#super wholesome!!! their family is totally not problematic
mikayesha · 1 year
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I rewatched Hamilton.
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sleepybeanmal · 2 years
TWST Boys Rated 1-10 based on how my (unverifiably)Narcissistic Dad and his side of The Family™️ would approve of them:
Sidenote: This is gonna be a little aggressive so in the next post I’ll rate them how my Mom and her side of the would feel about them and that’ll be really wholesome and sweet. I’ll link it when I post it❣️
For the record, I love them all! This is just how I believe my father’s side of the family would feel about them. All these bois are fantastic options and deserve all the hugs and choccy milk in the world🙏
Edit: Here’s the link to the sequel if y’all wanna hear what The Mother’s Family™️ would think
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Riddle: 4/10- Aside from looking much younger than me(no disrespect to Riddle stans, I just wouldn’t be attracted to him and thusly wouldn’t take him home because he looks so young), they wouldn’t have much of an opinion, except if The Father™️ or The Family™️ starting getting….well, the way they get….and Riddle stood up for his S/O or challenge the conversation in any way, they’d all probably start being a bit offended, but since Riddle is usually civil first, it’d just be subtle annoyance but not total disapproval. The rest of The Family™️ would just see him as a really intelligent square, which, while being incredibly reductive and disrespectful, is not out of character for them at all.
Trey: 10/10- Boy is so respectful and upstanding and sweet that The Family™️ literally would not care or be able to tell if or why Trey starts to take issue with some of their treatment of me or other family members. The Father™️ would literally kiss the ground upon which this boy walks because he’ll be so excited in thinking that I’ll finally be someone else’s problem and he can just go back to being “The Fun/Cool Parent”. The Father™️ absolutely thinks he’s just him and thusly will view Trey as an extension of himself and might love him more that way.
Cater: 2/10- Wouldn’t be able to look past what he’d view as a shallow obsession with optics. Both The Family™️ and The Father™️ would watch this sweet boy who’s bubbly, very caring, super sweet, and really proud of his S/O take pictures and hype them up and just see it as overblown vanity and just launch subtle jabs at him for being too into his phone or obsessed with social media. This sweet boi would not be treated well by my family, we’d just leave dinner and go get nuggies and choccy milk on our own for fun👍
Ace: 4/10- Acts a lot like some of them but not nearly as subtly hurtful. Ace can absolutely dish out any shade The Family™️ would throw his way, and they would HATE that. We love a boy with a spine but they’d just get annoyed with him in the same way they get annoyed with me. Ace would also be the kind of S/O who’d stand up for himself and his S/O if their The Family™️ or The Father™️ starts being problematic or hurtful or subtly abusive- but only once he catches on. The Father™️ would probably think he’s lazy and rude, but also like his sense of humor.
Deuce: 2/10 except The Grandmother™️ would LOVE him. The Father™️ would feel threatened by how responsible, upstanding, and protective this boi is, and how much effort he clearly puts into everything. He’d find it endearing if he wasn’t so obsessed with his own image of being considered the same way without putting in a fraction of the effort. Comparing The Father™️ to Deuce in terms of how much this boi tries to be a good person would piss him off so badly, and The Aunties™️ would feel the same way and get defensive on behalf of The Father™️. If they also found out that he’s a former delinquent, they’d also absolutely hold that against him. The Grandmother™️, however, would just find him charming, adorable, and would be so chuffed that someone cared about their S/O so much and so clearly. For her he’d be like a 10/10.
Leona: 1/10- The only thing that’d even remotely redeem this man in the eyes of The Family™️ and especially The Father™️ is that he’s a literal prince. They’d focus on that and bragging to everyone else they know about it and then immediately turn around and shit talk him for being lazy, sleepy, grumpy, rude, disrespectful, etc., despite the fact that Leona probably made an effort to at least try and be respectful going into the first meeting despite what I would’ve told him about the way The Family™️ and The Father™️ treats me and my sibling. After they start getting shady at him about his habits and second-born status, I fully believe he’d just give up and start ripping them all a new one verbally for the things they’d mcdone to me and my sibling(which I really don’t have much of a problem with him doing). Leona wouldn’t let anyone disrespect or hurt his S/O if it got to the point where he’d be meeting their family imo. He has a backbone for himself AND for his S/O and wouldn’t let The Family™️ keep treating his S/O poorly. He’d probably just pick them up and walk tF out and go get a nice warm drink and a nap to forget about those assholes. Maybe spicy cuddle time. Who knows? Sure beats spending time with The Family™️ after all. The Father™️ would absolutely hate him no matter what. The subtle mcracism would absolutely start coming out too. We don’t like and won’t stand for that in my shitty apartment😤
Ruggie: 6.5/10- The Family™️ would absolutely love that this man is a provider and would be ON. THE. HUSTLE- Notwithstanding that the reason why Ruggie is consistently on the grind is because he struggled with poverty and food insecurity growing up. Ruggie would probably hate The Family™️ imo- they waste SO MUCH food, money, and general resources that I wouldn’t be shocked if he just scoffed and left after hearing them have conversations over dinner. The Father™️ would fall in love with Ruggie’s work ethic and determination though. Again, it’s because they’re things he thinks he has, but that’s beside the point.
Jack: 4/10- Strong? Check. Respectful? Check. Cares about his S/O enough to stand up to authority figures who shoot subtle abuse their way? ABSOLUTELY CHECK. Check check check. The Family™️ would be obsessed with how respectful, responsible, and strong this boi is with bonus points for assertiveness up and until he uses that strength and assertiveness to defend his S/O from subtle verbal abuse or disrespect. The Family™️ would get upset REAL fast. The Gaslight-Gatekeep-Girlbossing from The Aunties™️ wouldn’t take long to come out. The Father™️ would just be pouty and displeased. However, Jack is another boi that The Grandmother™️ would adore. She’d spoil him and be so happy with him. Grandma rating would be another 10/10.
Azul: 10/10- The Family™️ would LOVE Azul, but he’d hate them. I don’t think he’d stand up to their subtle insults and abuse well; he puts up a great front at first but I think it’d be really hard to endure especially with the kinds of things he’s gone through in his past(I’m really similar here which is where I base this from). Azul is absolutely someone who would love his partner so wholly and completely when he’d get to a certain point in his relationship with them that I fully believe he’d just try to be strong and take it on the chin to remain diplomatic and just try to get through the gathering as smoothly and quickly as possible so that he and if necessary, his S/O, can get out of there to a safe place at home and have a good cry about it. He would need so many hugs and reassurances after a meal with The Family™️ because of how they’d hyperanalyze and criticize every little thing about him. I have a feeling it’d probably as triggering for him as it is for me. Octopod snuggles and choccy milk afterwards for sure.🥺
Jade: -2/10- They would be so unnerved. The Father™️ would probably be very wary and not like the stares and ominous smiles and subtly intimidating way Jade cooly counters any insensitivity or hurtful criticism sent his or his S/O’s way. The Family™️ would be so scared that they’d probably just stay frozen in a tense silence while waiting for someone else to try something, ANYTHING to get another conversation rolling again. Fish Mafia Man isn’t fun for them, and I would enjoy every second of it.
Floyd: -9001/10- Absolutely not. Would call the cops on me AND him, and probably attempt to institutionalize me. Their loss, the Fish Mafia Men will have me out in no time.🥰
Kalim: 1000/10- The Father™️ would adore this respectful lil himbo. He’s too sunshiney and happy and kind to pick up on the subtle awfulness The Family™️ would send his way while trying to pick apart his whole deal. I don’t think he’s so clueless that he’s miss how The Family’s™️ behavior and treatment would affect his S/O though- he’d probably handle it by being world’s best hype boyfriend. The Father™️ would also be over the Moon with how loaded this boi is; tbh, he(or The Family™️) would probably try to weasel even more money or gifts out of Kalim than he’d already inevitably be willing to provide. His S/O would probably have to stop him from giving The Family™️ more shit bc they absolutely don’t deserve it. Protect this boi. Plz. I would never take him home because he’d be so taken advantage of.
Jamil: 7/10- I think Jamil would probably handle The Family’s™️ bullshit by just not acknowledging it. Maybe a huff or a subtle roll of the eyes, perhaps even a diplomatic but well-aimed counterpoint or statement, but he’s absolutely more than smart enough to know the right words to act as counters to their fuckery without starting shit. The Father™️ would really admire and respect Jamil’s work ethic and personal convictions, and honestly I think would actually genuinely get along pretty well with him up and until he tries to complain about something privileged or start getting whiny or performative. The Family™️ would probably just assume Jamil would be perfect husband material otherwise and just ignore him after they get tired of trying to unsuccessfully pick his shit apart. I’d probably Yeet us back home early and just pamper the shit out of Jamil after that bc honestly, just bc he’d be an expert at countering those assholes doesn’t mean that it’s not exhausting or frustrating. Snuggles for all after that bullshit😔🤌
Vil: 4/10- The Father™️ would be fascinated that he’s a celebrity and would try to be all cool and keep up appearances, and it’d be painfully mid by Vil’s standards. I bet both him and The Family™️ would get pretty fucking miffed after a while with Vil’s indifference and coldness towards them because you just KNOW Vil wouldn’t validate any of their shady and rude fuckery by dignifying it with pleasantries. The Family™️ would be much too intimidated to toe the line with him and wouldn’t bother trying to pick his airtight shit apart, so they’d just go about business as usual. Aside from just not getting verbally belligerent, I believe that coldness is the extent of Vil’s social diplomacy if the people he’s with are disrespecting or passive-aggressively picking on his S/O. Because it’s The Family™️, I don’t think Vil would completely lose it on them, but if he hits his limit, I think he’d just stand up, give everyone a brief but stern statement condemning their conduct, and then just picks his S/O up(probably not literally but you never know) and brings them back home. The Family™️ would be shooketh by such a brief but effective dressing down. Honestly I’d pay money to see it.
Rook: 9/10- I fully believe this man, as loving and well-meaning as he would be towards his S/O, wouldn’t pick up on how shitty The Family™️ is being until he picks up on the effects of their words on them. The thing that stops him from doing so right away would absolutely be the way The Family™️ would eat up every story and dramatic retelling of anything Rook would have to offer in a social setting. He’s so dashing, flamboyant, and vibrant in social settings that The Family™️ would love bomb him 110% and hang on his every word out of his mouth. The Father™️ would be speechlessly impressed by Rook for sure. He’s charismatic, speaks more than one language, is a multitalented student of many subjects, and a whole ass romantic. He’d probably start going back and forth with The Father™️ with jokes and conversations and overblown stories until he starts picking up on The Aunties™️ being shady at his S/O. At that point, when they start getting more visibly affected, he’d definitely be the kind of person to make a polite(albeit dramatic) excuse and whisk his S/O away somewhere safe to decompress and just be together by themselves after that for the rest of the night. He’s a good bean who would just get a lil swept up at first in the manufactured adoration and blinding limelight The Family™️ would laud him with until he loses their interest but would absolutely still take care of his S/O when he catches on.
Epel: 2/10- The first thing The Father™️ would notice is how much this boy looks like an actual child(another one that I wouldn’t actually bring home or be attracted to because of that, no disrespect or shade to the Epel stans💜). The second thing is how belligerent and defensive Epel would get at The Family™️ when they start getting invasive and shady with their questions and comments. Idk but this boy would not last long there. Tbh would probably just drag his S/O out and go have a better time elsewhere doing something fun and wholesome.
Idia: -10/10: Rude, standoffish, socially awkward, absolutely does NOT want to be there and wouldn’t make a secret of it. I think Idia would easily be able to pick up on not only the elevated expectations and skepticism of The Father™️, but also immediately could pick up on the condescension of The Family™️ RIGHT away. Both he and The Family™️ would hate each other right away. Tbh he might like some of The Cousins™️ though, the younger ones are a lot like Ortho in some aspects. The adults would absolutely despise him though. Defo would need hugs afterwards. He’d probably just leave early with his S/O to go play some games and forget about all the unpleasantness.
Ortho: A literal child. Would not bring home unless Idia wanted his family to meet his S/O’s family. The Father™️ would think he’s super cool though, he’s really into tech.
Malleus: IDFC/10- I genuinely don’t know how The Family™️would react to Malleus. On one hand, he’s a Prince, which we’ve already established is a HUGE plus. On the other hand, he’s a.) a fae, b.) a literal dragon, c.) goth as fuqq, and d.) unaccustomed to human society, let alone subtly abusive and snide family dynamics. Overall I think The Father™️, while offput at first, would come to kind of like and respect Malleus(until Malleus hears about the shit that The Father™️ has done in the past to wreck my future financially) I don’t think he’d pick up on their bullshit right away because he’s a bit dense when it comes to humans at first, but because he’s so observant of his Child of Man, he’d certainly pick up on it then. He absolutely wouldn’t stand for their treatment towards his S/O, and especially not if his S/O were to pull him aside and explain the full extent of it to him. I doubt he’d torch them but he’d certainly give them the most terrifying talking to of their next three lifetimes. I absolutely would not care how The Father™️ or The Family™️ would think of Malleus because I fully believe that, of everyone on this list, would be the most tender and caring of his S/O after removing both of them from the situation. There would be a learning curve with him but he’s so earnest and gentle towards those he cares about that he’d learn quickly how to help his S/O recover from a triggering get-together with their family.
Lilia: The Family™️.exe has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution for the problem…/10- Because this man is practically an ancient being who’s done everything from bring up children to participate in history hard enough to literally be in History of Magic textbooks, he would absolutely know what these impudent and pathetic humans are up to the second any sort of cutting words or subtle abuse leaves their mouths. He also wouldn’t stand for it- but he’ll play with his prey before he strikes. Lilia would play 4D chess with The Family™️ and absolutely tee up the most clever and damning of verbal takedowns like it’s running circles around preschoolers. I also fully believe that he’d throw mad shade at The Father™️ when he learns how he handled his failed marriage and how he’s treated his children over the years. Lilia would absolutely wipe the floor with The Family™️ and leave with an ominously jovial smile with his S/O in tow.
Sebek: 0/10- I don’t think I could bring this boi to dinner. MFer would just yell at everybody and get angry at them for bullying his human the second he sees how uncomfortable and upset his S/O is getting. They do things v e r y differently in The Vally of Thorns and Sebek will not allow the people he holds in high regard to be dishonored or disrespected by anyone. His S/O may not be Lord Malleus, but he sure as shit cares about them just as much and just as passionately. He would not leave until he was literally dragged out by his S/O because he would be lecturing The Family™️ so loudly and passionately that their ears would start bleeding. This man absolutely gets slept ok because he will fucken FIGHT for his S/O as long as it doesn’t go against Lord Malleus. No fear.
Silver: 2/10- I’m sure that it can be inferred by my name that, like Silver, I am incredibly sleepy all the time. I may not be falling asleep constantly, but at least one person being constantly exhausted at a gathering is nothing new for them. What is new, however, is how Silver will snap out of his sleepery enough to come to bat for his S/O. I fully believe that he would be very civil but very firm with The Family™️ when he starts to pick up on the snide remarks and passive aggression, and the transition from sleepy boi to knight in shining armor would be jarring for them. The Family™️ doesn’t like people who stand up to them and will take any resistance or counter remarks as disrespectful, and The Father™️ would probably translate Silver’s sleepiness to disinterest and laziness until he comes to at for his S/O in a way that The Father™️ has only done for me once before in my entire ass life. After that happens, The Father™️ would probably accuse him of faking it and being manipulative. Tbh might tell Silver to leave if Silver doesn’t just walk out with his S/O before then. Of all the people on this list, Silver probably would handle the treatment of The Family™️ the most rationally out of everybody when the rubber really meets the road here.
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rei-caldombra · 11 months
Wholesomeness in Fall 2023 Anime- Crash Course + Goofy Boss
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Healing/Iyashikei anime has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I wouId often watch one every season. I can get depressed fairly easily and often, and it's nice to be able to turn on something wholesome and suddenly start feeling fuzzy inside. It can be very cathartic to just watch a bunch of characters be happy together and look into a world where a lot of normal troubles don't really matter. Or worlds where deep emotional issues can be alleviated with just some basic human kindness (which is relevant to both shows). Healing anime won't solve all your problems, but it's a much healthier way of making yourself feel better for a bit than many other options.
This season we have 2 shows that I feel can give you a solid wholesome fix- I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness (which I will refer to as Crash Course) and My New Boss Is Goofy (which I will refer to as Goofy Boss). This is based off of watching the first 3 episodes of each anime and no outside knowledge of either. There will be some spoilers.
Goofy Boss Specific thoughts
After being horribly abused by his previous boss, Momose is left is severe anxiety that gives him health issues. But it turns out his boss is actually super nice and clumsy. This shows does succeeds at being heartwarming in two ways. One by being directly and obviously cute. The two leads are cute characters, they are cute together, and they add a cat that is cute. Secondly, we see Kentarou get over his past trauma. These two have a very nice relationship that just feels good to watch. Over time he is able to forget about those past experiences and move forward thanks to his healthy relationship with Shirosaki.
I think this show is very solid overall. Its jokes land pretty often, and Just within the first 3 episodes we get a good amount of backstory for both the main leads. It actually hit me pretty hard in the heart when Momose learned that Shirosaki was the one who came up with the advertisement that inspired him. I also really appreciate this point because it shows someone getting inspiration from something very untraditional. I don't have any particular love for advertising, even the harmless kind like the ones we see in this show. But it's important to recognize that inspiration can come from absolutely anything. When so much of media uses the same avenues for inspiration, like nature and famous people like heroes, it's nice to see something mundane like an ad for a random business having a strong emotional impact on someone.
Sorry if this immediately makes you close out of this post- I personally don't ship them. I like them as a couple but not romantically. I've always been put off by large age gaps. They are both old and mature enough where I would not call an actual romantic relationship between them problematic though. It's just not my thing. All the power to you if you ship them, the show succeeds at making you want to ship them, so I totally get it.
Crash Course Specific thoughts
After being abused by her family and ousted from her home, Charlotte is taken in by the "demon lord" of a nearby area who wants to teach her how to be "naughty". Don't let the title fool you, in general the naughtiness here is more akin to a kid doing things they "shouldn't" do on purpose. At its core this "naughtiness" that Allen is trying to teach her is about helping Charlotte do the things she has been conditioned not to do and selfishly pursue her own happiness. I really vibe with this message. Most people won't have as extreme of a bad experience as Charlotte, but many people can relate to feeling like they are in the wrong for desiring more happiness. My favorite scene is when Allen buys her a table covered in sweets and basically tells her to pig out. For me seeing Charlotte be able to eat tasty food that she was never able to experience really hits. I really agree with the message he tries to convey to her there, about how it's ok for her to be given something expensive and to enjoy it to the fullest. Imo pigging out on great food is one of life's best pleasures (in moderation). And is a great way to reward yourself and make yourself feel better during a tough time. This show succeeds at being heartwarming through this message trying to be conveyed to Charlotte. Its cathartic to see a character who deserves a to be pampered get pampered. That is the primary appeal of this show. And down the line when we very likely see her properly embrace this philosophy, it'll probably feel really good then too.
When you step away from this general theme, the show starts to lack a little. The art and animation are not particularly noteworthy in any way. As characters they also do not have a lot of charisma or interesting qualities. Like with Goofy Boss I also do not ship this two, but for different reasons. I don't think they have particularly great chemistry. The jokes are also not funny as often in my opinion. If I didn't have a stronger appreciation for the theme that I mentioned I would say it's pretty boring. Among the many healing anime I have seen, I would put it pretty low on the list. If I had to say a #1 its Demon Girl Next Door. To give some other favorites- Barakamon, Non Non Biyori, Lucky Star, and Girls Last Tour. But I've watched many others too that can be considered healing anime, so let me know if you'd like to see more posts about them.
Both of these are relatively simple and formulaic shows, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The goal of both in my eyes is just to make you feel happy with wholesome characters interactions that help someone overcome their past trauma. Series that have a simple goal makes sense to have simple execution. Both have solid emotional cores that most people can empathize. They may not stand out as anything amazing, especially Crash Course, but they are succeeding at making me feel warm and fuzzy every week. For that reason, I will continue to watch both. If you just wanted to check out one of them, I recommend Goofy Boss as it has stronger characters and comedy.
Thanks for reading!
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What will be in my bag? Pre-ordered Manga. Straight and Lez edition.
Here’s a list of English-released manga I’ve currently got on pre-order, and manga series I ordered before but won’t be continuing with the series.
As a note: Some of these titles have been released but I have not received them yet due to a issues with covid backlog effected how things are released.  I personally find that if you pre-order it tends to get you manga quicker.  It seems there is more pressure to keep up with the new release schedule than chip away at the backlog.
I’m starting with the stuff I’ve already read some of and confirmed enjoyment, then stuff I’m shooting in the dark for, and finally series I have tried recently and have discontinued.
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My Androgynous Boyfriend
Story & Art by: Tamekou      Publisher: Seven Seas
It is rare for straight shit to end up in my library but My Androgynous boyfriend is an exception that will surprise no-one since it’s pretty queer adjacent.  This story is mostly a couple being lovey-dovey between jokes about sexuality and gender but (so far) isn’t problematic at all.  The female lead is quite enjoyable as she’s well-balanced and has agency throughout. There’s even ace representation! It’s very low-stakes, wholesome, and sweet so far. (Volume 3 is set to release in November.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety
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Even Though We’re Adults
Story & Art by: Takako Shimura  Publisher: Seven Seas
Takako is also the creator of Sweet Blue Flowers and Wandering son.  I have dipped by toe in to both those series.  I overall find their writing kinda meandering and tepid (might just be me) but technically pretty solid.  I am hopeful for this series since it features adults....if the title didn’t make it obvious.  I was intrigued by the one character being married but the man finding out about the affair quickly and reacting more realistically and interestingly than the average male love interest in a Yuri.  I also found myself relating at bit to Akari’s angst about being unlucky with relationships with women.  I also do enjoy the artwork! This one is the most likely of my followed series to be dropped at some point. (Volume 2 of this manga was set to release in June this year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
For more click the jump!
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Kase-san and Yamada
Story & Art by: Hiromi Takashima  Publisher: Seven Seas
This is a series I keep going back to.  While it is the very typical low-stakes bubbly, cutesy School age Yuri...it is a very good version of that.  Just warm bubble bath vibes. (Volume 7 is set to release in February of next year.  I think it was originally supposed to be released this May but was bumped back.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety
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Adachi and Shimaura
Art: Moke Yuzuhara Story: Hitoma Iruma  Publisher: Yen Press
This, as I understand it, is a slow-burn romance about two delinquent girls.  I have heard good things about the novel and the anime series!  However I prefer manga to novels and don’t have a funimation account so I went to snag it in manga form. (Volume 1 was set to release in February this year and 2 in September)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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The Girl I want is so handsome!
Story & Art by:Yuama     Publisher: Seven Seas
The premise is a young lady has a crush on a handsome older girl who’s oblivious to her advances.  When she tries to confess she instead gets roped into being the club manager of the basketball team that her crush is a part of.  So it feels like it may end up cycling through 2 jokes and be so deep in the stereotypical manga bullshit you can easily-predict its beats volumes in advance. HOWEVER that is also a premise that is similar to Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun which is legitimately a hilarious series. Also I fucking love butch/stud/masc-presenting women/AFAB people.  So I’m willing to risk “The same Anime bullshit” for good jokes and a cute lezzy romance with a beautiful butch.  (Volume 1 is set to release of December of this year.)
My Excitement Level: Pretty nervous actually.  I hope it works out!
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Monologue Woven for You
Story & Art by: Syu Yasaka     Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gives up on a career in theater gets tangled in a relationship with a woman passionately pursuing theater.  Since it is set between college age women, and appears to be about more personal and mature themes I am interested. (Volume 1 I BELIEVE is supposed to be released in February of next year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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Mizuno and Chayama (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Yuhta Nishio     Publisher: Yen Press
Two daughters of feuding families meet in secret.  This is by the same author of After Hours.  I read a bit of After Hours and found it fine but boring since it seemed without conflict.  Conflict doesn’t seem to be in short supply with a story like this!  While I enjoy the sugary-sweet high school lesbian romances...those are not in short-supply. So I am always hungry for something darker, meatier, more mature. (Volume 1 is set to release next February) 
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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5 Seconds Before The Witch Falls In Love
Story & Art by:  Zeniko Sumiya     Publisher: Seven Seas
It appears to be a playful fantasy about a Witch and Witch-hunter who’s antagonism turns romantic.  This may end up one note and stupid...but I’m always hear for queer romances set in high-fantasy and I haven’t read a Yuri where rivals turns to lovers. (Volume 1 is set to release next February)  
My Excitement Level: Low-key
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Catch These Hands! (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Murata     Publisher: Yen Press 
A former delinquent runs into her high school rival.  After losing a fight to her she agrees to her terms...her terms being to go out on a date with her.  I mean the title alone makes me want to pick it up!  It may run afoul of bad anime humor, but I’m hoping with the fact that it’s full of gay adult delinquents that it’ll be a little different.  (Volume 1 is set to release next February)  
My Excitement Level: Medium-key
Series I have discontinued:
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I’m in love with the Villainess
Art by: Aonoshimo  Story by:  Inori   Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gets reborn into her favorite Otome game but she wants to romance the villiain!  I had heard a ton of great things about the novel but I picked up the manga version. (If the novel is totally different I can’t speak to it.)  For me, the writing is ham-handed, the jokes flop 90% of the time, and the fact the lead’s only personality trait seems to be ~obsessed with a bully~ really dampens this title.  Her advances are so aggressive and unwanted I honestly started feeling bad for a spoiled rich bully.  I will say it’s saving grace is the fact that the lead is masochistically into the villainess’ tsundere abusiveness. For me I hate tsundere romances if framed like, “I like you DESPITE your insults.” It is only tolerable if it’s instead, “I like you cause you tell it like it is. I’m a dirty little pig. Please step on this bad little piggy!”
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Our Teachers are Dating
Story & Art by: Pikachi Ohi      Publisher: Seven Seas
Well one reason I stopped the series is that cover you see up there.  The sex in this series is fade to black but FOR SOME REASON the 3rd cover has them both butt naked.  But on a less superficial note, the story is about two teachers who start dating.  And while cute at points, I was just underwhelmed.  I think a part of it, is the fact that this behaves like a stereotypical high school romance...and while set in a high school...these are grown ass women not 15 year olds.  So I have less patience with the, “Gosh when will I get to kiss my girlfriend?” bullshit.  I mean, I would hesitate to call it bad...but it’s just not a good version of it’s brand of bullshit.
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Breath of Flowers
Story & Art by: Caly                       Publisher: Tokyopop
Absolute train-wreck, this is hands down the worst Yuri I have ever bought.  The story is nonsensical and all over the place.  There is a love rival who’s trying to break the two of them up so she can get with Gwyn...but then switches mid-gear to put in a lot of effort to bring them together intentionally...but she also still wants to hook up with Gwyn...it’s very ????????????  The main conflict of Gwyn is hiding their gender so they can play basketball on the boy’s team (not well explained) is built up hugely and resolved with a hand flick.  There is a melodramatic moment where a school nurse says more or less, “GIVE IT UP YOU’LL NEVER BE A BOY!” And it’s like “OH SHIT! The fact that Gwyn is on the basketball team is cause he’s a transboy trying to live life as a boy! Oh gosh it makes so much more sense now!”  But the author seems to not even know that trans people exist cause the story bumbles along as if that scene never happened.  The closest we get is at the end Gwyn is like, “Look I’m learning to do make-up on myself to make you happy lawl!” Which is I GUESS supposed to be, “NO NO DON’T WORRY ALL OF GWYN’S GENDER STUFF WAS JUST THERE TO MAKE THE MAIN CHARACTER SEXUALLY CONFUSED WHEN SHE DISCOVERS GWYN’S TRUE GENDER!  HER TRUE GENDER IS 100% CIS WOMAN CAUSE SHE DID MAKE-UP ONCE! IT’S FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!” Like whaaaaaaaaat?  And it ends on a very random scene which doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the story.  Ugh just very bad do not interact!
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A White Rose in Bloom
Story & Art by: Asumiko Nakamura    Publisher: Seven Seas
At an all girls catholic school a young woman falls for a mysterious foreign student.  I grabbed this cause it’s gay and I overall like Asumiko Nakamura’s work (she also does Doukyusei, double mints, and others.)  However I was just not grabbed with this title.  I just felt like I wasn’t getting what was making the MC pants on head obsessed with Steph.  Also the lead’s mother tells her that she’s getting divorced and therefore will no longer have money to pay for the university and she’s framed like a super bad person for this.  Like I get why the MC (a teenager) would think that something like that is THE END OF THE WORLD! But I remember them really framing the mom like a selfish bitch for this...when like...it’s well established that her mom and dad’s relationship has been toxic for YEARS and that they TRIED SO HARD to fix it.  OH WELL!  This might be good but it just didn’t grab me in the 1st volume.
I’ll make a post on the BL titles later! Take care and Stay Rotten!
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acflare · 4 years
Who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships? Talk about them!
Oh boy let’s see (guess I gotta draw pics too to justify rambling on my sketchbook blog, lol)
Wow picking favorites is hard
Probably the best way to find out would be to write why I love every character and see who ends up with the longest rant but that’d take way too long, lol
1. Zora
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Oh boy, Zora is just… 100% my aesthetic. Sharp teeth, edgy, snarky, his magic is awesome As a character he’s just so fun because he looks the ‘doesn’t care about anything’ type, but he had to train SO hard to get his magic to be that way, and he cares a ton about justice and people not being garbage.
2. Finral
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My favorite until Zora showed up, lol His character development over the course of the story just… makes me live. No confidence in his fighting ability, literally a coward who develops into one of my favorite fighters. All the moves he pulls in fights are so much fun and well thought out. (Not to mention I totally relate to the inferior older sibling complex 😩)
3. Asta
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Frikn He probably makes it into my favorite anime protags of all time Asta is just a ball of love and joy that co-habitates his body with a demon??? (Speaking of the demon, the more lines it gets the closer it gets to being one of my faves) Asta is just so relatable. Also the fact that he has breaking points??? He isn’t always screaming, or happy, he has been terrified, hopeless, full of rage, shocked – the faces he made during the hecking trial chapter made me cry
4. Patri
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Such a good villain. Like, he’s a kid who got shoved into the body of the one he idolized in his previous life and forms a cult? When his ‘Licht’ facade wears away and you get to see how petty and angry he is it’s just sooo gooood. And when he just takes a moment to cry in Licht’s arms? Problematic fav.
5. Gauche
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Okay hear me out here I firckn hate the whole ‘sisc*n’ gag – but if you take it as just that, a gag, then he becomes a super fun character. Literally alone in the world with only his baby sister whom he loves more than anything, and slooooowly adopting the Black Bulls into his family !!
6. Magna
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I almost left him out bc he hasn’t been in any chapters in a while and I forgot how amazing he is Magna feels so deeply and I love it. Nobody is left without hugs due to any attempt to sustain an image – if you need a hug, Magna is there for you. A fantastic senpai and friend. I really hope he’s being left out as a setup to burst in and be a whole new tier of awesome…
7. Yami
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Team dad, does not care what anyone thinks and has full faith in his whole team. Like, he recruits all these weirdos, some who don’t even show off combat capabilities, and he only sees their potential. Just… when they live up to his expectations and lights up I just love that. He’s such a perfect captain
8. Marx
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He’s very much a side character but he makes me happy every time I see him He’s just got such a hard job (and the Wizard Kind does NOT make it any easier for him 😂) There’s just something fun about a character always 100% stress (someone give him a vacation, please)
9. Gordon
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Yo Gordon is so wholesome? He appears creepy by being nonexpressive and ridiculously quiet while wearin heckin Marilyn Manson makeup but he just… wants to be friends. Also, his family is amazing, and with how his father has managed to repurpose his own magic, I have high hopes for Gordon’s in the future
10. Noelle
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My precious daughter I love her. Her ojousama/tsundere combination is fun, but her backstory really makes her being adopted by the Bulls that much better, and just makes me root for her that much harder every time she succeeds ❤
Okay, now for fav ships
Oh boy, let’s see
1.Noelle x Asta
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Asta’s just full affection toward his friends is such a good combo with Noelle being a tsundere. Not only that, but Noelle has p much been starved of affection her whole life, so pairing her with Asta just feels so hecking wholesome 😭
2.Luck x Magna
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Their friendship is already amazingly wholesome, it just makes it that much more fun if Luck has a crush on Magna, haha. Luck has already displayed tsundere-like behavior, and wit Magna being genuine and affectionate when it matters, it makes for a fun (and possibly painful ⚡) combination
3.Charlotte x Yami
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It’s a fairytale with a 100% oblivious prince! How much better can it get? 😂 Plus they’re a heckin rad power couple. Plus dat social status gap yo
4.Grey x Gauche
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Frikn… I shipped this since the water temple arc for funsies and the CInderella Grey chapter fed me. Any Grey ship is cute, but anxious fluffy Grey clinging to Gauche, who hates literally everyone is just an aesthetic to me.
5.Patri x William
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Sort of a ‘you’re the only one in the world who understands me’ feel to it – also Patri is in dire need of affection. Prolly William too.
6.Mars x Fana
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Theyre childhood sweethearts that went through wayyyy too much. It’s cute and I want them to be happy
7.Vetto x Fana (Elf)
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Give me soft Vetto! We’ve seen how sweet he was before the devil magic made him all angy, and not-psycho Fana looks like she’s on the spunkier side – give me pushover Vetto!
….im a failure of a shipper I think I’m out of romantic ships
I’m not really a multishipper n the show’s done a good job of giving lots of characters cute crushes
I guess I’ll just list fav platonic ships for the last three
8.Finral & Noelle
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Finral deserves to have a younger sibling to fawn over and Noelle deserves an affectionate older sibling also seeing all of Finral’s flirting with Noelle as fawning instead makes it cute rather than problematic
9.Secre & Asta
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SECRE IS SUCH A GOOD BIG SISTER!!! Gosh she really turned out to love Asta (I mean, so did everyone else, but) also Noelle’s love of her is super cute, I want her to be a big sister to both of them 💕
10.Rhya & Patri
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Yo, I love their relationship. Rhya’s always teasing and looking out for Patri, it just feels like he cares about him so much – originally it looked like Rhya was disrespectful, or lazy, but rewatching everything it just feels like he’s looking out for Patri.
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vecna · 5 years
Oohh for the fandom meme! Dragon Age?
Send me a fandom!
Oh boy, this is going to be spicy.
It’s also very Anders-negative, so apologies up front.
The character(s) I first fell in love with:
I’m actually not sure which was the FIRST, but it’s a tie between Morrigan and Alistair. I saw fanart of them going around at the time Origins first released, and that’s what got me to try the game! 
Alistair was a breath of fresh air, because at the time, I was used to warrior men in games being all Edgy and Rough, and he was the total opposite and a sweetheart.
And Morrigan was just instantly my goth wife, and had Claudia Black as a VA, so I was sold immediately.
Both still hold a special place for me!
The character(s) I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Loghain is the main one. He does a lot of truly reprehensible shit in the first game. But once I sat down and read the prequel novels about young Loghain, plus saw what he’s like if you recruit him, he grew on me A LOT and now he’s a top fave.
Nathaniel I expected to hate as soon as I saw his name + who his father was, but then the expansion came out and I ended up loving that dude almost immediately. I really wish he was around more after Awakening, and also really wish he’d been a romance option, especially for a Cousland haha.
Merrill is a weird one because she was totally uninteresting to me in DA:O, so when they announced her as a companion in DA2 I was like, “Ehhhh.” Then they punked me by making her adorable and sweet and now I love her.
Plus a bunch of side-characters like The Architect? I liked him a bunch in the novel + Awakening – although I found his Plan in the novel much more appealing. But as the years have gone by, I keep surprising myself at just HOW disappointed I am he’s never appeared again haha.
The character(s) everyone else loves that I don’t:
There’s a few, and all of them will get me yelled at, but here we go.
First: Isabela. This one’s a bit complicated, but it really just boils down to her attitude towards how you play your character. I actively dislike characters who are super sexual – regardless of gender. But Isabela in particular bothers me because she’s constantly pushing her lewdness and sexual humor on you, and when you try to discourage it, she admonishes you with, “Well, you’re no fun.” Her whole character is just… like that for me. Super pushy, overly lewd, gets uppity when you don’t have the same ~liberated~ opinions she does, and this is all played up in the writing like she’s this Empowered Woman the player absolutely must love, especially if they’re playing a male character lol. I hate her for the same reasons a lot of people hate Liara in Mass Effect, but with the addition of pushy lewd jokey characters always rubbing me the wrong way.
Second: Iron Bull. I’ve written a lot about why he makes me more uncomfortable than any fictional character I’ve ever encountered, and I just outright hate him, he makes my skin crawl. If you want details, feel free to DM me, I don’t really want to rant about it again publicly.
Third: Anders. Again, I’ve written a lot about him before, but. I hated him in Awakening, for a lot of the same reasons I hate Isabela in DA2. But the changes they made to him in DA2 are just kinda :/. While I absolutely agree with him about Mage Rights, the level of preachiness they added to him drove me nuts, and the fact that you’re painted as a Bad Guy if you don’t like him blowing up the chantry. And from a purely OOC standpoint: He’s become a figurehead for all the aggressive Discourse people in the fandom, and if I see someone list Anders in their sidebar bio, I know pre-emptively that their blog is going to be full of 6 page long essays of meta about how everything is Problematic, and no thanks.
To a lesser extent, I’m also not fond of Zevran. But in his case, it’s not anything major like the others, I’m just tired of Bioware’s habit of making the bisexual characters overly lewd sex-focused rogues/deviants.
The character(s) I love that everyone else hates:
Loghain, lol.
But also Sebastian Vael? There’s so much about him that I find genuinely fascinating, especially regarding his backstory, and his struggles between his feelings of responsibility to his family vs his dedication to the Chantry and bettering himself. He’s such a dear character to me, and such a pivotal part of any playthrough, I’m always blown away when I remember he’s a DLC character and many people don’t have him.
HOWEVER Anders being the fandom darling means that people tend to unfairly shit on Sebastian for reacting poorly to the Chantry explosion. People also like to label him as a poster child of a White Straight Church Boy, while refusing to acknowledge he’s… not straight, and not exactly a church boy either lol.
Also Vivienne, but I think that one’s really self-explanatory. I love her, and she gives a really needed perspective on the Circle, since most of the mage companions previously were apostates. But of course, she gets written off as a Chantry apologist, and an uppity bitch, when people would def love her for the same traits if she was not black lol.
The character(s) I used to love but don’t any longer:
Justice. And by extension, Anders. A lot of people like to rant about how Justice ruined Anders, but I always saw it the other way around.Justice was my favorite character in Awakening. The whole concept around him, that he was a Fade spirit who took human form and was experiencing life for the first time was SO fascinating. I felt like there was so much to explore there with his character.
Buuuut then they had him merge with Anders. With the narrative being that he WAS a spirit of Justice, but the moment he connected with Anders, it corrupted his entire spirit into something he wasn’t anymore. So essentially, the character I used to love no longer exists, thanks to Anders. And it reminds me of that phrase recently, about how the destination is so terrible you can no longer enjoy the journey? I can’t even appreciate Justice in Awakening anymore, knowing what happens to him.
To a lesser extent, Corypheus. He was SO COOL and the premise of him was AMAZING when he first appeared in the DA2 DLC, but then Inquisition had to go and turn him into a weird shallow mustache twirl villain.
The character(s) I would totally smooch:
None? Idk I don’t really have the Smooch Fictional Character gene.
The character(s) I’d want to be like:
MAEVARIS TILANI. May I one day finally have the confidence in my identity that she does, and also marry a sweet bear man who adores me.
The character(s) I’d slap:
Too many to list, really. Probably Anders.
The pairing(s) that I love:
THERE’S SO MANY. And most of them are with the PC, because I generally don’t ship NPCs together. But my top 3 are:
M!Hawke / Fenris is my ultimate OTP in the Dragon Age series, by a long-shot. Not even sure where to start on how much I love it, but two damaged guys leaning on each other to work through their respective loneliness and trauma is MY JAM. And lmao I love silver-sideburned Hawke chillin in retirement somewhere but being a supportive husband while Fenris goes off hunting the Bad Guys, it’s great.
Solas / Lavellan is a close second, with the caveat that I increasingly prefer it with a male Lavellan. Having the Inquisitor in love with Solas just changes the entire tone of the game for me, for the better, and him actually being the villain trying to end the world while in love with this normie elf is just (chef kiss). Too bad I’m burned out by how overly spammed it is.
Dorian / Inquisitor is in third, I will just always be fond of how it’s a story of the Inquisitor helping Dorian be happy with who he is, escape an abusive family, and realize that he’s allowed to be loved. Good shit good shit.
Some others:
Warden / Morrigan is probably my favorite Origins ship, and that only intensified with the way she talks about the Warden in Inquisition, esp if they’re Kieran’s other parent. What a cute goth family, regardless of the Warden’s gender, cause you can pry Bi Morrigan from my cold dead fingers.
Cassandra / Inquisitor might have a lot of Romance Cliches, but I adore it – although, similar others, I increasingly prefer it with a female Inquisitor. I actively dislike the weird no-homo rejection with her, and come on, a lady Inquisitor being her Knight In Shining Armor is just good storytelling.
Cullen / Inquisitor, for a lot of the same reasons as Cassandra. I love me a cliche romance, but I’m also fond of the narrative w/ him of someone he loves helping him heal through the lyrium withdrawals and take time to rest.
Josephine / F!Inquisitor is just adorable all around, and wholesome, and great.
On the rarepair end:
Sebastian / Hawke doesn’t seem like it would be a rarepair – you’d think everyone who loves Cullen/Inquisitor would love this one too. I do! But alas. That said, I’m also pretty aggro about this one with a male Hawke because SEBASTIAN IS CANON BI. WHY WAS HIS ROMANCE STRAIGHT.
Maric / Loghain is a rarepair I will take with me to my grave LOL. Never forget the scene where Maric thought Loghain was leaving, and bolted across the camp with almost no clothes on to beg Loghain to stay. Come on.
Nathaniel / Cousland is dear to me, and I love it so much more than Alistair / Cousland haha.
Greagoir / Wynne, I can’t believe this got validated in canon ahhhh.
The pairing(s) that I despise:
Iron Bull / Dorian is my least fave by a longshot. Again, I have written about why I hate this pairing a great many times, but it’s awful and toxic and makes me deeply uncomfortable, and I could happily go the rest of my life without seeing anything about it ever again. Please keep poor Dorian away from that man. He deserves someone that doesn’t sexually harass him until he’s finally worn down into dubious consent (while drunk) and then outted to everyone about it.
Isabela / Fenris. Sorry, but it’s just bad writing that Fenris bails on Hawke because the physical intimacy triggered his PTSD and he needs space to process, but then will turn around and have a casual sex relationship with Isabela instead. Yikes.
Anders / Fenris. Aveline / Isabela. Alistair / Morrigan. All of the DA2 Hawke/companion rivalmances. I don’t enjoy “these two people hate and antagonize and want to kill each other… but they fuck” in any form.
Cullen / Amell. Yikes.
And basically ALL of the canon wlw pairings in this series suffer from the fact they have men writing them, and as a result they’re almost always some kind of abusive or racist, and skeeve me out. See: Celene / Briala, Leliana / Marjolaine, Branka / Hespith, etc. Please Bioware, I’m begging you to consult some actual queer women. It’s insane how badly they’re treated compared to how the canon mlm couples are written.
FINALLY, I recognize this will be the most unpopular of all, but. As much as I love M!Hawke/Fenris, I just honestly cannot stand seeing F!Hawke/Fenris. There are some pairings where I’m so attached to the m/m or f/f version, I cannot deal with the m/f version anymore, and that’s one of them. (The others are mainly non-Bioware.)
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brywrites · 5 years
What did you think of the Season 15 first episodes of Criminal Minds?
I just watched the episodes today, but here are my usual recap thoughts! [spoilers below, obviously]
15x01: Under the Skin
I’m here for the inter-team baby shower profiling
Where is Lisa anyways??? Give us the Garvez/Ralvez we deserve
Excuse me but Dr. Tara Lewis would never call Freud a genius. NEVER. No self-respecting psychologist would! (Did the man revolutionize the idea of talk therapy? Kind of. Was he problematic af? Yes. Were any of his theories correct? No!)
Emily, you can’t really yell at Rossi for going rogue when you literally did that all the time
Garcia’s blue hair streak is giving me life
Grace’s southern accent is like Reid’s dad it just can’t seem to stick around for long
Ohhh okay so we’re doing a Silence of the Lambs homage here, I see it, I love it
Okay i totally thought it was going to be cute, young ME who was acting all egotistical and weird but PLOT TWIST it’s the old one! Also uhh did cute young ME guy survive or not because they didn’t show him after?
Rossi as Clarice Starling, I’m down with that
Uhhh I guess if you tell Spencer Reid you’re in love with him, you get shot??
15x02: Awakenings
Hello JJ is missing!! Guys! Guys!!
Ok but did we really have to have several minutes of scenes where poor JJ is just sitting there in her bra and Reid’s awkwardly standing there like
Okay but the anxiety I felt over having Reid and Will wait together I was so sure Reid was going to blurt out what had happened
The excited hug from Will though so wholesome :’) 
Also was SO sure Will was gonna overhear the conversation where JJ’s like “I do love you but” I kept waiting for it to get awkward! 
I’m not super thrilled with how they resolved the “I love you” because it doesn’t really feel fair to anyone - it’s not fair to Reid to know that he could’ve had that, it’s not fair to JJ's character who has always put her family first and treated Reid like a brother, and it’s not fair to Will who has been a perfect partner and husband. But maybe that’s just life and life is messy and at least they handled it like adults?
Grace’s friend: “Do you know how long I spent trying to find you?”
Me: lesbians???
Grace: *holds her hand*
Me: l e s b i a n s !!!
Also I’m not totally convinced by the “Reid has been in love with her and waiting for her this whole time.” There are a few moments I can recall in the show’s history after Season 1 that could lean Jeid (Reid worrying over her in the ambulance, The Forever People, etc.) but they also make sense in a best friend/sibling dynamic. There weren’t moments where I really felt the chemistry or it felt like he was pining over her (unlike say, the Bones/Booth dynamic in Bones). 
Again, Reid’s “waiting” thing just doesn't feel like it makes sense? It’s definitely sadder than Reid just being bad at love, but idk... he loves being a godfather, he doesn’t seem like the type to want to see a family broken up so he can get the girl (maybe love makes us crazy though), and also Maeve? If he had a “taste” of that kind of fuller happiness as he says to Blake, wouldn’t he want to seek that out rather than waiting for something he’s not sure is real? 
Props to AJ Cook for acting out to complicated “I love you” scenes in a row”
I do like the talk he had with Diana at the end. Though he’s grown and changed and become more self-assured, etc. it hasn’t really felt like Reid has matured as much in the last 10 or so years. He was somewhat of an “old soul” as a young person, but has remained there and hasn’t moved on much, despite having numerous character arcs that should’ve seen him do so. He still in many ways feels a bit childish in the way he reacts to other things and other people, and his conversation with his mom was proof of that. I’m glad he’s decided to “grow up” and “move forward.” I think it’s time to let his character become something more than a whiz kid who spouts of facts but doesn’t change emotionally
Thx for coming to my TEDtalk
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infcrnos · 5 years
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{ +・゚✧ ARON PIPER, HE/HIM | there’s no way the killer doesn’t know who ( JOAQUIN CORONA ) is. even i know they’re a ( JUNIOR ) studying ( ARCHITECTURE ) and known as ( THE HELLION ). they’re ( 21 ) years old and i think everyone knows they’re the ( PRESIDENT ) of ( PHI ETA BETA ). one time their phone went off in class and it was ( SAME DAMN TIME ) by ( FUTURE ). }
intangible, enigmatic, hellraiser, rebellious, the spontaneous insurgent, one who runs and has no problem never turning back, would rather be somewhere nobody knows, easier to be an asshole than to come to terms with any of his feelings. he hides in plain sight. everyone thinks they know him but he only shows what he wants. it’s easier like that.
everyone calls him key
whispers he’s an aquarius 
he is currently bicurious
two older sisters are super studious and rational/responsible
luna “lu” fuentes, twenty-nine
emilia “mila” fuentes, twenty-four
he is more of a partier, risk-taker, knows what he wants to do with his life but he isnt academically drive like he gets his shit done but totally a procrastinator, is more into going with the flow
is the youngest of the three corona kids
he was the closest to his father, santiago corona, who died a few years earlier
parents split up when key was 
key is also really close to his paternal grandmother
mother, lourdes cicci byrne; has a hard time with key because hes a lot like his father
hes not super close with his sisters because of a few reasons, but they are just a lot different than him
luna is pretty stuck-up “like her mother
values education and power over relationship
key and luna dont get along because she always make him feel dumb and he never takes her situations seriously
they have had a step-father since he was 9
vincent byrne. they get along, have had more heart to hearts than he and his own mother have
corona siblings have a half sister
julia byrne, 14 years old
she is everything to key, they get along the best
he gets along least wtih mila
mila looks out for him though and will be most helpful when he really needs it or he least expects it despite their major differences
many things have contributed to their estranged relationship
she feels like he was always dads favorite and is hurt by it even though shes unaware that he (dad) was proud of her because she never voiced how she felt
luna was always closest with the mother so mila often felt like an outcast
key had sex with one of milas college friends on her birthday; the only time key had ever been invited to one of her parties and she regretted it right after
he is impulsive and low key sensitive and he will gladly 
he’s definitely a hell raiser and is basically a man child
he is working on being more empathetic i guess??? he overthinks a lot of things but usually his reaction to a situation is like the opposite of how hes feeling??? like a defense mechanism. i think he’s just hurting a lot and doesn’t know how to properly vent it or doesnt want to talk about it even though its always on his mind
the problematic fave and by problematic fave i mean his emotions are so up and down that he has a hard time taking himself seriously so he just DOESNT but has a great heart and his friends are his family because his relationship with his family isnt great (minus step father, kinda) but he’s a sweetieeee and low key SOFT
he is v aggressive though like he is most likely to start the fight and end it
he is least likely to remember ur name
and definitely has his frat letters tatted on his ass
he also makes music!!!! the basement of phi eta beta is where he makes his beats and stuff its kind of a hidden talent so
some quotes
“i talk a lot, so i’ve learned to just tune myself out.”
“the breadsticks are like crack.”
“i just think tadpoles are funky lil’ dudes.”
“who does a bitch have to kiss around here to get a cream soda?“
“oh, sorry! you can continue. don’t let me distract you.” *unintentionally making loud noises, dropping things, being generally distracting*
“drunk people don’t feel pain!”
“i was just hiding behind witticism to mask the resentment of an unfulfilled childhood.” followed by an awkward laugh to make it seem like he’s joking.
“sadly, it appears our phalluses have lead us astray.”
ride or die AND we make music bitchhh:
we’re homies and we tell each other things that most people have to beg for us to tell them also when you’re too drunk so i take you home also when we’re both really drunk we fuck but i bring u home after and it aint even that serious and if anyone wants to fight u send them my way
best friends fuhevaaaa
really close because of charlie: zara
enemies!!! because key wants all the static
enemies or misunderstood one another turned homies
party friends that just get really messed up together
ex gf, he cheated: jessa
i will just keep making fun of you because i hate you
other exes
the boy he likes???? 
guy he hooked up with and is like omg u make me question everything and now i’m trying to avoid u but i keep staring
unrequited or they think its unrequited 
his ex’s best friend that he hooked up with idk
somebody who knew his dad???
teammates bc i think ill put him on the soccer team
enemies but only because assumptions they’ve made about one another but now a creepy guy is hitting on you so im going to pretend im your boyfriend
they’re not really friends but get put into a situation where they realize they have more in common than they thought or are kinda friends but neither really ever want to admit it???
secret friends or secret lovers
we’re stuck in this elevator i guess we should talk about our life stories
omg i had sex with your sibling and you saw me naked that one time accidentally this is awkward
our exes are on a date so lets go on a date??? and/or help me make this person jealous
his big
in the same frat but hate each other
we go on adventures together
childhood friends
we both hate that person
key will protect at all costs
you’re the opposite of me and yet here we are
someone he practices soccer with???
someone who is genuinely good for him like so wholesome and makes him do sweet lil things unintentionally
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queenieships · 7 years
Questions 1-14 for the most recent one your reblogged!
Thank you for asking! Sorry it took a while lmao I got super lazy and distracted with it. Gonna put some of it under a readmore because it got particularly long!
1. When did youstart self shipping and why?
I mean I officiallystarted this blog I think… middle of last year? I can’t quiteremember the date off the top of my head but it’s been a while.However, I’ve been selfshipping for a very long time, justmentally! I kind of did that whole “Creating Ocs to ship withcharacters I liked and oh no those Ocs definitely aren’t based onme at all aha nope…”
2. How long have youbeen self shipping?
I think I’ve beenself shipping from a very young age! I remember being in primaryschool and being absolutely in love with Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugiand Axel from Kingdom Hearts (had a thing for red heads and fireapparently?) I genuinely must’ve been as young as 8, give or take ayear or two, so I’ve been self shipping and self inserting most ofmy life! 
3. Why do you selfship now?
I mean… it’sfun! And I mean, I fall in love with fictional characters withouteven meaning to. I just become very attached to them to the point Ican’t help but imagine myself with them! It’s also been a thingI’ve done for a very long time, a hobby, a habit, a copingmechanism – as a very creative but also very lonely child I thinkit was a huge way for me to feel like I was getting GOOD attentionfor once. I guess that’s kind of extended to adulthood. In ways aswell it helps me deal with some unhealthy situations I’ve had inthe past and it’s a way for me to explore and take interest intoxic and unhealthy ships in a safe and fictional environment. It’shelped me a lot improving with my art and honestly I officiallyjoined the self ship community because I was very lonely and had…NO FRIENDS.
4. Which of yourself insert characters is the most developed?
Probably myborderlands insert or my Newsies insert! I haven’t been toomassively focused on any other ship to develop my insert in thatuniverse very much and SOME of the universes I self insert in arequite difficult and elaborate when it comes to making characters forit (like in HxH)
5. Are your selfinsert characters 100% you or are they an exaggerated version ofyourself/leaning toward an OC?
I think it dependson the universe. Though I would say they’re exaggerated examples ofmyself, ideal versions or particularly troubled versions – All ofmy self insert characters look like me and have the same name and toa degree share my interests and talents – though I’ve also giventhem talents that I admire and really wish I had (such as singing,baking and sewing.)
6. If your selfinserts are closer to OCs what are some similarities they have withyou? What are some differences?
Lmao whoops guess Ikind of explained this in the one above? I guess something I like todo is depending on the universe I self ship in, I kind of pick a partof my personality that is a focus of that character. (For example, myNewsies insert is mostly centred around my social beliefs, mydepression and toxic relationship with my family and to a degree myfeeling of superiority. I’m actually very working class but you’llnotice most of my inserts are either very well off OR from thenicest, cleanest place in that universe they can be from – mynewsies insert is from a very wealthy family and my borderlandsinsert is from Helios.)
7. Do you have a‘type’ when it comes to f/os?
Yes but my type haschanged and shifted over time. There are definitely things I likethat kind of resonate throughout all of my F/Os. For example, almostall of my F/Os are confident to a fault. Most of them are also verymasculine, with a few exceptions. A character type I LOVE is therough delinquent with a heart of gold! (Seen in characters likeMondo, Metal Bat and Knuckle.) I also like perverted characters orones that show a lot of interest in women during the show/gamethey’re in (Examples being Scooter, Lance and Leorio.) I also seemto like people who have manual labour jobs or jobs that require themto be quite strong and get quite dirty and occassionaly kinda bruisedup (Examples being Scooter, Metal Bat, Scout, Hunk and Ellis who isnot yet on my F/O list but will be soon! A character I used to selfship with is Little Mac because I loved the idea of seeing him allsweaty and bruised up after a figh aha,,,)
8. Your top 3 OTPsamong your own selfships?
1. Me and Scooter!He is the problematic love of my life.
2. Me and Davey –although my focus has shifted dramatically from Davey to Scooter Istill definitely love this boy a lot
3. THIS IS SUCH ADIFFICULT PICK because honestly Scooter and Davey are and almostalways will be my top 2 BUT– my level of interest in my other F/Osshifts around so much? I’m even considering adding new F/Os thatI’ve become interested in recently, like… Mondo and Scout are thecharacters on the list I’ve shipped with for the longest but… Ithink maybe Leorio? I’ve always thought of Leorio and I as a reallygood couple, we’re so physically different and our personalitiesare such a good mix of getting along and clashing and I just!! idk Ithink number 3 is Leorio!!
9. Your top 5 OTPsamong others in the community?
@smoochesforseven and everyone she ships with. I love Moon so much and all of her shipsare wonderful though there is a soft spot for her and Newt!!
@better-than-nothin-kay and Rhys! We’ve spoken so much about borderlands and about her shipand honestly I love the female bodyguard dynamic it’s really cuteand they would physically look so good together!
@millizines andEarnest – I think this is like, the most undisputed OTP in thecommunity. I have never seen someone be so dedicated to their F/O andthey’re so genuinely in love with one another and have such aunique relationship!!
@momomochaccino andSandy (and spongebob!) – Seeing Momo so happy recently has beenamazing and witnessing what a positive impact the spongebob musicaland show has been for her is amazing!!
@peachie-doodles andLeonardo! Honestly seeing TMNT stuff on my dash makes me SO HAPPY andLeonardo has always been the one turtle I never really felt aconnection with BUT seeing someone so in love with him andappreciating him makes me really happy and makes me appreciate himmore as well! (also after speaking with her I realised that, althoughRaphael usually draws my attention because he’s big n buff andrough and tough but a total softy which FITS MY TYPE — Mikey isactually… my fucking boy?? I went around ready some fics andwatching some clips and like, damn. I really love Michaelangelo nowlmao, considering adding him as an F/O!!)
10. Has a roleplayblog for one of your f/os every interacted with you?
Lmao no. Honestly Iwould sob if that ever happened to me and I’ve seen other peoplegetting RP anons regularly in their asks and honestly I… reallywant it aha? I used to RP self ship stuff with a friend, where Iwould write as myself and the character she shipped with, and shewould play herself and the character I shipped with and!! it was!!great!! I would die to find something like that again.
11. Are you anartist or a writer in the community? Or do you do something elseentirely?
Um, both I guess! Iby no means think I’m a good artist but self shipping has reallyhelped me improve in a lot of areas. I highkey hate my style and atsome point I want to dedicate some time into developing it intosomething I can actually enjoy looking at. As for my writing, I’vealways been a talented writer – especially a few years ago. I waswriting frequently and everything I wrote was lowkey incredible.Nowadays, my writing is so few and far between and I am so stronglyout of practice it hurts and I feel almost embarrassed readingthrough any new fic I write. I’m hoping with time I can build myskills and confidence back up again!
12. Name a few ofyour favorite things about self shipping.
Honestly, myfavourite thing about self shipping is that I can feel like I havecompany regardless of how alone I actually am. Countless days spentby myself in my room and during lunchtimes back when I was at schoolcould be spent daydreaming about being loved and having adventureswith characters I enjoy! I always daydream a lot before I fallasleep, usually about cuddling up and spending the evening with oneof my F/Os before I fall alseep. Honestly without selfshipping Idon’t know what I’d do with my time. It’s such a huge thingthat fills up my day to day life and makes me happy, I genuinelydon’t think I’d still be here without it. 
13. Talk about apositive experience you’ve had with the community.
Honestly this iskind of hard for me lmao? I wouldn’t say I’ve had many hugelypositive or many hugely negative experiences overall. There arepeople I’ve found I get along with, there are some people that rubme the wrong way, there are some people I just haven’t spoken to! Ihaven’t really received any hate apart from someone being a dickabout my aesthetic commissions but I don’t really receive theattention I would like to either (is that bratty and selfish?Probably! But at least I’m honest about it lmao.) 
14. Finally, talkabout a few of your favorite self shippers!! (Honestly, talk about asmany as you would like!)
I don’t reallylike doing this because I’m afraid I’ll miss someone off andthey’ll feel sad about it or something BUT HERE’S A LIST OF PEEPSI SPEAK TO OFTEN AND CARE ABOUT AND TREASURE (note just becauseyou’re not on this list it doesn’t mean I don’t like you ordon’t enjoy your content! Just means this people I am particularlyclose with.)
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Sense8 Friend Group
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hey, guys!  this request is really spur of the moment but i couldn’t resist because i love my little sensate babies so fucking much!!  they’re family regardless of having no blood ties to one another.  the show only has two seasons, therefor the sensates have only been friends for a short while, but this group will have known each other for at least 5 years to make their bond a little more realistic.
your characters don’t have be carbon copies of the sense8 crew, but they must be heavily influenced by them!  this means that their personalities should be as close to spot-on as possible but things like career, romantic relationships, and gender can be changed.  yes, gender swapping is allowed, BUT there must still be equal parts male and female.  and i’d prefer it if we still had two non-hetero characters and i’m hoping for at least two people of color.  i won’t be a pit bull about this because i don’t like to put a muzzle on people’s creativity, but i don’t want to perpetuate a disgusting trend.
below will be small blurbs to go along with each character, just in case some of you haven’t seen the show.  p.s. if you haven’t, you should totally check it out!! taken characters will be denoted by a full name and their character inspiration/face claim in parentheses beside it.  these guys should all be 30 + and they’ll all have been in miami for at least the last five years.
*** please don’t use the original faces for your character’s face claim or keep their names!!!  you can message me here on tumblr or my discord is nikki007#3925. first come, first served.
joanna hirsch (riley blue / fc tbd):  joanna is the “mother” of the group.  she’s battled depression her whole life and has been an addict for probably the last 7 years of her life.  some years have been better than others but she always seems to fall off the wagon.  since childhood she’s believed she’s cursed and said curse (in her mind) is the reason everyone she seems to love is ripped away from her at the hands of the grim reaper himself (her mother, husband, and infant).  she can’t keep a job to save her life and she’s always in need of support from the friends.  no, she may not have many useful skills, but she’s empathetic to a fault and has been known to calm the more aggressive members in the group.
will:  will has lived most of his life trying to live up to the expectations of his police officer father.  he doesn’t necessarily want to be a cop like his dad but it’s kind of like a family tradition and he doesn’t want to be the one to break that cycle.  despite his disinterest in dawning a badge, he’s really good at his job.  he’s clean-cut, fair, gentle, kind, and sensitive to the plights of others.  will is super observant and he can always tell when something is up with each of the friends.  he’s smart and protective of everyone in the group - most of all joanna.
sun (originially a poc / e. asian):  sun is the daughter of a very wealthy business tycoon.  she’s smart, athletic, aloof, and hella responsible - especially when it comes to her bratty little brother.  she’s the type that would fall on a blade for the people she loves, so long as they don’t cross her.  it’s hard for her to forgive and forget, especially if you’re not in their circle of friends.  you definitely don’t want to be on her bad side. her father has always favored his prodigal brat of a son over his tough-as-nails, loyal daughter.  unlike the wolfgang (who she’s similar to and has a special quiet connection with), sun doesn’t have a problem asking for help when she needs it.  she’s comfortable in her skin and confident to a fault. she’s a kickboxing master.
lito (originially a poc / hispanic & homosexual):  lito does something in the entertainment industry.  he plays the macho-man part very well but he’s dramatic (is always crying about something) and terribly sensitive to how others perceive him.  next to capheus, lito is the biggest cinnamon roll in the group.  he can’t fight worth a damn but the wolfgang makes sure to fight any battles poor little lito can’t.  lying is something he’s learned to excel at and he’ll cover for any of his friends and be convincing about it.  originally, he’s closeted on the show but you can have him be open about his sexuality or not.
nomi (originially transgender & homosexual):  nomi is the group’s tech genius.  she was a problem child growing up and has had her hand in hacking since she was a teen.  she comes from a very conservative family that doesn’t agree with several aspects her lifestyle - especially her sexuality.  she’s self-absorbed and despite her problematic youth, she was raised in a middle to upper-middle class family.  she’s a very “screw the rules, i have money” type person.  she actually took the fall for a crime in her past because her folks are loaded and she knew she’d get off with a slap on the wrist (community service and probation).  she isn’t known for being the most reliable, but she’s working on it.
capheus (originially a poc / african):  capheus is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet.  even when greeted with stony glares and silence, he’s still happy and greets people with a smile.  he works as a bus driver (or city worker?  garbage man, etc.) and puts in long hours to help his ailing mother who has a terminal illness.  positive, motivating, and empathetic - capheus will never turn a blind-eye to anyone in need.  but don’t mistake his kindness for weakness.  capheus has a voice and a very strong one at that.  he may believe in peace and community, but when there’s a wrong to be righted, he’ll do his part to fix it - even if it means getting physical.  it wouldn’t be unlikely for him to volunteer somewhere on top of working a regular job.
kala (originially a poc / s. asian):  kala is terribly confused.  she’s one of the smartest people in the group but she’s having difficulty figuring out her love life.  she doesn’t understand how she can love her husband, yet be so drawn to the wolfgang - sexually and emotionally.  she’s a competent scientist and despite her logic and good girl ways, she’s drawn to bad boys.  her husband is a good man and he treats her well, but that’s not enough for kala.  she’s probably the most pure and wholesome (besides capheus) of all the friends (lost her virginity to her husband people, i mean come on!).  she doesn’t believe in violence and is the most diplomatic in the group.  definitely an emotional cheater.
wolfgang:  wolfgang is the group’s resident bad boy.  he’s a criminal with little to no emotion (on the outside).  he was a loner growing up, raised in a house full of criminals.  the only ray of sunshine he had was his mother. wolfgang doesn’t have any immediate family (or if he does they’re all probably estranged) - the group is his family.  even when he needs it, he never asks any of the friends for help.  they have to practically force their way into his life half the time and wriggle information out of him.  he’s contemplative and brooding - definitely has daddy issues.  papa wolfgang was physically and emotionally abusive, which has made lil wolfgang super aggressive and violence prone in turn.  he viewed his family as monsters, so naturally wolfgang thinks he’s one too.  he’s attracted to the kala but knows she too good for him, so he’ll tease her about their sexual attraction but urges her to not leave her husband.
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