#taking care of my health
buff-trans-lesbian · 11 months
Happy Tummy Thursday
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Focusing on my health
Yesterday I took a bigger dose of a muscle relaxer than I usually do, and boy, I had such a scary side effect...I wasn't producing pretty much any saliva, I had a swallow reflex but there was nothing to swallow and I couldn't properly breathe, it felt like the walls of my throat were sticking together. For several hours at night I had to be constantly taking sips of water because my throat hurt so much and I couldn't swallow.
If you think that a dry mouth cannot be scary...think again. It's not the first time I get a dry mouth while taking this medicine, but it has never been this bad. It was horrible being sleepy as another side effect, really wanting to sleep and not being able to because I had to constantly be taking sips of water. At least all that water helped me pee out some of the medicine. It's early morning and I still have dryness and my throat hurts, but no nearly as bad as last night.
As I said, it was quite a scary experience, especially because it felt like a couldn't breathe. I kept on thinking that I wouldn't want to die like this where I am now...as suicidal as I am. This really reinforced my will to take care of my body and health again. Definitely a reason to keep on staying sober (I think I will probably drink something for New Year but I will keep it moderate) and somehow increase my daily movement and eat healthy.
The food topic is still an issue. I had made soup and a good loaded salad for dinner and this guy asked me if I wanted French fries. Even though I love fries, I politely declined and said I was on a diet. He went ahead and made fries from scratch only for me, a big overflowing plate. I said no anyway. He insisted that I had to eat them (this really reinforces my theory of a feeding k*nk) . I ate like three fries and left the rest. He wouldn't take the plate away...so at some point I just went ahead and put the fries in the fridge. It's hard to stand the pressure, but I decided that I really won't eat things that are not healthy for me unless absolutely necessary, especially in huge quantities. Same goes for alcohol.
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kaijutegu · 3 months
Nakajima had her first outing with people today. One of the main reasons I asked for temperament was because I wanted an ambassador. I run the CHS's junior meetings and Kaiju was the face of them. I had a lot of hope that Nakajima could follow in her footsteps.
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As it turns out? Absolute rock star. All of this interaction was completely voluntary. Kids sat down. She climbed into their laps only if she wanted to. And OH BOY did she want to. She was so interested in everything about the kids- she wanted to sniff and be petted and get attention.
At the end, she ended up falling asleep in one kid's lap.
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She just... melted. And the kids were SO GOOD about her boundaries. Any time she walked away, everybody let her. She was able to go back to her carrier when she wanted to, and she never got agitated or overwhelmed- she was calm but inquisitive the entire time. I couldn't have asked for a better educational animal. Or a better friend.
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zaerxa · 11 months
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Oh take me back (to the night we met)
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gildedoak · 1 month
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Beignets Pt 2!
✅ Refreshing hot shower ✅ Comfy pajamas ✅ Cozy fuzzy blanket ✅ Favorite music that scritches the brain just right ✅ Fresh beignets and hot coffee from your Sworn Enemy (TM) who kinda sorta complimented you but will never admit to it
I wanted him to enjoy the beignets, okay?? Also his mug is supposed to read, "I quack myself up."
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets Shrimp and Grits Fried Catfish Cornbread Pecan Pie Biscuits and Gravy
Description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A freshly-showered Lucifer sits under a hefty teal blanket, wearing pale blue pajamas and is happily eating a beignet. A mug reading "I quack myself up" sits to the side, filled with coffee, with a platter of powdered beignets on his other side. A vintage, red and white radio plays music in the background, presumably polka.
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thepathetickind · 22 days
a thorn in my chest - perhaps I was the one who put it there,
by laurenmaerie, ‘to keep a piece’
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healing-is-cool · 1 year
Rb this post to remind someone to:
♡ Take their meds today
♡ Stay hydrated
♡ Eat a proper meal
♡ Go for a little walk or exercise a bit
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free-my-mindd · 6 months
Reminder to take care of your heart today.
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erineas · 5 months
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You won't believe what i've found!!
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twelvelemons · 20 days
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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pickle-and-beans · 4 months
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You got this 🫶
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veryluckyclovers · 1 year
how is ur healing journey going? <3
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nonsense on healing
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napping-sapphic · 8 months
No but listen if we were dating i could inspire you to do your daily mental health walk when you don’t want to which would also force me to do MY daily mental health walk when i don’t want to it’s a win/win situation absolutely no downsides
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foolscapper · 8 months
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They ask you to come to work at a time like this, then write you up when you can't get the stains out of your uniform.
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TFA Arachnus Prime
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