#spn x avengers
astarionmylife · 4 months
I'm really starting to question my obsession with sarcastic superhuman immortals (usually with trauma).
edit: i added lucifer
double edit: I added supernatural Crowley (don't judge me 😭)
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super-marvel-dc · 5 months
Y/N: *Walks into The Avengers compound, and greets them* hello, who called about the demon problem?
Tony: That would be me, Tony Stark *shakes Y/N's hand*
Y/N: Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark.
Dean, from the corner of the room: And I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother Sammy.
Sam: It's just Sam...
Y/N, to Tony: Are they apart of your team?
Tony: No.
Steve: We called them in because they're supposed to be the best of the best when it comes to demons.
Dean: We are the best of the best, but these demons are something else.
Sam: We've never encountered something like them before.
Y/N: Can you describe them to me?
Dean: Well, normally the demons we fight look human and have black eyes.
Sam: Yeah, there are different, though... They looked like actual monsters you see on TV and had different colored eyes...
Dean: Yeah. And they had some kind writing in their eyes, couldn't tell what, though.
Y/N: Uh oh...
Everyone: Uh oh, what?
Y/N: I'll be right back, I'm going to call my friends... I know exactly what we're dealing with, and it's not good.
Y/N: *On the phone call* Yeah, and tell Rengoku to tell the others we'll need their help, too.
Y/N: *Hangs up, and looks at everyone*
Tony: Who's Rengoku, and what's going on?
Y/N: *Sighs* OK, I'll explain everything to you, but you're gonna have to sit down for this because it's a long story.
Dean: Firstly, start off with who the hell you are.
Y/N: My name is Y/N Y/L/N, my friends and I deal with these demons you told me about...
Y/N: I'm a Hashira.
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krystenreader · 5 months
two gays fight crimes, investigate them and sometimes commit them.
Guess Which Show I'm Talking About.
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samwinjester · 14 days
What if Team Free Will were the Avengers?
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pascalsummers · 4 months
My Return!... Again
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Hey everyone! So I've kind of been off the radar for a while and once again I would like to apologize for that.
To make a long story short there has been a lot of interpersonal stuff happening with me and it's been affecting my mental health greatly. I have been doing my best to bounce back and while it has gotten better I'm still not personally where I want to be and it always seems like I take one step forward just to take two steps back.
This of course has made my consistency with posting worse than it already was lol. But I really want to change that since I have a lot of followers and I always feel bad for not posting anything for you all.
So I think for a little while until I am back to where I mentally want to be my post are going to be a lot more laid back and simple. I will still post headcanons when I can but I also want to be able to post smaller content that still lets you all know that I am alive and am not abandoning my account lol.
Anyway this was a big ramble that I didn't plan out so hopefully this all made sense. Love you all and please don't stop sending in requests I love to see them and I try to get to as many as I can. Have a great day!
- Pascal
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arcanumofthestars · 5 months
I want to express a strong feeling of "fuck you" when it comes to my family.
Thanks to them I can't watch any show/movie as they are bound to ruin it.
Here are some examples:
Avengers: Endgame - scene where Thanos comes to take Gamora - my grandma: there goes that fat guy again
Scene where Ironman dies - my mom: seriously, fuck them, what was that.
Avatar the way of water - my brother drops his food on the floor accidentally
Avengers: Infinity War - scene where Loki dies - my father: doesn't he die all the time? I mean all he does is betray and stab and die...
Loki season 2: ending scene with Loki becoming the tree of life - my mom: do you want some fruits?
The list goes on to when I was watching the finale of my little pony season 3 when I was a child.
So. Supernatural episode 18 everyone gets out of the room or I blow up the house and go meet Castiel, Dean and Sam.
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bubbleguppyyy · 10 months
Oh, Little Birdy.
Chapter 1
Dean x fem! reader, Past! Bucky x fem! reader
Story Synopsis: Being plagued by constant dreams of a man with beautiful green eyes who calls you Birdy can be very confusing if you don't remember ever meeting him. You want to understand these dreams all while trying to understand why you used to harbor feelings for a certain Winter Soldier who wants "nothing" to do with you.
You really should’ve listened to Soldat when he told you to carry a compass because you had no idea where you were. 
It was damp out, and the roads were starting to become slick from the small mist of rain. Forests surrounded both sides of the narrow road that seemed to go on for miles and miles. You had been wandering it for about 5 miles now with no clue what direction you were going. No cars had passed by in a while and nothing but eerie silence filled your ears. 
None of this would have happened if you had completed your mission correctly. All you were supposed to do was shoot some politician from his second-story bedroom window. His house was in the middle of the woods in a state you couldn’t remember the name of. This was one of the easier jobs you had been given during your time with Hydra. No fighting or contact was involved. 
Everything had been fine, you were programmed to your soldier form and ready to take any order Hydra wanted to give you. You never felt anything in that form. It used to bother you until Hydra made sure that it didn’t. 
Your finger was on the trigger waiting for the order to execute. Next thing you know, you’re being attacked by someone. They were a good fighter, but you were better. The only person you weren’t better than, was Soldat. 
Right before you shot them, they threw some weird powder in your face. It made your eyes hurt and your throat tighten, spurring a coughing fit. You dropped your gun and ripped out your com that had some random Agent screaming Russian in your ear. You dropped to your knees, rubbing your face, trying to get the powder off.
When you finally felt like you could open your eyes, you felt an immense amount of emotions run through you. You gasped as large tears slid down your cheeks. You gripped your chest where your heart hurt. 
Your soldier form had been compromised. 
Everything seemed more vibrant, it wasn’t all just some colorless haze anymore. You could hear the crickets and the sound of the politician's dog barking in the distance. The leaves on the trees rustled with the wind and their light green color almost hurt your eyes. For the first time in a long time, you felt so alive. 
The moment you realized all this, you immediately abandoned your mission and ran as far away as you could. That brought you to the road you had currently been wandering. You kicked a pebble in frustration, shivering slightly from the breeze. 
You stopped walking at the sound of a car coming up fast from behind you. It was blaring music and as you turned around to see what it looked like, it came to a screeching halt a few feet away from you. You shielded your eyes from the headlights while trying to identify the song playing.
You tilted your head and squinted your eyes as two figures got out of the car. 
“You lost, sweetheart?”
The figure that spoke moved in front of the right car light, giving you a break from being temporarily blinded. His voice was deep and smooth. He was tall with broad shoulders and bowed legs that you found sort of endearing in a way. He had short brown hair sort of spiked up and green eyes that shone with mirth as he watched you size him up. 
“Easy there, we aren’t going to hurt you. We just want to make sure you’re okay. What’s your name?” The second figure spoke up when he saw how tense you were. He was taller than the other one with long shaggy brown hair and a kind smile. You gave him a tentative smile and relaxed your shoulders as you thought about what he asked.
The question shouldn’t have been as hard as it was but it had completely stumped you. You had no idea what your real name was. With Hydra, you were either called by your number or by your soldier title. 
You looked between the two as you spoke.
“I’m not sure what my real name is. I haven’t been called it in years. I would prefer that you didn’t call me by my other names since I am sort of escaping the people that called me that so, I guess you can just pick something.”
You watched as they gave each other a worried look, no doubt wondering why you were called something other than your given name. 
You shivered as they silently communicated with each other, hoping they wouldn’t notice. The one that had called you sweetheart seemed to catch it out of the corner of his eye and immediately shrugged off his large leather jacket, carefully approaching you with it. 
When he reached you, he slowly wrapped it around your frame. It engulfed you in a scent of motor oil, leather, and musky vanilla.
You couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were so green, so alive. Just like the leaves of the tall oak trees surrounding you. You felt tears coming on again. 
“How about we call you…. Birdy. Since you said you’re escaping.” He gave you a wink and half smirk, proud of the new name he picked for you. 
You shot a quizzical look at the other guy who looked equally confused as he gave you a shrug.
You turned back towards the man in front of you who looked eager to hear what you had to say about the new name. 
“I guess it does fit my current situation, I like it. Now that you have my name, what are yours?”
You giggled a little when the jacket guy seemed to puff his chest when you said you liked the name. He smiled wider when you laughed at his antics. He then cleared his throat and gestured to himself and the other guy.
“Our names are D-
The emergency alarm and the voice of Friday woke you up in a panicked state. Something about an immediate mission meeting happening. 
You had been so close. So close to understanding the meaning of all of these random dreams. So close to finding out who called you Birdy. 
You slid out of bed and threw on a zip-up hoodie over your crop top and shorts. You grabbed your go bag in case the mission was going to happen right after the meeting. 
Whatever was going on, you hoped it would distract you from the green eyes plaguing your mind.
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phoenixstark1708 · 10 months
the daughter of an archangel
chapter 1
sooo..... this is my backstory in my marvel DR, major trigger warnings, this also crosses over into supernatural later, but i havent even written that yet.
trigger warnings: abuse, torture, blood, death, fucked up timeline, etc.
pairings: later will be sam/dean winchester, and even later will be bucky,
in this, endgame/inf war doesnt happen, i took plenty of creative liberties.
summary: (this is written in first-person) phoenix is a girl who was created by the nazi organization HYDRA, and she meets the winter soldier on a mission, i cant say much more without spoiling future chapters. will try to proofread but no promises.
word count: 2,654/10,649 - that ive written so far.
change of POV's will be indicated
“Get up you stupid pig!” the guard said, in a thick Russian accent, banging the cell door with his truncheon. He shone a flashlight in my eyes, making them burn from the lack of light for the past two days. I stretched out my sore muscles, wincing from the scabbed-over cuts all over my body. After days of no contact with anyone, just me and the cold, dark cell. Somehow being dragged away for training almost feels like a blessing. I stood and allowed him to cuff me. at this point, I know the drill. “so, Angel, how was your weekend?” He asked while holding my shoulder, guiding me out of the cell – the only place I’ve known as home for my whole life – literally. I was born in the damned bullpen. My mother died during birth, I guess having twins really had her beat.
On the way to the hell chamber – sorry, training room - I saw him, I saw Benjamin. For the first time in weeks, I saw my twin. He looked rough. Probably just had a sparring sesh with one of the winter soldiers. he’s always been smaller than me, But there was something different. he seemed especially weak. I haven’t eaten anything in what I assume has been around 4 days. He probably hasn’t either. They were always doing this, trying to weed out the weaker members. Its grim, but I knew he would die soon. It was clear that I was stronger, and if it came down to it, I would kill him without a second thought. After all, that’s how I was trained. I was bred, raised, and trained to be ruthless. And that is the only reason that I am still alive. HYDRA has no room for error.
As I walked into the training room, I saw the winter soldier, long, brunette hair, with a metal arm. The only time ive ever seen him is in cryo-sleep, he looked so peaceful, so harmless. The man standing before me was soemthing different entirely. His eyes were blue as ice, and just as cold. He looked right through me, almost like a drone. “this is her first mission. You will be supervising her.” he hands the man with a metal arm a file containing four pictures of senator james martin, whos been a public neusence for hydra for a while. The winter soldier grabbed me by the arm and dragged me through the door.
It was a quiet drive on the Harley, at the moment, we were just n full assassin gear. My small arms were wrapped around his waist, making him clearly tense up. His metal arm was glinting in the moonlight as we pulled into a nearby parking garage, a birdseye view of the gathering senator martin. “I will stay up here while you go inside. As many casualties as possible. No survivors.” He said gruffly, setting up the rifle. “They won’t let me in. I’m wearing a costume.” I said, my voice gravelly from days of no use. He glanced down at me for the first time, and gazed at me for a moment, before pulling out a T-shirt that had the senators face on it, and a pair of grey sweatpants. “Change into these, keep your weapons concealed until my signal.” I quickly stripped. he turned away, giving me privacy. I was more then used to being watched, so this was surprising. I fixed the too-large clothes, and looked harmless. Instead of looking like an eight-year-old assassin, I looked like a normal kid.
There was something in the winter soldier’s eyes that I didn’t recognise, almost like affection. I walked down the stairs of the parking garage, feeling his eyes on me the whole way. Slowly, I crossed the street, nearly getting hit by a truck that I didn’t know to look for. As I made my way to the entrance of the granite building, I noticed trucks outside, like the kind I saw at my home, - armoured trucks. I, of course thought this was normal. “Careful, there are hostiles in the building. Captain America and the black widow are protecting the target.” His voice came through my earpiece. “I don’t know who they are” I whispered back. “You will. They won’t want to hurt you, use that to your advantage.” And with that, he went radio silent.
As I walked barefoot through the large doors, I spotted a woman in a similar outfit to what I wear, only without the red skull. She spotted me immediately, and I tried to disappear through the crowd. I was unsuccessful. A man in a red, white, and blue uniform grabbed my arm gently, holding a shield in his other hand. “Who are you kid?” He peered down at me “I’m here to see my daddy.” I said, feigning panic. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and ran toward a random man, tugging on his shirt. Shield guy turned away before he could see the man push me away. I stayed by him, trying to convince the people that he was my father. I got a little turned around, when a perverted looking man grabbed my wrist “hey sweetheart. You’re gonna come with me now.” He said, his voice just as weird as him. The man in the jumpsuit put his hand on his shoulder “why dontcha leave the girl alone pal.” He dragged him away.
Just then, his signal came, by shooting the senator in the gut, taking him down. The panic set in immediately. People running around screaming like headless chickens. The man with the metal arm burst through the door, sealing off the only accesable exit. I grabbed the first person I saw, they just happened to be the senators daughter. She couldn’t have been more then seventeen; I snapped her neck. I unfurled my wings and tripped some old man with them. I stabbed him in his corroded artery, a fatal blow. Killing got easier the more I did it.
The fight went on like this for a while, until the red-haired woman pushed me to the ground “stay down kid.” seeing me pinned down, the man i was on the mission with began to make his way over to me. I waved my hand, and the woman went flying, hitting the wall with a thud. Oh yea, something I forgot to mention; I'm not a normal person. In addition to having my DNA spliced with the peregrine falcon, giving me wings, and the ability to fly, I was also experimented on with energy from the soul stone, one of the six infinity stones. Ergo, I had ‘powers’. The winter soldier stared at me, shocked, his brief moment of distraction caused him to get a wooden chair to the head. He shot the dude that hit him.
The man in the flag costume, and the woman ran. Smart. Tactical retreat. I ran to every person I saw, and killed as many as I could. Once we were sure that there were no more targets, the winter soldier grabbed me, and threw me on the motorcycle behind him.
We stopped at a motel that charged by the hour… if that tells you anything. “we will stay here for a while. You need to get clean, I know that the hoses hurt.” he said, a hint of compassion in his voice. Hes right. They used fire hoses to ‘clean up’ whenever any of us got dirty. I walked into the bathroom and stripped. I didn’t close the door, because I assumed I wasn’t allowed to. I didn’t know how to use the shower so I just sort of stared at it, waiting for it to turn on. The man walked in, turned the handle of the shower, and left. I jumped when water started to spurt out of the faucet. I stepped into the water slowly, gauging the temperature before completely immersing myself into it. My muscles involuntarily relaxed at the sensation of the warm water. I began rubbing the dirt off of my limbs when the winter soldier walked in.
He didn’t look at me, but made a damp washcloth and started cleaning his wounds. They were worse then I assumed, and I coudnt help but observe him while washing the rest of the dirt off of my body. I only sustained minor cuts and bruises in the fight, but he had deep lacerations on his face, presumably from the chair. I stepped out of the shower and stood there, a towering three-foot-seven-inches, short for my age. He glanced at me and handed me a towel while dabbing his wounds “whats this for?” I asked “dry yourself. They will notice our absence if were not back soon.” so, I dried myself off, and put on my uniform, running my fingers over the red skull with tentacles, like a squid. I giggled, imaging it wiggling its tentacles.
The little girl was looking at her uniform, giggling. For a moment I thought of two young girls in brooklyn. I was a teenager with sisters… what? No, I wasn’t. I am a weapon for hydra. Whats going on? I was steadily bleeding from the prick who hit me with a chair, we needed to get back to base. She suddenly looked up at me, concern evident in her sweet, blue eyes. “are- are you okay? You're bleeding,” she frowned. “Let me help you. I can make people feel better.” I skeptically sat on a bed near where she was standing. She slowly reached over to me; I shied away when her hand got close to my wound, remembering the various punishments I've had over the years. I am a wild animal. I need to be controlled. She looked into my eyes, the child-like glimmer long gone. It's unfair; all children should have that. No. She is not a child; she is a weapon. That’s it- like me. She gently laid her small hand on my head near the cut. All of the sudden her eyes started glowing, a certain gold color I'd never seen before. Her hands began glowing the same, and my head started tingling.
I immediately felt better. I can't explain it, but she somehow lodged herself into my memory, unintentionally. And I knew I would never forget her. She looked at me worried, noting the glazed look in my eyes. “are you alright? I'm sorry if I hurt yo-” I cut her off “My name is Bucky,” I blurted out; I had no idea where that came from. “You need to call me Winter, or ‘the winter soldier’, otherwise they’ll kill us both” she looked at me confused and alarmed “okay… I will” “we need to go back.” so I took her small hand, gently, and led her to the HYDRA-issued motorcycle we came here on. The drive back to base was cold. I could feel it in my bones. I couldn’t help but wish I could help her warm up. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I knew HYDRA wouldn’t like it. I am a machine. Not a man.
I rode up to the gate “солдат?” soldier? “миссия успешна. приветствую гидру.” mission successful. hail hydra. The gate opened, and we rode into the garage. She was immediately ripped off the back of the bike and dragged away. “you are late. The camera in your suit shows you made a ‘pit stop’. She had an effect on you. You will both be heavily punished for this.” no. I practically jumped off the bike. I grabbed the mans neck and snapped it before being sedated. The last thing I heard before I got knocked out was “well, after we make them watch, we’ll have to wipe him again.” I woke up strapped to a modified autopsy table. Modified so I was reclined enough so that I had a clear view of the girl. And she had a clear view of me. One of the doctors walked in with an array of surgical instruments “doctor- sorry- creator! Thank goodness! I was scared we were taken by the bad people!” the little girls face lit up with relief. The doctor sighed and placed his kit on a surgical tray, the knives clattering against the cold steel. “child, птичий урод.” bird-freak “you have been very bad. And you know what happens to bad children.” he put on surgical gloves, and picked up a Sickle Probe, the device that dentists use. He walked toward her slowly “creator, im sorry! It was a mistake! Please. Im sorry” she cried out. however, she didn’t struggle against the restraints. “it is too late to apologise freak. You will be punished.” “yes sir.” she slumped against the autopsy table, keeping her fear-filled eyes on the doctor. He walked up to her small body, and turned off the magnetic cuff, allowing her arm to fall. The monster grabbed her arm, and stuck the hook of the sickle probe into the inside of her elbow. She began silently crying from the pain, blood slowly dribbling from the wound. He slowly dragged the hook down her arm, toward her wrist, tearing her skin. The blood was flowing heavily now, and he was trying to stifle her cries. After reaching her wrist, he put the probe down and picked up a rusty razorblade.
He moved to her chest, and drug the blade down her sternum, and to her lower stomache. She was crying freely now. “heal yourself.” she did as she was told, her eyes glowing gold, and the wounds shimmering as they healed instantly. He grabbed a klein tool – essentially a broader pliers. He walked to her bare feet, and clamped down on her small toe. He bent it to a sickening angle, causing the bone to snap with a disturbing CRACK. She screamed. He used the wire-clipping part of the klein tool to cut off a patch or skin on her foot. He grabbed a knife, and made slow, deep, and deliberate cuts all over her body. After nearly an hour, he decided hed had enough of that. he only reason she was still alive was because she wasn’t fully human – she couldn’t have been. “heal. Now. Not your foot though. You will deal with that.” she did as she was told. She was exhausted. She collapsed against the table before he shocked her with a set of jumper cables rigged up to a car battery. While watching this, I struggled against the restraints so much, my wrist began to bleed. Every time I screamed for them to let her go, my restraints would get an electrical charge. I was muzzled like a dog. Reminding me that I am no better then one. I am one. She screamed every time he cut her, shocked her, stabbed her, or tore the skin off her flesh. When she screamed, the building would shake. Not figuratively either.
She was clearly more powerful than she could see. She could easily kill him, she could kill everyone in this god forsaken building. HYDRA had control over her mind. But not in the same way as they had mine. They beat her down, made her feel powerless, made her think wrong is right, and right is wrong. I have to get her out of here. The doctor made his way over to me “judging by your reaction, she made an imprint on you. Well, time to forget her!” he said, laughing malevolently. “no! You cant-” I was cut off by a blow to my temple. They dragged me to the Memory Suppressing Machine. A white hot pain ripped through me. I couldn’t remember the mission, but I could remember a girl. A sweet, young girl. I knew I should protect her. As far as they're concerned, I don’t remember a thing. “Желание. Семнадцать. Ржавый. Рассвет. Печь. Девять. Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один. Товарный вагон” my trigger words.
let me know if you wanna be tagged in pt2
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whovianwriter · 8 months
Just wondering if I started writing again would anybody be interested in reading it? And if so what characters would you like me to write for? Fandoms that I can write for:
Doctor who
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
A court of thorns and roses (any SJM except crescent city, I haven’t read it yet)
Some of DC
And more
Just message me and I can let you know if I do or not.
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lapseinrecs · 3 months
the war machine keeps turning
By thisisaboutnotbeinginclass @thisisaboutnotbeinginclass
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Dead; Abandoned; 32,794 words
Summary: The Avengers discover a HYDRA base on US soil, and while dismantling it, they rescue two brothers. In the aftermath, tensions are high and secrets are revealed. NOTE: This work has been abandoned, and will not be finished.
My thoughts: Really good crossover. The Avengers being confused and Hill girlbossing in to order people around and save the Winchesters is just so. It's a good fic. Just be aware that it's dead.
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heytheredeann · 2 years
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Love is for children. I owe him a debt.
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aceditwrites · 1 year
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
South park (platonic only for everyone, they’re children): Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Butters Scotch, Tolkien Black (or is it Token? I swear its always spelled different), Timmy, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Wendy Testaburger 
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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canyonmooncreations · 2 years
My favorite ships but no elaboration 🫶🏻
Mafia!Bucky x hurt!reader
Eddie x bookworm!reader
Hotchner x Sunshine!reader
Tony Stark x Shy!reader
Steve x innocent!reader
Dean x college!reader
Shawn Spencer x grumpy!reader
Professor!Spencer Reid x student!reader
Mechanic!Eddie x shy!reader
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charliesangel67 · 2 months
Hiii guys, So I have created a Taglist for those of you who want to be tagged in my posts.
The google form is here: Taglist
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winchesterlovebot · 2 years
Prompt List
I decided to make a prompt list. It’s still in progress but I’m gonna publish it anyway. REQUESTS ARE OPEN :)
“I told you to not get too close to me.”
“We were never friends.”
“I wish you never had trusted me.”
“From the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.”
“I’m good at hurting people. It’s all I’ve ever done.”
“ I deserve more than this.”
“ You’re hurting me.”
“ I never loved you.”
“Please let me go.”
“Don’t leave me.”
“ Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“Not everything is about you.”
“ I want pt you out of my here, and out of my life.”
“Kill me.”
“I can’t trust you anymore.”
“When will you stop lying?.”
“I should have seen it coming.”
“Make it quick please?”
“Forgive me for what I’m about to do.”
“I hate you.”
“You ruin everything.”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“You mean nothing to me.”
“You did this to me.”
“Move or I’ll move you.”
“Repeat yourself, I dare you.”
“I wish I never met you.”
“You ruined my life.”
“I gave you my everything.”
“We are over.”
“It’s too late for apologies now.”
“I’m sorry for us.”
“Of course you didn’t love me, I’m such an idiot.”
“What about the plans we made?”
“Bearing your pain has always been my job.”
“What did you do to make your heart become so cold?”
“Remember how we used to be? I don’t.”
“Look what happened because of you.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“How can you be in love with me when you destroyed all my happinesses.”
“I’m so tired of everything.”
“Stop yelling at me!”
“Get out!”
“I’m falling for you and it’s scaring the shit out of me.”
“What happened to us?”
“I don’t feel like I belong here anymore.”
“Why does our love feel like prison.”
“When I let go, run for your life.”
“I always you’d die in my arms.”
“I gave up on us a long time ago.”
“Your eyes can be so cruel.”
“You thought I cared about you? Cute.”
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pascalsummers · 9 months
Where I Have Been (Again)
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I know that I have not been active on here in a WHILE and I do apologize for that.
The reason for that is simple. I just haven't had enough energy to write in a long while.
I sadly am someone who can't just write something whenever I want and when I do manage to force myself to write something I always feel disappointed in it because I feel I could have written it better. So I do not want to give my followers subpar content because I appreciate you all and you do not deserve that from me.
But the other reason is that I don't know what to post when it's nothing a headcanon or one shot of some kind.
I feel as though I have gathered a following that is mostly here for my writing which makes sense since that is mainly what I post. So I tend to not post something if it is not related to that because I don't think that is what y'all are here for or expect from this account.
So I end up being stuck in this limbo area of not knowing what to do when I don't feel like writing. I don't want to post content that is not engaging to you all but I also know that not posting anything isn't really a better option.
Hopefully, I will find an answer to that dilemma and once I get into the groove again I finally go back to posting my headcanons and things like normal.
Thank you all for listening to me ramble and have a great day!
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