#so i told him i couldn't do this anymore & he took it pretty badly at first but we reconciled & decided to be friends
you-can-face-this · 2 years
thinking about how my situationship that i ended & was supposed to be friends with asked if we could still cuddle sometimes and promised he wouldn’t ask for more & that he’d give me 15% equity of his startup if he broke the promise asdfja;sdfjka;sd and at first i was offended he’d be so quick to throw away our friendship but also? 
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Stray Kids Reaction || You Get Kidnapped [Mafia Edition]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2023
TRIGGER WARNING: Violence against reader, mentions blood and kidnapping, mentions of controlling behaviour and toxic tendencies
The rival gang's first mistake was thinking that you weren't going to leave a trail for Chan to find you, leaving your hair here and there, even making your fingers bleed so you could leave your DNA behind. The rival gang's second mistake was underestimating Chan,
"He won't hurt us, he's gone soft ever since he got with her." One of them chuckled loudly as they both stared at you, their backs to the door which was their third mistake and you looked at them.
"Something to say, princess?" One of them asked as you tilted your head at him and smirked a little against the gag that was in your mouth.
"You looking awfully happy for someone-" The first kidnapper couldn't finish his sentence before his cold body hit the ground making the other one jump and reach for his gun.
"I wouldn't," Chan warned him, snapping his fingers as four different men rushed over to your side undid the bindings around your wrists and removed the gag. You stretched a little in the seat before sighing in relief,
"Thanks for that," You smiled standing up and rushing over to your husband, You knew that Chan would stop at nothing to get you back safe so you had no worries when the men had locked you up in some old warehouse.
"I found your clues baby, smart girl," He winks, kissing your cheek before he turns his attention back to the man in front of you who was now shaking like a leaf.
"I was just doing what I was told! He said you wouldn't hurt us," He was cowering as Chan looked at his men and nodded his head in silence. In seconds your kidnapper was bound and gagged the same way you had been and Chan smirked to himself.
"Let's go home,"
"We're just going to leave him here?" You quizzed, glancing at the man who was wriggling around on the seat,
"Let him die slowly," Chan nodded, wrapping his arm around your waist and walking you out of the building. In his eyes, anyone who even thought of hurting you deserved a slow and painful death.
From the moment Minho had seen the note on your pillowcase he'd stopped at nothing to find you, he'd stayed up for what must have been two nights in a row before his body finally forced him to get some rest.
"He shows at last!" Asher cried out when Minho walked into his office to see you sitting in the giant office chair waiting for him. Your face was busted up pretty badly and Minho's blood began to boil, he should have found you sooner he should have done more to get here quicker.
"It took you long enough, poor Yn here was beginning to think you forgot about her. Isn't that right, doll?" As Asher moved his hand toward you, you flinched causing Minho to pull out his gun and cock it back.
"Oft, he's playing the role of the big bad wolf." Asher chuckled snarkily before grabbing you by the back of your neck and standing you up, your legs shaking as you stared at Minho with pleading eyes.
"Do you want to say goodbye to your little girlfriend? Or shall I just kill her in front of you without a goodbye?" Asher tilted his head to the side and you refused to look at your husband anymore, just wanting for this to be over with.
"Six days she's been waiting to be rescued, she's probably begging to be put out of her misery," The gun Asher was holding cocked and placed at the back of your head but he forced your head up to look at Minho, tears rolled down your cheeks silently.
"Bubba..." He whispered at you and your heart jumped, you knew what the code word meant but you tried not to make it known as you looked away from him. The codeword meant that there was a chance of you getting out of this if you were fast enough, you'd trained for months with Minho and his men.
"She can't even look at you, what a shame." Asher laughed throwing you roughly against the desk, This was your chance you threw your arms back knocking the gun to the other side of the office before Minho shot a warning shot into Asher's shoulder. You scrambled away from him and hid behind your husband who wrapped one arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head.
"Do you want him tortured or killed right away?" He directed the question down at you but never looked away from Asher who was grunting while holding his shoulder.
"Kill him, he isn't worth our time or energy." You grumbled before the shot rang out. You clutched onto Minho the second you could and begged him never to let go of you again.
"You're going to regret all of this," You spat out to the two men in your living room, your body felt as though it was aching everywhere and you weren't sure the pain was ever going to stop.
"And who's going to make us regret this? You?" They began laughing at one another before you smirked, spitting blood out onto the floor as you shook your head. It was clear that they had no idea who you were or whose house they were in and you sort of loved that for them,
"Changbin will be back any minute, I'm surprised you even go in actually. Usually, Zach does a much better job of manning the gates," You hissed a little as you shifted uncomfortably in the chair you were strapped to, your eyes glancing at the door as it opened to reveal Zach standing there.
"I normally do, but when my two friends wanted to come inside I couldn't say no." Your heart sank as you thought about your own guard being the cause of all your pain for the last three hours. How long was he just going to let them keep hitting you?
"Change of plans tonight," He told them as you stared at him, your eyes tearing up a little as you realised not only had he betrayed you but also everyone else inside the home.
"Changbin pulled up in the drive, you'll need to take her through the garage while I keep him distracted," Your eyes shot to the window and then at the two men who were now standing either side of you, hooking their arms around yours and dragging you toward the garage door.
"LET ME GO!" You screamed, kicking your feet around but they continued to walk you inside while Changbin stopped at the door to talk to Zach. This was your chance, you quickly threw your head into the side of one of the men before kneeing the other one in the groyne and making a run for the emergency alarm, as soon as it sounded you ran through the doorway.
"CHANGBIN! DON'T TRUST HIM!" You screamed out before a shot rang out, you stopped on the porch to see Zach on the floor, blood dripping from his forehead.
"You okay?" Changbin panicked seeing the state of you, his hands holding onto your face gently as you nodded your head,
"I am now you're home. There's two more in the garage." You snuggled into his chest as he rubbed your lower back, promising never to let anything happen to you again,
"You know, this is kind of all your fault," Bailey told Hyunjin as he stared up at you, your heart thumping rapidly as you looked at your husband.
"If you hadn't been late to your little date, Yn here wouldn't have a bomb strapped to her chest," You licked your lips slowly as you tried to calm yourself down a little, your eyes finding Hyunjins as he tried to calculate a way out of this.
"You should never leave a lady waiting Hyunjin." Bailey was one of Hyunjin's oldest rivals, he'd been after Hyunjin's position in the mafia for a long time and this was his final way of trying to get it. He either took Hyunjin down or he died trying, even if it meant taking you with him.
"Let her go, she's not involved in any of this." Hyunjin pleaded, putting his gun down on the ground and showing that he was unarmed.
"Oh, but she is. Because if she's alive after I kill you, all your men obey her." You flinched a little as you felt Bailey grab your shoulder roughly,
"I had to think of a way you weren't going to be able to stop me, you don't have a bomb-disabling team so this felt like the best bet," Bailey finally let go of you before making his way down to Hyunjin and smirking,
"You had about 40 seconds for a goodbye," A beep sounded on your chest before Bailey ran from the building, and within a matter of seconds Hyunjin was beside you and looking at the clock.
"Hyunjin, go." You begged as he shook his head at you, picking up some scissors and looking at the colours. All of them were the colours that Bailey associated himself with except for one,
"I got this," He promised you, kissing your forehead
"Close your eyes, baby, I love you," He smiled weakly as you nodded at him,
"I love you too," You choked out, shutting your eyes as you waited for something, anything but nothing ever happened. You glanced down at the clock as it stopped moving,
"Take it off slowly and then we run," He told you as you carefully slid out of the chained-up bomb, running for the door just in case it went off. As soon as you were free you saw Bailey in cuffs, Hyunjin grabbed you and checked you over before looking at the cops and nodding for them to take him away.
Your heart thumped rapidly as you looked up at Jisung, your hands clutching onto your stomach as he pressed down on it roughly. He was looking considerably pale now that you watched him,
"Jisung," You coughed out, a little blood falling from your mouth as he shook his head at you.
"No, don't. You need to save your strength," He told you as he looked around at the men in the room.
"GET A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" He barked out before you whined at him, there was already one on the way but he wasn't listening to anyone, not that you blamed him right now.
"Jisung, they know where your hideouts are, you need to go and protect everything," You knew you were dying, you could feel it with just how cold you were getting and how you could no longer feel the pain of your wound.
"I'm not leaving you." He sniffled a little as you reached your hand out to touch his cheek, blood smearing across his face but he didn't care.
"You have to." You whined out, looking over at some of his men who were already leaving to go and check on the hideouts that Jisung had spotted all over the city,
"No, I don't. No." He shook his head violently at you, there was no way he was just going to leave, not when you needed him the most. God, he was going to kill everyone that was involved in you being taken,
"Jisung, your men are going to die if you don't go."
"No...No! We still have so much to do, we have to make a family," He told you as he smiled, The two of you had been discussing having a baby for a while now and it was time he started putting his money where his mouth was.
"You need to make sure the boys take care of each other, and that they look after you." You reminded him as you licked your lips, trying to hold on for as long as you could.
"Stop saying goodbye!" He yelled out as the ambulance team walked in, they took over as they tried to patch you up,
"Don't say goodbye." He begged you as he tried to hold your hands but they were limp in his as you looked at him, gasping a little for air,
"Don't die on me, please don't die on me! Stay with me! Look at me...L-Look at me, I'm right here and you're going to be fine, oh god, please don't die on me...Please." He cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks as the paramedics shook their heads at him, his men dragging him away from you so that they could work on your wound.
"That beeping is annoying," You groaned, opening your eyes to see your husband in the chair beside your bed staring at you,
"It's better than you being dead though." He grumbled at you, leaning across and kissing the top of your head. The paramedics ended up being able to save you and after a four-hour-long surgery, you were on the mend properly from the stab wound.
"Did you catch them?" You asked him as he stared down at you.
"All dead. Except the one that stabbed you, figured I'd save him for you." He winks making you laugh before groaning at the pain.
"No laughing, got it." He chuckles before calling for the nurse to come in and check you over.
The second the double doors to the office burst open you knew who was there, you didn't need to be able to see for that. Ever since whoever took you, took you, they'd had you blindfolded with your hands bound behind your back. It was clear that they knew you knew how to fight since they didn't even give you a chance to fight back, choosing to sneak up when you were least expecting it and in a private car park.
"You're in trouble now," You sang out in a chipper mood before your chin was grabbed roughly and you felt the metal of a gun being pressed against your temple. It wasn't the first time your kidnappers had threatened you with a gun but you weren't going to show them fear, just like you hadn't done all day.
"We have your girl Felix! Now isn't the time to be playing games!" The man who was holding your face cried out and you fidgeted a little trying to get him to let go of you but he only tightened his grip making your jaw hurt more.
"Fucking let go of me," You hissed out, licking the man's hand and smirking as he grunted and pulled his hand away from you.
"She's a cocky little bitch, maybe we should just kill her." The man screamed out again,
"I wouldn't, I have men aiming guns at you from every inch of this place," Felix called out, watching you closely to make sure that you were okay. He'd been panicked all day going out of his mind trying to find you, Luckily for him, the men that took you hadn't been that good at covering their tracks.
"How about this?" The blindfold was suddenly ripped from your eyes and you blinked a little trying to get used to the sudden intake of light and your eyes instantly found Felix.
"Lix," You smiled warmly, looking at the man who took you and smirking a little. It was over for him.
"We let this one watch you bleed out before I slowly bleed her out too?" A knife was pulled from your kidnapper's pocket and Felix didn't even flinch, neither did you. Why did he think he could suddenly avoid all of the guns that were quite clearly aimed at him?
"Or..." He leant down toward you, the blade coming into contact with your skin as you let out a loud hiss,
"Don't touch her! Don't look at her, don't even BREATHE in her direction!" Felix screamed out before a shot rang out, The man dropped to the floor and Felix sprinted toward you, looking at your neck.
"He didn't cut deep... J- just a little cut," You hissed as Felix gently touched the small cut in your skin and you looked at him.
"You came for me." You breathed out in relief.
"Always." He whispered to you, kissing your forehead as his men worked around him to make sure the place was clear of anyone else.
As soon as Seungmin found you he'd been doing nothing but blame himself for everything that happened to you. Contemplating the what ifs and what could have been and it was torture to himself. He'd been on a rampage for days on end trying to find you until he finally tracked down the low-lives that thought they were ever going to be able to get away with what they'd tried to do. As soon as he came home to see you weren't waiting for him he knew there was something wrong, Then there were the phone calls demanding money and other things in exchange for you being brought back alive. All of which Seungmin was doing, whilst tracking them down until he found them in some dingy apartment in the rougher side of town. The sight of the place made him sick but what was worse was seeing you so visibly shaken up, you were terrified and it was enough for him to want to rip their heads off. Usually, he was on the calmer side of things but something snapped inside of him when he found out that you'd been taken and he was no longer the lenient man he was known to be.
"Boss, what shall we do with them?" Seungmin finally tore his eyes away from you and over at the two men who were now on their knees staring at you and Seungmin. The two of them were shaking and begging for their lives but no one was listening, not even when one of them wet themselves the second Seungmin burst through the door,
"Did they touch you?" Seungmin quizzed looking back at you as you looked up at him, it was obvious by the busted lip you were sporting that they'd hit you but it had only been once.
"When they took me," You mumbled a little, reaching out for Seungmin's hand desperate to feel his touch on you and for you to feel close to him once again. It had been four days trapped with the two idiots in front of you, no food and limited water and all you wanted was for your husband to hold onto you.
"Kill them. Slowly." Seugmin ordered, shrugging off his blazer before wrapping it around your shoulders and bringing you closer to him.
"Let's get you home," He whispered, wiping his thumb under your eye to get rid of the tears that were slowly escaping.
Jeongin was known for thinking rationally when it came to things in his world but the second you'd been taken it was like his rationality and humanity had gone out of the window someone had flicked a switch inside of him and he was going to stop at nothing in order to get you back. That was why there was a trail of bodies leading toward the men that had taken you, Jeongin was taking no apologies when it came to your safety, anyone that had been involved was a dead man - or woman - walking.
"You finally found us, it took you long enough." Jason cried out as you stared at Jeongin with tears in your eyes. Your arms were chained up while you were being held above the floor so your tip toes were just barely touching the floor and every inch of your body ached.
"What did you do to her?" Jeongin asked as he stepped closer to Jason, your eyes glancing at Jason's hands to see the gun he had waiting for your husband. For the last four days, you'd had to listen to him tell you how he was going to kill your husband, how he hated him and yet he hadn't taken the shot yet.
"Why?" Jason laughed obnoxiously and you stared at Jeongin, your throat too dry to get any kind of warning out that Jason was more dangerous than he seemed.
"So I know what to do to you when I get you back to my place," Jeongin growled out, there was a darkness in his eyes you'd never seen before and you weren't sure if it made you nervous or not.
"Well, we drugged her - of course, but that's what she gets for leaving her drink unattended." He laughed and you cringed a little remembering the day that he took you,
"Then we chained her up to the crane and just had some fun, no food and water will do a lot to a person." Jeongin refused to look at you right now, if he looked at you he would lose his concentration and right now he needed to keep Jason as distracted as he could.
"All of those people that choose to help you, they're all dead now." He announced casually smirking as Jason's eyes widened by a small fraction,
"No..." Jason would have heard long before now. He had people everywhere waiting for him, working for him, it was the plan to take over from Jeongin.
"Yes. A pile of bodies here and there and all because of you." Jeongin stared at Jason,
"You son of a bitch!" He screamed out, the gun turned toward you and you squeezed your eyes waiting for the impact but as the gun rang out you felt nothing,
"You're safe, I've got you," Jeongin called out as he lowered the crane, your arms falling around the back of his neck as you cried into his shoulder.
"I've got you, baby, shh." He cooed, soothing his hand over your back as he continued to cradle you in his arms, arranging a way for you to get home where he never had to let go of you.
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi i @sw33tnight night @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy dy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
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anananass · 11 months
NSFW Wriothesley x F!Reader ~ ”Don’t be shy”
warning: nsfw
Tags: creampie, begging, praising, rough sorta? Just him being so hot and good istfg!! And probably some other things. He is sweet jesus
summary: the Duke notices you want him to fuck you with a little more spice (it’s 3 am and I do not know what Im doing)
wc: 1,2k
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“Don’t be shy, tell me what you want princess.” The Duke’s hoarse toned words sent shivers down your spine. The sole fact he had been deepening himself inside your soaked folds for the past 20 minutes didn’t help but cause more trouble to you, so much that you slipped a rushed pant as you thought more and more of what you wanted.
Truth be told, you weren’t subtle at all with your desire to feel his hands roam around your stomach until finally gripping you to stay in place. You wanted him to handle you that way so badly but with the way he was ramming inside you, it was so much harder to voice your boiling yearning.
Still, attentive as he usually is, and perhaps a little too infatuated with the sight of you taking him so well, he was quick to notice your body language was gradually changing. Your motions, your squirming beneath him and the way you eyed his rough hands every time they’d move mere inches close to your stomach, it was all there. At first, he took it as nothing more than admiration, a gesture you always do every time he is on top and taking good care of you, however, this time felt different.
Maybe it was the prolonged eye contact you kept and the lustful whiff you gave off, but it didn’t matter anymore. He got the idea as soon as he lingered a pressured digit against the sensitive skin above his favorite area. No matter the case, if that was what you wanted, he would gladly provide, definitely not because he too found that idea as intriguing as you.
To encourage you, he began running his fingers down your chest, further lowering them to your stomach. He even gave you a playful wink followed by another thrust of his member.
Despite that, you still found difficulty in telling him and instead whimpered, hopeful he’d proceed with your wish but this was Wriothesley we are talking about. As much as it made him happy to spoil you, he wanted to hear that sweet beg come out of your pretty, fleshy lips.
The Duke’s lips’ corners curled into a mischievous smile, and upon pressing a forceful yet slow thrust inside you, he leaned closer to you. “Come on, tell me what you want.” He urged you nonchalantly whilst steadily rubbing himself against you despite his deeply buried member. “I want to hear you ask for it.” A faint groan slipped his honey-layered mouth and with it, prolonged eye contact followed.
He was making things so much difficult but at the same time, the lack of friction was making you go crazy, so much that you searched for it yourself. An obvious failure since he was doing nothing but chuckling in your face.
“I want you to grip my waist.” You finally uttered the words now that there was nothing to make you whine like a needy little mess. Your voice was barely above a whisper, and dear god the effect that had on him.
Hearing you ask for that in such a normal yet suave manner had his length pulse within your warm insides. It pushed you to gasp loudly given the slight vibration hit a good spot.
Wriothesley’s eyes widened with pure satisfaction, the tint of lust and adoration growing larger and larger in them. You couldn’t comprehend just how much that was driving him wild, but to your surprise, a simple request wouldn’t be enough. You couldn't just request he does something without stating what should be the consequence of that action.
“And do what?” His grace poked at you more and to add more tension, he rubbed himself against you one more time. It was unbelievable.
“Go wild.” You cried out, shuddering from all the euphoria he was denying you. You were so desperate that you grabbed his arms and dug your nails into his biceps, running your nails down to his forearms until there were red lines all over him.
That was all he needed from you. Oh, what a good girl you were, too good for him. With that, the Duke let out a groaned chuckle after which he lifted his body. You watched him gently placing his hands around your waist, and without any notice, felt his grip tightening around your sides.
“Good Girl.” is the praise that left his mouth before he started pumping in and out again, but with his hands effortlessly holding your body in place so you don’t move from all the force propelling you farther from him.
It was crazy, you could feel him hit it much differently than usual. It was as if his tip was hitting an inner wall that you had no idea about. A sensation so addictive that you began moaning louder and louder with each fierce thrust shoved inside your dripping cunt. But you weren't the only one enjoying this wild ride. The motions were equally addictive to him too, so much so that whenever he felt himself slap a little too hard against your slick folds, he wanted to go even harder.
He was so lost in the momentum that he didn’t know where to pay attention, your lower taking his throbbing length deeper than normal, your breasts jiggling upward and downward thanks to the pressure he was putting in, or you rolling back your eyes as you grabbed the mattress underneath you. So many sights for him to feed himself with, it was unfair. Oh, if he could see all of them simultaneously, he would be the luckiest guy in Fontaine, if not the entire world. But he had to decide on one.
Yet, once you arched your back and wailed in hunger for more, he let out a guttural groan run between his clenched fangs. From that moment on, his icy gaze stood fixed on you, on the emotions that were running through you.
His breath was shaky as his movements turned quicker and sloppier. His heart beat wildly as his arousal reached new heights. His member pounded harder the more your walls squeezed him. His grip tightened until his nails were dug deep inside your flesh, and upon feeling him clutch you way too intensely, you shouted in both pain and bliss. He couldn’t carry this any longer, and neither could you take it in anymore.
The Duke growled as he felt his fast-approaching climax reach its peak, and coincidentally enough, before he came undone, you convulsed underneath him.
Trembling in pure bliss, you bobbed your head back and called out for him whilst desperately grasping his hands in the final moments of your arrival. He wanted to keep fucking you during your orgasm but the sweet noises were too much for him to handle, thus causing him to fill you with his warm fluids.
“Fuck.” the moan slipped his lips as he too bobbed his head back right after feeling his seed flow deep inside. Soon enough, he looked back at you, flashing his favorite parts one final look before he could rest by your side.
Upon hearing him curse through his teeth, you chuckled to yourself and slumped to the bed, unable to move an inch or say anything more. Not that you needed to. After all, you did so well.
A soft smile grew on Wrio’s face as he noticed how you were slowly drifting away into a sleep.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
newly-mated cassian x reader or azriel x reader finds out his mate is pregnant, and his primal protective instincts go crazyyyy,overprotective isn’t even the word, like if someone looks at her funny he has a knife to their throat. or imagine someone pushes her and she falls and he just beats them to the brink of death
A/n: thank you anon for the ask, I love it 🫶
"And then– Cassian?" Y/n groaned, realising her mate wasn't walking next to her anymore. She turned, searching for the overgrown bat, and it didn't take long to find him as he towered over everyone.
She made her way through the crowd towards the mouth of a darkened alleyway, where Cassian was furiously whispering something to a male, who was pressed up against the wall.
"I swear to the cauldron–" Her mate was saying when she finally reached them.
"Cassian!" He turned immediately, most of his attention now on her.
"Yes darling?"
She glared at him, hands on her hips. "Let him go."
"But he was looking at you weirdly–"
"I wasn't! I–" The victim in question began, but one look from Cassian had him shutting up, swallowing thickly. A glint at the male's neck caught Y/n's eye, and she realised that Cassian had a knife to his neck.
"I'm pretty sure he wasn't. Let him go."
"Cassian." She sighed.
He grumbled but sheathed his knife. The male ran off with a grateful look at Y/n.
"Why would you do–"
"Cassian. Can you please stop doing that? I'm tired." Since he'd found out about her pregnancy two months ago, he'd almost made life living hell. For both Y/n and whoever dared to look at her. It wasn't that she hated it. No, she loved when her mate took care of her. But it was starting to get too much now. And if this was the case when it had only been two months, she couldn't imagine what he'd do for the rest of the term.
He nodded, his head low, shoulders slumped. She sighed before walking up to him and pecking his cheek. He smiled, and they continued on their way.
It had been a long time since the two of them had set foot outside of the home, with him insisting everyone out there was out to get his mate and child, and her not wanting anyone to die at his hands. So she had stayed at home, but she couldn't stay cooped up forever. They were taking a walk around the Rainbow as she told him of the new book she was reading when he cornered the male.
As they now walked on, Y/n spotted an Illyrian male walking towards them, talking to another fae male. She knew his wings would bump into her, so she tried to steer clear of them. But the place was jam packed, and his wings knocked against her shoulder.
Immediately, Cassian was on him, growling and snarling. He punched the guy, who tried to deflect. But one should always steer clear of a protective fae male, let alone an Illyrian, when their partner is pregnant.
The two went down as the people passing by stopped and stared. Some started muttering to each other as heat rose to Y/n's cheeks. She tugged at Cassian's collar, trying to get his attention by calling his name, to no avail.
She took a deep breath and then screeched. "Cassian!"
He stopped immediately, giving the other Illyrian the opportunity to slip from his grasp. He leaned heavily on his friend, looking halfway todeath. He was bruised badly, blood trickling from his nose and mouth as he stared incredulously at the General of the Night Court.
"What the hell?!" He said, glancing at Y/n who gave him an apologetic glance.
"I'm so sorry, he didn't mean to harm you."
"I most certainly did." Cassian snarled, standing and again starting to advance on the Illyrian.
"Cassian, please stop." She pleaded.
"Apologize. Now. You hurt my mate, and you will apologise."
"You heard me. I will not repeat myself. Apolo–"
"There is no need to apologise. How can you expect him to ask for forgiveness when you nearly beat him to death?" She glared at her mate, exasperated.
The fae male sniffed the air, then his eyes went round. "Are you pregnant?" The Illyrian turned to her as well while Cassian continued grumbling.
She smiled and nodded.
"I'm so sorry then. I didn't mean to hurt you." The Illyrian smiled.
She shook her head. "Don't worry about it." Turning to cassian, she crossed her arms. "Cassian, say sorry. Please."
"Why me?" He burst out, his eyes wide. Before Y/n couldn't answer though, the Illyrian spoke up.
"There is no need. I understand. I had a similar reaction when my wife was pregnant." He turned away, giving a wave to Y/n before clapping Cassian on the back and walking away. Cassian eyed him until the crowd swallowed him up. Then he turned to Y/n.
"Take me home." He blinked at her demand.
"But didn't you want to spend some time here?"
"I would like to stay locked in the house if you are going to kill every citizen of Velaris for just even breathing the same air as me."
He opened his mouth, but picked her up to fly back when she gave him a look.
She hadn't talked to him since they returned, and she was as sad as he was.
The door creaked open, but she stayed lying on her side. She heard his footsteps coming closer, but he didn't climb onto the bed. She waited.
"Do you want me to sleep somewhere else?" His voice sounded so sad, like a kid who knew their parent was angry. She turned to him then.
"Why would I want that?"
"You're angry." His shoulders curved inwards, as if awaiting punishment.
She sighed. "Come here."
She spread her arms, and he climbed onto the bed, his arms going around her as his head rested on her chest. "I'm not angry, love. I just get a little upset when your protective side becomes overwhelming."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." She told him, stroking his hair. "Just try to control the instincts. Yeah?"
He nodded, and when she glanced at him, she saw that he was pouting. She smiled.
"I love you." She murmured, kissing the top of his head. She flooded the bond with love, receiving the same amount of love that crashed into her soul from his side.
"I love you more. And you too." He mumbled, poking her belly.
She smiled. They talked into the night until sleep claimed them both.
As she drifted off, she knew the child growing in her would be the most loved child in the entirety of Prythian. And her mate would be the best father in the whole world.
Becuase, just like his protectiveness, his love was overwhelming.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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defensepunk · 1 year
I can't tell you how badly I wanna deny Miguel of his orgasm, I'm borderline farel at this point.
Love thinking about making him shake and whimper from overstimulation all because you put your thumb pad over his slit or stop touching him until he goes soft when you notice he's getting close, then rinsing and repeating for as long as it takes for him to break.
And I mean BREAK, not one sound he makes can be traced back to any dictionary. The only movement he can make at that point is shaking uncontrollably, he can't even arch his back anymore.
Miguel left drooling, crying, limp, and insane in my bed... what a world 🥰
(oh anon, you have inspired me!)
Tags include: dominant male reader, sub Miguel O'Hara, edging, overstimulation, bondage
"C- can't! Can't take any more, please-!" The two of you had been at this (this being your edging session) for hours. Miguel made such a pretty picture underneath you: restrained, teary-eyed, mouth slack and panting. "Mm, I don't know, princess," you tease, "You're still using your words. I thought I told you we would go until you couldn't do that anymore, right?" Miguel, your darling Miguel, nodded as frantically as he was able, back arching as your hand gripped his cock (too tight, too tight) for just a moment before gently sliding your thumb over his leaking slit. What a pretty mess he was making. But it still wasn't enough to satisfy. So you left him with a quick kiss and took your hands off of him entirely. "Wha-" he began, before remembering how you wanted him: speechless. You gently shushed him anyways. "Gonna be good for me, Miguel?" A drawn out moan was your only response. And slowly, so slowly, Miguel went soft again, even slower tears leaking from his eyes the entire time. And then your hand was stroking his cock again. This time Miguel practically howled, muscles straining and shaking and, oh, how you loved to see him like this, but you still wanted more. You wanted everything, so you continued to work your deft fingers along his aching, leaking cock until he was on the brink of another (sure to be failed) orgasm. And when you denied him again? Oh, his sobs were delectable. At this point he couldn't even push into your touch, all he could do was shake as his muscles spasmed from the stimulation. "Good boy, my sweet princess. This time, I'll let you come, okay? You've just been so good for me, yeah?" You crooned, and Miguel groaned softly in acknowledgement. He was soft again, still shaking, as your hand wrapped around him again, and he was no longer just shaking, he was twitching from the pure sensation. You worked him over, never settling into a predictable rhythm, never giving him a chance to relax, and oh the sounds he made for you. High whines, moans, gasps, all of them were pure music to you as they poured out of Miguel's slack, waiting mouth. He was absolutely broken for you, and you knew it wouldn't take much for him to cum now. "Hey baby," you whisper, close to his ear, "Next time I'll use the vibrator, the one with the app, yeah? And I'll tie you onto it so it's right on your dick, and then I'll leave you there. What do you think?" You asked, not expecting a verbal response. The response you received was entirely physical as Miguel let out a choked noise and finally (finally!) came, practically screaming as his sobs ripped through him, shaking all the while. Later, after you had taken care of him, he looked at you and asked, so very shyly, "So.. the vibrator?"
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hugshughes · 9 months
Pretend C. Loveland
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Cole Loveland x fem!reader
synopsis - You're right there next to him when Cole wins the big one, and he realizes he can't pretend with you anymore.
wc - 4k
contains - based off this request! barely edited sorry. it starts on like January 3rd, not like cause it's exact just after the rose bowl and before the champs. cursing, kissing, makin out, hugging, touching, allusions/talks of sex but no smut, fwb relationship (for part of it), nothing else??? L WORD.
an - this one is pretty long, and all over the place, but it's cute and i love Colston so. so happy someone requested him. he's so cute and hot. i LOVED this request. i read it the night i got it (night of the cfp champs) and thought about it all night. I LOVED WRITING THIS.
Your phone rang from its place on the couch. You were sat on the floor of your childhood living room, watching some college basketball game, Miami was beating Clemson by 7. You grabbed your phone, seeing Colston's name across your screen.
"Who is it?"
Your brother's voice sounded from across the living room, where he laid on the worn recliner, your cat in his lap. Your mother and father's eyes were now on you, expecting an answer. You were home for winter break, and they were nosy as ever.
"It's Cole, give me a minute."
You stood up rounding the corner into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter, sliding the answer button.
"Hi Coley, what's up?"
Colston smiled on his end of the call, he'd missed your voice, missed you saying his name. Although, you two had called two nights before, after they'd won the Rose Bowl.
"Hey sweetheart, I have a question for you. It's kinda big."
Your eyebrows furrowed, though your heart clenched at the endearment.
The situation with you and Cole was a little messy. You were friends with benefits. You two were very good friends, but one night in the first semester of freshman year, when you were both a few drinks in, you decided to sleep together. It was good, the best you'd ever had. It was kind of unspoken, you guys went home together, slept in each other's beds, but were still only friends. You knew that Colston had a lot going on in his life, with football on top of school, he was busy. He'd never told you that, you'd just assumed he wasn't looking for anything other than someone he could call when he needed to.
You couldn't lie and say you didn't have more intimate feelings for Colston, but you would never tell him that. Not when you assumed they were definitely unrequited. You'd been in the same situation with each other for over a year now, why risk it?
"Yeah? What is it?"
Colston took a deep breath, he didn't want to be embarrassed if you said no to him.
"Do you want to come down to Houston and watch us play on Monday?"
Woah. You weren't expecting that at all. Colston wanted you to come watch his game? Like you specifically, over anyone else? You were speechless for a few seconds, and Colston got nervous and filled the silence.
"Like it's all covered, you wouldn't pay for any of it obviously. I've got another ticket like where all the families are and I just would like if you were there. But obviously like you don't have to-"
"Colston, you're the sweetest. I really would love to. Are you sure, though? There's no one else you'd pick over me?"
You said it jokingly, but you seriously wanted him to be sure that you were the person he felt deserved it. You filled with nerves though, thinking about sitting with his family, thinking about sitting with other player's families.
"Of course. You're the first person I thought of. It's Monday and classes don't start till Wednesday so everything's fine there. So you really wanna go?"
Colston was giddy. You're the first girl he'd ever been giddy over. You seriously were the first person he thought of when he realized he had an extra ticket. He wanted you there, so badly.
"Yeah of course, Colston. What girl doesn't want to go support her best friend in the biggest game ever?"
Best friend. Colston's smile faltered for just a second, he knew that's all you two were, but God, did he want to be more. He quickly snapped out of his haze of disappointment, his smile returning.
"Perfect. I'll send you the stuff for your flight and ticket, okay? You'll be sitting with my parents, they're excited to meet you."
He'd already told his parents about you? That made your heart glow in warmth.
"Yeah that's perfect Coley. I know we'll talk sooner but I'll see you on Monday, okay?"
He said another sentence and then you two said goodbye. You giggled to yourself, extremely excited to go watch Colston play.
You walked back into the living room with a small smile, one that your mother immediately recognized.
"What'd Colston say that has you smiling like that?"
You blushed immensely, your eyes widening at your mother's bold question. She could tell you had a crush on him, even if you swore up and down you didn't.
"Oh well um, I'm going to Houston for the game on Monday now? Cole just invited me."
Even saying it out loud was surprising, you don't even belive it yourself. Your whole family gasped, passing shocked looks to each other.
"What?! You get to go to the college football playoff championship for free just because you like the tight end!"
Your brother shouted from across the room. You immediately threw a pillow at him, telling his to shut his mouth. Your mom giggled, giving your dad a knowing look.
You'd just landed in Houston, it was Monday morning and you could tell by the airport crowds that the city would be crazy. Everywhere you looked you could spot someone in either Michigan or Washington merchandise. You personally, were wearing your Michigan football sweatshirt that had LOVELAND and 18 splayed across the back.
You got an Uber to the hotel Colston had sent you the address of. Apparently, it was the same one the team was staying at, so you knew it would be ballistic. You had to fly out extra early so that you could get to the hotel before the send off for the boys, so Colston could try to see you before the game.
You reached the hotel just after 9am and the lobby was already filling up with Michigan fans. You checked in quickly, filing into a packed elevator and calling Colston as you scanned your key card for your room, opening the door.
"Hey Colst, I just walked into my room."
Colston excitedly sat up on his bed where he'd been laying for the past little bit. The guys had to head to the lobby a little before 10 so they could leave to the stadium. His roommate for the night, AJ Barner was in Donovan and Blake's room currently.
"That's perfect. You should come hang in my room for a while before I gotta go."
You agreed, talking for a few minutes before hanging up the call. You quickly made sure your hair looked good and you didn't look like you just woke up before you left your room, entering the elevator and going up two floors to Colston's. You walked down the hallway, knocking on the door he'd told you to.
The door opened quickly, Colston immediately pulling you towards him, wrapping you up in his arms. He smelled familiar, warm and strong hands around your hips. Your arms squeezed around his shoulders, savoring this feeling.
"Hey sweetheart."
"Hi Colston."
You both giggled as you pulled away. Colston closing the door behind you and guiding you through the front hall of his hotel room, his hand on the small of your back. His eyes made contact with the 18 on your back, his hand coming up to move your hair over, his eyes darkening when he saw his name. It was so fuckin' hot to see you proudly wearing his name.
"Nice sweatshirt."
You giggled, turning around and making a joke about it, before sitting on the bed that you could tell was his, since the other one was covered in AJ's stuff. You kicked your Uggs off as you scooted back onto his bed, leaning against his headboard. Colston looked down at you from his place standing at the end of his bed. He'd missed you a lot. He threw himself onto the bed next to you, using his tattooed hand to grab your legs and pull them over his. His love language was physical touch.
You two sat there for about thirty minutes, talking about the couple weeks since you'd been home for break and he'd been busy with football. You check your phone, seeing it was 9:50.
"Cole you gotta get downstairs."
He sighed, agreeing with you. You both got up, Colston grabbing everything he needed before you both exited his hotel room, seeing a couple other players out in the hall as well. You greeted the guys, getting in the elevator. The elevator stopped on your floor, so you grabbed Colston's hand giving it a quick squeeze before saying bye and wishing all the guys good luck.
The other players in the elevator all looked at Colston with smirks, making comments on how down bad he was.
"Bro, you need to make a move. You are in love, boy."
"You guys need to get together already."
He quieted them down, insisting there was nothing more than being friends in the books for you two. None of the guys believed it, they all saw the way you two looked at each other. You were like the sun, and Colston was the moon, the moon only glows when the sun shines on it. You made Colston the happiest he ever was, his mood significantly increased whenever he saw you, and everyone saw it. His mom hadn't met you yet, but she already loved you, because she saw how happy Colston got when he talked about you.
You reentered your room, laying down on your bed. You had to leave for the game at 5:45, so you took a nap. You woke up around 4, getting up so you could get ready. You pulled your outfit out, laying it on your bed. Your favorite jeans and your navy Colston Loveland jersey. He'd gotten it for you as a joke for your birthday, but you loved it.
You headed into the bathroom, fixing your hair up, doing a half up half down with a little maize ribbon bow. You did your makeup and then checked the time. It's was just a little after four, so you had a good amount of time still.
You changed into your outfit, slipping on your navy sambas to match your jersey. You sat in your room until 5:35, before heading downstairs. You were immediately recognized by Colston's mom, whom he had shown multiple pictures of you to.
"Hey honey!"
You turned and saw a smiling woman, wearing a maize Michigan top and a navy hat that had 18 embroidered onto it.
"Hi! Are you Mrs. Loveland?"
She nodded, grinning at you. She hugged you introducing herself and her husband and insisting you call her Rachel. You spoke with them for a couple minutes before they led you to the car that was waiting to escort you three to the game. When you pulled up to the stadium, Mrs. Loveland gave you a lanyard game pass, telling you to put it on.
You guys go through security, showing your passes to get into the stadium. When you sat down, it was 6:40. You talked to Colston's mom for a long time, she wanted to get to know the girl who had her son so enamored. She told you about life in Idaho, Colston's career in rodeo, all of it.
"Colston would hate me for asking this, but are you two dating? He doesn't like telling me too much about his love life."
You blushed, even his mom was wondering if you were together. You laughed, shaking your head.
"No ma'am, we are not. Colston is insanely sweet, though."
She gave you a look you knew all too well. It's a look that was given to you almost everyday at this point. A look you received whenever you were with Colston, or he was the topic of conversation. Everyone knew, everyone except for him of course.
The conversation between you two fizzled out, comfortable silence taking over before a girl a few years older than you, sitting on the other side of you, started talking to you. She was one of the D-Line's sister and she was super sweet.
You spoke more with the people all around you as the game proceeded, standing up sometime in the second quarter and never sitting back down.
The score was 13-20, and there was 9:15 left in the fourth quarter, we needed something big this drive, at least a field goal. You stood, hands on your hips as you drummed your fingers back and forth in stress. You closed your eyes and crossed your fingers, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes again.
The ball was snapped to JJ, and your eyes latched onto Colston as he sprinted out, cutting across the field as JJ sent the ball soaring down the field. Colston jumped up catching the ball perfectly. You jumped up and down, shouting his name as stumbled a little before he took off down the field.
You hugged the sister next to you as she gave you the look. Colston's catch had gotten them deep into Washington territory, the drive ending in a touchdown!
You hugged everyone around you as you watched the final seconds run out. You chanted and clapped with the Michigan fans one last time as some began to leave. All the family members stayed for a while longer. You watched as the boys ran onto the field, smiles on each and every one of their faces. You watched them put their hats on, holding the trophy, hugging each other.
Your focus on Colston was interrupted when his mom grabbed your attention to tell you it was time to go so all of you could get down onto the field. You followed behind his mom as you were led back into NRG then through a hallway that led to the tunnel. You walked down the tunnel, staying right behind the Lovelands.
As the three of you descended into the crowd of boys, coaches, reporters, and more, you made sure to keep your eyes on the back of Mr. Loveland's head, so you didn't lose them.
They found Colston rather quickly, burying him in a tight hug. They laughed and teared up as their son hugged them, you couldn't help but take a couple candids of them. When Colston lifted his head from his dad's shoulder and his eyes caught on you, he practically lunged at you, wrapping you up in his arms and lifting you up swiftly, laughing.
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, squealing as you were no longer on solid ground.
"Colston! Oh my God babe! You did it, you played so good!"
"Well, you were here! You're seriously my good luck charm."
You shook your head, denying it. But if anyone ever cared to look at the stats, Colston always played better at the games you attended. He was on an adrenaline rush, his head going at a thousand miles a minute. He pulled away just slightly, so he could see your face. You both smiled brightly, you were so proud.
Colston saw something different in your eyes, something he hadn't ever seen before. His breath still lightly heaved form the activity of the games but his heart rate increased as you looked at him. He had to, he had to.
He put you back down, not letting go of you. His bright smile changed into something much more serious, worrying you.
"I know the title of whatever we are has always been weird, and iffy, and whatever but I just- Like I can't keep pretending with you."
He looked anywhere but your eyes, you had no clue what he could say next. You cupped his face, forcing him to look into your eyes.
"What, Colst? You can't pretend what?"
"That I'm not in love with you. That I haven't been in love with you since we first starting bein' whatever it is we are. I really love you. And I understand-"
You smashed your lips onto his. Colston immediately responded, pulling you closer, tightening his grip on your waist. You pulled away from him when you needed air, but he just tried to chase your lips. You put a hand on his chest, laughing as you stopped him.
"And you had me sitting here for the last four hours trying to convince all these people we were just friends?"
"Well you're the one who kissed me, so."
He cut off your next sassy remark with his lips, kissing you again. Your hands ran through his sweaty hair as his warm body engulfed you. You again were the one pulling away from him when you realized exactly where you were again. You blushed insanely, catching sight of his mom, who just smiled knowingly, sending you a wink.
Colston laughed as he followed your line of sight, turning back to you. Before he could let a word slide through his smirking lips, you pulled him down by his jersey, kissing him one more time. You both smiled into the kiss, laughing like 15 year olds who'd just kissed for the first time ever.
Soon it was time for everyone to get off the field, the guys had to head back to the locker room. You walked back up the field to the tunnel, while Colston held your hand the whole way up, until you two had to part ways.
"Wait for me, okay? We should be back by like midnight. I'll come to your room."
You nodded, smiling up at him, urging him to go. Colston couldn't resist tugging you into him by your connected hands, crashing his lips onto your once more. When you pulled away, the air between you two was filled with nothing but love.
"I'm so proud of you, Colst. You're so talented, and hot, and good at football. I love you."
"I love you."
"Now go! Go celebrate, and have fun, and smoke a cigar but don't come to my room smelling like one."
He pulled you closer again, your attempts to urge him towards the locker room failing.
"I wanna celebrate with you later."
His hand slipped down to the curve of your ass, his fingers rubbing back and forth. You quickly slapped his hand, your face inflamed as you looked around, making sure no one saw or heard him. Thankfully no one had.
You pushed him towards the locker rooms, and he finally went. Not without blowing you an exaggeration kiss, which you "caught", and pressed against your heart.
You made your way over to Mr. & Mrs. Loveland, who were talking with other parents. When they noticed you come up, they both smiled. Colston's mom asked if you were ready to go, to which you nodded with a grin.
You were back in your room around 11, surprisingly. You showered and dried your hair, putting on pajamas that consisted of one of Colston's football tees and shorts too short to see under it. You laid in your bed, looking through the TV. You smiled to yourself as you seemed to flip to the ESPN channel at the perfect time, a clip of Colston's catch being discussed. You kept flipping until you stopped on a channel playing a movie you knew nothing about, but knew Colston liked.
It was a while after midnight when you heard a knock on your door. You giddily jumped up, running over to the door. You opened the door with a smile, seeing a smiling and clean Colston.
"Hi Coley, come on in."
You grabbed his hand as he laughed greeting you and shutting your door behind him. He took his backpack off and slipped off his shoes.
"Are you sleeping over? Shouldn't you be in bed with AJ right now?"
He threw his sweatshirt he had been pulling over his head at you. He was now shirtless, and you stared at his toned body.
"Shut up, we do not share beds. And also this'll be our secret. You don't snore as loud as AJ does."
He tried to give you a cute and innocent smile as he finished his sentence, to not act like he was about to burst out laughing. You tossed his sweatshirt onto his backpack, giving him a middle finger.
Colston covered the few feet between you two in no time, pinching the material of "your" shirt with his fingers.
"Nice shirt, wonder where you got it?"
"Some hot guy, don't remeber his name."
Colston laughed as you turned around letting in an amused 'oh yeah?' as you climbed into your bed, signaling for him to do the same. He climbed over you, pulling the covers up to his torso. You quickly scooted over to him, turned into him and sitting on his lap.
Your hands wandered his now bare chest before finding their way to his hair, the ends were still a little damp from his shower. You tug his hair lightly as you plant your lips on his. He quickly deepened the kiss, sliding his hands onto your hips.
You'd made out with Colston many times before, but this time it was so different. This time it was more than just making out, because you wanted to. It was you making out with the boy that was finally yours. When you pulled away, Colston smiled at you, his eyes glazed over in love.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
Hearts swarmed in your eyes, you smiled at Colston, nodding gladly.
"It's almost like I've waited over a year for you to ask that."
Colston rolled his eyes sassily, and you giggled as he pulled you into a kiss. This kiss was sweet and chaste, full of love and nothing else. He pulled away from you, leaning his head back, the biggest smile on his face. He tilted his head to the side, looking at you.
"Hi girlfriend."
You giggled, leaning forward to hug him, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Hi boyfriend."
It was muffled into his shoulder, but didn't fail to make Colston incredibly happy. You were finally his, fucking finally. You didn't have to pretend with each other anymore, you were proudly and openly in love.
"I love you, Colston."
"I love you more."
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whumpback-wail · 11 months
03 - More Questions than Answers
Trial by Fire (Wriothesley x Reader) - TW/CW in masterlist
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Her hair seems longer spread around her pillow like this.
Wriothesley mused, his thumb and index finger playing with her locks. After (y/n)'s panic attack, he was told that it's better to sit somewhere she can see him, and to have the lights on. The next time she wakes up, he would be able to ground and reassure her that she's no longer in danger.
His eyes watched the curve of her nose, and the lashes that twitched ever so slightly as she slowly regained consciousness. He stroked comforting circles along the baby hair that grows close to her forehead.
His heart seemed to skip a beat when he saw her eyes slowly open, blinking a few times before her eyes focused on him. She has such beautiful eyes, he mused to himself, but then felt a pang of hurt when she involuntarily flinched from him.
"Good morning, (y/n)."
"Wrio-" (y/n) coughed
Wriothesley grabbed the glass of water on the bedside and helped her drink.
After he laid her back down, (y/n) was dazedly blinking at him, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.
"A-am I dead?" (y/n) started, looking down at her body which was tucked underneath the blanket, a hand that wasn't held down by the IV went to touch her face, 
"Is this.. real?"
He took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. "You're alive (y/n), and this is real. You're safe with me now, no one's gonna hurt you anymore, not on my watch."
(y/n) nodded, as if still processing his words.
Wriothesley wanted so badly to gather her in his arms and kiss her on her lips. She was all bandaged up, and her hair stuck up on some areas due to the pillow, but in his eyes she had never looked more pretty. He cleared her throat. The nurses would be against such actions, for fear that too much physical contact would trigger another panic attack.
"I should get the nurse, tell her you're awake." He stood up, lightly squeezing her hand. She only nodded, still eyeing him as if he would suddenly disappear into thin air.
Soon enough, the nurse came in. It was a middle aged woman with grey hair. She smiled at (y/n), "good afternoon, my name is Komaki, can you tell me your name?"
A pause.
"I'm... (y/n)"
Nurse Komaki smiled hearing her response, her eyes glued on her charts, "how old are you?"
"I... I'm not sure."
"Where are you right now?"
(y/n) paused and looked around. She could clearly see her room now that the lights are on. While it was clearly a hospital, it was not the same one as... wherever it was with doctor Arderne. She shivered.
"I-in a hospital?"
"Which city?"
(y/n)'s eyes locked with Wriothesley's, who had been silently watching from the doorway. He gave her an encouraging smile.
"Fontaine I think."
Nurse Komaki smiled, "very good!"
Turning to Wriothesley, she nodded to him. "I'll keep checking her memory, and I'll need to do a physical examination of her vitals and wounds. If you don't mind, sir?" She tugged at the privacy curtains around her bed. Wriothesley got the message.
"I'll go uh... walk around." He nodded at nurse Komaki, and promptly left.
(y/n) is awake at last. A new wave of nervousness swept over him. He was almost afraid of the results of her checks. What if she lost her memories? Her feelings for him and his for her? What if she had no recollection of the time they spent together? Chlorinde and Aether still couldn't find her vision aside from the metal bit, so what if...
He pushed the thoughts out of his head. In any case, he has some important matters to attend to.
• • •
Wriothesley rolled his shoulders, feeling a bit sore from sleeping on the couch for multiple nights in a row. He stayed there despite the urges from everyone, telling him to go home and sleep in his bed, only leaving occasionally to help with the investigation and get a quick shower. He didn’t mind the hospital meals. As long as it nourished him, he didn't care what food was served. The tea, however, was terrible, and he started to miss his office in the Fortress of Meropide.
Walking briskly, he found himself standing before Monsieur Neuvilette’s office doors, which he promptly pushed open. Neuvilette, who was seated behind his desk, nodded towards him in greeting, along with Navia, who Neuvilette hired to help in the investigation.
“So you had updates?” Wriothesley skipped the pleasantries, noticing the two’s somber expressions. He sat on the unoccupied chair beside Navia.
“Yes.” Navia handed him a file.
“We went back to the building where (y/n) was kept. As we all guessed, it was a facility used for human experimentation, under Dr Arderne.”
Wriothesley winced at the name. How could he not notice anything about the man? Arderne has been under his nose all this time in Meropide, that is… until he escaped and took (y/n) with him. But even so, he was a great Doctor while he served his sentence in Meropide, he was in his best behaviour that Wriothesley overlooked him.
Neuvilette leaned forward, “We also found some tapes and files on the things they do there. They have files for everyone, including (y/n).”
This made Wriothesley frown. “What was in it?”
Neuvilette and Navia shared a knowing look with each other, before turning to Wriothesley with sympathetic looks. Neuvilette gestured at the file handed to Wriothesley, “Hers was not complete, some data were taken by the accused party. But in general, they did… a lot of experimentation on her. Something no one should have to endure.”
Wriothesley opened the file and flipped through the papers, the voice of Neuvilette and Navia sinking to the background as he read through the pages.
Subject 1102.
Log 01
Subject 1102 is aggressive, and would not stop fighting the doctors. Despite the restraints used, Subject 1102 refused to take any treatment from the facility. She will be subject to two weeks in the padded room with one meal per two days to treat her aggression.
Treat. He knew it was another word for “to break her spirit”. Wriothesley gritted his teeth and continued.
Log 09
Subject 1102 was severely weakened after the padded room, but still refused to cooperate. Dr Arderne now personally handles her. He reports that for a higher chance of success on vision tests, the subject has to be physically weakened-
• • •
Returning to the hospital  his head swam with the new information. Navia said she will continue to investigate  but they would also need information from (y/n) and the doctors.
Damn the missing files.
He swore to himself that he would get to the bottom of this, hopefully without the need to ask (y/n) herself.
First he spoke with Nurse Komaki, who told him (y/n) didn't seem to have any brain damage, at least not on her memories. She thought this was weird considering how (y/n)'s vision was missing, normally people with their visions taken would lose their memories, their sense of self, and their drive to achieve what they wished for in the first place.
Other than that, her physical wounds were healing nicely. The melusine healers had done a great job at helping her recover.
He thanked Komaki, and proceeded to walk towards her room. Where he knew his fiancé was probably, hopefully, awaiting his return.
(y/n) wanted to go home. She never liked hospitals, and after what… happened, she felt herself hate it even more. She felt constantly on edge, especially after Nurse Komaki left to check on her other patients. The nurse did not say anything to her about her results, but the puzzled look on her face says a lot. Something is not quite right. Wriothesley was not back yet, but she knew he will return, right? She could trust him. If he said that she’s safe, and that this wasn’t a dream, then she should be okay, right? The walls felt like it was closing in on her.
It’s okay, youre safe now, breathe (y/n), breathe.
Despite her efforts, she felt panic rising. The feeling of the sheets against her skin felt too much. The ticking of the clock too loud. Why are the walls so white? Everything looked too bright. Pain. Pain. Pain. No more please- she couldn't let her thoughts drift back there-
The door opened, and Wriothesley’s figure appeared promptly.
(y/n) was not sure what expression she was making, but Wriothesley’s smile morphed into concern.
“(y/n), are you okay?”
“I- I’m safe, right? You trust this hospital?”
Wriothesley was instantly by her side, “May I touch you (y/n)?”
(y/n) hesitantly reached out and pulled his sleeve closer to her. Taking this as a sign, he brought her closer for a hug.
“You’re safe now, (y/n), your room is watched over by Navia’s men, remember? Spina di Rosula. They are very capable, and they will not leave their post unless told otherwise.”
“They’re not going to get me again right?”
Wriothesley kissed the top of her head. “Never. I’ll make sure you stay by my side, sweetheart.”
(y/n) froze. Sweetheart.
Deep breaths. You’re safe, it’s just Wriothesley, it’s not-
“Rise and shine, sweetheart” a kick to her ribs, “you’ve stayed in this boring old padded room long enough, don’t you think? Ready to cooperate with me now?”
“...Go to hell, Arderne.”
“Looks like you still have some fight left in you huh?” Arderne bent down and grabbed a fistful of her hair, "maybe some electro-slime therapy would work better-"
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" (y/n) screamed, her leg connected with Wriothesey's stomach, making him stumble backward, wincing. Hearing the outburst, the two men stationed outside burst into the room. Wriothesley signalled to them that there is no danger  and the two went back outside. He made a mental note to thank Navia again later.
"(y/n)," he groaned, slowly making his way back to her, "it's not real, you're safe."
He watched her helplessly as she continued to hyperventilate, her eyes glued on to jim but ay the same time, seeing nothing. She' having another flashback, but why? Was it something he said?
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she curled further into a ball, shivering.
"I- Please no more. I can't-"
It finally clicked. So they had been calling her sweetheart there huh… Wriothesley felt anger bubble up. It was how he always called her, a term of endearment. How dare they taint that.
He took another step closer, "(y/n) please come back to me. It's Wriothesley. You're in Fontaine's hospital, guarded by the Spina di Rosula. You're safe here with me."
Blue eyes met hers, and he noticed how her eyes seemed to slowly focus back on him. He took that as a good sign.
"Yeah, no one will hurt you anymore. I promise."
A few seconds of silence.
"Yes darling, it's me."
"I'm… what?"
"You had a panic attack (y/n), you were screaming," Wriothesley took another step. "May I come closer? Please?"
(y/n) silently opened her arms for a hug  and Wriothesley took the invitation as a yes. "I'm sorry Wrio, I don't know what happened." she mumbled against his chest.
"Sshh don't be," he kissed her forehead, "it' not your fault okay? Your brain is just having some horrible flashbacks."
A few moments of silence fell over the two, with Wriothesley rubbing comforting circles on her shoulder.
(y/n) hesitated. "can you… stay with me for the night? Like this?"
"Of course, anything for you, love." Wriothesley shifted them both so that they both could fit comfortably in the small hospital bed. Rules be damned. He wanted to make sure (y/n) feels safe through the night.
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(´-ω-`( _ _ )
A long one this chapter, it was one of those moments where I start writing with a plan A in mind but the characters decided plan B. For now it's just everyone being confused, but there will be more answers in the next chapter!
Taglist: @almosteggs @quuela @tempest1art @yamanaka13-blog @arseneumbra @kimmeaahh @cottonfluffs @randomidk-123 @applejayee @keigo-hawks-takami-simp @mechanicalbeat1 @aribae14 @bforbiblio @supernerdycookietrashblr
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percygranate · 2 months
Hey, so I usually don't ever ask people for money, but I am kind of at the end of my abilities and cried too much today to care about it anymore:
My dog, who I rescued in Croatia in 2017 after he was found eating dirt in the forrest, Lu, is turning 8 years old next mont. He is the sweetest and softest fur baby, and look like an ice bear. He never ever has been in a fight with another animal and thinks everyone, no matter the species, is his best friend.
He is also my best friend, and I initially adopted him after starting therapy after moving out of home for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, and C-PTSD, which had me not leave the house for years. He is my best friend in fur and helped me to get back out into the world again after it had been nothing but awful to me.
I fixed myself, fixing Lu, when nobody wanted him and nobody wanted me.
For two months now he has been dealing with severe hip and back issues. It started abruptly, with him no longer wanting to play and be on long walk, suddenly struggling to get up, and as something our vet called “just a little muscle inflammation” and a one-week medication treatment that cost us 150€.
Lu felt better for 1 1/2 weeks and even started playing a little again before the pain came back. This time, we paid 100€ for a milder medication as the vet did wanna put him again on those string monster pills he was on before as it would’ve damaged his system. I gave him those pills every day (he, by now, is such good boy at taking them) and he did again better for a 1/2 week without daily medication.
Again, he couldn't get up, started crying at night, is no longer is able to sleep in my bed, no longer lay on his back, and he only lays on the floor, trying not to get up and walk around as he is in pain, he no longer plays… So we went to the vet again.
This time, we paid 80€ for a few of the strong medications he got in the first place. Diagnosis: “Old boy. Arthritis. Inflamed hip.” We were meant to give him two of those pills on days he is struggling more than the by now basic.
Two days ago, I was on a walk with Lu, just leaving my apartment complex, when he collapsed for the first time and fell down in the middle of a crosswalk. There was no chance of him getting up. Car drivers hated us, and I bagged for minutes that he would try getting up.
After I nearly started crying, he finally forced himself up, walked a few meters, and fell again. It was like his hips just couldn't carry him anymore. Watching him to try forcing himself up but struggling so badly is something that kills me every time I see it, but I am used to it by now, sadly.
He finally got up after 30 minutes and we walked home. I gave him his pills and after a nap we ran around pretty well, even the next day he was doing so much better. I should've not thought this was over.
Today my boyfriend took him on a walk. The same thing happened, but this time Lu screamed out in pain first. This time there was no getting up. Even after my boyfriend called me and I ran over in my pajamas as Lu is known to be a mama’s boy.
We called our vet, who told us we needed to go to the animal hospital. The animal hospital told us they would charge us roughly 2500€ for an X-ray and have Lu there overnight and treated.
The secretary from the animal hospital told us we were not allowed to pay it back at monthly rates when we asked.
We asked why it was so expensive; she replied, “We are the only ones doing this in the city, so we can choose our prices as we see fit.”
We asked how other people could afford that, crying in the middle of the street as our dog still lay there, unable to walk or even get up, and she told us, “Everyone can afford that.”
When my boyfriend told her he needed to talk to me about it, she replied, “Yeah, sure. Just call us if you actually need and want our help.”
I am disabled, suffering from Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Sympton, am in the middle of getting a POTS diagnosis, and have Autism and ADHD. I am physically due to the chronic pain not able to work. I don't have that kind of money to just whip out like it is nothing.
For my boyfriend, this kind of money is more than his monthly loan.
There is no worse feeling than when your pet is in pain and needs to be medically treated, but you can't get them the help they need because YOU do not earn enough.
We cried and tried to get up Lu for an hour before calling my mother, who I am low contact with as she emotionally abused my for decates and is part of the reason I have C-PTSD. She drove us the a Animal Hospital outside the city, as they were the last suggestion our vet could give us and the told us they would charge less for the same kind of help and work.
There, we were prepared to pay the 300€ to have Lu no matter how, even if we needed to/manage to have my mother borrow it to us.
The vet was amazing, seeing the problem the moment Lu finally stood up and walked for the first time.
His hips are fucked, probably the back too, and he has Arthritis. But right now, they can't do any of the X-rays because first his fever and inflammation need to go down.
Today we paid 100€, Lu got a big shot, and for the first big pain and fever, starting tomorrow, he will regularly take two of those initially given strong pills once a day so he hopefully can have the x-rays next week.
My dog was mentally a puppy jumping around like a little deer until this started. He always wanted to play, always ran around and did something. This took all the joy in life for him.
I’m asking for help to pay for the X-ray and whatever treatment will follow for Lu after.
Today we had the X-Ray appointment and paid 352€
Hips and back are okay.
Cruciate Ligament Rupture & the knee joints are fucked.
The operation will be a two timer and cost us 4000€
I am currently not able to tell you how I am going to pay this. I barely managed to pay the X-rays today.
I amcurrently not even in possession of a life insurance that could help my dog if I kick it. /ifywim
I am BEGGING, if you have even a euro or dollar or whatever to spare, please help me.
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(paypal also uses my deadname, so please ignore that)
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tboybuck · 1 year
here's a teeny tiny lil scoops troop drabble for @stobinesque's birthday, just a few hours late <33
the first time steve and robin took dustin and erica out for ice cream after starcourt, it was a fucking disaster. robin told steve it would be, and he didn't believe her, but she wanted so badly to do something else because she was just so certain that ice cream wouldn't be the same for those kids anymore after everything that happened and would ya look at that? robin was right.
of course robin was right, robin was always right. one day steve would learn that robin's ideas would always be the best, that even though robin wasn't always great at picking up social cues she did understand people's emotions pretty well, thanks so much for not asking, dingus. it had only been, like, a month or so and already robin was sick of playing the i told you so game with steve harrington.
she loved him, though. there's some stuff you can't come out of on the other side without forming a lifelong bind with someone and as it turned out, being drugged and tortured by russians was one of those things. so. robin was stuck with steve now, just like he was stuck with her, just like the two of them were stuck with dustin and erica. what a strange little troupe of misfits they made.
the first time they went out for ice cream after starcourt, none of them could finish their sundaes. the ice cream sat heavy on their tongues and went down too cold and sat uncomfortably in the pits of their stomachs. it made robin think of the fear of that day, made her jump at the sound of the door to her left opening with a little jingle as other customers walked in. steve had a faraway look in his eyes sometimes, the way robin's uncle still sometimes did when he started thinking about the war. dustin and erica were quiet. it was almost eerie.
so robin suggested pizza, and erica jumped at the suggestion, and the four of them found their way to the big empty harrington house where they all piled onto the couch together while my little pony played on the tv.
erica came to life again with her face smeared with pizza grease as she peeled the layer of cheese off the top, shoving it into her mouth as she argued with dustin about the characters' motivations, the writing, the animation. even when she initially seemed to agree with him she would argue, tell dustin he was wrong and stupid and what could you possibly understand about north star, dumbass - you couldn't navigate your way out of a wet paper bag!
and steve laughed. he laughed in a way robin hadn't seen since before everything that happened. he laughed at the kids, he laughed at her, he laughed at himself, and for the first time in weeks robin was happy. she wasn't healed, she wasn't okay - not by a long shot.
but she would be. someday. if things kept up like this and she got to spend more time with these people who had come to mean more to her than any other friend she'd ever had in her life, someday robin would be okay. she'd never forget the things she went through in that bunker under the mall - none of them would. but she had people here who understood her, who could empathize with her pain and her fear, and she had steve.
they'd get through this together.
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cocoasnail · 29 days
I am very unwell because of covid. I don't have a high temperature anymore but it feels like there's not enough oxygen in my body and I'm really dizzy.
The dog is very unwell too, he couldn't stand up without assistance anymore. But the problem is that he is also very afraid of being lifted because when he was neutered back then he was traumatised by the pain and he associates being lifted with that. So yesterday he bit my partner's hand pretty badly. My partner went to the hospital to get the wound cleaned. Luckily there's no broken bones but his hand hurts so bad he can't do anything with it.
After that he took the dog to the vet and was told that the dog either has joint inflammation which can be managed by medication or his muscles atrophied so much that he can't support his weight. If it's the latter we need to consider euthanising him soon. He got anti-inflammation medication and can walk much better today so maybe it would help. But we need to wait a day more to be able to tell.
So yeah, everything sucks right now.
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babygirldabi · 2 years
The soft Dabi brainrot I've been swimming in all day
CW: Pregnancy, pregnancy anxiety, mentions of loss of child, let me know if I forgot anything
This is my first post here and I already hate it but I needed to get it off my chest so badly, so here's some fuckshit I guess, enjoy
Boyfriend!Dabi, who thinks he's either going to pass out or have a stroke when you tell him that you're pregnant.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who very briefly, reflexively considers running away before common sense takes hold and reminds him that you are his entire life.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who wraps his arms around you while you panic and waits for you to slow down and stop rambling before asking you if this is what you really want.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who doesn't hesitate when you say yes, and promises to do his very best between sputtering apologies for getting you pregnant in the first place.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who spends more hours than you do poring over pregnancy and parenting books, trying to learn everything at once and giving himself migraines in the process. Sometimes you'll wake up to find him muttering to himself in a corner, his face in a book. One time you thought you caught him taking notes, but the paper was gone by the time you took a second glance.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who finds that he can deny you nothing anymore (not that he really could in the first place, let's be real), which often causes him to be stumbling headlong out of the house at 3 am to find you whatever you're craving at the moment; fried chicken, green olives, a very specific brand and flavor of yogurt, cookies, ice cream. You're normally over the craving and asleep by the time he gets home, but he'll just stick it in the fridge for later.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who finds that he cannot bear to leave you home alone anymore, let alone allow you to leave the house on your own- Not only does he set up cameras around the house so that he can keep an eye on you while he's at work, but insists that if you have to leave the house for any reason, you must be accompanied by a League member (It's usually Toga because she loves you and you love her).
Boyfriend!Dabi, who is determined to do better than his father did and is actively losing sleep over how hard he's going to work to make this child's life different, better, than his own.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who told Shig he couldn't do anymore night missions when Toga told him you couldn't sleep on the nights he wasn't in the house.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who creates a strict schedule for you to follow and makes you go to bed on time so you get a full eight hours. He doesn't care if you whine. That's his kid you're growing, and you both need rest.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who thinks he might actually cry when he gets home from work one day to find you on the couch, crocheting a baby blanket with a pretty skein of yarn, smiling up at him so sweetly.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who spends HOURS researching the best and safest baby products, who creates a fake account in a Mom's Corner chatroom just to get more details on how to actually raise a tiny human successfully.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who blushes and hides his head under the covers when you find the chatroom on his laptop one night before bed, because you are positively howling and he's humiliated.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who is absolutely fucking goddamn terrified of the thought of you giving birth, because what if something goes wrong and he loses you both?
Boyfriend!Dabi, who watches you waddle around the house, one delicate hand on your swollen belly, and feels his heart swell with pride.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who will not let you even walk down the stairs to the first floor by yourself. He insists on backing down one stair at a time in front of you, arms open and ready to catch you if you slip, ignoring your grumbling and whining of Baby, really, 'm fine, because he needs to keep you safe.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who lays awake at night while you sleep curled up against him, one scarred hand to your belly to feel his baby kick, overwhelmed by the emotion he feels with every tiny thump.
Boyfriend!Dabi, who is soon to be Daddy!Dabi, and who loves you both more than you could ever know.
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Flufftober: Dear Diary
It was wrong.
So, so wrong.
He shouldn't even been thinking about it.
You'd been so faithful, so honest, and so open with him throughout the entirety of your relationship. 
The two of you were just shy of a year, and it was taunting him at this point.
You were gone, off on an assignment. He was all alone. He couldn't really be blamed for what he was about to do, could he? 
The worst part is that he knew he could get away with it. You would never know. It would be so easy. 
Surely, some boundaries shouldn't be crossed. Some actions couldn't be taken back. 
It was a bad idea. A terrible idea. Temptation at its most cruel. 
But he was so desperate at this point. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to do it. It was just one moment of weakness, right? 
It would be fine. You would be none the wiser. Things could continue as normal after the betrayal he couldn't stop himself from committing on this quiet, lonely night. 
He was pacing the bedroom, right in front of the bed the two of you slept in each night. He was almost wearing a path into the floor as he tried to rationalize what he was about to do. 
"Screw it," he decides, reaching for the very source of his temptation.
Dear diary.... Hello, James
He freezes, almost dropping your journal where he stands in complete shock.
At this very moment, he was cursing Sam for even putting the idea in his head. He was cursing himself for listening in the first place, especially after he told Sam that reading your journal was an egregious violation of privacy. 
He just wanted to find the perfect gift for you. To find something you wanted so badly for your approaching anniversary. 
He was sick of his gifts looking lousy in comparison to whatever magically perfect gift you got. It wasn't just him either, it was everyone.
For Sam's birthday a few months ago, you called his sister to find out what his most cherished childhood possession was. It was some toy that had been discontinued decades ago, and yet, you tracked down the last one in existence from a collector and gave it to him. Sam could still be caught playing with the stupid thing. 
For Bucky's birthday, you tracked down an old book of his mother's recipes. Bucky choked up at the mere sight of his mother's handwriting. And then you surprised him with a dinner consisting of near identical recreations of his favorite dishes.  
Bucky considered himself a pretty thoughtful person, but his gifts were always so exponentially inferior to yours.
Of course, you never told him that. You would gleam and glisten at whatever he gifted, but he knew, he knew.
Lost in his desperation, he sunk so low that he listened to Sam. He actually took Sam's terrible advice: just a quick glimpse in to your journal to get an idea of something that would take your breath away.
He looks back down at the page, clearly addressed to him: 
I knew Sam would break you.
He hangs his head, a groan of defeat leaving his mouth as he braces himself to face whatever words awaited him next.
You should know that I'm not actually upset. Mostly because I know you're going to beat yourself up for listening to Sam in the first place. Steve told me you were having a hard time finding a gift for me. (He really can't keep a secret, so I'm not sure why you told him.) Anyway, please know that I loved all the gifts you've ever given me. It's the thought that counts. I love them because they came from you. Stop worrying, it's not a contest. P.S. Wouldn't it be funny if you actually didn't follow Sam's advice and this letter was for nothing?  P.P.S. If it were a contest, I would win. But it's not! Love you! 
He loudly groans. Though your words were comforting, he was still at square one and now even more determined to out-gift you.
And now, you were onto him. "Damn it." 
Grumpy Sunshine Series Grumpy Sunshine Drabbles
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arcsparkasriel · 1 year
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Vtubertale Profiles: Ralsei Dreemurr
For those who heard the story from my first post, you probably already know the gist of it. However, I'm sure those among you want to know the story of my adorable little brother Ralsei again! Or at least with a bit more detail.
After "The Plan" failed quite catastrophically, when Chara and I...expired. Mom and Dad were pretty darn distraught. I still have issues from what happened, but I'm glad I have everyone to help me through it. Mom doesn't like to talk about that day, but I think I know what happened. All Mom could do was cry for the next three days until her mind and body couldn't cry anymore. I wish I didn't know how badly our selfish plan would affect them. Dad took it really badly too but in a different way. Yeah, shocking I know. Going nuts after watching your children die. He did not cry, he hardly spoke, and seemed to shut down completely, having retreated inwards. Then you know the rest. Dad let his mouth move before his brain could and declared war on humanity in a fit of rage.
Mom being disgusted with him and everything that had happened, had enough. Leaving her role as queen and essentially divorcing Dad, moving back to our old home in the Ruins, never to be seen for years.
However, Ma and Dad...ahem, most definitely...had a moment of romance any day at least a month back before this all happened. I did the math a long time ago. Understandable I suppose. Mortifying thinking about the details as their eldest son, but understandable. On the day of "the plan," I was only a week away from receiving my first weapon as a Monster, and my own royal circlet, officially being called a Prince. Ma and Dad were about to have their 1st honeymoon in centuries. So spirits were high at the time...until they weren't.
Another month after she left, did Mom realize she was with my first biological sibling. I've only gotten a few details from Mom about her time of pregnancy and I only remember a few scattered memories while being stuck inside that FLOWER. The Flower though didn't appear until she was further along. Maybe five months down the line? I do remember hearing her talking to herself...or Ralsei rather every day while she was carrying him.
"You'll always be safe with me. I'll teach you everything you'll ever need to know."
"We'll have so much fun together."
"We may not be the fullest family anymore, but I'll be all the family you'll ever need."
Stuff like that. The Flower didn't think much of it and probably scoffed at the comments at the time. Thinking back on it, however, I could tell Mom was barely hanging on to sanity. Frisk and I just convinced her to go into therapy just a few weeks ago. Both of us are convinced Mom was only an edge away from snapping and doing something insane. Yeah, I know all about the "Underfell" and "Horrortale" versions of Mom that did break and lost their sanity. One of my other selves told me as much. Those possibilities scare us every day. How Frisk and Ralsei managed to keep her from snapping I still don't know. We love her so much though. Mom is worth it.
When the day came...maybe enough of my soul seeped through the Flower to remain near Mom. Cause I vividly remember hearing every labored scream throughout the whole process. I was right outside the window. She was in the kitchen, just out of sight. Days prior, the Flower saw her gathering durable rope, a ceiling hook, a large bag of pain-dulling mushrooms, dozens of pillows, rubbing alcohol, and a large plastic tarpaulin. Typical, always thinking hygienically that mother of mine.
Jeez, she actually had to go through it the ancient way with no pain relievers or access to the royal hospital. Well, she was once a shield maiden before the war. So maybe Mom was just defaulting. Yeah, maybe I'll share that story with you all in a future journal. The labor itself probably took a full day, which still makes me mentally cringe and sympathetic. I don't know how I managed to keep the Flower still during all that time, the details are really fuzzy. I don't put too much thought into "the power of love" but perhaps there is something to that.
The next thing the Flower heard was the baby's first cry. And Mom doing her best to stifle her own joyful sobbing. She must have been exhausted but pushed through all of it. I got the best Mom ever. I could hear her voice shushing the baby and trying to soothe him. Surprisingly it worked. A small gasp I remember from her, but then a moment of silence and a soft cooing like a dove's call.
"Born in the dark, I suppose this was going to happen. I love you anyways, my little baby boy. It's nice to meet you, little one. I'm your mama. My little Darkner. We'll need to make sure you're covered. The light might be too much for you. For how long I cannot say."
I don't think the Flower quite understood what she meant until Mom somehow stood up to stumble into her room six hours later. The tiny wrapped bundle cradled in her arm. She was wearing a simple lilac gown in place of her royal robes. She was visibly drained of stamina and exhausted in every possible way. Bags under her eyes, a slow gait, and heavy breathing.
The Flower saw what the child looked like. 'Unnaturally pale with some pinkish hues coming through the fur. His tiny nails as well as his horns once they grew in would be that same pinkish shade.
"Albino" I remember the flower saying. And then laughing that horrible laugh that never leaves my thoughts. "Albinos never last long in the wild, let's see how long he lasts in captivity. Even if the barrier breaks, he'll fry like an egg in the sunlight."
After that, the Flower regained control and that's the last thing I remember.
Over the next few years, the Flower popped around to spy on them. Ralsei grew quite fast and took to his immortality quickly. By that time, the loop had already started to take effect and I had reset quite a few times by this point. For Ralsei's fifth birthday, Mom got him green robes and a pointy hat, for his eighth birthday, she made him a long hot pink scarf and gave him an ancient crucible steel human cauldron that fell from the surface. Just last week, we took it to be appraised by a professor at the nearby university. Ancient Celtic apparently. Very well preserved. Probably thanks to Mom's efforts. Ralsei still uses it to practice his unique "Cauldron Cooking". Not that much different from using a crock pot. Ralsei's Sea Salt Ice Cream Cakes are quite good.
When the human children began falling down into the Underground, Mom tried to help and adopt each and every one of them as her own. Ralsei was so excited each and every time to make a new friend, never having anyone else other than his own mother to play or talk with. It was quite a lonely existence in the Ruins.
Which only made their deaths all the harder on both of them. And every time it happened, a piece of their hearts broke. Ralsei just became more and more fragile. Mom only got angrier and angrier at Dad. Ralsei retreated further into the safety of his mind. The Flower from time to time would pop out and torment him. I still feel guilty about that.
I often saw Ralsei hanging around the flowers at Chara's grave by the entrance to the Ruins. Maybe some part of him knew something was there, even though Mom would never dare speak of Chara or me. The memories were still too painful.
When Frisk arrived, everything changed. There's something special about him. You know, other than the master of time manipulation, ability to fight infinitely stronger opponents, and superhuman willpower to keep his soul together. Once Frisk connected with us monsters, we couldn't help but love him.
After Chara betrayed us, I not only thought I was incapable of giving love but receiving it too. Sure, there was a time when she was my best friend too. She was my sister. Mom, Dad, and I wanted to save her all that time. To give her a family and a place to call home. Unfortunately, vengeance blackened her heart long ago. Mine nearly was. I walked the abyss of the Underground every day for centuries of time loops. Somehow I avoided falling in permanently. Chara just...didn't want to be saved. She fell into that pit years ago, and nobody, not even I could have pulled her out of it.
You definitely know the tale of how Frisk escaped Mom and began his journey right? Well, it happened just a little differently. Ralsei didn't want to stay trapped in the Ruins either. He had grown too attached to Frisk and didn't want to see him go. So he slipped some melatonin into Mom's pie. I'll have to ask him what kinds of things Mom was teaching him. Frisk confronted her at the exit like normal, except Ralsei disobeyed and followed them. After Mom allowed Frisk to go, Ralsei told me Mom was losing consciousness quickly, so he dashed out of the Ruins after Frisk.
Ralsei caught up with Frisk quickly and started following him on his journey. I think everyone in the Underground had an inkling about what Ralsei was, even with his robes on and his hat covering his head, including the smiley trash bag. But for whatever reason they chose not to say anything.
Most of the journey went just as how Mr. Toby Fox displayed it in the game he made about our story. With the addition of maybe a few extra conversations Ralsei and Frisk had with the other monsters and each other. I wasn't around them the whole time, and I'm still learning details as time went on.
At the end, Mom was livid with Ralsei, but forgave him immediately when she reunited with Frisk. And then there's Dad...
Meeting Ralsei for the first time was... wonderful, but hard for Dad. Not knowing that he had another blood son. Never being there for his birth, his birthdays. Never being there to make his first toy, or play ball with him, or anything really. It was even stranger for Ralsei. Since he had never known or been told about Dad from Mom. He wasn't angry at Mom for never telling her. Ralsei isn't one much for cliched responses. All he wanted was to learn more about his father.
The details after that go into how I came back, which I'll cover in good time. All you need to know is officially meeting my new little brothers for the first time as myself was probably the best moment of my life.
These days. only a year after we left the Underground, life is finally getting better. Not always fantastic, but so much better. Every day, one step at a time. Ralsei, Frisk, Susie, and I are still close as ever. We all live together in a seven-room multimillion-dollar apartment, paid in full by the government of England. Susie having just joined our family only a month ago. On the surface, Mom thought Ralsei should have new more modern clothing. So he traded out his robes for a modern-style Poncho to cover his Torso.
When he goes out into direct sunlight, we always try to get him to wear his pointy hat or a sunhat that Muffet made for him. We had to swap out his old glasses for some professionally made ones. Of course, boss monster-sized glasses for big monster eyes weren't readily available, so we had to get his custom-made from a company in America.
His cooking is starting to rival Mom's and my own. His Cauldron Cooking is quite top-notch.
Our apartment is very much like his own little kingdom. Since he can't always go outside, he takes care of most of the chores and cooking when Mom can't. We have our own sizable library that he's been spending a lot of time in. For work, I've been having to learn a few different languages being so close to other countries. Spanish, French, Polish, German, Italian, and Danish. And the ancient languages that I'm glad to have persisted. Celtic, Welsh, Latin. So I bring a lot of language learning books home that he snags almost every time.
When he does go out, he's often visiting Dad and my other work friend Noelle and her sister December.
Ralsei, Frisk, and Susie aren't quite ready for public human schools, so until we can find something suitable for them, Alphys often stops by to be their tutor.
It's getting late, but I will expand on more details of Ralsei's life here later. Maybe you can catch Ralsei and Susie hanging out silently in my streams! Howdy to you all and I hope to see you again next time!
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for cutting my brother off?
To give some background, me and my twin brother (both of us 27M) had kind of a complicated childhood. I've always had some chronic health problems, plus I was smarter than any of the other kids in our hometown and I read a lot, so I was often bullied. My brother was strong and healthy and had a lot easier time making friends, but he ended up looking after me when we were growing up, especially after our parents died, and never grew out of that habit. It was annoying even then, but it's even more irritating and demeaning now. Like, we're both adults, I don't need or want him around, I can take care of myself. If I actually needed his help for something, I'd let him know, y'know?
Anyway, I've moved away from the town where we grew up and committed myself to my research (I have some ambitious projects going on that take a lot of effort and doing research beforehand) and even taken on a student (in his 90s, M) so I'm sure you can understand that I'm pretty busy right now and don't particularly want any pointless distractions.
My brother meanwhile has gotten himself married and he and his wife (in her 20s, F) have settled down in the town we're from. But he still hasn't gotten over the whole being clingy/overprotective about me thing. A while back he sent me a letter, I didn't even open it but I can guess well enough that he'd be asking after me and begging me to come and visit him or something.
By the way I'd say I have made it pretty clear in the past that I don't appreciate his cliningess and don't really want to be in contact with him anymore. We have very different lives and interests, and besides everything else, I have devoted myself into learning the basics of my chosen career since I was a child, while he hasn't, so he simply couldn't do, or even safely be around, the kind of things that I'm doing these days. We've discussed that before, too; he offered to stick around and help me, and I told him he'd just end up dead if he did (not an exaggeration, btw). Like, he should know better than try and contact me anymore.
So I sent the letter back, unopened, with a message that said I didn't know anyone called [my brother's name] and had no brother. Fine, maybe not the nicest thing to do, but just telling him to let me be clearly hadn't worked and I wanted to get the message through properly this time so I wouldn't have to keep doing it again and again in the future.
Now, apparently from what I've heard, my brother took that a bit badly, and now he's developed a drinking problem and overall doing pretty poorly and it's kinda ruining his marriage, and his wife blames me for that. I don't really think any of this is my fault. We're both grown adults, he should be responsible for how he deals with his own emotions, and anyway it was him that wrote to me first when he should have known I didn't want him to, so like what did he expect would happen?
tl;dr: My brother is really clingy towards me, I don't appreciate that, the last time he tried contacting me I sent back a slightly harshly worded message to cut things off, and he apparently took it pretty badly.
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moonysbxtch0 · 2 years
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Professor Remus x Student reader
Part I: The tyrant
McGonagall's desk was always an organized mess that never failed to amaze you. Stacks of papers, folders ,books , pencil holders, the small frame of a photo that you recognised to be  younger McGonagall and a few other people ,her computer,were always so neatly organized that you had never,ever since you started university,seen the small objects be placed in a messy way. You had already explained what you needed from her and in a matter of seconds she did her thing and pulled your file from her drawer,as if she already had memorised where she had put it.
She opened the file,poked her chin with her index finger as she roamed her eyes over the file, flipping the pages in a silence that was making you feel anxious." My dear ,it looks like the classes that you asked for are not filled yet so that won't be an issue."
You finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your body immediately relaxed and it felt as if someone took a weight off your shoulders. Being a med student,your semesters were pretty much set in stone. You smiled at the learned info and moved your eyes from the file on McGonagall's hands to her eyes.
"I'm so relieved to her that-"
"Unfortunately dear , I'm afraid that you can't take classes with professor Dumbledore anymore." McGonagall stared you from under her glasses.What the hell ?! What had happened to professor Dumbledore?
"Did something happen to my uncle?"
You asked. You hadn't been in touch with him for a while.Him and your dad hadn't talked in years. You had learned from your mother that they hadn't spoke to each other ever since your aunt, Ariana ,died tragically in a car accident. Your dad had been the one to drive the car while, uncle Albus had been on the backseat. They had started arguing over something and the next thing they knew the car crashed.
Your aunt lost her life ,your uncle ended up with a conclusion and a broken arm while your father broke his ribs and hurt his neck badly. They both blamed eachother for it and never forgave themselves for what happened. Your father had strictly prohibited you from talking to uncle Dumbledore but you had been talking to him secretly. You two got along well ,he treated you to sweets once in a while in order to catch up with you and gave you useful advices for your future. He was the one who told you to take the Bio Chem class.
"He retired this past semester. This fall the only Bio Chem class that's offered is with professor Lupin. Taking a look here-" she pointed at your file with her hand" It can still work with your other classes."
She started doing her thing and the sound of the keyboard buttons being clicked was making you feel anxious.Your hands were starting to feel sweaty,your head was feeling dizzy and you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. NEVER. You heard the final click and a happy sigh from McGonagall. She just sealed your fate. She sent you in hell willingly,put you in the class that was taught by none other than the devil himself.You had heard more than enough rumours about him.
' He's the satan himself! '
'He's a dictator!'
Those were the words that students usually used to describe him. You had been lucky because you had never taken one of his classes before but now you were forced to take it. Could this get any worse?! You couldn't even drop his course because biological chemistry fell under the medical degree plan .
Everytime you had come in contact with any of your seniors they had warned you to never take one of his classes. Your uncle and him were like day and night when compared to each other. Your uncle was sweet, gentle, patient and understanding while Lupin has always been described as the worst professor and the complete opposite of your uncle. He was a tyrant!
As the cloak on McGonagall's office kept ticking,your chest kept tightening every second. For a moment you felt like you couldn't breathe. No! This couldn't be happening. Absolutely no way. If you still wanted to graduate with high GPA ,you needed a good grade on his class or you would say goodbye to your dreams forever.
"Ehm ..." You bit the inside of your cheek nervously. You had to find a way out of this. "I don't think I should-"
McGonagall sighed as she straightened her posture. She raised her glasses with two of her fingers and looked at you with a soft expression on her face. " I already know what you're thinking. Rumors are only rumours at the end of the day. I've known professor Lupin for a long time and I assure you that he is not this tyrant that students have made him to be. He just is not found of tardiness and laziness. He's strict. Yes. But take a look at the students who have graduated his class with high grades , they're all settled in life now. You're a smart girl Y/N. You'll manage."
You had gone out for a walk. Taking long walks ,while listening to music with your headphones was your favourite thing to do. It helped to cheer you up when you were sad,make you more sad when you wanted to feel like that and also whenever you took an important decision you had to always repeat the same thing,walks while listening to music. It just felt so relaxing, taking a walk in the nature ,the music blending with the background and making you lose yourself.
The sudden peace you had managed to create was interrupted by a loud sound,which came from your phone. Annoyingly you paused the music and when you took a look at the name a smile formed on your face. It was Hermione.
H: Hey,just checking up on you. How did it go with McGonagall?
Y: Heyy. First of all how did it go with Ron's parents? Did they like you? Tell me all the details. The McGonagall situation can wait a bit longer.
H: [ shrug emoji] If you say so. It went well in general. His mum was being a bit...bitchy( that sounds mean doesn't it?) but apart from that the rest of the family liked me.
Y: Jesus. What did Molly do?
H: All I can say is that Freud would have loved that woman! She was one of those annoying mothers that has a thing for their son and sees the girlfriend as their competition.
Y: That's fucked up.[ Skull emoji] I knew that she was overprotective but come on , that's weird!
H: Weird doesn't even describe it! She kept clinging to Ron all the time and even during dinner ( her food was good but she thought she was a master chef or something) she kept talking about how well made her dishes were and that she felt 'sorry' about Ron because apparently I wouldn't be able to cook them as good as her.
Y: The nerve that woman has! Please tell me Ron said something!!
H: He didn't... He loves his mum a bit too much and according to him ,if he said something it would be offensive toward his mum. Can you believe it?!
Y: That's embarrassing of him...
H: I honestly think that I'm dating the wrong brother. You should have seen how the twins and Bill( the hot brother with a pony tail and earring) were trying to comfort me and tell me not to look too much into Molly's words.
Y:  Wait...
H: ...
Y: Bill fucking Weasley was there and you didn't tell me? [Crying face emoji]
H: Ooopss... Was I supposed to?
Y: Hermione! You know that I'm willing to sell my left kidney just to be able to kiss him at least once.
H: Oh.[Crying face emoji.] I have some bad news...
Y: ...
H: He's got a girlfriend. A very hot girlfriend.
Y: Noooooooo. You're joking!
H: Am not. Anyway. He's just a guy ,you can find a better one. So back to the important stuff. Did you finally take your uncle's class?
Y: He's not just a guy Hermione! I've been crushing on the dude ever since I was 15. But if he's got a girl , there's nothing I can do about it.  Anyway. Practically I did take the Bio Chem class but something came up...
H: What happened?
Y: So turns out my uncle retired theast semester...
H: Go on...
Y: And now another professor has taken over... guess who...[ Crying face emoji]
H: Is it professor Black?
Y: I wish! Keep guessing...
H: Hmmm... Knowing about all the professors that give bio chem classes ,it reduces my options to only three. Potter ( if you got lucky. Heard she is the best) , Sprout( she's not half bad. I took her class last year and she's a sweetheart) and lastly but not least...the tyrant.
Y: Ding ,ding ,ding. We got a winner. So me being me...I've always got a shitty luck somehow...I got Lupin [Crying face emoji]
H: I will be praying for you.[ Praying hands emoji ]
Y: Hermione [ crying face emoji] You're supposed to cheer me up!
H: Hey , could have gone worse. Imagine if it was Snape instead of Lupin.
Y: If would have been 100 times better! Our families get along. He would probably give me a good grade. Lupin is going to make my life a living hell. Remember what happened to Angelina last year?
H: How could I? He made her cry in front of the class and then she dropped his course.She's not the first and she won't be the last.
Y: My point exactly!
H: Still you can't judge the guy simply because of that. Between us , Angelina has never been one to study or pay attention during lectures.She probably did something that pissed him off...
H: Hermione, you and that whole ' You need to see the good in people thing ' ughh... Angelina didn't create the rumour that he's a tyrant, many students did.
H: You still can't know until you take his class,hell you might even like him.
Y: The chances of that are the same as me going out with Marcus. Zero.
H: [Laughing face emoji] Okay point made. Still though ,you have to wait before you judge him.
Y: I know...I know...
H: I'm sorry but I have to go now. Me and Ron are going on a date and he just arrived. You've got this! Ttyl[ Heart emoji]
You shut the screen of your phone with a sigh. This was going to be one hell of a school year and you wished to say that you were excited for it but you weren't. Not in the slightest.
An: so basically this is the first time I ever post something on Tumblr. I usually post my fics on Ao3 but thought to give this app a try. English is not my first language so bear with any grammar mistakes I might do :)
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey:) do you know the Hanahaki Disease?
It would be very interesting if you would write a prompt about Gil getting this disease! It will get pretty badly in the next weeks (Gil can’t tell her that he loves her, she has to find it out herself) and Thena tries to help him. Maybe she realizes that it’s her who he loves when he is very close to dying, having a hard time breathing because he is chocking and coughing flowers and blood.
Would be intense Angst/comfort. You decide if there is an happy ending :)
"How is he?"
Sersi sighed, turning to Thena, who had been in to see Gil constantly since he'd first shown signs of Hanahaki. "You know what I'm going to say."
Thena shrivelled. She did know; ever since Gil had first coughed up that first flower, it had only gotten worse. And Thena had been miserable ever since.
"It's not just buds anymore, Thena," Sersi frowned, holding up one such specimen with some blood at the edge of its petals, "they're full blossoms, now."
Thena grasped the blooming white rosebud, stained red around its edge. Roses were one of the deadliest forms of Hanahaki. The prognosis was not good, to say the least. "Oh, Gil."
"I'll leave you two alone," Sersi whispered softly, resting a hand on Thena's shoulder. "He doesn't have long, I'm afraid. Just...just be here with him."
Thena sat herself right next to Gil, watching the laboured rise and fall of his chest, his face twisted in discomfort as he tried to breathe. She took his hand in hers, "oh, Gil, I'm so sorry."
She had been beside herself when he'd first started coughing. It had lasted weeks, and he had refused to admit that it was more than just a cold. It was all the evidence she needed, and it didn't take her long to catch him coughing up the petals.
At first they were small--little bud petals that were annoying, but mild, all things considered. And Thena was furious, demanding to know who had done this to him (who wasn't returning his affections and letting him suffer).
"Just tell me!"
"You know I can't," he'd argued back at her, and it was the only time she could ever remember him even remotely raising his voice at her.
She had looked up Hanahaki extensively, gone to see experts, read books. But the material didn't vary much, and the end result was always the same: if Gil's love wasn't returned and expressed to him, the flowers would take root in his lungs, and he would...
Thena swiped away a few tears, raising his hand to her lips as he slept. She couldn't imagine what he was going through, but the thought of having to go through life without him was taking up a lot of her head. It was selfish, she knew, not just to Gil, but to whomever had done this to him. She just wished she knew who it was.
Their friends didn't seem to have any idea. They all just got these sad, pitying looks on their faces whenever she brought it up (so she had stopped doing so).
If someone else had contracted Hanahaki because of Gil--that she would understand. Gil was sweet, and charming, and funny, everything a girl could want. And more than that, he was so deeply caring about everyone around him. He really had the biggest heart of anyone she had ever known, and he was loyal, and devoted to a fault.
Who was it that had stolen Gil's heart?
Thena frowned at herself. They hadn't stolen it--it was his to give. She just didn't know...why hadn't he told her? They shared everything! He would have mentioned someone he liked, long, long before Hanahaki could set in...wouldn't he?
Gil's face twisted as his chest shook again. He coughed in his sleep, his throat clenching.
"Gil," Thena sniffled, rubbing his chest as he groaned. "Let it out."
Gil choked, a few petals flying from his mouth, also sheer white. He turned over, coughing out the rest of the rose head before lying back again.
"I'm so sorry," Thena whispered, at a loss for what else to do. Her poor Gil was suffering and there wasn't a single thing she could do about it.
And she had thought about it. If she could find whomever had done this to her Gil and force them to love him, then she would officiate their impromptu wedding herself. Anything to put an end to Gil's pain.
But the thought kept bringing up a rather uncomfortable pain in her own chest. She had dismissed it as her sympathies time and time again. But eventually, she had to wonder if that was what really was bothering her.
She had been so focused on learning about Hanahaki in its early stages. But in her sudden and unusual distance from Gil, she had discovered a kind of..uncomfortable feeling.
Who was it that Gil loved? And why wasn't it her?
She had only let the thought cross her mind a few times. She had no right, she told herself. They were friends--the very best of friends. They shared everything with each other, and she was so shocked when he started showing signs of the flowery death that she threw herself into denial.
How could she not have noticed any signs of him falling in love? How did she not even know who it was? And why had she cried when she thought about Gil being in love with someone?
She had been by his side for so long. She knew everything about him, and even things he wasn't sure of himself. His voice was like music and his presence was like the air she needed to breathe.
Why hadn't Gil fallen in love with her?
Thena nestled her face against his shoulder, holding his hand and listening to the whistle of his lungs. It was so ridiculous--now that he was dying, she had lost her chance to love him. Because why love him now just to watch him suffer?
But she couldn't help it.
She loved him. How could she not love him? It was Gil--her sweet Gilgamesh. Her sweet Gil, who would make them food, who would talk with her for hours, who swore he would always be there with her. She had never questioned if she loved Gil before. She thought it was a given.
But apparently he loved someone else, and the flowers in his airway were evidence of that.
Thena brushed her finger over his cheeks. She could see the pallor of his skin, the way his veins were trying to adjust to the disease. Flowers would start bursting through his skin the closer to death he got. Her beautiful Gil would only be more beautiful in death.
Thena moved closer, kissing along his cheek--everywhere she could see the light line of an angry red vein. Why bother trying not to love him, now? She was in love with him, just in time for him to leave her.
"I hope it's quiet," she whispered over him as she kissed his forehead. "I hope it's not painful."
Another kiss.
"I hope I get it next," she admitted without shame, kissing his other cheek. "I hope I find you again."
She kissed away the blood at the corners of his lips.
"I hope you love me in the next life."
Thena leaned over him, pressing her lips to his and tasting the sweet, airiness of roses on him. She vaguely wondered what flower she would grow in her lungs without Gil beside her. Maybe something to remind her of him, like a robust zinnia, or perhaps an orange blossom, to remind her that she would love him far past a single eternity.
"I hope whomever did this to you is suffering tenfold."
"That seems a little harsh."
"Gil?" Thena gasped, sitting up at the melodious sound of his voice. She released her hold on him to look at him properly.
"Hey," he whispered, reaching up to swipe her tears away. He coughed faintly, but no flowers emerged.
"A-Are you," Thena blinked, not daring to believe it as he coughed without a single petal emerging, "are you okay?"
"Better than I was, that's for sure," he even smiled at her, some colour returning to his skin and the redness of his veins fading.
"Gil, I mean it," Thena asserted, her lip wobbling and her eyes unable to stop her tears. She held his cheeks in her hands, trembling as if on the precipice of shattering. "You can't say this and then...and then leave-"
"I'm not going anywhere, Thena," he promised her solemnly, taking one of her hands in his and pulling it to his lips. "Especially not now."
"Oh, Gil," she sighed before leaning in, pressing her lips to his. His hand moved to tangle in her hair, just as desperate to hold her to him. He still tasted like roses. "I love you."
"Just in time," he smiled between kisses, her pulling him closer but unwilling to move him.
"Thena!" Sersi burst back inside. As much as she might like to imagine giving them a sweet moment alone with their lovely revelations, she still had a patient to see. "Thena, it happened!"
"Hey," Gil waved at her, holding Thena's weeping form to his chest on the bed with him. And true enough, signs of Hanahaki were already fading, including any and all specimens of the buds he had coughed up.
"Sersi," Thena looked up, still crying with elation, "is it really gone?"
Sersi smiled, moving Thena away from Gil as gently as possible to place her stethoscope on his chest. She moved it around a few times, looking at Thena clinging to Gil's hands as she did. "That's one hell of a heart rate, but your lungs are clearer than they've ever been."
She was about to tell Thena that the Hanahaki had cleared itself up nicely, but Thena was already in Gil's arms again, kissing his face all over. "I'll leave you two alone."
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