#sorry i hope for you all that one day I'll stop being excited about this but also i kinda hope for myself i won't
omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
Found another bruise
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
Well, I'm feeling a bit petty lately. So say, Y/N and Eddie is in a relationship but another girl is hitting on him and rubbing it in Y/N's face and she has told Eddie "please, tell this girl off, because it's not fun what she's doing." But Eddie, that has only seen the sweet side of the other girl tells her 'there's nothing you have to worry about', maybe he likes the attention even though he's faithful to Y/N.
So one night when Y/N and Eddie is going to have a date night this girls calls is needs him for whatever reason and Eddie just says "be right back, babe."
And that's where Y/N draw the line. She usually stays at Eddie's and Wayne's but now she packs up her stuff and goes home and when Eddie comes back and gets frantic, she doesn't answer her phone and when he comes to her house to visit she just says: Why aren't you with "other girls name"? She's the one you treat as a girlfriend after all?" and close the door in his face.
And Eddie realizes he has fucked upp for real this time - for real real and maybe even gets a talking to by Wayne.
But it ends happily please?
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻 I tried my best to make it a happy ending and still keeping Eddie at blame.
Who's your girlfriend?
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Y/N and Eddie's relationship never had arguments or disagreements. They worked perfectly together. But lately, a new girl shook things up.
Her name was Maddie, and Y/N hated her. She was a waitress at the hideout. Eddie and Y/N spent most of their time at the hideout, cuddled in their booth. It was something Y/N looked forward to every day, but now it sucked.
Maddie knew Eddie was taken, and she didn't care. She spent most of her shifts flirting with Eddie and it pained Y/N that he never told her to back off.
"Anything else?" Maddie asked, her attention on Eddie.
"We are all set, thank you." Eddie smiled, taking the check from Maddie's hand. She smiled back and walked off.
"Help me with the math?" Eddie asked as he handed Y/N the receipt. Y/N went to calculate a tip when she noticed tiny scribbles in the corner.
"What a bitch!" Y/N snarled, slamming the receipt on the table. "She wrote her fucking phone number."
"So? Ignore it." Eddie shrugged, digging cash out of his wallet.
"Ignore it? Eddie! She flirts with you all the time, and I try to ignore it. But this is straight disrespect. And I think you need to say something." Y/N explained.
"She doesn't mean it, you know waitresses do the most for a tip."
"I think she wants more than just the tip, Eddie," Y/N growled, and she slid out of the booth. Eddie followed after.
"Don't be like that. You know I've only got eyes for you." Eddie said, throwing his arm over her shoulder. But she shrugged him off and crossed her arms. She marched out of the bar, and Eddie tried to keep up.
"You're right, I'm sorry. Next time I'll say something." Eddie promised, grabbing her hand to make her stop.
Y/N sighed and kicked at the rocks in the parking lot.
"You will?" She asked, her sad eyes looking up at him.
"Of course." He said. Y/N let it go, holding his hand as they walked to his van and went home.
Y/N took deep breaths as they walked into the hideout. She was excited to finally see Eddie put Maddie in her place.
They sat down in their booth, no surprise Maddie was ready to serve them immediately. Her eyes stayed on Eddie as he ordered their drinks.
"You got it, handsome." Maddie flirted and then walked off.
Y/N kicked Eddie under the table, giving him a look. Her eyes hinted at Maddie.
"She's a nice girl, baby. Just being friendly." Eddie reassured her, moving closer to wrap his arm around her shoulder.
Y/N rolled her eyes but dropped it. The night was young and there would be plenty of time for Eddie to shut Maddie up. Y/N cuddled into his shoulder. She held the hand that hovered over her shoulder and pecked his jaw.
Maybe them being so cuddled up would help Maddie get the hint.
It didn't
Towards the end of their date, Maddie and Eddie got in a conversation about rock bands. Eddie removed his arm to talk with his hands. Y/N felt like the third wheel as she slurped down her drink.
Y/N was ready to leave. She couldn't sit here and watch them talk like she didn't exist.
"Excuse us, but we are leaving," Y/N said, standing up as she got out of the booth. She didn't care what Eddie had to say, she yanked him out of his spot.
"Oh, um bye!" Maddie rushed out as Y/N dragged Eddie out of the door.
"Well, that was rude." Eddie scoffed
"Rude? What was rude was you two acting like I wasn't even there! What was rude is that you told me you'd tell her off and you sat there like an idiot!" Y/N huffed, letting go of his hand as they made it to the van.
"She wasn't doing anything! We were having a friendly conversation." Eddie defended, starting the van.
"Friendly? Yeah right. I didn't know friendly conversations meant she'd be rubbing your arm and giggling at every fucking word. Trust me, babe. You are not that funny." Y/N said she knew she was being bitchy but she was beyond pissed.
"Why don't we talk about this when you calm down?" Eddie offered, peeling out of the parking lot.
But she never calmed down. She slammed the trailer door behind her as she marched into Eddie's room.
"Baby, come on let's talk" Eddie tried
"Nope. You didn't want to talk in the car so oh well. I am going to bed." She said, stripping out of her clothes and changing into pajamas she always left at Eddie's.
Eddie sighed but got ready for bed as well. He bit his lip as they lay in silence. She refused to cuddle him or let him touch her. She was on her side with her back towards him.
"Look I'm sorry." He said, his hand touched her shoulder but she slapped it away.
"Sorry, my ass. Go to bed." She snapped.
A few minutes passed, and both lay in silence.
Eddie groaned as his phone rang, he slipped out of bed to answer. Y/N turned on the lamp and sat up confused. It was very late for someone to be calling and she was worried that Dustin or someone needed help.
"Yeah, I'll be right there," Eddie said and he hung up.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked, moving to her knees.
"Maddie needs a ride home. I'll be right back." Eddie said he slipped on his pants and his jacket.
"Excuse me?"
"I'll be right back! Just go to sleep, love." Eddie said, leaning down and kissing her forehead.
"Edward Munson, do not go pick up that girl," Y/N growled, her tone was deep and angry. Eddie felt a little nervous as she glared.
"She called me! I can't just leave her at work." Eddie tried to defend.
"Yeah, she can stay at work until her next shift. Or call someone else. I'm sure she's got family and friends." Y/N shrugged. Then it clicked, she had Eddie's number. Y/N's face hardened and Eddie stepped back.
Her feet landed on the floor as her finger stabbed into Eddie's chest. He walked backward until his body hit his wall.
"She has your number, which means you called her! Which means you kept that receipt with her number on it." Y/N seethed. She couldn't believe her boyfriend kept Maddie's number.
"Yes, I did. But it was just as friends!" Eddie tried to defend himself.
"You knew I didn't like that she did that. You knew that I thought it was disrespectful towards our relationship."
"But I don't see it like that! I truly don't see an issue."
"Don't see the issue? I thought I made it clear. She's into you and you are leading her on because you enjoy the attention." Y/N said, her anger turning into a bit of sadness. Her boyfriend was enjoying the attention of someone else.
"I really need to go get her. And we can talk when I get back?" Eddie asked, Y/N stepped back and let him move away from the wall.
She was done talking and she was done listening. She nodded but didn't say a word. She kept her eyes on the floor as Eddie grabbed his keys and left.
Y/N refused to cry, she sniffled and took a deep breath. As she heard the van's engine start, she started to pack. She grabbed the nearest bag she could find and threw everything she had in it. If Maddie wanted Eddie so damn bad, she could have him. It wasn't like Eddie didn't already pick her a thousand times over Y/N anyway.
"You okay, kid?" Y/N looked up from her frantic packing. Wayne stood at Eddie's door with a sad smile.
"Uh yeah. I'm sorry if we woke you up." Y/N apologized, and she zipped up the bag.
"I'm sorry he's an idiot. He's going to realize soon, it takes Eddie a bit to see the real picture." Wayne sighed.
"Yeah well I'm not going to wait for him to see it," Y/N said, she had the bag on her shoulder and walked past Wayne.
"Let me drive you home." Wayne offered, as he grabbed his keys.
Eddie yawned as he finally got back home. It was nearly two am and he was exhausted. He was mentally exhausted by what was behind the door. He didn't want to have to argue with Y/N all over again.
Eddie walked into the trailer, shocked to see Wayne sitting on the couch.
"Why are you awake?" Eddie asked
"Why are you just getting home?" Wayne asked
"A friend needed a ride home." Eddie shrugged, as he took off his shoes and jacket. "But I'll talk to you in the morning. I don't want to keep Y/N waiting."
"She left," Wayne said, a disappointed tone in his voice.
"What? Why?" Eddie asked, he looked into his bedroom and his heart stopped. Half of his room was missing, all her stuff was nowhere to be seen.
"Go find out. And for once, listen to her." Wayne said as he walked back into his own room.
Eddie threw back on his shoes and jacket and headed back out.
He wasn't sure how many laws he broke as he pulled into Y/N's driveway. He climbed up the tree that led him straight to her window. He tapped on the glass, the light was on so he knew she was still awake.
Y/N yanked open her curtains to see Eddie. She rolled her eyes but opened the window.
"What are you doing here?" She sighed, crossed her arms, and blocked him from coming inside.
"You left, of course, I'm going to come get you," Eddie said, she ignored his puppy eyes and kept her ground.
"Right. After you were done with Maddie, right?" Y/N said
"Look Y-" but Y/N cut him off.
"No, Edward. We've talked about it, I've said how I've felt and you don't care. A friendship with Maddie is too important to you. So how about you leave me the fuck alone and go back to the girl you actually treat like a girlfriend. We're done." Y/N snapped, she slammed down her window and closed the curtains. This time she allowed herself to cry, she turned off her light so he couldn't see her shadow. She heard him knocking but she refused. She ignored his cries and pleas, she crawled into bed and allowed herself to cry to sleep.
Eddie paced in the living room all night. He waited for Wayne to wake up because he had no idea what to do. He knew he brushed how Y/N felt, but he thought it was jealousy. He didn't know she'd break up with him over it. He kicked himself for not truly listening and fixing the issue at the start.
Wayne walked out and Eddie ambushed him before he even made it to the hallway.
"She broke up with me. What do I do?" Eddie rushed out, the panic in his voice made him sound shaky.
"I'm sorry, Eddie. But I can't tell you what to do." Wayne said as he walked into the kitchen.
"Wayne, please. I can't let this girl go. If I knew how to fix it, I would have done it last night. I stayed up thinking and thinking but I was scared. What if I fucked up too bad? What if she never wants to be with me again?" Eddie panicked. His hands were in his hair as he yanked in frustration.
"Eddie, that girl told you the problem a thousand times. Listen to what she said, and you'll know what to do. But don't wait, do it now. A girl like that deserves way more than you offered her. I didn't raise you to hurt girls." Wayne lectured as he poured his coffee.
Eddie knew what he needed to do. He raced to Y/N's. Luckily it was a normal time so he could use the front door. He knocked and waited.
Y/N opened the door and went to slam it but Eddie caught it with his foot.
"Please, just give me a second to apologize."
Y/N sighed and opened the door.
"I'm sorry for pushing your feelings aside. I'm sorry for being a dick, and a bad boyfriend. I should have said something to Maddie the first time you felt uncomfortable. I'm sorry for everything and for making you upset. I know I don't deserve it, but I'm going to hate myself forever if I don't try to save this relationship. If I woke up one morning, alone in my thirties, knowing I could have had you right next to me and I didn't try for it. So please," he dropped to his knees and grabbed her hand. "Let me show you I heard you."
Y/N was confused about what it all meant, but she knew she loved Eddie and if there was a way to fix it, she wanted to do it.
"Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Y/N asked. Eddie jumped to his feet and grabbed her hand. He closed her front door and dragged her to his car.
"What are you doing?" She asked, but Eddie just had a big smile on his face.
"Something I should have done a long time ago." He said as he began to drive.
Y/N sat silently as she took in her surroundings. It clicked that they were heading to the hideout.
"Isn't it a little early to drink?" Y/N teased as Eddie pulled up into the parking lot.
"Yes, but that's not why we are here," Eddie said, he got out of the van and opened her door. He grabbed her hand and walked up to the front door, but didn't go in.
"Are we not going in?" Y/N asked
"We are, just need to do something first," Eddie said.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she saw Maddie walk up. She wasn't dressed in uniform so Y/N assumed she wasn't working.
"You wanted to see me?" Maddie asked, nervously looking at Eddie.
Y/N looked confused between both of them.
"Maddie, I am completely in love with Y/N. I know it was wrong of me to feed into your flirting. Even if I only wanted to be friends, I realize now it makes my girl uncomfortable and that's what matters the most. I also know now that your actions towards me were disrespectful to my relationship and whatever you thought was happening, is not happening. I've deleted your number, so I'd like it if you didn't call me ever again and never talked to me again." Eddie said, Y/N tried to hold back her laugh as steam came out of Maddie's ears.
Maddie didn't say anything, she stomped off and mumbled curse words under her breath.
"I know it doesn't fix everything. But I hope it's a start." Eddie said.
"It's definitely a start." Y/N smiled, holding Eddie's hand as they walked into the hideout. She gasped as she saw the whole small bar lit up in fairy lights, their booth had candles and a display of breakfast foods.
"Oh wow."
"Would you join me for a breakfast date?" Eddie asked his hand gestures towards the table.
"Oh absolutely," Y/N smiled as she walked towards their booth.
It was a start in the right direction. Maddie was out of their hair, and fixing their relationship could have all their attention.
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armpirate · 4 months
Temptation || Jungkook
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pairing: JK x fem!reader || Brother's friend
w.c.: 5.2k
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, female masturbation, oral sex (male receiving), public sex, unprotected sex, teasing (Minors DNI! Refrain from reading if you're not +18, and ignore if you don't like this type of content)
Aprox. time of reading: 23 minutes
Summary: When Jungkook left, you were convinced your crush would go away with him. But seeing him after five years not only you discarded the possibility of ever moving on from him, you were determined on having him
The tension when you walked in was so big that Jungkook was barely able to pretend he didn't have his eye on you. When he left, you were a small girl with braces and one particular style to dress. It wasn't like he was much older than you, but the evidence in the phases you were in was evident while he hung out with your brother, and you just watched them from afar. You turned into one hell of a woman, with that little skirt and that half opened shirt tucked in it.
What did he miss, exactly?
You were excited when your brother announced Jungkook was coming back home after almost five years. He had gone abroad to finish his college degree, forcing you to leave him and your growing crush for him on the side for a while -hopeful that one day you'd get over it after meeting the right guy. With time, you managed to forget about him, except for the times Cameron mentioned him, with you just wondering how Jungkook was probably doing with life.
And you could see he was doing quite well. He turned from that slim cute boy you had a crush on, to a sexy tattooed man that would make your knees go weak if he made the simple attempt to speak to you.
Cameron had warned him when he was aware of the way he stared at you days back, when you first saw each other. Reminding him you were forbidden, and if he ever crossed the line with you he'd be dead. Jungkook thought it'd be easy to resist you, it had to be as simple as trying to keep some distance, having the same attitude he had towards you before he ever thought of leaving back to Korea for a few years.
But now you were in his place, walking in shyly with drenched clothes and wet hair, as you hugged yourself and got used to the warm environment his new house was. He mentioned where he lived in that dinner he had with Cameron and your parents, although he never thought it'd be as dangerous to have you showing up at his door with lost puppy eyes and a shaky voice.
"Sorry to be showing up so late" you whispered, apologizing again. "This was the nearest place to where my car stopped working, and I lost my phone…".
Jungkook simply shrugged, shaking his head before he made his way past you "It's alright. I wasn't doing anything, anyway".
He had to move in front of you to be able to feel some shame if he ever tried to look down at your exposed thighs, and imagined what you were hiding underneath that skirt. You were biting your lower lip, subtly trapping it under your teeth, when his eyes moved back up.
"Do you have a towel or something I could use to dry myself? I'm so wet right now" your voice had a tone he wasn't able to decipher, but that was certainly doing things to him, as you started taking off that black shirt, being covered only by that white tank top that allowed him to see much more than he could've dreamt off, gulping thick at the sight of the different lines that formed your bra.
Jungkook saw that as the best chance to escape, snapping his fingers at your idea "I'll bring you some clothes".
You took one look around, not moving from the spot in front of the coffee table because you didn't want to make a bigger mess all over the floor by the water that kept dripping from your pleated skirt.
While he looked for comfy clothes for you, he tried to think what would be the best way to deal with the little problem that was waiting for him in his living room. Because you were a problem. A big one, actually.
Jungkook sighed, stepping out of his room just to find you in the exact same place he left you. And when you gave him that innocent look as soon as you were aware of his presence, he knew he was in big trouble. He didn't know if it was all in his head, or if you were too good at pretending. but his mind kept glitching whenever he thought of a nice way to kick you out of there for his own sake.
As he handed you his clothes, so you could go to the bathroom to get changed, he didn't expect your skirt to be sliding down your thighs, followed by that white top. He scanned your body, admiring those tempting curves, and almost choking on his spit when he saw that long tattoo crossing your spine when you turned to pick all the wet clothes and hand it to him.
"Never seen a woman in your life?" you teased, putting on those baggy gray sweatpants and an oversized black t-shirt. "It's no different from a bikini".
He wanted to clap back, telling you that indeed it was quite different from a bikini, especially when it came to his best friend's little sister, but he bit his tongue, conscious that he'd end up entering a game he wasn't sure he'd win".
"I'll put these in the dryer" Jungkook simply announced, escaping again and hiding behind four different walls so he wouldn't be poisoned by the same air you were breathing.
"How was it in Korea?" you asked, freely walking around his living room.
"It was good" Jungkook answered. "It was nice to go back to my roots and see some of my family and friends".
You remembered the first time Cameron took him home in sixth grade, cheering how he made a new friend and announcing to everyone in the house how he was new in the city because he came from a different country. Since then, they were inseparable, making his visits more frequent with each passing day, making him someone that was almost part of your family , while Cameron was almost part of his, after just a few months into the friendship.
"You missed me?" you asked, tilting your head when he was back in front of you.
"I missed everyone, of course" Jungkook nodded.
You simply smiled at that answer, aware of how he was trying to treat you as everyone else, shifting your gaze from him as you made your way to his couch. Jungkook had picked the clothes that would look bigger on you, in a desperate attempt to make you less tempting than you were, but it was useless when your aura spoke louder than your looks or words.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing" you giggled.
"You did miss me?" he wanted to know, stepping towards you.
"Of course".
"Of course?" he repeated, sitting next to you on the couch.
"Of course" you nodded, "I was so used to seeing you, and suddenly you were gone" Jungkook's eyes were looking at you attentively, hypnotized by the way your lips moved as you spoke. "You also promised me a kiss, and you were gone before you could carry out that promise".
He scoffed at the mention of that. He thought you'd have forgotten about that after so long, he actually did until you mentioned it. Jungkook always thought you were just playing when you first told him that, with that nervous pout on your lips, before he played along and told you he'd be your first kiss if you didn't find anyone special when you turned twenty.
"I bet you've already kissed some guys that could make up for that".
And for a second, Jungkook thought life was so cruel, because how was it that he wasn't the first one to kiss those soft and tender lips, that would be able to take him to heaven?
"They still weren't you though" your lips pursed with that answer, as you leaned closer to him.
"Y/n…" he warned you, barely moving back. "Your brother will kill me if he ever knows".
"That's the thing: he won't know" you replied, leaning over again. "It'll be just one kiss" your eyes moved down to his lips just when he moved his tongue over them to wet them ", one tiny little kiss" you assured him, speaking lower.
You dreamt of this many times when you were younger, yet it still went above your expectations when you sucked on his plumped lower lip softly. He tasted spicy, with a mix of beer, but so addictive you were sure you could go on for hours stuck to him. Jungkook moved his lips on yours shyly at first, barely sucking on your upper lip as you focused on the bottom. After faking to move away, you felt pride flooding your chest when his fingers hooked on the side of your neck, keeping you in place to kiss you deeper.
He was trapped in your charms, Jungkook just wanted more of you when that little friction gave goosebumps all over his body. Your tongue felt warm when you licked on his lip rings, slowly sliding it through his lips to meet his. His hands automatically moved to your waist, pulling you closer to his body, while you just made a mess on his hair, gripping and playing with his locks while his head just went in circles in flow with the intensity of your kiss.
"You kiss so good" he praised you, in between kisses, "So fucking good you're making me lose my mind".
Jungkook pulled from your lower lip with his teeth, making you giggle to hide the fact that every bit of skin in your body was burning for him. Half of his body was caging you between him and the couch, as he had you resting your back against the backrest to dig deeper in your mouth.
Suddenly he moved back, looking at you as if he were finally conscious of what he was about to do, with a shaky breath that only gave away the state you put him in with barely any effort.
"This can't happen again" he shook his head.
"Why? Because of my brother?" you scoffed, joking about it until you were of the concerned look he was dedicating you.
"You're also like a little sister to me. This isn't okay, and I don't want you to get the wrong idea".
His words hurt more than they should have, feeling like all the steps you had advanced were only a vision. You simply nodded, trying hard to keep that knot in your throat as it was, just to avoid showing off how much it hurted you being hit by reality.
"I'll prepare a room so you can sleep there tonight. I'll take a look at your car tomorrow morning, and drive you home" he informed you.
Neither of you knew those would be the last words that would be exchanged between you that night, making the environment somehow heavier than when all that sexual tension was floating between you two.
You barely spoke the next morning either, only exchanging some random words whenever he mentioned he'd drop you off at your place. You didn't expect him to mention anything about what happened last night, but trying to act like it actually didn't happen disappointed you. It genuinely made you believe it all was a mistake for him, and his responses to your kiss were automatic until he got out of that blinding cloud and met with reality.
As you made your way to your car, he heard you insisting on how you'd be fine by yourself, and how you'd get somebody else to help you, but he wouldn't leave you dealing with all of that by yourself when he could be of help. Jungkook slid the key inside the contact, thinking it'd be a waste of time until he felt the engine getting started and the whole car roaring in response. He also managed to see your phone strategically hidden behind the gear level, so it wouldn't be seen from outside.
Realization hit him, remembering how you got to his place through the rain, for no other reason than just seeing him. Because you knew exactly what you were doing and what you wanted from him.
"So you lost your phone…" he mumbled, raising his eyebrow before he looked at you.
"I couldn't find it last night… My bad".
"And the car also happened to magically start working the morning after?" Jungkook didn't know where he wanted to get to with all of those accusations,
"Miracles happen" you simply shrugged.
"Y/n, this is not a game".
"No, it's not" you crossed your arms over your chest. "You made it clear yesterday".
When you looked at him again, Jungkook was able to read through some of the disappointment you allowed to communicate through your eyes.
"You already saw everything's okay, so you can go" you tried to tell him, but you should've known Jungkook was the biggest stubborn person you had ever known, even bigger than your brother.
"I'll drive you home" he mentioned, determined to drive your car.
"No, get out of my car" you replied almost instantly, with no strength to argue with him.
"Jungkook, get out of my car" you repeated slowly, emphasizing on each word. "Surprising or not, the little girl can drive".
"Fine" he sighed, stepping out and closing the door while you moved from one place to the other. "Can you let me know when you get home?".
"Ask Cameron if you want to know".
You didn't exchange any other words with him, closing the door as you forced him to move aside before you drove away from there.
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Going to your place was even harder after that night. Every time he saw you, he automatically remembered the way your lips tasted, feeling the peach flavor of your gloss on his tongue every single time. But what made it harder was the indifference that came from you whenever you saw him, cordial enough not to be rude in front of your brother, but distant enough to let Jungkook know that that mistake wouldn't happen again.
And you carried on with that promise.
One of the nights he stayed at your place, because the game night with Cameron finished way too late, he was unlucky enough to see you. He had left your brother's room to get a glass of water, when the subtle click of the main door caught his attention and made him step outside of the kitchen.
You weren't surprised when he came out of the room. The fact that the lights were turned on, being the only thing lighting part of the living room, gave away that there clearly was someone inside, you just didn't expect that it would be Jungkook.
That red dress you were wearing, revealing a bit of your cleavage, and a good amount of your back, seemed like was worn on purpose to torture him, as if you knew he'd end up spending the night there and casually find you as you sneaked to your room.
"A bit late, don't you think?" he teased you, giving a sip to his glass.
You scoffed, slowly making your way to him "As if that were any of your business".
You tried to make your way past him, but his hand enclosed around your wrist before you were able to. Jungkook dragged you inside the kitchen, carefully making you rest your back against the cold tires on the wall. After leaving the glass over the counter, and still keeping you in place with a hand on your waist, you felt his fingers making your skin tickle as he advanced through your collarbone, moving your hair back just to be able to see that purple mark on your neck.
"Someone had fun" he whispered.
"Well, clearly my hair isn't a mess because of the wind" you replied back, trying to move away from him.
His heart sank to his stomach at the image of you being pleased by someone else, being more twisted in his head as he imagined you looking straight at him as some guy without a face pounded into you the way he had been thinking of doing ever since you showed up at his place.
"Can you let me go now? I don't want my parents to see me like this" you asked.
But Jungkook stayed there, still, moving his thumb from the mark on your neck up to your chin, stopping at the line of your lower lip. His eyes were filled with all the filthy thoughts going through his head at that moment, and all the several ways he wanted to let you know it didn't matter how hard you tried to get him out of your head, you would not succeed with that. You trapped him, and he wouldn't let you get away with it so easily.
"What? Are you going to fuck me to have me back at running after you?" you challenged.
"You think that fucking someone else will make you stop to?" Jungkook asked back, tilting his head.
"So ignoring you for a few days, and seeing other guys is what took you to forget your morals" you hummed, nodding as your arms wrapped around his shoulders. "Talk to me tomorrow morning when you don't feel heated up at the thought of me fucking someone else" you managed to move between his body and the wall.
Jungkook was almost going to run behind you, until Cameron's steps and sleepy voice were heard making their way to the kitchen "We're not done" he guaranteed.
"Up to you, you know that" you simply shrugged. "Good night, unibrow" you smiled, walking past your brother as you started your way to your bedroom.
"What were you talking about?" Cameron asked, confused.
Jungkook shook his head, giving one last gulp to his glass of water "Nothing. She just arrived now, and didn't want your parents to know".
"This girl" Cameron rolled his eyes "One day he'll give them both a heart attack".
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Jungkook stopped the car in front of your gym, waiting for you while his hand rested over the wheel. Your parents and his parents had planned a dinner at one of the restaurants you frequented the most out of the city, for no particular reason -at least that you knew off. It was something quite usual before Jungkook left -and it actually kept happening after he was in Korea. You all reunited whenever there was a big event, like when Cameron graduated college, or when you managed to get the higher grade in one of your projects during the second year of your degree. The first plan was that Cameron would pick you up at the gym, and you two would go together to the restaurant. But after being called last minute into his office, he asked Jungkook to give you that ride instead.
It wasn't like neither of you would complain about that.
Or maybe Jungkook would. Gulping thick when he was aware of the way the skirt of your dress danced over your thighs with every step you took. And it wasn't any better when you hopped inside the car, with your dress raising a little bit further than the middle of your thighs as you sat down next to him.
"That smartass" you mumbled, buckling your seatbelt. "He probably is stuck in one of those dumb videogames, and won't leave the house until he makes it".
He snorted at your comment, knowing Cameron well enough to think that you were probably right "Isn't it better for you though? I picked you up instead".
Your eyes squinted, turning to him when you heard that comment from him. Not like you were complaining, but after he tried to dodge you the past few weeks, it just felt off.
"How was the gym?" he asked out of nowhere.
"Awful, it was leg day. I thought I'd die there" you commented, throwing your head back.
Jungkook smirked, thinking that no one would've been able to tell she was feeling sore by the way she strutted to his car.
"I know that feeling" he finally nodded.
He was a lover of pushing his body to the limit on every training he did, so he found it easy to sympathize with your pain, scoffing at your expression.
"Maybe a little massage later would make you feel better" he mentioned, glancing quickly at you.
You scoffed, looking through the window "Are you offering to give me a massage?" Jungkook didn't answer, he just giggled at your question, causing his eyes to squint in consequence. "What's up with you?" you questioned, looking at him.
"I was just messing around" he said.
Your tongue clicked at that answer. Disappointed when he reduced it all to a playful answer, when he knew it was way deeper than that.
Jungkook had tried to ignore it, but the grip you had on him ever since you kissed that first time on his couch was something he wasn't ready for. He was already attracted to you when he first saw you after coming back, but he didn't expect you to move so sneakily to him until you made sure he was on that same stage you were in. Jungkook went from barely being aware of your presence to thinking about you all the time, even if he was doing something that had nothing to do with you.
"So, about the conversation we had in the kitchen a few weeks ago…" you started.
"I shouldn't have done that" he shook his head. "I don't know why I did that, but you were right. It's none of my business".
You were tired of the same answer over and over again, repeating it like a broken record that had no other explanation to his actions than that same old excuse.
"So you weren't jealous?" you raised your feet to the dashboard in front of you. "And you don't want me?".
"We already had this conversation" Jungkook rolled his eyes, tightening his grip over the wheel when the skirt of your dress lowered even more. "I can't see you as much more than Cameron's sister".
"Hmm" you hummed, nodding slowly.
For one second, Jungkook thought that you'd finally move on from it, and help him get over you in the process. The more you insisted, the more tempted he felt to betray his friend and give in to your enchant.
"You'll be made out of steel whatever happens? You won't give in?" you asked, intense eyes looking at him while he just made everything in his hand to avoid looking at you.
Jungkook knew those words meant no good, but he didn't know they'd be followed by an action right after. Through the corner of his eyes, he saw you sneaking your hands under your skirt, and almost choked on his own spit when you slid your panties down your legs.
"We'll get in trouble" he warned you, but he was also warning himself.
But the only thing you noticed in that sentence was the fact that he didn't throw a negative response, but a warning of the consequences to your actions, and that made your core palpitate with hope.
For one second, the spontaneous fantasy of you touching yourself next to him was closer to turn into a reality. But you took him by surprise when you took his right hand instead, moving the tip of your fingers over his tattooed knuckles, giving him shiverings at the simple and soft touch.
Jungkook moved nervously on his seat when his fingerprints met with warmth of your pussy, feeling slick when you moved his fingers down your slit. "See how wet you make me?" The veins on his left arm were more marked as he tightened his grip on the wheel, feeling your tight walls hugging two of his fingers so perfectly he thought he'd faint at the idea of how his cock would feel in the place. He still allowed you to go on, controlling the moves of his fingers to finger fuck yourself so slowly he felt frustrated.
A surprised moan escaped your lips when his fingers suddenly curved, still not moving his hand, but helping you rub against that spongy area that had you spreading your legs a bit more.
"Shit, Y/n, you're so tight" he groaned. "How are you even going to take my cock?".
"I can deal with everything I propose".
Jungkook just wanted to wash that confidence away, finally moving his fingers up and down, stroking your insides just like you were asking for, as he rubbed his palm against your clit with every move. In a matter of seconds, he had you whimpering, gripping on the sleeve of his shirt and arching your back as if it were going to dismantle.
His bulge was fighting against the zip, begging to find its way out with every clench of your pussy around his fingers. And you were aware, palming him over the black jeans and unbuckling his belt and moving down the zip. You fought with your own belt, ending up unbuckling it just to lend over his lap. Jungkook, forced to take his fingers out of you at the change of position, rubbed the flesh of your ass, alternating his eyes from the road to the way your hands worked on his boxers to set him free.
"Suck my cock, princess" he hissed, involuntarily moving his hips up.
His fingers dented on your skin when you took him in almost entirely with no previous warning, enclosing your lips around his length before you pulled him out. He tasted exactly like you imagined, a bit salty, yet with the freshness of his soap. You felt so warm, sucking onto him like you were made for it, almost having him cursing at himself for ever rejecting you in the first place. His hips moved up against your mouth whenever he felt you moved back, not wanting to let go of you ever again, even if your hand was still holding his base and your lips were closed tight around his tip.
Not only were you good at driving him insane, you were also one hell of a tease. Every few seconds, you'd just poke the tip against your cheek, taking it out to give it a few kitten licks before you were back bombing your head up and down.
"Do you like what you caused?" he asked, squeezing your ass cheek.
You felt the engine roaring after his moan, sensing the car going a little bit faster, while he tried to focus on the road, managing to see through his half closed eyelids. It was such a hot vision for you, the way you were taking that man near the edge after so many years waiting for him. It was better than your wettest fantasies.
He smirked down at you, moving your head aside, when some sound interrupted the music that was playing on his radio. Noticing the picture of his friend popping up on the screen, he motioned you to keep it as quiet as possible before he answered the call.
"Where are you?" you heard the voice of your brother through the speakers.
"We're on our way there, but we're stuck in traffic" looking down at you, he gave you a sided smile. "We might be a little late".
Answering to that smile that hinted at everything but good things, you lowered your head back again, taking his cock inch by inch slowly, stopping right before it reached your throat so you wouldn't gag.
"Is Y/n with you?" you exchanged looks, although you weren't able to hold it for long because your eyes went blank as soon as his fingers slid inside you again.
"She fell asleep. She was too tired after the training. But yeah, I'm taking good care of her. Don't worry".
His fingers kept digging in your wet hole, making it almost impossible for you to hold back the moans that you were dying to let out and that ended up being drowned by his cock as soon as he hung up the call.
"Who would've thought? You sounded like a good boy" you teased him.
"I am, you just corrupt me" he replied back.
You didn't think it would last until you reached the parking lot of the restaurant, but the motion of the car parking made you raise your head from his lap. You cleaned the drool that dripped from your lips, feeling frustrated when you thought that meant you'd end up hanging over the edge -although that wasn't on Jungkook's plans.
Before you were able to say a word, he cupped your cheeks, pulling you for a wild kiss that had you almost losing balance -even if you were sitting. You were surprised when your seat suddenly moved back, followed by the backrest being slightly bent over.
Jungkook parked the car far enough from the entrance so you wouldn't be spotted, in case any of your parents or Cameron decided to step outside to wait for you. After everything that happened that evening, he wouldn't be able to behave properly on the dinner if he didn't fuck you first.
His knees were placed almost at the edge of your seat, as he folded your body like you were made of paper, moving your legs up until your ankles were hanging on his shoulders. Your hips moved up at the slight rub of his tip against your swollen clit, eager to feel more of him.
"I'll fuck you, don't look at me like that" he giggled, feeling a bit endeared by the way your eyes shined with needyness.
Your expression changed fast. Your playful smile slowly disappeared, as your frown furrowed when he moved his hips forward, stretching you out inch by inch until he was completely inside. Both of you sighed in relief when you were finally connected, with your gazes meeting up -Jungkook's to ask for your permission to move, and yours to give him the green light.
Jungkook wasn't rough or careless, and he also wasn't as shy and slow as you ever thought he'd be. He was impactful. He moved in a way that made your toes curl in your sneakers everytime your pelvis met, finding the right angle after just a few thrusts. He wasn't harsh or timid, he was well mastered. He knew how to fuck you right to have you whimpering low, fighting to control your tone, but also desperate to reach your orgasm.
"Did that other guy fuck you this good?" he groaned. "Princess, no one in your life will ever fuck you like this. You're mine now". His words send an electric shock straight to your core, clenching tight around him when those words left his mouth.
He leaned a bit more, keeping the pace of his movements, just to be closer to your face, making it even more difficult to handle when his eyes trapped yours and you weren't able to escape them. You felt so vulnerable and exposed all of a sudden, it was the last thing you needed to release yourself.
Jungkook knew he wouldn't be able to move on from you after the way you gripped so tight around him, milking him through his orgasm. His dick twitched and throbbed deep inside you, spilling his seed as you took every single drop of his.
You both just giggled, looking at each other, unable to hold back how bad you wanted to kiss after everything you had done in that car in less than thirty minutes.
After cleaning yourselves up and the car, you both made sure you didn't look like you had just fucked in the car on your way there, stopping midway to fix his bangs or some of the wrinkles that formed on your skirt after being folded that way.
"Don't think I'm done with you though" he whispered, squeezing the side of your waist before you entered the restaurant to meet everyone.
Taglist: @ttanniett
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supernovafics · 3 months
Super random silly idea but for the I’ll be there for you universe I was thinking it would be so cute if reader and Steve chaperoned one of the kids school dances and got all dressed up for it :)
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.2k words
warnings: explicit language, fluff
summary: in which you and steve help chaperone a school dance for the kids
author's note: loved this request idea! thank you thank you !!
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Spring 1986
Dustin suggested the idea only days before the dance, and even with the short notice you were still agreeing. And you were forcing Steve to agree too, even though he actually didn’t need that much convincing. 
You both thought that seeing all of the kids get dressed up and go to a school dance would be adorable, and chaperoning along with a handful of teachers and a few parents didn’t sound too bad. 
In the beginning of the night you were designated to punchbowl duty, and you and Steve stayed together until he was being pulled away to help fix a decoration that had fallen, and then he got roped into doing a bunch of other things. When you saw him helping the gym teacher move a table, your eyes met his and you gave him a sorry but encouraging smile. 
As the night started winding down, the punchbowl became empty— and since there was only an hour left of the dance, it would not be getting refilled— and you decided to simply linger on the sidelines, listening to the unfamiliar sounding pop songs and watching random kids have what looked like a good time dancing and talking. And then your gaze focused on the group of teens that you knew and loved; Will was talking animatedly about something and everyone else was smiling and laughing at whatever he was saying. 
You felt a pair of arms circle around you from behind, a touch that you immediately recognized as Steve’s. The feel of his warmth enveloping you in the simple embrace was entirely familiar and never failed to comfort you. 
“Hi,” He murmured in your ear. 
“Hi,” You said as you instinctually leaned into his touch. The heels you were wearing to match the formless of the night made it easy for him to lean his chin against your shoulder. “Glad to see that you’ve finally managed to get away from moving tables and fixing the ‘Spring Fling’ sign.” 
“I was almost forced to help fix one of the chairs that broke, but I made up an excuse about needing to use the bathroom, and I hope that he just does it without me or forgets about it.”
“Only one more hour until we can leave.” 
“And I can’t wait,” He told you and then his mouth was brushing right against your ear as he quietly said his next statement. “Mainly because I’m really excited to pull this dress off of you.”
His words sent something equivalent to a shiver down your spine and at first all you could do was smile shyly. 
From the second you were exiting your bedroom and Steve was seeing you for the first time that night, he was admiring and complimenting what you were wearing; a short sleeve cream-colored dress that subtly flared out at your waist and ended just a few inches above your knee. I need to get you out of this immediately, were his first words to you, and it was a demand that you wouldn’t have minded abiding by if you two weren’t already running late to the dance, so you instead quickly shut it down. 
“Shh, stop,” You whispered to him now, attempting to make your voice sound as serious as possible. “Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself for now, Harrington.”
He laughed at that and only pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head in response. 
The pop song that was playing switched to a slow one and everyone on the basketball court designated dance floor started pairing off. You smiled when you noticed Mike and El, and Lucas and Max joining the other pairs.
“They look really cute out there,” You said, leaning further into Steve and tilting your head to let it rest against his. “Reminds me of when we slow danced at our proms.” 
“Thinking about it now, it probably should’ve been so obvious that we were into each other then.”
You nodded and laughed a bit. “Very.”
Steve’s arms dropped from your waist and he instead grabbed one of your hands, and turned you so that you were facing him. “Come on, let’s walk around for a bit.”
You teasingly smiled up at him. “We’re supposed to be watching everyone. Y’know, chaperoning.”
“No one will notice if we’re gone for a few minutes,” He was already leading you out of the gym and you let him. 
Hand in hand, you two walked down one of the empty hallways, they were unfamiliar to you but the opposite to him. You could count on one hand how many times you had roamed the halls of Hawkins High School; each time it had mainly been to find a bathroom during one of Steve’s basketball games or swim meets. 
“Where was your locker?” You asked him, suddenly very curious about the mundane fact that you didn’t know the answer to.
Steve laughed a bit. “What?”
“Where was it? I’m just realizing that I don’t know that.”
“We went to different schools, so it makes sense why we wouldn’t know that about each other,” He said, but then still decided to answer your question. He turned a corner and led you down a different hallway, and then pointed to the clump of lockers at the end. “Mine was at the end.”
“What number?”
“Okay,” You nodded thoughtfully. “Got it.” 
Steve was simply smiling amusingly at you, and you knew that he probably thought you were at least a little bit insane for being so interested in this random fact. 
“What? This is important information to know just in case I ever have to give a speech about you or something,” You told him. “I’ll be able to say, Steve Harrington was a great best friend and awesome boyfriend. He had locker 224 for all four years of high school.”   
He laughed a little before leaning in to kiss you. It was quick and you were smiling into it and then up at him when he pulled back. 
“What was yours?” 
He nodded. “Okay, I’ll include that in my speech for you too.”
“Good,” You joked. “Actually, this information might be wedding vow material.” 
“Very, very true,” He responded, playfully smiling at you. 
Lightheartedly talking about the future— an inevitable engagement, wedding, marriage, etc.— had easily become a part of your and Steve’s banter. It was always spoken about jokingly, but it also felt obvious that neither of you entirely saw it as a joke. Because it did feel the tiniest bit real that eventually, one day, you two would get to that point— to the point of marriage, kids, and a kind of seriousness that warmed your heart and made you feel entirely at ease. You could so easily see yourself having that sort of life with Steve, and in some ways you already did have it. 
You gave his hand a light squeeze, and let that simple action say what you wouldn’t right then because you didn’t want to get super sentimental; although Steve always loved when you did and would only playfully make fun of you for doing so. He squeezed your hand back and then pulled your intertwined palms up to press a soft kiss to the back of yours, silently telling you that he understood you and your heart squeezed in response. 
Steve led you toward a random door at the end of a different hallway, and then he was letting go of your hand to pull the door open and let you in first. It was dark for the most part— the only light was coming from the bright streetlights that could be seen out the large windows— and neither of you made any attempt to find the light switch. You quickly noticed the many, many bookshelves and tables neatly scattered around the huge room. 
“The library?” You asked, turning to lean back against one of the empty tables and giving him an amused smile. “You wanna study, Steven?” 
He was quickly closing most of the distance between you two and his hands found your hips. “Nope, no studying.”  
“Okay,” You simply nodded and then easily pushed up onto the table. Steve immediately moved closer and settled between your now parted legs, which made you inwardly smile at his eagerness.
Your arms came up to loosely circle his neck and you were looking up at him for just the briefest of seconds before his mouth was hurriedly finding yours and your eyes were slipping shut. You were reminded of the first time this had ever happened, back in your bed at the cabin in Colorado, and you also thought about the second time, at home in the kitchen. Actually, anytime you kissed Steve like this you were reminded of those moments— the certainty you both felt, but there was still such a newness to it all. You adored that feeling, and you especially loved how it would always settle into something so comforting and familiar after only a few moments.
You were pulling away when you needed to catch your breath. Your eyes were still closed but you knew Steve well enough to know that his mouth would immediately find your neck, kissing your skin and teasingly sucking the sensitive spot right at the underside of your jaw. Any other time, you would've happily let him do it; in fact, you probably would’ve begged for it. But in this moment, your hands found his chest and stopped him because you didn’t want to get stuck with a hickey that you would have no way of covering up for the next hour. 
Steve laughed as he pressed a kiss against the side of your mouth. “I wouldn’t have left one this time. I promise.”
“I love you, but I don’t believe that.” 
He jokingly shook his head in disbelief and let out a playful scoff. “We’ve known each other for almost ten years, where’s the trust?”
You only shrugged in response and had to bite your lip to hold back the laugh that you wanted to let out. Steve easily read through the half-hearted shrug and instead of keeping the little game going, he poked your side, which did make you laugh. 
Him smiling at your laughter and the fond look on his face right then reminded you of an older time, a different time when he was obsessed with doing anything to make you laugh and you loved to do the same for him. A sort of competition formed during the summer before your Sophomore year of high school where you two kept count about how much you made the other person laugh. After barely a week, accurately keeping score became much harder than you both thought it would be so you two decided to end the game by simply calling it a tie— although Steve loved to say that it was him who, in fact, won. 
Abruptly thinking back to that memory and then being brought back to this moment also made you think of something else.
“Hey… Do you ever think that it was dumb of us to not start dating sooner?” Your gaze held his as the question left your lips. You weren’t entirely sure why it was on your mind right then. Maybe it was being in his old high school and peeking back into that life that made you feel a mix of nostalgic and a bit regretful. “Like, we could’ve been happier sooner or whatever if we realized years ago…” 
Steve shook his head first before pressing the softest kiss against your forehead. “I’ve thought about that too, but I honestly think it was meant to happen this way.”
You found yourself agreeing with the simplicity of his response. It was supposed to happen exactly like this— slowly, years and years worth of obliviousness and internal denials, and then it hitting you both so suddenly, all at once, and finally not wanting to shy away from it. 
“You’re right,” You told him and didn’t give him a chance to potentially say anything in response before you were pulling him back toward you and meeting his lips halfway. 
He squeezed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the table, keeping you impossibly close and you didn’t mind that at all, your own fingers hooked in the belt loops of his black pants in attempts to keep him close to you too. You even let his lips find your neck after a moment and trusted him that no hickeys would be left in his wake. Your fingers were itching to slowly unbutton the white shirt he was wearing or to let his hands loosen their grip on your hips and slip beneath your dress that now sat dangerously high on your thighs. You were really close to throwing rational thinking out of the window and letting both of those things happen, but you knew that you couldn’t. 
“We should probably head back to the gym,” You mumbled when minutes that only felt like seconds passed. You decided to let the logical side of your brain finally take over. “Before anyone notices we’re gone. Especially the kids. They’d have a field day with this one.”
Steve pulled away from your neck, lightly chuckling against your skin, and nodded. You fought the urge to simply bring his mouth back to yours in another languid and heart pounding kiss that would once again make you feel weak in the knees. 
“You’re right,” His hand was finding yours and lacing your fingers together and then he gave you a tiny hint of a smirk. “I really can’t wait to go home.”
You nodded immediately and smiled up at him. “Me too.”
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let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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hannieehaee · 11 days
sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell, I hope you’re starting to feel much better and congrats on the milestone!!
I’d love to request a fic where both junhui and oc are on separate work trips, missing eachother not being able to talk much, arrive home separately on the same day and have the most super intense and passionate fucking EVER bc they missed each other ever so much :’))))
thank you thank you for your beautiful writing!!
18+ / mdi
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content: bf!jun, softdom!jun, afab reader, smut, reunion sex, penetrative sex, dry humping, etc.
wc: 1734
a/n: thank u so much for ur concern im feeling way better now c: and thanks for requesting!! i hope u enjoy<3
"okay, so you're getting home at 5, right? please tell me there's been no change of plans, fuck, i'll go crazy if-"
"jun! yes! i'm getting home at 5. nothing has changed. i'll see you today at 5, okay, babe? stop overthinking it," you reassured your boyfriend before he could go on yet another rant about how badly he missed you.
throughout the past three weeks, you and your boyfriend had had a bit of trouble aligning your schedules. he had left on a work trip about twenty days ago all while you left on your own trip two weeks after that. having returned home a few days ago, he was bummed to realize that he'd be coming back to an empty home as you finished up your own work.
finally, after far too many days away from one another, your schedules aligned. after three grueling weeks in separation, your return was set for today, with a ride already booked to bring you home at around five in the afternoon. jun had only been home alone for two days, but he had been itching to see you for far too long already.
it was uncommon for the two of you to spend so much time away from each other. work trips were not usual for either of your work schedules, so such a sudden and prolonged separation had thrown you completely off guard.
jun had taken the brunt of it, constantly spamming you with texts and calls detailing how much he missed you – and which parts of you he missed the most.
your boyfriend was not shy to express his desire for you even through the distance. although he missed the softer and less explicit parts of your presence, he was a little extra vocal about the carnal ways in which he yearned for you these past few weeks. calling you for phone sex became a common occurrence only a few days into your separation, as jun would call you every other day with his dick already in hand.
every single one of these calls would be accompanied by hints at all the things he would do to you the moment you were back together, leading you to becoming just as pent up as jun clearly was.
unsure, yet excited for what was to come when you finally arrived home, you prepared yourself the best you could to finally be dicked down by your boyfriend. you were practically vibrating with anticipation by now.
"okay, fuck, sorry," he apologized, "i'm just so excited to see you."
"i know, baby. me too," you reassured.
"don't even knock when you get here. i'll leave the door open. just run to the bedroom. i don't think i'll be able to waste even one second without touching you," he rambled on, completely serious too.
you chuckled, "okay, junnie. i'll be ready for you to tackle me with your dick."
"you think it's a joke, but i will!"
"baby? are you in the room? i'm hom- hmph!"
despite the lighthearted discussion you'd had about your return, you assumed jun had been exaggerating a bit. you expected a soft welcome accompanied by a hug and maybe a kiss before being ultimately led to bed to get the dick you'd been thirsting after for weeks. jun had different plans, though.
the moment you walked in, jun jumped you, running out of the room and meeting you as you'd barely crossed the door to your apartment. interrupting your inquiries for his location, he locked your lips in a kiss, forcing your bag off your shoulder with rushed hands and walking back into your room as he held onto your hips for guidance.
there were no thoughts in your head as you followed along, kissing him back just as passionately as he did you, putting everything in the kiss; everything you'd been holding back these past weeks. in a similar fashion, jun moaned and groaned into your lips, gaining pleasure from the mere contact with you.
clearly pent up and with a heightened sense of need for you, he continued to whimper and moan as he felt you up, hands liberal in their touches of your ass and tits.
"missed you so much, fuck. feel so soft ... so pretty and good for me," he breathed out as his lips trailed down your neck.
his hands went straight to your clothing, attempting to rip it off after a mere five minutes of kissing, quickly becoming frustrated by the lack of skin to skin contact.
"need to get this shit off you. been thinking about your body for weeks," he huffed, throwing off your shirt and clipping off your bra, "seeing it through a screen isnt enough."
he was a mess as he took off your clothes, but eventually got the job done, pushing you lightly onto the bee before doing quick work of his own clothes as he stared down at your bare body with a look in his eyes that could only be described as immense desire.
"junnie, hurry the fuck up!", you rushed him despite how accelerated he already was. you couldnt help yourself when he looked so good as he stripped down for you. his eyes only gave you indication of how good you were about to be fucked – how could you resist in riling him up a bit more?
huffing again, he basically toppled you over, making you lay flat against the bed as he climbed over you. immediately reconnecting your lips, he began to aggressively make out with you once more, hands groping at every inch they could reach. both your hips were uncontrollable, messily humping into each other in search of some sort of friction.
"baby, need you so fucking bad," he breathed against your lips, "gonna fuck you so good. been thinking about it every night," he mumbled into your skin as his lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of red marks and saliva behind.
"then fuck me already," you whined with grabby hands digging into his back, pulling his hips against your own by your legs.
with a rush, he reached into the bedside table, hands bumping into the table a few times before finally making it to the drawer and pulling out a long line of condoms.
"oh? you have a big night planned?", you snickered at the sight.
"shut up," he rolled his eyes with a laugh, getting up to rip off the condom and put it on.
in the meantime, you flipped yourself over, getting on all fours and arching your back for him with the knowledge of how pent up and desperate he was. the sight was usually able to flip a switch in his mind, making him lose all composure and fuck you senseless. today was no different.
upon realizing your change in position, he groaned deep in his chest, rushing to press himself up against you and grabbing harshly onto your hips to push them up into his cock. with no further warning, he eased his way into you, slow in his entrance but accelerating the moment you nodded back at him to give him the green light to begin moving.
with an inhuman speed, jun fucked into you almost animalistically, completely losing sight of himself and babbling nonsensical praise to your cunt while embedding himself into the pleasure. his fingers dug deep into your hips, surely leaving marks that he'd have to kiss later.
forcing your back into an even deeper arch, jun began dragging your hips back and forth into his cock, coordinating the rhythm of his own rocking of his hips. despite the mindless way in which he harshly fucked into you, he let out the most pathetic whimpers at the feeling of your cunt wrapping around him. faring no better than him, your own cries accompanied his own in filling up the otherwise silent room.
"missed this cunt so badly ... you have no idea how much," he grunted breathlessly, "t-tell me you've missed me too," he practically pleaded afterwards.
"missed you, junhui, so much ..."
"tell me how much," he demanded, hips never ceased in slapping against your ass.
"s-so much. missed you so fucking much, junhui," you cried out when his hips accelerated even more, making your eyes roll back at the aggressive yet finessed manner he fucked into you.
"missed you more," he let out in a huff, "gonna show you all night. gonna make you cum again and again til you're begging me to stop," he reassured in slurred words, clearly almost at the point of losing himself to his high.
"'m gonna cum, junie, please ... cum with me," you begged, needing to make him delirious with pleasure in the same way he did you.
with tears in your eyes, your orgasm reached you, making you hiccup moans and cries of jun's name while he continued to fuck into you.
"so fucking good for me, shit. got so t-tight, oh fuck- g-gonna cum, shit."
his orgasm was not far from yours, catching him off guard due to the pulsing of your cunt during your own high. somehow he managed to become even more desperate in the canting of his hips, making you cry out in sensitivity but prevail throughout it as the impact was too pleasurable for you to actually want to push him away.
almost falling against you, he leaned into you as he caught his breath. meanwhile, you were a shell of your former self, completely spent under him and attempting to regain your own breath.
in just a few moments, jun began silently kissing up and down your back before pulling out and ridding himself of the condom, immediately going back to loving on you with his lips and massaging at your hips tenderly with his hands.
wordlessly, he helped you lay down on your stomach as he wrapped around you, continuing to kiss and rub at your sore form before finally speaking up.
"i really missed you," he began with a murmur, "was that too much?"
"no, junnie. i missed you too much to not let you fuck me like an animal," you chuckled after recovering your ability to speak.
"good, cause i'm planning on using that whole pack of condoms," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
your body might not make it til the next day, but reuniting with your boyfriend and his endless stamina made it worth it.
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lil-quinnie · 4 months
Pity party
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part I
Warning +18 smut, jealous Eddie
Summary college au After Eddie kissed the girl in front of you, you decide you NEED to move on.
F!boy Eddie x Plus size reader
a/n: Hi guys, sorry for the delay in posting part 2. I was very insecure about the story and this year I started working as a full time teacher so time is also very limited, anyway. Sorry for any typo or mistake, i'm brazilian god danmitt. I hope you like it <3
The return to your dorm was humiliating, you tried to explain everything that had happened amid sobs and inaudible words, Steve tried to support most of your weight in his arms as he guided you safely to your room. The boy tried to comfort you the whole way, even though he knew what his best friend had done would be difficult to reverse.
With the promise of a call he left the room and disappeared down the crowded halls of the girls' dormitory.
you woke up to an excited call from Robin and Steve, talking about a party that was going to happen that night and how it would be the perfect opportunity for you to try to get a certain metalhead out of your head.
"so, there will be this band and I'm sure one of the members will be your type...I promise" Steve said without thinking, receiving an elbow in the ribs from his best friend "dingus" Robin said rolling her eyes "We pick you up at 8?" the girl asked hopefully.
Even though you didn't want to interact with a lot of people, you agreed that staying in bed wouldn't solve your problem. "Yeah, okay, I'll be ready at 8, bye, see you guys"
One last check in the mirror before hearing Steve's horn followed by Robin's loud laughter. 
You could already see the number of people in the frat garden, indicating that the party was packed. "It's harder to find him this way" you thought , at the same time Steve squeezed your leg, checking if everything was ok.
The blue lights of the crowded living room hurt your eyes, the cigarette smoke turned into fog on the floor of the house, making those lights refract 10 times stronger back at your eyes. Nancy already had a drink for you in her hand because Robin had already told her everything, welcoming you with a smile and a hug as always. 
When she let you go, the girl said just so you could hear "Eddie is looking for you”, causing you to pour the cheap liquid from the cup down your throat in one go.
On the other side of the house, the metalhead was negotiating his sales, even though it was a good day and he had sold almost everything he had brought, Eddie couldn't change the uncomfortable expression on his face. 
His mind always brought back the vision of you and Steve hugging, or holding hands, hell even your schedule Steve knew and he didn't, the green bug of jealousy spent all day on his shoulder, blowing fears into his ear that he had been trying to keep away for decades.
Eddie was hustling around the party, looking for potential clients and for you. He saw Robin at the party so of course you were here too.
Some people stopped him to talk, some girls offering themselves as payment (it was no longer new to him), others trying to flirt without it being so obvious, a normal night if you were Eddie Munson.
While finishing a sale he heard your laugh, causing him to turn his entire body towards the origin of the sound, "Fuck" he thought.
Your cleavage revealed the soft mounds of your breasts, making his face burn with jealousy at the thought of anyone else being able to see what should be just his. “Harrington, of course,” he huffed as he put the crumpled bills in his pocket watching Steve making you laugh. 
Eddie's eyes were shining in a purple light, never leaving your face, moving from your cleavage to your eyes and your lips, the tip of his tongue insisted on leaving his pink lip moist and shining, delicious it looked.
Eddie didn't understand what was happening, why his heart raced every time you smiled at someone else or why there was a knot in his stomach every time Steve pulled you closer, or touched your thigh while telling you a story as if you were his, but you weren't, right?
Steve excused himself from a ‘lil crown and threw himself on the old sofa next to you "hi" he said, you responded in the same tone with a shy smile, looking at each other for a while, it could be alcohol or even joints but damn! Steve was really handsome and you’re pretty sure he thinks the same about you.
Soon everybody went to fill their glasses or smoke outside, except Robin who danced with Vickie as if she didn't have early classes tomorrow, leaving you and Steve in your own bubble.
What made Eddie most angry was the fact that you seemed so comfortable with Steve, in the way he couldn't make you feel, he thought. Eddie could never make you stay close to him among a lot of people, you always found an excuse to go to the dorm or any empty place while with Steve... "fucking hell" he exclaimed, while passing the bag with the customer's product. 
Eddie needed something stronger than weed if he wanted to swallow all of his wounded ego to get to you, and he couldn't do it dry. He poured the glass full of whiskey and downed it in two sips, letting a few drops of the golden liquid run down the corner of his mouth wiping it with the back of his hand, determined not to let anything pave the way to you.
You couldn't help the smile that widened every time he got closer. The rosy cheeks showed that Eddie had been drinking, a few curls of hair coming out of his low bun and that smile of someone who wants to be confident even though they're scared... 
How could you be mad at him? how you could cut him out of your life while he gave you that half smile he only gave when he was embarrassed, which was rare for a guy like him.
When Steve's fingers intertwined with yours, Eddie decided he had had enough of that and with his double shot of whiskey, he swallowed all his pride to go talk to you.
His hands in his jacket pocket only showed how uncomfortable he was, even more so after the disaster that happened last night, but he would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to talk to you again before the night ended. 
On the other side, you and Steve didn't notice as the metalhead approached, still lost in your own world, exchanging too many small caresses and smiles.
He could hear your voice clearly, he even swore he could already smell the moisturizer that covered your skin, so close that he could feel you under his fingerprints.
He cleared his throat trying to get the attention of the two sitting on the sofa, when he realized that he was unsuccessful, he kicked Steve's Nike, who quickly turned his head, letting a HA! to escape from his lips going together with his hands clapping in the air "Munson" he smiled sarcastically, "Harrington" Eddie raised his browns and then turned around for you "can we talk?"
"I don't know, can we?" you said, getting up from the sofa and pulling Steve with you, who protectively wrapped his arm around your waist, hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder, "I have nothing to talk to you right now, Eddie", you said while broking away from Steve's hug, signaling him to lead the way away from there.
"Please, let me talk to you", but before he could hold you, you turned and snapped 
"Isn't there anyone to save you again Eddie? That's why you're coming after me?",
Steve was amused by the situation, it wasn't often that he managed to get under Eddie's skin, so he planned to enjoy it.
"Follow my lead" he said with that smirk on his face.
Steve started to dance with you innocently but noticing the other man's gaze, he decided to be bold.. He had your back pressed against his hairy chest as you danced together to the beat of the music. 
One of his hands held your hips against his crotch, while the other danced down your body side, stopping at your hip and pulling you closer against the tent that was beginning to form in the boy's tight jeans.
Eddie watched everything from the other side of the room, his eyes following every slow movement your body made, burning holes in the uncovered skin of your cleavage. 
Every time Steve pressed his body against yours, Eddie looked away and sawed his fists, causing Steve to proudly smile.
Steve's eyes were locked with eddies while his mouth timidly explored the skin of your shoulder and neck, causing goosebumps that only a metalhead had caused to this day, when he realized that you didn't stop him, he was braver, leaving love bites on the exposed skin. 
Eddie noticed when your thighs pressed together, tighter every time Steve's mouth came close to yours. 
Eddie's heart missed the beat, it felt like hours of torture having to watch you like that with someone else, with his best friend on top of that.
Even though you understood the game Steve was playing, you decided to let yourself go and enjoy the little attention you rarely received. Seeing Eddie's reaction, watching each micro expression that appeared on his face was satisfying, with his knurled eyebrows and wrinkled nose you know that he was feeling the same thing you felt when he did the same in front of you.
"I need to go to the bathroom, angel. Do you want me to fill your cup?" Steve whispered in your ear and you just nodded, letting Steve go with a smile.
This was Eddie's chance to talk to you once and for all, and he no longer had the patience to put up with you being a brat. 
He knew that you would go outside, that you would light a cigarette and that you would wait for Harrington until he arrived with another alcohol bomb, he also knew that if he didn't do anything, he would lose you forever.
The mild temperature due to the late hour of the morning itched your exposed skin, causing goosebumps while you unsuccessfully tried to light your cigarette, too frustrated with everything around you to really pay attention to your surroundings.
“Here” you heard a husky voice coming from near the pool house “let me help you”.
The man approached slowly, the darkness using her cloak to cover your lover's face, only making you realize it was him, by fate's trap, when it was too late.
“I’m good, Edward. Thank you very much” you replied,
"What the hell is all that? What the fuck did I do to make you like this, Huh?” Eddie held your arms tightly, forcing you to look at him, you saw the anxiety and confusion that showed in his eyes, which caused an immeasurable pleasure to ignite in the pit of your stomach as you pressed his buttons more and more.
"What do you think I am Eddie? Just a toy when you don't have one of those dumb girls to fuck?" you spat at him with no mercy "and what do you think you are for him right now?" he said dryly,  "More than I ever was to you, right?"  he looks… hurt.
“Are you even listening to yourself? you’re sounding delusional.” he said letting your arm go.
“Oh! Poor Munson, where's Heather? giving a blowjob to some basketball player before ending up in your bed?" you cringed at the words that should have stayed in your head, giving up on the cigarette and making your way out the conversation.
“WOW!! Who stuck a stick up your ass, cutie? Was it Stevie?” He whispered in your ear, making you pull your arm free from Eddie's grip, leaving the mark of your five fingers on the boy's rosy cheek.
“Ed… I.. I'm" 
"Shut up, just shut the heck up ok?! I'm done with you” he said harshly, making you scared and before  you could say something, apologize or anything, Eddie was pulling you inside the pool house. 
You could feel the beats of the muffled music on the cold wall that Eddie pressed your body against. 
"Eddie, I'm sorry" you pleaded, almost begging, he pinch the bridge of his nose shaking his head in disbelief “let’s talk, please” you pleaded one more time.
"Of course sweetheart, NOW you wanna talk.” he gave you some space, sitting across the room, “just tell me why you're treating me like shit and I'll leave you, forever even.”
"Eddie, you... you” you tried to explain to him but the words just went away.
“I’m what babe? tell me what I did” his voice was almost failing. 
“You kissed her in front of me" you said through sobs “she said horrible things about me…and you did nothing about it” your tears betrayed you, rolling through your pale face, Eddie could see how big the fleek was on your poor heart.
The muffled sound of the party was the only thing that echoed inside that room, that and the heavy breathing of the man who stared at you, as if he had discovered some absurd secret.
“I went after you, I screamed your name several times through those damn corridors…I know you heard me” you could feel the sad tone behind the guy's bad boy pose.
He moved closer to you, entering your space, his contorted face reflected how painful the memory was. “and I found you, oh boy i found you! In the arms of MY best friend” he returned to the opposite side of the room and continued in silence, lighting his cigarette, the orange light from the lighter flame making Eddie's teary eyes shine in the darkness of the pool room.
“Eddie…what are you talking about?” You said with your voice still shaking, not paying much attention to what was said but to your best friend's sad eyes, “YOU kissed another girl in front of me, after we had sex! you asshole.”
Eddie stood up once again this time angrily shouting back at you “I DIDN’T FUCKING KISS HER”.
His hands caged you against the wall, against his body. He looked straight into your face, with his breathing still labored he whispered “and we didn't have sex”.
He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, the tension could be cut with a knife. His eyes traveled between your eyes and your lips, waiting for a minute of weakness, any sign from you so he could have you the way he'd been wanting since the night you ran away from his dorm. 
Your hands shyly touched Eddie's face, bringing the boy's attention to stillness. You held his face firmly and still so unsure “I'm sorry Eds” you said running your fingers over the welts that marked his cheek.
Eddie pressed your bodies closer and held your hand against his cheek, taking advantage of the gap to connect your lips. The kiss started lightly, Eddie enjoyed every crumb you gave him, his tongue explored your mouth hungrily, trying to feel all your flavor, his thin fingers pressed the flesh of your waist, roaming freely over your abdomen, making your legs go limp “Eddie…” you sighed.
"what?" He said, moving his lips down your neck, following the same path that Steve had taken earlier, leaving bigger marks on your skin. He wanted everyone to know that you were his and no one else’s. 
He kissed your shoulder as he ran his hand up your thigh, past the hem of your skirt.
Noticing the lack of response, it's clear that teasing you was the boy's only option. “Did the cat get your tongue, sweetie?” His hands slowly felt your hips at the same time he pushed your legs apart with his knee and forced his leg between yours. He could feel how hot your pussy was from the heat that passed through his thigh “you seemed pretty brave when you were rubbing your ass against Stevie” he pressed his knee against your most sensitive part, gently brushing against your clit.
“I already told you Eddie, Steve and I are just friends” you said again, trying your best not to straddle your best friend’s thigh.
The boy finished taking off your shirt, exploring your breasts as he had done several other times. Eddie pinched and pulled your nipples, making the man feel you wet through your panties. He laughed in a mocking tone “look at you, you barely got off my best friend and you’re already here, all wet for me” his hands forced your movements, making you slowly ride his thigh “I saw your thighs pressing together, you know?” he said, increasing the intensity of the pace at which he guided you.
“Do you like being treated like a slut?” Eddie said taking you off his lap, in one movement he turned you around, face pressed against the old window covered in graffiti, it was too blurry to see you inside but depending on the angle you could see the people outside. “Did you like the feel of Steve’s dick rubbing against your ass?” he said as he pressed his own erection against you, making sure you felt every inch of him against the soft skin of your ass. “I know you liked it baby, there’s no need to be embarrassed” he patronizes you more and more.
With the panties around your ankle, Eddie adjusted your hips the way he wanted, brushing your entire pussy with the pink head of his cock.
"Are you sure?" he asked, without any malice or malice tone, you were already drunk on cock, just nodding your consent. “Words darling, use your words” “please Eddie, I need you” his voice came out more shrill than you wanted, showing his desperation.
In just one thrust, Eddie's entire cock slowly entered your tight pussy, “fuck…so thick” you moaned, not knowing if it was pain or pleasure, receiving sweet prayers from the man who filled you “shh…I know darling, It will soon be so delicious, I promise you” or “good girl, taking it all”, his words made you increasingly wet, making his back and forth movements easier.
“Fuck Eddie, more...I need more, please” you leaned against the window frame, managing to see Steve's confused features through the graffiti window, as he looked for you around the pool, not going unnoticed by Eddie either.
The man pushed into you harder and harder, your hands holding tight on the old wood making it shake. “Hmm… fucking tight, darling” he continued to fuck you, with one hand on your waist holding you in the position he needed and the other tangled in your hair, forcing you to look out the window, to look Steve.
"Eddie please" you begged, he could feel the adrenaline making his voice lower a few tones, every time Steve's eyes passed over you, Eddie could feel your pussy throb and squeeze his dick. “Make me cum Eds, please” you almost cried.
The large hand that held your head against the window ran down your entire body to where you needed it most. He fucked your pussy, changing the angle to hit your sweet spot while slowly massaging your citrices circularly, eliciting from you the most maddening moans Eddie had ever heard... "oh... Eddie I'm going to cum, fuck I'm going to cum " "fuck that pussy, please eddie" "Fill me, I want to feel you filling me Eddie", and Steve.
With his gaze fixed on his best friend, Eddie filled your pussy with his cum, not stopping pumping until the last drop of cum entered you. He helped you straighten up, bringing your back against his covered chest.
He kissed his neck while whispering how hot you were and how you were his and only his, leaving your breasts exposed against the window. His malicious smile began to make you suspicious of the boy's true intentions.
After a few minutes of recovering, you decided to get dressed again. Her panties on one side, her t-shirt rolled up on the floor and her skirt hanging from the window.
Your fingers pulled at the fabric of your skirt, revealing a large hole in the window where Steve stared at you and Eddie, while squeezing his erection through his pants. The boy's pink cheeks didn't bring you clarity, was that shame or lust?
Eddie’s hands went around you in a hug, resting his head on your shoulder “I told you he had a crush on you,” he kissed your cheek before walking away, opening the little door to the pool house “oh! Yeah and I'm sorry, I was really jealous." leaving you high and dry watching him go after his friend.
Taglist ~ dumblittlebunbun pettydonuts kerst666 emma77645 darknesseddiem tlclick73 the-fairy-anon mygirlchaos d4rk4ng3l86 corygshitilike madi-is-kinda-lame munsongirl97 alone-but-never themusingofagothicsoul foreveranexpatsposts anaibis laricebabe she-collects-smut chronicles-of-koystee
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hispg · 7 months
Between royalty and vows
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Pairings: Prince! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: A forced marriage, a fate set in stone, nothing could change that.
In the world of royalty, there were no choices, only obligations to fulfill. What you didn't expect was to become engaged to a renowned prince, ready to succeed the lineage.
Until that moment, you still had some hope that everything would work out, maybe it wasn't so bad. But it would be a shame if your future husband had a mistress.
Wouldn't it?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt/ comfort, cheating, arranged marriage, eventual smut, one-sided love, affairs, (I'll put more once things start to progress).
Prologue | 1 |
An:It took me a little longer to post, sorry! I'm in my week of college exams, the finals are approaching. I'm studying a lot, feeling very tired. Thanks for the sweet messages! I didn't expect to receive so much support! I appreciate it!💕💕💕
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Chapter 1: Sunset
As soon as the sun rose, Leon was already awake, it's not as if he'd managed to sleep through the night in any case, he was too anxious for that. That morning you would arrive at the castle, and consequently start living here. It was a big step, certainly, but it was more than necessary, especially as the wedding approached.
He himself couldn't believe that he was getting married in the next few days, it had all happened so quickly that he hadn't even had time to think about it properly. Just like that, his life was turned upside down, a pang in his heart every time he thought about it. Every time he thought that he was being forced to marry a stranger, someone he didn't have a shred of affection for.
All these thoughts disappeared once there was a knock on his door, causing him to push down his sheets and start getting ready for the day.
"Your Highness, your father wants to speak to you." The familiar voice of his butler, Ausdret.
Leon lets out a tired sigh, only muttering a small, "I'll be there."
He knows what his father wants to talk to him about, to reinforce his duty once again, to remind him about the dynasty.
There was no escape, and that was all that was on his mind as he got ready. He took longer than necessary, on purpose, just not to leave his bedroom now.
After he'd finally finished, he went to look in the mirror, just to make sure he was properly dressed and polished, after all it was supposed to be a big day. But his eyes stopped wandering over his face, and hovered on a lipstick mark on the collar of his shirt, enough to bring a small smile to his face, eyes sparkling with the memory of his beloved, his only one.
Knowing he would have to hide it, he took one last look before tucking the collar back into place. Making sure no one else could see.
As soon as he left his room, his butler was waiting for him outside, making several attempts at small talk, which Leon wasn't interested in, though. His mind was far away, as if he had never been here in the first place.
Once he arrived in his father's chamber, he was greeted with a big smile, which was not reciprocated by Leon. Only a small nod came from him.
"So everything's settled?" A small whisper, a question that Leon already knew the answer to.
His father proudly replied, "Yes, I've already arranged everything with Vladimir. You and she are getting married in the next few days." His father speaks, looking at the other man in the room, Duke Vladimir, his father's best friend.
However, Leon didn't seem at all excited about the situation, in fact, he seemed rather upset.
"This will be great, we'll finally be able to expand our business." This sentence came from Leon's father, who was more than happy with the pact.
It was a long-standing interest of the king, of course, who wouldn't want to expand their business with one of the richest royal families?
But on the other hand, Leon had other plans. Plans that were not accepted by his father.
"Cheer up, the girl is a beautiful princess, very kind from what I've seen. I'm sure you'll get on well." Vladimir says, trying to console Leon, but frankly, it only seems to have gotten worse.
"How long do we have to stay in this marriage?" Perhaps he was still hoping it would only be for a short time.
"Indefinitely. They will be the source of our success, especially the princess. We need to collaborate with them, just as they collaborate with us." The king says, somewhat obviously, that he won't be breaking the contract any time soon.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll talk to the other servants. We need to organize the wedding invitations." Vladimir says as he leaves, just after bowing to the two members of royalty in the room.
Silence followed, Leon too upset with his father to speak a single word, while the king was daydreaming.
An ambitious king who would slowly make his reign the most prosperous in history, he couldn't ask for more. This would make everything perfect for Leon to take the throne and make the nation of Italy even prouder.
"I don't know how far your greed will go." A plausible complaint coming from Leon, directly confronting his father.
"I only want what's best for you and, consequently, for my nation." They both knew where this conversation was going, but since they were both hard-headed, they would continue anyway.
"What's best for me? You've arranged a marriage with a stranger and you think that's what's best for me?" By now, Leon's voice had changed considerably.
King Leonardo didn't like arguing, least of all with his own son. However, he would never tolerate his disobedience, never.
"And what would be better for you? Marry a paltry lady? Honestly, you need to think bigger." And the king hit the nail on the head, because that's exactly what Leon was getting at.
Ashley did come from an affluent family, but she wasn't as rich as the British family. Which in this case was yours.
"Don't you dare talk about her like that." Leon was once again affronting his father, which would certainly have serious consequences.
"Listen, if you want to continue your affair with this so-called Ashley, go ahead, I won't stop you. Now don't expect me to let you ruin your own future, too."
The two of them looked at each other not very kindly, especially Leon.
It seemed like he was being generous. What's the point? Living a life on the sly with the woman he loved? It didn't seem fair. It wasn't fair.
"You still have a lot to learn, my son." The king spoke with a certain heavy heart, and at the same time a jaw-dropping arrogance.
But how could Leon calm down? He didn't even know the woman he was going to marry and, even worse, he couldn't commit to the person he loved, Ashley.
But what irritated him even more was the fact that he knew it was all his father's whim.
But even this marriage wouldn't stop the prince from having a relationship with this woman, even if it meant an extramarital affair. And Leon didn't care if that had consequences, not even for his future wife.
"All I ask is that you don't complicate things. I'm still being kind enough to allow you to have these affairs, whether with Ashley or any other woman." That would even sound gentle if he wasn't talking about extramarital affairs.
"... Alright, Father." Once again, Leon swallowed his pride and let it happen. But then again, it's not as if he could do anything against his father's wishes.
Leon stormed out of his father's chamber, strong, heavy footsteps echoing down the so far empty corridor, and he didn't even look back. His mind was in the purest of shambles, fists clenched and an expression that wasn't the friendliest.
As he walked quickly through the corridors, he couldn't help but notice the commotion outside, expensive carriages arriving in the castle courtyard, making room for butlers to work and remove whatever was inside.
He imagined it was the arrangements for the marriage, since it would take place in the next few weeks. So it wasn't anything that caught his attention for long.
However, as soon as he looked up from the mezzanine, he saw the familiar figure, it was you. Wearing a simple blue dress, delicate gloves that covered up to your forearms, and of course, he couldn't forget your soft features.
As soon as you saw him from the hall, you gave him a discreet smile, making him let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. Even for a brief second, his expression softened, but that didn't make him any less upset by the whole situation.
Queen Sarah spoke to you politely, saying how grateful she was for the courteous company of the princess, who was in fact being awaited by the other residents of the castle, at least most of them.
In fact, the queen felt lonely, since apart from the governesses, she had no other female companion to talk to during the day.
Slowly, Leon descended the grand staircase, stepping onto the red carpet, his steps light and slow, as if he were analyzing what he would do next.
Your eyes met his, and you smiled gently, bowing to him as you should. And he reciprocated, of course.
"Princess." He said, giving a nod to his mother, who politely curtsied to you.
"I'll get your bedroom ready." She says, her voice sweet and calm, as she moves gracefully through the castle.
You felt a shiver run up your spine at the thought that you were about to share a room with him. Since you weren't married yet, you were just going to sleep next to each other, a door that could be opened to connect one room to the other, since couples who hadn't made a commitment weren't supposed to sleep together until they were married.
"You have a beautiful home, prince." You murmur, the sweet smile always on your lips.
He chuckles a little, offering you his arm to hold, "Let me introduce you to the castle itself."
You smile, taking his arm and letting him lead you, obviously he was only doing it out of politeness, but you'd love to spend a little more time with him.
When your covered fingers curled around his arm, you couldn't help but feel the muscles that flexed with every slight movement, without any effort. Just as you couldn't help but notice his eyes every time he looked at you and explained something, the way his voice echoed through the empty corridors.
You walked side by side, your footsteps echoing through the unoccupied hallways, giving off a calm and intimate atmosphere somehow. You noticed the paintings, the properly placed decorations.
Even the curtains matched the carpets, as much as you were used to this sort of thing, it was still breathtaking to see such a sophisticated place.
You felt that despite your enchantment with the prince, you could see his lack of enthusiasm for you, you could see that it sounded more like a duty than anything else.
What did you expect? That it would be a fairy tale? In this life you were leading, the heart didn't always follow the rules of fairy tales.
"Let me take you to the courtyard, it's a nice day." You notice the sigh at the end of the sentence, as well as the distance he kept.
Even with all his explanations, all the talk about royal life, homework, the explanations for every painting in the corridor, you didn't pay much attention. Your attention was focused completely on him, perhaps because you were hoping for a hint of feeling, whatever that was.
Too bad you wouldn't find it even if you looked hard enough.
As soon as you left the large building, you were presented with a landscape that looked more like a hand-painted picture.
The courtyard was perfect, full of roses and other types of flowers, a wooded area, the grass all at the same length, without a single flaw. Meticulously cut bushes, flowers that adorned the greenery and gave it extra life, it seemed magical.
The afternoon sun shone down on the whole place, bringing everything to life. The birds humming and bathing in the water fountain, nature stretching as far as the eye could see.
"I hope you are pleased, princess." Leon says, his calm, velvety voice immediately making you look at him.
"Certainly, it's very well appreciated." With a sweet, polite smile you answered him, approaching the fountain and sitting down on one of the edges.
And he repeated the gesture, sitting down next to you.
Just as you were about to engage him in conversation, a strong wind whipped against you, causing your hair to tangle, the softly combed strands to fall into your face, undoing a good few minutes' work in an instant.
Then you felt a warm, robust hand on your cheek, brushing the strands behind your ear.
A gesture that was intimate, no doubt about it, and that was able to make you blush slightly as soon as you felt his hand graze your cheek, but which he pulled away.
"Thank you." You say with a gentle, shy smile, tidying up a few more of the strands that were still getting messy.
Despite his smile, you could see the piercing blue gaze, without much emotion. His gaze, which seemed to be as cold as ice, was still so attractive.
"My pleasure, princess." The warm tone didn't change his placid expression, not even if he tried very hard.
As the two of you stood in silence, all you could hear was the gentle breeze and the birds singing, everything seemed so peaceful.
Except for the restlessness of your heart, which stubbornly pounded every time he looked at you. And you mentally plagued yourself every time this happened.
Why was he doing that? Out of courtesy? Politeness? Decorum? Or were you thinking too much? Creating too many expectations?
And so you remained, gazing at the horizon and watching the sun slowly set, watching the magic of nature while your minds were in a whirl.
Your hand on the edge of the fountain, as well as his, fingers almost grazing each other, and you were tempted to make a move.
However, it would have been inappropriate for a lady, to say the least. Especially knowing that the chances of him taking your hand away were high.
So you'd better make the most of what you had.
As the garden began to darken a little and the sunlight slowly faded, Leon stood and looked around, seeing that it was already getting dark.
You've spent the whole day walking around the castle, so time has passed too quickly. At least for you.
"We should go, dinner should be ready by now." He was the first to break the silence, once again offering his arm and his company to take you to the dining area.
And there you went again, walking slowly through the courtyard back into the castle.
However, halfway there Leon stopped, picking up a red rose that had fallen to the ground. As soon as he knelt down to pick it up, he turned to you and planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand, his warm lips brushing against your gloved hand. It sent shivers through your body.
"Red looks good on you." He murmurs, placing the flower in your hair, very gently so as not to mess it up.
You made a little chuckle, the blush clear on your cheeks. Was he doing it out of politeness? Or just to keep up appearances?
It would have been a beautiful, subtle, gentle and even romantic gesture. That's if you hadn't noticed the lipstick staining the collar of his shirt.
Oh oh, poor you.
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grey342 · 8 months
Hii! I’m so glad to see someone currently writing bradley cooper fics because honestly PHIL CAN GET IT. i wanted to request maybe a jealous!phil where reader goes on a friends bachelors trip and knowing Phil’s past he gets all angsty, as smutty as you’d like :) honestly anything you’d write id love!!
Don't leave me
Jealous! Phil x reader
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synopsis - Phil's girlfriend goes on a trip for a bachelorette party and he's not happy about it.
warnings - MDNI 18+ content, Phil being dramatic, Phil being jealous (Obv), lingerie, slight handjob, P in V, riding and praise.
authors note - Thank you so much for this request and the sweet compliment! I gotta be honest i'm not a huge fan of angst so I made Phil a lil more dramatic and kinda sassy. I still hope you like it :)
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
This man is gonna be the death of me.
The main thought running through your head whilst packing. His remarks and whines can be heard from the next room.
Your close friend was having her bachelorette party this weekend but, she also wanted to spend a couple of days with the bridal party before her wedding. So you all decided to spend a long weekend in Vegas. And Phil is not happy about it.
"I mean, I don't get why you have to go," you roll your eyes at him, "it's not like she's your best friend."
"Oh yeah? And who is?" You retaliate, smirking.
"Me." He scoffs, as if this is obvious information, walking into the room. You take one look at him and start laughing.
You're not stupid, you kind of guessed why he was so mad about you going but now. He's made it really clear for you.
"What's so fucking funny?" He says confused, placing his hands on his hips. A gesture you would usually find attractive but right now, it's making you laugh even harder.
"I just, uh, I can't believe it," you say in between wheezes, " I mean. I had an idea but now it's so obvious." You quietly chuckle.
"What? What is? You're not making any sense." He declares, clearly getting frustrated. After calming yourself down you finally say-
"You're jealous." Apparently, it's now his turn to burst out laughing.
"What? Where the fuck did you get that idea?" He managed in between laughs.
"You're jealous. You're so insistent on me not going, you're trying to tell me all the bad things about the girls. I mean you literally just said "she's not your best friend, I am." You're SO jealous." You clarify.
He's silent just staring at you. You can see the clogs turning in his head to try and come up with a good response. You swear you can see the light bulb appear on top of his head.
"You're just saying that to make yourself feel better about leaving me. For a whole weekend might I add." He says almost sassily and walks out of the room. Clearly proud of himself.
"Sweetie," you sigh, "it's only three days. I'll be back before you know it. We can text throughout the day and call every night." You try to deal.
"Or I have a better idea... don't go and we can talk all day and all night. Face to face."
You groan in frustration. You cannot believe this is the type of conversation you were having with your grown ass boyfriend. Pick the sassy men they said. You internally roll your eyes.
You walk into the living room to see him practically pouting on the couch. Scoffing, you go to walk away when an idea pops into your head.
"Hey Phil, if you stop complaining right now you can have your present early." He looks at you confused.
"What the fuck do you mean "present"?"
"Well since you are so predictable," you emphasise the last word, " I knew you would act like this when I said i'm going on a trip. So, I bought you something as a "sorry for leaving you, you big baby" gift."
"You did?" You can see the glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Yes my little princess but, clearly you are a lot more upset than I anticipated so i'm willing to give it to you early. If you want it that is." You wager. There's a long pause where he's weighing out his options.
"Okay," he clasps his hand together, " I have decided that I would like my present early. BUT I still want one for when you come back." He leans back on the couch, glowing with pride.
"Fine. I'll be right back." He rubs his hand together in anticipation as you leave the room.
Moments later you're shouting down the hall, "close your damn eyes." He grunts in disapproval.
"Okay and open." He does and your met with a groan that also sound like a moan.
"Oh baby." You're stood in front of him in a lingerie set, barely covering anything. Plus it's in his favourite colour.
"Am I forgiven?" You say, moving down to straddle his lap.
"Yes. A million times yes." He exclaims instantaneously as you giggle.
His mouth meets yours passionately, with your teeth and tongues clashing. His hands make their way down to your ass and yours to his chest. Pushing him lightly so his back meets the couch.
His slowly starts to kiss your jaw, then down your neck and finally the top of your chest. He looks up at you, almost pleading, and you give him a look of approval. His hands move around your back to unclasp your bra.
He slides it off at an agonisingly slow pace. When the bra is fully off he stares at your chest in awe. He moves his head down taking one nipple in the mouth and groping the other. You let out a content sigh.
He switches over, repeating the same process as you began to rock slowly, back and forth, on his lap. His moans vibrate on your chest as your breaths turn into pants.
You reach down in between you and start pulling at the waistband of his grey sweatpants, indicating you want them off. He knows what you want and immediately begins to pull them down. You look down and eagerly take him in your hand. You swipe your thumb over the tip and began pumping up and down.
"Fuck.." He groans. You push your panties over to the side and slide onto him. Both of you moaning in unison. You'll never get used to the way he feels, filling you up perfectly.
Once you're both ready, you begin to move back and forth, riding him. His hands take sanctuary on your hips, slowly guiding you. You lean down, placing your mouth on his, capturing his groans in your mouth.
"You're doing so good. Riding my dick so well baby, my good girl." He says against your mouth. He reaches down and starts to rub slow circles on your clit. You whimper at the contact.
"Oh fuck, do that again." Obeying his orders you do it again. He uses his other hand to begin assisting you in bouncing up and down. Your movements begin to change pace, going faster.
His groans and your whimpers becoming louder. He dick twitching inside of you, indicating he's close. You ride faster and bounce harder. He in turn, quickens his movements on your clit and his fingers dig into your hips, leaving bruises for later.
"Oh shit, Phil.. I'm close."
"I know honey, I know hold on a lil longer." He pants. Your cries being the response. Your head thrown back, eyes screw shut.
"Hey, look at me. I wan't you to look at me when you cum." He demands. You immediately open your eyes and stare into his. His gaze possessive.
"Oh fuck, Phil." You whine.
"Let go baby, give it to me." That send you over the edge. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the pleasure taking over and your body began to shake.
"Oh shit, oh shit." He says as he fills you up, head resting in the crook of your neck.
Coming down from your highs, he lifts his head and smiles at you.
"You're so beautiful." He places a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Mhm, i'm still going." You stand up and start walking towards the bedroom.
"Ah! Come on honey, i'm the love of your life! You can't leave me!" He calls out, following you.
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luvfy0dor · 7 months
Good day! How are you doing? I'm back with a small request. A reader keeps three kitties at home, but no one knows about it. What would happen if Chuya or Fedor stopped by to visit for the first time and three different big fluffy cats met them on the doorstep? Thank you for your artwork. They really are so awesome.
I hope I've made the right request. Have a great day!
“Guess I'll Just Stumble on Home to my Cats !! ♡” - Chuuya Nakahara x Gn!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; i like describing really enormous cats, which is made obvious, some swearing, it's pretty silly
Description; Chuuya interacting with cats.
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A/n; Bro I love cats sm I was so excited to do this request my bsf and I have matching cats theyre both orange and named garfield, but I'm gonna do a second part with fyodor! I just wrote a whole lot for Chuuya so I thought I'd separate it : ] OH ALSO TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMEBTS FJEJSJDJ ❤️❤️💖💖
• Chuuya is definitely more of a dog person, but that doesn't mean you'll never find him lying on your couch, hat over his face and a cat or two (or three) loafed on his chest.
You decided to invite Chuuya over for dinner in celebration of receiving a promotion at your job. You liked being able to share such an exciting moment with the people you loved, and Chuuya was absolutely one of them.
Chuuya had yet to venture to your house, not because he didn't want to, but because it was really hard to find time for anything recently. He had been very busy with work, and the distance from your place to his work or his house was rather inconveniencing. But, he wanted to join you for dinner, so that was just what he was gonna do.
So, there he stood, a small flower bouquet in hand and dressed in his usual classy clothing. He almost hesitated to ring the doorbell, but he pushed his pointless worries aside. There was nothing to be nervous about, after all. It was dinner with his lover, how scary could it be?
"It's unlocked!" You shout from the kitchen, cleaning everything up and plating the food. He twists the door nob and pushes it open, walking in before tripping. He caught himself, but he looked down, wondering what you could have possibly left on the floor right next to the door. Instead of finding a shoe or clothing item, he saw a fluffy black mass peeking up at him through it's furry coat. It meowed at him, skittering away into the kitchen. He was very confused as to where you had gotten a cat, you've never told him about this! He chalked it up to cat sitting before following in the cats footsteps and heading into the kitchen. He found you shooing the cat away very politely, waving it off towards to other room; and much to his surprise, it obeyed.
Chuuya had not once seen a cat so obedient, he always thought of cats as careless and independent animals, but apparently they listened just as well as dogs if trained right. Your eyes lit up when they landed on your boyfriend, then on the flowers, making your heart melt. "Aw, Chuuya! You're too sweet to me, you didn't have to bring me flowers!" You say, approaching him, he sighs and puts an arm around you, pulling you into a hug. "I know, but it's the least I could do for you, I mean you're making me dinner." He says, kissing your forehead and handing you the flowers.
"Still though. Thank you, Chuuya." You say excitedly, walking towards the cabinets and grabbing a vase, filling it up about a fourth of the way with water. "Yeah, it's no problem, doll. Hey, uhm, you never told me you had a cat around." He says with a slight laugh. You turned to him, furrowing your eyebrows before a look of realization came over your face. "Oh! I'm sorry, yeah, I have three cats." You gave him a grin, which widened when you saw his surprised face.
"Do you not like cats? I'm sorry, I should have told you." You say, straightening out your shirt. "No! No, it's alright, darlin', it just caught me by surprise, you know? I'm more of a dog guy..." He murmurs, hugging you and looking over your shoulder at the food. "That looks really good though." He compliments, gently cupping your cheek. You thank him and guide him aside with your hand on his waist in order to bring the vase to the dining room table. He jumps upon feeling something furry rub up against his pant leg, looking down to see an entirely different cat. He stares at the furry animal before hesitantly squatting down to pet it.
Running his fingers across the felines head, he smiled a bit, scratching it behind the ears before standing up to wash his hands. The cat, however, did not take no more for an answer. It butted it's head against Chuuyas calf, purring as it did so. Chuuya rolled his eyes and looked at it again, resisting the urge to pet it and have to wash his hands all over again. You return to the kitchen to grab the plates, setting them at the dinner table with a smile. Chuuya follows you out, the cat following him, like a train. Chuuya sits across from your seat and watches you situate yourself, a sort of love struck expression on his face. You notice and blush, a small and breathy laugh escaping your lips.
Chuuya is snapped from his adoring gaze by what feels like a trillion pounds of bricks being dropped into his lap, causing him to let out a loud "oomph." You look at him with confusion and concern and Chuuya looks down at his lap, seeing a massive and utterly colossal, prodigious, party-sized ass cat loafing in his lap. How it even jumped up onto him was entirely out of his scope of knowledge. You peered under the table and saw your largest cat on your boyfriends lap, making you frown.
"I'm sorry about him, he's on a weight loss journey, I promise." You apologetically say, getting up to remove the stupendously sized cat from Chuuyas thighs, gently plopping him down on the floor. He nods in response, putting his hands up defensively. "It's not a big deal, I promise. He looks like he's got the spirit to get to that goal." He says, remote enthusiasm in his voice. You nod with a smile. "He definitely does. I think you'll get along with all three of them well, I think they already really like you, especially (cat #3's name)." He smiles a bit and nods, taking a bite of his food, humming in satisfaction. "You're such a great chef, doll. Did you have the cats pick fresh herbs and spices or somethin'?" He playfully says, making you scoff.
"I wish those cats could help out. They're wonderful for moral support and occasional obstacles, though." You sarcastically reply. He smiles. "Do they actually knock stuff off of tables? I've heard a lot of cats like to do things like that, or sitting on keyboards?" You nod, taking another bite of your food. "Yeah, they've done it a couple times, they knocked pepper all over the place once and when they hopped down on the floor none of them could stop sneezing. I felt so bad for them." You say, reminiscing on all the times your animals inconvenienced both you and themselves with their antics.
Chuuya laughs a little, resting his head against his knuckles. "What poor little things they are, huh?" He laughs, looking at the three cats that were now sprawled out on the couch. You nod. "Maybe they just need another parental figure." You say, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. He looks over at you, his cheeks slightly red and his lips parted. "What, do you want me to be their second/father?" You nod with a grin. "If you'll accept the offer." You smile, sipping on some water.
Chuuya smirks, leaning back in his chair and adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. "Obviously I'm going to, I would never deny you." He says, his pearly white teeth flashing as he speaks. Everything about him really was perfect to you, especially his willingness to be included in your little cat family. "Great, hopefully they'll learn to be a gentleman just like you." You say, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and leaning into him.
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A/n; dawg I'm posting this from a movie theater this movie is kinda boring and I gotta be here for 2 ½ more hours send help. Also if I flop again I'm crying tbh (Edit) WALKED OUT THAT BITCH LAST NIGHT W OLD ERAS TOUR MOVIE MERCH BECAUSE I WASNT ABLE TO GO SEE IT ORIGINALLY AND GET IT SO ALL IS WELL
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Hey saffy. Could you possibly do a request of the boys and reader getting a puppy or pet of some sort? Thanks in advance. Your work is really cool.
This is too cute!! Hope you enjoy🙃❤️ sorry it's a little short
141 + König x Reader Getting a New Pet
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of malnutrition and death
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Simon Ghost Riley-
The two of you were walking around a strip mall on your day off, trying to kill some time when you passed by a pet store.
"Oh, Simon! Can we go in? Just to look." You turned to your husband, a pleading look in your eyes.
Simon was about to say no before seeing the look you were giving. "Quickly, love. This place is a trap."
Your eyes grew wide, and a smile was plastered on your face as you ran to the door, opening it quickly.
Dragging a reluctant Simon behind you, you walked along the wall of puppies before finding a small German Shepard pup, trying desperately to get your attention.
"Si! He's so cute! Can we see him, please? Super quick, I promise." You clasped your hands together and begged.
Simon sighed and waved you to go ahead. "I'll watch sweetheart. Go on ahead."
You squeaked from excitement, and went to grab the store clerk to set up your little meet and greet.
You'd managed to convince Simon to sit in the little room with you, and bounced up and down gleefully when the pup was brought to you.
"He's a sweet guy. Super playful. I'm honestly surprised nobody has taken him yet." The clerk told you before placing the puppy down on the ground in front of you and Simon.
The Shepard immediately ran to you, his tag wagging rapidly.
You giggled in delight as you got down to the same level as the dog, letting him lick your face. "Oh, he's so cute, isn't he?"
Simon tried not to smile as he watched you, not wanting his self-control to break. The more he looked, the cuter the dog got. To be fair, he had been wanting to get something to make sure you were well protected when you left.
Slowly but surely, Simon's resolve crumbled, and he ended up getting down on your level to play with the pup. The Shepard bolted to Simon, attacking him with frenzied kisses. Simon reached out to pet him and knew he was done for.
"Can we....can we get him?" You pleaded, mustering the best pouty lip look you could.
A small smile formed on his face, and that told you all you needed to know.
After bringing him home a few weeks later, the two of you settled on calling him "Riley," although it took Simon a while to stop calling him "dog."
The two of them ended up becoming best friends, and it was rare if you'd find one without the other. If you hadn't known better, you'd say your little plan worked out perfectly.
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You and König had the weekend off, so the two of you decided to go to a small getaway in the mountains, packed with trails to hike.
You were on one of the many trails, walking past a patch of bushes when you heard a small squeak.
"Kö, did you hear that?" You turned your head to try and find the source of the noise.
König nodded and moved toward the bushes to investigate. "Schat! Look!"
You walked to him and watched as he carefully picked up a small furry creature from the bushes.
"Oh god! How cute, it's a little kitten!" You squealed as you approached to get a closer look.
It was a little black and white kitten that looked slightly malnourished.
"Was he left by his mom? Is there any sign of her being around?" You questioned, peeking around the bushes for signs of the mom.
"I think he was left behind. It looks like he's been here for a while." König replied, staring down at the kitten with a wide smile.
"He's so cute Kö." You looked up to him with a matching smile.
The two of you stood there for a bit, oogling at the cat, before König blurted out, "I think we should bring him home with us."
Your eyes lit up at his words as you let out a squeal. "Really? You mean it?"
You'd been wanting a furry friend to keep you company for some time, as you often grew lonely during Königs deployments.
König nodded at you, beaming and grabbed a piece of cloth from his backpack to wrap the small kitten in. "Come on, little guy, we'll give you a loving home."
After getting the little one all his shots and a checkup at the vet, you brought him home. König adored the kitten and was ultimately the one who named him "Sylvester."
The two of them developed a strong bond, the kitten being overly attached to König. Sylvester followed him all over the house, slept with him, and never let König from his sight. Needless to say, he was, in fact, brought to a home where he was loved.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
You were a frequent volunteer of your local animal shelter and decided to take Johnny with you on one of your trips when he was home on leave.
Johnny was over the moon, constantly going between the different dog kennels, playing with each and every one.
There was one, however, that he completely fell in love with. She was an older Pitbull mix who'd been at the shelter for some time. You watched as she came right up to him, tail wagging as Johnny approached her. She was often very shy with new people, so you were pleasanty surprised with how quick she took a liking to your husband.
"Babe, she's so sweet." He looked at you as you made your way into her kennel with him.
"She's been here since I started volunteering a few years ago. She's an angel. I really don't know why people haven't looked at her. Once she warms up, she has such a wonderful personality. " You smiled sadly as you crouched down to pet her.
The two of you were silent for some time, giving all your attention to the dog, when Johnny looked up to you, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"You want her, don't you?" You asked, a small smile forming on your face.
He said nothing in reply, his smile only growing wide.
You chuckled softly, knowing this was bound to happen bringing him here.
"I'll go get the papers."
You brought her home later that day after going to a pet store to get supplies for her. You'd spent way more than you'd originally planned to, as Johnny kept adding stuff to the cart that he "insisted" that the pup would like.
After much deliberation on the name, Johnny's name choice had won. She was lovingly named, "Lassie".
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John Price-
You and John were walking through your local supermarket, grabbing some groceries, when you passed by a small table with cats available for adoption.
You immediately stopped pushing your cart and approached the table, much to John's dismay. "Love, we are here for milk and eggs, not cats."
Waiving your husband's words off, you leaned down to the table to look at an elderly tabby cat.
"Interested in adopting him? He's a senior cat. He's around 11. His owner passed, and unfortunately, not many people are keen on adopting older animals." The woman behind the table told you, seeing you eyeing the cat.
"Oh, I'm just looking. He looks so sweet though." You replied with a sad smile.
The cat came up to you and rubbed himself against your fingers that were laid against his cage. You pouted at the action, your heart melting as the cat continued to rub his face on your outstretched finger.
John watched the encounter, and he felt his heart soften a little. He knew you were an animal lover and have been wanting a pet for a while. It wasn't that he didn't like pets. Rather, he felt they didn't like him. Shaking his head of the thoughts, he moved to join you.
Standing beside you, he reached his finger toward the cats cage.
The tabby immediately came to nuzzle against his finger, causing a smile to form on John's face. "Well... maybe we can talk about taking him home."
A few hours later, you guys brought the tabby home. He immediately got himself comfortable after a thorough inspection of the house. He took a liking to John right away and took a particular liking to licking at his beard. Which then earned him the name "Mutton Chops" from John.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
You were scrolling through Facebook when you had seen a post from your local shelter about a three-legged Husky they recently saved. The more you scrolled through all of the photos, the more you knew you wanted to meet the dog.
Running outside to where Gaz was tending to his garden, you promptly handed the phone to him, a wide smile on your face. "Look! Kyle baby, we have to get her!"
Gaz wiped his hands on his pants before grabbing your phone, a giant smile forming at the sight of the photos. "Oh my God, Y/N. She's so cute."
"Do we... want to go see her?" You asked, biting your lip. You and Gaz had talked about having a new addition to your family for quite some time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring a pet into the equation.
There were about 2 minutes of deliberation that followed (there was no question that you both wanted her), and now the two of you were on your way to the shelter to meet her.
You both were over the moon as you were introduced to the Husky. Both of you knew the minute she hobbled over to you that she was going to be going home with you. She seemed to have taken a liking to the two of you as well, as it only took a few minutes for her to roll over and have you give her belly rubs.
On the way back home with her, Gaz had the biggest smile on his face that you'd ever seen (only competing with your wedding day). As she got settled in her new home, the two of you sat down to discuss names, Gaz ultimately choosing her name to be "Nova."
A/N: Thanks for reading! I try to do at least one request a day or every two days, so feel free to send whatever you'd like written!🩷🙃
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enha-doodles · 2 months
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Pairing : Tom riddle x fem!reader
Synopsis : you and Tom are academic rivals and hate each other , but is it your fault when that competitive asshole cannot handle one loss and seeks for revenge which leaves you in detention
Warnings : cursing , normal fighting ? Not proofread I'm sorry 😭
Note : my first ever Harry potter fic sksksk , I'm very excited for this one . This is also my first fic after like a year ? And I've improved a lot so I hope you guys like it <33
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In the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the echoes of centuries-old spells mingle with the whispers of ambitious young wizards, I stormed down the corridor, my footsteps echoing with determination. Clutched tightly in ny hand was the parchment that bore the results of the latest Defense Against the Dark Arts examination—a subject I prided myself on excelling in , but surprisingly this time I didn't get the highest grade , though i already have an idea who got excellent score - that asshole .
As I rounded the corner, my path intersected with none other than Tom Riddle , the brooding Slytherin prodigy whose mere presence seemed to cast a shadow over my ambitions. His dark eyes flickered with a smugness that ignited a spark of anger within me , knowing all too well that he had likely aced the exam and overstepped me .
"You're in the damn way, Riddle," i spat, my voice laced with disdain as i attempted to sidestep him. But Tom, ever the opportunist, blocked my path with a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, (L/N), always using such unladylike words , maybe thats one of the reason why you seem to be below than me ," he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension.
Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I clenched my jaw, refusing to let him see how much his words affected me . "Unlike some , I actually don't care what people say and while we talk about my academic pursuits , it'd be better if you keep your insignificant opinion to yourself ," i retorted, my tone laced with venom. Our rivalry was legendary within the walls of Hogwarts, a constant clash of intellects and egos that fueled their disdain for one another.
With a sarcastic smile, I pushed past Tom, my resolve steeling against the inevitable confrontation that awaited the both of us in the days to come. For as long as we remained academic rivals, our mutual hatred would burn as brightly as the flames of Gryffindor and Slytherin.
Tom's voice echoed in the long and ominous hallway making me stop at my tracks . "Maybe you should work on yourself instead of just trying to prove your worth , which I may insist would be nothing less than my broom" That arrogant jerk . Thankfully there were almost no students around since it was time for another lesson . I could feel my rage burning , running through my veins as i stormed towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his stupidly perfect robe "You better learn to shut your fucking mouth riddle , I'm no patient woman and I would definitely not hesitate to show you just how much I have in myself , I'll have you fucking grovel at my feet" i seethed but it did not have much impact on Tom since all he did was let out a menacing chuckle "grovel at your feet ? You sure think highly of yourself , don't you ? And why are you mad , I was just being veracious . Perhaps you forgot I'm a prefect and could very happily take points from your pathetic house for the absolute insolence you are performing at the moment"
His word flowed through his thick British accent only making me more mad , they always seemed to cut through my mind and heart , his erudite personality provoking a desire withing me to just stab him with a dagger but I know better than to do foolish things so instead i let my grip loosen as I gave him a sickeningly fake smile , my hands straightening his collar as i whispered "you wouldn't dare riddle , you know I'm a prefect aswell" i continued with sweetness flowing through my words as if it was straight up sugar "I wouldn't mind deducting all of those points you earned in a month , I'll make sure they're gone in a fucking week , you know Dumbledore is on my side" i taunted him as i tightened his tie a bit to which he hissed and glared at me .
It was a known fact that tom was loved by the entire student body along with the professors but Dumbledore? No . he sure saw right through his facade something which I highly appreciate since I find it stupid just how naive people here are that they are fooled by his fake act but to be fair he is quite charmistic with his ways of getting things done in his manner , he just fabricates his personality so fucking well . Oh how I would love to disrupt and absolutely wreck his living . His fame , his knowledge, his charm , his everything , just him overall evokes an enmity within me , an deep seated anger upon how he could gain it all so easily while I work my ass off ? It was just not fair .
I took my hands off as i beamed at him my eyes forming into crescents "farewell riddle , hope you collide into a wall and have a concussion" with that i turned around smiling to myself as i felt a sense complacency wash over me , oh such a beautiful feeling to put him in his place , I'm going to have a good sleep tonight .
As she went away Tom stood there with a clenched jaw and hands formed into fists breathing heavily "that disdainful bitch" . The amount of anger he felt was indescribable at the moment , how could this little girl disrespect him , the future lord of the wizarding world , and go away as if nothing happened? She needs to learn her place and Tom will gladly be the one to do so . "Just you wait little girl , just you wait" he breathed out as he walked away sharply .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
It was now the next morning , I woke up along with hermione as we both freshened up and went at the great hall for breakfast . As we reached there we spotted our usual group - Harry , ron , fred and george . They are all laughing as we took our seats , I sat near Harry as hermione sat near ron . As they started bickering i side eyed Harry as we both quietly exchanged amused glances . To be honest everyone knew they liked each except those two idiots, sometimes I think they know it aswell but they just don't have enough courage to express it . It's honestly so annoying but we still do our best to make them realise their feelings .
I laughed as I heard Harry huff out "here comes the daily fighting , can a guy not have a break" I took a plate as I filled it with some food and continued the conversation "hey a girl needs a break aswell , I'm sure he doens't complain about mionie as much as she eats my ear off about ron" . Harry was about to say something when he suddenly stopped , his mouth open , eyebrows frowned into confusion as he looked somewhere. "What ? What happened?" I asked as I followed his gaze which stopped at the Slytherin table right where tom sat with his insatiable group of arrogant jerks "oh" was all i could say . Harry turned towards me as he asked "did you and Tom have another fight ? He seems to glaring at you since you entered . At first i thought it was just me but umm he's definitely mad"
All my friends knew about our rivalry since I'm mostly pissed off because of him and well let me inform you about an annoying trait of mine - I can't control my anger and cursing . I sighed as i continued eating answering him nonchalanly "I did but he started it , it was just the same I don't know what hit the nerve this time" Harry seemed a bit concerned as he leaned in a bit "just be careful I think he's coming for you this time , it seems as if you really hurt his pride" I let out a chuckle as I looked at tom "oh he can try all he wants but at the end he is the loser" i whispered as i smiled sarcastically at tom who only glared back .
We had finished eating as we stood up , ron and hermione still arguing "gosh ronald you make such gratuitous jokes" hermione complained as they walked forward , me and Harry still walking at a slow pace behind as we continued laughing . Suddenly Tom blocked our path with his annoying friends "well if it isn't the golden pair of our school , i must say you both suit each other perfectly , extremely dumb and pretentious" said his younger brother, mattheo . He is a spitting image of Tom just less cold and more talkative , also a complete manwhore - quite the opposite of Tom . I scoffed as I rolled my eyes "did the snakes loose their way ? You're slithering in the wrong den assholes"
"How amiable , aren't you darling" mattheo said as he stepped forward , a bit too much in my personal space for my liking . Before I can say something Tom interrupted "don't waste your time on trash Mattheo , we have better things to do" his sentence made me furious but i kept a cool face on "oh yeah , like licking snapes boot off for extra points?" My words sure made them offended as they all stepped forward but Harry came in between "if you guys may , we're getting late for class" with that he dragged me away as I flipped Tom off , oh how I loved seeing their pissed off face as I blew them a kiss only adding fuel to their rage .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
During the classes i could feel their burning gaze throwing daggers at my head . They were extremely influencial people maybe i shouldn't have said too much but I'm a gryffindor , it's in my blood . Damn this courage , this will be the reason of my death one day . This is all Tom's fault , he is simply so agitating ugh will be just let me live my life in any sort of peace ? If he's not at my neck all the time then his goons are , so fucking annoying. The classroom fell quite as the professor stepped in with the results of the transfiguration test taken a week ago .
As the professor stood at the front of the classroom, holding the parchment with the test results, the tension in the air was palpable. Every student leaned forward in their seats, anticipation coursing through the room like electricity.
When the professor finally began to announce the results, a hush fell over the classroom, broken only by the rustling of parchment. As my name was called out as the top performer, a ripple of whispers and murmurs swept through the room, followed by a round of applause.
You couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the recognition of your hard work and dedication. It was a validation of your efforts, a moment of triumph amidst the daily struggles of academic life at Hogwarts.
But as you basked in the glow of your success, you couldn't ignore the sharp gaze of Tom Riddle fixed upon you from across the room. His expression was inscrutable, but there was a glint of something dangerous in his eyes.
It was no secret that Tom Riddle was ambitious and competitive, always striving to be the best in every endeavor. Your success was undoubtedly a blow to his pride, and you could see the flicker of envy in his demeanor.
As the class continued, you couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, as if every move you made was being watched and analyzed. It was as though Tom's gaze followed you wherever you went, a constant reminder of the rivalry that simmered between you.
But despite the undercurrent of tension, you refused to let it dampen your spirits. You were determined to savor this moment of victory, to revel in the praise that had been bestowed upon you.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
As Tom Riddle seethed with jealousy over the your academic success , he knew he needed to devise a plan to bring you down. His mind teemed with thoughts of retribution, each one darker than the last.
One evening, as he strolled through the corridors of Hogwarts, an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. He would orchestrate a situation that would land you in detention, a punishment that would serve as a fitting punishment for their perceived transgressions. It would piss you off but also lower your reputation in front of the professors.
Tom approached his brother, Mattheo, and his friend, Theodore, with a devious plan brewing in his mind. "I need your help," he said, his eyes glinting with malice. "I want to teach that insolent girl a lesson she won't forget."
Mattheo and Theodore exchanged a glance, intrigued by Tom's proposition already knowing who he's talking about . "What do you have in mind?" Mattheo asked, his curiosity piqued.
Tom outlined his plan, explaining how he intended to use Mattheo and Theodore to manipulate your emotions. "We'll have you bump into her and flirt with her," he said with a wicked grin. "But we'll make sure to push her buttons. She won't be able to resist reacting , you know how she is ."
Theodore nodded , eager to assist his friend. "Count me in," he declared, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
As i navigated the bustling corridors of Hogwarts, lost in thought, i suddenly felt a collision jolt my from my reverie. Startled, i stumbled backward, nearly losing my balance. Looking up, I saw two figures looming over me , their expressions smug and unapologetic.
"Watch where you're going!" I exclaimed, my annoyance evident in my voice as I straightened myself.
Mattheo and Theodore exchanged a glance, barely concealing their amusement. "Apologies, love," Mattheo said with a smirk, his tone dripping with insincerity. "We didn't see you there."
I rolled her eyes, my irritation mounting at their cavalier attitude. "Sure you didn't," I muttered sarcastically, attempting to sidestep their path and continue on my way.
But Mattheo stepped in front of me , blocking my path with an infuriating grin. "Leaving so soon, sweetheart?" he teased, his tone laced with arrogance.
My patience wore thin as I tried to push past him, my frustration evident in my voice. "I have better things to do than entertain you two," i retorted, my annoyance palpable.
However, Mattheo and Theodore seemed undeterred by my dismissal, their egos bruised by my indifference. They exchanged a knowing glance before Theodore leaned in closer, his voice dripping with false charm. "Come on, don't be like that," he cajoled, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from my face.
I recoiled, my patience wearing thin. "Don't touch me," I snapped, swatting his hand away. "I said I'm not interested!"
But Mattheo and Theodore persisted, their egos wounded by my rejection. They exchanged a smirk before Theodore remarked, "Looks like she needs to be taught a lesson, eh, Mattheo?"
With a malicious glint in his eye, Mattheo nodded in agreement. "Oh, I've got just the lesson in mind," he replied, his voice filled with venomous intent as he stepped closer .
And with that, my patience snapped. With a swift punch to Mattheo's jaw, I silenced his arrogant words , I couldn't believe how absolutely disgusting they were.
The commotion attracted the attention of nearby teachers, who hurried over to intervene. Amidst the chaos, I found myself dragged to detention , the teacher's had asked what happened and with the witness of other students around it was proved that I started the fight. I was absolutely furious because I had a reason to do it but I was silenced by "I am utterly disappointed in you (name) I didn't expect this kind of behaviour from you. Detention for 3 days". My mind was reeling with anger - they hadn't even let me explain myself , just great .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
As i stormed into the dimly lit detention room, my eyes immediately locked onto Tom Riddle's figure, sitting calmly at his desk. Without hesitation, i marched over to him, my footsteps echoing with determination.
"What did you do?" I demanded, my voice cutting through the silence of the room. Tom glanced up, his expression unreadable as he met my gaze. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," he replied smoothly, his tone betraying no hint of guilt.
My frustration boiled over, my patience wearing thin. "Cut the act, Tom," i snapped, my voice tinged with anger. "You framed me, didn't you?"
A smirk tugged at the corner of Tom's lips, a glint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes. "Perhaps I did," he admitted casually, his gaze never wavering from mine . "But you shouldn't be so careless, (L/N) . You know what they say about stepping on snakes."
The mention of snakes ignited a fire within me , my temper flaring at his veiled threat. Without thinking, I lunged forward, my hand reaching out to grab him by the collar.
"You think you can intimidate me?" I hissed, my voice laced with fury as I pulled him closer. "I won't let you get away with this."
Tom's smirk widened into a sly grin as he met my gaze head-on, unfazed by my display of aggression. "And what do you plan to do about it?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.
Before I could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room as the detention supervisor approached, breaking the tension between us . With a final glare, I released my grip on Tom's collar, stepping back to compose myself.
I huffed as I took my seat glaring at the back of his head while he talked smoothly with the professor keeping up with his facade , showing no remorse after framing me and worse threatening me to do more just because i overstepped him in a bloody test . A frustrated sigh left my mouth as he left with a mocking sly grin on his face and all I could do was roll my eyes and curse him "that asshole" .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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arkhammaid · 3 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the waiting time between pre-season testing and first race is being filled
content warnings. the girls (men) are fighting and y/n gets a reality check
notes. another chat chapter because you guys liked it lol
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george russell Welcome, @/oliverbearman and @/ynstark to the main Grid Chat. I will add you to the other ones as well.
daniel ricciardo WELCOME!!! We're so happy to finally have you here
Also, @/kevinmagnussen, welcome back you ass
Don't leave any groupchats again, it's a pain to add you back
george russell Considering I have to do the work, you're not allowed to complain Daniel
lando norris booo, let him have the fun
nico hülkenberg Oh no, it starts again. I'll mute you asshats if you don't stop this
lando norris you're just boring
oliver bearman thank you guys! very happy and honored to be finally part of the big guys 🫣
y/n stark thank you, george! and i'm excited to officially meet you all, until then, hello :)
charles leclerc Hello y/n, welcome to the grid! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here 😉
y/n stark thank you charles, i'm sure i will lol
kevin magnussen I swear I will block you all
daniel ricciardo Don't be like that, you love us
y/n stark lol, he actually hates you guys, won't stop whining kevin magnussen One day, young lady, one day... y/n stark y'all hear sum? charles leclerc Gagged. lando norris charles???
carlos sainz Can you guys just shut up for once, dios mio.
charles leclerc Aww, Carlos, you love us! carlos sainz Debatable. Sometimes I wish you would all crash and not survive to be honest oscar piastri We get it, you're an asshole carlos sainz Fuck off Piastri oscar piastri Right back at you Sainz
lewishamilton welcome to our new rookies! ollie, awesome to see you again, y/n, don't be a stranger, we haven't talked in ages!
y/n stark lew!! we defo have to, gonna hit you up for fashion show for sure, pepper has been planning something pierre gasly Lew 👀 y/n stark look who's here... the tripod.... pierre gasly Yeah yeah, shutting up. Welcome to the grid y/n y/n stark thank you pierre
sergio perez Welcome, rookies.
max verstappen From me a welcome as well!
esteban ocon Welcome, welcome!! This is so exciting, I've been waiting for a long time now 😋😋
lance stroll Estie??? esteban ocon Shht, Lancey, let me cook lance stroll 💀💀💀
lance stroll Anyways, all of them are idiots, as we already know, welcome to hell, y/n
y/n stark aww, thank you lance. so sorry you have to go throught this 🫂 charles leclerc We're not so bad?? lewis hamilton Well. charles leclerc Oh come on Lewis lewis hamilton I didn't say anything
fernando alonso Stark and Bearman! Welcome to the coolest people on the paddock 😎
oliver bearman thanks fernando! y/n stark thanks nando 😎
alexander albon Hi guys, so nice to see you finally in here! @/georgerussell you took your sweet time man
george russell You be Head of the GPDA then. alexander albon No thank you, I'm fine 🙃
logan sargeant Welcome, welcome, happy to see some new faces!
oscar piastri They're finally here. Welcome back Ollie and welcome Y/n to this shit hole
lando norris you know what osc? oscar piastri No, and I don't care. Save the talking for the track lando norris you do know i'm still zak's favorite driver? i could get you fired oscar piastri Please don't. charles leclerc This is what you get for lying in an interview. No groupchat with all of us is ever formal oscar piastri This literally isn't about you Charles charles leclerc Boo, you hater
y/n stark @/kevinmagnussen i see what you've said now...
kevin magnussen Never ever doubt me again, I've been with those fuckers for years now daniel ricciardo Hey!! That's not nice yuki tsunoda you know what else is not nice ricciardo? daniel ricciardo Yuki, drop it. Team orders are team orders yuki tsunoda i don't give a fuck old man, you behave like a bitch you get bitch behavior max verstappen Drop it or else I'll involve Helmut. yuki tsunoda fuck you dan-cocksucker max verstappen Yuki. We don't carry out team issues to the grid. yuki tsunoda he started first and i have proof daniel ricciardo I don't know why you're being so dramatic, it was only testing yuki tsunoda i give you dramatic you fucking asshole. you know what you did and i stand by my statement that this was a total asshole move. just because you got a big smile doesn't mean you're fooling everyone fucking ass george russell I will both kick you out if you don't drop this immediately.
carlos sainz And it starts again...
valterri bottas You're all children. Stop it
y/n stark so pierre was right huh 😀
kevin magnussen I told you so. pierre gasly Why am I getting involved in shit again?
zhou ganyu I apologize for their behavior. Y/n, Oliver, welcome to the grid, I'll be excited to race you both!
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are they actually children because wtf did i just witness.
Yeah... I told you drivers are dramatic. Well, most of them and other's are just their victims. Of course we have our moments and friendships but it's a ruthless sport
man tf. literal man children. i'm so glad i have you as a teammate kev. like seriously. i don't know if i could survive with someone like daniel or carlos
the passive agressive vibes <<<<
that's just not it tbh
I have no idea what you just said but I agree. Daniel and Yuki are not good teammates, it was already bad last year and now this.
To be honest, Nico and I often missed stuff like that since we were stuck at Haas and the upper dogs never really showed interest in what we thought or did but everyone knew what happened between them
pls don't tell me they have a clique here... oh my god and i thought the rumors were false
I mean.. not really but also kinda yes? Better drivers stick together since they're always spending time together, you know. No one cares about the ones who're limping behind, well besides Pierre and Esteban, but they're only kinda involved because they're close to Charles and Lance. And Lewis and Fernando aren't really on their level, they keep to themselves
why are men problematic
not you obvs, but like... jeez really felt the love here when we got welcomed
Welcome to F1 kid, it's a shithole
thanks, it's so lovely here
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i think it's worse than we thought
Honey, what are you talking about?
everything. you should see the group chat with the drivers right now. i thought people were joking about f1 drivers being bitter and bitchy towards each other, but there are literally groups and alliances or whatever the fuck is going on there
and if that's only the drivers... i don't want to know how the teams are
but also like, what is that going to stop us? we made plans, we know what to do but dear lord are men stupid. well not all but most of them. i literally had to watch how yuki and daniel were fighting because of a team issue in the GROUPCHAT with all drivers
and when max told them to drop it, he got called a dan-cocksucker, can you imagine??
everyone seems to know why they're fighting besides me and ollie, i knew there was tension in alpha tauri but this?? it's a new level of what the fuck is going on here
Are you alright?
i am
yk had to tell someone who's not kev since he has been involved in this forever and is used to it. but i still thought
well idk what i thought, maybe i'm just stupid for my wishful thinking
should've known all of this was pr and that most rumors are true. it will make our lives a bit harder
Don't worry, no matter what they throw against us, it's no alien invasion. They're just whiny little men after all and I'm literally Iron Man
i know dad
love you. and thank you
Of course, anything for you
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel, @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles , @fangirl-dot-com , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikfigueiredo , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora , @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 @greeneyesandsunshine , @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @woozart , @leclucklerc , @yl90 , @thebook-bitch
crossed off tags mean i can't tag you!
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE SERIES TAGLIST? please leave a comment on this post or send a non anonymous ask!
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hyuckmov · 3 months
hi queen I hope you're doing fine, we miss you on here 😭
can we please get something from rockstar hyuck part 3??? just crumbs please
here's something spicy that i actually wrote when i FIRST started rockstar hyuck wayyy way way back :) as a thank u to u guys for sticking w me i hope u missed just filth LOL
the call connects just after two rings, a sharp crackle of static before you're met with the sound of his soft breathing, loud against the quiet of his surroundings. 
"hey," you whisper, breathlessly. you didn't expect him to even pick up, considering how busy he was after shows. there was every chance he was still at the venue, high off the adrenaline that performing always gave him, or that he was at another one of his after-show parties, feeding off the adoration and desire that always surrounded him in a haze. 
"hey." you can't tell if he's mocking you, his voice equally breathy. "miss me?"
"yeah." you nibble on your lip, unsure what to say now that he was actually listening. shuffling back onto the pillows laid out on your bed, you sigh. "i'm sorry i couldn't make it to your show." it was the band's first trip to play a few gigs in another city close by, and although you wanted to follow, you just couldn't make the time for it. 
the boys, of course, had been endlessly excited – a new city, a new crowd…and of course a whole new slew of girls to show up to their parties. 
"it's fine," he murmurs, lightly. "i'll be back soon, anyway." 
you hear him shift around, and once again you're reminded of how surprising it is that he's picked up. "are you on the way to the party now?" 
"i'm not going to the party tonight, baby." the term of endearment snags your breath, a warmth spreading sweet and slow inside your body. "'m just staying in the hotel." 
"really?" you blurt out, hating the way your voice betrays the spark of hope that flickers in your chest. 
he laughs, and you can hear the smile in it. "it's good that you called," he says, quietly. there's a pause, as you try to figure out how to interpret his words. 
"not going to ask why, baby?" 
"why?" you ask, weakly. 
"because i've been thinking of you all day." you hear the clink of a wine glass being set down on a table, and then the rustle of sheets. "listened to that voice memo you sent me a week ago after the show…got me so fucking hard i couldn't even show up to the party, baby."
you inhale sharply, thighs pressing instinctively together. "haechan…" you murmur, fear prickling at your skin even though you know no one's listening. 
"it got so much worse after i drank," he breathes. "'m so sensitive right now…we've never fucked while drunk right?" 
"haechan," you plead, unsure if you want him to stop or continue. 
"what's wrong?"
"we're…we're on the phone." 
"so?" and now there's a thud, and you're sure he's dropped his phone next to him . you can hear the clink of his belt being unbuckled, the heavy slide of it as he tosses it somewhere off the bed. a rustle of fabric, and then a low groan sounding out, the sound shooting straight to your core. 
"fuck…baby," he pants. "keep saying my name like that." 
"hae–" you cut yourself off, biting your lip. fuck.
there's a short pause, your ears filled with the sound of his breathing, as if his body were caging yours in. the memory of it so vivid that you can't help but trail your hands down to the waistband of your shorts, something about the sultry way his voice played in your ears without him actually being there, the ghost of his touch still lingering in the corners of your body –
"- i can hang up, if i'm making you uncomfortable." there's a nervous stutter to his voice, which has lost all cadences of lust. "i'm sorry. i'll see you when i get back, –" 
"don't." you don't bother to hide the neediness in your voice, too stung by the idea of him hanging up, of him leaving you to fester in this unbearable heat. "please stay." 
you hear him inhale. "would it help if we switched to video call?" 
you feel lightheaded, mouth moving without sound. 
"baby," he presses. "you have to tell me if i'm making you feel uncomfortable, okay?" 
"let's not…let's not switch to video call," you swallow. "yet." 
"whatever you want," he agrees, softly. "are you on your bed, sweetheart?" 
"yes," you whisper. "j-jaemin's in his room too." 
"then we'll have to be quiet, hm?" 
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hailey-murdock · 11 months
Long Enough
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Paring: Peter B Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Dom!Peter, Switch!reader, degradation, orgams denial, and praising, dirty talk, extreme teasing, facesitting, makeout, dacryphilia, masochism, Breeding, marking, voyeurism, fluff, aftercare (I think that's all)
Summary: Peter finally returns after two weeks of being gone, and he makes sure to show his wife how much he missed her. (Reader is Mayday mother here)
Other Characters: Mayday Parker, May Parker
WC: 6.5K (this is pure smut 😭)
A/N: this fic took me about 3 weeks to get done 😭😭😭, so I hope yall enjoys this. The fact that this is my longest fic and that it's smut, it's insane! I'm gonna go to hell for this so whoever reads this, I'll see you in hell soon. (Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated)
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Peter had been gone for about two weeks now, each day promising you he’d be back but never showing. You knew that there were times he had to go to the Headquarters. You took your toddler Mayday downtown New York for the day, stopping at a coffee shop for lunch.
As you waited in line to order, Mayday suddenly turned around in your arms and smiled, blabbing about her daddy. You look up, seeing Peter standing by the entrance with flowers in his hand for you and a small teddy for Mayday.
“Hey hun…I’m sorry about the long week.” He says with a soft sheepish smile, approaching your table. You wrapped your arms around Peter, feeling absolutely relieved as you felt his warmth radiate to your body. You pulled away from his embrace and punched his chest.
Peter winces from the force of your punch (maybe he taught you how to throw a punch for self-defense), before pulling you in for one last kiss. “I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter welcome, babe. Did you miss me? As much as I missed you?” he asked sarcastically and playfully, with a sweet smile on his face as he cupped your face. "I’m so happy right now that my little family is together again'.
"That's what you get for scaring me Peter! But I'm glad you're finally home. Of course I missed you". You couldn't help but pull him into another kiss not caring about the people watching.
Peter couldn’t help but grin into the kiss, kissing back passionately as it lasted a few moments longer than it should be. But it couldn’t be helped, he had just come home and he had to show his wife how much he missed her.
A wide smile appeared on your face as you pulled away. You took Mayday into your arms. "Say hi to daddy sweetheart", you say to your toddler.
Peter softly smiles, as Mayday immediately jumps into his arms and hugs him. “Hey Princess! So happy to see you again. How are you doing?” he exclaimed, with an excited smile as he lifted her high into the air.
Your baby giggles and smiles, holding tightly onto Peter's neck. Your heart swelled with love and warmth at the sight in front of you. Peter with your daughter but his daughter as well. You couldn't ask for more.
“She’s so big now! I swear, Mayday just grew overnight. Look at her, she’s almost as tall as you are now. Before we know it she’ll be taller than both of us.” Peter's chuckles, looking down at your sweet little girl with a wide grin and loving eyes.
A small chuckle comes out of you. "Oh babe, don't say that. She will always be our baby girl".
"Well even if she is getting bigger, she’s still our baby girl, and she’ll always be our princess". Peter replies, hugging her tightly. As she squeals out a little laugh, he plants a sweet little kiss on the top of her head.
"Yeah she is, we just got here. Oh, I didn't cook today so we can eat here together, if you want".
“Sounds good to me! We can order something and have the rest of today to ourselves. I’m glad I’m back with you and Mayday". Peter says with a warm smile, looking at his family with the most loving gaze he could muster in that moment.
"Yeah babe, let me just order our usual". You leave your baby with Peter to go and order the food you guys usually liked to eat. As you turned back with the food, you couldn't find your husband. "Peter"?
"Yeah babe, right here". Peter smiles lovingly, looking up to you with his green eyes shining, as if he's staring deep into your soul. The loom on Peter's face made you feel loved like never before. You sat down next to Peter and handed his food. He takes a bite of his sandwich, before taking you into his arms again and kissing you with all his might, feeling as if he hasn't done so in months.
You couldn’t help but feel giddy and full of joy, knowing you had the perfect family. Of course, your family wasn't just a regular family, after all it's not like many women had their husbands as Spider-Man.
A deep shade of red blush appeared on your cheeks the way Peter kissed you. "So I was thinking".
“About what babe"? Peter questioned sweetly, taking in each of your words as if they were the sweetest music he could hear. He rested his hand on your cheek, his eyes locked onto yours. Peter can’t help but smile as he sees your lovely face in front of him once more.
"What if we could get someone to take care of Mayday tonight, so we can have the night together....alone"?
He chuckles softly, placing a hand on your hip and pulling you closer to him. “Oh really? Sounds like you want to have some fun tonight". He whispers in your ear cheekily, with a devilish grin.
"Maybe". A smirk creeps onto your face. "After all you can't blame me Peter, I, your wife, was alone and I needed someone to take care of me". You whispered the last into Peter's ear.
“Well I’d be more than happy to "take care" of you baby. After all, I need to make up with you for all this time I’ve been away". Peter whispers back, leaning close to give you a little kiss as he stares into your eyes, his face full of love and adoration.
"Mhm that's what I like to hear, now eat up we are gonna need a lot of energy tonight". You chuckled as you helped Mayday eat in her chair.
"Yes ma'am, of course". Peter smiled, before finishing up his meal in one final bite. “All done, are you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as a small bit of food falls from the corner of his mouth. He chuckled for a minute, before gently wiping his mouth with his index finger and licking it, giving you a wink.
"Peter"! The small but yet meaningful action caused your panties to grow wet, and the smell hit Peter's nostrils. He bit his tongue to make sure nobody heard his groan. You blush furiously.
Peter smiled at the sight of his wife getting all flustered by his teasing. One of the highlights to your relationship, in his eyes. A little banter and teasing, nothing could beat that. He stands from his seat and pulls you close once again, resting my hands on your hips and giving you a soft smile.
“Are we ready to go home and have a romantic night in? I just can’t help but keep thinking about you…”
"We still need to find a babysitter Peter".
“Is there no one in the neighborhood we can ask? A teenage neighbor or something"? Peter questions, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. He didn’t exactly know many people in the neighborhood, other than those he fought and saved countless times. But he was confident that somebody in the neighborhood could babysit.
"Can't you ask Aunt May"? You suggested it to your husband.
"That’s not a bad idea either. She does live a few blocks from us after all. Maybe she’ll stop by to help her favorite nephew out".
You nod in agreement. “Should we give her a call then, babe"? You questioned, leaning in to give Peter another soft kiss. A gentle pat on the cheek was the final touch, as he held you close.
"Mhm yeah let me call her". As you called May, Peter played with Mayday. You couldn't ask for more. Satisfied was the word you would use to describe your life.
After ending the call with May, you walked back to Peter. "May said she could take care of Mayday, so let's go back home to get her things ready. May said she would come in 15 minutes".
“Perfect, let’s go.” He grins as he grabs your hand, before leading you out the door and back to your apartment. Peter gives you a light kiss on the cheek every now and again, giving his beautiful wife the attention you deserve as the three of you make the walk back to your home. Besides Peter knew how touch starved you could get. He opens the door for you, taking your hand as he steps inside the warm comforting home.
Peter takes Mayday into his arms for you to get a bag for Mayday. After a few minutes May comes and takes Mayday and her things. The two of you say your goodbyes as they leave. You turn to Peter with a devilish smile. "Hi". You batted your long lashes at Peter trying to act innocent. But Peter knew what kind of game you were playing, and who was he to deny your teasing. You wanted to play dirty? Then so be it.
He can’t help but smile as he turns and sees you, a devilish look in your eyes.
“Hey babe. What brings you such a delightful expression”? Peter questions, moving a piece of hair from your face. He loved this game the two of you both played.
"Oh no reason". A smirk appears on your face while you walk towards him and your hands rest on Peter's chest as you look up at him seductively.
Peters blushes a little, as he looks down into your eyes with his own burning green eyes. He could feel your soft hands on his chest, and he enjoyed it. Peter caressed your cheek with his own hand. “Whatever the case may be, it suits you well”.
You tilt your head slightly and a quiet hum is the only noise in the room before gripping his shirt to pull Peter into a messy, heavy, and passionate kiss.
Peter grinned as you pulled him down, pressing his lips into yours. One hand on your cheek as the other on your waist. The kiss was passionate and messy but yet soft, like two lovers who had missed each other for a long time. He could hear your daughter babbling from the other room, before you guys broke the kiss.
The kiss left you dumbfounded, the desire of wanting your husband to touch your body clouded your mind. You couldn't think about anything else. Not even form a single word.
Peter was mesmerized by the way his kiss had left you. He couldn’t help but feel pride in his chest to know only he was the one to make you fall apart under his touch. “What did I tell you? I always know the right way to take care of you". He pulled you close once more, kissing you again while holding you tight. Peter lived for the way the whine, whimpers and moans would escape from you in moments like these.
You moaned at the sensation and pulled your bodies even more than possible closer. Your reaction was exactly what Peter needed, as I continued to hold you close and kiss you. He couldn’t lie to you and say that he didn't want this. He needed this. Eventually you pull apart once more. Peter looks down into your eyes, a loving gaze filling up. “Are you ready for tonight"?
"Y-yeah but first I need to do something". You grin before going to the bedroom to change into a red lingerie set you had just brought a week ago. As you walk out, you see Peter on the couch with his legs spread out. You could just cum at the sight in front of you. "Now I'm ready".
Peter smirked as you entered the room, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. “Wow, I didn’t expect that. You look absolutely stunning babe”. He gets up and he approaches you, grabbing your waist. “You just look gorgeous. This might be your best look yet".
"Consider this a welcome back present" you whisper in his ear. "Unwrap me Peter".
He chuckles softly, his breath catching in his throat at your words. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up into the air. “I might just have to, I can’t keep my hands off of you".
"Then better get to it". Surprisingly you get out of Peter's grasp. You turn to walk to the bedroom giving him a view of your ass. "Aren't you coming"?
Peter's heart started to race as you gave him that teasing view. A grin is plastered on his face. "Oh I definitely will be in a minute" he teases back. He takes his time walking towards you, his eyes glued to the provocative view in front of him.
Before he knew it, Peter was standing behind you with no words spoken. He reached his hands to either side of your body, and leaned his head against your right shoulder. His breath was hot right beside your ear as he whispered: “You look perfect".
”Peter please, I've missed you, I missed your mouth, your hands and your…..cock" you said very quietly the last word.
He couldn’t hold back his laughter as you spoke of missing him, even more so considering the final part. Your voice was deep and seductive, he loved every moment of it. “You missed what baby? I didn't quite catch the last part. Be a good girl and say that one more time” Peter said with a smirk, raising his eyebrow.
You were growing more desperate by the second. A rush of blood went straight to your cheeks, embarrassed to repeat what Peter had asked you to say. But being his "good girl" was something you badly wanted to be. "I missed your cock. Need ya to fill me up".
One thing Peter always loved about your relationship is how direct you are. Other people would dance around this topic, but you, god, you were straight to the point. A chuckle left his mouth as you continued to speak to him in that way. “I think I could do just that….”.
"Please Peter, please….. f-fuck I need you".
When he heard your words, Peter was almost convinced that they were honey for his ears. He was all yours, after all. He let out a soft sigh, before his hands came up to your face. “Oh sweet girl, you don’t have to ask twice. I’ll be right back, you be ready". He winked, as he walked back to the living room and closed the door.
Peter entered the room, a devious grin on his face. It was the perfect night. You whined as you waited for him. Your clit is desperate for anything. The ache was starting to grow more and more as time passed. But you knew if you touched yourself you would get punished. As Peter heard your whining, he smirked, knowing full well that he had you right where he wanted you. Once the door was opened he made his appearance again, looking better than ever. Peter looked down into your eyes.
“Are you ready to get this started"?
"Y-yes". You say already breathless. The more you thought about his fingers, mouth and cock, it made you dizzy. The thrill was rushing through your veins.
“Good girl. Now don’t move". Peter said with a smirk, before making his way over to the bed. Without a word he laid down, leaning over you with a soft smile. “How do you want to begin"? Peter asked, before planting a quick and soft kiss below your ear.
"Whatever- i-just need you n-now". You leaned in to feel his lips against yours. He smirked, as he felt your breath on my lips. But never touching your lips, fucker, you thought. “As you wish, my love". Without any hesitation Peter began to undress, starting with his shirt. “Just for you-“.
Peter had never in the entire time you've been together this flustered or needy. He didn’t mind at all, he loved seeing his best girl with great desire for him. Hunger in your eye. The smell of your arousal in the air is stronger by the second. His pants feel tighter as he inhales your arousal. It was getting painful, but so good. After all he was a sucker for pain. But Peter wanted to focus on you first.
A smile fills up on Peter's face. “Well if you say so". He gives you a kiss, before cuddling you close. His game was just starting. “I’ll let you take it from here, I’ll just lay here and enjoy the show" He smirked.
"But Peter, I wanted you to show me how much you missed me" you whined desperately.
“Ah, of course. You want this night to be mutual, of course". Peter says, giving you a soft smirk and a nod. “In that case, I guess I have something else up my sleeve…”.
"Peter don't tease". You give him the best pout you could in front of him as you give him "fuck me" eyes.
He chuckles at your pout, and he feels an urge to tease you even further with the way you looked at him. But he kept his lips tight, only smirking at you now. “Oh I’ll tease you all I want, and I’m not gonna give in to your demands. Remember who the fuck is in charge”. Peter was so close to your face, his warm breath blowing against your face.
You nodded, not wanting to push his limits tonight, that could be for another night. Your leg wraps around his waist, trying to pull him closer.
Your leg wrapped around him caught him by surprise as he wasn’t expecting it, feeling a jolt of shock go through his body. He lets out a quiet gasp, before smiling. “Well that’s a new one". Peter wraps his arms around your back. “Are you getting impatient, my love?”
You nodded quickly trying to please Peter. "Y-yes sir".
"In that case, I wouldn’t want to make you wait any longer for it, would I"? He comments, giving you a smirk as his hands move down your back towards the top of your thighs.
"P-please Peter, I need it".
He bites his lip, before smiling softly. “Oh I think I know exactly what you need, sweet girl". His hands continue to move further down towards your thighs. A soft smirk on my face, as my hands move ever so slowly to your inner thigh…
"Peter I swear to god if you don't fuck me in the next minute, I won't let you cum inside of me". You threatened him, wanting him to act quickly.
That last part caught him off guard, he wasn’t expecting that. Peter let out a chuckle, his hand gently trailing down your inner thigh slowly. “Now what makes you say that"? He asks, in a teasing tone.
"You aren't inside of me or using your mouth on me".
He smirks, leaning in to give you a soft kiss on the lips before whispering in your ear. “Well you sure aren’t making it easy for me, with the way you just talk to me". He says, in an almost seductive tone. “You sure you can talk so dirty to me? Because as it seems, I might just need to punish you for it…”
"I- no, please, I'm sorry sir. Please I just need you".
He speaks to your soft ear. “Oh so now you want it? Now that you’ve apologized? I wonder, where were those sweet, innocent words of yours earlier. That’s what happens when you try to disobey my orders, baby". Peter whispers, before pressing his lips against your neck and moving his tongue along your skin.
The sensation was enough to make you moan out loud for him. "F-fuck peter".
Your small moan of pleasure was the only thing he needed to hear, knowing that it was time. Peter pulls you closer to himself, your bodies pressing up against each other as he feels the heat rising from your body. Peter gives you a soft squeeze before moving his hands up to your chin, gently resting them on each side of your face as he smiles down at you.
"I promise to be a good girl but p-pleaae don't punish me".
He nodded at your words, giving you one final kiss for good measure. “Perfect". He whispers in your ear, before you even know it Peter had already moved off his pants and boxers, he pushed aside your panties and moved aside your slick folds to put his cock inside of you. He takes a deep breath in, before letting time slow down just for a moment. Peter reaches in for one last tender moment with you before looking into your eyes.
“I love you, with my entire soul. You mean everything to me". Peter whispers to you. “I won’t ever leave you, alright"? He whispers in your ear, leaning in to kiss you once more.
The only thing you can think of right now is Peter moving inside of you. He wasn't even moving faster but yet it was perfect. The stretch was worth it, if you could you would have Peter inside of you 24/7. His touch was addicting. "I love you Peter, god, you're making me feel good".
"That's what I do best, sweetheart". He whispers, before kissing your neck. A soft smirk fills his face as his own voice leaves his mouth. “Just remember, it’s only going to get better".
The more Peter spoke to you the more your arousal dripped down onto the bed leaving a wet spot. You arch your back so that Peter could take off your bra and the pleasure was overwhelming. "F-faster".
Peter let out a soft chuckle, as he kissed the side of your neck. “Is that another command from my obedient little lover"? He asks, with a small smirk on my face.
His movements were even slower which caused you to groan out loud. "I'm sorry". The room was filled with your whimpers.
Peter smiles, a more mischievous expression taking over his own face as he continues. “Oh you need a little discipline then"?
Peter wanted to record your whines and play them later off for a release when you couldn't help him out. But hearing them now, together, he couldn't ask for something even better.
"Peter please, I want to cum".
He couldn’t help but giggle, before speaking in a soft but teasing tone. “Oh? Is that what you want? How cute". He smirked as he stopped his movements.
"Yes please". You had never begged so much as you had done right now. The embarrassment was the last thing on your mind. You didn't give one shit. You wanted, no, you needed to reach your orgasm.
“Well in that case, why don’t you ask nicely"? Peter asked in a soft, seductive tone.
"Please sir, please let me cum please".
He smirks. “You really can’t hold back, can you”? Peter chuckled, watching your begging from a soft, knowing grin.
"Please I can't handle it".
“Oh can’t you? Do you really want me to make you cum sweetheart? God, you're such a slut. Never met someone who was such a whore like you. Getting cockdrunk easily. I've barely moved and you're already falling apart".
"I'm your slut, you know that". There's a tone of annoyance and despair in your voice. It was making you wanna take charge instead.
“Oh dear, are you already getting impatient”? Peter rested his hands on your waist. “You were the one who wanted me to tease you, but it appears you can’t take much teasing. So I should let you release yourself from it then hm"?
"Please Peter I'm begging you, please make me cum, it's been two weeks since you last made me cum, please Peter".
His smirk grew as he heard you beg, your voice filling him with a sense of pride and confidence. “You really can’t handle anything, can you"? Peter says in a teasing tone.
"Can you blame me? I was alone without you for two weeks Peter". Your voice was breaking of how badly you wanted to cry. Your clit was getting puffy and it was bothering you. The feeling of Peter's cock inside of you was overwhelming
He sighs, his smirk filling the room. “I suppose I can’t blame you. In that case, I should really make up for those two weeks, shouldn’t I? Make my good fuck toy feel good, isn't that right"? To not move, not even a single muscle. He made a sound every now and then, your tightness was making it harder for him to not cum inside of you.
"Y-yes please sir".
Your pleading could convince anyone to do anything, as you continue to grow more desperate for his touch. He leans in and whispers in your ear. “As you wish, sweet girl. But you better be ready once I start, as there’ll be no stopping me now". A wink soon filled his face, as he began to move his hips once more.
You couldn't believe how hot you were getting by Peter's words.
“I’ll be honest hun, you looked extra beautiful tonight in that lingerie that you had on earlier. I loved my present".
You bit your lip to conceal the moan that was gonna escape easily out of your throat. "Mhm only for you baby. Fuck you feel so good inside of me. Sir give me another baby please, fill me up with your cum".
A soft smirk spreads on Peter's face as he hears your words. “Only for me, huh? Well it’s not a surprise we make a hell of a couple. Want me to fuck another baby into you? Want everyone to see that you're mine”? The last part wasn't even a question, it was more of a statement. Hell, you were married and sometimes that ring wasn't enough to get the ladies off of your husband.
Your hips move upwards to gain a bit of friction from Peter just to receive nothing but the air. He pulls out of you.
He takes a moment to see your response to his tease. Peter leans down your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin. He holds back though, not wanting to give you his full touch
He chuckles, as he hears your pathetic whimpers and pleads. He can see the desperation in your eyes. “Don’t blame me when this is all we end up doing tonight, sweet girl. You keep begging like that and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…”
"Then don't sir, let go for me" and that's when he lets out a groan at the tone of your voice. It was filthy and dirty of you. But Peter loved it so much that he smiles hearing your sedating words. This is what he was waiting for, as you finally let go of your restraint. With your permission, Peter knew nothing would stop this now. He moves further up now, resting his head against your chest as he moves my hands further up to your breasts…
You could taste the copper on your tongue after biting your lip in anticipation of what Peter was gonna do to you.
He gives you a soft kiss on your neck and collar bone.
"Please just do anything", you shudder as his wet but warm lips were on your skin. It made a chill run down your spine.
Peter gives you one final smile, as the moment he had been waiting for finally arrived. He leans in once again to tease you, but before he even begins, he whispers "Are you sure"?
"Peter! Yes, you have my permission so stop asking", you grew irritated by the second, wanting to take matters into your own hand.
You unconsciously spread your legs wider for Peter. He gives you a playful wink, “Ready"? You suddenly go silent as he slowly moves closer to you once more, a soft smirk filling his face. Peter leans in slowly, taking his time as he moves up your body, “Did you really think it would be that easy to make me start”?
"Peter Benjamin Parker I swear to God if you don't put your dick inside of me and fuck another baby into me, I'll take Mayday and divorce your ass".
His eyes fill with a knowing smirk as he hears your words. A soft sigh escapes his mouth, as he looks into your eyes. “Now would you say that to me in front of our daughter? What would she say if she heard you saying those words? Would she approve”? Peter asks in a teasing tone.
"She's only two, she doesn't understand babe".
“Oh she’ll understand one of these days. Just think about it, when she's older, she could be in her room. And she hears her so innocent mom whining for my cock” he says with a chuckle. “And when that happens, what will she think of her good mom?” Peter goes in even closer, his soft voice barely even breathing over your ear. Does he even care how close he is to you? Or does he just want to tease you as much as he can?
"Sir stop fucking teasing me or I won't let you cum tonight".
Peter fucking chuckles at you, at least your resolve to get the reward has not wavered. “Oh you haven’t given up yet then?” His lips are almost touching yours. “I guess we still have a little bit of a way to go, if you’re still wanting this as much as you did before, don’t you?
You couldn't handle the teasing anymore. So you somehow managed to flip yourself so you could straddle Peter. "If you won't fuck me, then I'll just take what's mine".
All the work Peter had done before to get to this point had been erased, as you managed to get on top of him. A small grin fills his face, as he finally sees the payoff here. “I can’t complain, now can I”? His hands now grab a hold of your hips.
"Mhm nope", you say as you grab ahold of his dick and sit on him. Once he bottomed out inside of you, you moaned at the stretch. Peter was thick and sometimes you wondered how he made it fit, but he would always say "Don't stress that pretty little head of yours, I'll make it fit baby", and he always did.
Maybe after all, all of his teasing did help in the end. The sound you made when his tip hit that one spot that made you fall apart was pornigraphic. But the embarrassment of it was the last thing on your mind. As a matter of fact, you didn't even think. It was just you and Peter.
Of course your pleasure was amazing but for Peter it was overwhelming. It took so much of his willpower to not cum the moment he felt the warmth of your pussy wrapped tightly around him. That sound you made was nothing like he had ever heard before in the time he's been with you.
It gave him a wave of satisfaction over him, as your voice told him everything he needed to know. It was as though everything had been leading up to this moment, as his heart began to pound in his chest and Peter felt a rush of excitement. But he still wasn't done with his teasing just yet.
A soft sigh escapes Peter's mouth as you start to take over. “Took you long enough, eh" he says in a teasing tone, just to get a rise out of you.
"Fucking shut it Parker, or I'm not gonna sit on your face after I'm done ridding your dick".
“Oh baby, you look so cute trying to take charge here", he let out a chuckle, as he looked up at your face. “That's your way of asking me to shut up"? Peter smirks, before giving you a wink.
You pulled him out of the one place he considered heaven and you groaned at the emptiness inside of you. But you would not stand his back talking anymore, you moved to hover over his face. "Since you wanna use that mouth so badly you might as well make it of proper use".
But with his stupid strength he stopped you before you could sit on his face. “Is this your way of punishing me now?” he asked, continuing to tease you.
Peter continued to speak, as your attempts to stop him were only making it more fun to talk. “So would you say that was a good idea"? The smirk still stuck on his face. He lets out another chuckle, as your attempt to silence him only made him laugh more. A soft smirk crosses his face, as your actions had the opposite effect on him. No, he wasn’t going to shut up.
"Peter I-".
He gave out a small laugh. “Sorry, I can’t hear you", he says, with a small chuckle coming out of his mouth. "Care to repeat that baby”?
You lower yourself onto his chest as you stare into pretty stupid brown eyes. "Fuck me please...I'm tired of your teasing".
“Glad to finally hear that". Peter says, as he sits up a little bit. “We could’ve just done this earlier on, instead of me teasing you". You couldn't believe him. You had literally told him earlier that you wanted him to fuck a baby into you, but this was all apart of him plan.
"Please just do it now, I've been good sir. You always say good girls get rewarded".
Peter finally agrees to your request. “Fine then, I’ve had enough fun for one night. So what do you say? You really want to make your dreams come true"?
You nod rapidly, at any moment you know that you're gonna break. "Y-yes please".
All of Peter's teasing has been leading up to this moment after all, so it was time for him to finally give you what you’ve been waiting for. “I hope you know you still owe me one, once I’m done here", he smiles playfully.
"Yes yes whatever you say sir". You didn't care about anything especially when he was about to give you the one thing you desperately needed. You move lower to his lap just hovering over his cock.
Your tone shifted, as you became more serious. Peter could feel the warmth of your wet cunt radiate onto his cock, it made it twitch. He had no idea how he was able to not cum after an hour of teasing.
After the moan that escapes your throat, it makes you feel like a porn star. It was disgusting and sinful. God, how Peter missed the sounds you made for him. Only him. Your hips rotate slowly and steadily, grinding into Peter's
Savoring the feeling of his cock stretching you, filling you completely. You squeeze and relax your pussy around him. Peter's arms are wrapped around you, pulling you tight against him, skin against skin.
Peter moves his hands slowly down your waist, feeling your soft skin against his fingers, down to your hips. He holds your firm ass in his hands and purposefully begins to move his hips up and down into you, grinding more than anything else.
You lift yourself up a little, your big round tits right in front of Peter's face. He traces his tongue along the underside of your breasts and around your hard nipples, circling them, teasing them. He flicked his tongue across your nipples, then sucked them into his mouth.
You raise your hips and begin to pump up and down, slowly at first, deliberately, taking Peter deep into you. Then slowly let him slip out, almost all the way out, with the head of his cock right at your wet and dripping lips, you lower yourself on him again.
"P-Peter….. fu-fuck".
His hands move back up your waist and massage your tits as he sucks them again into his mouth leaving dark purple hickeys, for him to see. Your long silky soft hair drapes down and brushes against his face, caressing him with the softest touch.
"My slut, taking my cock like the good slut you are".
The two of you begin to thrust into each other harder and faster. The intensity is greater than what you had both imagined. Little by little Peter is pounding into you with a perfect rhythm, your hands running through his hair, pulling it.
Wrapping his arms around you, Peter rolls you over onto your back, still deep inside you. He grabs your ass with his hands and lifts your hips up off the bed as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him into you.
Holding you, Peter thrusts into you -- full, deep, long thrusts, slapping against you each time. Your lips are wrapped tightly around him, as if pulling his cock into you. Thrusting, he watches as your tits bounce back and forth.
The bed sheets wet with your juices leaking down onto it, his cock disappears into you then re-emerges, pounding you. You on the other hand, you play with your tits, tweaking your nipples.
You both roll around on the bed, and continue to fuck each other senseless, alternating who's on top -- sometimes slowly, often hard and fast, always completely in tune with each other. Holding, caressing, kissing..., you fuck and suck each other for almost two hours.
Peter holds back, denying himself his own orgasm. His priority is to make you cum as many times as he can until you beg him to stop.
"I'm g-gonna-". Peter was so lost into his pleasure that he couldn't make out the words.
"In me, cum in me". You weren't lying when you told him that you wanted him to put another baby into you. There was no barrier for either of you. This was the moment to do it.
Finally, after pulling four orgasms from you, he can no longer hold back and unleash a powerful orgasm into you. You are sure he had never came this much before.
His hot cum hitting the depths of yourpussy, filling you and dripping out around his cock. He collapses on top of you, completely spent and satisfied, never happier than he is now.
You hold each other, catching your breath, kissing and fondling one another. Your body glows from the moonlight that peaks through the window of your bedroom and the beads of sweat -- Peter doesn't know if you have ever looked more beautiful, but he knows that your beauty is the woman inside, the woman that has his heart safely tucked away, as much as the sheer beauty of your body and eyes.
You know how much he loves you and he knows how much you love him. Your sex alone is great, but making love is the greatest pleasure of all for the two of you.
You lie together on the bed in each other's arms. Not long after you fall asleep in Peter's arms. He gets up to clean himself and you as well while you sleep. He tucks you in properly after.
Peter climbs in with you, and holds you until he falls asleep, happy and content, hoping and praying for another day to spend with you, and thanking God for another day he had been able to spend with you.
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silverynight · 1 month
Support class
Izuku is quite happy in support class; when he was a child and found out he was quirkless he thought he wasn't going to be able to enter UA. Now he's in support class and if he's being honest, he absolutely loves it; he's really excited whenever someone comes to him or sends their suits to the lab for Izuku to repair them or improve them.
Although he always manages to convince them to improve them.
Hatsume is one of his friends and she and Izuku are constantly trying to come up with different kinds of gear for the students in the hero courses.
It's true, they have made a couple of things explode and some of their classmates get slightly nervous when they're around, but they have managed to learn a lot from their own mistakes.
Usually, the students from class A and B send their suits, except for Iida, Yaoyorozu and Monoma (although he's certainly a pain in the ass) and the first two are always very nice to Izuku.
Since their work means their clothes are constantly getting ruined or tainted with grease, the professors are more willing to let them wear different kind of clothes.
Izuku prefers to wear thank tops and tight pants for mobility, although his classmates are constantly saying it's distracting; he doesn't know what they mean by that.
The only problem is that his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki, goes to that school too (he's in a hero course) and they didn't part on good terms. Katsuki started to be mean to Izuku in front of his other friends, but at the same time got upset when Izuku decided not to speak to him anymore.
However, Bakugo doesn't visit the lab often and when he does, Izuku is conveniently elsewhere. Besides, they say he usually goes there to complain about his suit.
Izuku doesn't touch his suit, although if he's being honest, he'd love to because he has a lot of ideas for it.
One day, Hatsume is not there, and Izuku's classmates forget to tell him about the explosive boy. He stomps his way inside the lab, followed by a very embarrassed Iida.
"Oi, you nerd!"
"His name is Midoriya!" Iida starts moving his arm up and down, scolding his classmate.
"Hah? Midoriya?"
There's no point in hoping he doesn't recognize his last name, because Izuku is tired of hiding. He turns around and pushes his safety goggles up.
"How can I help you?"
The moment their eyes meet the scowl disappears from Bakugo's face; he can't hide the surprise on his face.
"It's been a while, Kacchan... sorry!" Izuku stammers, blushing to the tip of his ears for his own mistake. "I mean... Bakugo!"
"No!" The blond says immediately, startling Izuku. "I'm sorry... I mean... I don't mind the nickname, you can call me Kacchan if you want."
"Oh," honestly, this Baku–Katsuki is quite different from the child version of him Izuku remembers. He's more kind and Izuku likes it.
"Is it okay... no, that was an awful nickname..." Katsuki turns slightly pink and he starts rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Behind him, Iida is watching everything with his jaw dropped. "Can I call you Izuku?"
For some reason, Izuku thinks it'd be weird to hear Katsuki address him by his last name, so he nods, smiling shyly.
"Izuku is fine."
Katsuki smiles, a soft, very subtle smile that makes Izuku grin from ear to ear in return.
Maybe he can have his childhood friend back after all.
"I wanted to... uhh... talk about my hero suit."
"Great! I have a lot of ideas for it!" Izuku says excitedly, walking back inside. "Follow me! Oh, I'll be with you in a moment, Iida!"
They become friends again; Katsuki goes to the lab almost every single day and although Izuku's classmates don't like it that much, they can't kick him out either.
Then, more students from class A start visiting the lab, too, instead of just sending their suits.
"Midoriya! Who's Midoriya?" A pink girl asks one day, followed by a guy with bright red hair, one with yellow hair and a brown haired girl.
"Mina, stop!" The other girl grabs one of the girl's sleeves to pull her back outside.
"What? Don't tell me you're not curious about the guy who clearly tamed Blasty?"
Turning slightly pink, Izuku walks towards the group that looks back at him in awe.
"I don't think tamed is the right word," he mumbles. "I'm Kacchan's friend."
"Kacchan?" The one with yellow hair chuckles at the word. "Do you always call him by that cute name and he doesn't explode your face?"
"Why would he do that? Kacchan is very kind and gentle."
Izuku doesn't understand their shocked reactions, but he's glad they seem to get over it quickly and they introduce themselves.
"Wait here," Uraraka says then, as the others finally begin to ask questions about gear. Izuku is honestly very happy about the change of topic. "I need you to meet someone. I'll be right back!"
Todoroki turns out to be a very shy boy; he introduces himself to Izuku, but after that he doesn't say much.
He just stares at him.
Then, when Izuku is telling everyone he'd be happy to discuss modifications and new designs for their hero suits, Todoroki suddenly blurts out:
"You're cute."
"Oi, all of you, BACK OFF!"
Katsuki storms in the lab, growls at his own classmates and then moves Izuku behind himself. Which is honestly, ridiculous, it's not like they're dangerous or anything; Izuku has no idea what he's so worried about.
"It's okay, Kacchan!" Izuku smiles, putting a hand on the blond's shoulder. "Your friends are really nice! I like them!"
"I like you too, Midoriya."
Turns out Katsuki can be grumpy and loud like he was when they were kids, although he doesn't actually hurt his classmates; he just has that kind of personality. They're used to it.
Although it seems he's extremely careful and soft with Izuku in particular, according to what Ashido and Uraraka tell him later.
Maybe it's because he still feels guilty about his behavior when they were kids.
Izuku can't find another explanation for it.
It seems Katsuki likes to watch him work because he always stays with him at the lab, whenever he has free time. At first it made Izuku really flustered to have Katsuki's staring at him intensely, but he has gotten used to it.
He comes running whenever he finds out there's been an explosion in the lab and always looks for Izuku first.
"Are you alright, Izuku?" He usually pulls the green haired boy into his arms first before making sure he isn't hurt.
"I'm fine, Kacchan! Look!" Izuku pushes a button on his new belt and an invisible shield activates around him. "See?"
Katsuki blinks a couple of times, fascinated. He tries to press his palm against Izuku, but he can't touch his skin.
"Where did you get this?" He asks, still surprised. Although he asks Izuku to deactivate it because Katsuki likes to touch him.
"I made them!" Izuku says happily. "For myself and my classmates!"
Katsuki blushes to the tip of his ears and pulls Izuku into another hug again.
"You're way out of my league, huh?"
"It seems you really are a nerd!" Katsuki clears his throat, cheeks still pink. He doesn't repeat those words and Izuku is not sure he actually heard right, so he doesn't ask again. "Let's get lunch together..."
When Izuku wins a contest with one of his suit designs, Katsuki is the first one to congratulate him. He buys Izuku flowers and takes him to a cafeteria to celebrate.
They hang out with class A a lot, although Katsuki likes to spend time with Izuku alone.
When they start training together (Izuku uses a special suit he designed for himself) and sees Katsuki shirtless for the first time, Izuku realizes that he doesn't see Katsuki as a friend anymore.
He panics and starts avoiding him as a result; suddenly Izuku needs to focus on his work and needs to be alone, no, he can't hang out with Katsuki because there's no time for it.
However, Katsuki knows him too well and he realizes something's wrong right away; so despite all the negatives, he goes back to the lab and decides to confront Izuku.
Hatsume, because she's actually a traitor, leaves them alone.
At first it looks like Katsuki is pissed and is about to yell at him, but the blond just sighs and turns his head up, looking hurt.
"What did I do?"
"Please..." Katsuki almost never uses that word, but he looks desperate and in pain. Izuku hates to see him like that: "Tell me what I did wrong... why don't you want to spend time with me anymore?"
Izuku hurt him. And that's the last thing he wanted.
It's time to stop being a coward.
"You did nothing wrong, Kacchan," Izuku assures him, grabbing his own arm in order to give himself courage. "It's... I realized I had a crush on you and I didn't know how to deal with it. I'm sorry. It's alright if you're uncomfortable, I unders–"
Katsuki kisses him on the lips before he can finish. Then, before Izuku can even say anything, he presses their foreheads together and stares into his eyes.
"Crush?" Katsuki chuckles, amused. "I win, nerd. Because I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now."
Izuku's face will stay permanently red at this point. He blinks, part of him thinking that he's dreaming.
"Would you go on a date with me, Izuku?"
Not trusting his own voice, Izuku nods, before kissing Katsuki back. Hatsume comes back in and clears her throat, reminding Izuku they have a lot of work to do.
It's alright, Izuku can kiss his boyfriend later.
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faeryarchives · 1 year
Hug Me!
gn!reader x malleus draconia
your lover wants to drown you with their affection but doesn't know how, until you beat them to it.
note: ok so it's been a while since i last wrote something i am sorry if it is a bit rusty 😔 and i tried writing in a 2nd point of view let me know what you guys think abt it ^^
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Walking down the trail back to the Ramshackle Dorm feels nostalgic after being stuck in the training camp for a while. Finally going back to your own dorm after a week of chaos is such a great feeling. Stretching your arms up in the air, you let the warm breeze welcome you back home.
"Never thought there would be a day that I would miss our precious dorm." While you seemed to be happy being back, Grim on the other hand is on a whole new level of joy, feeling free from everything - eyes sparkling and the fire of his ears start to go brighter.
"My sweet soft bed! No more errands from those professors and students finally I can sleep in peace."
"Grim wait- and there he goes." Before saying another word, the cat monster immediately speed towards their dorm leaving you alone on the trail. '
Silly Grim, I'll make sure that he gets his favorite tuna later.'
The prefect continue walking down the trail enjoying the scenery - birds chirping, tree leaves dancing in the air and a certain dorm leader standing in front of their garden.
Such a wonderful sight brought a smile to your face as you quietly walked behind the person - trying to give them a scare by covering their eyes but then unexpectedly your surprised (eye color) eyes met excited bright green ones.
"Child of man, you are back. You were gone for some time." Malleus muttered, his hands holding your hands together gently as if anytime you are going away for another long time. Seeing how your lover looks like a sad dragon, you find your hand patting his head and gave him a kiss on his hand.
"I missed you too, Mal! Let me tell you what happened during the camp, I wished you were there." The two of you sat together under the tree near the garden, Malleus laying comfortably on your lap as you continuously run your fingers through his hair and horns. From morning till noon, the ravenette listen to all of your story with an unknowing pout on his face.
'It's been a while since I last saw you.' Being away from you for some time made the dragon yearn for your affection and wants to drown you with his own love. 'But you look so happy talking about other humans.'
Hearing stories of you having fun without him makes him a little sad. A sigh escaped his lips making you sneak a glance at Malleus' face. Noticing how his mood changed, you poke his forehead with a finger and let out a giggle when he somehow looked confused with your actions.
"(Nickname) why did you stop?" He sat up and look at you curiously. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and puff your cheeks out - looking the other way with a huff.
"Aren't you forgetting something? I am really hurt." Although you said it as a joke, there are so many thoughts running to the Draconia's mind at the moment. Did you get offended in some way? Or did you read his mind? Did you not like his hair condition?
A laugh cut his brainstorming in a halt and all of his problems were solved the moment you opened your arms wide with a grin.
"You goofy dragon. Hug me!"
Ah, it was so easy. How can he be so foolish? Malleus chuckled at his own dilemma, looking directly to your eyes before engulfing you into a warm hug - burying his head to your neck and let out a soft sigh as if he is in the safest place in this wonderland.
"I am really back home, Mal."
"Welcome home, my love."
and little did they know something will happened in the future *ahem* chapter 7 *ahem* anyways i can't wait for diasomnia's ssr dorm cards like SEBEK'S CARD IS SAUR PRETTY IM SO GLAD I GOT HIM 🥹
as always i hope u guys enjoyed and hopefully i am not shadowbanned?? if i got shadowban i will reblog this over andd over again i need everyone to know abt my malleus fluff before angst agenda 👹
recent fics: adore you & so this is heartache
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