#snow white x elsa
gojoforever69 · 5 months
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Credits to og owner
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liubovpohorelova · 11 days
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-She is a princess!
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sivyera · 9 months
Disney princesses and their sexualities, my headcanons.
ft. snow white, cinderella, aurora, ariel, belle, jasmine, pocahontas, mulan, tiana, rapunzel, merida, elsa, anna, kida, esmeralda
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! please keep in mind that these are my headcanons and my opinion, you don't have to agree with it but don't be rude, thank you!
a/n: my headcanons does not follow the plot (if they have a partner/love interest or not, yk)
Look, all of these princesses have at least some interest in women. I'm gonna try to write a reason 'why' do I think that
Snow White; Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Bisexual. I mean she found her Prince Florian and they say that they lived happily ever after but I mean look at Florian...He's 34 and not very... handsome (sorry not sorry) so I think that she'll eventually want to explore more and more. She's also a very kind and loving soul who will probably fall in love with one or the other gender.
Cinderella; Cinderella
Bisexual but prefers men. So Ella grew up mostly with her two step-sisters and step-mother and they were abusing her. So I guess she has some kind of a need to rebel against their rules? and I guess they can be pretty homophobic so that's why Ella has the need to try out something with a woman, otherwise she looking mostly for men.
Aurora; Sleeping Beauty
Lesbian. Okay hear me out. I think that Aurora is a lesbian because she grew up with three women in middle of nowhere so I don't really think she could think of a man... She was raised by women and she lived with them most of her life so she seeks women. She cannot imagine a household without a woman and she definitely cannot imagine herself without a woman.
Ariel; The Little Mermaid
Pansexual. Ariel is interested in humans and your gender doesn't matter to her. She wants to explore and she's very curious so I think she will spend her time studying women and men separately. For sure she wouldn't care who her partner will be if female, male, non-binary... she doesn't care, she just wants to be loved.
Belle; Beauty And The Beast
Bisexual prefers women. Gaston is always flirting with her or showing off his muscles in front of her and he's just annoying her, so I think that's why Belle prefers women, because she's so tired of Gaston's (men) attention. She wants to be free and share her opinions on different books with someone intelligent and not dumb as Gaston. So that's why she's looking for women most of the time.
Jasmine; Aladdin
Bisexual. I really don't want to put 'bisexual' to everyone but.... Well Jasmine is pretty sassy and free-spirited. She need a bit of adventure in her life so she will see for someone who can protect her (man) and someone who can comfort her, understand her problems and someone to talk to all day long (woman). So I guess it only depends on who will stole her heart first.
Pocahontas; Pocahontas
Lesbian. She never seemed interested in Kocoum BUT she was very interested in her female friend, Nakoma. She's pretty curious, brave and free-spirited... she has a loving and caring soul which needs the same 'kind of soul' back. She need someone kind and gentle who is matching her energy... and she just really love boobs.
Mulan; Mulan
Lesbian. Mulan is more masculine then feminine. In the first movie she was really uncomfortable with all that make-up and the dress and was more comfortable in armor or shorts. So she seeks for someone who is almost the exact opposite of her; someone feminine.
Tiana; The Princess and the Frog
Bisexual. Tiana is confident and a hard-worker so she needs someone active. She has really close relationship with Charlotte and at the start of the movie, Tiana is disgusted by the thought of marriage and dating a man. But that was when she was a little kid, after she grew up she started to find men attractive but she still was interested in women, that's why she's bisexual.
Rapunzel; Tangled
Pansexual. Rapunzel spend 18 years locked up in a tower so after she get out she was REALLY curious about everything and everyone. She lived only with her 'mother' so she's interested in women but Eugene saved her so she began to be interested in men. After all she just wants to be loved and she wants to love, doesn't matter who, it will be the one who she will fall in love with.
Merida; Brave
Lesbian. I don't think I have to explain this one, Merida doesn't like men in the movies, she acc annoyed and disgusted by them. So it's no secret that she loves women.
Elsa; Frozen
Lesbian. Again I don't think I have to really explain this one either. It was confirmed that Elsa will have a female interest in Frozen 4. She is also independent and strong woman and I feel like she's getting more masculine which she shows in Frozen 2.
Anna; Frozen
Pansexual but prefers men. Does that make sense? I mean Anna is really kind and loving person. She will help anybody in need and comfort them in bad moments. But she always dreamed that she will marry her 'prince charming' and live happily ever after so that's why she seeks men, but if she wouldn't mind if she fell in love with a woman.
Kida; Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Lesbian. I don't know why but I just feel that she is a lesbian. She's independent and strong, she doesn't need a man. She also dominant and I kinda feel that she's also a bit masculine... that's why she want a woman. She also want woman because she admired her mother as a child so it brings her some kind of comfort.
Esmeralda; The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Bisexual. I mean she's pretty sassy and again independent, a bit masculine which she shows when she's with a woman, but there are many racist people around so she needs to be careful, that's why she also like men, because they can protect her and make her feel safe.
i hope you like it guys and i hope you don't mind that i posted this, because it's something a bit different than what i usually write? it's something short before christmas so i have 'cartoon movie' mood, if that make sense... so if you want something with disney/pixar let me know! also don't worry guys, i'm working on your requests.
-love sivyera
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sl-newsie · 10 months
Snow Day (Carlos de Vil x Silvermist Daughter) *Christmas Special* 🎄
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'Can I request a Carlos descendants holiday fic with friends to lovers/everybody knows but them tropes? But the reader is an AK, adopted daughter of Silvermist.’ Here we go!
“No! Cut it out, Elvin!” I shout as I sprint through the icy wind. “You know I don’t like the cold!”
The white-blonde boy behind me jumps up to lean off a lamppost. “What’s the matter? Too afraid to have fun?”
I give an annoyed huff and hug my cape around me tighter. “Just because you’re the son of Jack Frost doesn’t mean you have to make my life a living nightmare with your pranks! Now for the last time, leave me alone!”
In a final effort I let out a water blast that sends Elvin flying into a snowbank, then dash down the street to hide inside Miss Muffet’s Bakery. 
“Oh- Sylvia! Hi! What’s going on-?!”
In my haste I almost run into a familiar face, though this is one face I am always excited to see!
“Shh!” I hold up a hand to silence Carlos. “I’m hiding!”
His eyes widen. “Oh!” He joins me behind the cookie display. “May I ask from whom?” Carlos whispers back.
“Ugh. It’s Elvin Frost. Son of Elsa and Jack Frost, and an icy pain in my side. He’s visiting from Arendelle, and has become the reason why I hate snow days.”
“Hate snow days?” Carlos laughs. “How could anyone hate snow days? I mean, look around!” He gestures to the billowing snow swirling around the window. “It’s so- so…”
Ever since Carlos came to Auradon last summer, I’ve always been fond of his childlike energy. Not many kids in Auradon appreciate the little things like he does, so it goes without saying that we’d become friends. Mom’s always so busy controlling the water elements she didn’t have time to look after me, so she sent me to be adopted by Jack Beanstalk. But like Carlos, I’ve learned to enjoy other things. However, snow isn’t one of them.
“My wings can’t stand the bitter cold. If I stay outside too long, they freeze and wither away. It also doesn’t help that my water powers freeze in the winter. Water and cold do not mix well for me.”
Carlos’ face falls. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.”
I wave it off. “It’s alright.”
“It’s just that… we didn’t get snow on the Isle.”
That’s why he loves the snow. I can’t be mad at him for that. How could he have known anyway? It’s his first Christmas in Auradon, so he wouldn’t know.
“I guess if you’ve never seen it, snow can be very magical,” I attempt a cheerful smile. “I’m glad you enjoy it! You should go play outside.”
Carlos still isn’t convinced. “But it’s not as fun if you’re not there, Sylvia. Would you maybe wanna stay here for a hot chocolate?”
My spirits lift and my wings start fluttering. “That sounds wonderful! I’d love to!”
“Great! Um- maybe we could sit down instead of hiding behind the counter?”
I nod eagerly and start flying to a nearby table, too excited to remember not to use my wings indoors.
“Oh- right.” I flutter down, and my height difference shows. Since I’m the descendant of a fairy, I’ve been short my whole life.
“That never gets old,” Carlos comments with a grin.
I tilt my head in confusion. “What?”
“Your wings. I think they’re beautiful.”
His kind words send us both into blushing messes, so I try to change the subject.
"Where's Dude?"
Carlos chuckles. "He hates the cold, so he's currently sleeping in front of the fire in my dorm."
By now a waitress shows up to take our order.
“What’ll it be, hon?”
I don’t miss a beat. “A large old-fashioned hot chocolate extreme with peppermint dust, whipped cream, and marshmallows, please!”
Carlos’ jaw drops. 
I roll my eyes. “It’s my favorite holiday drink, I don’t care if it gives me a heart attack.”
“It sounds fantastic! I’ll have one too!” He smiles at the waitress, who just nods and walks off.
This snow day just got so much better!
Evie’s POV
“We’ve got to get them together!” I huff as I pace the dorm room.
“But they are together,” Jay states bluntly. “Haven’t you seen them around?”
I roll my eyes. “I mean, they need to know that they love each other, right? It’s like they’re completely oblivious to it!”
Jay lazily gets up from the couch and walks over to the window. “I wouldn’t say they look too upset.”
I dash over and peer through the frosted glass to see Carlos and Sylvia walking hand-in-hand through the snow, each holding to-go mugs.
“Oh my God. Are they on a… date?”
Jay shrugs. “Guess we don’t gotta step in after all.”
I’m still unconvinced. “No, no. It’s been going on like this for months! They look happy hanging out together, but won’t confess their feelings! Come on!” I grab Jay’s sleeve and start dragging him out the door. “I want to see this for myself!”
Sylvia’s POV
Ok, if all snow days involve drinking hot chocolate with Carlos then I want one every day! 
“What’s been your favorite snow activity?” I ask Carlos, who keeps looking at the snow outside as if we’re in a real-life snow globe.
“Definitely making snowmen. Or snowball fights! Wait- have you ever ice skated?”
I let out a carefree laugh as I sip my cocoa. “Yes, it comes very naturally when I can control water.”
“What’s your favorite snow activity?”
I come to a stop in the flurrying snow, remembering how much I used to love winter as a kid.
“I… I liked making snow angels,” I whisper.
Carlos gets an unreadable expression. “Why don’t you now?”
I shake my head and gesture to the frozen ground. “I don’t like risking direct snow contact with my wings. Plus, all the snow that melts under me begins to freeze to my cape.”
The freckled VK looks distant for a second, then seems to get an idea. 
“Wait a sec!” He quickly slides off his own coat and lays it on the fluffy snow. “Now you have a double cover!”
I smile sadly at his thoughtful gesture. “Carlos, that’s really sweet. But I’m not sure-”
“Come on, it’ll only be for a second!” Carlos takes my hand and pulls me closer. “We’ll head straight back indoors, I promise.”
I must admit, Carlos’ pleading eyes combined with the sparkling snow is all too taunting to pass up despite my usual refusals.
With a deep breath, I hug my cape tighter around me and turn around to gently lie down on the soft blanket of snow. The cooler surface is refreshing, flooding my mind with childhood memories. Slowly, I bring my arms out to form the angel, and when I do I feel Carlos lay down beside me.
“Are you having fun?” He asks sincerely.
“Yes,” I answer in a relaxed tone, then seem to rethink something. “Carlos… Do you like spending time with me?”
Carlos doesn’t take more than 2 seconds to respond. “Of course! You’re always so full of fun ideas, and having a water balloon fight with you is one of the best things ever!”
I nod. “Does that mean… you enjoy my company? You like… me?”
By now we’ve both realized where this conversation might be going, but thankfully Carlos doesn’t seem weirded out by it and doesn’t slide away.
“Ok, don’t water-blast me for this,” Carlos takes a deep breath. “Would you be mad if I said I did like you? Maybe… as more than a friend?”
Is this what I think it is?
“So is this a date?” I stand up and my wings start getting excited, threatening to shake loose from my cape. “Oh no- I can’t be out too long!”
Carlos sees my panicked face and stands up with me to dust the snow off my cape. Then out of nowhere, he sweeps me up bridal-style and rushes me across the grounds to the dorm building entrance. We don’t speak, there’s no need to. I trust him not to drop me. Through speaking with actions Carlos shows me just how much he cares, and it sends my spirits soaring. I don’t know if it’s the sugar in the hot chocolate or my dilated emotions, but my heart’s racing like a rabbit!
When we get inside and the warmth engulfs my wings again, Carlos gently lets me down.
“I supposed I did mean for this to be a date,” Carlos admits. “I’m sorry you got too cold.”
For some reason my stubborn eyes can’t leave his cute face. “It’s my fault, I got too excited. I just wish I could stand the cold longer so I could enjoy it with you,” I say in a sad tone.
“I’d keep you warm.” Carlos leans in closer and wraps his arms around me, firm enough to show his affection but not too tight to damage my wings.
Using what courage I can muster, I turn my head up. “I know you will.” And with that, I press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Carlos’ face goes as red as a cherry, and immediately I regret being so bold.
“I’m sorry! God, I’m so bad at this- I just messed everything up- and now you’re mad-!”
Carlos cuts me off by leaning in to kiss my lips and my eyes close on instinct. If it weren’t for my wings going into hummingbird mode, this would be a really tender moment. 
When we break apart to breathe, I hear Carlos let out a surprised gasp.
“Sylvia, um… As much as I love your wings, would you mind letting me down?” He jokes.
My eyes pop open and I look down to find that my wings have lifted us up a good 5 feet in the air.
“Oh! Right. Sorry about that,” I gush as I lower us down, with Carlos still hugging me to him.
“Does this mean we can have more snow dates?” I ask in a timid voice.
Carlos grins. “That sounds fun! I think I just found my new favorite snow activity!”
I mirror his happiness with my own smile and grip his hand. “I think we’ve had enough snow for today, so how about watching a Christmas movie?”
Carlos starts leading me back to his dorm, and when we pass by Evie and Jay in the hallway I swear I hear Evie mutter “It’s about time.” 
God, I love snow days!
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Maybe Disney needs to try taking on a fairytale they haven't done yet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy more original stories like Raya and the Last Dragon and Encanto that as far as I'm aware don't originate from any particular legend (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Those are fun. Exploring different magical concepts like dragons and the miracle is awesome.
But that being said, I think Disney needs to go back to its roots and do a fairytale. Something with a princess and a big bad that comes from an existing legend. That's (generally) where Disney excels. That's why people love Disney. Little Mermaid? Classic. Beauty and the Beast? Classic. Princess and the Frog? Classic. Cinderella? Classic. Snow White? Classic. Really, I just think Disney does what Disney does best when they're taking a story that already exists and turning it into a beautiful piece of animation with a gentle, kind soul at the center of it, maybe with a different little spin like setting the Frog Prince story in 1920s New Orleans or having Beauty's father be an inventor. Little touches like that to make the story uniquely Disney, but with a solid basis in a folk narrative that touches something deep and instinctual inside most people.
Give me a girl who's cursed. A girl who either falls prey to evil or makes a deal with it, and whose sweetheart fights for her like Aurora or who does the brave thing and sacrifices to fix it like Ariel.
Give me a girl who's trapped. A girl whose family keeps her down or who just hasn't found where she fits yet, who stays kind despite her troubles like Cinderella or who finds her own alternative way out like Belle.
Heck, even a weird-ass thing like Shakespeare But Lions would be welcome. That's such a Disney thing to do, taking a story like Hamlet and filling it with whimsy and giving it a happy ending. Plus, Simba is one of the strongest protagonists and learns one of the best lessons in all of Disney fight me.
(I'm not going to count Frozen in the folk story group because the departure from the original was so wild I don't think it deserves to count. I love Elsa with my entire soul but I would also die to see Disney do a proper version of the Snow Queen fairytale.)
Look, my point is that I'd like to see something that really makes Disney dig a little deeper and recapture the spark of its classics. Because as much as I enjoy stuff like Tangled and Frozen and Moana (I've watched all of them loads of times and I cry about them consistently) they don't come to mind as Disney classics for me. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it simply hasn't been enough time. Maybe it's the difference in the animation. Speaking of that, however, I would actually love to see a Disney movie done in a 2D style again; I don't think 3D has any inherent superiority and I'd love to see what Disney could do with a 2D movie now. And there are so many folk stories in the world, surely there must be one that Disney can bring to life the way it used to. They haven't retold every story that's been told already.
Am I being a little picky? Probably. But I'd love to see something that reminds me of the Disney classics where a gentle person with a courageous core has their life touched by magic, faces an obstacle, and has a happy ending. Something that's not a variation on "X needs to be saved" but a specific character longing for a specific thing and either doing what they think is necessary to get it (like Tiana and Ariel) or giving it up for the sake of someone else, but getting a happy ending nonetheless (like Belle and Simba). Also a clear-cut badguy who gets to be absolutely cunty and evil about it with no peculiar twist.
I'd like to see something Classic Disney again.
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bridellashiper · 27 days
Rebellious, in a beautiful kind of way.
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Pairing: Red x Fem Reader! {Elsa's Daughter}
You are Queen Elsa's firstborn and only daughter. You had no intention of leaving the kingdom of Arendelle—it was your home and your peace. However, your mother had other plans, and despite your better judgment, she decided to send you off to Auradon, hoping you would make a few friends.
TW: Spelling errors, minor use of ‘reader’; you have a name. Nonchalant x hotheaded/sassy dynamic.
You stared aimlessly out of the carriage window, sighing every now and then as you admired the beauty of Auradon, even though you were reluctant to attend school there.
You had to admit, the beauty was a sight for sore eyes.
You didn’t understand why you had to attend school in Auradon—you were perfectly fine back in Arendelle. You had friends there, even if just a few. They were still friends.
You’d read about Auradon’s history—King Ben and Queen Mal forging alliances across the borders, Beast uniting all the kingdoms—except Wonderland, of course. You read about the war that broke out when the Queen of Hearts refused to accept the union and how it led to her being labeled a 'tyrant.'
You also heard her daughter was just as bad.
You wondered if you’d get along with her—or any of the other princesses there.
You wondered if they would see you as a monster once they witnessed the powers you inherited—
“Princess Seraphina of Arendelle, we have arrived,” your coachman, Bruce, called out loudly, snapping you out of your thoughts. You drifted your gaze across the crowd of princes and princesses alike.
You felt… out of place here. You had never been in a kingdom with so many people before. With a reluctant hand, you pushed the carriage door open, shutting it with a gentle 'click' as you stepped out, taking a deep breath.
Your gloved hands clutched the edges of your pale silver dress. Like your mother, you too struggled to control your icy magic.
You glanced down at your dress, wondering if it was too much. The dress was a soft, icy blue with touches of silver and white for accents. It had a slight ombré effect, transitioning from a deeper blue at the hem to a lighter, almost white shade near the bodice, reminiscent of a snow-covered landscape at dawn.
The dress was made from a comfortable yet elegant fabric—a soft satin and silk blend—ensuring it was both practical for daily wear and luxurious enough to reflect your royal status. The fabric had a subtle shimmer, catching the light as you moved.
The dress had a graceful A-line silhouette, allowing easy movement while maintaining a regal appearance. It featured a fitted bodice with a slightly flared skirt that reached just above the ankles, much like your mother's.
Smoothing out the creases in your dress, you glanced up to catch sight of a red-haired girl. She was beautiful, in a rebellious sort of way. Her red hair cascaded down her back in long, beautiful waves.
'So this must be Red. She is… pretty,' you murmured under your breath, observing her with keen eyes.
She was… beautiful, in a rebellious kind of way.
And you wanted to know her—about her, her interests, her likes and dislikes, her favorite foods, and her least favorite foods.
It almost baffled you—why were you so eager to get to know someone you didn’t even know? You shook your head at the thought.
“Princess Seraphina, everyone is this way.”
Reluctantly tearing your gaze away from the red-haired beauty who had captured your attention, you followed the guards into Auradon Prep.
You found yourself seated next to Red during the introduction of the new principal.
“Hey, psst,” you heard someone whisper, though you weren’t sure who.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” At that, you realized the person speaking was Red—the very girl you had been admiring moments ago.
“Yes?” you murmured back, though you kept your gaze trained on the people in front of you.
“I caught you, you'know,” she whispered back, leaving you confused. With a slight frown, you replied:
“You caught me…?” you repeated, dumbfounded, and you could almost feel the red-haired girl roll her eyes. with a smirk.
“Staring. I caught you staring at me before.”
You blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Red’s directness. Heat crept up your neck, and you mentally cursed yourself for being so obvious.
“I wasn’t staring,” you lied, your voice just above a whisper, hoping she wouldn’t press further.
Red let out a soft chuckle, the sound unexpectedly warm and inviting.
“Sure, Princess,” she teased, leaning in slightly as if to make sure you caught every word. “But just so you know, I don’t mind it.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to that, so you kept quiet, focusing on the introduction ceremony instead. But your mind was a whirl of thoughts and questions. What was it about her that intrigued you so much? Why did she seem so different from anyone you’d met before?
As the ceremony dragged on, you found it increasingly difficult to concentrate.
Your thoughts kept drifting back to Red—her confident smirk, the way her eyes seemed to gleam with mischief. She was like a puzzle, one you felt strangely compelled to solve.
When the ceremony finally ended, students began to disperse, heading off to explore the campus or find their rooms.
You hesitated, unsure of where to go or what to do next. But before you could decide, Red appeared by your side, her presence as bold as her hair.
“So, Princess Seraphina,” she began, emphasizing your title with a playful grin. “What’s a royal from Arendelle doing here in Auradon? Shouldn’t you be off somewhere, freezing things and ruling kingdoms?”
Her teasing tone made you smile, and you found yourself relaxing slightly. “My mother thought I needed a change of scenery,” you replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “She wanted me to ‘make friends.’ ”
“Make friends?” Red echoed, raising an eyebrow. “Well, that sounds like something out of a fairy tale. And here I thought we were all here to survive the chaos.”
“Chaos?” you asked, tilting your head in curiosity.
“Oh, you’ll see,” she said, her eyes sparkling with a hint of trouble. “Auradon Prep might look perfect on the outside, but it’s got its fair share of drama. Especially when you’ve got kids from every kingdom packed into one place.”
You couldn’t help but be intrigued by her words. “And you? What’s your story?”
Red shrugged, a casual gesture that didn’t quite match the intensity in her eyes. “I’m just here to see how much fun I can stir up,” she said, though there was something in her tone that made you think there was more to it.
Before you could press her for details, a group of students passed by, chattering excitedly about the upcoming classes and events. Red watched them go, a slight smirk on her lips.
“Come on, Princess,” she said, turning back to you. “Let’s ditch the formalities. You’re new here, right? How about I show you around? You might need someone to watch your back.”
You hesitated for only a moment before nodding. There was something about Red that made you want to follow her, to see what she would show you.
Maybe it was the way she seemed so sure of herself, or maybe it was just the thrill of stepping into the unknown.
“Lead the way,” you murmured with a sigh, trying to match her confident tone.
Red’s grin widened, and she gestured for you to follow. As you walked side by side, the world of Auradon Prep began to unfold before you—grand hallways, elaborate classrooms, and students who all seemed to have their own stories to tell.
And as Red led towards your dormitory, you couldn’t help but replay the encounter in your mind. Red was unlike anyone you’d ever met before—bold, confident, and unapologetically herself.
And despite your initial reluctance, you found yourself wanting to know more about her.
Maybe your mother was right after all. Maybe coming to Auradon was exactly what you needed.
But one thing was certain: Red was going to make your time here very interesting.
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disney-is-mylife · 10 months
Disney Prince x Princess Couples SWAP!!!
FYI: I'm ONLY counting official Princess couples, which ends with Anna being the last one with a canon love interest. So, there's no Merida, Elsa, Moana, or Raya. The goal for this was to have Prince x Princess crossover pairings ONLY.
Snow White x Eugene
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Rapunzel is basically Modern-Day Snow White, and they have very similar Pure Hearts, the kind that can break down Eugene's walls. Snow White knows how to be firm when necessary, but her greatest strength is her unfailing kindness. Eugene would definitely reveal his deepest desires after sharing a cup of tea with Snow.
Cinderella x Adam (the Beast)
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Picture this: Cinderella chooses to stay at the Beast's castle in exchange for her family (be it her dad, who is alive some versions of the fairytale, or her step-family, because she IS selfless enough to try to help them). She no longer has to work as a slave (though knowing her, she'd still damn well would try to help out), and she would assimilate easily into an Enchanted Castle's environment, and her gentleness and kindness, with juuuuust a bit more of a feisty backbone to confront the Beast's temper, would unravel the Beast's tangled heart.
Aurora x Eric
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There are two things Phillip and Eric have in common: they both slayed the villain in an incredibly badass fashion, and they both are smitten with a mysterious voice. Eric is 1000% an homage to Prince Phillip's character, and you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fall head over heels in love with Mary Costa "Briar Rose's" gorgeous voice. (And let's be real, Aurora definitely has a Type lol)
Ariel x John Smith
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Ariel wants to see the human world. John Smith wants to explore the "New World." You do the math. Okay, in all honesty, this is lowkey my least favorite pairing 😭 but when you take away the Awkward Historical Stuff, they do still??? kinda fit???? It's one thing for Ariel to go ashore the nearest human kingdom; it's another for her to actually EXPLORE the planet, with an equal adventurer by her side. (Originally, I paired her with Aladdin, but I found an equal, if not better partner for him below ^^")
Belle x Phillip
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Here's a "Prince Charming" who takes names and kicks ass and would provide the adventure Belle wants so dearly. Also, I just want good things for Belle, so really, who wouldn't want Prince Slay-a-Dragon-Get-the-Girl Phillip???
Jasmine x Shang
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Shang likes a woman who can kick his ass, whether physically or verbally, and Jasmine 1000% fits the bill. Also, she'd whip that Internalized Misogyny out of his system faster than you can say "I'll Make a Man Out of You" lol
Pocahontas x Kristoff
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Look, they're both outdoorsy types, definitely prefer animals to people, and totally would take up rock climbing as a couple's activity. They're one of the few couples on this list that I did NOT change my mind on; they just fit, okay????
Mulan x Florian
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Idk sometimes I'm a basic bitch and just want a Malewife x Girlboss pairing bksbdvhbdvnmsdxngf
Tiana x Charming
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I just want good things for Tiana and if that means marrying a rich prince who'll step back and let her manage her own restaurant or the palace kitchens, then so be it! Again, Malewife x Girlboss 😤
Rapunzel x Aladdin
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Both are adventurous, both have confidence in their abilities despite their traumas, and Rapunzel is feisty enough for Aladdin's tastes. (Also, I have an inexplicable image of them adventuring throughout Agrabah with Punzie's hair swinging them about, Spider-Man style hdbgfjsdbhkgbsdf XD)
Anna x Naveen
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Look, Naveen has actual Game, and is NOT sinister like Hans, so he would EASILY sweep Anna off her feet, in the best way possible. But he wouldn't jump to marriage, and Elsa's Ice Queen presence would prevent him from, ah, moving things too fast lol ^^" Naveen, at the end of the day, is a supporter, not a leader, and that gives room for Anna to take the reins.
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— let me show you the world.
synopsis. satoru gojo isn’t a man with the most company in the world. after all, being ‘the strongest’ does come with a price— perhaps, being the most lonely one as well.
but things have changed since the queen of ice came into his life.
genres/themes. satoru gojo x elsa, crack, fluff, crossover ship, satoru giving golden retriever energy while elsa gives the black cat vibes, nothing really— just a sweet bickering couple, satoru being the nickname lord.
yoi’s notes. tell you what, i actually do not write crossover ships. but since i hadn’t mentioned in my rules about requests. . . i’ll consider this wish. i had fun writing this LMAOO—
word count. 1.2k
wished by. @idkidkdikdi
“baby, it sure is cold today, hm?”
the sorcerer chuckled, one hand of his finding its way back to her smaller one— where it belonged— azure eyes twinkling with amusement as his towering frame stared at her.
of course, just like his hand— satoru gojo found a home in elsa, a home that was irreplaceable— a home that he loved and cherished so much that it almost hurt him. but was he complaining? hell no.
“why do you call me that?” the white-haired woman said, tilting her head slightly in confusion as she stared up at satoru— and oh did he felt his heart clench by the amount of strength it required to not fall to his knees before her right there and then— “i am not a child.”
satoru couldn’t help it anymore.
a bark of laughter escaped his lips as he threw his head back, tears threatening to spill from his eyes at how simply— though adorably serious— clueless elsa was.
“oh my god,” he wheezed, his free hand reaching up to push his round, black glasses to make them perch atop his head, as he wiped his watery eyes. “give— give me a moment, love . .”
sensing elsa’s mixed look of confusion and scepticism, his laughter finally subsided— a wide grin taking its place instead.
“ . . elsa, sweetheart,” he said, voice still a bit hoarse from laughing so much, “we talked about this, remember? ‘baby’ is someone you call a loved one.”
elsa’s mystifying blue eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she tried to remember.
ah, that talk. still, she couldn’t help but have uncertainty linger on her mind.
“isn’t it rather strange, though?” she pondered, “calling your lover a term that technically means a child.”
satoru felt a thin stream of sweat trickling down his face, which was rather strange— since it was snowing and the peak of winter— so it sure as hell wasn’t the heat. a sudden urge to laugh again crossed through his mind but he quickly shoved it down— a flickering smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“ah, nevermind, my love,” he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they walked through the snow-clad streets. “don’t busy your mind with such useless thoughts, hm? c’mon, i gotta show you so much today.”
they walked through the streets, sharing occasional conversations with each other.
by conversations, it is meant that satoru was talking and elsa was listening.
elsa didn’t quite mind, though. she was quite— used to being surrounded by highly . . . energetic people, after all. even back in arendelle, anna used to constantly ramble on and on about her day while elsa listened patiently, giving her occasional hums of approval, as they sat underneath the clear night skies, watching the days go by . . .
things had changed so much.
back there she was, playing the role of a queen she wasn’t sure she could handle— the weight of her powers and the expectations of the people— what if they found out? conceal, don’t reveal— living a childhood full of loneliness because of her powers, shutting out anna because she’d been so, so afraid of hurting her.
because of her powers.
but then again, hadn’t she also found her true worth— building a castle out of her powers, realising that it was better to let it go— and embrace herself for someone who she truly was, rather than putting on a façade of something that she wasn’t? hadn’t she finally accepted that her powers could never get into the way of having a bond with her people, if she didn’t let them?
of course she had.
as she angled her head upwards to gaze at satoru, who was looking at his phone distractedly while trying to figure out which restaurant to go to, she couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection— a not-so-foreign feeling, yet, also the one she felt when she was with satoru.
her one and only.
“aw, man, the mochi shop’s closed today,” she heard him whine, and a small chuckle escaped her without her realising.
satoru paused, sensing her gaze on him. a small, almost boyish grin spread on his face as he beamed down at her— azure eyes glimmering with mischief and affection.
“oh my,” he said in a mock-despaired manner, heaving a dramatic sigh, “woe is me, for my own darling has decided to find humour in my misery!”
her one and only headache, more like.
but hey, she wasn't complaining.
“how devastating,” elsa answered idly, rolling her eyes. “theatrics do not suit you, satoru.”
“c’mon,” he let out an amused scoff, “why’re you smiling then? you can admit you like it too, y’know— hey, waaiitt—” satoru let out a small, false yelp as elsa’s hands were quick enough to latch onto his cheeks whist she pulled at them mercilessly.
“you’re so foolish sometimes,” she muttered, though her voice carried no resentment— just pure affection.
satoru grinned, letting out a small sigh as he gently removed her hands from pulling onto his cheeks, slipping it into his pocket whilst engulfing it with his own.
“what are you doing?” elsa raised a brow, looking at the path ahead.
“jus’ keeping ya warm,” satoru let out a small laugh, “ ’s cold, hm?”
“did you forget that i don’t feel the cold?”
“then why— ah, nevermind,” she let out a small chuckle, rolling her eyes.
the sound of their boots clacking softly against the snow clad streets filled the air, along with satoru’s rambles about his earlier days and what food he was excited to try with her— a sound that resonated on and on like a never-ending melody within elsa’s frozen, yet human heart— one which she wished would never, ever end, even though she wouldn’t admit it infront of someone.
“we’re here!” satoru’s eyes were filled with childish glee as they approached the ice-cream parlour whilst he practically dragged her along with him, “c’mon!”
“alright, alright—” a small laugh escaped elsa’s lips as she let herself be dragged— blue eyes filled with adoration for the one whom she called hers.
“what is this?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at the swirly, cream-like, white thing in a strangely textured, brown bowl satoru brought for her after a few minutes after, whilst they sat on the high schools of the shop.
“it’s ice-cream,” satoru said, letting out a small laugh, “try it.”
elsa eyed the sweet treat suspiciously for a moment, before the tip of her tongue darted out to give it a small, tentative lick.
her eyes widened, a small blush of contentment spreading on her cheeks as she gazed at satoru in awe.
“how is it, sweetheart?” he chuckled, enjoying her flabbergasted, yet happy expression.
“it’s . . . cold. and sweet,” elsa said in a hushed whisper, a small smile breaking out on her face, “it tastes nice.”
“as it should,” the sorcerer tapped her nose affectionately, before taking a large bite out of his own ice-cream. “i figured the ice queen might like something cold, like ice-cream.”
“that rhymes,” elsa pondered, before a laugh escaped her— while satoru stared, the fond smile never leaving his face. “what is this brown thing?”
“that’s a waffle. it’s like a biscuit,” satoru answered.
“so . . . you eat it too?”
“mhm, go on, try it,” he laughed, watching her take a hesitant, small bite of the waffle, heart swelling in the way her eyes sparkled with relish, widening in awe.
though being the ice queen, she sure knew how to make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, that was for sure.
☆ @dontcarehowlongittakes on tumblr. do not copy or post any of my works without my permission.
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true--north · 10 months
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Elsa x Hans, Ahtohallan Multiverse, All Is Found, Angst, Good!Hans, Drabble
Hans's arm went round Elsa's waist and she leaned her head on his shoulder.
They stood in front of a large triangular window and a majestic waterfall of Northern Lights washed over them from above.
Elsa loved this so much. Her life. Him. Gone were the days when she had those strange feelings and dreams of scary forests, when she suspected Hans of something he hadn't done. What was it? She'd already forgotten. They were destined to meet and be together as Anna always said. Her little princess is so romantic. Queen Elsa was happy here in Arendelle with her parents, with her sister Anna and her husband - the newly minted Lord Kristoff of Arendelle - and with the true love of hers, Admiral Hans Westergaard.
If sometimes in the long and cold winter nights she began to feel something, that strange uneasiness and sense of loss; if a sense of wrongness overcame her she always found refuge in Hans' arms, in his confident words. How could it be wrong? How they can be wrong?
And now standing beside him, she turned and hugged him tighter, pressing her cheek to the collar of his unbuttoned white uniform.
"What is it, my snow queen?" asked Hans with a smile. "A nightmare again?"
"It's nothing."
But…why then did he suddenly smell of wind and chase and ice?...
Why did she feel so cold?
Cold usually never bothered her.
Elsa raised her head in horror, watching the frost covering the walls of their royal bedroom, turning it into a glacial cave.
She looked at Hans, and his words, his last words of impossible love and affection were drowned out by the Voice.
A-A-AH-AAH!… His arms wanted to embrace her… AH-AH, AH, OH!...
...that white blindness...the dam broke.
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And Elsa the Fifth Spirit opens her eyes. She is in Ahtohallan. The icy statue of Prince Hans stretches out his arms to her, his face has an uncharacteristic expression of love and concern; and Anna is standing on the wintry sea shore and calling her back. Elsa sighs in relief.
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twisting-echo · 9 months
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My Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 1)
Honey Lemon x Puss in Boots (HoneyBoots).
Belle x Sulley (Belley/Sullelle)
Randall Boggs x Merida DunBroch (Meridall/DunBoggs/Chase the winds of change)
Mavis Dracula x Scamper (Scavis)
Wasabi x Luisa Madrigal (Luisabi)
Diego x Kate (Katego/Golden Alphas)
Lilly x Fifi (Lilfi/Lifi)
Diamond Destiny Gardner x Theodore Lindsey "Ted" Templeton Jr (Boss Ninja) (I just called them DD and TJ for short.)
Brooklyn x Odette (Brodette/StoneSwan)
Toy Bonnie "Blue" x Bunzo Bunny (Toy Buns/Toy Bonzo)
Anna x Mr. Peabody (Peanna) (Shout out to my moot Serpanade-Toons)
Mr. Herriman x Your Worst Imagination/PPG's Imaginary Friend (Imaginherri) (I just call her immy for short)
Red Hood x Alice Liddell (Reddell/Hoodell/Hack n' Slash Lovers)
Biskit x Slav (Slavskit)
Emperor Kuzco x Snow White (Snowzco/Kuzwhite)
Wakko Warner x Jeanette Miller (Waknette)
Eris x Spring Sprite (Spris/Chaotic Nature)
Little Cato x Morty Smith (Little Morto)
Yumyulack x Allison Taylor (Allyulack)
Maggie Simpson x Pupa (Pugie)
Tanya Mousekewitz x Professor Ratigan (Ratkewitz)
Damian Wayne x (TMNT 2003) Michelangelo (Damiangelo)
Black Hat x Melinda/Emma Fairfax (I'm still working on it)
Beast/Adam x Elsa (Enchanted Heart/Frozen Rose/Cursed Gifts) (Shout out to my buddy @frie-ice)
Marianne x Barley Lightfoot (Marley/Barleyanne)
Template - Top 23 Crossover Couples
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Elsa x Daughter reader
Title: Frozen Legacy
Once upon a time, in the magnificent kingdom of Arendelle, Queen Elsa ruled with grace and power. Her icy magic had transformed the land into a winter wonderland, and her heart was filled with love for her people. But hidden away from the public eye, a new chapter was about to unfold for Elsa. She had a daughter, a young princess with the power of ice, and she was about to embark on an extraordinary journey.
The little princess, [Reader], had inherited her mother's stunning looks and shimmering white hair. From a young age, she displayed an immense curiosity about her own magical abilities. Queen Elsa, understanding the importance of nurturing her daughter's powers, became [Reader]'s mentor, teaching her the ways of controlling and embracing her icy gift.
Every evening, as the sun began to set, Elsa would take [Reader] to the secret chambers of the palace. There, amidst shimmering ice sculptures and gentle snowflakes, they would practice their powers together. Elsa guided [Reader] through intricate movements, teaching her how to conjure snowstorms and sculpt beautiful ice formations.
But it wasn't all training and lessons. Queen Elsa cherished their time together, and often, they would venture into the kingdom, using their magic to create dazzling displays for the people of Arendelle. The townspeople marveled at the sight, never knowing that the Queen's magic was shared by her own daughter.
As [Reader] grew older, her bond with Elsa only grew stronger. They shared laughter, stories, and dreams, all the while creating an unbreakable mother-daughter bond. Elsa watched in awe as [Reader]'s powers grew, surpassing even her own abilities. The young princess had a natural affinity for magic, and it brought immense pride to the Queen's heart.
One fateful day, however, a powerful force descended upon Arendelle. A malevolent sorcerer, jealous of Elsa's powers, sought to claim them for himself. With an army of dark creatures, he attacked the kingdom, spreading chaos and destruction. Elsa knew she had to protect her people, but she couldn't bear the thought of leaving [Reader] behind.
With a heavy heart, Elsa turned to [Reader] and said, "My dear, I must face this threat head-on, but I cannot do it alone. Will you stand by my side and help me protect our kingdom?"
[Reader] looked into her mother's determined eyes and nodded. "I will be right beside you, Mother. Together, we shall face any challenge."
With their powers combined, Queen Elsa and [Reader] fought bravely against the sorcerer's forces. Ice and snow clashed with dark magic, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of light and shadow. The bond between mother and daughter proved unyielding, as they used their magic to shield one another from harm.
In the end, love and courage triumphed over darkness. Queen Elsa and [Reader] stood victorious, their kingdom restored to its former glory. The people of Arendelle hailed them as heroes, unaware of the true extent of [Reader]'s powers or her royal lineage.
With peace restored, Elsa and [Reader] resumed their lives, continuing to guide and inspire the people of Arendelle. The young princess blossomed into a wise and compassionate leader, her icy magic bringing joy and wonder to the kingdom.
And so, the legacy of Queen Elsa lived on through her daughter, [Reader], as they ruled side by side, forever bound by their love and the power of their magic. Their story would be remembered throughout the ages, a testament to the strength of family and the indomitable spirit of Arendelle.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 7 months
Tumblr deactivated my account but I am back. And I brought you some chaos.
Now, hear me out. Danny Phantom x Frozen crossover.
Just Danny being somehow teleported to Frozen world and meeting Elsa. They bond over royalty problems and ice powers (and their initial struggles with controlling their powers), and Danny uses his Phantom form to match Elsa's white hair, and they complain to each other about how they were hunted for who they are, and Elsa says something about how she's scared that her powers can hurt people after that time when she froze everything and Danny goes "Me too! A version of me once destroyed the world and I had to prevent that from happening!", and Danny's reaction to Olaf is just "It's like when hotdogs come to life in my house but friendly, so cool!"
* runs out of breath, pauses *
And Danny and Elsa both have red-headed sisters who at some point dated not-good-for-them guys. And Anna was frozen before being brought back to life and what if she's a halfa now? She had her hair turning white like a ghost, and she sort of died, right? She should be at least liminal! And Elsa actually could be some kind of Infinite Realms entity, with that whole fifth spirit thing from the second part.
And then Danny shows this cool new world to Jazz, and Elsa introduces Danny to Anna, and now Jazz bonds with Elsa over having chaotic younger siblings who want to save everyone. And when Dani joins, she immediately goes to explore and cause chaos, and she meets that giant snow monster (did you know that his name is Marshmallow? Adorable) and for no particular reason they form some kind of friendship, so now people can see Dani being carried oh so gently by this living mountain. Well, when she's not out of kingdom, of course. She might be starting a revolution in some authoritarian country, don't mind her.
Danny thinks that Sam probably wouldn't like Anna and Kristoff much because they're just such naive sunshines and Sam is, well, goth. Sam tells Danny that if she hadn't liked naive sunshines, she wouldn't have befriended him and Tucker, and proceeds to have a long conversation with Anna about how being from a rich family sometimes makes having any relationship so much harder. She then starts talking with Kristoff about animals rights, and Danny thinks that maybe he unleashed a power he wouldn't be able to stop.
Tucker probably doesn't find anything that really catches his attention in this world because there's no cool tech, but maybe he tries to apply his tech knowledge to magic and gets some crazy results (what do you mean you can't use "water has memory" thing for phone/computer memory? Well, watch him make this new cool computer that can make pictures out of ice and is even capable of making 3-dimensional ice sculptures images! How? Well, some ecto, some runes that Dani found for him in this world, some science... He's just that smart, yes.)
There are unconfirmed sightings of very confused Dan surrounded by trolls. They might have accidentally adopted this sad angry boy to show him love and affection.
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sexylazymess · 10 months
Dark!Elsa x fem Reader
Chapter 2
The wind blew relentlessly, making you clutch the cloak around your body even tighter in fear of it flying off and leaving you with nothing to protect yourself from the ongoing blizzard. The white coat of snow has already reached your knees, and in few hours, people might start getting burried alive. This is what became of Arendelle. A once thriving kingdom, with blossoming flowers and lush trees an entire year became an ugly land of mud and bare trees. Quite litrally a graveyard for the living. Once you were finally home, you pushed the door open to be met with welcoming warmth. 
"Auntie is here!" A (your hair colour) haired little girl shouted joyfully, earning her twin brother's attention who came running to hug you "Autie, you're back!" you smiled in return and ruffled his fluffy hair "Of course Jude, I told you I'd be back soon." It was like this everytime you left the house. The kids would wait for your return instead of going to bed and jump in delight as soon as you were home. It was heartwrenching, how at such young age they were aware of the callous weather behind many deaths, including their mother's. "and look what I got here with me." you pulled out two apples from the groceries bag for the twins, receiving simultaneous 'Apples!' and 'Thank you!'s.
"I love apples." came Flora's soft, tiny voice. 
"I'm glad you do, Flora" you went to put away the rest of the groceries. Luckily, you could get your hands on some fresh fruits and meat, otherwise the market in Arandelle was in a miserable state, the food production nearly non-existent. But how could one raise animals and plants in such climate. It was a risk not worth taking for farmers. You almost wanted to tear up when the shopkeeper told you that they don't have the medical herbs you requested since you ran out of them, so you bought meagre ones instead. "Grandpa was coughing a lot. like 13 times." your niece stood by your side, while you lit up a fire under a pot of water to brew a herbal drink "is that so?"
"Yes, I got worried. it means he's not getting better" your eyes met her own big ones, while Jude was highly optimistic, Flora was a realist. She doesn't accept something unless she sees it, but she looks up to you. She takes your words to heart. "Coughing means his body is fighting." you gave her a tiny, reassuring smile "and that's a good thing. every medication I give him will help him be stronger, but do you know what's the most important and efficient remedy?"
The girl scratched her head thoughtfully "uhm, sleeping well? I heard you talk about it last night."
"Well, that too, of course. there's also the state of the heart, our feelings affect our health. The happier one is, the higher the chances of recovery." Her eyes lit up in awe and wonder, and hope. "So...if we make him laugh, we're actually healing him? Like you do?" 
"Of course sweetie, you two have an important part as well." Once the drink was ready, you poured some in a mug and went to your father's room, the old man was laid in bed, looking sickly pale and tired. He saw what you were holding and groaned "Oh no, no more of that awful thing." 
"I added some honey this time. It should be bearable." You patiently said. In your many years of practicing medicine, you've encountered a good number of difficult, stubborn patients. Honesty, you cracked sometimes in the beginning, crying behind a big bush or in a brooms' closet, but you eventually learned to get your way and keep a clear conscious. "Come on, I didn't go all the way out there for nothing." 
"...Fine. but I'll drink it on my own pace!" you chuckled, partly satisfied with his response "As long as you do drink it, old man." you placed his mug on the bedside table and turned to leave when his voice spoke again "and (y/n), thank you... I saw the new clothes you got for the kiddos. they needed them for a while now...I couldn't-" 
"It's good." You couldn't let him loath himself further for not being able to provide for them as a parent should. As illness striked him, your father worked extra hard and past his limits, so much that when he got bedridden, he couldn't walk "It really is. Their happiness means the world to me." 
You knew he still blamed himself for that cursed day. The day your late sister offered to go get groceries instead of him. As soon as you received his letter, you gathered your belongings -eyes puffy from crying and lack of sleep- and took the earliest ship back to Arendelle. 
A rough knock on the door grabbed your attention, glancing one last time at the man "I'll go get it." the twins were peaking from behind the curtains of the kitchen's window and let out audible gasps "Oh my god, they carry swords, so cool!"
The visitors were no other than the royal guard, four men in significant greenish robes which had the kingdom's symbol the Crocus, and long columnar shaped hats. Swords safely and readily strapped to their hips. "We came to speak with Doctor Isaac Karlsen." the one at the front said. 
"Yes?" you said.
And he arched an eyebrow at you, sarcastically "You're Isaac Karlsen?"  
"I'm his daughter. Tell me what you want to say and I'll deliver it to him." you politely smiled, at such times, the royal guard was no good news. 
"Right." The guard faked a smile "Don't waste our time and bring him here. It doesn't concern you."
"It does, in fact. He's sleeping." 
"Oh I'm pretty sure He will want to wake up once he finds out it's an order from her majesty, queen Elsa." 
You internally cringed. Similar to your father, you disliked Queen Elsa. It's why he bought a house at the border of the capital after retirement, where life was peaceful and simple. He couldn't depart from Arendelle but preferred to be as far as possible from the icey palace and its surroundings. Serving poor people without charge until he fell sick. 
"What is the order and why involve my father?" 
You seemed to be getting on his nerves "It doesn't concern you." He firmly repeated, moving to walk past you but you blocked his way. His hand instantly flew to grip the hilt of his sword threateningly, and out of nowhere, the kids appeared behind you, eyes gleaming with excitement and admiration. "Hello guard sir good sir!" Jude blurted out. "you guys are awesome. I want to be like you one day!" Flora joined in "slashing enemies with your swords and protecting us!" 
"kids, go back inside. now." out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the guard hesitating at the sight of children and his hold on the weapon dropped with a sigh "An ill person in the palace is in need of a doctor, urgently." He plainly explained to which you nodded. 
"Very well, I'm doctor (Y/N) Karlsen. I've been working for a while. I'll be there first thing in the morning." you extended your hand for a shake and received none in return, just a bewildered and sceptical glare from the man. Another, friendlier looking guard stepped in to whisper something in his ear that he didn't like from his reaction, he replied with "Are you serious?" and slowly faced you again, both hands on his hips "Very well. pack as much clothes as you need, we will be waiting." 
He grinned at your dumbfounded expression "No occasional visits. the doctor is required to live in the palace and be by the patient's side 24/7. That includes not leaving the palace boundaries for uh weeks, perhaps months." 
"I can't." you shook your head "Impossible. I have kids to take care of and my father is old and bedridden. They have nobody else. I can't leave them for months at once!" 
"Auntie is leaving already?" A crestfallen Jude tugged at your dress and Flora tried to comfort him despite her own sadness. 
"We can't keep her majesty waiting." The guard spoke. "sir Erik, we have to tell her highness-" The other man went quiet when their lead guard, who's apparently called Erik, raised his hand "It seems you have to make a decision and quickly, miss (Y/N). We'll give you one day to think about it. but I suggest to start packing your things." With that, they left and you closed the door, still shaken from the encounter. 
"Aw you both..." you bent down to hug them "A hurricane won't separate me from you. So don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." 
"But the queen. she's powerful isn't she?" Flora whispered. It was true, in her few years of ruling, the young dictator has done terrible things to her enemies and opposers that made even the most fearless of men tremble and give in to her. She was a cruel and merciless tactician with a stone, cold heart. 
"And your auntie is smart and capable of handling herself." The girl was embarrassed that she doubted you for a second and nodded "She is." 
"Uhm, by the way auntie." Jude timidly interrupted your moment "Please don't get mad but..." 
"hm, what's wrong Jude?" 
"the tea you made was awfully bitter, it had veeery little honey." he put his index finger and thumb closely together "the more sweet, the better!" Flora snickered at him "It's called 'sweeter' Jude, not 'more sweet'". 
"Okay but where did you get that tea from? I didn't make any tea." you asked.
"Grandpa gave it to me." 
you were unimpressed, and highly disappointed with your father for giving his herbal medicine to the little boy so he wouldn't have to drink it. And for a moment there, you thought maybe you should've let those guards take him. 
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theshoegirldiaries · 3 months
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Disney Women in summer dresses
[Esmeralda, Mulan, Belle, Ariel, Elsa, Anna, Cinderella, Alice, Jasmine Kida, Aurora, Merida, Megara, Rapunzel, Tinkerbell, Nani, Snow White, Tiana and Pocahontas]
I thought I'd do a series of Disney characters as 'real' women in 'normal' clothes through AI. All were "text to image" using the 'digital art' style. All prompts were the same (they were to be in a summer dress with beach background), aside from switching their names each time obviously. I requested 2 images for each character and chose my favourite.
Things to note; generally there were no body parts cut off or noticeably awkward limbs, however the eyes sometimes had errors but I decided not to try again for anyone and just leave them slightly imperfect. I preferred the dresses when they veered off Disney-Princess territory and were more in line with my theme. Every time I AI-image Mulan, she's stunning, ditto Ariel. I love how Esmeralda turned out, often she doesn't work for me in AI. Anna dislikes the feeling of sand between her toes, I could make a joke about it not bothering her sister though. Cinderella is very 'live action' Cinders isn't she? Jasmine, they don't always get spot-on, her hairstyle is so iconic in the film so when that changes... she looks less like herself. I don't think Nani is how Nani would look in real life-I'm not sure why they decided on curly hair and I wish she was curvier. I wanted both of Alice's dresses. Pocahontas has a beach background but she's not changing her style. Snow White still hasn't learnt her apple lesson, but she's clearly using her SPF50, good girl. I thought Kida turned out really well and as always Merida's hair deserves a post/film/life of it's own.
Hope you like them, I have more to follow x
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princess-ibri · 2 years
What do you think happened to the Magic Mirror after the queen's death?
Ooookay! So buckle up cuz in my DisneyVerse the Mirror actually has quite an interesting and detailed backstory, and you just unlocked it xD
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So first, the the spirit within it is actually the demon son of Chernabog and the sorceress Vor, the man called Voland, who long time followers will remember is the Old Soldier, the villain of my Frozen 3 plot.
He was trapped in the Mirror ages ago by an enchantor, the first Storykeeper of Enchancia, who for years kept the Mirror under his own careful watch in the Secret Library. Eventually however the Mirror was stolen by dark forces who managed to breach the library, and fell into the hands of many dark magic users across the years, either by bequeathment, theft or murder, eventually becoming the property of Queen Grimhilde.
After the Queen's death, the Mirror was kept locked away for a time in Snow White's palace, until she and the prince were able to make contact with people who promised to take it to a place to be locked away forever, Spire out on a distant mountain where many powerful and dangerous magical artifacts are kept under watch.
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Unfortunately, on route to the Spire, the caravan gaurding the Mirror is attacked by the witches of the Seven Mountains, the coven to which Grimhilde had once belonged, lead by the self styled Witch Empress Mammona, who for years kept it and learned from its secrets, eventually discovering its full dark lineage.
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The Mirror instructs them to take it to the Enchanted Forest of the Northuldra, a place of great primordial magic, where they will be able to break him free of the Mirror using the latent magic of the place.
Luckily the Spirits that gaurd this particular Enchanted Forest are very against a great evil being unleashed into it, and alert the Fifth Spirit, great mage called Oaván (a native of the Northuldra who is linked most to Earth, and able to transform into animals) and together with the Northuldra move to attack the Witches before they can finish their dread deed.
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A fierce battle commences between the Spirits/Northuldra and the Witches, both of whom call on allies to help in the battle. But eventually, though not without Oaván receiving a mortal wound, the forces of Good are able to route the Witches and halt the ceremony.
Only part of Voland was able to be pulled from the mirror, an undying yet mostly mortal man, left with but a fraction of his power, the rest remains locked behind the glass of the Mirror. Voland the man manages to escape with the last few witches, but the Mirror is left behind.
With the last ounces of his strength, Oaván takes the Mirror to Atohallan, a place none came come to save the spirits, and locks it away in a tomb of ice, succumbing at last to his wounds.
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And there there Mirror stayed for long years, kept safely locked away from the world. Until a new Fifth Spirit was chosen, Elsa of Arendelle, who with her companions was once more was forced to do battle with Voland, who had been able to recover ancient artifacts that allowed him to bind the Spirits, using their power to assult Atohallan in search of his Mirror and the rest of his powers.
He would be defeated once more by the forces of Good, and the mirror shattered, effectively destorying Voland for all time, though slight bits of his malevolent influence would manage to tumble back into the world through shards of the mirror that were thrown into the air in the final battle. Not enough to cause great evil but enough to do harm to those unlucky enough to come into contact with them...
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(Yes I do have plans for an actual Snow Queen adaptaion tied into Frozen but that'll be a bit yet I still got Godmother Backstories to do x)
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