#so he can sit by house and chat about being young and gay
lazybakerart · 3 months
‘If he’d been a woman, I would have married him’ says house to wilson <- there is just so much to unpack here, the main one being wilson’s understanding nod.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
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I've got a couple of fics I've been working on lately that I want to share some snippets of.
First is what I'm tentatively calling Closer and Closer, the next fic in The Man in the Lighting series, in which Eobard is rather shocked to learn that when he killed Nora Allen he inadvertently rescued the young Barry Allen from an abusive home life. Now in 2014, Eobard's had to rework his plans to return to his home time period since Barry isn't exactly interested in saving his mother.
The second fic picks up where the first one left off, this time from Barry's PoV.
"I've always wanted my PhD, but working here I don't have the time for it."
"I thought you were gonna save up for it," Joe replied, voice slow and measured.
"But now I have the opportunity to get it a lot sooner.  Dr. Wells offered me a job at STAR Labs."  Barry sees the way Joe's jaw tightened.  "You don't trust him."
"I don't like him," Joe countered.  "He... I didn't have a whole lot of choice but to trust him while you were in the coma.  And now he's studying you like some lab rat..."
Since Barry never told Joe about what he really saw the night Nora died, there's no investigation into the Reverse Flash on Joe's part. So all Joe's feeling is a general dislike of Wells, not suspicion that he's somehow tied up in Nora's murder.
From Thoughtless Words, where Barry interprets Joe's request not to tell Iris about his powers rather differently than Joe intended, Barry promises not to tell her... and then tells Iris anyway.
Barry is not present with the Iris-shaped bomb goes off at Joe's house.  For his own good.
Instead he hides at STAR Labs, testing his powers with Cisco and Caitlin while Dr. Wells watches them with tolerant amusement as testing devolves into goofing off.
"So I hear you're into Star Wars and Star Trek," Cisco notes, beaming at Barry.
"And Stargate," Barry agreed.
Barry's in heavy 'avoid Joe' mode because he feels like Joe is making excuses to avoid admitting he doesn't trust Barry now that he has powers.
And then over in the Eobard vs Eobard verse, Barry and Herobard have finally met! For real and not just Eobard being super gay about how pretty Barry is after seeing him in person briefly.
"I'm Barry Allen," Barry said, reaching out a hand towards the stranger.
"Eo Teagan," he replied, accepting Barry's handshake and beaming. 
There's a small electric shock as their hands meet and they both jolt at the touch, just a touch wide eyed.
Barry is just... thrumming with sudden excitement.  He doesn't want to let go.  But he does.  "So, how did you... wind up like this?  The accelerator?"
These two dorks are sitting in Jitters chatting, quietly, about being speedsters and making heart eyes at each other where Iris' fellow baristas can see. And they will definitely be reporting to Iris that Barry was very interested in this cute guy he met there.
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miamia980198019801 · 1 year
today was an eventful day. started this morning with realizing i forgot my eyelashes and mirror at home so i left the gym empty to go get them 💀 i was only gone about 15 minutes but still whoops. then cesar came in around 7:15 and i got us lemonade, i got back too late for us to fuck before ralph came in but i gave him kisses. then around 10:30 i came to the back while ralph was up front talking to people. oh my godddddd. we fucked and i literally thought it was his cum but it was all mine, i get so wet and want him so much. he came in my mouth❤️ i love it when he slaps me, he was today and kept whispering “sssshh” cause i was getting loud. he’s so cute. and the end of the shift kind of sucked because i had gone home to get a sweater and he asked me for peanut butter and jelly so i came back and fucking octavio came in right then too. and it got insanely busy like 7 people signing up at once and i did horrible with a secret shopper because i was stressed. stupid ass victor walked by while i was giving the tour, i get annoyed seeing him. i’m glad i canceled our date and don’t talk to him anymore. i got kind of sad bc cesar was helping octavio and idek if he ate the sandwiches i made him. but yeah, after that i went to josh’s house to buy an 8th for me and marissa. he asked if i had time to chat and smoke a joint with him. of course i said yes. we were both just instantly attracted to eachother like always. i asked if i could change my work shirt and turned around in the corner and he came up behind me saying i look so good and my waist is so small. we just kept flirting with eachother and touching eachother and hugging. we went in the garage and i only took one little hit of his joint and i was so so high. too high, because when we came back to his room we were sitting on the floor and i told him how sad i am and how sometimes i don’t eat and how i had a drug problem and that i’m just extremely sad and lonely. but i don’t regret opening up to him. we only had a few minutes to talk before i had to go to marissa’s but he was so nice to me. he said i’m like something out of a dream and that i’m so pretty and “you’re so funny, you’re a really funny person” and just the way that he looks at me and touches me…. i was sitting on top of him and he told me to come closer and he said he wants to break up with genna but can’t find a good reason to. i told him my honest and high truth. that i think he’s extremely special and one of a kind and like somebody in a movie and that he can find love later in life, right now is about being young and having fun and experiences and learning what you like and to love yourself first. i really didn’t wanna leave. i asked if he would be sad if i died and he looked very serious and said yes. he says that things will work themselves out within time. i really really really want to spend more time with him. he said wednesday probably. if me and taylor aren’t friends anymore then i don’t have to feel that awful guilt. i feel sorry for genna but not really because i was seeing him and then she just walked in and started dating him so she should understand the way that he is. i also feel so dominant around him, i wanna smack him into the floor and hurt him in the best ways and tie him up. every time i see him he says “i don’t know why i stopped talking to you” and i told him i want to talk more even if it’s just something funny he saw. i really like him and i would date him or fuck around with him again. he’s very tall and a pretty boy, so very smart and hilarious and unique too. his hair is super long now, another man bun in my life. alex can go fuck his gay little self with his stupid ugly hair and weird lumpy little dick. i hope me and josh hang out wednesday. after that i went to marissa’s and brought her the weed for a late bday present and it was so nice, we hung out for like 2 hours and just caught eachother up on everything and smoked with nicki. she’s a really good friend and she’s had extreme patience with me throughout everything, i need to keep her close. also, i saw mandy moberg after that!
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idkwhatimdoing1981 · 2 years
Jonathan Byers Brother of the Year
Summary: Will finds out that Jonathan is bi and dating Argyle. Jonathan being the good big brother he is knows that Will is gay and helplessly in love with Mike. Jonathan wants to do something to help his lil bro feel more comfortable with his sexuality and possibly get the guy. So Jonathan with the help of Argyle try to set Will and Mike up hilarity ensues.
Authors note: Wanted to write something a tad bit diffrent please tell me what you think and If you want more of this story. Also let me know if you have any ideas for what I should write next.
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Hey Jonathan mom left with El want to go get pizza or something? Will walks into his older brothers bedroom and his jaw drops the last thing he wanted to see was Jonathan making out with Argyle the weird stoner guy who always seems to be at their house.
" Maybe later cant you see Im busy,"Jonathan snaps. His hands runing through Argyle's hair their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Will can not deal he slams the door and storms out feeling angry and a little jealous of his big brother. How come Jonathan never told him that he and Argyle were a thing or about his sexuality?
Then again Will never wanted to tell anyone about him being gay in fear of being thrown out or disowned by his friends and family. He wishes that he could be with Mike and cant help but be envious of Jonathan's ability to get with a guy he liked.
"I should go talk to him,"Jonathan breathes. "Ya you should finish this later,"Argyle flirts giving his lover a suggestive look. Jonathan nods and kisses his boyfriend one last time before going after his brother who is in his room crying with the radio turned all the way up. Jonathan turns down the radio and sits next to his brother on the bed. He places a firm hand on his brother's shoulder and gives the young boy a soft look.
"Why come you never told me that you like guys Jonathan and why come you can get the guy you want and I cant, Will sniffles."
"Im sorry I never told you Ive been secretly struggling with my sexuality just like you have and Argyle helped me to realize that Im bi a few months ago,"Jonathan explains.
Will looks up at him with tears in his eyes. "You know about me being gay,"he asks. Well duh I see the way you look at Mike Ive known for a while,"Jonathan jokes. Will dries up his tears and smiles.
After their chat Jonathan goes back to his room where Argyle is waiting. So how did it go?? "It went surprisingly well but now there is something else I need to do. I know I shouldn't meddle but Will has liked Mike for years and I want to try and get them together will you help me?" Of course babe just tell me what cha want me to do!
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
I underestimated you
this is for @helliontherapscallion  ‘s 2k followers event ! (which congrates on that btw, well deserved. your fics are amazing!) and i found it kinda fun to do!
an x reader where tommy and the reader need to get something from the blade, so they ask wilbur to help out
The other fic I did for this event what did you three do
(y/n) walked down the prime path, examining the area around them. They turned to Tommy, who was walking with them, constantly writing in his book. “Tommy, hun, what are you doing? I thought you were illiterate.” he nodded his head. “uh uh.” (y/n) stopped walking, staring at the much taller male. “Your gay.” Tommy turned to them. “Thank you.'' Tommy says, turning right back to his book.
“Oh good, you were listening, anyway whatcha doing?'' Tommy furiously wrote, once finished, he put the pen in the middle of the book and slammed it shut. He looks over at (y/n), smiling widely. “You know how we’ve been trying to get that axe back from techno??” (y/n) nodded, remembering the axe they had left at technos and could never get back. “Well,” tommy shoved the book in their face, “i have a plan!” (y/n) looked up at the tall man, slowly. “Oh, god help us all...okay, what's the plan.” They look down, reading tommys horrible handwritten plan. “You can't write to save your life. Anyways, tommy this plans shit.” 
Tommy takes back his plan book, angrily. “What do you mean! It's a great plan!” they shook their head. “Tommy, it literally only says ‘go into his house, distract the blade, steal his shit’ yeah yeah, great plan toms.” they say, continuing their way threw the prime path. Tommy chased after them, “hey hey wait! It worked really well when i lived under his house-” “tommy i couldve came up with it myself. Besides, he keeps the axe on his person cause he knows i want it back, and i cant get it when he hibernates cause philza watches over it. This is why i need a plan, a good plan.”
The next day, Tommy came over to (y/n)’s house early in the morning to show them his plan.
“Tommy, what the fuck are you doing here this early in the morning!?” Tommy was basically buzzing in excitement. “Ugh, come in come in.” they say, gesturing for Tommy to get into their house. Tommy basically runs into their house, (y/n) closing the door behind them. They walk into the kitchen as Tommy sits down in the living room, still buzzing. 
“What are you doing in there!? Come on, come on!!” (y/n) just sighs, grabbing a cup and pouring themself a cup of water. “You woke me up at an ungodly hour of the day, you're gonna have to wait a second bitch.” they say, taking their cup and sipping it as they walk into the living room. They sat across from Tommy in an armchair as Tommy sat on the couch.
“What is it you needed tommy tom?” they say, putting their cup down. “Ew don't call me that. Anyways, I wanted to show you the new plan I've made!” he says, walking over to (y/n)’s arm chair and showing them the book. They take it, reading threw the plan. 
“Huh. this could work… do you know if he’s hibernating now?” (y/n) asked, turning to the blonde. He nodded. “Haven't seen him in chat for weeks. Even jumped from a tall height to test it, didn't say a word.” they nodded, smiling. “Well then, call wilbur up. Lets get started!”
Later that day, they called up Wilbur to see if he would help them out, fortunately, he agreed.
“So, what am i doing again?'' Wilbur asks, sitting down in (y/n)’s living room. “If philza shows up, you're gonna be there to distract him. Just say you're there to see him and techno to catch up since you've been dead for a while.” (y/n) said, standing next to tommy. Wilbur nodded, thinking. “Should be easy enough on my part. Anything else you need of me?” 
Tommy spoke up. “You’re gonna need to fight them if things get rough. (y/n) and I need to get the axe out of the house as fast as possible.” Wilbur stood up. “I did not agree to fight the blade, okay? You're gonna have to pay me if you want me to fight the blood god.” (y/n) sighed at this.
“Fine, you can have a stake of diamonds and 9 netherite, deal?” Tommy gasped. “How do you have that much!?” (y/n) just chuckles. “I go mining constantly ‘cause you're so expensive. Anyways Wilbur, got a deal?” 
Wilbur sat back down, thinking about it. “Yeah, we’ve got a deal! Now what  are you two gonna do?” (y/n) sat down in their arm chair. “Oh, easy. So what we’re planning is-”
They talked about the plan for a bit, wilbur interjecting to improve upon it. Once done, they set out, gathering what they needed and heading to the tundra to get their axe back.
It took awhile to get there, seeing as though the three of them kept arguing. 
“Omg we’re finally here!” tommy says, immediately getting shushed by wilbur and (y/n). (y/n) snakes Tommy's arm lightly. “We’re right outside their houses! Be quite!” they whisper yell, heading towards the front door. “Right right..” tommy whispers, following behind, along with wilbur.
They sneaked inside, heading in from the main and basement doors. Tommy and (y/n) snuck up the ladders, going as quietly as possible. “You see the axe?” (y/n) asks, whispering as low as possible. Tommy shook his head, heading further into technos room to try and find it.
The pigman was sleeping soundly in his big ass bed. The two teens assumed that he wouldn't wake up for a long time.
(y/n) followed after Tommy, slowly walking around the room to try and find the axe. They searched all around the room, searching in his chests and even closet.
Tommy looked at the far end of the room, near the ceiling. He notices the wall being two different colors, as if there's a giant hole in the wall. He climbs up to the ceiling, seeing what was in the whole. He gasps, realizing it's a barrel filled with a ton of valuable stuff, including the axe that they were looking for. He takes it (along with a bunch of the other things inside) and slowly gets down from where he was at. He turned back to (y/n), who was already looking at him.
“Find anything?” Tommy nodded at the younger teen.
“I know i found two rats in my room.'' They quickly turned to see the piglin awake, and fully geared to fight the two of them. Even when he's sleeping he's ready to fight. 
“Shit shit shit shit, tommy RUN!!” they booked it to the ladder, making sure to hold onto the axe they had finally gotten back. Techno quickly followed after them, not wanting to let them leave with the axe. 
Wilbur notices the commotion, grabbing his sword, putting on his armor, and getting ready to fight the blade. 
The teens basically slide down the ladder, heading to the basement to get away as fast as possible. Techno came down after, but Wilbur was there to stop techno from going down further. He had to think fast however, so Wilbur did the first thing he thought of.
Stabbing techno in the ass.
Techno jumped off the ladder, standing in front of wilbur. “How much are they paying you?”
“A stack of diamonds and more.” techno nodded, going over to his ender chest. “I'll give you a stack of netherite blocks and stacks of sand if you turn against them.” Wilbur immediately nodded. “Yes yes,fuck those guys! Gimme gimme!” Wilbur takes the sand form techno and starts monching on it.
“Now, where are they heading?” techno asks, giving Wilbur the rest of the stuff that he promised.
“Oh, they're heading to snow chester. Closer than either of their homes.” techno nodded, running out the door with wilbur to go and get technos stuff back.
Back with Tommy and (y/n), they had reached where they agreed to go, breathing heavily. (y/n) immediately collapsed to the ground once they reached their hideout. “Oh god i'm tasting but...still got the axe?” Tommy nodded, collapsing next to them. 
“I am so glad we agreed to change our hiding spot. I would be so dead if techno decided to chase us.” (y/n) says, grabbing the axe and examining it, happily. “Yeah, I knew not to trust wilbur. The guys insane!” (y/n) gets up, putting the axe with the rest of their treasures. “Well Tommy, I underestimated you. Your plan actually worked out for us.” they said, laying back down next to tommy. 
Tommy smiled, basically clinging onto the young teen. “Never underestimate big man tommy danger kraken innit.” (y/n) giggled, clinging onto Tommy as well.
“Wanna just sleep?” they ask. Tommy nodded. Too tired to say anything else. “Alright, goodnight tommy.”
“Goodnight pussy.”
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firstfullmoon · 4 years
Do you have favorite quotes related about the importance of small details?
“The precious intimacy of little things.”
— Daphné du Maurier, I Will Never Be Young Again
“On my windowsill when I got home, there was a tumbler with pink jelly in it, and embedded in the jelly, sliced strawberries and bananas… [my neighbour] cooks at odd hours. She must have made the strawberry jelly this morning. When I buy baklava, which is not often because I eat too many, I leave a few for her on her windowsill, with a headscarf over them so the wasps don’t come. For these little gifts we don’t thank each other with words. They are commas of care.”
— John Berger, From A to X: A Story in Letters
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“I suppose I could spend time theorizing how it is that people are not bad to each other, but that’s really not the point. The point is that in almost every instance of our lives, our social lives, we are, if we pay attention, in the midst of an almost constant, if subtle, caretaking. Holding open doors. Offering elbows at crosswalks. Letting someone else go first. Helping with the heavy bags. Reaching what’s too high, or what’s been dropped. Pulling someone back to their feet. Stopping at the car wreck, at the struck dog. The alternating merge, also known as the zipper. This caretaking is our default mode and it’s always a lie that convinces us to act or believe otherwise. Always.”
“One of the woman was gently arranging an older woman’s collar beneath her sweater, freeing it from the cardigan’s neck, using both of her hands to jostle it free but also seeming to spend a little more time than necessary, creasing the fold of the collar, the other hand kind of resting on her shoulder, the two of them chatting the whole time, sitting there holding each other, nodding, my head twisting toward them like a sunflower as I finished the stairs and walked by, so in love was I with this common flourish of love, this everyday human light.”
“but her need to share the photo with me [...] smiling and looking at it, smiling and looking at me looking at it, me smiling and looking at her looking at it, which is simply called sharing what we love, what we find beautiful, which is an ethics.”
— Ross Gay, The Book of Delights
“He’s got a fever. He’s all alone. So I’m gonna buy him something to eat.” “The congee downstairs is quite good.” “He doesn’t want congee.” “What does he want?” “Can’t taste anything so he wants sesame syrup.” [...] “What are you cooking?” “I had a sudden craving for sesame syrup.”
“Why did you call me at the office today?” “I had nothing to do. I wanted to hear your voice.”
— In the Mood for Love, dir. Wong Kar-Wai
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— Danusha Laméris, “Small Kindnesses”
“It all matters. That someone turns out the lamp, picks up the windblown wrapper, says hello to the invalid, pays at the unattended lot, listens to the repeated tale, folds the abandoned laundry, plays the game fairly, tells the story honestly, acknowledges help, gives credit, says good night, resists temptation, wipes the counter, waits at the yellow, makes the bed, tips the maid, remembers the illness, congratulates the victor, accepts the consequences, takes a stand, steps up, offers a hand, goes first, goes last, chooses the small portion, teaches the child, tends to the dying, comforts the grieving, removes the splinter, wipes the tear, directs the lost, touches the lonely, is the whole thing. What is most beautiful is least acknowledged. What is worth dying for is barely noticed.”
— Laura McBride, We Are Called to Rise
“I’ve never told you this,” she said. “But there’s something about taking the cart back instead of leaving it in the parking lot. I don’t know when this came to me; it was a few years ago. There’s a difference between leaving it where you empty it and taking it back to the front of the store. It’s significant.” “Because somebody has to take them in.” “Yes. And if you know that, and you do it for that one guy, you do something else. You join the world…You move out of your isolation and become universal.”
— Andre Dubus, “Out of the Snow”
“It’s true that, in Vietnamese, we rarely say I love you, and when we do, it is almost always in English. Care and love, for us, are pronounced clearest through service: plucking white hairs, pressing yourself on your son to absorb a plane’s turbulence and, therefore, his fear. Or now—as Lan called to me, “Little Dog, get over here and help me help your mother.” And we knelt on each side of you, rolling out the hardened cords in your upper arms, then down to your wrists, your fingers. For a moment almost too brief to matter, this made sense—that three people on the floor, connected to each other by touch, made something like the word family.”
— Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous: A Novel
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— Ada Limón, from “The Great Blue Heron of Dunbar Road”
“I’m doing a balancing act with a stack of fresh fruit in my basket. I love you. I want us both to eat well.”
— Christopher Citro, from “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled WIth Shrieks”
“One of the primary ways we connect with each other is by eating together. Some of the connection happens simply by being in the same place at the same time and sharing the same food, but we also connect through specific actions, such as serving food to one another or making toasts: ‘May I offer you some potatoes?’ ‘Here’s to your health and happiness.’ Much of our fundamental well-being comes from the basic reassurance that there is a place for us at the table. We belong here. Here we are served and we serve others. Here we give and receive sustenance.”
— Edward Espe Brown, Tomato Blessings and Radish Teaching
“Attention is the beginning of devotion.”
“Now in the spring I kneel, I put my face into the packets of violets, the dampness, the freshness, the sense of ever-ness. Something is wrong, I know it, if I don’t keep my attention on eternity. May I be the tiniest nail in the house of the universe, tiny but useful. May I stay forever in the stream. May I look down upon the windflower and the bull thistle and the coreopsis with the greatest respect.”
“it is a serious thing
just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.”
— Mary Oliver, Upstream: Selected Essays / from “Invitation”
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— Wendy Cope, “The Orange”
“After learning my flight was detained 4 hours, I heard the announcement: if anyone in the vicinity of gate 4-A understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately. Well—one pauses these days. Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there. An older woman in full traditional Palestinian dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly. Help, said the flight service person. Talk to her. What is her problem? We told her the flight was going to be four hours late and she did this. I put my arm around her and spoke to her haltingly. Shu dow-a, shu-biduck habibti, stani stani schway, min fadlick, sho bit se-wee? The minute she heard any words she knew—however poorly used—she stopped crying. She thought our flight had been canceled entirely. She needed to be in El Paso for some major medical treatment the following day. I said no, no, we’re fine, you’ll get there, just late. Who is picking you up? Let’s call him and tell him. We called her son and I spoke with him in English. I told him I would stay with his mother until we got on the plane and would ride next to her—Southwest. She talked to him. Then we called her other sons just for the fun of it. Then we called my dad and he and she spoke for a while in Arabic and found out, of course, they had ten shared friends. Then I thought just for the heck of it why not call some Palestinian poets I know and let them chat with her. This all took up about 2 hours. She was laughing a lot by then. Telling about her life. Answering questions. She had pulled a sack of homemade mamool cookies—little powdered sugar crumbly mounds stuffed with dates and nuts—out of her bag—and was offering them to all the women at the gate. To my amazement, not a single woman declined one. It was like a sacrament. The traveler from Argentina, the traveler from California, the lovely woman from Laredo—we were all covered with the same powdered sugar. And smiling. There are no better cookies. And then the airline broke out the free beverages from huge coolers—non-alcoholic—and the two little girls from our flight, one African American, one Mexican American—ran around serving us all apple juice and lemonade, and they were covered with powdered sugar, too. And I noticed my new best friend—by now we were holding hands—had a potted plant poking out of her bag, some medicinal thing with green furry leaves. Such an old country traveling tradition. Always carry a plant. Always stay rooted to somewhere. And I looked around that gate of late and weary ones and thought, this is the world I want to live in. The shared world. Not a single person in this gate—once the crying of confusion stopped—has seemed apprehensive about any other person. They took the cookies. I wanted to hug all those other women, too. This can still happen anywhere. Not everything is lost.”
— Naomi Shihab Nye, “Gate A4″
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“Then there are the things, if you are particularly lucky, that this person has done for you while you’re away: how in the pantry, in the freezer, in the refrigerator will be all the food you like to eat, the scotch you like to drink. There will be the sweater you thought you lost the previous year at the theater, clean and folded and back on its shelf. There will be the shirt with its dangling buttons, but the buttons will be sewn back in place. There will be your mail stacked on one side of his desk; there will be a contract for an advertising campaign you’re going to do in Germany for an Austrian beer, with his notes in the margin to discuss with your lawyer. And there will be no mention of it, and you will know that it was done with genuine pleasure, and you will know that part of the reason—a small part, but a part—you love being in this apartment and in this relationship is because this other person is always making a home for you, and that when you tell him this, he won’t be offended but pleased, and you’ll be glad, because you meant it with gratitude.”
— Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life
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My first attempt at an interview fic! Read this on Ao3, or under the cut. 
Spotlight on Eric Bittle
 Interview by Elizabeth Chu
Photographs by Jack Zimmermann
  The internet personality, author, and baker talks about his childhood, his relationship with Providence Falconers captain Jack Zimmermann, being a LGBTQ role model, why he struggled with his overnight success, and his upcoming cookbook.
 I meet Eric Bittle in person for the first time on a Saturday afternoon, in a trendy coffee shop in downtown Providence. Even though I’ve heard of it in passing, I’ve never been inside. Eric obviously has, since when I approach the table where he’s chosen to sit, Eric is already chatting familiarly with one of the waitresses. 
 But after a couple minutes talking to Eric, I mentally revisit that assumption. Eric Bittle has a way of putting people at ease, of making even the most distant strangers feel like long-lost friends-- through his warm personality, but also through his seemingly-never ending supply of homemade baked goods. By the time I sit down across from him, I’m already in possession of a whole pie and two jars of jam. 
 Most of the celebrities I’ve met have on screen personalities that are vastly different in person, but the Eric Bittle I meet that Saturday could have been pulled directly out of his Netflix series or one of the episodes from his vastly popular vlog. He’s perennially bright and cheery, with a Southern drawl that’s been blunted by years in New England, but is still very present. When I mention it, Eric laughs. “I used to hate my accent, but I think it’s become as part of my brand as pies are. I’d probably lose all of my followers if I started talking like a Yankee,” he jokes.
 The source of Bittle’s accent is his hometown-- Madison, Georgia, a town of barely four thousand people. When I ask what drove him to move up north, he gestures to himself as a whole. “Not too many opportunities for a baking, skating, Beyonce-loving gay boy in Morgan County.” He turns more serious, though, when he continues: “I was bullied a lot as a child. When I think back to my childhood, to living in Georgia-- for people who looked or acted different, it could be suffocating. I remember feeling like my future was just so starkly outlined for me-- going to a state school, settling down with a nice girl, spending the rest of my life just pretending. It sounds like overdramatic teenage angst now, I know, but I always knew if I wanted to live honestly, I needed to get out.” 
 And so Eric applied-- and was accepted to--Samwell University in Massachusetts, which touts itself as one of the most LGBTQ friendly schools in America, under the motto “one in four, maybe more.” According to Eric, it’s where he began to come to terms with himself and his identity, where he finally said the words “I’m gay” out loud, where he continued to bake and vlog and began to think seriously about a career in both, and where, perhaps most famously, he met his now-husband, Providence Falconers captain Jack Zimmermann. 
 “We both played on the hockey team, but we weren’t exactly friends at first,” Bittle says about his relationship with Zimmermann.
 So, of course, I have to ask him-- what is it like, being a baker married to a hockey player? Eric and his husband seem like almost comical counterpoints in every aspect of their careers and personalities. Eric makes his living through baking and cooking, Jack plays in the notoriously-macho NHL. Eric has built a brand and a food empire off of cheeriness and Southern hospitality, Jack has a reputation of being a “hockey robot,” with his cold, generally disagreeable demeanor during interviews.
 “Well, with it all laid out like that, it really does sound like we’re night and day,” Eric laughs. “But honestly? We just work. We both love skating-- that’s what we bonded over in college, actually. We also both technically majored in history, even though we have very different specialities and did so for pretty different reasons. But even our differences are compatible. Like, I love talking, he doesn’t, so we’re never talking over each other or silent. Also, pro hockey players have to eat an insane number of calories, so Jack’s always there to eat my cooking, and that’s really all I can ask for.”
 Eric and Jack, who played on a line together briefly at Samwell, took the sports world by storm seven years ago when they kissed on the ice after the Falconers won the Stanley Cup, making Jack the first openly LGBTQ player in the NHL. The pair broke yet another barrier for LGBTQ people in hockey soon after, when Eric became the first openly gay NCAA Division I hockey captain. 
 When I ask Eric if he ever thought about following in his partner’s footsteps and pursuing a career in professional hockey, he just laughs. “Oh, definitely not. I love being on the ice, but I don’t think I would have made it very far in the NHL or AHL.”
 His fame may have started out in the (relatively niche) world of professional hockey, but since graduating from Samwell, Eric has found incredible success beyond the legacy of that historic kiss. His first book, published five years ago, spent several weeks on the New York Times Food and Diet bestseller list, and was applauded as a fresh, vibrant take on Southern cuisine and desserts.  Check, Please  reads as seventy percent cookbook, thirty percent memoir, with every page infused with Bittle’s indomitable, ubiquitous personality. His vlog, which he started in high school and has updated continuously ever since, has millions of subscribers, who tune in every week to hear Bittle talk about everything from pies and cookies to relationships and family. Finally, and perhaps most famously, Bittle hosted his own Netflix series last year, applauded as a combination of Marie Kondo and Queer Eye, in which he taught baking with his usual brand of positivity and universal appeal, interspersed with feel-good moments and life lessons.
 It strikes me that while Bittle’s career may have been jump-started by his relationship with Jack Zimmermann, he’s certainly managed to make a name for himself in the years since. To the hockey world, he may still be an afterthought to Jack Zimmermann, but to the baking world (and a good portion of Netflix’s viewership), the name Jack Zimmermann is an afterthought to that of Eric Bittle. 
 “Jack definitely gets a kick out of it when we’re in public together and I get recognized, and he doesn’t,” Eric says. “It’s kind of crazy, actually-- I definitely couldn’t have imagined all this ten years ago, back in college or in high school.”
 And what did Eric imagine himself doing? “To be honest, I don’t think I had any idea. When I decided to go to Samwell, I didn’t even have a major in mind or anything. I just wanted to get out of Georgia. And at Samwell-- I mean, I majored in American History, of all things. Talk about a useless degree! I literally just chose the major that let me take the most baking or baking-adjacent classes.” He pauses, and laughs. “It drives Jack crazy, actually-- I never have a plan for anything, really, big or small. I’m the kind of person who just crosses my fingers and hope it all shakes out for the best.”
 His husband’s opinion aside, this tactic seems to have worked out pretty well for Eric. His next, eagerly anticipated cookbook, which follows much in the vein of his Netflix show, is due to come out in two months this August. “It’s going to be focused on easy, cheap cooking and baking that’s still healthy and fulfilling. I think there’s a mindset that to make tasty, healthy food you need to have expensive ingredients and tools, or a lot of time on your hands, or have a lot of experience. But like-- I made food for an entire hockey team in a frat house on a college student’s allowance for four years, so I know something about cooking healthy on a budget,” he jokes. “I really just want to make good, healthy food accessible for everyone.”
 Well, he’s managed to do that, and more. Eric Bittle’s career so far has certainly been a whirlwind. He’s gone from publishing his first cookbook to hosting his own show in what’s only been a matter of years.
 “I do have to pinch myself sometimes, “ Eric says about his dizzyingly quick ascent to fame. “Like, Carrie Underwood tagged me in a tweet about hockey husbands the other day. Carrie Underwood!” The disbelief is clear in his voice. “I mean, Jack’s always been the bigger fan of country music, but the Georgia boy in me had to lie down for a moment when I saw the notification. So I think-- I still can’t really believe all of it, you know? It feels like yesterday I was still about to graduate college, with barely any plan and procrastinating on my thesis. And I guess sometimes-- sometimes I do feel a bit guilty, you know? Like-- there’s so many people fighting for this, fighting for what I’ve got-- getting books published, getting a show, everything else. I definitely had a leg up in name recognition because of Jack and hockey, and even when Jack and weren’t married yet, I never had to worry about having a roof over my head if the vlog wasn’t bringing in enough money or the cookbook wasn’t selling well enough.” He pauses, pensive, and it’s not the first time in this conversation that I mentally reassess my first assumptions about Eric Bittle. Behind the nationally famous smile and welcoming accent is a thoughtful young man still grappling with becoming a public figure and a role model, with a sprinkling of imposter syndrome, who doesn’t understand exactly what millions of people across the country see in him. 
 But perhaps that as well is an unfair assessment. It’s clear that Eric has a refreshing genuiness that few public figures possess, and that this is part of what has managed to speak to so many people from all backgrounds. That on some level, his modesty about his own fame is part of what constitutes his appeal. 
 When I mention this, Eric flushes a bright shade of pink. “Oh, aren’t you a flatterer. Well, I suppose so.”
 So after this cookbook, what’s next? Is fatherhood on the horizon? 
 “I did mention that I never have a plan, didn’t I?” he quips. But he does confide that he and Jack have been talking about having a family. “We’ve always wanted kids, but there’s always been something going on. Jack’s job and being on roadies all the time, me trying to get my career started. We don’t want our kids to be raised by babysitters and nannies, you know? We want to be there for them, so while it’s definitely something we’re considering, we’re trying to balance timing. But it has been a couple years, so.” He blushes. “We’re revisiting the idea.”
 “But other than that-- I have been approached about the possibility of some other projects and shows in the future, but I probably can’t talk about those,” he says. “And though it’s always been a dream of mine to own a bakery, that would be a pretty huge commitment. So I guess I’m just trying to say that I’m not really sure exactly what comes next.” Nevertheless, he grins, as if to say,  and isn’t that exciting ?
 Fatherhood or his own bakery-- I’m sure that no matter what comes next for Eric Bittle, he’ll forge ahead with his characteristic positivity and Southern grace, with plenty of baked goods along the way. *
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
How Much He Means to Me
Word count: 7150
Ships: Moxiety (Patton x Virgil) Side Logince and Karrot Kings
Trigger warnings: Sick characters, coughing, self doubt, anxiety, language
Characters: Patton Virgil Roman Logan Remus Janus Thomas Nico Joan
How much he means to me
Pattons fingers tap restlessly against his back pack straps while walking through the hall to his last class of the day. His friends Logan and Roman flank his sides, left and right respectively. They are talking about something for their English class, Romeo and Juliet possibly, Patton remembers they are reading act three in class today. He zones out again thinking about a certain missing person. It's not like he's friends with the kid or anything… well not really, but Patton has been watching him from a distance for quite some time now. Not because he's cute or anything… pfft... he just seems anxious sometimes during class and such and Patton was always a bit worried about the dark strange teen in the back of class. He always had his headphones over his ears, blocking out anything and everything in class, yet still managing to turn in all work on time or ahead of it, and keep all As and Bs. Something Patton couldn't do without his friend Logan's constant assistance. Patton often found himself distracted in class.
“-tton? Patton…?” Patton blinked from his thoughts finding both Roman and Logan looking at him curiously, they were near the classroom door now.
“Huh? Oh sorry! What was that?” Patton asks, refocusing as they enter the classroom.
“I asked if you were okay?” Roman says, his tone pitching up at the end somehow making it sound like a question rather than a statement.
“Your expression was rather distracted.” Logan adds.
“Oh, yes I'm okay!”
“Is it about Virgil being absent?” Logan asks inquisitively as they take their seats in class as    Zr. S (Joan) sets up the room for today's English lesson. Patton's face coloured at that and he looked at Logan surprised.
“Pat it's pretty obvious you've been crushing on a Jack Smellington for a while now.”
“Yes, your eyes dilate each time he so much as walks into the room. Speaking of which, he's not in the room, so am I right to assume you're worried about him?” Logan asks, his grey eyes sparkling intelligently under his glasses. Patton's face shifts from soft pink to burning red and he adjusts his circular glasses frames nervously.
“Lighten up, teach he's going to pass out from all that blushing.” Roman says with a knowing smirk sliding up to sit on Logan's desk. The two have been a known couple for quite some time, Logan used to get aggravated about such actions from Roman. Though now he barely glances at Roman on his desk anymore.
“I- What no I- I just, Um- I mean…” Patton is quiet for a moment, his blush only worsening by Romans attentiveness.
“Ahhh young love~” Roman swoons dramatically off the desk and into Logan, who catches him, having expected the overdramatic boy to do so. Logan, now with Roman seated on his lap smiles slightly before addressing Patton.
“You could bring him the work he misses today after school, I'm sure he would be most appreciative and you would be able to check on him without arousing suspicion.” Logan offers. Roman throws an arm around Logan and lays his head on his shoulder.
“It would be really cute if you gave him his stuff and brought him cookies, you made cookies today in baking class earlier right?”
“Well yeah but we've never really talked before… wouldn't it be weird If I just showed up at his house with English work and cookies???”
“Not if you say you made too many-” Roman starts, only to be cut off by Logan who just got an idea.
“You can say that Zr. S asked you to bring him the work from today.” Logan interrupts, Roman pouts at being interrupted and Logan moves a hand through Romans hair to compensate. Roman smiles again, leaning into the touch for a moment before speaking.
“Besides I'm sure Mr. Sanders will tell us where he lives if we say that we want to check on Virgil, he was probably going to check on him himself knowing how worried he gets about his students.”
“Oh yeah, I'm sure he has homework in science too… You should gather work from all of his teachers actually, we could go with you.”
Zr. S clears their throat as the bell rings, glancing at Roman and Logan, thankfully not only are they a lax teacher but they also couldn't care less about their students being openly gay. They begin the introduction to Act 3 and pass out the guided notes before calling a few students to the front to read for today's characters in scenes one and two.
“Janus is Petruccio, Remus is Tybalt, Patton is Benvolio, Virgil is Mercutio and Roman you can be Romeo again, Logan I need you to be Juliet later in the second scene if you don't mind.” Roman gets up quickly, taking the plastic sword and facing it at his brother, Remus, who has his sword already as well, Logan stays seated smirking and Patton raises his hand tentatively as he stands. “Yes Patton?”
“Um, Zr. S Virgil isn't here today.” He says, glancing at Virgil's seat while making his way to the front. Joan follows Patton's gaze to find their perfect attendance student in fact missing, they frown slightly.
“That's odd…” They say, “He's never been absent before… hmm.” They think for a moment, “Val you can be Mercutio then, I will print out filled in notes for Virgil and hold it for when he returns.”
“I can take it!” Patton says quickly, Zr. S turns to him, eyebrow raised and Patton pinkens slightly.
Joan smiles, they would have been blind not to notice the looks Patton constantly sneaks at Virgil during class. Though this sudden confidence was a bit unexpected, Zr. S gathers the papers from the printer and hands them to Patton. “Perfect, would you like me to inform the other teachers that you will be bringing his assignments to him?”
“Yes! I can pick them up after class and take them over to his house if that's okay with you.”
“Certainly, I'll let you leave early with Roman and Logan to do so.” They say as Patton smiles before moving back to his seat to place the papers in his bag. “We need a Benvolio still so come back up here Patton.”
Patton does as he's asked and returns to the front, taking a sword and a Romeo and Juliet book to use for the reading. The rest of class runs rather quickly, Roman being over dramatic, Val gets killed by Remus, flanked by Janus, after which Roman avenges by “killing” him. Roman gets banished and Logan runs through his elegant soliloquy, the way he reads it almost causing Roman, in his seat, to actually swoon. Though Logan is a bit stiff at times he is quite a nerd for Shakespeare, and would rather read the part with emotion like it was intended, than without. Nearing the end of class Zr. S calls Patton, Roman and Logan to the front and sends them off with a hall pass as they said they would. They stop by all of Virgil’s classes, Logan for some reason knowing his schedule though they only share English and Science with him.
They end up at Science last, walking into Mr. Sanders classroom, mostly empty seeing that the bell had rung a few minutes ago. Patton knocks on the doorframe since it's already open and they walk in to find Mr. Flores (Nico), the Music teacher, chatting with Mr. Sanders, and sitting on his desk in the same fashion Roman was to Logan’s desk earlier. Mr. Flores smiles at the kids and kicks Thomas’ knee lightly to get him to look up from the song the two had been working on.
“Hey boys! What brings you here this morning?” Thomas asks, looking at the boys entering the room.
“Afternoon.” Mr. Flores and Logan correct in unison.
“Ah- my bad, time is hard to keep track of. What brings you here this afternoon.” He says with a chuckle. Roman nudges Patton with his elbow and Patton steps forward slightly with a shy smile.
“I came to pick up Virgil's work for today-”
“Oh right! Joan emailed me about that a bit ago.” Thomas gets up and moves to the printer, gathering the papers he had printed for them. He turns back around and hands them to Patton. “There ya go Pat, I also included directions to his house that I was going to use to check on him later. I wasn't sure if you knew how to get there or not.” Logan gives Patton a raised eyebrow look that says ‘Told you’ and Patton shoots back a smile before turning it on Mr. Sanders.
“Thanks Mr. Sanders! I wasn't expecting the directions but they will help… I've never been to his house before.” Patton responds with a shy smile. Logan and Roman exchange a look over Pattons head, both smiling.
Thomas nods with a bright expression, “Anything to help out my students, just make sure he's doing okay and text me after you check in on him alright Pat? You still have my number from the bake sale earlier this year right?” Patton nods quickly, remembering how Mr. Sanders was one of the main teachers in charge of the event along with Patton's baking teacher Mr. Williams (Terrence). Pattons gaze rises to the wall clock over Mr. Flores’ head, seeing it's been around twenty minutes since school let out he glances at the door in silent question. Thomas smiles at him with a laugh. “You don't need my permission to leave the room afterschool like you do during the day Patton, you three can go. I only have that rule so that Remus doesn't sneak out before the end of class like he loves to do.” The trio laugh and Thomas, along with Nico, chuckle. Both have Remus in their classes this year.
It's not long before the three boys are back in the halls and Nico is back chatting alone with Thomas about their days. Roman and Logan walk side by side on the right side of Patton, this time roman gushing about how cute Mr. Sanders and Mr. Flores are as a couple. They have been married for around three years now, having gotten married in the boys first year in high school. Even now, in their Senior year, Roman couldn't get over the pictures that he had begged for, of their wedding. Logan just listened to his boyfriends gush per usual, Roman often just liked someone to listen to him, Logan enjoyed being the one to do so, even if sometimes he pretended he didn't. The nerd and prince headed for Logan's car and said quick goodbyes to Patton, who was eager to check on Virgil.
Within a few moments Patton has discarded his backpack along with Virgil's assignments in the passenger seat and is already on the road, directions in hand. He follows them perfectly and drives a little too fast to Virgil's house. Once he pulls his baby blue Kia Rio into the driveway behind a purple jeep, he begins to get a bit nervous, but pushes past it. He's just going to give him the homework and the cookies and ask why he wasn't at school because Mr. Sanders was worried. Yeah… that's reasonable right? Not weird or creepy or anything. Patton tries to convince himself of this as he walks to the door, Virgil's work on top of the tupperware he grabbed from his backpack.
Working up the courage to knock he taps on the door da da duh-duh da da, his typical musical knock from Frozen. He hums ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman’ for a moment but after a bit he tries again. He doesn't hum this time and instead shifts on his feet worriedly. He stares at the doorknob for a moment before testing it tentatively. It turns easily and the door gives, opening into an entryway. Patton pales slightly at the unlocked door. Due to Virgil's high anxiety that Logan had assumed he had there's no way having this door unlocked would be a normal occurrence. Patton moves forward a bit, not yet in the house and looks around.
“Virgil?” He calls waiting a moment for a panicked response or maybe a startled one. Only silence is reflected back at him. He takes a step inside, his worry overcoming his anxiousness. “Virgil…?” He calls again, closing the door behind him and walking carefully down the hall. There were no cars in the driveway save for Virgil's purple Jeep, and there for some reason is no garage. Then again the driveway is a bit longer than standard, Patton realizes Virgil must be home alone today. “Virgil? It's Patton, I came to drop off the schoolwork that you missed-”
A door opens to Patton's left on the hallway and he jumps, startled by the sudden sound. He swivels to face it and immediately chokes on whatever he was about to say. Standing in the doorway, leaning heavily on it, was Virgil. His eyes were unfocused and tired, staring through Patton rather than at him. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, and Patton quickly noticed he had no shirt on and lowered his eyes blushing fiercely.
“Oh great,” Virgil rasps “Another Patton hallucination,” He twirls a finger in the air “Not doing to confuse me this time dumbass brain, I'm going to get water and go back to sleep-” Virgil cut off, coughing roughly into his elbow, his entire body racking with the coughs. Once finished he inhales painfully and winces before moving from the doorway and stumbling to the kitchen using the wall for support, leaving a flustered Patton in his wake.
Patton, now leaning against the wall, watches Virgil leave and has half a mind to help him, but the other half has malfunctioned. Pattons head catches up with him slowly and his blush subsides, Virgil now in the kitchen down the hall where Patton can't see him. Pattons breathing slows as well as he carefully works through what just happened. Sick Virgil is home alone and thinks Patton is a hallucination. Again. Again? He said another Patton hallucination right…? That means he's… had one before- Focus. Virgil's sick. I can help.
Without another thought Patton refocuses on helping Virgil, he walks into the kitchen and finds the teen leaning dizzily on the counter with a glass of water in hand. Patton sets down the cookies and papers on the counter beside him and moves over to Virgil. Ignoring the fact that he still doesn't have a shirt on. Ignoring the way his lean muscles are visible and highlighted by the shimmer of sweat from his sickened state. Ignoring the way his chocolate eyes dully gleam with the sunlight shining through the window- IGNORING.
Patton places a hand on Virgil's head and retracts it quickly. “Virgil you're burning up!” He exclaims, “Finish drinking that water I'll be right back.” Patton hurries off, Virgil does as the hallucination told him, downing the water and waiting patiently for it to come back. Another coughing fit seizes him and when Patton does return Virgil is on the ground leaned against the cabinets. Patton comes rushing back in with a wet washcloth, having found a dry one under the sink in the downstairs bathroom. He finds Virgil on the floor swaying unsteadily and moves over to him quickly putting an arm under his shoulders and helping him up. “Virgil I'm going to help you back to your room okay just walk with me okay?” Patton moves forward and an unsteady Virgil follows, using Patton for support, still caught in a sick haze.
It's not long before they are back in the bedroom, Patton gets Virgil onto the bed and tucked into a thin sheet so that way he's not too hot. Virgil smiles softly at Patton the whole time, still thinking the encounter is a nice dream. Patton finishes fussing around Virgil's room and getting the water on his bedside table refilled and situated. Patton sits on the edge of the bed and runs a hand through Virgil's slick purple bangs, stuck to his face, moving them out of the way of his eyes gently. Virgil's lopsided smile continues and Patton chuckles at the puppylike look that he's never seen on Virgil before.
“What's that look for?” he asks, stifling a giggle.
“I just wish you would notice me like this in real life too…” He says softly, a smile still present as he looks up at Patton. Patton blinks surprised and blush rises to his face at the comment. He looks away nervously. His mind races for something to respond with, but before he can he hears soft slow breathing from the bed and turns to find Virgil fast asleep. Patton exhales and smiles slightly sadly at the asleep teen. He runs a hand through Virgil's hair again with a sigh.
“I should have approached you sooner… and said something other than just saying hi to you in the mornings…” Patton murmured to Virgil's sleeping form. Patton gets up off the bed and heads back to the kitchen, gathering all the materials to make soup for when Virgil wakes back up again. Patton works quietly in the kitchen, not wanting to wake Virgil up, he knows that it's not likely Virgil ate lunch in that state, let alone breakfast. He didn't seem to be the type to eat breakfast.
Patton finishes the soup and leaves it to cool, going back to check on Virgil and finding him upside down about to fall off the bed, snoring softly. Patton giggles and moves him back onto the bed, a hand takes Patton's wrist as he's about to get up and next thing he knows he's in the bed beside Virgil's sleeping form. Virgil has both arms wrapped around Patton's abdomen, Pattons back against Virgil's bare chest. Patton's face flushes and he stifles a squeak. He's tense and blushing deeply for a moment but after a bit he leans into Virgil's warm embrace, sighing softly his eyes flutter for a moment as he tries to stay awake. The long day of worrying at school plus the calming breathing from Virgil with him so close nearly pulled him under. That is until his phone dings from his back pocket. Pattons eyes open again and he realizes it's going to be a bit difficult to get to his phone. Patton carefully maneuvers his hand behind him, under Virgil's arm and to his back pocket, carefully pulling it out so that it doesn't wake virgil. His arm brushes against Virgil's six pack and he blushes scarlet, grabbing his phone and holding it to his chest, waiting a moment to see if he woke Virgil. The steady breathing continues and after a moment he risks a glance at his phone. 7:36. It's been nearly two hours since he got here. His gaze trails down and finds the reason for the dinging, another sound rings from his phone and he stifles it with his hand before turning it on silent. After doing so he opens the group chat message.
Logan: Hey Pat haven't heard from you in a bit, you doing okay?
Roman: Hes fine Lo, I'm sure he's just making out with the emo, give them some space
Patton manages to blush deeper as he reads the messages.
Patton: no, we're doing no such thing! but um, i need some help…
Logan: What's wrong?
Roman: Did he hurt you??????
Logan: Were on our way.
Patton: no! no i'm fine it's okay! i um, don't come here, it's just…
Roman: Just…???
Patton: um… so… how do you get out of the arms of someone who's asleep without waking them…?
Roman: WHATTTTTTTTT!?!?!? Patton, skipped a couple steps there dontcha think? [wink wink]
Roman: Dang Padre you work fast~
Patton: roman that's not what i mean quit!
Logan: Am I right to assume that he's sick and you accidentally got mistaken for a hallucination?
Roman: What's with that off the wall guess babe??
Logan: I had assumed he was sick earlier today and given Patton's predicament it would make sense.
Patton: um actually logan that's exactly what happened
Roman: Wow, I stand corrected
Logan: Wouldn't be the first time
Patton: right so how do i get out?
Logan: If he's asleep and sick you theoretically should be able to move without waking him. What are his symptoms if you don't mind me asking?
Patton: um, fever, dizziness i think, cough- like a really bad cough, and he's tired… oh and hallucinating i think, or at least maybe he was earlier, i'm not sure. He said something about “another patton hallucination”
Roman: Sounds like he dreams of you often~
Logan: It sounds like a bad cold, check the house for ibuprofen, it should help with the fever, the dizziness and hallucinations may be side effects of the fever and the cough is the cold. A cold wash cloth also could be beneficial. Have you removed yourself from his bed yet?
Patton shifts slightly, no he hasn't moved from Virgil's arms... He doesn't particularly want to though he probably should. Virgil needs to eat something and the soup is definitely cold by now. It should still taste fine heated up, with a quiet sigh Patton moves to slip out of his arms, Virgil shifts and his arms clutch the pillow in Patton's absence. Virgil frowns softly in his sleep and Patton pouts slightly knowing he caused that. Patton places a cool hand on Virgil's head, his head isn't warm like it was earlier, his fever must have broken. With that new information Patton smiles and turns and heads back into the kitchen.
Patton: yeppers, i got a washcloth earlier, i checked just now and i think his temperature broke, i'm going to reheat the soup i made now and see if i can get him to eat something, i doubt he's eaten anything all day seeing as he's home alone…
Roman: A tragic sick prince trapped alone in his tower! In dire need of true loves kiss from Prince Patton to wake him from his sleep~
Logan: Ignore Roman, that's good, since it broke make sure he drinks lots of water, he's going to need the fluids in his system after being sick like that. Also his parents are on a business trip so your assumption about his eating habits are most likely accurate.
Roman: How do you know his parents are on a trip???
Logan: It's all over their facebook page, apparently they leave on trips often and are rarely home
Patton: that's kindve sad… i'm bringing him soup i'll be back later
Patton takes the soup and places it back on the stove to heat back up. Finding some bowls after some searching through the cabinets he takes them and pours the soup into two of them before bringing the bowls back to Virgil's room. He finds Virgil awake in the bed looking actually awake now that his fever has broken, some of his color has returned to his skin and he's stopped sweating. He's sitting up in the bed, eyes on his phone when Patton walks in.
“Oh you're awake!” Patton exclaims with a smile.
“Patton!?!” Virgil nearly jumps out of his skin before dissolving into a rather violent coughing fit at the sudden usage of his voice.
Patton quickly sets the soups down on the nightstand and hands Virgil the water along with some cough medication he found and placed on the nightstand a while ago. “Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you…” He says as Virgil eyes him with confusion and a bit of anxiety, downing the water quickly along with some of the cough medicine. After a moment he tests his voice tentatively again.
“What are you doing here in my house- how did you- why-?” Virgil's breathing quickens and he starts coughing again, this time blushing furiously as well. Patton moves closer sitting on the bed like he was earlier, Virgil stops coughing and watches Patton anxiously.
“Zr. S and Mr. Sanders were worried about you, well mostly Mr. Sanders… he was actually planning on coming to check you out himself and stuff um but I offered to bring you your work and so, well I did and yeah so I knocked but you didn't answer or anything so well your door was unlocked and I- I wanted to make sure you were okay...” Patton rambles blushing as well. “I um- well I can leave if you are feeling better now, s-sorry kiddo!” Patton gets up quickly from the bed and turns to leave, a hand wraps quickly around Patton's wrist and he stops, turning slowly.
Virgil's hand encircles Patton's wrist carefully, as if scared if he squeezed too tight Patton would run. Virgil's eyes were trained on his hand around Pattons, a faint blush coating his features that Patton couldn’t tell if it was him being sick or him blushing because of Patton. Both were quiet for a moment. Virgil lets go of Patton's hand suddenly and speaks.
“I um- well you don’t have to leave, you just startled me…” he says quietly and leans against the back of the bed again. “Sorry.” Virgil says, glancing up to Pattons eyes for a moment before quickly falling to his phone again. The screen is black Patton notices.
“Oh.” Is all Patton can say, stepping to the side and taking the soup off the nightstand after a second. “I made soup for you.” Patton chitters excitedly handing the bowl to Virgil. Virgil's lips quirk slightly up into a small smile taking the bowl from Patton's hands.
“Thanks…” he says quietly, taking the spoon as well. Patton takes the other bowl and sits on the edge of the bed beside Virgil. Virgil dips the spoon into the soup and eats a scoop of it, mostly to please Patton who was watching him.
“Mmmm~” Virgil hums involuntarily, he snaps a hand over his mouth and blushes embarrassed. There is silence for a second before Patton giggles quietly, it quickly turns to a happy laugh and Virgil, even though embarrassed, catches the contagious laugh. Both can’t stop for a bit of time but once Virgil's laughs dissolve into coughs Patton stops and helps by getting water and giving it to him. Virgil drinks the water thankfully and Patton sits on the edge of the bed watching him to make sure he’s okay. Virgil places the water cup on the nightstand and looks up, locking eyes with Patton once more finding his eyes soft and concerned… caring. Virgil chokes on the water he was swallowing and ends up coughing again, unused to the sincerity in Patton's eyes. Or in anyone’s eyes directed at him. “S-sorry” he says coming out of the second coughing fit.
“It's okay, don't apologize for being sick! I just wish you would have told me- er someone sooner…” Patton leans down and pushes Virgil's bangs out of his eyes that had fallen back after the coughing fit. His fingers delicately brush the bangs back, his caring careful touch causing Virgil to shiver, the gentleness a forgiven feeling to him. His parents are typically gone and no students have made any effort to get to know him other than Janus and Remus, they don’t exactly do gentle things. The closest thing Virgil has gotten from them is a punch in the shoulder from Remus or a pat on the head from Janus when they're feeling generous.
Virgil leans into the touch, eyes fluttering closed for a second before he quickly snaps his head away from Patton's hand and turns his head back to the soup. Patton watches him carefully with a slight frown drawing back to where he was sitting before, taking his bowl quietly back in his lap. They eat quietly now, with each second of silence unsaid emotions continue to brew between the two. The silence presses on Virgil uncomfortably making him feel more socially anxious than usual.
“So, uh, random question, how did you get to my house?” Virgil askes tentatively, spooning soup into his mouth after asking the question. Patton perks up and looks at Virgil with a shy smile.
“Mr. Sanders printed me directions… I hope that's not weird or anything.” He says slowly, finishing his soup and fiddling with the spoon idly. Virgil just smirks slightly at his nervous behaviour.
“Nah, not weird for a teacher to print directions to a students house so that a student can come to check on another when they've missed school for a single day.” Virgil teases, patton blushers slightly.
“Yeah sorry, though it's a bit weird for you though, you have never missed a single day this year, I haven't even seen you enter class late or anything once.” Pat remarks, thinking back on past experiences through the year. Virgil raises one eyebrow and his lips quirk into a smirk.
“Have you been spying on me or something Patton?” he questions playfully, spooning the last bits of soup into his mouth. Patton stands and takes his bowl.
“Course not, Mr. Sanders said that's why he was so concerned.” He covers quickly, turning with the bowls to hide the blush he got from the question. He scampers quicker than needed into the kitchen and cleans it, all of his soup materials and the bowls clearing his head with it.
Meanwhile Virgil is left to his thoughts, tucked delicately into the sheets Patton had prepared for him before. All Virgil can think of are those eyes. The soft bright blue eyes, gazing at him with care and concern that he didn't deserve. Or at least no one seemed to think he did. No one but Patton. The cute kid in his english class. The peppy boy who constantly made Virgil smile, even on the worst of days, his cheery disposition lighting up any room he entered. That smile that couldn't be dulled by the darkest sunglasses. The freckles that seemed to light up like stars dusted across his cheeks when he was excited or happy about something. The way he loved to gush over animals, cats and dogs mostly. How he loved to talk about and share his baking with others constantly. The contagious laugh that spreads like wildfire across the room when he's content. The boy who is now in his house. In his kitchen. Oh fu<k hes in the house.
A bit of anxiety begins to creep into Virgil at the realization that his practically lifelong crush was in his house. While he was sick- he probably looked horrible! Virgil gets up from the bed quickly, his balance slightly unsteady as he moves to the bedpost, grabbing his patched purple and black hoodie off of it. He pulls it on before heading to the bathroom and applying his usual black makeup he uses to cover the constant dark spots under his eyes from his insomnia and late nighters for school.
After fixing himself and making sure his sweat pants were also presentable he makes his way into the kitchen. Patton is at the sink with his back turned to Virgil. A scenario runs through Virgil's head, in it he walks quietly to Patton and hugs Patton from behind while he washes dishes. Patton turns and with a gentle smile brings a hand to Virgil's face before kissing his cheek- Virgil snaps from his thoughts, blushing dark now, Patton seems to sense his presence and turns his head to look at him. Those sky blue eyes pierce Virgil and his heart skips a beat, Pattons gaze turns concerned, given how red Virgil is he assumes something is wrong. Before Patton can do or say anything though Virgil breaks eye contact and pivots on his heel to head for the living room, breaking off into a fit of coughs. Patton finishes and dries his hands, bringing water to Virgil for what must have been the hundredth time, though Patton didn't mind. In fact he rather liked helping Virgil- er people, not just Virgil, people in general. Patton hands the water to Virgil who drinks it quickly, mumbles a thank you and proceeds to scroll through Disney Plus. After some indecisive scrolling he settles on The Nightmare Before Christmas, it takes a moment for him to realize Patton is still standing beside the couch, his eyes on the tv in a curious way.
“I was just going to um watch a movie, it's getting a bit late Pat… you can like head home, I don't want to make you stay here or anything… Not that I am- well maybe I mean I guess I haven't said anything about you leaving yet, sorry am I making you feel trapped here… um and your parents I-”
“...No what…?”
“You're not making me stay or feel trapped or uncomfortable, and both my parents work shifts at the hospital at this time, they won't be home till early morning...” Patton slides onto the couch beside Virgil, leaving a comfortable but close amount of space between them. Virgils quiet, unsure what to say so Patton speaks again, “I've never seen this movie you know.”
“What?? Really? It's my favorite, I had figured Prince Disney would have forced you and the nerd to watch all the movies by now.” Virgil remarks, ignoring how close together they are on the couch and staring straight through the screen, rather than at it.
“Prince Disney… oh are you talking about Roman?” Pattons airy laugh fills the room and Virgil feels heat rise to his neck just hearing it. “Well he does like to watch disney movies but I haven't gotten around to every movie he's wanted me to watch yet.” Patton chuckles and Virgil starts to hum to ‘This Is Halloween’ absentmindedly thinking.
“So you're usually busy then?” Virgil inquires hesitantly after a moment. Patton sinks into the seat some at the question.
“Uhh yeah… usually I'm doing work for classes or baking… It typically takes me a while to do homework, I don't focus very well and it's difficult to understand some topics. Logan helps me sometimes, but a lot of times I don't want to bother him… he's usually with Roman or doing his own work...” Patton replies slowly, a bit embarrassed from admitting that fact.
“I could help.” Virgil says before his mind catches up with his words, Patton turns his eyes from the screen and looks at Virgil with a hopeful expression, his eyes shining.
“Really??” He asks in response, Virgil breaks eye contact with Patton fiddling with one of the rings on his fingers.
“I mean- well yeah… I don't really have plans,” Ever, he considers adding but decides against it, “I'm usually just... here, doing school work and watching movies and stuff… my parents aren't exactly home often so…” I'm lonely, once again he decides not to add what his mind ads for him. Pattons hopeful expression kicks up excitement, his blue eyes twinkling with it.
“Thank you!!! I mean you don't have to or anything I- I understand If you don't want to help me or something or if you don't really mean it-” Patton rambles quickly, Virgil cuts him off.
“No- Pat it's fine, I want to help.” he says, a shy yet sure smile crossing his lips. Pattons eyes shine with happy unshed tears, before Virgil can blink Patton quickly throws his arms around him with a happy squeal. The unexpected hug sends Virgil falling against the couch, Patton not even noticing as he hugs Virgil tightly. Virgil lands against the couch with an oof and blushes fiercely a reaction to the gesture.
Patton detaches himself from Virgil once realizing what happened and finds himself positioned directly above those coco brown eyes and flushed pale face, Pattons hands at either side of his head. Virgil stares up at Patton unmoving, and Patton stares back, just as still. Patton has the urge to apologize again but the words die in his throat as Virgil's eyes flash with something Patton doesn't recognize seeing in those brown eyes before. Courage.
Driven by a sudden impulse, Virgil leans up from the couch and joins Patton's lips with his, Pattons eyes flutter shut after a split second of surprise, leaning into the kiss he's been imagining ever since he first saw the dark mysterious teen at school. Virgil's hands find their way to Pattons waist and linger there at his sides, Pattons moving to Virgil's hair as they sink back against the couch together. After a moment their lips part and they look at each other. Neither say a word, staring into eachothers eyes, infatuated by the lingering taste of the kiss on each of their lips.
Virgil is the first to respond, his mind catches up with him and his fight or flight response kicks in. His eyes go wide in realization of what he just did and he blushes, fiery red climbing from his neck to his face at an impossible rate. Panic floods his system as he decides flight.
“S-Sorry! Oh god- fu<k- I didn't- sorry you probably didn't want to- I- Patton I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- Patton you um- fu<k you should go- I made you uncomfortable- I don't know what got into me- now you could be sick- sh!t-” He sputters covering his face with his hands and wishing he could sink into the couch and just disappear. He feels Patton's warmth move from his chest, a spike of sadness quickly drives itself into his heart at its absence. He bites his lip and chews on it, his hands still covering his face as he chokes back the lump starting to form in his throat.
D@mn!t he fu<ked up- why does he even try- why did he ruin everything, he could have at least been friends with patton… he was excited to get school help- I was excited to help him! And here I go- everything I touch gets fu<ked up- it's better if he leaves anyways… Everyone always leaves, it's nothing new...
Virgil's thoughts spiral quickly in his head, chastising him and making him feel increasingly worse about the situation while Patton sits on the couch. Pattons eyes have shifted from awestruck to empathetic, Virgil lies there shaking, his hands covering his face as he spews apologies and stammers incoherent sentences. Patton reaches over and carefully takes Virgil's hands from his face, holding them in his. Virgil quiets and so does his head, watching Patton, still shaking. Patton squeezes Virgil's hands with a soft comforting smile, the smile shifts to nervous and Patton looks down at their hands.
“You didn't make me uncomfortable… and um… actually I did want to…” Patton looks back up and meets Virgil's eyes. “I liked it.” He says quietly. Virgil blinks, once… twice, his expression unreadable. Virgil's hands move in Patton's, shifting until their palms are together and their fingers are intertwined, eyes still locked. A gentle fondness finds its way into Virgil's gaze, his panic subsiding. Virgil hears the song that has taken the movie in the background and smiles softly at Patton, his voice syncing with Sallys as he sits up carefully to face Patton properly.
“And does he notice…”
Virgil's right hand separates from Pattons and makes its way to Pattons cheek, caressing it gently, his thumb sweeps back and forth as the uncertainty he was feeling earlier fades, only to be replaced by a confidence he rarely ever feels.
“My feelings for him?”
Pattons free hand slides against Virgil's hand against his cheek as Patton gazes into his fond chocolate eyes. A look Patton has been craving to see from him for a while now.
“And will he see”
Virgil moves closer on the couch, their knees now touching, the space between the two becoming increasingly smaller until the two are right in front of each other. Breathing the same air, noses brushing delicately against each other.
“How much he means to me?”
Patton closes the distance this time, meeting in the center as Virgil's voice fades on the last word of that line. The two kiss again. This time different, less surprised, more intentional. Their lips meeting more than once, continuously coming together and breaking apart, longer kisses savored and shorter ones filled with longing. Patton moves his hand from virgils and shifts closer, Virgil taking Patton carefully into his lap and holding him close as they continue to kiss. Virgil's arms around Patton making him feel secure and wanted. Safe. Patton in Virgil's arms making him feel needed, valued and worth something.
The two part again, both breathless and dazed, foreheads resting on each other, eyes closed. After a moment Virgil bites his lip, speaking hesitantly.
“Are you sure-” Patton silences him with another kiss.
“Yes.” He says, soft yet still certain.
“Okay…” Virgil whispers breathlessly. Without another word Patton lays his head on Virgil's shoulder and the two finish the movie together. Virgil holds Patton close, one hand trailing gently over his back while the other lies intertwined with one of Pattons.
Once it ends, neither bother to mess with Disney Plus as it switches to Tangled, one of Patton's favorites, Virgil soon learns by Pattons knowledge of every word. Patton also expresses this by Singing all the words happily and expressing ecstatic excitement over dashing dark rouge that's Flynn Rider. Virgil mimics the smoulder to Pattons sheer delight, his laughter fills Virgil's heart and they end up kissing again, the night passing quickly as they watch Tangled. They duet ‘Now I see the Light’ together, and as it ends dissolve into yet another kiss shared between the two. Patton gets Virgil more water and the cookies he had made earlier that day, Virgil eating one before devouring a few others after realizing one wasn't enough. What? Patton's baking was goooooood. Plus Virgil has quite the sweet tooth for someone so dark and gloomy. Patton giggles at how quickly he eats them, having a cookie himself before they disappear. Virgil's eyes start to droop as fatigue weighs on him, Patton too stifles a yawn and curls up with Virgil once more, this time laying on the couch with him, his glasses on the coffee table. Virgil's head propped on the armrest with a pillow, Patton tucked against his chest, his back against the couch they watch as Aladdin plays next. Virgil is asleep before Arabian night ends, his chest rising and falling slowly against Patton's back as he watches the movie unfold, it's not long before he's asleep as well, falling victim to Virgil's warm embrace and the sweet symphony of ‘A Whole New World.’
@crazydemigod666 @hamatobrothers @leinahtan @peanut-butter-and-theatre @analogical-spacegays @squippydraws @thefanficbooktuber
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probskay · 3 years
Playing Defense
A ball landed in my backyard. It was a soccer ball. Kids in this neighborhood usually played football, so a soccer ball was a new sight. It came from the house on the other side of the block. I hadn’t seen a soccer ball besides my own back here in years. I picked it up and walked to my front door, waiting for whomever would eventually ring the doorbell, asking for the ball back. It was clearly a well used one, covered in scuffs and with the leather flaking off on the corners of every stained-white hexagon.
The ring came, eventually. The kid who knocked spent a few minutes just standing in front of the door, maybe trying to psyche themself for it. He stood in front of me. His kneepads were scuffed to hell, and the ends of his shorts were torn, with loose threads flaying out in all directions. His black bowl cut was totally mussed up from the wind, and sweat poured down his cheeks. He was probably 15.
“Your ball?” I asked, holding it up.
“Yeah,” he replied. “Been getting some reps in. Trying to make the team.”
“What have you been running?” I asked.
So we chatted about soccer. He told me about the drills he ran, and I told him about what drills I ran. I wound up inviting him inside, then outside, to practice some drills and watch him play. Gave him some pointers. Once we were done, we sat inside to cool off and drink water. I let him take the first shower.
He came out wearing some slightly less tattered shorts and a tank top that didn’t have straps so thin that his nipples poked out each time he pulled one arm over the other.
We talked a bit after I came out from my shower. His name was Danny Valdez. He’d recently moved to the area, because his dad got a new job out here. No one had really greeted him. Suburbs.
We would meet like that every weekend for a while. We’d practice soccer, run reps and shoot against each other. I was a way better goalie than he was. He was a striker, and I played defensive midfield. Boys liked to show off with their shots a lot, so they like to ignore defense when practicing alone. Though, practicing defense is hard when you do it alone.
Danny started to join me during lunch, too. Me and my friends sort of took him under our wing. He didn’t really like the other boys on the soccer team, because they were far more into machismo than he was. I had a feeling they were probably racist towards him, too. I knew some of them were resentful that he quickly became the best striker on the team, and pushed the previous ace aside. 
I didn’t used to pay much attention to the boys’ team, but after befriending Danny I paid more attention. It was easy to figure out they all acted. Boys are simpler, and teenage boys especially. I never saw them run any trick plays, instead relying solely on raw speed and skill to win. Not like the teams they played against did any better.
Danny asked me to a dance late that semester. I didn’t have any idea he was into me, but he insisted on the way there that he had had a crush on me for a while.
“Danny, I’m 17. You’re too young for me.”
“No, I’m not too young. Besides, I know you wouldn’t take advantage of me.”
“You don’t know that, Danny. I don’t know that either. Dating isn’t the same as being friends.”
“Valentina, don’t worry so much. I like being around you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, okay? I won’t do anything unless you suggest it first. I won’t even make jokes.”
“That’ll be the day, Danny,”
Danny laughed. “See, and now that I can’t make jokes you’re picking up the slack. Now please let me make jokes again, it’s weird seeing you not serious.”
I sighed and said “Okay. Sure, we’ll try for a little bit. We’ll check in every week and see if things still feel alright. And you can still make jokes.”
So, that’s what we did. We practiced soccer, we sat very close to each other at lunch, and sometimes cuddled at my place. Nothing ever went further than that. Our friends teased us, saying he acted like a little brother more than a boyfriend.
“Cut it out,” I said, once, in response to the teasing.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind the teasing, I know they don’t mean it.” Danny smiled at me. 
“Sorry, Valentina,” one friend said. 
“Yeah,” said another, “We were just teasing Danny. Sorry if it made you feel weird.”
Did it make me feel weird? I guess it must have. I hated the implication that I was dating a sibling. 
“Besides,” Danny said, “If I were anyone’s little brother, I’d be Michelle’s.”
She laughed. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I would say ‘Oy Mami, maybe you should let me have some of your milk.” Danny began making suckling noises and exaggerated motions with his face.
Michelle slapped Danny on the chest and said “I am NOT a momma’s girl, I am a daddy’s girl at best.” Everyone laughed. I didn’t.
Eventually, Danny asked me to come over to his place and meet his family. He didn’t seem especially excited about it.
“Danny, do you want me to come meet them? Really? We’ve been dating for a month and haven’t even kissed.” Not that I really wanted to kiss him. I felt strangely comfortable just doing what we did.
“Si, Valentina. I’ve told them about you and they’re excited to meet you.” He halfheartedly passed his ball to me. I caught it and kicked it up to my knee, bouncing it and keeping it airborne.
“This Friday. It’s my birthday. They want to make empanadas and tamales.”
I nodded. “Alright, come over on Friday and we’ll head to your place.”
When we did get to his place, Danny was much more forward about our relationship. He seemed hesitant to let go of my hand. He hugged me more often. His parents spoke to him in a deep spanish, one that I could only barely pick up bits and pieces. My parents reprimanded me when I tried to speak spanish at home, so I wound up avoiding it more than I should have. It never really came up again until I had met Danny. It was something we should’ve shared, but we didn’t.
So I didn’t realise that they were calling him slurs. Making fun of him for never having a girlfriend before. I knew what machismo was and I knew that was it, but I didn’t know it was happening until far too late after. After someone called him something especially egregious, he tried to kiss me. It surprised me, but he pulled away too fast for me to push him away. He seemed embarrassed. His family just laughed.
“Danny, I think I need to go.”
“Let me walk you home.”
“No, I can do it myself.”
I sighed. “Okay.”
We walked home, and it was quiet. Danny kept his distance from me, physically. Quite a few times he stepped on the grass next to the sidewalk.
“Lo siento,” he said, after we were finally in the threshold of my home. “Yo no quise hacer eso. Estaba asustado. Soy gay.”
“Sorry, no hablo,” I replied. “I don’t know what you’re saying, or what they were saying either.”
“They were calling me unkind things,” he said. “I don’t want to tell you what they said. They think I’m gay, and they didn’t believe we were really dating.”
Oh. That made sense. “Well. Are you?” I asked, then added “You don’t actually have to tell me. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I already told you, but it was in Spanish. I’m gay. My family’s right.” Danny laughed, but it was forced.
That made even more sense. Everything added up.
“Are you going to break up with me?” He asked.
“I don’t think we were ever really dating in the first place.”
Danny laughed. “No, I guess not. I think in english I would call you a beard. I don’t know how to say that in spanish. I can’t even grow a moustache.” Another forced laugh.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said. “A beard. That makes sense.” We had made it to my house at this point, and I stepped inside. Danny followed me, and we stood in the foyer and talked more.
“I didn’t want to make you feel bad,” he said.
“No, no,” I interrupted. I think this is good. Like, no, not like your parents and stuff, but I don’t think dating works for me. I’ve tried it before. It… it didn’t pan out.”
“Danielle?” he asked. “Feels like you have a thing for our name,” he teased. He immediately stepped back on the joke. “Sorry. That’s not a good joke. I don’t need to joke around. I’m still nervous from the party.”
“Yeah. I dated Danielle. How did you know?”
“She told me,” he said. “She also called you a lot of rude names afterwards.”
I sighed and leaned against the wall. “I thought we were still friends.”
“Breakups are hard,” he said. “Makes friendship hard, too. She doesn’t totally hate you, though.”
“Maybe that’s why I don’t want to date.” I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor. Danny sat next to me.
“For what it’s worth,” he said, “I’m breaking up with you. I can’t do this to you if you’re aromantic.”
“I’m what?” I asked.
“Aromantic. Probably. Maybe asexual, too. You don’t like dating and sex and things. Probably. I can’t tell you what you are or not. It’s just what I think. It made me feel like dating you would be safer. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have used you like this.” Danny’s hand twitched, as if to reach for mine. To comfort me.
I hadn’t heard the terms before. Well, I knew ‘asexual’ from science courses, but I wasn’t a single celled organism.
“This is weird,” I said.
“Yeah,” Danny affirmed. “Very. Our parents hate us for it. At least mine do.”
“Yeah,” I said. I wasn’t sure about my parents, but they hated a lot of things that weren’t normal. “Yeah.”
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
@lumosinlove most recent chapter was a rollercoaster of crying, yelling and a lot of love for her oc’s. Can we get a round of applause for NatALLY? ❤️
I promise Prague will come up soon, just had to react to the gem that was the last chapter 🏳️‍🌈
So here’s a little sweater weather chat for you as well 😍
(Sergei and Kuny texts in Russian, but to make it easier - it’s in English 😜)
Sweater weather chat #11
Sergei goes into dad-mode. Kasey considers murder. Kuny is a cat. Nado trolls. And he’s got some creative threats. Natalie and Lily are amazing. Walker has a good idea. We struggle with metaphors. So many rainbows. James organizes a “let’s protect Re at all costs” schedule. Sunny texts Hank. Dumo is Dumo ❤️
Dumo: sergei. Hey. I wanted to know how you’re doing.
Sergei: are you ask if I support cap or are you ask if I am ok?
Dumo: you know me too well, old friend.
Sergei: I do not share views with my home on all things.
Dumo: I know. I’m sorry. But we need to support Sirius, and Remus, for that matter, as a team. I need to know I’ve got my best friend with me.
Sergei: I support. We win more. I play my time for Russia. Is ok.
Dumo: what about Kuny?
Sergei: I talk to him. No problem. He is young. Different age.
Dumo: he doesn’t have to say anything. We can keep media off of him but they might ask from Russian media? How can we protect him. Alice is on it. But.
Sergei: Pascal. I raise that boy from he 17. Anya and I not let him ruin national career. But I know him too. He is a good boy and he will support his cap.
Dumo: can I add sunny?
Sergei added Sunny to the chat
Sunny: well that was a shit show. Thank the hockey gods we didn’t have social media when we were babies
Dumo: hehe they’d have never let Sergei back into Russia. 😂
Sergei: I know you have picture. I have too.
Sunny: what’s the plan? I’m not afraid to take a misconduct and a ban if someone says shit
Dumo: it won’t help. But I get it. All star is not going to be fun for him. At least cherry is no longer on tv to say something.
Sergei: hey kid, how are you?
Evgeni: it’s crazy. I mean. He seemed happier but it was so bad the way it was done. I’m really sad for them.
Sergei: I know. No one should have to experience that. Being forced. But kid, how’re you? Anyone tried to get comments?
Evgeni: I... yes... but I don’t know what to say. I don’t care. But. What can i say? I want to play for home. 😟
Sergei: I know. You’ve done two great worlds as a senior, one Olympic and they would be crazy not to pick you. But you know them. You know what it’s like, what they say.
Evgeni: but. He’s my captain. I don’t know. Will you say?
Sergei: I’m old. I’ve done my national duty, we’re happy here. If I can’t come home because i support my friend and captain. I’ll stay. We can try and keep them off of you ok? Alice knows this and she will help. You’re already not their favorite because you pretend to be stupid. But they’re going to be asking from home soon. They’ll expect you to denounce it.
Sergei: I just want to say I love you kid. And I support you. But remember the team is your family too.
Evgeni: I know. Shit. I’m scared. And I’m not even gay. It’s just. I know people joke about me and nado.
Sergei: I think malkin got us covered there. Half the world seems convinced him and Crosby has a secret affair. Don’t worry kid. We’ll work it out.
Evgeni: hehe they do look at each other a lot. And they always fight whenever someone takes the other one down.
Sergei: you fight everyone. And you’ll have to, even more now. They’re going to be mean about this. They’re going to come for us. You have to be strong, kid.
Evgeni: yeah. Don’t care what they say.
Sergei: I know. How’s Nado?
Evgeni: he’s okay. Mostly shocked but he’s already started fighting with people online. Blizzard too.
Sergei: be careful, kid. You’ve got a lot to lose to. Just think before you post?
Evgeni: I will dadddddd
Sergei: shut up. See you for practice. Don’t be late.
Siriusly left the group chat
Prongstar: we’re going to divide and conquer. We need to support Re.
CarbO’Hara: send us a schedule. Hehe also. I’m with kase on this
Nadotheman: fuck yeah.
RussianGod: 🤬👊
Sunnysideup: hank messaged me that the rangers are going to send out a statement in support of an open league for all at least. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Pens too it seems.
Krisvolley: yeah looking at the all star it’s really cool. @carbo’hara your brother started it?
CarbO’Hara: yeah big bro 😜👊🏳️‍🌈
Walkietalkie: I think it’s safe to assume that other than the snakes, we won’t really get much shit. I know some are going to be stuck up shits but. I’ve got faith. Also way to go finno. 😜😜😜 two birds in your lap is better than one on your head or whatever it is
LeWilliam: you having a stroke? That’s not how the metaphor is.
Walkietalkie: just congratulating my future brother in law. ❤️🏳️‍🌈also hey why don’t we all wear rainbows to next practice? I bet Alice can whip something up? We can get bots and Marls to comment too? 😎
Prongstar: YES! Thanks walks! Also brother in law? You marrying Alex? 🤣
Walkietalkie: naw man. I’m gonna woo noelle, marry her, build her a house and make a bunch of hockey babies. We’re gonna be a dynasty. 😍
Logantremblayzzz: you gotta ask me first. But I like you and she’s happy. Also. Ew don’t talk a about making babies with my sister 😳
Walkietalkie: tell leo to get his hands outta carb’s pants then. They’re getting freaky without you bro.
Logantremblayzzz: YOU PROMISED.
Newt-leo: sorry lo. Also it’s a lie. He was helping me tuck in my shirt. Also walker isn’t even here.
Prongstar: sure. Kuny is hogging all the nachos. If you want any better get in here.
Ollibear: so I’m cat sitting for the terrible twins at their house while you all watch all stars and comfort re? I feel left out 😫
Blizzard: sorry Olli bear. If it helps, you can come and sit in my lap. James said no and my girlfriend is being weird with lily.
Timmyforrealz: I wanna sit in your lap too kasey.
Prongstar: oh you’re too late. He’s got a lap full of Russian enforcer.
CarbO’Hara: I don’t understand the physics of how a giant like that can curl into such a small ball of enforcer. It’s cute. Gotta get a pic.
Nadotheman: careful blizzard. He’s like a cat, once he’s comfy he won’t move. He even purrs if you scratch the back of his neck. 😂
Newt-leo: 🦁🦁🦁
NatALLY: ladies. We need to get some food going for Re. Lils and I’ve got it covered for the weekend for now. Anyone check on the disaster twins?
Celeste: Apparently Nado is already making problems online. Alice yelled for 20 minutes at dumo to talk to him.
GingerLily: what did he do?
Celeste: I’m not sure. Something about spamming someone with rainbows and threatening a journalist to run him over with the Zamboni.
Anyaismyname: they came here yesterday. Kuny and Sergei need talk and decide how to handle Russia media. I helped Nado. Was fun. He made Twitter @STILLMYCAPTAINBLACK. Is cute.
NatALLY: I followed. Fuck he’s hilarious. Hahahahaha. Also Kuny showed up at Re’s. That guy can smell nachos across a whole fucking city
Nat: hey Jackie. Great work on the Twitter. Might I get the login? Just thinking you’ll need an administrator when you guys take the ice.
Nado: hey nat. Of course. Already shared it with Olli, kris and timmers. He he. Bitch ass trolls won’t know what hit them.
Nat: they wont. Thanks man, this is brilliant.
NatALLY: when did you get so smart?
Nado: honestly it’s mostly Kuny. I know we laugh at his English but the guy is fucking smart you know? Man he’s already trolled some Russians. Sergei and Sunny both refused to translate.
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roachmattea · 3 years
Sobiana Dorothea au????
Summary: Sophie has a simple job, a simple life, but her ex has risen to become a ‘viral’ philanthropist. Sophie reflects on her relationship with her. (basically: sophie is very gay and biana ie very rich. yearning. lots of it.)
do you ever stop and think about me? - sophiana, but it’s mostly just sophie yearning. 1.3k 
ao3 link
Sophie turned on her tv as soon as she got home from her job, as usual. 
Her heart skipped when she saw what was on. She didn’t know why she had expected something else.
She’d seen all the magazines at work today. Everyone in her (admittedly small) friend group had talked only of it at lunch; in hushed tones, of course. No one talked to her about it. No, they must’ve assumed she was too fragile for conversations about her ex. 
Her rich, charity making, dream selling ex. 
I can handle it. It’s not like I'm still that crying schoolgirl. 
Ignoring the shaking in her shoulders, she unmuted the tv. 
“...Biana Vacker, founder of the Moonlark charity. Kelly, don’t you think it’s incredible what she has accomplished? A project to help, house, and feed children in need! I am shocked she has come this far, being so young and all.”
A sharp stab of anger flared inside of Sophie, distracting her from the crushing feeling in her heart. How dare they question her accomplishments? She’s done this all on her own. She deserves so much more than these people.
But, however much she disliked the way these hosts talked about Biana, she still wanted to see. She wanted to see her.
“...And now we have the woman herself!” The stage audience claps, and Sophie freezes. 
She was as beautiful as ever. She wore a stunning dark purple dress that perfectly complimented her dark skin tone and a yellow ribbon amongst her curly hair. 
Biana made her way onto the stage, and turned and smiled and waved at the camera, blowing a kiss, and a small wink. 
Sophie blushed.
“Miss Vacker, it is such an honour to have you on the show today!”
“Thank you so much, the honour is mine!” She brushed a small part of hair that had escaped the ribbon behind her ear, but it just popped back out again. Biana giggled.
She used to laugh like that with me.  
Sophie didn’t realize how hard she had been squeezing the remote until Kelly started talking again. 
“So, Biana, we were just discussing how amazing it is that you’ve come so far in this industry, especially so young!”
“Oh, I didn’t do it alone! My incredible friends helped me so much, and I would love to thank them, particularly-” Sophie shut the tv off before she could hear any more. 
Hands shaking, she hurried upstairs to her bedroom.
She sat down on her bed, brushing her fingers across her faux fur pillows to calm herself down. 
They’re right, i suppose. She thinks of her friends. I am too weak to talk about her.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots her box.
The box.
Their box.
Sophie took a few deep breaths, before walking across the room and grabbing the box. 
Once she was back seated on her bed, she gently ran her fingers over the top of the box. It was covered in peeling stickers, polaroids, and writing. 
In her scrawl, it read: “Sophie”, and in Biana’s beautiful script, “+ Biana’s memory box” with a little heart at the end. She carefully lifted the top off of the box.
Inside, there were photo booth strips, pressed flowers, Biana’s origami birds, and the letters.
The letters.
Not particularly thinking about the emotional damage it may cause, Sophie unfolded the first letter.
“My Dearest Sophie,” it read.
“We arrived at Mom’s cottage today! Fitz is utterly bored, but he knows nothing of the woodlands here! I found a bunch of mushrooms, and many types of moss on the trees!
I also found a truly beautiful clearing (or it would have been beautiful, if it were not full of dying chrysanthemums!) behind the cottage. Mom said that the people that lived here before were extremely fond of the chrysanthemums, but she had never really liked them herself.
I was obviously horrified, so I took to caring for them myself! It gave me great sorrow to cut this one, but I told myself it was for the greatest cause ever.”
Pinned below was a dried, pressed, red chrysanthemum. 
“Sophie, dear, I have been reading up on the language of flowers. Everyone says that roses are the flowers of love, and they are! but chrysanthemums are the only ones that mean ‘I love you’.
~ Biana.”
Sophie sat there, for a little while, in silence.
And then the tears came.
She shook, covering her mouth, as to make no sound.
It took her a few hours to calm down, but when she did, she made her way downstairs, and made herself some tea. 
Spiced tea. Herbal tea. Biana liked-
No. You will not do this to yourself, Sophie. focus. 
Long story short: she did it to herself.
She soon found herself back upstairs, the contents of the box spread all over her bed.
She had met Biana at a football game she had been convinced to go to by her friend Keefe. (Though in all fairness, Keefe only went to watch Fitz play.)
Biana had been hiding under the bleachers, avoiding the players at all cost. 
“Hey, why are you down here?” Sophie had asked. (she had spotted Biana down there when she had gotten up to stretch her legs.) She kind of found it hard to start a conversation, though. Very pretty girl and all that. 
“Oh, you know.” Biana shivered, she was only wearing a dress, and it didn’t even have substantial sleeves. “Avoiding the boys. Apparently, they can’t take no for an answer.”
“Oh,” Sophie said. “I’m sorry. Um, do you want my jacket? Actually, no, that’s not a question. here, take my jacket.” When Biana opened her mouth to object, Sophie quickly said, “I have a hoodie underneath anyway. I guess Keefe overestimated how cold it would be.”
Biana laughed, and took the jacket gratefully. “Well, I suppose I underestimated, then. Thank you!, Uh, for the jacket. What’s your name? I’m Biana.”
PrettygirlwantstoknowmynamePrettygirlwantstoknowmynamePrettygirlwantstoknowmyname- “I’m Sophie,” she managed to say.
“Well, Sophie, I have a feeling I’m going to be here awhile. And I don’t think Keefe and Fitz are going to be in a hurry soo…”
“You’ve been to our house before, haven’t you?”
Sophie shrugged. “Yeah, once or twice to help Keefe and Fitz make some posters. Why?”
Biana grinned. “Would you like to go and have some herbal tea with me?” She squints playfully at Sophie. “Or…are you more of a hot chocolate person? We have that too!” She got up from where she had been sitting on the ground. 
Sophie couldn’t help laughing at this girl’s energy. “Sure,”
Biana beamed. “...Maybe I could braid your hair as well? I know quite a few, and your hair is pretty long, so-”
“Uh, yeah! That’d be really cool!” Sophie smiled dorkily. 
“Well, what are we waiting for, then?” Biana looped her arm through Sophie’s.
Sophie sighed, her dramatic flashback coming to a close.
She slowly started to put the assorted letters and trinkets, finally coming back to the red chrysanthemum.
It’s the only one that says ‘I love you’.
She stuffs it in messily with the rest, then shoves the box under her bed. 
A buzz from her phone startles her. Oh, it’s just Keefe. 
She quickly responds to him, and then exits back into her contacts. 
She scrolled down her text chains, down, down and down until-
She hadn’t even changed her contact name.
Bia 💜
Sophie opened the chat. 
Her fingers hovered over her keypad for several seconds.
She knew exactly what she wanted to say.
Do you ever stop, and think about me?
Because I do. I think about you every fucking day. And it kills me. It kills me, Bia.
A few minutes later, she closed the chat.
Later, she found herself strangely wishing there was a red chrysanthemum emoji.
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 8
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 2,407
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: food, (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: alternate title: Virgil's very subtle epiphany. also Patton has a gay panic moment lol
Monday morning. Mr. Berry was slapping a small poster on each student's desk like a stamp, one-by-one and painfully slowly.
"This," he began, "Is the official welcome to the schoolyear; audition posters for the Fall Talent Show." His bloated belly hardly fit between the desk rows, and students made futile attempts to scoot away from him before they were bombarded by his tyrannical tummy. "As a retired thespian and a life long supporter of theatre and the arts," he continued, bringing his pile of posters to his chest in his passion, "I highly recommend you at least consider looking into auditions. Everyone has a passion, or at least a hobby, and the talent show is a perfect freelance opportunity to show off your skills."
Roman rolled his eyes too dramatically. This was upsetting him more than he thought it would, and his eyes shot daggers up at his large superior as he slammed the next poster onto Roman's desk.
"Auditions will be held next week, on the specified dates. The show itself will be two weeks later, I believe on Friday night. Be there, and I will award you some extra credit points. All you must do is present me with your ticket, which must have your name on it," he eyed a few mischievous students in the room, "With a stamp on it from the Talent Show admissions booth, on the following Monday." As soon as Mr. Berry had given a poster to Virgil and moved on, Virgil quietly crumpled it and shoved it into a random part of his backpack, proceeding to fold his arms on his desk and put his head down. This caught Roman's attention, and his subconscious latched onto formulating a teasing remark for after class as a distraction from his own feelings about the Talent Show.
After class, the usual place where Roman and Virgil were shortly alone and had a short interaction - most often consisting of some insufferable tease from Roman or occasionally a debate spurred by Virgil making a witty side comment - the two met once again. After their first class of the day was usually the only time they were both at their lockers at the same time, as it happened, and Virgil was always thankful that it was the only time. Since their assignment to the Biology project, however, Roman had taken to walking with Virgil from their English class to their lockers and beginning his bouts of banter prematurely.
"Not a fan of the infamous talent show, are we?" Roman paced quickly over to Virgil, who had just made it outside the classroom door as they'd been dismissed. Virgil huffed in defeat as his attempt to escape before Roman could catch him had been fruitless.
"It's ridiculous," Virgil didn't slow his pace for Roman, and began essentially speedwalking down the hall. Roman was slightly taller than him and was able to keep up, but still got a little out of breath doing it. "Hey everyone, come and show everyone in the school something you really enjoy so they can all collectively judge you and make you self conscious about your interests and - oh no! you don't wanna do it anymore because you feel horribly inadequate? shoooot. Sorry man, no one could have seen that coming. Oh well, better luck next year when you'll just ruin a different passion for yourself!" Virgil flailed his hands at the end of his mini-rant.
"How can you stay that sarcastic for that long consecutively? I'm honestly impressed," Roman said, huffing as they arrived at their lockers. Virgil's permanent frown seemed to somehow deepen. "Though, I guess I really can't argue, Count Woe-laf. I see your point. The pressures of an impromptu performance are... undeniable." Roman focused his attention on the padlock hanging from the latch of his locker, while Virgil looked to him with widened eyes.
"Really?" He didn't look away from Roman until he would look back.
"What?" Roman defended.
"It's just..." Virgil focused on his own padlock now, "You never agree with what I say. It always becomes a debate," he pulled his locker open lazily, pulling his backpack off his shoulders and putting it on backwards so that he could more easily exchange things. When Roman didn't reply, he continued, "like... I don't know. Why is it any different now?"
Roman was exchanging things as well, and didn't have an immediate answer. Well, he knew the answer (or in this case, answers), but it wasn't one he was even ready to admit to himself, let alone anyone else, and especially let alone Virgil. He just eventually shrugged.
This reaction only further alarmed Virgil. He opened his mouth to continue his flabbergasted interrogation, but the bell rang right at that moment. Roman slammed his locker shut suddenly.
"Well, that's our queue I suppose. See you tonight, Incredible Sulk." Roman elbowed Virgil in the shoulder a bit awkwardly and began skipping down the hall to his next class. That left a dumbfounded and nearly-panicking Virgil standing in front of his open locker in an almost completely empty hall.
He wished Roman would stop leaving him like that.
Roman had texted the Biology Project group chat that weekend, saying he had an important football practice on Monday that went until 5. they'd have to have their meet-up at Roman's a bit later in the evening. Logan simply waited it out by heading to the school library to get his other homework done, while Patton and Virgil shot the breeze, walking down random hallways of the school.
The two of them were grabbing a snack from a vending machine when Virgil checked his phone. It was 4:50. They got their respective snacks - Patton got a strawberry Pop tart and Virgil got a Sunny D - and made their way to the designated meeting place. It was a concrete bench at the front of the school. They expected to find Logan there, but he wasn't. The two of them simply sat on the cold bench and exchanged bits of each other's snacks, and continued talking until Virgil noticed someone approaching.
He figured it would be Logan, but this person was shorter and more filled out than Logan. He trained his eyes better and realized that it was Roman. Roman, who happened to have a towel around his neck and sopping-wet crimson curly hair unabashedly on display. A drip of water rolled down his cheek and along his jawline, and Virgil realized he was staring. Roman finally got within conversation distance.
"Like what you see, Charlie Frown?" He teased. Patton looked to Virgil, noticing his awe, and giggled.
"Hah, in your dreams, Meta Knight," Virgil deflected half-heartedly, still finding it hard to pull his eyes away from Roman's unfortunate perfection. It was only worse that Roman knew just how attractive he was.
"Why's your hair all wet, silly?" Patton asked, standing energetically to greet him.
"We rinse off after practice. I considered leaving my shirt off so i could just get a clean one when i got home, but i knew that might be a bit too much to handle for some of us," Roman elbow-nudged Patton, who just giggled again and pushed his glasses up. Virgil knew that was extremely forced, especially after their conversation on Friday.
"Well," Roman checked his wristwatch, "Where would my nerdy Wolverine happen to be? It's ten past, and if there's anything Logan certainly is, it's punctual."
"Quite right you are," a stern voice came from behind them, to reveal Logan's lengthy form approaching casually. "My apologies for my tardiness. I got quite engaged in a particular Physics problem." Roman turned to him smiling, and pecked him on the cheek. Virgil didn't need to look at Patton to feel his friend's heart sink through the floor.
"Shall we then?" Roman turned to lead the way on the five-block journey to his house.
"hmm, that reminds me," Roman said from his sprawled position on his bed, "what are all your sexualities?"
That sure caught everyone's attention. The clock beside Roman's bed read 6:28 PM. Logan was studying their plants and taking notes, Patton had been cooing quietly to Roman's pet turtle, and Virgil was sitting in Roman's spinning desk chair scrolling on his phone. They all looked at Roman at once, and then at each other.
"Heh," Roman sat up, "My apologies for blurting such an intrusive question, I was just looking up at my-" he gestured toward his ceiling- "glorious flag, and it made me wonder. No man must answer that which he does not desire to." Roman was blatantly referring to the Bisexual flag that was pinned to the ceiling above his bed. They all looked at it, and back at him. "I suppose it's obvious now, but yes, I am undeniably bisexual," He faux bowed.
The silence wasn't doing anyone good, so Patton broke it before it got too much more awkward. "I, I'm gay," he said sheepishly, continuing to observe the turtle. Virgil gave him a soft smile, and decided to offer himself up next.
"I'm pan," he seemed to recoil further into his hoodie, if that were even possible. Logan turned to the other three, adjusting his necktie.
"I'm not usually one to admit this to many people, but since you have all been so transparent and calm about such personal information," He started, "I am comfortable telling you that I am Asexual."
No one regarded this with much surprise, except for Roman. "Oh really?" He said, seemingly surprised and embarrassed. Virgil scoff-laughed at him.
"What, upset you can't make your sexual fantasies a reality?" Virgil teased. Roman gasped, bringing a hand to his chest in an offended gesture.
"Excuse me!" He exclaimed, a look of disgust contorting his face.
Before a classic Roman-Virgil debate could ensue, Patton decided to share his thoughts.
"Well, I, I mean, I'm not ace but I, I guess sex isn't really so important to me," he was fiddling with his ring yet again.
"W-well, it should never be the centerpiece of any relationship!" Roman declared. They all looked at him skeptically. "what? I mean, personally, I prefer grand gestures." As he spoke, he stood and walked to Logan. "In my opinion," he produced a pristine bouquet of deep red roses that none of the others had noticed anywhere in the room before, "they are the key to any person's heart."
Logan seemed tame, Patton thought. As if he were performing. If he were being his normal self, he would have been very confused by where Roman had hidden the bouquet, and how it looked so perfect after being concealed. Instead, he just took it with a very gentle sweet smile, and thanked him quietly. Instead of Logan, Patton was now the one confused.
Virgil's face was red, and his neck a blotchy pink; thankfully he was mostly hidden under his purple bangs and hood. He huffed and excused himself to use the restroom. Patton noticed this time, and grabbed his arm before he made it out of the room.
"You okay?" he whispered gently to Virgil. Virgil just looked at him, mustered a small smile and a nod. Patton knew exactly what that meant. Virgil was okay, he just needed a moment. He returned the smile, and released his gentle paternal grip on Virgil's arm, allowing him to leave.
There was the sound of someone calling Roman's name from another part of the house, and Roman excused himself, rushing off to find its source.
Logan slipped his phone into the pocket of his navy slacks. "Well, I must be going now," He began. Instead of reaching to gather his things, he trained his acute attention directly on Patton, who was startled by the sudden focus on him. "Patton, do you have a ride home today?"
"I, uh, well," He tried blurting out an excuse but none came to his mind. "No, not exactly..."
Logan was slowly approaching, and Patton tried to back up but hit the terrarium containing Roman's turtle after just one small step. "Would you like a ride? My parents would be more than happy to assist in your safe transport home."
"Well, well I really don't want to intrude, or-" He stopped dead when Logan placed a slender hand gently on his shoulder.
"I insist. It's no intrusion or burden to them. They appreciate being able to help others when they can, especially people whose company I enjoy." Logan didn't feel as though he was figuratively lying through his teeth, but he knew that his parents didn't exactly feel that way. The nature of the situation was more that they took kindly to those that Logan worked well with on academically related subjects, such as people from his study group or the like.
Patton caught himself before letting the thought "you enjoy my company?" escape his lips. He just smiled. He knew there was no way he could get himself to deny Logan's offer when his heart was taking the reins.
"I would.. really appreciate, a ride home, yeah," He said quietly. Logan was just looking into his eyes with a tenderness Patton hadn't seen before. He pushed away any thoughts that Logan may have looked at Roman the exact same way during their date. He hoped he hadn't, and cursed himself for hoping it.
"Wonderful," Logan pulled himself out of their shared momentary trance. "I will let them know. I'm sure they will find it a pleasure to become acquainted with you. They should be here in less than five minutes, so I suggest gathering your belongings." Logan's thumbs padded across is illuminated phone screen as he spoke, until he once again slid it into his pocket and began collecting his things along with Patton.
Virgil entered once again, hood off and face slightly red and wet. it was clear that he hadn't been crying due to the sporadic nature of the droplets of water across his face; it looked more like he'd just haphazardly washed his face in the sink and hadn't bothered to wipe the remnants away. Patton smiled at him brightly.
"Ah, Virgil," Logan addressed as he slung his bag over his shoulder, "It was pleasant to see you again. We are on our way out now. Are you ready, Patton?" He looked to Patton, who also slung his bag over his shoulder.
"Yep! Logan's giving me a ride," Patton blatantly could barely contain his excitement in his ever-growing grin, so Virgil only returned it with a small thumbs up.
"Alright, ill see you guys in class tomorrow," He hugged Patton tightly, and half-heartedly saluted to Logan without making eye contact. Logan simply nodded to him, and the two left shortly, leaving Virgil alone in Roman's room.
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"Jappy?" John let himself into the old man's house, "Jap, I've got your pills, the rota said you'd changed to warfarin."
"Deacon?" The man called out to the nurse, grinning a little now he wasn't alone, "There you are."
"Yes," John smiled, walking into the main hall where his client was sitting. He was a county nurse, visiting the elderly at their homes, "How've you been, Jap?"
"Dandy, love, got these out the attic-"
"You better not have," John warned, "Not with your bad knees, you've to be more careful."
"Oh shush, will you? I got one of the grandkids to go up there," Jappy explained, "Old family photos."
"Let's have a look then," John sat in the arm of his chair. He liked Jappy, always chatting to him, going to him last so he could spend extra time with him, had been for the last seven years too, since he was sixteen and helping at the old folks home during school. "Is that your wife?"
"That's right," Jappy smiled, "Beautiful lady... Always was. And the kids, poor Alice inherited the bad teeth, but the boys all had their mum's eyes."
"They're so cute," John smiled, the black and white photo showing a young man and woman, four kids lined up and a fifth very obviously on the way. He knew Jappys story well enough now, poor thing was in his nineties, six surviving children, fifteen grandchildren, two little twin great grandsons. It seemed, as far as the universe would allow, all had gone well for him. "That was after the war, yeah?"
"Yeah, fifty eight, fifty nine perhaps," Jappy nodded, "That's where my name came from, Lance corporal couldn't say Jahan, so Jappy came about."
"It's sweet, a touch racist, but sweet in its own way," John looked at an earlier photo, "Is that one of your parents?"
"Mhm, I don't remember him," Jappy admitted, "I remember him singing, when I was a boy, lying in his arms... I suppose he died, never found the body, or they took it away too soon…"
"Do you know anything about him?"
"Freddie, I think, I think that was his name." Jappy traced his finger down another photo, one of his as a baby, a smiling young man holding him close, "I wish I knew more."
John rubbed his shoulder, "I'll have a look online, see if there's anything, yeah?"
"Internet nonsense," Jappy laughed, "It won't ever catch on I tell you."
"Okay I'll disconnect your TV no problem-"
"Fuck off," the old man swatted his arm, "I'm not missing Ru Paul's."
"How about this then, I make you a cuppa, you watch the gay Olympics, and I'll see what I can find?"
Perhaps if John had left like he does all his other clients, he'd have seen the strange glowing light going off in his house.
Perhaps he'd have already met the man currently in his room.
"Jahan, come on," Freddie patted the mattress beside him, "Bed time now."
"I'm not tired," The four year old shook his head, "I don't want to."
"Baby please," Freddie looked at him, "You need to sleep so I can go and work."
"Why'd you need to go work?" The boy finally made his way over, "I want you to stay."
"I wish I could," Freddie told him, pulling the blankets over his son, "But we need to keep food on the table, hopefully repair the broken window."
The window someone smashed in. Just like someone stole the lead from part of the roof of the cramped flat, just like someone wrote the word 'paki' on their front door.
Freddie knew fine well what had happened, how two years ago the world had stopped, how fleeing to Britain with a child and now being so so alone felt.
"Go to sleep," Freddie repeated, "I'll be here in the morning, Jahan."
He waited for his son to start to call asleep, his sister would come in and check on him in a few hours, just after her shift finished.
He left, coat on and into the rain, heading to the quarry to work for half pay.
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bitterbetterbun · 3 years
I had the strangest dream last night:
I love this world, this realm. I smile to myself because it feels so nice to walk amongst the theaters I so love. Even though there are no performances right now. I meet up with some friends and we take a train to the Dark City. I'm excited to start a new job I just landed.
Some of my family members work in the Dark City so it'll be nice to know some people. Maybe we'll be in the same division! Superstition keeps a lot of people out of the Dark City but the benefits and wages are really tough to compete with. And yet, they are always hiring! Great for a young adult like myself trying to save.
On my first day, during orientation, my friends and I are interrupted at lunch. Two figures dressed in black demand I come with them. I do so and oh boy, how I wish I hadn't. They take me to him. To Hades. I'd never met the keeper of the city but the rumors got it wrong. He isn't menacing. He's fucking rude. I cannot tell him enough during our first meeting that my name is not Persephone. I understand I have a connection to her, yes, past lives and such. But that does not make her "written fate" the same as mine. I leave.
Though I return to the Dark City the next day with my friends. Despite his annoying confrontation, I need this job. And yet, he needs an answer other than "hell no." I find that I am weaving through out crowds to avoid the people he sends to persuade me to meet with him again. I am constantly avoiding him. I mean constantly. I even run into him a few times at the Tower elevators and I yell "leave me alone!" as I run in the opposite direction, middle fingers up. What kind of weirdo wears a fucking black cape in today's day and age anyways?
One of my friends already working in the Tower sees me avoiding Hades' men and says "maybe you should think about it." I stop and turn to watch her mop and she shrugs and laughs, "That's all I'm sayin'."
A few days proceed and I'm finally done with training! My next shift, I'll be on the clock! To celebrate, I am relaxing with my friends and family at a park in the Dark City. I ask my Dad what he thinks of the whole ordeal. He tells me to do what makes him happy. This annoys me but I love him. I spend the night at a friend's house mulling over how hard my family is working...and them too... If we all had the proper support in a society like this, maybe we wouldn't all have to work so damn hard all the time...
The next day, I set my things down on the Tower's top floor and go to greet Hades' men. They take me to him. He is in his office, "Have you decided to stop being petulant?"
"Have you decided to learn to act like a gentleman?"
He stands, "Your answer?"
"I will consider...marriage."
I swore I heard a small sigh of relief but I can't say for sure. He approaches me and says "come with me." I follow him down the hall. As if everyone had been prepared for this, some of Hades' staff adorn me with a white cape that matches his black. I think it looks silly because I'm wearing...normal clothes but everyone else seems to approve. I let it slip even though I hadn't given a full "yes."
Hades tells me I must accompany him for the day "as is tradition." I start to deny the offer because this is my first day of work! But he declines my decline and says we will continue our conversation after the work day.
The day creeps by, me boredly pacing behind Hades as he visits different parts of the Tower in the Dark City. I stop to talk to all of my friends that I see. And Hades does not hesitate to voice his annoyance with me holding up his busy busy schedule. I retort with some insult and continue to say hi to everyone. I'm sure I've halved his tasks for the day with the amount of times I stop to chat excitedly with family. I run into one of my moms and talk a bit about whether I am making the best decision. (We are out of earshot btw). She takes a puff of her blunt and says, "Does he have money?" And I say, "He's one of the three kings! Of course he has money!" And she laughs and nods in approval.
Hades asks me why I'm huffing when I return to his side and I tell him to fuck off. To which he responded about how I have no manners, some other things I'm not paying attention to. Near the end of the work day, he's stopped by a worker about something and tells me to "move freely" about the Tower as he finishes up something by himself. I take the very welcome opportunity to go say hello to my friends on the factory floor. It's 2:57pm, three minutes to close. Everyone looks exhausted but I am just happy to see their faces. I start to think about my decision.
Man. Six months here and six months out, huh? I mean, there is the Dark City, which allows me to see my friends and family outside of the Underworld at any time of year. So long as they come. But I still cannot leave. I want to save up to move somewhere sunny... I am grateful for the opportunities that the creation of the Dark City has given people that want to work for fair wages. "A deal with the devil" was a joke before but now, the Dark City brought that metaphor to life with it's sparkling benefits and high pay rates. You couldn't expect any less from a city bred from the Underworld itself.
Even so, even though Dark City was in the human realm.... I won't be able to travel away from it for six months every year.
My thoughts have me wandering to the elevators. I don't want to be in the Tower during close. I don't want to see my friends tired faces. I wonder if I could maybe leave before Hades and meet him when he's done. I'm certain one of his workers can escort me to his home. As I approach an elevator, I am surprised when I run into him. He doesn't speak on my obvious discomfort.
"I will collect my things from the lower floor and then we can leave together."
I enter the elevator with him and of course, there's no one around because it's closing time and everyone is busy wrapping up the day. "I left my things on the top floor," I say after Hades presses the bottom floor button. "I need to stick them in a locker, at least."
He sighs and says "very well" before pressing the top floor as well. The ride is long and quiet as we descend to his destination first. I feel...overwhelmed and exhausted and have no idea how I'm going to get through the evening. I plop onto the floor in the far corner of the elevator.
Hades looks at me and my crumpled cape for a few seconds and then, to my sudden surprise, he sighs and lowers himself in the corner furthest from me. He looks...awkward and uncomfortable from his crouched position on the floor. But it makes me smile inwardly. He is looking at the numbers on the elevator go down and starts saying them softly. "137...136...135...134..."
The trip passes like this, him hushing after speaking twenty or so floors aloud. By the time we reach the bottom, we are both on our feet. He steps out, expecting me to stay put but I follow him off. He is walking fast but I catch up because I have to ask him something...something important that can't wait. "Wh.." I catch my breath as I skip next to him. Him and his stupid long legs. "Why do you even want to marry me, huh?"
He stops. I continue.
"Is it cuz I'm 'Persephone' or because you think that you love me?"
He lets out an exasperated sigh and leans down in my face, "Let me assure you, I love you to bits. But I do not like you." He snarls the last bit and I am left angry and speechless as he swiftly walks away.
Back on the top floor, I collect my things and find a worker to help me get assigned a new locker. An older gay couple I met during training finds me and they rush to give me a hug. They explain they didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye and ask how the day went with "you know who."
I shrug and start to say something insulting... but then I remember the stress from the past week with being chased down. I recall Hades smart remarks and our arguments as I try to avoid him. And I recall him sitting across from me on the elevator floor, his boots wrinkling his black cape at the effort. I recall his "I love you to bits" and such...
"It went alright, actually." I look up at the couple, rubbing my stomach from the jitters that have made a home there because it's dawned on me that in less than an hour, I will be within Hades home making the biggest decision of my life. "Fuck."
One of the men in the couple adjusts his coat and looks at me with concern, "What's wrong, love?"
"I think I have a crush on him."
And then I woke up.
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pigtownchronicles · 3 years
Chapter 2.1 - Back to Reality
Dennis and Barry didn’t speak much for the rest of the weekend, after their night out at Depot. It was clear that something between them was withering in a way that was rather unexpected, but neither of them could articulate. Barry, however, was closer to understanding it. It was the same sensation that he always felt after a circuit party, or an orgy, when he was back in the quiet house again. He was back in reality. The party, the club, the sex, all of that was just fantasy, it couldn’t penetrate him. He couldn’t allow it to penetrate him. But when he saw someone like Samuel, or Parker, who not only allowed that energy to flow through them, but lived and breathed it, all he felt was restless. Like he’d done scuba diving, with all of this protection, only to discover other guys he knew had gills. That Dennis had intruded on that rather sacred experience, injected his own kind of order and justice and control into it only made him feel more sour, more disconnected, more jealous of what he could be, if he hadn’t chosen all of this.
Dennis, on the other hand, was feeling usurped. Annoyed that Barry had dragged him to that party, annoyed that he had challenged him when it came to Kyle and threatening to tell his father, annoyed that he felt bad about it, most of all. He’d done the right thing, he was sure of that. Kyle shouldn’t have been there, he was too young. It was illegal. Pretty much everything that was happening in that club was illegal, in fact. But Barry had put him on the defensive, a position Dennis hated, since he was very careful to always maintain a moral high ground. He felt like he needed to defend something that ought to be obvious. The fact that Barry apparently disagreed only made his own values feel more slippery. 
Barry dealt with the frustration by going to the gym, and stopping off at a gay sauna on the way back for a little action. Dennis dealt with it by making calls to the health department, the liquor control board, and the police department, reporting the myriad of violations he had witnessed at Depot on Friday. Neither of them felt satisfied, by the end of it. The energy that Barry was craving just wasn’t there, like it had been at Depot. The guys were all too nervous, too embarrassed, mostly older closeted men with wives in the suburbs. It only made Barry feel more hemmed in than before. Dennis kept getting the runaround from every agency he called. They would seem interested, and then as soon as he mentioned where he had been and they confirmed the address, the person on the other line would go quiet, say that wasn’t their jurisdiction, thank him for his vigilance and hang up on him. Only once, with a police officer, did he manage to get a little bit of info out of him. “Look, the folks you ought to talk to are down at Precinct 27. They handle everything in that neighborhood.” Frustrated, and again feeling like he was running into some bureaucratic red tape he hadn’t expected, he decided he’d pay a visit to the precinct sometime in the next week, and get some answers there. Surely they would have a more difficult time dismissing his complaints in person.
Monday came for them both. Dennis headed for the hospital--Monday was usually a day for appointments, and getting his surgeries for the rest of the week planned out and organized. Barry headed into the office, dreading it more than he had in some time. He’d hoped that seeing Samuel and having a chance to blow off some steam would have helped soften the blow of being passed over for a promotion, again. Instead, he just felt caught between two worlds, one unsatisfactory foot in each. He couldn’t invest himself entirely in his job--it bored him to death, and he didn’t understand how Dennis could stand being so normal all the time--but if he didn’t, he’d never get the respect there he longed for. Each time he saw Samuel though, it was like looking at some amazing being. He was so free. Sure, his life likely wasn’t easy, but it seemed effortless and fun and exhilarating in a way Barry’s had never been. It also terrified him, all the same, and he hadn’t even been able to hack an hour on the dance floor on Friday. He got settled in his office, and got caught up on his email for the first couple of hours, before the usual Monday morning meeting was due to start.
This is what he was dreading the most, of the entire day. He showed up a bit late, took a seat towards the far end of the table. Evan Ternbull, his current boss, was sitting at the front, and off to his left was Richard Carlisle, the man that Barry privately considered his rival, but they had never spoken more than a few words to each other, since Richard was a relatively new hire, and they’d been working on different projects.
“As you know,” Evan said once getting everyone in order, “I’m going to be transferring over to a new project team in a month or so, which I know all of you are so disappointed to hear about. I’m happy to announce today that Richard here will be stepping up into my role and overseeing your team for the remainder of your project. As you know, Richard is relatively new here, but he comes with some great outside experience, and I am very confident that he will be a great project lead.”
The folks around the table clapped for Richard, who stood up, looking a bit sheepish. How old could he be, really? Twenty-five, twenty-six? Slender, twinkish but clearly straight, Richard got up and introduced himself, talking about his wife, and about the baby they had on the way. The table clapped again, and Barry tried to mask his scowl as he clapped along. Part of him felt a bit bad now for feeling so entitled to the position. Dennis and he were doing just fine with their incomes, and he knew that kids were expensive--one of many reasons he’d never wanted one. But as soon as that sympathy popped up, he pushed it back down. Just because he was straight, just because he was “starting a family” didn’t mean he was entitled to more money than him. It didn’t mean he was entitled more respect.
That was it, wasn’t it? The respect. He didn’t feel respected here. He didn’t feel respected at home, even. Dennis loved him, sure, but did he respect him, really? Did it feel like a relationship between equals all the time? It didn’t. Barry would goad him, and half the time Dennis would just dismiss him out of hand, refuse to even engage, like fighting with Barry was simply beneath him. Like he knew that no matter how dissatisfied he might be, he’d never leave him, because he liked the money, and the lifestyle, and Barry’s own job here couldn’t afford it. 
He could barely focus for the rest of the meeting. After an hour, he faked a phone call, and retreated to his cubicle to think. Mostly, he stared at the little business card that Hugh had given him, and thought about what on earth “Broker” might mean. Someone in the drug trade, apparently, if Hugh worked for him. So much of that conversation had been...weirdly cryptic, but Hugh had been right about the central proposition. Barry was unsatisfied with his life, and more hemmed in he felt--by Evan, by Dennis, by Richard now--
“Hey, Billy, right?”
He was startled up from his thought, looked up and saw Richard looming in the doorway of his cubicle. The meeting was over apparently--was this the first thing he’d thought to do? Hunt Barry down?
“Barry, actually.”
“Oh shoot, sorry man. Everything alright? You zipped out of there in a hurry.”
“Yeah, just the husband, you know. Everything sounds like an emergency to him.”
Richard laughed, “Yeah man, I get it. Hey, Evan told me that you were on the shortlist for the position, and I just wanted to let you know that he thought you would have been a great choice too, and he wants you to keep throwing your hat in the ring, alright? He just didn’t think that this position would be a better stepping stone for me, since we’re at the tail end of a project, about to ship. He knows that wouldn’t have been a challenge for you.”
Barry’s face was growing a bit heated. Evan thought so, huh? Then why wasn’t Evan here telling him this? Why send this cherub faced little shit to come apologize on his behalf? “Sure thing, I understand. Besides, you got the growing family to feed, right?” Barry said, stretching his mouth into something he hoped was a smile and not a sneer, and from the way Richard’s face lit up back, he must have managed well enough. They chatted a bit about Barry’s current duties, and then Richard moved on to the next member of the team.
That settled it, then. If nothing else, he would have his curiosity satisfied. If it was a service that could make his life better, than great. Why care that the info came from a drug dealer? He pulled out the card Hugh had given him on Friday--it was rather simple. All it had was a name, Ian Miller, the word “Broker” below it, and on the bottom of the card, a phone number. He picked up his phone, and gave the mysterious number a call.
Want more Pigtown Chronicles? Support me over on my Patreon, and you can get early access to new chapters, along with loads of other content!
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ao3 Chapter 4
let kids be kids
6:04 am
TheWebbedWonder: hey guess what
adefinitelyrealboy: Isn’t it before the approved technology time set by Mr. Uncle Donald?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule, Boyd!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you’re corrupting him, webs.
Lou: eh let her
TheWebbedWonder: whatever
TheWebbedWonder: it’s been a while since we had a sleepover…
lenaonme: oh yeah!!!
ICanDeweyIt: and Boyd’s never been to one!!
adefinitelyrealboy: you’re right!! 
adefinitelyrealboy: what does one do at a sleepover?
TheWebbedWonder: They’re super fun!!!
TheWebbedWonder: we watch movies and have pillow fights and discover family mysteries and summon supernatural creatures and fight said supernatural creatures and eat lots of junk food!!!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Sounds fun!!!
Lou: lmao i love our family
ICanDeweyIt: @Violet-Sabrewing you up? Important convos happening here
Violet-Sabrewing: I am now
lenaonme: vi you’re not fooling anyone
lenaonme: we all know you get up at sunrise
Lou: yeah she’s crazy
Violet-Sabrewing: True, but I was reading.
Junior-Woodchuck74: fair!
lenaonme: omg nerds
TheWebbedWonder: Ok so are we on??
TheWebbedWonder: what about Friday night?
ICanDeweyIt: what’s happening on Friday night?
TheWebbedWonder: it’s the two thousandth anniversary of the Magical Battle of Demogogorna!!!!
Lou: ok hear me out
Lou: can we PLEASE have a sleepover that doesn’t consist of crazy dangerous magical shenanigans for once
Lou: I just wanna sit on the couch and watch scary movies
Junior-Woodchuck74: you do that every day anyways
Lou: yeah but I watch other stuff like Ottoman Empire
Lou: there’s a difference, hubert!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: whatever
Violet-Sabrewing: Thursday night works for Lena and I, but we should check with the adults.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I’ll ask them when it’s okay for us to be texting
Lou: lmao what a rebel
Family Group Chat!!!!
7:00 am
TheWebbedWonder: good morning everyone!!
mutant-krill!!!!: good morning Little Della!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: gm!!!
TheWebbedWonder: exciting things are happening
Adventure-Pilot: ooh like adventure exciting?
Adventure-Pilot: are you planning an adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: no but I am now!!!
green-sharpie: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: @Tea Time @aw-phooey @Adventure-Pilot @Scrooge-McDuck @Indy_Sabrewing @purpleisforthegays @dr. mad scientist CAN WE HAVE A SLEEPOVER???????????
Tea Time: At McDuck Manor, I presume?
TheWebbedWonder: yes!
Adventure-Pilot: fine by me!
Scrooge-McDuck: aye, as long as you don’t trash my house again.
Tea Time: It’s not like you were the one cleaning up, sir.
green-sharpie: It wasn’t us!! The ghost Webby, Lena, and Violet summoned had no sense of hygiene.
dr. mad scientist: why did you tag me
TheWebbedWonder: Boyd!!
dr. mad scientist: blathering blatherskite
adefinitelyrealboy: <3
aw-phooey: Webster.
TheWebbedWonder: yes, Uncle Donald?
aw-phooey: it’s 7 am.
TheWebbedWonder: actually, it’s 7:03 am now!
aw-phooey: Webby, you and the kids can’t have planned a sleepover in three minutes
aw-phooey: I told you guys no phones before 7 am!!
green-sharpie: you couldn’t have waited ten minutes webs?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule!!
aw-phooey: but it does wait for parental punishments
TheWebbedWonder: Oh I almost forgot
TheWebbedWonder added DosCaballero and blackmagica
aw-phooey: !!!
aw-phooey: THE BOYS
green-sharpie: …
aw-phooey: but Webs you’re still in trouble you can’t distract me with my boys
ICanDeweyIt: i thought we were your boys
aw-phooey: you are
aw-phooey: you’re all my boys
Junior-Woodchuck74: 💖💖
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica NO MAGIC IN MY HOUSE
TheWebbedWonder: …
Violet-Sabrewing: …
lenaonme: …
Scrooge-McDuck: okay point taken
lenaonme: Aww im your niece?
Scrooge-McDuck: yes lass
lenaonme: sldfkdskla;sdlfkhdksl;asldkfhgbfkdl;s
moonlander-general: you worry me.
lenaonme: awww penny you charmer you!!!
moonlander-general: …
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica change. your. name.
green-sharpie: good job using internet speak Uncle Scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: I still only vaguely only know what that means.
Scrooge-McDuck: But I picked up many various languages adventuring. I’m a polyglot!! What’s one more?
TheCrashiestCrash: Good for you Mr. McDee!! Glad you finally found the courage to come out. Love who you love!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: wh
TheCrashiestCrash: okay!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah, his heart’s in the right place.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, finally???
green-sharpie: yeah i think webby infested launchpad with the scrooge theory bug
TheWebbedWonder: you make it sound like it’s a bad thing
Scrooge-McDuck: oh curse me kilts
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ve never really felt the need you young people need to label things…
TheWebbedWonder: thanks uncle scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah you’re welcome lass?
Lucky-Gander: haha same Uncle McDunkle!!
Scrooge-McDuck: tattle me tartan, I’m like you!!
Lucky-Gander: lucky you! The Gladstone life is pretty sweet if I do say so myself
green-sharpie: eh he’s not wrong
Scrooge-McDuck: I cannot believe a member of my own family would say something so heartless!!
aw-phooey: oh shoot did i miss the scrooge roasting session
Scrooge-McDuck: Please. I can handle a little heckling!!
Adventure-Pilot: where were you Don?
aw-phooey: in PMs with Zé and Chito.
TheWebbedWonder: those nicknames are so cute omg 🥺
DosCaballero: I am very cute, thank you!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Why don’t Donnie’s and José’s nicknames correlate with yours?
green-sharpie: yeah that’s kinda mean Uncle Donald
green-sharpie: abandoning your friends’ beautifully compatible nicknames
lenaonme: huh cold
lenaonme: i didn’t know you had it in you. I’m impressed uncle d
aw-phooey: oh kids
DosCaballero: Do not worry! Donald didn’t abandon us!
aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl
aw-phooey: (you should really change your name, chito)
blackmagica: And I had… other activities that required my attention.
Scrooge-McDuck: You lose more and more of my favor by the minute.
aw-phooey: my friend had your favor?? You’ve gone soft, old man.
blackmagica: Well I have a brilliant idea to appease everyone!!
blackmagica changed their name to TrêsCaballero
aw-phooey changed their name to UnoCaballero
UnoCaballero: how’s that?
DosCaballero: !!!!!! <3
TrêsCaballero: We love you too.
Junior-Woodchuck74: awww!!!
dr. mad scientist: spare me.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro play nice
Adventure-Pilot: yeah Gyro!!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up.
TrêsCaballero: I did not mean to offend you, Dr. Mad Scientist!!
green-sharpie: he really said duckscord user dr. mad scientist
moonlander-general: But we’re not using duckscord?
ICanDeweyIt: it’s a joke Penny
ICanDeweyIt: wait do you have duckscord???
moonlander-general: Della made me set it up
green-sharpie: we know
ihaveahead!!!: we know
lenaonme: we know
Junior-Woodchuck74: we know
Tea Time: we know
ICanDeweyIt: fine :( be like that
TheWebbedWonder: It’s because we love you 💖
ICanDeweyIt: sldkfghdks Webs how dare
ICanDeweyIt: ily2
Blathering-Blatherskite: ...what???
Scrooge-McDuck: leave it, he’s being dramatic
let kids be kids
10:02 am
 ICanDeweyIt: >:(
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey are you done moping
ICanDeweyIt: give me one minute
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...fine.
10:03 am
ICanDeweyIt: okay i’m back
Lou: smh
TheWebbedWonder: what snacks do we want? Granny’s gonna do a grocery run soon
ICanDeweyIt: cheeto puffs
ICanDeweyIt: because SOMEONE ate them all
Lou: hey, don’t look at me! The rats love fake cheese dust!!
ICanDeweyIt: Beakley did her weekly rat clean the day before they went missing
Lou: ugh okay fine they’re good okay????
Lou: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck: also, HEALTHY snacks!
lenaonme: lame
Lou: seconded
ICanDeweyIt: thirded
Junior-Woodchuck74: Viiiii back me up here
Violet-Sabrewing: I look forward to eating an ungodly amount of junk food and having an impressive sugar crash with the rest of you.
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit
Junior-Woodchuck74: webby?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Beakley never let you near anything sugary so fair enough
Lou: I mean that was for good reason
Lou: she’s almost as bad as you hue
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd?
adefinitelyrealboy: Getting ice cream with you in Tokyolk was fun, Huey! Let’s do it again at the sleepover!
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit i’m soft
Junior-Woodchuck74: please put some healthy snacks down there anyway Webby. At least for me.
TheWebbedWonder: already done!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
lenaonme: do Vi and I need to bring anything over aside from the usual?
TheWebbedWonder: idk yet
adefinitelyrealboy: what’s the usual?
Junior-Woodchuck74: we have sleeping bags and pillows but if you want your own you can bring it. Same with plushies and stuffed animals. Toothbrush and hairbrush and that kind of toiletries, but I don’t know how much you use. Your phone, obviously, and anything else you’ll want for the night. But we have a lot of supplies.
adefinitelyrealboy: okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: I don’t have a lot of personal items like that. Most of what I have at the Drakes is just hand-me-downs from Doofus
lenaonme: get in loser we’re going shopping
lenaonme: for personal trinkets for you
ICanDeweyIt: omg <3
ICanDeweyIt: lena you’re my new favorite person
lenaonme: as I should be
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s sweet! Dr. Gearloose and Lil’ Bulb I have been doing that periodically, though. Sometimes Mr. Manny the Headless Manhorse and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera come along too!!
Lou: I really want to know what’s up with Fenton’s invalid doctorate ngl
Violet-Sabrewing: Me too
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀 good to know
lenaonme: don’t overanalyze anything hue
TheWebbedWonder: but overanalyzing is the BEST!!
lenaonme: okay you’re the only valid overanalyzer Webs
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💖
TheWebbedWonder: Lena and Violet can you come over on Tuesday to help me set up the magical activities?
Lou: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ll ask
lenaonme: do you need us to smuggle in anything again?
TheWebbedWonder: no that’s okay! I still have all the books you brought last time, and I think I can get any herbs we need for spells without suspicion as long as it’s not too close to the sleepover date
lenaonme: 👍
Lou: well I staunchly refuse to participate in any more magical adventures than I need to. Tuesday I have a date with some Pep and Ottoman Empire!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh.
TheWebbedWonder: You don’t have to! This is a strictly Team Magic adventure!!
ICanDeweyIt: aw man :(
TheWebbedWonder: uhh that’s okay Dewey you can come if you want!!
ICanDeweyIt: eh it’s all right I just want validation
lenaonme: understandable. see you tuesday!
ICanDeweyIt: 💙💙
Team Uncle McDunkle (les parentals)
10:43 am
Indy_Sabrewing: Violet just asked if she and Lena can go over to McDuck Manor on Tuesday to prepare for the sleepover with Webby
purpleisforthegays: fine w/ me
acepilot: us too
22: so we’re all good with the sleepover at large, correct?
Dadnald: Aside from the fact that the kids were obviously planning it in their own group chat before the agreed tech time minimum
Moneybags: ah let them
Moneybags: they’re just excited
Dadnald: Unca it’s the first day of that rule
22: I agree with Donald. It’s good to lay down a solid foundation for rules. Let the children know we will enforce them.
acepilot: okay but I vote we still let them have their sleepover. It is Boyd’s first sleepover. Excuse me, important life milestones happening here!!
Dadnald: okay fair
Dadnald: It’s been approximately two weeks since we all met Boyd and Della’s already imprinting on him
acepilot: like you’re not
Dadnald: shhhhh
Dadnald: you’re right about the sleepover. I don’t want to take that away, and they all seem so excited.
Dadnald: let me figure out something else though, at least for my kids
Indy_Sabrewing: we’ll do it together
purpleisforthegays: Any adventures between now and the sleepover, Mr. McDuck?
Moneybags: just a small day trip to the Sands of Time on Wednesday. should be an easy one.
Dadnald: I think we should just assign them extra chores until then
22: fine by me.
acepilot: hahah same
Moneybags: Gyro?
worldsgreatestinventor: I don’t think I have that kind of relationship with Boyd yet, to be completely honest.
worldsgreatestinventor: but it’s fine he’s a good kid
acepilot: oh I know
Dadnald: I’m picking up Huey and Boyd from their Junior Woodchuck meeting tomorrow; I can talk to the Drakes then
Moneybags: good thinking Donald!
Moneybags: you’ll get there, Gyro
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
11:47 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd says you’ve been shopping with him and Dr. Gearloose!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: yeah!! It was an infallible excuse to get Gyro out of the lab
TotallyNotGizmoduck: He really cares for Boyd.
Junior-Woodchuck74: And Boyd really cares for him!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I can see that! Boyd is a sweet kid.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I just wish Gyro would realize that. For a genius, he can be surprisingly dense.
Junior-Woodchuck74: he’s not the only one
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh cease whatever scheme you’re planning and help me figure out how to make Gyro overcome his anxieties about parenthood!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh I’m down
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this, but I’m down
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I expected nothing less. Now, any brilliant ideas? Come on brain, think!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I think Boyd would be overjoyed to receive parental affection from Gyro. He doesn’t need any meddling; it’s just Gyro
TotallyNotGizmoduck: True
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I believe Gyro’s mostly scared, but he’ll never admit it. Least of all to himself.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Also, the Drakes are two experienced parents with a stable, large home and income. They have an unending amount of time to spend with their children, and they easily fit society’s heteronormative mold of the perfect nuclear family. 
TotallyNotGizmoduck: they’re everything Gyro is not, and that intimidates him.
Junior-Woodchuck74: The Drakes spent the majority of their parenthood enslaved in their own home and terrified of their son. They’re not exactly the pinnacle of perfect parenthood.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: ha, nice alliteration.
Junior-Woodchuck74: thanks!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: However, I’m not the one you need to convince here. You’re preaching to the choir.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fair.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Let me ask Webby; she probably has some convoluted scheme to get Dr. Gearloose and Boyd to be a family.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: That makes sense
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t know her very well, but she’s a sweet kid.
Junior-Woodchuck74: she scares you, doesn’t she.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh she totally scares me
Family Group Chat!!!!
2:03 pm
UnoCaballero: @DosCaballero @TrêsCaballero you know what time it is
UnoCaballero: We’re three caballeros
DosCaballero: Three gay caballeros
TrêsCaballero: They say we are birds of a feather!!
UnoCaballero: We’re happy amigos
DosCaballero: No matter where he goes
TrêsCaballero: The one
UnoCaballero: Two
DosCaballero: And three
TrêsCaballero: goes, we’re always together
UnoCaballero: We’re
DosCaballero: Three
TrêsCaballero: Caballeros
ICanDeweyIt: I can’t believe the adults did a songchain before we did
lenaonme: oh shoot we gotta do one now
TheWebbedWonder: what song should we do?
green-sharpie: CREEPER
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: darn it
lenaonme: so we back in the mine
Violet-Sabrewing: swinging our pickaxe from side to side
green-sharpie: side side to side
lenaonme: This task a grueling one,
ICanDeweyIt: Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night
TheWebbedWonder: diamonds tonight
Blathering-Blatherskite: Heads up, you hear a sound,
Junior-Woodchuck74: FENTON
lenaonme: omg another meme child rises
green-sharpie: not exactly a child skdfhdksla
dr. mad scientist: are we done fangirling yet
Junior-Woodchuck74: not all of us are girls, Dr. Gearloose.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That only perpetuates the ingrained societal mindset that liking something is cringey, and girls are cringey and inferior because they’re tied to that negative connotation
lenaonme: go off
TheWebbedWonder: ^^^^
wreathedingold: Well said!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dang I think that’s the first thing Aunt Goldie’s ever said to me 😳
wreathedingold: I’m not your aunt kid
TheWebbedWonder: just you wait
wreathedingold: well that’s ominous
wreathedingold: time for me to bounce then
TheWebbedWonder: Noooo Aunt Goldie come back!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Don’t worry Webs, we’ll get her soon enough.
Scrooge-McDuck: Should I be worried or…?
TheWebbedWonder: nah everything’ll be just fine Uncle Scrooge!!
dr. mad scientist: RED NEPHEW.
dr. mad scientist: STOP SPAMMING MY PMS.
dr. mad scientist: one more message and I block you, capishe?
UnoCaballero: You can’t block Huey for emergency purposes
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m just making sure you get the message Dr. Gearloose
dr. mad scientist: okay okay
dr. mad scientist: it was more of a drag against Fenton anyway
Blathering-Blatherskite: hey!!
TheCrashiestCrash: nooo, we love you fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: yesss Fenton positivity hours!!
Ihaveahead!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton positivity hours!!
UnoCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
moonlander-general: well that’s creepy.
ghostbutler: it’s best not to question their antics.
Tea Time: Oh dear, Duckworth is making logical sense! He’s been replaced by a fake!
ghostbutler: You wish.
lenaonme: Fenton positivity hours!!
DosCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lucky-Gander: Fenton positivity hours!!
purpleisforthegays: Fenton positivity hours!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lil’ Bulb: Fenton positivity hours!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: betrayed by my own inventions… 
Lil’ Bulb: ily2
dr. mad scientist: which one of you kids taught him that
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey
lenaonme: dewey
green-sharpie: dewey
ICanDeweyIt: oh shut up
ICanDeweyIt: I’m not sorry
Violet-Sabrewing: as you should be
ICanDeweyIt: and I would’ve gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!!!
Lucky-Gander: haha
Adventure-Pilot: lol
UnoCaballero: sdfghgfds
lenaonme: dewey getting that Adult Validation
ICanDeweyIt: it do be like that 😌
ICanDeweyIt: anyway back to the song chain!!
ICanDeweyIt: yall adults are welcome to join us just don’t mess it up
Lucky-Gander: wouldn’t dream of it
lenaonme: creeper
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s not where we were in the song
ICanDeweyIt: AWW MAN
Violet-Sabrewing: So we back in the mine
TheWebbedWonder: rocking our pickaxe from side to side
UnoCaballero: side side to side
green-sharpie: This task a grueling one
TheCrashiestCrash: Hoping to find some diamonds tonight
DosCaballero: night night
Blathering-Blatherskite: Diamonds tonight
Violet-Sabrewing: heads up
purpleisforthegays: you hear a sound
lenaonme: turn around and look up
Lil’ Bulb: total shock fills your body
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no it’s you again
Junior-Woodchuck74: I could never forget those eyes, eyes
TrêsCaballero: eyes eyes eyes
ihaveahead!!!: cause baby tonight
green-sharpie: The creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey i hate you
ICanDeweyIt: can’t help it i’m a wild child
Junior-Woodchuck74: last week you cried because the supermarket was all out of blue rock candy
lenaonme: ok shut up nerds hash it out later we’re going back to singing
green-sharpie: whatever did we do
dr. mad scientist: is this the hecking mlp song
Adventure-Pilot: hah hecking
dr. mad scientist: DONALD EDITS MY TEXTS
UnoCaballero: as i should 
UnoCaballero: don’t swear around my kids
TheWebbedWonder: Discord, are we your prey alone
TrêsCaballero: or are we just a stepping stone to taking back the throne
Blathering-Blatherskite: Discord
Violet-Sabrewing: We won’t take it anymore
DosCaballero: So take your tyranny away!
purpleisforthegays: discoooooooooord…
Junior-Woodchuck74: discoooooooooord…
green-sharpie: discoooooooooord…
moonlander-general: wha
ICanDeweyIt: shh penny we’re singing
adefinitelyrealboy: this is quite an interesting phenomenon!!
mutant-krill!!!!: agreed, it is quite fascinating!!
lenaonme: 😔😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: I’m adding it to the sleepover agenda now!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Della and Penumbra should join us, since they don’t know either
Junior-Woodchuck74: good idea! but what about Uncle Indy and Uncle Scrooge? And Dr. Gearloose?
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro knows meme songs he’s just not participating out of spite
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
Violet-Sabrewing: there’s no hope for them
wreathedingold: HAH
TheWebbedWonder: oh Aunt Goldie!! I thought you left!!
wreathedingold: shush pink niece
TheWebbedWonder: omg she knows who i am 🥺💚❤️🥰
green-sharpie: uhh not quite webs
Scrooge-McDuck: Excuse me!
Scrooge-McDuck: we had this conversation earlier today. I am a polyglot.
TheCrashiestCrash: And I told you Mr. McDee!! Love who you love!!
Scrooge-McDuck: Oh tatter me tartan.
wreathedingold: quite the enthusiastic brood you have there, Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I can’t believe this.
Indy_Sabrewing: That’s it Violet; no reading for fun.
Violet-Sabrewing: No!
lenaonme: 😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: We should invite Uncle Fethry too, if he can make it
mutant-krill!!!!: my schedule is full of traveling the seas with Mitzy and cataloguing our scientific findings and experiences!!
mutant-krill!!!!: But I will check.
adefinitelyrealboy: I can hardly wait!!
Tea Time: And when is this?
ICanDeweyIt: Well we were planning on showing Boyd at the sleepover, but it seems my dear class has grown… 
Junior-Woodchuck74: @Tea Time Wednesday will work.
Tea Time: Wonderful. I’ll mark it in the family calendar. 
lenaonme: mrs beakley ily
Tea Time: Thank you, Lena.
ICanDeweyIt: P R O F E S S O R   D E W F O R D
green-sharpie: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: you don’t have a Ph.D idiot
ICanDeweyIt: Neither does Fenton but do you see that stopping him?
Blathering-Blatherskite: why must you keep bringing up my lack of a doctorate?
lenaonme: it’s funny
green-sharpie: yeah pretty much
green-sharpie: you know we’re only going to bring it up more now right?
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh blathering blatherskite
Blathering-Blatherskite: What has my life come to? I’m being mercilessly mocked by a bunch of children.
dr. mad scientist: HAH
Tea Time: That’s just what children are like.
lenaonme: mrs beakley says this as if she doesn’t tease everyone mercilessly too
Tea Time: That goes without saying.
Lil’ Bulb: it do be like that 😔👊
dr. mad scientist: OH COME ON
Lucky-Gander: dude you literally just had this conversation
dr. mad scientist: I’LL KILL YOU KIDS
UnoCaballero: NO
Adventure-Pilot: I’LL KILL YOU FIRST
ihaveahead!!!: i dont doubt that
dr. mad scientist: WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON MANNY
ihaveahead!!!: della’s
dr. mad scientist: typical.
lenaonme: nearlythrewhandswitha13yearold.png
Violet-Sabrewing: yes pretty much
TheWebbedWonder: sldkfhdskl;a
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh how the tables have turned
dr. mad scientist: i hate you all
Adventure-Pilot: we love you too mwah <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: ewww
TheWebbedWonder: commence operation: SMOTHER DR. GEARLOOSE IN LOVE AND AFFECTION
Adventure-Pilot: HECK YEAH
Blathering-Blatherskite: Sounds like an interesting scheme with a potentially volatile reaction from the subject, but with likely a desired outcome!!!
TheWebbedWonder: aw thanks Fenton <3
Blathering-Blatherskite: anytime!!
lenaonme: lol get him
dr. mad scientist: I TRUSTED YOU WEBBIGAIL
dr. mad scientist: no
TheCrashiestCrash: I’ll drive!!
dr. mad scientist: NO
dr. mad scientist: FENTON STOP THEM
Blathering-Blatherskite: :3
dr. mad scientist: YOU WILL DIE PAINFULLY
TrêsCaballero: This chat is… interesting
ICanDeweyIt: Get used to it Uncle José!!!
TrêsCaballero: I am… Uncle José?
TrêsCaballero: What an honor!!
ICanDeweyIt: sure you are!! you’re close enough to uncle donald
TheWebbedWonder: and we love you!!!
ICanDeweyIt: yeah and that
UnoCaballero: awww kids
TrêsCaballero: you must meet my biological nephews, Zico and Zeca!!
TheWebbedWonder: NEW FRIENDS!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Scrooge
Scrooge-McDuck: Yes Huey?
Junior-Woodchuck74: On an unrelated note, can we take an adventure in Brazil?
TrêsCaballero: 🥰🥰
Scrooge-McDuck: ugh 
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll look into it
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll help you Uncle Scrooge!!
Indy_Sabrewing: Is this the adventure you promised Della?
TheWebbedWonder: Nope!! My lips are sealed on that one
lenaonme: huh you’re actually doing that
TheWebbedWonder: Yep!! And it’s gonna be amazing!!
Adventure-Pilot: I bet!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💕
TheWebbedWonder: I love you!!!
Adventure-Pilot: aww I love you too honey!!
DosCaballero: Not to interrupt this adorable declaration of love but
green-sharpie: you’re an uncle too
DosCaballero: !!!!!
UnoCaballero: I’m proud of you guys
purpleisforthegays: are you talking to your friends or to the kids?
UnoCaballero: up for interpretation
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
4:35 pm
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes Fenton?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I scrolled up in the major group chat and your uncle said something odd about his nickname
Junior-Woodchuck74: Wait, why were you scrolling up in chat?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Manny and Lil’ Bulb roped me into taking out of context screenshots.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Oh hey Dewey and Lena do that too!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: What did you find?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: screenshot-2020-08-06-4.24-PM
[aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl]
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Why would it be too dangerous for him to keep his Three Caballeros nickname?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah that’s definitely weird
Junior-Woodchuck74: Especially since Uncle Donald’s account is private
TotallyNotGizmoduck: this chat service only has basic security. It is easily hacked if someone has the means.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That means they’d have to want to find Uncle Donald
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fenton I’m scared for Uncle Donald now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m sure he’s okay! He knows how to protect himself, if nothing else.
Junior-Woodchuck74: true
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Besides, you have me, a literal superhero, on your side if anything goes wrong!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and your family is exceptionally good at fighting off threats. You’ll be okay, Huey.
Junior-Woodchuck74: i’m not worried for me
Junior-Woodchuck74: but thanks, Fenton
Junior-Woodchuck74: i think i’m gonna sleep on this and then do some DuckDuckGo searches on the Three Caballeros tomorrow, okay?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course, Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: talk tomorrow?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: wouldn’t miss it!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: and you should really change your name
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I will
PM between TheWebbedWonder and TotallyNotGizmoduck
7:43 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Hi Fenton!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hello Webby!!
TheWebbedWonder: I realized I never added your mother to our group chatTheWebbedWonder: Can I have her username?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course! I figured something was up
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not that you can’t contact me casually!!
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll keep that in mind! 💖
TheWebbedWonder: Your mom is really nice but I don’t know her that well
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh you two will definitely get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: There is a 93% chance of it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: The 7% is if she catches wind of the illegal activities Lena drags you into
TheWebbedWonder: It was ONE time and that guy deserved it!! It was justice!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, you set a citizen’s apartment ablaze!!!
TheWebbedWonder: He was being a jerk
TheWebbedWonder: He purposefully misgendered Dewey and Violet
TheWebbedWonder: and he made some really gross comments about Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, I understand that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: M’ma and I have to deal with our fair share of jerks
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And in all honesty, she would probably respect the karma of your actions. I definitely do.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I get it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I became a superhero to help people
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And that person deserved what came to them, but sometimes there are better ways to help people
TheWebbedWonder: sure okay
TheWebbedWonder: I mean you should probably give Lena the lecture
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’ll keep that in mind
TotallyNotGizmoduck: but you’re a good kid webby
TheWebbedWonder: awww thanks 💖💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You and M’ma will get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You’re both kind, powerful, passionate women who scare me
TheWebbedWonder: Aww, I scare you? That’s so sweet!!! Thank you!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Uhhh you’re welcome?
TheWebbedWonder: 🥰🥰
let kids be kids
8:03 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton is lecturing me about when we set that guy’s house on fire
lenaonme: hah that was awesome
Lou: ew lectures
Junior-Woodchuck74: I told you that was a bad idea
Violet-Sabrewing: It worked out, though
TheWebbedWonder: he’s so nice but also I want to set all bigots’ houses on fire
ICanDeweyIt: as you should
Violet-Sabrewing: *as WE should
ICanDeweyIt: you’re right vi!!!
lenaonme: *cracks knuckles* aight i got this
TheWebbedWonder: wait no lena don’t be mean
lenaonme: shhh it’s just a little bit of good-natured teasing
TheWebbedWonder: Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena
Violet-Sabrewing: Lena
adefinitelyrealboy: Don’t be mean to Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera!! He has to deal with a lot of their comments anyway. And he’s a superhero!! He knows what he’s doing!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton is a superhero?
lenaonme: khdskalksdf HE’S gizmoduck????
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh no
Violet-Sabrewing: I did think of this hypothesis a couple months ago
adefinitelyrealboy: Oh no!! I didn’t mean to reveal Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera’s secret identity!!
ICanDeweyIt: not much of a secret tbh. he has a whole journal entry for people who know he’s Gizmoduck
TheWebbedWonder: Guess he has two more names to add to that list
Lou: to be fair, his username is TotallyNotGizmoduck. That’s pretty sus
Junior-Woodchuck74: he really needs to change that.
ICanDeweyIt: yeah
PM between lenaonme and TotallyNotGizmoduck
8:24 pm
lenaonme: ay yo
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hi, Lena!
lenaonme: be gay do crime
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Lena no
lenaonme: lena yes
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I suppose Webby talked to you?
lenaonme: yes
lenaonme: also vi and i know your secret identity now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: darn it
lenaonme: seriously change your name that’s kind of pathetic ngl
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I understand you like fitting the image of “rebellious teenager” and all, but are the insults completely necessary?
lenaonme: oh thank webby she convinced me to only lightly tease you
lenaonme: it’s with love~ 💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not quite sure if I buy that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t want to have to apprehend you if you commit crimes, Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and my M’ma wouldn’t either
lenaonme: i don’t even know her
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You will tomorrow!!
lenaonme: i can’t decide if that’s ominous or just overly preppy
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m just a little excited
lenaonme: lmao lame
TotallyNotGizmoduck: :(
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I hate teenagers
lenaonme: blanket statement huh
TotallyNotGizmoduck: sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I wouldn't be forced into negative feelings if you weren't mean to me!
lenaonme: it's because i love you
TotallyNotGizmoduck: you keep saying that, but I'm not so sure I believe it...
Science Gays
8:48 pm
fentonium: why are kids like this
worldsgreatestinventor: agreed, very negative feelings indeed
adefinitelyrealboy: :(
worldsgreatestinventor: except for you Boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: It’s because we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: what about Huey?
worldsgreatestinventor: ehhhhhhh
Junior-Woodchuck74: disappointed but not surprised
Junior-Woodchuck74: let me guess you talked to Lena?
fentonium: yes
worldsgreatestinvention: she’s cool
worldsgreatestinvention: she taught me memes
worldsgreatestinventor: WHAT
worldsgreatestinventor: red nephew!! your lot told me that was dewey!!
worldsgreatestinvention: just for those specific memes
worldsgreatestinvention: it was a group effort
Headless-Mannyhorse: good for them
worldsgreatestinventor: they will rue the day!!
fentonium: oookaay
fentonium: you know what I prefer Lena to this
Junior-Woodchuck74: she knows
fentonium: oh no
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s one of the reasons she likes it so much
fentonium:  oh no
Family Group Chat!!!!
4:55 am
lenaonme: b͈̻̙͕̲̭ͦͦ̾͛l͉͒a̱̳̠̳͈͎̖̓ͪc̆͒k͎͖͈͓̎̌͒p̝͈̌ͫͥͦi̩͙͙͕ͫ̋͛ň̦̌k̟͐̾ ̟̼̥͎ͣͫ͛̂i̞͓̰̜͇̜̪ͧ͑͌̓s̙ͤ͛ͩ ̩̞̖͖̺̐̈͋͆́̈́ͅt̙̥̄ͨͭ͐h̩͇̮̙̬̉͂ͫe͕͚̳̩̞͚̜ ̞͕̰̇͛̏̍ͨ̄r͉̹̱̬͑̄̾͐ḛ͖̘̇̆v̺̱̇̽͒o̤̮̤l̞̯̪̳͕̿͆͌ͭͅu̮̼̝̤̅̑ͬ̾͑͂̍t͇̲̺̘̀i̘ͦ̿͗o̪ͣ͐̓̇ͦ̎ͬn͙̱͔̩͙͒́̋̽̎̎~
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up
Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald / UnoCaballero Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22 / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite Manny: ihaveahead!!! Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy Panchito: DosCaballero José: blackmagica* / TrêsCaballero
i listened to a bunch of various blackpink while making this (on if it's your last rn) so that's why that ending moment is there lmao. it's just a glimpse into my life i guess. it's also a fitting reference since i wrote a bunch of this during a writing sprint with friends (and i lost :( ) and they introduced me to almost all of the blackpink songs i know!
there's a moment in which dewey called himself a "wild child" which is inspired by another friend calling me a wild child the other day. it just be like that i guess. (tragically, neither this friend nor the blackpink friends are into ducktales so they won't read this. but moon, silv, viper, rose, if you're out there... ily)
peep some sexuality headcanons!! I tried not to make them too overwhelming since I know a lot of people have different hcs, but they slipped in. It didn't make it in, but I hc that in addition to the no-label thing for genders, Scrooge is also demisexual and demiromantic!! I'm aroace so that means something to me. Also re: the bigot Webby and Fenton were talking about, I hc Violet is trans and Dewey is nb (thank the duckfalls server for that one). and lena is gay. but all headcanons are cool n valid and i'd love to hear some of yours!!
i unexpectedly got a really good response to this fic last week and i just want to say thank you!! it means so much to me that people like this fic and that people like my writing in general. i love all of you <3 i haven't responded to comments from last week yet cause energy but i promise i will i just need energy. but i read all of them and they were so sweet!! so thank you!!
in a similar vein, no penny pokemon plot this week cause the week slipped by and i forgot to message ppl about pokemon but i definitely will do that. it'll probably be back for next time. thank you so much to everyone who offered!! i'll probably take you guys up on that.
also thanks to the people on tumblr who gave me scrooge phrases. @just-sinag sent me an amazing video of all of scrooge's catchphrases from dt87 (which i didn't get to use this time unfortunately but definitely next time) which was really helpful, but everyone who replied to my post is really awesome and i appreciate it!!
in other news, my cat just meowed at the door while i'm writing this author's note and then jumped very cartoonishly when the door bumped against the wall. she's a little freaked out right now, poor baby. but i love her.
Chapter 4
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