#t: iron man
jiyascepter · 3 months
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˗ˏˋ➳ tony stark aka iron man | headers
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
in my head bruce is faster than the kids and it pisses them off so much. they're in their prime and this 40 y/o guy who sleeps like two hours a night and puts protein shakes in his coffee and calls that breakfast can outrun them
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #102
When Flash first overhears Peter talking about the "Stark Internship," he rolls his eyes and thinks, "Of course he'd go with that excuse at Midtown School of Science and Technology."
Whatever. Flash knows the truth. He's seen the car that Parker gets picked up in, seen the body guard / chauffeur and the absolutely insane amount of discrete safety tech he always has on. Flash is convinced that the whole orphan thing is just a cover story and Peter secretly has parents at least as rich and influential as Flash's own.
Maybe they're politicians or the mob or something, and that's why all the secrecy. Honestly, Flash is doing him a favor by bullying him all the time for being an unimportant orphan. It's the perfect cover. Maybe he'll even drop the ridiculous Stark Industries lie and come up with a more believable backstory soon.
Then, one day Flash and Peter end up in a kidnapping situation.
The kidnappers take Flash's watch, but they leave some of Peter's tech since it's better hidden. As soon as they're alone, Flash expects Peter to hit that panic button and get them the hell out of there.
Only... he doesn't? Did Peter learn nothing from K&R training? Flash reaches over and hits the secret panic button 3 times immediately, no hesitation. Peter is shocked. Flash is like, "Oh come on, I obviously know your secret."
He's kind of curious and excited now to see who Peter's secret parents are, once the cops get them out of there.
He is not at all prepared when Iron Man bursts through the door.
He's even less prepared when Tony Stark steps out of the suit and totally freaks out at Peter, hugging him and checking for injuries.
... maybe he's finally met Peter's secret parent after all.
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colorisbyshe · 1 month
that post about the internet lingo in books is so funny because when i reblogged it i was thinking about the locked tomb and then someone reblogged it from me saying TLT wasn't that bad and then someone else reblogged it from me saying absolutely TLT is that bad about it
and i gotta be honest, if a book comes to mind AT ALL for including too much internet-isms, even to defend it... that's too much you've fucked up
if i can smell twitter or tumblr or reddit in your book... if can hear the vocal fry of a podcaster... if i feel at all aware of the fact that your screen time on your phone is more than an hour a day through your book... you gotta scrap the entire thing and start over again
the internet existing in a book isn't necessarily the problem but if i feel like your book is sprouting out of a specific internet ecosystem and its drastically affecting the tone/voice of the work...
it's over.
internet voice in a novel is just marvel quips for people who think they've evolved past marvel quips
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malaesthetics · 3 months
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Spider-Man au
Spidey is fighting a villain with another hero (could be the avengers, deadpool, iron man, etc. personally I like deadpool) but they’re fighting a magic user.
Spidey gets hit with a spell that turns him into a spider. Like an actual, tiny spider. Could be as big as a tarantula but could also be pretty small.
Cue the other hero taking said spidey spider and, worried about him getting squashed before the spell can be reversed, takes him home.
Spidey Spider gets a nice lil terrarium. The hero looks up all sorts of spider-care, makes sure he’s doing okay in the terrarium. All while frantically tracking down the magic user to reverse the spell
Eventually they do reverse it and the hero is very glad they’re not squishable anymore but also kinda misses their lil pet spider
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evilhorse · 2 months
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(Fantastic Four #13)
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Barnaby: Did you bring me strawberries?
Barnaby: Did you know there's only one thing on Earth that I'm allergic to?
Kotetsu: Allergic to strawberries. Mmhmm.
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clubmega · 25 days
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freckledmountain · 1 year
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Today marks 4 years since I clicked on an ao3 tag by accident and ended up discovering Irondad and Spideyson fanfics. I didn´t even know Marvel at that point. I think I´d only seen like…30 minutes of Ant Man? After that one fic though, I watched every movie that came out, and my list of favourite Irondad fanworks just kept getting bigger.
This fandom has brought me so much joy. I don´t think I´ve ever hung on to one this much. Nowadays I´ll go for a few months having read no new fics, and then I´ll read an old one I treasure and still laugh like a maniac, or hold back tears even though I know there´s no major character death (screw canon, Tony´s alive and loves his son to bits), or crush my phone to my chest in excitement and smile so so big when Tony and Peter get a happy ending, get to be the family they are. Beloved sarcastic father figure Tony and heart of gold Peter, they´ve become very dear to me, my favourite Marvel characters. I have all authors whose works I´ve enjoyed to thank for that. For filling my head with stories again and again, and making me feel and love the worlds you´ve changed into your own.
iron_spider, @losingmymindtonight , @the-reverse-mermaid , and so many authors who´ve filled my days with joy. Thank you. This little doodle´s for you :)
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agent-tempest · 9 months
Watching Phase 1 marvel movies just make me emotions
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jiyascepter · 3 months
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˗ˏˋ➳ tony stark aka iron man | icons
some iron man 1 icons & headers are coming in the upcoming days (:
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Mystery Science Theater 3000, “Godzilla vs. Megalon”
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dissectiontime · 5 months
Tony Stark basement in Animal Crossing
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closetofcuriosities · 1 month
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Tetsuo: The Iron Man - 1989 - Dir. Shinya Tsukamoto
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Am I a Monster? Disney Frozen & MCU Corssover, CHAPTER ONE
Elsa and Anna Arendelle. Sisters first, best friends forever. Even with Elsa being the one with cryokinesis- the enhanced abilities to control snow, ice and the cold. Struggling to make ends meet with Elsa attending college and Anna finishing up her senior year of high school, they accidently attract the attention of both SHIELD and HYDRA.
I’m back! this is a rewrite of a past project that I had abandoned due to Covid and lack of brain cells. Let’s hope that I don’t lose interest in this little project of mine!
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Elsa shut the door with her foot, carrying two bags of groceries for the week. An exhausted sigh escaped her mouth at the silence that filled with dingy apartment, located in the poorer parts of New York. Despite the fact that the twenty one year old college student was raising her sickly high school student sister on a fixed income, the sad apartment was fixed up to the best of their ability. The thin walls were decorated with blankets to keep the warmth in, the sagging bookshelf was crammed full with textbooks and cheap adventure novels, the outdated kitchen had a fresh tray of double chocolate chip cookies on the counter and a damp towel was neatly folded next to the stove.
All in all, the two sisters did the best that they could with what little they had access to.
“Hey,” Anna, her little sister, greeted with a weak smile over from the couch, where she was working on her chemistry homework. “How were classes?”
“Alright,” smiled the pale blonde with a small smile. “I’m just happy that winter break starts next week. Speaking of which- I went and got you another blankie.” She reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out a fuzzy fleece blanket in hot pink and electric purple.
“Thank you!” Anna happily squealed, snatching the blankie from her sister and promptly wrapping herself in a warm cocoon.
“Well with how easily you get cold, I just figured that I should just wrap you up in blankies and have myself a little Anna burrito,” Elsa teased her said with a laugh. “Especially with Paul being such a grade A sleazebag excuse of a landlord and flat out refusing to fix the heating system.”
“Yeah.” All that could be seen of Anna were her eyes and nose, causing for Elsa to reach across and tap her little sister on the nose.
“Speaking of which, how are you on medication?” Elsa asked as she began to put the groceries away. “Do I need to go out and make a drug store run?”
“I don’t think so- my inhaler is half full,” Anna said, taking her glasses of to scrub at her eyes. “But I think I’m coming down with another ear infection and a head cold.”
Elsa groaned under her breath as she figured the cost of the medicines that Anna would require to get to her bubbly self once more.
“I’m so sorry Elsa,” Anna apologized. “I truly don’t mean to be so sick all the time.” Elsa didn’t have to look to see her sister was trying not to cry.
“I know you don’t,” Elsa took out a saucepan that had seen better days. “Does chicken noodle soup sound good for tonight?” Anna nodded, setting her homework aside as she curled up into a little ball to keep herself warm.
“Oh Elsa, before I forget, you got a letter today,” Anna said in an excited voice. “Had to sign for it and everything. I put it on our bed. it has an official looking seal- who do you think it’s from?”
Elsa smiled her thanks through a mouthful of food before standing to place her now empty bowl into the sink. She entered the only bedroom in the crap excuse of an apartment and immediately saw the letter- an official looking envelope of heavy cream colored parchment.
“Well, well, well… what have we here?” Elsa muttered, eyeballing the otherwise innocuous white envelope- Miss Elsa Arendelle it was addressed to in stern typewriter’s font. 1450 West Snow Hill Drive, #237, New York NY, 00097 was addressed underneath her name, making her anxiety skyrocket for some unknown reason.
Elsa was shaking as she used her gloved thumbnail to peel the flap open and pulled out a single sheet of paper, the same font from the front of the envelope. Elsa took in the bolded header, which had STARK INDUSTRIES stamped in a simplistic stylist font.
Elsa eyeballed the cream colored letter envelope as she set her backpack onto the rickety chair next to the sisters’ shared chest of drawers. She continued to read, her hands trembling as her pale blue eyes took in the words that were scattered across the page. Elsa could literally feel her face losing all color as she closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a deep breath of air.
I should have been more careful, she scolded herself, thinking back to that day when she had interrupted a mugging between a pimply faced teenaged young man and a heavily pregnant woman.
Dear Miss Arendelle, the letter read.
Your unique abilities have recently come to the attention of the Avengers, as well as your current living situation. Mr. Stark would like to propose a simple deal: you come and work for the Avengers Initiative, and in return, you will get put onto the team’s medical insurance, which will cover all of your sister’s medical expenses- visits to her cardiologist, audiologist and her ear nose throat doctors, all her medications including her asthma inhaler and her pacemaker and any furture surgeries that she may require.
I’m also including my phone number in case you have any questions at all.
Anothny Stark
Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
(571) 998-7850
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