#sorry for the stereotypes but sometimes they're useful!!!
rslashrats · 4 months
🪰 housefly734 Follow
just a reminder that flies rubbing their hands together =/= plotting a nasty scheme
🪰 r0tt1ngm3at Follow
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
^^ Boosting! I constantly get non-flies giving me death glares whenever I wash my hands in the restroom. Like, that's what you're supposed to do after going to the bathroom! Sorry for being hygienic I guess 🙄
🪰 diptera-doll Follow
Reasons why flies might be rubbing their hands together:
It's chilly out and they're trying to warm up
They just put hand sanitizer/lotion/hand cream on
They're rolling a ball of clay together
What you should do if you see a fly rubbing their hands together:
Leave them alone! It's none of your business
Hope this helped! :)
🪰 flyhlghh Follow
people also forget that hand-rubbing is a very common stim!! neurodivergent flies constantly get stigmatized for showing any traits of their neurodivergencies in public!! please don't forget that!!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I dont know about you losers but i like to rub my hands together because i am planning the most heinous and villanous crimes in my head
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Wow, most obvious troll I have ever seen in my life. Get a life, dude 🙄
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
> claims to be a real fly
> has bee as their profile pic
dude couldn even get the right insect for their shitty troll account LMFAOOOOO
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
No i am real fly and i am plotting to land on someones pie rn and ruin it with all my real fly germs. rubbing my hands together as i do it too
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Anyone wanna bet this guy is some amphibian from 4frog typing this nonsense from their lilypad right now? Just me? Okay-
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am buzzing around people's ears now
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Yep, that pretty much confirms my theory. The nerve of some non-flies, I swear 🙄
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
🪰 venus-fly-trap-hater Follow
this post is so real!! tysm babe for sending it to me 💞 ilyy
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
ILY too sugar cube 😘
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Can you guys stop kissing on this post its ruining my evil scheme planning
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Can't believe this guy is still at it, honestly. @staff @tumblr Please take action against fake fly troll accounts such as these ones!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Staff cant kill me i rubbed my hands on them too hard and they dieded sorry
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
🤣🤣🤣 Oh the excuses this fake is making, LOL! I haven't been this entertained since the Bombylius major discourse last year!
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
why are you still arguing with the troll instead of just blocking
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Just think it's entertaining to see the lack of logic that bounces around in the brains of these non-flies sometimes 🤷‍♀️ Every response this so called "I am a real fly, trust me" user has given me has just made me crack up and flap my wings together.
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am gonna rub my hands and plan more evil schemes involving you next
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Heh, just try it, kid. Go on, I'll wait. 🥱
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
things are getting heated in the fly community
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Of course a Grasshopper has the nerve to comment something insensitive on this post. Honestly, just mind your business 🙄
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
Tumblr media
🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Hey, you can't really preach for not discriminating against flies and then discriminate against a grasshopper, dude. Not cool.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
I think I certainty can, with my past experiences of Grasshoppers always finding the ways to say the most uneducated and baseless takes on my previous posts and discussions. Plus, after the Fly-Grasshopper War of 247 BC (in which my ancestors fought in, mind you) and the consequences that followed it, I think I am well within my rights. But go ahead, frame me as the bad guy here. 🤣
🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Yeah, you say this and conveniently ignore the socio-economic struggles that grasshoppers have been facing for the past century, many of these issues which were spearheaded by fly conservative politicians in office at the time.
So, yeah, it is rather hypocritical for you to pull out these cards when grasshoppers have also been punished and gotten the short end of the stick throughout bug history.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
The implication that all flies are responsible for a few greedy politicians is quite comical, really. 🥱 Not to mention that many Grasshopper politicians in Bugland and Bugtopia have also had histories of introducing laws that have severely affected communities majorly made up of Flies. But sure, keep arguing with me about this, buddy. I got all day 🤣
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am still rubbing my hands and planing schemes btw
🪰 flythatlovestogethigh Follow
anyone smoke bug weed in this thread
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jaegerisim · 11 months
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
this isn’t really a request or anythin’, just a thought. 141 havin to deal with a southern team member who only gets progressively more accented the more they get mad.
100% projecting here
pretty unaccented, American, whatever —> ✨ anger ✨ —> Memphis called they want their “oo-ol” back (translation: oil).
i have no idea if they’d be annoyed, charmed, or just confused.
✦141 + Los Vaqueros With A Southern!Teammate✦
(My first C.o.D request and it's for pEOPLE LIKE MEEEE, southern traassh! This my shit. Fair warning, I've never played one of these games cause I don't have a console, so if they're ooc, please tell me how I can improve writing them!)
✦Random headcanons, Southern slang, GN!Reader, Race neutral as well but American, implied to be Oklahoma/Texas style southern, aggressive cursing because I have the mouth of a sailor, a bit of Google Translated Spanish(forgive me), Rudy doesn't have a color cause I ran out I'm so sorry precious boy✦
✧Simon Riley✧
He's not real fond of Americans, admittedly. He's got a little voice in the back of his head that automatically associates Americans with betrayal, but he'll keep quiet.
He cringes at your accent at first. He's not fond of Americans, even less so of most American accents. It's a very thick drawl and after being in the team for a while, he'll tease you about it, telling you to "Speak English" like he does with Soap.
He shuts up when you bring up his Manchester accent being illegible sometimes. It's all in good fun though!
After proving you're trustworthy, he'll basically call you his "special American", to show you're an exception. He will never stop poking fun at you though, just as you do to him. Particularly when you say something intensely American.
"Look at her ass, out here pitchin' a bitch fit with a tail on it." "...What in the hell is that even supposed to mean?"
He'll give you one thing, you treat beef well, which he appreciates. Given he used to be a butcher's apprentice. Americans from the southern states know how to make a hamburger and we know how to cook a steak, that's like...the one thing we can brag about.
If you're like me and you dunk on your own country, he thinks those moments are really funny. Especially when you sound so American.
He probably enjoys you being angry the most. He loves it so much, he thinks it's extremely entertaining. Especially if you're a more small, non-intimidating person on the surface.
"Fuck off! Out here makin' a damn mess of the place, runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off, wrecking my shit! I outta whoop yer ass!" "Should we step in?" "No no, let it go on a little longer..."
Probably tries to make your call sign something heavily American stereotypical, in a funny way. (ie. Bald Eagle, Stars(JILL!), Shotgun, etc.)
A bit hypocritical but if you have a farm with cows on it, he doesn't really wanna see them. His first thought his how to butcher them from years of training, and if they're not butcher cows, he feels kinda bad for thinking it.
Congrats! You're the only American Simon likes, aside from maybe Alex but I don't know for sure.
✧Johnny MacTavish✧
Laughs when you first speak. He apologizes but like, he laughs at you, I'm sorry.
Definitely asks if you have a cowboy hat, and he will lose his fucking mind if you do. The more cowboy shit you own the more he's entertained, especially if you wear them around base/on field.
He understands you super well but no one understands how or why. Johnny explains that it's just because he's good with accents. He'll hear weird euphemisms and, though it may take a second, 9 times out of 10 he'll get it.
"Fucker's so cheap I bet he pinches quarters til they scream." "What?! What does that mean!?" "Means he's a penny pincher! He's cheap. C'mon, that one was obvious, keep up, yeah?"
If you're a woman/female leaning, he'll call you cowgirl. If you're male/male leaning, you get the nickname cowboy. Non-binary/Genderfluid/Etc.? He calls you partner, and he'll always say it with a shitty imitation of your accent.
Asks you a buncha questions about American-Southern stereotypes to see if they're true. If they are, he gets really giggly about it.
If they ever have a mission in America, he'll insist you lead them everywhere. He likes seeing how you interact with people, especially if you're in a big city where some nutsos are. This man would have a blast watching you in a Waffle House. It's the only time he likes seeing you yell in public, thinks it's hilarious.
If you have any farm experience he's gotta see it. He needs to. I don't care if the farm is your great grandpa's and you haven't been there in a decade, you better take him to see the cows and tractors right now, immediately. Especially if there are chickens. He loves chickens.
He makes fun of your accent but he thinks it's really hot sometimes and he's very annoyed at himself for it. Particularly when you speak softly, trying to console/comfort him, slipping in a typical southern pet name.
"You alright there, sugar? Took quite a hit there. You need anythin', sweetheart?" "...I uh, uhm, ahem. N-no, no I'm alright." "Are ya sure, sweetpea? Your face is goin' redder than a tomato."" NO, I'M GOOD."
Manages to get the entire team to call you a southern callsign, whether you like it or not. He'll force it to stick. Most are animal-based too. (Cowboy/Cowgirl, Chick/Rooster, Bull/Heffer, Big Tex, etc.)
Your accent grows on him significantly. While he thinks you're very sexy when you're angry, he's really affected when you're soft and sweet. (bonus note; if you're faux sweet when you're mad? The whole "Oh...bless your heart" type thing? He's prolly gonna pop a boner, not gonna lie.)
✧John Price✧
He's not American but there are a lot of American things he likes, admittedly. Specifically, old western stuff, horses, ranches, etc. That whole aesthetic is something he's always enjoyed. He won't say it, but he has a particular fondness for your accent when he first hears it.
Doesn't understand you when your accent gets super thick but he thinks it's entertaining nevertheless. Unlike Ghost or Soap, he doesn't comment on it, because he doesn't think he has room to talk. Maybe he'd do it once and then you'd throw it back at him and he'd realize that...yeah he has no room to talk.
He's a calm individual but he will yell when necessary. But, what he finds admirable is when you jump in and yell for him. Like you can read his mind and he can save his throat, watching the people who were pissing him off jump back at thick southern curses being yelled at them.
"I outta jerk a damn knot in your fuckin' tail, ya fuckin' dumbass! Didn't ya momma ever teach you respect?! You ain't ever gonna talk to my damn captain like that again or I'll skin yer fuckin' hide!" "Ahem, thank you, sergeant, that's enough."
Buys you a cowboy hat if you don't already have one, for sure. Whether you take it as a genuine gift or you take it as a light jab at your roots, he'll get a lil' dopey smile if you decide to wear it. Gaz definitely makes fun of you two. Soap points out that Gaz also wears a hat religiously and he & Ghost start callin' you the hat trio.
Man melts at southern-drawl-spoken pet names. He truly does. Much like Soap, there's something about it that makes the tension leaves his body, though he's not really sure why.
"You alright there, Cap? You're lookin' bout ready to drop..." "I'm alright soldier, just need to finish this." "Captain, it'll be there in the mornin'. How bout a nap instead, huh? You can't go workin' yourself to the bone, hun. It ain't healthy."" ...oh alright, just for a bit though." "Sure, sugarcube, just long enough to have some tea."
He'll probably pick up on a few pet names and call you them. Whether you wanna take it as platonic or not, it's really just a sweet gesture that he wants to return. Pet names are kinda just...a staple of southern slang. It's part of the accent that he really enjoys, therefore he wants to return it.
If he ends up helping you with a call sign, it's going to be a really sweet & nice one. Or perhaps something that's from an old western he's seen. Probably based on something you've said before. (Sugarcube, Lasso, Hun/Hunny.) Bonus points if you get a super sweet name that doesn't match your stature, he thinks it's funny if it throws people off.
Piggybacking off the last one, I think it'd be real funny if your call name was "Sugarcube" and you're like...a 6'0"+ buff dude with a deep voice. That shit would be funny. Anyway!
If you own/live on a ranch or farm in your off time, he'll feel honored if you invite him to see it. Don't worry, he won't laze around and just appreciate the cute animals. (Looking at you Soap) He's got a little bit of experience with cows & horses, so he'll do his best to help you move the hay and such. Don't let him drive a tractor though, it's one of the few things he just can't do.
John doesn't play favorites, he's fair and precise to his entire team. But...off the field? ...you might get a little favoritism, he's got a weakness for bein' sweettalked through southern drawl. Don't let that go to your head though!
✧Kyle Garrick✧
Kyle doesn't care too much, he thinks every country has shitty stuff and cool stuff. He's a pretty big believer in silver linings. While America is far from his favorite country, and he knows the common trope of uh...less than tolerant people from the south, that doesn't affect how he sees you at all.
He does snicker at your accent sometimes, but only when you say something really aggressively southern. Especially making up random southern phrases that he doesn't understand at all. He finds it endearing.
"We just gotta haul ass and go tear shit up, run through like a buncha Tasmanian devils, right?" "...I understood...some of those words. Uh, sure, right." "We need to move our asses and fuck shit up." "Ah, okay. Could've just said that, but alright."
Thinks you're kinda scary when you're mad. He'll be the type to try and calm you down, but he understands if it's someone who deserves it. Not that he doesn't find your drawl fun to listen too, especially if someone was being an ass, but he doesn't like seeing you upset.
If the person you're yelling at was being a real big ass, he'll let you yell for a little, but step in. However, if you're doing condescending rage? Oh, go for it, do it all you want. He thinks it's hilarious.
Finds it particularly sweet if you're angry on the teams/his behalf. He can fight his own battles but he thinks it's a big sign of trust, friendship, etc. that you feel the need to defend him.
"Bless your heart, your brain ain't firing off on all cylinders is it, hun? Tsk, that's a shame..." "Excuse me?!" "You're excused, sweetpea. You're not gonna talk to my team that way, but you can turn your happy ass around and walk away. I ain't gonna have you disrespectin' the people who've been fightin' the good fight. Have a lovely day!" "How can you sound so sweet and yet so angry at the same time?" "Southern livin', sugar. Southern livin'."
Gaz is a bit of a foodie type, he likes trying cooking from any area he can go to. Southern cooking would...it'd be a new weakness for sure. A lot of it is unhealthy, yes, but he doesn't give a shit. It tastes good. Sometimes he thinks American food is an absolute sin and a disgrace, and he'll state it as such. Usually, it's stuff you agree on. Like bacon-covered donuts or fried butter. That shit's egregious. But things like southern-style chicken or rib-eye on a grill? You're gonna make him swoon with them roasted vegetables. Cooking for him is a surefire way to make you an unapologetic favorite in his book.
He won't say anything at the little jokes that people jab at you for your accent, but he will tell someone off if they say something that's clearly not funny and upsets you. Like trying to imply you're stupid because you come from Texas. (Speaking from personal experience) He thinks it's such a dumb thing to give someone shit over and he won't hesitate to say they're an idiot for trying to use it against you.
Hates sweet tea, I'm sorry. It's just tea but he can't stand it. He'll drink the unsweetened tea you make, but he'll make a dramatic face if he mixes them up. Something that you always laugh at.
He's great at driving basically any vehicle. Helicopters to mini coopers. He's never controlled a tractor before, but if you sit him in one and tell him the levers, it'll take him like...three minutes to get it down perfectly. Definitely gets a smug ass grin if you show you're amazed.
If he helps get you your call sign, he won't necessarily make it based on where you're from, it'll probably be based on a nickname, skill, or crucial event in your career. (Crash; you were thrown through a window, Hotshot; skill for sniping, etc.) But if he were to have one based on your southern ways? Sweet Tea, both for the fact you make it and the pet name you sometimes call him. (sweet pea)
✧Alejandro Vargas✧
Like Ghost, he's not super fond of Americans. His experience with most Americans are annoying tourists and Graves, leaves a pretty bad impression. He comes across unintentionally snappy when he first meets you, but Rudy will point it out, and he'll correct himself.
You aren't the annoying people he's dealt with and he knows it's not fair to say you are. Definitely talks shit on America though, and he'll honestly give you respect if you do the same. Since he's used to the kind of Americans that think being American give them a right to treat others like shit. He hates entitlement.
If you speak Spanish, he's gonna try really hard to not laugh at how your accent affects some words, but it's really hard. He means it in kind and if you're still learning when you meet him, he's proud when he hears you doing well in comprehension and sentences. Still, sounds just a lil silly.
He loves when your accent gets thick from rage, but he his favorite thing is if you speak Spanish in a rage, with your accent on top of it. It's a combination that fills his brain with serotonin.
"Eres un maldito idiota. ¡Tan útil como las tetas de un toro!" "Wha- Haha! What does that mean?!" "Did they say some super weird analogy?" "Si! They did!" "Yeaaah, they do that a lot."
He's notorious for having a naturally flirty personality, it's just how he's always been. Hence why not much phases him, but he does get a quite wide & genuine grin if you flirt back, making your accent extra intense. Especially with the pet names, another man who likes sweet words.
Thinks you having a southern call sign is really cute, especially if it's something your team calls you exclusively. He thinks it shows your endearment to your team. However, if your call sign is something you insist is only for friends, he'll get super giddy about being allowed to call you it.
If he were to pick? (Belle; Like southern belle whether you're fem! or not, Rodeo, and he might call you Americano- but like, in the coffee way. Like it's a sweet nickname, not just him saying your nationality)
Southern hospitality is something he is not used to. Again, bad experience with Americans. So if you explain all the various manners and nice gestures that are considered expected in your home state? He's completely confused, wondering why the Americans he's met don't keep that attitude up when they leave home.
Again, really likes it if you use southern pet names. Especially if you're trying to console him after a really tough day/mission. For some reason it really helps, like a cup of warm coffee on a cold morning.
"Aye, don't stress yourself over it, darlin'. Bad things happen that we can't control, you did everything you could and you were great at it. Don't let it eat at'cha, honey-bun." "Gracias, Bella. Lo necesitaba…" "Anytime, big guy. Now, you wanna see me try and fail again to open a de la Rosa without breaking it?" "Aha! How about I show you a trick to do it instead?"
Again, like Ghost, you're his special American. Gaz calls you his emotional-support American once and he thinks it's really funny, he'll call you as such every now and then.
✧Rodolfo Parra✧
Sweet darling man. He has nothing against you being American, nothing. But...he cannot understand anything you're saying. He's doing his best but he really doesn't know. He can feel his brain frying every time you bring up something super southern, trying to understand.
He'll have to lean over to your team to ask for a translation, anyone but Soap & Price will tack on an "I think, I'm not sure" at the end of their explanation. If he hears you use a phrase more than once, he'll add it to a little list of notes with the translation underneath it. Treats it like a whole different language. It's adorable.
Like Alejandro, he thinks it's funny if you speak Spanish with your accent. He'll keep a straight face because he knows you can't help it, but man is it fun to hear.
He's not very fond of a lot of yelling if he can avoid it, Rudy prefers disputes to be handled with calm words if possible. But he understands that sometimes it's necessary. Still, he'd want to try and calm you down if you're yelling. But, if you're just acting sickeningly-sweet, kind words that are clearly dripping with venom? He'll just watch. He thinks that shows you handle yourself very well and it's pretty attractive to him, not gonna lie.
"Awww I'm so sorry you're upset, poor thing. God bless you, sir, you have a lovely day. I hope that stick up your ass doesn't hurt too bad." "¡Soldado! No digas eso…" "Shh, sugar, it's fine. He wants to be rude, I can be rude back. An eye for an eye. Don't worry your pretty lil' head bout it, sweetheart." "Dios, a veces me asombras y me aterrorizas."
He's really hesitant about American food. It smells great sometimes but all he hears about American food is that it's greasy, or too salty, etc. Still, he won't deny any meal you make. He thinks it's rude to deny food unless it's something you're allergic to.
He ends up liking a few things, but he is biased to his home cooking. But if you start making his favorite foods, or somehow combine the styles in an honoring way? Oh, those are his favorites. He's particularly fond of American sweets though!
Please bake for this man, bake for him, I beg. Apple pie is an American staple for a reason and he'll jokingly claim he'll move to America if it means he can have apple pie every day.
"Rudy, that's your fourth piece! Ahaha, if I knew you liked it so much I woulda made ya more." "Ay, please do! ¡Fue enviado desde el cielo!" "Alright then, hun, I'll be sure to make you all the apple pie ya want."
Rudy really likes if you wear stuff like a cowboy hat. He's not really sure why, he just thinks it's really cute. If it's a staple of your whole look(like John's hat), seeing you protective over it, he thinks that's really cute. If you're protective of your cowboy hat but let him hold it/put it on his head to hold it, it's gonna fluster him. Even if your guy's relationship is completely platonic.
If you live near the border of Texas & Mexico, it makes visiting you pretty easy, so he'll have no qualms about going back and forth when off duty. He'll be more comfortable in his home but he won't turn down the offer to see your home, especially if it's a ranch. He's got a soft spot for farm animals. (Particularly goats)
If he has any control of how you choose your call sign, he'll likely pick something the same way Gaz does. But, if you have a thing about what certain people call you - like how only Ghost can call Soap "Johnny" - He feels really warm and fuzzy if he gets a special privilege.
(Translations; "Eres un maldito idiota. ¡Tan útil como las tetas de un toro!" - "You're a fucking idiot - as useful as a bull's tits/about as useful as tits on a bull!" "Gracias, Bella. Lo necesitaba…" - "Thank you, bella/beauty. I needed it." "¡Soldado! No digas eso…" - "Soldier! You can't say that..." "Dios, a veces me asombras y me aterrorizas." - "God, sometimes you amaze and terrify me." "¡Fue enviado desde el cielo!" - "It was sent from heaven!")
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
Headcanons: The Ghoulettes + Mountain first meeting / Developing a crush on you
Part 1
• She immediately stands out to you because of her long, curly, white hair. She flashed you a smile and welcomed you to the team.
• The more you got to know her, the more she stood out as the mom-friend of the group.
• Bascically adopts you into the ghoul-friend group. Anyone says anything bad about you will have the 'lioness' to deal with.
• You help her with practicing piano and keyboard. She likes to harmonize with your voice, and sometimes she sings along.
• Winter arrives and the fire ghouls are usually working to heat up the ministry. She invites you to cuddle, since that's what ghouls do to preserve body temperature.
• Presing your body close to hers, you tuck your head under her chin. She whispers an 'Oh my' as she feels her heart beat getting faster. She purred as you fell asleep in her arms.
• Swiss wanted to join, but she growled and swiped at him. "My bad"
• That's a thing that became more common between you two, even if it wasn't cold outside anymore.
• She starts to fuss over you more like she's your wife, which you jokingly call her.
• Is pretty similar to Mist, the only thing that's different is how quickly her mood changes. It's super scary
• At first she was stone faced like the previous Era of ghouls, but as soon as you said hi she was smiles and rainbows.
• Was the one who seemed the most trust worthy at the time, so she's your main ghoul to talk to.
• Pretty playful and flirty, like a mix of Aurora and Swiss. Loves it when you pet her or scratch under her chin.
• Started to feel more attracted to you once she realized her attraction to you wasn't just friendship. It was romantic. Pretty simple when she came to terms with it.
• Overthinks her crush. Is it real? Is it just ghoul hormones or your pheromones? Does she just want you, or does she want all of you?
• Gets jealous pretty easily. Doesn't like it when the Ghouls flirt with you, or you give them attention.
• Almost starts a fight with another ghoul because they stared little too long at you
• Is bascically the stereotype of that one girl that wants/ is friends with everyone.
• Very excited to meet you, shakes your hand vigorously. Introduces you to the rest of the ghoulettes instead of letting them do it.
• "Yeah, Aurora's one of the newer ghouls" Cirrus tells you.
• Wants to hang out with you 24/7. You are her bestie afterall! Sleepovers, making friendship bracelets, gossip or shit talking. Her personality is heavily inspired by chickflicks.
• Her hair is naturally a very light green which fades into a dark blue at her roots. One day she decides she wants to dye some strands a neon pink. You help her ofc.
• You had changed into a shirt that was way too big on you, it slid down your shoulders and it took every ounce of her willpower not to shove her nose in her neck. The smell of a human was irresistible to a ghoul.
• "Shit, I can't get this one spot" you sit on her lap and hold her face while you use the brush to finish the bangs. Her ears turned red and her tail wrapped around your leg.
• "Uh, Rora. You good?" "Yeah totally!"
• Didn't keep it a secret that she had a crush on you when talking to the other Ghouls.
• "Ugh I want them so bad" "(Reader) and I already have 27 children in the scenario in my head" "I would kill for them ngl"
• The most imposing ghoulette, despite her stature.
• Doesn't say anything the first time you see eachother. She only stares you down, watching your every move.
• She's so serious at first, so you start teasing her. The Era 1-3 ghouls have darker skin, so a way you could tell she was blushing was when her cheeks turned a dark purple.
• Doesn't want to admit it, like it all. But she loves it when you tease her.
• "Where's (Reader)?" "They're in the left wing working today. Why?" "Nothing, if you tell (Reader) I asked about them I will end you"
• Not good at emotions. At all. Conflicted all the time because she fell in love so quickly. She has never been in love. Never.
• Refuses to talk about it with the others so she doesn't ruin her 'tough chick' persona.
• One time you snuck up behind her and poked her waist. She let out the cutest whine/yelp you had ever heard. She chased you around though.
• Also very protective
• Oh where do I begin.
• Scares the living shit out of you because of how tall he is, by accident because bro just appeared out of the ground and dusted the dirt off his shoulders.
• Doesn't usually interact with the siblings of sin if at all. He's afraid of them
• Is actually very sweet though, he thinks you're a little weird at first. Not a bad weird, just very unusual.
• Stuff you say is usually hilarious. Your humor shocks him at first, but he gets used to it
• Mountain is usually very stressed, there's a lot going on in his head. Practice, more practice, duties, mental health. But for some reason, the loud thoughts in his head disappear when you say "hello"
• When you're not looking, he'll put flowers in your hair until you notice them.
• Ofcourse he knows he's in love, the earth ghouls at usually the ones most aware of emotion.
• When he follows you around the lawns and the gardens, a small patch of purple flowers are left in his footsteps
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queenie-avenue · 5 months
Kissed by Aphrodite.
—> how they look in the mirror.
⤻ no content warnings, basically. just how the yanderes look and their favourite feature of themself
notes: i felt a bit lazy this time and decided to make a small post, sorry yall.
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Many articles have regarded him as the top bachelor, not just because of his money, but because of his looks. A handsome actor or celebrity is easy to come by, but a handsome CEO? It's a bit hard. Just look at all the rest of the CEOs alongside Adrian, who have bald heads.
Unlike them, Adrian has a full head of luscious blonde hair inherited from his grandmother. You know those hairstyles on 1950s men in those posters? Adrian's hairstyle is similar to that, if not just a slight bit more tousled.
His eyes are icy blue. With warmth only present in them when you're around. His eyes are hooded and sharp.
He's clean shaven with no stubble at all, and he wears a bit of makeup to hide the blemishes on his skin. Nothing is more attractive than a man who knows how to look presentable. He likes to wear a chapstick with just a hint of tint, just to make himself pop a bit more. He has a rather pale complexion. His jawline is sharp and strong, and his nose is straight with the base slightly upturned. His lips are slightly downturned, but his eyes are always smiling.
When it comes to smell, he probably wears a very stereotypical cologne of Tom Ford. However, there's always a hint of mint of him.
Katie is the stereotypical pretty cheerleader, but it's not her looks that draws people in the most — though it certainly helps — is probably her ability to charm and manipulate anyone into doing her bidding.
Katie has really dark skin, and she wears it proudly. Her foundation and concealer is always dewy and bright as opposed to matte.
She loves makeup, looks like the 'cold girl' makeup, paired with some bold eyeshadow. Her eyes are double-lidded and are of a rounder shape with false lashes always on them. Sometimes, it's like she never takes them off. Some of her roommates in her sorority like to make funny rumours about it to tease her.
Her lips are plump, and, like a 2000s girlie, she loves wearing shiny lip gloss and lipstick. She doesn't overline her lips, though. They're big enough.
Her hair is naturally curly and she takes good care of it, like any other part of her appearance. She likes to wear her curly hair in space buns with little pom poms in her scrunchies. She really loves selling that cheerleader look as much as possible.
Her perfume is from Bath and body works, and she likes to experiment with it. She finishes most of her products every two months and will show up to class with a new perfume. Some of the girls in the school like to mirror her perfume too when she gets a new one. She's that popular!
Jesper is a brunette, and his hair is always tousled and fluffy. Even when it's wet, it has that bit of volume in it. He styles it everyday with a bit of gel but it always gets messy during practice. If you both are close enough in your relationship, he likes when you style it for him.
His skin is slightly tan from hours of playing in the sun but he makes sure to wear sunscreen, especially after finding out from videos that not wearing sunscreen can cause skin damage. He cringes everytime he remembers how he rejected sunscreen, deciding he was too 'macho' for it.
He has rather soft features for a guy. If he had a skinnier body, people would no doubt mistake him for a girl. He has soft rounded eyes with double eyelids, a cute button nose and heart-shaped lips and bushy eyebrows.
When it comes to scent, he's pretty basic about it. Just deodorant is fine with him. He's particular about sunscreen, but when it comes to shampoo and all, he's the type to use a 3-in-1.
Min-jun looks like your stereotypical Korean boy. Sure, he's basic, but he knows how to style well so he goes from average to god-like. He has permed his hair and gotten it a bit more fluffy and curly, the bangs swooped to the side to compliment his face shape.
His skin is pale and soft from all the skin care products and sunscreen he uses. He has a bit of a bigger nose and mono-lidded eyes — he's a bit insecure about these traits, give him compliments about it to make him feel better — but very pretty lips and a somewhat sharp jaw.
He has black eyes and black hair, but when he's alone, he likes to wear some contacts to play around with it. He does wear contacts on a daily basis though, but they don't add any colour, it's mainly to help with his eyesight because glasses give him a migraine and he can't find any shape that compliments his face well enough. Can you tell he's vain?
For scent, he probably wears a custom perfume made by some shop.
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broadwayfangirl222 · 5 months
Brief rant about Alastor and his aroace identity, cause I'm getting frustrated:
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I've seen dozens of posts about how how
"Oh reminder Asexuality and Aromanticism are a spectrum. Not all aces/aros are sex or romance repulsed so it's ok to ship him or make nsfw stuff with Alastor"
and they're starting to crop up more cause Amir Talai confirmed Alastor's AroAce in the Q&A. Yes, it's true, it is a spectrum. Its not a monolith. There's no monolith for any group. However, with how so many fans go about it, it feels like this fact is just kinda used as an excuse to pretty much ignore his asexuality, even more so his aromanticism, all together.
Which, fine. Sometimes fans just want to ship or make nsfw stuff with a character they like. Nothing really more complicated than that. I don't exactly care personally. There's shipping/nsfw fanworks for pretty much every character out there. I just have issues of this happening and then the second some aspec people say they feel like the character's identity is being erased by the fandom, it gets twisted and turned around on them.
It gets painted like they're somehow harming the aspec community. That them wanting a fandom to not ignore/erase a character's asexuality and aromanticism is the same as insisting that EVERY aspec person is sex/romance repulsed. Like they're pushing some hurtful stereotype. And all the shipping/nsfw content of one of the rare few canon aro/ace characters we have is actually some huge important thing for more nuanced aspec representation, when the words Asexual or Aromantic aren't even used or even really depicted in any way (Alastor's from the 30s so he might not use those words but...other characters would. Maybe he learns those terms from them. There's ways to show he's aspec without actually using those words and like how would it affect a romantic/sexual relationship with someone if he were to have one.)
Like, have your Alastor ships. Draw/write nsfw stuff with him. Just, please don't act like someone's frustration over feeling like the fandom ignores his asexuality/aromanticism is actually some huge attack on the aspec community. Or that a hardcore smut fic of Alastor is actually somehow this great aspec inclusive thing when it's just a smut fic. It doesn't have anything to do with asexuality or aromanticism. Let aspec people have a voice on this stuff, even if/when we don't agree with the popular stance on this type of discourse.
Anyway, sorry for this rant. please enjoy a gif of Alastor being adorable:
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and lastly, I personally see Alastor as sex repulsed because of his canonical issues with being touched and consistent jokes from the hunicast streams
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drdemonprince · 1 month
I have Borderline personality disorder and deal with chronic suicidal ideation. up to 10% of us *will* die by suicide. not *might* or *are more likely to.* *will.* which is 50 times greater than the general populace. it's hard to talk about and even harder to deal with bc it's such a heavy topic. the best thing, I think, is to just listen to somebody who is suicidal. let them talk about it. don't offer solutions, none of that "you have so much to live for" shit. the best thing you can say is "I understand how you feel." yeah I might think about suicide every day, but that doesn't mean I'll just suddenly pop and kms. suicides are largely decided within half an hour, and even more are decided within minutes. help a suicidal person feel grounded, let them know that you respect their decision should they follow through. they know that it's not the only way.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, anon. I would caution you very strongly to not take psychiatry's profoundly flawed and biased statistics as a predictive declaration of your fate, however.
*Will* makes it sound unchangeable no matter a BPDer's circumstances -- and given that psychiatry already operates out of the stereotype that BPDers are "incurable" (and therefore not worth much effort in helping), it's subject to a ton of bias. statistically, we can't actually say that a person "will" die of something like suicide with any certainty, as it's not a simple progressive illness like a cancer or something. suicide risk is dynamic and influenced by a person's social support, relationship dynamics, financial situation, whether they're on medications that exacerbate or help things, their trauma recovery, all kinds of things that *are* mutable.
Psychologists and psychiatrist are taught downright cruel things about people with BPD -- i've been in those programs, i've heard things that have shocked me -- and it leads to profound isolation, internalized stigma, and sometimes unnecessary death. many providers give up on ya'll or make things worse for you when they have no right to do that, and they're taught that it's the most yall deserve. that's part of why the suicide risk for BPDers is so consistent.
A person ought to have the freedom to choose death and preventing all suicides is not a respectful goal. I am a harm reductionist and supporter of body autonomy to the maximum. my point here is that when psychiatry says you and people like you "will" die by suicide 10% of the time, what they mean is that that's the general trend they have observed, and they have decided that because of their (bigoted, hateful, scientifically unsupported) belief that yall can never feel better that it's a loss they are okay with accepting.
Anyone who has heard nothing but negative things about BPD I would strong recommend pick up a copy of the book Psychiatric Hegemony.
Sorry for the aside and the rant, but I really want to make that reality exactingly clear. Living with suicide ideation doesn't mean a person can't have a worthwhile life, or that their existence wasn't meaningful and important however long or short that it was.
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redditreceipts · 4 months
Trans male here, though I know my identity would not be taken seriously here, I find myself wanting to rather get she/her’d by radfems then deal with the horrific misogyny I receive in online trans spaces. Trans men are constantly referred to as “cunts” and “bitches” and we’re not allowed disagree with trans women on certain topics. Are there any accounts you know of that document and discuss the way trans men are treated in the trans community that don’t sugarcoat it?
Also question, are you guys gender abolitionists? as I feel I makes a lot of sense to be that along with being a radfem.
hey :) sorry for the late answer, i was quite a bit busy the last couple of weeks
and first of all, I am not really in favor of using the pronouns of a person that they feel dysphoric about as long as they are not horrible people, but yeah, idk.
Referrring to people as their body parts is such a disgusting way of talking. They talk about you that way, but have a meltdown and threaten to kill themselves if you tell them they're male 😭 wtf
and yes, I am a gender abolitionist. I think that gender is a superstructure built to justify sex-based oppression, I have made a post about it :)
Another thing that I sometimes think when reading accounts like yours: I always find it strange how you are not allowed to mention the biological sex of the person you are interacting with in queer spaces, but it is totally okay to treat that person as a stereotypical member of their biological sex. Like, isn't talking over a trans man or intimidating him or sexually harassing him a much more severe form of "misgendering" than using the word "she"? I mean, I am not a trans man so I don't know, but I'd imagine that I'd feel much more dysphoric after being sexually harassed by a male for being female than if someone called me "she/her"? So that's what has always confused me a bit about trans-affirming spaces.
And no, I don't know about any blogs about misogyny towards trans men. You can be the first though! Or you just send that stuff to me, I might post it a month later, but I'll make sure to post it! <3 Here is my star-and-cat themed image collection :)
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tayfabe75 · 1 month
Did Taylor and Matty meet on Myspace? (And other early coincidences!)
Early on in their careers, Taylor and Matty both utilized Myspace as a way to promote their music. Taylor, specifically, would message with other teenagers on Myspace:
"I'd post my songs on my MySpace and, yes, MySpace, and would message with other teenagers like me who loved country music, but just didn't have anyone singing from their perspective."
Matty, too, described himself as "King of Myspace" when he was fifteen. But he brought it up more recently on the Ion Pack Podcast, even mentioning his age as seventeen at the time. And here's a retro clip of Taylor talking about how she wasn't some corporate entity on Myspace, if you messaged her account, you were talking to her! She also filled out her profile in her own words.
She has some things in her profile that might've caught Matty's eye, a fellow teenage country fan and fan of American music specifically, that might've emboldened him to message her:
"I love people who like my music. I love people who are nice to me. I like people who are excitable. I think it's endearing when people cry when they're happy. I'm pretty excitable too. Guys don't ask me out because they know I'll write songs about them. But I'm also the girl who still believes prince charming exists somewhere out there -- fully equipped with great hair and an immature sense of humor. I'm fascinated by black and white pictures. I like people who can be sarcastic and laugh about tense situations. I'm a fan of fans."
Say whatever you will about Matty, but that man is a genuine fan of Taylor's music. When he became a fan is open for discussion, but let's just pretend, for fun, that he found her via Myspace early on in her career.
Now, here is the old Myspace page for The 1975 back when they were known as 'Drive Like I Do' in 2008. Note the James Taylor in the list of Influences! (as well as the Jamie Squire in the top 8! How sweet, I'm sobbing!)
Taylor was a bit of a firecracker on Myspace (and not just there, there's a whole conspiracy theory she used to troll 4Chan!). A few of her comments were screenshotted and you can find them around the internet. Here are some. The one from October 31st, 2005 about a queer fellow ("I'm sorry that I'm kinda queer, it's not as weird as it appears") with a Sex van ("take your shoes off in the back of my van") really caught my eye, anyway…
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"Listen my queer fellow. I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes, I do believe I am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up, farewell knave."
Notice the spelling here, too. Thinketh? Hangeth? Knave? Feels a little bit Shakespearean, at least for say, a fifteen-going-on-sixteen-year-old girl (as we would later discover, Love Story and Robbers were both inspired by Romeo and Juliet, both written around the same time so far as I know, but it's hard to find exact dates!)
Matty, by the way, used to refer to himself as the "Prince of the Tyne". He's also got some old Drive Like I Do lyrics from 'We Are the Streetfighters' that are suspicious to me: "Well in four thousand miles we'll meet you" (The nearest airport to Macclesfield is in Manchester, and the distance between Manchester and Nashville? Roughly 4000 miles)
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Two months later on December 21st, 2005, just after turning 16, Taylor says she's in England.
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Did they meet? Who knows! But there's enough weirdness there to make me wonder. Speaking of weirdness… we're going to go on a side tangent about Fearless, but that's part of the puzzle, so bear with me…
I don't know about anyone else, but when I saw Matty's Fearless Love Gaze™, I was rocked to my core! Men do not look at women like that, but especially not brand-new flings. They're too concerned with trying to look cool and unaffected. For most men (stereotypically), romance and love are "dumb" and "stupid" and perceived as a "woman thing" that men can't be bothered with. But not Matty. Matty was utterly transfixed by her. Something about that touch of mischief in the lip bite when she says the bit about "absentmindedly making me want you", the way he just barely mouths along to the words at the end of the clip, well… sirens started going off for me. So, I followed my intuition and started researching all of this.
Now, Taylor wrote the song 'Fearless' sometime in 2006. The hidden message liner note for Fearless? "I loved you before I met you". Taylor describes 'Fearless' as a song she wrote about a perfect first date she hadn't had yet, about something she didn't have but dreamt of. She debuted it for the first time on April 6th, 2007 in Reading, PA (if you don't already know it, that's two days before Matty's 18th birthday). At this show, she debuted 'Sparks Fly' (yes, in 2007! Original lyrics were brown eyes rather than green eyes, by the way) and 'Tied Together With A Smile'. She also played a cover of John Waite's song 'Missing You' which seems to be about a long-distance relationship: "And it's my heart that's breakin' down this long distance line tonight"
Speaking of Matty's birthday, the release of Fearless TV happened to coincide with Matty's birthday! She dropped a sneak peek of Fearless on his birthday in 2021, and the album would release one day later on the ninth (perhaps because albums release on Fridays and that's as close as she could get?)
Taylor describes the Fearless album as her diary from when she was seventeen (misplaced my source on that quote, d'oh!) That said, 'Love Story' interests me as well. There are some interesting facts about Love Story:
Hidden message: Someday, I'll find this. Taylor wrote this song in a very short amount of time after her parents had told her that she couldn't be with the person she wanted to be with. And in her own words:
"'Love Story' is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn't like him. All of them! For the first time, I could relate to that Romeo-and-Juliet situation where the only people who wanted them to be together were them. That's the most romantic song I've written, and it's not even about a person I really dated."
Taylor's UK television debut (like first time ever performing on TV in the UK) was on Loose Women (Matty's mother's show). Now, Denise was not there during this period as a host, but she had been before that and would be afterward, so maybe there's some significance? Maybe not. But if Taylor and Matty knew each other, he would definitely get to be in the audience to see her if he wanted to. The song she chose to perform was 'Love Story'.
Now, 'Robbers' is also based on Romeo and Juliet (and also written circa 2007), and Matty describes that here in a fan video from 2015. We'd see Romeo and Juliet imagery pop up again in 2014, both in Taylor's video for Blank Space (where she's on a balcony looking down at her lover) and in November where she stood up on a balcony at Matty's show as he serenaded her with Fallingforyou (visual comparisons here)
Blank Space, too, might reference Fallingforyou. There's a scene where she rides bikes with her lover inside her enormous house, perhaps reminiscent of Matty's lyric: "All we need's my bike and your enormous house":
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Matty even dresses a bit like the lover from 'Love Story' music video at the 2017 BRITs:
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When you fall down the Myspace rabbit hole, you start noticing other strange similarities in their lyrics - like Matty referring to a "girl on the screen" in 'If You're Too Shy', which perhaps parallels Taylor's "guy on the screen" in 'Karma'. In 'The 1' (another song that lyrically parallels 'Robbers'), Taylor imagines "the 1 that got away" meeting a woman on the internet and taking her home, which might be another reference to Matty, perhaps lyrically paralleling The 1975's 'Playing On My Mind'. This theory, of course, makes the entire album 'A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships' suspect, especially given that 'Be My Mistake' is a song Matty wrote "about Nashville", the striking similarities between 'Sincerity is Scary' and 'Me!', a song called 'Mine' that references the year 2009, and the inclusion of a Drive Like I Do track Matty wrote when he was just fifteen years old, '102' (the same age he was when he was "King of Myspace"). Considering 'Love Story' was written for someone who Taylor's parents disapproved of, it makes this lyric all the more striking:
"I hope this song will remind you I'm not half as bad as what you've been told."
Lastly, if Matty is the confirmed 'Cardigan' muse and if 'Willow' is the continuation of 'Cardigan' (based on where the music video begins), the scene where she gazes into the water at her lover could perhaps represent a visual metaphor for looking through a screen, no?
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Back to the NYU commencement speech! I recommend listening to the FULL clip. She talks about: feeling lonely, chatting with other teenage country fans on Myspace, and then segues into her motivation behind protecting her private life:
"Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely."
All of this seems correlated to me (also why it's hard for me to reconcile this whole football charade! But for me, it's easier to believe Taylor here about privacy being important to her, and not assume that some boyfriend kept her locked away in a dungeon against her will or something)
Now, to tie this all into a very nice bow, here's a quote where Taylor talks about how she uses easter eggs:
"Easter eggs can be left on clothing or jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do this, because you wear something that foreshadows something else, and people don't usually find out this one immediately, but they know you're probably sending a message. They'll figure it out in time."
What shirt was she wearing during her pap walk with Matty? Think of the "He lets her Bejeweled" meme… She had on an NYU sweatshirt.
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Now, could be just a giant coincidence, trust me, I know, I get it. However… maybe she's really hinting about an old Myspace pal that she has protected fiercely. I mean, she did seem to use that speech to easter egg/foreshadow YOYOK & Labyrinth lyrics…
Speaking of 'Bejeweled'… On July 15th, 2023 Taylor flubbed the lyrics: "Sapphire tears on Myspace", and then she giggled. Freudian slip, perhaps? But this is the woman who assures us that "nothing is accidental"... and in a song that mentions a "Top 5", no less! (reminiscent of a Top 8, perhaps?)
Maybe James and Betty were involved in a "teenage love triangle" for a reason, and maybe TTPD references "teenage petulance" for that same reason… or maybe it's nothing but a bunch of eerie coincidences! Who knows! In the meantime, I'll keep on clownin'! 🤡
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jomsimagination · 2 months
sorry. || santana lopez and sam evans?
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you and santana were…friends, well secret friends, who sometimes makes out and sometimes scissor. it’s complicated, santana tells you it’s nothing, and you tell her ‘ok’ simply agreeing with her instead of arguing.
she had boyfriend, well still has, and it’s puck, she tells you, that she’s gonna break up with him, but it’s always, later, or ‘why do you even care?’ you shrugged it off, knowing deep inside that you cared a little, and plus it was deep inside you, like her fin-
but moving on, you hated the fact that you were just her little side piece, god you felt like a mistress, you hated how she treated you like a shit, she was degrading you every minute, not that you didn’t like it, but still.
her words felt like a stab in your heart, when you weren’t having sex, but still, she called you all the things there was in the book of ‘lopez insults’
—that’s her notebook that filled all the insults she said to people, and to who. you were a big topic on that book, being the number one she bullies, at least you were number one to her.
and what upseted you the most is whenever a guy takes interest in you, possibly asking you out, and she would drive them away, telling them lies about you, causing them to not text you back anymore.
and what was worse, was that she didn’t care, she didn't care one bit, she didn't care she was hurting you, she didn't care that you were crying in front of her. instead she's kick you out, even if it was your own room.
she hurt you, a lot, too many to count, to hurt to count, so you stopped, replying to her texts, eventually started to ignore her, as if she would ever talk to you in school. but still you ignored her, whenever you see her in the hallways to whenever you see her enter a bathroom, when you really need to pee. just ignoring her whole entire existance.
until, a boy, with beach blond hair, big lips, tall, muscular, came into your world. you were in charge of showing him around the school, you guys talked, which led to laughing, which led to him slowly and softly flirting with you, not giving out the image if a creep who just wants to get into a girl's pants.
in fact, he was excited to get to know you, your ups and downs, your wrongs ,your rights, everything about your life just seemed interesting to him. and it was surprising, since he was the star quarter back, he had blonde hair, he was the perfect type, a stereotypical ken, while you, you were a Raquelle.
when he came to you, asking for advice on how to ask a girl out, you thought he was gonna ask out Quinn Fabray, i mean who wouldn't, she was your stereotypical Barbie, plus the pregnant part. even though you were hurt on the inside, as you thought that, but you were used to getting hurt, so you shrugged it off.
"well first, courting, every woman wants that. take her on dates, wait patiently for a yes, but to ask her that, you have to give her presents, first." you tell the boy, as an idea sparked in his mind. "give her chocolates, or flowers. but for me, i personally, i don't get the use of flowers, i mean they're boring, and well chocolates are the best."
then that sparked turned into an even bigger one. "and honestly, just be yourself. girls will like that." you smile at him, one last time, before you walk off to your next class.
he was super sweet to you, he was a natural gentleman. he would hold you heavy bags, filled with textbooks, and some other stuff, he would wait for you in the entrance of the school. helping you carry your books to your next class, no matter how far his classroom was from yours. protecting you from the jocks, and slushees. there was even one time when he stood in front of you taking the slushee, since you wore a white shirt.
he helped you a lot, but not to much to leave you feeling like a helpless girl who needs help every second. he, again, was sweet to you, he was to good to be true. so Santana walked up to him. "hey there, sammy evens." she said, with a evil smirk upon her face.
"uh, hey." the blond boy said awkwardly. "haven't you heard?" she asks him. "that girl right there, has got a little problem" she adds, gesturing to an alcohol addiction.
"huh." the boy asked. "yeah, it's true, she was caught buying vodka in a liquor store." she nods, trying to make him believe. "yeah, so you should stay away from her, she'll just hurt you." and with that, the latina walked away, leaving the blond to be confused.
he believed her, a little. a big part of him knows that it was probably a lie. but still you kept secrets about you hidden very well, you knew how to hide something or not. but whatever it was, he knew he was ready to work through it with you.
so the next day, he came up to you, with a big, goofy grin. he wore a messy blazer over his shirt, and hid chocolates behind his back. "sooo, y/n. i want to make this twenty minutes before your first class, worth it." he paused taking a deep breath. "i want to court you. i've liked you for a really really long time, ever since i've first met, you. i like your eyes, i like your smile, the way you laugh, the way you style, the way your hair smells so good in the morning, the way you're often sleeping in class, but still manages to pass. the way you think you're not the most perfect human being, even though you surely are. even if you're mean to people, even to me. i like you so damn much, not to take this chance and leap into your heart. ew, cringe i know. but i like you, so so much. to the point-well i'm not gonna say it yet, i know how much you hate people saying that so early one. but i really really really, like you. and only you. no one else. just you, in my heart right here." he says, pointing to his heart.
"yes." you breath out, smiling. genuinely smiling, like a big dumb dork. "r-really?" his grins grows so much bigger, obviously happy with my answer.
"of course, who wouldn't you're absolutely fucking perfect." you chuckle, as he hugs you tightly. "i know how much you hate when romcom leads kiss each other the first second they meet each other."
"you know me so much. maybe too much." you joke, "i mean i do know you're secretly working undercover. but it's between us." he whispers, looking around, actually playing around with the joke.
what you didn't know was, santana was actually watching from the far, an unsettling feeling in her stomach. she wanted to shrug it off, but she couldn’t, just seeing you being so happy with someone that wasn’t her, it just does that.
so she made a plan. after all your classes, you’re at your locker putting away your books, fortunately your class ended early, due; to only having a quiz the whole class hour.
but as you were walking to sam’s class, decided to wait for him there, you were suddenly pulled into the janitors closet, by your bag. the lights were close, you felt someone behind your back, while a hand covered your mouth, shutting you off, their other arm wrapped around you tightly, to refrain you from leaving, or fighting back.
you were scared, you didn’t know who this person was, of course you were scared. it lasted about ten minutes, when the arm tightly wrapped around you let you go to open the light. you immediately turned back around, reaching for the door knob, but it was locked.
"ow! my feet!" a voice too familiar said. "what the fuck do you want?" your voice stern. your face cold. "i want you. it's been to long since we're last together." she said, walking closer to you, placing a quick kiss on your neck. "fuck off." you push her away.
"y/n. i'm sorry." you couldn't believe it, santana lopez, the santana lopez said sorry to you. "what?" you mumble. "i treated you like absolute shit. i put away your feelings, and i am so so sorry. i'm willing to do anything to make you forgive me. i camd to my senses and realized that, i'm..i'm in love with you. i'm in love with you y/n. i treated you like shit because i felt like shit being in love with you, i knew you would never reciprocate. so i treated yo that way. but i was really just mad at myself. i'm sorry." she says, genuinely.
"i like you too. liked you. but you just treated me like shit, you made me feel like i was nothing but a waste of air." she looked down on hed feey, biting her lip not knowing what to say. "i know you're sorry."
"i really am.”
“i know. but you’re too late.”
“i know.”
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3hks · 4 months
Tips on Writing a Romance Novel
Romance is a pretty popular genre, but most of the time, it is used as a subgenre for the characters. So how do you write a complete romance novel, where it's the center of the story? Well, here are some tips!
Note: these may seem like advice for more stereotypical books of this genre. However, you are not asked to use all of them, and these tips don't only have to be used when romance is the core of the story!
>> Make sure that the romance involved is connected to the conflict. What does this mean? While some books include romance, not all of them actually impact the plot. They add some stuff, sure, but the novel could definitely continue without it.
To fix this, create a conflict that can be at least partially resolved by someone, while love follows. Basically, the significant other helps resolve any physical issues (if present), while their presence and relationship help fix any internal struggles that the main character may have. And sometimes, the conflicts are caused by the love interest, but a similar idea applies--someone (can be the same or different person as the love interest) interjects to help. Overall, the solution to the problem cannot be solved by the main character alone, which is why a significant other is needed to assist in resolving the issue on hand.
Here are some examples!
The (main) character feels unwanted and struggles against their feelings of loneliness.
The (main) character is overcoming a conflict with their family and/or friends and feels unsupported.
The (main) character is having a difficult time overcoming a loss and finds themselves going in circles without said person.
See? Even with these simple, emotion-related examples, having another person around can help solve some of the problems present! Now, if you want to, just add a physical conflict on top of that!
>> Make sure the romance involved is connected to the characters. Romance itself does little for the characters; it can come from anyone. The magic comes from the love interest themselves, and romance is just the whipped cream on top of the sundae. However, that does differ from character to character and from book to book--for some books, a relationship will have a stronger effect on the plot, while that won't be true for other stories. Still, the love interest must have some noticeable impact on the main character.
That being said, the love interest and/or romance in your book needs to inspire a positive change in--at the very least--the protagonist and/or themselves. This could be a change in personality, thinking, self-view, actions, or even how they live their life.
>> Keep an eye on the pacing. I'm sorry to say this, but no matter how fast you want your favorite characters to get together, do not rush the process. Yes, a character can most definitely fall in love at first sight, but there are two people in a relationship and at first, the second will more than likely not feel the same way. Take some time to build up their connection before they establish a relationship so it feels more realistic.
Additionally, characters who are uninterested in love, distant from people, or struggle to grasp the idea that they could be loved will need more time regarding romance.
On the flip side, however, you also do not want to drag the story out for no reason. This will make your readers lose interest and is pointless to your plot.
>> Keep the relationship realistic. When two people start dating, there are two main changes: they are able to physically and verbally demonstrate their affection, and they are more open with each other. With that being said, your characters should not suddenly switch personalities, if the characters aren't the type to be all lovey-dovey, then they aren't going to suddenly be all over each other in a relationship.
Having a couple that seems 'too good to be true' to the reader can make them doubt if they're being completely honest and real with each other. A beautiful relationship can most definitely exist, but it must be correctly suited to the characters. Keep in mind that not all people's love language is verbal. Some of them are small actions, gifts, and/or spending time together.
>> Tie up all the loose ends. When your story is coming to an end, make sure you have cleared up everything. Verify that you have confirmed their relationship and any problems between them need to be resolved through some sort of communication and action. This way, you can show that their relationship is healthy and will last quite some time!
Boom! These are my tips regarding this genre! Make sure that the romance is connected to the plot and characters, be careful with your pacing, keep the relationship realistic, and tie up all the loose ends! Hopefully, this was able to provide some sort of guide to help those who struggle with writing these things! Thanks for checking this out!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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wildestgirls · 3 months
Sam headcanons
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Diverse music taste
Ranges from evanescence to beyonce
Big Beyonce fan
Is a horrendous driver
Like multiple tickets speeding parking you name it
He cannot parallel park he gets out of the car sees that he's parked over two spaces and just calls it a day
I feel like when they first came to the human world he would be scared to go to the gym cuz he felt like everyone was judging him (they were checking him out)
But he started going and now it's his second home
Loves to work his core
#never skips leg day
Has probably punched through a wall or two
Sokka from the last airbender is his fucking spirit animal
He's an earthbender argue with the wall idgaf if he has wings made from fire
Probably uses like 19 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfume, nail polish remover, you name it in the shower
Once Erik found out he forced him to throw it out
But it works :( nobody cares 😐
(absolutely personal headcanon) but Damien or Mika got him into Yellowjackets and he had an obsession with Natalie and Lottie- especially older Lottie. (so me)
Hates small dogs. And hairless cats they're like his mortal enemy
Doesn't wear fancy/dressy clothes unless he's forced too
Most of the clothes he owns probably double as pyjamas like sweatpants and hoodies
sorry but I hate his vest from the first game with a passion he just looks too thin for his description.
Absolutely perfect teeth. Perfect shape, so white not crooked
He has fangs but they're perfect
Switch lol
His sleep schedule is so random sometimes he's up the earliest and working out and sometimes he doesn't wake up until dinner time
I've said this before, but I just cannot see him as a police officer and in my world he's like a devil hunter.
Imagine like
He has a small team that he's with and they get told to go to places where there was like sightings of devils and take them out.
I thought this because not only can I not see him as a police officer, but I feel like he wouldn't give up fighting even if he got his anger under control.
Has one of those loud ass Mr krabs laughs when somethings rlly funny
Dressed up as a cowboy one year for Halloween and looked amazing -absolutely inspired by @poddle99 fanart 🩷
Him and Gaku were together before he left
He plays with his dog tag necklace when he's thinking and doesn't realise it or when he's sad or nervous
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@not-another-lesbian-stereotype this photo changed my life 🩷
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pillarsalt · 4 months
hi Im the same ex transmasc anon who sent you that aask about rhe tumblr ban thing, I did a lot of reading without forcing myself away this time. (I used to look at radblr sometimes bc I got curious, but when it started making too much sense i would make myself stop reading and tell myself I was being manipulated and try to forget about it..looking back that probably wasnt normal haha,)
I have mixed feelings tho. I don’t regret looking closer, the amount of sexism in the trans community was horrible. I think even radfems don’t understand how bad it was because it was all subtle styff. But seeing it constantly irl and online was terrible for me as a female. It gave me so much internalized misogyny, it made me hate myself and I felt worthless and stupid! and whiny! and annoying! all the time!! unless I was able to be perceived as a man. I felt like I had to be a man to have any respect in the community. I remember being so amazed to see abortion be covered by trans people I followed in even a reblog because it was the first time I saw people in the community talk about female issues at all. Even then it was covered with disclaimers and terfs DNI banners. male,opinions were always prioritized.
I thought this was dysphoria and a sign I was really a man. then I started reading radfem things and its like that feeling instantly lifted. I felt respected, listened to, even though I wasn’t speaking. It was also like all this stuff I’d internalized from being female, all the trauma around sex based oppression, was actually being addressed. in trans circles you get called a terf for acknowledging females face any kind of oppression (they acknowledge sex when it’s to talk about how hard male loneliness is on young trans women, and how the incel to trans woman pipeline happens, though…)
but the reason I have mixed feelings is bc I now feel….dumb? And afraid. And angry. I spend well over a decade being part of this community, half my friends are in the community, I’ve been trans since I was 9. My typings not the best… dyslexia sucks lol. But I like to think I’m smart. Now I don’t know,
And it makes me think totally different of these people I saw as progressive cis male allies, who were so loud about trans rights and hating JKR and terfs. Now they just feel like the same flavor of anti-feminist man I hate.
And the community is so huge and it’s so widely accepted and I don’t know how to deal!
But I am happy to be a woman now. In a healthy way I haven’t been for a long time. thats all that matters.
I'm sorry for everything you were put through. Many girls and women have been sucked into this thinking it will provide a solution for their distress at the social ramifications of the body they're born in, only for more people, namely men, to take advantage of their distress and gain power over them. As you mentioned, even "cis" men get in on the action when they justify intimidating and threatening women with violence in response to perceived transphobia. It's a terrible situation to be in. Made worse when you can't openly talk about with people you're close to for fear of alienating them.
I think you should give yourself more credit. You ARE smart. You questioned what you were told was never allowed to be questioned and realized you were being misled. And what you said about trying to make yourself forget the realizations you've had, that is normal. It's a difficult and scary thing to hold opinions that conflict with those of the majority of your peers. I think it's like the climax of cognitive dissonance -- when what you know is true clashes so hard against what you want to believe, you find it impossible to justify anymore, so you just resort to pretending you never learned the information in the first place. Been there.
I'm just being a stereotype now, but there's a classic Dworkin quote for this:
"Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships."
Anyway my point is, don't beat yourself up. I'm really happy to read that you're accepting your womanhood, it's a hard journey but it's worth it to have a good relationship with yourself. And in my experience (at the sage and wisened age of 25) that it gets easier as you get older. You work through mistakes, and that prepares you to handle the next mistake better. You're right, your health and happiness is all that matters, keep striving for that and it will steer you right.
I wanted to give you some reading recommendations, you mentioned you have dyslexia but I believe these two are available in audiobook form if that's up your alley:
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
There are tons more great books on feminism but these two are my go-tos for hard facts on gender, socialization, and the systematic discrimination against women worldwide through biases that are built into society.
Well uh; TLDR thanks for gracing my inbox, anon :) Hope you keep well.
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intheholler · 9 months
i’m not from appalachia but i am from the south and the accent is definitely dieing (i am fucking determined to bring back this spelling) … rarely ever hear a young person with a heavy twang anymore, a light one sometimes yea. so sad its perceived as negative … nearly every time you see someone portray a dumb person in a joke they take on this stereotypical accent and its quite harmful really and they don’t even know … anyway sorry for coming in yer inbox and rambling but i’m interested in hearing what ya have to say about it
1) 2024 will officially be the year we bring back 'dieing' for good. god willing and the creek don't rise
2) 'what i have to say about it?' hahah *gestures broadly toward this ramblin blog*
no but in all seriousness, i believe the reason you don't hear that molasses-thick twang anymore is because young people in appalachia have better access to the outside world from an incredibly young age in a way we didn't even a few decades ago. used to be it required heading down the mountain to see what's what, and most can't afford that til they're older, if even then.
so now, we are taught younger and younger as impressionable babies to be ashamed of ourselves and by extension our accents, either from embarrassment of the stereotypes of where we're from, or because we're afraid people are gonna think we're "stupid" and not take us seriously.
without ever having to leave home, kids now can peer over the mountain sooner and see how people mock them and their accents. it doesn't cost any money to get online and see everyone calling you an inbred toothless hillbilly, to start feeling shame for something you didn't even know was being ridiculed--you--and work from them on to suppress your accent.
i was eight or nine the first time it was made known to me that people outside of home thought the way i talked made me "sound stupid" and i found out in person by a well-meaning family member. literally that same day i started trying to "talk normal" from then on out. i'm a young millennial, so internet was available to me but not in the way it is now. i can't imagine how it is for kids today.
i had a THICK accent as a kid. now, you can barely hear it even though i'm actively and consciously trying to relax the code switching muscle now that i am loving these parts of me again.
to your second point, i once saw someone say something (much more eloquently, and it's been years, so) along the lines of "tell a joke about someone you think is 'stupid'. do it aloud. what accent did you default to when you mocked them? now ask yourself why you did that."
only, no one wants to ask themselves that question. and so here we are.
i believe that that shame and mockery we have been wrongly saddled with from childhood is likely one of the biggest contributing factors as to why you hear a good strong accent less and less. and it fucking sucks.
3) come 'ramble' anytime!! love talking to yall and hearing your thoughts
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damianbugs · 2 months
Don't we all just love it when EVEN IF A FICWRITER portraits Talia as positive character AND shows Damian's trust and calmness when talking to her (in the fic he's always scared around the others - Bruce, Tim, etc.), people just can't accept it and keep see her as horrible IN THE FIC. Just why?..... 😭Like, we're not even talking about Morrison's canon, we're literally only talking about tHE FIC. READERS, WHY.
sorry, just screaming because you seem to be upset with Talia treatment too.
it is racism and misogyny my friend 😔 fandoms with white male dominated characters tend to be ignornant as a given, but the batfamily fandom specifically has a very big issue when it comes to how brown and black characters are perceived. i'll stick to just talking about talia in this, but it applies to other characters too.
talia gets double the horrible press because not only is she a person of colour, but also a woman of colour. like you said, comic writers (read: GRANT MORRISON) established this horrific characterisation of her and for many years the other stories followed this and it rewrote her entire personality. thankfully, more recent comic writers (read: ram v ❤️) are tackling this and rewriting her already rewritten character — but i am afraid the damage is already done. this is only made worse by the animated movies and shows ALSO adopting this version of talia as their base character.
now when it comes to fics you get two terrible outcomes: people who only know morrisons talia and write her based on those comics, or the more often seen, people who don't read comics but read fics written with morrison talia and assume this is how she has always been. then there's the third more sinister thing of people who Know this characterisation is racist and ooc, but use it anyway because it gives way for them to write whump and angst about one of the sad pathetic white boys.
this creates what you mention about readers who for some reason only accept this HEAVILY CRITICISED characterisation and RETCONNED actions and refuse to see her as anything more than the evil brown lady. especially when it comes to damian fics, she is often written as this caricature of stereotypes in order to highlight how his white american family "saved" him from his abusive uncivilised middle-eastern family. the ignorance and racism is very poorly hidden when you say it how it is.
i give people the benefit of the doubt, because yk, sometimes they honestly don't know the racism and microaggression that was put into her rewrite and they're not aware of who she was before grant morrison got their claws into her. they're just ignornant and not educated on this topic, and thats not their fault.
but once readers and writers ARE aware of this and continue to perpetuate it — then they're just as racist and misogynistic as the rest of them 🤷🏾‍♀️
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hey!! if you’re taking requests, i’d like to request the tmnt 2012 turtles falling for a fem! reader who’s basically like your stereotypical raph. she loves fighting, loves working out, loud asf, short-tempered, blunt, sarcastic, cursed with resting bitch face, all that jazz. but, once you get to know her, she’s actually really funny and sweet. NEVER afraid to speak her mind, so she may come across as rude or sassy at times, but she never really means to be. DEFINITELY has mild adhd and is on the autism spectrum. 🫶
hi! i hope i got what you wanted! sorry if it's not what you hoped for ;-; i don't know if you wanted headcanon or scenario type writing so i went for headcanon style!
notes: fem!reader, pronouns used: you/your and she/her
Turtles Falling For A Raph-Like Fem!Reader
Leonardo "Leo" Hamato
When Leo first met you and saw that you had attitude, his first thought was 'Oh, great, another Raph.'
It took them a while to get past your rough and tough exterior, but once they got to know you better, they started falling, and they fell HARD.
Full on tripping over her words, getting flustered easily, you're the only thing on her mind when she realizes that she likes you.
Definitely talks to Master Splinter about you.
Would never bring his crush on you up to his brothers, especially Raph.
"So when I have an attitude, you hate it, but when she has an attitude, you think it's adorable?!" would be Raph's reaction upon finding out.
Because you are very head-strong, sometimes you and Leo end up butting heads due to your opinions differing.
You would definitely be work out buddies with Raph.
Also when fixating on something, Mikey loves having infodump sessions with you, especially if you both are fixated on something similar/the same thing.
Leo loves when you get along with their brothers.
Raphael "Raph" Hamato
In the beginning, you and Raph are constantly butting heads. You both are very short-tempered and head-strong so when your opinions differ, it's a bull match between you two.
After some time, it's not as bad as it was, you learn to compromise.
They teach you some stuff as a way of flirting without being obvious.
It takes a while for him to get a crush on you, he's supposed to be the tough guy, he doesn't have time for feelings.
But everytime you remind them that being strong involves being in tune with your feelings, they start to allow themself to fall for you.
He doesn't understand his feelings for you, he's confused. Like 'Why does my stomach feel weird whenever we're training together? Why can't I think straight when I talk to her?'
They don't want to get teased by their brothers so they keep their crush a secret, but everyone knows, except for you.
Donatello "Donnie" Hamato
Similar to Leo, he's not excited that you are basically another Raph. He's not a fan of the short-tempered, sarcastic, loudness that is you.
Being more logical and rational, he clashes with your 'punch first, ask questions later' attitude. But hey, they do say opposites attract.
Once he realizes that he's starting to like you, he tries to avoid you as much as possible. He's had his human-mutant "relationship" experience and it didn't go well. *cough* April *cough*
When you let down your tough exterior is when he falls hard, he basically smacked the floor with how hard he fell.
He's in love with your sense of humor. If you were to crack a joke that had anything to do with science or robotics, he would fall harder than ever.
Michaelangelo "Mikey" Hamato
Being the baby brother, Mikey knows how his hot-headed brother is. He knows that Raph can be caring, despite the rough exterior.
Mikey figures you're the same way. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside.
They fall hard and fast, completely head over heels for you. They're like a lovesick puppy, following at your feet, treating you like a princess.
His crush on you is obvious to everyone, except you. At first, you think it's annoying how he's always bu your side, but over time, he starts to grow on you.
If you were to come into the kitchen when they were cooking and matched his goofy energy, they would break. They love it so much.
Don't even get me started on when you both are hyper together. You two being energetic and chaotic, he loves it! Although the others aren't too happy with all the commotion if they're busy (which they most likely are).
Have a good day/night! :)
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