#snotlout x male reader
p-3-ngu-1-n · 1 year
I want to read a Snotlout x male oc fanfiction
But there are barely any
Do I want to write one myself? Not really
Am I still going to do that? Probably
But be warned, it will be a slow burn over the movies and the shows and then some
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allzelemonz · 4 months
I went on AO3 for fics and was disappointed yet again, so I made a list of who I'm vibing right now. All of them had under ten fics (not counting my own). Who should I tackle first?
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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New Home From Across the Sea | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King
More about you: More about you
Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea | (You are here)
Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW
Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW
Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW
Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW
Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW
Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW
Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
Word count: 3,705 words
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The world was different for the boy that lived in the icy nest with the Alpha dragon. He was considered royalty among the rest of the winged creatures, and they all loved him dearly. Even outside the nest, dragons would flock all around to help him. He was found on a boat, abandoned by the rest as an infant. The boy was saved by two night furies that had brought him to the dragon nest.
The two didn't stay for long, but would come by to check on him. Y/n had spent two years learning how to act like the dragons. They would all take turns to care for the boy and Y/n would take care of them. Y/n would start helping out with raids as he rode one of the many dragons, usually commanding them what to grab and what to do. Even if he looked two years old, Y/n was a powerful soul.
After returning to the nest after the most recent raid, Y/n called out to the sky in hopes that his night fury friends would hear his call. The gods had answered his prayer as two pitch black dragons flew down and looked down to the h/c haired boy. Y/n's e/c eyes gleamed with excitement as he quickly got onto the e/c eyed night fury. The three of them flew up into the blue sky, Y/n grinning wide. The two dragons opened their mouths to shoot into the air, causing Y/n to giggle and kick his legs.
One of the shots was right in front of Y/n, and he screamed out in excitement as his face was covered in smoke and his hair slicked back. Y/n leaned his body down onto the dragon he was riding as he stroked his head. The other night fury made jealous grumbles as he flew right below the other. Y/n smiled at him and walked off the e/c eyed night fury, slipping down its wing to be caught by the green-eyed night fury. Y/n hugged the dragon, feeling so content at the moment.
“I love you guys so much. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
Y/n then roared out into the sky as it rumbled through the wind. The roar sounded like a dragon, as others roared in response. Many other dragons had flocked around the night furies and Y/n commanded them forward just as a king did to his subjects. They all followed as the green-eyed night fury took the lead, with Y/n still riding him, guiding them to a pool of fish. Y/n pointed down at the pool, causing all the dragons around to dive and catch their food.
“Everyone go eat! And save some for the other's back home!”
All the dragons growled in agreement as they all caught various amounts of fish. Y/n then instructed the night fury to fly down with the other dragons as Y/n collected as much fish as he could. Once the fish in the ocean were gone, Y/n had everyone fly back to the nest to feed the others. On the way Y/n snacked on one of the many raw fish he caught, sharing some pieces between the two night furies. The night furies dropped him off in front of the nest as he walked in with a deadly nadder.
He was so excited to share what he got with his huge dragon family. Y/n walked deeper into the icy nest, and to get all the dragon's attention he did his dragon call. It echoed throughout the whole nest, as all the dragons turned their attention to the small boy. Some dragons flew down to crowd Y/n, curious to what he had brought. Y/n jumped up and down in excitement, even if this was a daily thing.
“Time to eat! I brought everyone food!”
Y/n held up the fish he got and threw all the others to the expecting dragons. They all roared in delight, thanking the small boy for the food as he went to where the baby dragons were flying. He loved watching how carefree they were, even if they could be annoying sometimes. The baby dragons had found Y/n and started to pull him to their small nest. The parent dragon that was taking care of them today tried to pull the babies off of Y/n, but he insisted it was fine.
This was a daily occurrence, and Y/n loved feeling wanted by the babies. They only ever listened to him, as did all dragons, but the babies were a special case because they listen to no one. Y/n sat down in the nest with a baby Hideous Zippleback sitting in his lap. The other babies tried to push and shove the baby dragon, but Y/n held his hand up to stop them. The other babies stopped as the Zippleback cuddled into Y/n's small lap.
“You will all get your turns little ones, just a bit of patience.”
Y/n then started to pet and preen the Zippleback as its two heads caused small sparks of happiness. Y/n loved when the dragons had a small fiery reaction to him just being there. It was much how the night furies were when Y/n rode them in the sky. Y/n giggled as some sparks caught onto his hair, panicking the overseeing dragon. A big dragon paw hit Y/n’s face as the overseeing dragon pat out the small fire that started on Y/n’s h/c hair.
As Y/n helped clean the Zippleback, a baby monstrous nightmare and snuggled up to Y/n’s side. The other baby dragons saw this and all piled Y/n, causing him to fall back to the ground. Y/n was slightly suffocated by all the weight on his chest, making the overseeing dragon panic once more. Y/n was flailing in the pile, trying to breathe while the overseeing dragon pulled the babies off. The babies started to whine as they tried to get back onto Y/n, only to be stopped by the overseeing dragon. 
Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how needy the baby dragons were. The overseeing dragon bumped into Y/n’s back, making sure he was okay. He slung the dragon’s head over his shoulder and started to stroke its nose in hopes of calming it down. The baby dragons all flew away to go do whatever the gods know what, and Y/n’s waist had been trapped by the overseeing dragon’s tail. 
Y/n leaned into the overseeing dragon as one of its wings were draped over Y/n's lap. Y/n marveled at all the dragons that flew around the nest seeing how happy they looked. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, leaning deeper into the dragon that was cuddling him. The same zippleback Y/n was cleaning had placed itself back onto Y/n’s lap and fell asleep. Many of the other baby dragons had done the same, creating a cuddle pile.
This was the routine Y/n had lived by for ten full years, and he couldn't complain. There was this itch in his brain that he couldn't ignore, however. The other dragons had noticed the way Y/n looked at himself in the reflection in the water, and the majority conclusion to help was to steal books and items from the ships they looted. On usual raids, Y/n would only ever ask the dragons to steal food and help the other dragons that were trapped. On these raids, Y/n never went as the dragons claimed them to be too dangerous for him to join, but it was all because they wanted to bring these books and items back as presents.
Y/n had read through each and every book he had ever received from the dragons. Over the next five years he had memorized each and every page. The information felt so new to him, this was the other half of who he was. A viking brain and a dragon heart, both making him tough through and through. One book scared him though, the dragon killing book.
He knew that vikings had killed dragons, but he never wanted to admit it. He wanted to believe his dragon friends were safe from harm. But out in the open world, Y/n could only do so much. Y/n had wandered out of the nest and onto one of the rock formations connected to it, watching the dragons fly away to do whatever they wanted. Y/n then stumbled as he felt a gronkle nudge him closer to the edge.
Y/n started to panic the closer he got to the edge of the water, not wanting to get wet. Y/n heard the frenzy of dragons flying above him, a boat being pushed closer to Y/n. The boy was left confused as he looked at each and every dragon. A monstrous nightmare had brought Y/n his books and tossed them into the boat, pulling Y/n into it soon after. Y/n stood at the edge of the boat as all the dragons of the nest flew out and stood around the boy. 
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
The dragons all roared out in response, a low flame from their mouths lit up the area. Y/n finally understood what was going on. This was a farewell to Y/n as they all kept roaring. Y/n felt tears drip down his cheek as he was finally able to go out and explore. Y/n started to push the boat as he waved to the dragons. 
He couldn’t help but cry as he was leaving his home, his family. Y/n started to sail slowly away, but his boat started to rock slightly. He looked over the edge of the boat to see scauldrons helping him push his boat along. His tears dripped into the water as one scauldron rose its head out of the water to lick Y/n and gently squirt semi warm water on his face. Y/n giggled as his tears mixed with the salty seawater. 
Y/n had sailed like this for a month, before the scauldrons had to leave to find food elsewhere. Y/n understood and waved them off, as he was now alone. His boat floated in the sea, in no particular direction. All Y/n had were his books, so he decided to reread them over and over. Sometimes he would pass other viking’s ships and hear them singing, intriguing Y/n. 
He picked them up and would hum these sea songs to himself whenever he got bored with the books he read. He sailed for about two months, or what seemed like it because Y/n had no sense of time. It was dark as the moon reflected the moonlight. Y/n was laying on the boat’s floor as he slept soundly. Y/n’s boat suddenly crashed into a nearby rock formation, destroying the front of the boat and making it sink. 
The sound of crashing had alerted the chief of the island Y/n had crashed on. He ran toward the location and saw the boy almost being consumed by water, his books completely drowned and surrounding the boy. The chief dove into the icy water and brought the small boy to the shore. He called a few men to save the books while he pulled the small boy out of the water. Y/n yawned as he stretched his small arms and looked at the man holding him with his e/c eyes. 
The chief looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow, curious as to how such a small child sailed here all by himself. It concerned the muscular man, and the others that had now surrounded the chief. The chief’s wife ran up and saw the boy he was holding, taken aback that such a young boy had crashed into Berk. Y/n looked to the chief and then to the woman that had stood right next to him. He had seemingly no concern for almost drowning. 
“Where am I? And who are you all?”
The chief sighed in relief and put the small boy down on the floor as he stood by himself. The group of people were amazed by the boy surviving in the frigid water after crashing. The chief’s wife knelt down and checked the boy for any wounds, as if she was his own mother. One of the chief’s greatest friends that had a peg leg and a hooked hand joined the group to see the boy. The chief knelt down next to his wife and put his large hand on the boy's small shoulder.
“You are on the island of Berk. And where might you have sailed from?”
Y/n thinks for a moment to try to think of a place to say, but he can’t think of any. Y/n looks up at the chief, messing with the hem of his shirt. The chief had tilted his head in curiosity, trying to make sense of the boy’s actions of trying to self soothe. The chief’s wife kept her hands tenderly on the boy’s cheeks and looked at him with gentle eyes. Y/n felt an odd sense of comfort here.
“I do not know where I came from. I just sailed from the open ocean until I crashed onto this island.”
The group that surrounded the boy started to murmur themselves in whispers they thought Y/n couldn’t hear. Y/n looked around the group with curious, childlike eyes that could melt any soul into a puddle. But those very eyes held that of a dragon's. The chief's wife saw it in the boy, the soul he had and she was enthralled. The chief had a questioning look on his face, trying to find any reason why a young boy like the one in front of him would have sailed all the way out here on his own.
"I see. Well, I am Stoick the Vast. You have landed on Berk."
From that point on Y/n became apart of Stoick’s family. He was treated as just another Berkian by everyone else, even though his view on dragon hunting was different. Time went on, and Y/n became incredibly close with the village’s smith, Gobber. The two were a colorful duo, Y/n indulging in Gobber’s stories and Gobber teaching Y/n about dragon history as well as inventing. 
Stoick found the pair to be quite troublesome, but found it endearing nonetheless. Stoicks’ wife loved Y/n as if he were one of his own. She saw eye to eye with y/n about not wanting to hurt dragons and seeing no reason for it. Y/n was seemingly able to win everyone over.
After three years, people began to notice the lack of Y/n aging physically. Many tried to ask the boy, but he always managed to dodge the question. It always made Y/n really uncomfortable whenever he was asked. He just found his new family, there wasn’t anything that would pull him away from it.
It unsettled the chief, but Y/n never seemed to be affected when eating the raw fish so he tried to keep his worries low. In his mind the child was odd no doubt, but having Y/n with him for so long Stoick got attached. Stoick then decided to make it a rule for the village to never question Y/n’s habits or lack of aging.
Stoick had noticed Y/n’s uncomfortable feelings around the questions pertaining to his lack of physical aging, but there were more things he had noticed about the boy. Whenever Y/n would eat, his teeth would show, and they seemed sharper than normal. Not only that but Y/n only seemed to have a craving for fish, raw.
Over the three years of staying in Berk, Y/n tried his hardest to convince people not to hurt the dragons. It happened so often, the other vikings started to think Y/n was crazy. No one said that to his face though out of fear of Stoick’s wrath. Stoick tried to explain the reason for hunting dragons over and over but Y/n never accepted those reasons.
Things changed however, when the chief had a son. His birth son who was named Hiccup. Y/n was excited because not only was it someone who he could connect with at his age, but another person to his found family. Hiccup also changed Y/n because as soon as he was born, Y/n started to age physically.
The two boys grew up together, Y/n teaching Hiccup about the world and following Stoick everywhere to learn about the history of Berk. Hiccup found a passion with dragons, watching them from afar and seeing his father hunt them. Y/n noticed this affinity and decided to nurture it.
Y/n told Hiccup all that he knew about dragons, even things that other vikings never knew. Many considered the information to be made up or embellished, but it had Hiccup hooked. The two explored and did everything together. Y/n metaphorically attached himself to Hiccup, going everywhere Hiccup went.
As the two aged, both were considered weird and different. Albeit for different reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless. It was another thing the two boys connected over. Being outcasted by the village and having differences that others didn’t agree with.
When Hiccup was busy, Y/n found himself at the forge. Y/n’s other friend was Gobber. He loved helping him with inventions and weapon building. It became a pastime for the two to create new weapons and learn how to improve old ones. Gobber was another best friend to Y/n.
The closer Y/n got with Gobber, the more the urge to tell him about his past grew stronger. Gobber seemed to notice Y/n’s hesitance around him and the little slip ups when Y/n spoke to him. Eventually, Gobber decided to question the boy’s behavior. Both were in the forgery, working on weapons for the village.
“Mind telling me what all this talk of living with dragons means?”
Y/n immediately dropped the weapons he was working on, onto the floor. Fear crept up into his heart and he looked utterly dumbfounded. How did Gobber find out? Well to Y/n’s obliviousness, it was Y/n’s own fault.
Y/n turned around slowly, but kept his head down. Gobber raised an eyebrow at the boy’s behavior, but kept his silence. He wanted to hear the full story, he wanted to know about the boy’s past. It felt only right to Gobber that he knew based off how long Y/n’s been around him. Y/n took a deep breath and decided this was the time.
“It means how it sounds. Before I crashed onto Berk, I lived with dragons. I was raised by them. They taught me how to fish and survive. But then I left and well you know the rest after that…”
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two. It was only interrupted when Y/n went back to the weapons he dropped. The clanking of the weapons being placed on the table sounded more deafening as Y/n waited for a response from Gobber. Y/n’s mind raced with all the terrible what if scenarios.
“Well that's certainly on par with my dragon stories, wouldn’t you think?”
That wasn’t a response Y/n was expecting at all. Sure, Gobber had his own tales of adventuring and such, but comparing it to Y/n’s was something the boy didn’t quite understand. Gobber only laughed at Y/n’s confusion and proceeded to tell him stories of how he lost his leg and hand. This ended up taking half the day and no new weapons were made.
The forgery were full of shared anecdotes and laughs. Y/n felt safer than he did before with Gobber knowing his secret. One thing that still plagued Y/n’s mind though was if Gobber was going to tell Stoick. Gobber noticed Y/n’s shift in mood once more.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo.”
Y/n stiffened once more, caught off guard with how perceptive Gobber was. It honestly astounded Y/n that he was, but he also remembered how close Gobber was to Stoick and all the battles the two fought with each other.
“You’re not going to tell Stoick are you?”
“Tell Stoick what, exactly?”
“My past… What I had shared with you.. Can you please not tell Stoick?”
Gobber had nodded, understanding Y/n’s unease with the chief knowing Y/n’s true past and who he really was. Albeit his past did explain Y/n’s strange behaviors and his defense for dragons, but Berk’s chief is one who is not as open-minded. After that, the two went back to chatting and just sharing stories once more.
Over the years, Y/n grew up in this new world as a viking. Learning and training, but not to hurt dragons. No, but to defend them and his found family from them. Y/n would convince Stoick to have Hiccup help with Gobber in the forge, much to Stoick’s dismay and concern. Hiccup would learn how to invent things with Y/n always by his side.
Y/n’s new home was not ready for Y/n, however. The gods seemingly having different plans for the boy. One faithful night would prove that Y/n’s two worlds of vikings and dragons would converge. Be it for better or for worse.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Scent Headcanon — Httyd Omegas
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Notes: I have rewatched Race to the Edge so many times, I know it's plot by heart now.
Warnings: spoilers of Race to the Edge on Viggo's, might contain grammar errors
»» Dagur smells like a campfire and wood, with all the time he spent on a boat while he worked with the dragon hunters, he also has a faint smell of the ocean. When he gets mad, his scent becomes smoky, like an entire fire.
»» Because of his hobbies and workaholic tendencies, Hiccup's scent has merged with the things he uses. So he smells like a mixture of ink, paper, leather, and metal. When he gets angry his scent spikes and the metal smell becomes way stronger than the others.
»» Because of Hookfang's ability to set themselves on fire, also all of the fightings Snotlout gets in, he lost most of his natural scent, so people can only smell the burnt leather and smoke. But when he gets angry, his actual scent comes out more, so he smells like mango and fresh-cut grass.
»» Now Viggo's scent changes after he falls into the volcano. Before he smelt like ocean, wood, and river stones, but now he smells like burnt skin, fire, and ash. When angry his smell also becomes smoky, but is quite intoxicating and not in a good way, so he tends to control it.
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
How To Train Your Dragon Master-list
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Hiccup Haddock
“Happy Anniversary” (romantic)
Platonic Hiccup helps w/ sensory overload (in progress)
Ruffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Tuffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Eret Son of Eret
Nothing yet
Astrid Hofferson
Nothing yet
Fishlegs Ingerman
Nothing yet
Snoutlout Jorgenson
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Valka Haddock
Nothing yet
Stoick the Vast
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Daugar the Deranged
Nothing yet
Heather the Unhinged
Nothing yet
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Fem!Hiccup x Male Reader
Artwork by @avannak
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“Hicca!” The booming voice of Stoick the Vast echoes thru the island of Berk. The chief looks around for his prized daughter as he clutches a letter in his fist.
Hicca lands a second later, Toothless purring a little.
“By Freya, Dad,” Hicca smirks, “I’m sure the Beserkers could hear you with that voice”
“Hicca we need to talk” Stoick puts a gentle hand on her.
It all had to do with the letter. A message from the nearby isle of Doon. Secretive in nature, no one had much contact with them. No one except Stoick.
“The ruler of Doon wishes to discuss a peace treaty with Berk” Stoick explains to his daughter in the sanctity of their hut. “That only means one thing-“
“Marriage, Dad?!” Hicca huffs as she unhooks Toothless’ saddle. “I-I can’t marry someone I haven’t even met”
“Doom’s ruler has a son your age-“ Stoick explains exasperatedly.
“Oh great! Another Snotlout” Hicca huffs some more. She goes to cooking the meal as Toothless lights the fire under the stove.
“Your mother and I were an arranged marriage. It’s quite common amongst the chiefs of the isles.” Stoick taps his helmet, a little sign of love to the memory of his wife. “Berk needs an ally and Doon’s extending an offer. I’m sorry…” Stoick breathes out a little defeated.
Hicca packed her bags onto Toothless’ saddle as Stoick did to his dragon. For the good of Berk, Hicca had to convince herself. She just hoped and prayed to Odin, Thor and Freya that this Doon ruler would be better than the Beserkers.
The flight to the isle of Doon was relatively short, a two hour flight. All Hicca could see on the horizon was an isle shrouded in fog. It appeared so foreboding at the moment.
Whoosh! A white blur zooms past her and Toothless. The black dragon growls in confusion.
“We’re here,” Stoick says.
“Stoick the Vast” you say, hoping your tone voices all the warmth you could bring to your guests.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N) the Swift?” Stoick looks around unable to see you.
“Where are you?” Hicca looks around, unable to see you either. “Reveal yourself”
“As you wish,” you smile and tap your dragon playfully “Snowstorm? Our guests want to see us”
Your Light Fury undoes her camouflage, revealing herself and you.
“Welcome to Doon,” you smile as you pull off your helmet. Hicca couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. You were handsome, by Freya she hoped that you were as kind. Your armor and helmet were made of old scales from Snowstorm.
Hicca removes her helmet and locks eyes with you.
You found yourself distracting by Hicca’s beauty. Her emerald eyes, how they could tell of her vast intelligence and kindness. Her brunette hair, tied in a loose ponytail. You had never seen a young woman as beautiful and yet so humble at the same time.
“Y-You ride a Light Fury?” Hicca looks to you in amazement, snapping you back to reality.
“Snowstorm?” You give your dragon a gentle pet. “Oh yeah”
Snowstorm spots Toothless and gives him a gentle purr. The Night Fury couldn’t help but give a gummy smile back.
“Come” you point to your home, “I have a stew on the stove”
You give Snowstorm another pat and the two of you take off into the mist. Hicca and Stoick fly in after you.
The mist parts revealing the rolling green hills of Doon. The isle was double if not triple the size of Berk. And nestled on the coast was the village of Doon. Hicca found herself gasping again. The island had dragons living among it. Intricate stables and wide open ranges that provided housing to both Vikings and dragons.
You land at the center of town. Hicca and Stoick follow suit.
Hicca slides down Toothless’ spine to come face to face with a blind dragon.
“Don’t mind Plymouth” you smile as you guide the blind dragon away from her, “she’s old and a little blind. But she’s a loving one”
Hicca looks around and realizes that most of the dragons on Doon have little disabilities. Missing tails, claws and even mended wings.
“Doon’s a dragon sanctuary” she breathes out.
“You are correct, my fellow dragon rider” you answer back as you walk up to her and give a kiss to her knuckles. Hicca couldn’t help but blush.
“Aye that’s why ye been so secretive” Stoick chimes in.
You lead the two up to your hut, rather simple for a ruler. Toothless and Snowstorm run off, frolicking with delight.
“My father passed away a couple winters ago” you explain “so now I’m the ruler of Doon. Thank you for agreeing to come”
Stoick looks to you uneasily, “ah yes the…uh…marriage”
Hicca looks to you, maybe a little hopeful but also embarrassed.
“Marriage? I don’t exactly see the need for that” you let out a chuckle. “I would rather marry for love than some old rule”
Hicca couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief or maybe it wasn’t anymore.
“But most peace treaties are completed with a marriage between the two families” Stoick counters.
“I know” you say with a smirk “but I’d rather just shake hands, enjoy some stew with ale and have a bit of trust for our two nations”
“How good of an ale are we talking?” Stoick asks with a little chuckle.
Stoick passed out after about his tenth pint of ale. You and Hicca shared a good laugh about it.
“We have exactly two minutes until my dad reawakens and asks for more ale” Hicca giggles.
“Two minutes is all i need” you giggle back as you take her hand.
You guide Hicca out to the porch, overlooking all of Doon. The two of you look over to see Toothless and Snowstorm sitting close together, their tails wrapped around each other like two lovers holding hands.
“They seem happy” Hicca chimes in.
“I think I may have to let Snowstorm head back to Berk with you. She’s clearly smitten with him” You answer back.
“It’s amazing what you’ve done here” Hicca breathes in the whole essence of the isle.
“Not as amazing as you!” you answer back, “I-I mean what you’ve done.”
Hicca blushes, “It wasn’t easy but you learn to adapt. And it all started with him.” She points to Toothless.
“For me, it started with her” you point to Snowstorm.
The two of you can’t help but share a laugh. Kindred souls, you never thought you’d meet someone like Hicca.
“I-I’m hoping that maybe I could see you again” Hicca says before shying away, “I mean it would be beneficial for our two kingdoms to-um…”
You take a chance and give her a kiss on the cheek. Hicca freezes and then a small smile forms on her face.
“I’d love to see you again too” you answer back.
Hicca balances on her toes before grabbing you and pulling you into a kiss. "Sorry" she blushes, "not very proper of the daughter of a chief"
"well who wants to keep holding to traditions?" you smile back. Hicca giggles as she leans her forehead against yours.
What you both failed to see was that Stoick had woke up from his stupor and saw the whole scene. Surprisingly he couldn't help but smile. Something about Hicca and you reminded him of his time with Valka.
You and Hicca would establish a nice peace treaty between Berk and Doon. A way for Vikings and dragons to live in peace. And with time, rather a couple months, you and Hicca would unite your kingdoms in a double wedding: you to Hicca and Toothless to Snowstorm.
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader) Winners (Part 1):
•Saint peter (Darren criss)
•Gabriel (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Jeremy (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Susie (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Fritz (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Charlotte (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Hatsune miku/Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
•Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Audie (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Cyd (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Dom (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Gregory house (House md)
•Callie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Marie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Nina caliente (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Cassandra Goth (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Eddie Riaz (911 abc/Ryan Guzman)
•Evan Buckley (911 abc/ Oliver Stark)
•Aziraphale (Good Omens)
•Hiccup (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Astrid (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Ruffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Tuffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Snotlout (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Fishlegs (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Stoick the Vast (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Valka (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Gobber the Belch (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Luz (Toh/The owl house)
•Amity (Toh/The owl house)
•Izutsumi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Marcille Donato (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Laios Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Falin Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Chilchuck Tims (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Senshi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
•The adventurer (Ffxiv)
•Elisabeth Woolridge Grant (Laba del rey)
•Sakura (le sserafim)
•Kim Chaewon (le sserafim)
•Huh Yunjin (le sserafim)
•Kazuha (le sserafim)
•Hong Eunchae (le sserafim)
•Hyunjin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Felix (Skz/Stray kids)
•Bang Chan (Skz/Stray kids)
•Lee know (Skz/Stray kids)
•I.N (Skz/Stray kids)
•Han (Skz/Stray kids)
•Seungmin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Changbin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Kim Woojin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Daniel Howell/Dan howell (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Phil Lester (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Caitlin Clark (wnba)
•Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
•Till (Alien Stage)
•Ivan (Alien Stage)
•Luka (Alien Stage)
•Mizi (Alien Stage)
•Sua (Alien Stage)
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v3n33rs · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hi I'm a Transgender (FTM) fanfiction writer and I'm here to make people happy
Anyways lets get to the good stuff
And for !'s: F! = Fem M! = Male NB! = Non-Binary T! = Transgender(FTM only) P! = Platonic
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
M! Reader
T! Reader
Smut(I'm bad but hey, it's something)
Ask for specific kinks(I'll tell you if I'll write them or no)
AU's(Ex: Animal world, Mythical creatures, ETC)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Pregnancy(Ew children)
Incest\Tcest(Requeat this and I'm blocking you)
Pedophilia (Minor x Adult)
Scat or Piss(Ew)
F! Reader or NB! Reader(Sorry NB's)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
If you're Trans\Homophobic, Racist or a Pedophile Leave, Now.
If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
COD(Call of Duty)
ROTTMNT(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
MLP(My Little Pony)
HP(Harry Potter)
MID(My Inner Demons)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
HTTYD(How to Train Your Dragon)
DS(Demon Slayer)
The Maze Runner
Sonic The Hedgehog
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
John "Bravo-Six" Price
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Roldolfo Parra
Valeria Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Casey Jones
Splinter (P! Only)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Discord (P! Only)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Arther Weasley (P! Only)
Molly Weasley (P! Only)
Mrs Oates (P! Only)
Helluva Boss
Moxxie (P! Only)
Millie (P! Only)
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
Husk (P! Only)
Cherri Bomb
Lucifer (P! Only)
Ash(P! Only)
Marnie(P! Only)
Allister(P! Only)
Bea(P! Only)
Kabu(P! Only)
Opal(P! Only)
Bede(P! Only)
Melony(P! Only)
Hop(P! Only)
The Twins
Nezuko(P! Only)
Any of the Hashiras
The Maze Runner
Chuck(P! Only)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails(P! Only)
Blaze(My bbg)
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Request anything I'm bored as all hell
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waywardwritesstuff · 6 months
˚○◦˚Request and Commisions˚◦○˚
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What I will write:
- Fluffy, Angst (I can do some dark stuff but not all), Smut (I can do most kinks), platonic and romantic.
- I prefer to write from a male or non-binary perspective but I can do female as well. I will happily write for trans readers or readers of other genders (if I am well informed)
- I will write for almost every character as long as I know them (because if I don't know them I can't write them accurately and then what's the point) I will also do character X character depending on the ship (there are some ships in just not comfortable with)
- I will write poly as long as it is not that gross porn type of m!reader gets two girls and they don't like eachother. Poly means everyone likes everyone and everyone is in agreement in the relationship
- Whump. I will happily and gladly write whump of all kinds. So please please please if you want to see anything comes to life send it my way
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I will not write:
- Age gap (3+ years, ask for aged up if the age difference is more than 3 years) or minor X adult. I simply won't so don't ask.
- Rape (sexual assault maybe if it is angst but not in a smut only context)
- No beastiality or extremely odd kinks (if you aren't sure about the kink send it in anyway and I'll respond if I'm comfortable)
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Fandoms I can write for (and their characters and constraints):
Supernatural (most ships, any character x reader)
↳ Dean, Sam, Cass, Jack, Gabriel, Adam, Meg, Ruby, Benny, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Donna, Jodie, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia
TMNT (I've only seen 2012, ROT, Bayverse and Mutant Mayhem) (no Leorai and no ships with smut of any kind)
↳ Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, Casey (Casey and Casandra)
The Last of Us (Part 1, I havent played Part 2 yet) (no Ellie x Joel, I haven't seen any of the content yet but I'm sure it's out there)
↳ Joel, Ellie, Tommy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch / Rebles (some of the characters are children remember so keep that in mind)
↳ Rex, Cody, Fives, Anikin, Ashoka, Obi-Wan, Kanan, Ezra, (any Jedi really) Zeb, Sabine, Hera, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, Omega (any Clone really)
↳ Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Steven, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Peter, Scott, Gamora, Nebula, Peter Q, Okoye, T'Challa, Rhodey, Sam, Shuri
My Hero Academia (they are also mostly children so keep that in mind as well)
↳ Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki, Iida, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Uruaka, Todoroki, Aizawa, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Mirio, Nejire, Amajiki, Fat Gum
Avatar 1 and Avatar The way of Water (once again, there are children so keep that in mind)
↳ Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri, Grace, Norm, Spider, Tonorwari, Ronal, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Roxto
How to Train your Dragon (same here: they. are children.)
↳ Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, The twins, Daggur, Heather, Valka, Stoick (for those out their with daddy issues ;))
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All if my content will be lables with word count, ship, tags and if it is smut will contain this banner 👇
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That's all for now. My commisions are currently open and there is no limit to how many you can send in, so go nuts. Bye for now
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drunkoffsmoke · 1 year
elliot's request page.
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about the writer. male, any prns. but mainly he/they, music + cats + sleep lover, trans 'n omnisexual. might add more later but for now this is enough.
1. remain respectful. i don't tolerate disrespect. if you're rude to me in any way, i won't be nice anymore. remember, i'm a mirror. i copy others behavior.
2. don't ask for fem reader. i strictly write for male and gender-neutral audiences. any fem aligned people, please don't interact.
3. be patient. i have a life outside social media. i'm a busy man, and sometimes i'd rather not spend my free time writing fanfictions or i simply won't feel motivated to write.
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COD (Call Of Duty).
könig, capt. price, ghost, soap, alejandro, valeria, farah, alex, rudy, nikolai, gaz, graves.
AOT (Attack On Titan).
eren, zeke, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha, erwin, levi, hange, reiner, bertholdt, annie, pieck, porco.
miles, peter b., miguel, gwen, hobie, pavitr, noir, penny, the prowler (miles).
legoshi, louis, haru, juno, jack, bill, pina, melon, riz, gohin.
HTTYD (How to train your dragon).
hiccup, astrid, fishlegs, ruffnut, tuffnut, snotlout.
TLOU (The Last Of Us/Show).
joel, tess, tommy, marlene, ellie.
tony starks, capt. america, peter parker, thor, dr. strange, bucky, scarlet, deadpool, gamora, black panther, ant-man, star-lord, mantis, nebula, bruce, natasha, loki, hawkeye, falcon.
vi, viktor, jinx, vander, silko, ekko, caitlyn.
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what i write.
multiple characters x reader
various au's
pretty much anything
what i don't write.
minor x adult (both have to be at least 18.)
any weird kinks (such as piss kink, foot fetish etc)
character x oc
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a/n: this will get updated whenever, so be sure to always check before requesting.
no, i haven't forgotten about the old requests—i believe there are four. i will get to them starting from tomorrow, 07/21. after i finish them my requests will be open (i deeply apologize to the people who had to wait so long in order to receive their fanfics).
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flowerboy302 · 2 months
A/N-Actual name
Y/N-The “Main character”
D/N-Dragons name
D/T-Dragons type
This is a Snotlout x Male!reader
Chapter 1:Two new dragon riders
Y/N pov
It was a normal morning, but is that anything aside from my mornings. But today is what wasn’t normal, because I was becoming a dragon rider. I spring up from my bed, my (Insert color) locks bouncing, I never have time to do them, I’m not like most girls when it comes to stuff like that, all I wanted to do was ride a dragon into the sun rise. I think biting my lips as I hurry out of bed and throw on some clothes, my (Insert color) orbs locking with the outfit of my dreams, as I throw it on and put my hair in a messy bun and walk outside of my small hut, being greeted by the flirtatious Snotlout Jorgensen, flexing his muscles. “So you’re the newest dragon rider huh? Well good thing a lady like you had such a strong Viking to help her.” He says smiling at me as I scoff.
“I don’t need a male to help me, I’m probably a natural born dragon rider.” I say with an impressive smirk, knowing I got his attention on me for the rest of time.
“Well then miss Viking, if you will follow me we have one more person to get.” He says keeping a confident mind, but I read him as a book.
I was rudely awakened by Gothi, like most mornings she’d hit me upside the head with her staff. I love the women like a mother but still, that love can only go so far. I blink a bit to adjust my eyes, seeing she already had an outfit for me, I was becoming a dragon rider so I guess fashion was important. I put it on and am quickly met by Shortlout, I mean Snotlout Jorgensen, and some girl I’ve only seen around when I had time to explore Berk, a rare thing. “Well,as a soon to be dragon rider you should atleast give me a proper greeting.” Snotlout says before being waked on the head by Gothi. “Ow, ow, ok. Let’s just go already.” He said walking out, with me and the girl following. The whole way to find whatever dragon was the right fit was annoying, Snotlout kept trying to impress the girl, Y/n was her name I think? And she was going on about “I don’t need a man I’m already stronger than” or some annoying thing like that.
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
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Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it's never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
When Hiccup first opened his mouth you thought you heard him wrong, but as he pulls the mix of fabrics and pelts from the travel bag his words are proven.
“That’s three blankets and one pelt.” Astrid confirms as she lays them out between the group.
“I could’ve sworn I packed seven!” Hiccup exclaims.
“Not everyone can be as good at counting as I am.” Tuffnut nudges his sister. “See, watch. One, two, three, four, five…” He pauses.
“Six?” Ruffnut suggests.
“No, no. I think it’s ten”
“Then what’s after ten?”
“As much as I would love to let you guys count for the rest of your lives, I’m a little worried about us possibly dying in the cold.” Fishlegs say as he begins to fiddle with his hands in nervousness.
“Look, we’ll be fine.” Snotlout insists. “I’ll just have Hookfang-“
“We don’t have the dragons, Snotlout. This was supposed to be a simple training exercise.” Astrid groans as her hands stretch out the blankets. “Maybe we can cut them.”
“With what though?” You join her in looking over what little protection the group will have from the cold. “If we use a sword or an axe we might damage it so much that we can’t use it.”
“We can’t risk it.” Hiccup decides, kneeling down to pick up the pelt. “I guess we’ll have to share.”
He hands the pelt to you and passes out the blankets, one to Ruffnut and a larger one to FIshlegs.
“No way am I sharing with you!” Tuffnut says as he tries to wrestle the blanket away from his twin.
“I don’t want to share with you anyway!”
“Guys, guys stop!” Hiccup tries and fails to get their attention. “Whatever, Fishlegs isn’t gonna fit under a blanket with anyone else, so you’re on your own.”
“Fine by me!” The gentle giant smiles, holding his blanket close to his chest.
“That just leaves us.” Astrid mumbles as a blush spreads across her cheeks.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you expect Snotlout and I to share the pelt?” You glance between Snotlout and your other friends.
“Unless you want to take one of the twins…” Astrid offers.
You turn your head to see the two Thorstons rolling around in the dirt, forgetting the blanket they’re fighting over.
“I’m up for it if you are.” Snotlout says in his usual flirtatious tone.
“Save it.” You scoff.
“For what, when we’re curled up together under the moonlight?”
You wait a moment for Astrid and Hiccup to wander over to the tree line as they begin to collect sticks for a fire, then you turn on Snotlout.
“I don’t want to ruin this for Hiccup because he’s my friend, Astrid too. They don’t get away much. But, keep this up, and I’ll switch so you’re stuck with Hiccup. Got it?”
“All right, all right. Sheesh, no need to be so harsh.” Snotlout’s face drops and, for a moment, it seems like he might get through the night with a decent level of dignity.
As the twin’s fighting dies down when they’ve forgotten why they were fighting, the group gets a fire started. By the flames, on all sides, you make your beds. Fishlegs smooths out the dirt underneath him and pulls out a little doll resembling Meatlug from seemingly nowhere. Hiccup and Astrid stretch their blanket out, giving each other a respectable amount of space that will dwindle once they’re asleep and unconsciously roll into one another’s arms. The twins are both sitting under their blanket, giggling about something Ruffnut found by the lake not far from here.
All of the group is settling in nicely for the night. Except for you and Snotlout. No matter how you tug at the pelt, seemingly a bear’s now that you’ve been messing with it enough, you can’t arrange in a way that keeps you from touching each other. No matter what, you’re going to be snuggling close if you don’t want your feet to freeze. As the night gets one you settle for facing away from him, your back pressing lightly against his chest. But just as you close your eyes, there’s an annoying noise that wakes you.
“Your teeth are clattering.” You note, quiet enough for only your bedmate to hear.
“I can’t help it, it’s cold.” He argues.
You sigh, pushing a bit more of the pelt to him. It may expose you to the cool air flowing between the ground and the furry cover, but it keeps Snotlout content and quiet. Soon enough you find your shivers overtaking you, making i impossible to sleep.
“If you scoot closer we can fit the pelt over us better.” Snotlout mumbles, half asleep.
“Not even in your wildest dreams.” You tuck your arms in as tight as you can, trying to keep yourself warm.
“It’s not like that. You’re cold, I’m warm, it’s not fair.”
“If you ever bring this up-“
“I just don’t want you to freeze.”
You hesitantly scoot inward, letting your back press solidly against Snotlout’s chest. The blanket falls to the ground again with that extra half inch of slack. You’re able to pull it in just a bit to keep the cold air from sneaking through.
“I think it might be every warmer if I wrapped my arms-“
“Shut up.” You cut him off.
For once, he does shut up at your request. Now, enveloped in warmth, you’re able to peacefully drift off into sleep. A particularly loud crackle from the fire wakes you in the middle of the night. You shut your eyes again to sleep, but an unfamiliar feeling makes you stay awake. Underneath the pelt, Snotlout has his arm loosely draped over your torso. You’ll never admit just how nice it feels.
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emeade-ao3 · 2 years
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writing-mlm · 2 years
Smelting talks (if they actually talked)
Hiccup Haddock x male reader
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word count: 2.1k
warnings: none
summary: Hiccup has a crush on you, the forger, and goes over to talk but can't seem to get past a greeting. Astrid decides to help him at least say more than three words.
Hiccup Haddock III, who, for as long as you could remember, had never had too much interest in forging. Nothing above the logistics. Just enough that he could make his own items, like the prosthetic Toothless wore. But ever since you had been taken under Gobber’s wing as his apprentice, Hiccup somehow managed to stop by every day. 
Sometimes he claimed it was since he was chief and needed to make sure everything was going smoothly while other times he put in requests. Most of them were simple, like a dragon saddle or a new bolt for one of the ships but occasionally he’d ask for weapons and help with gathering forging materials. 
The Smithy was almost painfully hot, with the blistering Berk heat, your sheepskin-clad outfit, and the fact that one of the dragons lit the grass on fire nearby, you were sure you were going to pass out. You swung down the hammer on the hissing red metal and felt the vibrations as it bent into the shape you hit it in. It was quickly turning a silver color, though, so with every third or so hit you had to stick it back in the coal pit. 
“Working hard, eh?” Hiccup laughed as he poked his head inside the customer window. You looked over at him and nodded, barely able to wipe the sweat bedding on your forehead before the metal turned the same dangerous red as it had just moments before. 
    “And sweating like a pig, I tell ya!” Gobber smacked your back as you transferred the metal back to the metal table. “Snotlout broke his helmet and needs one before the race, (Y/n) here said he’d get it down by sundown the day after next,” By the tone of his voice you could tell Gobber thought you were in over your head. 
“He has a big head, it’s easy,” You muttered with a wack of your mallet. “See? Almost done, ain’t he a pretty thing?” You turned to look at Hiccup as his eyes darted down from you to the almost complete helmet. 
   “You mean she,” Gobber grabbed a thick strip of metal and tossed it down in front of you. 
    “She’s for the woman-loving folk,” Taking a pair of tongs from the workstation, you picked up the metal and made your way to the fire pit. “And while they are very pretty, I prefer the men,” 
With your back turned to Hiccup you couldn’t see the way his cheeks flared a bright red, how his eyes went wide and mouth agape. He looked over at Gobber who was laughing, muttering something about a past crush you had. From a book or something, Hiccup didn’t care. He was too busy replaying what you had said. 
The more it processed the more red Hiccup got, it was so bad that when you turned around you thought the fire had been so hot as to make him look as if he had just stood in front of it for a little while. 
“Are you okay, Hiccup?” You bit your glove off and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. “Ah, my hands warm. No use,” You laughed and put it back on. “Why don’t you go and get some cooler air. You’re burning more than the coal,” He nodded and walked away as you went back to working on the helmet. 
“Astrid!” Hiccup shouted as he raced over to her as she was about to mount her dragon. “Astrid— guess what!” He panted, holding onto the dragon's scales for support. 
    “If it’s about (Y/n) again,” She warned with a half-serious glare. She had listened to him talk about you since they became friends. Even more so when they became fake lovers. It was painful, honestly, she couldn’t believe how fast Hiccup could talk about something other than dragons. 
    “It is—“ Astrid turned from him and went to tell Stormfly to take off. “But- but this is good news. I promise! He’s into guys, too!” Almost as if Astrid had forgotten about the countless nights she spent tossing pillows and threatening Hiccup to shut up about his stupid crush, she jumped off of Stormfly and landed in front of Hiccup. 
“Tell me everything,” She demanded, although it wasn’t necessary since Hiccup was already fixing to tell her an exact recall of what had happened just minutes ago. But he might have gone into too much detail as Astrid shoved his face away before she gripped his shoulders. “Shorten it— nothing about how the sweat rolled down. I don’t care about that!” 
“Okay… okay. So, he was working on a helmet for Snotlout and—“
The following morning, after you had stayed up throughout the night to finish the helmet, you put the final details on the helmet. All that was left was to cast it in dragon's spit. Something Snotlout swore gave his helmet an extra boost of strength. He even got the rest of the island to believe it so it came as a standard practice. 
Also, one that meant you had to collect dragon spit at least three times a week and no amount of pay were worth it. 
You settled yourself on a patch of still-living grass and set the bucket of spit next to you before grabbing the contents of your bag from your side. Inside was an apron to keep spit from going on you, two brushes, and the helmet. 
“So… (Y/n),” Astrid plopped herself down next to you. “Are you busy?” You dipped the horsehair brush into the spit and turned to her. 
    “How busy is covering a helmet in dragon spit?” You joked and slapped the brush on the inside of the helmet before gagging. “It smells so bad,” Smearing the inside, you saw Astrid get closer to the bucket before she quickly covered her nose. 
    “Seems…” She scooted away from the bucket. “Fun.” 
“But, nope. Not busy,”  Situation the helmet between your legs, you heard Astrid hum and then grumble something. But before you could get a chance to look at her, she tossed her arm over your shoulder. 
  “Are you into anyone? Snotlout or… Hiccup?” 
“Definitely not Snotlout,” Jutting her away with the brush, you dipped it back into the bucket.
    “And Hiccup?” She trailed off. You glanced over and shrugged before dropping your hands to your side, allowing the brush to slide down inside the helmet. 
     “He’s good-looking. But we haven’t had an actual conversation yet. He always runs off,” You explained, looking up at the clouds with a squint. “We used to be close, as kids. But then… I don’t know. We drifted apart? Maybe, he just stopped talking to me,” 
“Really?” She perked up and you nodded through a tight-lipped smile and closed eyes. 
    “He… I knew I liked boys when I was around him. Maybe that’s why like he knew something. I don’t know, I never asked. I got over it by the time he found Toothless but—“ 
“It’s come back?” She finished. You sat up and angrily picked up the paintbrush. 
    “It’s stupid! Because I’m always working and I’m trying to not look at him and when he’s over I want to talk to him but— but—“ You groaned and slapped the brush on the outside of the helmet before reeling back as spit flew up. “He runs away and can’t keep a conversation! Just talk, y’know what I mean?” 
“Maybe he’s shy…” She wiped the spit from the side of her face and rubbed it on the grass. “He could… feel the same way or… maybe he’s sorry about ignoring you,” 
“Maybe,” With the helmet casted, you laid it on your apron and let it dry in the grass. “But until then—“ You turned to Astrid and smiled. “I’ll be working on my commissions,” 
If there was one thing Astrid had learned from that conversation was that her best friend was utterly and completely stupid. She knew before, of course, the dude had managed to convince an entire dragon-hunting island to love dragons and that took a certain level of stupidity to even think of. But now— now that after years of hearing his wallow and pine just to hear he potentially ruined any chances he had before he even hit puberty was beyond her. 
She stormed into his home, nearly scaring Toothless into blasting her and startling the baby dragons he had in his care since the nursery was being repaired. 
“Hiccup Haddock the third!” She shouted and slammed the door shut. “Get down here or so Odin help you—“ Before she could finish her sentence she heard the clattering of items from the second floor before Hiccup came jumping down. He was struggling to put his leg on, and nearly tripped going down the stairs. 
   “What— What happened?” He looked around, panicked and frantic. 
“You happened!” She stabbed her finger at his chest. “I just have a very insightful conversation with (Y/n) and guess what he told me,”
Believe it or not, even after Astrid yelled and threw pillows at him, Hiccup still couldn’t bring himself to say more than three words before he cowered away. He tried every day, he managed more and more but by then a month had passed and Astrid had officially given up all hope. 
“Nice—“ His eyes darted around the Smithy for something other than you to compliment. “Blueprints, hanging,” He pointed over to the wall and you followed. 
    “Oh, yeah. One of the kids wants matching swords for him and his friends, gave us these designs and I came up with those,” You picked up the blueprints and handed them to Hiccup. He took them and you leaned against the desk, your fingers clutching on the edge of the wooden table and your ankles crossed. 
“These are nice, I didn’t know you made concepts,” Hiccup smiled up at you from the seat Gobber had forced him to sit on after he nearly knocked over a bucket of liquid metal. 
    “Oh yeah, I made a lot of the blueprints as of late. Gobber isn’t the most creative on paper,” 
“I also like men,” He blurted and you blinked. 
    “Cool, thanks for telling me.” You turned away as a villager approached and gave in their ticket. “Hand me that saddle, Hiccup,” He nodded and scrambled to the saddle perched on the desk. It was heavy but he was no stranger to lifting heavy objects. With a small grunt, he lifted the saddle up and walked over to you. 
“Here you go,” He laughed after you stared at him for a second too long. 
   “Shoot, right. Thanks,” He slid the saddle to you and you helped the man load it onto his wagon.
“You… have you ever liked me?” He asked suddenly and you whipped around to face him. 
   “I mean, yes. But that was a while ago,” You chuckled and stuffed a piece of metal into the fire pit. “I… sorta had a thing for you, I guess. I mean— crap. You got me soundin’ like you. Tongue-tied and all that,” You tossed the metal into a bucket of water and looked at Hiccup. “Yes, short and simple,” 
“Is it still ongoing?” He pressed and took a step forward. 
    “Maybe, we haven’t talked like this in a while,” Clearing your throat, you settled yourself on a chair. “You haven’t talked to me like this in a while, I’ve been flirting with you for ages,” 
“Really— it was flirting. I told Astrid but she said I was being hopeful,” Hiccup must’ve been unaware that he was talking out loud since as soon as he finished talking he looked at you as if you weren’t supposed to hear that. 
    “You talk to Astrid about me?” He quickly went red but admitted that he did. 
   “I talk to Gobber about you, if that helps,” 
“It does,” 
“Cool.” Getting up, you checked the sun and saw it was time for lunch. “Want to get some fish fries?” You asked, hanging your apron up and turning the fire off. Gobber was out sick so the forge didn’t have anyone to watch it while you took your break. And burning down the only forgery wasn’t the best thing to happen to the island. 
    “Sure, they got this new thing I’ve been wanting to try. Uh…” Hiccup looked up to the sky as if it would tell him the answer. “Fish chips!” 
“I heard of that,” You nodded before turning your head over to him. “This is a date, right?” Hiccup stopped and coughed into his fist for a second. 
   “Yup— yes! Definitely, a date. Yes,” He puffed up his chest and guided you to the restaurant. 
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Teach Me~Hiccup x Reader smut for sanandreasmakaylen~
Can I have a Hiccup imagine where the girl has never had sex before (they *the gang* found her on changewing Island, she had been raised by them) and she’s very naive about everything so he helps her through it? This would be set during Race To The Edge. Please 🥺
Taglist: @belleknows
Your name: submit What is this?
Adjusting to life off your island was difficult at first. The Dragon Riders had found you when they visited Changewing Island. That was their name for your home. Fitting, since Changewings were your only family. You had been abandoned there when you were very young and luckily a female Changewing found you and made you her child instead of her dinner. All you remembered was your name. Y/N. You couldn’t remember anything about your parents or how you came to be abandoned on the island.
When the Riders found you, they decided that you should live among other humans. They brought you back to their island, which they called Dragon’s Edge, and began to teach you everything they knew. They taught you how to speak, hunt, fight, build, fish, eat, bathe properly, all kinds of things. They gave you real clothes and a proper bed. You soon were functioning just like a normal human. There were some things you still didn’t fully grasp but you were learning quickly. Fishlegs and Hiccup had taken up the task of teaching you to read. Fishlegs provided you with all the books you could handle, while Hiccup explained things to you when you didn’t understand them. You had actually grown very fond of Hiccup and found yourself wanting to spend a lot of time with him. You were just scared he didn’t feel the same. You didn’t want him to see you as stupid or some savage animal to be tamed. You wanted Hiccup to like you. So you set out to become a normal viking just like the others.
You went to Astrid first. She was the more feminine of the two girls on the island. You could really only count on Ruffnut for mischief and roughhousing. You didn’t want to let Astrid know that you liked Hiccup just yet. You wanted to keep it to yourself for now. When you arrived at her hut, she was sitting outside, polishing her axe. She looked up when she heard you approach and smiled. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” She asked. You smiled nervously back at her, unsure of how to go about asking for her help. “Um Astrid, I….sorta need your…help..with something. It’s girl stuff….” You muttered, embarrassment creeping onto your face. Astrid set down her axe and wiped her hands on her pants. “Okay? What did you wanna know?” “How do you get guys to like you?” You asked. Astrid looked surprised at your question. “Oh..well I would say, um, just be yourself I suppose. I never really worried about getting a guy to like me. I’m too focused on training to worry about relationships. Is there a guy you have a crush on?” She asked. You tilted your head in confusion. “What’s a crush?” You asked. Astrid chuckled and put her hand on her forehead. “My bad, I guess we didn’t teach you that one. A crush is when you have feelings for someone. When you’re attracted to someone and you want to be with them.” She explained.
“Oh! So like a mate?” “Yes like a mate. Though- geez this is so complicated to explain- not everyone you wanna be mates with will want to be mates with you. Take the Changewings for example. You know that sometimes when a male wants to be mates with a female, he has to impress her, right?” Astrid asked. You nodded, you had grown up seeing many courting rituals between the dragons. “Okay so sometimes the female doesn’t like the male. He didn’t impress her so she doesn’t mate with him. Get it?” You nodded. “So if I want Hiccup to mate with me, I have to impress him?” Astrid’s mouth dropped open. “So Hiccup is your crush? I knew it!” She stood up quickly, grinning. “What’s wrong?” You asked, confused. “Nothing, Snotlout just owes me. Listen Y/N, Hiccup isn’t nearly as complicated as Changewings, trust me. I’ve known him a long time. Just be yourself. Hiccup doesn’t like when people are being fake or trying overly hard to impress him. He likes when people are honest. I have a feeling Hiccup might feel the same way about you anyway.” She teased, nudging you playfully. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go see Snotlout. You should go see Hiccup though if you have any more questions about mating. I’m sure he’d be happy to explain it to you.” She added with a wink before walking down the stairs and towards Snotlout’s hut.
You did in fact have more questions about human mating rituals. Hiccup was so smart, surely he knew more about them. Hiccup had told you once about his home, Berk. He mentioned how there were many children on that island. Many children must mean that his people were very good with their mating rituals so you assumed Hiccup would know a lot. Hopefully human mating wasn’t as aggressive as Changewings. You quickly learned to stay away from the younger dragons during mating season. They were easily agitated and you had almost lost a couple fingers during mealtime once. You knew a few people on Berk were missing body parts, including Hiccup. Hopefully, aggressive mating hadn’t caused it. You decided you would ask Hiccup as you made your way to his hut.
He was often in there so you weren’t surprised to find him sitting at his desk, hunched over a piece of paper. Probably coming up with something else to build. You knocked softly on his door. Although it was open, the others had taught you that you were supposed to knock before entering someone else’s living space. You remembered Snotlout and the twins thought it was a foolish rule but the other three insisted you learn it anyway. Hiccup looked behind him when he heard you knock. He greeted you with a warm smile and gestured for you to come. “Hey, Y/N. How are you?” He asked. His smile as kind eyes made you blush and you suddenly felt nervous to be near him. “I-I’m okay.” You stuttered. “Everything okay? You look nervous.” He noticed. He misses nothing. You thought to yourself. “I-I just wanted to talk to you about something. Astrid said you could help me.” You replied. Hiccup shrugged. “Sure, I’ll try. What do you need help with?” He asked. “I wanted to know about human mating. What do humans do when they like someone? Astrid calls it a crush.”
Hiccup, clearly taken aback, was silent for a few minutes. His ears were turning pink and he began to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “Uhh…o-okay…I guess I could help you. Um d-do you have any, um, s-specific questions?” Hiccup stuttered. You nodded. “Yes, I’ve seen the Changewings mate multiple times and it’s very common for them to be injured in the process. Is this the same for people? Is it normal for people to lose body parts?” Hiccup’s eyes widened. “What?? No! People definitely are not supposed to lose body parts during sex.” You were confused. “So sex was not how your people lost their limbs? Did you not lose your foot because of an aggressive female tearing it off?” Hiccup’s mouth fell open slightly as he processed what you said. “Thor, no! That was..dragons mostly.” Hiccup answered. “My people and dragons haven’t always gotten along, Y/N. But that’s a story for another time, I think. Why do you want to know all this anyway?” He asked.
“Well I asked Astrid if she could teach me how to get a guy to like me. Then she mentioned crushes and I brought up dragon mating and I was confused on human mating and now we’re here.” You replied, feeling nervous. You weren’t sure if you wanted to tell Hiccup that you had feelings for him but as he drew closer to you and smiled in that cute way he always did, you could feel yourself getting weaker in the knees and growing hot. “Is there…someone you like, Y/N?” Hiccup questioned. You nodded, your throat growing dry as he moved closer to you. “Because…there’s someone I like too. I’m just not sure how she feels about me.” He admitted. “Will you tell me who you like, Y/N?” You swallowed as Hiccup stood in front of you. “Y-you, Hiccup. I like you.” Hiccup sighed with relief and smiled at you. “That’s good. I like you too, Y/N.” He said. You felt your heart leap in your chest at his words. “Really?” You asked, grinning. Hiccup grinned back and nodded. “Yeah..I really like you. And if you want, I can show you more about human mating. O-only if you want to. I won’t push you if you’re not ready.”  He said, holding his hand out to you. Your hand shook as you placed it in his. Your stomach was in knots, nerves flooding through you. But you wanted this. You wanted Hiccup. And he wanted you too. So you let him lead you to his bed.
He was gentle as he sat down on the bed with you. You listened as he explained foreplay to you. It would help you relax and feel more ready for him. He seemed nervous as he leaned in to kiss you. His lips felt warm and soft against yours. His hands came up to caress your face. Your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. His hands moved from your face, to your shoulders, down your arms, to your hips. Hiccup gently pushed you both back until you were laying down with him resting on top of you. Your breathing sped up as his hands made its way down your body. He stopped just above the waistband of your pants. He looked into your eyes, asking you if it was okay to continue. You nodded, lifting your head slightly to kiss him again. He moved his hand carefully into your pants, gasping softly at how wet you already were. He had barely touched you.
He began by rubbing your clit in slow circles. You moaned quietly against his mouth and you gripped the collar of his shirt, holding him to you. He pressed kisses down the side of your face to your neck. Your soft gasps and moans were like sweet music to his ears. You clung to him tightly, as if you were afraid he’d disappear if you let go. He pulled away, smirking as you whimpered at the loss of contact. “Just a second.” He reassured you. You watched as Hiccup stood up to remove his clothes. You couldn’t stop yourself from staring as his leather pants dropped to the floor. Hiccup blushed as he felt you staring. “What are you supposed to do with that?” You asked, breathless. Hiccup blushed even harder. “Well it uh..goes, um...inside you.” You swallowed hard, unsure of what to do. You didn’t think there was anyway that would fit inside you. Hiccup must’ve sensed your hesitation because he quickly sat back down on the bed beside you. He took your hands in his and looked in your eyes. “We can stop if you don’t want to do this right now, Y/N. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He promised. You shook your head quickly. “No Hiccup, it’s okay. I want to.” You reassured him. He still seemed unsure until you smiled and nodded at him.
Positive that you wanted to continue, Hiccup gently pushed you back until you were laying against his pillow. “I’m gonna make sure I can fit without hurting you.” He informed you. You were about to ask what he meant when you felt his hands on your pants again. He tugged them down slowly and gently nudged your legs open. He rubbed over your clit again, just for a few moments. You gasped as he pushed one finger into you slowly. You whimpered at the feeling. It was different, but it felt good and you wanted more. As if he could read your mind, Hiccup added a second finger, followed soon after by a third, stretching you to accommodate him. You squirmed on the bed, overcome by the feeling of Hiccup’s fingers inside you. He put his other arm across your waist, pushing your hips down and forcing you to stay still. You felt your stomach tighten and you clenched around Hiccup’s fingers as your pleasure increased. This sensation was new and amazing. Hiccup’s eyes never left your face and somehow, that turned you on even more. You threw your head back and cried out as a wave of pleasure crashed over you, drowning you in bliss.
When you had calmed down a bit, you weakly lifted your head and glanced at Hiccup. His face was pink but his eyes were dark and his breathing had sped up. “H-Hiccup? What w-was that?” You panted. He gave you small smile but kept glancing down at your rapidly rising and falling chest. “Your first orgasm. How was it?” He questioned. “That was....wonderful. I’d really like to do that again.” Hiccup chuckled. “Wow, you recover fast.” You blushed and pulled him to you, kissing him again. Hiccup positioned himself between your legs and began to rub the tip of his cock against your clit. You jumped at the jolt of pleasure and giggled softly.
Your giggles quickly turned into a gasping moan as Hiccup pushed his cock inside you slowly. You hissed at the brief stinging feeling. Hiccup pushed all the way in and paused, letting you adjust to his size. He groaned as you involuntarily tightened around him. Once the pain subsided, you looked up into Hiccup’s eyes and nodded, telling him he could continue. He started slowly, partly to let you get used to the new sensations and partly so he could keep himself from cumming immediately. You were so tight around him and it was taking a lot of his focus to keep his orgasm at bay. As he began to pick up the pace a bit, he watched as your eyes rolled back and your mouth fell open. The sweetest sounds fell from your lips and his heart beat faster as he realized how beautiful you looked like this. He’d definitely developed feelings for you over time but you right now, gasping and moaning his name while he was buried inside you, you had never looked so gorgeous to him. He wanted to stay like this forever. Hiccup wanted to keep you wrapped around his cock as long as possible.
You were in pure ecstasy. You felt so full and Hiccup’s cock was so deep inside you, it almost hurt. But any pain you felt just increased your arousal. Hiccup sped up as your moans got louder, his own grunts and moans nearly drowned out by yours. He lifted one of your legs onto his shoulder, giving him deeper access inside you. You gasped and your back arched as he shoved himself inside you. You were clinging to him hard, digging your nails into his back and dragging them across his skin. “Hiccup...I’m g-gonna o-orgasm..again!” You cried out. Hiccup moaned loudly and nodded his head. “Fuck...Y/N..do it. Cum again for me.” He growled.
Hiccup’s hips slammed against yours and the wave of pleasure hit you a second time, harder than the first. You held onto Hiccup like your life depended on it. Hiccup pulled out of you as you came down from your orgasm. He stroked himself a few times until he came on your stomach. He collapsed beside you, breathing heavily. You both looked at each other, panting and grinning, exhausted. After a few minutes, Hiccup sat up, groaning at having to use his legs so soon. He got up and grabbed a rag from his desk. He walked back over to you and sat between your legs once more. He gently wiped his cum off your stomach then tossed the rag on the floor beside the bed. He laid back down next to you and pulled you to him, his chest against your back. Your eyes grew heavier as Hiccup’s fingers threaded in your hair. You felt him press a soft kiss to your neck and you snuggled against him, You drifted off to sleep, enjoying the tingle between your legs. You knew that you wanted more and Hiccup knew he would be only to happy to continue educating you.
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harmonie-writes · 5 years
Night Rider pt. 1
Hiccup x Fem!Reader
AN: Anything in italics are either a recap or thoughts. Slight angst still.
Voror: In Norse mythology, a vǫrðr (pl. varðir or verðir — "warden," "watcher" or "caretaker") is a warden spirit, believed to follow from birth to death the soul (hugr) of every person. 
Armour is made out of your deadly nadders old scales; the scales are black and grey and the spines are white. Metal wrist plates with white nadder spines on the left wrist that have been filed down to curve off (essentially knife like but you can slash your wrist down). Helmet is made of black leather and scales with small matching white spines one on each side of the head pointing back (almost like flattened cat ears) and a death song amber glass that slides up and down over the eyes. A double sided axe much like heathers but instead of an axe on both sides one is a sword like blade.
At this point the Riders have made a home for themselves on the Edge.
Calling for help but being too far away for any help to reach you, you hang your arm limply. Instead silent tears slide down your face as you watch Hiccup run back towards the village with an angry Monstrous Nightmare behind him.
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Since the night of the dragon raid when Hiccup and the gang were 15, you have been dead. Although that’s not their fault for thinking so, you were taken away by a dragon. When looking for some stuff to burn for your funeral Hiccup had found a blue and grey nadder spine, he knew you always had one around you neck but now he found another. He didn’t want to burn it, it was the last piece of you that he had left. He took the piece to the blacksmith so he could attach a cord to it and keep it on him, just like you did. You would be close to his heart that way.
The Deadly Nadder that took you from Berk roughly two years ago never harmed you. Oh no, you were one in the same, other than the fact that he was male. Instead it took you to a blue iceberg that was floating in the ocean. You met a woman named Valka there who shared her experience and knowledge with you. She became a parental figure to you and you were a child she never got to raise. While being away from Berk even in the short amount of time the faces of friends and family faded and became foggy, but the memories still stayed. 
“Valka, I’m going out again. Hopefully we can go farther this time and see more islands,” you called from a small cave sliding on your black and grey dragon scaled chest piece over the navy long sleeve tunic. Sliding on grey boots and putting your axe on your back, you make your way to your desk. Grabbing the wrist plates and mask you whistle for Voror. 
“Be careful dear, and remember to try not to cause fishermen and traders distress like last time,” she chuckles from the makeshift kitchen. “Alright we will be careful, and see you in a few days!” you finish filling up your pack and strapping it to Voror’s saddle. 
Walking with Voror to an opening in the ice you breathe in the early morning air watching the sun slowly rise. “Ready bud?”
“Hiccup, there has been another sighting of the Night Rider near the Northern Markets,” Fishlegs calls walking into the base reading the letter they have just received from Johann. “Again?” Snotlout and the twins even look interested in this so called ‘Night Rider’. 
“Yeah, Johann said that another dragon hunter ship was raided by only one rider and all the raids keep happening at night. Even said that it was the same dragon was sighted. Apparently they call it the ‘White Crown Nadder’ now,” Fishlegs looked over the letter again and the map that had the last location of this mysterious rider. Handing them over to Hiccup he walks over to the large map they have laid out on the table. Astrid looks over Hiccups shoulder at the small map location then takes a charcoal pen to add it onto the large map.
“Should we be worried about this so called ‘Night Rider and White Crown’ dragon?” Astrid looks at the map of all the raid locations. Everyone has gathered around at this point to hear what Hiccup has to say. “We will keep up to date on the Rider, but for now we will send a Terror-mail to the Berserkers so that they can watch out for this rider. It seems like they are heading in that direction,” Hiccup finally decided. “If they strike again we will stake out what we think will be their next mark. We won’t engage until they fly over an island. Then we will finally get to the bottom of this,” pulling out the nadder spine he fiddled with it while he thought out the next course of action. Toothless nudged Hiccups free hand to offer some form of comfort. “Thanks bud,” Hiccup gave a sad smile at the Night Furry.
Sliding down your helmet you and Voror targeted a new hunter ship that was transporting dragons. Patting the side of Voror’s neck, “Alright bud, nice a quiet now. Let’s get theses dragons to a new home.” Pulling in his dark wings, Voror plummeted down towards the black waters only to pull his wings out and glide just above the surface next to the boat. Silently slipping onto the boat, you pulled out a blow dart and loaded it with one of darts coated in Speed Stinger venom. Moving quickly and quietly you took out the men on the top deck without alerting anyone downstairs. Voror moved to stand by the stern on high alert while you grabbed a set of keys off one of the paralyzed hunters and then made your way down to the lower level. Removing your axe from its place on your back you opened it so it was double sided. Sliding through the door you looked around. You could hear the anxious dragons on the lower part of the deck. Nodding once towards Voror you disappeared.
Sneaking past the sleeping quarters of the hunters you moved to the door that held the dragon pens. Upon opening the door a Zippleback hissed quietly, shushing the dragons you showing that you meant no harm you quickly unlocked each of the pens. Touching the snout of a Monstrous Nightmare and Gronkle you lead them out of the boat to the top deck. Mounting Voror you gave a low whistle to the freed dragons. Patting Voror’s head he started to rise off the deck giving lead to the other dragons who soon followed suit following you to their new home. 
With the new members in tow you lead them towards a new home where they wouldn’t be found but still be free from mankind.  
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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