely enough of a bastard to do this. Until Luca gets pouty and cold.
who leaves their stuff around: See the above answer. Luca’s method of finding things is just leaving them lying around until they show up again. 
who remembers to buy the milk: Luca has to. He needs milk to feed his cute kitty.
who remembers anniversaries: So while both Matt and Luca remember the big one, I feel like all the other ones? That’s Luca’s specialty. “Happy anniversary of the day we got together the first time, like back when you were in the cult.” “Happy anniversary of the day we broke up.” “Happy anniversary of the day we first met” because Luca is that kind of a dork. He does eventually drop it down to just the day they resumed dating and any other days afterwards...eventually.
Who cooks normally? Isn’t it just canon that all Kubricks are good cooks if their name isn’t Ian? I mean Luca definitely can cook and does, but Matt is better so Luca insists he does it like...9/10 times.
How often do they fight? So Luca is very even temperament over all. Enough prodding will make him upset but Matt tries not to prod him ever to that point, so I really don’t see it happening that often, so maybe a few times?
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Matt’s probably committing crimes, or I guess track or spending time with his family, Luca’s probably hanging out with Lila or drawing or practicing archery.
Nicknames for each other? Luca calls Matt “Matty Pie” once after hearing Dan do it, but never again. Since Luca never really uses nicknames for him, I don’t see Matt really doing them a lot for Luca either. Unless the codenames count. They probably use Fang and Wolf a lot even after the Phantom Thief stuff.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? I mean technically the answer would be Matt since he’s always giving Luca free coffee drinks and stuff but the actual answer is Luca. He overall has a bit more money to spend, especially once all the cult stuff is done, and doesn’t mind treating Matt to some things.
Who steals the covers at night? This time it’s actually Luca. He gets cold easily and if anybody’s going to do it it’s going to be him.
What would they get each other for gifts? Do the daily coffees and wolf ears they’ve already gotten each other not count???? Or the kindness and forgiveness Luca always gives???  No okay in all seriousness Luca’s probably constantly conspiring with Ebony for stuff like in OSF and they work together on their gifts and theme them. Matt’s always giving Luca free drinks anyways.
Who kissed who first? So technically, Luca went in for the kiss first, but he accidentally triggered Matt. So we gotta give it to Matt, who after he calmed down chose to kiss Luca anyways.
Who made the first move? I think Luca flirted first? Admittedly this could’ve been either of them and I’d absolutely believe it.
Who remembers things? Matt has a good memory for a lot of the stuff in their relationship and about Luca, but Luca takes things above and beyond because he feels like it’s super important to like...remember every detail about Matt that he can. Especially given Matt’s mental health.
Who started the relationship? Matt asked Luca out the first time, but when all is said and done it’s Luca who asks Matt out the second time.
Who cusses more? Matt. It has to be Matt. There’s no way it’s not.
What would they do if the other was hurt? Matt would no remorse just stab whatever the hell hurt Luca and then get the boy out of there. Luca does what he can to ensure Matt is stable, and keeps him away from whatever hurt Matt. So like...if it’s mental trauma, he’ll do his best to reassure. If it’s physical, Luca will keep anything from hitting an unconscious Matt.
big spoon/little spoon: Nina is the little spoon and Nick’s the big spoon I cannot imagine Nina as the little spoon.
favorite non-sexual activity: Amusement park dates. Nina loves them in general and given they got together in a Ferris Wheel, it makes for a nice reminder of happier times.
who uses all the hot water: Honestly nine times out of ten they probably shower together, so they both end up using the the hot water at the same time.
most trivial thing they fight over: Getting out of bed in the morning. Nick’s a morning person and likes to try to do things. Nina absolutely wouldn’t leave the bed until 5:00 PM if she had her way.
who does most of the cleaning: Both of them, sometimes. It’s not that I don’t think one would do it more often than the other, I just know Nina once she’s up and moving has a lot of boundless energy and Nick probably likes keeping things cleaner, so they work on it together.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Honestly, I can’t see either of them having a Netflix account.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: N/A Nina and Nick own the house.
who steals the blankets: Nina hates the cold and would burrito herself a thousand times if it meant avoiding cold.
who leaves their stuff around: I would say Nina. Like I said I see Nick living fairly neatly due to how he was raised, but Nina on the flip side just kinda forgets she left stuff lying around in different places.
who remembers to buy the milk: Tip does, when he comes over to visit and is like “Hey guys you don’t have milk how am I supposed to make breakfast for you???”
who remembers anniversaries: Nick remembers and celebrates every single one of them regularly. Nina can get the big ones but Nick just likes looking for reasons to celebrate his girlfriend/wife.
Who cooks normally? Honestly, probably Nick. His dad is Tip, he probably picked up some cooking skills from him.
How often do they fight? I think for the most part, they’re fairly peaceful with each other after the ending of SW, but after Charlotte happens I do think there’s a brief bit of time where Nina and Nick end up fighting about their kids. Nina starts to realize their hedonistic lifestyle has had a bit of a negative effect on their kids and while Nick encourages a similar lifestyle Nina kinda wouldn’t agree with that one hundred percent and I could see that causing a couple fights.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Nina’s probably over at Olive’s a lot, talking about whatever it is idiots challenging each other to balancing competitions do with each other. Nick’s probably spending a lot of time playing catch up with his parents.
Nicknames for each other? I couldn’t find any which is honestly a shame. These two could’ve absolutely come up with some stupid nicknames for each other.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Nick’s family is rich as fuck. I don’t really think it’s a question of which one does it.
Who steals the covers at night? If either of them do it, it’s probably Nina, but since they spend most nights cuddling, Nina doesn’t do it nearly as often.
What would they get each other for gifts? Nick gets Nina the most traditionally romantic gifts he can think of. Flowers, jewelry, sweets, and all that jazz. Nina tends to buy him a little more understated gifts, but she also managed to help him get the greatest gift of all time, mortality, so yeah. That was a good one.
Who kissed who first? I haven’t read the scene in years but I can safely assume Nick kissed Nina first in that baseball scene.
Who made the first move? Nick. I would consider more actions of his working towards a romantic nature than not.
Who remembers things? Nina’s incredibly flighty and a little dumb at times, so I would say Nick’s overall probably the one better at remembering things than her.
Who started the relationship? Again, Nick was the one who started it, since he’s the one who asked her out.
Who cusses more? Nick curses, Nina does not. At all. Even under duress. 
What would they do if the other was hurt? Nina had a mental breakdown when Nick got hurt. She cracked under the pressure and basically froze up and started crying. I’d imagine if Nina got hurt, he’d immediately put up a shield to keep her from taking further damage, and then try to get help.
big spoon/little spoon: Look I absolutely do not care how tall Syrice may or may not be, he exudes little spoon energy and that means Alex absolutely has to be the big spoon.
favorite non-sexual activity: Alex likes learning about a lot of things, so I’d imagine he genuinely enjoys talking to Syrice about things like hacking and technology and having him teach him how to do it.
who uses all the hot water: Yuu. Syrice is a quick shower kind of guy to me and Alex has been conditioned not to take long showers.
most trivial thing they fight over: Syrice fighting?????? The only thing I could see them fighting over is Alex trying to get Syrice to loosen up and be himself a bit more.
who does most of the cleaning: Both. Syrice probably is under constant pressure at home to keep things clean, and Alex is so used to trying to be a perfect child he works hard to keep everything neat and tidy as well.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: If Syrice doesn’t own the Netflix account, I’d be amazed.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: They’re children but also Syrice does it because Alex very much likes the cold and it’d take the house reaching below 50 for Alex to complain about it.
who steals the blankets: I don’t know for sure if Syrice would be the one to do it, but my gut says it’d be Syrice who gets all the blankets.
who leaves their stuff around: Neither of them. Both are very likely used to being super tidy so they tend to just try to keep things super clean in general.
who remembers to buy the milk: These two are the kinds of nerds who go to supermarkets with shopping lists so they don’t forget what they need to buy. Or at least Alex is and makes Syrice bring it with him.
who remembers anniversaries: I feel like anniversaries would be like...this huge deal for both of them. For Alex, they’re the days where he got a bunch of proof that people really care for him. For Syrice, they’re days where he met somebody who helped him grow out of his family’s shadow and so they don’t just remember them out of love for each other, but because of the amount of self love that they represent.
Who cooks normally? Probably Alex, he’s actually supposed to be a pretty decent cook.
How often do they fight? Alex is scared to raise his voice and Syrice is incredibly timid. When Alex isn’t trying to instill self love into Syrice I doubt they never fight at all.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Alex is a reader, if he’s alone he’s probably curled up in a chair reading a book. Syrice is probably spending time around his family, working on some tech stuff.
Nicknames for each other? None that I can think of.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Syrice’s family is loaded they better be paying for dinner.
Who steals the covers at night? Given the above, I would say it has to be Syrice since Alex does not get cold easily.
What would they get each other for gifts? Alex very rarely, if ever, manages to save up the money to get Syrice a gift, but it’s always something like super heartfelt and something that immediately made him think of him. Like it doesn’t have to be good. It could be something awesome like a new camera (regular camera, not video one) or something dumb like a teddy bear but it’d just be something that just makes him immediately think of Syrice. Syrice meanwhile hacks Alex’s Amazon and buys him everything on his wishlist. (Not to that degree but still.)
Who kissed who first? Alex is absolutely going to have to be the one to do it. That or Yuu takes over and does it for Syrice because he’s tired of the two of them jumping around their feelings for each other.
Who made the first move? Syrice did, by going in and trying to rescue Alex from the shitty situation he was stuck in.
Who remembers things? Both of them tend to do a good job of remembering things in a general sense.
Who started the relationship? Alex asked him out for coffee, so I give it to him.
Who cusses more? Does Syrice curse at all???? I mean I guess Yuu does but Syrice???
What would they do if the other was hurt? I would imagine for Syrice, Yuu would come out and fuck up whatever hurt Alex. For Alex, he would definitely not really know what to do since he’s not much of a fighter, and would try to find a better fighter.
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satbiym · 5 years
Icarus AU Chapter 5!
The Lament for Icarus by satbiym
Yuuri took a deep breath, head bent, the heat from the hearth a gentle presence with an echo warning him from getting any closer.
“Yuuri.” His mother whispered. Yuuri slowly opened his eyes and looked up from where he was sitting.
“It’s time.” She said softly.
Yuuri got up, leaving behind the rich smell of burning Katsudon in the hearth.
A Mysian who saw that they were amazed, retorted by persuading one of the Arcadians who had acquired a dancing girl to dress her in the finest costume he could, fit her with a light shield and bring her on to give a graceful performance of the “Pyrrhic” dance. Thereupon there was a roar of applause, and the Paphlagonians asked if the Greek women also fought side by side with their men. The Greeks answered that these were the very women who had routed the king from his camp.”
Anabasis, Xenophon
Phichit, bright-eyed and flushed, turned, almost vibrating with his enthusiasm.
“Yuuri! Look!” He said, pulling Yuuri closer by clasping Yuuri’s hands within his own, and squealed, “It has started! Look! Those horses there are so beautiful!”
The village priest gestured for his disciples to bring in the chariot with the four horses that Phichit had been referring to. Phichit who had turned back to the proceedings gasped, probably in surprise at the way Yuuri’s hand had tightened within his.
“Yuuri, what-” Phichit started to whisper, only to be cut off by a curt shake of Yuuri’s head, his hand still being gripped tightly. Frowning, Phichit turned back towards the priest, who was now leading the horses and chariot in the direction of their house, the crowd following.
“Yuuri.” Phichit asked, with a familiar undercurrent of foreboding in his tone.
The priest bypassed Yuuri’s house, opting to lead them all to the nearby ocean.
“Yuuri.” Phichit urged, more frantic than before.
The priest didn’t stop walking, the reigns of the chariot and the horses still firmly in his hand, until-
Yuuri threw his arm over Phichit - sweet, soft-hearted, Phichit - and crushed Phichit’s face into his shoulder so he wouldn’t have to see any more. Minako’s face, smooth like jade, turned to look at them and met Yuuri’s unflinching eyes.
No. I won’t let him see it.
Minako turned back to look as the horses were plunged into the ocean.
The sacrifice to Helios had been made.
Phichit’s shoulders shook and Yuuri tightened his grip as the priest turned, knee-deep in the ocean and raised his fist to the exhalted cheers of the crowd.
Halia had begun.
Yuuri released Phichit and moved forward, blood rushing in his veins and hand leaving Phichit’s and moving to his sword.
The priest waddled out of the ocean and with a huge smile declared, “The Titan Lord of the Sun is pleased with our sacrifice. Our Hero, Yuuri Katsuki, born to Hiroko Katsuki, student of Minako, named Icarus, first of his name, is now going to start Halia with a Pyrrhic dance.”
Yuuri turned, blood still roiling, looked at the crowd that seemed to stretch all the way to the other side of the peninsula, and was not afraid.
His eyes sought Phichit’s, Phichit who had come here on his request and been demanded an almost impossible task from, who had left his family and home after being away for years, with nary a whisper of complaint, all for him.
Phichit was white-faced, still trying to understand what he had been witness to. So young, Yuuri mused, and yet… he shines brighter than any other.
Faced with the dulled look in his friend’s eyes, Yuuri decided: he would just have to do his best to remind Phichit of why he had decided to come to Hasetsu in the first place.
Yuuri nodded to the aulos performer waiting for his cue, loosed his body, feet apart and hand on his sword, and started to move.
Yuuri lost himself, with every swing of his sword, jab of his fists and leap of his feet, he forgot the sudden hush of the crowd, the uncertainty of the future and the cruelties of the past.
He was Yuuri Katsuki.
Yuuri slowed his rapidfire movements, the aulos taking on a sweeter note...
Born to Hiroko Katsuki.
And with a lethal slice of his blade, he drew up from his arched back, quicksilver, sharp and ruthless in pushing his body to its very limit, the aulos tripping over itself to keep its pace with Yuuri, but he paid it no mind, too lost in his own mind.
Student of Minako.
The aulos’s music swelled until it seemed to almost tip over with how much it contained, tension thick and grabbing, and Yuuri threw his sword towards the ocean, only to - with rapid gymnastics - tumble after it, quick enough to grab it out of the air before it could even touch the earth.
The aulos’s music stopped along with the air in everyone’s lungs, as they took in the final image of Yuuri Katsuki pointing his sword, snatched from mid-air, at the sky - no, not the sky, the sun.
Yuuri opened his eyes to wide-eyed silence but with not one eye turned away from him and his story.
He was Icarus, first of his name.
Helios the Sun rides his chariot, he shines upon men and deathless gods, and piercingly he gazes with his eyes from his golden helmet. Bright rays beam dazzlingly from him, and his bright locks streaming from the temples of his head gracefully enclose his far-seen face: a rich, fine-spun garment glows upon his body and flutters in the wind : and stallions carry him. Then, when he has stayed his golden-yoked chariot and horses, he rests there upon the highest point of heaven, until he marvellously drives them down again through heaven to Okeanos (Oceanus).
Homeric Hymn 31 to Helius
The competitors were giving him a wide berth.
Yuuri resisted the urge to rejoice even mentally at the reprieve from social niceties. After his dance, he had little patience to suffer courtesy small-talk.
Yuuri turned towards Phichit who had been unusually silent since his dance that even Minako had given a perfunctory nod to. Yuuri opened his mouth, only -
“Hey, you! Icarus!” A light voice that somehow managed to distill an inordinate amount of anger in it, called out.
Yuuri turned quizzically to see a blonde youth, who appeared to be around Phichit’s age, march towards him with purpose. The crowd had long left to go watch the other competitions and festivities. Yuuri blinked as the blonde got up into his space and stared at him, eyes narrowed, before hissing a venomous, “No one needs your interference.” before walking away.
Yuuri, whose eyes had started to water from the impromptu staring contest, blinked rapidly and wondered if there were just people in the world whose sole purpose was to voice Yuuri’s innermost fears and insecurities.
“Wow, who misplaced their child and why does that child look like he wants you on the end of his sword?” Phichit who had witnessed the whole thing asked.
Relief overwhelmed him at Phichit’s voice and he lightly laughed, turning towards him, saying “I honestly have no idea. Also, I doubt he’s a child, Phichit, he seems almost as old as you.”
Phichit drew up like a haughty bird and with no little amount of self-importance said, “Yes, but I am Daedalus, I doubt even the heavens could fathom creating someone like me twice in a row.”
Fond and so terribly charmed, Yuuri couldn’t help but agree.
But at Yuuri’s laughter, Phichit’s face grew more somber than before, and he rushed forward, gathering Yuuri’s hands within his own.
“Yuuri. Yuuri.” He said urgently, “You mustn’t. You mustn’t use the wings, please, Yuuri I beg of you.”
Yuuri, surprised at the sudden vehemence and the tears that had started to fall from Phichit’s eyes, said, lost “But, why? Did something happen?”
Phichit gripped his hands tighter and he said with desperation, “Yuuri, that dance, it- it reminded me of what I have to lose. Yuuri, Yuuri, please don’t fly with my wings, if something happened to you and because of something I’d created, I’d never-”
Yuuri laid his hand on Phichit’s mouth silencing him, and said softly, “Phichit, I have complete faith in you. I would never make you an accessory to something you wanted no part in, but please, I beg of you, please, let me do this, for Hasetsu.”
Phichit drew in a shaky breath and still trembling stared into Yuuri’s eyes, and after a moment, said with a conflicted expression, “You have to promise me, you will come back from that ocean, swear it so.”
Yuuri nodded and said, resolve strengthening, “I swear it.”
Phichit, whose shoulders had still not stopped trembling, still looked like he was on the precipice of a cliff about to do something rash. Yuuri softened, rash was usually his modus operandi.
Yuuri, drawing close, asked lightly, “Come now, Phichit, have I ever broken a promise to you?”
Phichit, finally relaxing, threw himself into Yuuri’s arms. Yuuri, who had never had any doubt about the many people who held love for him in their hearts, tightened his grip on Phichit. He had known, but maybe not how much.
Maybe there was no need for him to interfere, but he intended to be deserving of this love, and he was going to come back from the ocean, for there were people in this mortal world who loved him just as much as he them.
There was no other outcome that Yuuri would accept, he would spit at the three Fates themselves if needed, but he wasn’t going to break his promise to those who held him so dear.
Having someone to fight for was a powerful thing, indeed.
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docholligay · 4 years
Requiem for the Grand Consummation
Angstober prompt was: Michiru, breakdown 1900 words, and I hope you....uh, enjoy it? In as much as anyone enjoys Angstober? 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. It matters little what you feel.The flame might tear and burn, the steam might hiss, but you are a creature of the coldest sea, and to all appearances, you will only ever be calm and shimmering. She had been trained in all of this since she was a young child, the subtle art of composure. 
To compose oneself. She thought of it often, this turn of phrase, this way of putting a smooth coat on the roughness of mortal feelings. One composed a symphony as well, and she could not note that it was too terribly different. The art of taking inelegant bursts of air and furious strokes of string on string, and turning them into something beautiful. Something calming, and erudite, inviting commentary on the art. Perhaps not all people made symphonies of their own emotions, but Michiru Kaioh would note that she was an artist in all things, and perhaps her earliest lesson was in this. 
So Michiru Kaioh dressed in her neat couture, and sat straight as she sipped at champagne in the tea lounges of the upper class, and accepted condolences with that same cool, impersonal affect with which it was given. She composed, and the orchestra played on, and no one could have possibly noted that the young widow was anything other than a perfect example of the stiffly pressed perfection and breeding of the upper classes. 
A sheet of ice covered the sea, and it shimmered and sparkled and did not waver or buckle as the waves churned beneath it. 
But ice can only ever be cold, and be taken as such, whatever may lie beneath, and one can hardly blame those unfamiliar with the sea for seeing little else. 
“Oh, like Michiru even fuckin’ cares.” Mina swigged back a beer, despite being in the middle of what was, ostensibly, a senshi meeting, “since when has she ever kept anything from last season, you know?” 
Mako shrugged and nodded along with Mina, the two guards, one of them telling the truth, and one lying, and both blocking Michiru from a calm exit of the conversation. 
“We need a new Sailor Uranus.” Mako added, though not unkindly. 
The gentleness was meant less for Michiru and more for Usagi, who wailed in protest. 
“We can’t! We can’t let someone else wear her tiara, because, because--” she let out a sniffle and a small sob, “--they won’t be her!!” 
“Indeed,” Michiru added, almost a whisper to herself, “who could be?” 
Rei drew her arms around Usagi. “She wouldn’t be, Usagi.” She kissed Usagi’s temple, “But she’ll be a different Sailor Uranus. But she won’t replace Haruka.” 
Ami touched Usagi’s arm. “Whoever it is already has been given the power. She’s probably scared, Usagi. We can help her. We can teach her.” 
Michiru folded her hands in her lap, and composed herself. Twist the brass into submission. Quell the drums. The strings do not shriek, but sing, in your hands. She softened her eyes and relaxed her face, and her shoulders fell straight and sleek under her silk blouse. 
“So we don’t have a choice anyway.” Mina poured the beer down her throat and crunched the can, “We get to her or the enemy does. Sailor Uranus is dead,” a violin string snapped, “long live Sailor Uranus.” 
Usagi nodded, sobbing into Rei’s shoulder, and Mako rubbed her on the back as the silence settled in, rain falling in the background as the cool wet air sneaked in the cracks old and new, whispering in small holes in sweaters, aching through slender gaps of clothing. 
Michiru rose to her feet, and smoothed her linen skirt. 
“Well, then, it seems decided,” She took her purse from the table, “Pluto, I assume you will have little trouble locating this person, given your affinity with the power of the moon. You certainly located us easily enough.” She nodded to Mina. “If there’s no further business, madame chairman.” 
“Go on,” she shrugged, “be my fucking guest.” 
Michiru did not allow herself to crescendo to Mina’s anger, simply walked to the door where her umbrella sat waiting, the fine leather of her Italian made shoes spattered so lightly with the rain’s cruelties that you would be forgiven for not noticing them. Fine leather blends well. 
She opened the door, only for a small, insistent hand to close it in her face. She did not turn her head, for there was no need, only that same discordant note wishing to throw off all symphonies as she herself had been. 
“I confess the vagaries of being your guest do somewhat bewilder me.” She shook off her umbrella. “May I help you?” 
Mina took her hand away from the door, her eyes never leaving Michiru’s face. 
“You’re so hollow inside, I wonder if her scream’s still echoing there, or if you just...absorbed it.” MIna shook her head, and their eyes met, “Did you ever love her?” 
“You are a cruel person, at heart, Minako Aino. But I suspect you know that.” She opened the door and her umbrella both, in one fluid motion, “Haruka’s taste was always a bit self-flagellating, wasn’t it? Choosing us.” She stepped out into the rain. “Not all of us are so prone to drunken dramatics.” 
“Fucking leave, Michiru.” 
“Oh, are we precisely certain I have your leave?” 
MIna slapped the door in her face, but Michiru did not justify the cymbal crash with so much as the raise of an eyebrow. 
It took her longer than she might have expected to return to that yawning condo in a sparkling building, the rain settling on the windows in a single sheet, beginning to freeze until it weighed to heavy before dramatically cracking and falling to the ground. 
Her apartment was the same as it ever had been, neatly appointed, and her girl had left a bottle of champagne and a plate of olives and cheese in the fridge, as requested. They said good help was hard to find, but Michiru did not agree with this assessment. Good help was very easy to find, so long as one’s wallet was sufficiently open. 
She popped the bottle with its percussive note, the bubbles rising to the surface of the glass in their high accenting chirps. When had she changed into her robe and gown? She couldn’t remember, but it hardly mattered. It was perfectly acceptable for a woman alone in her apartment to lounge a bit in the evening. 
The glasses went down fast, tonight. Mina had not been wrong to say that she was hollow, for no matter how much she drank, Michiru could not fill that deep, dry well inside of her. Or maybe it had always been full, but full only of the sea, bitter and cold, withering everything that drank it. 
MIna had been right about another thing. She was cruel and a liar, but she hadn’t lied then. That well inside her heard the screams, and it echoed high above the elegiac symphony of her own heart and soul, far beyond taming. It dulled the song and it slipped under the ice, and it screamed and screamed and screamed. 
She staggered to her feet. She was conducting, but the players were beginning to falter, playing their own tunes, Mozart against Tchaikovsky, Salieri coming through the back, a note of Monteverdi, the piano player hammering out Chopin’s softness with an indelicate rage. It was too loud for the small apartment, the clashes and bangs of instruments no longer obeying that leader. What a fool she ever was to believe that she could have brought them to heel with a small stick! 
No one had asked the conductor how she tired, how rebellious the woodwinds, how obstinate the percussion, and how difficult it could possibly be to coordinate it all on a bucking sheet of ice. And who could blame them? They had not seen the difficulty, for Michiru never allowed this to be difficult. It was her own perfection that led to this grand revolution, every carefully chosen note deciding its own fate in this moment, in an apartment which once held something killed by cold, a daisy in December. 
Michiru flung wide the doorway to that elegant balcony, the lines of song which had been straight and true twisting themselves into the wrought iron, mocking her composition. Her composure. She stared at them, glass still in her hand, and they rocked and moved and then they were the waves of the sea, clashing against that ice as the rain fell around her. It built and built and it broke, for how could it not break when there was so much underneath it. The wind rose and whipped under that sheet of ice, and Michiru felt a great crack inside of her, a crack like an explosion. Oh, that great sea ice broke indeed, and it broke with the great thunder of bass and timpani, and the waves became a song again, and twisted, and the sea again, breaking, and then they were her face, her face twisted most of all in those final moments, and Michiru looked up to the sky and she cried out in the one and only vocal solo of her life, accompanied by the horrible orchestra of her own great creation. 
She stopped. Everything stopped. The strings grew still, and the sea ice drifted away, and it all simply stopped. 
Haruka called herself the senshi of the wind. It was silly, and it was a lie, but it was a lovely one, and in the years after she had fallen in love, she continued on with it in her teasing way, telling Michiru how the wind whispered she looked beautiful in that dress, or howled over the discontinuation of a candy bar. 
But she wasn’t lying, and she wasn’t joking, for Michiru could feel her, caressing her face, kissing her lips, brushing tenderly against her collarbone. Haruka had quieted it. She had always quieted it, for the wind was not the great enemy of the sea, but its partner, was it not? It is only the wind that allows the ocean to guide and to bring the world across it. The wind caresses the sea in love, and those are not waves of horror, but of delight. The screams all sound the same. 
Michiru took her glass, and drank deep of it, smiling brightly as she flung it over the side of the balcony, a high, bright note of an angel’s bell below. 
She rested a hand on that iron, and felt it lay still and freeze beneath her hand. The ice, returning. So heavy. Impossible to hold on a building like this one. But there was no need, the wind said to her, to hold it at all. Let the sea rage, and let the song die, and I will carry you in the great unwritten song of the wind. 
Her robe fluttered like a petal as she slipped a leg over that useless, ugly, arrogant iron. She held her hand out to the wind, the wind that came from the sea and still carried the water inside of it, and with a close of her eyes and the whisper of Haruka’s name, she released that flower into the wind. 
When they found her on the car in the misting rain, she was calm and shimmering. 
Just as she’d been taught. 
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handsingsweapon · 6 years
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we can reveal our fics for @borntomakearthistoryzine​! i’ve recompiled all of the writing for in a future time into one main fic and a side collection of poems from the prompt week i did back in 2018. If you posted on any of the promo fics, or have them bookmarked, not to fear: they’re still up, just moved into a different series to keep them archived!  After failing to publish his final collection of poems for his master's degree, Yuuri Katsuki retreats to Minako Okukawa’s summer house on the Thessaly coast. One bright afternoon, a diver emerges from the Aegean sea: hair the color of moonlight, eyes the color of the tides. He’s an archaeologist, Yuuri learns. Not just any archaeologist. He is Victor Nikiforov, whose first book, Beloved, is one of Yuuri's favorite pieces of non-fiction literature. Yuuri’s spent his whole life enraptured by ancient myths, has wandered countless museums to look into the time-washed, smooth faces of Apollo, of Persephone. Only now does he understand why the Oracles gave such dire warnings to the family of Psyche; why they ever insisted Cupid was the one god all other gods feared. Victor unlocks something that saturates his work; makes Yuuri understand why Sappho ever wrote 'let me tell you this: someone in some future time will remember us.'
read it on ao3 here.
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kumeko · 6 years
Shakespearian love
Prompt: “One Year of Love”, Michiru&Setsuna friendships, unusual interactions, “the end is near, I’ll keep you safe”, bittersweet
Characters/Pairings: Haruka&Michiru
A/N: Written for the Sparkle Sparkle exchange by @docholligay. My giftee is tabletennishotaru who I can’t tag for some reason, I hope you like this. Sorry it’s a bit unfinished and rushed, between the snowstorm causing issues and the airport, I wasn’t able to get this quite as I wanted.
Summary: A year was enough, more than enough, Michiru tried to convince herself.
The mantlepiece clock was broken. Michiru slowly sipped her wine, staring at it from over the lip of her glass. The second-hand quivered back and forth between 12 and the minute dot before it, unable to decide where to stop. The battery had to be dead; tomorrow she’d have Haruka fix it. Perhaps she’d make a show of it, taking it apart and cleaning it with her slow and steady hands. It was always nice to watch her fix something, to create rather than destroy.
 However, that was tomorrow and today Setsuna was still watching her with dark eyes, her left hand curled around the edge of the oak table. It was as close to anxiousness as the time guardian would ever show. Michiru set down her glass. “It’s fine.”
 “I’m sorry,” Setsuna murmured, lowering her gaze. Her fingers dug into the wood and Michiru would have to send the table in to get the finish repaired. “I can’t do anymore than this. I can only freeze your time for a year.”
 “It’s fine,” Michiru repeated, rubbing her wrist. It was strange to think this body wasn’t quite alive, wasn’t quite hers. It was still stuck in last week, in those final moments before their latest galaxy-ending fight. “This is more than I expected. That last battle was worse than we thought, then.”
 “Yes. I had to work fast to save you.” Setsuna still looked pained and Michiru wondered why she had never seen this in her mirror—this conversation, the situation that led to it, but then again, she had never tried to look beyond death. “And even then, I didn’t really save you”
 “The others don’t know, do they? Let’s keep it that way.” She scanned the photos on the mantle. Of Haruka and her dancing, stargazing, eating. Private photos she never expected to have in the first place. There were several frames filled with stock photos, cute bears and balloons decorating the edges. Haruka, though she would never admit it aloud, had been hoping to fill them with children’s photos. Their children’s photos. Setsuna was looking at them now and she wondered, not for the last time, what did her eyes see? A seer can only see herself, the future framed within her own view, but Setsuna always seemed to know more than that. “In another—” Michiru cut herself off before she could finish the question, there was no point in knowing about alternate universes. It was not her life, what difference would it make? “Never mind.”
 Setsuna didn’t say anything for a long moment, merely swirling her wine as they listened to the soft notes of Debussy. Perhaps that was why Michiru liked her, Setsuna knew when not to pry, when it was better to say nothing at all. Even if she could guess the question. Still staring at the empty frames, she quietly murmured, “If you change your mind…”
 That more than answered her question. Michiru glanced at her red-tinted reflection in the wine. “I’ll think about it.”
 Haruka was asleep when Michiru entered their bedroom but the sound of the door opening was all she needed to wake up. Years of being a soldier didn’t fade away in the span of months; the sense just dulled like a blunted weapon and Haruka sat up, blearily rubbing her eyes. “Done?”
 “You should rest,” Michiru murmured, slipping out of her dress. Carefully, she hung it, smoothing out any wrinkles before hanging it away. At her feet was a ball of clothing and years of living together had not been enough to teach her the floor was not meant to be a drawer.  
 “S’okay.” Even her voice was sleep laden, her head slowly lowering despite her protests. “Fun with Setsuna?”
 “Yes.” And if her voice cracked slightly, she drowned it out with the sound of the closet door closing. She pressed her hand against the wood, trying to gain strength from its stability. “I do like my evenings with her.”
 “You would.” Haruka chuckled, deep and throaty. She laid flat on her back, blinking away sleep as she stared at the ceiling. With each word, she woke up more. “Maybe you should take Rei next time.”
 “Hmm, that is a good proposition.” Michiru smiled softly, pulling on her nighty. She crossed the room to Haruka’s side of the bed and kneeled beside her. The floor was cold and her toes curled at the sensation. “Though I am unsure if she would enjoy wine and cheese as much as she wants to.”
 “She likes you, that’s good enough,” Haruka shrugged, an easy smile on her face. She turned to look at Michiru, her eyes like pinpricks in the dim light. “I think she’ll like Setsuna too. Though maybe Sets already knows how this’ll end up and she was just waiting for you to call her.”
 Michiru didn’t say anything, reaching out to brush her wife’s bangs. Haruka leaned into her touch, her eyes fluttering close. Would someone else do this after? Selfishly, she wished it would never be the case.
 She kissed Haruka’s forehead softly before moving down to her eyes, her cheeks, her lips. If she had been anyone else, Michiru would have tasted of salt. But she was Kaioh. If she gave any sign of despair, any loss, it was in her unusually aggressive touch. Haruka’s eyes opened in surprise, before she relaxed and kissed back. When they broke apart, panting, Haruka chuckled. “Had a little too much wine?”
 Michiru knew her limit by the time she was fifteen. “Perhaps.”
 The wind shifted outside, pushing the clouds. Moonlight shone through the big, bay windows, covering everything in its pale glow, marking everything as its own. Haruka. Herself. Their futures and pasts. Without missing a beat, she pressed a button on the wall and the blinds closed, encapsulating them in darkness. Haruka shifted on the bed, sitting up perhaps. “Babe?”
 Even if the moon owned everything else, it did not own this. It would not witness this reprieve, this moment of weakness. Michiru slid on top of Haruka. “A little privacy.”
 It was entirely bullshit, their backyard ensured no peeping toms, but Haruka laughed nonetheless, accepting it. “More than a little too much to drink, then.”
 “Huh.” Reclined on a fine, plush chair, Rei craned her neck as she stared at her hands and feet. Her appendages were resting in small trays of water, soaking in a costly mix of fine mineral and herbal water. “Is that it?”
 It was an expected reaction from her; Michiru knew the moment she invited Rei that this was not something she would normally purchase for herself. Even if this was on the lower end of such treatments; perhaps Michiru should have selected the costlier gold-plated manicures. It was always amusing to watch Rei implode at a waste of resources. Raising a fine brow, Michiru turned to her companion. “Is something not to your taste?”
 “No, no, that’s not it.” Rei laughed, her expression caught still between disbelief and interest. She wiggled her fingers in the water. “They’re just giving you stu— water?”
 Michiru stifled a chuckle, it was not too hard to imagine what Rei self-censored. Shaking her head, she leaned back and rested her head on the soft pillow. “This is merely the first step for the pedicure and manicure.”
 “Right. First step.” She still frowned at the water, like she had a personal grievance with it. Knowing how spendthrift she was, she had evaluated the cost and found the service lacking.
 Perhaps Michiru really should have gone for a gold-plated finish. “If it is not to your taste, we can pick something else.”
 “Really, this is fine! More than fine!” Rei shook her head rapidly and Michiru had to give the woman credit—perhaps she was a better actress than Michiru had thought, her expression instantly switching from the usual Rei to Rei-chan.
 Even their shopping was a collision of two worlds, with Rei paying close attention to everything Michiru bought while getting nothing herself. No doubt she was going to head to the local thrift store after this, using carefully memorized patterns and styles to replicate the designs.
 The results would be close enough to fool a layman. “Let me know if something is lacking.”
 Rei gave a prize-winning smile. “I can’t imagine anything that is but thanks!”
 How polite. There was always some level of restraint in their interactions, whether it was in Rei’s words or her actions. It was different from how she interacted with Minako or Usagi, with any of the inners or even Haruka for that matter. Maybe Haruka was right, she should invite Rei over for wine. A chance to relax, to connect; it was rare for Michiru to find someone she wanted to talk to.
 The invitation burned on the tip of her tongue but she remembered Setsuna’s eyes, her tone, and she closed her mouth. Perhaps it was better this way, there was less for Rei to mourn now.
 “I’m back!” Chibi-Usa laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. Her uniform dissipated in a cloud of sparkles and she was once again the pre-teen, barely younger than her mother. At some point, maybe she’d appear at her mother’s age or even older. It was something to look forward to, considering Usagi’s reactions.
 Provided Chibi-Usa acted more like her father when she grew up and learned some self-restraint. Considering the way she was hugging Hotaru, it didn’t seem a possibility.
 “Again?” Usagi whined, puffing her cheeks as she glared at her daughter. It was more a routine than an actual argument at this point. Even her words sounded like they were from a script. “We just got rid of you!”
 “Well I didn’t come back for you,” Chibs retorted, sticking out her tongue as untangled herself from Hotaru.
 “Then why?” Usagi growled, her hands on her hips as she squinted at her.
 Michiru glanced at the night sky. It was late and completely uncouth to have this conversation in the middle of a park, but Usagi had long forsaken decorum. Particularly in January; there was a chill in the air and Haruka had never been good in the cold.
 “For Auntie Rei!” Chibi-Usa clutched Rei, scowling back at Usagi. Even in this, she was more like her mother than her father and Michiru wondered if the world was doomed to just have one Usagi after another. “She misses me.”
 “Auntie?” Rei frowned, looking down at her. A hand rested on her hip as she cocked a brow.
 “Sis?” Chibi-Usa corrected, a sheepish smile on her face. When the glare didn’t lessen, she tried another tact. “Rei-chan?”
 “Better.” Rei approved, stroking Chibi-Usa’s hair. Looking up at Usagi, she rolled her eyes as her friend proceeded to hiss like an offended cat. “Seriously?”
 “Yeah, seriously?” Chibi-Usa repeated, sticking out her tongue again.
 Auntie. Not once did the word ‘aunt’ slip from her tongue when she spoke to Michiru, even though she had a hard time differentiating between the future and past versions of the inner scouts. Not that it surprised Michiru, she never expected to live that long in the first place.
 “Welcome back, kiddo!” Haruka picked up Chibi-Usa under her armpits, whirling her around.
 “Hey! I’m not a kid anymore, Haruka!” Chibi-Usa laughed as she protested, any anger drowned out by her giggles.  
 She never called Haruka aunt either and Michiru supressed a shiver.
 Michiru entered the living room to find a bomb had gone off. A bomb of paint and construction paper, of ribbon and feathers. In the vortex of this mess was Haruka, sitting cross-legged with a bottle of glue in a hand and a tissue in the other. Her tongue peeked out of her mouth as she concentrated on the heavily decorated medallion in front of her.
 “Haruka?” Michiru stepped in, wondering just when she should call housekeeping. At this point, she might have to give her a raise. A cloud of glitter burst as Haruka looked up and a raise was definitely in order.
 “Michi!” Haruka beamed up excitedly, setting down the glue. There was a stray feather stuck to her nose and Michiru tried not to yank it off. “Welcome home!”
 “Thank you.” After a few minutes, when a explanation didn’t appear, she gently probed. “What are you doing, love?”
 “Making medals.” Haruka almost bounced in her spot. Spread around her were a row of medallions, each carved carefully out of clay. A piece of ribbon laid next to each one and despite all the mess, there was not a single sign of the feathers, glitter, or construction paper. “Mamoru showed me how he made his and we’re going to spray paint them in the garage later. Can’t let him have all the fun.”
 Spray paint. In the garage. She would have to get the cars moved before that. Michiru brushed a lock behind her ear as she bent over to take a closer look at the one in Haruka’s outstretched palm. There appeared to be a chicken on it. “And this is?”
 “I made one for each of my attacks.” Haruka looked so proud, Michiru didn’t have the heart to correct her. “I even made some for you.”
 More chickens, then. Michiru wondered how long she would have to wait before she could stoe them away with the other craft projects. “That’s…lovely. Thank you.”
 “Ah, Michiru.” Makoto smiled broadly, stretching her arms above her head The local dojo was well maintained considering its heavy use and the wooden floor gleamed in the morning light. “You watching today?”
 “No, I was just dropping Haruka off.” Michiru watched for a moment. The bigger woman seemed to have limitless energy, bouncing from one warm up to another. Haruka was like that too, filled with more energy than she could burn. “My, I do not know how you can keep doing this every week.”
 “Well, it works off stress.” Makoto winked. She shifted from leg to leg as she stretched her calves. “And it’s fun. Keeps the senses sharp and I still owe Haruka payback for gutting me.”
 Michiru lowered her eyes. Makoto held grudges for as long as Haruka did. At least this wasn’t another situation like with Seiya; she could only deal with one lifelong enemy. “Don’t hurt her too badly.”
 “No promises.” Makoto grinned roughly, clearly ready to rumble. She glanced over Michiru’s shoulder. “I…”
 When she didn’t finish her thought, Michiru followed her line of sight to spot Haruka sauntering out of the change room. Her arms stretched above her, her robes shifting slightly to reveal a touch of her collar. Running a hand through her blonde hair, she waved at the pair. “Ready?”
  Makoto swallowed, her eyes darting to and from her. She took a deep breath, regaining her composure. “I’ll make sure to keep her face intact at least.”
 “That would be agreeable.” Michiru smiled softly. Her wife was terribly handsome when she didn’t try.
Michiru gingerly sipped a glass of orange juice, hand squeezed this morning by a very eager Haruka. It was interesting, to be polite, mix of pulp and juice and a seed or two that managed to slip in. Her wife was not the most proficient in the culinary arts but what she lacked in skill, she more than made up for in effort.  “It is delicious.”
 Haruka rubbed the back of her neck, her skin flushed from the compliment. “Just made it this morning, that’s why it’s so good.”
 “I can taste the freshness.” Discretely, she spit out a seed into a napkin. It was fortunate her nighty had long, flowing sleeve; it was far easier to hide her movements when the layers of gauze and lace made it hard to tell just where her hand was.
 Her words had the intended effect. Haruka stood up straighter, adjusting her practical blue apron until it was on tight. “Wait till you see what I’m cooking!”
 “Oh, is that what I am smelling?” Michiru asked pleasantly.
 It took all of three seconds for Haruka to smell the smoke and pale. She turned on her heel and ran back to the kitchen. “The skin! The skin will burn!”
 Michiru stirred her juice before taking another sip. Marginally better.
 Another shout escaped the kitchen. Perhaps it was time to reconsider that Food Network subscription.
Michiru watched the flowers bloom in their garden, watched them sway in the wind. On the lawn, Haruka was wrestling with Hotaru and Chibi-Usa, who despite her initial disinterest had taken a liking to their play-fighting.
 The sun shone brightly on them and Michiru closed her eyes, feeling drowsy in the warmth.
 “Michiru.” Rei opened the door in surprise, before Michiru even had a chance to knock. “You’re early.”
 “I had some time available.” She spotted Ami over Rei’s shoulder, buttoning up her jacket. “If you are busy, I can return again later.”
 “No, no, it’s perfect timing!” Rei stepped back, letting Michiru in. “We just finished. I’ll grab my bag.” Before Michiru could say another word, Rei was already sprinting back to her room.
 Ami blinked, staring at the spot her friend had been just a second ago. “That was fast.”
 “Indeed.” Michiru gave a polite smile. She didn’t know quite what to do with Ami and so she did nothing at all. “I apologize if I am disturbing anything.”
 “No, it’s fine. I was just about to leave anyways.” Ami quickly shook her hands in front of her, flustered.
 “In that case…” Michiru trailed off, stepping to the side so Ami could grab her shoes. In the distance, she could hear a soft thudding as Rei overturned her room as she got ready.
 It was quiet in the foyer. A clock ticked again, reminding Michiru of that first conversation, of that clock that Haruka had yet to fix. It still stood on their mantle, still flickering between 11:59 and midnight. Ami slipped on a shoe, then another, her shoes softly tapping against the ground as her feet sank into them. “I…” Whatever Ami was about to say died when she looked up at Michiru. She averted her gaze, her eyes lowered as she shook her head. “Never mind.”
 Hesitance. A lack of presence. It was reminder of everything Michiru didn’t care about. The girl approached the door, reaching for the handle. Her hands curled against the handle. “Is it terminal?”
 “What is?” Michiru asked, watching as Ami’s shoulders rolled back, as her spine straightened.
 “Whatever you have.” Ami didn’t turn around still and whatever courage she had to say this didn’t extend that far. Her voice wavered. “I…you have the same look some of my patients do. The ones in the terminal care ward.”
 “Ah.” Michiru wondered if it was really that obvious. She had taken great pains to avoid detection and it stung a little that this mouse of a girl had seen through it. At least she didn’t have to worry that Ami would say anything, her time as a doctor would have taught her that much. “It is nothing.”
 For once, that didn’t end their conversation. “Are you—”
 “It’s fine,” Michiru repeated, her tone firm. “There is nothing for you to concern yourself with.”
 Ami stayed silent. A hand clutched the edge of her shirt tightly before she slowly nodded. “If you need anything...”
 “I will let you know,” Michiru lied.
 “Ohhh!” Usagi exclaimed, eyes wide and full of awe. Her dainty, uncalloused hand cradled Michiru’s as she peered at her nails. “Wow, that’s amazing!”
 Michiru resisted the urge to pull back, to flinch away. Tolerating the touch, she gave a prim smile. “It is nothing much, just a simple manicure.”
 “Simple…” Usagi looked at her own nails with a defeated sigh. Chewed up and badly cut as they were, it did not require a manicurist so much as a miracle worker. “Must be nice. Mine are a mess.”
 Knowing their ‘leader’, she would be stuck on this topic for the next hour. Or until Rei arrived. Considering all of the topics they had to discuss today, in this quaint diner the inner scouts seemed to enjoy, Usagi could use a little more focus. “Nothing a little cleaning can fix.”
 “Really? You think so?” Usagi perked up, ridiculously easy to manipulate.
 Michiru wasn’t surprised by often it had happened; if anything, she was surprised it didn’t happen more often or effectively. It was effortless, they could open a salon or bakery and she would be first in line. “Perhaps.”
 Usagi took that as a yes and clutched Michiru’s hands tightly. “I knew it wasn’t a lost cause, like Rei said. I just knew it!” Riding on a wave of happiness, she waved a waitress down. “Cake please!”
 Food was almost always in the front of Usagi’s mind—happy, sad, angry, no matter the emotion, food was the solution. If Michiru cared, she would have warned Mamoru that his place would always be second to food. “A little peckish?”
 “Yeah.” Usagi crossed her arms, a frown slipping on her face, and goodness, she could change expressions faster than the mountain weather. “I need to finish it before Rei gets here.”
 Ah. The never-ending fight. While Michiru appreciated the attempt to save her ears, the argument was going to happen either way. “Yes, I can see the issue there.”
 “She’ll never let it go!” Usagi nodded furiously, glancing at the door as though Rei would burst in at any minute. “So don’t tell her.”
 Michiru stared at her pleading face, eyes already wobbling and full of tears. She could understand Mina’s concerns and anger at their leader, about this girl who would never be hard enough, cruel enough to be queen. It was easy, so easy, to hate this slip of a girl, for who she was. Who she wouldn’t be. For the kingdom she represented and the future she promised.
 How, for all of her powers, there were still some things she couldn’t change. Would it be the same if Rei was in her position? Or were some things immutable, unchangeable, despite their growing powers.
 “I understand.” Either way, her reality remained the same and she did not want her last moments to bitter. More importantly, Haruka would need that kindness in the coming days.
 “Here you go.” Unceremoniously, Mina slung Haruka onto the living room couch. It was a late, comfortable summer night, the temperature for once pleasant as opposed to burning. A light breeze floated in through the open windows.
 Snoring and drunk off her ass, Haruka didn’t do more than shift into a more comfortable position. Michiru wrinkled her nose as the scent of alcohol and sweat wafted through the air. She’d have to remind Haruka to at least stay sober enough to make it on her own next time, no matter what silly game Minako tried to pull her into. “Thank you.”
 Fortunately, Michiru didn’t need to get any blankets or pillows. Any stiffness her wife felt in the morning was well earned. Michiru set down her book on the side table and got off the rocking chair. As she approached her wife, she glanced at Mina, who still hadn’t left the room. “Yes?”
 “…you’re hiding something,” Minako bit out, crossing her arms. Anger radiated from her in waves.
 Michiru kept her expression smooth as she kneeled next to Haruka. Honestly. First Ami, now Minako. It was unsettling to be seen through these many times. “Am I?”
 “Don’t give me that.” Mina glared, tapping her foot. Her hands clenched. “What is it?”
 Persistent. Michiru brushed Haruka’s bangs and smoothened her brow. “It is not your concern.”
 “The hell it isn’t.” Mina growled, stalking forward and yanking her hand away.  Her nails dug into Michiru’s skin, leaving small crescent marks. “If it’ll endanger the team, it’s my concern. If it’ll hurt Haruka, it’s my concern. Now. Explain.”
 “There is nothing.” Michiru frowned, unflinching even as Minako’s grip tightened. “Now let go.”
 Terse seconds passed as they stared at one another, neither one backing down. The clock ticked, still stuck, and it was only in the quiet that Michiru ever remembered she should get it fixed. Finally tired of it all, Mina scowled and let go. “Fine. Have it your way. I’ll pry it out of you later.” She rubbed her forehead, the alcohol finally getting to her. “But I will get it.”
 She whirled around and Michiru closed her eyes as the door slammed close.
 Haruka squatted on the ground, peering at the gaps of soil between the slowly dying flowers. She pressed a trowel at one section, then another, before looking helplessly over her shoulder at Michiru. “You remember where the bulbs are?”
 Michiru finished pulling on a set of dainty gloves, not quite made for rough, gardening work but adequate for a single day. Smoothening her skirt as she crouched next to Haruka, she pointed at a spot next to the peony bushy. “I believe the tulips were there. The spot next to the poppies should be free.”
 “Right!” Haruka brightened, shifting slightly so she could start digging. After a few minutes, she just sank to her knees and went at it. “What should we put here?”
 “The crocuses.” Michiru passed a bag to her, a bright array of crocuses painted on the front. “They were decimated by the frost this year.”
 “The false spring.” Haruka scowled, her trowel hitting the ground with more force than necessary. “I remember that. My pansies.”
 Ah. Yes. That particular loss had hurt Haruka; she and her grandmother used to plant pansies together every spring and she had taken it personally when they died. Michiru gently grasped Haruka’s hand. “Next year will be different.”
 Haruka stared at their hands for a moment before turning her hand around and grasping Michiru’s back. “Yeah.”
 “Also, love.” Michiru pointed at the hole that was growing steadily deeper. “I think that is a little too deep for the bulbs.”
“Thank you for coming, Miss Kaioh.” Her lawyer, Miles Edgeworth, opened his notebook and pulled out a pen from his drawer. There was something stuffy about his appearance, a ruffled shirt poking out from beneath his business jacket, but that was part and parcel with lawyers of a certain calibre. “Though I am surprised to see you’re updating your will again—among clients even twice your age, you have a more up-to-date and well thought out end-of-life plan.”
 “Well, you never know what can happen.” She smiled at him charmingly; Michiru wasn’t quite certain what would happen after Setsuna’s magic ran out. Would she just disappear, leaving behind no trace? Would her corpse be left behind but aged a year? There were too many uncertainties and she didn’t want any of them to cause a problem for Haruka. She would have enough on her plate after this.
 “I assume your beneficiaries haven’t changed?” Miles glanced at the sheet, reading off the names. “The vast majority of your wealth will go to your wife, with a smaller trust fund set up for a Hotaru Tomoe, and the collection of wine for Setsuna Meiou?”
 “Yes.” Considering what they put her through, what they almost did to her, it was the only compensation they could give. “I do have an addition; my wardrobe will go to Rei Hino.”
 “Rei Hino?” Miles blinked. “The senator’s daughter?”
 “Yes, that one.” Michiru lips quirked. Rei would hate to hear her being referred to such. Opening her purse, she pulled out some papers. “Minako Aino will be my executor and have power over my estate while matters are settled. Here is her identification.”
 Miles added the papers to the folder. “Is there anything else?”
 “…no, that should be it.” Michiru wondered just how much Minako would hate her for this. Enough to convince Haruka to live, perhaps. Enough to keep her alive, hopefully.
 “A night in is nice,” Haruka admitted, settling on the couch next to Michiru. She pulled the blanket tighter around them. The TV roared in front of them as monster trucks crashed into one another, racing through a pit for victory. “You sure you want to watch this?”
 “It’s fine.” Michiru rested her head on Haruka’s shoulder and breathed in her scent. Haruka’s hands were warm and skin was soft and Michiru would miss the quiet hum of her breathing. She would miss these nights and miss, she would miss everything. Everything and anything and she was going to die, going to disappear and never do this again.
 “Babe?” Haruka asked as Michiru buried her face in Haruka’s chest.
 “It’s warmer this way.” Michiru buried herself deeper. If she could just bury herself in Haruka’s skin, so deep that even if she was gone she would still be here.
 The clock struck twelve and it was not so much an undoing as an unravelling, of all she had been, of all she was, of all she would ever be. If the last time she’d died it had been gentle, a disintegration into bubbles, this time there was no sensation. There was nothing but an awareness of ah, so my legs are gone.
 Haruka lay in bed, still blissfully asleep. A last touch. A last caress. Michiru reached out but her hands disappeared and then so did the rest of her.
 “Babe?” Haruka woke up to an empty bed. On Michiru’s pillow was a letter. Somewhere in the house, the clock struck 12:01.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic, Chapter One
Here’s the first chapter! I posted the playlist already. I have a few chapters written out already, so I’ll try to keep this updated.
Marinette stormed into the studio sub-basement, and stalked over to the speaker. She scrolled through her songs, chose the right one, and hit play. She jogged to the center of the room, twisting her hair into a dance bun. She threw herself into the movement, smooth lines and harsh turns. She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes further shut. How could they do this to her? They were supposed to be her friends, and they betrayed her. For that lying little...
The music stopped, and Marinette stumbled. Standing in the doorway was her mother, looking at her, worry evident in the gray eyes that they shared.
"Marinette, what's wrong? You only ever dance like that when you're upset. Your father wanted to come down too, but he needed to handle some customers. Talk to me, please." Sabine stumbled a little when her crying daughter slammed into her chest.
"They all dumped me like day-old pain au chocolate, Maman! For Lila! I thought they were my friends! What do I do? I want to take Oji-chan up on his offer, but I want to stay with you and Papa. I'm so confused." The young girl sobbed.
"Let's head upstairs and figure this out. The shop won't close for a few hours yet, but until then how about you and I make some dumplings, hmm? I bought the ingredients yesterday, so they're nice and fresh. Come on." Marinette nodded, morose. Not even the promise of fresh dumplings could help with this. Neither spoke of the fact that it was only lunch break.
"Hey, where's Marinette? You guys don't think that she's that mad about us switching seats? It's been three days." Alya asked when the bell rang. "Nino, you two have known each other your whole lives, right?" Nino, who had pulled off his headphones when his girlfriend had called his name, nodded.
"Since her family moved here from Japan when we were five, why?" Alya paused.
"She lived in Japan?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, they go back every summer. Not surprised you didn't know. She doesn't talk about it much. Again, why?" Nino's voice was growing heavy with concern.
"She hasn't been in in three days, Nino!" Alya shouted.
"She's m- wait, did you not go over and apologize yet?" Alya winced "No wonder you don't know! Alya, Marinette is moving! Back to Japan! She said- she said you two had talked." Nino's voice broke in distress.
"What!? Why would she just leave without telling me?! I'm her best friend!" Alya slammed her hands on the table in front of her.
"Best friend? You haven't even gone over to apologize!" Nino ran a hand over his hair.
"Why should I? She was just overreacting! She was just jealous!" Alya scoffed.
"In the year that you've known her, when has Marinette ever overreacted like this? You knows Marinette hates lies, that she can't lie to save her own life, so why would she lie about this? Dammit, Alya! I need to go." Nino stood and ran from the cafeteria, taking the sharp turn towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery, only to skid to a halt. Hanging in the front window was a sign, made in Marinette's unique handwriting, all loops and curls, reading 'Going out of business. Everything 75% off! '. He burst through the door, rushed past the line, and ran past the counter and up the stairs to the apartment. Sabine was packing family photos into a box stuffed with bubble wrap, while Tom was taping another shut. The two looked up at his abrupt entrance.
"Where's...Mari?" He panted. The couple exchanged glances.
“We’re sorry, Nino. You just missed her. She left on her plane two hours ago.” Sabine paced a hand on his arm. Nino shook his head.
“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I’ve known her my whole life, but I trusted Lila over her. God, how am I gonna tell Alya?” Nino twisted his cap in his hands.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, son.” Tom clapped a hand down on Nino’s shoulder, nearly making his knees buckle.
Marinette sighed and stretched. Her plane had landed, and first class or no, she hated flying. Unfortunately, it was the quickest way to Japan. Usually, at the start of summer, she and her parents took a cruise to get there, but there had been no available cabins. She walked down the hall, carrying only her carry-on bag. Her grandparents had insisted on booking her luggage, and refused to listen to her protests. She saw her bag on the carousel, and grabbed the pink and white spotted hard case, before making her way outside. She spotted her family’s chauffer, standing in front of a Porsche, holding a card with her name written on it in kanji, wearing a suit and sunglasses. She made her way over, set down her case, and gave him a hug.
“Kon’nichiwa, Shota-kun. How have you and Momo-chan been?” Marinette asked as the man placed her bags in the trunk.
“We’ve been fine, Marinette-chan. She looks forward to seeing you again.” The man smiled warmly at the thought of his wife and the girl who was practically his niece spending time together.
“I’ve missed her too.” Marinette slid into the back seat of the car, enjoying all the legroom.
The Porsche pulled to a halt in front of a western-style mansion in the suburbs. It was four stories, with a large wrap around porch and a giant garage. The gardens were a mix of traditional and western, with sand arranged in intricate patterns and rosebushes in every color. As soon as the car stopped, Marinette unbuckled and slid from the car, racing for the woman standing atop the stairs leading to the large double doors. She slowed down just before she reached the woman, and bowed hastily.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Oba-san. How are you today?” Marinette struggled to stay bowed, itching to hug her grandmother.
“Ohayo, Marinette-san. I am well, and you?” The older woman’s voice was like a river over sharp rocks, soft and inviting, yet hiding a deeper threat.
“I’m well.” Marinette recited the proper response.
“Oh, enough formality, give me hug!” A smile broke, warm and maternal, on the stern woman’s face. Marinette eagerly hugged her grandmother. “Come inside. It’s too cold out here, and you are far too thin! I’ve had Momo-chan prepare all your favorites! You don’t start school for another week, so we have plenty of time to spend together! Your Oji-kun will be home tomorrow, and your parents will join us in a month. For now, we eat!”
The first day after her arrival, Marinette did nothing but adjust to the nine-hour time difference. On her second day, one of the maids woke her early, to inform her that her Grandmother wanted her to join her in the studio. Marinette scrambled into her favorite sweater and leggings, before grabbing her dance bag. She hurried to the east wing, where the dance studio was located, next to the dojo. She entered, listening to the music drifting from the top of the line speakers. She watched her grandmother stretch for a moment, before setting down her bag and joining her at the bar. After a few minutes, they fell into an old routine, one they had choreographed the last time Marinette was home, the summer before. The two were so deeply invested in their dance, they failed to notice the elderly man slip into the room. He was tall, with black hair that was starting to go gray. He had kind, warm chocolate brown eyes, with a mole by the other corner of the left. His smile somewhat resembled a smirk, mildly higher on one side than the other, as he watched his wife and granddaughter dance. His name was Koki Cheng, father of Sabine and head chef, owner, and manager of the Lotus Flower Restaurant, the most exclusive restaurant in all Japan. The music stopped, and he cleared his throat.
“Oji-kun!” Marinette cried, throwing herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much! How was the conference?” She beamed up at him with eyes identical to his wife and daughter.
“It was fine, Mari-chan. Now, how have you been? Any potential suitors for Felix-kun to fight off?” He chuckled at her embarrassed squeak, and the way she turned bright red.
“Oji-kun! Of course not!” Both the adults laughed at the way her voice cracked at the end. “You both are so mean!” The girl protested, struggling with a smile.
The next day, instead of dance, she and her grandmother went into the dojo. Marinette wore sweat pants and a tank top, with her hands wrapped in tape. She bowed to her grandmother, prepared her bo-staff, and fell into form. The second she was ready, she turned, spinning the staff so that it caught against that of her grandmother, blocking a swing that would have hit the back of her knees. She lunged, trying to strike, but her grandmother dodged back. The two went on this way for a few minutes, until Minako caught her granddaughter in the stomach. The girl grunted, heaving as the air was knocked out of her. She slid the mouthguard out, and stretched her jaw.
“Good hit, Oba-chan! Boxing next?” The older woman nodded, leaning both staffs against the wall, before bracing the punching bag for her granddaughter. After almost thirty minutes, the two switched, so that Minako was hitting and Marinette held the bag, and continued for half an hour more. The two circulated the large dojo slash gym, until they had done a full circuit. Nearly two hours after they had started, the duo headed up the stairs.
“So, Marinette, are you excited to see Felix-kun when school starts? He’s missed you, you know.” Minako unwrapped her hands as she walked, casting a sly glance at Marinette.
“I really am. I’ve missed him too.” Felix Culpa was Marinette’s best friend since childhood. When Felix was thirteen and Marinette was twelve, their families had decided that the two would be part of a marriage contract. Either one could back out at any time, but neither had any intention. Marinette, to avoid scrutiny, had played up her mild attraction to Adrien. In all reality, she just thought he was cute. He was far too much of a push-over for her tastes. Felix, on the other hand, was slightly cold, a little cruel to those he disliked, and decidedly more assertive. In fact, thinking back on it, Adrien looked a lot like Felix. Maybe that was why she thought he was cute?
“Well, you have less than a week to wait. Now, it’s time for lunch. We’re having katsudon.” Marinette gasped, before doubling her pace. Her grandmother’s tinkling, bell-like laughter following behind her.
It was time for Marinette to leave. She started at her new school tomorrow, and she would be spending the week at her family’s penthouse a few miles from the school, and commuting back on weekends. She had her case behind her, and was hugging her grandmother tight.
“I’ll see you Friday night, right Oba-chan?” She hugged her grandmother tighter.
“Of course, Marinette-chan. For now, you need to get going if you want to reach the apartment by midnight.” The elder woman pet her granddaughter’s hair, sighing. The two so rarely got time together.
“I’ll call you after school tomorrow. I love you, Oba-chan, Oji-chan.” Marinette stepped back, and smiled weakly.
“I love you too, Mari-chan.” Her grandfather watched as she walked morosely towards the Rolls Royce waiting on her.
“I love you too, Marinette-chan. Have fun at school, and tell Felix-kun we said hello.” Marinette’s smile grew more sincere at the mention of her boyfriend.
“I will, Oba-chan! Bye!” Marinette called to her grandparents, as Shota shut her door, climbed in, and started the car.
“How do you think she’ll handle Ouran?” Minako asked her husband.
“The real question is, how will Ouran handle her?” Koki chuckled. “Our little Marinette is a spitfire, quite unlike the other heiress’ attending Suoh’s precious academy. This will be fun.” Minako slapped her husband’s arm.
“Right though you may be, Marinette is more than entertainment, husband mine.” He smiled.
“You’re right. Still, imagine the rude awakening when Felix acts like he usually does around her.” Koki chuckled again at the image.
Marinette awoke early, stretching thoroughly before heading to the kitchen. She had convinced her grandmother that she didn’t need a chef to cook for her while she was there, so she grabbed an apple and a container of yogurt, ate quickly, and headed back to her room to dress. She didn’t much like the uniform, but she would wear it. She grabbed her favorite pair of flats, twisted her hair into a bun, and contemplated what make-up to wear. She soon decided that some blush and highlighter would be plenty. With deft flicks of her wrist, she was done. Smiling at her reflection in the full-length mirror, she made her way to the penthouse’s private elevator. She pushed the button to close the doors behind her, and made her way to the street once she reached the ground floor. She nodded to Shota, who was in the front of the Rolls, and shut her door.
Ouran was massive. Five stories, three wings, and a large campus. For some reason, the whole building was pink, and seemed to glitter in the sunlight. She took a deep breath, adjusted her bag, and made her way in. She ignored the stares and whispers, and made her way to the main building, where, according to the map she had memorized the night before, the main office was. She entered an opulent office, within which sat a blond man with sharp brown eyes.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Suoh-san.” Marinette bowed quickly. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I was told by my grandfather to see you before classes started.” The man smiled and nodded.
“Your grandfather has spoken of you many times, Dupain-Cheng-san. Here is your schedule. Should you need anything, please, come straight to me. If I’m not available, you can ask my son, Tamaki. He’s a junior this year.” His eyes held a gleam she recognized from attending meetings with her grandfather. He was seeking a contract. In this case, he likely wanted her to marry his son. No, thanks. Marinette thought.
“Thank you for your time and generous offer, Suoh-san. I need to get to classes.” The man chuckled, though it lacked warmth.
“I hope you enjoy your time here, Dupain-Cheng-san.” Marinette pasted on her best fake smile.
“As do I, sir.”
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aithne · 5 years
(Illume) Tomika's Letters, 8/14 - 8/22: Windtraveller
8/14/1583 at sea
Dear Yukiko,
A brief note to say that we're on our way to Akita, hopefully there to pick up Nibori. I am hoping that a lessening of her worry about him will smooth out Panda's mood, which has been quite uneven lately.
Reiko asked my husband about the Scorpion connection to kitsune today, as well. She said that she had been told that kitsune may have been altered from what they were originally, and that the Scorpion Clan may have had something to do with that. She refused to say who told her about it, but I have my suspicions. Funitsu said he would send a runner off to go ask the question, as he didn't know the answer himself. (This was after much hemming and hawing, of course; you know how my husband is.)
She and the Thrykreen general Jeron have been very friendly for the past few days. Of all of the friendships I thought might form, theirs is the most surprising. Jeron is certainly not your typical mantid, of course, and Reiko's very strange even for a fox. But their two houses are certianly still at war. It's likely to prove their undoing, of course.
Funitsu's been using that orb of his to scry on various people, looking preoccupied and muttering to himself quite a bit. Panda's been spending the past few days praying over her sword, investing it with the powers of her ancestors. (Which ancestors? Her adoptive ones, the ones she shares with Akechi, or the one who is walking around the ship, very much alive? These are things one simply does not ask the white-haired samurai.)
Gryphon's been spending a lot of time talking to Shrike, in that most unmelodious voice of his. And so we continue to sail, as the weather continues oppressively hot, fighting a northeast wind down the coast towards Akita.
Do you ever feel as if you are bound with gossamer threads, unable to move or even breathe because of them? That is what I am feeling, at the moment.
Perhaps a change in the weather would help. The autumn, my favorite time of year, is approaching.
Much affection, Tomika
8/17/1583 Akita
Dear Yukiko,
We landed today, and were met at the docks by a messenger belonging to Funitsu. He said he had an answer to the question that Funitsu had sent a few days ago. We were all quite startled at the speed at which his request had been answered--we hadn't expected an answer for at least another week, perhaps two.
We ushered the messenger on board Shrike and listened to what he had to say.
The main line of the Scorpion clan, the family that later became the Bayushi, Shosori, and Soshi families, is about two millennia old, and the Black Hand is almost that old. The Black Hand, originally, was almost entirely made up of kitsune.
In order to make the kitsune willing to serve as assassins, the Scorpion wu jen changed them all, suppressing their consciences, turning them into something which could probably be correctly termed sociopaths.
This worked well for about a century, but then the Scorpion learned a bloody lesson: that without conscience, there can be no loyalty. The kitsune decided that it was more fun to kill their masters than strangers, and made quite the dent in the Scorpion bloodline before they were driven off. After that, a contract was taken out on all kitsune, to be hunted down and killed whenever possible.
About five centuries ago, a man named Takumi Yamashita took on that contract. And he has been most successful in ridding the world of kitsune. The Scorpion still pays him a yearly stipend, even though the man is now Ruling Lord of the Phoenix. Funitsu looked most disconcerted to find that his clan has been paying your father a yearly stipend to continue his war on the immortals. He muttered something about the money itself probably being reasonably insignificant, to both the Scorpion and the Phoenix, but it was the principle of the thing...
Reiko glared at Funitsu and walked out without saying another word. I believe she's taking this a little too personally.
We recovered ourselves, reconvened, and headed towards Nibori's house. After Panda and Nibori greeted each other privately (as it hadn't been safe to send him a message telling him that Panda is pregnant with his child, plus, from the look of things, they missed each other quite a bit) we settled on cushions in a large room, talking amongst ourselves.
Nibori said that since so many generals had been either going missing or uncontrolled lately, all of the rest had become very secretive. There was very little useful information he had for us, other than the fact that Usagi, the former Dragon ambassador to the Scorpion (who had disappeared when Funitsu was made Lord Soshi) has returned to Miyako, where she is gathering together money, for some reason. Nibori had no idea if she was raiding the Dragon coffers, but suggested we may wish to find out.
The other piece of information he had was about another of our enemies, Minako, and the project she is in charge of. The Windtraveller project is a scheme to convert the race of gryphons to their side. Knowing that the gryphons would never submit willingly, they were magically combining gryphons with nezumi, the rat people.
All of us looked a bit ill at this point. Gryphon began to growl, softly.
Nibori threw a slightly nervous glance at him, but continued. The combination has made the gryphon/nezumi crosses able to remember where Skyhome is, which means that they are some of the most dangerous creatures in the world right now. There are only two, so far, but there will be many more soon.
Minako is about four days inland by foot and two by horse. It was agreed without much discussion that we would go take care of this, somehow. We asked Nibori if he wanted to travel with us, and he nodded. His eyes were on Panda as he said, "I'm already packed."
The person who had brought Nibori the Windtraveller information was staying in his house, and he said we may want to talk to her at least, and probably take her along. "Be careful of her, though. She has a very...persuasive...voice."
We agreed to take her aboard the Benevolent, just to be on the safe side. The librarian left, presumably on an errand of his own.
The woman had a very strange--gaijin?--name, Kalidia. How they ever manage to pronounce these things, I have no idea! She was very beautiful, and her voice was indeed one of the most melodic ones I've ever heard. Panda said, quietly, "She is definitely a magic-user of some sort, and she had quite a bit of innate magic. Be careful."
We sat in conversation for a while, and it transpired that her father had been a sailor for the Crane, a low-level one, and had been the only survivor of a shipwreck on an island off the eastern coast. Her mother had claimed to also have been shipwrecked, but kept Kalidia on the island with her until she was twelve, at which time she brought her to the mainland and gave her to Minako.
Until a year ago, Minako had been a perfectly pleasant person. However, lately, she had become impossible to live with, and thus Kalidia had left her home and come here, in search of someone who could help. She had been disgusted by the combining of gryphons and nezumi, and sought help with stopping that. She had found Nibori, and discovered that the magic within him was different than what had possessed her stepmother. When he had said that there were people on the way who could help, she had decided to stay, and wait for us to come.
We asked her how they were combining the gryphons and nezumi, and she said, "There are two masks, one shaped like a gryphon's face and the other shaped like a human's face. When the masks are put on both, the body of the one who wears the human mask becomes part of the gryphon. Minako tried it with humans, but the gryphon's personality was always fighting with the human's, and they both went mad and had to be killed. The ratpeople subsume the gryphon's personality underneath their own, for some reason. It is a perversion of the natural order. That's why I've come to ask for help. I can't stop this on my own, and it must be stopped."
Haku asked, in a blunt voice (that I believe he only gets away with because he's a Ruling Lord; that tone would be unforgivably rude in anyone of lesser station!), "Are you human, Kalidia?"
Her laugh was like sun sparkling on the sea, and I forgot to breathe. For a moment, I felt as if I would die to hear her laugh again. Then reality reasserted itself, and I looked at her with deeper suspicion than I had before. "No, I am not. I am a...changeling, is the best term. My mother, I believe, was a siren, though she never said so. I have her voice, and my voice will gain us entrance to Minako's laboratory. If you try to go in without me with you, you will die before you ever reach her."
"The laboratory is four days inland, you said?"
"It is, on foot. We should go soon. She had only made two before I'd left, but there were more she was working on. There is another like me who we will find there, but she is...wrong. Twisted. She likes to hurt and torture things, and she wholly approves of what Minako is doing."
Gryphon, at this point, demanded we go to Skyhome and warn his grandfather. We decided to do that first and then travel overland tomorrow.
We traveled through the mirror to Skyhome, and we spoke with Gryphon's grandfather. (It was lovely to see you, however briefly--I'm glad to see you're well, and the pregnancy is progressing well.) Two gryphons had returned recently, one who was acting normally, the other who was acting suspiciously. We spoke to the normal one first, who said she'd found Skyhome entirely by accident--she'd been flying high one day, and smacked right into it.
The other had been caged by the other gryphons, and it was decidedly not well.
The altered gryphon threw itself against the bars of its cage, shrieking what were probably insults in its screeching language. Gryphon taunted it, evidently trying to get it to change to nezumi form. Reiko tried to convince him that it was not polite to taunt people in cages, which is a lesson the Gryphon ignored. We stood and discussed what to do with it--Gryphon's grandfather said that they were about to kill it, and it was a shame, too.
Reiko touched Gryphon on the wing. "Uh, Kittycat? I think I might be able to fix him."
The kitsune thought she could pull the rat's spirit from the gryphon's body. She said, "There's a small chance I'll get stuck with the rat's spirit, but he's a stranger, so it's relatively safe." She said she needed to touch the gryphon, preferably without it taking her arm off, and a few of the other gryphons volunteered to hold the ill one down for her.
They did, and Reiko laid a hand on its neck briefly, concentrated, and then pulled something away from the body of the gryphon. the thing she pulled away was only briefly visible, looking like just a shred of silver cloth, and as she stepped away the gryphon's chest opened, and a rat's bloody body fell out, quite dead.
The kitsune's hand relaxed, and the invisible thing she was holding was apparently not there any more. She murmured, "Hope your next life's better than this one, ratling."
The gryphon was dazed but feeling much better, released from the other gryphons' grasp, rising, and shaking its great beaked head. The kitsune stepped back to stand by Panda.
Tonight, we sleep on the ship, and tomorrow we head inland on our horses, to try and stop any more of these unnatural things from being created.
Much affection, Tomika
8/20/1583 somewhere inland from Akita
Uneventful journeying from Akita, with two nights spent in the great outdoors. (The great outdoors has spiders in it. I am not so certain that I like it very much, but I have to admit that it has a certain charm. However, my saddle sores tell me that I may not be quite suited yet to it.)
Tadaki came down with a terrible head cold right before we left, so we had him stay with the ships. We brought Jeron with us, the Warresh, Kalidia, and, of course, Nibori.
Panda's puppy has decided that it really likes traveling on foot. It was constantly running off into the undergrowth and finding nasty things to roll in. Panda only shrugged and said it was acting according to its nature, and made a point of tossing it in every stream we crossed.
About noon today, we arrived at the laboratory of Minako.
The entrance was two triangles made up of stone posts; we gathered inside one of them and Kalidia turned them so they matched. And suddenly, we dropped down and sideways, into the side of the mountain we were standing on.
Kalidia's voice surrounded us, and we came to a sudden stop, seeming to almost bounce off of a membrane of some sort, invisible to the eye but taut and warm to the touch. Beyond that invisible membrane created by the siren's voice, cruel spikes of steel were embedded in the wall. The fate of those who came in without a siren escorting them was suddenly all too clear.
Nibori scouted down the hallway and came back with the news that in the lab, there were some people moving. Haku scouted as well with his inner sight, and told us how many being were in side and where they were located. Funitsu and I walked down the hallway in the lead, together; we opened the door and fired, as one, lightning bolts into the room.
That, dear Yukiko, was what I call fun.
We waded into the room, killing ratlings right and left as they poured out towards us. All of our warriors acquitted themselves quite well, cutting through nezumi with ease. Haku executed a most splendid leap, landing right beside Minako herself.
Minako was standing next to a bound gryphon with a mask on its face. And Minako was holding another mask--this one of a human face.
Too late, Panda shouted warning. Minako slapped the mask on Haku's face, and he disappeared, the mask falling empty to the floor.
And the gryphon screamed.
Tearing itself free of its bonds, the gryphon, now maskless, pounced on Minako. We had agreed that if it was possible to turn her rather than kill her, we could, but the gryphon that was now Haku had no way to turn her, with no hands and no vials of the true source. Instead, he held her with clawed hands, screaming.
Reiko darted through the fray, ignoring nezumi who struck out at her. She was buffeted by one of Haku's wings, and then ducked underneath, pouring the contents of a small vial down Minako's throat.
The small woman shuddered, and her eyes fluttered closed.
And the song of the other siren changeling, who we had not seen until now, rang through the room.
Fortunately, we all resisted her attempt to compel us--to do what, I wonder?-- and, soon enough, Haku had pounced on her and reduced her to being unconscious and bleeding on the floor.
In the wake of the battle, silence fell.
We quickly introduced ourselves to Minako. She seemed somewhat confused and horrified by what she had been doing, and readily agreed to help us set it right. Gryphon was evidently teaching Haku some of the finer points of being a gryphon (Haku tried to mantle and ended up merely fluffing out his tail), but when asked, Haku indicated that, yes, he would indeed like to be a human again. She used the mask to undo the spell on him and the other five gryphons that had been combined with nezumi.
Gryphon went briefly back to Skyhome to tell the other gryphons that there was one altered gryphon left, as well as to pass on my letters to you.
Reiko asked what we should do with the siren we'd critically injured, and Minako sighed. "Let her pass. Much as I hate to say it, she endangers me, now." The small woman looked unhappy about this, but there was nothing we could do, so we let the changeling die, quietly.
Minako seems to be a good sort, and we'll be camping more of less on her doorstep tonight, as she doesn't have room for our entire retinue inside. The weather has been fine and clear, so camping outside is less of a hardship than it might sound.
Tomorrow, we'll set out again for Akita and our ships. My bones are aching at the thought of another two days of riding, but I'm sure I'll manage. I think I need to ride more; evidently, you get used to it the more you ride. I'll never be a Unicorn Battle Maiden, but perhaps I could ride for a day without being so stiff I want to die at the end of it.
My thoughts are with you, Lady.
Much affection, Tomika
8/22/1583 Akita
Outwardly, the trip back was uneventful.
However, Reiko appears to be giving the silent treatment to both my husband and Jeron, Nibori and Panda are being shockingly sweet for a pair of samurai, Funitsu and Haku are both brooding on things of their own, and the only ones who did not seem strange were the Warresh, the librarian, and Gryphon.
The kitsune has definitely taken the Scorpion involvement in the deaths of her people personally. I'm not certain why she isn't speaking to Jeron, but if I had to guess, he was the one who told her there was a secret to be uncovered in the first place--which meant that he knew and did not (could not, would not) tell her.
Ad I overheard the oddest thing tonight. A group of sailors on the Benevolent were drinking on deck, passing a jar of what was probably sake around between themselves. They, being sailors, are prone to coarse speech. One of them commented that while it was nice to have a second fox around, the first wasn't any fun any more. Evidently, Reiko has stopped sleeping with the sailors, for some reason.
It's not so much that this worries me as I just begin to wonder why she has changed her habits. Won't she starve to death, without regularly feeding off of people? And so...who is she feeding on now? The Thrykreen? That's going to be difficult, if she's not speaking to him.
We still haven't decided where we're going next. Perhaps to Dragon territory, to find out what Usagi is doing. Perhaps to Tokyo, to try to find Funitsu's sister ad figure out why she has become what she has. Perhaps we should head into Lion territory, to find out how they're doing.
Sometimes I think I could flee west and lose myself in the barbarian countries. But other times I wonder if this isn't where I'm meant to be, at least for the moment.
We abide.
And keep fighting.
Much affection, Tomika
Quotes: "Well, sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." --Ray
"He's a barbarian, hiding in shadows. Grrrr." --Laura.
"Has anyone ever told you that it's not polite to taunt people in cages?" "...no." "It's not polite." "So? They're in cages!" --Reiko and Gryphon
"Funitsu: still the prettiest!" --Kris
"Tadaki has a horrible head cold. He flew through a monsoon. He's home in bed." "He has thrush." "GAAAAAAAAH." --Laura and Ray
"Is it useful to have Taura with us?" "No, she'll just get killed." "Well, she might come in handy if we have to stay the night." "Now I know what she's been up to nights..." --Kris, Laura, Ray
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