#such a spectacular game I’m so impressed
gio-cosmo · 8 months
My jaw dropped to the floor when I listened to the full version of Color Your Night while playing p3r. It’s actually so heavenly fr
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mysticfalls01 · 9 months
Princesa III
(FC Barcelona x reader)
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Part 1 Part 2
After arriving to SGP Sarina gave you room number and she told you that your roommate hadn’t arrived yet.
The moment you entered your room you sent a text to Barca’s group informing your teammates that you had arrived, before even having the opportunity to do something else Alexia called you.
“Hija! He visto que ya has llegado al lugar de concentración” (Daughter! I have seen that you have already arrived at the place of concentration)
“Hi mama! Yes, I was about to call you! Everything went great during the flight”
“That’s nice to hear hija. So, who is your roommate?”
“Well, my roommate hasn’t arrived yet, so I don’t know mama. “
You continued talking with Alexia until you heard someone opening the door, quickly you realized who your roommate was, it was the one and only Lucy Bronze.
“Mama, debo irme mi compañera de cuarto ha llegado. Te hablaré más tarde. Si?” ("Mom, I must go, my roommate has arrived. I'll talk to you later. Yes?")
“Alright hija when you have the chance text either Ona or me who your roommate is. Take care hija”
Immediately as the call ended Lucy spoke.
“Nice to meet you kid! I’m Lucy Bronze” she said while stretching her hand.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n” you nervously answered.
“So, with who were you talking with kid? I’m sure that you weren’t speaking English.”
“I was talking with mama, I mean with Alexia, and we were talking in a mix of Spanish and English” you answered.
“Alexia as in Alexia Putellas as in La Reina?”
While she started setting her things down you continued talking with Lucy. You learned that she currently was playing for City and that Keira Walsh is her girlfriend. You continued talking until she said that it was time for the first team meeting.
When you guys arrived to conference room you stayed next to Lucy as the only persons that you knew from the group were Maya, Alessia and Tooney as they played for MU.
At one point of the meeting Sarina asked you to present yourself as you were the only new person of the group.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n, I’m from Manchester and I was part of MU academy. I play as a striker, and I’m currently signed with Barcelona” you said nervously.
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You fitted in perfectly with the Lionesses. Leah as captain made sure that everyone received you well, Alessia and Tooney assumed the roles of your older sisters and showed you how everything worked. Finally, Lucy and Keira they became like your aunts however you couldn’t help but to find similarities between them and Ingrid and Mapi.
Before you knew it was time for the friendly against Switzerland. As you were in the bus on the way there Alexia called you.
“Princesa! Good luck in the game I just wanted to tell you that we are going to watch the game and we will be rooting for you.”
“Thanks mama! According to Sarina I’ll be making my debut during the second half of the game.”
“Perfect! Remember that’s it’s your time to shine hija make sure that everyone realize why you are la princesa de Barcelona.”
Your debut happened just as you told Alexia. You entered the game in the 65th minute. It seemed that Leila could see the future as you did score against Switzerland.
Just as the game ended with a win for the Lionesses and after celebrating with your teammates you heard a familiar voice.
“Hey Princesa come here!”
You turned around saw that it was Ana-Maria as soon as you realized that it was her you ran towards her and hugged her.
“Princesa! I’m so proud of you, you just had your debut, and it was spectacular!”
“Thank you, auntie!”
AMC presented you to some of her teammates and as she did, she gloated about Barcelona having the princess, the player who was going to make history.
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The Lionesses were able to win two out of two friendly matches and it’s safe to say that you left a great impression to the team. Before you knew it was time to go back to Barcelona and before you could leave to the airport Lucy asked you for your number as she wanted to keep in touch with you.
As soon as you landed you sent Alexia a text message indicating that you only had to pick up your luggage and after picking it up you walked towards the exit. As soon as you spotted Alexia and Olga you ran towards Ale.
“Hija! I’m so proud of you!” she greeted while she hugged you.
“Thank you mama, I had so much fun, but I missed you a lot”
“How about this we go out to eat dinner, you sleep at our apartment and tomorrow I take you to the training session.”
You separated from Alexia and turned towards Olga.
“Is this ok with you Olga? I don’t want to bother” you shyly asked her.
“Nonsense kid! You are always welcomed to spend time with us” she reassured you.
Alexia couldn’t help but to smile while she saw yours and Olga’s interaction.
“Mama, before I forget it take this. It’s the jersey of my international debut, it’s the one I used against Switzerland I want you have it.” You said after taking out the jersey from your backpack.
“Thank you hija, I’ll treasure this forever. When we get back to the apartment you better sign the jersey frilla” Alexia answered with tears on her eyes.
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As soon as you entered the locker room Jana and Bruna tackled you.
“Felicidades hermanita! We are so proud of you!” Bruna said.
“Si hermana! You played amazingly!” Jana said at the same time.
After they got off you and you could stand up Leila approached you and turned towards Ana
“Hey Ana! Just as I said la princesa scored against you!” she jokingly said.
“Ouahabi just wait for her to play against Spain I’m sure you guys won’t be able to stop her!” Ana-Maria answered.
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fizzigigsimmer · 9 months
Fargo s5 Episode 8: Manipulation and Codependency.
I am UNWELL after this last episode. I have so many thoughts. What it says on the tin, this is just me processing my reaction to the latest episode so if you are not caught up, spoilers will be found within.
Let’s start with the lady of the hour. Miss Dot. Miss Dorthy Lyon 👏🏾 Put some respect on her name. This character is endlessly fascinating to me. She’s incredibly complex. Almost over powered in one sense, but also incredibly fragile. We’re seeing now in clearer detail what an accomplished manipulator Dot is. She’s not just a fighter. She’s not just hiding and masking her trauma. She is actively playing the people around her and moving them around a board in her mind. The same way Roy does. The same way anyone in a position of power does, honestly.
Roy and Loraine and people in general, we seek control over others out of a place of insecurity, in order to make ourselves feel safe in our little worlds. Survivors of abuse are particularly good at this, and it’s something I am so glad to see the narrative touching on. The media likes to paint victims with cinderella syndrome. They are often childlike innocent caricatures who are endlessly kind and pure in the face of unjustified cruelty, purely so that audiences will emotionally attach to them quickly and feel whatever amount of fear and revulsion the creator wants for the antagonist. But the reality for real people who suffer domestic violence and other forms of abuse is that they’re just people. They have the same potential for good and bad and selfishness, they developed unhealthy coping mechanisms and they learn to play the game just like everyone else. And when you live your life in fear, you have more incentive than most to get good fast at controlling your surroundings.
We see another example of this in Karen this episode. Roy’s current wife is no stranger to her husband’s violent temper and is very aware of the danger he represents. When he’s humiliated in spectacular fashion and likely to lose his election, there’s this palpable tension in the air as the family rides home. We know heads are going to roll, and from the look on Karen’s face so does she. When she first opened her mouth I was so scared for her. lol I wanted to reach through the screen and shake her, like “shut up! That man will kill you.” At first I thought she was being hopelessly naive, saying exactly all the wrong things to try and comfort Roy that were only pressing on the wound. BUT THEN! Then we watch her turn it on Dot. She calls her a curse, playing into Roy’s belief that there are scales to be balanced in order to make the world right again, and pointing out that all of this only happened when Dot came back. She basically says, Dot’s the reason you have bad luck not me. Go hurt her and not me. And then he does. It’s brilliant.
I was on the edge of my seat watching Dot desperately try and hang onto her world. Everything from her name down to who gets to remind Wayne to take his Lactaide medication, using anything and everything at her disposal to do it. When Roy isnt impressed by being reminded he married a child around his own son’s age - oh please, she had hair and her period so she wasn’t a child - she switches tactics quick as a whip and leans hard on Roy’s family man ideals. She relentlessly forces him to confront the contradictions in his actions by reminding him he is destroying a family. Finally, when that fails too she delivers a violent threat. You will do as I ask, or I’m going to hurt you. The writing here was so masterful. They are opposites. We’re rooting for her, and yet, they mirror each other. Dot has been using manipulation tactics she learned at the hands of her abusers to carefully curate a place where she feels safe, and now that it’s all crumbling around her she’s finally starting to see it for herself.
Her scene with Gator was particularly poignant. Because when he comes in, he’s subdued and we get the feeling that he’s there (whether he’s going to admit it or not) purely because he wants to see her. Her, the big sister who used to comfort him while he watched his father abuse his mother. Who then replaced his mother and became his father’s wife while his own mother seemingly abandoned him. The way she plays him in this scene is so heartbreaking to watch but also incredibly insightful. She knows why he’s here: because deep down he wanted to see her. She dances back and forth between playing on their buried bond ( “I didn’t tell the FBI anything” implying, she wouldn’t tell them anything that would hurt him) and plucking on his insecurities (you’re sloppy, you’re weak, you’re a fuck up and your daddy doesn’t love you).
But the biggest card that Dot tries to play is Linda. She tells Gator that she saw her and tries to bring him into her fantasy that Linda got out and has healed from her trauma. That she loves him and never meant to leave him, and that everything will be okay if he just helps her get out. She can take him to his mother and they can leave all of this behind him, and he can finally be free to be the person that deep down she knows he wants to be. And I just love the way this scene was played. Because while it is tempting to believe that Dot is purely just confused from the accident and the sleep deprivation, the music lets us know that more is going on here. We hear flutes, specifically those played by snake charmers. Gator is the snake, and Dot is hypnotizing him before our very eyes. This isn’t the first time Gator has been connected to snake imagery/symbolism either. When Dot decides to tell him why he’s not named Roy after his father, she likens him to a pale little lizard. @tdciago did an excellent post on some of the symbolism we’ve seen in the show thus far, and it really emphasis how often Gator is likened to or associated with snakes: His character bio compares him to the snake in the Garden. His LOL tattoo has forked tongues on the Ls. He's got a "Don't tread on me" flag featuring a snake in his room. He stopped at the Gas 'n Go to "drain the snake." He left an empty Slim Jim wrapper in Donny Ireland's evidence box, that looked like a shed snakeskin. He said that Munch came up "snake eyes."
And as much as Dot’s speech about Linda is about playing on his natural yearning for his mother, it’s also about them too. It’s about Dot. In a way, Dot is also saying that she’s sorry. She never meant to leave him alone. She loves him and she wants things to be alright. They can be if you just help me. Gator obviously wants to believe what Dot is saying is true all of it, but he’s not as dumb as everyone seems to think he is. He knows Dot lies to herself and to others and he calls her out on it. With a single line “You’re lying. You’ve never once in your life told the truth.” we’re left to wonder about all the lies Dot has had to tell over the years. First in order to survive on her own as a teenage runaway, then when she was taken in by the Tillmans, and again when Linda disappeared and she became Roy’s wife.
She told herself that Linda got out, that she was somewhere safe and free and building the life that she wanted. At first she used this lie not to have to face the reality of Roy, of her own likely end, maybe even to appease the twisted sense of guilt she would feel taking Linda’s place and in the light of Gator’s grief over his mother’s sudden absence. Later, she probably used this lie to give herself the courage to be her own Linda. To get out and make the life for herself that she deserved, even if it meant having to leave Gator behind. Even if he doesn’t understand all of the pieces, in his heart of hearts Gator knows his mother is never coming back. She’s either gone or dead, and either way she left him just like Dot did, and Dot is lying to herself.
“I hope you die in here Nadine and that you never see your kid again.” Because that would be justice in his eyes. That would balance the scales. Because he’s never getting out, so why should she?
“No you don’t.” And it’s true. She knows him. Knows he wouldn’t even be here if he weren’t soft. She gave him an opportunity. This was Gator’s crossroad and he chose to stay his course, and the looming figure of Munch reinforces the message that Officer Witt Later delivers, the consequences for Gator are almost here.
Dot too is approaching a crossroad. Because as the episode progresses she is forced to finally confront one of the lies she’s been telling herself for years. Linda is dead. She never made it out. She’s buried under the windmill with Roy’s other enemies. This is not the first time that Dot has seen this windmill, because it was also in her dream about Linda. I would not be surprised if all of Roy’s wives did not witness a body going into that ground at some point or another because of how Karen was so quick to redirect Roy’s rage to Dot. They’re on different sides of the line but they are both fighting for the same thing. To be with their children and not to end up rolled into an early grave.
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pjisskullourful · 3 months
𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦
𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 part 3/3 [series masterpost]
🍽️ Damiano × reader
NSFW 🔥 smuttastic nastiness, written by an adult about adults to be consumed by adults
° Damiano David/female reader insert
wordcount::: 15,800
° there is no more hiding your relationship, now you & damiano can go on your first date. but you're going to find that theres more spice than whats listed on the restaurant's menu
° shoutout to @sadbirdsflytoo for picking damianos outfit 💋 thank you for everybodys patience with me getting this final part to you
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It had taken a while for this night to arrive.
It wasn’t as simple as pointing to a restaurant that looked nice and getting Damiano to make a reservation there. He was being picky about what was good enough for your first date.
Going to see a movie had been a safe option for a first date in your past. But he wouldn’t even entertain the idea, shooting it down before you had looked up what was currently playing at the cinema. ‘I’m taking you on a date ‘cause I want to talk to you, and see you’, he had told you during his dismissal.
A picnic in the park was far too basic, he declared. Something fun like bowling was viewed by him as powerfully unsexy. He thought a sports game would come with too many distractions. He ruled out visiting any kind of amusement park, ‘I’m not that rich, yet’. He didn’t want to go to the beach, because that was something you had done when you were just friends - it wasn’t significant enough.
And that was what it all boiled down to: he wanted this night to capture the significance of the start of your relationship. It was sweet that he wanted to get it so perfect, he thought you were worth all of that effort.
You didn’t have a set idea of what you wanted to do. But you had known when one of his suggestions needed to be ruled out.
“I wanna cook for you, I would absolutely love to. That’s the perfect way to make the date as personal as possible.” He had said, his proposal had clearly been thought on, more than just a spontaneous epiphany. “Would you like me to make a dinner for you? Wouldn’t that be so romantic? I can make you anything that you want, anything.”
Even though it had seemed like he had more to say, you had taken the opportunity to speak. “That does sound romantic. But I can’t help thinking that if we stay here for the date, there’s only a slim chance you will actually get cooking done. Most likely, we’ll just end up having a lot of sex.”
He had just blinked at you, showing you a blank expression. “What’s your point?”
“That’s not a date. That’s what we do every time we hang out.” You said. “And I’m not complaining…”
“It’s a fantastic way to spend time.” He had contributed.
“Spectacular.” You said. “But that’s not something I could get dressed up all fancy for. We couldn’t take cute photos at the location ‘cause we would just be beside your oven, and we would be naked.”
“We can take nudes together if you want.” He had said, prompting you to roll your eyes. “No, no, no, you’re right. I asked you out and that’s what we’ll do, go out.”
It had taken one more brainstorming session to figure out where to go. He picked a place you had never been to, which served a cuisine you had never eaten before. He made reservations at the upscale restaurant and you began to get butterflies, getting ready to experience another first with him. You could indulge in the significance, there was going to be a payoff.
As you dressed in your new dress, you felt nervous. They were different to the nerves you had felt before other first dates. You didn’t have to worry that you wouldn’t enjoy his company, or that you would have to try extra hard to impress him. There was no threat of awfully awkward conversations.
And in the absence of these anxieties, your excitement could flourish. The two of you were making it official, establishing that this was more than just really great sex. You were setting the tone for what your relationship would be. It didn’t matter that you were moving into uncharted territory, you were raring to go.
He arrived a little bit ahead of the agreed upon time. But he wasn’t catching you off-guard, feeling like you couldn’t wait for the date to start had led you to getting ready early. By the time you went to answer the door, you already had your hair laying as you liked it best and there were no further details to add to your makeup.
Standing at your front door, his eyes brightened at the sight of you. They seemed to grow wider as he quickly looked you up-and-down, trying to admire so many features at once.
Even after walking into your apartment, it seemed that he couldn’t get enough of looking at you. You turned around from locking the door to find him staring at you, like he wanted to memorise your off-shoulder dress.
“You look amazing.” He said.
“So do you.” You said.
He hadn't resisted the urge to show some skin, his red button-down shirt was just playing at being demure. He had only fixed two buttons in place, opting to show off not only more than his clavicle, but also his tummy, by tying the bottom of the shirt in a knot. He wore a leather jacket over this.
He had completed the look with what you would describe as ‘classic Damiano jewellery’. Of course he had a choker wrapped around his neck (leather) and his fingers were decorated with various antique rings. The earrings that dangled from his lobes bore a single pearl, matching the necklace you were wearing.
“No, I’m serious, you look so great.” He said and you saw his eyes move down, definitely noticing how much higher than your knee that the hem of your dress rested. “Do you wanna go on a date, or something? Or do you already have plans for tonight?”
“Actually, I’m already going on a date tonight. It’s my first date with this guy.” You said, playing along.
“This guy?” He repeated.
“Yeah, he’s kinda cool. Most of the time he’s a total dork.” You teased.
“Well I hope that he takes care of you and treats you right by doing stuff like buying you gifts.” He said, holding up the small gift bag that you had been trying to not pay too much attention to.
Now you smiled as you gratefully took it from him. “That is so sweet. I really wasn’t expecting you to get me anything. Is this, like, customary, should I have gotten you a gift?”
“I’m not doing it ‘cause of first date etiquette or anything like that. I just really wanted you to have this.” He said.
“Honey…” You cooed as you reached a hand in. “You are so cute.”
Your fingertips brushed against something that felt like lace and you grabbed for the single item. There wasn’t much fabric, making for a light gift. You weren’t surprised to find it was a pair of rather revealing underwear. Looking up from the lingerie, you found him wearing a smile as he watched you. How long had he spent picturing you in these panties?
You assumed that these were meant to replace the underwear that he had literally torn off of your body during your most recent encounter. It wasn’t a necessary apology.
“Oh, very nice, it’s something we can both enjoy and get a lot of use out of, right?” You said. “Thank you Daddy, I’ll wear them for you lots.”
“Put them on right now.” It didn’t sound so much like a request.
But you didn’t immediately move to complete this action. “I’ve already got panties on.” Slowly, you began to gather up and lift the skirt of your dress. “I’m sure you’ll like them just as much…”
“That’s not the point.” He said before you could expose your underwear to him. “I really want you to wear these for our date.”
“Okay.” You said, reaching for the fabric that laid against your skin.
As you pulled the pastel-coloured underwear down, you almost asked him what he was up to. Because clearly something was afoot.
But you kept these thoughts to yourself, knowing that if he wanted every single thing questioned he would have picked a less submissive girl.
Something stiff brushed against your fingers as you were in the process of stepping into your new underwear. You paused, seeking further tactical investigation.
“What is-...”
You were moving the item closer to your face, when you were surprised by the feeling of vibrating in your hands. It was silent, but there was no mistaking the sensation when it happened directly against your fingers.
“Damiano! You bought me vibrating panties?” You asked, looking up to find his smile had grown. “I should have known.”
He showed you a tiny remote that he had been hiding out of sight until now. He pressed a button twice and you felt the vibrations increase, but they remained silent. You found where these were coming from: a small spot on the crotch of the panties. It was more compact than your bullet-style vibrator, the bulge it created was hardly noticeable.
“Do you still like them and think I’m so sweet for buying them?” He asked, already pleased by your response.
“Well yeah, but I’m not wearing these tonight. Not for the date. I’ll put them on as soon as we get to yours, but I’m not-...”
“Yes, you are.” He calmly interrupted you.
“Damiano…” How the Hell were you going to negotiate your way out of this? It was more public than you thought you were ready for.
“That’s why I bought them.” He said. “Come on, play along and make Daddy happy. They’ll make you happy too, I’m sure you’ll really like how they feel once you’re wearing them.”
You weren’t getting any closer to putting them on your body. “Yeah, I bet I will. But how will I be able to pay attention and enjoy the dinner and our conversation if I’m sitting there with a fucking vibrator on my pussy?”
His expression changed at that. “I won’t turn it on while we’re at the restaurant. That wasn’t my plan.”
“Really?” You asked, not buying his words even though he looked somewhat innocent presently.
“Totally.” He said instantly. “I want you to wear them to dinner ‘cause it will be a little sexy secret between us. It’s a reminder, pressed up against your skin the whole time, so then you absolutely cannot forget how insatiable I am for you. And then I would turn it on while we were driving home, put that time to use to get you worked up.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, ‘cause…”
“Okay, okay.” He said and he lifted his hands, further demonstrating innocence. “Here, you take this.” You accepted the tiny remote straight away. “And you can put this in your handbag, or put it in your backpack that’s gonna be in my boot the whole time. Does that work for you?”
You considered the device before curling your fingers around it. “Yep.”
Your handbag was sitting on the couch and you collected it, putting your phone inside. Then you placed the remote into your backpack, zipping it shut at once.
“Okay, put them on so we can leave. This restaurant will definitely judge us if we’re late for our reservation.” He said.
You pulled the new panties on, finding that they were the exact right size. The tiny vibrator was still now and its size didn’t make itself known. You thought you might forget its presence by the time you had walked to where his car was parked.
You picked up your handbag and lifted your full backpack from the ground. After the restaurant you would be returning to his apartment, carrying all of the supplies you would need for the weekend-long stay.
He held his hand out to you, reaching across the distance. You walked over and put your hand in his, smiling at this first physical contact of the night.
He didn’t instantly go for the exit, his eyes studying the features of your face - perhaps making up for the time you had spent apart. You took advantage of this moment, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You didn’t linger as long as you would have liked. And as soon as your eyes were open, you checked how much pigment had transferred to his mouth.
“It’s not that I don’t wanna tongue, but I want my lipstick to look good for at least some of tonight.” You said, explaining away your brevity.
“And it does look good. All of your makeup does- it’s really gorgeous.” He said.
“Thank you.” You said as he leaned in to give you a very light kiss on the cheek, leaving your blush undisturbed.
Then he moved over to your ear. “But I promise you that lipstick is going to be ruined before you step foot in my apartment. Maybe more than the lipstick.”
You smiled and acted as if these words had very little effect on you. You didn’t let your expression betray the instant images that fired into your mind, pretending there wasn’t an excited flurry of thoughts. The idea that he wouldn’t be able to control his desires until you had retired to total privacy - it was as flattering as it was thrilling. You liked it because it meant that you wouldn’t be waiting as long to indulge in some intimacy.
“Okay, just make sure I get at least one photo of this look first. I want some documentation of how I look ‘cause in hindsight we might forget details of this night, it might not be as easy to recall as other activities.” You said, choosing words that wouldn’t lead you down a path of only sexual innuendo.
“Oh, of course. We aren’t looking this good for only the other people in the restaurant to see us.” He said.
You were having thoughts full of sentiment. You were optimistic that this would lead to more dates - and when you reached some sort of anniversary, you would want to look back with clear recollection. You wanted a photo you could put in a frame, always admiring the official start of something wonderful.
He took your backpack from you, slinging it over his shoulder instead. He let you lead the way out of your home, waiting beside you as you locked the shut door.
As the two of you walked through the hall of your apartment building, he draped his arm around the back of your neck, keeping you close to his side. His fingers began to trace over your exposed shoulder, inviting warmth into your tummy. You wondered how much more of your skin that your dress displayed that he would be unable to resist touching.
*** *** ***
Hikaru was an Italian-Japanese fusion restaurant. It was at the top of a skyscraper, providing views of the city’s twinkling skyline.
Elsewhere in this building were shops named after a single designer brand. A few of the floors were taken up by a casino, you had never been there. But you weren’t unfamiliar with the cachet that its name carried. It was owned by some millionaire, a name you had heard on the news more than once.
You had looked at the restaurant’s menu online and the listed prices had intimidated you. You had thought it was fancier than any place you had ever been. And experiencing it in real life: it did not disappoint.
The restaurant was beautiful, classier and lovelier than an establishment you would have selected. The dining room was surrounded by glass walls, making the area appear limitless and keeping anyone from having a less than great view of the city. None of the other diners were having loud conversations, there was a wonderful absence of screaming or otherwise aggravated children.
You wondered if this was what it was like all of the time for people who were rich. Were they always in aesthetically pleasing rooms with everyone trying to keep the atmosphere as calm as possible?
You observed it all as if you were a tourist. You chose to be fascinated, instead of getting stuck feeling horribly out of place. Damiano played along with you. Whenever a fellow patron passed by your table, the two of you tried to guess how many homes they owned. The numbers fluctuated as you tried to surprise each other.
He ordered grilled barramundi with roasted vegetables. Amongst the adventurous-sounding mains, you picked something that had some familiar (and therefore safe) aspects. You asked for the squid ink spaghetti, which came with tomato sauce and anchovies.
“And isn’t this so much better than a loud movie in some cramped cinema?” He asked as the waiter walked away, taking your order to the kitchen.
You couldn’t help theatrically rolling your eyes before you answered. “Yes, Damiano. You were right, you’re always right.”
He smiled and eagerly leaned a little further onto the table. “Ooh, I like how that sounds. Say it again for me.”
“No, I’m good.”
“So you said that you’ve had a passable first date or two at the movies. Where have your bad first dates happened?” He asked.
You didn’t have to pause to think about it. There was only one guy that could be your answer, the afternoon with absolutely no redeeming qualities.
“His name was Remo. We were fixed up. He worked with Donna and she thought we would be a good match, and he needed a good match ‘cause he had just broken up with his girlfriend after living with her for two years. Would you like to know why they broke up?” You asked.
“She was cheating on him with five guys.” You said and his eyes grew wide. “I could probably tell you all five of their names, ‘cause he told them to me. He told me every detail of that break-up, for the entirety of our first date. Which, by the way, was the first time I had ever met him.”
“Shit, it sounds like the good match he needed was with a therapist.” He said. “How many other dates did you have with him?”
You maintained your straight face. “Like, fifty. I’m still seeing him, we’re going out tomorrow night.”
He grabbed his cloth napkin, momentarily lifting it. “If this wasn’t such a fancy place, I would throw this at you.”
“Don’t do that, I don’t wanna get kicked out before I find out what squid ink tastes like.” You joked.
He propped one of his elbows up on the table so he could rest his cheek on his fist as he smiled at you. “Do you remember the first time we met?”
“In the Renardo taxi, how could I forget?” You said.
Your brother had promised to pick you up from a friends’ birthday party, assuring he could have you home before your curfew.
When he had told you that he was coming from a gig with his new friend you hadn’t anticipated any issues. But Damiano’s influence had seen Renardo’s focus on the schedule slip. At the end of Måneskin’s show, they had hung around at the bar longer than expected. They had been having fun and the music playing loudly over the speakers had drowned out the sound of every call that you tried to place to your brother.
His car had pulled up almost an hour late. You had watched the minutes trickling by, knowing you wouldn’t make curfew. The two cheerful men in the front of the car hadn’t seemed truly sorry for messing you around and landing you in trouble. You hadn’t cared to listen to their explanations, which felt more like excuses as each of them struggled to hold back laughter.
“I still don’t think I’ve seen anyone angrier than you were that night.” Damiano recalled, and it was easier to smile about the whole thing now. “I wouldn’t have been surprised if steam literally shot out of your ears, like a cartoon.”
“Well it was very serious for me. I thought my parents were gonna cut me off from having the internet at home for a whole month.” You said, remembering how that had felt like a seriously dire scenario. “And it wasn’t even my fault.”
“You were so mad at me, you really wanted to hate my whole existence.” He said. “Until I complimented your hair.”
Your smile got bigger now. “You were the only person who saw that I was trying to channel Korra.”
“You gave up on giving us the cold shoulder as soon as I brought anime up.” He said.
“I remember how relieved I was that Ren had finally made a friend with some personality.” You said.
Damiano was the first friend of your brothers that you had hit it off with. Not only did he like the same shows as you, but he had cared to learn your opinions about them. It had been easy to talk with him immediately. You could remember the absence of feeling like you were being talked down to, and you enjoyed it as you would chatting with an established friend.
There was a sparkle in his eyes as he decided to tease you further. “Oh yeah, you liked my personality, but you didn’t like my name enough to remember it for when I saw you the next time, two weeks later.”
“I can’t help that I’m really terrible at names. How many more times do you want me to apologise for it?” You asked.
“It’s okay, I’ve moved past it.” He said. “Especially now I’m certain you’re never going to forget it again.”
As you waited for the food to arrive, you kept talking, wanting to know how his day had been. He had been preoccupied with his responsibilities to the band today. They were trying to figure out the running order for the songs to go on their new album.
It could be stressful at times, trying to organise them in a way that all four members would be happy with. Some of the songs meant different things to each of them, so his idea of where it would fit perfectly didn’t always sync up with the others. He told you about the negotiation tactics he had developed over the years.
When you saw him pull the phone out of his pocket, you assumed he was going to show you the current tracklist. But he didn’t turn the screen in your direction, nor did he spend much time looking at it himself. You were relieved that you didn’t have to compete with the device for his attention. He tapped at the screen a few times before setting it down, his eyes promptly returning to your face.
“What about her?” You asked quietly and made a subtle gesture to a woman in an orange blouse who was passing by your table.
He glanced at the stranger and gave her a quick assessment. “All of them.”
You furrowed your brow, chuckling at how he had seemingly forgotten your earlier game. “What, what do you mean?”
He didn’t budge from his position or show any confusion. “She owns all of the houses, every single one, she’s rich enough to own them all. Any house that you can think of: she owns it.”
The concept was so alien in comparison to your life that you began to laugh. You could scarcely remember the nerves you had felt when waiting for him to pick you up. Being in his presence was so reassuring that you had settled into the feeling that nothing would go wrong.
You were still laughing when the food arrived. His plate was set down first.
As the waiter turned to you, your legs flinched and tensed at what you thought was activity from the vibrator in your panties. It felt like external stimulation, but it ended too fast for you to properly identify it. You told yourself that it was just in your imagination as you shifted your ass in your seat.
“Do you like licorice?” Damiano asked once the waiter had left.
As you tried to figure out where this comment had come from, you were further distracted from the moment of possibly feeling the vibrator.
“Yes, why?”
“‘Cause it literally looks like you’re having a meal of black string licorice with some vegetables mixed in.” He said of your abnormally dark pasta.
“”I guess it does.” You said, feeling unphased by the unfamiliar sauce. “But I figured that I should try something that I can’t order at just any old restaurant. I want to get the full Hikaru experience.”
He hadn’t picked his cutlery up yet, just admiring you as you spoke. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re always very adventurous, I think that’s one of the things I love the most about you.”
Your heart got to fluttering at his use of the word love. 
“But if you totally hate it, you’re allowed to share mine.” He said.
“Thank you.” You said with a smile.
But his offer wasn’t necessary. From the first bite you found that you liked the savoury dish, enjoying the rich flavours. You consistently loaded up your fork, making sure to collect some of the salty anchovy.
“You haven’t told me how your day at work was yet.” He said.
You looked up from your food, twirling your fork uselessly in the air. “It’s not- there isn’t much to say. It’s just a bit boring compared to your job.”
“It’s not a competition. I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to hear because I’ve already decided my job is more exciting than being a dental hygienist.” He said. “It’s not like that, I’m interested in what kind of day you had.”
“Okay then.”
“I thought you liked your job, how come you’re calling it boring?” He asked.
“It is boring, that’s what I like about it.” You said. “It’s all routine, I never have to worry about any drama coming up. It’s not up to me to think up solutions for things and I make, like, minimal decisions.”
“And that’s how you thrive?” He asked.
“Hell yeah. I can’t explain to you the inner-peace that I feel when I’m behind a closed door and it’s just me and the dirty tools and the autoclave steriliser. I get everything cleaned, I get it all sorted into the right spot.” You said.
“That sounds really satisfying, actually.” He said.
“It is. I never have to take work home with me.” You said. “I like how predictable it is. That’s, like, the exact opposite of your job, but it’s good for me. I can get unpredictability in other parts of my life.”
“Yeah, I can make things more unpredictable for ya.” He said, raising his fork to his mouth.
Before you could begin to think of a response, he was distracting you with a nod in the direction of the man passing by your table. You glanced at the guy who had a pair of spectacles positioned quite low on the bridge of his nose.
“Three. But he brags about them.” You sneakily told your companion. “He acts like they’re-...” Your throat clenched and any other parts of your assumption were trapped, then forgotten.
The vibrating was back, and this time it was powerful enough that you could confidently label it. Your fork shook in the air as your knees raised in response to this continuing sensation. The unexpected stimulations continued longer than the previous activation.
The confusion rushed forward, taking up position as the dominant emotion as soon as the vibrations mercifully ended. Your lips were parted and your mind scrambled to understand this.
You glanced at Damiano, seeing he wasn’t alerted by your sudden silence. He was looking down at his plate as he cut off a section of fish.
You began to question what you had felt. How could the toy be switched on without your knowledge, it was safely in his car, inside of your backpack.
You didn’t give him any insight of what you were thinking. You knew he would make fun of you if you were just imagining all of this. He would take the teasing further, wanting to get as much out of this moment as possible.
As more time passed between you and that sensation, you found it easier to stop fixating on. You straightened up, collecting your fork and returning to your meal now that things were back to being clearer in your head. You had another mouthful, looking to him.
“I told you about Remo, are you gonna tell me about your worst first date?” You asked.
He put his cutlery down, folding his arms on the table as he gave you his undivided attention. “You didn’t finish telling me that story. Surely there was something good that happened, it couldn’t have been all bad.”
“It could because it was.” You said. “The date was in the middle of summer, on this really, truly disgustingly hot day. And he takes me to this place: McFly’s, and their air conditioning isn’t working.”
“Oh-no.” He said, wearing an amused smile.
“Have you ever been? It’s this fake American retro place so it’s booths made of leather.” You said, noticing how his eyes went to his phone, but you didn’t put any thought into it. “I’m in shorts so my skin is sticking to the fucking leather and every time that I move it’s making these horrible noises. I was-...”
You jolted at the feeling of more vibrations between your thighs. You just stared at him, feeling your gut clench as the toy kept silently buzzing.
He looked at you, eyebrows raising curiously. “You were what?”
“So uncomfortable.” You said as you placed your fork down, beginning to squirm in your seat a little.
“Something the matter, honey?”
You worked your hardest to not notice the vibrations, to not let them affect you. Because you wanted to stay in control.
Before speaking, you cupped a hand to the left side of your lips, an attempt to gain some privacy. “I think my, uh, gift is malfunctioning.”
He leaned in, brow furrowing in concern. “Malfunctioning, in what way?”
You struggled to swallow, the pulsations really wanted your attention. “It’s on, I can feel it right now.”
“Really, what does it feel like?” He asked.
“Like a vibrator. How come it’s on? The remote is in your car, it shouldn’t be…” You trailed off, shifting your weight to the other asscheek as you watched him pick his phone up.
“Is it really intense?” He asked. The way he was holding his phone covered the lower half of his face and he was touching the screen. “How would you rate it out of ten?”
You paused, your jaw clenched as the tension in your body increased. You couldn’t understand his motivation behind this line of questioning. Maybe it was because your thoughts were less organised than usual, but you didn’t see how this would help you to a solution.
Then you noticed the creases that had formed in the corners of his eyes, present because he was smiling. Before you could start trying to guess at what had him so amused, the toy’s pulsations got more persistent. The hidden device shook powerfully between your thighs.
“What about now?” He asked and the increase in the vibrations was obvious, growing to be more of a challenge to your control. “Would you describe it as less or more intense? Or is it about the same?”
“Damiano…” You began through gritted teeth.
He slightly lowered his phone and now you could see how big his smile was. “Yes, honey?”
“Why are these fucking panties vibrating right now?” You asked, conscious of keeping your voice quiet enough that only he could hear.
“Oh, did I neglect to mention that it can be controlled by my phone?” He said, turning the device around so you could see its screen. It was displaying an app you had never seen before, but it didn’t look very complicated.
You rested your forehead in your hand, you were already certain that this wouldn’t be over quickly. The sparkle in his eyes told you just how playful he was feeling. “Yes, you did neglect that.”
“Oops.” He said.
You watched him place the phone down without giving it any extra taps. The screen timed out from inactivity and he picked up his cutlery again, his movements had a leisurely fashion.
You leaned forward, trying to get relief from the pulsations. But this position gave you the opposite of what you wanted, pressing the vibrator directly up against your labia. It wanted to unlock your greatest sensitivities and there was already a tremor through your pussy.
You drew in a sharp breath and leaned back, really pushing your weight into the chair. Beneath the table, you moved your legs apart, trying to not trap the toy. Maybe you were feeling it a little less, but the muscles in your thighs twitched a bit.
A strangled groan came from the back of your throat. “Why is it on?”
“Why not?”
“You said you weren’t going to use it ‘til we were driving home.” You reminded him, unable to keep the whiney tone out of your voice.
“Yeah, but you know how much I love to watch you squirm. And I’ll barely get to enjoy it while I’m driving the car.” He said. “You’re just so pretty right now, your eyes are so wide and you’re breathing really fast. Daddy likes you like this, and why should I only get to enjoy it when we’re in the bedroom?”
It was getting harder to construct coherent and complete thoughts. The blood was practically racing into your cunt, demanding that you notice how it was feeling. Your nerves were getting more fine-tuned, the reactions of your body growing more significant to you.
You didn’t know what to say back to him. You were yet to figure out your path out of this - did it exist?
“Do you need to excuse yourself for the bathroom so you can take them off?” He asked.
“What?” You hissed at him. “Are you crazy? I can’t walk around in public without fucking panties on, you’ve seen how short my dress is.”
When walking to the table, you hadn’t been scared of flashing your underwear to the room. But you had kept yourself aware of how the skirt of the dress felt. And you had been ready to push the material down in a second.
The possibility of the skirt hitching up by getting stuck on your handbag, or the wind picking up the hem, to expose your cunt to so many strangers was terrifying. You didn’t think that you would ever be able to recover from that level of humiliation.
“You can.” He said. “Or you can use your safe word.”
You sucked on the inside of your cheek as you tried to rationally think this through.
As more of your control fell, his clearly rose and you could see how much he was enjoying it. As he watched you he wasn’t just entertained, he was visibly excited. And you loved to be the source of that.
There was a feeling blooming in your chest as you kept feeling the device’s activity. You realised that he could make you feel dirty at any place, any time. You thought you had learnt this lesson when he had come into your tent to fuck you at the occupied campground.
But you were learning it at a deeper level now.
It was intimidating and there was certainly a threat of danger as you couldn’t forget about your location.
But you couldn’t make yourself want to run from it. You were feeling seduced by how evidently pleased he was.
“Desperate little girl.” He cooed at you and you nodded back at him. “Don’t let your pasta get cold before you’re finished with it.”
You felt like you had forgotten all about your food before you picked your fork up, gripping its handle tighter than before. The flavours didn’t appeal to you as much. In fact you could hardly taste the spaghetti as you slowly swallowed it.
Even though your heart continued to race, you felt like you had somewhat settled into this sensation. There was less surprise in how your body was reacting. You were thinking that you knew how to handle it and that you could control your behaviour.
With your knees kept slightly further than shoulder-width apart, you knew that you were the least ladylike female in this establishment. You didn’t have to look around at the other women to confirm this. Maybe your lack of modesty was creating a negative first impression to them.
But you couldn’t care about what they thought. Sitting in this way helped you feel less like you were waiting for an earthquake.
The only person whose thoughts you cared about was Damiano. If this was the kind of first date that he wanted, then you were determined to provide that for him. That was what you wanted, it was your greatest goal to be exactly what he wanted. You liked how his praise felt, enjoying that got stronger than the embarrassment.
“You like squid ink, huh?” He asked, watching you instead of eating his meal.
You kept using your hand to support your head. “Yeah. There’s really nothing strange about how it tastes. I guess it only sounds and looks weird.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, babydoll.” He said.
As you chewed your next mouthful, your eyes went to where his phone rested. With the screen darkened it looked innocent, as if it couldn’t possibly be the cause of the troublesome teasing you were currently subjected to. Then you looked at him, he was gazing out at the twinkling skyline, appearing so carefree.
You shifted in your seat and found the toy pressing more firmly against you. Immediately you bit your bottom lip, willing yourself to not make a single noise as those vibrations massaged your labia majora. You couldn’t quite keep the smile off of your face at the memories this feeling was pulling forward. You knew how effortless (and rewarding) it would be to give in and you noticed how wet the panties had become.
You feared leaving a mark on the suede material of this chair. That thought helped to bring you back to your current reality. You readjusted your legs and straightened your back, finding it helped you feel a little less rattled - maybe it helped you to look more in control as well.
“Are you gonna leave it on for the rest of the night?” You asked. “Like, you’re not gonna turn it off until I’m taking them off?”
“I haven’t really decided yet.” He said. “Did you know that it has ten speeds? You’re sitting at about halfway for now.”
The smile fell off your face at that. It sounded like an impossible feat. “You’re not gonna turn it up, are you?”
“I haven’t decided that either.” He said.
“Please.” You whispered.
He didn’t grab his phone, just smiling at you. “You’re really pretty when you’re stressed like this. Look at you, you’ve started to sweat.”
You could feel the moisture on your brow, poised to ruin the makeup applied to your forehead. As you slowly twirled some of the pasta around the fork prongs, you couldn’t keep your foot still. You were trying to use some of the unpredictable energy that felt like it was fizzing in your veins. You incessantly tapped your toes, your knee bouncing at this fruitless rhythm.
“Do you remember the first time you ever imagined, or just thought about us fucking?” He asked, decidedly not whispering as he spoke.
“Oh my God.” You let the paranoia of being overheard by a closeby diner win. “Are we sure this is the right time and place to have this discussion? We’re in public.”
He didn’t waste any time looking around at the others, he wasn’t bothered in the slightest. “So don’t shout your answer.”
You laughed, still a bit in disbelief. “Oh, right.”
“So, do you remember?” He prompted again.
This wasn’t a memory that was within grasp for you. Maybe you would be better at answering if you had more time to think. And if you didn’t have an active vibrator on your pussy demanding your attention.
“I don’t know, do you?”
He immediately grinned. “Yep.”
“No way.” You said. “When?”
“Do you remember that tiny little bar, Moe’s? And Ren was dating the bartender there, what was his name again?”
“I definitely don’t remember that. But I remember Moe’s, yes.” You said, thinking that you already knew what night he was about to recall. But you didn’t know it from his perspective.
“That place was about the size of a matchbox. And yet, they were like: let’s put a pole in here.” He said and you nodded.
You hadn’t been there in a long time, but the gaudy gay bar was still clear in your mind. The decor had made for great settings for Instagram photos. No matter which night of the week you went, you were guaranteed to see a drag show.
It hadn’t seemed possible to have a bad night there. That was why you had been in attendance on the night he was referring to. It had been Thursday and you had been keenly looking forward to the weekend after spending time organising a Saturday date with a guy you had matched with on Tinder. But he had ghosted you, seeming to delete you from his consciousness.
You had never heard from him again, and now you couldn’t remember his name. Instead of staying home and feeling sorry for yourself (which had been a tempting prospect), you had gone to Moe’s to catch up with your brother. You had dressed yourself in something that made you feel confident and had set off, eager to hear the fun pop music.
You hadn’t been expecting to see Damiano that night. But his company was so appreciated, he had a knack for lifting you out of bad moods.
“You told me to get on the pole ‘cause everyone else was ignoring it.” He said.
“Because I know how much you like showing off.” You teased.
“I said I would if you did, but you didn’t know how and you were scared to try. You thought you were gonna look stupid or hurt yourself. But I promised that I would teach you.” He said.
You licked your lips. “And you’re a great teacher.”
“Yeah, you learnt a few tricks and nobody got hurt.”
You could remember how it had been the perfect distraction from your disappointment. The two of you had laughed a lot, sometimes too much to concentrate on the task. He had given you humorous pep talks and there had been plenty of farcical innuendo. Shots had lowered your need to oppose, as well.
He had been the best cheerleader you could have possibly hoped for and the pride had ballooned inside of you, leading you to getting into the activity even more. You had gained confidence in your ability to complete a front hook and a mermaid spin, tossing your hair about more-and-more. Under his watchful eye, your hands had slipped less.
“That turned you on?” You asked. Your memories weren’t cast in the same sexual light - it was a fun tidbit that you could tell people, always getting an amused response.
“Hell yes.” He immediately told you. “That was the most I had ever touched you. You pretty much wanted me to hold you up at the start, and holding you close like that, that felt really good and it gave me plenty of ideas, honey.”
His hand moved over to his phone, his fingers hovering above the screen. His eyes darted down to the device for a millisecond, then he was watching your face as he turned the vibrations up to a higher setting. You bit on your bottom lip, but you couldn’t help smiling at how the pulsations teased you. It could have been so easy to stop resisting them.
“You had me putting your hands and legs in the right spots.” He said. “And having your gorgeous curves in my hands like that, I never wanted to stop touching you and I wanted to touch you in so many other places. So while I was pretending to care about the sunwheel, I was really just thinking about all the ways I could touch you if we weren’t in public.”
“I had no idea.” You said.
“And that made it even hotter. You were so oblivious to how much I wanted to fuck you. That got me so hard, it kept me hard. I couldn’t go to sleep without getting off that night and I was thinking about you when I did it. Even though I felt kinda bad about it, not wanting to cross that line or whatever.”
“Yep, your body can make a man want to do some very depraved and very bad things. And you don’t even have to try.” He said and your eyes had started to slip down to his mouth as you listened.
“Oh my God, I, uh- I don’t know what to say, that’s just so sexy and it’s blowing my mind a bit.” You admitted. “That’s really dirty.”
“Uh-huh.” He said, nodding. “But that’s what you do to Daddy, you make him do such dirty things, make him wanna do dirty things to you.” His hand was close to his phone again. “But you like it, hm? Don’t you just love it when Daddy gets so dirty with you?”
You dropped your chin down close to your chest, feeling absolutely no faith in your poker face. “Yes, Daddy.”
You loved how that word tasted every single time that you said it. Saying it helped ease back your embarrassment a little. It was an invitation to inhabit the way your body was practically throbbing with unapologetic lust. And the persistent stimulations from the vibrator wanted you to indulge it even more.
It was getting more difficult to breathe, only getting worse when you felt the pulsations definitely increase. They were more insistent and your thoughts got truly derailed. Your thighs tensed as your cunt fluttered. You let out a whispered laugh, the sensations could make you hysterical.
“Do you think that you could orgasm just from this?” He asked.
You squeezed your eyes shut. The noises of the other diners seemed so loud as you wondered how you were going to balance yourself out. You truly doubted your ability to settle at this new level of intensity.
“Should we find out?” He asked.
You whipped your head up and leaned closer immediately. “No, please. Please, please, no, please not here, no.” His hand was still too close to his phone for your liking. “Please please. We can try that in the car, as much as you like. But not- please, not here.”
He picked up his cutlery, ignoring the phone for now. “Okay, babydoll. Come on, you’ve still got a couple of mouthfuls of your food left. You’re not too full for that, are you?”
“No.” You said, holding your fork with an unsteady hand.
Truthfully the food no longer held any of your interest. But you forced yourself to have more of the pasta, hoping it would be the distraction that you sorely needed.
“But it wasn’t. You were still so aware of how your clitoris was quivering and the panties were so wet against you.
When you saw him reaching for his phone, you feared the worst and you acted straight away. You needed to get to the phone before he could turn the toy up any higher. Your arm shot out and across, your fingers extended as you held your breath.
Your aim wasn’t as precise as you had thought and your wrist struck his glass of water. The force was great enough to knock the item over and you froze, watching water start to spill. It flew over the closeby edge, hitting the ground and breaking. More than a few people turned to look and you felt a far worse embarrassment. You clapped both hands over your mouth.
“I didn’t mean to do that, I didn’t think it- I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You said and the prospect of hiding under the table appealed to you greatly.
“It’s okay.” He said, directly contrasting how you felt as he calmly used a napkin to blot up the bigger splashes on the table. “It’s all okay, honey. Nothing got ruined. Well, aside from…”
No sooner than he had gestured to the broken glass, a member of the staff had rushed up. They didn’t waste any time, working quickly and carefully to collect the pieces of shattered glass, putting them into a small pail.
“I’m really sorry.” You said. “Let me help with-”
They held a hand up, stopping you before you could start to get up. “Please, I don’t want you to accidentally cut yourself. It’s better for the manager if I’m the one who gets hurt.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it at all.” They told you, before adding quietly. “Those glasses are the cheapest things in here.”
They thoroughly checked the floor for any remaining shards. It was a minute amount of mercy that he showed by turning the vibrations down (but not off). The worker produced a cloth to wipe the floor.
Then they stood up, looking at you and your date. “It didn’t get in anyone’s dinner, did it?”
“No, everything is totally fine up here.” He said.
“I’ll bring you a new glass.” They said. They didn’t leave straight away, pausing to give you another look. “Please don’t feel like you need to apologise anymore, sweetie. A broken glass isn’t something anyone here is gonna get upset over.”
“Thanks.” You said, smiling weakly before they left.
Nobody was paying much attention to what was going on at your table now. But the adrenaline was still pumping through your veins and you didn’t think it would level out anytime soon. You supported your head with a hand on your forehead.
“It’s okay, honey.” He said gently. “Don’t let your brain trick you into thinking this is a big deal because it isn’t.”
You slowly raised your eyes to his face. “I’m so embarrassed.”
His eyes glittered as he took in the expression you wore. “Aw, you’re even more stressed out now. It really is so fucking cute.” Maybe you would be able to enjoy this praise when you looked back on it. “Finish up what you want of your food because I have to get you home, I have to get you home real soon.”
*** *** ***
As soon as you had crossed the threshold, Damiano pulled you over and got you pinned to the closest wall. His lips covered yours with the most power yet. It was more passionate than the kisses he had given you in the elevator - a clear indication that the night was reaching its peak.
And you were feeling more than ready for that. He had kept the vibrator active in your panties for the entire drive away from the restaurant. He had controlled the steering wheel with one hand, so that he could hold your bare thigh with the other, gripping firmly enough that you felt his rings pressing into your skin.
Now that you were behind the locked door of his apartment, there was no holding back. Your bodies collided and hands groped, getting to do all of the things thought up during dinner. The lust was crazy now that it was getting set free and the flurry of activity made you feel giddy, almost as if you had consumed alcohol along with your meal.
“Thank you for letting me take the panties off.” You said, enjoying the break you were getting since taking the lingerie off in the elevator. The moist lace was held in your hand.
His fingers caressed your cheeks and in the pause between kisses you saw how big the smile on his face was. “Aw, my little girl couldn’t take much more of that, huh?” His lips surrounded your top lip, sucking and giving you the hint of a bite. “If you didn’t wanna be teased so much, then you shouldn’t be so fucking fun to play with.” More kisses stole your opportunity to respond. “Had you ever considered that?”
“No, I hadn’t.”
His hand went to your throat, using this to guide your head back against the wall. His fingers on your chin moved up, caressing your lips as he applied the front of his body to yours. You wrapped your lips around his fingers as he began to kiss down the side of your neck. His hips pressed against yours and you were gloriously trapped as the anticipation only grew.
At first he reached underneath your dress, getting to what he could beneath the material. He gripped your body to him as his mouth travelled toward your cleavage. You wanted to get a little satisfaction for your own cravings and you pushed his leather jacket off of his shoulders. You couldn’t get his arms free of the item, but at least you could now feel his body heat through his shirt.
“You made yourself up so pretty for me.” He said. His breath was hot on the tops of your tits as he hardly paused from kissing (and gently sucking) the skin here.
“You did too.” You said. “I couldn’t imagine a sexier guy to take me on a date. Have I mentioned that I fucking love how you take the buttons on a shirt as a suggestion?” He giggled. “More than once I was wishing I could use your pecs as a plate, so that I would have an excuse to lick them.”
“I’m glad you think I look good. I had to, for you, honey.” He said, your eyes meeting. “I wanted you to know how proud I am to get to take you out.”
You felt like your heart could melt as you stared into his eyes. At once you knew that you had nothing to say that was worthy of following his statement. None of the words you possessed could properly encapsulate your emotions. Nothing would be profound enough, nothing could carry the same significance.
You tried to express yourself with actions, pulling him in for a kiss. His lips worked with yours, giving you reassurance in this moment. Your hands returned to the task of getting his jacket off. He helped you follow through, the garment discarded and you eagerly plunged your hands into the very open collar of his shirt.
You didn’t have to guide him in any way, he knew exactly where the zipper on your dress was. From behind your back, he began to pull it down. You were relieved to have your chest freed from the corset-style bodice.
“I don’t know what you’ve heard about women who fuck on the first date. Hopefully nothing too disparaging.” He said as you undid the buttons on his shirt. “But I just want you to know, so that you don’t worry… I’m not gonna respect you any less ‘cause we’re sleeping together on the first date.”
You threw his red shirt away and rolled your eyes. “Kiss me, you dork.”
Your mouth was already open as he leaned back into you. You held the nape of his neck as you kissed, his tongue voyaging into your mouth. You tasted the cigarette he had smoked while driving, at the same time that you gained a strong sniff of his cologne. His arms encircled your waist and you had the desire to be entirely wrapped up.
When his hips returned to yours, you felt the stiffness that was still hidden in his pants. It kept you giddy, that swarm of butterflies still in your tummy. You keenly pushed your hips into him, wanting less distance between your bodies. He pushed back until you were grinding on each other - there was so much energy that was begging to be used.
“I wanna do something new tonight. Do you trust me?” He asked.
“Always, Daddy.” You supplied immediately.
He took your hands and secured another kiss from your lips before starting out of this entryway. You squeezed his hand as you followed along closely. You didn’t know what to guess, what did you want it to be? You thought about the things you hadn’t yet experienced with him, those positions that had gotten your imagination racing.
He got you to sit down on the bed while he went to the chest of drawers. There were still toys of his that you hadn’t explored yet.
When he turned back to face you he showed you the bundles of black rope in his hands. You knew that it was a special type of rope, designed to not hurt or irritate your skin. But that was where your knowledge ended. There were no limits to the possibilities of what he could do with it.
“I hope you’re ready to be in a bit of an unnatural position.” He said, unravelling the rope as he got closer.
“I think I am.” You said.
“This first part isn’t so scary- lie down on your tummy.” He said, his tone none too stern yet. You flipped yourself over, getting comfortable with your head to the side. He was still in your line of sight as he climbed onto the bed with you. “Look at this booty. Should I spank it? Breaking that glass, it seems like the kind of thing you could be punished over.”
“I didn’t mean to do that.” You said, squirming a little.
He rested the palm of his hand on your ass. “Have you ever heard the expression that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions?”
That didn’t sound like you were about to be forgiven. You shut your eyes and tried to prepare yourself.
But it didn’t come. “No. The way that you almost cringed yourself out of existence when it happened makes me think you’ve suffered enough.”
You let out a shaky breath, smiling as you looked at him again. He simply lifted his hand from your ass, going back to unravelling the rope.
“Can you lift this leg up for me? Bend it, kind of like you’re gonna kick your own ass.” He said and you raised your foot immediately. “Awesome, now do you think you could touch your wrist to this ankle?”
You felt a little uncoordinated, but there was nothing to stop you from completing the action. “Like this?”
“Perfect, babydoll.” He said. “How does that feel for you? Is that uncomfortable or do you think you could hold it?”
“It’s not uncomfortable.” You said. The stretch you were feeling in your limbs wasn’t typical, but it also wasn’t painful.
“What if I tied them together? Would that be alright?” He asked, his tone giving you the sense that this could be negotiated.
“Yeah, I’ll give that a try.”
You felt how non-abrasive the rope was as soon as he began winding it around your wrist. You were helplessly exposed to him as he worked. There wasn’t a single thing he couldn’t do to your body right now and the sense of having no control titillated you.
He wrapped the rope around your wrist and ankle, a knot resting between them. You didn’t feel these new cuffs digging into your skin. It was deceptively gentle, and you were surprised by how much they actually limited you when you attempted to move. Your wiggling was ineffective as you found how little give the ropes had. Aside from flexing your fingers, there wasn’t much you could do with the left side of your body now.
He didn’t instantly move to tie up your other limbs, instead giving the back of your arm a slow stroke. “How does that feel? Is there any pain?”
“No, it’s okay.” You said, making sure to twist your head around so that you could drive this point home by looking in his eyes. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“Good, because you have to tell me the second that it starts to hurt. I don’t care what part of the scene we’re up to, it’s never not a good time to tell me.” He said, inescapably serious in his every word. “It’s not just about blood flow being restricted. Wrists are really quite fragile and I don’t want to damage the joint, or damage you in any way. That’s not what this is about, so I need to trust that you’re taking your safety as seriously as I am.”
You nodded your head as best you could. “Yes, I am, I will.”
“I’m not trying to make it sound scary, but I just want to make sure you have all the information.” He said.
“I appreciate that.”
He gave your ass an affectionate pat. “My good girl understands her responsibilities.” He was smiling as he lifted himself to switch to the right side of your body. “Alright, I’ve got more knots to tie.”
He folded this second length of rope in half as you got your arm and leg into the correct position. You had practically no balance anymore. The majority of your body weight went to your chest, pressing it firmly to the mattress, which changed the way you were breathing. It didn’t keep you from filling your lungs, but you were more aware of your chest rising-and-falling than you typically would be.
He placed the doubled-over rope around both your wrist and ankle, feeding the ends through the loop created at the fold. He gave the end a gentle pull, introducing tension into the rope. He slid his index finger between the rope and your skin, checking it wasn’t too tight before continuing.
He wrapped the ropes around your joints again-and-again, you lost count after the third. His fingers worked without fumble, making you wonder just how many times he had done this.
He fixed everything in place with one final knot. “How is that for you, honey? Are you having any issues?”
“None at all.” You said, feeling pleased that his effort hadn’t been for nothing.
It became evident that you weren’t alone in being pleased. “You look so good. It’s even better than how I was imagining it.” He ran a single finger up the inside of your thigh, making you shiver as the excitement raced up your spine. “My sexy plaything, I can’t wait to make you feel just so spectacular.”
He got up from the bed. You didn’t strain your neck to keep an eye on him, even though you were so curious of what he would bring to you next. You rested the tip of your nose on the bed and tried to take in some deep breaths. Your body was in a peculiar position, but you felt more composed than you had at the restaurant. You had found your base, you were at the right starting point for whatever he had decided the rest of your night would be dedicated to.
“I think I’m gonna let you enjoy a toy that has proven to be very successful in the past.” He said.
You still didn’t check over your shoulder. You didn’t need to see this toy to identify it, you got all of the information that was required from the first touch.
You recognised the shape of the bulb as it was brought up to your cunt. You recognised the smooth, but not slippery finish that the device had. The vibrations weren’t set high enough to properly disrupt your peace yet, they just felt good as he pressed the toy against your labia majora.
It was the vibrating wand that you had been unable to resist, experimenting with it in secret, when you should have been watering pants and minding your own business.
With the time that had passed since then, you had really learnt of what the toy could do. And how much he could do with it.
He pushed it up, making space for it between your body and the mattress. You let out a whimper as you settled into these sensations, unable to resist, just like that first time. You didn’t have to hide that you were enjoying this, that the vibrations were getting you wetter as they intrigued rather than intimidated you.
“Is that the best toy ever?” He asked, the excitement in your body building as he maintained the right amount of pressure.
You were getting distracted from everything else. It felt like you could float away on bliss as your labia were massaged so consistently. It steadily had you feeling more sensitivities, rather than rushing and disorientating you.
“Best ever.” You agreed.
He got the toy’s head to a higher point, your labia majora the only thing keeping it from making contact with your clitoral hood. Your pelvis tilted as you started to feel the vibrations on a deeper level - soon it would be messing with your nerves, but that would be just fine by you.
“Who’s making you feel so good?” He asked.
“Daddy.” You were fast to tell him.
“That’s right.”
With some skillful manoeuvring, he got the toy’s head to make greater contact. Your labia were eased apart so that the vibrator could reach your clit. Your body gave a reactionary twitch and your breath briefly skipped. You couldn’t help the pathetic wiggle as you accepted this escalation.
Your mouth hung open as you tried to get yourself back to that baseline because you didn’t want to come too quickly. These sensations were shooting straight through you, affecting you down to the core. Slowly you came to notice a new sound in the room. And it took you another moment to acknowledge that you were the one making these strangled noises - they had begun with no awareness from you.
“Oh, has Daddy just found the magical spot?” He asked, the delight so clear in his voice.
“Fuck, yes.” You moaned.
If you had control over your hands then you would grab his wrist, keeping him from moving it. You would make sure that he didn’t take the toy away until you were done with it.
You felt his hand move away, leaving the limited space beneath your body. But the toy remained in place, the vibrations persisting. It shifted a little as your body writhed, but you pushed your cunt into the right place again, happy little sounds marking your victory.
“If you wanna keep enjoying that toy, you’ll have to find a way to keep it there yourself.” He said.
You almost laughed because it was so absurd. “You’re joking.”
“Are you sure about that?” He asked and you were aware of him getting up to leave you alone on the bed.
“How am I supposed to control a fucking toy when I’m all tied up?” You asked.
“Oh you’re a clever girl, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
You were quite unimpressed with the fact that you had to problem-solve. You were being forced to think when all that you wanted to do was go weak on the vibrator, you wanted the pleasure to erase all thoughts.
You clenched your thighs, bringing them to either side of the toy’s long handle. It took some strength but you succeeded in keeping the toy from rolling away or getting displaced. You tilted your pelvis, rewarded with more pulsations, not quite on your clit, but close enough that the nerves in the hood responded.
“I could keep holding it there for you. But I think it’s about time that you helped me to feel good too, hm?” He said.
You lifted your head, needing a moment to find the right angle so you could look at him. Your focus was instantly secured when you saw that he had finally taken his pants and underwear off. His boner was right there and your fingers twitched, new cravings sweeping through you.
“Yes, Daddy.” You said.
He smiled as he moved to sit down on the bed. He placed himself up at the head of the bed, pillows behind his back. He was close to where your immobile body was currently positioned.
You kept your eyes on him as he slid his ass down. This brought his body (and most importantly, his erection) closer to your face. You held your head up as high as you could, licking your lips. His fingers started to stroke through your hair.
“Is this my dessert?” You asked.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it is.” He got in even closer, lifting your head and repositioning it to rest on his thigh. “Look at this. You wouldn’t let me cook for you for our first date. But here I am, about to feed you something only I can give to you.”
You didn’t have any witty comments that you could respond with. Instead you busied your mouth by applying kisses to the side of his length. You saw his dick twitch in his anticipation as you laid down one chaste kiss after another. You took your time, slowly indulging in his cock as the toy’s vibrations fed your lust even further.
You didn’t rush through the process of appreciating his cock. More of his primal scent filled your nostrils, an intoxicating aroma. You tried to surprise him, sporadically parting your lips so that you could glide your tongue along his hot and taut skin. You glanced up at him, finding his eyes had fluttered shut as the corners of his lips started to subtly lift. It was all the encouragement that you needed, progressing to kiss more of this middle portion of his dick.
He had stopped playing with your hair, now he wrapped some of the strands around his fingers. His other hand went to the underside of his erection, supporting it (or else presenting it like a meal on a silver platter). You kissed him a bit firmer now.
He started to rub his hand up-and-down in this position of passively holding his cock. He wasn’t going very fast, probably just enjoying a bit of motion.
You gradually kissed a trail in the direction of his tip. A move of your hips allowed you to feel the tireless vibrations with more strength. You moaned against his length.
He sharply inhaled as you got your mouth to his head. You parted your lips and moved your tongue forward. You worked it in a broad upward stroke. Then you moved your tongue in circles, creating a ring of your spit on just his head.
“Yes. Oh, my little girl knows how to tease me so nice.” He said, his voice quieter than it had been at any point of the night.
You encapsulated his tip with your mouth. Instead of instantly sucking, you kept your tongue as the star of the show, massaging him with an increased pressure. His fingers started to curl around his dick as his stroking came in with more purpose and speed.
As he pumped his cock against your mouth, you worked your hips into the mattress, rocking on the vibrating wand. You couldn’t let your desires truly run wild (that wasn’t how he wanted it) but there were rewards to your little movements. The beginnings of friction was wonderful, encouraging the warm pleasure to seep through more of your body.
“Oh yeah, you want some more of it?” He asked in a sweet tone.
He pulled his hand closer to himself as you pushed your lips forward. This was when you commenced sucking, creating a seal with your mouth. His hand kept at the final half of his erection, a distinct rhythm to be noticed. You tried to match this with how you moved your hips.
“Do you know that I can see the way you’re smiling?” He asked.
Smiling? You were instantly confused by this statement. You didn’t know that you were physically capable of smiling right now. Your lips were otherwise occupied.
But you weren’t going to take your mouth off of his dick to disagree over something so harmless.
“It’s not the first time I’ve seen you do it, either.” He said. “I’ve never had a girl smile while she sucks me off before. You’re so proud to do it.”
With some effort, you rocked yourself over to the side, emptying your mouth. You gasped in a deep breath as the pressure was temporarily alleviated from your chest. Your thighs kept the toy where it was needed. 
You licked up the length of his cock a few times, pausing to look at the pleased expression on his face. “Damn right I’m proud to suck it, I’m always proud to give you any kind of pleasure.” You resumed your licking.
His eyes appeared to become more focused. “That thing vibrating your clit isn’t the best toy ever… you are.”
Now you were definitely smiling as you tirelessly ran your tongue up his shaft.
He gathered your hair up into both of his hands. “Open up nice and wide, Daddy wants to feed it all to you now.” You pushed yourself back onto your chest, getting closer to his dick. “That’s right.” You wrapped your lips around him. “If your tummy wasn’t full after that pasta, I’m gonna make sure it gets full. I’m gonna give you so much cum to eat.”
The toy had been moved during your repositioning, the vibrations ceasing to have any effect on your clit. It was too low now, pulsating against the top of your thigh.
As you set your mouth into pacing on his dick, you decided to just let the vibrator go. You couldn’t be bothered to try to fix it. It would take a lot of effort to get it back to the right spot, and you couldn’t be sure the result would be worth it.
You put your focus and energy into something you knew would be entirely worth it. You slid your lips up-and-down his shaft. You were headed for the balls, but you didn’t push yourself to reach them at once. For now you were exploring your range of motion, finding a speed that could be maintained.
His head bumped and pushed against the roof of your mouth. He kept both hands in your hair but it didn’t seem that he was on the verge of tugging on the strands. You took this as a gesture of encouragement, rather than him wishing he could steer you.
“Do you wanna show me how much you can take?” He asked, not moving in any way that would be making the decision for you. “You took it really deep last time and I, oh, I loved how that felt.”
For a moment you plunged your mouth down, trying to fill all of him into your mouth. He gasped and his hands temporarily tensed in your hair. There was already drool on your chin as you pushed your tongue out, past your lips. You used this to get your first taste of his balls. You stroked the tip of your tongue against them for just a moment.
Then you had to retract for the sake of catching your breath. Your lips were back on him as quickly as you could manage. Starting at his tip, you created a firm ring around his width.
You took your time in drawing his entire length into your mouth. You chose to give almost every inch its own appreciation, letting his sensitivities develop. You worked yourself down a bit, then your mouth stroked him up-and-down from this point, hinting at the tempo you could treat him with.
He whispered your name, his breath coming in heavier. Listening to his inescapably honest noises was a good distraction from the strain you were feeling in your neck. You didn’t let yourself acknowledge how uncomfortable this abnormal position was. You sucked your cheeks in tight around him, wanting to bring more sounds out of him before you considered tapping out.
You had gained his entire shaft into your mouth, that distinct flavour beginning to grace your tastebuds.
“Good girl.” He said, shifting a little in his current position. As the excitement grew, he had to work to hold himself back, but the reckless energy was lying in wait.
He let you take the next step in your own time. You moved your mouth to that point where his head was allowed into your throat.
“Yes.” He moaned, his extended legs hugging to your sides.
You eased back from this depth after some sucking. You used your lips to pump his cock, a fast motion that gave him more friction. You ended each swing downward by letting him touch the opening of your throat. You were always ready to take him back to this spot.
His fingers conformed to the shape of the back of your head. He had started to lift his butt from the mattress slightly, so pleased with the pace you had created that he was contributing to it. As you moved together, his sounds got louder.
There was a subtle change and you realised that he had taken over the role of leader, setting the pace to what he desired. He was spending a little longer in your throat.
“Oh honey, I can’t wait to give you my cum. You’re doing such a great job at earning it. Mmn…” His hum was drawn out, then you felt a powerful twitch in his limbs. His hips snapped up faster than you were expecting and he hesitated from pulling out of your throat at once. “Uh, uh-huh.”
He eased back, his swollen tip rubbing against the roof of your mouth. You reaffirmed your mouth’s hold on his width. He didn’t pause to catch his breath, eagerly getting back to his rutting.
His movements grew to be less predictable for you and his reactions to the feeling of your throat got bigger. He continued to be in control of the rhythm. There was no chance for you to gain the authority back, now all of your effort was going to just keeping up with him. You worked to not get thrown off in between the moments of synching up.
His enjoyment didn’t suffer because you could no longer match him. Regardless of how you felt like you were failing to get back onto the perfect pacing, his sounds continued getting louder. You recognised the taste of his precum as it leaked out of him.
“Little girl, oh, oh, oh.” He whimpered as he grinded against your face. “Yes, fuck yes, yea-... fuck.”
He plunged right into your throat, immediately his cum coated this area, sliding down and demanding to be swallowed. You kept your lips set around him as he moved through his orgasm still vocalising. Some of the sounds that he made were close to words, while others didn’t have a single coherent syllable.
He slumped back and you took him the rest of the way out of your mouth, gasping in as much air as you could. You rolled onto your side a little, making refilling your lungs easier. Your contact with the vibrating wand ended. You rested your wet face on his thigh as you came back into your own body. The start of aches demanded to be acknowledged, there was no way to lie that made your limbs feel normal.
You looked up to him, finding he was leaning against the headboard for support now. He rested a hand over his face as he experienced the after-effects of his orgasm. But you couldn’t let him get lost in his recovery.
“Damiano, can I please be untied now?” You asked.
He sprung into action straight away, his hands reached out for the ropes. His fingers quickly got to work. “Are you okay? It hasn’t caused you any pain, has it?”
“No, I’m just starting to get kinda sore.” You told him.
It was an immense relief to get to stretch your left leg out. You pulled your arm around to the front of your body. None of your movements went unnoticed, you felt keenly aware of what each muscle was doing. Even once your right side was freed, you still felt the tension in your limbs.
“You did such an amazing job, honey. I was hoping we could get through the whole blow job with you bound and we did, you did.” He said as you rolled onto your back. “And that was your first time being restrained? You’re incredible, you’re so incredible.”
“Thank you Daddy.” You said, knowing there was no point in trying to match his current energy, that was beyond your capabilities.
He swooped down, covering your lips in kisses. “I’ll take care of you now. Roll over and I’ll massage your shoulders.”
You didn’t need any further convincing, rolling to return your tummy to the mattress. You had the unpleasant sensation of pins and needles in more than one spot on your body.
He applied his hands firmly to your shoulders, gripping and squeezing with the right amount of force. Then he pressed his thumbs against your skin, beginning to move them in a slow fanning motion. You let your eyes flutter shut, glad to feel the strain easing already.
“Is that good?” He asked when he relocated his thumbs to the nape of your neck. He pushed against the muscle with little circles.
You hummed. “It rocks. How come you’ve never massaged me before?”
“You haven’t ever asked for one.” He said.
“Well that’s about to change.” You said, making him laugh.
He pressed his knuckle against your spine and you let out a surprised sound as he rocked it back-and-forth. But it didn’t take long to settle into this feeling, deciding that you definitely liked it. He moved it down another inch or so, then repeated the technique.
“I love taking care of you.” He said, your focus keenly sharpened, but you couldn’t think of anything to say back. “And I think I’m pretty damn good at it.”
“You’re good at everything.” You managed to say.
He moved his hands up, concentrating on one of your arms then the other. The brief pressure that he applied felt good, it brought an immediate relaxation to each area.
Even though you figured that you would be too horny to actually fall asleep. His massage was so soothing that you could see it causing you to drift off, in another situation.
“Is that feeling better?” He asked as his fingers kneaded at the tight muscles in your thigh.
You moaned out your approval. “Hell yes.”
You couldn’t help moaning again as he pushed the heel of each palm up your thighs, you felt like you could melt. With each decadent rub from his hands, you could remember less clearly how it had felt to be tied up in such a strange position. You were on the way to forgetting it altogether.
He moved to sit in a different spot. “Come here and I’ll rub your neck some more.”
“That sounds so spectacular.” You said.
The strain in your body was gone, your muscles feeling at their usual low level of significance. He was sitting with his legs parted and you put yourself in the space between his thighs. You put your back to him, leaving a slight gap between the two of you.
His hands went to your shoulders and you made another happy vocalisation, feeling like you could melt again. He rubbed his fingers deep into your skin.
When he pressed a kiss to the side of your neck you let out a dreamy sigh. You leaned closer to him and rocked your head back. You were keen to increase the intimacy without getting into any trouble for challenging his authority.
He began to suck on your skin and you could feel heat rushing into your cunt. He pressed his chest to you and you grabbed for his leg, pressing your nails against his skin as he found a way to make this massage feel even better.
“That’s so good, Daddy.” You whispered.
He let you feel his teeth on your skin for a fleeting moment, before entirely releasing his mouth from this hold. “Do you need me to massage anywhere else?” Instantly your mind raced and his hands left your shoulders. “Maybe somewhere lower…”
You were so eager that you couldn’t help moaning as soon as you felt him cup a hand to your pussy. This was the part where you truly melted.
It was exciting to know that you were finally going to have his attention exactly where you wanted. It would be torturous if he teased your cunt any further. You needed the release more than anything.
He began to rub his fingers against your labia majora, a deep caress that wasn’t quite as deep as you required. At the same time he resumed kissing your neck. You weren’t paying much attention to the lengths of his sucks (you didn’t care if he was actively creating hickeys), you were focused on the rhythm that he was fondling you at. As he groped, he dragged his hand slowly up-and-down your crotch. It was such an enticing motion that you joined in on it, your breath coming in quicker as you rolled your hips in time with him.
He let you feel more pressure, leading him to use his fingers to part your labia. You put more strength into how you moved your hips, placing so much purpose into every pump. More-and-more blood came into your cunt and it was getting harder to keep your patience in check.
He pulled his hand up then pushed two of his fingers down, into the wet area where your clit was located. You barely choked back the sob that came from you when his fingers glided over the bud. At this point, your clitoris was practically aching for some attention. The keen nerves had made the hood stand up, so receptive to the unhurried rubbing.
You enjoyed how warm and soft his fingers were as they remained set in that predictable motion. Your skin between his lips was subjected to the occasional rubbing from his tongue. He prioritised sucking on you here over taking some deep breaths.
“Fuck…” You moaned when his fingertips glided down to your entrance.
He slightly curled these fingers and at the same time you plunged your hips forward into his hand with more power. You weren’t quite reckless yet. But the motivation was definitely there as this increased pressure invited lovely tingles into your body.
His fingertips briefly pushed into your cunt to conclude each stroke downward. This caused your inner-walls to clench, the eagerness ready to spill over at any second. He went in by about an inch before always pulling his fingers out and up, leaving you craving so much more. You whined, your desires fighting with your need to behave accordingly.
It took you time to recognise that he had stopped moving his hand. As he peppered the top of your shoulder with kisses, his arm didn’t move. The motion of his fingers was being created just by you. You grinded yourself up-and-down, his curled fingers gliding over the sensitive spots.
“Please.” You begged as your pussy was eased open with the tips of his fingers.
“Do you wanna come, little girl?” He asked.
You rested your head on his shoulder, needy moans falling from your lips. “So fucking bad.”
Instead of giving you more, he pulled his hand away altogether. Your clitoral hood pulsed, absolutely desperate to be given the right kind of stimulation.
He moved away from you. “Just let me put this condom on, then you can do whatever you like.”
You turned around, seeing him collect the packet that had been placed on the nightstand earlier. You hadn’t noticed it before, but now you saw that he was erect again.
“How do you feel about being on top?” He asked.
“I feel good about it, really good..” You said.
He began to lie down on his back. “Yeah, I thought you could have fun like this. Plus you look so good when you’re on top of me.”
You didn’t hesitate to climb on top of him, your knees going to either side of his hips. “Does this look good to you?”
“Hell yes.” He answered, wrapping his arms around your middle as he moved in to capture a kiss. “It feels just as good as it looks.”
You smiled before initiating the next kiss, not letting this one end as quickly as the last. You settled your body on top of his, wrapping an arm around his neck. You kissed him slow and deep, indulging in this feeling that was the beginning of your lust getting in sync with his. The entire night had been building up to this moment and you were so excited to discover how it would unfold.
The time for teasing was definitely over, so far as you were concerned. You hardly waited to start lining yourself up with his cock. It was a relief when he didn’t try to stop you.
It was an even greater relief when the head of his dick commenced stretching you open. You moved your hips down towards his body, at long last getting to feel stimulations on your inner-walls. Your puffy lips wrapped around him, prompting him to gasp against your mouth. You sucked on his lower lip as his arms tightened around you.
The connection was wonderful, feeling like it had been worth the wait. Your body was so tuned and ready for him, your cunt slicking his dick straight away.
Your rhythm on his lips started to suffer as your focus went to testing how your body could move on his. Feeble kisses were exchanged as you stroked yourself up-and-down his length. He swiped his tongue against your lip, his arms holding you so securely as you explored.
Your thrusts started to come in consistently. Your thighs gripped to his hips as you locked into this promising motion. The gaps between kisses lengthened as you grew similarly breathless.
“Show me how much you wanna come.” He commanded in a whisper.
Your hands were in fists around the pillow his head rested on as you brought your hips down on him at a quick and hungry speed. Well-timed writhing from him saw him plunging deeper into your sensitive pussy. These shocks radiated through your system, strong enough to overpower you. It had the potential to overwhelm you and you instantly wanted more of it.
You got obsessed with that depth and the push that preceded it. You sacrificed most of your coordination, now moving with reckless abandon. The sounds of your body slamming into him got louder, accompanied by his ragged breaths and your ecstatic whines.
His hands grasped your lower back, fingers creating dips in the soft area. “Use me to make yourself come, like a good girl. Do it.”
You jackhammered into him, your body consumed by your burning need. Each time his tip spread your clenching pussy, you felt yourself closer to that glimmering sensation of becoming complete.
But he beat you to the release. He convulsed up into you, burying every inch of himself into you. He pressed his face into your chest, you swiftly recognised his strangled noises as accompanying a climax.
You didn’t try to reclaim your friction as his body vibrated against yours. You were breathless, ready to be overcome. And the spasming of your over-stimulated pussy took you there.
You burst, your excitement reaching an unbelievable height. You threw your head back, letting out your loudest (and most triumphant) moan of the night. The release hit you on every single level, showing you that all of the effort had been worth it to claim that perfection, before you began to fade away.
You felt him moving and carefully repositioning you but you didn’t have the capacity to react. Maybe you were smiling as your back reached the mattress, or maybe you looked as mindless as you felt. It would be a task for later to piece yourself back together.
Sometime later, you were still feeling like you were floating as you started to open your eyes. He looked peaceful as he laid beside you, running his fingers through your messed-up hair. You saw the subtle but satisfied smile on his mouth.
You felt the echoes of your bursting, giving you a giddy rush and you were being urged on. You hadn’t expected to feel more energy and you needed to touch him, hear him, connect with him further.
You kissed him, then rushed to say something so he couldn’t ask what that was for. “You’ve gotta tell me, we never got to it- what was your most terrible first date?”
He pondered this as he rolled onto his side, facing you. “Well I used to think that all of them were fine, nothing to complain about, not to brag in contrast to your story. But after tonight and seeing how great that was… They’re all garbage. Every single first date that I’ve had before you was truly terrible.”
Why did hearing that make you feel like you needed to hide your face? His sincerity gave you a new reason to blush. “Oh my gosh, that’s so sweet.”
“It’s true, I hate to diss those other girls. But it is what it is.”
As you stared at him, noticing every detail of his face, that feeling of being urged on came back. It was deep and you were intimidated as it pulled you to him. You thought you might be as intimidated as you were right before you had slept with him the first time. You were in a similar position of feeling cautious as you faced the unknown.
“I think…”
His chuckle filled in the silence left by your hesitation. “You’ve still got thoughts in that head of yours? I wasn’t trying to make you brain dead with all of that teasing, but I thought it was a possibility.”
“Heh, yeah…” You quietly responded.
He was smiling as he caressed your cheek. “I’m sorry for interrupting, babydoll. Please, go on, what were you thinking about?”
Your breath was getting shorter. “I think I love you.”
Before you could take a breath, his lips were colliding with yours. “I love you too.”
THE END! thankyou for loving this trilogy, this fic is over now
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
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Security Detail 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~5.1k
Summary: Little Nat goes to a birthday party
A/N: More inspired by ideas from @rianncreates
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, creeps, and cuteness
This was your nightmare. Honestly the idea of having near 2 dozen kids running around makes you more anxious than you ever would have imagined. Between keeping them from leaving your sight, and making sure no one fell off the jungle gym you didn’t get a moment to relax as you supervised your daughter’s friend’s birthday party.
This is one of the first events you’ve gone to like this and you are realizing quickly that you definitely don't give Wanda enough credit. She loved these types of things, and watching her now was truly an experience. She was somehow the social butterfly between the two of you. She wandered from table to table and talked to parents, kids, and their friends with a smile on her face and an energy that you couldn’t even attempt to muster at this point.
You’re out of your element and it feels painfully obvious as you sit off by yourself. Well, you have your dogs with you. You’d brought them because you had no idea how long this would last, and you hadn’t wanted to worry about them. They loved to get out anyway and after exploring the playground and getting their fill of scratches from the kids, they’d come to sit beside you. You’re considering getting up and making the rounds with Wanda when someone sits beside you with a loud sigh.
“Hanging in there?”
You turn to see Pietro shooting you a knowing look that you just laugh at. He doesn't like these things either, but he can wander off without getting judged. If you did that you'd be a neglectful mother, so you're sitting nearby-ish as you take a breather.
“This is exhausting. I don't know how Wanda does it.”
Pietro glances toward his sister who's smiling as she talks to one of the dads that has at least three kids of his own here. He’s not sure how his sister went from mobster to stay at home mom so seamlessly but it was never something he imagined for her. He was glad that she seemed happy, and he honestly could use some of her energy. He reaches down to scratch Boone’s head with a smile. The dogs have been very good during this whole thing. He’d been afraid that they’d be overwhelmed by the near thirty children here, but they were actually pretty chill. They mostly looked around and kept an eye on Natalya, but she was having fun with her friends and was being watched by more than enough people.
“She’s an impressive one, my sister.”
You smile at the thought and you hum in agreement as your gaze falls to your wife again. She really is spectacular and as you watch her laugh at something the birthday kid’s dad says you feel yourself sigh wistfully.
“She’s amazing, for sure.”
Pietro turns to you with a pinched expression when he realizes you’re practically drooling over his sister. He rolls his eyes before slapping you on the back to startle you out of your daydreaming. You flinch and turn to glare at him as he pretends to be annoyed.
“Hey, that’s my sister you’re drooling over.”
You roll your eyes before slapping your brother-in-law’s hand away. You shake your head before meeting your wife’s gaze briefly before she returns her attention to the host. You briefly wonder how much they spent on this party for their son who’s 4 and won’t remember it. They even hired caterers that are still milling about to make sure that there’s enough food to go around. At this point it’s mostly the parents eating as the kids run around and play on the playground or in the large field that hosts various games.
You hope that Natalya won’t want a party like this. Despite having the money to throw one, logistically it sounds like a nightmare, and you aren’t sure how many more of these you can sit through.
“I’m not drooling. She does look beautiful in that dress though; don’t you think Piet?”
You’re teasing him now because despite agreeing that his sister is pretty, he finds it a little awkward to talk with you about her looks. You know this and you’re just giving him a hard time because it’s what you two do. You take his lack of response as answer enough and you sigh before checking on your daughter again. She’s strayed away from her friend group to play with one of the other dogs roaming around here. You turn back to Pietro to see that he’s spaced out, and you sigh before getting to your feet.
“I’m going to make the rounds. Want to come?”
Pietro unsurprisingly shakes his head and you just leave him to sit and mull as you wave your dogs along. You’re not going to walk around alone, and you’re grateful that they both stand and follow after you obediently.
“Good boys.”
“Thank you.”
You roll your eyes and don’t even bother to respond to Pietro as you decide to get your wife something to eat. She’s been milling around for so long, and you’re not sure if she even ate, so you take a detour to the ridiculously large buffet with a smile. You make her a plate and grab her something to drink before you glance around for your daughter again. She’s wandering farther away and you frown and decide you don’t like this. You turn to Boone before pointing toward Natalya and waving your dog off.
“Go get her, Boone.”
You should do it yourself, but you’re lazy and you’ll check on her as soon as you stop by Wanda to make sure she’s not going to pass out. It’s way too hot for an outdoor party, in your opinion at least, but you’ll worry about that later. You walk up behind your wife and smile as you hear her laughing as she continues to chat. You check behind you and frown when you realize your other dog abandoned you, but since he’s going after his brother, you’re going to let it go.
“Hey there, Wands.”
Wanda’s exhausted. She underestimated how tiring such a large birthday party would be. She’s playing the part of a host despite not being one, but she’d wanted to get to know the parents of her daughter’s classmates in a setting that wasn’t run by the school. She’d learned a lot, but mostly she’s exhausted herself after nearly an hour of chitchatting. She’s beyond grateful to hear your voice behind her, and as soon as she realizes you’ve brought her food, she could just kiss you.
“Hi detka. Come sit.”
You set the plate and cup in front of your wife, and you’re about to sit down but you remember that you were going to check on Natalya. She would do anything to pet a dog and you have to make sure she doesn’t go too far. She was still in sight when you sent Boone after her, but you had to go make sure she didn’t stray any further. You kiss your wife’s cheek before you point over your shoulder and explain why you’re not taking her up on her very appealing offer.
“I will in a minute, I have to go wrangle Little Nat first. She’s over there.”
Wanda turns to where you’re pointing, but she doesn’t see her daughter anywhere. She’s frowning by the time she looks back to you and your smile turns down too when Wanda shakes her head.
“Where is she? I don’t see her.”
Natalya was getting tired of playing and she could use a second serving of cake. She had planned on doing this immediately after leaving her friends, but she spotted a new dog that she hadn’t pet yet and she couldn’t resist the urge to follow it. It was a small scruffy dog with a purple collar, and she followed him closely as he headed away from the party and toward the parking lot.
“Come here, doggy.”
Natalya reaches out and is just short of the dog so she starts to walk faster. She doesn’t even realize she’s getting too far away from everyone else until she follows the dog behind some trees. She stops short and turns around only to realize she can’t see her parents or uncle anymore. Her moms had told her before coming here that she needed to stay in sight at all times. She could only talk to the other kids at the party and their parents, but no one else at the park. She’s reminded of this last rule as she sees a man dressed in black and white waiting for his dog with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He holds out his arms and Natalya just stands where she is as she debates heading back.
“Hello there. Do you want to say hi?”
Natalya is conflicted. She’s not supposed to talk to strangers, but her moms never said anything about petting their dogs. She nods meekly before she steps forward so she’s in the shade and closer to the cute dog who’s panting from his run over here.
“Yes please.”
The man smiles before he drops the still smoking cigarette and stomps it out before pointing at his dog. He watches the brunette take a couple of tentative steps forward.
“Go ahead, he’s very sweet.”
Natalya reaches out a hand to pet the dog’s head, and she smiles as he licks her in return. She’s about to ask what his name is, but his owner catches her off guard as he grabs her around her waist and picks her up. She doesn’t get a chance to protest before he’s covering her mouth and hurrying off toward the parking lot.
You’re speed walking toward where you’d last seen your daughter with Wanda and Pietro on your heels. You are only a little worried when you walk past the field and toward the parking lot without seeing her. You don’t even see your dogs as you mutter under your breath anxiously.
“She was just here, I swear.”
Wanda’s response is cut off as she hears shouting nearby from beyond the trees near the path that leads back to their car. She frowns when she realizes that they’re screaming in pain and only a second later she notices that it’s nearly drowning out the sound of growling. You and Pietro run toward the sounds and as you get closer you recognize your dogs and run faster.
The sight that greets you is a lot to process, but you don’t hesitate to run forward to stop Pietro from committing murder. Your two dogs have latched onto the legs of a man in a caterer’s uniform who’s holding something under his arm. It takes a second for you to realize it’s a person, and then only a millisecond longer to realize it’s your daughter. You ignore the small barking terrier as you call off your dogs as the man finally drops Natalya. She falls hard on the ground and you rush to grab her just as Pietro tackles her attempted kidnapper.
“You fucker!”
Wanda’s shocked to see someone with her daughter in their arms, and it takes her a second to realize that they’d been trying to run off with her. She had feared something like this would happen for only the first few years of Natalya’s life. However, every scenario that she’d imagined hadn’t included a birthday party. She supposes that was shortsighted on her part. She watches for only a second before she’s running forward to check on her daughter that you’re helping off the ground. She’s got dirt on her face, but otherwise she looks unharmed.
“Little Nat, are you alright? Did he hurt you?”
You’re frantic as you check over your daughter to make sure she’s not injured. Luckily you only notice a small scrape on her knee from the fall, but otherwise she appears unharmed. You ignore your brother-in-law as he beats up the man who had snuck into the party and lured your daughter away. Your anger makes you want to kick the man while he’s down and already bloodied by the older Maximoff, but you decide to focus on your daughter.
“Pietro, stop!”
Wanda gathers Natalya in her arms while you try to calm down your dogs. They’re still barking and snarling at the brunette that they’d intercepted, and they’re too on edge to listen to you. You see that Wanda has her phone out and she’s hopefully calling the police so you focus on Pietro. He’s understandably pissed, but you can’t let him kill the guy before you find out what he was doing. Rather if he was doing it of his own volition. You hadn’t heard anything about your wife’s work for years. Since she’s been retired, you’d never had problems, and you hope as horrible as it sounds, that this is just a run of the mill creep instead of a mobster creep.
“Who the hell are you?! What did you want with my niece?”
Pietro’s breathing heavily as he stares down at brunette who’s barely fighting back. He realizes quickly that this person probably isn’t anyone’s hired help. He’s too soft and the thought that he’s working alone is as comforting as it is disgusting. Pietro grabs the collar of his bloodied shirt, and he’s about to slam him on the ground again when he hears new voices.
Apparently, the dogs had attracted the attention of some of the other parents and they’d wanted to make sure that no one was hurt. Wanda noticed them first, but you’re the one who talked to them about the confusing, disturbing scene in front of them. Pietro reluctantly let the brunette up and he just held him tightly as he waited for the sirens to get closer.
Once he was in custody and everyone involved had been questioned, you decided it was time to leave. You look to your daughter who’s sleeping in her uncle’s arms, before turning toward your dogs. They were still a little wired, but they’d calmed down as soon as the cops showed up. You were grateful that you’d sent Boone after Nat and that they’d both protected their sister, but you’re feeling guilty about not going to get your daughter yourself. She would never have gotten that far if you had just gone after her, and you’re kicking yourself for what almost happened.
“Stop it.”
You turn in confusion at the sound of your wife’s voice, but when you see her knowing look you just turn away with a scowl. She’s not mad at you because there’s no way you could have known what was going to happen. Nat was still in sight when you saw her, and you sent Boone after her with the intention of finding her right after. She’s sure she would have done the same thing. She’s just lucky that the dogs had saved Natalya, and that her brother had beaten him up for all of them. She reaches out for your arm as you shake your head.
“I shouldn’t have left her alone. I’m so stupid.”
Wanda grabs your chin to turn you towards her, and you’re met with a stern look that you know isn’t something you should argue with.
“Stop it, Y/n. This isn’t your fault. You were going to check on her, and in the meantime, you made sure she was taken care of.”
Wanda takes a moment to look at the two dogs that might still have blood on their faces. She didn’t worry about that now as she knelt down to pet the duo with a wide smile. They had been loyal companions for years, and Wanda had always hoped that if a day like this came around, they would step up and protect their own. She couldn’t be prouder of them and she kisses both of their furry heads in thanks.
“Such good boys. You’re getting steak tonight.”
You guess that Wanda’s right. You hadn’t predicted that you’d face this threat today, but you’re glad that you were more prepared than you thought. Well, it was less you and more your dogs and your brother-in-law being able to thwart the low life who tried to steal your daughter. With any luck, something like this won’t happen ever again, but you can at least take comfort in the fact that your daughter has her own guard dogs.
“They definitely are.”
When the trio got home after the party everything seemed normal. They had dinner after spending some time on the couch watching one of Natalya’s favorite shows. Nat nearly fell asleep at the table after the tiring and stressful time at the party, so you picked her up to take her upstairs to bed. You’re distracted by tiny hands pulling on your hair as you walk through your daughter’s bedroom door. You frown when she whines quietly before speaking barely loudly enough for you to hear.
“I want to sleep with you and Mama.”
You aren’t really surprised to hear this, but you and Wanda still need to talk and figure out what you’re going to do about what happened this afternoon. The police had their own investigation going of course, but you knew your wife well, and you would be foolish to think that she wasn’t going to look into it herself. You decide to try and compromise and you figure you can stay here with Nat until she falls asleep and then go catch up with your wife.
“How about I stay with you instead?”
Natalya frowns but she nods and lets you get her ready for bed. After she brushes her teeth and changes clothes, you tuck her in and grab a book from her shelf beside the bed. You smile as you ask your daughter if she wants you to read this tonight, and after grabbing Winston and holding him tight, she nods wordlessly.
Wanda’s still downstairs trying to talk her brother down when you finish reading to Natalya. You leave her once you realize she’s fast asleep, and you head back downstairs to find your wife growing frustrated as she finishes her drink. She’d had a glass of wine at dinner, so this must be her second but you don’t pay much attention to that right now.
“I know Pietro, and I appreciate it, but we’ll figure something else out. I’m not going to blow our cover on this. He was probably just a lone creep.”
You had come to the same conclusion, but you just sigh in defeat as you go straight for the fridge for another drink too. You choose to grab a beer and are almost half done with it by the time Wanda hangs up with her brother. She takes a deep breath before turning toward you with a small smile. She’s tired and stressed, but she’s sure you are too so she takes a minute to check in with you.
“Natalya’s asleep?”
You nod in confirmation before setting down your beer as Wanda reaches out for you with a tired look. You hold her close before glancing over her shoulder at your two dogs that are resting in their giant dog bed in the corner. All of the kids seem to be down for the night, so you decide that you’ll go to sleep soon too. This had been a stressful experience and you could feel yourself crashing at the very thought of your pillow.
“She is. How’s Pietro?”
Wanda shrugs before muttering something into your hair about how he’s being an overprotective uncle, but he should calm down soon. You listen to Wanda’s plan before you lead her toward the stairs once you both finish your drinks and set them in the sink. Wanda squeezes your hand as she shuts the door behind her and keeps you from collapsing immediately.
“How are you feeling, detka?”
You sigh before you shake your head and admit that you’re still a little upset. This is understandable and Wanda’s certainly not happy either. She’s terrified and still shocked that you both could have lost your daughter today. If you’d been even 30 seconds later, or you hadn’t sent Boone after Natalya, she could have been taken. Wanda shivers at the thought but she focuses back on you when you finally respond as you lead her to the bed. You feel like you’re going to collapse if you don’t sit down right now.
“Still reeling. I can’t believe this happened.”
Wanda nods in agreement as she leans against you as soon as you’re both sitting on the edge of the bed. She wraps an arm around your waist before she hums in contemplation. She had thought that something like this would happen a lot earlier in Natalya’s life, but she wasn’t going to mention that now. Instead, she focuses on you and the fact that your daughter is sleeping safely in her bedroom.
“Me neither, but we’ll figure out what happened, and the important thing is that she’s safe.”
You can’t argue with this or the fact that you’re relieved to have your daughter safe and sound back at home. You offer your wife a small smile before kissing her cheek and taking a deep breath.
“You’re right, Wands. As usual.”
Her response is an amused smile and you just follow her wordlessly as she leads you to the bathroom.
You’re asleep almost before your head hits the pillow, but you unfortunately don’t stay asleep. You manage a few hours before something wakes you up with a start. You frown in confusion and wait to see if whatever woke you up happens again, but no luck. It’s quiet and you turn to your left to see that Wanda’s sleeping soundly. You sigh before you close your eyes and try to go back to sleep. You don’t know what woke you, but now that you’re up, you’re tense and finding it hard to fall back asleep.
Your mind wanders to the events of yesterday’s party, and you know despite how everything worked out that you won’t be letting your daughter out of your sight for a while. Whenever she leaves the house, she’ll either have you or Wanda within arm’s reach. This thought makes you want to check on Natalya, and you sneak out of bed only a couple of minutes later to see your daughter is still sleeping peacefully.
You quietly walk down the hall before pushing the door to Natalya’s room open slowly. You see Winston is on the ground and you’re about to grab him and put him back in bed with your daughter when you realize she isn’t there. The sheets are in disarray and her pillow’s almost on the floor, but Natalya’s not anywhere in sight. You try not to panic, but you’re already looking around the room before you get on your knees to look under the bed.
“Natalya? Little Nat, where are you?”
Once you start tearing through the closet you truly start to panic. You stand up and nearly trip over the various shoes and clothes you’ve thrown around on your way to the door. You stop in the doorway when you run into a confused and slightly miffed Wanda. She’d just woken up to sounds coming from her daughter’s room, and how on edge she was she didn’t hesitate to get up and investigate. When she realized you weren’t in bed, she quickly ran down the hall only for you to almost barrel her over.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? What’s-?”
You shake your head as you grab your wife’s shoulders to steady both of you. You’re starting to walk past her as you speak up in a jumble of words that you hope make sense. You plan on looking around in the other bedrooms before running back to your room to call the police.
“Nat’s not in her bed, Wands.”
Wanda’s eyes widen in surprise before she glances in her daughter’s room to confirm this. She curses under her breath before she runs back to the bedroom to grab her phone. She’s not sure if you even hear her since you’ve run to the next room to check for Natalya.
“I’ll call Piet.”
You see quickly that both of the bedrooms are untouched and after checking the closets, you’re sweating you’re so anxious. You don’t bother to shut the doors as you run back down the hall and look for your wife. She’s still on the phone with her brother and you hear her speaking frantically in her native language. You don’t know what she’s saying, but you hear Pietro’s equally frantic voice as you check to make sure that the security system is still armed. There’s nothing amiss and you start to tremble from the lack of leads and the idea of someone sneaking in here. You force yourself to take a deep breath as you look around frantically, and the sound of Wanda’s increasingly anxious voice fades into the background as you lay eyes on your dogs. They’re still lying in their bed, but they’re awake as they watch you and Wanda panic. You find this odd because usually they’d be all over you and any activity that’s happening. Instead, they’re curled up next to each other in bed with-
“Wanda, she’s here.”
You miss your wife looking over to you and then promptly hanging up after she spots her daughter. She’s sleeping beside her dogs in their oversized bed, and they’re both curled around her protectively with Boone using the brunette’s shoulder as a pillow. You breathe a sigh of relief and almost start crying as you hurry forward to check on your daughter. Rogue’s tail starts to wag and Boone tries to lick you, but you focus on Natalya who’s sleeping soundly despite being covered in dog hair and being squished between the heavy dogs.
“Hey, Little Nat. Wake up.”
You are still trying to calm your breathing when Wanda comes up next to you and kneels by your side. She reaches out for Rogue to scratch him as she waits for Nat to sit up. She grumbles slightly but she sits up and rubs at her eyes with a frown at the sight of her worried parents.
“Is it morning yet, Mama?”
Wanda shakes her head as you hold your arms out for Natalya, and you smile when she starts to crawl toward you.
“No, milaya. Mom went to go check on you, but you weren’t in bed. What are you doing down here?”
Natalya climbs into your lap before wrapping her tiny arms around your waist with a frown. She tries to hide her face in your stomach, but Wanda reaches out for her because this is important. She wants her daughter to look at her.
“I didn’t want to sleep a-alone, and you said no dogs on the bed.”
Both you and Wanda frown at this but seem to realize what Little Nat’s saying. You hate that this happened, and maybe it’s just yesterday’s events that made you freak out, but you’d let the dogs sleep in Nat’s bed if she wanted them to. It was much better than having a heart attack.
Wanda seems to be on the same page, and she smiles softly at her daughter who’s looking at her shyly. She thinks she’s in trouble, but you hold her tightly and kiss the top of her head which makes her look up curiously.
“Okay, next time if you want company come to us first, okay? I was really worried when I didn’t see you in bed.”
Nat’s lower lip juts out in a pout and she shoots you a guilty look before holding you tighter. You watch Wanda run her fingers through your daughter’s tangled hair before shaking her head. She surprises you by what she says next when Nat apologizes.
“Sorry Mommy.”
Wanda’s just grateful that her heart’s started to beat normally again and she didn’t call anyone but her brother. She’ll apologize for waking him up so early tomorrow.
“It’s okay, but from now on the dogs can sleep on your bed. On top of a blanket though. How does that sound?”
Natalya smiles widely and nods in excitement which makes you feel lighter. You let Natalya go and she hugs Wanda quickly before she starts to bounce excitedly in her lap while looking between her redhead mom and her dogs.
“Okay! Can they sleep there now?”
You can’t help but laugh as you see Wanda regret her decision almost immediately, but you nod quickly as you watch Natalya clumsily get to her feet and near tackle her dogs. Wanda sighs but you can tell from her smile that she’s happy as she watches her daughter throw her arms around Rogue’s neck. The shepherd had been watching lazily and he just lets out a surprised huff when Natalya falls on him. You just stand up before reaching out to help your wife to her feet as Natalya tries to coax her dog out of his bed.
“Rogue! Come on let’s go!”
The shepherd considers ignoring her, you can tell, but eventually he sneezes in her face before climbing to his feet. Natalya leads him upstairs after hugging Boone goodnight. You squeeze Wanda’s hand as you lead her upstairs following in your adorable daughter’s footsteps.
“She’s so cute, Wands.”
Wanda sighs in defeat but she can’t argue with you. As she watches Natalya lead Rogue by the collar to her bedroom while talking to him animatedly, she can’t help but be grateful for her daughter’s excitement at something so simple. She’d give a lot to see her daughter smile, and cleaning up a little extra dog fur didn’t seem like a big deal. You two tuck your daughter and Rogue into bed before leaving her to go back to sleep. You release another heavy sigh as you and Wanda arrive back to your bedroom. She wraps an arm around your shoulders before pressing a kiss to the side of your head with a smile.
“She really is, detka, but she’s going to be the death of us.”
You laugh in response but only nod in agreement as you sink back into the bed with a groan. Wanda smiles at you before cuddling up into your side with a yawn. She closes her eyes and hears you switch off the lights before settling beside her with a tired hum. As you both fall back to sleep for the second time that night, you hope that tomorrow will be calmer.
Little Nat Adventures
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discodoodles38 · 2 months
Chat GPT made a story about CaseOh
CaseOh's Epic Streaming Adventure
In the bustling world of online gaming, there was one streamer who stood out from the crowd: CaseOh. Known for his larger-than-life personality and even larger-than-life presence, CaseOh had a fan base that adored him. His streaming setup was nothing short of spectacular, with LED lights and high-end equipment. But his most notable feature? His immense enthusiasm and appetite for snacks.
One day, CaseOh decided to play a new game, “Dungeon Quest,” on his channel. He announced to his viewers, “Today’s stream is going to be epic! But first, let me grab my snack. You know, to fuel this finely tuned streaming machine!”
As he reached for a mountain of chips and a soda that could double as a small swimming pool, he quipped, “You know, I’ve got so many snacks here that even my refrigerator is on a diet!”
His viewers chuckled and sent in their virtual cheers. The stream began, and CaseOh dove into the game with gusto. However, as he battled virtual monsters, his chair began to creak under the pressure. “Don’t worry, folks,” he laughed, “My chair is just trying to keep up with my impressive gaming skills—and my equally impressive snack consumption!”
Throughout the game, CaseOh's commentary was as engaging as ever. “Watch out for that dragon!” he shouted. “It’s almost as fierce as my craving for a double cheeseburger right now!”
At one point, CaseOh needed to pause the game to go grab more snacks. He told his audience, “I’ll be back in a jiffy. I just need to raid my pantry—it’s the only place where my snacks are ever in danger of getting bored!”
When he returned, he had a pile of goodies stacked beside him. “This snack tower should keep me going. If gaming were an Olympic sport, I’d win gold in the ‘Snacking’ division!”
As the stream continued, CaseOh’s energy never waned. He even joked, “I’ve got so many snacks here, you’d think I was preparing for a week-long marathon. And if I’m not careful, my waistline might start its own channel!”
Despite the playful fat jokes, CaseOh’s fans loved him for his genuine humor and charisma. His streams were always a hit, filled with laughter and camaraderie. CaseOh knew that his larger-than-life presence was part of his charm, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
As the day ended, CaseOh signed off with a grin. “Thanks for hanging out with me, everyone. Remember, keep gaming and keep snacking—just don’t let the snacks get the better of you!”
And with that, CaseOh’s fans eagerly awaited his next stream, knowing it would be another fun-filled adventure with their favorite larger-than-life streamer.
(well damn)
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ultimate-babygirl · 1 year
Dick Headcanons (twst)
Riddle: Can a dick be cute? I think riddles would be. He’s not like small but y’know there’s bigger guys in the school. He’s average but he’s not going to let it stop him. It’s smooth and has a cute little pink head and it curves so gently (I want to fuck him so bad). He shaves but he’s one of those guys that barely grows hair down there anyway. Uncut
Cater: LONG. Not thick but he’s got LENGTH. He keeps it trimmed, and it’s circumcised. Not much to say otherwise. It’s good but nothing spectacular. It’s more impressive when it’s inside you.
Trey: The Biggest in heartslabyul. It’s long, it’s thick, and he will have to stretch you before he’ll even think about fucking you proper. It’s a little darker than the rest of him. He doesn’t shave it’s bushy. Uncut
Deuce: Fairly big. Nothing compared to Trey but he’s hung. Also uncut. he doesn’t shave often be he tries to keep it tamed. It gets so red when he’s hard
Ace: painfully average. He talks big game but his dick is like the most average dick one has ever seen. It’s not bad!! It’s just not at all what he talks it up to be. He’s circumcised, he doesn’t shave (he thinks it’s dumb and time consuming).
Leona: ,,,it’s got ridges. HES THICK so fucking thick and as badly as he wants to just shove it in you he knows he has to prep you or get his ass beat later. Uncut, he keeps his hair trimmed but nothing special.
Ruggie: a little smaller than average but he makes up for it w/ incredible foreplay. A little darker than the rest of his body, and it gets this cute red flush when he’s hard. Doesn’t rlly shave but also doesn’t grow a whole lot so it’s not an issue. STUPIDLY sensitive. Circumcised.
Jack: KNOT!!!!! He has a knot idc no one talk to me he’s got one. He’s so big too ugh like proportionally it looks average on him but then you remember Jack is HUGE so his dick is too. A little darker than the rest of him. He keeps it trimmed short.
Azul: small (and he’s so self conscious about it). Like ruggie has experience to make up for it but azul does NOT. He doesn’t rlly need to shave since as a fish he doesn’t really grow body hair. Like riddle. If a dick can be cute, azul’s is definitely cute. Uncut and YES IT HAS BEAUTY MARKS IDC
Jade: LONGGG. Decently thick but mostly long. Again, doesn’t need to shave bc he doesn’t grow hair there. Also uncut. It curves just a little bit to the left.
Floyd: long and a little thicker than jade. Curves to the right. Overall though mostly the same. Uncut, doesn’t shave.
Kalim: that’s like three housewardens w/ small dicks now god. I’m sorry but he’s just below average. It’s not bad!! He’s not at all self conscious about it. Much prefers to use his hands. He’s uncut and keeps it trimmed.
Jamil: a little longer than normal but otherwise average. Shaves smooth and he’s uncut. It’s got a bit of a thick head but when it pops in and he starts fucking you proper? 😩
Vil: Lonng. Keeps himself shaved smooth. He’s circumcised and the head gets pink when he’s hard. If I were to describe a dick as pretty it’d be vils
Rook: WHY IS HE SO THICK. Average in length but good lord he’s thick. It doesn’t seem natural 💀. Keeps himself trimmed, uncut.
Epel: ANOTHER CUTE DICK!!! Overall average but it’s so smooth and pink one can’t help but find it kind of cute. Of course that changes once he’s on top of you but this is about LOOKS. He doesn’t shave but he is circumcised.
Idia: long, pale, smooth,, I want it in my mouth hhhhh. The carpet matches the drapes (not that one could tell, he shaves for convenience). Circumcised. Flushes all the way to the base
I ain’t doin ortho
Malleus: TWO!!!! DICKS!!!!!!!!! They’re both decently long. Not so thick, but still a good size. Obviously the fact that he has two makes up for it. Both are uncut. He trims the hair, nothing fancy.
Lilia: ANOTHER ONE FOR THE CUTE DICK GANG. I’m obsessed w/ men having pretty/cute cocks evidently. This is something he actively chooses to have tho. He shaves it clean and he’s circumcised. The head gets so red it looks like it hurts
Sebek: THICKKKKK he’s so thick and for WHAT. I need to kiss it. Circumcised, doesn’t shave just bc he doesn’t feel like it. It’s not a major concern for him as long as he’s clean. Its a little darker than the rest of him. It’s got such a thick head too ugh. I just know he stretches u out SO GOOD
Silver: Average size, a little longer than normal. He keeps his hair trimmed. Uncut. Otherwise just. Fairly normal
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agentnico · 3 months
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) review
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I have now officially lost my IMAX vorjeneteee! First time experiencing a film in IMAX at the BFI theatre and holy Moses that’s one big screen! The perfect way to get immersed in Chris Hemsworth flexing his prosthetic nose!
Plot: Snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers, young Furiosa falls into the hands of a great biker horde led by the warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland, they come across the Citadel, presided over by the Immortan Joe. As the two tyrants fight for dominance, Furiosa soon finds herself in a nonstop battle to make her way home.
Mad Max: Fury Road is easily one of the most spectacular action films of the 21st century. Shame that back when it came out in cinemas I opted to go see Pitch Perfect 2 instead. Look, my film tastes back then we’re not as refined nor was I so cultured in…..okay yeah, my film taste was crap. I opted to go watch some youngsters sing acapella instead of witnessing Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron wanting to literally kill one another for 2 hours in glorious form. I’ve of course since fixed my ways and discovered and appreciated Fury Road for what it was. The maddening chaotic post-apocalyptic world built from the mind of George Miller, the visuals are truly impressive, especially due to 80% of it being actual practical effects, so seeing the cars flying about left and right and characters defying physics, with Junkie XL’s energetic score and so many cool characters throughout - it’s pure awesomeness. The only weakness really is that there’s hardly a plot. Like half of the movie is a chase and the other half is a race. Essentially if you boil it down to the basics. Not much narrative substance so to speak.
Luckily Furiosa ends up being that kind of prequel/spin-off that actually enhances and improves on the Fury Road experience. There’s so much more story in Furiosa, but not only does it focus on its titular heroes, but it also fleshes out the villains from the original film as well as featuring set pieces that would be highly recognisable to the Mad Max fans. I’m not even simply referring to Fury Road here. There’s a few Easter Eggs that fall reference to the 2015 Mad Max game, which by the way is a highly entertaining play through and a very unique open-world game that doesn’t get enough love. So naturally I was pleased to see a lot of material from that game being made canon now, from the appearances of characters like Scaborus Scrotus and Chumbucket to the film debut of the Gastown location, which is only referenced in Fury Road but has been brought to life in the game. And now we get to see it in full glory in film form. Right, I’m not an obsessive video game or anything but I did have a little fanboy excitement seep through during this film.
The movie solely relied on dialogue focused on world-building, and the villain of Chris Hemsworth’s character, Dementus, was better than I’d expected. Honestly from the trailers I was afraid if he was going to be too cartoony, and also I’m still recovering from whatever the fudge Thor: Love & Thunder was, however the way Hemsworth mixes in the humor he’s known for with his rage and wit was a welcome sight. He’s still a dangerous character, standing up to Immortan Joe as well as destroying Furiosa’s childhood and leaving her with nothing but vengeance. Honestly not going to lie, this may be Hemsworth’s best performance ever. Truly with this and Bad Times at the El Royale Chris Hemsworth truly proves that he’s a fantastic actor when it comes to playing antagonists. He’s highly entertaining but also leaves a lasting impression as a truly sadistic character. Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa was alright, however not going to lie, I do feel the movie missed a trick by not bringing back Theron. Chances are Theron probably did not want to come back after having a terrible time filming Fury Road, but she was so powerful as that character, and with Taylor-Joy she simply didn’t reach that same level of intensity and anger expected from the character. I did enjoy her interactions with Tom Burke though. The way the two immediately worked together to fend off the raiders on the War Rig was reminiscent of the way Theron and Tom Hardy did in Fury Road, doing its predecessor justice. Burke played the role perfectly and their goals and motivations were rightly aligned with each other, eventually falling in love with one another, which gave Furiosa even more motivation on her hell-bent journey of enacting revenge on Dementus. Again, there’s so much story in this story, and it filled a lot of gaps in the Mad Max lore.
Though I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, dialogue, characters and set pieces, the main issue I had was the movie’s misuse of color-grading and CGI. While Fury Road set the standard for practical effects with minimal uses of CGI, making scenes come to life through real explosions and harsh red color-grading, Furiosa suffered from lack of both. The color-grading was too clean for me as it relied on softer colors, a downgrade from its predecessor eight years ago, and there were more moments that I could see the CGI at work — and it wasn’t done well. In fact at times the backgrounds of scenes looked so fake it was jarring and really broke the immersion. Again, I was watching this on the giant IMAX screen, so the level of detail was both great in enjoying most of the film, but also made the weaker visuals stick out like a sore thumb. Also Junkie XL’s Fury Road score is a true orchestral masterpiece. The levels of epicness it reaches is superb, so I was highly disappointed with what he did this time around. Aside from a couple of moments, the music score is an uninspired collection of booms and drum beats that left zero emotion.
Furiosa is a fantastic cinematic experience and is the second time this year where a desert setting makes for a superb film. Chris Hemsworth is the stand out and the story is rich in depth and scale, even if it does end up a bit too bloated. It does falter in the technical side with the obvious CGI and the weaker music score, bit overall this makes me want to see Miller continue making these Mad Max flicks, though judging by the box office results that may now be a pie dream. But let’s enjoy what we have - lady and gentlemens, start your engines!
Overall score: 8/10
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lady-october · 5 months
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : 01-17 On Ao3
Story Content : Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Sadism/Masochism, Dom/Sub, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 18: I’m so terribly lost
Chapter title is lyrics from "LosT"
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The view took me by surprise as we pulled up to the hotel.
I’d offered to drive the van from the venue to here despite never having driven on the right side of the road before. While I was scared of new driving situations on most days, it turned out my brain was entirely too preoccupied with everything else going on in my life at the moment, making this particular challenge seem relatively insignificant in comparison.
Plus, it gave me a reason to not interact with either Oli or Mat for two hours straight.
The road between the venue and hotel had started quite industrial – dreadful even, making me doubt any nice destination could be anywhere nearby, but during the second hour the roads turned windier, growing thicker with nature. It was around 1pm when we arrived, the sun was high in the sky and the sound of birds chirping could be heard all around us as I took in the front of the hotel; it was a relatively large structure, maybe four stories tall, made of wood and stone with an abundance of arched windows.
Architecturally it wasn’t too impressive, but you could tell the place must have cost a fortune to book considering its surroundings, which was nothing short of spectacular; a mixture of manicured greenery framed by what seemed like acres worth of woods, overlooking a lake peppered with little islands, popping out of the water as random tufts of green in the distance.
It was truly stunning.
“Not as nice as in summer, but still bloody brilliant, innit?” I heard Mat say somewhere behind me, but I could barely take my eyes off the magical body of water as I stepped out of the van.
“Yeah, not bad that.” Lee agreed.
Liam sighed deeply before one of the van doors slid shut, “Wish I could fucking live here.” He muttered as he nudged me to help him with the luggage.
But when I turned around Oli was already pulling things out and delegating them to their owner, causing the guys to walk off towards the hotel entrance one by one. 
When I got closer I could see my own luggage at the very front, but he kept reaching for everyone else’s first anyway.
I felt myself smile when I realised what he was doing.
Mat walked past me with his luggage in hand, “See you in a bit, yeah?”
He smiled at me, causing me to awkwardly smile back at him as Oli was watching us.
“Yeah, I won’t be long.”
Once Liam left, it was just me and Oli standing next to the open van door, looking out over the lake.
“Aren’t you gonna give me my luggage?” I asked teasingly, knowing damn well he’d orchestrated getting me alone.
But he had no interest in keeping up the pretence, instead he immediately slipped a hand to the small of my back and pulled me intimately flush against him. I would have been worried someone could see us if it wasn’t for our large van blocking the hotel, effectively giving us privacy from anyone in that direction.
Instead I welcomed the affection, having missed it last night when I went to bed.
He looked down at me with longing in his eyes, and for a moment I thought he was about to kiss me, but instead he spoke.
“You never responded to my texts.”
I’d been avoiding it since I didn’t know how to break the news to him about what I saw Mat do last night.
Or how it had affected me; how it had stirred further confusion in me.
“I’m sorry.” Was all I could think of to respond for now, but he seemed uninterested in my apologies.
With a finger under my chin he studied my face before guiding me in for a kiss. It was so soft – so tender, instead of the passionate and carnal kisses we usually shared.
Yet the hand on my back seemed to have other ideas, pushing me closer to him before proceeding to slip under the hem of my shorts.
He pulled away, frowning.
“You’re not wearing any underwear, love.” He said against my lips.
I should have pieced it together sooner, but it wasn’t until now that I realised this had all been about my imminent date with Mat; how he’d sent me a text, instructing me to wear the garment that he otherwise wanted me to skip.
“I’m getting changed in a minute. I’ll wear some.”
A lazy smile spread over his features, and with a sparkle in his eye, his hands returning to caress my back.
“Good.” He murmured, before he gave me another equally delicate kiss. I reached for his neck, letting my fingers feel the hair there as warmth spread throughout my chest. For a moment the world fell away from the intoxicatingly tender kisses, but he untangled us, pulling me in for a hug that caused my heart to ache instead.
He’d buried his face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around me with a sense of desperation, like he didn’t want to let go.
Like he was in pain.
We stood like this for some time, and all I could think of to do was hug him back, hoping it would comfort him; hoping it would ease my own heartache as well.
When he finally pulled away he was wearing a big smile, but it didn’t fool me, I could still see the sadness painted all over him.
He let go of me entirely, causing my heartache to intensify, making me want to skip my date with Mat for a moment.
Before remembering that Oli was the reason I was going in the first place.
I took the luggage he was handing me off of him.
“I’ll see you tonight.” He said with a grin, then stalked off towards the hotel.
Leaving me to melt against the van, feeling as if I was being yanked in a million directions.
Once I’d managed to pull myself together and get inside, I saw Liam waiting impatiently in the rustic yet contemporary foyer.
“Sorry.” I said sheepishly when I got closer, having forgotten entirely that we’re sharing a room this time as well, like we had the entire first week of the tour.
While impatient – made obvious by how he essentially shoved me into the elevator – his expression immediately softened from my apology, “Ah, don’t worry about it, love. I may be grumpy and tired but my troubles pale in comparison to the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. At least I get to rest today.”
I sighed, “You heard about all the dates then?”
“Yeah.” He said with a laugh.
Our room continued in the same airy yet rustic design as the foyer, making everything look expensive; the ceilings were high and littered in dark wooden beams, contrasting against all the light colours of the room, with large windows looking out over the woods behind the hotel.
Liam collapsed onto his bed.
“Fucking amazing.” He breathed.
While it looked incredibly plush and comfortable, I didn’t have much time to get ready for my date with Mat, so I skipped the otherwise obligatory trying-the-bed ritual, and grabbed some underwear, jeans, and a sweater and went to get changed in the bathroom. It had seemed like the perfect choice for a day by the lake, especially since I didn’t want to wear anything too revealing, but when I re-appeared from the bathroom with my new outfit, Liam sat up in the bed looking utterly appalled.
“You can’t wear that.”
“Why not?” I said, feeling slightly offended.
“You’ve been parading around in all your slutty clothes for weeks now, why are we shifting gears all of a sudden? You did the same thing last night with that other frumpy sweater.”
I frowned, “I don’t know, I just don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
“Wrong idea!?” Shocked and confused, Liam shot out of bed to start rummaging through my luggage, “I know you’ve got stuff going on with Oli, but why are you even bothering going on a date with Mat then?”
As I watched him search for clothes, I searched within myself for answers, attempting to figure out exactly why I was going on this date. Because while I had initially agreed to it for Oli, it turned out that I also needed to know whether there could be something more with Mat – not just for Oli’s sake, but for my own.
“I guess… I guess I want to know if there’s something between me and Mat.”
“Alright, can’t do that while holding back, can we? Take that bloody sweater off.” He handed me a tight, completely see-through crop top I’d intended to wear over a dress – not just over my bra.
With an open mind, I replaced my sweater with the top he’d picked out.
“Okay, now you look like you’re going on a date.” He said as I stepped in front of the mirror. A sense of freedom flooded me as I took in my own reflection, causing the woman in the mirror to smile back at me.
“Fine, you’ve convinced me, this is a lot better.” I admitted with a sigh.
And from the expression Mat wore when I stepped off the elevator it was pretty safe to say he agreed.
“Well don’t you look incredible.” He said, eyeing me up as he opened the hotel entrance door for me.
“Thank you,” I responded with as much confidence as I could muster up, but I still felt my cheeks heat up as I passed him in the doorway, the close proximity allowing me to smell his rich cologne which matched his warm and earthy personality quite well.
I let myself glance at Mat’s outfit when we stepped outside, but I made quick work of it as it somehow still felt inappropriate to look at him in that way.
“You’re not looking too bad yourself.” I added shyly, feeling more heat creep up my face.
Mat usually wore long sleeves, but today he’d opted for a short sleeve button up, showcasing most of the tattoos on his arms that weren't on display too often.
The image of his tensing arm, gripping the armrest while he came last night flashed in my mind.
I pushed it away immediately, not wanting to turn any redder than I already was.
“Why thank you,” He threw me a cheeky smile, “It’s not far, just down that path.”
He pointed down a narrow path along the treeline next to the edge of the lake.
“Great, do you want me to take those?” I asked out of habit, inclining my head towards the two plastic bags Mat was carrying, which were clinking as he walked.
“Absolutely not! You’re not working today, love.” His smile grew, and I couldn’t help but match it as we made our way down the path.
“You know, we’ve been coming here for over a decade now, every time we tour the US.”
“I can see why.” I said before I narrowly avoided getting hit in the face with a branch while passing a particularly narrow part.
“Oli used to hate it actually.” His eyes darted to me after he’d said it.
I frowned, “Why’s that?”
“There’s nothing going on out here, just peace and quiet. I think it made his head a bit loud, at least back when the drugs used to be an issue.” The look he gave me was serious, “He’s very different now though, quite reliable.”
My frown deepened. 
I couldn’t help but wonder where he was going with this, or why he was talking about Oli at all right now.
“Why are you telling me this?”
He stopped in the middle of the path to face me, right before a bend, “Because Oli’s an amazing guy, but he doesn’t seem to think he is. Pretty ironic really, for someone who changes all the time, he gets a bit stuck in the past sometimes, thinking he’s the same person from a decade ago – when he’s not. He’s grown so much more than he gives himself credit for.” He took a deep breath, “You should hear that from someone before you go on a date with him.”
While I was grateful Mat had confirmed my suspicions about Oli being too hard on himself, I was still perplexed why he had chosen right now to tell me these things.
“But I’m currently on a date with you.”
He huffed out a laugh, “Which I’m incredibly happy about, but if I know Oli right, he’ll probably end up saying some nice things about me as well.”
Which to be fair, Oli had already done.
Mat’s eyes turned thoughtful, “I guess my point is that Oli will be my best friend no matter what happens today, so let’s have a nice time, yeah?”
I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips as he essentially settled one of my main worries about today, “I’d like that.”
“Good.” His features mimicked mine before he started walking again, finally turning the corner.
I followed, but as soon as I did, I was blown away.
The trees in front of us had grown in a massive arch, framing the view of the lake with their branches, and right down the middle you could see all the way across to the other side of the rather large lake, as if all the tiny islands had decided in unison to let you sneak a peek, but only from this very particular location.
“Holy shit.” I breathed.
“I know, it’s nuts, innit?” He said as he took a seat on the stone wall behind us.
After I picked my jaw back up off of the forest floor, I joined him, watching him pull out two cardboard tubs, handing one of them to me, along with a fork.
“Here you go. Careful– it’s still hot.”
“This is strange, it’s usually me bringing you food.” I said, taking a bite of the absolutely heavenly risotto.
“Well, I know it’s your job, but I’m still very grateful for all you’ve done for us the past month.”
I shook my head, “Oh please, I barely get anything right.”
I just stared at him.
“So you mess a couple things up here and there.” He admitted with a smile.
“I dropped Lee’s guitar once.” I said sheepishly, causing his eyes to widen, “It was in its case, but still…”
He burst out laughing, “Let's keep that between us, he’ll wring your neck for that one.”’
We ended up talking about past touring incidents for a while, and I was happy to learn that I was far from the worst assistant they’ve had, with someone having short circuited the speakers right before a gig.
The conversation was flowing long after we finished our food, but every so often I’d catch him looking at my lips, and every time he did my mind would be flooded with images of him from last night.
It was growing increasingly distracting, requiring more effort each time to push the intrusive thoughts away.
When it happened again, the conversation suddenly stopped, making me wonder if he was experiencing something similar.
Making me wonder if I had imagined the faint flickers of lust in his eyes, merely a projection of my own feelings onto him, or if he was struggling to concentrate as much as I was.
“Do you like whiskey?” He asked after a moment of heavy silence, rummaging through one of the plastic bags next to him in order to produce two glasses and a bottle with amber liquid inside.
“Yeah, it’s alright.”
He handed me a glass and proceeded to pour us both a healthy serving each.
Then instantly downed his entire glass.
“Are you okay?” I laughed nervously, noticing how he wasn’t looking at me anymore.
He smiled, but his eyes were still on the lake, “Bit nervous to be honest with you.”
I felt myself fidget slightly out of discomfort, “You don’t really strike me as the nervous type.”
“That’s the thing, I’m not.” He started, eyes darting to mine, “But last night rattled me a bit.” He took a deep breath, “Sorry I know we said we’d pretend it never happened, but it’s just been looping in my head all day– anyway, let’s talk about something else–”
“I can’t stop thinking about it either.” I interrupted him, without thinking it through; without considering the potential consequences of agreeing to address the elephant in the room.
I just couldn’t pretend any longer. It was as if ignoring the elephant only made it grow larger, impossible to ignore, completely overtaking my mind.
“Can I confess something to you?” I had never seen him look so nervous. 
There was something unsettling about seeing someone so calm and collected in that state.
I nodded as my pulse sped up.
He spoke slowly, “When we were hanging out backstage last night, I wasn’t sure we had too much chemistry. Not that I don’t find you attractive, quite the contrary, you’re really fucking fit Alice.” His eyes quickly darted to my breasts that were clearly on display in this top, before clearing his throat, “We just didn’t seem like we connected in that way. Sometimes that stuff just takes a little while to develop though, which is fine.” There was a short pause, and I’m not sure my face could be any warmer when he continued, his voice low, rough, “But the way you looked at me last night when you walked in on me…” He visibly swallowed, “...The way you’re looking at me right now.”
His eyes fell to my lips again and I felt as if I was about to pass out.
Not only had his eyes turned dark, but his demeanour was dripping with the same energy from last night. The same dirty, rough stare that made me wonder if he fucked like an animal.
“Can I try something?” He asked, sounding surprisingly collected considering his appearance.
I was bewildered, but curious.
“Yeah.” I breathed, giving away too much of my state as always.
He stood up, his gaze not leaving me once as he stepped in front of me, his warm hands firmly grabbing my knees, spreading my legs for him, causing me to gasp before he stepped between them. Our faces were mere inches apart, our bodies not connecting anywhere except where his hands rested on me, having travelled up the outside of my thighs.
“Is this okay?” He asked under his breath, heavy eyelids resting over his green eyes.
I could smell the whiskey on his breath, feel the heat radiating off of him, making me want to pull him in for a kiss, to crush my body against his, to feel the hard cock against me that I couldn’t stop imagining all day.
But guilt was pushing in from every corner, suffocating me. Logically I knew I hadn’t committed to anything with Oli yet, logically I knew that this is what dating was all about.
While my feelings were convinced this was wrong, my body had other ideas.
My body was ready to shut my brain up so it could enjoy the man before me.
So I nodded, shakily, letting him know that I was accepting what was transpiring between us.
His eyes darkened further, “Don’t worry, I’m not expecting anything.” His voice had dipped even lower, “I just want to see if there really is…”
“A spark.” I whispered.
His hands were suddenly on my ass, pulling me flush against him – against his erection. My breath hitched at the sudden motion, the sudden pressure between my legs, making my hands grab at his chest, threatening to elicit a whimper from me, but Mat was quiet; his eyes on me were focused, determined to stay collected even though the sexual tension had reached a boiling point.
One of his hands firmly travelling up my back, pulling me closer – pulling me in for a kiss.
Panic started to set in, but I didn’t get a chance to react before his lips connected with mine and my thoughts scrambled completely for a moment.
It wasn’t until I heard myself moan into his mouth that I came back, and I was just about to push him off of me, to tell him I can’t do this, maybe even confess that I already have feelings for his best friend, tell him that his best friend has feelings for me, when he pulled away, stepped out from between my legs and casually sat back down next to me.
I was stunned and breathless, but Mat was just smiling, pouring us fresh drinks.
“Well,” He said with a grin, handing me my refilled drink back to me, “Safe to say there’s a spark.”
He dinged his glass against mine, “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” I breathed, more confused than ever.
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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9w1ft · 1 year
Hey 9wing!! Hello and I hope you're doing well <3
I've seen a couple of your posts mentioning this sort of sentiment and now I'm genuinely asking with curiosity; how would one think that Kaylor is a romantic love story?
No doubt, the songs are amazing masterpieces, the long-term perseverance is admirable and there are certainly many aspects of Kaylor that are poetic and remind me of the magic of 'soulmates,' whether that is practically real or not
However, even as a third party observer who has no stakes in this, I find it bleak and tiring sometimes
Constant backlash and scrutiny from the media, the people and most often your own fans; having to communicate in cryptic language; having to engage in unpleasant PR stunts; having to hide a central part of yourself just to survive in this world; not having the liberty to be yourself and love whomever you love loudly and proudly; being constantly misunderstood by a large fraction of the world; being loved but not seen; living in uncertainty about your own rights and freedom when the political climate's so unstable
I understand that life is not without problems and sometimes you have to do what you have to do with whatever choices are at your disposal. And these two will always have my support, and I make sure to respect my own mental health and step away from this site of the internet when things get too much
But how would one see the beauty in this? The light in the darkness? I would love to know and hear your and other's perspectives and what keeps you optimistic despite it all. Thank you and good day
i would love to hear from others!
i think that everyone will have their own definitions of beauty or romance, so i understand where you are coming from, and your impressions are valid for you!
for me, there are aspects of their story that i just cannot find in other places in the world, and it’s always been something that brings me opportunities reflect on my own life and life philosophy.
i think that there is something to be said for the amount of unconditional love that they show one another that appears when picking haven for one another at the risk of their reputations. i recognize that it probably doesn’t look that way for many people but from my perspective, it’s how i see it. there is something singularly authentic about it to me. as a enneagram type 9 (where my username comes from), i gravitate to the concept of holy love like a moth to a flame, and the dynamic of seeing taylor push her lovers away all her life and then meeting karlie and being inspired by karlie but still fighting doubt and ultimately trying to push her away only for karlie to vehemently refuse to leave is just.. something that really speaks to me. it sort of embodies the human struggle not just to give love but to accept love. i’m not sure if i’m explaining it well but there is so much depth to the love that she writes about in these albums, separate from the heavy external factors that have shaped their story.
but for me, those external factors only work to heighten my interest and appreciation for their journey. in my career i’ve done a lot of executive coaching work and study in leadership theory and i find the study of defining moments (sometimes called crucible moments) incredibly interesting and for taylor and karlie, at the top of their game, the stakes could not be higher and their navigation of everything is very interesting to me.
and i think that the struggle is a part of the beauty because i don’t always find easy things beautiful, and by that i don’t mean that pain is beauty in some voyeuristic way but that success after pain feels more spectacular than success without struggle.
if you are a fan of literature or philosophy, i would recommend the seminal work of junichiro tanizaki called “in praise of shadows” — there’s a fairly well known concept in japan called wabi-sabi which is the idea that true beauty is found in the transient and the fleeting. that a falling cherry blossom is more beautiful than a tree in full bloom, or that cracks in pottery ought be to celebrated (there a tradition in japan of fixing cracks in ceramics with gold called kintsugi). tanizaki’s writing is very formative to this concept and it’s something that has giving me a heightened appreciation for things with complication and age.
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seradyn · 1 year
Ruvik, Karl and the daemon bastard husband Ardyn 😂💙
Gonna go in the order you listed 😉
Was gonna add video clips of my favorite moments, but you can only do one per post, so the rest are gifs 😭😭
First impression: Woah, who is this guy, and why is he so powerful? Is he a demon? A vengeful spirit? I am very intrigued.
Impression now: Oh god he’s tragic. OH GOD HE’S TRAGIC.
Favorite moment: In the first Kidman DLC, The Assignment, Ruvik has some absolutely spectacular dialogue with her and Leslie at the very end, after cornering them in the church. It gives me chills every time and the delivery is perfect.
“We’re all their pawns, eventual victims.
They killed me! They ripped me apart, and took what they needed.
I will destroy what they wish to control.”
The elevator scene with Sebastian is also great, but man this one is just sublime in every way.
Idea for a story: I’ve been playing with the idea for a x Reader fic with him, one in which they essentially kill him with kindness. He hasn’t experienced kindness or affection since the accident, so I’m excited to explore his character dealing with someone who doesn’t immediately find him repulsive or isn’t intimidated by him. There will also be lots of bumbling on his end, cause even though he’s smart af, he doesn’t know the first thing about relationships 😂
Unpopular opinion: He deserves compassion, and hating him is extremely shortsighted. Yes, he did terrible things, no one is debating that, but choosing to ignore the broken pieces of his humanity left in the game is being deliberately obtuse. Not saying you shouldn’t or can’t hate him, but it shouldn’t be without acknowledging his trauma. And putting others down for not hating him is downright juvenile.
Favorite relationship: I’m all about that self ship, which is probably his best bet at getting any romance, based on being…well, a serial killer. Some of my friends have shown me Ruvik x Stefano though, and that relationship would be interesting to say the least 😆
Favorite head cannon: Touch starved af and craves affection. Although touch starved is basically cannon, I think he also deeply craves some kind of connection with someone. He lost everyone he cared about; his sister died in the fire, his parents locked him in a basement, his research partner betrayed him, which lead to his death (the one he’s discussing in the above quote). I head cannon he longs for someone he can trust, really trust, and anguishes over his loneliness.
Moving on…
Karl Heisenberg
First impression: I hadn’t played the game, but I’d seen pictures of him. For some reason I thought he was the main villain, and was working with Chris to make the main character help him (no fucking clue how I arrived here 🤣🤣). Thought he was some big, gruff man who didn’t talk much and smiled even less. Why does he look like Ardyn?
Impression now: LMAOOO THIS DUDE IS A MASSIVE TROLL AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT 😂😂😂 I could not have been more wrong about him (or the plot, still not sure how I got there). He’s funny and I love his smile, and how much of a tool he is. I must say, I did not expect his voice to sound the way it does, but I’m not complaining 🥰
Favorite moment: Why isn’t there more of him why isn’t there more WHY ISN’T THERE MORE??? Anyway, probably when he tries to convince Ethan to work with him.
“Neither did I! But here we are.
And I’m next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain!
Well, fuck that!”
He’s so animated here, I love it 🥰
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Idea for a story: I’ve already mentioned I got something cookin in the old noggin, but I have more details on what I want to happen now, so I’ll be happy to share them! Surprise surprise, it’s x Reader, where they’re a botanist sent to survey the remote mountains of Romania. Collect data on the plants there for the university they work at, along with two colleagues who are cartographers, going to update outdated maps of the area. They get captured and typical RE shenanigans ensue, but I also want reader to be connected to Umbrella somehow, which I hope you can help me with. I want Miranda to know too, so she starts sending reader to all the Lords to see what happens. Little does she know reader starts to osmose some of all their powers, turning into something far more dangerous than she could’ve imagined.
That’s all I got for now, no more spoilers! Unless you want them 😉
Unpopular opinion: He has more respect for his partners than some of you seem to think. I’ve read plenty of stories where Karl is super hands on with his partner, slapping their ass and manhandling them all the time, sometimes hours after meeting them. Not my fuckin Heisenberg. He keeps his hands to himself, unless he has explicitly gotten permission to do any touching. Honestly wish some of y’all would tag your stories when you make him all grabby, it’s kinda triggering for me.
Favorite relationship: My first answer is going to be x Reader for all of these, I’m a sucker for the stuff. Although Karl x Ethan sounds endlessly amusing to me. Karl would be the puppy bouncing around everywhere while Ethan would brood in a corner 😂
Favorite head cannon: Extremely sensitive to trauma responses, and is good at comforting, due to the things Miranda did to him. He doesn’t want anyone he likes to know what that helplessness or fear feelings like.
Last, but the farthest thing from least…
Ardyn Izunia Lucis Caelum
First impression: I knew he was the villain before I started the game, but that’s all I knew. Thought he was funny as I actually got into the game, and why the hell is he everywhere??
Impression now: GREEK PLAY LEVEL TRAGIC HERO AND MY HEART ETERNALLY ACHES FOR HIM. Seriously, they did NOT need to fuck Ardyn up so much, there’s plenty of shit that happened to him that could make someone a villain by itself. But the gods and Squenix said ‘fuck this guy in particular’. I thought y’all called him ‘trash Jesus’ cause he looks like the guy, but NOOOOO there’s actually fucking parallels between the two. The healer, the betrayal, the crucifixion…not exactly subtle when you take the time to look. Aside from all that, I still love how funny he is, he always makes me laugh (when he’s not making me cry), and he’s super smart. Plus, I will always admire how he made it so he wins no matter what happens in the end. That takes some galaxy brain level planning.
Favorite moment: Imma let it speak for itself;
“You think ten years is a long time? It is nothing to me!
I have lived in darkness for AGES!”
God, the fucking level of emotion absolutely dripping from that last word kills me very time. Darin de Paul did excellently with Ardyn’s lines up until that point, but this one hits differently. The sheer anguish and sorrow you can hear in his voice is breathtaking. Made worse when you realize he’s being literal…he has spent actual ages locked in a dark cell. Words can’t properly give it credit.
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Idea for a story: yall chapter 11 of ADCT is gonna be like 10k+ words 😂😂 Not done yet and it’s already at 7k lol. Hope that makes up for the 6 month hiatus 😵‍💫 Aside from that though, I have another idea for a long fic, albeit a shorter one. Where reader gets washed up on Angelgard before Verstael, and is horrified to find Ardyn strung up on the island. After freeing him, they have to work together to try to survive, figuring out how to get food, water, and fight off hypothermia. Verstael eventually arrives, and takes both of them back to Niflehiem.
Unpopular opinion: Most handsome character in FFXV by a long shot. He’s in space.
Favorite relationship: Apart from x Reader, I’m boring for this one. Ardyn x Aera, they’re so sweet and cute together. Forever bitter Ardyn didn’t get to reunite with her at the end. I know some people dig Ardyn x Gilgamesh, but meh, it’s just not for me. Hope y’all who do like it have fun with it though 😁
Favorite head cannon: Absolute teddy bear with his SOs, fucking bastard troll man with everyone else. Dynamic is super fun and amusing to me, I love the thought of him being a bean one moment then turning around and roasting Ravus with political talk the next. Oh, I also love the thought that he has a massive sweet tooth. Since his hair didn’t grow at all during his time on Angelgard, I like to think his body is in some kind of stasis, that it can’t be changed, and Ardyn takes full advantage of that. He’s got at least three different types of cake in his fridge, and several pints of ice cream in the freezer. He also keeps candy bars in his desk.
Thank you so much for this ask, it was a ton of fun to write! 😁😁
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04tenno · 1 year
I have to admit I’m so unsure of what message they were trying to send with Nick Ogata
Looks classically fruity but I’m still… unsure
Well, they say if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
I think it goes past appearances, though. Of course, he does dress like a dandy (the same way Yokoyama first visualized Mine dressing, incidentally), and there's a certain flamboyant charm there. And he does have Those Mannerisms. You know the ones, I'm sure.
If that much seemed tenuous, the fact he frequents Earth Angel, more or less acts as Ichiban's "sugar daddy" over the course of the game, and is very excited to hear all about Ichiban's "date" with Arakawa while clearly under the impression Ichiban means it in a romantic sense (💀💀💀) leaves few doubts for most about what they were trying to get at.
But as always, I'd like to talk about queerness in the context of Japanese culture. Earth Angel no longer billed as an "okama bar," but that was part of its history, and the Champion District is also home to Drama Queen. Like I've touched on before, the "clustering" of LGBT-friendly establishments in the Champion District makes it more like a cross between Golden Gai (what it's actually based on) and Nicho (Shinjuku's hub of gay subculture), which naturally carries implications for regulars.
Another thing I've touched on before is wealth. Among the sexual minorities in Japan, gay men appear to have the highest ceiling for financial mobility. Characters like Nick and Mine, who've accrued more wealth than most other characters could even dream of, demonstrate that perfectly; the sums of money at the core of games like Yakuza and Yakuza 4 are pocket change to them. To a degree, this goes for Oda too, though in a cast of characters of characters who are also filthy rich, he doesn't stand out as much.
Those are pretty broad, of course, but there are a few things specific to Nick. For one, his theatricality and dramatics. In particular, his showmanship in the iconic finale scene stands out to me. There is a fair amount of crossover with queerness in Western culture here, so I'm sure it'll sound familiar. Let's see...
"Mainstream" visibility and acceptance of transgender identities and homosexuality in modern Japan first came to be through big spectacular televised events inviting queer entertainers to perform. And although these were joyful occasions that many were happy to see, the lack of seriousness in media in general has more or less lead to the generalization of queer people (mainly gay men and trans women) as entertainers and performers, theatrical, dramatic, camp.
To quote Queer Japanese, "Curiosity is the only driving force. Sexual minorities portrayed by media are funny and entertaining, but without real voice. The invitation of sexual minorities to the program by NHK satisfies the curiosity of viewers while also showing the viewers how open, accepting, and tolerant the media has become." This is the case for a lot of Japanese media, RGG included.
Another thing specific to Nick is that he's half-American and has clearly spent a lot of time stateside, being bilingual. Now, that might not sound related, but frequently in Japan you'll encounter the sentiment that being queer is a "foreigner thing"; many people are more willing to accept foreigners and the diaspora as being queer than the alternative. The sentiment lies at the intersection of too many ingrained assumptions to unpack here, but it's one that's reflected in characters like Nick (or even Mine, who is heavily Westernized himself.)
Analysis aside, the biggest instinctive "tell" for me was the attempt to subvert expectations with him dating women and enjoying their company (unlike Mine, for once). In attempting to subvert expectations, it's necessary to acknowledge the fact the expectations are there in the first place. So to me, Nick is a character who is crafted to set those expectations, and his character cannot be divorced from them.
And my reasoning may sound counter-intuitive, but... I'm not sure what man who's actually interested in women only dates them to refine them to their best selves and then immediately breaks up with them. It's like, he only gets in relationships knowing they'll end and he'll be the one to do it, and that's not only fine with him, but the appeal. So it kind of just circles back around to being pretty gay.
While I'm here, Nick is partly based on this guy from RGGO (whose name I never bothered to learn/remember, but I assume he has one.)
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#long post#asks#my analysis#anonymous#yakuza 3#yakuza like a dragon#ryu ga gotoku online#nick ogata#ichiban kasuga#kasuga ichiban#yoshitaka mine#mine yoshitaka#yeah fuck it im tagging#brought to you by the guy behind the Mine Gay Essay: the Nick Gay Essay#not that i needed to really make an argument here. i mean...#i was gonna make a joke like For More Gay Essays drop random characters in my inbox but. nah. realistically i don't have that many thoughts#or THE TIME like jesus christ mine and nick barely have screentime but they've got me writing PARAGRAPHS#but yeah i don't think he's bi or anything despite what he says#as a certified bisexual i have nfi what he was talking about lol#what do you MEAN catch and release. what do you mean by that.#i haven't seen the business storyline though so i'm missing out on The Full Picture. but i'm pretty sure about this one#HONESTLY THOUGH LIKE. SLAY#HE'S SO OP FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER AND I WAS BEYOND THRILLED TO SEE HIM DO SO MUCH SHIT THAT'S PIVOTAL TO THE PLOT#like. usually. characters like nick will just be bit characters at most. relegated to substories or side content#but there's so much of the story that literally COULD NOT have happened without nick#it was so foul for ichi to give him the impression he was going on a /date/ date with arakawa though that shit made me vacate my skin#i know you didn't know he was your /dad/ dad at the time but...... ichi............ just think once before you speak please#i don't have any opinions one way or another about how nick is handled as a character though#i mean. sure. plays off stereotypes. But Have You Considered I Love Him#i was going to say something else but i don't wanna ruffle feathers soooo yeah :) PLEASE come back in 8 king
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
The Collector's Theme Song Takeover
[Inspired by these videos. Watch them to get context, a feel for the rhythm, and because they’re good! Takes place during “For the Future”.]
Collector: King! King! I thought of a new fun thing to do now that I’m free!
King: What’s that?
Collector: Well, when I was stuck with that meanie Belos, I heard him do a theme song takeover.
King: I’m sorry, what? The theme song doesn’t even have lyrics.
Collector: I know. He rapped to the tune. It was so weird.
King: Belos… rapping. (shudders) Oh Titan.
Collector: (giggles) You’re a Titan, remember? Anyway, it was surprisingly good, so since I’ve taken over the Boiling Isles I think I should do my own theme song takeover, about my story. I am the main character of this game, after all.
King: Right. Go for it, BFF.
Collector: As a child of the cosmos, nothing’s out of reach for me but freedom
I have so many awesome gifts I offer up to those who need ‘em
‘Cause that way we get to play together and I love to make new friends
But then they always leave me once my side of the deal ends
King: (genuinely impressed) Wow, that was cool. I didn’t know you could rap.
Collector: I can literally do anything. Listen to these lines - they’re even faster than I stopped the draining spell!
Phillip pinky swore and turned just like that
You can’t say he didn’t deserve to go splat
Good thing I met King and our bond’s set in stone
‘Cause nothing stinks harder than being alone
Now we’re gonna have a ton of fun
Playing Owl House forever with everyone
I can create such spectacular things
Just remember who holds the puppet strings
King: (a little nervous) Haha, yeah. So what do you want to do now?
Collector: Where do I begin?
We’ll hang out in our crown palace, have tea with the Coven Heads
I’ll race you to the moon and back
King: Well, that one would make me dead
Collector: Then I’ll bring the moon down here for you, or draw us in the stars
Eat a rainbow topped with gravity, maybe even hold Francois (King: Eh...)
You must see the world was boring without my magic everywhere
And no saying you’re not playing, guys, you know that isn’t fair
All my old friends have been fibbers, but there’s no way King is the same!
Which is good, ‘cause if you break the rules, I have to change the game
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flem17ng · 11 months
Fnaf movie review (minor spoilers)
omfg. I’ll keep this as spoiler free as possible but if you know the lore then it’s fine.
There where so many details to this movie that i just appreciated endlessly. from tiny details (posters, writing on the walls etc) to cameos (both actors and animatronics).
the movie is for the fans! some people won’t like it and that’s ok. but, the dedication and attention to detail in this film is completely touching to see. It was made for people who grew up with this messed up game as their childhoods.
some things I really liked (spoilers)
integration of the children into the movie. amazingly done.
The depth of the characters, specifically the animatronics. They are just kids! they want to play and be loved. I was happy to see them given justice
GOLDEN FREDDY. the actor was incredible. truely off putting in the best way. I was impressed with his performance
balloon boy cameo! I liked that dispute being completely harmless, his scares made me jump the most.
Baby. When i saw her i knew exactly who it was. Not only does that being about the possibility of a sister location movie but it was also amazing to see how her design was adapted to made movie sense.
the bite! i was so shocked by that scene. we all saw it coming but the execution was spectacular. just gory and shocking enough to give the game its justice.
on the same note: spring bonnie. wonderful scene. obviously different from the little 8 bit animation but it had the same essence.
I’m sure i have a lot more to say about this movie but I want everyone to get a chance to see it.
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unsleepingtales · 11 months
The one gift daylight savings has given me is that for one week, burrow’s end comes out at 11 pm instead of midnight. Onwards!
Ooh what’s the group name gonna be
(tense yet whimsical music)
Ooh yay puppet show again
God they’re so creepy
OOOOOOH it’s so good it’s so good
Her charisma is SO low 😭
BABE why would you say that
Brennan and Siobhan my HEART that was beautiful
Beautifully done
Oh they’re all so insane <3
Brennan is so good at cutting right to the core of Daughter Experiences
The worldbuilding here is incredible Aabria I am in awe
Girl I saw you almost say weapons 👀
This is so fucking funny
Human remains??
Oh the rehearsed propaganda is so much
(Erika lets loose a savage battle cry)
The new yorker analogy <3
They’re all so In It
W h a t
Babe that’s radiation poisoning
You JUST met clothes
Aabria & twins that are impossible to tell apart 2 for 2
Them <3
He’s so good at this actually
Rogues ftwwwww
I’m so excited to see how Izzy handles Arcane Trickster things bc I will be taking notes
Oh these children are going to have to go to school
I’ve never seen anything 💀
Such a ten year old asshole moment <3
That little smug flipping off
She just has an aneurysm or something
So it is some version of human language
But also how have none of them noticed the thing on the back of their clipboards
Biting the walls rn.
Couples that game together destroy erasers together <3
Saving throw??
Oh ok she’s Actually having a thing
“This is a safe space-” “Deception Check!!” The immediate cutoff 💀
What’s the point of me anymore 😭😭
Why I oughttaaa
Tonic immobility! Neat!
I too hold my collarbone when I get nervous
Oh Tula’s gonna love that…
He was so sure he wanted to keep the kids with him for the day and so quickly regretted that
They’re so good!!
Bryan Cranston
Thank you Brennan for highlighting that joke
Love the split screen moment
OK IM GLAD ITS NOT JUST ME WHO THINKS THE BRITISH GRADING SYSTEM IS BIZARRE I’m currently studying here and the idea that I could get a 50 on the essay I turned in yesterday and that would be a pretty good mark is batshit to me
Also how are we up to #42? Will there be a complete list somewhere at the end of the season?
Oh god Tula’s so real for that
The immediate emotional and physical crash after prolonged stress once there’s safety
They’ve immediately started calling it population control instead of population support lmao
You’ve been here less than a day you can chill a Bit
In neverafter we were on the road to shoeberg, now we’re on the road to hats :)
Erika has SO many werthers
The tonal shift from Tula talking to her family to Tula talking in a diplomatic sense is fascinating
Ohohohohoh girl
That’s a teenager
What is Brennan planning why am I nervous
That is so not how that works
Honey oh god
Memory check <3
Oh Erika handled that so well
Why is D20 dealing so much with grief rn. I didn’t need this.
(I did need this I didn’t want it I know that’s the point but god)
I love character choices
What is happening
YES rocky horror ref and YES Brennan’s Tim Curry impression
Oh god the new student anxiety is so real
Oh ok it straight up is real world radiation I thought maybe it would be like. Fictional parallel or allegory situation but nope straight up this is nuclear radiation
My name is Normal Size Jaysohn and my sister can read
The most sidekick-y kid 😭 PLEASE
Siobhan <3
Bi jaysohn
They’re teenagers now and it SHOWS
When’re the bnei mitzvot?
I love our little fourth wall stunts
Siobhan looks so cool like legitimately I know she’s doing a bit as a student trying to look cool but she looks great
Aabria and her consequences <3
What the fuck is happening
Why have they started a GANG
Ok well at least he not congested anymore
Never mind
He grows up and becomes one of those guys always chewing tobacco but it’s mint
Troubling. This is incredibly troubling.
Siobhan has had her leg up this whole time <3
Thorn 😭
Jesus Christ
Aaaand the party’s back together :)
Help her out here man
She’s so seventeen years old
Keep it together-
Oh god
She’s so eldest daughter
We gotta get through the series.
Oh yeah because leaving the kids with Thorn went so incredibly well an hour ago
The emotional manipulation involved in every aspect of this
Real tears at the table 💜
What a rollercoaster
Brennan and Siobhan sitting next to each other is so fun
Chill this is all chill
He’s unfairly good looking
This is so cool Aabria oh my god
What the fuck man
Horrifying. Truly? Legitimately? Horrifying.
Well maybe they know something about the blue
I don’t think anyone ever hid that from you? Maybe I’m having trouble distinguishing in game vs above game conversation but I thought that had already been brought up
Ok so they did already know this. Glad I’m not losing it
Oh shit
Clover. Like the crushed clover from the story. God.
Good for her getting the breakdown and rant she deserves
The tears at the table today
Oh that one hurt coming out huh
Terrifying! Good god!
A lie oh god oh fuck
Oh the theater kid energy is palpable
next week looks insane oh god.
ANYWAY this was fun see you next week I guess <3
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artheresy · 1 year
Just watched Fu Xuan’s trailer and my love for her keeps growing day by day, saving for Kafka’s rerun is the hardest thing I want to pull for Fu Xuan so badly-
Her trailer was a lot of fun, I will say with a lot of dialogue there was less ability to focus on the music and it seemed like that might be intentional because the music certainly didn’t have the same mood setting intensity of say Blade’s, Kafka’s or even Jing Yuan’s imo. However, the music from her trailer was still really good and fitting her character. I liked it a lot
Qingque’s entrance and her involvement in the trailer was such a joy, Qingque is one of my favorite characters and seeing the continued emphasis of her and Fu Xuan and their dynamic given how they contrast each other is such fun.
Fu Xuan’s visuals were beautiful, I’ve been a big fan of how her ultimate looks and the animation of her move sets and just all of the animation within her trailer was spectacular. Going back to Qingque’s entrance, Hoyoverse seriously has been improving so much with their ability to animate such clear, strong, and borderline comical expressions over the course of their games and seeing so much detail like that was a joy.
However, I will say it feels like there’s something lacking, or perhaps I wanted more out of her trailer. There’s a gap in it that I can’t explain or pinpoint. Other trailers have felt like they last for longer for me, but hers felt oddly short. And just, maybe it’s because my standard was set high with the masterpieces that were Blade and Kafka’s, but I wish there had been a bit more especially with how important Fu Xuan is and how amazing her design and ultimate animation is. Like I wish they had set a stronger mood throughout the trailer because those kinds of trailers are what catches me most
That being said, I still loved Fu Xuan’s trailer, I love Fu Xuan herself, her banner is going to be so hard resisting to pull on and I’m gonna need some serious self control. Overall, her trailer is still super solid, super fun, and very visually impressive to me. It’s such a nice thing to see after I was admittedly… rather disappointed with that last trailer before hers.
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