#so hopefully i have a shot again... if he isn't happy with the one he's apparently already got that is
xx-rememberthepast-xx · 10 months
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
I needed to feel like I was hopefully making someone happy so I wrote some Tarzan Max AU. Other parts here: 1 2 3 4
Daniel watches the sun hit the colorful wings of the bird through the lens of his camera, holding his breath as he takes one shot, then another, then one more just as the bird takes flight with a rustling of leaves.
He immediately goes to check the photos out, smiling to himself at the result. He's already picturing the last one framed in a gallery, or at least on his studio's wall.
"Blake, you need to..." he turns around, ready to show the others, when he suddenly realises there's nobody else there. For a second, everything he can feel is confusion and a bit of anger: he stops for one second (...or maybe fifteen minutes) and they leave him behind? Nobody, not his friends, not the rest of the group, not their guides, realised he wasn't with them anymore?
Immediately after though, comes the fear. He's alone in the middle of the jungle, not even knowing in which direction they were headed before he had stopped. He's alone. In the jungle.
There's a rustling above him, an animal call somewhere in the distance, and he remembers he's not alone in the jungle. Maybe that's worse.
He quickly puts down his camera, eyes flitting around the clearing while he pats his pockets for the radio they all carry. The radio that isn't there. Shit.
There's more rustling above him, something moving to his right, a sharp bird call somewhere close, making him flinch. This is. Well, not ideal.
"Okay, okay," he breathes, trying to stay calm, "soon they'll notice and they'll come back. Let's just wait here."
His voice sounds weird among all the sounds of nature around him, out of place. He is out of place. He's alone in the jungle.
Fuck, why doesn't he have his radio??
The movement to his right catches his eyes again, sounding closer now. Sounding big.
That is not a bird.
Images of angry gorillas and hungry tigers, of charging elephants and rhino's horns flood his mind, making him take an instinctive step back. He knows it's stupid to wander away, this is where they'll come to find him as soon as they notice, but they won't find much if an hungry animal decides he looks like a nice snack.
He hesitates, swaying on the balls of his feet, all muscles coiled. If it's something trying to eat him, he'll run in the opposite direction, and hope he stumbles in his group one way or the other.
A branch moves, leaves rustling. There are eyes in the shadows.
Daniel's heart is beating so fast he can barely breathe. He takes one more step back.
And then the shadow moves forward and suddenly there is a boy on the branch.
A very naked, very human boy. Staring at him.
For a moment, Daniel is too stunned to even think.
As soon as his brain comes back in (admittedly reduced) motion, he notes the muscles on his arms, the way he's crouched on a branch, eyes firmly trained on him.
Daniel can't see any weapon in his hands, but that doesn't mean he can rule out being killed and eaten quite yet. He has forgotten everything they had been told about native tribes and traditions, so what if this guy is a cannibal? Or maybe he'll take Daniel and drag him back to his secret naked village and sacrifice him to a naked god? Did Daniel mention the guy is naked?
Suddenly, the boy (man? he looks young but his body is, well, impressive, so Daniel is not sure) jumps off the tree, walking towards Daniel on all fours, fists pounding the ground like a gorilla.
Right, imminent death. No naked thoughts.
Daniel instinctively raises both his hands while taking one more step back, hoping that's not the sign for I am an enemy and you should kill me stat in naked guy's language.
"Friend" is what his brain comes up with, blurting it out way too loudly. The guy stops, tilting his head to the side. He's still staring, weirdly intense, blinking much less frequently than what feels normal, but at least he hasn't eaten Daniel yet.
"Friend," he repeats, keeping one hand in the air and using the other to point at himself.
"Friend," the guy parrots him. His voice is higher than what Daniel would expect, raspy, a weird sort of accent to it, imitating Daniel's voice like one would copy a bird's call.
"Friend," Daniel nods.
"Friend," the guy says again, closer to sounding like a proper word, pointing at Daniel too.
Daniel opens his mouth, probably to repeat it again, before he realises this whole thing is useless. The guy obviously doesn't understand what friend means, so it's incredibly dumb to just keep this whole thing going. At the same time, he also doesn't seem keen on attacking Daniel, so maybe he'll count it as a net positive.
"I'll...go," Daniel says, immediately wanting to hit himself on the head. The guy doesn't understand friend but should know a full sentence? Come on.
Still, he takes another step back, now fully out of the clearing, hoping he won't stumble on some roots, or worse, some animals, before he feels safe enough to turn around and run.
The guy still seems confused, but in a curious way, following every single one of Daniel's movements with his blue eyes.
He has very pretty eyes. Sort of a weird face, but not unpleasant to look at. If Daniel was looking at all, which he isn't because he is just trying to leave and find his group again.
Suddenly, the guy straightens up, frowning and raising his shoulders to make himself look bigger.
And oh, maybe Daniel has judged too soon. He is going to get killed after all.
He's expecting the guy (still very naked. almost more so now that he's standing) to charge him, but the other just. Stays still. Makes himself big.
"Friend," he says, slightly garbled, voice forcefully deeper, a lilt to it that makes it sound like a question.
Daniel doesn't understand. He shakes his head, blinking confusedly, and the other almost seems to sigh, as if annoyed at Daniel's slowness.
He's being judged by a naked jungle man. This might be a new low.
The guy points at Daniel, then links his hands for a moment, before making himself big again.
"Hold on," Daniel blurts out, so surprised about maybe understanding to think about the other not getting a single word of what he's saying, "are you asking me about Josh?"
The guy just blinks at him. Links his hands again, points towards somewhere on Daniel's left.
"Friend," he says, pointing at Daniel, then again to the trees, "friend."
Is Daniel going to let a naked jungle man lead him into the unknown?
"Sure, why not," he sighs, stepping towards the guy with a smile. "Lead the way."
The guy clearly doesn't understand his words, but he must get what Daniel means, because he puts his hands down again, apparently more comfortable walking on all fours, and runs towards a tree, swinging himself up on the lower branches with ease and waiting for Daniel to make his way over.
When Daniel is close enough, the guy smiles at him. His cheeks scrunch up, eyes crinkling and disappearing. It's so incredibly endearing Daniel can't help but smile back.
And then he lets himself be guided away.
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ajalholland · 5 days
House-husband Sephiroth x reader
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In the quiet home, Sephiroth stared at the mountain of dirty laundry, his brow furrowing as he tried to sort the various colors and materials that lay before him. The mighty warrior had to accept that, in this new realm of housekeeping, he was nothing more than a bumbling beginner.
He picked up a shirt, its sleeves stained with some unidentifiable substance. He had tried to cook spaghetti for the boys, but his skills in the kitchen, much like his laundry sorting, left much to be desired.
Kadaj and Yazoo were walking down the hallway, bickering amongst themselves as they approached their father.
"Old man, we're boooored..." Kadaj whined, flopping onto the floor.
Yazoo rolled his eyes at Kadaj and crossed his arms. "Don't whine so much, Kadaj. It's annoying."
Sephiroth smirked as his two sons approached him, their usual banter a familiar sound to his ears. He continued sorting through the laundry, his hands working busily as he addressed them.
"Bored, are you? Well, I suppose I could use some help with this mountain of laundry." He gestured to the pile of clothes before them, the different colors and materials creating a chaotic mess. "And it's dad to you, Kadaj."
Kadaj looked at the pile of laundry and screwed up his face in disgust. "Ugh, laundry?! That's for sissies!"
Yazoo rolled his eyes again at Kadaj's childish outburst. "You're just saying that because you don't know how to do laundry."
Kadaj stuck out his tongue at Yazoo. "Am not! Shut up, loser."
The two of them were like two peas in a pod sometimes, Sephiroth thought. Always competitive, always trying to one-up each other.
"Well, whether it's for sissies or not, it still needs to be done," Sephiroth said, a hint of sternness in his voice. "Besides, it's a good life skill to learn."
He looked at Kadaj, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And stop calling your brother a loser. We don't insult each other in this house."
Kadaj folded his arms and pouted, crossing his arms. "But it's true! He is a loser!"
Yazoo shot Kadaj a glare, his eyes lighting up with irritation. "Yeah? Well at least I'm not a crybaby!" Yazoo snapped back.
Kadaj's eyes widened in anger, his face turning red. "I am NOT a crybaby! You're the crybaby!"
Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting to form. These two were going to drive him insane someday.
"Enough, both of you," he said sternly. "You're siblings, not enemies. Fighting all the time isn't productive."
He looked at Kadaj and Yazoo, his expression firm. "And neither of you are losers or crybabies. Now, help me with this laundry, and no more fighting."
The boys looked at each other, then at Sephiroth, and then back at each other. "Fiiiiine," Kadaj grumbled.
Yazoo nodded in agreement, still looking annoyed. "Yeah, fine."
The two of them walked over to the pile of laundry and began sorting it into piles. Kadaj was still mumbling under his breath, clearly not happy about having to do housework.
Sephiroth watched as his boys began sorting the laundry, Kadaj being the less enthusiastic of the two. He knew they would complain at first, but hopefully, they would learn the value of housework in due time.
As the boys worked, Sephiroth thought about his days as a SOLDIER. Life had been much simpler then, with nothing but missions and battles to worry about. Sure, it was a hard life, but at least it made sense. But now... now he was a househusband, a role he never thought he would find himself in.
Sephiroth's thoughts were interrupted by a soft sob coming from the doorway. He looked up to see Loz standing there, his face red and his pants noticeably wet.
Sephiroth's expression softened immediately as he noticed Loz, his youngest son, standing in the doorway with tears running down his face. He immediately stood up and made his way over to him.
"Loz, what's wrong?" he asked gently, crouching down to meet his son's watery gaze.
Loz sniffled, his small body shaking with sobs. "I-I had an accident," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked up from the laundry they were folding, their faces registering surprise and then amusement at their brother's predicament. "Ha! You peed yourself again?!" Kadaj laughed, nudging Yazoo.
Yazoo smirked, "You're still just a baby, huh?"
Sephiroth shot Kadaj and Yazoo a stern look, silently scolding them for their reaction. They should not be laughing at their brother's accident.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his voice softening even more. "It's okay, son. Accidents happen. Let's go get you cleaned up."
He gently took Loz's small hand and led him away from his brothers, leaving them to continue sorting laundry.
Kadaj and Yazoo watched as their father led Loz away, their laughter not dying down.
Loz clung to Sephiroth's hand as they walked, his body still trembling. He was so ashamed of his accident. why do his brothers make fun of him? Is his father angry at him?
Sephiroth felt Loz's small hand trembling in his larger one, sensing his son's shame and fear. He knew how important it was to handle this situation delicately.
"Loz," Sephiroth said gently, his voice firm but kind, "it's okay. Really, accidents happen. No one is angry with you."
He knelt down to meet Loz's eyes, his expression earnest. "I understand it's embarrassing, but you don't need to worry. We'll make sure you get cleaned up and fresh clothes, and everything will be alright."
Loz looked up at his father, big tear drops still rolling down his cheeks. He sniffled and nodded, slowly starting to calm down a bit. But he still couldn't shake off the feeling of being a nuisance.
"I-I'm sorry," Loz mumbled, his voice small. "I didn't mean to. I don't know why I keep having accidents."
Sephiroth's heart ached as he heard the shame in his young son's voice. He didn't blame Loz for having accidents, it wasn't his fault after all. He knew his son couldn't help it.
"Loz, listen to me," Sephiroth said, his tone gentle but firm. "You don't need to apologize. But we need to find a solution. Can you tell me how it happened?"
Loz looked down at the floor, his cheeks turning red. "I-I was playing... And I... I just couldn't hold it," he admitted in a whisper. His lower lip trembled, feeling embarrassed and ashamed at the lack of control he has over his bladder.
Sephiroth nodded, understanding the situation better now. "I see. So you had an accident because you were too caught up in playing to notice when you needed to go," he said calmly.He gently placed a hand on Loz's shoulder, meeting his gaze. "It's okay. But you need to pay attention to your body. When you feel the urge to go, don't wait. Just pause your game and go to the bathroom. Okay?"
Loz nodded, his head still hanging low. He felt so embarrassed. "Y-Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still too ashamed to meet his father's gaze. Kadaj and Yazoo peaked around the corner.
Sephiroth glanced up at the corner where Kadaj and Yazoo were peaking and he shot them another stern look, silently reminding them not to tease Loz.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his expression warm and reassuring. "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. Now let's go get you cleaned up."
Loz nodded again, his face still red with embarrassment. He held onto his father's hand as they continued walking towards the bathroom.
Kadaj and Yazoo quickly retreated from their spying spot.Sephiroth led Loz into the bathroom and guided him over to the tub, turning on the water and making sure it was the right temperature.
"Okay, Loz, you wait here for a moment. I'll go get you some clean clothes."
Loz nodded obediently and sat down on the edge of the tub. He tried to stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks, but they stubbornly continued.
Kadaj and Yazoo appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, holding a clean set of clothes. Kadaj handed them to Sephiroth, both of them looking sheepish.
Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at Kadaj and Yazoo's sudden presence, but he graciously accepted the clean clothes. He could tell that both of them felt remorse for their earlier behavior towards Loz.
"Thanks, boys," he said, his tone gentler now. He knelt back down to Loz's level. "Are you okay, Loz? Still feeling upset?"
Loz looked up at his father and nodded, his little body still shaking slightly with sobs. Kadaj and Yazoo stood a little awkwardly off to the side, their expressions now full of guilt and shame. They knew they had been making fun of their youngest brother but now, seeing him so upset, they felt like jerks.
Sephiroth's gaze flickered between the three of them, noticing the shift in Kadaj and Yazoo's behavior. It seemed like they had learned their lesson, seeing the effect their teasing had on their youngest brother.
He placed the clean clothes on the counter and then gently turned back to Loz. "Loz, take a few deep breaths," he instructed, rubbing soothing circles on the boy's back.
Loz sniffled and did his best to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. The tears slowly stopped falling from his eyes and his shaking slowed down a bit.
Meanwhile, Kadaj and Yazoo fidgeted nervously. They didn't know what to say, feeling guilty for their earlier behavior.
Sephiroth continued to comfort Loz until his sobs settled down to sniffles, his breathing becoming slower and more even. "Loz, hop in the tub and wash off, we'll be right outside." Seeing that his son was calming, he turned to Kadaj and Yazoo.
"Boys," he said, his tone calm yet firm, "can I talk to you for a moment?"
Loz nodded and began undressing, slowly climbing into the tub.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked at each other, a nervous look in their eyes. They knew they were in trouble. They followed Sephiroth out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them, leaving Loz to have some privacy.
Once the bathroom door was closed, Sephiroth turned to Kadaj and Yazoo, his eyes meeting theirs with a stern look.
"Boys, what you did earlier was not acceptable. Teasing and laughing at your brother while he was having a hard time is not how we treat each other in this family," he said, his voice firm but not angry.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked down at the ground, shame washing over them. They knew they were wrong and that they had hurt Loz's feelings.
Kadaj spoke up first, his voice small. "We're sorry, dad... We didn't mean to make Loz feel bad... We were just... messing around."
Sephiroth nodded, his expression softening at Kadaj's words. "Doesn't matter, what you did was wrong either way. Loz is your brother, and you should treat him with kindness and respect. Do you understand?” He looked at Yazoo next, silently urging him to speak.
Yazoo looked up, meeting Sephiroth's gaze, his expression still full of guilt. "Yeah... We understand. We shouldn't have teased Loz like that, it was mean and wrong," he agreed, his voice also small.
Sephiroth nodded once more, satisfied with Yazoo's response. "Good. I expect better behavior from you two. You're brothers, you're a team. You should lift each other up, not tear each other down."
He paused for a moment, looking at both of them. "And I expect you to apologize to Loz as well. Can you do that?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both nodded, their faces full of remorse. "Yeah... We'll apologize. We promise," they mumbled in unison.
Just then, the bathroom door opened and Loz stepped out, his hair still a little wet, but wearing clean clothes.
Sephiroth smiled as he saw Loz walk out of the bathroom, clean and dressed. "Feeling better, Loz?" he asked, gently tousling the boy's damp hair.
Loz nodded, a small smile on his face. He was still embarrassed about his accident, but the bath had helped him feel a little better.
Kadaj and Yazoo, feeling guilty, approached their youngest brother. "Hey, Loz," Kadaj began, his voice sheepish. "We're sorry for making fun of you earlier."
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we were being jerks. You don't deserve to be teased like that."
Loz looked up at his older brothers, his cheeks still flushed from the crying earlier. He could see the remorse in their eyes and knew they were being sincere.
"It's okay," Loz mumbled, his voice still small. "I forgive you."
Kadaj and Yazoo breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Loz was forgiving them so quickly.
Sephiroth watched the scene unfolding, feeling proud of all three of his sons. It warmed his heart to see them apologize to each other and make amends.
He placed a gentle hand on both Kadaj and Yazoo's shoulders and spoke up. “See, that wasn't so hard, was it? When we make mistakes, it's important to apologize and try to do better next time.”
Kadaj and Yazoo nodded, their shoulders relaxing under their father's touch. They knew that they had done wrong and had learned their lesson.
"Yeah... We'll do better next time," Kadaj chimed in.Yazoo nodded in agreement. "And we promise to be kinder to Loz from now on."
Loz, feeling more like himself now, looked up at his brothers with a small smile. He could tell they were sincere in their apologies.
"Thanks," he said, his voice soft. "I appreciate it."
Sephiroth smiled at the scene, glad to see that his sons had made amends. He ruffled Loz's hair gently before addressing them all. "Now that that's settled, how about you help me get dinner ready before your mother gets home?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both perked up at the mention of their mother. They always wanted to make her happy and help out.
"Yeah, we can help," Kadaj exclaimed, a smile on his face.
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "We'll help you get everything ready for when Mom gets home."
Loz, still a bit embarrassed, mumbled a quiet agreement to help as well. "I want to see mommy happy."
Sephiroth chuckled at their eagerness, the boys always enjoyed spending time with their mom. "Alright then, let's get to work," he said, giving Loz a comforting pat on the head.
Over the next hour, the kitchen was bustling with activity as the four of them worked together to prepare dinner. From peeling vegetables to chopping lettuce, they all worked in sync, each one contributing their part to make the meal just right.
Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz immediately recognized a sound, their attention shifting to the front door.
"Mommy's home!" Loz exclaimed, running out of the kitchen towards the front door. Kadaj and Yazoo quickly followed, both of them equally excited to see their mother.
Sephiroth smiled at their enthusiasm, knowing how much his sons missed their mother while she was at work. He also missed her, of course, but it amused him to see the excitement in his boys.
He finished washing his hands quickly with some soap before heading towards the front door, where the sound of the boys' chatter was already getting louder.
By the time Sephiroth reached the front door, Loz and his brothers were already swarming around (Y/n), all of them talking at once. She was at the door, pulling off her shoes and taking off her coat, bombarded by the three boys.
"Mommy!" "We missed you!" "We made dinner!"
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile as her sons surrounded her, their excitement and energy practically overwhelming her. She knelt down, trying her best to give each of them the attention they wanted, patting their heads and pulling them all in for a tight hug.
"I missed you all too," she said, her voice warm and loving. "You guys have been busy, huh? Making dinner with your father?"
"Yeah!" Yazoo exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "We've been helping Dad cook. We peeled the vegetables and chopped the lettuce."
Kadaj chimed in, "And we made sure everything was perfect for you, Mom!"
Loz spoke up next, "We even got your favorite dessert for after dinner."
Sephiroth approached the doorway, watching with a smile as his wife interacted with their sons. He leaned against the wall, enjoying the scene before him. It was moments like this that made him grateful for the family he had.
"They were all very eager to help," Sephiroth said, his voice soft yet amused. "Especially when they heard you were on your way home."
(Y/n) looked up at Sephiroth, her smile widening at the sight of him. "I can see that," she said, her hand still in Kadaj's hair.
She chuckled, imagining the antics they had gotten up to in the kitchen, and the mess that must have been left behind. "I hope they didn't cause too much trouble for you," she added, her voice teasing.
Sephiroth shook his head, a smirk playing at his lips. "Not too much trouble. Just the usual amount of chaos," he replied, his voice equally cheeky.
"Hey! We didn't cause that much trouble!" Kadaj protested, pouting a bit. Loz and Yazoo nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, we were just having fun!" Yazoo chimed in.
"We wanted to make you happy, Mommy," Loz added, a pleading look in his puppy-dog eyes.
(Y/n) chuckled at their protests, her expression soft and warm. "I'm sure you had fun," she said, tousling Loz's hair affectionately. "But I know you can be quite the troublemakers."
She stood up from her crouched position, looking at her sons with a loving smile. "But I appreciate your efforts to make me happy. You all did a great job."
Kadaj and Yazoo beamed at her words, preening under her praise. Sephiroth moved closer, wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s waist as he spoke, "They were on their best behavior. Well, as best as possible for them, that is,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Loz, not wanting to be left out, tugged on (Y/n)'s shirt, "Hold me, mommy!"
(Y/n) laughed, leaning into Sephiroth's touch as he wrapped his arm around her. She turned her attention to Loz, who was pulling on her shirt.
"Of course, my little one," she said, scooping Loz up into her arms and holding him close. "Did you miss me that much?"
Loz nodded vigorously, snuggling into his mother's embrace. "Mhmm," he mumbled, burying his face in her shoulder.
Sephiroth chuckled, looking at the spectacle with a smile. "Where's my attention?" he said, his tone lighthearted. "I'd like that kiss you owe me."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, a small grin on her lips. "Oh, I see how it is," she teased, holding Loz a little more secure in her arms. "You want some special treatment too, huh?"
She turned to face Sephiroth, meeting his eyes with a smirk. "Can't a woman hug her child without being interrupted by her husband's demands?"
Sephiroth shrugged, feigning innocence. "I can't help it if I want a little affection from my beautiful wife," he said, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "And the boys have been hogging you ever since you got home."
(Y/n) laughed, the sound warm and sweet. "You're such a drama king," she teased, shaking her head. "But I suppose I can spare a moment to give you some attention."
She leaned in, keeping Loz balanced in her arms, and gave Sephiroth a quick, playful kiss. "There, happy now?"
Sephiroth chuckled, pretending to pout. "That was barely a kiss," he complained, the corners of his mouth twitching with a smile. "I think I deserve a little more than that."
Loz, still in (Y/n)'s arms, let out a soft giggle watching his parents banter.(Y/n) chuckled again, rolling her eyes fondly. "Oh, you're not going to let me get away with just a quick peck, are you?"
She shifted Loz in her arms, trying to balance him while still giving Sephiroth a proper kiss. She leaned in again, her lips meeting his in a more lingering kiss, holding it a few seconds longer before pulling back with a smile. "Is that satisfactory, you needy man?"
Sephiroth's eyes lit up with a satisfied gleam as she kissed him more properly this time. "Much better," he said with a smirk, pulling her a little closer against him by her waist.
Loz, squeezed between his parents' embrace, wriggled and protested, "Eww, gross!" Kadaj and Yazoo laughed, before darting off into the dinning room.
(Y/n) couldn't help but join in the laughter, chuckling as Loz protested being squished between her and Sephiroth. She ruffled his hair affectionately before turning her attention back to her husband.
"You're insatiable," she teased, her words lighthearted. "You have a one-track mind, you know that?"
She glanced towards the dining room, where the other two boys had darted off to. "Should we go check on them before they cause any mayhem?"
Sephiroth laughed at her comment. "You're one to talk," he replied, a smirk still playing on his lips. "And yes, we should probably make sure they're not ransacking the kitchen or starting a food fight."
He took a step back, his hand still on her waist, and nodded towards the dining room. "Lead the way, my dear."
(Y/n) smiled at Sephiroth's response, shaking her head in mock annoyance. She moved with him towards the dining room, still holding Loz in her arms.
She loved her family.
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
A/N: here it is! I finally finished it! This could be a prequel to my other two, if you want it to be. Otherwise, it's just a fun 2nd person Elvis x fem!reader one-shot about a young and innocent Elvis on the night he becomes a man. There are most definitely historical inaccuracies, but let's just let those slide please 🥺. I'd love feedback, if you have any!
Warnings: Virgin Elvis, f/m p in v sex, fingering, lots of kissing, kind of a slow burn, unprotected sex, cussing, etc
Last thing: I'm using a gif of Austin Elvis and one of the real deal EP because you can imagine either one. Whatever makes your heart happy.
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Baby, What's Your Name?
You've always been bold for a girl of your generation. Your first kiss was your idea and you haven't been "innocent" for a while now. Not that you are open and available for anyone, you just don't hold back when it comes to falling in love.
The year is 1955 and your friend Margie has begged you to come with her to a concert tonight. You have class the next day, and you take your college studies very seriously, but you figure you can still get home at a decent hour. Apparently, there's a new singer that Margie is gushing over. She's heard from other girls that he's supposed to be "something to see". Margie doesn't have much else going on; school isn't exactly her thing. She'll tell anyone who'll listen that she's only there to find a husband. You roll your eyes at this thought and go back to flipping through your closet for something to wear.
"Y/n, just pick something! We're going to be late!" Margie begs, pouting. You settle on a pink and white gingham sundress, sweeping your hair into a ponytail and tying it with a matching pink ribbon. You barely get your shoes on before Margie drags you out the door of your room on campus.
The crowd is almost entirely female. "Who is this guy?" You think to yourself. Oh well, no matter. Hopefully it'll be over soon and you can go home and get in bed. It's already late and it's a warm night for September. Margie is bouncing around next to you in her seat.
"Oh my gosh, I just can't wait until he comes out! Eliza said he's the cutest thing she's ever seen!" You roll your eyes again. You do that a lot around Margie. You didn't pick her to be your roommate; the university did. Still, she's been a decent friend, even if she's a little ditsy and boy crazy.
Finally, the other acts are finished and the announcer comes out to let you know this new artist is coming out.
"Please welcome to the stage Elvis Presley!"
The crowd goes absolutely insane. You start to wonder if maybe you've been studying too much. How could you not know this man that everyone else is so crazy for?
He walks out to the middle of the stage. He's wearing a pink jacket that matches the color of your dress. You're surprised to find that he's much more attractive than you imagined he would be, with his boyish smirk and black hair. You sit up a little straighter in your chair, but a group of girls has gathered in the front standing up, so you can't really see anymore from your seat.
Margie grabs your hand, "Come on! Let's go up there!"
"No, no I'm okay here."
Then he starts to sing. Your heart skips a beat and something deep in your stomach turns over. You stand up without even thinking, trying to see better. Margie takes the opportunity and grabs your hand. You don't fight back as she drags you up to the stage.
When you get close enough to really be able to see him, the thing in your stomach flip flops again. He's moving. And not just, like, tapping his foot. He's moving his legs and his hips in ways you didn't even think was possible... not in public, at least. The thing in your stomach moves deeper in your body to the place between your legs. You are drawn to him like he's got some kind of spell on you. More girls press in behind you, but thanks to Margie, you were up there pretty early and you're only one row back from the stage.
You need him. You need him to notice you and want you too. You start racking your brain for what you can do to get his attention. Every other girl around you is screaming like a fool. That won't work. They're also reaching for him like they might pull him off the stage if he gets close enough. He's moving around the stage quite a bit, but he's very careful never to get too close. If only you had something to throw... but you don't have anything in your hands, no bracelets or anything, and the ribbon from your ponytail isn't heavy enough to make it all the way to the stage. He's singing a slower song now, playing his guitar and looking around the crowd. Somehow, his blue eyes make contact with yours and your heart stops. You become acutely aware of your panties and the place on your body directly under them.
Wait. That's it! That would certainly get his attention. And you could easily get them off with the crowd surrounding you. Also, your full skirt that goes all the way to your knees will keep anyone from really knowing they're missing. You start working them down your thighs and Margie notices you wiggling next to her.
"What are you doing?!"
"Don't worry about it."
Finally, you feel your panties hit your ankles and rest on your shoes. It's nearly impossible with the crowd pressing in around you, but you manage to get them off your feet and into your hand. You take a second to thank the heavens that you were wearing pretty pink ones with lace, and not your laundry day undies. You look up to the stage, assessing how hard to throw them to make it right to where he's standing. After spending years playing baseball with your brothers as a kid, you're pretty confident you can get them there.
You take one last look at him; he's holding the mic at an angle, leaned over it and singing with his whole body. The second he finishes the song and stands up, you use all the strength in your arm and calculations you've just done and throw...
They land perfectly at his feet. You couldn't have possibly done any better if your life depended on it. Margie and the other girls directly around you stop and look at you, trying to figure out what you've thrown on the stage.
"Now, what's this?" He asks, picking your panties up from his feet and holding them up. When he realizes what they are, he blushes deeply.
"Well, that's something I didn't expect." He laughs into the mic and looks out into the audience to try to figure out who has given him such an awkward gift. The other girls are staring at you with their mouths open, so it's not hard for him to figure out. Your blush matches his, though, so he simply nods his head slightly in your direction, puts your panties in his pocket quickly and quietly, and moves on to his next song. The girls go back to screaming and you feel various others in the crowd wiggling like you did just minutes ago. Before he can even finish the song, panties are flying on stage left and right. He starts laughing, "ladies, I'm very flattered, but this is really unnecessary!"
The announcer rushes back out onto the stage, stepping between Elvis and the microphone.
"Thank you, Mr. Presley, for such a lovely show! Now, that's the end of our program for the evening, everyone. Thanks for coming out and be safe on your way home!"
You feel a little guilty for ending his set early with your panty-throwing, but you didn't make all those other girls go crazy. Still, you wish he would stay up there forever, singing and moving his hips. You're not ready for this feeling to go away. Another crazy thought enters your head. Maybe you'll try to get your panties back...
It wasn't hard to figure out where he is staying. There's really only one nice motel in town and the cars from his tour caravan are in the parking lot. You managed to convince Margie to go on home, so you're alone. You're a little nervous, walking into the motel office, but your boldness wins out.
"Hi. I need to know which room Mr. Presley is in."
"Yeah, you and every other girl in town."
"Right, but he asked for me. Call him. I just forgot the room number." It's a flimsy lie and you know it. The motel worker picks up the phone and dials "121".
"Never mind, I was lying. You caught me. I had to try though, right?" You chuckle softly as you back out of the office. Once you're outside, you head straight to room 121. When you get there, you have a sudden attack of nerves. It's so late at night and you're about to knock on the door of a man you've never actually met. This is crazy.
You're standing there trying to decide what to do when the door opens and he almost walks straight into you.
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin', I didn't even see you there." You're frozen to the spot, speechless at his closeness to you as he stands in the doorway of his motel room. He explains something about wanting to talk to someone about how to keep the show going, even if the crowd gets rowdy.
"But I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. Why are you here?" His brows knit together in the center of his forehead.
"Me? I'm just... well... I believe you have something of mine." Again, your boldness beats your fear and you walk past him into his room. He looks out the door and around nervously before closing it gently and turning around to face you. The curtains are pulled shut tightly and the glow from the lamps makes everything in the room kind of orange.
"Something of yours? Honey, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."
"Something I threw on the stage." You look him dead in the eyes, hoping he'll recognize you.
"Oh. Oh! It's you!" Thank heavens, he does recognize you. He blushes again, not as deeply this time, but the memory is affecting him.
"I do have something of yours, but I have no intention of giving them back." He smiles playfully and walks across the room to where his jacket is hanging on the back of a chair. He pulls your panties out of his jacket pocket and holds them tightly in his fist.
"The way I see it, you gave me these, fair and square."
"Well, I wasn't really thinking, and it's weird not wearing any..." you realize what you've just told him and his eyes slowly drift to just below your waist before he snaps them back up to meet your eyes again. He swallows hard and you stand there awkwardly, not sure what to say next. You walk across the room to him and reach for your panties. He holds them up high over your head and pouts.
"Do you really want them back?"
You're standing so close to him now that you can feel him breathing. Your heart is in your throat with the sensation of his closeness. You don't want your panties back. You want something else entirely.
"No..." you whisper quietly, trying to signal him that he could kiss you if he wants to, that he should kiss you.
Somehow, he reads your signals correctly and leans in slowly. He moves carefully watching for signs that this isn't what you want, but your upturned face and eyes closed softly are exactly what he's hoping for. When his lips finally touch yours, they're gentle, but soon after he drops your panties on the floor and grabs your face with both hands. His lips part yours and his tongue dips into your mouth hungrily. He moves his hands to your waist and you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. You're locked together like this for some time, kissing, before you realize his hands are shaking lightly. He pulls out of the kiss and puts his forehead on yours, breathing heavily.
"You kiss me like this much more, darlin' and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop."
"I don't want you to stop."
He pulls back and looks at you, his mouth hanging open in mild shock. You can't figure out why he's so nervous. You're saying "yes" in every way you know how. He swallows again deeply and blushes a little.
"Aw, now, honey, don't say things you don't mean. I've never..."
Your eyes widen in disbelief. His nervousness is starting to make sense. He's never done this before. He's a virgin.
The realization makes you smile and you giggle a little at the thought. This man, who dances on stage like he does this every other night, has never actually been with a woman.
"Well, it's not that funny." He pouts again.
"No, I'm sorry, it's not funny at all. But if you don't want to do this, tell me now. Because I won't let you if you really don't want to." You smile reassuringly, but your body is aching for him to touch more of you.
"I didn't say I don't want to." He goes in for another deep and passionate kiss, his tongue moving in ways you'd never imagined. All you can think about is his tongue touching you in other places and that warm spot between your legs gets even warmer. He picks you up by the waist, lifting your feet off the floor just enough to carry you to the bed. Laying you gently on the bed, he stops for a second and looks at you laying there in your pink gingham dress. You prop yourself up on your elbows and kick off your shoes.
"Nothing... I just... pink is my favorite color." He mumbles before laying on the bed next to you. You're both laying on your sides facing each other and he begins to undress you carefully, first untying the ribbon in your hair. Then he slides his hand down your back to unzip your dress. The zipper ends where your panties should be, but aren't, and as his fingers brush your skin, you tingle all over. His hand travels back up to the latch of your bra. He fumbles with it for a bit, his fingers trembling, before he finally gets it unclasped. You become keenly aware that all he has to do is slide your dress forward and down and you'll be completely naked. You can see by the bulge in his pants that he's had this thought too. You put your hand up to his face, cupping his cheek.
"You're sure this is what you want?"
"Honey, I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He pulls your dress and bra forward and off of you, standing up to drop it on the floor with your shoes. Now you can really see his hardness pushing against his pants. He takes his shirt off and you sit up to unbutton his pants, letting them drop to the floor next to the pile of your clothes.
Now you're both naked. You touch him gently and he sighs and looks up at the ceiling. After a few seconds of this, he almost can't stand it anymore, so he lays you down on the bed, crawling on top of you, still trembling, but obviously gaining confidence. He presses his lips to yours again and you rub your tongue along his bottom lip before he opens his mouth into a deeper kiss. His hand moves down your body, stopping to caress your breast and run his thumb over your nipple. His hand shakes less and less as he moves further down your torso to your hip. He rolls to the side a little and walks his fingers over to the place between your legs. You open them just enough for him to slip a finger inside you. You let out a small moan against his mouth as he moves his finger in and out and in again. You stop kissing him and look into his eyes, reaching down to his hand. Gently, you guide his thumb to the spot that makes your stomach turn over and your heart beat faster.
"Here. Do circles." He listens eagerly and does exactly as you tell him. He feels the knot harden as he massages it, so he keeps up a consistent rhythm. You lose the ability to give him further instruction-- he doesn't need it anyway-- as the pleasure builds up between your legs. You can feel yourself approaching your climax and prepare yourself for the fireworks. He's watching you so closely, taking cues from your body about what to do next. He puts his finger back in you, doing a tickling motion with his fingertip against your insides. You might burst with all the electricity flowing through your body.
"Oh! Yes! Fuck!" You cry out as the ecstatic release washes over you and you begin to pulse around his finger. He smiles widely, amused by your cussing and pleased with his ability to give you an orgasm on his first try. You're not exactly sure how he managed it, but you really don't care. You're still riding your body high. He moves his hand back to your hip and you feel your wetness on his fingers. He's kissing you again, grinding his hardness against your thigh. Despite your release, you're ready for more of him inside you. You reach down again, wrapping your hand around him softly and moving his hips to line up with yours. You put his tip against yourself and pull back from his kiss.
"Last chance to back out." He smiles and looks directly into your eyes. Then, he pushes forward with his hips, just like he did on stage, filling you entirely. The sensation almost overwhelms him and he sets his forehead on your shoulder.
"Oh fuck, baby." Now it's your turn to smile at him for cussing.
"It actually gets better." He lifts his head off your shoulder to look into your eyes and there's an excitement in his that almost makes you laugh out loud. Instead, you plant a kiss on his lips and wrap your legs around his waist. He starts to pump in and out rhythmically. You're not surprised that he's good at this part. You've seen him move on stage. Still, you know he probably won't last too long, since it's his first time, and there's more you want to show him. You release him from your legs and push him off of you and onto his back.
"Oh no baby what...?" With one leg on either side of his hips, you lower yourself onto him. He nearly loses his mind as the change in angle changes the sensation. He moans deeply and grabs your hips, guiding your movement as you ride him. His pleasure is building up and you know he's close as you slide up and down. You move faster and faster, pushing him toward his climax.
"Oh fuck, shit, fuck baby!" He yells as you feel him shudder underneath you and fill you with his warmth. He moans loudly as you move up and down a few more times to really push him over the edge. With him still inside you, you lean forward and lay on his chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"Wow, honey, that was... wow." You smile against his chest, satisfied with your work. After a good amount of time in this position, you move off of him and lay down next to him on your back. He props himself up on his elbow and turns to face you.
"How soon can we do it again?" You chuckle at his eagerness as you realize you won't be making it back to your room tonight. Suddenly, his eyebrows come together on his forehead in worry and you rearrange yourself to look him in the face, mildly concerned at his expression. You brace yourself for some kind of confession. Instead, he smiles and innocently asks:
"Baby... what's your name?"
You erupt in peals of laughter, wrapping your arms around him and rolling over on top of him. You think of the panties on the floor of his motel room, so glad that Margie dragged you to the concert tonight. This might be the beginning of something wonderful.
"My name is..."
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hii Soda, Here I'm sending my best wishes for your well-being 🩷🩷 I might made some mistakes in my text, I hope that you don't mind them. I'm not a native speaker.
I wanted to make a one-shot request for Nacht Faust where the reader (who is also a Black Bull) despises his all-knowing personality, and how he scorns at the members. And she always talks back at him about his remarks about the members. But things escalate, I don't know how I didn't think this far 😭 I'd love to know what you can come up with this, I just want to read some fluff and see him happy 🥹🩷✨️
Hello there Anon~! First off, thank you for the well wishes, I do kinda need them at this moment. And don't worry about writing in your second language. I make tons of mistakes still land English is my first language. 😅
This oneshot turned into something a little on the long side. I couldn't think of how to make a romance between a critical reader and Nacht work without it feeling weird so I did something longer to show how the two grow closer (not quite a slow burn but the fluff isn't immediate either). It's part of why it took a bit to finish your request. It's probably not exactly what you were picturing but hopefully you still like it.
Summary: The progression of your relationship with Nacht is gradual and not very standard. But it still brings you two ever so close together. Genre: romance Word count: ~1800 A/N: This is a female reader, though female pronouns only come up, like, twice.
“Tch, what a mess…” Nacht groaned after he walked into the base.
The scene he came across was the common area having turned into a war zone. It was a mess of broken furniture and spells being thrown across the room. The usual suspects of Magna, Luck, and Gauche were at play along with Vanessa, Zora, and Noelle. It appeared that there had been an especially nasty disagreement.
“These people really are no better, even after becoming the kingdom’s second ranked squad.”
“Quit giving commentary like anyone here cares about your opinion, vice bastard.”
Nacht turned his head in the direction of the voice. His eyes landed on you, leaning against the wall and glaring at him. Your presence made him tense the slightest bit.
The rest of the squad hesitated to interact with him. But not you. Even if you weren’t friendly with him, the fact that you approached him at all was something he appreciated. But because of your aggression, he was at a loss for how to reply.
Every time. Even now.
“If you really don’t want to bother with us, just quit the squad already,” you remarked before you walked past him and through the chaos, completely unaffected by it.
“Master Nacht… You’re staring at her again…” Plumede whispered in the back of Nacht’s mind.
“Yes. I know,” he said. Nacht felt like an utter fool. Why did his heart race with excitement from your glare? Why did he want to be nearer to you when you clearly resented him?
“Thanks for getting our order,” you said while handing payment over to the shopkeeper. You received the parcel and turned to Nacht.
His arms were full with bags of goods that you two picked up for the rest of the squad so he extended one of the less filled bags for you to slip the package into.
“I never expected you to be okay with being used as a pack mule,” you remarked as the two of you walked away.
“I only agreed to accompany you on the shopping trip. I never said I was okay with this kind of treatment,” Nacht replied.
“Yet you haven’t complained about carrying everything.” You quirked a brow in Nacht’s direction but all you got back from him was the same empty smile that he usually wore. You found it a shame that a pretty face like his didn’t express much emotion. “But now that we’ve picked up everything, we can head back.”
“We came by broom, but how about I transport us back with my Shadow Magic? It’s sure to be quicker,” offered Nacht and you immediately blanched.
“Hell no. I’m not getting sucked into that creepy void of yours,” you retorted.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Nacht or his magic. Okay, maybe it was a lack of trust. But after Nacht’s harsh behavior early on, putting your faith in his good will didn’t come easily. Plus, you considered yourself to be Nacht’s biggest critic in the squad. There was no way you were about to be buttered up.
“Alright then. I thought to ask instead of merely whisking you away without permission. And since you’ve declined…” Nacht veered from your side and into the shadows of an alleyway. “I’ll see you at the base then.”
“Huh? Where are you—?”
“Good day.” And Nacht was gone.
You blinked.
A part of you wanted to scream at his abandonment of you. Another part wanted to laugh because of the absurdity. And yet a third part wanted to stop and appreciate how he’d, somewhat clumsily, tried to be polite to you.
“He…” You placed your hands over your face, which felt warmer than usual. “He kinda sucks at being nice.”
Nacht put his signature at the end of a mission report then put it into a file with the rest of the paperwork that would be delivered to the Magic Knight Headquarters later that day.
The door opened and Nacht lifted his head to see who it was.
His heart skipped a beat upon seeing you enter, a tray of food in hand.
“I noticed you weren’t there for lunch,” you said by way of explanation.
“Lunch?” Nacht checked his clock and, indeed, it was long past the usual hour for lunch. “Ah…” He turned back to you. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
“We need to keep you fed and alive if we want any paperwork done around here,” you joked while placing the tray down. Due to your closeness, Nacht was able to make out a faint blush on your cheeks. Your eyes flicked in his direction. “What are you staring at, shadow stalker?”
“You’re hovering quite close,” Nacht coolly answered as he averted his eyes. “I couldn’t help it if you drew my attention.”
“Ha! Like I’d ever go out with you. I have a strict ‘no assholes’ policy when it comes to my dating pool,” you said with a wry grin.
Nacht raised a brow at your reply.
“First off, you realize that everyone has an anus so your pol—”
You smacked Nacht’s shoulder. Though it was clear from your bit back smile that you did find his remark funny.
“Since when did you know how to tell a joke?”
“I’m a man of secrets and surprises,” Nacht replied. “Secondly…” He rose from his seat and walked around his desk to you. “It’s awfully presumptuous to think I was staring at you with romantic intentions.”
“Uhp—!” You choked up and your flush darkened.
Feeling bolder than usual, Nacht placed his hand under your chin and coaxed you into looking up at him.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were the one who had an interest in me.”
Nacht’s heart fluttered at the idea of you liking him back. He wasn’t about to get his hopes up, not with the way you still threw insults and sarcasm at him on a daily basis. But he wanted to pretend.
You stayed silent for a moment, staring into Nacht’s eyes. It was cute, the wide-eyed look on your face. But Nacht also worried about what was running through your head. So he prompted you again.
“Well? Have anything to say for yourself?”
“Your cologne smells nice…”
Nacht blinked. “What?”
You blinked. “What?”
“You… pay attention to the way I smell?” Nacht felt his face heat up rapidly.
At that, your own face paled.
“What?! Shut up!” You yelled while stepping away from Nacht. “I’m not some creep! I just—! I just have a good nose! Shut up!”
You hurried out the door and your heavy footsteps were heard fleeing for a while.
Nacht blinked a few more times.
I don’t wear cologne, he thought. Then he grimaced. Oh gods, do I smell of something else? He raised his wrist to his nose. I probably can’t tell if I stink. I’d have to ask someone else.
“She was probably talking about your natural, masculine musk, Master,” Gimodelo said.
“I doubt it.”
Nacht touched a hand to his chest and tried to will his heart to calm down.
The Black Bulls were celebrating a day off, complete with alcohol and games once night had fallen. On Vanessa’s insistence, one of the games was 7 Minutes in Heaven with the choosing method being drawing lots.
You stared at the “1” drawn onto the stick you’d drawn. Meaning you’d be going first along with the person who’d drawn the other “1.”
“Alright, so who did I match with?” you questioned the group while showing your stick.
You scanned the group. Vanessa and Zora were already paired. Luck pumped a fist as he exclaimed how he and Magna had been paired off. Where was your partn—?
The second “1” stick was tapped against yours.
“I believe this means we’ve been paired off.”
Your heart leapt to your throat and you felt lightheaded as all blood rushed to your face.
Why him?! You were still recovering from your conversation in Nacht’s office the other day. And now you were supposed to be locked in a closet with Nacht for seven whole minutes? This is torture!
You shuffled into the closet with Nacht and plopped yourself on the floor without much care. It’s not like you had much dignity to bring into the situation.
After a few seconds, Nacht sat down beside you and you instinctively scooted to give him space.
“Don’t worry, we don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to,” Nacht whispered and you swore he sounded hurt.
The problem is that I actually do want to kiss you! You kept the thought to yourself, unable to think of a way to put it more… normally.
“Since we’re in here though, I’d like to make a confession.”
You dared to glance in Nacht’s direction but immediately looked away when you saw his bright red flush and the faint, relaxed smile on his face. It was an entirely different look to him and you feared your heart might burst because of how handsome he looked.
“I might sound ridiculous but I’ve liked you for a while now. You were critical of me and yet I was okay with it. Because you were right with how… flawed I acted at times. I like how unafraid and upfront you are without being reckless. And I’m glad we’ve grown closer so to speak and joke with each other a bit. It might sound strange but it’s true.”
At that point, you felt a firm thumping in your chest and your head getting light from the many beats your heart had skipped.
It was more than shocking to learn that Nacht had started loving you before you’d learned to go easy on him. Then again, you had started falling for him when he was still being distant and aloof.
Love worked in mysterious ways, you supposed.
You felt Nacht’s hand on your cheek so you faced him. Nacht smiled at you with a genuine grin full of warmth.
“I like you. I hope you’re okay with me saying that.”
“Nacht…” You finally found your voice. “It’s okay. I… like you too…”
The words hung in the air for the longest moment of your life.
You and Nacht… Alone in that small space…
Nacht cupped your other cheek, his hands were cold but soft against your skin, and leaned down closer to you. You fully turned your body toward him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
Then, your lips met Nacht’s.
The kiss was slow and soft. Neither of you were too eager, but neither of you were too afraid.
For a moment, you two were in sync.
And hopefully that one moment would become many more in the future.
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musical-shit-show · 10 months
isn't it delicate?
Pairing: Musical!Beetlejuice x Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #1 (“did…did you just kiss me?”) and #2 (“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”) from Prompt List 2, requested by @animetattoochick
Warnings: cursing, sexual innuendo, fluff
Word Count: 2,701
Author’s Note: Thank you for your patience on this one! I really haven’t been feeling very inspired lately, but I’m so glad I was able to finish this request. I have one more in my inbox currently but after that I think I may be able to get a couple other one shots out before the end of the year. I always love this time of year and I tend to feel more inspired around the holidays, so hopefully I’ll have the time to write more! As always check out my Masterlist, About Me page, or Prompt Lists if you’d like to submit an ask! Happy reading :)
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“So…any men in your life I should know about while you’re up there?”
“Mom! That’s…no. Not…really, no.”
“Well, alright. That wasn’t very convincing, but I’ll take it,” your mother mused over the phone, only slightly teasing, “Just, tell me: are those people being good hosts? What were their names again—?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. Your mom was always the forgetful type, “Charles and Delia. And their daughter, Lydia. She’s about sixteen, I think? Cute kid.”
You didn’t feel like you should mention the fact that your new teenage counterpart only wore black and was incredibly morbid, or that two ghosts occupied the attic, or that you were frequently plagued by a literal demon.
If you told your mom any of that, odds were that she’d drop dead from shock.
Ever since you started renting out the Deetz’ third bedroom in their Connecticut home, you tried to keep the details to a minimum when talking to your family. All they knew was that you had moved hundreds of miles away for your dream job, which was true; what they didn’t need to know what that you practically lived in a haunted house.
For the first few weeks you lived there, everything was relatively normal. Delia and Charles were in the city most days, and when you got home from work, Lydia was usually at the kitchen table doing her homework or in the attic. One day, you were headed to your room when you heard concerned whispers coming from the other side of the attic door.
“I just don’t know if now is the right time to tell her, you know?” you heard an older male’s voice say, his tone clearly distressed. You couldn’t help but wonder who Lydia was talking to given that Charles had been gone for a few days.
“Adam, it’s been weeks!” Lydia shot back, “Besides, I’m worried if we wait too long, you know who might show up and scare her away. You know how he gets.”
“She does have a point, hon,” this time, a sweeter woman’s voice spoke, “Besides, I think she’ll take it well. She gets along with Lydia just fine, doesn’t she?”
“Of course! If I just explain—”
“Okay, okay,” the voice now identified as Adam cut in, “I was getting a little sick of hiding up in the attic again.”
You heard the old door creaking open and bolted to your room, shutting your own door as quietly as you could. You stood at the foot of your bed, utterly confused.
Who were those people?
When did they manage to sneak into the attic?
And why the fuck was Lydia keeping some huge secret from you?
You thought you had a good rapport with her, given that you were several years her senior and were getting along with her alright. You maybe even could see yourself taking on an older sibling role, especially since she didn’t have any of her own and few friends at school.
Plus, you could tell she had a hard time opening up. As your mind slowed, you realized she would only come to you when she was ready. Whatever weird shit was going on would become your business when she finally told you.
It didn’t take long after your adventure in snooping.
A few days later, you heard a soft knock on your door and Lydia’s small frame peaked through the door. “Come on in,” you smiled, closing your laptop, “I was just checking out dinner options, how does pizza sound?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” she replied, uncharacteristically timid, “Pizza sounds great.” An awkward silence filled the air as she sat down on the edge of the bed, the buckles on her black chunky boots jangling slightly, “So…I have to tell you something.”
“I figured.”
“It’s just…I don’t want to freak you out or anything,” she began gingerly, “I haven’t told anyone about this, but since I like you and you’re living here, I thought it’s only fair—”
She was very sweet for beating around the bush, but you couldn’t keep it in anymore, “Is this about your two friends you’ve been sneaking in? Because honestly, Lydia, it’s completely fine if you have people over, you’re not bothering me—”
“What, no, I—” Lydia stared at your incredulously, “How did you—?”
“I heard you all talking the other day,” you confessed, finding her teenage antics a little endearing, “You aren’t exactly the quietest bunch, but like I said, I don’t mind.”
Lydia shook her head, not wanting anything about her situation to be misconstrued, “No, you don’t understand. Adam and Barbara, they aren’t friends from school or anything like that. They live here.”
You blink stupidly.
“Or, I guess lived here.”
You grew even more confused.
“I’m not sure I understand,” you said, a small laugh escaping your lips.
“They’re dead,” Lydia finally stated, unsure how to make herself any clearer, “Ghosts. They died here before me, my dad and Delia moved in. And…since you’ve been here, they’ve been staying in the attic.”
You laughed involuntarily. You couldn’t help it.
Surely this teenager was fucking with you.
But as silence once again permeated the room, Lydia stared at you earnestly, not breaking into a mischievous smile or shouting a good “gotcha!”.
“Oh,” you muttered, “Oh, you’re serious.”
“Okay. Cool. Ghosts are real. I can handle that.”
“Yeah, you seem really calm right now. It’s kinda freaking me out.”
“I’m good,” you reassured her. Or maybe you were just reassuring yourself? “I am. Just…processing.”
The existence of ghosts didn’t surprise you that much, but you were obviously way off when it came to Lydia’s secret. In your defense, you were busy with the move and your job and everything else, how could you notice anything strange going on?
“There’s something else too,” Lydia said quietly, swinging her chunky black boots off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud, “Or, I guess, someone. His name is, well, I usually call him Beej. He’s like a super chaotic ghost or demon, I’m not really sure. It’s a long story…”
She shifted on the bed again. “Anyways, I met him pretty quickly after we moved here, and, well, he’s kind of…a lot. And he left for a bit, but he and I are actually friends. Real friends, not like before. Like I said, long story, but I just wanted to tell you in case he shows up here and—”
Before Lydia could finish, a flash of green light illuminated the room, and the figure that appeared before you was the strangest man you had ever seen.
He donned a hideous black and white striped suit that appeared to be falling apart at the seams, and his hair was a violent shade of green that actually made you wince. His skin was sickly pale, and the tattered overcoat he wore to round out the ensemble shed dust and dirt particles with every movement.
“Lyds!” he shouted, his voice grating and coarse, “My ears were burning; were you talking about me, oh best friend of mine?” He tousled the teen’s hair, much to her dismay. Before Lydia could answer, he turned his attention to you.
Eyeing you up and down, the man cocked his head to this side. You felt a light tingle on the back of your neck; why did you suddenly feel like you were being hunted?
“And who do we have here?” he purred, a Cheshire cat smile spreading across his face, “Babysitter?”
“I’m sixteen, asshole. I don’t need a babysitter,” Lydia chimed.
You told him your name, and considered extending your hand in formality. That idea quickly disintegrated when you saw how grimy his hands looked, fingers black at their tips in a clear indication of decay.
“I, uh, live in the guest bedroom,” you choked out, “And your name is…?”
“Wish I could tell, ya, babe,” he said with a chuckle, running his tongue across his slightly jagged teeth, “I like to say I’m the ghost with the most, but you can call me whatever you like—”
Lydia was quick to cut him off from the incessant attempts at flirting, and you learned his real name was Beetlejuice. He winced at the sound, and the more he and the younger girl told you about their escapades, the more enthralled you became.
Before you could fully process all the insane information the duo was throwing at you, Beetlejuice left, citing a bio-exorcism that needed attending to. You made a mental note to have Lydia explain that in greater detail later. With a *pop* and a puff of green smoke, he was gone.
But not for long.
Over the next few months, Beetlejuice’s visits became more and more frequent, much to the dismay of everyone else in the house, living and dead.
Except for you.
You found him utterly fascinating, despite his shocking outward appearance and often lascivious gaze. Yes, he was a dead guy, but he always made an effort to ask you about your life, even if it was followed up by a crude joke or bad pick-up line. When he wasn’t tormenting the other inhabitants of the Deetz residence, he was almost…sweet to you.
Of course, his sweetness was usually undercut with his sleazy tendencies; Though you knew he liked getting a rise out of you and you would often bicker with him on purpose. Even as you performed mundane tasks, you could tell he was leering at you, studying your every move.
You thought you were alone while on the phone with your mother, but Beetlejuice had become sneakier; this time he was listening outside your room, floating inches above the floor so his shadow couldn’t be seen under the doorframe.
“Anyways, no, there’s, uh, no guy,” you said sheepishly, your tone coming out more bitter than you intended. “You know I’d tell you, Ma.”
“I know, honey,” she said, her voice comforting you, “Just, try to make some friends, okay? We miss you and I don’t want you to be lonely.”
For some reason this made tears well up in your eyes. “I miss you too,” you choked, masking your sob with a cough, “And uh, I’ll try, don’t worry. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” There was a pause on the other end. Your mom knew you were crying, which made you want to cry even more.
“Okay,” she said, not wanting to upset you further. She knew you too well, “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Your phone beeped and then returned to your home screen, and you let out a heavy sigh. A few tears dropped onto your jeans, the salt stinging your eyes.
“Who made you cry?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin as Beetlejuice materialized next to you, a few strands of his hair sprouting red at the roots. You shook your head in dispute.
“No, it was just my mom—”
“Oh, typical mothers. They really are the worst sometimes. Y’know, did I ever tell you how my mom—”
“Beej!” you cut him off before he went on another one of his rants, “I know. I’m sure you’ve told me. But no, she didn’t make me cry.” You wiped a stray tear away from your face and sniffled, feeling pathetic. “I guess I’m just a bit homesick.”
His hair instantly reverted back to its original state of vibrant green as he sat down on the bed next to you. “Oh…right,” he said, twiddling his thumbs, “You breathers can get so…sensitive sometimes, huh?”
You laughed dryly. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” It didn’t take long at all for you to see that Beetlejuice was a big softy, even though he liked to tease and scare you on an almost daily basis.
You didn’t mind, not even a little bit. Because against your better judgement, you found yourself developing feelings for him. Weirdly strong feelings. And you weren’t sure what that meant with him, well, being dead and all.
That fact didn’t seem to matter when he took your hand in his, your warm palm contrasting with his almost frigid skin. You felt yourself shiver, and you weren’t sure if it was from the sudden temperature change or the physical contact.
“I’m uh, not really good with this shit,” he said indelicately, “But I like having you around. Usually, I spend all my time either in the Netherworld or scaring the life outta breathers but…I didn’t want to come back to this house that much until you showed up. So…thanks for that.”   
He ran his thumb across the back of your hand, the gesture making your insides churn.
“Plus, if you were gone, I’d lose my eye candy,” he added, making you instantly blush and let out a laugh, “Adam’s hot and all, but you might just have him beat—"
You couldn’t help it. You kissed him. Your eyes were still red from residual tears, and he was a demon, and you tasted the faintest earthy flavor on your lips, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about any of those facts.
It was a fairly chaste kiss, only lasting a few moments before you pulled away. Instantly Beetlejuice’s hair started sprouting a light pink color.
“Did…did you just kiss me?” he asked in disbelief. He was usually the one doing the kissing, or groping, or endless propositioning.
A sheepish laugh escaped your throat, your palms instantly moistening with nervous sweat. “Uh, yeah?” you croaked, “Is that alright?” Beetlejuice looked utterly dumbfounded.
“Alright?” he laughed. If he were still alive, his heart would’ve fluttered. “Babe, more than alright, I loved it! Shit, I’ve loved every second you’ve been in this boring ass house…because I love you.”
The realization came to the demon as soon as the words left his lips. He didn’t even register what he had said until you muttered, “you love me?”
‘Well,’ the demon thought, ‘no going back now’. He couldn’t detect whether you were pleased or creeped out by the sudden escalation, but decided to trudge forward through the emotionally honest deep end he had unwittingly dove into.
“Erm…” now it was his turn to be sheepish, “I didn’t mean to say that but yeah, I love you. Sorry to one up you, babe, but if you wanna go back to making out, you won’t get any complaints outta me.”
Even as he cracked jokes, he could feel his anxiety rising to his hair, which was slowly turning a sickly shade of yellow that mixed with the pink strands. He held his nonexistent breath as a wide grin spread across your face.
“Oh Beej, I love you too,” you said, finally able to put words to the ache you’ve felt for him for weeks, “Even though you’re a complete perv who shouldn’t have been spying on me in the first place.”
He scoffed at the accusation. “Look babe, let’s not forget who kissed who first,” he reminded, tracing his fingers along your arm. His hair was now a vibrant pink. “Though I wouldn’t mind going in for round two—”
“Round two of what, exactly?!” Lydia burst through the door, causing the two of you to jump away from each other on the bed. “Or do I even want to know.” The young girl looked disgusted at the thought.
“Jesus Christ, Lyds, ever heard of knockin’?!” Beetlejuice admonished. It was so big brother of him it almost made you burst out laughing.
“Yeah, I wonder where she got the spying from,” you deadpanned, your gaze flickered between the both of them before landing on Lydia, “We’ll meet you downstairs in a minute to talk, alright?”
She crossed her arms across her chest before stomping down the steps, yelling out a “No funny business!” for good measure, utterly embarrassing you and tickling Beetlejuice all at once.
You made a mental note to banish him the next time you talk to your mom; the fact that you were now dating a literal dead guy would not be a topic of discussion on the next phone call, and you didn’t need Beetlejuice butting in to introduce himself as her future son-in-law.
thanks for reading! please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed! :)
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mummybear · 1 year
My Brother's Best Friend - Part 3 - Explanations
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Words: 6287
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Tiny Bit Of Smut, Multiple Heart To Heart, Protective Scott, Possessive Stiles, Jealously, Talk Of Marking, Talk Of Mates. Think that's it.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Reader/Sadie McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Melissa McCall, Derek Hale.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski and Reader
Summary: A little bit more of the truth is revealed and things get heated between Stiles and Sadie, not in all positive ways. Just how much can Sadie take?
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I know I missed a week there, had a busy week at work! And hopefully this extra long chapter will make up for it, I was going to cut it into two chapter but I felt it flowed better as one, so I hope that's okay! Please let me know what you think, really hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 3 - Explanations
Scott’s whispered confession reaches your ears and you collapse against him almost immediately. Being turned was the one thing Stiles had insisted that he would never want, and he’d become increasingly adamant as the years had gone on. You can’t help but worry how this has affected their friendship, this was a pretty big thing to come between two friends. You also need to find out just how badly it’s currently affecting the two of them individually. They were two of the most important people in your life, which only made hearing all of this that much harder.
Scott pulls back to look at you as soon as you’ve recovered from the shock. You know that he needs to talk, to get this off of his chest, so you don't say anything in reply. You're slightly unsure of what to say right now anyway, because he’d done it, you knew he wasn’t lying, he’d bitten Stiles and that only meant one thing. 
Besides, It's not like you can argue with him, because given his choices and his abilities, you would've done the same thing, especially in the heat of the moment. Knowing your brother the way you do, you know how hard it was for him to make that decision. He’d never wanted to turn anyone, let alone somebody who couldn’t make the decision for themselves.
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, does Stiles still have the beginnings of his mothers condition? Or had his new werewolf side shielded him from that reality? But Scott speaking pulls you from your thoughts.
"Trust me, nobody can hate me more than I hate myself for what I did that day. I know it was selfish, I do. But I couldn't lose my best friend, Sadie. Not like that, not when I had the chance to save him."
You hug him again, making sure to squeeze him extra tight. 
"I won't tell you that you made the wrong decision, Scott, because that would make me a hypocrite. I'm pretty sure in your position I would've done the same. But have the two of you spoken about any of this? The guilt you're clearly feeling? Are you guys okay?" 
"Sorry, I’m just worried about you, well, both of you." You mumble under your breath, pulling back to look at him. You're sure that your wince is visible as soon as the words leave your lips. 
Not that Scott shows any sign of being overwhelmed by your inquisition, nothing new there though. He simply gives you a fond smile as he looks you over, as if contemplating if you can handle his next words.
"Typical, Sadie. Always thinking of everyone else, never yourself.” Scott sighs softly, before he continues. 
“Stiles knows how I feel and why I feel it, and he gets it. We've talked at length about this, trust me, I think he’s sick of me asking at this point. He isn't happy about what I did, not by a long shot, but he's had time to process and he understands why I did what I did." Before Scott can continue he groans in pain and clenches his teeth.
You quickly grab his shoulders and force him to look at you. "I guess I got it from my big brother, huh?” You state matter of factly, trying your best to distract him from whatever pain he’s feeling but you watch as he balls his hands into fists, clearly doing his best to ignore whatever is wrong. Then you watch as his face begins to contort in pain, instantly worrying you. 
“Scott, what Is it?" You demand as the worry tightens your stomach almost painfully. He reaches out and quickly grabs the couch and his claws start protruding from the tips of his fingers.
"I hate to ask you this, Sadie. But I need you to go down to the basement with me. Stiles needs you, he's in pain and he and I, our connection, it’s diff…" Scott's sentence is cut off when he moans, grabbing at his head and dropping to the floor. 
You don't even think as you leave your brother, making a run for it, heading towards the basement door. You rip the door open and charge down the stairs, flinging open the final door as soon as it’s in reach.
"Stiles?" You call out as soon as you round the corner, but you come to a halt as soon as your eyes fall on the man in question, he’s chained to the wall in front of you. Growling low and sinister the closer you get to the men. You glance at Derek and Liam standing off to the side, looking like they’re ready to pounce at the slightest hint of trouble, and move away a little.
Lydia quickly grabs your hand and pulls you with her all the way to the other side of the room, with Allison and your mom. 
You very quickly realise that you can't look away from Stiles. His eyes are a much deeper purple than you had initially seen earlier. Maybe they changed depending on the situation and perhaps his emotions played a part in it too. Simply another thing you were yet to find out. 
You finally allow yourself a real look at him and the man he’s become. Your eyes move over him slowly, taking your time to check him out. He's certainly not the same Stiles Stilinski that you remember. He looks mouth-wateringly good, even covered in dirt and blood, his corded muscles ripple as he strains against the restraints, his clothes clinging tightly to his sweat-soaked body. You’re unable to get over how he was still the skinny defenceless boy you’d fallen in love with. His hair is a little longer than it was the last time he’d been home. Yet another thing you’d failed to notice. Stiles had you so distracted earlier tonight that you’d barely managed to pay attention to anything, except the things he was doing to you. You didn’t give much thought to how much he had changed. 
"Mine." Stiles growls suddenly for the second time tonight. Hearing that word again snaps you from your admiration of him, especially when he begins to thrash in his chains to get to you.
However, the tighter he pulls against his bindings the more blood drips from his elbows, but he either doesn’t care or he doesn’t seem to notice. Almost like the rage had consumed him. Stiles doesn’t even seem like himself right now, It’s almost like he’s possessed. And It’s killing you to watch him like this, to see him hurting himself in this way. The fact that it’s because of you doesn’t escape your notice.
You swallow thickly as you step closer to him, almost like you’re hypnotised by him once again. Except that this time you're very aware of the pull, so you don't put up any resistance. You wince when you catch sight of just how deep the handcuffs and chains have cut into his wrists. You’re really hoping that Stiles heals just as quickly as Scott, or he’s gonna be in a lot of pain for quite a few days at least.
"Let him free, please. I need him out of there and so does my brother." You whisper to nobody in particular, eyes locked on Stiles’. 
"We can't, Mini. I’m sorry, really. But we don't know what he'll do. He isn’t himself right now and we need to wait for Scott. Alpha’s orders." His words are careful, almost like he’s worried about upsetting you. Apparently he’s right to be worried about your reaction, because suddenly anger creeps up your spine, almost as if it isn't your own and you round on the Beta.
"I said let him the fuck out. Now. It's hurting him and my brother. So your Alpha can’t exactly speak for himself right now. So do it, let him out.” Your voice is practically a growl as you march up to Liam and shove him back against the wall. He holds his hands up to try and placate you, for some reason that just makes your anger spike higher. Your hands tighten in his jacket as you shove him back harder. “Or we can find out what happens if you really piss me off."
Anger is thick in every one of your senses. Although now this anger is one hundred percent your own. It’s a feeling you’re all too familiar with, though not at this intensity. It’s the feeling of needing to protect something that’s yours, so even though you might not have the same power as the people in this room, it is something you can’t stop yourself from trying to do.
You feel everyone’s eyes on you. Of course they don’t look overly concerned about you hurting anyone. It’s probably just that they don’t like seeing you upset, you quickly glance at Derek, “just wait okay, I’ll go get Scott.” 
You give Derek a stiff nod in return, watching him leave until the door closes behind him. No matter how much you try to calm yourself, it feels like the anger and despair are drowning you. It’s beginning to scare you now, there’s no controlling it, your hands shake as you screw your eyes shut, searching for some semblance of calm.
"Don't do this, this isn’t you, Sadie. It's okay, I’m okay. Breathe for me, please." You spin around hearing his raspy breathless voice and once again your eyes lock with Stiles.
His eyes have returned to the chocolate brown colour you've always loved. "Stiles," you sigh in relief. Taking a deep breath and stumbling back a little, as the anger seems to leave you in a dizzying rush, almost as if Stiles had helped you gain control of your emotions. But that’s not possible, right?
Your mother wraps her arms around you, right as Scott stumbles into the room with Derek’s arm wrapped around his waist to hold him up.
"He's back. For everyone's sake let him out." Scott’s breathless as Derek releases him and helps him lean against the wall to catch his breath.
Allison quickly undoes Stiles' chains with the key that she’d been tightly clutching the whole time, and with a nod from your brother Lydia and Liam rush to grab Stiles as he collapses under his own weight. You have to look away when Stiles rests his head on Lydia’s shoulder, jealousy and sadness hit you all at once, like a punch to your gut. Turning around in your mother’s arms you wrap yours around her too, burying your face in her shoulder.
Suddenly goosebumps raise at the back of your neck, “not now, Stiles. Sadie needs rest. Now that you’re back to yourself. I hope you understand that.” Your arms tighten around her, and you thank the stars that Melissa McCall is your mother, she has this ability to sense what you need before you even say anything. 
Without another word she turns you both and wraps her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her body tighter, as she leads you out of the room. You follow silently, unsure of what to say. This day has already been completely crazy, you just need a little time and space to process everything. It’s so damn late you’re surprised the sun hasn't started rising yet.  
As soon as the two of you walk inside your room you collapse on the bed, throwing an arm over your eyes, but you can feel your mom watching you. 
“Can we not talk about it, momma. I just need the rest of the night to myself, we can talk tomorrow, okay? I promise I’ll be fine.” 
You inwardly flinch as the images of all the times you’ve seen Stiles and Lydia together flash through your mind on an unforgiving loop.
“Sure baby girl, you’ve got it. But you need anything, you know where I am.” She gives your leg an affectionate squeeze before heading out of the room, with a sigh you close your eyes and roll onto your, doing your best to sleep. Feeling a tear roll down your cheek as the images continue to assault your senses.
Some Time Later That Night
You wake suddenly, hearing the creek of the bedroom door as it opens slowly. You sit up and quickly turn on the bedside light, squinting at the brightness it brings. Your heart hammers in your chest as you feel yourself beginning to panic. Then a mop of brown hair appears around the door, “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk, or sit, or I guess just be near you. If that’s okay? This is… I sound like an idiot, I just-” you cut him off, unable to stop yourself from giggling at him, his cheeks are bright pink and he looks so nervous. Which is so strange with how he looks now, but it’s also so much like the Stiles you used to know. 
“Come in, sit down. Dork,” you smile, patting the bed beside you trying to pretend all he is your brother’s best friend coming to talk, and completely ignoring the fact that you’d been making out a few hours ago.
He watches you closely, almost like he’s worried about scaring you off if he moves quickly.
“You sure? I couldn’t sleep, I just… I guess I just need to be near you, if you don’t mind that is. I don’t want to overstep, guess I thought we could talk.” He’s rambling and fiddling with his own fingers as he watches you closely.
You carefully lay your hand on top of his when he sits beside you on your bed. 
“Stiles, It’s okay that you’re nervous. I am too, this whole thing is kind of crazy.” 
“You have no idea just how crazy it is. Scott said he told you what happened to me. With this,” he says as he waves his hand over his body. 
“This is so strange to talk about, I never saw all of this in my future. Even though I don’t even know what this is exactly. Deaton has some running theories. Unfortunately none of us have anything concrete to go on right now.”
“Can I ask where Scott…” you can’t finish the sentence, unsure if it’s rude to ask about his mark.
Stiles swallows hard and nods, meeting your eyes, he shrugs off his hoodie and extends his arm. The mark is half way up his forearm, and to your surprise it’s still visible. You vividly remember how Scott’s had disappeared pretty quickly after he’d been bitten by Peter. 
“Yeah, I kinda got that you’re not just any kind of wolf, you’re different. Right?” you ask as he links his fingers with your own. 
Stiles leans back against the headboard and you do the same, turning so that you look him in the eyes. This feels good, like he trusts you, like he wants to confide in you, it’s something you’d always wanted. To feel like you could be there for him when he needed somebody the most.
“I was starting to get used to it, the whole wolf thing. Well, as much as was possible. But then I saw you and something changed, it was like I couldn’t control myself, I needed to get to you. I know you probably don’t want to talk about this, but when I found that douche in that room with you, I lost it. The thought of him touching you made me feel sick, the fact that you clearly weren’t interested both helped and made things so much worse. I wasn’t just angry as your brother’s best friend or even as your friend.” He reaches up and cups your cheek with his free hand, “I didn’t want his filthy fucking hands anywhere near you. I had to have you, make you mine. Possess you, mark you,” he rasps, his voice becoming breathy and laboured, and the purple in his eyes flashes again, before quickly returning to brown.
You swallow thickly, arousal and nerves swimming inside you like an uncontrollable force. “What about now?” you whisper, leaning in a little bit closer.
“Right now, I can’t lie. Those thoughts haven’t changed, they’re still there, no matter how much I try to push them down. The more time we spend together, the harder it gets to ignore, and it gets harder by the second not to throw you on this bed and make you mine.” He all but growls before clearing his throat. 
Stiles gives you a wry smile as he shakes his head. “But now I’m in control of myself, I won’t do anything, not until you know everything. I won't let you do anything more with me, not until you know as much as we do.” 
“Wow,” you whimper, clenching your thighs together as his words continue to stoke the fire inside you. You clear your throat and take a shuddered breath when Stiles subconsciously edges a little closer to you, so that your thighs are touching.
“What, you’re not even going to kiss me?” The words leave your parted lips in a breathy whisper.
“No.” His words are sharp and blunt. You wish it didn’t turn you on more but it does. 
“What else do I need to know?” you question quietly. Licking your lips as you watch him closely, wishing that you could just get this out of the way and get to the good stuff.
His thumb brushes your bottom lip, “stop doing that for starters, beautiful.” 
“Why’s that?” 
He chuckles quietly. “I think you know exactly why, so stop being a smart ass.”
Your nose brushes against his as you lean in the last little bit, “maybe you should tell me what I need to know Agent Stilinski, then we can get down to business.”
“Ugh, come on you little minx. Don’t do that to me,” Stiles groans, brushing his nose over yours softly.
“Just a little taste,” you whisper before moving in and pressing your lips to his. Stiles sighs in defeat and pulls you closer. 
“Fine. You win for now…” Stiles mumbles, pulling away briefly to meet your eyes, “but we’re not doing anything permanent. Not until we talk.”
“Yes Sir,” you grin, throwing off your duvet and climbing into his lap. The sleep shorts you’d pulled on before bed pull tight against your ass as you settle your knees either side of his hips.
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, letting everything you have ever felt for him pour into the kiss. He holds you close, wrapping his arms around you as his tongue moves to brush against yours. The kiss quickly deepens and you feel his fingers beginning to dig into your skin soft harshly, but it only makes you want him more. You whimper as the passion intensifies and you feel like your heart is about to beat out of your chest. You can’t get close enough to him for your liking, It’s almost like you want to be a part of him. 
“Please,” you moan against Stiles’ lips as he pulls your hips tighter against his.
The rigid length of his thick cock settles between your thighs, and you can’t help but whimper as you experimentally roll your hips over him.
“Don’t, Sadie.” Stiles demands, his eyes glowing purple once more, only this time the colour doesn’t leave his eyes and you quickly stop your movements.
Stiles tightly grips your ass now in both hands and his fingers dig into your bare skin. You cup his cheeks and watch him closely as you tell him what you need to. Both of you breathing heavily against each other's lips, then the lust that was thick in the room quickly begins to fade.
“Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry, we should talk.” You sigh regretfully, looking down into your lap as you drop your hands to his chest.
“Hey. Look at me,” Stiles asks you, moving his hands up and gently squeezing your hips.
“I guess I’ve just wanted this for so long, you and me I mean. I never even considered you’d look in my direction.” You look up to meet his eyes, instead you find him chewing on his lower lip. “What?”
“How long?” Stiles asks as his thumbs rub soothing circles into your hips.
“What does that matter?” You ask nervously, looking at the wall behind him, too afraid to meet his eyes.
“I’m just interested. I never noticed anything, you never said anything.” 
“Come on, Stiles. You’re my big brother’s best friend. I’m just some huge cliche. Not to mention the fact that you’ve been in love with Lydia for so many years. I accepted a long time ago that I never stood a chance. Maybe this thing between us will just fizzle out soo-”
Stiles cuts you off when his lips meet yours, you squeeze your eyes shut as a tear rolls down your cheek. You wrap yourself around him tighter, doing your best to hold onto whatever this is for as long as possible. Stiles threads his fingers through your hair as he attempts to pull you closer. Both clinging to each other as you pour everything you have into a kiss once again, too worried this will be your last. Stiles pulls away slowly, giving your lips a final soft peck.
“I might not know everything about us just yet, but don’t say that we’re temporary. I’d never do that, not to you. I don’t want you ever even thinking that ever again. This is exactly why I said we needed to talk.”
You sigh and rest your forehead against his, “okay, so talk.”
“Okay. So I guess we should start from the beginning. Back when Scott turned eighteen he started having these urges. They were so intense and he really struggled to stop himself from taking every opportunity to be with Alison. When I say be with Alison I mean like be with her,”
“Okay, eww. Stop with the visuals I get it.”
Stiles clears his throat, failing miserably to hide his laugh before continuing. “Anyway, it didn’t matter where they were or who they were with, they couldn’t stop themselves. Frankly I almost threw up on several occasions, frankly I’m surprised that you didn’t notice. Anyway, it only got worse, he started getting visions, he was unbelievably possessive and protective of her and anyone who was around her got the brunt of it, specifically men.” Stiles gives you a sheepish smile as he pulls back to look at you.
“Okay, so some of this sounds familiar…” you trail off, admiring the way he looks in that moment.
“Right, I’m getting to that. So, when Alison started acting out, feeling things that were far from the usual, experiencing not only her emotions but Scott’s as well, amongst a bunch of other things you’ll probably soon notice with us, he went to Deaton for help. Scott asked Deaton if he knew what the hell was going on with him and with Allison, especially since she wasn’t a wolf. As it turns out the good doctor had some idea, he’d been doing some more research into the whole true Alpha thing, while the research is limited, for obvious reasons, it did mention something about the true Alpha and their pack having mates. Where regular werewolves aren’t heard to have mates specifically, Scott is different, and by extension so is anyone in his pack. More specifically the wolves he has turned will be the ones more likely to be affected.” You can almost feel his excitement the more he talks, and his grip on you tightens.
You gently pry his hands off of you, doing your best to ignore the hurt look that crosses his face when you climb off of his lap, moving to sit beside him instead.
You’re pretty sure that you’re starting to connect the dots, as much as you want to listen, you can’t deny that you’re becoming increasingly nervous the more that he talks.
“Please, don’t run. Not again. I know this is alot to take in, but…” you cut him off with a shake of your head.
“I’m not gonna run, Stiles. This is just a lot, and it only confirms everything I was worried about to begin with.” You sigh, rubbing your hands over your face. Stiles carefully and hesitantly wraps an arm around your waist and tries to pull you closer.
You can’t deny the comfort you feel being close to him, his skin touching yours only adds to everything you feel.
“Okay. It’s your turn to talk, what exactly is it that you’re worried about?” Stiles asks, turning your face so that you’re looking at him. 
You feel a tear roll down your cheek as soon as your eyes clash with his, “let’s be honest here, Stiles. If it wasn’t for this whole mate bond thing, would you have even looked at me twice, in a way that wasn’t like I was your sister? Can you honestly tell me that anything would have changed between us if Scott hadn’t been forced to bite you that day?”
Your heart hammers painfully in your chest as you watch him, you can see the unease written all over his face. However, that only serves to prove your point and that just breaks your heart that much more.
“It doesn’t matter how things used to be, Mini, things damn well change. And we don’t know what would’ve happened. Please, don’t talk like this. It feels like you’re saying goodbye before anything even has a chance to start between us.” Cupping your face he wipes your tears away carefully. “Please, stop crying.” 
“Well we don’t know that now do we!?” You can’t keep your voice down, there are too many emotions swirling inside you uncontrollably. 
You jump off of the bed and start pacing your room, fully aware that Stiles is yet to take his eyes off of you. Hearing you bed creek you turn to face the movement, watching as he slowly walks towards you.
“Goddamit Sadie! Just stop. I get that you don’t understand how any of this works, well neither do I, not really! Not first hand! I understand that you don’t see that I could go from not seeing you the way I do now, seemingly out of nowhere. But it was like a bolt of lightning hit me the second I saw you tonight. I laid eyes on you and everything made sense, I know that you don’t completely understand, but surely you feel it?”
“Of course I feel it! I’ve felt it for the last decade of my life! My feelings didn’t just appear overnight! They only got stronger. And It fucking hurts, Stiles!” 
“Then why can’t we give this thing a go! Just let me try, please! You don’t know what this mate bond means. At least let me explain that. If you don’t want to talk to me, then ask your brother or Allison, I’m trying here okay! Just tell me what I can do?” Stiles begs, stilling your pacing when he gently takes you by the arms.
“I want to talk to you about this, whatever this is… I just don’t know what to make of all of it.”
Running your hands through your hair you inwardly groan knowing what you’re about to say. 
“But first I need to ask you something, and I want only honest answers. Even if it means that I won't like what you say, because I need to know that I can trust you. Especially If we do go through whatever needs to be done to complete this mate bond.”
“How do you know you need to do something to complete the bond?” Stiles asks, a slight grin kicking up the corner of his lips.
“Stiles,” you sigh, folding your arms across your chest.
“Okay, sorry. Go ahead, I promise I’ll be honest whatever that means for us, I won’t lie.” He looks nervous, but there’s a determination you can see written all over his face. 
“Do you still have feelings for Lydia?” Your voice remains even and steady, no matter how much you’re dreading the answer to that question. One thing you’re sure of though is that you can read Stiles like a book, always have been able to. Or maybe he just wasn't a very good liar, you just hoped he hadn’t honed that particular skill while working with the FBI.
Stiles smiles at you and shakes his head. 
“Honestly, no I don’t, at least not in the same way that I used to. A few years back Lydia talked to me about it, the guys had been joking with me about it, she overhead and pulled me to one side. We talked for a while and I realised my feelings weren’t the same as they used to be, sure I still love her, but only in the same way that I love Allison, that’s it.” He takes your hand and places it over his heart. His heartbeat remains steady and controlled, and his eyes stay locked with yours.
You’re so shocked that you just stare at him for a full minute with your mouth open, but then he begins to look a little too smug so you decide to speak.
“So, let’s say I believe you. Did Deaton say Scott and Allison needed to do something to complete the mating bond? Or was it just a sure thing the minute Scott turned eighteen?” you ramble, fully aware these questions are practically spilling from your mouth.
“I’m guessing you’re using your brother and Allison to try and distance yourself from this. I’ll play along with it.” Stiles agrees reluctantly, and you hate that you have to use your brother and his girlfriend as cover, but you need to distance yourself from the situation a little. 
“Deaton’s research indicated that a lot of the myths and stories around werewolves aren't so crazy. As it turns out there’s actually a lot of truth behind them. A werewolves mate is its other half, almost like a soulmate. So when they finally find each other it’s usually instinctual to mark each other. Obviously, like I said, Scott is different. Mates haven’t been mentioned in decades amongst wolves, not until now. So far It’s only been Scott and our pack that we know of, but still, it also means that not both halves are always wolves. Like with Scott and Allison, and you and me.” Silence surrounds the pair of you as you stare at him, he smiles and tucks a finger under your chin to close your mouth. 
You frown when Stiles’ smile suddenly drops, and he seems to be contemplating telling you something. However, then you hear him sigh and he screws his eyes shut. When he does open them you see his nervousness and worry staring back at you.
“I should also tell you something else. Something I wish so badly I could lie to you about, because right now I’m terrified you’ll want to choose this option. But I meant what I said, I won’t force you into this, and definitely not without all of the information.” 
“Okay. I’m listening. But don’t be so sure I’ll take the easy route.” You smile, trying to reassure him somehow.
Stiles seems to ignore your words, and the worry doesn’t lift from his face as he scrubs a hand over it before speaking.
“You can refuse to be my mate. You can reject me and I can reject you. We also both have the option to refuse or accept the rejection. But I promise you here and now that if you chose to reject me I would accept it. If that was what you wanted, I won’t stop you. But I will NEVER reject you. I need you to understand that whatever happens, It won't be me rejecting you.”
“Is it painful? To reject someone I mean? How would we even do that?” you ask with confusion lacing your tone. 
Stiles winces as at your reply and looks down at his hands, which he quickly tucks in his pockets.
“If that’s what you want to do, I understand. But the selfish part of me can’t explain to you how to do it. So you’ll need to get Deaton to explain it properly, I wouldn’t want you to mess it up, not if you truly wanted to do it. But yes, it is. It’s apparently the worst pain a wolf can experience.”
“And you’d do that? For me?” you ask in disbelief stepping closer.
“I’d fucking die for you Sades. What’s a bit of pain?” 
Your heart practically breaks at that statement, the look on his face alone could shatter you right then and there, so you decide to try and change the subject. Especially since you have no intention of rejecting him either.
“Wow this is a lot,” you half laugh in disbelief, running a nervous hand through your hair.
“As soon as I caught your scent, my mouth watered and I knew instantly what you were to me, even before I knew who you were. Then I saw you, and that need to make you mine was so insistent and constant that I felt it everywhere. But I wouldn’t ever do that to you, not without you having full knowledge of the situation. I was doing okay at keeping my cool, but then we kissed and I lost it.” 
“Has Scott marked Allison?” you ask swallowing thickly when you don’t find yourself completely against the idea.
“Sure has, right here,” he rasps as he trails his finger along your collarbone. 
“Scott wanted it where everyone could see it.” 
He licks his lips as your heart rate increases, you take a step back as he advances on you, until your back hits the wall.
You clear your throat as you look into his eyes once more, “have you thought about where you would mark me, if we did go ahead with this whole mating thing?” 
“You little Minx are playing with fire right now. But since we’re being honest, I haven’t thought about much else. So don’t tease me.” 
“C’mon! Tell me, please,” you whisper, unintentionally leaning into his touch. 
Stiles chews on his bottom lip thoughtfully, you can feel his eyes roam across any uncovered skin, almost like it burns under his gaze. He hums thoughtfully as he traces several places with his fingers. He starts by tracing the line between your neck and shoulder, before he slowly moves down, lingering on the curve of your breast a little longer than necessary and your heart rate speeds up as he makes his way down your body. His eyes saying everything that his mouth won't.
“So many perfect places,” he mumbles, moving next to trace the line of your hip where your t-shirt has ridden up, lastly he moves between your thighs, tracing along your inner thigh keeping his touch high. He’s so close to your pussy that you can feel an intense heat beginning to overtake you when his fingers dig into your skin.
“Guess it depends just how badly I want people to know who you belong to, doesn’t it? Or If I want it somewhere only I can see.”
You're speechless as you tremble with need in front of him, the need to have him inside you is almost overwhelming. You would do anything to please him right now, you want him more than you’ve ever wanted anything. Stiles’ deep chuckle catches you by surprise as he leans in, inhaling deeply.
“I can smell your need, mate. You’re wet for me again, aren’t you?” he rumbles as he nuzzles into your neck. You’re fully aware it’s a statement not a question.
“That werewolf nose of yours is gonna be a real big pain in my ass, Stilinski,” you giggle as his breath tickles your skin.
He pulls back to grin at you again. “How about you? Where would you want my mark? I know you’re thinking about it, my little minx.”
Licking your lips you slip out from in between Stiles and the wall keeping your eyes on him. “Well, I could tell you the answer to that. But I think we’ve talked enough.” 
You slowly slip your shirt over your head and Stiles’ rumbling growl fills the room. He steps forward and you step back another step, slowly letting your shorts drop, leaving you in your underwear.
“I think It’s only fair if we get a good, long, hard look at each other. You know, for research.”
Stiles doesn’t speak and his eyes haven't moved from your body. He quickly pulls off the black t-shirt he’s wearing, and you have to hold your breath at the sight in front of you. If you’d thought he was ripped before, dear lord were you in for a surprise. He has a six pack you could only dream of and he looks like he could throw you around the bedroom with those arms. That deep V at his hips has you itching to run your tongue along it.
You swallow thickly as he smirks at you, and those purple eyes return, only showing you that his emotions have some control over their colour. 
“Well damn, you certainly healed up. Real fucking nicely.” You groan, licking your lips as he dips his thumbs into the waistband of his track pants, exposing more of that V.
“Glad you approve, Minx.” He grins, letting his pants drop to the floor, leaving him in his boxers.
“I’ve never been happier to be part of research. Because you look good enough to eat.”
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @lilulo-12fanfiction @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @peaches0007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @death-unbecomes-you @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @deans-number-one-fan @onethirstyunicorn @amberboo329 @chewie-redbird @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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Date night
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PAIRING | Teacher!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Bucky asked you out on a date and is pulling out all the stops to make the night absolutely unforgettable. He is the absolute perfect gentleman during the date, until both of you return to his apartment, and things get steamier than expected, but neither of you is able to wait any longer.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. The lightest sprinkle of angst, smut [ protected sex, implied aftercare ].
A/N | This one shot is part of my Teachers Universe AU, but can be read as part of the story, or a standalone one shot! I was originally going to split this into two parts but I ultimately decided against it, so here's an extra long fic for you all to enjoy! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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Tonight is the night you're finally going on your date with Bucky, and he promised you it would be the most unforgettable night you would ever experience - apart from the birth of your son maybe. Joy and Sam were more than happy to watch Luca for the night, and he was excited to have a sleepover with Junior. You and Bucky decided to keep the fact that the two of you are going on a date a secret for now, since the two of you want to explore what the attraction is between both of you. It is very obvious there is a sexual one, but after talking about it, the two of you want to know if there's more than just that, and tonight will be the perfect opportunity to do just that.
All he told you is that he would pick you up on his motorcycle, and the thought of that alone already had you dripping, but of course, you didn't tell Bucky that. God, you've always enjoyed it when men - or women for that matter - can ride a motorcycle, and now would be your chance to be on the back of one with the most gorgeous man you've ever laid eyes on. You bought a new outfit for your date, and even though it is far out of your comfort zone, you're willing to risk it to impress Bucky, and maybe see his jaw end up on the floor when you open the door for him soon.
Your make-up is a bit darker than what you usually put on, but you want to continue the vibe of the outfit through, and your hair is hanging loose around your shoulders. Just when you're packing some of your essentials into your purse, you hear Bucky knock on your door, and you're trying to calm yourself a little instead of running to the door and jumping into his arms. When he knocks again you're pulled from your thoughts, and that's when you finally open the door, seeing Bucky in front of you with the most gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers. ''Hi,'' you say shyly as you take them from him, and you step aside to let him into your apartment.
''Hi doll,'' he says as he leans in to kiss you on your cheek, but he doesn't get too far when he notices what you're wearing, and he stops dead in his tracks. ''Fuck-'' is all he gets out before tearing his eyes away and walking into your apartment, so he can find something to hide the fact that he's getting hard at the sight of you looking like that. He goes to sit on the couch and tries to sit strategically so you hopefully won't notice that the pillow is a bit out of place, as he thinks of anything he can to turn soft again. ''Are you okay?'' you ask from the kitchen where you're putting the sunflowers in a vase, ready to be put on the dinner table and to brighten up the room.
''Yeah, f-fine,'' he mutters as you walk in, and you're not helping. You walk over to Bucky and sit next to him on the couch, which isn't helping him in the slightest, and he's only getting harder, to the point where it starts to physically hurt. ''I-, uh, doll, this might sound a bit- weird...'' he starts, not sure how to continue. ''But uhm, could you- do you mind putting on a different shirt? Because I'm extremely turned on right now, and I'd like to go on the date instead of staying here and just... you know, sit here awkwardly,'' he says, turning bright red from the tips of his ears down to his chest. You just chuckle lightly. ''Of course, Bucky, it's no problem. But I think I might save this top for later though,'' you say with a wink, and you get an awkward smile from Bucky in return.
You decide to change your outfit completely and get a little bit of a less risky outfit this time, but it still shows off every single curve of your body beautifully. When you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room again, you can hear Bucky let out a sigh of relief, mainly because he's finally managed to get himself back to his soft stage again, and not the incredibly painful state he was in not too long ago. He gets up and you can finally take in his outfit, which is so different from his day-to-day outfits, but it makes him look even more gorgeous than he already is. His hair is in a low bun, a few strands hanging out at the front which he keeps tucking behind his ears.
''I- I'm sorry for that, doll,'' he says with his flushed cheeks, and you walk up to him, taking his warm cheeks into your hands. ''It's okay, in all honesty, I was kind of expecting a reaction like that,'' you say as you chuckle softly. ''But this outfit is way more comfortable anyway, so I'm glad I got changed,'' you say and you stand on your tiptoes, placing a soft kiss on the edge of his jaw, right on his stubble. ''You cheeky little doll,'' he says as he pulls you in for a hug, and it feels like you never left those strong arms to begin with. ''I'm just glad you're being honest with me, I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable with telling me how you feel,'' you say and he nods. ''Same goes for you, doll,'' he says, placing a kiss on your cheek this time.
''Are you ready to go? I have made a reservation for us and it would be horrible if we were late,'' he says and you nod. ''I'm ready,'' and you grab your purse, walking out the door with your hand interlaced with his. When the two of you reach his bike, you can see brought you a helmet too, but he had it made especially for you by Steve, one of his best friends. When he handed it to you, you could see the beautiful sunflowers painted on there, which happen to be one of your favorite flowers, and it suddenly made sense why he brought a bouquet of them for your date. ''Oh my god, Bucky, I love it so much!'' you exclaim as you pick it up, looking it over in awe. ''I hoped you would, I asked my friend, Steve, to paint them on,'' he admitted with a bit of a flush on his cheeks.
''I'm glad you did,'' you say as you lean in to kiss him on the cheek, but he's quite a bit taller than you so you have to pull him down to reach, making him giggle. His stubble tickles a little and you quickly pull away which makes him laugh fully now, and it's a sight to behold in all honesty. You never want him to stop laughing when he does it like that like he's carefree and you're the only thing that exists in his world - which right now honestly isn't that far from the truth. He gets the helmet from your hands and tucks your hair behind your ears before putting it on and closing the clasp underneath your chin. His fingers brush past the edge of your jaw and you feel little bolts of electricity at the slight touch, making you gasp slightly and your eyes close shut immediately at the feeling.
This honestly does something to Bucky, but he decides not to act on it now, because he knows that if he does, the two of you would never make it to your reservation and the rest of your night for that matter. He quickly retracts his hands and puts on his helmet, trying to distract himself a little so he won't do anything stupid. ''Ready to go, doll?'' he asks and when you nod, he swings himself over his bike first, and afterward, you're climbing on, holding onto his waist tightly. You lean forward a little bit so your front is plastered to his back, and Bucky just smiles to himself, knowing you can't see him. Little does he know, you're doing the same thing, and before you know it, Bucky's taking off towards the restaurant.
When the two of you arrive at the restaurant, you step off and Bucky quickly takes off his helmet, so he can help you with yours, and his fingers unbuckle the strap with ease, knowing he must've done that countless times by now. ''So, Steve knows about you taking me on a date?'' you suddenly blurt out, because you couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he had the helmet beautifully decorated just for you. ''I, uh, yeah. I hope you don't mind that I told him, but he's a great artist and I wanted to surprise you. I told him about you a little bit and he was very happy for me- for us, actually,'' he tells you, and now you feel bad for bringing it up like that. ''I'm sorry for bringing it up like that, of course, it's okay that you talk to your friends about your dates-'', you start before getting interrupted.
''Date, doll. Just, date. I'm not going on dates with anyone else, haven't for a long time until I met you. You awakened something in me that I can't explain,'' he says, his pupils slightly blown at the thoughts he's having. ''There's no one else I've felt about the way I feel about you, not in a long time at least. And I'm more than happy to explore this with you if you'll have me. But right now, we need to go in, doll,'' he says as he grabs your hand and leads you into the restaurant. It is a bit of a rugged-looking restaurant, and when you're seated, you realize Bucky brought you to a steakhouse. You mentioned once in passing how long it has been since you visited one, and you didn't expect him to remember, but it feels amazing that he did, it makes you feel special.
During dinner, the two of you talk a little more about his friends, and you find out he's good friends with Sam, the father of Luca's best friend Junior. ''Want to know something funny? Luca and Junior are the best of friends, and he's currently at a sleepover at their house! And Joy is my boss at the vet clinic, which makes this world feel small right now,'' you say and you can't stop laughing. You haven't felt this good in a long time, and you don't even remember the last time Steve made you feel this happy - you left him for good reasons after all. Bucky enjoyed seeing you this happy and when the moment felt right, he just placed a soft, small kiss on your lips, which took you by surprise, but you didn't show it. To everyone around you, it looked like 2 people in love just sharing a cute moment, and you were thankful for that.
When it is time for dessert you look over the menu, and can't seem to decide what you want, and it shows on your face. ''Doll, is everything okay?'' Bucky asks when he looks up from his menu. Your face turns red, and you suddenly get very shy and look away from him. Steve never liked it when you were indecisive and told you that many times, using not-so-nice words most of the time. ''Y-yeah, I'm fine,'' you say and your voice sounds small, making Bucky even more worried and he reaches for your hand over the table. You put yours in his and he closes his metal fingers around yours, and you sigh at the cooling feeling of the metal around your hand. ''You know you can tell me anything right? I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable or feel like you can't talk to me. But only if you want to, I won't force you into talking about anything you're not comfortable with,'' he says, and you feel tears welling up in your eyes at his words.
''I-, I'm so sorry,'' you start and you're trying your hardest to keep your tears inside. ''It's just... he never liked it when I couldn't decide what I wanted, so if I ever showed any signs he would- he would withhold sex for at least a week,'' you whimpered out, trying to stay strong in the restaurant, but you were failing miserably. ''Oh my god, I knew he was an asshole already, but that just makes him a hundred times worse,'' Bucky says through gritted teeth, his Vibranium hand clenching and unclenching constantly underneath the table. All Bucky could think at that moment is 'If I were married to you, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you, let alone withhold myself from being buried inside you every single minute of every day'.
All you do is nod and wipe away your tears in the hope your make-up still looks okay, but you just excuse yourself for a minute to go to the bathroom. ''It's okay doll, take your time. I'll be here when you come back,'' he says, a sad smile showing on his face as you get up, and walk to the bathroom. A waitress subtly followed you, trying to see if you were okay if Bucky did something wrong or maybe hurt you. ''I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here, but I wanted to see if you're okay,'' she says, and you turn your head to the soft voice coming from the woman. ''Uh, yeah. I'm sorry. It's not what you think, he's being a true gentleman, we're on a date together. I just had a bad memory of my ex-husband that broke me,'' you explain, and she walks over to you.
''Do you mind if I touch you? I just want to calm you down a little bit,'' he asks and you nod, giving her a small smile and she places her hand on your back rubbing soft circles. It helps you calm down a lot, and you're starting to feel a lot better. ''Again, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to keep you from your work,'' you say apologetically. ''It's no problem at all, I know it sucks to have an ex-husband who treats you like crap, I've gotten divorced three years ago actually,'' she says, and you turn to her fully now, and you hold out your arms to get the hug you so desperately crave right now. ''I'm so sorry to hear that,'' you say, and you realize you never even got her name.
''This may be weird to ask now, but I don't even know your name... So uh, what's your name? I'm Y/N,'' you say and the two of you burst out in laughter together, which Bucky overhears and it does calm him a little. ''Yeah no, it's okay, I didn't even think about it! My name is Aurora,'' she says and you gasp at the fact that she has a beautiful name. ''I love your name, Aurora. Did you maybe want to get a drink sometime and talk shit about our exes? It's okay if you don't want to, but you seem like a really fun person,'' you ask, suddenly getting a little nervous since you're not usually this forward with people you don't know. ''I'd love to, if you leave your number with Natty, the hostess, she can give it to me after work,'' she offers and you agree.
''Thank you so much, but I think it is time for me to go back to my date, otherwise he might think I'm leaving him or something!'' you joke, and the two of you give each other one more hug before walking out into the dining room when you're all cleaned up again. Bucky gets up from his chair to pull yours out, and it makes your cheeks heat up a little, he's very thoughtful. ''Welcome back doll, are you feeling a little better?'' he asks, and you nod. ''Yeah, I'm so sorry I had to leave you like that,'' you sigh, but Bucky doesn't mind. ''It's okay, I get it. And besides, it sounded like you made a new friend in there, so I'm glad you feel better,'' he says as he gives you a reassuring smile. You chuckle at the thought of the friend you just made, and you're feeling happy again. Steve is long forgotten and now you're just enjoying Bucky's company.
''So, dessert?'' you ask him and he breaks out a big smile, he always loves how you can think about nothing but food sometimes. ''Sounds good, is there anything that looks particularly appealing?'' Bucky asks as he looks up at you through his lashes, thinking about you. ''Hmm, there is, but sadly you're not on the menu, so I'm going to have to pick something else,'' you joke and you and Bucky laugh, he was thinking the same thing about you. After a few minutes the two of you decide to get a piece of red velvet cake to share, and before you know it it's gone, and you're on your way out. ''Oh, I have to give my number to the hostess, I'll be right back!'' you suddenly say as you rush back inside.
''Excuse me, I'm not sure if Aurora told you this, but she said I could give my number to you for now and you could pass it along to her?'' you said, and Natty, the hostess, nodded. You wrote it down on a piece of paper with another thank you and your name on it, so Aurora knew what it was about. ''Alright, now I'm ready!'' you say as you come back outside, where Bucky is waiting for you. ''Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?'' he says before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him, putting his soft lips on yours in a sweet, light kiss. ''You have, but I don't mind you telling me again if I keep getting kisses like that,'' you tease and the two of you laugh again.
Not long after you're on the back of his motorbike again, and you two are heading to his house tonight, you were planning on staying the night there so you packed some light clothing to wear the next day. He parked his bike in the garage and he let you get off first before putting it on the standard and taking both your helmets off. When yours is off he places his hands on your face again, and he places his lips on yours again, feeling like he can't stay away from them for too long. You happily kiss him back and your arms wrap around his shoulders, your hands resting on his neck. He leans down a little bit and grabs the back of your thighs so your legs can wrap around his waist.
''Bucky, please take me to your bedroom,'' you say as you pull away from him, and it sounds a little bit whiny but you don't mind how desperate you sound at this point. All you need is Bucky, and you want to feel him inside you so badly. He happily complies and walks the both of you to his bedroom, flicking on the light before laying you gently on your back. His hands start roaming over your body, touching everywhere they can reach, and then he starts to slowly undress you. When he reveals the purple lingerie you're wearing his breath catches in his throat, making you feel even more turned on than you already were. ''Bucky, don't stop,'' you say and he snaps back to what he was doing.
It doesn't take long for the both of you to be completely naked, and he is hovering over you as he kisses you softly, slowly, taking his sweet time while his achingly hard cock is resting on your thigh. ''Doll, you're so fucking gorgeous for me like this, I can't wait to be buried inside you,'' he says and he grabs a condom out of the drawer of his nightstand. He doesn't need them all that often, but he's glad he has them regardless. He quickly tears the foil apart and takes out the condom, rolling it onto his thick member without a problem. ''I'll go slow, baby, I promise,'' he says as you look down at him a little bit frowning as you're wondering how he will possibly fit inside you.
Bucky returns to kissing you again as he lines himself up at your entrance, and since you're already soaking wet he doesn't have a single problem sliding into you. At first, he only slides in the tip as he lets you adjust, the gasp you let out is letting him know how good you feel. With slow, small thrusts he slides into you deeper and deeper until he is completely buried to the hilt and he groans at the feeling of your pussy fluttering and clenching around him. ''Fuck, it feels like heaven in your walls, doll,'' Bucky says as he starts thrusting in and out, but you're already close to your orgasm so it only takes a few thrusts for you to come around him, your back arching into him, fists gripping the sheets.
''F-fuck, feels good!'' you say as the orgasm washes over you and Bucky picks up the pace. He is set on giving you one more before he even allows himself to cum, so the pace is starting to get a little more relentless. His flesh hand finds its way to your clit and he rubs small circles over it until you fall apart again with loud moans, and your pussy is gripping him like a vice this time, not wanting to let him leave. ''Jesus, doll, you're so tight around me. Gonna c-cum!'' he groans out and his thrusts get sloppy now, notifying you he's close. Your legs wrap around him and when his lips attach to yours again it doesn't take long for him to cum too.
He pulls out of you and you whine at the loss, but he doesn't go far as he pulls you in for a cuddle. ''I'm right here baby, not going anywhere,'' he says and you smile happily. ''Thank you for everything tonight, you truly made it unforgettable,'' you whisper against his chest after he cleaned the both of you up, and the two of you are both wearing one of his boxer briefs. ''I'm glad to hear that, doll. I can't wait to see what will happen on the next one,'' he says, already thinking about it, and he can't wait. The two of you fall into a peaceful slumber, and your limbs are completely intertwined when you wake up the next morning, he pulled you on top of him during the night and you feel completely at peace like this.
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lil-melody-moon · 10 days
Today is a full year of my obsession with Keith Moon. One year without a day of a break or any shifts of attention to anyone else. It's special to me, because it never happened before that I was this interested in someone, going so far as to get his biography and read it in English - I had no other choice, but I could still give up because it's not translated.
Being his fan brought much happiness to me. The music The Who made helped me carry on in the worst moments at university, it kept me alive, making me realise some things, but most importantly, I think it's beautiful how being Keith's fan fixed me.
I came back to reading and writing, something that was always my passion, I don't feel as lonely as I did two years ago somehow thinking about him got rid of it and I started to feel more like myself again - I'm still in the process of recovering my true self and I think I'm nearing the end of this difficult path, I started smiling more often, feel pure joy, just feel better in general thanks to him and the music he helped to create.
There's no way I could thank him for that, but I do like to believe that he sees everything from up above and he's still happy that he can make someone laugh and not feel sad anymore. I hope I will not lose myself anymore and that I can carry on with him by my side, because for now that's all I want. To always have some means to hear him drum and sing, see him on videos or just to see him in photos.
I adore him more than I thought I will anyone, so that's why, besides this big thank you, I also wanted to write a one-shot. It's a self-insert, self-indulgent piece that's heavily based on what I've read about him. Hopefully, the ones who'll read it will have fun reading it. The fic is under the cut:
It was a lazy, very lazy afternoon at the beach house at Victoria Point Road. Standing on the balcony, the sounds of the sea were the only things heard and that was depressing in a way. So much money went in this house, it was in the best spot somebody could live in. Californian beaches were the greatest as far as the girl could say, but that still didn't push away how lonely it could be there.
Used to the heartbeat of the city, always having somewhere to go, to drink and party usually, this calm was leaving scars on her mental state and her boyfriend's one. Calm days were at hand, she saw him lurking somewhere in the corner with a book, she decided to not disturb him. Not after what happened two days ago.
Keith was almost always drunk and high, exceptions being the days of break, such as these ones. Caroline left the house to go do some shopping, she told Keith where she was going, how much time it'll take her and when she'll definitely be back at home. She was always giving herself extra time if she was to take longer at shopping. Keith was all okay with it until she came back home, late for the first time in a while.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" Came the shout when she closed the door. Only then did she realise she was late and a fight was already at hand.
Keith was drunk, not a single word was getting to him and so the yelling began. It almost ended in a physical fight when Keith lost his temper and raised his hand in an attempt to hit Caroline. She paled at that, but she didn't cover. "Come on, hit me!" she yelled instead. "Your drunk mind isn't capable of doing anything else than that!"
His hand didn't slap her cheek, his dizzy mind reminding him of why he lost his wife in the first place and he forgo it, letting his hand fall down. The relief that Caroline felt didn't show on her face, her expression stayed unchanged, still angry at him for lashing out at her for being late. From the very beginning she knew what she was signing herself up to, she only didn't expect it to be this bad.
A quiet "sorry" was mumbled, the anger disappearing, replaced by an emotion of regret. "I did come back" Caroline pointed out, her tone still cold. "I've got late because of the queue in the shop. I was rushing back home, knowing I might be a minute or so late, not this much." Her voice was becoming softer. She peeked at the clock seeing that she was almost 40 minutes late. Not what she wanted to do.
Caroline could guess that this moment started the calm days again, where Keith took a break from boozing. She only wished for the days to last longer, but she also knew Keith would grew bored of that and start the loop again. A sigh left her lips, these few days were only for her to prepare for the worst to come again.
How many times did she ask him to go seek help? She didn't know.
How many times did she plead him to go to rehab and promise that she'll help him get better? She hadn't had a clue.
How many times she tried to give him hope that they'll find a good psychiatrist to help him with his inner troubles? She would run out of her fingers and toes to count.
Maybe it was the time in which they lived that nobody was out there to help him or maybe fate just wanted it that way. It only left her to wonder on this lonesome balcony, her green eyes watching the waves. A call of her name brought her out of this state. She turned to see Keith walking towards her, his red and black bathrobe covering him. He got chubbier with years, bloated if she could use any other, more correct term, he looked older than his age indicated, but he was still the guy she met after the concert and who suddenly started to keep in touch with her.
The smile she loved apparent on his face when she looked at him. A smile appeared on her face as well, it was impossible to not smile back at him. "Finished with the book?" she asked, starting the conversation. Keith joined her on the balcony, hooking their arms together.
"Not entirely" he said, adding right after. "Felt a bit lonely there."
Caroline placed her hand on his, their hands laying connected on the railing. "You could tell me, I would join you in reading."
Sometimes they read different books and showed each other fragments, commenting on them. Keith was fond of peeking his head above her arm to see what was written on her page, forgetting about what he was reading. His hand was slapping her one when she wanted to turn the page and he didn't finish reading.
"You have your own book." Caroline always said.
"Yours is more interesting." Was Keith's answer.
And sometimes they read the same one, Keith eager to read the dialogues aloud, Caroline taking care of the narration. Keith took care to make the book one hundred times funnier than normally, causing even the most sad part be somehow unnecessary dramatic.
"I wanted to join you here" Keith answered, placing his other hand on her arm, stroking it. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened the day before yesterday." Keith looked hurt at the memory of how he screamed at her, he was truly apologising, like he always did. "I won't do that ever again."
It wasn't the first time he said it. "I know." Caroline shifted closer to him. "I forgive you." She didn't say it for the first time as well. They both knew that it will repeat in a few days at a slight inconvenience, but both couldn't live without the other. Caroline was too forgiving and Keith was out of control, yet the love that connected them made it possible to live together.
"Thank you." It was almost inaudible what Keith said, but the silence at their house made it possible for Caroline to hear it. "I'm so fucking bored" he complained, looking down at the sand.
"We can search for something to do" Caroline suggested and upon seeing Keith's curious expression she suddenly smiled. Freeing her hand, she winked at him, asking him to wait here a bit. She went inside to search for what she brought at the shop the last time. It was impossible for her to not go to the bookstore. It was mainly the reason why she got late, but she had to lie to Keith to not spoil the surprise.
Keith waited for her, seeing her coming back, hands behind her back. "What do you have there?" He got immediately interested, leaving his spot and walking to her, wanting to grab the thing. Caroline took a few steps back, until she hit the wall, denying Keith any access to the thing she held in her hands now pressed to her back. Keith pouted at that.
"Something you'll love" she started mysteriously, seeing that childish glint in his brown eyes. "Wanna guess?"
"This will take me only one try!" Keith claimed surely. "But maybe one tiny hint, please?"
"Hmmm…" Caroline looked up, thinking about a hint. She felt Keith's hands sneaking behind her back, she squirmed, covering the thing, saying: "No cheating Keith!"
"Then hurry up!" He had no patience, which only made Caroline more amused.
"It's something that has a treasure hidden inside" she finally said, making the hint as general as she could to not give him an easy one.
"Something like a box that has a hidden thing inside?" Keith asked, not caring if it was against the rules.
"No." Caroline shook her head. "But it has a treasure nevertheless." She giggled, adding another hint. "A treasure you need a map for."
Keith's eyes shined when he heard that. "A map that was left by someone? A pirate, perhaps?"
The childish grin that appeared on his face when she nodded could make her forgive him for everything. Sober Keith was the one who was hidden beneath that mask he was putting on when he was in public. It was her childish, insecure boy who loved a certain story. "Is it a book that you got?"
"Yes!" Caroline exclaimed, taking out from behind her back a new release of Treasure Island. "Look what I've found at the bookstore!"
Keith grabbed the children's book, not believing his eyes. He had to flip through it and read the fragments to really believe what he was holding in his hand. Caroline knew it was his favourite. Keith knew it by heart, but it never hurt anyone to have a copy at home.
"I thought that maybe… We could read it together?" Her suggestion was finally out, Keith hearing her still too mesmerised by the book to answer. She neared closer, looking with him at the text and drawings. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "What do you say?"
There was a moment of silence before she heard Keith's voice change, knowing that they will be busy with the book and acting for the rest of the day. "You can count on Long John Silver, my lady!"
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missrosegold · 2 months
So let me just say quickly that bnha 427 and 428 are some of my favourite chapters for a reason, let me explain real quick:
I don't think I need to say it, but spoilers below the cut!
Exibit a:
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I do appreciate the fact that Izuku sat down and had a one on one with Spinner and followed though with Tomura's final request. It won't bring his friend back, but I hope that his words gave Iguchi some closure.
Also I love that in the bottom panel he now appears to be emulating both Shigaraki and Dabi. The past never dies, and he'll make sure they're never forgotten. They will live on through him, and his possible comic! (Wouldn't it be wild if Horikoshi pulls a 180 and Spinner's comic ends up being BNHA but told in their universe? Jk I think I'm reading too much into it, but that would be an interesting twist)
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Izuku really has changed. I believe him when he promises Iguchi that he'll remember his friends and that he has no intention on forgetting them.
Also, Spinner's final message to Shoji is perfect and very fitting. I'm okay with this being our final shot of him. I'll miss him 💔
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This motherfucker.
Honestly. This is a fitting conclusion for the last time we see Overhall. Good to know that not every abuser in this series gets off easy. He has to live the rest of his life out knowing that he isn't forgiven by the person he respected most, and now he has to live with the rest of his actions. Also, the man is right. Eri deserves the apology, but I'm glad that she won't ever have to see him again. She'll move on and hopefully forget him, but he'll be reminded of his crimes every day for the rest of his life. Honestly, pretty glad with how things turned out for Overhall.
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The way he looks at Ochako here. Enough said.
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For gods sake it's still unconfirmed if Hemiko is alive or not, can we PLEASE just have this one? Please. The rest of the Leauge is either in jail/rehab, dead, or wishes they were. I need to see Toga make it out of this, and so does Ochako.
This shows how much she's struggling with this. If not for anything else, please have her live for Ochako. My poor heart. 💔😭
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All and all, the last 2 chapters we solid, after 426 I cried for a while afterwards. 427 still hit like a ton of bricks, but at least there was a hopful undertone to it... poor Touya didn't get that. I don't think any of the Todoroki's are walking away from this truly happy. I appreciate the realism but christ it hurt to read...
I think 429 is out so I'll be reading that next and letting you know what I think!!
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I just watch Good Day For It... I have so many thoughts!!
With how it was set up, it felt like an indie film, or one of those shows with an hour+ runtime per episode. I had to double check the that this was a on-its-own movie. I don't mean that in a bad way at all! I kinda hoped it was so we could get more story and action XD but it was just- executed sooo well! By the halfway point, I was surprised that Emily hadn't been kidnapped and Luke had to go rescue her. The movie focused on them and their relationship and her getting the answers she needed. No unnecessary drama or action needed to keep us at the edge of our seats. I absolutely love how you can see what the characters are thinking through their emotions and expressions- especially Luke!!!! And I was so so so relieved when we got that happy ending of the family reunited. No prison or death for Luke, Emily and Sarah can get all their answers and hopefully they'll be one bug happy family again ^^
Hec and Rose? Do I need to say anything?? They are the BEST supporting cast ever. Hands down. I need Rose and Reba to hang out. I need more Hec and Rose banter. I need more of Hec not just flirting with Rose and genuinely caring for her. I. Need. Them.
And of course, I can't forget the thugs you- and now I- love. First of all; Norman is my favorite. He's just.... Hooooooo fuck. I need him. I need that man. So in control? So level headed yet dangerous at the same time??? Lord have mercy (it doesn't help at all that I'm 99% sure that this is the same guy who played Foxy. WHAT IS IT WITH THAT MAN AND HIS VOICE!?)
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As we can see, this is yet another case of me falling in love with the sidekick/accomplice of the one you're in love(?) With. First buck and Harper, then Big Bad and Granny. Greasy and Psycho, Otis and Baby/Rufus. And now Norman and Wayne. What other team/duo are we going to fall for next? XD
Secondly, all these guys KILLED their roles. Oh my god, they really bring a whole new level to the movie when they're on screen. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a butter knife. They just.... Ohhh my god, I wish I watched this movie sooner so I could appreciate your writing of them more!
Thirdly... Ok the fact that Robert England's character was dealt with by smashing a plate on his head 🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, a plate smashing can do serious damage (especially to an old man *cough*) but- the other two got shot, but it's this toon of a man that's finished off with a dish. Please tell me I'm not the only one who found that funny XDDD
And finally.... ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT WAYNES EGG COMMENT, BUT NONE OF YA'LL TALKING ABOUT ANY OF LYLES LINES!?!? I don't like that egg comment either, it made my skin crawl too 😅 But believe me, I would take THAT any day over what Lyle said towards Emily, "You like 'em young, eh?"//"So she's legal, now?"//*keeps touching Emily*//I'll let my new girlfriend explain."//"Your sick kid turned into this?"//"Well, I already paid for it." 🤢🤢🤢 Emily my girl I am so sorry. Lyle, I am going to throw you OUTTA THAT WINDOW MYSELF! YOU AND YOUR BOYS CAN COME CATCH THESE HANDS-
All in all, I loved this movie!!! I'm definitely gonna watch it again. And I need to re-read your 'Good day for it' content now, too XD
I could not wait to answer this Sarah. So hi, I'm reporting from the trenches bus stop XD
I'm so jazzed you watched the movie and liked it!!! YES!! I'm absolutely hyperfixated at the moment XD
Right?? I thought it was gonna take forevor to get through it when I started it but the pace was actually really good?? Nothing in it seems like boring filler- and if it is slow, it's just building up tension! XD
I'm also bummed there isn't any more ): I guess though it's a good thing, cuz Norman-Dale-and-Wayne wouldn't be in it ):): (well... maybe Wayne. I HAVE THEORIES. yes they live in the bickerman twins au.)
Yesssss, it has a happy ending and I'm so happy for it XD Happy endings are so underrated 😅😆😄 Just let them be happy!!! Let there be some optimism that they'll get it together and fix everything and everything can be forgiven and everything will be good ^^ 💛💛💛
YES ROSE AND HEC!!! OH MY GOODNESS. THEY ARE THE KINDA PROTAG/SIDE CHARACTERS I LOVE. The well-meaning banter?? The old married couple vibes spliced with the hard-to-get/trying forevor combination??? WAHH!! They're so good XDD I love how Hec is flirty but he's not creepy or threatening. Rose can say no as many times as she likes and he'll make her laugh <3 And- when he came to be Rose's back up against Wayne and Dale??? AGH I was so nervous for them both but so happy to see him come XDD
And the fact that the Sheriff is basically their son??? XDDDD I just thought I'd chuck that in.
... I TOTALLY CALLED IT!! I KNEW YOUR FAVOURITE WAS GONNA BE NORMAN XDD (and yes, that's Richard Brake which means it is absolutely Foxy XD ) I need to make more gifs of that man for you XD He is so pretty <3 And yes- s o in control. That bit where he warns Hec and Rose and Luke that t h e y don't want any trouble?? JEEZ, MAN, BE CAREFUL OF MY DAMN OVARIES, WILL YA??
I was totally about to say 'actually, miraculously my favourite is not the robert englund character this time, i like dale', but i couldn't even think it XD I am s o into Dale for some reason, but 'Dale' kept on getting autocorrected to 'Wayne' when I was drafting this responce in my head XD I obviously love Wayne 🙄😅 (he's under jim and stuart though... but, still, above ink and buckman which is saying something), and YES! YOU'RE RIGHT!! THAT IS OUR PATTERN!! Haha 🤣🤣🤣 I love that XDDD Who is next on our raydar?? 🤔🤔🤔 XD Hmmm XD
'I wish I watched this movie sooner so I could appreciate your writing of them more!' oh there will be more. dont you worry. i have so much in my head; its like when I was into Mr Snake and I kept churning out ideas for him every night XD Wayne x Reader's, Dale x Reader's, N o r m a n x readers... 👀*pointed look at you* // *cough* also Poly!Wayne x Reader x Dale x Norman.
Omg... right??? XDD I've been thinking about Wayne getting the plate, too 🤣 Its too funny. Thats a bit I really wanna gif. When I first watched I honestly I kept thinking we were gonna get a post credits scene of him getting up and brushing the plate bits off himself, chuckling. I've been spoiled by Lake Placid XD
'AND FINALLY'-- I DUNNO ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE BUT I FOR ONE WAS NOT MENTIONING THAT B E C A U S E ITS SO MUCH WORSE 🤣😭🤣😭🤣 Oh my lordddd. At least Wayne's entertaining. Lyle is pure terror. I keep fantasising about him saying horrible things like that to me and one of the others sticking up for me~~ 💛💕^^💕💛 I m u s t admit though- god is that actor good. Oh my god. My skin was crawling and I wanted to punch him. That is g o o d shit. The twisted little creature writer in me is loving it; she wants more. Like with Otis. I'm thinking oh s h i t oh shit oh shit, this writer isn't pulling any punches. I kneel. I just think its s u c h an art, to make horrible disgusting characters and thats why I get SO PUMPED when someone compliments my ability to make my characters gross XD ITS JUST??? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh XDDD I cant even. But yes- Lyle's lines.
I'm soooooo glad you loved the movie!! It, and Titanic, are my current hyperfixation's so its a good thing you got on board- its gonna be all over your dash and notifs for a bit XD Do you wanna be tagged for Norman content? XD
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semirofly · 11 months
"🟧See you again🟪"
(Maybe after ahsoka season 2 cause I think they will meet again at the end of the second season or at least before the Filoni film)🤔
I think the next time we see Ezra, he will mantain his beard but will have short hair.
Something between his hair in season 1/2 and 3/4.
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(little Sabezra and one-shot)
I'm not a writer so go easy on me...😅
The Little thought I had while doing this was :
They meet (again) after a chase from many Imperials but couldn't see each other face till they reach the T-6.
After that they all are just tired and seat instantly but with the helmet on.
The fact that both of them didn't have again the possibly to have a second of peace with each other makes them stay awake.
So pretending to fall asleep both start elevate with the force the opposite helmet, till the other face is completely reveled.
Both simultanely open the eyes only to remain *without saying a word* staring each other eyes for a while, thinking about how much they missed each other and finally being honest about their feeling
Only for both of them to completely forgot about the flutuant helmets that hardly crush on both of their heads.🤣
Falling on the floor just to laugh about what happened.
Meanwhile Huyang seeing what happened ask about it to Ahsoka.
Who is just happy to see them being able to reunite again and honest about their feeling, admitting how strong their bond is and remaining at Huyang about that.
But Huyang (like Ahsoka expected) complained about how this "ISN'T JEDI STANDARD PROTOCOL!!" only to be scold by Ahsoka .
Ezra and Sabine didn't even hear him and continue to enjoin themselves laughing.
Huyang after remembering for the 2000 time he is older ect...give up and say that he can be found cry outside the ship.
Ahsoka with a inner laugh just say him to take it easy and indicate the two star-lovers.
Where we see Sabine being serious now with an almost tears on her eyes who gently touch Ezra cheek.
He is confused and stunned at first. But just by watching her eyes. He understand what she means with that and both fall in passional kiss.
I hope you all enjoyed it.😁
Note: I didn't have time to do nothing in the past three weeks cause school, some health problems and time going like 4x so I'm feeling a little tired.😅
So I'm using the short time I have this weekend to do something I like, these two are always in my mind and never lose the opportunity to draw them.
Hoping to do more since now and maybe for the Sabezra week that start Monday.(like always I'm reducing myself at the last second🥲)
Hopefully this time I will improve cause I didn't.😭
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Episode 14 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
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It's grey. Why does everything have to be grey? Grey never means anything good.
Well that answers one of my questions. Howzer was, in fact, able to keep his hair in great condition while being held captive. Good to know.
I was honestly like "oh no, Lt. Fuckface is back 🙄" and then remembered that he was dead and that this was some other pasty imperial to hate...
Incoming attack? From Echo maybe???
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2 new clones, Fireball and Nemec. Ngl, thought they were both gonna die. 😬 Thankfully not!
Oh great, even Mt Tantiss is all grey and gloomy...
This is just a grey, gloomy episode.
Hemlock gives me the heebie jeebies. 😖
Crosshair convulsing in the back of the shot is horrifying. 😭
Echo without a kama feels very weird...
I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't actually going to work out...
You can tell he's out of it. Some of his shots miss.
If you need me, I'll be sobbing in the corner. 😭
Cross... 😭😭😭
Of course Hemlock is immune to his own poison. That's exactly something to expect from a heebie jeebie man.
AND THE BATCH?! I thought they might just turn up right at the end.
Man, we are doing so well for characters this episode. 🥲
What is that thing Wrecker caught???
Wrecker calling Lyana boss. 😭
Hunter still feeling a little iffy about settling down permanently. Interesting but not surprising. 🤔
He looks so terrified. 🤣
Omega sounding so excited when she says "It's him". Bestie, same. 😭
Echo offering to race Omega back just confirms that Echo is actually a chaotic little shit and I love him for that. 🥰
Echo, mate, you look kinda naked without the kama. I don't know how to feel about it.😭
Ooooohh are they gonna find out about Cross from the data stick?
Hunter and Echo still not quite on the same page. 🤔
"When will it be enough?"
Ugh, that hurt. I love what Echo's doing but I am stressed for his life constantly. I'm really worried that something is going to happen to him and that's why Rex is gonna give up the fight. 😭
I don't necessarily think that something will happen to him this season though...
They got the distress message. 🥲
Okay, I know that them not completely trusting Crosshair's warning is justified but OUCH it hurts to know that he's trying to help them and they don't know if they can believe him. 😭
Oh no... we only have the finale left...
Aaaahhhhh so much happened this episode!
We got Echo back! (No Rex though ☹️). But also Crosshair, and the Batch AND HOWZER AND GREGOR!!! 🥰 Was hoping we would see Wolffe at some point but he could still turn up in the finale. 🤔
Jennifer wasn't kidding about this being a rollercoaster of emotions. I was just swinging back and forth between happiness and pure stress.
And Crosshair was trying to help his brothers. 😭 He still cares about them and now they want to get him back but they don't know if they can trust him and it's all too many feelings my heart can't take it-
I loved this episode. I think Eps 3, 8 and 12 still top it for me, but I was freaking out a lot. I hope Echo continues to have a significant part in the final 2 episodes and I hope that we see Rex again. Also, where's Cody at rn?
Anyway, I hope we get a Batch reunion next week!!!
I'm gonna go and continue to freak out. Hopefully I can focus on Mando this week after all that. 😵‍💫
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whatinthehale17 · 1 year
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
Yeah, another one! Well, here it is!
"Alright, let me get this straight" Alicia muttered as she spoke with Wraith "we have to scort a lawyer involved in a case that puts their life in danger to a safe house in Géneve, and we will be aided by a Swiss team?"
"That's correct, you'll know who they are when you arrive to the extraction point" Dominique said calmly
"Why do I have an idea of who they might be?" she muttered before sighing "alright, copy. We'll be there soon"
Then the eleven soldiers started to drive to the indicates point, but Alicia was sighing and muttering even more than usual. It worried most of the team, but Jackson, Edward and Luke shared looks because they knew that kind of sigh. All of them wondered who will they encounter this time, hopefully no one like Xiao Chen.
Some hours later they arrived to the place, a nice house on the middle class neighbourhood. When they saw it, Alicia just rolled her eyes, her damned hunch was right. What a headache...
"So...who'll be the package?" Luke asked, curious
"That would be me!" a man's voice intervened, surprising everyone
"Hello brother" Alicia muttered with tiredness, looking at her smiling big brother "if you're the package, then I can guess who is our aid"
"Yeah, I can bet it too" Nicolás said with a chuckle "it's good to see y'all"
That made everyone look at Alicia, who just was already arguing with Wraith through the radio, then they looked at Nicolás. The eldest Marchant sibling just giggled a bit when he saw the surprise on his sister's soldiers, but started to talk with them, explaining why he was there. He told them about his position as part of the prosecution in a case there in The Hague, and more or less why he needed to be sent to a safer place until the trial starts.
"I guess we can manage it if it isn't like the last time we scorted a lawyer" Jackson murmured with a nod
"Look at that!" a third voice appeared soon, putting all the soldiers alert "so you are the package, huh Nico?!"
"Yes, yes I am" the eldest answered with a smile "good to see you"
"Oh! Is that Alicia?! A long time has passed!"
Then the man, with black hair and shiny blue eyes, went to hug Alicia. She tensed as a wire, just to slap him away. But to their surprise, the man just laughed again, hugging again the black-haired woman while she furiously muttered trying to keep him away.
"Get your fucking hands off me" she growled, frowning
"And I thought you would be happy to see me, lil' cousin" he said with a side smile
"A month, Elías, you are older just by a month"
"But I'm older"
"Uh, Captain...what do you mean by 'cousin'? Is he the one who'll help us?" Luke asked, just as confused as the rest
"Yes, he and his team will help" she said as she pinched her nose bridge, between being frustrated and tired "this man is my cousin, Elías Müller, a Captain of the Swiss Army, 10th reconnaissance detachment"
"It's a pleasure to meet my cousin's team" Elías said with a little smile, already more serious
"Let's just go before I get a stroke"
The mission was simple itself, so they didn't need to shot any bullet, and instead just plan carefully their route. And while inside one wagon, the teams talked between them and with Nicolás as well and started to get along, on the other one...Alicia was trying not to punch Elías.
It was like the old times, where they encountered each other on granny's house, and now it stressed Alicia. Even in a moment she smashed her head into the table, muttering something while Elías continued picking on her. And when they finally arrived to the safe house, well...
"What kind of karma am I paying with you here, huh?!" she snarled, pointing at a smiling Elías
"Get used to it, this year I'll go to see my aunt. And it'll be ALL DECEMBER" he answered with a shitty smile
"Haha. No"
"Believe it! You'll have to live with me for a month!"
"You wish! I'll throw you over a cliff if I have to!"
"You talk like you are capable"
"What was that, bitch?! Look who's talking!"
And while that happened, and those two started to argue, Nicolás just sighed. He smiled a bit, for a second seeing them like they were before. At the same time, the teams were confused by their leaders, they weren't sure if they'll fight each other or not.
"Don't worry, they're like that" Nicolás said with a little smile
"Seriously? They...are about to kill each other, aren't they?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow
"Nah, I've seen them like that, they aren't fighting"
"Is this common?"
"When we were younger they fought all the time! But now not so much, also, ironically, they're one of the best duos inside our family"
"Huh, I would've never guessed..."
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camillescreations · 1 year
PART 2 of my ofmd teaser analysis!
Now let's go back to my baby Stede! So he sends the message in a bottle, declaring his love and adoration for Ed. It seems he lies awake thinking about Ed, too. And he defends Ed, saying that he doesn't care what any of the crew say, Ed's a good guy. Obviously the crew, especially Olu and Back Pete, are gonna be like "HE LEFT US. ON AN ISLAND. TO DIE." But Stede loves Ed too much to stay mad at him for long, as we can see from the trailer. The crew likely told Stede about what Ed did right away, but Stede doesn't seem to be holding a grudge. Which I think is good! It means there's less animosity from Stede's side (unless the whole Lucius thing derails that). Then we have the infamous "I did a punch!" snippet.
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LOOK AT HIM IN HIS JACKET BEING PIRATEY. I love him so much! But who is Stede talking to? Well, Izzy of course!
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We can see that this shot of Izzy is in the same scene. Also this one, where you can see Stede fighting the rando knife guy and Izzy in the doorway, watching.
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This means that Stede, and likely the rest of the crew, reunited with the Revenge! But my guess is that this is after the storm, so Ed isn't there. It's possible Ed hasn't been there for a while. Again, I'll try and guess the order of events at the end of my analysis in the next part. But this means that, at the very least, Jim and Olu will be back together! We'll have to see if Lucius is alive or not and we get a Black Pete x Lucius moment.
Okay next! So in another scene, we see Izzy and Stede in a room which I assume is on the Revenge, and Izzy is demonstrating his swordsmanship. I think that Izzy is teaching Stede how to fight with a sword! That'll be cool to see. Seems like the grumpy gus has warmed up to Stede, just a bit.
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And we also get this cute shot of Stede in front of what I saaume is a mirror, admiring his new red coat (that he likely stole from whatever ship they were on). He's like "ooh something fancy again!" And does a little half twirl, so cute 😭
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And then we have two shots of Stede and Ed on what appears to be the same beach at possibly the same time! Though it seems like the sky is stormier in Ed's photo.
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I'm guessing this is the same beach because of the sand (the vanity fair article mentioned a black sand beach!) And the trees. And look at our boy Stede firing a gun! He has different clothes on, too! Loving the pirate look on him. Their opponents also seem to be British (or just navy) soldiers!
My fanfiction-loving heart says they're running to each other but I know they probably aren't... a girl can dream!
This black sand beach could be where Ed washed up, and it could be where Stede and Ed reunite. Or this may be the "final battle" near the end, after they've already reunited. Hopefully them reuniting isn't too far into the season!
And then there are a bunch of miscellaneous shots that I don't want to go over too heavily, (I'll just touch on three of them) but we see a shot of Stede being held by Anne Bonny, and it almost looks like she just kissed him?? Don't know about that. I'm dying to know the context of this scene. Stede looks either terrified or in shock lol. Either way he doesn't look happy!
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And I think we know who is wearing the mermaid tail now! Get it Wee John!
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And of course the ending scene where Stede appears to be screaming? And I'm guessing this is later in the season because it seems like he's wearing his dark shirt. What's happening to him? I wonder if this scene is humorous or serious.
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Continued in Part 3! Final part!
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