#t-pain is a beautiful individual
sun-snatcher · 1 month
Wish. If u give me a Part 2 of your Gambit fic with ❛ we'll just have to make do.  ❜ where they both make it out of the Void together I will kiss u on the mouth rn I PROMISE u. Or a hug. Whichever works. PLS I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM🙏🏼😫
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summ. The TVA extends an olive branch. Wade’s Universe becomes home. Above all, you’re just thankful you’re not alone in this Multiversal mess. pairing. Void!Gambit x f!Anomaly!reader (established in #WELUCKYFEW) w.count. 1.6k a/n. Shirtless Channing + romantic hand tension. That's it. That's the tweet. ( Continuation of this imagine! )
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That’s the first surprise.
The second? 
The Time Variance Authority want to help, now. 
( Granted, it’d mostly been Wade who did the gruntwork of sending Elektra and Blade back to their Universes, but he had hit a wall when it came to you and Gambit considering you two were— according to him: “A coked up version of being homeless. Universe-less.” )
So here you are, a stray of the Multiverse, standing on the platform of a mid-century aestheticised monitor room somewhere outside the constraints of time, trying not to double over from the vertiginous aftermath of being thrown through Wade’s weird orange warbling door of space. 
TemPad, he’d called the device. Or… something. You’re half-sure you have a concussion, to be honest.
Alioth had done a number on you. 
Remy’s concerned.
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Wade says, mask rolled up to his nose. (There’s a spoon and plate of key lime pie in his hands. You’re not even sure where he got it from.) “Where did Gambit come from? How come he just spawned into the MCU’s metaphysical Backrooms?”
“Candidly, he is a unique case.” 
Remy pulls his gaze from you to Hunter B-15.
“You, Mr. LeBeau, are the prime example of a Variant that’s borne from a timeline decaying just as quickly as it was formed. A rare type that fades instantly without unnatural interference, because an Anchor failed to develop.”
One of the CRT screens zip to a retro rubber-hose animated diagram: rapidly branching roots, ominous red flashing, and then an immediate blink into nothing. Talk about dramatic effect.
“Your Universe falls in the rare category of those that never managed to come into fruition; but sometimes— incredibly rarely— remnants just like you manage to slip through, and instead of ceasing to exist… Well, you automatically end up getting spit into the Void.”
A pause.
Then, from behind, Wade bursts into a cackle.
“Ha! Wow, she basically called you a discontinued fucking nobody,” he wheezes. “You’re quite literally the equivalent of a failed movie pitch that’s been forgotten on the floor of Feige’s writers’ room.”
Screens flicker. 
Your breath hitches. 
Versions of different Gambit’s play out in the monitor-wall, all alike and yet different in their individual realities. Some have black eyes. Some have top-hats (“Ah, that’s 2009 Origins,” Wade muses. “Do all Variants of you just have a beautiful face? I mean, it’s kinda unfair—”). 
Some look like identical copies.
It’s… your timeline. 
Your friends in the Mutant war. Your Remy whose cards are scattered on the floor, blood in his hands, with you crumbling as you reach ou—
The Nine of Hearts in your pocket is impossibly heavy. You turn away to steel yourself. 
( “Yeah, okay, enough lore recap. Jesus, you guys are more of a dick than I am; Read the room and turn that shit off,” Wade chides a passing agent. He gets it. He’d lost Vanessa once, too, and he’s not quite sure even he can relive that pain. )
“Mais non, y’not makin’ no sense t’me,” Remy says, confused, “I’ve got memories; means I’ve got history jus’ like my Variants. How y’gon’ explain that?”
“Gaps of memories you have— knowledge of places, people, events— that comes from fixed synchronicities shared in your Temporal Aura across all your Multiversal Variants.” 
She’s met with slow, owlish blinks. Wade waves his hand in lazy dismissal.
“Forgive them. They didn’t watch Loki Season One or Two. Not that it matters, anyway. People barely understood what was going on.”
A sigh. “There’s no way to put this gently, Mr LeBeau,” B-15 concludes, tone dipping into something sympathetic. “But what I’m trying to say is that: you don’t have a Universe to go back to, because it never existed.”
She purses her lips as she catches his torn gaze. “I’m sorry.”
And that— That pisses you off.
“I’m… sorry?” you parrot, stepping forward. “That’s all you can say after everything that’s happened to us? His existence began with the Void, and my Universe was pruned by your agents. Innocent lives gone because your people decided they wanted to play God once upon a damn time—!” 
“Pump the hate breaks, you stray,” Wade calls. "Why'd you think I brought the both of you here?"
You reluctantly withdraw.
“I can’t bring you home,” B-15 supplies, matter-of-fact. “But I can find a compatible timeline for you. For both of you. A safe do-over, if you will.”
Wade’s smile is coy.
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The ‘Merc with a mouth’ has a home surprisingly… cozy.
Albeit a little tumbledown and messy with its wallpaper-torn brick walls and creaking hardwood floors— but, it’s charming. Lived in. He has a life here in this rickety two-bedroom apartment; framed photographs of friends and snatches of livelihood sit across dressers and are pasted against his magnet-crowded refrigerator.
Reminds you abit of your home, too.
“Listen,” chirps Wade’s voice, somewhere down the short hall to his room. “My advice? Save yourself the identity crisis and brain aneurysm. All this multiversal horse-crap was created just so that Marvel can write themselves out of any corner. Just sit there and be sexy for the readers, okay, Magic Mike?”
You’re halfway towards them when the doorbell rings. 
“Ooh! That must be the pizza I ordered. Or Blind Al. Or Logan.” Wade pops out to sidle past you with a wink and a whispered: “Who knows, really? This is just the part of the story where I conveniently disappear so you and Cajun Tatum here can share a moment.”
You don’t quite understand— but you’ve learned to not bother attempting when it comes to him.
Your knock is soft against the doorframe. 
Beside a lone corner of the bed, Remy turns to look over his shoulder. 
He’s fresh out the shower— faded towel tied around his waist, brown hair still damp and dripping water down his bare chest. His old clothes have been draped over a desk chair. 
You try not to stare, but—
He’s handsome. Devilishly so, with the bruises sweeping across the flex of all his stupidly lean, corded muscles.
You always had a thing for roguish-looking men.
“Hi,” he says, knowingly. ( It’s a dulcet croon, if anything. Cheeky bastard. ) “Y’okay? Got y’self cleaned up.”
Remy watches you gather yourself with a quick clear of your throat, pull at the sleeves of the scratchy hoodie you’re now wearing that’s practically swallowing you whole. 
You look rested. At ease. 
“Yeah. Showered. We don’t smell like ass anymore, that’s for sure,” you say, making a face.
And then you’re nodding over to the black-and-blue contusions blooming over his skin. “You know, I’m sure there’s something frozen in the icebox for that.”
You smile. “Yeah, that’s what you guys call it in Louisiana, right?”
“That we do, chèr,” he laughs. But it’s ducked down, quiet. Thin. “ ‘Least, I think so.”
You follow his downcast eyes to a small stack of folders— TVA files he easily thieved (unsurprisingly) from under their noses the moment he stepped foot into the room. 
He’d skimmed the manila dossiers: Absolute Points. Anchor Beings. Variant Anomalies. Some names he’d recognised and some he didn’t, most stamped or blacklisted. 
Pietro Maximoff. Edward Brock. Loki Laufeyson. 
Remy LeBeau.
Some part of you crumples. It’s one thing to not be able to return to a Universe, and another to not have even had one. 
“S’funny,” he chuckles dryly, picking his casefile up with a distant look, “My memories… I thought I’d done gon’ left a whole life behind me the entire time I been stuck in the Void— Friends. Family. An’ turns out the Void’s all I had.”
“Feels like…” he shrugs. Tries to piece his unmoored thoughts into something more cohesive. He’s never felt so horrifically adrift his entire life— whatever ‘entire life’ could mean for him now, anyway— not even when he'd been marooned in the barren wastelands of the Void.
 “Feels like I ain’t real. Hell, I don’t know what is real, anymore, chèr. I don’t— I just don’t know. I don't know anythin'."
You shake your head in disagreement nigh instantly. 
“No, no.” Pushing off the doorway, you cross the threshold with gentle admonishment lanced over your features. “You’re here. You are real.” 
The room is small. The distance you share is… close. Just enough that you catch the scent of peppermint toothpaste and coconut shampoo; Just enough that you can slide the documents out of his hands.
His fingers brush against yours. 
He wonders if you’d felt the kinetic trill of energy run through him at the contact.
“Can I be honest, Remy?”
You look up at him. 
“Mais oui, chèr. Y’can always be honest wit’ Gambit.”
You wave your hand at the TVA files. “I’m scared as shit being in a new Universe,” you blurt, truthfully. “This second chance means… a new life. New path. New everything. I don’t know what that’s like either and frankly, I am not prepared for this at all.”
You pause for a breath. “But for what it’s worth? I’m glad that you’re here. That’s… That’s about the only thing that I know.”
Then, as if dwarfed by the sheer vulnerability in your words, you take an awkward step back as you shrug. “And if you don’t feel the same, well. You and I, we’ll just have to make do, regardless.”
The sudden retreat is painfully endearing. Has him letting out a bright laugh that warms something nestled deep in your ribs.
“I’m glad I got you too, chèr,” he grins. 
“Yeah?” You flash a smile, having found your way back to the door.
Remy’s eyes fall to your face— tarrying. He follows the flutter of your lashes, the slope of your cheek, the curl of your lips. 
Your idling, fond gaze sears him like a low-grade fever. 
The thrum buzzes in hands, again.
Your Gambit really was blind, he thinks, just as you slip away and disappear around the corner.
His palm flexes open, and shut.
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intuitively-her · 2 months
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You've been through many trials and tribulations that have only made you stronger! I'm getting specifically that you don't look like the things you've been through. From the outside, you actually look perfect, or your lifestyle does. People would never know the sacrifices it took for you to get here though. Most people wouldn't have even made it through some of the obstacles that you've faced. I also get the vibe that you're very reserved with your energy. Kinda like you don't speak unless spoken to. Not in a bad way though. You could be an ambivert. ENTJ? INFJ? You don't have to do the most to get attention, it comes natural to you. You know how to stand alone. Never been a "follow the leader" type. Your balance and stability are surprising as well. It could be because of your age. Or maybe you used to live a reckless lifestyle but managed to pull yourself out of it. I feel like you have a tendency to go ghost for awhile, but then randomly pop out on some new sh*t. People can never keep up with you. You're an enigma. It kinda frustrates people tbh.😂 On the flip side, you are very loving to those closest to you. You always trust yourself and follow your heart to wherever it leads you. You are your top priority and will always make sure your cup is full before giving to someone else. If your love is not being reciprocated, then you will simply leave. Your love is intense.❤️‍🔥 You could be a gift-giver or you enjoy doing acts of kindness. You always know what to do/say at the right moment. Lastly, your star qualities are VERY attractive to others.🤩 You're so humble about it too. You could be an influencer or have an active presence on social media. You have a lot of copycats and people that try to emulate your energy. It never really sticks though.
Confirmations: Confident, Intellectual, 777, Sarcastic, Smart-ass, Mixed signals, Intimidating, 1010, Charming, Promiscuous, Friendly, Competitive, Creative
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You always find a way to turn your pain into power! It doesn't matter how many hardships you face, you never let it keep you down. You're always onto the next best thing. Always looking towards the future. Someone here likes to take solo-trips often or you enjoy hiking/being in nature. You often come up creative ideas or new ways to make money. Always willing to learn something new. That trait of yours is highly admired by your bosses/higher-ups. You work very well with others. When people work with you, it quite literally increases their luck and money flow. So be mindful of who you share that energy with. You are such a kind and loving individual, even at your lowest. Give yourself more credit boo!❤️ You're very committed to your self-improvement and personal goals no matter what you go through. That's something to be proud of.
Confirmations: Famous, Sexy voice, 111, Friendly, Funny, Someone here has a cat that is very clingy, 444, Pretty skin, Hermoine from Harry Potter, Elusive, Life of the party, Genuine, Beautiful, Seeing 8's everywhere, Someone here owns an exotic animal or you want one
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You know how to transmute any negative energy/situation that is sent your way. You are an alchemist. This is my witchy pile.🔮 You like to play fair and see both sides in situations. Very unbiased. However, you'll also put a b*tch in their place if needed. Cause I'm getting that people like to come into your energy to test/bully you for some reason. But you shut that sh*t down real quick.✅ You may be very introverted, or you have this innocent/naive vibe to you. A lot of people blindly trust you. They know you would never try to cross them. You're a big risk taker. You might do something unconventional for work. People love how you march to the beat of your drum always. You might spend a lot of time alone or you keep a close-knit group of friends. You're not afraid to stand alone whatsoever. Nobody can steal your happiness. That is what's most powerful about you.⭐
Confirmations: Genuine, 911, 818, Mysterious, Intoxicating, 717, Witch, Self-absorbed, Pretty eyes, 737, 777, Uptight, Predator, Intellectual, Elusive
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You're more than what meets the eye. From the outside, you seem very shy or monotonous even. But you're a true gem baby.💎Your charisma and charm is one of a kind. You stand out without even realizing it. Your wit and sarcasm is very attractive. You have a very unbothered vibe to you. In your own lane, and outta the mix. It makes me think of "Daria". You might go ghost pretty often. You're very big on self-care and your alone time. On the go a lot. ✈️People feel like they can't get ahold of you anymore. You're very focused on self these days. Me vs. me kinda energy. You're a natural creator. Very artistic and out of the box. You might've been this way since childhood. You're often the topic of discussion to those around you. People really enjoy having you around, whether you know this or not. You're a sweetheart once you truly open up. People feel lucky that they took the time to get to know you. You're a true friend.🩷
Confirmations: Clingy, 111, Wife, Light skin tone, 222, One night stand, Player, 999, Mixed signals, Addict, Psychic, Lazy, Outgoing, Eccentric
💖Please do not copy, repost, or steal my work. Thanks!💖
I missed you guyss xx!!🩷🩷🩷
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the-monkeies-girl · 2 months
Scolding. ( Noa x Human!Reader, POTA Oneshot. )
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Title: Scolding. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Pairing: Implied! Noa x Human!Reader. Rating: T. ( Sexual implications, talks of a naked human body. ) Words: 4.5K+ Summary: What would Noa's reaction be to seeing you in a dress for the first time?
It was long faded; your eyes scanning the yellow tinted fabric of a dress you had scavenged only a few months ago when Anaya, Soona and Noa had taken you to the Echo ruins for the first time. Faded but in the dim orange glow of your hut, you could still see the vividity of the flower pattern that once clung so happily to the threads. They appeared blackened now and barely outlined the shapes of petals, but your imagination did its due job and filled in the blanks for you.
It was like it was barely clinging to whatever hue it had been for the last three-hundred years, beaten and soaked by the sun’s wrath until it came into your loving and reminiscent possession. It would have been easy to explain to the three Apes if they had captured you admiring it. You liked Echo things. You were Echo to them in most regards despite the constant reassurance that you were also a part of the Clan. It would be easy to just tell them that you found the pattern interesting and leave it at that but something yelled inside of your mind to take it. 
Humanities self-loathing jealousy for things more beautiful than the nature that surrounded you day in and day out.
Humanities seething love for things that would make themselves outwardly more appealing.
Hesitantly at first, you had no reason to tuck it into your rucksack that Autumn day and take it back to the Eagle Clan but something spurred you to do just that, it was as if the other bodies it had once been placed upon were seeping into you and telling you stories one by one from over the generations of who had owned it up until its time with you. Stories of firsts kisses in the dress, chaste and afraid, stories of love and adoration as the wearer was showered in compliments from their significant other, closer melancholy of another Human finding it and never realizing the value….
You were a romantic and it pained at times that the world you found yourself in, especially from your Human lineage, tore that down and destroyed it into a lacking ghost of what it could have been. Human’s did not love the same way Apes did, and it was apparent from the first day you came to be with Noa. 
It was different.
You folded the crinkled fabric gently between your fingers and never looked back on it, no intentions made for the garment as it was shoved into the sack against your hip. You washed it the day after and it did nothing but sit as a folded pile in your hut, a shimmered reminder of the remnants of Humanity, a sweeping caress you would place your hand on when you wanted to remember a time before your own.
A time where there swirled nothing but vanity and the self-absorbed nature of individuals that would ultimately and always lead to the downfall that began generations ago. No need for it in the climate of the Winter when you had taken it, no need for it in the political position that the world sat in, teetering between intelligent Apes and the smaller, dwindling aspect of intelligent Humans.
But still… Your eyes admired the garment for what it had been once as it was splayed on your animale hide boasted nest. Faux wooden buttons against the bosom that were chipped around the edges, the silky texture of the thinned straps as you lifted the dress upwards, wrinkling in on itself and let it drape down your body and pressing at the crevices of your shape, stopping at mid-thigh with a shrill of exhilaration trickling down your spine.
It felt strange to be so exposed to the air, your arms tucked in on themselves out of censored defense and it took all your willpower to relax a bit as your heart ran a marathon against your ribcage to the point of self-inflicted hardened breathing. 
Your entire life centered around safety and keeping yourself alive, something that you loosened control over once you became more associated with the Eagle Clan. Once… Noa had taken you under his Eagle’s wing and secured your survival by always being at your side. A dress was juxtaposed to that, no armor and no shield against otherwise delicate skin and that felt guilt filled and sinful in your mind. There was nothing telling you that it was appropriate.
There was nothing assuring you that Noa would even like it. He’d probably think it pointless. Clothing were clothing to him, such an Echo aspect of privacy that did not exist to Apes who wore no clothing and only accessories with cross body bags, thinned twine belts and the armbands that signified they were a Clan, together and not apart. 
There was screaming from your appendages fully cased in the firelight, the heat being a gift against the otherwise chilled Summer air that surrounded you, there was no guarantee that a snake wouldn’t sink its teeth into your leg after popping out from the tall grass of the meadow, there was nothing stopping a bug from landing on you and trailing around as if you were one with nature. Not that those things would be an issue. 
You’d let Noa sink his sharp canines bouncing against the moonlight straight into you without reserve if that’s what he so chose to do upon seeing flesh that had never been seen, you’d let Noa’s hands trail your bare arms, fluttering and calloused like the tiny legs of a beetle in an attempt to keep you warm and there was a drop in your stomach that you were… Wearing what you were in order to garner some semblance of attention from the otherwise occupied Master of the Birds. Would he… notice? Your fingers trailed against the bottom hem of the dress, wavy and bumpy as the fabric was coming undone in spots and it had obviously been repaired by inadequate sewing. There was a small hole right above your belly button, beckoning even the most docile eyes to look at it and it captivated you to see the color of the dress against the tone of your skin.
The things that could happen to you for being so bare would not happen, they persisted as improbabilities against the larger scape of what would happen when you finally mustered enough courage to tug your equally worn jacket over your shoulders and trailed to meet Noa once the sun had fully set in the field adjacent to the Village. 
Quiet and peaceful, the two of you could enjoy each other's company without the prying stares from the other Chimps, without the constant pestering from Anaya or the curious glances from Soona that told you all you needed to know about the Eagle Clan’s leaders intentions towards you.
Ignoring them was the way to go around it but it was hard at times when you found no time alone with each other, finally yearning to use the dress for what you imagined its intended purpose might have been at one time in the past. To impress. To dazzle against the wearer and show their intended what might lay underneath. It did just that, not to boast about yourself. It clung to you like a second skin, stretching the fabric as you took a deep breath in and held it carded in the depths of your lungs. 
No bra, your breasts perked against the thinned textile as you trailed a hand upwards to adjust the right sleeve against your suddenly heady skin. It felt so… Human to wear. The drawing in your mind and imagine that Noa would want to tear it right off of you. The growl he’d release for you upon seeing what was underneath as if it weren’t evident enough from the way the yellow garment was hugging the right places. You doubted that it would make a difference, you were both too shy to act upon impulse but it was a tasty delicacy you were using to hype up the anxious sensation in your limbs as you released the breath you had been holding in. 
The gravity at the center of your being felt unbalanced as your feet shuffled themselves into your boots. Not adequate for the rest of the outfit, you had no way to tell how the dress might have looked actually put together with the proper accessories but you did your best and flattened the fabric against your hips and sighed. Whoever had worn this before… Who ever fitted it against themselves like you were doing must have felt the same, right?
The blood rushing in your ears with silenced anticipation, the jittering of fingers right under your breasts as you smoothed the cloth there starting from the buttons lining down your sternum and out towards the flare of your ribcage. This was fruitless, Noa would not care, you mind was convinced of that and you had no idea what you were even thinking as you grasped your jacket with your right hand and faced the exit of your hut. 
Noa would not care and that was alright. As long as you felt good about yourself wearing it, that was all that mattered as you trailed right out the entryway. 
The gliding of your thighs against each other was an odd sensation outside of them ever kissing when you washed yourself. They were often carded in the thicker fabric of your cargo pants or pressed together without release when you slept and you never took notice of the lick of arousal it garnered from just your mind running with the idea that Noa would want to touch you there. The way his leathered touch would feel against them as they were pried right open with very little strength. How hot he’d be against you as he slotted his tapered waist between then and urged you to tighten and stay secure as he rocked into your body. 
Your mouth fell open at the absurdity of the thought but it was persistent and called for you to walk a bit faster, feet trudging through the scape of the village to the east. Noa was waiting. The Chimp was always waiting for you, the outline of his body finally captivating your minored night vision that was aided by a few of the fire stakes that scattered the perimeter of the Clan’s edges. He would not care, your mind replayed itself over and over again but there was the excitement of the Ape seeing you for the first time so vulnerably. You hoped that’s how it came across. A sense of comfort, a sense of understanding that you felt… Safe with him to wear such absurd and impractical garments. You had no idea what he found so interesting about you, heart racing inside of its ribcaged home as you came to walk more gently against the ground, eager to not step on anything that might alarm yourself like an innocently placed twig begging to be snapped under the weight of your body. There were obviously unspoken things that were of interest to both parties, the way that Noa looked over at you upon your impending arrival, shoulder fur rising in acute absorption as was the case when you made your presence known to the Ape who had to have known of your arrival before you hit his peripheral.
Noa’s vision was greater than your own; the sweep from your feet all the way up to your head, the Ape loomed over every small detail he was able to detect against the backdrop of the village itself. You could almost feel the dilation of his gold and green irises, blown to proportion from the lack of proper lightly and more so… You were desperate to think that it was more from how you looked in his line of vision rather than the strain his gaze needed to present to see things about you in detail. 
Noa’s mouth parted naturally as was his natural default expression, something you found so amusing as it casted a light right against the sheen of his sharpened canines when under the right circumstances before they drifted back into the home of his gums. But this… Your heart fluttered a bit to crazed in your chest as you came a bit closer, grasping the hem of the dress once more to keep the nerves that were bursting out at bay.
This time out of more surprise at the appearance of your… Arms. Longer than his own, he was able to see the build of your flesh against what smaller muscles you had to his own. There was the delicate coating of your thinned hair that he was able to detect as the flushed light behind you seemed to set your skin aglow at the angle of which he was peering up at you with. 
So… Strange… Noa felt a jolt inside of his navel and it blossomed upwards to rest right beneath his diaphragm. Uncomfortably, he shifted his position and tried to get it to go away as Noa’s mind collapsed in on itself. Has… Has he seen them like this before? Your legs! Had he seen… Your legs been like this before? Tangling in on themselves as if you had just learned how to walk? Your calves shone as they caught the light. They were so new, he wanted to touch them. Noa’s brow hardened at that thought. He wanted to do more to them than that, but was he willing to relent the control he had over himself to admit? 
Noa wondered… If they felt any different than his own set of legs. They were more proportionate to your body length and seemed to stagger here and there against the terrain, balance was never your forte and Noa was on alert even now to make sure you did not take a tumble. On the flip side, Chimp legs  were shorter and more attune to heavy lifting and were incredibly centered to allow him to balance and hold with the help of his dexterous feet.
He could lift you and force you to let him admire you. To sink into the flesh that was teasing him so ardently along with the overwhelming fragrance that rivaled the meadow’s speckled wild flowers. The scent between your legs that was so clear in regular clothing was smothering to him and caused a stifled jostle for the Ape that was hard to ignore as you walked nearer and gave him a small brisk smile of affection and adoration. 
“So-Sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to wear.” 
That sounded so Human, you wanted to slap yourself, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear as you tried to set aside the everlasting notion that Noa was perplexed beyond belief and it was hard to see otherwise when he was coiling himself into a tightened ball of nerves beside you. The hackles of fur along his broadened shoulders rose from interest at the lack of clothing. At the lack of privacy you were showcasing. It was forbidden in his mind to ever think about your body like that, Noa had no self-control to stop and the one time he allowed himself to go down that road, he couldn’t look at you for an entire week out of shell-shocked embarrassment.
Noa was stagnant and amply watched as you dropped your jacket first onto the ground for you to sit on before following suit with your delicious frame. It was like it was slowed down and dilated for him to take in every detail. The ripping of the fabric against your skin as you stretched your thighs apart to seat yourself properly, the way that drifted up ever so slightly and gave witness to a piece of your hamstring as your legs lifted and rested into a crossed position, the strap that was holding the garment up drifted downwards and stopped right above the bend of your elbow and the Ape found it difficult to not gawk at the newly exposed piece of your jugular. 
It was heavily beating implying nerves on your end from the quickened pace. Implying want and desire as Noa felt his mouth run dry with temptation to place his teeth against the beating vein. Right away and without any reserve, your arousal was drifting around the young Ape like a ripened fruit best to pick off the branch at the moment than to wait any longer. He had not seen what you were wearing before. Ever.
It was obvious from the pulling and drift of your breathing which catapulted the fabric against and away from your chest that you weren’t wearing anything underneath, scratching at the inner part of Noa’s conscious mind that he did desire to see what lay there, bare and without fur. Sure, Female Apes had the same characteristics you had, there was nothing… Special about them, Noa fluttered his eyes to the side in an attempt to keep the morbidity of his train of thought at bay. 
So why would the young Chimp be so… interested in seeing you… Without anything on? Sure, the fabric seemed interesting enough, mildly see-through Noa had to admit to seeing that when you first beckoned your arrival with a blushed smile. At least where the textile was thinner did it appear to cling closer to your skin, Noa’s mind felt like it was set ablaze with a trace of jealousy that he wanted to cast his body against yours in such fashion---...
There was the small hole of wear and tear that tugged right below your right breast, against the ridge of what Noa imagined to be your ribs… It expanded and shot back in with every breath you took as if it were teasing the Ape that it might just burst open if you inhaled too aggressively.
Maybe it was the primal part of Noa’s mind that yearned to see you exposed as a form of acceptance, that you were Ape just like he, just like Soona, Anaya and Dar. You were after all, with a roll of his shoulders at the satisfaction of the thought itself, Noa chuffed, you were a part of the Eagle Clan. There was no need for the pesterance of clothing, but you insisted and Noa never argued against the Echo logic which held privacy and embarrassment so highly. 
Maybe in some sick twisted way, Noa just wanted to know what your reaction to being bare would be. Would you try to cover yourself up, much like you were doing as you drew your arms to fold against your sternum, ultimately bolstering your breasts against the cap of the dress collar. Noa looked at that briefly and puffed his cheeks out before gazing out at the stark field that now held very little interest for him.
You’d try to cover yourself up was the deduced fact just as Noa was trying to sly away from the fact that there was a part of him that was yearning to just stare at you instead of the darkened landscape to figure out the purpose of your choice. It was warm enough, Noa figured, feeling a heated breeze through his thinner fur of the Summer and colliding with the skin beneath. 
“What… Is it? Have not seen you-... Wear…. That.”
“I found it… A couple months ago…” Your voice was hushed as you looked down at your own body and shuffled your butt a bit to get comfortable against the ground below. It was mildly cushioned from the bent grass that conformed against your lower half, tickling a bit at your bare legs and left a ricochet shiver to run up them and let it linger between your legs. There was no way to play faux confidence even as the yellow dress dragged itself upwards and displayed more of your thigh for Noa to take delectations in. You wanted to do nothing but pull it down and apologize for the mis-understanding and scuttle back to your hut for the night and tear it off with no intentions to ever wear it again.
All futile attempts at thinking that Noa’s opinions did not matter were lost. You… Cared, your heavy eyelids fell shut slightly as you looked at your lap where your hands were tangled in on themselves, pulling into knots with your fingertips and releasing them out of anxious desire for either one of your to say something that was going to be beneficial instead of sitting in what felt like bated and intensely scrutinized judgment.
What… Was Noa thinking? Did--- did he like it? Did the Ape think it was just a stupid Echo aspect, to worry about what you wanted to wear? To worry about your outward appearance? You drew a deep breath in but that did nothing to help your mind from falling into a pit of its own despair.  There was a pull in the center of your chest that hurt more than you cared to admit at the time that you wanted Noa to say something about it, even if it were critical so you could retaliate as if your words were going to convince him otherwise.
“I-I think we…” The tapering in your voice was relaxed and flowed into eased correction, “Echo… used to call it a dress.”
“You have not,” Noa muttered softly, and shifted his body ever so slightly so his shoulder brazenly drifted against your own and it felt like your skin was set aflame that rivaled even the bonfire in the center of the village at its peak during the evening meal. “Worn before.” That was said previously but in a different way and this time, it was accompanied by a swinging of Noa’s right arm to translate it into signing as if that were going to help the intended thoughts that now danced around the inside of his mind as frenzied contact between your stares was made and Noa felt a shattering of your clear scent radiate down into the depths of his nostrils once more and he turned back forwards, leaving your mouth open as if you were going to say something but ultimately decided against it at his reaction. It was an astute observation by an already obsessive Ape who took things apart at times to cure whatever seeped inquisitiveness that possessed him at the time.
That… You tilted your body inwards and captivated the very tips of Noa’s darkened fur against otherwise virgin skin that Noa himself started to enter by shifting his larger body towards your own.  That obsession was something you always found so attractive about Noa and it appeared it dove even deeper by your underlying desire to be the puzzle that he could not crack but attempted time and time again.
“Not much… to cover Echo’s… arms and legs.”
“Not really.” It was getting more difficult to hide the disappointment in your voice as you uncrossed your legs carefully, feeling the cracking of your kneecaps as you did so. Sitting up so you were able to pull the dress down enough to cover yourself better, you tugged the fabric to the point of the stretch against your thigh and carded your knees inwards so you could curl into a defended ball of nerves that now leaked uneasy confidence. “I think it was used more for celebrations and stuff… Thought it would… be nice to wear. Something different, you know?” The words felt empty and shallow now that you were explaining it in verbalization. Noa pressed his mouth together into a tightened line of discernable emotion. He knew you well enough to notice the shift in your tone. The body language that you paraded here with was gone with whatever semblance of self-assurance you had when you told him that you were unsure of what to wear and ultimately choose what was laying against your flesh that Noa wanted nothing more than to sink his own canines into. Forget the fabric, he'd be able to rip that off without any notice if it chose to get in his way---...
There were things the Ape could say, his teeth bared themselves in a small grimace of frustration aimed towards himself only while the fur along his longed collarbones rose in agreement to the emotion that ravaged around. The only coping mechanism Noa had was self-deprecation at times like these when he lacked the Echo understanding of what you were begging him for. Gritting the blunted top and bottom set of his teeth together for a split second, Noa relaxed his jaw and glanced towards you as you actioned your neck upwards to look at the sky and the twinkling of the lights that dotted along the midnight navy backspace.
There was such innate interest in you, Noa wanted you to know that but how… Could he just come out and say it? There was no way that you’d be receptive… Right? “Think it is… Nice. Something different…” 
Noa nodded his head assuredly at his own choice of words, hoping you recognized them as having a dual meaning. One towards the yellow scorned dress that had been faded and brought back to life by a captivating body and movements that flushed against your hips, bustled against your chest and waved invitingly at the Chimp, and the other towards the wearer itself. The hold of your shoulders that seemed to perk with anticipation, shoulder caps flushed with red that was from the heat of Noa’s proximity.
“Something different… is always… Nice.”
The smile that Noa gave you was rushed but held enough tenacity emotion for you to notice that it was bashful as if he were unsure of the cadences of his statement. As if he were… Afraid that you would not understand. Noa’s mouth parted once more, dripping his hot breath against the warmed skin of your bicep as the breathing was rapid but paced and not sporadic. You found yourself in a mimicked position, your lungs being crushed in by your position but it felt good and soothing against the knowledge that Noa was… Attempting to give a compliment, if you so chose to be optimistic about what the Master of the Birds was uttering to you.
And optimistic you stayed.
“Do you think so?” You whispered hushed, bringing your face down to kiss your forearm as you wrapped your arms around your knees and kept yourself positioned to longingly peer up at the sky. Noa felt jealous at that, shuffling once more to bump his shoulder against yours in an attempt to keep you grounded and focused on only himself. Selfish, he knew that but the way that you tore your eyes back into his foliage irises was something that lit Noa on fire, the smile that tugged itself across your expression was something the Ape longed to see over and over again. And he wanted to be the only one to stir it from you. 
“I think… It is welcomed. Especially when it is… You who brings something… Different.”
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harmeu · 3 months
(Aventurine, Scar, Dion Agriche, Kishibe)
TW: Bruises, Scars, Wounds, Blood
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Aventurine is known for his eccentric personality for sure. He’s done well when asking others to join him but when it comes to actually connecting with others it falls flat due to his personality. You were an exception though! His beautiful lover.
So finding out you were hurt was not the best. It was a bruise you had gotten on your arm from somebody bumping into you by ‘accident.’ Well no not an accident but you weren’t going to tell Aventurine you had gotten into a fight! You know that would drive him into insanity.
“Oh dear? What's that on your arm?” He asked with his usual sardonic smile faltering at the sight of his beloved hurt. He took his hand out rubbing the bruise in delicate circles.
“Somebody bumped into me by accident.” You said averting your gaze as guilt filled you. 
Aventurine didn’t buy it and you knew as soon as his gaze darkened and his smile became more pointed and defined.
“Lies darling.” He said chuckling and kissed your bruise leaving the house.
All we know is that guy who hurt you was never seen again.
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Scar is a manipulative asshole and sometimes you wonder how two different individuals like you two ended up dating. Hell, you loved the guy but sometimes you had to take double takes on his decisions. You loved him and he was obsessed. You could tell by the far lengths he went for you. Even if they weren’t good things.
You had gotten hit badly in a fight. A gash was literally bleeding through the stomach of your shirt. It reminded you of all the scars Scar had. Funny and ironic. Though you knew you had to patch yourself up and cover it before your boyfriend saw or who knows what would happen to the guy who hurt you?
Sadly you didn’t know Scar was home early and found you bleeding. He halted in his steps, eyes widened and staring blankly.
“Scar.?” You murmured out a reply PRAYING that he wouldn’t do anything over the top.
“Who hurt you?” His cunning smile returned as he stroked your scar sending small shockwaves of pain throughout you but you mumbled out an excuse.
“Nobody. Some..vines! Yeah vines. Pointy and thorny stuff.” Bullshit. As if he’d believe that.
“As if darling. Can you pleeeease tell me the guy I need to kill? Ooh! No, no wait! Torture and then kill! Ohhh wait wait. Burn him alive.” He smiled after his words, making you pale.
“No no no! That’s not needed!” You frantically said but Scar was already out the door hunting for the person.
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Dion’s a sociopath. Nicest way to put it! Doesn’t show emotion at all and kills without a second thought. The Agriches were known for their ruthless nature so you should’ve been aware of that. But no one could get used to the sight of bloody bodies as a regular person. It was definitely not on your bucket list to date him but it happened! Right after you caught him smelling flowers. Now that tugged on your heart strings.
Would that excuse his actions? Fuck no. But did you love him? Yes. And so did he surprisingly.
Blood was on your palm after getting slashed by one of those who tried to assassinate the Agriche’s. After they found out your connection to him of course people would try and kill you. You managed to run out of there and make it back to the estate with soft pants.
You didn’t expect to find Dion staring dead in the eye at you, his red pupils dilating as he saw you bleed. You wondered if it reminded him of all the bloodshed he went through.
“You're bleeding.” He stated with a monotone voice.
“A bit yeah.” You forced a smile. “Just those regular guys who keep wanting to assassinate the Agriches..” A soft chuckle left your lips.
“Go to the healer.” He said with the same tone before leaving in the same direction where you got slashed at.
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Kishibe is a on sight man to put it in simple words. Straightforward and hella strong. It was a surprise you ended up dating him since he was hung up on some lady that rejected him several times because she liked women. Were you just a rebound? You thought at times but those thoughts always vanished when Kishibe brought you little things. Like food, bracelets, and soft kisses. 
He had a tough guy look and definitely was one on the inside after seeing him fight but he did hold affection for you. 
A devil had managed to hit a bad hit on your back making you have to clutch the wall for support and limp back to base trying not to collapse in pain.
As you reached the base you found your lover staring at you with dead eyes. 
You know what those meant.
“Just..a devil.” You murmured out embarrassed since Kishibe was beyond strong and could beat a devil in a blink of an eye. Yet here you are bleeding out. “Sorry.”
Kishibe walked over to you and stared at your wound handing you bandages.
“I’ll be back. I need to release some stress.”
“Wait..” You know what that meant.
“Soon.” He left through the door dragging a huge weapon with him.
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
pease do where Harry took her v card last night and the morning after like when shes bleeding and harry being really caring and protective
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Warnings: mentions of the deed, cursing, fluff<3
—————————The morning after————————
Y/n sat up in the empty bed, the bed where her Innocence had been taken the night prior, her T-shirt and his boxers where the only things clad on her body, her hair felt scruffy, and her bones definitely had an ache.
Flashbacks to evening before y/n wasn’t sure she’s felt so many butterflies and flutters in her stomach in one night.
Her mind kept going back to the way his hands roamed her body, they way his forearms would be either side of her head, he was just so Devine.
“What’s on your pretty mind?” Said a voice throwing her out of thought.
Harry entered the room placing a cup of water on her bedside table and a kiss to the top of her head.
“Y’alrigh?” He asks plopping down next to her.
“Mmm” she smiled, taking a sip of her water
She leaned her head on his bicep which further elevated her comfort, he pressed another kiss in return.
“Want me to run y’bath” he asked
“Yes please, and can y’add some of that lavender stuff, will help with my legs” she bashfully admitted.
“Y’legs?, y’in pain?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing and now moving to look at her.
“Just a Bit achy, just how is is H, don’t panic”
“M’sorry love, was as slow and gentle as I could be” he muttered into her hair
“You were amazing” he added
A red colour stained her cheeks as he continued to utter these words and pressing kisses to her like there’s no tomorrow.
“Want that bath?” He offered again.
“Yes please”
Y/n slowly made her way towards the bathroom, though standing up was definitely a challenge.
“Shit” she winced standing up from the bed.
“Slowly love” Harry said, gently putting a hand on the low of her back to guide her.
Once y/n got into the tub Harry thought this was an ideal time to properly clean the bed and change the sheets.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overthinking last night, was he too rough? Was she okay? Did he check on her enough?
Y/n sat in the tub and seeing her red raw inner thighs made her let out a small chuckle at the memory of the night before, it somewhat felt surreal that her virginity was taken by someone who she adored so much, Harry shew her so much love and attention that it made her heart race 10x much.
“Y’okay beauty” Harry called from the bedroom, knocking y/n from her reminiscing.
“Yes love, come sit with me” she answered.
Normally y/n was a very private and shy individual, but there was something Harry carried with him that radiates safety and comfort and after the previous night his words made her feel so beautiful.
Without a word he presses a kiss to her forehead and proceeds to sit on the closed toilet Sid which sat next to the tub.
Y/n loved admiring the beauty that was her boyfriend, her eyes drunk him all in and enjoyed it thoroughly.
“Thank you for last night” Harry admits knocking the train out of her mind.
“Harry” she began
“Thank you, you treated me lovely” she stressed wanting it to get through his head.
“S’jus, such a vulnerable moment and you shared y’first with me” he smiles.
“And there’s no one else I would’ve rathered” she said looking directly at him.
“S’true” she sighed.
“Y’gonna make blush n shit” he chortled.
“That’s because your just a big sap” y/n teased
A moment of comfortable silence washed over them enjoying the bliss of simply just each others company.
“Love?” Harry asked.
“Was last night painful?” He asked his green eyes filling with slight concern
“Harry-“ she started.
“Y/n” he answered a slight more serious and deeper tone.
“Baby, only a teeny bit it’s normal, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t bleed slightly in the bathroom after but it’s so normal Harry-“
But he wouldn’t take that.
“What?” He asked eyes pinching closed and tighter as each word rolled off her tongue
“Baby stop beating yourself up-“
“I made you fucking bleed?”
“Harry listen to me”
Clearly lost in his own brain overthinking the worst things ever.
“It’s normal, before you I was a virgin it’s fine, harry it’s not your fault you didn’t cause anything, hell it didn’t even hurt, m’used to periods and much worse love so stop letting your brain win”
Harry looked up at her, her beautiful eyes and face were the death of him.
“Fuck love” he said quick to move off of the toilet lid and kneel beside the tub to level with her face.
“I love you so much Harry, your the best boyfriend, I felt so safe, so loved in your arms last night, as sickly as that sounds” she quietly said while studying his features.
“I love you y/n, I never want to hurt you, cause ya pain ever ever ever” he rambled.
“I know silly, now gimme a kiss you big sap” y/n requested.
A kiss she received.
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mbruben-stein · 1 month
Attack on Titan: Levi Ackerman dating a s/o who is like Violet Evergarden would Include.
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Their relationship would develop very slowly and gradually. Both Levi and his s/o are extremely reserved, guarded individuals who have difficulty processing and expressing emotion due to their traumatic pasts as child soldiers. Trust and intimacy would not come easily or quickly for either of them. It would take a long time and a lot of patience on both sides for them to open up to each other.
They would bond over their shared life experiences, traumas, and difficulties reintegrating into normal society after leaving military life behind. Both know the horrors of war and violence from a young age. Both struggle to feel human at times and question if they even deserve happiness and love after the blood on their hands. Being with someone who truly understands helps them heal.
Levi would be endlessly patient with his s/o as she tries to comprehend emotions and relationships. He knows it's not her fault that feelings confuse her. When she says seemingly tactless or insensitive things, he doesn't take it personally, knowing she means well but lacks the social skills to express herself properly. He gently guides her when needed.
They are a power couple when it comes to combat and missions. Both are elite soldiers with superhuman skills. Levi trusts his s/o to have his back completely, knowing her capabilities. In battle, few can match their deadly synchronicity. They make the perfect partners on the most dangerous assignments.
Behind closed doors, a soft domestic side emerges, previously buried under years of hardened exteriors. Levi enjoys pampering his s/o in little ways - brewing her favorite tea, giving her shoulder massages after a long day, reading to her in the evenings. These quiet, tender moments are precious to them both.
Levi helps his s/o rediscover pieces of her lost humanity. He encourages her hobbies and interests outside of work. Seeing the small, beautiful things in life through her fresh eyes - a breathtaking sunset, a vase of her favorite flowers - reminds Levi there is still goodness in the cruel world they live in. Her innocence and wonder thaw his heart.
Physical affection is rare but meaningful between them. Neither are used to casual touches, so things like holding hands, kisses on the forehead, leaning on each other feel extra intimate and vulnerable. Hugs are reserved for emotional moments, a silent affirmation of "I'm here" when words fail.
Levi's squad would be surprised but supportive of the relationship. They'd never seen their grumpy Captain show a soft spot for anyone before. But seeing how he is around his s/o - the gentle looks, the protectiveness, the subtle ways he accommodates her needs - they know the love is real, even if neither are the type for public displays of affection.
Arguments are rare, but when they happen, both tend to shut down and go silent. Levi has a hard time articulating his feelings beyond irritation. His s/o struggles to identify why she's upset. But they always talk it out eventually, even if it's hard. Neither likes letting things fester.
On the difficult anniversary days - the fall of Shiganshina and Wall Maria for Levi, the death of Family members/friends for his s/o - they turn to each other for comfort, solidarity in their grief. "It's okay to not be okay today," they remind each other, riding out the painful memories together until the clouds pass.
Levi makes a point to praise his s/o frequently. He knows she received very little appreciation or positive reinforcement in her military upbringing. Whenever she does well at work or makes progress in her emotional growth, he's sure to voice how proud he is of her. Coming from a man of few words, the compliments mean everything to her.
While Levi was initially hesitant to be physically intimate, not wanting to make his s/o uncomfortable, he's consistently blown away by her enthusiasm and openness once they do become intimate. "I want to be as close to you as possible," she tells him earnestly. "I want to make you feel good." He melts at her guileless affection.
In the peaceful moments in between missions, they often sit together in comfortable silence, Levi sipping tea and his s/o practicing her writing. No words need to be spoken; they simply enjoy the relief of being together, alive, and safe for now. The future is uncertain in their dangerous world, but their feelings are constant and sure.
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guiltyonsundays · 7 months
In defence of Will Ladislaw
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George Eliot's characterisation of Will Ladislaw is one of the few aspects of Middlemarch that is not universally praised, with no less a person than Henry James commenting in 1873 that he lacked “sharpness of outline and depth of color”, making him the novel’s “only eminent failure.” And while Will's character is certainly not as clearly defined as some of the other characters in the novel, I believe that this was absolutely intentional on Eliot's part. Middlemarch is full to the brim of characters who believe they know exactly what they want—not least among them, our two protagonists, Dorothea Brooke and Tertius Lydgate, whose ardent ambitions and inflexible attitudes lead them into catastrophic errors of judgement and unhappy marriages.
By contrast, Will's lack of strongly defined goals and his changeability are almost his defining character traits. He's aimless and pliable, prone to rapid mood swings and drastic career changes, with even his physical features seeming to "chang[e] their form; his jaw looked sometimes large and sometimes small; and the little ripple in his nose was a preparation for metamorphosis. When he turned his head quickly his hair seemed to shake out light."
Will’s inscrutability is closely tied to his ambiguous status within the rigid class structure and xenophobic society of Victorian England, with his Polish ancestry and “rebellious blood on both sides” making him a target for suspicion. He is repeatedly aligned (and aligns himself) with oppressed, marginalised, and outcast populations—Jewish people, artists, and the poor.
He serves as a narrative foil for characters like Lydgate and Edward Casaubon, who prioritise specialist expertise above all and are consequently incapable of broad knowledge synthesis. He critiques Casaubon's life's work as being "thrown away, as so much English scholarship is, for want of knowing what is being done by the rest of the world." By contrast, Will serves as Eliot's defence of the value of a liberal education. One of the first things that we learn about him is that he declines to choose a vocation, and instead seeks to travel widely, experiencing diverse cultures and ways of life. He has broad tastes and interests, trying his hand at poetry and painting before eventually pursuing a career in politics.
He also functions as a narrative foil for Dorothea. Will is initially apathetic to politics, whereas Dorothea initially professes herself to be disinterested in art and beauty. This is perfectly encapsulated in their exchange in Rome, when Dorothea declares, "I should like to make life beautiful—I mean everybody's life. And then all this immense expense of art, that seems somehow to lie outside life and make it no better for the world, pains one", to which Will replies, "You might say the same of landscape, of poetry, of all refinement [...] The best piety is to enjoy—when you can [...] I suspect that you have some false belief in the virtues of misery, and want to make your life a martyrdom.”
By the end of the novel, Dorothea unlearns some of her puritanical suspicion of sensual pleasure, whereas Will becomes more serious, compassionate, and politically engaged, dedicating his life to the accomplishment of humane political reforms. They are both flawed individuals, who ultimately become more well rounded through their relationship with each other. Admittedly, Dorothea's influence on Will is more significant than his on her—and once again, I believe that this was intentional on Eliot's part.
In my opinion, the negative response to Will Ladislaw at the time of Middlemarch's publication (and in the centuries since) was and is profoundly informed by gendered expectations of masculine dominance in romantic relationships. Will's marriage to Dorothea has often been described as disappointing, with many readers and critics viewing the ambitious Lydgate as the embodiment of the ideal husband that Dorothea outlines at the beginning of the novel—a talented man engaged in important work for the betterment of humanity, to whom she can devote herself.
However, one of the central themes of the novel is that people are often mistaken in their beliefs about what they want, and Dorothea's marriage to Edward Casaubon certainly demonstrates that she would not in fact be happy living her life in submission to a man who does not respect her opinions. I firmly believe that Lydgate's misogynistic attitudes and expectations would have made it impossible for him to be happy in a marriage of equals with a woman like Dorothea. He is explicitly drawn to Rosamond Vincy because she has "just the kind of intelligence one would desire in a woman—polished, refined, docile."
By contrast, George Eliot made a deliberate choice to pair Dorothea with a man who is not ashamed to be influenced by her, and indeed looks up to her as his moral superior. Through Dorothea's influence, Will discovers his life's work. In turn, by marrying Will, Dorothea is able to pursue her true passion. As a result of their influence on each other, these come to mean the same thing—reform. Thus, George Eliot grants Dorothea Brooke a subversively feminist, politically progressive, and profoundly cathartic ending: a life of companionate marriage, sensual pleasure, and meaningful work, in which Dorothea can devote herself (within the limited means available to her as a woman in the 19th century) to the achievement of just and compassionate reforms that "make life beautiful" for everybody—herself included.
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delta-pavonis · 2 years
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Hellknight!Hob wearing this. Chest hair and tiddies out, full happy trail, all of it...
Of course, I think about that, and that inspires a ficlet. And then that ficlet turns dark. So... *shrug* *shoves new baby out in the world*
Rated T
The first time Hob sees Dream is when the latter has the audacity to enter the Morningstar's realm. He watches as the Dream King intimidates Squatterbloat into bringing him to the Palace. The demon is stupid and gullible, easily swayed, and Hob has a mind to bury his morningstar in the moron's fleshy head, but he would rather observe the visitor and his raven from the shadows.
Hob trails them, the straps of his armor expanding and morphing to cover his body with the mottled charcoals and midnights that are the palette of Hell. Squatterbloat leads the King in a circuitous route to their destination, passing a cell whose occupant not only commands the attention of the sovereign of the Dreaming, but whose pleading pains him. Curious.
He follows the pair of black figures beyond their guided tour, all the way into Lucifer's Hall, sliding unnoticed through the crack in the main doors. Hob is good at his job. He hadn't been successful at being a bandit and cutthroat in life for nothing.
Hob takes a place in the long shadows of one of the pillars and observes.
Apparently the Lord of Dreams and Nightmares is here in Hell to retrieve his helm, one of his important symbols of office. And of course it is some overly ripe idiot like Choronzon who has it. Sometimes Hob just wants to kill them all and promote new individuals to the positions of power, sometimes the house can't be cleaned, it needs to be razed and rebuilt.
But what is truly awe-inspiring is watching the battle between Dream and the Morningstar themself. The Dream King wins, although not handily. It makes the victory even more impressive. Hope. Of fucking course. Hob is quite sure that he has never seen the Lord of Hell so visibly angry in all his 600 plus years in the underworld.
Helm secured and confidence restored, the Lord of the Dreaming is proud and... well, he is incredibly beautiful. He is sharp angles in soft greys and blacks, luminous white skin draped in flowing ink, spikes of hair wafting against gravity.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Hob follows Lord Morpheus and his raven back outside. They walk slowly through the barren, twisted landscape, calculated and careful. Imperious.
Hunger ripples down Hob's spine. He wants.
The Lord stops, body going more still than death. "I am here in my official capacity as King of Dreams and Nightmares. You have followed me for long enough. Show yourself, fiend."
The Dream King's voice is so much deeper and darker than Hob expected and now it is directed at him and it goes directly to his cock. He decides to drop any pretense all at once.
Hob has no shame as he steps out from hiding, the shadow-plates sliding back and leaving him in what really amounts to a series of leather straps and a loincloth, buckled to accentuate the triangle of his torso and the strength in his chest, with sleeves from biceps to palms. The Knights of Hell need no metal protection - they shield themselves in darkness and guile - and so Lucifer Morningstar gives them intangible weapons: the ability to inspire lust and envy as much as wrath. He drops his physical weapon and holds his hands out to his sides.
"Dream King," Hob inclines his head. "I am not here to harm, nor am I here at the behest of my Lord, the Lightbringer." He meets the King's piercing blue eyes and has to grit his teeth to hold in a gasp at how sharply they cut into his breast.
That look trails from Hob's head to his toes slowly, then back up. Judging. Assessing. "So why do you dog my steps, Hellknight?"
He shrugs and takes a step forward. There is no reason for Hob to not be bold. He has long been dead. He has been a resident of Hell and served the Devil themself, has lived that fate worse than death, for almost seven centuries. He has, quite literally, nothing to lose.
So Hob nudges a the magic at his disposal into the cant of his hips, the tilt of his head, the purse of his lips. He lowers his eyelids and takes another step towards the luminous being of black and white before him. "I merely wish to look my fill before I can no longer."
"Bossss..." The raven flies a nervously tight circle above them. He is summarily ignored.
"You wish to more than look, Hellknight, for I can taste your dreams." The Lord of Nightmares snarls as he takes multiple steps to get into Hob's personal space. "You dare-"
Hob laughs loud enough to interrupt him and those ice shards widen in shock. "Oh, yes. I dare." He steps up once more and now their faces are within inches of each other. "How do you think the Morningstar trains their knights? Do you think there is anything you could do to me that would be worse than 700 years of this?"
The resonant chuckle that curls across Hob's skin should probably worry him, but he cannot muster such sense when he is watching the pupils of the Dream King's eyes bleed black outwards, eclipsing his eyes entirely, and wholly captivating Hob. "Lucifer Morningstar's sins often get in the way of their... creativity."
A pale hand shoots towards him and Hob braces for impact, for pain.
He gets nothing of the sort.
Fingers that are the coolness of a lake in summer skate with hedonistic gentleness across Hob's cheek. The palm cups Hob's jaw sweetly. Honeyed breath caresses Hobs lips before they are pressed together. Then he is being kissed with the fondness and warmth of a dear lover.
And that is when Hob realizes that he has vastly miscalculated.
Against his better judgement, Hob is lost to the tide of it. The softest touch of tongues morphs into lazy familiar licks, mapping Hob's mouth as if to memorize, immortalize.
The King of Dreams pulls away and Hob is left panting and hazy.
"I touch you, I kiss you, as I would a lover, as I would my beloved." The King whispers it like a benediction. Hob gasps at the horror that settles into the marrow of his bones. "And never will you feel it again."
And then he is gone.
Hob watches, frozen, as each stride the King takes covers miles. It is only when they have disappeared over the horizon, both Lord and Raven, that Hob realizes tears are streaming down his face.
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: Trevor Zegras x reader
word count: 1.4k
requested? yes - trevor zegras x depressed reader where the reader gets bombarded with hate/toxic comments on their socials just for dating him? (reader isn’t a famous person)
warnings: use of y/n. established relationship.
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Trevor Zegras, of the Anaheim Ducks, had captured the hearts of hockey fans with his exceptional skills on the ice. However, off the rink, his heart belonged to someone unexpected—a non-famous individual known simply as Y/N. Their love story was a quiet one, cherished in the privacy of their own world.
Y/N never sought the spotlight. They were content with their quiet life, finding solace in the simplicity of everyday moments shared with Trevor. But as their relationship blossomed, so did the unwanted attention.
It started with a few snide remarks in the comments section of Y/N's social media posts. At first, they brushed it off, believing it to be the insignificant ramblings of trolls. But soon, the hateful comments grew louder, more persistent, and impossible to ignore.
Y/N's heart sank with each toxic message that flooded their notifications. Words that once brought joy now brought pain, tearing at the fragile threads of their self-esteem. They found themselves questioning their worth, wondering if their love for Trevor was worth the relentless onslaught of hatred.
As the hateful comments continued to pour in, Y/N's confidence began to erode. They couldn't understand why their relationship with Trevor, something so beautiful and pure to them, was being targeted with such venomous hostility. Each derogatory message felt like a dagger to their heart, chipping away at the foundation of their self-worth.
Trevor, ever supportive and understanding, tried his best to shield Y/N from the negativity. He would often remind them of the love they shared, emphasizing that the opinions of strangers should not dictate their happiness. Yet, despite his reassurances, Y/N found it increasingly difficult to silence the doubts that plagued their mind.
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One evening, after a particularly brutal barrage of hate-filled comments, Y/N sat alone in their room, feeling more isolated than ever. They scrolled through their social media feed, each hateful message serving as a painful reminder of their perceived inadequacies.
"Why can't they see us for who we are?" Y/N whispered to themselves, tears welling up in their eyes. They longed for a reprieve from the relentless scrutiny, a moment of respite where they could simply exist without fear of judgment.
Just then, a soft knock on the door drew Y/N's attention. Trevor stood in the doorway, his expression a mixture of concern and unwavering love. Without a word, he crossed the room and enveloped Y/N in a comforting embrace, offering the solace they so desperately needed.
As Trevor wrapped Y/N in his arms, he could feel the tension radiating from their body, a silent testament to the turmoil raging within. Concern etched lines onto his forehead as he held them close, searching for any sign of what had caused their distress.
"Y/N," Trevor murmured softly, his voice a gentle whisper against the backdrop of their shared solitude. "What's wrong? You seemed... distant."
Y/N hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the weight of the burden they carried. They longed to confide in Trevor, to unburden their heart and soul, yet the fear of burdening him with their troubles held them back.
"It's... nothing," Y/N replied, their voice barely above a whisper. "Just... a rough day."
Trevor's brows furrowed in concern, sensing that there was more to the story than they were letting on. But rather than press the issue, he simply tightened his embrace, offering silent comfort in lieu of words.
"You know," Trevor began softly, his voice a soothing murmur against the silence of the room, "you don't have to face whatever it is alone. I'm here for you, always."
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As the days stretched into weeks, the venomous comments on Y/N's social media only seemed to grow in intensity. Each passing day brought with it a new wave of hostility, as though the trolls behind the hateful messages were emboldened by their own cruelty.
Y/N tried to shield themselves from the onslaught, to build a fortress around their heart in an attempt to block out the relentless barrage of negativity. But no matter how hard they tried, the toxic words found a way to seep through the cracks, poisoning their mind and soul with doubt and despair.
Trevor, oblivious to the extent of the hate directed towards Y/N, continued to offer his unwavering support and love. He would often leave encouraging messages on Y/N's social media posts, unaware of the storm of negativity that raged in the comments section below.
But as Y/N's facade began to crumble under the weight of the relentless attacks, they found themselves withdrawing further into themselves, isolating themselves from the world outside. The once vibrant light that had illuminated their spirit dimmed with each passing day, replaced by a suffocating darkness that threatened to consume them whole.
Trevor sensed the shift in Y/N's demeanor, the subtle changes in their behavior that spoke volumes without uttering a single word. He tried to reach out, to break through the walls they had erected around themselves, but his efforts were met with silence—a silence that spoke louder than any words ever could.
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One evening, as the weight of Y/N's silence grew heavier with each passing moment, Trevor couldn't ignore the gnawing feeling in his chest any longer. With a sense of determination tinged with apprehension, he sought out Y/N, his heart heavy with concern.
Finding them sitting alone in their room, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, Trevor hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight of the person he loved more than anything in the world. But as he watched the flicker of emotions dance across Y/N's face, he knew that he couldn't stay silent any longer.
"Y/N," Trevor began, his voice tentative yet resolute, "we need to talk."
Y/N looked up, surprise flickering in their eyes at the seriousness in Trevor's tone. They had expected him to continue pretending that everything was fine, to avoid the uncomfortable truth that lingered between them like a heavy fog. But now, faced with the sincerity in Trevor's gaze, they found themselves unable to look away.
"What's going on, Y/N?" Trevor asked, his voice soft yet firm, his eyes searching theirs for answers. "I can see that something's been bothering you, and I can't just stand by and watch you suffer in silence."
For a moment, Y/N hesitated, the words caught in their throat like shards of broken glass. But as they met Trevor's unwavering gaze, they felt a sense of clarity wash over them—a clarity born from the realization that they didn't have to face their demons alone.
And so, with a deep breath, Y/N began to speak, pouring out their heart and soul to Trevor in a torrent of raw emotion. They spoke of the hateful comments that had plagued them for weeks, of the doubts and insecurities that had taken root in their mind like poisonous weeds.
As they spoke, Trevor listened, his heart breaking with each word that fell from Y/N's lips. He hadn't realized the extent of the pain they had been carrying, the weight of the burden they had been forced to bear alone. But now, as he looked into their eyes, he knew that he would do whatever it took to help them find their way back to the light.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Trevor whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he reached out to gently cradle their face in his hands. "I had no idea... But please, know that you don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you, now and always."
Y/N's eyes softened at his words, a glimmer of hope flickering in the depths of their gaze. They reached out, their trembling hand finding solace in Trevor's warm embrace.
"It's not your fault, Trevor," Y/N murmured, their voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to burden you with my problems, didn't want to drag you into the darkness that consumed me."
Trevor shook his head, his determination shining bright in the depths of his gaze. "You're not a burden, Y/N. You never have been, and you never will be. We're in this together, remember? Through thick and thin, no matter what."
And with those words, Trevor made a silent vow to himself—to stand by Y/N's side, to support them through their darkest moments, and to help them find their way back to the light. For in that moment, as he looked into their eyes, he knew that his love for Y/N was stronger than any obstacle they faced.
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sorry I haven't written in forever, ive been busy this last week. trying to get back on the grind.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 month
Fic roundup: Heart Pirates, post Winner Island
After seeing @purplehairedwonder's post rounding up her fics from the aftermath of the Law-Blackbeard fight now that it's been animated, I thought I'd make one putting together as many as I could find or remember. These are ones where it's the main focus--I realize it does feature in like, various longfics, as a background/inciting event but my goal was to sift out the ones that are focused on it. If there's one that is post WI focused you know and love I'm missing feel free to toss the link in the replies and I'll update the list. I've done some minor sorting into sections for Lulaw, Heart Pirates crew fics, bad end, and various, and within those things are listed alphabetically.
a beating heart by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
After successfully escaping Egghead, the Straw Hats are on their way to Elbaf when two individuals made their way to the Thousand Sunny. The ensuing events led Luffy to realize his feelings for the dying captain. Prompt: confession | heart swap | i thought i'd lost you
A Thing Both Terrible and Beautiful by purplehairedwonder; E, 3.5k, complete.
Law wants it rough, wants it to hurt, because it’s what he deserves after losing everything. Again. Luffy knows he needs something else.
as I hold your hollow heart by betsib; M, 25k, complete.
The Straw Hats pick up Bepo and an unconscious Law after the events at Winner Island. Luffy is more than ready to help him, but when Law opens his eyes, he is a stranger. Meanwhile, Law wakes up in Dressrosa, with Doflamingo's symbol tattooed on his chest and servants calling him "Corazon".
Ballast by SyrupFog; NR, 7.3k, complete.
Law stands at the helm of a ship that isn’t his. They need supplies, they need to recover (he needs to recover), they need to go back. He can’t— he doesn’t have another choice. They have to go back to Winner Island as soon as possible, as soon as they’re able. There’s just no other option, here. Not for him. Not when his entire crew, save for Bepo, is somewhere out there. They’re strong. They must have survived. Law needs them to have survived. Law and Bepo have commandeered a small marine vessel, but there's a ship that simply won't stop following them, and Law-- Law's having nightmares.
Bet by Salemmcit0; G, 1.3k, complete.
Luffy wants to take care of Law while he's wounded, and he lets him. Both pirate crews are freaking out. And betting about it.
Broken Hearts by Dragon_Fallss; M, 33k, complete.
After retreating from Blackbeard, Bepo takes Law to the Thousand Sunny for help. Law's broken. And on top of that, the virus from the battle makes a surprise return. He now has to deal with his grief and a new body. And Luffy is so kind it's painful.
Call You Mine by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 8.8k, complete.
“Who would even be crazy enough to date Straw Hat Luffy?” “It’s gotta be someone who’s pretty strong,” one of the bar’s patrons mused. “I don’t see Straw Hat falling for a weakling.” “Strong enough for Straw Hat, and crazy enough to accept his advances,” another patron mused. “There aren’t many people that can say they’d meet those requirements.” “It’s pretty much just the Worst Generation, right?” someone else pointed out. Law scowled at his drink and wished Penguin wasn’t such a busybody. “Makes sense. Those Worst Generation guys all seem pretty close. When they’re not trying to kill each other, anyway,” the bartender pointed out with a shrug. Law had to admit he was right, at least when it came to Luffy. The idea of Luffy dating someone in their exclusive little band made sense to him, too. Or: Five times Law was jealous of Luffy's mystery boyfriend, and one time he realized the mystery boyfriend was Law himself.
Dead Defend No Honour (Day 9 of LawLu Week 2023) by KhepiAri; G, 2.7k, complete.
What if Luffy found out, Law lost it all at the hands of Blackbeard? Will he let Law suffer alone, or will he drag him back to Sunny?
Dissecting a Captain by devils_regrets; E, 10.8k, complete.
Law's anguish and hatred drives him to lash out at the Straw Hat Captain, but Luffy of all people knows that's not how to heal the heart.
Grounding Exercise by heart_sen_ya; T, 2.5k, complete.
The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. “Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?'' The word tasted like poison.
Healing of the heart by Tchell1; G, 10.5k, complete.
In the aftermath of Law and Black Beard's battle, Law is left broken and hopeless. Monkey D. Luffy will not allow Law to fall into despair.
Look Who's Laughing Now by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 13.2k, complete.
I really like Torao, Luffy thought contentedly. I like him, too. The words felt like a warm echo of his own thoughts, bumping against the inside of his skull in a gentle but insistent way. That was weird. But not the weirdest thing Luffy had ever experienced, so he ignored it. “Did you get something in your eyes, Mugiwara-ya?” Torao asked. “They look a little pink.”
Loss & Regret by CaptainButterBuns; G, 1.4k, complete.
Blackbeard has dealt a crushing blow to the Hearts and Law is left to deal with the trauma but an old ally could be just what he needs to help him through it.
Lost and Found (You) by purplehairedwonder; T, 7.5k, complete.
Five times Law and Luffy almost lost one another and one time they did something about it.
My Heart in Your Hands, My Hands around Your Heart by purplehairedwonder; G, 1.9k, complete
In Luffy's lowest moment, Law takes Luffy's hand and promises that his story will not end. In Law's lowest moment, Luffy takes Law's hand and promises the same.
My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
“I failed them,” Law whispered, and it felt like a confession—like at church in Flevance. Confession was supposed to absolve someone of their sins, right? He doubted there was a god anywhere who could absolve him of his. And yet, he confessed at the altar of Luffy. “They were my responsibility, and I failed them.” Or, Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island.
On fire by Suwym; T, 367 words, complete.
Law has lost practically everything: his father, his submarine, his crew, and that vivre card.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me."
Seeing the Light by CaptainJoJo; G, 1.4k, complete.
Law doesn't want to talk about it and Luffy isn't pushing him.
Tattoos by Salemmcit0; G, 4k, complete.
Luffy takes Law and his crew to Swallow Island to build a new Polar Tang, and retouch his tattoos. Nobody knew that Mugiwara-ya was planning on getting one too.
The Heart is a Thing to Be Broken by purplehairedwonder; T, 5.5k, complete.
The Straw Hats learn about Winner Island.
The Lost Case by felsefeslegen; M, 24k, WIP.
SPOILERS AFTER 1081 IN THE MANGA. What happened to Law and Bepo after they defeated by Blackbeard and lost in the ocean? How will they survive and what will happen after Law and Luffy meet up in Elbaf? --- After the total defeat of Heart Pirates, Law and Bepo washed up on a deserted island. After that the thing made them survive became their nightmare, they were rescued from there like a miracle. Yet, Law was broken enough to hurt both himself and others. And mostly, Luffy.
Then Came You by Raiya
„Please Captain don’t die.“ Law could hear Bepo repeat the words over and over. The seawater around him felt like it was holding him in a breathtaking grip, but maybe it was Bepo carrying him. Law did not know if he was unable to move because of the water or his injuries but it did not matter much, he barely could keep himself conscious but tried his best.
What once was lost, now found by Callunar; T, 7k, complete.
You didn't have to come by Salemmcit0; G, 1.6k, complete.
After parting ways while leaving Wano, Luffy can't stop looking at Law's vivre card. Days later the paper began to disintegrate. Or, Luffy goes to look for Torao as the Winner Island encounter is going on Day 1 of Lawlu 2023 week - Loyalty
your hands in mine by betsib; T, 1k, complete.
Luffy has always liked Law's hands.
Your Heart, Broken in My Chest by purplehairedwonder. T, 3.6k, complete.
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. AKA, Law and Luffy switched hearts after Wano, and Luffy feels Winner Island happen.
10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 6/8/10: Holding Hands/Hurt & Comfort/Confessions by Straw_Heart3; M, 4.6k, complete.
The aftermath of Law's fight with Blackbeard on Winner Island.
Heart Pirates major role
A Last, Beating Heart by HyperbolicReverie; G, 1.4k, complete.
“Oh, my wonderful crew,” you think, thoughts hazy as bits and pieces of yourself begin to drift in the currents. “Oh, my dear, brave little boys. I hope you can forgive me for not being able to carry you further. I can no longer be your heart.”
Your journey has ended. But this? This you can do.
A Swallow's Cry by Heartprts (jiaaa27); T, 3k, complete.
Klabautermann: a spirit that dwells in ships, an incarnation of a ship that has been well loved and cared for. Tangs, surgeonfishes: a family of marine fish with a distinctive characteristic of having scalpel-like scales at their caudal peduncle. or Polar Tang fought for her family, to her very last breath.
At Our Dream's End by chioccowine; G, 2.5k, complete
A snippet between the Heart's captain and his first mate after chapter 1081 - - - “But, Bepo...” his captain’s body shivered as he uttered softly, like the blossoms of the epiphyllum under the moonlight, silently withering in the gentle wind without anyone knowing. “What lies at the dream’s end? What lies at the end…when there’s nothing left to dream about?” Bepo sniffed to hold back his tears, and he reached out his paws determinedly. Like how the three of them used to do for him when he was still a little cub, he hugged his captain tight, sheltering him from the long freezing night.
Bioluminescent Hearts by Harmonica_Smile (Rescue_Remedy); T, 5.7k, complete.
"No bodies?" Blackbeard fumed. Doc Q and Stronger had bounced across rocky Winner Island when that bear had gone all Sulong and knocked them out. Van Augur's range for warping wasn't that great, and was tricky over open water. He could sharpshoot the skin of a hangnail, but the bear was fast. If he'd managed to get a shot in, they could've finished the Mink off, and pulled the shitty doctor from the water, taken his heart and returned triumphant. Once the horse had woken up.
blessed, not cursed by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
For a few years now, Jean Bart feels like his life is cursed. It all happened too quickly; one moment their ship capsized, and the next moment he's wearing an explosive collar. It was the start of all the curses.
Caught by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad death, Hakugan thought as he felt darkness beginning to encroach on his vision. He’d been on the crew of a Warlord, had helped in the fight that defeated two Emperors, and had seen more incredible, unbelievable things than he would have once thought possible; it had been a much more fulfilling life than he would have had if he’d stayed in his boring, backwater home in the North Blue. He would never regret agreeing to join Trafalgar Law all those years ago. He only hoped that his captain would somehow live on to fight another day; as long as Law lived on, so would the Heart Pirates.
Celebration by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.6k, complete.
As the Heart and Straw Hat Pirates celebrate the jailbreak of the imprisoned Hearts, Shachi tracks down a guilt-ridden Law and offers his captain some moral support.
Cursed by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.4k, complete.
After Wano, Jean had never been prouder to sport the Heart Pirates Jolly Roger on his back, tattooed over the slave brand that had marked him as cursed for so many years. But they had failed Law on Winner Island. Jean had failed him on Winner Island.
Clang, Ding, Zing by Mekachu04. G, 489 words, complete.
Still, it surprised him when Kidd approached him first, a thick pad of blank newsprint that Law hoped he'd gotten permission for before liberating from Franky's workshop. Kidd dropped the heavy booklet on Law with no preamble. an *extremely* short snippet of two very much down on their luck pirate captains dealing with their recent losses. More light-hearted than it sounds.
Food by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete
“Sorry for borrowing your kitchen without asking. I just...” “It’s fine,” Sanji said easily before starting to roll up the cuffs on his sleeves to his elbow. “You wanted to make something for your people, didn’t you?” “I...” Clione blinked in surprise. “Yeah.” “I get it,” Sanji said. Once his cuffs were rolled up, he crossed his arms and leaned against the side of the counter. “It’s how people like us show our love, right?” Sanji went on. “Through our cooking.”
going through by aghhhhhh; G, 1.1k, complete.
Hakugan has an idea. Written for Heart Pirates Week 2024 Day 8: Hakugan and Caught
Heart to Heart by MorWicked; G, 1k, complete.
The Heart Pirates have been destroyed, and now they need to help each other remember what matters most. ----- Digging his fingers in amongst the flotsam of pebbles and broken shells, Law wrestled his harrowed anatomy into a position somewhat less prone. Slumping against the familiar form of his salvation, Law found it a little easier to breathe. A heavy paw settled over his shoulders, somehow easing the gravity of devastation even as it rested in a fashion that belied a bone-deep exhaustion.
'homeless heart' by fab_ia; T, 4k, complete.
“They’ll make it,” Bepo says. “They always have before, haven’t they? From the North until here…” It isn’t survivors' guilt. Bepo refuses to call it that, at any rate, because that would mean expressing some degree of doubt that the rest of them have managed to survive. He isn’t sure that he’ll be able to keep going if he lets go of that hope, if he doubts them for even a moment.
Last nights with Tang by Lyy30; G, 6.5k, complete.
Ikkaku has her first and last conversation with Tang.
Loyalty by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
The only solace the Hearts had after being taken captive by the Blackbeard Pirates was the revelation that Bepo had gotten Law away from the battlefield. They’d all sworn in Wano that they would do whatever it took to protect their self-sacrificing captain, and any of them would have made the same choice, had they been able. They were the Heart Pirates, and Trafalgar Law was the beating heart at the center of the crew. They would hold out until Law came for them, and they would give the Blackbeard Pirates nothing.
Low Battery by killyhawk; T, 1.5k, complete
Two times Shachi carried Law, and one time he couldn't.
Night by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.1k, complete.
Their rescue comes at night.
Wish the 4 of us stay together forever by Horsehead_557; G, 837 words, complete.
Penguin, Shachi, Law and Bepo are all waiting outside to see the shooting star while drinking some tasty hot chocolate until Bepo suggest that they make a wish
Bad end
Broken Hearts by CaptainButterBuns; E, 736 words, complete. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Major Character Death warning.
Law has bitten off more than he can chew with Black Beard and the Heart Pirates pay the ultimate price.
Forced Disease of Despair by ProfessorDatenix; E, 6k, complete. Law/Blackbeard and Blackbeard Pirates. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law gets turned into a woman in the battle against the Blackbeard Pirates near Winner Island, but something goes wrong and ends up captured by them, being completely at the mercy of mean that want to show their new slut what it means to be a captured woman by an enemy ship
From the Ashes by purplehairedwonder. T, 10.8k, WIP.
Blackbeard takes Law and the defeated Heart Pirates captive after their defeat at Winner Island.
Some version of you. That I might not have, but I did not lose by ImpassiveMoon; T, 3.2k, WIP.
Law doesn't escape Winner Island. Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates, sailing high after their escape from Egghead Island, find out far too late. A butterfly flaps its wings and creates a tornado. What then would a beetle do? A god? Brace yourself. For D will bring a storm.
The promised I have to keep by Horsehead_557; G, 3.35k. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Rape/Non-Con warning.
the young captain taking out his den-den mushi and vivre card luffy like calling the other captain while looking at his vivre card cause it makes him feel like that torao is infront of him “wh-where is” luffy panicked he cant find torao’s vivre card - in something happened to law and they cant do anything about it
the steps to an foretold conclusion by aghhhhhh; T, 3.2k, complete.
Law was always going to die. He is on the altar, heart torn out for the sun.
to the victor go the soiled by Anonymous; E, 8k, complete. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law had been Doflamingo’s slave-concubine for some years before escaping the clan in his late teens and starting his own crew, but no-one left Doflamingo’s harem. Doflamingo was excited that Law now had a hole that he and other members of his crew had not yet sampled. Variety was the spice of life and all that. Another thing Doflamingo liked was how docile the constant fucking from Blackbeard’s crew, the transformation, and the specially designed seastone adornments had made Law. Straight into the PWP. Hurt, no comfort. If it's not your thing, click right back. Tags are not for show
Aftermath by purplehairedwonder; G, 1k.
The aftermath of the fight at Winner Island.
A Most Surprising Alliance by Cygnus_the_Harper; G, 13.3k, complete. Users-only.
After the battle on Winner Island Bepo and Law flee across the ocean. Finding themselves stranded on a winter island they try to pick up the pieces, find a plan for moving forward, and worry about their crew. This was written after the cover page art depicting Law napping with a leopard and a bottle of vodka. It was such a fun picture that I had to write the adventures of Law and Bepo on that island, and their eventual rescue.
A Promise Fulfilled, 13 Years Later by betsib. T, 5.8k, complete.
Rosinante wakes up on Minon Island on the exact spot where he died, 13 years later. He's surprised to find Law is now a notorious pirate, and sets out on a journey to find him. Written for CoraFest 2024.
a victory every year by betsib; T, 6k, complete.
Law finds himself imprisoned in Impel Down, injured and possibly dying. His only company is Doflamingo, who tells him Luffy has been captured too. All in all, not the best way to spend his birthday.
A Wave Across a Bay by Sleeping_Songbird; G, 785 words, complete.
The aftermath of The Hearts fight with Blackbeard.
Faded by meowmystery; T, 819 words, complete.
Alone with his thoughts, Trafalgar Law begins to think his past over, which he has done over a million times. No matter how much he tries, he can't seem to come to a conclusion. Is there really an answer?
Fem Law on Winner Island by SilverSphere; G, 1.4k, complete.
This is just a canon-divergence drabble of Law getting stuck as a girl on Winner Island : )
Give Us a Little Love by cptrum; G, 2.3k, complete.
Law and Bepo get away from Winner island, but now what? Bepo is stuck trying to help an injured Law and also get his crew back. A what happened after chapter 1081 (since we still have zero resolution for that).
Hurting by lostsometime; T, 808 words, complete.
It hurts different, is the thing.
In the Light that Falls at Moonrise by Rimetin; T, 12.7k, Smoker/Law.
"The Captain,” the mink repeats, “trusts you.” Smoker chews on his cigars, letting his head fall back again. “Yeah, you said that.” “And you trust him.” Smoker and Law speak with their respective seconds-in-command, gain some valuable insight, and come face to face with some difficult to admit facts. Part 3 of Bitten by the Cold
Magneteers by Mekachu04; T, 2k, WIP.
After fleeing Blackbeard, Law & Bepo have been rescued by the Strawhats. Luffy is more than happy to help Law find his ship and crew, but his crew rightly points out that finding a submarine under the water is a big ask. If only there was someone they knew who could find large metal things and easy move them around. Possibly bring a sunken sub up to the surface with his magnetic abilities. So they detour to hunt down the Kidd Pirates. Unfortunately for Law, Shanks found Kidd first.
Polar Bear, Ocean Blue, and A Glass of His Dreams by chioccowine; G, 8k, WIP. Shanks/Law.
In order to bring Black Beard down to his demise, the Captain of the Hearts seized the opportunity to propose an alliance to the notorious red-haired emperor. The young captain’s willing to offer anything - - As he had nothing to lose.
Salt for Salt (Bone For Bone) by Friendly_Neighborhood_Asexual; NR, 2k, complete.
Bepo didn’t know how long he had been swimming, only that his lungs burned and his limbs ached and that he could not stop until his captain was safe. Law was tucked firmly under his arm, pressed close to his side with all the strength the mink could afford, and Bepo couldn’t tell if he was still breathing anymore. He couldn’t dwell on that though - wouldn’t dare to entertain the thought that he might be - his captain was strong, strong enough to survive Doflamingo, strong enough to survive Kaido and Big Mom, strong enough to bring emperors to their knees. Law would be strong enough to survive Blackbeard. Bepo didn’t know if he would be strong enough to survive Law’s death.
Suns Will Sink to Shade by Rimetin; T, 7.3k, complete. Smoker/Law.
Smoker gnaws on his cigars, puffing thick clouds of off-white smoke. “I’m trying to help you, brat.” “I didn’t–” Law cuts himself off. It dawns on him then that he did, in fact, ask. Involving Smoker was his own express decision, however impulsively made. Bepo certainly hadn't made it for him - hell, he hadn't so much as questioned it. And he hadn't been the one to bring the rumors, either: it had been an innocuous bit of conversation Law overheard, and his traitor brain had latched onto it. Pushed to his breaking point and beyond, he'd heard Smoker's name and only thought refuge. Fuck. Smoker and Law talk some things through. Plans are made. (now with art!) Part 2 of Bitten by the Cold
The Aftermath by RitsukoRyoku; G, 3.5k, complete
This is how I envision the aftermath of that fateful battle as the Heart Pirates recover and recuperate.
what we have left by betsib; G, 716 words, complete.
Bepo and Law are picked up by the Straw Hats after the events on Winner Island, and Law proposes another alliance.
When Stars are Silver by Rimetin; T, 7k, complete. Smoker/Law.
When the air around him thins and fills with bluish static, Smoker knows exactly what it is. He turns in his chair just in time to catch two of his meditating rocks poof out of existence, replaced instead with… A man and a polar bear. SPOILERS for ch. 1081. After Winner Island, Law finds Smoker. Part 1 of Bitten by the Cold
I II II L by darkrogue1 (Lily_Haydee_Lohdisse); T, 764 words, complete.
Bepo worries about his Captain
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soullessdianthus · 8 months
⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ | Valentine's day with Johnny
dedicated for: @crash-and-live as a part of valentine's event held by @bunnyreaper. happy valentines, Ber! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
w: best boyfriend ever John "leg opener" MacTavish and smut (lotus and passionate fucking)
divider below by @saradika-graphics
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The lights went dim for a short moment and music quietened down, before reflectors brightened up the large theatrical hall and its audience. You felt the thump of the drums in your lungs when the second act of the play started. 
You were so grateful for Johnny and his idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year. Each restaurant, shop or luxury spa was bursting at the seams (as per always), because every couple wanted to go out and honor that special event of lovebirds. Not wanting to follow the masses, Johnny bought tickets for a spectacle at the local theater.  
Blue eyed soldier wore his best suit and you put on an elegant evening dress. the hem of the skirt reached down to your ankles, pooling just around your legs. A white, fluffy shrug and a pearl necklace made you feel like a star on a red carpet. He made you feel special. 
The room was spacious, but not many lovers picked such a way to spend the evening of Valentine’s Day. Your boyfriend released your palm that he held through the first act to readjust his trousers. Again. He kept whining over and over that they were too tight! Thank God no one was sitting next to you to witness Scot’s struggles.
— Johnny — you scolded him quietly, leaning closer to your boyfriend — what’s up with you? 
— ‘s not my fault, hen — the Scot groaned, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed heavily — did ye have to wear that beautiful fuckin’ dress? 
— So… you’re all hot and bothered, because of how I dressed? 
Your voice sounded seductive as your fingers with freshly done manicure brushed his tensed thigh. His muscles twitched under your touch. 
— Fuck — he hissed — don’t do this to me, bonnie. Yer breasts are almost spillin’ out. 
— No, they’re not — you planted a gentle peck on his unshaven cheek. — Just wait until the play is over, pretty boy. 
You patted his lap gently, before straightening up in your seat again. You could sense how upset Johnny was for making him wait. Or how his painful boner made him all grumpy. But he couldn’t stay sulked for too long, because how could he? 
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The tension between you two grew each minute, since you had left the theater. Johnny kept holding your hand firmly, not giving a chance to let you go. Something sparkled in his baby blue eyes each time when he peaked at you through his shoulder – his treasure. 
The ride home was short and dangerously swift, each speed bump made you jump in your seat. You knew he was getting desperate, hungry and impatient. But so did you begin to feel that building excitement deep inside of your guts, lower belly maybe. The heartbeat accelerated and the loud thuds spreaded across your breasts. 
Johnny almost didn’t let you close the door behind you two, when his wetted lips clung to the side of your neck, like a bloodsucking leech. His experienced fingertips roamed over your body just to feel how soft your skin was, all his. He traced your arm up and down and then he reached under the hem of your dress. 
Your boyfriend knew how to push each individual button to make you equally horny, how to make you melt in his strong, bulky arms. He teased your inner thighs by tickling them slightly, before gently rubbing your mound through the cotton panties with the back of his hand. 
— Johnny — you whispered under your breath, fingers entangled between his brown mohawk as he kept leaving hickeys all over your cleavage — baby, let me take my shoes off. My feet hurt.
— Aw, your legs are tired, lass? — Scot cooed at you, when the painfully tight heels finally came off. — We hadn’t even started.
Before you could even realize, Soap scooped you from the floor in a bridal style and walked into your shared bedroom. The man was built like a bear, but each time you touched him, he became soft. Almost unthreatening. 
He helped you get rid of that dress that haunted him the whole evening, blue eyes glued to your flushed face – you must have looked so pretty for him. Johnny pointed to the bed with his scarred chin just as he was working on his suit. You climbed onto the freshly made sheets and laid back comfortably, looking curiously at him all this time. 
Johnny climbed on top of the mattress and stopped only when he made his way between your thighs. You could feel how his erection was pressing against your slit through the layers of underwear and you looked him in the eye. 
Soldier leaned down to kiss you, but a singular kiss quickly turned into a vulgar make out session – his tongue trying to invade your mouth and those filthy sounds leaving both of your mouths. You even found yourself grinding against his crotch. 
But when you felt his cock twitch, because of your actions, Johnny simply let go of your swollen lips and unglued his pelvis from yours. 
— Fuck, ‘m not gonna last if ye kept doin’ that. 
He complained as he kept placing wet kisses all over your breasts, nipples, sternum and stomach. He went lower and lower until Soap’s lips latched onto your clothed cunt. His hot breath sent tingles up your spine. 
— Think you won’t need them anymore — Johnny dragged the pretty panties all the way down to your ankles just to slip them completely off. And only then his gaze got struck by the glistering wetness smeared over your womanhood. Man tilted his head and groaned quietly. — She’s eager. 
Did he just call your pussy a ‘she’? 
You could feel the heat that flooded your face, causing a vivid blush across your cheeks. Curiously you traced each movement of his body, each spasm of his muscles – none of his subtle glances over your face went unnoticed. Soap was a caring and observant boyfriend, the best you could ever get. 
One of his palms brushed the strands of your hair out of the face that was imprinted in his mind forever. Johnny gently cupped your cheek, before speaking in a calm manner. 
— I wanna try something out, okay? — He politely asked, looking into the depths of your eyes. — Heard’s really good. 
You agreed and in a matter of seconds Johnny maneuvered the both of you into a sitting position. He got you close to his torso, wobbly legs dangling over his hips causing you to spread for him. Only then you noticed Johnny wanted to take you in a lotus position. 
Without warning he clutched tightly to your mouth again and slipped his throbbing length inside of you with ease. 
A shameless moan escaped your puffy lips right into his mouth as Johnny kept thrusting up. Fuck, you couldn’t remember when was the last time he was nestled so deep inside of you. 
The intimacy and desire fueled your bodies like flames, the skin was burning up, pupils widely dilated. Your reddened lips latched onto Johnny’s veiny neck as he groaned, leaving a string of saliva connected to it. 
He kept pumping vividly into you chasing your both sweet peaks. It didn’t last long since the familiar, pleasurable sensation started to coil in the den of your tummy, when Soap started to tease your clit. 
— F-Fuck, Johnny~ — You whined in a high pitched tone between the sharp breaths you were trying to take. But your boyfriend successfully stole them away.
— Keep sayin’ my name like tha’ and I might cum too soon. 
You nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck, arms wrapped around his shoulders. Johnny’s fingers dug into the soft flesh of your hip as the other hand continued to draw circles around the nub just like you favored. 
You could feel him slide in and out each time Soap thrusted with his hips up. Then something just snapped and a tingling sensation began to build up rapidly, like an avalanche. Your pelvis began to follow man’s movements by grinding down and imitating the same pace. 
— Johnny I-
There wasn’t even a chance for you to finish the sentence when a sudden wave of white pleasure washed over you, blinding the vision. You pressed your eyes together just as your pussy began to squeeze around him chaotically. Soap reached his orgasms soon after you, just as you began to feel limp in his arms. 
And just as you wanted to rest your chin over his shoulder, he caught your lips again in a wet kiss. 
— Hey, hey, wanna look at your pretty face, alright? — His voice broke down a few times as he was still riding his climax out, strong hands holding your hips down.
You looked at your loving boyfriend and smiled at him, cheeks painted by lustfull blush. 
— You’re so beautiful, dove — he cupped the side of your sweet face, eyes still half lidded, when Soap placed a tender kiss on your forehead. —  Steamin’ Jesus, I love ye so much.
— I love you too, Johnny. 
Only then he allowed you to cuddle up to his muscular chest. His hands began to stroke up and down your spine, lulling you into some rest. 
— You okay, bonnie? — To which you nodded weakly, consciousness still stuck somewhere in your climax. — Wanna soak in a bath? I bought some scented oils. 
You couldn’t have dreamt of a better lover than Johnny MacTavish was. And he was entirely yours.
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laxmiree · 2 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Sweet Scheme ASMR translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an ASMR that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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T/N: The ASMR name 蜜谋 (mìmóu) consists of two characters: 蜜 (mì), meaning "honey" or "sweet," and 谋 (móu), meaning "plan"/"plot"/"scheme". In this ASMR, it refers to Lucien scheming to get punished (and also the other way around) LOL
⚠️ This ASMR is NSFW and NOT suitable for individuals under the age of 18 due to its sexual nature. It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
Twitter link [click here]
GDrive link [soon]
Transcript under the cut~
[sounds of door opening + clinking of things]
I'm back.
Today's experiment
went much smoother than I expected,
so I came back early.
Just in time,
I also wanted to see you sooner.
What are you doing
Are these… gems?
[chuckles] I have only heard about it on the phone before
when you were filming a jewelry show
you bought a very beautiful emerald rough
[the fact that the emerald is still rough is important for the later part because it means that the edges are sharp and can cause pain-]
I just didn't expect…
there to be so many.
There's only one,
and the rest are candies?
[chuckles] So that's how it is
If I find the gem,
will it and you both belong to me?
It seems that
this is a "test" for me from my little lady.
Of course, I am willing to accept all your challenges.
However, before we begin,
I would like to understand the rules of this game.
For example,
how many chances do I have?
if I guess wrong,
what will the punishment be?
[the way he said it… man is looking forward to the punishment🤪]
You want to keep it a secret for now?
[Lucien reaches out his hand to pick up one of the "gems", but is held back]
Am I not allowed to pick it up,
and can only observe it here?
I'll choose this one.
Did I guess wrong?
Then can you tell me now 
what the punishment is?
Close my eyes?
[some rustling noises in the background as he is being stripped open-]
…although when you stripped open my clothes
I probably knew what the "punishment" would be,
the "gem" you just placed on my back
is even a little colder than I imagined.
This little lady looks a bit disappointed…
Because I don't look surprised?
Maybe it's because,
when I guessed wrong, the mischievous look in your eyes was too obvious.
[T/N: he affectionately uses the title “little classmate” (小同学); I'm using ‘you’ for better flow~]
Compared to my back…
The waist areas around ribs,
and lower abdomen below navel,
are densely populated with nerve endings
and are much more sensitive.
[some DELICIOUS soft moans as he’s being punished in those places-]
[breathlessly] These areas
might better achieve the effect you desire.
[hell yea I sure wonder what kind of another ”””effect””” she's looking for-]
I'll continue guessing
This piece has a cooler color
The cracks in the crystal are also more natural
It seems to be the one
Did I guess wrong again?
I didn't expect this game
to be more "challenging" than I imagined.
It seems this little classmate is going to win another round.
Bring it on.
[chuckles] You can use a bit less force.
the stimulation felt by the nerve endings
will be overshadowed by other sensations
[other sensations here might refer to pain caused by too much force… pain play doesn't work as well as temperature play on him due to him canonically having an absurdly high pain threshold and is less sensitive to pain]
Just like this…
[Lucien takes one of the “gems” and runs it on her body]
Did it feel cold to you?
I just think that
personally experiencing this feeling
will help you do it better.
[I think he doesn't mind the pain itself, BUT if you want to give him ‘better’ punishment, focus more on the temperature play🤪]
the way you opened your eyes wide just now 
was really cute.
It made me want to be a bit more "excessive."
The one I have in my hand
should be the emerald you asked me to guess.
Of course, it can't be wrong
In the emerald ore,
there are some granules and textures
emeralds are called beryls
and are mostly in the shape of hexagonal prisms.
When you were preparing the show,
I also secretly "stole" some knowledge from you.
Did I guess wrong on purpose before?
You caught me.
Within the rules,
experiencing everything the game has to offer is what makes it enjoyable, right?
[chuckles] Don't get distracted,
the candy in your hand is already starting to melt.
Although this beautiful and translucent gem
is also very captivating.
To me,
the candy in your hand is more attractive.
[sounds of him rolling the candy to his mouth and licking the melting sugar on her hand]
Although it looks just like a gemstone on the surface,
it's sweeter than I imagined.
It has a bit of a green grape flavor.
Miss Producer,
haven't you tried it yourself?
[kissing noises as he ‘shares’ the candy sensually]
Let's share the fruit of this "victory" together.
[MORE delicious kissing noises before it fades away. With him being stripped off, I think we all know where this is going iykwim-]
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, unhealthy mindset, possessiveness, spoiler for the Masquerade event (obviously)
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Voicelines about you, the Overseer
Cheering to yourself you looked at the screen, confirming that you just purchased the new voicelines that you were only able to purchase during this event. To say that this event was stressful was an understatement. Heck, even the app seemed like it wanted to prevent you from earning all the materials and exchanging them for the lines of text, the App crashing and freezing whenever there was the slightest inconvenience. It was also very different from what you were used to in this game. Usually it was always light content and a few sprinkles of Angst for entertainment but this time it was like someone took the game and decided to turn it into something that could only be described with “nightmare fuel if real”. With the usual content creators of the game being unusually quiet, if not to say absolutely silent, about it there were no guides to look up, no one seemingly caring to explore the new lore presented. Tapping the screen you finally accessed the voicelines, curious about what they had to say about the individual which was at the center of said event, the Overseer
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What is your opinion of the Overseer?
“There has never in history been an individual, no, simply a being so just and equal as them. One could say that they might be justice itself. Now, we are more than just aware that of course such can not be the truth. When the great calamity of blooming fire happened they were making judgments about the situation and unjust actions of the people resorting out of that also based on morale. If they were justice itself they would have purely gone the path of logic. However, like the sound of the Bell of Salvation their judgment was clear and of pure heart, understanding the resulting pain of the people, guiding the judge into the right direction. Although I am not able to understand their approval of magic. But this also only shows as well that they are indeed a kind individual.”
The view of your homeland, what is your opinion on that?
“Our view of the Overseer is already one that differences in many ways, depending on the person you ask. However, we are all able I agree that they are an advocate for justice. True justice unlike that judge that was topic of many discussions due to him accepting, well how to say this... “donations”. A stain like this upon our beautiful city like that is something everyone regrets and despises. Thus I can agree on the statement that they are indeed very deeply connected to our justice system but I would go even further with this. I would even dare to say that they are the reason why we can live in such a mostly upright and kind world like our own. But how dare those heathens of Sunset Savannah to say that they are nothing more than just a representative of equality? They are much more, they are the reason why freedom even exists!”
What would you do if you ever met them?
“That is a question I am not able to give you a definitive answer upon. All I can say with certainty is that I would most likely not be able to treat them with anything below respect. I might even make them uncomfortable... Pardon me for trailing off. But simply meeting them is an honor too great for my meek and unworthy, stained self. As I said, magic is something that is not certainly good and like a stain that needs certain treatment for it finally be eradicated. I myself am such a stain, or at least stained by it. Perfect of Ramshackle, due to you being pure unlike me I will entrust you with this secret: I highly doubt that someone like the Overseer would like someone like me but what do I expect, being someone like myself? A stain, a... parasite like me is not worth it. And yet I can not stop myself from dreaming that their bright light may reach me in the darkness. Them having the kindness and patience to look upon me as they do with those that deserve such. But I doubt I would be able to share their kindness ever again... how despicable of me...”
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aficionadoenthusiast · 3 months
hi! i also love comedy! any chance we could get some more funny fic recs?
yes, absolutely!
sorry, don't have a ton of these, I tend to read more serious fics for this fandom
keeping it fruity by buoyantsaturn; valgrace, T, 4k; Leo is both so relatable and so silly, I love it
Leo huffed. “Sorry, I just don’t think I can support such senseless violence,” he grumbled, knowing that all of the excuses he and Nico had come up with over the last few years would be useless by that point. “What is a sport, really, if not an excuse to beat some stranger to a pulp?”
sex education by CordeliaRose; solangelo, E & M, 5-20k; I'm not normally a fan of smut, so if this one got me to read smut, you know it's good
Percy tries to give Nico a sex talk. It goes about as well as anyone could have predicted.
shelter order by deniigiq; team red, G, 46k; team red quarantine group chat fic, need I say more?
Little Spidey (Pink): Hello Twitter. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Spiderman has decided that we should share with you all our private chat. We will be doing so on the condition that y’all remain cool about it. You gonna be cool? (Peter decides to raise spirits of those in isolation by sharing parts of the Team Red chat online day by day.)
Fishing Isn’t Fair to the Fish by NezumiPi; defenders, T, 17k; I was not expecting this one to have so much humor. or an exorcism.
Spoilers for Defenders S1 and prior individual shows. In a magnificent display of poor judgment, Luke Cage invites the Defenders on an upstate fishing trip in they can get to know one another better and perhaps smooth over some minor interpersonal conflicts. Contains (in no particular order): Minor interpersonal conflicts, major interpersonal conflicts, moderate impersonal conflicts, Danny Rand’s undergarments, porn for the blind, misuse of pharmaceuticals, talking swans, occasional fishing, and some seriously unpleasant business.
Mr. Stark's Home for Idiot Teenagers by OffToNewPastures; Iron family, T, 98k; tbh it's been so long since I read this one that I don't remember what it's about, but I have it marked as funny, so here you go
Peter is there, slumped over the kitchen island, slowly cramming spoonfuls of Double Chocolate Cookie Crisp into his mouth, hair tousled and sticking up every which way, and Tony realizes with sudden clarity that he’s fighting a losing battle. Maybe not today, maybe he can put it off for a while, but someday he’s just going to have to give up and love this ridiculous kid. - In which Tony Stark learns object lessons about love, sacrifice, death, friendship, and parenthood; and makes his peace with the unfortunate reality that his penthouse will be crawling with asshole teenagers every weekend for the foreseeable future. Follows canon...loosely. Ahem.
Chaotic Peter by Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so; Iron family, T, 15-20k; this one is hilarious and painful and gripping and so so beautiful, and it has a logical path to the Iron family trope that doesn't make me cringe. I stayed up to 5 am on a weekday reading it. No regrets. (My note on ao3: "Reread first story to laugh until you cry, reread second part to feel something," if anyone was doubting how I feel about this fic.)
"Is there a reason you're calling this late at night?" Tony asks, worried in spite of himself. "Tell me what's going on, kid." “Everything is one-hundred-percent fine,” Peter says. “Seriously, I've never been better. But I should let you know I have about thirty bricks of cocaine in my bedroom. Also, Karen won't let me turn off Instant Kill Mode. Also, Walmart discontinued my special razzleberry pink squeezy lemonade. Which isn't related to tonight's patrol, I'm just bummed about it.”  Or: The five times Instant Kill Mode is activated +1
Super Duper Side Effects by awesomesockes, whumphoarder; Avengers, T, 16k; most mcu fans probably recognize this one and know it's hilarious
The downside of an enhanced metabolism is that it renders most drugs completely ineffective. Captain America accepted this long ago as an occupational hazard. But after Peter sustains a serious injury in the line of duty and the doctors have no way to manage the pain, Steve decides to volunteer as a test subject for Bruce and Tony’s experimental super drug. However, the soldier ends up getting a little more than he bargained for. (Alternative title: Original Drug Tester: Steve Rogers)
Obligatory mention of the fic that caused this ask:
in technicolor by deniigiq; Marvel's various NYC vigilantes & Brett Mahoney, not rated (I'd give it a T), 120k; again. the observor pov gives the idea of wildlife being studied in their natural habitat, and it is so. fucking. funny.
Brett sighed and looked down at the folder in his hand. “Your name is Peter, right?” “Lawyer.” “Peter, we haven’t even started talking. Let’s just take a minute to ease up.” “Lawyer.” “Bud, we haven’t charged you with a crime. This is just talking.” “Law. Yer.” Goddamn. (Brett's encounters with Team Red/vigilantes and their weird fucking way of helping)
Still Preoccupied... With 1979 by darkbluedark; drarry (+jily & wolfstar), T, 15-20k; pre drarry accidental time travel hanging onto their rivalry for convenience? hilarious.
It’s May 1979 and the Order has just apprehended a pair of mysterious wizards who look remarkably like a Potter and a Malfoy. Naturally, James Potter and Sirius Black are called in to identify the strangely familiar strangers and determine their backgrounds and loyalties. (This would be a lot easier if their captives weren’t convinced everyone they talk to is dead. It would also be easier if they didn’t spend half their bloody time bickering.)
sirius black and the "mystery girl" by tjmcharg; wolfstar, T, 29k; heteronormativity but for humor reasons
"You can't tell me who you're with?" Lily smiles at him hopefully. Sirius laughs. "Alright Evans, if you're so curious, I have a proposition for you" "We'll set up a little bet, you have until the end of the school year - so two months - to work out who I'm dating, or..." he pauses to think and with an evil smirk decides, "or you have to ask your crush out on a date."
pair of tossers with a cat by moonymoment; wolfstar, G, 10k; a cat nearly destroys them. in the middle of a war.
Something seemed to dawn on Remus then; something so obvious he couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it before. He frowned and looked at Sirius quizzically. “What?” “Are you…” Remus began, gaping slightly, “jealous of the cat, Sirius?” Sirius looked down. “I’m not jealous of the cat.” “You’re jealous of the cat!” “I am not jealous of the bloody cat.” Remus finds a stray cat on the street and brings it in. Sirius is not impressed. Chaos ensues.
(fuck jkr. for those of you who don't know me.)
(if y'all have any especially funny fics you wanna share, i would not be opposed 👀) (especially marvel and pjo 👀👀)
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sillyromance · 10 months
Some Knockout headcanons?
Greetings, dear anonymous!
Sure, here you go!
Hope you'll enjoy!
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I think his attitude to a prey depends on if there is anything between the 'con and the little one. For instance, you're a prisoner who is not happy to be on board of "Nemesis" at all (and, consequently, not a polite one); then he won't miss a chance to be as intimidating as he can. Although, considering his steely claws, unorthodox medical tools and piercing gaze, being scary is not a big deal for the 'con. Psychological torture and cruelty are included in communication. However, if he is your friend or a lover, or you showed kindness and understanding to him while staying under his guard, his spark will melt like ice cream. The mech will be always gracious and caring with his little human; if he swallows them, he won't forget to ask if they're comfortable inside him, keeping a servo on his middle to be even closer to his sweetheart. Of course, there are going to be some teasing (endless amount, actually) and praising of your shape and taste, cute nicknames given to make you flustered, role-playing (if the prey doesn't mind)... As for the latter, sometimes he can get into character too much (he REALLY enjoys being dominant) which is able to make even fearless ones tremble; in order to that, it's better to discuss maximum limits with the 'con long before everything started.
Knockout is a medic, so he works A LOT during a week; obviously, his duties often don't allow him to refuel properly which causes lose of concentration, exhaustion, moodiness and... Quite strong tankaches. Many of us are used to see him complaining most of the time (particularly, if someone tries to ruin his paint), however, this mech is definitely not a weak cry baby - and he hates being considered as one. This way, at first he will try to hide his pain behind a typical charming grin and feigned chilliness (which still hardly conceal unnatural clumsiness in his body language). Nevertheless, in spite of his sincere wish to solve the problem alone, at such moments he undoubtedly requires some help; and sooner or later, he will give up and accept his worried prey's support after listening to their points, or go forward himself asking a permission to gulp them down - both lead Knockout to getting a nice living snack rounding his waist and feeling a sweet human flavour on his glossa. I suppose, usually his fueltank is "talkative" enough - as well as it's owner: it eagerly announces about its complete emptiness - and fullness too. Sometimes it starts growling capriciously when the prey appears around the mech, shamelessly insisting on being satisfied with them tucked away inside! Generally, such incidents end up with small but witty arguments between the friends and a silent "Gulk!" coming from the med bay, accompanied by delighted hums purring in a chest of a giant carmine robot.
Knockout is a good comforting pred; regardless, he doesn't like the ones who get upset about literally any reason - this sort of individuals makes him just roll his optics in annoyance. But if there is something truly serious, he turns into a gentle Teddy bear whose "inner world" is always open for his hurt friend. As I have said, the mech is more than glad to chat; so the prey won't feel lonely while being curled in warm, dim space of his tank, slowly getting lulled to sleep by his soft, mellifluous voice and light rubbing of a large hand drawing circles on the platings above... Meanwhile, the mech doesn't mind some fondling from the inside too. He blushes slightly, feeling lovely tickling sensation spreading around his "stomach", and always thanks his dearest for such a beautiful gift.
The 'con is reticent when it comes to revealing the information where his human partner is after they snuggled up in his abdomen. The only living soul who is allowed to know about it is Breakdown - at least, because the blue mech is an exceptional one who can show more or less adequate reaction on this. Other decepticons are kinda cringy about humans in common, so they would be rather disgusted discovering that one of their army lets a "fleshy thing" enter his internal organs. The red medic is bound to keep his special relationships with the prey in secret for their own good... And, naturally, alongside here comes protectiveness: Knockout will never let anything bad happen to someone he loves, no matter what; that's why I consider him as a pred who often uses vore as a way to defend his little partner.
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citrusses · 2 years
burn it all down (it doesn't have to be like this) drarry reclist 💣
aka the wizarding world is canonically so fucked up, what if we destroyed every system it upholds? (and then kissed?)
This list was inspired by Lots of Feelings about the midterm elections/government/systems of oppression etc. These five fics explore (in very different ways) how power corrupts, how unchecked stagnancy in social norms enables injustice, and the many forms resistance can take (mind the tags on them, most are quite heavy). I love them all. Related: VOTE IF YOU CAN, WHEN YOU CAN, EVERY YEAR.
By the Grace by @letteredlettered (T, 140k)
Once a war was won, it should stay won. Once one made progress, one should stay ahead. Instead, twenty years later, the losers were all coming back, the losses were being lost again.
A perfect fic about the refusal of systems of power to change, and the courage of individuals to change in spite of them. Both Draco and Harry force themselves to grow radically and painfully in this story. While Draco’s evolution is loud and public, Harry’s is quiet and internal, and the story sets these narratives of their personal journeys against the broader shifts of magical society to posit that if individuals can evolve, maybe the rest of the world can, too.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things by @writcraft (E, 63k)
Harry stares at Hermione. “You can’t send people to Azkaban for kissing.” “I’m not sending people to Azkaban for kissing,” Hermione replies, tartly. “You are.”
One of my favorite things about fiction, and fanfiction in particular, is that authors can eradicate the prejudices of our world in fantasy. If magic can be real, why shouldn't it eliminate hate?
But fiction can also hold up a mirror to the ugliness that exists in the world in which we live. Hate and homophobia are distressingly present this fic — and because of that, it feels so grounded in the world that was Harry Potter, where any explicit references to queerness happened off page, long after the books were written. This fic is set in a world where queer people are forced to exist on the margins and invisible. But it can be cathartic to take that repressive world and insist within it on the existence and the humanity of those it tries to ignore and erase. The Beauty of Thestrals does that masterfully. I wept reading this, it's painful but it's beautiful. A Young Radical's Guide to Love by @blamebrampton (T, 66k)
“I told you she was guilty,” Weasley said. “Innocent people don’t run.” “Yes they do,” said Potter, before Draco could get his voice to move past his outrage. “They run all the time if they’re frightened, and we are frightening. She’s not a threat, Percy, she’s not even a source of information about actual threats. You know I disagree with this policy and I don’t see the benefit in it.”
Such a well-paced, thrilling and moving story about the performance of justice versus actual justice, and the easy slide into authoritarianism to which democratic institutions (and "the good guys") are susceptible. Plus, I am absolutely WEAK for Harry and Draco (and friends!) against the world. any day now by @oknowkiss (E, 17k)
“Look,” Potter begins, voice low. “I know you think I’m an idiot, but I do notice things actually, and I don’t think this whole–” he flutters his hands in the air, searching for a word, “-- experiment is benefiting anyone. At least not anyone except the Minister. Did you know his approval rating jumped fifteen points after this place opened?” 
It's got Drarry AND a condemnation of the criminal justice system AND a Feelings Puppet, need I say more? Draco has been interred in a "reform" program for Death Eaters, and, like in every panopticon before it, those surveyed are used and abused in service of those in power. Draco is forced to learn, once again, that there are no good choices, only those you can live with. Harry, once again, tries to fix everything himself. It's sexy, it's angsty, and it has the gall to be so fucking funny while it rips your chest open and stomps on your heart.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
“There are over two thousand magical citizens of this country who have pledged to relinquish their magic in protest at the draconian and unjust policies of the magical government. But of course if Harry Potter doesn’t get it—” and here she does a cruelly accurate impression of Harry, which he thinks is a bit unnecessary “—then of course it can’t be worth doing.”
Hey it's pretty messed up that wizards can live for hundreds of years and have seemingly infinite resources but ignore non-magical people and let them, like, die en masse, huh? Draco thinks so! This fic is so soft and lovely, but it also will make you think about the power of protest, self-forgiveness, and sacrifice.
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