#sorry he doesn't show his support by kissing ass!!
since64bce · 2 days
I'm not in Amurica or nothin so idek the guy. All I'm sayin is I think he's a funny man so lets go baby yeehaw
CHARACTERS??: CONNIE AND SASHA, MIKASA, ERWIN, REINER, BERTHOLDT, HISTORIA, PIXIS, FLOCH Warnings: Racism, Sexism, ageism, STEREOTYPING, homophobia, transphobia, swearing, soft porn, guns, terrorism, mentions of violence and molesting. (istg im nitpicking here) A/N: pls don't report me.
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CONNIE + SASHA 🥹💃🕺 (Cowboy conspirators)
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-I have to group them together Im sorry
-"We juhst tew keids werkin togeyther on ower dayddies raynch in teyxas"🤓🤠
-Sashas fam are a few hardened Trump veterans (it's in the braus bloodline) can you imagine her father NOT being a republican smth
-Connies fam is the same.
-Both of their dads are those weird uncles u only see @ thanksgiving once a year. NOT WEIRD IN A PEDO WAY. They the ones who talk abt the flouride makin the rats n frogs gay an whatnot. its a whole thing.
-BAsically con man🧍‍♂️ and sack nut🧍‍♀️ spend their days chewing on straw and standing outside abortion clinics. 👫
-They're probably like 12 or somthing idk
-But yes they really like trump. Hail trump✋. Worship trump🙏. Trump trump trump. Donald J trump💋. Love trump🫶. want trump👀. lick trump🫵. kiss trump🫵. Trump 4 life💪. Trump all day baby🫦. Trump👨🏽‍🦲.
-Honestly they wanna see trump more than trump wanna see them.
-Actually trump don't want to see them.
-He'd get molested, turn around and there'd be two skanky ass lookin children standing behind him how horrific.💀💀💀
-These children aren't normal
-God bless murica ✊✊ yeehaw
Mikasa es tu casa (Chilled out chad)
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-Mikasa is one of them chill ones that just mind their own buisness
-Unproblematic chad😌
-She sets an example for the rest of society and shes ripped so lets all take a leaf out of mikasas book shall we
-This aint aot fr this is america 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸 so she lived happily ever after with her mama and papa ok. no weird human traffickers or nothing🖕🖕. Her parents would've been quite traditional and conservative
-I think she'd believe in the nuclear family and gender roles and what not but her beliefs would be very mild
-You can't get her fuckin forearms from making sandwiches all day babes ❤️‍🔥💪
-but yeah shes a sweetheart ilhsm💋
-And lets just say her being a trumpee is like Gods way of containing this woman
-she wouldn't have missed fr🔫
-And God forbid if she did miss cuz otherwise she'd have gone up there and done it with her bare hands baby
-casual Trump enjoyer
Erwin👱‍♂️ (Facebook warrior)
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-He's one a them grandaddy Trumps💪👴. There from the very beginning.❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
-You really think old people are bad at using technology?? WRONG.
-Levi helped him set up a facebook account 💋
-And It's the only fuckin thing he knows how to use on his computer. And he plays around on with his face this🤏 close to the screen, like gurl u don't need to do that 🧍‍♂️💀💀
-just use ur monacle or whatever🤷‍♀️
-But yeah whenever he comes upon gay 🌈🌈people posts on facebook my man has a heart attack. He clutches his chest falls outta his chair as he tries to get his breathing in control. 🤯😵
-Erwin will come across a post of two girls kissing an fickin collapse istg
-And then he'll get his talons out and start producing some juicy ass hate comments👹. He can't control himself, he's like a wild beast🥴😮‍💨, its like his arthiritis stricken claws have a gravitational pull towards that keyboard
-And he doesn't understand the whole algorithm thing either
There he squats with all these gay daddies on his facebook, hate spamming ALL of them AND HE STILL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY FACEBOOK KEEPS SHOWING HIM THESE POSTS🤬🤬😡🫣🤷‍♀️
-He suffering multiple heart attacks a day people get this man off facebook🙌
-And then Levi will come over and see that Erwin has been writing hate comments under pictures of mens bulges on his computer🧍‍♂️
-Who gave this guy the tech knowledge to b able to cyber bully but not to close his damn tabs sheesh
-He's also become a top poster on one of the Trump groups that he follows ✊✊
-Also he uses the N word a lot 🧍‍♂️
Mr big tits (Bible, BBQ and an AK47)
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-Oh my dear lovely big breasted Reiner Braun🍒🍒
-tells everyone abt how his papi went to 'nam and died when in reality his papi waz just a bich and left early🤫
-Not enough valour for him ig
-Even tho homeboy aint in the army 🫡 anymore he still stocks up more ammo than his local police department. 🫶🫰
-Hes just a🔅 cutesy little😻 hoarder with a cuetsy little collection of firearms too. 🤤🥰💖🩷🩵💙
-he will also wear cammo vests to the supermarket just to buy himself some spinach. He's a cammo boy. It's all he wears. 😮‍💨
-Aside from his gun collection and cammo obession, Reiner also loves a bit of BBQ here and there.
-believes the Founding Fathers’ original intent included God, guns, and smoked brisket.💪💪🦅🦅
-And country music of course.
-He's just a casual guy nothing too extreme😎🤠
-He owns a pair of american flag speedos tho, is confused as to why people need so many pronouns and passively aggressively competes in lawn care comps with his neighbor
-Somebody make this guy a father pls🥵😳🫃
Bechtolsheim :))))🦒🦒(Wall enthusiast)
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-Oh my berty boy whom i love love love😤💕
-Let us b true with ourselves guys mr daddy long legs🕷️here has all our hearts and souls encaptured in his nice ol sweaty palms. I can tell ya now he's a man of the lord. He's down on those knees for j-dawg night'n day bro 🙏. He daps up the homeboy holy spirit on his way to bible study wit Reiner. ✝️✝️🫰
-Boy sure knows how to resist those temptations. Satan who? Sorry, B-dawg doesn't know him
-Everyone just thinks he's a nice guy 🧍🏽... which he is obv 🙄
-(In the daytime🌞, he's bertholdt, just a normal gurl💅🫦, living a normal life😸😝... but theres ✨something✨👁️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 about him🧌🥸😱 that, no one ⁉️knows yet⁉️.... 🤨🧐cause he has secrets🤭🥵🥵👹👹👹......)
-he used to b part of a terrorist group.
-BUT HES IS(IS) A NICE GUY HE WAS JUS A LIL BIT CONFUSED BACK THEN an thats okay baby everyone gets a bit confused sometimes.
-AND this was before he met God mkay.
-But yeah, now bertholdt has a burning descrimination against muslims.
-Its the trauma man.
-His stereotyping and racism is like a festering cancer, he fights it everyday like a champ 💃💃✊
-And what does this have to do with being a trumpee you might ask?🧐
-He wants em' all deported
-SOMETIMES Berts inner darkness wins out. He wants to forget his past, he wants to throw it right outta his window!... and out of his country....🦅🦅🇺🇸🤠🍟🍔
-This boy has seen some stuff🙇🏻🥺. And he's slowly getting better with his muslophobia. He tries. The lawd is his chemo, slowly trying to vanquish this dark dark part of himself 👿🦹, bit by bit.
-Never underestimate the power of the lord. Amen.😗
(All u christians go hard tho fr, mad respect. And all u muslims out there we buddies, go snatch that Quran and be a boss kachow)
Historian Reiss (Progress? Don't you mean bull-kaka?)
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-SOMEBODY CALL THE TRAD WIFES UP IN HERE👰‍♂️👰‍♂️👰‍♂️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️
-Girly says that the 1950s were PEAK even tho the closest thing to diversity back then was whether or not u liked jazz 🎶🎶😎
-Oh yeah she sure misses them polio days 🤤😻
-But in all seriousness she probs wears those big pantaloon undies😱🥶 like gurl u aint going parachuting thru the clouds just wear normal ones
-She's always googling how to make her child rearing hips bigger🤰🤰
-Not a single pair of pants in HER wardrobe. Not that she'd be able to wear them with her double storage solution underpants. Dresses and skirts ONLY.
-Also they must all be FLOOR length to hide those temptatious ankles🥵🥵😩
-Our modest queen🫡
-She aint trust no supermarket ultra processed shit food either she gets her eggs straight from her own chickens ass🦆 and she grows her own veggies n stuff. Good for her 🤙💪💪
-Although she did once collapse ffrom an iron deficiency cuz she couldn't find her own meat source poor girl
-she hit her head and was unconious for lik 3 days
-Her neighbors saw her undies before they saw her🪂🪂🪂
PIXIS (Mommy, can we put grandpa back into the retirement home now?)
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-Bros worse than the braus and springer daddies👹👹👹👹
-He could not only write an entire 500-chapter-50k-words-per-chapter-ten-part book series abt gay frogs🫦, fake moon landings🙀, reptilian politicians🐸, 5G towers, Big pharma, chem trails🥵😷 ect ect ect but he could fact check the entire thing with blurry memes off facebook sent to him by his cousin randy
-He's a fuckin conspricay chad, unstoppable, admirable, irrestistable, alcoholic, crazy, cute🥺, chic, chadilicious bald man👨🏽‍🦲👨🏽‍🦲
-His children shipped him off to a home as soon as he turned 60 and his knee vaguely started hurting
-Hes too powerful
-Pixis does gets invited to special occasions tho cuz his family feel slightly bad
-He be an anti-science, pro magic, potter grade, wizard baby🧙‍♂️. Of course the government control the weather, of course climate change isn't real. 🤷‍♀️
-And he tell everryyyboodddyyy @ the dinner table baby👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
-There are actually 8 wonders of this world. His offspring. How the. frick did they turn out so normal?🤨
-Anyways he managed to manipulate his son in law once and accidently caused a divorce
-Now he only gets invited to christmas
-And somehow he sneaks flasks of whatever into his nursing home illegally seals them out to all his nursing home pals.
-He's got an army of at least 15 of them that he's planning a coup with.🥳😏
-He also owns a MAGAs hat and suffers from mild heartburn because he only eats steak
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-Another country boy but hes a skinny country boy who doesn't own a diesel guzzling man truck or get high blood pressure from eating steak 24/7.
-He lives wit his mama and eats the pasta salad she makes him for sunday lunch. 🧑‍🌾
-But yes he's still a freaky lil fanatic👹🧑‍🌾
-Imagine he lives in a world without pimp-dawg Eren Tate-ger. Whose Floch supposed to follow??? huh??? Donald thats who. Donald trump💪🦵.
-And andrew tate of course👨🏽‍🦲
-He's one of them red pillers who can sniff out a womans virginity from a mile away
-"Wats ur body count???"
-and hes very patriotic too:
-He's like a freaky little jehovah's witness guys
-he's so alpha dont you think?🐺🐺🐺
A/N: Sorry I think i fell off a bit at the end but I couldn't b bothered. Also yes ik the bertoldth one was a little wild but dont report me babes thank u very much. later losers.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 10 months
i was today years old when i discovered that mu qing has dedicated haters
some of you guys have never been "the friend who tells you what you need to hear no matter how much you don't want to hear it" and it shows
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bigassmoth · 1 month
yandere! elf x reader
Character belonging to @meo-eiru
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(I hope I did him justice)
You are quite fed up with your stupid captor coddling you like a "mother" and then coaxing you to swallow his cum. While you have tried to correct his thinking, talking just didn't cut it. You had to take action now.
"Sit down." You speak to Silas as soon as he comes into the home, tone authoritative. He gives you a large smile, ears flushing- since when have you ever greeted him so cutely!? He happily chirps his assent and sets down a basket of various berries and herbs to sit with you on his couch.
"How are you? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty-"
"Do you remember what I have told you about mothers?" You interrupt him and take a sip from your mug, which contains a latte thankfully absent of his cum.
Silas claps and then finally picking up on your tone, decides to lower his hands and voice to sound serious. "Yes! You said mothers care for their children so they grow into adults and then let them go to support them from afar. And you said that mothers don't....uhm..." It was a genuine mental block, Silas didn't like or understand what you told him about his un-motherly behavior so he forgot it entirely.
As you silently scrutinize him, Silas begins to tear up. "I-I'm sorry I forgot-- I was listening I promise but I just can't- it's so hard." He blubbers and then wails, tears spilling over his cheeks. Months ago you would have thought it was over-dramatic acting trying to gain your sympathy. Ah, such a sweet thought. But no, this elf couldn't help but cry over the idea of disappointing you- or worse, not giving you his full undivided attention.
"That's ok, Silas." His waterworks stop when you softly use his name, a rare treat. "I know, it's complicated for you. So we are going to try something different today, I am going to show you everything that a mother cannot do." You set down your mug.
"Ok! Please show me!" He readily agrees, fired up despite his cheeks still being wet.
"Show you, what mothers never do." You emphasize and crawl into his lap, gently pushing him down on his couch.
He tilts his head in confusion, "Mothers don't do this?"
"They do not." You assert and press your lips to his. You start off the kiss with searing heat, all tongue and teeth. You slurp his own tongue into your mouth and nibble it- he squeaks and jerks but your hands hold his face still. Through the thin gossamer fabric of his clothes you feel his cock begin to harden. Quick to seize the opportunity, you grind down harshly on him, using the rough material of your own pants and the rolling of your hips to push his dick down as it struggles to stand.
Silas is beside himself, his hands have naturally come to rest on your hips and cannot decide if they should push or pull you. His hips have a mind of their own, bouncing up against you as you cruelly keep his now fully-hard member between his thighs. He is seeking friction and relief now, different from the controlled release of his 'feedings'. The noises that come from his mouth are high in pitch and frequent, he slips out 'please's in between your bites. Only after you are satisfied he will remain under you do you pull your mouth away from his.
"Who can do this to someone else, Silas?" You demand coolly. He squirms under you and your hips still. Coming down from the feelings of surprise, Silas thinks hard about his answer.
"M....Mothers?" His hesitant answer is progress.
You briefly lift your hips just so his cock can raise against the back of your ass and then you sit back down- hard. Silas throws his head back and yelps, his thighs trembling.
"No." Comes your rigid response. Silas is crying and squirming, likely without realizing he is doing so. He doesn't give you a response, only moans and sniffles. You grip his face until he looks at you.
"Silas, this is what a lover would do." You lift and roll your hips so his dick can finally stand up, and you place yourself behind it so it sits between your crotch and his stomach. You grind on him without build-up, setting a rough and hard pace. To keep your balance you place your hands on his chest and pinch his nipples hard enough you know it hurts.
He is practically possessed under you, letting out the deepest sounds you had heard from him as they become unlocked from his chest. He fully grinds his hips against yours, holds your ass tightly. Typically he touches himself lightly, as if unsure why he is doing it. The wetness he feels from between your legs, restricted by your clothing. The warmth, angry painful warmth, from his cockhead against his own stomach and the trail of thick cum that has begun sliding down his stomach from all of his bucking. Dimly, Slias is aware of how small you are compared to him, not small like a child anymore. Small in a different way, still exciting but new. Would his throbbing piece fit inside of you? Would you even let him? Small as you are, clearly you are an experienced and controlled adult. For the first time since he found you, you finally hold power over him. Now he wants to relinquish all of his power, trust it in the hands of someone who can make him feel so good, so used, so...in the back of his mind Silas remembers a term he read in human erotica, "sexy".
"Lovers milk cocks, lovers pin each other down, lovers touch these parts. Only lovers, no one else is allowed." He wonders how he could have ever thought your voice was innocent. Just hearing you made his ears tickle and his balls tighten. Would you say his name in that husky tone? Would you say his name the way he is chanting yours, mouth thick with drool and tongue too abused to enunciate?
He is choking under you, at this point you can't tell if he is processing your words or not. Finally without warning he snaps, his orgasm zaps through him with a ruthlessness that he hasn't experienced before. His cum coats your pants and his stomach, his cock twitches under you. He moans softly, erotically, as he comes down from his high. On your ass his fingers are twitching, weak from the strongest orgasm of his life but desperate to continue holding you. You pull away anyway, deciding that your work is done. You could now change into clean clothes and hopefully be done with this strange misguided pseudo-incest coming from the biggest bimbo of his species. No more waking up to hear "A good mother always feeds her children!" and receiving a cumshot to the face. You briefly clean the cum off of your own skin and slip into decidedly more comfortable clothes, finding Silas where you left him.
You are tempted to leave him on the couch, shuddering in his afterglow. But your sympathy wins out, you quickly clean him off with a rag (and ignore the way he starts loudly moaning as you touch him), throw a blanket onto him, and place a cup of water by his head.
"Rest for a bit. Once you can walk, clean yourself up. I'm going to make dinner." You turn to go to the kitchen but Silas catches your wrist.
Patiently, you look at him and wait for him to speak. But nothing comes out, the elf stares at his hand holding onto you, mesmerized by your fragility. Something so dainty he could easily break it- this used to terrify him. But now he can only think of ways to restrain you, or to be touched by you.
"Ok, let go. We need food." You sigh and pull your hand back but his grip tightens.
"I am not your mother."
Your face lights up, thank god! He caught on way faster than you thought he would! You should have done this ages ago! Of course some backwards pervert elf would respond to backwards pervert reasoning.
"Yes! Perfect!" In your excitement you are patting his massive shoulder and grinning, "You got it. I am an adult, not a child. You are not my mother, and I don't need a mother. So no more feedings-"
With a speed you didn't know he had, Silas pulled you against his chest. You groan with frustration.
"Fuck! Not this again! I'm not going to suck your tits, your mammary glands don't produce milk if not pregnant-"
"Lovers..." He rasps against your ear. You still as one of his hands, suddenly so intimidatingly large, slides down your back and pushes itself into your pants. His fingers glide between your asscheeks and curiously rub at your hole. You are flinching from the contact, his arms iron cages. He raises his legs and puts them between your own, then spreads them so your hole is forcibly exposed for his fingering.
"No- this isn't what I meant. We aren't lovers, lovers are- it's different. It requires a mutual component of emotional intimacy and chemical responses from environmental circumstances-" He presses a kiss to your ear and then wiggles his tongue inside. You writhe against him until he withdraws.
"Hmm~ I don't get it." He cheerily says and his fingers begin thrusting into you. "But I am not a mother, I understand now. I'm sorry for making so many mistakes." Your clean pants are becoming drenched in your own slick. "We will only do lover things from now on. Milking, Pinning, Touching. Both of us." He whispers sappily into your ear, positively lovestruck. You are still as cute as ever, protesting against the things that make your body feel good. He understands now that you are used to giving, which is why you gave him so much pleasure. He will have to be more assertive a lover for you, to make sure that your body is milked, pinned, and touched.
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alwaysshallow · 11 months
boys trying to survive nnn with their partner (141 + los vaqueros + könig x f!reader)
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a/n: if it wasn't for @blissful-bunny, there wouldn't be nnn. LMAOOO i hope y'all will enjoy, it's my first time doing something like this... and i think i don't hate it as i did before!
mdni, as always. nsfw below + keegan's version here
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Being around Ghost durning this time is funny, to say the least. You know about this bet from Gaz, when you invited the whole Task Force 141 for dinner. There wasn't much of a reaction from you, just a nod and a hum that's interesting to hear that. Nothing more, until your boyfriend's friends went home, and you stayed with him, washing dishes.
"You think you're gonna last?" you ask, and you pretty much can't stop yourself from laughing when he gives you a side eye.
"'s just a month." he grumbles, and you know, you somehow irritated him. Or, the bet did, you're not really sure. "Been through worse."
Theoretically, it is true. He's military, he has seen things that you won't ever see, something so stupid like this challenge shouldn't be something hard to do.
Practically? Practically, he takes every fucking chance to get closer to you. You're making breakfast, showering, washing the dishes? He's gonna be right behind you. It's not surprising at first, he liked to be near you always, but it has a malicious intent to it, when he drags his clothed cock up and down your ass, grunting right into your ear. He gets you worked up, and you're pretty sure he's gonna lose, but he stops right before he cums.
You can't really decide if it's funny or sad to see him like this. It's his pained expression that he gives when he bites on his lower lip, grumbling something about watching you touching yourself, so it will be better. You can't really say no to a man starved, so you put out a show for him, thinking how so much better his fingers would be in your pussy.
If it would depend on you, you'd kneel and relieve him, but what can you do, when he has this ridiculous challenge of his?
He breaks after two days, when he sees you in your shared gym, exercising. It's unexpected, when he puts down dumbbells you were working with, doing squats; you want to ask what's wrong, but when he lifts you up, your back hitting the wall, you just know. You even forgive him when he doesn't prep you enough, and he just thrusts into you without much thinking of it, his balls heavy.
You know you won't leave this gym for a long time.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
"You're participating in what?"
To say it was weird, was one thing. To say that Kyle does it, was even weirder, especially that he was straight from two months of deployment. Needy. You knew it, as you were with him almost three years by now, he had always spent hours in bed with you because he missed you like a madman. These two months were pretty much the longest you've been separated with him, so, you can imagine your surprise, when you learned about the challenge, when you two were cleaning your apartment. He was touching you every now and then, giving you little kisses, and now he was talking about something like this.
"—No, I heard you" you chuckled, shaking your head. "I'm like… trying to understand who convinced you to do so."
"Bet with Soap. Lad thinks 'm not gonna last with you." he murmurs, and you just know that this motherfucker made this as a personal challenge. So, you just nod your head, to Kyle's surprise on his pretty face. "That's… all you're gonna say?"
"What else I'm supposed to say?" you raise your eyebrow, amused. "That I feel sorry for you, this will do?"
"That ain't funny."
"It is, kind of funny." you grin, as you kiss his forehead, at which he closes his eyes, so you repeat kissing his forehead a few times. "I'm gonna support you in this, yeah? So it's gonna be easier."
It wasn't easier. You could see that he glances at you every now and then, when you are doing domestic things around the house, giving him little, encouraging smiles. Little do you know that Kyle's bulge is growing larger and larger every time he looks at you.
Gaz is pretty calm, at least until he sees you in his t-shirt (that is way too big for you) and just panties underneath, sitting right beside him with a bowl of popcorn. You two planned to watch a movie, but your boyfriend quickly brushes it off, as his hand wanders under the hem of your panties.
"Kyle, you—"
"I know." he almost growls, as he puts you on his lap.
The moment he feels your wetness, he's a gone man; he makes you ride him, and the challenge is just a fading memory, when his lips attack yours.
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John "Soap" MacTavish
Soap is absolutely offended when everyone in Task Force 141 tells him he's gonna lose the challenge. He can't shut up about it for an hour straight, as he lays with his head on your lap, telling you something about celibacy and being true lover, not some "horny arse like the others". You listen to it with a small, amused smile on your lips because as much as you love your boyfriend, everyone is right about it.
He's not gonna last, and he knows it personally too, but you say nothing about it. You just listen to Johnny's ramblings, until his eyes are on you, observing your reaction so casually.
"What do ya think? 'm gonna beat it? Be the best?" he tilts his head like a puppy, squinting his eyes. It's an icy ground you're standing on right now.
"I think… it's gonna be hard." you answer; slowly, reluctantly. It's not something that he wants to hear though, as he groans, shaking his head with displeasure. "What? You asked!"
"I ken it's gonna be hard. 'm askin', if 'm gonna beat it" he emphasizes his last words, and you can feel he barely holds himself from rolling his eyes.
"…well, baby, as much as I have faith in you in other things…"
It's not a good answer for him, nor for a challenge, considering that you end up getting fucked by him – it's some kind of punishment, he tells you, when he folds you in half. He tells you that he also didn't lose the challenge, technically, as you had sex November 1st , at 3 a.m. You nod, hesitantly, so you could go to sleep without causing him to ramble about it again; you are exhausted.
It takes him three days of fucking you in various places to finally come into the conclusion that the challenge isn't for him. Three days of promising and hearing him whining that it's gonna be 'st the tip, baby, to feel you good.
"Good that you've figured that out." you say with a small smile, in restaurant's bathroom, his forehead against yours, as his cock is still buried deep inside you.
"Lasted longer than lads. Sure of that."
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John Price
You want to think of your husband highly, when you hear of this stupid thingy. The authority, someone that leads the Task Force 141, setting the example for his younger proteges with his willpower. Someone who actually cares about engaging in challenges, even if they're stupid, even if he shouldn't even look at something like this.
Yet, you know John, you're married to him, for God's sake – and you know his sex drive. When this man is home, nothing and no one stops him from getting what he wants, and that's on you. In your mind, there's a core memory of him saying that he absolutely loves your pussy, multiple times.
So it's not a surprise that he doesn't participate in this challenge. It's not a surprise when he babbles about having kids with you while he fucks you wherever he can; kitchen counter, under the shower, your couch. His obsession over kids grew over this month more than ever, and you were happy to meet his expectations in a middle, since you thought of having a little angel in your small family for a longer time now. Having a dog wasn't enough.
A surprise comes when he proudly admits that he won in the end of the month. Boys are pretty much shocked by this, considering that their Captain didn't even look frustrated once, and he was in better mood than usual. Yet, they don't have a place to complain, so they accept the defeat with a frown on their faces, and a quick comment from Soap that he for sure cheated.
"You didn't win, honey." you laugh to him, sitting at his lap, when he's in his office, alone.
Price arches his eyebrow in amusement. "I did."
"That's not really—"
"Listen, we were tryin' for babies, weren't we? It wasn't egoistical fuckin'." he explains, completely serious.
It takes all in you not to either gasp or laugh again. "So, if it would be without the intention of making babies, you'd lose?"
He gives you a quick nod. "Exactly, missus. Exactly."
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Alejandro Vargas
It's easy to last a few days for Alejandro. Maybe even a week, or a bit more. With his kind of work, being a Colonel, you often didn't see him for days, or even weeks if it was a bad time. Right now, with working over destroying a Mexican cartel, being home was rare for him. Was it saddening? Of course, but you knew what you were doing when you married him, you've talked with him about it for days, maybe weeks, even.
So, maybe that's why he didn't really think much of a challenge when he agreed to it, one of the nights he was drinking with Los Vaqueros. Just for fun, just to make a fun memory in this mess they were in. Days were passing in the blink of an eye with the same routine; a few hours of sleep if he's lucky, patrol, documents, action and repeat. Nothing too fancy, nothing too new for a man of war like he is, he got used to it all.
Harder was the moment he came home to you, where you were waiting for him with your open arms, all needy for his presence, for his touch, but somehow, somehow he managed, giving you the best orgasm of your life with his mouth only, even if he was in need too.
"Cariño?" he calls you, confused, when he doesn't see you in bed in the next morning. In his sweatpants only, he goes to the kitchen, following the sound of pan that sizzles lazily in the background.
"Makin' breakfast, Ale!" you reply, looking behind your shoulder with the biggest smile that slowly falters the moment you see his eyes darkening in the span of seconds. "What's with the face?"
He approaches you slowly, caging you between his arms. "Just… appreciating" he says, as he starts kissing your neck "my little wife. Who's been really patient with me, gone for so many days. And now, you're making me breakfast—" he groans, shaking his head. You can feel his growing bulge, as you grind your ass against it.
It's obvious that Colonel lost the challenge, after he arrives to his work with his wife, his arm possessively around her. Why? Maybe it's your neck covered in hickeys, your trembling legs, or his arms visibly scratched, but no one says anything about it in the base.
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
You have a kind of forbidden romance with him; you're the one of Los Vaqueros, and the romance is absolutely prohibited here, to prevent the collapse of the squad. Not to mention that he's a right hand man of Alejandro, so he has to follows the rules directly. Maybe even more than anyone here, to be honest; setting an example that he's not a exception to the rule.
It doesn't help that you're so kind. That you nod every time you see him as a silent greeting, and then you rush to do whatever you have to do today. It doesn't help him that you're helping everyone around you with a smile that could light up the whole town, and he smiles every time he sees it, too.
Everyone pictures that Rudy would win the challenge easily, since in their heads, his head wasn't occupied with anyone, and he could easily withold himself with his desires.
And maybe he would. Maybe he would, if you weren't the one guarding the base with him, if you weren't the one who was smiling at him with those plump lips of yours.
"If you'd only know how much I thought about… hah—" his breaths are ragged, as the pace of his hips gets quicker. His lips finds yours, as he kisses you with such hunger, you know without a doubt that he means what he says. It automatically makes you smile.
"It's fate that binds us, then" you say, your fingernails clutching at his arms; you're sure that you're the creator of bloody crescents here, but you can't care less about it. Not when the man of your dreams is fucking you.
He smiles at your words.
Rudy never been a good liar, and you painfully learn it, when Alejandro asks him why he's so happy; as you stand nearby, you hear the whole conversation. It's cute in some way, the way he's a blabbering mess, without any sense of it.
It takes Colonel's one look at you, and he knows.
You never walked faster to your work, neither did Rudy.
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If you think he's gonna even try playing at this, you're in deep denial. Maybe if he'd be alone he could try of a genuine curiosity, but not when he has you. Such a pretty, obedient girlfriend, that he has wrapped around his finger, and a girlfriend that is pretty much at his service every time he wants.
He's a man to laugh about that challenge with his squad, telling them that they're filthy, and he would last the whole month, maybe even longer, if it weren't for you. Because he's such a caring boyfriend, he listens to your needs, even if you're whiny.
At least, that's the story that his squad knows.
He tells you about this while he folds you in half, that he needs to act a little grumpy around his squad, to put a facade that he's hungry because it's the right thing to do. When you suggest that he could even try, he barks a low laugh, while he pumps his cock before thrusting into you.
"Schatz, as if. Not gonna play the kids game." it's all he says, kissing you with affection on your swollen lips. "I do not intend on torturing you like this. You wouldn't survive a day without my dick."
There's some truth to it — but you're truly wondering if that's you who wouldn't survive without his dick, or he, that wouldn't survive without your pussy and sex, considering he is even more of a maniac than you are.
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dividers by cafekitsune
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leonsgfpost · 17 days
note: Hi! this is my third official post, crazy stuff. Thanks so much for all the support, I didn't think my trash was any good 😭 Btw, I hope you enjoy this too. English isn't my first language, so sorry if there's a mistake. 💕
tags: smut, comfort, insecurities, Leon is so cute, Leon x fem! reader, doggy style, orgasms and more!
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Leon loves you madly. He really does. So every time you ask that question, "Do you love me?" he answers honestly, just because he can't tear his heart out and give it to you.
This man is capable of lowering the moon if you ask him to, he would do anything for you. He is honest, he doesn't lie. He wakes you up with soft kisses, on his days off he hugs you as if you were the only thing that keeps him grounded. You are everything to him.
And it's not that you doubt him, but different situations in your past led you to be insecure, to a sour whirlpool forming inside you about it. About him. Even now, when he's balls-deep inside you.
"Leon, Leon-" You murmured between ragged gasps, feeling his chest pressing hard against your back holding you in place. Taking every thrust he gave you. "Do you love me-?" And that feeling inside you came again. You felt like crying. Maybe from the pleasure, or maybe from the overwhelming sensations.
For a moment you think he doesn't hear you because of his current state. Heavy breathing, eyes tightly closed, body sweaty and his mind blank every time he sinks down to touch that spongy spot inside you.
But he wouldn't miss a hair of yours.
"I love you, I do, dear.... More than anything." He affirmed again, because he would repeat it to you every time you want. And the question sounds unreal in his fucked up head, of course he loves you. You're the only person he can open up to, show that young man who died inside him in 1998. He even took the audacity to have hopes, dreams again. Because next to you nothing seemed impossible.
"I love you, I love you." He murmured in your ear along with the low moans he couldn't contain, not when your walls were sucking him in so good. And I'd be lying if I said not now he's the one who wants to cry. He'd kiss every part of your body, kiss you all over until he could make you forget everything. Just like he does when he's with you.
His hips try to keep his deep rhythm, while his arms search for a way to embrace you to keep him grounded. Your ass is smacked by his pelvis every time he plunges in, over and over again with ambition. The wet sound of your wet pussy is the complete opposite of the cute words coming from Leon's lips.
"You're the only one for me, you're everything to me...Oh, G-God-" Now he started to ramble, trying to get his whole cock inside you until he can fuck your brains out and make you forget.
"Fuck, I love you, baby-!" His voice was already shaking, but I didn't know if it was from the effort of pushing you or the effort not to cry over you like a fucking baby.
"C-Come on, say you love me too." His voice tried to sound demanding, but it sounded like a plea. A desperate plea to know that you loved him too, because he wanted to be loved. He needed it.
"I love you, Leon. I-I love you, I love you so much." You said obediently, your voice coming out choked from having your face buried in the sheets. Your hair was disheveled, little beads of sweat trickling down your back and trembling thighs trying to support your weight. And little tears began to fill the corners of your eyes.
Maybe he had already fucked your brains out.
And Leon's chest tightened, pushing his lips carelessly into your hot cheeks. He was always so sweet even when he was fucking you like you were a slut. His cock bullying your bruised pussy again and again, because he couldn't catch a break. You were the air he needed to feel alive.
You made him feel alive.
As alive as he was now, as his hips began to quiver and his thrusts became sloppy, feeling his cock contracting tightly inside your walls. He could lose his mind right now for you.
His fingers moved down to play with your painfully throbbing clit, you let out a high pitched moan and your walls tightened feeling the familiar euphoria explode inside you, your orgasm coming in a sloppy way. Your body immediately relaxed into the sheets, trying to recover, but Leon wouldn't slow down, not when he was so close too.
He released your clit to run a sticky hand up to one of your tits, kneading it as if it were his own anti-stress toy. He carelessly kissed your wet cheeks and his hips pushed all the way in, releasing all his seed inside you. His cock contracted and discounted with spasms, giving you all of him.
"I love you." He whispered weakly, hugging you and trying not to fall on top of you. His heart beating fast in his chest, beating for you.
Because Leon Scott Kennedy loves you more than anyone. And he would devote every day of the rest of his life to prove it to you, if you let him.
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were there too many "I love you"s? haha, sorry! But I can't help but think that Leon really needs a lot of love.
Let me know if u liked this, thanks!! 🎀💗
bye, bye (💌)
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eccentricallygothic · 3 months
Depraved Old Man!John Price | Soap's Girl!You. 
Description: Johnny gets too reckless on a mission this time around and gets booted off the team. Now only you can convince the Captain to revoke his decision.
Warning(s): Noncon, dubcon, naive!reader, corruption kink, groping, coercion, dacryphilia, dark!Captain Price, dark!Soap, size kink, fear kink, fingering, forced kissing, misogyny, infantilization, sir kink, handjob, they're unsavoury men. Minors do not interact.
“Go on, baby” you feel a strong nudge on your shoulder from behind, causing for your smaller form to go tumbling forwards and face first into the ominous door in front of you. “Oh, shit. I–” Johnny whips you towards him to hurriedly get a look at you before examining you and rubbing the tip of your nose where he thinks you got hurt. “I am sorry, baby. But it's okay. I promise it'll be fine. But you have to be strong for me, okay?” The beads glimmering in your eyes sting them just a bit more and your bottom lip wobbles at the mention of the horrendous prospect. “Go on, the Captain is a nice man. Just show him some of that sweet love of yours and he will be good to us” before you can attempt to plead for him to reconsider, you have been pushed into the room and forced to come face to face with none other than the man you dread the most in this world right now.  The door clicks shut behind you. 
John Price's gaze feels nearly scrutinizing as you nibble on your bottom lip while trembling in your frilly little dress, the tips of your fingers folded over the extremely high hem that you try to extend by pulling at it but in vain. Silence pervades the scene for you have no idea how long before the man finally speaks. 
“Well, love, come on over here, then.” Your heart drops as the little bit of hope you were desperately clinging on to extinguishes. Johnny was Johnny and you had signed up for the kind of man he was when you decided to stay with him despite his flaws but from a man of Price's station you expected something else. 
Something better. 
Johnny got too reckless this time around and got booted off the team by the Captain. Since he never tells you work related stuff -like he ever tells you anything serious at all- because ‘those’ ugly things aren't for little girls like you to know, you have no idea what exactly happened but it turned out that though you were too simple minded to know what happened, you weren't too small to be pimped out to your boyfriend's boss like this. 
Since you have tried to get Johnny to reconsider this every time you possibly could ever since he told you you were going to be doing this for him like a good girl supports her man and his colleagues have always terrified you because of how capable they are for any and all kinds of destruction, you hiss in a hiccup and let your wobbly steps carry you to the old man. 
Price is sitting in a big office chair behind a heavy wooden table, mighty and intimidating yet agreeable with his smile that is almost kind. You would have believed it like the impressionable fool you are if it weren't for the clouds of darkness that are threatening to burst out of his eyes, the light orbs looking you up and down everywhere except for your eyes with a chilling hunger. 
It is after your dignity is wholly mortified and you decide you cannot feel any more shame than this does he pat his lap as a silent gesture for you. 
“Hey, hey, hey, little thing” the material of his uniform is harsh under the exposed skin of your ass when you sit down, the sensation causing you to have a moment of realization all over again and a tear threatens to spill down your cheek but you catch it just in time. “It's okay, we are all friends here, angel. No need to cry, it's okay” you are tense and uncomfortable as you try to shrink in on yourself but one of his rough hands wrapping against the curve of your hip to push you into his hard chest doesn't help. The stiff tent in his pants touches you next and you cannot help but flinch as a hushed cry tries to crawl its way out of your throat. 
Unbeknownst to you, it only works up the man even more and he speaks to you in the most comforting of tones. “I get it, you're scared of the big Captain, aren't you, love? Never had much of an interaction, you and I, did we?” You barely understand him as you're too focused on trying to keep your tears at bay like Johnny ordered you to. No crying and no pleading. That was the rule if you wanted your man to keep his job. And you were a good girl and future wife. So you would do whatever it took. 
“I know what we need to do” your hands that helplessly lie clasped in your own lap clench and twitch when he suddenly kneads your skin where he is holding your hip. “Easy now” he warns when your legs defensively try to force you to stand and your body freezes before you even register his words. Price sighs unhappily. “I was told you were okay with this. I don't like my girls unwilling and unappreciative. You can go” your eyes widen in horror as everything Johnny had warned you against plays in your head at full volume and you go into a panic, shaking your head vehemently and trying to reassure him in as much voice as you could muster, desperately trying to convince him that you wanted this. 
Price ‘contemplates’ you for a couple moments and the suspense is enough to send you into a cardiac arrest because of how erratic it makes your heart. But then;
“Yeah? Are you sure?” You timidly nod. “Then what're those tears for?” The side of his mouth quirks up when you quickly wipe them away and shake your head wordlessly. “... No? Not scared…?” He talks to you like one would a child and your cheeks burn even hotter in humiliation. 
“A- A little…” You manage to squeak out as a measure of carefulness because he appears a bit dissatisfied with your response. 
Johnny's words ring in your head. Keep the Captain satisfied no matter what.  
And your response seems to do the trick for he faintly smiles, a bit proudly even. “A little, huh?” You timidly nod again. 
“Y- Yes, sir…” His eyes visibly darken at that. 
“You see” his fingers caress your hip gently. “I've got just the solution for it” you can barely see his face due to the haze of your thick tears burning your eyes. “Want to know what it is?” You have no choice. 
So you nod in agreement. “Y- Yes, sir…” You feel a brief twitch in the lap he has you perched on.
“There's a good girl” praise doesn't make you feel better, for once. “Well, you see, love. It's rather simple, really” his rough hand cups your face briefly to wipe at your tears and a shiver runs down your spine due to the stark difference between his meticulous touch and Johnny's reckless one. That, however, is not to say his is better. There is a lingering quality to it. A sickening coarseness. A dark manliness which contrasts the good natured boyishness of your lover's, however clumsy he may be. “We just need to familiarize ourselves to each other” your bottom lip wobbles involuntarily and his eyes flicker to it. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. “Want to know how we are going to do that?” 
“... Y- Yes, Captain” you don't notice it but it causes for the tent in his pants to become even more visible.
“Bring that little thing here” you tremble as he takes your smaller hand in his much bigger one and takes it to his beard, the sensory shock of his coarse hairs digging into your pampered fingertips making you gasp with a flinch. Price's chest reverberates in silent mirth. “Just like that, love. Easy does it” you let him guide you as you meekly scratch the thick scruff, your nails nearly disappearing in the dark mass. “There now, all better, isn't it?” You try to return his smile but you can literally feel the awkward shape in which your lips are twisted due to how uncomfortable you are. 
Next he nudges your hand closer to his mustache and the second you do it, one of his heavy hands clamp on the bumps of your chest and you audibly flinch. But before you can even attempt to move away, the hand he has on your hip steels itself into your skin. But his friendly behavior doesn't change. Not on the surface, at least. 
“See? This is why we need to do this” a tear finally outweighs your eyesocket's bearing capacity and pushes its way down your lashes and all the way to your chin. His grip almost makes you cringe away and the way he gently kneads your boob doesn't do anything for you. “So when we are familiarized, you won't be so scared of your Captain and we can have a good time like friends do” and you have no choice but to sit there and scratch his beard and stroke his mustache while he ‘gently’ feels you up.
“Hmm…” He muses after a couple long horrible moments have passed. “What about a little kiss, angel?” Your eyes widen and your body trembles. Oh no. Johnny is the only man you ever want to kiss. This is so wrong. “Come here” you try to stiffen your back and go to plant a firm hand on his chest but your boyfriend's cautionary words ring in your ears again. 
His chance, his career... 
You cannot fuck this up for him. 
Good girls support their men.
“Yes, Cap–” you force yourself to not retch when his lips touch yours, the bristles of his mustache causing you to jerk your head back as your eyes crinkle shut, the back of your hand slapping against your lips to swipe at them the moment he pulls away to get rid of the ticklish sensation. 
Price's huge form vibrates again. “Not used to a real man kissing you, are ya, angel?” You gulp at how intimidatingly deep his voice sounds. 
“N- No, sir…” So he beckons you closer again. So you can familiarize yourself with it. Your eyes lower in shame and disgust as you cup one side of his face, feeling a waterfall erupt from the corner of your eyes as you peck his lips over and over since he keeps ordering you with low, ‘one more, one more, one more…’s
It is not that he tastes bad. In fact, he tastes much better than you expected -if you ever even thought about it in your wildest of moments- any man other than Johnny to taste. Dare you say… better than your lover, even.
But you have only ever had eyes for your boyfriend. 
And this is sickening, terrible, revolting…
But you don't have a choice. You must be good. You must obey. Must support. Johnny is also human. And he made a mistake. That shouldn't cost him his career. It's almost unbelievable how this kind looking man is capable of such cruelty. 
In a matter of minutes, the length of your neck has been felt up in his strong fist, the pink lace strings which held your dress on your shoulders have been slid off, the swells of your chest has been fished out of the neckline of your dress and thoroughly groped, the hem has been pushed all the way up to your waist, your legs have been pushed apart, your underwear rests on your ankles and Price's hand is knuckles deep between your slick coated thighs. 
“C- Captain!” You let out a choked out cry as you tremble, violated and stuffed full of his fingers. “P- Please!” Your back arches as you clutch his knee for support, sparks of pleasure overwhelming your pussy when the rough pad of his thumb finds your clit before swiping against it slowly while two of his fingers squish their way in and out of your tight cunt. 
“Please what, love?” Price is breathless as he grunts in pleasure. 
You sob from the sensitivity and helplessness of your situation. “M- More, please!” You don't want this. But he has you so worked up you cannot think of anything else anymore. It feels too good. You must cum. There is no other way. 
Price hums deeply. “Keep working that pretty little hand and I'll give you all that you need, angel” you obediently nod as you desperately speed up your fist that is wrapped around his hard cock. “I didn't think a thing as small as you could make a mess this big, love. But look at you” his pants are drenched in your juices and sweat. “Leaking yourself stupid for your Captain” you shamelessly moan out loud, albeit against your will, when you feel his middle finger graze against your g-spot. 
“S- Sir!” More hot pearls of precum bubble out of the apex of his swollen tip and trickle down to meet your curled fingers, aiding the movement of your hand.
“Tell me, angel, has he ever made you feel like your Captain is?” You realized it a while ago that Price does not care if Johnny can hear you. Hell, sometimes he speaks so loud -like right now- it feels as if the older man wants him to. 
You shake your head, crazed with need and lust. “N- No, no sir he hasn't!” You tell yourself you're only following the orders you were given. 
Keep the Captain satisfied no matter what. 
“Aw, a girl as pretty as you deserves everything, angel. Why not?” It is the way his cock twitches in your fist can you tell this is getting him off. 
“S- Said– ah!” The tight band of your entrance tries to shut in on itself but his firm fingers roughly fucking in and out of you deny it its desire. 
You're so close. 
“Go on then, angel” you let the base of your palm linger on his ballsack to massage it and he grunts before mumbling out a praise. 
“Said s- sex is the g- girl's way of t- thanking her man for taking c- care of her and loving her, sir!” You repeat Johnny's words that he has told you since day one. “So she l- lets him do whatever he pleases like a good girl!” Price chuckles before clicking his tongue. 
“That little bastard told you that, did he?” You nod as you feel all your muscles pulling taut like they do sometimes when Johnny makes love to you nicely. “Tsk, tsk. That is no way to treat a sweetheart like yourself… Maybe you need someone better, huh? Someone older–”
“CAPTAIN!” Your vision fills with neon blots and a faint ringing dominates your hearing. The speed of your fist goes rather lax but his seed that bursts out soon after and seeps down his length to coat your fingers is a relief. Because the intensity of undeniably the best orgasm you have ever had has relaxed your muscles way too much for you to be coherent anymore. Your body collapses tiredly against his broad battle hardened chest and your gaze fixates on a spot on the floor, your cum covered hand lazily stroking him to milk him empty. 
“You like the idea that much?” Price snickers as he pulls you closer before burying his nose in your hair to breathe in your scent, his own back relaxing against the leather chair now. The man does nothing to pull his fingers out of you, his thumb still turtling along the width of your clit while his free hand strokes your bare ass. “Hm?”
“H- Huh?” You let out a puzzled sound, fucked too stupid to make sense of anything. 
“My, my, angel. Just what am I going to do with you, hm?”  
You're too exhausted to look up but your heart faintly jumps. 
He is not done with you?
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bifuriouswaterbender · 2 months
Tech Support
I haven't participated in a @steddiemicrofic challenge since February, but I have missed them! Here's the August prompt plug at 437 words with a T rating.
"It's broken," Eddie repeated. "I know you think you're suddenly some kind of tech expert, but my amp won't magically turn on."
Steve sighed. "Dude, I literally sell computers. No expert, but I'm sure I could figure something out with it."
"It's dead as a doorknob," Eddie said. He cocked his head to the side. "Where does that expression come from anyway? Doorknobs were never alive."
"You're getting distracted."
Eddie stuck his tongue out. "Look, it's old. I'm lucky it's lasted this long. I've been slowly saving up because it was only a matter of time."
"Just let me look." Steve let out a long-suffered sigh. "If it is dead, what would it hurt?"
Eddie didn't hesitate at all as he said, "My pride."
Steve snorted. "Is your pride worth the cost of a new amp? And a canceled show tomorrow because you'll never get a new one that fast?"
Eddie shrugged. "Probably not." He slowly stepped aside. "Fine, oh wise tech guy! Fix my amp."
As Steve walked around him, Eddie muttered, "This should be good," but Steve staunchly ignored him. He was used to Eddie's dramatics.
Steve stood over the amp as he considered his options. He didn't know enough about the hardware to try and peel away panels or yank at the internal mechanisms. Eddie had been right that a little basic computer repair didn't come close to understanding how complicated musical equipment worked. Still, the computer had to be the more complex of the two, right? It didn't hurt anything but his own pride if he couldn't figure it out.
That little pep talk handled, Steve knelt next to the amp. He considered it for a moment, studying the knobs on the front before feeling around for any hidden buttons. His fingers wrapped around something at the back, and Steve paused.
He turned back to where Eddie had leaned against the wall for a smoke break. "Solved your problem."
Eddie waved his cigarette before dropping it. "Doesn't look like it's on to me. You didn't fix it just because you declared that you fixed it."
"No," Steve agreed, "but I bet it turns on when I plug this in."
Eddie gaped as he wiggled the cord back and forth. "You're shitting me!"
Steve laughed as he moved through the steps Eddie had forgotten, grinning at the hum of amp and speaker crackling to life together. "Sorry, babe. Sometimes it just takes an expert."
Eddie glared, even as he moved forward to wrap his arms around Steve. "Smart ass." He pressed a quick kiss to Steve's nose, an apology or thanks Steve didn't know.
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onysfavreader · 5 months
Random hc of being Ony's hyperfemblack!wife
You getting spoiled way to much but Ony who doesn't mind because his girl deserves the universe and more
Ony who can never have enough pictures and videos of you on his phone because he is quick to show you off at any chance you recording little maintenance vlogs for your photo shoots together
Ony who just loves you so much and never want to not see you smile
Ony being the only one to help you handle your emotions and make you feel better because he knows you can't help but be so emotional "Shh baby tell me what's wrong" "What happened ma why you look so upset"
Picks you up if you try to walk away from him when you're upset
Ony letting you decorate bc you're helping each other create your dream lives and that included giving you your dream pinterest house and closet lmao
You being the only one who gets to see Ony's soft side after you spent forever trying to get through to him like he put you through the worst when you first started talking but now he makes up for it every day and you brag about it to yourself because it took you forever to get him to that point
You not being any better in the beginning of your relationship those half assed ‘situationships’ could never prepare you for your relationship with Ony your the reason ony’s patience and trust for you is as high as it is
You two giving golden retriever and black cat energy Ony doesn’t look like he likes anyone and doesn’t but is the sweetest ever once you really get to know him especially to you and you looking the sweetest on the outside but you’re are worse then people think Ony is
Ony supporting you through everything and you doing the same even if you don't know exactly what he's doing you trust him
You walking around wrapped in a robe or one of many blankets almost everyday bc your always cold until Ony caught on buying you hoodies and jackets in his size just to see how cute you look when they cover so much more of your body than his
Ony giving you all the hugs kisses and praises he can because he knows you fiend off his attention and will throw the worst fits when you don't get it
You holding onys two fingers instead of his hand bc he's so big
Ony who lifts double your weight on a bad day this and just picks you up and you love it until he pisses you off "Put my ass down now" you shout trying to push him away "Why you not talking to me ma what's wrong" "Boy fuck you" "We gotta work on the mouth of yours" "Ony put me down" You laughed as he carried you to your bedroom “Don’t laugh now” “Baby I’m sorry” “I don’t want to hear none of that ma”
You absolutely loving Ony and the life you've built together
You're only piece of gold jewelry is an anklet with an 'o' charm and you refuse to take off even after he offered to get it in silver
Buying Ony just as many if not more flowers then he buys you
Ony and you having two dogs that are your babies. Ony's being some big 'scary' dog like a black pit bull that absolutely adores you and your a cute little brown toy poodle that Ony tries not to trip over bc they follow him almost as much as you follow him
You and Ony would have different "rooms" that would be your own space yours would be in the attic and he would have his in the basement but you two would still have your bed room
Ony never letting you know what he does for work but he keeps you safe and happy so you push your suspensions aside
You and Ony being the cutest together like your head over heels for him and he completely adores you
You being onys entire world and universe sun and all with the brightest smile on your pretty face and biggest heart
You both having to learn to love but know you want to be with each other for the rest of your lives so you push through the rough patches
Ony cooks and you bake
Ony doing the bathroom, dish, taking out the trash, fixing things, lawn work, bills, bugs, ect
You organizing, decorates, takes care of the dogs, cleans laundry, houses maintenance, groceries, ect
You and Ony who spoil each other rotten and love it
You doing Ony's hair and it's just a cute moment between you two every few weeks one of you will set up the bathroom before going to get the other then you'll sit on the sink with him in front of you most off the time it's quiet as Ony watches you concentrate
You rarely buying Ony gifts because you're always making something for him
You never being able to get enough of Ony
You have the prettiest garden with flowers herbs and fruits that you somehow managed to scared the dogs away from and plug!Ony will some times ask for help when growing his weed
- smut
Definitely the daddy dom of your my dreams he can be the sweetest softest dom ever or the scariest brat tamer but a pleasure dom either way
You almost being apillow princess bc Ony loves being the one to make you cum just by using you but you knowing how to suck it off the bone and neither of you can resist having him down your throat
You being a sweetheart but when you aren’t you can get a horrible attitude and smart mouth only Ony can handle because he knows how to keep your mouth full
Ony can't help but come inside of you so he pays for your birth control
Ony's 's so big and strong and so so big especially compared to you and you love it just the thought turns you on like just looking up at him while you standing next to him maybe holding his fingers and all you can do is squeeze your legs together
Ony fucking you in his hoodies
His voice is music to your ears but His praise will make you're eyes roll back and brain go dumb every time "Fuck you're so good baby just like that" "There you go ma"
You calling him daddy bc what is an Ony
Being each other's biggest eaters
Ony will pick you up and carry you away to your bedroom when he needs you and when you need him you’ll wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist or you’ll straddle his lap until he eventually gets it
You are definitely kinker then ony hands down and has to teach him things like
You liking soft intimate sex and Ony who fucks you so hard you go dumb almost every time And somehow he always knows which one you need
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psychostxr · 11 months
𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐢 | worth
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PAIRING. jordan li x female! reader
WARNINGS. angst, cursing, homphobia, insecurities, racism (some are very brief)
NOTES. inspired by @maraschino-ch3rry post about jordan not being marketable
KEYS. (y/n) - your name e.g. paige, sam, etc. (l/n) - last name e.g. cole, thomas, etc.
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Fairy lights and flowers decorate the foyer of Godolkin's Student Union as the night of Brink's Memorial Gala unfolds. Your satin dress flows elegantly, hugging and highlighting your figure with a refined slit. Champagne glasses twinkle as they float by on silver trays, a luxury you can't resist. Grabbing a glass of champagne, you take a small sip.
Your eyes wander, tracing the guests who have gathered for the occasion. The guests, staff members, trustees, benefactors, and a few students invited or could afford to buy tickets are here to 'support' Godolkin University. As for you, you're here to support your partner, Jordan, and find trustees willing to vote for them.
When you finally spot Jordan entering the foyer, your heart pounds against your ribcage at the sight of them. Jordan looks hot in their black suit, and the half-pearl half-chain necklace adds to their charm. However, Jordan's expression doesn't match the mood of the event. They're frowning.
You wonder why until you see their parents trailing right after them. Downing the rest of the champagne, you place the glass on a nearby waiter's tray and scurry over to Jordan, careful not to trip over your heels or dress.
"Jordan!" You grin, pulling them into a hug. Their arms wrap around your waist as your lips kiss their cheek before grazing their ear to whisper, "Stop frowning. You're too attractive in that suit to be sad."
Jordan chuckles, a smile cracking across their face. "Thank you," they murmur, kissing your cheek in return. 
Jordan takes a step back, revealing his parents behind them. You plaster on a fake smile towards Jordan's parents.
"(y/n), meet my parents, Paul, and Kayla Li. Dad, mom, this is (y/n)." Jordan pauses, gulping. "My girlfriend."
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Li," you say, offering your hand to shake.
Jordan's parents glance at each other, almost like they're communicating telepathically. Then, both of their lips quirked upwards. Paul chuckles, reaching out and eagerly shaking your hand.
"You have a girlfriend?" he questions, "Why didn't you tell us?"
Before Jordan can come up with an answer, you interrupt, "I'm sorry, that was my idea." You pull your hand away and rest it on your décolletage. "I didn't want Jordan to tell anyone. I'm a very private person."
"That's okay, dear," Kayla reassures. "We're just happy that Jordan's found someone is all."
"Well, it was nice meeting you both," you say, catching Jordan's parents' attention, "But Jordan and I have duties to attend to tonight." Like schmoozing trustees and securing votes for Jordan. "I hope to see you again soon."
Hooking an arm around Jordan's, you guide them away from their parents and towards the influential guests at tonight's gala.
"Private person, my ass," Jordan remarks once you both are far away from their parents. "One search of you on Instagram and pictures of me flood the app."
"You love it," you quip, unhooking your arm to hold Jordan's hand. "People know we're together, so they can't try shit when you're not around. Unless they want to get their ass kicked."
"You can't blame me. I don't like to share."
Rolling your eyes, you stop in your tracks, causing Jordan to halt.
"Earlier, before you arrived, I was scouring the guests, and I think a few people here would vote for you with enough persuasion. We just need to show them the marketable side of you." You gesture to a man nearby drinking champagne. "That's Daniel Travis, one of the trustees for Godolkin. We can start with him and work our way with the others."
Pulling Jordan, you walk towards Daniel Travis and put a smile on your face. "Mr Travis, I'm (y/n) (l/n), and this is my partner, Jordan Li. Could you spare a few minutes to talk with us?"
He lowers his glass. "Of course. What would you two like to talk about?"
"Well, as we know, trustees decide the rankings. And during the incident with Golden Boy, Jordan went down in rankings. We wondering if you'd like to vote for Jordan," you explain.
"I don't like to ring my own bell, but I am putting up the best stats of anyone here in forensics and combat," Jordan adds, "And to be honest, I'd love your vote."
"I've looked at your Q Rating, Name Recognition, and Social Trending, Jordan. They're down, and it's no secret," Daniel states bluntly, "Frankly, being bi-gender and Asian won't appeal to certain audiences in America, so, in terms of marketability, you're not in the best position."
Jordan's face falls at Daniel's harsh assessment. It's a tough pill to swallow. Daniel shifts his attention to you.
"But you (y/n)?" he says, "Your ratings are through the roof, and your control over your powers is remarkable! You're a marketable asset. But, you see, you could achieve even more if you broke up with Jordan."
The suggestion hangs in the air, a poisonous idea souring the elegance of the gala. Jordan feels a surge of anger and frustration at Daniel's audacity while you're shocked by his proposal.
You squeeze Jordan's hand, hoping to give them peace of mind while you resist the urge to use your powers and toss Daniel into a wall. Your eyes flash with a mix of anger and disgust.
"You must be out of your mind to think I'd ever let someone like you dictate my relationship," you retort sharply, "Now if you have nothing important to say, we're leaving."
With that, you lead Jordan away from the conversation, finding a quiet corner of the gala to catch your and Jordan's breath and collect your thoughts.
You knew that success could come at a cost, but compromising your relationship with Jordan wasn't a price you were willing to pay. Wrapping your arms around Jordan, you pull them into your embrace and kiss their temple. 
"Jordan, I'm so fucking sorry," you apologize softly, "I should've dug for more information on Godolkin's trustees before making any moves. I didn't expect that from Daniel."
Jordan sighs, resting their head on your shoulder. "It's not your fault, (y/n). But Daniel's got a point. My numbers are down. Nobody wants to see a bi-gender Asian Supe. Your numbers would be higher if we weren't together."
You shake your head, holding them tighter. "Jordan, don't listen to him. I love you with every fiber of my being. No marketing scheme or student ranking is worth more than my love for you. I don't care about the numbers. I care about you." You tilt their chin up, looking deeply into their eyes. "You are more than any label or statistic. I love you for who you are. Don't let anyone make you question your worth or our love. Because if anyone thinks otherwise, they can fuck off."
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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masonmontz · 3 months
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heyy everyone :) hope you like it
REMEMBER: english is not my first language
word count: 1.5k
✦‎۟ ࣭ ⊹
“Come in.” You said to Mason as soon as you opened the door of your apartment. He still wearing his Manchester United kit and with a really sad face.
He sighed when he entered your apartment and left a soft kiss on your lips. The game was against Crystal Palace and it was bad. Really bad. As you know Mason, he is blaming himself and will pass the next five days thinking about it.
When he was back in Manchester, he sent you a message asking if he could come to your’s, and quickly you said yes, for his relief.
“Can I take a shower?” He asked and you could hear his sad and tired voice.
“Sure, I’ll make something for you to eat.” You said and he agreed, giving you a sad smile before walking to your room.
You and Mason met last year at a birthday party, you had only talked a few times until the day he invited you and some common friends to his house. You slept in his house and after that day you started meeting several times.
Mason is a nice person, he treats you kindly and you love it. But just like you, he doesn't want anything serious as a relationship, so you get along well. He knows there are several women wanting just one night stand with him, he likes that, and you like the way he knows how to make you go crazy when you are having sex.
You cooked some pasta with chicken for him, some comfort food for him to feel at home. It’s not the first time that Mason comes to your house after a loss, and it’s not the first time he came prepared to sleep in your apartment, just something usual.
Fifteen minutes later Mason is back again at the kitchen wearing his sweatpant and a hoodie. He's so devastated that you feel sorry, and even if you don't support United, you feel sad about the defeat.
“How are you?” You asked when he sat in a chair, putting his phone away and his head between his hands.
“Did you watch the game?” He asked and you said that you just watched the second half. “It was ridiculous how I played.”
“Hey, it was not your fault.” You said and looked at him. “There are still some matches, you will catch up.”
Mason doesn't seem to believe it and shrugs, taking out his cell phone and probably reading the shit they were saying about him on the internet.
When the dinner was ready, you and Mason sat next to each other, but you don’t say anything since he didn't seem to be in the mood to talk, lost in his own thoughts.
✦‎۟ ࣭ ⊹
“Wow.” You said in the moment that a couple are having sex in the movie you two are watching, sex on the beach, to be more specific.
Mason laughed at your reaction, but he didn’t say anything. You are lying in your bed comfortably, hugging Mason’s warm body.
Clearly the movie is explicit and you didn’t know that when you chose it. Mason is actually watching the movie when you look at him, but he notices when you lose attention from the film and focuses on him. He looks at you sideways and gives you a small smile.
“You don’t think the movie is interesting?” He asked and ran his hand through your leg.
“Oh, yes, but I think we can do something more interesting now.” He gave you a smile. His cock is showing in his pants and you don't know if it's because of the movie or because of you.
You kneel on the bed, slowly moving up to Mason, which is leaning against the headboard of the bed, biting his lips.
You took of you hoodie and your shirt and Mason looked at you like a kid getting candies when he saw your tits. You almost moaned when he looked at your nipples and licked his lips.
When you took off your sweatpants and Mason saw that you weren't wearing any underwear, he groaned and brought his hand to his own cock, stroking it.
“You’re killing me.” He said. You sat on his lap and Mason put his hands in your ass, squeezing. He ran his hands through your body and you get goosebumps, moaning against his lips when he kissed you.
“I wanna make you cum, I wanna make you feel good.” You said rolling against his hips, where you felt the bulge fit between your legs. Mason knows you like to be in control of the situation, so you hold his neck as you leave kisses on his warm skin, rubbing yourself against him.
“You’re so wet for me.” He said as he placed his hand between your legs, placing his thumb on your clit and stroking it. “You're always this wet for me, aren't you?”
You can't help but moan when Mason starts stroking your pussy, and you leave marks on his neck on purpose.
“You’re so hot.” You whispered in his ear. Mason murmured and inserted two fingers into you, so you rolled against his hand, making movements back and forth. “Oh, Mase.”
“You like that?” He asked and you agreed, grabbing his hair. After a few seconds while Mason still thrusts his fingers into you, you feel your body burn and you moan loudly, screaming Mason's name. “Look at you, so beautiful cumming in my fingers.”
“Mason, oh my God.” You whimpered, squeezing your own nipples as you came all over him. “I want more.”
“Slow down, babe.” He said but you ignored him. You pull the hem of his pants down until you can hold his hard cock, masturbating him with quick and strong movements. “Oh, Y/N, this is good.”
You kissed him again while holding his dick, hard as a rock in your hand.
“C’mon, I want you riding my dick.” He spoke quietly, taking you off of him so he can take off his pants. Mason naked is quite a sight. You never saw someone so beautiful, his muscles, his skin, the tattoos, everything is perfect. “Are you just going to look?”
The cum leaves his dick shining and you salivate, but you prefer to leave that for later when Mason is tired and sleepy then you can suck his dick until he cums one last time and sleep next to you after that.
If you weren't so desperate to cum one more time you would have teased him, but you just sat on his lap, fitting his dick between your slick folds and slowly penetrating you with his hard cock.
You both moaned against each other's mouths as you sat on his cock, then you started making alternating movements, fast and slow, back and forth, up and down. From the first time you knew that Mason liked it when you rode him, and it became your favorite position too, as Mason was at your mercy everytime.
He closed his eyes and placed both hands on your waist, helping you with the movements.
“Oh- I, Mase.” You can't form any sentences, but that doesn't matter, not when Mason is beneath you wanting to cum and moaning your name loudly.
Nothing is as good as that.
You're so horny that you can't control your movements, Mason's cock pulses inside you, hard as ever. He puts one of your nipples in his mouth and you grab his shoulders, moving back and forth and feeling your clitoris scratch against his skin, making you scream.
“So good.” You feel your body burn again. “Please, I wanna cum.”
“Yes, babe, cum on my dick.” He moaned again and squeezed his eyes closed, then you knew Mason was about to cum too. “I’m so close.”
You made a few more movements and felt the orgasm explode inside you, and you almost collapsed onto Mason. He didn't let you stop as you moaned on top of him, and rolled your hips against him until he came inside you, moaning your name several times.
“Y/N, this is so good, I love to fuck you.” Mason kissed you again, pulling you to lay on him, and you could feel him still cumming inside you. “My gosh, I came so much and so hard.”
“I’m still feeling it.” You rocked on top of him, still making slow movements as Mason finished cumming. Your breathing was heavy after your orgasm, you were sweaty despite the cold and so was Mason. “You always do it so well.”
“You get better every time.” He confessed and you laughed. “Let's take a bath together?”
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hoshigray · 1 year
If u don’t wanna it’s fine but imagine
Y/N tryna take dom from toji but ain’t working 🛐
Are you kidding me!? This is a lovely idea to write out :O Kinda was flipping through different scenarios, but I felt this was what popped up the most: the reader takes Toji by surprise and tries to ride him, but he doesn't let that happen. Hope it's what you envisioned, and ty for the imagine! Cw: dom! Toji x fem!reader - Daddy kink - starts with doggy style, ends with missionary - attempted cowgirl position; the reader feels discomfort - reader tries to be dom but has no experience - pet names (angel, baby, good girl, mama, sweetie, sweetheart) - praise - cervix fucking - spanking (2x) - clitoral play (pinch 1x) - breeding if you squint haha. Wc: 832
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"Mmmm! Jesus, Y/n. Can never get enough of this pussy, baby."
You reply in muffled mewls, mouth covered by the pillow under your chin.
Toji has you face down and ass up for him, towering over your bent physique as he drills his cock deep inside your soaping vulva. His hands are on your hips to properly guide your rear to his pelvis, and thrusts propel him further for his length to scrape your walls.
Gripping the sheets beneath, you try to call out to him. But choked sobs solely exit your lips when you feel a smack on your butt. The harsh impact has you clenching around him, which causes him to hiss and lean downwards. Toji quickly uses his hands to support himself from putting his entire weight on you, placing his palms beside your writhing figure.
"Ooooh shit, shit." Toji moans into your ear, his breath and husky voice tickling the nerves of your eardrums, "Can't do that to me, sweetie. Clenchin' 'round me all of a sudden."
"Ahhh! D-Daddy, please, I'm 'bout to cummm!" His baritone laugh has you shudder. "I'm cumming, gonna cum—"
"Go on, mama," Toji nips on your earlobe, and your adorable whines feed his ego. "Cum on Daddy like the good girl you are." His hips snap severely onto the surface of your ass, his tempo going absurdly fast with his girthy member brushing your cervix with every rut, and you shut your eyes as your climax builds up. It hits you hard when another slap to your rear comes down, the stinging sensation prompting your orgasm to finally come through.
Your cunt flutters on his cock beautifully, coating it full of your personal essence while your body experiences the aftershocks. Toji praises you on your release. "Did so good," he kisses your shoulder and the back of your neck while your high subsides. "Keep bein' good, and let me finish here."
He hears you chuckle silently; unbeknownst to him, you mentally prep yourself before he starts moving again.
At the count of three, Toji is pushed to the side onto his back, completely perplexed by the action. With a cheeky smile, you crawl onto him and kiss the scar on his lips. "How about you be good and let me help you finish up?"
His brows furrow, but he can't fight the excitement in the grin that creeps up. "Oh, that's what we're doin'?" Toji makes himself comfortable and rests his hands on your waist. "Give me a show, angel."
You flash a smile as you arrange yourself, your ruined pussy aligning with Toji's shaft, ready for a peak of his own. Toji enjoys your confidence, but his eyes peer down at your legs, observing them still trembling from a few moments ago.
Before he can point it out, the lips of your sex are already touching the head of his cock. He groans in pleasure, shamrock green eyes taking in the connection between you two. Yet he knows something's wrong when he hears a distressing sound leave your lips, peering up to your face to see you wince in pain as you push yourself onto him.
He frowns. "Yeah, no. Stop."
You freeze and share a look of confusion. "Huh, what? Am I doing it—Woah!!"
It takes Toji a few seconds to reverse the position with relative ease. Now you're the one with your back to the sheets with your head on the pillow facing the built man. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I'll be in control."
"Did I do something wrong?" You questioned. Then a whimper takes over you when Toji positions the tip of his dick to your cunt.
"No, baby," He coaxes you while pushing his length into you, your wet slit making it easier for him to enter again. "Just don't like seeing you in pain. Don't have to do things that'll hurt you, mama."
Your brows scrunch together. Although It's a light lecture, you know he's right. "I know...I just wanted to—Hmmm...wanted to make—Hnngh!" The tip is inside, your pussy readjusting to his girth as he slowly moves inward. "Wanted to make you feel good..."
The cockhead reaches your cervix, causing you two to moan in unison. "Hmmm, fuck." He plants kisses on your chest to your cheek while his hand rubs gentle circles on your clit. "Long as I got this pussy of yours around, I'll always go crazy, sweetie."
You turn away from him, the older man finding your display of modesty adorable. "Now," a sudden plunge of his hips and a pinch to your clitoris leads a sharp gasp out from your system, his cock hurriedly brushing your smooth walls with ease. "You're gonna lay here and look pretty while I fuck the shit out of ya, yeah?"
You reach out for him, to which he obliges. Arms are secured around his neck to bring him close to you. "Please, Daddy. Fill me up." Toji sneers in satisfaction and kisses you before continuing on.
"Atta girl."
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d0youc0py · 1 year
I am literally in love with your writing. Can we get a more silent/nonchalant reader that doesn't usually speak so that when 141 goes home upset she doesn't have much to say and they get upset?? Angst to fluff please, thank u so much!!
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You were just starting to drift off to sleep when the door shut abruptly.
“Sweetheart.” You heard from the living room. You were usually still up and roaming at this time, but you really just wanted to curl up under the covers.
“In here!” You shouted. He wasn’t suppose to be back for another two weeks, he had just left three days ago. “Everything alright? You’re back already.”
“Fucking hell.” He grumbled making his way to the bedroom. You met him at the door way scanning him over with your eyes.
“You get hurt again?” You questioned tugging at his shirt. He shook his head. His cheeks were flushed and his hand rubbed back and forth over his jaw.
“You’re not gonna believe this.” He scoffed. He patted your bottom in greeting and pushed his way into the bedroom. He started peeling off his clothes until he was just in his boxers. “Price pulled me out.” He growled. Your eyes widened. That was very unlike Captain.
“What happened.” You questioned plopping back down on the bed. He paced back and forth. You were shocked when he actually began to explain. He usually never went into any detail about his job.
“Said we made a bad call, some people who weren’t suppose to get hurt ended up getting hurt.” He grumbled, plopping down next to you.
“Me and Gaz.” He clarified. “The best bit is that he didn’t pull Gaz, just pulled me.” What you were about to say next was the opposite reaction of what he was expecting.
“Well you are Lieutenant, yeah?” You yawned. His head left his palms and shot over to you.
“What?” He spat.
“I mean you’re the one who probably made the call, Captain goes down with the ship.” You shrugged. You leaned over to press a kiss against his shoulder but he tore himself away before you could.
“You fucking serious right now?” You instinctively shrunk away from the growl in his voice. “He didn’t pull Gaz because he’s the favorite.” He pressed.
“Si, Captain doesn’t play favorites like that and you know it.” You don’t know why you said it. You guess you just didn’t want Simon to have hard feelings towards Price, especially when he didn’t deserve it. That was Simon’s breaking point. He reached across the bed and grabbed his pillow, stomping back into the living room. He needed time to cool off. To be honest so did you. Sighing you got up from the bed and turned the lights off, crawling back under the covers.
You woke up to the smell of your favorite breakfast in the air: French toast. Relief flooded your body. You had a bit of a hard time sleeping last night due to your tuff with Simon, but the fact he was making your favorite breakfast showed he was over it. You shed the covers off making your way to brush your teeth.
“Si.” You chirped. He turned from the stove looking at you with regretful umber eyes. You shot him an assuring smile. He quickly lifted his arm and you took the cue to nuzzle yourself against him.
“Sorry for being an ass last night.” He murmured, kissing the top of your head. You looked up at him placing your lips against his.
“It’s alright.” You whispered against him. “I should’ve laid off and been more supportive of how you were feeling.”
“No, you were right. I did make that call.” He tossed a fat slice of French toast onto a plate with eggs. “I just didn’t want to hear it last night. I’ve never been taken off a job before, guess I was just embarrassed about what you’d think of me.” He mumbled so low you almost didn’t catch it. His cheeks were flushed from the level of vulnerability he felt he was showing.
“I understand.” You smiled again. You took his heated face in your hands pressing quick and hard kisses against his cheek, enjoying the way they darkened.
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He was throughly exhausted. No matter what he did everything had either gone wrong or made no impact whatsoever. That’s why as soon as he got in the door his hands were at your sides, picking you up and holding you against him. He buried his face in your shoulder, inhaling deeply. He could feel the tense muscles in his back already loosen.
“Hi Cap.” You smiled, resting your head against his broad shoulder.
“I never want to hear the word Captain ever again.” He grumbled, causing you to smile.
“Tough time?” You questioned, he nodded his head, keeping it buried in your neck. He flopped down on the couch keeping you tight in his lap. He sleepily told you vaguely about what had happened. How the enemy seemed to constantly be one step ahead of him. Now no one can deny John was great at his job, but he was starting to feel the pressure. Starting to feel like he wasn’t good enough. That maybe he was loosing his magic touch. He told you this- not exactly in those words, but enough for you to get the idea.
“Sorry you feel that way.” You sighed. He waited patiently for you to continue.
“That’s it?” He huffed. You raised your head from his shoulder.
“That’s all I get?” He repeated.
You chuckled dryly. “What do you want me to say?” You scoffed.
“I don’t know.” His eyes darted around the room. “Maybe a ‘You’ll pull through John.’ Anything is better than ‘sorry you feel that way’.” He chided. You pulled yourself off his lap, and he let you.
“Didn’t know you needed that type of assurance.” Of course you knew he would come through in the end. He was Captain John Price. He rubbed his face with his hands, getting up from the couch with a grunt.
“I think I should sleep in the guest room tonight.” He sighed. You opened your mouth to stop him but nothing came. He waited by the doorway like he was expecting something too. With another sigh he disappeared down the hallway.
You groaned and buried your face into the couch cushion. You didn’t mean to come across so uncaring. You loved this man more than anything, of course you wanted to be there for him. You had always struggled with the brain to mouth connection, that’s one of the things you loved about John. How quickly he and gracefully was able to make that connection. Bitting your lip you pulled yourself off the couch, making your way to the guest room.
You knocked at the open door. He was sprawled out on the bed, still fully clothed. His deep breathing made you wonder if he had already fallen asleep. His eyes panned over to you.
“Yes, sweetheart?” God he could never be mad at you could he? You walked over to him slowly, kneeling on the bed.
“I’m sorry.” You said softly. Your hand slowly left your thigh and rested against his stomach. He reached down and grabbed it, pressing a hard kiss against your knuckles. He leaned up on his elbow and you couldn’t resist the urge to wrap your arms around his shoulders and bury your face in his neck. He chuckled softly and laid back down holding you tightly against him.
“S’alright.” He assured, kissing your temple.
“No it wasn’t. Of course you’re going to make it through it. You always do.” You said, kissing his cheek. You could feel him smile against your forehead.
“Thanks, sweetheart.”
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“You don’t think I’m right?” Johnny urged. His body was hot and he had been cracking the same knuckles over and over since you had gotten home.
“I don’t know Jo.” You shrugged, grabbing a glass from the cabinet.
“Cut the shite.” He growled. “Do you or do you not think I’m right?”
It had all started earlier when the two of you went out on your weekly date night. You both decided it would be fun to try bowling, the only problem was you were sharing the lane with a bunch of men who took a little too much advantage of the bar. They weren’t handsy or inappropriate by any means, just very concerned about making sure you got a strike. They offered you a plethora of tips and tricks and when one of them stood a little to close to you (for Johnny’s liking anyway) he lost it. He gave the guy a hard shove and dragged you out of there, with the prize counter lady yelling at the two of you to never come back. Johnny had taken your silence as disagreement for the way he had acted. He’ll admit that maybe he did over react, but what was he suppose to do? He swore that guy was about to touch you, and who does he think he is anyways? You were obviously with Johnny so why did they all think it was okay to interject themselves into your game? This is the explanation he gave you.
“I don’t know Johnny.” You groaned again. He growled low in his throat, running a hand through his hair.
“Why is this so hard for you, huh? You either agree that I made the right choice or you thought I was an ass. Which one is it?” He pressed. His fiery blue eyes bore into yours. His passion was was always so intense, it never failed to overwhelm you.
“Why are you trying to fight, Johnny?” You mumbled. You could feel tears prick your eyes and you hoped that he would notice them and shut himself down.
“Answer me!” He shouted his hand slamming itself against the counter. The tears finally fell, along with his heart. “Shite.” He said quickly. You hid your face in your hands. “I’m sorry, bon.” He whispered quickly. He took a few slow steps towards you, like he was approaching a skittish deer. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It was true. The man would jump in front of a bus for you without a second thought. He was just so hot-headed and stubborn.
“I know.” You mumbled. His hand gently reached out resting against your arm. When you didn’t pull away he took it as an ‘okay’ and pulled you against him.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, tucking you under his chin. “I just get so feisty when it comes to you. I need to work on it, I know.”
You nodded your head in agreement letting yourself relax against him.
Bon= shortened version of Bonnie
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He had just spent the last thirty minutes venting to you and all you had to say was,
“That sucks.”
He had just gotten back home from the store and he didn’t even bother pulling the groceries out of the car before he was charging in madder than you had ever seen him. He had gotten into a road rage incident. Some lady cut him off- almost damaging his beloved car in the process, so naturally he gave her a little honk with his horn. The woman proceeded to break check him. Luckily he was far enough away that he didn’t rear end her, but she didn’t seem to know that. She got out of her car yelling at him for hitting her even though there was obviously a few inches of space between the two cars. She demanded he call his insurance company, which he refused because no damage was done and it was pretty obvious she did it one purpose. The situation just continued to escalate from there.
He’d been with you for over two years now so he knew you weren’t much of a talker- but he expected a little more out of you then that. Especially when you saw how shaken up he was from the encounter.
“Could you imagine?” He continued, hoping to spark some sort of feedback from you. You just nodded your head in agreement.
“Groceries still in the car?” You asked. His eyes widened, and he stiffed from his spot on the couch. “Serious?”
“What?” Your brows furrowed at his expression,
“A ‘that sucks’ and ‘groceries’ is all I’m going to get out of you?”
You picked at your fingers and shrugged. He ran a hand down his face.
“Yeah, the groceries are still in the car.” He sighed, standing up from the couch. You watched quietly as he trudged to the bedroom the door closing softly behind him.
It had been a solid hour since you had seen him. You had put the groceries away and even began to make dinner by the time he appeared again. You hoped that by making his favorite stir fry you would be back in his good graces.
“Smells good.” He commented, sitting at the kitchen island. “I called Cap.” He said suddenly. You looked up from the wok sending him a small smile. “He said he’d use her plate numbers and add an unpaid parking ticket on her record.” You both chuckled. He slowly stood up and made his way over to you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “He also said I should apologize to you.” He hummed, kissing the skin your tank top strap didn’t cover.
“You don’t have to.” You interrupted. “I should apologize, Ky. Anyone would be shaken by that experience and I just brushed it off. I’m sorry.” You could feel him smile against your skin. His hands rested on your hips, turning you around to face him.
“I shouldn’t have taken it out on you though. I’m a natural talker and sometimes I forget how the other half live.” He snickered, kissing you lips quickly. You pulled him back down attaching you lips back to his.
What’s wrong with me that I love angst so much? Thank you anon for your kind words and this awesome request! I seriously enjoyed writing this!
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creativewritersposts · 4 months
autograph session - Lando Norris
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summary; Lando Norris x reader
How can Lando change the situation from enemies to lovers?
warning(s); bad language, angst, fluff, maybe grammar errors
"I would never date someone like her"
This is what Lando said to Daniel Ricciardo after you were gone. You waited a whole day to get a photo with Lando Norris, talking a friendly conversation at an autograph session and when you walked away, you heard this.
Sure you're just a fangirl. But it hurts. You're not a model, you're not as tall as Lando himself but you're smart and nice.
It's like the world hates you months later - Lando Norris is sitting in the restaurant with his team where you work as a waiter. You need to pay bills, it's definitely not your dreamjob. He's definitely not your dream guest.
"I'm not going to this table!", you swear to your coworker. She's looking amused, she's the only one knowing why you hate Lando Norris.
"He'll not recognize you!", she supports you, laughing at the end of saying.
It's hilarious how you stand in front of her, acting like a child.
"Show him you're better than him", she pushes your body forward to Lando's table.
The team hears your foot steps and the attention is on you.
"What can I bring you to drink?", you twist your legs, trying to stay humble. You want to smash the menu card after lando's smirk. Reminding yourself, you really need the money.
They order their drinks and food, you're staying in the shadow without saying much words. Usually you're joking around, having a good time with all guests but you're not feeling well.
"Do you want to pay with the credit card?", you ask Lando without friendly manners. "I'll pay cash, thanks", he shows you his million-dollar-smile. Too bad it bounces off like a tennis ball.
"Thank you, Sir", you nod in the round, ready to leave, Lando holing your wrist, "this one is for you". You can feel cash between your hands, pushing the money like a reflex back to him, "fuck you, Lando Norris!". Your voice is hissing in his direction.
His eyes are getting big, his team is laughing but you couldn't care less, waking back to the cabin, ready to leave your last shift of the week. "What happened?", your coworker comes around, completely in anger what you did. "He can throw his cash in his ass, Mr. I would never date her!", you're frustrated. In this moment someone knocks on your door, "hello?", both of your heads spinning around. "it's only for waiters!", you warn this person. "I don't see if you're naked, I swear!", Lando Norris standing there and holding his hands on his face to cover everything. "what do you want?!", straight eyes caught him. Your coworker pushes you again, "Sir".
Lando rolls his eyes, his rolex is glimmering on his wrist. "what's your name?", he asks you. "doesn't matter", you don't want to interact with him.
"Did I upset you or why are you hating me this much?", he asks again, trying to make this situation a little bit funny.
You don't want to laugh with him, you want to sleep after a ten hours shift.
"Because you play with fangirls feelings!", you scream in his face. He touches his hair, totally chill.
"How can I change your mind, that I'm sorry?", he bites on his lips. He looks so good, you want to kiss and kill him at the same time.
"Leave the restaurant, thanks", you tell him your mind, you get hitting on your shoulder again. You huff, rolling your eyes, "everything is okay", you fake a smile. He says bye and leaves the restaurant.
You're thinking about this situation, even days later back at work. Yes, you had your reasons to be like this but he treated you not like grass unser his feet.
"One guest is asking for you", your coworker searched you in the crowd. "We're not a private restaurant so this guest has to wait!", you bite on your tongue not to say more you'll regret later, "bet you want to know who he is", she grins like a devil. "fine!", shrugging the shoulders and walking to table 10.
"Are you kidding me?", you're pissed to see this face again. Lando Norris in a smoking.
"Hi, nice to meet you!", Lando smiles kinda worried, his eyes are blurried.
"Wish I could say the same but here we are. We're not the only restaurant in this area", you spew fire. He plays with his crossed fingers, his head is down. "what did I do?", he breaths in. "What do you want to drink?", you have to do your job. Nothing more. "I'd like to order food. Just food", he sounds disappointed.
But you have to pretend you couldn't care less.
After he ate his dinner, paying and saying thank you - he left. He didn't left like joking, he stayed quiet.
"You broke his heart, girl", your boss comes around after the shift is over. "Whose?", "Mr. Norris".
This conversation hunts you, still on the streets on the way home.
Lando Norris would never ever go to a restaurant without having a plan. Or at least a reason. Your fan merchandise is hidden in your wardrobe, you didn't wore these things for two years like its a plague.
Next work shift you're tired. You could sleep on your own feet. What if he's telling your boss, you need to get fired? Just because your emotions you could lose your job.
"He's asking for you", your boss pets your hair like a dog and told you it's table 3.
Lando Norris. Again.
He might has vacation, shouldn't he win races?
"Hello", you smile, asking your typical questions as a waitress. It's the same like last time; he orders food, pays cash and wants to leave.
"Have a nice day-", you want to end his time in your restaurant, but he interrupts you. "I asked my menager if i did something wrong to you. There's nothing on social media. I have no clue-", he talks in his british accent. To be fair, his accent sounds cute.
"You told Daniel Ricciardo at an autograph session you would never date someone like me!", gosh. It feels so heavy to speak out this.
Lando's face gets gray. He's biting on his lip. "I'm incredibly sorry", his voice cracks and is shaky. So thin, it could easily break.
"What can I-", you talk between his sweet nothings. "You're a bad person Lando Norris and I don't deserve this. I worked hard to be here with two jobs to pay my bills and I'm not perfect but I'm good enough someone would like to date me! But you would never understand because I'm out of your league with your millions", you scream and leave the restaurant.
You're sure: it was your last day at work.
Nobody called you for the next week, your boss only texted you "take some time, see you in two weeks".
He destroyed you, now you destroyed him. But why does it feel so wrong?
You're watching TV, ice cream in your hands and the blankets is around like a coucon.
"Mr. Norris, how are you today?", the reporter asks Lando with the microphone in his hands.
"I'm okay", he answers with a sick voice, his face is not shaved. "you'll start from p4, are you happy with the results?", Lando shakes his head, "I'll try to win, like always", "you want to send the prize money to a kindergarten, why?", ok this question is interesting.
"I'm a bad person. I want to change it", he gets weak and walks to his car.
You feel bad. So bad. Maybe you hurt him, too.
Maybe he's crying right now in his car, helmet on.
The following next week comes earlier than you expected and now you're here; in your restaurant ready to make some people happy.
"Lando told me you're working here", a young boy with aussie accent standing here. "are you Oscar Piastri?", "psst please be quiet", he hides his face in his hood.
"He's a mess. He did an horrible mistake and he regrets it but he's not a bad person. I swear", he strongly says. "Thank you for telling me", you smile lovely.
"He wanted to ask you out since the team dinner. He came back here after the race of Australia and he had a jet leg and almost slept in the next practice but he didn't care because he thought you're happy to see him again", he spills the tea. He's not angry, he's calm. "What should I do now?", you feel rude.
"I can give you his number and his address, he booked a hotel room but is too afraid to come here", he whispers because guests are walking behind him. You nod and take the phone number.
"Why is he afraid?", "you ripped him with words". "Bye", he says in a hurry and leaves.
You decided to walk to him after your work shift, a luxurious hotel room in front of you.
You knock two times until you hear foot steps. "don't need room service but thanks", an exhausted voice talks.
"Open the door, Lando", you're freezing your ass off. It's cold tonight.
"What are you doing here?", Lando Norris standing here with nothing but in just his underwear.
"Oscar told me", you smile. You don't want to hurt him.
"Come in", he opens the door and let you in. It's clean, just some helmets on the ground, "I like your new helmet design", you smile again.
"I'll give them away", "why?", "I'm a bad person and want to make it better for my fans", he sniffles. "You love this helmet", you argue back. He told the media he would sleep with this helmet in his bed because it's so cool.
He's standing here, broken and lost.
"I want to treat my fans better..", putting his head down. "oh Lando", you can't help yourself and hug him. He's one head taller than you and lays his head in your neck, sobbing. "I'm sorry I told these awful things", touching his back, running circles over it.
"Everything will be alright", you breath in his cologne. "You're not a bad person", you correct yourself.
"I am and I just wanted to ask you out", he cries in your arms. You're watching out of the window. It's already dark outside, cold air. "Everything is alright, Lando", you burry your head in his hair.
"I'm such a pussy", he sniffs and stops hugging you. "you're not", you smile and whip his tears away. In front of you is a good looking, inside and out beautiful person.
"I swear I wasn't talking about you at this autograph session", he uses a tissue and smiles. "Oh what is this?", you catch a beige hoodie in your hand, lando's name on it. "its my new merch but it's not-", "I'll borrow it until you ask me for a date so you have to come along", you wink at him. He giggles his adorable laugh, "okay, darling".
I might fell for his personality.
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writingoddess1125 · 10 months
How They Say They Love You
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Mihawk x GNReader
Fluffy Fluff McFluff 💖 💕
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Support me On Ko-Fi so I can eat 🙃👍🏽
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Words of Praise
• Luffy shows love by words of praise and also constant physical touch.
• The Goofy ADHD man loves to talk and praise you. Speaking about you like you were sent by the gods gift wrapped for him and that you are just perfect.
• Him speaking to you is also a act of love, chatting with you for hours on end since he can't get enough of it. It's truthfully really sweet and he will just like to hear you talk as well.
• "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! There you are! I had a crazy dream I wanted to tell you about!"
• He may not have the strongest attention spand but for you- He could listen to you all day.
Humming softly as you looked to him, giving him your undivided attention which made him smile.
- "Hey (Y/N)" Luffy whispered, wrapped around you as the two of you laid together on the deck of the ship and staring up at the stars above. His hands rubbing circles on your skin as you cuddled closer.
He had been chatting with you for the last hour, deciding a date on the deck of the shop would be nice- Getting Sanji to make the two of you a nice dinner and even some drinks. For you a cocktail while Luffy opted for milk.
"I just to let you know, I appreciate you in every way. I adore you. If something was to happen were we could never sail again, I just want you to know that I would very satisfied with it since I got time with you. I love you."
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Quality time and Listening
• Zoro adores you, but he is a rather stoic person when it comes to the romantic aspect of his emotions. So the way he shows his love for you is by quality and listening.
• As you chatter on he will calmly lay next to you listening to every word. If you want also giving back useful commentary to show how important what you're talking about is.
• He also shows it by actively wanting to be near you. While it doesn't seem like much at first Zoro will always place himself close to you, enjoying your presence above all else.
• He also likes taking you around to beautiful places so that the two of you can revel in it and just enjoy each other's time.
- You had been sitting in your quarters reading. You had a bad day and truthfully were trying to find a way to wind down. Rubbing your temple to try and ease off the frustration.
Already feeling better about the shit day You looked to Zoro, seeing his eyes focused on you as you spilled your heart. It made your heart flutter as you could see the way he looked at you- like you were the most important person in the world.
"(Y/N)- You're stressing" Zoro said suddently, surprising you by his sudden presence in your quarters. Walking over from the doorway he sat next to you calmly, Leaning back in his usual lax self.
"Sorry I just had a bad day" You mumbled, Zoro waving for you to speak about it. Which you gladly did- Beginning to rant about how Nami had annoyed you and venting.
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Cooking and PDA
• Sanji is a very romantic person at heart- He is big on showing love their very public displays of affection and also flexing his skills on you.
• Be prepared to be talking and suddently dipped into a passionate kiss infront of everyone before spun and left blushing, dazed and not knowing which direction you were in.
• "Well hello sweetheart~" He purrs out and wraps a hand around your waist and plants his palm of the flesh of your ass drawing a Squeak from you and smacking the man's arm for such a think. Drawing a loud laugh from him.
• This man can't get enough of you ❤️
• He also loves to use his cooking skills to show love. Be prepared to gain some extra love weight with this man around! From your favorite breakfast in bed- Suddently having a homemade candy kissed into your lips and more.
- You were in the shared room you had with Sanji, going through your supplies to be prepared for when you guys next docked and more then likely ran into trouble.
So focused it wasn't until a firm smack to your behind drew you from this and you spun around red faced to see a Smiling Sanji-
"You're gonna leave a mark on of these days!" You whine, Sanji winking at you "I'll kiss it better then" He held up a beautiful slice of cake to you. You giggling at this and reaching forward to take a bite of the sweet dessert and hummed in delight.
Sanji stared at you, a smile on his lips as he kissed the back of your hand and caressed your cheek.
"I hope the dessert is sweet enough for you. Even if it pales in how sweet you are~"
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Physical Affection
• Oh this man is a cuddler- Head over heals and wants a hug more then anything!! Maybe it was a lacking of physical touch growing up as he only got a handful of hugs from Kaya after his mother died- or that he just likes the way you feel. But Usopp is very physically affectionate
• This man leans on you, while he spouts nonsense he will subconsciously lean against you like you are his anchor
• Will want some cuddles at some point- Can't sleep without them after a while or can't sleep if you're not near by.
• Likes all forms of physical Intimacy, Holding hands, Hugs, Kisses, Massages, cuddles, sleeping together, 'Sleeping' Together ❤️ , and more. Just wants it all
• Will walk in to see you hard at work and immediately start to massage your back- "A little to the left" You groan out, Usopp chuckling at this and doing as you instructed with a proud smile.
- You'd taken a break. Tired from the long day of working on the ship, you leaned against the railings and stared out at the sea. Taking in the salty air and calm rocking of the boat.
Usopp hugged you tighter and tucked his face against your neck; His arms wrapping around your waist as his hands rubbed gently against your sides. He felt warm and so soft- his love practically pouring through in his hug which made you smile.
"You doing alright?" You hear Usopp say softly, covered in soot and smelling like gunpowder as he grinned at you. You nod and relax as you feel him wrap his arms around you.
"Just tired" You say softly and close your eyes to relax against the man.
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Gift Giving
• Nami has a rough time with admitting feelings. Having been in a abusive situation for many years she can't show vulnerability easily and that includes romance- But she's so in love with you it conflicts.
• So Nami had found a way to show you the love you deserved while she slowly worked on herself. She studied you- Saw the things you liked and what made you smile and got things for you.
• Hiding them around in places only you would know about or directly handing them to you.
• Nami knows she is a work in progress. But hopes that her gift giving and slowly opening up to you just shows how much she cares.
• The two of you were sitting side by side- Holding hands which was new for Nami and just enjoying the moment. Nami shifting and holding up a wrapped box for you "This is for you-" She said shyly, You smiling and giving her hand a gentle squeeze and thanking her profusely
- Nami had left the day earlier- It had made you a bit sad however she had some errands to run for the Strawhats due to her natural skills in bartering and getting what she wanted.
You had walked into the bedroom to change for the evening, however saw flowers on the bed, your pajamas already laid out and some gift boxes on your side. A letter laid ontop of them- opening the letter quickly you smile at the words
"I love you (Y/N) I got these for you. I'll see you Tommorow morning I promise. ♡ Nami"
Holding the letter close to you and feeling your heart flutter. You smile and open up her sweet gifts. There was your favorite animal in a stuffed toy form and a dessert that looked expensive and was just to your taste. You knew even if Nami had a hard time expressing herself but it was these moments that clearly took a lot of thought and care that truly showed her love.
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Domestic and soft Intimacy
• Buggy is a egotistical brat- But he loves you more then he loves the sea. You are his stars, so he will show you love with his real self.
• His whole life is a performance, but with you it's the real deal. So you only get the real him in turn. Even if in public he is loud, rude and will pretend to treat you the same even if he seems to fail even infront of others.
• Gentle hugs, soft kisses, Holding you with a arm over your shoulder or a gentle hand rubbing your thigh.
• Also is oddly domestic-
• Whem you are sick he makes a nice soup for you- Sitting next to you and feeds you the homemade soup, measures out your medicine and makes sure you're hydrated. "Rest Doll- I'll take care of you.."
• Buggy acts almost like a house husband with you. Gentle, domestic and soft- The opposite of his Clown Persona.
- The two of you had woken up late, having not gone to bed early due to.. reasons 😳. So you guys were scrambling to get ready- Buggy buttoning your shirt while you fixed his hat and so on.
"Damn it I can't find my boots"
You hiss, searching desperately as Buggy helped look for you as well. Finding them with his stuff he carried them to you and gestures you to sit on the corner of the bed. Obediently you do, Buggy kneels and carefully slides the boot on each foot and starts to tie your laces.
You felt your cheeks warm at this- Buggy humming softly as he finished tying your shoe and smoothing out your bottoms of any invisible on your clothes. He looked up at you and you just saw the undying love in his ocean eyes, rubbing your leg for a second before standing to finish getting you ready.
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Acts of Service and Gentle Touches
• Mihawk is a very VERY reserved man. Not one for open affection or truly any hard emotions at all. So while he does love you he has a incredibly unique way of showing it.
• The man sees acts of service as a way of love and so he does anything for you. All you have to do is ask and you shall receive- From cooking dinners, cleaning, being mindful of how you like things. This is how he shows love.
• As time progresses he will start adding little touches. Rubbing his hand over your arm, holding your hand- small things as he slowly works up to being more physically affectionate.
• Mihawk had kept you from a certain room for a while, after a week he lead you to it silently. You walk in and are blown away by what you see- There he has made you a personal studio for you to do your favorite hobbies. Have it be reading, writing, painting, sewing, gardening. It's for you- "I hope it's to your taste..."
- You had been in your study, setting up for your latest passion project. Looking around you spot an item you needed and groaned- realizing you'd placed it on the top shelf.
• He cares so much for you and it shows in his actions and the light touches he provides.
With one warm hand on you and the other grabbing the item. Feeling how gentle he was and so caring even for an item he cared little for- His golden gaze landing on you. "I can help more if you wish"
You had prepared to just climb the shelf- However like he could sense your bad choices Mihawk appeared. Arms crossed as he stared you down-
"What do you need?" He asked calmly, having you move away from the shelf and stepping forward.
"The purple one please" You chime cheerfully, Mihawk placing a hand on the small of your back to make sure you were safe before reaching to grab the needed jtem.
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Imagine the red hair pirates learning that scaring you is a bad idea
Got the idea watching this tiktok
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Benn: yer gonna get yer ass beat.
Lime Juice: *putting on a mask* No, I'm not. (y/n) is harmless, they don't hurt me.
Yassop: listen man, just because they don't hurt us, or engage in fights, doesn't mean they're harmless.
Shanks: He'll be fine, the most they might do is slap him.
Lucky Roux: I dunno dude, I think you're going to get punched.
Shanks: don't listen to them, scare (y/n).
Lime Juice: *Gets in a crouched position by the door* Call em
Shanks: Sweetheart! Would you be a dear, and come here? I need to show you something.
You: *leaves the cabin office* What's up.
Lime Juice: *grabs your shoulders and roars in your ear*
You: *twists around into a boxer's stance and punches him straight in the nose*
Lime juice: OOF! *Falls backward and hits the wall*
You: *punches again him with your other fist*
Benn: Whoa, whoa whoa, (y/n)! Relax it's just Lime Juice.
You: I know! *Flicking your wrist because your hand hurts*
Shanks: I didn't know you had such a mean right hook, love.
You: *shrugs*
Lime Juice: what was the second punch for!
You: For having the nerve to pull that shit with me.
Yassop: damn!
Shanks: Take it easy there, love *pulls you into his arms* he meant it as a joke. He didn't know you didn't like jump scares so much, he knows now.
You: *glares at Lime Juice as Shanks kisses your forehead and rubs your arm*
Lime Juice: *pinches the bridge of his nose to stop the blood *Yeah, I'm sorry, if I had known that you didn't like them so much I wouldn't have done.
Benn: Especially because he would have known he would have gotten clocked.
You: *realizes you overreacted a bit* I'm sorry too,
Shanks: *adds* at least for the second punch, you earned the first.
You: *nods*
Lime Juice: *huffs* fair enough.
You: ... I'm going to go get Hongo to look at your face, because you are bleeding too much to be good.
Lime Juice: Thank you. *Soon as you leave* can we keep this a secret between us?
Shanks, Benn, Lucky Roux, and Yassop: Absolutely not.
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samoankpoper21 · 4 months
MTL to date a plus size person - Shiratorizawa Academy
A/N: This is a REPOST!! I didn't like how the first one came out so I decided to revamp, rewrite, and edit, edit, edit this post. Took me forever but we finally made it y'all 🥲 Again these are based off of my opinion/what my gut fupa tells me 🤣 I am also writing from a chubby!/plus size! POC reader POV. All of them are aged up/of legal consenting age. Also in celebration of the fact that the Haikyuu! movie hit theaters in the USA yesterday!! Enjoy~!!
Content Warnings: some cursing, suggestive smut, fat shaming if you squint really hard, small mention of someone attempting to unalive themselves
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Ushijima Wakatoshi: I don't know why but I FEEL IN MY GUT that this mans loves him some THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQQQQQQQQQQ women. He's a big boi so he loves him a thiccccc partner. He loves squeezing your love handles and playing with your thighs, it's his stress reliever. The softness of your skin when he kneads it with his rough, course hands instantly relaxes him. You got cellulite? He doesn't care. Got stretch marks? Baby he'll kiss and trace 'em. Fupa? UGH HE LOVES THE PUDGE. One thing he cannot stand is how sometimes you let society's beauty standards dictate whether he should be with you, he finds it frustrating how you get lost in your head and start comparing yourself to the women you see via ig. He's always encouraged you letting you know IF your weight really bothered you then he would continue to support you by being your gym partner. Regardless please let this man continue to support you physically and emotionally because he will. The sound of the TV only served as background noise, Wakatoshi's head nestled on your tummy as your left fingers ran through his hair, your right hand holding your phone. You were scrolling through instagram a flurry of women similar in age popping up on your feed toting their tiny waist, wide hips, huge tits, and even bigger ass. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! It was Wakatoshi's dm's going off. Staring in amusement at his sleeping form you chuckled. How could he sleep through all of that? Switching into his account you figured maybe it was Tendou sending him pictures from Paris. He had tons of unopened messages from women, his requests way past 50+. The most recent sender caught your eye, your eyebrow arching up, a slight frown forming. It was from a former classmate named Hana, your memories of her unpleasant. Regardless of the fact that she knew you and Wakatoshi were together in high school she still tried to get him alone, persuading him how much of a better partner she would be instead of you. Back then Wakatoshi just ignored her blatantly telling her, "I'm with Y/N." You clicked on her profile silently gasping; you hated to admit it but she looked amazing, her pictures garnering thousands of likes and comments. Most of her profile were pics of her showing of her "natural body" from working out, the men in her comments thirsty. You tried to switch back to your account but the phone slipped causing you to quickly catch it before it hit your face. Letting out a sigh of relief you glanced at your screen semi panicked, you had just opened Hana's message. >>Wakatoshiiiiiiiii (7:35:06PM) >>Wakatoshi heeeeeeeyyyyy (7:35:10PM) >>I'm talking to you (7:35:20PM) >>I know you see my messages Toshi-kun (7:35:40PM) >>Wow you're really going to ignore me? (7:36PM) >>You're really going to ignore me for that fat bitch 🤣 (7:36:15PM) >>She doesn't' deserve you (7:36:25PM) >>You deserve to be with a REAL woman (7:36:40PM) >>Sends tit pic (7:37PM) >>Like what you see baby? (7:37:20PM) >>Let me take care of you like a real woman should (7:37:35PM)
Love? you hadn't realized Wakatoshi stir in his sleep. "O-oh Ushijima." He frowned at the use of his family name, noticing you averting his gaze. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to it's just your notifications kept going off like crazy and I thought it was Tendou sending you something-" Wakatoshi gently peeled the phone away from your hand peering at the screen, his frown deepening. He sighed typing out his reply: 'Hana, I do not appreciate you sending me such pictures and calling the love of my life, my wife, 'fat'. I suggest you take anti-harassment classes or cyber bullying classes. Don't ever reach out to me again. P.S. A real woman knows that she doesn't always have to resort to using her body to get a man." After he sent that to her, he blocked her, closed his eyes, and deeply sighed. "Ushijima, are you...are you mad at me?"
"I can never be mad at you love. Frustrated, yes. You aren't calling me by my first name or the other names you call me."
"O-oh." you nervously chuckled. He sat up pulling you against him so that you were straddling him, his hard cock pressing into your clothed pussy causing you to gasp. His hands were softly running up and down your thighs, he leaning forward so that your foreheads touched. "Y/N," his gruff baritone voice called out. "I only have eyes for you. I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you."
"I do baby! It's just that sometimes," he shifted his hips causing a delicious friction taking your breath away making it hard to concentrate. "I-I get discouraged when I see -ngh- pics like that." He was kissing the sensitive spot on your neck that he knew would make you weak, submit to his desires. His right hand was squeezing and kneading your thigh, the left gripping your ass. "You are all I need. Rolls and all. I wouldn't have it any other way." Chuckling you kissed the tip of his nose, Wakatoshi's hips never faltering in the way it rolled against your aroused cunt. "I love you Toshi." "I love you too."
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Tendo Satori: There's something aesthetically pleasing when you see a big girl/guy with a skinny/lean/muscular partner 😊 It just works okay? Again I feel it in my gut that this man LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEESSS THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQQQQQQQ WOMEN 😊 He's had to learn/adapt on his own to ignore the scrutinizing, judgmental stares due to him being a monster he has a monster cock there's no persuading me of otherwise so when he meets you being confident in your skin and owning the fact that yes you are "fat" he can't help but fall for you. ⚠️UNINTENTIONAL MANGA SPOILER⚠️ Satori becomes a chocolatier in Paris. When it comes to sex he's mid key heavy on the food play: he loves drizzling chocolate, white chocolate, whipped cream, or caramel on his partner's thighs, tits, and tummy; loves watching you squirm as you watch him slowly lick all the sticky, sweet ingredients off his favorite meal. "Ma chérie," he purred. "I made a new recipe and would love for you to try it."
"Of course love. You know I can never resist your chocolates. What's the occasion?"
"Valentine's Day is around the corner and the baker wanted me to create a small chocolate snack with a...punch." Punch? Knowing Satori he wouldn't outright tell you what that 'punch' was. "I hope you're not trying to kill me this time love."
"Never that ma douce," He kissed the top of your head as he set a saucer of small, dainty, assorted chocolate squares in front of you. "Enjoy." He smirked. Taking the milk chocolate you popped it into your mouth savoring the sweetness as it melted; you popped a dark chocolate square moaning as the sweet, strawberry jelly like custard gushed into your mouth. "Mmmmmmm mon bébé these are sooooooo goooood."
"Careful now love," He cooed with his back turned to you. "Those are aphrodisiacs." You nearly spit out the third piece you were on. Fuck it. "Is it working?" He asked shyly. You couldn't deny the embarrassing amount of wetness that was gathering in between your legs, your body heat rapidly rising. "Love?" Your quietness caused him to worry, turning around to find that you were no longer sitting at the table, your shared bedroom door slightly open. "Love?" Poking his head inside slightly he smirked to find you panting, lying on the bed naked with your legs spread, your sweet essence already dripping on the sheets. "Oh lo lo lo, so it works hmm?"
"If you don't shut up and fuck me right now Tori."
"Of course mon petit monstre."
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Semi Eita: I'm not gon lie I kept overlooking this man but my gut kept going back to him. I am convinced that this man likes his women chubby 😊 Random but I saw this youtube short where they were simping over Semi's hands and I have not been the same since 🤣 His aloof nature allows him to tell people off when they disrespect you or if he feels that you are uncomfortable; however his aloofness is also his downfall sometimes 😅
Admittedly you didn't have the typical build of a body guard, standing at 5', 2" weighing at 250 pounds the academy doubted you: how can this fat chick be able to protect someone? Will she be able to withstand and withhold big crowds? You proved that despite your short height and heavy build you were strong, resilient; the academy calling you Little Ox. The academy had assigned you and 2 other male guards, Yuuji and Rito, to assist a famous band, the lead singer scoffing at you. "This puny thing is supposed to keep the crazy fans away?"
"Don't doubt her Kaku-san" your teammate Yuuji defended. "She has skill and talent, made it fair and square like the rest of us."
"Tch. Just make sure she doesn't get lost in the sea of fans." Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you took note of the shaved headed drummer named Namio, the long haired bassist Kouki and the stoic, handsome, guitarist Semi with headphones around his neck.
As the band made their way through the airport from South Korea, fans immediately swarmed towards them pushing and shoving trying to get through. One intimidating look from you and an extension of your arm caused the fans to slow down, Kaku's eyebrow raised. Yuuji flanking from the back smirked at Kaku's reaction. That reaction was short lived as you noticed an individual moving at an intense speed towards the group from your direction. "Little ox!" Yuuji yelled. Everything happened in a blur: you hit the assailant's forearm knocking the knife out of their grasp, pulled them towards you, threw them over you shoulder slamming their body down, your knee to their back twisting their arm pinning it. Everything went quiet except for the assailant's labored breathing. "Let me go! Let me go!" he screamed.
"Y-N chan! Are you ok?" Rito asked.
"I'm fine. Oi!" you gently slapped the side of the assailant's head. "I'm giving you one minute to explain yourself. After the minute is up I will break your arm."
"I'm not talking to you! You just got lucky to catch me!" Your hold on his arm tightened and twisted further as you continued to count down. "59...58...57...56...55..." the assailant screamed, cursing at how you're hurting him.
"L-let him go." Kaku pleaded. Kaku shivered at the cold, distant expression you gave him. "45...44...43...42...41...40..." She truly is a monster Kaku thought to himself.
"Aaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh! This is all Kaku's fault!"
"Ever since that stupid guy announced he was dating that celebrity my sister has been so depressed! Are you really okay with one of your fans dying?!"
"Oi, did Kaku-san hold a gun to your sister's head and tell her to die? You think hurting this man will help your sister? She needs professional help. You're just trying to find someone else to blame because you don't want to help. Stop living like this." The man broke down sobbing, you sighing. "Rito -."
"Security's beside you Little Ox." Turning slightly you nodded your head easing off of the sobbing man, grateful that Rito, a man of few words, was always a step ahead.
"Y-Y/N-san-" Kaku began."
"Please refrain from intervening. That'll make my and your job easier. You asked whether I was able to protect you guys, withstand a crowd? This is enough proof right?"
"Rito! Yuuji!"
"Let's continue shall we?" the walk to the van was quiet, Semi taking note of your full figure: your blazer a bit tight around your middle section, the way your love handles poked out, your ass sticking out of your black slacks. He sensed the dominant aura emanating from you the moment he laid eyes on you but found it thrilling to experience how much of a hold you had over your teammates. Semi isn't one to be submissive but he knew you could be submissive and that made the blood rush to his cock. He couldn't help as his imagination ran wild: you laying on his bed panting in all your naked glory, your tummy scrunching up, begging him to fuck you; Semi's long, thick, calloused fingers from years of playing guitar thrusting into your glistening cunt; Semi grabbing your hips slowly thrusting into you from behind as you pleaded with him to fuck you faster, harder. He needed release.
As the weeks went by Semi would observe you silently: admiring the way you carried yourself, how analytical and precise you were when it came to ensuring the venue they were performing at was safe and that no one could get through. He found himself drawn to you, falling for you. One day before a music show performance Semi found that his feelings for you were overflowing, bubbling over; that if he didn't express how he felt then and now he would go insane. Pulling you to the nearest staircase he trapped you between his arms, your eyebrow arching. "Mr. Semi, why are you trapping me in between your arms like so?"
"If I don't do this now I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
"What are you-"
"I like you." You could feel your face heating up as a million thoughts swept through your mind: was I that obvious? Did he catch on? I thought I was being careful with my facial expressions? Did I stare at him too long? His thumb swiped at your cheek bringing you out of your reverie. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Biting your lip, tears threatening to spill over, fists clenched, you answered. "Semi-san, if you're only teasing me then I suggest you stop. This is going too far."
"I'm not." He firmly set. Looking up you saw the unwavering emotion in his eyes. You still couldn't believe that Semi had feelings for you, he never showed the slightest bit of interest; always politely saying good morning and making sure to let you pass first, you getting a whiff of his cologne. "But I'm..." you carefully whispered.
"I'm bigger than you."
"You don't mind?"
"I could care less if you're bigger than me. I fell for you not your body." Letting a moment of silence pass he asked, "Wait...do you not like me back?"
"No, no I'm sorry. I do. I like you. A lot."
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Reon Ohira: Much like Semi Semi I struggled (I wasn't trying to be biased what with the community/culture I grew up around). He's literally the fine, thin line holding one from crossing into the least likely to date a plus sized individual - it may be because the anime doesn't really focus on him 🥲 or the fact that I don't know much about him 🥲😅 If I'm wrong please tell me 😅 In regards to Reon it's a loud, low hum when it comes to him; like I feel that he would appreciate the fluffiness of a plus sized individual. He's known to be the person to calm the team down/center them so I can imagine that his partner would be a little feisty in comparison to him.
Standing in line for a funnel cake you and your husband Reon Ohira were merely enjoying each other's company, conversation ebbing and flowing smoothly. Standing on your tiptoes you pouted. "Babeeee," you whined. "What's taking so long?"
"Well hunn we're at a carnival. There's bound to be a long line for sweets." He pecked your forehead and continued to stare ahead. Taking this time your eyes slowly swept over his features: prominent brows, sharp nose, pointed ears, tanned skin, the veins snaking down his forearm, the intricate design of it on his hands always turned you on. You were about to stand on your tiptoes again to whisper something raunchy until a hard bump against your shoulder caused you to stumble. Turning quickly to catch the offender you yell out, "Hey!" Ohira, arms snaking around your plump waist already trying to steer you in, calm you down. The man turned around to stare at you blankly, phone in hand. "Maybe you should get off your phone while walking."
"Sorry. Must'n have seen ya."
"How the hell you miss my big ass?"
"Babe," Ohira hissed. The man smirked and agreed. "You're right, how could've I missed someone taking up so much space?" Ohira lengthened to full height booming, "I don't appreciate you talking to my wife like that. I understand that you have your own preferences but disrespecting my wife is unacceptable." The murmurings of the crowd caused the man to feel uncomfortable, his face turning beet red. "Tch." He swiveled around and stomped off. "Are you okay love?"
"You know I coulda handled it."
"Absolutely not. Someone disrespects you they're disrespecting me."
"Okay daddy." You smirked knowing the effect that word alone had on him. Feigning innocence you snaked your arms around Ohira's waist, making sure to press your boobs against the lower part of his chest tightly so that it would push up against him, looking up at him with doe eyes. He groaned when he saw how big your eyes were. "Behave bunny." he warned.
"What are you talking about? I am behaving." You pressed yourself tighter to him pouting, making sure to "adjust" your chest, Ohira's grip on your waist tightening. "Do I need to fuck that attitude out of you bunny? Smirking you answered with, "After we get that damn funnel cake."
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