#some people need to start looking at society and seeing the many issues women have in “traditionally” male dominated corporate positions
If you think Susie mentioning her gender in her post is just to "make her seem like a victim", block me right now.
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deepmochi · 2 years
Hi can you do Lilith in 12th house ?
˚₊· Lilith in the 12th house ˚₊·
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Note: this Lilith is not like the others; here things are hidden, and sometimes the native doesn't even notice. It took time for them. [These images aren't mine.]
˚₊· This Lilith can be so hard to read that others just categorize them as "crazy" or "weird ones".
˚₊· They are considered mystic with a detriment. Usually, they have strong reactions due to emotions. Emotions like anger come from emotional repression.
˚₊· Their beauty is scary to others but also desire to others who are already committed.
˚₊· They may spend too much time alone or in their heads. They may have an internal monologue type of thought.
˚₊· They are the "other woman" especially aspects of Venus (all aspects). The reason is that men or women see them as an escape from their problems.
˚₊· They are intangible to society and sometimes even non-productive. This is a capitalist view.
˚₊· These natives can have mental issues, the most common one is anxiety or insomnia.
˚₊· I have mentioned this, but at some point, they were perceived strongly as the "odd" ones; they could have been victims of bullying. Then, gain a certain level of popularity for their looks and "funny" self. After that, they are scared to show their real self.
˚₊· They tend to absorb emotions or energies; be careful of your friends and environment.
˚₊· They know and see things others call illogical or unreal.
˚₊· Pisces rules the 12th house, so it's not a surprise the native is aware of spirits and supernatural things/creatures.
˚₊· They can be delusional about people like their crushes or romantic partner, especially with Venus aspects.
˚₊· They have a natural gift for mystical things, but they also know their risks. So, they avoid them.
˚₊· Mental institution is prominent, again, they probably visit them at least one time or respect them a lot.
˚₊· These natives look naive or dissociated from reality.
˚₊· People get triggered by their innocent and call them delusional or dumb. They are sub-estimated a lot by colleagues and others in general.
˚₊· Men can see them as prey or something to corrupt; little they know. If the native know their innocent privilege, they can use it to their advantage.
˚₊· Lilith is really good at manipulating your deep emotions and pretending she didn't know what she was doing.
˚₊· They were called to be normal or more social in their childhood. In adulthood; now, they can mask themselves in social settings.
˚₊· People want to see their bodies; this Lilith may not be as provocative, wear provocative clothes, or have prominent physical appearances like the 1st house and 8th house natives, yet they are perceived as undiscovered. People want to see the uncovered "naked ".
˚₊· Continuing with the undiscovered body, the native may avoid bikini pictures or limit their social media. People have voyeuristic tendencies toward them.
˚₊· Some may think of them as a nymph; they have this innocent not in a Hollywood-twisted way. Deep down, some natives don't know the world's real face; others know and try to ignore it.
˚₊· They get hurt when people betray them; this is when Lilith gets mad and starts destroying things.
˚₊· Depending on the sign of Lilith, the native's way of self-destruction is when they ignore the red flags.
˚₊· This Lilith is the most shocking one; the native needs to take time and compassion to see who they truly are.
˚₊· They may isolate, but Isolation is okay to some extent. As a social being, you need to go out. You are worthy of friends and social experiences!
˚₊· They need to recharge energy very often, especially if they work with many people.
˚₊· You think, talk, and act differently than others. You are just different. It's okay to admit that. Stop comparing yourself to others.
˚₊· Your shadow is behind you waiting to be asked for a cup of tea. Don't be scared, she feels isolated, too. Go and befriend her, and gain a new friend.
˚₊�� The unknown part of Lilith can save her and destroy her. She has the power, but it's hiding it behind the veil.
˚₊· People want a piece of them without remorse, but little do they know that karma always comes right away.
˚₊· You are a ending; for good or bad you know when to end things. If you don't know when to end something, escapism appears.
˚₊· This Lilith is very healing, but without boundaries, they become very toxic to themselves. In extremes, she enjoys self-pity and denies her mistakes.
˚₊· Their seductive style comes from healing and wisdom. People come to you for an out-of-this-world relationship. With them, others feel like they transcend. Trantic sex kinda thing.
˚₊· As you get older, your Lilith becomes erratic or healed. The result depends on how much you have restricted yourself. So, just balance out your quirks and society's standards. Society doesn't define you.
˚₊· Other people but especially women think this native hides something?! she cannot be real? they say. It's true, though, she hides her real essence because others call her crazy. In other words, this native is hiding something that she doesn't even know.
˚₊· Men can see them as "not like other girls" or "too real to be true". Women may think they try too hard. In reality, this native searches for different hobbies or experiences without trying to be perceived as "special". They just feel odd.
˚₊· Their too-nice or too-good actions are perceived as "weird", but they are being a decent human.
˚₊· They use escapism in different ways, not all natives use drugs or alcohol. Your sign will tell your coping mechanism.
˚₊· They have their standards for spirituality even if they believe in a specific religion.
˚₊· In order to find balance, the native should walk to the unknown without judgment. Forgiving the part that she rejects without knowing (consciously). Allowing all the parts to be her.
˚₊· Also, if you have this placement, you may feel connected to some characters like Wanda, luna Lovegood or Heleana. Any character that doesn't fit the standard or is misunderstood. It's like you see through their issues.
Just take what resonates with you. Take care <3
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credits to: @deepmochi
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mad-fem-lesbian · 1 year
We All Know What a Woman is Essay
This is the essay I wrote for an assignment where we were assigned to write an argument of definition. I defended that "woman" "female" and "lesbian" all have clear definitions and that it's offensive to try to change them.
I had to be “civil” in my arguments, so I had to rein myself in a little bit on certain parts.
But I was still able to show a backbone and make my stances very clear.
My professor was extremely impressed. He even said it was one of the best essays he’s read. 💪🏾
I’m new(ish) to the community, so I look forward to interacting with you all!
We are living in a time where the words “women” and “female” have become almost taboo and devoid of meaning. The definitions of these two words, which have always been clear historically, are now up for debate. No longer are the dictionary/medical/historical definitions universally accepted. There is a push for a change in language that’s more “inclusive” or “gender neutral.” The push for this change is mostly due to wanting to legitimize transgender identities. Some examples include no longer referring to pregnancy or menstruation as being female or women’s issues.  The point of language, however, isn’t to be inclusive. The point is to be able to describe and categorize things accurately. We need language to explain the similarities and differences between things. In the case of female and male and with woman and man, these words need to be clear because they have historical significance, medical necessity, social implications, and legal ramifications.  
The differences between the sexes and how we refer to each group have always been clear. Man has referred to an adult human male and woman has referred to as an adult human female. Biology has always been a part of the definitions and distinctions. Not accounting for disorders of sexual development (DSDs), the sexes are usually accurately observed and categorized in terms of chromosomes and primary sex characteristics. Sex and gender were intrinsically linked terms and concepts in the past. As the Merriam-Webster website explains, the terms sex and gender have been linked since the 14th century (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Meanwhile, the terms gender identity and transgender didn’t have known uses until 1964 (Merriam-Webster, n.d.) and 1974 (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). So, it’s a relatively newer concept that gender exists separately from sex. Sex has a definition based on biology; it’s based on something that’s tangible, measurable, and concrete.
 Comparatively, gender identity is based on someone’s internal sense of themself and therefore it is “unverifiable and unfalsifiable” (Griffin L, et al., 2021, p. 292). There are large enough parts of society who support the idea that women are a social category made up of “feminine” traits and characteristics. They want to redefine woman/female based on transgender people’s view of themselves. Even this side of the argument has to admit that since their gender definitions, such as the belief that “gender can be fluid” or that someone is non-binary or agender that it’s not solid enough of a concept to start changing definitions and laws based on an unprovable concept. As Dahlen (2020), explains, “No genetic marker, biochemical test, brain imaging, or objective measurement exists in medical practice for gender identity . . . ” (p. 42).
Historically, women were discriminated against medically and legally. Of course, we still see this practiced in current times by things such as Roe v. Wade being overturned by the United States Supreme Court on June 22, 2022. As a black woman, one of the first things that comes to mind when I think about the medical horrors against women is Dr. J. Marion Simms and his “medical experiments” on enslaved women (Ojanuga, 1993). Dr. J. Marion Simms was considered by many to be the “Father of  modern Gynecology.” Ojanuga goes on to explain how during that time period, gynecology didn’t even exist as a medical field yet (Ojanuga, 1993). To make these atrocities against my ancestors even worse, the enslaved women weren’t able to give consent to the medical treatments (Ojanuga, 1993). Unfortunately, black women are still facing problems related to maternal health (Cuénant, 2023). Women have never been able to separate our “gender” from our sex. Our female bodies have always been a target when it comes to medical and political attacks. Male bodies aren’t policed in this same manner and they’re often the ones in charge of women’s autonomy. That’s why the idea that any male (regardless of how feminine he may feel or how he presents himself) can “identify” as a female or as a woman personally offends me.
Our sex is fixed and anything related to undergoing hormone therapy or surgically altering one’s genitalia doesn’t actually change anyone’s sex (Dahlen, 2020). I don’t object to feminine men, only to the fact that they want to shoehorn themselves into womanhood. We are not a nebulous concept that can be erased or redefined. We are not the ‘former planet’ Pluto. Culture is different globally and the gender roles associated with different cultures such as style of dress or responsibilities may differ, but we all have one thing in common that unites us, and that’s our biology. Being the sex that’s capable of giving birth, menstruating, and going through menopause are universal female traits. As such, we deserve our own language and descriptions.
When women weren’t able to vote until the Women’s Suffrage movement successfully fought for those rights in 1920, everyone knew who counted as women. When women needed restrooms in the workplace, when it came to creating women’s schools/colleges, and when it came to owning property, everyone knew who the women were. When women needed their husband’s permission to use birth control and when they were being discriminated against when it came to getting credit cards in the 1970s, it was very clear what segment of the population was being targeted (Eveleth, 2014). It’s always women that have had to fight uphill battles to get our rights and our cries recognized.
Another way that this debate personally affects me is because I’m a lesbian. If one argues that trans women can be women, that means that they can also be lesbians by that same logic. (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The history of the concept of lesbianism goes back even further when considering the term lesbian dates back to Sappho of Lesbos (c. 610-c. 580 b.c.) (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The concept has always been focused on women loving other women. It still means that, even though there’s a push to make “lesbian” a more inclusive term as well. There was a feminist/lesbian music festival called Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival or Michfest for short that was held from 1976-2015 on private property in the woods of Michigan (Welcome to Michfest, n.d.).
Controversy found the festival when its founder, Lisa Vogel reiterated that the festival’s focus was for “womyn-born-womyn” (Macdonald, 2018). Despite reports that the festival didn’t allow trans women to attend, the owner did know that there were trans women attendees. Other than the incident in 1991 when a trans woman was requested to leave, the festival didn’t ban them (Macdonald, 2018).  However, Lisa Vogel never backed down from her vision or mission of the festival which is that it was always focused on women and that it was a female-centric space. There was a group called Camp Trans that picketed the festival for their “exclusionary” practices (Camp Trans, n.d.). The festival being held on private property is the equivalent of if I had a meeting for lesbians in my home and then there were people organizing on my front yard in protest. The spaces for lesbians (or women in general) to meet and connect with each other in-person and online are dwindling because of the idea that female-only or single-sex spaces are exclusionary.
As far as legal situations, Title IX is a hot button issue right now. Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits discrimination “on the basis of sex” in educational programs and activities that receive financial assistance from the federal government (Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972). There are different interpretations about if gender identity is/should be protected under Title IX. It varies from issues about what bathrooms transgender students should use and if they should be allowed into locker rooms or play on sports teams in relation to their sex or gender identity. Outside of Title IX, different sporting bodies are also considering the same issues (Brito, 2023). The issue of fairness is often the argument about if males can safely and fairly compete with females in sports regardless of their gender identity. The science generally supports that transgender women have a physical advantage over women (Roberts, et al., 2020). Beyond the physical advantages is the psychological warfare on women that are forced to share locker rooms with males, especially in-tact ones. Former University of Kentucky swimmer, Riley Gaines, and her experiences should be considered. She was uncomfortable having to share a dressing room with and compete against Lia Thomas, a male swimmer who spent his first three years competing against other males (Schlott, 2023).
The radical feminist or gender critical stance is not one that objects to feminine males or masculine females; historically most radical feminists have been gender non-conforming lesbians. We generally don’t shave or wear makeup. So, no, we’re not the pearl-clutching religious or conservative group that believes each sex has to prescribe to a specific gender role.  That’s not my argument here at all.
We’re all for believing that people can dress and present themselves exactly as they’d like. We just don’t believe that someone’s inner sense of themself (their gender identity) is the same thing as them actually being the thing they want to be. 
Making legislation changes and conceding our language to appeal to someone’s inner sense of self, something that’s not concrete, is not practical. What happens if they change their gender identity again or continuously? What happens if in 10 years the medical community admits that the science behind this movement is flawed and that it should fall out of favor in the same way that lobotomies have? How will all of the female athletes who got injured or lost scholarships/games/medals be compensated?  How will they correct official documents like the sex recorded on birth certificates and passports?  These are not small, easy things to reverse. These things have to be considered when talking about policies, rules, and laws. 
We are not asking for the eradication of trans women despite what a lot from the pro-transgender side are arguing. We are simply asking them to create their own identity and spaces because woman and female are already taken. Asking us to call trans women women isn’t just going against the dictionary/medical/historical definition of the word, but it’s also asking us to erase ourselves in significant ways. 
If we don’t have language to describe ourselves, our experiences, our needs, and our rights as a defined and marginalized group, then what do we have? The words man and male are not facing the same kind of scrutiny. Phrases like “menstruator” “bleeders” “uterus haver” “people with vaginas” don’t have male equivalents that medical institutions or well-respected media outlets regularly use (Steinbuch, 2021).
In conclusion, my stance is not one against transgender women, it’s a stance that’s pro-woman. I’m for women not being erased or redefined due to a small group of males that want to “identify” as us. Misogynist attitudes, language, policies, and laws worldwide make it clear that everyone knows exactly what a woman is.
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jingerpi · 5 months
Its honestly very concerning how popular ContraPoints video on "Transtrenders" was. I want to make a post discecting it briefly because I feel the video does a disservice to young trans folk looking to learn, instead leaving them feeling unjustified in their indentitiy under the guise of some radical acceptance One of the main issues with the video as a whole is how natalie breaks down existing understandings of trans medicine as a tool to try and unseat transmedicalist talking points, and show how being trans is about personal experience and "feelings". While its important to critique transmedicalists, what she does here is undermine what many people see as the best justification for trans existence without replacing it with anything. She does this in my opinion, because she honestly doesn't have anything to replace it with, and doesn't understand the real basis for gender in the world. Saying this is all well and good, I can critique anyone for not giving good basis for thing but its no help if i don't give anything of substance to back it up either, so heres a brief explanation of why transphobia is a problem, based in actual socio-political analysis.
Patriarchy is an economic structure which has been built up across centuries of accumulated surplus value which was passed down through the eldest son of the ruling class. this is a vast over simplification, but functionally this means there are systems in place in society which privilege men, give them access to more wealth, better positions, and control over non-men. Patriarchy has grown and changed over time and held different shapes depending on the society, we no longer have eldest sons inheriting royal rule (in most places), but we continue to have men as the group with the most economic and social agency in our societies. This privilege that Patriarchs have is constituted not of some magical benefits bestowed upon them from an abstract "system" but are instead taken directly from those who are not men. More specifically, men and Patriarchs take labor and resources from those whom patriarchy considers "non-men". Reproductive labor goes unpaid, women are under privileged in political society, we often don't get choices over our bodies. This isn't merely a coincidence, but serves specifically to give men power and confer more benefits onto them. Because of this, there must be systems in place to manage who is let into the patriarchy, who can be a Patriarch.
The most universal way of doing this is by deciding whether or not someone is a man and conferring onto them certain benefits as long as they uphold this structure, and ostracizing them if they are not. They do this ostracization because if this structure is not upheld artificially through oppression of women and bullying of nonconforming men to keep the categories of man and woman or even man and non-man distinct, the privilege given to the in-group starts to fade. In the same way that "White" is an artificial construct created and upheld to facilitate racism like slavery, imperialism, housing discrimination, and unpaid labor, so too is "manhood" and "womanhood". These constructs appear to be based in existing biology, so they often go without question, but race is also based on such "biology" and that does not mean its a founded construct. The basis for both "race" and "gender" break down once you look at higher level understandings of these concepts. Not all people with xy chromosomes are men, not all people of African decent have black skin, etc etc... I could go on about the "exceptions" for quite some time but you likely know many of them already. These are categories created fundamentally to give one specific category an economic advantage and justify their oppression of those who are outside of said category. The reason we need to respect trans-ness isn't because there is something inherently justified about being transgender, nor because we just have to be really nice to everyone and treat their feelings as absolute truths. Its because the systems which confine us and define gender so rigidly exist purely to oppress and extract value from others. These borders are deeply unjustified and we need to tear them away. We do not need to justify existing outside of the borders, but instead challenge the borders in the first place. Contrapoints fails to meaningfully do this Natalie focuses almost entirely on the arguments surrounding justifications for transness and gives little thought to the justifications for patriarchy. It is treated as a default, always existing, status quo that is unquestionable. It makes me wonder how aware of it she really is, she seems to get stuck in justifying her own existence. the "Transtrenders" video focuses on a discussion between several characters where the primary issue at hand is how to justify being trans, should it be done through medicial, scientific frameworks? or should it be done from a kind and accepting view of others? She makes arguments against the former for being flawed and the latter for being unfounded, but she never actually replaces it with any critique of society, instead saying: "Okay, so what am I supposed to tell Jackie Jackson then? What am I supposed to tell the TERFs? That I'm a woman because reasons?"
"No, not even because reasons. Just because you are."
"So it's what, a leap of faith? Oh great. I'm sure that's gonna convince all the rational skeptics. Justine, it makes us sound completely delusional."
"Well Tiffany, delusion is what separates us from the animals." Which is an extremely unhelpful answer to give after tearing down what is to many, a key aspect in their reasoning for why they are justified in their identities, and while it is partially correct that trying to use one of the specific theories she outlined earlier to justify trans existence is an exercise in futility, she can't seemingly offer any alternative than some kind of "because I said so" when there ARE very good reasons to be in favor of trans acceptance, and historical reasons for our existence. In failing to do so she misleads perhaps an entire generation of trans people into thinking theres no real justification for their existence
The justification comes from understanding that the premise is false, that the forces which try to bind people to a specific societal gender role are themselves the issue.
She tries to point out that we dont need to justify transgender existence because the frameworks which hold us to cisgender existence are the real problem, but without ever talking about these cisgender standards in an actually meaningful way, instead talking abstactly about societies "expectations" or whatnot, where she should could be attacking the real economic forces of patriarchy. She should be tearing down patriarchy first and then using that to liberate trans existence but instead she tears down trans existence without touching patriarchy or any of the coercion or exploitation that arise from it. I consider this a great tragedy, and a prime example of her failures as an educator.
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sucrealacreme · 2 months
Supe Busters - Soldier Boy x female reader
Chapter three
Summary : Vought has many secrets, project W is one of them. What happens when said project turns against them?
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I've always hated liars. If used to baffle me how people could lie. A lie could ruin someone planned life, give them an unwanted direction. How could any living and breathing humans do that? Without liars, society would be thriving and jolly and happy like a Christmas song. But, a lie goes a long way, but it never goes as long as the truth. Where the truth will be revealed, the lie will end. So why not just tell what oughts to be told in the future? My mom always told me one thing. Liars will dig and scratch every ounces of love they can get like a dehydrated man in the middle of the desert. While the truth tellers don't have to seek it, since by their truth they shall receive love.
So when I started to suspect Evangeline behavior, it was like a knife to the hearth. Not a well sharpened one. No, one with a rusty, dull and hot blade. A blade so painful it could make Homelander kneel. She was almost like this wise aunt to me. The one you go to when you have problems you cannot find a way out of. Those that will never give you an answer but instead make you think of one. 
Evangeline was one of the community pillar. For crying out loud, she was in charge of it. But I couldn’t be fooled anymore. No, not after what Florence told me.
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Florence was roaming around the base, not looking for anything except her own deep thoughts. She was near Evangeline's office when she first heard of her true self. 
“Who am I speaking to?” Florence couldn't help but spy on the conversation. It was too tempting and it couldn't be anything embarrassing knowing Evangeline.
“Oh Miss Garcia what a pleasure, how can I help you” Miss Garcia? Who was that? What's happening??
“You want to discuss an issue with the chips? What issue? Everything seems fine” Alright now Florence was just getting pranked. Chips? As in lays chips? No it couldn't be that. Think Florence think…
“Well if they don't detonate anymore I do not see how it's my problem. After all I can't go around telling everyone they need brain surgery. I mean it could compromise the entire job we've been doing wi- “ Evangeline suddenly stopped talking. 
“I'm going to call you back, I have to take care of something.” Florence hearth stopped. Did she knew she was spying on her? Oh Jesus, she couldn't hide from someone with x-Ray vision. Oh. 
But she could trick them with a little light show. Florence bended and bended the light waves around her so she could blend in with the background. 
“I know you're there. I can not see you nor know who you are but I can feel your presence. I know you heard me so I'm going to tell you what's gonna happen. You'll close your mouth and not utter a single word about this exchange. And if you do voices those things, I will not hesitate in targeting you. Think about it, who would trust a nasty, pale and cheap knock Off of a supe over me, the Guardian of Illusion. Don't make something you'll regret dear.”
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Ben entered the warehouse with his usual frowned and grumpy face. He was rarely happy. Always grunting and mumbling old slangs like a caveman. But it was worse this day. For fuck's sake today was supposed to be his day off. His plans were just smoking some green, a couple beers and one or two women in his bed. Fucking dream if you ask him.
But no, Butcher with his cock vacuum “absolutely needed him”. Urgh, what a bunch of pussies. Except the british. No that man wasn't as worse as the cum guzzler. Anyway, he just add to move a door, make a deal and then he could go around fucking women.
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Hughie was still hiding when he saw Y/n and Florence enter by another door. Oh fuck Annie would be killing him. Of course that wasn't the fucking door dumbass, he told himself. They're supposed to be hiding of course their door isn’t out for the world to see. Him alongside the two other men slowly got out from underneath the shelves. The door had closed minutes ago with aloud bang and creaks. They should really oil those doors.
Soldier Boy alongside Annie and Kimiko entered the warehouse suddenly, scaring Hughie to death.
“Alright where's the god damn door” the old man asked, a joint at his mouth.
“Well we thought it was that one but now-” Hughie was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
“Are you sure of what you heard? I mean maybe they really were talking about potato chips and not electric-” Y/n widened her eyes in disbelief.
“What- Oh my fucking god.”
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“Ah bloody hell…” Butcher hated the whole world at that moment. Hughie, M.M, Annie, everyone really. 
“Now who the hell are you?” Y/n was starting to sweat and apparently she wasn't the only one. The french one who seemed to be a hybrid between a human and a meerkat. God he reaked. Could probably empty out a whole stadium with that thing jesus. It seemed like she made a face when she looked at him because now he took a step forward.
“Tu regardes quoi saloperie” he said with an offended face. Oh he thinks he’s the only one who speaks french?
“Toi sale batard qui d’autre” Y/n was now taking a step forward too, ready to attack incase he acts like well, a meerkat.
“Hey Frenchie back off, we're here to make a deal not a fight” he must be the voice of reason in their team. Wait hold on was that Soldier Boy?
“You're lucky he's here” Frenchie turned around going next to Kimiko again. But you were concentrated on looking at what seemed to be Soldier Boy holy shit.
“Yeah you go do that sweety pie, now what are you doing here.” Florence was starting to get frustrated too but you holy cow you had the guy you’ve been looking for for a whole week right there! You should just lounge at him or something.
“Well hello to you too sweetheart, we’re here to make a deal with you lots”  Did they have every nationalities in that team or? I mean, there was more diversity in them than in the Seven. But still, if you could just fry the V in Soldier Boy that would be-
“Don’t even think about it” Florence whispered before taking walking towards them.
“Now, what kind of deal are we talking about?”
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Meanwhile at Vought’s, a red haired woman was walking fast in her heels to a meeting she had with Homelander. She finally found a place where the villain might be hiding. It wasn't easy to find, but with the help of crimes analytics and a few connections she managed too.
 Oh how excited she was. She was able to get her hands on some compound V. She would inject herself with it, then flee the country and all of that would be behind her. She would finally be able to live the life she always wanted. Would she go to Italy? Oooh maybe Switzerland! There weren’t any supes there and she heard that Vought had yet to get their hands on them. That would be perfect.
Ashley’s heel clicked every step she took. Head held high, files tucked in her arms, she was ready to do this.
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Butcher was baffled on how well organised those people were. The cave was reinforced with strong metals to ensure its residents security. But to get there, they first had to go through sewers. Not a bad idea, no one wants to live in sewers after all, so no squatters and no spies. What a dream.
“OK so we’ll go in my quarters to discuss since well, things are happening everywhere else” Y/n announced with a little nervous laugh. God she was so fucked, not only did she learned that Evangeline was maybe the reason behind why people were fainting left and right but she also had to deal with this shit. Urgh, she couldn’t wait for her day off.
Arrived at her apartments, Y/n led the group to a small wooden table. Everyone sat down on the creaky old chairs. She got all of her furnitures herself. She was just too lazy to repare them at the moment. She was able to get Nessira to make a comfortable sofa made out of leaves and wood. God she loved nature, she was often sad she couldn't control it. It was just too complex. The formulas were by the hundreds and contained thousands of atoms. Kinda hard to control that.
“Alright so, tell us about your deal” Florence demanded. Her patience was being stretched thin and she hated that. She wasn't impatient, no don't get confused, she just wasn't someone that liked to lose time in things like that. She liked going straight to the point.
“OK so, we’re a group of people that went the same thing as you- What do you call yourself again-
“Supe Busters.” both women responded a little too excited about their wordplay. That was a clever name and no one could convince them otherwise.
“Yeah Supe Busters, we're like you except we don't have the same abilities as you. Wich makes our jobs ten times harder. So we were wondering if we could, you know form an alliance? Just to get rid of some supes tho, after that we're good. “
“And what happens if we refuse?” Florence said with a frown. She couldn't see what they, Supe Busters, could get out of this? 
“Well, not much. Except maybe the fact you'd be on our bad side now” The blonde woman was now talking. Y/n recognized her.
“Aren’t you Starlight? I heard that you trafficked kids…” Florence was wayyy too agaisnt the idea of working with her.
“Girl those are false allegations” Y/n was trying really hard not to laugh while saying this.
“How do you know? From what we know supes ain't saints..”
“Cause Vought made those rumours up. They saw an enemy they wanted to get rid of, that simple. Apparently it worked cause there are still some dumbasses like you that believe it uh”
Florence was now thinking of it and it was in fact Vought who started those things. Guess Y/n is right…
“what about the deal?” said M.M getting impatient too in front of those women. Unprofessional women at that.
“Oh yeah, I’m not agaisn’t it. Are you?” It was now the atom controller's turn to ask questions.
“Yeah, ok I’m in it too. We’re in.”
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“Ashley, right in time it seems” Ashley was scared of Homelander. And he knew that. He was bathed in joy at the fact if anything. He relished at the fear people had of him. He felt superior to them at those moments, like a better specie, a God…
“Yes sir, sorry sir. Uhm, me and my team found where this person might be hiding.” Shaking like a leaf she handed him the files. Files that he threw at the table like it wasn't hours of intense research.
“I don't want to read it, I want to hear it. Now. Ashley.” His eyes started to have their menacing red glow. Oh how Ashley hated him, he could feel it. He loved observing people. It helped feel more, normal. Like he hadn't lived through reckless torture for years and years and years and years and y-
“O-Of course sir. We have found out that they might be hiding in the Flat Iron Building-” Ashley was once again cut off by Homelander's hand around her throat. He squeezed and squeezed, his gloves squeaking under the pressure.
“Hmm, Ashley tell me please. Did I or did I not tell you that I needed a suspect?” he asked calmly, squeezing a little less for her to speak.
“Yes sir you did” Ashley voice was shocked by the lack of air.
“And you want to tell me WHY THE HELL I GET A PLACE INSTEAD OF A PERSON?” He was now screaming in the red haired woman’s face. Little droplets of spit landed on her face. He suddenly released his grip on her to put his face between his hands, exasperated by her lack of competence. Ashley was now at the floor breathing like a fish out of the sea. She could feel her throat get more and more sore by the seconds, while her lungs were wheezing.
“Get out of here I'll send a team of agents there since you all want to act like clowns.”
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A/n : Again for a part four I need 10 notes in order to be sure I'm not writing to no one😊 If you have any suggestions, again feel free to say them
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lilliththeghost · 11 months
I was always jealous of boys. I knew from a young age they had something I didn't. Different toys, different hobbies, different roles. My dad made it no secret that he wanted a boy. Someone he could teach to play football and game with. It hurt me that he never thought I could be that person. I thought I must've been born wrong somehow, that I was a mistake, that I should've been different.
I remember when I first discovered that you could change your gender, and you could do it just by deciding that you were something else and maybe taking some medicine. It would change me, but I never wanted to be myself anyway, so maybe this would be better. I was on board. I changed my name, cut my hair, bound my breasts. I never wanted to be a girl anyway. I wouldn't miss it. I found a doctor that would prescribe me testosterone and started looking into a double mastectomy. I felt like I finally knew why I was so broken, and this would fix me.
I panicked a week in and cancelled the whole thing. People were confused. They had supported me, for the most part, and now they thought I was lying. They thought I was backing out because I was scared. And I was scared, because I just wasn't sure this was the answer I was looking for. I just wanted to time to decide if I was sure. But the gears were already turning. People had decided I was a boy now from the instant I said so. But I was unwell. Very unwell. And I had always been, and people tried to convince me that transition would fix that. It would cure me.
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder two months ago. After years of psych visits and evaluations and hospitalizations, years of people ignoring and downplaying my symptoms. I just turned 30. It's likely that I have been suffering from this disorder for the last 15 or so years without the proper assistance. This is how long it took for a multitude of doctors to find out what was wrong with me.
And do you what really scares me? The fact that it took this long to diagnose me with a lifelong medical condition, yet when I expressed that I MIGHT be trans, I was IMMEDIATELY told that I needed to make major medical changes. I almost signed myself up for a lifetime of the wrong treatment because people were so concerned about validating my identity that they didn't even stop to ask if I was sure.
I don't know which is worse: not being diagnosed with bipolar for 15 year, or being diagnosed as trans inside of a week. I think both are examples of the failure of the mental health system. Where is the balance? How are women supposed to lead healthy lives when they're either ignored for years or immediately prescribed permanent life-altering treatment that might not be right for them?
I want to understand and be accepting of people. I want the people around me to feel heard and loved. I just can't help wondering how many girls like me thought they might be boys because everything in their life just sucks, and they desperately need a change. I see doctors from gender clinics coming out and saying that the majority of their patients are women with serious mental health issues and trauma. And I just think, that could've so easily been me.
My entire life has been defined by my existence as a girl and a woman. And I always hated that. But it's not because I was never meant to be a female; it's not because I was born wrong. It's because being a female in a patriarchal society is utter fucking shit. And I owe it to every girl like me to help fix that.
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magicrainbowkitties · 12 days
I might be biased because I'm transmasc and it's somewhat The Goal for me to "look like a man," but it's high time we put a stop to "you look like a man" as an insult towards women. Not just trans women, but cis women too. Most often I hear/see it used by women against other women, usually some gender crit weirdos with an unhealthy obsession with other people's genitalia, and I find it imperative that we wrest any and all power away from such creepy, horrible people. And so, here's my dissection of the phrase.
First of all, masculine-presenting women exist. Some are so masc-presenting that they do in fact get gendered as men in everyday speech, to dismay or pleasure depending on the woman you're dealing with. But. What exactly does spitting "you look like a man" at her do? Congratulations, you have eyes and understand that this woman is gender-nonconforming. What now, asshole? All you've done is either state the obvious or said some bullshit she's heard a billion times before.
Second, some women are simply born with features we collectively decided are "masculine" traits. I know plenty of tall, muscular cis women. I've met cis women with facial hair, with big hands, with broad shoulders. How in the fuck do these features and more suddenly disqualify them from womanhood? And to tell such a woman she "looks like a man" is to join in a chorus of bullying she's been experiencing for a long fuckin time (and in many cases, since she was a child) over something she literally has no control over. But it wouldn't help if she just "decided" to be a man, would it, because now they don't know what they want and need to learn to "accept her womanhood," even though you never did when they said they were.
But this leans into my third point, which gets at the core of the problem:
Why is "looking like a man" a bad thing?
Outside of trans people and misgendering, I mean. Because that's just a weapon for getting at a specific aspect of that type of womanhood. However, when it's said to a trans woman, or a cis woman with traditionally masculine traits, it's usually "you ARE a man." Not "you LOOK LIKE a man."
And the only conclusion I can draw, from both my experience and others, is that this is just a long, drawn out way to call people ugly. Because often in these terfy circles, you will find some of the most vile, disgusting things said about men and their bodies. I mean... They get gross about trans women, sure, but remember... They think trans women ARE men. Monster creepy men with horrible delusions, sure, but still men. And then they discuss cis men as if they're all either sex pests, monsters, or weak-willed idiots with no place in the world.
Now I will not discount the fact that many gender crits/terfs are recruited after severe trauma of several stripes inflicted by men, and that men are encouraged in our society to treat women as objects and tools rather than thinking people with their own needs and feelings, thus causing a feedback loop of neglect and abuse that leaves everyone miserable. Not to mention, most people saying shit like "not all men" when you're talking about women's issues probably don't actually care, they just want you to stop talking.
All of this is true. HOWEVER. It comes to a point where you stop criticizing specific men for their behavior, or society at large for making men that do awful things, and you start mocking men for their appearances, disabilities, weight, body parts, ect. That's just not ok.
To anyone who's been told you "look like a man" to make you feel small and horrible:
You are not ugly. Features that society has decided are grossly masculine are not ugly. Being a feminine person with masculine features does not mean you have failed to perform femininity.
You are gorgeous.
And don't let someone that believes looking like a man is the worst thing one could possibly do tell you otherwise.
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muffinrecord · 1 year
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Somethin' kind of interesting about Mikoto is that she's this evil gal who is like. Well. I mean, she's trying to end the world, right.
But you see stuff like this and then you look at her quote video,
and like, you start to realize that this is just her way of wanting to stop pain and suffering.
One thing about Magia Record is that it doesn't have straight up evil characters (well playable characters). Everyone is redeemable. Everyone can become a friend.
This can be frustrating sometimes. Promised Blood lead to deaths in Kamihama. Himena tried to commit fascist genocide. Oriko tried to kill Mitama (and totally killed a bunch of people through Kirika before her respective event). Alina is Alina. Like, some of these girls committed heinous things, but at the end, everyone is saved, redeemed, and made into friends.
I think additionally, one can argue that it's out of capitalist desire to do this, not necessarily out of a desire for good writing. You want your girls to have some likable traits, right? Otherwise who the hell would roll for them? You want your precious blorbo to have enough good qualities that people aren't just completely turned off on the concept of them. There are people on tumblr who believe that Alina fucking Gray was in the right the whole time; this is strategic shit on their part. Even if you don't give them enough good to outweigh the bad, you want to give the girl the best kind of ending possible for her (yes even for the girls who died).
That means Alina isn't going to get killed and forgotten about, it means that Himena gets saved before turning into a witch, it means that Yuna doesn't ultimately give into her hatred and become a kimochi monster, it means at the very last moment Oriko won't go through with killing Mitama. Everyone stops just short of crossing that event horizon of punishment and retribution for their actions.
But to be honest, I also kind of like it about Magia Record too, even if can feel "weak" writing-wise. I feel like there is a message behind the story-- that all of these magical girls have a shared suffering, a shared trauma, that only they have ever experienced, and that's why they need to work together. Even if some of them have done horrible things. Because truthfully, the worst thing done was done to them by the society they live (aka Kyubey). Their sacrifices are used to power change that benefits the universe at their expense.
I think one can easily use this as a metaphor for real life issues regarding marginalized people. Magical girls perform invisible labor that doesn't get acknowledged outside of their community as part of the inherent system. I think it's pretty easy to relate this to women as a whole for large parts of history. One reason that men historically have been able to accomplish so much is because their wives were helping them in the background-- either in assisting in the actual research or "simply" by taking over all the household labor and tasks, freeing up their husbands' time to study the universe or whatever. But I don't think you can "just" relate this to women's issues; I think it can definitely be argued that it can relate to a bunch of other marginalized groups.
And with that in mind, I kind of like that all of these girls are able to get along. Every single one shares this one piece of trauma. There are many different ways that trauma can look like-- sometimes it's knowing that you sold your soul for a wish you didn't really want. Sometimes it's knowing that you have to fight for the rest of your life. It might be knowing that your fate is to become a witch. It might result in loneliness. It might result in fights amongst your fellow magical girl peers, because there aren't enough resources to go around. It might be from watching your friends die and become a witch, aka magical girl food.
The really evil characters who are always presented as such are non-magical girls. Yeah, that's again because you want your playable characters to be likeable and sellable-- but it's also fascinating in it's own right. Mikoshiba gets almost no kind displays on her part. One could argue that it's a poor writing attempt to make a villain. One could also argue that she's perpetuating the system and trauma that these girls face and using it for her own advantage, with no regard for the tools she's set up to sacrifice. Acting out and trying to fight back isn't irredeemable. Knowing better and taking advantage of these girls is.
Then we come back to Mikoto, and why I think she's actually compelling, even if she's probably the most "evil" playable character. This girl has suffered a hell of a lot-- in addition to her own horrible homelife and schoollife, she becomes a witch and then a parasite-- but that parasitedom is really just another way to hammer in her suffering. She can't affect the world while she's in Hanna's head, she can only tell Hanna what to do and hope that Hanna follows it-- and sometimes Hanna does. Sometimes she doesn't. And then you have Mikoto seeing all of the various bad ends that magical girls get when they turn into witches. Doom, despair, suffering, and failure are burnt into her psyche. And when Hanna dies, it must feel like Mikoto really doesn't have anything at all, but a cruel universe that toys with her and shows her nice things, only to take them away. The world and all its beauty feels like its a mockery of what she can't have for herself.
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With that in mind... yeah Mikoto is like, not a great person or anything, but we see how her problems stem from society's treatment/neglect towards her. It's like the game is saying, "by not protecting our most vulnerable, we make monsters. And that's our wrong, not theirs."
IDK. Maybe I'm really overthinking it? Very possible. But I like that the game points to some of these poor girls and says that they need help, not condemnation. They need understanding, love, and friendship. They need hope. The world can be an unkind place, but it can also be a beautiful one, and they deserve to feel that beauty and love too.
Anyways thanks for listening to my long rambling rant.
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“I’d still argue that at the end of the day, a mother making time to live a life outside her children is to their benefit as well. Self-sacrifice is necessary to be a parent, but martyrdom is not. We all know people who grew up with a mum who wouldn’t allow herself to have fun, who never had hobbies, or friendships, or seemed to do much outside the house besides work. By making your connections external to your family another one of your priorities, you are modeling the importance of community, social networks, and self identity. You are also showing your daughters that they have many choices available for how to live their life, whether they one day become a parent or not.”
If I'm being honest, being a mother was not something I put at the top of my bucket list in my twenties. While I still don't regretting child-free at 38, it’s not easy to witness almost all of your peers start a family. Even when you're happy that they’re happy — and I am — there is a bittersweetness to it, because you know that you will be seeing them less and less, or not at all.
There is a lot of debate on TikTok right about who is at fault when friendship fades as one person becomes a parent and the other doesn’t. One user, @__barbarah, went viral after Julia Fox responded to one of her videos in which she says: “I've seen a lot of women post: ‘You want to know who your real friends are? Have a baby’," she says. “I'm not a mother, but I don't know what it looks like on the other side. But I am a friend – and you guys change after having a baby. You make us feel like we're no longer relatable… so it's not just one-sided.”
Julia Fox responded by saying it's not their friends that are no longer relatable, but the woman who's just had the baby – because she’s completely overwhelmed caring for her son. And she’s a rich celebrity.
If we can step back and look at it somewhat objectively, it seems like both parties kind of want the same thing: community. They just see the issue completely differently. Mothers want support. Childless people want to remain included in their friend’s lives.
But who is the onus on to maintain the ties that would fulfill everybody’s wants?
Obviously, I have my biases, but before getting to them, I genuinely think that when friends have kids, a period of relaxed standards of reciprocity is necessary; compromise and patience are key. I know how overwhelming it is to keep myself alive, so adding another life to the mix must feel at times like drowning on dry land. It is a childless friend’s duty, in my opinion, to show up and help out, to shoulder the responsibility of making plans that can accommodate the needs of a new parent, and to not take it personally if you don’t hear from them as much for a while.
The issue arises when that grace period ends, because many parents think it never should. It is common to hear parents say, “My kid is my first priority” as a reason for why they no longer reach out, ask questions about their friend’s lives, or take a couple hours off by hiring a babysitter to go to birthdays or big events that don’t center around children. Well, if we were in a monster movie running from a giant insect or something, that would be relevant. Pick up your baby and leave me behind! However, we live in the real world, where caring about someone more than anyone else should not preclude you from taking an interest in the other people who have loved you and supported you throughout your life. Sending a friend a “how are you” text every few months will not take food out of your kid’s mouth.
Since I’ve seen so many of my friends go through this withdrawal from society, I realise some of it is inevitable and even the most well-intentioned person may not have the energy for anything except getting through the day once they have a baby.
You know, fair enough. We can only do what we can do. I’d still argue that at the end of the day, a mother making time to live a life outside her children is to their benefit as well. Self-sacrifice is necessary to be a parent, but martyrdom is not. We all know people who grew up with a mum who wouldn’t allow herself to have fun, who never had hobbies, or friendships, or seemed to do much outside the house besides work. By making your connections external to your family another one of your priorities, you are modeling the importance of community, social networks, and self identity. You are also showing your daughters that they have many choices available for how to live their life, whether they one day become a parent or not.
I know there can be a lot of resentment from mums who feel overworked and underappreciated towards their friends they see out at the club on Insta Stories. To those of you who are boiling over, remember that not everyone who doesn’t have a kid doesn’t want one. Assuming a childless woman is shallow, immature, or doesn’t understand real adulthood is an insult in so many ways, but especially because it may not even be up to her.
In my experience, mums seem to think I’m in a state of arrested development and they’ve moved up to a form of life I’ll never understand. What they don’t get is that I’m also living a life they can’t understand, one that requires walking a far less well-worn road and doing it on my own. I’d be happy to tell them about it if they’d remember to ask. But if I have to have a baby to be seen and regarded as a worthwhile person to spend time with again, that seems very unfair to the baby.
As a childless person, I will always advocate for things that will improve the material life of parents – affordable childcare, better maternity and paternity leave, funding for schools and community centres – because it does matter to me that children are raised to thrive even if I never have one of my own.
I also want my gals pals to have that support so we can get a coffee once in a while. Still, if a friend with a kid doesn’t occasionally extend the invitation my way, I’d rather get coffee on my own. Relationships, like a plant, require tending. Even the most low effort, undemanding cactus of a friendship needs a little water, or it dies.
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cios-correct-opinions · 4 months
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this post is bad and you should feel bad. you could've worded this in a way that said smth like "men who blame society's hatred of men who fail to conform to the patriarchy or meet its standards of white cishetallo perisex able-bodied neurotypicalness etc on women are wholesale idiots and failures" but instead you decided to minimize the very real problems a lot of ppl on this site point out.
i have never, EVER seen posts like the one OP mentions like, actually gain traction and importance or have the majority of ppl agree with them.
what OP is ACTUALLY describing however are posts i have seen: posts which discuss how categorizing men as inherently bad or prone to violence and cruelty, or positing men as the root of all evil in the world, ignores the nuance of a lot of patriarchial and societal issues which aren't so much focused on gender or sex as they are on gender and sex roles, the gender and sex binary, and the pressure of conformity placed on literally everyone, as well as the fact that not all men and not all women are on equal platforms of power or privilege.
a white man has more power and privilege than a black man and so does a white woman, and both of them have these things due to their race and also their gender. there are countless examples of white women utilizing their societal status and gender/sex roles to get black men literally murdered. you all know about emmett till i'm sure, but there are even more recent examples if you go looking
perhaps yall need to start recognizing there's a reason in this uptick of people talking abt why radfem ideology that pushes a platform of "All men are bad by nature and must have this badness beaten out of them by the good "non-men" (totally not a racist term btw) who are good by nature due to not being men" is a problem and hurts people. people like myself and others who make posts on these issues aren't saying misogyny isn't real or is less harmful than blah blah blah (which is a ridiculous measurement btw, that's not something that can be counted or measured or determined with a scale, this isn't the suffering olympics guys, suffering is suffering and all suffering is equally bad)
you made up a guy in your head to yell at and are convincing people that he's real and a real problem on tumblr, the website i grew up on as a young black nonbinary trans boy, where the reigning ideology until very recently was "all men suck/kill all men" and has only recently shifted to a somewhat "nicer" approach of "men can be good i GUESS, but they're inherently bad and so is masculinity" held by the masses
perhaps op and everyone who unironically and uncritically reblogged and agreed with and liked this post needs to read what we're actually saying. bc sure, some whackos might be saying this on a small scale, but how many posts like that are you actually seeing? and how many posts are actually talking abt how harmful it is to make blanket statements using bioessentialism that you read and took as a personal attack for some reason?
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balkanradfem · 8 months
(I just realised how long this is after typing it out. my bad, i have a habit of yapping too much 😭. Feel free to ignore this if you want. I love your posts btw i learn a lot thanks to you)
radfems seem to be more successful in korea compared to other regions. they are good at organising and have done public protests where they absolutely don’t hold back, Here’s some footage from a korean feminist protest: https://youtu.be/O4vWycy0sDI?si=2KmBUQ7Jpp9prt_q
The way they don’t care about what people think and just start all out screaming at men is refreshing. They have many radfem forums and groups and the discussions in these websites is so much more practical than what I’ve seen here.
They are very focused on self improvement and achieving economic, political and social success compared to radblr which is more communist and promotes living in a little wooden cabin in the woods with some other women to be more eco friendly. Nothing against communism i just think while we’re already living in a capitalist society promoting communism in female spaces will just lead to women becoming poorer and oppressed further by rich men. And nothing wrong with being eco friendly either but I don’t think women living in a hut will do anything when men still at large continue to destroy the world. 
the main website korean women use to organise is called womad. It’s so much better than any feminist forum I’ve ever seen. It’s anonymous and usernames are automatically generated and change every hour or so so that no one can be recognized anywhere. The police have been trying to crackdown on them because of extreme misandry for a long time but all attempts have failed. 
From reading their posts it seems almost all of them have a good understanding of politics and economics. Their discussions are productive and they don’t have any infighting like radblr and they don’t let any other social issue distract them from the real enemy which is men. What do you think could be the reason behind this? Are korean women just intellectually superior? I personally feel like korean women have the highest iq of all women. I look up to them a lot and womad has taught me a lot.
They even have a women’s party in korea and they won around 200,000 votes which isn’t a lot but it’s still a huge achievement. Check out womensparty.kr 
I wish indian women would catch up. I’m sick of indian moids taking up every inch of space in this country. Every street in india is filled with moids, it’s so dystopian there are no women in sight. One would think only men live here. This is also the reason there’s so much fucking trash in the streets. These overgrown manchildren who have their mommys clean up after them go out and throw trash wherever they see fit and do not bother cleaning because that’s a woman’s job. Women can’t go out to exercise because every public space is occupied by men. I’m so so sick of them. 
Power to the korean women! I'm glad you're finding guidance and inspiration in the feminism they lead and that they're so successful, I admire it as well!
I'm standing by indian women and hope they manage to gain freedom! And until they do, we need to prop them up and also be on their side. Only males are our enemies :)
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geminiagentgreen · 9 days
Finally finished my analysis of the sermon! Picking apart sermons is something I’ve done for fun before but this is my first time doing it on my own, and it was really fun! I wanted to make sure I had the correct impression of what he meant by stuff so I listened to the first part of the series as well, and it only solidified my impressions.
I immediately have red flags with the fact that he puts his full title (Rev. Dr.) in the title and that he feels the need to give us the credentials for the people he quotes, because people can be very solid theologically even without any sort of degree. Where you went to school just doesn’t matter.
Aside from that he starts off with a pretty solid topic, presence and absence. I’ll give some grace and say that he’s probably not trying to imply that God isn’t omnipresent. I also don’t have an issue with starting off referencing a book because that is a good way to do the little introduction period.
He is using teaching from women to teach the entire church, which is a clear violation of scripture already (I can link where I learned about that but it is a LONG study, the summary alone was 11 hours long).
I’m not sure why hearing the voices of women/women of color is important, because leadership should already be hearing from the men and women of the church and listening to them. For example in my church the leadership welcomes us coming up and correcting them if we think they misstepped on something, and have corrected themselves in the past (before that was our home church) because of people bringing up issues.
We should know what I’m looking for in a sermon and a pastor, because that’s important. I’m looking for the answers to
What does the Bible say?
What does the Bible mean?
How do we apply it?
1) Do they tell us what the Bible says? Absolutely not. He COMPLETELY skips over Ruth’s marriage and skips to where Naomi is centered in verse 14. He’s accurate on the facts of Ruth being transferred from the status of slave woman to wife, and that it’s a patriarchal society, and that there is a genealogy.
Congratulations, you did a surface level reading of the text. But he delivers it wrong. He draws attention to the facts of slavery and patriarchy without explaining what that means. Without explaining the fact that she wasn’t treated like scum even with a slave woman status. Without drawing attention to how this “patriarchy” isn’t actually all that bad or the reasons it would be bad (sin. Sin is the reason. Not the fact that men are in charge).
He also completely misses why genealogies are written out the way they are. Do you really think it’s because they think the men are more valuable? More important? They had the text in Genesis telling them that men and women are equals. Not equivalent in functions for society, but one is not more important than the other. Overall he obviously reads the text in a very biased manner.
2) Do they tell us what the Bible means? Not in the slightest, it’s more of a storytime with terrible reading comprehension.
He asks the question “did Ruth actually have agency in this narrative?”and I don’t see why this is important. None of us should care whether or not we have agency because we belong to God. We have free will, great, but it doesn’t matter. Our will is transformed to God’s will, much like Ruth’s was when she said “let your God be my God”and so, in a way, our free will is taken away (it’s a complicated issue that is uncomfortable for many to think about and it sounds bad until you realize just how good God’s will is). So yeah, agency and power don’t really matter.
He calls this a story of hope for those who feel invisible or set aside, story of hope. No idea where this comes from, because when I read Ruth I see an example of how we are to follow Christ in Ruth, an important historical piece because she is in fact in the genealogy of Jesus (we’ll get to that), and a wonderful view of God’s provision. Not…whatever he was trying to squeeze out of it.
He makes the point that Jesus is impossible without Ruth. Correct-ish. God made it happen exactly the way he wanted it to happen.
He also rambles about the genealogy at the end and says “Lots of preachers don’t talk about the genealogies. I talk about them.” How prideful do you have to be to insert what you do better than others in the middle of a SERMON??? A sermon is not for bragging, it’s for uplifting and teaching the church.
He references the narrative of the story a lot, and I think this is a misuse of language. It’s not a narrative, it’s God’s word. This is blatant disregard for the fact that it was written perfectly, inspired by God. This is especially visible when he says “but somehow the message of the Hebrew and the Christian people…” it’s NOT THE MESSAGE OF THE PEOPLE. IT’S GOD’S WORD. FROM GOD’S MOUTH.
“Jesus has a nuanced sense of agency with the ever present possibility of being killed for speaking his truth to power” uh. What? His truth to power? It’s not his truth, it’s just truth. He is God. He’s hardly speaking it to power, the infinite God has no power ruling over him. The only reason he follows their rules is because he was the one who made them. This is an incredibly diminishing view of Christ and comes very close to denying his deity, and if you do that you no longer have even the gospel. Do you really think God can have a “nuanced sense of agency”? I think it played out exactly according to his will with no uncertainty, no possibilities for something else to happen. This is not to say that God controls people like puppets, but God could very easily have made everyone know exactly who Jesus was. But if he did that they wouldn’t kill Jesus and we wouldn’t have the gospel.
3) Do they tell us how to apply it? Nope! I didn’t actually catch where he taught how to apply any of it aside from a couple sentences at the end about “whatever we have done/not done for the least of these we have done for Christ” but that’s shoehorned in with no real explanation of how to do that.
Some additional miscellaneous points, he talks about a patriarchal society as though he’s reading a history book with pity for a people who are backwards and not a society that was, at least for the people in the story of Ruth, acting exactly as GOD directed them to act. There were times when Israel didn’t act as God wanted them to but those places very clearly frame it as bad. At the end there was no transition between the sermon and what seems to be advertising a book and his trip.
My biggest issues boil down to blatant disregard for the authority of scripture, misunderstanding of the character of Christ, and a complete failure to do his job of teaching the church how to correctly read, interpret, and apply scripture in our lives.
Overall score: 1/10, wildly inaccurate and complete garbage with one or two things that were kind of correct
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Boy, when I was expecting a review, I did NOT have "totally eviscerated" in mind! 1/10, sweet sassafras!
Seriously, this was a very good read, I had wanted to get to it ASAP but work was not the place to do so but now I'm ready for bed and...whoo!
I don't have anything to defend, frankly I want your training in sermon review. I kinda had a curiosity with regards to what you said about using the teaching from women to teach ths entire church, but I can't really think of what it is I want to even ask, so this is really a moot point.
Thank you for taking the time to do this 🙏
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rabiesofficial · 5 months
I think there is a considerable difference in the amount of people with anorexia, anorexia nervosa than obese people. So can be a matter of costs and numbers. There are way more fat and obese people.
Also, - understanding that eating disorders are mental illness - it takes dissipline, effort, work to be extremely thin, and the contrary to be obese. Because of this we can assume, from a mental wiring point of view certain attributes obese people or fat people share like laziness, glutonny, lack of goals and so and so.
Finally, I know it's not everyone, and beauty standards change all the time, and it's not good that the current one is often extreme thinness (which has changed through the years thankfully) but fat people just often look bad. You have to be well formed, fat well distributed or whatever to be perceived as kind of good looking, your features get lost in fat, you sweat more, what's inside those rolls? It's kinda sad to see you struggle to walk, take a seat, get dressed. It's just looks painfully kinda pathetic kinda just straight bad. Which, in an extreme case can also be said and or perceived on the contrary condition like an extremely ill anorexic person tho.
Sometimes I’ll see an artist getting hate and it’s so clear the person wants to cancel them because they have personal beef with them, but the artist doesn’t even know they exist.
It’s like, okay so people see fat women and start to get up in their own feelings, being disgusted. What about it? Can you not cope on your own? You see a woman struggling to move because of mental health problems, she chose to overeat instead of starve, and now it’s okay to think of her as pathetic?
You saw someone who was suffering and chose gluttony over “self-discipline*” and deemed her worthy of less empathy?
And I understand that the costs are an issue to some people, but fundamentally I do not agree with this point. I think we should be spending more. On everyone, in healthcare. We need to spend more on getting our foods regulated. On creating infrastructure for kids to go out and play. On reinventing our schools to give kids a mix of play and education. On mental health services. On exit and abuse services because yes, SO many women are forced into feederism by abusive partners, or gain weight after abuse. On actually phone-free gyms so my friends actually trying to lose weight don’t have to worry about being recorded again. These are all different issues that would take work and effort in different areas of society, but ultimately the reasons people are fat differ, but you’ll never learn them if all you see is fat.
* not to be a hater but self-disciplined is a horrible way to describe someone with anorexia, that only encourages the disorder. It’s not discipline when women are literally dying, fighting with themselves to eat. That’s torture, not discipline. If society thinks this way then shouldn’t it be up to us to fight against that instead of reinforcing it?
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foggyfanfic · 8 months
Queer Madrigals
I'm about to post a couple future!fic for Encanto, so I figured I'd take a minute to talk about my headcanons when it comes to their genders/sexualities.
The Obvious: I've posted somewhat in depth about what I think Bruno and Isabela's individual deals are, so I'm not going to really talk about it here, but yeah. Using the labels I am familiar with, I assume Bruno is demi, bi, and nonbinary, and that Isabela is a lesbian who ends up marrying a trans woman.
The Married: I mean, we can sit here all day and speculate, but the only real headcanons I got are that Juli is demi and Pepa has made out with more women than Bruno.
Mirabel: I've mentioned this, but I didn't really talk about it. Due to heteronormativity I suspect it wouldn't occur to Mirabel to question her sexuality until later in life when the Pride movement starts up. I think she's bi, possibly also demi, but most definitely not very focused on her love life (another reason why she doesn't think too hard about her sexuality). She's got shit to do and if somebody wants to date her they better speak up about it because she's got too many projects going on right now to bother with mind games. Mirabel ends up with a man mostly by coincidence, I saw somebody do the numbers and its just statistically more likely that a bi person will end up with somebody of the opposite sex (the math didn't factor for gender). I try to keep all of my headcanons grounded to peoples lived experiences, and this felt historically accurate.
Luisa: I think that if Luisa were a tumblrina she would end up being CIS+, but would have to go through the journey of exploring her gender due to societal biases. In the context of 1950's Colombia, she spends her youth hearing abuelas and tias talking about how she needs to be more feminine if she wants a husband, and struggles with that for a while. Luisa sings "I glow because I know what my worth is" and that's the sort of thing somebody says when they're on the other side of some serious self doubt, so I do think she had to deal with a bit of misogyny and body image issues. The thing is, Luisa likes the way she looks, and she's proud of what a hard worker she is, but she also wears ribbons in her hair and skirts instead of pants to work in. Furthermore, I suspect every bi person in the village, male or female, has a huge fucking crush on her because if she was a modern tumblrina people would be responding to pictures of her with that "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" stuff. I headcanon her as being technically cishet, but culturally gay due to people being people about the whole Woman with Biceps thing, if that makes sense. Once she starts allowing herself some free time, she dates every bi man in the village.
Dolores: Morosexual. No offense Mariano.
Camilo: You know how gender is a product of your culture and different societies throughout history have had different ideas of how many genders there are and what it means to be a man or woman? I think being able to turn into a woman at will would have an effect on Camilo's relationship with his gender. Like, I don't know if he would be full nonbinary, because I have never met a shapeshifter and asked them how they feel about gender, but I can't imagine he sees gender as a rigid binary. Like I said, I try to stay grounded in my headcanons, and I have zero idea what the lived experience of a shapeshifter is, soooooo...?
Antonio: I have spent a long time weighing the options here, his association with animals makes me think he would be the least traditional Madrigal, so I would like to think he'd end up in the least conventional relationship. I posted a list of headcanons where I floated the idea of him being poly, but I like the idea of him being aroace better. I stand by the rest of it, though. He marries a lesbian, let's her girlfriend move in with them, and he's just kinda there. Like, the women consider themselves married to each other and he's just some guy who talks to birds. They're his best friends and thinks he's pretty great but the only time he has sex is when him and the wives want kids, and other than that he's just vibing. I arrived at this headcanon because I love the idea of him being sorta a reverse Bruno. Like, people think he has two wives so everybody assumes he's this total lady killer, they sing songs about how charming he is, rumors abound that he can make a girl swoon with a single smile, then you talk to him and he's just some guy. Occasionally, a woman will throw herself at him and he's like "No thanks" then starts having a conversation with her cat. Do you see my vision? Anyone? I don't care if nobody else thinks it's funny, because I'm giggling at my computer.
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vermillionbedfellow · 1 month
Can we please, finally, admit to ourselves that the problem was not immigrants, or asylum seekers, or black and brown British people. It was never their fault, and historically, if we're being honest with ourselves, it never has been. The British fascist terrorists (and let's call them out for what they are, thanks) and the disgusting complicit UK press took a horrendous event and monopolised it as a means to do what they do best, sow fear and division in already petrified communities, drink cans, chuck bricks into holy buildings and rob sausage rolls from Greggs. Brave martyrs to the 'British cause' such as they are, clutching imported beers and novelty £1 cupcakes. It has been clear from the start that the terrible actions of one young black man acted as a catalyst for pogrom like behaviour from some of Britains finest advertising for corsodyl, already angry and indoctrinated crowds looking to scapegoat communities already in a vulnerable position in the fabric of this weird, very weird island.
The issue, the repeating factor in all of this violence, is men. Misogyny in the UK is killing us. It's killing our boys, destroying their lives and warping their brains into hateful, spiteful, twisted rage machines , and it's killing us. Age won't protect us. You could be six years old at a Taylor Swift dance party, eleven years old and visiting Trafalgar Square with your mum, 33 and walking home from a quiet drink with friends, in your 60s and at home with your two daughters. You could be dressed in a tutu, a raincoat, a hijab, pyjamas. You can fight back, you can comply, you can run and you can dance, but you will always be at risk of a man having so many feelings that he just might have to kill you about them. We can't help but exist in the vicinity of men, and it's becoming increasingly clear that there is very little being done to stop them from destroying us for having the audacity to be visible. Today, authorities deemed violence against women to be at epidemic levels, but ask any woman living her day to day in this country and she could have told you that years ago. It's scary out here, and it's getting worse. I bartend for a living, and at least once a day a man says something so harmful and rude and repulsively sexual that it makes my eyes sting. Mostly it's more than once a day, often it's more than words. With the insidious surge of right wing populism and their major macho bullshit talking points creeping into politics, news media and daily vernacular, I don't have real confidence for the future and for womens safety going forward. No wonder the birth rates continue to decrease in the UK, I don't want to have to raise a girl in a society that will fail to protect her, nor do I wish to raise a little boy in a society that might just turn him into a 'red pilled' knife wielding maniac.
What's more is that it's women of colour who are so much more at risk of being victims of femicide. These women are being attacked on two fronts, on the basis of their sex and on the basis of their race. We also know that crimes against women in these demographics are woefully underreported due to a lack of trust in policing institutions, with police often mishandling reports of violence when they are brought to their attention, causing further risk of harm. In London last year, 62% of the victims of femicide were black women (not that one would know that from a glance at the headlines, crimes against black women may as well be invisible to the uk media). And yet, where is the outrage over their safety from the bald headed pricks bellowing 'protect our women' and waving stolen crocs? It's almost as if only one form of compliant white woman is worthy of sympathy, but again, further than that, seeing as these brave protectors of woman have often been found to have had previous dv charges themselves, it's almost as if it was never about protecting women at all.
There is no conclusion to this post. Sometimes you just need to get thoughts out of your skull. Especially ones such as these. They make my teeth hurt. I don't have anything else to add. Just sad and apoplectic and feeling pretty powerless.
(In the tags are the names of some of the women and girls killed in the last year in this country. Just a few of them. If you have the strength to learn about their stories and honour their memories please do so, and if this isn't something you can face right now, they remain in our world even after death as long as we continue to share and speak their names, so share news articles and posts when you are able)
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goathico · 1 year
Spiderverse OC: Splitwidow
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AU Details for fun :)
Story sinopsis from SpiderIguano's POV:
Radioactive spiders were set loose on my island by the US government. They started testing on my island 1955 days ago, they've done this before, mainly to our women and our sister island Vieques. This time it was most of the population, and it ended badly… again.
Some went insane, some died, others weren't affected, but a few of us... well... let's just say we got lucky.Many took advantage of this and went to attack the US government, others attacked our government, but they both failed. Shortly after they shut down the airports, but people have fled and come in just to see the havoc. As society crumbles we're focusing on lowering the crime rates while trying to keep our hopes up, but not me.
I didn't chose this, and I don't want this. I don't care about people, they couldn't care less about me to begin with. Not that I don't understand, because I do… and I'd ditch myself too.
Other story details:
These are spidersonas, self inserts (can't speak for spideriguano he didnt want me to clarify, but treat it with respect). SpiderIguano belongs to a friend who would like to stay anonymous.
The story is a very short cómic about two friends dealing with having complicated mental disorders and trauma background that ended up destroying their relationship.
Split (my spidersona)
Split is a man who isolates when he's going through harship, he usually warns of his need of space but this still strains his relationships. If anyone hurts him too many times he usually cuts ties with them immediately. He's a man on a journey, and although he's struggling mentally he wants to heal desperately and will do anything to get better. And this leads him to a journey of taking matters in to his own hands and stopping those who severely harm others.
Splitwidow is known to roam in the shadows, no one's seen him or knows what his suit even looks like. But what they do know is his behavior can go from erratic and unplanned to calculated and complex. He works alone. An urban legend of sorts. The male siren and black widow.
Iguano (not mine)
The anger in him fuels his every day life. He didnt have a filter and the price wasnt just his reputation but everything he had. His heart was in the right place and he thought that was all that mattered, but he went about it the worst way he posibly could've chosen. Turns out being cruel with good intentions wasnt going to be taken right by many, he recognized he was in the wrong. He was no victim, he became the very thing he hated, a bully and at wost an abuser. It angered him to see his friends hurting and staying in places that ruined them more. He'd do anything to try and get them out. Thus the bridges burned, and nothing was the same.
He decided he won't have any friends until he can prove to himself he can change, he can be kind and caring. He wont try to control, even if he has good intentions, it wasnt his place to do whatever he wanted. His childhood will not define him anylonger. His anger will not control him. He will be better.
Motivated by growth and the idea that although he can't be forgiven, he can atone and make up for all the harm he's done to others. Especially the friend he accidentally hurt in their lowest moment. He dresses up at night and patrols around town to find some peace of mind. Reflecting on his behavior and ways to deal with himself from the roots of his issues. He drifts inside his own moral dilema. What are you supposed to do when your friends are stuck in a dangerous relationship and they refuse to leave?
It kept him up at night.
During his patrol he discovers the spider verse society who have tried their hardest to deal with the islands mess. Every Puerto Rican and their mother despises them and what theyre chosing to do. Something something, the canon is broken. Along the way the Rebells find him and try to convince him to join, the rebellion is lead by Teo, someone who despite being bitten by a spider didnt develop anything special, the unsuspecting genius trying to stop the spidercanon police. After getting close to Teo, he finds out about Split who's known to not trust anyone except, well, Teo.
If he can heal enough to become a better person, befriending that Split idiot might as well be his biggest achievement in this journey.
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