#tasty plant-based meals
totesmag · 2 years
Plant-Based Recipes for a Crowd
Plant-Based Eating refers to a diet that is primarily made up of plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and nuts. It is a way of eating that is not only good for our health, but also the environment. The Benefits of Plant-Based Diets Studies have shown that following a plant-based diet can have a positive impact on our overall health. Plant-based diets have been…
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Ruggie, Trey: More and More
TWST once again picks the most INCRIMINATING villain shots to display in the picture frames 😭 I am BEGGING the museum curator to do better/j
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A lion cub, a warthog, and a meerkat.
It was an odd trio, a group of animals that, under normal circumstances, would never be together. Certainly not like this—not grinning, snuggling up with each other. Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore. Sharing the lives they had, joined in heart and in song.
No worries for the rest of their days.
Ruggie snickered behind one hand. Man, ain't that the dream?
"They've got nice smiles."
The hyena's ears perked. His eyes shifted to a Heartslabyul student gazing upon the same painting. Tall, built well, in glasses.
"Come again?"
"Their teeth," Trey clarified, pointing. "You see? They have different shapes based on their diet. Warthogs mainly eat vegetables, so they have strong, flat molars for crushing plants. But lions are carnivores, so their teeth are sharper for slicing through meat. And meerkats--"
"Okay, I get it already! Now quit it, you sound almost as creepy as Rook." Ruggie groaned. "Can't believe you take one look at this and your first thought is what's in their mouths."
"You don't?" The joke fell flat, and Trey let it go "How about you? What's your first thought when you look at this? If I'm remembering correctly, this painting is based on a story from your country. Does it have significance to you?"
"Eh, it’s some story about a warthog and a meerkat coming together to raise a lost cub they found."
"Really." Trey's eyebrows raised. "How did they manage to feed a baby lion? They probably need a lot of protein, and I don't think a warthog and a meerkat could hunt enough for it."
"Nah, they figured something out." He pinched his thumb and index finger together, peering through the small gap between them and right at the vice dorm leader. "Bugs."
"Bugs?!" Trey startled.
"Yup, there's plenty of 'm and they're packed full of protein for a growing young prince.”
“Did I not mention it before? Turns out that the lion cub was a missing prince, and they had no idea. When the prince was all grown up, he returned to claim his kingdom with the warthog and the meerkat. The animals were able to get over their differences and live together in harmony. It all started with bugs—that’s pretty resourceful, isn’t it?”
"I didn’t think there would be a twist that wild from a story that started with eating bugs. We sometimes eat flowers in the Queendom, but usually as a garnish or for a snack, not for a whole meal. Is it a cultural difference...?"
Ruggie shrugged. "Sometimes you don't have much of a choice in what you eat. If life hands you lemons when you're starving, are you going to turn it down? 'Course not."
I can't afford that kind of luxury.
"Well, when you put it like that..." Trey gave a light laugh. "You're going to make me hungry too."
"I'd kill for a big roast pork right about now. Fat, sweet, and juicy, the meat so tender if falls off the bone once ya sink your teeth into it..." Ruggie drooled at the thought. "Yeah, if you just shoved an apple into the warthog's mouth, glaze it with honey, and slow cook it over a fire, I bet it'd be real tasty."
"It sounds like you’ve always got food on your mind.” Trey folded his arms, lips tugging back into a lopsided smirk. “Kinda gruesome when you talk about the prep work like that though.”
“We wouldn’t have any food if we didn’t hunt and gather. ‘S how the circle of life works.”
His gaze slanted toward the painting of the happy trio. A unification, food shared from the same platter—it sparked some desperate hope in him.
A world where kings and hyenas can be friends… Heh, maybe I’m asking for too much.
But he was greedy like that. Seeking more and more, his hunger never fully satisfied.
Ruggie shook his head, letting dirty blonde locks fall across his face. “Maybe it’s news to you, but beastmen don’t exactly see eye to eye with other beastmen. That’s why it’s practically a miracle that those three get along. It’s a tale they tell us in the Sunset Savanna to remind us of what we could be, united under one true kingdom. It’s just that: a story.”
“It’s a nice story,” Trey said simply. “And it would be even nicer if it came true.”
It would.
“It’ll be a looong time before that happens. It’s about as real as my dreams of a roast pork dinner.”
Ruggie sighed as he drew his arms up, hands resting behind his head. He reclined back in that lazy, devil-may-care pose.
Trey watched him, his mustard yellow eyes shifting slightly. “… Are you baiting me to offer to make you some?”
“What?” The hyena feigned shock. “Me, trying to get my hands on free grub? Nooooo, I’d never!”
Trey stared at him indignantly. “You’re not being very subtle there…”
Ruggie showed his teeth. “Was I supposed to be?”
“Maybe you’d have better luck getting a formal invite from Riddle first. I don’t usually prepare whole hams for a single guest either—it’s usually a group meal, so you’d have to share.”
“Tch. Whatever, can’t blame a hyena for testing out a shortcut, can you?”
“Ahahah… I’m slightly concerned that you’d even attempt to have an entire pig to yourself. Your appetite must be legendary.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
More and more—he wanted it all. Gluttony, a sin to the common man. To him, a desire for something greater than this.
He saw it now, a kingdom built upon the jagged cliffs. His kind and other scorned creatures. creeping out from the darkness and into the moonlight. They all looked to the one that stood far above them, the one that would lead them to that shining future.
Someday, it will come.
Ruggie spun, his back presented to the painting. A spotlight upon the trio, and the shadows closing in on his own face.
Even so, his smile was as big and as bright as ever.
“Nishishishishi! Don’t worry so much, Trey-kun~ Just be happy—hakuna matata!”
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what-even-is-thiss · 9 months
i've been reading some of your arguments for why you wouldn't be vegan and just wanted to point out that you have a lot of fallacy in your arguments. might want to do a look in there to make sure you are stating your morals/prose properly, and aren't using any arguments that can be easy to shutdown. appeal to tradition. appeal to futility and the argument that personal pleasure(taste etc) allows us to do what we want to others without consent to their bodies is a moral issue i don't think you align with but i could be mistaken. a lot of people who enjoy sex don't rape for example.
i also liked the taste of animal flesh and organs but realized my personal pleasure i got from consuming them pales when it is placed against the value of someone's life and what they have to endure for me to get that on my plate, it's easy to have a disconnect when you don't know. health, animals, earth all benefit from a plant based diet. a plant based diet can feed more people for cheaper, helping to end hunger.
you can say you cook "more vegetarian" but i implore you to continue your growth and align your actions with your morals and continue to strive for a plant based diet in the future. you don't seem like a cruel person but i could be wrong. i've been vegan for 15 years and i cook so many amazing meals and can tell you from experience you don't have to limit yourself to oatmeal. if you have time to watch/listen id implore you to check out gary yourofsky "the most important speech you will ever hear"
good luck to you on aligning your moral values with the actions you take daily/what you pay for.
Okay. Do you say these same things to vegans that wear cotton? That also kills a lot of animals. Like a lot of them. It hurts entire ecosystems.
There’s no way to buy stuff in our current economy that doesn’t hurt somebody or something. I know how to cook tasty and cheap and mostly healthy meals for myself and the easiest way to do that is with pre-cut veggies, eggs, and the occasional poultry.
Yeah I’m wasting plastic. Yeah I’m eating animals. Vegans eat almonds and quinoa. Those are bad farmed at an industrial scale.
Being an omnivore is natural and I don’t feel bad about it. If you look me in the eyes and ask me if I could kill a chicken the answer is yes. I’ve done extensive research on how to do it safely, actually. If the apocalypse comes I’m raising hens for meat.
Also comparing animal agriculture to rape? Couldn’t find literally anything else to compare it to? Really?
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canonkiller · 4 months
asking here for the extra reach but does anyone know any recipe blogs or cookbooks of vegan recipes that AREN'T all about how a plant based diet will make you lose weight and that meat is evil?
It's the easiest way to find lactose free meals but so so so many of them are convinced that having filling and tasty meals is a sin matched only by using any animal product and it's like, man, I really don't need calorie counting and PETA bullshit when I'm just trying to avoid Milk Purgatory
EDITING TO ADD: the recommendations :)
Buddha Gate Monastery recipes page and other Buddhist monastery websites (recommended by @radishwizard )
Budget Bytes dairy free category (recommended by @parrot-parent and friend)
The Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen (recommended by @i-am-l-ananas )
Rainbow Plant Life (recommended by @sassy-eggs )
@najia-cooks recipe blog (recommended by @night-dark-woods )
Vegan (ish) cookbook by Jack Monroe (recommended by @roxierockatansky )
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ntls-24722 · 1 month
Domesticated crops! (and secret not-plants)
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This post is more for me and actually putting to paper the things that the Bolur species would eat. I had more fun than I thought I would've.
cw? tw? for unsanitary mentions sorta
Going from top-to-right,
Land Barnacles
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Exactly what they sound like. Did you know that Earth barnacles are arthropods? That they're crustaceans? I got inspo from that. Juveniles, like Earth barnacles, are mobile and have very inefficient, blanket-y wings that they will use to one day cement themselves onto the ground, hopefully next to another one of their barnacle colleagues for reproductive purposes. Their abdomens are actually folded so that their anuses are right next to their mouths, because like an aphid, they have a very sugary, liquidy waste that (alongside their floral-looking heads) brings in a lot of bugs for them to eat! When bugs try to feed on their waste, they use the remnants of their tube feet to grab them and eat them.
Zebrapeople cultivate land barnacles in order to drill holes right into their abdomens and harvest their honeydew. It's like a gross version of drilling holes in maple trees for maple syrup. I imagine they view it kind of like hot dogs, so tasty but so grossly made...
Floor Climbers
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They're these kind of "flatworms" that eat underwater plant growths and store them in their skin to be able to photosynthesize for themselves. Their blankety backsides is the part of them with the most, so they evolved to completely have that part of them be a solar panel blanket and just walk with their front.... well, they never had legs, but they now have "legs." They're handstanding everywhere
They're invasive little shits that reproduce like rabbits. They're introduced to small, usually music man-made bodies of water in order for them to completely take over, and for the music men to harvest. They're really chewy and savory if you cook them right. Might be a little poisonous if you undercook them, so it's better to burn your climbers than have them medium rare.
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They evolved that Phat Root in order to anchor themselves in the water. They have flowers at the base of their main stem for bugs that walk on water to pollinate, and to make sure they don't move around too much, their stem and leaves became super aerodynamic to the point it looks like a big red feather coming out of the water.
Amber Tree
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MISNOMER. NOT A TREE. LAND CORAL! Sometimes called "cow sails" from the way its topmost "branches" and leaves just hang down over everything like a debu's sail does. Since its branches are thin, its limestone outer layer is at risk of breaking a lot, so it evolved this really thick sap so bugs don't try and take advantage of its downfall.
Except, well, Debu took advantage of its sap. It's a cash crop! Badlands Debu harvest its super thick, fast drying sap to kind of make instant-amber, dipping various things in it to make jewlery. Things like...
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Imagine if a sunflower, when it got pollinated, became a giant dandelion. That's thansum, the complimentary Debu cash crop to amber trees, which is the most popular thing to dip in its amber. But it's not just a Debu cash crop, it's also used to make paper and cloth for zebrapeople, mostly zebraelves. They crush its seedlings up and add water to make a thansum-meal out of it - if they use more seedling and dry it, it becomes paper. If they use more fluff, then it becomes cloth! Or they can eat thansum-meal straight up if they're desperate. It's not poisonous, but it's a very sad meal, don't eat thansum-meal
Spittle Berries
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So, i've been excited to talk about this, because lemme tell you the more popular way that Bolur plants reproduce. Spittle berries are fruits, they are Bolur fruits, but bolur fruits are special - they are the flower, the leaf, and the fruit all at once. The method is that fruits are made through leaves, leaves that're inflated full of gametes covered in a soft shell (think like a pomegranate seed) and fruit "meat", which in turn also colors them a striking (ususally cool) color. When something eats a Bolur fruit, the soft shell that their sperm and eggs were covered in gets dissolved and they meet up together in the stomach. The gametes themselves are made of some gross, hard-to-digest material so that they remain unharmed, and so that they can become embryos by the time whatever ate it passes them through their system, right into some fresh fertilizer that they can grow out of. Spittle berries are the least interesting fruit in that it's just a fruit, but they're a perfect introductory fruit for the weirder ones, like:
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The only fruit actively being selected for cuteness! It's also a debu specific - the squash evolved to be eaten specifically by mountain cows since the shell their gametes are covered in are too tough to be digested by most other animal. So if a zebraperson wants to eat, they might want to take those out lest those bigass "seed" gametes gives them blockage.
It's less cuteness, but more "liveliness," if that makes any sense? Looking more and more like a little animal, a little dude. The eyes are getting bigger and the originally modest striping is becoming more exaggerated to look like a spitting monkey.
And finally,
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The only plant here to have a skeleton. It's the "shrub" version of a land coral where its base will have a dense limestone skeleton for its photosynthetic parts to pop out of, and soft pith to be protected underneath. Bempo actually takes forever to grow, because it takes years for it to build up its "pyramid" base. But when it does, then you are set, because fruit-bearing coral-shrubs like bempo have the shortest growth times for its fruit to the point where you can watch and hear the growth of its giant fruit plates that adorn the top of its base.
Those fruit plates also have a skeleton of their own, but it's only a single "bone," like if a plant had a baculum for its fruit.
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sapphicseasapphire · 6 months
I’m wondering if any of the chain members have any dietary restrictions and if so how do they deal with food while travelling I’d imagine some wouldn’t exactly need to eat ( wars, wild and time) but also most of the other might need to have different diets then the typical hylian. ( honestly only twilight and maybe four might be the only with a more typical diet)
This is a great question, and one that I’ve thought about at length. Sorry I took so long to respond, I’m so incredibly busy with my classes! I hope this answer is sufficient haha! (Under the cut because long)
Wild: Surprisingly, he does need to eat! Just, not for the reasons that you or I do. Wild does not feel hungry. His body does not consume energy (it’s not… physical, really). But his magic is based in the natural world, so if he’s hurt, he must strengthen bonds to nature. The easiest way to do this is to ingest things that come from nature. So like… any food ever. He gets hurt a lot (the little chaos gremlin) so he tends to eat a lot! And he may be a silly little guy, but he has standards. He’s an excellent cook, surprisingly.
Wars: Doesn’t eat. Can’t eat. Is a sword.
Time: Time doesn’t need to eat, but after spending his life as a mortal, it’s a pretty tough habit to break! He’s nostalgic about food, almost. While he doesn’t feel hungry, he doesn’t typically feel full, either. So eating won’t make him sick or anything. If he smells something tasty, he’d ask for a serving! Other than that, he doesn’t have any dietary restrictions.
Hyrule: Vegetarían! And he LOVES sweet things. He fills up on berries and then will go days without eating again- it doesn’t take much to sustain his little body. (Like Wild, he’s not exactly physical, either. Most of his body mass is just magic). Sugar water? His favorite. Jelly? He loves. He’s such a little guy, I love him.
Sky: Pescatarian! As Link, he was vegetarian, but Aepon really liked fish. To this day, Sky’s favorite meal is pumpkin and fish soup, which is a weird combination. But Pipit made it for him once and it’s been his favorite ever since! (A combination of Link and Aepon’s favorites). He’s not against eating meat but his body isn’t really equipped to handle it. Same with dairy- but no one knew that until they gave him a bunch of milk after hearing that he has fragile bones. He is morally against eating eggs.
Legend: He has to absolutely douse all of his meals with a bunch of salt or he’ll die, but he’s vibing. He prefers seafood, but he’s been living on land (and has traveled enough) to be able to stomach the plants that grow above water. He has even developed a preference for certain meats. He’ll take whatever he’s given, usually, and add his own salt haha.
Ravio: Literally the exact same as Legend. (Except he’s been neglecting the salt thing for pretty much his whole life. Someone help him, he’s not doing well).
Wind: Literally the exact same as Legend and Ravio, except he doesn’t need all the salt supplementation… at least not nearly to the same extent.
Four: Eats a typical diet! Nothing really to say here. Typical three meals a day, meat and vegetables and dairy and all that. Four will mix their food before eating, which the others might find odd. They prefer to have everything in every bite. Soups are good haha!
Twilight: Typical diet. He eats meat and vegetables and dairy and all that jazz. Lots of protein. He eats… more than you’d expect, and that’s because he has different forms to maintain. It doesn’t cost him anything to shift- it takes no energy- but if he only eats enough for a Hylian, he won’t be able to last long as a wolf or another large animal.
This post might offer some more insight!
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inquisitive-june · 2 years
Separatist Swaps: Home Cook Youtubers
This week’s theme from @radblrthemeweeks is  Separatist Swaps (suggesting equivalent female artists/musicians/creators/etc to support as well as or instead of men)
I’ll admit I don’t read or watch TV much, but I do watch a lot of YouTube.  I added some of my favorite channels to this post in the past (X).  This will be an expanded list in no particular order.
Initially, I wanted to compare each channel to a similar male-led one, but I opted to just summarize what I think is unique about each one.
Food and Cooking
Note: I prefer vegan/plant based cooking, so I’ll specify which of these channels are exclusively vegan.
Cheap Lazy Vegan (V) Rose makes a lot of Korean food, but the ingredients are pretty easy to find at a regular grocery store.  Many of her videos feature high protein, nutritious meals that can be ready in 20 minutes or less.  I’ve also found her recipes to be shockingly simple without getting boring.
Rainbow Plant Life (V) Nisha is one of my favorite youtubers.  Her recipes are a bit more involved that Rose’s, but I’ve made several of them myself so they’re still approachable for a home cook.  Her recipes are primarily American or Indian inspired with advice for meal prep and saving time.
Pick Up Limes (V)  Sadia is a nutritionist, so her recipes tend to be wholesome and nutritious.  However, she still has a lot of recipes for comfort food and desserts.  I don’t make her recipes as often, but her videos are enjoyable.
Sierra Ann  I like her easy “recipes” (more like meal ideas), but she sometimes posts about fashion as well.  Her content is more akin to a vlog than concrete recipes or cooking tips, so I find myself watching her YT shorts more than her longform content.
Lisa Nguyen  I’ve only ever seen her YT shorts so idk if she makes longer videos or not.  She does instant ramen challenges where she tries different brands or ramen hacks.
Morgan Drinks Coffee  Morgan releases a mix of recipes and other content like appliance and coffee reviews.  She has a lot of advice for people just getting into coffee or those who want some fresh ideas.
Inga Lam  When I made the other post she was still working for Buzzfeed, but she recently decided to focus on her own channel.  I’m not sure what she has planned but she’s very creative and ambitious.
How to Cook That  Ann Reardon mostly makes baking videos, but I prefer her debunking videos.  She seems to have shifted more toward debunking dangerous videos in general, not just food related videos.
June Xie from Delish  June makes long videos creating a week’s worth of meals, often on a budget.  My main complaint about her content is that some of the food she makes is either not for everybody or uses ingredients that aren’t readily accessible, like produce from specialty shops.  However, that also means her recipes tend to be unique and interesting.  Her boyfriend also comes off as kinda rude, but he’s only there when they’re tasting the food.
Beryl Shereshewsky  People from around the world submit ways they eat a particular food, like instant ramen or onions, and Beryl makes and reviews them.  These videos are helpful when I feel stuck in a routine and want to see ingredients from a different perspective.
Alix Traeger  Alix used to work for Tasty, but now she makes content on her own channel with her girlfriend Zoya.  Zoya is Persian, so it’s been fun watching Alix try to master Persian dishes.
Here are some others I saw in my Watch Later list that I don’t watch often or haven’t seen yet.
Mina Rome (Cooking)
Doobydobap (Cooking)
Flo Lum (Cooking)
Sarah’s Vegan Kitchen (Cooking)
Sweet Simple Vegan (Cooking)
Julia Pacheco (Cooking)
Feelgoodfoodie (Cooking)
Anne of all trades (DIY)
The busy brown angel (Gardening)
Gardening and Homesteading
Girl in the Woods  I just found her channel last week, but it was too interesting to leave out.  Usually I don’t like homesteading YouTubers because they focus on the aesthetics, but I’ve actually learned a lot about off-grid living just from watching a few of her videos.
HannahLeeDuggan  She bought a property with a run-down cabin a few years back.  Before that, she was living in a van and selling handmade clothes online.  I can’t say I’ve learned much about van life or homesteading from her videos, but I haven’t given her a fair chance yet.  Last I checked, she was planning on documenting the process of fixing up and weather-proofing her cabin.
Learn Something
Answers in Progress  This channel is run by three people, two of which are women.  They answer random questions with a surprising amount of research and interviews with professionals.
The Take The Take claims to be “ the leading female-led entertainment analysis channel on TV, Movies & Pop-Culture”
Cheyenne Lin  Cheyenne focuses on feminist analysis and film analysis through a feminist lens.
Jessica Chou  She isn’t active anymore but she has some basic videos on car maintenance.
Micarah Tewers Micarah sews a combination of beautiful and insane clothes.  I’ve never tried to recreate any of her patterns but she’s so entertaining to watch.  She made fake eyelashes out of her dog’s hair and that’s not even the craziest thing she’s done on her channel.
Since this is intended to be a discussion, I’m also including a list of channels I’d like to find that are usually male dominated.
Game News and Lore I like watching lore videos for games like the Fallout series, RDR2, and TES.  So far, the only female gamers I’ve seen on YT are overly sexualized and don’t make the content I’m looking for.
Food Science There are a few channels that break down food science like Adam Ragusea and Kenji Lopez-Alt.  The closest female equivalent is How to Cook That, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for and she primarily posts baking videos.
I’ve been watching a lot of Ethan Chlebowski’s videos lately because he makes meal formulas and focuses on high protein meals.  If anyone knows who I’m talking about, I’d love to see female-run channels that make similar content.
Gardening and Homesteading  I want channels that actually teach me something new and don’t focus on pseudoscience or religion.
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cyborg-franky · 2 months
That's totally okay, I knew it was a long shot! I know there are only 3 slots left so if this new one doesn't go through I will happily await the next event but! Pretty please, if he's available, could I ask for Shanks instead? Perhaps in this case I'd wear a dress, pretty but kinda sundress style? Shanks is unpredictable in that regard he could be fancy or just dress like he always does, I'm fine with whatever you might decide there. :) For the colors, his particular shade of red, and then a light tealy-blue. It's probably a big wedding, the red force boys love a party, food and drink aplenty, and probably in early-mid summer. I think that covers all the bases on the form! Thank you again for this event and for being so patient! ; u ; I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's events either way!
Okay, I won't lie. This has been one of my faves so far. The red and the blue are such a tasty combo and I love the party vibe. I hope you like <3
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Everyone pitches in to decorate the red force. You had no idea where these full-grown manly men learned such skills as flower arranging and cake decorating, but you were as thankful as you were astounded.
The actual wedding was on the beach. Shanks wanted something a little fancy for the pair of you [or rather Benn stepped in and nudged Shanks in the right direction]. It was in the evening and the beach was lit up with candles and lights.
The ceremony was short but sweet, filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and love. Shanks swept you off your feet, planting a kiss that caused the entire crew to erupt in hoots and hollers.
The dining room on the Red Force had never looked so nice. Flowers, candles, and other little bits and pieces pulled the look together. You just stared around the room and then at Shanks, who was grinning, taking in your face with such delight of his own as the other members of the crew gave you a thumbs up.
Everyone came together for you and Shanks’s special day, creating a powerful sense of unity and acceptance. You felt surrounded by love and support, making you feel truly part of the celebration.
Trying not to cry as Shanks gently pulls you towards the head of the table.
The food is amazing, the drink is good and it flows through the night.
Once the meal and toasts are done, you all head to the deck where there is music and dancing and, oh yes, way more drinks.
The party goes on late into the night, into the early morning and beyond.
You’ll need to sleep a week after how hard you all party.
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chaosjedimasterk · 2 years
What’s cooking good lookin?
The bad batch get a good meal from reader.
Summary: after the somewhat failed mission of finding the heart of the mountain your favorite batch member drops by your apartment for a comfort meal. Here’s how it goes and what you cook! In reality I just really wanted to make sure someone feeds these men some real food.
Reader is gender neutral
Warnings: SFW- None - I just really wanted to be able to give these men an actual meal for once so this is how I’m doing it. I didn’t include crosshair in this one because he’s harder to grasp for me. And I’m super new to writing, plus he isn’t in that episode. Let me know if you have any thoughts!
Also a personal head cannon that hunter is the only one in the batch that has any cooking skills whatsoever
Pairing(s): Hunter x reader, Wrecker x reader, Tech x Reader, Echo x Reader
It had been several rotations since you had last seen the batch. Last you had heard they had gone off to find some mystery treasure…a heart of a mountain. Regardless, Hunter had finally commed you to let you know that they should be back planet-side by 1700. Knowing the boys and Omega lived mostly on ration bars during missions you started prepping.
Your apartment above Cid’s was small but not cramped and the best part was it had a decent kitchen. You had always loved cooking. It was part of who you were, from a young age your grandmother taught you all of her secrets. You spent ample time learning to play with flavors and textures. So it was here in your kitchen humming and chopping away when your door unlocks….
~ when you first met Hunter he was skeptical that someone could out cook him. He prided himself on the quick but nutrient dense and tasty meals he could make for himself and the boys. That was until he finally caved and tried your secret creamy manoomin soup. It was rich but it also tasted like comfort. As though you had wrapped him in a hug. Honestly the recipe was like 5 ingredients and only took you 20 minutes to make. But he swore on it. So when you were expecting him back you made sure you had everything handy.
~ However, since it was an easy dish you figured you’d also bake a cake. You had time to kill anyways. But while you were baking time slipped past you and you heard your door open. “Hey darlin, you hom—?” He paused as he looked at you and you were a mess. You were a messy baker so there was flour and other ingredients everywhere. His hand flew to his mouth so you didn’t see him snicker at you
- “ Shoot is it already 1730?!” You exclaimed surprised to see him standing there and quickly brushing the flour off your hands. He chuckles as he gently sets down his helmet and walks over to you and wipes away flour that had gotten on you cheek. “You are the most beautiful sight to behold right now. All this? For me? You know you don’t have to.” He says softly against your forehead as he plants a forehead kiss. “I know” you sigh a bit dejectedly “I hate to ask but would you mind helping me? I’m sure you’re starving”. You look up at him and he smiles and nods.
~ you two wordlessly move about the kitchen as a team getting things together. Typically you loathe people in your kitchen but Hunter knows his way around and is helpful. You two prepare dinner together and eat on the sofa while soft music plays in the background. He tells you about the mission and how curious and smart Omega has been lately. You’re both chatting long into the night when finally you doze off.
~ Hunter gently picks you up and lays you in your bed, where he goes and cleans up the dishes and puts away the leftovers before joining you in a deep and comfortable slumber.
~ after Hunter commed you with their ETA you rush to the market. If Wrecker stops by you know you’ll need to stock up on some things. Wrecker LOVES your food. Cannot seem to get enough of it. Based on Wreckers size he eats a lot but you don’t mind because every other bite is filled with “babe have I told you how good this is?” And you’ll always giggle because of course he has
~ Wrecker also loves to eat like it’s a challenge, if it’s spicy he can’t seem to eat enough of it. You’re aiming for hearty and hot with this meal. You decide on a spicy bantha curry. You love the market and all of its smells and stalls and you could spend hours browsing but you quickly stop where you need and head straight back home.
~ Your nearly done cooking as you’ve just gotten the rice into the cooker when you hear the click of your lock open. “Hey sweetheart! Woah!! It smells fantastic in here” wrecker takes a deep breath in and before bother to remove any of his gear strides over to you and wraps you in a huge hug. “Wrecker dear, I need to breathe!” You laugh into his chest plate, he’s the best hugger. “Right!” He chuckles as he sets you back down.
~ Wrecker goes and sits lazily on your sofa to remove his gear and you ask how the mission went. He talks about the explosions and the puzzles omega solved “Damn thing was HUGE!!!” He exclaims as you pull everything from the oven. You grab dishes from the cabinet and he gets up “let me get it for you!” As he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck. And he dishes you both up. You continue to chat about the mission as he animatedly tells you all about it
~ there are of course no leftovers and now you two snuggle in on the couch for some lighthearted competition in some holonet games. The dishes can wait until tomorrow.
~ Tech was the toughest member to cook for. You remember being mildly frustrated after all of the meals you’ve had him try and none had earned anything more than a “this is quite satisfactory”. Then one day he arrived unannounced to show you a new update he added to your data pad. You were making homemade pasta with a butter sauce. And offered him some. Surprisingly he loved it? The way he talked about it made it seem as though it was a technical and flavorful masterpiece you had to smile because this was the highest praise you’ve ever received.
~ Tech, as you learned over time had quite the sweet tooth but wouldn’t tell others. So you always made sure dessert was around where he could find it. As you were getting the water boiling for the pasta you had made earlier that day the door opened. “Ah you are home!” He said matter of factly. “How was the mission?” You asked as he strode over to your side. “Well we are alive so I suppose it could be counted as a success” he mumbled into your hair as he planted a kiss atop your head. He glanced around the kitchen looking for the context clues of what you were cooking. “It’s your special” you said with a teasing wink. “Plus check the fridge i made you dessert as well”.
~ Tech turned to open the fridge and took out a ramekin “what exactly is it?” He asked setting it on the counter. “It’s crème brûlée - it’ll hit the spot between sweet and simple for you”. You said as you finished up the pasta. Tech reached over you and grabbed bowls down from the cupboard “well I am highly looking forward to it!” He almost exclaimed. He had started to grow more adventurous with food since seeing you. You ate and he explained in great detail the technicalities of the beast they found. Keeping his hand a top your hand for the entirety of dinner. and you listen in rapt attention to everyone of of his words. “ fascinating.” You said with wonder in your voice. 
~ you two ate dessert and after you had both done the dishes you had snuggled up to Tech’s chest to read the latest novel that had you hooked. Tech, reading his own data pad gently combed his fingers through your hair. Then softly “thank you for cooking for me. It is highly appreciated that you’ve gone out of your way to find foods that I will enjoy”. You smiled and looked up at him “of course” you replied after a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
~ you’re cooking something simple, you know Echo is a picky eater and while he trusts your cooking he is still hesitant to try new foods. You go with the trusty chicken noodle soup. A favorite for when it’s cold, or you simply need a good comfort tastes like home feel.
~ Echo opens your door and takes one long breath in. “Smells fantastic in here, what are you making?” He asks. You smirk over your stove knowing how high of a compliment that is coming from Echo. “It’s not much, but I figured you’d want something heartier than ration bars after that mission” you respond setting your spoon down on the counter.
~ Echo proceeds to remove his gear and sit down at your small table and begins telling you all about the mission. Wordlessly, you ladle the soup into a bowl and set it in front of him. And without hesitation he continues his story while eating. You’ve never not seen him pick through your food before to see if there’s anything he won’t like. You smirk, “what? Something on my face?” He says staring at you with a confused look.
~ “it’s nothing” you smile sweetly before kissing his temple and dishing your own bowl. You both finish eating and Echo helps you dry the dishes before you both snuggle in for a well deserved rest.
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plantbasedmimi3 · 2 months
When I decided to go plant-based, one thing I did was swap out some of my go-to foods with plant based options.
Here are some of my faves:
Butter: Earth Balance Buttery Spread (perfect as a margarine substitute) and Miyokos Plant Butter (as a butter substitute). Both look, taste and spread exactly like butter.
Milk: Califia Brand Plant Milks - the Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk and the Gluten-Free Oat Milk are awesome, and have clean ingredients.
Ice Cream: My personal favorite is Talenti Dairy-Free Sorbetto in strawberry or vanilla bean. So Delicious are also amazing.
Cheese: Follow Your Heart for slices, Violife for shredded and Miyokos for block mozzarella, feta and liquid mozzarella (melts like conventional mozzarella in the oven.) Daiya makes a havarti block cheese that I really like, too. In terms of queso, we LOVE Good Foods brand Plant-Based Queso. It��s got really clean ingredients.
Sour cream: Kite Hill is our favorite, but we also use Tofutti when Kite Hill isn’t available.
Bacon: Lightlife makes a really good tempeh bacon.
Chicken and Fish: Tofurky brand makes chick’n and turkey that are straight up delish. Their Chick’n is gluten-free, so I personally stick with that one. They also make turk’y cutlets that a lot of people love for sandwiches.
Ground Beef: Beefy Crumbles by Beyond are tasty and gluten-free, and have a great texture.
Burgers: If you like the taste of traditional burgers, I recommend Impossible brand. It’s gluten-free and tastes like a beef burger. My husband loves them. There are some healthier options out there, too. Dr. Praeger’s and Hilary’s are my absolute favorites!
Frozen Meals: In a pinch, Amy’s and Sweet Earth both have good options that are on the healthier side.
Here’s the thing to remember when it comes to substitutes: switching over to these plant-based versions of some of your go-tos isn’t all you need to do to lose weight and get healthy. These options are healthier in than they’re cholesterol and hormone free, but a processed food is still a processed food. I teach women how to indulge in these foods while making whole, clean foods the bulk of their diet🌱
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housekeepinginfo · 1 month
Best Vegetarian Meals For Kids
Discover a world of plant-based dishes that will excite your kids' taste buds. They'll love the crispy vegetable fritters and creamy hummus dips. Plus, the hearty veggie halloumi burgers and butternut squash mac and cheese are hits for the whole family.
Let your kids explore a variety of veggie plates and plant-powered meals. These dishes are not just tasty but also full of nutrients. With these 10 vegetarian delights, adding more plant-based meals to your family's meals is easy
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healthyfitlifestyle09 · 11 months
Healthy foods to gain weight vegan
Gaining weight on a vegan diet requires a strategic approach to ensure you're consuming enough calories and nutrients. Here's a unique list of healthy, calorie-dense foods for weight gain on a vegan diet:
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Nuts and Nut Butters:
Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and their respective nut butters are calorie-dense and rich in healthy fats, protein, and micronutrients.
Avocados are not only nutritious but also high in healthy fats and calories, making them a great addition to salads, sandwiches, or as a standalone snack.
Dried Fruits:
Raisins, dates, apricots, and figs are concentrated sources of calories and natural sugars, providing energy for weight gain.
A versatile and nutrient-dense grain, quinoa is rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, making it an excellent choice for bulking up meals.
Coconut and Coconut Oil:
Coconut and its oil are calorie-dense sources of healthy fats. Adding coconut milk to dishes or using coconut oil in cooking can increase calorie intake.
Made from chickpeas, hummus is a calorie-dense spread that can be used as a dip or added to sandwiches and wraps.
Olive Oil:
Drizzling olive oil over salads or using it in cooking can add healthy fats and extra calories to your meals.
Legumes and Pulses:
Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent sources of plant-based protein and complex carbohydrates, supporting muscle growth and providing energy.
Plant-Based Milk:
Opt for fortified, unsweetened plant-based milks like almond, soy, or oat milk to add extra calories and nutrients to your diet.
Whole-Grain Bread and Pasta:
Choose whole-grain options to increase the calorie and nutrient content of your meals.
Dried Coconut:
Snack on dried coconut flakes or add them to dishes for a calorie boost.
Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and calories. Sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, or smoothie bowls.
Dark Chocolate:
Dark chocolate in moderation can be a tasty and calorie-dense treat, providing healthy fats and antioxidants.
Made from sesame seeds, tahini is a calorie-dense spread that can be used in dressings, dips, or as a topping.
Plant-Based Protein Powders:
Consider adding vegan protein powders to smoothies or recipes to increase your protein and calorie intake.
It's essential to focus on nutrient-dense foods even when aiming to gain weight. Additionally, consider working with a registered dietitian or nutritionist to create a personalized plan that meets your specific calorie and nutrient needs.
Read more about healthy foods to weight gain vegan :
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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My recommendation for easily finding your way to a whole food plant based lifestyle is the G-BOMBS/Nutritarian approach (this approach comes from Dr. Fuhrman's book "Eat For Life"). With a proper stock of herbs, basic cooking skills & inspiration from traditional cuisines and modern gastronomy (for variety with your dishes), it's truly simple. And it's also super tasty. You'll feel like a pro chef if you dive in with experimenting different flavor combinations, ingredients (give produce & grains you're unfamiliar with a try), and techniques (steaming/roasting/baking/fresh, dicing/chopping/julienning). Also key is knowing how to select fresh, ripe produce. My favorite thing is that it makes meal prep simple. For tons of inspiration with flavors, recipes, ingredients, and cuisines, you can check my food blog (@morethansalad).
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alistairsprayerwarrior · 10 months
Dragon Age Fanfic Fun, Part 1: Cook Shops
Edit: I realized, oddly enough, that I wrote this with Haven and Skyhold in mind (in short, DAI - probably because that's what I've been replaying as of late, lmao.) I promise I will get around to including how cook shops would operate in places like Kirkwall or Denerim (basically, urban centers)!
This will be part one of a series that was inspired by this video by the Modern Knight, in which I come up with silly little immersive ideas that one can easily add to their Dragon Age fanfic (or perhaps any medieval-themed fic/story) with the Dragon Age/Thedas setting in mind.
I hope to maybe do a series on this, at the very least for my benefit to reference instead of getting lost and forgotten about in a notebook, lmao. So let's begin, below the cut!
Also mild disclaimer, this is not an end-all-be-all where "OMG WHAT IF THIS ISN'T REALISTIC ENOUGH??" or "ACKTUALLY, MEDIEVAL FOOD SELLERS WOULDn't..." - look, at the end of the day this is just fanfic fodder for you and your blorbos, not a history lesson. I'm bound to make an error in judgment or descriptions, don't come at me with pitchforks. 😔
So you're hanging out in Haven or Skyhold. You're building up the Inquisition from the ground up with allies and defense forces - but also the little people to sell their wares (like our favorite Orlesian merchant, Miss Belle), but what about... Food!? Who's feeding everyone!?
Cook shops!
Or, "medieval fast food." These cook shops would be strategically placed where there would be frequent passers-by, such as next to a market square, or a busy gate entrance, and cooked to eat on the go (rather than cook-to-order.) In short, you see a tasty-ass pie, you buy it, and eat it right then and there.
I can also imagine the types of clientele our varied cook shops might have; you have a wide range of people (and pockets), varying from Templars with their income, refugees who may only be able to afford suspicious cuts of meat, or members of the Chantry with specific food preferences.
What sort of food would a cook shop sell?
This is not an exhaustive list of foods a cook shop would sell in Thedas, but perhaps ideas/suggestions you can quickly use. Otherwise, I'd recommend checking out @exhausted-archivist (formally known as @old-archivist) who will easily have a vast list of Thedosian cookery that will tickle your fancy in their Foods of Thedas Masterpost (it will even specify the region in which certain meals come from!)
Also since Haven and Skyhold are Ferelden-based, keep in mind what types of foods/ingredients will be procured/used in the food being sold. There are of course exceptions, such as Belle who was recruited from Orlais, for example (so there is always the possibility of foods outside of Ferelden cuisine.)
Also, cook shops can serve a specific type of food (rather than being a mobile Walmart of sorts.) Personally, I'd be a fan of Pickled Food Merchant... mmm. Pickles.
Boiled roots
Meat/Fish/Vegetable pies
Fish wraps
Dried/Cured fruits or meats
Pickled foods
Edible plants
Cheaper cuts of meat
Fried/Buttered foods
There are also ideas from other historical/modern use of foods:
Perpetual stew
Pagpag (though I see this used in more urban areas, such as Kirkwall's Lowtown)
But what about breads and drinks!?
Typically you would go to a baker for breads, or the tavern for drinks. In short, if you wanted to conjure up a meal, you'd have to likely go to different locales/merchants to pick and choose your foods. I feel like maybe bread could be an exception, since I can't imagine a baker really setting up shop in Haven/Skyhold because, well, baking, but this is all fantasy so you know what, fuck it, add your traveling baker!
Alcoholic drinks, of course, would be reserved for taverns. When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages, I'd still suggest sticking with taverns because they have the facilities for storage (casks, wells, tubs, etc.) But, again, have your own traveling wine seller, you do you boo.
Honestly, I like to imagine Haven or Skyhold being way bigger than portrayed in the game, so perhaps there would be room for a complete bakery (I mean, we've got Herald's Rest in Skyhold, so why not?)
Just, uhhhh, I feel bad for those merchants at Haven. Because, you know. Reasons.
What would a cook shop look like?
Since I imagine a cook shop for organizational establishments like the Inquisition, you won't exactly have people selling food right out of their homes (as was done in medieval times), since Haven or Skyhold aren't exactly "towns."
Instead, temporary stalls, huts, or cabins could be used to open and close up (in short, you won't be finding any glass windows or bars to protect products. Rather, there would be a shutter or board of sorts, that goes over the gap where you see the person cooking, which would be lowered during the day (like a table to display food) and then shut up and bolted when closed. The "ovens, and cooking facilities" are placed at the front so you can see the chef cooking, just like at Subway when you watch people make your little dinky sandwich.
Another alternative, you could simply have someone wandering about with a tray of foods they want to sell and yelling at the people of Haven/Skyhold to eat it (think popcorn, and hot dog sellers at baseball games. :)
When vendors sell their food, they may also yell at passersby to eat their products at certain times of the day
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Now this is gonna be fun. You can also have a cook shop that will literally make the food for you if you provide the ingredients (obviously if the merchant has the capability/equipment to do so.) In this case, according to the Modern Knight, ingredients would likely be made into pies or stews (be wary though, as merchants might steal some of the ingredients for themselves. 👀)
Also, how does Haven/Skyhold manage to look so nice when there's waste to be had? There were cesspits or barrels used to take away waste off-site. Also, be wary of hygiene practices; especially when it comes to using spices to cover the taste/look of spoiled food!
Sus Cook Shops
I'll just leave this here, for signs that a cook shop is rather questionable:
Reheated meats/foods
Foul garnishes
Faking the contents of food (such as using beef and promoting it as venison)
Well, there you have it. A basic gist of cook shops and fast food that you can implement into your DA fic (and maybe even conjure up some OCs!) Feel free to include in the comments/reblogs any other ideas you might have! Thanks for reading!
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tarzantips · 2 months
Top 10 Vegetarian Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Foods for Energy Production
Vitamin B2 sometimes referred to as riboflavin, is necessary for the body's cellular processes and the synthesis of energy.
This important ingredient is necessary for our body to function at its best since it helps turn the food we eat into energy.
Knowing which plant-based foods are high in riboflavin is necessary for vegetarians to sustain metabolic health and energy levels.
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Top 10 Vegetarian Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Foods for Energy Production
What is Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)?
Water-soluble vitamin B2, often known as riboflavin, is required for energy maintenance because it helps in the metabolism of fats, carbs, and proteins.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our cells' energy currency, is produced by many important processes of metabolism that riboflavin is engaged in.
Importance of Vitamin B2 for Energy Production
Because it helps in the transformation of nutrients from food into ATP, which is useful energy, riboflavin serves as vital for the production of energy.
The body's capacity to generate energy suffers in the absence of enough riboflavin, which results in fatigue and poor physical performance.
Riboflavin also improves general health and energy by supporting the actions of other B vitamins.
1. Almonds
Almonds are a terrific source of protein and healthy fats, but they are also a major source of riboflavin, which gives you a rapid energy boost.
A handful of almonds can help you meet your daily riboflavin requirement, which makes them a great snack for people who want to have consistent energy levels all day.
2. Mushrooms
For the generation of energy, mushrooms especially the crimini and shiitake varieties are a great supplement to a vegetarian diet because they are high in riboflavin.
You can enjoy a tasty and nutritious approach to increasing your riboflavin intake by adding this adaptable fungus to salads, stir-fries, and soups.
3. Spinach
A leafy green that is high in nutrients, spinach provides a good amount of riboflavin in addition to other vital vitamins and minerals.
Including spinach in your diet in cooked dishes, smoothies, or salads will help you feel more energized naturally.
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4. Quinoa
A complete protein source and adaptable grain that is high in riboflavin, quinoa is ideal for maintaining energy levels throughout the day.
This grain is free of gluten and provides a nutrient-dense option for any meal, whether it is used as a base for salads, a side dish, or even breakfast bowls.
5. Fortified Cereals
Because many fortified cereals are enhanced with important vitamins, including B2, they are an easy way to be sure that you get enough riboflavin.
A bowl of enriched cereal in the morning can help boost your metabolism and give you long-lasting energy.
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Here’s the Ineffable Husbands one-shot based on the prompt I mentioned.
Warning: I dunno, imaginary friend is actually a tulpa???
On with the fic!
Day thirty-seven, and Crowley was beginning to wonder if he shouldn’t have taken up this mission. 
Oh, sure, everyone had praised him for being the only one willing to do this, hell, people hailed him as a fucking hero because he chose to go up all by himself. He only did it because, really, no one else was going to do it, and he was already a lonely guy. Now he got to be lonely in space.
The mission itself wasn’t bad, it was a research project of growing plants in zero-gravity for longer missions. Another reason he took up the job was because, honestly, he was the only person involved with the project that knew a damn thing about plants. He wondered if his cousin, Muriel, was taking care of his plants back at his lonely, cold flat.
Not much different from the ship he was in, except that had his giant bed that he didn’t need to be strapped down into every night so he didn’t float off. 
Crowley heard the sounds of his music player filling the space with the sounds of The Velvet Underground, filling the space with a calm noise instead of the silence of his home for the next seven months. He sighed and glanced out the window, where he could see the beauty of the universe. At least this view was something he enjoyed, something that brought him joy every day. It always changed, the ship drifting and allowing him to see stars and objects at different angles. 
As he stared out into the sky, he saw something zip through the darkness, a shooting star. When he was a little kid, Crowley’s very religious family didn’t like his interest in the sciences, especially space. Something about lies trying to corrupt good people into believing the universe didn’t revolve around the Earth.
He remembered his grandmother told him that shoot stars were not chunks of ice, but actually angels passing by Earth to bless it. 
“Heh, maybe she was right, maybe this is an angel coming to check up on my lonely ass.” He scoffed, watching the sky out the window. Then he sighed, gently knocking his head against the glass. “Would be awesome if it really was an angel, then I wouldn’t be alone out here.”
While Crowley had left religion behind when he was kicked out of the family for coming out as bi, he still had a lot of stories ingrained in his brain. His grandfather, who wasn’t too much of an ass to him like the rest of his family had been (sadly, the old man who actually was cool enough to get him ice cream at the park and not call him the spawn of Satan for his red hair died when he was only five), told him a story about an angel in Eden who shared kindness to the First Humans, and even to the Serpent.
He was a guardian and a protector of all creatures on Earth, even if said creature was the first demon who came to Earth. Apparently, that angel had a name.
“I’m gonna call you... Aziraphale.” He said, looking out at the space where he had seen the comet. “You’ll be my guardian, right? Protect me from things out here, keep me company? Gonna chat with me and help me with my only little slice of Eden here? Maybe even shelter me from a meteor shower with your wing?” 
He let out a pitiful laugh and shook his head, pushing away from the window to drift off somewhere else in the ship. 
Crowley found himself in front of his garden of different plants, greens, veggies, berries, checking to see how everything was going in the lack of gravity. 
He stared at some of the strawberries, which were looking good on their growth. He jotted down a note about that. “Think these will be ready to be dipped in chocolate by next week, Aziraphale?” He asked, talking to no one but that comet he saw a few days ago.
It had started as a joke when he had gone to find something to eat and had just loudly asked ‘Think that a tasty rack of lamb or maybe a truffle and duck dish would be best to night’ as he pulled out one of the ready-made meals, a joke on how shitty the food was. He had found that... as crazy as it sounded, there was a comfort in cracking a joke at the empty place to his right when he had turned.
Now, Crowley found himself doing that, asking questions and pretending that there was a conversation happening. As he continued to do this, Crowley found himself thinking that his angelic comet, Aziraphale, had a stuffy, posh voice. Maybe there was a hint of Welsh to his accent, for certain words? He seemed like he would have that. He also seemed like the sort of angel that spoke with silly words, like scrummy, or tickity-boo.
“Ah, you’re right, best to give them another ten days. We want them big and juicy.” Crowley nodded, as if his question had been answered. “Now, the blackberries, you’re right about those! Perfectly plump, ready to devour!” 
He plucked one off and sniffed it, before holding it out to the empty space to his right. “Tell me what you think? Juicy? Tart? Excellent, just how they should be.”
He popped it into his mouth and smiled at the angelic void.
“It’s not bebop! It’s classic rock! Or somethin’, can never remember what the true genre was for this band. And Queen is not bebop either, stop thinking that, angel!” Crowley laughed as he tried to find a good playlist to workout to while Aziraphale ‘sat’ in the room with him.
“Oh, of course you’d think that. Any music that came before the release of LPs is what you would deem as real music! Live a little, enjoy the classics of the 20th century! Can’t all just sit about listening to the classical greats. Who, mind you, are probably in Hell.”
He snorted, thinking he heard the stuffy response of ‘Well, be that as it may, at least Heaven has all the best choreographers!’  
Crowley snorted again and laughed, throwing back his head. “That’s not the same! Alright, alright, how about some Beatles? Lots of people like ‘em, you might too.”
“You know, I’ve never eaten an oyster.”
‘Oh, well, let me tempt you!’
‘Oh, well, that’s your department.’
“Hahaha, still think I’m actually a demon in disguise. You and my parents and siblings, ha! Nah, I’m just a bloke who sometimes wears a cute dress and heels.”
‘I bet you look lovely in them, dear.’
“Aw, thanks, angel. Tell you what. When we’re done with this mission and we get back to Earth, I’ll put on my favorite, little black dress and you can take me out for oysters.”
‘That sounds marvelous!’
“It does, so, it’s a date then?”
‘Very much so, my dear.’
“When I was little, I remember running away from home and found myself at the library. I wondered about the aisles and found a big book on astronomy. It was like nothing I had ever seen or read before. I saw pictures of astronauts and knew right then and there, I wanted to be one.”
Crowley looked at the person to his right, angelic and human all at once. “I wanted so badly to go up and see the universe with my own eyes. I wanted to find heaven among the stars.”
‘And did you?’ Aziraphale asked, smiling at him.
“I think I did.” Crowley smiled in return. 
“It’ll take a few days to get back to Earth, and they want me in stasis.” Crowley frowned, looking at the special pod that he had slept in when first shot into space for this mission. It took five days to get to his locations, and it would take five days to get back to Earth.
“Will you be alright?” Aziraphale asked, worry in those multiple hazel eyes.
“I’ll be fine, angel.” Crowley smiled, touching his cheek. “I’ve got my own, personal guardian angel to protect me, don’t I?”
Aziraphale put his hand over Crowley’s own, leaning into the touch. “Of course, I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re alright, dear.”
“Thank you. And when we get back, remember, we’ve got a date.” He winked at the angel, who smiled brightly, illuminating the small space.
Crowley stepped back and got himself strapped into the pod. The lid closed over him, and a sweet-smelling gas filled the space, making him drowsy. “See you in a few days, Crowley.” He heard Aziraphale say as the darkness took over. “Dream of whatever you like best.” 
“Sir? We have a problem.”
“What is it? Was the landing bad? Had something gone wrong?”
“No, it... it actually went perfectly, as if something guided it down with ease.”
“Then what’s the matter?”
“Well... scans indicate that Dr. Crowley is alive and perfectly healthy. However...”
“There’s... another life reading inside the ship with him. And it’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.” 
The ship was still where it had safely landed, and people waited outside, nervous and worried. The reporters and journalists waited with baited breath, having no clue what had the scientist and officials worried, then again, no one did. 
The door opened, and out stepped Dr. Crowley, looking exhausted and a bit unsteady, but he seemed perfectly healthy, even more so than an astronaut should for such a mission. He blinked, squinting at the camera flashes, before giving a tired wave.
Someone approached, one of the scientists. “Dr. Crowley, how are you feeling? Was the mission alright?” There was an unasked question, but Dr. Crowley didn’t seem to notice.
“Fine, everything went perfectly well and I feel great. All thanks to my guardian angel.” Dr. Crowley smiled and the poor scientist looked confused and alarmed.
“Guardian... angel?”
“Yeah. Hey, Aziraphale, come out and see the Earth! It’s a beautiful, sunny day, you should see this.” 
The crowd watched in horror as something moved from within the darkness of the ship. A hand grabbed the side of the entry, then another, followed by another, and another, and another...
Then eyes glowed in the darkness, and a smile could be seen.
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