#tags i get when pressing L on the keyboard
supernova3110 · 2 years
Tags i get when pressing a certain letter on the keyboard
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minustwofingers · 9 months
love is a laserquest p.2
series masterlist (read p1 here!)
pairing: rockstar!ellie williams x reader
request: @thatgiraffefromtlou so kindly included me on a post about writing something inspired by these beautiful edits :) thank you !
summary: after a serious of unfortunate events, columbia grad y/n y/l/n finds herself using her hard-earned journalism degree interviewing vapid stars and writing articles that she's convinced are rotting her mind. ellie williams has just dropped the album of the year and it's all anyone is talking about, but all she wants is to be off the press train. a certain interview with a certain interviewer might change this.
cws: explicit language, kind of suggestive phrasing? (i get a little feral with guitar playing descriptions), shitty bosses, mentions of nausea and throwing up (no one actually does tho dw), y/n is anxious asf, my writing is a little....yikes...in this one, loser!ellie
a/n: i lied i lied hehe. here's the next part. im still working on building this stupid app so i havent been able to write as much recently + holiday family stuff but oh am i back!
here's a playlist inspired by this fic
wc: 2.4k
tags: tags :) @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie@galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28 @diddiqueen @krisyslostsoul
enjoy mwah
It starts slow, like the drip of a broken faucet. It’s not like you’re actively seeking out anything Ellie William’s related, but somehow it seems like everything Ellie Williams related is seeing you out. 
In the grocery store, one of her hit songs from her newest album blaring over the speakers.
On the street, where you see crumpled pages of magazines with her face plastered all over them. 
And—perhaps the most offensively—on NPR and the New York Times, quite literally days after you’d met her. Suddenly Steve Inskeep and Leila Fadel begin the Up First podcast with a familiar song and devote an entire third of the morning podcast to Ellie and her band’s rise to fame. 
You decide to switch to the BBC World News for a while, but even they seem to be under her spell.
It’s not that you don’t like Ellie. She seems fine. Normal. Really cute, actually, and clearly very talented. But whenever you think about her, you think about the ill-fated, awkward, charmless interview.
“What happened?” Alyssa had asked you when she’d come back from surgery. “That wasn’t you out there.”
Which was actually very hurtful to hear, because you’d been holding onto the hope that you’d been all in your head about your interview being a failure. It all culminates in Eric, your 300 year old manager, sending you a strongly worded email that told you that your performance in the interview was so underwhelming that you were being pulled from the interviewer pool and exiled to article writing land. Which could be worse, you admit. You could be unemployed on the streets of LA. At least you’re still writing. 
And write you do. You spend all your waking hours either at your keyboard, on your yoga mat, or sat in a chair somewhere at a local cafe for a coffee chat. You’ve mostly deleted social media, since all you see nowadays are pictures of Ellie and Becca’s posts about her experience working and loving her life in New York (the algorithm apparently knows exactly what you want to see the most). 
It’s bizarre that, even as you try your best to place your focus on honing your craft and consuming only content that you think will make you a better writer, you still somehow learn everything and more about Ellie Wlliams and her band. It’s in the emails at work whose chains you’re CC’ed on. It’s in the advertisements and the billboards everywhere. It’s even in the conversations you have with your two roommates, Greta and Maureena. 
“She’s so fucking cool,” says Maureena dreamily as you sit around the TV in the living room. “I still can’t believe you got to talk to her.”
“It’s not like I actually got to, like, get to know her or whatever,” you say. “It was honestly kind of dry. Just awkward small talk.”
“That’s more than anyone else I know can say.” She reaches forward and grabs a fistful of popcorn. “How come she gets interviewed by the person who probably cares about her the least in all of LA? Like, what are the chances?”
“I care,” you say, and it sounds unusually defensive coming out of your mouth.
Maureena gives you a long, suspicious look, but before she can respond, Greta comes bursting into the apartment, purse swinging from her shoulder.
A greeting is halfway out of your mouth when she cuts you off. 
“You guys will not believe what I just did.” She’s nearly bursting with excitement, her eyes bright and wide. 
“Like, in a good way?” you ask. 
“Yes. Obviously!” Greta fishes around in her pocket until she pulls her phone out, waving it around. “Check your email.”
The last time Greta had come in with an entrance this energetic, she’d been coming to inform you both that she was getting engaged to her loser boyfriend Brian (which—thank God—didn’t actually last), so you and Maureena trade nervous looks. 
Maureena gets to it first. 
���Tickets to see Ellie Williams? Tonight?” Now she’s about to explode with giddiness, leaping from the couch and throwing her arms around Greta. “I love you, I love you, I love you. How did you get these? I thought they were, like, totally sold out. Or ten thousand dollars.” 
She grins wickedly, holding her hands out in a “who knows” sort of way. “You can all thank me later. We have to leave in about 20 if we want to get there in time. Y/N, you good?”
You’d been staring on in horror, jaw dropped and body completely frozen. You had registered that Ellie was playing in LA tonight—it’s all anyone you knew talked about at work today—but you never once considered actually going to try to see her. “Uh, yeah. Give me just a few.”
By the time you get to the venue, you’re convinced that you might actually puke from the nerves. It’s ridiculous. It’s not like three broke 20 some year olds were going to get last minute seats to an Ellie Williams concert that were genuinely good seats. It’s not like she would see you and realize that the girl who flopped while interviewing her was a big enough fan to attend. You’re going to be fine. 
“Shit, Grets, how are we so close?” asked Maureena as she leads you both closer and closer to the front. 
Horror steadily rises within you as you approach the front row. 
“I got these from my boss,” she says, turning around with a devilish glint in her dark brown eyes. “Her daughter got food poisoning, bless her. She had to stay back to take care of her, and I was the only one who stayed late to work, so…”
Greta’s boss was some filthy rich nepo baby who was a partner of a big talent agency. All of a sudden you feel stupid for not realizing this sooner.
“Shit,” you say, mostly to yourself. “Oh no. Oh my god.”
“Isn’t this so cool!” Greta jumps up and down, hands on your shoulders as she tries to rile you up. “Dude, what if she recognizes you?” 
“I think I’m going to puke,” you say miserably. Somehow the thought of her seeing you made you want to crawl inside your skin in shame and hide for the next calendar year. “Did you guys not see how ass it was? I was so fucking awkward.”
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Maureena pats your shoulder. 
“I literally was forbidden from ever interviewing again because it was so bad.”
“Because Eric hates women,” says Greta. “It’s not your fault he’s a horrible human being. Give it, like, a year or so until he croaks. Then they’ll let you back in the game.”
“Uh huh,” you say, feeling very harrowed. 
You remain in this state of abject terror for the entire opener performance. The nausea doesn’t subside. It only gets worse when you realize that if you actually puke, Ellie’s definitely going to see it. Just like she’s going to see you, with the stupid stars Greta had insisted you paint on your cheekbones with glittery eyeliner and eyeshadow. 
“She really likes space,” Greta had told you while you’d been getting ready, pretending like you didn’t already know all about this. “So all of her fans wear star stuff to see her.”
Before you can think to wipe off the glitter, everything goes black. Then the crowd goes wild. 
When the silvery blue light spills onto the stage, it illuminates Ellie, standing just a number of feet away from you. You barely have enough time to take in the black leather coat and loose white shirt she’s wearing before music explodes out of the speakers, her fingers flying up and down the fretboard. 
You’re spellbound as you watch her. Her voice rings loud and clear and slightly gravelly when it snags on her words. She’s nothing at all like the girl you’d met a month ago—there’s no discomfort, no awkwardness. She looks like she’s born to be on stage. 
When the first song ends, she steps back, grabbing the standing mic next to her. 
“Uh. Hi,” she says, and it’s so endearingly nervous compared to how she’d just sounded that something in your chest twists. She rubs the back of her neck. “I’m Ellie.”
Greta and Maureena join the crowd, screaming and cheering. 
“I LOVE YOU!” someone shrieks, louder than everyone else.
“You know,” she says, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people reacting like this to me just, like, saying my name. It’s really fucking weird. Oh. Shit. Sorry. Are you guys okay with me swearing?” 
The roar that comes from the crowd is entirely undecipherable. 
“Right,” says Ellie. “Um. I’ll take that as a yes. Sorry to anyone who brought their kids or something. Anyway, this one’s about the ex who cheated on me and gave me mono.” 
Before you can react to that, she starts playing. 
As she proceeds through the setlist, you’re struck by just how close you are to her, how many things you can notice that hardly anyone else in the crowd can see. You see the outline of her phone in her pocket, the pieces of hair that have fallen out of her little half bun and are sticking to her face, the way that the glitter on her collarbones trails down her shirt in little rivulets. 
And, above everything else, you can see the horrible way her fingers straddle the fretboard, curling and pressing with ease so practiced it looks tender. 
Apart from this bad, bad development (you can feel your mind going a million miles an hour about things you should not be thinking about), things are going great. Ellie hasn’t noticed you. Or even looked in your direction. You’re not even sure she can see you, given how little light is shed onto the crowd. The false sense of security makes you feel comfortable singing along with Greta and Maureena, your lips forming the lyrics you’d been pretending to not listen to whenever her songs came on. 
It happens during a slower song, a sort of ballad that makes your heart thud harder in your chest to hear from her mouth. The lights on stage dim a little. Light spills just the slightest onto the front of the crowd, and Ellie’s eyes fall and snap onto yours so decisively that it almost feels audible. 
For a moment, you can’t breathe. Ellie’s voice suddenly catches mid-word, faltering and missing a beat. She thrusts her hand with the mic into the crowd, which eagerly picks up where she left off and finishes the verse. 
It’s impossible to see on the screen projecting her image behind her, but you can see the flicker of recognition in her eyes, the stiffness that comes with realizing that you actually know someone from somewhere. 
You’re the one who breaks eye contact, focused with a sudden intensity on the way the thin fabric of your sleeves are situated on your arms. 
Greta pokes you so hard in your ribs that you gasp. 
“What the fuck!” you snap, but the words are swept away by the noise around you. 
“Why didn’t you wave?!” she hisses in your ear. “She totally recognized you.”
The realization falls over you with the subtlety of an anvil. Oh my god. You totally should’ve waved. That was the normal, well-adjusted thing to do. Now she was going to think you were weird. And it was too late now. But she didn’t wave to you. Wasn’t she supposed to wave first? Because you of course remembered her, but she might not remember you. Yeah. You could go with that.
Maybe she didn’t remember you. 
You can’t relax for the rest of the concert. You try your best to just act normal and dance along with your friends and casually mouth the words, but it’s hard when it feels like she’s staring at you. Which is completely impossible. The light doesn’t fall back onto the crowd until the concert is over and Ellie and her band are long gone backstage. 
Two months later, all you can think about is the way that Ellie stuttered over her words when she saw you in the crowd. Of course, this is definitely something you’ve made up in your mind, because there’s a number of reasons why she might’ve slipped up. Maybe she just thought she knew you from somewhere and couldn’t place it. That’s why she (allegedly) kept looking in your direction afterwards. Or maybe you’re completely batshit insane, and she didn’t look at you at all. Because if she had, wouldn’t she have waved? Right?
It’s almost bad enough to distract you from work. You find yourself prowling on Twitter, watching the #elliewilliams tag blow up following every concert date. It doesn’t give you any clarity, because in every picture, she looks just as perfect and cool and confident as she was at the LA show. You don’t know why you assumed she’d look different if it was true that she’d recognized you. More human, maybe. But she’s just as bathed in starlight as she was that night many weeks before, just as far away and untouchable. 
You spend so much time thinking about her that you’re convinced you might’ve slipped into a dream when Eric appears at your cubicle with the news.
Instead of saying hello, he plops a stack of papers on the desk in front of you, all labeled “PopNow! Interview Etiquette”. 
“Excuse me?” you say. 
“Start reading up, kid,” says Eric. “You’re back in the game.”
“You have an interview scheduled later this week.” He scowls down at you, gum smacking in his mouth. He smells faintly of tobacco. 
“But I thought I was removed from—”
“You still are,” he says. “But someone requested you. Their manager told us they wouldn’t talk to us if they didn’t get you.”
He huffs out a short laugh. “Believe me, I was surprised too. Don’t know what they’re on about after the last time you talked to their client. Fuck this one up and you’re out, okay? Got it? The info’s in your inbox already.” 
Somehow the words don’t quite sink in until you open the email and see the words on paper. 
SENDER: Maria Miller
CC: [email protected], y/ny/l/n@popnow!.com
Great to hear back from you. Glad that 3 next Wednesday works. 
final a/n: lmk how u guys feel about this...feeling a little unsure about where this is going but enjoying writing it anyway there are two wolves inside of me etc. etc. also ive missed u all! i hope everyone is doing well! dont b shy!
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vibratingskull · 10 months
Worrisome in the horizon
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Tags : Space battle, I don’t know, the plot is moving forward
FemaleReader x Thrawn
After your lasting impression after the meeting, you get your orders and departs for Baros. What will you find there?
You’re positively mortified.
Passing out in Thrawn’s arms.
How shining is that?!
The last thing you remember is losing consciousness of exhaustion in your room, in his arms and the first is waking up at the medbay, transfused with something and the meddroïd chastising you about how sleep is important.
You press the bridge of your nose with a sigh. Humiliated. That’s what you are. A chance you didn’t cross paths with Thrawn after, you would either melt on the spot of shame or slap him across the face. But he was already back on the Chimaera by then. 
“Ma’am, are you alright?” You turn your head towards Ryakel.
She looks at you with worry in her eyes. She’s an ensign, freshly arrived on the Relentless. In your humble opinion she chose the wrong way. She’s too sweet and delicate for war, but do her duty with application. You sigh.
“All is fine, ensign.”
“Lieutenant Commander, we are arriving.” The sensor officer warns you.
You shake your head and approach the bay of the cockpit. What are you supposed to do with an Arquitens command cruiser all alone here? It is not a terrible ship by any means but your experience teached you they are more efficient when they’re at least two. 
You shake your head again, it is so rare for a Lieutenant Commander to get to command an Arquitens. You should have got a much smaller ship, maybe Admiral Konstantine knows about your delay in your career and judged you for your experience.
It is useless to tergiversate. You have a ship and a mission, that is all that matters. The rays of light let place to still stars and you arrive in a meteor field.
“Kray spit!” You let escape. “Did we touch anything?!”
The familiar sound of the keyboards resonates for a second.
“Negative! We are just at the border of the field.”
You sigh of relief.
“I want a scan of the zone immediately. Steerman, find a way to navigate through the field.” 
Everyone goes to work and the Sparrow slowly gets out of the field to bypass it.
“Scan completed, Lieutenant Commander! Four ships detected. They are identified as small cruisers and X-wings!”
You frown. That’s definitely not merchants. 
“Approach us. Let’s see what they’ll do.”
The Sparrow gains speed and slowly you come to notice the four ships. The cruisers are linked to each other like they are exchanging something while the X-wings are standing aside at a reasonable distance, like they’re guarding them and surveilling the surroundings.
You press the radio button.
“This is Lieutenant Commander (Y/l/n) of the Sparrow of the Imperial Navy. Identify yourself.”
You wait for a response.
But nothing come.
At the second you finish your sentence, a jolt shakes all the ships like they are taken by surprise. The X-wings start their motors and tilt towards you, the two cruisers seem to detach themself in precipitation, judging by their shudders. The X-wing end their rotations and speed towards you. 
You sigh. Another battle. 
“TIE interceptors, intercept!”
A small flock of TIE leaves your ship and spreads towards the X-wings. Those immediately divert, maneuvering to skirt them. You follow the ballet for a second before going back to the cruisers, they are detaching themself and the bigger one seems maneuvering to escape while the smaller one prepares itself for a fight
“ Turbolasers, destroy the hyperdrive of the fleeing one.”
A ray tears the sky apart and hits one of the propulsor, launching in a spinning frenzy, effectively preventing it from escaping. The smaller one is now fully facing you, deploying its own arsenal. It shoots.
“Shield.” You order.
The ammunition comes crashing against the shield, and other scraps the side of the Sparrow. 
“Lieutenant Commander! We are intercepting a message from the spinning cruiser.”
“Scramble it and decipher it!”
“They already sent it!” She says, a bit panicked.
You frown at her, what are we paying her for? 
“Got it! They call for reinforcement.”
Talk about a news.
“We’ll worry about that later. Focus on the cruiser in front of us”
It’s derivating to the side, it hopes to attack your flank, where your shield don’t protect you.
You have an idea.
“Steerman, dive into the meteor field.”
Just in time. Meteors intercept their fires, actively blocking their assault. Your mind is functioning at max speed. Looks like nothing beats a little vacation at the med bay to be effective once again! 
“Missiles launchers, aim at this large meteors.”
“But Ma’am, the meteor will explode.”
They fires at you once again, nothing your shield can’t support and you fire the missiles. They fly straight into a big meteor at their port side. The blow of the explosion projects numerous projectiles into their exposed sides, some hitting their cannon that fold under the pressure. The blow also deports them to the side, away from the explosion. 
The light cruisers explode under your eyes. You hear a muffled excited exclamation coming from Ryakel behind you. A thin smile creeps on your visage. It does feel good to succeed.
You check on the Ties. Everything is under control, they slain their adversaries
“Well, it only left this spinning top…” Anyone inside must be sick to the point of throwing up.
As you tract it with your tractor beam a shadow comes to hide the sun. You raise your head. 
It’s the Wyvern.
You’re in a bad spot.
You can’t measure up to an ISD…
All the bridge goes silent
“Let it go immediately…” A phlegmatic voice on speaker warns you.
You gulp.
“This ship is in clear violation of the law. Justice will be done.” You respond.
“What justice? A summary execution?” He continues on a conversational tone.
You make a sign to your communication officer. Quick! Sending a message. Keep making him talk. Gaining time.
“A just trial.” You retorts.
You hear static followed by a genuine crystalline voice. However it is, he takes the situation lightly.
“Who are you to talk about justice, dog of the Empire?” You can clearly hear a smile in the voice, this man is tremendously amused.
“I am the lieutenant Commander (Y/l/n) of the Imperial Navy! Not a dog.” You detach each word with a clear voice, you may be about to die but you won't let yourself be insulted like that.
A moment of silence follows.
Every hint of a smile has disappeared. Instead a careful incredulity took place.
You’re taken by surprise. 
“How do you know my name?” You demand.
He remains silent.
“I asked you : How do you know my name?!” You’re losing patience.
For sole response, the cannons of the Wyvern aim at you. Ryakel lets escape a squeal of fear.
“Are we gonna die Ma’am?”
“No. Of course not.” You lie. 
You don’t see any escape, you’re too small for an ISD and you’re entangled in the gravitational force of Baros. You’re losing hope.
A bang resonates behind you. 
You look at the sensor screens. The Chimaera is here. You sigh relieved.
“Wyvern, here is the Chimaera of the Imperial Navy. Leave this territory.” Thrawn’s voice rises.
You can’t say for sure but you think the Wyvern back track a bit.
“Wyvern, this is an order.”
In those positions the only thing possible would be for both ISD to crash into each other. A mutual destruction. Never preferable as Thrawn once said. The Wyvern divert is tip of several degrees, preparing to jump into hyperspace.
“So long, Lieutenant Commander (Y/l/n).”
And like that, disappear.
You release your breath.
“Thank you Chimaera.”
“You’re welcome Lieutenant Commander.”.
“I am sorry, Grand Admiral.” 
“About what?” He demands softly.
You’re incredibly uncomfortable. The last time you saw him, two weeks ago, you screamed at your superior and lost consciousness in his arms like a virginal figure before a lecherous picture. Your collar is too tight and itches atrociously. You straighten your back to appear as tall as possible.
“About the Wyvern fleeing.”
“Not to worry, Lieutenant Commander.” He smiles. “You retrieved a precious cargo and the imprompt arrival of the Wyvern confirms my suspicion that they are prowling in the region.”
You raise an eyebrow, dubious.
“I knew they would come. Precisely for the cargo you retrieved.”
“What’s that cargo precisely?” You didn’t get to inspect anything, Thrawn took back the lead immediately.
“The Wyvern original crew, or… what is left of it. And a cargaison of doonium and quadranium.”
You open your eyes wide.
“So much? In such little cruisers?”
“They hoped to be more discreet.”
“But nothing escapes you…”
“Rarely.” He nods with a thin grin. “Thank you for the compliment.”
You feel your cheeks setting ablaze. He looks at you with a light smile, eyes sparkling. He doesn’t seem too angry about last time, maybe you will evade a punishment.
“Is it not perfect? I get to confirm the presence of the stolen ISD and you get a victory to your name, everything works out for the both of us in the end. I got a call from Coruscant…”
“So early?” You can’t believe it.
“News flies rapidly in the Empire. I trust you will soon hear good news. Congratulations.” 
You feel your chest puffing up with your inflated ego.
“Thank you sir.” You bow lightly.
You look at each other's eyes, smiling, in silence. You forgot everything, just look at his gorgeous face and him looking at you.
This moment is broke by his comlink ringing. He takes it and read it.
He frowns and look at you.
Your comlink ring. You look up to him for permission. He nods.
It’s Azrel.
“I have a wonderful idea!”
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@bluechiss @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin@ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
→ nightmares bucky b x f!reader
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my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
prompt ↪ "i heard you yell, i was just checking on you" he's only your neighbour and despite only talking to him a few times, you cared for him.
warnings / other notes ↪ short
My apartment complex wasn't busy, most people preferred the bottom floors compared to the top. Just so happens only me and a few others live on the top of the building.
My next door neighbour, James. I know he's Captain America's best friend, I never mention it though, I think its a sensitive topic when I speak to James.
Although I've only spoken to him a few times in my life he seemed awfully sarcastic, well spoken but sarcastic and socially awkward. We bump into each other in the hallway when we both are heading out or something.
Tonight I was up late writing an incident report for something that happened in court today, being a lawyer wasn't easy especially if the client that hired you doesn't follow anything you say.
I was running on caffeine and energy drinks, it was just a typical Saturday night for me.
My fingers gently pressed against the keyboard on my laptop writing words today, the client was eagerly wanting to plead guilty, lashing out at not only the judge but the witness. My client has no previous mental illnesses or reasons to be in jail so why he would want to be there is beyond me.
Grabbing the half empty cup of coffee sipping it before placing it back down on my desk, re-reading anything I had written down in the past ten minutes, correcting any grammatical error.
My eyes started to grow bags at the sight of all the writing, law school had obviously helped me career wise. Certainly not mentally or physically but living in New York isn't easy.
Continuing to press the keys a words formed on my screen my phone buzzes "who would message me at this time" I mumble getting up, dawdling over to my bedside table reaching for the phone.
A loud yell comes from the other side of my bedroom wall, the side in which James had lived.
Forgetting about the phone I race out my door to James knocking on it loudly. Although he had a metal arm I always feared for his safety.
Moments later the door opened "James' I smile sweetly, his head was sweaty, his face red and he was panting "y/n" he said swallowing before clearing his throat "I uh- i heard you yell, i was just checking on you" I sigh in relief.
I hadn't known him too well, but I knew him well enough to care for him.
"I'm fine" he nods huffing and puffing, his dog tags hanging out the collar of his shirt, this was the first time I had seen everything. The tags, the hair all muffled, the shirt hanging loosely and his metal arm.
He had mentioned it previously, but due to fear of judgement he never showed me "are you, uh okay?" he asks pointing at my shirt that had a coffee stain and I chuckle "yeah just late nights" I clear my throat and he nods.
"was it nightmares?" I ask him and he tilts his head "ptsd?" I continue and he shakes his head "No i'm fine." he says trying to reassure me.
"it's completely normal you know." I say ignoring his assurance, he eventually nods "yeah it was just nightmares, no ptsd." he says giving a half smile.
"i know we don't know each other well, if you wanted to talk?" I say and he shakes his head awkwardly "i'm ok, i- uh i have a therapist so" he says biting his tongue and I nod "ok well thats good" I smile to him "have a good night James." I say before walking back to my door.
"It's Bucky" he says stopping me in my tracks and I spin around "James is my legal name, you can call me Bucky" he says and "oh thats cool" I say and he nods "actually" I say "since you're up and I assume you aren't going to bed anytime soon..." I drag on the last word.
"and since you haven't closed the door on met yet, would you like to come over. I can make coffee and not spill it on you, maybe if you don't fall asleep i could complain about my latest client?" I ask "uh" he says before looking into his apartment "sure" he says "i'll just grab my keys" he says walking back into his apartment.
A few minutes later he walks out with his keys and a leather jacket and gloves "you don't need those." my finger pointing at his gloves, he must've assumed I was scared or worried about his metal arm, I thought it made him unique.
He takes off his gloves throwing them back into his apartment before closing the door, following me to my apartment.
"I hope it's up to your standards, i'm not home all the time of course you know since your my neighbour" I chuckle tidying stuff up on the table, pushing my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.
"it's nice, has more furniture than mine." he chuckles looking around "you can come into my room, that's where I do my work." I chuckle leaving the stuff on the table in a neat pile walking to my room.
This would be the first time James, I mean Bucky was invited into my home and it was messy. I could've tried harder but then again I didn't think I'd invite someone in at 2 in the morning.
"so who's the client?" he says laying on my bed "his name is Kent Brentwood, he's up for aggravated assault, forgery and 3 counts of first-degree murder." I smack my lips sitting at my desk and James raises his eyebrows.
"oooh" he says and I nod "I mean the man is clearly innocent, he looks like someone you bully but he's literally egging the trial on, he wants to be in jail. I just don't know why?" I mumble.
"he's going in there to kill someone, or it's money it's simple." he shrugs "but no evidence" I huff leaning back in my chair "I could get it out of him..." Bucky suggests "No, no, if all goes bad. I didn't represent the guy." I mumble my fingers tapping repetitively on the backspace key.
"coffee?" I ask him and he shakes his head "no thanks" he said staring intently at my screen "oh right, laptop with all my work." I point to it and he nods almost as if he had never seen it before.
"uh huh" he smiles "you're bed is comfortable." he says patting the space around him "it was a gift from my Aunt" I smile to him spinning my chair around to face him fully.
I stare at him, waiting for him to say something about his nightmares. I think he understood what I was doing because he sighed before starting another conversation "is it hard being a criminal defense lawyer?" he asks.
"Well I did have this client, Scott Lang the infamous Ant Man for the uh whole Iron Man v Cap." I say and he looks down disappointed "I don't know why I got him as my first case, I had no faith but I got him down to a couple years and home detention." I smile proud of myself.
"You should be proud of yourself." he says "I am" I smile.
Getting up off my chair I sit next to him on my bed "nightmares" I look down at him "please don't, no y/n, don't" he whines "come on Bucky atleast tell me how you feel when it happens or something, I don't wanna hear you screaming at night, it's heart wrenching." I mumble the last few words and he sighs sitting up.
"fine" he says clearing his throat "i'm assuming since you mentioned Steve" he pauses and I nod "yup" I smile "Well it's the day I died, Steve and I were on a train in Germany, i think." he says.
"I had fallen off the train and Steve tried reaching for me, he failed and its just that on repeat. When I hit the ground it changes to... this being put on" he mumbles raising his metal arm.
"then it's just my whole life, all the killings on repeat until it gets to one killing, someone who is very much alive and then I wake up." he says "like the state I found you in?" I ask and he nods. "those are my nightmares." he says and I grab his metal arm "if anything I'd be thankful that I could put this arm in the freezer and use it as an ice pack in summer." I say and he laughs. "an ice pack?"
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kiranatrix · 3 years
What Comes Out in the Wash
Day 1: Hair @deathnotetober
Characters: Light, L, Watari, & mentions of Sayu // Rating: Gen; platonic (or Lawlight if you squint) // Summary: L wakes up with a huge rat’s nest in his hair and Watari says ‘handle it yourself,’ so Light has to help.
Co-written with @resilicns
Sleep was something that was becoming increasingly rare for L to achieve these days, and when he did, it could hardly be called restful. He’d spend those few measly hours tossing, turning, kicking, and just squirming in general. When he slept on his own, this was hardly an issue, but now that he was sharing a bed with Light, things were getting a bit complicated.
L grunted quietly, pushing his elbow and forearm down into the bed as he lifted his head up off of the pillow, resting on his side. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he gazed around the room drowsily, trying to desperately grasp for awareness, until his gaze landed on a mirror. He lifted his other hand to feel his hair, touching the knotted mess he had noticed in his reflection. His hair was almost comparable to a bird’s nest at this point. Grimacing, he lifted the receiver off of the phone on the end table, pressing the button mapped to dial Watari’s phone in his office. He held it up to his ear and sighed quietly.
“Watari? I need you to come to my room. My hair is in need of brushing this morning,” L muttered, wincing as one of his fingers caught on a tangle and yanked the strand in that brief instant.
“Apolog--” Quillsh had covered the receiver to try and mask his hacking cough but it still came through the line. “Apologies, sir. It seems I’m unwell. I wouldn’t want to infect you with whatever I have. It’s quite dismal.” He held the phone away to sneeze several times into a monogrammed handkerchief. “You’ll have to make do on your own today.”
L paled slightly, holding the receiver away from his face for a second to stare at it as if it had personally offended him. When he held it back up to his ear, he sighed quite loudly. “I suppose we’ll have to inform the task force that they have the day off, today. However,” he frowned, pushing himself up into a sitting position as he clutched the phone. “Who will brush my hair? Who will prepare my meals? Who will select my clothing?” While he knew the latter was not necessary, the panic in his voice made it obvious he wasn’t thinking clearly.
Light opened one eye to see what all the fuss was about, frowning as he glared up at L. He hadn’t even gotten to sleep until after 3 am because L insisted on bringing his laptop to bed, loudly clacking on the keyboard and munching on panda cookies. The clock on the nightstand said it was just 6:30 am. I’m expected to work on a measly 3 hours sleep?!
“Can you keep your voice down, Ryuzaki?,” he huffed while turning over. “I’m not getting up until 7 and that’s that.”
Quillsh replied to L, “Everything will be fine. You know as well as I do that all your clothes are the same, no selection required. There are cakes and fruit in the refrigerator, and instant coffee if you can’t bother with the coffeemaker.”
He sighed tiredly, barely able to muster the energy needed to argue with L. “As for your hair...no time like the present to pick up a brush and try it yourself.” It was really past time for L to do that anyway but it meant time not focused on work, and was thus always deprioritized.
L gritted his teeth, gripping his own hair in his hand as his anxiety spiked just from the thought of trying to brush it himself. “But-..!” He stopped himself, squirming and making the bed bounce slightly. He completely ignored Light, his attention entirely focused on the call. “…alright. My apologies for disturbing you. Please get some rest and take care of yourself,” he murmured, quietly saying his polite goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
He turned to face forward, glancing at Light out of the corner of his eyes. He stared at the younger man for only a few seconds, moving to the end table and pulling out one of his hair brushes. He took a deep, loud breath to try and settle himself in preparation. However, no amount of preparation could prepare him for the instant pain that followed one frantic and barely-effective brush through his hair. He immediately chucked the item away from himself, hugging his knees to his chest in defeat.
Light snickered into his pillow and looked over his shoulder. “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to try?” He turned over to face L, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Don’t tell me that the World’s Greatest Detective has been defeated by an eeeevil tangle,” he teased. He couldn’t help but rub it in a little after all the grief L had put him through lately.
L shot Light a bitter glare, his eyes slightly moist from the shock of pain. “It is painful, and I am choosing to avoid engaging in painful activities. I will just wait until Watari is well enough to brush my hair,” he huffed, averting his gaze. In truth, he knew his hair would only be even more impossibly tangled- potentially unsalvageable by the time the man was no longer ill.
“That is…” Light sat up and leveled L with an unimpressed stare. “...the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. It’s just going to get worse if you put it off, and who even knows if he’ll be better tomorrow.” He leaned closer to examine L’s bedhead and let out a low whistle. Somehow, in the span of just 3 hours of sleep, the back of L’s head had gone from normal looking (for him) to a mess of matted, knotted hair. “Ok, I’ll admit that is pretty bad. I think even your tangles have tangles.”
He looked from the chaotic labyrinth of hair to the discarded brush thrown in the corner. L’s going to be a miserable grouch all day if this doesn’t get fixed. That made even the prospect of having the day off seem unappealing given who he was chained to. Plus, every moment they weren’t working, he was denied the chance to clear his name.
“Let me take a crack at it.” He glanced at L, giving him a little shrug like ‘why not?’ “It’s not like I can make it any worse.”
“You could still hurt me,” L muttered, glowering at Light. His expression was similar to a pout at this point, as if he was on the verge of crossing his arms and huffing.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Light sighed, still half-asleep. “I used to brush Sayu’s hair all the time when she was little.” Under his breath he murmured, “Anyway, you’d just tag on an assault charge onto my long list of ‘crimes’.’”
L hesitated for a moment before climbing off of the bed and retrieving the brush. Thankfully it wasn’t too far that the chain would cause any issues. He set the brush down in front of Light and sat down with his back towards the man. This is a terrible idea. However, if he goes out of his way to harm me, I can hold that against him.
Light picked up the brush tentatively, making a face at how overloaded with wiry black hair it was. “Hold on…it’s not going to do any good like this.” He pulled off the hair and dropped it from pinched fingers in the trash can beside the bed. “Ok, now we’re ready. Just...” He trailed off as he blinked at the back of L’s head-- specifically, the tumor-like protrusion of hair sticking out from the back. How could it have possibly gotten this bad?! Maybe I’m out of my depth here. “Um. Do you brush your hair every day, Ryuzaki?”
“Watari brushes it in the morning when it needs it,” L murmured, shrugging his shoulders indifferently. “He brushes it less now that I’m older.” Or now that he’s older.
Light fingered a few tangled tufts but didn’t pull, just surveying the damage to undo. “Have you...thought of using conditioner?”
L had to fight the urge to tilt his head, instead making a soft humming sound as he considered it. “No, I believe using soap for all of my washing is still the most efficient option. I see no reason that liquid soap is not enough to wash both my hair and my body.”
Light made a noise between a choke and a gasp, finally forcing out, “No...no, it’s...no, not at…” He sighed in exasperation, suddenly understanding why they were here. Closing his eyes, he said calmly, “After I untangle this, I’m washing your hair with shampoo and proper conditioner, got it?” He counted to ten and opened his eyes. Well, nothing to do but get started.
Carefully, he focused first on brushing the parts that weren’t tangled (or not as badly) to get a sense for the thickness of L’s hair and how tender-headed he was. Light knew that probably even a normal tug or the slightest discomfort might end this endeavor; he had to tread carefully. “This would be easier if you sat still and stopped fidgeting.” He placed a hand on L’s shoulder to try and keep him in one place, but quickly pulled back in case he’d overstepped.
L stiffened up slightly, biting his lower lip. However, instead of pulling away, he mumbled a quiet apology and did his best to keep his body still. He continued to fidget with his hands, rapping his fingers on his knees as he sat there, flinching occasionally when Light pulled too hard for his comfort. In truth, none of it was comfortable, but the man’s touch was surprisingly bearable. He wasn’t nearly as harsh as he had expected he would be, and it seemed as if he was adjusting to L’s reactions. “If you insist,” he mumbled, huffing quietly.
As Light got closer to the epicenter of the tangle, he started to sweat a little. Wait, is that--? Finally he had spotted the catalyst for the rat’s nest. A half-eaten lollipop was embedded and wrapped up in L’s hair, with the stick poking out at a jaunty and infuriating angle. “Ryuzaki…” He touched the stick, wiggling it slightly. “Did you happen to be eating lollipops in bed last night?”
A deep shade of red bloomed in L’s cheeks, travelling far enough to peek around his neck. “...no,” he mumbled, his tone incredibly sheepish as he blatantly lied. He couldn’t stop himself from squirming now, staring down at his hands as he shifted on the bed. He knew Light would be able to tell, but some small part of him felt embarrassed enough to try and hide it.
Light leaned to whisper in L’s ear, “Liar.” He gave the stick a little tweak. “The evidence speaks for itself, detective.” He laughed and shifted on the bed, reaching for a bottle of lotion in the nightstand. “This calls for desperate measures. That brush isn’t going to help at all,” he said, tossing it aside. “Not until I get that lollipop out.” With Sayu, he’d once used peanut butter to get some chewing gum out of her hair but really anything oily would do. He settled behind L again and squirted the lotion on his fingers, working it into the knots. “This might hurt a little but you don’t want to walk around with candy in your head do you?”
“It certainly sounds like a convenient carrying solution, freeing both of my hands to do work,” L muttered, his lips twitching faintly in amusement at his own joke. His breath hitched and he hissed quietly in pain as he felt his hair being tugged. “Ow...” He whined, his hand twitching briefly with the urge to reach back and swat at Light’s hand. “Be more gentle..!”
“Sorry,” Light mumbled. “Got a little too focused.” He slowed down his pace and methodically peeled away the hair from the sticky candy, nose wrinkling at the unappetizing gloops of lotion and red sugar coating his fingers. But, it was working! Bit by bit, knot by knot, the lollipop finally came free.
“Got it!,” he said triumphantly, holding up the mangled sucker. It was odd how satisfied he felt. Maybe it was because L only complained half a dozen instead of three dozen times, but he was all smiles as he showed it to L. “The accused stands before you. How do you judge?” He giggled and held it over the trash.
L was shaken and tense by the time Light was finally finished. It wasn’t that the man had hurt him- no, the process was quite painless after the first few tugs. However, he kept expecting pain, anticipating it, even though it never came. Once the man was done, he relaxed, staring at the candy. For once, he didn’t have the urge to shove the sweet into his mouth (although that may have been because of the hairs protruding from it).
“…guilty,” he mumbled, plucking it from Light’s fingers and dropping it into the trash can. He reached back to touch his hair, immediately grimacing at the unpleasant texture of melted candy and lotion mixed with hair. “…I suppose I’ll be needing my hair washed after all,” he muttered.
Light frowned a little that his joke had flopped, but what did he expect? “You’re welcome,” he grumbled as he got up off the bed to the length of the chain. “Come in the bathroom then and I’ll wash it in the sink. Need to wash my hands, too.” You don’t deserve my nice hair products but that’s all we’ve got. He’d be damned if he’d use liquid soap like L usually did. Just the thought made him shudder, rattling the handcuff chain between them.
L followed Light into the bathroom, shedding his shirt in the process to avoid it getting wet. He unclipped his end of the chain to remove the shirt completely, immediately latching the chain back on after. “How should I stand?” He stared at the sink in mild confusion, unsure of how to wash his hair in a non-shower setting.
“Over there,” Light gestured with his chin, “until I clean myself up.” He maneuvered around L and turned the water on with his elbow, scrubbing furiously until all the melted lollipop and lotion swirled down the drain. Why am I bothering to help him? I should have just left it there and taken the day off. I need one.
He dried his hands and grabbed his shampoo and conditioner that his mother had brought him from home, purchased from his favorite salon. The sleek bottles only reminded him of how much he needed a haircut, of how much he’d taken for granted all the little freedoms like that. The reflection looking back at him in the mirror-- bangs hanging in his eyes, wispy strands long enough to tuck behind his ears-- reinforced it. L may be a mess but so was he. The realization didn’t help his mood any.
He gave L a cold glance and pointed to the still-running warm water in the sink. “So...just stick your head under the faucet.”
L glanced back and forth from the sink to Light for a moment, as if unsure of what to do. He then moved closer to the sink, leaning down and hesitantly pushing his head under the water. He immediately jerked back when some ended up in his ear, an uncharacteristic squeak escaping his lips as his face scrunched up. He tilted his head, shaking it as if trying to get the water out. His hands rest on the sink, gripping it tightly to keep himself upright. Once he had calmed down, he took a deep breath and put his head under again, this time keeping it there as he closed his eyes.
Light crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one leg. If L couldn’t even stand the water, a molecule of soap in the man’s eyes would send him through the roof. “Hold on, I’ll get a chair and you can just lean back.” He went to do so but the chain tugged him back sharply. How many times will I forget? I’m anchored. “Um, can you release the chain for a moment? I’ll be right back.”
Much to his own surprise, L reached out without even hesitating, unclipping Light’s end of the chain. “Be quick. I think I can feel it hardening,” he murmured, grimacing as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He wanted to cooperate, he truly did, and he could only hope that was coming through in his actions and words.
Light blinked as the chain thunked to the bathroom floor. He did it? He stared at the coiled chain like it was a dead but still dangerous snake before snapping to attention and heading into the bedroom. It had been over a month since he’d felt 360 degrees of freedom but he couldn’t enjoy it, even though he wheeled L’s office chair into the bathroom slower than necessary. He felt a little shaken that his first instinct had been to run, but why? What did he have to run from? I’m innocent…
“Sit here and lean back so your head’s in the sink.” He rolled up a fluffy towel and placed it on the edge of the counter. “That should make it more comfortable.” He added drily, “Don’t worry, I didn’t stuff any razors inside.” Not that I’m allowed any. A few months ago he’d been the top student at To-Oh and now he was playing hairdresser with a man who wanted to execute him.
L didn’t bother grabbing the chain again, wanting to give Light more space as a gesture of appreciation for what he was doing, since he couldn’t really find the words to verbalize that feeling. He nodded and sat down in the chair, leaning back and resting his neck on the towel. His face scrunched up slightly in discomfort as he tilted his head back, suddenly made very aware of how stiff his neck was.
“It’s okay,” he murmured. “I trust you.” Of course, that’s partly because it would be too big of a risk for him to try anything right now, but I also don’t think he’d want to…
Light arched a brow at that lie and squeezed shampoo into his hands. “Sure.” Trusts me when it’s convenient for him. He avoided looking at the chain, not wanting to remind L in case he forgot. I know he didn’t forget.
L’s face was as unreadable as ever so he just got on with it, lathering L’s hair into fragrant suds and taking care that no soap got into the man’s wide-open eyes. The smell of grapefruit and sandalwood in the bathroom started to make Light relax, the tenseness falling from his face. After a few minutes, he couldn’t feel any more sticky candy embedded in L’s hair and rinsed it clean. “Alright, sit still. Conditioner’s next.”
The feeling of Light’s fingers massaging his scalp was incredibly relaxing for L. He did his best to keep his face impassive, forcing himself to focus on the feeling of wetness on his forehead, but, eventually, even that wasn’t enough. By the time Light was rinsing his hair out, L’s eyelids were heavy and his expression incredibly relaxed. Most of the tension that was normally present in his body was gone. “This…feels nice,” he whispered, blinking slowly as he stayed still for the man.
Light couldn’t help but smile faintly at the praise. It was gratifying that he’d done well, even at this insignificant task, when it was for his harshest critic. His mood lifted considerably-- maybe this day wouldn’t be a wash after all. Wash, pft. He snickered to himself and turned the water off, then smoothed the conditioner in L’s hair to the ends.
Tilting his head, he said, “Your hair’s longer than I thought.” When wet and not fluffed up by frizz, it looked almost twice as long.
L’s body felt almost loose at this point, and part of him wondered if he would slide out of the chair. Even the feeling of Light barely pulling on his hair was soothing by now. A faint smile curved his lips as he closed his eyes. “That makes sense. It’s been a while since Watari last trimmed my hair. I’m not very fond of the sound of scissors so close to my head.”
“Now we wait. Five minutes and then rinse.” Light glanced down at his watch and leaned against the counter. This might be an awkward five minutes.
L shifted his legs, letting one stretch out and dangle off of the chair. “I didn’t expect that this would be so…pleasant. You’re very good at this, Light,” he mused, his relaxed state loosening his lips ever so slightly.
A little heat rose to Light’s cheeks. “Uh...thank you. I guess I have my sister to thank for that. I was her babysitter for years and her hair gets tangled easily, too.”
He smiled when a funny memory sprang to mind. “One time she managed to get a whole package of modeling clay stuck in her hair and I had to scrub for an hour to get it out before my parents got home from dinner. When my Mom noticed it was gone, Sayu told them she ate it.” He laughed to himself, remembering the horrified looks on his parents’ faces. “Of course, we fessed up before they called poison control.”
L’s lips twitched for a moment before he burst into laughter, holding his hand up in a failed attempt at covering his mouth. His laugh shook his entire body, a big grin forming on his face. When was the last time I laughed like this? Have I ever? I can’t recall feeling this good before now. “That- that’s quite impressive,” he managed to say after a few seconds, starting to calm back down and catch his breath. “What was she trying to do with the clay? Style her hair?” He chuckled, opening his eyes to look up at Light.
Seeing L smile was surprising but when the detective laughed, Light was shocked. But that laughter was infectious and only made Light giggle harder. “I think she was trying to make some kind of space helmet? Who knows, she was only five then,” he said between chuckles. I miss her. I wonder how she’s keeping up with her math homework. His laughter faded away.
He looked down at L, a thoughtful look on his face. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you laugh and mean it.”
L’s expression softened, turning thoughtful and slightly sad. “Yes, I suppose it is. I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.” He sighed, stretching out his arms for a moment as he averted his gaze. “I guess that’s just something else you’re good at, hm?” He arched a brow, smirking a bit in the subtle, mocking way he usually did. However, there was no malice to his tone. Instead of attacking Light, it seemed like he was attempting some good-natured ribbing, as if between friends.
Light blinked and gave L a puzzled smile, waiting for the barb to come. Unexpectedly, it didn’t, and he wasn’t sure what to say. L being nice was as strange as L laughing.
He glanced down at his watch anxiously. “That’s five minutes.” He turned on the warm water and rinsed the conditioner from L’s noticeably softer hair. Any residual tangles came loose immediately when he combed his fingers through it and he started to get curious about how it would look when dry. “Alright,” he said, turning off the water. “All done. Your tangles are a thing of the past.”
He turned his back to L to dry his hands on a fresh towel. “I guess it seems like a waste of time to use the conditioner but it saves time in the end for brushing. I can give Watari the information if you want me to.”
L shifted in the seat, looking over at Light with a contemplative expression. He sat there in silence for a few seconds, just staring at the other man until he finally spoke. “I suppose you can. That would be nice. But also, while we’re sharing a living space…if you wanted to- ah- do this more frequently…I wouldn’t protest.” He averted his gaze and cleared his throat loudly.
“Wouldn’t protest?” Light turned around sharply, feeling annoyed at L’s assumption. The words ‘I’m not your servant!,’ hovered on his parted lips but died there when, somehow, he saw L clearly. The man was too proud to ask directly for what he wanted. They had managed to connect in a way that wasn’t only detective and suspect, jailer and prisoner. Light had felt it, too, and he craved kindness after his long isolation, this ongoing tense situation.
He watched L for a moment and quietly said, “Alright, but no cuffs when I do it.” He smirked and added, “And no more lollipops in bed.”
“I agree to the cuffs, but I can’t make any promises about the lollipops,” L joked, smiling as he sat up and pulled the towel over his head. He picked up the chain, staring at it for a second or two before clasping it onto Light’s cuff. However, instead of immediately pulling away, his hand lingered on the man’s wrist. “…thank you, Light,” he mumbled, the sound barely a whisper as he lowered his gaze and pulled his hand away, standing up straight.
Light grinned and tossed L a towel since the man was dripping water everywhere. So it didn’t kill you to say it after all.
“You’re welcome.”
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0celesteisthebest0 · 2 years
Creation of the Heart
Word Count: 2,277
Paring: Javier G x GN!  writer! reader (no y/n)
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Warnings: insecurity regarding writing, some tears, hurt/comfort?, tell me if I should add more!
Authors notes: OK I got inspo writing this because of this post that @littlemisspascal​ (thank you for letting me tag you. very kind of you) made and I just think the whole idea of Javi comforting you with bouts of insecurity is just so appealing to me sooo here's this really self indulgent fic! Enjoy this peeps and for those who are having a difficult time with writing, I promise to you that your work matters in some shape or form. To you and to those you share it with, keep going! I believe in you!
Delete it. Delete all of it! 
It was a constant thought that circled in your brain. After what seemed like the hundredth time you were actually going to delete the doc and throw your laptop in the water in front of you. This was becoming tedious, nothing ever sounded just like you wanted it and you were getting even more irritated by just sitting here.
It was a nice day. The breeze from the ocean in front of you cooled you from the sweltering summer heat. The spot was perfect too, it had just the perfect amount of sunlight and shade to keep you cool and your attire was something that sparked comfort too.
Even though everything was perfect, everything was just right. You couldn’t write a measly sentence. Just one measly sentence!
She laughed at the comment pertaining to
Pertaining to what? Who uses ‘pertaining’ anymore! And why does she need to laugh? ‘Laughed’ shouldn’t be used. It's too simple but what else could you use?
She giggled 
No, that sounded wrong too… there were so many words in the English language yet you could only use the most simplest ones? Why couldn’t you just write? It's so easy you had detailed images and scenes to paint on the page but it seemed that when you tried to paint those things on the laptop the brush was covered in mud. Your back was aching at the position you forced yourself into. Crouched into the chair to force out creativity. 
It was a horrible tactic if you were being honest with yourself but here you were forcing some creative genius to pore out of you. Your eyes were barely focusing on the blinking cursor that turned into the bane of your existence. It was like it was taunting you, telling you that even if you could write that it wasn’t going to be enough and the work would ultimately be swept away like the tides of the ocean. Pushing and pulling, ripping away any creativity you tied with the work.  Any care you placed into the piece turned insignificant in your fingertips as they stayed stagnant on the keyboard.
You loved this, you loved writing but right now you wanted to set everything on fire. To delete all the works you’ve written in the past. It always felt like the same outcome and at this point all you wanted to do was give in and destroy all that you’ve created.
Who cared about the things you wrote, everything was minuscule. Your work would ultimately just be swept away. Forgotten and unimportant.
It wasn’t important, it wasn’t important it…
“Cariño, where are you? I’m free now and I know you wanted to go to the shops today but…oh” Javi stood still at the image of you hunched over crying on your laptop out of frustration from not being able to write. He slowly made his way towards you and moved your hands from the keyboard. He pressed soft kisses on your knuckles and continued to hold one of your hands. He moved one of the chairs to be able to sit next to you. 
“What’s wrong mi alma, did something happen?” You shook your head and wiped away your tears with your free hand. 
“It’s not important Javi…let’s go to the shops I’m ready,” he tilted your face towards him and he probably saw the tears still building in your eyes because he shook his head.
“It’s important to me, so what’s wrong?” You closed your eyes to savor the breeze the ocean blew and you turned your head towards the still open laptop that turned off from disuse.
“I-I can’t write, I want to but I just can’t and it’s driving me crazy. I want to give up, just delete everything but I-“
“Cariño! Don’t do that, that’s your passion right there don’t throw it away! Can I see it?” He was one of your number one supporters and would always ask questions about where you were headed with the characters you told him adamantly about. He was always the first one to know about plot lines and twists that you were ready to share with your audience. 
But it’s been harder and harder to write and each time you post you worry about who’s reading. At times you felt like this wasn’t for yourself anymore.
It hurts having to see the work you love so much turn into sadness. You let him read bits and pieces but not the full thing out of fear that he wouldn’t see what you saw. 
You hesitantly turned on the laptop again to show him the section you’ve been stuck on. He silently looked over the passage with a very serious face and raked in the words that were written under distress. You were holding yourself back from rambling about what the scene itself was about because you assumed he already knew with how frequently you talked about it.
“I love the details you put into this, it reminds me of a movie,” he grinned as he got lost in his own world for a bit. “It’s like walking into a land you wish you were a part of… Mi alma, no entiendo porque quieres parar.” 
His gaze was intense on yours and the passion brewing in his eyes cemented that fact. He didn’t understand why you’d want to stop but there were thousands of reasons you could think of which all fell under the same thought.
“It’s not important,” he sighed at the continuance of this thought. 
“It’s important to not only me but to you and all the people you share it with.” He continued to display the incorrect thoughts that your mind kept supplying. 
“It doesn’t feel like it… I mean Javi. I don't know what’s wrong with me, I just can’t accept it. I can't accept it actually matters,” you stayed silent for a minute and he got closer to you slightly bumping your knees. 
“Mira, I’m going to be selfish my dear but…I can’t let you stop. I won’t, you have a gift and you bring your own point of view and experiences into this.” He exclaimed and motioned to the computer.
“I don’t-“
“You do mi alma you do. From what I’ve seen, the passion you possess about all these works. There are so many ideas to come…if you stop it’ll be a disservice to everyone. What you offer is important to me, to the people who read your work and all the people in the future. People will be thinking about your work when you’re old and gray.” You giggle a little bit, shaking at the exclamation.
“Not when I’m old and gray,” he cupped your cheek and kissed your forehead. 
“Yes, when you are old and gray people will be thinking about what you wrote. I’m serious. I think about what you write and how you talk about it all the time, especially on the bad days.” He kissed your cheek and the nerves were waning and all that was left was exhaustion. You were still frustrated about being in a stagnant stage for your writing but his words were easing your previous tension.
“My love? Do you want to stay in today, I don’t really want to go out,” you started to trace his knuckles and he hummed contently. 
“Of course, anything you want,” he sat up from the seat and pulled you up with him. You stretched out from the cramped position you were in and let him lead the way back to the house. 
“Are you serious about what you said…about my writing,” your thoughts were still there but if he said that genuinely and you always knew when he said things they were always from the heart. It was just a little difficult to believe as of late.
“Of course, I think about your work all the time. Savor the pieces you do show me. I just think you’re too hard on yourself,” you lightly squeeze his hand. “I’d like to read it…if you’ll let me?”
You were hesitant on replying right away because well it was vulnerable to show someone so close to you something you’ve written from the heart. Online was somewhat easier. You were fairly anonymous but… you weren’t sure.
“I- don’t want you to laugh,” he side eyed you at the comment.
“You have a brilliant mind, I would never laugh at you,” he opened the door and let you in first. “Don’t force yourself or feel that you have to but I love your ideas.” 
“Okay… I appreciate that. You are too sweet for this world Javier,” you grabbed his hand once again and started to go to the movie theater room from muscle memory. He gave you a small smile at that comment and followed you to the room.
“I see that you want to watch something, what do you wanna see cariño?”
“Paddington, I haven’t watched it in a while,” his immediate reaction was giddy and you were excited to hear him ramble about one of his favorite series. 
“Fantastic choice, I’ll get the movie set up! You know when we watch the first when we have to watch the second!” You hummed as he excitedly went towards the room and you walked slowly behind him. It was comforting to see him like this, he deserved nice moments to relax. You followed slowly to enjoy the amount of paraphernalia that he had in the room with posters of favorite movies, which were mostly Nick Cage movies, and lots of DVD sets that you’ve watched repeatedly. 
You went off to the usual spot that you claimed was the perfect spot to watch and experience the movies. Javi came back filled with excitement and lots of blankets to wrap both of you with. He sat next to you, bringing you close and the lights in the room subsequently dimmed with the beginning of the movie. The beginning sequence was starting and all you could really focus on was the kind hearted man next to you taking in the bright light of the screen. Sometimes all the praise that he gave to you felt unworthy. Like you were only being told that because he cared for you. 
But he was so genuine about his interest and when you told him your ideas that same bright light shimmered in his eyes. 
How were you so lucky to get this? To receive such kindness when you believed all you’ve done was minuscule.
You reached for his touch and brought him closer to you. 
“You know what Paddington would say to you mi vida?” His eyes were still transfixed on the screen where Paddington meets Mrs. Brown when he murmured the question.
You hummed, trying to focus on the little bear talking to the Brown family about his situation.
“To keep creating, you don’t have to do it now or a week from now or even a month but to not stop. That creation makes us human and sharing it is like giving a piece of your heart to the world.” Your eyes felt misty and you quickly blinked away the tears.
“I don’t think Paddington would say that specifically,” you tried to not accept the compliment but you knew that response wouldn’t work.
“Maybe not, but he helped me believe I could be a better man…he could help you find the energy to keep writing.” Maybe you’ve already found the words to describe this feeling of appreciation in your chest. You didn’t respond right away but simply kissed his forehead.
Love in its purest form is the continuance of creation, simply put, to love is to create. To love is to enjoy the creations of others. To love is to continue.
“Cariño are you still up? I thought you were in bed,” Javier's curly hair was a mess and you beckoned him closer so you could fix his usually perfect locks.
“I had an idea, I just needed to put it down,” you tapped your fingers on the table still trying to figure out where you were gonna go with this. 
“Can I see it?” You nodded at his question and he raked over the words you pieced together.
You knew there would be days where you’d feel at the very bottom of the world about the things you’d create but this was the first thing you’ve been able to write in months without wanting to destroy it. 
It felt good. It felt effortless.
Were you afraid that the day of not being able to write would come again? Yes of course you were, you hated the feeling of constantly lowering yourself because you felt like your work wasn’t enough. You hated the constant arguments you’d have with yourself saying that you just needed it finished, to have it done with, that no one would want to read it or care about the intricacies you placed in your work.
It was bound to happen again but at this very moment it didn't matter. The time will come and pass and you’ll be living in bliss again. 
Javi stared at you with bright eyes as he finished the bits you wrote.
“I love it, it’s beautiful I don’t know where to begin on how this completes me,” you grinned wide at him.
“I got inspired by you,” his brows shot up in surprise. “Thank you Javi.”
“This was all you cariño, thank you for continuing. I know it’s difficult but thank you for not stopping.” He rested his forehead on yours and didn’t stop the thank you’s.
“Would you want to read the full story?” You wouldn’t mind his input on the story and the smile on his face grew wider and made the lines near his eyes crinkle up in excitement. 
“I’d love to.” 
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Three part smut series about Leviathan and his blessing.
Pairing: Leviathan x MC (F)
Fandom: Obey Me.
Warning: Diphallia (Double Penis), hand-job.
Notes: A thank you to @theinariakuma​ for your help as always, I owe you so much. 
Part One: Discovering.
‘Game over’ repeated in the background, the couple locking lips currently too distracted on wrestling with each other’s tongues to notice the game they’d been playing had ended. Her fingers threaded through the purple strands of his hair, tilting her head to glide perfectly against his as the flicker of his forked tongue pressed against the roof of her mouth. Leviathan pushed the controller from his lap, pulling her on to him to straddle him. Their bodies pressed close together as his hands settled on her waist before moving up beneath her shirt. His hands cupping her breasts over the bra, a motion he had slowly grown in confidence to do as their relationship progressed.
Her clothes were quickly dismissed as they flung them across the room, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. Whispers of “I’m going to miss you so much” were shared. Levi moving from her lips down and over the new exposure of her skin, skilled keyboard digits unhooking her bra and pulling it off in one swift motion. 
“Levi!” Gasping with an arched back, his mouth taking a tiny bud of her nipple into his mouth. The flat of his tongue flickering over it whilst his lips sucked to pull it further into his mouth, before releasing it with a wet pop. The motion making her hips subconsciously buck down, grinding over him causing a groan from them both.
He could already sense her arousal, sweetness and desire flooding his senses as he guided her to continue to grind over him. 
“Please… more I need more,” Desperation in her voice as his lips worked back up to her neck, sucking on a spot that would ensure to leave a mark. His mark, his visible clear mark to ward off his brothers whilst he was away. His tongue soothed over the reddened skin, purposefully having sucked on a spot that was visible and knowing it would have her wet in seconds. The softness of her palms ran up the impeccably toned torso, hidden beneath the thick layer of his hoodie. It was only recently that he found the courage to remove it, wanting and needing to feel the press of her skin bare against his. Waiting for his nod of approval, she grabbed the hem and pulled it off, tossing randomly across the room.
 The delicate grind of her over him, the thumbs rolling over her pebbling nipples whilst his mouth focused on her neck was enough to satisfy her… for now. But she wanted more, needed more. They were no strangers to foreplay or oral, only and always on her behalf. Leviathan replaced his concentration on games for burying his head between her thighs, bringing eye-watering climaxes to her with his mouth and hand. Only he never progressed further than that or sought out his release in return. To start the young girl thought nothing of it, not wanting to push him into something he wasn’t comfortable with. Saving and hoping to have a conversation about stepping up their relationship to the next level on a physical and emotional connection, but when she tried to approach the topic of sex or foreplay on him he simply refused to speak about it. Turning his attention back to the games at hand or even the homework on his desk.
 Letting her fingers graze the tone muscles, pausing on the v-lines that disappeared beneath his jeans before finally, her thumbs found the edge of his jeans.
“L-Levi… I- I don’t understand,” Confusion in her voice as her hands rested on the button of jeans, his hands above hers to stop her. Something he did every time she tried to undo them. However this time got to her, the emotional and doubt she felt running high within her. Leviathan was leaving in the morning for a two week trip on ‘Military Duties’ and she was hoping to send him off with something more than him simply letting her come on his mouth or fingers. 
 "You won't let me touch you... Levi, I don't understand?" Her voice was thick with emotion. "I love you. I want to be with you. To love you as much as you love me." Tears in her eyes as she looked up at him, the droplets slipping down her cheeks.
 His face went red, why did she have to cry? "I... I'm not... a normie. I'm not normal..." His voice was hesitant. "I... Things are different to everyone else. When I became a demon." He was nervous. "I... have two?" He tried to explain it, face a bright shade of red. "T-that's why it's better being an icky Otaku. Because they don't care if I have two of them."
 She mouthed back the words ‘Two’ silently to him in confusion, before he gestured down with his eyes. Her face matching his shade red.
 "Oh, Levi..." Her fingers moved to cup his cheeks. "I don't care if you have one or two. You're you and I love you."
 Levi held onto her waist as he pulled her to be flushed against his chest, sweet, tender kisses shared as they kept silent for a few moments. A mutual understanding of trust and love between them. Her thumbs stroking softly over his jawline as she kept her hands cupping his cheeks before pulling her lips away.
 “Can I-... Can I see?” Her eyes getting lost in the heated yet still embarrassed gaze of his galaxy like eyes. A small nod followed as she shuffled backward slightly whilst his hands popped the button on his jeans. Slowly, he guided her hands under his, lifted his hips pulling the fabric of his jeans and boxers down. Face regaining in redness at her expression, eyes open wide and her mouth slightly ajar as she looked down. 
 A half mast cock stranding free just left central above his balls, at least eight inches already with more freedom to grow as it grew erect. Mirrored under half an inch to the right was another, exact same in length and shape. Both of them twitching slightly to be exposed, a delicate glossy bead pooling at the right one’s head. 
 “Levi… you’re beautiful…” Her voice hitching slightly, tearing her eyes away to speak to him directly rather than at his cocks. 
 “I- You don’t have to be nice to me, I get that- that it’s weird,” Completely and utterly flustered from the situation, nerves a light as he explained the best he could to the girl he loved. 
 “Levi… you idiot, you're a demon, everything about you is weird,” She teased with a light laugh, holding his cheek in her palm to maintain their intimate eye contact. “I love you regardless, this doesn’t change anything,”. Soft tears forming in his eyes at her tenderness, a side to him he felt shameful for, now exposed in an accepting and welcoming manner. “So can I- I mean, do they both… work?”.
“Uh- yeah, I have to… relieve them a lot, I get a lot of built-up release…” The red flush on his cheeks spread down his neck as he scratched the back of his neck.
 “Can I touch them?” Softly stroking her hands over his chest. A slow nod came from him, the couple shifting so he was lying down, resting upon his elbows whilst she kneeled up between his legs. Putting her hands on his knees, she slowly pushed her palms up his thighs until they rested just beneath his groin. Her left hand slowly wrapping her fingers around his left cock, his breath hitching as the muscles in his abdomen twitched. Her right hand mimicked the action on his right cock, Levi groaning heavily as they both stood solid at full mast. The noise he made, made her still, keeping her hold but not moving as her eyes shot up to his. 
 “The- The right is really… ngh- sensitive,” Strained words as his hips rose, her fingers giving him a gentle squeeze. His head was thrown back as she stroked him in simultaneous movements, using her thumbs to coax down the leaking bead of pre-cum and stroking down his shafts.
 His eye’s screwed shut, hands fisted into the bedsheets as she sped up her movements, twisting and changing the pressured grip around him, “I- ha. I’m gonna cum…”.  He came apart in front of her by her touch, panting with deep groans until he spilled onto both of her hands. Thick spurts of white coating her fingers as she shallowly pumped him until his release was fully over. His release was plentiful and doubled than any of the other brothers, covering and dripping from her hands onto his thighs. Leviathan’s chest still heaving with a bead of sweat running down his neck, completely spent and blinded by pleasure.
 A vulnerability to him like none before. Bared naked, body, and soul to her. Only one or two people before her had ever seen him, touched him. But none of them had reacted the way she had, no sense of acceptance or understanding. Just pretending that he was ‘normal’ and taking one of his dicks, masking a horrified expression if they came in touch with the other one. But with her, with her, it was a weight off his shoulders. Love and nothing more.   Acceptance. Acceptance Levithan had struggled all his life to find. A ‘normie’, a human, his human being the only thing in Hell to accept him for his true form.
 “I love you, I love you so, so much,” After a moment of rest whilst she cleaned herself and him up, sticky tissues tossed across the room. Levi cupping her face to kiss her as he sat up. 
 “I love you too,” Her fingers buried in his hair, gentle pecks on their lips between words. They shared a look, a heated gaze but not for lust, for love. 
 “I want… I want to-“ He started but she cut him off before he could finish it. “Yes”. 
 “But you don’t-“.
 "You want to pact with me? Yes .. yes, Levi, yes." The fingers in his hair pulled his face closer so the movement of her words was felt against his lips. In class, she learned that demon pacts were something intimate, sometimes romantic.  Knowing he wanted her to pact with him made warmth blossom in her chest.
 “I do… I do so, so much,” In hushed whispers as he wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her against him. “But only if you want to,”.
 “I want to be yours Levi… only and always yours,”.
[Part 2: Preparing].
If people wish to be tagged for updates please drop a comment! 💖
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Michael Myers X Reader - Part 3 - Final
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
This one made me cringe lol- Also, there's sorta a sensitive part of the story so beware.
Today is the day, Y/N thought to herself. She pressed her hand against the wall of her hallway, slowly moving her hand across it as she walked towards the living room. It was in the middle of the night, around 3AM, where Michael would be asleep by now. Perfect time to finally see that face for more than 5 seconds... At that thought, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered how Michael doesn't have terrible acne due to wearing that mask all the time.
Shaking that thought from her head, she finally entered the living room and saw a sleeping psychopath on her couch with his arms wrapped around a pillow and a large cover over him. The pillow he hugged always covered his face, hence why Y/N wasn't able to see his face in his sleep either. And because he always hides his mask when he sleeps as well, so Y/N can't just take it from him. And Michael's a light sleeper anyway, so he's catch her before she gets the chance to hide it.
But this time, Y/N had a plan. Michael sometimes goes out for a kill and she never knows. So when he comes home at 3AM and knocks on the door really loud, it scares the fuck outta her. In order to prevent that, she bought a camera that has night vision that connects to her computer. But she might as well test it out in living room, wink wink. And hey! She can find where he keeps his mask so Y/N doesn't have to look around for hours. All she needs to know is the general vicinity to find it. It was set up earlier, so all Y/N would have to do it wake him up so he goes to get his mask.
She smirked mischievously as she tiptoed over to the couch, hovering over him. He was lightly snoring peacefully, relaxed (not for long-). Y/N slowly gripped the sides of the pillow he was hugging, very delicately pulling it away from him. As soon as he started to stir in his sleep, she ripped it out of his arms and giggled as he shot his arms up over his face. "Aww, good morning, honey!" She giggled; Y/N could basically feel the anger radiating off of him, which was her que to ruN THE FUCK AWAY.
Right after saying good morning, she darted towards her room as fast as humanly possible. Rather than chasing her, Michael just hissed and stood up to grab his mask from in between the couch cushions. Sliding it on, he groggily went his way towards Y/N's room to probably scare her or something. I don't know, he was acting out in the moment.
Y/N could hear his slow footsteps faintly as he got closer to her door. She went under her bed to "hide from him" so it doesn't seem suspicious that she's just calm and all that. Yeah, poor reasoning but sTiLL. Anyway, Y/N giggled under her breath as he opened her bedroom door, walking inside her room and looking around. She could faintly hear him sigh as he went close to her bed, then turned his body so he could see under the bed. Y/N jolted backwards so she wouldn't get caught however Michael grabbed her arm strongly but gently. Y/N laughed as she was pulled out from under the bed.
"Michael, Michael, honey! I thought you were asleep or something!" She spoke innocently. She could just feel Michael's half lidded "shut the fuck up" stare. Y/N opened her mouth to speak again, but suddenly there was a loud knock on her door. I mean loud as in they were trying to break it. Y/N jumped, yelling, "what the hell!" Michael let go of her, watching as she raced towards her the kitchen to grab a knife. But as soon as she grabbed one, she heard someone yell.
"Police, open up!" Y/N's heart fucking dropped. Her lips quivered and her eyes widened with fear. Michael's image was the only thing she could think of as she opened the door, seeing a couple of large men in suits with guns and whatnot. One of them was holding a large black objects used to break down doors. Another was holding a piece of paper towards Y/N, speaking in a rough voice, "Y/N L/N! The FBI has a warrant to search your house for the wanted criminal Michael Myers. If we find any trace of him, you'll be under arrest for harboring a fugitive. For now, you'll be detained and questioned, not arrested. If it seems that your innocent, then you should remain calm and you shall have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, feel free to speak up now."
At the end of his speech, he put the paper away as a dozen of FBI agents bust into Y/N house, running across into ever room and searching for both Michael and evidence of him being here. At the sight of seeing all of this and the feeling of that officer grabbing her arms roughly and detaining them with cuffs, Y/N began to cry. Her legs became shaky and could barely support her weight. "What...What are you guys talking about?" She breathed out fearfully.
One of the FBI Agents came across an office room with a computer in it. The computer screen showed the living room as it is with agents breaking things and yelling. The agent hummed, messing with the keyboard and mouse a bit in order to see the earliest footage. It was of Y/N still setting up the camera and when she left the view of it, we can assume she went to bed. Hours later, a large and tall man was seen heading towards the couch, pulling off his mask and hiding it, then going to sleep.
"Muh-Michael is a...a..." Y/N breathed heavily, her back against the wall and an agent crouching on front of her. Of course, Y/N already knew this but at least she can get off with "not knowing."
"That's right. He's a murderer of many, including his older sister," the agent, who has Danyel written on his tag, replied. Two other agents went up to Dabyel, one of them addressing something.
"There's not a single thing of evidence of him, nor his clothing or anything. However I found camera footage of him being inside the house, sleeping on the couch in here. This woman clearly had a good relationship with him since she woke him up before we came here." Danyel responded to him, but Y/N didn't pay much attention. So Michael just left me, she thought. No, he had to leave so we both didn't get hurt! But it still hurts a little.
"Well, the good news is you didn't lie about not knowing him," Danyel laughed, grabbing Y/N's arm roughly and pulling her up. "Eh, sorry," he apologized when Y/N whenced at his grip. He started to walk her out of her extremely noisy home and to the outdoors, where she felt an amazing relief wash over. She sniffed, his breath quivering as some tears remained and more pouring out of her eyes.
"Michael was never bad to me," she spoke in a low voice, but still loud enough for Danyel to hear.
"Hmm." He walked Y/N up to his car, opening the back door to put Y/N in. She slid inside and was pushed away from the door and towards the middle of the seat. Then Danyel sat next to her, closing the door. Wait, she thought, this isn't normal. "Wanna tell me more about how he was?" He asked her, placing his hand on her cheek and using his thumb to wipe his tears. A shiver made it's way down her spine and her eyebrows furrowed together.
"He really is a nice guy. I can't comprehend he would do something so, so...evil," Y/N started, playing along. She really was hella upset about the reality of what murder really is; yes, she knew he was a killer but had never heard or seen any of it on the news or in person. And hey, if she didn't know the person, why would she care? But now in the situation where the hell that comes from murder is placed upon her so forcefully, she couldn't help but be slightly truthful when she spoke about how terrible she feels.
"My house was always open to people in need, and than I found him. He was knocking on doors, looking for a place to stay, and I let him in. He was so nice," Y/N sniffed, flinching her head back when Danyel tried to wipe away newer tears. "He was funny, loved the food I cooked and I finally had someone to talk to. No, he finally had someone to talk to. I could see so many signs of loneliness and hurt on him and I was finally curing it. Eventually, a few months in, I started to fall for him. Actually, I can't help but still love him.
"I know it's bad but he was the greatest friend, and roommate I could ever ask for. He never complained about anything either; heh heh, there was a time when he didn't have any clean clothes to change into so I had find something for him. All I had was a large baggy, blue hoodie and he it was a good look on him." Y/N chest ached as she finished her story, staring down at the car floor. Danyel hummed, a frown on his features.
Come to think of it, I never described Danyel very well. As mentioned before, he had a rough voice; it was serious and void of care. His demeanor matched it, too, as he showed no care for Y/N as she cried. Even when he wiped her tears, he didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, but for some other reason. His uniform was a blue business suit, unlike the other FBI agents, and it matched a serious demeanor well. His stone cold blue eyes remained on Y/N as she talked, and every once in a while he was push back his slicked back grey-blonde hair.
He was around 35 with youth in his eyes yet his forehead and eyes had wrinkles. His hair was turning grey already, probably from the heavy amounts of stress that comes with the job. He was quite tall, about 6'3 (190cm) and had broad shoulders and had a slim yet muscular build. He wasn't necessarily attractive or youthful looking, but not yet ready for unattractive or old. He always had a frown and half lidded eyes showing nothing but boredom for everything around him.
"That's very touching, Miss L/N," he spoke. Y/N looked up at him, sniffing. Danyel hummed sadly and slowly changed his face to a softer expression. "Well, you won't have to worry about it after today. In the meantime, is there anyone you can stay with for now?" Y/N's lip quivered as she shook her head. "No? You have no family, no other friends? Surely a parent or sibling would help you on a time of need, regardless of your relationship." Y/N shook her head again. She doesn't really like to talk about it.
"I don't have anyone, sir, I really don't. I don't...I don't want to talk about it but I can't see my mom! I don't have any siblings or dad, but she's not a recommendation," she reassured, her heart speeding up at the mere thought of her mom. Danyel noticed this and raised a brow.
"In that case, you will stay at my place. Of course I'm putting my life on the line that way so expect some serious restrictions." Danyel spoke, a smirk almost appearing from the corners of his lips. Y/N felt a chill go up her spine and shook. "That means in case you attempt to escape, I'll be locking your room at night. Don't think I won't go further to ensure you don't attack me in my sleep. You won't be allowed to go outside at all ever. No one is allowed to visit. You'll be able to get food whenever you wish, as well. Roam to your heart's content, but please keep silent at night."
Y/N nodded in understanding but at the same time, she felt way more uneasy than she did when he suggested it. After all he never asked if she wanted to stay with him. No, he told her she would. And his rules seem way too restricting and very unprofessional for someone in the line of service. Y/N is nearly 65% of the size of him, so how the hell is she supposed to "murder him in his sleep?" He could literally just kick her if she ever tried. Lastly, it's almost like he really wanted this.
"Now that's settled, we should be heading towards the police station for questioning. If you're innocent and knew nothing of his history, you have nothing to fear so please be honest and put up no fight. May the lord have mercy on your beautiful soul."
"This will be your room, Miss L/N," Danyel said as he opened a door. Inside was a small bed that was made, a dresser that was somewhat dusty besides it, and a single lap besides it. He walked up to the dresser and set down a suitcase that Y/N had packed after questioning at the police station. She had to get it searched twice in case something were to happen, which was hella annoying for her. "Please do make yourself at home. I'll cook something tonight."
Y/N nodded her head, very uneasy as the thought of staying at some strangers house. She sighed when he stepped out of her new room and she shut the door after him. She shivered, rubbing her eyes before tears well up. "I miss Michael," she whimpered silently to herself. She pushed her hair out of her face as a shaky breath came out of her mouth. Turning towards her suitcase, she walked towards it and unzipped it. She began to pull things out and pet them away in a respective place in the dresser.
"Hmm... Where's my hoodie?" Y/N mumbled to herself under her breath. She made sure to bring a certain blue hoodie with her, but she can't find it. As she scanned through it more, she noticed a few other articles of clothing was missing. "Um, alright, that's creepy," Y/N said out loud. What the hell did Danyel do? When she finished putting her clothes away, she pulled out comfortable pajamas of F/C and S/F/C. Right afterwards, she walked out of her room.
"I'm done," she called out as she walked into the kitchen. Danyel was wearing normal clothes now, no longer a suit and tie, and he was moving around something in a pan. It smelt a lot of breakfast in the kitchen, so it was probably eggs.
"Well, I hope you enjoy it here Y/N. You'll be staying for a while, heh heh," he chuckled as he turned off the stove. "I don't know if you like breakfast for dinner, but I made eggs and pancakes for us." Y/N smiled, sitting down at the table.
"It smells very nice, thanks," she answered. "I must have been in my room longer than I thought."
"You must have been. I had to go look inside to make sure you weren't sleeping, heh."
Y/N's smile dropped when she looked away from him. He was making plates at the moment, too distracted to see Y/N's look of discomfort. Maybe I'm just paranoid, she thought to herself, but he's so weird. As Danyel passed a plate in front of her and one for himself across the table, the room became filled with an awkward silence aside from the side of the a fork clinging against the plates. Y/N poked around at her food, a bit too unnerved from today to eat well. "You know, you shouldn't play with you food."
"I know, I know, sorry. It's just..." she drifted off before getting it back together. "I miss Michael. This is all so weird." Danyel frowned, picking up a few eggs and eating them before replying.
"I see. But you know, this is very essential for your well being. After all Michael is described as pure evil. If he truly cared for you, he would come here to save you and the task force will be here to protect you. If you wanted to go back to kill you because you know too much, the task force will be here to save you. I understand this sounds like I'm using you to lure him in however I am not. You're a very beautiful and intelligent girl who has a heart in the right place; as seen when you choose to let a homeless mute guy with a mask in your house.
"It would be quite a shame for someone like you to be void of life. After all, I'm sure you're a very fun woman and it would be nice for you to stick around with me for now. As you can see I'm without a family so it'd be nice to have some company." As Danyel finished talking, Y/N nodded in understanding. By now she had already finished her food as she kinda just wanted to go to sleep as fast as possible.
Y/N stood up and brought her plate to the think. "Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. I'm probably gonna go to sleep now, okay? Have a nice night," she said as she smiled at him. Danyel stared at her as she walked away and mumbled goodnight to her. Y/N walked into her new bedroom and looked around. It's depressing to not be in her own home, especially at a stranger's house. But she knew she'd see Michael soon, right? As she layer in bed and put on socks, she couldn't help but recall that one time Michael laid in bed with her because it was cold. She giggled to herself when she turned off the light and laid on her back in bed.
It was deadpan silent in that room. So if Y/N likes a fan or TV to help her sleep, this isn't very good for her. Either way, she managed to fall asleep while replaying plenty of memories in her head. Like one time, the first week of Michael staying at her house, she woke up to get ready for work. When she stood on the countertop to get the blender out of the cabinet so she can make a milkshake before work, she saw three sticky notes that said, "Short."
Giggling at the thought, Y/N closed her eyes, waiting for the day that she can live like that again. After all how can she can live in piece in her home again when her neighbors learn her roommate is a killer? She'd never be able to live in peace again. With these thoughts in mind, Y/N began to slowly drift away to sleep until finally all at once. At least, it would last like that for a little while.
A scream erupted from Y/N's mouth as she felt someone pin her to the bed. Danyel, of course, was the culprit; he held her arms tight and got really close to her. "Tell me where he's hiding! Tell me or you'll fucking regret it!" He yelled, making Y/N burst out into tears. She gasped for air, trying to kick him off of her but to no advil.
"I don't know! Let me go!" She yelled back, now trying to release her arms but of course to no advil.
"Lying little bitch," he mumbled under his breath as he let go of one of her wrists to grab something. It was too dark to see, but the metallic-plastic sound she heard means that's it could either be a knife or a gun. Y/N used her other arm to try to release her pinned down hand but she stopped when she felt something touch her head. It was, in fact, a gun. "Tell me where he is," he said as she flipped off his safety, "or die."
Y/N whimpered holding her free arm to her chest as to make herself seem smaller to comfort herself. Danyel released her other arm, putting both hands on his gun as he began to count down from 20. Y/N sniffed, her heart racing so heavily she felt like she would die. Only 20 seconds to live? What's the point of putting up a fight? She closed her eyes tightly, huffing until Danyel got to 5. As these few numbers left rang in her ears, she began to feel apprehensive.
In one swift and easy movement, she managed to hit the gun away from Danyel. A metallic clink sound hit the floor and right after that, a shot erupted. Danyel growled, slapping Y/N before lunging to grab his gun. As fast as humanly possible, Y/N shot up and ran out of the bedroom. The light from the moon shun from all the windows, making it easy for her to maneuver around and there was still enough darkness to hide. To the right outside her bedroom was the kitchen, and in the kitchen are knives, and like hell Y/N passing that up.
She swiftly grabbed one of those larger knives, one similar to what Michael carries. As soon as Y/N made it into the living room, she heard Danyel's loud footsteps run into the kitchen. In his house, the living room and kitchen don't have a wall to separate them to Y/N was in plain sight. "Put your hands up, L/N!" He yelled as he shakingly pointed his gun to her. "Make a move and I'll blow your head off!" Y/N gulped before having a master plan she learned in elementary school: she would juex him, or make him think she's going one way but she'd go the other way.
Y/N growled, jumping to her left but right as he shot, she jumped to the right again and began running. Danyel sped up after her, but it was a little too dark to actually see her move. He had to rely on her softly little footsteps that were being covered up but his own footsteps. Y/N took this time to swiftly get into Danyel's room. Luckily the floor in there was carpet rather than wood so she didn't worry about making too many sounds. In his room was a giant bed, two dressers, a nightstand, and a computer desk.
Danyel ran towards his room, not in it, and paused. "Where the hell did you go!" Y/N's lip quivered as she wiped off her tears; she looked around her for maybe something to throw so he would check inside the room, but know she was behind the door. Looking around her, she saw a binder on a bookcase she hadn't noticed before and grabbed it, throwing it against the wall across the room. Almost as soon as it hit the wall, Danyel ran in passed her, giving Y/N a good opportunity to ran out.
But instead, she gripped her knife strongly before running up to him from behind and plunging the knife right into his ribs, below his arm. Not many people know this, but one of the most vital places of the human body is below the arm; hell, sticking a fingernail in that place could pop so many vital veins that it will kill them. Danyel screamed loudly and spun around, his arm colliding with Y/N's head, knocking her over. Damn bobblehead. Danyel's blood sprayed as he pulled out the knife, dropping it onto the floor and covering his wound. He fell onto his knees. Somewhere in that time, he had dropped his gun, so he was defenseless.
Y/N ran towards the knife, as the gun was no where in sight due to the darkness of the room, gripping it. She rushed towards him a second time and this time, plunging the knife right into that bigass forehead of his. He went silent, went limp, and fell straightforward onto the floor. Y/N was covered in his blood but she weirdly didn't feel anything about it; she was basically desensitized from seeing Michael covered in it so many times.
With a small smile, she pulled out the knife and took it with her into her bedroom, throwing it onto the bed. She took of her bloody pajamas and then headed towards his bathroom to take a shower. Luckily there was much more blood on her clothes than on her body so she didn't struggle too much to get the thick liquid off her. Unfortunately, some of her skin was stained.
When she got out of the bathroom, she went back to the bedroom to get changed. No matter if she choose to put on a lovely dress, or skinny jeans and a sweater, or sweatpants and a tang top, she knew she wouldn't feel fully dressed until she could find that blue hoodie. So she headed towards Danyel's room and hummed to herself along the way. Stepping into the bedroom again, she froze when she saw a looming silhouette that was lit up by the moon threw the window. It wasn't open before, so she could only assume he had just gotten here.
A smile formed on Y/N's lips and her eyes felt watery from tears of joy. "Michael!" She yelled as she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. She felt his arms slowly wrap around her too, lightly though as if she was fragile. Michael looked over at the fallen officer; he never knew that Y/N had it in her to kill someone. After all, Y/N once cried because Michael killed a butterfly. She must have been terrified; and although she couldn't feel it at the time, Y/N was so scared.
"Where were you?" Y/N asked as she whimpered, her lip quivering. Michael brushed her wet hair with his fingers, not answering her as expected. "Whatever... I'm so happy you're okay," she giggled to herself, wiping her tears away. "I guess their gonna link me with the murder no matter what I do, huh? So what should we do?"
Michael audibly sighed and let go of Y/N. He pulled his hands up to his mask, pulling it off. Y/N stood wide-eyed, her mouth parted open at the sight. Even in the darkness and little light the moon displayed, she could examine his ever feature for more than 5 seconds. "Oh my god," she mumbled as she brought her hands up to her mouth. "You're hot! What the hell! Why didn't you show this to me sooner you asshole!"
Her face was a light red shade and she was fangirling so badly inside her mind right now. After a solid 5 minutes, she finally calmed down; she crossed her arms and sighed to calm herself down. By now, Michael kinda just sat on his knees because he would rather not just stand there the whole time. "Well, um anyway..."
"Y/N. Obviously, we'll have to leave and hide. I've been doing this for a while; I know exactly where to go." Y/N shivered at the sound of his voice. It was serious this time instead of mischievous like the first time she heard it. Her cheeks lit up again but instead of fangirling on the outside, she kept it more on the inside.
"R-Right... I suppose we should be going now?" Michael nodded, smirking as he grabbed the sides of Y/N's face and pulling her close. They're lips collided (ew cooties) for a few seconds, and in those few seconds Y/N managed to have invented a new color, uncover a number hidden between 8 and 19376484974939, and small the word "iris." Right after they parted, Michael slid his mask back on and stood up.
"It'll be faster if I carried you. Your short legs won't go far on their own." Y/N huffed loudly, putting her hands on her hips. Her face was even brighter now, but wHatEver.
"You know what? Fine! At least I can see what it's like to be a damn giraffe." Plus she can also be held with biG StRonG ArMs or something like that, I don't know. She went up closer to him and held out her arms. "Just so you know, I want to stop by McDonald's on the way to where ever we're going."
Michael rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips under his mask as he picked her up bridal style, heading for the window. "Also! If you drop me, I'm suing." He ignored her comments as he stepped out of the window, landing perfectly. Y/N jumped in fear, "Cheezits rice!" Now if what she said didn't make sense to the reader, they should say it out loud and think about what it sounds like. Anyway, Danyel's house was actually pretty secretive. It's in the middle of the woods with only one road that leads to civilization. And that's where the two were heading.
"This place is weird," Y/N said as she ate a McChicken nugget. She was holding a happy meal that contained a 6-piece chicken and fries. Also it came with a Rainbow Dash toy. Pure bliss. Anyway, the two of them were in an abandoned asylum that had concrete floors and white walls; there were cobwebs and wood and dirt scattered. "Also, if you think for a damn second that I'm cleaning this, you're wrong."
"Not you. We. We need a place to stay, right? A little work here and there would be sufficient."
"How are you gonna use big words when your handwriting looks like a mouse trying to use a pen?"
Three months later, the asylum did not look bad at all. They only used very few areas of it; by the window they entered through was three rooms that were very close together. These rooms and the hallway that connected it was basically their home. It sounds strange, but after managing to steal a bunch of lights, sweep away nasty shit, and steal certain kinds of wallpaper to cover up the old wallpaper, it became livable. They brought in tables, even a fucking fridge, chairs, etc to make it more homey.
The asylum wasn't that old either; there was outlets for plugging in lights and a fridge and all that. They were able to steal power from a nearby working place to even get the power needed, too. Things worked surprisingly well. Y/N would cook, Michael would clean, and all that good stuff. Y/N was the one to go out shopping and all that, and Michael would steal. The power of teamwork! One one of the rooms was a bed and dresser; the bed was pretty low on the ground actually and hella big too, so Michael could fit.
Y/N would be home a lot by herself, as Michael's quest to kill his family was worth more than life to him, but she would still see him pretty often.
This series is over, but if anyone suggests a story deeper into how their relationship would be or perhaps even kids, I have no shaming in making it happen. Or perhaps a different ending?!
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Strictly Confidential - Part 2
Warnings: Bucky Barnes being not so smooth ( is that a warning), 18+ extra steamy flashback and an equally steamy ending, you’re welcome.
A/N:if you all get confused with the first steamy scene and how Bucky is referring to the reader as vixen or she or her, this is only due to him not knowing it was you hence why the last scene i am using you, does that make sense? Sorry for the delay y’all, I honestly was not expecting writing this type of smut to be this hard, but it is lol! I hope you enjoy this steamy little chapter, the fun is really going to start next chapter! As always tag-lists are open, and thank you so much for reading!
Part 1 / Series Masterlist
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Your striding over till your in front of his desk – a desk he’d very much like to bend you over.  Your hand stretches, a bright smile pulling at your lips, “y/f/n, y/l/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you sir.”
Oh fucking hell.
Bucky has to adjust himself in his chair, his slacks suddenly constricting.
“Pleasures all mine,” no really it was, “ please take a seat,” on my lap.
God get it together Barnes!
“So y/n, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself, who you worked for, what you do on the side.”
“On the side sir?” You questioned.
Bucky blinked owlishly, could she please stop calling him sir it was doing things to him, that shouldn’t be happening during work hours.
Bucky cleared his throat adjusting himself in his seat and slacks as well, “Steve you think you could switch on the fan for me before you head out? Bucky questions voice coming out strained.
Steve offers him a smile, “sure thing, uh y/n whenever your done here with Mr. Barnes I'll be right outside to see you out.”
Your turning in your chair slightly, your skirt going up with it giving Bucky a splendid view of those wonderous thighs of yours, if only they were spread for him like they had been last night. “Thank you, Steve,” your voice sings to him pulling him from the dirtier parts of his mind.
“get your head out of the gutter,” he murmurs to himself under his breath.
“excuse me?” you questioned brows furrowed in confusion.
His eyes widen, “no. No, not you,” he chuckles awkwardly just talking to myself. Smooth Barnes, smooth.
“So,” he clears his throat, “where were we?”
“You asked what I do on the side, and I was curious to what you meant by that question,”
“uh what I meant was do you do anything on the side other than being a publicist to someone in person, do you write on a blog, post photos, make videos?”
“Oh,” and there’s a blush flushing your cheeks at the last question, “well yes, when I'm not with my client in person I usually make content online, mainly videos.”
Oh I know.
Your brows furrow in confusion, “you know,” you questioned, “did Steve show you my work?”
Oh you’ve done it now Barnes, “Uh yes actually, you see, Steve has been trying his hardest to get me a publicist, and well I personally think I don’t need one, and in order to really show me you are the one,” which you are he thought, “he decided to present me some of your work.”
A smile took over your face, “that's great did you have any favorites?”
Yeah, the one where your legs are spread wide for him, pussy dripping on the sheets below you, breathy moans of his name spilling from your lips, those are by far his favorites.
“I can’t think of one off the top of my head, and I apologize immensely for that I had a rather long night last night.”
You’re offering him a small smile, “that’s no worries had quite the night myself, one of my favorite clients had me up late.” you chuckled softly, the sound going straight to his heart.
Oh you little minx.
You were on your knees, legs slightly spread as you looked up into the camera, a groan left Bucky’s lips, hand traveling down his body to ease some of the ache on his cock.
“What do you want your best girl to do daddy?” you purred eyes looked on the camera, it's as if you were staring into his soul, except you couldn’t see him. His fingers hover over the keys of his surface pro, fingers clacking at the words he wishes he could tell you in person.
“pet those breasts for me baby, pretend I'm there, right behind you, whispering every dirty thing you want me to do to you.”
Vixen grins pressing up towards the camera hands wandering up her body from her hips, Bucky watches her hands grasp at her chest breathy little moans spilling from her lips as she plays with her breasts for him.
“god baby look at you, love hearing those breathy moans you let out for daddy, if only you could see how riled up you get me.” Bucky typed one handed, the other hand working his cock through his boxers.
A smirk splits your lips, your hands sliding down your body, back arching as you descend down, “you like hearing what you do to me daddy?” she murmured, “do you want to see what you do to me, how wet you get me?”  god damn Bucky grunted, hands pulling his aching cock from the confines of his boxers.
A moan is falling from her lips as vixen pulls her panties to her side, fingers dipping into her folds. A low moan spills from Bucky’s lips, god what he would give to be there between her legs, tongue dipping into her folds.
“look at how wet you are baby, you going to put a show on for daddy, touch that pretty little pussy for me?”
A moan leaves her lips, finger circling over her clit, “Gonna be a real good girl for you daddy, gonna get real wet for you.” she purred tongue running over her lower lip before sucking it between her teeth.
A growl leaves Bucky's lips as he tries to find the best position to be able to type and stoke his cock to the sight of her. He watches as her fingers descend down, two fingers sliding easily into her wet slick heat. A throaty moan falls from her lips as she falls forward hand bracing against the silk sheet she rests on. Bucky watches entranced as she fucks herself with fervor, grinding down on her own hand.
Fuck vixen was going to be the death of him.
Having found a good position Bucky tightened his hand around his thick length, hand picking up a quick rhthym, he swear he could come like this. Watching vixen fuck herself on her fingers, intoxicatingly sweet breathy moans spilling from your lips.
“Fuck daddy, I want your cock in my mouth so bad,”
Bucky chokes on a breath, fingers struggling to hover over the keyboard, “I want to get my mouth on you, suck you real good daddy, drool all over your cock like a good girl.”
“Fucking hell sweetheart, the mouth on you, you going to be my best girl? Swallow all of me,”
“god yes daddy please let me be your best girl”
“gonna gag on daddy’s dick, let daddy fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, swallow every inch I give you.”
Bucky couldn’t tear his eyes away from vixen as her moans grew louder, she was close, he had been on her page long enough to know what she looked like when she came, and god was he right there with her.
“Your close aren’t you pretty girl, you going to cum for daddy, cum all over those pretty fingers for me.”
The throaty groan that spills from her lips is enough to send Bucky over the edge. A loud grunt falls from Bucky’s lips, his cum painting his stomach, his mind goes slightly fuzzy but he can still her vixen working herself her breathy moans almost have him wanting to go one more time.
“Come on sweetheart, let daddy see it, cum for daddy, be daddy's good girl.”
He watches her eyes slip shut, mouth falling open as a loud moan falls from her lips, “Fuck!” she squeals, thighs trembling under her, her body twitching as her orgasm took over her.”
Fuck she was a goddamn sight.
“So, this client,” bucky starts pulling himself from that dirty part of his mind, “is he another one you publicize for,” he questioned, and really, he’s only asking because he wants to know if he’s your favorite client.
“I make videos for him,” Bucky raises a brow at your statement, a smirk tugging at the side of his lips, “and what is it that you would be doing for me,” and there's a teasing tone to his voice.
Bucky catches when you cross your legs, thighs squeezing together, oh you dirty girl, “well sir, I would do whatever it is you need from me,” and what he really needs right now is to take you over this damn desk.
“Well Steve did say you were one of the best, and from what I've seen your work is spectacular sweetheart,” and he can’t help but to throw that name out there, because he’s seen how reactive you can be when he types out his favorite pet names for you.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes, I enjoy what I do,” oh he’s sure you do, he’s real sure of it.
Bucky runs a finger through his scruff, “well y/n as much as I'm against needing a publicist, your work has caught my eye,” and really aside from your online content - your secret life, Steve had provided him your resume which was superb. “If you’re up for the challenge and think you can handle a man such as myself, well then the job is yours.”
A grin splits your lips, “I have no doubts I can handle a man such as yourself Mr. Barnes, I’m always up for a challenge.” you wink.
His cock twitches in his slacks, “I like you already y/f/n. Y/l/n, welcome to the team,” he adds extending his arm out to you.
“It's going to be a pleasure to work by your side sir, I promise not to disappoint.” you grin as you shake his hand, pushing up to your feet.
He stands with you, readjusting himself in his slacks as he follows you to the door. “I’ll have Steve give you a call later on this evening to go over your schedule which will basically be mine, I'll also have him give you my number in case you have any questions for me.”
“I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity Mr. Barnes, I'll see you soon.” you grin giving him one final handshake before your gliding out his office doors.
Its 30 minutes later when Bucky is lounging on the couch in his office that Steve is bursting in, a toothy grin on his face, “So proud of you Buck,” Bucky raises a brow at him.
“I know how much you were against a publicist, but the fact that you actually went over her worked and even looked up some of her videos, thank you for giving this a shot, she’s a great gal, and an even better publicist for her clients, you just watch, she’s going to change your life.”
You already had, he thought.
Days at the office were always long and boring, but it seemed today was dragging much slower than usual, the hours ticked by much too slow for Bucky’s liking, and all that had been on his mind the remainder of the day was getting home and taking care of the problem you had caused him, he would make sure you, or rather ‘vixen’ helped him through said problem and it was making him rather anxious. He needed to get home.  
As soon as the clock had stuck six Bucky was out the office doors, all the cubicles on his floor already empty as he let all his employees leave at most and hour before he did. Bucky couldn’t thank the heavens enough, when the walk to his car, and the ride home went uninterrupted, somebody was hearing his prayers. And he hoped to be hearings yours soon.
With the keys in the door, Bucky unlocked the door to his home fairly quickly. Dinner could wait he thought as he made a beeline to his bedroom, the ache in his slacks could not. He wastes no time in ridding himself of his work clothes, settling himself against the headboard as he reaches for his surface pro.
Bucky makes quick work of signing into the device the site already open for him, a message sit’s in his inbox, “come play with me daddy, your best girl is feeling a little frisky today,” a grin pulls at his lips, he wonders why.
He moves the mouse around accepting the private invite, he has accepted many times since joining Xmodels.
His screen darkened slightly as the page loaded, a video box appearing in the middle of his screen, you popped up seconds later.
He sucked in a breath, maroon lace covered your most intimate parts, a black silk sheet laid out under you, “well you at you pretty girl, all dolled up for me, what's the occasion usually I'm the one requesting a private?”
A smirk pulls at your lower lip, your teeth sucking on your lower lip, “well if you must know today’s been a rather exciting day, and there’s nobody else I would rather celebrate than with my favorite customer, you spoil me.”
“Is that so sweetheart,” he watches your thighs do the same thing they had when he called you that pet name in his office. “Do I really spoil my best girl, you want to tell me how I spoil you?”
Your hands roam over your body, “let’s start with the amount of money, you spend on me.” You grin hands groping at your chest.
“Oh you little minx,” he’s typing with one hand again, other hand already gripping himself through his boxers
“Is that all, or are you going to tell me more?”
“You really have no idea what you do to me, do you?”  
He swears it’s like your looking at him, and if he could close his eyes picture you as you are you would be in front of him.
“And what do I do to you baby, you going to show daddy what he does to you, going to tell me how sweet you are on me.”
A smirk pulls at your lips, “you’d like that wouldn’t you daddy like for me to be sweet on you?”
“Oh sugar you have no idea, but enough about that, why don’t we get things moving and you show daddy exactly what he does to you.”
You don’t waste another second as your hand skim your body, fingers going to your most needy area. Your not touching, your teasing, not only yourself but Bucky, and Bucky has been hard since you walked into his office, he refuses to wait another second.
“Touch yourself sweetheart, daddy wants to see that pretty pussy.”
Just like the other night, you slid your fingers through your soaked folds, fingers glistening with your slick, “fuck princess, you are gorgeous, just want to run my lips all over that body of yours, you’d like that wouldn’t you baby, like to have my mouth on you.”
Two fingers slip into you, “fuck daddy, I need it, need you, need you to fill me up, I bet you’d fill me up so good.”
And fuck would he, he’s transfixed by you his dick twitching in his hold, pre-cum gathering at the tip.
A needy whine leaves your lips, “it’s not enough, fuck I want to be filled with you.”
“Jesus baby doll, the fucking mouth on you, why don’t you bring out one of your favorite toys.”
Your shaking your head fingers still working, your back falling to the sheets as you spread yourself out, and god if it doesn’t make Bucky harder, he feels he isn’t stroking fast enough.
“Fuck daddy you have no idea how badly I want you here with me, your mouth all over me, your cock fucking into me.”
Fuck he’s not going to last.
“I don’t think you’d be able to take me, need to stretch you out, get you ready for me baby, just like you’re doing.”
“Am I doing a good job daddy getting myself ready for you, am I being your best girl?”
Oh fuck you were, his perfect, perfect girl.
“Touch your clit, baby pretend it’s my fingers rubbing you, need to see you cum.”
Bucky’s hand moves quicker, matching the speed at which your other hand swirled over your clit. The sight of you a writhing, moaning, mess is enough to throw him over the edge, abdominal muscles contracting as he falls over the edge, a low groan spilling from his lips as his cum spurts from his cock his eyes slip shut at the pleasure coursing through him. A cry from his laptop has his eyes snapping open, your fingers stilling, thighs trembling as your orgasm takes over you.  
Bucky watches you come down from your high. There’s a longing in his chest, he had watched your for so long on this website, that he couldn’t help but to have fallen for you, when you started accepting his private sessions more and more, and now that you’re actually going to work with him, be under him.
His breath catches in his throat as he watches you.  
He was screwed.
Part 3
WorldofAUs Forever Tag-list: @cap-n-stuff-main​ @bucky-cinnamonroll-barnes​ @kseniiafirebrace​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @pinknerdpanda​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @b0nkybarnes​
Strictly Confidential Tag-list: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @lady-pswrld​ @connie326​ @lookiamtrying​ @depproselily​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ @jaywolf840​ @calwitch​ @genlovesdcb​ @xoasalxo​ @jbarness​
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tamabbyboi · 3 years
All is Fair in Love and War
Chapter 6- Sponge Cake
series masterlist
main masterlist
Don't forget to read the fun facts at the bottom!
Taglist form or you can send me an ask or pm!
A/N: Just a lil prank filler chapter :) I'm p sure 2 chapters from now is when the plot really picks back up so stay tuned! Also sorry this took so long, again my ADHD brain said we are getting nothing done this week except hyperfixating on an otome game and spending hours staring at the cg's, yknow, like a totally normal person. ALSO!! pls I beg of u send headcanon requests I wanna try to write at least one headcanon post/one-shot between each smau chapter! Check my rules before requesting!
Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.
Warnings: cursing
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Fun facts:
Bakugou made a real cake the next day, he said it was because he felt like it but it was really because he felt bad ab feeding the sponge to y/n when he saw them get so excited for actual cake
He thinks it's cute and wanted to see it again
y/n ended up standing in the doorway to Bakugou's room and watching his distress until he saw them and they ran back into their room and locked the door
"Oh boo hoo let me press f on the world's smallest keyboard" is my personal favorite reaction meme and I've been waiting to use it this whole time 😫
Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren't important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren't important either
Download reaction memes used in this chapter here
Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn't let me tag are bolded): @random-ass-shit-reblogged @fucktheworlddude @zyxys1 @tati-the-fangirl @insomniacwreck @sorrowfulfragmentation @the-fandoms-georgie @lunamoonbby @tanakasprayer @daydayday @captaincyberqueen @arashi-onannoko @mrs-bakugo-writes
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giyuwu-san · 4 years
love is blind // oikawa tooru (drabble!)
— “You met me yesterday.” “Yes, and I would die for you. Next question.”
↱ PAIRING : Oikawa Tooru x GN!Reader
↱ WORD COUNT : 979
↱ WARNINGS : Mentions of claustrophobia, nyctophobia and anxiety, Tooru being annoying ig
↱ TAGS : @tetsujime @ineedselfcontrol-helpme @lulukolelouch
↱ ASK : Oikawa and “You met me yesterday,” “Yes, and I would die for you. Next question,” this drama queen I swear to God would say something like that 😌
↱ AUTHOR’S NOTE : jesus christ im finally back oh my god. first uni applications have been fucking me over and now my laptop keybaord broke so I had to order a new keyboard jfc. But everything’s starting to get sorted out now so I think I’ll be back for good (fingers crossed hopefully I didn’t just jinx myself.) BUT ANYWAYS the power went out last night (12 mn)  and it only came back now (3:50 pm) sigh. the world truly is plotting against me, but yeah since I was writing this when we didnt have any power let’s just say I was a little inspired. 
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          "So," the brunette beside you said. "How was your day?"
You looked at him, hoping he couldn't see the way your eye was twitching in sheer annoyance. The absurdity of the situation finally sinking in as you paced around the unmoving elevator. 
This could not be happening right now.
          "I'm currently stuck in the elevator with you, so things are going quite swimmingly." You sighed out a chuckle.
          "Aw, thank you!" he replied in earnest.
You sighed once more. It wasn't worth being mean to the man beside you when he hadn't really done anything wrong besides being insufferable. Especially when you had just met him yesterday by fate, and by the looks of things, fate had a funny way of toying with you.
          "Oikawa Tooru," he said suddenly, hand reaching out for you to hesitantly shake it, "—by the way."
          "L/N Y/N," you huffed out.
After that, a few minutes passed without a word being spoken. 
Oikawa sighed.
          "We should probably sit down," he said and sat down by the elevator wall.
You followed shortly, sitting a respectable distance from the man beside you.
          "Does it look like it's gonna take long?" you asked, your fingers nudging against each other on your lap.
          "Yeah," he sighed once more, the chipper aura he had a few minutes prior, disappearing into a helpless slump. He leaned his head into the wall behind him.
Another set of wordless minutes passed after that.
          "What's your favorite color?" Oikawa asked suddenly.
          "I'm sorry?" you turned to him, bewildered. 
          "What's your favorite color," he turned his head towards you. "We might as well kill time. I ask you a personal question, you ask me a personal question, and then we never see each other ever again."
          "We're in the same class," you said blankly.
          "Yes, but that's beside the point."
You groaned, letting your forehead fall into your knees after having propped them up earlier. You thought for a moment, or longer than that, and let the silence consume you for a while. Maybe it was because you were tired from work, or because his voice is annoying, or maybe because today just wasn't your day. You sat there and let yourself forget for a moment, giving in to the simple act of doing nothing, and thinking of nothing just for a little while. 
You sit up straight again and let your legs fall flat onto the floor.
          "Fine," you said finally. "My favorite color's—"
And it went on like that for a good while. Tossing around questions that meant nothing and everything. It was simple in a way, you asked a question, and he answered. Maybe Oikawa Tooru wasn't so insufferable after all.
          "Why're so grumpy?" he asked.
          "Work," you answered simply. "Why're you so annoying?"
He hummed as if in thought. "Because I like annoying grumpy people?"
You remembered Iwaizumi, the poor soul. He was another person you met after transferring to Aoba Jousei yesterday, as well as a regular at the ramen restaurant you worked at part-time.
          "Makes sense," you said.
          "Okay, next question, what are you—"
Suddenly, the elevator jolted, and everything went dark. The lights had gone out. You screamed louder than you would have liked. 
          "Fuck," you said, your hands placed on each side of you clenching into fists.
          "Hey, you okay?" he said warily. He couldn't exactly see you now with the lights out, but your scream and shaky voice were enough to make him aware of your shaken up demeanor. 
He scooted closer to you, careful not to bump into you.
          "Finish your other question first, asshole," you said. Not exactly meaning the last part, but you weren't necessarily in the brightest of spirits.
          "Oh, sorry," he said. "What are you afraid of?"
You shrunk into yourself. Your knees once again finding comfort squeezed into your torso, your arms wrapped around them. 
          "Elevators, the dark, the idea that things might go wrong," you said.
          "Yeah, I can see that," he said, which surprisingly enough made you chuckle. He turned his head towards you, or at least towards where he felt your presence was.
          "Okay, so," started again. "You okay?"
You almost said you were, maybe it was because you worked customer service, but you weren't at work anymore. This time it was different. So you answered honestly.
          "No," you said. "I'm not okay."
          "Yeah," he said back.
And for the third time, it was quiet for a few minutes.
          "It's your turn to ask a question," he said, breaking the silence.
          "Oh," you sat up straighter. "Yeah, right."
You cleared your throat. 
          "Uhm, why are you suddenly not annoying?" you asked finally.
          "Because you probably wouldn't like that, I would like to annoy you but, I care for you so, I'll hold back for now."
          "You met me yesterday."
          "Yes, and I would die for you. Next question," he said, and you laughed.
He was thankful it was too dark for you to see the light blush on his cheeks.
          "It's your turn to ask a question," you said back, still laughing softly.
          "Oh, Uhm," he fumbled. "Next time I come to your restaurant, eat with me?"
          "Will you be paying?" you replied.
          "Fine," he said without really thinking.
          "Sure then," you chuckled. "Let's eat together."
And funnily enough, the lights decided to turn back on, and so did the elevator. Both of you breathing out a sigh of relief.
Oikawa pressed a floor on the elevator, the floor you both came from earlier today.
          "Let's eat together now then. Sitting in a dark elevator really made me hungry." He said, and you rolled your eyes. 
          "You're annoying," you say to him, looking him in the eyes.
He gave you a cheeky smile. The elevator doors opened, and the ramen restaurant you worked at being the first thing you see.
          "And you make good ramen." 
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*rolls up to ask box* Lemmee get a Yoongi with plus size black reader where she's a teacher who moved to Korea teaching English at a university. She's grading papers at a 24 hr coffee shop with her 4c hair in puffs & glasses on. He's out getting his beloved iced Americano and he sees her. He's watches her for a bit until she overhears him talking about her fine ass in korean thinking she can't understand him but she snaps her head up and speaks perfect korean to the waitress? Sorry it's so long
I changed it a little bit but here you go wifey! 
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First encounter
“God, this is so good…” you sighed in happiness once the delicate taste of your sweet cappuccino hit your tastebuds. This was exactly that you needed after a long day at school: a nice coffee and a new book to enjoy reading at your favourite café.
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After clocking out, you had gone home to change into something comfortable and decided to let your hair rest in cute little buns and your glasses just complimented the whole outfit. Thank God it was Friday because you were so ready to just unwind and spend some quality time alone. You had some plans to go and have some fun in Seoul but those weren’t fully convinced of the plans just yet. Teaching had been very exhausted, but you loved your job, nonetheless.
You were about to dive back into your book when you noticed a very handsome guy sitting just two tables away from you. He had his laptop out, with something that looked like a small portable piano keyboard. He was bobbing his head along to whatever tunes were blasting through his headphones. You couldn’t help when he suddenly broke out grinning, showing off his gummy smile and it instantly made your heart swell with happiness.
The handsome stranger continued to grin while tapping away at his laptop, making you lose yourself in his little bubble, you were growing curious to what he was creating while wondering whether you’d ever be lucky enough to listen to it.
“Shit!” you hissed to yourself when the handsome stranger noticed your gaze on him and snapped his head in your direction, the two of you making instant eye contact. In that moment you released two things:
1. You had been staring at Min Yoongi aka, BTS’s Suga 
2. Min smiled when your eyes locked, and he gave you a gentle head nod
To say that you were panicking a little was an understatement. That man wasn’t just a celebrity but also had acknowledged your existence. A boost of self-confidence rushed through your body while you looked down at your book and mentally counted to ten in order to get your shit together. This wasn’t happening.
It took you more than ten seconds to calm down before clearing your throat and trying to focus on the phrases of your book. Your tensed shoulders slowly relaxed again, and a small smile crept onto your face, you had never guessed this would happen in a million years.
Five minutes into your book, you randomly glanced up again and noticed that Min was still staring at you. You gave him a small smile and raised your cup of coffee, not knowing that your beauty was putting the musician in complete awe. He hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off you as he instantly was interested in you.
Sure, Min had seen and met many beautiful people in his life but something about your smooth brown skin, the clothes that were hugging it perfectly and your simple behaviour was doing something to him. You didn’t know that he had paused his music and made it his personal mission to try and get close to you. Min was happy that today was the day he had decided to leave the house in order to find some inspiration for BTS’s upcoming song, because you were now the newly discovered inspiration.
The group had decided to write another beautiful love song, this time not just only expressing hopes of finding that intense and addicting love but to actually write about experiencing it. Not many knew that Min Yoongi had experienced that kind of love, it hadn’t lasted for a very long time but his heart had once belonged to someone special. The breakup nearly killed him though, the pain was unbearable and the musician had ever since been afraid to even approach someone.
Seeing you there, he felt his stomach flip in anxiety but also excitement because he felt determined to get to know you. Your eyes locked for a few more minutes before you felt like a creep and decided to get back to reading.
Taking another sip of your cup, you noticed your palms starting to sweat as Min’s handsomeness was simply too overwhelming for you. “Such a beauty”, whispered the singer in Korean before shaking his head in amazement.
You screamed in your head, your eyes almost popping out of its sockets. Min didn’t know that you were fluent in Korean as it was a necessity in order to teach in the country and probably didn’t expect you to understand him, so he felt more than free to voice his opinion on you.
You took a big sip from your coffee and decided to take your interaction a step further. You took a few deep breaths before standing up, collecting your book, hot drink and phone before walking over to him and joining him at this table.
Min let out a surprised gasp when you looked at him and replied in Korean “Thanks for the compliment”. Then you started the conversation, saying that you had been fluent in the language for a few years now and that you were a fan of BTS. The way he snapped his laptop shut had you giggling while leaning back against your seat and smiling happily.
Min instantly felt shy and apologised for his comment, expressing how it wasn’t gentleman like and that he just felt so amazed by your beauty. You excitedly let him know that you also found him very beautiful and then you loved his musical talent. The rapper then asked you about your life, you liked your job and how you liked living in Seoul, he patiently listened to you while making mental notes how you beautiful your voice sounded. It was like sweet honey to his craving ears.
You told him a few funny stories that happened while teaching and the way he threw his head back and laughed loudly had you instantly catching feelings. His gummy smile just looked breathtaking, he didn’t give a single fuck about the fact that his loud laughter was booming through the whole café, he just was in his happy moment.
Min then told you different stories of his life as a worldwide known musician, the ups and downs of dealing with fame and even his hopes for the future. It was so easy to read right through him like an open book: that man found happiness in the simplest things of life but was very lonely. He didn’t have many friends and barely had the time to spend some quality time with them, but just from the way he was looking while talking about them, you knew that he loved them dearly. 
Yoongi continued talking about the group’s members, what he had learned from them and how much he loved them despite being very bad at showing his appreciation. You clung onto every word that left his soft and plump lips and imagined what it would be like to feel them gently pressed against yours.
“Hey…Can I take you out sometime? There’s many amazing places I can show you if you want”, Min asked with the most adorable yet shy expression on his face. You were melting away while he was trying his best to not show how much he wanted to hold your hand, listen to you talk for hours and be lucky enough to kiss your plump lips that were calling onto his.
Your numbers already had been exchanged a few minutes into the first conversation so all you could hope for was to get a text from the musician.
“I would love that!” you grinned and couldn’t help but reach out for his hand and give it a quick squeeze. His palms were sweating, and his nostrils immediately appreciated your delicate scent when you leaned in. That man was falling quick and hard for you. You didn’t mind his sweaty hand, actually loved the feeling of his soft skin.
Your heart skipped a beat, but you didn’t dare show it. This felt amazing. You wished it never end, but that wasn’t an option, for now. With one final smile you wished Yoongi a nice day before standing up and gathering your things, your cup of coffee already having been consumed. After leaving a few bills and a nice tip on your table, you made your way out of the café without glancing back, knowing damn well that Min was staring at you and your luscious curves.
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in  l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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I Want Us Part 8
Fandom: Chicago PD / SVU
Series: I Want Us
Part 1 //  Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 (Final)
Pairing/s: Sonny Carisi x Intelligence!Reader
Warning/s: tw rape, murder, assault
Word Count: 1,269
Summary: The Intelligence Unit’s last case with Manhattan SVU had them flying out to New York to track down an abducted boy, and had Dectective Y/L/N and Detective Carisi growing close in the process. Now, a string of rape-murders in Chicago has SVU boarding the next flight out, believing the suspect to be the same man responsible for a set of identical crimes 10 years prior. As the case unfolds, Y/N and Carisi are brought back together, reigniting the spark between them.
Tags: @the-baby-bookworm​ // @inlovewith3​ //
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The call came while you were still driving to the address you’d been given on Tate, now your prime suspect - Billy’s alibi for the first murder checked out easily, he was at a track meet with over a dozen witnesses, and there wasn’t exactly any point in checking his alibi for the New York murders, he’d been 7. 
Almost as soon as that call ended, you got a text on your phone. “You mind?” You nodded to your phone, giving Carisi permission to check it as you drove.
“It’s Jay, he says neither families have seen Billy or Tate before,” he relayed, “but that doesn’t mean Tate isn’t our guy, it’d make sense with what we’ve heard so far.”
“Still,” you sighed, turning Tate’s road, his apartment building just up a head, “we’re going to need something more to go on if we’re even going to get into his place, let alone arrest and charge him.”
Carisi couldn’t agree more as you both climbed out the car, making your way towards the building with your badges on hand. They’d get you through the main doors no problem, but getting further...
“Do you have a warrant?” What had you expected, honestly? Standing before the landlord in the main lobby you were greeting with the question you’d seen coming a mile away. 
“Is he here?” Carisi asked anyway, hoping you’d at least find out something useful, even if this turned out to mostly be wasted trip.
“Nah, he hasn’t been back here since yesterday, I’ve got some mail waiting that I need him to take off of my hands,” the landlord explained, sounding bored and impatient with the conversation already. He’d given you something, at least; Tate hadn’t gone home after he’d given his statement to you, he must have somewhere else to lay low - but where?
“You ever seen either of these women before?” Carisi tried, holding up photos of the two Chicago victims on his phone. The landlord shrugged and shook his head.
“Okay, thanks for your time,” you told him, pulling your card out of your pocket, “but if he does come back, at least give us a call?” He grunted in what you couldn’t tell was agreement or not, but he took the card and walked away, which presumably meant you could both see yourselves out.
You grumbled in frustration as soon as you were outside, knowing you’d been this close to your killer and let him slip away, and now you didn’t know where he was. “We’ll post some unis outside in an unmarked car,” Carisi told you, already making the call as you wandered once again back to your car, fresh out of leads to follow.
“Let’s call Benson, see where Tate lived the time of the New York murders, maybe it’ll be enough for a judge to issue a warrant,” you said, casting a glance back at the apartment building. 
“Food?” Carisi suggested once you got to the car. It had been a while, you realised, all this running around you’d been doing hadn’t really left any time for breaks - food was definitely not a bad idea.
“I could eat,” you replied with a smile, dialing Benson’s number as you got back behind the wheel.
“Tell me you have more than we do,” she answered by way of greeting, sounding as frustrated by this case as you. 
You explained the situation as concisely as possible. “Do you think you could find out his old address?”
“Yeah, should only take a moment, stay on the line?” You hummed in agreement and put it on speaker as you heard her place her phone down and begin to type on her keyboard. 
“New York,” Benson confirmed after a moment, “want to try for a warrant?”
“That’s circumstantial at best, I can’t see a judge signing off on that,” Carisi noted, not being happy about saying it though. He was right, but neither of you liked it.
You clicked your tongue, hesitating before saying: “I could ask Voight to maybe-”
“No,” Benson cut in quickly, “we do this by the book, if this is our guy, which I think it is, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardise putting him away for good, understood?”
“Loud and clear Captain,” you promised genuinely.
“Good, Kat and I will look into Tate’s history in New York, maybe we’ll find something we missed now that we know who we’re looking for, we’ll keep you posted,” she informed you both.
“Thanks Cap, we’ll be in touch,” Carisi signed off and you leaned your head back on the seat’s headrest, eyes closed. You only opened them again when you felt Carisi’s hand on your leg.
“Come on, let’s go eat, re-energise and re-focus,” he said, somehow always managing to make you feel instantly better. You nodded and turned on the ignition, knowing exactly where you could grab a quick bite nearby.
You were half way through your sandwich, feeling a bit more self-conscious than usually about how you were eating in the presence of a guy you liked - not that he’d care - when you got yet another phonecall. 
“Hey Kev,” you said, pressing answer with your little finger and hurriedly swallowing what was in your mouth. 
“Hey, Voight asked us to go back through the CCTV from Lily Hamilton’s murder, we’d been looking for the bentley the first time around, but this time we were looking for Tate’s car, just incase.”
“And?” You asked, alert, putting your sandwich down and brushing your hands together as you shared a hopeful look with Carisi.
“We got it,” Kev answered. Was this is? The breakthrough you needed? "Now, the main street cams don’t catch enough, but Vanessa found a private security system set up nearby the cite where her body was discovered. I’ll send you the screen grabs, you tell me how guilty you think this looks.”
Two pings on your phone came a second later, images of a man emerging from Tate’s car carrying a very large bag - definitely large enough for a body. “We got him,” you said triumphantly.
“It gets better,” another voice joined the call from the other end, Hailey’s. “We did some digging into that date the second vic’s sister mentioned and get this, both girls had dates, I’m sending you both the dating profiles and messages we found now-”
Carisi got them up on his phone, showing you briefly and nodding.
“-and it’s pretty damning. They look like different guys at first, but the script is the same, prince charming, true love, you get the picture when you read the messages, anyway, it looks like both girls went to meet up with their mysterious date the nights they went missing.”
“Can we track the IP, see where the messages came from?” You asked, already turning on the ignition yet again, ready to catch this guy once and for all.
“They came from the same location,” she confirmed.
“Tate’s apartment?” Carisi asked hopefully.
“No, a storage facility basically between both the current crime scenes,” she explained, “it’s not under Tate’s name but we called the owner, the man who rents the facitily matches the description, right down to the scar.” 
Another ping on your phones had Carisi showing you the address of the storage facility. “I assume that’s enough for warrants now?” You asked.
“You’ll have everything you need by the time you arrive,” you heard Voight confirm from somewhere else in the room, “I want you and Carisi at the storage facility, Burgess, Dawson and Ruzek will meet you there with Benson and Tamin, the rest of us will head to the apartment.”
“Let’s finish this,” Carisi told you after Voight hung up. You certainly didn’t need to be told twice.
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foodcourtdetective · 4 years
Sleeping with Other People AU: Chapter One: First Time
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summary: Dr. Spencer Reid runs into his first time Y/N after a car chase gone bad. They decide not to complicate their friendship by not sleeping together, but it proves to be harder than they think as they slowly fall terribly in love with each other. 
tags: sleeping with other people au, first time, virgin!spencer reid, slow burn, college!spencer reid but only in chapter 1, friends to lovers, TENSION, sexual themes, commitment issues, brief mention of cannibalism but it’s praying mantises calm down armie hammer
A/N: I have 12 parts planned out so please don’t let this flop girlies and non-binary buddies
word count 1.8k
AO3 x
May 13, 1999. Spencer Reid would not attempt to remember a day as unremarkable as this one. Sure, Mozart's first opera premiered, and the Bezalel Art School opened on the other May 13ths of history. But this particular date was in the midst of his finals. He was trying to work through a particularly difficult physics calculation when suddenly—
"HEYYYYYYYY!!! SOBEVICH??? YOU HERE, BUD???" The banging on his door, paired with an intoxicated feminine screeching, was incessant. Reid scoffed, maintaining focus on the task at hand. If you divide x by—
"MATTTTTHEEWWWW??!! COME GET Y'ALL'S JUICE!!" In response, he slammed the pencil down. A little shouting and banging wouldn't typically break his concentration that quickly. However, certain variables (a lack of sleep, other commotion in the dorms prior, not to mention a certain someone not responding to his AOL messages for over 48 hours) had brought him to the edge faster than a cliff diver. Rolling up the sleeves of his sweater and pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, Reid stormed up to his door and yanked it open.
"Heyyyyy wait a second... youuuuuu aren't Matty boyyyyy!" The nuisance in question wasn't his type at all. Her hair was too black and choppy, her eyes too dark with liner smudged everywhere, and her skirt was basically a napkin over her lap that highlighted her purple panties that were visible to anyone with eyes. Her painted lips twisted into a pout as she looked him up in down with interest. Before he could speak, RA Gideon turned the corner of the hallway and, spotting his target, picked up his pace.
"YOU! Young lady, you're not supposed to enter a dorm without getting signed in!" The girl snapped her gaze away from Reid to roll her eyes and drunkenly face the RA.
"I'm heeere! Can't someone else sign in for me?? I'm waiting for a friennnnd!" Gideon's face darkened with barely veiled annoyance, looking over to Reid.
"Is this girl bothering you? I can call campus police to escort her—"
"N-no! It's fine! She's here to see my roommate Matthew." Reid grabbed the clipboard out and scribbled down the details, looking frantically at the girl for her name.
"Y/N L/N aaaand NERDDD BOY are besties!!" She slurred in response. Gideon huffed as he scanned Reid's face carefully.
"Are you sure, Reid? She's your responsibility if anything happens." The student nodded once in reply, muttering thanks as he handed over the clipboard. Taking Y/N by the wrist, Reid pulled her into his room. He shut the door behind them with urgency but was careful not to slam it. Y/N scratched her bare knee lethargically, accidentally flashing him further.
"Alllrighty, here you look a little cold," he squeaked, awkwardly averting his eyes and turning his attention to his dresser to grab her a Cal Tech sweater his mom made him before she had to leave home. Y/N stumbled, leaning on the bed for stability as she took her heels off. As she did so, she took notice of the two beds pushed together.
"Does Matty even live here?? The beds are holding hands?" Reid managed a pitiful laugh as he tossed her the sweater. Pulling a face, she pulled it on. He gulped, noticing the hem barely skimmed her thighs. At least the purple is put away. Realizing he had caused a long pause in the terrible attempt at conversation, Reid quickly looked away from Y/N again.
"N-no, he lives with his boyfriend at Baker." Y/N's eyes widened, her lip trembling a little bit in shock as she hugged herself with the too-big sleeves.
"Dammmn, I shoulda known a brainiac like that was a bisexual. Didn't peg him for playing so hard to get otherwise."
"Did he try to flirt with you? Because he's basically married to Adam and not to mention the stereotype of bisexuals cheating-"
"is inaccurate and offensive blah blah blah I know, I am one... Nah, I was just hoping that being more forward would seal the deal! But I would never purposefully try to hook up with someone taken... and you're no longer listening to me," Y/N cut off her rambling as he had gravitated helplessly towards his brick of a computer with a glowing screen. He chewed on his lip thoughtlessly, only looking up when he felt Y/N's exasperated gaze on him.
"Sorry, I-I've been waiting for a message..." Y/N scuffled over beside him, her bare feet sticking slightly to the wood floor. Reid winced as she leaned across him to rest her hands beside the keyboard. He tried to move out of her way, but she ended up with her back pressed against him. Don't be embarrassing. Digits of Pi GO! 3.1415926—
"Oh, I know Jennifer! We went to East Allegheny. Fucking smoke show, but she has this praying mantis vibe," she said matter of factly. Reid's mouth gaped open and closed.
"A-what vibe?"
"You know... how they fuck! With the—"
"Female praying mantis engaging in cannibalistic mating behavior, biting off the head or legs of her mate and eating them. I've heard of it, but you should know that that behavior occurs in less than 30 percent of all mating sessions in the wild." As Reid rattled on, he slowly became aware of her piercing eyes on him and the warmth of her back. He sucked in a breath, cutting himself off from going further.
"Wow! Guess you weren't really studying! I'm sorry I interrupted your terrible Thursday evening," she quipped, gesturing to the now-abandoned physics equation. He hurried to close the notebook, tucking it away in his desk as he began to sweat.
"Oh, that! That wasn't studying! I was calculating to calm down." Reid somehow didn't expect the not-unfriendly laugh to erupt in front of him. She bent down to brace herself on her upper thighs as she guffawed, unintentionally pulling the sweater up from the back. Without thinking, he pulled it down for her dignity, but she grabbed his wrist tightly as he completed the action and locked eyes with him.
"What are you, a physicist?" She asked playfully. He gulped again as Y/N watched the movement of his prominent Adam's apple.
"N-not really. I'm working on my chemistry and mathematics masters right now, but I finished my physics MA last semester." She whistled in response, impressed.
"They LET you have that many?? Wait..." Her heated eye contact wavered, flicking up and down his body.
"There's no way! You're only like sixteen!"
"I'm EIGHT-teen! And yeah, I signed a waiver saying that MIT is not responsible for any poor grades or drops in my mental state," he winced as his voice cracked on his age.
"Guess what they say about MIT being smarted than BU kids is right! My med-track major could never be as flexible as yours, virgin," Y/N quipped, cheekily checking out the dark flush of crimson on his cheeks as he pulled away from her grip, facing the wall in frustration of two different types.
"WH-WHY! Why would you-"
"Spence, you're waiting by the computer for a direct message!" Reid sputtered in response, the nickname he had signed off as in her mouth sounded both so wrong and so right as he adjusted his stance to hide an unfortunate situation going on downstairs. Y/N rolled her eyes again as Reid suddenly realized that he loved the color of her eyes more than any color he had ever seen in his life, including Jennifer's. After a long, not uncomfortable, silence, Y/N made a step toward him, suddenly hesitant.
"Don't get your sweater all wrinkled! I'm a virgin too. That's why I came— you better fix that expression on your face, kid!" Reid realized that his shock had painted his face too clearly, flapping his hands frantically as he watched her face drop. The visible vulnerability struck a nerve within him; he didn't know if it was good or bad. As she turned back to the computer, he touched her shoulder in an attempt to get her to look at him.
"NO! No! Not in a bad way! Just individuals who are sexually confident in their self-image with a certain presentation tend to have already completed the act!" Y/N scoffed, rolling her shoulder to get away as if it burned her.
"PLEASE! Now who's engaging in the stereotypes, genius?"
"I'm sorry! You're just too beaut-attract-hot..." Reid kept cutting himself off in an attempt to quantify her looks properly. Y/N chuckled to herself, charmed as she finally looked to watch him fluster himself to try to rectify the insult.
"It's okay... You don't have to say anything. I mean, I couldn't even get Matthew fucking Sobevich to fuck me. As the guest TA, he managed to make four of my classmates pass out within the hour." She cast her eyes downward, fiddling with the loose string on the sweater near the sleeve. Reid swallowed, stepping closer to her. He bent his knees, basically in a squat, to try to get eye contact.
"You deserve better than Matt. I mean, look at you!" He gestured awkwardly at her whole body before framing her face with his fingertips. Y/N finally looked at him, the inner workings of her thoughts almost visible in her eyes as she straightened her gaze to bring him standing up. She cautiously brought her hand up to his chest, right over his heart.
"Well, if you want to date someone like JJ... you might want some experience... We could-- let's get it out of the way!" Y/N carefully explained her idea, her fingers walking up to brush against his Adam's apple. Reid shivered, pulling away to retreat toward his bed, almost involuntarily giving in to her plan.
"I-this was all supposed to be very romantic!! And-and now you've gone and just fucked it up!!" He squealed, watching as Y/N crossed her arms to take off his sweater from the bottom. She came over to sit on the bed, thoughtfully taking a second to let him gather himself before curling her index finger under his chin to get him to look at her.
"You are going to drive some girl crazy someday. With your long, Kurt Cobain hair and that infuriating mouth of yours," Y/N whispered sincerely, moving her finger to trace up his jaw and to hook under his glasses. Reid's breathing hitched, but he kept his gaze on her as she pulled his glasses off and gently put them on the nightstand.
"Say the word, and I'll stop. Say you don't want this, and we won't," Y/N continued, her other hand shaking on his knee as she inched closer to him. As she closed her eyes, Reid closed the gap between them, the hiss of heavy breathing from his nose the only noise in the room. She responded immediately, wrapping her fingers in his hair as they fell against the bed. Suddenly, May 13, 1999, wasn't so unremarkable after all.
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itskateak · 4 years
Mint Ice Cream & Bubblegum Kisses - Chapter Four
(Bucky Barnes X Single Dad!Reader)
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Series Summary: Y/N L/N works as an intel specialist at the Avenger’s Compound. He scans chatter on the international - and intergalactic - level for any information that might be helpful to the Avengers and other agents. But he’s also a single father to a beautiful eight-year-old girl: Angelica L/N. It’s tough raising a little girl on his own and working a full-time job, but he’s managing. A promotion has him launched up in rank at the Compound, leading him to work directly with the Avengers team. The only problem is it’s a 24/7 job. Life around the compound gets a little strange when his daughter is added to the mix of enhanced humans and ex-assassins.
Chapter Summary: Rumors had always surrounded Bucky Barnes. A very early morning has Y/N thinking that every single one of them are wrong.
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: Meet-cute, fluff, unwanted romantic advances (again), minor language, Bucky being a little self-loathing
A/N: I wish y'all could've seen what happened in the middle of revising this - we got a 5.1 earthquake out of nowhere that jolted the house pretty good and in my rush to pick up my glass (and not move from the couch because screw that, I'm lazy and mother nature would have to throw me off the couch herself like that guy in the bathtub on Nov. 30th, 2018 - which, by the way, who is just soaking in the bathtub at 8:30 AM???), I slapped the keyboard. Oops. And then we got two more in the next two minutes.
Taglist is open! Drop a note in my messages, inbox, or leave a comment to be added!
If I can’t tag you, I will personally message you when a new chapter comes out so you don’t miss it!
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Y/N sank into his desk chair, sleep hanging at the corner of his eyes. He almost had hit his alarm and gone back to bed, but since Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes were returning from a mission, he forced himself out of bed. They'd have information for him to add to the system that could be urgent. So, here he was, half-awake and booting up his computer.
He hadn't even had his caffeine this morning so his personality had yet to catch up. He was just a walking, mumbling shell of Y/N until his brain woke up entirely. That could take ten minutes, or it could take two hours. 
A knock on the door made him look up and blink to see who was in his doorway. The hall outside was still dark and his office wasn't very bright either so it was a little difficult to see.
Steve smiled in greeting and leaned against the doorframe. He was still in his tactical gear, a bloody scratch on his cheek proving that he'd come straight from the helicarrier. "Hey, Y/N. You're up bright and early."
"Well, you two decided to come back before even the roosters are awake, so...here I am. Just in case you guys had sensitive intel for me." Y/N tiredly smiled in return.
"Ah. Buck's the one who gathered most of the intel. He wanted to shower first since he was, in his words, sweatier than a sinner in a church and smellier than a nightclub on Wednesdays." Steve shrugged. "Sometimes I wonder if he's okay when he says stuff like that."
"A...nightclub on...Wednesdays?" Y/N asked, head tilted curiously.
"Apparently, Wednesdays were some of the busiest nights back in the day at the clubs he used to go to. Packed with people. We didn't really use deodorant in that time...so, it smelled pretty bad after a while." Steve explained. "Anyway, I came by to ask you a very important question."
"What's up?"
"What is your favorite caffeinated drink?"
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Y/N didn't realize he had fallen asleep on his desk until someone had carefully placed a cup next to him. He turned his head as he woke up, leaning his cheek against his arm. He blinked awake, noticing the mug.
"Bless you, you beautiful, beautiful person." He mumbled sleepily, straightening up and taking the warm drink gratefully.
"An apology for making you get up really early and somethin' to get you movin'." The person said with a soft voice. "Steve told me that was your favorite."
Y/N looked up at them and paused. He was tall - but that may have been the vantage point - and had wide shoulders. His eyes were a glittering blue and filled with friendliness. He gave a lopsided smile.
 "I'm Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone just calls me Bucky."
"Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you. And thanks for the drink." Y/N extended his hand to greet Bucky. "So, what do you have for me?"
Bucky set a small stack of old files on the corner of the desk before sitting down on the couch pressed against the wall meant for visitors. He laid his ankle on his knee, leaning back and lounging against the couch. He hitched his chin towards the dusty files.
"Grabbed them from the Hydra base we raided. Not sure what all is in there but it seemed pretty important given how it was locked in a safe within a safe, behind a vaulted door and guarded by people armed to the teeth." Bucky explained then sighed deeply, his head falling back against the top of the seat. He stared at the ceiling, shaking his head slightly.
"Sounds crazy. You okay?" Y/N swiveled in his chair to face Bucky, tilting his head slightly. He warmed his hands with the drink he'd been brought, taking slow sips periodically to avoid burning his tongue.
"Yeah, just tired and glad to be back." Bucky picked his head back up and brushed his hair back out of his face. It was obvious he had just gotten out of the shower not too long ago, his hair still damp and starting to curl up. 
"Did you get hurt?"  Y/N asked, concerned. From the looks of Steve, the mission had been rough on them. They'd been gone for almost two weeks.
"Nothin' major. Few scratches and bruises. Maybe a pinched nerve or muscle in my knee, but Bruce isn't awake yet to get it checked out." Bucky gestured with his head to his left knee before shrugging. "How're you settling in? I heard about Stark's smooth promotion offer."
"Oh, yeah...that scared the shit out of me. Everything's working out well. A little strange being my own boss, really, but it feels great. I know Angelica's having a blast with the fact there's a pool downstairs and she's surrounded by some pretty cool people." Y/N shook his head fondly. "New office, new room, new environment. It's different...but good."
"That's how I felt when I first moved here. Though, everyone wasn't as welcoming...and they had every right not to trust me." Bucky looked at the floor, expression faltering. "I'm...not the easiest to get along with somedays."
"I think we're getting along just fine." Y/N gave him a friendly smile. "I might be biased since you brought me my favorite drink."
Bucky laughed then, a warm sound that filled the space, and the corners of his eyes crinkled up. "So you figured out my plan. Bribe you into likin' me." 
"Don't think you have to bribe me very much." Y/N broke into laughter, too, happy to see a smile back on Bucky's face. "You should get some food and get some rest if you can."
"I won't be able to sleep until later. Too wired still and probably will be for most of the morning."
"Maybe Wanda will make some tea for you." Y/N set his cup down. "My daughter doesn't know that you two were coming back this morning. She can be very hyperactive and excited when meeting new people. I didn't want you to come back from a mission and possibly be in a bad state of mind only to be met with a kid who wants to ask you rapid-fire questions for an hour."
"I appreciate that. I won't be against meeting her this afternoon. It's a Monday, right?" Bucky glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost five in the morning. "Yeah. Sometime this afternoon, if you want me to swing by and meet her, just let me know."
 "Of course. Thanks, again, for the drink. I'll get to these files soon." Y/N smiled, waving his hand vaguely at the stack of files.
"No problem. I'll get out of your way and leave you to it. Nice to meet you, Y/N. Happy to have you on the team." Bucky stood raised his arms above his head in a stretch. "Oh, and if you need translating or cracking the codes, let me know and I'll help with what I can. See you around, Y/N."
"See you, Bucky." Y/N watched him walk past the glass front of his office and down the hall. All the rumors he'd heard about Bucky being gruff and cold to everyone he meets seemed to be untrue. He already liked the ex-assassin, despite only knowing him for ten minutes total. His rough exterior was offset by his kindness and concern for others.
Y/N pulled the top file and opened it. He sighed. It was all in Russian. Luckily, he could scan the documents into the computer and a program would translate them all out. The only thing he'd need to do afterward would be to create a decoder for the system Hydra used. He shook his mouse to wake his computer.
This was similar tedious work to what he'd used to do, but at least he could wear what he wanted and play music out loud without disturbing anyone. And his daughter could come in and out whenever she wanted when she was tearing around like the little gremlin she was. 
With a wayward glance at the clock, he stood and started scanning the documents.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Angelica came running into Y/N's office after school had gotten out, her backpack thrown on the floor near the couch. She flopped onto it on her back, limbs sprawled out, groaning loudly.
"Well, hello to you, too." Y/N said, glancing up from his computer to look at his daughter. "How was school?"
"Boring. Like usual." She whined, throwing her arms out but nearly falling off the couch in the process. She squealed and steadied herself. "I wish we did harder math things or read more interesting things."
"Can't be as boring as what I've been doing." Y/N teased, scrolling through the newly translated documents. He was still scanning the files that Bucky had brought that morning and he had yet to start cracking the codes that HYDRA used. "I have at least thirty-eight papercuts on my hands now."
"Whatcha looking at?" Angelica rolled off the couch and moved to see his computer screens. He switched tabs quickly to a google home page. "Papaaa."
"It could be sensitive content, Angel. Can't show you that. And I have no idea what kind of content is in there. Some of it might not be suitable for you." Y/N picked her up and settled her on his lap, an arm around her waist. She leaned back against him, leaning her head against his. "I could take a break and we can watch some YouTube."
"Ooh! Can we watch some dog videos?" She asked, excited.
"Whatever you want, kiddo." He leaned forward and brought up YouTube, typing in a search for funny dog videos. "We can have a fifteen-minute break before I should get back to work and you should start on homework."
"Don't ruin this for me." Angelica groaned, lighting kicking his shin. "Ooh! The first one looks adorable. Look at his little paws!"
Y/N grinned and clicked on the video, turning up the volume. Her giggles and laughter always brightened his day. He watched a puppy stumble and tip a water dish over. Everyone needed a puppy break in the middle of the day and it was definitely needed after the very early morning. 
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
"Oh, wow. This is fancy. You sure moved up in the world." Kiera's voice startled Y/N and he looked up from his notes. 
"Oh, hi! Come in, Kiera." Y/N minimized the tabs on his screens and closed his notebook. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I have a few files from our department that are directly related to a mission that's coming up that they want you to look at." She said, holding up two folders. 
"I've not been told of any mission but let me see what's up." He held his hand out and she crossed his office to pass the files over. He opened the top one and scanned over the words. "I'll have to talk to Tony or Steve to see what this is about, but this seems pretty important."
"The boss man wanted me to run it up here as soon as it was compiled. Are you sure you don't know what it's about?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"They might've told me and I just forgot. It's been a crazy few days with Natasha and Sam prepping to leave for a mission tonight and the intel I had to send to the Guardians." Y/N set the files down on his desk.
"So, how's it feel to be in the elite club?" Kiera sat down on the couch, crossing her legs. She was wearing a pencil skirt and heels, which he didn't actually pay attention to after doing a quick scan over her. 
"I had to get up at like...three-thirty this morning because Rogers and Barnes decided to return from a mission with sensitive files at four." Y/N buzzed his lips, leaning back in his chair. "Rogers stopped by first to say hi and tell me Barnes had all the files."
"Sergeant Barnes makes me...uncomfortable sometimes. He's really quiet in meetings and always looks like he's angry or doesn't want to be there." Kiera pursed her lips. "And whenever he talks, he's really short and gruff. He just seems really cold and unapproachable. Did you have to deal with him alone?"
"He brought me my favorite drink, apologized for making me get up so early, and asked how I was settling in. He was nice and offered to help  decode the files he'd brought." He shrugged, thinking back on their conversation that morning. "He was really friendly and open. I think he just isn't comfortable around strangers or large groups of people."
"Y/N, I'm worried about you and Angelica. What if he tries to hurt either of you? I know they say he's stable but is he really? What if he just snaps one day and turns back into the Winter Soldier?" Kiera stood and crossed to him, sitting on the edge of his desk. 
Y/N arched a brow slightly as she laid a hand on his shoulder, her thumb rubbing in a circle over the fabric of his shirt. "Kiera, why are you even bringing this up? If there was even the possibility of him being a threat to anyone, especially Angelica, they wouldn't have let us move in here or he would still be in Wakanda."
"All I'm saying is that you should be careful, okay? I don't think you should get too close to him. I don't want to see you get hurt and I really don't want to see Angelica get hurt." Kiera said. She didn't even know Bucky other than what she's heard through rumors or the news, so why was she pushing this so much? In his eight-minute conversation with Bucky that morning, he'd already dismissed all the rumors and other experiences people had told him about because of how open and friendly he'd been.
"Kiera," He started, voice low and stern. "If I had any concerns about Bucky, I would speak to him directly about it. Talking about him behind his back and perpetuating rumors only hurts his reputation and the way people view him. He knows people don't trust him and feels that it's rightfully deserved."
"Just...be careful, okay? That's all I'm asking. I just fear for Angelica." Kiera said quietly.
"Oh, uh...I'll just...come back in a few minutes." A voice made them both turn and Y/N shrugged Kiera's hand off his shoulder. Bucky was standing awkwardly in the doorway, a hand raised to knock on the door.
"No, come on in, Bucky." Y/N flashed him a warm smile and gave a side-eyed glance at the woman still hovering near him. "Kiera was just leaving." He said through his teeth.
"The boss will want me back in my little cubicle." She stood and walked past Bucky without sparing a glance at him and paused in the doorway. "I'll see you Wednesday night." She winked and smiled before sauntering down the hall.
"Did I interrupt something?" Bucky avoided eye contact, looking at the pictures on the wall instead as he moved further into the office. He looked awkward, his arms hanging limply at his sides. Y/N wondered if he overheard their conversation. 
"She was just bringing files relating to a mission coming up that I may or may not have been told about." Y/N turned back to his computer, opening his tabs and notebook again. Bucky could see the intel and he didn't have to worry about the confidential issue.
"Seemed a little more friendly than that." Bucky snorted, sitting down on the couch, and immediately sinking into it. He was relaxing with every passing second. "Wednesday, huh?"
"I have absolutely no idea what she was talking about. The only plan I have Wednesday night is to go to the library after getting ice cream at Pop's Shoppe with Angelica like we do every Wednesday night." Y/N said, looking at him with an open expression of honesty. 
"Sounded like a date to me." Bucky threw an arm over the back of the couch, his ankle resting on his knee. "Nothin' wrong with that if it was."
"She's just a friend." Y/N sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I should clear that up with her in case she got the wrong impression." 
"I don't think you called me down here to talk about your workplace drama, though." Bucky gave him a lopsided smile, head tilted slightly. Any awkwardness or discomfort was gone. "What's up?"
"Need your help deciphering the codes. I've identified four different codes they use but I can't figure out what they mean." Y/N pressed his lips together in frustration. "I've written each of them down."
"Got a pen?" Bucky sat up, hand extended.
"Yeah. Here's the notebook, too." Y/N passed them to him, noticing that he didn't hesitate with reaching out with his metal arm. Not that he minded the metal prosthetic in the first place. "While you work on that, I can look over the files Kiera brought."
"She seems nice. Seen her in a couple of briefings. Knows what she's talking about and is really good at her job." Bucky said, eyes scanning the notebook as he wrote. "Not a bad choice, honestly."
"She is nice, but not my type." Y/N responded, opening one of the new files, ignoring the flush rising on his face. He was so embarrassed for absolutely no reason.
"Don't think she knows that." Bucky snorted before muttering something in Russian under his breath. He glanced up for a moment. "Maybe you should make it clear to her."
"Last week I used going to Operations Control - even though I was actually going to Accounting - as an excuse to leave just to stop her from asking me to dinner because I didn't want to turn her down." He admitted, keeping his gaze on the papers as his face warming up even more.
"Just let her down easy. Tell her you think she's nice but you aren't interested in a romantic relationship with her." Bucky suggested with a shrug.
A comfortable silence settled between them as they both worked on their respective tasks. Occasionally, there was a soft whirring of the computers as the fans turned on to cool them down or of Bucky's arm as he moved. It was because of this that they both heard the footsteps rushing toward the office.
"Papa, I finished my homework! Can you check my multiplication worksheet?" Angelica came dashing in, holding a folder to her chest, and smiling broadly.
"Inside voice, kiddo. Inside voice." Y/N looked up with a gently chastizing expression. "But, yes. I can check your math." 
Angelica stopped with wide-eyes, actually noticing the man on the couch for the first time since she'd sprinted in. There went the plan of setting up a meeting time for Bucky and the ball of energy.
Bucky glanced up and gave her a quick smile that reminded Y/N of the one he gave to people when they held doors open for him. It was full of awkward friendliness and Y/N had sympathy for him.
"You're James Buchanan Barnes." She said in amazement, smiling broadly in return. She bounced on the balls of her feet, barely containing her enthusiasm.
"Uh, yep. That's my name, but you really don't need to call me James or Barnes or whatever. Just Bucky works." He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen into his vision behind his ear. "And you're..?"
"Angelica. Kiddo, you can barrage Bucky with questions here in a second but I need your math homework if you want me to check it." Y/N chuckled. His daughter snapped out of her daze and rushed to hand her folder to him. She then skipped over to the couch and flopped down next to him.
"Whatcha working on?" She asked in her adorable way, her head tilted.
"Code cracking for your dad." Bucky hummed, shifting so he wasn't so closed off.
"Is it fun?"
"Sort of. I'm tired so I'm not exactly at a functioning level." He bounced his foot slightly. "I think you're the only person I've met who has been starstruck and knew my actual name."
"I did a project last month about you for history. That lesson was the only one that was not boring." Angelica swung her legs. "I think you're pretty cool."
"Oh," Bucky said, looking at the notebook. "Uh, thanks."
Y/N glanced up from the multiplication problems to see a blush spreading across the badass Winter Soldier's face. He smiled secretly and returned to the multiplication, scanning just to be sure his math whiz of a kid hadn't missed anything in her speed demon functions.
"Everyone else wanted to do projects on Natasha or Steve or Wanda and no one wanted to do a project on you. Made me mad 'cause they had all these ideas about you that were, like, not at all true but they didn't know that 'cause they jus' listened to their parents and didn't take ten minutes to think for themselfs." Angelica glared at the floor in her very childlike stern manner. "There's a reason you're a hero but they wouldn't know that 'cause all they'd heard was that you were a bad guy. So someone had to tell them otherwise."
"Alright, kiddo. This all looks correct. Good job." Y/N tucked the papers back into her folder and set his pen aside. She hopped off the couch and took her folder back with a smile. "Bucky and I need to get back to work, so you'll have to scram, okay?"
"Wanda said she'd teach me how to make some food from her homeland when I was done with my homework," Angelica told him.
"You remember the rules?"
"Then scram. Have fun." Y/N gently shoved her shoulder and she giggled.
"Bye, Bucky! See you later!" Angelica said, pausing at the door to give him a wave.
"See ya around, sweetie." He waved back with a friendly smile before she took off running down the hall again. "She is quite the ball of energy."
"You have no idea." Y/N laughed, picking the file back up. "She didn't make you uncomfortable or anything, right? She tends to get loud and talkative when she's super excited."
"No, no. It was cute. I've...never really had someone act like that the first time I've met them. Usually, they're all wary and distrustful like I'm some feral dog that has to be danced around." Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. His lips were pressed into a firm line and he glared at the notebook.
"You know, when she did that project on you, she wouldn't stop talking about you for weeks. I've seen her get passionate about things before, but for some reason, she was extra determined to prove to everyone that you're a good guy now." Y/N smiled fondly. "She likes seeing the good in people. Always have, and probably always will."
"I think she takes after you on that one," Bucky mumbled under his breath. "This should let you decode the information. They mixed codes a lot just to be extra sure no one could sell the intel."
Y/N took his notebook and pen back with a nod. "Thanks. This will help a ton."
Bucky stood, wincing slightly as his knee popped. "I'll leave you to it, then."
"Oh, I have a deal proposition before you go." Y/N stopped him with a smirk. 
"I'm listening." Bucky arched a brow.
"You bring my drink every morning and every time Angelica plans a prank on you or a prank that could affect you, I'll let you know. If she asks, just say it's a super-soldier superpower or something." Y/N offered with a mischievous grin. "We have a deal?"
"We have a deal." Bucky shook his hand. 
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Taglist - @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @shadowolf993​ @myybebe @pastel-boy-sungjae​
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nickkkdoesstuff · 4 years
general 24 w/ lewvithur maybe? :0c
Prompt list.
“I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
I’m not really used to write about lewvithur (or ot3 in general) and I apologize if this is a little odd or off character <: i’m trying 
Summary: None of them had genuinely smiled since their lives had torn apart. Arthur finds his old keyboard and plays an awful familiar song.
Song: “Slow Dance” by Saint Motel
Vivi licked the melted marshmallow off her fingers with as much enthusiasm she had. Definitely the idea of taking her boyfriends out in the woods for a nice little evening soiree, technically they were on a mission hunting down a werewolf but it wouldn’t hurt if they stopped for a second, and the night above them was lovely- 
The blue leader couldn’t avoid the dark sky filled with stars and lights of distant cities, she had told them to rest for a while, they all deserved it anyway. Arthur had brought the idea of building a fire when the sun started to set behind them and Lewis suggested s'mores because “it wasn’t a real campfire if it didn’t had s’mores”, the ghost couldn’t eat anymore but who were they to deny such a delicacy. 
So there they were, their faces red because of the heat and a little sweaty too. The van’s radio had gone off a few minutes ago and they had run out of conversation topics. The three of them sat on a fallen log, pressed together like a human sandwich one next to another, a little awkward if you asked, but way more comfortable than try to get a real conversation out of anyone. 
Vivi sighed tired. “Looks like we ran out of cookies.” she stood up. “I’m going to see if there are some more in the van.”
Arthur nodded and Lewis just didn’t mind at all.
She jumped on the back of their van, a lamp on her mouth to leave free her hands. She brushed with her eyes the tall, metallic shelves that held many of her supernatural artifacts that she assured held properties and could be handy on one of their jobs, she had never used them, true, but you never knew when a spirit could strike, so she kept them to collect dust on tagged cardboard boxes like forgotten items, one of those boxes should have the food supplies, she was sure, but after Lewis died, nobody had reorganized the shelves, and nor she or Arthur cared enough to do it, so now the “food supplies” were strange books Vivi didn’t remember collecting and a few shiny rocks Arthur probably picked up during their trips.
The blue haired girl emptied all the van and couldn’t find those damned cookies- she had looked everywhere except for the higher level of the shelves, “They must be there”, she thought. “I swear for the love of fuck, Arthur, that if you ate them I’m starting a war”.
She picked the box but it slipped out of her hands and landed on top of her hair. 
“Ow” she patted herself. Many other things fell along with her, Lewis wasn’t going to be happy with the mess she made. The girl kicked some stuff out of her way until a strange one came across her path, she didn’t recall having that one when 99% of the stuff stocked there was hers. It was a black square bag, it was dusty and a little heavy but the lazo on one of its sides made it easier to carry around. 
“Arthur, sweety,” she called, popping her head out of the van. “what 's this?”
Half asleep Arthur turned to her. “Oh.” 
He moved to inspect the bag and put it on the floor, his slim hands slid open the zipper to reveal an old keyboard piano.
“I have been looking for this for ages!” Arthur kneel before it and ran his fingers through the white and black tiles. “I haven’t pla- played this since- since… well…”
The hurt look on his eyes said it all. The boy turned it on, wondering if it still worked after a year of abandonment. To his surprise, it did, the screen came back to life and lights shone brighter than before. A small smile crept upon his lips, shy as himself. 
“C’mon, Artie.” Vivi hurried to sit down next to the ghost, right in front of Arthur like they were a crowd. “Delight us, please.”
Arthur looked at her hesitantly, and then to the keyboard, unsure if he even knew how to play it anymore. “I don’t- I don’t know, Vi, it’s been a- a while…”
“Pweaseeeee.” Vivi wore puppy eyes. Oh no, please don’t, he thought, not the eyes.
“Fi- fineeee. I guess I can play something.”
The blond man ran through his memories, he should remember how to play any song, literally any song was good…
“This is one that everyone knows.” And then he played the first chord.
“I'm waitin' for that slow dance.”
Vivi gasped.
“So I can feel your arms around me.”
Oh, she definitely knew that song.
“Wait ‘till the music turns to romance.”
Arthur laughed a little at his girlfriend’s reaction.
“Go tell that Dj that he owes me.”
With a hand on her hip, she stood up, smiling brighter than she had ever done it. Vivi fixed her messy blue hair, tied her scarf tighter and tucked under her skirt her oversized sweater. Offering a hand to the ghost, she invited him to dance. A funny expression broke the specter’s skull and took her hand in acceptance. They pretended the dirt under their feet was a fancy dance floor and the moon a disco ball.
“Well, they don’t know that much about it.”
They began to move around to the beat of the song. 
“Been waiting every single day.”
Vivi spinned around, holding her boy’s hand as he catched up with her.
“I could be your best friend, I could be your centerpiece, I could be your soulmate, I could be your everything.”
She planted a kiss on his forehead.
“Thunderbolts and lighting queuing up the symphony.”
He carried her bridal style and leaned her to the floor, taking a laugher out of her.
“You know I’m waiting for that slow dance.”
Vivi escaped from his grip with a jump and rolled a little on the dirt.
“So I can feel your arms around me. Wait ‘till the music turns to romance. Go tell that Dj that he owes me.”
They both danced a silly dance, no longer making sense.
“Hand on my back, panic attack. Pull it together, don't overreact! Keepin' her close, don't step on her toes. Leave enough room for the holy ghost.” 
Now Mystery had joined them.
Arthur grinned at the sight. 
“Too slow but this is how you showed me.”
For a moment, Arthur was no longer in the woods but the Kingsmen’s mechanics garage. He was a small boy once again.
“We could talk for forty hours.”
He was sitting outside, watching the sunset over the mountains, time didn’t matter, he was simply staring at the beautiful magentas and lilacs the sky had painted. 
“We’d end up right back at the start.” 
It reminded him of Vivi and Lewis, and he couldn’t take his eyes away from it. He thought it was beautiful. It was the night of the prom, he knew he should be sunking his problems on punch and dancing cheesy songs with his friends, but nobody had asked him out, Lewis and Vivi should be there, enjoying their night.
“I could be your best friend, I could be your centerpiece, I could be your soulmate, I could be your everything.”
They made a nice couple after all. 
“Thunderbolts and lighting queuing up the symphony.”
He was lost on himself until both of them showed up with bright smiles at him and asked him out.
Arthur had never been so glad to say yes.
“You know I’m waiting for that slow dance.”
Suddenly, without a warning, a cold hand pulled him. It was Vivi.
“So I can feel your arms around me.”
“Oh, no no no no, I’m- I’m not a good dancer.”
“Wait ‘till the music turns to romance.”
His girlfriend laughed. “Who cares?”
“Go tell that Dj that he owes me.”
She gently took both of his hands -flesh and metallic- and dragged him along with her where Lewis awaited.
“Vivi- wait, no-!”
“There’s no doubt about it.”
She kissed his cheek to make him shut up, it worked indeed. Flustered, Arthur surrendered.
“It’s something magical.”
She never lost her grip on his hands, and, as if they were little kids, Vivi spun around slowly.
“Feeling our surroundings.”
The world around him moved fast, the couple stayed still, or that was what Arthur felt when  he could only stare at her beautiful blue gaze.
“And time is slowing down for us.”
Arthur sank in the moment. Looking at her toothy smile directed at him, Arthur welcomed that warm gesture in his heart and let the feeling of being all right washed over him.
Vivi slowed down and when they weren’t that nauseous she quickly grabbed him in a suffocating but nice and fitting hug, right when he was about to return it, he was pushed towards a black suit.
“You know I’m waiting for that slow dance.”
“¿Me concedes esta pieza?” Lewis said in fluent spanish, Arthur looked up to meet not a terrifying skull but a human face with a gentle smile on him.
“So I can feel your arms around me.”
“Huh?” Arthur didn’t even pay attention when Lewis talked with that accent. 
“Wait ‘till the music turns to romance.”
“Would you grant me this piece?” He laughed and Arthur just limited himself to nod as his blush warmed all his face.
“Go tell that Dj that he owes me.”
A hand went to his back and another one lifted his robotic arm, the blond boy followed him, taken back a little, was he really dancing with Lewis-?
It didn’t feel real, but he loved it.
“Hand on my back, panic attack.”
Arthur rested his head on his boyfriend’s big chest just like a pillow. 
“Pull it together, don’t over react!”
How long had it been since he had been this happy?
“Keepin’ her close, don’t step on her toes.”
He hadn’t seen any of them smile, a true smile, one that didn’t lie.
“Leave enough room for the holy ghost.”
A smile that could warm your soul for decades.
No, he hadn’t seen one.
“Too slow but this is how you showed me.”
The music ended and Lewis didn’t pull away his boyfriend, instead he kept him close and placed his lips on top of his tall hair. Vivi came to finish the hug, her short arms doing their best to hold them together until she was tucked under both of her boys. 
No, Arthur hadn’t seen them smile in months.
He opened his eyes to snitch on them, beautiful smiles decorated the moment, he couldn’t help but think that things were going to be alright.
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