#still can't tell if this took more effort than normal or less effort...
loveswrites · 1 year
Omg I loved ur poly volturi!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm pleading for more!
Uno~ Poly Volturi x reader
Time it took me: I can't even tell you that hell a month? 26 days?
Word count: 1454
To lovely anon: I so happy you loved it! Sorry I took so long I'm trying to get back into my self! Your guys asks always make my day! Just cause I haven't answered doesn't mean That I haven't seen it! I love just about everyone that comes in! <3
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Poly Volturi x Reader
"That's just stupid." Alec said huffing looking at the table in distaste.
"You have to draw four. That's the rules." You Said shrugging.
You, Alec, Jane, Felix and Demetri were currently playing Uno. It took a while convincing everyone to play. Sure you live in a huge castle with the love of your lives but you are still human. You get bored. While Felix was down to play immediately the others were disinterested in playing with you. You got responses like "That's foolish, I have much better things to do, my love." From Caius.
A simple "No." From Jane.
"I'm sorry but I'm busy right now, beautiful." From Demetri.
"It sounds like a waste of time." From Alec.
You even asked Aro and Marcus. Marcus just straight up said he was too old for that shit in so many words. And Aro said he was too hungry to play games but maybe later. 
All the rejection from everyone put you in a sad mood. It's not like you could have friends in the Castle that wouldn't eat you the moment you get a paper cut. The receptionist is a bitch. And there aren't any more humans you have access to. So the fact that everyone said no you were distant with everyone. They all noticed.
You stopped going to trails with Caius. You stopped attempting to give Jane love. You stopped asking Alec to use his powers so you'd be entertained by the dark fog. You stopped asking Felix for piggyback rides. You stopped attempting to play hide and seek with Demetri. 
It had been days since you spoke more than 2 words at a time to any of them. You knew it was affecting them because of the tension that rested upon the castle in a thick fog. They were quick to temper. Quicker than normal that is. And that's saying a lot. 
Marcus had asked you why you hadn't been to any of the trials lately. As it happened to be one of your favorite parts of the day. "I just haven't been in the mood." You told him. He's been on this godforsaken earth way too long to be able to know when to call bullshit. But nonetheless the less he let it go. 
After that you noticed that your love's would attempt to talk to you more. Not just brushing it off as human attitude as Caius would call it. It was small talk but it was an effort.
"Yes I'm fine Demetrius stop asking me." You huffed slightly irritated.
"Did you eat today?" He questioned a little squint in his eyes.
"Yes I eat everyday." You rolled your eyes, gathering the book you were reading from the cold castle floor you were sitting on.
There was the random corner in the Castle that you would just sit in and watch as people- vampires walked through the halls. It had a lot of traffic coming through it which was what you loved. Cauis had offered to have something built for you so you wouldn't have to sit on the floor all the time. But you would always shake your head and tell him "No, just keep it clean for me please." And so he did.
"I fed today. The humans blood was a bit bitter but nonetheless tasty." Demetrius said following you in your attempts to run away from the conversation. 
"You sound like a child."
"And yet here you are acting like one." He snapped.
"I'm sorry?" You said, stopping in your tracks turning to face him.
"You've had this horrible attitude for almost a week for the stupidest thing!" He stated staring at you with his sharp eyes.
"I have not!" You said in attempts to defend yourself.
"Yes you have, don't bother denying it, the whole castle can smell it!" He yelled.
"The lies you tell!" You practically screamed upset you were getting called out.
"Oh really?" Demetrius questioned before you could even blink he had grabbed you by your waist and next you knew you were in a room full of all your mates.
Once you finally felt your two feet touch the ground you couldn't help but get angry. 
"What the fuck is this an intervention?!" You screamed. 
“If that’s what you want to call it, then so be it.” Jane said in a straightforward tone.
“Oh my god what do you guys want?! I just want to be left alone but you all keep bothering me!” You yelled.
“Us bothering you? You were practically begging for attention a couple of days ago now you want to be left alone? Foolish!” Caius yelled, taking you back a bit.
He would yell but he would refrain from yelling at you the best he could. So him yelling at you right now kinda shocked you.
“You wanted to play that card game the other day right? That was when you started acting like such a brat, so we're going to fix that and play it.” Alec stated holding his head high.
“No thanks, I'm good on that.” You said going to turn around to walk away.
“Sit down!” Your mates yelled collectively making you stop in your tracks.
“Sit down please, I’ll shuffle the cards to start.” Felix said in a softer tone.
That was about an hour ago. To not even wanna be sitting here right now it was quite entertaining watching your mates fight with each other about the fact that another was kicking the others ass. 
“I will do no such thing. I've drawn four four times!” Alec yelled, upset he was losing.
“It’s the rules of the game you have to Alec.” Jane said, rolling her eyes at her brother's temper. She was just happy she was winning. For now..
You were all sitting at a grand dining room table. Well Alec, Jane, Felix, Caius and Demtruis were. You were actually sitting on the table. Caius put you up there in attempts to make it harder for you to run away if you tried. 
You did.
You almost hit your head on the way down. 
“I don’t see the appeal of such a game, the cards don’t make sense.” Cauis said busy reading the rules that were on the back of the box.
“Don’t look at my hand! That’s an immature thing to do!” Dem yelled at Felix who kept leaning over to see what cards Dem had in his hand.
You had won the first round so you were busy spectating.
“Immature!? It’s not like we're taking a test!” Felix yelled back, plopping down in his seat.
“You're trying to cheat!” Dem yelled back furrowing his eyebrows.
“Cheat?! I am no cheater! Tell him Amore mio!” Felix said, turning to face you.
“You were cheating, I saw you.” You said blandly.
“Your human eyes don’t under the actions of mine-”
“Her human eyes are perfectly fine!” Dem yelled coming to your defense.
Tuning yourself out of the conversation-well the constant bickering. You found yourself just watching your mates. All were yelling or frowning about something but you couldn’t help the smile that came to your face. Neither of them could stand human games. They hated it with the most of them. Minus video games Alec, Felix and Dem said that those don’t count. Though you always tell them they do, they insist that they don’t. A fight you could never win. 
All of your mates came together to do one simple thing that you’ve wanted to do for months. Once they saw how much the disconnection to just one human thing hurt you, They came together to try to make you feel wanted and seen. Though they can’t see the appeal at all there trying for you. And that’s all you could ever ask for. 
“That’s not four Alec!” You yelled when you saw him try to cheat his way into just grabbing two cards.
“Oh come on! I’m never going to win!” Alec yelled back.
“Not my problem.”
“Maybe winning is just not in your line of blood.” Cauis said with a slight smirk. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jane and Alec said at the same time turning their sharp red eyes at Caius.
“I mean-”
“Nope! Nope! Draw two more cards Alec I’ll help you win!” You rushed out attempting to try to keep the peace. Well as much peace as it was going to get in the room.
“That’s not fair!”
“I need help as well, I deserve it!”
“So were picking favorites now?!”
“Felix, stop looking at my cards!”
“You can’t pick sides!”
You can’t even lie to yourself you had missed them so much. And the smile on your face told no lies.
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(astarion / acebard!tav)
Astarion never received any gifts before - and if he did, he forgot - but he would have loved for the first giver to be his lover, although they seemed pretty occupied with Gale and an object that suspiciously looked like a present.
(not native in english. so sorry if the wording is clusmy in some parts, i wan't sure how to write this xD)
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A/N: I made a few adjustments, but I think I know what you're getting at. Hopefully it still works. Also, this turned out way more than five sentences because I have no self control.
Astarion x AsexualBard!Tav Masterlist
Word Count: 921
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Astarion couldn't remember the last time he received a gift. The idea of being gifted anything was down right laughable. Nobody truly gave anything without expecting something in return. Some way, some how a price would be paid. He didn't need that hanging over his head, along with everything else. So why did seeing you hand Gale a wrapped parcel sting so much?
He watched as the wizard pulled apart the paper, his brows furrowed with curiosity clearing into a bright smile.
"Oh this is perfect!" he exclaimed. "How did you get it?"
"Do you really want to know?" you challenged, grinning yourself.
Gale opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped himself with a guilty look. "Perhaps it's best I say thank you and leave it at that."
"What do you know, intelligent and wise," you teased. "Just make sure to pace yourself. Don't read it all in one night."
"I've made a point never to make promises I can't keep."
You laughed, giving Gale a light squeeze on the arm before turning in Astarion's direction.
He schooled his features into a casual expression, trying and failing to ignore the burning in his chest. Admittedly the fond look in your eyes did quell the fires, at least a little.
"Successful day?" he asked.
"More or less," you said, taking a seat beside him. "We've got a map. No way to read it just yet, but it's a start."
Astarion humphed, nodding in Gale's direction. "And that?"
"Just some petty thief," you explained. "Gale expressed an interest in it last time we were in town. Couldn't for the life of me explain why, but the bookseller refused to sell. Terrible way to run a business if you ask me."
This was normally when he would laugh or at least grant you an approving smile. Truly, he did love your casual relationship thievery, but it only made him more frustrated. He'd almost preferred you'd paid for it. If you had, he could dismiss the whole thing as a simple errand and not something more.
You frowned slightly, clearly taking notice of his mood.
"Alright, what's got you pouting?"
"I'm not pouting," he said, indignantly. "I'm brooding. There's a difference."
"My apologizes," you said, dryly. "What's got you brooding, oh mysterious one?"
He narrowed his eyes at you, his lips pressing into a hard line.
"I'm just surprised you would go so out of your way for a book. It's not as if you'd be able to understand it anyway."
A flash of hurt struck across your face, but you pushed it down in a way that made him sick to his stomach. What in the hells was wrong with him?
"Well, it's a good thing it wasn't for me then," you said, stiffly. "Now are you done being childish or are you actually going to tell me what's going on?"
Astarion tried to maintain eye contact in some vain attempt to hold onto his pride, but it was no use. He ducked his head down, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
"I...I don't see why you think Gale is worth the effort is all," he admitted. "It's just a stupid book. It's not as if it's useful to the rest of us. So...why bother?"
He chanced a glance in your direction. You just stared at him, your lips slightly parted as you took him in.
"Astarion, are you jealous?" you finally asked.
"No," he said, a little too quickly, even to his ears.
"So what else would you call being upset over the fact I stole something specifically for Gale and not you?"
"I'm not upset," Astarion objected. "I'm just..."
He very much wanted to say something devastating in that moment, that would shut you up and let him walk away from this with some kind of dignity; but, he couldn't think of a damned thing.
"Fine, I'm jealous," he spat. "Happy?"
"Not really."
He closed his eyes, letting out a short sigh. He deserved that.
"I'm sorry," he said, softly. "You're right, it's...petty and I shouldn't have said that to you. Gods know if it were anyone else I would have torn their throat out."
He looked to you then, hoping you would see the honest truth in his words.
"I wish I was better at this. I know you care about me and I don't need you to commit robbery to prove it. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to it."
To his relief, a small crack of a smile turned at the corner of your mouth.
"I'll keep that in mind," you said, some of the teasing coming back into your voice.
"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" he asked.
"Only if you mean it."
He didn't have an answer for that. At least, not right away.
With deliberate care, he slipped his hand into yours, raising it to his lips.
He watched as your eyes widened in surprise, only to soften as he pressed a gentle kiss to your fingers. His eyes never strayed from yours. He needed you to see him too.
"I mean it," he said.
A true smile came to your lips, as you nodded. "Then you are forgiven."
He returned your smile, feeling a lightness in his chest only you seemed to grant him.
Perhaps he was wrong in his assessment. He had been given many gifts since meeting you. You practically showered him with them every single day, and damn him for taking any of them for granted.
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milkb0nny · 1 year
Hey! Do you write for Jing Yuan?
If so, can I request something where he is just to busy for his lover, and when reader finally gets the chance to talk to him he just kinda not paying attention.
Thank you 🙏
🤍 𝑱𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒂𝒏 𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔/𝒐'𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔
note: Thank you sm for your request! I love these kind of requests since it's fun to combine angst with fluff. I'll give it a heartwarming ending. 🤍
characters: Jing Yuan
content: scenario, Jing Yuan ignoring s/o's feelings, angst, fluff, gn!/reader
warning: argument between lovers, not proofread
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You've been craving your man since days now. You rarely see him and even in bed, the time you always share together, he doesn't cuddle with you. It's not a secret he's fed up with work and has a lot of responsibility to take care of but where are you?
It started when he came home very late, immediately jumping into bed without giving you a graceful kiss. Normally the first thing he does is compliment on how beautiful you look but now he doesn't even look at you. It pains you. Are you invisible now? Does he have someone new he cherishes more than you? But you're his partner!
It got worse when Jing Yuan didn't eat the food you made. You always put so much effort in it. You prepare his favorite meals with so much love and care. Now he doesn't bother to eat three full spoons. What's up with him? Does he notice?
In the morning he wakes up really early and is at work before your first eye opens. You won't hear from him until the late evening. Not even a short message will arrive your phone.
His neglectful behavior hurts you and your self esteem. Are you ugly? Are you too less? Is there something wrong with you? Do you smell bad? Is your food horrible?
Does he still love you?
The past days you're dealing with inner trouble, no peace settling and only hurtful thoughts. You feel alone among so many people. You asked friends what Jing Yuan does all day and either they don't know or answer with "he's working as usual". You're questioning so many things. Can't Fu Xuan help him? She's always there to take care of his missions.
Even if she already does, can't you help him? Why doesn't he ask for help if he's so busy? Why doesn't he accept the care you're desperately trying to give him? It hurts so much. You're lonely, no one really gets your feelings. Most of your friends only suggest to wait for a quieter time but when will a single peaceful day come? Seemingly never!
You can't live with the feeling of being not enough and you decide to talk to him. He doesn't appreciate you or what you're trying to give him. It makes you mad. If he doesn't want you he should just tell you and not handle you like trash. You're not invisible and you have a right to be loved. The only confidence left in you took over and made you approach your tall, busy man.
"Jing Yuan. We need to talk."
Your first words when he steps in the door, late at night, already bother him. He ignores you, changing his shoes, taking his jacket off and passing you without a single eye on you.
"Jing Yuan! We need to talk! Now!" You shout as he seems to be actively avoiding you. You grab his hand and with a little strength turn him around. He now looks at you the first time in the past week. His eyebrows raise.
"Whats up, y/n? It's late. I need to get up very early tomorrow morning." He isn't fond of you robbing his sleeping time. You don't care though as he didn't care for you the past week.
You scoffed in disbelief how little attention he spend you. "I'm sorry?! For what do you have to work soooo much that you can't even notice me?" You're mad. You wave your hands in front of his face, furious with his attidue. "Hello?! Can't you see me?! I'm right here!"
"Yeah I do see you and now?!" He gets mad as well. His eyebrows depended and his expression changed. Usually he's a calm, collected and caring boyfriend but now he's not Jing Yuan. He's someone else.
"No you don't! You didn't see me the whole week. I was invisible to you!" You feel tears shooting up your eyes as your emotions come up so fast.
"What are you trying to say, y/n? I did see you, we sleep in one bed? I'm just really busy with work-"
You can't hear his repeating excuses and break him off. Now tears run down your cheeks and you try to meet his gaze.
"No. No you don't. You ignored the food today as well. Yesterday too. The day before too. You don't give me a nice word, or a kiss, or a look, or a whatever. You don't! You don't! You don't!" You step back. You're mad. Hurt. Anxious.
"No, you're getting a wrong message, y/n." He comes a little closer but he still doesn't understand what's up with you. Why are you so mad out of a sudden?
"So you're telling me my emotions are lying? Or my eyes? If I get the wrong message it may be because the sender sends a wrong message! It's not my fault you're being hurtful and neglecting." You sit down in a chair and make yourself tiny. Your head rests on your knees and tears roll down, hitting the ground. Is he stupid or does he want to hurt you even more? You want to vanish from this room, this house and this planet.
Silence ruled between you. Jing Yuan reflected the past week. He can't remember any outfit of yours, not even the food you made. Normally it's so easy for him to recall memories he loves. He forgot how the feeling how your lips caused butterflies in his stomach. He forgot of your soft smile warms his heart. He didn't see you smile the week. He didn't see you at all.
Seeing you bawl your eyes out, crying in pain and sobbing in suffer he noticed how he has let you alone. He wasn't there for you at all. And the worse thing is he didn't even take you seriously when you had the courage to tell him.
He comes a little closer. You feel his big, gentle hand on your shoulder but to you it feels like a burn.
"I apologize."
It sounds honest but you can't believe him. What is an apology? It won't heal your inner dissatisfaction and it won't solve your insecurities.
"I'm so sorry, my love."
He apologizes again. His forehead meets yours and you feel his soft hair. His smell. His warmth. It hurts you so much.
Jing Yuan picks you up from the chair as you wouldn't make a move. He walks into your bedroom and lays you down in the bed. You're still crying but it lessens. He drags you into his arms, petting your head carefully.
"I'll pay more attention.. Thank you for being so brave to open my eyes, my love." Some tears leave his eyes and you feel them dripping down on you. Jing Yuan rarely cries. It is a sign to you how sorry he feels.
"I'll take you with me tomorrow, y/n. I won't leave you alone again. I'm so sorry!"
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🤍 Please reblog, like and support!
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 11
Better than nothing (even pain?)
((A bit on the shorter side. Sorry))
You turn the shower as strong as it can get so Mirabelle won't hear your breakdown. Would be unfair, but so would to force yourself to be silent. 
You're a ghost. You were a ghost. Except not anymore. You're a sole survivor to people who are alive. You're a blank slate and carry baggage.
You're Sisyphus, no? Siffrin's sibling. A wanderer embraced by a family of choice.
You still wish you could forget.
You know it won't happen.
You want this life. You really do want this life.
Will this get twisted too? Rotten untill it falls apart?
This is how everything you dare want ends, isn't it?
When you get out already in your bed clothes (you like them. It's comfy. And you got it second hand so it didn't drain the little coin you had back then), the bathroom is full of steam. Does Mirabelle like hot showers? You can't remenber. You hope so. 
Did she like hot showers? Did she know how to sew? Could she sing? Could she paint? What's her favorite shade?
Your memory. Your precious memory. You condensed into a few hours. You broke before you truly had the tiny freedom Stardust was granted. Even the sweetness leave a bitter, rancid aftertaste. 
You call her to go to the now free bathroom. She comes out a few minutes later, already with the net thing on her hair. You need to figure these words out, dang it.
You lie down.
She came out of the hall entusiastic. Why did you have to mess things up by holding a torch that should not even exist?
Close your eyes. In, and out. You're just going to sleep, like normal people do after watching a sixteen hours long play.
"Uhn, Sisyphus?"
Oh, no.
You sit up to look at her. Her gaze is soft. You get a sense of deja vu.
"Are, un, are you really fine?"
The softness never left, but there's something else there, too. You can't remember if you got to know this side.
If it even existed. Before.
You didn't forget her name again. You still remember all of their names. You remember much more than you have the right to. It makes you even more painfully aware of what you forgot.
"I mean, I know the last part of that play was pretty sad, but, uhn, you kind of... looked like it was worse than that? I know it might not make sense, but! It kind of started before that?"
You know. You also know she's onto you. Maybe a little less than the Researcher but she is. Did the ordeal with Stardust turn something around?
She's rubbing her fingers. You know she's putting on effort to not bite her nails. 
"I know we're not, close, but, if you need to tell something, or, uh, a hug? Console, I mean, I wouldn't mind..."
"A hug would be nice, yes."
She doesn't hide that you took her by surprise. She also doesn't give enough time to second guess your decision before making her way to the bed you're sleeping on. It's not bad, right? You're taking up her offer. And, she's not wrong about you, so...
Her hug is gentle. Not tight, just firm enough to be soothing, grounding you with the pressure you with the pressure. She lets you lean on her torso. You hug back. You do lean. A warmt and care that no gods could erase if they tried.
Real. Warm and solid and real. Everchanging, even if she doesn't see it, because, now, she's living again. Mirabelle. Mirabelle. Mirabelle. 
You don't realize you started crying untill she pulls back and wipes your tears. She mumbles "there, there" with each pat like you're a stray animal she's luring to a vet. 
You wonder if that's really as much a metaphor as you thought at first. 
"Thank you." You choke out. 
"It's ok." She says, her voice still soothing. 
You love her. Blind you, you still love your Mirabelle, but your soul is determined to love this one too. 
You don't know what to think of that. You don't want to think about that. You don't have a choice about doing so or not. 
You hug your pillow when you actually go to sleep. The cry tired you out. 
Her hands. Her warm, small hands. Calloused from battles and gentle like her heart. As good as in your memory. 
You want more. You don't dare ask for more. You feel like a summer plant with yellowing leaves. You feel like you'll drown if she waters you again. 
Your sleep is mercifully dreamless. 
Mirabelle checked on you as soon as you got out of bed. You didn't have to lie about feeling better. 
It still hurts. An ache in your chest. Like your heart haven't beaten in years and is now getting reused to doing so. You don't like it, but... it's better then hollowness.
You want to hold her hand. You know you'll drown. You put your cloak on and hold your own hand under it.
Today there isn't quite a pinpoint. You thought the groups would swap, but that's silly, no? Of course it is, the family agreed to travel together. Separate would kill the porpuse.
So, you wander around, but this time it's a good thing. Mirabelle is on the front again. You... 
You don't have it on you to reach for her again. But, you don't want to be too far. Or too close to the little couple (you can tell that Stardust also cried last night). You hang by the middle, near the Researcher. Like this, you could almost believe-
No. Not really. 
There are places with trees and bushes. You're not sure if "plaza" is the right word. You're sure they must be beautiful in summer. Too bad it's not summer. 
Last night was embarassing. Crying your eye out like that after being fine for over a week. But, it was also good. In a way. You felt horrible at first, to let out that you let them die more than once. Even in the morning, even after being told again and again that it was the King's fault for killing them and falling asleep with rain noise on the ceiling, the part that reminds you that you were the one with the duty of knowing still persists. 
But, not as loud now? Now, as you smell the still slightly damp earth, Isa's strong arm around your shoulders, your family's comments about plant care a comforting noise (Pétronille seens to be on some sort of tennis with Odile, Mirabelle looks like she'll take notes as soon as she gets some blank paper), you feel somehow light. One way of distracting from the festering thoughts. 
It's ok. It's ok. Ok, not really. For sure not, but... Your family can protect themselves now... And you'll never stop protecting them. It's just... mutual now. Better like that. Twelve eyes is much better than just one to look out for things. Right? Right?
"... you have to let them breath, or they're not gettin' tall. That's why the best ones are wild."
You... for sure did not make a noise when Nille got louder.
"Why are you even so bothered? It's not like you can grow things now." Bonbon cuts in, and see the opposite aged ladies back off like it was a comand. 
She triggers your fight or flight instict, but... She's far from bad. 
You see Loop looking at the situation and smiling. It doesn't look faked. 
Taking advantage of the focus being on the three for now, you hold the hand hanging off your shoulder.
Hard to have a boring moment. 
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fmoe1997 · 8 months
A Productive Meeting
"You know how insignificant he was when I found him? He practically pried the door to my car open to get what I offered. Oh he was so eager to snort coke off my dick then, but now? He thinks he's too good to ANSWER MY CALLS!"
Another gunshot resounded through the room, followed by a dull thud as one of Vox's ex-employees fell to the floor. Blackened blood formed a macabre heart from the pattern of bullets lodged in their chest, before it quickly spilled over and pooled onto the floor. They lay just beside their fellow coworker, whose body had grown cold in the time Valentino took to get to his latest victim. While Vox would normally applaud his stamina in more intimate scenarios, he had long grown tired with his persistent discontent in regards to one of his own employees.
As promised, he had called the most inefficient of his workforce for an impromptu meeting at V Tower's penthouse. They believed they had been summoned for their stellar performance in the recent quarter, and expected to receive compensation for their efforts. Which, in a way, wasn't a lie. It amazed Vox just how much these three in particular dragged his sales down compared to their contemporaries, and he believed they deserved recognition for their ineptitude. It's their fault if they didn't appreciate how he showed it.
However, that supposed they could express any emotions other than the deadpan stare they faced Valentino with as he shot them down one by one. Another technological invention courtesy of VoxTech. All employees are required by contract to be chipped before they accept the position. It helped regulate sleep so they could work 24/7 without breaks, kept their minds clear of unwarranted thoughts, and made them wholly compliant to his will. If he wanted them to jump, they'd jump as high as he desired, and if he wanted them to stand still so Valentino could use them for target practice, it was good for that too.
"Sounds like a real pain in the ass, Val," Vox responded from his laid-back position on the nearby sofa. "Makes you wonder why you keep him on the team."
While he had feigned interest in his business at first, as any good partner should, he dropped all pretenses by this point. Ever since the stupid slut of a spider entered Valentino' life, he had become an unwanted wedge in their relationship. Whether he recognized that or cared, Vox couldn't tell anymore, and his less than subtle insinuations towards that fact had gone clear over his bald head. So he responded only when required, but otherwise passed the time with his third game of solitaire on his internal display.
Valentino dropped his gun arm and cast a look over at Vox, who to him appeared to stare off into space much like the drones he used to blow off steam. His finger curled around the trigger, tempted to aim it at Vox, but he thought better of it and relaxed with a barely-controlled exhale.
"He's still under contract because he is still useful to me. He isn't like one of these," he waved his hand at the remaining body, "drones sin sentido you employ in your division. You can't slap what he has on just anyone and expect it to work. Trust me... I've tried."
Black heels sharply snapped against the linoleum floor as Valentino walked in front of the remaining employee. He cradled his gun in his hands, and admired how the rhinestones that adorned the side glittered his name in the overhead lights.
"Tony is like a clay, and I am his sculptor. He possessed talent, and I shaped it into something meaningful. We've seen that for ourselves. Without me, he was nothing, and if he thinks he can continue to ignore me, he will be nothing again."
Vox paused his digital game and returned his attention to the world around him. It was rare for his partner to display such a level of insight, and he couldn't help but raise a brow. His interest piqued once more, he raised himself up on his elbows and looked at Valentino.
The moth stood just in front of him, yet his eyes never left his gun. His grip on it seemingly tightened, then he threw his arms out to either side.
"I mean I made him a star, god dammit! Where's my fucking respect, huh? If that fucking slut thinks he can blow me off like this, I'm going to make him get on his hands and knees so he can remember how to do it properly. I could film it too, been a while since I starred in one of my own movies."
Vox tuned out his subsequent chuckle and rested back down, disappointed that he even gave him the benefit of doubt. But before he could relaunch his game, he saw Valentino look down at him.
"What do you think, baby? Still got another performance in me?"
Finally, something somewhat unrelated to Angel. Vox smiled and stood up. "Do you really have to ask? Or do I have to play you last night's recording?"
Valentino feigned a shocked gasp. "Voxxy! You didn't tell me you recorded that!"
While he appeared bashful, the look he gave Vox as he approached was anything but. So when the media mogul extended a hand, Valentino gladly accepted it with one of his own, before he got pulled into his embrace.
"I record everything, Val, you know that. Don't want to forget a single moment of our time together. I even have a server dedicated to you."
He raised his other hand to cup his cheek and the moth happily rested his head against it. A blush rose to his cheeks that made Vox's heart skip a beat. For as much as he would openly express his disinterest in his affairs, he could never lose his fixation with this man. He reserved a spot within him beyond that of his hard drive space.
These moments where there was no one else but them, where they held each other in equal captivation, were most serene. But, unfortunately for Vox, they never lasted long.
"Well, if I'm that good, perhaps I could do something with Angel-"
Vox flinched at the name. No, he wouldn't allow it this time. "Or," Vox grinned back at Valentino, "how about we go out? I'll treat you to something nice, then after that we make something of our own?"
Valentino bit his lip at the idea and shifted in place. Behind his heart-shaped lenses, he looked down between him and Vox. The televsion demon followed his gaze, and from the corner of his eye he saw he held a phone in one of his lower hands. He quickly looked back at Valentino before he realized, and the lustful sinner subsequently pocketed the device.
"Well, since my Angel doesn't seem to be answering my calls, I wouldn't mind going out. Been a while since that's happened too."
Although Valentino held no malice behind the observation, it grated on Vox nonetheless. He didn't let that show on his face, however, as he shifted his hands down to Valentino's waist. Then he reached back and stroked the inside of his wings, taking delight in how he shivered and moaned softly.
"Let's see if we can fix that, shall we?" He asked cockily.
When he glanced up at him, the moth held a hand over his mouth as if to block the sounds that fell from his lips. Vox didn't stop his touches until he had been left visibly shaken, at which point he replaced his hands on Valentino's hips. The moth released a breath he had held as he dropped his hand to join another on Vox's shoulders. He let them hang loosely while his lower hands similarly took Vox's sides to reflect how he positioned his hands on his body.
"You're such a tease," Valentino squeaked, which elicited a chuckle from Vox.
"Only cause I know you love it. Now, before we head out, you mind closing business for today?"
Valentino gave a confused hum and raised a brow, to which Vox subtlely tilted his head towards the employee who blankly watched their exchange unfold. He followed his gesture, then gave a soft noise of understanding; as if he had been reminded about neglected housework. Then he unceremoniously lifted his gun again and fired it once directly into the man's head.
Rather than form the same, beautiful heart pattern that the bullets made as they spread out from the gun, their impact caused his head to explode into a fine, black mist. He flew back as if hit by a car and toppled to the ground only a few feet away from the other two. Blood spilled quickly over the tiles and formed a thick puddle around the corpse. With that, their meeting had concluded.
As Valentino pocketed his gun, satisfied, and took a delighted Vox's hand, the twin doors that led into the room burst open.
"Aight, what the fuck is goin' on? When I heard the first gunshot I thought Valentino finally put one in ya, Vox. After the second, I thought he did 'imself in. So you mind tellin' me-"
Before she could rant any more, Velvette walked in far enough to see the small staging area where Vox had set up his veritable range for Valentino to use. The sight of those three bodies on the floor barely registered in her eyes. What caught her attention, however, was where they had been positioned.
"Oi, oi!" She snapped her fingers with an incredulous look and pointed at the corpse closest to her. "What the bloody hell were you thinkin' doin' this here? You see how close you are to the carpet?"
While the both of them looked down, Vox subsequentlu raised his head and flippantly hand-waved away her concern.
"Relax, Vel, their blood won't even be able to reach the carpet, I made sure to position them accordingly to avoid that."
"You better hope so, Vox, otherwise you're payin' to replace it, and not for cheap neither." She shook her head, then pulled out her phone and pointed its camera at the pile of bodies. "I assume the pissbaby is satisfied now?"
Valentino scowled at her. "What the fuck did you call me, puta?"
Vox raised a hand in front of his face and stopped him before he got riled up again. "He will be, later."
The insinuation caused Valentino to stammer and he turned his head away with a blush. His wings quivered behind his back.
Velvette grimaced as she tapped a new post into her socials about Valentino's latest temper tantrum. "I didn't need to hear that. Just as long as he won't shoot another one of my damn employees, it doesn't matter how he's feelin'."
Before Valentino could provide a rebuttal, Velvette turned on her heel and walked back to the doors. "Speaking of, gotta head back and clean up those messes 'fore they get any ideas to trudge around their disaster pieces in public. Later, V and V."
Vox and Valentino reciprocated with a similar, "Later, V," as she pushed through the doors and left them alone once more. Vox could tell the conversation only helped to undo some of the progress he made with him. His hands felt tense in his grasp, and he practically heard the wind that exhaled from his flared nostrils. And he didn't have to ask to know that he had thoughts to take up arms and blow off steam in a more personal way with a certain arachnid.
Fortunately he had him to rely on. He gave his hand a gentle squeeze and reminded him, "So, how does dinner sound?"
Valentino took a long breath through his nose, then sighed. "Sounds perfecto, my love."
Vox gave a self-satisfied chortle, then pulled Valentino down to his level. He placed a peck on his cheek that made the moth's eyes widen, before he let him stand back up to full height. A soft smile came over the moth's features, then he wrapped his arms around Vox's slim bicep. The magnate led them out in a close embrace, which left the carnage behind them to be disposed of by the tower's internal systems.
By the time they came back the floors would be clean, the corpses incinerated, and they'd be halfway into Valentino's room for their newest shoot. All in all, a very productive meeting.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
hey there. i'm just 19 years old and been trying to find my way around things. i've been feeling really terrible lately. my situation's a bit messy.
i have a habit of comparing myself to my peers a lot. not to mention i have some addictions i must get rid of, like spending my time daydreaming a lot, which really affects my schedule. my mother would compare me to my peers when i was really little, and i think it grew on me, and now i'm starting to realize it as i grow up that it's stuck to me.
i couldn't do well with the university exam, so i'm taking a gap year to retake it next year. i feel like a failure sometimes. there were so many things i could have done as a high-schooler, but i just wasted my time. i succeeded in some stuff, yes, but i don't feel like i'm ready to be an adult yet. i feel like i should be knowledgable more, i feel like i know less than i should, and it's killing me inside.
i'm sorry if it's just ranting, but that's about my situation. your account is full of useful information and encouragement, do you have any previous posts/suggestions that you could give me? thank you in advance. i hope you have a nice day.
Hi angel,
At 19, it's normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. Remember, you're still figuring things out, and it's okay to take your time. 19 was one of my favorite ages, for no particular reason other than it was fun and I felt like an adult. I certainly had nothing together. My parents would have loved a lot of things for me at that age. Married to the boyfriend I had at the time because it was a huge sin to them based on their religious views, which in retrospect would have been a huge mistake.
Comparing yourself to others is common, but try to focus on your own journey. We normally compare ourselves because we don't have a set plan for our lives with clear goals and intentions. I am sure your mom means well, and its normal for parents to have the same expectations for all of their kids, even though they are literally different people. But everyone has their own path, and what matters most is your progress, not how you measure up to others. You cant let yourself feel bad for meeting anyone else's expectations.
I always tell people to not compare someone else's highlights to your life because life has its ups and downs, and you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. We all have different lives, different qualities. Maybe what took someone else x amount of time and effort to accomplish, is something that is a strength to you and you can accomplish it in half the time, when you are ready.
All you can do for yourself is really focus on you, learn, prepare. Train your brain into processing things faster so you can evolve faster as a person in your brain.
If you know you have some negative habits you want to work on, like daydreaming, you can start taking action and maybe setting small goals to manage your time better. Focus on the things you want to improve about yourself instead of feeling bad about yourself for it. You already know the problem. Maybe working on these issues opens your mind and your live to different opportunities. We have to learn to overcome obstacles, not just physical but mental. This creates a ripple effect not only with our thought process, but our physical actions and in turn attract different realities and opportunities.
You are an individual. You are unique and special. Comparing yourself or living up to someone else's standards for YOUR LIFE when they don't have your strengths or brain, or potential is doing a huge disservice to you. We cant abandon our strengths, we need to discover them. When we abandon them, we are basically abandoning ourself and who we could be for the sake of someone else.
Taking a gap year to retake the university exam is a smart choice. It doesn't mean you're a failure; it's a chance to improve. It is actually great that you recognize that you want to be better. Most people take a gap year anyway. Who says you can't? Why would it make a negative impact on your future? That is simply NOT TRUE <3
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transfloridaresources · 8 months
Hey, I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for making this blog. It means more than I could possibly tell you to see support that isn't just "move out", because so many of us just simply can't, or even if we can we don't want to. I shouldn't be expected to uproot my entire life because of other people's bigotry.
Things are getting worse here, and I'm scared. My mom told the doctor that my period was normal last time we went to the doctor, and refused to elaborate. She said that she didn't want specific information about my cycle on file, in case I went on puberty blockers for any reason. My school canceled the Scholastic book fair, because it's a charter school and they were scared of getting on DeSantis' radar. There's uncertainty over if we'll have a psychology course back by the time I reach the age to take it.
Even on a less political front, gay and trans are making a massive resurgence in terms used for bullying. I'm clinging on to my silly little microlabels like a lifeline, because even though it hurts to know that nobody outside of our community is going to know about them, at least that means they aren't going to be slung back in my face like a bullet.
It's really scary, and seeing how people are actually making efforts to combat this means more than you could ever know. It gives me hope that I can stick it out, and make my state a place where the kids younger than me can grow up safely and happily. Seeing adults openly wearing pride pins even in the midst of everything makes me feel safer with them than can be put into words. I hope that by the time I'm an adult and have control over my own life I can be that person for someone, but I also really hope I can help make it a world where that's not needed. And seeing that there's people here that care about us gives me hope that we can accomplish that.
Much love, a queer kid living in central Florida <3
Hello there, wonderful anon & thank you so much for reaching out 🫂💖 It is so meaningful to hear things like this and I'm so grateful that you took the time to write this message. I know so much seems bleak rn, but your message made me think about the world I grew up in when I was a kid / teen. I didn't even really know trans people existed. Queer people barely existed, either. There was no mainstream celebrity for any of those identities and social media didn't exist. I know it feels absolutely terrifying to see this happening now and wondering where you'll go and what life you'll have, but trust me - we'll always be here. We're targeted so much now because people are afraid of change and because these systems of oppression need a constant mark to aim hatred at in order to function. But we're louder than ever now and there's people like you who exist now who are aware of our existences and aware of themselves more than we ever used to have. That's powerful. That gives me hope for the future. YOU give me hope for the future. I look at you the same as you look at us who are older and you inspire me as well. I know this is painful and I know you're scared but know that you're not alone and you never will be. Remember that even if certain laws are passed and attempts to silence information and truth occur - there are still always ways to access that information and keep it alive. These TFR accounts look to BIPOC lives because those are the groups already living under so much oppression who can teach the most about persistence and resilience. Read about other social movements, look to past leaders, look to current events like the people in Gaza right now. Even through tragedy, the spirit of resilience remains. It's still possible to find happiness and fulfillment and build a life somehow. We are not at the mercy of any of this, we just need to learn how to best adapt & keep moving. It's not easy and it's not fair but it is doable. You will have a beautiful life and trans people will always exist. We are still thriving here. Florida (& the south in general) will always have a strong LGBT community no matter what. Let me drop a few links for you or anyone who might need them. CampOUT Florida is a week long summer camp in July for LGBT youth, located around Ocala. Queer Expression St. Pete finally got a permanent home & routinely offers a safe space for LGBT families & youth, especially. If you are struggling and need someone to talk to, Trans Lifeline and Thrive Lifeline both offer peer to peer support (meaning anyone on the other side is also LGBT and/or other identities as well) & also will not involve police / involuntary psych holds. They have a variety of options to communicate with them for support & Thrive even has a trans discord server for anyone 16+! We are also working on a discord server for trans Floridians, which should be available soon, and will have a dedicated channel for teens only (with support as needed from queer & trans adult moderators from a variety of racial backgrounds & who have professional experience working with children / youth). These are just a few things that exist as well. More and more are out there and will also soon be created in the face of increasing pressure on our community. We keep us safe 💖 You are loved, you have value, you have community, you have family, you have a future!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
warning for: "bad wording", "unasked opinion", "another coward hiding behind anon mask"
I think you should stop looking for an ideology/side to pick and consider trying to pick your own side, attempt learning to become your own person instead—give up on fitting into any cult anything? Honestly, why don't you try to build your own thing? You seem capable of building so much of theories, finding so much of little details not many could ever notice—why not use this skill to help yourself? I get it. Many humans do not like making efforts. I'm one of them. Sometimes becoming your own person = doing a lot of efforts, but it is not a hard work it is just making efforts, day by day, baby steps, it is possible, it is valid—even if right now it might seem as "not very likely" or "hopeless" or "meaningless" in your personal case. I do not judge you. I'm trying to tell you that creating your own identity, a personality is possible. Speaking from a lil anon experience, so far I haven't found any other solution except trying to learn how to rebuild yourself into yourself from a scratch and "broken remains". You can't get rid of every single shitty influence but you can take control of it, its traces and make something of your own. You can do anything, if you want...but you don't want it, do you? I do not know you (and you don't know me), all I got is an opinion to make out of your post, I bet it's mostly wrong, I should have stayed silent, heh. I think you'll be less miserable if you stop running away from yourself by seeking yourself in people, groups and fandoms. And I do not mean it in way like "quit social media they are evil they are brainwashing you into becoming something you are not", if anything I do not believe in "good" and "evil" nor in "black and white", because this life has much more of colors and hues in the store to offer. "Balancing it out" is what I was trying to tell. Please try to help yourself. I think you deserve to live and have good things in your life. My opinion matters very little because I'm just another coward, but I mean it.
Hey, this is actually a very good message. It took me some time to get to it because currently I genuinely am better off sinking in my special interest and drawing than tackle anything personal. But this is a good advice, especially for someone who had to judge my character off very limited information. (or maybe I am oversharing way more than I think I do...?)
The thing is... I DO have beliefs and ideals! It is aggressively affirming them where I fail at. Like you pointed out, I can see a lot of things no one else does and that's how I get into every character's head. But it is similar with people. Very often I will see where person is coming from, what events and information and trends made them come to this conclusion, what is their motivation, and like... You see, this is normally a deal-breaker for me. Just because I can understand why person thinks this way, see the logic and often even a valid fundament, this person passes for me - especially if I can not properly object them with logic and knowledge. I am not the type to have no logical counter-arguements and still pull the 'L + you are wrong + you are a bitch + bye' thing, because coming from emotions is not for me. For this same reason I often get trapped in abusive relationship - because when person is convincing and I have no counter-arguements for why I should not be treated this way besides crying and insulting... well, I can be convinced of deserving anything. Just ask my EX boyfriend hahaha (he healed and changed, don't worry).
This is the loop of autism. Not just any autism, but like, very pure form of it. The one that consistently pisses the allistics off enough to call us "robots" or "psychopaths". We do not 'just' understand things and not 'just' believe in things - we only do or think something if there is a reason. But at the same time, we won't "just know" a lot of things others do. There are only two things you can do - either 1) assume some unbreakable "rules" how society and people function and what is right and wrong end up being a rigid prick that judges everyone through the same lence and could never see things working unlike these "rules" or 2) say fuck it and use your own brain to navigate in the world, but you will constantly get lost. I think the latter is the lesser evil, because the former not only makes it more likely to get used as ideological soldier, but also will fuck over people that act and speak coming from different reasoning.
And you are right. I SHOULD make my own rules - not listen to some arrogant assholes claiming to be for peace and equality but We Know, and not listen to some conservatives who just can't accept that every generation will be different; but also not wander so aimlessly. I have a friend who is very similarly fucked up to me: hard autism, borderline personality disorder, burdening level of insightful, all that. And even he is self-sufficient enough to say 'Yes I see where you are coming from in your beliefs, but fuck you, that's a way of an idiot'. Another friend who has the exact same type of autist thinking as me ended up doing just what I mentioned - they set up the rules of what he believes in and refuses to budge on them no matter the stakes, even if they tend to hurt people because not even appealing to their compassion could make them budge. Like!!! you have to be literally dying for them to go easier, but even then they'll pick their principles back up and return to the discussion when you recovered.
Granted, recently I've been becoming more solid. Like recently I've blocked someone because they were using slurs in an arguement, and even before that I blocked someone I never even talked with because they were a tad too nationalist against Russians (all of them). It is just... not really like me? I tend to not mind free speech, but for some reason I've started to get more angry at such things? It is also the uh... Barb1e movie. Yeah don't laugh, trust me plenty of people ended up in existential crisis because of it. But it was something that followed when someone whose reasoning I was able to understand prior pulled the 'This movie hates men' when the movie gave men positive message that men should aspire to be self-sufficient and be themselves instead of stressing to fit into social expectations. This sort of (mis)interpretation just felt way too similar to """logic""" a certain asshole had calling me lesbophobic when I said to stop locking lesbians in stereotypes (I know you're lurking here, lil shit). It feels very obvious that anyone can be an idiot and it is not just privilege of the "woke SJWs" side but just a flaw of any human that makes their politics their personality, but sometimes it takes a certain event to make you truly SEE something, you know?
And in the end, by learning to assert my beliefs, by learning to be consistent and not just 'have' them, I will be playing this game too, no? ...somewhat. Currently I am more like Rom - I see everything but this is the reason I can't do shit. I want to be more like Djura, who knows what he thinks and will protect it, and you have to actually agree to his terms to not get shot by him! Both of these characters are 'open' and will work with people's autonomy: Rom by her barrier being penetrable if you have enough Insight, so you CAN learn horrors of the universe but only if you are looking for them so people that don't want that shit are spared, and Djura by not denying the hunt altogether but insisting that beasts that can't harm people are spared, as he tells us to go and be useful where we will be. But Djura has something Rom no longer does - personality! For me 'seeing where they come from' is a pass to forgive... literally everything? It can be a great power that will let me find what others can't and make friends no one else could, but it can also be a dangerous mindset that will trap me in abusive relationship or make me cause damage. The one thing Rom is not showing even to 99 Insight people is how there is a madman slowly destroying humanity with his ritual, isn't it so? Haha, yeah, you pointed out that I am very well-versed in analyzing fiction, but this shit legit helps me to navigate. I've been solving many conflicts and questions via "omg they're just like those characters for real". Autists interact with the world vicariously through fiction! My close friends also developed a habit of helping me by comparing the situation with something that happened in our Bloodb0rne headcanons. I am dead serious. x)
In the end, I am incapable of being ideological soldier, nor I can obey the rules based on "I am [demographic] and you are not so do what I say or you are a danger for our whole kind" (left) or "I am older/more educated and you don't know shit in life and if you don't agree with me you are just another woke zombie" (right). Of course I can't have a 'covenant' - I am an individualist! An individualist that can't assert their individuality, apparently. But there is a difference between wandering aimlessly or walking your own way..
Again, thank you for this ask.. You really should not be so hard on yourself - anons are only bad and cowardly if it is a prick being mean. Otherwise they're fine! And it was important for me to think about, too... I was not even really THINKING about how I have friends with similar thinking as me but they adapted and can be consistent and assertive. They can disagree very harshly, to the point of creating awkwardness between us until I either change my mind or admit that I have nothing to argue, and that's not emotional manipulation, but standing up.
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lingerxng · 1 year
"this is a bad idea."
"fuck you, i don't have bad ideas."
mai was chewing on a nail. a disgusting habit that rhys was still trying to break them of, to no avail. ugh. like, it's 2023, did anyone even do that anymore? gross.
they caught his stare and dropped their hand. "you're gonna get caught, and we both know your twink ass won't last a day in jail."
"first of all," rhys said, holding up one finger, "it would be we getting caught. unless you can suddenly turn invisible and didn't feel the need to tell me. second--" he raised another finger-- "i won't go to jail. that's ridiculous."
they scoffed. "rhys, i'm pretty sure this is a felony."
"it's a misdemeanor, i looked it up."
they turned a corner, down a much less populated street. it wasn't the worst part of town, but it certainly wasn't a good part. that was fine by rhys; it meant what he was going to do was less likely to be questioned.
really, it was christian's fault for getting such a nice car in the first place.
rhys approached it easily, calmly, only stopping once he was close enough. mai hung back, looking both ways down the street nervously. "you're seriously going to do this."
"yep." he pulled the leather gloves tighter over his hands, took up the baseball bat he had been carrying, and stepped onto the hood of the car. "he said i was the worst he'd had."
breaking glass was easier than either of them expected.
three hours later, rhys was on the roof of his building, smoking a menthol and staring at the sky. he should be tired; it was almost four am. but he was still wired, every limb filled with a restless energy. destroying christian's car felt good.
but not good enough.
he didn't look up when he heard mai coming up the ladder, or when they laid down next to him. he ignored their pointed cough, too.
"maybe christian normally sleeps with prostitutes."
rhys snorted. "yeah, maybe." he ashed his cigarette into the empty coffee tin at his side.
mai only let the silence stand for a second. "i mean, you didn't think he was The One, right?"
"i don't--"
they cut him off with a wave of their hand. "yeah, you don't believe in it, whatever. still you're taking this really hard, guy."
rhys was quiet. there was still a smouldering anger, deep in his gut-- the man was a bastard and he deserved a wrecked car if not more-- but there was more to it. and they both knew that. this was always how it went with them. they bickered and bitched, but they understood each other better than anyone else had.
"i don't know what i'm doing," he said, voice soft. "why i can't let myself have nice things."
"i've seen your apartment. you have lots of nice things."
he nudged their arm. "nice relationships, then. fuck knows i've tried to ruin ours enough times."
"guess you just need to meet someone else as persistent as me." he could hear the grin in their voice.
rhys scoffed. "yeah, that's likely."
"hey, you never know. lots of people like the unhinged jerk thing."
"no one stable."
they sighed, swinging themself into a sitting position to look at rhys properly. "look. if you wanna keep moping, go right ahead, you... weirdo. but you're the only one who can break this cycle, dude. you are the one who keeps going after these jerks. if you want a nice guy, you have to find a nice guy, and make the effort for him, too. it can't all just be one sided."
"one si--" he pushed onto his elbows, eyes narrowed at mai. "you think i'm not putting in effort?"
"i know you aren't putting in effort! you make a point of telling me how easy this is for you! you tell every guy you bring home that you could grab anyone, and then you go out and prove it! how is that making an effort to keep anyone around!"
rhys sat up properly now. "fuck you, no i don't!"
"bullshit you don't! you flaunt it! you were out with christian and i watched you flirt with someone else!"
"i wanted to see what he'd do! if he was going to--"
"oh, fuck off with your insecurities!"
"i am not insecure!"
"then why did you just go destroy his car for saying you were bad in bed!"
"i--" he groaned, standing and heading to the edge of the roof. he leaned on the wall, staring at the cityscape. stupid mai. stupid mai.
stupid, correct mai.
"i hate you."
"then evict me, coward."
silence fell again. mai wasn't getting up. this fight in particular wasn't exactly new. but every time it happened, he could just feel their conviction.
stupid goddamn asshole mai.
the standoff ended when rhys sighed, shoulders slumping slightly. "look, i know, okay. i know."
"i know you know."
"fuck you."
"rhys." they stood, crossing to him. "this self destructive bullshit has to end, okay? seriously. i'm tired of dealing with it, i can't imagine you like it anymore."
"what exactly do you expect me to do?"
"honestly? probably continue all of this." he could feel their shrug. "but i hope you don't. i hope you just... i dunno, chill for a while. figure out what you want. like, actually want, not just something to fill whatever hole is inside you. i mean, jesus. get a hobby. touch grass."
"mai, we live in the middle of--"
"oh my god it's a metaphor you stupid asshole."
he sighed, drumming his fingers on the concrete lip of the wall. they were right. of course they were right. "...you'll stay?"
"no one else would put up with your ungrateful ass."
"fuck you."
"fuck you, too." they leaned on the wall next to him, letting their shoulders bump. "you'll figure it out. so help me god, i will make you do it myself."
"christ, i don't doubt that."
they nudged him again. "hey, what about that guy from the shop?"
"be more specific."
"ex choir boy. kevin? kris?"
he frowned. "what about him?"
"he's stable."
he scoffed. "right, and three seconds away from evangelizing me."
mai rolled their eyes. "he's not in there for the smudge sticks, rhys."
"mmm." he sighed, crossing his arms and letting his chin meet where they touched. "....do you want to stay up a little while longer?"
"for you? sure." they hopped onto the wall, kicking their heels agains the brick. "wanna see the new party trick i learned?"
"no. but do it anyway."
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bippot · 1 year
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All Over Again - Chapter 4: Overwhelming
Story Summary -> When he used to say that he wished he could fall in love with his wife all over again, Bob may have jinxed himself. Yet, the process of knowing her once more wasn't as smooth as he'd used to think.
Honestly, he doesn't know which is worse - his broken bones or the fact she can't seem to forget who he once was?
Chapter 4: Overwhelming Summary -> Just as the couple create a new normal, Bob must come to terms with the fact that his wife will be sent on a mission very soon.
Tags -> Angst, Amnesia, Established Relationship, Memory Loss, Airplane Crashes, Major Character Injury, Hospitals, True Love, Love at First Sight, Married Couple, Smut, Reconciliation
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Previous Chapter -> Think About Love
As time passed, Bob got used to his new life. He'd expected the slow paced nature of it, but he didn't expect how much he enjoyed it. His time consisted mainly of sleeping, eating, and attempting to get his wife's attention, which was something he always managed to achieve without much effort. His work, on the other hand, was non-existent.
He no longer remembered any of the information he once knew by heart. He couldn't tell an F-22 Raptor from an F-86 Sabre, so why would they let him man the weapons? Even Maverick knew that was irresponsible. And, if he was being honest with himself, he was scared shitless about the thought of getting in a plane again even though he couldn't remember even being in one in the first place. No part of Bob's brain contained any information about the crash, and he had no reason to know this, but he knew that even if he had his memories, that fact would be the same.
All the other forgotten snippets of his life had this haze to it. They were like pictures that had blurred over. But the crash? The crash was blacked out. A blank Polaroid. A hole. So, if his memories never came back, he'd have seemingly no future in his old career unless he went back to flight school and did the last ten or so years of his life all over again, which was something he desperately didn't want to go through. Plus, there was a chance that he was going to be medically retired from service anyway.
After a few weeks, he no longer needed the wheelchair but now he had to use a stick to walk instead. The doctors had alerted them to the fact that he may have a limp and need walking aid for the rest of his life, so it was beginning to seem unlikely that the Navy would be comfortable giving him his old job back. Y/N, on the other hand, still had a few years left until she was permitted to ask for retirement and leave the Navy. And there was definitely less time until her next mission.
"I, uh, I just got off the phone with my Uncle Beau..." Y/N began to explain as she sat on the counter next to where he was in the process of preparing them smoothies. It had been a rather uneventful day until that call had happened, and since then, Y/N had tried to figure out how to bring it up to her husband. She wasn't quite sure how to broach the topic, so why not take the direct approach first? "Hey honey, can you turn that off for a second?" she asked him, gesturing at the blender.
Bob nodded and turned off the machine, then he walked towards and leaned against the opposite counter. She took a deep breath. She didn't say anything at first, just looked him straight in the eye. "Bobby..." she started hesitantly, watching his face carefully. "I don't know how else to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it, okay? I'm being deployed next month."
"Oh." It came out almost in a whisper after what seemed like an eternity. His mind raced, trying desperately to find a response, but no words came out. "But, uh," he tried, clearing his throat as he forced his voice to sound stronger than it felt, "How, how long for?"
"Three months." That was an obscene amount of time to be apart, especially when he'd only been without her for only a few hours for as long as he could remember. So, naturally, he panicked a little. The thought of her leaving made his stomach tighten uncomfortably, his breathing becoming more laboured as tears sprung into his eyes, but they didn't fall just yet.
"You're going to leave me?" he asked, voice slightly louder than normal, although he tried to control it. He couldn't help it. He just had to get it out somehow. The words hung in the air as if he had said it as a statement. Not a question. Just an accusation. He stared at her, waiting for her answer while hoping desperately that she hadn't heard it, yet she had.
There was no denying the pain in her eyes. It tore through every muscle in his body. His mouth fell open, but nothing came out. His chest rose up and down, but nothing. Everything else stopped working except for his heartbeat. It filled his ears, drowning out everything else around him. She was leaving. She was really leaving him. Those thoughts went through his head too fast, too fast to process. He couldn't see any other way to react, other than to simply stand there and stare at her.
The tears started falling from his eyes as he watched her slowly get off the counter and wrap her arms around him. As she hugged him, he allowed himself a small sob, burying his face into her neck. Y/N kissed the top of his head lightly. Then she pulled away, placing her hands on each side of his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks.
"I'll be back," she cooed, looking deeply into his eyes and placing her forehead against his, causing him to close his eyes momentarily. He could feel her breath against his face, and suddenly, he found it hard to breathe again. Her lips were just inches away from his own, but he didn't dare move to kiss her. The urge to was overwhelming, but at the same time, he was afraid of the repercussions.
They weren't intimate. Affectionate, maybe. A quick peck here and there. A hug. Gentle hands in the other's hair. That was it. The kind that affectionate friends would do. Even then, she almost always initiated since he was so preoccupied with not overwhelming her and pushing his luck. There had to have been a thousand occasions during their relationship when he'd been about to do something that would push those boundaries, then remember her feelings, and he'd hesitate, unable to risk that rejection.
It was rare that he acted out, but the fear of losing her was strong enough that he had been overcome with it. He needed her, and he had tried everything to hold onto her, but it didn't stop him wanting more. And now that he had a limited time, it wasn't as easy to resist the urge to kiss her, touch her, show his love through acts that he wouldn't usually dare to do. The desire was burning bright inside him, and despite everything, his body had already decided to give in for what he wanted. What he needed.
His hands grabbed her hips and pulled her against his body, his mouth finding hers as he kissed her hungrily, his lips desperate as they pressed against hers with such urgency that it made Y/N stumble backwards, causing her to grab his shoulders to steady herself. He took advantage of the lack of resistance to press her against the kitchen island and swiping his tongue against her lower lip, asking for entrance, which she granted like he imagined she used to.
Despite the passion, it was still rather snotty and messy and juvenile, but, to be fair, they couldn't help it. They were out of practice, and on Bob's side, he couldn't remember ever kissing anyone this way. It was awkward at best, but it also served as a wonderful distraction, allowing for Bob to forget all about what was to come and focus solely on this beautiful woman that was his. His love for her. That was what mattered most to him right now. He knew it was wrong to let go of the situation so quickly, but they just couldn't wait anymore. Bob needed more. This brief moment of bliss was the closest thing he'd ever got to how they used to be.
When she pulled back, her expression was unreadable as she looked up at him. He smiled as he wiped away her teary eyes and gently brushed some of her hair behind her ear with one finger before cupping her cheek with the other. He could see her eyes flicker across his face as she attempted to make sense of what had just happened.
"Sorry, I..." Y/N mumbled as she looked away, trying to think of something to say that would explain the mess of contradictory thoughts in her head. She retracted herself from him slowly and stood there awkwardly as he looked at her. "I...uh. I need a minute."
And then she was retreating into the spare room, closing the door firmly behind her as she did. Bob let himself slouch against the counter in disappointment, his hand dragging down his face as he sighed heavily. He had expected this outcome, yet he couldn't quite believe that it was actually happening. He was so used to having Y/N by his side, to have someone who understood that he didn't quite understand how to cope without her.
Had he just ruined things? After they'd been rebuilding, had he just fucked it all up? Thrown it all away? No. Of course not. Around half an hour later, Y/N reappeared like nothing had happened and sat beside him on the couch, questioning, "What we watching tonight?" as her butt hit the cushion. Bob gave her a quick glance as if she was crazy before turning back to the screen.
"This architect lady hit her head and is now stuck in a rom com, which is ironic because she says she hates them."
"Hmm... interesting." Y/N chuckled as she leaned back into the corner of the sofa, glancing over at Bob, who was shifting in his seat uncomfortably, looking anywhere but at her. She arched a questioning eyebrow before opening her mouth, only to close it and decide to comfort him physically rather than struggle to get the words out.
Lying down, she opened her arms for him. Hesitating for only a moment, he jumped forward to cuddle up against her, resting his head on her chest and listening to the beating of her heart, Bob's fingers traced random patterns on her arm. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, whispering, "I'm sorry. It was a bit too much all at the same time, y'know? I could've been nicer about it, could've explained, I'm sorry," against his skin.
"No, no, I'm sorry, darlin. I shouldn't have done that. It was a bad moment to choose to do that," Bob apologised, looking into her eyes with guilt etched into every line on his face.
A laugh bubbled out of her throat. "It was a bad moment to choose. You did manage to spook me." She placed her left hand on his cheek, running her thumb slowly across his stubbly jawline and stroking it softly until he relaxed. "But it was worth it. I've missed making out with you, I'll admit."
"Oh yeah?" Bob's face lit up, and he nudged his nose into hers. "Can I?"
Good naturedly, Y/N rolled her eyes as she closed the distance between their mouths. She felt him smile against her lips, his body relaxing and melting into hers. One of his hands rested on the small of her back while hers held his face in place, guiding him closer until he was crowding every single one of her senses, making everything else fade away. His kisses were light yet demanding, full of passion and passion alone. She let herself fall into it completely, letting herself delve deeper into whatever world his soft lips and gentle touches created for her.
Everything else fell away. Nothing else existed besides him and her. Her fingers tangled themselves tightly in his hair, and she tugged lightly on it, eliciting a low moan from him before they broke away briefly for air, leaving him panting and smiling against her cheek. He knew that was as far as they were going to get for today, but that's fine. It was enough progress that he could call it a win. As long as this continued, it could only be a matter of time until they acted like a physically affectionate couple again. But it still felt nice to know that this was finally, after what had felt like a lifetime, possible to make that leap.
Softly, her hand slipped under the hem of his shirt and rubbed up and down his spine comfortingly. Their bodies were aligned perfectly as he leaned his head onto her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck and smiling. These little moments of intimacy reminded her that despite everything, he was still her man, no matter what. She felt him sigh in contentment and knew he was thinking the same thing.
After all, he was a tactile person, she knew that, and holding out on him for so long made her feel like an asshole. It was difficult to navigate. There was this need in her to put the brakes on sometimes because, even though he was Bobby, he was still finding out what sort of things he liked and she never wanted to cross a boundary that she knew previous Bobby would've been fine with only to find out that that wasn't the case anymore.
It was like walking a tightrope. Every single step forward was a risk. And she was scared, so so afraid that the balance could tip at any moment and she would lose her hold on what remained of her sanity and plummet towards the earth below. She wasn't ready to give up her old life with him. It had been a good life. A really really good life. And now, when he was starting to find his feet in new ways, she couldn't ruin it by having a meltdown.
With the way he was looking at her - his eyes big, wide, and filled with hope - she couldn't keep the butterflies out of her stomach any longer. This was her husband, she knew that, but she'd been trying to ignore all of the love he'd been trying to give her. Seeing him here, all cuddled up to her, waiting to take his first steps towards building a future together?
Well, now she couldn't help but melt. She loved him. So much. But was he ready? What if everything changed tomorrow? What if he realised that this version of him wasn't meant to be with her? What if--
"What's your go-to karaoke song, darlin?" Bob asked and gestured towards the scene playing on the screen. She hummed a few times while thinking.
"We always used to do a duet."
"Somethin stupid."
"How does that one go?"
"Don't make me sing it."
"Come on! Please?" Bob pleaded, pouting as he tried to convince Y/N to go along with his request. She smiled gently at him, shaking her head. "Please please please? I'd sing it with you if I knew it."
Cheeks reddening a tinge, Y/N took a breath to try and remember the words to the song. She cleared her throat slightly before beginning to sing. Although her voice started out very timid and almost a bit shaky, the more she sang, the easier it became to get through the lyrics.
🎵I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me🎵
She blushed harder, a brighter red colour creeping up her cheeks as he listened intently to her sing. She felt a little silly, but he seemed to enjoy her singing anyway, so she didn't mind. His eyes roamed her entire being, and his expression became softer, his smile wider, his ears turning redder as well.
🎵Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you🎵
If it were possible, Bob's smile grew even dopier. Sure, her voice wasn't the best, but it was the sweetest thing he'd ever heard. Her hand was still rubbing circles against his back, her movements getting slower and slower, the warmth of her touch lingering on every spot. It felt like nothing he ever experienced before, and he wished time stood still just so that they could stay like this forever.
🎵I can see it in your eyes
You still despise the same old lines
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you
For me it's true
And never seemed so right before🎵
They used to sing this together, huh, that thought swirled around his mind. He could practically hear them singing, laughing and smiling, the words echoing in the air and making his heart warm with happiness, a contented smile curving across his features. And without having actually experienced it, he missed it.
🎵I practise every day to find some clever
Lines to say
To make the meaning come true
But then I think I'll wait until the evening
Gets late
And I'm alone with you🎵
As she neared the end of the song, Y/N finally got the courage to catch Bob's eye. She could feel his gaze on her, watchful and expectant, and her heart began pounding hard as she looked into those gorgeous blue eyes. The look of utter adoration in his eyes urged her to continue.
🎵The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I -🎵
Before she could end the lyrics, however, she found her lips pressed against his, silencing her tune and thoughts immediately. His lips pressed softly against hers, giving her no room to argue or pull away. With a gentle moan escaping her lips, Y/N melted into him, wrapping her arms securely around him and pulling him even closer until he was practically crushing her with the amount of love he held inside his heart for her.
His hands moved to her hair, tangling themselves in her curls as their lips locked in a deep kiss. Their tongues danced against each other, teasing, begging for access to each other's mouths. Y/N could feel Bob's excitement seep into their kiss. "I can see myself getting addicted to this," Bob breathed in between kisses. "You're so addictive."
For the rest of the movie, the pair continued snogging, both of them lost in the moment of their own private world. The movie played on with no interruption from either of the lovers. Even though it was a romantic comedy, the two couldn't bring themselves to care much at that point. All they could focus on was the other. The feelings brewed in their chests, their hearts beating frantically beneath their skin, filling them up with anticipation for what the following month might bring for them.
More progress was made the next day as Y/N had gotten tired of sleeping in the spare room. She was about to lie down and thought, 'actually no, I want to sleep in my own bed tonight'. "Hey Bobby," Y/N spoke into the walkie-talkie. "You awake?"
"Nope. I just nodded off."
That response had become a habit of them both. Although it no longer was funny - and maybe it never was - it was a little nighttime comfort they needed.
"Do you mind if I, uh, stay with you tonight? I'm kind of cold, and I've come to realise that I hate sleeping alone," Y/N asked, biting her lip nervously.
"Get on in here!"
Giggling like a schoolgirl, Y/N hurried as fast as she could to him. She hadn't realised how excited she was, how badly she wanted to be with him until she was back in their bedroom, and he was opening his arms for her to fall into. In fact, she hadn't been sure she'd be able to last another night away from him.
"Get comfortable, beautiful," he cooed as he pulled Y/N onto his chest. The way he said it so nonchalantly, so casually that she wasn't spooked at all by the sudden contact with his bare torso. He stroked her hair tenderly before placing a soft kiss on her forehead and mumbling, "I can't wait to see your bedhead in the morning," against her hair.
"Shut it, Floyd."
"What? It's the truth! Every day you've got dressed and all prepared by the time I see you. Every single day. Every single goddamn day!" Bob exclaimed while throwing his hands up in faux exasperation. "I wanna see how pretty you are when you wake up, Floyd!"
"Yeah, yeah, lay the flattery on thick, pal." She bit playfully at his shoulder, causing him to groan and push at her head affectionately. As a quick apology, she pressed a kiss to the shallow bite mark she just made, then proceeded to nuzzle into the crook of his neck and fall asleep faster than she had in months. He chuckled to himself, holding her a little tighter against him as he closed his eyes too and fell asleep soon after. Bob was overjoyed to learn that her bed head was huge and unruly in the morning.
Two days later, Y/N went from long pj's to short pj's. Three days after that, shorts and a T-shirt. Then, one of Bob's shirts and shorts. In just over a week, Y/N was back to sleeping in the same bed as her husband wearing basically nothing. Obviously, all that skin to skin contact caused a certain kind of tension between the couple, and Y/N was slowly learning how to let it play out naturally as she enjoyed every second of it. It was steadily growing in intensity each night until she found herself looking forward to waking up in his embrace almost more than any of her dreams.
Awaking with a small whine, Y/N stretched lazily, unknowingly shifting away from Bob. His arm tightened around her waist instinctively in his sleep as he buried his nose further into the back of her head. There was no escape from his arms.They had become almost too comfortable to even try to get out of them.
And, just as it had gone since the Academy, Y/N could feel a very familiar poking directly on her butt. It wasn't an uncomfortable situation, nor was it something she wasn't accustomed to, yet after abstaining for so long, it was more of an effective seduction technique than either of them would've ever guessed. Smiling to herself, she reached behind herself and slowly brushed through Bob's hair to wake him up. He grunted at first, but upon feeling something tickling his scalp and a low hum vibrating in his chest, he opened his eyes and gazed down at her.
"Did I wake you from a nice dream?" she purred as she leant back on his chest and watched him rub his eyes in an attempt to clear his vision. His face immediately turned a few shades pinker at her words.
"Yeah, yeah, it was nice. A real nice dream," Bob admitted shyly, scratching at his neck as he averted his eyes to a random spot on the wall instead of making direct eye contact with her.
"It feels like you had a real nice dream."
"What....oh," he mumbled as the realisation dawned on him. The fabric of their underwear was the only thing stopping him from being inside her. And now that the knowledge was out there, he was getting ready to start apologising profusely, but he only managed a soft, "Oh dear."
Y/N couldn't hold back her laughter. She was completely overcome with amusement as Bob tried desperately to keep a straight face despite the obvious awkwardness the situation brought forth. Eventually, after many failed attempts at hiding a smile, he was unable to keep the corners of his mouth from lifting upwards.
"Oh, so you think this is funny, huh?" he teased, squeezing her closer against him and pressing his lips to her shoulder. Her giggles filled his ears instantly, sending warm waves of satisfaction through him. "You think my boner is funny, do ya?!"
He began to move his hips slowly, pushing his pelvis against her butt in slow circles, his hands playfully squidging her waist. He felt her tense underneath him, but she soon softened and rolled her head back onto his shoulder. This only seemed to spur him on further as his fingers started tracing patterns across the skin of her stomach, leaving light trails of ticklish sensation where his touches landed.
"Bobby, I..."
Instantly, he went to back away from her, but Y/N was quick to catch his arm and bring it back towards her body. As she did so, her fingers curled around his wrist as she kept her grip firm, ensuring he didn't slip away from her again. Y/N guided his hand to rest on the hem of her underwear and let go. If he wanted to go further, they would. If he wanted to stop, well then, that was okay too. She was more than willing to give whatever he wanted or needed. "Bobby, if you wanna touch, you can," Y/N asked, peering over her shoulder for his reaction. "Do you wanna touch me?"
"Fuck, yeah, I do. Really do," Bob replied breathlessly, a huge grin spread across his face as his fingers breached beneath the elastic of her panties, slipping their way in through the fabric and lightly grazing her hot flesh. As he touched her, she moaned softly, and he knew that was all the confirmation that he needed to hear to continue his exploration.
Each drag of his finger across Y/N's skin elicited some sort of noise from her lips, which she was sure Bob didn't miss. His fingers were experimental but gentle as they travelled across her skin. And each noise she made urged him to take his hand more firmly and press harder, to make her cry out louder.
"Hey, hey, no biting that lip, okay?" He quickly unhooked her bottom lip from her front teeth with the pad of his thumb. "I need to hear every pretty little sound that comes out of your mouth, baby. You have to stop trying to muffle it."
"Let it all out for me?" His voice was smooth as silk as he traced one finger around her entrance, then slid in and out slowly, giving her ample time to push him away if she needed to. She didn't need to. She didn't want to. In fact, she welcomed everything about him: his caress, the teasing touches of his fingers, the heat and the pressure of his body against hers, his husky deep tones calling for her attention. She craved it.
When he finally decided to thrust two fingers inside her, she let out a moan. It was a loud, guttural sound that vibrated the walls of their apartment and sent shivers down Bob's spine. It sounded so fucking sexy in the quiet of the morning. It sounded so sweet and needy that Bob just couldn't resist teasing her about it.
"You like my fingers, yeah? They're pretty big, aren't they? So tough...so big..." Bob whispered in Y/N's ear. He leaned in close to her, kissing along her jawline. His tongue licked up one side of her neck before sucking hard enough to leave a mark. "Is that why you're always messing with them? You're just waiting for the moment I wise up and use them to mess with your sweet pussy instead?"
Although it had begun as a way to keep herself focused during classes, yeah, that was a recurring thought process for Y/N. His hands were bigger than hers – by a long shot – firmer, and despite their rigorous worklife, she always bought him fancy fruity smelling hand cream so his skin wasn't like sandpaper. His touch demanded her attention. It made it hard for her not to lean back and just melt against him.
"Darlin, am I talking to myself here?" he demanded and slowed his movements so she'd gather some stability in order to give him an answer. "You gotta tell me if you like what I'm doing. Am I a quick learner?"
She took in a shaky breath. "You're a very quick learner." Y/N huffed out a weak laugh as Bob continued to pump himself inside of her, her hand grasping at his forearm tight. The look of excitement in his eyes was infectious; she found herself letting out small chuckles every time his fingers moved faster. "Been missing this, been missing how good we make each other feel." She craned her head back to peer up at him, a wide grin spreading across her features and shining against her face as she bumped her nose into his. "Do you feel how wet I am?"
"Sweet thing, I can hear it." He smiled as his lips grazed her cheekbone and lingered there, his arm that had been underneath her waist and was starting to become numb came slid under the thin fabric of the tank top she'd been wearing and ran the tips of his fingers along the length of her ribs. "Can I see you? Can I finally know you look like behind this tiny fucking top?"
If that's what he wanted. Y/N kicked away the duvet that was hardly covering them anymore and waited for Bob to let her have enough space to throw her top off. She tossed it aside without a care. His gaze flickered between her face and her chest, following the path of her naked curves as her breasts moved ever so slightly with every exhalation of air.
Abruptly, he scooted away on the other side of the bed and got to his knees. Y/N followed his every movement, watching his broad shoulders rise and fall with every movement he took. She could've sworn he looked nervous for a brief moment - who wouldn't be? it was almost as if he was about to lose his virginity all over again - yet it was such a contrast to how he'd just been acting.
"You okay?"
"Just trying to get a full picture." He held up his forefinger and thumb on both hands like he was getting the mental framing of her body absolutely perfect for future reference. To top it off, Bob even made fake camera clicking noises to complete his illusion. She couldn't help but laugh. He had never once taken her seriously in these sorts of situations. It was kind of endearing.
"You're such a loser, Robert," Y/N teased.
"I must be. You just called me Robert."
"Yeah, cause we're having a sexy moment and now you're making camera noises."
With deliberately slowness and sensuality, Y/N slid her underwear down her thighs, taking her time to strip them completely off and toss the piece away. Her fingers danced back up her legs until she reached her hips, and she would've put on more of a show if Bob hadn't given in already. Bob crawled over to her without a second thought, soon hovering over her and dipping down to capture her lips with his own. Their kiss was sloppy, messy, desperate and needy all at once, filled with longing and lustful frustration.
"Am I allowed...Can I- Am I allowed to go further or would you get weirded out? I can go cool down in the shower -"
All of Bob's mutterings were drowned out when Y/N kissed her way down his neck, stopping at his pulse point and licking at the salty sweat coating his skin. He sucked in a gasp, his hands coming up to rest on her lower back to steady her. The sensation made him shudder. God, he'd wanted this for weeks now but never dared to think that it might actually happen. He wanted her. He wanted her so bad.
But that didn't mean that he wasn't worried. Worried that maybe Y/N wasn't ready for what was happening between them. Maybe she didn't feel comfortable enough being physically intimate with him after all this time. Bob tried to swallow past the lump in his throat, yet Y/N knew he was worrying - she always had a sixth sense for this kind of thing - and gently cupped the back of his head to tilt it back and plant a gentle kiss onto his forehead.
"Do you want to stop? It's okay. We don't have to do anything right now if you don't want to," Y/N said, leaning forward to peck a quick kiss onto Bob's lips. "We can just cuddle if you'd prefer, hold hands, talk, read..."
"No," he cut in, his hand moving up and down Y/N's arm slowly in soothing strokes that somehow managed to be soft and firm at the same time. "I, uh, maybe you should think about if you want...if once we're, you know, done, you're going to be alright with us...you know, this... fingers are one thing, but my dick, I don't know, that's, like, overwhelming."
"Your dick is overwhelming, is that what you’re saying?" she deadpanned, her facade barely even there.
Groaning in embarrassment, he pushed his face into her neck, hiding himself from view. "Not in that way. You know what I mean." She began carding her fingers through his hair. When he lifted his head again, she pressed a lingering kiss to the tip of his nose and watched a faint smile appear on his face. "You know exactly what I meant."
"Bobby, I kinda guessed this would happen when I woke you up this morning. I'm ready to be overwhelmed by your dick." A wicked smirk curled up the corners of her mouth as she stared up at him. He gave her a crooked smile of his own and pulled her closer to press his lips firmly against hers, his hips grinding down in haphazard circles. "Take your boxers off."
"Yes ma'am."
In a flash, Bob had flung his underwear somewhere in their bedroom and was kneeling on the bed between her legs, his hand grasping onto her thighs and pulling her toward him. And despite the fact it was torturous to do so, Bob still took his cock into his palm and teased his head along her folds. "Put your cock in me."
"Say, please."
Y/N rolled her eyes, unable to believe the audacity of this man in front of her. Any idea that he was nervous had been thrown out the window. Honestly, it was nice that he hadn't reverted to the shy and awkward guy that she'd first got together with. Nevertheless, she did as he asked. "Please, baby. Please put your cock in me."
The look in his eye when he glanced down at her was so hot it left her breathless. There was this hunger inside of him, an unquenchable fire that she could no longer deny. And who was he to deny such a request? He could do nothing else but comply with Y/N's wishes. As soon as she spoke those words, all thoughts and reservations vanished from his mind, so, with an eager nod, Bob positioned his cock at her entrance, and began to slide himself into her wet heat.
Immediately, Y/N grabbed hold of his upper arms, bringing him close so that she could lock her legs around his waist, holding him deep within her. Bob bit his lip so hard he feared that it may bleed, but it was all worth it to watch her like this, the look on her face so pure and honest it took his breath away. "Oh god..."
"Give me a second," she urged. "I'm out of practice." She closed her eyes shut and breathed deeply before allowing herself to relax into Bob as much as her body was willing to let her. It felt good to be able to finally let the burden lift from her shoulders and give him her all.
With his hands comfortingly sliding up and down her waist, it didn't take long for her to adjust to the sensations of being stretched and filled and stretched some more. The friction of his palms, the warmth of his chest against her own, and the light tickle of stubble on his chin as he kept kissing her neck, shoulder and collarbone brought a shiver up her spine.
"Attaboy." Her words were accompanied by a small smack to his ass that earned a chuckle from him. Then, her tone turned husky as Y/N teased, "I've adjusted to your overwhelmingly big dick, Lieutenant. Feel free to move whenever you're ready."
Honestly, Bob was out of practice, too. Although, he couldn't remember a time when he was in practice. Whatever the case, he was glad they'd taken a quick breather since she felt so, so good and he didn't want to cum immediately. That would've been so anticlimactic in every sense of the word. "Whenever I'm ready? I've been waiting for you," he jeered back, his fingers tightening on her hips as he rolled his hips to hit a spot deeper inside of her. A whimper escaped her lips and she arched upwards into him, one of her hands gripping onto his biceps. "God, that was a pretty noise..."
He trailed off when she started a teasing, sloppy line of kisses down his neck, biting into his skin softly and leaving behind little marks of pleasure everywhere he went. He moaned low with each slow thrust of his hips. While every single stroke of her hand across his back only made him harder. And fuck, he loved it. It was like a drug, something that made every single cell in his body sing and dance and hum with delight; that feeling of satisfaction, the rush of adrenaline that coursed through him.
Although adrenaline has its limits. As their loving embrace upped in pace as they neared the finish line, all of a sudden Bob stopped with a groan and let all his weight fall on top of Y/N. He didn't cum, she would've felt that. Yet, he cleared up any confusion with a mumble of, "Fuuuck, thigh cramp.
Whispering comforting words in his ear, Y/N massaged his thigh to the best of her ability whilst Bob buried his nose in the crook of her neck. "It's okay," she comforted. "Just relax, pretty boy." They laid like that for a while. They laid there until he could feel his muscle stop aching, and Y/N slowly helped him sit up against the headboard.
Disgruntled, he let out a quiet sigh while running a hand down his face. "Sorry I ruined, uh, this. The mood, whatever..."
"I don't know about you, but I'm still in the mood." She perched on his lap, each knee on either side of his hips. He smiled as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'm happy to do the work if you wanna continue." His answer was to lean forward and attach his lips to her chest, kissing, sucking and nipping at any place or area he pleased until he finally pulled away, looked up at her, and nodded. So, with his permission, she guided the head of his cock to her entrance once again and sank down on it. "Enjoy the show, yeah? You don't need to do anything else."
"Yeah," he breathed as she began to bounce up and down on his cock, taking him all in while she held his face in her hands and kissed him, his tongue stroking hers lazily, as his hands roamed across her back, caressing every curve and dip, every inch of skin he found. His fingers worked feverishly, kneading at her flesh in just the right places to elicit soft moans from the depths of her throat.
It felt like an eternity. An eternity he never wanted to end. The feel of her slick walls enveloping him, the way her muscles contracted around his length, and the sounds of her cries of joy, as she rode him with passion, made the room spin. All the while, he felt her hand moving rhythmically over his face, cupping his cheek with gentle strokes. He was in heaven. He was in paradise. He was so lost in her beauty that he barely realised the knot in his stomach was about to snap until it was too late.
"Keep going, keep, oh fuck, you haven't...keep going until you cum," he begged, his voice hoarse with lust. His eyes were half opened, his cheeks flushed pink with exertion, and the muscles in his abdomen tensed every which way as he fought to deal with how overstimulated he was becoming. To help her along, he quickly found her clit to circle his thumb over, causing her to throw her head back in pleasure and her chest further into his face. "Come on, darlin'. I can tell that you're really close, baby," he encouraged, watching her face scrunch up in pleasure as her orgasm came crashing down upon her.
Bob came to the conclusion that a month of this wasn't enough, but since that was their timer for now, he was going to savour every single moment. And he was going to make sure there were a lot of fucking moments.
Next Chapter -> Service With A Smile
*Click here for my Bob Floyd masterlist (including Rhett Abbott and Miles Miller), or here for the entire masterlist*
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I'm so sick of it...
Fandoms: Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Avengers, The First Avenger
Rating: R
Warnings: Spider-son & Iron-dad, Humor, Sarcasm, Superheroes, School, Secret identity
      I'm so sick of everything... I was home by dawn again today! That's the third time this damn week! Some jerk also managed to shoot me today! I don't want tony to find out, or it's gonna get ugly. I'm tired of hacking into Karen and her security protocols. Why do criminals always think that night is the perfect time to do their dirty work (the visibility is terrible!). Why can't they go on a case at...7:00 p.m.?! It fits my schedule. I'm sick of sleeping nine hours.... A WEEK! And then there's this homework! That's why teacher can't just ask me about the subject and let me go! Why do I have to waste an hour of my time on this nonsense instead of getting some sleep!!!? For the last three days, even Flash hasn't touched me! Said that when he looks at me, he thinks I'm about to start decomposing! And that's an indicator! Yeah, I even went into a stupor, because to Eugene, it's almost a full-fledged admission that he's worried about me! For me! If it weren't for Ned, I'd probably still be standing there, trying to regain my composure. So now I'm getting ready for school, and I pray that Ned or Mei won't notice my strange gait (I broke the arm of that unfit shooter for a reason, after all). I'm so sleepy...
At school.
What a day. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the school, Ned came at me with a "friendly pat on the shoulder. What an effort it took for me to let out a groan of pain for a yawn after the patrol and a more or less cheerful smile. And I got a very unhappy, even accusing, look! He was enthusiastic about my darker side of life, and he asked to be my coordinator... and generally acted like a normal teenager when he found out that his best friend was a superhero. I'm not even sure how much I'm supposed to eat and sleep, and if he finds out about my injuries... I'll be nearly hysterical in two, or three, voices. Even though he's MY friend, he's not shy about calling Stark (or even Mae, which is several times worse for me personally) and asking them to talk sense into me.
And if only they were all super righteous, but no. Ned himself can only get two hours of sleep because of a new game release, Mei often stays up all night at work, and Mr. Just Call Me Tony is not even worth talking about. I'm sick and tired of hearing Pepper complain about his regimen/irresponsibility/eating one coffee( underline ). I don't even try to appeal to their conscience anymore. I won't get any results anyway. And how can I explain to them that I am old enough to decide for myself how to live? Why does everyone think I'm not capable of anything? Mei and the Avengers are always trying to protect me in every way, which is nice, but sometimes their concern goes way over the line and more like insanity and some kind of fanaticism. The bugs in all my clothes, shoes and equipment from Tony, Natasha and Bucky. Bucky...I hoped to the last minute that he wouldn't be affected by this, but, as experience has shown, hope dies in agony.
Crap... we have to go somewhere again... And why can't we, like in junior high school, stay in the same class? Okay, it's time to go now, or Ned's hand will soon fall off waving his arm like that from across the hall.
Biology lesson.
My side hurts... How did that jerk manage to shoot me?! I haven't even had time to eat yet today, but you can't count an apple and toast as food, can you? I can't even regenerate my wounds anymore. Although, after I get some sleep, it ought to be easier. Mr. Higgins is just so monotonously telling us about the structure of plant cells (and why does he repeat this topic to us EVERY year?). God himself tells me to close my eyes and take a nap... Anyway, I know this topic even better than the teacher. Finally a nap...
"the sound of gunshots and shattering glass"
Man, what the hell's making noise in here!
- Everybody on the floor, hands on your heads! We've got the whole school hostage! One peep out of you and I'll blow your heads off!
Why today? I'm so sick of you! I wonder if these terrorists have any say in their demands, or if their grey matter is not enough for that. And for ruining their sleep, I'll twist their heads off and shove them into...ah-ah-ah. Anyway, they're dead. As long as tony doesn't find out about this.... Before he's supposed to. Don't make him nervous...
Hell, they're total amateurs! It's even disrespectful to me after all this time catching criminals. Why exactly were we attacked by these idiots. While I was thinking about it, they just chased us into the auditorium and didn't even tie us up! They're standing there, quietly discussing their plans. Where do such idiots come from? What do they want?
I'll kill them! These degenerates have the idea to write to the main forum StarkIn and demand a ransom for the lives of children! Friday's got my school number. That means Tony and the others already know. It can't get any worse than this.
An outsider's view.
If anyone had looked at Peter's face at that moment, they would have noticed the rapidity with which the emotions of anger, horror, doom, frustration, and some strange determination swept across his face. And so, after he had obviously made some kind of decision for himself, the SHOW began!
No one in the office, except Ned and probably Michelle, who couldn't tell anything from her face, expected that the nerdy, weakling, and Flash's favorite punching toy, Peter Parker, would easily take down half the gang and swaddle the other half with a spider web and hang them from the ceiling.
Just then, a bright red silhouette flashed outside the window, and Peter's face became even sullen with frustration and doom.... That was the face he used when break the ringleader's arm.
There was a clang of glass and the entire Avengers team flew into the room.
-Spider, are you okay!?
-Are you all right!?
-These bastards didn't do anything to you!?
That's the first thing I heard from Tony, Bucky and Natasha respectively. The rest of the team was still looking around the room. I have to answer them, because they are already unhealthily looking at these carcasses, and I do not want to break the psyche of my classmates and teachers even more. Yes, and the image of good heroes need to maintain.
-Guys, I'm fine! Do you really think that these amateurs can do anything to me!
And that's exactly the moment my stomach wound needed to open up and soak my sweatshirt in blood! What the hell is the law of meanness!? Why now!?
- So they did hurt you!  Stark, call the doctor! Now! - I want to get as far away from her as possible when Natasha talks like that. (Which Tony confirmed without the slightest resentment and obeyed the order.) Maybe it's for the best, though. I wouldn't have to make up excuses for another hole in my stomach.
Immediately there was a commotion, they brought me a doctor, my classmates had already recovered from their shock and began to wonder, "What was that all about?'' I had already begun to prepare for a full-scale interrogation upon my return. I was also a little nervous about the imminent discovery of my alter ego. And I wanted so badly to keep it a secret. But, globally speaking, everything was going smoothly, though not perfectly. It shouldn't be too much trouble. And it should have been at this point that Ned came out:
-Mr. Stark, he wasn't shot today!
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
😒 I'm really hearing my mom complain that the report card wrote my brother's grade as an "A" instead of an "A+" because he has "three hundreds" and laughing abt how he's "finally set straight" and "running after every single point" because he understands he's not allowed to let his grade fall, and like WOMAN, we're both going to (am in) Community College, grades don't mean shit. They accept everyone, there's no reason to be so fanatic, you're not getting additional benefits, just wasted effort.
(2) Context being him staying after school to retake a Spanish quiz because it was "two points less" than a perfect score, I'm baffled. That's hardly worth the extra time. I operate on a mentality of "if the extra effort isn't changing the result or if I'm not getting anything in return, then screw it." Teach gives an A regardless if it's a shitty essay or a high quality essay following the rules? I'll write a paragraph and get that A. Teacher assigns essay and has no intention of grading it? (3) Now then why the hell would I do the work? True stories, both of them. Which my mom thinks is ridiculous on my part, and I know she's gonna cause a fuss about him acing the SATs. Which I had so much anxiety over only to discover that no, my whole future did not hinge on this stupid test. AFTER I took it, lovely. Could've taken it with a relaxed mindset and the months leading up. (4) Despite what I say, I have such a seething jealousy or annoyance, can't tell the difference, over her saying her son is going to "top" Highschool too, like. Sure, GL competing against the 5.0 AP Class Valedictorians, this ain't middle school. I'm ticked because that kid had no competition EVER, his classmates are afraid to take a single Honors Class. Meanwhile, mine were getting grades "above 100" it broke the fucking grade book limit. I know this because our teaches made grades public. (5) You can imagine how floored I was to be considered "smart" in a standard Highschool when I spent my whole life thinking I was stupid. Oh, and the icing on the cake is that my brother clearly has Autism and I have ADHD but to her, when brought up by people she's like "nO he's NORMAL" because he gets good grades. Like people with Autism can't be smart. If I say anything about it, it's "how dare you say that about your brother" I'M NOT SAYING ITS BAD. (6) I need her to understand that this is just a part of us instead of ignoring it, and that it's not something "not functioning" kids have, which rude. Instead she's content filling in the silence of my brother not speaking and his small gestures and words that I understand far more clearly than she ever would with her own delusions. There's a reason my brother talks to me about the "truth" instead of her. And I get so ticked when my brain goes brrrr and I gotta bounce around the house. (7) I don't realize I'm doing it, I just get this physical and psychological urge to go zoom, and she's telling her friends how I still act like a cute little 5 year-old bouncing on the toes of her feet which I find so insulting, that is NOT what I'm doing. It's a struggle, I'm trying to act normal, this is not cute or quirky and not a expression of how happy I am with life. It's just a physical release of Too Much Emotion and Thoughts stop looking and pointing it out. (8) I know you're taking a break from Uni, and good on you for respecting yourself as a person and caring about your mental health. That has far more worth than High Academia ever will, because you have a soul, your degree does not. I'm going to do my best to make sure my mom doesn't succeed with her whole "it's a waste of smarts if he doesn't become a neurosurgeon" thing when I know he doesn't want that. It's so easy for people to just say things without caring about the reality of the work. (9) I'm so unconventional in many ways I'm not saying, but hey 🤝 You do your best too, to live life at your pace making your own choices. Fifty years from now, this life will still be yours that you'll be living, nobody else. It's important to go with what makes you happy, and society doesn't care one bit what you do really. You're not a performer on a stage. There's no rush, and nothing is ever a waste. I hope you continue to heal and experience the funnest of days with friends, I'll try too!
Firstly, I want to apologise to you nonnie, you sent this ask a long time ago now and I'm only just getting to it. I'll admit, they amount you sent was quite daunting, especially when I received multiple asks with the same length.
I'm so sorry what you've had to go through with your mother about your education. I swear some people try and live through children and force them to succeed where they failed or force them on the path they went through because "I did it so my child can too, what do you mean they don't want too?!"
I'm happy to hear you can be a support to your brother, in a situation like yours where your stress is coming from your parent, you're not getting the support you need from your parents, especially if she's ignoring your mental health and neurodivergent disorders. I hope your brother is able to support you too.
Education really isn't worth the stress we go under, especially the pressure placed on students by parents and education. It just leads us to people struggling more and more until they can't do their education... That's what happened to me at first, where I felt like I couldn't turn to anyone because I thought my parents had put an expectation of univeristy on me.
I made the right choice to drop out of education and am now looking into interests that don't drain me mentally with the help of my therapist (for years I denied myself following art as a passion but now I'm getting support from everyone to try and I couldn't be more touched) and I hope moving forward you and your brother are able to follow paths that you want to do, not what you feel forced down.
Good luck Nonnie, I'll be backing you.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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It's not a great picture but it proves the point this is used this size excavator on many real projects due to its size and versatility and the size of the excavator really counts and it's a different company it's not ours is bobcat and they're famous company. The machines are heavier and they're fairly rugged but they have a tendency to break down and they also get stuck a lot. And everything's out there drive to system is a little awkward but they're fairly rugged by comparison to other small excavating companies. I was just more rugged than theirs and last longer this size unit is used most often it's the size unit that our sun used to dig the pool and he used to Chinese version can't remember the name right now but it's like techamaki and it seems like that it's close but it was a decent excavator he said but part of the entire main part of the machine failed on him when he was using it and they didn't mention it at the rental place because they didn't want to pay him back the money and then they tried to get it back out of him but it was really the unit that broke down in his lack of maintenance and I couldn't use the high-speed so it took longer you should have called and have them fix it but they didn't feel like it. And they want to use it against him so his life is tough I'm saying it now. This machine is awesome though and we have it and it is $15,000 keep in mind it's RTA you have to assemble it and that's why it's less expensive most excavators this size and that power level and it has a very very powerful high rip out go for about 35,000 minimum and $45,000 normally it's a specialist piece of equipment they say it really is you have to put the same effort and you put in a big one cuz you have to use cranes and so forth it takes the same amount of time. And we plan to sell some of these and we do sell the trailer and most of our pickup trucks that we sell by Sim and s y m m and even the small one the new small one not to bring some Stratton truck that won't carry that one it'll carry the small one that we took a picture of but not bigger which is still a very heavy load can carry it a regular pickup trucks and usually Ford f-250s can't carry it can't tow it and are not recommended to tow it
He had an awesome time using it it's a lot of fun he's a complete amateur he says and he is granted he has some coordination and he has skill but a lot of you can handle it it is a wonderful machine and he used it pretty adeptly not as quick as this guy but fairly quick for someone who's never used it before and he was pretty good at okay now the guy there was not an obvious and he pushed him out and yeah it was John rima Lord and he was an a****** about it and he told me to load it up and he took money you know he's a dick that guy and he made his day bad his mom noticed that he was upset and figure out who he was said boy that guy is a huge a****** huge people start going after him for it. So give the money back loser and he wouldn't addict he's a horse's ass he's lost so much stuff and he keeps doing it and keeps losing so we're wondering why he's doing it everyone is. And our son says he's doing it for an act to make it appear like he gets stuff like the ships and he thinks he's probably getting him but he can't figure it out cuz he's very stupid and people are fooling him and he's a complete retard and he's injured and he can't tell if he has it or not and we do agree that is what it is LOL
Hardcastle Frank Castle
He's making noises and he's saying stupid s*** in space and boy that guy is a huge loser I want him out tons of people do listen to peaceful until the a****** comes by so we're going to work on it now but really this piece of equipment is awesome and it does a ton of work and we sell a ton of them and it is RTA and it comes in a box and it's very heavy once you set it down when you say to sat down it's not moving until you put it together and start it up for the most part it's a great piece of equipment and you're going to love it it's not too much to the assembly it comes with a chance to assemble and the motor is pre-installed and it's kind of like a hard knock kicker 5150 you have to attach the bucket and the arm and some hydraulic hoses and some other items to start it up that's pretty much it it doesn't make any sense to break it down because it won't fit any better in a box
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
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itsdanii · 4 years
Rejecting you and regretting it
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: slight cursing, rude behavior (resolved), do message me if I forgot any.
ft. sakusa kiyoomi, tsukishima kei
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
you're not oblivious to the fact that kiyoomi is a very conscious person
that's one of the things you loved about him
he was hygienic and he always made sure that his health was his utmost priority
but one downside is that kiyoomi had the tendency to push people away because of his straightforwardness
you were used to it and in fact, you were one of those people he tolerated
but everyone has their bad days
and unfortunately for you, today was kiyoomi's and since you were always attached to him by the hip, he unintentionally snapped at you
what's worse is that he snapped at you the moment you confessed to him
"Omi!" you shouted happily as you entered the gymnasium, giving Komori a small wave before making your way to where Kiyoomi was sitting.
He looked at you with a frown. He wasn't wearing a mask since they were training awhile ago and only took a quick break. "Y/n, what are you doing here?"
You sat beside him making Kiyoomi grimace and slightly move away. You frowned at him, completely displeased at the action. "I just wanted to give you a visit. Plus, I have something to tell you."
You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously. You practiced your confession several times already but doing it seemed harder than you thought.
"What is it? Talk, I'm not in the right mood to socialize right now."
Out of panic, you quickly blurted out a rather loud, "I like you!" You immediately covered your mouth with your hand and stared at him wide eyed.
The other players looked at you with sympathy, knowing what's about to happen. Out of all days, you really had to confess today, when Kiyoomi was in a pissy mood after several fangirls pushed themselves against him this morning, not minding his personal space.
Kiyoomi stared at you with a serious expression before standing up. "I don't like you. Leave."
"But Omi.."
"You're irritating and you always bother me when it is clear that I don't want your company." He turned around and left you on the bench, your head casted down in humiliation.
You whispered a small sorry before running out of the gym with tears falling from your eyes.
For the next few days, you did your very best to stay away from Kiyoomi. You changed your route to school knowing that your usual route meant that you have to pass by his house. Even if you got scolded several times for being late, you did not stop.
You sat near the door so you can easily exit the room after class. You even stopped eating with Komori and Kiyoomi during breaks and lunch. Even your usual routine of visiting the gym during practices was stopped.
At first, Kiyoomi didn't mind. He knew that you'd come back in a few days just like you always did. You like him after all, right?
But when a few days turned into weeks, He started getting bothered. Why weren't you pestering him like always? Why did you stop visiting him? You said you like him, right?
It was the second week that Kiyoomi took action. He woke up extra early to wait for you infront of your house, aiming to confront you about your behavior.
When you went out, your eyes widened slightly upon seeing Kiyoomi waiting for you outside. He was wearing his face mask while staring at you intently, letting you know that he purposely waited for you.
You looked down and was about to walk pass him when you felt him tugging on your wrist. Your gaze snapped to his hand, not believing that he was indeed touching your skin.
His eye twitched at the weirdness of you not calling him like usual. Sighing, he stepped a little closer to you, hand still holding your wrist to ensure that you won't run away from him.
"You're ignoring me," he said while eyeing you. "Why?"
You took your hand from him and furrowed your brows. "I'm just doing you a favor. I don't want to be a bother anymore. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"It's fine, Sakusa. You don't have to force yourself to apologize just because you feel bad or obliged to."
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I'm not apologizing because I feel bad."
"Then what? You're apologizing just to make fun of me? I know I said I like you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to-"
"You don't get it!"
At this point, you were both raising your voices. Some passersby were looking at you two weirdly, some even running as to not get caught up in the fight.
"Get what, Sakusa? Why don't you tell me so I can understand?!"
"I like you!" Kiyoomi exclaimed. "I... Fuck. I like you, okay? I wasn't in the mood when you confessed and I rejected you without thinking. I messed up. The moment I saw you walk out, I knew I fucked up real bad and I-"
"And I thought that you'd come back the next day to bother me again like usual. I wanted to apologize but my pride-"
You sighed as he continued to ramble. With fast movements, you stood on your tiptoes and encircled your arms around his neck to pull him down to you, kissing him over his mask.
When you let go, Kiyoomi was silent. His eyes were wide and you thought that you went over board. Panic made its way to your face as you try to find the words to explain.
"Sorry, I didn't me-"
This time, he was the one to cut you off. Kiyoomi took off his mask and bent down to kiss you on your lips. One of his arms snaked around your waist to support you while the other settled on your nape, angling you to him.
"Be my s/o."
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Tsukishima Kei
Everyone in Karasuno knew how much you like Tsukishima
In fact, you remind him everyday
You often give him fresh strawberries from the market and even bake him strawberry cake
Sometimes, you would put little sticky notes on his belongings and write some encouraging words like "you can do it", "I believe in you" or "take it easy!"
On his birthday, you even gave him a hoodie with a dino design (which he secretly loved)
There are times that you knew Tsukishima gets irritated when you visit and even snaps at you but you didn't mind. You liked him and a small snap will not discourage you
But what you didn't know was that it would only take one conversation to completely shatter your heart
"-And they're back," Sugawara said as he saw you enter the gym, a bubbly smile present on your face as usual.
"Kei!" You skipped your way towards Tsukishima and handed him his water bottle which you voluntarily refilled with hot water.
He only gave you a 'tsk' and took the water bottle. Adjusting his glasses, he stared at you from head to toe as if analyzing you, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
"What are you looking at? Have you finally come to realize that you like me back?" you cheekily asked, poking his bicep.
"No. I was just wondering how someone could look so ugly."
Despite what he said, you forced yourself to giggle, covering your upset feeling with an eye roll. "Oh shut up, Kei. You don't have to hide it, you know? Don't worry, I'm not going to reject you."
You winked at him causing Tsukishima to blush even more.
The rest of the boys snickered and laughed at his reaction which made Tsukishima more embarrassed than he already is.
"Just confess to the girl already, Tsukishima. Can't you see she's trying hard to win you?" Daichi said with a small chuckle while patting Tsukishima's back.
Tsukishima just huffed and pushed his glasses up. "What's there to like? They're nothing but an eyesore anyway."
"What?" you asked in disbelief.
Having a playful banter with Tsukishima was normal in your routine but this was the first time he called you such an offensive term. Does he really think of you that way?
"Oh come on, stop acting dumb. I don't even get why there are guys running after you. I mean, there's really nothing much to look at, right?"
Everyone grew quiet at what he said, clearly not expecting Tsukishima to be at such level of rudeness.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat as your insecurity skyrocketed. "I try hard every single day to look presentable to you. I-"
You paused for a moment to laugh pathetically at yourself. "I exert a lot of effort to make you notice me. I cook for you, I give you gifts. Heck, I even stay after class to help clean the gym so that the task would be easier for you and I'm not even asking for anything in return."
Tsukishima glared at you sharply that you immediately felt extremely smaller than him. "I never asked you to do those things for me."
"Can't you at least show me that you care?" You wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Because I'm slowly getting tired of this push and pull game."
"Don't you get it? I don't like you. Why don't you stop pushing yourself to me and start getting a life, hm?"
"Tsukishima, that's enough!" you heard Daichi yell at him.
"Y/n?" Sugawara was immediately beside you, his hand rubbing circles on your back in attempt to calm you down.
"No-" You lifted your face up to meet Tsukishima's eyes. "I think he's right. I should stop being a nuisance and focus on myself."
"I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry," you said before giving Tsukishima a bow and leaving the gym with everyone's eyes following your figure until the door shut.
Everyone could only look at Tsukishima as he cursed under his breath.
The moment you left the gym, you headed straight to the comfort room to let your tears out. You stared at yourself on the mirror as tears cascaded down your cheeks.
"You're beautiful," you reassured yourself while pointing at your own reflection. "What he said doesn't make you any less. Know your worth."
You wiped your tears and splashed your face with cold water before getting out and heading to class without sparing Tsukishima any glance.
You ignored Tsukishima, stopped visiting the gym and focused on yourself. You even made made friends with some of your classmates that you didn't bother getting associated with last time because you were too focused on capturing the attention of Tsukishima.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain male was eyeing you as you interact with other people. He blamed himself for pushing you away. He didn't talk to you, thinking that you only wanted space for a couple days before bothering him again.
He knew that what he said was out of line and he regret everything he did. He even asked Yamaguchi and the rest of the team for advice but all of them responded with the same answer - apologize and tell you how he feels.
Tsukishima gripped the pen tightly as he watched you laughing at something your classmate said. The said classmate was too close to you and it was obvious that he was trying to flirt with you.
"Tsukki?" Yamaguchi called out. He followed Tsukishima's gaze and sighed. "Why don't you go and talk to them?"
"Tsk. Why would I do that? Can't you see they're enjoying his company?" Tsukishima bitterly said.
"You'll end up losing them if you don't do something about it now. Who knows, they might already be lo-" Yamaguchi stopped as Tsukishima instantly stood up and made his way to where you are.
Taking your wrist, he pulled you towards him, heading out of the classroom.
"Tsukishima, what the hell?!" You tried to resist but his grip on your wrist only tightened.
You gasped as he suddenly stopped, trapping you against a wall with his arms beside your head.
"I'm sorry." Tsukishima closed his eyes, balling his fist as he bowed his head. "I said hurtful words to you and no amount of apology will take those away but I want you to know that I regret every single one of it."
You bit your lower lip as you felt yourself tearing up once again. "Do you really think that I'm ugly? I was hurt, Kei. It's just.."
"I'm sorry." His hand made its way to your cheek, cupping your face while he wiped your tears with his thumb. "You're not ugly."
You shook your head and averted your gaze from him, a sob escaping your lips as you felt yourself falling for him deeper. "Don't. Just stop. I'll accept your apology but please just leave me be. I won't be able to stop my feelings for you if you keep leading me on."
"But I don't want you to stop."
"I've fallen for you." He tipped your chin up with his hand making you look at him and you were surprised to see the vulnerability in his features. "Please look at me again, y/n. Keep loving me because I swear that I'll do things different this time. Give me a chance."
You can't help but encircle your arms around him, burrying your face on the side of his neck as you nodded repeatedly. "One chance, Kei."
Tsukishima hugged you tightly, lips pressing on the side of your head. "One chance." He leaned away from you and held your face with his hand, eyes boring to yours admiringly.
"You're beautiful."
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akakeiiji · 3 years
Can I request Atsumu, Osamu, Suna and Kita, with an S/O taking care of them when they're sick? Just some fluffy caretaking, and I bet Kita has the most adorable sneeze~
Thank you, you're amazing btw! <3
— Haikyuu boys when they're sick
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↳ includes — Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Suna Rintaro, Kita Shinsuke
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ATSUMU is ridiculously hardheaded and stubborn, I think anyone who's been around him for even less than an hour can see this much. So when he woke up one day with a fever and a headache he told himself to suck it up and go to school anyway because he'd be damned if he were to miss a day of training. However, he didn't make it very far because his teacher sent him home before lunch lmao. He hates being sick but he does like the fact that it means he gets extra love and attention from you. However, you're adamant about not hugging or kissing him so he whines every time you veer away from his smooches. You love him but you aren't planning on joining him in his sickbed. He'll spend the majority of the time laying in bed talking to you while you spoon feed him (it took around 30 minutes of begging from his part before you gave in) ALSO HIS SNEEZES ARE SO LOUD?? IT ALWAYS SCARES YOU WHEN IT CATCHES YOU BY SURPRISE. When he started feeling better he tried to act as if he were still sick so that you'd continue baby-ing him but you could see right through his little ploy.
OSAMU unlike his brother knows his limits and didn't even bother getting up from bed when he woke up feeling like crap. He gets quite quiet when he's sick (unlike a certain blonde who only seems to become 5x more talkative) He still responds to you like normal but he'd much rather listen to you than talk. He doesn't ask for much asides from food, specifically soup or his other comfort foods. You'll have to make them for him and if you aren't that skilled in the kitchen he'll try to guide you from afar since he doesn't want to get his bacteria on the dishes. It doesn't matter if the dish doesn't come out perfectly, he'll still finish everything because he wants to appreciate all the effort you put in for him and bc his taste buds aren't working lmao. He'd rather spend most of his time on the couch than in bed, he'll usually bring his blanket with him and huddle up in a ball while watching television with you. He won't try to kiss you but he will try to hold your hand at least, he'll tell you that he'll make up for all the affection he can't give you right now the moment he gets better by the tenfold.
SUNA will take any chance he can get to skip classes lmao so he just called in sick for the day rather than trying to push through it. When he gets sick he usually spends the majority of his time sleeping. He was actually fast asleep when you first arrived with a bag of essentials and snacks for him so when he woke up to see your smiling face he actually thought he was dreaming at first. He tries to stay awake though when you're there visiting him and he always teases you for coming to take care of him. "You're this in love with me, huh? What a simp." "You're the one that begged me to come, you ass." He will gladly accept any and all forms of pampering from you, he practically feels healed when you spoil him rotten. He also insists on you telling him all the tea and drama that he could have missed at school, he groans in agony whenever you recount something interesting that happened that day and wishes he were there to see it himself. He doesn't want to bother you too much with requests though because he really just enjoys your company, he teases you and says that you're the cure to his illness just to try and fluster you.
KITA takes care of himself very very well so he rarely gets sick. Whenever he does catch a cold or anything of the sort he does whatever he can to get better as soon as possible; imagine all the important things he could be missing while he lazes around in bed all day. He actually tries to convince you not to come over after class through the phone when you call wondering where he was, but he knew you were going to disregard this anyways and just shook his head exasperatedly with a small smile when you arrived at his house with a bag of food in your hands. He's the one always tellings his classmates and teammates to rest and take it easy when they're sick so he isn't that used to being the one taken care of by others. He actually feels guilty when you do things like fetch him water and meds or make him food and tries to get up and assist you. "Let me help you carry that, (Y/N)." "Kita, you're literally shivering, get back into bed." He's also the one trying to stay away from you unlike the others because he does not want you catching his illness, he would feel so guilty pls. However, he does grab ahold of your hand and press a chaste kiss on the back of it as he thanks you for taking such good care of him. But then he lathers it with alcohol and hand sanitizers right after so that kinda ruined the moment lmao
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howhow326 · 2 years
So I am really bored from not doing during Summer Break and I thought "what if I did the Tumblr thing by making an AU lol" so here I am! BTW, I'm not going to be making fanfiction out of this (too much effort), it's just going to be one of those old school, throwing my ideas out there sort of deal. Soo
Everyone is a monster but Alya AU (I can't think of a better name, sorry.) In this AU, Alya discovers that her friends and classmates are secretly supernatural creatures. The AU starts around Season 2.
(Inspiration: @justanotherpersonsuniverse there is other magic AU, that one is way better than mine you should read it. I also took some ideas from a sorceress Marinette AU but I can't find it)
Alya/Rena Rouge - Human
Still a journalist, Alya is now obsessed with supernatural stuff instead of superheros. She is also the protagonist of this AU because I say so
Although Alya is still interested in Superheros, she considers their existence proof of the supernatural
This rabbit hole all began when Trixx first words to Alya were "Aww, I got stuck with a Human! Why can't I get a Fox spirit again?" Ladybug had to shush her before Chat Noir and Alya could press for details, but even she could tell Alya already got some ideas
Trixx lasts holder was a Huli-Jing by the name Da Ji and, yeah, look her up. Trixx is also responsible for starting the Masquerade around the supernatural world, and the Masquerade inside it (Humans don't know anything, Magic Humans know everything, Vampires know some stuff, and everyone else are only aware of their supernatural faction). Now, Trixx is influencing Alya to break the Masquerade because she thinks it is the key to defeating Hawk Moth.
Rena Rouge kept her miraculous, in this AU Ladybug left before Alya could give it back. Marinette trusts Alya, but she isn't sure she can trust Rena. Meanwhile, Chat dosen't trust her at all. Anyway, since she is a full time hero now, Alya is dedicated to instigating the supernatural, which is surprisingly hard because Trixx refusrs to tell her things she dosen't know (Them's the rules!)
Marinette/Ladybug - Witch
Before she became Ladybug, Marinette was one of the most talented child witches in basically the whole world. Her father's side of the family are a long line of French alchemists that learned to hide their potions inside food, while her mother's side of the family are a long line of Chinese spell casters. Also, her grandmother is an Italian Witch. Basically, Marinette is kind of like Harry Potter but OP and more famous and with a living parents.
Master Fu really didn't know Mari was a witch because the Guardian Order is hiding themselves from everyone despite being magic humans. Tikki was really scared of a witch getting her hands on the strongest miraculous so she made Mari promise she wouldn't use magic while as Ladybug
Both of Marinette's parents know she is Ladybug and support her because she deserves it. Also, everyone in the witch world knows Marinette is Ladybug? But normal humans don't, and neither does Hawk Moth. Basically, everyone in the witch world is ID from birth so if Hawk Moth was a witch everyone would be on his back.
I'm not entirely sure how Alya figures out Marinette is a witch, so lets just say something similar to gang of secrets happens early. Marinette's friendship with Alya becomes strained, and the only out is Marinette telling her about her powers. Mari isn't very supportive of Alya's investigations, because it goes against Witch world law, but if Trixx is okay with it then she guess its okay?
Ladybug is so overpowerd in this au! In the Style Queen episode, instead of Plagg beating her, Ladybug just goes "I don't have a choice!" and uses magic as a superhero for the first time. She forces the Lucky Charm to instantly create one of her Dad's ice potions and just yeets it at Style Queen, which freezes her in place. She then uses a Destruction spell (basically a less powerful cataclysm) to remove the barrier around the Akuma and the rest is history! Although, after Ladybug de-transformed, Marinette faints from exhaustion. Tikki thinks that using magic with a miraculous might be draining even more energy from it's caster than normal and she makes Marinette promise again to never use magic as Ladybug, even if it's an emergency. Mari agrees... with fingers crossed.
Adrien/Chat Noir - Dhampyr
Adrien is half Vampire, half Human. The Human is Emilie and the Vamp is Gabriel. Gabriel really wanted to turn her into one, but she had to be willing in a blood sharing ritual.
Most Dhampyrs have a weaker version of their parent's vampire powers but Adrien straight up has ZERO powers. But he does have some vampire weaknesses, which Gabriel uses as an excuse to keep Adrien locked inside the house.
Vampire society is like Vampire: the Masquerade but less depressing. Vampires believe that they rule the night, and are ignorant of of most supernaturals. Of course, there are always rumors.
Plagg thinks it is absolutely hilarious that his new holder is a powerless Dhampyr. He told Adrien that if he wants his powers so badly, he could get himself killed so he can back as a real Vampire (which is apparently a thing that can happen). Adrien does not appreciate the joke. Also, Chat Noir does not have any vampire powers because a miraculous can only enhance what is already there.
Alya is on to him, she heard that he is allergic to garlic and silver, and that last allergy isn't a thing. She also learned he gets heat strokes easily and considers it proof that he is a Vampire. Marinette dosen't believe it because he can eat human food (Vampires can only eat blood, but not Dhampyrs) and he hasn't shown any vampire powers yet. Although she really disagrees because she has a crush on him. Anyway, Adrien is actively trying to uncover his father's secrets in this AU and since I have no idea how he is doing that he has no idea either.
Nino/Carapace - Half-Djinn
Nino's father is a human and his mother is one of the Djinn, which is the same thing as a Genie. When his father still lived in Morocco, he found a lamp in an oasis that summoned his mother (which is apparently a bit more accurate then being trapped but not by much) and wished for children. His mother granted his wish, and lived with him for a bit. However, it is against Djinn law to mingle with humans, so when their relationship was found she was removed in punished. Nino's father fled to Paris in order to avoid his own punishment for interacting with a Djinn.
That was really sad, so uhh, Nino has magic water powers! He can create water, make mist based illusions, and some other stuff! His magic isn't as broken as Marinette, but it is a lot faster since Marinette needs ingredients or spoken spells with hand signs but Nino can just... snap his fingers and do magic (Mari is so jealous when she finds out).
Alya dosen't suspect Nino to be a supernatural at all because he seems so... normal? But Marinette catches him purifying a dirty river during a class hike and tells Alya. Alya dosen't want to believe her, dosen't want to believe that Nino is lying, but she decides that finding out is Rena's job.
Rena Rouge stalks Nino to his house (which is bad but he did the same thing in Rocketear so whatever). Just as Rena starts spying into his window, she catches Nino making some mist illusions to entertain Chris. And before Alya can process what she is seeing, Chris starts shooting water out of his hands! Alya demands an explanation from Nino the following day, so he tells her the story from the first bullet point and... yeah. Alya apologizes to Nino and explains that she was scared him hiding things from her, so Nino promises to have no secrets from her from now on.
Wayzz isn't sure about a half-Djinn getting a miraculous, so he tells Nino to not use his powers while transformed. Nino agrees... and promptly disobeys him! Unlike Marinette, using magic while transformed dosen't hurt Nino, so he is free to shoot water at bad guys. Chat Noir questions how he is doing that and Carapace says "turtles like water?" Ladybug is annoyed, but since it helps the team it can't be that bad right? Nino using his water powers was the tip Hawk Moth needed to realize supernaturals are using the miraculous. Also, Nino is a full time member and gets his miraculous before Chloe in this AU because I said so.
Chloe/Queen Bee - Werewolf
Chloe's mother is now descended from French nobility that lost power during the Revolution, and Audrey encouraged her husband to become a politician because she wanted to live like a Queen. Also, Audrey's family are LITERAL MAN-EATERS!!! Man-Eating werewolves.
Most werewolves in Europe died out around the same time most wolves went extinct there, but the ones that managed to hide survived into the modern day. Chloe's family survived because they used their wealth and power to feed on the populace without anyone ever knowing.
When Chloe promises to become nicer in Despair-Bear, she actually stays acting nicer (with a mean streak) after the episode. I am restoring Chloe's character arc.
In Queen Wasp, instead of revealing she is a superhero to Paris, she reveals she is a Werewolf! And she attacks her mother, forcing Audrey to reveal she is a Werewolf!! Alya is losing her mind, Marinette is losing her mind, the Witch world is losing it's mind and going over doomsday scenarios (too many people saw the transformation for a forget spell to be used, the transformation was recorded on live TV and posted on the Internet, some of the people that saw are suspected Supernaturals that barely care about the Masquerade), the Vampire world is losing it's mind and realizing that they don't rule humanity, its crazy!
After going on a small rampage, Chloe transforms into Queen Bee in an ally way and props herself up as Paris new superhero that will "capture all the werewolves"! Team miraculous are scratching their heads on who she is, but Chloe immediately reveals her identity to Adrien so he can tell her parents she isn't coming home. I have no idea how the rest of the episode, or season, is supposed to go because Chloe blew everyone up!
Okay I was going to put the villains down here but this post turned out a bit longer than expected... which means there will be a next time!
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