#so richie is basically the joker ..... got it
trashm0uth · 1 year
chaotically evil . you do what you want, when you want, and without regard for the law. you keep yourself out of jail by keeping everyone around you off-balance. no one knows what you want, truly, or what you plan to do with all this power you've accumulated. your crimes range from "harmless" pranks to murder. anything for a good laugh, huh? you refuse to let anyone kill you, so you plan out your own disappearance. its a great spectacle - tickets are $10 dollars per person. some people speculate that you've died, but most know the truth. they all saw you escape through the back door.
tagged by : @breakthings
tagging : steal it from me rn
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flubnuggetpurple · 1 month
Dove Cameron’s Alchemical album is so fucking bat coded I feel like a conspiracy theorist.
(This went off the rails at one point, so WARNING: vague mentions of sexual assault and being drugged without consent)
First song: Lethal Woman.
Cass, all over, right? The bridge is “she walks like a saint, floats like an angel, sharp like a knife under the table”
c o m e o n
Second song: Still.
“Man on the screen, they only see whatever you want them to see” and “Supernova self-erasing, hourglass is always draining”
Could be either Tim or Bruce, but I lean toward Tim because of “how dare you, dare me to love you, if you jump I will too” because whenever Tim decides he loves someone, he’s the ride or die, ends of the earth type, even if they don’t even know who he is. A) how and why he became Robin in the first place, B) The Cloning Thing, C) an argument could be made for the Captain Boomerang thing (but now that I think of it, I think I’m mostly basing this off fanon oh well ontotgenextone).
Song Three: Breakfast.
I will admit out the gate that this one’s a reach, so I’m just going to leave Selina here.
Song Four: Sand.
For this I’m thinking Tim or Jason, for different reasons.
For Tim;
“I saw the end when we began, you couldn’t love the way I can, I tried to bargain with the stars, for more than half your heart but you have more pieces of me than the dessert has sand, and I have less pieces of you than I could hold in my hand” and “our love’s misaligned, ‘cause you’re on my mind every night, I stretch out the time, and now I know why.”
I’m just making it obvious I read the Red Robin run, aren’t I?
For Jason:
“What's worse, being wanted but not loved, or loved but not wanted? What's worse, hearing what you wanna hear, or hearing what's honest?” And “What hurts, is the one thing that you wanna do, is the one thing that you shouldn’t do”
Pre-death Jason, but like, right after the Garzonas thing.
Song five: White Glove.
Okay hear me out.
This is part one of the Dick Grayson saga; the persona he shows to the public. This is Richie Wayne. This is every honeypot mission he went on too young, every woman he’s had to seduce for information (it’s one hundred percent happened before don’t fight me) every source of sexual trauma (that one I’m ninety percent sure is canon) that keeps him up at night.
And this guy’s been a vigilante for over twenty years, he can absolutely recognize drugs by sight, smell, and how they feel when he’s too late to notice something slipped in his drink. He’s felt nearly every strain of fear toxin and every one of Ivy’s pollens. If anyone knows their drugs it’s pretty boy Richie Wayne and Robin.
Song six: God’s Game
This one I’m definitely taking some lines out of context, but for Jason, “Just a boy with a man's face, playin' God's game” is when he’s taking over Crime Alley, pit-mad and trigger happy. “I prepare with so much care, I was runnin', it was stunnin', I am desperate from delusions, not much of a solution, never knowin' what the truth is, oh, God” is when hid plans start to fall apart, when Bruce slits his throat with a batarang, when eventually the pit-madness eventually starts to wear off and he realizes what all he did to Tim, who was a child at the time, not to mention Robin.
He nearly became what the Joker was to him to the next Robin, and I feel like at some point that would occur to him.
Song seven: Boyfriend.
(…Admittedly, I don’t think this one has any grounding in canon and if it does, feel free to educate me.)
So, obviously I could mention Kate Kane at this point, but I know basically nothing about her, so instead I’m going to talk about Steph.
So Steph has definitely had some shitty experiences with guys, right? Like, her dad to begin with, but also the guy who got her pregnant (at like fourteen? Maybe I’m just sheltered, but I don’t think anything about that relationship was heathy—again, I haven’t read many of the comics, so correct me if I’m wrong), then Tim, which, I love him as a character, but didn’t he date her in the mask for like, months, and I have some vague recollections of some dickish things he said (i know i know i need to read more comics)—whatever. Men are shitty.
I have a scene in my head. Like, Steph’s in college, at a bar with friends or something, maybe it’s an under cover op, idk, and there’s this girl she’s been lowkey watching all night. She doesn’t quite know why, but she just keeps catching her eye, and okay, it’s not like she’s never questioned her sexuality, she knows Cass. There have been Extensive conversations with Babs on the subject.
Anyway, so at some point, there’s obviously some sort of argument between the girl and the guy she came with and the girl’s crying, and Steph just Can’t Handle That.
She goes up to her, comforts her, makes a new friend, listens to the whole story.
And at some point, she has the thought.
“I could be a better boyfriend than him.”
She doesn’t necessarily do anything about it that night, but now that she’s had the thought, it won’t leave her alone.
Yeah. So. Maybe I’ll write that story later.
Song eight (last song): FRAGILE THINGS.
Dick Grayson part two; So your mentor (dad) just died, leaving you an angry murder child, another one hanging on by a thread after losing eighty percent of his support system, a grieving butler (grandfather), and a mantle the size of the Most Dangerous City in America. Any direction you move is going to hurt someone, and one kid is more likely to snap and murder people than the other, and hey, if you have to be Batman anyway, might as well let your brilliant kid brother be Nightwing, right? Except, whoops, you forgot to mention that last part and now Timmy thinks you just replaced him without telling him and fuck you knew you were forgetting something and now there’s a goddamned imposter Bruce and—
“Love is like a house of fragile things, where hearts can be broken as easy as antiques, and now there’s glass all shattered at my feet, what we built together, you left in smithereens.”
Anyway. This got kind of incoherent (or maybe it was from the start?)
I accidentally added a poll at the bottom and can’t figure out how to remove it, so.
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covertblizzard · 2 years
Jason lives AU where Jason goes to college and takes a joint programme between Gotham University and Princeton (because Bruce after the Joker Incident is simply incapable of handling Jason being too out of reach and has gotten ridiculously overbearing) while Kyle decides to transfer his credits to and finish college in Gotham (partially because his mom thinks it could be valuable in the future to just have a completed degree, and partially because he saw a few courses about specific artistic period/styles that Gotham U has that he was interested in anyway).
They meet in Gotham U, and somehow both don't know the other is also a mask, but met in a literature class. They set off with an intense antagonistic rivalry because Kyle wants to be a cool bad boy SO BAD but with his face and general demeanor, nobody believes him, and he's just treated as Good Boy™ with "dreamy" vibes and he's SO ANNOYED by it. Meanwhile, Jason just hit his growth spurt and his whole vibe and looks somehow results in him having the "angst-ridden bad boy routine" without even trying and he HATES it, every frat boy has some Expectations™ especially since he is the son of Brucie Playboy Wayne and younger brother of Richie Partyboy Grayson and they keep BOTHERING him. Basically, Kyle wants everything Jason has and vice versa lmao. They get paired up for a group project for the literature course (queue Kyle trying to get Jason to get him into the fun parties, Jason trying to get to figure out how Kyle manages to annoy some of the seniors so easily because he wants to be able to do that or something)
Other headcanons for Jason lives:
The Batfam is ridiculously overbearing and overprotective and smothering post the Joker Incident. It becomes very difficult for him to operate as Robin because he so much as gets a cut and Alfred, Bruce, and Barbara are all immediately overly worried and slightly compromised because of it. He's been sent back to the cave once when he got BRUISED by a hit to the shin that Batman feared broke something despite the fact that he was fine and Batman should have known that. Dick is slightly better about it, but only because he is slightly better at hiding his fears and also more experience dealing with such fear from Titans.
Joker is incensed that Jason lived and has a whole personal vendetta about Jason ruining his "best punchline". Gotham gets infinitely more dangerous for him, especially when the Joker is out of Arkham. This does NOT help with the above point.
Dr Leslie confronts Bruce and asks if there isn't other options. He was supposed to have gotten safe, to have a future, and he nearly didn't, and can Bruce really LIVE with himself if that ever happened? Somewhere along the way, Bruce finds out about what Jason told Donna about how he would be interested in helping out by patching them up, and he LATCHES on to that.
At first, Leslie suggests Jason works with her a bit, but Bruce is INCENSED by this suggestion because he is worried about the danger of it, working as Jason Todd (Wayne child) was simply too dangerous and increases too much risk for Bruce to be able to wrap around right now when he is not right there to make sure of anything and it feels too far out of his realm of protection (and control). Alfred suggests having him work masked, with Leslie first then hopefully with her approval also helping out in other hospitals where needed. His "patrol" consists more of finding out which hospitals need manpower and providing assistance where he can, but he still spends most of his time in Leslie's clinic. The suggestion comes from the fact that people after all view these masked vigilante as heroes, and it would do a lot to have masked vigilantes whose most famous acts are NOT directly fighting crime but dealing with the victims of crime.
Jason still trains with them a lot (because he enjoys it and nobody would really let him stop, they'd want him able to protect himself as best as he can). His new identity is generally spotted around overcrowded hospitals, occasionally working more as a medic to help bring people to hospitals. When mass breakouts or major events happen though, he is still a powerful force to be contended with (something villains keep forgetting, which works to his advantage).
Steph becomes Spoiler around this time. Jason and Steph gets along famously and he is determined to help her. Bruce still sees the similarities, and still worries at them, but with Jason alive and things working out, he is able to be a lot more positive with Steph's situation. When Dick is visiting, Nightwing meets Spoiler and they get along like a house on fire doing the craziest shit. He offers her Robin, if she wants, and she does take it up for a while (and either returns to Spoiler or creates her own vigilante identity like Dick created Nightwing after, when she willingly passes the mantle of Robin to Damian because both Dick and Steph felt like he needed and outlet). Spoiler becomes a legacy of its own, with Sasha (Scarlet) becoming one of the first successor of the Spoiler mantle, but using a scarlet cape and hood instead of the eggplant.
After a while, Jason also starts patrolling the streets to spot problematic situations (ie. marital or child abuse situations, exploitations of youths (especially to indoctrinate them into gangs), etc. and attempt to provide help, advice, or lead them to help where possible. Bruce is not the most pleased with this because it puts him too on the ground and too close to potential danger, but Jason refuses to stop and there's some tension because of that. One of their compromises involves Cass and Jason patrolling together most of the time (because Steph is still Robin at this point and with Bruce). This is very good for Gotham (and maybe elsewhere) in general with a spike of interest in social work with a representative hero for it (just as Alfred predicted).
Jason, Steph, and Cass sneak out for joint patrols (of the crime-fighting variety) too, because Jason does miss it sometimes of course, and with neither Steph nor Cass knowing him before the Incident, they are nowhere near as overbearing as others can be. Sometimes, when Dick is over from Bludhaven, he joins them too. He is still a bit more overly worried (for all of them, not just Jason, but Jason's presence crimefighting exacerbates it, although he IS still the best about it), but he's mostly good about it and he is a delight to patrol with anyway.
Dick and Jason sometimes also end up working in some survey-strategy teamup, where Jason scopes out issues from the victims end and Dick infiltrates undercover and attempts to address and change the situation from the inside. Steph and Cass also join them on their crusades, usually as the crime-fighter part of it, to stop particular cases using Dick's insider information.
He wanted to go to another (probably Ivy League) college further away, Bruce has a whole panic about it, even going as far as to start looking into making plans to become a double vigilante (Batman in Gotham, and a new one wherever Jason decides to go where he fully intends to be the most obnoxious helicopter parent ever and apparently making use of Zeta tubes or something to make this possible). Bruce idea is, of course, RIDICULOUS, so Jason decides to compromise and go to Gotham University because he doesn't want to stress Bruce out too much. Dick finds out and is FURIOUS with Bruce "limiting" Jason's choices and in the end, the compromise was a joint university program with Gotham and Princeton (which is at least still in New Jersey).
They considered having him go to under a fake identity (and then switching back to his real identity after / just before graduation), but it became a moot point and basically impossible since he was half studying in Gotham and it's impossible for nobody to realise he is Wayne's second son unless he is constantly undercover at university but that was deemed to stressful by everyone (except Bruce who still would have preferred this option).
Kyle and Jason ends up becoming friends, but that was already Kyle's final semester. He really intended to ask Jason out, but the day he was going to, he saw Rose and Jason being lovey-dovey, so he dropped it. They didn't keep in contact because neither are good at it, and also because Kyle very quickly became caught up with some space Green Lantern Corps set up stuff, and when he came back felt like it's too long that it has become awkward to catch up. Rose and Jason were pretend-dating for a bit, partially to make Eddie jealous (Rose's win), and partially to watch Dick get confused over who to give the shovel talk to (Jason's win).
He very early on basically became the official Titan's doctor and occasional member in big fights as well. Partly because it is an unfilled "position" anyway, and partly because Dick decided to actively help him build a support system outside Bruce. He needs to make sure that he hopefully never has to find out his little brother, when having another stress episode with Bruce (it WILL happen again eventually, moral disagreements aside, Jason being able to tolerate so much of Bruce's smothering so far is to him nothing short of a miracle already), latched somewhere unknown and out-of-reach and dangerous again.
Somewhere along the way, he also starts helping out as the League's doctor, but he's quiet and generally doesn't talk too much with everyone. At some point, Kyle (new-ish to the hero gig) and Donna crashed in either the watchtower or Titans Tower after some space mission and Kyle, delirious, says "wow what a cutie" or something, and then passes out. Jason pretends he's not affected, and he's like "Wonder Woman having the lasso of truth doesn't mean Donna can stare the truth out of me" but Donna knows, of course, and smirks at him. They start flirting at Titans Tower a lot (whenever Dick is not there of course).
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Psycho Analysis: Pennywise (2010s duology)
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
27 years after the miniseries adaptation, a new adaptation of Stephen King’s It came along, and with it, a new Pennywise the Dancing Clown. As hit or miss as the miniseries was, pretty much everyone is in agreement that Tim Curry’s fantastic, hilarious performance is the one bright spot of that version, meaning anyone who would be playing Pennywise in the new version would have some pretty big clown shoes to fill.
Thankfully new Pennywise Bill Skarsgard is 6’4” tall, a size that is most certainly big enough to fill any size clown shoes his predecessor may have left. His performance is a fantastic new take on an iconic character, and while it certainly does have weaker elements to it (as Curry’s did), there’s still more to love than there is to hate.
Actor: Bill Skarsgard portrays Pennywise this time, and while he is quite obviously no Tim Curry, he most definitely is a Bill Skarsgard. I love everything he brings to this role: his intimidating height, his creepy voice, that weird thing he does with his eyes… in the same manner in which Curry brought his Pennywise to life with the voice and mannerisms of a charming kid’s show host, Skarsgard brings his Pennywise to life with the mannerisms of an alien beast that can only just barely put forth a front of normalcy as it hunts its prey, and because of this he manages to make Pennywise utterly terrifying.
Motivation/Goals: Pennywise’s motivation is the same as it always is: he comes around every 27 years to eat children, opting to spice them up with a healthy dose of fear before going in for the kill. Frankly, in this regard he is really no different from the Tim Curry version or the book version, though he does opt to do things in a more overtly sinister manner than the other two incarnations, and when it comes time for him to harass the adult Losers in Chapter Two, while he does opt for some jokes here and there, he mostly remains creepy and disturbing the whole time.
Personality: This take on Pennywise is actually quite interesting, as compared to the Tim Curry one, this one is actually legitimately terrifying… to a fault. He is so utterly monstrous that a lot of the time it’s hard to believe he could ever sucker children in to being his victims, with Georgie’s death being a prime example – Pennywise is so absolutely creepy to the point of salivating over the thought of eating Georgie that the kid nearly runs before he gets within biting range. He’s pretty light on the jokes too, but frankly I don’t see that as a big minus; I like that this Pennywise is creepier and legitimately unnerving.
Final Fate: This is where the Skarsgard version truly has the Curry one beat; instead of turning into a giant, awful stop-motion spider, Skarsgard’s Pennywise turns into a giant clown drider and tries to kill the Losers. While he manages to get Eddie in the final confrontation, the remaining members all band together and… basically just insult him until he shrinks down and they can rip his heart out. When I said this has Curry’s beat, I never said it was perfect, after all. At the very least a green glow post death implies that Matarin was helping the gang, and Pennywise seems definitively dead in this continuity, so at least this goofy finale leads into a happy ending.
Best Scene: Much like Curry, Skarsgard has no shortage of fantastic scenes to pick from, with my personal favorite being when he unfolds from the fridge to attack Eddie in the first movie. However, objectively speaking, I think Skarsgard’s most definitive moment is his insane little jig he does to try and weird out Beverly, which went absolutely memetic after the film released. Of course, what the memes don’t tell you is when Beverly does not respond to his goofy dance, he peels back his face and shows her his deadlights, causing one of the most wonderful mood whiplashes I have ever seen in any film ever.
Honestly, I do find it kind of amusing the funnier Pennywise got a best moment where he was actually scary, while the scarier Pennywise got a best moment where he was actually pretty funny.
Best Quote: Unlike Curry, I don’t feel like Skarsgard was really a goldmine of quotes. Still, he gets some good bits in where they count, such as when he feigns hurt feelings at Bill for not thinking his scares are “real” enough. However, I think his taunting of Richie over his closeted gay desires, complete with a goofy little song, is his best bit for just how many lines it ends up crossing before finally landing on darkly hilarious:
“Did ya miss me, Richie? 'Cos I've missed you! No one wants to play with the clown anymore. Play a game with me, would ya? How about Street Fighter? Oh, yes, you like that one, don't you? Or maybe Truth or Dare? Oh, you wouldn't want anyone to pick Truth though, would you, Richie? You wouldn't want anyone to know what you're hiding. I know your secret! Your dirty little secret! Oh, I know your secret! Your DIRTY little secret! Shall I tell them, Richie?”
Final Thoughts & Score: Skarsgard’s take on Pennywise is a take I just love. I love the weird quirks and mannerisms Skarsgard brought to the table, such as the eye thing his Pennywise does or the weir contortions and gestures and faces. I also love just how menacing and disturbing his Pennywise is, something that I felt was especially lacking in Curry’s performance; while Curry was certainly funny and had superb line delivery, he just couldn’t muster up a single shiver from me the way Skarsgard’s take on Stephen King’s monster clown did.
So, of course, I give him a 10/10. It really helps Skarsgard didn’t have a finale half as bad as Curry’s Pennywise did, and he did manage to be genuinely amusing in Chapter 2, though certainly not to the extent Curry’s Pennywise was. He’s an enjoyable take that, while not as entertaining in persona and comedy, is definitely a fun watch in terms of horror and sheer sadistic glee. It’s sort of a Heath Ledger’s Joker to the Jack Nicholson Joker that Curry’s take was: two excellent, valid performances of the same character that are great for different reasons.
But here’s the thing: they aren’t perfect. Out of all of Stephen King’s villains, Pennywise is one of the ones that could easily be an 11 out of 10. He’s iconic, he’s entertaining, he’s a big figure in pop culture and has inspired numerous monster clowns and eldritch abominations since his inception… and yet, every time the character has been put to screen so far, there is just something missing, that secret essence that King tapped into in his book that managed to make Pennywise equal parts darkly comic and unrelentingly monstrous. As far as adaptations go, these facets of Pennywise have been split into two performances, and if we ever got them in one performance, we’d have the definitive Pennywise that I could safely say is one of the greatest cinematic villains ever.
For now, we’re at least fortunate to be stuck with two great, unique takes on It. Let’s see how they do him justice 27 years from now in the next adaptation.
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neoncakey · 5 years
Beverly Marsh || Clown Makeup
Okay so I posted this on on my Wattpad account which is Radsavagee. So this is a halloween one.
I would like to mention that I don't know Richie's sexuality so I just said bisexual. I haven't read the book so if anyone would like to tell me so I can put it in future imagines.
This is an au? That's what it's called right? So basically the whole pennywise thing never happened and it's in the 2000's. So I hope you enjoy this. 
Also tell me if I have any grammar errors as I do not look at my writing to check them oof.
I heard a knock on the door and I knew who it was. I was going to do both of our makeup. And I guess out of the two of us I was kind of more girly. We were both a bit of tomboy and girly but I was more on the girly side while she was more on the tomboy side. 
I raced down the stairs and I nearly slammed into a wall on the way. I was nervous, butterflies were in my stomach. But I pushed those away because I didn't know her sexuality and I was just assuming she was into guys since she dated Bill. And I hear her state she was straight so I knew I had little to zero chance to date her.
Plus she's my best friend along with Richie. I was more closer to Richie though since I was friends with him since we were little kids and I had known Beverly since high school when Bill started crushing on Beverly. And she was then in the group and quickly her and I become best friends. 
Bill and Beverly dated for about a year and a bit and broke up at the start of this year. They had both move on or at least Bill and he recently got a girlfriend. Beverly no longer was sad about the break up and had gotten over it so at a point they had both move on. We had also meet Bill's girlfriend a few times and we all like her including Beverly. The two got on pretty well and it was really good!
Only Richie had fully known of my crush on Beverly and I knew his crush on Eddie. I was the only person to know about his crush because he was worried about people finding out he was bisexual. And I was also the same. No one else And we would honestly just talk on the phone about it quite a lot. It was honestly good I could just talk with him about anything but it would sometimes just hurt knowing that I had no chance with her. 
I opened the door and was greeted with a tight hug from Beverly. She was like that with me and I hugged her back and I could smell her perfume. And it wasn't like I was smelling her or ever have  that was honestly just a creepy move. But I guess she maybe had put too much perfume on and it was intense you could say. 
"It's nice to see you again! I missed you!" Beverly whispered to me as I felt my heart melt and crush itself at the same time. It kind of hurt but in a good way. I laughed a bit. 
"It's only been a few days," I commented laughing lightly. 
"That's still a lot of time since I last saw my best friend," Beverly commented as I kept my smile.  
Now I got best friend zoned. There is no hope for me now. God why do I think I ever have a chance with her. Like if you get friend zoned you are fucked. There is no hope for you. 
"Well let's get ready," I said and started to go up my stairs and Beverly followed me in excitement. I walked into my room and started to get everything ready. 
"Can't wait for the boys to be over and we can all go trick or treating! It's going to be great!" Beverly exclaimed sitting on my bed as I nodded my head agreeing. It's going to be so much fun no doubt.  
I started to getting her face ready. Because I didn't want her face to break out much because no one likes it when you break out more than usual or at all. 
"Yeah it's going to be one of the best years of trick or treating no doubt," I commented as I started to put on the makeup. It might be a while and I hope my hand doesn't freeze up. 
After an hour of doing Beverly's makeup and my own. I was done and I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Finished," I said to myself as I had just finished my own makeup after I had done Beverly. I started to put all my brushes away and getting them clean and everything. 
I hated sharing brushes so I made sure when I was done with Beverly to wash them and clean them and then do my own. I heard Beverly outside the bathroom door that was connected to my  bedroom.
So I decided to ask something that had been on my mind for a while.
"Are you fine with Bill's girlfriend Anna being there?" I asked Beverly. 
"Yeah I am plus I already like someone else," She said mumbled due to her being in another room and probably on my bed waiting for me to finish everything. After all it was nearly time for when the boys were coming. 
But then my mind started to comprehend what Beverly had said. She likes someone else who isn't me. 
Ouch. That hurt. I like her. 
"Oh." I said and I realised my mistake so I quickly followed it up,"That's good."
"Anyways you can come in now," I said and with that it didn't take long for Beverly to come in rushing. She swung the door opened and she finally looked at herself in the mirror along with myself.
"We looks amazing!" She declared in happiness. 
"Yeah we do and you look the best," She added as I blushed lightly. I was happy that my makeup slightly covered my blush. I just hoped she wasn't paying attention. 
"You are the best Bev," I whispered smiling.
And I know I said it loud enough for her to hear me.  
"So are you," She said pulling me into a hug and I hugged her back. 
We sat down on the bed waiting for the fives minutes to past so the boys would be at my door. But I couldn't help but think my chances with her are down the water. And I guessed she noticed my happy mood be replaced. 
"Something wrong?" Beverly asked noticing my mood go down. I was just staring at the ground. I needed to tell her about my crush on her. And I was going to do that. If she hated me it would kill because I would lose my best friend and that would hurt even more.
"Look I gotta tell you something and if you want to leave you can," I said and I was hoping she wouldn't leave I was hoping.
"You're scaring me Y/n. And nothing can get me to leave," Beverly said and I hope she was keeping her word.
You can do this. Beverly would just call you a freak or anything. Just like Richie told me that she wouldn't do that. That wasn't a Beverly thing to do. I trusted Richie so I decided to just say it outright.
"I like you," I said quickly and closing my eyes worried of her reaction.
Please no calling names. Please no calling n- 
"YES!" I heard her shout and I opened my eyes confused. 
Did I hear her right? Did she just say yes? No that's gotta be wrong like thats- thats just not right. 
"Huh?" I questioned as I looked at her confused. 
"I like you too," Beverly declared happily and smiling the widest I have ever seen her. 
"You sure? You ain't faking it," I said still confused.
"Yes I'm sure I like you, you dork," Beverly said pulling me into another hug as the door bell went and I knew it was the boys. 
"Lets get our stuff," I commented walking near the door where both of our small bags were. I put mine on my back and grabbed hers about to give it to her.  
"And before we go. Do you want to be my girlfriend," Beverly said as I nodded my head. 
"Yes," I said smiling. 
We walked down the stairs and opened the doors to see the group. I saw Bill as a cheesy vampire and Anna also being a vampire. And they were wearing matching costumes thats adorable. I saw Richie dressing up as the Joker since he loves the Joker. Eddie was the Iron Man and I figured since Tony Stark was his favourite superhero. Stanley was dressing up in his bird watching gear and that wasn't going to expect anything different from him. I knew Mike was dressing up as a Werewolf and I thought of Teen Wolf. And Ben was dressing up as an Explorer and it reminded me as like Carl from Up. 
"You l-look good guys," Bill said smiling and wrapped his left arm around Anna. 
His stuttering was getting better. And I was happy for him. He seemed to be much more confident now and it's sad that a guy like him was insecure about his stutter and the fact that people were teasing him about it. 
He's such a great guy and I know his girlfriend will treat him right and he will treat her right.
"Damn Y/n and Beverly. You two look amazing," Anna said as I smiled at her. She wrapped me into a hug and then Beverly as well and pulled her towards the back of the group to say hi to everyone. I will do that also after I talk to Richie.  
"Damn! Look at you guy's make up!" Richie praised us. I laughed slightly. I hugged him and he hugged me back just as tightly. When we let go I turned and locked the front of my door. They didn't noticed as they all began talking to one another. 
I thought of Richie's fear of clowns and how we were looking like clowns. 
"Are you sure you're fine because last time I checked you were afraid of clowns," I teased him playfully bumping my shoulder against his. 
"Well last time I checked you guys were already clowns for not telling each other your feelings towards each other. And now look at you two," Richie sassed out as I had my mouth open in shock. And I could feel myself 
I blushed deeply. 
"Ohhhh something happened. Tell me everything," He said leaning in to hear all of it.
"I confessed my feelings for her," I stated.
"And?" He said trying to get the information out of me fast enough even though he knew I was going to give it to him. 
"She told me she likes me back. And now we are dating," I said excitedly and I saw Richie smiling at me with happiness. 
"So you finally got the courage to confess," Richie teased and I rolled my eyes. 
"Yes I did and thanks for being there for me Richie," I said gently and I was actually thankful for a best friend like him.
"No problem that's what best friends are for," Richie said as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me into a side hug. 
"Now all you gotta do is confess your feelings for you know who," I teased him and he smiled lightly at me while rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"We gotta get going guys," Bill said as everyone started to get going and I was in the back.
Beverly came to me and held my hand pulling me away from Richie and went in front of the group.
"Hurry up babe I want food," Beverly complained as I blushed and rolled my eyes. 
God I couldn't wait for the memories of tonight. Tonight has got to be the best Halloween night of all time. 
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fortysevenswrites · 2 years
alsdkjfalsdkj i dont know where to start
Notes On The Car And Feeding Of Your Xibalban Jaguar Warrior
this one looks amazing
Notes On The Care And Feeding Of Your Xibalban Jaguar Warrior
This was actually the first WIP I created for these jokers, and I love it so much. Basically, I thought it was a C R I M E that we got Zolo submitting to Richie and then trying to help him close the gate and then Sex Machine PUSHED HIM IN (obviously he managed to get his revenge, but. Rude. So anyway, we need more Zolo as Richie's favorite butler/bodyguard in this fandom, and I'm gonna do it. Basically, Xibalba is going to let out one last fart, and out comes Zolo, ready to serve.
Seth is 100000000% noooooooootttttttt okay with this and doesn't understand how Richie, and especially Kate, are just like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, guess we have another hand to help out now. But Kate knows how he works thanks to her time as Amaru and Richie just likes the guy because his taste in friends is...suspect at best.
And Seth just suffers.
“I want to go on record that I do not like this. I do not like any of this,” Seth says with a wild gesture to the creature standing over Richie’s shoulder like a goddamn sentinel. “This, right here, is something BAD!”
Ask me about my WIPs
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geek-gem · 7 years
Sweet Tooth and Pennywise
This is something I've been wanting to make but might as well mention these.
Yes their is the Joker yet I'm mainly focusing on these two killer clowns.
Just saying I'm a Pennywise fan who seriously like the new film and watched some clips from that 1990 mini series. Yes I've seen Nostalgia Critic's review of the mini series yet I'm not giving a shit or giving a shit of seeing his review of the new adaptation.
Including I'm a fan of Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane from the Twisted Metal series for PlayStation.
Honestly despite how Sweet Tooth's personality is. He probably praise the shit no update sorry. But he would probably praise Pennywise a shit ton for his work. Despite the clown look isn't Pennywise's true form.
Including I thought of a little story where Sweet Tooth goes to Derry this doesn't make sense okay he knocks on one of those sewer vents thing like at the start of the new movie and just wants to speak to Pennywise.
Okay basically the end is the two praise each other of both their psychopathic lives. They both just lay waste on Derry and everywhere else with Sweet Tooth piloting the Sweet Bot and Pennywise is crying in tears of so much death and destruction as he happily munches on a kids arm with his right arm holding it.
Including just it's this one video. It seems like people want Pennywise for Mortal Kombat 11. While I understand the lore and how it might not make sense. Yet honestly in the world of Mortal Kombat with the magic. Just like with Freddy and others. Some how they would able to have Pennywise fight the other fighters without having to use the power of fear.
I even thought of his arcade ending. Okay seriously I understand some people are tired of horror guest characters despite when Freddy came out people wanted Jason and Predator.
Also if we can't have console only characters such as Sweet Tooth. People were wanting him for MKX and I've been hearing and I forgot if I saw them confirm no console only characters. Pennywise might be I don't wanna say replacement for Sweet Tooth yet he be sick as fuck to have in Mortal Kombat. Including I think well remember part 2 of the new film will be in 2019.
Listen I'm not one of those Pennywise fans who wants just really I mainly don't care their are people who want to fuck him. Yet I like the other characters too including my favorite of the kids was Richie and they were all great like I said in my text post about the film.
I'm a guy who likes Pennywise and him being this sadistic mother fucker kind of like Sweet Tooth. Despite I'm more of a fan of Sweet Tooth I wanted to share this I might make that story okay then
Got tags done seriously Sweet Tooth is cool. Im at Pizza Hut now but I wanted to share thid
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hisruin · 7 years
#IT #ITMovie #ITMovie2017 #Pennywise #PennywiseTheClown #PennywiseTheDancingClown
This is one of my 3 favorite Stephen King books. One I've read more than once. So I'm getting really annoyed by people who keep saying they loved the book and thought the new movie was perfect. 
I happened to really enjoy the movie. I really like when different movies are made from a book because no two people ever really read the same book. So I like to see what other people 'read' I guess. 
There was just two things they really missed the mark for me and I can't understand why other people who say they loved the book are willing to overlook:
1) Where was the rain? Yes, there was rain in the scenes with Georgie but not much anywhere else. It rained so much in the book it was like another character. There was epic and historical flooding going on at the time of the killing. I got super excited when I saw the sawhorses that said DPW only to never see them again in the movie. 
(Funny thing to note, the theater we saw it/IT in obviously had water damage because it had that old wet towel smell. I got really excited at first and thought "Smell O Vision"!) 
2) But honestly, I knew right after the sawhorses that this movie missed the mark with Pennywise. If you read the book you'd know that when IT is in Pennywise form  (And ITs not really in the Pennywise disguise as often as in the miniseries and movie.) he (she) isn't really that scary. Pennywise is ITs 'Resting Bitch Face'. The form IT takes to kinda be 'welcoming'. Kids wanna approach Pennywise. Like an Anglerfish, using the Pennywise disguise as its lure. You wanna go float with him. When IT is scary, IT takes on the image of the person's greatest fear. That's supposed to be what's frightening. This happy welcoming character that can suddenly know your greatest fears. 
I explained it to Cash like this: "IT's kinda like Monsters Inc cause it gets its power from scaring kids. So IT acts like a Boggart from Harry Potter and turns into what scares you most" 
Basically, if you are a "big fan" of the book and say the movie was perfect, I really wonder what book you were reading. 
Aside from those two (kinda HUGE in my opinion) issues:
• Pennywise's costume was AWESOME! I thought it would have definitely been far more time period correct too. Like that is what the original "Pennywise The Dancing Clown" wore that IT started imitating. Tim Curry's costume always gave me a "Pogo The Clown" kinda vibe. Never really thought it was the right 'fit'. This one was perfect for the historical accuracy geek that I am. 
And this Pennywise was very good at being very scary. Without a doubt. My issue is with the fact he wasn't good at NOT being scary.
I was also disappointed after reading how Skarsgård trained with a contortionist just for this part, that it still ended up with so much CGI. 
Also read comparisons of Skarsgård to Ledger's Joker... Uh, no. Just no. The Joker is an ever evolving character that has been written by many people over the years. Definitely subject to interpretation. Pennywise is a King character who is written by King. Less room for interpretation. 
I'm gonna say the way Pennywise was written in the Miniseries was a better blending of friendly/scary. 
• The Losers Club was sooooooo amazing!!! 
• Bev. Was. Perfection. 
And not just for the book either (LOVED that she smoked and was kinda a 'bad kid' like in the book. Thought she was made lame in the miniseries.) but for the time period too. Being a nine year old tomboy in 1989, the bike shorts under her dress was like icing on the cake for me! All her rings and bracelets too! 
Just. Perfect. 
• Loved that Eddie was more filled out in this version. He was Bill's best friend and I love that he got to have more personality in this. 
(But I feel a little cheated that I didn't get to see Seth Green have those lines as Beep Beep Richie though. Still argue that Seth Green could have played young Richie again! Dude doesn't seem to age and can't be much taller now.) 
• Loved the posters in the rooms. Especially the New Kids being on the BACK of the door. My mom didn't let me decorate my own room till I was around thirteen, so if I wanted to hang up posters, I had to do it in the closet or on the back of my bedroom door. So that felt so authentic to me. 
• My only real disappointment with The Losers Club was how Mike became an 'add on’ character. Yes, he was last to join the group but he had a much bigger part than this movie showed. 
• And did anyone else hope they would get to use fireworks during the Apocalyptic Rockfight this time?
• Love that they kept 'Sliver' the same!!
• Bowers was sooo perfect!! Loved that they included more of his storyline! (I was hoping for more of Hockstetter's too and thought Pennywise coming out of the refrigerator was a nod to that.) And I was cool with his father's story being changed up. (Even though they easily could have made him a 'shellshock' Nam vet.) 
• Wasn't bothered that the 'weapon' was changed again. I think in the book, Bill brought a gun the first time at the Neibolt house and they used the slingshot in the final battles in the miniseries. So I didn't mind the change in this movie since the real "fighting" in the book was all done by telepathy anyways. 
• Really like the take on "They All Float Down Here". Thought that was really good and more direct than "dead bodies float and once you're dead your body will float too" insinuation from the book. I wonder if that's why they left out the rain? Since the kids bodies wouldn't need to be found 'floating up' to the surface? (Still, the rain and flooding was a huge part of both final battles.)
• Liked that it hinted to them never really seeing each other as much again after that summer. 
• That is just what I thought the outside of the Neibolt house would look like! That's what the yard Bill and Richie ran across looked like in my mind when I read the book! 
• Hope the Ritual of Chüd is in the next movie. (Like in a flashback) It would be an awesome way to kinda tie all of the movies made from King books together.  
• While I loved the 80s/90s references, I think I Stranger Things really spoiled me when it came to the level of detail I look for. No joke, I was checking out stuff on the store shelves to see 80s packaging and products and was disappointed I didn't see anything jump out. 
I think Stranger Things will still go down as the perfect example of how to be inspired by Stephen King without being damaging to the original stories and characters. 
And I still would have loved seeing a Duffer Brothers IT. Legend is they wanted to do a IT movie but was turned down and ending up doing Stranger Things instead. 
Definitely like the movie. Think you can like both the book and the movie. Just don't think the movie was 'perfect'.
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eiael-thinks · 7 years
IT: some thoughts by me
I just saw IT and I loved it even though I had some quibble with it. I just want to type my thoughts out really quickly. There will be spoilers for both the book and the movie, so I’ll throw it under a cut.
As I said, I loved it. They movie really captured the terror, humor, and pathos of the book. Over the course of the movie, I laughed out loud MANY times, I got choked up And even shed a tear, and I also hid my eyes at a couple of really fucking scary moments.
As someone who was 11 years old in 1989, I can definitely say they nailed what it was like to be a preteen at that time. the weird freedom to go where ever, roam all over town on your bike, get into it with other kids, sneak a cigarette, curse like a sailor, and be subject to pretty fucked up cruelties from other kids as well as adults. (As an aside, I read the book for the first time when I was 13 fwiw)
The actors who played the Losers Club were phenomenal, and Skaarsgard was freaking off the charts scary as Pennywise. The adults all hit that sweet spot of either menacing or so emotionally distant as to be negligible forces in the lives of the kids. The movie does an excellent job of capturing the sense of “Derry below.” The part of the town of Derry that’s only accessible to kids, and completely under the radar of adults. Some of this is shown to be bc of IT’s influence, but some of it really is just the way adults overlook groups of kids.
Henry Bowers was also very well portrayed, but a lot of the character development that happens in the book with him (i.e.: him slowly going from a vicious bully to someone who tried to kill the Losers to someone who does kill his father) is pretty compressed bc of they constraints of the story. Also oddly, they made his father a cop rather than a racist drunk, for really no reason I can discern other than that it will play into part 2 when they come back as adults.
The thing I missed the most was the ways the kids fought Pennywise, and the different solutions they try before finally going down into the tunnels. In the books, Bill steals his dad’s gun and he and Richie try to shoot it at the Neibolt Street house. IT attacks them as a werewolf, the gun does bubkes, but Richie (forever the joker) has itching powder, his bad impressions, and his jokes... and those DO harm IT. Of course, they focus on the werewolf thing and make silver slugs for Bev to shoot IT with a slingshot (FYI, they change up the kids’ strengths... I’ll come back to that), and the silver does hurt IT bc IT does have some of the weaknesses of whatever form IT’s in, but once again, it’s Richie’s jokes, Eddie shooting it with his inhaler, and (iirc) Bill yelling at IT without his stutter that make the big difference. To me, this part of the book is so important bc it fit’s in with that famous Neil Gaiman quote on the importance of fairy tales. It’s not that monsters exist, it’s that we can beat them... and the theme of these kids, these “Losers,” beating this primordial evil with the weapons forged from their “weaknesses” and the pure beliefs of childhood, which both make them such tasty prey for IT but also the most dangerous weapon to wield against IT, has always meant a lot to me.
In the movie, they jump straight into a physical confrontation with IT at the Neibolt Street house. There is no prep beforehand, no silver slugs, and the entire encounter is very different from the book. However, the whole sequence is scary as shit and the kids all get their moments to shine.
The biggest change the movie makes plot-wise is that the kids decide that IT’s lair is underneath that house, and they are right. This cuts out the whole sequence of them being chased into the sewers by Henry, as well as a lot of the parts of the story where they’re hanging out in the Barrens which are personal favs of mine. But here’s the BIGGEST spoiler (be warned)
~~~~~spoiler space~~~
Rather than gathering together and going off to fight the monster as a group for their own reasons, the movie has Pennywise kidnap Bev to get them down into the sewers. I assume this is to provide a narrative mirror to the adult plot, when Bill’s wife Audra gets kidnapped by Henry and brought to IT... BUT I was not happy with that decision. Bevvie is not a damsel in distress. OTOH, having her have a one on one with Pennywise gave the audience a hint of how they might handle the Deadlights and what IT really is, and that was really cool and well done. It also reinterpreted how “We all float down here” might look, and again, really fucking cool. Bringing Bevvie back from from the Deadlights is done very sweetly, and that’s all I’ll say about that.
For those wondering, the infamous escape sequence (aka tween orgy thing) DOES NOT happen THANK GOD (not that I was too worried it would, but still...)
Now to the thing that bugs me the most: the way they switched up the kids’ strengths. Bevvie is never the dead-eye gunslinger, and she never gets to run point on an attack (she does however save Bill and get in a great hit on IT). Stan’s neat-freakness is never really touched upon, and the scene where he helps Bevvie clean up the bathroom and directs the other kids how to create order from chaos is given to Bill. They also really downplay the amount of antisemitism he faces, which I think is a shame bc so much of the book parallels the mundane human evil that lurks in Derry alongside the more flamboyant supernatural stuff.
Speaking of not addressing social issues, the vast majority of the racism that Mike Hanlon and his family face, the hate crime that burned around 100 black people alive in the nightclub The Black Spot, and the constant torture of Mike by Henry bc of his race is almost completely absent. Again, I think the movie missed a chance to make the points about the evil humans do that King addresses so well in the novel. Also w/r/t Mike... he is no longer the historian of the group. Mike was always my fav character, bc as a kid he’s into history, and then as an adult becomes the librarian. The movie takes that away from him, and that pisses me off to no end. The black character is basically reduced to the muscle in a lot of the scenes, and that’s not cool.
Because the movie mostly does away with the Barrens as the main hang-out, Ben never gets to show his engineering prowess. Rather, he is the kid who knows the history bc he’s new in town and hangs out in the library where he puts together Derry’s fucked up history. Again, I’m disappointed they took the history nerdery away from the black character, and the building/physical labor away from the fat kid.
Oh and FYI, even though they downplayed the racism and antisemitism and ableism the boys faced, boy howdy do they lean into the slut-shaming Bevvie faces.
All that being said, the movie does an excellent job with each of the kids. They all have compelling stories and set-pieces dedicated to their encounters with IT and how that reflects their individual fears and strengths. While I might have made different choices with how to condense the story, I was still very impressed.
This review might read more negative than I mean it to. I really enjoyed it, I will almost definitely see it again, and I am super excited for the adult’s chapter. But I also needed to get some of this off my chest... so I hope you enjoyed the word vomit.
TL;DR: the movie is AWESOME. it dropped the ball in a couple of ways, but it’s still well worth the price of admission.
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sundaesanddemons · 7 years
Tagged by @demon-blood-youths​ (tahs for the tag!)
1. How old are you? 22
2. What’s your current job? In about a month’s time I’ll be working with a small web company to help maintain their online services and fixings in their system
3. What are you talented at? Eh. People tell me writing is a strong suit of mine? But I’m not convinced~
4. What is a big goal you are working toward (or have already achieved)? Graduating from college. Things all...unravelled for me in 2016, but I eventually recovered and I’m hoping to come out this year with a higher degree, so I can chase after a bachelor degree in software development next year.
5. What’s your aesthetic? Time to myself. Video games. Books. Dragons/demons/creatures. When it comes to fictional characters I’m drawn more towards fantastical characters moreso than human-looking (with a few exceptions.)
6. Do you collect anything? Nothing of significance, really?  A few posters, books, three video game statues and other smaller things that I keep on a shelf. Then I have some odd bits of mangas and comic books here and there (I own two DMC light novels and the two manga volumes <3 ). Oh and I recently got back into collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards!
7. What’s a topic you always talk about? Basically anything that I’m really into atm? Really, if you give me a chance I could talk for ages about what series or show or characters I love at present xD 8. What’s a pet peeve of yours?
People who chew with their mouth open. People who talk with their mouth open, too. My grandmother does it all the time and it drives me crazy!
Another pet peeve of mine that’s surfaced recently is how some people in my class in college can get away without doing any work or even attending classes, but yet here I am, using every bit of my spare time to get assignments done and I’m getting spit at with fire and brimstone! Case in point; had a lecturer shouting and yelling at me today because a website I had to build for her wasn’t done to her standards. She hated the design and said I shoulda done x, y and z a certain way when all we got for a specification for this website was what it had to do and NOT how it was supposed to be implemented! Grrr! It realllly encourages me not to do a thing at all? like why bother working if the jokers and slackers in my class are simply gonna fare better than me. Pfffts.
9. Good advice to give?
“Talk a lot and say nothing.”
Basically, talk enough to indulge someone, but don’t breathe a word about your own plans! Works like a charm for me!
10. What are three songs you’d recommend?
Get The Gang Back - Miracle Of Sound
Can’t Go To Hell - Sin Shake Sin
Erase You - Richy Nix
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