#take a good look at hd now cause next time you see her she might be wearing pants (I have personal headcanons)
gambitgambino · 1 year
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The girlies <3 *ignores the fact that the fandom has decided they wear pink and purple and makes them wear green and blue*
I was gonna include a doodle just like I did when I shared my team sleuth's designs, but it's 2 am
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Hmm maybe a head canon with a reader and firstyears where the reader has Rapunzels magic healing hair? (From the movie Tangled😂)
Maybe something like one of the first years gets seriously injured and the reader is able to heal them 🧐
Also just wanted say you’re writings is just 🥰❤️💕✨ A M A Z I N G . It’s also my first time requesting so I think I did everything according to the rules but if not feel free to delete this request 😂
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Trust Floyd to get a little too rough with his juniors during a practice match of basketball. As a result of the overzealous eel, Ace sustained a seriously sprained ankle, making it hard for him to play, let alone walk (although it’s more like a limp now).
While he’s midargument with Coach Vargas about whether or not he’ll be good to play at their next match, you kneel by Ace’s injury and volunteer to give some relief to it. Ace scoffs at your suggestion and jokingly tells you to “give it your best shot”, not expecting much of anything to happen.
He jolts back in surprise when you wrap your hair around his sprained ankle and start singing (he thinks you definitely lost your mind or something). Then your hair starts to glow, and Ace’s concern is replaced with confusion. It doesn’t last too long though, as he’s soon pestering you with a ton of comments.
“Oi, since when did you have such a fancy spell up your sleeve? You never told me you could do something like that!!” Ace complains, pouting. “It would’ve been nice to know about earlier, you know! Magic like that’d really come in handy for tight pinches like this.”
The coach calls for him to rejoin the practice match—Ace rolls his eyes, but gets up anyway, helping you up along the way. With a cheeky grin, he whispers to you, “Alright, watch this. As thanks for fixing me up, I’ll get a slam dunk in your honor. Don’t take your eyes off me, ‘kay?”
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Deuce tears some muscles in his legs from overexerting himself for track and field training. He’s eager to prove himself to the senpai in his club (which can’t be done with an injury), so he’s relieved to hear that you might have a way to help him out!
He’s curious about your mysterious ability and plays the part of a perfect patient in order to observe it for himself. Deuce sits still and marvels as you go about your work, asking every so often if there’s something he can do to help, or to make the process easier for you.
He audibly “oohs” and “aahs” when the magic begins, filling the space with a golden light. It’s a pretty-looking and soft magic, totally unlike the brute force spells he often opts for—it’s something Deuce can really appreciate!
When the torn muscle has mended, he can barely believe it!! Deuce prods the injured area and inspects it all over? just to make sure it’s not some kind of prank. “Whoa...! The pain’s all gone, and even swelling’s gone down. You’ve got some really amazing healing magic, (Y/N)...!! Thank you so much, I’m eternally in your debt for this!”
Deuce thanks you profusely, shouting his gratitude and bowing his head to you multiple times. He even promises to buy you a chocolate milk from the cafeteria as thanks—but for now, he has to get back to his training! “I promise I’ll be more careful this time! I can’t always have you worrying about me, right?”
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Like Deuce, Jack’s been pushing himself a little too hard for Track and Field Club—but unlike Deuce, he’s far more reluctent to ask for and accept help from others. He eyes you suspicously as you approach and offer assistance. Jack only accepts after some pushing from the coach—he doesn’t want to let the team down!
He’s tough, so he doesn’t flinch or shy away when you proceed to wrap your hair around his site of injury. The most Jack does is raise an eyebrow when you start with your song.
Jack doesn’t realize you need to recite the incantation to get the healing to work, so he interrupts you during your first attempt with, “... You don’t need to sing. Life’s not a big musical.” (Surprisingly, your glowing hair doesn’t bother him as much—he thinks of heat and light as necessary byproducts of using magic.)
The first thing he does when you free him is flex and test out his repaired muscles. A few lunges, a few squats... all of which he performs with ease. Jack grunts, a short but simple way of expressing his satisfaction.
Hd gives you a small smile and a firm nod, impressed by your healing powers. “... Thanks for this. I’m back to tip-top shape for the track and field meet. I owe you one.”
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Magift is a pretty rough sport—so it’s no surprise when Epel suffers from a nasty collison, leaving him with a broken arm. He tries to be brave through the pain, but it’s clear that he’s having a hard time keeping it together.
He’s a little on guard when you kneel beside him and ask to see his wound, but Epel eventually relents when you promise you’re there to help. He watches you carefully, expecting you to whip out a first aid kit—but when you wrap your hair instead of bandages on his wound, Epel gets a little upset!
Slipping into his country accept, Epel lets loose on you. “Hey, do ya think ah’m some kinda idiot? Are ya makin’ fun of me? ‘Course hair’s not gonna make me right as rain again! Ya might as well spit on it instead, that’d be just as effective as hair!”
But your soft song shushes his worries, and he finds himselc staring in disbelief as your hair gives off a faint light. Epel quietly marvels at the strange magic, even long after you’ve removed your hair from him.
“I... I didn’t know you could do that,” he gasps, gingerly prodding the area where his injury once was. No pain, no tenderness. Epel’s face brightens. “I really am better! I can play Magift again!! Thank you, thank you so much! Ah... um, and about what I said before, please forget that! I might have jumped to conclusions with that...”
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Poor Sebek had been partnered with one of the more aggressive equines in the stables for the Horseback Riding Club’s meeting. (His thunderous voice did nothing to help soothe the horse...) His aggressive mare had bucked so hard that she threw Sebek right off of her, causing him to land with a sharp CRACK on the ground.
Of course, you rush over to help right away (despite Sebek’s protests). He makes a fuss as you secure your arm around a broken long bone, demanding to know what an insigificant human such as yourself plans to do to help him. It is not until you begin your healing song that Sebek shuts up.
His jaw drops upon witnessing your magical hair in action. Clearly, he is awestruck by the magnitude of your abilities—but when he is finally able to close his mouth and speak his mind, Sebek’s words do not quite match his physical reaction.
“To think that a mere human is capable of performing such a miraculous feat... I must admit, it is rather impressive,” Sebek confesses—though his voice still carries a tone of arrogance. “However!! As a student of the great Diasomnia dorm, I can assure you that an injury as minor as this could not deter me in my physical activities! There was no need for your intervention, human!”
He returns to his feet, dusts himself off, and marches back to mount his horse. Just as Sebek is atop the aggressive mare again, he casts you a glance over his shoulder. “... Regardless, you have my gratitude. See to it that you continue to put that power of yours to good use.”
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superspookywombat · 4 years
falling {j.h} chapter eleven
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Warnings: a few swear words I think, theyre not too bad though, i didn’t proof read i was too excited to post lol
Taglist: i’m moving it to the comments (or at least I’m going to try to so i’d appreciate it if you could let me know if it works :)
A/n: this chapter’s a bit longer than usual. I’m not totally in love with it but i know i’ve kept you all waiting long enough (oops) hope you enjoy!!
Everything was still. You laid in a sterile room, your torn and bloody clothes dried to a vinyl cot in the middle of the room. Jasper wouldn’t let Alice change your clothes, he wouldn’t even let anyone near you. He sat at your side, never taking his eyes off of you once. The venom was taking longer than usual to take over, leaving Carlisle intrigued. Jasper was worried that his venom didn’t work, but was instantly reassured by Alice that you would wake up. 
It was three nights after you’d been bitten that you began the early stages of transformation. You weren’t awake just yet, but every so often your heart would stutter and slow. Jasper listened closely, and tried his best to radiate calmness for you even though he was feeling everything but. He couldn’t feel anything around you, which was something he wasn’t used to. The rest of the Cullens gave him as much space as possible, almost as if he was grieving. He was grieving, though, because he knew this was the end of an era. This officially ended things between him and Alice. He felt guilty for leaving her by herself, but he knew she was a strong woman and would be better off without him.
“You don’t have to be sorry, you know.” Alice said, approaching him a few weeks ago. He didn’t understand what she was referring to.
“You’re in love with her, Jasper. And that’s okay.” She said softly, reassuring the conflicted cowboy. 
“We were supposed to be together for the rest of our lives.” Jasper had responded, his heart dropping at the sight of Alice’s sad smile. She cupped his cheek in her small hand and he leaned into her touch.
“I know. But this is the start of a new life.” She said. He paused, unsure how to respond. Eventually, he knew.
“Thank you, Alice.” He said, his voice no more than a whisper. He was sure if vampires could cry that tears would be running down his scarred cheeks. She never responded, they just sat in silence while she held him, their love still as strong as the day they met, just displaced. 
Five days after being bitten you started visually reacting to the venom. Sometimes your hand would flinch, or your eyelids would twitch. Mostly, whimpers escaped through your clenched jaw. Your body was changing dramatically, you got slimmer in sections but filled out in others, your lips got plumper and your hair got thicker and shinier. Your clothes barely fit you anymore, not that you’d do anything but throw away the outfit you had on. Jasper finally started to calm a little, but was still on edge because he knew the upcoming part was arguably the hardest. 
Eleven days after you were bitten you had the ability to be conscious, though most of the time you weren’t from the unbearable pain. Your screams were heard throughout the house, including a small part of the surrounding forest causing the Cullens to have a new-found appreciation for the seclusiveness of their house. Bella had visited you multiple times, but Edward wouldn’t let her get too close in case you suddenly awoke and decided that she was going to be your first meal. Being right next to you while you suffered hurt Jasper too. He could feel your anguish, your confusion. When you’d cry out, he’d groan; when you’d squeeze his hand, his other one would crush the armrest of his chair. 
Fourteen days after you were bitten, the pain finally died down. You were unconscious again as the final stage of transforming took place, making major changes in your body- including your heart. Jasper could hear your heart straining to keep up with the venom, but eventually it gave in and stopped altogether. Jasper sat still, waiting anxiously for the next step. A thump at the large glass window had made him jump, which was unusual for a vampire because they were rarely startled. Another thump made him stand, and after another he called for Esme. Birds ran into the windows a lot because of how clean she kept them, and if they were injured either her or Carlisle would aid it. Esme had rushed to his side immediately, most of the Cullens were sat just outside of the room incase of an update on your condition. As soon as she entered, Jasper watched as her eyebrows knitted together. She strode forward and reached to open the window, and almost immediately the room was invaded by multiple birds. Jasper jumped to hover over your body protectively while Esme yelled at the birds to get out. Hearing all of the commotion, Rosalie and Emmett entered the room. Rose helped Esme shoo the birds while Emmett walked over to the window. 
“Oh hell yeah!” Emmett laughs, clapping his hands. Once the window was closed, leaving the birds to sit on the balcony, Jasper felt it was safe enough to leave you unprotected. He walks over to see what Emmett was talking about, only to see a bear standing on its hind legs, pawing in the direction of the window. 
“Good God.” Jasper says, his jaw ajar. Esme walks over, her expression just as shocked as the boys’. 
“It’s like a pizza delivery!” Emmett exclaimes. He places two of his huge hands on Rosalie’s shoulders. “But instead of pizza- it’s a bear!”
“Em, why is there a bear waving at you?” Rosalie asks him. Alice entered the room so quietly that no one had noticed she was there.
“It’s here for y/n.” She says. Jasper whirls around, his eyebrows pulling down to frame his scowl. 
“What are you talking about?” He asks. Her eyes glaze over as she stares into the distance, and Jasper rushes to her side and holds her upright.
“I can see it.. She’s calling them..” Alice says. Jasper glances at your unmoving body. A squirrel leaps from a tree that hangs over the balcony, and scratches at the glass.
“Calling them how?” Esme asks softly. Alice snaps out of her vision, blinking a few times until she sees clearly again. Carlisle walks into the room, followed by Edward and Bella.
“They can sense her pain, she’s reaching out for help and she doesn’t even realize it.” Alice says. A creak from the bed diverts everyone’s eyes to you. 
After feeling nothing but unbearable pain for what seemed like forever, it was almost instantaneously that it went away. As if a bucket of water was poured onto your burning body, the flames were extinguished. You could hear before you could see; you could hear so many different things at once. The flutter of a bird’s wings, the rhythmic beat of a heart- who’s heart? Then you heard him. It sounded like him, but clearer. As if someone had flipped a switch to turn his voice into HD. You could hear Emmett and Esme too, along with a melodic unfamiliar voice. Then Alice’s voice. Everyone spoke in worried, hush tones. Worry ran through you, what was wrong? Did something happen? Then, your eyes flutter open.
You sit up with a gasp, your hand instinctively reaching for your throat. It felt so dry that you were sure that if you tried to speak, nothing would come out. The first thing you saw was Esme, a worried expression plastered on her face. You turn your head to find Jasper, but the speed at which you turn takes you by surprise. You lift your hand from your throat, holding it in front of your face. The paleness of your skin shocks you. Actually, everything about your hand does. The room is silent as you place your other hand next to the first one, staring at both in confusion. You don’t recognize them, the only similar factor being the red nail polish you applied the night before. You pull up your sleeve, and you flinch when a loud ripping noise bounces off of the walls. Pinched between your thumb and first finger is bloody fabric. You’re too bothered by your sudden strength to notice that your arms, like your hands, have no freckles or moles. You twist your arm to look at your elbow, surprised to see that the huge scar you got when you were eight is no longer there.
“Y/n?” You hear Jasper say. You over at him, his beauty leaving you wordless. Sunlight from the window streams through the mop of his blond hair, leaving it looking like pure gold. His pale skin glitters- wait, glitters? You stand up, looking down at your bare feet and bloody pants. 
“Jasper?” You ask. Your brain swirls as you think about what happened the night before, but as soon as you smell the dried blood on your clothes you shudder. “I.. I died.” 
“We’ll let you two talk alone.” Esme says softly, walking over to Jasper like she’s balancing on eggshells. She leans to say something in his ear. “We’ll be right outside if you need us.”
Jasper approaches you slowly as Esme, Emmett, and the blonde girl exit the room. He keeps his distance, but reaches out to hesitantly take your hand. You let him, and his skin no longer feels cold.
“What’s going on?” You ask, your voice not even sounding like it belongs to you. He glances over your shoulder, and you turn to see what he’s looking at. Three deer stand underneath the trees outside of the window, seemingly watching you two.
“Y/n.. I had no choice.” Jasper says, his voice sounding unusually stressed. You look down once more at your bloody clothes.
“Had no choice about what?” You ask. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, but then closes it again. “Jasper what’s going on? I feel like I’m going crazy. I could have sworn I.. died. I thought I died. But you saved me? And I’m okay now? Did you tell Dr Cullen to do some sort of risky procedure and bring me back to life?”
“You did.” He says. You furrow your eyebrows, unsure of which thing you said he’s responding to. “Die, I mean.” 
“Very funny. Just tell me what happened, I probably won’t be mad. Charlie might be though.” You reply, wishing he’d just blurt it out.
“My family and I.. we aren’t normal.” He says. Okay..?
“Well one look at Edward and that becomes pretty obvious. Not sure what it has to do with what’s going on here though.” You say sarcastically.
“I’m serious. We aren’t like anyone you’ve ever met before.” He says. You sit and wait for him to finish monologuing- which is what he clearly wants. “I’m not as old as you think I am.. I was born as Jasper Whitlock in 1844. My family and I are immortal.” 
You wait for him to say more- for him to laugh and tell you Bella put him up to a prank or something. He stays silent.
“You’re serious? Like, immortal as in you were born in 1844 and you haven’t aged a day and you can’t die and you’ve been through highschool like a million times and-” You ramble, still waiting for him to come clean about the joke. “And.. you’re a vampire?”
“Yes.” He answers shortly. You scoff.
“Bullshit.” You say, anger coursing through your veins. He looks taken aback as you gesture wildly. “I’m not as gullible as my sister thinks, okay? So you can go and run to her and tell her that her stupid prank isn’t funny.” 
“Y/n, I-” He starts.
“No! I don’t like being made fun of.” You growl. You turn to walk towards the balcony. As much as you’d like to leave, he still needs to explain what happened the night before, unless that was somehow a part of the sick joke. As you go to step forward, Jasper places a hand on your upper arm. You shake off his hand and he falls forward a little, making your mind swirl. You step forward and instantly you’re zooming through the air and through the glass doors. You try to catch yourself on the metal railing of the balcony, only for it to bend, letting you fall two stories to the ground.
“What the hell?” You exclaim. You look at your body, which looks and feels unscathed. Jasper runs out of the you-sized hole in the door, jumping off of the balcony and landing on his feet next to you with a ‘thud’. Soon, undoubtedly drawn by the noise, Emmett and Dr Cullen ran- teleported (?) over to you guys. “So.. Uh.. You were saying?”
“Two weeks ago, you were attacked by another immortal. They were here for your sister and while we were fighting a flock of newborn vampires, one broke off from the rest of them and came to your house. He.. he killed you. I made the decision to bite you.” Jasper says, his voice seemingly shaking. Your mind swims as you try to piece together what he just said. Two weeks? But it was just last night. He bit me? Am I an immortal- or vampire now?
“So.. you decided my fate? Whether to let me die or make me a vampire? I am a vampire, right?” You ask slowly, still trying to figure it out. You hear a rapid heartbeat thumping behind you, and you turn to see those three deer watching you a few yards away. You want them to come closer, something about them drawing you to them. As if you had asked them, they slowly trot closer, until they are about an arm’s reach away. You can hear a whooshing sound- the blood running through their veins? Your mouth could water as you deeply inhale, a delicious scent filling your nostrils. You can sense their trance-like state almost radiating off of them as they walk closer. Jasper gets closer to you, as do Emmett and the Doctor. You almost unconsciously lunge at the unsuspecting animal, until another scent hits you. Why was I about to attack that animal? To.. drink it’s blood? The scent is much sweeter than the deers’, it smells more appetizing than anything you’ve ever smelled before. You want it more than anything you’ve ever wanted before. You rush to your feet and sprint around the corner of the house and down the driveway, only to see Bella being rushed into Edward’s car. Your hands shake and your throat burns as her scent surrounds you. Before you even know what you’re doing, you’re crouched in an offensive position. Someone wraps their arms around you before you can lunge, and the scent lets you know it’s Jasper.
“Y/n.. y/n, stop!” Jasper commands as you struggle against his grip, and soon Emmett is there to help him. Your throat feels like it’s going to catch fire and burn into a crisp. You groan as you try to claw out of their grip, but they don’t let up. You sink to your knees, Jasper and Emmett following you to the ground, and anguish rushes through you. Birds caw as they circle around in the air. A bear dazedly walks out of the forest, his eyes glazed over. The deer from earlier walk towards you, not affected by the loud noises. Squirrels run down from trees and snakes slither out from the forest floor coverings. A fat racoon waddles out from behind a pile of logs while two elk walk out of the woods. Alice, Esme, and the other girl come outside. Everyone is silent as they look around in amazement, creatures from all over surround the front of the house where you kneel.
Alice is the first to speak, a small smile on her lips as she utters the words, “She’s a Thiriokinetic.”
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mylivejournalsucks · 4 years
how i quit drinking
hiii. k, so i talked about quitting drinking in my AMA's and got a lot of questions/curious vibes so i thought i would expand a bit.
i had a pretty "normal" relationship with drinking until a few years ago when i started drinking more at home. it became very common to split a bottle of wine, which would invariably sometimes turn into a bottle of wine solo every night. it was slow and insidious, which makes sense because alcohol is progressive. it's very common to drink more, little by little, and then before you know it, you're in what feels like quicksand and can't dig yourself out.  eventually i became accustomed to going through life with a mid-grade hangover. my work and relationships didn't suffer which, in a way, made it harder for me to acknowledge there was even a problem. alcoholism, to me, was synonymous with burning your life to the ground but here I was! still an ultra productive Virgo getting shit done so I'm fine, right?
we don't have the language or nuance to describe what constitutes as a drinking problem.  it's very binary: you either have an issue or you don't. but i would argue that a lot of people exist in the grey; they don't like their relationship with alcohol so they try to scale back. maybe it works for awhile but eventually they find themselves right back where they started. that was very much my pattern. i'd go through booze heavy periods, chill out so i could gain an illusion of control, and then start back all over again. it was exhausting. i was constantly disappointed in myself. why couldn't i go back to the way i used to drink? i survived a painkiller addiction, getting hit by a car....but somehow, i can't restrict myself to two drinks?! rude.
quitting drinking altogether seemed psycho. i mean, our culture worships at the altar of booze. WE ARE OBSESSED. it's sewn into the fabric of our society. we can't imagine parties or vacations without it. pasta without a glass of red? babe, no. alcohol is the only drug where you get judged for NOT doing it. it's unhinged!! (this is probs because it forces people to look at their own relationship with alcohol, which can be LOL levels of terrifying.)
then the pandemi hit and all my probs with alcohol were suddenly in HD. I was drinking more and more, not even getting drunk because my tolerance was so high. every day i'd make a promise not to drink and then 5pm would roll around and the thought of not unwinding with a glass of something legit terrified me so i would. it was so depressing and also so boring!!! every day had the same flat blank quality to it. it felt like i was stuck in the world's least compelling groundhog's day.
six months earlier, i bought a book recommended by edith zimmerman at the cut called how to quit drinking by allen carr. i didn't read it at first—i wasn't ready— so i just put it on my bookshelf and waited for it to be like, "PICK ME UP, BITCH!"
my "rock bottom" was unremarkable. i had dinner, drank a bottle of wine, felt barely buzzed. i went to bed and was jolted awake at 3am with a hangover. this wasn't uncommon. it'd happen a few times a week and every time i'd wake up and be like, "okay, this needs to stop. tomorrow is the day i make real changes." then i would fall asleep, wake up, and forget all the honest feelings i had felt earlier.
but this time was different. i went on my phone and read more articles from edith zimmerman about her sobriety. i came across an interview she did with annie grace who wrote a book called This Naked Mind. curious, i read the first few pages. her opener was literally her talking about how, when she was drinking, she'd jolt awake in the middle of the night hungover and be honest with herself about the state of her drinking. then she would fall asleep, Men In Black memory erase that honesty, and wake up repeating the same cycle. L-OL. DRAG ME, BABY!
it was witchy reading someone articulate my exact reality. it was also confirmation that i did have a problem. it might not be a problem that was causing me to lose my job or put my life in danger but it was a problem. i woke up the next day, committed to not pushing those thoughts out of my head like i usually did, and read allen carr's book and annie grace's book. i haven't drank since.
in essence, both their books dismantle our collective belief that alcohol is amazing, that it is a necessary part of our life, and to be without it would be a chore and less fun. these books are basically like, "actually, babe, alcohol is a scam and here's why." they articulate alcohol's effect on the body and the brain (spoiler: it's not good, hon....) but they don't do it in a scare tactics kind of way. it's very matter-of-fact and driven by science. IDK, it just fucking clicked for me. granted, the book wasn't some magic trick. i had to get to the point where i was ready to change. edith zimmerman said something like, "i no longer believed in alcohol and what it purported to do for me so it was time to take out that belief system and replace it with something new."
the key for me was seeing alcohol for what it is; literally poison. when i did dry january, there would always be a moment when out to dinner, i'd want a glass of wine but then i would use my willpower and white knuckle my way through it. the craving would pass and i'd be so grateful i abstained but there was still this feeling of "awwww,..wine...that would've been nice." now i'm like "ew, get that away from me." i'm truly nauseated by the smell of alcohol now.
everyone's journey to sobriety is different. a lot of my friends got sober working a program and doing AA, which is amazing. this is just what worked for me. i was hesitant to share this shit because it's not a traditional path and i haven't been sober for a large amount of time. but fuck it. if one person reads this and is moved towards sobriety, it's worth it.
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Understanding and acceptance: a short story consisting of things that actually happened
[A/N: I was on the phone with my mum and she told me that I seem to be in a creative mood and that I should write something. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and share a personal story while also writing it as if it’s fiction. So here goes.]
Word count: 2K
-- 2 weeks ago --
It’s a quiet Saturday evening. My brother Max and I are walking home together, deep in conversation. I have no memory of what the conversation had been about when it started, but I do remember that it somehow got to this:
‘...all this assuming you’re straight, of course, and I’m not assuming anything--’
‘What does being straight mean?’ Max says in a tone that tells me he genuinely doesn’t know. So I feel obligated to explain it in the simplest terms possible. ‘Well, in your case it would mean that you, a boy, like girls.’
‘Well, that’s the normal thing for any person!’ He nearly cuts me off with this. I calculate my next step carefully.
‘Not every person,’ I say, keeping my voice as calm as possible. ‘I’m not straight.’ Of course, he knows that. I came out to my whole family at once three years ago, hoping for the awkward discussions to be over with that. It hasn’t worked out quite as I envisioned it yet.
‘Yeah, but you’re not normal either,’ Max parries. Can’t argue with that. Lucky for me, that is when we reach the front door and each one goes off to mind their own business.
I know very well just how ‘not normal’ I am. Not in that cliche ‘I’m not like other girls’ way, but in a way that causes Bulgarians undereducated on mental health and identity labels (which is unfortunately most people over 30) to brand a person clinically insane, unstable, a threat to the Traditional Bulgarian Family™. Being aroace and having severe social anxiety and ADHD to top it off, I hardly classify as ‘normal’. This is a frequent cause for arguments at the dinner table at home, most of which end in a. tears and/ or a panic attack on my part, b. my father storming off and pretending to be asleep whenever someone goes to call him back to dinner, c. my brother gluing himself to his phone, leaving his plate half-untouched, d. my mother crying over ‘what kind of mother am I that I can’t even have my family together at the table once’, and usually e. all of the above. 
For this scenario to play out, however, the whole family of four is required to be present. So fortunately it only happens every other weekend when Dad and I come back home from the capital, where we have been living for the better part of three years now, ever since he got promoted and I started uni. When I’m away from my loving but over-controlling mum and my brother, who seemed to become obnoxious overnight the moment he turned 13 a little over a year ago, I usually have significantly fewer reasons to cry or feel anxious about... you name it. So we do fine. For the most part.
-- this evening --
I am watching Joe and Frankie’s performance of A Whole New World for the thousandth time today when I get a text from Mum.
Mum: How’s my girl doing?
Mum: I haven’t been able to hear from you with all the fuss about your brother.
Max is at that point in his education where he’s applying for high schools. His exam results have just come in and now everyone in the family is stressing about whether his scores will be enough to get him into the school he wants to go to. It’s a big deal, but with all the Rodfini magic going on (and with how terribly behind I am on my internship assignment) I have just been completely unable to care.
Speaking of Rodfini and A Whole New World, I have been repressing the instinctive urge to send my mum the video all day, and when I get her texts, I almost nearly muster up the courage to do it. But between me and her, this is not something you do over text. So I give her a ring instead. 
When she picks up, the sound of her voice combined with the anxiety over what I want to tell her makes me tear up and the words are stuck in my throat. 
‘Erm-- Mum, can I tell you something?’ I say, still not sure if I’m not about to regret taking up the subject at all.
‘Dear, you know you can tell me anything,’ she says, sounding concerned at my obviously-trying-to-swallow-tears voice.
‘You mean it?’ I ask, listening to her tone to make sure. I wish I could read tones better. ‘Anything?’
‘Is something wrong, honey?’ Oh gods, she’s in a really benevolent mood. I grow more and more afraid of ruining that with my ‘obsession with gays’. 
‘Erm, so I guess you should know Dad and I had the tiniest disagreement just now,’ I say, deciding last minute to start with something she might deem ‘more relevant to the family’s personal lives’. ‘You know, we were watching the Euros and then the match ended and we watched the news, and then Dad changed the channel so he could watch the next match. And I was like ‘whoa, what’s with the video quality’, and so dad was like ‘you really need go get your eyes checked out’; and I tried to explain that there was a very obvious difference in quality between the two channels, and he kept yelling at me that I was ruining my eyesight spending all day staring at a screen.’
‘Did he sound annoyed or just concerned?’ Mum asks me.
‘I know what you’re thinking. And I know full well that he’s my parent and he’s concerned about my health. But you should have heard his tone.’
‘So are you two in a fight now?’
‘No. Well, I don’t know.’ I really don’t. It’s hard to tell when one side of the argument refuses to talk about his feelings as if that will kill him. But I don’t tell Mum that. She’s been dealing with Dad since long before I was even planned, so she knows him better than I do. ‘The thing is, he called me back and said that, well, one of the channels was HD and the other was not, so there was indeed a difference, but he thought it was ‘unnatural’ that I was able to register it so immediately, and he kept insisting there was something wrong with my eyes. I should think that seeing something quickly would be a sign of good vision, not bad. Besides,’ I keep talking, nearly  desperate to justify myself, ‘I did some research and sensitivity to light is a symptom of ADHD. So it’s nothing new, really.’
‘Oh, please, dear. You’re of a new generation, and ADHD is something of the older generation. Don’t be so quick to self-diagnose.’
I guess there’s some reason to what she says, or at least the last part of it, so I give up on pursuing the subject further. ‘Yeah, anyway,’ I say, ‘I just thought it was all a bit rich coming from the man who refuses to wear his prescription glasses. I haven’t got any prescription glasses, you know.’
I don’t want to come off too cheeky because I still want to try and talk to her about how happy Rodfini have made me today. A while ago, Mum would accuse me of only calling her to complain when I was unhappy, so I have since made it a point to call her when I am happy and tell her so. That’s why I’ve been itching to share this with her. And now the time has come.
‘You know, I’ve been crying in a completely different way today,’ I begin tentatively. ‘A good way, A really, really good way,’ I add quickly before she can get worried again.
‘Yeah? So what was it that made you so happy that you cried?’ Goodness, there’s no turning back now. I decide to proceed with caution.
‘Oh, well, it was this performance, you know. A really beautiful song. So I’ve been wanting to show it to you, but I was worried about how you’d react.’
‘And why would that be?’ she asks in the same kind tone that keeps making me anxious about potentially ruining everything.
‘Well, erm...’ I feel myself start to stutter. ‘See, it’s a love song, and it’s... ok, I’ll just say it. It’s sung by two guys. As in, a couple, you see.’ I keep feeling up the ground with my words, anxious to hear her reaction. It’s like when I’m opening an exam result -- I want to know, but I’m too scared to look. And so now, in my anxious despair to know what she thinks about it, I miss the beginning of her response. ‘And I know how you are about those things, so I...’ I genuinely don’t know what to say. I’ve done my thing again. I’ve kept talking so much that she hasn’t even been able to react audibly. So I trail off, determined to let her speak this time.
‘Ok, but... why do you get so affected by those things?’ Mum says, starting to sound suspiciously like she’s about to question my own orientation again. I feel the need to justify myself for the second time since the conversation has started.
‘Well, it’s just that... I really wish you would just see them, Mum. If you could just see how they look at each other, you’d see that there’s just love. So much love. And joy at being able to express themselves as they are.’
I’m speaking from the heart now. I am finally letting out how much I want her to give them a chance because she deserves to see and hear their magical performance. She must be sensing the anguished sincerity in my voice as I finally manage to stop crying and I smile through the tears, because she says, ‘Dear, are you... are you trying to tell me something there?’
I sigh. She’s asked me this question nearly every time I’ve started speaking ‘too’ passionately about anything LGBTQ+ Which isn’t an awful lot in her presence, but there have been several occasions. Once about Solangelo, at the beach. Once about NPH and his husband David and their children, at the dinner table, as I was trying to explain how same-sex couples can have kids; that one resulted in a seriously bad scene of the type I described earlier. Once about a participant in a reality show who identified as a gay man then, but has recently come out as a trans woman; whenever she’s been mentioned on television, I’ve fought to repress my inner urge to express my happiness for her and the representation she is for the Bulgarian LGBTQ+ community. I wonder even now if my parents have noticed my silence on the subject -- because they certainly do notice when I am not silent.
So now, when the time seems to have come for me to set things straight about my non-straight-ness (bad pun very much intended), I try my best to keep my voice from shaking. ‘I’m not trying to tell you anything I haven’t already told you, Mum. Really.’
‘Are you perhaps attracted to the same gender, dear?’ It seems so unbelievable that she’s said it, and even more that she’s worded like that, but she really has. I force myself to be calm and patient.
‘No, Mum. I’ve told you -- I am not attracted to any gender, be it male, female or anything else, really. You know that.’
‘Well, it sounded as if you--’
‘No, Mum. Really. But I do need you to understand that part of my identity is that I feel the need to support people with other identities different from straight. I’m happy for their successes. I'm concerned about their issues. They’re a sort of family to me. Do you understand that?’ I say, relieved to be speaking my truth at last. At the same time, I try to sound as reasonable and mature about the whole thing as possible. I don’t want to put her off, especially not now that I’m knee-deep in the subject already. I’ve gone too far to turn back now.
‘Yes, honey. Yes, I do. I just don’t want you to exert yourself emotionally, is all. Plus I’ve been so stressed out about your brother and all, you know...’
‘Yeah, I do know. And I know he’ll be fine. He’s a nice boy. I just wished he didn’t keep calling me ‘abnormal’ all the time...’
‘Oh, well, don’t listen to him. He’s been quite stressed out too. And he’s 14. It’s just how he is at this age.’
I’m not too sure about that. ‘Boys will be boys’. It’s ok for boys, then, to pour salt into their neurodivergent sisters’ wounds? I don’t think so. But I can’t fix every problem in one talk. Plus my mum sounds tired now.
So I just say, ‘I guess... Well, anyway, thank you so much, Mum. For hearing me out, and for supporting me, and for everything else. Please don’t worry so much.’
But I know she can’t not worry at all. I’ve got that from her.
‘If you’re sure you’re all ok now, dear...’
‘Yeah, mum, I am. Or I will be. You know, there’s this expression with English, ‘to run with something’. So I’ve been telling myself, I’ll at least try to walk with things. You know I’m not much of a runner anyway.’ I actually laugh, even though the pun is quite untranslatable into Bulgarian.
‘You know I’m proud of you, right?’
I know that has very little to do with the kind of pride I’ve been celebrating all month, but I say, ‘Of course I do. And you know what? I’m quite proud of myself, too.’ I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I mean it. I mean it wholeheartedly this time.
‘I’m nearly falling asleep, though, dear, so I say we call it a night?’
‘Good night, Mummy. And thanks.’
I hang up. Then I forward the video to her.
I’ve come so far, indeed. I reckon we both have.
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Romance. Fanfic. Fluff(?). A bit aged up characters. A bit OOC for katsuki (?)
Warnings: Cursing.
I know I said I'm gonna post Todoroki's fic, but this hot headed boy is pulling me back.
For real though, todoroki's fic is just under editing.
P.S: I made another OC here.
P.P.S: I don't know who is the artist behind this picture of Katsuki, this is not mine. Credits to him/her, cause he looked so hawt.
Hope you like it guys. Please don't copy/plagiarize. Lovelots. 💟
You are on your way back to the dorm, lost in thought, you can't believe it's already your last sem at U.A.
"Im the one breaking up with you, do you understand that?! I hate you katsuki!" You were taken aback by the sudden yell.
Out of the trees near the dorm, Akira, resurfaced, she passed by you, not even throwing a glance. She's covering her face.
You took a step forward to where she came from and saw, your friend, leaning on tree.
"She broke up with you, huh?" He glared at you.
"Are you fucking eavesdropping on me?" He growled at you. You shook away his comment and stepped closer.
"Well, she practically yelled that she's breaking up with you, so I heard." You heard him muttering curses under his breath.
Bakugo Katsuki, may be an ill tempered, rude, brat, he's also hard to deal with, but you know he's a good person.
He's passionate about becoming a hero, the number one hero.
You reached out and patted his back, you stared at the sky, trying not to look at him because you can't bear to see pain in his eyes.
"You will be able to move on, katsuki. You still gonna be the number one hero,right?" He fell silent. You figured he would want to be alone.
"I'm here for you katsuki, if you need my help." You started to walk back to the same direction where you came from.
You felt him hold your hand.
Your eyes wandered back to him, he is staring at you, his smirk evident.
"Will you help me then? Be my girl, y/n." You blinked, not sure if he's being serious.
"A-are you an idiot?!" You pulled back your hand.
"You said you're gonna help me? Help me forget about Akira."
"Do you seriously want me to be your rebound?!" You were in utter shock and awe of his arrogance.
You didn't even wait for his reply, you stormed back to your dorm room.
The moment you entered your room, your knees felt weak and yiur body slid down the door.
Your heart is racing, your head is full of confusion.
It keeps on replaying the moment the very person you have unrequited love for, asked you to be his girl.
It hurt a lot when you learned that he hd a girlfriend, who could actually
They are not that big on PDA, but you can see them holding hands and one time you even spotted katsuki sleeping in Akira's lap.
Even though seeing them everyday makes your heart hurt, you can't stop yourself from falling in love with katsuki.
You played video games with him, you trained with him.
You even fought almost everyday, but everytime he's in the wrong he would secretly give you a bar of chocolate, his way of apologizing without actually saying he's sorry.
He would also give you medicines, when you're sick, he would somehow notice even if you didn't tell him.
Deep inside you know, he cares for your friendship, and every little thing he does, even the ones that annoys you, makes you fall for him deeper.
The next day came with you only having a wink of sleep because of that hot headed fool.
Why are you in love with that guy anyway? You keep on muttering to yourself, when you felt a hand land on your shoulders. It surprised you and so you let out a shriek
You turned your head and saw Ochaco looking at you.
"You looked so irritated, y/n. Is there a problem?" She worriedly asked you
You defensively waved your hands telling her that you're okay.
The both of you walked towards the classroom together, the closer you get to the classroom, the more your heartbeat speeds up.
How will you talk to him? How will you face him? What if everyone notices that you guys are being weird and they ask? All these thoughts are flowing through your head.
Ochaco opened the door and found that almost everyone is there already.
You took a good look around and noticed that the red eyed goblin is not yet here, which is odd. Very odd.
"Ehhh?! Bakugo's absent?" Ochaco asked, surprised as you are.
"He doesn't answer the door when I call him. He was in a bad mood since yesterday. He and Akira broke up." Kirishima answered,scratching his head.
That idiot. What is he up to now.
All through out the morning class, he did not show up, you were worried.
What if he gets himself into a fight. Yeah, he's strong but what if he was outnumbered. What if he got injured badly. Countless thoughts of what might have happened passes through your mind that you can't concentrate in class.
"I'm gonna check on him." You quickly ran back to the dorm, the moment you were dismissed for lunch.
You practically banged the door when you arrived.
"Hey idiot!! Open this door or I'll slice it in half!" You yelled.
Still, no answer.
"Bakugo Katsuki. Don't you do anything stupid." You mumbled to yourself.
"This dimwit!" You have been banging his door for ten minutes already, and still, nothing.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You looked behind and saw katsuki standing there.
You ran to him checking his face.
"The fuck are you doing, brat?! Let go of my face!" He pulled your hand away.
"Idiot. I thought something happened to you!" you slapped his hand away and glared at him.
"I was just called by the agency I applied for, I told the teacher that I'm gonna be gone the whole morning." His lips twisted into a teasing grin.
"Were you that worried for me?" He teased.
"Because you're a hot headed idiot." you told him.
"Hmmm. You're right. Maybe I'd pick a random fight and kick some fucking ass.I got dumped and I'm really pissed about it." You frowned, when he started to step closer to you, everytime he does, you take a step back.
"So, why don't you be a good friend to me and help me?" He smirked. Your eyes not leaving his ruby colored ones.
You gulped.
"Fine! I'll be your girlfriend." You gave in. His smirk grew.
"Great. Im now your boyfriend, y/n." You were stunned when he gave you a quick peck on the lips and went inside his room.
You stood up there, rewinding what happened, then it dawned you.
You hands flew to your face, feeling it heat up. You tried to calm yourself and took a deep breath.
You walked back to the school. Your heart beating like crazy, and your face looking like a freshly picked tomato.
Well, its already your last sem in the school so, why not.
You're gonna make that bastard fall for you.
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disaster-dan · 5 years
Peter x MJ - Send Me Your Location
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Listening to Ned was usually a bad idea. This was a party and everyone would get sky high. Peter didn’t smoke but here was a first time. MJ thought there was better things to do but hey- that’s what being a teenager is. Be stupid. If it involves getting high and kissing your crush, why not.
Warnings: underage smoking, cannabis, getting high, intoxication
Song: Khalid, “Location.” American Teen, Right Hand, 2017.
I don’t own the lyrics or song.
If you’re okay with the above, read on :)
Send me your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
(A place to come through)
Peter didn’t mean to get high. Of course, he knew people who did. Ned didn’t smoke, not constantly anyways. Rarely did Ned pick up something like a blunt or cigarette, but he had done it before a couple of times. Peter was not against it, but Peter didn’t see the point in doing it. It smelled strong, can stink a whole street, it was hard to roll, eyes got red easily. Despite his no-interest in ever smoking, Ned invited Peter to a party. Peter already had a terrible experience with parties and was about to deny it.
But you have to come had insisted his friend. I need you talk talk talk please talk. Peter gave in and agreed to hop in a designated driver’s car (Ned’s buddy) and head strong to a party in a house Peter had never been at before.
Hours later, Peter was seated in a couch way too soft and a room with lights not bright enough and people whom he would probably never see again. They passed around a blunt and Peter had two simple shots of it. Nothing was hitting yet, or at all. Being Spider-Man, sometimes normal human things were a bit different. So much for a first time. 
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothin' else but you (I don't need nothin' else but)
Across Peter was Michelle Jones. MJ. She found herself there. Knowing clearly she was young and learning, it was mandatory she did something stupid in her life. Go to a party where you talk to nobody and stay for the massive get-stoned circle. Her only way home was her bike. Very convenient. 
MJ’s conscience told her someone particular would be there. Once her eyes spotted the classmate across from her looking out of place, she knew who it was. 
She’s seen the kid before, they’ve never met. 
But- she still knew that was Peter Parker whom she shared nearly all her classes with, who was in Decathlon, (was) in band practice, sat on the second to last table in the lunchroom, left school before anybody else, wore layers with no sense. 
Yeah, MJ knew Peter. And he was here, in the stoner circle in a party. Across from her.
At times I wonder why I fool with you
But this is new to me, this is new to you’
Initially, I didn't wanna fall for you
Gather my attention it was all for you, so don't
Take advantage, don't leave my heart damaged
To understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it
Peter had never been high before. Passing around the blunt already on its ten something times, Peter was sure his abilities would stop him from getting the slightest inebriated. But, he knew that once his nose began to tickle, his eyelids becoming heavy and everything stopping its orbit every few seconds- he knew he had succeeded in something. He got high.
A familiar feeling was with MJ. As her lips chapped, her mouth drying but saliva piling in the corner of her mouth, her eyesight was no longer in 4k HD. She laid back and the couch swayed with her. The air slowly caressed her skin and a tickly burn in her nose was distantly familiar. She was having a good time. With Peter across her, things were a bit more interesting. 
Peter’s eyes didn’t catch MJ until much later when Peter stopped counting shadows on loop. Her shadow kept being number five. So his hidden brain began to get curious and Peter finally looked up.
There she was. She inhaled into the blunt and passed it.
Peter had seen her before. Was her name Michelle?
So won't you send me, your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
Peter was never before enticed by someone so much until that moment.
MJ. His classmate. She was here. But why would she be here? She didn’t seem like the person who liked parties. Last time in another party- Peter remembers Ned asking her why she was there. She replied with “Am I?” So- was she really there in the circle or was this some ungodly hologram his high mind created? Was it creepy that Peter watched closely as the smoke escaped through her full lips and her nostrils. As her eyelids dropped for a moment before opening up and slowly closing again.
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else)
MJ didn’t care that she knew nobody around her. The dude next to her who kept scrolling YouTube Trending for the past fifteen minutes or the guy next to her who was hugging a pillow. She didn’t care, she didn’t have to talk. Everything was fine as it was. 
Maybe she wanted to talk with Peter. Maybe she wanted to sit next to him and chat a while. Had Peter done drugs before? Something MJ doubted. Peter seemed like the one who’d be too afraid to inhale fumes. Here was Peter Parker in a party and smoking weed. It wasn’t cool. Smoking isn’t cool but Peter smoking was a little cool.
I don't wanna fall in love off of subtweets so
Let's get personal
I got a lot of cool spots that we can go
Tell me what's the move and I got you
Nobody knew who it was but someone had ordered pizza and the ding of the door nearly made everyone in the circle run for their lives.
Whether this was a mistake or someone ordered it on the low, it was a huge blessing to their little ceremony.
Ned was the first to run for pizza. Peter stayed sitting and watched as slowly everyone went for pizza. Almost everyone. Because Michelle didn’t move from her seat. She sat with her legs stretched out and staring at something. Like she was reading it. Peter thought she looked liked she was reading something at school. Invested. Whatever it was, Peter was always curious but never wanted to ask what it was. Peter didn't read a lot but he likes listening to a good story and Michelle looked like she could tell a good story. Now he was interested in what Michelle was staring at.
Was Michelle older than him? Maybe taller, but older? That’s a dumb question. They were the same age. Shared classes. 
Her hair was never in control. Peter didn’t mind that. It gave her the vibe of some dungeon and dragons personality trait. Chaotic. She seemed chaotic to a good level. Good chaotic. Or neutral. But she had strong opinions so maybe a far good chaotic was a good fit. 
Peter was hungry though. 
I'm only acting like this 'cause I like you
Just give me the vibe to slide then
Oh, I might make you mine by the night
“I thought you’d be shorter.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“That I thought you’d be shorter.”
The pizza tasted way too good and Peter was beginning to think it was something the aliens in Area 51 made. Anyways- after a while of listening to a guy’s stomach growl for a couple of minutes, Michelle made her way to the kitchen. Peter followed behind her. Her curly hair bounced when she walked. 
Peter didn’t take offense to the comment, but did everyone think he’d be shorter?
“It’s not a bad thing.” Michelle said before biting into her pizza. “Tall people have a bigger risk of catching or developing diseases and illnesses.”
“You’re tall.” Peter blurted. He would’ve thought about his words before saying them. But he was high. 
Michelle nodded at him. “I know.”
There was Arizona tea and cans of Pepsi. Peter convinced himself Pepsi and Cola were the same thing. Michelle watched fascinated as Peter debated out loud. 
“It’s the same thing. I’m not hurting anybody.”
Arizona was tasting very good.
Send me your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
(A place to come through)
He can call her MJ. She said so. 
Peter didn’t believe his eyes were red much until MJ dragged him to the bathroom and nearly slammed him to the mirror. 
“Oh my god my eyes are red.” Peter breathed and turned to look at MJ. He gasped. “No way. Your eyes are red too.”
“I know.” MJ said with nonchalant. She stared at Peter for a few moments. He blinked. “Wait- are they actually red?”
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else but you)
They didn’t have much in common, but they liked each other humor. Whatever humor there was in them. MJ hardly ever talked in school and Peter was way low on the social ladder at school. But- underdogs get along with underdogs. 
MJ at some point called him pretty and Peter never thought he could blush as much as he did. He felt his blush. It tickled him. If that made any sense. And when Peter’s hand brushes against hers, his entire hand tickled too. MJ’s entire arm felt like she was airbending. She managed to stop herself from holding Peter’s hand as they walked back to the living room. She was suddenly bolder but she could hold herself well. 
Peter was a pretty person. 
MJ thought he was very pretty. 
Peter thought she was pretty too.
Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight
I don't need nothing else but you
(I don't need nothing else but you)
Peter sat next to MJ. He made sure he did. He thought MJ was a cool person. That's all. Nothing else. MJ was generally an amazing person who liked to hide the fact that she was indeed an amazing person. 
it. Even after already getting the hang of it, he had to watch MJ to make sure he was doing it right. Peter, what the hell.
The blunt passed around and Peter watched as MJ took hits. It wasn't weird, he was just seeing how to do 
He wanted to touch her hair. It looked soft. 
MJ’s mind was running about Peter. His hair. His eyes. Stupid uneven eyebrows. His smile. His jaw. His hands. MJ did not miss the slight muscle in Peter. It was hidden, below the unnecessary layers. Sheu didn’t miss as Peter slacked his leg enough to touch hers. She pretended to not get the memo and shifted her leg close to Peter’s. And she felt his warmth. The simple act of touching made a warmth and something lavender consume her body and escape in a form of smoke through her lips. 
Peter swore the world blossomed in color when his hand reached for MJ’s. Her hand was reaching back.
Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight
I don't need nothing else but you
Nothing else but you
Pizza was gone and four blunts have been finished among the circle. Everyone still out of it. Everyone having a good time.
Peter and Mj somehow ended up with MJ’s legs over Peter’s laps and Peter laying his head on her slender shoulders. 
Ned was far in the universe to notice when Peter lean close to MJ’s face.
It was a small game at first and soon the small thing of blowing smoke into each other's  face turned to something more hidden. A game of trading smoking. Close enough to nearly make out, Peter took his hit and gently blew to MJ. MJ then gently blew her smoke to Peter’s and when the smoke collided, Peter and MJ’s face got a fraction closer. When their noses touched, both teens dissed limits goodbye and made lips touch. A soft kiss. Shy. But willing.
‘I’m Peter.’
‘I know. I’m Michelle Jones.’
‘Yeah you are.’
His hand blindly found her soft hair and MJ’s reached to his cheeks. Maybe the kiss was a bit slow, but it was nice. Whatever they were calling this - a make out, kiss, accident, sloppy- it was a feeling neither of them never wanted to miss. Maybe parties was something they should look forward to. 
Time was irrelevant as Peter pulled back and blinked. MJ’s lashes fluttered and her eyes opened. The brown and hazel found each other like magnets. Peter’s eyelids were heavy and MJ’s lips felt cold.
Their lips reconnected after a second too long and felt warmth once again.
Slow, maybe sloppy, warm and adoring. 
The little bursts inside them was more intoxicating  compared to the weed high. Something they could never explain high or sober. Only a feeling they could find over and over in that sense. Something so intimate that only they knew the feeling and answer to. Coming to parties isn’t so bad. MJ wasn’t a scary person and Peter wasn’t so short. 
Designated driver arrived. They gave MJ a ride because it’s polite. MJ kissed Peter a deep goodbye before walking home with her blue bike.
As they rode home, Peter searched his pocket for a mint and found a paper. He opened it and there was a number and a small message. 
‘Ur eyes will be red for a big while use eye drops’
She gave Peter her phone number and advice. Is being Spider-Man paying off?
Peter texted her a moon and she replied with the stars. 
p-want to call later?
m-maybe i do
Do, do, do, do, do, do
Oh, oh, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, mmm, mmm, mmm
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I don't need nothing else but you
Read on AO3 !
Tagging: @twink-peter
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7livky · 5 years
Dionysus - Park Jimin
Author's POV
The sunny day was now a lukewarm summer evening, the first stars and especially the bright planets Venus and Jupiter were already shining in the evening sky. Small sparkles were visible in Diona's blue eyes as she looked up where you could see the brightest stars like Sirius.
Besides Greek and Roman mythology, she was just as interested in astrology. Every time, she found something that fascinated her all over again. No wonder that in many of the paintings she had drawn so far you could mostly see planets or the universe.
With her arms crossed,   she stood in her little garden when suddenly a cold breeze touched her body. She stroked her forearms a few times before going back into her atelie.
"Pretty cold, huh?"
She looked behind her when her father glanced at her with a huge smile. He put the tray on her  table and took a glass of water to hand it to her. Diona smiled back as she took it, as well as the medicine which he gave next. She took her  medicine, but hated that feeling.
"Dad, I don't want this anymore" ,she said with pinched brows after breaking the tablet in her   mouth and swallowing it. She couldn't take them any other way.
"I  know, my princess, I know." He stroked her head, kissing her forehead after which he pointed to the plate with noodles on the table.
"You're the best, thanks, Dad."
He  tried to wink at her, which just didn't work. They both started laughing when there was silence again after he had left. She hungrily  licked over her lips and immediately grabbed the fork on the table.
"Hmm" ,she nodded and stuffed more of the food into her mouth.
The Gorgone Medusa and Diona stared at each other as she stood in front of the painting with her brush in her hand and examined everything. Never before had her own work scared her as much as this one. She took a few  steps backwards and looked more closely at the canvas so that she could see better whether the proportions were right. She was very picky about her art commissions for the university. Everything had to be perfect, if it wasn't, she started it all over again, which Jongsuk could never understand, because he found it too bad after so much effort.
The message made her music quieter for a brief moment. She ran towards the speakers and checked her display.
from kookie-monster95
Diona let out a loud sigh. There was something weird about this customer. She thought she was just getting screwed. That's why she hadn't read the first message completely yet. Unplugging the cable and her phone, she sat down at her desk to eat all the food. As she filled her empty stomach, she tapped on the received mail.
All right, I'll buy it for $2000. But I won't go any higher. Are you okay with that? Otherwise I'm looking for other artists.
The noodles got stuck in her throat, causing her to cough. Trying to breathe again, she immediately grabbed the sprite can and took three sips.
"TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS?!" ,was the first thing that came to her mind at that moment and that was exactly what she wrote back.
from diona7
Two thousand dollars??? This is a joke right?!
Sending it, she pulled down the tab each second to update the page. She noticed that this was the first time she had written so informally with somebody, although he or she only wanted to get a painting, like everyone else before.
But the person had actually replied.
from kookie-monster95
I  mean I know how extremely good looking the people are who should be painted and no money in the world can be enough for these beauties
and also that your works are among the best I've ever come across
She slapped her own forehead.
from diona7
I didn't mean it that way. Isn't it a little too much? I'm not just doing it for money you know..
from kookie-monster95
Ah I see. You haven't read my first message completely or looked at the individual photos, have you?
She scratched the back of her head. What is he talking about? So she clicked on the e-mail from this morning and read it carefully.
It shouldn't be a normal painting, which only has to be copied from a photo. It should be a completely new painting made up from the beginning. Therefore I uploaded seven files. A concept should be invented, in which these seven figures should be. How they stand or sit is up to the artist. They should be drawn one hundred percent true to nature, their appearance just like in reality. No alienation.
The desired measurements and the files of which the person had spoken before had been given down below.
Well, the job sounded pretty heavy to her, according to the person's wishes. But drawing, painting, just art itself, was the one thing she would never fail in. For her, her artistic talent was the only gift that could help her achieve her goals. She knew she was never the best at school and had no self confidence, so she always distracted herself with her hobby.
The hd files were now downloaded and ready to be opened. She tapped on the first one.
Actually, she had thought that they would be female figures, because she still thought that "kookie-monster" was an old rich pedophile who was into hot women in short rabbit costumes.
But seeing that this was not the case, she licked her full lips without noticing as her brows went up. "Wow" ,she spoke in a soft voice and zoomed in more on the strange male face. "If the first person looks that good... what do the rest look like then?"
The boy was standing sideways to the camera, his chest a little visible, wearing a V-shaped top. Diona's eyes wandered along the chain he was wearing and stopped at his jawline. He had a very oval face with a pointy chin, his upper lips heart-shaped. His mouth was slightly open so that she could see his big teeth. Even if he was looking at her with a serious expression, you could still see a hint of a smile on his face. As if he could do that the best. He had a pointy nose, which looked so perfect in her eyes that you might think it was fake. He had a dark eye make-up, wearing dark grey contact lenses. Besides his pretty short eyelashes, he had thick and round eyebrows covered by his black hair, with a shine of purple in them. In conclusion; he looked like a little sunshine.
Impatiently, she opened the next one.
The first thing that caught her attention was the unusual hair color. She started to smile as she mustered his whole face. The turquoise-blue straight hair of his pony was covering his entire right eye. A small part of his forehead was visible as well with his thin black eyebrows. The boy was a little thinner in the face than the first one, the cheekbones stood out more, this boy had a much more angular face shape. Under the tip of his nose she recognized a birthmark. While he was smiling, you could see his square mouth and small teeth. She found it adorable that he had such big ears and wore Gucci earrings. But the most beautiful thing on his face was his cat-shaped eyes. They reminded Diona of the eyes of a predatory cat. To be more precise, he had the same as from a desert lynx, as he had very dark and dense lower lashes, just like a eyeliner.
Without hesitation, she examined the third boy.
Obviously, she began to compare each of them and realized that he had a much lighter skin. Even if he smiled, it looked like a forced one. His purple colored hair covered his eyebrows, even his very small eyes. He wore an undercut and just looked like a gangster to her. But then, those full cheeks that she really wanted to squeeze them? He definitely was a mixture of sweet and dangerous. A rather big nose, but perfectly fitting to his face, thick lower lips and small teeth that were unbelievably white. All in all, she could tell from this boy's eyes how exhausted and listless he was.
Sliding with her finger to the right, she blinked at the next one.
So far, he was the tallest of them all. With his broad shoulders, he was standing in front of the camera, going through his gray stepped hair. Black eyebrows that were getting thicker outwards. As he smiled wide, his chubby cheeks and corners of his mouth became visible. Diona had to grin to herself while she looked at him. Quite full lips, the upper lip sticking out. In contrast to the previous ones, his big eyes were a little reddened, the drooping eyelids very strong. She didn't know what made her feel that way, but something inside her was saying that this man could wrap any girl in the world around his finger with a little rose between his lips and his flirtatious look.
" Ooh, okay?" ,Diona whispered as soon as she saw the next tall one. His appearance reminded her of that of a president. He had a very proud attitude, was as tall as the person before him. A white-beige jacket with black buttons, underneath a tight white T-shirt.  With his big hand, he ran through his platinum blonde mane. Pair of strands of his gelled hair fell on his forehead, giving him a sex appeal. He had wide nostrils and who would have thought it, pretty full lips too. A very dark eye make-up, his brown eyebrows perfectly plucked. If you took a closer look, you could see his little dimples, which already appeared with such a light smile.
"I've never seen anyone look so good with a side parting before!"
She tried to calm down, her heart couldn't take any more hot men like them, but she was way too curious. She stood up and went outside again. She made herself comfortable on her Hollywood swing by putting a pillow under her head and a blanket over her body. With her left foot, she stepped briefly on the floor to get momentum whereupon she also put her leg on the swing. She immediately unlocked her phone and stared first at two big dark brown button eyes. He was tilting his head to the right, crossing his thumb with his index finger with his right hand. It looked like a heart to Diona, but she wasn't quite sure. Between his thin upper lip and full lower lip, big white teeth that Diona zoomed into. She recognized his front teeth and had to think of those of bunnys.
His delightful smile painted one on her face as well. A giant "Awww", escaped her lips while she still couldn't get over that sweet face. Even less was she able to do it when she took a closer look at his hairstyle, which was called a bowl cut. She grinned wider and wider, zooming in on the black straight hair and his pony, which gave him this appeal of innocence.
"Oh, you little coconut head."
Diona pressed her fingers laterally between her teeth to gradually put an end to the stupid smile. But no chance as long as she watched him. Her gaze landed on the smile lines on his eyes and nose, which were conspicuous and perfectly matched his angular face.
Her phone fell out of her hand and crashed to the ground after reading the sender's name. Wobbly, she got up to lift it up and hurriedly clicked on the message.
from kookie-monster95
So..what's the situation? ( ◠‿◠ )
from diona7
I'll do it, but it'll take a little longer for this one..
She played with the ends of her light brown hair as she waited for an answer. A habit of hers that reflected her nervousness. She walked in circles, checking her screen every second. The person usually answered so fast?
She was sure that they would answer her until she had cleaned up the atelier and packed all her stuff. Last but not least, she blew out the candles and was already in the house within a few seconds. Exhausted, she threw herself on her big round bed. She pulled the pillow away from under her belly and threw it to the ground in annoyance. She hoped her parents were already asleep before she reached for something under her bed. She felt the little bottle and grabbed it right in her hand, opening the lid of the champagne. After a few sips, her eyes closed against her will before she was trapped in her dream world.
5:55 a.m.
It was about time. Only one more glass was needed,
until his body, his heart, his soul were again possessed by rush, insanity and ecstasy.
The glasses were filled with wine, moving on the glass table with each bass, one of them already vibrating at the edge and about to fall down.
The electric guitars from the song boomed into his ears, followed by the drums, which fit together perfectly.
It wasn't long before the climax of the song arrived, the tension in his body growing every second.
His inner palm was now exactly where he would catch it, when ashort pause set in, the bass line suddenly stopped blasting.
And all of a sudden the music returned in fully - he caught the glass, threwing it against his dark grey wall.
He himself was the only one who could hear his sick laugh as he looked at the shards of glass spread throughout the room. As energetic as never before, he jumped back and forth, shook his head to match the beat as he danced in an incomparably way.
His spatial imagination deteriorated every second, but that was exactly what he loved.
With his burning tongue, he licked over his extremely full and wet lips, in front of his dark eyes stood a few glasses to be finished. Surely, only by him.
He took the deciding sip -
and entering from one moment to the next,
a sensation of hysteria and excitement arose within him, his abnormally fast beating heart becoming the only thing he could hear, not even the music anymore.
His previously raven-black hair.. now a shimmering silver-gray, incredibly shiny. His dark brown eyes.. discoloured to light blue. His beautiful, flawless face sparkled like a diamond.
The black pants and black leather jacket he was wearing had disappeared and been replaced.
In a loose white shirt, covering his naked torso, and fine beige trousers, he walked barefoot towards the round bed in front of him when his white aura illuminated every place he entered.
Apart from his urge for euphoria and agitation, his lust for fertility was now much stronger.
He blinked with his long eyelashes, watching the person lying in front of him. Long golden wavy hair, long thin legs, dainty upper body, the skin as light as his. Very gently, he turned her over so that her hidden face would become visible. When he saw those heavenly lips, you could hear a very loud tremor in the room. Immediately, the woman opened her eyes. The second he saw that turquoise colour, another loud quake followed. This time she cried out and abruptly held him by the collar.
"What's happening here? Where's that sound coming from?" ,she yelled into his face.
Roughly, he grabbed her by the wrist and put her hand on his left bare chest. "Those are my heartbeats."
When she looked away from her hand which touched his heated skin, and their eyes met again, it quaked again into her ears. So indescribably loud and strong, that every time it felt like everything was breaking down.
"Never before have I seen anything as breathtaking as you. Who are you?"
The woman took her hand away again. She had the feeling that if she had touched him a little longer, her skin would go up in flames.
She pointed at the plate next to him and hinted at the grapes in it. Deliberately, she licked her pink lips and waited impatiently.
The other heavenly beauty in front of her took a grape and held it close to her mouth. Before he placed the fruit between her lips and she licked his fingers, she whispered
                       "My name is Diona."
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mrjoelgarcia9 · 5 years
Let’s Talk #Disney’s #TheLionKing 2: Simba’s Pride
In 1998, four years after The Lion King became one of Disney’s most successful films, the studio produced a direct-to-video sequel. It went on to become one of the most successful direct-to-video films ever released.
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Also, it is one of Disney’s rare good direct-to-video sequels.
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For a review of Disney’s The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride, feel free to keep reading. There will be spoilers.
Before I begin, I should note I am aware this film was originally released in theaters outside of the United States. I am also aware of Disney Junior’s The Lion Guard and that some of the film’s characters appear in the series. 
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This is only a review of the sequel, so I will not be pointing out any continuity issues relating to the show. With that noted, here is my review.
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The film briefly starts with Rafiki introducing Simba and Nala’s daughter Kiara. As a cub, she meets Kovu, another cub from an outcast pack of lions formerly loyal to Scar. Simba refuses to let her see Kovu ever again. Kovu’s mother Zira sees their friendship as an opportunity to avenge Scar’s death. She proceeds to brainwash him for years to be the one to kill Simba and take back Pride Rock. Will Kovu listen to his mother or his heart?
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This sequel is one of Disney’s rare good Direct-to-Video sequels. However, like Aladdin and the King of Thieves, it has several issues preventing it from being as great as the original film.
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Multiple characters were introduced in this film: the aforementioned Kiara and outcast lions Zira, Kovu, Nuka, and Vitani.
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Kiara is technically a returning character by her brief appearance at the end of the first film, which was recreated for this sequel’s cold open. As Nala briefly tells Simba, Kiara is a lot like him by how she acts out and winds up in trouble. She also struggles to be independent, due to Simba regularly ordering Timon and Pumbaa to keep her safe despite her objections.
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The only explanation given about the outcast lions is they were heavily loyal to Scar and then banished by Simba. It inadvertently creates a plot hole involving Kovu. A throwaway line states he is not Scar’s biological son, avoiding any fears of incest, but chosen by him to be his heir. It seems unlikely the two ever met unless Kovu was chosen before being born or is actually older than Kiara.
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Kovu is somewhat of a tragic character. He was brainwashed to be the new Scar by his mother, raised to believe he was right, and to avenge his death by killing Simba. He doubts what his mother told him when Simba tells him what actually happened. He falls in love with Kiara, making it impossible to fulfill his mission. When he fails, he is considered an outcast by both his family and Simba.
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Zira serves as this film’s main antagonist, being written and visually presented as a female Scar. She is far more memorable than most Disney sequel villains due to Suzanne Pleshette’s great performance. Even though the film shows her favoring Kovu over her other children, she does cares for them by her reaction to Nuka’s death being the only time she is shown to be remorseful.
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Nuka, the lion voiced by comedian Andy Dick, is strangely sympathetic. He is shown to be jealous of how Kovu is treated by their mother and treated as a joke by his sister Vitani. When finally given the chance to impress his mother, it leads to his death indirectly caused by both Simba and Kovu.
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Of the film’s returning characters, the only ones who play major roles in the plot are Simba, Rafiki, and strangely Mufasa.
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Simba is shown to be a cliche overprotective dad. He sees Kovu as a reminder of Scar and worries history will repeat itself. This is shown by a nightmare he has of seeing his father die, Scar transforming into Kovu, and being thrown down by him into the wildebeests. He is also shown to be just as strong as Mufasa by surviving an ambush and barely able to get away.
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Even though he died in the first film, Mufasa plays somewhat of a major role by Rafiki. The film implies he wants Kiara to be with Kovu, with Rafiki helping him out by setting up the two to be together. A bonus feature on the Blu-ray had an unused take of James Earl Jones as Mufasa commenting about the Circle of Life coming to an end, likely meaning he would have played a bigger role with their relationship. Outside of Rafiki’s brief moments, Mufasa only appears in the cold open, Simba’s nightmare, and vocally during the ending.
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Other characters were very superfluous to the film. Zazu’s only major contributions were sending out alerts and reminding Simba about his father’s laws. Vitani only served to mock her older brother and randomly confront Nala. Some might say that Timon and Pumbaa waste too much time onscreen, but they provide some of the film’s few funny moments.
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The sequel’s music is better than most Disney’s direct-to-video sequels, primarily consisting of callbacks to the original film’s songs alongside new music.
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“He Lives In You” does a great job replicating the tone of "Circle of Life” and is the sequel’s best song. It was originally written for a concept album, then brought over to the Broadway musical, and finally this sequel. The song was also played during the end credits of the live action remake.
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“We Are One”, on the other hand, is the film’s worst song. It sounded like it was explaining the Circle of Life to a younger audience in far more simpler terms than Mufasa’s explanation in the first film. It comes off as corny and something which would be far more appropriate for a Disney Junior show.
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“My Lullaby” is this film’s equivalent to “Be Prepared”, with Zira bragging about her future plans to her pack. It is a good song but has mediocre singing from Suzanne Pleshette that makes Andy Dick’s line sound great by comparison. 
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This song was notably co-written by Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and director of the first two Avengers films.
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“Upendi” was clearly written to give Robert Guillaume an opportunity to sing. It is good and one of the film’s major highlights, with visuals reminiscent of “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” and a fun catchy beat.
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“One of Us” is the only song not performed by any of the main characters, instead sung by the normally silent animals. While its dramatic tone stands out from the other songs, the singers' performance sounds more irritated than angry.
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“Love Will Find a Way” is reminiscent of “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” but sounds generic. While not as bad as “We Are One”, it sounds like the first draft of what could be a great song.
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The climax appears to have been sloppily edited to make Zira’s death ambiguous. Kiara tries to save her only for the next scene to be of Zira falling to her death. She is heard yelling but the animation shows her grinning.
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While villains falling to their death is nothing new for Disney, it is always either caused by accident or an act of God. It appears the film originally had Zira committing suicide rather than be saved, which would have her made the first Disney villain to intentionally end her life.
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Despite these flaws, there are several positives.
The main plot is really good. Basing it upon Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet similar to how the first was based on Hamlet, and Kimba The White Lion, works to present consistency between the films. Since the first film underplayed Simba and Nala’s romance, this sequel makes up for it with Kiara and Kovu’s relationship. The division among the lions may have been underdeveloped, but it is interesting seeing a pack of lions who are against Simba.
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Kiara’s clashing with her father may be the cliche father/daughter conflict, but Simba is justified by how he tries everything to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes he made as a cub. Her declaration to Simba that he will never be Mufasa serves as a wake-up call for him.
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The climax may not be as intense as the original’s, but is far more dramatic than those in some of Disney’s other direct-to-video sequels (such as Mulan II).
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Most of the original film’s voice cast reprise their roles and they all give great performances. Rowan Anderson is one of only two missing actors, with Zazu now being voiced by Edward Hibbert, who would also play him in the following sequel The Lion King 1 1/2. Jeremy Irons does not reprise Scar. Jim Cummings, who sang part of “Be Prepared”, instead voices Scar’s cackling.
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The animation is, to an extent, great. Compared to the two Aladdin sequels, which looked like slightly better episodes of its eponymous TV series, this film almost looks theatrical. It has muted colors like some of the studio’s other direct-to-video sequels, the main characters have a new car shine, and certain background characters looked like sticker cutouts. 
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Since the sequel was theatrically released outside of the United States, it was originally produced for the widescreen aspect ratio and looks great in HD.
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The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride is a good sequel to the original animated film. It has a good story, great new characters, memorable songs, and near-theatrical animation for a direct-to-video film. All of these elements make up for some plot holes, lackluster singing, and many superfluous characters.
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If Disney ever decides to make a sequel to The Lion King live action remake, it would be great to see a live action remake of this film with a few improvements. It already set up the possibility by introducing Kiara in the very last minute.
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If you only want to see or own one other The Lion King production besides the original animated film, this sequel comes Highly Recommended.
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The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride is available to own on Blu-ray and Digital.
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Until next time, thank you for reading!
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biscuitreviews · 6 years
Biscuit Reviews Final Fantasy X-2
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It’s no secret that Final Fantasy X is my all-time favorite game. I really enjoyed the gameplay loop and element of strategy the Conditional Battle System created. I loved the sphere grid system which always made me feel that I was controlling how my characters grew as fighters and when the HD Remaster came out with your choice of a Normal Sphere Grid or an Expert Sphere Grid, which allowed you to have more control on how customized your character’s abilities and stats, I was really pleased with how playing the game using a different grid, changed so many things.
However, I’m not talking about Final Fantasy X. No, instead this is about the sequel, Final Fantasy X-2. This game is historical in its own right. It was the first Final Fantasy to actually be a real sequel to a Final Fantasy entry and it had an all female main cast which was also a first for the Final Fantasy series.
For this review I’m going to unapologetically spoil this game and Final Fantasy X. You’ve been warned.
I’ve always had a weird relationship with this game. Everytime I would pick up this game, I would always quit right when I got to Chapter 3 because the end of Chapter 2 had this sudden difficulty spike and everything else in Chapter 3 just annihilates you until you do some good ole fashioned grinding. But at that point, I would just be done with it, put it down and not look it again until I would get that feeling of “Hey, you should play Final Fantasy X-2, you’ll beat it this time.” Rinse and repeat.
Until now that is, I sat down and finally got to the end.
Final Fantasy X-2 was the first Final Fantasy that I know of that made a huge divide with the fanbase. I remember seeing forum posts and comments saying that this was the Final Fantasy that caused fans to be worried for the future. I’ll admit, I was on that train for awhile. Even when Final Fantasy XIII enraged a good majority of the fanbase, I was one of the few that would always say “Final Fantasy started going downhill at X-2!” However, recently I’ve also seen the fanbase opinion start to shift on Final Fantasy XIII. There’s still a majority of people that dislike, but with it’s slowly growing shift towards being a good game, it has made me want to replay the game at some point.
So what is it about Final Fantasy X-2 that made me not like it? As I mentioned before, the difficulty spike didn’t help. I wasn’t using the dresspheres and Garment Grids right, I wasn’t allowing proper grinding, and I was actually missing out on major plot points that are only discoverable doing side quests.
When I’m not really into a game, or I just want to get through one quickly, I’ll just do the bare minimum to move it along until either the game starts dunking on me and I just quit, or the story gets interesting and I need to quickly backtrack a bit to learn the mechanics so I can perform well to get the story moving. For X-2, I had none of that, I wasn’t invested enough in the story, I didn’t bother learning how to properly use the mechanics so I could keep in pace with the story, and I was getting creamed.  It was also the first time I was exposed to the Job system. Not really an excuse, but it kinda weirded me out for a bit until I learned this was a staple in the older Final Fantasy titles a few years after playing X-2 for the first time in 2003.
However, sometimes I’ll get the opposite problem, like I did with Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, where I’ll love the combat, but hate the story. With that game, my characters got optimized greatly in terms of skills, equipment, and magic, that I eventually had them powerful enough to just blaze through the remainder of the story when I finally got bored of the combat loop. Although it did take out the challenge factor with some of the bosses, I didn’t care.
For X-2, I’ve always known that the ending depended on your completion meter. Even though I know what the true ending is, that still hasn’t stopped me from wanting to know how the events that lead up to that ending happened. To that your thinking, “Just look it up on the internet and read a synopsis of the entire plot then.” I’ll admit, I did do this after quitting on another one of my “play it and drop it” runs. For this playthrough, I purposely went for the sad ending which I’ll go more into detail later.
In the game, you have main missions marked as Hotspots and “some” side quests marked on your map. Now when I said “some” side quests, I really meant “some”, not all of them are marked. Those unmarked side quests you just have to visit places to make sure there is none. Granted the game does give you a clue that there probably is a quest there even if the selected area said “No Missions.” This could prompt players to revisit these areas in Spira, but for those that want that sweet 100% completion, it could be frustrating to play a guessing game with some areas.
Sometimes, these unmarked areas would contain details about the main story. If for any reason you missed these, you can find yourself lost in the narrative. It’s something that I’ve personally hated in games and RPGs in general, is making their players go find details or an explanation of why something in the plot happened. Keep it in your main plot, use exploration and side quests to enhance your world and the lore. This is why I found the story in X-2 weird, because I had to dig for some of it, whereas in X, everything you needed to know was told in its story and all supplemental information to enhance that story, was done in side NPC conversations or side quests. It’s just weird how X-2 completely fumbled what made its predecessor great in the first place.
Now, I realize that for the majority of this personal recollection, I’ve mostly been talking about my negative experiences with this game and not really any of the positives. I had games that I was disappointed with before, but X-2 was a game that really let me down a long time ago. However, I will have to say with this recent playthrough, I actually have more appreciation for this game than I did in the past and have found some likeable aspects to it.
First is how Square took to the approach to an already familiar world. Having the people of Spira wanting to discover the lost secrets, now that the threat of Sin coming back is no more. This allowed new areas to be uncovered to give Spira a new feeling despite having already explored it once before. The gameplay even rewards this by granting you additional dresspheres, Garment Grids, and accessories that can further expand your characters abilities, with some having effects to where you can break the game in ridiculous ways.
Next is how Yuna herself traverses the environment. Where Tidus had the ability to swim, Yuna has the ability to jump over ledges and climb giving the environments a level of verticality they didn’t have before.
The Active Time Battle system also makes a return. Between this and the introduction of dresspheres it did offer an excellent explanation as to why Yuna is at a low level again, despite everything she accomplished in the previous title.
There’s also the story of X-2, Yuna, Rikku, and their new ally Paine travel the world to hunt for spheres and each has their own goal. Yuna wants to find Tidus after watching a sphere that has a person that looked like Tidus. After watching this sphere, she believes that there might be a way to bring him back. Rikku, simply wants to help Yuna on her journey, as well as uncover more of Spira’s history. Paine, wants to learn why she was betrayed two years ago by a former ally of hers. These three stories are interwoven and you will get answers to everything, however some do require more digging than others which I’ll go into further detail later.
Finally, you have Shuyin, who is a rather intriguing villain who not only unveils more about Spira’s past, the Dream of the Fayth, but also adds more elements of the Unsent. How does he add more to a phenomenon of Spira already well established? Easy, Shuyin has been Unsent for over 1,000 years due to his strong feelings during a war between Zanarkand and Beville, as well as his anger of the death of his lover, Lenne. This makes his ability to possess people something that felt like a natural evolution considering the nature of Unsent. His striking similarity to Tidus also shows the Fayth preserving his image in Dream Zanarkand as we can surmise the Fayth were unaware of Shuyin’s true fate. By adding how long he’s been festering in his pain, with also seeing that Spira hasn’t changed at all in terms of violence with the citizens of Spira fighting amongst themselves to determine the future, drives Shuyin to want to destroy Spira as it seems to him that the people will never learn.
Now, although I do see this game in a new light with the positives, there are also a few elements that I’ve discovered that could have been handled much better. There are three elements in particular that come in mind that I feel were not handled the best and they are Paine, Shuyin, and the ending of X-2.
I felt Paine’s story was simply forgotten most of the time to focus on Yuna’s journey. I get it, Yuna is the main character, but Paine is a new character that is being introduced to the player. I felt more time could have been spent with her and often times both in story and gameplay, she felt like a third wheel. Gameplay wise, Paine is the only one whose Ultimate Dressphere is optional to acquire and is easy to miss. It feels odd that for one of the three characters to have their true potential, you have to go out way to get Paine’s when Yuna and Rikku are handed theirs in the main story. As for Paine’s story, although you do learn that Shuyin is the reason of the betrayal, why and how the betrayal happened is something you have to search for on your own and like the Dressphere, finding all of the details are easily missable. Which brings me to my next area of elements not handled well and that is Shuyin.
Yes, I did say Shuyin was a good villain, but he felt half baked. Why is that? Because the missing parts that you can learn about him are tied to Paine’s backstory, which you learn by collecting Crimson Spheres throughout Spira. Not only does it show how Shuyin became Spira’s next great threat, but it also gives our previously mentioned Paine, a reason that she is on the journey with Yuna and why Paine is a main character to the story. The Crimson Spheres also unlock an optional dungeon known as the Den of Woe, where Yuna, Rikku and Paine can learn more about Shuyin. During their adventure in the dungeon, Shuyin actually possesses Rikku and Paine to where the trio fight each other and even try to kill one another. This optional dungeon also presents them another reason why Shuyin needs to be stopped and could have further emboldened our trio. Granted the reasons you learn in the story are fine, but having that extra push could have really added more to their motivation.
Last is the ending of X-2. I want to state that I’m not saying the True Ending for X-2 is bad. It’s nice, it’s fine, and it hits you in feels. However, I want to bring attention to the Sad Ending. I feel that should have been the canonical ending. Around Chapter 4 Yuna starts to wonder if she needs to move on and accept that there might not be a way to bring Tidus back. As the story progresses from there, Yuna starts to show those signs that she needs to move forward. Even during her fight with Shuyin, she tries to have Shuyin let go and move on. She tries to show him Spira is a better place, Spira no longer suffers from constant war and death, and to let go of his anger and join his lover, Lenne, in the Farplane. After the fight, Shuyin finally agrees and is finally at peace with himself. Shuyin’s acceptance then translates to Yuna’s acceptance, that as long as Tidus remains in her heart, she will retain his memory and move forward. This ending could have proven to be more powerful and would have better reflected Yuna’s mindset in the moment.
My previous gripes regarding the dresspheres and Garment Grids are moot because I’m kind of a fan now how it rewards you for using these to better optimize your characters in battle.
It’s kind of funny how as you grow as not only as a person and as a gamer, that things you might have previously hated in the past, might end up being something you love now. That’s what X-2 is to me, something I hated in the past, but now appreciate with a new understanding. I do wish the story was tied a lot better and not spread out as X-2 could have been a really stellar sequel.
Final Fantasy X-2 receives a 4 out of 5
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angstybadboytrash · 6 years
||Voice of Treason|| Chapter 8
Summary: Hanako Yamada is tired of living in her brother’s shadow, so when an old friend comes back into her life, she can’t help but take a chance and make a new name for herself alongside the League of Villains.
Chapter: | Masterlist |
A/N: Hello friends! Here is another chapter. I’m gonna be honest l didnt even know where this was going to go when I started this chapter but this seemed like the only possible ending. Don’t hate me please! I promise that things will get bette just bear with me! I honestly don’t know if anyone is reading this but I have dreams lol
Please please please like and comment because I would really enjoy some feedback on this.
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Tags: @fridgesbestfriend @princedabi @nightkidd-hd @gaylemonsmutfluff @dark-eyed-dream @sweetycue @aarinisreading
It was silent on what was supposed to be a battlefield. The only thing heard was the crunch of rubble under the boots of failed heroes. Concerned glances were shared between comrades as they struggled to figure out what had just happened. All Might was the first to break the silence.
“Woods, Mt. Lady. Search the building. Bring me anything you think would assist in finding their new location.” The young Pros nodded and headed off to gather intel.
“Endeavor. Do you have any idea who that boy was who stood with Hana? He seemed to know you and Hana mimicked you. Is there anything you want to share?” All Might crossed his arms infront of his chest. Endeavor was still in shock and was completely zoned out into the distance as every memory from that cursed day hit him at once.
“Hey dad, I need to talk to you about something. I need your advice.” A baby faced, fresh out of UA Touya Todoroki stood infront of his fathers desk. He was busy filling out papers from that days incident and he was already irritated. He glanced up at his son and gave him a look that said ‘go on’.
“Okay well you see, um, I have been dating Hana for a while now and I think, um, I think I want to-“
“Break up with her? Good idea son. I fully support it.” Enji cut his son off without even looking up. He had never really supported Touya and Hana because he would have preferred his son to marry a girl with a powerful quirk. Make the Todoroki name proud with strong grandchildren that could surpass him one day.
“Oh my god again with this bullshit?! No I am not breaking up with her dad. You know what never mind. I was gonna get your blessing but never fucking mind.” Touya pinched the bridge of his nose before throwing his hand away and shoving it in his pocket to match his other hand.
Enji looked up from his papers to see a very frustrated Touya. “That harlot doesn’t deserve you son. You could do so much better! Her quirk is weak and your children would be useless. You need to focus on the important task at hand. Becoming the number one hero.” He stood from his desk and slowly made his way around the edge of it. When he reached the center of it he leaned back to sit on it and crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to intimidate his son.
Touya’s face became so flushed with anger that his face was almost the same shade of red as his hair. Endeavor was right infront of him now and he was pissed. How dare he talk about his beloved that way? He didn’t give a shit about becoming number one, he just wanted to be with the woman he loved.
“Fuck you. I’m not ending anything with Hana. I love her and you’re just gonna have to deal with it.” Touya pulled his hands out of his pockets to prevent his pants from catching fire. He was extremely close to setting off his quirk and he was gonna lose it if another asshole remark came out of his father’s mouth.
“Have you really not learned a single thing from me? You’re an idiot Touya. You don’t love her she’s just a distraction and you need to end it.” Enji stood his ground and he wasn’t going to let this relationship slide any longer. He had already found a suitable bride for his son he just need to get him to end it with Hana.
“No she isn’t! You wouldn’t know shit about love. I don’t think you love mom, or literally any of your children! You’re just a fucking sperm donor to this family. I’m gonna ask Hana to marry me and nothing’s gonna stop me.” Touyas hand lit aflame he pointed an accusatory finger at his father. He was practically boiling with anger and he was sick of this bullshit.
“No son of mine will ever marry trash like Hanako Yamada! You’re forbidden.” Enji scoffed at his sons ignorance and that just made Touya angrier. This conversation was over and he was leaving.
“You can’t stop me from doing shit. I’m marrying her. I knew getting your blessing was bullshit. Goodbye.” Touya turned and went to leave but he didn’t even make it two steps before a ball of hellflame blasted him into the large oak door. He feel to his knees and rushed to his feet and raised his arms in an X to attempt to block the blow he knew was coming.
Endeavor didn’t throw a punch like he usually did, instead he grabbed both of Touya’s forearms. Hellfire licked its way up Touya’s jacket sleeves, burning the clothing and the flesh underneath. Touya screamed out in pain as his flesh surely scarred, he threw his head to the side so he wouldn’t have to look at his father while silent tears slipped down his cheeks.
“Don’t you DARE walk away from me ever again. I won’t tolerate behavior like this and you’ll be punsished for it. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be trash just like her and then she won’t even want you. Look at me! Do you hear me?!” Endeavor let go of one of Touya’s arms to grab his chin and forced him to look at him. The flesh of his cheeks burned under the heat of his dim hellflame. More tears poured down Touya’s cheeks as he tried to swallow his sobs.
“Hero’s don’t cry. You’re pathetic. Just like her.” Enji removed his hand from Touya’s chin so that he could place his pointer and pinky fingers directly under Touya’s eyes, burning away the tears and flesh. Touya was brutally scarred both mentally and physically. Touya blasted Endeavor back with the arm he let go of and he ran from the office, and he ran from the house and then he ran a little further from the town he used to call home. He ran from Hana, and he ran from his past self because now he was scarred, and ugly, and he was a monster.
Enji was the reason his son looked like that and he was the reason why they had a funeral because he didn’t think Touya would survive those injuries. He was the reason why his son dissappeared for two years. He was the reason why his son became a villain because he didn’t want him to marry the girl he loved. This was all his fault.
“Endeavor? Endeavor? Enji!” All Might’s voice shook him from his memory. He was dazed and confused and now extremely upset with himself. He shook his head in an an attempt to shake away the thoughts.
“I’m sorry what?” Endeavor turned to look at a very concerned All Might.
“I asked you a question. Do you know the boy who was with Hana? We need to confirm his identity but no one is sure.” All Might still stood with his arms crossed against his chest. Before Enji could respond, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady approached them with two peices of paper in hand.
“They didn’t leave anything behind. But we did find these on one of the beds up stairs.” My. Lady handed over the papers to All Might.
“All Might! Did you find anything in the building?” Eraserhead seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and behind him trailed a very numb Present Mic. His face was flushed from crying and he honestly looked like shit but who can blame him, his sister was gone. He was extremely zoned out and wasn’t paying attention at all.
“Woods and Mt. Lady found these letters. I was about to read them.” Eraserhead nodded to the man and he began to read the first letter.
“Sorry not sorry,
If you’re reading this you now know that I am no longer Hanako Yamada, but I am the Sound Villain Decible. Which is really cool and you can’t say it’s not because it is. Anyway, sorry for the scare but honestly I have been so much happier in the last year than I ever was. Surprise but it turns out that Touya isn’t dead! I’m literally so fucking happy with him and I just wanted you guys to know that I am safe and sound. And Bakugou is too. He’s not as bad as everyone thinks he is but he will be a very valuable asset to the League.
Bye forever, talk to you never 🖤
“Well at least there’s something for family, and if we know anything about Hana, she’s gonna keep Bakugou safe.” Mt. Lady sighed deeply knowing that Mic was struggling to keep his composure.
“You’re right. And now we know that this ‘Dabi’ character’s name might be Touya. Here’s the next note.”
“Fuck you Endeavor,
Long time no talk. I heard you declared me dead but hey guess what, I’m still alive. I’m coming for you old man and guess what, I’m gonna fucking do it. I’m gonna do the thing you hated most. I’m finally gonna ask her and it’s gonna be amazing. I love her with all my heart. I hope you have a shitty life and that you vividly remember the pain you caused me. You’re the reason I look like this and I can’t wait to see the news report on “Pro-Hero Endeavor is abusive according to family and he brutally scarred his son so badly he became a villain.” I can’t wait to see you dig yourself out of this hole. Say hi to mom for me and tell my siblings I’m living my best life.
Once again fuck you,
Endeavor sighed and ran both of his hands down his face before putting them on his hips. He turned on his heel to face away from the other pros. He had hoped that he had covered up his mistake by declaring him dead but that would have been too easy. Now this was just the beginning of shit show that Enji was going to have to go through because of his mistake. Everything was at stake and he was going to have to pay the consequences.
“Endeavor, I wasn’t going to say anything but this letter confirms it. Dabi is Touya Todoroki isn’t he?” Kamui Woods spoke up from behind him. Kamui had his suspicions from the first letter but now he knew the truth. He had know Touya from school and now that he knew his father was the reason for his disappearance, he wanted justice for Touya. He was the reason why Touya became the Villain Dabi.
Endeavor turned halfway to look at the young pro before let out a deep breath. “Sadly, yes...” Endeavor pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He still couldn’t believe what had just unfolded infront of him. His son Touya was still alive, he was a villain, and he was still going to marry Hana. Honestly, it was the worst news he had ever received.
“In this letter he claims you were the one to brutally scar him, is that true? He also said he was finally gonna do it, the thing you hated most? What is that?” All Might folded the letter up for safe keeping in case Endeavor tried to get it.
“The scars were... an accident. He wouldn’t listen to me! He- he was just soooo persistent on asking that disgrace to marry him and I was completely against it. He didn’t care and claimed it was love. I thought it was foolish and a distraction.” Endeavor was slowing getting frustrated as he thought of the past memory. His flame got hotter and brighter in response.
“You can’t brutally scar someone on accident. How do we know you didn’t do it on purpose.” Shoto Aizawa spoke up. Something wasn’t sitting right with him and he wanted to know the real truth.
“I was doing what was best for him! If he married her he would never become number one!” Endeavor glared at the pro who had started crossing a line.
“How would you know? He never even got the chance. You can’t punish a child for loving something, that’s just cruel.” Aizawa was glaring at Enji with a burning hatred. He knew that if he pushed his buttons hard enough, he would confess.
“He didn’t love her! It was lust. It was a distraction that lasted too long. I should have ended it from the beginning but he was persistent and refused. It was infuriating.” The heat of Endeavor’s flame continued to rise. Anger was boiling in his stomach.
“Why did you want him to end it so badly? Were you going to force him into a loveless quirk marriage like you did? When you told him and he refused, he disobeyed your orders so you punished him for standing up for his own happiness, didn’t you?” Aizawa struck a cord and he knew it. His quirk was activated in a flash and dodged to the side catching Enji’s fist in his scarf.
“Did I get it right?” Aizawa had gotten his proof. It was a confession but it was enough. He had witnesses and letters as evidence.
Endeavor was about to explode he was so angry. “I did what was best for him! I am his father and I know what’s best for him and marrying that bitch was not what was best! This is all her fucking fault! She corrupted my son and she’s gonna pay!!!”
“Enji Todoroki, you’re under arrest for domestic abuse, child abuse, and attempted murder. Anything you say can and will be held against you.”
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Part 8 - Someday the Dream will End
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(Thought it’d be a great title since the above is my favourite soundtrack and this is my last post on FFX! XD)
Yay! I got Lulu’s Venus sigil! I was hesitant to start the dodging lightning thing since you have to dodge 200 in a row, but omg, after going on YouTube and knowing that there’s a ditch where you can easily gather the rhythm to do it 200 times, it only surprisingly took me like an hour and a half after getting distracted a few times and failing lmao. Gotta say though, much easier than the stupid Chocobo race for Tidus!🙄 Next thing you know, I try the butterfly catching game for the Saturn sigil and start to contemplate whether I really want to be a perfectionist lmao. I totally forgot that I hate the butterfly game the most, like THE MOST. It’s literally frustrating me more than the Chocobo and lightning combined, I don’t know why everyone on the internet says it’s the easiest of the mini games😣😣 Okay, fine, after another half an hour with trial and error, I finally got the Saturn sigil too, not that bad I guess….
Finally got all the celestial weapons too yeee~ I’ve never gotten everything before so I’m pretty happy right now hahaha! So Yu Yevon is the one that’s been constantly causing this all for a thousand years, hiding within Sin using him as an armour, and then when people defeat Sin with the powers Yunalesca tells them about, he merges with the Final Aeon to continue this cycle of life and death. I guess when everything works out, it’ll be good, but once they defeat Sin, the Fayth will stop dreaming and Tidus will disappear… It’s kinda funny how you used to be all concerned about Yuna dying and now near the end of the game, you instead have to be concerned over Tidus disappearing instead. Why can’t they just be happy together sigh..
Well! I legit spent a day farming sphere levels for Rikku and Tidus to finish off the sphere grid getting all the strength and agility nodes but omggg, can I just say that having triple AP instead of double AP is like the biggest difference ever? LOL. And omg overdrive -> AP is like the best thing ever. So easy to level lol. Funniest thing was when Don Tonberry did 83k damage on my Tidus though hahahaah, did I really kill that many monsters with him🤣 But yeah, it’s cool that I’m progressing with my sphere grid but I’m kinda sad that I’m one hit KOing everything lol. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so far in FFX so I feel like I’m killing my experience haha! But I really want to fight nemesis and penance and all the dark aeons so oh well. Btw, it’s because I OHKO Seymour in Sin and didn’t get to see him do anything with his cool music hahaha. At least Yuna finally sent him to the farplane lol. Anyway, back to farming monsters, just need to finish Sin and Omega Ruins and I’m doneeee!
GG though, Omega Ruins took sooo long (I guess Sin did too) but dang was it annoying lol. So anyway, after much leveling with Don Tonberry again, and getting all the strength, defence, magic, magic defence, agility, luck and fortune spheres, I am legit done with the whole sphere grid! I’m honestly not dedicated enough to do 255 everything, so since 255 luck = 255 accuracy and evasion, I am not going to bother lolll. Agility maxes out at 170 as well so yayyy, don’t need to farm moreeee. I’ve legit been spending my week doing all this lmao, watching TVB and farming, that’s been my life hahaha. It’s kinda crazy seeing myself finish all this though. It was super time consuming but it’s nice to see my characters deal 99,999 damage haha. Coolest thing was defeating all the creations by the Monster Arena guy and then beating up Nemesis! Yesssss! It could have been easier if I set my overdrive mode to Comrade (charges overdrive when allies are hit) since he dealt so much damage lol, but silly me left it on Warrior (charges overdrive every time I attack), so yeaaaah, that took longer than I wanted hahaha. Btw, Nemesis is ugly but yay! I’ve completed another goal of mine! Oh yeah, I also beat Omega Weapon, of which, he was so underwhelming, especially with the random monsters you have to fight along the way, FFVIII was so much more annoying and challenging imo with the Ultima Weapon and other guys. I guess we’ll see how I feel once I defeat all the Dark Aeons and fight Penance hahaha.
The Dark Aeons were relatively easy! Especially if you have ribbon/stoneproof, not being petrified and shattered is like the most important thing imo lol. Dark Bahamut kept killing me and pissing me off because he kept petrifying my guys and killing them lol, I had to put stoneproof on my armour to survive, worked out well since I needed it for the Magus Sisters too haha. And yes, I was lazy to fight them altogether so I separated them and fought the sisters one by one to save myself from the agony lol. And what do you know? Dark Yojimbo was actually the one to bring the most trouble! It’s not even because he was hard, it was because I had to fight him 5 times to defeat him and initially, I didn’t know and just defeated him four times and was like wth, why isn’t Penance appearing?! So then, I googled and realised that I had kept missing the true third battle in the green room, so yeah, that frustrated the hell out of me because I legit defeated him 10+ times because I went to the wrong place, didn’t understand etc, yeaaah I was raging lol. I really wanted to finish the game and defeat Penance in the same day with the Dark Aeons so yeah, I was annoyed that I was not on schedule lolol. Oh well, more time to prepare for Penance I guess.
So…. I tried Penance and I died hahahah. Gotta revise my armour lolol. I think ribbon, auto-potion (with only x-potion), auto-haste and auto-protect might be the best combo. I’ll try that and see. Or not lolll! My biggest problem with Penance was not surviving his immolation attack that does a lot of HP damage and sucks all your MP too. Well, anyway, after much googling etc, I revised my armour again, luckily I had 6 million to spend bribing monsters for stuff lmao. I used auto-potion, auto-haste, auto-protect and defence +20%. This accompanied with Rikku’s Ultra NullAll mix (lasts the whole battle as long as you don’t die!) gave me enough defence to survive the whole battle (yay!). After that, it was really rinse and repeat of destroying the arms and then hitting the main body whenever I could. It probably legit took 20-30 minutes. Crazy for sure. Not sure whether it’s really worth it since I didn’t feel very accomplished LOL, I just felt like a robot constantly using quick hit (throwing a three stars so it doesn’t cost MP), dispelling after every immolation attack and thankfully, I had auto-potion because it would have killed me if I had to heal myself every turn. So yeah, after that, it was really just a waiting game where I just kept doing the same thing for 30 minutes, yeah it was pretty boring. I liked the optional bosses from previous games more.
And now I can finally fight Sin! Honestly, seeing Tidus finally open up to Jecht a bit more and be a bit more honest, I felt happy for Jecht. He’s always loved Tidus. Too bad it wasn’t meant to be for them to ever be able to hang out together like buddies. Since I maxed out my stats, last boss was so easy, I barely did anything. Kinda feel like I should have let him do something so I could see it lol, but I was too fast hahaha. Pretty devastating to see Yuna summoning every single summon for Yu Yevon to take over and then we kill it to stop Yu Yevon from having anything to take over anymore. It was heartbreaking to see all the Fayth go like that. But at least, as they said, they can now stop dreaming… Auron always has to be cool doesn’t he lolll, even when Yuna sends him to the Farplane. It hurt when he told Yuna that it was okay to send him. I really liked Auron. It was also saddening when Tidus was like, this is his last battle with them because he’s going to disappear, I guess at least he told them. Slack to Yuna when she wanted to hug him but he was disappearing. Especially when at the end, she kept whistling, waiting for him to come back.
Never even know the Eternal Calm video or whatever existed. Kinda feels weird though because it’s set two years later where all Yuna has been doing is being something like a counsellor to people until a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus (Shuyin~) is found by Kimahri, given to Rikku and then shown to Yuna and then she decides to go look for other spheres like it and soon becomes a sphere hunter. Considering that FFX-2 is set two years later which I assume is not long after this, her personality sure changed quite a bit after getting some freedom haha. I guess it’s true that Yuna has never truly lived for herself until now so it is nice that she can do that now, but how did she learn to use a gun so fast? Lol.
Overall, I enjoyed FFX, but honestly, it’s not one of my favourites haha. It’s one of the first I played as an adult probably but yeah, if I had to really choose, I prefer the previous much more. But I do like FFX because of how much more, simple it is? It’s simple, straightforward and emotional. Rikku and Yuna will always be my favourites. Wakka being silly is also a highlight. Cool Auron will always be the dream guy though hahaha. Happy that I can finally say I’ve finished it completely! Now on to getting 100% completion for FFX-2! I got like 98 or 99 on my first playthrough with the help of a guide every now and then but now I’m gonna use a guide for the whole thing and hope I get the 100% this time around hahaha, wish me luck~
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maevefiction · 6 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 11
More than a week had elapsed since my last yoga session, and I was pleasantly surprised at my lack of stiffness. My iPod sat silent in the grass next to my mat…the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks proved to be the only music I required. Especially at six in the morning. The sun had just begun to rise behind us, its warmth exacerbating the flush my workout normally provided.
Simon’s skill level was far, far above mine, and some of the poses he worked through made me stop dead in my tracks as I admired the way his body seemed to defy the very laws of physics. He volunteered to work with me whenever we had the time, and I gratefully accepted, though I fully understood that a grace such as his was something that couldn’t be taught.
We chatted while cooling down, learning that our birthdays were only a day apart, his on October 30th, mine on October 31st. He found my being a Halloween baby hilarious, and I was tickled that we shared the same astrological sign. Fellow Scorpios - no wonder he’d liked my tank top. I tried to get him to reveal his birth year, but he adamantly refused until I offered mine up first. The look of delight on his face as he screeched out ‘me too!’ was adorable, and when he high-fived me and christened me his sister from another mister I embraced him and kissed his cheek, grinning at the lovely blush it caused.
I took a seat at the patio table and opened my laptop with the intention of starting work on Tom’s website design. Simon sat next to me, both of us facing the ocean, and he began typing away on his phone. He harrumphed and gave me some wicked side eye.
My brow furrowed. “For fuck’s sake, what NOW?”
He showed me his screen, scrolling through his inbox. “Seven more since last night. You’ve made an awful lot of extra work for me, woman.” I rolled my eyes. He turned on his chair to face me. “I’m curious, though…I thought you just lectured to and consulted with PR firms, which would mean their actual clients wouldn’t know much about you at all. So, it’s kinda surprising that an artist would be willing to jump ship and leave their current rep in the dust to wind up where you are, wouldn’t you say?”
I sighed and finished editing my open layer in Photoshop before replying. “I started out working directly with clients. My first was Anne Rice. She’s is a family friend and was willing to give me a cha…”
He put a hand on my shoulder and shoved. “GET. OUT. I’m assuming this means you’re from or lived in New Orleans at some point? But it mustn’t have been for long, because you have zero accent.”
“Your assumption is correct. Born there, raised there, relocated to New York City in 1998.”
He nodded emphatically. “So you dumped the accent. Understandable.”
It was my turn for side eye. “I didn’t dump it. It just…faded.”
He snorted. “Whatever you say, Maude.”
I pinched his arm, reveling in the resulting squeal he emitted. “Faded. I’m like a chameleon with accents. Soon I’ll be picking up your dialect and sounding like a pretentious asshat, too. In which case, you have my permission to kill me.”
“You can call me anything you like as long as you solemnly swear to take me to Mardi Gras next year.”
I rolled my eyes and held up my hand, palm towards him. “Simon. Please. I don’t think you’re ready for that sort of thing. But, if you start training now, we might be able to pull it off.”
He tilted his head like an oversized puppy. “Training for what? Drinking heavily? I’ve been training for that for years.”
“No. Throwing beads into the crowd. And doing the princess wave.” I demonstrated both. “Because if we go, you must ride on a parade float. It can be arranged. I know people.” I frowned. “At least, I used to know people. Anyway, what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted was that she was my first client, and it gave me a lot of clout. For which I am eternally grateful. I moved on after three years or so with her and began working directly with clients, most of whom were too small to have a decent PR firm behind them. I did everything, created websites, set up Facebook accounts, provided instructions on how to post, when to post, what to post, yada yada. Lots of hand holding and cajoling. Word spread, and bigger names took notice, which led to PR firms hiring me to work one-on-one with their clients for a specified duration. Most of them already had websites in place, so my focus shifted entirely to social media. In early 2010, I was invited to speak for two hours at a PR conference in San Diego…they wanted me to lecture on enhancing client reputation through social media. It was winter in New York, and they were willing to pay for my travel expenses so I thought, California? Fuck it, why not?”
Simon’s legs were crossed, his upper body leaning in towards me as he listened attentively. I had paused, and he motioned for me to continue.
“So, I spoke for two hours and they handed me a check for three thousand dollars. That was more than I normally made in an entire week and it blew my tiny little mind.  It seemed to be vastly less stressful than dealing with super huge egos and non-tech savvy artists and damn, the money. I adjusted my entire business model, and within a month I was turning down engagements because my calendar was full. PR firms were still asking me for assistance, so I set up a consulting procedure wherein I’d outline a plan for them to implement, collected my fee and was on my way. It was all so…easy.”
He laughed loudly. “And you decided to work for Prosper why?”
“Because my ‘easy’ job and the cash it generated had taken over my entire life. I was the job and the job was me. Much to my surprise, lecturing and consulting long term turned out to be a soul sucking bore…and it transformed me into a miserable drudge. I am, at heart, a creative individual and I missed doing graphic and website design, photography, and learning new things. Terribly. Working for Prosper allows me to do all that again, and then some. That’s why.”
He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin with one hand. “And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the exquisite creature sleeping soundly in your bed right now.”
“No, it doesn’t. He was actually the reason why I seriously considered declining Luke’s offer.” Simon looked puzzled, but I didn’t elaborate. “So. Why did you leave such a prestigious position at the Dorchester to become a PA? Just for Luke? Or is there more to the story?”
He grinned. “Damn, turned it right around on me, didn’t you? Touché, my friend. I went to university for business management and administrative assistance, and worked in the field until 2005. Cooking had always been my passion, and I had some sort of spiritual awakening wherein I decided I absolutely needed to become a professional chef or else I would shrivel up and die. So I did. I moved from place to place, learning, working, partying my ass off, and finally landed the sous chef spot at the Dorchester in 2009. It was dandy at first, but as the years passed I felt like I’d grown stagnant, doing the same thing night after night, having little input on menu changes and so on. Like you, I was bored. I was averaging 70 hours a week in that kitchen, cut off from the world, and it hit me that all I had gotten out of it was a nicely padded bank account…and that there was no one to share it with. I’d always loved being around lots of people, and there I was seeing nothing but the same damn faces day in and day out. In 2013 I happened across Luke’s ad, reworked my resume, and the rest is history. Unlike you, though, I don’t think I would have taken the job if it wasn’t for him, because the salary was abysmal. As soon as I saw him, I knew. He was it. The one. Love at first sight. I thank my lucky stars every single day that he felt the same way.”
After wiping the tears from his eyes, he took hold of my hand. “Maude, I don’t know if he’s mentioned it or not, but Tom’s had a rough time of it lately, and I’m so, so happy that you’ve found each other.”
“Me too, Simon.” I smiled, letting go of his hand. “Now, please, for the love of all things holy, shut your cake hole so I can get some work done, okay?”
“God, you are such a bitch.”
“I am. And you’re still talking. Cease.”
We worked quietly, side by side, until Luke poked his head out the doors to inquire as to when Simon planned on getting his butt in the kitchen and making some breakfast. As he got up from his chair, he peered over my shoulder at my laptop screen. I had a basic layout set and was in the process of choosing a color combination that would contrast perfectly.
“Wow, that’s a right brilliant color palette you have there, Maude. Is that for Tom’s site?”  
I nodded. “Does it look…familiar?”
He stared. “Yes…maybe…should it?”
I opened the tab that contained the HD photo of Tom’s eye that I’d drawn all my color options from. “Tada.”
Simon poked my shoulder and called for Luke to come see. He padded out onto the lanai, looked over my shoulder, nodded, then put his hands on his hips.
“So, when are you going to use your magic to revamp the Prosper site?”
I closed my laptop and put my head in my hands, then pushed my chair back and went to wait in the kitchen, muttering to myself about peace and solitude and how I couldn’t find any even though I was in paradise.
Tom bounded our of our bedroom just as Simon was plating our pancakes and bacon, freshly showered, wearing a pair of faded, loose fitting jeans and a tight, light blue V-neck tee. I leaned back on my bar stool and around the counter to look at his feet. Scuffed, well-worn boots. When my eyes finally made their way up to his face I was greeted with a dazzling, toothy smile. I groaned.
Simon pinched his cheeks. “Lovely of you to join us, Thomas.”
Tom lowered himself elegantly onto the stool to my right, resting his hand on my spandex-clad thigh as he leaned in to kiss me.
“Good morning, Maude. How was yoga?”
“Spectacular, actually. Simon and I had a lovely chat and I even managed to get some work done in spite of it.” He laughed and began slowly sliding his hand up my leg, edging ever closer to the apex of my thighs. Simon set our plates in front of us, raising a brow as he spied what Tom was up to.
“Um, excuse me. This is a fine dining establishment, people. No foreplay is permitted.” I glanced up from my plate and saw Luke directly behind him, hand cupping Simon’s ass.
“Whatever, asshole.” I pointed at my short stack. “Do you have syrup for these?”
He pulled a pot off the stove and spooned some of its contents onto them. “Made with fresh pineapples. Especially for you.”
All eyes were on me as they waited for a reaction. I broke off a hunk of pancake with my fork and shoved it in my mouth. “Mmm, yummy. Thank you.” Luke looked at Tom, who shrugged. I took another bite of breakfast. “Yeah, nice try, losers. I happen to like pineapples. Just not on pizza.”
Tom put his arm around my waist, pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. “I had nothing to do with this. I swear it.”
I said nothing, ripping off a piece of bacon with my teeth instead. He tapped his fork on his plate.
“So, Maude, I was thinking…maybe we could take a ride out to Talk Story today? I called to see if Alani would be in, and she is.” I spun the stool around in his direction, dumbfounded. He smiled. “I did say I’d go back to meet her, did I not?”
“Yes. Yes you did.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “What an amazingly generous thing to do. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me just yet. You’re going to be the one in charge of crowd control.” He stole a strip of bacon from my plate and swallowed it down before I could even muster a protest.
“I’d rather corral a group of a hundred people than have to sit next to you while I’m trying to eat a fucking meal, bacon stealer. And everything else stealer.”
He snickered, and I wolfed down the rest of my food, rinsed my dishes, put them in the dishwasher and headed for the bedroom, finally noticing that Luke and Simon had disappeared. I wrote a giant ‘thanks for breakfast’ on the chalkboard in the kitchen and drew a smiley face to go with it, figuring we wouldn’t be seeing them again before we left.
*************************************** After my much needed shower, I wound up standing in my underwear, staring into yet another wardrobe wondering what the hell to wear. Tom looked too damn good for me to get away with shorts and a T-shirt, and my black tank dress just didn’t scream ‘please behave and listen to the nice lady’. Tom was waiting patiently for me, sitting at the desk answering emails and returning calls. I looked at his boots, then back and my limited selection of dresses. The brown chiffon galaxy print sleeveless wasn’t an exact match, but pretty damn close. I pulled it off its hanger and laid it on the bed so I could unzip the back without it winding up on the floor, chastising myself for giving in to my everything-must-coordinate OCD once again. I slipped it over my head, put my arms through the proper holes and managed to zip it up on my own, then went into the bathroom to figure out a hair strategy.
I’d just wrestled it into a braid when I overheard Tom talking in the bedroom.
“How’s Los Angeles? Elsa? Kids? Good to hear. Oh, she’s unbelievable, Chris. Here, I’ll take you in and you can meet her.” He came around the corner carrying his open laptop.
“Chris Hemsworth, Maude Gallagher.” He turned the screen toward me, and there he was, Thor, God of Thunder. In my bathroom. He held up a hand in greeting.
“Hello, Maude. Nice to meet you. See you? Skype you?” He face palmed. “I have no idea what the correct terminology is.” I heard a woman yell in the background that meet was fine and for him to bring the tablet over to her so she could see me. He got up and walked into another room, and a beautiful blonde woman came into view alongside Chris. She waved madly.
“Look at you, you’re gorgeous. A natural beauty. And that dress…I am in love with it. You must tell me where you found it.” Her accent was a delight. She grinned. “I’m Elsa, by the way. Tom has told us so much about you I feel like I know you already.”
I waved at them. “Hi there. Lovely to meet you both. I’d like to say Tom has told me so much about you, but that would be a big fat lie, so suffice to say I’m sure he will tell me so much about you when we aren’t quite so…so…shit, what’s the word I’m looking for here?”
Tom moved to stand next to me, shifting the laptop so we were both visible, smirking. “Preoccupied. The word you’re looking for is preoccupied.”
They laughed, and Chris grabbed at Elsa. “Remember when we were always preoccupied?”
She slapped his hand. “Oh yes. I do.  And that’s why now we’re preoccupied with three little ones, my darling Christopher.” I heard children crying in the background. Elsa said a quick goodbye and ran off, and Chris followed suit so he could assist.
Tom put the laptop on the counter and pulled me to him, hands on my ass as he pressed me up against his crotch and rammed his tongue in my mouth, then backed away quickly, leaving me panting. “Well, I guess we should get going.”
I shot him a scathing look. “We should. But I have to pee first.” He walked out into the bedroom. As I sat on the toilet, I weighed my options for getting even. I mentally high fived myself as I pulled my underwear off over my feet and left them on the bathroom floor.
*************************************** We parked a block down from Talk Story, and I scouted ahead and left Tom in the Jeep. My gladiator sandals clicked on the sidewalk as I half-jogged to my destination, anxious to see if Alani was at the desk. She was, and I texted him to come on down. He ran to meet me, and I stopped him from holding the door for me and letting me go in first.
“Nope, you should be the first thing she sees.” I had my phone all ready to go in order to capture the moment, planning on sending her a copy as a keepsake. He walked through, and she looked up as the bell dinged to announce that someone had entered the store and the look on her face was one I knew I’d remember forever. He approached her, hand extended, and I was right behind him.
“Hello, Alani. I’m Tom.” She remained motionless. He turned to me. “This is Maude. We were here on Monday, and she told me that you’re a fan of my work and would perhaps enjoy meeting me.” She nodded, gingerly lifting her arm up but unable to make herself grab his hand. He took the initiative, holding it to his lips and kissing it demurely. She squealed, so high pitched I thought my ears might bleed. Four other girls came running out of the stacks, took one look at him, and began jumping up and down, screaming, phones in hand. I stopped filming so I could set the boundaries before any issues arose, stepping between them and Tom.
“Hi, ladies. I’m Maude, Tom’s social media manager. Let’s go over some ground rules, okay?” They lowered their phones and nodded. “Tom wants to be able to take pictures, sign for and chat with all of you, but in order for him to be able to do so you need to make sure you don’t post anything to social media until after we leave the premises. No texting or calling, either. If a crowd turns up, we’ll have to cut things short, and where’s the fun in that?”  
A husky, bearded, bespectacled man came out from the stacks, wearing a white and green palm leaf print Hawaiian shirt and khaki hiking shorts. “Girls, what the heck is going on up here? Why all the screaming? You know people prefer quiet when they…” He stopped short when he saw Tom, his mouth dropping open, then quickly closing as he grew closer, hand proffered. I figured he was the owner, so I let him pass.
“Aloha, Mr. Hiddleston. I’m Roger Marshal, and Talk Story is my baby. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your stopping by again…the girls were so bummed when they learned they’d missed you on Monday.”
Tom shook his hand vigorously. “Thank you for having me. Your establishment is outstanding…I’m a bit of a bibliophile, and if I had my druthers I’d be perusing the shelves here for days on end. My apologies for dashing off so quickly when I was in last, but I had a prior obligation and thought it better to come back when I had more time to spend.” He turned to me. “This is Maude Gallagher, my social media manager.”
I offered my hand and he clasped it gently with one of his, then placed the other on top. “Maude, nice to meet you. Is there anything I can do to make this easier for you both?”
“Actually, would you happen to have a room available that’s a bit more private?”
He nodded, then turned his attention to the desk. “Sure thing. Alani, why don’t you show our guests to the staff lunch room?” Her eyes lit up, and the faces of the rest of the staff fell. “Girls, you go too. I’ll cover the desk.” They thanked him in unison between excited giggles.
I tried to hang back behind Tom, but he slowed and fell into step with me and slipped his arm around me, hand on my lower back, whispering in my ear. “The way you jumped in and took charge did…things…to me, Maude.” His let his hand glide lower and lower, halting when he reached the spot where the waistband of my underwear should be. He felt around with his fingers, over my hip, diving quickly down into the crease of my left buttock then back up to my waist, gripping me just a smidge too hard.
I met his gaze, noting his narrowed eyes and the way his tongue darted out over and over to lick his lips. I smirked and whispered back. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention that I’m not wearing any panties. They sorta fell off back at the house and are lying on the bathroom floor, all alone and unloved.” The hand on my waist began to shake as we reached the staff room and he began breathing deeply as he attempted to keep his shit together. And round two of Friday’s Titillation Tease goes to…me.
Tom spent nearly two hours taking selfies, videos, signing anything the girls could get their hands on, and answering their seemingly unlimited supply of questions. The giant cup of tea I’d had on the ride over had finally hit my bladder, and I excused myself and went off in search of the bathrooms. There was only a one, unisex, located all the way on the other side of the store, tucked into an alcove deep in the stacks. Nice and roomy, too. I envisioned Tom fucking me up against the wall, then scolded myself for my blatant lack of restraint as I texted him precisely what I’d been thinking while I walked back to the staff room.
Roger had come back to check on them, which Tom took as an indicator that it was time to wrap things up. He was hugging each of the girls goodbye in turn as they left the room, saving Alaini for last. She rested her head on his chest, facing me, and mouthed ‘he smells like a FOREST’ while hugging him tightly. Up until that moment, I hadn’t been sure whether she recognized me or not. She stepped back and looked at both of us.
“This has been, like, the best day of my life. I can never thank you enough.” Her eyes shone with tears. “Would it be okay if I took a picture of you guys together?”
I smiled. “Of course. But I think it would be better if you were in it, too.” We posed, and Tom held out her phone to get the shot. I was entering my Prosper email address into her phone so she could send me a copy and she was putting hers in mine so I could send her the video from earlier when she cleared her throat.
She looked up shyly. “Um, I don’t mean to be rude or get in your business or anything, but I was just, you know, wondering…” She swallowed. “Are you guys, like, a couple?”
Tom grinned. “Is it that obvious?”
Her brow furrowed. “Well, you know, I saw what you posted on Twitter yesterday and I was like, hmm, and I know you guys work together and now seeing you in person…yeah. It’s pretty obvious, I guess.”
Tom took my hand. “Yes, Alani. Maude isn’t just my social media manager…she’s my girlfriend as well. And can I let you in on a little secret?” She nodded, awestruck. “When you saw us here on Monday, that was the very first time we met. So you played a rather important role in what turned out to be the best day of my life so far.”
I kissed his cheek. “Mine too, Alani.”
Alani flopped onto the nearest chair, clutching her hands to her chest. “That. Is. So. Romantic.” She leapt back up and hugged me. “We all want him for ourselves, but if he has to be with someone else, I’m really glad it’s you.”  
I patted her on the back. “Thank you. Hearing you say that means so much…honestly, I don’t have the words to express properly how it made me feel.” We let go of each other, and she made her way back to the desk.
I turned to Tom. “I need to hit the bathroom again before we head out.” He nodded and followed my lead. He didn’t mention my text, and I assumed he hadn’t read it yet. We didn’t see another soul on the way there, and the stacks outside the alcove were deserted as well. I recalled my vision of Tom fucking me against the bathroom wall and decided this was going to be my shining moment of public indecency. I opened the door, stepped in, then turned around to face him, left eyebrow raised.
“Want to join me?” I licked my lips. He barged past me into the bathroom, fingers already working to unbuckle his belt.
“I thought you’d never ask.” I locked the door, then did a 180. He held his fully engorged cock in his right hand, stroking it, catching any drips with his left. “I do believe I need to put this somewhere immediately so I don’t make a terrible mess on the floor.”
I bit my bottom lip as I tilted my head to the side. “I think I’ve got just the place for it.”
He ceased his stroking in order to back me up against the wall, growling in my ear. “Oh yes. You most certainly do.” He bent his knees as he lifted the front of my dress up to my waist, and I wrapped my leg around his, grinding my dripping pussy against him while I rubbed my clit. He groaned, and I slipped my glistening finger into his mouth. He sucked on it, and I felt the head of his cock at my entrance and his hands cupping my ass, his full weight on me, pressing me firmly against the cool tile.
He was panting. “Put your other leg around me and your arms around my neck.” I did the latter, but scoffed at the former.
“Um, there is no way in hell you’re going to be able to hold me up.”
He leaned forward to stare into my eyes, and his expression made me whimper. “Leg. Up. Now. Please.” As I complied he sheathed himself fully. I tried to bite back a ridiculously loud moan but was only partially successful. His mouth met mine, tongues dancing around each other. He pulled back.
“Maude, my apologies, but once I start moving I fear I’m going to last all of thirty seconds. If I’m fortunate.”
I clamped down on him. He began thrusting wildly, and I focused all my energy on not coming before he did. I was doing well until he started whispering in my ear using his Loki voice.
“Give in, mortal. Come for me. I know you’ve dreamed of this, me fucking into you for all I’m worth, you pinned against the wall, unable to sway those mesmerizing hips and have your way with me as you ride my cock to find your own selfish pleasure.”
He pounded into me, almost savagely, and as he felt my walls begin to flutter he put his hand over my mouth.
“Not. A. Sound.” I came, my scream trapped beneath his hand, the wet sounds of him moving in and out of me echoing eerily off the bathroom walls. “That’s it. Look at you, coming and coming all over my cock. So, so beautiful.”
He let his hand drop, and I could feel his thrusts becoming more erratic as I stared at him, his face red, jaw clenched, the veins on his neck standing out with his exertion. His head tipped back, fingers digging into the underside of my thighs, and his entire body shuddered as he orgasmed, come spurting hot inside me. I let my legs slide down one at a time, planting my feet as firmly as I possibly could despite the fact that they felt like they were made of Jell-O.  
He rested his head on my shoulder, and I rubbed his back. “I guess this means you got my text after all.” I felt him nod. “Well, if this is what not wearing underwear gets me, I’m never putting on another fucking pair ever again.”
We both laughed, quickly cleaned ourselves up, and I peeked out the door to make sure the coast was clear. Still not a soul around, and we said a final goodbye to Alani on our way out and proceeded to walk back to the Jeep. We sat for a while, neither of us feeling quite capable of driving.
He leaned over to kiss me, hand on the back of my neck, grinning as he pulled away. “I’m famished. Want to grab something to eat before we head back?”
“You already know the answer to that.” I noticed the street getting a bit congested, a small pack of women heading in our direction and what appeared to be a local news crew up the road a bit…I pulled out my phone and checked Alani’s Twitter feed. She’d posted the photo of all of us.
Here’s me just a little while ago with Tom Hiddleston and his girlfriend, Maude. He smells like a pine forest, and she’s super nice. #bestdayever, #thankyoutomandmaude
I showed it to him. “I’m thinking maybe we should stop somewhere a little further down the road. You?”
He started the Jeep, put it in first and stalled it as he tried to pull away from the curb, and then again on his second try. He smiled at me sheepishly. “Perhaps you’d better drive.”
“Gee, ya think?” We got out and switched places. I shook my head. “What a newb.”
He crossed his arms. “I am not a newb. I’m just out of practice is all.”
I patted his thigh as we got to the highway. “Right. Rusty stick skills. I remember.”
He chortled. “Yours remain top notch though, my love.”
I smiled smugly. “They do, don’t they?”
He raised his index finger. “Although, technically, you didn’t actually make use of them this go round, did you?”
“I’ll make up for it next time.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Well I’d fucking hope you’d hold me to it. That’s the whole point.” I saw a McDonald’s sign in the distance. “Dude, I want some French fries in the WORST way. And a chocolate milkshake. You game?’
“I most certainly am.”
“If you behave I’ll let you have my cherry.”
“Bit late for that, isn’t it?”
“How rude.”
“Perhaps. But true.”
“Not entirely true.”
“What do you mean, not entirely true?”
I turned off the highway and into the parking lot. The drive through line was mobbed, but the lot itself was relatively empty. “I mean that the fact that it’s a bit late for you to have my cherry is only partially correct.”
He stared at me as I engaged the parking brake, puzzled, then shook his head. “I’m not following.”
The left corner of my mouth scrunched up in mock irritation. “Really? Are you sure?” He shrugged, palms up. “Think about all we’ve…done.”
“Good. Now think about what we haven’t done.” I gave him a few moments to review, watching his face closely so I’d see it dawn on him. 3…2…1…aaaannndd there it was. His jaw slackened, hips lifting almost imperceptibly. “That’s right. I’ve played around, sure, but as far as actually having a cock in my ass…nope. Which means, technically, my anal cherry is still intact.”
He covered his face with his hands, groaning, but said nothing.
I went in for the kill. “So, Thomas…tell me. Would you like my cherry?”
Shaking his head, face still hidden, he spoke in a low voice. “Maude.” He paused, remaining silent for quite some time, seemingly avoiding my question. I wondered if I’d overstepped some sort of boundary, pushing him too far.
My mind was racing, and I frowned. “Wow.  I’m really sorry, Tom.”
He uncovered his face to take my hand, gazing at me with eyes full of concern. “Whatever for?”
“Because I put you on the spot there and just assumed it’s something you’d want to participate in. I didn’t stop to think that it’s something that might not be up everyone’s alley.” I rolled my eyes. “That didn’t come out…shit…DAMN. Anyway, that was incredibly presumptuous and I apologize for letting myself get so carried away. Please don’t feel like it’s something you have to…”
He leaned in to kiss me forcefully, covering my entire mouth with his, tongue darting over my lips, then pulled away before I could fully engage. “May I answer your question now?”
I shook my head. “Tom, you don’t need…”
“I know I don’t need to, but I WANT to. My answer is, with undeniable certainty, yes. Please accept my apology for not answering straight away. I’m afraid I was too busy thinking about how deliciously tight you’re going to feel around me and then I remembered that you aren’t wearing panties and it was all I could do to stop myself from dragging you onto my lap and fucking you right here in the McDonald’s parking lot.”
His eyes met mine, nostrils flaring, pupils blown wide open. Never before had I been able to do this to a man, make him want me so desperately using nothing but words. He squeezed my hand.
“That you’d trust me with something so intimate, bequeathing me such a precious gift, wishing to share something that you’ve not yet experienced with another, is…I’m honored, humbled, awestruck…so very many things.” He smiled timidly. “I’ve never been someone’s first anything before.”
My brows shot up, but I managed to keep my mouth shut.
“Maude, there’s something I’d like to ask you, but…”
“All right. This may be terribly intrusive, and feel free to not answer it if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, but…knowing what I do about you, sexually, I’m…surprised…that you…erm, never…anyway, I suppose I’m just wondering why.”
I sighed. Good job, Maude. This is what you get for trying to be a seductress.
“Long story short, you’re only the fourth person I’ve been intimate with. The first two were before I was twenty and not even remotely interested in such a thing. By the third I was very interested, but things fell apart before it happened.” I put my arms on the steering wheel and rested my forehead on them for a moment, then raised my head and turned to him. I couldn’t quite read the expression on his face.
“Okay, I’m not sure if that look means ‘I didn’t need to hear that’ or ‘wow, only three, what a loser’.”
He shook his head. “It’s neither. Well, maybe a bit of the first one, because the idea of you being with someone else is much more unpleasant than I would have imagined, but…it was mostly surprise that such an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, hilarious woman wouldn’t have men lining up to be with her.”
“Thomas. Stop being so fucking wonderful, won’t you? Christ. There was no line, believe me. I’ve always been at least a little chubby, but after I moved to New York I put on a huge amount of weight. There are reasons for that, but that’s another story for another time. By 2003 I was tipping the scales at two hundred and forty-seven pounds. I’ve always been a confident person, and I honestly never cared what anyone else thought about the way I looked, but…you know what I’m getting at here, I think. In late 2008 I started feeling like shit, and Anne, who’d nearly died due to undiagnosed diabetes in 2003, pushed me to see a doctor. Sure enough, that was the problem. It was early, and resolvable with lifestyle modifications. So, I kicked myself in the ass, and over the next year I lost more than eighty pounds, and that was when I…a woman in her sexual prime, in the best shape of her life…met number three. God bless him…I was on a mission, making up for lost time and he could barely keep up with me. One time I actually thought he was going to need an ambulance…sheese, why I am telling you this? Yikes. Sorry. Lord knows I don’t want to hear anything like it from you.” I unbuckled my seat belt. “Let’s pretend this never happened and go get those milkshakes, m’kay?”
He grabbed my arm as I opened the door, and I turned to meet his gaze. “I…Maude…I just…you are…everything about you…” He shook his head. “I fall deeper in love with you with every passing moment.”
“Right back atcha, baby.” He laughed. “Yeah. No way I was going to try and out-eloquent you there. Waste of time and energy.”
We went inside, his arm around my shoulders, and ordered two Happy Meals when we saw the new toys were Minions. Neither of us could resist playing with them as we ate. Tom went back for a Big Mac and chicken nuggets, which I shared. He stuck his fingers in through the lid of my milkshake, deftly picking up the cherry and popping it in his mouth, a huge smile on his face.
We both used the bathroom, separately, and as we were walking back to the Jeep I heard the voice of a young boy.
“Mom, Mom! That man over there! That’s the man you’re always looking at on your computer!”
A woman replied to him. “Mason, what are you talking ab…?” And with that, I knew she’d seen Tom. I pulled at his shirt, and he looked down at me and nodded. We turned around and waved. The woman was about my age, maybe a little older, and she looked like she might die of embarrassment when she realized we’d overheard their conversation. Tom strode over, hand extended.
“Hi there. Tom Hiddleston. And you are?” She moved as if in a trance, hand out, and he grasped it gently and shook.
“I…uh…um…Sarah. I’m Sarah. And this is my son, Mason.”
Tom beamed and shook Mason’s hand as well. “Lovely to meet you both.”
Sarah reached into her purse, dug around and pulled out a Coriolanus program. She cleared her throat. “I heard that you’d be on the island and I’ve been carrying this with me, you know, just in case.”
He took it from her. “Were you in attendance?”
Mason piped up. “We flew all the way across two oceans so she could go see your show. I saw Big Ben. It was really cool.”
Sarah was bright red. “I saw it twice, actually, but didn’t have time to stay after.”
Tom pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket. “May I?”
She grinned. “Please do.” He signed his name, as well as a message. ‘Sorry to have missed you there, but better late than never. Glad to finally have met you. XO’”
As he handed it back to her he asked if she’d like a picture with him. He introduced us, and I volunteered to do the honors so Mason could squeeze in as well. I gave him my Minion to keep him occupied while I took some shots of just Sarah and Tom. He held it up to give it back to me when I handed Sarah back her phone.
“Nope, buddy, that’s yours now.” I held out my hand to Tom and he put his toy in it. “In fact, you can have Tom’s too. This way he gets to stay with his friend and won’t be lonely.” He thanked me so quietly I could barely hear him, eyes full of wonder at what to an adult was such a small gesture.
Tom hugged them both goodbye, and Sarah embraced me as well. She smiled at my surprise. “Thank you, both of you, so much.”
Tom put his arm around my waist as we walked the rest of the way back to the Jeep, placing a quick kiss on the top of my head.
“It is my personal opinion that you’re a much kinder, gentler person than you’d like everyone to believe.”
I sighed. “Yeah, yeah. And it’s all your fucking fault, too.”
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earlyman-bitch · 6 years
The best ways to Enhance Your YouTube Subscribers-Fast!
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Recognizing how to raise your YouTube subscribers is the secret to obtaining more views, therefore even more money. If you could increase your subscribers, you will begin to obtain the cause and effect, which is where individuals see your channel has a great deal of subscribers, so they subscribe just because of that. If you have no subscribers, people will assume your network is not really fascinating given that no one is liking it - let's alter that now. The Fastest Way To Enhance Your YouTube Subscribers ALRIGHT so, no one actually wants to trouble with methods that need a whole lot of loan or time, so right here are some straightforward techniques you can execute immediately to increase your YouTube customer listing significantly. Simply remember that if your videos are lacking- nothing will get you much more subscribers, unless they are extremely amusing! 1. Engage With Your Audience. If you intend to raise your YouTube subscribers, you need to be actual. Certain, Rihanna has countless views on her video clips and also she doesn't interact ... Or does she? You pay attention to her songs while you are in the shower - that counts as connecting. Seriously however, if you typically aren't providing music or a few other kind of passive enjoyment, you have to connect with your target market. If you intend to raise your YouTube subscribers on your channel as well as you do item testimonials, details video clips or tutorials, you have to aid individuals through the comments, have a Facebook account set up and also various other methods to enable people to obtain in touch with you. This may look like a lot of working from the begin but it will repay and you will certainly start to increase your YouTube subscribers. 2. Use Social Media. Making use of social media sites to increase your YouTube subscribers does not imply that you remain on Facebook all the time as well as chat to your good friends. It indicates things like submitting your videos to StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit as well as Delicious. These areas will bring actual web traffic to your website, however you should take the time to provide the ideal key words, placed them in the right section and also actually produce accounts to start with. Once you have the accounts set up it is easy to bookmark each video as well as boost your YouTube subscribers. 3. Annotate Your Videos. When somebody is watching a video, they can easily neglect to subscribe even though they might enjoy your stuff. Enhance your YouTube subscribers add a call to activity or CPA by annotating your video clips and also remind them to subscribe, comment or otherwise encourage them to join up. Also bear in mind that comments can be unbelievably irritating as well as a lot of people close them, so a good method can be to have it appear near the end, or simply quickly appear for a few secs throughout the video clip. If it goes through the entire video your comment area will teem with people hating you! 4. Target Your Video Clips Appropriately. Create an excellent heading that individuals will actually intend to search for. Opportunities are 1 in a million that you will certainly produce something that just "goes viral", so you need to strive to discover exactly what words individuals will certainly kind right into YouTubeor Google to find your video. If you are writing a video regarding how to plumbing system up a toilet, you might title your video clip "The best ways to Plumb Up A Bathroom - By A Registered Plumbing". Your heading is the first thing people will certainly see, along with the picture you position next to it. You intend to see to it that your headline as well as image (article thumbnail) state specifically what the video clip will certainly have to do with, and you definitely desire an image that is HD. This is the most basic way to boost your YouTube subscribers however usually ignored. 5. Hijack Various Other Video Web Traffic. It is your responsibility to leap onto rivals video clips and hijack their thread! Well, not quite so brutally as that, nevertheless if you located a video clip that said "How To Rip Out An Old Toilet", you can include a comment to the string that hints to your video-note that you're gambling with this one; it could be well obtained by the neighborhood or you might obtain booted off. If done properly however, this could be a really rapid means to increase your YouTube subscribers as well as could help out various other viewers at the same time. 6. Ask Concerns. Ask inquiries at the end of your video clip as well as get your visitors interested and also interested. Encourage them to comment. This is a terrific method to enhance your YouTube subscribers without any extra time invested after developing the video clip. Trying to obtain subscribers without interacting with them resembles attempting to get a funding without going to bank and also asking for one. You can ask customers what struggles they are having in the niche you are targeting, what topics they want to see you take on and exactly what concerns they have. 7. Post Video Clip Responses To Various Other Videos. Using our instance prior to about plumbing, if you see a video clip regarding how to mount a toilet in a new house, you might do a video clip about taking care of damaged toilets. Aim to think of one of the most typical troubles that people will certainly have with toilets (or other specific niche) by speaking with real people. Go on some discussion forums in your niche as well as see what people are struggling with, this is the genuine means to enhance your YouTube subscribers. If you could hone in on their demands, this is exactly what they will kind into the online search engine as well as your video will prevail if it is the most effective as well as most targeted. Boosting YouTube Subscribers Is Easy When You Know How To Do It Understanding how to enhance your YouTube subscribers resembles discovering anything else - devote to finding out and afterwards execute. There are no doubt a lot of methods to boost your YouTube subscribers, yet some means will work far better for various specific niches. Depending upon the particular niche you are attempting to target, you could need to attempt a mix of numerous things, nevertheless do not try to do a lot of techniques all at once. Take the time to think about what skills you have and also where your time is best spent. If you are a slow typer, it could be better to hire somebody else to post comments on various other strings of rivals. One point to constantly bear in mind when aiming to boost your buy youtube subscribers is that if your videos are terrific, individuals will certainly tell their friends regarding them and also you will raise your YouTube subscribers with little initiative.
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planetoban · 7 years
Savin’s Answers from Twitter, Part 2!
Here’s the second batch of questions that Savin has answered on Twitter! Again, tweets are in order from most to least recent, and answers are not 100% true/canon since things may change during production.
Here’s the link to part 1!
Also: If you’re going to ask Savin something, please be respectful and appropriate. He’s a person just like you and me.
@fantasyfox101: another question why is Maya such an emotional anchor for don Wei? I mean he may love his wife but he should still love his [cont] daughter enough to take comfort in her company. He shouldn't have abandoned her, he should have devoted his time to raising her
@EiffelSavin: Eva reminded Don too much of Maya and of his own feeling of guilt
@AshBashS_: Ever thought about setting up a type of Kickstarter or patreon? I know those who love the series would like to help out any way they can.
@EiffelSavin: That's certainly an option for a bluray release, a pilot or some early development.
@Tem32016: what is the release date for the Ōban Star-Racers sequel?
@EiffelSavin: If it was only up to me that would be tomorrow but money, money, looking for money - this is always the long part...
@Fantasticgirlto: I'm curious is don Wei wealthy, and when u said Maya's family looked down on him do they still do?
@EiffelSavin: yes: DW's wealthy, yet that's not enough in some circles
@Fantasticgirlto: so I'm just going to go and ask this is don Wei only a racing manager or is he also the owner of his own corporation [cont] because truthfully what Don's do is a racing manager or business owner seems to be blurred along the lines in the show
@EiffelSavin: F1 Teams create their own cars using parts from different manufacturers. Same here. WeiRace is a racing team with its homemade "star-racers"
@Fantasticgirlto: I just have three questions that are actually driving me crazy 1. What exactly is Wei racing what do they actually do, I know [cont] it's just nvolved in racing I know don Wei is the owner but what exactly is it? Is it a company, a racing team, a sponsor for [cont] races what exactly does Don Wei's business do? 2. Is Eva don wei's biological daughter? 3. [this question didn’t get answered]
@EiffelSavin: Wei Race is Don Wei's racing team. Eva is DW & Maya's biological daughter.
@fantasyfox101: ok three questions why was don Wei upset with Maya in episode 15s flashback? Question two why didn't Eva get along with any of [cont] the students of her school, she seems like such a nice girl, what exactly made her so unlikable? Third what qualities of Don [cont] made Maya fall in love with Don Wei since she's very pretty and I'm assuming she was rich she could have had anyone
@EiffelSavin: Lots of questions... Don & Maya shared a same passion. Molly being a tomboy didn't fit in and some students - not all - resented her for that
@fantasyfox101: So because Maya loved racing don and Maya where able to fall in love.
@EiffelSavin: Yes, that was the starting point.
@storiesshapeus: sorry to ask but why did u make Make Maya more pretty than Eva her daughter and more attractive than Don Wei, also why is her [cont] racing uniform a mini-dress. rewatching Oban I noticed Maya seems a lot like fanservice, so why'd u make Eva's mother the most [cont] attractive character?
@EiffelSavin: Maya's an intelligent & confident woman. She may dress a little sexy but that's just her taste -  not trying to show off just being herself.
@Lo_rambles: just wondering, is there anything the fans can do to support the development of the second season?
@EiffelSavin: Good point. The answer is nothing right now but we might need your help later to show potential partners the strengh of Oban's fanbase ,☺
@lbigreyhound: Also, I was rewatching the original! How long did the Great Race of Oban last? With all those teams competing it felt like it took months
@EiffelSavin: More like a couple of weeks. On Alwas there was 98 teams but most got quickly eliminated after the 5 first rounds.
@fantasyfox101: if no human can reconnect with magic does it mean Jordan won't be able to control his avatar powers or is there exceptions [cont] with the circumstances or individual, and will there be a consequence to Jordan becoming the avatar for the galaxy?
@EiffelSavin: The Avatar powers are channeled through a choosen individual by the Creators regardless of that individual's origin
@fictionjustis: It just got to me that Maya's parents may still be alive and where filled with contempt for Don Wei instead of resenting him
@EiffelSavin: I'm not sure we'll have a chance to go deeper into that plotline but who knows  😉
@fantasyfox101: in Oban Star racers Humans show alarming similarities to the Crogs is this to show that humans would have been the Next crogs [cont] or that any species given the right circumstances and opportunities would have been the same as the crogs
@EiffelSavin: I didn't want to have good humans vs bad crogs. All species in the show have good sides & bad sides. It's much richer & realistic that way.
@fictionjustis: It's actually sad that Eva was abandoned also if you think about it makes don wei a little less sympathetic
@EiffelSavin: Don Wei starts off has very unsympathetic. But his relation ship with Eva totaly changes by the end
@fictionjustis: sorry to ask again but it got to me, to ask you why does Maya's family resent don Wei?
@EiffelSavin: Belonging to a lower class - a simple "self made man" - taking their prised daughter down the dangerous path of racing.
@fantasyfox101: Is it possible that if a human has enough respect for the forces of nature like a nourasian does is it possible for that human [cont] to be able to harness magic or does it attribute to the whole species
@EiffelSavin: Humans knew once, a very long time ago, but they have fared too far away from nature now to be able to reconnect with magic
(note: I can’t tell whether this is in response to someone’s question because Savin didn’t @ anyone)
@EiffelSavin: I think it really started with Canaletto causing Maya's crash. At that time he "scanned" potential future Oban contestants background... [cont] And found a perfect candidate for his evil plan in sweet innocent Eva.
@lbigreyhound: Any chance the series will be re-released on blu-ray or on iTunes or something?
@EiffelSavin: Yes. We're working on it.
@Mendinso: Out of curiosity, do you think you guys will make the Japanese audio available legally? I've seen the series in Japanese in not... so legal> [cont] methods and always wanted to purchase the Japanese version down the road. Any plans for that?
@EiffelSavin: We're hoping to get the japanese dub as well but unlike French & English dubs we don't control these rights at present.
@CCharmanderK: Does all the precompositing material still exist? Would it be possible to do an HD recomposite of the series later down the line?
@EiffelSavin: Recomposite would be very costly and should not be necessary  The masters are already in HD. [cont] We plan to use these hd masters for a future bluray release.
@fictionjustis: It just got to me but if maya hadn't died in the racetrack but was killed by any other means in a way Don couldn't blame [cont] himself like for example an illness would Don Wei still have abandoned Eva in his grief after Maya's death [cont] and if it was the other way around like Don Wei was the one who died and Maya had lived would Eva still have had a miserable [cont] childhood or Would Maya have reacted to grief in another way?
@EiffelSavin: It would have been different but don't forget Canaletto had been pulling the strings all along...
@lbigreyhound: Are there any plans for DW, Rick, Stan, Koji, and Jordan to return in the possible sequel? It would be interesting to see them!
@EiffelSavin: Some characters would return, others who have already played their part wouldn't
@rebelle_g: So,Rick won't be the spin off/sequel? Reading your answear made me think that he already played his part...too bad!I really liked him
@EiffelSavin: Rick would deserve a whole series just for himself but we have to take steps one at a time 😉
@RedVioletPanda: do the number of "ears" on a Crog have some kind of meaning? Like status or maturity?
@EiffelSavin: I'll leave it open to interpretation for now. Could be age. Could be several Crog subspecies with slightly different local characteristics
@fictionjustis: We've never heard  much about  Maya's Origin before, is there any chance we will learn about it in the sequel, or spinoff?
@EiffelSavin: I can't gatantee the plot will allow it but it would certainly be nice to learn more about maya
@fictionjustis: I'm curious you once replied that the avatar is the protector of the galaxy, does that mean there are other avatars in the Oban [cont] universe? If so does that mean there are other creators in there
@EiffelSavin: Smart remark. There might well be other mysterious and powerful people out there... 😉
- @nyan_lazos: now that jordan is the avatar can he travel anywhere in the world with his powers and visit earth and Eva or is he Stuck in Oban?
@EiffelSavin: He should be able to travel but things might not be so simple in the sequel... 😉
@fictionjustis: besides aikka and jordan did eva ever attract anyone
@EiffelSavin: She was to tough, and too young before
@fictionjustis: did Maya love Don as much as he loved her
@EiffelSavin: Yes!
@RedVioletPanda: will we be seeing/learning anything of Nourasia in the sequel?
@EiffelSavin: Yes. In the sequel as well as in the spinoff
@Lo_rambles: "As well as"? o.O
@EiffelSavin: Don't know which we'll be able to produce - or if any at that stage - but we'd learn more on Nourasia in both the planned sequel & spinoff. [cont] We're working on both but as always financing will decide what we can do in the end...
@fictionjustis: will aikka and eva be major characters in the sequel and will the sequel give more attention to aikka and eva's relationship?
@EiffelSavin: That could be the case... 😇
@Altaxiis: Just wondering what the plot would be. My only thought is some interplanetary cup , since next Avatar is only after 10,000 years.
@EiffelSavin: We're aiming at something more unusual than that 😉
@GabrielAubry2: How does the Earth Coalition deal with aliens talking about the Great Race of Oban?
@EiffelSavin: They've blocked what they could and call the rare information that does get through "groundless conspiracy theories"
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Dec 11 Dancitron Movie Night - Phantom of the Opera
A live show, not the movie. Prowl is convinced that in another life, Soundwave could have been the Phantom.
Today Specs 8:10 pm ((oshit am I early)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((very XD that's okay, stay)) Specs 8:11 pm ((okay if it's cool with you. I was lurking on rabbit while doing my homework and I got the little "noodlesatnightisactive" ding so I just. showed up.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((there wassss something else going on until like five minutes ago. now it is stream time)) Specs 8:12 pm ((:O)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm ((NOBODY TYPE FOR A MINUTE THO)) Me 8:15 pm ((there are Hijinks to be had before guests are "officially" allowed in)) Swoop 8:17 pm ((That's fine. More time to bransform what Swoop can do tonight.)) Me 8:18 pm ((i hear tara is in a mood to get in a dumb fight with someone~)) Swoop 8:18 pm ((but soundwave doesn't allow swoop to bring a mace in : < )) Magnum Ace 8:19 pm ((swoop doesn't need mace Bevel 8:19 pm *Bevel peers around the empty room for a moment, noting the lack of Soundwave and decides maybe some shenanigans are in order. Where there was once a train, is now Soundwave. Totally Soundwave. She's even going to take his usual place on the couch like y'do* ((hacker voice: I'm in. Me 8:21 pm *Prowl arrives earlier than usual, hoping to catch Soundwave before the other guests start to arrive. And indeed—there he is.* Evening. *Prowl walks up to him, pauses; and then decides to plop right down on his lap. Soundwave's done it to Prowl, it's fair game.* *And immediately turns sideways to slide an arm over Soundwave's shoulder.* Magnum Ace 8:22 pm ((poor bevel Bevel 8:23 pm *immediately all the tension, these are not the shenanigans she was aiming for at all* Twincast 8:23 pm *slides in* *to 'soundwave'* Y'know for a sec there I thought ya weren't gonna let me in. I was waitin' for an awful while Me 8:24 pm *oh shit other guests* *hhhhhe's going to slide off and pretend he was never there.* Twincast 8:24 pm *it's cool. you're cool. Do whatcha gotta do~* Me 8:25 pm ((... well. as long as someone walked in, no reason everyone else can't i guess.)) Twincast 8:26 pm (( oh, was I not supposed to? (( bc if I wasn't then I didn't get the memo ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm ((it's okay, it's okay, the notif got swallowed with replies)) Me 8:26 pm ((it was said before you came in, s'allright.)) Swoop 8:27 pm *scampers in with ALL THE GODDAMN STICKERS* BIRD BIRD Me 8:27 pm *Well. No more lapsitting. He's still going to lean on Soundwave, though. That's totally lowkey.* Bevel 8:27 pm *Twincast will get a grateful look, which mostly just looks like nothing honestly. Soundwave's helm turning to "stare"* *awkwardest fidget* *trying to work up the words because these are not the shenanigans she was expecting* Me 8:29 pm *lowers his voice enough that only Soundwave can hear.* I apologize for, er. Fffalling asleep after one round. However— *oh so very subtly subtly runs a finger along the edge of his back armor.* I have no plans before work tonight. Magnum Ace 8:31 pm -pings Soundwave for a bridge. Movie night is tonight, right?- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm *Bird isn't there yet, but it's damned hard not to hear a Dinobot yelling her name, so she floats downstairs, chirping hello to her minion, and just... stops. Stops flying, stops talking, stops doing anything but hovering and staring at the Boss' couch.* Bevel 8:31 pm *oh sweet amalgomous prime what a tmi lesson learned* Twincast 8:31 pm ((RIP Bevel Swoop 8:31 pm *scampers over to Bird, jumping up and down and holding up the stickers* Bird Bird look STICKERS! ..... ??? *why is bird paused?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm {{...Boss?}} Swoop 8:32 pm *we just don't know* Twincast 8:32 pm *Finds a seat, yes* Swoop 8:32 pm *looks over at Soundwave, looks at Bird, looks at Soundwave.... nope, he got nothing* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Soundwave opens a bridge outside for the Leaguers, and finishes making his way down the stairs.*
[[Yes, yes. He knows he's l...]] Bevel 8:32 pm *stares at Laserbeak, if you can't tell she's doomed to shove Prowl onto the floor in a moment* Me 8:32 pm *Oh, Laserbeak wants his attention. Will very politely keep his hands to himself. Don't need an outraged bird.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm [[...Is there something he should know.]] Me 8:33 pm ... *stares at the new Soundwave in the door. And then at the one he's been leaning on.* Twincast 8:33 pm Ya got a twin. Bevel 8:33 pm *Ah there we go, enjoy the floor Prowl as Bevel leaps up and shoves him away* Sorry! Swoop 8:33 pm ((happy birthday to the GROUND)) Magnum Ace 8:33 pm -trots through, and...- What just...? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm ((JFC HAHAHA)) Me 8:33 pm *For the briefest second, Prowl had hoped against hope that the one by the stairs had been Bevel.* Bevel 8:33 pm *totally her usual voice not Soundwave's* Bull 8:34 pm *follows after Magnum* Me 8:34 pm *He's going to. Just. Lay on the floor.* Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -please don't walk into his back, because he stalled- Swoop 8:34 pm *doesn't know what's happening, is unclear if it is funny therefore it is not funny, chirps to himself because biiiiirrrddd come oooonnnn* Twincast 8:34 pm *thinks it's a little funny* Bull 8:35 pm *stopped noticing Magnum's pause and looks to see what caused the other Leaguer to stop* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Soundwave points at Bevel like the Grim Reaper calling on a dead mech. They're having words tomorrow about this.*
*He then heads over to the couch and calmly sits on the floor next to his poor mortified amica. Like you do.*
[[Greetings, everyone. From your actual host, this time. If we're ready?]] Me 8:35 pm *Right. Okay. He's gonna, twist his head a bit until he can see Bevel. And then points sternly at her.* You. Forget EVERYTHING you heard. Bevel 8:35 pm OK Twincast 8:35 pm Ready--how 'bout you? Didja do the homework first? Swoop 8:35 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Bird heads over to Swoop and settles herself by him with grumbles.*
{{You show Bird them stickers.}} Magnum Ace 8:36 pm -grabs Bull and tugs him AWAY from the mess- Bevel 8:36 pm Sorry! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[What homework?]] Swoop 8:36 pm *flips through the shitton of stickers he has with him..... he has a thing* Bird, kehhehhe! *holds up the one sheet of pokemon stickers, tapping a claw over Ditto and jerking his head at Bevel* Us stickers? Kehehh. For people. ON. Keheh. ON people. Twincast 8:37 pm Reading the book first, of course. Don't tell me I'm the only one. Specs 8:37 pm ((are we allowed to speak, oh mighty soundmun)) ((...heck u rabbit)) *the dragon tumbles in, managing to somehow fall tail-over-snout without dropping a single cookie. these have fancy shapes today! plain energon pangolins, mercury-infused elephants, silver bears, molybdenum and copper kingfishers, and tigers with tinsel stripes. there’s also what might be crocodiles, but crocodiles lack curved horns and such impressive wings, not to mention the elegantly spiked tail.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm ((oh gosh yes i thought that was evident with everyone speaking lmao)) Bull 8:37 pm *is more than glad that Magnum did not tug on his sore side; he still had one of their pain patches over the injury* Specs 8:37 pm ((rabbit didn't show ANYONE speaking for me ;-; )) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm ((ALRIGHT WARNINGS SO WE CAN GET THIS DELAYED-ASS SHOW ON THE ROA😧 it's the phantom of the opera if you don't know the story i don't know what i can do for you here. horrible man in mask does horrible things, murder, blackmail, etc.)) Magnum Ace 8:38 pm -he's not in that much of a rush that he'd forget Bull got attacked last week- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm ((...rabbit, can you not smileyface my words.)) Swoop 8:38 pm ((show on the roa 😀 )) Bevel 8:38 pm *so flustered she mucks up shifting into one of her own usual shapes that she winds up looking a little like Soundwave and Optimus had a kid before cursing and shifting correctly* Swoop 8:39 pm Stickers, Bird : > Bevel 8:39 pm *will quietly slunk over to a table* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *Bird drags Swoop and all his stickers over to the dragon while listening; Soundwave shakes his helm.*
[[He was busy. He will find the time to do so soon.]] Swoop 8:40 pm *is helplessly dragged* <3 Twincast 8:40 pm I'll hold you to that. *probably won't. In a good mood, so he's teasing* Specs 8:40 pm *the dragon WAS going to put these with the rest of the snacks, but okay bird* Do you just want the entire tray? Swoop 8:40 pm *although not so helplessly manages to peel off the Ditto sticker and smack it onto Bevel in passing* Her Bird ALWAYS want entire tray Kehhehh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm [[He'd prefer you didn't hold him at all.]] Glowers at Twincast for a moment before motioning to the screen. [[He has heard there is a proper movie as well, but he thought it would be interesting to choose this version. Do all settle down. We begin.]] Swoop 8:41 pm Her eat like Dinobots do Magnum Ace 8:41 pm -up the table he goes, helping Bull up as well- Bevel 8:41 pm Thanks, Swoop. Swoop 8:41 pm *finger guns @Bevel* Specs 8:41 pm *the dragon just hands over the tray. resistance is futile. she's going to join Soundwave's couch tonight, though. there's space on the back, right?* Twincast 8:41 pm *mumbles something along the lines of 'y'know I didn't mean it like that', but quiets down* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm ((i suggest turning on the HD in rabbit)) Bevel 8:41 pm *will try to enjoy that sticker until her untimely doom at Soundwave's hands tomorrow* Bull 8:42 pm Thanks *he smiles to Magnum before settling in* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *There is space all over that couch. Soundwave and Prowl are on the floor.*
{{It baseball bots! Hiiiii. You got stickers too?}} Swoop 8:43 pm Me Swoop have LOTS of stickers. Me TAKE them. All stickers. *fans them out to show the unreal number of stickers in his possession* Bull 8:43 pm Stickers? Twincast 8:43 pm ((brb Magnum Ace 8:43 pm Uh...? No? Specs 8:43 pm *the dragon sprawls ALL ACROSS the entire couch. her couch now* Me 8:44 pm *Prowl appreciates the solidarity. He finally sits up.* Swoop 8:44 pm *flips through to find stickers for Bird.... what does Bird like........* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Bird likes birds. Duh.* *Soundwave loops a feeler on the ground around Prowl once he sits up. Greetings.* Swoop 8:45 pm *peels off a mustache sticker and holds it out for Bird* : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm {{Why you not got stickers? Them not go on helmet?}} She's seen pictures of human players like that. {{Ooooh, face fur. Neheh.}}
Boop. On goes the stache. Me 8:45 pm *gives the feeler, and then Soundwave a suspicious look* Swoop 8:45 pm *how? is? bird? so?? cute???????* *he doESn'T UNderSTanD????* <3 <3 <3 <3 Magnum Ace 8:46 pm ...oh, you mean the decals? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm {{Yes!}} Swoop 8:46 pm Them for decorate, Christmas! Presents. And stuff. Me Swoop take. Specs 8:46 pm Now that's a fancy bed. Me 8:46 pm ... Confirm your identity. Bull 8:47 pm Well yeah, we have decals. Magnum Ace 8:47 pm -taps the Silver Castle decal on his cap- This, right? Swoop 8:48 pm ((A+ costumes already)) Specs 8:48 pm ...Is she going to eat it, or just sing at it? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm @Prowl: [[He is an ex-Senator, ex-prisoner, ex-gladiator, and ex-Decepticon. You are his One. And he is regrowing a fang he broke in your avatar.]] Me 8:49 pm ((how do you think andrew lloyd webber feels, having to live with the knowledge that nothing he ever does will be as great as the overture to POTO)) @Soundwave «... Can I have it?» Swoop 8:49 pm *finds a spot to settle with Bird and spreads all the stickers out in front of himself* Bevel 8:49 pm ((bad i hope ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @Prowl: [[He will leave it at the site tonight.]] Twincast 8:51 pm ((I return. with ice cream & such Me 8:51 pm @Soundwave «You know my seat in the break trailer.» Bull 8:51 pm ((mmm, ice cream *is now tempted to retrieve some mint chocolate icecream *)) Specs 8:51 pm *if you look at the couch, the dragon might be attempting to mimic the dancers. if you look too closely, she's going to stop, though.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *Soundwave's may be speaking to Prowl, but his attention is firmly fixed on the production in front of him. Look at these costumes. Look at the way they move together. If organics have one thing going for them, it's their grace.* *Soundwave glances over at the couch with a feeler, hearing movement behind him.* Swoop 8:52 pm *offers Bird a "I kept a secret" sticker and a holo star with "GOOD WORK!" written on it* Magnum Ace 8:52 pm It's no wonder they continue this, they're good at it Specs 8:53 pm *the feeler doesn't count as too close, but the dragon whacks her nose on the couch trying to mimic the final drop* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm {{What them decal mean?}} She tucks the other stickers into her subspace. These will be fun to put on later. Magnum Ace 8:53 pm I think...well maybe Windy could pull some of this off, but I know I' break something trying. Swoop 8:53 pm Meeeeeeeeaaan good work kehheheh ((who is in sticker smacking distance of swoop)) Bull 8:54 pm This one *pointing at the Silver Castle's logo* is our team symbol Swoop 8:54 pm *notices the pointing and peels the sticker off for Bull, he has no idea what it is so he is down to give it away* Bevel 8:54 pm I like her dress. Bull 8:55 pm *this show is reminding him of a show Rumi mentioned having seen before* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm {{Oooh. It faction.}} Magnum Ace 8:55 pm Faction? Not...really? Swoop 8:55 pm Bot, con, fighting, faction! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm [[It is definitely colorf-- oh?]] Magnum Ace 8:55 pm No Not at all Bull 8:56 pm *looks to Swoop and the offered sticker trying to see what it is* Swoop 8:56 pm *BOOP now you have a sticker* Bull 8:56 pm *is surprised at the boop of the sticker* Thanks? Swoop 8:57 pm ((man i must be a proper southern gal cause, when we saw the back of her head and how tall her hair is, all I could think is "oh she's close to god") Magnum Ace 8:57 pm -covers mouth at the sticker boop- Swoop 8:57 pm Welcome : > Bull 8:57 pm *looks to see what the sticker is* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm {{What ghost want with box?}} Magnum Ace 8:58 pm -may be snickering a bit- Twincast 8:58 pm ((I love how in the 2000's movie he says Australia instead of Frankfurt & I'm like 'isn't australia basically a jail at this point?' Swoop 8:58 pm Sit Kehhhehh *sticks a bunch of stickers to the interior of his wing, no real plan here, just going after all the ones that are gold or sparkly* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm *Soundwave nods to the two new guests. Or sort of... at them. Without looking. The film holds his attention.* Specs 8:59 pm ((probably better jail than a ghost)) Twincast 8:59 pm ((fair Specs 8:59 pm ((or maybe he had to sell the opera house for being in trouble?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm @Prowl: [[Now he knows, yes.]] Had to ask Frenzy. Whirl 8:59 pm *trots in, fashionably late. But this night he comes bearing gifts. There is a hilariously human-sized shopping bag dangling off one claw* Swoop 8:59 pm *waves at whirl* Stickers! Me 9:00 pm *Okay. Prowl trusts him again. He leans on Soundwave.* Specs 9:00 pm *the dragon clambers up onto the back of the couch to look at whirl* What's that? Knock Out 9:00 pm *Knock Out will offer a polite little wave, but really, his attention's equally drawn towards the movie. This one's a favorite of his*. Swoop 9:00 pm *holds up a bomb sticker, waves it at Whirl* Whirl 9:00 pm *bobs his head at Swoop, and then the dragon, and then just generally, for everyone else* This... is payment. One sec, you guys. Bevel 9:01 pm *waves to Whirl* Magnum Ace 9:01 pm -inches away from sticker happy dino- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *Soundwave returns the lean and tightens the feeler a bit, budging it up against the avatar's legs.*
=Payment?= Whirl 9:01 pm *he's gonna drop the bag of at the bar. It's a red-and-green shopping bag, and within it is, indeed, the illicit tinsel-ey goods* Yep. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm *Ravage pokes his helm in from outside. He's pretty sure he can smell - ohhhh yes.* Me 9:02 pm @Soundwave «... I apologize for falling asleep after one round.» *it's easier the second time.* Whirl 9:03 pm Raided a department store in my holoform. I cleaned 'em out. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @Prowl: [[It is--]] Listen to the human go. The sound makes his armor buzz. [[It is fine. Limits are limits. We will continue another time.]]
=They did not chase?= Swoop 9:04 pm Her mean, kehheh, like Ironhide when us goof off kehhehh. Whirl 9:04 pm Nah. I just pretended to be following someone else's mom out. ...either that or the Uzis deterred them from asking questions. Swoop 9:04 pm *absolutely definately for sure has spiderman stickers in the massive mess of stickers spread out on the ground in front of him JUST IN CASE SOMEONE WAS INTO THAT* Whirl 9:04 pm I choose to believe *drapes a claw over his chest* That it was an act of masterful deception. The benefits of having a very young holoform. Specs 9:05 pm *plops back on the couch and mimics the ballet girls' arms with her wings* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Ravage's mouth pulls back into a horrible toothy smile. A human child with massive weapons strolling into one of their vending centers... ah, he would have liked to see the confusion and terror himself.*
*For now, he just tries to get a paw into the bag.* Whirl 9:06 pm *there's a good dozen or so packages in there* Swoop 9:06 pm *sticks a baby on board sticker on the dragon* Specs 9:06 pm *jumps three feet in the air and yelps* Hey! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm [[You amuse him, dragon. Dance more, if you wish. Here and elsewhere. Do not let others convince you to stop.]] Swoop 9:07 pm kehehHHEHHEH ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *INTO THE BAG goes Ravage. Which basically means he gets it on his helm and shakes it, breathing in the scent of the tinsel packs falling out around him.* Whirl 9:08 pm *snickers* There ya go, bartender. Oughta settle my tab. *salutes* Bull 9:08 pm *he can imagine Ruri liking this musical* Me 9:08 pm ((i like how raoul's just as extra as the phantom)) Specs 9:08 pm *forgive her for not appreciating the compliment, Soundwave. she's got a STICKER on her* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm *Muffled.* =For weeks, yes.= Me 9:09 pm ((he doesn't introduce himself in the letter he sends christine, he just enigmatically describes some things they did together)) Whirl 9:09 pm I can go looking for more, if you want. Easy to find that stuff this time of year. Swoop 9:09 pm ((calm the fuck down phantom)) Whirl 9:09 pm ((HE REALLY IS)) Bull 9:09 pm *Bull already doesn't like how the Phantom is talking* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Flopped and kicking the bag. Shred shred. He'll regret this later, he will.* =All you can carry. You will be pouring drinks yourself, mm?= Swoop 9:10 pm *has no idea what is going on in the movie but he does know that this happy taco sticker is pretty sweet and starts looking around for someone to slap it on* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm [[A secret passage?]] Magnum Ace 9:11 pm -oh, don't look at him you silly dino- Bevel 9:11 pm Cool. Swoop 9:11 pm *is looking* : > Twincast 9:11 pm *is happy to be stickered. plenty'a surface space* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Bird pretends to play along with the music on Swoop's shin. Such dramatics. It must be the mustache.8 Whirl 9:11 pm I'll grab some later. Have fun. *he actually means it, because seeing Ravage so absolutely blissful is actually pretty nice. A good favor for a good bartender. And now, he will at last go to the Whirl table to join his regulars* Specs 9:11 pm *nope nope nope* *hides from the dinobab and starts biting at the sticker already on her* Magnum Ace 9:11 pm -stares back- Tarantulas 9:12 pm *tarantulas couldn't care less what movie is on, he's just going to stalk in and poke around* Whirl 9:12 pm ...want me to get that, dragon? Specs 9:12 pm *flies so fast to whirl that she all but teleports* Yes. Please. Swoop 9:12 pm *normally would DIE before giving up on a staring contest but Bird is tapping on his shin a lot, that merits a confused chirp and turnign his head to investigate* Me 9:12 pm ((damn i haven't heard this phantom before. i like him, his voice is powerful.)) Swoop 9:12 pm !!! SPIDER! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm ((he is A Favorite)) Magnum Ace 9:13 pm -oh good, he was getting worried there- Swoop 9:13 pm *paws through the many stickers he brought today and finds the Spiderman ones* : > Tarantulas 9:13 pm *frick. swoop. this wasn't really the person tarantulas was looking to take his irritation out on* Bevel 9:13 pm ((I love this performance so much Swoop 9:13 pm *waves the sheet of stickers at Tarantulas* Whirl 9:13 pm *he raises his claw, and the tip splits open to reveal two very delicate fine manipulators. They're horrid, but he expertly plucks the sticker up with no incident* ((IT'S REAL GOOD)) Swoop 9:13 pm Look! Whirl 9:13 pm ((I've never seen a stage show of Phantom!)) Magnum Ace 9:13 pm ((it's awesome Swoop 9:13 pm ((I've seen it before. It's so incredible in person. SO much energy.)) Me 9:13 pm ((I'm liking the Christine, too. most Christines I've heard are TOO good at hitting those high notes and hurt my ears.)) Tarantulas 9:14 pm What is that? Decals? *heavy squinting, he's keeping away* Specs 9:14 pm *some fur comes away with that as a matter of course. it's enough to hurt and make the dragon hiss, but at least it's not causing a bald spot* Thank you, Whirl. *grooms the spot to get rid of any sticker residue* Swoop 9:14 pm Stiiiiickers : > *continues waving them at Tara* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Soundwave leans forward. And forward. And forward.* Me 9:14 pm *Hey, it's a spider voice. Looks over at him and pings hello.* Me 9:15 pm *... a guy in a mask singing about people paying homage to music. sideways glance at Soundwave.* Whirl 9:16 pm No prob. *he's been listening to the very very good singing this whole time, but is only now getting caught up... and has no idea what's going on. But that seems to be all right* Tarantulas 9:16 pm *glances over at prowl with a return ping, but is mostly fixed on suspicious swoop* Swoop 9:16 pm ((OKAY SO I've never got a clear answer on this. Do Christine and the Phantom bang? Whenever I ask, I get these long answers about sequels and debatable canon and whatnot. Has it ever been confirmed one way or the other?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *And slumps slightly. He must find more versions of this. Must hear all the actors.*
*...Glance over?* Swoop 9:16 pm *chirps at Tara* Me 9:16 pm ((I don't know about the sequels. In both musical and book canon, there's no evidence they bang.)) Swoop 9:16 pm *he's got a bunch of completely random stickers all over him and so do a lot of otehr people* *Bird has a mustache* Twincast 9:17 pm ((we don't talk about the sequel Bevel 9:17 pm ((Never confirmed far as I know. Specs 9:17 pm *the dragon shakes, and flops onto the Whirl Table* *she'd go back to the couch, but the threat of stickers is Bad* Swoop 9:17 pm You Spiderbot have sticker! Tarantulas 9:17 pm Nnnnno, no thank you. Swoop 9:17 pm No? Me 9:17 pm ((There are certainly opportunities during the musical where they might have banged off-screen if you choose to read it that way—but no evidence; and improbable considering the phantom's later behavior.)) Swoop 9:17 pm *BAFFLED* Whirl 9:17 pm *lowers his head towards the dragon* ...what's with the stickers, anyway? Swoop 9:17 pm *who DOESN'T want stickers?* Specs 9:18 pm *aside to Whirl* Swoop has stickers. Swoop is sharing stickers. I am considering making a tray of goodies just for Laserbeak if she keeps him away from my fur. Whirl 9:18 pm Pfft. Got it. Tarantulas 9:18 pm Definitely not, Swoop. Don't test me. Swoop 9:19 pm ((There are def opportunities for them to bang. I haven't read the sequel but I think there's something in there that makes it sound like they did? But you're right that it doesn't seem like the phantom would want to.)) Whirl 9:19 pm Also, whoever this fella is, he's killing it. Swoop 9:19 pm Why??? Me 9:19 pm ... This is a musical about music. Whirl 9:19 pm ((ye i never thought of the phantom as being interested in that sort of thing)) Specs 9:19 pm He is! *goes back to watching raptly* I've never seen a human musical before. I feel like I stuck my face into a swarmfish nest. Swoop 9:20 pm *peels off a spiderman logo sticker and waves it at Tara from his seated postition on the floor, for the moment he is pinned by a borb* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm [[There is no more appropriate format for it.]] Me 9:20 pm ((I don't NECESSARILY think he wouldn't want to? I just figure that given he completely emotionally flips out over a cheek-touch, they probably weren't doing something earlier that required MORE physical contact, yknow?)) Swoop 9:21 pm ((totally)) Bevel 9:21 pm ((I swear it's in the books that he's a eunuch or otherwise deformed in such a way that he couldn't even if he wanted to but it's been two decades since I've read it so don't quote me on that Me 9:21 pm I suppose not, no. Specs 9:21 pm ((well, isn't his cheek burned? pain spots tend to be super twitchy when you touch them. but, then again, he's entirely a pain spot, isn't he.)) Swoop 9:21 pm ((you know what? that sounds familiar. Maybe you're right and he can't.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *It finally registers that there is another new mech in here. Soundwave glances behind himself just long enough to nod to Tarantulas before whipping back to the screen.* Whirl 9:22 pm Whoa. Fool canNOT play an organ, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm {{Peh. Dramatic.}} {{BRRM BRRM BRRRRRRM.}} Bevel 9:23 pm *grumbles about the loud bad organ playing* Specs 9:23 pm Was he playing it, or just smacking it? Swoop 9:23 pm *jumps when Bird makes a loud BRRRRMMM* Twincast 9:23 pm ((..you made me look up what a eunuch was. I learned something today.) Swoop 9:23 pm *immediately CACKLES at his own reaction* Whirl 9:23 pm *raises his head and instantly imitates the BRRM BRRM BRRRRRM* Tarantulas 9:23 pm ...I couldn't care less what sort of stickers they are, I'm not having it. If you want me to ever consider making you a web sling again, you're going to keep them to yourself for the rest of the night. Bull 9:23 pm Seemed like just banging on it. Me 9:23 pm ((I'm pppretty sure that eunuchs can have sex; they just can't produce babies from it and therefore If It Doesn't Make Babies Doesn't Count. But tbh who knows if leroux knew that or not.)) Bull 9:24 pm *yet he doesn't know music* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Soundwave flickers his feelers at Whirl and Laserbeak. Shh.* Swoop 9:24 pm You grumpy spider Magnum Ace 9:24 pm .... Bull 9:24 pm *little surprised* over reaction.... Specs 9:24 pm *eyes widen* Hm. Tarantulas 9:25 pm @SW: ::Can you let Laserbeak know that I'll owe her immensely if she agrees to continue keeping Swoop occupied for the rest of the evening.:: Magnum Ace 9:25 pm That was over doing it Whirl 9:25 pm *Whirl subsides, and pays a bit closer attention* Bevel 9:25 pm She should have asked. Swoop 9:25 pm Grumpy, grouchy! *blows raspberries then laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm @Tarantulas: [[She has been told.]] More because they'll want the favor than because he's interested in what's going on behind him right now. Specs 9:25 pm *tilts head* It's not THAT bad. Humans have naked faces anyways. Whirl 9:25 pm *he can... empathize with being very protective of your face. And with the baggage that comes with mutilation* Me 9:26 pm *... a conventionally-considered ugly face under the mask of the person who's extremely into music. Another sideways glance at Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm {{Swoop. Swoop, you find Rumble sticker. Frenzy sticker.}} Swoop 9:26 pm *perks up at the request* KAY! Tarantulas 9:26 pm *waves a paw at swoop's alliteration. meh* Specs 9:26 pm *Whirl's face isn't that bad either, but the dragon is not a telepath and cannot say such things* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave looks back at Prowl again.*
[[...Is he doing something?]] *Head tilt.* Me 9:27 pm No. Just observing parallels. Tarantulas 9:27 pm *plops down somewhere near but not too close to sw and prowl, his own chair or smth* Swoop 9:27 pm *slides his hand over all the stickers to spread them out more, in part to help and in part because he is a messy boy* Whirl 9:27 pm *the dragon is kind; Among his own kind, Whirl is Not A Looker. Doesn't bother him, though* Me 9:27 pm *nods to Tarantulas* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[Ah.]] *Consider consider.* [[He has been informed of them many times before. They will not all be matched.]] [[Greetings, Tarantulas.]] Me 9:28 pm ... I question his wisdom with the whole "fear turn to love" thing. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[And yes, gossip is worth that.]] Tarantulas 9:28 pm *huffs at the hellos and sinks in the chair. he doesn't want niceness right now, geez* Whirl 9:28 pm Yeah, seems... like a bad plan. Me 9:28 pm She snatched his mask off his face without warning or asking, and he considers her a keeper? Whirl 9:29 pm Sounds like SOMEONE can't deal with being ugly, pfft. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[One who cannot respect boundaries does not deserve what is behind them.]]
Pfffft. [[Ha.]] Specs 9:29 pm You don't touch people without asking. Tarantulas 9:29 pm (( "wrote.... written." my fave line Bevel 9:30 pm ((I love that line so much Whirl 9:30 pm Yeah, that whole deal, too. Me 9:30 pm ((same)) Whirl 9:30 pm Something tells me that our Phantom--*stage whisper* Might be a few instruments short of an orchestra. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Ravage snickers hoarsely through a tangle of tinsel.* Bevel 9:30 pm *giggles* Specs 9:30 pm *smiles toothily* Whirl 9:32 pm ((Madam Giry is also en pointe, that snatch was a+)) Magnum Ace 9:32 pm What... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[The Phantom pretends to be a ghost. He suspects they have not interacted with others much.]] [[Regarding his acceptance of one who steals his mask.]] Specs 9:33 pm It's hard to have a ghost that bother people. Bull 9:33 pm Sounds arrogant like Segal... Bevel 9:33 pm Obedient servant gives a lot of orders. Magnum Ace 9:33 pm With the mood swings to suit Whirl 9:34 pm *he will now take a moment to scoot over to the bar to mix himself something paint-meltingly spicy* Specs 9:34 pm *the dragon looks askance at all those fox tails, and back at her own tail* Humans and their furs. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *...Laserbeak likes this red-furred human.* *Look how smoothly she has everyone bending to her whim and giving her what she wants.* Bevel 9:35 pm *likes her clothes* Swoop 9:35 pm ((gdi why do I always have internet problesm monday night??)) Whirl 9:35 pm *a true role model for u* Swoop 9:36 pm *picks a wonderwoman "fight like a girl" sticker and offers it to Bird* MMmmm.... *finally picks a sticker of a fist in the air, no clue what it means but Rumble and Frenzy like fighting* Ka! *looks expectantly at Bird* ((she SO close to god now)) Me 9:37 pm ((i like how they get all meta about their own musical for a second)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *Bird lifts the sticker close to her optics and chatters in approval, pocketing that one too. She then taps the fist sticker.*
{{How them share one?}} Me 9:37 pm (("lmao you'd never get away with this story in a play BUT IN AN OPERA IT'S ALL GOOD")) Whirl 9:37 pm Her giant hair will surely protect her. Magnum Ace 9:38 pm -nudges Bull- Specs 9:38 pm *that gets a snicker from the dragon* I'm almost jealous of its volume. Bull 9:38 pm *looks to Magnum* Magnum Ace 9:38 pm Glad we didn't have to try and sing like that Swoop 9:38 pm *snickers* rock paper scissors Whirl 9:38 pm *leans over the bar to peer at the dragon* You know, we could get you a wig. I think you could make it work. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm. It is unwise to irritate someone with the reputation of strangling others.* Bull 9:38 pm *Bull shudders at the memory* Thankfully; it was embarrassing enough. Specs 9:39 pm *the dragon grins* Of course I could. I have the fur everywhere else, too. Swoop 9:39 pm *sticks a few small, sparkly star stickers to his own cheek* Whirl 9:40 pm *returns to his table and begins the Hunkering Process. anyone with a functioning nose might wanna give him and his drink a bit of space* Magnum Ace 9:40 pm -soft snicker- It was. It was a bit fun though. Bull 9:40 pm I think the only reason why we didn't have to was cause Edmond got dragged in with us. *chuckles* Whirl 9:41 pm *solemnly* Praise. Magnum Ace 9:41 pm It would have been interesting to hear him try to sing like that, though ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm *HUFF* Swoop 9:41 pm *perks up and finally looks at the screen* *this is his level of comedy, cracks up immediately* Bull 9:42 pm That would have been funny. Specs 9:42 pm *blinks* The phantom is rather unpleasant. *ooh, she can do that! curves her wings up and balances on her toes* Whirl 9:43 pm Okay, so... does he actually have magic powers? Swoop 9:43 pm Her funny noises Whirl 9:43 pm Did he make that lady croak? Or are we gonna get an explanation? Specs 9:43 pm *sorry, too busy trying to mimic ballerinas* Whirl 9:43 pm ...*and distracted by ballet dragon* Nice. *he will scoot his drink away to give her room* Magnum Ace 9:44 pm It would have been, but he /really/ would have looked for a way to duck out then Whirl 9:44 pm They're all pretty good. Times like these, it's a damn shame I never learned to dance. *shakes head slowly* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Wonders what Prowl's math makes of the ballerina movements. He starts composing the question when--* Bull 9:44 pm ..... *was not expecting that* Swoop 9:44 pm Dead Bevel 9:44 pm ((the best part of seeing this for the first time in a theatre is that you legit are watching the ballet and don't actually realized anything is happening until the body falls down Specs 9:44 pm *aaaaand there she goes on her snout again* Oof. Tarantulas 9:44 pm *quiet snort* Magnum Ace 9:45 pm ..... -well, there goes that mood- Me 9:46 pm "A world where daylight dissolves into darkness"? Just say the basement. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *EVEN LOUDER HUFF* Bevel 9:46 pm *laughs* Whirl 9:46 pm *snorts* Twincast 9:46 pm *Raoul's pretty good at NOT listening to Christine, honestly* Swoop 9:46 pm .... *peels off a web sticker, Birb should know where this is going* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[She is an actress. They are dramatic.]] *Bird knows. Bird grabs the web sticker and EATS IT.* Me 9:46 pm *shrug. fair enough.* Specs 9:46 pm *ex-ballet dragon just watches while mimicking a placemat. it's too interesting to risk unflattening herself and missing something.* Swoop 9:47 pm !!!! Tarantulas 9:47 pm *good laserbeak* Swoop 9:47 pm *SQUEAK-laughs* Magnum Ace 9:47 pm Anyway. Definitely like Segal. Windchill 9:47 pm *Is here.* Swoop 9:47 pm *what was that?? he doesn't know but he's going to actually flop over laughing* Bull 9:47 pm yeah.... murderous intent and all Whirl 9:47 pm *bobs his head at Windchill over his drink* Windchill 9:47 pm *He knows this one.* Swoop 9:47 pm Hungry bird? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm [[Murderous intent? Who is Segal?]] Windchill 9:48 pm *Waves at Whirl. Hello.* Magnum Ace 9:48 pm Yeah. Attempted murder and all. What? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm {{Yes. You get snacks. Then Bird not eating stickers.}} Windchill 9:48 pm *He's gonna sit down.* Magnum Ace 9:48 pm -forgot Soundwave could hear them- Swoop 9:48 pm Now Bird tank happy stickers kehhehhh Specs 9:48 pm *okay, the humans are hugging. NOW she can unflatten herself* Windchill 9:49 pm I can't believe you guys tried to watch this without me. Swoop 9:49 pm *looks around for where the treats went and then gets to work stealing that too* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm @Prowl: [[He has never interrupted an opera with a carcass. If you were wondering about other parallels.]] Whirl 9:49 pm You a fan of this one? Bull 9:49 pm *Bull looks to Soundwave but then looks to Magnum to see if they should explain anything to the mech* Tarantulas 9:49 pm *would definitely interrupt an opera with a carcass, ftr* Windchill 9:49 pm Unfortunately. Me 9:49 pm @Soundwave «I get the impression that, if it were bad enough, you might.» Specs 9:49 pm ((god forbid soundwave interrupt a music)) Windchill 9:49 pm Don't worry, I won't ruin it by singing along. Whirl 9:49 pm *snickers* Magnum Ace 9:49 pm -if Soundwave's distracted then NOPE- Specs 9:49 pm *peeks over at Windchill* Are they all like this? Windchill 9:50 pm All of what like what? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Perhaps Tarantulas should take up mask-wearing. They're terribly comfortable. He's sure everyone will be wearing them in the future.* Specs 9:50 pm Singing, dancing, random corpses? Windchill 9:50 pm Hell yeah. And drama, don't forget that. Bevel 9:50 pm *didn't interrupt an opera but a body was involved* Specs 9:50 pm Nice. Tarantulas 9:50 pm *tarantulas ditched his mask a long time ago, masks are so pre-war* Windchill 9:50 pm This one has—well, I won't spoil anything. Whirl 9:51 pm *snickers again, and magnanimously gestures for Windchill to join the Whirl Table* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm *Soundwave is distracted, but he won't forget that question. It'll come back some day to bite the Leaguers.* Swoop 9:51 pm *comes back with the proportionally largest treats available and gets back on the sticker-covered floor with Bird* Windchill 9:51 pm *He will gladly move to the Whirl Table.* Me 9:51 pm @Soundwave «... And would I be wrong to say that there were points in your life where, if you had taken an interest in an opera house, you'd be willing to use blackmail and threats to ensure it was run up to your standards?» Swoop 9:51 pm *doesn't have any problem putting goodies on top of stickers, quality control is not a very dinobot thing* Magnum Ace 9:51 pm -well crap- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm *...He can't look at Prowl now. To be honest, he owns a club and he uses blackmail and threats to keep it running. An opera is just a change of style.* Bull 9:52 pm *If Magnum says nothing, neither is Bull* Specs 9:52 pm ((does that make karaoke nights opera?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm *LASERBEAK will eat the goodies, stickers and all.* Swoop 9:53 pm ((oh will he?)) Specs 9:53 pm ((SOUNDWAVE NO)) Swoop 9:53 pm ((LOL)) Tarantulas 9:53 pm (( sldghdf ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *AHEM* Windchill 9:53 pm I oughta make the boyfriend watch this one. He'd judge me and it would be lots of fun. Me 9:53 pm ((that's one way to avoid answering prowl)) Swoop 9:53 pm ((that'd be QUITE a sight)) Bevel 9:53 pm ((A+ error Tarantulas 9:53 pm (( shred the stickers with your fangs Swoop 9:53 pm ((if anyone ever M!A bodyswaps the Soundwave fam, I want to believe that's what Bird would do with Soundwave's body)) Magnum Ace 9:53 pm -good. Until Soundwave remembers- Specs 9:53 pm ((soundwave tip #137: eat food off the floor to avoid awkward conversations)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm ((prowl is not food shh)) Bevel 9:53 pm ((lol Tarantulas 9:54 pm (( om nom Whirl 9:54 pm He seems like he judges everyone and everything. So, what would even be new? Swoop 9:54 pm *puts a happy donut sticker on a round goodie* *offers to Bird* Windchill 9:54 pm Yeah, that's the idea. Swoop 9:54 pm <3 Me 9:54 pm ((really? because i remember soundwave very recently eating his chest sticker and all)) Specs 9:54 pm *the dragon thought that Whirl was Windchill's boyfriend, but will avoid commenting* Whirl 9:54 pm *EVERYONE DOES* Windchill 9:54 pm I enjoy a certain amount of predictability. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm *Is trying not to be sympathetic to the Phantom's pain. Is anyway. Doesn't know what this says about him.* Whirl 9:54 pm *IT'S AMAZING* Twincast 9:54 pm ((...well, soundwave duped me, bc I looked away & was very confused why people were chiding him. bc I clearly saw LASERBEAK)) Windchill 9:54 pm *Even Windchill's actual boyfriend is suspicious.* Me 9:54 pm @Soundwave «... I can't tell if that's a reluctant yes, or a "that's so off base I'm too insulted to reply."» Magnum Ace 9:54 pm ....definitely dramatic enough to be him Swoop 9:55 pm *if windchill gets close to swoop, he will get sticker'd* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm ((you shh about that sticker))
@Prowl: [[Reluctant yes.]] Bull 9:55 pm *Bull snorts at that* No, this guy is a far better actor. Windchill 9:55 pm *He's sitting down, but Swoop is more than welcome to sticker him.* Magnum Ace 9:55 pm He had the mask part down, though Whirl 9:55 pm *Whirl actually DOES have a significant other, presently, but everyone always assumes it's Windchill* Me 9:55 pm ((his angry little RRGH at the end)) Whirl 9:56 pm Hot damn! Bull 9:56 pm *Bull tried not to laugh* either of which are convincing 'disguises' Whirl 9:56 pm Exploding chandelier. Bull 9:56 pm *neither Windchill 9:56 pm Cool. Specs 9:56 pm Why is the bed on fire? Magnum Ace 9:56 pm I don't know. The humans fell for it... Whirl 9:56 pm *intermission means, TIME TO DRINK, and Whirl gets chuggin* Swoop 9:56 pm *has to reach but he manages to slap a hot dog sticker on Windchill, not for a reason, he was just in the food sticker book cause of Bird* Tarantulas 9:56 pm This message has been removed. Windchill 9:56 pm *Side eyes Whirl's grotesque display.* Tarantulas 9:57 pm This message has been removed. Windchill 9:57 pm *Gasps when someone TOUCHES him.* Specs 9:57 pm ((tara you okay)) Tarantulas 9:57 pm (( DAMNIT Swoop 9:57 pm ((lolol it's okay swoop can be v overwhelming)) Tarantulas 9:57 pm (( enter key sneakin under my fingers Me 9:57 pm @Soundwave «Ah, good. I mean—not good, but. Good that I didn't insult you.» Twincast 9:57 pm ((Tara has been silenced by rabbit)) Whirl 9:57 pm ((Tarantulas has been REDACTED)) Specs 9:57 pm ((pat spide)) Bull 9:57 pm *Bull shakes his head* Really... Owner should have saw through it sooner. Atleast Coach did. Whirl 9:57 pm *it's weird, but hardly grotesque, you philistine; like watching a bird drink* Swoop 9:57 pm *slaps a hamburger on Windchill's shin for good measure* Windchill 9:58 pm *Looks down, knowing that knowing was a bad idea and doing it anyway.* Swoop 9:58 pm *HAS WATCHED BIRD DRINK BEFORE 😮 * Whirl 9:58 pm *That's how Whirl do. He has to toss his head back to swallow* Windchill 9:58 pm What the hullabaloo are you slapping me for? Specs 9:58 pm (( http://www.learner.org/jnorth/images/graphics/humm/RThompson_forktongue.gif )) Swoop 9:58 pm For stickers Specs 9:58 pm ((whirl sip)) Magnum Ace 9:58 pm Owner was also head over heels for Segal Tarantulas 9:58 pm *throws silk at one of swoop's non-stickered snacks. he's feeling petty. zoop, the snack is his* Windchill 9:58 pm *Squints, has to lift his leg to see.* What is it? Swoop 9:58 pm *joke's on tara, those were for laserbeak* Tarantulas 9:59 pm *self-sabotage* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm @Prowl: [[He cannot blame you for knowing the truth.]] Bull 9:59 pm I think Top Joy explained it as 'star struck' Specs 9:59 pm *looks at the skull faced humans* *kinda looks at Soundwave* *Suspicious.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm {{Hey! Them mine!}} Bull 9:59 pm *attention goes back to the screen* Swoop 10:00 pm *snaps his head around to figure out what is up with Bird* ?? Magnum Ace 10:00 pm Yeah. She was star-struck and not paying attention Whirl 10:00 pm ((JDKR HAHAHA)) Magnum Ace 10:00 pm -and now his attention is back on the screen too- Tarantulas 10:00 pm *pauses. that was an Error. but don't admit it* *....sneaks his tongue out and licks the snack* Windchill 10:00 pm *Puts his foot down.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *SHRILL SCREECH* Swoop 10:00 pm *JUMPS* ???? Twincast 10:00 pm *uh* Swoop 10:00 pm !!! 😮 Whirl 10:00 pm *chugging is done* Well, this is a little--oh, good, they're singing again. Magnum Ace 10:00 pm !!!! Bevel 10:00 pm *ooooo so many costumes* Me 10:01 pm *What's going on?* Bull 10:01 pm *looks to the screech alarmed* ! Twincast 10:01 pm ..everything alright? Specs 10:01 pm *the dragon suddenly LEAPS into the air* *flying dragon ballet* *well, it's not ballet anymore, it's just twirling around in the air* Whirl 10:01 pm *serenely ignores the screech* Swoop 10:01 pm *is still unclear on what happened to Bird and therefore hasn't figure out how fire can solve this yet* Magnum Ace 10:01 pm -alarmed straightening of posture - Windchill 10:01 pm Creepy. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [[...He wonders if it is still possible to find the Cybertron that hosted the masquerade some years ago.]] Tarantulas 10:02 pm *chomp. snack gone* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [[Perhaps not. It may have descended into the war by now.]] Whirl 10:02 pm Were these every a thing on our world? *looks to Prowl questioningly* Bevel 10:03 pm They should have one here. Whirl 10:03 pm Or, well. Your world. I mean, y'know. The analogue, seeing as we're not from the actual same Cybertron. Swoop 10:03 pm *glances up at Tarantulas then to Bird, he suspects* Spiderbot ... take You Bird goodie? Windchill 10:03 pm *Points down his throat in a gagging motion.* Me 10:03 pm ... Were what? *he's still trying to figure out what happened with Laserb— oh no, Tarantulas didn't.* Whirl 10:03 pm Masquerade-type things. Tarantulas 10:03 pm I would /never/. Specs 10:03 pm *dives back down to the table, spins on her toes, and leaps back into the air for more twirling* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm {{Him done! Squish, gross web steal. Then him lick! Bird seen!}} Magnum Ace 10:04 pm -oh. That's it. Back to watching the screen- Me 10:04 pm *Well, whether or not it's true, Swoop's going to believe it. Gets to his feet and heads over. There's a song going, Soundwave isn't going to intervene.* Bevel 10:05 pm *entranced with this song* Swoop 10:05 pm *puffs up and looks from Bird to Tarantulas* Specs 10:05 pm *and, for ONCE this entire movie, lands gracefully on the tips of her toes. tries to bow, but dragons aren't made for that* Bull 10:05 pm and he's back... Windchill 10:05 pm *It about to get spoopy, so he's gonna dig into his subspace.* Whirl 10:05 pm *clicks his claws on the table by way of applause for the dragon* *SNRK* Magnum Ace 10:06 pm ....Dramatic much? Whirl 10:06 pm Okay the moving jaw kind of ruins it. Specs 10:06 pm *the dragon bows her head happily* *but look at that hella skeleton!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[He likes the jaw.]] *Wait. Where did Prowl go?* Tarantulas 10:06 pm *tarantulas is strangely delighted prowl's in on this now* Whirl 10:06 pm It's goofy, so if that's what you're going for. Bevel 10:06 pm *loves the costume* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm *...Oh, yes, the licking. Well, if Prowl thinks he can stop those two from fighting, so be it. Might be good for encouraging... things.* Me 10:06 pm *cautiously stands near Tarantulas.* *PROWL THINKS NO SUCH THING, COME HELP* Windchill 10:07 pm *Is pulling a swathe of fabric out of his boob like a magician.* Swoop 10:07 pm *crouches and grins while he stares Tara down* Bull 10:07 pm I'm almost waiting for one of 13's golf balls to come whizzing by again. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm *TELL HIM YOU DON'T, HE'S NOT A... I mean, yes, he IS a mind reader, but he's not - look, just say a damn thing.* Tarantulas 10:07 pm *looks up at prowl innocently* Hello, dear. Windchill 10:07 pm She was easy to convince. Swoop 10:07 pm *LAUNCHES HIMSELF AT TARANTULAS* Tarantulas 10:07 pm *oh fuk* Bull 10:07 pm *He had enough of movies for awhile after that incident* Me 10:08 pm *shoves Tarantulas aside, braces himself for dinobot* Magnum Ace 10:08 pm Can we not. He was aiming for my head. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *FWOOSH BRIDGE* Swoop 10:08 pm *fwoosh :<* *the goodie goes unavenged* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Laserbeak blows a raspberry at Soundwave and follows Swoop through.* Me 10:09 pm ... *looks back at Soundwave* Thanks. Bull 10:09 pm Thankfully the most we need to worry of him now is if he challenges Windy to another round of 'foot golf'. Windchill 10:09 pm *Produces a blanket to wrap himself in. Might as well get comfy and ignore the idiots fighting.* Bevel 10:09 pm *disappointed at the lack of fight but it's probably for the best* Swoop 10:09 pm *.... maybe this is a win, if he gets to spend time with Bird and she knows he'd at least ATTEMPT to maim someone for her snacks <3 * Tarantulas 10:09 pm *is even MORE delighted, much snickering at swoop's fate* Whirl 10:09 pm *didn't even so much as bat his eye at the fight. Just watchin and occasionally taking a pull from his drink* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm [[Mm.]] *Nobody tackles his amica.*
*...That said, as soon as the one that caught Swoop closes, one pops up under Tarantulas as well.* Magnum Ace 10:10 pm He challenged us /all/ to that game Tarantulas 10:10 pm *double fuk* Magnum Ace 10:10 pm ...and I think I remember it was the Lavenders that did best Windchill 10:10 pm *Sniffs.* Bevel 10:10 pm *oh snap, stifles her giggles behind her hand* Windchill 10:10 pm Why does this smell like— Bull 10:10 pm yeah; but Windy too it personally *remembers how mad the soccer leaguer got* Windchill 10:10 pm *Sniffs the blanket.* Oh. Bull 10:11 pm *took Swoop 10:11 pm *LEFT HIS STICKERS 😔 * Bevel 10:11 pm ((everyone groaning at another note i love it Me 10:11 pm *turns toward where Tarantulas was* Tarantulas 10:11 pm *guess who's reflexively throwing silk at the ceiling before he can fall, does it work* Me 10:11 pm *and toward Soundwave* Whirl 10:11 pm ...what smell? *looks to Windchill, and takes a good whiff* Bevel 10:11 pm *roll a d20* Me 10:11 pm *why tho* Tarantulas 10:11 pm (( lmao cro roll for me Windchill 10:11 pm It's a smell. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm (( random.org gives u a 4)) Specs 10:12 pm ((I rolled u a five)) Bevel 10:12 pm ((welp Windchill 10:12 pm *A stinky smell.* Tarantulas 10:12 pm (( DANGIT Twincast 10:12 pm ((RIP Bevel 10:12 pm *nice knowing you tara* Twincast 10:12 pm ((you tried)) Tarantulas 10:12 pm *a little snippet of web got chopped off as the bridge closed, it's just sitting there on the floor now* Swoop 10:12 pm ((u grab a lightbulb and pop it straight out)) Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -snorting at that memory- Bull... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm [[Someone please clean that up. He is busy enjoying the musical.]] Whirl 10:13 pm *recoils* What the h--put that away. Windchill 10:13 pm Hmm. Tarantulas 10:13 pm *so, pray tell, where the frick is tarantulas now* Windchill 10:13 pm *Snuggles in it.* Okay. Whirl 10:14 pm Why does that thing reek? Windchill 10:14 pm That's classified. Me 10:14 pm ... *glumly picks up web.* Windchill 10:14 pm *Is shoving it back into subspace at least.* Specs 10:14 pm *squints at Windchill* Where was that before you stored it inside you? Me 10:14 pm *goes to sit by Soundwave again* Whirl 10:15 pm *lowers his head to inhale the caustic drink-fumes to clear the smell* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *He's not completely heartless. Tarantulas is inside the Louisville Zoo spider house.* Bull 10:15 pm *'risking life for a chance to live'... Bull knows that line well* Specs 10:15 pm ((/WHEEZE)) Windchill 10:15 pm It's from my HOUSE. Specs 10:15 pm What ELSE is in your house? Magnum Ace 10:15 pm -and please don't do it again- Me 10:15 pm *tries to shake the web off his hand* Windchill 10:16 pm *SHOVES like he's stuffing his bra.* Tarantulas 10:16 pm *lmao nope prowl it's stuck* Windchill 10:16 pm My boyfriend is in my house. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *Tugs a scrap of tarp out of subspace and offers it to Prowl.*
[[Cameras. Laserbeak wasn't lying.]] Windchill 10:16 pm And me! Whirl 10:16 pm Isn't he your conjunx? Me 10:16 pm *... tries to shake the web off his hand* Tarantulas 10:16 pm *and tarantulas is seething as he bridges himself back home out of the damn zoo* Windchill 10:16 pm And our spawn. And the occasional dead animal. Specs 10:16 pm Does he-. *bites her tongue* Windchill 10:17 pm *His brows furrow as he delicately tucks the last of the offensive sheet away.* I've learned to live with it. Bull 10:17 pm I wonder if this is the torture the poor actors who worked with Segal had to endure. Windchill 10:17 pm No, Whirl. We don't have that where I'm from. Whirl 10:17 pm ...oh. Me 10:17 pm *......... tries to shake the web off his hand* Magnum Ace 10:18 pm ...considering how easily he left them to die? Whirl 10:18 pm Huh, it hadn't occurred to me that you didn't. ...you know I've been calling him that this whole time and you never corrected me. Magnum Ace 10:18 pm I think this would be tame Windchill 10:18 pm I knew what you meant. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[It does not come off so easily.]] Windchill 10:18 pm We have something else, but we're not that either. Me 10:18 pm *... wipes it on tarp* Whirl 10:18 pm *looks to the dragon* It was probably his horrible worm child. She can make a mess like nobody's business. It's great. Tarantulas 10:18 pm (( roll a d20 prowl pffft ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm ((lmfao)) Whirl 10:19 pm I *straightens proudly* Taught her to curse. Windchill 10:19 pm *Puffs up proudly, as well.* Me 10:19 pm ((10)) Windchill 10:19 pm She's the worst. Bull 10:19 pm I think even the other humans he was making those movies with weren't much luckier... *though the Leaguers had it worse by far* Twincast 10:19 pm ((so partly, then?)) Tarantulas 10:20 pm (( dang i really wanted a crit fail so prowl was stuck to the tarp Specs 10:20 pm Worm child? Magnum Ace 10:20 pm He did come off as someone who would do this Windchill 10:20 pm Yeah! It's a child that's a worm. Me 10:20 pm *it only halfway comes off* Bevel 10:20 pm Sparkling? Whirl 10:20 pm They propagate in his dimension. Specs 10:20 pm Fair enough. Me 10:20 pm *... keeps wiping* Windchill 10:20 pm *Thanks for clarifying Windchill.* Sparkling, sure. *At least one stream of consciousness is sorely tempted to get in on this song. But he won't.* *The others are busy talking about worms anyway.* Whirl 10:22 pm ((SHE'S KILLING IT I S2G)) Me 10:22 pm *mrph. screw it. goes incorporeal long enough for the web to fall off.* Whirl 10:23 pm ((EXCELLENT )) Bevel 10:23 pm *really into this song. and that dress dang* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Soundwave carefully picks up the tarp in feeler claws, squishes up the rest of the web, and slithers it aaaaaall the way over to the bar to dispose of it.* Specs 10:23 pm *even the dragon thinks the dress is hella. it's a very nice shade of blue.* Windchill 10:23 pm Nice. Whirl 10:23 pm *it is the best color, which is blue* Bevel 10:24 pm *blue is a pretty nice color* Twincast 10:24 pm *agreed* Windchill 10:24 pm *Listen here you devil, PINK is obviously the best colour.* Me 10:24 pm ((... oh! it's her red scarf. i never realized)) Magnum Ace 10:24 pm -prefers green, but blue's nice too- Bull 10:24 pm *wonders if Owner had a moment like that when accepting her father's 'death'* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm *Thinks blue is a beautiful color.* Tarantulas 10:24 pm @SW: ::...If I bridge you a treat, will you give it to Laserbeak for me?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm @Tarantulas: [[Yes.]] After scanning it for poison and such. Bevel 10:25 pm Is he pretending to be her father now? Windchill 10:25 pm It's creepy. Whirl 10:25 pm Yeah. Specs 10:26 pm She looks brainwashed. Magnum Ace 10:26 pm ....... Windchill 10:26 pm (( Thank goodness for the subtitles my brain doesn't process speech well enough for that level of overlapping lol.)) Bevel 10:26 pm *scowls* Windchill 10:26 pm A wizard! Swoop 10:26 pm ((swup missed the fire : < )) Bull 10:27 pm Maniacal madman... Windchill 10:27 pm *Crosses his legs.* Tarantulas 10:27 pm *more bad choices, but no one has to know but tarantulas. three gold-hued treats pop through a bridge. there's nothing suspicious about them under scan, they're definitely energon but from a different verse* Magnum Ace 10:27 pm Definitely him. Bull 10:27 pm At least they have police to help them. Windchill 10:28 pm *Snickers.* Magnum Ace 10:29 pm ...true Specs 10:29 pm *blinks* Why so eager to die? Bull 10:29 pm Even if it might not help, it is better than nothing. Whirl 10:29 pm Sometimes, that's just the way it is, dragon. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Soundwave catches them on his forearm and look at them curiously, prodding with a finger. Not corrupted, or they would have exploded. He doesn't recognize this color. What is it?*
*Sets them over on the bar and places an empty cube over them. He'll check them later to make sure they're safe, never knowing the joke behind them.* Magnum Ace 10:30 pm True... Me 10:30 pm @Soundwave «Perhaps they shouldn't have plotted his capture INSIDE the opera house where he listens to everything?» Windchill 10:30 pm Man. Whirl 10:31 pm Pfft. A disguise. I bet you can't guess who's gonna end up on stage in that disguise. Windchill 10:31 pm Shhh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm @Prowl: [[It is possible they want him to hear. To outsmart him.]] Pause. [[They may also be foolish. He does not know.]] [[Is it a disguise if all know who it is?]] Specs 10:32 pm I'd say not. Me 10:32 pm @Soundwave «If they think they can outsmart him by letting him know all their preparations to catch him, they ARE foolish.» Windchill 10:32 pm *Rolls his optics.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm @Prowl: [[No, no. To give him one idea and play another.]] Whirl 10:32 pm Guess not. Nobody else could be as insufferable as he is, anyway. Me 10:33 pm @Soundwave «None of them have demonstrated that much guile.» Bull 10:33 pm Almost no one... *Bull mutters* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm @Prowl: [[Then they are idiots, and we must depend on the Christine human.]] Magnum Ace 10:33 pm -ATTEMPTS to muffle his snickering- Me 10:33 pm *HUFF.* @Soundwave «Good luck to her.» Specs 10:34 pm *the dragon snickers* Insufferability is surprisingly consistent in all universes. Maybe it's a constant, like the speed of light? Magnum Ace 10:34 pm -doesn't work- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *Light fidgets. Thanks to all that parallel talk, he's thinking things.* *Oh, good. That part's done with.* Bull 10:34 pm *imagines how pissed Ryuken would be if Segal was that 'handsy'* Magnum Ace 10:35 pm -Ryuken would have decked a human- Windchill 10:35 pm *Chin hands.* Whirl 10:35 pm ((wow, i don't remember this being so overtly sensual, wtf)) Me 10:35 pm ((i'm PRETTY SURE that's the body language of a guy who has not had sex with her but really really wants to)) Whirl 10:35 pm ((that's what happens when you haven't listened to a musical since iddle school i guess 8);; )) Swoop 10:35 pm ((I'll second that body language assessment lol)) Whirl 10:35 pm ((YEAH EVEN I GOTTA ADMIT IT)) Swoop 10:35 pm ((oh myg od he JUMPED)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm ((i'm told this scene is invariably roasty hot in every movie and play)) Me 10:35 pm ((omfg his finger curl)) (("there are BOOBS on my back")) Whirl 10:36 pm ((i mean me2 phantom, she's awesome)) Me 10:36 pm ((okay christine good on you for continuing to sing but this might go better if you stop singing and scream "HELP IT'S THE PHANTOM")) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[Clever human.]] Specs 10:37 pm ((oh no. what a surprise.)) Bevel 10:37 pm ((this scene is intensely sexual every time I see it like damn Swoop 10:37 pm ((the one time I saw it in person, they had christine actually lay all the way back on the table at one point, like we were one awkward mistep away from accidental on stage dry humping)) Magnum Ace 10:37 pm ((well shit Me 10:37 pm (("""accidental""")) Swoop 10:37 pm ((LOL)) Bevel 10:38 pm ((ok no the high school production was awkward af trying to be not too sexy because parents are watching ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[What is the significance of the ring?]] Me 10:38 pm ... What IS it with her and jerking his mask off? Whirl 10:38 pm If she was REALLY smart, she'd have smuggled a knife in her bodice and stabbed him. Specs 10:38 pm Why not in her wig? Swoop 10:38 pm ((how do you do that scene NOT about sex?)) Specs 10:38 pm No one checks the fur. Whirl 10:38 pm She had plenty of time while he was distracted with that song. Windchill 10:38 pm *Mildly explosive choking sounds in the Windchill corner.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[A good point. He allowed her behind him at one point. She could have terminated him then.]] Bevel 10:38 pm ((you make it sexy but like... 8th grade dance sexy Windchill 10:38 pm Ring? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm *Still doesn't like her pulling the Phantom's mask off.* Bevel 10:39 pm ((hands on hips, three feet apart, y'know Me 10:39 pm Oh—it's a human ritual, I expect. They put rings on each other to announce an intent to become conjugated. Swoop 10:39 pm ((leavin room for the HOLY SPIRIT?)) Bevel 10:39 pm ((lol Twincast 10:39 pm ((pfffft ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm ((The Holy Spirit of the Opera.)) Whirl 10:39 pm I mean, he's been tormenting her, and she's trying to rid herself of him, so... I'd rip his mask off too, at that point. But honestly I'd have stabbed him first. Swoop 10:39 pm ((omfg)) Bevel 10:39 pm ((wink wonk Magnum Ace 10:39 pm .... Specs 10:39 pm His face is still not that ugly. Whirl 10:39 pm And THEN dragged his mask off, and paraded his dead body around as a warning to the next person who wanted to try it. Bull 10:39 pm If he keeps going this Phantom might reach Segal's kill count.... *has no sympathy for the Phantom* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[His appearance is more unusual than it was the first time. He wonders why.]] Windchill 10:40 pm That;s because it's makeup over a normal face. Me 10:40 pm ((i'm so glad that this version actually explained why to keep your hand at the level of your eyes. most versions leave out the line about the lasso)) Specs 10:40 pm I mean, humans have ugly, naked faces, but still. It's not that much worse than a normal human face. Twincast 10:40 pm ((ikr. I was so confused about that for so long)) Whirl 10:40 pm Yeah, he's barely even mutilated at all. It's wimp stuff. Magnum Ace 10:40 pm He may Bevel 10:40 pm ((did the movie fail to explain it? Me 10:40 pm ((yeah, it did)) Specs 10:41 pm *looks over at Whirl* *should she say thing. should she.* *just pats Whirl instead* Windchill 10:41 pm Humans are...homogeneous and so any variation upsets them. Magnum Ace 10:41 pm And that's not exactly a good feat Whirl 10:41 pm *he looks down, a bit surprised, but accepts the pat* Swoop 10:41 pm ((yeah they def haven't banged, at least in this production)) Bevel 10:41 pm ((*adds that to the list of reasons why the movie is not very good that has nothing to do with anyone's singing abilities* Twincast 10:41 pm ((I feel like buqet might have said something abt it at the start of the movie when he was scaring the ballerinas, bu otherwise no)) Me 10:41 pm *mumbles* I'm pretty sure it's the murder, blackmail, property damage, threats, and mind control that's poisoning their love. Whirl 10:41 pm *snickers* ...*assuming that was a mumble loud enough for Whirl to hear* Me 10:42 pm ((he talks about the lasso, but don't mention the "hand at the level of your eyes" advice)) Twincast 10:42 pm ((ah, true Windchill 10:42 pm *Shrugs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Tiny nod. If he had done all that...*
*Things would be very different.* Magnum Ace 10:44 pm ....dramatic enough there? Bevel 10:44 pm Never. Specs 10:44 pm Needs more drama. Whirl 10:44 pm Ohh, does she get to kill him? Bevel 10:44 pm Maybe he can explode the organ. Specs 10:45 pm I hope so! Magnum Ace 10:45 pm -snorts- Whirl 10:45 pm *normally Whirl would be complaining that this guy isn't going to listen, and it's time to stab, but this musical medley is really good* Windchill 10:46 pm That tends to happen. Me 10:47 pm *... hold on, what* Magnum Ace 10:47 pm ........ Whirl 10:47 pm *peers* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm *He sees where this is going.* Bull 10:47 pm ((yeah, that's the reaction of a guy who's never even gotten that far)) Me 10:47 pm ((YEP)) Windchill 10:47 pm I like the exposed skull bit. Magnum Ace 10:47 pm ((yeeeeep Swoop 10:48 pm ((agreed)) Me 10:49 pm *... she either has an astounding capacity for compassion, or she is a far better manipulator than even the phantom* Magnum Ace 10:49 pm ...hey, Bull? Bull 10:49 pm yeah? Magnum Ace 10:50 pm Think they're the same now? Bull 10:50 pm .... No... Windchill 10:51 pm I wonder if real snot is running down her nose. Whirl 10:51 pm Uggh. Oh, okay, she wasn't singing to him. Because honestly, I can't see how she hasn't caused him grievous bodily harm yet. Specs 10:52 pm I'd have bitten his head off and eaten it, myself. Me 10:53 pm *mumbles* Trap door. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm *Light pap against knee with the feeler claws. He heard that.* Whirl 10:53 pm How funny would it have been if her friend had caught up with them while the Phantom was trying to hold Raoul hostage and just... beaned him with a candelabra. Just beat the stew out of him, grabbed her pals, and run. Magnum Ace 10:54 pm At least he left them alone afterwards Specs 10:54 pm *the dragon sniggers* Absolutely hilarious. *soft and fluffy applause for the ballet girls* Bull 10:54 pm *nods in agreement* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Clicks the feeler claws all quietlike with the audience.* Windchill 10:55 pm *Doesn't care about this part, picks up his foot to examine the stickers.* Whirl 10:55 pm *well. If everyone else is applauding. He'll tap his claws on the table* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *He hasn't seen something like this since before the war. It was... nice. Even if he wasn't in the building himself.* Bevel 10:56 pm I liked the costumes. Whirl 10:56 pm The singing was amazing. And the dancing. Windchill 10:56 pm I like the songs. Me 10:56 pm *curiously watches the feeler clicks* Bevel 10:56 pm Yeah, that too. *but mostly the costumes* Specs 10:57 pm *stands on the tips of her toes for a moment* I liked the dancing too. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *They're still going. They will go as long as the applause is going.* Twincast 10:57 pm kPPp[kjmug/. Magnum Ace 10:57 pm That was nice Me 10:57 pm *... taps his forefinger against his thumb for a moment. hmm.* Twincast 10:57 pm (CAT) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((....u ok there)) Bull 10:57 pm It was. Me 10:57 pm ((HI KEET)) Windchill 10:57 pm *Picks at a sticker.* *GASPS.* *Leans closer and gasps again.* Twincast 10:58 pm ((there's een a catin my lap for the whole movie. she jsut decided to move)) Windchill 10:58 pm Did Swoop stick a dong on me?! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm *Why are they applauding this human? He wasn't in it.* *And now the claws slowly wind down.* Windchill 10:58 pm *When ur eyeshit is trash a hotdog might look like a dong.* Bevel 10:59 pm ((eyeshit ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm ((what a typo)) Swoop 10:59 pm *is a good boy, not really but he is a baby boy emphasis on baby* Windchill 10:59 pm (( : ) )) Swoop 10:59 pm *no dong stickers for you buddy* Windchill 10:59 pm (( I'm leaving it for posterity. )) Swoop 10:59 pm ((good plan)) Windchill 11:00 pm *It's for the best.* Whirl 11:00 pm Must be pretty impressive in person, too. Specs 11:00 pm *big dragon yawn* Will there be more dancing? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm *He must have been involved with putting it on somehow. A producer? Hmm.*
*He looks over at Prowl's hands. Is he still pinching the air?* Me 11:01 pm *no, no, he stopped that before the applause ended* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[He is told there are two special performances when the speaking is over.]] *Then Soundwave's taking one.* Specs 11:01 pm *that gets the dragon's attention* 😮 Windchill 11:01 pm *Looks up.* Whirl 11:01 pm ((oh, I thought Phantom had just left our theater, but it's still here actually0) Windchill 11:02 pm Look at all of those old people! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm (( 😮 GO)) Whirl 11:02 pm ((..WAIT NO THAT WAS THE WRONG ORPHEUM)) Swoop 11:02 pm ((you absolutely should see it if you can)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Still hasn't been told who this is. Hits up the human datanet to find out. Searching, searching... AND SOUNDWAVE'S SITTING UP STRAIGHT* Whirl 11:03 pm ((it did just leave)) Bevel 11:03 pm ((thirding the see it if you can Twincast 11:03 pm ((aww Me 11:03 pm *?* Bevel 11:03 pm *blinks at Soundwave* Is something wrong? Swoop 11:03 pm ((I mean, I'd say that about most theater productions because seeing a show in person is fun even if it is a meh show. The atmosphere is just fun. But the Phantom of the Opera really takes advantage of the space and plays with audience reactions.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Points at the human in blue.* [[That is the fleshling who created the music for this.]] Me 11:03 pm Oh. Bevel 11:04 pm Oh! That is why everyone was so happy to see him. Specs 11:04 pm That explains all the applause. Whirl 11:04 pm ((if i ever can catch it, I shall)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm [[His work is delightful. He should be proud.]] Windchill 11:04 pm Here she is, I was wondering. Bevel 11:04 pm Who is she? Twincast 11:04 pm ((dat hair)) Windchill 11:04 pm (( Dat hair indeed goddamn. )) She's the original Christine. Swoop 11:05 pm ((how cool!)) Windchill 11:05 pm *Is much more invested atm.* Bevel 11:05 pm *and she's going to sing cool* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Leans into Prowl. This is even better than expected.* Me 11:05 pm *leans back against* Specs 11:06 pm 😮 *attentive* Windchill 11:06 pm Too many Phantoms, guys. We're surrounded. Whirl 11:06 pm We' re gonna need a lot of knives. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm *Soft huff* Bevel 11:07 pm *giggles* Specs 11:07 pm I have knives in my feet. Windchill 11:07 pm Or guns, Whirl. I vote guns. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm [[And more Christines to deliver them.]] Whirl 11:07 pm Well, dragon, you're our first Christine. Specs 11:07 pm *extends all eight foreclaws* I've got this. Bevel 11:07 pm I have swords. Whirl 11:07 pm Bevel, you're our second Christine. We need three more. ...two. I... can count. Sometimes. Windchill 11:08 pm *He's not gonna show off his claws.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Soundwave places one of those slashed circle NO symbols over his designation on his screen. No singing here.* Whirl 11:08 pm *looks back to ravage. Ravage is probably mentally bye-bye right now* Magnum Ace 11:08 pm What? Whirl 11:08 pm Well, *I* have claws, but I think I'm disqualified. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Ravage is a pile of snooze.* Specs 11:08 pm Why? Bevel 11:08 pm *transforms some of her paneling to look more like the gemstone patterns you'd see on one of Christine's dresses* Whirl 11:09 pm *SNICKERS* There ya go, Shovel! Lots of reasons, dragon. Me 11:09 pm ((it sounds like they're fighting over which one of them she's going to sing for)) Magnum Ace 11:09 pm -he missed the conversation, he's listening to the music- Windchill 11:09 pm (( PFFt. )) Bevel 11:09 pm ((it kinda does lol Whirl 11:09 pm Laserbeak, how are you with stabbing? ((HJDKRFKJE)) Specs 11:09 pm I think you'd be great at the stabbing part. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Laserbeak's out the door with Swoop, remember?* Magnum Ace 11:09 pm ((it does! Whirl 11:09 pm oh, wait. She's gone. Swoop 11:09 pm *the stickers remain, unstuck* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm [[She's more of a shooting bird.]] Bull 11:10 pm ((Throw all the Phantoms in a room and have them fight for supremacy)) Whirl 11:10 pm Well, dire circumstances call for drastic measures. I'm Christine number three. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm ((hey at least they wouldn't be lonely anymore)) Bevel 11:10 pm ((There can be only one Whirl 11:10 pm Now we need one more. Magnum Ace 11:10 pm ((the room would explode from the drama Twincast 11:10 pm ((tbh that sounds like fun)) Specs 11:10 pm *hm* What about Windchill? Windchill 11:10 pm Can I be the chandelier? I wanna explode. Me 11:11 pm ((they sing Music Of The Night as their mating call. whoever can sing it with the most drama wins christine.)) Whirl 11:11 pm ...damn, I should have called the Chandelier. I, too, want to explode. Bull 11:11 pm ((This opera house isn't big enough for all of us!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm ((you put a bunch of phantoms in the room singing that and they're gonna win a damn soundwave)) Windchill 11:11 pm We can combine into the chandelier. I'll share with you. Me 11:11 pm ((here we see them yielding to the alpha phantom)) Magnum Ace 11:11 pm ((HAH! Windchill 11:11 pm It will be a glorious demise. Whirl 11:11 pm Too late. I'm already Christine the Third. Bevel 11:11 pm ((bwahaha Windchill 11:11 pm ... Fine... I'll blow up all on my lonesome... Wait. Whirl 11:11 pm Ravage can't contradict me so he's Christine the fourth. Bevel 11:12 pm You are blue. You just need a cool cape. Windchill 11:12 pm I don't even get any singing parts! ... It's for the best. Whirl 11:12 pm No, no capes. I'm firmly anti-cape. Bevel 11:12 pm *giggles* Whirl 11:12 pm But I have been told I've got a half-decent voice, so I can do the singing. Someone else'll have to wear the cape. Magnum Ace 11:12 pm Think we should see about showing this to Owner? Specs 11:12 pm I call cape. Tarantulas 11:12 pm (( 💔 that note kills me Windchill 11:12 pm Man, we need to see Sara cover this song. It was written for her anyway. Bull 11:13 pm I think she would like it alot. Magnum Ace 11:14 pm Yeah. The singing is nice Whirl 11:14 pm Oh NO. Now we need a fifth. Me 11:14 pm ((i think there's a flaw with this all-sing-together concept)) Whirl 11:14 pm Looks like I was right all along, and I was psychically counting. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((what's the flaw)) Whirl 11:15 pm ((the Phantoms are forming a combiner)) Me 11:15 pm ((they all learned how to sing as solo phantoms, so they're all trying to be the standout voice.)) ((they didn't spend years practicing to sing it as a harmonious quartet/quintet)) Bull 11:15 pm ((They are merging their powers together!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((ahhhh yes)) Specs 11:15 pm ((they're not combiners until someone's standing on someone else's shoulders)) Whirl 11:16 pm Prowl, how good are you at stabbing? On a scale of one to ten. Me 11:16 pm About as good as I am at singing. Whirl 11:16 pm I've never heard you sing. Me 11:16 pm Well, there you go. Windchill 11:16 pm I'm sure it's fantastic. Whirl 11:16 pm ...well, we'll have to make due. You're number five. Congratulations, you're an angel of music now. Me 11:16 pm I decline. Specs 11:16 pm Soundwave could probably answer that, Whirl. 😛 ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *Wants SO MUCH to ask him to do so but has had plenty of comparisons tonight as it is.* Whirl 11:17 pm Damn. Well, we'll just have to do double-stabbing duty. Windchill 11:17 pm (( the streamers look like yaoi cum sorry guys. )) Twincast 11:17 pm ((rip the person who has to clean up the confetti)) Specs 11:17 pm ((WINDCHILL NO)) Bevel 11:17 pm *can sing by virtue of being able to sound however she wants* Magnum Ace 11:17 pm ((WOW Twincast 11:17 pm ((RIP x2)) Windchill 11:17 pm (( Ur welcome. )) Whirl 11:18 pm *streetches* Windchill 11:18 pm *Chants "chandelier" now.* Me 11:18 pm *He prefers the real Christine's solution, anyway. Unexpected. ... Kind of touching.* Specs 11:18 pm *stretches* I should head out. Next week? Whirl 11:18 pm All right. That was... hoenstly I liked it more'n I thought I would. So, good on you, Soundwave. Windchill 11:19 pm *Frowns.* *Well, he was having fun.* Twincast 11:19 pm ((good ol' Tom Lehrer)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm.*
[[He does have passable tastes, you know.]] Windchill 11:19 pm Is this...more math jokes? Whirl 11:19 pm Yeah, looks like it. Windchill 11:19 pm Gross! Whirl 11:20 pm *you get a sympathy pat* Me 11:20 pm *oh, math humor! he's ready* Windchill 11:20 pm *Back to chanting, it's the only way he's gonna survive.* Bevel 11:20 pm ....... Whirl 11:20 pm See you guys. *stands and bobs his head* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[Goodnight, Whirl. He hopes you'll enjoy others.]] Windchill 11:20 pm Bye, Christine number whatever you are. Bevel 11:21 pm Bye, Whirl! Whirl 11:21 pm We'll SEE about all THAT. *points at Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Quietly nudges Prowl and holds up his hands. Missing two fingers.* Specs 11:21 pm *the dragon makes an offended huff at the screen* Whirl 11:21 pm *and then waves again and begins to leave, but stops* Oh, Shovel--I'll get back to you about that thing. Probably soon. Me 11:21 pm *watching in baffled wonder* Bevel 11:22 pm Ok. I can wait. Whirl 11:22 pm *haha, got you beat, missing EIGHT fingers* *finger-missing amateur* Bevel 11:22 pm *trying to follow this math video* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *He bows before ... wait. Wouldn't that have been Whirl with 12 fingers?* Windchill 11:23 pm *Rests his massive chin in his hand.* Whirl 11:23 pm *wait. okay never mind. Whirl's player can't count, esp not under the weight of so much cold medicine* Me 11:23 pm *okay Prowl's getting the right answers in both base 10 and base 8 and he's getting it a lot faster than the singer but why are they moving digits around* Bevel 11:23 pm *didn't follow it at all and is lost because the answer was different at the end from what it was earlier* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *It must be all the deedlies confusing Whirl.* Magnum Ace 11:23 pm -what just happened there?- Specs 11:23 pm ((in all fairness to prowl, I feel that problem)) Whirl 11:23 pm *the deedly boppers ARE confusing. And horrifying* Me 11:24 pm *... sudden dawning horrified realization* Bull 11:24 pm Not sure. Me 11:24 pm ... Bevel. Bevel 11:24 pm What? Magnum Ace 11:24 pm Anyway. I think it's time to go home Me 11:24 pm I think—I think this is pre-algebra. Bevel 11:24 pm .... Oh! Magnum Ace 11:24 pm Soundwave? Can we get a bridge home? Windchill 11:24 pm I can get away from them. That's my superpower. Bull 11:25 pm Yeah; I should really head down to the repair bay and get another sensor blocking patch. Me 11:25 pm *Oh, Prowl likes this song though. Most people don't admit those things are math.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm *Soundwave nods.*
[[You may. Next time, though, he would like to hear about Segal.]] Magnum Ace 11:25 pm And you should. I saw you limping this morning. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[It is in the usual place. Be safe. He has a reputation to keep.]] Bull 11:26 pm *chuckles nervously* That'll be a story for another time. Windchill 11:26 pm *Debates internally whether it's safe to pull out the blankie now that Whirl's not here to smell it.* Specs 11:26 pm *the dragon nods to Soundwave* Thank you for the movie! 😄 Magnum Ace 11:26 pm -strained grin- R-right...later. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm [[You are welcome, dragon.]] Bull 11:26 pm Night everyone. Magnum Ace 11:27 pm Good night! Windchill 11:27 pm *Waves.* *An ear flicks.* Oh. Bevel 11:27 pm *this better not be interface math* Magnum Ace 11:27 pm ((g'night! and thanks for the stream! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *No, no. Prowl and Soundwave got that out the way already.* Me 11:28 pm *... for now* Windchill 11:28 pm *Snickers.* Bevel 11:28 pm *she has enough information about y'all* Me 11:28 pm *.... props his elbows on his knees and laces his hands in front of his mouth* @Soundwave «Are you trying to say something, by chance?» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm @Prowl: [[Not yet. Simply amusing himself.]] Bevel 11:29 pm *trying hard not to giggle* Me 11:30 pm @Soundwave «I see.» Windchill 11:30 pm *Just kind of nods in agreement with the topic.* *Stops.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm *You know what the best thing about having a visor is? The very best thing?*
*The best goddamn poker face.* Me 11:31 pm @Soundwave «............ Are you SURE?» Windchill 11:31 pm Blech. Me 11:31 pm *his shoulders are trembling* Bevel 11:31 pm *yep she's gone* Windchill 11:31 pm *Stands.* Bevel 11:32 pm *is this punishment for earlier?* Me 11:32 pm @Soundwave «Well, if you WANT me to whip, dismember, and stomp on you...» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *He's not the slightest bit sorry. She can stand a little mortification for impersonating him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm ((ARE YOU KIDDING ME)) Me 11:33 pm ((holy shit)) Bevel 11:33 pm ((ahaha ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm ((it is a SIGN)) Windchill 11:34 pm You guys have fun. Me 11:34 pm *his shoulders are still shaking* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *Soundwave nods to Windchill. That should be everyone then.* Bevel 11:35 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm @Prowl: [[Not the latter two. But he's quite sure he didn't mean anything by it. Merely... encouraging some privacy.]] Bevel 11:36 pm I liked that one. Me 11:36 pm @Soundwave «I see. If you're certain.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm @Prowl: [[Perhaps afterward.]] Windchill 11:37 pm *Leaves before he's exposed to anything else so blatantly INSENSITIVE.* Bevel 11:39 pm *...is alone with Prowl and Soundwave.* *gets up to leave before anyone else notices* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm *Success. It only took five songs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Well. Everything else being what it is, Soundwave's going to stretch his arm in front of Prowl and slowly nudges it back. Flop, you.* Me 11:42 pm *... Prowl doesn't understand the purpose of the extremely slow backhand* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Tilts his head a couple of times toward the floor.* Me 11:42 pm *What? ... OH. Okay. Lays back.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Good. Prowl now has a Soundwave blanket. And the doors are locked.*
[[Now he means it.]] Me 11:44 pm *optics light up.* Ah. Well, if you say so. *wraps his arms over Soundwave's shoulders—and feels to see if there are any scratches left in the paint.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *Not there. He needs to keep his armor in decent condition when flying.*
*Soundwave will form a little silhouette of himself on his visor and mark where to find one of the ones he left on his protometal, though. That gets covered. It's okay to leave them there.* Me 11:51 pm *studies it, and goes searching for the scratches* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Rumbles and stretches to make it easier.*
[[He enjoys having them. And more permanent marks.]] *Visor off. His optics are shut. This is a puddle of music-dazed spy.* [[Perhaps he will let you be creative some day.]] *Light tremble.* [[Not the castanets. He already lacks a nose.]] Me 11:57 pm Heh. Maracas, maybe? *Leans up to kiss his lacking nose.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm *Twitches slightly, not expecting that. Seems to be pleased though.*
[[He is fond of a good rhythm.]] Yesterday Me 11:59 pm I think I can handle that. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am [[And a bridge?]] Me 12:02 am *wraps arms securely around Soundwave* I'll let you handle that. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am [[So be it.]]
*Slides both arms under Prowl to further help keep him from falling, opens one beneath them, and drops them in the apartment for Things.* Me 12:10 am *Let the Things commence*
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