#some of this stuff is genuinely interesting and i plan to keep learning about it; but in my own time and focusing a lot more on the basics
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
My mama is never beating the “raised a quitter” allegations
#idc if i only have to sit through this course for 2 more weeks. i’m quitting. i’m out#i know i’ll fail the upcoming assignments anyway bc i have NO idea what i’m doing and i just do not care to find out#especially since i don’t even plan on working in tech#some of this stuff is genuinely interesting and i plan to keep learning about it; but in my own time and focusing a lot more on the basics#anyway. i drafted an email; i’m going to send it tomorrow to make sure i’m absolutely certain i don’t want to proceed#i’m not telling people irl because i know they’ll all be like ‘but you were sooo close to finishing’#you don’t get it! you don’t understand how insufferable this class is#if it’s so fucking easy to just hang in there for two more weeks; YOU do my advanced javascript practical#i’m going to make a fake certificate on canva to show my mom bc She Will Ask but i’ll shred it at the first chance#i don’t need the academic dishonesty accusations#need to take it off my cv too.#overall… i just wish i’d quit earlier. like i don’t feel really any regrets about this#i don’t regret signing up because there was no way for me to know that this course was not for me. and i have learned a lot#but i do regret continuing past… oh probably the 8th class. we’re now on the 14th. so.#it’s like. could i proceed? yeah but what would be the point#it’s not fun; i’m not going to use any of this; and the amount of knowledge i would have to cram into my brain in order to complete this#is sort of astronomical really. like it would be a big waste of a LOT of time because it would take me for fucking ever#i would probably have a psychotic break during it as well because of the sheer frustration of dealing with so much nonfunctional code#so yeah. it’s for the better#i’m not even upset about it which is a sure sign i’m not invested in this at all#i’m sad about the wasted effort but i’m not sad about missing out on a qualification i do not need and will not use#mostly i’m just excited that i get to delete all this bullshit off my computer#i mean i’ll keep vs code but all my crappy little project files that i do not know how to do anything with? gooooodbye#personal#*wanted to clarify that this course was free so it’s not even like i’m using money. just some hours of my life i’ll never get back#and not even that many hours tbh because i disliked this course so much i tried to get everything done as fast as possible#also wanted to mention that the only thing i’m not deleting is a little fanpage i made for mabel <3#it’s bittersweet now because she was alive when i made it. but it was my first ever html webpage#i want to make it really good. put a couple of pictures in there#*losing money not using. but well. i guess actually that too
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Brandi and Bruce’s S/o looking after the bakers dozen on their own, what shenanigans occur?
Anon this is?? Literally so cute what the hell??? Also referring to them as the "bakers dozen" is so genuis sfhjjfdadfggh—
Reader & the Bakers Dozen: babysitting solo
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Includes: GN! Reader, mentions of polyamory, mentions of Vacay Lovers, slightly Parental! Reader, the Bakers Dozen
CW: Bruce Jr.
🍪 POV: your partners go off to some fancy convention to promote their business, leaving you to watch after all 13 of their kids. Chaos ensues
🍪 These little shits are already a lot to handle, so when you suddenly find yourself being the only adult in the house responsible for them? Yeah, babes, you've definitely got your hands full
🍪 Luckily, you've spent enught time at the Vacay Lovers household that things are at least a little easier for you lol
🍪 They definitely behave much better for you compared to other babysitters. Partly because you're smoochin their parents (and don't wanna get in trouble), and partly because they genuinely like you :3
🍪 But they're still little shits thru and thru, don't forget that
🍪 If they happen to have school? Chances are Bruce and Brandi already took care of their lunches and stuff before they left, so it'll be up to you to pick them up (WARNING: THE KIDS WILL TRY TO CONVINCE YOU TO GO ORDER AT THE NEAREST FAST FOOD PLACE! Unless you've got money for 13 happy meals, prepare to hit em with a firm refusal). Definitely helps if you blast some music in the van! They've kinda lost interest in Velvet & Veneer after learning the two literally tortured their dad and uncles...
🍪 Play Brozone. They'll go crazy and shout-sing along with Bruce's parts lol
🍪 Later in the day you can expect a few to come up to you for homework help. They might also wanna help with dinner, but fyi there WILL be a mess. Pasta sauce on the floor, flour all over the counters, stains on your clothes— the whole shebang
🍪 Want the least amount of casualties? Just let them set the table (no worries, all the plates and stuff are made of plastic ajdjakkala)
🍪 A few of them have some dietary restrictions tho so keep that in mind!! Luckily, you can always find a list of reminders/examples up on the fridge courtesy of lovely muppet wife Brandi <33
🍪 If the kids don't have school that day, then be prepared. You're gonna have very little time to yourself ://
🍪 Like they've each got their own interests and hobbies to keep them occupied, but sometimes they'll need you to reach somewhere up high, or for you to play tiebreaker/settle an argument, or they honestly just want you to join them for a game of hide and seek which???
🍪 "Aw, you sure you guys don't mind me joining in?"
"Yeah! Just cuz you're old doesn't mean you can't have fun, too!"
"...Gee, thanks :D"
🍪 They're merciless
🍪 They've all got their own set of chores they need to do. Each and everyone will try to worm their way out of them. All of them. Everytime
🍪 Sure, they can be a little hyper sometimes, but they're like 6-8 years old so that's expected. For the most part, they're all pretty chill
🍪 It's Bruce Jr. who you've gotta watch out for
🍪 He is a shit- stirer and I WILL FOREVER STAND BY THAT
🍪 This guy won't hesitate to rally his siblings into whatever plan he's been cookin in that feral little head of his. Prepare yourself because you're MOST DEFINITELY getting pranked. It's like a requirement or something
🍪 One nice thing i have to say about Bruce Jr. is that he's actually pretty resourceful. Like this little dude is using everyday household items like he's staring in his own Home Alone movie AKSJSJAKA—
🍪 Rest assured, tho, none of his pranks are seriously harmful or anything but like... at the end of the day, expect:
1) to be covered in craft supplies
2) your clothes/skin/hair a mess
3) to have one limb stuck in a bucket
4) all of the above
🍪 Honestly I feel like Bruce and Brandi would be surprised if they came back and DIDN'T find you sporting paint-stained clothes or with glitter in your hair. Maybe a few stickers slapped on your forehead??
🍪 The trick to dealing with this little agent of chaos is to either keep him separated from his siblings long enough so he doesn't manage to rope anyone into his schemes, or strike some kinda deal with him. Considering he's got 12 siblings, all of whom you need to be watching over at the same time, chances are the second option is your safest bet
🍪 Chances are he'll ask for something semi-illegal, or at the very least something that DEFINITELY requires adult supervision
🍪 DO NOT LET THIS BOY TALK YOU INTO BUYING ANYTHING RELATED TO FIRE. Seems like an easy task, I know. Unfortunately this little shit enherited his dad's charm so watch out o_o
🍪 He'll settle for a happy meal tho. Hopefully you didn't already cave and take him and his siblings out to eat earlier, otherwise you're spending even more money ajsjakkala
🍪 If any errands need to be run during your time there, you BETTER BELIEVE they're all coming with. You'll need to be incredibly vigilant during this time cuz these kids are even more rowdy in public than they are at home. If you're smart about it, you can turn the whole thing into a game! If everyone manages to grab everything off the grocery list in a certain amount of time or if they're able to find the best quality (but relatively cheap) brand of laundry detergent, then you'll buy each of them candy or something uwu
🍪 You can count on them to be cooperative, but like... bring the family child leash just in case
🍪 Cough cough (Bruce Jr.) cough cough
🍪 MOVIES BEFORE BED! It's a bit of a family tradition in the Vacay Lovers household. Yknow, just some way for the kids to spend time together before the day ends
🍪 You're most definitely gonna be playing tiebreaker when the time comes. All 13 of them have wildly different tastes
🍪 Absolutely no scary movies tho. They'll try to argue that theyre able to handle it, but at the end of the night expect to find yourself under a pile of frightened children who've ctawled into bed with you
🍪 Their collective nightly routine is literally?? So chaotic??? Like all of them are simultaneously trying to squeeze into the same bathroom just to brush their teeth... running in and out of their respective rooms... trying to sneak some extra dessert before bed
🍪 Literally never a quite moment in this household jshskakakam
🍪 You might have to read a few bedtime stories or sing a lullaby—
"Dad does it better"
"Just go to bed, Benji"
—but once they've settled in under the covers? Out like a light. They are unconscious the moment their heads hit their pillows
🍪 You'll probably have a mess (or two... or three) to clean up afterwards, but once they're taken care of? Dishes washed? Counters clean? You're more than welcome to crash on Bruce and Brandi's bed <33
🍪 Said couple returns home the next morning...
🍪 Just to find their kids drawing on your face with marker. Cross your fingers that none of its permanent 💀💀
Hope this was good! I know I call them all little shits BUT I MEAN IT AFFECTIONATELY OKAY AJSJAKA
Ngl I feel like this could have been like... more colorful? Like I was very general about the kids and their behavior as a whole, but now I'm super tempted to make a post describing each of them and all their little quirks! Just something fun to do that'll help me write them better in the future ;3
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bidisastersanji · 5 months
Classic high school anime tropes ZoSan omigosh listen up this is so cute and I have so many tropes to hit I basically wrote down the beats of the season:
Unexpected mid semester half foreign transfer student Sanji with mysterious past
Zoro sits by the window at the back of the class and Sanji is told to sit next to him
Dropping the eraser and brushing hands oh my this new guy has the softest looking hair and his eyes are so blue
Your eye-
Your eyebrows look stupid.
What did you say you stupid mosshead?
-Roronoa. Black. Stand outside. (With the buckets, staring daggers at each other)
Thus starts their rocky friendship (?) and they’re forced into interacting because they’re sat next to each other in class and constantly are paired to do class work together.
Sanji’s flirty and deferent nature around women- students and teachers alike (and his occasional nosebleeds) rub Zoro the wrong way, and Zoro’s disregard for women, hygiene, manners, the dress code/uniform etc annoy him even more.
He also hates how popular Zoro is and the amount of love confessions he gets and that he does not handle gracefully at all (you’re such a brute!)
Rivalry intensifies during sports class- episode where they go absolute ham during dodgeball and scream out attack names
Although it must be noted that Zoro feels warm when he sees Sanji stretching effortlessly, and being sweaty and fiery during sports class
Nami is elected class rep and Sanji vice class rep
The high school girls think Sanji is princely and mysterious and he quickly becomes popular thanks to his beautiful bento and the snacks he makes for his girl classmates
Zoro observes him and thinks he’s always putting on a mask and keeping people at arms length. He doesn’t let himself admit that he kind of feels bad for him but subtly drops comments that get Luffy interested in him so that Luffy can force him to join their rowdy friend group
They go to karaoke and the strawhat shenanigans slowly crack at Sanji’s composure until he’s singing loudly and happily with everyone else by the end of the evening
From then on Sanji’s smiles are more genuine and happy and Zoro is more than content with his little plan
Nami noticed and teases him about it
At least one scene where Nami steals Sanji or Zoro’s umbrella so that they share one and go home together (they learn they have to go in a similar direction and walk some of the way together from that day on “you’ll get lost without my help mossy, we know you already have too many lateness issues with the school)
Sanji joins so many clubs- he works really hard to be top of the class and does all the things that would get him into a top university- and it’s only after Zoro talks to him that he decides to follow his heart and join the cooking club and drop another club
He later gets his first part time job at the Baratie and gets basically adopted by his new father figure Zeff (Sora’s brother who he reconnected with)
He’s so excited to have some money of his own and gets a marimo keychain for Zoro’s birthday
Episode where Zoro gets sick (I thought idiots didn’t catch cold?) and as vice class rep (Nami makes an excuse not to go herself) he has to go give Zoro notes and stuff
Highly entertaining scene where he gets to Mihawk Manor and meets Zoro’s goth family
Followed by sweaty feverish Zoro in his bed that absolutely does not make his stomach flip flop and his hands sweaty (he brought homemade soup!)
Obligatory Zoro pushes himself too hard to prove he’s not sick/weak and passes out on Sanji and Perona walks in on an easily misunderstood position they’re in
BIG EXAM arc where everyone is stressed out, Sanji shares his notes and organises a study group at his place - revealing that he lives alone in a studio apartment, he glides over his explanation and says it has to to with the fact that he’s half and his French dad doesn’t live in Japan, and Sanji wanted to live here because his mother was Japanese. No one dares dig deeper but Zoro can tell there’s a lot more to the story, Sanji looks very tense and his fake smile is on (also there’s no family pictures at all)
Zoro falls asleep during the study group and Sanji definitely doesn’t think he’s adorable drooling on his tatami floors
Zoro is captain of the kendo club and has a very… intense fan club of people of all genders who guard him very jealously
Zoro interacting with Sanji constantly makes the fanclub jealous and some try to intimidate him and bully him into avoiding Zoro but he refuses to be pushed around until they find stuff about his past/family and blackmail him (this happens in a bathroom probably)
Zoro gets insanely annoyed that Sanji has been ignoring him- he then confronts Sanji about it- cue dramatic, tear filled scene where Sanji says hurtful things to push Zoro away
A few weeks pass until Nami and Usopp catch wind of what really happened and Zoro is FUMING with anger when he learns what happened. He confronts the head of the fan club and tells them to burn whatever it is they have on Sanji and to never go near him again, threatening them
Things eventually go back to normal
Zoro exasperating Sanji with his inability to not burn everything they’re supposed to make in home economics
Winter holidays and Sanji is lonely (but happy to spend Christmas with Zeff)
He is cheered up by his friends making plans to go to the new years festival in kimono (he wouldn’t miss Nami and Robin in kimono for the world! - he says , while also thinking of what Zoro will look like) zoro comes in normal clothes and he’s disappointed and insults him for not making an effort and what did he even expect from a sentient plant
Zoro keeps stealing looks at how beautiful Sanji looks in his kimono though. Nami tries to bribe him into revealing what luck/what prayer he did but he doesn’t cave, no matter how much of his debt she would wave off
Sanji gets “extremely bad luck” in love and cries haha
Valentine’s Day and White day shenanigans with obligation chocolates and homemade chocolates and Zoro feels sad cause he didn’t get any from Sanji- is even particularly jealous that Law, Pedro and Ace got some, but Sanji gave him something else since he knows he doesn’t like sweet things but Zoro didn’t realize it was a Valentine’s Day gift until Nami explains it to him later
Zoro struggles to find a gift for white day since he still can’t tell if it was obligation or romantic on Valentine’s Day - he gets Sanji a kitchen knife, to the hilarity of all and the panic of their teacher
The straw hats going to cheer on for Zoro at his kendo competitions and Sanji definitely doesn’t think to himself that Zoro looks very cool
Culture festival is ripe for SO MANY THINGS do they do a maid cafe??? Is Sanji forced into a maid dress by his burgeoning fan club/the girls in the class he can’t say no to? Sanji is so happy to bake the patisseries for it all (also Zoro’s reaction ti Sanji in the maid outfit and saying welcome goshunjin-sama before he sees who walked in and turns tomato red)
Alternatively they could do a play where they have to play the prince and the princess and we get Sanji as the beautiful princess, directed by Iva-Chan of course- and they torture themselves over the kiss scene
Luffy pressures Sanji into accompanying him and Zoro to the haunted house done by another class and Sanji is terrified and grabs onto Zoro (you will never speak of this to anyone, marimo, you understand?)
Beach episode!! Nosebleed Sanj surrounded by bathing suits (not just the girls, this man is a proud bisexual disaster).
Going at Mihawk’s expensive beach house with all the strawhats. Watermelon smashing, ice cream, playing in the water, going in a cursed/legendary/scary/lover’s cave (repeat of Sanji tightly holding on to Zoro for dear life, especially since there are bugs) fireworks, near love confessions with one of the two parties asleep and not hearing it
Background world wise- seven warlords are on the student council and hold a lot of power of course
Obligatory jealousy episode with the childhood friend and misunderstandings- Kuina (yes she’s alive, but a wheelchair user she survived the accident but can no longer compete in able bodied Kendo) comes by school and Sanji misunderstands the tenderness Zoro shows her, jumping to conclusions in typical anime fashion and running away
Class trip to Kyoto arc where the boys struggle with all the romance in the air, sitting next to each other on the Shinkansen (zoro falls asleep on Sanji’s shoulder and he lets him and shushes people), get into trouble when they’re late to the meet up because Zoro got lost( sharing a hotel room - yes Usopp and luffy are there but they need to share a bed omg), buying souvenirs, getting into a fight with local school punks (Killer and Kidd)
ALSO OF COURSE a bath scene during the Kyoto class trip what was I thinking, we need a nosebleed Sanji being taught how Japanese bath etiquette is- Sanji asks about Zoro’s scars and lies about his own when Zoro notices the many marks he has
Possibly tie up the story with finally revealing Sanji’s tragic backstory that’s been hinted at the whole season when Judge comes and removes Sanji from the school and plans to send him to a boarding school abroad- everyone bands together and dramatically save the day and Zeff adopts Sanji and Zoro and Sanji confess to each other and become boyfriends
The end
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Just gonna throw this at you! Hope you laugh! Kinda inspired by Retro Reader.
Valentino: Your Little Feral 'Wife' just killed one of my performers!
Vox: I'm sure Retro had a very good reason for that.
Velvette: It was that one who kept bragging they planned to sleep with you to get to the top. I'm shocked it took them a week to notice the fool.
Vox: They spent the past week thinking I didn't notice them killing my former assistants.
Valentino: You mean the ones you fired for trying to bankrupt you? Why didn't you kill them yourself?
Vox: Retro would pout and its much more enjoyable to see them prove their loyalty. I should buy Retro some flowers, maybe that outfit they were looking at.
Velvette: Hon I think the thing they would want most is you taking a day off.
Enjoy the weird thoughts from my brain after reading your amazing stuff! If you wanna do something with this be my guest!
I’m sorry, I just imagine Retro popping up out of nowhere and being like “I would like that!”
And Valentino is just. Terrified screaming.
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Vox is thinks that actually a good point, so he leaves work early and shows up at the house without warning. Retro has a mild heart attack because they weren’t expecting him and the house might not be clean enough. But Vox brought flowers and the outfit they liked, so it works out nicely. Vox pretends not to notice the drops of blood on the kitchen counter.
Retro is also in a much better mood than usual with all the killing. They really like being uninterrupted in their work, able to take care of it as they see fit. I imagine it’s part of the reason Vox fired his assistants instead of killing them, too. It lets Retro blow off some steam.
I also think that Retro would become progressively protective of Valentino and Velvette as well. Not to the same extent as Vox, of course, but they wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who’s giving them a hard time.
As we all know, Valentino is the problem in most relationships, so Retro wouldn’t need to protect him much. If anything, I think they’d serve as a good way for Val to vent some frustration. They get together on the back porch, Retro knitting a sweater or blanket or something while Valentino decorates a new gun he got. Retro has tea or something and Val is trying not to smoke (and failing) because he knows Retro doesn’t particularly like it.
He also knows Retro won’t deal with any of his violent bullshit like the other Vs do. We see Vox let him break things, but Retro? They won’t allow it. They think letting of steam is healthy, though, so they’ll arrange for target practice while Val is there. They also start doing research on guns (they weren’t interested before since they are very loud weapons) first Val so they can recommend some new ones, how to decorate them, etc. Valentino is an artist and I feel like Retro would love indulging that side of him. If they become genuine friends (or partners, if they end up in a poly relationship with Vox) I imagine this would be a big part of it.
He’d complain about some performers he’s had trouble with, which ones are good, which ones aren’t. Retro would learn a bit about Angel Dust (but not much, considering Val knows better than to disclose how he treats his employees to someone like Retro). Retro would keep this information in mind for future killings, giving the better performers more leniency and keeping a watchful eye on all of them in general. Vox would invite them to a club or studio before this, and they’d usually reject the request since it’s not their thing (also not very housewife-type thing to do, and because a club meant flirting and we all know how they deal with that). After getting close with Val, though? They’d be more up for it.
Retro would end up refining their killing, having actual rules for what’s acceptable and what’s not when it comes to people talking to or making a move on Vox. They decide that if it’s someone’s job, like the performers, they get a pass. Random club goer? Thin ice, but they’ll have some patience. Both Vox and Retro make it a point to remind people that Vox isn’t interested in anyone else, so if someone knows that and keeps making a move? Well, Retro can’t kill the, right then and there, but they’ll go on the list of people to kill. I also imagine the list has different sections that people get sorted into depending on their threat level, both in terms of power and how likely they are to cause problems in their relationship with Vox.
Anyway, I’ve been neglecting the Velvette and Retro interactions so here we go!
I think it’d be a bit of a rough start between them, probably due to the fact that Vel already knows about Retros murders, but they’d get along pretty well. When Valentino described them to Vel, she got the impression they’d be more crazed and all over the place, an absolute mess. So imagine her surprise when she met Retro, someone who’s so polite and calm and well mannered. She’d understand immediately. Instant besties, especially with Retros fashion sense.
Now, Retro and Val have an odd sort of relationship but Vel and Retro have something more genuine and wholesome, I think. Vel would go to Retro for some advice, ask about ideas, and the like. She appreciates their unique tastes and preferences, as well as the out of the box ideas they can come up with. If Velvette is ever afraid something she’s making may not be functional as an outfit? She gives it to Retro, asks their opinion.
I also imagine Retro would have a good understanding of what fabrics feel nice together and which ones don’t, something Velvette may struggle with. She doesn’t have a problem with fabric textures, so she doesn’t realize how it may impact the buyers opinion on the outfit. Retro offers that new perspective, too, since I imagine they’re quite picky on that sort of thing. They care a lot about fabric texture, flow, and feel (something I can personally relate to) not only because it impacts its mobility and functionality, how hard it is to clean after killing, but also general comfort. Retro would be more than happy to help with whatever Velvette needs, but modeling is strictly off the table. They’ll do private photo shoots for fun, sure, but Retro is determined to keep up the housewife routine.
Valentinos visits probably tend to be more infrequent and out of the blue, but Velvette has a tight schedule and specific dates with Retro, something they greatly appreciate. The gossip they discuss? Top tier. Val and Retro usually discuss dancing skills, choreography, people’s tastes in partners and their horrible life decisions, which is fun but not exciting. Velvette always has some dramatic tea to spill and I imagine she’s great at explaining it in an immersive way that captures Retros attention. Retro would probably be able to offer up good theories and thoughts on how the situation would go, too. I think they’d really enjoy Velvette’s company and listening to her talk.
I also think Velvette would be mostly supportive (at the very least, completely okay) with Retros habits. She thinks their dedication is adorable. I think they talking about Vox’s work habits, too. Probably complain that he needs to take a break. Velvette offers valuable insight into what the workplace is like, so Retro has a better idea of the dynamics Vox holds with people, his habits, what he likes and what he doesn’t. They use this information to make him extra comfortable and relaxed after an especially long or tiring day of work. I don’t think Vox would really notice at first.
Retro berates Vox about his bad habits, how he needs to take care of himself, and I think he’ll start to listen. He’ll take a few more days off than usual, come home with flowers, and maybe go out for a nice dinner.
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blueskittlesart · 8 days
i see discussion abt the traveler in the notes of a reblog and i think it’s very interesting you say that bc honestly i think it’s the amount of disconnect present in The Twins Themselves and The Player that intrigues me but also intensely frustrates me. it feels like “the traveler”/you as a person playing the game and lumine/aether/the twin chosen are two separate entities and honestly that could be Really interesting if it was acknowledged and could fit in nicely with some of the vague themes of otherworldly/fourth-wall breaking stuff and personal autonomy they’ve got going on. but Nope! i think this is yet another issue of the Gacha Mechanic too in a way bc honestly all of the instances of x character bonding with The Traveler ends up pissing me off REAL bad lmaooo. i would much rather there be some kind of genuine distinction in the twin’s dialogue too bc the whole idea of. “oh this character you are playing is Their Own Character but also they have the exact same story interactions and dialogue as their twin” is just. Eeufhhh. maybe this is just a lot of personal issues i have with the setup because i am someone who not only enjoys lore but also characterization and character interactions with other characters and the world around them and i am not a fan of when a You The Player character is thrown into that. sorry for dumping this here i just need to let out these thoughts somewhere
I think what it comes down to is that on launch hyv was worried about player immersion but reluctant to commit to a true silent protagonist. in most actual gameplay, the protagonist twin functions as a silent protagonist, meaning a blank-slate character with no autonomy, completely at the mercy of the actions the player chooses for them. (the only exception to this rule is A-plot quests which directly involve their sibling.) But in the A-plot of the story at large, the twins, regardless of which one you choose, are NOT blank slates in any sense, and that's what leads to the disconnect during gameplay.
Silent protagonists are a method of storytelling unique to video games and they're specifically a vessel to further player immersion, the idea being that a player character whose backstory and personality are unknown or nonexistent is much easier to insert one's self into, thus creating a more immersive experience for the player. I think that this was probably the original intent behind the twins, at least to a certain extent, and is likely at least part of the reason that hyv is still keeping all their story cards so close to their chest--the more we learn about the twins, the less our chosen twin functions as a silent protagonist. In a game with so many playable characters that AREN'T blank slates, hyv may have worried that having no designated player-insert character would break immersion from the get-go. However, the story planned for the game at large relied on a protagonist that was, from the very beginning, NOT a silent protagonist. the twins have personalities. they very obviously have backstories and pre-game relationships with each other at the very least. they have NAMES. The fact that genshin has you 'name' your character who quite literally already has a canonical name and gives you no reasoning behind that is one of the most glaring examples of this weird inconsistency in the writing imo. It almost seems like they want it both ways. they want a perfect silent protagonist for player immersion, but they ALSO want a protagonist who is tied up in the story because of their history and relationships and personality. and it doesn't work, because those two things are fundamentally incompatible. you cannot allow your players unlimited choice in the actions, thoughts, and feelings of your playable character while also requiring that character to make certain choices and have certain feelings and relationships for the story to progress. The result of attempting to do both is a story which promises unlimited choice to the players and then jerks them along in one direction anyways, which only results in frustration and immersion-breaking. there are plenty of ways to do a non-silent protagonist in a video game without sacrificing the player's experience, but what genshin has done is given us this weird worst-of-both-worlds combo that just. does not work.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 months
Tackling The Magnus Archives
I hope you’re satisfied, TMA fandom.
For a lot of time, I’ve seen this fandom everywhere: posts, fanarts, even more fanarts, people mentioning scary stuff and an overall positive reaction about this series.
At first, I didn’t pay it any attention. It seemed just like any other series, with nothing exceptional about it. But the more time passed, the more fanarts I saw, the more they got my interest. I still had no idea what the series was about, but it looked interesting. Maybe there was something I didn’t notice before.
So… why not give it a try?
Cool, what’s the plan?
From the moment I decided to give this series a try, I ran away from all spoilers. That means I am currently facing a series I have no idea what will be about. I know nothing about the plot, nor the characters.
Well, nothing except for a few things I accidentally learned before:
Jonathan Sims is the protagonist. I think?
There is a Michael somewhere
Also, a Martin doing stuff
There are a lot of names
And a library
I’ve also seen a spider lady
Someone explores a dungeon? Is there a dungeon in this story?
There is a homoerotic story too
I also recently found out there is a season 2 - or a related series? No idea what the plot is about, but we will find out along the road.
I had two choices: to analyze every single episode (and die of old age because it would take an eternity) or listen to the whole series first, then write one/several posts analyzing it. But it would still take a lot of time and I will inevitably forget a lot of stuff or don’t cover things as well as they deserve.
So, I chose a third option: to tackle the series ten episodes at a time and write a post with my impressions about all of them. (a bit like I do for Eurovision, only for TMA). This way:
I’ll cover every episode
I will remember more stuff
I will post constantly, so you won’t have to wait forever for me to finish the whole thing first
It will be funnier and more entertaining
Is there something we should/shouldn’t do?
I want my impressions and comments to be as genuine as possible, but in order to do that, I shouldn’t know anything about what I will read.
That means I will actively avoid every little information about the series. It doesn’t matter if it’s about harmless or well-known info: I won’t read it, period.
So please, do not write me anything about this series. I will not read any ask regarding TMA. You can still ask me stuff and write comments, sure. And you can put spoilers if you want, but please: be kind and put a big warning before them. Do not spoil the fun.
What’s the timeline?
Asap: I will write a new post and add it to the main masterlist. This new post will seve as masterlist for TMA and include this introductory post, as well as all other reactions. So If you ever miss one of them, you will read all of them there.
In the next couple days: it will come out the first post with my reactions about chapters 1-10. I’m already working on it, so it should come out very soon.
I will try to keep up a consistent schedule, but can’t promise you anything. I am preparing two exams and my final thesis too, so it might take me some time to post. But I will end this series. By now, you know that when I start something, I finish it.
In conclusion
Thank you in advance to all the people who will follow me in this adventure. If you already know about TMA, you can have fun, by mocking me for my ignorance or wait for the moment I will face the real shit. If you don’t know about TMA, maybe you will find the inspiration to start it - or to do it with me. It’ll be fun! And even if the series ends up being bad, at least we can laugh together at how terrible it is.
See you very soon with the first post about chapters 1-10.
(How about a coffee? ☕)
@royalprinceroman @mudpuddlenl@allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia@whatishappeningrightnow  @effortiswhatmatters @bella-in-a-bag  @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling​ @payte @hypnossanders​  @idontreallyknow24​  @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical​ @patton-cake​  @hereissananxiousmess​  @purplebronzeandblue​  @cynicalandsarcastic​ ​@lost-in-thought-20​ @andtheyreonfire​ 
@riseofthewerewolf​ @rosesandlove44​​  @chewy-rubies @groaaaaan​ @arya-skywalker  @csi-baker-street-babes @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @reesiereads
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strawbrygashez · 8 days
A few random Horrid Henry hcs :3
Warning tho I haven’t seen every single episode yet (I’m working on it) so maybe some don’t make sense or whatever 🤷‍♀️
•Henry and Ralph share new bands/music they find all the time. They trade cds or just listen to music they wanna share with the other, together! Music is one of the biggest things they bond over. Henry was particularly excited to find out someone liked the same type of music as him because alternative music is one of his special interests. He could talk about his favorite bands for hours!!!
•Henry has sensory issues. They even say two of them in the theme song, brushing his hair and washing his face. Yeah, yeah u can say it’s just cuz he’s a kid but whatever.
With the hair brushing thing in particular, I think that’s why his hair is always drawn as wavy/messy. His parents ended up just mostly giving up on trying to get him to brush his hair because it would usually end up with him getting overwhelmed and angry. So now they usually only ask him to when they are going somewhere ‘nice’. That or Henry barely brushes it every day and they just give up and say it’s good enough.
•The sweater Henry always wears is his favorite sensory wise. Yes, I know it’s just cartoon logic that he wears the same clothes everyday but again, I don’t care. I think he’d even learn how to sow a little to fix up any really bad rips in it. Knowing his mom, she probably would try to get rid of it and tell him he has other clothes he needs to wear but that causes like, the biggest breakdown ever with Henry so she gives in and lets him keep it.
•For some reason I see Henry liking to wear TONS of bracelets. Maybe to fidget with or just cuz he likes the look or feel of them. Some would be ones he made and others would be stuff like band or tv show merch. I also see him liking fingerless gloves.
•In his teen years I see him messing around with hair dye a lot. Some looks were better than others. Sometimes he would let his roots grow out for months or a year and other times would dye his hair like.. every other week. He dyed Ralph’s hair black a couple times. (💔rip book emo Ralph)
•The more fantasy type things that are shown in the show are just Henrys imagination (for the most part I guess). Like the cat controlling day and night and him turning into animals when he gets extremely frustrated.
•Can barely sit ‘right’ to save his life. I know this in particular wasn’t shown in the show from what I’ve seen but I feel like when he’s genuinely just upset and not angry, he curls up into a ball and hides somewhere small :,/
•He’s very smart! Not just when it comes to plans. I feel like once he gets older, I could see him expressing himself very poetically in writing. I think he has a lot he’s kept inside and would word it all very nicely in writing.
I mostly think this because of a clip I saw where he was trying to explain to Peter how nothing in life is fair. Like yes some of what he was complaining during it was ‘normal’ stuff kids don’t like but I think it’s much more impactful because he’s clearly undiagnosed with something. Things that are ‘little’ to most people like going to school, eating certain things, and etc are worse for him but almost no one will take him seriously. Life isn’t fair for him at all since no one will genuinely listen to him, he has to find his own ways to cope or get over whatever life throws at him which is a lot for a kid.
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My go to plan as soon as I get totk:
Get through the tutorial area (probably in the sky then need to get back on to the surface)
Go to hateno. See if the zelink living in the hateno house together fanfics were real.
Check out something specific relating to the art book leak. (Not describing or sharing the leak so don't worry about spoilers from me! :)
Find a horse that at least looks like the one I had in breath of the wild, my beloved baby boy Romeo who can do and hasn't done nothing wrong ever in the entire 6 years of his life (he kicked me off a cliff four separate times):
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Go to Gerudo desert because out of all regions it's the one I'm the most interested in seeing the state of post Ganondorf resurrection(?) murderous pissy fit.
I'm going to build me a big fuck off Zonai tractor.
Zelda. I need to know if she's alright, I would like to find out this earlier on but that's probably going to be found out through story and I really do want to take my time with it.
I need to see what the hell is happening with this korok with a backpack:
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Speaking of the koroks, uhm... korok forest is gone. I definitely want to check that out. (Sorry this picture so so fucking blurry with how it's zoomed in but the forests gone)
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I need to find out if I can glue two Royal claymores together (or an equivalent) to make a big fuck off abomination claymore that does double claymore damage that looks like this:
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Go back to eventide. I wonder if they added something there. It seems like something thats a no brainer to do.
Check out what the fuck is going on with the labyrinths I can't find the screenshots now but I remember seeing some of them floating with the sky islands at some point.
If if I can find a sky island resembling at least a little bit of skyloft. I feel it in my bones that Nintendo would pull that type of shit. Or not because this is also Nintendo.
Documenting literally every even hint of a zelink moment in the entire game so I can make several posts gushing over it in the future.
Take lots of screenshots! I actually played breath of the wild on wii u and never on switch so of course I never really had that screenshot or recording capability so I finally can really go all out in this game.
The dragon that is 10000% a fucking Gleeok on the bridge of Hylia I've already determined is going to be the first overworld boss I fight. 🙂 I can't wait to fight it with only five or so hearts 🙂
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Amd finally since amiibo support is confirmed and costumes are too - the artbook actually confirmed it but I don't really think that's a spoiler because it's a very obvious mechanic to bring back than just having them be used once only for the paraglider skins you get that was officially confirmed here below so I can't wait to get my ocarina of time and twilight princess gear back that I can wear for the whole game!
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Over all I just really want to have fun in this game and really it looks like it's going to deliver. I can't wait to sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into and I REALLY REALLY hope it can at least fix a lot of it's predecessors issues, especially with how it executes it's story. I keep saying it, breath of the wild *had* the potential to be one of the best zelda stories ever but it was done so extremely poorly trying to tell it, majority of it is just ruined. I sincerely hope Nintendo has learned their lesson from that and actually let the Link/you the player actually play throughand experience the games narrative instead of just... having it exposition dumped onto you over and over in flashback cutscenes as stuff that's already happened and can't be changed. I went having this game with very low confidence it was first revealed in 2019, but the more and more I keep seeing it now the higher my optimism gets and I actually genuinely hope this game is really good.
I'm actually wishing the best for it and desperately hope it doesn't disappoint. We've all waited so long, and now we have only a little bit more to go.
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starbanmk · 2 months
Bestie I NEED to know more abt the Biker AU you don’t understand it has made me so interested I can’t function
IM GLAD PEOPLE SEEM SO INTERESTED IN THIS!!!! People asking about it is forcing me to actually turn it into a solid idea LOL
(If anyone has any specific questions feel free to send in asks! I love seeing them :3)
In the meantime, here's some stuff about the main group of characters this AU focuses on ,,,,,
- Red Dowry
Age: 22
Experience: Was a biker for 4 years until he was 20, has been fixing and washing machinery for others since then.
Occupation: Mechanic at Drake's Mechanics
Other: Walks with a limp, still loves going to races even if he can't participate.
- Parrot Exer
Age: 19
Experience: Had been learning to fix bikes, motorcycles and cars through an apprenticeship under Mapicc's dad since he'd been 16, has been a full time employee since he was 18
Occupation: Finance manager and mechanic at Drake's Mechanics
Other: Pretends he knows what's going on, but genuinely doesn't know the first thing about racing.
- Mapicc Drake
Age: 21
Experience: Basically grew up in the shop, has been surrounded by bikes and machinery since he was born and started helping out around the shop when he was 13
Occupation: Owner and mechanic at Drake's Mechanics
Other: He's actually not allowed to keep giving Ro discounts, but figures he can make an exception seeing as he's the owner and Ro's his best friend. Parrot knows hes not supposed to, but Parrot doesn't call the shots. Mapicc thinks he should, though, sometimes...
- Spoke Tucker
Age: 18
Experience: Has been biking since he was 14, although he didn't get his license until 16. He's been competing in races anonymously for a year under the street name 'Wormhole'
Occupation: Unemployed. He's in his first year of university, planning to major in Comp Sci. and minor in biology.
Other: Spoke, being younger, is constantly seen as the baby of their friend group, even though he's arguably the most gutsy. He hates this. He likes that people can't discern his age when he has his helmet on.
- Ash Swanson
Age: 21
Experience: Only started biking a year and a half ago, but got freakishly good freakishly fast
Occupation: Currently attending university, majoring in law. If biking doesn't work out he plans to go into corporate law.
Other: Ash is genuinely thinking of going into more professional leagues when it comes to racing.
- Minute Tucker
Age: 22
Experience: Got a motorcycle for his 17th birthday and has been biking since. Started racing as soon as he was old enough to qualify (19)
Occupation: Is attending university, studying psychology, but has been scouted and is planning on dropping out to pursue professional trail biking.
Other: Loves biking more than anything. His father bought him his first motorcycle just when Minute's parents were separating, so biking has helped him through the toughest of times.
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doubledyke · 4 months
Who do you think is more active and who is more passive in eddeddy? (when they are adults of course)
i'm not a relationship expert so take all of this with a grain of salt. but my opinion, based on their very general personalities is that overall edd is more active and eddy is more passive. not a shocking revelation by any means. but honestly they might kind of trade those roles back and forth depending on the issue.
i think edd would prefer and genuinely enjoy being the one to handle the Big Stuff. things like finances, appointments, insurance, home improvement and maintenance (the boring structural stuff), etc. not that eddy is totally incompetent, or that edd doesn't trust him, but he has a particular way of handling things and wouldn't be able to rest worrying that something was late, missed or that even a minute of rumination was spared before a big decision was made.
same with cleaning. eddy appears to be a fairly tidy person already, based on his childhood room, and he'd inevitably pick up some of edd's habits once they've been living together. so they keep a very neat home in general, but when it comes to the use of any chemical stronger than idk maybe a lysol wipe, edd handles it. eddy accidentally making mustard gas is such a funny image in my head.
of course, eddy's active in meal planning and preparation while edd is passive, eating whatever eddy makes, brings home, etc. edd's very much the person who feels hungry but never knows what they want to eat. left to his own devices he'd subsist on water, plain oatmeal and like... a string cheese. or just ignore his hunger entirely. so he's happy to let eddy take charge and have fewer decisions to make throughout the day. plus, eddy's a great cook, so it works out.
eddy's also in charge of aesthetics, whether it's home decor or helping edd expand his wardrobe. eddy's a maximalist, while edd's a minimalist, so they butt heads on a lot of things. but eddy's a brat and manages to get his way about 85% of the time. their living room is giving:
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minus the dog cuz they don't own pets (til ed moves in with his ratties 💚)
if it was up to edd, he'd own exactly 5 of his signature hats, 4 pairs of shoes (formal, casual, utility, and of course his house shoes) however many pairs of underwear and socks come in a value pack, 3 pairs of sensible pants, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 long sleeve shirts, 5 short sleeve, and so on. no logos, no wild patterns or colors, no frills. eddy wonders how he lives like this. it's not necessarily that eddy dresses edd, but gives him more, interesting options to choose from at the very least. they have been known to coordinate outfits from time to time too. embarrassing.
i imagine eddy being the more active one when it comes to entertainment, specifically planning date nights or vacations. he knows edd's stress tells and is quick to intervene with the suggestion that they go out or take a weekend trip together.
when it comes to relational issues, it's reasonable to assume that either of them might be passive or active depending on the matter at hand. they both come off as the passive aggressive type, but eddy's perhaps a bit more...aggressive. more likely to blurt out what he's thinking without much sugar coating. if it's really serious, edd will dance around the issue, hemming and hawing, or even ignore something entirely. only for a while, since his passivity comes back to bite him in the ass when his annoyance reaches a boiling point and he lashes out in one way or another. he's learning to be more direct but it's a process.
i know it seems like i think edd is more passive but overall i'd say it's a good mix between them, and that eddy's slightly more passive. cuz he knows and trusts that edd will take care of the really important stuff and that every i will be dotted, and every t crossed. he's happy not to have to make those decisions, too much pressure. and edd needs to have control over those major things and is fine with letting eddy take charge of things that add some much needed enrichment to his life and their life together. he would very easily let that kind of stuff fall by the wayside otherwise.
shout out to @eddbedandeddy who influenced a lot of these and other headcanons i have regarding edd & eddy's relationship.
but yeah that's about it. i don't know what words mean so sorry if i don't get everything right. but it's fun to share ed-canons so take it for what it is i guess.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
ok so I know you’re writing and probably already thought of this but I’m case you didn’t: the differences in elven courting rituals and oceanic courting rituals, specifically when it comes to wedding gifts. if you have thought about this feel free to ignore but the way I see it
elves live a while,and probably know about the arranged marriages a decent amount of time before they happen, so in between wedding planning and normal life each half of the marriage is planning some extravagant amazing wedding gift like gardens of gold or giant tapestries and stuff like that
meanwhile ocean/swamp folk who don’t live as long probably have more personal gifts, even in arraigned marriages bc they’re still getting to know each other! but either way the gifts are more personal and specifically tailored to the other half
so keeping track we have Scott, panicking bc he has like zero time to plan a wedding and learn a language and make a wedding gift and so the necessary things for life in however little time he has, Jimmy, panicking bc he doesn’t know anything about scott, no one he knows knows anything about scott, and even when they finally meet scott isn’t exactly an open book! so Jimmy is trying to do the same things as scott (tjough his doesn’t need to be as extravagant) in addition to finding out who the hell he’s getting married to and also ruling a kingdom
AND (you thought I was done NO the adhdemons love this concept and filled the no-box fan void with fictional politics) you have Lizzie, Joel, Xornoth, and Iona, who also had to get gifts for each other
first I need you to know that I saw your url and had the immediate gut reaction of "oh same hat!" XD
So courting traditions in general:
I don't have too much set in stone currently, lots of ideas and concepts though, because I'm half shaping the story around it and half shaping it around the story, because writing be like that (rip) but I do have a few things.
Rivendell is basically just Tolkein's elves partly isekai-ed into minecraft, lets be real. So I've yoinked the tradition from there of the bride-to-be's family gifting a jewel (usually of magical or historical or familial importance) to the groom-to-be as a sort of pre-dowry. Only because heteronormativity does not exist here it is usually a mutual exchange of gifts. Tapestries and other labor and skill intensive textile arts also play a role because of the importance of textiles in Rivendell culture (see the ask that I'm answering after this one for more details on that) And there is also just a general idea of "a demonstration of what you are bringing to the table" for the actual wedding exchange. Like the most intense and stressful art show where both your entire extended family and also your significant other/others's extended family will be judging it. (Exact form of art varies depending on the skills and interests of the elf in question; culinary, poetry, musical, metal working...the list goes on)
The Swamp has fewer actual universal traditions. Due to their recent (past few centuries) history they are basically two nations that mixed and mingled and also include a few different diasporas interspersed within them. Jimmy himself tends towards more Oceanic traditions, which include things like feats of bravery and provision. This will go both exactly as well as you think it will and genuinely very well. (Oceanic traditions tend towards dramatic and grand gestures and statements. Ability to protect and provide is a huge thing both in the Ocean and the Swamp.)
Also Jimmy absolutely panics and ends up asking a good dozen random citizens for advice.
You also have the added layer of this specific instance being an arranged marriage (which isn't especially unusual) between two empires (which is wildly unusual at their social level) That custom is, in fact, purely an Oceanic one. (Which is why Joel and Lizzie were the previous example)
Most/all of the other Empires don't tend to intermarry their royals because enough Empires don't use familial succession models that it renders it fairly unstable as an alliance technique. There's more context for the Oceanic take on it but that is a whole nother post/will be in the fics explicitly.
The point of all this is that both parties are kind of stressed and trying to figure out how to compromise/accommodate while not really having a fully applicable framework for this situation (on Rivendell's part.)
Rivendell barely has interacted with the other empires for generations let alone married them.
Xornoth and Iona actually had it fairly easy, outside figuring out how to navigate the religious minefield that is Xornoth's entire existence. It was a very matter of fact, business like courtship that Scott and Iona ran with all the stringent focus of a military operation (which it basically was) and not even Xornoth's tendency towards chaos could really do much in the face of that.
In the context of like, personal gifts Joel and Lizzie actually got off really easy because by the time they got married-married they'd technically been married for several years already.
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yourpalmickeymouse · 2 months
Hello Mickey! How ya doing pal? (Hope you’re having a swell day)
I wanna ask, what do you think about your nephews Morty and Ferdie? I assume you’re kinda close with you considering well. You’re their uncle and I feel you do fun stuff with them sometimes. And another question is, what’s your current job right now? Do you enjoy it (or do you feel you wanna do something more fun. That you clearly enjoy the most)?
That’s all! (Sorry if it’s too long) see ya later Mickey :)
-Sunny ☀️
Hiya Sunny!
I am havin' a swell day! Thank you for askin'!
What great questions. I would love to answer 'em both.
Oh, I love my nephews Morty and Ferdie. They're just so fun and energetic and every time they come over and visit, I just know that my day is about to be 100 times more interesting. They can sometimes... get into things they shouldn't. But I also was a mischief maker back in the day, so I have no standin' to say anything. In fact, I actually see a lot of myself in them. Just like me, they can go overboard sometimes. But they also have hearts of gold and are usually clever enough to fix it, or at least know when to get help. That's usually when I come in 😆.
I know the boys can sometimes seem as if they are the same person, but they're pretty different. Morty, who tends to dress in reds, is definitely the more rowdy and brave one. He's usually the one findin' the trouble in the first place 🤦. But it comes from a strong drive for life and so much excitement for what the world has to offer. He has such big dreams and hopes and honestly, I hope he goes far. Unfortunately, he doesn't always think through what he does. He tends to run into things head-first and without warning, but he has good instincts that help keep him safe. And a lot of times his spontaneity is just what the situation needs 😉.
Ferdie, the one wearing more blues and sometimes wears glasses, on the other hand, is more shy but is extremely smart and mature for his age. He's usually the one being dragged into trouble by his brother🤷, but I think he enjoys the adventures they go on, just as much as his brother. They help him come out of his shell and be more prepared to face the unknown. He prefers when things are more planned out and can be hesitant to unexpected changes. But it is because he cares about havin' a good future. He was just askin' me about good colleges yesterday and he's not even in high school. He has a very bright future ahead of him and I cannot wait to see where he goes 🌞.
As for your second question,
I'm actually currently workin' as a Detective for the Mouseton Police Department. And honestly, things seem okay so far. I used to have another job, but they weren't treatin' me right and wouldn't let me grow in the ways I wanted to. It was tough movin' from that job as I genuinely thought that it was my dream, and revolved so much of my early life around it. But it wasn't makin' me happy, and I kinda think I misattributed some of the positive experiences I had with my sister, who is still workin' in that field, with my feelin' towards the work. Honestly, it can be tough figurin' out where you belong. And even I still feel like I haven't figured that out yet
Luckily my new job is definitely a step up. For starters, the people I work with are much better. I was already pretty close with Chief O'Hara as he was my neighbor growin' up. He tends to be very supportive and even recommended me for the detective role (even though I think I might be a bit underqualified, I didn't realize how high rank of a position it was 😓). But he says he trusts my skills and convinced the others that it was a good idea. So I guess I better not mess this up. There's so much pressure.
Though I mostly work with the other two detectives. Brick can seem a bit intimidatin' on the outside. He's pretty big. But you'll soon learn that he's neat once you talk to him. If you ask questions 'bout Texas, he'll be your best friend in an instant. Though be prepared to listen to him for hours, haha. Casey on the other hand... Well... He can be a bit of a... challenge sometimes. I think like me, he's also under a lot of pressure, and that causes him to be a bit stubborn and hesitant to get help. He apparently was really strugglin' with cases before Brick and I came into the picture and it probably felt like an attack on his pride when we came to help. But I think he genuinely cares and wants to do a good job. And with the right push, he can do a swell job.
However, it isn't just the people that make this job a step up. I actually think I am enjoyin' the work more. There is just something 'bout investigatin' and solvin' crimes that clicks with me. Every time we get a new case, I don't wanna put it down until I have it all figured out. Maybe O'Hara was onto something when he hired me. And even better yet the work I do is actually helpin' people get justice which is what I really care about. I've always wanted to make the world a better place, and I feel like I'm doin' my part with every sinister scheme I stop and every person I help.
Though, I can't say everything is perfect. While I do enjoy my work and the people I work with. There are quite a few elements of working with the Police Department that... I am not sure how I feel 'bout. It's honestly hard to talk about. I just don't want O'Hara to feel like he made a mistake. But I also want to make sure I'm doin' the right thing.
But hopefully, that answers your questions! 😄 This was pretty long, but I wanted to give you my best answers.
I hope you have a swell rest of your day, Sunny!!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 11 months
Again, loving up some underloved fandoms here on Ciaossu-Imagines, so throwing out some headcanons I have about The Mighty Ducks characters! I hope anyone familiar with these movies will enjoy them!
Starting with Averman, he’s definitely Jewish. I think he and Goldberg are really good friends because both of them are Jewish. They attended Hebrew school together, their parents are good friends, and honestly they really rely on each other around the holiday season. Neither boy is ashamed of being Jewish or anything, but especially around the time period those movies are set, Hannukah was not as popular or as talked about as Christmas was. And when all your friends are talking about Christmas and their plans and the gifts they’ll get and all the celebrations you hear about are Christianity based, it’s hard not to feel a little left out so both boys’ kind of really like having another friend they can talk to about their Hannukah plans who will get it. Bonus headcanon but I think Averman has a bigger love of hockey and was the one to get Goldberg into the sport.
Hot take on Adam – I don’t think he’s this abused kid trying desperately to please Daddy. I think that while his father might have high expectations for Adam, his father isn’t really abusive. I think a lot of the pressure that Adam feels – and boy, does he feel a lot – is pressure that Adam puts on himself. I do see Adam as having some issues with perfectionism, with being way too hard on himself, and he struggles with anxiety and a need to be perfect but it’s because Adam himself knows that he’s got a lot of talent and he doesn’t want to waste that talent.
Charlie’s actually got a few hidden skills but the one that ends up surprising most people is that, at one point in his life, Charlie got really into magic and he’s pretty good with a couple of tricks, mostly sleight of hand stuff.
Tammy did enjoy playing hockey, I won’t pretend that she didn’t. But I think when it came down to it, she enjoyed figure skating a lot more. There was more pageantry in that sport, more creativity and more glamour in her mind and I think she left the Ducks before the second movie because she really did want to focus on figure skating and competing in that area. She did win several medals, but I think she largely left the sport around the time she started college.
Julie reads…for fun. While she loves being active and has various hobbies and interests, she’s been a life-long bookworm. She learned to read early, and gobbles books up. She normally gets through at least a book a week and does read a wide variety of things, though she has guilty pleasure reading that she’d be embarrassed if anyone found out about, such as romance novels and the Hardy Boys books.
Guy hates carrying change around with him. There’s just something about the weight of it and the clinking sound it makes in his pocket as he walks that drives him insane. He prefers to carry bills for cash and usually lets the salespeople keep his change wherever he goes.
Surprising thing about Goldberg…the boy is not only gifted with a green thumb, but he genuinely likes taking care of his plants. He only got them because his parents wouldn’t let him get a pet…they didn’t think he was responsible enough for a pet so they bought him a rather high-maintenance houseplant to take care of first so that he could prove that he could be responsible for another living thing. Turns out that he enjoyed caring for the plant so much, even giving it a name, that he ended up wanting more plants instead of an actual pet.
Jesse has a tendency to argue just for the sake of arguing. He legitimately enjoys arguments and I have this headcanon that he found the debate club during high school and it’s the most at home he’s felt since playing with the Ducks. Like, those are his people, that’s where he belongs. He gets really involved with debate throughout his high school career and I think he wants to go to law school after graduating.
Terry Hall…still hasn’t gotten the grasp of gum honestly. Not saying the kid is stupid, because he certainly isn’t. It’s just that he cannot, for the life of him, remember that gum is for consistent chewing, not eating, especially if the gum in question is a really fruity, sweet flavour.
I really do think that Karp is someone who is really easy to take advantage of. He gets bullied a lot as a kid and he’s someone who just naturally is the kind of person who really wants to make others happy and to have others like him. He’s a very generous friend but the fact that he’s willing to do almost anything to have his ‘friends’ like him means that he gets put into some pretty brutal situations and gets used throughout his childhood and teen years.
I think Peter’s an army brat, or something along those lines. Something tells me that this kid is someone who moves around a lot throughout his life because of his parent’s careers. He’s used to never staying anywhere really long enough to form completely solid relationships. He’s used to always being the new kid and needing to impress and be tough enough to both make friends and avoid bullies. I also think that while he really would like to settle down in one spot long enough to make serious friendships, the idea of doing so kind of scares him.
Luis taught himself how to juggle when he was a kid. He’s also really skilled at hackeysack.
Connie has the habit of pacing around when she’s deep in thought. There’s just something about moving that helps her think better and if she really has something on her mind, she tends to go running or jogging. The tougher the problem is, the faster and further she tends to go as she loses track of where she is or how far she’s gone.
Dean can burp the alphabet. Forwards and backwards. He’s really quite proud of this.
Fulton’s worst habit? He’s really bad at sitting and staying still for long periods of time and he starts fidgeting when he has to do so. He’ll stretch, move around in his seat a bit, crack his knuckles, but the worst is his leg because he’s definitely one of those guys who bounces his leg when he’s bored or restless, almost aggressively so.
Dwayne really likes to sing. He’s not horrible at it by any means, though a little tone-deaf. He’s a huge fan, because of how he was raised, of any older country, with Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, and Conway Twitty being favourites of his.
Russ has the tendency to get cold really easily. It can come out of nowhere too, with no real reason for him to have a chill or to be cold. He just is. He tends to always carry an extra layer with him as a just in case.
Ken has weird eating habits. He has to eat all of one thing before he can allow himself to eat the next thing on his plate. For example, if he has fries and a burger, he’ll have to eat all the burger before he’ll start eating the fries. He can’t bring himself to mix and match his food and not even he knows why.
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
Viktor with a partner who was autism?
It's hard to give one singular display of autism, so I used some of the traits I'm most (personally) familiar with!
Requests are open, my loves!
Viktor x autistic!Reader
-Okay so when he first meets you, he probably thinks you’re a little eclectic, but he doesn’t judge. He doesn’t know you, after all, and you’re friendly and kind to him.
-Once he starts getting to know you is when he really starts appreciating all your quirks, regardless of whether or not you tell him you’re autistic. You two just really seem to vibe with each other, and you’re not someone who’s ever made him feel like he’s less.
-He is prone to asking questions, though. If he doesn’t know you’re autistic, then the questions will probably be more vague, wondering why you do certain things, and why some stuff seems to bother you. And they’re genuine questions, too. He’s just looking to understand you better.
-If he does know you’re autistic, then his questions are more specific and less immediate, especially if you’re stressed about something. He’ll know better than to ask you something when you’re on the cusp of becoming frazzled, since it could very well be the thing that pushes your day into something unbearable.
-Regardless of when or how he finds out, though, he’s generally pretty nice about it. He knows firsthand how Piltover treats people who are different, and he doesn’t want you to feel like you have to hide parts of yourself around him just to stay safe.
-Once you two become closer, he’s more visibly interested in learning about you. What helps you function, what makes you happy, what things and situations are important to avoid. 
-It’s kind of his way of showing love. 
-He’s not super verbal in expressing himself, so instead he Does Things for you. Takes on some tasks that you maybe struggle with or don’t have the energy for, even if they’re seemingly small from an outside perspective. 
-He starts keeping some things in the lab that he knows can help you de-stress, like a weighted blanket folded up on the old couch in the corner, or a little box of fidgets tucked away on a nearby shelf. He probably even keeps stuff like a sleeping mask, and little bottles of scented oils that he knows you find pleasant.
-He just wants you to be surrounded by things that you find comforting. He knows so well what it can feel like for everything to be Too Much, and yeah, it stems from a different place, but in the end it’s much the same.
-He knows what it’s like to be tired and sore, to the point of crankiness and crying.
-Giving you what he’s able to, in ways he’s able to, is how he says that he loves you.
-He also really loves that you are really willing to respect his boundaries, too. He might have to tell you outright at first, but you never forget after that. 
-When he tells you he doesn’t like crowds, you’re very quick to make sure you never spring anything on him last-minute, and that all your social plans are made well in advance (and with an emergency escape route in case one of you is having a bad time).
-When he admits he doesn’t always have the energy or wherewithal to deal with active conversation, you’re quick to devise a little check-in system. “You okay with noise today, V?” And he can answer accordingly - no questions asked, you’ll respect whatever he says, and you’ll either chatter happily with each other, or you’ll sit Near each other and work on your own tasks.
-Another thing he loves is how passionate you are about your interests. Whether or not they overlap with his, it doesn’t matter. Your eyes light up when you talk, and your hands start going, and from an outsiders’ perspective it might look like an average conversation, but…
-He can see how excited you are, how happy you are to be listened to, how much joy this subject brings you. He knows you, and he knows how you emote, and he just. Loves your energy. He could listen to you talk for hours.
-All in all, he loves you exactly the way you are. He loves your quirks and your passion. He loves the way you wiggle around when you’re happy, and he loves making trinkets for you. He loves your compassion, and he loves the way you seem to understand him in a way most people don’t.
-Even when you’re having a crappy day, full of overstimulation and tears and frustration, he loves you. He wants to be a safe space for you, where you can just be your authentic self and not have to worry about being hurt or judged.
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whattraintracks · 3 months
13. Worthless - TMNT 1987
Some thoughts on Raphael, master of disguise.
There's this scene in "Raphael, Turtle of a Thousand Faces" (s05e16) that I think about a lot.
So Raphael is taking a remote class on undercover detective work, and the other turtles make fun of him practicing disguises for an assignment. Splinter checks on him after he storms off, and it's such a short conversation, but I think there's more going on under the surface.
First of all, Splinter's reaction to learning about the class is hilarious. His face is fun to watch and he's so baffled he literally gasps. But then you can tell he tries to be patient and understanding. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Is it, why would you want to be anything other than a ninja? Or maybe, you've never expressed interest in this before, where is this coming from?? If you've ever worked for a while with the same group of kids or adolescents, you may be familiar with this thought.
At first glance, Raphael's response breaks my heart. He tells Splinter he's taking this class to make "more of a contribution to the mean green team! You know, something special." My immediate thought is that he's feeling a little worthless. But then I step back and wonder if I'm reading too far into it. Taking the time to learn a new skill to better support your teammates is a worthwhile endeavor. This is not, on its own, necessarily an indicator of low self-esteem. But what bothers me is that nobody knew he was doing this. Again, not explicitly a bad thing, but it seems weird to me that he wouldn't involve the other turtles or at least let them know about it so they can support him.
So Splinter, of course, immediately reassures him they're all special. Also not sure what to make of how he says this because it sounds some combination of fond and amused but also just conciliatory. What's interesting is what Raphael says next, and how he says it causes me to question that initial assumption again. He agrees, almost genuinely? Like he says "maybe" but not in a "yeah, I guess" choosing-not-to-argue-but-feeling-otherwise kind of way, he sounds sincere. Now, this could be him saying, well, duh, we're special, how many other crime-fighting turtle men do you know? This would line up with stuff he's expressed throughout the series. But he finishes very showy and cheerfully with, "But I'll be the only master of disguise!" So maybe that first impression was wrong. Maybe this is just a teenager branching out and discovering other interests. Maybe the secrecy was because he was worried the guys would make fun of him—which they did. Or maybe, he wants to distinguish himself from the other turtles, wants his own thing. 
And I wonder why he might feel like he needs his own thing or specialty. One of my favorite parts about the team dynamic in this series is that they don't really have designated roles. Leonardo is the leader in that he keeps them rallied and on task, but they all take turns offering plans and solutions, serving as the distraction, playing bait, or, more practically, just driving or flying. But since Leonardo has a defined role as the leader/master ninja, Donatello as the inventor/the one who gets them out of trouble (see one of my favorite Raphael lines at the end of "My Brother, the Bad Guy"), and even Michelangelo as the chef/pizza guy, maybe he's feeling some anxiety over his own ambiguous role.
But I can't get rid of the feeling that he thinks he's not enough and the others are brushing it off. Especially after their weak apologies—"We didn't know you were actually serious about this disguise thing." Especially as he tries so hard to prove his dedication and skill and ends up in a lot of trouble in the rest of this episode. Especially when he gives up private investigation but immediately throws himself into chemistry at the end of the episode, once again on his own and without help.
This happens in one episode, and as far as I remember, they never talk about it again, but he's my little guy, and I worry, okay! I just want him to be happy and know he's loved and valued.
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liquidstar · 9 months
Ok so, I have only ever watched one episode of Adventure Time, and it was on a hotel room TV, in terrible hindi dub, and I barely remember it on account of being 10(?) but it horrified me.
I remember the MCs trying to get Ice King a girlfriend or something, but he keeps being a gross asshole so they take him to a lake and point at some swans to try and explain love to him. They point to two swans kissing like ':D' and he's like 'ewww' and then the male swan suCKS IN AND EATS THE FEMALE and IK's like ':)))' while the boys stare in horror.
IDR how the episode ended or how much I watched, but I remember thinking 'wow american cartoons are hardcore. I'm sticking to pirated pokemon from now on.'
And you are telling me that show had lesbians in it leter????
oh my god im so sorry but imagining you watching that swan scene as a 10 year old is so fucking funny, i can understand why you stuck with pirated pokemon LOL
adventure time is absolutely very fucked up in a lot of different ways. the early seasons leaned into that type of absurd shit you just described a lot more especially. while the later ones actually started getting more existential and building on the worlds lore.
there wasnt exactly a focused plot, per say. i mean, there was, but it wasnt something methodical and planned out, it was played by ear. and i think it really worked. the way they did it turned out a really cool magic system (based on the idea that reality is just collective perception, and magic users are aware of this and can manipulate perception ergo reality. but the more cosmic knowledge you have the more insane or depressed you become etc especially if youre mortal), and also cool world building (it takes place in a post apocalypse after a nuclear war, now far into the future the face of the earth has completely changed but the horrors unleashed still impact it today), and also a lot of really amazing themes (the world is always changing and nothing is ever permanent, but no matter how things change things also stay the same, in a different way. especially where bonds and love are concerned. everything stays.)
and YEAH there are lesbians (i mean i always hc marcy as bi but still). and they also come from the shows improvisational nature. theres a lot of genuinely really amazing relationships and plotpoints born out of that to me. like, as the show starts to get a lot more thematically dense later on it can seem like a weird shift. some ppl say it got pretentious over time bc its not as goofy (its still pretty goofy lol), but i think it worked... like... perfectly.
because its a coming of age story where the main character actually ages, it actually feels so right that the world around him begins to seem different too. it makes sense that when he was 12 we were doing stupid goofy adventures, when he was 15 we were watching him deal with a lot of really fucked up trauma, and when he was 17 we watched him learn to grow as a person who thinks beyond simple terms of good and evil.
i know im tottaaallly rambling at this point but theres really an insane amount to talk about with adventure time. the timeline alone is ridiculous. but mostly i think my passion comes down to the fact that i was also growing up with the story, always around the same age as the mc going through similar stuff... even now, the story is focusing on a depressed 20-something trying to find whimsy in her life again. and technically the last episode timeline-wise is about accepting death lol
so like idk how exactly id recommend it to a new viewer, its really possible that a lot of ppl wont be able to really tolerate the early seasons as adults (i mean, i think theyre charming, but i have nostalgia goggles lol). that being said i think that its a series totally worth a shot for everyone... eventually. if it sounds interesting you just gotta accept the goofiness at first and trust that youre in for something wild in a totally different way later on. and totally unique and cool and special in a way nothing else has really been able to capture for me since.
TL;DR: no yeah the show was incredibly fucked up and that swan did eat that other swan. but it does have themes and also lesbians.
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