#sorry for writing a manifesto on main
tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
To anyone who believes transmisogyny does not exist, the transphobes in my flat refer to trans men appropriately but refer to trans women exclusively as tr***ys.
They show trans men respect, complimenting them on their masculine traits whereas they regularly demean trans women, treating them as sex objects at best or freaks worthy of ridicule at worst.
Even when admitting they are attracted to a particular trans woman, they do so with a tone of shame and disgust. Meanwhile if a trans man can live up to their preconceived notion of masculinity, he is celebrated and admired by these same people.
This is not meant as attack on trans men or an attempt to belittle their struggles but an attempt to shown how trans women are explicitly targeted for being women as well as trans. They are seen as ‘shameful’ because to a patriarchal society nothing is more shameful than to reject its vaunted masculinity; its highest ideal.
To ‘choose’ womanhood, as they see it, is abhorrent. Especially when that womanhood is incongruent with how they define it. But to ‘choose’ masculinity is only natural. When trans men ‘choose’ masculinty, all the patriarchy hears is that it is right.
But trans men are men. They don’t ‘choose’ their masculinity and should not be ashamed of it. However, masculinity comes with privileges which are not enjoyed by trans women.
And that is the very essence of misogyny.
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waterme-stories · 3 months
Wild to me that there are ship wars for Interview With The Vampire when, as a teen, The Vampire Chronicles were some of my first exposure to non-monogany.
Obviously it wasn't perfect. I mean, Lestat/Louis/Claudia is a textbook example of "relationship broken, add more people (oh no now it's even more broken)," and "not every Vee should become a Triad." If you've ever experienced the drama of an incestuous non-mono community where everyone's dated everyone... those books all get a little too real. There's backstabbing, jealousy, domestic abuse, and more murder than I personally prefer in my own polyamory 😅
But there's also "we belong to each other, why would anything we do with other people affect that?" There's "let's find out what it looks like to be with someone for the rest of my life (or theirs)." The idea that relationships have value even if they don't last forever. That romantic relationships aren't inherently more important than platonic ones. The idea that you can hold multiple people in your heart at the same time, that there's room for everyone. That the relationship escalator (dating > marriage > kids > death) isn't the only (or best) way to have significant, committed relationships.
They introduced the concept of comet relationships to my baby brain more than a decade before I would learn the actual term--those people you don't see for months or years but as soon as you see them it's like no time has passed (a personal favorite for my ADHD ass).
Like, when I say those books changed my brain chemistry, I mean that my silly little self-insert Mary Sue OCs went from "marry my fictional crush and be with them forever" to "what if they only saw each other once or twice a year but it was still incredible" and "what if she was married but also had a vampire lover and everyone was chill about it (and also she was a rock star)" and "what if they all lived in one big house together" and/or "what if lived by herself and found that fulfilling" and "what if men and women and ???" That shit was formative. Some of those little daydream OCs live in my brain to this day.
Idk man. I don't have much patience for ship wars anyway (and I'm scratching my head about people getting upset about canon relationships being, you know, canon). But with TVA especially, my brain simply cannot comprehend it in a monogamous framework.
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arielmagicesi · 2 years
lesbian and ace girl solidarity is definitely thinking that our friends were attracted to men as a long-running bit. finding out that the reason they ‘acted like boy crazy idiots’ was not, in fact, because they were trying to ‘conform to society’s standards’ but because that is how teenagers act when they are experiencing real live sexual attraction that they’re not repressing... like I am so sorry for how I made fun of you in my diary for liking Justin Bieber or whatever
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bubblegum-gloss · 2 months
My little advice to feel pure and divine! ໒꒱
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♡ Feed your spiritual temple with the best of the food
♡ Recognize your power, you're the god of your reality!
♡ Tell your loved ones you love them, never forget that love is strength
♡ (if you use makeup) find one look that embodies the vibes you're going for! (Mine is the igaru makeup)
♡ Meditate/do pilates regularly! It's good for both your mind and your body, both extremely important
♡ If you need extra motivation, you can imagine your favorite characters or role models helping you or cheering for you.
♡ Do shadow work. It's awkward sometimes, I know. But it's really releasing. (You can try by writing a letter for someone who's not in your life anymore, or say sorry for your past bad actions)
♡ Ask the universe, god or any deity you believe in for a sign, or just talk to them when you need someone to listen
♡ Keep a gratitude journal.
♡ Write your own manifesto, your own bible. With what you believe in and what you look forward in life.
♡ Romantize everything, live in imagination, believe you're the main character because you are!
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revengebian · 1 month
im really interested in the revival of riot grrrl; i think its absolutely possible for it to make a comeback, and i could even argue that it never actually went away...i mean, its definitely lost a bit of its edge, but their are bands coming out in its genre and they keep the spirit alive. anyway, the essential thing for the revival is that riot grrrl fixes its previous mistakes. i hate when people try to trivialize its importance because i do think it made a difference in the small span of time that it was really popular, but the main issues were how whitewashed it was, how it mostly focused on middle/upper suburban women, and how it (in my opinion mostly) centered a lot around reclaiming femininity, thereby neglecting gnc women who don't WANT to reclaim it. i found a cool article on black women in the feminist punk movement--specifically how they made their own movement, sista grrrl riot--and these quotes stood out to me. this ones by musician tamar kali brown:
"Being in this urban jungle, I was a different type of girl. I was hearing what they were saying, but I was living in an environment where people were getting stabbed. Riot Grrrl felt like a bubblegum expression. I was bald, and I would get a lot of negative attention that bordered on violence, so I wasn't in the world of [baby voice] 'You just think I can't play because I'm a girl!'
and this one by laronda davis:
"I never looked at a magazine and thought that that was what I was supposed to look like. On one hand, it's actually kind of liberating to not be what this standard of womanhood is. That standard put a lot of women in boxes, and they spend their li[ves] trying to get out of the box. Black women were never allowed in the box. I wasn't looking at TV saying, 'Oh, that represents me.' I wasn't listening to music telling about my experience. I had experiences that told me I wasn't concerned with these things that the happy songs were about."
(article here)
all in all i think what riot grrrl needs to change is its idea of a universal female childhood in their songs that we can all relate to. it kind of sucks to say but really all women do have in common are the stereotypes we're given, and when punk women criticized and defied those stereotypes they really shone; i was reading that people called kathleen hanna writing "slut" on her stomach white feminism and i was like....err. sexualization is something all women are subjected to. i've just been in a bit of a rabbit hole which started when i researched the history of trans people in riot grrrl, then to modern times when i found a claim that kathleen hanna had stopped using the line "all girls to the front" and edited her riot grrrl manifesto, and finally ended here with me thinking "man, riot grrrl's spirit is needed now more than ever, but like we need to make it WAAAAYYY better so it actually works out". the good news is, like i said, it hasn't actually faded out of mainstream consciousness.
i might add on to this in later posts. sorry if it's messy.
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lincolnchristie · 1 year
*waves hand in the air like a beauty queen* Just Hello.*
Welcome to my professional tumblr. I’m Lincoln, and I’m a fantasy/science fiction author. I’m fond of murder mysteries, powers that come with a price, and mythology.
Most of you will probably know me already, actually, as tumblr user @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels. *jazz hands* Surprise, ‘tis I!
For a long time I resisted the idea of self-publishing. I didn’t want to start from the ground-up in building an audience because I’m not great at this whole social media thing and I hated that idea. However, I finally grew too frustrated with how the traditional publishing world treats its authors and said screw it. We’re gonna try doing this on my own.
And, uh, I’ve come to realize, I actually do have an audience. My lovely fanfiction readers.
My hope is that, since you all enjoy my fanfiction, you’ll want to check out my original writing, too. I will say up front that there are some differences such as a darker tone, heavier subjects, romance is not the main plot, etc. But, if you like my more plot-centric and serious fanfics, then I think you’ll like these original works of mine. I like to play around with themes and worlds similar to the ones found in those stories.
*vibrates with excitement* Which is why I'm launching my Patreon!!!
I have also, shocker of shockers to myself more than anyone, written a poetry collection. It's titled Manifesto of a Blossoming Supervillain and you can purchase it here on my website (I have a website!!!) in e-book with paperback coming in the next few days.
But my Patreon is where I'll be posting, chapter by chapter, my fantasy murder mystery novel A Masque of Shadows.
When the controversial regent of the city-state of Serenissima is murdered on the first night of Masquerade, Captain Matthias has to sort through spurned lovers, murderous family members, and scheming nobles to prevent war from breaking out. It's Murder on the Orient Express meets Game of Thrones starring a very tired autistic bisexual who's just trying to get through the holiday season.
What can I say, I want to see if you all can solve the mystery in real time. ;)
My Patreon is also where you'll get lots of sneak peak info about my other novels such as character art and playlists, worldbuilding info, deleted and bonus scenes, character backstory, and director's commentary.
The first novel that I plan to release in full is Pestilence, the first in my Horsemen Quartet:
When four women raised in a dead world come back to life, they find they're no longer entirely human... and the undead are no longer the worst threat they have to face in the wasteland.
It's currently with my sensitivity and beta readers, and the hope is to publish it in September (because I'm a masochist, I guess).
You also get pictures of my cats, Mr. Fluffernutter and Cuddlebug!
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(They like to sit in the window and judge people.)
The audience I’ve built up with my fanfiction was rather like falling asleep. It happened slowly, and then all at once. I’m still blown away every day by the number of people who’ve read and enjoyed my stories on Ao3. I hope, if you are one of those people, that you will consider supporting me and join my Patreon to support my original work. These stories are near and dear to my heart, and I deeply love the characters in them. I hope that you all will, too.
*no I could not resist a MsScribe reference, sorry not sorry
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queer-arsonist-horror · 7 months
i was tagged by @curlytemple who im still so flatted I'm mutuals with
Im so sorry yall this got way to long
1. 3 ships:
im all about the polycules baby
Riverdale (taking about 4 ficd cause most of the mutuals im tagging are riverdale girlies)
@hahahahawhat @greatkateweathermachine
@wolfofansbach @thejugheadparadox these r just my current favs buy like all these writers are crazy talented and I have a few of Kate's story's saved for when I have a bad day.
All of peters love interests are in a tragicy messy polycule (I limited it to one comic ship cause this isn't my main)
@bipeterparker is insane for this but it'd absolutely perfect
@thisisallthehattersfault s is probably the least explore axis of the core 4 but it's got me to obsessed over there dynamic
2. first ever ship:
ive always been into fairytales/mythology and watching labyrinth in preschool shaped me on a fundermental level. Sarah x Jareth which is delightfully dark
Anything but @viciously-witty is spectacular but
Has been the object of my obsession for 4 years now so I can't recommend it enough
If ypu don't mind reading potentially abandoned fic and maybe had a Hannibal phase I'm begging you to read @sherylholmes 's criminally underrated fic
And if u can't do unfished fics then check out @eddywoww 's new story who exclusively writes steddie and got me to stop hating Eddie Munson for people not into bdsm or Xmen wearing hellfire shirts in puplic
Tho my new ao3 account history lists https://archiveofourown.org/series/928122
Which I beated for like a week before I was homeless lol.
I used to be hella into lilith and this was a fic about her set in thr universe of the Lucifer TV show with pge triangle with her chole and Lucifer.
And cause of the rpf discourse being a thing again I have to mention my first band ship murdoc x 2d from gorillaz and the mandatory fic rec is @selkiefluff s fabulous story
Not only is it top tier smut but it has a time travelling trans character and its not even OOC which is insanse and its finished!!!
3. last song:
I've been dancing to metal and 2000s pop with my dad but now I've got my amv playlist playing @philcollinsenjoyer 's riverdale amv of Genghis Khan
It's also on their tumblr if u search amv on thier pages I can't recommend thier videos enough
4. last movie: watched bound again whcih is a masterpiece all lesbians would experience but the last new film was Chopping Mall which I found via @greatkateweathermachine 's letter box which is wonderful especially their riverdale list
5. currently reading:
what we are fighting for a radical collective manifesto edited by Frederick campagna and Emanuel campiglio
I saw David Graeber (my beloved) was included and had to borrow it. (If Ur interested into money or anthropology I can't recommend his book debt the first 500 years enough my dyke primary school tea her gave it to me to read when I way ahead in maths and i used it years later to radicalise half my econ class
6. currently watching:
rewatching mtvs faking the messiest dyke drama ever. It's definitely camp and it's kinda self aware bur it's also horrible no good. It's what the Twitter gays wished dear Evan hasten was like watch the first episode (it's only 20min) and if knowing what they are faking it's not hilarious and heart breaking stop your gonna hate the show if not you've got your new favourite trash show.
New show is season 3 of chucky which only has half a season airing cause of the strikes so I'm trying to stretch it out but I will say jennifer tilly is a delight as always.
7. currently consuming:
norco chocolate milk its 2am my last meal was went I went down to the river to read and got a blue cheese woodfire pizza
8. currently craving:
my hot tub but I'm still waiting on my pool filters its been 30c (86f) the last 4 days I've been home and I got heatstroke on Sunday on the 10min walk to the river and fainted + threw up which wasn't sexy rip
Tagging beloved mutuals
I know like 3 of you follow me on my main not this side blog but like I reblog all Ur posts here anyway so we r mutuals even if tumblr doesn't classify us that way. In my heart of hearts I know its true
Feel free to ignore or let me know if u don't want want be tagged in the future
@mothmanchronicler @gay-archie @hispanicsabrinaspellman @betty-amorous @archangelarchie @thedumbdemon @2jug2head @rozmiatacz @eastvillages
Non riverdale babes
@dragonflylady77 @cuddle---buddy @mercurysystem @every-dayiwakeup @orangerosebush @kamiyuart
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stopscammingartists · 5 months
long time listener, first time caller! in my detachment from the fandom, due to continued harassment i have gotten over my creation of fan content - i addressed it on a personal blog. It was scooped up and i got a personal desist from glip. Wild how a community that claims to hinge on caring about emotions, really only cares for the feelings of its leaders. What's even more, is that glip dragged in the names of people i didn’t even MENTION in a follow-up, and boiled me down to a character rapist
Hello there!
I quite liked your post, and I'm sorry that your creation of fan content has lead to harassment. I was talking to Rina about it and she pointed out something to me that stuck out to them specifically about your post.
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There are a lot of people like you who enjoyed reading Flora - most of whom were kids at the time, and then it just....fell off for them, and they stick around anyway due to their love of what once was. Even after they leave the community, they remain attached to the characters and keep drawing them.
The thing is though...........Glip didn't write the characters from early Flora that most of these people became attached to. Marl did. All of the preestablished lore that is still on the site? That was Marl. Same goes for PMD-E, Marl was the main writer for that along with a few others.
You liked Marl's writing. Not Glips.
That isn't to say that Glip played no role here in these beloved stories, obviously they did, the art that hooked people in the first place was Glip's and obviously Glip had a lot of input on the story itself. It's their comic after all.
But it's no secret either that the point where Floraverse as a comic falls apart was when Marl left the picture. It stopped being a coherent story with arcs and character development to Glip's personal manifesto about their villain of the week or Marl. Seriously, look at Seeds chapter 3 to....just about anything in the past year.
It's why I don't buy into the idea that Marl is still secretly around. Because if he was, Floraverse would actually be a coherent story today.
It's just, I feel that's important to keep in mind that the writing a lot of people actually enjoyed in the past, isn't what exists today in a very quantifiable way.
Regardless, their hypocrisy in how they talk about you is disgusting, and I think it's strange that Glip hasn't apologized to game freak for literally building their entire career of drawing rape/child/incest/zoo porn of pokemon characters.
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technicolor-overcoat · 6 months
use my ask as a way to infodump about your aus :3
haiiiiiiiiiii . OK so
(im most likely goinf to alternate between their canon names and their au names. just so yall know. sorry this is going to be all over the place)
ok so we have the main humanstuck au (separate from the pir8 au which i'll talk about l8r)– this is what i mostly refer to as the mind comic!
this one starts out with a "realistic" event if that makes sense: lydia (le) calls her sister, jane (calamity) on the phone. two days l8r, she appears at janes front door, and proceeds to spend the next week(s) there. cj and her kids (caliborn and calliope) are mostly unaware of the things that lydia has done. cj has some knowledge of the ancestors' doings, mostly from an outsiders perspective. but still; janes home is a safe spot under the warm midwestern sun.
living nearby is leonela (di)! she owns a modest house, and makes money by selling fresh produce and pickled vegetables. she has a breath of fresh air after a long time, a quiet and average existence.
it has been quite a few years after hers and the rest of the revs' trials. leo's trial was in 1986, in which ouranos zahhak (dk. ig that was obvious) served as prosecutor, where she was found not guilty. (this ultimately served as the nail in the coffin for dk's work as a lawyer, since this was considered an open and shut case. hes currently retired + living in alaska. anyways) shes the only member of the inner circle thats currently alive. di compiled all of karcin's (sign) lectures and speeches, making them into a... sort of manifesto.
sign was a political activist. he spent his early life under the care of his mother figure, "mary" (rosa), who was the daughter of filipino immigrants. from sign's early adulthood and onwards they started hitchhiking around the country, doing odd jobs to make money, and on one of these occasions end up meeting leo and valentine (psii); immigrants from spain and italy respectively, who came to the states to find better job opportunities + a better life overall after they broke the law a little and caused a protest that initially was just a push for psii and his co-workers to get better conditions on the job.
uhghhhh i dont know what else 2 write. sorry i hope this makes for some tasty (or just . nice) lore/info👍
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damnable-bell · 2 years
Please, dear friend, write your Minho Manifesto (Minhonifesto)!
Bulb, you are an absolute gem. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my number one boy (and thank you @shojojidais for encouragement, ilu Maryam).
This post got way out of hand. I'll put the basic text below, but the full version with detailed footnotes and an index of all the YouTube videos I linked is on Google Docs, if anyone would like to see it.
Sorry for my inevitable typos.
Now, without further ado...
Choi Minho: An Appreciation
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Who is Choi Minho?
Choi Minho was born on December 9th, 1991. In May 2008, he debuted as a member of the boyband SHINee, meaning that Minho has been in our lives for almost 15 wonderful years now. His official position in SHINee is main rapper and visual (i.e., the face of the group), but these days he sings about as often as he raps. (His voice is especially lovely when he gets to sing in his natural range, which he almost never gets to do with SHINee, sob sob).
Minho originally hoped to become a soccer player, but his father, the soccer coach Choi Yun-kyum, denied him, saying he hoped Minho would pursue a less difficult career. Unfortunately for Coach Choi (but perhaps fortunately for us), Minho was just born too pretty to do something more normal. At age 14, he was scouted by SM Entertainment while visiting a ski resort with his family, and the rest is history.
Why I love him
He is a true genius of hard work
In spite of the fact that he more or less stumbled into being an idol, Minho has always given 100 percent of himself to SHINee—in fact, Minho always gives 100 percent of himself to everything, whether it’s singing, rapping, dancing, acting, speaking English, sports, or drag. He hasn’t always been good at everything he does, but part of what makes Minho such a special person is his endless capacity for growth.
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(When will Goddess Choi Minjung return from war? It's been eight years...)
Here’s what he had to say about being criticized for his acting in To the Beautiful You (2012):
Even from my point of view, I more than deserved those criticisms. I struggled a lot in my first lead role in ‘To The Beautiful You,’ but looking back, it is because of that past that I have confidence now, so I definitely don’t consider it a taint on my history … Back then, I just stubbornly thought that I just have to do well. At a young age, I was in a leading role and I needed to lead the drama by paying attention to the people and situation around me, but I wasn’t able to. A lead isn’t someone who just acts well on his own, but leads the entire drama. I should have paid more attention to the other things, but I focused too much on myself, and it resulted in me just awkwardly standing out. But I learned a lot from that, and it was ‘medicine’ for me. To be honest, being criticized so much was a huge lesson for me. It’s a lie if I say that I am not scared of being criticized for doing badly. But I think it’s something that I should put up with. It’s only right to acknowledge what I’m lacking and correct it. Of course, everyone wants to do well from the start. But I don’t think I’m gifted that much so I need a lot of experience.
Similarly, on writing his own raps for SHINee:
At first I was very bad at it. But if I didn't do it then it would be detrimental to me as well as to the members so I thought that I should really try to do it properly. It's true that when you put in effort your skills change. I thought, there isn't anything that can’t be done if a person really tries…
What makes Minho’s growth doubly impressive to me is that he’s not a naturally confident person. On the contrary, he’s painfully self-aware and takes deeply failure to heart:
After filming Dream Team, on days I won I would be in a really good mood, and on days I lost I would keep thinking about it. It's the same as when I make a mistake on stage. When I mess up on one step on stage, I feel hateful towards myself. I grow angry. Wondering why I did that that during that step. I think it's because my competitiveness is so strong. But that doesn't mean I enjoy competing. Instead, if there is a competition I tend to avoid it. Because if one wins, the other loses. Because any person, no matter who it is, dislikes losing.
When Minho first debuted, most people immediately clocked him as the weakest member of SHINee—and he knew it. He couldn’t rap (his infamously terrible rap on “The SHINee World”—which he really wants you to know he did not write—is legendary both in the fandom and beyond), he couldn’t act, and while he was never the worst dancer in the group, he didn’t stand out much either.
It also didn’t help that SM saddled him with the part of the ‘cool, silent type,’ when his real personality is goofy, warm, and sentimental—not to mention teasing, nagging, nurturing, full of natural aegyo, and loud. Variety is usually a place where K-Pop ‘visuals’ get to prove their worth, but in SHINee’s early variety appearances, Minho was just sort of...there. 
In his own words,
Looking back, I went through a slump during my early debut days. I first thought, “Why did I debut?” I couldn’t dance or sing, and I couldn’t say anything in variety shows. Before debut, I was good at talking and confident, but standing in front of the public as a celebrity isn’t an easy job. (161208 SHINee’s Choi Minho - Media Interview (3))
Now, it’s never made sense to me that anyone could praise SHINee’s live stages out of one side of their mouth and trash Minho’s performance skills out of the other—there’s just no room in their choreo for any member of the group to be lagging significantly behind the others.
These days, I would be shocked to find anyone who doesn’t see Minho as an integral part of SHINee. But it’s worth taking a minute to acknowledge what a dynamic, well-rounded performer he’s become in his own right. I was so happy when I saw other people calling Minho’s rap in “Atlantis” the best part of the song, 1) because IT FUCKING IS, and 2) it made me realize just how many great rap moments Minho has had going back years. The Story of Light alone is full of them (have you guys listened to “Retro” yet today?), but there are so many older favorites, too (it’s actually pissing me off that the previous video I linked doesn’t include Minho’s part in “One Minute Back,” so here it is).
Minho hasn’t just become a strong idol-rapper (he’s never going to be on the front cover of XXL Magazine or whatever, but that’s fine, because it’s not his job); he’s also grown into a strong vocalist, a damn good dancer, and an excellent variety idol and MC (he is seriously so funny, you guys). As an actor, he’s worked hard to earn genuine praise from audiences and critics while accepting relatively ‘risky’ parts (he played a delinquent in the indie drama Derailed—where he smoked! and swore! and got beaten up by Ma Dong-seok!—as well as a gay character in the drama Yumi’s Cells). He’s also an underrated lyricist, with more than 40 songwriting credits throughout SHINee’s discography.
Last but certainly not least, Minho has (flaming) charisma and stage presence for days, as well as an astonishing ability to ‘commit to the bit’ that’s elevated many a goofy SHINee performance (my current favorite example is this performance of “Girls Girls Girls” at SHINee World III in Seoul—notice how many of the comments mention that Minho was obviously feeling himself in that bathrobe!).
Since he finished his mandatory military service, Minho has been branching out with more of his own solo activities, including a radio show, Best Choice (again: he is so funny, you guys!), and a forthcoming solo album, Chase. He seems to have become comfortable in his own skin in a way that we should all hope to be in our early thirties. As a fan, I consider it a privilege to have watched him blossom into a better, more confident version of himself. He is a true genius of hard work, and I could not be more excited for his solo.
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He has the biggest heart
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I love Minho because Minho has so much love to give. He’s the kind of person who leaves notes telling his friends he loves them while they’re asleep. He once saved all the SHINee members’ names in his phone under “My Lovely ___.” He writes the longest dedications of anyone in the group. He’s thoughtful and dedicated and has a lot of feelings (though by his own admission, he tends to hide them, so that he can continue to give strength to others). He is, for lack of a better word, all ooey-gooey inside, with a sentimental streak a mile wide.
Minho always goes the extra mile to support the other members of SHINee. SHINee’s leader, Onew, once called him the group’s “heart aid”:
Whatever happens, he is by our side and calls out to us. Minho is really a person who becomes our strength in any situation … It’s not only with me, even with other members, he is our heart aid and is a very important existence to all of us (2014)
When the other members cry onstage, Minho is often the first to comfort them. Who could forget the iconic photo of Minho hugging an inconsolable Jonghyun to his bosom after SHINee’s first music show win for “Juliette,” or all the many times he comforted Jonghyun—always the crybaby of the group—onstage thereafter?
Here are just a few more examples of Minho showing his support for the other members of SHINee:
Hiding away his emergency money to buy a birthday present for Key, even though they hated each other at the time
Surprising Jonghyun on his birthday at Jonghyun’s radio show, Blue Night (150409)
Flying to Japan to attend the second day of Taemin’s Tokyo concert in 2018 (181125), then flying back to Korea to attend Key’s concert showcase the very next day (181126)
Surprising Jonghyun at Jonghyun’s X-Inspiration concert in 2016 (161204, or click through to “…and Minho” on this Omona post for all the cute fan accounts)
Surprising Jonghyun on the last day of Blue Night—and bringing lots of tissues, because he knew Jonghyun would cry (170402). (The part of this video everyone remembers is the part where Minho tells Jonghyun that he brought the softest box tissues “because Jonghyun-hyung’s skin is precious,” but really, every second of it just radiates compassion and care. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like Minho.).
Surprising Jonghyun at Jonghyun’s The Story concert—and bringing throat drops, because he knew Jonghyun’s throat might be sore. Look how happy and proud he was when they left!
Fuck it, here are two whole threads of Minho showing up for Jonghyun’s concerts. Don’t miss the one where he’s showing Jonghyun off to the camera like a work of art.
While he was in the military, he sent food trucks to Taemin to support Taemin’s comeback (200907)
Minho to Onew in 2020: “But I love having you as company. I love your lame jokes. Just keep making your jokes. It’s just that you need moral support” (201116)
On the day he was discharged , Minho went straight from the military to see Taemin backstage at Inkigayo, without even changing out of his marine uniform. I’ve saved the best for last, so if you only click on one link in this post, please, please make it this one: [탬로그6v6📹] TAEMIN 태민 #샤이니isBack 201119
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I should add that Minho doesn’t do all this stuff because he’s not booked and busy himself. He’s constantly filming, doing photoshoots, and randomly upstaging Melania Trump. Supporting the other members isn’t something he does just because he has the time; it’s something he works at consciously.
When SHINee went on Blue Night in 2016, Minho described how he transfers his support to the busiest member depending on the season:
Jonghyun: Then Minho-ssi, which member do you feel the most attached to? Minho: Out of the four? I think it changes with the season. Jonghyun: Who is it in the recent season? Minho: In the recent season, it’s Jonghyun-hyung. It’s because he’s the busiest. He needs to prepare for the concert. I think I try to take more care of the member who’s the busiest. Jonghyun: Then Key has been very busy until recently because of Drinking Solo. Key, did you feel that Minho was taking care of you? Did you feel it, Key? Minho’s love? Key: No, not at all. Jonghyun: He must have just thought about it a lot in his mind. (Ha.) Key: But he really is surprising. I think his day is a little longer than other people’s. I don’t know how he can watch them all [referring to the members’ activities]. Jonghyun: It’s a great thing. It means he has a lot of affection. Key: It’s not that I don’t watch it on purpose. When I turn on TV and find that our member is on by chance, I would watch it then. But to watch something intentionally…it means it’s a plan. Jonghyun: Minho watches everything, all the members’ schedules.
I’ve been a fan of SHINee for a long time—long enough to remember a time when the members didn’t all get along as famously as they do now—and I really believe that they wouldn’t have made it nearly this far if not for Minho holding them together.
I thought about saying something here like, “Minho’s strength is giving strength to others,” but I don’t think that would be giving nearly enough credit. What I most admire about Minho isn’t just that he gives strength to others, but that his love for other people becomes his strength—that it enables him to do the impossible and find that extra hour in the day.
This is all very sweet just by itself, but it becomes even more impressive when you consider—and here is where I start to get into a little bit of conjecture—how easily Minho could have given in to jealousy and resentment.
Imagine, for a moment, that you are 16 or 17 years old, you’ve just made your entertainment industry debut, and you’re surrounded by people whom everyone agrees are more talented than you. This isn’t the first time you’ve been overlooked; at home, you have a brother whom everyone agrees is smarter, more popular, and better-looking, and your own parents joke that maybe he should have debuted instead of you. People on the internet write articles calling you “useless” and “a black hole of talent” (I’m not going to link these!).
I think a lot of people in that situation would have grown to resent their peers. Instead, Minho doubled down on his support for the other members. There is something truly egoless, I think, in how hard he works to care for those around him. Whatever his own insecurities are or might have been, he doesn’t seem to have ever let them get in the way of all the love he has to give.
Of course, Minho doesn’t just show his tender heart in his interactions with the other SHINee members. He’s also endlessly kind to fans. Some of my favorite examples:
When he was a guest on My Last 48 Hours in 2018, the three things he chose to do in his hypothetical last 48 hours were: 1) spend time with family, 2) spend time with SHINee, and 3) spend time with fans. Since there was no time to organize a fanmeet, the producers found just one fan for him to surprise. She started to cry, he got kind of choked up at her crying...it was all too cute for words.
From the letter he wrote to Shawols (SHINee fans) while he was in the military: “As part of the engineering battalion, I’ve received air transportation training. You guys might not know much about it, so to put it simply, our training consists of falling from a plane or a helicopter with a parachute! … I was able to get closer to the sky during training. It was really pretty, and it was great, because I felt like I was looking at you guys.”
...OK, one more quote from the same letter: “I’m reading each and every letter from our SHINee world and I’m treasuring them … Giving your hearts to someone is like giving them your everything, receiving the heart of someone is like receiving all of them and sharing everything with them. I’m really happy that that person is you guys.”
Just the sheer number of times it’s been confirmed he actually reads his fan letters
His Kiseki stage. All of it. It’s maybe the purest expression of Minho to date (his solo stages prior to this were all, like, hip-thrusting to Usher with his shirt off—which, like, fine, I’m not complaining, but the baseball uniform is so much more his style). Every time I rewatch it, I’m just blown away by his sincerity. You can hear it in his voice. Also, I’ll say it: better than the original.
Recently he confessed that he watches fan reaction videos when he can’t sleep (Minhooooo!)
He once spent $21,000 to gift the 800 fans who came to his birthday fanmeet with sweatshirts from his endorsement line (171209). Insane thing to do. When the time comes to eat the rich, I will have no choice but to spare him.
If you’ve never been sucked into the K-Pop Vortex, I know what you’re probably thinking: being kind to fans is part of his job, it doesn’t actually mean anything. And you’re right, it is a part of his job—a part he’s very good at! K-Pop is a fantasy, and entering into a space where you feel seen and appreciated as a fan is a part of that fantasy.
But as a veteran K-Pop Enjoyer, I can tell you that just because something is ‘performative’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t also come from the heart. I also feel that SHINee have worked hard throughout their careers to be true to themselves in public—and to create spaces where they could be closer to fans on their own terms. So it would actually be really unfair to them, I think, to continually insist, against all available evidence, that everything they say and do is somehow calculated. I don’t have any trouble understanding that being an idol is a job, and there are no doubt days when they would rather do anything than talk to fans. But if Minho says that hearing from fans is a part of the job he generally enjoys—and that he cares about us, whether on a personal level or solely in the abstract—I’m inclined to believe him?
I’m cynical about many things, especially in K-Pop, but I just don’t have it in me to be cynical about Minho or SHINee.
I mean, just look at this:
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I love him to pieces, and he’s improved a ton, but I’m still not sure he’s that good an actor.
Miscellaneous reasons
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I’ve always felt that the extent to which Minho is openly adored by his industry juniors and seniors, as well as by his non-celebrity friends, speaks for itself. His friendship with TVXQ’s Changmin is especially cute (they even had a dating scandal together!).
He’s famously close with SNSD (so much so that Korean netizens nicknamed him “A male idol that people don't get suspicious when he's close to female idols”) and was even the first person to congratulate Taeyeon on the release of “I Call You” in 2020.
He is unfailingly gentle with children—one of only, like, two members who had any business taking care of a toddler on SHINee’s Hello Baby in 2010
He majored in film at Konkuk University and recently said that his “favorite Netflix show” is The Irishman. He also apparently liked Hirokazu Kore’eda’s Our Little Sister? With teasers for his solo album leaning in a moody, ‘90s neo-noir direction, many are speculating that a new cinephile Minho era may be upon us (and by “many” I mean “me”).
He knows how to laugh at himself
Never has been Minho been cuter than while walking through the London Underground on SHINee’s One Fine Day in 2013.
In conclusion,
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brendaonao3 · 2 years
if you're still accepting asks for the Top Gun meme: 1 & 4?
Hi there!!
Sure, I'm always down to talk about my favorite dysfunctional, awesome af pilots :D
For the Top Gun Ask Meme
1. Who’s your favorite character & why are they your fave?
Look, I'm not even going to pretend that I love these movies and this fandom for any reason other than one Pete Maverick Mitchell. (And he's not my fave just because I've been a TC fan idk, pretty much my entire life, either. :D)
But these movies WORK because Mav is a great protagonist. He's allowed to fail and fuck up and be fallible (how many other F words can I fit in this description :D), he's allowed to grow and change and be complicated and contradictory, but also allowed to be deeply empathetic and vulnerable and human. And because he's allowed to be all of those things, the characters around him are also allowed to be complex and real and sympathetic.
Mav's a character who tries so hard, who feels so deeply, who is desperate to just find that feeling of family and belonging that was stolen from him when his dad's plane was shot down & his mom died of grief soon after. Which is why he clings so hard to Goose, and Goose's memory (and Carole and Bradley) and why he bonds so hard with Ice after their mission rescuing the USS Layton, and why he has such loyalty to Ice and Hondo and the Darkstar Team and the Dagger Team - but he's also just a disaster of a person when it comes to personal relationships, and I love that, because it's also real and relatable.
Because when you have a main character who is allowed to be a three-dimensional person with a past and with insecurities and doubts and flaws, it makes the rest of the characters interesting and great, because it's all feeding off that synergy.
4. What’s your favorite ship?
IceMav IceMav IceMav - look, they're the reasons I got into the fandom in the first place, however many years ago it was when Yuletide started. And the weird thing is (as most people who know me would tell you) I am not at ALL a fan of Enemies to Lovers. Most of the time, if 2 characters truly hate each other onscreen, there's a good reason for it, and it's not a sexy reason that I think hate sex will fix. (Not that I'm against hate sex, mind you. But I'm not a person who thinks antagonism is really just sexual tension in hiding. YMMV of course, that's why fandom is awesome.)
Anyway, part of the reason I really love them together is that they never fit that Enemies To Lovers mold - Ice is Mav's rival for the Top Gun trophy, yes, but Ice is never a dick to Mav for the sake of being a dick (unlike Hangman with Rooster, for example). Ice pushes Mav because he can SEE that the way Mav flies is going to get someone killed one day (which it did :((( RIP GOOSE YOUR LEGACY LIVES ON) and Ice doesn't want to fly missions with anyone who doesn't think about the safety of his wingmen. And he's right, which is the other refreshing thing - the first film allowed both of them to be right and to grow and to see each other's side. (Ice even - in his very Ice-like way, bless him - tried to comfort Mav after Goose's death, which is still a God Tier scene in any movie, and I'm pretty sure I could write an entire manifesto on how brilliant that tiny scene was and how high it set the bar for the antagonist/protagonist relationship - but I digress.)
Anyway, you couple all of that with the history they have and the way they've looked out for each other, and how much they clearly love each other, and yeah, those two are the gold standard of OTP.
But - and at the risk of this being even longer than it is (sorry not sorry), I am also deeply invested in the Bradley Bradshaw/Happiness ship, however he gets there. That boy needs ten hugs (at least 8 of them from Mav), a long nap followed by an even longer vacation, and to be allowed to exist outside his dad's shadow, and be Team Leader on whatever mission he flies next. (Okay, and a blowjob probably wouldn't hurt - not picky about who gives it to him, you could make the case for pairing him with anyone in the cast and I'd read it.)
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inquisimer · 2 years
I'm gonna go for the low hanging fruit. “Honestly? Fuck the Chantry.” for Surana & Amell & Anders
thank you for the prompt Wren!! no shame in the low hanging fruit, especially when it fits so well 🥰🥰
wc: 997
for @dadrunkwriting
Neria’s sneeze echoed off the bookshelves and the domed ceiling, drawing a surprisingly severe glare from the Tranquil librarian. Around the edges of the room, metal creaked as the Templars shifted, tensing as they did at any slight disturbance.
Because even sneezes could mean blood magic, of course.
She sighed and began gathering the tomes and scrolls she needed for her essay on elemental technique. There was an unfortunate lack of dusting in the Circle library and pouring over these references had left her with an itchy, irritated nose and watery eyes.
Their dormitory was marginally better. Here, at least, they had a stock of Petra’s scented tea candles and she could lounge on her bed while reading. Neria dropped all but one of the books on her desk and clambered up to her bunk.
“Torrin’s back on his bullshit.” Solona swept through the door, hair tousled with indignation. Used to multitasking as a sounding-board, Neria half-hummed a question, still flipping through her tome.
“It’s ridiculous! My last exam was flawless and he’s still making me do remedial work with all the others just because the “average performance was not up to standard.”
She dropped onto their pouf with a huff. “I’m being punished because Veralinn and Elodia would rather snog behind the storeroom than scrape together an assignment.”
“Maybe you should find someone to snog. Then it wouldn’t burn so much that you have to do the work again.”
Solona scowled and flicked her fingers, sending ice shavings down the neck of Neria’s robe. The elf shrieked and pulled her shoulders up around her ears; her book snapped shut with no thought for marking her place.
“Alright, alright, no need to get violent.” She held her hands up in surrender, though a bit of a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I’m on your side — fuck Torrin, fuck Veralinn and Elodia, and honestly? Fuck the Chantry.”
A roll of her eyes and Solona picked up Neria’s book, returning it to her open exactly where she’d left off. She dropped down on the floor next to Neria’s bunk and flipped open her own tome.
“Fuck the Chantry,” she agreed.
The candles in the clinic lanterns had nearly burned out when Neria returned from the Waking Coast. All the patients had been tended to and dismissed; the cots and room were empty. Over the dripping of leaky pipes and the skittering of rats, she could hear the erratic scratching of a quill.
Her breath released in a gust of relief when she reached the back room. It was late, but Anders’ eyes were clear and his hair was still contained in its leather tie. A fresh candle burned merrily next to the stump of its melted down sibling; several sheets of parchment were stacked by his elbow, filled with neat lines of slanted writing.
“Anders,” she said softly. The last of the tension in her shoulders released when he responded immediately to his name.
When he caught sight of her, he immediately smacked the side of his head. “Maker’s balls—our plans—I’m so sorry Ria, the clinic was quiet and I had this idea and I needed to—“
“It’s alright, wisp.” She cut him off with a finger pressed to his lips and a slight smile. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and she’d be shocked if it was the last; but the animation and passion in his voice when he filled her in on his latest ideas and movements were well worth a few nights’ drinking missed.
She nodded at the half-written page in front of him. “What’s the latest in the manifesto?”
As expected, his eyes lit up—in the way that warmed her heart, not the way that clenched her gut. “Well, I was thinking—“
“A dangerous pastime.”
“—and it’s based on the main tenet, of course—“
“Fuck the Chantry?”
Anders grinned and reached for the completed pages. “Fuck the Chantry.”
Skyhold’s weather charm was well and active, but Neria felt the winter chill keener than ever before.
She sat on the highest tower, bare heels kicking against crumbling yet solid stone. The shattered remains of the Wardens milled about the courtyard below and somewhere within the lights of the tavern, Hawke and Varric were sharing one last drink before her morning departure.
Neria shivered and both Solona and Anders, one to her left and the other on her right, pressed closer. Their warmth did nothing to fight off the ice seeping in her veins, though. Especially not Solona’s.
How could she even stand to be nearby? Didn’t she look at Neria’s face and see Alistair’s ghost? Didn’t she look at her two oldest friends and see everything she’d lost?
“It wasn’t your fault,” she murmured. As always, she knew exactly the destructive spiral Neria’s mind had taken. She pressed even closer, eliminating all the space between them. They lined up: ankle against ankle, thigh against thigh, hip against hip. She wrapped an arm around Neria’s shoulder and absorbed the sob that escaped her careful control.
“How could it not be?”
“The same way the deaths from the archdemon in Denerim aren’t my fault.” She gave a wry chuckle. “Though believe me, I know how empty those words are.”
Anders leaned against Neria’s other side, draping himself across her arm and tucking his head underneath her chin. Solona stroked down the shaved side of Neria’s head and across Anders’ ponytail.
“Time for our old standby, eh?” He asked. Something that wasn’t quite a smile played on his lips. “Not like the clerics have made a very convincing position for themselves. When in doubt, fuck the Chantry.”
“Can’t fault that logic.” Solona cocked an eyebrow down at Neria. “Fuck the Chantry?”
Her heart was still heavy, but the warmth from her friends had finally started to seep into her chest. She twined their three hands into one big knot.
“Fuck the Chantry.” 
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mediumtires · 1 year
hey i don’t want to rush you, but do you know more or less, when you’re going to release new fanfic on christian/toto?
cuz i’ve been reading seven years again lately and i think they’re some of the best fanfic i’ve ever read. <33
hate to disappoint but new seven years will be a while. i’ll hopefully be able to share my martian manifesto (lol) soon which has been my main priority these past few….. months? it’s been a while. as soon as that’s done i could in theory - if my brain allows me to - start on new seven years. maybe. but you know how it is when it comes to writing mojo and inspiration and that kinda stuff.
sorry i can’t give you a better answer, i appreciate you asking about seven years <3 and there will be more. might just take a little while
in the meantime i might put some christian/toto snippets and shorts on here though. you can find all of them under the #christian/toto or #seven years tags
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hii vinciie im listening to more bands lately n since i play bandori but arent too well versed in music,, do u rec any argonavis bands for me to listen to? also what r some comments on said band if u want to give em?
i generally like pop / pop rock so my taste isnt anything super special but i do like songs that r melancholic n sad!!
HELLO LAB! I’m sorry for being so late to answering this , I was fighting demons and eating my homework . I DO have many Aaside recs heheh, I have a entire Aaside playlist but it’s on apple music which I don’t think you have (? Maybe you do I can send it if so) so I will simply write a list here. I’ll put some bands and songs and a brief description of their styles!!!
For your Main Band, Standard Mobage Music, I’d recommend Argonavis! At times I like their music and at times I don’t. They actually use a large variety of instruments in their songs despite being a 5 man band, so I don’t know where they’re getting these strings and all that but I’ll suspend my belief for the tunes. Their music is like, upbeat inspirational pop rock tunes with an odd amount of strings if you pay close attention. There’s also a heavy focus on piano in their songs! Some specific songs I would recommend are Hey! Argonavis, AASIDE (only listen to the argonavis version. If you listen to the all leaders version your ears will bleed), JUNCTION, Starry Line, VOICE, and my personal favorite of all their songs, Root of Love….Root of Love is not at all like any of their usual music, it’s much more subdued and a bit more…..tender…..? Well, it’s really great anyways, so if I had to choose one of their songs to listen to forever, it would be that one. Their covers of Melissa and Kuchizuke Diamond are also really good! Imo the second one is better than the original
For METAL ROCK GRAHHHH HEAVY DRUMS HEAVY GUITAR HEAVY VOCALS GAAHHGRAHHH I HATE MY DAD music, listen to GYROAXIA! No, I do not know what their name means nor will I ever know. Their music is extremely heavy on the guitar and drums, it’s fast paced, Nayuta is screaming mid song, sometimes he’s rapping, it’s a good time. Occasionally, Ryo is forced to look God in the eyes as he’s forced to play the synth and the bass at the exact same time, and despite the challenge, it always sounds good. Couldn’t they just have one of the guitarists do that? Guess not. Anyways, some of my favorites of their songs are MANIFESTO, SCATTER, BREAK IT DOWN, GET MYSELF, EGOIST, GETTING HIGH, and WORLD IS MINE. And, yes— all of those titles are officially in all caps, and in English. I also really like their cover of Kyoran Hey Kids!!, it’s pretty cool. I kind of hyped them up too much but if you listen I hope you enjoy
I was hesitant to add Fantôme Iris since you said you like more pop rock BUT they do have some melancholy bangers. Their music is vkei! They have a lot of strings in their songs , but in a more…goth way than argonavis. Felix’s va, Arthur Conant Lounsberry, is seriously amazing and I love everything he’s done, in and out of AAside. Yeah I….I don’t know how else to describe their music other than It is Vkei. They also have two guitarists, and sometimes one of them plays the piano. So…here’s some songs: Gin no Yuri, Hitsugi no Naka no C’est la vie, XX in Wonderland, Rhapsodia, and historie. I think rhapsodia is a masterpiece. Also , based on what you’ve told me I think you’d like historie most out of all of these? If you’d wanna hear some of their covers, I recommend 1/3 no Junjou na Kanojo. Um. And only that one. I’ve only listened to the one cover it’s really good I promise.
Next up is HAPPY FUN TIMES MUSIC: Fujin RIZING! They have only had one sad song so far, there’s some crazy lore behind that one….Fujin Rizing is apparently Ska, but I’m a fucking loser and I don’t know what that is or if Fujin Rizing really is Ska. So don’t take my word for that one. What I CAN say is that they have trombone and saxophone in their songs! The focus of the band is to have fun, and that’s exactly what their songs do tbh. You just need to listen to it I like their stuff a lot actually. Some favorites: Banzai RIZING!!!, SWORD!, Run Gun Run, Furareta Otoko No Love Letter, and Jokyou Jokyou Ittekimasu! They also have a cover of HOT LIMIT that goes so unbelievably hard.
Lastly. Epsilon! They are the electronic group yay.….they have the largest amount of songs per band in the playlist, so very sorry if this song list gets long. I was a super big fan of their music even before I got obsessed with Shu so….Yeah….Their music is the darkest out of all the bands, Shu is a emo little fuck and makes sure everyone knows it. They’re the only consistently dual vocal band pre-Kimisute, which is super cool, I love how Shu and Haruka’s voices sound together…Uh, not much else to say honestly , Stream epsilon phi 👍👍👍👍👍 So here’s some songs so you can do that. (Clears throat), Hikari No Akuma, Cynicaltic Fakestar, End of Reason, Play with You, Sake it LOVE!, YUMENOATO, re:play, and finally The song thag gives me diseases: Orthros. They also have a Shu Self Realization song, Raison d’etre. I also wanted to say, Haruka has two solos that are honestly some of my favorite all time AAside songs: Egoistic Sai Phi and Heroic. They both do a really lovely job of capturing Haruka’s most important points as a character….Kanata also canonically wrote a song for epsilon Um. It’s trash. It’s called I’m picking glory, it’s really bad, if you want to listen to a really terrible song listen to that one. Some really good epsilon covers are Enigmatic Feeling, Roki and WATASHIGA MOTENAINOWA DOU KANGAETEMO OMAERAGA WARUI 🫡🫡. Epsilon also has a YouTube channel where they did some vocaloid covers, most of them are bad, but you should check them out anyways. I’m picking glory is on that channel
ONCE AGAIN DEAREST LAB I AM SORRY THIS TOOK ME 40 MILLION YEARS. I do hope you check these songs out and let me know what you think……Love you..!!!!!🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️❤️
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dude the answer is obviously art, there's nothing for anyone in politics lol. yeah art scenes and 'creative' world suck and require you to sell yourself and be exposed for morons etc but what else are you gonna do? life is hard. i know you hate hearing it but the album you made was genuinely good, like properly good not just saying it out of courtesy. so that's the answer, what's a manifesto anyway? it's nothing, empty, sorry but it's true. making a good album is real, music, new things, expression, that's real. you probably don't want to be lectured but just saying your best path is obvious 2 me as an observer lol.
trying to think who this is because only like four people have been around long enough to remember the album, I've burned some bridges. you write quite a lot like I do. huh.
I don't hate hearing it and dont necessarily want to hear one opinion more than the other, I say it's my struggle because I'm really torn and go back and forth almost daily. I'm glad you liked the album, I want to re record some of the songs, but my passion for music is all but gone. I've still been making songs but I can't write lyrics. I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to these things but I am a perfectionist when it comes to ideas. I guess my main critique of the album is that it was really all over the place and too referential or something. if I could somehow find someone who is similarly minded and devoted to music I would consider taking it more seriously but I feel as if it's just not in the cards for me. it's for fun really so I do it anyways but I want to do something great with my life and be recognized for it, not just fuck around. I don't think pitchfork or whoever would give me any glowing reviews especially if all my songs are about Rudolf Hess and Marinetti like they were on the album, lol. thank you for your input.
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joey anon coming back to apologize, i was up too late last night & the post triggered my paranoia (like actual "everyone is talking about you" paranoia not "tee hee" funny disorder paranoia) which, is why i deleted my blog in the first place. sorry for the hate-manifesto. the general vibe on tumblr triggers me sometimes and it sucks because it's generally a good community my brain is just. hell sometimes. i shouldn't have taken that out on you. hate aside, it does still like, hurt, to see a 'bigger' creator get more attention and/or kinda slam a post that you put your own heart into. even if you weren't attacking me personally it's something i see with bigger blogs that get into specific headcanons that makes it disheartening to post anything, even outside of my paranoia issues. but, yeah i apologize for sending you hate, it wasn't cool. i should have vented to someone in private instead.
Hey, it's cool; if that's the case, sorry for posting ur ask, I should've probably just deleted it like I normally do. If it helps, the only reason I published it was because it didn't seem to actually insult me, just assume some strange things, which really confused me. I've had some people assume I was talking about them specifically before and attack me for it (or sometimes just ask for polite clarification, which is fine) before, but never on anon, which was, in no small part what confused me. Sorry for putting you in the position where you felt the need to explain your paranoia to a stranger.
For the record (not just for you, for those other ppl as well): while I absolutely do sometimes make posts because of a post I saw, I almost never make posts I directly in response to others, if that makes sense. Sometimes a post reminds me of multiple other posts I've seen, and then I'll make a post because of that trend. But if it's just one post, isolated, that annoyed me, I usually just bitch about it privately. No posts of mine are ever intended as an attack on or response to anyone else's specific post unless I specifically state otherwise.
And I do understand it can be disheartening to have bigger blogs state exactly what you have and get more notes for it, or to just get little notes in general. Believe it or not, this is my biggest blog. I wouldn't even call it a 'big blog' per se, I just have a few hundred followers, but it's definitely bigger than a lot of other blogs and bigger than my others for sure. Not to mention that I write as a hobby, and it's always super disheartening to post things (on tumblr or otherwise) and get little to no attention for it.
But at the end of the day, that's just how social media works. People will be more likely to be exposed to popular stuff, making the popular stuff more popular. It's not the fault of big blogs (or popular writers) for being big. They started with zero followers like the rest of us, then, usually, just got lucky. That's sure what happened with every bigger blog I've ever owned. Nobody's deliberately taking attention away from smaller blogs. Big blogs aren't corporations who are deliberately trying to stifle mom-and-pop stores they see as competitions; hell, on Tumblr, they don't even earn money from their blog. They're just posting stuff like everyone else. Directing these frustrations at them is (as I'm sure you're aware) irrational.
We don't know each other, but from the sounds of it, it seems like deleting your blog was the correct choice, even if it was done in a fit of paranoia. Again, I'm sure you know, but sometimes the best thing to do with paranoia is to distance yourself from the source of it, even if you otherwise like it. I haven't had genuine paranoia (or the delusions/hallucinations that caused it) in years, but distancing myself from one of its main sources (despite me loving it) was essential to my mental health. I'm glad I didn't have access to social media back them, because I'm sure it would've exacerbated my issues. So it sounds like taking a step back from social media is probably the correct thing to do. But obviously, I don't know anything about you, so if I'm wrong in my assumption, just ignore me.
And in case you were wondering: I'm incapable of being concise, which is why I keep writing essays. Sorry about that. TL;DR: no hard feelings, I get it, take care of yourself and I hope you have a good day.
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