#spiritually tho?
barghuest · 9 days
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I made this so I can print it out as motivation for my final year in college so I thought I'd share
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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Ghost after meeting Soap.
Price : Have you slept?
Ghost : Depends what day it is
Price : Go to bed.
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radiantarray · 5 months
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did you know she dies more than anyone else in the game #girlboss
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kalisbaby · 6 months
via heyalafia on IG
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hyperfixssession · 8 months
Ok and when Juno’s ‘I’m too angry to give in, I DONT WANT TO DIE’ monologue built and built and built and ended with: ‘Sarah Steel was in her coffin and in my blood and I couldn’t die until I proved to everyone that I was better than her’
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midoristeashop · 1 year
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Silly little life update but I graduated!
Consider this a continuation of alka’s fic “The Golden Light” where jack hic tooth and baby tooth attend Jamie’s graduation 🥹
I should be able to draw more stuff now but in the mean time byeee!!1!!1
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
I'm guarding my heart against expecting adoribull crumbs in veilguard because I really don't believe it's going to happen. I think that might be one of the sweet slender branches on the possibility tree that they'll gently and quietly prune away from relevancy, especially since it doesn't involve a player character. dorian will almost certainly be back (hey hiii bestie how have you been? stressed out of your mind I imagine), but I can't imagine they'll let you get too granular with setting up your world state, especially since after ten years they will be expecting to have a lot of players who are new to the series. like AT MOST I can imagine a little background detail implying an amicable bittersweet breakup rather than dragging out the long distance and danger of it all as tevinter politics heat up, if you're allowed to set them both as being still alive.
all that being said I still want it so fucking badly tho fhdskjfhas
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Taika et al really committing to the “Ed is Jesus, Izzy is Judas” bit huh
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spittyfishy · 2 years
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I’m objectively the funniest person ever
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msmargaretmurry · 5 months
Mini fic 13. things you said at the kitchen table would be fun for matthew and leon, because another pair of my blorbos have several Important Scenes in the kitchen, so seeing how that setting is used for others is nice!
as i'm sure everyone has forgotten by now, eons ago i was doing this writing meme, and so many lovely folks left me prompts that i never got to because grad school destroyed my ability to write. but i am trying to get back in a creative groove so we're resurrecting it. so thank you for your patience/sorry about the wait i guess?? 😂 anway —
13. things you said at the kitchen table
“There you are.”
The kitchen had been so quiet that Leon jumps, looking up from his phone to see Matthew leaning in the doorway, eyebrows knit together with a frown. He’s bare-chested, barefoot, wearing the gray sweatpants that had been folded on top of Leon’s hamper, worn once but not dirty enough to put through the wash yet. There’s an array of teeth marks and mouth-shaped bruises down his torso, just starting to bloom with color. If he turned around, Leon knows, there would be a matching constellation on the back of his hip, disappearing under the waistband.
Leon tends to lose himself in the moment. Sometimes it’s a little embarrassing to see what he’s done afterwards.
Matthew tilts his head. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Leon looks at his phone again, somewhere in the middle of a mindless scroll through Instagram, then sets it aside. “Yeah, just couldn’t sleep.”
“Coulda woken me up,” Matthew says, that cocky little grin of his tugging at one corner of his mouth. “I woulda tired you back out.” He’s crossing the room as he says this, ignoring Leon’s eye-roll, pulling out a chair to sit down across from him. Elbows on the table, eyebrows raised. The only time he’s stopped looking smug all night is when Leon had him gasping and panting and moaning too hard to look anything but desperate. Which is stupid, because his team kind of got destroyed earlier, but maybe his face is just kind of stuck that way.
Leon doesn’t really get Matthew at all. He likes him well enough — a surprising enough thing on its own, and one that Leon is still reluctant to cop to sometimes. But there’s something impenetrable about him. He always leaves Leon feeling off-balance. Something about the way he walks into every room like there’s no reason he wouldn’t belong there, including Leon’s kitchen. 
The sex is great, though.
Matthew hasn’t spent the night before, but not for any real reason. Just lack of opportunity. Leon usually likes sharing a bed when he has the chance. 
Matthew nudges his foot under the table. “Hey.”
Leon blinks at him. “What?”
“You sure you’re awake?”
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ awake,” Leon says, and kicks him back.
“Well then act like it,” Matthew says, catching Leon’s ankle briefly between his feet. “Is everything okay?”
Leon opens his mouth to say yes, but then he takes a moment to consider the situation, and instead he says, “This is a little weird, isn’t it? You and me at the kitchen table?”
“Well, it’s not my fault we’re not still in bed.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
“I think it’s mostly weird because it’s the middle of the night.” The way that Matthew’s curls fall in his face is distracting. Makes Leon think about how they feel tangled in his fingers. He’d be disappointed if Matthew ever cut his hair short. “You know I’m leaving at the end of the season, right?”
This startles Leon more than Matthew’s sudden appearance two minutes ago. “What?”
“Contract’s up. Bye-bye Calgary.” Matthew shrugs with an extremely measured amount of awkwardness. That— that’s why he’s so fucking confusing. Even his sincerity feels like an act sometimes. But even more than that—
“It’s too fucking cold, I’m homesick, and my coach hates me.”
“No, mean— really, he does?”
Another shrug. So helpful.
“I mean, why are you telling me this?”
“I’m trying to make you pay attention to me,” Matthew says. “Geez, why do you think I’m here?”
Leon raises his eyebrows. “You didn’t get enough attention earlier?”
A tiny grin. “No.”
“So where are you going?”
“Dunno yet.”
“Is that true or are you just not telling me?”
Another shrug. A slightly larger, smugger grin.
“You think I’ll miss you?”
“Nah. You’ve got Davo to keep you warm.”
“We’re not—” Leon ignores Matthew’s dancing eyebrows. “Seriously, why are you telling me this?”
Matthew kicks his foot under the table again. “Come back to bed. We’ve got, what, two games left this season? I’m trying to get the fuckin’ in while I still can.”
“So you’re going somewhere far away,” Leon says.
“Dude, you’re in Edmonton,” Matthew says. “Everywhere is far away.”
“I meant, like, out of the conference.”
Shrug. The temptation to reach across and hold Matthew’s shoulders still is so strong. Instead Leon just meets his gaze, trying for the umpteenth time to figure him out. It doesn’t work, so he looks again at the collage of bruises spilling over his collar bone. He’s changed, in the couple of years they’ve been doing this. His body used to be wirier, but now he’s starting to fill out like a grown man. Leon can feel it on the ice, when he hits him, and in bed when he fucks him. He used to be wilder, more immature, more willing to sacrifice the play to be annoying, but he’s honed that down to an art. Whatever team gets him is going to be blown away by what they find behind his reputation. And Leon— well. It’s strange to feel so acutely that in the grand scheme of things he’ll just be an anecdote in Matthew’s life. It doesn’t bother him, exactly. It’s just a strange little moment. He’d thought, maybe stupidly, that they’d be doing this for years to come. Battles of Alberta and all that. But somehow it makes a lot more sense this way.
“Come on,” he says, standing abruptly. He catches Matthew by the arm on his way around the table, pulling him along back toward the bedroom. Matthew shakes the grip off, but catches his hand instead. In bed, he kisses Leon like he means it, but there are a lot of ways to mean something.
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Me: Why do I feel so shitty?
Also me: it's been 20 hours since I've last eaten and I'm not planning to break that streak
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severevoiddragon · 8 days
How short are you
I am but a little tiny creature <3
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ganondoodle · 9 months
some more ideas for the totk rewritten project (botw2);
underground general ideas i thought about what to theme the underground after, and since its vaguely like underwater in canon i thought id push it much much further, you cant actually dive and while id love that i do want to stay within a certain possible range of it still being a sequel to botw and somewhat based on totk- so im putting the low gravity effect away from the sky and instead in the underground, the ENTIRE underground, that way it is distinctly different in the way you have to play since you gotta work around the low gravity effect, the entire plant life and enemies will also be based on deep sea creatures- anglerfish like ones that half burrow and lure you with their light, those fish (or are they worms?) that hide underground as soon as you step too close, maybe they hide initially but only to make you go closer and try and snatch at you
much more glowy things too, basically everythings got some sort of light on it, there are different creatures flying around that all feature some sort of glow, so there is stuff to see but you cant immediately know what it is, theres a unique kind of plant that when you bother it spews out a dark cloud of spores (kinda like in tp) that dims any light you had; there are some landmarks you can activate or repair with the help of zelda but there is no way to illuminate the entire map and the lil light ferns expire slowly too
i also want it to be way more wet, not full with water but maybe a thin layer of water at most places and some drops from stalactites that fall constantly
there are shadowy ghosts there as well but they CAN aggro (still working on it), either by taking a weapon from their grave or some other things; also considered them or some other enemy that stalks you for some time and the only clue you get is maybe double sound of your steps or something at the very edge of your screen but you can never catch it when looking around (i dont want to make it a horror game but do want the underground to stay as creepy as when you first get down there), something elusive and shadow based that is rarely encountered but stays creepy for longer than the miasma hands sicne it cant get stuck on anything and the only way to be safe is while in the air
maybe some miasma reanimated corpses of ancient shiekah killed when the ancient hyrulean king turned on them (only foudn in the underground in this way; there are others but unposessed in alot of the broken shrines and old laboratories so seeing one suddendly move and crawl after you is probably pretty scary, kinda like the vroken guardians sometimes being still functional)
the dongos are the main friendly animal you can discover there and tame (still working out more details) they can climb around, always emit a little bit of light and the shadow enemy wont latch onto you as long as you are near a dongo, maybe even most enemies will leave you alone if you are riding one, as they are slower than horses, with the exception of gigamas (or a similar enemy ill redesign for that) as they are the natural predator of dongos; when you get to close to one it will react to it and if a fight is initiated it burrows away (you can call it and it comes back to you if you are out of range of that enemy)
tameable animals since i played skyward sword recently i just realized again how much fun it is to fly on a bird, sicne im already dividing the three map layers a bit more i thought it would be cool to make these layers more distinct, in some part by the tameable animals- the sky has birds (based on dinosaurs), the surface has horses, the underground dongos- neither of them can follow you to one they dont belong and the way to call them switches as you switch layers
im not sure yet if those birds should be ridable or are only able to give you a small boost upwards when you call them
magic bar so instead of actual batteries i planned to, as i said before, to put that into links shiekah arm prosthetic, and instead of giving you literal battery symbols on the screen it would be a bar right below your health and next to the symbol of the current selected arm ability
krog seeds a bit more to the krogs- as i said before they are no longer the way to make your pockets bigger- among an armor set i also thought about making the most expensive reward OR the end reward for finding all of them be the eponator zero- maybe it went missing during the cataclysm and maronus (engl. hestu) finds it at some point, so you get your bike back but its locked behind something bigger so you are unlikely to exploit it early on
(EDIT) (forgot to mention the dragons- im putting them each in one layer of the map- eldra in the underground bc gan is there and youknow, demise coming from the ground and fire being associated with the ground etc, farodra on the surface GREEN etc, and naydra in the sky, bc wisdom and owls and gods and all that weeeeee)
(on a sidenote im also thinking about ditching the building mechanic to some extent since i dont think it fits very well as a whole and it makes it too easy to completely skip stuff- i want the main way to move things or to get around be the hookshot/grappling hook part of links arm; still working on all that though .. so far it does seem likely like it will be much more limited)
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solargeist · 2 months
I feel like the watchers are like. Mormons or Puritans almost. And listeners is more like living in Greece or Rome or pre angles whales.
i've thought abt the listeners dressed in ancient greek attire ! having them lean more to a pagan aspect.. I still consider Martyn to be agnostic tho, he doesn't join the listeners, just works for them.
i write/headcanon the watchers as catholics bc..
1: the angel statues and imagery, catholics love that shit, the paintings, the statues, the rosaries. Its much like the watchers leaving symbols and statues/buildings.
2: grian speaks abt/to them so casually, like hes praying to saints
3: the update stuff......... catholics like.... progress.... over time... depending on the catholic church/pope....... (reaching)
4: the watchers are big on rules and atoning when you've done wrong, (like grian being greedy and having his chests blocked.)
5: catholic guilt !! the watchers gave that boy catholic guilt (this is inspired by fanfictions tho)
6: i was raised vaguely catholic its the only religion i rly know well or feel comfortable writing lmao
Of course, watchers are just their worlds Version of catholics, it doesnt mirror perfectly, the imagery is just fun for me.
i think people that are fans of evo and hold a different religion should write the watchers their religious way, its interesting imo
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ahopefulbromantic · 26 days
Me: I wish I could just live with my friends. Have our little commune or qpr or whatever. And I wish we would cook together and do the dishes together and pray together and talk together about God or anything else really and sing together and sit together in the living room and play games together, and I wish everyone was celibate without any angst about it so that no one would leave us when they find a chance for a romantic partner. And we could even adopt and raise kids together like a family. And I wish-
My Guardian Angel: Idk sounds like a convent to me.
Me: ...oh.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
How would you design your ocs in a caterator au? (slugcat iterators)
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smth like this? 🤔 gkjldscmkldmgk they were bound to get slugged at some point, it is an inevitable fate for all iterators...
Boreas looks like an aggressively slavic flag slugcat i fucking love it so much. n Euros like the spanish dancer sea slug,,,
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