#so mainly heroes who have villain looks for a time basically
t-u-i-t-c · 10 months
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Dark Naga │ Kyuranger
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Hi! I literally LOVED your morgie fic! I was just wondering if I could maybe request something like the siren scene from sinbad where reader is sailing with hook and his crew and they all become like entranced by the sirens and reader saves the day and at the end hook is like super proud of her? Sorry if that made like no sense😭
Ahh! I won’t lie I’ve never seen Sinbad so I had to go watch the scene but now I’m gonna have to watch the whole movie. I’m taking some creative liberties obviously to avoid making this toooo much like the movie but I literally LOVE the concept of this. Also, I made the reader Harry’s mom in the future, I hope that’s okay but I wanted to make a fic of them reminiscing when Hook sells the Jolly Roger to Uma anyway so I kinda used this as a “two birds one stone” situation. You made perfect sense, Baby, don’t you worry!
Also!! I saw that crowpickingss also got a very similar request and i didn't read his yet because I was scared of accidently getting inspiration from it, just to be clear.
Call of the Sirens
Captain James Hook x Pirate!Reader
Pronouns Used: she/her/hers
Summary: Hook and his wife retell the tale of when she saved a whole pirate crew from the song of sirens.
Warnings: a touch of swearing, the pirate crew is a little sexist to the reader, sirens are their own warning around these parts, death mentions but mainly in passing, concubine mention, pet names but with my writing that's basically a given, underage alcohol mention
Word Count: 2.2K
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     “I just can’t believe you’re selling the old girl,” she shakes her head as she speaks, looking over the ship she’d loved so much in her youth. The body of mighty oak and rope that held the hand of her wanderlust way of life until it landed her behind the barrier of the Isle, deeming her one of the lost simply by being in the Captain’s crew. (Y/n) loved being a pirate, the salty spray that seemed to constantly coat her skin and hair, the rum and laughter on warm nights, the adrenaline rush when something would begin to go wrong. Everything about being a member of the Jolly Roger’s crew set her heart on fire. Even if it did get her deemed a villain, it gave her more than life outside the barrier ever could. 
    “Darling, she’s run her course with us,” he sighs, strutting across the deck to lovingly cradle his wife’s face, “Time for her to host a new set of teenager’s wanderlust egos has come so we can grow old together.” She looks over his shoulder as her son and his two best friends inspect the ship, the niece of their old dear friend seeming to glow as she studied the old body of the boat. “I’m surely going to miss this boat, she was too good to us.” He hums, shaking his head as he can’t fight the smile that threatens his features, “She got us into a world of trouble.” The comment leads the teenagers closer to them, Harry leading as he gets closer to his parents. “That’s not fair and you know it,” (Y/n) shakes her head as she raises a finger to tap against his nose, “You got us into all that trouble, not the Jolly Roger.” “If I remember right,”  he dips her down, smirking down at the glare of the sun on her face, “You seemed to be the one getting us out of it. A right hero you were, aye?” 
      Harry cringes as his father leans down to place a teasing kiss on his mother’s lips, letting out a forced gag that anyone who knew the Hooks would know was playful. “Sounds like Mom was the Captain then.” It causes Hook’s head to snap up, glaring daggers at his son. “I’m the captain, I will always be the Captain. Your mother was just the best under pressure.” She laughs, standing back up and walking to her son, brushing off his shoulders and fixing his collar as she speaks, “I wasn’t even first mate, your father would’ve never let me in on the action by choice. But someone had to keep an even mind on the old girl, you wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t. The two of us would’ve been well past dead before we even turned eighteen.” She shoots a look back at her husband, taking in the adoring look on his face as he watches the two of them, “Especially that one.” 
     “Had I not been so scared to lose her, she would’ve made a fine first mate,” his hook slinks around her waist, looping into a belt loop as he kisses her cheek. “You threatened it once.” “Aye,” he turns his attention to his son and his friends, truly making a show of the exchange, “I’ve never been so proud of her. Saved me and our whole crew.” Harry nods, looking between them, “So the day that I was born would be second?” Hook waves his good hand, “Third.” It catches him a swat to the chest, leading him to chuckle. “Darling, tell them about the sirens.” 
   “Sirens? You faced sirens?” Uma stares at the woman as if she’s the coolest thing on the seven seas, wide eyes aglow with excitement, “No one faces sirens and lives to tell the tale.” The woman smiles, shaking her head, “We wouldn’t have, if the siren song worked on women, or dogs.” “Dogs?” Harry looks at her with confusion, “We used to have a dog?” “I used to have a dog, Cocktail. He was the best dog a girl could’ve had, bless him. They took him from me when we got put on the Isle.” The kids watch her intently, each taking a seat on the deck like dominos falling in a line “Well, get on with it Momma.” 
     Caves were never her thing. Open waters, lagoons, abandoned islands, she’d take anything over sailing through caves. “James,” her voice is soft as she approaches him, hand slipping onto the steering Captain’s shoulder, “You know how I feel about caves.” She hated to sound whiny, weak. She gave the crew enough reason to think she didn’t belong there. Certain members of the crew even spoke to her as if she was nothing more than James’ concubine. But caves had an evil air to them that the girl couldn’t stand. Nothing good ever came from one, and she was positive that one of these days one would crash in on them. The unstable caverns tended to do so to overzealous explorers.
      “Yeah, Captain, you know she’s too much of a scaredy cat to go through a cave. She’s gotta whine the whole time, in case it gets her,” Starkey teases, rolling his eyes before turning back to his conversation with Turk. She glares daggers at him; next time Tick tock came by she wouldn’t think twice about tossing his brutish ass overboard. Let the creature have him instead of the captain. “It’s just the fastest route, Darling. We’ll be out of here in no time,” he pays no mind to his crew as he addresses her worries, sending her a cocky grin over his shoulder. She sighs, giving him a nod as she goes back to her previous seat on the deck of the ship, Cocktail resting his head back on her thigh as she did. Her hand finds its way to the top of his head, nails scratching gently against his skin as she tries to think of anything but how uncanny the cave was. With its muggy atmosphere and dark edges. Rigid calcium buildups hanging from the ceiling with sharp rocks jutting out the water. The air around her smelt dank and the dripping of water from the ceiling's build ups coupled with the odd harmony that hung in the air was enough to drive her insane. 
      The harmony? Since when did caves have their own harmonies? What is that sound?
She gets up to head back over to her lover, Cocktail hot on her heels as she does. “Aye, Captain?” He hums, seemingly not paying attention to her. “Do you hear that? There’s something off about this cave.” She waited for another snarky comment to come from the rest of the crew but nothing does. Carefully, as her hand finds its foundation on James’ shoulder, her eyes scan the deck. Every man on the ship seemed to stare off, a strange haze taking over their faces. Cocktail begins to bark at her side, nose pointed at the edge of the ship in alert.  She looks back to James, the same haze over his face, hand losing the grip he had on the steering wheel. Something about this place was entirely wrong; cursed. That’s what it was, there was some sort of black magic that hung in the air around the place. She just couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.
    (Y/n) grabs hold of the steering wheel, holding it steady as she looks around in the water. Faint ripples and flashes of large black and deep violet tails. The melody began to make sense, and she took a moment to wonder how the group had been lucky enough to avoid the creatures until now. Never the wisest in their adventures. Seems it was catching up to them now. 
   “Captain,” she bumps his hip with hers as she speaks, earning no response from his statuesque form. “James,” her fingers snap in his face, not stirring so much as a blink from the boy. “Mr. Smee?” He’s looking over the edge of the ship, blowing a kiss to one of the creatures in the water. “Starkey? Tusk?” Nothing, they were all entranced. Everything had to fall on her now, the realization of it all making her stomach feel as if it was in her throat. Heart beating so loud that it sounds like cannon fire between her ears as she pushes James off of his post. Lip between her teeth as she catches the wheel again, attempting to pull it steady from the way his body weight had swung it right. 
    Water splashes over the sides of the deck from where the sirens beckon to her crew,  the men heading further to the edge as they do. She was losing them, and Hades as her witness (Y/n) was not ready to lose the crew that she’d learned to see as her own twisted form of a family. She leans down as far as she’ll allow herself to, “Cocktail, baby, you're going to have to help me here.” Her fingers grasp around a rope, tossing it to her beloved pet, “Go 'round the deck.” The mastiff takes off, dashing forward with the rope clenched between his teeth, wrapping the crew up in the harsh lead. It was rough, surely something that would catch her hell later, but it was tight enough to stop them. “Good boy, my god, you’re such a good boy.” She calls, focusing her energy back onto steering the ship. She could see the exit of the dreadful dugout now and if she could just avoid the rock to her left they’d be out free. Sirens hated the daylight, thank Merlin she’d remembered to attend class that day. 
     As she focuses on steering she notices the rise of something maroon in the corner of her eye. James making his way to the edge of the ship, the song getting louder as the siren realized she’d soon have control of the ship’s Captain. And (Y/n), unsure whether it be from love or jealousy, could not let that happen. “Cocktail,” her voice is stressed and jagged, catching the dog’s attention as his head tilts. “Go get Hook!” The large ball of fur barrels forward, entrapping the man’s good arm between his jaws. It solicits a sharp gasp from the pirate, Hook attempting to rip his arm from the dog’s mouth with little success as he tries to reach forwards for the dreadful creature calling out to him. Instead, Cocktail throws his head back, sending the boy stumbling into (Y/n). His lips crash against hers but it’s not right. Sloppy and hazy, like a kiss after a few too many drinks. If only true love’s kiss could work on a siren’s song, she’d have help instead of his dead weight pressed against her. It makes her feel uneasy, shoving her boyfriend off of her as she attempts to regain control of the wheel he’d knocked astray yet again. Just a few hundred more feet and one ugly jagged rock until she’d be far enough into the light that the creatures would lose their control on her ship’s crew. She was almost there. 
     What (Y/n) had no way of knowing  was that there would be a waterfall at the end of the cave. The girl making it all the way to the edge just to plummet to the lower seas. Body being thrown to the ground and on top of the captain's, holding her breath as she waits for the worst. The way their bodies all slam back into the deck as the ship’s hull hits the water again seems to stir something in the crew. Hook sitting back up with a firm grip settling on her, hand ghosting over her cheek. “What the hell happened?” She only laughs, grabbing his face and kissing him as if she was never coming up for air. (Y/n) could feel the stress melt from her shoulders as she leaned further into the boy’s lips, near whining against them. He’s the first to pull back, brows furrowed as he stares into her eyes. “My love, what happened.” She shakes her head, “You drove us into a siren’s lair is what happened,” a soft slap falls to his chest, “No more caves.” Each word is said as if it's punctuated, an accusatory finger hitting his chest as she says them.
     “I hate to agree with the girl,” Starkey sighs, attempting to undo the rope around him and the rest of the crew, “But no more caves, Captain.” The statement is followed by the rest of the crew, each member seeming to suddenly share the girl’s hatred of caves. “Alright alright,” he pushes her off his lap to stand as Cocktail makes his way over to his owner. “No more caves. Though,” he looks around his ship, nodding in approval, “It seems you may have a rival for first mate, Smee. My girl did a darling job of taking care of my ship and my crew, look at this.” He looks to her with a genuine smile before leaning down to untie his crew, “A marvelous job, Darling.” Starkey glares at the Captain, a breath of jealousy in his eyes, “Says the man who doesn’t currently have rope burn.” The comment earns him a hook under his chin, Hook’s eyes squinting as they look into his own, “I’d watch your mouth matey. Seems to me that she just saved your life.” 
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emo-nova · 3 months
Update time for some good ol' Teen Wolf, ig? i'm on episode 7 of season 2, and now I am definitely seeing some clips that i saw that was making me interested in the show as well as aspects within the fandom spaces.
Never understood the whole idea of Pack mom Stiles thing until I saw Stiles basically be the first to clock that 1, she is in seizure, 2, she may have an issue with the kanima venom (more than others) and 3, to be able to help her he needs to go to Derek cause Scott defo doesn't know. I didn't see it in the beginning, but I can see what people are seeing in it.
Another aspect, Stiles predicting Matt as the villain was such a rewarding scene. Mainly because I have been spoiled, I don't mind them, sometimes I actively look for them to see how the writers handle certain characters plus a summary isn't always true to what actually happened depending on interpretations.
You know what wasn't? Stiles' dad not being told. Or Melissa. Can these two be in on it now? Please? I'm mildly done with the charades on both ends mainly because the friction between two parties is simply miscommunication, plus it would be interesting to have Stiles' be open to this now so that we can see more of a struggle for the Stilinski family when the Sheriff *carries on* heading into danger when he knows. Same with Melissa, I think it would help create more stakes, but it will needed to be handled with care, that she can notice when a patient might have been involved with the supernatural which she can tell the sheriff. It'll make a good feedback loop for the adults, me thinks.
Onto Scott and Alison, I am noticing the writers are now ramping up a more heaviness to their relationship. This is no longer about puppy love but genuine wanting to carry on together, on both ends. And the touch with Jackson being used as the mouthpiece of the writers to foreshadow something more sinister lurking within Alison's future and her decisions. I honestly can not wait for Alison's either degression or progression as a character, as an aspiring writer who likes to study stories of any kind, I would have her digress to create a more nuance version of her character especially with her and Scott creating friction between each other. The friction I'm talking about is Alison's fear of being truly hopeless, unable to actually help herself out of a situation, this could be due to her being raised to be independent and to be a leader within the Argents. Scott on the other hand has a total Hero Complex, wanting to save as many people as possible, yada yada (mild affection now, he's grown on me), wants to be there for Alison *always* which contradicts Alison's want of independence.
Derek, so far, has been following a characterisation I would do for him (after that abysmal training set) cautious and careful with his betas, almost paranoid about their safety with mild disregard for his own in time of the full moon. I would like to see more Boyd though, you have an entire episode on him, and he doesn't get to appear in that scene??? BS, I want Boyd, Erica and Isaac have a moment of annoyance at Derek for being so careful with them. Would I have Derek explain to them why he's so cautious? Not fully, no, I would have Derek explain simply "I am your leader, I look after you and train you. And I need to look after you by ensuring you don't get caught between the Kamina and the Hunters."
Let Derek be a vague, paranoidly responsible Alpha that noticed that his first method didn't help for shit and changing the curriculum for these three because Scott's training was a *mess* and not some fucking dictator alpha guy. But knowing the writing team they most likely will mishandle Derek's character like a child given a machete in the garden which is disappointing.
That's all I got so far, but enjoy my ranting about what happened so far.
Also thank you to the kind soul that told me the timeline of season 1 and 2, I didn't realise that it was such short periods of time! Thank you again :)
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you know, i like hordak as a character. he's interesting, he's likeable, he's a good example of an abuse victim who isn't overly infantilized and coddled by the narrative. his relationship with entrapta was cute, his relationship with horde prime was tragic and i like that he at least gets a proper confrontation with his abuser, where he is able to declare his own independence and get some closure from his trauma.
however, there are two main problems i have with his character (some of which i've already talked about but i want to go into more detail):
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1. hordak was not an effective villain. heck, he was barely a villain at all.
you cannot tell me that hordak was the main villain of the first four seasons when the majority of his screentime was spent with him either lurking in his sanctum or canoodling with entrapta.. in his sanctum.
at first i thought that hordak was going to be this looming presence that had control over everything and puppeted everyone's every move, and was this evil masterpiece who orchestrated everything behind the scenes but.. nah. turns out he's just an incompetent manchild who needs a literal teenager with no battle experience to plan everything out for him. how did he conquer half of etheria before that? who knows? not important.
hordak also has no meaningful relationship with adora, the hero. there were actually a lot of parallels that could be drawn from hordak and adora both being raised by abusers who valued perfection over everything else. granted, in that aspect, hordak is more like catra but there isn't even that many parallels with him and catra. there are, in fact, more parallels with catra and shadow weaver or catra and horde prime.
and okay, not every hero and villain needs a deep intertwined relationship or complex narrative parallels. but at least give us something? a proper interaction?? the show even acknowledges the fact that hordak and adora have absolutely no connection with each other, when adora asks him why he kidnapped her and he basically replies with "lol who are you again". and then he just randomly remembers her at the end of the finale and it’s supposed to be this touching, emotional scene except you feel nothing because these characters literally never interacted, what are we looking at?
adora is supposed to be fighting the horde, but it seemed like she was just fighting catra most of the time. as the hero who opposes etheria's oppressors, shouldn't adora mainly be targeting hordak, the person who started it all? and shouldn't hordak, as the leader of the horde, be more concerned about the rebellion having an actual god on their side? i guess it doesn't really matter if said god can be easily defeated by a inexperienced catgirl
it just feels like hordak didn't have to be a villain at all. we only know he does horrifying things, because the narrative says that he does. oh, and he tortures catra once and sends her to crimson waste, so i guess that qualifies as being a villain.
the point of a villain is to drive the central conflict of the story. to oppose the hero and to pose an actual threat to the status quo. any character who doesn't do this is merely an antagonist. in hordak's case, i don't even know if he counts as an antagonist. he's like that one edgy antihero with a dark past where he murdered countless people but it doesn't really matter in present time. it’s just there to add flavor and to enhance his tragic past, because war is obviously a fictional fantasy trope and totally not something that has happened in real life. /s
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2. like many other characters in this show, hordak's character almost completely revolves around his love interest.
yes, entrapta taking care of hordak and boosting his self-esteem is endearing. yes, hordak breaking his defenses and being vulnerable around entrapta is very sweet. but apart from entrapta, the only characters who have any kind of effect on hordak is horde prime and catra. and.. i guess, imp? but again, imp is mostly just a stand-in for the cute animal sidekick.
i know that hordak was supposed to be a recluse but it's impossible to believe that this kind of person was able to start an army and feed them with false propaganda. again, if you read my post about cults and their methods of indoctrination, you would know that cult leaders are often very charismatic and friendly people. and i know the horde isn't exactly a cult but we are supposed to believe that at least some of the cadets raised there genuinely believed that they were on the side of good, when their leader was a mysterious shut-in who basically didn't do anything substantial and their mentor/superior officer was just actively radiating Evil Vibes™.
i just wish they did more with hordak’s character and actually made him interact with some of the other characters. he doesn’t even interact with shadow weaver that much, and she was his second-in-command. even if it’s not direct interactions, it would have been interesting to see the characters mention hordak more, especially the ex-horde soldiers. apart from the general “oh no he’s evil and wants to kill everyone”, that is.
like we see people talking about shadow weaver. we see adora open up about her relationship with shadow weaver and ponder about whether there’s some good left in the woman who raised her. we see glimmer talking about how powerful shadow weaver is and how she could help the rebellion. we see catra complaining about how shadow weaver treated her in comparison to adora. we see angella talk about how shadow weaver shouldn’t be trusted.
when you think about it, shadow weaver was much more of a looming menacing presence in spop, despite not even being a villain, let alone the main villain.
even when she was on the good side and helping the princesses, there was always a ceaseless feeling of unease and fear, because we’ve seen what she’s capable of. we weren’t just told that “shadow weaver is sooo abusive, she’s bad!” we see how she treats adora and catra, we see how she manipulates situations and people for her own benefit, we see how she slowly starts to get into glimmer’s head. the show actually does a good job with shadow weaver, and i have to give credit where credit is due. shadow weaver was genuinely a well-written character.
hordak is just.. there, most of the time. he acts evil enough to be considered as one of the villains but he’s not actually a villain if you consider it for more than five seconds. he doesn’t really do anything for the bulk of the narrative, he has one kinda cool scene where he stands up to his abuser and then he just peaces out with entrapta.
i don’t really understand the point of taking a main villain of the show and turning him into this. sure, the OG hordak was more of a comedic villain and wasn’t super complex, but from what i know, he still played an important role in a narrative and his humorous moments made up for the lack of a tragic backstory.
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starconductor · 3 months
Infodump about my OPM OC (Star-Spinner) (WARNING: LONG READ)
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NAME: Star HERO NAME: Star-Spinner (Ironic, I know) Age: 18-19
This is gonna be a long read,
Essentially seeing as to how wide and open OPM's worldbuilding is, 'Star' is essentially god's irreversible creation. Formed initially as a thought, but made into reality as a mistake. She was born out of an egg that landed within earth and scientists found and decided to observe.
Nothing in the database tracks back of anything similar to her DNA, because she didn't even have a species of a planet full of what she is. She was an offspring of a being that barely anyone knew was watching and present. Of course, she had a limiter despite being that said offspring of an ominous god.
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She wasn't a humanoid, she was born as a bug-lizard type of creature from the egg until the more she grew up within the planet full of humanoids; her body adapted. She grew much like how a human girl would, the scientists gave her limited access to media, basic education. I had plans that Bang was the one who busted her out of that crummy laboratory (Explains the dojo outfit) because 1.) It ran underground, without the knowledge of the government 2.) illegal experimenting on creatures and even people, monsterization, force psychic abilities, you name it.
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I got inspired by ONE's MP100, I like how Mob was written as a character so I made someone similar.
Star's essentially a psychic with very potent abilities. She has an internal struggle because she really cares about life that was around her, the only time she'd be hurting someone with her psychic abilities is when she fights monsters/villains. But Star easily sympathizes if ever she meets a human monster with a heart. Life nurtured her, she's found herself with people that care about her and saved her from the hell that was the laboratory. So of course, she nurtures it back, the result of her past being cruel influenced Star to a pacifistic mindset in hopes that no one has to go through the same type of struggle.
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Now, for the dynamics
I NEVER had lore for her, and I only used her for OCxCanon stuff. But here I am, taking back my word 😁 The monster that wants to be a human, and the human that wants to be a monster. That was what Garou and Star was, despite being opposites they got along and related to each other after receiving the world's cruelty. Garou took a strange attachment for Star mainly for the reason that she looked like a monster at first. Unbeknownst to her, Star was a pillar for Garou and his goals to become the ultimate evil. And vice versa for Star that wanted to be a hero. They were practically two peas in a pod until Garou decided to just end their dynamic when he beat up every student in the dojo.
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So there was that, they didn't see each other for a while. Star became a hero, of course not without Silverfang himself worrying for his adoptive kid getting hurt in the hero biz. But eventually it worked out when she proved herself to be capable out there.
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Did I mention she persisted Caped Baldy Saitama to take her as a disciple? Yeah, important part of her development
During her time in Hero Association she actually witnessed Saitama's feats, several of it. Like Genos, she came off a bit stalker-ish. But she became an apprentice later on after Genos did, she thinks Saitama could be the key to being a better hero and save the innocent. ( I asked criticism from my friends and partner that read OPM as well, gave me the greenlight. )
I do believe that Saitama wouldn't take another apprentice, so in the story I made it that it's in the early arcs that she followed him around and was a little pushy
I think to add a comedic effect she'd offer to cook good meals or even do chores in return of being his apprentice so maybe that's the way Saitama agreed to it in the first place. ( Genos and Star were really just stray cats he took in LOL )
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Oh yeah, and her journals she writes/doodles on. She and Genos are rivals that are complete opposites. (Mirror Maiden is my friend's OC)
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digital-chance · 1 year
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writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i've done a writeblr intro recently but i didn't like it, so this is take 2. here's the old one.
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─── about me -⋆⋅☆
name : chance
pronouns : they/he
likes : cyberpunk, romance, anime, kpop, music, history, design
age : 20
i tend to swear both on here and in my writing, so if you're sensitive to that, i don't think my blog or work is for you. i also use the word 'queer' a lot since i self-identify as such, when i do choose to self-identify.
i'm interested in so much, which would be impossible to fully state. there are so many new things out there and i love learning about them all!! this blog is mainly for writing but i'm not strict on that.
i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnosis or anything yet) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
i'm going to college for my bachelor's in graphic design, which might make my responses during the school year delayed.
i'm always open to ask or tag games!! it might take me a few to respond but i'll respond.
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─── writing -⋆⋅☆
you'll find a lot of diverse characters, the found/chosen family trope, romance or rom-com, angst, and references to actual history or historical events within my work. sometimes i throw in a little art fact since i'm an art student. in nearly every one of my works you can find a prominent lgbtq+ character, too.
i write for original works and fanfiction alike. i often alternate what project i'm writing on and tend to leave wips unfinished. there's no one specific fandom that i'm in since i tend to dabble in everything.
i enjoy reading all sorts of stories, but some of the tropes and genres that have a special place in my heart include:
[ genres : romance . action . sci-fi . dystopian . heists . cyberpunk . horror . comedy . mystery ] [ tropes : friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst ]
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─── ⋆ looking for ⋆⋅☆
more writers to follow!
good vibes & friends
writing advice & critique buddies (will help critique ur work too)
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─── works in progress -⋆⋅☆
nova futurum | original work | #wip: nova futurum
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
a lgbtq+ mafia cyberpunk story with the working title "Nova Futurum." i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips!
you still would've been mine | fanfiction | #wip: yswbm
─── ⋆ status : outlining, research, & writing draft 1
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
matchbreakers | original work | #wip: match
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
xavier works at match breakers. instead of setting people up on blind dates, he goes to dates and breaks up the couple. all sorts of people hire him, disapproving parents, jealous ex's, and those scared to see their ex's angry side. what he doesn't expect is falling in love with one of his own clients.
scars of duty | original work | #wip: sod
─── ⋆ status : plotting
Lucian is a hero who protects the city of Haines and the other members of his hero's league. They're a small-name hero just trying to make do with what they've got. A villain new to the city shows up and shakes Lucian’s perception of their own superpowers and the world.
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< tag lists: if you'd like to be added for any project, let me know. i'm not the greatest at remembering the tag list but i will try! >
─── ⋆ more of my socials & my design portfolio
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20001541 · 6 months
🙌 isekaied into captain hero afo au!!! Please share some ideas if you want!
yes, I have some! gonna be messy as I'm still thinking through a lot of things but here we go.
for people who don't know the premise of this au is that after afo dies in canon he gets isekaied into the captain hero comic universe and wakes up as captain hero. he's forced to be a good hero and he's unable to do any evil deeds. even if he tries they somehow always turn out to be good in the end.
anyways I like to this au as it's afo at his most miserable. his attitude is mainly like why couldn't whatever power out there that forced him here just have let him just die? why force him through this humiliating tirade? theres praise from civilians which he finds sorta nice, but then he's reminded of how captain hero will suffer a humiliating defeat by the demon king and all the pain and strife he has to go through until he defeats him once and for all. pain and strife that afo will be forced to go through and he's going to have to defeat the guy he's admired and wanted to be like since he was a kid. he thinks he should've been made the demon king in this world, he's so upset about this more than anything he's forced to fight the demon king not to take his spot but only to stop him from doing more evil. the demon king would be so confused as to why the hero is always complimenting his work lol.
but I think it would be an interesting way to explore the man beneath the villain persona. we all know afo has made his whole identity about being villain, to the point where he only goes by afo and nothing else. so you put him in a situation where he no longer has his power, total control and in the body of a character he hates. well it'll be interesting to see afo's true colours shine through as the mask he's so carefully crafted throughout the years begins cracking more and he is at his most vulnerable. 
and as I said yes yoichi also got isekaied as well, he actually got isekaied into the body of an upcoming journalist thats chases after captain hero and tries getting pictures of him and talk with him. yoichi enjoys the quiet life and freedom he has. he only got to enjoy one month away from afo before dying so he's enjoying his freedom. so you can imagine how he feels when he sees afo once again only in captain heroes hero suit. at first he laughs right in his face then tries to get away because that's the last person he wants to see right now. afo is so so so happy, happier than he's ever been and he kind of forces him into a hug. he can suffer anything as long as yoichi is there by his side. he's basically like even if I wanted to kidnap you and force you to stay by my side (I do), I can't because the rules of this universe won't allow me to so you're safe :). yoichi isn't amused, but after some arguing he decides he'll keep in contact with afo and even help him with some hero stuff.
afo and yoichi get to talk with each other without having to fight each other and it's awkward. they choose to avoid the topic of the past when trying to spend time together however it's hard to ignore the elephant in the room. eventually though they begin having some normal conversations and get to know each other better. it feels oddly domestic and strange, but it's nice in a way and it also makes afo slowly realize how much happier yoichi looks and how yoichi was more willing to open up to him when afo isn't forcing his presence and beliefs on him. he won't admit it, but it hurts to see how much better yoichi seems without him.
there is a catch to all this however, yoichi actually took the place of a character that dies during some point in the story. yoichi knows this detail because he read past the first three volumes, but afo doesn't know because he stopped reading after volume 3. yoichi doesn't tell him about this until later on which almost causes afo to have a meltdown at the thought of losing yoichi all over again. most of the conflict lies here, will they even be able to save yoichi or will he just die a terrible death once more? is afo forever going to be forced into the role of the hero or can he get out of it? putting afo into situations he feels completely helpless in and has to cooperate with yoichi, good stuff to me. can't rely on your previous methods of getting out of trouble so what will you do now that almost everything has been taken away from you? that's all I really got lol.
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mischieveousmayhem · 6 months
You Never Loved Me, Did You?
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Traitor! Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Heartbreak, Reader betrays their classmates, GN reader
Synopsis: Everyone thinks Y/N is one of the sweetest people to ever exist. But when the League of Villains break into the school , who was the one who helped with this achievement?
Readers Quirk: Teleportation; User can teleport themselves and can teleport whoever they want to them.
a/n: First fanfic I have written in two years, enjoy!
It was a normal day at U.A. Nothing unusual happening, at least not yet.
All of class 1A was chilling in the dormitory. It was rainy outside , so the students were around a table playing card games. Everyone was very excited to play and their adrenaline was up.
Except for two people..
Midoriya's mind could not focus on his cards or classmates around him as they played the game. His mind was somewhere else. He was wondering where his precious partner, Y/N was, who was the only one missing from the table. It was very unusual of his partner to not show up. Matter infact since the moment Midoriya woke up there was a bad pit in his stomach.
"Midoriya! It's your turn!" Tenya says (yells) in Midoriya's ear.
"Actually guys, I'm gonna go look for Y/N" Izuku spoke up.
Everyone looked at him and started talking at once as he left. He was right, it was odd of Y/N to not hang out with their friends, their friends are most important to them.
First, Izuku went to your dorm, where when he knocked there was no answer so he assumed you weren't there. Then he went to the indoor gym, where you were also not there. He assumed since those are the two places you would be and your not there, then you must be at your house.
He took out his phone and when to your name. He tried to call you. When you didn't pick up the phone he found that odd too. You normally pick up the first time. Maybe you were busy? Maybe you were sleeping? He started to worry, you normally communicate with him whenever you go somewhere, and now you were basically MIA.
Defeated, he slowly walked back to the dormitory.
But something caught his eye outside the window, he walked up and squinted.
His friends were fighting?
Teachers were running out to the fight?
Were his friends fighting each other?
Wait.. is that the League?!
"How the hell..." He whispered to himself but suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He was about to hug the person thinking it was Y/N but it wasn't. It was Todoroki.
Todoroki speaks softly, "The Leagues invading U.A."
"How the hell?!? This school has great security , only way someone would be able to get in is if someone who goes here..." Deku spoke back to his friend.
"..is a traitor!"
"..is a traitor."
They finished Dekus sentence off at the same time.
"I have to warn Y/N for when they come back from seeing her mom!" He exclaimed, "But shes not answering.."
"No time to warn them, All Might told me to come get you, we need all hands on deck." Todoroki said.
A lot of students hid in their rooms during this time, but it's like you go to a hero school..and your lacking the confidence of a hero..
Mainly class 1A was out there, all except Mineta– who hid in his room. Class 1B was also out trying to help defeat the League.
There was fire everywhere, outside of U.A were being destroyed. Eventually the students may have to evacuate because the damage might get to the building.
As Deku ran down to help his friends outside, but he saw a figure run into the building. Thinking it was suspect, he followed the figure.
"HEY! Wait up!" He was on the tail of the so called figure what was weird is that they had H/C hair just like ... Y/N!
The figure ran into the room shutting it and locking it, Izuku banged on the door.
"Open up!" He yelled, "Y/N , I know it's you. It's me Izu, your partner not some villain."
He waited for a response.
1 second.
5 seconds.
10 seconds.
25 seconds.
Thats enough. Izuku steps back and prepares to break one of his fingers as he uses 10% to open the door.
Y/N gasps.
Izukus eyes widen.
Y/N was setting up a bomb to blow up the school. They turned around and pulled out a gun pointing it at their partner.
"Y/N....what are you doing?" He spoke.
They gulped nervously but spoke up confidently, "What do you think I'm doing, Izu?!"
"This is all a joke right..?" His hands were up , scared his loving partner was gonna shoot him.
"No Izuku, it's not a joke. You guys were all joking saying one of us in our class might be a traitor. Well guess what, there actually is , outside of the joke." Y/N responded.
Izuku didn't know what do , he didn't want to hurt his lover but this was absurd.
"C'mon Y/N, put down the gun no one has to know you helped the league it will just be our secret." He says.
Suddenly Y/N teleported next to Deku and randomly punched him. His partner is fast when it comes to teleportation and he can't register how fast they teleport next to him. Then they teleported to the other side and did it again, they just kept doing it till he was pushed to the ground.
They stood above Deku, gun back out pointinng at him,"Your stupid Deku" they spat, "I don't care if anyone else finds out. I don't need to be a hero, neither do I want to. I was so good at this nice act no one truly thought I would betray this damned school."
Tears were welling up in Deku's eyes, "Y/N they probably just threatened you to stay a villain , but you don't have to—"
"SHUT UP DEKU JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE." His partner screamed, "I NEVER EVER fucking needed you, and it will be so hard for you to defeat me even if we did have a battle. I know your weaknesses Izu, and I know you can't keep up with how fast I teleport. This is the end for you Deku. You should have just pretended to stay quirkless cause you wasted your time and energy training, now you will say goodbye, all of UA will die!"
Deku was basically bawling at this point. He was on the floor, and his partner was right, they're too fast for him to fight, and even then he doesn't want to fight them. He loves them so much, but his job is to protect people, so why is he not trying?
"Your trash Deku, TRASH! Now I get to dispose of—"
"You never loved me, did you?" He screamed out while crying.
Y/N was now tearing up hearing those words. They bit their lip trying to stay calm.
"I...I get to dispose of you." Y/N tries to yell out without crying. Unfortunately that didn't work they were now having tears streaming down their face.
"Deku, you're right we could have pretended this never happened. Unfortunately it's too late. I have no choice." They spoke.
Their fingers slowly closing in on the trigger. Deku cried, that's all he could do, he didn't want to fight the love of his life even if they are bad.
Everything was happening in slow motion, as Y/N's fingers fully closed in Deku shut his eyes...
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squibwashereat3am · 1 month
MHA OC (Void)
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So this is a MHA oc if mine! Im going to rant about him now :3
So Aoi Namaka was sold to the League of Villains when he was 6. His parents sold him for money and also because he was quirk-less. He was used as the LoV experiment until he was 14. They wanted to create someone who could make voids in order for them to travel and escape from places faster without being caught by hero's. The LoV sorta adopted Aoi and took him around on missions (not super dangerous ones though). He was mainly brought to meetings with different gangs and villains to discuss fundraising for experimenting on Aoi. Though the LoV was somewhat nice to him, orders from All for One was to “teach him a lesson” if he disobeyed or failed to show sponsors enough of his power. This led to brutal whipping sessions which were conducted by Dabi (not in a sexual way u simps). Because Toga and Twice refused to do it and the others were busy and didn’t have time to interact with Aoi too much. So Dabi was his main caretaker. (Beating Aoi could often break downs for Dabi in relations to his past)
As time grew on, Aoi’s name was changed to Void as they had finally acquired a quirk to him. The quirk was the Manipulation of Space. They originally wanted his quirk to be mainly for voids, but something happened turning the experiment and made him WAY too over powered. One of his main moves was that when he opened his mouth a yell someone’s name, the gravity around them was tightened and the said person would be crushed into a small ball of blood and guts. All for One decided that it was too much to for this kid to have too much power so he order the LoVs to cut out his tongue. The LoV did as they were told and Void was left mute. Though the removal of his tongue caused a chain reaction and his genes and his eyes got corrupted by the quirks they had merged into him. His eyes now possessed the ability to cause anything he looked at to float. So to prevent this from happening, the LoV gave him a see through blue blind fold to cover his eyes. (He still needed to communicate with sponsors though, so Toga thought him sign language.)
In his tween years, Void was basically emotionless and saw him self as an object. He let people do whatever and the only emotion he really had was pained when he was whipped. (Which happened less often) One day, Void happened to ease drop over Toga and Dabi arguing. When listening he found out that All for One wanted to take Voids quirk for his own, but, Void would die durning the transition process because his quirk was so damn powerful. Toga was devising against it while Dabi was basically saying, “what else are we gonna do with him.” Void, not knowing what else to do, used his power to create a small void to escape the base and went on the run.
For about two months he was homeless and starving. Constantly in fear and pain. Until one day he met Ms. Clementine.
Ms. Clementine found Void under a bridge while on a walk, wearing nothing but his blindfold and he was covered in scars and burns. (The scars were the whip markings on his back. And the burns are when he uses his lightening. He cant control it and it tends to shock him.) She took him home and gave him clothes/clean him up and offered him a place to stay. Ms. Clementine is old lady who owns a candy shop and above the shop there is a spare room. She allows him to stay there as long as he helps her around and guards the shop when she goes home. Void agrees and lives there for about a year and a half. During this time, Ms. Clementine helps him with decisions because of his strictly obedient nature. He slowly learns and has emotions again, but he still has trouble with decisions. They celebrate his 14th birthday and he has a few mental breakdowns because of trauma and Ms. Clementine is there for him to lean on. She also finds out about is quirk and the LoV, but she doesn’t say anything to anyone else because Void is actually shy and doesn’t like that much attention. By now he has a bubbly but soft personality and is actually a very kind a caring soul. Though sometimes a switch will flick in his head and he will basically become a cold blooded killer. He struggles with this switch a lot.
One day, Present Mic comes into the candy store cause why not, and sees Aoi (Void). He immediately goes up to him and is like: “Hey there! Whats a boy like u doing this?!” Obviously he’s terrified of Mics loud appearance. Ms. Clementine steps in and tells Mic to politely back off. He does and he asks her some questions. She tells him lightly about Aoi’s situation and Mic offers him to come to UA. Aoi says he doesn't want to but Ms. Clementine takes him away to talk. She tells him that it’s time for him to make his own path and meet his own people. He wants to argue with her but because he still has trouble with his decisions he takes Ms. Clementine request as an order. Ms. Clementine smiles and says if he ever needs her, she’ll be hear at the candy shop. Mic collects him the next day and they head to UA. He is given a dorm and he only has one teacher, Mr. Aizawa. For about two years, Mr. Aizawa trains Aoi in order for him to be able to stabilize his quirk so he can use it around students and for the trail to get into UA. Mr. Aizawa is the only one who can teach him cause if his ability to pause quirks. During his time, UA provides Aoi with a phone so he can chat to Ms. Clementine. He had a few small party's to celebrate holidays and birth parties which Mic and Aizawa were invited too and came. Aoi eventual grows on Aizawa and he accidentally calls him dad alot.
At age 16 he joins class 1-A. And ill rant to u all about that more.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk 🫡
If u all read all of this i love u 😭😭
also he gae 🏳️‍🌈
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octavianstar · 2 years
MC Concepts?
ok, so even before the Au I had in mind, I had a couple of ideas upon what would MC would be like or based upon the character and even had some weird plot idea a few years back.
So let's begin upon the first idea concept, the first idea upon how I would imagine Mc in the AU (or even in the main thing) would be of a familiar someone that would kinda makes sense in context, a Disney character rather so underrated that he's rarely seen in Disney.
That is being, this guy...
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Basically from what I know at least I haven't seen anyone making a MC or a Oc version of him since there were rather easy clues in Twisted Wonderland that had some deja vu in Epic Mickey (blots, Mickey from the other side of the mirror, rarely has much interractions, and some more evidence that I'll add later) and I would want to have Oswald to have some light and popularity again, even if it's just a minor thing since I had found out he was cancelled out of the content for a kingdom hearts game.
And I would also think it would particularly work since of this rather particularly scenes in Epic Mickey comparison to Twisted Wonderland.
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Notice how in Twisted Wonderland, Mickey looks like from the old cartoon of his and not his iconic one.
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The image you seen in Twisted Wonderland is not only a reference to a Mickey Short "Thru the Mirror", but also the beginning scene to the Epic Mickey game. And with some evidence I had mentioned, it would mainly make sense there would be referencing to the actual game, but few things particularly had me questioned. What about Oswald? What ever happened to him?
So upon theory that MC can secretly Is a Twst Oswald (even if it's not canon sadly, at least in a headcannon) who needed to fix something that Mickey could not (or is trying to do but failing). Of Why Crowley would particularly needed MC to begin with despite with the possible pretending he's making of him trying to send them home and meeting them for the first time, believing it was another student. Or Rather in Chapter Seven..
Before we continue, I suggest that you may want to move past down or don't read this part cause it has some contain spoilers of part 2. Just know, SPOILERS AHEAD!
. . .
Are we good..? ..good!
Anyways, or like in Chapter Seven of where Malleus had said "You will all become the protagonist of this fairytale" after he overblotted and cast everyone, even Yuu/MC to sleep/kidnap them in thorns? Likely how Maleficint comes to Philip's prison cell to taunt him of how he's the valiant hero of a fairytale come true. And I would think upon the theory MC's dreams would be either similar to Oswald's or what would had it been like if Oswald was still with Disney/Mickey never exist, of what shorts and movies that Mickey made would become Oswald's instead.
And perhaps then, maybe, Mickey might have been the one to take Oswald's place. Of where everyone knows and loves Oswald and Mickey became a forgotten toon just like many others.
To have the dream that Oswald never had achieved because of what happened between Universal and Disney years ago that he cannot easily control. That he was once happy before he was then ripped away from Disney's arms. Just like in this video.
(Thinking about it, it's almost a similar backstory to Lotso's from Toy Story 3 but didn't turn evil)
Actually speaking of which, from what I also remember Oswald was supposed to be in the antagonist in the original Epic Mickey game thanks to some concept art of it. Which they had a plan but decided to scrap most of the main idea of him being the villain but would still act a bit mean and jealous over Mickey since he was replaced by him and both Mickey and Oswald technically didn't know each other at the beginning until both warmed up for each other. Despite his flaws, he's still a good person that is helping around the forgotten toons to have a place they feel belonged and is rather devastated after loosing Ortensia to The Blot after sending it away.
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Which there is a potential chance that this would be a Overblot version of MC/Yuu if pushed comes to shove.
But thinking throughout upon Twisted Wonderland, Yuu/MC becomes cleared and clever throughout the other chapters of how to attempt to stop the "villian" and save the day though luck and planning. Not to mention in part 1 of chapter seven, Yuu/MC immediately recognized who Maleficint was and headed to the plaza where her statue was where Yuu/MC would be both conflicted upon their dream but also finding clues how to try and prevent another overblot. of course Yuu/MC would have some antagonistics upon them of where they had been stressed and almost died mutiple times (or more likely wanting to kill their/her/his friends after many stupid shenanigans they dragged them in or Crowley gaslights them so he wouldn't be the one in trouble. This is why we prefer Mr. Crewel as a father figure, Crowley.)
Ok..hopefully with Concept idea #1 out of the way, here's Concept idea #2.
So for the other concept of mine is Mc/Yuu being another Disney Character but this time in a obviously well known movie you all probably would know or already watched Encanto. That MC/Yuu being a Twst Mirabel.
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Hopefully this will be a lot shorter but I'll try my best to clear some things out. To not be confused, the concept idea is Yuu/MC being twst Mirabel, not Yuu/MC being a part of the Madrigals or Mirabel in Twisted Wonderland thought I like the concept upon those ideas since they were creative.
So upon context that I would believe that Mirabel wanted to belong in the Family Madrigal despite her having no gift and how some of her family members (Mainly Alma and Isabela) sees her as a sort of outcast of the family like her uncle, Bruno, who's painted as the villain but is actually a nice guy. When she suddenly sees the cracks from the house, she's trying to find answers of what is happening and how to save the Miracle. Going onto a adventure and talking to the other family members in hope of any information, luckily thanks to Luisa, she finds out that there was a vision that Bruno left behind that of her having two possible outcomes, either her destroying or saving Casita. That the reason why Bruno left because he wanted to protect her from making Mirabel having more of a worse outcome than it already is with her. Soon Mirabel and Bruno found a way to help the candle by hugging her sister, Isabela which at first doesn't want to and thinks it's pointless to try but needed to given a chance. Also promising that she will help Bruno come back home. Of course Isabela and Mirabel talk it out, shared a moment, hugged and shown how Isabela was forced to become perfect in the daily based until she realized she didn't needed to be perfect, she needed to be herself.
Every seemed fine until Alma came and blames on Mirabel for Bruno leaving, Isabela out of control, the cracks from the house, Luisa losing magic, having no gift when she was litterally five years old person and basically saying that Mirabel is the one who is hurting this family, concidering that she wasn't apart of this family to begin with. Mirabel rightfully lashes out of how neither of the family wouldn't be good enough to Alma's standards and how Alma is the reason why the magic was dying to begin with because of her fear and standards pushed to far upon the family that without their gifts, they are nothing because she expected perfection of everyone and leaving Mirabel out of it as if she's never considered as family. Soon the Cracks got worse, house got destroyed and Mirabel runs off where the others are looking for her. And Alma confronts Mirabel who's apologizing but Alma sits by her, admitting her faults and her actual story, knowing now that it is her fault and Mirabel becomes to understand and forgives her, they hug out and returned home with Bruno to fix the house and having the family repairing, the magic returns with everyone in the family included. (Minor Critique that I would think Mirabel wouldn't completely forgive Alma, but would need a bit of time to forgive her but still does understand like in the deleted scene without the mom dying but I would think in time she and Bruno would eventually forgive Alma. But i think the reason they forgive her immediately or didn't question about it because it's Disney and wanted everyone to have a happy ending and it was almost over.)
While Yuu/MC is isekaied into another world filled with magic, who is magicless and must solve and stop the incidents and overblots that are happening to NRC. Having to involve/dragged themself/herself/himself into this scenarios of life and death from the overblots, some bullying that had been into or had gotten into with either the dormleaders or dorm students, Crowley gaslighting, neglect and blackmail, and which would eventually lead them into PTSD after the shit they had been through and eventually needed a therapist of their own, but does and can relate through the people that Yuu/MC are close to and to learn upon their mistakes to make up what they have done while trying to find a way back home.
of course some of it's similarities between Yuu/MC and Mirabel that both are magicless, needing some therapy and is helping people getting through their problems and their mistakes to become a better person. And I would especially think we would need to get Yuu/MC's Backstory since the Manga's MCs/Yuus are different each time (most likely) and I would think Yuu/MC having a very similar scenerio with Mirabel would probably be a compelling way of a backstory since both with Mirabel and Oswald are overlooked and wanted to be belonged, showing them that they got what it takes to be a somebody to them.
Though of course both of them are vastly different but I would think either of them might work for at least my version (Either Aus or headcannon) of Yuu/MC, regardless of what gender or race they are.
And now, hopefully for the most rather weird plot/backstory idea of what I would think could be interesting but not exactly sure due to how unsure how it's going to work since it would work for another Au where Twisted Wonderland is in a more Fantasy Era.
So to Kinda keep it short as possible, Yuu/MC is cursed by a unfamiliar source that endangers both their/her/his home and Twisted Wonderland where they are "the outcast" upon their family and noticed something was going on due to a black marking on their hand, like a cut that's dripping down a drop of black ink mixed with blood, having the cracks seen as a sign of danger. They talked to their/her/his family to see what's going on, realizing some of them knew about something that they won't tell Yuu/MC.
Eventually some disaster insurance after finding a mysterious spell book, glowing green-glass shards and paintbrush and eventually Yuu/MC in a angered state decided if their/her/his family won't tell them/her/him about the mysterious curse, they'll have to find out themself.
As they were just about to leave their home, they spotted something from the distance that calls to them to follow. They do, leading upto where they see the very thing falling into a rabbit hole that looks like a very deep well. They fell into the well's water before a few spects of magic began surrounding them as they became a shooting star before suddenly falling down to Twisted Wonderland, or at least the gateway towards it.
They are tested to pass through the gate and succeeded, Confronting either some of the RSA or NRC students in the Fantasy AU where they believe Yuu/ MC is the powerful magician that was gifted upon one of the most powerful artifacts that along with it's guardian was lost centuries ago along with the one whom had possessed the very two rare artifacts.
The mysterious spellbook is not only a book full of almost every spell but actually a storybook of all Disney Characters posing a sort of prophecies coming to life into an alternate retelling that can change fate, ending, and how they became to be, that being called The Book of Legacies, and with the Paintbrush of Imaginations, it can create living beings, pathways to worlds, even items that seemed to be lost.
The second being a candle that granted a miracle that can provide or in case help the adventurer upon what they would need to set things right and save the day. And to prove whom is worthy and whom is not, or more likely who can be redeemed and who cannot.
There will be more Lore with the Book and the Candle upon the Pomfiore Arc, which it would possibility merged with the Glorious Mascarade event.
However when the students and Yuu/MC opens the Book to Ambrose the Wizard, (Since he's possibly Merlin from the Sword and the Stone). Where they shown of a story of how their/his/her ancestor who was a student of the eldest sorceror (Yen-Sid) who lives upon the farthest star, the second star to the right, whom locks away a powerful god that was cursed away, never dared to be freed for he's the eternal ruler of evil that brings death and destruction to all, (That being Chernobog from Fantasia)
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However Yuu/MC told them that they're/She's/He's not their ancestor and ended up there by accident because they follow something glowing from the distance and showed the marking that they had on their hand. Of course most of them were surprised, afraid and shocked of the very marking.
For it was a marking of a dark prophecy, a curse that would come to Twisted Wonderland and release Chernobog with the Seven Crystals of Darkness alongside "the Great Seven" returning back from the dead and would receive their "gracious gift" to whomever is the one who's with/brings the Cursed Chosen to it's destination and release him from his eternal cage upon the highest mountain. And in order for them find out how to break the cursed is to find their family member that too was in Twisted Wonderland years ago but had been captured into a far kingdom where no one could have or dare to find them because they were the only one who knows how to break it.
And it is up to Yuu/MC to find clues of where their/his/her family member is and rescue them and hopefully save everyone.
As for the Non-Disney School Au, I would think Yuu is particularly a mix of being Non/Disney that is stuck in a world of magic. They would be tricked into staying their for a while because they thought the headmistress would understand and be the one to promise their way back home. Or at least that's the jift of things.
But like I said these are just some concepts of my version of MC/Yuu and probably can eventually figure out the full version of it. But I did not expected to be this long than I wanted to be. So I'm very sorry if it's already too confusing as much but hopefully, hopefully we might have a more clear viewing upon the Au. Of course I'm still looking up a few Non Disney movies to intell and I know I'll add DreamWorks in it, but if you want to tell me any other non disney villians that I can see added in (besides DreamWorks since it's more likely going to be added in). Let me know, but remember it has to be a animated film that isn't Disney so sadly no live-action ones. Until then, hope you guys have a very lucky day! (And hopefully some images/videos pop up normally and not randomly missing, but if somethings up in this post, let me know.)
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Hello. I hope I am not being tactless, but I'd like to point out something about your article about the treatment of Chloe. To me it is pretty obvious from the author's words that he did answer your question. "Why did he bother with a false redemption arc? " To show she HAD a chance but refused it. That is what makes a bad person - they had a good opportunity to be otherwise. You make it look like he said people don't change, but he didn't, he said to change you need to want it and work on it.
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(The post this anon is referring to)
Don't worry, I'm not upset at all. You were nothing but cordial in expressing your opinion, and even though I personally don't agree with your take, I still appreciate your composure.
I don't think the idea with Chloe deconstructing the whole redemption stuff isn't a bad idea. The problem was that for the most part, it seemed like because so much time was being invested in it, it seemed like it was going somewhere, only to just go back on it for the sake of a cheap plot twist. You could have easily told this story by having Chloe be punished for what she did in "Queen Wasp", teaching kids that powers don't make the hero.
Even putting my feelings about the character aside, Chloe is basically irrelevant as a villain, and adds nothing to the show's rogues' gallery. Lila has already been established as a greater threat to both Marinette and Ladybug, and Felix has a deeper connection to Adrien than Chloe. It just makes you wonder why they even made her a villain if she's not even going to be an important one in the grand scheme of things. She's not even the fun kind of villain, as the writers focus so much on having her rant about how she's the worst person in existence, she doesn't have any charm compared to other villains like Hexadecimal or Harley Quinn.
As for the abuse thing, I was mainly referring to how Astruc compared Chloe's fans to people who try to justify abuse. He seriously compared fans thinking a fictional character who could have had better writing is the same as trying to excuse an abusive partner.
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Again, the lesson they're trying to teach with Chloe isn't a bad one, but it's the execution, coupled with Astruc constantly mocking people online for daring to get invested in one of the few character arcs in the entire show, that really gets to me. They set up an interesting character arc, went back on it just for a plot twist, and as far as I can tell, didn't really have a plan for Chloe as a character other than "comic relief who nobody likes".
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absolute-weirdo-inc · 10 months
UltraVerse Lore
-Nightmare is the main character
-Nightmare was found as a child (post-apple incident) and adopted him
-Nightmare is a genuinely good guy
-Dream basically abandoned him for the love of the villagers
-He is the same person as passive but was controlled ages 6-8 by an evil spirit (basically canon nightmare but a kid) so is now viewed as a villain since the spirit took his body on a joyride throughout the multiverse destroying 7 separate universes along the way
-Nightmare has bad trauma bcus of the villagers abuse
-Basically act as one person since they are #codependentasfuck
-Chaos incarnate
-Nightmares precious babys (though NM wont admit it to anyone)
-The fight constantly
-Same lore as canon (No fanon horror ty bbg) ((We stan canon horror))
-Non canon ages (same with everyone else (ages shown further down))
-A bad guy
-Same canon as usual (obviously underverse isnt a thing but the events of Xtale still happened (this is important for his and ink’s relationship))
-Little brother vibes
-Hates annoying NM but it sometimes happens regardless
-Nightmares favourite child nonetheless
-The most idiotic of the bad guys but trys to act like hes a genius
-Sometimes works with NM bug mainly on game night in the castle not on actual Multiverse shit (bcus ill be dambed if the baddies don’t get to kick each others asses in dumb games of charades (Nightmare kicks the most ass in scrabble bcus hes a fucking nerd and dust is surprisingly good at draw and killer guessing in picturnary))
-BBFs with Swap regardless
-Canon error all the way 0 exceptions (unless its for feather boas)
-Makes dolls for an orphanage in the omega timeline and donates the anonymously 😭
-Hates ink because he thinks he thinks hes a freak (no one on one rivalry bcus he prefers to put his time to good use and not use it on “a dumb looking, emo wannabe who sucks at everything and has the brain of a fucking sloth”… his words not mine bbg”
-A bit of an ass
-Truly believes he the hero (has no clue he’s fucking up the multiverse with all the positivity he spreads
-His anthem is literally SUI
-Overworks Swap without realising
-Was convinced by the village that NM is evil
-Drinks wine like everyone’s favourite english teacher who has had it up to here because of their incompetent husband (by incompetent husband i mean ink)
-I Stan him fr
-… underverse except hes dumb and is a dream simp lol
-hes just a combo of canon and fanon ink with a sprinkle of 💅
-Left his home because he found out Alphys never planned on letting him join the royal guard and not only felt betrayed bcus everyone in his universe who matters knew but he also wanted to prove himself (in his words “WHATS BETTER THEN PROTECTING ONE UNDERGROUND” Error-“wH4T?”
“ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!” Error- “…’5uCS M3 wh4t?!”)
-Has met his fanon version… blueberry became jam
-Made some official armour
-Lost a bunch of weight after joining, he went from chubby to too skinny even for a skeleton
-Also has insomnia and nothing will help (not me projecting.. not at all
Ccino (yes Ccino is part of this multiverse)
-Basically the same as usual
-Him and Nightmare are best friends (no toxic shit bcus this ISNT FLUFFYMARE
-Would literally drop everything to have a conversation with one of his cats
-Is close with all the baddies and something joins them for game night (⚠️WARNING⚠️- Dont let this man play Monopoly, he is so cold hearted and will make you go bankrupt IRL, yes he is so good he made Horror cough up 100 gold after Horror landed on two of his maxed out properties in a row (he owns the whole fucking board))
-His brother is still alive and His name is Spresso (IDK where i found this idea for his name but ill hunt it down)
-Spresso is glad Ccino made lots of friends even if they are insane murders
I dont want to add a bunch of ships but like…
-Minor Drink
and maybe more later. Im sorry my pubescent teenage brain wont let me write shit thats not gay as fuck.
Other shit
-There will be other characters like Lust and Reaper (obviously bcus of NMs lore) but i haven’t finished all my lore on their characters
-There is mentioned toxic swadmare bcus i can’t resist the angst
-Like mentioned Nightmare is the main character and since i tend to project he may not act canon (neither will anyone else tbh BUT I WILL TRY)
-this whole thing will be cringe because im a depressed teen who is still doing her GCSEs
-Also the updates will mostly be on my tumblr but i’ll post most of the writing on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52174081
-Please dont hate me :3
[Love you all besties, thanks for your time]
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holy shit i just realised i asked u to write for shoto and awhile u replied to an anon who sent the exact same thing i did but with the emoji i was about to use but changed last minute…. wtf ANYWAYS PLS WRITE FOR SHOTO 😍😍😍😍😍🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 LOVE UR WORKKKK
Hi!! I’m sorry this took a while to get out, but thank you for your request! Now that it’s Summer I’ll be able to write more and quickly, so even though this is a bit rushed, I hope you like it :)
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Pairing: Pro!Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Warnings: fluff; like it’s basically just fluff; so proud of myself for being able to do a single one-shot without writing smut
Word Count: 0.8k
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The vibration of your phone rumbled over your table, effectively grasping your attention.
A bookmark was quickly placed within your novel, some murder-mystery series that Mina had recommended. While the writing was pretty good, you were almost sure that she enjoyed it primarily for the charming antihero, a move that you both respected and related to.
You picked up your phone, waiting a few seconds for the facial recognition to pick up on your features.
Flitting through a few reminders, you read your most recent notification, eyes lighting up.
“Sho!” You called, voice echoing through your shared apartment.
It only took a few moments for the bathroom door to open, steam slipping through the growing crack to reveal your fiancé. Times like this only reminded you how unconsciously angelical he was, damp hair falling over the scar adorning his features.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, head tilting in a way that was oddly reminiscent of how a confused dog would question his owner. “Did you get scared by the drying going off again."
A towel lay low on his hips, an extra detail that only caused you to momentarily forget why you called him in the first place.
Regardless, you shook the thought off, playfully rolling your eyes and holding your phone up for him to see. “That happened once. And no, look.”
Shoto blinked, gaze traveling from the device back to you. “Twitter?”
“Yes, baby, it’s Twitter, but that’s not what I meant.” You pushed it into his hands. “Scroll.”
He complied, bi-colored eyes scanning for anything that would've caused you to need him.
It took a few seconds for him to recognize the reason for your excitement, gaze flitting back up to meet your smile and outstretched hand.
“Pay up.”
Last year, 'The People's Hero Billboard Chart' had been the last thing on your mind.
At least, that was until Ochako called, her laughter bubbling over the line.
It was mainly run by online voting and polls, awarding the Pro's trivial titles such as 'Best Hair' or, your personal favorite, 'Most Likely To Secretly Be Dating a Villain.'
You never would have expected that Shoto would have been receiving that of 'Best Looking.'
Obviously, you weren't blind.
It was quite apparent that your partner was extremely attractive. However, you weren't exactly one to keep track of social media that didn't include funny animal and/or panda-shaped bread making videos.
But this was just another opportunity to appreciate what you already knew was true.
He wouldn't say it out loud, but the whisper of a smile gracing his lips gave some hint as to how much he enjoyed your doting, a desire that you were more than happy to indulge in.
Your actions sizzled off as the months went by, but it only took the reminder lighting up your screen to resume them.
Despite receiving a nomination, Shoto had waved away your harmless teasing, only leading for it to escalate, something that he only should've expected.
"Can you even win something twice in a row?"
You shrugged, mindlessly sorting certain silverware into its rightful spot. "For most things, I guess."
"Like what?" He asked, handing you another spoon.
"Uh..." You thought about it for a second, all prior knowledge on sports or artistic awards that could have provided an instance suddenly vanishing. "Like, maybe when Gryffindor wins all the damn time in Harry Potter."
"What's that?"
The dislike of your deficient, and fictional, example completely evaded you, the feeling immediately replaced by one that could only be described by blunt shock. "You're joking."
"No." He blinked. "Should I?"
"Yes, I seriously cannot wait to see the giant rock you've been hiding under." You playfully quipped, earning a low chuckle from the man behind you. "But regardless, I'm ready to bet anything that you'll win again. I'll give you whatever you want."
"But I already have everything I want."
His words made your heart flutter, a giddy smile creeping over your features. "There's really nothing that you want from me?"
Tilting his head, he took a moment before giving you a smirk that he only ever put on when you were alone. "I mean-"
Laughing, you nudged his shoulder, trying to hide the slight warmth bleeding into your cheeks.
It didn't matter what he asked of you.
You won.
He smiled softly, blunt honesty doing nothing to hide the subtle excitement hiding in his actions.
Taking your still-outstretched hand, he tossed your phone onto a pillow and pulled himself onto the covers beside you. He gently took your arm and moved it over his torso, your head now resting on his chest.
Shoto would've given you anything that you asked, regardless of whether or not you had won some silly bet.
But time spent with him was really all you wanted.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Alright I am FINALLY Making a Fandom/What I'll Write for List
Current Hyperfixation(s): Dead Plate, To Eat A God, Gravity Falls, Coraline, Invader Zim
I'll edit this list as my interests change. Also, there are some notes for each fandom. I'm adding a read more because it is probably going to be long. Some things I write for may not be listed, simply because I'm not taking requests for them. This list is mainly so people know what they can/cannot request.
As a quick note beforehand, though, I just want to post a link to a passion project I am creating! It is an original story, and is very personal to me. I really hope that anybody stumbling across my page or who already likes some of my fandom content will be willing to give it a read or look into it. More information is on my side blog, @tales-from-the-iolite-hospital!
Pirate Percy, Horace, and The Skintaker. A heads up that these are not the Wiki versions of the characters, and are simply my own interpretations of them.
Anyone, basically. Yes, this includes Home.
Adult Confidants (just in case, yes, this includes Takuto Maruki) - I will write for them. I think they need more love, lol. I also absolutely adore Takuto Maruki so like... Please request him-
The Phantom Thieves - I will write for them, but no NSFW because most, if not all are in high school. Some might say that a couple of them are 18, but I feel like it would be unfair and still a bit weird for me to write that stuff for.
Adult Human Characters - Mainly William Afton or Henry Emily, but I will also write for the night guards and any other adult human character.
"Animatronics" - If I write for the animatronics, they won't actually be animatronics. I wouldn't really feel comfortable with that, just because most, if not all, are possessed by the spirits of children. So, if I write for them, it will be in a AU where they will just be anthropomorphic animals in their own little world. Kinda like if the pizza chain had a show, and it is the in show universe.
As a heads up, I am not too in the loop about where the FNAF lore has gone, and I only have the first book. So, a lot of the more lore based Headcanons or FICS probably won't be that accurate. I might also try making my own AU based on only the first 3 or 4 games, but I will probably only write one story for that, and decide if I will write headcanons based on that according to how well it is received.
Every Adult Character - same rules apply as the other adult characters. I will Headcanons or stories for them during the time they were alive, of course. I have also had an AU idea where the family haunts the house as ghosts, so I MIGHT write headcanons for that, too.
Dr. Danny, Cathy, Reverend Gray - YOU CAN'T STOP ME. I LOVE THEM OMG. ESPECIALLY DANNY. I would write for Zack but like... Sorry guys I just don't really like him enough to have any ideas... (No shame to Zack lovers, btw. I just can't get the groove going for him).
John Ward
All bachelors/bachelorettes. Especially Harvey he needs more love-
Wheatley, GLaDOS, Caroline, Cave Johnson, Chelle, and Doug Rattmann
All doctors and nurses
BATMAN (in general + my own versions of the characters [Chronicverse]):
Just the villains (including Catwoman and those who play both sides). I personally just can't see the appeal in the heroes.
So I have only played Little Hope, so far, so I can't write for any other Dark Pictures installment. I'll write for any character besides Megan/Mary.
Anatoly, Karin, Gregor and Mariah.
UNCANNY VALLEY SERIES (House Hunted, John Doe):
Maison Talo, John Doe
Koolie Sterling
ERROR 143:
Micah Yujin
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor, Lucifer, Adam, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Sir Pentious
I'll write for most every character I create. I probably won't write "Headcanons" if nobody is interested, but I will still write stories for them. Those stories will include x Reader sometimes.
Currently I am working on a story/series called Tales from the Iolite Hospital.
No proshipping, MAP, Zoo (I don't count furries as zoo, because they have a human level of intelligence and consciousness), Noncon, Dubcon. Currently no NSFW, but that might change in the future.
Yandere, chronic illness, specific cultures (It may not be the most accurate, but I will try. I think of it as a learning experience), LGBTQ+, mental health struggles.
Most everything I write will have some sort of horror or heavy topic in it, even if it isn't a yandere story. I LOVE horror. So, if you don't like horror and heavy topics, or can only handle it at specific times, I understand! It is just kinda my thing. If that is the case, then idk if this blog will be for you/be for you all the time. I will always make sure to try to put trigger warnings at the top of the post, though, so that people are comfortable.
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ckret2 · 1 year
Wait what's up with Dr. Horrible?? (I never watched it I just know of the song Brand New Day and that's it)
Okay so short plot summary: the main character is a mad scientist/aspiring supervillain who's presented as an earnest, nerdy, likable guy. We're intended to find him sympathetic; his villainous goals are comically cliché and he has some moral standards he sticks to, like we mainly see him commit property crimes but he refuses to kill people.
He has a crush on a very nice idealistic girl who wants to feed the homeless.
His nemesis is a smug handsome dudebro superhero whose collateral damage from his fights is arguably worse than what the villain himself would have done. The superhero ends up dating the idealistic girl after saving her from a near-death experience he himself caused by breaking the villain's machinery.
The superhero says some douchey misogynistic things about his new girlfriend to Dr. Horrible in private, so, naturally, he decides to compromise his values and murder the superhero. Through no fault of Dr. H's own (the narrative would like us to believe), the superhero makes the weapon malfunction in a way that, instead, kills the girl. Dr. H is broken-hearted and despondent but finally recognized by society as a true supervillain.
So, good nerd "villain" VS bad jock "hero" and the nice girl takes the douchebag with muscles.
This was several years before the "incel vs chad" meme took off—but it's hauntingly familiar in hindsight.
The thing is, even though the main character does have his "villain" moments, the way it's written makes it pretty clear the audience is supposed to be on his side. His evil is cartoonish and funny rather than things that actually tend to bother viewers, we're supposed to want to see him win over the girl and be mad that she went for the jock. Not only is HE your typical "nice guy (who isn't nice)" who doesn't understand why he skeeves out girls—but the STORY thinks he's genuinely a nice guy, too*.
(*This is the part that's controversial. Some people think "nah, Joss Whedon knew exactly what he was doing, we ARE supposed to recognize that he's really just a creep in defiance of how the narrative frames him, it's an unreliable narrator thing" and other people think "Joss really thinks Dr. Horrible is a tragic underdog who deserved to get the girl." Personally, I think the truth is somewhere in between, but it's closest to "tragic underdog.")
Except, Dr. Horrible is a supervillain! That's what makes the whole thing extra interesting. On a surface level, this is your basic role-reversal type story, "the supervillain is actually the hero and the superhero is actually the villain"—but once you recognize Dr. Horrible isn't quite as much a decent guy as the narrative paints him, the role reversal reverses: "the villain really is villainous, he's your typical vengeful entitled incel, but seeing the story through his eyes he can't see himself that way."
It's really a masterfully done unreliable narrator story breaking down the toxic incel "girls only don't like me because I'm nerdy" "they go for bad boys with muscles" "if I can't get a girl it's my right to lash out at the world" viewpoint, done convincingly enough that you can totally buy into the narrator's skewed perspective. (Like, it took years before I started seeing this "it's a breakdown of nerd culture toxic masculinity" interpretation of Dr. H in mainstream discussions. Some people might've been saying it at the time but it was nowhere near as widespread as it is now; when it first came out, just about every discussion I saw took it for granted that the narrative considers Dr. H the "good guy.")
But, on the other hand, it's only an okay trope role reversal story. Like it's pretty good? It's all right. It's fine.
The story is better if you look at it saying "Dr. H really is the bad guy here, but is so deep in his head neither he nor the narrative sees that" and worse if you look at it saying "Dr. H is a misguided good guy stuck in a tragedy."
And yet, I'm pretty confident "misguided good guy" was the authorial intent. For other folks who believe that was the intent, in order to let the narrative truly flourish, they have to interpret it in a way that directly defies what they assume the author wants; in order to say "the main character is blind to his true nature" they also have to say "the author is blind to the main character's true nature." And I think that's fascinating.
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fractiflos · 5 months
Because I love villain AUs, what about this? An AU where En, Banjo, and Hikage are all villains. Thank you!
I'm not sure of the age difference between all of them (because Hikage being 40 at death could mean Banjo was like, 39 when he died) so let's just say they're the same age and En is 5 years younger.
Hikage was not a willing villain. AFO saw how close he was with Third and wanted to try and use him against the then current OFA holder, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Hikage just reminded him too much of his Yoichi, so he did the next best thing and kidnapped him before he got OFA and stuck him in the vault. After realizing Hikage enjoyed the isolation of the vault, AFO figured he needed a new torture method to get him to join in villainy.
That method came in the form of a young Banjo, who was yet to become a hero and was still looking for work. AFO basically said he'd pay him to be his son's friend. Not the job he wanted, but he couldn't afford to be picky. After an initial rocky start, the two actually became good friends and Hikage was really coming out of his shell. Then AFO threatened to kill Banjo if Hikage didn't join him in villainy. With no other option, he agreed. Banjo joined him, but he didn't know the true nature of the operation until later.
It was only revealed to him once AFO was sure that Banjo had been molded enough that he wouldn't see anything wrong with what AFO was doing (plus he keeps the really bad stuff away from everyone else). This was also the time when Banjo would meet a young En. He had just started his underground career, but was struggling to make ends meet. Banjo saw potential in him and offered to recommend him to his boss. En agreed, not seeing the harm and found himself being recruited to spy on the newly formed HPSC. As much as he wanted to say no, AFO had the power to get him to a place where he would not only have more spying opportunities, but more money. So, he agreed. And so we have an unwilling Hikage, a brainwashed Banjo, and a poor En all being puppetered by All For One.
One day, Hikage sees an opportunity for escape and takes it, hoping he could get back to Third. Only to see Third's body lying in AFO's arms, a big smile on his face. Turns out AFO engineered the escape opportunity all so Hikage could see the last remnant of his hope die. And it works. He's broken, to the point where even Banjo can barely get him to smile.
As it would turn out, En got OFA early. He ran into Third before the fight because all he knew was that he had something AFO wanted. He was prepared to put on act to get it, but when AFO shows up, Third just shoves his bloody fingers in his mouth and runs off. Stunned, En went up to AFO to tell him about what happened. AFO quickly tries to take the quirk, but can't. He has Banjo tie up En and take him somewhere until he can figure out what to do (which is mainly what Banjo does under his employment).
After figuring out that it must work by DNA transfer, he asks En to do what Third did to him. He really didn't want to, but it was better than the alternative. As he did so, all he could think was "I just want to give him what he wants" which was good enough for the OFA transfer. OFA tried to resist, but En's pretty strong-willed and at last, AFO has his little brother back.
With all of En's intelligence, he's got enough to topple the HPSC and get rid of the heroes Yoichi loved so much. So, he plans to hill him. Mainly because he didn't want more people to know about how he got OFA than strictly necessary. And why have a replacement Yoichi when you have the real one? He plans to kill Hikage and Banjo too, but they run away with En to the forest, thanks to Hikage's Danger Sense. AFO could try to chase them down, but he doesn't care when he has his little brother back. Now it's time to take over the world to make it nice and safe for his Yoichi. He'll find away to restore him back into his body eventually.
Meanwhile, in the forest, there's a debate over what they should do. The HPSC is gone, pretty much all the heroes are dead, and AFO has crowned himself as Emperor. They've all just begun to realize how badly they messed up and Banjo argues they should do something to fix it. En says it's too dangerous and Hikage is just too broken to do anything. He only ran away because he didn't want them to die. In the end, they did the most villainous thing of all: Nothing. They stayed in that forest until they died of old age, living with the guilt of the part they played in society's downfall. And without OFA, they had to live much longer.
...Man this actually turned out really sad.
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