#speed op
shalpilot · 6 months
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They’re going to be the fucking end of me I swear to g
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beaulesbian · 13 days
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ONE PIECE ep. 1107 || "What's wrong, Luffy?"
& ch. 1075
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revlischarm · 7 months
Reeeeeeaaaally shit quality, but. Some acesan and zolu doodles as a treat from a while back.
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Idk man I’m only on episode like 823 or whatever I’m still in Whole Cake Island. I’m already brewing up au shit. I love this funky fucking show so much. Everyone is my favorite.
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This is the whole sketch page, I was working out design stuff. Every time I draw Ace he looks like he just smoked a joint for some reason. Help.
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arosyks-art · 3 months
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Drawing One Piece characters in my style
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
DAVE: i took a controversial new pill that accelerates my brain
ROSE: So you’re smart now?
DAVE: im stupid faster
DAVE, TRIUMPHANTLY: im doing 1000 calculations per second and theyre all wrong
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greyskyflowers · 1 year
The idea of Ace and Luffy being wild, feral things makes my own heart happy.
Honestly though, I picture them having a lot in common with animals.
Strong teeth, strong bones, tough skin, quick reflexes. The instincts that come from growing up wild.
An ability eat lot of things that other people maybe wouldn't or can't. Meat that's a little more rare than advisable and snapping bones to get to the marrow inside.
They walk quiet, soundless when they want to be, using shadows and blind spots to become basically invisible. They don't do it often because they both have terrible attention spans but they can sit still and silent for long periods of time if needed, waiting like predators for their prey.
Staring, the way animals stare and wait for the other one to back down, making themselves look bigger and baring teeth. They snarl and snap their teeth, flexing their hands like claws when they're not making fists, a low grumble in their chests that sounds like a odd growl.
How it's instinct to cover the throat and belly of themselves and their crews, vulnerable spots that must be protected.
Ace being one of the shorter of the Whitebeard crew, so he does that thing where he eases himself in front of the others to cover their throats and bellies. Curling his lip back to show teeth and keeping eye contact with anyone stupid enough to try.
Licking their wounds, literally.
I imagine them being incredible trackers, able to use their senses a little more than the average person. Ears a little sharper, scents being considered, eyes taking in all the little details. Maybe they're not aware of it, but I like to think they take it all in deeper than they possibly realize.
A sense for something wrong, like how some animals can pick up on the energy people give off, possible sicknesses, coming storms, being watched, etc.
Sleeping all tangled together, the way animals sleep together for safety and warmth in cooler times. Luffy and Ace are big cuddlers.
Not necessarily in the normal cuddle ways either, they like to either be sprawled out on top or covered by someone. They're either being protected or they're protecting.
Head butts and cheek rubs when happy. That extra emphasis on crew, like packs and herds. Crew.
A lot of touching. Playing with someone's hair or nuzzling into their neck or side, a lack of boundaries because animals don't have shame or concerns like that.
And everyone who regularly interacts with Ace or Luffy wants to know how two feral cats got trapped in human bodies.
Am I always down for poly crews? Yes
Platonic or otherwise? Yes
Do I think everyone is a little in love with Luffy? Yes
Do I think everyone is a little in love with Ace? Yes
The crews love their wild ones and spoil them rotten when they can and know how to.
And since this is already AU let's just roll with it.
♠️ Ace ♠️
Ace just despises Teach right off the bat. As soon as the ink has settled in his skin and he's got a claim on him that he's never had before, he's completely standoffish with Teach. No matter how much the others tell him that's his brother now and assure him, he's all teeth and fire when Teach is around.
The man makes the fine hairs on the back of his neck rise and the instincts pacing at the back of his mind spit out a hiss.
His teeth grind together in anger, muscles tense under his skin, and it's a vicious thing in his chest he hasn't felt so strongly since Sabo and Luffy were his.
It causes some tension. People torn between supporting Teach, who's been their own for awhile, or supporting Ace, who has a good sense for this type of thing and is so welcoming to everyone else. They don't know how Ace can be so sweet and well loved by everyone but does a complete 180 with Teach.
It's instincts that have gotten Ace this far in life though and one night, it's only those instinct that save Thatch.
Ace darting out of the shadows and landing like the wrath of a god in front of Thatch, the knife that would have gone into the man's back instead finds a home in Ace's shoulder.
A rumbling growl that gets louder and nastier as the seconds tick by, blood running down a bare chest before flames lick up a wound that only found flesh because letting it pass meant the possibility of it hitting someone else. Sharp teeth shining in the growing glow of the fire and the ends of his hair burning like the edge of paper.
The flames don't burn Thatch when the older turns around. His flames would never burn crew.
Thatch wraps an arm around his waist like he's going to pull him away, but it just stays there, heavy around him. Ace takes a moment to find comfort in the warm and very alive presence pressed up behind him, bigger than him and Thatch's own protective fury catching fire.
Marco is less restrained in his fury. As are most of the others when they rush to investigate. The only reasons it's not quick is because they want it to hurt.
Ace is a coiled threat the whole time, body tense but staying where he is because the original threat was to Thatch and he hasn't quite lowered his hackles from that yet. Still on his toes and ready to spring forward at a moments notice.
He gives a small warning growl to Marco when he gets close, who looks at him in both worry and fond exasperation.
The blood from the blade is black where it burned against his skin and the flesh is unmarked, but it doesn't stop everyone from fluttering nervously around him.
Ace is attractive, arguably pretty in a way most pirates aren't. Although this young generation is changing that quickly, have you seen some of these rookies?
He draws attention easily, everyone drawn in by his charming personality or freckled cheeks.
He's a flirt but he doesn't often let other people actually touch him. Leaning away from eager fingers or gracefully dodging arms, excusing himself when he feels to cornered. He doesn't want the feel of strangers on his skin, he just wants the crew. And Luffy of course, his heart giving a lonely pang for his brother.
Sometimes people don't get the hint though, and sometimes they do and they don't care.
Drugs don't effect Ace like they would someone who wasn't a devil fruit user but they still make him dizzy and weak before he burns through it.
It only takes once, outside a bar with someone's hands on his skin when they didn't belong there, on his lower stomach and the other up by his neck. He doesn't even get a chance to try to shake off the drug enough to do anything before the man is gone.
Familiar hands, Marco, running over his skin quick and firm like it could wipe away the foreign touch before he processed it was there. Like if he replaced the unknown touch with his own quick enough it will wipe away the lingering disgust and discomfort of the stranger.
The whole time he keeps Ace hidden between his larger body and the wall behind them. Ace's heart aches almost as much as his head with how thoughtful it was. How safe and grounding it was.
The only arms he lets grab him, the only hands that he presses in to, are crew.
Ace has a habit of sneaking into everyone's bed, they don't talk about how they all know it's on the nights where he can't sleep or has nightmares. He burrows between them and the mattress, until he's under them enough to feel covered, safe and protected.
Ace isn't a small guy but he's lean, always had a hard time bulking up with his metabolism being so high and his natural build. He feels small with them, especially the commanders like Jozu and Vista who completely cover him. Even Thatch and Marco are decently larger than him though, Izo and Haruta being the exceptions but they're large in everything that they are.
They all welcome him. He's warm and sweet, plus it's nice to know he's sleeping somewhere safe instead of falling asleep in strange places through the day.
Marco is usually his favorite though because he doesn't pretend to be asleep. He just props himself up enough so Ace can wiggle under him before settling back down, his chest to Ace's back.
Some nights when the pressure is too much and he's restless in a way that feels like it's deep in his bones, he paces the ship. He's coiled and tight, usually not sleeping for a few days before it catches up to him and he slinks away somewhere dark and hidden to finally rest.
Usually one of the other commanders can coax him into resting, all of them getting the hang of how to best help their wild, little one.
The crew getting used to Ace just crawling into their laps and making himself at home. He is also fond of appearing just long enough to rub his face into someone's neck or against their cheek before taking off again.
Ace sneaking off to literally lick his wounds in peace when he gets hurt, especially when he was still finding his place. Someone always having to go track him down because he stays curled away like an injured animal until he feels better if they don't.
Licking at his arm one time when he manages to get caught with seastone, blood staining his teeth and tongue rust colored. Marco trying to grab him and in full lecture mode as Ace tries to dig out the lingering seastone with his teeth.
An extra one to hurt just a little ♥️
Ace is wild. Already a problem before you factor in his devil fruit and raw power. He's got a reputation of biting, taking off fingers and catching throats between sharp teeth.
It seems like someone did their research though because the muzzle they wrangle him into has seastone. Everyone has finally caught on to the fact that he doesn't need his flames to bite.
It's a sharp, nasty thing. Probably thrown together quick in a desperate attempt to get him under control. The straps dig into his skin hard enough to draw blood and Ace can already picture Marco talking about infections.
It hurts and goes from a deep, dull discomfort to a sharp, active pain. The muzzle settles into his skin and rub the skin raw where it doesn't outright cut into it. He's been captured for a few days, the wounds clotting and trying to heal only to be ripped back open when moving a certain way.
It was only a matter of time until they came for him and when the guards start getting fidgety he wishes he could show his teeth in a grin. Everyone knows what happens to those stupid enough to mess with the Whitebeard pirates.
He always knew they'd find him, even when the guards whispered in his ear cruel taunts about being forgotten. Unloved.
His heart still goes heavy with affection when he hears the first sounds of death coming for his captors.
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mintypsii · 4 days
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guys i love them i promise i just have the urge to put them through the grinder sometimes
umm on the bright side here's the alternate good ending version lol!!!!!
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ashipiko · 5 months
<3 post sleepover mornings
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usopps-froggy-hat · 8 months
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tama continuing the one piece tradition of finding some random adult and adopting them as their parent
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mods asleep post Rogers II
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Cruz & Aaliyah, Special Ops: Lioness, S01e07, Part 2/4
Part 1/3, Part 3/3, Part 4/4
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cessmaga · 6 months
halbarry au where hal and barry both died and now they become the spirit incarnates of speedforce and willpower
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overtake · 1 year
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Drive to Survive: 5x1
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mangekyuou · 1 year
✩༄ p power ! | cat burglar nami.
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☆ — pairing! . . .  nami x gamer!m!reader.
☆ — summary! . . .  nami has just about had enough of watching you play that silly shooter game, when you could be spending time with her. but she’d get you off that game one way or another. she always gets what she wants.
☆ — cw(s)! . . .  nsfw. black reader in mind. amab!reader. sub!reader. very mean dom!nami. handjob. blowjob. anal fingering. overstimulation. piv. creampie. nami calls the reader “puppy” and “good boy”. brief mentions of a boobjob. [ overall me projecting about being a boob guy ] not proofread. MINORS DNI.
☆ — wc! . . .  3.1k.
☆ — notepad! . . .  i wrote this for myself but i liked how it turned out, so i wanted to share. i didn’t even realize i wrote that much. i think this is THE filthiest thing i have ever written. plus p power been on repeat so i thought it was a fitting title.
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nami had just about had it with you and that fucking game. listening to you shout insults and boasts through your headset at random strangers for nearly 3 hours now.
“just gonna play two or three matches, babe,” you said as you peppered her face in kisses. “then we can do whatever you want,” you added, slipping into the seat of your state-of-the-art swivel gaming chair, reaching for your headset. she should have known better seeing that stupid first-person shooter game loading up on your monitor.
now here you were, TEN matches later, still leaning forward in your chair, your worn controller packed in your tight grip, eyes glued to the screen, all while you alternated between barking out commands to your teammates and shit-talking the opposing team.
listening to you cuss out other grown men was not her ideal saturday night. not once did your eyes wander from that damn monitor, not even to look at her lying across the end of your shared queen-sized bed just feet away from your neon desk setup. lying on her side, nami was dressed in nothing but a black thong and your unzipped jacket that smelled of your chanel bleu cologne, the fabric of your cloth jacket just barely covered her breasts.
rolling her eyes, she let her phone fall to her side, getting a closer look at your screen. seeing your current best-of-five match was coming to an end. she could even hear your teammates screaming through the headset from where she laid. never in a million years would she understand how you were able to sit there and listen to other people scream in your ear.
“( y/n ), it’s been three hours…”
for a brief moment, you turned your head looking to your girlfriend, “just one more match after this one, and i’m done for the night. i love you bunches!” blowing her a few kisses, you quickly turned your head back to the monitor.
nami knew that was a lie, more importantly, YOU knew that was a lie, landing headshot after headshot, “GET FUCKED, PUSSY! WOOO!” you knew yourself better than to know you’d just end the night on just one more match. you and your party were on a winning streak! you’d been killing it! the night couldn’t end here!
but to nami, your killstreak was going to end here. you were going to get out of the damn chair one way or another. better yet, she was going to fuck you in it.
climbing to the edge of the mattress, she slipped off the bed, adjusting the jacket to keep herself covered.
the orange-haired woman with a mischievous glint in her dark mocha brown eyes, swinging her hips from side to side, as she approached your desk. the palm of her left hand rested on the back of the chair, as she loomed over you. with her right hand, she placed her fingertips underneath your chin, forcing you to look up at her, “puppy~”
the soft pads of her fingers trailed down your throat. her hand had gently wrapped around the base of your neck, holding your head in place. unconsciously you gulped, excited chills traveled down your spine, goosebumps covered your legs underneath your grey sweatpants.
before you could even answer her, her plump lips were on yours in a passionate spiderman kiss. her lip gloss tasted like citrus, matching well with her favorite fresh citrus perfume that she always put on after a hot shower. oh, how you loved that perfume on her.
so enthralled with her, you hardly even noticed your teammates hollering your name in your headset. you forgot about the game entirely for a moment. her glossy lips disconnected from yours.
you finally heard the loud ringing in your headset, grabbing your attention. nami let go of your throat, her hand traveling down to your upper chest. you turned your head to the monitor, seeing the grey screen with dark red blood splatters on the sides, signifying that you had not only died but you were the last kill of the round, ending your winning streak of the night.
you had to turn down the volume to try to save your eardrums from your angry teammates scolding you like a child for causing them such a loss. pushing the right ear cup off of your ear, you rolled your eyes “fuck you guys! i died three times this entire session! i’m carrying this fucking team!”
on to the next round. while you had continued the winning strategies you’d been doing all night, nami had practiced her very own strategies. her hands travel further down your clothed chest, slipping underneath the fabric of your tee.
her red-painted nails raking up and down your hot-to-the-touch skin, making your breath hike up. you fell back into your chair. you covered your mic, “nami…baby…” your whisper of her name was desperate, bringing a smile to her face. you look up at her with an embarrassed expression.
if the boys had heard you, you’d never be able to live this down.
“keep your eyes on the game, puppy.” she urged, continuing her mean teasing, getting a kick out of listening to try to hold back the whimpering mess you were becoming underneath her touch. you tried your hardest to hide your little sighs and light whimpers between harsh words, pretending you were okay. you didn’t sound all that tough now.
she could see the tent forming in your pants that was becoming harder for you to ignore.
the current match had finally come to an end, your team taking a win. suddenly she withdrew her hands from underneath your shirt, leaving you hot and bothered. before you could even whine about her sudden loss of contact, she rolls your chair back a little, stepping between you and the desk.
if you hadn’t noticed what she was wearing earlier, you definitely noticed now. you studied her stunning body from top to bottom with just your eyes, mesmerized. your mouth had fallen slightly agape.
she leaned forward, placing her hand underneath your chin, closing your mouth before entrapping you between her hands on the armrests on either side of the chair, her face just inches away from yours. “you’re drooling, puppy.”
nami kneeled in front of your chair, prying apart your thighs apart to take her place in between them. the countdown for the start of the new match had begun. looking between the clock ticking down and your girlfriend reaching for the hem of your pants, you nearly drop the match altogether. but alas, nami has other plans for her special puppy boy.
she looked up at you with lust-filled eyes, as she brought your pants down to your ankles, setting your hardened cock free of its restraint. “don’t let me distract you, keep playing.”
you do as you are told, nodding your head and licking your lips.
“good boy.” she carefully slid off your pants, tossing them to the side, she took her sweet time, allowing her pretty nails to rake up and down your thighs, loving how your body responded to her. how you unconsciously arched your back and bucked your hips toward her touch, how you held your breath as she inched closer to your aching cock, how you exhaled in disappointment as she strayed further away from it.
she alternated between open-mouth kisses and bites in your inner thighs, leaving dark hickeys only for her to see all the way up to the place you desired her the most. she gave you one more playful bite before wrapping her hand around your cock. your tip was already pulsing out pre-cum. with her free hand, spreading your arousal all over your sensitive tip, earning a whimper from you, “you’re already oozing for me and i’ve hardly touched you, how cute.”
she pumped your dick in her hand so slowly at first but was picking up the pace. her free hand made its way up your body. she pushed your shirt up a bit, peppering your skin with sweet kisses along your tummy.
you took the collar of your shirt into your mouth, in hopes of suppressing your pretty moans, the microphone of your headset had long been pressed back and out of the way. the controller was barely in your grip and your eyes barely still open, such a pretty sight. a sight that made her press her thighs together.
if she wasn’t being so mean, she would have sat on your dick right there. but what lesson would you learn from getting what you want right away? you had to earn it like the good little puppy you were.
your chest rose and fell, as you feel your first orgasm approaching quicker than you thought. you gripped tighter onto your controller, not even caring about the match anymore. fuck the game, you just needed to cum!
right before you reached that sweet peak, nami had stopped pumping, letting her hand rest at the base, ruining your orgasm, ropes of cum spilled from your tip, falling down your shaft coating not only your cock but her hand in your essence. a whine way too loud left your mouth, you were sure they heard. there was no way they didn’t. but you were far too desperate to cum to even care if they had heard you whine.
“dude, what the fuck was that?” one said in your ear.
“mans sounds like a cat in pain.”
“bro sound like he’s getting the best head of his life, lmaoooo”
“me in my girl ear”
your friends had laughed it up, expecting to hear you join in or at least tell them to shut up as you usually did. not no, you were still checked out, pleading eyes on your girlfriend, needing more, craving more, begging for more. oh if they had only known.
nami grinned, removing her hand, eating your cum off of her hand. she slipped off your headset, placing it on herself, “you boys are so loud, you know that?”
“oooh it’s nami~”
“hi nami~” the party greeted her with delight. you couldn't even think of a time they had ever talked to you kindly. but they sure loved talking to YOUR girlfriend, suddenly everything was just fine and dandy.
“i gotta borrow ( y/n ) for a sec, you guys don’t mind if i steal him away from you, right?”
“of course not! guy needs a break anyway, he’s been fucking up for the last ten minutes!”
she couldn’t help but chuckle lowly, knowing she was the cause of that, “i’ll be sure to tell him. all of you have a good night”
“you too~!”
she had turned off the headset, set it down on your desk, and shut off the console. she finally had you all to herself. “so much better.” nami flipped her orange hair over her shoulder, before peppering kisses down your shaft, earning a shudder from you.
she licked a long stride from your balls, all the way up your shaft, up to your tip. her soft tongue swirling around the sensitive skin, all before taking all of you into her hot, pretty mouth with such ease, the tip of her nose pressing against your skin.
a long drawn-out “fuck” left your lips, as you threw your head back in immense pleasure. gripping tightly onto the armrests, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. satisfied with your reaction, she hums against your length. she begins to bob her head, using her hand to massage your balls. looking at you with hooded eyes.
your body felt so hot, you were burning up. her mouth felt so good. so good, you fail to recognize that your orgasm was already upon you until your cock twitched underneath her tongue. your high washed over like a large wave, “FUCK!” you yelled before a loud moan ripped your body as you shot warms spurts of cum down her throat.
nami didn’t even flinch, swallowing every drop of your cum. she moaned against your length, her eyes fluttering shut, as she continued mindlessly sucking your cock like you were her favorite popsicle.
you thrash and jerk from the overstimulation, trying to back away from her mouth as if you had anywhere to go in your chair. your voice raised several octaves, “na…baby, please! ah…ah…ah! too much! can’t….ahh! please!”
your desperate pleas fall on deaf ears, the orange-haired woman, has continued her sweet torture on your painfully sensitive length.
she shoved two fingers into your mouth. you swirl your tongue around her digits, coating them in your saliva. you moaned and whimpered around her pretty digits. before you were even finished, she removed them from your mouth, a long string of your saliva still connecting them to your mouth.
when the string finally broke, she brought her wet digits back down to her side, running them down your hole. she pushed a finger inside so easily, causing you the shudder. she pushed a second finger inside, scissoring your hole.
her fingers curled inside of you, massaging your prostate. paired with her mouth on your cock, the pleasure was overwhelming, your orgasm wrecking through your body, this one much more intense than the last one. pure bliss written in your features, ropes of cum shot down her throat.
you breathed heavily, your chest rising and falling with urgency. nami pulled your cock out of her mouth with a light pop. giving you one little fluttering kiss to your tip, as she retracted her fingers from your tight hole. “such a good…good boy,” she cooed.
she slipped your jacket off of her shoulders, finally revealing her beautiful tits. your dick twitched at the sight, on your way to getting hard again. oh how you loved her tits.
she stood up, slipping off her soaked panties, and tossing them to the side before straddling your lap, her chest just centimeters away from your face. it took everything in you to not just smother your face in the valley between her tits. her bare wet cunt sat on your half-hard shaft, you shivered. she’d be the death of you.
her hand found its way to the back of your neck, caressing the nape of your neck. she looked down at you, “you think you can keep going, puppy?”
your hands found themselves on her hips, as your eyes looked up to meet hers. you nodded your head without a second to waste, still panting. you would not be complete without the feeling of her velvet walls around you.
“that’s my good boy,” she pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose. she slowly grinded her pretty pink pussy against your length already starting to leak its arousal, mixing with hers. she could feel the veins against her folds, “you’re so needy for my pussy. you love it, don’t you?”
“yes! yes! i love your pretty pussy so much! i wanna be inside! may i please be inside of you?”
“well since you asked so nicely.” nami picks herself up a bit, taking your hard cock into her hand. she teased her entrance with your tip, allowing your arousals to mix, before sinking down onto you. you’d never get tired of the feeling of her tight, hot walls squeezing you. you could’ve cummed right there.
she allows you to bottom out. her face contorted in bliss, so full of you. no man had ever made her feel as full, as good as you did. you couldn’t even form words, babbling incoherently, feeling her tightness around you.
it was like she was made for you. a shallow “fuck” fell from her lips, followed by a light moan. “so full, so deep. my sweet baby, my perfect half~”
she rolls her hips against yours, with her mouth agape, looking down at the point where the two of you joined in pleasure. she watched your cock enter and exit her sopping, hot cunt, glistening in her juices.
your eyes were trained on her bouncing tits in your face, sliding your tongue across your bottom lip. just anything to concentrate on not cumming so fast. but the way lifted herself, leaving your tip barely inside, only to slam her hips back down into yours, it wouldn’t be an easy feat. she knew exactly what she was doing to you.
your mouth latched onto her right breast, sucking her nipple, massaging her other breast in your hand. you could feel her body shudder underneath your touch and mouth. “you love sucking my tits, don’t you baby?”
you gaze up at her still latched onto her tit, humming against the plush with a nod, moving to her other breast, twisting her other nipple between your fingers. she drilled her hips onto yours over and over again.
“so fucking good, puppy…so fucking good!” she gritted through her teeth. as you detached yourself from her breasts, she grabbed you by the throat, leaning down to lick your lips before capturing them in a heated, sloppy kiss. with every time your mouths had disconnected for a moment, a string of saliva kept your lips linked together.
your cock twitched, as her walls tightened around you. she had pulled away, “are you gonna cum?”
your answer of “yes” came out as a light whisper, making her smirk. “i’m right behind you, baby.”
"i wanna…i wanna cum inside. may i?”
who would she be to deny her good boy?
“cum inside of me, puppy,” her words were all you needed to fall over the edge with the loudest moan of the night, shoving your face into the valley of her tits, shooting hot ropes of cum inside of her pussy. your neighbors were going to kill you.
nami followed ensue, cumming around your length, making a lovely mess of fluids. only the sound of pants and the ceiling fan had filled the room for a minute.
she broke the silence, kissing the top of your head, lifting herself off of you, your shared essences dripping out of her cunt, “such a mess you made. you know you have to clean it up, right?”
your ears nearly perked up. you already knew what was going to ensue, and you were downright excited about it. you had always loved this part. it was your favorite part about cumming inside of her.
she climbed out of the chair, leaning against the desk. before she could even point to your shared bed, you had already gotten up and jumped onto the mattress, laying on your bed, as you looked up at the ceiling. you gave her two thumbs up, signifying that you were ready for her to sit on your face.
the orange haired woman playfully rolled her eyes, climbing into the bed, crawling over to you. she swung one leg around to the other side, her cunt, dripping with your cum, hovered above your mouth. “if you clean me up good enough, i’ll let you fuck my tits. deal, puppy?”
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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hellhoundmaggie · 1 month
Everybody gives Shane crap for drinking, but nobody talks about how he introduces you to poppers
Pepper Poppers, that is
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onepiece-polls · 1 month
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side E
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Propaganda under the cut.
Ichiji x Law: Known Sora fanboy x guy who's genetically modified to be a Sora character (did you know that the Sora comics predate the Vinsmoke kids?)
Swords and Stallions: Both are duty-bound women opposing the straw hats, but agree to fight alongside them for the sake of a younger generation.
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