#sorry i'm jetlagged and have had wine
frownyalfred · 5 months
Bruce who's let himself be beaten down. Who's tamed back his own rage, his own feelings to keep the people he loves safe and finds himself face to face with someone who's seen the horrors he has and still wants to do good. Who thinks this is his best shot? And sure it starts out with the training because he can't let these kids die out there. Because there's a noose around his throat and a gilded cage with bars so thin that everyone around him can convince themselves they aren't there at all. But Bruce knows, Kal and Diana know. And they make sure that he's aware.
And then he sees this kid with powers he doesn't understand with a tragedy in his background who wants to do good and he can't let this pass him by.
Also him subtly telling them this is how you beat someone stronger than you, this is how you stand up against everything you think you know. This is how you look at the world and recognize when something is broken.
The moment when he has to tell them that even with training there will be a fight you can't win, this is how you tell, this is how you recognize it, this is how you determine the best choice.
This is how you run.
Knowing he never made it out, Kal's threats are still hanging over his head, tightening slowly around his throat. He's still walking a tightrope, might always be walking this tightrope. But the longer he walks the more the desperation threatens his balance. He knows he can't keep this up forever. It's just a matter of when he breaks, and how.
so this story ends with Bruce blowing the Watchtower out of the sky after helping Duke escape, right? he can't ever leave, and he's not dumb enough to keep trying. but killing himself, taking out the beating heart of the League once-past, that he can do. putting his hope in Duke's hand, knowing there's a strange sort of kinship between them, Gothamite to Gothamite. Duke diving out into the shadows of the world, hunting down Bruce's kids one by one and helping to free them from where Kal and Diana have sent them. and the Batkids slowly realizing that Kal's leverage is gone, but Bruce's legacy persists. it persists in all the kids that he trained, but this one especially!
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yuristarz · 11 months
Hello! Welcome to the first real chapter of Krampuslauf. I know i just posted the prolouge a bit ago, but I'm so excited about this concept right now that I just had to continue writing. I hope you guys like this one!
(English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
A nice Christmas getaway, this is what this should've been. An out from your regular stressful life, but things quickly turn from sweet to sour after a certain someone or something invites himself into your life.
A König x fem!reader fanfic inspired by the folktales of Krampus
Disclaimer: he talks about hurting reader but not in detail!!!
This is an 18+ story, so minors please dni!
The bathwater is luke warm when you get out, the wine glass is empty and you're well relaxed. After taking one of the fluffy towels you wrap it tightly around yourself and go towards the sink it's time to get ready for bed. Your luggage can wait, you'll have time for that tomorrow.
Reaching the master bedroom after quickly pulling your pajamas out of your suitcase you smile to yourself. This bedroom is a massive upgrade from yours back home. A king-sized bed a great view and even a fireplace. Yeah you can definitely manage with this place.
Falling into the bed felt like falling on a cloud, soft, warm, and fuzzy. The amounts of blankets and pillows comforting to the touch. Immediately the exhaustion sets in, the jetlag and the long drive finally catching up. After getting comfortable you quickly fall into a dream-less sleep.
You made it almost pitifully easy for him to stalk you. Leaving your curtains open like this, like you want someone to watch you be so vulnerable. His masked head tilts as he focuses on you. Leaning against the windowsill, his eyes glowed an ominous redish blue through the two holes at the front.
After a while of watching you a thought made its way to his head, he could just break in right now...do horrible things to you, unspeakable even. Make sure after he's done with you, people will fear him again. No, not tonight it's too early he tels himself. he'll let you live a bit longer.. let you settle in.
And when the time is right, he'll make you wish you had stayed wherever you came from...
The morning sun makes you squint your eyes as you slowly rise from the bed and stretch. You look around the room again, and your gaze stops by the window. Weird... yesterday an even coat of snow covered the windowsill. You were sure of it, maybe it was a bird or squirrel or it was always like that. Probably nothing to worry about.
After getting up and making your way downstairs you rummage through the cupboards and fridge. There isn't much to eat, mostly dry stuff and a few cans of fruit and onw with stew. You'd definitely have to drive to the small village at the bottom of the mountain to get some more things to eat.
After a quick meal consisting of crackers and some marmalade, you take your suitcases and drag them up the stairs to your bedroom. Opening the big doors to the wardrobe you start to stuff your clothes in it, making sure to put together an outfit together on the way. Now done with stuffing the wardrobe, you push your empty luggage under the bed and get changed.
You walk down the stairs once more and put your winter boots on by the door. As much as you'd love to just stay holed up here in the mountains for the next 14 days you still need food, so that meant driving down the snowie roads and getting enough food as to not make another trip down.
He watches silently as you walk out of the cabin and get in your car and start the motor. Good. That would give him some time to think about the best way to go about this.
Hi! Thanks for reading chapter 1 of Krampuslauf! It's a bit short but I think as the story continues they'll get longer. I hope you guys liked it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated <3
Since you wanted to get tagged :) @kneelingshadowsalome
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|| No Dice ||
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Matt Murdock x female reader
Tags/warnings: a bit of touching and sucking. M.
A/n: sometimes sex doesn't go as planned, and that's okay! Thanks @barnesbabee for the unintentional inspo!
@briefcasejuice @mattmurdockspainkink begging you for a failed sex with Mike drabble, I just think it'd be so gooood!
You had been out of town for over a week and were so glad to be back home, desperate to see Matt again after what was your longest time spent apart so far.
When you walk into his apartment he is ready and waiting for you, wrapping his arms around you as soon as you come in the door, covering you with kisses.
"Hi sweetie, so glad you're home."
"Hey Matty, me too! Missed you so much…"
Your kisses quickly turn a little more heated as you fumble your way into the living area, hands constantly all over each other as yours roam to rub his cock through his pants. He hums into your mouth, his tongue caressing yours as you tug at his belt open and unzip his fly, taking him in your hand. As you manoeuvre him to the couch you soon realise he's not getting hard and he lets out an annoyed huff as you kiss along his jawline.
"M'sorry, I uh… think I'm just a bit tired." He says apologetically. You shush him and push him down to sit on the couch, getting down on the floor between his knees, leaning down taking his soft cock in your mouth.
"Mm, baby…I-" he moans a little, it does feel nice but he's just not getting hard at all. He's just been so fucking stressed recently. He tries to relax as you try your best to rouse him but no dice. He wants you for sure but his body has other ideas. He gently moves you back up from the floor to sit in his lap.
"Hey, it's okay you don't need to… I'm fine, if you want I can…?"
He tilts his head as he reaches to loosen your belt and pop open your pant buttons and you nod, making out again as he pushes his hand down into your underwear.
You inhale sharply.
"Is that… are you..?" His fingers are catching on your skin and rubbing, and not in a good way.
"Um…" You're as dry as the fucking Sahara. The thing was you couldn't understand why, on the plane hours earlier you could have drowned a toddler in your panties thinking about what you wanted to do to Matt when you got back.
"Let me just…" he brings his fingers up to his mouth wetting them thoroughly and slipping them back down the front of your pants. It helps a little but it doesn't last.
"Ow ow! Matt, ow!" He pulls away carefully, a concerned look on his face.
You sigh, cradling his face in your hands. "Matty, I think we should give up, this isn't working."
He sighs too, stroking your thighs absently.
'Shit. Yeah, god I'm sorry, I'm just really tired. It's been so unbelievably busy lately, with work and..." He trails off reluctant to burden you with his nighttime activities, instead pulling you into his arms and hugging you.
"Don't be sorry Matty, I'm so jetlagged I feel like I could sleep for a week." You groan and he kisses you on the forehead as you slump further against his chest.
"I really did miss you so much baby, and I do want to.. y'know.. ."
You smile softly. "I really want y'know, too. Well, there's always tomorrow. Will we just order food and snuggle instead?"
"Sounds perfect sweetheart."
Matt tags: @saintmurd0ck @mindidjarin @castlesnchurches @peterman-spideyparker @pastafossa @mattmurdocksscars @mattmurdockspainkink @marvelswh0re @munsonownsmyass
@hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @briefcasejuice @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados @e-dubbc11 @father4giveme @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @imperfxctly-me @stress--relief @murnsondock @stupidthoughtsinwriting @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @m0nster-fvcker @creatingjana @echos-muses @lazyxsquirrel
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fallingforel · 1 year
Arabella pt.7- broken hearts and hospital beds
"fuck" I say out loud forgetting that Alex is beside me, which gets him asking me if everything is okay. "Not really, I leave for a few days and the lads bottle everything without me there, I need to go home Al, wiil you phone me a taxi to the airport I'll explain everything later to you"
"yeah okay, promise me you'll explain though"
"yeah, course could never think not too"
And so It's official I'm on my way home to sort out Matty's heart, not realising in order to do that, I'd have to sort mine out too.
A/N sooo it's here part 7, I am so sorry for the hurt your about to witness I promise you It's not over yet we still have lots of ground to cover but this is just to get the ball rolling, I promise you. But this is one off the many angst chapters to come, Also the Sarah Jones apperance was not meant to happen. BUT! it happened on accident so It's here now and I can't think of any other names so enjoy
do you ever question whether people need you or not? I do all the time and then it's times like these when G, MacDonald and hann hell even healy prove me right that I'm their rock they need me incase it gets too much and so that's how I found myself roaming wilmslow late at night, jetlagged so bad trying to find one of my bestfriends.
"Do you seriously not know where he is then? Has he just disappeared? Is there anything I can do?" Alex asked from the other end of the phone
"No I don't know where he is, he gets like this though, when G told him he was going to uni just as a backup incase the band didn't work out he ran away didn't speak to anyone for days, thought it was the end for our friendship group, thought he was going to have to work a 9 to 5, in the end he was just sat at the rec with a bag of coke a wine bottle and a zoot, he was in a really bad state, had to coax him home with a movie night of elephant Hann Ross and I had to take it in shifts to make sure he was okay, and Al there's seriously nothing you can do so stop worrying we're all scouring the place, G's here we know what to do. Don't we G?" I break the phone from My ear earning a snatch of the phone from George.
"Yeah mate honestly don't worry, we're all searching the place if anything he'll be at the rec, or at y/n's mum's she always manages to calm him down so honestly Alex don't worry us Wilmslow lot have got it" George starts speaking at a million miles an hour probably the rush from the worrying about Matty. Soon enough Alex puts down the phone after much coaxing from me telling him that he needs to get some sleep, due to the tour rehearsals he has to go to in a few days.
"once again so sorry to drag you out here like this, but you know him better than anyone and we figured if anyone could sort it out it would be you, know you'd much rather be living it up in mexico right now with your new lover boy"
"G stop apologising none of this is your fault or Matty's either so don't you dare start having a go at him when we find him, because I know you'd do exactly the same if this happened to you, plus mexico wasn't that fun just a couple of drinks besides I missed you lot like hell while I was out there, wasn't the same"
"But I can't help but apologise, none of this would've happened if we kept a close eye on him, like always your the one left to pick up the pieces, who said I was going to have a go at him anyway, not right now not when he's just lost the one woman who was so special to him and his parents aswell, they were his rock louis too, maybe when he's recovered I might have a go but not right now. certainly not right now. And aren't you a sweetie."
Just as I was about to reply the ringtone of one of our phones went off, it was mine coming from a no caller Id picking it up just incase it had something to do with Matty.
"Hello, is this y/n l/n?"
"yes it is sorry who's calling may I ask what this is about?"
"yes it is. It's nurse jones from highmoore hospital calling about Matty Healy, he had you down as an emergency contact, failing the next of kin we couldn't get a hold of his Mother Denise?"
"Yes Hi is everything okay? we've been looking for hours now is he okay?" I ask while George is standing in front of me mouthing allsorts and making different handgestures trying to figure out whos on the other end, which I make a shoo gesture in return trying to figure out what the nurse has to say in reply to my previous sentence.
"Not particularly, It's a breach of privacy if I tell you over the phone are you possible to make it down here tonight, get in contact with His mother as well bring her down here two, we will also need you both to bring a form of Identification aswell, as there are some forms you need to fill out."
"I'll see what I can do, thank you for ringing me goodbye" I say putting down the phone.
Shortly after I'm met with a burst of questions from George, "who was that?" "was that about matty?" "Is he okay?"
"That was Highmoore hospital, Matty got admitted, apparently Denise didn't pick up, I think her phone must of died she did mention she was on low percentage earlier, so I was his backup emergency contact, I don't know what's happened they wouldn't discuss it over the phone so I have to go down there with denise bringing forms of Identity so they can explain what happened. Will you take me G? Matty had my car and I don't know what he's done with it if he's still got the keys. Also who was denise with in search parties, cos we need to go get her too."
"course I can take ya, I honestly don't know what he's done with your car either to be honest think he took it to his mums after dropping you off. And Den got put with your mum and dad, certainly not with tim considering recent events"
"hi mum"
"hey babe did you find him is he okay"
"yes and no well I'm not too sure can you put denise on please"
"oh, I would but she went home to look after Louis, Tim took over and came out with me"
"Could you tell Tim to head back home please, we found Matty he's in Hospital, the nurses are asking after me and denise"
"course I can sweetheart, just try not to stress yeah and if you need a place to stay your always welcome back at home, you know your dad and I are here for you"
"yeah I'll try gonna head to den's now, see you later on love you so much thanks for the offer, I'll probably take you up on it dying for a bacon and egg sandwich made by you"
"Okay sweetheart, take it easy love you, and your dad says love you too"
"love you both speak soon."
And within 5 minutes we're at denises house ringing the doorbell relentlessly, and not even 30 seconds later denise pops her head out the door, and the first thing she said to me was "Have you found him"
"Denise he's at the hospital, your needed to go with her and sign some forms" George says back
"Tim's not back yet, I can't just leave Louis here on his own, will that dickhead get back and fast I need to see my son."
"Look It's fine y/n can take my car she's insured on it, she can drive you both. I'll stay here with Louis till Tim comes back, they probably won't let me in anyway"
We're soon at the hospital I rush to park not caring about the fine that may be insued later for not paying the parking fee, but I couldn't care less about that right now. All I care about is getting to Matty to see if he's okay, I know he won't be but a part of me hopes that he will.
Denise and I rush in to the front desk of a&e
"excuse me excuse me please could you tell me what ward Matty Healy's in she's his mother and I'm his emergency contact we both have ID."
"umm slow down slow down, Unfortunately I can't im only a trainee nurse so I don't have access."
"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! JUST MY FUCKING LUCK, WELL COULD YOU POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION OF SOMEONE WHO FUCKING KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING" Denise shouts, clearly overwhelmed from all of the events in the past 24 hours
"Miss I understand that your upset but you need to calm down and lower your voice you're upsetting the other patients"
and right then and there she breaks down in my arms crying and sobbing. "oh Denise there it's okay I'm right here I'm not going anywhere okay" turning to the nurse I open my mouth "she's just going through a divorce and her mum died the other day, she's just upset she's not normally this rude, could you please point me in the direction of someone who would know please"
"yeah, sorry honestly I would but it's protocol, and I don't want to break it and lose my potential job, Sarah over there knows everyone and everything that comes in and out of this hospital, she should be able to tell you"
And so I sit denise down on one of the vacant chairs lining the entrance. "you gonna be okay I'm just gonna go over there to talk to that nurse about our Matty I won't be long" and she can't get a word out too stressed about the whole thing so she opts in for a wave of the hand instead.
"Excuse me" I tap her on the shoulder while she's looking at some documents. "Are you okay there? Are you waiting to be seen?" "umm I'm okay, I spoke to the nurse over there she said you could help with me finding My friend Matty Healy. I spoke with a nurse over the phone,I'm not too sure of the name. I'm with his mum over there she's too shaken up to speak so I have to do the speaking, I'm his emergency contact we've both got ID, the nurse on the phone said we had to bring it." "yes that was me on the phone I can take you both to the doctor and him if you want, I will need to see ID from you both though just to match it to his record" "yeah, of course I'll just go grab Denise and come to the front desk"
"sorted, come on Denise we're going to see Matty" "you go, if my boy has a load of wires attached to him I don't want to see it. Just tell me the damage he has done to himself, to get him here yeah" "okay, I'll tell you. Don't stay here though go get a coffee or something even a walk outside, you can even pay for my parking if you want, just don't sit here yeah don't get too in your head I'll be back with him before you know it, heres G's keys." I say to her fishing George's keys out my back pocket handing them to her before heading to the front desk and digging my ID out meeting with the Nurse again.
"Okay, looks all good, where's his mum? Does she not want to go?" "No. Said she wouldn't be able to deal with it if he was attached to a load of wires on a bed, sent me to see damage instead" "It's okay we get it alot loads of families come in and it's usually the mum's who can't bare to see what's happened when it could just be a bump on the head which we need to keep an eye out for a concussion, or a broken ankle, but I get it though, if I got a call about one of my boys I'd be in bits I'd send my sister in to see the damages"
"yeah it is understandable I suppose, I'm sorry to be rude but is it alright if I actually see the doctor now" "Yeah of course I'm sorry I'm being a blabber mouth again I'll take you to see Dr. Inverness now, he'll be able to tell you more" and so the walk is quick turning a couple of hallways until we reach the opiod overdose ward. "fuck, matty what have you done" I let out, I thought I had said it in my head, but I hadn't because Sarah speaks up from beside me "don't worry this isn't where he is, he's in the orthopedic trauma ward, this is just where Dr Inverness' office is because this is his main speciality" I let out a breath that I didn't realise I had been holding.
We eventually reach Dr Inverness' office, and Sarah knocks on the door, earning a "come in" from the otherside of the door.
"Ah Nurse Jones, this is a bit of a way to come, aren't you needed in A&E? what brings you to the opioid ward?" "Just have Matty Healy's emergency contact with me, she wants to know what's going on" she says then turns to me "I've got to go, too many trainee nurses and not enough fully qualified nurses in A&E, you're in safe hands with Dr Inverness he'll talk you through everything that has happened with Matty, even take you to him" "thank you so much for your service, hope Denise didn't scare your trainee nurse too much, she can get a bit much sometime" "Honestly no bother, and no don't worry I saw her keep her cool and not cry she's a tough cookie it's gonna take a lot more than a mental breakdown from a mother of a patient to break that one, take care" "and you" she leaves after that.
"so what's wrong with Matty?" "he suffered blunt force trauma to the head after consuming too much Alcohol, resulting in alcohol poisoning, we've had to stomach pump him already, we couldn't leave it, it would've been too late until someone showed up and he could've died. We don't know how long he was there for a member of the public found him on the floor with blood surrounding his head."
"Understandable, I'm sure his mum would say the same. There's something else isn't there?"
"yes, when we did testing when he arrived we found quite an amount of opioids in his system 30mg of erythroxylon 4mg of THC 0.5 g of oxycodone 50 mg of methamphetamine"
"what are you trying to say?"
"we need an approval to send Matty off to rehab to get clean, he's not awake yet, we've had to put him in a medically induced coma, If not he would've done it himself with the amount of drugs he had taken"
"look, I can't make a decision right now, I can't do it by myself, am I okay to go and see him?"
"of course, I'll take you, but I will need an answer by the time he wakes up?"
"were hoping to take him out of his coma, in 2 weeks, And then he should wake up a few days after that it takes a couple of days to fall out of the comatose state he's in right now, although I should warn you he might never fall out. He's right through here talk to him he can still hear you, we encourage everyone to talk to these patients, It can sometimes speed up the awake process"
It hurts seeing him the way he is all battered up and bruised, he probably fell from the height of one of the ramps at the skate park. I go and sit next to him grabbing his hand over the many wires that were in the way, It was clear Matty was on high alert. And it hurt like hell.
"oh Matty what am I going to do, why were you so stupid, if you had just waited for me to get back I was on my way home, why couldn't you have just waited? It would've been so much easier on everyone. eh? What are you like? You know I never thought THE Matty Healy would've had to get his stomach pumped THE Matty Healy who could down 17 tequila shots one after the other before being sick and going back at it again. And now look at you, you had to get your stomach pumped after probably downing a bottle of red, that has always been our depressed drink. Alex asked after you, you know wanted to check you were alright. Please Stink pull through I know you can, I love you so much darling, so so much, please pull through, I don't know what I'd do without you, If not for me do it for Louis, for George, For Ross, For Adam, For your Mum, For your dad, for everyone around you, For yourself. Please Please please for your bug" and that was it before I saw my never ending tears wetting his sheets and his hand.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hello! I don't know if you are taking requests but, if you are, could you maybe do some fluffy stuff about Bill calming someone from a anxiety attack?Just making them feel that everything it's ok and that she's not alone... I'm having a pretty bad day and I didn't started my treatment yet, so everything it's just so... loud and scary, you know? But if you're not it's ok, really. I also wanted to say that I love your work and that these stories really help go through most of my days. Take care
(A/N): Hey sweetie!
I just wanted to say that I am tremendously sad to hear that you had an anxiety attack and I hope that you are feeling slightly better or will soon and that your treatment will work out for you!
Just take a deep breath (although I know that it is difficult to say this) and just enjoy a bit of this reading!
I also wnated to apologize in advance if this sucks, I am not very good at writing for real people, since I am a bit uneasy about it, but I hope that you’ll like what I wrote, I honestly have to say that I tear up when you said that you love my work and that these stories help you go through you days, because if there is something that I want to do with these silly stories is helping you lovelies!
So I hope for the best and have a nice reading!
WARNINGS: Mention of Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Awkwardness (also the first part is basically something that my therapist taught me to relax which is couting the parts of your body which touch, which is very helpful for me).
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One, your lids.
Two, your lips.
Three, your…
A sob escaped your lips making them part immediately as you moved forward.
Your lungs on fire from the long tiring session you had been having, unable to properly breath as you felt the choking sound of your throat gasping for air.
And for a moment, you thought you couldn’t have made it.
For a moment everything closed around you and your arms moved around you to shield you properly from the reality crashing down onto you.
It had been all too much: the small change in the program, the acid comment of your boss and Bill’s text about how he’d be stuck on set for another week, after he had already been gone for three months to film his newest project.
And you had been left without a slight sniff of your tall boyfriend, with his gentle hands.
He had never witnessed an anxiety attack of yours, because as cheesy as it was you were always calmer with Bill.
It had always been this way, since he had first noticed how uncomfortable you looked in that small party your friend had dragged you to.
Everybody would have been glad that they had been invited to an Hollywoodian party, but you were just worried of dropping your glass of expensive champagne against somebody.
You had stood in your angle and suddenly this handsome man was in front of you, something similar in his eyes and you swore you had seen him somewhere… you just couldn’t remember when or where.
… and then all your knowledge of the net had made you realize that in front of you there was Bill Skarsgard and obviously your first reaction had been.
“… wait you are Bill Skarsgard!” because it was obviously the best thing to shout at a celebrity, even more to one as private as him, but he had simply replied gently.
‘Ah yeah that’s me’ he had seemed at unease and a myriad of thoughts had gone through your head, each one wanting to make you run away, but he had gently offered you an hand ‘… well since you already know my name, why don’t you tell me yours?’.
You had hesitated, more out of surprise than uneasy with the beautiful man, who had simply blushed and shaken his head as he had mumbled.
‘Gosh that was… moronic of me… I shouldn’t… Alex says that they work, but …’.
‘I am (Y/N)… (Y/N) (L/N)…’ you had shot back, breathing out your answer as you stumbled through the world, holding out your hand to grip his, as his face immediately went from nervousness to shock to a sweeter smile ‘… I am just surprised that a god like you wants to speak with a mere mortal like me’.
And then you had just felt awful, but he had just laughed it off embarrassed.
‘I actually think that you are the prettiest girl in the room, so…’.
And then you had blushed softly, biting your lips as Bill led you away from the crowd on the small front porch of the house, as you sat there, talking about how awkward you both felt at this kind of things.
‘… I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I was worried you’d crush the glass in your hands…’ he had joked as you blushed, softly punching him on the shoulder, your glass now empty, helping you with a bit of liquid courage.
‘You literally used the worst pick-up line after “did it hurt when you fell from heaven”?’ you had shot back and his cheeks had also turned a pinkish shade, as you both avoided each other’s eyes, too shy to confront the other.
For a kiss you had needed a bit more of wine, but it had been worth it.
And every moment with him had been worth it.
But three months without him were already too much, although you saw him through the skype calls.
But it wasn’t simply enough.
It wasn’t enough anymore when you had just the shittiest day and everything felt like it was too much to handle for you.
Your mind rushed through the most horrible thoughts as you tried to think what Bill would say to you.
His deep voice always helping you, even more when he did that cute giggle he owned, scrunching his nose in a way that was so so adorable that you had just promised to yourself to kiss it every time it happened.
But then a shocking thought hit you.
He’d think that you were a mess if he saw you like this.
Make-up all ruined form your tears and sweat and each time you had mindlessly touched your eyes to dry the tears and rub them, meanwhile your light lipstick was smashed all over your cheeks, since as soon as you had seen a reflection of yourself you had hated the color and wanted desperately to delete it.
He wouldn’t have stayed if he had seen you like that.
Maybe it was for the better that he wouldn’t be…
“Sweetheart, I am home!”.
For a moment you had thought that your brain had finally moved its endorphins and it was starting to work to distract you from the horrible feeling of tightness in your chest.
And then you heard the door closing.
And understood that Bill was for sure at home.
You shifted closer to yourself almost wanting to hide as you moved closer to the part under the sink, thinking that if you focused enough, you’d match the bathroom floor tiles.
Enough to hide yourself from Bill.
“Sweetheart?” he seemed almost sad that you didn’t answer him, and as a loud breath escaped your mouth, you slapped an hand over your mouth, as you tried to understand if it was all an hallucination or Bill had come home, before.
You didn’t know which one would have been worse.
“… shit maybe I should have told her…she hates surprises” your heart couldn’t help but awake at his serious concern for you “… maybe she is over at Christine’s”.
You hoped desperately that he’d just convince himself of it and maybe go away, because if there was one thing you were sure, hallucination or not, was that you wouldn’t have let him see you like that.
He’d have broken up with you, for sure.
“… I’ll call her” and before you could rush in to switch off your phone, the awful first notes of ‘Daylight’ by Taylor Swift started playing.
This brought you back when Bill had mocked your music tastes and you had pretended to be hurt, but you hadn’t cared in the slightest, singing offkey as he kept on preparing your dinner, and although he wouldn’t admit it, you had heard him sing the first few lines as he was getting ready for bed.
“… babe?” he asked, curiously and again a sob left your mouth, revealing further where you were, and as fast as you could you tried your best to hide yourself turning around a you tried to reach for your phone “…hey, lovely, is anything wrong?”.
Thankfully he hadn’t opened the doors, and gently knocked scaring you as you tried to calm your heavy breathing in order for you to appear as normal as you could with ruined make-up and a face that seemed the same someone would have after their pet died.
“… ahem I was just…” ‘please don’t say anything stupid’ “… pooping”.
“Oh” you could already picture Bill’s blushing face “… sorry sorry, sweetie, I’ll wait for you in the dining room, ok?”.
“Bill, what are you doing here?” you asked as you slowly got up, knowing that confrontation wasn’t avoidable and trying to make up whether hat awful voice that told you that Bill had just come back to you to break up was true or not “… aren’t you supposed to be filming the new movie?”.
“Ahem… yeah and no” his voice always wavered as it always did when he told you an half-truth “… we wrapped up a few days ago, but I wanted to make you a surprise, because today is our anniversary”.
Shit of a fucking shit.
You weren’t worried for the gift.
You had had that ready for a month.
Sometime anxiety had its perks.
But what worried you was the fact that you had literally looked at the day and hadn’t remembered it was your anniversary.
It was also the deadline of your project, which your boss had partially rejected.
The part that you had worked on desperately and almost on your own, which had resulted in the product being a bit imprecise but… it hadn’t seemed so bad.
You couldn’t help but hate the fact that you had been so stressed to have forgotten about it all.
“… sweetie, are you still there?” asked Bill from the other side “…or did the toilet seat swallow you?”
“Ahem no” although you felt that awful feeling of dreadful tightness in your lungs, you still let out a soft laugh “… I just… I don’t think that we should go out, you must be jetlagged…”.
“Actually, I got a bit of sleep on the plain… so… I am ready to dance all night” he mumbled softly, as he shifted closer to the door and you couldn’t help but be almost worried that he’d open it, but he stopped “… but if you aren’t feeling well… we could stay inside, order Greek food and watch whatever awful Netflix comedy you chose”.
He was trying to make you relax, he always used that deep soothing tone and tried his best to make you laugh.
‘You always look prettier when you laugh’ he smirked as he stole a kiss from your cheerful lips ‘…you also taste sweeter’.
“Yeah, I’d like that…” you commented softly “… work has just been crazy hectic and I just… ugh… don’t think that I could celebrate properly, but… we could go out tomorrow I swear that I’ll make it up to you”.
“Of course, sweetie” his tone was so soothing that it only made you feel guilty for having forgotten about it all.
If he broke up with you, you low key deserved it.
“… do you want to talk about work?”.
‘No, I want to set my boss on fire’ you would have wanted to mumble, but simply uttered:
“… wouldn’t want to annoy you, sweetie, you probably already had a hard…”.
“I have had a hard time not having you with me” he gently replied “… I don’t think that anything would be hard enough for me, if you stand by my side”.
A moment of silence made him waver and you felt him pushing himself back, doubting whether he had done the right thing or not.
“… if you feel like talking obviously”.
“The project…” you choked out “… it didn’t go well”.
“Oh sweetie” he almost seemed ready to rush in through the door, but he stopped himself, realizing that you needed this barrier, for a bit more “… you worked so hard for it”.
“Yeah… but Tara said that it had too much imprecisions, and I mean she is right… I should have worked on it a bit more! Gosh I just…”.
And then you were stopped as Bill pushed the door open, revealing your disheveled appearance and you immediately tried to hide yourself, but it was of no use, as Bill went through any resistance you had cradling you in his strong arms, raising you as if you weighted nothing more than a flower.
Touch usually made it all worst for you, but with Bill it felt like some kind of desperately nice sweater, the one that you wore on the rainy days as you cuddled a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.
It soothed you and made you cry even more, as you let all your tension ease through him, and he cuddled you closer gently adjusting you onto the counter of the sink.
He kissed your forehead tenderly releasing your hold onto him, as you instead brought him closer, needing to feel him.
In an almost desperate way.
He was such a grounding force to you right now that you just let yourself reveal to him your deepest side, the one that turned away everyone.
Except him.
He just cooed at you softly, as he kept you in his arms, pushing aside a few strands of drenched hair, as he kissed your neck, softly, a gentle touch.
“… whatever it is, you are not at work anymore, you are in our lovely home, the one that smells of those overpriced shit candles you like so so much” it made you snort a laugh “… you are safe, you don’t have to think about it”.
“The fact is…” and you could already picture his eyes having this shade of ‘what kind of psycho are you’ “… I can’t, I am just too anxious, and it makes me overthink everything”.
But instead Bill’s eyes scanned over your face before understanding settled in them.
“… you had an anxiety attack, didn’t you?”.
“I….” you breathed out all the air in your lungs “… how did you know?”.
“I have lived with you enough to know that you are a little anxious beastie” he commented softly “… you arrive always early, you always act so so stressed with deadlines, you panic badly if I leave you out to a party… I know that some things make you like that…”.
“And it doesn’t bother you?”.
“No” his breath was soft, and it hit your face in a way that warmed your cheeks “… I just… I just want to help you if I can”.
Everybody at this point always left you, no matter how much you promised to keep it under control or to change.
Nobody had ever asked to know how to make you feel better.
“Can… can you get my make-up remover…?” he stood a minute trying to internalize your phrase “… it is making my skin itch…”.
“Of course” and he turned, before sending you a quick look “…wait where is it?”.
And there it was your dorky boyfriend.
You just let out a laugh and told him where he could find it.
A few minutes and a Bill’s shirt later, you were indeed waiting for Greek food as you browsed through Netflix, and Bill joked about you rewatching ‘Hemlock Grove’.
‘… babe you can’t use your celebrity status to impress me, I have seen you in boxers with pigeons’.
‘Pigeons are cute’ he had mumbled as he had set beside you, pushing your head on his chest.
You had told him that his faint heartbeat was the perfect cure for your overworked body ‘… and I know that you are just nervous because you blush so so fucking much when Roman is on’.
‘… just because he is a dork’.
‘A sexy dork’.
‘Didn’t know you were a narcissist’.
And like that you quickly discarded your little banter in a more silent contemplation as you finally felt… at peace, calm, although you were mostly sweeping all your worry under your mug.
But with Bill you felt better, as he softly handled you, kissing you with the gentlest of touches, but not treating you as frail doll or looking at you like he was worried, he just had this natural nurturing way that made him so damnably sexy.
It made you bite your lips.
And it didn’t pass unobserved by him.
“… you, big cutie” he mumbled, a laughter making his chest raise softly “…stop being the most beautiful girl on Earth”.
As much as you loved silly Billy, you felt the need to set a few things straight.
“I am sorry for hiding it… all from you” you lowered your eyes, this time biting your lower lip for nervousness “… it is just…”.
“It’s ok” he spoke as if it was the most natural of things, as if you hadn’t just broken down as a mess in front of him “… I knew it… I mean I had my thoughts, but these are personal things, I wanted to wait for you to feel comfortable”:
“I didn’t want to hide it! It isn’t because I don’t trust you…”.
“I know” again that soothing tone, it made everything better, you swore it could cure world’s hunger “… I know that people didn’t make it easy for you, so I’ll make it as easy as I can”.
And with that he pulled you to look at him in the eyes, something that was difficult for you in that moment, overwhelmed by your senses.
But you pushed through, because you knew that whenever he needed to tell you something important, he needed to have your eyes in his, to make you know that he wasn’t lying to you.
“… when you need me, I don’t care if I am busy with shooting a movie or in the bathroom, pooping…” you smirked lightly “… you come to me and tell me what is happening and when you feel a bit better we can discuss what helps you and what I can do…”.
“Bill… I am sorry but I don’t want to bother you…”.
That was the wrong thing to say, because although Bill didn’t attack you, he stiffened lightly and grabbed your hands gently, turning them and bringing one and then the other to kiss your inner wrists.
“… you, little one, are never ever a bother” he spoke each word dauntingly meaningful “… you are the most precious things I have ever had in my life, anxiety included”.
“We are kind of package deal” you mumbled an awkward smile on your face.
“Then I got lucky, two for one” he joked, and you finally let out a soft laugh, punching him on his shoulder.
“You are a fucking idiot, my friend”.
“Don’t hit me, it’ll cost you, I am a miracle of nature”.
“Whatever you say Pennywise, the dancing clown”.
“Oh, don’t get me started”.
And as the tickling war started, the glimmering ring in Bill’s jacket just waited the right time.
Tomorrow would have been a better day.
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nicklangfordmuse · 3 years
"don’t say another word. "
Instantly, that broke Nick to pieces. That's not what he meant. "Katrina, come on. That's—."
"Don’t say another word. " Katrina cut him off, turning around as she felt the tears start to fall. How did they make this work the first time and even when they're miles apart? What went wrong and they're finding out each other's differences just now? "Please, I need...I need time alone." She requested and Nick took that as his cue to leave. Hopefully just for now.
Nick just kept his mouth shut as he left. Once the door closed, Katrina finally felt safe to put her walls down and cry her eyes out. This wasn't how she thought their first night back together would go.
Going to the streets of an unfamiliar city wasn't even his first problem. Nick knew Katrina needed some time and he needed some space to breathe too. This isn't how he imagined their reunion would go like. But now, it seems as though he would have to find a bedspace to rent for the night. The jetlag and social anxiety from earlier was drowning him right now as his first big fight with Katrina kept repeating over and over in his head.
Why did he even call that charity stupid? Clearly it was something Katrina believed in or else, she wouldn't have supported it. It could also be a way for her to show him her world to get to know her better. And yet, he didn't even give it a chance. He just sat there, avoiding conversation with people that were a part of Katrina's life because he was too stubborn to accept that tonight didn't go as he planned. Right, basically, it's all his fault and he could lose the girl of his dreams because of his stubbornness. Passing by the liquor store, he had to purchase something quickly before finding his way back to Katrina's apartment.
On his way back, he was surprised to see Katrina wearing his coat, looking like she was out to find him. "Hey. What are you doing out?"
"You weren't answering your phone. I was getting worried. You said directions confuse you sometimes." She told him, remembering that silly little detail he told her about himself.
Checking his pockets, Nick realized his phone wasn't with him. "I left it in my coat. I didn't realize I didn't bring it." He said honestly, moving closer to her. "And yeah, directions do confuse me but...I think I'll always find my way back to you." He added, pressing his lips together as he looked at the bottle in his hand. "The pasta was great but the wine could be better." He said, remembering when she asked him what went wrong earlier. "This is the bottle of wine we had the first night we met and I've never tasted anything better than this. It perfectly matches your sweet kisses." Nick smiled a little, seeing the smallest crack of smile on her lips too. "And on top of that, you were with a worst version of your boyfriend at the event. I was stubborn and inconsiderate and...I should've listened. I was too occupied of my own plans to remember how sweet spontaneity feels when it's with you. I'm sorry."
Katrina pressed her lips together, feeling her eyes water a bit again. "I'm sorry too. I know this isn't exactly the world you're used to and I just threw you right in it without any warning."
Nick shook his head, letting out a breath as the night was starting to get colder. "Throw me in any world you're in and I will cherish every moment of it. I came here to be with you, that's true. But now I'm realizing that meant I'm coming here to be with Paris too and everything that comes with it. Fancy charity events, dual language citizens and their al dente pastas — I'll take it. Because you are Paris to me. You are my city of love."
Katrina finally smiled, leaning closer to give him a kiss, the only proper response his speech deserves. Nick wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately, finding their differences accepting each other.
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srahpaulsons · 3 years
[text] your envelope is the cutest thing. I can imagine your face so concentrated while you were decorating it. All the glitter over me just helps to make me feel better for being away from you, your cuddles, kisses, and your cute pajamas.
[text] I think that by the end of the flight I would have memorized the letter because I keep reading it and crying a little too with every line.
[text] you should have come with me so I could be crying on your shoulder. it would have not made sense because in that case, probably I didn't have the sweetest and most romantic letter in my hands. Maybe the lady by my side will ask me in any moment if I need a pill to sleep so I can stop crying and laughing with your letter and texts.
[text] I already smell the paella, tapas, and red wine from Spain but also the jet lag that is waiting for me.
[text] I miss your butt too, by the way. ♥️
[ t e x t ] I take my glitter crafting veeeery seriously !! go big or go home, and if that means we're gonna be finding it in every surface for the next couple months then so be it. Just remember every time you see a little sparkle of dust in the light that's me letting you know you're exactly where you need to be and i'm having major withdrawals from those arms of yours
[ t e x t ] in that case i may test you on that when i'm there....and again / very / sorry for making you weep on your flight. Definitely wasn’t my intention, i say, knowing very well were equally impatient people 😅 oopsie
[ t e x t ] You know i would've followed along in a heartbeat, but i'm gonna sound like a broken record here again and tell you how proud i am that you even got on that flight to begin with. And before you know it, i'll be there smelling all that paella, tapas and red wine with you...cause right now all i'm smelling is a few stinky pups who're due a little trip to the groomers 🥴 and for the sake of jetlag not being a total asshat, i hope that lady supplied you with a little more than one of those "magic" pills, cause i have a sense if she sat through a mini glitter bomb in her lap she definitely had the goods....or a little of that red wine never hurt anybody and i already hope you're taking advantage and not letting jetlag be a total asshole
[ t e x t ] my butt misses you more ❤️ sitting on my hands just isn’t the same
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