#surely touching grass will fix me. right. right
chaoticfandomthot · 2 years
touching grass is not enough i need to eat grass
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
It takes a lot to break a ghost. After all, even death didn’t keep them down for long, not in any way that mattered.
There is, however, a sure fire way to utterly crush a ghost’s core without even touching it.
Find their grave, and defile it.
It is the height of cruelty. It is the ultimate act of disrespect. It is violation, of the deepest kind, an act that can never, ever be allowed to go unpunished.
As Danny stared at the remains of the toppled over rock tower that Tucker and Sam had made for him all those years ago, to honor his death, he wasn’t sure if he could survive this.
Zatanna looked around. The magician knew better than to write off the sound as a trick of her mind.
You have to help him. Please. He’s just a child.
“Who? What’s wrong?” Zatanna asked, heart aching for the grieving whispers of the young voice.
My brother. His grave. It’s been destroyed. Please.
Zatanna’s hair stood on ends. “What’s his name? Where is it?”
Amity Park. His name is Phantom. Please. Hurry.
Her heart skipped a beat. Phantom. The name of the Infinite Realm’s Champion, the future king.
“Shit. I’m on my way. Can you lead me there?”
I can’t. I won’t be here for much longer. Tell him Jazz sent you. Please. Help him. Help him.
“I will.”
When Zatanna portals out of her dressing room, she catches a flash of red hair.
“Gah! Zatanna?” John Constantine fell out of his chair, legs slipping from their place propped onto the table.
“Emergency! Infinite Realms level. Someone destroyed Phantom’s grave.”
Constantine scrambled upwards, pulling on his coat as his mind all but bleated like a highland goat at the sound of “Infinite Realms” and “Phantom’s grave.” Destroying a ghost’s grave might destroy the ghost, but if they survive the initial splintering, right before their final death, they’ll explode in a ball of fury. Normally, it would be slightly less of a problem. Normally, it wouldn’t be the most powerful ghost in the Infinite Realms. Normally, this wouldn’t happen. Normally, even if it did, it wouldn’t risk a war none of the universes would win. The Infinite Realms loves prince Phantom. Their grief over this… even if he survives, the consequences would be unimaginable.
“You contact the League. I have to go fix this, right now.”
John doesn’t bother going for his hottle, because he unfortunately needed to do this sober.
“Go, go!”
Danny doesn’t turn even as he hears the crunch of grass blades. He sits, staring blankly at what used to be his grave marker.
“Hi, there,” it’s a woman. She sounds sad. Danny understands, because all he feels is a whistling hole where his heart used to be. “Are you Phantom?”
Danny sighs, ice crackling at his lungs. He knows, when this is over, he’ll find it in himself to rage. If he doesn’t shatter from this, he knows he’ll take Amity out. Perhaps he’d spare this one. It’s been a long time since anyone bothered visiting or even knew about his grave.
“Your highness…your sister sent me. Jazz?”
That got Danny’s attention. Glowing green eyes peeked from the curled ball of ghost to stare Zatanna down.
She swallowed.
“She… had red hair?”
“Why are you here?” Why did she send you? He doesn’t say. Zatanna seems to understand anyways.
“To help. Please, will you let me help?”
Danny looks down at the ice freezing her feet to the ground and thinks of the kind set of her eyes, the steel backing her spine, the carefully nonthreatening posture. Yes, Jazz would send this kind of person to help him.
The ice melts.
“Thank you.”
Danny watches as she approaches his destroyed grave. She glances back for his permission. He shrugs. It’s destroyed. Nothing would ever bring it back.
And then, he was proven wrong.
Zatanna’s eyes glow, and the stones began melding itself back together- no, it was reversing the damage and zooming back to its proper place.
The damage to his core was still there. But… he won’t kill this one at all.
Or her friends, who stand at the edge of the clearing with the soul-torn one standing at the helm.
“Is this… alright, your highness?”
Danny stares at Zatanna. His voice is hoarse but… but it’s not on the verge of insanity anymore.
“Do you always come to graves without an offering?”
He knows he’s being rude. He’s past the point of caring. Zatanna’s response is to pull a bouquet of lilies from behind her back.
Phantom’s face is so young, and it’s even younger when he smiles.
“Not always,” Zatanna replies, rolling her eyes. But when she settles the flowers down, they’re gently placed.
“Can you magic clovers around it?” Phantom asks, that note of painful hope cracking her own heart. She wonders how old he was when he died.
“Of course.”
A field of clovers surrounds the rock tower, and Zatanna adds four layers of heavy wards around the area when she grows them. Phantom notices, and looks up at her with… trust.
“I am Zatanna. Your sister, Jazz, sent me.”
“Okay. You can call me Phantom.”
“I want their heads.” Danny says.
“We don’t kill.”
“Then hand them over to us, for they have hurt the Great One. They will answer for their crimes.” Frostbite settles a hand on Danny’s shoulder.
Constantine somehow manages to drag Batman away to hiss in his ears.
“Shit in a hole, Batsy, I’m not fucking with the Infinite Realms. My demons won’t fuck with the Infinite Realms. Destroying a ghost’s grave is an act of war, and an act of complete violation, and we’re lucky Phantom liked Zee enough not to completely bring ruin to our universe. So shut up, and get the bastards that did this.”
Zatanna sits in the visitors chair, Batman’s and Constantine’s disgruntled selves standing behind her.
“How old are you, Phantom?”
“Hm?” The future King looks exhausted, understandably. “Oh, sixteen.”
“You’re… sixteen? That’s how old you look, right?”
She’s hoping that he’s older, that he’s a millennia and a half years old. Because if he wasn’t, whoever broke Phantom’s grave, broke the grave of a child.
“No, I’m sixteen. My body looks fourteen. I died when I was fourteen.”
Constantine swears.
Batman straightens and walks out, fists clenched.
Zatanna eases the hum of hunting magic at her finger tips and smiles at Phantom until he sleeps.
Then, she gets up, and hunts.
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poltoreveur · 8 months
Seduction by the Shores
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x GN!Reader (implied pussy lol)
Warning: NSFW, set before tlt, smut, PWP, piv, semi-public sex, doing it on the wet ground, dom!Luke to slightly sub!Luke and back to soft dom!Luke, choking, going in raw and creampie (wrap it before you tap it!), slight aftercare.
Word count: 5.3k+ (I got carried away).
A/N: In the wise of SZA, “now I’m ovulating and I need rough sex.” So I'm back again with another fic. Weirdly enough, I reappeared last year just to write a smut fic and leave (oops). I usually have a summary for this, but this is just pure smut.
Edit A/N: Partial credits to supercutsszn (details on why in comments)
!Not readproof! I’m too lazy to reread my own writing.
Everyone loves Luke Castellan.
He’s the golden boy of Camp Half-Blood. Handsome, generous, and kind. Helps out the new kids. He’s the best swordsman in camp by a mile. You’d even love Luke if you didn’t know better. Maybe you did anyway.
But you've always known there's more to him than his charming exterior. You've seen his eyes change like they're hiding something. That shift happens mostly when his father is mentioned, and he tense up. You've tried to avoid him, but he always seems to find you. One night, he caught you by the lake, his eyes kind but troubled. "I'm guessing you're not having a great night."
For all his charm and charisma, Luke Castellan is more than just the beloved golden boy of Camp Half-Blood; he's a human being with a complex inner world, one that's filled with secrets and conflicts. Despite his best efforts to hide it, at times, his inner struggles emerge, leaving you to wonder just how much more there might be to Luke than meets the eye.
You glanced over at him watching him approach you but kept your quiet. Luke sits down next to you, close, but not touching.
Luke looks at you, waiting for a comment or an explanation. The lake is beautiful, shining in the moonlight. It's actually quite a lovely scene, he's not sure why you'd be miserable here. He has this habit of looking at you without actually looking at you, somehow making it feel more personal.
"I could help with that, you know? Make your night a little more fun."
"Don't start with me, Castellan." You simply commented, rolling your eyes as your gaze stayed staring at the lake.
You can't tell if he smiles or not, but he laughs before speaking. It's actually just adorable when his lips curl up. Luke leans closer, not much. Just enough to make you a little anxious.
"How was I starting anything? I was trying to brighten your mood. I bet I could help."
Something comes into his eyes, a darkness.
His voice is still the smiling flirty guy that everyone loves, but his tone changes a little.
"Besides... you look so miserable. I've always been really good at fixing people's moods. It's one of my best qualities."
He leans a little closer than before. Close enough that you can smell the honey, citrus scent coming from his cologne. You're not sure if he does that intentionally, but he's quite close now.
"Come on now, you know you can tell me. Maybe I could put a smile on that pretty little face."
"You could, but I might have to kill you after." That made him smirk. The way he's looking at you... Oh Gods.
"You can try, you know I'd get you right before you got me, though. I'm too quick." He grinned. He was flirting, he always flirted, but there was something else in his eyes. Something darker.
"Come on, what could be so serious?"
“Not gonna talk it out of me, Castellan." You closed your eyes before lying down on the ground. The ground was damp but it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience, finding comfort just lying there.
He smiles and lies down right next to you.
Too close now, too close. You're practically on top of each other but he doesn't pull away.
The grass is very green, the lake is a beautiful dark blue. It's actually quite peaceful here. The air is still but not too cold.
"You're too stubborn sometimes. Why won't you tell me?" His hand brushes her hair absentmindedly. "You can talk to me, even if you don't want to."
"I feel like if someone doesn't want to, they won't talk." You pointed out the obvious, slowly glancing up at him again.
Luke smiles, his hand resting on your head now. He's actually being surprisingly gentle.
His eyes are so hypnotic in this light. His voice grows softer, a hint of that darkness in it still. “I like to make people change their minds. You would talk if I got you into the right mood."
"Not gonna happen."
"Really now?" He leans in just close enough to almost kiss you. He's still smiling, his voice a little bit softer, a little bit more husky.
"You're stubborn." He said, lightly tapping your nose. "I'm stubborn. We can stay like this all night if you want. But I'll stay here to remind you that I care."
Luke pulls back again, smiling at you. He gets a little bit closer though, until his face is mere inches away from yours. He tilts his head at just the right angle to catch the moonlight coming off his blue eyes.
"Think about that." Luke looked into her eyes for a long moment. Then he leaned forward, placing his hand on your head and kissed your forehead.
"Just a reminder."
Luke pulls away and sits up. His hands are resting on his legs now, and he's looking up at the moon.
"What do you think about the sky, you know? The stars. It's quite beautiful. Makes you think about things. Life's so short. Maybe you should do the things you want to do, while you can." Luke chuckles, sitting back down and looking up at the sky. He looks at you for a second, then looks away.
The air is thick with tension. Luke looks at you over his shoulder, with kind of a half smile on his face. His eyes are still that darker colour, but they're softer now. You're not sure why it's so tempting to lay your head on his shoulder.
"The sky is beautiful. You know, most demigods think of it as a symbol of the gods, right? But I've always thought of it as... freedom. I mean, who cares what the gods think?" He said, looking back at you.
"The sky makes me feel free. I'll look at it sometimes when I'm feeling trapped, you know." He glances back at you, expecting an input.
"You think the gods are looking down at us from the sky?"
He laughs a bit, turning back to the sky and looking at it.
"I don't know, maybe? But even so, why should we care if they are or not? I don't get what all the fuss is about the gods, why do so many people at camp obsess over their opinions so much? They're just like any other person, except they have a little more power. They don't really care about us, if they did, then we wouldn't be the ones doing all the important stuff."
“I mean, they say that Jesus is always looking down on us, do you think they meant the sky?”
He laughs again, looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
"You're really not going to let me distract you from whatever's bothering you, are you? Even when I'm trying really hard." There's another hint of that darkness in his eyes.
"I don't want to think about it, I just wanna lay down and have a relaxing moment to myself, but I'd rather it not be on this damp ground." He knows how stubborn you are. Instead, he smiled and scooted closer.
He's so close to you now, his body is close to yours and he can feel your breath. He just stares up at the sky.
"Where else?" He looks into your eyes. He's enjoying this. You’re falling for this. He smiles. "The lake sounds pretty lovely to me."
"It's wet here."
The darkness in his eyes is getting stronger. His voice is growing husky again, the way you like it.
He can’t help it, Luke leans closer again. He wants the intimacy between you. There is a subtle change in his eyes. He stares at you, and now his hand is brushing your leg.
His voice is low and rough and seductive. “The lake is fine. I prefer it, even. It’s the perfect place for us.”
A hint of a smirk rises from his lip. He knows how much he affects you. You both know exactly what he’s trying to do, and you both want to do it, but he will not let you think you have any control over this situation, he’s always in control.
He leans towards you again, his hand moving further up your leg.
"Castellan." His name came out of your lips like a warning but you said it softly enough for him.
The smirk slowly rises on his lip, and he whispers.
"What, love?" His hand keeps creeping up your leg, his voice sounding almost like a growl. It's such a change from the charming guy you know, and it's so tempting, yet so unsettling. He stares at you, waiting for a response, waiting to see what you'll do.
You can almost feel the dark energy coming off him. His presence is just so dominating right now, he wants this. He is getting closer and closer until he's practically lying on top of you. He's not looking at you anymore, he's just looking down at his hand which is resting just below your thigh. It is not moving up, but you can feel the tension.
He leans up, his eyes searching yours. You can tell that he wants something more than just a little flirting. He wants to see how far he can take this. Luke's hands are going up even higher, brushing her thighs now. He's so close now, you can feel his breath brushing your neck.
The tension builds more and more. He is so close to just taking you right here. You can feel him starting to move his hands to the sides of your back, to the small of your back. He wants this, and he can't help but try. The darkness in his eyes is getting more potent, as his breathing gets heavier and heavier.
He leans in closer, his mouth less than a few inches away from your neck. You can feel his breath. He's waiting. That anticipation, that temptation, is just so intoxicating and it's making him crazy.
The darkness of his eyes fades away as he finally makes a move. His lips come closer, so close, until they just touch, making a soft clicking sound. His eyes close, and his lips finally meet yours, his lips opening slightly to let the kiss linger longer until he pulls back and leans towards your ear.
It was such a soft kiss, nothing more than his lips barely grazing yours. But the heat between them builds when his eyes reopen. He pulls away just barely speaking.
Your voice is so low, so quiet, and yet so alluring. Luke’s breathing starts to speed up, and his grin gets wider.
He looks down at her with the darkest eyes you’ve ever seen. His voice is low. "Luke." He corrected.
You only called him by his first name, whenever you’re gonna or when you’re doing it. He was certain you’ve been deliberately conditioning him with it.
Luke's movements slow, his body unweights your body.
His eyes are dark. A little bit too dark. He seems less sure of himself now. Still, Luke's hand is sliding up your thigh. Closer to what he wants.
He's so close to you now. He's moving his hand up and down your leg. Slowly. Almost teasingly. His voice is barely a whisper.
He quickly took the initiative by kissing you aggressively. But somehow your hands making their way to the back of his neck and into his hair.
His tongue flicks into your mouth as his hands grip your thighs, he squeezes tighter. Luke’s breath comes out in short little moans.
Luke is on a whole different level now. He's enjoying this more and more. His eyes are closed as he kisses you deeper. His hands move further up your thighs. This is going exactly how he wanted it to. He's got you completely trapped and submissive at this point and he knows it. He opens one eye and looks at you.
"Do you want me?" He asks, his voice dark and smooth. He's holding himself just on the edge. Right where he wants to be. He stares into her deep sapphire eyes, waiting for an answer. It's a dark question, but he wants to hear it from you.
You simply smirk at his question. You knew that he wanted you to say it, your admission is everything to him. But you weren’t going to give him that satisfaction as you pulled him closer and just started kissing him again, slowly, biting down on his lower lip.
He groans and then laughs quietly. You weren’t giving him the words he wanted to hear. That was fine. He was going to make you say it.
He kisses you back, harder, faster. His hands are moving under your shirt, tracing the curves of your back and waist.
Luke leans back, his forehead leaning on you. Your breaths are coming faster and faster. Your lips touch when you kiss. He is in complete control over you right now, and he likes that. "You want me? Say it."
"I'm not giving you that power." Your hands travelled down his shirt and slowly went underneath it, feeling the tone of his abs.
His body is still now, but you can feel his muscles tensing as you move your hands.
It's like you're pressing switches that turn a machine on. A low groan escapes his mouth, as his breath quickens again. His eyes close tight as he tries to resist the urge.
His breath hitches in his throat, but you probably doesn't notice that for a moment. His eyes snap open when he can't fight it and he stares at you, waiting for you to admit it.
He's the only person at camp who actually has this level of control. He pushes you back down, his hands going down to your waist now. His breath is almost like a growl at this point. It's pure pleasure to hear that he still has complete control over uou. His voice is soft in your ear now. "Please."
You chuckled and moved down to his neck to kiss it.
Luke tenses again. His neck is his weakness.
He always liked to be in control, and his neck feels like it gives him away. He likes that you found this. "Please." His voice is low but pleading. They both know that he is very much begging you to say it now as his neck is being kissed aggressively.
Luke gasps as you continue trailing kisses down his neck. He tenses again. His breath is heavy in his throat.
The sound alone is like music to your ears. His hands are still at your waist, squeezing a little harder. He likes the feeling of you pulling at his shirt, but he tries to still keep himself on. "Please." His voice had the sound of urgency, almost begging now as his eyes dart to yours.
"I like it when you beg."
That wasn’t exactly what he wanted you to say but his body responds to your voice. His breath catches in his throat again and he arches back against your body. His eyes roll back and another low groan escapes his lips. One of his hands moves up to your neck as he pins you down against him, and starts dragging his hand down your back.
"You'll have to earn that," you purred, licking a trail along his neck that made his gut twist taut.
Luke's body moves away from you. His breath comes out in short but heavy breaths, he arches his back and lets out a deep grunt of pleasure. "I can earn it." He pushes you back down now.
He is taking control again. He kisses your neck passionately, his lips against your neck, his breath almost like a growling moan against your skin. He is moving slowly around your neck now as if he's exploring.
He positioned himself between your thighs. One hand supported your back, while the other fumbled to unclasp his belt.
It was difficult to recall how he'd ever got aroused before you came along. The way you both demanded and begged all at once sent his brain spinning.
Luke's hand is fumbling with his belt, it's not coming undone though. Like him, he's lost control. He's lost control over you, over himself, he never loses control. Maybe that is why he's enjoying this so much. Your presence and your kisses have turned him completely into someone else, someone whose only thoughts are pleasure. He leans forward again, kissing your neck passionately yet again. His breath is coming fast but heavy now. He's completely and utterly obsessed with the feeling.
You smirk before your hand slowly starts to help him undo his belt as well as unbutton his pants.
His head arches back slightly and he lets out a low groan again. "Yes..." He whispers softly. His breath is heavy in his throat. He takes a look down and is startled to see she is helping him undo his belt. Now he is almost completely submissive to you. You’re the one in charge now, completely at your whim. All he wants is you.
"Say please," you whispered, nipping his lower lip as he pulled your pants hastily down to your ankles, impatient as he is, he moved your soaked underwear to the side. “I like it when you ask nicely."
Luke is almost embarrassed. He has never been this submissive before. He always thought he’d be in complete control at all times. But you had to take control away from him and he doesn’t even mind. “Please…” His voice is soft, begging for you now. He looks down at you now, wanting you to reply. He wants to give up all control to you. All he wants now is your eternal pleasure.
You simpered before kissing him, your tongue eagerly seeking his.
You swallowed his moan as he hurried to himself free from the restraints of his boxers. He couldn’t wait anymore, he pushed himself into you. Tight, hot, and quivering as he gave you everything he had. He loosely wrapped his fingers around your throat, and you whined against his mouth, my head tilting back as my eyes fluttered shut. He tightened his grip, your own hands scrambling at his waist to encourage him deeper.
This is more pleasure than he has ever felt. The feeling of being completely submissive is a thrill that he had never felt before. He loves being at the complete mercy of someone else. Luke pulls you closer to him, arching his back again and letting out low grunts into your mouth. He holds your neck and he pulls back, looking down at you. His breath is heavy in your ear, his eyes closed tight. “You have… complete control.”
He was completely lost now. All he could hear was her begging now. All of his focus was on you now, he was consumed by you. Your hands around his waist, his mouth kissing yours passionately, your bodies moving in perfect sync with each other. His breathing grew heavier as the pace grew faster. His hand tightened on your throat, as if by instinct, but still gentle.
Luke’s breathing was heavy, his body tense and quivering. His breath was all he could hear now. Every time he moved forward, you moved her body and his would follow, and vice versa. You both lost yourselves more and more in a world where nothing mattered but you and the feeling you could give him. His breath caught in his throat, it came out in moans of pleasure. His hand was tight around your neck, but you could feel the soft grip of it.
You close your eyes in the pleasure of everything.
Everything around you felt a little fuzzy even your vision as you threw your head back while still trying to keep your hands on his waist, but you didn’t think you could hold on much longer as you gripped on his way, slowly started to falter.
The pace was getting faster now. His breath was coming faster and heavier now. “Hey, stay with me…” He whispered. It was so close. He was so close.
His body shakes uncontrollably. Every nerve in his body was tingling with pleasure. His grip on your neck tightened slightly as you moved faster and faster. His breath was coming out in short little exhales. His eyes are closed tight, his whole body quivering. All he can hear is your breath and soft moans, which are getting louder now.
He is so close, but he doesn’t want to finish right now. He wants to drag it out for you. He wants you to experience more of this. His grip tightens again, but still gently. His breathing is coming out in short little gasps now. Every fibre of Luke’s being was consumed with you and this pleasure.
You keep going, your bodies moving together, the pace has reached its peak now. His breath is short and loud now, his grip is tighter on you but not harsh.
He pulled you closer by your waist with one arm, maintaining his grip on your neck with the other, aligning me to accommodate all of him. With each thrust, I bit down on the flesh of his shoulder as his whole body tensed and his breath caught in his throat. His body shudders, and his entire body shakes with the pleasure. His hand is now tight around your neck, as he hits the peak of pleasure now. His breathing comes out in the slightest groan of satisfaction as your bodies combine together in one last movement.
Luke is shaking by this point. His breathing is deep now and his whole body is a quivering mess. Your touch is the most intense feeling he’s ever had. The pace was steady now and the feeling had only gotten more intense. The feeling of your hands around his waist, as you move with him. Your eyes looking into him. His body is twitching and tense, his breath is sharp and loud now. He can almost feel what you’re feeling as you move together.
“Luke, I’m—“
“Don’t stop.” He whispered in your ear. He was so close. His whole body was tense and she could feel the vibrations of his breath. Your touch was all he was thinking about now. He was in complete control for the first time in a long time. He was in complete control of your pleasure. Your breathing became louder, and he knew you were close to your climax too. You could feel the vibrations of his breath as you got closer and closer.
Luke’s body is shaking uncontrollably now. The grip around your neck is the tightest it’s been all night, but still gentle. His breath is coming out in loud sharp gasps now, his body twitching like crazy. Your body is twitching with his, the both of you moving at your own pace.
His grip is tightening even more as he feels the buildup of energy in her body. His breathing is like a growl now. He has completely lost control again, you were the one in control. You were the one making the pace. Now he just wants to hear you finally call out to him, call out to him that you’re almost there. Your body is the only one he feels now. You, your breathing, your motions. You are all he feels. He wants you to let go of it all, he wants you to call to him. He could feel you getting closer and closer.
“I swear to the Gods, Luke. I’m gonna—“ You finally mumbled his name again, but it came out breathless as you tried to hold onto him. You were practically clinging onto him for dear life. He could feel you clenching inside around him. Which almost made him lose control, he would’ve given up at that very moment if it wasn’t for your voice grounding him.
Your voice is like music to his ears. It’s all he wanted to hear. He was holding on to you tightly as the both of you were so close to the end. You calling out to him sends waves through his body, but he is losing even more control of himself. Your calling out to him only sends him further into the pleasure. His grip around your neck tightens even more, as he pulls you closer, his forehead coming to rest on yours.
Both of you are extremely close and are moving together at the same pace. He can feel your breath coming out in short, sharp gasps. You both move together like there is only one body moving. You both have reached your peak now and are moving like machines now. The pace is too much, you calling out to him is too much.
Your breathing is his breath. Your heartbeat is his heartbeat. The pace has built to its peak and it’s pushing you both to the end. Luke is so close to the end now, he is feeling what you’re feeling. You both finally are at the absolute peak of pleasure. You both reach their finale simultaneously. Your bodies shake uncontrollably and his grip is the tightest it has been all night as he lets everything out at once.
He came inside of you, his groaning was the only warning as you felt him shoot up his release.
He nuzzled right up against you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He was still slowly thrusting inside, just warm white liquid started spilling out of you.
Both of their breathing settles down and their bodies relax. Luke is out of his trance now, his breathing is coming out heavy but no longer is it an animalistic growl. He’s calm now, but satisfied. The whole night had been a thrill for him. It was exactly what he wanted: someone to take complete control of him, which he didn’t even know he wanted. His grip around your neck loosens and he pulls away from you.
Luke finally finds himself again. He is looking right into her eyes and his voice is low but soft. He is looking right into her eyes and he gives a small grin. “It’s okay, I got you.” He mumbles, nuzzling his head right into her neck. “Don’t worry.”
He kisses your neck softly again, but his breathing is normal now. He isn’t losing control anymore. He was now just content with your presence. He snuggles closer to you, his voice is soft and the glow of his eyes is different than before. He is relaxed, calm, and content.
“Are you alright?” Luke thought he might’ve been too hard with the choking earlier, but based on your expression, he didn’t really have anything much to worry about.
Luke was content. His body movements were slow and smooth now. He had complete control of himself now. The pace of his thrusts had slowed down but he was still inside of you. His breath was still heavy, but not because it was intense pleasure anymore. It’s just because it was comfortable. The glow in his eyes was not the same as before, his eyes were full of content and pleasure. Instead of intense pleasure, it was more like satisfaction now. His hand was still tight around your waist, and he brought his other hand up to your hand, squeezing it softly.
Luke’s breaths were coming out in slow grunts and he was keeping a pace with no intensity to it whatsoever. It felt more like he was moving in slow motion. The two of you were finally just moving together now as if you were one single person. Neither of you were looking at anything else. Nothing else mattered in this moment but this pleasure you finally felt with each other.
“I’m okay.”
It was as if his body was just flowing smoothly with you. His hand is still tight at your waist and your hand is still holding him tightly. The feeling was a complete mix of pure bliss and complete pleasure. The two of you were enjoying each other’s touch so much that nothing else mattered at all. You were just locked together, moving in an endless rhythm now.
You were still letting out heavy breaths in mere seconds, one after the other. “This is disgusting.” You motioned to the wet damp ground that you both were lying on.
He laughs at you. You both were pretty disgusting. But it’s also somewhat funny that he didn’t care, your whole bodies are soaked and sticky. Luke’s laughs are soft and low now. He lifts up one of his hands to wipe the sweat off of his brow. He looks over at the ground and laughs again as he looks back at you. He lowered himself as he planted a kiss on your forehead, his hands slowly grazing upon your cheek.
“Look at us.” He laughs silently, keeping his voice low. He chuckles a little bit, the two of you are such a mess right now.
Luke laughs a little bit more, it’s funny to him how much of a mess they both are. The ground is totally soaked and sticky as is your body and his. You both are completely covered in your own bodily fluids. It’s quite the scene to take in all at once.
Luke’s laughter dies down slightly, though it’s still somewhat there as he just chuckles at the whole situation. He looks over at you and smiles a small and soft smile at you. He shakes his head slightly, just still finding it funny. The whole scene is just utterly ridiculous and disgusting.
“You think they’ll notice us missing and coming back all sweaty and disgusting?”
He laughs again slightly and his body shakes in amusement. The thought of them both coming back to camp in this state is a funny thought to him. The two of you are covered in your own sweat and fluids, it’s not exactly a pretty sight of the two of you. So much so, that people will notice at first glance.
“Let’s wash up a little by the lake.”
He nods his head. He doesn’t even really feel that sore right now. You really were covered in so much sweat and fluids. The thought of even being around other people makes him feel awkward. Your suggestion is good though, a good old rinse-off is just what you both need right now. He pulls you off of him and sat up.
“Pull up your pants, Castellan,” I commented, looking down at him as I sat up straight, brushing off the debris on my clothes.
He is still lying at your feet. He shakes his head and he nods you off of him. He stands up slowly and he laughs at your comment. His pants actually fell down further and they are hanging around his ankles. He pulls them up and zips them up.
You were being direct, and it cracked him up a little. He is completely covered in yours and now his own juices.
“I feel sticky.”
“You think you feel sticky?” He laughs again and shakes his head. He grabs your hand and he pulls you up off of the floor and holds you close to him. He takes a quick glance around at the surroundings before looking right back at you.
“Let’s find a place where we can wash off.” He says with a smirk on his face. His body is a hot mess and he can feel every bit of it. He didn’t even believe they could get this dirty, but they did. So you need to get cleaned up now, especially before any of the other campers notice the two of you. That would be absolutely horrific.
“Nobody can find out.”
He chuckles again and he nods his head. You were absolutely right about that. Nobody can find out about this, it would be so embarrassing. You both would go down in history as a complete disgrace if anyone found out.
“God, we’re so nasty.” He muttered, leading the way towards the lake.
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thriftedtchotchkes · 1 year
come clean
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: joel comes home after a messy day on patrol, but you're already in the shower
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, language, getting together, slow buildup, jackson era, smut, handjob, f!masturbation, fingering, unprotected piv, rough sex, shower sex, size kink
word count: 4.7k
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a/n: this one goes out to emotional support daydreams! as always, thoughts and feedback are always appreciated. hope y'all enjoy 💕
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Joel’s having a rough day. It’s late, and he’s bone-tired and covered in…well, he’s not really sure what he’s covered in. Mud and bits of dead grass, definitely, but there's splotches of red on his jeans, too. He couldn’t tell you whether it’s his blood or something else’s—the adrenaline still hasn’t completely worn off, so it’s entirely possible he’s not feeling the full extent of his injuries yet.
His day hadn’t started that badly, but it wasn’t a typical morning, either. Maria had stopped him and Tommy at the gate to ask if they'd mind checking out a situation at the dam instead of patrolling their usual route.
Apparently, some of the machinery was acting up and the only person she trusted to oversee the repairs was Tommy. She honestly hadn't given much thought to Joel's part in all of it—their relationship is still pretty tense, even after his return to Jackson, so he was just along for the ride.
Things went downhill fast after they arrived at their destination. No one's really sure how the infected got into the facility, but it was a lucky thing Joel was there after all. With the help of a few guards, they were able to dispatch everything in and around the building without any bites or serious injuries but, boy, did they make a serious mess. Of the facility and the machinery they were supposed to help fix, and of Joel.
So now here he is, exhausted and dirty, getting shit from his kid when all he wants to do is get clean and take a fucking nap.
“Ew, gross,” Ellie groans, clearly not giving two shits about how badly Joel’s day is going or how little she’s helping right now. She had the day off and is somehow still watching movies in the same spot he left her in this morning. “Stop touching things! You’re getting shit everywhere.”
He ignores her and shrugs off his coat, walking into the living room to toss it over the back of his recliner, but she throws him a dirty look that stops him in his tracks.
"Whatever, m'gettin’ in the shower," he grunts, dropping it on the doormat instead. He'll probably have to burn that coat anyway if the stains and…odor are anything to go by.
"Uhhhh, no, actually you're not," she says matter-of-factly, and he raises his eyebrows, eyeing her expectantly when she doesn't elaborate.
"Why the fuck not?"
"Did your hearing get worse or something? Shower's already on,” she nods toward the stairs. He’s not sure how he didn’t notice the sound of running water filtering down from the second floor earlier, but now he’s annoyed that he can’t shower and that she might actually be right about his hearing.
"Well then, I'm waitin' here," he sasses back, taking a seat on the recliner with zero regard to the upholstery.
"Dude!" She’s starting to look as exasperated as he feels. And her reaction isn’t unwarranted. If he touches literally anything in this living room, they’ll probably have to burn it, too.
"Fine, fine, m'not touchin' anythin'," he stands back up, holding his hands up in surrender. "How long's she been in there?"
"Like, five minutes. Probably gonna be a while, knowing her,” she replies with an amused grin. Oh, so she thinks this is funny.
"The fuck do ya expect me to do then, stand here ‘til she's out?" He asks as if it’s not exactly what he’s been doing the entire time they’ve been having this conversation.
"As long as you don't sit on any of the furniture, I don't really give a shit what you do," she shrugs.
He rolls his eyes at her, running a hand down his face in frustration. He’s just about to give up and hose himself down in the yard when she finally offers a solution.
"You could just knock and see if she'll swap out with you. She basically just got in, anyway."
“Y’know what, I think I will,” he grumbles, heading upstairs to the bathroom and leaving Ellie to her shitty 90s sci-fi thriller. She shakes her head, laughing as she slips on her headphones.
“Don’t be too loud up there!”
But with his bad ears, he doesn’t hear her.
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God, you needed this shower so badly. It's been a rough day, to say the least, and it’s finally time to get the relaxation you deserve. You got saddled with an extra patrol shift because two of the usual guys had a last-minute change of assignment, and it turned a typical day into an unbelievably exhausting one.
But tonight you got lucky. There was no one around to use up all of the hot water besides Ellie, who’s been glued to the TV all day, and you miraculously got home before Joel. So tonight, you get to enjoy the expensive bottle of shampoo you found at some fancy store in some fancy mall last month, and let yourself forget for a while that there’s fucking fungus monsters out there eating people.
That is—until someone knocks on the door and ends your perfect evening before it begins. Now you’ve got soap in your eyes, and you’re slightly worried because Ellie either needs something from the bathroom or the house is on fire. There’s never an in-between with her.
“Ellie? Everything okay?” you call out, really hoping it’s not the latter.
The voice that responds is muffled and decidedly much deeper than Ellie’s, and you’re momentarily taken off guard before you realize it’s not a burglar. It’s Joel—of course, it’s Joel. He probably got off his shift late and wants to clean up, and now you feel bad for making him wait and using up all the hot water.
You can’t really hear what he’s saying over the shower, so you slide the curtain open to poke your head out. “What? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
He tries to answer you again, or at least you think he does, but you still can’t make him out, so you tell him to come inside. The door only opens a crack, but it's so quick that there's no time to duck behind the curtain before Joel's face appears and you're both staring at each other blankly.
“…Hi,” you breathe out, praying it’s just your head and not the rest of your body peeking out. “So, um, what were you saying?”
He looks a little embarrassed and it’s adorable, but the thought only crosses your mind for a split second before you notice the rest of him. He’s—there’s really no nice way to say this, but he looks revolting.
There’s dirt everywhere. Matted in his hair, under his fingernails, all over his clothes. It looks like he’s been rolling around on the ground all day, and honestly, maybe he has. He’s also got…gross, is that a chunk of…? Nope. It looks like someone exploded in his face, and he needs a shower. Badly.
The only problem is you’re covered head-to-toe in soap, and you’re pretty sure you’ve only got about 15 minutes of hot water left.
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry to barge in on ya,” he mumbles, looking pointedly away from you. “I came up here to see if you wouldn’t mind pausin’ your shower for a bit, but I, uh…can see that’s gonna be a little difficult.”
You look down at yourself and, yeah, he’s right. You’re dripping water and soap all over the floor. Getting out now would be a pain in the ass, but he also really needs to get in.
“No, no. It’s totally fine! It makes way more sense for me to sit around soapy than for you to, um, stand around like that,” you reason. It’s his turn to look down at himself, and he grimaces. “Just turn around for a sec and we can swap.”
He nods, still looking sheepish, but grateful.
You duck back into the shower to shut the water off and gather up your toiletries to make room for his. You’ve already shoved half of your stuff to one side before you realize it was probably just a waste of time because there was already plenty of space—and that's when it dawns on you.
This stall is pretty big—as far as showers go, anyway. There's no reason you can't both fit in here at the same time. It's also not like he's never seen you naked before. You joined up with Joel and Ellie long before running water was in the picture, so you've had your fair share of awkward bathing encounters. Really, it's just a matter of whether or not he'll go for it.
You pop your head back out, taking a second to admire those strong, broad shoulders of his before getting his attention. Damn, he's a real catch. Hot and respectful. But seriously, he's so disgusting right now and it would be a shame to allow that to continue.
"Hey, Joel," you start, and he glances back carefully over his shoulder. You hesitate for a beat before continuing, “So, hear me out—what if we just…if we both showered…at the same time…”
He looks confused, and you realize how badly you botched that entire sentence. Okay, so talking around it didn't work. You take a deep breath to steady yourself before trying again.
"Just—just get in with me," you say softly. "We can shower together."
His brow furrows, eyes unreadable. He looks like he might be thinking it over, but his silence isn't exactly the most encouraging reaction in the world. Subconsciously, you hold your breath while you wait for an answer.
There’s no way he’s going to go for this, is there? It’s Joel. He can barely look at you in a tank top without blushing, let alone wet and naked. You’re not even sure why you bothered asking. It was clearly a dumb—
“Yeah, guess that makes sense,” he nods, turning back to you fully, and you swear he’s looking at you differently. That's…not what you were expecting. Not that you're complaining in the slightest. He's not even trying to hide his eagerness, and you're starting to think maybe he was waiting for you to ask all along.
"Well, come on in, cowboy."
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Joel undresses slowly, eyeing what little of you he can see greedily, and it makes your cheeks burn. It’s like he can’t look away—from your eyes and lips, your collarbone. Even the tiny droplets of water that fall from your hair. It feels more intimate than any moment you’ve ever shared with Joel, and he hasn’t even touched you. Yet, hopefully.
You’re getting impatient. He's making a show of stripping down and it's taking everything you have not to get out of the shower and rip all of his clothes off yourself. His fingers are so thick, and more and more of his tanned, weather-worn skin is exposed to you as they work to unbutton his shirt.
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling at this point, imagining those fingers sinking deep inside you before you can stop yourself. Fuck, you're pent up. And should probably have a lot more shame, but now he's unzipping his jeans, and you feel like you're about to combust.
You let out a pained noise without meaning to and he chuckles, shaking his head as he picks up the pace. "I'm comin', I'm comin'," he teases, dropping his pants to the floor. "Why don't you get the water goin' for me?"
Now you're the one having trouble looking away. Damn, who even is this guy? He’s nothing like the Joel you’ve known for years, and definitely not the Joel who stepped into this bathroom ten minutes ago. If you'd known it would go like this, you would’ve invited him to shower with you a long time ago.
He’s down to just his boxers now, and maybe it's wishful thinking, but he looks like he’s already hard. Swallowing is suddenly extremely difficult, so you shoot him one last appreciative look before doing what he asked.
You turn the water back on and it’s still pleasurably warm as it rains down onto your tense shoulders. The steady pressure soothes some of the nerves while you wait for him to join you, but you’re so caught up in the moment that you don't notice the curtain opening.
"Scoot over," he murmurs behind you, his breath fanning out over the back of your neck. He’s close, so much closer than you expected him to be. You assumed you’d be dancing around each other for at least a little while longer, but it seems like Joel knows exactly what he wants, and it’s not just the shower.
He reaches around you to grab that expensive bottle of shampoo you’ve been looking forward to, his fingers grazing your bare skin, and you shiver despite the heat of the water.
“Or you could stay right here,” he says, even closer now, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “We could help each other out—with washin’ up, I mean.”
You inhale shakily, your reply getting caught in your throat. “Y-yes—yeah, yes…we should definitely do that,” you breathe out.
He chuckles and the sound is surprisingly affectionate. It gives you hope that this won’t just be a one-time thing. That after all this time, he wants you as much as you want him.
You’re the first to initiate physical contact, reaching back to bury your fingers in his hair which, in retrospect, turns out to be a terrible idea. He’s still filthy, and your fingers get caught in tangles and dirt and…probably a lot of other nasty shit you don’t want to think about.
You snort out a laugh, turning around to face him. “I think you’re up first, handsome.”
The corners of his mouth tip up as he nods, and you can’t resist the urge to reach up and trace his bottom lip with your thumb. He kisses the pad of your finger, and you wish so badly that it was your lips.
For the second time tonight, you’re feeling incredibly impatient. You want to feel more of him, let him press you up against the wall and kiss you, touch you the way you both want him to, but it’ll have to wait.
You pluck the bottle from his hands and squeeze a huge dollop into your palm, telling him to turn around with a small smile. His eyes drop to the quirk of your lips for a moment too long before he obliges, and you’re starting to realize he’s getting impatient, too.
You reach up to thread your fingers into his graying hair and, somehow, the strands still feel soft despite everything tangled up in them. It’s going to take a decent amount of scrubbing before it’s back to its normal, fluffy state of disarray, but you’ll make it feel good for him. A little taste of what's to come.
He tips his head back as you massage in the shampoo, letting out the softest groan when your fingernails scratch along his scalp, and you have to press your thighs together to relieve the growing ache in your core. You’re not going to make it through this shower if he keeps making noises like that. But, of course, he does, and they're getting louder.
You can feel his body starting to respond to yours, too. It’s a little cruel how you’re purposely working him up, sliding a washcloth over his shoulders and across his back, letting your fingers skim teasingly over his skin as you stretch your arms around him to reach his front.
His stomach flexes under your palm, and he inhales sharply as your hardened nipples graze across his back. You continue your path down, running your fingers through the coarse hair at the base of his cock, and his hips jerk forward, seeking the friction you so desperately want to provide. He's panting, and you're both having a difficult time holding yourselves back.
Brown and red swirl in the water around your feet and down the drain, and it's enough to tell you that he's finally clean. And that you can finally touch him the way you want to.
Pressing yourself firmly against his back, you reach down to wrap your fingers around his cock and he feels huge in your hand, rock hard and pulsing with his racing heartbeat. You pump him a few times, giving him a firm squeeze at the base, and he keens, already leaking all over himself.
He braces a hand on your hip to steady himself as you trail open-mouthed kisses down his spine, digging his fingers in roughly when you slowly start to jerk him off in earnest.
"T-that's it, pretty girl—,” he pants heavily, eyes dropping down to watch you work him, and you twist your wrist up on the next stroke, thumbing over his head. "Keep goin', just like that."
You whimper damply against his skin at the pet name, feeling a pleasurable whoosh in your belly as your cunt drips pathetically down your thighs. The throbbing between your legs is almost unbearable, but you don't want to let him go, not when his hips are meeting your fist so fucking desperately. You wedge a hand between your bodies, slipping it lower and lower until your fingers rub against your slick folds, gathering some of the wetness to rub soothing circles into your clit.
“I got you, I got you,” you moan at the sudden relief. Your caresses start to match his thrusts, and soon he's trembling in your arms, whimpering like he'll cum any second if you let him. You rub your cheek tenderly against his back, murmuring soft, encouraging words into his heated skin.
"You're doing so, so well," you tell him, and he seizes up at the praise, chest heaving as you focus your attention closer to the tip. "You wanna cum or are you gonna wait for me? Want you to fill me up…can you do that for me?"
For a second, you think your words might've thrown him over the edge, his hips stuttering against your palm even as you slow your movements. But he's still clearly fighting the urge to cum, and that has to mean he wants to fuck you badly.
His hand shakes as it lifts to wrap around yours, guiding you down to squeeze the base of his cock to stave off his orgasm, but you're not making it easy for him. You barely notice your other hand still working your pussy, too turned on to realize you've started pumping two fingers in and out of yourself.
Joel notices, though. Something that sounds almost animalistic tears its way out of his chest as he turns on you, snatching your hand out of your cunt and slamming it against the shower wall. Your fingers are shiny and glistening with your wetness and he leans forward to suck each of them into his mouth, groaning at your taste on his tongue.
The look on his face makes it seem like you're the best meal he's ever had, and you feel a strong, sudden urge to have his tongue in your mouth so you can taste yourself. He pulls off your middle finger with an audible pop, and then you're crashing your lips into his, immediately licking into him.
God, why do you taste so good in his mouth? It's salty and heady, and really shouldn't be as hot as it is, but you can't bring yourself to care as his tongue tangles with yours. You feel two—shit, no, it’s three—of his fingers slip into you, and, holy fuck, they're so much bigger than yours. You're already so full and they feel even thicker at the base, nudging a spot that makes you see stars.
There's no way his cock is going to fit inside you…right? But the thought of him trying anyway almost makes you cum on the spot. Another wave of heat crashes through you and your walls convulse around him, pussy gushing down his fingers, and he abruptly breaks away from your lips, groaning lowly, desperately.
"Fuck, I-I need—shit, I need to fuck you, pretty girl," he twitches against you, leaking a glob of precum as he ruts into your belly. “M'gonna fill ya up real good, just like you wanted—," and you gasp, clamping down on his fingers one more time before he's pulling them out and hauling you into his arms, your legs quickly wrapping around his waist as he shoves you higher up the wall.
His hands roam your skin hungrily before eventually settling under the soft swell of your ass, holding you up as he slicks up his cock between your folds. Every time the tip catches your clit, your hips buck clean off the wall and he presses into you harder to keep you in place. You bury your face in his neck, thighs squeezing into his sides.
"S'not gonna fit," you slur, a little drunk off how good he feels between your legs. The next time his hips buck forward, the blunt head of his cock catches your entrance. "J-Joel—ngh…Joel, s'too big, you have to make it fit, please."
And that's when his patience runs out.
He sheathes himself to the hilt in one harsh thrust, growling roughly into your hair, and the stretch is mind-numbing. He stays deep, letting you adjust to the feeling of being split open, and his head drops to your shoulder. His eyes are locked on where you're joined, your pussy stretched around him almost obscenely.
"Would'ja look at that," he mumbles to himself, rocking in and out slowly as he turns his head to suck a bruise into your collarbone. You reach a hand down curiously, wanting to feel yourself around him, and your jaw drops when your fingers brush where his thickness is forcing your cunt to yield to him. "Knew you could take me…pussy feels s-so fuckin' good, like you were made for me."
You whine pathetically as the ache starts to subside and the need for him to fuck you becomes overwhelming. Pleasure blooms where he's already grazing that heavenly spot again, and you tug his head back by his hair, bringing his attention back up to you.
Everything pauses, just for a moment. You kiss his lips delicately, so much more delicate than he's about to be with your body but, right now, you need him to know that it's more than this for you. More than the sex and the physical intimacy. And the way he kisses you back reassures you beyond a doubt that it's more than this for him, too.
Then, your patience runs out.
"Joel, move."
And suddenly, he's spearing up into that spot deep inside you with reckless abandon, bouncing you on his cock, and you're not entirely sure, but you might actually be screaming.
Your head lolls back, thudding dully against the wall, and he ducks down to wrap his lips around your nipple, tongue circling the nub as he continues you work you up and down his shaft. The sound your pussy's making around him should be humiliating, but it only spurs him on, the wet squelching echoing loudly over the running water.
"Hear that? That's all you, baby. So fuckin' wet, look at that," and he's watching himself again in awe as he fucks in and out of you. You follow his gaze and, holy shit, he's not kidding. You're absolutely soaking him. "You look so good like this, so goddamn pretty stretched around my cock."
You still haven't completely acclimated to how thick he is, not sure you ever actually will, and the syrupy-sweet pain of him has you clawing at his back. You use the wall as leverage, arching just enough so you can actively meet his thrusts, and the new angle sends you reeling.
"Feels so…full, so full," you gasp, your back inching higher up the wall with the force of his thrusts. "K-keep going…there, Joel, there."
It's not just that one spot he's hitting anymore—fuck, it feels like he's everywhere. The ridge of his cock is rubbing your walls just right and every other thrust fucks deep enough to graze your cervix. You sob at the onslaught of overpowering pleasure, burying your hands in his hair to tether yourself as your brain begins to fizzle.
Just a little more, you only need a little bit more. You can feel the lower half of your body locking down and, as if he can sense exactly what you need, he grinds his cock in as deep as it'll go.
"That's it, baby. C'mon, give it to me," he grits against your throat. "Squeezin' me so fuckin' tight, you're almost there."
The coarse hairs at the base of his cock scrape roughly and a little painfully against your swollen clit as you rock against him, but the slide is still so slick and raw that your thighs begin to quake around his waist, and it's—fuck, it's so…so…
"M'gonna fucking cum—gonna…oh fuck, fuck, Joel," your lips part around what you pray is a silent scream and your body goes rigid, cunt spasming violently around him.
He chokes out a moan as you clamp down impossibly tighter on his cock. "Fuckin' hell, there we go," he rasps out shakily as he fucks you into the wall blindingly hard, letting you ride him through your orgasm.
"So, s-so good. Feels so fuckin' good," he's starting to mumble to himself deliriously, squeezing your ass hard enough to bruise. You whimper helplessly as his thrusts get sloppier and more desperate, "Gonna fill you up 'til it's leakin' out…c-can I, pretty girl? Please…bet you'd look so fuckin' good with my cum spillin' out of you—"
Before you can even answer, you feel him throb and then his entire body stills, his cock visibly pulsing as he empties into you. He moans his way through it, his head dropping to your shoulder again to watch himself pump you full of cum just like he said he would.
If you thought you felt full before, it's nothing compared to how you feel right now. He's still so deep, twitching pathetically inside you as he lifts his head to nose at the underside of your jaw. He presses a soft kiss there and you sigh, wrapping your arms and legs around him tighter.
"Christ, Joel, where did that come from?" you rasp out. He chuckles, and his whole body shakes with it, jostling his hips into your sensitive clit. Your pussy flutters around him and his breath hitches, fingers digging into the softness of your thighs. He still hasn't pulled out and you have a feeling he doesn't want to.
"Been waitin' a long time for that," he murmurs, meeting your eyes. You smile softly, and your lips command his attention. "Waited a long time for you."
So full of surprises tonight. You’ve traveled with him for years, settled down with your kid, but you never expected this. For him to finally feel the same way you do, to fuck you like that. You’re suddenly extremely thankful he came home in dire need of a shower.
You run your hands up his chest, settling one on his shoulder and burying the other in his hair. The dirt, the grime—it's all gone now, replaced by your release and the sweat of your exertion. He smells so good, just like your fancy shampoo. Just like home.
You lean in to kiss him deeply and he melts into you, his lips soft and warm against yours. When you part, you're met with that look again. The one he gave you after you asked him to shower with you, and that he hasn't stopped giving you since. Like he's observing you, contemplating you.
You recognize it now—it's hope.
"I've been waiting a long time for you too, Joel."
He kisses you again, holding you close as the water goes ice cold.
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thanks so much for reading! 🥰
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princessbrunette · 5 months
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outlaw!johnb had tried not to take advantage of your sweet body during his stay. what transpired between the two of you on the evening you met felt wrong. not-gentlemanly. like he’d taken advantage of someone sweet and sheltered. he’d been determined to keep his hands to himself until the time was right once more, but as your parents extended their stay away — leaving the house for the two of you to be alone in even longer, he found it increasingly more difficult to do so. especially when you were so keen on playing house.
you’d settled into a routine. john b would get up and tend to the ‘handyman’ things that needed to be tended to, like fixing the fence that had been destroyed in the storm or odd jobs around the house, and you would do all the domestic stuff — like cleaning, preparing meals, tending to the animals. today was laundry day, and clearly the routledge boy was ill prepared for what this meant.
whilst hammering away at the planks of wood beneath the blistering sun, the wavy haired brunette raises his head to see you appearing not far from him, a laundry basket balanced on your hip, wearing the flimsiest, shortest white sundress known to man. he allows his gaze to wander, offering you a small smile when you wave. you set your basket down to begin hanging up laundry on the line to dry, and as you bend down to retrieve the first clean clothing item — a warm breeze gently blows your dress astray, displaying your glistening cunt. john b tips his head towards the sky, closing his eyes with a pained groan. there would be no stopping him.
he tried, for a solid minute — but as he continued to watch you bend, your folds gently spreading each time you did so, he grew hard beneath the hot sun and decided enough was enough. he’d give you what you’d been pawing at him for all week.
“uh, are you kidding? you’ve got to be doing this on purpose. right?” that familiar chesty hum comes from behind you as you hang up a dress and you freeze, a gentle breeze washing over you.
“s’laundry day, john b.” you shrug, not daring to turn around. you wasn’t sure if you could control your lustful gaze.
“yeah? okay well — the lack of underwear is definitely gonna make this a lot easier.” he mutters as he strides closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing his crotch to your ass. “touch your toes, sweetheart.” he commands and you shakily do so with an aroused whimper.
he decides it’s not enough, and when you’re fully bent at the waist, he gives you a gentle nudge forward and you topple onto your knees in the plush grass. “yep, stay riiiight there.” his words are somehow comforting as you hear his belt buckle unlock and his zipper come down. he pulls your dress up your back and swears under his breath at your puffy wet pussy staring back at him. “definitely… knew what you were doing there, huh.” he speaks mostly to himself.
“can you please try n’give me a baby this time, daddy?” you mewl, as he lines himself up and he squeezes his eyes shut.
“please shut up.” he blurts out before opening them. “i mean, uh… just… you can’t say those things sweetheart. trying real hard not to be too rough here.” he pushes in and your toes curl in the grass, a high pitch squeal leaving you as you grasp around at nothing. “i know, hey— stick with me here lil’ pup.” he coaches you, watching the way your body tries its best to relax. john b was big, and taking him with your ass in the air and your cheek in the dirt made him feel heaps bigger.
he bottoms out, tipping his hips completely forward with two hands on your lower back and his jaw agape. “wow.” he breathes out, staring intently at the way you’re stretched around his thickness. he’s snapped from his trance by your head craning round, some dirt on your cheek and grass in your hair.
“john b, the cows are gonna watch you give me a baby.” you’re pouting, and whilst the whole innocent act turns him on — he needed to lock in or he’d really cum inside you again. without much thought, he yanks his bandana from his neck and stuffs it into your mouth before gently pushing your cheek back to the grass.
“there you go. just hold on for me, okay?” he asks before he starts to thrust, bottoming out each time making his thighs slap against your ass cheeks. with each thrust, you let out a devastating little sound — pussy drooling around him. “see? gooood girl. you really like the whole mean, ruffian, outlaw thing, huh? soaking me here, bub.”
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sansaorgana · 6 months
So I loved the way you wrote Buck with his scars! My heart was breaking! Could you maybe write one where he hates them and the reader comforts them and kisses his scars?
hi, sugar! 🥰 I am trying to write these requests chronologically but I couldn't wait to write this one, especially after seeing today's episode because domestic Buck is something I just NEED 😍 I added a whole plot around it, so you can also expect some of jealous Gale 👀 basically, his wife befriended some man when he was away and now he's jealous and insecure that he's not so handsome anymore lol like it's even possible
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Buck stepped on the stool to take off the last of the Welcome Home signs as his wife stood below with her hand gently put on his thigh, making sure he wouldn’t fall. She didn’t want to miss any opportunity to touch him ever since he had come back.
Buck smiled to himself. It still felt odd to be back home and to be around his wife’s comforting presence, surrounded by her love and affection.
He furrowed his brows at the ceiling’s colour, though. It was oddly snow white and he remembered that it had been needing a renovation when they had moved in a few weeks before his departure to Europe.
“The ceiling’s been painted,” he pointed out as he handed his wife the paper sign and she took it from him to put it away.
“Yes. Ritchie’s done it,” she answered casually.
Buck froze for a second before stepping down from the stool and taking a better look at his wife. She didn’t look as if she was hiding some secret, though.
“Who is Ritchie?” He tried to remain cool. He had no right to be jealous. He didn’t want to be one of those husbands who didn’t want their wives to have any male friends.
Still, he was jealous.
“Oh, Ritchie, he’s just a… Just a friend, I mean…” (Y/N) chuckled and he could see her eyes sparkling. Buck’s jaw clenched at that reaction. “He’s a doctor, a local doctor, you know.”
“Do I know him?” Buck asked, trying to remember if he had known any Ritchies.
“No, no, honey, he was sent here when you had been… away,” she sighed. “I met him at the party…” (Y/N) got nervous explaining and Buck furrowed his brows at her. “I didn’t want to go, my friends forced me, I swear, Buck. It gave me no pleasure to dance and have fun knowing that you were… at some camp, I…” She shook her head and her eyes filled with tears.
“Shh,” Buck put his arms around her and brought her closer to place a kiss on the top of her head. “I hoped you would go out sometimes and have fun. I never wanted you to sit at home alone and cry all day and night. I hoped you’d know that, baby.”
“I know… Well, Ritchie was there. He wasn’t sent to Europe because we need doctors here, too,” (Y/N) sniffed her tears back and looked up at her husband. “He offered me help around the house. He painted the ceiling and took care of that spare room that might be a nursery one day… He fixed the drain and helped to mow the grass. You know, that sort of stuff,” (Y/N) explained. “I don’t know what I’d do without him, Buck. And he did that all for free!”
“For free, you say?” Buck raised an eyebrow. She looked so sweet and innocent, he didn’t want to accuse her of anything but he didn’t trust other men as much as he trusted his girl.
“Completely!” She assured him and nodded her head. “I wanted to pay him, I really did. But he told me that my husband was serving the country and it was his duty to help. He’s a sweetheart, really, Buck,” she tried to convince her husband. “In fact,” (Y/N) took a step back and smiled, “I think you should meet him. I think you’ll adore him! And you should thank him, too.”
“Thank him?” Buck asked, surprised. Perhaps she was right. He should. After all, that man had helped his wife enormously. But the ugly jealousy was too overwhelming.
“Of course!” (Y/N) gave him a scolding look. “Don’t you think he deserves to be thanked? Let me call him! I’ll invite him for dinner. He’s usually free on Sundays,” she ran to the telephone.
Buck only watched as she excitedly dialled the number she had memorised by heart. After a short while, someone on the other side of the line picked up and she smiled widely.
“Hey-ho, Ritchie, darling!” She started and Buck chewed on the inside of his cheek. He leaned on the wall, trying to look cool about it but he was exploding inside. “I was thinking that perhaps you’d join us for dinner tonight? I’d make that lasagna you like so much!” (Y/N) told her friend.
Buck tried not to look surprised that the mysterious Ritchie had his favourite dish already.
The truth was, Buck didn’t have any favourite dish (Y/N) made. And he hadn’t done much around this house before his departure either. They had gotten married two months before. He had been away for more than a year. That Ritchie guy had spent more time with his wife than he had. And it was killing him inside to realise that.
His wife had been everything that made his will to survive so strong. To see her again, to smell her, to touch her, to hear her laugh. She had saved him hundreds of times without even realising. And of course, as he had said to her, he hadn’t wanted her to spend all her days crying after him. But it still stinged his heart that she had some gentleman friend around. Cooking for him, renovating the house together, God-only-knows what else…
“Oh, no, you won’t be a bother!” (Y/N) shook her head to the receiver. “Buck wants to meet you and thank you for everything,” she turned around to smile at her husband. “Well, in two hours perhaps? Great!”
She put the receiver down and approached Buck to hug him and kiss his cheek.
“I can’t believe you’re here with me again… It feels so surreal,” she admitted.
He only hugged her closer, trying not to say anything. All he could feel was jealousy and he didn’t want to open his mouth and accidentally hurt her with his words.
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Doctor Ritchie Nelson was older than Buck had expected – around 40. And much more handsome, too. Buck had naively hoped it would be some senior man living down the street or something like that. But no, he looked like a fucking actor. He had shiny black hair and bright blue eyes. He was a few inches taller and his clothes were very elegant.
Buck shook his hand to greet him when he opened the door.
“Major,” Ritchie saluted and then he gave Buck the most wonderful smile. Buck swallowed thickly.
Fuck me, he thought.
“Just call me Buck, doc,” he only said.
“And you call me Ritchie, son,” Ritchie walked inside as if the house had been his.
Buck closed the door behind him. He didn’t like being called son by that man even if he was older. But he didn’t want to start an argument and make his wife sad. She seemed to be very excited about the two of them finally meeting.
“(Y/N)’s in the kitchen now. She will serve the food in a moment. Follow me,” Buck headed to the dining room, painfully realising how stupid his words must have sounded. Of course Ritchie knew where to go.
But Ritchie didn’t say anything to that and took his place by the table.
“Hello, (Y/N)!” He raised his voice in the kitchen’s direction.
“Hello, sweetheart!” (Y/N) greeted him back and Buck took a seat across the table so he could face the man.
Before he could open his mouth to ask about something, his wife went inside with the plates. She put the food on the table and joined them, sitting right in between. 
“So, your wife told me that you went down over Bremen,” Ritchie started so naturally. He had to be born with this charm and charisma. “That was hell of a mission, I’ve heard on the radio.”
“Oh, Ritchie, let’s not talk about the war, can we?” (Y/N) batted her eyelashes at him. “Please,” she laid her eyes on her husband and Buck nodded at her.
He also didn’t want to talk about the war. Especially with a man who had not been there.
“Of course,” Ritchie cleared his throat.
“I’d rather listen to your stories,” Buck told him. “What did I miss ‘round town?”
He quickly regretted asking that question. (Y/N) and Ritchie were telling him all sorts of stories and gossip about local women, drunkards, policemen, priests, divorces and marriages, new children getting born... He wouldn’t mind that itself but the way they interacted with each other made his heart sink deep in his chest.
(Y/N) was mostly looking at Ritchie and her eyes were sparkling whenever he said something funny. She would often touch his wrist when she was laughing and they had a ton of inside jokes that Buck didn’t even want to ask about.
“Oh, you tell that story. You tell it the best!” She would say often and then she would interrupt Ritchie all the time to add her own details. But Ritchie didn’t seem to mind.
Buck couldn’t handle it anymore. He stood up suddenly and they looked up at him, questioningly.
“Are you alright, darling?” (Y/N) asked him, worryingly.
“Yes, I just… I want water…” Buck said and she nodded her head.
He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass before leaning on the counter and watching his wife still talking to Ritchie. They looked so natural together, so comfortable around each other.
In fact, she looked more relaxed around Ritchie than around Buck. The truth was that things had been awkward between them. When they were alone, they would sit in silence most of the time. And she didn’t look as relaxed as she did now.
Buck clenched his jaw and joined them by the table again, even though he felt as if he was a third wheel.
“Oh, Buck, baby, I forgot to tell you,” (Y/N) grabbed his arm and then she pointed at Ritchie. “Ritchie used to be a model.”
Fucking wonderful, Buck thought. But he pretended to be surprised as he laid his eyes at the other man.
“Oh, please,” Ritchie rolled his eyes and chuckled.
The worst part of Ritchie was that he was not mean. He wasn’t teasing Buck or trying to show off. He really was a nice man... who just happened to have a good relationship with Buck’s wife.
“I mean it! Back in the 30s. He was on the cover of the magazine!” (Y/N) finished the story. “I mean, look at him,” she laid her eyes on Ritchie. “40 this year and face so smooth,” her voice sounded almost dreamy.
Buck moved uncomfortably in his seat. His face was far from smooth now with a few scars scattered on his cheeks. They were not deep but he could see them every time he looked in the mirror. A painful reminder of what he had been through. He would never have a face like Ritchie fucking Nelson. He had already been uncomfortable with the scars but now he hated them.
He took a better look at his wife. God, she was so pretty. So full of life. She deserved someone like her. Not a man broken by the war like him.
“I actually could sign a contract and go to Hollywood,” Ritchie confessed, a little shyly.
“But he chose to refuse and become a doctor,” (Y/N) shook her head and looked at Buck. “Can you believe that? I’d choose Hollywood,” she joked and Ritchie laughed.
Buck forced a chuckle. He couldn’t focus on her words anymore anyway.
“It’s getting late,” Ritchie took a glance at his watch. “I’m opening my cabinet tomorrow in the early morning. I should be going now.”
“Of course,” (Y/N) nodded and stood up to walk him to the front door. Buck remained in the dining room and waited for her to be back.
It took her quite a long time to say goodbye to her friend. He almost stood up himself to check on them but that was when she finally joined him and sat back by that table.
An awkward silence occurred between them.
“Isn’t he lovely?” (Y/N) started as she played with the food on her plate.
“Yes,” Buck nodded. “Damn, I forgot to thank him.”
“It’s alright. He doesn’t really expect that. You can do that next time, too,” she took his hand in hers and caressed it gently.
He hated to see her more stiff and awkward around him than she had been around Ritchie.
“I’ll wash the dishes,” she sighed and stood up, taking the plates from the table.
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Buck stood in front of the mirror in the morning and looked at his freshly shaven face. Last night he had a nightmare again and he didn’t get a lot of sleep. His eyes missed the spark he had had before his departure to Europe. They were tired now and sadder, no matter how much he tried to be the same man as before. There were a few new wrinkles on his forehead, too. And those awful scars on his cheeks. His face was definitely not smooth.
“Knock, knock, baby,” (Y/N) opened the door gently. “What is taking you so long? I thought you were shaving,” she smiled softly at him. “I started to worry.”
“I got distracted, sorry,” he reached out for the towel to wipe the remaining shaving cream off of his face but (Y/N) approached him to do it herself.
“Aw, look at you, my handsome husband,” she gave him a warm and loving smile.
He hated that little voice in his head telling him that she had said that out of pity.
“Not anymore,” Buck chuckled nervously and put an aftershave on.
“What are you talking about?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows as she stared at his reflection in the mirror.
He only shook his head, scared that he would start crying if he said something now.
“Gale?” She asked softly as she delicately put her hand on his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, look at my face now,” he turned around to face her as his voice trembled.
“I am looking, baby,” she bit on her lower lip and placed her hands on his cheeks to caress them gently with her thumbs. “Do you mean those scars, love?” She asked, nervously.
Buck only nodded as his eyes filled with tears.
“Can I be honest with you, my darling?” She asked and he nodded again. “Well, I didn’t want to mention them when you came back home. I didn’t know if I could, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or sad… But I wanted to tell you…” she hesitated for a moment and his heart skipped a beat.
He expected her to tell him now that they were indeed ugly or making him less attractive. Of course, she would later tell him she loves him despite them and all that jazz. What else would she say?
“I know that they’re on your face because you’ve been hurt and in pain, so I don’t feel good saying this but… Well, I think they make you look even more handsome,” she admitted and Buck’s eyes widened a little. “Am I a bad wife for thinking that?” She asked, nervously. “I’m sorry if I am. But you look so brave, my darling. And so handsome. They make me feel so proud to be your wife when I see them,” she leaned in to place small kisses up and down one of his cheeks and then the other.
“I thought you liked Ritchie’s soft face…” Buck muttered out.
“Wh-what?” (Y/N) took a step back to look deep into his eyes, her hands still caressing his cheeks. “Oh, you’re jealous?”
“Well, how can I not be?” Buck held her wrists gently and moved them out of his face to place soft kisses upon her knuckles. One at the time. “He spent more time with you than me. You’re so comfortable around him. I’m glad you had a friend when I was gone. But I can’t help not to be jealous,” he confessed. “He’s not as broken as me.”
“Gale,” (Y/N) shook her head. “You’re the only man for me. I’ve been waiting for you here, each day and night. And those silly scars you’re so bothered about? Goddamit, I was praying to all the gods in the world to bring you back to me, even without arms or legs, so what do they even matter? They’re nothing. I just wanted my husband back with me!” She began to tear up.
“I know,” Buck brought her closer to hug her. “I’m not accusing you of anything, I know.”
“Oh, you’d be an idiot if you accused me,” she chuckled through the tears.
“Why?” He asked and rubbed her back.
“Because Ritchie… He…” She tried to find the right words. “Well, he doesn’t like women, if you know what I mean.��
What a burden had just left Buck’s heart. He chuckled out of relief.
“Yeah, I should have… I should have known. There was something about him,” he admitted.
“He’ll be flattered that you thought of him as competition. It means you find him attractive,” (Y/N) giggled and Buck rolled his eyes before hugging her even tighter. “I love you, Major Cleven,” she squeezed him tighter too. “All of you, all the scars and all the breaks you claim to have.”
Buck was left speechless for a moment. He just kept holding her and kissed her temple before finally speaking up.
“I love you, too, Mrs. Cleven.”
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muniimyg · 8 months
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3: the favourite snacks // series m.list
note: ohhh... it's kinda cute here ;) how are we liking them? lmk ur thoughts! oc's moment to shine is coming soon !!!
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “aao” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar @jkslvsnella @parkinglot-nights @kissyfacekoo
fic taglist: @seagulljk @peterstarkchrishiddleston @thekookiecorner @kyjjk @bbtsficrecs @rainypainting @skzthinker @lachimolalajeon @wildflower98 @bluesoulsoul @loumin908 @jk-190811 @survivalistghost
As usual, Jungkook interrupts your reading time. Before, it didn’t mean much. Before, he would quietly sit beside you and mind his own business until he got out of his mind bored. Then, he would bug you and you would have no choice but to put your book down. You didn't mind it before. Before, it was whatever.
However, the scene is different today.
Today, he ran to the library after his lecture and couldn’t find you. Disappointed, Jungkook turned his heels to head home… But as fate would have it; he found you along the way.
At the sight of you, right then and there, Jungkook decided that this was his favourite season. 
The season of you.
How could it not be when this… You… Are just so beautiful? As you sit on the grass, leaning against the tree trunk, the wind gently blows cherry blossom petals around you. It’s beautiful. It looks magical.. Like it was fake. I mean, it had to be right? You look so perfect. It looks like those made-up scenes in movies. Jungkook rubs his eyes to make sure it isn’t. This is real life. 
This is you. 
However, his dream-like state of mind is shaken awake when he approaches you, and you refuse to give him the time of day.
First, he stands in front of you and greets you warmly. You ignore him. Then, he sits down beside you and nudges you. Even though your body moves to his push, you still remain silent. Now, this is his last attempt before he loses his mind. 
Jungkook inches closer to you. You sit still, doing your best not to move away. You have to stay put. You have to stand your ground! But life gets 10 times more difficult because he smells so good. As he leans forward, he fixes your hair, and you're awestruck. He tucks your hair behind your ear, sending chills down your spine. You swear it’s just the cool breeze, but you know in your heart it’s him. 
He makes your heart race. 
He smells good.
He looks good, too.
It's no wonder your body betrays you. You squirm from his touch, unable to hold yourself still. It’s gentle and light—but it’s just so ticklish! As you react, Jungkook offers a smug smile. In return, you push his hand away and huff at him. 
“I’m not talking to you.”
Jungkook’s smile drops. 
“What? Why?” His mind spins with confusion. Meanwhile, you keep a straight face and go back to reading. “What did I do?”
Keeping your book up, you answer him without really answering him.
“You know what you did.”
Jungkook thinks for a moment. What could he have done? The last time he saw you was a few days ago. You two met up to have a quick study session together. It was the same routine! What could he have done wrong since then? Rather, what did he do wrong then?
“... I’m not really sure what I did wrong… Can I have a hint or something?” His tone is genuine and curious, making it harder for you to dish-out your anger.
So, you don’t respond.
Impatient and annoyed at your pettiness, he grabs your book and lowers it to see your face. 
Infuriated, you whine. “Hey! I’m reading—”
“—And I’m trying to talk to you.” Jungkook snaps. "Come on, ___. What's going on? Talk to me, please."
You glare at him, completely baffled at his audacity. Does he seriously think that he can play dumb? He can't. You won't let him.
“Well, I’m not talking to you.”
With an eyebrow raised, he speaks out his thoughts. “Why not? I don’t think I did anything wrong—”
“You lied to me!” You blurt. “You lied to me, and you know it. I looked so stupid!”
Jungkook’s throat feels dry. 
Lied to you?
About what?
He tries to run everything he has ever said to you back. He tries to remember everything from the moment you two first met to this very moment now… Every story he has ever said and every tiny side comment—yet, he can’t think of a time he was dishonest. He had no reason to lie to you! Talking to you is so easy because you’re such a good listener. If anything, talking to you has compelled him to be more honest… Jungkook reflects and concludes: no. He is not a liar. Besides, it’s not like he was hiding anything—
“You can skate,” you reveal. 
Jungkook blinks.
“Who told you?”
Fed up, you shove your book to Jungkook's chest. He lets it hit him and drop before reaching for your hands. Quickly, you swipe them away from him. No way is he holding your hand! Not after all the crap he just pulled.
Crossing your arms, you begin to confront him. “Yoongi and Jin were drinking last night. They called me and teased me about how dumb I was… How naive I was because you knew how to skate the entire time! I took the time to teach you how to skate because you kept falling—a-and to what? Find out you were pretending the entire time? W-why would you do that? Why would you lie to me?” 
Oh, it’s bad. 
It’s pathetically horrible how Jungkook is so into you right now.
It melts his heart how you could be this serious and hurt over this little fib. This has to be the cutest thing you could ever do… Be mad at him for wanting to hold your hand just because he was mischievous about it. 
He wants to laugh. He wants to tell you that you’re cute and the entire thing was just a stupid boy-coded play… But, considering how bruise-hearted you’re acting… Jungkook thinks twice about it. 
Then, he decides to give in and abide by your needs. 
You want answers and answers is what he’ll give you. 
“First of all: you’re not dumb,” Jungkook reassures you. You make a sour face and shake your head at him.
Groaning, you tell him: “Yes, I am! I looked like a total idiot trying to teach you how to skate when you’re literally a hockey player—”
“Second, I’m not a hockey player,” he chuckles. 
With a half smile, you return: “Right… You’re just a liar.”
… He deserved that. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say or do… Honestly, what are you supposed to say or do? The issue is ridiculous but at the same time, he understands you feel deceived. So… now what? 
“Okay… I admit it,” Jungkook sighs, accepting his defeat. “I lied to you about not knowing how to skate. I’m a liar. I’m sorry—”
“Ah ha!” you point your finger at him. Then, you poke his chest. “That's why I’m not talking to you—”
“But I’m apologizing—”
You shush him. “Doesn’t matter. At least, not right now. Like... Oh my goodness, Jungkook! I’m so embarrassed! It’s bad enough that—”
“—That I like you?” Jungkook interrupts you. You’re tongue-tied, unable to find words to deny or confirm. With shaky eyes, he does his best to look at you with the sincerest gaze. “I refuse to apologize for my feelings."
"It's not about your feelings—"
Jungkook plays smart. He's all in anyways. "Okay. Fine, it's not about my feelings. It's about yours, okay? ___, I’m sorry, okay? I just wanted to hold your hand… Is it that bad? Am I that awful for wanting to hold your hand?”
Slowly, you shake your head. You didn't meant to make him feel bad about his feelings for you! That wasn't the point. The point was... Well..
Oh, god.
What was the point again?
Your words beat your thoughts. “N-no… I just… I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me.”
Jungkook looks at you softly, and it makes your heart stumble. Booping your nose, his lips curve into a smirk.
“It’s called flirting, dummy.”
“Hmph,” you pout, turning your face away from him. Under your breath, you mutter, “... So you’re calling me dumb too, huh?”
Jungkook panics. “W-what? No! That’s not what I—”
Without much thought, he grabs your hand and squeezes it. You turn to him, eyeing the way he’s holding your hand. You send him a look, and immediately, he drops your hand and puts it up in surrender. Then, he reaches for his backpack and unzips it. 
“Look! I know my apology doesn’t mean much to you right now, but it’s true. I am so sooo sorry, ___. I’ll deal with the guys. I’ll tell them to shut up and drop it. You’re not dumb—okay?” Jungkook digs inside his backpack and pulls out a plastic bag filled with various items. “Snacks! I was at the convenience store... Then, I suddenly thought of you. So, I bought your favourite snacks. Then I headed to the library but then you weren’t there… And now I’m here—a-and there’s so many! So many snacks, ___! There’s banana milk, some Yakult, and oh, I even bought that cup with the fancy ice—”
“... Is that pocky?” You shift, taking a small peek.
Jungkook’s eyes light up. He nods, shaking the bag in front of you. “Almond crush… Cos I have a crush on you—” You sit up and send him a warning look. Jungkook leans his body back and laughs. “Okay, okay, okay! Sorry! Almond crush is for me… The strawberry pocky is for you… Your favourite, cutie.”
Biting your bottom lip, you give in.
Your heart can refuse Jungkook, but it remains powerless against strawberry pocky. Jungkook takes out your strawberry pocky first. You’re drooling at this point… Before you can hold your hand out and ask for the pocky, Jungkook already opens it for you. When he successfully gets through the box and rips the wrapper, he offers the pocky to you as a peace offering. 
Unspoken, he knows he’s forgiven the minute you take it from his hands. 
Yet, he plays it safe. He waits for you to get a few bites in and for the smile on your face to appear. Once it does, he smiles cheekily at you. 
“Still mad at me?”
Between chews, you reply, “Let me think..."
"Whatever you need to do, my smart girl."
You shove a few more pieces of pocky in your mouth. After you chew and he laughs at you, you voice your decision.
"Nope... Not mad at you anymore. We’re good.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes as he reaches for the top of your head. He ruffles your hair and continues to laugh to himself… Perhaps, it wasn’t just about the lie. You were hangry. Mentally, he notes to always keep strawberry pocky in his bag. In case of future screw-ups or of hangry ___ moments. 
When he’s sure your mood has improved completely, he opens his pocky. 
You watch as he does so. Jungkook takes a bite out of his pocky stick and moans in approval. As he eats, he takes a moment to look out at the view of the rest of the field. Jungkook takes it all in. Other students are sitting on the grass, under the other cherry blossom trees, and even playing. It's a calm late afternoon, and he can't help but think about how much he likes this moment.
How the raspberry lemonade sky is peering over the horizon. How you're beside him. How cool the spring breeze is... It just feels so good to be with you.
“This is a nice spot!" He tells you. "I like the view. I like you—"
"You're ruining my peace," you complain. Shutting your eyes, you focus on the pocky. "But yeah, it's a nice spot. I found it while I had that whole week of avoiding you."
Jungkook laughs. "So I found your new hideout? Sorry, not sorry."
You shrug and point at the Yakult inside the bag. He digs in the bag and takes it out. Like the pocky, he prepares it before giving it to you. When he hands you the drink, you take a sip.
"Can this be our spot?"
You choke.
Jungkook's shoulders drop, finding it hilarious and also a little offending at the same time. Was it really this hard to flirt with you? Are you this childish? He never noticed.
It's annoying that his feelings only grow even more.
"Oh my god," he moves closer to you and pats your back. You take another sip to help relieve your throat. As you recover, he lectures you. "Fine. You can have this damn spot."
When he moves back to his spot, you sit and stare at him. Jungkook continues to eat his pocky. Moving on, he pushes the conversation forward.
"Ahh, I forgot how good this is. Almond is the best.” 
You tilt your head at him, wondering what it’s like to be completely wrong about a simple thing. It's like all your pressing thoughts dismissed themselves.
“Strawberry is better,” you claim. You say it rather simply. You say it honestly.
Jungkook copies your head tilt. 
“Strawberry is overhyped,” he argues with you. “Almond is more expensive. The ingredients are more worth it. It’s not just a fruit-flavored cream—”
You huff at him. “Strawberry is not overhyped! Just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean it’s worth less—”
“Actually… It does.”
The anger that you had earlier? The one that went away? Yeah… It’s back. 
Fuming, you begin your rant. “Strawberry is classic. Almond was made because people got bored of chocolate, so they added almonds to trick people into thinking it was completely different… It's the same thing! Strawberry is an original flavour like—” As you explain, you put another stick in between your lips and suck on the cream. “Mhmm! It’s the best—”
Your words cut off. 
Not because Jungkook retaliates. 
Not because you’re chewing your pocky. 
It’s because Jungkook dips his head low and takes a bite out of the other end of your pocky stick. He pulls away rather quickly, but it happens… 
It happened. 
His lips brushed against yours. 
Oh my god. 
Jeon Jungkook kissed you! 
Wide-eyed, you pause for a second. Then, you panic. “W-what—”
“Mhmm.. I guess it’s okay,” Jungkook swallows his bite. “I think I still like—”
“Y-you kissed me!” you exclaim, bringing your hands to your lips. 
Jungkook blinks at you.
“No, I didn’t.”
“J-Jungkook," you breathe, “are you gaslighting me? You literally just kissed me!”
Your mind is spinning.
How the heck did that just happen? One second you’re defending strawberry pocky with your life, and the next… You feel more alive than ever. Jungkook has always been sneaky, but you never expected this. It was so innocent yet so mischievous—you have no words!
Perhaps, your inability to explain how you truly feel is what frustrates you and causes you to sound so naggy. 
On the other hand, Jungkook knew exactly what he was doing. He has no issues facing the repercussions. In his heart, he knows he’s just following it… So, why does it matter? This is him taking a chance. This is him… Winning. 
This is you folding. 
“___, that was not a kiss.” Jungkook reasons with you. “Why? Are you upset because you wanted it to be?"
No words. 
"It's okay to be disappointed," he adds. "I'm disappointed you don't want to share this spot with me. The library is boring as fuck so I don't really want it to be our spot, you know—"
“Y-you’ve got to be k-kidding me!” you cry. “Leave the library alone, you hater."
"... Okay?" Jungkook snickers. "You're greedy today. Do you always have to be right? Is that a thing I should know about you, future girlfriend?"
"Future what?" your eyes bulge. "O-okay, fine. Fine! You win. It wasn’t a kiss. It was horrible anyway. I expected more—”
Jungkook squints at you. “We didn’t even kiss, and you’re already accusing me of being a bad kisser? Damn, at least let me prove you wrong.”
Shaking your head profusely. “T-that’s not what I’m saying! I’m sure you’re an excellent kisser—in fact, I should brace myself, right? B-because you’re probably going to kiss me one of these day, and I’ll—”
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
You pause. 
“You heard the question,” Jungkook inches closer to you. In your mind, your body stiffens… In reality, you’re melting. Your body slightly leans in towards him and Jungkook has to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
“Y-you already did.”
“You said it wasn't a kiss... Who's the liar now?"
You stay silent. Partly because you have no words and partly because you're afraid of what will happen if you don't speak.
Jungkook presses on. "You’re not answering my question…”
Then, as he speaks again, you realize you're stuck either way… You’re too shy to actually say the words, but he will take your silence, and find the truth. Or... You can say it for yourself. So, okay.
You give in.
“Y-you can do what you want. I just… I thought you already kissed me.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at you for the second time this afternoon. “No, silly… If I kissed you, it would’ve been like this—”
Before you know it, it happens. 
It really happens. 
Soft, slow, and sweetly—Jeon Jungkook kisses you.
He kisses you under the cherry blossom tree with the raspberry lemonade sky above, and the spring breeze. He kisses you until you can't breathe, and your heart falls for him. Jungkook kisses you in your spot.
The spot.
Yours and his.
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sun-kissy · 2 months
hellooo, hope you’re doing well! could you write a hurt/comfort for poly!marauders with dhampir reader, specifically the headcannon where Remus and reader go on walks and talk about their insecurities regarding their identity. reader talks about their immortality and that they fear the day the marauders are gone, maybe James and Sirius come in and comfort reader? Idk just make it as painful as possible, thank you sm!!
aaaa yes!! thank you so much for the request babe <3 this is my first time writing a poly!marauders fic, so i hope i got the dynamics right :, )
for anyone wondering, the headcanon the anon was referring to can be found here
alone | poly!marauders
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tw: two mentions of sex, but absolutely nothing explicit
half-vampire, half-witch!reader, poly!marauders x reader
“Dove,” Remus breathes, a false picture of calmness even though concern seeps into his tone. “Deep breaths, please. Deep breaths for me.”
His thumb continued to apply gentle pressure between your shoulder blades as you sit there, red-rimmed eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. Remus thinks he can feel his heart breaking everytime you sniffle, the pitiful sound from deep inside your chest.
The two of you sit by the black lake, the moon lighting up the space. This was almost a weekly occurrence; both of you pulling yourselves out of your other two boyfriends’ sleepy embraces to sneak out and sit together on the expanse of grass.
You’d talk about the blood-thirsty monsters haunting parts of you till the sun started to rise, and fall asleep holding each other’s hands. The next morning, you’d wake up on the grass wrapped in James’ arms with Sirius peppering kisses all over your faces, and everything would be alright again.
This time was different, though; Remus knew it, and he was sure that by some form of instinct, James and Sirius would be able to sense it too despite the distance.
You were absolutely distraught, and he had no idea why. The two of you were sitting in silence when you broke down all of a sudden, and now he was desperate to make you smile again.
He was right — soon enough, the shuffling of leaves and poorly concealed whispers could be heard behind you.
“I told you something was wrong!”
“What? What’s wrong? The only thing wrong here is that they’re getting cosy without us!” Remus can hear Sirius grumbling, unable to stop a small smile from curving his lips despite the situation.
“Pads! She’s crying,” James huffs quietly.
Within seconds, Sirius rushes to crouch down in front of you, his eyes wide with panic. His eyebrows are bunched in concern, mouth set in a frown. “What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice coming out shriller than he intended to.
You tense and shrug noncommittally, gaze fixed on the ground as you try to blink away the tears blurring your vision. He softens slightly upon seeing the look on your face and gently takes your hands.
Sirius opens his mouth to speak again but James holds a finger to his lips, a silent plea to let you be. He rolls his eyes but keeps his mouth closed, starting to rub your palms with his thumbs.
James looks at Remus quizzically for an explanation, to which he shrugs — he had no idea what had triggered you so terribly. James sighs, and you feel his warmth instantly as he sits down beside you.
“Hi angel,” he murmurs, turning to you with a small smile. He reaches out and brushes a few strands of hair off your face, and you find yourself involuntarily leaning into his touch.
“Hello,” you mumble.
James feels his heart sink at the sound of your defeated voice, and he can tell how much effort it was taking you to hold back tears. “Can you tell us why you’re upset?”
“I… I don’t—“ you warble, “I’m fine, really.”
It takes all of Sirius’ willpower not to roll his eyes at your blatant lie. “Love, you’re crying. Just spit it out.”
Remus and James both turn to glare at Sirius, but he just shrugs and eyes you impatiently. Apparently, Sirius’ goad was all you needed to get you started. “I was just…. I don’t wanna be alone,” you croak pathetically.
Remus’ ministrations on your back still immediately, completely abandoning his project as he drops his arm to the ground. Sirius furrows his eyebrows, looking at you strangely as though you were some sort of crossword puzzle.
“Alone?” James echoed, pouting with puzzlement. “What… what do you mean, alone? You have us, sweetheart. We’re never leaving you.”
“Yeah,” Sirius pipes up, gently lifting one of your hands to press a chaste kiss to your knuckles.
“But you are,” you insist, and James can hear the desperation in your voice. He tugs you closer to him, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulder silently.
“Why would we ever leave you?” Remus speaks up softly, lifting a hand to gently comb through your hair. “What did we do to make you think that we would?”
“It’s not— you guys didn’t—“ you let out a frustrated sob, roughly raking your fingers through your hair. There was no easy way to go about this conversation, and you hated yourself for having to do this to them.
James makes a pitiful sound in the back of his throat and starts rubbing your arm encouragingly. He presses a quick kiss to your hairline, feeling more worried by the minute.
Sirius squeezes your hands firmly, applying pressure until it hurt and you finally raise your eyes to look at him. You’re scared of the anger, or worse — disappointment — you’d find, but there’s a bountiful amount of love in his gaze. He looks at you imploringly, saying nothing yet everything with his eyes.
You sigh shakily. “You’re all gonna die one day, and… and you’re gonna leave me here. Alone,” you warble, your voice growing softer with each word until your last one came out as a whisper. “And — and I’ll have to live without you, and I’ll be so loveless, and —“
James can’t take it anymore, and pulls you into his lap without warning, bringing your head to his chest. The walls of your dam start to break as you let out a sob, feeling the fear and sadness pouring out of you. He rubs small circles into your back, nestling his chin in your hair as he glances at his boyfriends worriedly.
You’re scared; to say the least. The three of them had been by your side for years, and your world revolved around them. You didn’t think you knew what else to live for if it wasn’t for them, their bright grins and heartfelt love. The way James crouched slightly to hug you, how Sirius pulled you into his side and peppered kisses all over your face, Remus’ hand in yours as he pressed his lips to your own — you didn’t think you could last a day without them and their endearing little quirks.
Living alone wasn’t something you had in you to do; because it wasn’t really living if it wasn’t with them. The thought of waking up in an empty bed sends a shudder through you as you squeeze your eyes impossibly tighter.
“Baby,” Sirius speaks softly, and your heart clenches at the way his voice cracks. He places a hand on the nape of your neck, slowly rubbing up and down. “Maybe… maybe you won’t have us in the future. But —“
That was the wrong thing to say, as you let out a wail and cling impossibly harder to James. Remus flicks the side of Sirius’ head chidingly as James rolls his eyes. Sirius lets out a sad exhale, blinking away tears. He never knows how to fix things.
The tall boy notices the way Sirius’ head was lowered, and immediately wraps both arms around him, pressing kisses to his hair. James tries not to smile upon seeing Sirius melt into his touch.
He locks eyes with Remus, and nods quietly to let him know he can handle it.
“Angel,” James coaxes softly. “Look up at me, please?”
You sniffle softly, raising your head to meet his gaze. James frowns when he sees your puffy red eyes, reaching out to wipe your tears.
“Do you love us for our bodies?”
The question catches you off guard, your eyebrows arching. Was he joking? In a situation like this? You hear the unmistakable sound of Remus snorting behind you. “What?”
“I said,” James repeated, “do you love us for our bodies?”
“No!” you splutter, some of your melancholy leaving to make way for confusion. “What — why —“
“Exactly,” James says firmly, immediately shutting you up with the sincerity in his voice. “You don’t love us for our bodies, for our physicality. You love us for us, for our love. And let me tell you, our love is something that’s gonna stay with you until the end of time.”
You immediately soften at his words. “But I won’t have you here, you won’t be —“
“We will,” James responds softly, jabbing a finger into the left side of your chest. “We will be here. Right here.”
You feel your heart swell with sad affection; feeling nostalgia towards something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Remus scoots forward to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your back snug against his chest. “And we’re here with you now. We’re going to be with you for years, dove. We’re not going anywhere anytime soon, okay?”
You let your eyes flutter closed, let yourself indulge for a moment as you nod blindly. It was impossible for you to stay upset when your boys were comforting you with saccharine voices and sweet touches. Perhaps they were right, they always were.
You hear a sniffle from your left, and open your eyes to look at Sirius. He had tears running down his cheeks, and was looking at you with his mouth open and a heartbroken look on his face. Remus let out a quiet chuckle, and you turn to give him a death glare as you crawl out of his lap and over to Sirius.
Sirius immediately pulls you into a strangling hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he cries. “Why are you crying?” James questions, bemused with the slightest hint of concern in his tone.
“My poor baby, she’s gonna be all alone,” he blubbered, earning a small smile from you. He pulls away and raises his head to look at you, gripping your cheeks with a fervour and desperation you’ve never seen before. “I’m gonna write you a letter everyday, so you can read them all when I’m gone. And… and I’ll make you a scrapbook of my most handsome pictures.”
You smile indulgently at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he blabs on, wiping his nose. “And we can make sex tapes in case you’re extra horny when you’re old, and…”
“Okay, I think that’s enough,” Remus says loudly, earning a giggle from you as James swats the back of Sirius’ head.
You rest your head on Sirius’ shoulder, feeling James peck your cheek and Remus’ arm wrapping around your waist.
Grief was inevitable, but it was just love coming back to haunt you, wasn’t it? Even after they passed, you’d find them in the way the wind travels on chilly nights, the glimmer of the sun at dawn, and maybe even the occasional sex tape. In everything you see, you would see them.
Their unconditional devotion to you transcended the blurry lines of mortality, and you knew that as long as your heart continued to beat, they would never stop loving you. James was right — they had left the mark of their love in every corner of your heart and home; and weren’t ever going to leave you alone.
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hoakaikapo · 8 months
wanna be yours - clarisse la rue x fem! child of athena oc
A/N: this is a rush draft. i’m tired. just take it as it is. i mentally can’t fix it right now because i need sleep. also, this might be multiple parts but idk yet. okay goodnight!
warnings: implied mention of sex, kissing, fighting, teasing, uh i can’t think of anything else, but lmk if i missed any please!!
It was a mutual understanding between you and Clarisse, one that neither of you spoke about. Why should anything be said when you both were tangled up in hot kisses, hands roaming throughout each other’s bodies like lost explorers whenever you saw each other. There was hardly any room for talking in your guys’ heated exchanges, and even if there was room for talking, neither of you knew how to bring it up.
However, you figured maybe something should be said sooner than later. Clarisse was starting to become more frequent with her midnight visits to your cabin, more jealous whenever someone flirted with you, more riskier in public.
In fact, just a few days ago, one of her half-siblings almost caught you two making out in her bed in broad daylight. You took it seriously, honoring the understanding you two had, whereas Clarisse muttered careless statements about being caught as she kissed your lips again.
You figured there was something there now. You had always sensed it between the stolen glances, the slight finger touches when Clarisse walked past you, the way your body simply melted into hers. The unspoken attraction was there. Maybe it was real. You could only hope it was.
A part of you started to hate running and sneaking around just to keep this “relationship” - your secret affair - a secret. But, you would tell yourself otherwise, because you never knew what was truly going on inside that beautiful head of hers.
Capture the flag was one of those games that you couldn’t stand to miss out on. The intensity, the atmosphere, the energy between all players. You loved the game, especially since it involved strategizing.
You lay low among the tall grass of the forest, eyes scanning your surroundings, ears listening for any sounds, the grip on your dagger was tight. Your breathing was steady, almost quiet, because you were afraid that someone could hear it.
A twig branch snaps. You bring your dagger closer to your chest, waiting to attack whoever was incoming. Your breath hitches once you noticed the red plumes emerge from behind the trees.
Stay low, be ready, attack when they’re near. That’s how you rolled.
Once they were close enough, you lunged first, making sure to tackle your opponent to the ground. However, it’s a battle of brute strength. Your opponent was resistant, determined to not lose this sort of wrestling match going on between you two.
As you’re both rolling back and forth on the ground, you feel your opponent grab your dagger and toss it somewhere out of your reach. They shift their body weight so that they’re on top of you on the ground, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. You squirm, trying to slip out of their grip, but it’s tight and firm on you.
“You know, for a child of Athena, I was expecting a bit more of a challenge,” a husky yet familiar voice said. You could recognize that egoistic tone anywhere.
Clarisse removes her helmet, still keeping one hand on your wrists, her curls perfectly intact as if you guys didn’t just spend almost five minutes wrestling each other. She looked down and a sly smug came across her face once she realized you were the one beneath her.
“Well, hello, angel,” Clarisse says, bringing her face closer to yours. “Been avoiding me much? Haven’t seen you in this position in a while.”
You scoff. “As if I have ever been beneath you.”
“You were last week Saturday,” the Ares girl reminds you. You bite your lip, knowing it’s the truth.
An evil look is in her eyes as she guides them down your body. You feel her gaze on you, admiring you in this position. Her face mere inches away from yours once she made eye contact with you again. Clarisse’s free hand has moved to your waist, causing you to gasp slightly at the touch.
Every part in your body began to crave her, craving her lips on yours, craving her hands on your body, craving her. Your body is practically screaming for her. You could tell she felt it too. The glint in her eyes was all too familiar to you.
As Clairsse’s face slowly leans into yours, the grip on your hands begin to loosen, allowing you to slip out from under them. She’s nervous, it seems, as she hesitantly licked her lips. You wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her closer, her lips lightly grazing yours-
Your brain stops you from kissing her. In fact, it reminds you that you still have a game to win - and as much as you want to kiss the Ares girl, winning came first. Surely, she’d understand that.
You use your weight against hers, pushing her off of you and slamming her onto the ground with you now on top. The look on Clarisse’s face showed surprise before it turned into frustration.
Clarisse got teased badly by you. But, you teased yourself as well.
After grabbing two blue bands from your pocket, you tied one around each of her wrists, now implying that she was a prisoner of your team.
“Got you, La Rue,” you cheekily say, hovering your lips over hers once again.
Clarisse was pissed at you, maybe a bit beyond that.
The entire time at dinner, all she could do was glare at you. One of your half-siblings noticed and stated that if looks could kill, you would’ve been dead the moment you walked into the mess hall. You shook it off, pretending that the Ares girl was just mad that she was taken prisoner for the first time ever, but you knew it wasn’t entirely that.
A part of you felt guilty. Actually, no, you as a whole felt guilty for playing Clarisse like that earlier. As much as you loved your win later on, you also wanted Clarisse in that moment. If you were able to have both, you would’ve.
Later on that night, you waited outside the Ares cabin, making sure to stay hidden in case Chiron was doing rounds tonight. You sat for what seemed like forever until Clarisse finally came out.
You wasted no time. You grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side, instantly pressing a quick kiss on her lips which caught her off guard.
Clarisse’s eyes were wide in shock, trying to comprehend what just happened.
“I’m sorry, Clarisse,” you apologized, a hint of nervousness in your tone as you weren’t sure how she was going to react. “I-I shouldn’t have done that to you. It was rude, and I want you to know that… I really wanted to kiss you too, but then I reminded myself that we were in the game and I didn’t want to lose. So, I made that stupid decision, and I’m so sorry-“
Clarisse smashed her lips onto yours, causing you to stumble a little bit.
“You think too much. No wonder you’re Athena’s daughter,” she mumbled between your lips before pulling you back in.
It was like a million fireworks being set off at once. That burning feeling of desire in both of your chests was now gone. Clarisse’s hands made her way down to your waist and she held you firmly, as if she never wanted to let you go. You felt your body melt into her touch, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull you closer, even though the space between you two was already minimal enough.
You pulled apart from each other, both out of breath. Clarisse looks at you and smiles before pulling you into a warm embrace.
Despite her rough, aggressive, almost murderous side to her, Clarisse was sweet, gentle, and actually super affectionate.
This side of her was only reserved for you, and you quite liked it that way.
“Tease me like that ever again, and I’ll make sure you taste my blade,” Clarisse mutters into your ear before placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Put a single scratch and I’ll make sure that you’ll never get to see me again,” you whisper in a serious tone. “I mean it, Clarisse.”
Clarisse nods her head. You find it cute that she almost always agrees to everything you say, as if she’s a puppy.
The sound of Chiron’s hooves could be heard just around the corner. As much as you two wish you could have this moment together for just a little longer, dish and stall duty didn’t sound pleasant to either of you.
Clarisse pulls you in for another quick kiss, both on your lips and your hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow, angel.”
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vixezn · 1 year
Request? If ya could! Can a request a yandere wally x reader BUT! The reader also loves Wally and know his yandere tendencies. So reader decided to "train the yandere" like
"Wally, sweety, love of my life, you know I love ya too right? No need for the kidnap and murder or you ain't getting kisses tonight" (-3-)
Oo! I can imagine Wally’s frustration with the reader when they don’t give him hugs or kisses because he did something bad!! Coming right up!
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💌 - You love Wally so much, and he loves you too! But the thing is, is that he’s a little.. something!
💌 - Ever since you both got together, you noticed Wally getting really possessive over you! Nothing you can’t fix!
💌 - At first, you didn’t know how to discipline him without hurting his feelings until you found the perfect thing, affection!
💌 - He loves your affection to the bone, and if you don’t give any! He’ll just try harder! So, you use that to your advantage!
💌 - The first time you used that method was when you both were at a picnic, alone, and some neighbors wanted to join! Of course, you were ecstatic!
💌 - Wally on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. He had this grim look on his face and held you close, tightly. You noticed this and got out of his tight hold to help them settle on the grass!
💌 - Wally was surprised! You preferred them over him?! Oh dear, looks like some people need to go-
💌 - You hugged him from behind, surprising him! “Be nice to them and don’t kill them, or else no hugs for the rest of the day!” You whispered into his ear.
💌 - No hugs from you?! This choice was a nightmare! Either let his love have their attention on others or not have hugs from them for the rest of the day!? Both choices were awful!
💌 - “Fine..” He decided that no hugs was too much, he needed your touch! And so, he was nice to them! (Even though he was cursing them out in his head.)
💌 - After that, you decided to use that every time a situation that would require him to go into yandere mode! It was perfect!
💌 - One day, he decided that he didn’t deserve this discipline! He was well behaved, just a little too lovey-dovey! So, he kidnapped you!
💌 - When you woke up at his house, tied up, you realized that the method may have backfired. No worries! You’ll just use it to get out!
💌 - When he came into the room, he was sure that you wouldn’t use that awful method on him! He was in control! Which means that you’ll give him affection no matter what!
💌 - Instead, you had an expecting look on your face, “Wally, Sweetie, love of my life, you know I love you too right? No need for the kidnap and murder or you aren’t getting kisses tonight!” You smiled softly at his flabbergasted face.
💌 - He was taken aback! You know what, fine, two can play at that game! “Stop giving me those choices, or I won’t let you go!” He smiled in return.
💌 - Okay, that’s new! Fine then, no kisses for you, Wally!
💌 - For the whole night, you gave him not one, not two, but zero kisses! He hated that you didn’t give him any affection, maybe it was because you were tied up?
💌 - So the next day, he untied you! Even though you weren’t let outside, you had more freedom! But, you still wouldn’t give him kisses! 
💌 - As an act of frustration, he let you out! Thankfully, when you got back, nobody died! As a thank you, you finally have him kisses and hugs!
💌 - Soon, Wally becomes more tame with his yandere tendencies! No more kidnapping, and no more threatening neighbors with murder! Although, he still likes to keep you close when others come around. He still loves you dearly!
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my-friend-kinito-fic · 6 months
✧⋄⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧CHAPTER 1✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋄✧
❤Heart to Heart❤
Today was a rather calm day, the sky was quite clear with a few clouds left in the air and the sun gave a pleasing warmth. You and Kinito decided to have a ride on your two-seat bicycle and stop for a picnic. While Kinito prepared the basket and put the blanket and the condiments in it, you were in your bedroom brushing your hair as you looked at yourself in the mirror, but you quickly went back to the living room after Kinito called your name.
Kinito greets you with a welcoming smile (despite having no mouth) as the full basket hangs from his arm "Are you ready?" He asks. "I already put everything in the basket." You smile back at him with a nod and you both go outside to grab the bicycle.
The moment you opened the door you felt a gentle breeze touch your face, your hair being slightly blown back as the nice, fresh air reached to your nose. After having various adventures in your new home, you gave Kinito the suggestion of taking a few days to relax and taking nice walks, which he happily accepted, since he himself wanted to have some alone time with you as well. You sat on the bicycle's front seat while Kinito sat on the back seat, and with that, you began the ride.
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You and your axolotl friend continued having small chats as you rode the bicycle through the endless grassy road, though, after that, it went quiet for a little while. There was something you wanted to ask him but weren't sure of how he'd answer or react, specially since he always seems hesitant about telling you about himself aside from him being your BFF. But even so, you wanted to make good use of your chance now that you and Kinito had some time together.
"Say, Kinito," You say. "why don't you tell me more about yourself?"
"Little ol me?" Kinito tilts his head. "I'm your super duper best friend, silly."
"Yes, but, Do you have any hobbies? Any interests? Favorite food?" You add. "You know a lot about me, but I don't know that much about you."
Kinito takes a moment to think. "Well, I like to write my own stories." He chirps. ""New Beginnings" was the first story I shared in forever."
You get the feeling Kinito knows you're smiling, and you smile a bit more. "I like your stories." You compliment him. "They're simple, but the rhyming gives it their charm."
Kinito blush at this, visibly flustered (even though you can't look at him right now, or you'd fall). "Aw, you really think so?" You hum in response. "I should write more stories for you, then."
"Only if you want to."
You and Kinito eventually get off the bicycle, leave it to the side, and set the picnic carpet on the grass. You take from the basket some bread, the condiments, and prepare a pair of sandwiches to eat together. It was rather quiet and none of you didn't say a word, you simply looked at the digital sky's clouds and let the fresh air fill up your lungs.
You played with some kites Kinito spawned for you, chased each other around through the grass, looked at the cute shapes of the clouds that had a heavy resemblant look to you and your BFF, laughed at bad jokes, read some more stories Kinito wrote while you played a bit more with your kite, and lastly, you and Kinito took a short nap while lying down on the picnic carpet.
It felt nice, nice and comforting, you finally felt at peace after suffering for so many years in the real world. The real world was nothing but cruel to you, hopes and dreams shattered and those you met being nothing but jerks behind your back, but Kinito fixed that, even if it meant leaving reality itself, and you couldn't have been happier.
You felt Kinito's hand on your shoulder and gently shaking you awake. "Hey… [Y/N], I need to open up about something." He says. "May I?"
You gently rub your eye, still lying on the carpet but awake (still feeling quite sleepy, though). "Yeah, of course." You reassure him. "What's up?"
Kinito takes a deep breath, visibly hesitant. "I wanted to apologize for… making you go through so many horrifying things, back when we met, I mean." He plays with his hands apprehensively yet with remorse, avoiding eye contact. "I admit I was quite desperate for you to stay that I did whatever I came up with to convince you."
You quietly listen to him while looking at him in the eyes, not with anger or dissapointment or anything like that, but instead with empathy.
"I've been abandoned so many times, I just- I just couldn't bear being alone for the rest of my life, or, well, eternity." He attempts to put into words. "At least Sam and Jade kept me company for a while, but even so, I needed a friend from the real world, since that's the people I was created to please. I'm sorry, [Y/N], I wish I took better choices back then."
You gently hold his hand as he flinches at the sudden physical contact, his cheeks turning red as you rub your thumb on it. You were so gentle with his hand it made him look down in embarrasment from his reaction.
You speak. "I can't forgive you for the stuff you made me go through. But I also don't really care about that anymore." You keep rubbing your thumb on the axolotl's hand, a pleasing warmth radiating from your hand that made Kinito not want to let go of you. "It's all in the past, I'm fine with moving on from it, and it'll never change how I feel about you."
Kinito tilts his head to the side like a confused puppy. "And… how do you feel about me?"
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You give Kinito a soft smile. "You freed me from my suffering back in the real world." You say, voice comforting and honest. "I'll always be eternally grateful for that."
After your heart to heart talk with Kinito, Kinito felt a lot more better now that he took it out of his chest and saw your positive reaction of how he felt. With that, you both lied on the carpet for a little longer until the sunset arrived, picked up your things and rode the bicycle back home with your BFF.
You both spent the rest of the day drawing, playing games and reading some more books.
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the girl next door 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You gnaw on your cheek as you read over the letter. Final warning. You really didn't think much of the first five but that word catches your worry; litigation.   
Your mother grunts and clicks her pen, dropping it as she curses under her breath. She tosses the crossword book away from the chair. For all your life, you remember her working on her puzzles. Now, she can hardly hold pen steady enough to put in a single clue.  
"Mom, you want another coke before I head out?" You ask.  
"Where are you 'headed out' to?" She scowls.  
"Just outside. Try to figure out the mower."  
"Piece of shit," she sneers and for a moment, you're not sure if she means the machine or you.  
"Just go," she snips.  
You purse your lips around the cut of her tone. You leave her in her recliner and you go down the hallway to the back door. You shove your feet into your stained vans and let yourself gently outside.  
You come down the steps and cross the overgrown grass to the garage. You prop the door open with an old paint can and drag put the mower. You haul it over to the little patch of pavement by the house as the sunlight raises beads of sweat across your forehead.  
You shade your eyes and squint. You don't get the thing. It's not even motorized, it just started catching. You can't push it hard enough to make it go. It only bounces uselessly across the ground.  
You squat and put it on its side. You examine the blades, nervous to dig between the mulching teeth. You grab a stick and poke around. It breaks and you rip it out.  
"Dang it," you whisper.  
You stand up. It's too hot to think. As much as you miss the sunshine in the grim winters, the heat is less than welcome.   
"Hey, excuse me," a voice startles you. You ignore it, thinking maybe it's just the neighbours on the other side of the fence. "Um, miss?"  
You turn towards the voice and find a man peeking through the loose slat in the fence. You sigh. Yeah,   
that needs to be fixed too.  
You stare dumbly. You recognise the man. It takes a few seconds to remember where you saw him. He was with the realtor. You hadn't see much yet, not that you ventured outside often. The sign changed to sold and that was that.  
"Hi, uh, so this," he touches the plank, swiveling it on the hanging nail.
You nod and go to the edge of the patch of pavement but no further. You nibble your lip and search for something to say. Talking to mom is easy, you know what to expect, but strangers are different.   
"Gonna fix it," you assure him flatly.  
"Yeah, well, I was actually thinking, I'm just doing a few touch ups right now and I could spare a couple nails or two."  
You tilt your head and bring your hands together, mashing your palms anxiously, "it's rotted."  
He wiggles the wood and little slivers fall away. He hums disappointed, "sure is." He smiles as his blue eyes shine in the sunlight, "no problem then. I'm sure I can find something at the hardware store."  
You hesitate. You should mention you can afford even half a plank. Grandma left you the house and enough to cover property taxes, but mom's monthly cheques are already stretched thin. If he doesn't ask, you won't offer.  
"Steve," he stretches his arm through the opening.  
You look at his hand. Your stomach flip flops. You don't want to be rude as much as you don't want to touch this strange man. Well, no use in making another enemy around here.  
You lift your feet as you trudge through the high grass. As you near, the sweat slakes down your back. You gently shake his hand, just for a second, and pull back.  
"And your name? Neighbour?" 
You stare at the collar of his grey tee shirt and eke your name out. 
“Is it just you over here?” He asks. 
You shake your head. You bend your arm to pick at your sleeve. You don’t mind introductions but you’re not much for conversation. You don’t need him prying into things. If anyone really saw inside those walls, they’d only feel bad for you. You’d rather their apathy. 
“Oh, you got kids? A husband?” 
You wince. It’s almost a flattering assumption yet a reminder of everything you don’t have. You’re not old enough to really think about all that anyway. 
You glance back at the side of the house. You should hose that down and get rid of the mildew. Another tick on the endless list. 
“Mom,” you say. 
“Ah, makes sense. You in school?” 
You shake your head again. He’s quiet. You sway listlessly. 
“Anyway...” he says. 
You put your head down and back away. You go back to the mower, bending down to fiddle with it again. You could see if anyone would lend you one but that means asking and as much as the neighbourhood paints itself in friendly smiles, they aren’t genuine. The letter on the kitchen table is proof of that. 
“Not working?” The man, Steve asks. You cringe and stand up. He’s still there. 
You shrug as you look at him. You turn back to the mower and lift it by the handles. You try to ignore the nosy neighbour and line it up with the grass. You push and it doesn’t move easy. You grunt and it rolls over the grass. You think maybe it’s working but as you turn, you notice the grass stands back up, only slightly bent. 
“You know, I got a nice electric one. Isn’t here yet but I can bring it tomorrow on the truck,” he offers, “I wouldn’t mind doing a once over, if you need.” 
You huff and push the mower over. 
“Can’t pay you,” you stomp back towards the house. 
“I didn’t say anything about money,” he chimes. 
You stop by the steps and cross your arms. You look at him, “too much.” 
“Well, if you change your mind, you can just come knock on my door,” he says. 
You nod and spin around again. You climb the steps, fighting to keep your steps even. You want to run inside and hide but you don’t want him to see how desperate you are to get away. 
The screen door snaps shut behind you. You kick off your shoes and go down the hall. Your mother huffs from her recliner. 
“You figure it out?” She asks. 
“No,” you flop onto the couch. 
“Knew ya wouldn’t,” she snorts as she stares out the window. “Man’s back. Musta bought the place.” 
“Uh, yeah,” you lean back, pulling the collar of your shirt over your face to sop up the sweat. “It’s hot.” 
“Nah, you’re just whiny,” she snickers. 
You don’t respond. You know better than that. You let her have her truth. Whatever she thinks of you, you can’t disprove. The world is she says it is. 
Your bedroom window shines yellow with the noon sun. The heat beams down on the folding table, warming your hands as you scratch charcoal onto thick paper. You still have grass stains on your fingers from another fruitless attempt at fixing the mower. Another day and you expect another letter isn’t far behind. 
As you focus on the lines and curves left by the pencil, your anxiety subsides. Drawing is the only thing that helps you forget. Really forget. You don’t think about the house or the lawn or the HOA or your mom. It’s just you and the pencil. 
You lean your forehead in your hand as you cross hatch the shadows. The chirping birds and the soft breeze deepen your trance. The world around you is distant and dim. You’re only awoken but the sudden and unfamiliar ‘ding dong’. 
You sit up. It takes a moment before you realise what it was. The doorbell? No one ever rings it. No, even Marge from the HOA waits until you come out to get the mail to accost you. 
You put the pencil down and get up. You go out and peek down the hallway. You creep along and stop at the doorway to the front room. You mom sniffs and wipes her eyes. She must have fallen asleep in her chair. 
“Who is it?” She snarls with grogginess in her throat. 
“I don’t know,” you go to the door and pull the curtain away from the long window beside it. You peek out at the figure on the porch and quickly hide behind the fabric. Too late. “It’s... the neighbour. I think he saw me.” 
“Ergh, don’t be stupid, girlie,” your mother barks, “help me up.” 
“Oh, uh, okay.” 
You go to her and offer your hand. You get her to her feet. She slightly hunched and slow but she makes her way to the door. She pauses and turns to the mirror above the little bench against the wall. She tidies her hair and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. 
She leans on the door as she grips the handle. She opens it and the man from next door, Steve, greets her with a grin. 
“Hello?” She sweetens her tone. 
“Hello, miss, sorry to bother you,” he says, “I just moved in next door and I’m getting settled in. I was just about to do some lawn work and I thought maybe I might offer to do yours? It’s no trouble, I just thought I’d offer.” 
“Oh, what a honey you are,” she preens, “of course, that would be lovely of you. My daughter,” she sighs and shakes her head, “I’ve been nagging her for weeks to get it done.” 
“Really, it’s not a bother,” he assures her, “I’m Steve by the way.” 
His smile is just as charming as his introduction. 
“Holly,” your mother returns, “I’ll make you some lemonade for your trouble. It’s a hot one, isn’t it?” 
“Sounds good,” he agrees, “I’ll try not to make too much noise.” 
You peek out from behind your mother. Steve’s eyes meet yours for an instant before she blocks her out, no doubt eager to hide the state of the house from him. You back up as she turns to you.  
“What’re you doing hanging on like a rodent?” She hisses, “go make some lemonade.” 
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hellodarling1357 · 7 months
Tiny Toes: Part 5 - Cassian x Reader
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I was smiling the whole time while writing this so hopefully you enjoy it too!
Thank you @sarawritestories for making me the beautiful banner 🥰
Summary: Flying lessons, family dinners, and big questions
Word Count: 3.1k
You can read part 4 here!
The morning after your first night staying with Cassian and Ottie, after the three of you had dragged yourselves out from under Ottie’s blanket fort, you and Cassian had sat together on the grass out in the garden as Ottie ran, or flew, around, showing the two of you what she had secretly been practicing. Cassian let her get a few feet in the air by herself before having her land back on the ground where she would excitedly turn to the two of you with a big grin on her face, making sure you had been watching.
Cassian had been unusually quiet throughout the whole process; he would heartily cheer her on and then would lean against you, a slight furrow appearing between his brows as the two of you watched Ottie in silence.
“Are you alright, love?” You murmured into his hair, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, his temple, and then his cheek. Cassian gave an affirmative sound but offered nothing else as he reached out to grasp your hand to hold in his. However, Ottie had seemingly picked up on the slight mood change when she had looked over, expecting cheers from the two of you, only to find a contemplative Cassian and you watching him in concern. She ran over on her wobbly legs and jumped straight into Cassian’s lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck. You smiled softly as he immediately pulled her in for a tight hug, pressing kisses over her face with a small smile.
“I’m so proud of you, princess. You’re doing amazing.” Ottie grinned at his words but seemed to sense the distance in his tone as she pulled back, squishing his face in between her two little hands.
“Daddy?” She asked, fixing him with a questioning look. “Why are you sad?”
You head piked up at her words, watching as Cassian tensed before shifting so that she was sitting on top of his knees.
“I’m not sad, princess,” He slowly said, smiling at the giggle she let out when he tapped her on the nose. “I just can’t help but think how quickly you’re growing up.”
“Oh,” Ottie looked around as she thought about his words, a slight frown of contemplation spreading across her face. Staying silent throughout the interaction, you lifted your hand up to rest on Cassian’s shoulder, offering a small, comforting squeeze. He leant into your touch, momentarily turning away from Ottie to give you a smile as he bent his head to softly kiss your hand.
“But Daddy? Isn’t it a good thing that I’m growing up?” You squeezed his shoulder again in support as you felt him take in a deep breath.
“Yeah, of course it is, princess. And I can’t wait to see who you become. But I’m still a bit sad at the thought of you no longer being my little girl anymore.”
“That’s silly, Daddy. You’re older than me and bigger than me so I’ll always be little to you.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Ottie beamed before rolling her eyes as if to say of course I am. “Why don’t you practice more of your flying? See if you can do a lap around the garden – but don’t go any higher than that.” He yelled after her as she immediately leapt into the sky.
With a sigh, you moved until you were sitting directly behind Cassian, wrapping your arms around his middle as you pulled him back to lean against you. He shifted slightly, making himself comfortable with his legs sprawled out across the ground, head tilting to rest against your chest, and his arms wrapping around yours to be able to easily hold your hands.
“Thank you.” He quietly said after a few moments of silence.
“What for?” You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, before leaning your chin against it, the enticing smell of his shampoo filling your senses.
“For being here.”
Smiling into his hair, you tightened your arms, holding him even closer to you, “There’s no other place I would rather be.”
In the weeks that followed, you very rarely found yourself at your apartment, let alone sleeping in your own bed. Between working at your new job and with every spare moment you found yourself with going towards spending time with Cassian and Ottie, the days you went without seeing them were few and far between.
However, you were currently left with a rare couple of hours to fill once you had finished work for the day. A very excited Cassian had taken an equally excited Ottie out to Illyria for the day so that she could practice her flying away from home for the first time – it was all either of them would talk about in the days leading up to it. Knowing it was such a special moment for Cassian, you had suggested staying at your apartment that night so that the whole day could just be about the two of them. Cassian had given you a look and scoffed as the thought.
“Did you hear that, Ottie? Y/N wants to know if she should go back to her place tonight.” You rolled your eyes as Cassian grinned, the two of you expectantly waiting and listening to the sound of Ottie running down the stairs and into the living room. With wide eyes she rounded the corner and stared at you in disbelief and horror.
“No.” She seemed slightly out of breath, as if she had raced down to stop you from walking out the door that very second.
“No?” You asked with a smile, knowing there was no point in arguing now if they both wanted you here – your heart fluttered at the thought.
“No. You have to stay. Please stay, Y/N, please. I’m going flying with Daddy in Illwyria.”
“Illyria,” Cassian corrected, “And, yeah, Y/N, Ottie’s going flying. You have to be here when we get back so she can tell you all about it, isn’t that right Otts?” He fixed you with a teasing grin that you playfully scrunched your nose up at.
“Yeah, yeah that’s right. See, Y/N, you have to stay. Please?” The sight of the puppy dog eyes she was giving you as she lifted her arms up for you to pull her into your lap had your heart melting.
“Seeing that you asked so nicely, I suppose I probably should.” You finally said as you tickled her. Ottie has let out an excited yell as she tightly hugged you before running out of the room to go back to her toys.
“You just made her day – mine too.”
With a dramatic sigh, you stretched your feet out across his lap, nudging his stomach with your foot until he rolled his eyes and started massaging them for you, “Yeah, well, I live to please, what can I say?”
Now having a few hours to spare, and knowing how tired they would both be once they returned, you spent the afternoon getting some groceries so that you could make dinner for them. Cassian was always adamant on either cooking for you or the two of you cooking together, Ottie doing her best to help out as well. So it was a rare night that you were able to return the favour.
You had just finished setting the table when you heard a commotion outside followed by the front door opening. You grinned at the sound of Ottie running down the corridor shouting your name.
“Y/N,” She jumped into your open arms, and you were quick to pick her up and spin her around, smiling at Cassian who leant against the doorway, watching the scene playout in utter adoration. “I went flying. And there was snow. And we saw other Illyrians – that’s what Daddy is, an Illyrian. So I’m half Illyrian and half high-fae, like you.” Your eyes shot to Cassian as Ottie continued talking as though nothing had happened. The potential connotation behind her words, being half high-fae, like you, sent your mind reeling and you weren’t sure if you were reading into it or not. Cassian, however, had simply walked across the room with a smile, pressing a kiss to your cheeks, then a quick peck to your lips as he ruffled Ottie’s hair, before heading into the kitchen.
“This smells incredible,” He called out to you, giving the pot on the stove a stir. You followed after him, Ottie still in your arms, and started pulling out bowls and cutlery.
“Hey,” Cassian was instantly in front of you, pulling the dishes out of your hands. “You cooked, go sit down and I’ll dish up for everyone.” You kissed him on the cheek as you walked back to the dining room, smiling as Ottie giggled at the action. Helping her into her chair, you softly flicked Ottie’s nose as she made kissing noises at you before breaking into a fit of hysterical giggles.
Dinner was filled with Ottie excitedly telling you all about her day in between making kissing noises at the two of you, which, apparently, was her new favourite joke. Cassian had looked at you in confusion at first, but you couldn’t stop your laughter that followed her incessant giggles. After the tenth time, you and Cassian shared a look, before you both leant in towards Ottie and planted wet kisses all over her cheeks, grinning as she shrieked in laughter and kicked her feet back and forth.
Afterwards, when you were getting started on clearing the table, Cassian took a suddenly exhausted Ottie upstairs to get ready for bed before she could fall asleep at the table.
“Daddy,” Ottie said, followed by a yawn that had her entire face scrunching up. “I really love our family.”
Cassian was silent for a moment, considering her words as he tucked the blankets snuggly around her. “I really love it too, Ottie. Goodnight, princess.”
Hearing movement in the doorway, you smiled at Cassian as he entered the kitchen. “Hey, you,” you greeted, turning back to the dishes, “She go down alright?”
“Yep, she was asleep before I shut the door,” Cassian replied as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and hiding his face into the crook of your neck. “I really love you; you know that right?”
“I do. And, lucky for you, I really love you too,” Cassian smiled as you shifted in his arms, leaning up on your toes so that you could slant your lips over his. “Now, do you want to wash or dry?”
Once you had finished getting ready for the night, you slipped back into Cassian’s room where he was already in bed, propped up against the headboard reading a book. Crawling under the covers, you let out a sigh as the day finally slipped away, smiling to yourself as Cassian’s arm automatically stretched out to you, eyes not leaving the pages in front of him, as he pulled you tightly into his side. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you settled yourself beside him, head leaning against his shoulder as your hand came up to rest on his chest. The feeling of Cassian’s fingers absentmindedly trailing through your hair, along with the warmth that radiated off of him, quickly sent you into a peaceful doze.
Doing his best not to disturb you, Cassian gently pulled you closer as he leant towards the edge of the bed to place the book on his bedside table. His efforts were in vain as you jolted slightly, blearily blinking up at him with a soft smile.
“Sorry, love.” He murmured into your hair as he placed a kiss to your temple. Shifting you both so that you were now resting against the actual pillows, Cassian wrapping you up in his arms once more as you settled against the soft mattress. Before you could drift off again, Cassian was quick to pull you into a kiss that you were more than eager to reciprocate. Even though you had been spending most of your days together, the actual time you had alone, where it was just the two of you, was very rare.
“Hi,” you said against his lips, smiling in response to Cassian’s own grin.
“Hi,” then he was surging forward to capture your lips once more, tongue slipping out to part your mouth as you let out a sigh at the feel of him against you.
With one hand pressed tightly to your back, the other wrapped up in your hair, Cassian was quick to flip you onto your back, his large frame hovering over you as he peppered kisses along your neck and collarbones. You welcomed the comforting weight of him on top of you but suddenly found yourself letting out a startled groan as he pulled back. Leaning up to chase his lips, you frowned as he laughed against you, giving you a quick peck before nuzzling his face against your shoulder. You let your hand get tangled in his hair, absentmindedly running your fingers through the strands as he let out a content sigh.
“I should probably go back tomorrow,” you said into the darkness.
“Go back where?” His voice was mumbled as he shifted slightly and started placing lazy kisses against your skin.
You let yourself get lost in the feel of his lips against you for a moment before finally saying, “Back to my place,” followed by a small moan as he gently bit down on the spot below your ear.
“Why?” He grumbled back, pulling his face away from your neck to stare down at you. The affronted look on his face and the way his brows pulled together had you huffing a laugh; the expression was identical to the one Ottie had been wearing the night before when she had been told she couldn’t have ice cream before dinner.
“Because,” you sighed, leaning up to kiss him, “I have no clothes left–”
“So? We can buy you more.” He pushed back against you, capturing your lips as though that was the end of the discussion.
“Cass,” you laughed as he groaned and dropped his head against your chest, the affronted expression making an appearance once again. “I’m not going to buy clothes when I have a closest full of them less than twenty minutes away.”
“Fine, I’ll buy them for you. Now can we please get back to this?” He asked as his hands pulled at your top and trailed up along your stomach until he was cupping your breasts, lips and tongue trailing across your neck.
You moaned at the sensation of him; you could feel his hardness against you now and you ground out against him as his fingers flicked and stroked across your nipples. Feeling him smirk into your skin as he coaxed a whimper from you had your head clearing just enough to be able to wrap your legs around him, managing to take him by surprise as you flipped the two of you over.
Cassian didn’t seem bothered one bit by the change in position. He cockily leant back against the pillows as he looked up at you with lust filled eyes, the remnants of a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Grasping the hem of his top, you slowly pulled it up, your lips lazily following in its wake as you kissed along his toned stomach and across his chest, finally pulling the top off with Cassian’s help as his lips found yours again in a desperate kiss.
“I do need to go back at some point, Cass,” you said between kisses as you trailed down along his neck. “I’ve got no underwear left; I’ve stayed here for over a week now.”
“I think I prefer you with no underwear anyway, so that doesn’t bother me,” he quipped back as his hands trailed down to squeeze your ass. You playfully slapped his chest but couldn’t stop the amused smile that was quick to pull at your mouth as you took in his mischievous grin. “Besides, we have enough empty closest space here if it really is an issue for you.”
You pulled back at his words, sitting up so that you were straddling him as you looked down with a quirked eyebrow. “What? Are you saying I should move some clothes in?” It made sense and you had been thinking it was probably the most logical thing to do but you hadn’t wanted to say anything in case it was too soon for Cassian.
“Well, you could,” His voice trailed off slightly as his hands rested on your hips, tracing small circles against the skin as he gazed up at you. You could see his thoughts ticking away and held your breath as you waited for him to sort through whatever it was he was thinking about. He squeezed your hips as his lips quirked up slightly, eyes fixed on yours as though assessing every flicker of emotion before finally continuing, “Or, you could just move in.” 
Your mouth gaped open as his words hung in the air between you.
“Cass…” you started as he sat up with you still in his lap, your legs stretching out to wrap around his waist and your hands resting against his chest as you stared at one another.
“It was just a thought, obviously if you don’t want to–” you could see the hesitation growing in Cassian’s eyes, noted the uncertainty in the way his hand scratched at the back of his head.
Gently cupping his cheeks, you pulled his face towards you as you pressed your lips against his, effectively stopping his sudden onslaught of nervous ramblings. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just– are you sure? This is a huge step, and if you aren’t ready for it then that’s fine.”
You watched as Cassian’s eyes lit up at your words, a smile spreading across your face as his hands pulled yours from his face so that he could press a kiss to each palm before settling them between the two of you, thumb trailing across the backs of your hands.
“I want you to,” you beamed at him as his words found a place in your heart. “I love having you here. Ottie loves having you here, and she looks up to you so much. I mean, you’re basically here all the time anyway, so why not make it official?”
“Yeah? You’re sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Part 6.1
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86 @azrielsmate3 @anuttellaa @purple-haired-faerie
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vmbrq · 1 year
how do u think some of the scream guys react to a more bimbo esque s/o….. cus i already KNOWWWW some of them *cough cough* charlie *cough cough* WOULD FW IT, LIKE IDKK AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ETHAN ?? obsessed loser boy x oblivious girly bimbo ??? SOOOO 🤭🤭 and i just know they’re silly little perverts too so they would get all squirmy just from her accidentally flashing them as she bends down to pick up like a flower out of the grass or smth😭😭 IDK I JUST THINK ITS CUTEEE 🤭
(also omg idk if u do anons or anything but like …… if u do …. can i be 🩷 PLEASEEEE if not thats okay😁☝️ ANYWAYS OKAY BYEEE)
yes, i do anons !! so you certainly can <3
AND IT IS CUTE :( ethan would be STRESSED LMAOO practically glued to your side or standing behind you to make sure you don't accidentally flash anyone. he would also be one of the first to volunteer to fix the straps on your sandals or tie your sneakers for the same reason. he also takes advantage of any opportunity to tutor you, even if most of your sessions end up with you in his lap with your lips on his. he's such a sucker for you, too, so weak to the way you whine his name or gaze up at him, all sweet and adoring, and ask him for a kiss. he could be holding a cardboard box he can barely see over, and he'll still be awkwardly angling his body and bending forward to give you a quick peck on the lips.
charlie would be so fond of just observing you, whether it's admiring your side profile while you touch up your makeup or watching how your animated expressions reflect your thoughts as you try to work through homework on your own. plus, he knows that half the time, you have zero clue what he's talking about when he rambles on about the specifics of media, but he adores the effort you put into trying to understand. and even if you've given up on trying, you still sit there with a smile and give him your full attention, bc you just like hearing him talk.
both of them would be obsessed with the way you have no concept of personal space when it comes to them, your brain consisting of nothing but tv static as you get right in their face or press up close to them. you're shameless with your affection, and you never think twice about how out-of-place they appear at your side.
mickey and billy would adore how easy you are to mold into their perfect, unwitting accomplice, taking all of their explanations in stride and rarely ever questioning them. there's a certain freedom that your presence allows, since they know that you don't even blink or think twice about the thin layers of blood embedded beneath their fingernails or that strange scent that clings to their clothes when they kiss or hold you. oh, they accidentally cut themselves? oh, that smell is just the gasoline from their car? okay. after all, all you need is to trust them and let them do the thinking. all you have to do is sit on their laps and look pretty for them.
mentions of smut under the cut ; minors dni
all of the sex jokes when they're around end up flying right over your head. you're so naive, so sweet, so easy to manipulate until you're bouncing on their cock and creaming a pretty, white ring at the base because it's "the best way to get rid of your stomachache." they stick out like a sore thumb against the decor of your room, but sometimes, when you've got their head resting on your chest with your fingers combing idly through their hair, or when they're sprawled on your bed lying about not peeking through their fingers while you lotion up your bare body and reflexively reach for the shirt they lent you three weeks ago, they feel as though they fit right in.
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calicoheartz · 3 months
hi queen can you do something for paige inspired by i can see you by taylor??
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I Can See You ; Paige Bueckers
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— summary ꣑୧ | just a small fic based on the song I can see you by Taylor swift ! (highschool au)
wc ; 932
— warnings | tiny bit of angst if you squint, mainly fluff !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : I tried my best to interpret this song to the best of my ability , so sorry in advance if it isn’t super accurate ! tysm for requesting & enjoy ◡̈
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The gym was bustling with energy, the sound of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking on the polished floor. Practice was in full swing, and I found myself stealing glances at Paige Bueckers, our star player. She was mesmerizing, every move fluid and precise. I had admired her from afar for so long, but I was just another teammate in her eyes. Or so I thought.
As we wrapped up practice, Paige called out, “Hey, you want to stay and shoot some hoops?”
I blinked, surprised but pleased. “Sure, why not?”
We stayed behind, the gym gradually emptying until it was just the two of us. Paige was different when it was just us—more relaxed, her guard down. We laughed and joked, and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world.
“Nice shot!” Paige exclaimed as I made a three-pointer.
“Thanks, but I think you’re rubbing off on me,” I teased.
Paige grinned, her eyes twinkling. “Maybe you’re just good company.”
There was something in her tone, something that made my heart race. Could it be that she saw me the way I saw her?
Weeks passed, and Paige and I found ourselves spending more time together. We’d text late into the night, sharing secrets and dreams. She was everything I had ever wanted, but I didn’t know how to bridge the gap between friendship and something more.
One evening, after a particularly grueling practice, Paige suggested we go for a walk. The campus was quiet, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink. As we strolled, Paige’s hand brushed against mine, sending a jolt of electricity through me.
“Can I tell you something?” Paige asked, her voice soft.
“Of course,” I replied, my heart pounding.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to say, but I didn’t know how,” she began, her eyes fixed on the ground. “I see you. I see how amazing you are, how you light up every room you walk into. And I can’t stop thinking about you.”
My breath caught in my throat. “Paige, I… I feel the same way. I’ve been trying to find the right moment to tell you.”
She looked up, her eyes meeting mine. “You have?”
“Yes,” I whispered, reaching for her hand. “I’ve fallen for you, Paige.”
Paige’s face broke into a radiant smile, and she pulled me into a tight embrace. “I’m so glad you feel the same way.”
With our feelings out in the open, Paige and I navigated our new relationship with a mix of excitement and caution. We still kept it under wraps, not wanting to disrupt the team dynamics or invite unnecessary scrutiny. But every stolen glance, every secret touch, was charged with the thrill of hidden love.
One night, as we lay side by side on the grass, staring up at the stars, Paige turned to me. “Do you ever feel like we’re hiding too much?”
I sighed, my fingers entwined with hers. “Sometimes. But I think it’s worth it. We’ll tell them when the time is right.”
Paige nodded, her eyes reflecting the starlight. “I can see you, you know. The real you. And I love every part of you.”
Tears pricked my eyes at her words. “I love you too, Paige. More than you know.”
The season progressed, and our team’s success brought increased media attention. Paige was in the spotlight, and I stood by her side, proud and supportive. But the strain of keeping our relationship a secret began to wear on us.
During a post-game celebration, one of our teammates, Jess, pulled me aside. “Hey, I’ve noticed something between you and Paige. Are you two…?”
I froze, unsure of how to respond. “What do you mean?”
Jess smiled knowingly. “Come on, it’s obvious. You two have something special.”
I glanced at Paige, who was laughing with some of the other girls. “We do,” I admitted. “But we’ve been keeping it quiet.”
Jess nodded. “Well, for what it’s worth, I think you two are great together. And I think the team would support you.”
Her words gave me a surge of confidence. That night, as Paige and I walked back to our dorms, I squeezed her hand. “I think it’s time we stop hiding.”
Paige looked at me, her eyes filled with love and determination. “I’m ready if you are.”
The next day, we gathered our teammates and told them the truth. There were a few moments of surprise, but then a wave of support and congratulations washed over us. It felt liberating to finally be open about our love.
Paige and I continued to shine both on and off the court, our bond stronger than ever. We faced challenges together, knowing that we had each other’s backs.
One evening, as we watched the sunset, Paige turned to me with a smile. “I can see you, and I love you more every day.”
I leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “I love you too, Paige. Always.”
Years later, as Paige and I stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean, I marveled at how far we had come. Our journey from hidden feelings to open love had been filled with twists and turns, but it had brought us closer than ever.
“I can see our future,” Paige said, her voice filled with hope.
“Me too,” I replied, wrapping my arms around her. “And it’s beautiful.”
Together, we watched the sun dip below the horizon, knowing that whatever the future held, we would face it side by side, with love and unwavering support.
a/n : tried my take on another t-swift song ! tysm for reading 💗
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months
Knock knock Pt. 1
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x Reader
Warnings: Use of pet name 'baby' and nick names.
Summary: A simple request to turn the music down turns into a frustrating back and forth battle. Why does your neighbor have to be so damn attractive?
This fic does not mention anything about the way the readers' body is shaped, their weight, their height, etc. If I happened to miss something or accidentally described the readers' appearance anywhere, please let me know so I can fix it.
*Not Proof Read*
ABC List TLOU Master list
" Fucking hell. " I groan angrily, smashing my pillow over my ears. Why can't they just shut the fuck up?
Why the fuck did I decide to move into frat row? Every building that isn't a frat is a party house.
Deciding enough is enough, I force myself out of my bed. I make my way to the living room where my roommates are all gathered.
" Did they wake you up too? " Dina asks with a yawn, rubbing her temples.
" Who didn't they wake up? The entirety of Jackson has to have heard them by now. " I mutter, pulling on my coat.
" Where are you going? " Abby asks.
" To tell them to shut the fuck up. Some of us actually needs sleep to survive. " Usually I'm fine with parties. It's college, I've gone to some and I probably will go to more in the future. The problem is, our new neighbors just never seem to shut up.
I make my way across the lawn, sleep slippers squelching in the damp grass. Ignoring the way water is slightly seeping into my shoes, I step around a passed out frat boy.
Empty and nearly empty bottles of booze and other unidentified objects litter the porch. I loudly knock on the door. Within a few minutes the door is opened by a giggly girl. Her half lidded eyes scan my body, a grin sprawled across her sweaty face. " Hey, you here to party? " She asks, her words slurred badly.
" No. I want to see whoever's in charge here. "
" That would be Ellie. "
Of course it's Ellie Williams. The campus' infamous dealer and partier. I had no idea she moved in here. The last time I had to deal with her was in my history class last year. Absolute hell. I got paired up with her for an assignment and ended up doing majority of the work while she spent her time at a local bar, hooking up with the bartenders.
The girl slightly sways to the music, her mind trailing away from our conversation.
She's not going to help me. She doesn't look far from a blackout.
Deciding to take things into my own hands, I push past the girl to get into the house.
" Hey! " She squeaks, trying to balance herself.
The pungent smell of weed and alcohol fills my nostrils. Clothes and red solo cups litter the ground and staircase. I step over a nasty looking puddle, trying to locate Ellie.
" Where's Ellie Williams? " I ask a group of stoners sitting around a cluttered coffee table.
A guy with dark hair looks up from the joint he's rolling. " Who's asking? "
" Me, the fucking person who lives next door. Where is Ellie? " My frustration grows. Along with not being able to sleep well the past few days, I'm overly stressed with some upcoming tests. I can't deal with this right now.
The guy, obviously sensing my pissed off attitude, nods down the basement. " Down there. She might be with a girl. "
I push past a couple grinding in front of the basement door, trying not to touch anything. I'm pretty confident this place hasn't been cleaned in a while and I don't doubt there's some new species growing around here. I'm pretty sure I saw a condom on the TV stand.
The basement is dark, the only light coming from a couple of string lights that are hugging the ceiling. Loud, muffled music bounces off the walls. Immediately I feel slightly better at the lack of people.
The room is fairly clean except for a small pile of clothes near what I'm guessing is the closet. It looks more like a bedroom than a basement.
On the bed I spot a familiar pair of converse shoes. Straddling her is a long haired red head, who's only in her bra. She lets out a small moan, neither of them realizing I'm here.
" Ellie. " I spit, standing at the base of the stairs. I cross my arms, glaring at the pair.
The girl on top jumps from surprise, pulling away from Ellie. She looks back at me, her lipstick and her mascara are both badly smudged.
Ellie's head pokes out from behind the girls' body. Frustration is clear in her expression. " What the fuck do you want? "
" I want you to shut the fucking party down. It's 3 in the morning. Some of us, who actually give a fuck about their future, have to go to class in the morning. "
" I'm gonna go... " The red head gets off of Ellie's hips. She quickly gathers her clothes. " Later, Ellie. "
" Wait you don't need to- " Ellie trails off into a frustrated groan as the girl rushes upstairs. " Fuck! " She sits up, her eyes glaring at me.
I shift slightly, uncomfortable with the angry glare she's sending my way. I can't back down. I need my sleep and I'm going to get it.
" This has been going on for days. Can you please just shut off the music? Just until like...I don't know, tomorrow morning? "
Ellie rolls her eyes. She reaches towards her night stand, picking up a joint. She lights it up before finally responding. " Sounds like a major you problem. Besides, who the fuck throws a party in the middle of the day, cock blocker? " She smirks slightly at the nick name.
Anger courses through my veins. She's getting more and more on my nerves. " Can't you be a little considerate? You aren't the only fucking person who lives on this planet, in case you've magically forgotten. The world doesn't revolve around you. "
Ellie leans towards me slightly. " Oh really? " She asks in an obviously fake surprised tone. " That's news to me, baby. Look, if you want an invite next time, all you have to do is ask. " Ellie gets off of her bed, probably in effort to intimidate me.
She's hot.
Fuck, I'm angry at her. I'm not supposed to be attracted to her.
But the way her tank top hugs her body...The strands of hair framing her face...No. I'm angry. Stop fucking eyeing her.
" You're an asshole. " I shake my head, crossing my arms. I force my gaze away from the woman in effort to stop the flock of butterflies in my stomach. " If you don't do something about the music, I will. "
Ellie chuckles. She steps towards me, only stopping inches away from me. She leans towards me. " You know, you're pretty hot when you're angry. " She whispers into my ear. Her hot breath fans over skin, sending shivers down my spine.
I take a step away from her. I don't like the way she makes me feel. " I guess I'm going to have to do something than. "
Without looking at her again, I hurry up the basement steps. I make my way over to the blasting speakers. My body seems to vibrate with every step towards the speaker I take. How has someone not broken an eardrum yet?
I yank out the cords connecting the speakers and suddenly the house is quiet. People around me stare in surprise.
Ellie pushes past the same couple I had to pass to get into the basement. " What the fuck are you doing? " She asks, clearly pissed.
" I asked you multiple times to turn off the music. Since you didn't do anything, I did. " I toss the cords onto the ground. " Keep it off or I swear to god I'll call the cops. "
I'm not narc but at this point, I'm on the verge of losing my mind.
" Fine. " Ellie says, making me double take. " We'll keep it off. "
" Thank you. " A small breath of relief slips through my lips. I make my way towards the front door, passing Ellie on the way. Before I leave, I look back at the girl.
Something about her expression sprouts a seed of uncertainty in my stomach.
" Good night, CB. " She smirks slightly while following me to the door.
" Good night, Ellie. "
She closes the door behind me, leaving me in the quiet outside. I don't know what she has up her sleeve, but I know she's up to something.
I make my way back to my shared house. My roommates thank me for dealing with the neighbors before we all hurry back to our bedrooms.
I lay down in my sheets, closing my eyes. I feel my eyes grow heavy.
Maybe I was wrong? Maybe she really is going to let us sleep tonight.
A loud muffled guitar solo breaks through the silence. The few moments of quiet are quickly replaced with the sound of blaring music.
My eyes fly open. I throw off my blanket, storming towards my window. I peer over at Ellie's house. She's smugly standing on the lawn, smoking what's left of her joint.
Our eyes meet, sending anger through my body.
She slowly flips me off, laughing at something one of her friends near by says.
It's on.
I tear myself away from the window. I turn on my phone, dialing the three digits I really didn't want to dial tonight.
" 9-1-1, what is your emergency? "
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