#spoken word poetry
poetrybyonur · 7 months
When many people don’t even bother to read you when they pick you up, but only wish to look at your pretty pictures, we value the ones who choose to read us from cover to cover, relishing each paragraph and page, folding the corners of their favourite pages of us, not wanting to put us down. I cherish the ones who chose me to be their favourite book.
An older spoken word I redid. Please click on image to hear me speak.
Background music by Two Lanes.
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therealmackenson10 · 28 days
If you have time please check out my latest single.
Mr. Mack- Save My Soul
Just had a homie pass away. Why do they love us more when we’re laid in the grave? People can change, cuz I’ve changed. To go through what I went through I couldn’t remain the same.
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mad-girlslove-song · 6 months
"I have known that I have wanted to be an incredible mother for as long as I have feared being a regrettable daughter."
Blythe Baird
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megleepoetry · 1 year
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poetdreamerfool · 4 months
the hill I'll die on
I'm running up the hill Sysiphus rolled his boulder Trying to get to the top So I can snatch beauty Out the eye of the beholder while I was running the world jumped out of my palms and landed squarely on my shoulders--
Atlas wasn't playing this shit is heavy but all the tragedy and triumph I faced got me ready I just gotta hold it steady one foot in front of the other a wise man said don't have it covered have it smothered only stop to help a sister or a brother
I love you too I just hate me still I wont let death take me until I break free and find peace
maybe its up there next to the beholder maybe up there the world is a little colder thats why I approach this climb like I'm a soldier.
march - march - we in the garden of Eden and stopping is the apple don't bite. don't ever bite.
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i-am-just-a-girli · 8 months
Their Second Choice
I hate being the second choice
I always am
I'm kind of pretty
But I'm not that kind of pretty
The one that boys look at photos of
I'm not a "look at her photos" Kind of girl
Not to boys
I'm just another girl they think is kind of cute
I'm just their second choice
And it just feels bad
This idea that he could never like me the most of any girl
I will never be his "most"
By:- @raeganspoetry on Instagram
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paperpersephone · 1 month
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✍️ I'm proud to say that I don't miss you anymore.
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shy-girl04 · 3 months
"What is love?", you ask
My head spins, recallin' every song
Story, words, and glorious things I ever heard
Every cliché rings in my ears
Like a bell announcin' the birth of a new day
Or the death of yesterday
Depends on how you hear it
I haven't a clue
So I ask love, "What are you?"
Love replies
Can't you feel me? I'm here
I'm the one holdin' your hand, remindin' you not to forget me
I'm the warm feelin' in your belly when you don't know why
I'm the ache to the core when one
Someone sways to the other side of a vibe
I'm the tingle on your skin when it's
Touched by the tip of a thrill you can rely on
The knowing, when your eyes meet eyes that recognize yours
And hold you, loose enough to move freely
But tight enough to never let you fall
I'm the breath you take in and let all the way out to the end
When you're held and your shoulders drop into arms
You flop that feel like a blanket of truth
And wrap you and sooth you
To the moon you thought was in the sky
I'm the backbone that holds it all together
The vertebrae stacked on top of each other
When it's all gone pear shaped and wrong
I'm the bitin' on your lip keepin' it zipped
Swallowin' words that could wound and rip apart
I'm choosin' kindness over bein' right
I'm the fight in you when you don't know how
The life in you when it's gone right out
I'm life when I'm near, hope without fear
I'm nothin' fancy in a world drippin' in gold
But a beautiful jewel never bought, never sold
And when you open your heart and let me in alone
You'll know who I am, because I feel like home
Imelda May
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albertxylin · 15 days
Extra Crisp
Sometime the winter air is too crisp, Edges ironed until sharp, Starched dry and cloying. It's no wonder you cough. You are not sick. You are a sheet of ice, And the wind is strong enough to shatter.
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mareenavee · 4 months
For Indoril Jinumon, for January's Prompt:
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Nerevarine answers Vivec's musings in Metempsychosis.
I have had the misfortune of knowing you – the god whose power was borrowed from the Heart of this world. Half-golden light, half-darkness – all blight, awash with empty words which so few will ever understand. I asked for peace. You gave me lies. No matter how hard I tried, I could not escape my fate. You say you have seen a tear in the tapestry, the blank space which became my place in lore and legacy. You’ve killed for less. I’ve killed for more. The blood on my hands will not wash clean – not after all I have done. Not after all I have been. Or will be.
My illusion of freedom was sundered the second I set foot in Seyda Neen. I could not know it then, not as time bent and warped around me. Sunset staining the far horizon red, all that was left was to move forward. Through dust and uncertainty, I persisted. And still do. And will. Because I must – or else, what then? Yet you, in your great wisdom, and with great force, insisted I turn back – as if destiny was so simple to twist out of shape, or cut away with blades unseen.
You’d tried that once – ages ago, while ash and magma flowed. The Heart. The argument. The spear that pierced, cracking spine and sternum. Things I should not remember. Yet, in dreams – if they are to be trusted – I do. Though my skin no longer bears its scars, the mark of betrayal remains – a stain on my soul, reborn into new vessel time and time again. I did not want to believe, until I saw the grief in your eyes. You seek forgiveness. I offer only that which you deserve. Sorrow, the haunting of a hollow promise – shattered, shapeless – and the memory of murder most foul. -> Read the rest on AO3
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poetrybyonur · 1 year
Effleurage: a delicate stroking motion in massage. The word is taken from the French word “effleurer,” meaning to stroke as one would a flower. That is how I would touch you, my love, my beautiful flower.
A spoken word from a couple years back that I’ve redone. Click on poem to hear my Londoner voice.
Background music by Blank & Jones.
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keepscrollinghun · 8 months
we teach live, Sir - Rafeef Ziadah
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response.
And I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions.
But still, he asked me, Ms. Ziadah, don’t you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children?
I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza.
Patience has just escaped me.
Pause. Smile.
We teach life, Sir.
Rafeef, remember to smile.
We teach life, Sir.
We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky.
We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies.
We teach life, Sir.
But today, my body was a TV’d massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
And just give us a story, a human story.
You see, this is not political.
We just want to tell people about you and your people so give us a human story.
Don’t mention that word “apartheid” and “occupation”.
This is not political.
You have to help me as a journalist to help you tell your story which is not a political story.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre.
How about you give us a story of a woman in Gaza who needs medication?
How about you?
Do you have enough bone-broken limbs to cover the sun?
Hand me over your dead and give me the list of their names in one thousand two hundred word limits.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood.
But they felt sorry.
They felt sorry for the cattle over Gaza.
So, I give them UN resolutions and statistics and we condemn and we deplore and we reject.
And these are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied.
And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead.
And between that, war crime and massacre, I vent out words and smile “not exotic”, “not terrorist”.
And I recount, I recount a hundred dead, a thousand dead.
Is anyone out there?
Will anyone listen?
I wish I could wail over their bodies.
I wish I could just run barefoot in every refugee camp and hold every child, cover their ears so they wouldn’t have to hear the sound of bombing for the rest of their life the way I do.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre
And let me just tell you, there’s nothing your UN resolutions have ever done about this.
And no sound-bite, no sound-bite I come up with, no matter how good my English gets, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite will bring them back to life.
No sound-bite will fix this.
We teach life, Sir.
We teach life, Sir.
We Palestinians wake up every morning to teach the rest of the world life, Sir.
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mad-girlslove-song · 9 months
"What if, when I finally figure out who I am, I can't stand her? Harder to imagine, what if I loved her?"
- Blythe Baird
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megleepoetry · 1 year
My heart is a hotel, giving shelter to those just stopping by, and I have never really minded. But I no longer have a room available for you.
-I hang the closed sign up when I see you coming now.
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nashira · 11 months
seen a tiktok that said "I grew 25 years older but so did my parents" please do not attempt to contact me I am beside myself grieving
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iz-nomewrites · 2 months
“You were like the virgin Mary, your beauty reaches above the heavens”
“I worship your image, I kneel down before your altar and my life hangs onto every word you say.”
“I am your most devoted follower, your humble servant. By your hand, by your command, and by your mercy I am eternally, faithfully yours.”
—by me, directly translated from mother tongue
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