#tav tiefling headcanons
tealfling · 4 months
I read a cute little Headcanon about the companions getting jealous/reacting to Tav accidently falling on to someone else's lap.
Like Astarion being jealous Tav falls on Wyll's lap.
That scenario for Amaranth could end hilariously badly.
Wyll and Amaranth both have back curling horns. What should be "haha, oops, sorry."
Quickly turns into this:
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Amaranth and Wyll are embarrassed to death. Both hiding their faces, hoping Mizora opens the ground and takes them straight to hell. While Karlach tries her best to be helpful attempting to untangle them through the laughter and the tears. Yes, Astarion would be better at it, but he's not doing a very good job at hiding how upset he is that Amaranth is basically locked into Wyll's lap, and his temper is boiling over because Gale is hunched over his shoulder trying to instruct him while he tries to think. No one else bothers, either because they don't want their head bitten off or they're enjoying the show.
Eventually Shadowheart or Halsin would take enough pity on Wyll or Amaranth and suggest one of them try Misty Step or something equally as easy that no one else could think of without a clear head.
Yes Gale knows that magic. But he's too "lost in the sauce" of this high stakes puzzle.
The soundtrack to this is sound of stone grinding steel as Lae’zel sharpens her sword.
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lyzelky · 3 months
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Tav realizes she likes Astarion's fangs a little too much. For reasons yet undisclosed, Tav isn't too familiar with her tiefling instincts, but she's starting to learn the hard way. I have several headcanons about tiefling culture/biology, (maybe I'll write them up one day) one of which being that tieflings have a hardwired attraction to a nice set of fangs.
(NSFW filth from here onwards)
While tieflings mostly share similar sexual dimorphism characteristics with humans, one of the differences is that males tend to have more pronounced fangs than the females. Every tiefling is different and has their own preferences regarding gender/orientation, but during a tieflings heat/rut cycle, bigger, sharper teeth = better mating bite. Astarion isn't a tiefling, but well, I don't think Tav minds too much. ((Also sidenote: while the terms rut/heat usually refers to an affliction for males/females respectively, the terms are more or less interchangeable and not bound by gender/orientation/sex. Informally the terminology changes depending on whether the afflicted wants to breed or be bred. I'll let you guess which one Tav is, LOL))
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oiulse · 8 months
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jumpscare! i remembered this blog exists! i've posted this on twitter but <3 i think tav is excited to talk to astarion
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
My Tav is a tiefling, but I rarely see any tiefling!Tav headcanons or fics 😔 would you have any thoughts about what Astarion would think about the whole tail & horns sitch? 🤭 Also, do you think tieflings wag their tails like some animals do when they're excited??
Hi! Sorry for not responding to your last request; I just had no idea what to do with that prompt. I hope this one will compensate!
Thanks, @astariongf, for your insights on Tieflings!
Astarion x Tiefling!Tav Headcanons
Click for the NSFW version
You and Astarion have a lot in common – people perceive both of you as fiends, making them cautious around you.
Your fangs are even sharper than Astarion's, leading to playful biting sessions where he affectionately calls you his "little devil."
Astarion admits that your spicy blood, though burning his throat, is something he rather enjoys.
He can't taste things; even the finest wine tastes like vinegar, and food resembles paper.
But your spicy blood is an exception, offering him a taste that makes him feel alive.
To attract Astarion's attention, you often wrap your tail around his leg like a rope.
You do the same when you are afraid.
Astarion can easily decipher your emotions by simply sensing your grip.
When danger looms, or Astarion is about to do something reckless, your tail catches his ankle, compelling him to stop.
When happy or aroused, you wag your tail like a dog.
It betrays your true feelings; even if you're angry or giving Astarion the silent treatment, it moves uncontrollably when he smiles or speaks sweetly.
Horns are equally fascinating.
Astarion pays special attention to the sensitive skin where bone meets flesh when massaging your horns, another unique feature.
He jokingly crafts "horn-socks" for you.
"Are you aware that horns don't get cold?"
He isn't,
But you find the "horn socks" cute and cozy, leading you to wear them throughout the winter.
The following winter, he crochets an extra-long sleeve for your tail, which you absolutely love wearing. Along with useless "horn-socks".
Despite initial hesitations due to the language's association with pain, you teach Astarion Infernal language.
It's your mother tongue, after all.
And he feels it's ok to torture you with Sylvan Elven. You have a right to make him speak Infernal.
When seeking attention, you softly bump him with your horns.
Your almost claw-like, sharp, and deadly nails are adored by Astarion.
Tieflings, especially those born into human families, face hate and fear, often hearing curses and insults.
Astarion takes a stand against offenders, pulling out his dagger, forcing apologies, and making them kneel before you.
You were embarrassed by a scared man kneeling before you the first time it happened.
However, you can't deny that you like seeing people who hate Tieflings forced to apologize and beg for mercy.
Damn I rather like writing Astarion with custom race \ class Tav. I will be happy to write headcanons with other character options.
My inbox is open for requests so you can ask for specific headcanons, especially, if you feel like your Tav is ignored by the fandom.
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serpenlupus · 3 months
About Wyll and his horns (and what they mean)
Let's say I was writing a part of my Tav's story with Wyll directly connected to the dialogue he has during the tiefling party, and while struggling with this bit, I've realized there's quite a few misconceptions floating around. I felt compelled to add information to the table that might clear them, so here we go.
First, what exactly happens to Wyll when he disobeys Mizora in act one? Well, he doesn't get turned into a devil, he certainly doesn't get turned into a tiefling, he's not a half fiend, not a demon, none of that. Wyll stays human, but he has horns and red eyes (and other features we can't see on his model as of now).
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(Everyone has their race listed, Wyll's remains "Human")
This is because when a warlock fails to uphold some part of their contract they can suffer a certain number of consequences, Wylls is “The character grows horns, a tail, or some other devilish features that can't be removed by any means short of divine intervention. As long as these marks persist the character detects as a fiend when subjected to Detect Evil and Good spells or similar magic.” ( from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, page 214)
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And I’ve come across some people that think it wasn’t so bad of a punishment, that he was being racist towards the tieflings, or just not being justified in being upset after having his body forcibly changed against his will. I think they are missunderstanding just how insidious Mizora’s actions were, and here I just want to give some context to maybe bring a better understanding to the situation. Your conclusions are up to you.
Gonna start by using a not exact analogy, but I think it’s going to make the explanation easier. Stick with me for a minute.
Remember Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean? He had a branded “P” on his arm that marked him as a pirate. A murderer, robber, criminal, etc. in the eyes of the society he was a part of. What did Jack do to earn the branding? (if you don’t know this I suggest you look up the “people aren’t cargo mate” scene) He refused to transport slaves and later freed them, and Beckett had him marked as punishment.
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Then, in the first movie, he saves Elizabeth, a woman he didn’t know, from drowning. Right after however, when Norrington sees he has a branded “P”, he’s like “alright, off to jail with you, and then hanging”, no other option crosses his mind. Again, Jack doesn’t know Elizabeth, isn’t indicated to think he is going to be rewarded for helping her, he just sees a drowning person, sees that no one else is going to help, and chooses to save them. That is a pretty selfless/good aligned thing to do, for no other reason that he was the one able to do it, yet the branding in his arm overrides any good action he could ever do, marking him as a criminal for execution and no further thought.
In a way, that’s what Mizora did to Wyll; she forever visibly branded him as someone that has made deals with devils, and that in the world of DnD is a VERY BAD THING. Personally I really like the mod that gives him more devilish features, but at the same time I think there was something clever about choosing to leave him looking more human. He can’t be confused with a tiefling, he doesn’t have the ears, the claws, the tail, all those features that characterize them. He looks kind of uncanny, and that would be like a red flag for anyone in that world. (Beyond the already existing hate for tieflings that I’m not gonna tackle on here because it’s a complicated thing that deserves its own post). And Wyll wants to do good, he wants to help people, to be a positive force in the world so, so badly. This dude got abducted by a nautiloid, got tadpole’d, and the first thing he did right after that was come across the Tiefling refugees and be like “Oh you need help? No worries let me teach you self defense. Oh you being attacked by goblins? Let me blast them real quick”. His way of saying fuck you to all the awful things that have happened to him is being aggressively good and kind. Mizora knows this very well, wants to see him suffer for her amusement, wants to remind him he can't escape her claws, so her choice of punishment was to forever taint his future interactions with mistrust and suspicion. Some people can go real fast from “oh thank God they saved me” to “oh no, are they gonna rob me, are they trying to trick me, are they in cahoots with the ones that attacked me first?” just because of outward appearances. Especially in DnD world. And that deserves its own conversation, but we're focusing on Wyll here.
(Mizora, when I catch you Mizora)
“Well, maybe he shouldn’t have made a deal in the first plac- - “ He was seventeen, alone, preyed upon by Mizora and put in an impossible situation. Please PAY ATTENTION to the story you’re witnesing.
About the tieflings. I know it’s easy to think his words can be derisive towards them, but it’s less about the horns and more about his body being changed against his will. Imagine instead that he got half his face burned, or something that disfigured him. I think his feelings at the moment were closer to that, and yeah they are pretty insensitive words to say to someone with a similar condition (horns or disfiguration), but when feelings are fresh and raw like that it’s easy to say insensitive things. Not saying it was ok for him to say them, but there was no malice in his words. I’ve also seen some people share that they think Mizora wanted to change him more to make him unrecognizable to his original self, the Wyll Ravenguard kid, and I think there is some truth to that too. She wants to make sure that Wyll remembers that he belongs to her, there's no question to that.
Whether the Tieflings refugees would feel unsettled by Wyll or not? Yes. In a way, they would. From reasons aside from the ones I explained above, remember that these specific tieflings come from Elturel. If you didn’t pass the History check or don’t remember, Elturel is a city that was literally ripped from the land and dragged to Avernus, First layer of hell (it left a hole on the ground and everything) because their mayor made a deal with the Archdevil Zariel some decades back in the timeline. He sold the souls of all its citizens and the city itself.
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This was probably one of the worst times of their lives. Some even got captured and forced to participate in the blood War, like Dammon as a mechanic. And after Elturel got returned to the surface, the tieflings lost their homes because they reminded the other citizens of the literal Hell they’d just gone through, and they kicked them out. And remember, they met and saw Wyll as a human, and then saw him with horns. It’s not unreasonable to think that by looking at him they would be reminded of all the events that led them to the awful situation they’re in. Because of someone that was making deals with devils, just like Wyll. Even if his situation is completely different. And Wyll knows that, that’s why he tells you the tieflings are unsettled by him and chooses to stay away during the party.
It was never just about the horns.
And I know Wyll calls himself a devil but I think it’s because it’s the closest thing he looks as; devils are a whole different race with their own intricacies, although humans can be turned into devils ONCE their souls go to Avernus and they start climbing the power hierarchy there (Mizora and Raphael are cambions/ half-devils btw, which is a different thing,  there are plenty of videos exploring those details more in depth).
Do I think Larian should have made some of this information clearer/easier to access? Maybe? but to be fair, it's a game focused and dedicated to a crowd that was already somewhat familiar with the source material, that blew up waay out of what they originally expected to reach. Hopefully they’ll add some clarifications like they did to other quests. 
Anyway these are my two cents to the conversation, have a nice day, and don't hesitate to add your two cents if you feel like it!
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Um, tav with Rolan sharing a secret kiss in the stacks. She is human and when she pushes her tounge in his mouth to deepen the kiss, her tounge gets cut on his sharp teeth. the taste of blood fills both their mouths Rolan starts to apologize but she silences him with another kiss. She loves their differences.
I LOVE that there’s more love for Rolan
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He’s not one to refuse a kiss from you, especially one so heated as this one
Hot, passionate, wanting and making him feel so desired
You feel his claws scrape against your arms and shoulders, and it FEELS so good
When the kiss gets too intense to where you yelp as you pull back. The faint taste of iron mixes in your mouth and you feel where one of his canines pricked you
Profusely apologizing, Rolan finds him
“I-I’m so, so sor—I didn’t—!”
Then he sees you approach him again with a neutral expression
“I know it was an accident, you could never hurt me…”
A deep sigh before he just lets himself meld into your embrace as you linger there together
“I know it was an accident…, but still…”
It’s not lost on Rolan how different you two look, and even though you’ve never brought it up, he knows the stares you two get when you’re out in public together
Before he’s lost too much in his own head, your lips are on his cheeks first. Your hands tangling in his hair and brushing up against his horns.
Then your lips are back on his as his tail wraps around one of your legs.
You knew the differences but it never steered you away from you. Only brought you closer.
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underdark-dreams · 8 months
BG3 Masterlist
Rolan x f!Tav (she/her)
In Amber - [Pining - Slow Burn | Explicit] - AO3
In Corpore Sano - [Hurt/Comfort] - AO3
Life, Death, Resurrection - [Injury - Angst] - AO3
Good Night For Company [ch1] [ch2] - [Fluff - Feelings Realization | Explicit [ch2] ] - AO3
Blades and Spells - [First Meeting - Fluff - Siblings] - AO3
Master - [Obedience - Praise Kink | Explicit] - AO3
More - [Romantic Fluff - Mild Angst - Marriage Proposals] - AO3
Starlight - [Slow Dance - Mutual Pining] - AO3
A Strand to Climb [ch1] [ch2] [ch3] [ch4] [ch5] [ch6] - [Angst - Pining - Established Relationship] - AO3 [Complete]
Birds and Bees - [ch1] [ch2] - [Tiefling Ruts - Sexual Tension | Explicit] - AO3
Rolan x Ember (OC by catsharky)
Pent Up - [Trapped in Closet - Tails - Touch Starved | Explicit] - AO3
Dammon x Karlach
Touchable - [Explicit] - AO3
Harper Geraldus x afab!OC
Wet Behind the Ears - [Size Kink - Face Sitting - Explicit] - AO3
Rolan x Dammon [sfw / nsfw]
Dammon x Rolan x gn!Tav pt. 1 [sfw / nsfw]
Dammon x Rolan x gn!Tav pt. 2 [sfw / nsfw]
Dammon x Rolan x gn!Tav at the Grove party
Tav finding Dammon's banned smut stash
Rolan / Dammon as new dads
Misc. for Rolan and Dammon [sfw]
Dammon x m!Tav
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - cooking
Rolan, Dammon, Zevlor - Tails [pining / relationship]
Rolan x top/dom m!Reader [nsfw]
Rolan, Dammon, & Zevlor - borrowing their clothes [nsfw]
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
BG3 Tiefling Headcanons
[ masterlist ] [ wip list ]
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PLEASE note: sections 01 and 03 are headcanons made by the rest of the community that I essentially "subscribe to" and include in my personal lore of the game, so to speak, AND my writing! sections 02 and 04 are the ones that I came up with <3 and, of course, if you particularly enjoy any of them, feel free to use them!
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any topics in the community HCs that are bold are things that I elaborate on in other sections of the post
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Section 01. Community HCs:
For the tails: I definitely agree that the middle-most section of the tail is the most acceptable place to touch, like family and friends might pull on it or something
I also love the idea that tiefling partners intertwine their tails!! if a tiefling is with a non-tielfing, they might wrap their tail around other parts of their body idly
love that the base of the tail is completely off-limits to everyone except romantic partners, and that it is quite sensitive around that area
However, I do have a disagreement with a popular tip-of-the-tail hc (see section 02)
The last thing about tails is that they communicate body language!! and I'm sure many of you have seen the comics about this, and I would definitely agree that both consciously and subconsciously, tieflings use their tails to express their feelings
Horns: I completely subscribe to the idea that the skin around the base of the horns is sensitive, but not the rest of the horns (see section 02)
I ADORE the idea that tieflings can pur!! I haven't seen many opinions on this hc, so I will give my opinions in section 02
I have seen a few people comment about this but no specific headcanons for it, so I will include it here: tieflings have a higher body temperature than other humanoid races! (see sections 02 and 04)
Section 02. My HCs:
first things first, I made an entire tieflings purring post because I couldn't fit all of my hcs for that on here.. and let's face it, it deserves its own post
the popular tip of the tail hc that I disagree with (respectfully!!) is that the tips of their tails are sensitive. this ties into why the rest of the horns aren't sensitive - the purpose of features like horns and tails with sharp or blunt ends is for combat/defense. when a body part is used for defense or for making attacks, it wouldn't make sense for that part of the body to have a bunch of nerve endings!
I'm not saying that I think tieflings actually use their horns or tails to fight, but just stating that that's what those features are anatomically meant for, so it's unlikely they'd have much feeling in their horns and the end of their tail
their elevated body temperature is just another one of their infernal traits. I think it's noticeably higher than other humanoids, similar to if you touched the back of your hand to someone with a high fever, but it's their entire body
they don't need as much clothing in the cold weather because of this, and they are very comfortable for other humanoid species to cuddle with <3 (and other things.... lets go section 04!!)
this very well could be something that others have brought up before but if not, I believe tiefling babies would be born without horns and their horns would come in during the teething process - and it would be equally uncomfortable as, if not more than, teething
to add onto that, the horns they grow as babies only continue to grow throughout their life, they never "fall out" or get replaced, so it's a very big deal if a tiefling breaks a horn (on top of how bad it would hurt)
they are to smell hormonal changes, only in their partners - and this is true even if a tiefling is dating a person of another race
TECHNICALLY pheromones as we know them are only detectable within one species, but this is my house and I say fuck it, they can smell changes in their partner no matter their race
if a tiefling's partner was about to start their period, or was about to ovulate, their brain would just kind of know
it would take a little while into the relationship for their body to fully be able to identify each smell, but it would happen gradually the more time they spend together
with that being said, however, they wouldn't magically know if their partner was pregnant unless their partner has been pregnant before then yes they would remember the scent
if it was their first pregnancy, they'd just register that they had a new smell, but wouldn't instinctively know why
my last one is really out of nowhere but tieflings don't get body odor 👍 they still have a natrual scent and they still sweat, they just don't get stinky like the rest of us
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Section 03. Community HCs
let's talk about cocks: RIDGES !!!!!!!!!!! (section 04)
big fan of the infernal markings on their dicks
this is something I've seen only a few times in my days as a tiefling smut connoisseur, but the idea of their dicks being shaped a little different compared to other races like elves or humans (I haven't seen much overlap/agreement about this so I'll give my opinion on shape in section 04)
100% agree that the base of the tail would be an erogenous zone, as well as the skin at the base of the horns
I've seen a few honorable mentions of the "mating bite" used in tiefling smut, and I'm here to say: what a great idea (section 04)
the mating bite isn't just a little nip, btw, it's a full-on clamping down on their partner kind of moment... might draw blood if you want it to hehe
Section 04. My HCs
a quick thing about the dick ridges: they are only visible when erect, and the harder they are the more prominent the ridges
their dicks are very commonly curved upwards and the shaft is, on average, thicker, and the tip is pointier than elven/human penises
on to my FAVORITE, possibly the best thought I've ever had: tiefling cum is hot
it's not hot enough to burn you by any means, but because their body temps are already raised, it's gonna be very noticeable for non-tieflings
the heat of their cum would probably be a very satisfying, pleasurable sensation for non-tiefling partners of a male tiefling
but aside from that, imagine the possibilities for those of us who have painful menstrual cramping, I see a lot of potential here y'all ☝☝☝
Since this is my house and I can say whatever I want, I also think that they don't go soft as quickly as the other races, and have shorter refractory periods
and just because I said so, they also ejaculate in larger quantities, which means their orgasms last longer
okay the "mating bite"..... my take on it is that it's used as a dominance thing, rather than an actual mating bite - keeping same-sex couples in mind
whoever is more dominant in that particular moment, or maybe in general, no matter the sex of either participants, may take some of their partner's skin between their teeth and bite down
the more intense the sex is, the harder the bite will be
my favorite time for this is when one or both of them is about to cum <33333
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Thank you FOR READING <33333 I hope you all enjoy this as much as the purring headcanons
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gortashs-skidmark · 1 month
Zevlor probably didn't stay in Baldur's Gate.
JUST SO YA'LL KNOW - LITTLE DND LORE - and to stop the anger at Larian Studios who didn't add him in Act III.
Zevlor was a Hellrider during The Descent- when Elturel fell into Avernus from the banks of the Chionthar River, into Zariel's hands and dumped into her Army during The Blood War (which Karlach fought in).
Hellrider's are highly skilled Cavalry and super loyal to their allies. After the Descent, all tieflings were expelled from Elturel.
So Zevlor was either arrested, or went somewhere else. He met up with other hellriders in Baldur's Gate. Probably Reya Mantlemorn (From Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, just lore)
Edit: Someone reblogged and reminded me you get an epilogue letter from him. He does meet up with the Hellrider's in Baldur's Gate, but the rest is up for interpretation. and he's an EX-hellrider, bc of his race. thank you!! @cinnasalmon and @dykeguro
I don't wanna lead anyone astray. I enjoy lore accurate shit.
Also check out the hellrider canon lore i simplified. it's under work and being added to but i'm getting there
If you liked this, check out my blurb about the last 10 years of baldurian history and it's relation to durge/gortash. Thank you for reading :)
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rolansrighthorn · 7 months
Rolan and Dammon In Winter with Human Tav:
Rolan: He entirely ignores his extra body heat existing. He is a big baby in the cold, constantly complaining, so Tav knits him a tail covering to wear the second there is one (1) snowflake in the air. He asks Tav to sit on his gloves and socks to warm them up before they leave; he [secretly] knows he could do it himself and have better results but does this so Tav's scent is on all his stuff.
Dammon: He revels in his extra body heat, and he secretly loves places that get a lot of snow. The cool air is welcoming after long days of working near such a constant, intense heat source. He will frequently bundle Tav up in clothes before taking them out, and the moment Tav's cheeks get pink from the cold he'll take his own coat off and layer it on Tav. He will hold Tav's gloves before they go out to transfer his body warmth to them to make sure their hands stay warm during whatever walk they're taking.
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oops-all-concrete · 2 months
I was wondering if I could get headcanons for a younger(late teens-early twenties) tav who views the companions as more of older siblings/mentors, personally my tav is inspired off the tiefling kids in the emerald Grove because I thought it would be very cool if Mol a street kid became the savior of baldurs gate, absolutely adore your writing thank you so much if you decide to do this!
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I went on an enexpected hiatus but I am back and have a few lists in the works, so keep an eye out for that!
But yeah, I LOVE this idea??? This is so cute and if you have pictures of your Tav, please share them, I NEED to know what they're like, they sound so cool and I love the idea behind them!
Anyway without further adieu;
Companions react to: Younger Tav who sees them as an older sibling/mentor!
No spoilers, just some lovely lil headcanons, enjoy♡
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Lae'zel - It depends on (your) Tavs dynamic with her. She was taught to follow when there was a leader, and lead when there was none. If Tav is intent on following, she's strict, sharp and a little intimidating, but always looking out for Tav, ordering them to the back of the group and allowing them cool moments in fights too. "Finish them off, teethling" She says proudly. But if Tav takes a leader role, she's happy to follow without question, and will shape everyone else in line with tavs orders, once she trusts their judgement. A kind leader and devoted follower. That's what you get from Lae'zel.
Shadowheart - She could never explain why, but having a kind teifling friend who's quite like this Tav is so...familiar? It's nice in any case. She feels at ease and way off her guard around Tav and is grateful to them for it. Of course she feels bad hiding things, but has gotten pretty good at making sure Tav is distracted and having fun on the adventure. She's always sneaking them snacks, turning a blind eye to any pranks they play on the others and keeping them in arms range at all times. They make her feel young again.
Wyll - He's like a guardian angel sent from above. He's happy to teach, but not above learning from Tav too, seeing them as an equal, even if he's kind of the "big brother." He's perfect for stories, indulging in Tavs silly ideas, good or bad, and the man you want in a crisis. No matter how bad it gets, he's staying calm for Tav, witty even, to keep them distracted or focused. It's hard to not be relaxed around Wyll and it's ever so intentional. If Tav is happy, so is he, and he says as much all the time.
Karlach - A young tiefling troublemaker who's just trying to do their best? She absolutely adores them, seeing her young self in them at every turn. It's healing for her to take care of who is basically her younger self, and she takes a genuine pride in looking out for them. Keeping them safe. Teaching them not to make the same mistakes she did. She'll do anything to keep them safe even at her own detriment.
Gale - Gale always wanted to be a teacher, and seeing how passionate Tav is, he just has to teach them. He sees potential in everything they do and goes out of his way to ensure they harness their abilities to their fullest. He's happy to answer any and all questions, and will look for answers if he doesn't have them. He's never short on praise either, always telling them how proud he is and how wonderful it is to watch them become the person they are.
Astarion - He's the bully older brother you never realised you wanted, probably because you didn't and still don't. He's got a thousand mean nicknames and if Tav slips up, he never let's them forget it. Tav and him will bicker to the end of time, but when all is said and done, if someone so much as grazes Tavs skin- he will drain the life out of them as painful and slow as possible. He might laugh, but only when he knows Tav is actually okay, and if someone else laughs, he'll make them regret it. He'd never say it out loud, but having a sibling he can protect is very nice.
Bonus, the older folks!
Halsin - He immediately takes up the dad role. He's always wanted children of his own, once he finds the right person, but they make him.okay with just doing it alone. Bear rides, whittled trinkets, spell lessons, he's all for it. There's just about nothing Tav could possibly say to make him unhappy to hear from them. He's indulged in everything they say and prideful in everything they do. He gets into the habit of calling them fawn, fledgling, lamb, whatever Tav likes sticks.
Jaheira - She doesn't realise it, but she does go full mother mode, even in front of the Harpers. Tav has messy hair? She's fixing it immediately. She sees elbows on the table, Tav is getting the mom look. Tav has dirt on their face, she's licking her thumb to rub it out. It's so subconscious, but she can't help it. And by God's, if anyone talks ill of Tav to their face, she's ready to throw down. Even if it's just questioning.
Harper: "I don't get it, they're a kid, how are they going to-"
Jaheira: "If I hear one more word out of that idiot mouth, I'm going to sew it shut and have you clear out the barn of all the ox shit, so you have no choice but to smell it"
Minsc - He's just happy to be admired for what he is; a warrior! Lead by a miniature giant space hamster. He won't question most things Tav does, trusting their own kind of warrior style and knowing they're doing everything for righteous reason. He admires them at every turn, even if he has no idea what their deal is or how to explain it to other people. Boo knows. And thats all that matters.
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tealfling · 2 months
She's Back~~
"Ah, there you are, my favorite traveling companion."
Amaranth, my bestest Death Cleric
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This is more how I imagined her hair when I played her in DnD, with something closer to what her "professional" clothes might look like. Probably going to do away with the circlet.
True to form, this girl doesn't see the trap coming and realize she's about to end up on her ass--she's worried about the four legged friend she made in captivity. (she actually passed her check this time, but, her ass is canon.)
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Gurl, that twink just put you on your ass and threatened to cut you. Don't look at him like that. We saw the scars. You know what he's about. She may be wisest, but she is not smartest.
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rolanastarionmycat · 1 month
Rolan Headcanon
As he compliments your new gown, Rolan can't help but wonder how best to get you out of it without damaging the beautiful new clothing. As beautiful as he finds you in the garment, Rolan wishes to have you bare in his tower once more.
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riksie94 · 5 months
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Have some ANGST.
I see plenty of posts about Astarion being immortal and him seeing his lover pass because even if they’re long lived like an elf, they are still mortal. Same theoretically goes with Halsin should he have a human or tiefling lover. Even seen it done for Raphael.
What if it was the other way around? Say, for three certain tieflings? From my understanding, they age like normal humans. Should their partner be a drow, elf (or even half elf), etc., it’s highly likely their spouse is outliving them (unless the spouse is killed/unnatural death.)
Hell, this could even work with humans like Gale and Wyll.
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Astarion x Tiefling!Tav NSFW
@tragedybunny @tallymonster
Tieflings are one of a kind and have an interesting anatomy, so imagine the opportunities.
Astarion grabs Tav's horns during sex, especially when he is making love to her from behind
Or when they kiss to prevent her from letting go first
Astarion pulling Tav's tail all the time - in private and in public
"No, you aren't going anywhere!" "Astarion, this is equivalent to putting your hand into someone's pants in broad daylight!"
Keeps pulling her tail at any given opportunity because this is the equivalent
Scratching and tickling her tail meanwhile Tav is experiencing a brain melt due to arousal
Especially touching the base of the tail - this is when she is sent off
First, he started to tickle her tail without any background thought (just because he genuinely likes her tail)
Then he noticed Tav whimper quietly, hiding the face in her palms and squeezing his thighs together
"So, it's sexual for you, isn't it?", he chuckles,
If Astarion is willing to continue, he can just carry her to bed and do whatever he wants since Tav's brain is already in orgasmic shutdown
She can use her tail for sexual pleasure as well
Imagine places it can go during sex
And tailjob is absolutely a thing
Tieflings have sharp nails, and Tav is no exception. She digs her nails so deep into Astarion's skin she makes him bleed
Receiving handjobs from her is an absolutely new type of pleasure
She also has fangs, and she can bite like a vampire
By the end of the day, the bed looks like a battlefield, and they both have bitemarks all over their bodies
"WTF happened to you two? Were you fighting?" "We were fucking. And it's not your business."
When Tav is scared or stressed, she wraps her tail around Astarion's leg
When Tav is aroused, her tail starts waggling uncontrollably, and Astarion teases her to the verge of tears
"Yes! Yes, I want you right now! And right here!" "Say please, little demon." "Oh, ffs! Please fuck me!"
Another sensitive spot? The base of the horns
After sex, when Tav falls asleep on her belly, Astarion likes studying her back - these tieflings have the weirdest marks
And wondering what if she had real wings
When Tav is angry, she can sit on her tail like a cat. That's her way of saying, "Don't touch me; I am brooding."
But it usually doesn't last long
Especially if Astarion starts stroking her horns
Then she is a melted goo again
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myers-meadow · 1 month
Rolan and/or Gale each wanting to show off for Tav with a display of magic but, instead of just doing it Tav in front of Tav, he puts on a little show of his magic for a group of people (the boy is nervous); he makes sure Tav gets the best spot in the audience, up towards the front and closer to him. However, when he inevitably glances over to gauge Tav's reaction, he catches Tav not looking admiringly around his display but instead admiringly at him.
ah such a cute one!
I do see Rolan easily getting startled by Tav's admiring gaze... Tips of his ears get a lil hot maybe ✨. Also, did he do all this work to impress them for nothing?? At least they seem impressed...
The nail in the coffin of being down bad for Tav, would be them coming up to him afterwards and hugging him, before showing him in compliments. He boasts about his techniques, enough to have Cal and Lia roll their eyes, but you listen💕🌻. Catch the two of you ending the night later than anyone else, under the star light he shows you magic that's only meant for your eyes;;
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