#spider-woman x kate bishop
olsenmyolsen · 5 months
This Is Me Trying - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story) Masterlist
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axinite25 · 2 months
I just realised I'm writing two stories where ones identity is temporarily hidden from the other and found it funny
If you're curious:
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spearclosetcomics · 2 years
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Fearless #1 (2019) Kelly Thompson Carmen Carnero
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Midnight meeting | Kate Bishop
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: After not being able to help a civilian in need, you decide to clear your head in a dimly lit park. You didn't expect to see anyone at this hour, especially not your Avenger coworker Kate. [Full request]
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1k
All you ever wanted to do was help people, so when you got these abilities, you put them to good use. Spider-Woman, that’s the name the media chose for you. And when people started to see more and more of what you were doing, they proclaimed you The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Woman. You lived by this status, so when you weren’t able to help people like they expect you too, it’s hard on you.
Sadly, tonight was one of those nights. You had already changed back into your regular clothes, not feeling worthy of wearing the Spider Suit that Tony had made for you. Going home didn't feel right, and going to the Compound felt even more wrong. That's why you were walking around a park at 11pm. 
It had been a while since you had seen people around, so when you heard a voice call out to you, it scared you at first. When the person came closer, you recognized her from the Compound. "Y/n, right?" You nod your head, not really in the mood to have a conversation with someone you barely know. The woman continues nonetheless, "Kate, Kate Bishop. I've seen you at the Compound right?" You nod again. "What are you doing out here so late?" She asks. It's the first open question, so you won't be able to nod your head in response. "I could ask you the same thing." 
Kate laughs at your response, "You're right. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk. Your turn." You quietly say, "I messed up." A frown makes its way onto Kate's face. "What happened?" The tears start forming in your eyes. "I wasn't fast enough, I couldn't save him. He's dead because I wasn't fast enough." You tell her how you went straight to the location the notification told you, and that when you got there the dying man's wife was crying by his side. He had suffered a heart attack and help wasn't fast enough to bring him back.
Kate is quick to reassure you that you didn't do anything wrong. "You did everything you could, it's not your fault. You got there before the paramedics did. You were there first, there was nothing anyone could have done." Kate places a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to emphasize her words, and even though you don't know her well, your emotions get the better of you and you break down in her arms.
She holds you while you sob in her arms. When you feel like you've cried all your tears you step out of her arms and thank her. You look her in the eyes, expecting judgements or pity, but instead you see compassion and understanding. Kate took you by the hand and guided you to a nearby park bench. You talk about anything and everything, until you feel raindrops falling from the sky. 
"Come on, I’ll walk you home." Kate says. She sees the hesitation on your face and is quick to offer a second option, "Or we could go to my place? I live above a pizza place, so we can have some food, and maybe after we can watch a movie. How does that sound?" You nod, "Sounds good, I don't really want to be alone tonight."
As promised Kate bought a pizza to share before heading up to her apartment. You ate it while watching your comfort movie. She made sure you had enough blankets and pillows to spend the night on her couch, which you were very grateful for. The next morning she made sure you had some breakfast before you both had to head to the Compound for combat training. 
When you arrived at the compound together, everyone's eyes were on you. No one said anything, but they were glad that you had found each other, whether that was as friends or more. The two of you were around the same age and were from similar backgrounds, the team didn't want to force any relations but they had high hopes for the two of you connecting. 
Kate didn't leave your side at any point. When she wasn't your partner during the exercise, she made sure to be next to you. She was making sure you were alright, especially after you told her that you didn't want to be alone. It was comforting to know that there was someone in your corner. 
The only moment that she wasn't near you was when Natasha took you aside. Kate wanted to follow, but you told her it was okay. "Hey malen'kiy pauk [little spider], I noticed Kate keeping an eye on you the whole morning and I just wanted to check if everything is okay." You smiled at the nickname.  
She had told you that since the day that Tony had brought you to the Compound, it gave you a sense of comfort. "Yeah, I'm okay. Something happened last night, and Kate was there to help me and take care of me. Thank you for looking out for me, Nat." Natasha nods, "Of course, if you need anything let me know, okay?" You let her know that you will before heading back to training. "Everything okay?" Kate asks between punches. "Yes, all good. She just wanted to check on me."
When the training is over you desperately need a shower. You walk up to Kate, "Do you have plans today?" You ask her. "Not really, probably just hang around the compound for a bit." You take her phone from her hand, add your number to her contacts and send yourself a text before handing her phone back. "Text me when you're ready? I'll come pick you up." 
And so she did. You picked her up from her room and took her down to the game room. You spend the rest of the afternoon playing all sorts of games on the big screen. Clint and Natasha smiled when they heard your laughter coming from the game room as they walked by, they instantly knew that the two of you were going to be okay.
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💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider leaving a tip. Funds will be used to see my (long distance) girlfriend. 💗 
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
Hey, I have a hailee steinfeld x reader request:
Reader is Chris Hemsworth's cousin (meaning she's aussie.) And she is dating Hailee Steinfeld. (But the relationship is a private relationship.) She plays Spider-Woman in Hawkeye and Kate Bishop's love interest. So, in an interview for ATSV, they talk about Readers Spider-Woman making an appearance in the movie.
karma is the girl on the screen coming straight home to me [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x hemsworth!reader
summary: having to do interviews with your girlfriend comes with its own set of challenges. thankfully, you always have each other's back.
warnings: none, just fluff with a side of plot; abrupt start and even more abrupt ending; light mentions of anxiety
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: this request spent almost a month in my inbox and i am so sorry for that. i hope you like it despite the long wait!
* * * * * * *
You look up from your phone at the sound of footsteps approaching. There’s no way to hide the smile that spreads across your features once you catch sight of who’s walking toward you.
“Don’t tell me you started missing me already, Steinfeld.”
She rolls her eyes affectionately at the use of her last name, an old habit that still lingers between the two of you sometimes. “You wish, Hemsworth. Just came to tell you we have five minutes before the interview starts. Wouldn’t want you to be late. Again.”
“That’s a low blow. You’re the reason I was late last time.”
“Weird. I don’t remember it like that.”
“Why am I not surprised?” You reply, attempting to sound annoyed and failing miserably.
She takes a quick look around before reaching out for your hands. You welcome the physical affection a little too eagerly for someone who was trying so hard to make fun of her a few seconds ago. If she notices, she doesn’t comment on it, clearly just as starved for contact as you are.
As much as you love being a part of interviews and getting to talk about projects you’re passionate about, you hate how little time you get to spend with Hailee. At least when you did the Hawkeye press junket you got to do almost every single interview with her due to the curiosity and impact of your character’s developing relationship. This time, however, your role has been the supportive girlfriend.
Despite the excitement from the fans about your character making a not-so-secret appearance in Across the Spider-Verse, all the journalists seemed to prefer to steer clear of having both you and Hailee in the same room to avoid being responsible for accidentally outing you. Just because your relationship is of a more private nature doesn’t mean either of you is doing a great job at keeping your obvious feelings in check.
Hence why it was decided you wouldn’t participate in many interviews. The last thing you need is another nepotism scandal.
“You nervous?” She asks, her previous teasing tone disappearing into thin air once she notices how spaced out you seem to be.
You shake your head in response almost as if that will get rid of the worries lingering in the back of your mind. “Me? Of course not, what’s there to be nervous about?”
She laughs, the sound soft and sweet. “Right. Well, since you’re not nervous then I guess you don’t want a kiss for good luck…”
“You’re a cruel woman, Hailee Steinfeld.”
“Just the way you like it,” she replies with a wink.
She starts to walk away but you pull her back toward you before she can get too far. You know you played right into her hand when you catch sight of the growing grin on her face but you’re too happy to care. You wrap your arms around her neck, careful not to mess up her hair, before connecting your lips in a slow kiss.
Her hands land on your waist long enough to pull you flush against her in an intimate embrace. Time seems to slow down to a crawl while you both relish this brief moment of affection.
It ends too fast for your liking and you have to swallow back your complaints, knowing it’s just a matter of time before people from both of your PR teams start looking for you. “We’re not done here. Just so you know.”
“Trust me-” She gives your lips one last peck before she steps away from you. “I know.”
You let her walk away first, taking a moment to thank the universe for bringing this woman into your life before following after her. You quickly arrive at the interview room and go through all the formal introductions before taking your seat next to Hailee. She shoots you a quick smile that you waste no time in returning.
The next few minutes pass by in an exciting blur of people setting up all the microphones and cameras and it’s not until the interviewer sits down in front of you that your previous nervousness rears its head again. You try to tell yourself you’re worrying over nothing but almost every interview has gone the exact same way since you joined the MCU. The only thing that brings you some reassurance is that Across the Spider-Verse is something completely different and can’t be linked to your last name. Unfortunately, that leaves the door right open for a different set of accusations regarding the brunette sitting by your side.
The interview starts in a very standard way with the first few questions being the same opening questions you’ve gotten in every other interview. You don’t really mind but you do wish people could come up with something better than,”How excited are you about this movie?”
Your complaints fade away once you’re forced to focus on the next batch of questions. “So, y/n, this was your first time doing voice acting for a movie, how different was portraying Spider-Woman in this way compared to Hawkeye?”
You give a pretty ordinary answer, waiting until you’ve fully answered the question to add in a comment that you know will be floating around your Twitter feed for most of the week. “And I definitely had to tone down my flirting this time around.”
“Was that hard for you?” The interviewer replies, not so subtly straddling the border between keeping the conversation flowing and pointing out you and Hailee’s closeness.
Your answer comes with its own set of badly hidden romantic undertones. “I mean, have you seen this woman?”
“Way to keep it professional, y/n,” Hailee says, her smile obvious in her tone.
“I just have too much charm to keep contained, darling.”
You turn your head just enough for your eyes to meet hers. A charged moment of silence passes before she looks away, muttering something about how unbelievable you are through a soft chuckle.
You almost forget where you are until the interviewer speaks up again and brings you right back to reality. “The internet certainly agrees with you, y/n. Apparently, you take after your cousin.”
“Which one?” You joke.
You can already tell where the conversation is going to go but you do your best to appear unbothered.
“Oh, you know, tall, blonde, also an Avenger.”
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes but the shift in your posture doesn’t go unnoticed by Hailee. It never does.
“Right, that one. Annoying fella, isn't he?”
It’s easier to mask your annoyance as playful teasing if you direct your energy toward your cousin and not the interviewer in front of you.
“So annoying,” Hailee joins in, making a show of mimicking your accent.
You shoot her a brief but grateful smile. One she returns with the smallest nod of her head, almost as if silently telling you she’s got your back. And you don’t doubt for a second that she does.
Unfortunately for the two of you, your attempt at changing the topic of conversation goes completely ignored by the interviewer. “Still, it must be great to have support from your own family when it comes to projects like this.”
“Yeah, it’s always fun to remind Chris he never got his own show.”
Hailee makes a face at your comment and you can already imagine the “Memefeld” tweets it will create. “Technically the show isn’t yours.”
“It’s not yours either, there’s still two Hawkeyes.”
“I…yeah, okay, you got me there.”
“So, the criticism doesn’t bother you?” He continues. “It’s hard to deny the connection between your recent projects and the closest people in your life.”
This time Hailee’s the one who stiffens up and, despite the way your heart flutters in your chest at her protective nature, you decide to reply before she gets the chance to. “I appreciate people’s concern but I think they’re overestimating the importance of my personal life and greatly underestimating my talent. I’m not really bothered by it, I just ignore it, to be honest. Call it taking a page out of Taylor’s book.”
You turn to look at your girlfriend with a subtle smirk on your lips. She already knows exactly what you mean but she plays along with you anyway. “Which one? Shake it off?”
“I was thinking of Karma but sure,” you say with a shrug. “Except for the ‘guy on the screen’ part.”
Even though you mumble the last part, you know the microphone picked you up loud and clear. If your choice is between nepotism scandals and dating rumors, you’ll take the dating rumors any day. Hailee’s team probably doesn’t agree so it’s a good thing your agent is the one in the room and not Hailee’s.
Almost as if on cue, she steps in with a random excuse to end the interview. You don’t really pay attention to whatever words get exchanged since you’re too busy admiring your girlfriend.
You can already imagine the tweets and the headlines this interview will create but you don’t really mind. All you really care about is getting to go home with Hailee.
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unholyhelbig · 10 months
are you going to continue the spiderperson Kate bishop au?
[a/n: Sorry for the absence! I had to move apartments and that is always a task, especially during the summer]
Title: Magnetic
Ship: Kate Bishop x gn!reader
Disclaimer: I did not proofread, if there are mistakes, I'm sorry!
Trigger warnings: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts | Join my Taglist!
Part One | Part Two
Summary: Reader is a spider!person from earth-2099 and Kate Bishop is curious about why she's so drawn to them.
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“We should get married” the words were whispered to you, her breath hot against your cheek, smelling so thickly of the champagne that was offered upon your arrival. Kate’s nose was comparatively cold, brushing against your skin. It made you shiver, hitting all the way at the base of your spine.
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. Kate’s green eyes were focused on your father again, as he and Lyla gave their alternating speech about the future of Alchemax. They were to change the world, and if they didn’t like the way it had been altered, they’d simply have the power to jump to a new one.
“You’re drunk,” You answered, taking a deliberate sip of your own drink.
“Tipsy, at best and entirely serious at worst.”
You frowned at that, finally devoting your full attention to the woman on your arm. The two of you were matching dark green, something that brought out the gold in her eyes. What your father was saying had no weight to it, never did. Sure, you understood the bare minimum of his science, and you were just here for obligation, but now his speech turned into a dull hum.
Nothing else mattered other than the small smile on Kate’s face, her arm looped through yours, warm and steadying. She plucked another flute from a catering tray and when she took a drink, red rimmed the glass.
“Is this a formal offer?” You asked, eyebrow raised.
“Just a thought. I’d expect a ring, you know?”
You parted your lips to respond, but the room flooded with a roar of clapping and cheers. Kate winked at you and turned her attention back to the stage. Your father had found you through the crowd, his hands clenching both sides of the glass podium.
His head was cocked to the side, jaw working in anger. There was a hatred behind his stare, one that went past general annoyance. You raised your hands, clapped with the rest of the crowd. Lyla put a hand on your father’s shoulder, drawing him back, a smile complacent on his face.
The air that you pulled into your lungs was cold and damp, a stark contrast to the warmth you had drifted into. At some point, a window opened, and a cold wind whipped through a living room that you barely recognized.
The sun was peaking over the horizon, and deep glowing embers from a dying fire failed to provide any heat. You squinted at the rain on the windowsill, what had dribbled in from a quick entry.
Your eyes moved to each darkened corner of the room, something that looked so familiar to your own apartment, but lived in, comfortable. There was a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach- one that was strong enough to wake you from a fitful sleep coated in memories of a life lost.
There was pressure in your head, every inch of hair on your body standing on end. Without thinking, because thinking was bad when it came to Spider Sense, you just had to do, you grabbed the throw pillow from under your head and held it in front of you.
The sound of ripping fabric filled your ears and feathers exploded all around you. It had been torn into two, and as you stared up at the blob of a person who had done that pillow homicide, you struggled to gather your thoughts.
Without the grunt of frustration, you wouldn’t have recognized him, not as your eyes adjusted to the slowly rising sun. In your sleep-ridden state, you still managed to wedge your foot under your attacker and toss him across the room, knocking picture frames and keyholders from their designated place.
You were standing now, staring at your older brother with enough contempt to light the end of a torch. He lumbered over the room, his shadow reaching you. With each breath he took, he growled. His eyes were unblinking, red.
“I didn’t want to believe it.” He hissed, “That you… were world hopping.”
He sounded older, angrier than you had ever heard him before. His fists were clenched and as the light filled the room you got a good look at his suit, his mask pulled off and wild black hair falling into his stare. His teeth were pointed, bared like a wild animal. You ran your tongue over your own, keeping them sheathed.
The last time you saw Miguel was at the very dinner you had left to get your father for. He was in a stupid patterned sweater that you were poking fun at all night. But there were laugh lines around his eyes and warmth that was lacking from the room now.
Your voice cracked “Did dad do this to you?”
“I asked him to, begged him. He’s been so focused on getting you back that it took some convincing. More than some, really. Day and night all he would do is stare at the monitor tracking your signature.” Miguel lilted his head to the side “He fell asleep just in time for you to pop up in this world.”
“Does he know?”
“I came as soon as I saw. I wanted to see my big bad sibling in the flesh. Infused with vampire DNA, strong enough to dismantle father brick by brick with his… his longing.”
“Miguel, does he know?”
“Not yet.”
Tension leaked through the distance in the room. You could taste the feathers in your mouth, lingering with the blood from a chewed lip. This was not the brother you remembered. This was a mercenary, this was a man who had no grip on reality.
“While I’m super stoked about the reunion, brother, this isn’t my place and you’ve already shredded a throw pillow” A lamp shattered by your head, echoing off the wall and sprinkling glass at your feet. You looked down at the mess and back up at him. “Dude?”
Miguel moved with a quickness that mirrored yours, his claws exposed and swiping through the air. You grasped his wrist, using your other hand and your strength behind it to hit him in the stomach. You felt the air rush from his lungs, hot on your face.
“Reunions are for the weak. Love is for the weak.” He pulled your arm back and you grunted in pain, shoulder popping. “That’s always been your biggest problem.”
You frowned, using the weight behind you to push him over the back of the sofa and onto the hardwood floor. He scrambled, hitting the back of his head against the tabled pushed up to the window. The sun was streaming through now, orange and unforgivingly strong.
“Weak? You’re the one that’s always hidden behind daddy’s money, his science. Don’t you understand Miguel? I didn’t want this. I didn’t want any of this. I had everything, and I was happy.”
“Yes. Weak.” He hauled himself to his feet, using the back of his hand to wipe away a streak of blood from his lip. “Naive. You put all of yourself into one girl and that was a liability. That angered father more than anything, you know? He gave you the world and you squandered it for someone rotting in a wooden box.”
He meant to provoke anger. It was a tactic that he used often and ferociously since the two of you were children. Miguel had a mean streak and was quick to rage. He would rip your toys apart with his bare hands, and during one particularly nasty fight right before your senior prom he had gnawed the cap off an ink pen and dripped it across the fabric of your outfit.
Kate had reassured you that it was fine, that none of it mattered and was superficial anyway. Still, when she arrived on your doorstep dark blue splotches muddied her silver dress. A smile cracked against her lips. She had even found a blue carnation to match.
There were good moments with Miguel. More good than bad, if you looked back on it. Once he matured, and apologized for his behavior, there was still an edge of jealousy around him. His need to please. You had let go of that aspect of yourself years before when you realized nothing you did would satiate your father.   
Regardless of his intention, it provoked the right reaction. You were, after all, mostly human and when your brother pushed your buttons, he did with intention. You found yourself on top of him, knees on either side as you shoved his shoulders to the wooden floor. In a blind rage, you threw as many hits as you could; one after the other, your knuckles aching, each time you pulled back more black blood would coat your knuckles.
Your own claws, something you barely exposed, pushed into the soft skin of your palms, a sharp sting aiding in your anger. Eventually you felt an arm around your midsection, pulling you back with unnatural strength.
“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!” Peter’s voice snapped you out of it.
You felt the aching of your shoulder, no doubt pulled out of place for the second time this month. You tried to blink away the anger, the despair that came with Miguel’s statement. Blood dripped from your fingers, puddling on the carpet. Deep breathes, you just needed deep breaths.
There was another hand on your shoulder, the scent of egg and bread that wormed it’s way through the metallic air in the room. The grasp was tender, and a hand was on your face, leading you.
Again, she had shown up at the most inopportune time. You’d absolutely ruined the shirt she had given you, and feathers were stuck to the blood in your hair. Miguel would be fine, you were sure. Afterall, you healed the same way.
“Hey,” Kate ran her fingers over your cheeks, “Y/n, come back to me, alright? Put the teeth away.”
The teeth. God, you had bitten through your bottom lip. You ran your tongue over the sharpened tips, relished the pressure that was released when you let them escape. Still, you were quick to reign it back in, take a shaking breath.
You came back to the room around you. It was a wreck; glass sprinkling the wooden floor, features coating every viable surface. Miguel let out a soft groan, masked with a gurgle. Peter was at his side, fingers searching haplessly for a pulse. He wouldn’t find a strong one.
They had gotten breakfast, leaving you alone in the apartment to sleep. Quickly, you wiped your fingers on the already ruined garment, giving Kate a pleading look of an apology. There was no fear behind her eyes, nothing that evaded to disgust of the monster that was standing in front of her. Because that’s what you were at the end of the day.
The same monster that was lying unconscious on the floor. You had the same teeth, and claws, and DNA running through your veins. The experiment had worked on you in the same manner. And part of you- part of you wondered if your Kate would still feel the same way about you, looking at you now.
“He,” Your voice was soft, garbled, so you cleared your throat “He won’t stay out for long.”
Kate pleaded silently, “Pete?”
“I’ve got it.”
You were being led into the back bedroom. It was Kate’s, something apparent by the abundance of trophies, and a workstation that was littered with small pieces of explosives. There was a target with a news article for King Pin strapped against it’s center. Her aim, of course, was impeccable.
It smelled like her, the scent cutting through the blood and the dizziness that rushed through you, an after-effect of the anger. She led you to the bed, plopping you down and digging in the bottom drawer of her desk. Kate emerged with a first-aide kit. You let her busy herself, blinking away the rest of the disorientation.
You attempted to get up, but Kate pushed you back down gently, deliberately. There was a stern look on her face that was enough to keep you in your place. You’d let her play doctor, fix up the wounds that struggled to heal. Her touch was gentle, soothing, and constant.
“This was a horrible idea.” Kate admonished, a frown on her face as she shifted through the loose bandages and the small packets of anti-septic. She was mumbling under her breath, something that was a mix of annoyance and worry. “I told you it was an awful idea and now-“
You gently grabbed her hands, halting her movement. She looked up at you, eyes hard with anger. But they softened only a moment later, a quiet surrender. You had a goofy smile on your face. The blood had dried at your hairline and maybe it was the head injury itself, but this was entirely too comical to deny.
“Katie, I fully accepted the consequences the minute I agreed to spar with Jack.”
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Love, I promise I’m okay” You laughed, moving your hand against her cheek with a softness that ebbed away the rest of her rage. “Give me a bandage and some ice and I’ll be as good as new, I swear it.”
It was supposed to be a family dinner, and then you and Jack started riling each other up over dessert. Kate’s mother swallowed a gulp of red wine and rolled her eyes, shrugging at her daughter as if there was nothing to do to stop the course of events.
Eventually, the coffee tables were pushed to the side and the fencing sabers were brought out. Kate was much better than you were by miles and miles of talent. But you could hold your own. It got out of hand, a little too competitive.
Kate was exasperated, but it only lasted for a few moments before the smile melted her exterior and she grinned herself. “Fine. Fine. You did good. It’s not your fault that you chose to puff out your chest against a swordsman.”
“Hey, I think I did amazing until I tripped over the coffee table.”
“Sure, baby. Very valiant.”
You huffed, but let Kate guide your head to the side. You winced with the alcohol pad started to wipe away the deep brown color. No stitches needed, just a strategically placed bandage. Kate placed a soft kiss between your eyebrows.
“You know,” you said, pressing your forehead against hers “You are in the perfect position to propose right now.”
“Without a ring?” Kate beamed, her nose scrunching up “Not a chance.”
Kate frowned, her thumb moving against your hairline “It looks like you’ve healed.”
There were alcohol pads scattered against the bed. They were dark red, then brown, then a soft pinkish-orange. The pad of her finger traced a barely visible scar. Electricity moved across your skin.
“It’s alright,” you assured “I’m… I’ll help clean up the mess. I’m sorry.”
Your mind was swimming and not in smooth waters. Kate looked so much like Kate. She had the same concern, the same tender touch. You stared at her, hair falling into your eyes. There had been a moment last night, before you drifted to sleep, that allowed you to hope.
Miguel had squashed it, just as he had the night that he bit into a blue ink pen. He got the same amount of blue pigment on his lips that he did on your dress, and part of you wanted to laugh at the metaphor.
“I don’t care about the mess, y/n. You’re what matters.” She grimaced, laid her hand on your knee. “Are you alright? Who is that man?”
“My older brother. He’s got a nasty temper and it won’t take long for my father to follow him through whatever hell he crawled out of.”
Again, you attempted to stand, but Kate pushed you back down with more force this time. Her hand had moved to your shoulder, keeping you in place. “Relax for a second, alright? We knew this was coming. This is just an extra obstacle.”
“An obstacle with the power of splice DNA like a God.” You laughed humorlessly.
“Okay, a big obstacle, but nothing we can’t overcome.”
“You’re way too optimistic for eight am.”
The dorky smile on Kate’s face was wiped away when a loud clang came from the living room. You winced, sucking air through your teeth. Kate was on her feet and pulling the door open in a moment. You were close behind, the lavender scent that clung to the girl tickled your throat.
Her mouth was propped open in shock. All of the furniture was upside down, the couch belly-side up. There were DVD’s everywhere and a potted plant that splayed dirt across the hardwood floor. The breakfast still seemed intact, but the coffee had spilled, something that caused Kate to jut her bottom lip out in a pout.
Peter stood by the window, both of his arms outstretched, and his palms pointed towards the floor. His eyes were widened. “I- one minute he was right there, and then the next, gone! Everything was floating, like gravity just got turned off.”
“Huh,” Kate lilted her head to the side “not was weird as fifteenth street bodega guy.”
“He’s gone,”
“No, pretty sure we saw him on the way to get breakfast this morning.”
You groaned, putting your head in your hands. “Not the bodega guy. My brother.”
“Right, right. No, I knew that.” Kate nodded, her face stoic again.
“He’s going to come back.” You said.
“Look, it… it doesn’t matter. Because when he does come back, we’ll be able to handle it. I have already called Clint and Yelena. They’re both in and with all four of us, there’s no way we can lose.”
There was a sadness in your eyes as you looked at the hopefulness in Kate’s. This was putting too many people out, pulling Clint away from his family and Yelena away from… whatever Yelena did in this universe. In most of them, she wasn’t fond of you.
“We wait for them to get here and come up with a strategy that will be fool proof. We can’t fail.” Kate knelt down, picking up the discarded bag of breakfast. She rummaged until she found what she was looking for and looked up at you, holding a bagel. “But first, we eat.”
“I can’t believe you’re thinking about food right now.” You shouted over the sideways smattering of rain. It would shift directions with each new gust of wind, making the awnings you and Kate had crowded under obsolete.
You’d taken off your jacket and draped it over Kate’s shoulders when the first drops had started. Both of you naively thought you could make it back to the apartment before the storm rushed in full-force.
The two of you had closed out a restaurant, never running out of conversation, drinking a full bottle of red even after dessert had been served and cleared. Now she breathed evenly, her nose inches from yours, your back against the outer wall of a storefront.
A few drops of rain sparkled in her hair, the gold flecks in her eyes noticeable when you were this close. Kate hugged your jacket closer. She chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m just saying, the ice cream in the freezer is calling my name.”
You hummed, pressing your lips to Kate’s. You could taste the earth of the wine, the coolness of the rain. She smiled into the kiss, sighing into you. She shivered, keeping her forehead pressed to yours. Thunder shook the windows of the building. Kate pulled your coat tighter around her shoulders. The woman frowned and you lilted your head to the side as she fumbled with the jacket.
“No, wait Katie-“
She pulled out a small dark green velvet box, one eyebrow lifted. Kate’s eyes met yours and you sighed, your breath forming in the air in front of you. Kate was holding hers. You carefully pulled open the lid.
Inside was a white gold engagement ring with a round diamond in the center. Two smaller ones bordered the largest stone. You had spent days talking with Clint before Laura stepped in and went ring shopping with you. And then- then the ring sat in your coat pocket for a month, weighing it down, your thumb moving across the green box more than once in question.
“I was waiting for the perfect time.” You explained, blush against your cheeks. “But nothing seemed good enough. And, maybe I’m thinking too much about it, Katie, but you deserve the entire world and every time I thought about proposing it didn’t’ seem good enough.”
“Hey,” she said softly, placing her hand on your cheek, her thumb moved across and you relished the warmth of her touch. “Hey, you’re rambling, darling.”
“That’s my line.” You sniffed, shaking your head “So… What do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Oh, I don’t know, you have to woo me first.” She said in a sigh, “Of course, I’ll marry you.”
You grinned, pulling Kate in by the lapels of your jacket. There was a whisper of honey in the taste of her tongue, a quiet longing that seemed to fill the hole in your heart. Kate hummed, pulling back every so slightly.
“Oh! Right!” You fumbled, pulling the ring from the box carefully. It was weightless, but with a heaviness that countered the pouring rain. You ran your fingers over Kate’s, gently guiding them until you could slip the ring onto her hand.
“It’s beautiful,” Kate breathed, “and perfect.”
Taglist 💜: @lovelyy-moonlight
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marvel headcanons
weirdly specific headcanons for my favorite characters,
some traits may not align with canon or popular fan opinions. these are just my opinions, to each their own !!
!! TW: s/h , ptsd , disability , neurodivergence , anxiety , depression , alcohol
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Gwen Stacy :
lesbian + non-binary
has a secret spider-girlfriend
obsessed with pop-tarts and tries them in every universe
spends her free time at the animal shelter petting dogs, the workers from many universes know her since they come by so often, and they always welcome her.
won’t admit it but secretly wants to be an english teacher when she grows up
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Peter Parker :
trans ftm + bisexual
his parents are rich lawyers who travel a lot, so he’s always lived with his Aunt, May. doesn’t have contact with his birth parents
has social anxiety and a severe anxiety disorder
has a soft spot for dalmations
in the process of filing for a psychiatric service dog for his panic attacks
has adhd
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Wanda Maximoff :
bisexual with a female preference
has a wife !!!
massive swiftie
has two twins and an adopted daughter
disability mom, billy has angelman syndrome and tommy has autism and epilepsy
in therapy to work on her trauma trigger responses ie. controllingness
has suffered with severe depression
loves loves loves dogs (has two goldendoodles, snowflake and rocky)
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Yelena Belova :
queer woman
convert jew, found herself in the religion and found a community through a support group for, and run by, woman in her synagogue.
absolutely in love with Kate Bishop
very protective over kate and shows her off to everyone
has a ptsd service dog named sasha, who helps with her flashbacks
has struggled with s/h, but is in therapy and getting better
has a very sexual relationship with kate and everyone in the compound steers clear of the hallway where kate and yelena’s rooms are
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Kate Bishop :
pansexual + demigirl
madly in love with Yelena Belova
super innocent but would do unholy things for her girlfriend
hates all dogs. except her dog, pizza-dog-lucky. lucky is different.
slight mommy issues
bottom asf , and a massive brat
super snarky but easily gets her feelings hurt
was homeschooled her whole life, and she never lost that childish energy
thinks her girlfriend’s protectiveness is cute, but loves to push against it to see yelena get all hot and bothered
always spends the holiday season with clint’s family (partially bec she loves them and partially to save on heating bills in the colder months)
spam posts every detail of her life on insta stories + makes mini-vlog reels 24/7
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Natasha Romanoff :
demiromantic + unlabeled
hates labels, she likes who she likes end of story.
has a massive soft spot for cats, and has 3 of her own, Tumeric, Spots, and Dart.
has a massive unrequited crush on wanda
she’s labeled as the “bed-hopper” by her friends for her string of serial hookups after she left the redroom, but she wants nothing more than to settle down with a wife and even more cats.
big mommy issues and that usually comes across in her relationships, as she seeks out (sometimes older) people with nurturing qualities.
battled alcoholism during the dark days in the blip from losing her sister, but she has an amazing therapist and is now sober
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Kamala Khan :
really into tarot
best friends with America Chaves and has a small gay crush on her
constantly gets in trouble with teachers for being too loud and talking in class
has inattentive adhd and always forgets to take her meds
has a very popular carol danvers x fem reader fanfic on A03 that she hides from her parents but she always neglects her homework to make sure she updates regularly for her readers
loves tacos
has sensory issues and gets sensory overload breakdowns due to sound and this can trigger her powers to go haywire while she’s overstimulated
her family puts a lot of pressure on marriage but she just wants to live in a house with america and spend the rest of their lives together reading fanfic and rewatching avengers movies
she kissed america once and they never talked about it again, though they both have hinted at wanting to do it again.
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
When Worlds Collide
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Kate Bishop x Female Spiderwoman reader (basically has Miles powers; invisibility, electric webs)
Summary: One minute you’re swinging around new york and the next you’re swinging into a different universe where you run into a very confused archer.
Warnings: Some swearing
A/N: sorry this is mainly dialogue but I just needed to get it out the way. I am planning on making this a mini-series so I need you guys to bully me into staying motivated:)))))))))))
If someone were to tell you that when you climbed out your window today, you would swing - quite literally - into another universe, well… You’re not sure what you would have said, maybe something along the lines of ‘you’re crazy' I guess. But they would have been correct, which is kinda crazy.
It would have been cool if someone did tell you that, though, cause then they would be this inter-dimensional psychic or whatever (not too sure on the correct term but you know what I mean). But they didn't, and you swung right into the streets of New York, and not the one you were used to. You would like to say it was graceful, however, You’re not too sure your screaming and a rather painful belly flop onto some bins in an alleyway wouldn’t have scored that high if it was out of 10.
And that's how you landed in this situation, sitting in bin juice, with a bow and arrow pointed at your head.
“Where the hell did you come from?” A woman asked with a perplexed tone, her dark hair in a ponytail and her face covered by her weapon. 
“Uh, not too sure.” 
“Like you literally just appeared out of nowhere,” She stated, my eyes adjusting allowing me to see her purple suit.
“Yeah… I guess I did… Can you maybe not shoot me, please? I’m kinda confused as to what just happened and the possibility of getting an arrow in my head is not helping with this situation.”
The woman lowered her weapon slightly and looked at you with a curious gaze, “What's with the spider-man suit? You a fan?”
“Spider-man? Spider-man? Are you serious?” What the hell is this girl on about.
She raised her eyebrows in response, “Yeah, spider-man, You know, got bit by a spider and now can climb up walls and shoot webs. He’s actually really nice, I’ve met him a few times at the avengers compound when Hawkeye took me, that was a really fun day. I also met The Hulk, and Falcon and-”
“What the fuck are the avengers?” You interrupted the woman's rambling, “Is that like a band or something? Are they all different bands?”
“Wait - bands?”
“Yeah, are you in a band? Why do you have a bow and arrow if you’re in a band?”
There was a small pause of silence between us until she spoke. “No.”
“So your not in a band or they aren't in a band? I'm confused.”
“No one is in a band, they’re superheroes. I’m a superhero… kinda,” she replied lowering her weapon to her side. “What are you from another universe or something, how do you not know who the avengers are-”
“Hey! She’s over here!” A loud voice shouted from the end of the alleyway, followed by an army of footsteps. 
“Oh shit.” the woman said as you quickly webbed yourself to the wall behind her and then landed beside her on the ground, “Hey, how did you-?
“No time for questions!” You replied quickly, gabbing her waist as you turned invisible, your touch also making her disappear from the guy's eyes who were wearing tracksuits? Odd.
With your free hand, you released a web, allowing you to swing out of the alleyway a couple of blocks down with numerous Oh my God's and Holy shit’s in your ear, before landing (much more gracefully) on top of a building, placing the dark-haired woman next to you, turning off your invisibility.
“Wow, you are way cooler than Spiderman,” she said, a little out of breath from the adrenaline. “And totally not a man.” She added, being able to look at your body properly now that it wasn't covered in bin bags. You wore a dark green skin-tight suit (which looked almost black due to the time of day, or should I say night, it was), with black webbing covering it with a black widow-like spider on the front and back, and the signature white eyelets. 
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, thankful that your mask hid your crimson cheeks from her comment, “Good observation skills, archer.” you said, still not knowing the woman's name.
“So who are you exactly? And you never answered my question about where you came from.”
“I’m Arachne.”
(A-rack-knee is basically how you pronounce it if anyone was having trouble)
“Like the girl who got turned into a spider-”
“-By Athena, yes! Except I’m not actually a giant spider, I just have spider-like tendencies I guess.” You interrupted, a bit too excited that she knew where your name was from as you were a bit of a history geek.
“What with webs and stuff…” She added.
“Yep.” you said, giving a very awkward thumbs up in return. “So what's your hero name then archer?”
“Uh, I haven’t really worked out the whole superhero name just yet, but you can call me Kate.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in response, but Kate could only see the eyes of your suit go smaller, “Isn’t like the first rule of being a superhero is to not tell people your real name.”
“Shit. Yeah.”
“Promise I won't tell.”
“Appreciate it.”
“And about where I came from, I think another universe may be a good guess.” You joked, But when you saw the look on Kate’s face, she looked like she knew more than you.
“I think I know who can help.”
After helping Kate climb down the building, she lead you to an apartment complex a few blocks from where you landed in some bins. Again, not your finest moment. You watched in amusement as she pressed every single buzzer to get inside the building.
“I thought this was your place?” you asked when you guys were finally let in after a lame pizza excuse Kate gave one of the residents.
“Oh right, my place burnt down like 2 months ago, so I’m crashing at my aunt's place for now. Still haven't gotten round to getting a key cut yet,” She shrugged as I followed her up a tedious amount of stairs. Once the door was opened and you two were inside, you could immediately sense another heartbeat in the apartment. Just as your body tensed up, you heard the friendly sound of paws pattering across the wooden floor, calming your nerves. “This is Lucky, a.k.a Pizza Dog, a.k.a my best friend.” Kate introduced you as she knelt down to pat the dog. “That sounded less… sad in my head,” she muttered afterwards.
After confirming that no one else was there, you reached for the back of your mask, pulling it off, deciding that it would be kinda weird to leave it on any longer. With a quick breath, you blew the hair out of your face, finding the archer looking at you with a small blush on her cheeks, “definitely not a man,” she whispered to the dog.
“So… this person who you think can help… I’m guessing it's not the dog?” you joked, loosely pointing to the golden fluff ball on the floor. You managed to get a small chuckle from the raven-haired girl, and you couldn’t help but smile when you saw hers.
“No, unfortunately not. They’re over at the avengers compound.”
“Right,” you nodded, “The band.”
“Yeah, the band. But I don’t think they will like me very much if I turn up at 2 am with someone who I found in the bins.” She finished, smiling to herself at your little banter. “Especially since I don’t even know your name…”
“Ah,” you breathed out, looking down at your feet as you felt slightly embarrassed by the statement. After all, you had helped her with the tracksuits, she was helping you find out what happened to you, let you into her home (or at least her aunts'), and she introduced you to her dog. She was long overdue for a proper introduction.
“Hi,” Kate had stood up now, moving to stand in front of you with a warm smile.
“Hi,” you replied, unsure of where this was going.
“I’m Kate, it's nice to meet you,” She placed her hand in the space between you two, offering a friendly re-introduction. You took her hand in yours, giving her a shy smile.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you too.”
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Was watching Multiverse of Madness with my dad last night and we got into a discussion about Marvel multiverse theories... and I actually came up with one that I think is pretty neat?? Not that I genuinely believe this is the direction they're going with things... But it would be cool.
Gwen Stacy and Kate Bishop are the same person.
Explanation for this idea under the cut.
Now I'm trying to figure out how best to articulate this thought, so bear with me if this sounds a little funny.
First of all, the obvious point is that they're both played by Hailee Steinfeld - Gwen in Spiderverse, Kate in Hawkeye. Now, the MCU is kind of inconsistent when it comes to actors playing characters across the multiverse (Benedict Cumberbatch is always Doctor Strange, but there are three different Spider-Men, things like that), and I know most of this media-wise is just fan service for the audience, but I think I've uncovered a little bit of logic behind it.
Characters with innate powers are always the same actor, characters who develop powers are not. AKA, Wong and Mordo and Strange are consistent because they have a natural affinity towards magic, Professor X is consistently Patrick Stewart because he's always a mutant (assuming the James McAvoy version is meant to "age into" Patrick Stewart), and Wanda falls alternatively into either of those camps depending on what version of her we're referring to (she's either a witch or a mutant, but has natural abilities either way). However, Spider-Man is given powers by the spider, not born with them, so it can be a different person/actor. Same thing with Mr. Fantastic (cosmic radiation), Captain Carter (supersoldier serum), Captain Marvel/Binary (more cosmic energy), and the others we see in MoM that already have variants in different movies. Different actors, since logically those powers could be given to anyone in the right circumstance. Black Bolt is an Inhuman, but doesn't have another film version we've seen, so he's not a problem.
Now, Hailee Steinfeld plays both Gwen and Kate - neither of which have innate abilities. Kate is a skilled archer but doesn't have superpowers, and Gwen was bitten by a radioactive spider like any other Spider-person. So her being played by the same actor makes things... interesting.
There is the hitch that these characters have completely different names, but the MCU has already changed up some characters' names while maintaining the same character (i.e. Mary Jane Watson becomes Michelle Jones), so I'm not particularly concerned about that little discrepancy. So what if Kate Bishop is the version of Gwen that could have become Spider-Woman, but didn't?
Now let's think about things age-wise: Kate Bishop and Tom Holland's Peter could have been the same age. Kate is 23 in Hawkeye, and Peter is meant to be roughly 18 at the end of No Way Home - but Peter Blipped and Kate didn't, which explains how she's five years older.
Two superheroes, who pre-Blip were the same age, who both live in New York... what if they were on the same school trip?
You know the one I'm meaning. We don't see it in the MCU's Peter Parker, but the story is always that he goes on a school trip, gets bitten by the spider, becomes Spider-Man. But if Kate was with him on the same trip... that means there are two versions of how this could go:
The MCU version: Peter gets bitten and becomes Spidey, while Kate/Gwen takes an interest in archery and becomes Hawkeye.
The Spiderverse version: Kate/Gwen is the one to get bitten, and Peter ends up becoming that universe's Lizard instead (notice that the MCU/Earth-616 doesn't have a Lizard of its own either...)
But they're the same person. Genetically, multiversally, the same. Kate Bishop could have become Spider-Woman, but she missed her opportunity and Peter was bitten instead. Kate Bishop is the MCU's equivalent of Gwen Stacy.
(disclaimer that yes I know they're completely different characters and the comics are nothing like the film/TV versions, I know that Gwen and Kate have different backstories and family lives and all that, I know that Hailee Steinfeld was just cast bc she's a talented and popular actor right now, this theory is just for fun and I'm not trying to claim it's actually something Marvel is planning)
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Little Spider (Yelena Belova x Reader)
Summary: There’s only so much denial a girl can offer before it all comes crashing down.
Words: 2122
Warnings: SMUT! Language.
A/N: Practicing for Kinktober maybe. I dunno.
@natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne
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Months ago the twitch in Yelena's brow would've made Kate scurry away with a panicked laugh, but right now, sitting in the Avenger's Compound, she couldn't stop from giggling sporadically at her embarrassed friend and floor-mate. It was absolutely ridiculous to see the extensively trained, cool former assassin gobsmacked and blushing as she fumbled to find a retort that was both scathing and dismissive of Kate's assessment.
"Admit it. You want (Y/N) to just slam you against a wall and fuck your brains out," Kate teased. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. She's sweet and strong and I bet she could lift you up the -"
"Shut up!" Yelena squeaked, glancing around the empty kitchen. "She is my sister's best friend. That would - that would be weird."
"That would be insanely hot," Kate argued. "Have you ever watched her train? Because I'm pretty sure every other living, breathing person in the Compound has outside of maybe Steve and Tony."
Noticing the flash of shame crossing Yelena's features, Kate sighed. She reached out, squeezing the blonde's wrist comfortingly.
"I know you're not good with your feelings considering the whole kill or be killed thing you did before this. But everyone around here seems to know you're special to (Y/N) except you. Of all the people she interacts with daily, there are exactly three people that she's given nicknames to. Everyone else is either being affectionately - or sometimes legitimately, depending on who's pissed her off that day - insulted or just called by our last names. She calls me Bishop so much that I forget I have a first name when we're on missions together."
Creases blossomed between her brows as she considered Kate's words.
"I -"
"Morning, ladies," Natasha greeted cheerfully, a tank-top clad you trailing behind with a tolerant smirk.
You nodded, patting the Avenger-in-Training's hair playfully, ignoring her shriek of indignation at the ruffling of her neatly tied locks. As your gaze drifted to Yelena, your smirk softened into a genuine smile.
"Hello, little spider."
The gentleness in your voice stole the breath from her lungs, cheeks going aflame as Kate's assurances settled in her chest. It was easy to dismiss the signs when they weren't in front of her but she couldn't overlook the obvious differences from Kate to herself when they were presented so blatantly.
So lost in her own head, she barely registered a mouth nearing her ear until your hot breath caressed the reddened shell.
"You okay?" you whispered, a worried frown tugging at your lips. "You look upset."
"I am - I'm okay," she choked out, wincing at how unbelievable her reply sounded. "Just Kate being the annoying brat she is."
Countless lessons in lying yet she couldn't keep her voice from cracking under the pressure of your concerned probing. If only her handlers could see the mess she had become over a single woman.
"(Y/N), stop flirting with my sister. We're training new agents today and being late would be a terrible start. You can stick your tongue down her throat later when I can't see it," Natasha teased, earning a scathing glare from you, grinning at the startled noise that escaped her sister.
"Oh, as if I haven't walked in on you with your hand up Wanda's skirt. Appropriate payback, I would think," you hissed, pressing a lingering kiss to Yelena's cheek before righting yourself. “A little tongue… maybe some silicon.”
Grimacing at the thought of catching you in a similar position with the woman she'd protected since they were children, Natasha ushered you out of the kitchen. "Wanda isn't your sister."
"Close enough."
Waiting until the bickering faded, Kate studied the stunned blonde.
"Are you thinking about it now?"
Proud, Kate stole a piece of cold bacon from Yelena's plate and bit the end with a devious gleam in her eye. Not because Kate wanted it but because, for a split second, she was faster than Yelena – which was a complete first – and she was planning to take advantage of the few moments of victory she had.
"See? Told you. Hot."
           Strolling into the training room with a false sense of confidence and one thought in mind, Yelena made sure no stray agents waiting to garner your attention before meeting you near the punching bag; the same bag she'd watched you hit a hundred times. The same bag she'd often stayed near whenever you spoke with her after a workout session.
Where she realized she'd fallen in love with you.
Sensing the blonde Widow, you threw a final hit before turning to face her with the barest hint of a smile playing at the corners of your mouth.
"Hello, spi -"
Yelena's lithe body slamming into yours nearly knocked you to the ground but quick footwork kept you both from hitting the floor, arms tight around her waist while her hands grasped at the base of your neck desperately. An incessant mouth met yours in a fierce, needy dance that you never hesitated to participate in, tongues acquainting while you tried to understand the sudden change.
You would never complain about Yelena wanting to kiss you, but you’d anticipated a long talk about feelings – walking her through the strongest of them, like you had with Natasha when she was dealing with the emotions she felt whenever Wanda was near – before ever reaching this moment but you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
She panted into your mouth, pliant and soft in your embrace as she silently begged for more. To lose control and let you hold the reins, merely a puppet to the pleasure.
Nimble digits wandered up her torso, wrapping delicately around her flushed throat as you kept her mouth firmly against yours. You weren't surprised that Yelena was submissive in moments of passion, always following in her sister’s footsteps. Natasha had drunkenly admitted one night that she felt safer not being in the seat of power; their training had never given them a chance for weakness - for a lack of control in any situation - so there was something wondrous in offering that to another person. Letting someone they trust give orders.
Yelena's moan sent fire careening through your blood and it took everything within you to slow the kiss to a simple brushing of lips.
"We should talk," you murmured, fighting the urges coursing through you.
"I don't want to talk," Yelena whispered. "I want you."
Growling low in your throat, your lips drifted from her mouth to her ear, capturing the lobe between sharp teeth. Tongue carefully stroking around the piercing residing there, you trailed them along the shell as your hand slipped from her neck into her blonde tresses.
“Are you sure you want this? Because I have no issues fucking you on the mat beneath our feet if you’re serious,” you murmured, the dangerous promise leaving her panties soaked with arousal but also warming her chest. Even now she knew that if she changed her mind – despite the intensity of the moment – you would just as easily stop.
Because she was still your first priority.
Grabbing the hand gripping her hip possessively, she slid it under her shirt and you couldn’t help the breathless moan that tickled her flesh. Fingers danced over puckered scars but you paid little attention to them, knowing the self-consciousness she felt despite assuring her for months that everyone had their scars.
Some were just more visible than others.
“Fuck it,” you exhaled, bending slightly to sink your teeth into the long expanse of her throat.
Gasping, her eyes flew shut as her head tilted back to accommodate the bites and kisses you painted across pale skin. Her knees shook as a skilled hand slid beneath her bra, kneading her breast in a way that left her head swimming. She’d never been touched like this before – actually wanting the person touching her so intimately – so it was a thrilling, albeit terrifying experience. She’d used her body as a tool, back when she was still under the control of the Red Room, but this was something special.
“FRIDAY, activate protocol Spymaster,” you commanded before licking a stripe across the reddened skin your teeth had abused.
Yelena paused, her nails scoring the tank adorning your figure as she stifled a laugh. “Spymaster?”
Humming, your hand fell from her hair and joined the other at the hem of her shirt. “It’s a non-emergency lockdown. I use it whenever I don’t want anyone coming into the training room. Tony designed it specifically for me after trainees kept pestering me. Only a spymaster could break in at this level.”
Helping Yelena free herself from the confines of her shirt, your gaze drifted low across her bared midriff. She was a stunning masterpiece of pale skin that held the history of a lifetime. A widow peeked just above the waistband of her jeans and you chuckled, remembering how excited the sisters were after they’d gotten it.
Letting your fingers trail across the black ink, your mouth met hers again, swallowing the soft whimper as you traced along the tattooed area. Your free hand reached behind, deftly unclasping her bra with practiced ease, feeling it shift between you as Yelena pressed closer to your body.
“You’re wearing so many clothes,” she whined petulantly, the material of your shirt rough against her overheated body.
Smirking, you broke apart just enough to fling the baggy cover away with a flourish. “Sincerest apologies, love.”
Before she could respond to your playful sarcasm, you brought her into your grasp and carefully lowered her to the floor, one arm locked around her while the other kept you from crashing onto a training mat.
I should definitely clean this before training tomorrow or Nat will murder me and use my body as a training dummy.
Time moved both too fast and not fast enough as you both shed what clothing remained. Pants and shoes were shoved aside, Yelena’s panties tossed somewhere you’d likely never find them –
(But her darling sister would, tomorrow, and attempt to strangle you with them once everyone was gone, yelling at you for defiling her baby sister in the training room while praising you at the same time for admitting your feelings. It is a very confusing conversation for you, only worsened by dodging quick hands and weights that were thrown with a perfect – miserably so – accuracy).
Your mouth left constellations only the two of you would ever see, tasting every curve and dip of her body as you explored the willing woman splayed out across the padded surface. Her grip on your hair was damn near painful but you were content to let her tug as she writhed and moaned beneath you.
“I want to taste you,” you whispered, sinking lower but not taking the step as you waited for a response.
You’d wait a lifetime for this woman, honestly.
“Please,” she begged softly, eyes bleary with lust and something deeper as she stared at you pleadingly. “Do whatever you want. I’m yours.”
The cry that rang out as your tongue met swollen, throbbing flesh left nothing but heat in your belly and a need to drive Yelena wild. You’d never been as desperate and determined as you were in that moment, every heavy stroke or teasing flick earning a new reaction that you silently took note of. Nothing would’ve been capable of dragging you away from her, the urge to offer as much pleasure as possible primal and encompassing.
You could’ve stayed there forever, tongue and lips drawing out as much pleasure as they could, but the tension working through her body kept you focused on the goal at hand.
“Fuck, fuck…” her moans trailed off into unintelligible gibberish as she bucked violently, arousal coating your face as she tipped over the edge into blissful fire.
In that moment, you decided there was nothing prettier than seeing her come so undone. Body flushed and covered in sweat, you couldn’t stop staring at her as you stroked her through the comedown.
“That was…” you smirked, so proud of yourself that you couldn’t really finish your thought as you cleaned her need off your face.
“Hot. So fucking hot,” Yelena mumbled.
“I mean, Bishop sure thought so,” you teased, feeling her tense for an entirely different reason this time as your chin rested on her stomach. “Though a training mat isn’t nearly as interesting as a wall, I suppose.”
“You –”
“Yes.” You kissed her hip sweetly, slowly working up her body before you were face to face with the blushing blonde. “But she’s correct, little spider; wall sex is very appealing. We’ll have to try it sometime.”
“…oh my.”
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Bracket(??) Announcement!
I have FINALLY (which I am very sorry for guys) finished going through my submissions and have created something that looks like a bracket. BUT, in order to include the most characters, I have devised a group round with 128 characters divided into 8 groups and have sorted them in a way that prevents this competition from becoming a batman vs spider-man final.
making the polls shouldn't take nearly as long so be on the lookout for those! this will be pinned and I'll make sure to edit this post with links to the polls, and matchups are not necessarily going to be heroes next to each other! matches can be made up by any two heroes in the same group
polls will last a day for now and one group will be posted per day
as of right now top 4 from each group will make it to the bracket round but that is absolutely subject to change so don't count on that
Without further ado, your Superhero Smackdown competitors!!!
Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy/Spider-Men and Ghost Spider (Marvel)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (Marvel)
The Incredibles and Frozone (Pixar)
Kori'ander/Starfire (DC)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler (DC)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Black Noir (The Boys)
Jim Gordon (DC)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC)
T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther (Marvel)
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America (Marvel)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC)
Peter Quill/Starlord (Marvel)
Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker (DC)
The Green Lantern Corp (DC)
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl (DC)
Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC)
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat (DC)
Queen Maeve (The Boys)
Clark Kent/Superman (DC)
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (Marvel)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (DC)
Marc Spector, Steve Grant, Jake Lockley/Moon Knight (Marvel)
Barry Allen/The Flash (DC)
Starlight (The Boys)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (DC)
Darkwing Duck (DuckTales)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (DC)
Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow (Marvel)
Tim Drake/Red Robin (DC)
The Autobots (Transformers TV Show)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Ororo Monroe/Storm (Marvel)
The Midnighter (DC)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Logan, James Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel)
Kon Kent/Superboy (DC)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 (Ben 10)
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
America Chavez/Miss America (Marvel)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
The Power Rangers (The Power Rangers Series)
Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel (Marvel)
Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC)
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam (DC)
Damian Wayne/Robin (DC)
Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher/The Beak (Phineas and Ferb)
Alex, Sam, and Clover (Totally Spies)
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee (Marvel)
Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Flash Thompson/Agent Venom (Marvel)
Shoto Todoroki/Shoto (My Hero Academia)
Gwen Poole/Gwenpool (Marvel)
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kaio Kincaid/K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes)
Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (My Hero Academia)
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed (Marvel)
Viv Vision (Marvel)
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Mia Dearden/Speedy (DC)
Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch (Sleepless Domain)
Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club (DC)
Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart/Insomia and Sketch (Renegades Trilogy)
Karen Fields/Voyd (Pixar)
Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine (Marvel)
William Wisp/The Wisperer (Just Roll With It)
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuuko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gizmoduck (DuckTales)
Dakota Cole/D.C. (Just Roll With It)
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko (My Hero Academia)
Luka Couffaine/Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel)
Vyncent Sol/Virion (Just Roll With It)
Elpis (Valor Academy)
Captain Rainbow (Nintendo)
Moza/Emara (Emara)
Mark Grayson/Invincible (Invincible)
Jimmy Woo (Marvel)
Kirby (Nintendo)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zorro (The Mark of Zorro)
Phil Coulson (Marvel)
Megamind (Megamind)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik (Disney)
Saitama/Caped Baldy (One Punch Man)
He-Man and She-Ra (He-Man: Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Games)
The Tick (The Tick)
Robin Hood (English Folklore)
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Séance (The Umbrella Academy)
Super Grover (Seasame Street)
Wario-Man (Nintendo)
Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
Hero Cookie (Cookie Run)
Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)
Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra (Marvel)
Bibleman (Bibleman TV Show)
Larry-Boy (VeggieTales)
Sharkboy and Lavagirl (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Daniel MacIntyre/Cactusman/SCP-2800 (SCP Foundation)
Morbius (Morbius)
Jarro (DC)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Steel Samurai (Ace Attorney)
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olsenmyolsen · 5 months
This Is Me Trying - Four - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: Kate can't shake the feeling that she knows you. What happens when she asks?
Word Count: 4K
Content: Blood, Violence, Flirty Kate Bishop, Feelings, Cute Pizza Dog, Clint being protective, Bones
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But Kate would know if she had ever met the Spider...
So, who were you?
The question remained in her head the whole.. swing... home.
If that's what you want to call it.
However, that question was quickly moved elsewhere in her mind when she finally lifted her hand from your back as you landed the two of you onto the fire escape to her aunt's building.
Her hand was covered in your blood.
Kate's mouth dropped as she looked at her right hand. Then to your back. An open wound showing where your suit was ripped.
You felt the bullet graze you when it sent pieces of glass flying above you earlier. But you didn't have time to react; you were too busy focusing on protecting Kate.
Plus, injuries came with the job.
"You're bleeding." She stated as she unwrapped her legs from around you. "It happens." You played it off as you stood up and waited for Kate to open the window.
But Kate, being Kate, stood with you on the freezing fire escape. "You knew?!" You leaned back against the railing and took in Kate's disappointed look.
It was so cute.
Her nose is so red from the swing here.
You shook your head. "It's not the first time." Kate's mouth dropped before she picked it back up. "This has happened before?" She asked, making you nod. "Like I said, it happens..." You looked away from her gaze and awkwardly shuffled your feet. "I also have this thing..." You started. Kate stepped forward as she adjusted her beanie with her non-blood-covered hand. "Thing?"
How do you tell someone who happens to be a superhero and your crush that you have a healing ability? Do you just say that?
"It'd be easier if I could show you." You then pointed to the open window. Kate looked you up and down but didn't move. You saw a look of worry pang across her face. "You're sure you're not in pain, right?"
The truth is, is that you were. But as opposed to it being excruciating, it felt itchy and like a weight was pressing on top of it.
"Not enough for you to worry." You said, making Kate dawn a little smile. "Thanks." She said shyly. "I was worried that I hurt you more..." She lifted her red hand. "Exhibit A." You smiled under your mask.
"No, Hawkeye, you didn't hurt me."
You could never hurt me.
Internally, Kate was screaming that you called her Hawkeye privately, but on the outside, she just smiled in a way where the corners of her mouth moved up and down before awkwardly nodding and entering her aunt's apartment.
You followed behind her after taking a second to breathe.
Kate Bishop is the other Hawkeye!! _
You closed the window behind you as your eyes found Kate at the kitchen sink. Scrubbing your blood off. She sent you a smile before pointing with her eyes to the couch in front of you.
You looked down as you wore a goofy smile, thanks to Kate.
"You have a dog!?" You asked, even though it totally made sense—a golden retriever for a golden retriever.
Plus, you're pretty certain you had seen this dog on Kate's social media posts.
Okay, you had definitely seen this dog before.
The dog, who had been aware of your presence since the two of you landed on the fire escape, just sat on the couch staring at you. "Yeah!" Kate smiled as she finished drying her hands. "He's not allowed on campus, so he moves from place to place. Name's Pizza Dog or Lucky. Depending on who you ask." Kate said, making you smile. "Which is?"
She froze. "Just Clint and I..." Her voice faltered at the end as she bent down to grab something from under the sink.
"Do you think Clint's okay?" She asked you to calm her worries.
"He's an ex-Avenger. I'm sure he's fine." You said to calm your own worries, no matter how accurate your statement was.
Kate nodded as you took cautious steps towards the dog. You've had a few run-ins with some neighborhood dogs, and let's say they're more bite than bark.
Probably didn't help that you liked cats more.
You then briefly wondered what type of cat Kate would get.
Kate bent back up with a medkit in hand just in time to see the gloved hands of The Spider lay a gentle pet on the top of Pizza Dog's head.
And then she grinned as you took a more confident step forward as Pizza Dog rolled onto its back to get some belly rubs.
Which Kate allowed even though you were slowly bleeding down your suit because this moment was too precious to ruin.
She loved what she was seeing. And you loved being here, petting a dog with Kate Bishop.
"I think he likes me!" You sounded cheery as you looked up at Kate. She just smiled back and nodded.
"You've been chosen!" She made a dramatic voice that she immediately regretted. "Sorry! Ignore what I just did!"
You laughed, and Kate's ears noticed something, but she couldn't quite place it. However, you realize what you just did and sat straight up before looking at Kate again.
"Sit at the table." She gestured with her head as she placed the medkit down. One that was clearly put together by the older Hawkeye.
It had labels like: Kate don't use this for fun! on it.
You took steps closer to the dining room table as you took in the decorations and vibe of the apartment. It had an older woman's style, but now that you knew Kate liked to crash here, you could see her influence all over the place, especially with the Christmas decorations and tree.
The purple tinsel gave it away.
As you grabbed onto the chair to sit, your mind finally looked in this direction. You tilted your head at the centerpiece—a menorah. 
Kate opened the kit as you looked from it to her. "Are you Jewish?" You steadily asked. Being mindful of whether this was a sore subject or not. Also, Kate had never mentioned it before, so this would be news to you.
Kate plainly shook her head. "My aunt is. I'm not." You nodded. "Oh, okay. Cool." You looked at the candles. "You?" Kate looked to you with some sanitizing wipes in hand, fishing for information.
You shook your head.
"So..." Kate started as she pulled the sides of your torn suit back to look at the wound on your shoulder blade. She almost gagged in the process. No matter how many scrapes and injuries she and Clint sustain, blood still eeks her out. "What did you want to show me?"
"Wipe the blood, and you'll see." You balled your hands into a fist and prepared yourself for the stinging of the wipes.
When the wipes did their job, Kate couldn't believe what she saw. "You-your skin! It's- you're healing!" You nodded as Kate took a step forward to look at the side of your mask. You turned to her and smiled even though she couldn't see it.
"This is why I protected you first." You spoke honestly about your power but hid the fact that you protected Kate on instinct.
"Any other special powers I should know about!?" Kate teasingly asked as she bumped your arm. You once again let out a natural laugh. "Just heighten senses and strength. The webs I make myself. Obviously."
"Obviously," Kate repeated and nodded to your words, but she had that feeling she couldn't shake come up again.
So, as she walked back to the kitchen, she tossed the dirty wipes into the trash along with her gloves. She asked: "You didn't protect me for any other reason?"
She took a breath as she placed the medkit below the sink. Her eyes found you as she rose. They trailed up your back, where she placed a gauze on the wound to the suit that stitched itself back together above the tear. Her eyes finally found themselves at the back of your mask.
"What do you mean?" You kept your voice low as Kate walked back and sat at the wooden chair across from you.
Kate opened her mouth before stopping to think. She brought her hands onto the table and started picking at her fingers. "I don't know..." A nervous habit of hers you learned over a year ago. "I just can't shake this feeling that I know you... being in your arms... it was familiar." Kate looked up at you and saw the eyes of your mask staring back.
Silence filling the room.
Quietly, Kate sat up in her chair and took a closer at you. "I do... don't I?"
She wanted to believe that it was true even when you shook your head. "No." You said. But Kate's ears once caught an inflection in your voice.
"I don't believe you. If you were a stranger, I don't think you'd be as comfortable as you are now." Kate looked at your figure and then back at Lucky.
Her spy training with Clint was finally paying off.
On the other side of the table, you were torn. You wanted to tell Kate the truth, but at the same time, it would forever change what you two are and what you could be.
Kate watched you lean forward. She watched the way your hands moved on the table.
You were nervous.
Kate's eyes followed your hands as they touched the side of your mask. You grabbed onto the fabric before opening your hand as you sighed. "I can't." You got up from the chair and went to walk past Kate, but she stopped you. "I'm sorry." You said as you shook your arm out of Kate's hold. "I want to, but I can't."
Kate furrowed her brows before catching up to you and pulling you back.
Lucky watching this interaction from the couch as you two stood in the middle of the living room.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"Kate!" You said her name in a voice that Kate could finally place it.
She gasped as her mind raced to believe whether it was true! "I wear the mask to protect the people I care about. I can't have any more people than I already do knowing." You said as Kate stared at you.
You watched her take a step closer to you.
"But if you're-" She stopped. Is it really Y/N? She thought.
Your mind and body were fighting on what to do. Kate took a breath and opened her mouth again. Her blue eyes taking you in. "But if I know you- you can trust me. You can show me that it's you..." Kate nodded to her own words and sent a calm smile your way. "Please. You know it's me..."
It's true you knew now that Kate Bishop was Hawkeye.
You could trust Kate.
You have since freshman orientation. When she ran into you because she tripped over her shoelaces, it was cute and clumsy as hell because she did it again a minute later.
You also literally just received a bullet wound by protecting her.
But... "Kate..." You sighed. "You don't understand... I've lost people because of them knowing the real me."
"You wouldn't lose me," Kate said as she stepped closer, putting your hand in hers. "You don't know that Kate." You shook your head.
"Try me. Because I know I wouldn't lose you."
Kate tightened her hand around yours. You turned your head slightly away.
Things were about to change.
Slowly, you lifted Kate's hand to the side of your mask. You let the tips of her fingers run over the fabric of the mask before they stopped at the base of your neck.
"I want you to know that I trust you. I always have."
"And I trust you, Y/N..." She whispered as she pulled the mask forward and off.
Your red face immediately felt cooler as the air in the apartment hit you. Your hair looked like a mess after being under there for hours, but Kate would argue that you looked perfect. Because this was you.
No double identity.
The Spider and Y/N Parker were the same person standing in her aunt's living room.
"Hi.." The hushed greeting fell between the two of you as she held the mask. "I can't believe MJ was right," Kate said as she took another step forward. "It is you, right?" Kate brought her other hand up to your chin and pinched it, making you swat her hand away. "Ow! Yes! Bishop, it's me!!"
"Holy shit!" She said as the mask slipped from her fingers. "It's you! You're The Spider??!! Once again, MJ was right???" Kate loudly spoke, making you put your arms up and down—a silent way to say shhhh.
"I know. It's annoying that MJ knows but doesn't know!" You said back, making Kate laugh. Her eyes looked you up and down. "How long?" She said as she could barely think fast enough to form more questions.
"How long?" You asked, watching Kate sit down next to Lucky, giddy as can be. "Have you been The Spider?" Kate was truly fascinated.
"A couple of years now." Kate darted her eyes up your thighs and arms before they found your eyes again. "You've only been Hawkeye for a year, right?" You asked, earning a nod.
"Did you know it was me?" Kate asked. "Before tonight?"
You shook your head.
"It was more than a shock to see you in that building earlier." You said with a slight chuckle. "But it made sense. I mean, you're actually one of the best archers in the world."
Kate bit her bottom lip and stared at the floor below her feet to hide the blush on her face. "I can't believe it's you." She spoke up as she lifted her head.
Her cheeks still pink.
"I can't believe it's you." You repeated with a smile.
"Who else knows?" Kate asked. "Just Peter and Ned. Well, and my Aunt May." Kate nodded. "No one else?" You shook your head. "Now you."
Kate sighed. "You're like the hundredth person to find out I'm Hawkeye." You laughed at that, making Kate chuckle. "Taking down 30 Rock does do that." You said, and Kate had to agree. "Clint and I did look cool, though." Kate scooted over, giving you room to sit next to her and Pizza Dog.
You sat down as your mask still laid on the floor.
Kate took in your side profile. She loved the definition in your jawline and how your freckles hide themselves away in the cold of winter. She then smiled as she noticed a mole near the top of your head that was covered by your hair before your mask moved it out of place.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" Kate asked as she draped her arm across the back of the couch. Her hand almost touching your back.
You sighed.
"Kate, it's like I said. No one can know. I don't want people getting hurt because of me."
Kate did understand that. She did! But what she wanted to know in this moment was if you and her were ever going to be closer than you currently were.
"I know. But I can protect myself." Kate replied and let the silence linger for just a second. "Be honest. Were you?"
You looked at Kate and her piercing blue eyes. The ones that could lift you up and shoot you down with just a single look.
"Probably not."
You looked away while Pizza Dog huffed and got off the couch to stretch.
Nothing separating you and Kate anymore.
"Why?" She asked as she licked her lips. "And don't say it's because of danger and secret identity and all that." She mocked. You laughed. "I mean, that's part of the reason." You pulled a face that Kate smiled at before tilting her head.
"What's the other reason?"
You shot your head toward her question and noticed how close she had gotten. "Nothing." You shook your head. "Don't worry about it."
"Don't do that, Parker." Kate sighed. "Come on, we're friends. Superfriends now! You can tell me." She half-jokingly teased. Yet you shook your head.
Kate Stubborn Bishop asked again. And again.
At this point, she was right next to you when you turned your head and loudly proclaimed: "Because I like you!"
Your face fell along with hers.
You shot up off the couch and immediately started rambling. "I didn't mean that! No- yes, no, yes I did! I did. I do like you! Like a friend but more! Oh my god! Parker, shut up!" You ran your gloved hands through your hair and waited for Kate to say something. Anything!
And yet she sat there with her mouth agape as you paced.
The Spider, Y/N Parker likes me?!?!?
Slowly, a smile formed.
"Y/N..." You stopped and looked at her like a deer in headlights. "Kate, we can pretend I never said anything. Like you when you did that weird voice thing earlier. Please, I-"
Kate cut you off by putting her hand up and standing up. But before she could speak, the front door flew open.
Clint hobbled in with new cuts formed on his face as he sported a new limp. Broken hearing aid in one hand. In the other, his bow.
"Kate?? I need some help!!" Clint called out as he stumbled into the kitchen. Kate turned her head to look at you, but you were gone.
Kate looked around, confused. "Kate!" Clint called out again as he rested up against the countertop. Kate instantly ran towards Clint, stepping on your mask in the process.
It stayed smooshed into the ground before a web shot down from the ceiling to pick it up.
Kate helped Clint move into the dining room and the exact seat you found yourself at earlier.
Clint looked tired and took a beating, but judging by him still standing, it's safe to say the other guy got it way worse!
Kate immediately grabbed the medkit once again and brought out numerous bandages and antibiotics that Clint began using.
Carefully, you started to crawl away before a loud clearing of the throat stopped you. You looked down to see Kate standing behind Clint with her arms crossed. "Where are you going??" She asked in a hushed yell, "Clint's here! I have to go!" You whispered, shouted back as you put the mask on.
"Hi, Lucky," Clint whispered as the dog sat next to Clint to make the old man feel better.
"Stay," Kate whispered, even though she knew you couldn't. So when the rest of your mask went on, she nodded to herself.
But then she remembered what you said.
So, as you sat on the ceiling thinking of ways to get out of here without Clint seeing. Kate took it upon herself to help. "You look like shit." She stood in front of him so he could read her lips. He chuckled and wiped his forehead. "I can take the hint." He said before looking up at you.
"Spider." He nodded.
Kate turned her head up with wide eyes.
How did Clint know???
"I'm old, and I've done this shit for more years than you've been alive." He said to Kate as you dropped down from the ceiling. "Hi, Clint." You awkwardly waved as Hawkeye got up. "I'm gonna shower, kid." He said to Kate before placing wrappings and bandages into his pocket for later so he could pull Kate into a side hug.
"You okay?" He asked while peering at you.
Kate nodded before looking up at him. "I'm good. You?"
"Yeah. I'm told I look like shit." Clint smiled at Kate before nodding at you and leaving the room. The water to the shower ran shortly after. Giving you and Kate a much-needed buffer.
"I can't believe you were just going to leave!" Kate examined as she rounded the couch to push you. Not hard, but just enough where you went onto your back feet. "Well, I kinda said something I didn't mean to say!"
"Well, is it true?!" Kate asked, stopping you. "You like me!?"
"How long?" Kate asked after a moment of silence.
You laughed. "Since the day I met you." Once again, Kate couldn't believe the words coming from your mouth. "And you never did anything about it?" Kate asked, making you shake your head.
But at this point, you and Kate knew why.
The Spider.
You gripped your fingers and waited for Kate to say anything else as Pizza Dog ended up back on the couch.
"How's your wound?" She asked, throwing you off. "Huh?" You cocked your head. "Turn around." You did as Kate said and felt her hand peel back the gauze. "Looks like it'll be done healing by morning." Kate placed the gauze back on. "Y/N..." She said as you heard her take a step forward.
"Is this okay?" Kate asked as she slowly wrapped her arms around your waist. The action sending a wave of pleasure and a bundle of butterflies throughout your body. "Yes." You said as her front touched your back. She placed her head against your shoulder and on your neck, you could feel her breathing through her nose.
"I remember the day we met—freshman orientation. I literally tripped and fell into you. I knocked your glasses off your face." Kate felt the vibrations from your laugh. "You then apologized a million times and offered to buy me lunch."
Kate nodded. "You said you couldn't because you had to meet up with your brother."
"I lied." You said, making Kate lift her head. You turned your head to her side. "NYPD was moving The Shocker to Rikers."
"So then you don't know what happened after that?" You shook your head. "I do. You immediately tripped over your shoelaces again and ran into someone else."
Kate laughed. "I didn't offer to buy them lunch."
Kate unfurled her arms from around you as you turned to face her. "I like you too." You grabbed her hands. "For just as long." You couldn't believe it.
"What happens now?" You asked as you swallowed.
Kate squeezed your hand. "Archery practice is tomorrow. Please be there." Kate looked up at your mask. "I wasn't going to miss-" Before you could finish, your phone started to vibrate.
"It's Peter." You told Kate. She nodded and let go of your hands. "I'll see you tomorrow."
As you jumped off the fire escape and called Peter back, you couldn't believe how your night had gone.
But across the city in a high-rise, neither could The Kingpin.
"You mean to tell me twenty of our guys got taken out by this man." He said as he watched a video of Clint defending himself in the apartment building from earlier.
"He's an ex-Avenger." The Kingoin craned his neck towards the man who spoke up. "At the end of the day, he's a man. He's breakable." He turned back towards the screen. "And if he keeps interfering, I'll be glad to remind him of that."
The room stayed silent and seated as Wilson Fisk rose from his chair. They watched him walk towards the man who spoke up. Wilson placed his hands on the man's shoulders. "Now, does anyone need a demonstration?"
Before anyone could open their mouths, Wilson roared as he grabbed the man by his head and lifted it before slamming it down onto the wooden table. Again and again. Till the sound of bones turned to mush.
Wilson's hands were red with specks of white. Bone.
"Track him. His comings and goings." He said as he pulled out his handkerchief. "Anything else?" He asked before Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter. A right-hand man to Fisk spoke up. "There's also this."
Wilson looked from the man to the screen.
A video of you and Kate swinging away being shown.
"Spider and the girl." He whispered.
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Tagging List: @daddy-jareau
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @november-solarstorms.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑶' 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒂! I'm unsure if this is what you meant by the spider-verse, but I know Miguel! And I think you two would be a great couple. Even though he's stubborn and hot-headed, you would find such a great partner in him - once you dig deep and he opens up.
He absolutely loves to infodump about his favourite topics. He's a bit embarrassed sometimes when he realises that he's been speaking for thirty minutes straight, but surprisingly, you were listening to every word
INCREDIBLY protective of you - you're a person that's come into his life, and stayed; so now he will always defend you.
He's very tender whenever he holds you, his hands soft against your cheek.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
One More Hour by Tame Impala
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
Height Difference
"Being With You Makes Me Better"
Closed Off (Miguel) x The Person They Warm Up To (You)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your sharp tongue, witty comebacks and intelligence. Miguel loves that about you. You can keep up with him, with the world around you and not flounder. You can hold your own, and he thinks that's very impressive.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
Yelena Belova, you two would be a chaotic duo that would cause more trouble than good (even if you don't mean to). Kate Bishop would definitely be put on your asses to try and keep you in line, but Kate just ends up being just as chaotic.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑨𝒛𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍! (sorry I couldn't find a gif that I liked, but this reminds me of the Night Court!) I think he would be a great match because he has so much love to give. I genuinely think Az would be an amazing partner/mate. He would love you unconditionally. He would do anything for you.
One of Azriel's favourite physical displays of affection is Forehead Touching. Just taking a moment to rest your heads together and breathe each other in.
The mating bond slipped into place the first time you were summoned to the High Lord and High Lady's home. As a Fae shopkeep, you stocked particular things that were hard to find.
Azriel was there, and as soon as he saw you, it felt like the world made sense. The usual quiet spymaster, who hid himself in the shadows, fell to his knees before you.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Who Is She by I Monster
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
Beauty And The Beast
Found Family
Death and the Maiden
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your intelligence! He adores how witty you are; there is so much banter. Just continuous banter that can stop and start at a moment's notice. So many inside jokes too, you didn't think the shadowsinger could be so light-hearted. But god, he really can be.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
Feyre! It was very awkward seeing her as your High Lady and now knowing her as your best friend. It can be a bit of a mind trip, from being a resident in Velaris, to being in the Inner Circle.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑮𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒚! (𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑮𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒚, 𝒏𝒐 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒚). The absolute kickass of a young woman, Ginny constantly broke boundaries and reminded Hogwarts that girls are fucking badass. So, with you, you feel so safe with her. She's open-minded, kind, caring and protective.
You both accidentally confessed your feelings during the heat of the moment. It was in the last year and both of you were carrying on with Dumbledore's Army, along with Luna and Neville. But you were almost hurt and Ginny lost it. But that was how you both realised the other ... loved you.
One of the things you like to do is casually sit on each other's lap when around other people.
Going to the Weasley's home was life-changing. Even if you have a good home life, you literally do not want to leave. Molly is so welcoming, always making sure you've had something to eat, that you've had a drink. You even love her brothers, who tease you both relentlessly.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
The Fruits by Paris Paloma
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
Sun (Ginny) x Eclipse (You)
Defending Each Other No Matter What
Aggressively Supportive & Protective
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Ginny loves that she can put all her trust in you, she loves that you'll always be there for her no matter what. That you love her for everything she is. Unconditional love. And that's what she gives you too.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
Luna! She's such a sweet girl, with a dreamy disposition that you can't help but love. What surprises you though, is that she can be very witty. You just have to get on her level, and once you do, the conversations are very enlightening.
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endlesstwanted · 2 months
Winter Wonderland Bingo masterpost
Winter is over and so is @seasonaldelightsbingo’s winter wonderland!
I got two cards and managed to fill fourteen squares, mostly in MCU fandoms but also for other Marvel projects, two series and a crossover with two of my fav European films. It was a blast, and even though I didn’t get to finish every WIP I started, I’m excited to keep working on them later on. ❄️🩵
All info, ratings and pairings are below the cut and titles are linked to my Ao3. The 3x3 card will come first, the 5x5 last.
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We Stayed Halfway
❄️ Being taken care of
Fandom: Captain America Movies Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow | Explicit | 2,2k words WARNINGS: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Porn Without Plot Summary: After being exposed to an unknown toxin in a SHIELD’s laboratory, Brock and Steve deal with the effects of it in the Captain’s office.
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I’m Not Going To Say Goodbye So I Don’t Have To Go
❄️ Peppering kisses all over their face ❄️ Covered in blankets ❄️ Playing with their hair
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand | T | 2,039 words WARNINGS: Post-Episode: s02e12 The Big Heat, Trauma, Angst Summary: After their night gets ruined by a home in flames, Carlos and TK go to the Strand’s house.
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Two Trains And Cold Coffee
❄️ Simply enjoying each other's company
Fandom: Deux Moi (2019), Verdens Verste Menneskee (2021) Julie/Mélanie Brunet | Teen | 200 words Summary: A quiet morning with Mélanie and Julie.
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Ten Revolutions Around The Sun Later
❄️ Pressing Forehead Together
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bruce Banner/James Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | T | 500 words WARNINGS: Flashbacks, Temporary Amnesia, Implied past Torture and s/h Summary: Bucky’s flashbacks are triggered by the snow. Bruce and Tony are there to help him get back to his own self.
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Pros and Cons of Being Hawkeye
❄️ “I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn.” ❄️ Unsteady || X Ambassadors
Fandom: Hawkeye (Comics) Clint Barton & Kate Bishop | Teen | Modboard Summary: A moodboard made by endlesstwanted (and Kate - Hawkeye!) Tumblr link
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Broken Oath
❄️ “I’m fine.”
Fandom: Black Widow Movie Yelena Belova/Natasha Romanov | Mature | 742 words WARNINGS: Red Room shit, Angst, Implied past non-con (not between the pairing and not in the fic) Summary: Yelena turns fifteen, and Natalia has to prepare her for the real world. At least, according to what the Red Room thinks a woman needs to work with for them to take over the world.
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Boyfriend’s Spider-Sense
❄️ The Most Beautiful [insert] That They've Ever Seen
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies) Hobie Brown/Miles Morales | Teen | 683 words Summary: Miles pays Hobie a visit when he feels he’s not feeling alright.
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Chasing Some Warmth
❄️ Being the Little Spoon for the First Time
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Sam Wilson | Explicit | 795 words WARNINGS: Casual Sex, Porn Without Plot, Established Clint/Sam Summary: The nights at Barton’s farm are very cold since the generator broke down. Bucky’s interested in learning what Clint and Sam do in these cases.
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I Can’t Like That
❄️ “I’d rather it be me than you.”
Fandom: Chicago Fire Joe Cruz & Brian "Otis" Zvonecek | Teen | 569 words WARNINGS: Hurt No Comfort, Implied Canon Character Death, Episode: s08e01 Sacred Ground Summary: Joe waits, helpless, for his best friend to leave.
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The Good Win Over The Bad
❄️ Wishing on a Penny
Fandom: Captain America Movies Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | Teen | 100 words Summary: Ten years after graduating from high-school, Bucky reunites with the one that got away from him. At least, if staring at Steve for half an hour counts as a reunion.
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Great Things For Kind Hearts
❄️ tis the damn season || Taylor Swift
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | Gen | 100 words Summary: Tony reflects on how his life changed after meeting Bucky.
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Someone Like You And Me
❄️ Forced to quit
Fandom: Thor Movies Jane Foster & Sif | Teen | 581 words WARNINGS: Canon Sick Character Summary: In New Asgard’s hospital, Jane reunites with an old friend.
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Our Fake Love Story
❄️ Can’t Tell a Soul
Fandom: What If...? (Cartoon 2021) Carol Danvers & Darcy Lewis | Teen | 100 words Summary: Carol shares with Darcy the only thing they can do to stop her wedding with Howard to become legal. Darcy has her doubts.
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So Pretty, Hanging
❄️ Hanging from the Ceiling
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Bucky Barnes/Sharon Carter | Mature | 100 words Summary: When her dom shows up with a new toy to try, Sharon has her reservations. Luckily, she has also thought of something fun to do while being tied up and taken care of.
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lovelybishop · 1 year
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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rhfffas · 2 years
I really want a MCU x Spiderverse xover with Kate Bishop meets Gwen Stacy
Kate would be like, I’m Spider-woman in other universe???? Can I have your spidy web tech for new trick arrow????? I knew I am gay in every universe!!!
And def need Yelena’s hot take on this, she will be like, “I thought I was the only blonde in this relationship, or spider, but that’s very cool. Spiderwoman is way cooler than spiderboy!”
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