#someone extend her contract i can't have her leaving
mearpsdyke · 2 years
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mary earps via united's matchday gallery.
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prince-liest · 3 months
Latest 666 + body swap fic both have like, these brief moments where alastor or someone else realizes about alastor that like—he doesn’t expect people not to take advantage. He thought Angel was going to keep his body and that Vox would keep the chain on. It’s like a simultaneous “well that’s what I would do” and “why the fuck would something GOOD happen.” It’s sooooo much. -🍓
Ahhh, yes! I like to write Alastor as someone that really struggles with trust. It's easy to say "trust issues!" with a funny hand wave and leave it at that, but in his particular case I think it's particularly interesting to write him as a character who, like. Subconsciously wants to trust, but consciously doesn't want to want it. He sees it the same way he sees his burgeoning maybe-friendship with the hotel crew: it's a vulnerability to be taken advantage of! And why wouldn't he? He's a solo-flying overlord. His entire base of power is built off of the backs of people who he's either killed or taken the souls of.
Even the more genuine friendships we see him have in canon fit into that framework. Niffty is presumably under his contract. Mimzy relies on him for protection and doesn't have the power to challenge him. Rosie and his relationship with her looks to me like it's genuine, but built off of a careful balance of give-and-take favors the upturning of which would be damaging to their relationship because they are both overlords.
He clawed his way to the power that he has through violence and taking advantage of the opportunities presented to him, and he's spent the last hundred or so years living in hell, where that kind of behavior is the status quo for anybody who wasn't born into power. He doesn't believe in Charlie's mission in a genuine way, though he is growing to like the hotel crew against his better judgment. He honestly just... does not expect people to not take advantage of his weakness, nevermind extending genuine kindness to him when it comes down to it.
And I like that we see him in canon as someone who tries so hard to be the inhuman, almost mythical monster called the "Radio Demon," but who nonetheless has hung all of this on the very human underpinning that is Alastor-the-person. He's still a human being with feelings and socialization needs - and sometimes he feels safe and powerful enough to condescend to indulge them, as he does in the finale's scene where he talks to Niffty about enjoying the hotel crew's company.
...And then he's immediately punished for it. Physically, by Adam, but also emotionally, by his own immediate conviction that he only got hurt in the first place because he let things spiral out of control and that the idea that he would have gone out for the sake of the hotel is horrifying. How can one justify extending trust when doing so has such immediate and obvious negative consequences?
(The answer is, of course: slowly, painfully, and not without frequent backsliding. I can't wait to see the canon version of this!)
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Pearl and the Sapphire (3)
[ modern! • Aemond x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, fingering, smut, angst, sexual tension, obsession ]
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[ description: As a representative of a large family-owned gemstone business, Aemond is attending a major jewellery event where jewellery makers from all over the world are exhibiting. One of them is the Baratheon family. Aemond is tasked with focusing on attracting new customers, but his attention is diverted by the youngest daughter of the eminent maker Borros Baratheon. Slow burn, bitchy, possessive and obsessive Aemond, lots of dark angst and sexual tension. ]
A story which is an alternative universe of The Impossbile Choice taking place in modern times. The characters are all the same as in the main series, however, for obvious reasons they will behave differently and experience things differently from medieval times. You can read this without having to delve into the main series.
Series moodboard: Aemond & Miss Baratheon
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
He had no idea what had popped into his head to suggest meeting her in this kind of place in such a direct way, embarrassment and shame got to him as soon as he entered his hotel room. He figured she surely thought he was desperate.
He decided that he would try to be professional and not to show what was hidden in his head.
He turned up at the restaurant ahead of time, informing Alys beforehand that he was going to have a meeting with Borros. He didn't want her meddling in affairs that weren't her own, and he knew that if she found out about the meeting with his daughter, she would surely pester him with messages and check when he would be back.
He sat down at a table tucked as far back as possible so as not to draw attention to himself. He waited all tense, feeling his heart pounding.
Why was he stressing so much about this meeting?
He shuddered when he heard someone's footsteps beside him and saw her above him. He swallowed loudly, seeing her black dress with a white collar, feeling with shame how his cock throbbed greedily at the sight. He stood up, not knowing how to act, how to greet her.
He felt relieved when she extended her hand to him and he shook it. He swallowed loudly feeling how soft, warm and small her hand was. They ordered wine and he started a conversation, wanting to understand why he was actually seeing her and not her father.
"My father values freedom of action. Also the choice of materials to work with. He now works with who he wants and decides for himself what is best for him. He fears that your company, with lawyers deliberating over every comma in the contract, will arrange it so as to influence his decisions as much as possible." She said, and he furrowed his brow at her words, tense.
What was she implying?
"You think we're going to try to trick your father?" He asked annoyed, and she looked at him, something in her gaze that confused him.
"Can I trust you?" She asked suddenly, and he opened his mouth and closed it, surprised and flustered.
What was he supposed to say to her?
"No." He said in accordance with what he himself thought. Seeing her hurt, shocked face he continued, wanting to explain what he meant.
"You can't trust me, just as I can't trust you. You will protect your father's interests and I will protect mine. There is no friendship in business or holding hands in the sunset light." He said with a tinge of mockery, which he immediately regretted seeing a grimace of pain and some kind of disappointment cross her face.
"I didn't know that to trust someone you had to be able to be friends and hold hands. I thought it was enough to be a decent human being." She said in a trembling voice and he pressed his lips together, feeling both rage and shame, his hand clenched into a fist.
"I'm not a decent person." He explained, not wanting to leave her with any illusions.
"Nevertheless, I have with me the terms and conditions of our company written down on paper, without paragraphs written in small print. You can look them over and determine whether you want to pass them on to your father or not." He said a little softer, sensing that something was happening to her, that his answers had broken her for some reason.
Why was she approaching this so emotionally?
His lips parted as he saw tears run down her cheeks. His heart was pounding like crazy and he had no idea what he should do.
They both flinched when her phone began to vibrate in her clutch bag. She wiped her tears quickly and pulled it out, but when she looked at the display she turned pale and shuddered, he felt like she was about to faint.
What was happening to her?
She hid the phone quickly back in her purse, looking at her hands on the table as if she had completely forgotten his presence.
"… are you all right?" He choked out finally, horrified by her condition.
She drew in a loud breath and laughed despairingly at his words through her tears, pouring herself a full glass of wine.
She wiped her nose, swallowing quietly, trying to calm herself down.
"I'm sorry. Thank you for your honesty. Can I have these documents?" She asked in a slightly hoarse voice.
He swallowed loudly and nodded, grabbing the folder he had placed on the windowsill earlier and handed it to her.
"Go over it calmly. You don't have to rush. My grandfather really cares about this and is willing to wait and read your version of the agreement if you want to present us with one." He said in a slightly softer, calmer tone.
"All right. Thank you." She said softly. They both shuddered as her phone began to vibrate again in her handbag. She took it out, muted it and tucked it back in, her lips tightened into a thin line.
"Someone doesn't understand the word 'no'?" He asked suddenly and swallowed loudly, surprised and embarrassed by his own directness.
What right did he have to ask such things?
He saw her puzzled and confused look, and for a moment she thought strenuously about what she should answer to such a question.
"In a way." She said, grasping her glass in her trembling fingers and taking a deep sip of wine from it.
He pressed his lips together at her words and thought they both needed it.
A relaxation.
It wasn't about quick, rough sex.
He wanted something else from her, but he wasn't sure what.
"Let's move to my room." He said after a moment and pressed his lips together watching her reaction, she threw him a surprised, horrified look. "We can think together about what to answer to a man who won't let you alone."
Say yes, he thought.
I'll give you everything.
He felt a wonderful heat of satisfaction surge through his body as she nodded her head.
They drank what they had in their glasses to the end, then rose from their chairs. He took the half-full bottle in his hand, recognising that they might still need it. They headed for the lift without looking at each other, as if they were both ashamed of what they were doing.
They rode in silence to his floor and started down the corridor. He prayed that Alys wouldn't come out of her room, he didn't feel like explaining himself to her. He quickly put his card to his door and opened it, letting her in, looking around and finding to his relief that no one had seen them.
He walked in behind her and closed the door, turning on the hall light, pulling off his leather jacket and boots. She also pulled off her shoes and put them next to him, then stepped deeper uncertainly, looking around.
His room was actually an apartment with a view of the city, couches in the middle and a huge TV, a large double bed to his left. He saw her glance at it out of the corner of her eye and swallowed quietly, he felt his cock pulsate painfully hard in his trousers.
There was no way this was going to end well, he thought.
Still, he never felt better.
He moved to the kitchenette and reached two glasses from the shelves, feeling a pleasant heat in his stomach. He knew it wasn't just the effects of the alcohol.
He turned, walking to the small table opposite the sofa, placing the glass on it, seeing that she was still standing in the same place, terrified.
She was afraid he was going to do something to her.
That he would add something to her drink.
"What does he want from you?" He asked, wanting to relax her, to distract her from her worrying thoughts.
She blinked and lowered her gaze, embarrassed, coming shyly closer, her scent reaching his nose again. She sat down on the sofa and he sat beside her at the other end of it, keeping his distance, wanting to give her the feeling that he would not do anything against her will.
He saw that with a trembling hand she had taken her phone out of her clutch bag and unlocked her phone. She began to read the messages she had apparently received and pressed her lips together, tucking her mobile into her bag again.
He saw that she had shut herself in and was breathing anxiously. She swallowed loudly and looked at him finally. He felt a shudder pass through him at her words.
"Question for question."
He tapped the inside of his cheek with the tip of his tongue, wondering whether to agree. She could end up asking him something he didn't want to talk about at all. He decided, however, that it might be interesting and he would have a chance to learn more about her.
He nodded, leaning over and pouring them the rest of the wine from the bottle. He heard her sigh quietly.
"My ex-boyfriend wanted to be my friend. Months later, when I finally got myself together, he now decided he had made a mistake. That maybe we should get back together after all." She said with resignation, reaching for her glass.
He felt discomfort and a tightening in his stomach at the thought that she had been with someone before, at the thought of some men before him touching her.
That this men, this idiot, who left her wanted to take her for himself again.
"You and the woman you were with at the banquet. Are you two together?" She asked uncertainly, taking a sip of wine, leaning against the sofa, settling herself comfortably, looking at him expectantly. He pressed his lips together, looking ahead, raising his glass to his lips.
It wasn't a lie.
"Why did you break up?" He asked immediately and felt her move next to him uneasily. She swallowed loudly, pulling her legs up to her thighs, changing position.
"He wanted to have some more fun." She said quietly, as if in shame, and he cast her an anxious glance, feeling a strange tightness in his throat. He wanted to say something, but she pre-empted him with another question, from which he froze.
"Are you sleeping with her?" She asked without even looking at him, her gaze directed to her glass, which she held in her hands.
He felt his heart start pounding hard. Her question felt like a realisation of what he was doing, a realisation of who he really was. He thought there was no point in deceiving her, that she deserved at least to be completely honest with her.
"Yes." He said, immediately taking a deep sip of wine, unsure if he could bear her reaction.
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and saw that she had swallowed with difficulty, sleepiness and fatigue on her face. She finally lifted her gaze to his, despite the fact that what he had said had clearly struck her, he could see no condemnation or disgust in her eyes. She parted her lips slightly as if struggling with what she was trying to say.
"Why did you want us to come here?"
He stared at her feeling the artery in his neck pulsing hard, his heart pounding like mad, his member throbbing in his trousers. He was ashamed of how obvious his desire was and didn't know what to answer. The longer they looked at each other, the more uncomfortable and vulnerable he felt.
"You can say it. It's okay." She said softly, gently, and he felt heat spilling over his lower abdomen, his throat tightening as if in pain. There was something tender, reassuring in her voice, as if she understood him.
She was not judging.
"I want it." He whispered almost silently, his lower lip trembling as he spoke the words.
She pressed her lips together and lowered her gaze, as if his words intimidated her, though he didn't believe she hadn't expected them. He thought she would tell him that she couldn't, that she had just ended a relationship and didn't want to spend the night with a stranger whose private life was one big mess.
He twisted in his seat as she set her glass down on the table and moved closer to him, sitting in front of him on her lap. She took his hand in hers, and he shuddered when he felt her thumb run over his skin.
For a moment he didn't know if he should move or do anything, his gaze fixed on their hands, her touch gentle, safe, respectful. He set his glass down on the table and looked at her. He took her soft cheeks in his trembling hands.
For a moment they both just looked at each other breathing unevenly, asking each other wordlessly for permission. They leaned towards each other and their lips touched tentatively, her lips puffy and moist, sweet from the wine and her scent.
They both sighed quietly, gently sucking and licking their lips with a wet click, he purred contentedly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He wandered his nose over her soft face, his one hand tentatively sliding down to her thigh, his fingertips trailing over her skin.
He felt shivers run through her, her hands holding him tightly.
He wasn't sure if this was really happening or if it was just his imagination.
His face slid up to her ear, surrounding her cheek and neck with his hot, aroused, erratic breath.
"– I want to taste you –" He whispered. She drew in a loud breath and trembled all over, clasping her hands in his hair.
He looked at her, her cheeks were flushed, her parted lips red from alcohol and lust, she stared at him with a warmth from which he felt hot in his chest.
"– will you let me? –" He asked softly and she nodded shyly, embarrassed by what they were both doing, what they both wanted.
He murmured contentedly feeling his heart pounding, his hands involuntarily sliding down to the thin material of her panties. Wanting to help him, she lay on her back, looking at him with her lips slightly parted, her whole body quivering with emotion.
He couldn't believe that this was really happening.
He slid them slowly down her thighs, watching her face the whole time, wanting to be sure she hadn't changed her mind. She swallowed loudly and pressed her lips together, placing her hands on either side of her head, looking at him pleadingly.
She pleaded him not to hurt her.
He leaned over her, grasping one of her thighs in his hand and pressed his lips to her skin in a gesture of devotion, of desire, of tenderness. He had never treated Alys like this, never felt the need to do so, knew that she just wanted him to fuck her.
But he knew that she now placed her trust in him, and even though she knew he was not a good person, all she wanted was for him not to take advantage of her weakness, not to make her regret it.
His lips with sticky, loud kisses slid lower and lower leaving wet marks on her skin, he felt her breathing quicken, her body trembling in his hands. With a soft, sure movement, he pulled her down so that he had her in the perfect position, lifting her dress up slightly, looking at what was underneath.
"− fuck −" He exhaled, involuntarily running his finger over her entrance, seeing the state she was in, already soaking wet. He heard her squirm softly, surprised by this sudden gesture, her whole body tensed and breathless.
"− you're leaking −" He said delightedly, feeling that from the mere sight of her juices running down her buttocks onto his couch he had become completely hard.
She really wanted it.
She moaned helplessly, sweetly, trembling all over under his touch, as if she was trying to escape from him and at the same time wanted to feel him harder. He ran his thumb over her clit, massaging it in circular, slow motions, spreading her wetness, holding her thigh with his other hand so that she could not move away.
She mewled, tilting her head and he licked his lips involuntarily, seeing how sensitive she was, how his slightest touch drew out reactions from her that made him hot, even though he hadn't done anything to her yet.
"− what made you so wet? − hm? − messages from your ex? −" He asked teasing her, breathing loudly, the tip of his middle finger slipped inside her hot insides and her body arched backwards, she sobbed quietly at his words.
"− answer me −" He said coolly, looking down at her, watching her beautiful, gentle face, all red with exertion and arousal, her lips parted and swollen, her chest rising and falling restlessly, her gaze hot, thirsty, fixed only on him.
"− no −" She mumbled with difficulty, trembling all over, her hands clenched into fists. He hummed with satisfaction at her words, his finger slid in and out of her with a wet click of her juices.
"− maybe we can find the answer to that question together − what do you think? −" He cooed, putting out his finger, gripping her thighs in his hands, spreading them wider, leaning over her. He heard her drew in air loudly feeling his hot breath on her womanhood.
She arched her back and whimpered when the tip of his tongue ran over her sticky entrance.
"− I fucking knew it −" He growled out, pressing his nose against her clit, his tongue slipped deeper, involuntarily wanting to taste her more, her moisture spreading over his palate like the sweetest juice. "− I knew you would taste wonderful −"
He felt her hands clench in his hair, pressing him closer, her thighs trembling in his arms, sweet moans of pleasure erupting from her lips after each of his slightest touches.
Never before in his life had he been so aroused, so thirsty, filled with such tenderness and desire.
His tongue slid in and out of her with a loud, wet click, licking her more and more boldly, concentrating on the hidden point just at her entrance from which spasms passed through her. He groaned throatily when he felt her hips involuntarily begin to respond to his movements, seeking fulfilment.
He heard her sigh of surprise when he abruptly stopped, trailing his lips between her folds and her clit, teasing her only with his hot breath.
"− so − what made you so wet? −" He asked teasingly, waiting for her answer, once in a while tip of his tongue run over her entrance, driving her insane. He heard her swallow loudly, her hands stroking his hair, holding him close.
"− you −" She whispered in a trembling voice so quietly that he barely heard it. A dangerous grin full of satisfaction spread across his face.
"− I can't hear −" He murmured, teasing her, trailing his moist lips over her hot flesh.
"− you − please − ah! −" She moaned loudly, parting her lips wide and clenching her eyes shut, her body arching as his tongue suddenly slid between her folds again, moving quickly and intensely inside her, rubbing her where she needed it.
"− that's fucking right −" He hissed out between caresses, sinking his face deep between her thighs, eating her like a starved man, the only sounds in the room were her loud moans and the sticky, perverted clicks of his saliva mixed with her moisture. He felt her walls begin to pulsate around him and he knew what that meant.
"− Aemond − oh god −" She mewled, and then suddenly her whole body went breathless and tense, a loud, helpless sob escaped her lips.
She tried to push him away from her as the orgasm violently shook her body, but he held her thighs in his hands, not letting her move away one bit, licking devotedly everything that flowed out of her.
He rose at last, wiping his chin and mouth with his hand, looking at her with satisfaction. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted slightly, her cheeks and lips red. Her face had an expression of bliss and serenity, her hands placed idly on either side of her head.
She looked so innocent.
He looked down at her, slowly undoing the button of his trousers and unzipping his fly; she heard it and threw him a quick, uncertain look.
"You still want this?" He asked lowly, looking her straight in the eye, leaning over her, placing his hands on either side of her head. She swallowed loudly, looking at him uncertainly, and then nodded.
"Are you taking pills?" He asked, brushing his lips gently over the skin of her cheeks, wanting to remember this feeling, her hands stroking his face so tenderly, the touch of her fingers so gentle that he felt himself melting.
She shook her head, looking at him with shame. He hummed under his breath and kissed her forehead.
"It's okay. Come here." He murmured, grabbing her in his arms and getting up from the couch with her. Only then did he feel the wine humming pleasantly in his head, she seemed surprisingly light.
He set her down on his bed and reached his hand to the bedside table, pulling a packed condom from one drawer. He saw the look on her face, her eyes big, her lips parted in an accelerated breath.
She swallowed loudly as he lay back between her thighs sliding his trousers and his boxers down a little. She looked away seeing his throbbing, swollen manhood.
With a sure, light movement he put the condom on and grasped her cheek with his hand directing her gaze back to himself.
"– look at me – at what you've been doing to me since I saw you –" He said spreading her thighs, her breathing sped up suddenly at his words. He leaned over her, licking his lips, feeling his heart pounding like crazy with arousal, directing the tip of his member to her entrance.
He had never wanted so much to be inside any woman before.
"– already during the show I was wondering how to get you into my bed – how tight and hot you must be inside –" He murmured, hearing her breathing get quicker and quicker. They both moaned loudly as he slid into her a little, her walls clenching against him greedily.
"− fuck −" He breathed out, with another intense thrust entering her fully, feeling how warm she was, her body leaning back, tasting how much he was filling her tight insides.
He couldn't stop himself, her core was too pleasurable, too warm. Involuntarily he began to move his hips, sliding into her with ease thanks to the wetness from her earlier orgasm.
"− oh, baby −" He exhaled, speeding up, entering her with a loud, wet slap of flesh against flesh, looking at her gentle face on which dreamy delight was painted.
He was surprised to find that they both began to pant loudly, looking at each other with a kind of helplessness, feeling that they needed each other, her hand drew him close and their foreheads touched, her hips tentatively beginning to respond to his movements.
They kissed once, then again and again, uncertainly, slowly, as if they were unsure whether it was too intimate gesture. There was a tenderness and care in their soft, swollen lips that he wouldn't have suspected himself of, he'd never done it this way with Alys, never enjoyed a woman's body in this way.
"− my sweet girl −" He breathed out, moving faster and faster inside her, thrusting into her with all his strength, a whimper escaping her lips, her walls tightening on him steadily.
"− you like it when someone takes care of you, don't you? − when someone fucks you properly −" He gasped in a trembling voice, and she sobbed loudly, struggling to get the confirmation out of her throat.
He tightened his hands on her hips, her fingers entwined in his hair holding him close. He was looking down at her with parted lips, moaning and panting with her, feeling that he wouldn't last much longer, her legs entwined around his waist.
"− I'm gonna cum now, okay? − I'm gonna cum inside my sweet little girl −" He exhaled, and she nodded, shuddering beneath him all over.
"− oh, yes, please −" She mewled and moaned loudly as he slid his tongue into her lips, his hand sliding down to her swollen clit teasing her with his thumb, his cock rubbing against the point hidden inside her with each brutal thrust.
They both moaned low into each other's mouths feeling the orgasm shake their bodies, their hot, loud breaths surrounding their faces, their hands clenched painfully tight on each other in fulfilment.
"− yes − god, yes −" She whispered sweetly, writhing beneath him, giving herself over to the pleasure she was experiencing with him.
He kissed her feeling a wave of pleasure shake him, he felt an immense, overflowing relief, he purred and panted into her throat holding her to him tightly, her walls clenched against him greedily.
Never before had he felt so fulfilled, so at peace.
They both shuddered and looked at each other horrified when they heard a loud knock on his door. He felt his heart pounding at the thought that Alys had heard what they were doing while she was looking for him.
"Aemond? What the fuck? Who the fuck are you in there with?" She asked in a raised, angry and broken tone. His lover looked at him with terrified eyes, her lips quivering with despair. He shook his head wordlessly telling her to be quiet.
"Aemond!" She shouted, slamming her fists against the door, pulling on the handle, however without his card there was nothing she could do.
He lay on top of her feeling her trembling and embraced her, kissing her neck, stroking her head, closing his eye.
"You fucking bastard! Are you fucking this little girl? This little slut? God fucking damn you! How could you do this to me!" She whined and he heard her loud sobs.
He felt how she began to sob quietly in his arms, terrified and shaken, and he embraced her tighter, kissing her temple, letting her snuggle into him, wanting to protect her from what was happening. He heard her quiet, broken whisper.
"What have we done?"
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silentmoths · 1 year
At your beck and call
Its moth, crawling out of the covid cave to drop this and then going back to bed.
wont lie this idea has been on my mind for the better part of a week, but between work and then being smashed by the ol' rona I havent had the energy, plain and simple. but I'm starting to get that back.
sorry if it seems a little rushed, brain wanted it OUT.
Butler! Zhongli x CEO (Afab) Reader.
Nsfw, does this count as office AU? i think it does?, humiliation kink if you squint?, aftercare because even when he's mean zhongli is an aftercare king.
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You had never entertained the thought of hiring a live-in personal butler until one of your friends had mentioned it. She’d gone on and on about how her much time having one had saved, and how it gave her the peace of mind to relax every once in a while, a luxury you can't remember the last time you afforded as the ceo of a major company, sure you had secretaries, but they only worked within the firm, and your life?
God you needed a secretary for life.
Even then. It took you a few more months to finally cave and look into it. The agency you find has raving reviews; there’s an interview process, which takes another few weeks for you to finally sit down and do. They ask you many questions about your lifestyle, and what you need out of their service, and then it’s left in their hands.
And so, a week later, you receive a knock at your door.
Tall, sharp features, immaculately dressed.
But his eyes.
Holy shit his eyes.
Molten gold, almost shimmering in the morning light as your new butler bows to you.  One gloved hand over his heart.
“Good morning Miss. My name is Zhongli.The agency has analysed your lifestyle and have thus extended your contract to me.” He explains.
Well damn, in the looks department alone you’d be leaving them a five-star review.
Your first proper morning with Zhongli working for you was…hectic.
Your morning alarm didn’t go off, thankfully your body-clock was pretty on point, but still, you’d slept in ten whole minutes, throwing off your schedule.
You barely even noticed that your clothes had already been laid out in the bathroom as you whirlwind through your bedroom to get ready, simply picking up the neatly folded pile as you went.
You resign yourself to a breakfast smoothie as you flurry into the kitchen, you simply didnt have any time to cook, and you’d have to clean the blender when you got home-
“Ah, good morning Miss. I trust you slept well?” Zhongli asks as he places down a plate of bacon and eggs at your usual spot in the breakfast nook. You stop, blinking at him with wide eyes.
“W-whats that?” you ask him, brain still not quite with it yet.
“Breakfast?” He counters with a tilt of his head. “Simply one of my duties.”
Right you had a secretary for your life now…
And fuck, he could cook.
You don't remember the last time you’d sat down, in your own house, eating a hot, home cooked meal for breakfast…usually it was toast, or if you didn’t have time to sit, the aforementioned smoothie that you really hated, but it was better than nothing, because when else would you have time to eat during the day?
But no, breakfast had been made for you, served with coffee and even the morning newspaper. Zhongli looks…immaculate as always, smile on his face as he cleans up and announces he will be awaiting you in the car.
That first day…no, the first week was such a learning curve… between him driving you everywhere, keeping you blessedly on time for your meetings, he also seemed to know exactly what you needed, sometimes before even you knew.
He sometimes appears with a small plate of cookies, and a mug of hot coffee, made just the way you like it,  just as your mood was beginning to wane, and immediately you feel better. 
As the weeks stretch on and deadlines draw closer, you find that he’s also an amazing sounding board, and your nights become a little less weary with someone else there to fill the silence, even as he silently goes about tidying your home, he’s never too far away.
Something around the latter half of the year just really made all your client’s extra demanding. 
Your staff were overworked.
You were overworked.
You find yourself staying up later and later into the night, going over plans and documents, trying to sort all of this…this mess into something cohesive for both yourself and your poor staff.
You rub at your temples with a ragged sigh. What time was it now? You don't think you want to know… 
A soft clink beside you draws your attention to a fresh cup of tea and you startle.
“Oh, Zhongli…I-I thought you’d be asleep by now..” you murmur softly, leaning back in your chair. Your butler simply smiles at you, even now at god-knows-what time passed midnight, he was still dressed in his usual work suit. “You should be too, Miss.” he tells you softly, but not condescendingly, like a worried friend.
“I cant yet.” you sigh, motioning to the armageddon of papers strewn across your desk “I need to get this sorted before the next review meeting but…augh I dunno…I just…I cant concentrate.”
“That would be because you are stressed, and tired.” Zhongli points out, chuckling softly at your side eye before he shifts, walking around your desk to come to a stop behind your chair. “Here… perhaps this will help…” he murmurs more to himself than to you, and suddenly his hands are on your shoulders, lithe, careful fingers pressing into your trapezius muscles. You grunt and wince a little, having been totally unaware of how tense your shoulders had been until now.
“Shh, just take a deep breath and relax.” Zhongli’s deep voice rumbles behind you as he slowly massages at the tension, his hands are gentle, but expert, and it takes you longer than it should to realise that he's not wearing his gloves for this. “Now…tell me what the matter is…”
With another set of eyes, and a clear explanation of what you need, by the time he’s worked all the tension from your shoulders, you’ve finally got a clear plan, and immediately set to work sorting and organising the moment his warm, surprisingly soft hands finally leave your shoulders.
Once all is said and done, you turn to your butler.
“Thank you, Zhongli…I…don't think I could have done that without you here.”
You’re met with a dashingly handsome, genuine smile, and a graceful bow of his head.
“It was my pleasure, Miss. I am here to aid your every whim.” 
Meeting after meeting after meeting.
If you had to speak to one more person demanding things of you and your company today, you were going to scream. The sight of your black sedan, waiting dutifully for you outside the sliding glass doors at the end of the day was almost enough to make you cry as you all but collapse into the back seats with a groan.
“How were the investors today, Maam?” Zhongli asks, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he watches you in the rear-view.
“They could invest in some chill.” you mutter, taking a few moments before forcing yourself to sit up, knowing full well Zhongli wouldn’t move this car an inch until you had your seatbelt on.
“I hazard to say you could also do with, as you say, some chill.” He adds as he easily merges into the busy afternoon traffic. “You’re working yourself to the bone.”
“It’s just another month.” you sigh “investors always get antsy this time of year…”
“You said that last month too, you know.”
“Did I?” you groan, pinching the bridge of your nose “Hey…when we get home…could I have another one of those massages?”
You loathe to admit how…reliant you had become on Zhongli’s ability to get the tension out of your shoulders, ever since that first night when he’d helped sort out your work with you, you’d been asking every other day or so for one, it was just so nice to relax into his care while you vented the day’s frustrations away, or soundboarded with him.
“Oh I think I can manage that.”
“Where would I be without you…?” you mumble softly as you let your eyes shut for a moment, just a moment to rest your aching eyes.
As it stands, that moment ends when Zhongli’s gentle hand on your arm rouses you. “Wh-wassgoinon?” you mumble, looking around.
“We’re home, Miss….you looked like you needed the rest so I didn’t rouse you.” Zhongli murmurs softly, reaching past you to fetch your bag.
He smells of tea, and spices…warm…comforting. 
You groan softly as his fingers press insistently into your shoulders.
“You’re extra tense today…” Zhongli murmurs softly, leaning over to look you in the face “are you alright?”
“I-I…yeah…just…stressed I think.” you sigh, leaning your head to the side so he can get better access to your neck. You’d never admit it, but you were pretty sure at this point you were just craving his touch, you just…didn't have the time for skinship these days, how you’d managed to survive before hiring him? You had no idea.
Behind you, Zhongli hums.
“May I try…something different?” He asks quietly, rather unlike him, usually when he did something, he did it with confidence that you would be alright with it, and so far he’d never been wrong…why ask now? “I think your stress runs deeper than a simple shoulder massage can handle.” he adds when you look over your shoulder at him. 
“I mean…I trust your judgement Zhongli…whatever you think I need…” you mumble.
You expect a change in his technique, maybe working a little further down your spine perhaps?.
Not to suddenly be thrown forward, chest pressed against the dark mahogany of your desk by a single,strong hand against your spine to keep you there as you gasp in shock. 
“Z-Zhongli!?” you gasp, looking over your shoulder at your calm, gentle butler. 
Only to find a sharp, seductive smirk plastered to his lips. His golden eyes are dark, predatory, you should be afraid.
Keyword: Should.
You watch, dumbstruck as he licks his lips, ripping your jeans straight off your legs like they were nothing, his ungloved hand grazing up the back of your thigh, and that touch alone has your eyes rolling back and a half-bitten moan falling from your lips. Gods how long had it been?
“Hmm, needy little thing, aren’t we? Thrown against your desk by your own butler and you don't even have the decency to be afraid?” Zhongli chuckles darkly as he shoves two fingers into you; the mix of pleasure and pain is enough to have your spine arching “Looks like I was right…you do need more than a little massage hm?”
“G-god…please…” you whine, the humiliation of the situation only making you hotter as he roughly thrusts his fingers, occasionally scissoring them to stretch you open, his other hand shifting from your spine to wrap around the base of your neck, holding you still as he works you open. 
This new, rougher side to him…you didn’t know you wanted it...but god damn he was driving a hard bargain, plus it’s not like this wasn't something you may have thought about on a rare occasion or three… you’d just expected it to be…slower, gentler, but this? You could work with this. 
“Please…? Please what?” he purrs, leaning over to nip at your ear “what do you want from me? I am at your every beck and call.” His words are low, dangerous, but genuine, and you shudder.
“You-!” you choke “please g-god, Z-Zhongli I want you to fuck me-”
One moment there’s fingers, the next moment nothing, and you want to cry, the petulant whine only being held back by the sound of a belt buckle.
“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I’m at your service.” 
And then he roughly bucks his hips and good gods. 
Considering he wore such fitted trousers, where the hell had he been keeping that??
That mix of pleasure-pain is back, but more intense this time; you definitely had not been wet enough, and yet? You wouldn't have wanted it any other way, the pain added it’s own flavour to your desire as Zhongli pins you against your desk, breathing ragged into your ear as he wastes no time, setting a brutal pace from the start that has papers and stationary clattering off your desk. 
“So tight” he hisses “how long has it been since you’ve had a good fucking?” 
Something about Zhongli swearing like that feels so wrong, but oh, so right in the moment.
For a moment, paperwork and meetings are the furthest thing from your mind as Zhongli shoves you even further onto your desk, free hand hiking your hips up so he can slam into you all the harder, the only sounds emanating within your study are the wet slapping of skin, and your cries of ecstasy. 
He’s not gentle, and deep, deep down, you’re glad for it.
You needed this, spending every damn day for the last five years telling everyone else what to do? You needed this…loss of control.
Much like everything else in the last six months, Zhongli knew exactly what you needed, when you needed it, and before you even realised you needed it. 
“Whats the matter? Nothing to say?” He grunts into your ear as he grinds himself so deep into you, you’re seeing stars. “You’re always so talkative…”
You can only moan pathetically in response, eyelids fluttering as he fucks you down into the table, his words are harsh, and humiliating, but all they do is draw your orgasm closer, barely even registering what he’s saying.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, one moment you’re seeing stars as your butler bullies his massive cock into you, the next minute your world turns white.
“Shh, try not to move…I wasn’t gentle with you.” Zhongli’s tone is back to being kind and gentle after…how many orgasms did he just force you through? You’d lost count…all you know was that it had still been light out when he’d first shoved you down…now as he passes by a window with you cradled gently in his arms, it was pitch black outside.
Gentle lips press to your temple as he perches on the edge of the bathtub, holding you on his lap with one arm while he reaches over to get the water started. Wetting a washcloth to clean away a good portion of the mess beforehand.
Your body aches, but in the best possible way. You feel…breathless and comfortable, fuzzy. 
You wince as he lowers you into the hot water, your muscles tensing at the sudden heat before relaxing again. Zhongli watches you with a soft look. Even coming off the back end of some amazing sex, he still somehow managed to look stupidly put together, if not even more alluring with his lack of suit jacket; it had been abandoned sometime during round… three you think? One moment it was on, the next moment, you’re being pressed onto your back, the jacket is gone, and he’s rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows and you’re at his mercy.
The lip of a water bottle presses to your lips, his other hand gently supporting the back of your head as you drink.
“How do you feel?” he asks once you’ve drunk your fill for now, like that switch that had turned him from the kind and courteous butler you had known to….whatever that zhongli was, had never flipped at all.
Despite this, you smile at him.
“I feel like…I need to ask you to do that again more often, Zhongli.” 
To his credit, your ever-so-handsome butler laughs. It’s a warm, hearty sound, one that fills you with no small amount of joy.
“I am here to serve your every beck and call, I’m sure I can work this into the schedule.”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
Where is the Moon Knight AU where Marc and Layla's patron Gods are swapped? and now my brain can't work because it extended into a full roleswap AU?
Layla's father came back from a successful dig with a trove of information and a lovely little ushabti of Khonshu. However, Abdullah is acting strange, talking to thin air, going out at night, researching further into obscure things. The lights are also flickering no matter how much she checks the generator and the wind keeps blowing despite the doors being shut.
Abdullah El-Faouly is the Eye of Khonshu: being banished for so long from the world, the God needs some time to adjust before going forward with his plan of punishing evildoers. (this was Khonshu trying so hard to be like the Ennead, but he could not abandon his nature to protect.) Abdullah ends up breaking the contract and Khonshu leaves the ushabti behind as a token of protection.
(then there is Arthur Harrow, the Talons of Khonshu. While his willingness to perform violence is a boon, sometimes he is too eager.)
Everything is fine for a while, then mercenaries break in to find the artifact. Bushman threatens them. Layla fights and takes down most of them, but her father is still hurt. One of the remaining mercenaries turns on Bushman. (He starts the mission as Marc - but since he can't handle another innocent death on his hands, backs out and swaps with Jake.)
During the struggle, Layla gets shot. Jake gets things done and then scatters. (he believes that he killed her. this has. repercussions on the system.)
Khonshu at first just wanted to revive Abdullah, but at his insistence he gives up being an Avatar so Layla can be revived. "she is going to be angry. You won't be there to see it." "she would have gone after them anyway."
(Khonshu abandons Harrow for this, not sure if it was worth it.)
Abdullah is right. Layla does go on a hunt, now as the Wings of Khonshu. Moon Scarab, to the underworld and the rumor mill.
She's mad about everything. Mad that her father presumed she needed saving, mad that she has to listen to an angry bird. (Rage, though it burns hot, always burns out. It's better than the cold certainty of Harrow's punish before wrongdoing. It is worth it.)
(Layla isn't unhinged, she's just gripping very tight to the hinges, thank you for asking.)
Weeks pass and she finds the last person of the mercenary group. A man cuffed to a wheelchair in a psych ward, sedated.
"His mind is fractured. Broken." Khonshu says. "It could be a fitting punishment, to keep him here. His body rotting while his mind spins in fruitless cycles."
"or he could be very good at hiding. One way to find out."
Layla is an excellent forger - a release for the merc, a small flat and money to keep him in town while he recovers from treatment. She feeds him a lie about being a family friend. There's a flicker of distrust.
"I've got a condition - blacking out, memory issues, insomnia - I'll be up reading all night." He says his name is Steven, but she knows better. "Are you sure you want to be flatmates?"
"I have places to be at night." Khonshu flickers the lights.
"Oh. Fine. Night owl, that's...fine."
"Don't worry about the lights, the landlord never answers the calls." don't mind that she's the landlord.
Her coming home with bruises and cuts. Steven flinches, insisting they go out to get bandages because they don't have a proper first aid kit. The awkward stare off with a hurt lady and a nervous guy VS the night shift cashier that's Seen it All. "bar fight. I won." Layla grins, blood on her teeth.
(The little moment where they're close as he's putting a bandage on her nose and being. so. tender. to someone who's never been more than 'distractedly polite' to him. His face changing to something new, something strange and lovely.)
When she finds him hitting himself, it's not that hard for him to explain. "I don't - I don't know if this is real. Jake is very sure you're dead!"
It turns out after the night of the attack, Jake got them far away as possible. He resolved to become a night driver and Steven to keep house in the day. Marc woke up and realized an alter was trying to build a life and just...let them. Better than mercenary work.
Steven gets worried about his missing time and gets therapy...and the therapist realizes, tells them and pushes them too hard to "come together as one whole"...Jake snaps and he's forced into a psych ward.
They cribbed together some form of communication on the psych ward thanks to a different therapist and the other patients. Marc's immense guilt wanted them to stay. But Jake and Steven wanted the body out. If they spent more time in the ward, they might reveal some crimes and the system doubts that they'll be allowed this level of help in a prison.
When Layla arrived to take them, it was an opportunity they didn't want to refuse.
"We don't want to be one person. We want to be ourselves." Steven fully introduces them after that. "We are the Hippo system! Like the Hippocampus of the brain that works with memory - that's Marc - and navigation - that's Jake!" He spells it out, "He Isn't a People Person Otherwise!"
"Who's he?"
Steven shrugs. "I dunno. I'm just here for general life, Jake is here for protection and gossip and Marc...he's well. Not as social as he'd like to be. I'm not supposed to know about it, that's not my "function", as the doc would say but...whatever happened that made us us was too much for one person to bear. It happened before we met you, so it's not your fault."
Layla shrugs. "What can you tell me about that night?"
"I can't tell you. That's part of the point, us being separate and all."
She eventually gets an answer out of them. Layla also lies and says she wasn't as badly hurt as they saw and shows off her Moon Scarab suit with the healing. (Jake accepts that answer at face value. Steven is a little concerned but willing to let it slide. Marc is suspicious.)
Now with their first round of secrets gone, they feel more at home. The Hippo System settles in as a decent partner in her artifact retrieval - he can put his mercenary skills to a good cause and she doesn't have to hide that burning rage as much. (the rage dims, is soothed and that's not good for vengeance.)
Khonshu starts to intrude, making noises about using the Hippo System as his next Avatar. Layla pulls away, tries to keep them apart because she Knows any more pressure on that mind is going to break them apart.
Wendy Spector dies and the Hippo system is thrown out of balance.
(The rage ignites. She's always held it together - her family after her mother died, her composure when people talked over her and her knowledge of Egypt, her home, now the Hippo system. It's always been up to her and she's resigned and vicious and not holding back.)
Layla makes a judgement call and goes after Harrow alone.
The system recovers. Steven now knows why he exists. He does not flinch from Layla's rage, does not fall for Harrow's twisted philosophy, not like Marc or Jake would. He rallies the system to action, to save the world.
Harrow was able to get dirt on Marc's past and tries to kill him with Judgement, but it doesn't work. He reveals about Khonshu, that his partner is lying to him and it does strain the relationship.
Things follow canon. Khonshu gets sealed into stone. Layla dies and Marc blends in as a follower.
Tawaret tries to ask him to be her Avatar, but he refuses. "Do you know what I did as a child to my brother? What my mother did to me over and over for it? Why would you even want me to defend women and children?"
And he releases Khonshu. "Ah. Big pigeon! No wonder Layla was so bloody ready to be rid of you! Get back to her then! Go on!"
And Tawaret comes back. "Temporary Avatar. I don't want any more voices in my head than I started with."
And he becomes Hippo Knight, because why not?
And they win against Harrow and the cult of Ammit. The system helps Layla stop giving into her rage to kill Harrow. Everyone should be able to choose good or evil.
(Steven kept in contact with the patients and nurses in the psych ward. Harrow is preaching violence again and well. He made his choice. Jake drives Layla over to meet with him. Marc holds her tight.)
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Thought #204.2
This one won't leave my head 😁
Warnings: restraints, swearing
Hero shook her head. "No. No. No." It only came out as a soft mumble from behind her gag.
Sidekick sighed and rolled his eyes. "Stop mumbling. It's making you look weak."
Hero glared at him and pulled at the ropes that tied her to the chair.
If I could just...
Hero felt a knot close to her fingers and smiled.
Untie myself from the chair I could...
Footsteps got louder and Hero snapped her head to the staircase. Villain stepped into the kitchen and smiled at Hero.
"Hero. I'm so glad to see you again."
That voice sent shivers down Hero's spine.
Sidekick stood and Villain walked over to him.
"Nice work." Villain turned to Hero and grabbed her face moving it in every direction. "No bruises. No injuries. I'm impressed."
He let go( of her face and sat across from her. "And the gag is a nice touch."
Hero glared at both Sidekick and Villain and let out a string of swear words.
Which came out as a soft mumble.
Villain smiled and pulled a pile of papers from his briefcase.
"We are going to keep that gag in place so I can go over the changes to your contract in peace."
Hero's eyes widened. Changes?
She started frantically picking at the knot she could reach as Villain cleared his throat.
"First, we are extending your contract. Right now you only have a month left, but because you disappeared for two and didn't bring back what you were supposed to we are adding three months to your contract."
Hero whimpered.
Villain ignored her. "Second, seeing as though your first mentor didn't seem to change any of your behaviors we are reassigning Sidekick to be your mentor."
Hero glared at Sidekick.
"I accept." He said with a sly grin.
Hero shook her head and looked down at her lap.
She got the knot untied and her hands were not connected to the chair anymore. She pulled the rope close to her and set it down on the chair.
"Finally..." Villain looked at Hero. "Actually this one I want her to be able to talk to us. Sidekick could you?"
Sidekick walked in front of Hero and put a finger under her chin pushing her head up.
"I'd be happy to." He grabbed one side of the tape and in one swift motion ripped it off.
Hero winced.
He pulled the sock out of her mouth and dropped it into her lap.
He moved back behind Villain.
"Now Hero, this is your time to say anything you would..."
"Fuck you."
Hero stood and sprinted towards the stairs with her hands still tied behind her back.
All I have to do is get upstairs and into my bedroom and I can lock my door.
She started up the stairs.
I can do this. I can...
A hand wrapped around her ankle. She fell hard onto the stairs hitting her shoulder and head.
She turned and saw Sidekick holding her ankle.
"Why. Can't. You. Just. Leave. Me. Alone?" She punctuated each word with a kick towards Sidekick.
Sidekick grabbed her other ankle and pulled her down the stairs. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.
"Because I'm your mentor now and I can't let you fail again."
He pushed her back to the chair. "Anyone got handcuffs?"
Someone threw him handcuffs and he caught them effortlessly and bent down behind Hero.
He clasped one cuff around her left wrist tightly. He wove the other cuff around the back of the chair and clasped the other tightly around her other wrist.
He untied the rope and tisked at the rope burns she had. "Shame you couldn't stop yourself from hurting yourself. We will work on that."
She struggled against the cuffs and glared at Sidekick as he walked back behind Villain.
Villain chuckled. "This situation leads perfectly into the last change to the contract."
"Perfect I'm so excited to hear the bullshit you're going to make me do." Hero mumbled as she continued to pull at the handcuffs.
"Being the most defiant member we've had you will be the only student Sidekick has." Villain continued.
Hero froze.
"You will no longer do outside missions alone, Sidekick will go with you so we don't have a repeat of what happened two months ago."
Hero started shaking her head. "No. No."
"And lastly Sidekick is allowed to decide what kind of punishments he feels are necessary to make you start to follow the rules."
Sidekick stepped to Villain's side. "I am happy to do so. Hero will be following the rules in no time. I promise."
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
hi there! you are once again about to see a message regarding your chainsaw man fics. specifically the makima x reader duology :D absolutely gorgeous fics. I would love to know what Makima's perspective was of the events of part 1. Do you think she had birds spying on reader? Do you think she somehow heard the convos with the shopkeep and understood what they were saying? (my personal headcanon is that she knows, like, every language. fear is a universal language and the Control Devil has existed since the dawn of time!) anyways, thank you so much for writing such an incredible piece of literature :)))
Oooh I think this is the first time someone's ever asked about Makima's perspective of the events of part 1!
Before she developed any sort of interest in the reader, she didn't really have enough interest to specifically spy on her. She didn't think much of their partnership in general other than the fact that they were partners for however long until the reader either died or otherwise retired from being a devil hunter.
Once her interest was piqued by Reader refusing to listen to her, Makima's focus was on testing to see if Reader's refusal to listen to her orders was a one time thing. So she kept on giving subtle orders for an extended period of time, testing to see how Reader would react to them. When the order refusals kept on happening, Makima is pretty much in awe after that. I didn't write the scene with the shopkeep with Makima spying on that conversation in mind but I do see there being instances where Makima does start doing that before their relationship together. By part 2, it's something she does around the time Reader is expected to show up to their home to make sure that you get home safely. It's no different than a cat looking out the window waiting for its human to pop back up.
But using animals to spy on Reader and your whereabouts isn't something Makima does consistently.
By offering the contract not to use her abilities as the Control Devil on you, she essentially was placing her trust in the relationship she has with you. That she's managed to craft a relationship where she didn't need her abilities to force someone to care about her. That you'll always come home to her because you choose to. That you will always choose her.
But prior to that relationship being established, Makima sucks at connecting with people and it wasn't like the Reader was fond of Makima for a while so she was still lonely. So having someone who was simply human and wasn't an all-powerful being as a prospective equal was pretty much a beacon of light for Makima.
So Reader reaching out to invite Makima to dinner after work was pretty much a gift in her eyes. All without Makima having to tell you to do so. So from that moment on she stops using her power to connect with you, it's just hard to control the urge when she is dealing with her insecurities, her inexperience with a normal relationship and her envy regarding your relationship with Himeko.
Himeko is pretty much seen as a threat in part 1 before you start dating. Makima's definitely contemplated killing her and getting rid of her but it isn't something she thinks about (often) when you start going out together. At that point your relationship with Himeko is a minor wrinkle she can't really iron at.
Makima's biggest worry at that point in time was whether or not she could consistently remain in this relationship with Reader as they were without ever succumbing to her nature as the Control Devil. Sometimes wondering if the entire relationship was simply just a dream she'd eventually wake up from. Or that even the Reader would decide that someone like Makima isn't worth being with which only makes her desire to control the reader stronger.
Hoping that she could give an order that Reader could succumb to. There's relief in that hypothetical reassurance it would give that you would be incapable of leaving her.
But that hypothetical relief is immediately washed over by despair and anxiety because if there was ever an order you could succumb to, that would only solidify that she can't make equal relationships with anybody. That only one being could do it.
Which is why she orders the Reader to sleep with her towards the end of the story, which you thankfully refuse before she divulges the truth about her identity. Something you take in stride rather than recoil in fear, leaving her alone.
Instead you stay and accept her contract of a lifetime, marriage in her eyes. So staying with the Bureau was meaningless at that point. She wanted a simple life with her beloved, so she left. There was no need for idols like Chainsaw Man and seeing if he could be found if Makima already had the relationship she wanted.
So from there, you and Makima live together in abstract bliss in a new city until... some unfortunate events happen in part 2. But hey you find each other again so it all works out!
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
Ok so I read how if Zelda knows all about Link's yandere tendencies and how she's all for it, but what if they're both yanderes for Reader?
I have several small fics in progress that involve these ideas but I think that this is a really fun deal to play around with. Especially if the darling isn't that easy to get to. Having a Hylian darling who can easily be swooped away to share under the safety of the castle is really fun but I favorite ones where the darling isn't so easily taken. If you wanted me to talk about how the two of them interact with each other sharing a darling that’s cool as well but for now here's this.
So to start I love the idea of a darling who's royalty or a noble from a different nation. The dynamics of how the three would have to interact through the lens of civility and politics. God I love it so much. Link being praised for his skills and resting himself as a hero by taking care of problems around the kingdom. Using the praise he gets to curry favour so he can get closer to you.
What? Don't you want the hero to guard them? He's the best you've got might as well use him.
Zelda plays into this. He stays by your side and reports back to her while she gathers information and starts to formulate ideas for how to get you into her kingdom for a change. All they would need to keep you there is to extend a formal invitation, something to keep the two places together. Who could deny such a request made by such an impressive princess after all?
The hard part is figuring out how to keep you there. Messengers could only be stalled for so long and the lie of a troubled road delaying your return can only keep your nobles happy for so long. If you're just a noble from a small house then it's not a big deal. However for people who are higher up and have more sway things like this are a more delicate matter.
Yet her highness isn't just here for pleasantries. If the hero and princess have returned that can only mean one thing and that's possibly facing an inevitable collapse.
I can so see the two of them taking you to Hyrule a before the tragedy (Twilight realm, Ganon, calamity, or whatever else hit) and having you never return home because of it. Maybe they told you that either you died. Why would anyone come to look for you? The worst came to fruition and now that everyones done mourning they've all forgotten about you. Not a single soul is coming to your aid.
This would only work assuming they could keep you safe while the storm hits but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be too difficult for them to plan something out. If the castle isn't safe they can send you anywhere else and have you guarded by the greatest warriors. Just stay away from where the fires are and you'll be fine.
Not to just talk about royalty but imagine if you were part of a nation waging war against Hyrule or at least on their enemies list. Kidnapping is bad but if they're your enemy then it’s just ransom! Them placing a huge price on your head, and sending back a duplicate. They not only get to bleed your nobility's pockets dry as a way to make you repay the damages your country has done but it will also double as a way to keep you even after filling their end of the contract.
Zelda watching you plan and offer any help you can to the war effort. She's both challenged by you and in awe as you hold your ground as people talk over you and chatter about issues that don't currently need your attention. She waits patiently as you throw out excellent ideas only to have them all shut down. Meanwhile she's controlling several heads of states and making sure you're discredited and seen as someone who can't be trusted. She's placing evidence for after you leave to make sure even if you get back to your homeland it'll be in disgrace so there's no nowhere to run.
Taking the field in battle and having Link absolutely decimate you. You think you could handle yourself in a fight against a bunch of common soldiers only to be relentlessly targeted by the best Hyrule has to offer. Watching helplessly as he just won't stop chasing you into swathes of enemy soldiers. He’s rushing across the front lines and enemy fortifications just to make sure he can have his hands on you before you can rush away. Everyone is horrified and shocked as he just sweeps the floor with your people only to find you and drag you to a secluded spot where Zelda can pick him up.
Both of them pick you up and carry you away to Hyrule. Your whole life is flipped upside down. No you can't go outside because they don't need an enemy making plans and trying to sneak away. Yet that doesn't answer the questions as to why you're still here if they don't trust you.
Man this scratches an itch in my brain because of the tension of the reader not wanting to give up their country or homeland but also it's so hard when you're being swooned by these two gorgeous individuals, and by god they know it. They have access to everything they need to make you talk but they never seem to focus on that. Rather the interrogation in a large comfortable room with lots of snacks and refreshments is far too comfortable to hold any real threat. Sure Link is standing in the corner but he seems to be antsy. He looks away and blushes whenever you turn around to focus all your attention onto him so it can't be helped when you notice that it isn't so bad here.
Yet you can't relax because these are the hostile enemy! The bad guys! Yet this tea is really good.
Plus it's hard to ignore how bad it can be since they control everything now. Maybe this is all so they can drive you deeper into misery when they act on their inevitable betrayal. Even if they never tighten the rope too much there's so many complex layers to this idea and I adore it. Sadly the war is messy so they can't tell you anything about it. Which just means you need to lay a price on how far you're willing to go for them to tell you anything; which is a double edged sword because how can you know if any of it’s true!!
Gah the concept is so interesting to me!!!
I think that's it for now but come back at any time and I’ll rant to you more about these two.
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sidhewrites · 6 months
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24! Here we go! Don't talk to me about pacing it's fine everything's fine
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Terror and confusion erase all other thoughts as my muscles work my limbs into order. I feel my body sit upright, my joints popping strangely. And in my head, something cold and oily seeps in, filling up the gaps in my consciousness and settling in like a new roommate.
Hello, it seems to say. I could get used to this.
Nausea crawled up my throat, and I heaved again, more bile dribbling down my chin. Again, my mouth moved on its own, someone else using my voice for their words. "Sorry, my dear," they said. "This has been nice, but I've got something to do." I feel my muscles extend and contract, pushing my body up from the bench. It's uncoordinated and awkward. My knees still hurt from my gardening two days ago, but my joints feel cold now. My bones are wrong. I don't know how to describe it. I've suddenly been pushed into the passenger seat of my own body, my mind occupying a space in my head that I'm not used to, watching someone else take control and learn the controls.
Lucy follows me as I go, brows furrowed. "Kaz? Is something wrong?" 
I don't miss that hint of hurt in her voice, and I try to open my mouth and tell her that something's wrong, but it doesn't work. My head swivels towards her, but my smile comes out all wrong. It doesn't meet my eyes. It's unkind. "It's been lovely. But I best be going."
She stops for a moment, watching me go. I think -- I hope she realizes what's going on. I don't know what's happening, but it isn't me. Those words aren't mine.
[Somehow magnus tells lucy the plan. I'm going to the mine. I deserve some quiet after all this. Thank goodness kaz so kindly gave me a direct path to her soul.]
She reaches out, grabs my arm. For a moment, her hand is solid, holding on to me, stopping my body in its tracks. But whatever tether is keeping her in this world fades, and her hand slips right through me, sending a bolt of dread shooting down my spine.
It's enough to shake Magnus's control on my body. I stumble, hands waving, and I let out a curse all my own. "Shit Christ." I hiss, landing hard on the ground and no doubt skinning my knee under my pants all over again. But I have to act fast -- I need to do -- something.
"Get Josie," I choke out, before Magnus wraps himself around my consciousness once more. Lucy watches me for a moment, wringing her hands, before Magnus turns my head away from the light and towards the darkest parts of the graveyard.
I can do nothing but watch as he carries me out to the historical quarter, pausing a moment to look at his grave. "It's a lovely job you did, dear Kaz," he says with a satisfied grin. "The roses are so well-kept now, aren't they? A shame you won't be able to tend to them again." He shrugs, and turns towards the mine
I want to beg him to stop, but I can't work my jaw, and my thoughts are jumbled in fear. He seems to get the idea, however, and lets out a low chuckle that rumbles in my chest. His next words come to me as his own thoughts, leaking through from his mind into mine, and I understand what he wants to do.
There's no escaping the noise of a modern world. The lights, the people -- they're ever present, and they'll only get worse. But he knows where he can go to avoid it all. Abandoned, silent, quiet.
I feel his satisfaction, an oily smugness floating around in my head. I feel him planning in there, plotting out the fastest route to the mine's entry. Through a hole in the fence, down a walking trail in the woods, to the first of many mine entrances blocked off by heavy gates. I've never thought to wrench one open, but the iron is decades old and poorly maintained. Rust has eaten away at the bars, leaving it a sharp, tetanus-filled portal into darkness.
Stop, I want to scream, but he doesn't. He puts my hands on the bars, slicing the skin open, and begins to pull. My muscles burn with the effort, and he laughs.
"It's been a while since I've felt the strain of physical effort," he says. "It feels good." When my grip slips, a piece of iron slices my hand open, and he laughs, thrilled at the novelty of pain. "Look at that," he says, admiring the rust and blood staining my hand red. "I'm bleeding again. I didn't realize how much I missed this." Magnus lets out one more laugh, and sets at the bars again.
It takes time. I hear footsteps in the distance, leaves crunching underfoot. In a panic, he shoves himself at the bars, trying to press my body in the space between them, but it does nothing but shake rust off the metal and into my lungs. No matter how much control Magnus has over my body, he can't stop me from bending over double and coughing, red-tinged spit now dripping from my mouth.
I feel his frustration growing like a flame in the middle of my forehead.
The metal screams into the night as he manages to bend it back, pulling the bar away just enough to worm his way inside. The dim light barely makes it ten feet past the gate. Magnus stumbles over the first uneven crack in the stone ground, just as Lucy winds up in front of the gate, peering in. She reaches out, maybe thinking to phase right through the iron, but her hand stops the second it reaches a bar.
"This is...new," she says, frowning. But even if she's become corporeal in the past few hours, she has barely any strength beside it. Her hand slips right through the metal with the slightest bit of pressure as Josie steps in beside her, sizing up the damage I had already done.
"Hold on, Kaz. We're coming."
"Don't bother," Magnus hisses, and moves further into the shadows, nearly tripping over another unseen rock. "Damnation. I need something to see."
My mind goes unbidden to the phone in my pocket, and Magnus latches onto the thought before I can suppress it. He may not fully understand what the device is, but he's smart enough to pull it out and feel for the buttons.
With a single click, the screen lights up -- informing us that it's 12:53 in the morning, and that I have three notifications waiting to be read. Magnus spares a single, "Fascinating," before flipping the phone around and using the screen's meager light to show us what's up ahead. A long stone corridor stretches out into the blackness, lichen and moss growing on the walls. Rotting wooden support beams break up the monotonous stone walls, but I don't trust their structural integrity.
Magus doesn't seem to care. When my phone times out and the screen goes dark, he clicks the button again, and starts to run, leaving Lucy and Josie far behind.
I hear their voices echoing along the stone, getting smaller. "We're coming!" they promise. I try my best to believe.
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Billy Mine - Act 2.2
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Billy was on his way to Midtown East to meet with Senator Ellis at his residence. His daughter was recently attacked. A botched kidnapping and he needed a security team for her. This was a big opportunity for ANVIL. He was more interested in securing government contracts, because that's where the money was but this job was for a sitting US Senator. It could open a lot of doors for him & his company. So what if he has to take on a glorified babysitter job.
"Mr. Russo, thank you so much for coming out today. The Senator & Ms Ellis will meet you on the terrace, this way please." They walk out onto a small terrace looking out onto the Manhattan skyline & East River. "Please help your self to refreshments," indicating the table set to the side. He nods & the aide leaves.
Hearing footsteps, he turns to see the Senator assisting his daughter. Fuck, she looked really banged up. He had read the police reports. She was lucky her injuries looked worse than they actually were. Leggings and an oversized hoodie made her look so slight. How could she have fought off 3 attackers??
"Senator Ellis," Bill extends his hand.
He steadies his daughter on his left arm, shaking Bill's hand "Thank you so much for meeting me here instead of the office. This is my daughter, Jules."
Bill turns to the Senator's daughter & he witnesses the color leech from her face as if she saw a ghost. He notices her grip tighten on her father's suit sleeve. She barely breathes out, "Billy Mine" & drops into a faint. Bill quickly catches her before she hits the ground, scooping her up in his arms. He carries & places her on the lounge and lets the Senator tend to her.
Billy Mine.
No one's called him that in 20 years. Bunny. It was her name for him. No one ever called him that but her. He can't take his eyes off the prone form on the lounge. It's impossible. She was 8 the last time he saw her. Fuck. How is this possible??
Bill didn't bother returning to the office. He went home and poured himself a stiff drink and pulled up everything he could find on Juliet Ellis.
He regretted how he hurt her. Its not like he was unaware of the crush she had on him. Everyone at the Home knew. Juliet wore her heart on her sleeve for him since she was 3 years old. No one in his life had ever done that for him. It was unconditional love until he broke her 8yr old heart. She kicked his nuts up into his guts and he wanted to strangle her. Billy shifts in his chair and adjusts his pants remembering the pain. She was only 8 but it was still her fucking foot.
He would have never recognized her. He would have noticed her because she grew up into a beauty, but he could have passed her every day on the streets and he would have never guessed it was her. Scrolling through her social media, he tried finding something recognizable. Her hair is darker. Her smile is...off. It doesn't reach her eyes. Smart girl, graduated from Cal Berkley. A spark of pride warmed his chest. Bunny did it. She got out of the system and did well for herself. She has a family who obviously loves her. She's safe. Or she was safe.
That thought brings on a rage that hits him in the gut and makes him want to murder someone. Three men tried to grab her off the streets! They hurt her. Bill looks at the time and figures he'll visit the training center to work off some extra energy and anger.
Mom came and talked to me about Billy. She was a pre-school teacher at Ray of Hope when I first got there. She knew about how close Billy and I used to be. She probably had to call him in when I was especially stubborn. She wanted to know how I felt about that. I lied and told her I was fine. That I could barely remember him. I was only 8.
I've been laying here trying to fall back asleep when I get a text from an UNKNOWN number: Bunny? Answer your phone.
It starts ringing. Shit! "Hello?"
"Hi. I wanted to make sure you were ok after this afternoon." His voice had gotten deeper over the years. Like velvet.
"I...I'm fine. I took a nap."
"Good." He didnt say anything after that.
This awkward silence is giving me anxiety. I can't take it. "Why are you calling me, Billy?"
"Shit." I hear his heavy sigh. "I don't know. I'm...making sure you're real. That seeing you this afternoon wasn't my imagination. There was so much...When can I see you?"
"I was going to work it out with your assistant tomorrow."
"You can tell me right now. I'll make it happen. I can have my schedule cleared for you."
"Tomorrow morning? I'll pick you up. I need to see you, Juliet." I don't know what to do. I feel overwhelmed. In a soft whisper that gave me goose bumps, "Please, Bun."
And that's all it took for Billy Mine to make my resolve crumble.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11 @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers @snowkestrel @ellooo0ooo @terry2227
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metatomatoes · 4 months
Long-ass personal story/rant under the cut. Feel free to skip, I'm mostly just writing this down to get it out of my system.
So, 2024 did not start out all that great, but it was manageable. And then February hit, everything proceeds to fall apart. Yay.
February 1
My beloved uncle John died of cancer after transitioning to in-home hospice care in early December. This one is rough. I'm very close to him and his family. I was raised by a single mom, and while I was very young my uncle was her go-to when she needed someone to watch me. That, and she wanted me to have an positive relationship with an adult male family member because I couldn't get that kind of social development at home. TL;DR he was kinda my surrogate dad when I was little and we never lost that bond.
The following week was kind of a blur of tears, grieving and prepping for my uncle's wake and funeral. I volunteered to do a reading/reflection at the service. I went to work, although I definitely was not at my best. For example, I accidentally purchased $800 worth of company swag on my personal debit card. Stuff like that.
February 9
My parter and I go to his wake in the afternoon and get home around 10 pm. Sad, difficult, exhausting, but also full of love and support.
Feb 9/10
I'm not sleeping well so I'm up late watching something, when around 1 am I hear water dripping inside a wall where that does not make sense for that sound to be heard. The upstairs unit in the 3-decker condo I live in is currently unoccupied, so I go up there to discover their living room radiator has a massive leak. We turn off the heat and the radiator valves, stopping the outflow of water and get as much of the water on the floor mopped up as possible.
February 10
Wake up to a water-soaked living room ceiling. Apparently the leak went on just long enough that a lot of water got under the floorboards upstairs, despite our best efforts to soak it all up. So, now we have pretty significant water damage that is going to have to be fixed at some point - fingers crossed we just have to strip and repaint as opposed to needing to have the whole thing re-platstered.
I can't think about all that right now though, because this day is also my uncle's funeral. It's a nice service. I read one of my uncles' favorite poems and give a short reflection, which goes well. Reception followed by family gathering. It really was good to see all my extended family, and people I haven't seen since my uncle John got married. (I'm quite famous among my aunt's family from their wedding, where I notably accidentally drank champange and gave a very enthusiastic performance as a "bop bop" girl when the wedding party was recruited to pretend we were a band at the reception. I was 6 at the time, so I do look a bit different now 😂).
Feb 12/13
I wake up in the middle of the night because my partner is burning up with a fever and tossing around like a fish out of water. Yep, he got the Covid - turns out my uncle Eric (who my partner and I spent a lot of time with over the course of the wake and funeral for my uncle John) tested positive when he got home on Sunday. Honestly I have never seen my partner this sick in the 8.5 years we have known each other! Neither of us have contracted Covid before now and this shit is no joke.
I have an oral surgery on Friday so I'm crossing my fingers I don't get sick as well.
February 13
At work, my amazing employee "A" of 3.5 years lets me know her last day is going to be March 1st. She's leaving for personal reasons which are 100% legit and I know it was a hard decision for her to make. Still, I am really going to miss this girl, as will everyone she works with on our team.
And on a somewhat selfish note, this also means a lot more work for me as I fill in for her responsibilities and start the recruiting process. So that's a lot to plan for, but at the time all I felt was just....loss. And pride, because I know it took a lot for A to make this decision and prioritize herself and her family over work. I'm just sad about it. And a tad overwhelmed, but I can manage, right?
February 14
Partner is still very sick, but by the end of the day he's starting to improve. Unfortunately, my wonderful cat Killick passes away in the evening. This was not out of nowhere - he's a senior cat who was diagnosed with hyperthyrodism a few years ago, which he never quite bounced back from despite our and our vet's best efforts. The last few months he's been losing weight, but we actually thought he was doing a bit better because his activity and social time was increasing. However, in the last week he hadn't been very interested in food and was sleeping more than usual, so we scheduled a vet appointment to see what was up, but it was not to be.
I miss my kitty 😭
February 16
Alas, I could not escape the Covid 🤒. I wake up with a high fever, achy all over and sweating. So I cancel my oral surgery and spend the next 2/3 days mostly horizontal. I do have some very creative fever dreams though.
I am mostly recovered from Covid. I've spent the last few days getting my life back together as during all the above events and illness my partner and I ran out of pretty much everything in the house (like groceries and toilet paper) in addition to falling behind on things like house cleaning and groceries. We've also been spending a lot of time focused on our other cat, Mia, who is adjusting to being an only cat now. She's gettting there, and so are we.
I'm still a little behind at work, but catching up as I can. Luckily, my position allows me to set my own schedule and priorities and I have never been more grateful for that kind of flexibility.
Emotionally, I'm a little all over the place. I have broken down in tears over tiny things, like me forgetting an item at the grocery store. I have times where my mood is downright awful and I'm mad at everything. I have had trouble sleeping and maintaining focus, times when I'm hyperproductive and times when I really just want to do nothing but zone the fuck out. I know it's going to take time to find my equilibrium again, and I'm doing my best to give myself the grace to do that.
Anyway, there's no real point to this story other than FUCK this stupid shit show of a month. If you made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope your month has been better than mine!
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
Someone caught me dead to rights about Caleb’s dad in the new chapter and I'm gunna talk about him. He’s moving in with a guy he had a more that friends, less that dating relationship with in early college. Their thing ended cause they had to get married, they kept in touch via letters and then calling and then texting, enjoying a long distance relationship. 
The ennui of life set in first for the other guy and there would be reminiscing about the old days in his correspondence, hints that he’s never let Caleb’s dad go, and invitations to come out for a more romantic getaway since they are well-locked into their marriages at this point and what’s the harm, really? Caleb’s dad reciprocated some of this (mostly the what couldve been), but he’s committed; he believes in his marriage and loves his wife despite the fact their intimacy is at an all time low and she seems to have little time for him anymore. But that’s fine since their youngest is almost out of the house, and they can focus on each other once Maddie is in college. 
And then she tells him she has a boyfriend, and has for three or so years and she isn’t signing the contract again. She wants the magic binding them together to fade, to have him out of her house, out of her family, and to move on with her life. It's non-negotiable as it's clear that, while she doesn't verbalize it, that this had been, like many others, a marriage of convenience and his wife is ready to live how she hasn't been able to for 27 years.
This is understandably devastating and he tells his old friend, who just got seperated himself last year. His friend is sympathetic, understanding, having been checked out of his marriage a while ago but the divorce still stings as the family you are married into leaves you in the dust the second the contract expires. He’s quick to extend the offer again, this time not for a romantic getaway, but for a new start, promising no ulterior motives; he can keep his old feelings in check if Caleb’s dad doesn’t want anything to do with them.
So Caleb’s dad thinks about it for a week, dormant emotions always quick to reactivate, especially so in his fragile state. Nothing big or aching, just old musings and yearnings that what they used to have could’ve been more before he met and fell in love with his soon to be ex. So he agrees to move out, nothing really holding him back and having a career easy enough to find anywhere, making it clear that he’s not looking for more than friendship and a roommate but quietly not closed off to something more, perhaps a few months down the line when he’s a little more settled into his new life.
And one of you motherfuckers said 'can't wait the spinoff'. You know how easy i am to bait into writing about something. I'll write about middle aged dads finding new love and a new lease on life. I'll fucking do it.
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Bit of a weird one... But how would companions react to recruiting Kellogg and/or post!quest Virgil?
I must be a masochist, but I've now done both for each companion
I hope you find the reactions appropriate
Few of romanced situations
PS: The companions don't seem to like Kellogg… or, more specifically, what he did
Cait : (Kellogg) Sole can't help but think Cait looks a little out of place. She opens her mouth with her shoulders sagging, frowns, and then opens her mouth again in the same weird fashion. This spectacle has been going on for a few moments when the combatant appears to be recovering.
"You realize that this man... you realize that he murdered your husband?"
Sole slowly shakes their head.
"I know it's difficult to explain, but I recall what happened. Kellogg is honest; he never intended for it to happen. I know that sounds strange, but I've discovered that the Commonwealth frequently brings out the worst in people, and if given a chance, they may occasionally become... better?"
Cait opens her lips and eyes wide again, but this time she regains swiftly entire control of herself, spitting on the ground in disgust.
"The only thing that can be extracted from this man is the dagger he will thrust into your back when you least expect it. That is something I refuse to see. I'm leaving! Contract or no contract!"
And, despite Sole's best efforts, Cait continues on her path unabated.
(Virgil) "So, uh... a lab rat, huh? So, you're choosing a lab rat over me as your companion? How positively delightful. I get when he was two metres high, but here?"
Impatient, sole stomping.
"Ah, feck it," Cait mutters as she gives a dismissive shrug. "After all, I saw Curie... When it blows in your face, you'll find me at the bar.”
Codsworth : (Kellogg) “Mum/Sir, this is the man who killed your spouse and kidnapped young master Shaun, are you sure you can trust him?”
Sole turns to the murderer and then to their butler.
“I know, but I think everybody gets a second chance. If they really want to reform, why wouldn’t I help them?”
“I recognize you there.”
The tone is at first glance enthusiastic, but Sole can’t help but hear the slight hint of underlying discouragement.
(Virgil) The scientist does not appear to have combat training, and Codsworth cannot help but query this choice. Then he recalls how insignificant he was during his initial time in this hostile Commonwealth. But time, experience, and especially Sole's company had made it an element on which we could rely, and he has no doubt that they could accomplish the same with Virgil. At the very least, residing in the Institute instilled in this character manners, such as hygiene and language, that are severely lacking in certain companions. So, it's a win-win for Codsworth.
Curie : (Kellogg) Curie is perplexed as to why her fellow companions react so negatively. Kellogg is an excellent combatant and a tremendous contributor to the squad. Winning one of the Institute's greatest assassins over them isn't a good thing?
"Coldly, you could say yes," Preston remarks. "However, that completely dismisses the harm done by this man. I don't understand how Sole can turn a blind eye to their spouse's deliberate murder."
Curie spends the night meditating on everything she has heard; more pronounced or nuanced perspectives. She rushes to meet Sole the next morning.
"I do understand one thing."
"Oh well?"
"You should be upset. You should despise Kellogg. I don't see any other option. So now I'm puzzled as to how there may be another. And it's clear that none of your companions understands either."
Sole sighs deeply and places an affectionate hand on Curie's arm.
"It's all OK to think that way. And it's true. Kellogg will never be forgiven for what he did. But who am I to judge and execute him?" They shrug and continue, "I prefer to let life extend its justice; otherwise, half of the Commonwealth would have to be executed for wronging someone at some point."
Curie appears to have finally grasped the concept. It's not so much Sole's forgiveness to Kellogg as it is their indifference. All things considered, Curie is now sure that this attitude is, overall, the wisest alternative.
(Virgil) To say Curie is excited is a thousand times understatement. Curie is so ecstatic that Sole has difficulty getting the scientist for a mission. Finally, they realize that they will not be travelling through the Commonwealth's ruins with Virgil anytime soon, and perhaps that is for the best. Curie and Virgil collaborated to establish a new hospital in Sanctuary that benefited from their extensive biological and biochemical knowledge.
Danse (Pre-BB) : (Kellogg) He simply doesn't get it. The knight arrived at the Prydwen with a mercenary; they all travelled to Sanctuary in the evening, but on the way, Danse discovered who this mercenary was.
And he simply doesn't get it.
"This man murdered your half and kidnapped your child; he should pay for his crimes with exemplary punishment, ending in his execution."
"Do you think I don't know what he did?" Sole exclaims irritably. "I know better than anyone what he did," he went on between his teeth, giving the Institute's murderer a black glare. "But I also know it's my best chance of finding Shaun, and that's reason enough for me to let him live."
Sole doesn't need to mention "for now." To Danse, it's as plain as if they'd shouted. He nods in agreement. He grasps the idea a little better, and deep inside, he silently swears to shoot the killer in the head as soon as their goal has been achieved.
(Virgil) "It's not strategically viable to keep a man without any military experience on the ground."
Sole smiles gently and pats their superior's shoulder.
"And this is where we come in. It's not as bad as hauling a scribe around."
Danse tilts his head to the side and widens his eyes.
"You...you're correct."
And with that, Sole begins whistling cheerfully as they resume. Danse instantly follows them.
Deacon (romanced) : (Kellogg) He is completely emotionless. Do you find it surprising? It's barely if the tip of a brow is visible over the line of his glasses, but he doesn't say anything. He follows in the footsteps of Sole and Kellogg without complaining or making any comments. Then, in the evening, he invites Kellogg to gather wood for the fire while Sole puts the sleeping bags and ring stone in place. When they are a safe distance from the camp, Deacon bends slightly to the assassin's ear.
"If you ever imagine being able to double-cross them, you will stop breathing in your old lady's sleep while dreaming about it."
Then Deacon resumes his search for wood as if nothing had happened and nothing had been uttered. Kellogg thinks about him for a few moments in silence before approaching him.
"What makes you think you'll ever get to see me dream?"
"Because if I don't, it will be Sole who will end your reign without hesitation. They may consider you an asset today, but they don't consider you to be their friend, and never will."
Deacon's conviction is so strong that Kellogg refuses to add anything. Similarly, he does not dare to take any action against the spy. He is not foolish; he understands that Sole's grace is unexpected and could slip away at any time.
(Virgil) He's overjoyed! A RailRoad team member from the Institute! This will be an asset to them. But he swiftly loses his enchantment. He realizes that Virgil's area of competence, in order for him to be effective as a doctor, does not include synths. They still have Amari, and then a doctor who is less... forthright than Carrington? It's still OK. He will not, however, insist if Virgil decides to relocate to Curie Hospital rather than HQ.
Dogmeat : (Kellogg) Sniff the man and notice that he has an awful odor. He dislikes the new one. He doesn't openly confront him because Sole appears to accept him, but he dislikes him. Dogmeat growls and flashes his teeth when Kellogg appears to want to be buddies. Everything will be OK if Kellogg keeps his distance. Dogmeat will rip Kellogg to pieces if he gets too close or tries to hurt Sole.
(Virgil) The person has an unusual odor; it smells like Strong. Dogmeat receives raw meat from Strong. Strong is adored by Dogmeat. Virgil is a favorite of Dogmeat. He chases him about, his tail bouncing excitedly in the air. Sole is overjoyed that Dogmeat adores Virgil. Dogmeat is even more happy.
Elder Maxson (romanced) : (Kellogg) "He is the very enemy we are fighting against."
"He is something that will help us gain access to the Institute."
Maxson has agreed to discuss with Sole. It's likely that his sentiments for them have a significant role. He occasionally worries if he is being too lenient, but Sole has demonstrated time and again that they are astute strategists. Who is he to criticize them if they can get over the murder of their spouse?
"Make sure you're keeping it on a leash."
"Be assured of that."
And the sparkle in Sole's eyes is not deceptive. Arthur is relieved when he finds out that Sole is merely acting tactically. He would not have appreciated the idea that the person he loves may be... weak.
(Virgil) Sole got there to discover a great asset! This man can not only inform them about the Institute's operations, but his personal knowledge also qualifies him as a scientist for the Brotherhood's research and development team. Maxson expresses his excitement to Sole... this night.
Hancock (romanced) : (Kellogg) An icy stare. It doesn't matter when or where; whenever Kellogg looks at Hancock, he is met with an icy stare. But Hancock didn't say anything. He's not here to lay down the law for Sole to obey. But he's here to protect Sole if anything goes wrong. So, every time Kellogg turns to face Hancock, he is met with a stare that is so black and cold that he can only describe it as a icy stare.
(Virgil) And what else? A scout? Oh no, Sole already did that. But he called it a squire. Well, it can’t be worse than Curie.
“Does he know how to shoot?”
“No, but he can cure the mutation of super-mutants.”
“Okay, so when you come across a band of super mutants, I hope they can plant needles at an incredible rate.”
“It…doesn’t work that way.”
“Then why are you dragging him?”
“He can...do drugs?”
“So why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Gage : (Kellogg) Going over their hatred to ensure a shock team? Gage is aware. You don't have to be a stickler for principle in his field of business. It's a good job that they hired their husband's murderer to follow them.
If the killer does not choose to kill Sole first. Gage keeps his guard up even if he thinks Sole's shot is effectively executed. He'll defend his overboss no matter what.
(Virgil) "A scientist? What will your scientist do?"
"He'll be able to read me a story at night before I go to sleep."
Porter scolds. He dislikes it when Sole makes fun of his illiteracy. It's not even that he can't read. It's because he dislikes reading. Nuance. However, following a more in-depth talk, Sole dangles certain benefits that they could reap by having Virgil on their team, and Gage has been doing business with his boss's new protégé ever since.
MacCready : (Kellogg) He is following. His remuneration does not include sound judgement or sound advise. He strictly follows. If the newcomer wants to be a jerk, he'll turn on his brain.
(romanced) Our adorable little rat face can get angry when he wants to, and on this one, he skips two or three swear words. But he restrains himself, just as he restrains himself from saying anything that would aggravate his relationship with Sole. He does not comprehend. He just doesn't get it. Then, one night, while ruminating by the fire, he glances up and sees Sole.
"What if I'm murdered? You're gonna be friends with my murderer, too?"
His companion sighs, looking for words to express themselves.
"Kellogg is my best hope for finding my son. He's not my friend, and he'll never be more than that. I honestly hope that this type of event never occurs again. If my son's life doesn't hang in the balance, I can promise you of one thing: any fool who dares to hurt you would beg heaven and hell that I end the torture into which I have plunged him."
And Sole's expression is so frigid; he appears to be so sure that MacCready is as well. He is reassured, and as a result, swallowing the medicine becomes much simpler.
(Virgil) A scientist? What else is there? What is a virologist? A VIROLOGIST?
"Do you know this strange thing that causes blue spots to grow..."
“No. I specialise in FEV-related DNA corruption."
"But do you think you could find a cure for an unknown disease if you could study it?"
"How could I? I've already spent my life developing a viable serum to treat all FEV types."
With his hands in his pockets, MacCready kicks a rock. A scientist… and what?
Nick Valentine : (Kellogg) "What!?"
Nick is very aware of his own image, as well as the impression he has always presented. He's always tried to maintain a certain level of class and presence in order to maintain his "stoic detective image," and now that he's a synth, it's easier to keep his emotions in check. When Sole walks into Nick's office that night and they declare from point to point that Kellogg has become their companion, Nick lets loose an exclamation that is perhaps a touch too keen to be manly. He had no idea his voice modulator could generate such distortion. Sole then sits calmly in the chair in front of Elie's office and explains his points of view. Nick simply nods, attempting to clear his mind of judgements. He agrees. Anyway, it's not like he has a choice. He's simply taken aback.
For his part, he is well aware that in a thousand years of existence, he would never have agreed to take Eddie Winter with him.
(Virgil) Nick is not shocked when the former super mutant begs them to accompany them out of the Glowing Sea. The threat of the Institute is no longer present, and Virgil's desire to return to human society is understandable. He is further surprised when he asks Sole to accompany them on their Minutemen operations. The man doesn't appear to be built for this type of work. He's not surprised however, that Sole agrees. After all, his pal had already taken up a synth that couldn't swing a baseball bat (but proved to be formidable with a laser rifle) and they had even raided a crowded Gunner plant with Travis.
Piper : (Kellogg) Interesting. She hangs on to the fact that it's interesting. If she really asks herself, she'll break. No, we're referring to Piper. She sobs uncontrollably.
"How dare you betray your husband's memory like that?"
The unexpectedness completely surprises Sole. Piper had been trudging along in quiet when this situation erupted.
"Piper, I already told you it was to find Shaun."
"There isn't any valid justification. It's just too awful. Look, once you've finished with him, you can meet me at the Publick Occurency. But I'm afraid I can't. I can't deceive myself and accept his presence. You're either stronger than me or you don't have a heart—
"Sorry. He's driving me crazy. It's simply... too much. If he didn't murder you, meet me in Diamond City after you're done."
By going on her way to the large city, she says nothing, but her stillness and determination speak for herself. Sole is seriously doubting themselves for a second.
(Virgil) "But you weren't afraid when the transformation started?"
Virgil sighs and turns to face Sole. Sole laughs and shrugs their shoulders. What did they anticipate? It's an incredible story, and Piper put a lot of effort into it because Virgil initially looked to have no trouble giving the interview. A scientist from the Institute! A scientist from the Institute who injected himself with the FEV and then recovered! Piper can't help but think about how much attention the title will bring to her paper.
Preston : (Kellogg) He looks at the man from head to toe for a long while before shifting his sight almost off to Sole.
"He's my best bet for finding my son."
Preston exhales a deep sigh.
"Be cautious. Betrayals are already common money in this world, but this one has it tattooed on his forehead."
Preston, on the other hand, has faith in his General. He is aware that Sole is a resourceful individual and that if there is an issue, Kellogg will have it in his throat.
(Virgil) Preston is favorable of Sanctuary Hospital employing a biochemist. This colony will undoubtedly become a pillar of the Commonwealth. Even though he doesn't understand how Sole did it, he's pleased that they were able to bring back numerous exceptional elements in the settlement.
Strong : (Kellogg) The super mutant may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but he recognises that something strange is going on. Even he can see that accepting Sole's spouses murderer as a companion is wrong. He's trying to reason with Sole.
"I require him. He, for one, confessed to killing my spouse with contempt. He was simply carrying out orders. You, too, obeyed Fist's orders, sometimes against your will, right?"
"When Fist wants killing Rex human, Strong says no."
Sole crosses their arms, their expression is harsh, but Strong's expression is dreadful next to it. They heave a deep breath, knowing full well that they are now at their lowest point.
"I understand, Strong. That is why Strong is known as Strong. A Strong is a strong person. A weak human is weaker. I am a pitiful person who needs Kellogg to find his son."
Strong's attention is drawn to Sole's explanations. He gives a nod.
"Strong is strong. Puny human is weak. Strong will protect puny human if Kellogg wants to hurt Puny human."
"I knew I could always count on you, big guy."
They resume their journey, and Kellogg is convinced that it is best to stick to his arrangement with Sole, based on the glances Strong gives him.
(Virgil) Strong dislikes it completely. Strong refuses to sleep with the man who wishes to cure super-mutants. Strong is unhappy. Strong told Sole.
"Come on, I promised you; no one will cure you unless it's exactly what you want."
"Strong don’t believe. Puny human can come and get Strong when Fake Mutant isn’t with them."
Sole has attempted to argue, but it just appears to enrage Strong. As a result, they decide to let the super mutant go. Virgil is daydreaming as he sees the massive shape fade away.
"That's too bad. Keeping a guinea pig on hand..."
"You weren't even considering forcing Strong to transform?"
Sole is irritated. They disagree with the scientist's viewpoint. But, at the very least, he was forthright, so Sole knows that they must never leave Virgil alone in the presence of Strong.
X6-88 : (Kellogg) X6 is pleased that Sole's team possesses such an effective member. None of his companions can convince him to refute it. Anything developed by the Institute can only be to Sole's utmost advantage...
(Virgil) ...excluding this element. X6 disagrees. He attempts to persuade Sole to deliver Virgil to the Institute so that the appropriate actions can be taken on his behalf. Sole refuses, arguing that they and the Commonwealth require Virgil. X6 will comply with Sole's requests, but he will occasionally remind Sole to whom they owe their loyalty.
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ghostvvitch · 8 months
How my dream job ruined my life (for a while)
I am an English teacher. I got my first job completely at random. It was a village primary school, and the job was difficult and insanely demanding. Also, I had zero experience with teaching so I was figuring my shit out as I went.
I got ambitious, I thought teaching older students would be much easier and less demanding, which it wasn't, spoiler alert.
I got a job at a secondary school I used to study at back in the day. It was challenging, but it was a challenge I enjoyed, as it kept me busy and I was interested in it much more than teaching primary school.
Some of my colleagues though, were really toxic for some reason.
They kept gossiping about me, in the halls, in front of the students. And don't get me wrong, gossiping among teachers is a fairly normal phenomenon, they all do it, but doing it so that I would hear and then act all friendly to my face was a bit too much.
I had an understanding with the headmistress that my contract would be extended for the next school year as well. She told me she's counting on me to stay, went to one of my lessons, said it was great and stuff. And that I should let her know at the end of march at the latest if I decided to go elsewere, so she would have plenty of time to find a replacement for me. And of course I wanted to stay so I said that, but I'd let her know if anything happens.
And then, unfortunately for me, I got sick. It was pretty random, I just started throwing up one day and couldn't keep any food down for days, not even water. The first day I had a monstrous headache because of that and had to go to the ER, which didn't help at all btw.
Anyway, this was going on for a few weeks, and I was trying to figure out what is wrong with my stomach and stuff like that.
The whole problem was that one of my colleagues, a great friend of mine who is a friend to this day, was also on sick leave during the same time as me. Might seem related, but it wasn't. He started earlier, had surgery and had to stay at home. A week after his surgery, my problems started and I had to stay at home too.
Even bigger problem, we came back to work at the same time. Also unrelated, but people made a big deal out of it. Started spreading rumours that we were together during that time. One version of the story said that I asked for sick leave because I didn't want to go to work by bus, which is insane.
I was outraged when I heard, but then again, teachers gossip so I didn't think much of it.
The day I got back to work, I went to ask the headmistress about the contract extension. She said she was busy and would call me, so I was like okay.
She didn't call. A day passes, two days.
And then she calls me in my office and asks me to come see her.
So I go to her office. She doesn't ask me to sit down. Makes a whole speach about how I only teach English and she can't afford to employ people who only teach one subject (even though there was plenty of teachers like that), and that she's decided she won't extend my contract after all. It's nothing personal, she said, plus she had people with multiple subjects interested in the position. It was a bit weird to me, but I thought to myself, that's fair- it's better for them to pay one person instead of two. Tough luck for me though.
Honestly, I was dumbfounded. My friends and colleagues were angry, and honestly, I was too after a while, because things went to even bigger shit very quickly.
I heard people calling teachers from other schools, urging them to quit there and come teaching to our school, because we were 'short staffed'. They were telling people there are no teachers available and they urgently need someone to teach next year. So you can imagine my surprise. Like, hello? You do have a teacher. I was available all this time, but you said you had people with multiple subjects interested in the position. So what's the deal?
I think about it and come to the conclusion that they probably just don't like me and don't want to say it to my face, because that's another thing about teachers - some of them are fake as fuck. I probably shouldn't be saying this as a person of this same profession, but some people are honestly up there when it comes to wanting to fuck people's lives.
So I'm like okay, guess that's the situation now. I was bitter about it for sure, but I'm the kind of person who prefers to be told I'm not liked among some of the colleagues so they want to get rid of me, than fabricating a story about having better people at hand who want to teach here. I mean it's not nice to hear but at least it's fair, you know?
But no. So I go about my life, I'm stressed as fuck because my health problems are still there, I'm not throwing up everywhere I go anymore, but my stomach is giving me a hard time and the food from the canteen is not helping at all. I was also studying during this time, doing my teacher training, writing my final thesis and trying to study for the state exams, which, mixed with my health troubles and having to get ready for a full week of teaching, was extremely stressful and only putting more strain on my fucked up mental and physical health.
I was a wreck, I was lashing out at everyone, I wanted to kill myself on multiple occasions, I was making plans on how to do it effectively so no one could save me if they found me in time, shit like that.
People kept giving me shit for not attending department meetings, when I had a day off to go to the doctor's.
It was hell.
But the cherry on top was the last meeting of the school year, where all the teachers discussed final grades of all students and so on.
The headmistress comes in, starts talking crap about how I'm leaving and so and so, and how in my place she accepted a lady who also teaches english, and nothing else.
And I shit you not, half the people turn their heads to me, because they know about the situation of course, and I'm like WOW. So you lied to me this whole fucking time? What did I do that made you hate me so bad that you make a person quit to come here and teach ONE subject. What did I fucking do that you made such a big deal about not being able to employ people who teach one subject, AND THEN YOU GO AHEAD AND EMPLOY A PERSON LIKE THAT?! THE FUCK?
People were looking at me and I felt like shit. Like I've never felt worse in my life. I was stressed the fuck out from all that was going on in my life, I had no time to look for a new job because I had to write that stupid ass final thesis and learn for my state exams, which were all things that were coming up soon and all were happening on the same day, so I had to make fucking haste.
It was a time where I honestly did not want to live. I've never, in my 27 years of life, felt worse than during that time.
People kept telling me, well good riddance, if they don't want you here you can find something better. And I knew they were probably right, but I couldn't believe it in that state I was in.
My partner was trying really hard to be supportive, and I'm so glad to have him by my side, but I was giving him hell. I was so mean to him, not believing a word he said about the future, telling him how I was gonna kill myself and so on. I gave him the absolute hell on earth during that time, and I apologised multiple times for it because he didn't deserve it. I still feel bad about it, but also immensely grateful that this is the person I'm with, and that he pushed through and didn't give up on me.
In the end, everything turned out great actually. I'm much happier than I've ever been, and it's largely thanks to the change of environment, both home and work. I'm very grateful and I know that karma is waiting for those fucks.
Don't sacrifice your peace of mind. I loved, and still love, teaching. Sometimes, however, it's the people who should support you, and help you, the people with the same mission as you, who throw so much shit your way, who try to make you miserable any way they can, without giving you a proper reason, that make me hate the job at times. It's fucked up beyond belief that people put that much time and energy to destroy you.
And yet, I'm still here, still doing it, so maybe they should have tried harder.
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tooneysunited · 2 years
Hanson extended to 2024 in February 21 so it was casey that gave her the new contract. Last season even when she was fit marc was playing thomas (a cf) out on the wing so it seem like for some reason or another he doesn't trust her. I could potentially see him loaning her out and by the end of next season either he likes what he has seen or he sells he with a year of game time under her belt she would be more marketable. But tbh I could see that being a plan anyway even before this new rumour came up. And I can't see the club spending that kind of money on another winger when we spent on Parris. Possibly our name is getting dropped to push the price up acting as if there is a bidding war? Who knows. I have been wrong beofre 😂 Either that or we have to sell someone to make back some of the outgoing money.
yes exactly, it's been made pretty clear marc doesn't trust hanson. a loan could work in favour for both parties i think.
could be potentially her agent dropping stuff to accelerate or improve her deal. idk. agree that us going after her just doesn't make sense. we already signed 5 attacking players, most of them wingers too, and spent money on them. our budget is allegedly low, where would the money come from? would be very surprised if we sell anyone. we didn't let ona go so i doubt we'd let less or jackie leave, especially this late in the window
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Demon Ateez! Carrying Out Their Duties (Rated)
Warnings: NSFW content including lucid dreams with an Incubus, slight mentions of faith, drug possession/dealing, violence, blood/gore, supernatural creatures and imagery. Read at your own discretion.
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❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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You outwardly cringed at the last note you sang, or more appropriately, croaked out. But what did you expect when your mentor had been making you belt out note after note, sing reprise after reprise over and over when you were sure the pitch was not in your vocal range?
Speaking of your hell spawn mentor, he himself had a dark grimace on his face, a long despondent sigh coming out of his mouth as a hand ran through the front of his hair in an anxious manner.
"Already past midnight and yet we're back to square 1 ..." He mused out loud as he arranged the sheet music in front of him.
"Well I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but maybe if you had just used your demon abilities and simply given me the voice I wanted, we wouldn't have to be here, down beneath the opera house in this creepy and cold lair of yours, staying up til early dawn practicing mediocre pieces." You didn't mean to come off ungrateful and accusing, but it had been a long day that was being extended no thanks to Hongjoong who refused to let you go back home and sleep until you sang the piece perfectly.
He raised an eyebrow at you, arms folding across his chest.
"I'm not a fan of taking the easy way, further, our contract doesn't dictate what methods I can or can't use to make sure we achieve our goal. Meaning you take what I give you, you ungrateful and greedy mortal."
Leaning back against the piano, he let out a scoff.
"Furthermore, my aim is not to make sure you get the voice you want. What you want is another common and typical voice that all humans can get through the training they give. There's nothing special in it."
Clapping his hands together, he let out a smirk that slightly creeped you out.
"I'm training you, I became your mentor so you can achieve absolute perfection. Achieve a truly mesmerizing and haunting voice that'll leave even angels speechless and envious of you. We're giving you the voice I want..."
Turning back to face the piano, his fingers skillfully ran through the notes briefly, letting you get a hint of the pitch you were to sing.
"Now... from the beginning my little songbird."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Getting past the shock that your most trusted friend was actually a supernatural creature from the depths of hell was surprisingly more easy to accept and come to terms with than what you'd thought it'd be. The hard part was accepting the now good fortune that kept coming your way after you entered into a sealed pact with the demon.
"I can guarantee you my dear friend that from now on your life will be much easier. Just leave it all to me and I'll take care of everything." You remember the sly smile he gave you as he finished rolling up the contract and sealing it.
"You won't have to worry about a thing so long as I'm by your side."
But you weren't going to lie, you were infinitely more worried now than you were before. You were so used to having the shittiest of luck and misfortunes happen, that suddenly when out of nowhere you were moved up from being the company's intern to becoming the CEO's personal assistant. It was a shock that surprised nearly everyone else since the man was known not to delegate the job to someone who was still relative new or that hadn't had years of experience and gained his trust. Furthermore, his previous assistant was fired for no reason, hence why you got the position. Although it was something you should have been happy about, it also came with a few downsides, the biggest one being the dirty looks some, mostly your female coworkers, gave you. The worst one was definitely Jia, a woman a few years older than you who did not hide her displeasure at you suddenly getting preferential treatment.
"Have a good day-"
"Oh shut the fuck up Y/N and just go back in there and suck off the boss. After all, isn't that how you climbed up so high?" She spat out angrily one day while everyone was collecting their belongings, completely humiliating you in front of everyone which made you feel bad.
Grabbing her bag, Jia angrily stomped out of the building and out to her car. Shutting the door, she inserted the key in the ignition but for some reason it wouldn't turn.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." She groaned as she tried to force the key, not noticing the figure that was watching her from the backseat.
5 minutes later, the back door opened and Seonghwa stepped out of the vehicle, the last remnants of the red stains on his body fading out, the sharp claws on his hand retracting back in his body. Taking one last look behind him, he reveled in the sight of the woman in the car, eyes wide open as the tear in her chest continued to pour out endless bouts of blood. He chuckled as he fixed the cuffs on his jacket while leaving the parking lot.
"I have a little too much fun in what I do."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Using his supernatural abilities to gaze into the distance, Yunho had a smile on his face as he saw that you were already on your way home, walking ever so quietly and seemingly with no care of your surroundings. He found it extremely amusing that you never noticed any of the perverted eyes that took longer glances than they should at your body, or failed to guess that those remarks that seemed like friendly greetings actually had hidden meanings in them.
"Oh my dear you really are too pure and innocent for this world......... how lovely." He inwardly chuckled.
The opportunity he had been waiting for came in the form of a boom lift that a few construction workers were using for the building that was in the making. Coincidentally, you were walking past that building, just a few meters away from being right under the lift that had a few workers passing heavy bags of dry cement over to the other workers inside the unfinished building.
"What are the chances that they accidentally drop one of those extremely weighted bags straight onto the poor, unsuspecting girl underneath them?..." Yunho wondered to himself, his eyes momentarily going completely black.
"Very certain."
As soon as he said that, some of the men lost grip on the heavy bag and watched it fall from their hands. They frantically screamed as they realized it was about to hit you. You didn't even get a chance to look up to see what was happening because suddenly you were pushed away and slammed against concrete wall nearest to you before the dry cement bag hit you, instead hitting against the pavement, the impact making it burst open and spread a few gusts of its contents. The figure who had prevented such a tragic accident was panting, no doubt from how fast he had to run to reach you in time.
"Are you ok?" You gazed up into the same handsome face you had seen before in the elevator the other day, the sight of him alone making you feel nervous and jittery.
"Y-yeah.... thank you. I didn't even know that-" You couldn't even finish your sentence as it dawned on you that you literally just escaped the clutches of a certain death had it not been for the new neighbor that recently moved into your apartment complex.
Yunho looked back at the mess behind him, cringing slightly.
"That could have gone seriously wrong." He shook his head.
Pulling himself off you, he extended a hand out to you.
"It's dangerous for a little lady such as yourself to walk home alone. Why don't you allow me to escort you back home?"
You were baffled by his charming and kind manners, but accepted nonetheless. Yunho smiled warmly at you when you took his hand, looking oh so kind, but underneath that mask, he was smirking triumphantly.
"Oh this is going to be too easy..."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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You looked around at the new and spacious bedroom of yours. The room alone was already bigger than the old and compacted apartment you used to live in. Needless to say, you were very wary and on edge.
"What? Do you not like it?" Yeosang asked from behind, his proximity startling you when you felt his breath against your ear.
"No that's not the case. It's just....isn't this a little too much?" You questioned as you inspected the king sized bed that probably costed more than your entire existence.
Yeosang rolled his eyes at you.
"Poor and pitiful mortal. You forget I'm also going to live with you from now on and I happen to be accustomed to particular tastes and expenses."
You sighed softly and decided to just try to adjust to your new lifestyle, even if it terrified you to no end. You tossed and turned in your sleep that night, that is if you could even classify it as sleep given that your eyes were wide open and refusing to close.
"Can't sleep?"
You let out a high pitched scream when the demon spawned right next to your bed, nearly scaring your soul out of you. He had a displeased look on his face.
"I really have my work cut out for me if I'm turning your pathetic, cowardly, overly nervous and condescending personality into a more ruthless, powerful and strong one."
Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Yeosang studied your trembling state.
"I take it you're not calming down any moment soon?" He tilted his head at you.
"Unless you have some type of demon potion that'll knock me out or help calm my nerves, especially after you scared the shit out of me!" You made sure to emphasize the last point.
"I'm probably not going to be able relax anytime soon."
Yeosang nodded, fingers tapping across the soft sheets.
"Well no, I don't have a potion with me at the moment.......I have something even better."
If the demon startled you by simply appearing next to you, now he was nearly frightening you as he got into bed with you and crawled his way in between your legs.
"Whoah Whoah wait! What are you doing?" You gasped when you saw him start pulling your bottoms off.
Yeosang looked up at you with a suggestive smirk.
"My mistress needs help relaxing and I'd be more than happy to oblige in any way I can. After all...."
You inhaled sharply when you felt the demon's lips start kissing up between your thighs, his eyes never looking away from your face, making you shudder when you saw them glow that fiery orange hue they sometimes got.
"What kind of demon butler would I be if I can't do this much?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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You were practically running inside your apartment, slamming the door behind you rather harshly as you ran into your bedroom, the hallway already being littered with a trail of clothes that had been torn off your body. The discarded panties at the foot of the bed were already soiled with the arousal that was pouring out from your heat.
For the past days you had been a lot more hormonal than usual, for a mild way of putting it. Every time you came from work after long, grueling hours, all you could think about was coming back home and going straight to bed, not just because it was the dead of night, but because you wished to drift off into another one of your exhilarating dreams that always featured the same man of your fantasies, fulfilling all your deepest and filthiest needs. It had become an addiction at this point if you were being honest. With head resting itself on the soft pillow, you closed your eyes and relaxed your muscles, the tiring day starting to take a toll on your body, making sure fall asleep faster than what you expected.
Soon enough, you were awakened in your fantasy world by a pair of lips in between your legs. Looking down, you spotted a familiar head of hair near your thighs, the person's face buried deep in your mouth, the harsh slurping sounds of their suckling on your clit made the image even more erotic.
"Miss me baby?" Your fantasy man looked up only to send a cocky smirk at you, eyes locked as he dipped his tongue back into your folds.
"Ah - yes master." You moaned out.
You could feel him smirking against your nub, no doubt because you used the title he loved hearing come out of your lips.
"Master missed his good little slave too. Missed the sweet taste of her little cunt."
Pulling away, he sucked on his fingertips before slamming them down against your clit, making you yelp out in aroused pain. Your back arched as he landed a couple more hits on your clit, making you cry out even louder as your hole screamed to be filled by him.
"Like that my little slave? Like getting your pussy slapped by my hand?" He grunted as he used his free hand to insert 2 of his fingers into your hole.
"F-fuck yes! I love it." You exclaimed, your toes curling as you drowned in the feeling of his fingers moving deep inside you as his other hand alternated between rubbing harshly against your swollen clit before coming down to smack it again.
"Of course you love it. You're nothing but a little horny slut after all. Always coming here to get fucked by your master..." He chuckled darkly as he continued to play with you until you were completely passed out.
Phasing himself out of your dream, San wiped the sweat off his forehead, chest rising up and down harshly as he tried to catch his breath. His softening dick was still leaking cum as his tanned skin glowed against the moonlight peaking through the slit of the curtains. Looking over, San smiled softly at your sleeping figure, eyes trained on the hand in between your thighs.
"Oh my little one, I can't wait to fuck you in real life...."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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You walked slowly through the dark alley, earbuds in yet no music was playing. The two figures trailing behind you thought you were probably the most stupid and careless girl in the world. That area was known for its extensive crime rate, recently a bunch of women had been going missing in those streets, only to found weeks later in lakes, ditches or dumpsters, either body fully intact or just pieces that them.
Glancing behind you, you finally took notice of the two men and your face was startled with fear. Turning quickly away, you sped up your pace, only to have them speed theirs up to. Having left no alternative, you ripped the earbuds off and started sprinting as fast as you could away from them. You could hear their footsteps behind you, yet you didn't even try to call out for help, not like you could in your current state of running for your life, lungs hurting from the adrenaline pumping through your veins.
You nearly tripped over your own feet as you halted violently, staring with wide eyes at the wall in front of you, signaling that you came across a dead end. You immediately turned around, hoping to be quick enough to escape, sadly luck wasn't on your side as the two men caught up and were starting to corner you.
"Nowhere to run away now darling." One of them snickered, hand reaching into his coat to pull out a what no doubt was a cloth soaked in chloroform.
"Didn't daddy ever teach you not to walk alone at this time of night?" The other shook his head.
You stepped back until your back hit against the wall, yet still remained calm.
"That's a good little girl, no need to make a scene and scream like all the other ones before you."
Your fist tightened when you heard those words, eyebrow raising at the two criminals.
"So you admit you're behind the murders of all those women?"
The two men actually bursted out laughing.
"We're just one of many in the circle honey. But I'd be more than happy to let you in on the details of certain ones. After all..... you'll meet a similar fate as them." The taller one out stretched his hand to place the cloth on your face.
"No I won't, but you'll certainly meet an even worse one."
Before they could even ask what you meant, you stepped aside as their bodies lurched forward from the impact of something tearing into their chest from behind. In an instant, their bodies fell to the ground, blood staining the pavement underneath them, their heavy gasps trying desperately to cling to life itself. With an unfazed look, you stared at the demon in front of you, wide smile on his face as his hands held up the still beating hearts of the men on the floor.
"Do you wish to prolong their pain and suffering master?" Your contracted demon, Mingi asked so casually.
"Just end their worthless lives already."
Crushing the organs until they were hardly recognizable, Mingi let out a soft scoff as the two men finally stopped breathing and went out cold. Tossing the remnants next to them, Mingi came up and brushed out some of your hair.
"I take it the mission was a success?"
You gently pushed his hands away, not fond of the slightest bit of affection and proceeded to start walking away.
"You heard them, they're just two rats. Their litter is still out there somewhere. And we're going to find them and make them pay...... just like the rest of the scumbags of humanity."
Mingi chuckled as he followed not far behind you.
"Very well said my master."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Watching your care skim past the bar made you release a sigh you didn't even know you were holding. You felt proud of him, truly. It seemed as if everything was just fine and the occurence of the other tragic day was simply a one time slip up. Perhaps you were worried for nothing...
Until someone sketchy looking came up to him and offered him what you knew wasn't pixie stix. You pinched the bridge of your nose as he didn't hesitate to buy the large quantity of the methamphetamine held out to him. As if things couldn't get worse...
"Just give up on him already. Humans are naturally destined to be doomed and fall further into sin."
You didn't need to turn around to know who it was behind you. You had distinguished that obnoxious and loathsome voice ever since that day you met the hell spawn. Although you were surprised by the sudden arms wrapping themselves around your waist, you didn't flinch nor did anything to push the demon off you, who was looking at you with such eagerness.
"Hello my oh so ethereal angel. Did you miss me?" He chuckled as pressed his nose against your hair, his body reacting to your scent that was intoxicating to him.
"Seducing a heavenly creature without even bothering to learn their names..... typical of your kind."
The demon grunted when he felt you elbow him, giving you a chance to escape his clutches which you used to your advantage. Getting over the pain quickly, he trailed right behind you, not yet ready to let you go so soon.
"Well then why don't we properly introduce ourselves?"
You had to stop in your tracks when the demon spawned in front of you, hand outstretched.
"I'm Wooyoung, and who are you my beautiful lady?"
With a straight and icy look, you replied:
He beamed at your response.
"Pleasure to be able to make such a friend as you my dear Y/N-"
He was taken aback when you suddenly bursted out laughing so loudly. For a second, he actually thought you went mad.
"Me? Friends with you?" Your smiling face soon changed back to its nonchalant expression, your ability to switch moods so instantly scaring the demon.
"Don't make me laugh."
You started walking towards Wooyoung with slow yet menacing steps, for the first time in his immortal life, the demon was backing away from an angelic being.
"What on earth makes you think I'd ever be friends with a disgusting, filthy, sinful creature as you?" You didn't bother hiding your disgusted look as you peered at him.
"You're nothing but the lowest of the low.... and I'm warning you now, stay away from my human.... you make me sick. "
You left him there stunned by your degradation, unable to do anything but watch as you faded away. Boiling with rage, Wooyoung transported back to his home in the realms of hell. In anger and frustration, he began tearing and breaking up the furniture around him, startling some of the other hell creatures nearby that watched him storm into his room. Slamming the door behind him, Wooyoung seethed with fury.
"I don't care who the fuck you think you are, you will be mine one way or another Y/N.."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"Wanna try some?"
You looked over to see Jongho holding out a weird looking liquid from a vial he was holding. Although you didn't know much, you knew it was not anything good.
"Is this another one of your attempts to seduce me?" You quipped an eyebrow at him.
"Is it working?" He smiled too innocently at you for someone known to be the cause of so many wrongdoings in the world.
"Hmmm....... not really." You shrugged and looked back at city in front of you.
It had become a routine by now. Every night you'd sit up in that building, watching the city and its people with the demon next to you, talking about everything and nothing. And yes, more often than not he'd be trying to convince you to participate in something that was definitely not holy, whether it was drinking intoxicated substances, using narcotics or even trying to get you to give in to fleshly desires. They never worked as you never felt remotely tempted to join him. Perhaps your good side was still pretty strong if you weren't curious enough to try it.
"What? Afraid you'll lose the chance to go back to your home?" He snorted at you.
"No I just..... I don't know." You responded, your look turning somewhat sad and dark.
"What's so great about heaven anyways? You yourself described it as a boring cage." He spat out.
"Oh and I suppose your chamber of fire is any better?" You rolled your eyes.
"Hell? Oh definitely baby. It's wild, wicked and loads of fun. But you wouldn't understand fun even if it hit you in the face."
You couldn't help but laugh at that.
"You should come see it sometime." He suddenly offered, which had you whipping your head to him.
"Before you say no, let me assure you it is possible to come into hell without the worry of getting stained. Many fallen angels have traveled through the gates....granted they ended up falling to temptation, but that was by personal choice. We're not as strict about entrance as they are up there. I'll show you around and make sure no one bothers you if it makes you feel better."
You could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't another attempt to get you to completely fall. He just wanted to show you his home, where he grew up. Sure he was a demon and their primary goal was to make humans and other beings fall into eternal sin, but so far Jongho hadn't ever succeeded, mostly due to him not pushing you to do anything you didn't want. And besides, you knew you were strong enough to resist anything. And you were curious....
"Ok then. Take me to hell."
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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