#something something the intimacy of sharing silence with someone you are comfortable with
rosenfey · 10 months
faerene isn't much for parties. whenever her father hosted any diplomatic gatherings she often sneaked away to read a book somewhere quiet. so when gale suggests she should enjoy the frivolities during the tiefling party and leave him to his quiet ruminations out of fear of being poor company, she just smiles, and explains that she would much prefer spending time with him, even in silence. they both end up sitting together quietly, staring at the stars with nary a word passed between them. faerene has never felt this peaceful since the mindflayer ship.
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
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(unedited) john price knew he would marry you the first time he saw you.
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john price met you in the rain.
the memory of the encounter remains etched in his mind like a timeless portrait. as the years pass and his recollections fade, the moment of your first meeting remains vivid and unblemished.
the sky, a somber shade of ashen blue, was adorned with brooding clouds of a dark and furious pearl grey. thunder roared in the distance, while lightning ominously streaked across the sky. the rain, a gentle drizzle, tapped rhythmically on his freshly trimmed lawn and his parked truck. seated on his porch, cradling a cup of tea, john's loyal english mastiff, simply known as 'dog', slumbered beneath his chair.
he'd only had a few more days left until he was back in the field, and despite having needed a couple of days to rest, john was ready to get back to the familiarity of work- especially when there wasn't anyone waiting for him when he got home. ( well, besides 'dog' )
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john had always been content with his own company, finding relief in the quiet moments spent with his loyal dog. the peacefulness that came with his aloneness had become a sanctuary, a place where he could escape from the disorder of the world and his position; and find solace in his thoughts. but as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months and then further, john's heart began to yearn for something more.
the familiarity of being alone, once a source of comfort, now felt like a hefty weight on his shoulders. the emptiness that had once brought him peace now seemed suffocating, as if the walls of his home were closing in on him. he craved for a wife who would eagerly anticipate his return home from his weeks away, someone to hold close and shower with affection.
the stillness that had once brought him solace now echoed with a deep longing for intimacy. the sound of his footsteps seemed hollow, and the absence of life within the house filled the empty spaces of his home with a haunting void. john couldn't help but yearn for the day when his despondent home would be replaced with the joy of shared moments and the love of another.
he craved for the warmth of another's touch, the feeling of intertwined fingers and loving touches. he craved the sound of laughter filling the air, the kind that could only come from shared jokes and inside stories. john imagined the simple pleasures of cooking together, of sharing meals and conversations that stretched long into the night.
and despite himself, despite not wanting to feel anything. his heart ached for the intimacy of whispered secrets and stolen kisses, for the comfort of knowing that someone was there to catch him when he stumbled, unconditionally. he yearned for the simple pleasure of waking up next to someone, their presence a constant reminder that he was not alone anymore.
john price, for the first time in what felt like decades; craved for something more.
john's focus is abruptly interrupted by a thunderous slam, causing his weary eyes to shift from his tepid cup of tea. his piercing blue gaze fixates on the source of the commotion across the street. as he observes, his attention is captivated by you, and while being lost in his own melancholic thoughts, he realizes that the rain has intensified, pouring down relentlessly.
there you stand on your porch, engaged in a heated argument with a man. your gestures are animated, your lips downturned in a pained frown, and your brows knitted together in irritation.
the rain's melody drowns out all other sounds, leaving john in a world of silence from the conversation. yet, even amidst this deafening quiet, he cannot tear his gaze away from you, your eyes widening in disbelief as the man retreats into the house, slamming the door shut. price watches as you fish out a pair of car keys from your pocket, walking briskly down the porch stairs and to a car that sits in the driveway. you're immediately drenched in rain from head to toe and john finds that you still look breathtaking regardless.
inexplicably, the two of you lock eyes, and your lips pull into a thin line, your words barely audible over the pouring rain but he catches them nonetheless. "what the hell are you lookin' at?!" then you slip into the car and speed down the street before he can even process what he's heard. slowly a smirk pulls at his lips, the crowsfeet around his eyes deepening.
john price, wanted you.
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girl-next-door-writes · 2 months
A Little Comfort
Characters: George Weasley x reader
Summary: George Weasley finds himself longing for the comfort of being the little spoon, but his pride and embarrassment hold him back from asking. As he navigates his feelings, he discovers that vulnerability can lead to unexpected moments of intimacy.
Word Count: 1022 words
Prompt: Georgie wanting to be the little spoon but too embarrassed to ask. Just well built guy wanting spooned or to sit in your lap with his hair getting played with.
A/N:  anon
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George Weasley was many things: a prankster, an inventor, a loyal friend. But there was one thing he longed for more than anything else, something he kept hidden behind his confident facade—the desire to be cared for, to let his guard down and be wrapped up in the arms of someone who loved him. George Weasley just wanted to find love. It wasn't something he openly admitted to, especially not to his twin brother Fred, who would never let him live it down. George had always been the one to be the protector, but lately, he found himself yearning for the warmth and comfort of being held.
It was a quiet evening at The Burrow, the fire crackling in the hearth as George sat with his family, lost in his thoughts. He watched as his siblings and their significant others chatted and laughed, envy gnawing at him as he longed for the kind of closeness they shared.
As the night wore on, George found himself drawn to the idea of being held more and more. He imagined the feeling of strong arms wrapped around him, the gentle strokes of fingers through his hair, and the soothing rhythm of a heartbeat against his back. But admitting his desire felt like an insurmountable hurdle. What would his people think? Would they mock him mercilessly, or worse, pity him for his vulnerability? George couldn't bear the thought of being seen as weak, even if it meant denying himself the comfort he craved.
The days passed, and George's longing only grew stronger. He tried to bury his feelings beneath layers of humor and bravado, but they lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of what he was denying himself. Every person who crossed his path was assessed for romantic partner potential, but nobody seemed to measure up.
One evening, as the family gathered for dinner at The Burrow. Charlie had brought one of his many friends with him and George found himself sitting next to you. He stole glances at you when he thought no one was looking, admiring the way your eyes sparkled with laughter and the way your smile lit up the room. This wasn’t the first time you had been a guest of the Weasley family but there was something different this time, something that seemed to call out to George, drawing him in.
As the meal progressed, George's desire to be near you grew almost unbearable. He could hardly concentrate on the conversation, his mind consumed with thoughts of you holding him close, your soft touch soothing his troubled heart. But as much as he longed for it, George couldn't bring himself to ask. The fear of rejection, of being laughed at or dismissed, held him back, trapping him in a cycle of longing and self-doubt.
After dinner, as the family dispersed to their various activities, George found himself alone with you in the living room. The fire cast a warm glow over the room, bathing everything in a soft, flickering light.
"Hey, George," you said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you. "Are you okay? You seem a bit...distracted tonight."  
George hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to confide in you. But something in your eyes, the genuine concern and warmth you showed him, gave him the courage to speak.
"I...I've been feeling a bit off lately," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just...struggling with some things, you know?"
You nodded sympathetically, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm here if you want to talk about it," you offered gently. “I know we’ve never really talked, but, and don’t tell Charlie this, you are most likely my favourite Weasley.”
George felt a lump form in his throat, the weight of his unspoken desires pressing down on him.
“Thanks. I mean, for the talking and the favourite thing.” His cheeks flushed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You were always so kind to him, it was no surprise he seemed to have developed a bit of a crush on you. “Things have just been a little…” he trailed off; his brow furrowed.
“Stressful? I know you must be feeling a little like a third wheel now Fred and Angelina are together. It’ll be fine though, just focus on what you want.”
George considered your words, and, in a moment of bravery, he blurted out what he had been so desperately trying to keep in; too afraid to confess.
"I...I want to be the little spoon," he confessed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
To his surprise, you didn't laugh or mock him. Instead, you smiled softly, your eyes shining with understanding and compassion.
"George," you said, your voice soft and reassuring. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be held. Everyone needs comfort sometimes, even the strongest among us. I think you’d make quite a good little spoon.”
With those words, something inside George shifted. The weight of his fears began to lift, replaced by a sense of relief and acceptance. He had bared his soul to you, and instead of ridiculing him, you had embraced him with open arms.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Without hesitation, you pulled him into a warm embrace, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close. George leaned into your touch, savoring the feeling of being held, his eyes closing as he wrapped his arms around you in return.
Several hours later, Charlie wandered through the living room, his eyebrow raising and a smirk playing on his lips at the scene before him. The two of you were lay on the sofa, half asleep. You were stroking George’s hair and whispering words of comfort, while George’s eyes were closed, a contented smile on his lips and a sense of peace washing over him. Charlie slowly backed out of the room, leaving the two of you in peace. He’d always wondered how long it would take you and George to get together, and now it didn’t seem like he’d have to wait much longer for that answer.
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perfectlyoongi · 4 days
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes showers with you just for the intimacy. it was the silence of the moment, the purity of the intimacy, the way you two felt so comfortable with each other with something that had become so vile and perverse by society, that made Taehyung venerate your baths together; no words, just Taehyung's gentle touch across your body, as you rest on his chest and feel the tranquility of your love. “i like this, you know? of our intimacy. how none of us feel obliged to be something other than ourselves.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only trusts your opinion when it comes to his clothes. before leaving the house or when he goes shopping, Taehyung always asks your opinion about his outfit, patiently waiting for your honest reaction, never feeling bad when the feedback comes back negative — after all, he just wanted to continue to impress you, it was only your opinion that mattered. “tomorrow i have to buy a new coat. do you want to come with me? i would like to have your opinion.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who loves coming home and lying down with you, his head resting on your chest. Taehyung couldn't live a whole day without having your affection; in an extremely stressful and quite complicated job, it was in your arms that Taehyung found peace and serenity, the way you touched his hair, his face, his arm, took Taehyung to a distant land of dreams and rest. “today was so tiring. all i could think about was how you would be here for me and make me feel good again.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes your perfume with him on tour, just so he can deal with missing you. it was a simple memory, something that could last the long weeks of touring the world without ever losing its value; your perfume was intoxicating, something so delicate and beautiful that made Taehyung remember all the hugs and kisses and caresses and moments he had spent with you. “i promise i won’t spend it all. please. i really need something that reminds me of you or i'll go crazy. seriously!”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who accompanies you on any and all purchases you make just to share some mundane time with you. whether it was for groceries or clothes, an electronic item or a gift for someone, Taehyung was always by your side, giving his opinion, holding your hand and always walking with a smile on his lips because he was next to the one he loved. “oh, do you need help picking a gift? i don't mind going with you. can i? i just want to feel normal for a moment. please.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who watches the stars and clouds with you while trying to discover shapes and meanings among them. lying on the grass, your head on his belly, you and Taehyung told stories with the various shapes you saw in the sky, laughter flowing as naturally as time passed, endless memories of tales created comforting your hearts. “that star is so bright! oh, and next to it those stars form a heart. see? even the heavens believe that our future will be bright.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only said he loved you when you confessed first, a huge weight leaving his heart as soon as the words left his mouth. as soon as he heard your confession, Taehyung's heart began to beat quickly without having any time to assimilate what he just had heard, his words running after yours to try to embrace them. “oh, thank god. yes. finally. i love you. i love you. i love you so much. oh my god.”
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myster-roca · 7 months
Law's Escape (story request from @elsastar1991)
Rain cascaded down the glass panes, a symphony of nature's turmoil that mirrored the storm within our sanctuary. I could hear the distant hum of the city beneath.
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Jude Law is seated on the bed, appeared lost in contemplation, his eyes carrying the weight of a thousand thoughts.
"Ben, it's suffocating," Jude's voice broke the room's silence, his gaze fixed on the persistent downpour.
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"Every move, every expression—they've stripped away my privacy. It's like I'm on display for the world to scrutinize."
His words resonated deeply, and I nodded in understanding."That's why we're doing this, Jude. To give you some space, even if it's only temporary."
I approached the sleek black case on the table — the key to his temporary freedom. Jude gazed at the object with a mixture of uneasiness and resolve.
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I opened the case and couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship before me. The bodysuit was made of a high-tech material that mimicked the texture and appearance of human skin.
The mask, a masterpiece of realism that captured Jude Law's features with astonishing precision.
Stripping down to my underwear, I felt a strange vulnerability beneath Jude's gaze. "Ever worn something like this before?"
I chuckled, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Not exactly. Military gear, sure. But this is a whole different ballgame."
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Unfolding the bodysuit, its texture both alien and familiar embraced me like a second skin.
The material, cool against my skin, adjusted with an intimacy that bordered on eerie. "Feels… intimate," I admitted, trying to articulate the peculiar dance between comfort and constraint.
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The mask came next, settling over my face with a weight that carried more than just physical presence. As the features melded with mine, I felt a shift—an intimate convergence of identities.
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Taking a moment to revel in the transformation, I couldn't resist a subtle flex, my fingers playing with the contours of my new pecs.
The bodysuit hugged every muscle, the realism becoming more tangible with each movement.
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"How does it feel, Jude, seeing someone else wear your face?" I inquired, my voice slightly muffled by the mask.
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Jude's eyes widened with a subtle mix of surprise and amusement dancing in their depths.
"Well, Ben, I must say, you wear it better than I do." His lips curled into a half-smile, the weariness etched in the lines of his expression momentarily lifted.
"I appreciate this more than you know," he continued, his gaze lingering on the transformed figure before him.
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His eyes met mine, and a shared understanding passed between us. "It's a strange thing, having someone else wear your face. But it's temporary, a means to an end."
The weariness in his expression softened, replaced by a fleeting glimpse of gratitude.
"You're entrusting me with more than just a disguise, Jude," I remarked, my fingers gently tracing the edges of the mask. "This is your identity, your public face."
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Jude placed a hand on my shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie. "It's a shared journey, Ben. You're carrying more than just a disguise; you're carrying a piece of my world."
Completing the ensemble with carefully chosen clothes to seal the illusion, I took a deep breath. The room buzzed with an energy that transcended the act of dressing up.
"Ready for this, Ben?" Jude asked, his eyes reflecting both apprehension and anticipation.
I nodded, the bodysuit and mask now familiar companions in this charade. "Yeah, I'll give them a performance they won't forget."
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lila-lou · 2 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 21/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language, angst, hurt
Word Count: 3377
A/N: This is part 21 of “His only exeption”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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As you stood there in the bathroom, staring at your reflection, the tumult of emotions swirling within you threatened to overwhelm you. Jay's presence in your life had brought moments of joy and comfort, but now faced with the prospect of intimacy, you found yourself grappling with feelings you hadn't fully acknowledged.
Your mind wandered back to Ben, his absence palpable yet his memory hauntingly present. Could you truly move forward with someone else, knowing the lingering shadow of Ben hung over you?
The sound of Jay's voice outside the bathroom door broke through your reverie, a reminder of the present moment and the person waiting on the other side. Part of you longed to confide in him, to share the inner turmoil consuming you, but another part hesitated, fearing his reaction and the potential fallout of your honesty.
"Hey, are you sure you're okay?". His tone was gentle, laced with concern. "You seem… off. Is there something you want to talk about?".
You hesitated, the weight of his words sinking in. Jay's genuine concern only served to amplify the turmoil within you. How could you explain the maelstrom of emotions churning inside your chest without delving into the depths of your past?
"I'm… I'm fine", you replied, your voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Just… dealing with some things".
There was a moment of silence before Jay spoke again, his tone softer now, filled with understanding. "You know you can talk to me, right? Whatever it is, I'm here for you".
His words tugged at something deep within you, a flicker of hope amidst the chaos.
"I know", you murmured. "I just… need some time to sort things out".
You stepped out of the bathroom, your eyes red.
"C´mere", he whispered.
Feeling Jay’s arms envelop you in a comforting embrace, you let out a shaky breath, momentarily finding solace in his warmth. But his next words shattered the fragile calm that had settled over you.
“I just… I can’t shake this feeling”, Jay murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he held you close. “It’s like… I’m all in, you know? But sometimes it feels like you’re… not as committed to this as I am. I know we haven't been together that long, but it feels like you don't really want the whole thing”.
His words hung heavy in the air, a weighty reminder of the unspoken tensions simmering beneath the surface of your relationship. You swallowed hard, the guilt of withholding your true feelings threatening to suffocate you.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered, your voice tinged with regret. “I don’t mean to make you feel that way. It’s just… complicated”.
Jay pulled back slightly, his gaze searching yours for answers. “Complicated how?”, he asked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
You hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But as you met his gaze, the sincerity in his eyes urged you to be honest.
“There’s… someone else”, you confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. “Was someone else, I… I don´t know. It´s someone from my… past, I guess. And I… I’m still trying to figure out what that means for me… for us”.
Jay’s expression faltered, a flicker of hurt crossing his features before he masked it with a forced smile. “I see”, he said quietly, though his eyes betrayed the turmoil within. “I guess I always knew there was something more”.
You reached out to touch his arm, a silent plea for understanding. “It’s not that I don’t care about you”, you insisted, your voice trembling with emotion. “It’s just… complicated”.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of your confession hanging heavily between you.
Feeling Jay’s gaze fixed on you, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself to share a glimpse of the tangled web that had ensnared your heart.
“We had… a connection, a deep one. But things didn’t end well”.
Jay listened intently, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity as he leaned back against the wall, his eyes never leaving yours.
“And now”, you whispered, the words barely “now I’m here, with you. But… but part of me still feels tied to him, to what we had”.
Jay looked down at you, his gaze searching yours with a mixture of compassion and uncertainty.
"Are you sure you're ready for a new relationship?", he asked. "I mean, if part of you still feels tied to him… it's okay to take more time to figure things out".
Your heart ached at his words, the truth of his question hitting you with a force you hadn't anticipated. Were you truly ready to move on, to fully commit to a new relationship?
You shrugged, unable to meet Jay's gaze as a pang of guilt washed over you. "I don't know", you admitted. "I want to be, but… it's hard".
A flicker of hurt crossed Jay's features at your words, his shoulders slumping slightly as he struggled to mask his disappointment. "I understand", he said quietly, though the pain in his eyes betrayed the depth of his feelings. "I just… I want you to be happy, whatever that means for you… for us".
Tears welled in your eyes as you reached out to him, desperate to ease the ache you had caused. "I'm sorry", you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "I don't want to hurt you".
Jay enveloped you again in a gentle embrace, holding you close as if trying to shield you from the pain of your own indecision. "It's okay", he murmured against your hair, his voice filled with a quiet resignation. "We'll figure it out together, okay?".
And as you clung to him, the weight of your uncertainty pressing down on you.
With everything swirling in your mind, you felt as though you were losing yourself in the chaos. The person you once knew, the one who had made promises and believed in love, seemed like a distant memory now.
After letting yourself in with Ben, you were pretending to be someone you weren't. And now, with Jay, you had thrown yourself into a new relationship, hoping to find solace in his kindness and affection. But in the process, you were hurting him, and the realization cut you to the core.
As Jay held you close, offering comfort and understanding despite the turmoil within you, you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at your insides. How could you continue to deceive him, to pretend that everything was fine when you were barely holding yourself together?
More tears welled in your eyes as you buried your face in Jay's chest, seeking refuge from the storm raging within you. "I don't know who I am anymore", you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion.
Jay held you tighter, his own heart heavy with the weight of your pain. "It's okay", he whispered, his voice filled with compassion. "We'll figure it out together. Just… be honest with me, okay? That's all I ask".
You nodded against his chest.
Jay held you close, his arms a comforting embrace as he gently brushed his hand over your back, soothing the ache that had settled deep within you.
"Hey", he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against your ear. "When was the last time you visited your mom, or your family? Or at least met with some friends?".
His question hung in the air, a stark reminder of the isolation that had gradually encroached upon your life in recent weeks. You thought back, trying to recall the last time you had reached out to anyone outside of your interactions with Jay, but the memory eluded you.
"I… I don't know", you admitted. "It's been a while. I've been so caught up in everything… I guess I lost track of time".
Jay's embrace tightened slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the loneliness that had crept into your life unnoticed. "Maybe… maybe it's time to reach out to them. They care about you, you know?".
Again you nodded against his chest, the weight of his words sinking in.
Jay pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head. "Come on", he said softly, his voice tender as he gently pulled away from your embrace. "Let's go back to the living room".
As you settled back onto the couch, Jay wrapped his arms around you once more, pulling you close as if to reassure himself of your presence. His touch was gentle, yet persistent, as he continued to brush his hand over your arm in a comforting gesture.
With each stroke, a sense of calm washed over you, the weight of your worries momentarily lifted by Jay's unwavering affection. Just like it has been for the last few weeks.
As you nestled into his embrace, Jay let out a soft sigh, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke.
"I think… I think you need to figure out your feelings", he murmured, his words tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I don't want to push you into anything, but… I really like you. And… and I do not want to lose you. Whether as a girlfriend or just a friend".
His admission hung in the air, a vulnerable confession of his own desires and fears. You turned to look at him, finding solace in the warmth of his gaze as he continued.
"So maybe… maybe we can take it slow", Jay suggested, his voice tentative yet hopeful. "We don't have to rush into anything. We can just… see where things go".
His words resonated within you, a gentle reminder that healing and growth often came with time and patience. You nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over you as you leaned into his embrace.
"Thank you", you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "For understanding".
Jay smiled softly, his fingers kept tracing soothing circles on your arm. "Always", he replied. "I'm here for you, no matter what".
In the days that followed, Jay and you spent countless hours talking, sharing stories, and getting to know each other on a deeper level. His presence became a source of comfort and stability, grounding you in the midst of uncertainty.
With each conversation, you felt pieces of yourself falling back into place, like a puzzle slowly being reassembled. Jay's patience and understanding gave you the space to explore your feelings and rediscover the person you once were.
One day, feeling a newfound sense of confidence and belonging, you suggested visiting the team again. Jay readily agreed, eager to meet the people who had played such a significant role in your life.
After introducing Jay to the others, everyone told you about the latest events, gave you an update on Homelander, and told you what it was like in the executive suite at Vought. Despite the distance and time apart, the bond you shared with them remained as strong as ever.
As the evening stretched on, you found yourselves gathered at a cozy bar with Hughie, Annie and Jay. Annie told you about her temporary leading position at vought.
You listened with admiration as she described the challenges and triumphs of her new role, marveling at her resilience and determination. Despite the pressures she faced, Annie seemed to thrive in the leadership position.
Meanwhile, Jay struck up a conversation with Hughie, the two of them quickly hitting it off. They exchanged stories and shared laughs, bonding over their mutual interests and experiences. You watched with a smile as Jay's easygoing charm drew Hughie out of his shell, the two of them becoming fast friends.
After a while, Annie led you to the bar to get some new drinks, the lively chatter of Hughie and Jay faded into the background, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you waited for the bartender to take your order, Annie leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial.
"So, what's the deal with you and Jay?", she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have to say, I really like him. You've definitely hit a good one".
You smiled weakly, grateful for Annie's support but unable to shake the weight of your own uncertainty. "He's great", you admitted, your voice tinged with hesitation. "But… I'm still trying to figure things out".
Annie nodded in understanding, her expression sympathetic. "I get it", she said softly. "But just know that Jay really cares about you. And if anyone can help you through whatever you're going through, it's him".
You sighed, the weight of her words settling heavily on your shoulders. "I know", you murmured, a pang of guilt tugging at your heart. "I just wish things weren't so… complicated".
Annie let out a sigh, her frustration evident as she leaned in closer, her voice tinged with exasperation.
“You need to forget about Ben”, she insisted, her tone firm. “He’s not worth your time or your heartache. You have someone amazing right in front of you, someone who genuinely cares about you”.
You nodded, knowing deep down that Annie was right. But as much as you wanted to let go, the pull of your feelings for Ben remained stubbornly strong.
“I know”, you replied softly, your voice filled with resignation. “But it’s not that easy. Ben… he made me feel things no one else ever could, or ever will”.
Annie rolled her eyes, her disdain for Ben evident in the way her lips curled into a frown. “Yeah, well, he was also a huge dick most of the time”, she muttered under her breath.
You couldn’t help but chuckle weakly at her bluntness. “That’s true”, you admitted with a rueful smile. “But despite everything, there was still something about him…”.
Annie shook her head, her frustration evident as she reached out to squeeze your hand in a gesture of support. “But you deserve someone who treats you right”.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the difficult conversation ahead. "I know Ben wasn't always ideal", you began, your voice tinged with emotion. "But he… he literally risked his life for me so many times… We, he, was special. We had something special".
"If there was really something special, he wouldn't have just left", she said bluntly, her words hitting you like a punch to the gut.
The truth in Annie's words cut deep, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within you. You knew she was right, that Ben's departure had left a gaping hole in your heart that seemed impossible to fill. But despite the pain, a part of you couldn't let go of the memories, the moments of connection and intimacy that had once brought you so much joy.
Tears welled in your eyes as you struggled to find the words to respond."But… it's not that simple…".
Annie reached out to you, her touch gentle as she wiped away your tears. "I'm sorry", she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just want you to be happy, that's all".
As you walked back to the table with Annie by your side, you couldn't shake the weight of her words echoing in your mind. With a heavy heart, you stole a glance at her, a silent plea for comfort and understanding.
"He didn't even say goodbye", you mumbled, the bitterness of the truth lingering on your tongue.
"He's just an asshole", she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"But he… had his reasons", you replied quietly, thinking about russia, though even you weren't entirely convinced by your own words.
Annie shook her head, her frustration evident as she linked her arm with yours. "Maybe", she conceded, her voice softening. "But that doesn't excuse the way he treated you. You deserve better than that".
In the apartment, Butcher, MM and Frenchie sat in tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
Frenchie shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his brow furrowed with worry. “I don’t like lying to (y/n)”, he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with guilt.
Butcher let out a frustrated groan, his frustration palpable in the air. “If (y/n) knew we had captured Soldier Boy, she’d be on the next flight to free him”, he grumbled, his tone laced with bitterness.
MM glanced between his companions, his expression grave. “We can’t risk it”, he said firmly, his voice a quiet reminder of the stakes at hand.
Frenchie let out a frustrated grunt, his unease bubbling to the surface. "If that ever comes out, (y/n) will hate us all", he muttered.
Butcher's jaw tightened at the thought, his frustration boiling over into anger. "She won't find out", he snapped, his tone harsh and uncompromising. "No one is spilling the beans, understand?".
MM nodded in agreement, his expression solemn as he met Butcher's steely gaze. "We'll keep our mouths shut", he affirmed. "He wasn't good for her, Frenchie. He just used her".
But Frenchie shook his head adamantly, his brow furrowed with disagreement. "I don't think so", he interjected, his voice firm with conviction. "I think he really did love her".
Butcher scoffed at Frenchie's assertion, his skepticism evident in the way he narrowed his eyes. "Love? That's a load of rubbish", he retorted, his tone dismissive. "He's a bloody supe, Frenchie. They don't know the first thing about love".
Frenchie bristled at Butcher's words. "Clearly you didn't see the way he looked at her", he countered. "There was something real there, I'm telling you".
MM glanced between Butcher and Frenchie, a troubled expression crossing his features. "Maybe", he conceded reluctantly. "But even if he did love her, it doesn't change the fact that he's a liability now. We can't afford to have him jeopardize us".
Turning back towards Annie, you couldn't shake the nagging question that had been gnawing at the back of your mind. "But don't you think it's strange he didn't even say goodbye?", you asked, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I mean, we were kinda friends, right?".
Annie raised a skeptical eyebrow, her expression incredulous. "Friends?", she echoed, her tone laced with disbelief. "You're for real, (y/n)?".
You flushed slightly, taken aback by Annie's reaction. "Well, maybe not friends exactly," you admitted sheepishly. "But we… we had something".
Until now, you hadn't told anyone how much had actually happened between you and Ben, even if everyone could already guess.
Annie let out a sigh, her frustration evident as she shook her head. "I don't know what you had with Ben", she replied, her tone softer now. "But whatever it was, it's over now. You deserve better than someone who would just up and leave without a word".
Despite your best efforts to move forward, being back with the team brought a flood of emotions rushing back, intensifying the ache of missing Ben. Every corner of the room seemed to whisper his name, every familiar face a bittersweet reminder of the bond you had shared.
You found yourself lost in memories, replaying moments spent with Ben in your mind like a broken record. His absence felt like a gaping hole in the fabric of your reality, a void that no amount of distraction could fill.
And as you navigated through the days, the longing for Ben weighed heavily on your heart, casting a shadow over even the most joyous moments. Despite the passage of time, the pain of his absence remained raw and unyielding.
And as you struggled to reconcile the past with the present, you couldn't shake the feeling that despite your best efforts, you were still trapped in a cycle of longing and loss.
A/N: I hope this chapter makes you feel a little better :D There's still so much planned guys, just wait. Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 22
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch@mimaria420@kaz11283@uncle-eggy @jackles010378 @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @meowmeowyoongles @sarahgracej @zemosdarling228 @leila22rogers @mostlymarvelgirl @emily-winchester @blacknoirr @onlyangel-444 @seasonofthenerd @staple-your-mouth @artemys-ackles @selfdestructionandrhum @mystic-mara
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allicat0 · 2 months
Based on your other Star Wars fics (made me weak in the knees) would you write a Bad Batch oneshot? In honour of the end being so near… either Hunter or Tech (I knowwww he’s not- but he IS) and plot relevance doesn’t matter. If the reader were a little tied up or restricted in a way and talked down to a teensy bit… whatever you would write would be incredible I’m sure. Love your work soooo much
Longing for Love
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ans: Firstly, thank you so much for the request, and I totally agree Tech is a cutie and I adore him just as much as Hunter. I love the idea and I hope I could provide what you were looking for! I know you asked for oneshot but I believe I went a little over board. I got a little carried away
Summary: It had been quite some time since you and Hunter last saw each other.. So when he finally returns back to the Parlor he was quick to get his hands on you. (This also takes place season 2ish)
Content: MDNI!, 18+, afab, Dom Hunter, Restriction, tied up, degrading, praising, submissive reader.
A/N:I am so sad that TBB has officially ended Im so sad but so happy with the ending! Again sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Enjoy!
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They say falling in love can be like a whirlwind, sweeping you off your feet before you even realise what's happening. It's a rush of emotions, a rollercoaster of highs and lows compressed into a short period of time. You find yourself captivated by someone's presence, drawn to their quirks, and enamoured by their essence. In such moments, time seems to blur as you dive headfirst into a new connection. Every conversation feels like a discovery, each shared experience deepens the bond, and before you know it, your heart beats a little faster whenever they're near. Which is exactly how it felt between you and Hunter. It’s said, what makes falling in love so intense is the rawness of emotions, the excitement of something new and uncharted. There's a sense of vulnerability that comes with opening your heart so swiftly, but also a thrilling sense of adventure as you explore this uncharted territory together. While some may caution against rushing into love, there's also a beauty in allowing yourself to be swept away by the magic of connection, even if it happens in the blink of an eye. After all, love doesn't always adhere to timelines or expectations—it simply blooms when two hearts find resonance with each other.
When you were recruited some time ago, it wasn’t an awkward transition, not only were they quick to take you in and treat you like family but you and Hunter’s relationship grew fast. As time passed, you would find yourself noticing the little details that made him so unique—the way he would crinkle his nose when he smiled, the way his eyes would light up when he talked about the future, or the way his touch sent a flutter through your heart. There was a sense of ease and familiarity that came with spending time with Hunter and you were quick to realise you were falling in love with him, little did you know, he was feeling it too. 
When he would arrive back to the Parlor after a mission you would talk to each other for hours. When you’re spending countless hours with someone you're slowly falling in love with, time stops.. It's in the small, seemingly insignificant moments—sharing laughter over inside jokes, engaging in deep conversations that stretch into the night, or simply enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence—that love quietly blossoms and grows. It wasn’t long until you and Hunter made your love for one another official, but when you did it made him leaving ten times harder. 
When circumstances forced the two of you to be apart, whether due to missions or other obligations, you found yourself missing those moments of connection and intimacy that the two of you shared. Simple things like his comforting hand on my shoulder or the way he'd smile in a way that made your heart skip a beat, that became cherished memories that you longed to experience again. The distance highlighted just how much he meant to you and how his presence had become an integral part of your life. It was a test of patience and resilience, learning to navigate the feelings of longing and yearning while finding ways to stay connected despite the physical distance. So to keep yourself busy, you put  your medical field to work tending to the wounds and ailments of those who come seeking help inside Cid’s Parlour as well as keeping the place nice and intact. 
After being apart for seven long months, the reunion with Hunter was a moment you had been eagerly anticipating, like a traveller yearning for home. The anticipation built with each passing day, the thought of finally seeing him again filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Your heart raced with a mixture of emotions—joy, relief, and a deep sense of longing finally about to be fulfilled. 
You heard the Marauder land out on the loading dock outside the Parlor, you rushed outside watching as the ship’s door slowly began to fall. When your eyes met, it was as if time stood still. You started running to him, the world fading away as you made your way over to Hunter. The feeling of his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close. There was an undeniable sense of comfort and belonging in his embrace, as if all the distance and time apart had melted away in that single moment. You held each other tightly, savouring the feeling of being together once again, feeling the warmth of each other's presence after what felt like an eternity. Words were unnecessary as your actions spoke volumes, conveying the depth of emotions you had been holding onto during your time apart.
In your shared moment Hunter eventually broke the silence. “I’ve missed you beautiful” you could hear his smirk, your grip tightened around him, not wanting to let him go afraid he would leave once more. “I’ve missed you too” You said to him faintly. “I’m just gonna help the guys unload. . I’ll be in shortly alright” Hunter said, pulling away looking into your eyes. “Go. .I’ll be right in.” He waved you off and walked back onto the ship. 
Having him gone for as long as he was, put not only a mental toll on you but a sexual one as well. You would be lying if you said you weren’t dying for his touch. Craving the feeling of being held close, melting into Hunter's arms and losing yourself in the moment. Waiting to feel the sensation of his body pressed against your own, the taste of his lips. The desire for Hunter’s touch has become a powerful force, driving you to seek solace in fantasies and secret desires. After the Batch finished their quick little debriefing with Cid, the two of you made your way into your shared room. Hunter wraps you in his arms, his fingers gently caressing your skin as he holds you close. His heart beats in sync with yours, taking everything in a moment to savour the warmth of your body pressed against his. He traces the outline of your features with his fingertips, feeling the texture of your skin beneath his calloused palm. With each stroke, he feels the tension in his body melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquillity and peace. His eyes meet yours as he pushes a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
Hunter inhaled sharply as you looked up at him. “I’m sorry we were gone for so long. . far to long.” he said softly as he cupped your cheek, your face melting into his touch. “Why don’t you make it up to me” his demeanour changed quickly once you struct up the offer. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side as he raised an eyebrow. “Unless you're tired, you can rest inst-EAD!” Your words grew louder when Hunter swiftly picked you up and placed you down on the bed, it was safe to say you got your answer. 
Hunter's lips press against your own and suddenly the world fades away, leaving the two of you in a moment of pure ecstasy. Feeling his lips on your own made you feel complete, and whole once again. Each kiss was laced with passion, each one getting sloppier than the last, being away from each other has been hard and like you said. Now he was gonna make these last seven months up to you. His hands trailed down your sides, firmly gripping onto your hips, pulling you closer. You felt his tongue push its way past your lips lapping with your own, exploring the depths of your mouth. 
Pulling away just enough to catch your breath a trail of saliva breaking from your separation. Your eyes lock, only for a moment. Hunter began trailing kisses along your jaw and down to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His lips made their way across your collarbones, lingering for a moment before reaching your chest. He paused, his fingers gripping the bottom of your shirt pulling it  up and off. Hunter took a moment to admire your chest, his fingers brushed along your skin gently. Leaning back down you felt his lips meet your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses that made their way further down. The warmth of his breath teased your skin, making you squirm slightly in anticipation. With each touch, the wetness between your legs grew, leaving you breathless and eager for more. He was teasing you, doing his best to work you up. . and it was working. 
You looked down at him, your eyes pleading with him, he knew that this was what you desired, and he would give it to you. Gently, he lifted himself off the bed, and grabbing his silk rope, he tied your wrists together and attached them to the bedpost, ensuring your comfort while also restraining you. Your eyes never left his, the trust and submission evident between you. As he finished binding your wrists, he traced the rope with his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours. Hunter leaned in and began to kiss his way down your body once again, savouring every inch of your skin, leaving a trail of passion and intensity. Each touch, each kiss, and each breath sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, knowing that you were completely in his control.
Hunter could hear your heart beating faster, the anticipation and excitement building up inside you. He ran his hands down your sides, feeling your muscles tense under his touch. With a knowing smile, he pulled your pants and panties down, discarding them to the side. He reached for another piece of silk rope, spreading your legs and began tying it around your ankles, then to each end of the bed. Still allowing your legs to have some mobility but, you weren't going far. The sensation of being bound sent shivers down your spine, heightening your desire for what was to come. He stood up and admired his handiwork, the sight of you restrained before him driving him wild with lust. He knew what came next would be even more intense, and he couldn't wait to lose himself in you.
"I'm going to make you beg for me, Beg me to take you, and to make you scream my name." His voice was deep and commanding, sending waves of desire through you. As Hunter knelt down between your legs, gently pushing them apart, giving him full access to explore every inch of your body. His hands ran up and down your thighs, leaving trails of fire in their wake. You couldn't help but bite down on your lip holding in your sweet sounds, the combination of the restraints and his touch pushing you closer to the edge. As he reached your most sensitive area, he paused, looking up at you with a smirk, his eyes locked on yours, the power dynamic clear. "Say it," he commanded, his voice low and hypnotising. "Tell me you want it, that you need me." The command sent pleasure racing through you, making it nearly impossible to form coherent thoughts. "Say it, or I'll stop." His eyes were filled with both desire and a hint of playful cruelty. You gasped, your breath catching in your throat as you whispered, "Please."
Hunter raised his eyebrow “you know that isn’t good enough, use your words.” his words were stern once more. “Please touch me” you let out a soft whimper. The power dynamic between the two of you was driving him wild. He took you in deeply, his tongue began lapping over your wet pussy in a well paced manner, pushing you closer to the edge. As he continued, his hands held your legs open holding them in place, bounding you completely. His tongue dipped inside you, exploring every inch, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. Each touch was deliberate, each flick of his tongue designed to bring you closer. "That's it," he murmured, his voice low and seductive, vibrating against your pussy. "Beg for me, beg for the release I'm about to give you." You could feel yourself getting closer. "Please," you begged, "I need you, please don't stop." His eyes locked on yours, desire burning brightly, as he continued, you could feel the release building, the inevitable climax just moments away.
You felt the knot building up inside, getting ready to release just moments away, but you felt Hunter pull away. Your eyes shot down to look at him. “What are you?” He gave one last kiss to your pussy before lifting his head away from the inbetweens of your legs. “Not yet,” Hunter said sternly as he pulled the lining of his pants down, adjusting himself and freeing his stiff cock. His hand gripped around the base giving it a few pumps. “Mm please Hunter, please let me cum” You cried out to him, a smirk spread across his face. “Such a greedy whore aren’t you. Begging for me to let you cum.” He said as he positioned himself between your thighs, his deep brown eyes locked on yours. His large hands grip your hips, guiding himself into your pussy. The initial thrust is slow and deliberate, letting you adjust to his presence. 
But It wasn’t long before he began to thrust deeper, you moaned softly, revelling in the fullness of his invasion. With each thrust, you pussy wrapped around him tighter causing your head to fall back into your pillows. Without your hands to cover your mouth you did your best to shield your moans into your pillows but failed doing so. Your sweet sounds echoed throughout the room, as Hunter continued to thrust into you having total control over your body. “F-fuckk Hunter” You cried out his name as he picked up the pace, his hands gripping your hips tight as he pounds into you. Your hands squirm trying to break free of the restraint you wanted to hold him, but you knew it wasn’t gonna happen.
You did your best to move your hips in the rhythm of Hunter’s thrust as much as your restraint body would allow you to. “That’s it, fuck you’re such a good slut” he let out in a low groan. His thrusts became more sloppy by the minute, he was growing close and so were you. “Hunter!” you whined out your eyes locking on his. “What is it pretty girl, fuck, tell me what you want” his voice was horse as he spoke, choking back his groans. "You're so close, aren't you? So close to that release." His fingers dug deeper into your sides, making you squirm beneath him. "But you won't get it until I say so. Beg for it, beg to cum." His voice was low and commanding, sending shivers down your spine once more. You whimpered, the desire and need building within you. "Please, please, I need it," you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please let me cum." He smirked, as he continued thrusting his cock into you, pushing you closer to the edge. "Not yet,” 
“Fuck I can’t take it anymore, Hunter please!” he surrendered, allowing you to fall over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure, cumming on his cock. Your legs began to shake as he fucked your through your climax. “Shit, baby.” Hunter let out a low moan, thrusting into you a few more times before, sending his release into you. The two of you fell silent, doing your best to catch your breath. Watching as his chest would rise and fall rapidly trying to catch his breath. He pulled out of you slowly and leaned up, planting a kiss on your lips, before falling next to you. “Don’t ever leave for that long again” you huffed out, catching your breath. Hunter smiled looking over at you “I promise, if I’m ever gone that long again. . I’m taking you with me” 
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@allicat0 . .signing off
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sungbeam · 9 months
𝐧𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
hwang intak x gn!reader
1k words, hurt/comfort, soft things, mentions of anxiety/being overwhelmed, mentions of discomfort around family members, head kiss, intimacy
a/n: requests now closed! *sighs* i love him 🙁 thank you to the anon who requested this! hope this brings u comfort <3
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He found you perched on the curbside outside the restaurant, the sounds of merriment muffled as the front door closed behind him. You glanced up from your phone to watch him take a seat beside you, his head tucked into a black beanie and hands coming out of his jacket pockets to rest behind him.
"I saw you leave a few minutes ago, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to be alone or not," Hwang Intak murmured and tilted his head in your direction, eyes glued to the establishment across the street to watch people pass by the window. "I'm okay, here, right? I can leave if you don't want me here."
You notched your phone off and set it under your thigh. "No, it's okay," you said, drawing circles on the street. "I just… couldn't stand being around them for too long."
He looked at you now, dark, round eyes really looking at you. Your posture was off, your hair covered your face. Everything about tonight was so off, and he was hitting himself in the head for not seeing it sooner. "I didn't know you were so uncomfortable around your relatives."
You had invited Intak to come to a holiday gathering with your family this evening. They had booked out the mom and pop shop on Main Street that served a taste of home. You'd originally been nervous about inviting him, since the two of you only recently became an item, but you should have never doubted him. Your family seemed to love him anyways, but then again, they always did seem to adore everyone but you. There was always something to complain about.
"Yeah, I mean…" you swallowed. You suddenly found it hard to look him in the eyes. Maybe you were embarrassed. Didn't he say he had a good relationship with his family and relatives? "They're just a little much for me sometimes and I get a little overwhelmed. I'm sure they mean well and stuff but I can't—sometimes I can only handle being around them in small doses."
Intak was quiet for a moment as he considered this, a frown flitting over his pretty features.
You covered your knees with your palms. "I'm sorry I pretty much ditched you, by the way," you added with a grimace. "That wasn't very cool of me."
"It's okay; you needed some air, and I get that."
He had said it so simply that you were almost stunned. He was being so understanding about this, and yet, you still felt awful. Here he was, someone you envisioned to be near perfect, and here you were… You cleared your throat, eyes pinned to the ground. "Thanks for being here tonight. I know it must have been intimidating to meet my entire extended family in one night."
He gave a warm chuckle that enveloped your body in an audible hug. "No worries, honey. I was actually really excited to just, I dunno, hang out with you for a holiday that was important to you."
Your heart soared, and you turned your head to look at him.
Intak pressed his lips into a smile. "And it doesn't matter if we're in there or out here—I get the overwhelming part, I really do. We can take it at your pace."
The two of you shared a smile. The cliché was always that actions spoke louder than words, and he had just wielded both of them in emphasizing his respect and consideration for you. It was Intak who was making your jitters decrease and your worries lessen. You suddenly focused less on trying to drown out the sounds of people in the building behind you, and instead, on the boy next to you.
When you sat in a moment of silence, you saw his hand inch towards yours on the pavement out of the corner of your eye. Your lips curled upwards in a small smile as you angled your fingers to touch his.
Your eyes met again. "It's okay to hold my hand, you know. I won't break."
His smile was bashful as he laced your fingers together with his and tested your interwoven hands on the sidewalk. He scooted over to you and you met him in the middle, until you could set your hands on your knees, legs and arms pressed together. "You know that I won't judge you for your hardships, whatever they are," he said to you, setting his free palm over your hands to warm them.
"I know," you whispered. You knocked your head against his shoulder affectionately, and he patted your hands in acknowledgment. "I just never know what to do with all of this anxiety and I've never really met anyone who I could trust with them."
Intak took his bottom lip between his teeth. "I'm sorry you've ever felt that way."
"You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault."
"I hope I never make you feel this way, if I can help it," he said to you with a slight pout. "We can learn how to take on your anxieties together, maybe?"
A smile wormed itself onto your face and you leaned your head on his shoulder now. "Stop being so cool."
He laughed, the sound soft, yet brighter than the lights from the surrounding restaurants. "I just care about you." His words warmed you again, and you felt his lips press against the crown of your head.
"I know," you said quietly. "I care about you, too. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me," he hummed. "Know any good dessert places around here? We can get ice cream and then come back in time to say goodbye?"
It was like he was a mind-reader. You made a comment about a favorite gelato place just down the block, and the two of you wasted no time in dusting your pants and setting off down the street. He never let go of your hand—only letting the pair swing between your bodies as he made you smile again and again and again.
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p1h m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @kaaimins @shakalakaboomboo @bless-311 @leaz-kpop-life @pxppxrminty @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @haechansbbg @kflixnet @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @outrologist
210 notes · View notes
actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll do anything, to make you...)
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warnings/kinks: mentions of past trauma, blindfolds, dhampir related things, biting, blood sucking, unprotected sex, boobplay word count: 1.3k pairings: Alucard Tepes x Fem!Reader teaser: “Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback.
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The idea alone was crazy, but you were so sure it would help him if he would agree to it. After everything Alucard has been through, you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to get angry and send you away for even suggesting something like this. But the more you thought about it, the more it became clear that something like this could just help him ease through some of that trauma.
You didn’t want to make him upset. You wanted him to feel loved and cared for. The idea of introducing blindfolds into the bedroom was just another way to get him to fully trust someone again. You began to think of all the ways you would be able to give him such mind blowing pleasure this way.
It’s after dinner one night that you finally gain the courage to mention your idea. Alucard and you are sitting in one of the comfortable reading rooms drinking some red wine. He’s reading to you while you sit on his lap. You’re nervous but you know you really want to share this idea with him.
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He looks at you and smiles softly. He knows you usually want something whenever you call him Adrian. There’s a moment of silence before he presses a soft kiss to your temple.
“What is it, my darling?” He murmurs against your skin.
You look down at your lap, “I had…an idea. I was wondering if you’d like to indulge.”
He cocks his head to the side, “indulge? In what, my love?”
You swallow hard. This is the most difficult part. You know that you’re not going to get a better chance than this but you also don’t want to offend your lover either. He’s the one you love the most and you know what he’s been through, especially when it comes to having intimate moments.
“I was thinking about doing something different in the bedroom,” you swallow hard again. “I was wondering if you’d let me blindfold you and—”
His response was so clear and it took you aback. You knew better than to push the issue, but you wanted to see if maybe you could make this work.
“I know that you’re scared, and you have every right to be. So I wondered if maybe you’d want to do it to me instead,” 
He considers your compromise. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you but he’s just so afraid of all those traumatizing memories to come flooding back and to make him so uneasy that he wouldn’t be able to finish the act of making love.
“Is this something you truly want?” He asks, a curious look in his eyes.
You give him a soft smile, “I’d love to explore this facet of intimacy with you.”
And with that, he takes your hand and gets you to lead him into the bedroom. There the lighting is dim and the bed is inviting. You aren’t sure where this is going to lead to, but you’re more than happy to let Alucard take the reins. 
He pushes you gently onto the bed and straddles you, making you giggle softly. The sound of your laughter is something that soothes him so much. Alucard then leans in to kiss you passionately, his hair covering the both of you like a curtain. It feels so sensual like this. He’s never felt this excited, despite the fact that your idea frightened him in so many ways. Your kisses become even more heated, and Alucard begins rutting against you.
“Let me blindfold you first. It’ll show me that I can truly trust this sort of situation.”
You don’t hesitate to agree to this. You want him to feel completely in control of the situation. So before he blindfolds you, he decides to slowly undress you. With every piece of clothing pulled off your body, Alucard teases the exposed body parts with his tongue and fangs.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone.
Once you’ve got only your underwear on, this is when he decides to use the silk scarf to blindfold you. He makes sure you’re comfortable before he pulls away completely. You whine so softly at the loss of contact, but this only makes Alucard even more excited and aroused.
He strips himself, leaving himself bare to you. But a chuckle falls from his lips when he realizes you aren’t even able to admire his naked form. He crawls onto the bed, teasing you with his hands. They hover over your skin, causing the hair to stand on end.
“Adrian, please…”
Your words are so honeyed and sweet as they fall from your plump lips. Alucard smirks at just how pitiful you look. To a predator like him, this has to be one of the most exciting moments. He knows he’d never do anything to truly hurt you, but knowing you’re a little helpless without one of your most important senses excites him. But he also knows that it’ll be so much more arousing this way for you to feel him teasing you.
His long and graceful fingers ghost over your skin once more before he leans in to give you a passionate and hungry kiss. Your teeth clash together as your tongues rub and roll together. Alucard then spreads your thighs, making you gasp. He chuckles darkly before letting his lips hover over your pulse point on your neck.
“Such a horny little thing,” He comments as one of his fingers presses against your clothed clit.
You buck up into his touch, so desperate to feel even more. He’s loving every moment of this. It’s so much more feral and needy with you without your eyesight. You’re just a slave to all this pleasure.
The sweet sounds that come from you when he pulls your panties off and he begins rubbing your clit are so whiny. Alucard feels his cock throbbing with every whimper and whine. Then he proceeds to slowly kiss a trail down your body.
He stops at your breasts, cupping them together and pressing his face between them to smell your sweet musk. He begins sucking on one of the nipples before giving the other one equal treatment. And before you can wrap your brain around this amazing pleasure, Alucard sinks his fangs deep into your breast.
“Ah!” You cry out, reaching down for his head. You had no idea he’d be doing something like this, but it turns you on like nothing else.
Alucard drinks his fill, enjoying the sweetness of your blood. When he’s done, he continues his trail of kisses. Then he spreads your thighs even more, loving the way your cunt is pulsing around nothing. You look even more delicious now. He then presses one finger deep inside of you, watching as your mouth opens wide as you let out the cutest moan.
“I should blindfold you more often,”
You nod your head desperately, hoping that he’ll always be treating you to this kind of torture. It’s so pleasurable and to think you wanted to blindfold him. With the way he keeps pumping his finger in and out of you with precise expertise, you know you’ve made no mistake with letting him reverse the rolls. You’re panting and moaning as the pleasure keeps building. You can feel the coil in your stomach tightening. Your walls are clenching and clamping down on the long digit.
“Cumming! ‘M Cumming!”
Alucard has half a mind to pull away, but he’s too taken by your beauty. It’s so sexy to see you get off like this. As the pleasure washes over you, he watches you carefully. He doesn’t let up his ministrations either, just allowing you to ride out this very intense high.
When he does eventually pull away, he takes off your blindfold so you can watch him suck your juices off his finger.
“You are a good little pet, you know that?”
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papiliotao · 1 year
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♡ — Reader: GN
♡ — Character: Scaramouche
♡ — Synopsis: After all he has been through, Kunikuzushi finds it difficult to trust. However, a single push causes his indifferent façade to shatter.
♡ — Content: Scaramouche is referred to as Kunikuzushi, hurt/comfort, fluffy ending, nightmares, clingy Scara, vague spoilers for Scara’s backstory, established relationship (but it's in its early stages)
♡ — Word Count: 883
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Kunikuzushi has a strange tendency of edging his way around intimacy. He has his back to you each night as you fall asleep beside each other in your shared bed, and whenever you ask to hold him, he rejects your advances without hesitation.
Sometimes his words hurt. They drive venom-coated daggers into your fragile heart with the utmost precision, never failing to make you wince as the pain of your lover’s refusal sows seeds of doubt within your mind. However, after pursuing Kunikuzushi for what feels like eons, you know better than to take his harsh remarks at face value.
Deep down, he’s still afraid — afraid of love. Despite the fact that your gentle touches and reassuring words have acted as remedies to the illness that afflicts his heart, he still can’t help but fear losing you. Loving you just to lose you is the last thing he would ever want, so he keeps his distance, not ready to fully commit just yet.
There are still moments where he’s softer — showing the side of him that you have come to adore through touches as fleeting as autumn leaves and bashful compliments spoken in a voice as soft as a calm zephyr, but it always feels like there’s an invisible barrier that Kunikuzushi is too afraid to shatter. For now, you are nothing more than casual lovers, and while you are awaiting the day Kunikuzushi will finally break the wall and give you his entire heart, Kunikuzushi is trying his best to ensure that you won’t get too attached to him.
To him, the pain of abandonment is an old friend. It lurks in every shadow, every moment of silence, and every intrusive thought, perpetually bringing up the question of what he would do if you ever left him. He doesn’t want the hurt of your betrayal to sting, but above all, the feeling of being forsaken by someone you love is something he would never wish upon you.
So whenever he has to reject your requests to pull him close while you fall asleep, he reminds himself that he’s doing it for you. After all, if he stays away, then you’ll love him less, and if you love him less, then it won’t hurt as much when you inevitably part.
Despite his intentions, he is blind to the suffering that he is making you endure in the process. You, the innocent, courageous, and patient soul that somehow learned to love someone as abhorrent as him. If his heart was honest, he would admit that he wants nothing more than to keep you close to him, but Kunikuzushi cares not for verity in the face of loss.
However, everything changes one morning when you awaken to the feeling of breath tickling your skin. You feel arms wrapped around your waist and a comforting warmth pressed up against you. When you open your eyes, you feel as though the air is knocked out of your lungs by the endearing sight before you.
Your face is mere centimetres away from Kunikuzushi’s. His eyes are closed, and he looks as though he is suspended in a state of pure bliss. Sunlight tints his pale skin a golden shade, making him appear the liveliest you have ever seen him. It’s all breathtaking beyond measure, but what makes your heart seize up the most is the small smile that adorns his visage. It’s subtle — barely noticeable, but it’s there. He’s angelic.
Kunikuzushi begins to stir far too soon for your liking. You try your best to pull away, fearing rejection in spite of the fact that he is the one holding you, but to your surprise, Kunikuzushi’s grip tightens as he whispers a subdued, nearly-inaudible, “stay.”
He’ll never admit it, but he had a nightmare the night prior. Darkness spun of his deepest insecurities and anxieties tormented him for hours on end, and in the midst of it, all he could think about was how he needed you by his side. When he woke up, his first course of action was to frantically search for you. He only managed to calm his breathing and brush the strands of hair sticking to his forehead away after confirming that you were still beside him, sleeping soundingly without a care in the world.
After reliving his most distressing fears, he lets himself admit that the thought of you helps him overcome the worst of them. In you, he is able to find solace, even in the midst of perturbed moments, so he finally allows himself to succumb to his desires. 
Kunikuzushi breathes in your comforting scent as he buries his head in the crook of your neck and pulls you even closer to him. He closes his eyes, sighing contently as you make no move to get up or question him. The puppet now knows that in your presence, he can be his true self without fear of abandonment; you understand him — all his hopes, all his fears, and all his deepest wishes, so for the first time in centuries, he allows himself to trust.
As he drifts into an enchanting slumber filled with the most joyous of emotions, the tension in Kunikuzushi’s body alleviates ever so slightly. Everything feels like an exuberant dream when he is with you.
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I mostly speedran this, so I'm not 100% sure if it's decent. Thank you for reading, and please remember to take care and have a nice day!
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zombiedumbie · 1 year
late night ride! [with Law]
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summary: just... a late night ride with law.
playlist: youtube
content: tooth rotting fluff, no pronouns used, law is driving (be careful)
pairing: law x gn!reader
word count: 545
an: I'm trying to work up the courage to post some smuts I have here. I've been posting content anonymously on the internet for a while now but for some reason when it comes to *cough cough* smut *cough cough* I start blushing and shy. btw, i've made a playlist for this one, you can see it above. It's kinda emo, I'll understand if not everyone likes it, but it's how I imagine the music Law listens to.
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Riding in the car late at night with Law can be a unique situation;
He may not admit it, but that is one of the happiest moments he has had in a long time. There's something about that moment that is entirely intimate and romantic, and he never wants it to end;
If he's driving, his hand will be on your thigh the whole time, occasionally making small circles with his thumb. You blatantly admire him, watching his cheeks warm up when he notices your gaze;
If you're driving, he'll be sitting comfortably, pretending to pay attention to the road while actually admiring you, with a heavy heart in his chest, wondering how he managed to win someone like you;
Either way, you'll have to listen to his playlist, filled with melodramatic and emo songs, which isn't bad because you're having a great time with him;
The conversation between the two of you arises eventually. You both laugh at inside jokes, share moments of intimacy where each one shows their most vulnerable self to the partner they love so much. But when the conversation dies down, leaving only melancholic music and the sound of the AC, you don't feel the need to say anything more;
Law feels his body warmed by the tranquility of your love as the car cuts through the silence of the nighttime streets;
It's in those moments that you see the real Law, the Law who doesn't wear a mask, always tough and serious. You see him truly, the Law you fell in love with, the Law who holds your cold hand because of the AC, who smiles before leaning in and kissing you at traffic lights.
"Hey, Law," you call out, sitting sideways, your body and head resting against the seat, observing his focused figure.
"Hm, yes?" You had noticed this before; he always pursed his lips when he was concentrating, but today it seemed even more adorable than usual.
He was casual, wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and his usual jeans. The tattoos were visible on his arms and hands, while the V-neck of his shirt revealed a small part of the tattoo on his chest. You took a moment, observing his features.
Until he quickly turned to you; you had been silent, watching him for some time, deciding whether you should say what you wanted to say. Such moments between you were rare, so you couldn't miss the chance.
"I love you," your voice didn't come out louder than a whisper.
You saw him pause, as if he was shocked. He knew you loved him; you had already demonstrated that many times. You shouted it with every movement, every word, every look directed at him. But spoken? There were very few times those words had left your lips and hit his heart like a venomous arrow.
Your words were delicate, loving, comforting, warm. Law held onto them in his ears for a while, breathing as little as possible, trying not to inhale the air that came out of your mouth with that sentence. He counted the beats of his heart, "1, 2, 3..." wondering if he hadn't flipped the car and was now listening to an angel speak.
"Law?" you spoke, clearing the last words from the air so tenderly that he didn't mind. "Love, don't crash the car," you laughed.
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He's a little dramatic.
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myun-saidthoughts · 11 months
4th House Synastry
In the realm of 4H synastry, activating this aspect invokes a sense of comfort, ease, and relaxation. It creates an environment where worries fade away, and it allows you to express your inner thoughts freely, you just feel secure. The energy exudes a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.
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For reference I'll use this boy and I's synastry aspects:
His Sun, Mercury & Venus are in my 4H.
(Below are his planets in my 4H making into my chart)
His Sun conjuncts my Jupiter, His Sun opposes my Moon (6 degree orb), his Sun trines my Mercury, Lilith and ascendant, his Sun sextiles my Mars, his Mercury conjuncts my IC, his Mercury sextiles my Uranus, his Mercury trines my Chiron, his Venus squares my ascendant and my Mercury, his Venus sextiles my Neptune, his Venus trines my Venus and North Node,
My Venus is in his 4H (My Venus Conjuncts his IC)
His South Node conjuncts my Sun
His Vertex conjuncts my South Node and Neptune
His Moon conjuncts my South Node (5 degree orb)
(Also: his Moon is in my 1H, my Moon is in his 3H, my Sun, Mercury, Rising are in his 5H, and my Venus is in his 4H)
Now I made a post about him a few months ago, and I noticed It felt bit lack luster with him. Although there was an instant comfort that I hardly feel with everyone else, I wasn't completely enticed, compared to what I'm used to (with 8th house synastry). I was intrigued a bit because objectively he is beautiful, and for someone who struggles with emotional intimacy, vulnerability, I self sabotage as if it's my second nature, so with it came times where when I was with him I didn't allow myself to feel deeply or to feel something for him (as much as I am a able too) so with that brought in feelings where I told myself I didn't like him or that he didn't ignite enough passion in me.
I saw him in May which was a few months ago and I was with him for the weekend and everything felt easy, but I wasn't incredibly enthralled, and with him and without him I felt whole and there wasn't any voids that he healed. (but that's because I subconsciously blocked myself from allowing him too)
After hanging out with one another, sharing dating behavior attitudes, hand holding etc, he just disappeared out of thin air, and I didn't think twice of it. And honestly because of our synastry I already knew I was going to run into him some way or another.
Anyway, a few days ago the same hour Venus goes into retrograde (he has a natal Venus retrograde) he called me and we made plans to hangout the following day. Prior to this I was nervous and scared because I don't normally see or hangout with anyone, but we met up at a party and we were casually just hanging out, he brought his friends and I was with mine. The conversations weren't forced and the second I saw him the fear I had left, I wasn't nervous or worried and I easily kept conversation. It was like I suddenly became this open, carefree individual that knew how to make conversation with anyone who was around because he was standing next to me.
Anyway as the night progressed he visibly looked so cute, and because I was drinking I became more inclined to letting him "in," in some way or another. We talked and talked and i'm not even sure about what, but there was no awkward silences and I just felt so at ease and was always laughing. I didn't get this high like I did with 8th house synastry, but I just felt comfortable in my own skin and because of that, I liked being next to him.
At the party we were away from each other for maybe 3 minutes and as a stranger was talking to me, I thought to myself I want to stand next to him. And prior to this I was scared that he was going to only hangout with me, (because I'm terrified of actually liking someone) and it turns out I was the one who chose to go back to him at the party. (He was literally the cutest boy there lmao)
We kissed that night and from the following day (today) I don't feel sick, I don't feel worried, I don't feel scared that I allowed myself to kiss him. That alone is triggering me to feel worried. Now since I still have curiosity towards him and since he feels like a comfort blanket; I'm now realizing what his presence elicits in me. He somehow didn't trigger my disorganized attachment style and I genuinely think it's because for (now) I allowed myself to feel, without getting scared or even repulsed by him.
I thought I wasn't affected by him, I thought I wasn't going to need him in any shape or form.
But in this moment I feel like i'm wrong.
Right now the feelings that I have are confusing me because I don't feel low without him, but I do feel this co-dependent underlying want for him.
Feeling comfortable in my own skin, with no worry is something I am not used too, so for him to create that in me is what's getting me.
A part of me knows I knew him from a previous life, and because of my broken attachment style, having this comfort with another person isn't something I normally get to hold onto.
Since I am still learning to let myself feel, these emotions that persevere comes in waves. I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind seeing him again, but that's the part of me that craves for peace and serenity talking, and now writing this post, the other part of me that hides and suppress any unsolicited needs for another is creating myself to feel nothing towards him.
(It's been another day since writing this and I no longer have that dire need for him because my brain is telling myself it's safer for me to not truly care yet and whether I want too or not, my brain just does this. I can still turn these feelings off in some shape or form and I still feel fear with going on a date or seeing him again but I also know, that once i'm next to him i'll just feel this ease I wish I was able to hold onto on my own.
Moving on, for a more descriptive and better understanding this is how the house person might feel:
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What 4th House Synastry Feels Like
Everything feels so easy, with them you'll feel somehow secure, somehow safe. You naturally know how to respond to them, a look from them makes you feel comfort, you two share the same humor (with other soft mercury-moon/sun aspects), everything feels like it's already happened before, and with that feeling they unlock a part of you that you're afraid to show others.
When you're next to them, you're no longer worried about how others perceive you, nor are you overthinking the conversations between the two of you. It's different with 8th house synastry because although with the 8th house their touch unlocks that dire need of being emotionally vulnerable towards another, the 4th house unlocks a part of your character that you naturally hide or the part of you that you overthink when you're with strangers.
When they're next to you, nothing can feel bad, you don't fixate on any issues, you can just allow yourself to feel safe, and at ease. They bring you a sense of security you didn't know was possible, you want to hold onto them, be next to them, and you can't help but smile, can't help but be open, optimistic, and can't help but be unafraid to take on any task you can ever think of (especially if there are more Jupiter synastry aspects between you two).
Any anxiety somehow vanishes, you're not worried, you can't feel worry, you're not second guessing anything, and you don't have these wavering thoughts, and there's no what ifs, you're in the moment, you feel present, and nothing else matters. You allow yourself to feel at home within because they bring you this sense of comfortability that you've never felt before.
They become this key with unlocking the side of your personality that you hide towards anyone else that you don't share a close connection too.
And for someone with a Scorpio Moon/active 12th House, this feels new for me. Comfortability and serene feelings are both things I search for. I genuinely don't show anyone my true feelings or thoughts, I always wear a mask with everyone I meet. So with that, I want to feel calm, and safe, so because of that I believe that what's this synastry is hitting in me, but if you don't have a disorganized attachment style (or maybe even Scorpio placements) like me, the feelings within might be different.
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jukey · 11 months
Blue Lock x Reader Headcanons
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Hiori x Reader Headcanons + Scenario
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Hiori may seem distant at first, but his heart softens around someone special. when he doesn't feel like practicing, he would love spending quality time with you, going on peaceful strolls in the park, hand in hand, sharing gentle smiles and stolen glances.
His reserved exterior melts away whenever you gives him a surprise gift or a heartfelt compliment. His cheeks turn slightly pink, and he bashfully thanks you, trying to hide his growing affection. This would mean the world to him and even if you see this as something small, he would never forget this.
Hiori's idea of a perfect date involves a cozy movie night at home. Snuggled up under a warm blanket, he enjoys romantic films, secretly hoping you notice the subtle similarities between your love story and the ones on screen.
He finds comfort in sharing his deepest fears and dreams with you. Through your support and understanding, Hiori realizes that vulnerability is not a weakness as his parents described, but a path to emotional intimacy.
Despite being a skilled soccer player, Hiori is adorably clumsy in matters of the heart. He might accidentally drop a love note or fumble his words when trying to confess his feelings, making you giggle at his adorable awkwardness.
Hiori's eyes light up when you surprise him with homemade snacks. His heart is won through delicious treats, and he can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have someone who cares for him in such sweet ways.
Playing video games together becomes your favorite bonding activity. It's a way for Hiori to showcase his skills and teach you the tricks of the trade, all the while relishing in the joy of shared laughter and friendly competition.
He becomes an unexpected romantic, planning little surprises like leaving heart-shaped notes in your locker or sending you encouraging messages during the day.
Hiori might be stoic in public, but he becomes quite the cuddler behind closed doors. He loves wrapping his arms around you, feeling your warmth against him as you snuggle together.
At the end of the day, Hiori cherishes the quiet moments of simply being in each other's company. Whether you're watching the sunset or stargazing, he finds contentment in your presence and knows that with you, he's found something special.
"im shaving off your eyebrows."
all you could hear were distorted laughs coming out of your headset from the menace who had beaten you four times in a row by now.
"you don't have to let me win every time, you know? let's play fair and square!" hiori said, suppressing a giggle. he knew damn well you were fighting for your life over here and still teased you about it
"that's it. done. play with your e-girlfriend or something, I'm logging off," you dramatically said to him. mouse hovering the 'leave party' button as you waited for him to take it all back and beg for mercy.
"can't, she's busy rn," he snorted when you gasped, almost taking him seriously. soon an uneasy silence filled the voicecall.
"you there? I was joking, you know. i could never replace my one and only teammate," he filled you in. "besides, carrying you in games is much better than letting you do all the work," it would be a lie if you denied that your heart skipped a beat by how soft-spoken he sounded.
"forgiven. I'm not selling your account anymore, mwah!" you blew a kiss through your mic.
"you were what?!1?"
"nothing, nothing let's play again!"
it's safe to say he played a little less extreme for you to win a few games <3
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guys plspslspslspl request something
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commander-krios · 5 months
Better Judgment: Part Two
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: f!Tav/Rolan Rating: Mature Summary: Lorroakan was dead.Now came the mortifying ordeal of thanking his savior. Again. Words: 5885 Additional Tags: Tiefling Tav, Tieflings, Named Tav, BG3 Spoilers, Minor Act 3 Spoilers, Bard Tav, Blood and Injury, Mild Gore, Minor Character Death, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Banter, Intimacy, Ceremorphosis Mention, Love Confessions
Read on AO3: Part One Part Two
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The sun hadn’t even risen when Rolan opened his eyes, nestled beneath blankets in a bed that wasn’t his. He tried to move, but found he was pinned beneath something… no, someone. Memories from the night before filled his head and he smiled. With a quick exhale, the tightness in his chest receded slightly, the disorientation he felt at his unfamiliar surroundings dispelling like early morning fog.
How long had it been since he’d felt so content? So free? When was the last time he didn’t fear closing his eyes in an unfamiliar place?
His gaze sought the person he shared a bed with, thrilled to see a mess of raven hair tumbling around two familiar horns before it splayed out across his chest. 
Her face was tilted in his direction, eyes closed and her breathing soft. While her body was pressed against the curve of his hip, her tail had wrapped itself around his leg, the sensation strange yet wholly welcome. Her arm was draped across him, hand resting on the opposite side of the bed, nails brushing the sheets gently. He stilled, not wanting to wake her with any sudden movements. She was in a deep sleep, little snores leaving her mouth with each exhale. 
His heart swelled at the sight. She’d asked him to stay the night with her and now, in the light of a new day, Rolan understood why. She felt safe, comfortable, completely at ease with him. How long had it been since she had slept so undisturbed?
Rolan brushed some hair behind one pointed ear, running the tip of his finger across the edge. She was so peaceful, so beautiful as she slept. When awake, she drove him to insanity with how easily she got beneath his skin. Doubly so since she did it on purpose. But here, with her mouth firmly shut in sleep, he enjoyed the peace of her body against his. 
Twirling a stray piece of Juniper’s hair around his finger, he knew, deep in his bones, that what he felt as he watched her was something far deeper than a crush.
With a happy sigh, he shifted forward and pressed a soft kiss against the wrinkle in her forehead, her skin warm against his lips. He lingered briefly, feeling his heart thud dangerously fast in his chest. There was nowhere he’d rather be, no one he’d rather share his successes and failures with. And that fact scared him as much as it delighted him.
Who would have thought something like this was still possible for him?
“I love you.” 
The whispered words escaped him before he could do anything to stop them. But once they passed his lips, he knew he’d never take them back. No matter how much it terrified him to be vulnerable with another person, especially one he owed his life several times over to, he wouldn’t regret what he felt. He couldn’t… not with her in his arms.
He watched her in the comfortable silence for a few minutes more, refusing to disturb her restful sleep, when Juniper’s eyes fluttered open, focusing on him before a stunning smile broke across her face. It stole the breath from his lungs, her happiness brighter than any morning he’d witnessed before.
“Hey, you.” She whispered, voice gravelly from sleep. She shifted to lay on her stomach, tilting her head until it rested on the mattress, eyes never leaving him as she moved. Almost as if she was afraid to blink and he’d be gone. “You stayed.”
Rolan noted her tail was still twined around his leg. “I couldn’t move with all that weight on top of me.”
She snorted, burying her face in the blankets. His heart felt like it would escape from beneath his ribs and fly away, his head dizzy from being so close to her after all of this time. She reached out and pushed against his arm, barely budging his larger body but the touch was so casual, so intimate that he had to swallow around the sudden lump in his throat. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry to have ruined your night, Master Rolan.” 
He gripped her wrist in his hand and tugged her closer until she rested on top of him again. She giggled once more, blush spreading from her cheeks down her neck and across her chest. “You’ll have to make it up to me, of course.”
“Make it up to you? Haven’t I suffered enough broken noses for you?” She asked sarcastically, resting her cheek against his chest, fluttering her eyes as if it was that easy to weaken him. 
He hated to admit it did and for once, he wasn’t upset about the fact.
“That’s hardly fair. I didn’t ask you to break your nose for me.” The sun was beginning to rise, light peeking between the curtains and painting the floors in a golden glow. 
“I have a talent for getting you out of trouble.” She teased, running her fingers across his linen shirt, the feel of her claws against his chest eliciting a shiver from him. The touch was simple yet perhaps because of the simplicity of it, he wanted to kiss her senseless. It was intimate, more intimate of a touch than he’d enjoyed before and he only craved more.
“You have a talent for getting into trouble when no one asked for help.”
Juniper sighed, turning her face away from him, her fingers toying with a stitch in his shirt and falling silent. Did he offend her with his bluntness? Gods, what a fool he was. He closed his eyes, hoping she would ignore his comment and continue on as if he’d said nothing at all. That would certainly be better than feeling like an idiot. Why was it so hard to express what he felt?
He reached up to brush his hand over her hair, the loose strands slipping between his fingers like water, landing against his chest in the silence with the softest sound.
“I’d do it again.” 
It was a whisper, so quiet that he swore he’d imagined it at first.
“What did you say?”
She hesitated, fingers stilling against his chest. When she finally spoke again, her voice was strained, and a tightness crept into his chest at how sad she sounded. “I would do it again, Rolan. All of it: the goblins, the shadow creatures and Moonrise. Lorroakan. I would fight them all again, over and over if I had to, to keep you and Cal and Lia safe.”
And that was it, wasn’t it? Juniper had saved him more times than he deserved and even still, she was willing to do it again. To risk her life, constantly, to make sure he was safe and happy when he’d done nothing to earn her help, her friendship, her affection.
Why him out of all of the people who fled from Elturel? She’d latched onto him so thoroughly that he was afraid to lose her. Their fates had become intertwined and he didn’t want to let her go.
“And I’m sitting here with a tadpole in my head and a city to save, but all I can think about is how I’m going to destroy the Elder Brain so you can be safe.”
What in the nine hells was he supposed to say?
How could anything he did ever compare to that?
An idea flashed into his mind: the tadpole. Perhaps there was something he could do to help. Lorroakan had amassed a wealth of knowledge over the years. He probably never knew what sort of things he was hoarding, the tomes in his library alone no doubt were of immense value.
With his mind spinning at the possibilities, he shifted to sit up, hating how heavy his heart felt at the idea of leaving her.
“I should probably leave.” Rolan forced the words past his lips, knowing he would’ve stayed in bed with her for the entire day if he could get away with it. But he had responsibilities: to his siblings and to the tower that was now in his hands. Juniper glanced up, curious, and he felt like his excuses were weak before he even spoke them. “I need to catalog the arcane defenses, among other things. Learn how they work. So when the time comes I can protect…” You. “The city.”
If Juniper noticed the hesitation, she didn’t say anything. Leaning closer, she pressed a soft kiss to his nose, forcing a grin on her lips when she pulled back. “Do you mind if I come by later? I could use some scrolls. I need to stock up, you know, in case I need to save you later.”
He knew why she wanted to come by, it was written all over her face. She was worried about him. Still. Even with Lorroakan dead, she wasn’t going to stop trying to protect him. Normally, he would’ve found the entire situation bothersome, frustrating, rage inducing… but as she watched him in the following silence, his heart was in his throat, and he basked in the bliss of being warm and safe by her side.
“Of course. You’re welcome whenever you’d like.”
Her next smile was genuine, a mixture of surprise and delight that made her even more lovely than he thought possible. Rolan brushed a knuckle across her cheek, memorizing the sight of her relaxed, content, at peace. Knowing he was the responsible party.
It was almost too much.
“May I borrow Gale for the day? He knows more about the weave than I do. His expertise would be invaluable.”
“Whatever you need. I can’t think of anything more Gale would want to do than be lost among a sea of books.” Juniper sat up, taking her warmth with her and he missed the touch of her skin immediately.  He didn’t relish the thought of leaving her without a wizard for backup in some of the shadier parts of Baldur’s Gate, but if Gale could help him search the library for books on the Illithid and ceremorphosis, there might be a chance to save her. To save them all. “As much as I would love to have him with me when I confront Shadowheart’s past, I think some quiet time would do him good.”
“Thank you. I… I appreciate everything you’ve done.” His mouth went dry when her expression softened, her hand finding his so she could entwine their fingers together. “For Cal and Lia. For me.”
Juniper leaned over him, her hair brushing his face softly as her lips touched his. He almost melted at the contact. She didn’t acknowledge his words with a response, only gave him a grin before sliding from the bed. “I’ll see you at Sorcerous Sundries later.”
As she crossed the room to where a bag sat slumped against the floor, in nothing but an oversized tunic, Rolan had to remember how to breathe.
“You didn’t come back to the room last night.”
Rolan glanced up from the coffee he’d been about to sip, raising his eyebrows as Lia and Cal slid onto the chairs across from him. He watched his sister warily, calculating how best to respond to the obvious dirt digging. When she didn’t question him further and only smiled at him sweetly, he sighed and drank deeply of the cup, before setting it on the table in front of him.
“No, I did not.” He replied, rolling his eyes and returning to the page of the opened book in his other hand. “Did you only just notice? It’s nearly ten in the morning. You’re usually more perceptive than that.”
Lia’s smile widened despite the insult he so easily leveled at her. Worry curled in his gut at the look. “So, I guess that means you spent the entire night with a certain bard.”
Cal choked on his coffee, sending it out of his nose and onto the Elfsong’s pristine burgundy tablecloth, leaving dark wet splotches across the fabric.
Rolan sighed, placing the book down to level a glare in her direction. “I don’t know what you’re implying. I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”
Raucous laughter was the only response he got, from both of them. One day, maybe they’d stop acting like children. But he didn’t expect to see that anytime soon. 
“With how frustrated she’s made you since the Grove, I’m surprised you even managed to get that sentence out without blushing.” Lia leaned forward to grab the pot of honey for her tea. “I figured you’d go to Sharess’ Caress? Work out your frustrations there, but you surprised me, Rolan.”
Cal snorted, burying his face behind the tavern menu as if he was reading it. “I figured Rolan could only get a date with a glass of Arabellan Dry, but I can admit when I’m wrong.”
“I don’t need your help in securing a date.” Rolan slanted his gaze at Lia, hating how easy it was for them to rile him up. “Besides, nothing happened.”
Lia relaxed into the chair, lifting her teacup to her mouth. The steam warmed her lips as she smiled, not bothering to hide her smug look from him. “If you say so.”
“I don’t see what’s so funny. Juniper was injured trying to help me. The least you can do is thank her, not mock her.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you thanked her enough for all of us.”
Cal, on the other hand, was more sympathetic. “Lia isn’t mocking her, Rolan.”
“Right. I’m mocking you.”
His frown deepened and Rolan glanced away, staring at the full cup in his hands. His sister had every right to mock him, he’d certainly been insufferable up to this point and the three of them could use something to ground them to their new reality. But Juniper… she deserved better. From everyone.
“Mock me all you want. Just leave her out of it.”
Lia’s smile faltered. Cursing under her breath, she turned to meet Cal’s equally worried expression. “Rolan, I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
Setting the cup down, he pushed away from the table, needing to get away from his siblings and their probing gazes. There was so much that needed to be at Ramazith’s Tower, and yet, the only thought occupying his mind was how much they didn’t understand about Juniper’s situation, about what she was dealing with. Or more specifically, what she wasn’t dealing with.
“I have work to do.”
“Rolan-” Lia grabbed his wrist, stopping him from dashing away. He couldn’t look at her, but he didn’t shake her off. It was enough of an invitation for her to continue, the only one he could give in his current state. “I didn’t realize she actually meant something to you. I’m sorry.”
There was no response he could give to that. Nothing that would delve into the things he still didn’t understand himself. 
“Rolan.” Cal was beside him, pulling him into a hug that nearly crushed the air from his lungs. But he let his brother give him the comfort he was too afraid to ask for. “We want to help you, whatever you need. After everything you’ve done for us-”
“You owe me nothing, Cal.” He made it a point to look directly at Lia. “Neither of you do.”
Lia waved away his concern, a fond smile on her face. “We’ve had to deal with you on the entire trip here. That’s enough penance.”
Rolan snorted, but the sentiment wasn’t lost on him. 
“Just let us know what you need, brother.” Cal continued, stepping away enough to throw an arm around Rolan’s shoulders. “We’ll help you however we can.”
Lia rolled her eyes, but didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around them both, squeezing them into a tight hug. “If we must.”
He was touched. Even after everything they’d been through, his siblings were going to stand by him, even if he was insufferable. “What would I do without you both?”
“Thankfully, you’ll never find out.” 
When Gale finally arrived in Ramazith’s Tower in the late morning, Lorroakan’s former study was covered in texts, scrolls, and research papers. The desk, the chairs, the floor: no spot was uncovered. As the wizard came upon the mess, Rolan’s nose was buried in a tome, completely unaware that he was no longer alone.
The history of the Githyanki had offered no solutions. Majority of the book seemed to be tales told throughout the centuries about the Illithid and Gith, nothing factual. Tall tales and little substance. A waste of time that they didn’t have.
“Juni mentioned you needed my aid with some arcane research. I would be delighted to-” 
Gale’s sudden pause drew Rolan’s attention. Pausing in his reading of a particularly gory passage about the particulars of tadpole insertion, he glanced up, the wizard’s back to him as he lifted one of the texts from a chair. 
“I know what you’re trying to do.” Gale turned to him with a frown. The book he held in his hands had been read a few hours ago, but apparently he’d forgotten to return it to the shelves. One of the few books he’d found primarily focused on Illithids. “There is no cure for-”
“We don’t know that.” He snapped, turning away to pull another stack of texts closer, ignoring the tired sigh that escaped the wizard’s mouth. “Lorroakan has been sitting on a wealth of knowledge. We don’t know even a fraction of what this Tower may possess. And if you won’t help me find a cure for you and the rest of the Gate, then I’ll do it alone.”
Grabbing the top book, Rolan flipped it open to the first page, perusing the contents without actually reading a word. He was hyper focused on Gale standing at the end of the table, watching him with a melancholic expression that nearly tore his heart out. The older wizard tapped his fingers against the wood of the table, fighting a battle in his own head. “I know you want to save her-”
“I seem to be the only one who wants to.”
Gale flinched as if he’d been slapped. The frown that pulled at the wizard’s lips should’ve made Rolan feel guilty for being so harsh, but he couldn’t care less at that moment. Juniper’s life hung in the balance. He wouldn’t fail her, not when he might have the solution among the books in a tower that was now his.
After a tense silence, Gale sunk into the plush chair beside the desk, pulling the next book off of the pile without a word. Rolan glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, trying to ignore the hope that bloomed in his chest. There was too much uncertainty in what was lurking on the horizon and yet, he wouldn’t stop searching for a solution, for a way to keep her safe like she’d done for him so many times.
Gale settled into the comfort of reading, his eyes on the pages as he absorbed every detail of what they contained, the silence stretching out between them. After a few minutes, Rolan began to tap his fingers on the page of his own tome, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling curling in his gut. 
“I’m not a fool.” He muttered, staring at the words harder than necessary and ignoring the prickling on the back of his neck as Gale lifted his head. “I know the chances are almost nonexistent, but I… I can’t not try.”
Gale made a sound in his throat that was probably another sigh, but could’ve very well been a cough. “You are doing a wonderful thing even if the results aren’t as you wished. Juniper will appreciate it nevertheless.”
Rolan felt his ears heat at the praise, embarrassed at how easily he could be read. Was he truly that obvious? “I would do anything to help her.”
“Ah, young love blooming even amidst tragedy and war. A poet couldn’t have written a better tale.”
Rolan buried his face in his hands, trying to ignore the dread rising in his mind and the heat in his cheeks.
“It’s an admirable thing to do. To try to help Juniper.” Gale placed his current book on the discard pile before taking a scroll. “I hope we find something, I truly do. I know of no one else who deserves to be happy more than her.”
Gale was being kind, especially when Rolan was the one acting like an ass. As usual. If Lia was here, she’d probably slap him in the back of the head for his brashness. “Yes, she does.”
He didn’t know what else to say so he fell silent, staring at the pages of the book but not reading a word. 
“You’re worried.”
Gale’s voice pulled his attention back. The wizard was watching him with a peculiar expression; not exactly pity, but something melancholic, perhaps with a bit of disappointment mixed in. Rolan felt sick, knowing that he was being selfish. Juniper wasn’t the only one suffering from the tadpole, from the Bhaalists and the Banites, from the goblin armies. She was a part of an entire group of people on the cusp of ceremorphosis and despite death lingering on the horizon, they all fought with everything they had to protect the people of Baldur’s Gate. To protect the Elturel refugees. 
To protect him.
“I am, but that doesn’t matter.” Rolan said with more confidence than he felt. “No, I must find a solution to the issue at hand.”
Gale didn’t respond when he buried his nose into the book again, instead focusing on his own research. Research that was probably futile, but while Juniper’s tadpole and transformation were halted, Rolan wasn’t going to rest until he found a cure.
The book described the changes of ceremorphosis in great detail: organs were reshaped, the tadpole consuming the brain until nothing was left but the worm itself, taking complete control of the host until there was nothing left of their former self. Then the rest of the painful transformation took place: tentacles, bodily changes that were nothing short of horrifying. To be a shell of the person she once was, with the memories of her past but none of the affection she’d felt for her loved ones.
A whimper left his mouth and he closed the book, unable to look at the horrid pictures any longer.
Gale peered at him over the top of his reading, raising his eyebrows in concern.
Choking back the panic, Rolan waved away the worry. His eyes searched for something else to occupy himself with. He couldn’t take the sad look that crossed the wizard’s face. “I’m alright. It’s a lot to take in.”
He wasn’t going to let that happen to her. Never.
The portal whirled hours later, the only warning he had before Cal led Juniper into the Tower, chatting excitedly about their new home and all of the things he’d found already. His voice echoed in the chamber-like space and Rolan had only just enough time to slam the book he’d been reading shut, hiding it beneath a pile of scrolls that he still hadn’t organized.
Gale, sensing the sudden shift in his mood, let his own book slip between the armrest of his chair and his body, crossing his legs and readjusting his robes to hide the tome. It wasn’t going to be enough, he thought to himself as Juniper skipped down the small set of steps to where he was. They’d lost track of time, too engrossed in the things they found… and the things they hadn’t.
Rolan managed to get a few of the research scrolls stuffed into the desk drawer when Juniper paused long enough to give Gale a hug, leaning over to practically fall into the chair on top of him. He gritted his teeth as a sudden surge of jealousy hit him. Of all the things to be jealous about, this one stung the most. 
As she pulled away, Gale reached out to tap her cheek gently, tutting under his breath. “Can’t avoid it, can you?”
She laughed, but when she turned to face his direction, Rolan immediately noticed the dark bruise blossoming below her eye.
“Zurgan. What happened?” 
He crossed the space between them without thought, reaching out towards her face only to pause with his hand in midair, unsure if he should touch her or not. He didn’t have a clue how to do this, with her especially. 
“One of Shar’s worshippers got a spell past my defenses.” She slipped her hand into his, warm and reassuring and real. She was alright. She was alive. “Only one of us survived the encounter.”
That did little to ease the guilt that swam in his stomach, making him feel sick. “If Gale had been there-”
“I doubt there was much I could’ve done.” The wizard interjected, standing from his chair and stretching, a teasing glimmer in his eye as he regarded them. “Dear Juniper here does whatever she wants with little regard to her safety.”
Rolan glanced at her sharply, almost missing the grimace on her face before she hid it behind a grin. Of course, the first romantic feelings he’d had in years were for the incapable sorcerer masquerading as a carefree bard. The bard who tried to get herself killed daily. 
“It wasn’t my fault this time.” She said in an attempt at reassurance, but it did little to relax him. He was already on edge, the research on the Illithid and ceremorphosis was swirling around in his head, plaguing him with terrifying images of Juniper dying to leave a mindflayer in her place, nothing left of the woman he loved. 
Rolan, with his limited knowledge of the arcane arts, wouldn’t be able to stop this. He couldn’t protect her. Just like he couldn’t protect his siblings. Or himself, for that matter.
“Why don’t I believe that?” He snapped instead, the only defense he knew against the tumultuous feelings in his chest.
Gale cleared his throat awkwardly, a signal before he spoke, so as to not interrupt them. His eyes flitted between them in concern, but he hid it well behind a kind smile. “Well, I better head back to the Elfsong. Let you two catch up.”
Juniper turned to reach out for him and Rolan, again, felt a flash of jealousy at how easily she sought comfort from him. “Please, Gale. You don’t need to leave on my account. I know you’ve been wanting to read the books here.”
“You should go with him, Juniper.” Rolan heard himself say before realizing the words had left his mouth. “You’ve had a long day and I’m sure Gale would love to hear about what happened with the Sharrans.”
Juniper faced him again, face scrunched adorably in frustration. “Rolan, are you jealous of Gale?”
Gale coughed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck in uncertainty. “I really need to leave now.”
Rolan realized Cal was still standing there, eyes wide as he glanced between the three of them. Great, not only did he look like a fool in front of the woman he cared for and the wizard she was friends with, a wizard of great renown no less, now his brother had witnessed his outburst.
Cal backed away, waving at Gale to follow. “I’ll see you out.”
The portal whooshed them away a moment later, leaving him and Juniper standing in front of each other, tense silence between them. After another minute or two, Juniper huffed and put her hands on her hips, looking annoyed beyond anything he’d witnessed before. His heart jumped in his chest briefly, the image in front of him adorable beyond words.
“Gale? Out of all of the people you could’ve picked-”
“Can you blame me for thinking such things? He’s more of a wizard than I’ll ever be. He understands you better than I do.”
“I mean, Shadowheart, maybe. Karlach, definitely. But Gale?”
“He can protect you when you need it. Something I’m incapable of doing for my own family, for myself. You deserve-” He paused, realizing what she’d been saying in her response. There was a time that she thought of someone else in the very way he thought of her. Of course she had. “You mean to tell me that you and Karlach-”
Her hands slid across his jaw, soft and unyielding, and she forced him to look at her. Terrified of what he might find when he met her gaze, he was surprised to find only joy.
“Rolan, what brought this on?”
“The tadpole.”
Her eyes widened slightly and he wanted to feel triumph at the surprise that flitted across her face, but all he felt was despair. Because he’d failed. 
“I had the stupid thought that maybe… the answer to the ceremorphosis was here. In the Tower. Lorroakan had all of this arcane knowledge at his fingertips and yet, never utilized it.”
“So you and Gale spent all this time looking? For a cure?” 
“We came up with nothing. Searched the library, Lorroakan’s notes. Even Tolna’s books were unhelpful.” His voice broke as the realization crashed down on him. No matter how hard he tried, he was still a failure, despite having the amount of resources he did. “I failed you.”
“You don’t have to save me, Rolan.” She glanced away, clearly uncomfortable with the thought. “You don’t owe me anything.”
Did she think that’s what this was? That he wanted to prove to her that he could save her after all the times she’d saved him? Or that he owed her for saving his life, which in a way, he supposed he did. But none of that mattered when the only expression on her face was sadness. And pity. 
For herself.
“By the Nine Hells.” He cursed, stepping close enough that she had to tilt her head to meet his gaze again. “You’re daft. And to think that Lia and Call call me an idiot!”
“That’s a bit uncalled for.”
With a frustrated grunt, he tried to keep his anger in check. Throwing his hands up, he stalked back to the bookshelf, eyes on a book that he could probably recite in his sleep with how many times he’d combed through it. For her. He was terrified of what losing her would do to him. Just the thought of it left him on edge.
“After everything we’ve been through, I thought you understood.”
His tail flicked wildly behind him. At this point, he wasn’t sure if it was from anger, frustration, or fear. All he did know was that he didn’t deserve her… or any of it really. Not the Tower, not his siblings, not Juniper. Certainly not with the way she was watching him.
Juniper stepped closer, ignoring his outburst. There was no fear, no hesitation, no doubt. What was it that made her so strong? So full of courage and kindheartedness, even when he was an ass?
“What are you saying? I need you to be honest, Rolan.” Juniper’s body was pressing into his, her proximity driving him to madness. Why couldn’t she understand this? Why did he need to spill his guts all over the pristine tower floors? 
“I… I’m saying…” The hurt in her eyes extinguished all frustration. How can he be upset with her when none of this was her fault in the first place? “I woke up this morning with you in my arms and thought perhaps… perhaps this could be more than stolen kisses and flirtation.” He brushed a hand against her cheek and she leaned into the touch, the tenderness of the movement nearly undoing him. “I don’t want to lose you, Juniper. Not to death and certainly not to the tadpole. I’ll do anything to keep you here.”
“I am here, Rolan.” Her fingers entwined with his and his heart nearly jumped out through his throat. “Please, the future is already so uncertain. I don’t want to waste time arguing about this.”
She was right, of course. It was such a stupid, useless argument, but it didn’t stop the fear, the unrelenting terror at the prospect of losing her before he ever really had her. Love was inconvenient, messy, dangerous and yet… he didn’t want to fight it any longer. If this was the only chance they had, he refused to spend a single moment wasting time. 
His tail wrapped around her leg as he moved closer, his free hand gripping her waist, shifting until they were chest to chest, her face tilted up towards his.
“Juniper, I-” Taking a deep breath through his nose, he attempted to grasp at his thoughts, his feelings, his desires. Anything that might help him explain this devastating ache in his chest whenever he gazed into her fiery blue eyes, knowing that it might be the last time he gazed at her, talked to her, touched her. There was never going to be a better time to say all of the things he wanted, that he wished for them. A future that might never happen. Releasing the breath in a rush, he closed the little distance left between them, lips fitting against hers as if they were meant to be there. Maybe they were, there was little that would surprise him nowadays.
She moaned into his mouth, hands brushing across his shoulders before tangling in his hair. The touch of her body against his was going to drive him to madness. And he would go willingly, gladly.
When she broke away, her lips hovering just out of reach of his own, she laughed breathlessly. “The kiss was wonderful, Rolan, but you haven’t explained anything-”
“I love you.”
Her mouth parted slightly, eyes wide at the confession. “You-”
“I love you, Juniper.” Her hand was warm as it slipped into his, the rough calluses of her thumb brushing against his knuckles, sending shivers through him. He didn’t know what the future held for them, not with the Elder Brain, or the Tower, or anything really, but he knew who he wanted to share it with.
Her lips curled into a grin and she tilted her head to the side, gazing at him with a curious look. “Are you sure you want to do that? I thought I was a poor excuse for a bard and an even poorer excuse for a sorcerer.”
He sighed, heart sinking into his stomach, guilt over his past words making him glance away from her probing gaze. “I am being serious and you are being… you.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“You are absurd. Infuriating.”
“Vexing sounds so much better.”
“I had an entire speech planned out, but everything about you is so…” He trailed off when she grabbed his face to stop his rant. “unpredictable.”
“I love you too, you idiot.” She muttered, shaking her head in fond frustration. 
“You… you do?” 
Juniper cut off any more questions with her lips and for the first time since arriving in Baldur’s Gate, he felt truly content. No, not content, happy. Because if the joy that filled him was any indication, Rolan was utterly euphoric. Slipping his arms around her waist, he knew it would take everything he had to let her go again. Maybe, for a moment, they could have this and ignore everything else.
63 notes · View notes
daisybianca · 1 year
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pairing: mick schumacher x femalereader
summary: a night out with your boyfriend, mick schumacher
warnings: none, just fluff
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MICK RELUCTANTLY AGREED to your suggestion of going to see the latest Marvel film, and although he's not really into superhero movies, you can tell he's excited to spend some quality time with you.
As you arrive at the cinema, you notice the place is already packed, but you can't help but feel giddy with anticipation.
You started dating a few weeks ago, but you both felt like you have known each other for an eternity.
You hand Mick your ticket, and he takes your hand as he leads you inside. The place is already buzzing with activity, but you can't help but feel like you're in your own little world as you take your seats.
The opening credits roll, and you lean in closer to Mick, unable to resist the urge to hold his warm hand.
He looks at you with a small smile, and for a moment you both forget about the film and the people around you. The silence is heavy, but in a way that feels effortless and comforting.
As the film continues, you're consumed by the action on the screen, but it's the feel of Mick's hand in yours that really has your attention. You can't help but wonder what he's thinking as he keeps stealing little glances your way.
At one point, he leans in closer and whispers something in your ear that makes you laugh. You try to focus on the film, but he keeps making you smile with his witty comments and playful antics.
The tension between you mounts, and you can't help but feel how alive he makes you feel in the midst of all this.
For a moment, you think about how lucky you are to have him in your life. How lucky you are to have found someone who makes you feel this way. You look up at him, and he meets your gaze with a small grin. You both know that this night is about more than just a movie.
As the credits roll, you feel a surge of adrenaline as you both rush out of the cinema, eager to continue the night together.
After exiting the cinema, you and Mick continue holding hands as you make your way to a nearby coffee shop. The place is bustling with people, but you feel like it's just the two of you in this moment.
"That was fun, wasn't it?" Mick asks, still grinning.
You nod, unable to stop smiling. "It was amazing. I'm so glad we did this."
Mick's eyes meet yours, and for a moment, everything else fades away. You can feel the tension between you, and you both know what's coming next.
"I was thinking... maybe we could go back to my place?" Mick suggest, his eyes locked on yours.
You nod, feeling your heartbeat quickened. "Yes, let's go. I don't want this night to end."
As you both make your way to Mick's car, people mutter "Aww" at the sight of you two holding hands. You both laugh it off, feeling a sense of closeness and intimacy that you've never experienced before.
You just start to realize that people come to know you because of your boyfriend. It doesn't really bother you.
As you drive off into the night, you know that this is just the beginning of the many adventures you'll share together.
You're excited for what the future holds, knowing that as long as you have each other, everything will be okay.
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210 notes · View notes
lynnlovesthestars · 6 months
Pairing: Astarion x OC (Lynn, changeling.)
Genre: fluff? idk not gonna lie..
Warnings: blood sucking, messy kisses?, my messy writing is a warning by itself.. honestly not much..
wc: 1.7k? fairly short but it was a blurb i accidentally wrote at 3 am.
summary: astarion was supposed to have a meal and ended up catching feelings- or something like that.
AN: as i said its messy, maybe i should have sent it to someone to beta read it but also my therapist told me to not give a shit n post.. anyways i hope it was somewhat good cause im low on motivation lately ahah!\
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sessils
Taglist requests
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Lynn and Astarion had built a small feeding routine over the few weeks they had started traveling together, where the changeling would offer him blood a few times a week when he didn’t get injured.
The changeling didn't expect to be so affected by their little plan. It was supposed to be easy: feeding and leaving, nothing more and nothing less. So how did he end up in a weird tangle of emotions?
Lynn had forbidden himself from feeling anything but anger, yet he couldn't stop his heart from going batshit crazy whenever the two Were close.
That day Lynn had been feeling cold, as the lack of sun in the underdark would expect, the reason why, when Astarion looked for him that night, he had found the changeling in a cocoon of blankets reading a book.
“I hope you’ll share that novel with me.” He chuckled as he stepped closer, crouching next to the bundle of blankets that was Lynn.
The changeling had not heard him as he sneaked in, and it became obvious when he had jolted up. “Gods you scared me” He held a hand to his chest as he heavily panted.
“Sorry, my precious” He smiled.
Lynn didn't like to admit how Astarion’s sweet names affected him, they had been growing closer though he wished for more.
Anyway, it was in these moments, when silence would dawn on the two, that Astarion would feel the ghost of his heart fluttering, jumping to his throat as he noticed those little details about Lynn.
In that moment it was the faint line of a cut on his neck, as if he had been decapitated and sewn back together. He wanted to lean in, trace that scar and press his lips to it. Astarion mentally cursed himself at the thought, he had been so drawn to the changeling, that whenever he was in his mind he couldn’t help but derail to thoughts he was terrified of.
Nevertheless Lynn was the one that moved forward this silence.
“‘Starion, you are here for your dinner, right?” He asked softly as he eased down under the warmth of the blanket again.
“Uh, yeah” He rubbed the back of his head. “But if you don’t feel like it tonight we can-”
“No please, come in here..” He invited him under the blanket with a soft smile, a smile Lynn had not wasted for many before, lifting the bulde just enough he could slide in without dispersing too much heat. “It’s cold tonight, like this we will be warm” He murmured tenderly.
The elf swore he felt like everything faded away from around him as he was engulfed by the comfort of the duvet and Lynn’s closeness. It was so much and not enough at the same time.
“There you go” The changeling laid on his side to make more room for Astarion as he moved his hair to the side to expose the raw pinpricks on his neck.
“You’re sure? I don’t want to ruin your blanket accidentally” Astarion murmured as he gently traced the hollows where his fangs last bit.
Lynn couldn’t hide the goosebumps that settled on his skin as he nodded and as his usual he wrapped his arms around the elf’s waist, helping Astarion relax in the intimacy of the moment.
Neither of them knew how they did it, how the simple act of wrapping one’s arms around someone to bring them close, could ease any uncomfortable feeling that could go through them.
Lynn felt his throat suddenly going dry, as Astarion grazed Lynn’s neck with his lips, his face warmed up with a flush, and for a moment he was glad Astarion could not notice the blush. 
It felt as if he wanted to leave a kiss against the pale skin, but just the remote thought would make him run.
It didn’t matter how many times he’d be cradled in his arms and felt the sting of the bite pierce through his body, Lynn would always feel his heart race when Astarion’s lips would cup the wound and would start draining him of his blood.
In that moment, he felt like everything was amplified tenfolds, the way Astarion delicately held his head and clutched to his hip, or the hushed sounds he’d let out as he fed. The blanket, he blamed the blanket for the heat that rushed through his body, for the incessant thrumming of his heart.
He felt his body go through so much: he would feel heavy while simultaneously feeling lightheaded, he would feel soft while feeling rough, he’d feel like he was finally breathing while also being breathless.
Astarion wanted to be slow, tender, let the sweetness of the changeling’s blood rush slowly against his tongue, and get lost in the intrinsically private moment.
His arms kept the body from slipping away, as if he was terrified Lynn would walk away from the embrace. Not from the feeding, but from Astarion’s soft clutch, afraid of him.
Lynn hummed as Astarion tongue quickly lapped at the wound, collecting the blood that was still spilling out.
The two were breathless, forehead pressed against each other, still dazed by the exchange. They wanted to blame the closeness or the blanket that was shielding them, but that would have been lying to themselves.
Astarion’s fingers were still laced in Lynn’s hair, while Lynn’s hands now rested on Astarion’s cheeks, gently caressing the skin of the elf.
Of all the times they laid like that, this moment was when he realized how soft Lynn’s hair were, or how warm and calming his breath against his cold skin felt, or how delicate the touch of the changeling could be. He could feel his breath still affected by the softness of each other’s touch.
It was one of those moments where one would hope they would be sane enough to read each other’s eyes, to catch that feeling that was juggling between them, or they could read each other’s mind, cause they wondered if their lips would taste just like how they imagined. 
They didn’t even speak, it was astounding how the two didn’t want to let go of the other. 
Lynn had been the one to find the courage, he gently pulled him closer, tangling his fingers in his curls as he crashed their lips together. 
On his lips he tasted what divinity felt like, as Astarion's grip became ironclad on his waist.
Their kiss was breathless, desperate as they couldn't let go of each other. When one would take a moment to breathe, the other would itch to close the distance again, lingering close until their lips were not tangled again.
If the whole camp would have been silent, the only sound that would have reverberated would have been their breathy pleas.
“Don't go” Lynn begged as he lingered close, earning another kiss.
This time Astarion was tender, he caressed Lynn’s cheek as he eased. His usually taught body became nothing more than gelatin as he pressed himself against him.
“Not going anywhere” He murmured as he kissed him again. Their lips teased, sucked, clasped as they desperately clung to each other. They became one as the night swayed between sighs and caresses. Their clothes were long forgotten as they laid forehead to forehead, cradled against each other as they let their tongues do the talking for them.
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