#tea talks aa
transannabeth · 21 days
i'm slowly playing the first ace attorney trilogy and i want to read your fics but i don't know half of the characters in them. i'm on the fifth (extra?) episode of the first game. when would you say i can start reading
oh wow i'm honored that you want to read my fics!!! i'm a terrible person to ask since i started reading fanfic for ace attorney long before knowing what was going on and piecing things together (like i only saw the first two cases and a tiny bit of turnabout samurai before diving in) so i am probably not the person to ask
but!! if you care about spoilers, under the cut i organized my fics by the games they spoil up to. which made me realize how much stuff i write in one specific area
right now i think the only one you can read spoiler free is turbulent golden skies if you're staying spoiler free!! you can also read the first chapter of dedications if you'd like, though the second chapter has an aa2 character
i hope that you're enjoying the trilogy!! and rfta because it's a long case but i love what it adds to the story. i hope if you ever get the chance to read any of my fics you enjoy them!! 💞💞
the game each fic is next is where it spoils up to, aka something listed for aa3 may spoil 1 and 2 as well as possible spoilers for the entirety of aa3!
aa1: turbulent golden skies
aa2: none whoops
aa3: the webs we weave; beautiful little fool
plvspw: birds of a feather
aai: none
aai2: next up forever (forever second in line)
aa4: final call; red tape and the pieces of youth [as of right now]; black, bitter, and a splash of cream; a foolish precedent; a turn about the thrift store (gonna find something that fits); one thousand one hundred ninety [very minor]; the safety of a dinner; stay till the a.m.; how to care for your slender palm lily; another four o'clock on a friday; cat and mouse; wildflower summers and fresh-cut bouquets [has aa5 character]; ascension, decent, and the landings in between; trust falls; phenyl oxalate ester; a little spring cleaning; inch by inch; phosphorous sulfide and the guidebooks we set ablaze; an experimentation in thermal equilibrium; da capo al coda; salty ramen and the upright fool
aa5: rsvp with a plus-one
aa6: one hundred and twenty miles (plus some for backroads) [so minor. could probably be after aa5 tbh]
dgs: none
dgs 2: steep for two minutes; the hunt for an invention of much importance; till our ribs get tough
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beguilingcorpse · 1 year
i know it's strange to look at all the people in canaan house and then decide to be obsessed with colum asht but wait. hang on. hear me out. the dude's a human juice box. he's frankenstein's monster. he's the caretaker of the most insufferable twerp in the universe. he was built and bred to be the perfect aa battery. he's missing at least one finger on his left hand. he's younger than magnus and that's shocking. he's disposable. his name means dove. he's the most reasonable person at canaan house. he keeps the room tidy for company. he braids his uncle's hair. he makes tea. he mends pants. he stops his hissing cat of a human being from doing anything too rash. he likes gideon nav. his relationship with his necromancer crumbles entirely. he has never owned his life or his soul. he resigned himself to being eaten the moment he discovered the method to become a lyctor. he had one of the most gruesome deaths of the whole series. we don't know where his soul is. he doesn't even get to be in the river with the rest of them. he is the oath. he was engineered into a man who doesn't pick and choose his decencies. and no one talks about him
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yanderederee · 4 months
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a/n: tummy ache girlies unite; Hiragi is here to save the day lol. Please love him with me♡
ct: reader is straightforward and dorky♡
The day began as it would any other for Hiragi Toma. As always, he went about his morning, paroling the attentively. Aa uneventful as it was, the cool morning air and lull of pedestrian idle commotion served to tire the delinquent more than usual. So, en route back to school, he decided to stop by the vending machine for a quick black coffee.
However, hidden just beyond the vending machines broad stature, he noticed a human figure huddled over. He easily could have missed it had he not been so close. Cautiously, Hiragi toed in closer.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, folding down to one knee to reach your current height. You gasped, not expecting for another person’s presence. “Sorry.” He quickly apologized.
You shook your head, groaning quietly. “You’re fine… my stomach just… really hurts…”
Hiragi nodded understandably. “Well, luckily for you,” he hummed, pulling out his tried and true Gas-kun 10. “I happen to have stomach medicine on me. Here, it’s chewable.” He offered you one of the small pills.
Awkarddky, you felt embarrassed having to admit, “I don’t like the powdery taste a chewable pill leaves behind…” Hiragi chuckled, and stood to his full height.
“Can’t blame ya there. Hang tight,” He examined the contents of the vending machine, quickly spotting a green tea option. That would probably be best for a stomach ache, right? After purchasing both of your drinks, he squatted back beside you, handing you the tea and medicine.
Quickly, you took both ingestibles’. After taking one, two, three, four large gulps of the offered tea, you released the can with a quiet ‘haaaaah’.
Though it may not have been your preferred drink of choice, it was rather good. “Do you just… always carry stomach medicine?” You asked, finally taking a good look at the kind bystander.
Hiragi laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, well… I get stomach aches pretty often, so it’s pretty much essential.” You giggled at his reply. “That’s unexpected.”
Together, you shared a few more words, a few more giggles. Until eventually, you could tell his attention was beginning to drift, as though he needed to be elsewhere soon.
“Say, what’s your name?” You asked, finally feeling well enough to stand.
“Hiragi Toma, 3rd year at Furin high school. Nice to meet you.”
You smiled at his introduction. He was kind, and easy to talk to. By the looks of him, in his tight leather pants and the dangerous aura radiating off of him, you were pleasantly surprised. Tall, respectful and thoughtful— and by your standards, very hot… just your type.
“Say… I hope this doesn’t come off strong but… can I… have your contact information?” You asked nervously.
Hiragi became baffled, eyes wide in disbelief. No one’s ever asked for his contact information so quickly upon meeting him. Sure, he thought you were cute; the way you laughed made his heart skip a little, and the way he felt so calm with your presence had made him let his guard down.
…But it wouldn’t be a bad thing to become closer to you…
“S…sure… is my number fine?”
Days after your aforementioned meeting of one another, Hiragi found himself becoming more and more infatuated with you. For some reason, any free thought that wasn’t taken up by Bofurin, Umemiya, or his unpunctual juniors— had become filled with little thoughts about you.
Wondering if you got stomach aches often as well. Were you eating well? Hopefully. Maybe he’d ought to ask you himself, given how frequently you would text him. Perhaps he should find the frequency of your initiated chats bothersome, but it was quite the opposite; he instead felt giddy with every time his phone would vibrate, eager for a chance to duck out to check your message away from prying eyes umemiya.
Like now, he realized from a familiar buzzing. Peeking over to make sure his underclassmen were all distracted with other things, he quickly stepped off behind a corner, pulling out his phone to read your name.
Y/n: class is so boring… I can’t keep my eyes open (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ what are u doing ???
Hiragi♡: that’s not good. how about you try paying attention.
Y/n: so rude!!’ and u didn’t ansr my ??? !
Hiragi♡: im helping my friend out with gardening
Y/n: GARDENING‽?‽?!(๑・̑◡・̑๑) lol what a surprise!! i didn’t know u had a green thumb!!!!
Hiragi♡: i dont. i just water them whenever hes too busy
Y/n: interstng
Hiragi♡: you should probably put your phone away in class
Y/n: just got busted!!_:(´ཀ`」 ∠): ttyl
What the hell did ttyl stand for? Hiragi chucked audibly, rereading over the conversation a few times, heart feeling full. You were much more of a dork than you first let on, but in an endearing way…
Soon, he began feeling the oncoming presence of his curious juniors approaching. Quickly, he pocketed the devise, and joined back up with them.
A few days after that, your texts became less frequent. Hiragi was becoming increasingly irritable as the pattern spanned for the fifth day. You texted him maybe once a day, if only to say good morning, but hadn’t continued with your usual banters and chatter.
Had he done something wrong? He tried reasoning what it could be. Were you bored of him? It was possible… damnit! What should he do… Let it go? You weren’t inclined to message him after all…
But still, something was eating at him… he didn’t want you to stop. Hiragi looked forward to your daily rants and gripes. Just reading your messages was enough to make him break out in a smile. He was even becoming less careful in hiding your existence— Umemiya almost caught him once…
After toiling on it for too long, he decided the best thing to do would be to own up to it… soon. Maybe he would start with messaging you first.
Hiragi♡?: morning. are you at still in school?
Y/n: yahh..
Hiragi♡?: sounds rough. what time do you get out?
Y/n: two hours(@_@)
Hiragi♡?: do you want to grab a bite to eat after? i have a free meal coupon for ashitaba that i need to use.
Even while in class, you were notorious for answering his messages with lightning speed. Yet, after his latest text, all messages from you halted for an entire hour.
Did he come off too strong? Shit. He wasn’t used to this type of thing, maybe he should take it back before you decided to stop talking to him altogether.
An hour and a half passes, before hes sprung back into life with a new text.
Y/n: I’ve never eaten as ashitaba before. Id like to try it though
Was that a yes? Should he take it as a yes? Unsure, he scanned the message a few times.
“Oooohhh~ does our ‘ragi have a daaate?~” a sudden teasing voice cooed into his ear. “GODDAMNIT!” Hiragi screamed unexpectedly, instinctively throwing a punch into the white haired boy’s face.
Undeterred, Umemiya laughed. “Hohoho~ so it’s true! Hiragi’s got giiiiirlfriend~” Annoyed, Hiragi clicked his tongue. “We aren’t dating!” He snapped back. Umemiya audibly ‘oop’ed, covering his mouth in mild surprise. “An ex..?” “NEITHER!”
“So, you weren’t sure about her feelings, so you asked her out to eat to find out?” Umemiya asked, after Hiragi begrudgingly responded to his pestering to tell him everything there was to know about you.
Hiragi shrugged. “I… guess. It just felt like they were putting distance between us and i guess i just… didn’t want that to happen.”
Umemiya nodded along. “So you like them, right?” This question earned a grunt to leave Hiragi’s chest. “Who knows.” He huffed, standing up to leave the conversation.
“Good luuuck! Charm the pants off ‘er, so i can meet her next time!!”
Just by your school gate, Hiragi waited, scrolling on his phone.
Hiragi♡?: im outside ur school. spot me by the gate.
Y/n: YOURE HERE????????? (=ↀΩↀ=)
Seeing no reason to reply further, since you’d be seeing him in person before long, he smiled at the cute emoji you sent, and looked around.
Everyone. Was staring at him.
“I-is that a Furin uniform? Scary!!”
“Let’s walk the other way…”
“What’s he here for? Is he looking for a fight?”
“Should i call the police?”
Shit. It wasn’t exactly common knowledge for neighboring schools to know how the image of Furin has changed over the years. To the outside eye, Furin was still a good for nothing delinquent school who fought anyone and everyone. Maybe meeting you at school was a bad idea.
“Hii~ra~giii~” chimed a cheerful voice, breaking out against the harsh whispers around him. A particular group of girls stared the two of you down with wide, shocked eyes. Based on where you were skipping from and their placement, they looked to be your friends. “Ready?”
Hiragi looked a little uneasy, glancing between you and your very suspicious friends, all gathered and whispering with one another. “Uh… yeah.” He mumbled, looking away.
Side by side, the two of you walked to the restaurant he’d mentioned, all while your chipper chatter filled the silence. Talking about anything, asking him questions, leaving room for breathing space as to not overwhelm the conversation too badly.
You had just a weird way of making him feel… at ease. He thought he didn’t much care for carefree individuals who couldn’t mind their business. That’s how it was with Umemiya at least; but your comforting presence did something to ease any aggression lurking inside him.
Coming up on the restaurant, he pulled open the door expectedly for you. You gave a quiet thanks before entering. “Welcome i—“ the older man called in greeting, only to cut himself off when he was met with an unfamiliar face accompanying one of his most regular customers.
Baffled, the older man starred at you in gaping awe. There was no way in hell Hiragi was bringing someone as fine as you on a date here of all places.
“Quit it with the crazy eyes old man, table for two, please.” Hiragi spoke up after closing the door. While the old man was still taken by shock, he did his best to welcome the two of you in with open arms. Quickly, the two of you were seated, and met with hardy conversation with the cook.
“Well you’ve got to forgive me, but this is just about the most unexpected thing! The Bofurin boys come in here all the time, but it’s unusual for them to bring guests like this! Here, try this to start off! I got a few other things frying up right now, it’ll be ready in just’a sec.”
“That’s so kind of you..! I can’t wait to try it! But before that… Bofurin boys? Like, Furin high school, right?” You seemed to be puzzling little things together. You’ve been in town before, of course, but the only thing readily known about Furin was its notorious reputation; and how it had only in recent years began to change.
“You dont know Bofurin? Oh boy! They’re just about the most helpful bunch o’guys around! Can’t tell ya the number of times Toma here has unloaded a full truck for me on delivery day!” The old man hollered with laughter, slapping Hiragi on the back hard.
After putting in your respective orders, Hiragi sighed in embarrassment. “Sorry if he’s over the top. He means well.“
“No way!” You waved off his apology with a happy grin. “I’m even more interested now. Tell me about Bofurin! The locals seem to know you as a hero or something. Only had four random people call out to you asking if you needed anything. What’s that about?”
And so, Hiragi began unwinding the ever telling story of Furin’s history, how it came to be, and who they were now. The story took you by storm; your eyes glued to him as you watched the dangerous looking boy go on about how it’s important to help the people in his community, subconsciously smiling to himself.
Hiragi was compassionate. Perhaps a little harsh spoken and rough looking, but soft in the ways it counted.
“So cool,” you whispered to yourself, thinking only of the boy in front of you in that moment. “Huh? Yeah, i guess we try acting cool for everyone’s sake.” He chuckled back, earning a hot wave of embarrassment to flow over you. You weren’t about to correct him.
The food was great, full of flavor and home cooked goodness. “This is amazing sir!!” You yelled from your table, comfortable in doing so thanks to being the only three people in the eatery. “Don’t tell him that, it’ll go straight to his head.” Hiragi chuckled again. “My head is a respectable size thank you very much. Here, try these too Y/n!”
Finally after having been stuffed full of food, and sent out with more leftovers than you could carry alone, you were elated.
“Thanks for taking me out today, Hiragi! It was awful kind of Mr Ashitaba to tab our meals!”
Hiragi smiled, proud of his community for showing you such hospitality. “This is pretty normal honestly. I’ll make sure to pay him back next time though.”
Sharing amongst yourself a few more lines of conversation, Hiragi’s thoughts began drifting back to your lukewarm messages lately. Should he bring it up, or just leave it be? Would it be overstepping to insinuate any necessity to your conversations?
“Hiiragi? You there?” You asked, waving a hand in front of his face inquisitively. “Huh? Oh, yeah.” He cleared his throat.
You looked at him for a moment, as if reading his mind. “You can ask whatever it is you’re thinking. I have an answer.” You smiled knowingly.
Maybe you were sharper than he took you for. Finally, he exhaled. “It’s fine, honestly. I’m not upset or anything. I was… just curious. How do i even say it…” he grumbled, unable to find the words he meant. “Why my messages have been so dry recently?” You asked.
Slowly, he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know it’s not really my place to ask that. We only just met, so it’s not like there’s any obligation or anything.” He cleared the gnawing feeling setting into the conversation, hopeful you remained understanding.
“Honestly… I was worried about bothering you, at first.” You answered. “I didn’t want to annoy you, so I tried holding back just texting you every little thing that crossed my mind… but then, after a day or two, I began feeling like, maybe you weren’t really that interested in me.” You looked away bashful.
��So I asked my school friends what I should do, and they said I shouldn’t message you at all… that if-if you were I-interested in me.. than you would show it… So… ”
Hiragi stopped walking, frozen in place. ‘Interested’, like in a relationship, right? Was he? He probably was, almost positively was. But with the way you were talking… is that something you wanted too?
“Sorry, I guess that kinda sounds like I was testing you… that was wrong of me, wasn’t it?” You looked down.
Hiragi’s heart was beating out of his chest.
“That’s fine,” he spoke calmly, slowly walking to close the distance separating you. He stood close, squeezing the bag straps of leftovers in his opposite hand. “Because of that, I realized how much I really like talking to you. I missed talking to you. And I know now that I want to keep that.” Hiragi slowly raised his free hand, careful in the way he gently brushed a loose strand of hair from your face.
“It’s new, but I think I like you.” He admitted boldly, locking eyes with you. Your face immediately ran hot, surely flush with embarrassment. Hiragi smiled at your cute reaction, and rested his palm on your warm cheek.
You wanted to reply, speak what was on your mind as you usually would… but you felt stunned, having Hiragi so close. You could smell the notes of musk from his cologne, feel the leather material of his jacket, and hear the soft exhales he released in nervous tension.
He made no movements, simply shifting his gaze from looking you in the eyes, to your lips, to examine your face, all to catch you off guard again with such intense eye contact.
He never did really get a good look at you the first time you met. Most of your interactions since then have been over the phone. Now that he could really pay attention to you, and put details to the face he kept imagining for the last few weeks.
Hiragi thought you were beautiful.
“Hiragi…” you would only manage a whisper, hearts racing in mutual tandem.
You gulped, and finally smiled, laying a hand on the back of his own. It was rough, his knuckles were dry and cracked, yet the texture felt comforting as you circled your finger tips over them. “I think I really like you too.”
It was so simple, so little words, that meant so much. He broke out in an uncontrollable smile, shark teeth on full display as his eyes squinted shut. Hiragi surely wasn’t looking for anything like this, a relationship. But he would be damned if he gave you up because of some half assed reason like that.
“I want to take you out again sometime. Soon. How does that sound?”
“Well… I might have some free time. Have anywhere in mind?”
“Oh yeah! There’s this movie I’ve been really looking forward to,”
As you went on about planning your next date, Hiragi felt elated basking in your radiance; listening to you talk on about your movie interests, and answering when you asked him about his own opinions. All while helplessly reciprocating the hold on each others hand.
Even when you made it home, your energy felt palpable. Yet, you looked sad. “How will I know you made it home safe?”
He chuckled, patting your head. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
“Can I call you instead?” You asked.
“Sure,” his heart swelled at your borderline clingy nature. With these feelings being so new, he welcomed it. “See you tomorrow.”
Hiragi began to turn, but instinctively, you reached a hand out to grab his shirt. He paused, eyeing you curiously. It was too soon to admit you wanted to kiss him, right? But he seemed to like your straightforwardness, especially when it was tinged in shyness. And with how nervous you were, that’s exactly what you were.
“Can… I call you Toma?” You asked.
He smiled again. “Only if I can return the favor-“
“Absolutely! Please do.” You grinned so wide, grip tightening around his shirt. “Okay then,” you lifted yourself on your tip toes, pulling slightly on the materiel of his shirt, instinctively causing him to bend his knees ever so slightly at your will.
And quickly, you lay a firmly affectionate kiss on the side of his lips, not sure if it was more of his cheek. It was rushed, after all. Embarrassed but satisfied, you pulled back, practically fuming hot air from your ears. “W-well! G-good night Toma! Make it home safe!!” You yelled, quickly rushing for the door and slamming it shut.
Dumbstruck, Hiragi Toma remained on your doorstep, mouth gaping wide open, red as a damn apple. How the hell were you just going to run away from him like that? How was he supposed to react to that? WHAT THE HELL??
With no other way to release this sudden influx of deep emotions, he released a loud closed mouth scream into the palms of his hands. Quick to not make more of a fool of himself, he ran from the scene of the almost murder(his own murder); beet red and heart pounding unbelievably hard.
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saras-almanac · 4 months
Being under the assumption that both Eddie’s and Bobby’s storylines will feature heavily in the last few episodes of the season with fallout and some consequences set up for season 8, I have some thoughts about what I want to see for the show since I’m procrastinating doing anything today…
Bobby – Having to actually physically face someone from the fire, I want that to be a big sign for Bobby to actually start working through his trauma and guilt in a way that doesn’t necessarily lead to a potential relapse story, but some tension with Athena because she can’t understand what he’s going through, how he feels really (similar to when he was helping that drunk driving woman after the pileup from Blindsided). Another thing I want is to see him taking more of an active role in his AA meetings—I want him to really start focusing on that so he can have friends outside of people he’s Captain of, plus it’ll help set up what his endgame should be: focusing on his meetings and helping people who have been at or are at rock bottom because he is someone who can really understand. And he doesn’t need to be a first responder to still help.
Athena – I literally just want her to interact more with Buck. (Though I literally want Buck to interact with everyone so much) If his apartment does burn down or he moves, maybe Athena offers him to stay at their place since Maddie and Chimney are dealing with their own stuff, Eddie’s off on his own, and it’s a bit too soon to fully move in with Tommy). But just imagine the talks they could have over tea late at night, both of them being night owls. They could talk about their careers, how to know when to keep trying for advancement or when it’s okay to be content where you’re at. Plus let’s say Athena gets drafted to help on a case of some sort, bringing home some files along with her notes, only to wake up in the morning to see Buck on his third cup of coffee and a full red string makeshift pinboard set up on the table going through all the potential theories. (Athena wants to be annoyed but also, maybe he’s on to something? And it’s not like he went out and started doing his own sleuthing and digging through someone’s trash so… )
Buck – Obviously next season I just want him and Tommy to still be together and their big storyline is working on continuing to build their relationship, especially allowing Buck to really be there for Tommy in a way that we’ve already seen Tommy do for Buck. I want their relationship to be settled and steady, even with the bumps and hiccups, but ultimately something that settles Buck so he can really focus on his career and what he wants outside of being a firefighter. (Obviously my endgame for Buck is being Captain at a different firehouse, or well on his way to actually being Captain). But there’s so much angst and humor to be had in the background where Buck/Tommy doesn’t have to take up too much space. Obviously the angst of if Tommy gets hurt or just learning about his past (which I have lots of thoughts about) and Buck learning to cope with that, still growing and getting better at direct communication. Which could lead into a funny runner in an episode where Buck goes around asking everyone (Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Chimney) how they handle it when their partner is hurt and how is the best way for him to comfort Tommy after a rough shift because he obviously wants to do it the best way possible because Tommy is the best and always seems to know what to do and Buck just wants to be the same for him—only for him to get his real answer from Karen (because I also want more Buck with Karen and Buck and Hen being siblings next season). Plus Buck could be in random scenes because he’s obviously getting kicked out of Bobby and Athena’s house at least twice a week for their roleplaying nights that Buck doesn’t want to really ask about but accidentally knows too much about, which also leads to him showing up at May’s one night when everyone else is at work or busy and they have that weird “do you know what I know about mom and dad” conversation about what their parents are getting up to. (Plus leaning into May and Buck developing a relationship could also show us a lot of both of those characters because it’d be in different roles than we’ve seen them—May as the younger sister, Buck as the older brother) Plus I absolutely need to see Buck and Carla being friends again.
Tommy – I absolutely want him to stick around and for them to start filling in the gaps of his life a bit more because he is a really friendly person and has buddies and people to hang out with, but he’s also really lonely and I think that’s why jumped all in with his friendship with Eddie and putting his best foot forward with Buck. Just want him around lol
HenRen – My most beloved ladies. I just want them to keep going and having them face outside challenges together, as a team. So next season could be them wanting to officially adopt Mara but it’s their first adoption (where the kid is not a baby) and they want to do this right, not making Mara feel pressured or like she has to accept this. Obviously them juggling Mara and their still complicated feelings about Denny reconnecting with Nathanial behind their backs is a really good story for them, and then what happens if they get more kids, or another case similar to Mara where it’s a slightly older child and it upsets the balance a bit more? I just love the idea of them as foster parents and want to keep exploring that, even if it is “repetitive” because it’s wonderful to see such amazing parents who are actively trying to be the best they can be and making sure to put their kids first. (Endgame for them, adopting a baby girl, which doesn’t make them love their other children less, but it’d be a really nice full circle moment of them with Denny and Nia, to this full-scale family) Would also love to see Karen interacting a bit more with people—I think at least starting with Chimney and Buck would be a really quick and easy way—Buck could be babysitting a bit, coming over for game nights, showing up randomly. Just a way to start getting Karen more featured because she is literally sunshine and I think it’d be really cool to see her talking about her job and Buck’s excitement and how he’d be super interested in it. (And maybe she’s starting to question if she wants to stay at her job, now with the kids and she’s not sure if she’s as excited about it anymore, or maybe she hasn’t fully been herself at work since the explosion… anything for Karen that’s not sad or too angsty because I can’t handle it. Or one of her brothers comes to stay for an undisclosed amount of time causing hijinx.)
Madney – Oh my god… These two need much less angst and just pure happiness forever. But obviously, that’s not going to happen. So what I would love to see is their storyline centered around the next steps for their family, namely whether or not they want more kids. Jee was a happy accident and they’d never not want her, but it does bring up the question of do they want more children? They both have some issues surrounding parental relationships, and while they’ve been working through them and are incredible parents themselves, would they feel ready or able to have another child or more children? Not to mention physically, for Maddie, would she be willing and able to put herself through that again? I don’t know. It’s something that could really give them a lot of meat in a story while not being needlessly overdramatic—Like my hopes for HenRen, I want them to face things as a couple and still support each other.
Eddie – I need him to be getting help. I want to see this story completely blow up in his face because he doesn’t really have a lot of storylines that deal with the fallout of his actions. And this will hopefully be something that is just him making the worst possible decisions ever and then seeing him lash out at people would be peak writing for this character, to watch him build himself back up and really allow him to have relationships outside of Chris and Buck. I know they’re all friends, but Eddie literally doesn’t really interact with anyone else. Would love to see him and Buck on the outs for a bit so they could both have scenes with some other people. Plus I’d love this story to lead to a happily single Eddie, realizing that he doesn’t need to have a partner just for Chris’s sake and that he’s not really interested in dating right now, despite the fact it feels like everyone in his life (his family) keeps pushing that on him. He honestly needs to do a lot of work on himself to be ready and able to be in a romantic relationship because Eddie is actually the worst in relationships—and whether that’s only because he’s still dealing with Shannon’s death and the way he’s clearly romanticized their past or because he genuinely doesn’t want to date or doesn’t know how to date, we can explore. I want to know more about Eddie because from the beginning he’s basically just been Single Dad Veteran and I don’t feel like they’ve really given him much else until this season. Let Eddie be alone so we can actually learn who he is more before he gets into another relationship—or crazier yet, allow for Single Representation Eddie where he ultimately decides he’s happier alone and doesn’t need anyone.
Josh – My endgame for Josh is obviously him taking over Sue’s position at the Call Center—which would obviously lead to Maddie officially taking over Josh’s spot. But like Buck, I want Josh to have a little more stability in his life so he has stuff outside the call center to help balance himself when he does take on that role. Could be a really great way to sort of mirror Buck and Josh—both of them knowing what they want to do and being really great at it but having no real idea of what to do if that’s taken away. Josh sort of stumbled into this job and excelled at it immensely, but sort of at the expense of his own personal life (plus the trauma of his last “official” experience with dating). Whereas Buck’s never really set aside his personal life for his job but hasn’t ever really found that balance of both with someone who really gets him. So there could be a lot to explore with them as an option. I just want to see a bit more of Josh and maybe he gets a boyfriend or at least starts to date again.
Ravi – I have no idea what I want for him other than for him to be around. In my ideal endgame, he’s obviously taking over Buck’s role at the 118, so maybe just keeping him involved in the crew more. Maybe he has a big dramatic storyline for season 8, dealing with his past or getting injured or showing how he withdraws very quickly. I don’t know he’s sort of a blank slate so they could really do anything with him. I just want to see him around more.
Basically I just have a lot of thoughts and wanted to write them all out here because why not.
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phuljari · 3 months
social media au! part 4
summary : khushi is a model and influencer; arnav just seems to stumble upon her profile one day— not so much by accident. (or what if khushi fell in love at first sight?)
warnings : lots of hindi, some english, cussing in (either) languages. deliberate typos. online stalker!shyam. text heavy.
a/n : i am...trying something new (by using the word prompts) #IPK 13th Anniversary Fiesta @arshifiesta
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liked by gulabo_devyani, arnavsinghraizada, aakash_r, hari_prakash, hellohibyebye, nandiii, anjaliiiii.r, mahendrarudrapratapsinghraizada and others
laxmi.ji Tum aa gaye ho, noor aa gaya hai @/nandiii
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hellohibyebye e goatwa ko postwa karna kaun sikha diya haiiiiin?
⤷gulabo_devyani Manorama. khabardaar 😠
hari_prakash Nani ji humein kyu crop kar diya?
anjaliiiii.r Laxmi ji! Kya lag rahi hai!! :)
⤷gulabo_devyani :) E. Kaa MATLAB ka. Hai. Anjali. bitya.
nandiii Arey waah, ghatiya lag rahi hai laxmiji ekdum 👌
⤷aakash_r NK bhai 😭😭😭ghatiya nahi badhiya 😭😭😭
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iMessage "Raizada Group"
NK: Di mera instagram suspend ho gaya 😭
NK: Ab me kya karunga diiii
NK: It's saying that I was reported for abusive language
Anjali: Aree, ruko hum dekhte hai
Aakash: 👀
NK: Dii, mere bichaare followers kya sochenge
NK: Mai toh nadaan ho gaya di
Aakash: 😭
Aakash: Nadaan nahi, pareshaan 😭
NK: Sach sach bolo Aakash, tumne report kiya na mujhe?
NK: Tumhe mere hindi sacchi nahi lagti
NK: *Acchi isiliye
Aakash: Nahi NK Bhai, mai kyu report karunga?
Anjali: Chotte 😒
NK: Nannav main tumhari paav padta hu
NK: Please mera account suspend hone se bacha lo na
NK: Nannav
NK: Nannav
NK: Nannav
Anjali added Arnav to Raizada Group
NK: Nannav
NK: Nannav
NK: Mere bhai 🙏
NK: Mujhe Khushi ji ko invite karna hai
NK: Dinner ke liye
NK: Shantivan
NK: Ab mai unko message kaise karunga? 😭
Arnav seen
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Notifications (nandiii)
Your account has been cleared of suspicious activity and/or abusive language.
Thank you for your patience.
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(1) new messages from nandiii
nandiii: Khushi ji!
thekhushigupta: nanhe ji!!
nandiii: Aapko bhojan ka aamantran hai aaj raat 8 baje
nandiii: Shantivan 📌
thekhushigupta: ji bilkul! 🫶
nandiii: Waise what's your fav dish?
thekhushigupta: oh i devour aloo poori, chaat, jalebi, pakore 😭 anything lucknowi also works
nandiii: Of course Khushi ji! Humari choice is same to same 😌
thekhushigupta liked a message
thekhushigupta: nanhe ji, ek question hai
thekhushigupta: hum apni jiji ko bhi laaye kya saath me?
thekhushigupta: if you don't have a problem?
nandiii: Why not Khushi ji? The more, the merrier! :)
nandiii: Aur haan Khushi ji, I forgot to tell you that this is my cousin's home
nandiii: He's most probably not going to be around but in case he is, don't mind his presence 😂
nandiii: And the rest of the family will be there too
nandiii: Hope that's okay Khushi ji?
thekhushigupta: aree kyu nahi! i'm already so excitedddd
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Preetika: What's up buttercup?
Preetika: Still in your lover era?
Khushi: OMG
Khushi: no
Khushi: yes
Khushi: maybe, idk 😭
Preetika: Ooo what's the tea?
Khushi: we went out but
Khushi: he was only trying to stay out of his home
Khushi: cos guests or sm
Preetika: Oh no, girl, I'm so sorry :((
Khushi: no you're not
Preetika: No, i'm not😂
Preetika: At least you found out early enough that he wasn't as interested as you were
Khushi: i guess 🥺
Khushi: but what do i do with all these feelings? 😭😭
Preetika: You wanna talk over coffee?
Khushi: i wish!! but i've gtg for dinner at this place
Preetika: Okay wow, I get it. I'm not even on your priority list 😔
Khushi: noooooo
Khushi: ofc you are
Khushi: he's just a friend and he's visiting from australia so can't say no na
Preetika: Oh, is he single?
Khushi: idk 😭
Khushi: i'll see tho
Preetika liked a message
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liked by aakash_r, shyamjha, hari_prakash, arnavsinghraizada, saritaraman, hellohibyebye, theshyamjha, usershyam, nandiii, laxmi.ji and others
titaliya_k raghbat <3
@/nandiii thank you for hosting this amazing dinner and fulfilling my 'ghar ka khana' needs 💖
and @/laxmi.ji for the wonderful company!
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nandiii Anytime Khushi ji!
⤷titaliya_k 🫶
aakash_r We were delighted to host you and your jiji!
⤷titaliya_k it was lovely to meet you! 😌
⤷hellohibyebye e kaa dusra accountwa hai ka phati saree?
⤷user1 this is her personal account and @/thekhushigupta is her professional one
shyamjha Accha toh aap idhar thi Khushi ji! Hum toh pareshaan ho gaye aapko dhoondhte dhoondhte
*this user has been blocked. click here to unblock*
usershyam: Waise aaj aap khule baalon me kaafi sunder lag rahi thi
*this user has been blocked. click here to unblock*
user2 yummy!
hari_prakash humne banaya didi
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(2) new messages from titaliya_k
titalilya_k: nanhe ji!!!!!!
titaliya_k: aapne bataya kyu nahi 😭😭
nandiii: Kya hua Khushi ji? Kya nahi bataya??
titaliya_k: ki aap asr ke bhai hain 😭
nandiii: Oh sorry, mai bhool gaya Khushi ji 🥺
titaliya_k: 😭😭😭
nandiii: But everything went well no? Nannav said something to you?
titaliya_k: haan par
titaliya_k: wait NANNAV?!😂😂
titaliya_k: i'm cackling! 🤣🤣🤣
titaliya_k: ek din me do do nicknames 😂😂
titaliya_k: chotte had me giggling af lol
nandiii: Di and Nani ji only call him that 😅
titaliya_k: btw naniji is soooo cute! i absolutely enjoyed spending time with her!!
nandiii: Oh? She said the same thing about you two! But especially you 😌
titaliya_k: anjali ji was pretty sweet as well
titaliya_k: nothing like her chotte 🤭
nandiii: 😂😂
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(1) message from thekhushigupta
thekhushigupta: hey
arnavsinghraizada: Yeah?
thekhushigupta: chotte 😂
arnavsinghraizada: 😒
thekhushigupta: istg it was so funny
arnavsinghraizada: Funny was you meeting my family on the second date itself
thekhushigupta: it wasn't a date 😒
arnavsinghraizada: You were literally staring at me the whole night
thekhushigupta: ok no need to call me out like that
thekhushigupta: so what? i like to look at pretty things
arnavsinghraizada: I'm pretty?
thekhushigupta: yessir
arnavsinghraizada seen
thekhushigupta: oh!! hello!!! don't ghost me!!!
arnavsinghraizada: Kya bolu ab?
arnavsinghraizada: I don't get it. You asked me out, we went on a date. And then YOU ghosted me.
arnavsinghraizada: And now you're flirting?
arnavsinghraizada: Tum thodi pagal ho
thekhushigupta: haan 😂😂
thekhushigupta: bua ji hume sanka devi bulati hai 😂
thekhushigupta: but you had the ghosting coming
thekhushigupta: who says on their first date that they're only there to avoid their cousin?
thekhushigupta: who btw is my friend!!
arnavsinghraizada: Wow you assumed that i was there to avoid NK
arnavsinghraizada: Okay, fair. I was actually
arnavsinghraizada: Doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy your company
thekhushigupta: oh?
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<previous> | <next>
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snuffink · 5 months
I doubt I'll ever actually make a MCD rewrite, gods know my fixation will die down long before I'd get anything on paper or even finish rewatching the whole thing, but it's still fun to share what ideas I have come up with, so here we are!
In a hypothetical rewrite, I would change a bunch of dynamics. If I were to write mcd, a large portion of season 1 would be relationship focused. And I DON'T mean romantic necessarily, I mean building relationships, fleshing out the town, making the audience really get to know the characters and how they interact with each other.
My biggest focus is on Aph's closest friends, so here are my current ideas and hcs!
(Note here: I mention aroace dynamics, I am aware that it's a spectrum, I myself am on the spectrum, I just haven't decided how it would work with Aph herself so it's vague.)
Still in love with Aph
Laurance is his best friend, depends on him when he can't depend on Aph
Views Dante as a younger brother or son
Much less jealous and possessive over Aph, accepts that she may never feel the same, though is causes him heartache.
Has a habit of "adopting" people, most likely due to his past and feeling like a failure to his younger brothers. (Zenix, Dante, Levin, Brian etc)
His closest friends are Aph, Laurance and Dante. Unlikely friendship with Dale and Logan along with Cadenza
Likes Aph, though mostly mistakes his loyalty and fondness and genuine friendship for love. Aph is just as important to him as she is in the series, it's just not romantic love
So much less pushy. So so much less pushy.
They play flirt with Aph, as they do in the series. (Example, the table scene in s1)
Puts his feelings for her aside whenever needed. She needs a guard? He's there. She needs a friend? She's there. She needs to gossip? Girl, what'd they do this time?
Tries to gently push Garroth to do something, anything about his feelings. The pushing turns less gentle after the SK business though it's not his fault
Father/Big brother figure to Malachi.
He's closest with Aph and Garroth and Cadenza, very close with Dante as well, though they don't know each other as deeply as the others do.
Probably friends with Katelyn and Nicole as well, they spar together from time to time.
Gossips with Lucinda from time to time, they shit talk over tea
Yip probably really likes him
Sibling like relationship with Aph
Ridiculously loyal to her
Definitely closest to her than anyone else
Had a super good relationship with Nicole, would have stayed together had their interest not clashed.
Dante would have wanted to stay in touch but Nicole needed time to herself
Started getting close to Nana after their split
Loves children, father/big brother to Malachi and Levin
An absolute goof, loses braincells with Laurance, Garroth and Aph. (All of them are super capable by themselves, absolute dumbasses together)
Not romantically interested in any of them (I haven't decided if she's on the aroace spectrum or just not interested in men, but I just don't imagine her liking any of the guys)
Views Dante as a brother, Laurance as her best friend and Garroth as a close friend
Has always kind of felt like there was a wall between her and Garroth, couldn't explain it
Genuinely unaware of Garroth's infatuation until the ending events of s1 or then the dreams of s2
Confused over Laurance and others teasing Garroth
Made an effort to get to know Emmalyn after their bad blood died down, recognising her own issues with boundaries and respecting people's space
Unlikely friends with Emmalyn, though it gets tainted a lil after the Irene discovery
(In case not aroace: Zoey is her wife, though this could also be interpreted as platonic. In any case, they are wives and share a friendship that could only be seen as soulmates.)
Considers Laurance and Zoey her platonic soulmates, feels as though the two understand her better than anyone could or would.
Bonds with Aaron particularly well, though they have no romantic involvement.
Not in love with Aph
Sees his late wife in Aph along with his son in Levin and Malachi, and they end up helping him heal over time.
Forms a special type of bond with Aph, and finds himself able to rely on her much more than anyone else
Begins bonding with the others first over their shared hatred of Zane
Due to his time as a lone wolf, he struggles greatly with talking to people for a while
'Fast' friends with Dante, the two bond over the loss of their villages and family.
Surprising friends with Logan, along with Brendon and Emmalyn.
Becomes a father figure of sorts to Dante, Levin, Malachi and other youngins in the town.
Enjoys sparring with people, but begins first doing it out of necessity to be stronger, though it overtime becomes something he truly enjoys
Soft spot for kids
Ferociously protective of Aph due to their close relationship and her resemblance to his wife.
Ends up finding peace in Phoenix Drop, willing to do anything to protect it
Helps Levin figure out lord stuff with Aph.
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randomprose · 3 months
winter burn
my headcanon is that Itachi truly believes he is contractually and legally obligated to tease Sasuke about everything but most especially Sakura— non-massacre au
“I’m home,” Sasuke called out as he entered the house. He sat at the threshold to remove his standard-issued ninja sandals, taking note of another pair that hadn’t been there for the past three days.
‘Aniki’s back.’
True enough when he entered the den, his brother was sitting across from their father reading a scroll. 
“Welcome back, ototou,” Itachi greeted with a smile except this smile was different than his usual polite subdued ones. This one looked much too saccharine and Sasuke just knew something was up with the way his brother was looking like the cat that caught the canary. 
To his credit, Sasuke didn’t show any signs of apprehension and even smiled and kissed their mother on the cheek when she passed by with a tray of tea and greeted him. He took the tray from her and set it down on the table before seating himself in one of the cushions.
“Guess what I saw when I was making my way home?” Itachi said with an air of casualty as if he was talking about the weather.
Sasuke knew better and didn’t rise to the bait. That tone sounded like the next dinner table conversation would be at his expense so he instead chose to drink the tea his mother offered.
“What is it, Itachi-kun?” Mikoto asked handing her eldest son a cup of tea.
“Why, I’m glad you asked, Mother,” Itachi answered primly, accepting the offered cup and taking a sip. “Actually, it wasn’t so much what I saw as to who I saw.” 
Itachi smirked and Sasuke just knew that his brother was up to something evil and maniacal that would be directed at his person as always.
“Well, what is it?” Fugaku asked, never one for beating around the bush, as he nodded his thanks to Mikoto for the tea.
Their father’s impatient tone only seemed to fuel Itachi. He hadn’t expected their father to be interested. As calm and innocent as he could (Sasuke snorted at this), he turned to his younger brother and delivered the blow.
“Sasuke, I didn’t know you liked dancing in the snow.”
“Sasuke-chan dances?”
“Aa, mother. He was with Sakura-chan.”
Sasuke could practically feel three pairs of inquisitive eyes on him as he calmly sipped his tea, his brother’s usual unreadable gaze shining more with amusement than curiosity. He felt the tell-tale sign of a blush coming on as he felt his face heating up and glared at his brother.
“You fucking creeper.”
“Sasuke! Language!”
“I was not creeping,” Itachi smirked as Sasuke didn’t even deny it. “I just saw you guys in passing.”
“Yeah, right. Don’t you have a life, you—”
“You walked Sakura-chan home, I hope?” Mikoto interrupted before her boys could progress into name-calling.
Sasuke ceased glaring at his brother to answer her, his expression once again mild, “Yes, Mother. Her shift in the hospital ended quite late.”
“That’s great, Sasuke-chan,” Mikoto smiled at her youngest, proud that she raised such a sweet boy. “I assume she likes to dance in the snow as much as she likes the cold?”
“Aa. She forced me to join her.”
“Ah. But you looked like you were actually enjoying yourself, ototou,” Itachi interjected, not at all done with his teasing.
“I hate the cold.” It was true, too. Sasuke had indulged Sakura, but he couldn’t walk fast enough to get inside his very warm house. Sakura lived on the other side of the village and jumping on the trees was out of the question with how wickedly cold the wind was.
“But you do not hate dancing with Sakura-chan?”
Sasuke didn’t bother to dignify Itachi’s question with a response. Itachi is definitely spending way too much time with Shisui. If he doesn’t engage, if he doesn’t give his brother the reaction he clearly wants from him, Itachi will get bored eventually and move on to other—
And then Sasuke sneezed.
To which Itachi laughingly asked, “Was it worth it, ototou?”
Sasuke silently got up from his seat, and turning to Itachi, smirked, “Of course it was.” He thanked their mother for muttering a quiet ‘bless you’ and handing him a tissue before heading toward the stairs. “Maybe if you stopped spying on me and actually spent more time with Izumi-nee, you’ll know just how worth it dancing in the cold is.” Sasuke threw a smug look at his older brother before disappearing upstairs into his room.
Fugaku smirked at the exchange as he turned a page of the evening newspaper. “He got you there, son.”
Itachi scowled before returning to his scroll.
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Wolfstarbucks nsfw
James had normal interests. He enjoyed quidditch- so much so that he found himself playing professionally- cooking for his two husbands, planning out little pranks for said husbands to discover at their own time (remus is still finding the rest of the three hundred lego wolf figures James hid among his office), and being used as nothing but a pet for both Remus and Sirius.
Being a quidditch player, his schedule was much more lax than Remus, the professor, and Sirius, who ran a non profit organization with his brother. He has practices in the morning, and if he had no game that night, he would be home by himself by mid day. The free time allowed him to explore his interest; he worked out to maintain his stamina, started on dinner and some treats for the team and his partners, and stripped down to nothing but a collar, leather harness, and Remus’s boxers just in time for the arrival of his masters.
“Isn’t this a lovely sight,” Sirius mumbled to himself, entering their bedroom to see his husband all dressed up and kneeling on a dog bed, waiting patiently for his owners to get home and pay him some attention.
“I was hoping you wou-“
“Who gave you permission to speak, pet?” A deeper voice interrupted the pair. James moved his attention from Sirius to Remus, whose eyes were quickly darkening. A small whimper escaped him before shaking his head, signifying no one gave him any permission to speak, and looked down with a tiny pout.
“Moony, be nice to him. He made us dinner and got all dressed up and ready when we got home. I think he deserves a treat for this.” Sirius smirked, walking closer to James, but still being mindful to keep a wide enough distance, much to James’s disappointment.
“A treat? You think this mutt deserves a treat because he’s slutting himself out to try and distract us from how much of a brat he was this morning? If I remember correctly, we both promised him quite the punishment for his behavior.” Remus frowned as he joined the pair, but he was much closer to the ‘mutt’ in question, giving him the perfect opportunity grab ahold of his hair and tug harshly. “Maybe you should remind Pads why we need to punish you, little one.” Remus growled in James’s ear, earning himself a lovely whimper from the other man.
James knew exactly what incident Remus was talking about, and he knew no matter what he did to distract the other two from his previous behavior, he would be receiving one hell of a punishment- but you couldn’t blame him from trying. It almost worked, if only Remus was as easily swayed as Sirius.
“Speak pup.” Remus demanded, tugging on James’s curls again. “I-I.. I mhmm..” James had every intention to recount their morning, but the feeling of Remus’s calloused hands over his leather-bound torso, slowly making their way to the ever growing erection in his Sirius’s boxers, made it just a tad bit difficult.
“Come on mon chiot, tell me what you did this morning. Tell me how bad of a pet you are, why you deserve to be punished.” Sirius encouraged his pet to continue, looking down at him with a hungry glare that made James preen with excitement for the night they will share.
“I.. I w-was a brat to m-moony wh- aa-aah!” The explanation was cut off by a sharp yelp- the result of James’s hair being pulled yet again. “Not my name.” Remus reminded his pet. “S-sorry.. when Sir tried to wake me up. I.. I cursed at him and.. and held on t-to him as he tried to get out of bed. Th-then I.. oh fuck! I.. mm!!” Explaining yourself was much harder when you had Moony’s rough hands stroking your cock. “I m-made breakfast b-but sl-slammed the aaaah.. f-fuck. The tea mug down and it.. mmm.. i-its sp-spilled on Sir.. h-he had t-to change.. and w-was late.” James finally got the explanation out, despite the growing need to stop talking and start barking and whimpering instead.
“What a bad pup. Moony I think you were right,” Sirius smirked, placing his silky hands lightly onto James’s shoulder, tracing all the way down from his back to his now bare ass. “We need to punish our bitch.”
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maxverstepponme · 4 months
hi steppy! i’m one of the admins of the late povkellypiquet so here are the messages we got. sadly we don’t have access to the screenshots anymore because it was all through tiktok but this is what our source said. 
"Jerome D'Ambrosio and Natalie got married in 2013 but prior to that she would travel a lot with Jerome on the f1 circuit. She would always say most of the wags were incredibly kind. She also said you had to be tolerant and have an amicable personality to be able to be with an f1 driver because although they are glorified they are have really intense personalities, they are often controlling and absolutely have to get their way. (not all of them but most are). At that time Kelly was absolutely a nobody, she was just known for her father and her need for attention so she ended up doing some blogging for formula E and that's where her true colors came out so everyone knew she was dying to be a wag and no one liked her, she would purposely try to befriend drivers and made her rounds... one of them being Jerome, Natalie's husband at the time. They weren't even married a year and she kept getting sent pictures that were taken on the track from the media of her with him talking super close and always together. She then found out they would go on shopping trips and he would stay extra days in whatever city to spend time with her. Besides her being promiscuous she's got a very arrogant unlikable personality. So that happened - her marriage ended."
"So Jerome and her stopped dating. To this day he denies it but she probably doesn't because she just wanted soooo badly to have the status of a wife or a drivers girlfriend. So at that time this girl who worked in formula E started dating her brother Nelson Piquer Jr. they were super in love- Kelly absolutely hated the girl because she actually had a job and is a super beautiful and nice person so Kelly made every effort to destroy their relationship which she did. Kelly would relentlessly bully Nelson's girlfriend and make up rumors. Kelly got her way and the girl and Nelson eventually broke up. Kelly is widely known for being home wrecker, a morbid narcissist and a spoiled, entitled brat. She had a super low key Brazilian surfer bf while she slept around with drivers trying to be relevant."
i asked my insider if they knew anything about the magical night between max and kelly, and this is what they said:
"This is how it went: max's gf was visiting him in Monaco for the weekend and, max, the Gt, Nelson's gf and Nelson all went out clubbing the second night and Kelly decided to join them. Then Kelly left the club with Max.... so Max abandoned his then girlfriend at the club and Kelly went back to his place to sleep with him. His gf ended up spending the night with Nelson and V and was devastated. Kelly absolutely knew she was in the club too and didn't care. So in summary: Kelly stole Max from his then girlfriend."
after that i asked them if this was dilara or another of max's exes, and this was their response:
"It was not Dilara it was a blonde from Amsterdam. Her name is Roos Van Der Aa. Million times more beautiful and nice than Kelly... Not sure what max was thinking"
in the name of the other admins we want to thank each and every one of you who supported the account. we know that some posts were harsh sometimes but most of them were showing kelly for how she really is. she got mad about that and had her friends message us and threaten us… i think she threatened us too. before we got taken down we got an anonymous tip saying she had reached out to jerome about this but he said he wasn’t going to defend her. we don’t know if this is true but it might be because she was really desperate to take the account down. 
if we ever get more tea we will share it with you. if you have any questions for us we can answer them! 
— ❤️‍🩹  
I just hope you guys don’t get doxxed 😭
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transannabeth · 1 year
narumitsu losing the noncanon gay bitches poll is a tragedy. you clearly haven’t experienced the epic highs and lows of unnecessary feelings
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periwinkla · 5 months
Major Spoilers for TGAA and TGAA2
I've been wondering about the visual resemblance between Barok Van Zieks and both Edgeworths recently - I thought I'd share my findings.
There is some talk about the ancestors of AA's cast. But, at this point in time we know for certain only of Phoenix's and Payne's ancestors. There is a remarkable resemblance, however, between Barok Van Zieks and both Edgeworths. The hair tufts? That's too deliberate a detail. But, that doesn't necessarily mean Barok is the Edgeworths' ancestor. In fact, it could be anyone from his family. I'm not saying it's not him, it could very likely be, as usually the simplest explaination is the likely one. Regardless, I would like to entertain another possibility as well, mostly for fun. Their ancestor could be Iris Wilson. Iris' father was very similar to his brother (hair tufts included), and sometimes certain features skip a generation.
- The Timeline -
Iris could have, sometime after the events of TGAA2, moved to Japan, most probably somewhere close to Ryuunosuke, Susato, and Mikotoba. Maybe with Sholmes in tow, maybe not. Let's look at the timeline (referring to the wiki for the dates here). Iris is born in 1892, she's 9 years old when Ryuunosuke and Susato meet her in 1901. So at some point in the future she has a child, let's say between 20 to 40ish years old - so between 1912 - 1932. Gregory Edgeworth is born in 1966-1967, so Iris of course can't be his mother. I would say she's be either his grandmother or great grandmother, depending on when she and her own child had children of their own (ex. she had a child in 1928 who had Gregory in 1966). Great grandmother seems more likely though, considering the time period. An interesting thing about this is that if Iris is Gregory's great grandmother, that also means.... Sholmes would be his great great grandfather (even if not biologically).
- The Gregory-Sholmes Resemblance -
Very funny how Gregory has a similar coat style to Sholmes', isn't it? Even the pose is similar! Could have been inspired by his family history, even though he couldn't have even met Sholmes. It's unlikely he met Iris as well, but I would think Iris' and Sholmes' legacy would pass down by simple virtue of Iris being an author who left her writing behind, passing the memories of their adventures down. Also, Iris herself made Sholmes' coat. so maybe she made something similar for her child who passed down their aesthethic taste. Point is: Gregory was most likely a huge Sholmes fan.
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- Why did Gregory decide to become an attorney? -
I don't believe this is ever explained, so this would provide an interesting answer. Gregory could have been inspired by both his family history and his family's friends' history. Sholmes was a detective, and Ryuunosuke, who was very close to Iris' family, was a defense attorney. Maybe the way he handled cases was a combination of his two inspirations (also remember here that Iris wrote Sholmes as way cooler than he really acted). And what about his assertions about prosecutors and attorneys not being enemies? That mindset could be inspired by Ryuunosuke's own, of course. Iris probably wrote about him as well, after all. Also Van Zieks (his great great granduncle) was a prosecutor, as well as Kazuma (a friend of Ryuunosuke, who Iris knew about). All this implies Miles is, at least in part, British. In the original, he would thus be Japanese and British. Which suits him a lot... tea obsession duplicated.. Also fun to note that Miles and Gregory's mechanic in AAI is named Logic (maybe a wink to the Logic & Reasoning mechanic? but probably a coincidence)
- Why are the connections between Phoenix's family and Edgeworth's never mentioned? -
Short answer - TGAA was made after the AA games. Long answer... Well, first of all, it's very much implied Edgeworth doesn't have any family left, much less family friends. So they both probably have no way of knowing, even his own surname is different now. And if his father told him, I'm not sure he'd remember, considering the horror of the years after his death. (Although, I would imagine Edgeworth at least knows Phoenix's connection to Ryuunosuke, since he likely studied him in law school and made the connection to the name) Second, family ties and connections can be lost. One of Ryuunosuke's descendants could have just decided not to associate with his own family (and thus his family's friends) anymore, for whatever reason. All we can say is, Phoenix never says anything about Ryuunosuke. So it's not so strange that he wouldn't know of any connection between his family and Edgeworth's. Although, something funny I noticed from an interview of Takumi's (link: https://gyakutensaibanlibrary.blogspot.com/2018/05/naruhodo-ryuichi-this-is-character.html ) He mentioned Phoenix was planning to go study theatre in England when he saw Edgeworth on the newspaper. That in itself wouldn't mean anything, but people are generally more favorable to go overseas if they have some sort of connection there, whether it's family or friends. Maybe he does have some remaining connections there thanks to Ryuunosuke? It doesn't have to have anything to do with Iris or Sholmes though, could be something to do with Gina for all we know. Or other people he helped there. Who knows. If anyone finds anything else about this, I would love to see additions to the discussion. I find this is a very interesting topic - the connections between TGAA and AA are very intriguing.
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lyn-js · 4 months
One Step at a Time | Chapter 2. Recipe for disaster
Calvin Evans x OC Reader
Summary: Everything in Ava Mason's life was what you call normal. She has a steady job as a lab tech at Hastings, has a beautiful bungalow in Sugar Hill, and sometimes babysits her friend Harriet's kids. But that all changes when social services show up at her doorstep with, her 2-year-old niece Delilah. Ever since then, it has been keeping you from your job, going to work late, and leaving when everyone else has gone home. But a certain chemist wants to know why a lab tech is staying late.
Warning: Angst, swearing, mentions of drug & alcohol abuse, dysfunctional family, mentions of adoptions & being put into foster care, and a whole lotta fluff. (Bold Letters mean flashbacks)
(This story is kind of based on what actually happened in Lessons in Chemistry. But no dying. We need to keep one of Lewis's characters alive.)
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2.15 years ago
You jolt up out of bed when I hear someone aggressively banging on my door. I try my bed to wake myself up the best I can and get the deep sleep out of my eyes.
I shuffle my feet out onto the cold floors of my apartment to see what all of the loud commotions was. As I open the door I can already see the eye I have looked at so many times.
“H-Hi, sis,” Izzy says to me with a shaky voice, almost sounding like she was coming down from a cold of some sort. The last time I saw her was at my high school graduation, high as a kite not knowing where she was. But over the years we would write to each other, me telling her I was finally going to college, and pursuing a PhD in chemistry. But with her, she only wrote when she was in a new state, with a new boyfriend, saying she was finally going to get clean, and do right. That promise was only broken when my parents would call and say she was in jail for possession of some type of substance.
But this was different, you don’t know how, and you don’t know why but you felt uneasy about why your sister was here. You're not thinking right now and your mind is on auto-pilot, so you invite her in, and let her sit down while you grab her a cup of tea.
Once the teacup is set on the coffee table, find out why your estranged sister is really here. 
I try to ask her what brings her into town, but before I can even get a word out she starts to uncontrollably sob. I just wrap her up in an embracing hug and try to get her to calm down a little bit.
Once the tears settle a little bit, she sits up and just looks at me with a blank expression.
“I’m Pregnant.” was the only thing that came out of her mouth. I just looked at her with the same expression she had earlier. Such a new surprise to hear. Suddenly Izzy starts to shed more tears. “Hey, calm down, just tell me what happened, Okay?”
Then she starts to talk about how she started dating this guy named Tom that she met in AA, saying he was really sweet, and kind to her in the beginning. Until she found out he was using again, she could control herself so she started back up again. Then she says she found out a couple of weeks ago, then she told Tom, but that ended up with her getting kicked out of his apartment and sitting here on my couch.
“Were you using drugs when you found out?” you ask her, not only worried about her, but the well-being of the baby. She doesn’t have to look at me she moves towards the end of the couch. I just let out a frustrated sigh. Trying to come up with a solution to this problem.
“I’ll… I’ll let you stay here for a little while. But only if you get clean. I'll help out with the baby, unless you thought about other options…” You don’t want to say it out loud, not wanting to see that happen to your sister. Trying not to let her go through that pain all by herself. But she looks up and nods quickly. 
“But Izzy, This is a drug-free zone. I’m not going to let it affect you, or the baby. Got it?” Then she starts to cry again and shuffles into my arms, staying there until she’s calm.
I see her look up at me, “Thank you, Peach. I promise this is going to be it. I’m going to stop this time. I’m gonna be a good mom and get my own place. I’m gonna have a better life now.”I remember she would always call me by my nickname when she felt sorry, I haven’t heard that name in a long time, it always brings up bad memories for us. 
But I try and let it go. So, I just nod and give her a half smile, letting her be wrapped in a warm embrace again.
As I see her lying in my bed, I believe this is probably the best night's sleep she has had in the last couple of days. I watch her chest rise and fall at a steady pace. Also watches as she clutches her hand to her stomach already in mama bear mode, wanting to protect her family from anything.
I shut the door to my room a little bit, not wanting to disturb her. Just so she can’t see me. I let a few tears escape my eyes. I was scared for my sister. Scared for the baby. I don’t know how to do this. I was in college, finally doing something for myself, finally living my dream. But I wasn't going to put my sister aside, she needs me more than ever. I would want to talk more with her tomorrow, so I just slumped my body on the couch and tried to fall asleep the best I could.
Let’s see what happens.
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After a little consideration, a valuable lesson of ‘sex discrimination’ for Donatti, and some paperwork, I could finally move over to Calvin’s lab to work with him.
After days turned into weeks, Calvin and I worked like a well-oiled machine. Helping each other figure out equations, setting up equipment for the different trials, and Listening to new and exciting music while working. I would always be enamored with him, but I tried to keep my feelings away from my work. As being told by Fran, when asking her to work with Dr. Evans, she would tell me that there was no professional relationship between a man and a woman, and say it would be a complete disaster if we were paired up together.
I wouldn’t let her judgment get the best of me, I would always want to keep my feelings out of the lab. But no matter what I tried to do, they would always come back. Also trying to figure out why he was taking up space in my mind for my everyday thoughts. But this moment was about to change for the better.
Just as I was about to start a new trial, I heard the phone start to ring. So, I paused the experiment and picked up the phone to see who was calling.
“Hello, Ava Mason speaking,” I say in a polite tone. But I hear someone on the other line, seeming they be out of breath. “Ava, it’s Harriet,” it sounded like something was wrong, I started to feel the hairs on the back of my neck, rise, sacred something happened to the kids. To Delilah. “Harriet, are you okay? Are the kids okay? What’s wrong?” I start to ask in a panicked tone. Wanting to know what’s happening on the other line.
“The kids are okay, there in the house in Linda’s room. But, there’s this woman here. She’s high as a kite, and saying she might know you, and she wants to see Del.” I can hear my heartbeat through my ears, and afraid it might just pop out of my chest. “Did she tell you her name?” was the only thing I asked back. “I think she said her name was Izzy? I’m not sure. But I think you should come down here. I’ve already called the police they should be here in a little bit. I’ll see you soon.” After that, I hear the line go dead, and hear complete silence.
How could this happen? Why is she here? How did she get here? There are so many thoughts zipping throughout your mind, that you don’t realize a couple of minutes later your cheeks feel wet. You start to breathe heavily, feeling like you're not getting enough air for some reason. You don’t know why, so you brace your hands on the table, and try to regain your breathing. Also, I do not notice that Calvin has walked back in from his run. Probably explaining what went wrong in the last trial, and what we can do better in the next.
I could see him walk towards me worriedly, wanting to know what was wrong with me. “I-I need… I need to go.” I mumble to myself, while also trying to look around for my belongings with tears still in my eyes. Trying to get out as fast as I can. But I could still feel Calvin watching me, I could see him try and touch my shoulder, but before he could, I backed away from him and made my way out the door.
As I’m walking down the hallway, I can hear Calvin calling after me. As I reach the end of the hallway I turn around. “This was a mistake…” I say to him. I turn back around make my way out of the building, and try to get back to my Duckie.
(Short Calvin POV)
As I’m sitting in the room I’m trying to tell Ava about the last problem we had in our trial. I was thinking about it when I was on my run. As I was spewing about what we could do to improve the next time, I did get to see her slumped over on the counter whimpering. When I finished talking about the trial, I turned to see her standing up straight and seeing she had red, puffy eyes. Like she’s been crying for a few hours. I tried and ask her if something was wrong, but I could only hear her mumbling that she had to go while grabbing her belongings and trying to leave. I walk over to her some more and try, to get her to calm down, but she jolts away from me and looks at me with her red eyes like I branded her with evil words. I tried and ask what was wrong but she was already out the door, wondering if was something I did. Because whatever it may concern, I was certainly going to try and fix it.
I try and run after her but I see her turn around, saying that this was a mistake. Then she disappeared around the corner.
I’m still in shock by what happened, I’m trying to think back to see what I could’ve done to make her want to stop working with me. Was it the way I work, the way I leave peanut crumbs on the table and not clean up after? I would simply change anything. Anything to see her again in the lab. Seeing her smile anytime I would try to make a stupid joke, the way her nose crinkles when she trying to solve an equation. I would do anything to see her face again.
(Back to your POV)
I barely put the car in park when I pulled up to Harriet’s house a nervous wreck. I can also see Izzy on the porch steps crying, and yelling back at Harriet telling her that she’s not leaving until she sees me and Delilah. As I’m walking up next to Harriet, she already sees me, and wrapping me in her embrace. 
“I came here as soon as I called, where are the kids?” I ask her in a panic. “The kids are fine, Del’s a little shaken up. But they are safe in the house.” She tells me all of this, but I can see out of the corner of my eye Izzy trying to stand up and stumble her way over to us.
“Hi, Peach, how have ya been?” I feel a shutter throughout my whole body. Trying not to let those bad memories creep back into my mind.
“W-what are you doing here Izzy?” I’m trying my hardest to speak in a civil tone with her while trying not to break down.
“I’m here for my daughter,” She says back to me in a slurred type voice. “I’m better now-” “Yea I can clearly see that Izzy. The cops are coming, so I think you should go.” Me and Harriet walk past her, so we can see how the kids are holding up.
“She’s my Daughter!” She shouts at you. Thinking she has a say in what happens with Delilah at this point. 
“And I’m Her Guardian! I am supposed to provide a safe and loving home for her. And I need to protect her and make sure she’s cared for so If you love your daughter. If you love me. Then leave.” You can’t help it. You let the tears fall down your cheeks and walk up the rest of the way.
As I get into the house, We call out for the kids. As we call them, I can see Linds’a bedroom door open a little bit. When I tell them it was just Harriet and I, I can see all three kids crash into us. Lina and Jr. rush over to Harriet. I still have Delilah with me in my arms, I try to soothe and calm her crying down a little bit. 
Anytime, I would try and put her down, she would want to cling to me more. So I just let her lay with me on the couch in the living room, and wait until the cops come.
When they show up just one comes inside and asks about what happened while another stays outside with Izzy.
Harriet gave her statement, and I gave mine. There are so many thoughts running millions of miles throughout my head. I zone out while talking. The only thing I really have control over is my body, and that is clinging onto my niece for dear life and comfort. 
After a while, they take Izzy into custody and tell us she’ll appear in court in the next couple of days. We said our goodbyes and lots of ‘Are you okay’ from Har, and in return said that we were fine.
While lying in bed, with Del curled up on my chest watching her body rise and fall with each steady breath she takes. Even when I try and switch positions in the bed, she clings onto me tighter than the last time. So, for now, I just watch her, not really being able to fall asleep. The only thing on my mind that keeps replaying is Deliah and her safety with me. What if Izzy comes back, and what if she does more than just complain that she wants to see Delilah? What if she really takes her? 
Over the past two months, Del has been my entire world, she makes my days better when she’s here with me and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I try to bring those awful thoughts to the back of my mind. I just want to be the present, with the people I love and care about. Del, Harriet, and the kids, Calvin…
Oh shit.
Just as I was about to fall asleep when my eyes widened. I completely forgot that I snapped at Calvin earlier today, I didn’t tell him what was going on, and I didn’t get to say I was sorry for snapping on him. I just might be the biggest asshole on planet earth. I just really hope he’s not that mad at me, I honestly feel so awful about what I did to him today. Hopefully, he will be there tomorrow, so I can tell him. Maybe even tell him about what’s going on. But for right now I want to let my mind lay to rest and get a good night's sleep for a change.
Well, that sure as shit didn’t happen.
As soon as I was in the building, I made my way up to the lab as quickly as possible, making sure I could catch Calvin before he went on his run. But he wasn’t in the room when I entered. Maybe I did miss him, I’ll wait and see.
But before I could put my stuff away, I saw a little torn-out piece of paper on the lab table. I went over to see what it was. 
When I saw the note I could make out Calvin’s handwriting, I dropped everything and looked at what he had written down.
‘I’m not in today. I’m sorry for whatever I did. I’m sorry.’
My eyes started to well up with tears, why would I snap at him like that? I feel absolutely terrible. I wish he was here to explain everything. Wanting to tell him everything that has happened. But I can’t, maybe I can catch him tomorrow, and tell him. But for now, I just sit in the lab and worry about everything that's happening in my life right now.
The next couple of days I spent in agony. Calvin never showed up once to the lab. Or even the building, to be honest, I think I really screwed this up. I think we were working on a really good friendship. Maybe even more…
“No, No Ava, snap out of this. You’re going to go over and talk? You're going to talk and that’s it.” You try and get those stupid thoughts out of your system. You don’t know why but you decided to drop everything and not go to work today.
So you decided to take a walk around the neighborhood with Poppy and Delilah. Just want to get some fresh air, and let out all of the bed energy from this week. Maybe even stop by Calvin's Hariet’s. 
When you reach Harriet's house, you turn around to see if anyone is out around Calvin’s. You see all the curtains closed, no one in sight. But you did hear some commotion in the backyard. Of course, you decide to do your own investigation and go over to his place.
You walk up to his driveway and want to go knock on the door, but you see someone in the garage. You can see that it’s open. You peer in and see Calvin in his element. Apparently, he was using this type of orch to row. You try and call out to him, but he simply ignores you.
You call him one more time to get his attention. “Calvin!” you call out. Apparently, this time he listened.
“What?” he says with some force behind it. You step back a little bit trying not to get him too worked up.
“I see that you weren’t in the lab this week… And Danotti said to me they were firing people if we didn’t finish our research.” He gets up and starts wiping his face down. Wiping off the glistening sweat that rests on his forehead, you really didn’t want him to. He looked more handsome, not waiting to look away from him.
“More pressure. Perfect.” Out of nowhere, he throws the towel down to the ground. “Do you know what I’ve done ever since I won 2 years ago?” Genuinely asking in a gritty tone. I just shake my head a little. “Nothing. Nothing.” He takes a second to speak again. Seeming like he didn’t want to get too angry if I was around.
“I go into that lab every day, I shut the door because I don’t want people to see that I haven’t accomplished a damn thing.” There was a pregnant pause in the air. I wanted to speak up but he continued. “I was all out of ideas… Until I met you, Ava. And you had so many. It was like I could finally breathe again.” At that moment. I wanted to rush into his arms and never wanted to leave him.
And then, all of that fades away. “You left me with no explanation. You just– you left me.” I step forward a little bit, trying to see if he could let me in more. He didn’t say anything, so I kept moving forward. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you, Calvin. There was something that happened that day. It… it’s hard for me to talk about.” There was once again a long pause of silence, trying to see who would speak up first.
“I really miss working with you,” you say to him. “I miss that too.” You could hear some giggling coming your way. You both turn around when you see Delilah waddling over to you with Harriet right on her tail. “I’m sorry Ava, she said she really needed her aunty.” I pick her up and she drops her head right onto my shoulder. I look back to see Calvin with wide eyes. I walk towards him a little bit. I let out a chuckle and started the conversation back up again.
“I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. Calvin this is my niece Delilah. Hey Duckie, this is Mr. Calvin. We work together.” I see her head come out of my shoulder and give a small wave. “Hi, Mr.Calvin” and give him a toothy grin. We all let out a little laugh. Giggling with the little girls' antics she always has.
“Maybe you can come over later. We can talk more there.” “O-okay, where do you live?” Asking me, I completely forgot to tell him that I lived in the neighborhood. “I actually live a couple of doors down. I realized when I dropped you off after the pageant.” I tell him. He again has wide-set eyes, looking at me like I just moved here from Mars. He doesn’t say anything, “I’ll see you later Calvin.” You turn and walk away when Del wants to be out of your hold. You let her go, thinking she wants to walk by herself, but she waddles her way over to Calvin and wraps her whole body around his leg. “Goodbye, Mr. Calvin!” she lets go and waddles her way back to you. You both leave with smiles on your face when you leave Calvin’s house.
To be honest, you don’t know how you can keep things professional between the two of you. You also don’t know how Delilah just met him, and she adores him. For some reason, you both don’t want to let go.
Let’s see what happens.
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Taglist: @petersunderoos96 @mrspedropascal5683 @callsign-magnolia @angelbabyyy99
dividers are by @saradika
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nyaagolor · 9 months
I saw you talking about ace attorney teapots in the replies of some post and I am curious, I would ask more specifically but I don't know that much about AA.
ok so admittedly that was partially hyperbolic, there's only one teapot in the AA series I can actually make character references from (which I elaborated on here), the others give information that's a little more basic. Kristoph has a deft blue china set in his cell, which reaffirms what we already know (namely that he's a classy, wealthy europhile), while all the (numerous) tea sets in DGS serve more to establish cultural things than explicit character motivations
All the british characters have relatively simple glazed teapots as would be typical at the time, while the japanese characters have tetsubins-- these aren't teapots (as in, you wouldn't put the leaves in them) but cast iron kettles that you boil water in. There's a whole theory about how cast iron was used in Japan because Japanese water is incredibly soft (aka low mineral content) and the iron leeching into the water from the tea draws out different notes when it reacts with the chemicals in the tea leaves themselves and blah blah blah I won't bore you with that here. Anyway, the shapes of these teapots are very distinct and I thought it was a cute detail because it shows you exactly who lives in the house with a single glance
the most fun one, though, is Susato's matcha set. Susato is explicitly based off the yamato nadeshiko (an ideal woman, basically) so the inclusion of her cute lil matcha set just contributes to that concept. Making matcha for a tea ceremony requires extraordinary levels of skill and she has all the tools to do that, including a small furnace? In the middle of the office floor????? susato sweetie I think that's a fire hazard
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So something relevant about green tea is that unlike basically every other tea type, which can handle boiling water, green tea will be "burnt" and taste icky if you try and brew it in boiling water. Japan is famous for its green tea culture, and matcha is a part of that, so there's always something in the tea ceremony to control the temperature of the water. That box in the middle is a full on charcoal stove, on top of which is a cast iron pot that holds the water and a hishaku (the ladle looking thing) which ensures you have the right amount of water and that it's sufficiently cooled when it hits the powder. On the adjacent tray there's a chasen (whisk) and chawan (bowl) both of which you would use for making the tea itself. Often times you'll also have a chasaku (j-shaped measuring stick for the powder itself) but I'm gonna assume that's out of sight or with the matcha powder. Cannot stress enough that for her to have this equipment and know how to use it is a pretty obvious display of education and wealth-- which combined with the tetsubin (stated to be hers) and the traditional japanese calligraphy set on her desk just adds more fuel to the idea that she was classically trained in lots of cultural arts. Classy lady :)
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ohplagg · 10 months
Keeping Track of Time in I Love Yoo
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I am back again with another timeline because I guess this is my life now. This timeline, though, is specifically about the events for December 21st 20XX and forward since I've noticed that Quimchee is adding clocks ever since Nol got stabbed, and everything feels like a race against the clock for some reason.
I'm not going to add any screenshots since this is just, as the title says, keeping track of time. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just in case someone is not paying attention to what they are about to read, this contains spoilers up to I Love Yoo's Episode 244.
If more clocks appear in future episodes I might update this.
As always, I love hearing what you guys think so feel free to reach out!
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the timeline that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
(Ep. XYZ) means the episode where the time is mentioned/seen.
Saturday December 21st
9:42pm Nol falls from the second floor to a glass table. (Ep. 210)
Before 11pm Nol is rushed to the hospital (Ep. 215)
Kousuke went to Hirahara's hostpital to look for Nol after being spaced out for around 30 minutes. (Ep.213)
Kousuke get's knocked out by a wall.
11:55pm YuJing leaves Rand alone. (Ep. 215)
Sunday December 22nd
12:00am Kousuke wakes up to hear Hansuke arguing with Yui (Ep. 220)
12:19am Meg find's Rand's present for Kousuke in the trash (Ep. 220)
12:22am Hansuke steals the blood samples (Ep. 221)
4:28am Rand leaves to visit Kousuke. Kousuke has been knocked out by the tea. (Ep. 221)
4:21am Nol wakes up. Shin-Ae texts Dieter and Soushi who are out of the hospital (Ep. 215)
4:47am Dieter and Soushi leave WacDonalds (Ep. 225)
5:06am Dieter and Soushi arrive to the hospital (Ep. 225)
5:09am Shinae goes to get Dieter and Soushi/Birthday party starts. (Ep. 225)
5:26am Stalkyoo dance to christmas music at sunrise. Geez, not even 20 minutes? no wonder Dieter was still awake to witness it all. (Ep. 220)
Hansuke visits YuJing and stores the blood samples.
Nana arrives to the hospital and Nol's jail time is pushed for 3 days counting today (so December 24th is his last day of freedom)
Hansuke takes the blood samples to get tested
7:52am Shin-Ae texts Dieter "Is everything okay?" after he and Soushi left the hospital (Ep. 225)
8:21am Shin-Ae and Nana meet (Ep. 225)
Kousuke wakes up, goes with Yui for breakfast, Hansuke and YuJing pick him up afterwards
8:40am-ish Yui arrives to church right after mass ended (Ep. 230)
"Convince me"
Shin-Ae gets picked up from the hospital by her family
Maya and Shin-Ae talk
Kousuke get's medically checked
11:30am Dieter texts Shin-Ae about going to the hospital together during the afternoon. Shin-Ae takes a nap (Ep. 235)
1:30pm Kousuke drops off his phone at his apartment before heading to Nol's hospital (Ep. 244)
3:30pm Dieter texts a sleeping Shin-Ae (Ep. 240)
Dieter comes to pick up Shin-Ae
Dieter talks with Nol
Kousuke arrives at the hospital with Hansuke and YuJing
Kousuke has a panic attack
5:51pm Shin-Ae wakes up from her nap (Ep. 240)
5:55pm Shin-Ae texts Nol "I know I'm blocked but just in case..." (Ep. 243)
The AA 101 Group to which Shin-Ae and her dad go to is at 7:00pm
7:41pm Hansuke and YuJing are hanging out with college friends. Kousuke isn't picking up his phone. Gregory M tells Hansuke that he can get his stuff done by the end of the week (Friday is the 26th) (Ep. 241)
8:35pm Nana, Dieter and Soushi leave the hospital for the day. (Ep. 242)
8:45pm Shin-Ae is at the AA 101 Group and receives a text apology from Dieter (Ep. 242)
Alyssa tells Nol she "really needs to see him"
Monday December 23rd
10:10am Kousuke's secretary looks at his watch and notices Kousuke missed work (Ep. 243)
10:30am Yui get's a text message from Alyssa saying she's going to visit Nol (Ep. 244)
11:05am Meg mentions how she is heading to the library soon (Ep. 243)
A bit before 11:45am Alyssa arrives to Nol's hospital to talk (Ep. 243)
Between 11:45am and 12:25pm Nol and Alyssa stay quiet (Ep. 243)
12:25pm Alyssa and Nol finally start talking and Yui arrives. (Ep. 243)
Shin-Ae will arrive to the hospital around 2pm (Ep.244)
Nana mentions she'll arrive around 3pm. (Ep. 243)
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taurusmoon2008 · 5 months
*Ahm Ahm* mic check mic check 123...123
(intro music plays)
Sooo guys jiska aap sab ko tha besabri se intezar (nahi tha meko pata hai) Tea with Tamanna aa gaya hai Tumblr pai again aap sabko entertain (pakane ) ke liye! 😋
Or aaj ki humari Hostage *ahm ahm* I mean I mean humari guest hai .........
Meri pyaari Big sis, Rasmalai , Chudail, Tumblr ki personal sasti Anya, Hum sab ki laadli Kayaaaaaaa ! (Makes her sit on couch) 🤝
Okay so yk Main aapse kuch questions phuchungi and you have to answer that as whole Tumblr wants to know 😋(nahi sirf meko Janna hai)
Soooo here are your questions ✨
1} I want you to Introduce yourself but the twist is use fictional characters to show your character traits.
2} Aapki itni achi poetries likhne ka raaz kya hai?
3} Why do you associate yourself with moon? Or kya iss chand ko uska chakor mil gaya ?
4} Abhi aapko kayi saare flirty anons aa rahe hai unhe send karne wale insaan ko aap kya message dena chahoge?
5} Your Motto of life?
6} If you have to make a family out of your mutuals who would play role of which rishtedaar ?
And last but not the least I loved your presence here! Sending dher saara pyaar, jhappi , chai and ice creams 🍨
*Okie so is my face looking okay and the kajal is it fine???* *asks the team* Okie ig
*Faces Camera*
Namaste Tumblr wasi...
*Faces Tammu ji*
Namaste Tamanna ji
Thank you so much Tammu ji for cordially taking me in as your hostage uhmm I mean guest yeah as your guest....
Thank you for this lovely sa title Tumblr ki sasti anya must I say it's quite poetic...
And I don't care for anyone I am answering these questions for my chhoti behna tammu aka pishachini aka jalebiiii
Quite difficult but people say I am like Anjali from Kkkg or Geet from jab we met... I am a very talkative person , I am bubbly af and people associate me with golden retriever energy , I have been named as a literal ball of sunshine so yeah I am Geet ig but my character traits are much like Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice....
Dekhiye itna accha to nahi likhti , jo mann karta hai likh deti hu , I have people in life who acts as my inspiration so I write for them , my lover is a muse to me , whatever I write , I write for him or generally I write for people I love cause writing is sort of a love language for me...(Slightly emotional)
i associate myself with moon cause why be someone's sun when you can light up their life in the darkest hour... Being a moon to someone is the most intimate thing a person can do aur fir mai to ek kaviyitri aur lekhika hu... I tend to Romanticize little things... Aur iss Chand ko abhi tak uska chakor nahi mila hai (with a sulking face)
The person who is sending me these flirty anons truly I am flattered , you have read my blog well and that's visible from your asks but ye sab anon ban kar kaise karoge , you need to come to me then we'll decide *wink wink*
My motto of life is Vivamus Moriendum est i.e live and let live , also to be the change which I want to see in the world , spreading kindness , love and happiness wherever I go....
Each one of my mutual is a family to me but the ones who'll get special shout out are - @btw-its-tamanna is my jaan aka sissy , @paapi is my bestest friend , @hectorfrombritain @bandarrrrr @shyam-kariya are my Big brothers , @chillwithhana is my mumma aka big sissy....
Thank you for helding me hostage oh I mean for having me in your show , I truly enjoyed my time answering your wonderful questions
I would look forward for yet another invite
Shukriya dhanyawad
*looks at camera*
Thank you Tumblr waasi aap sabhi haste rahe muskuraate rahe , buh-bye lots of love to y'all....
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withmyhonesty · 5 months
Ritsu Sakuma - SHUFFLE x Whispering Evil TELEPHONE - Mini Talks
Translations under the cut (best viewed on desktop)
Sleepy Season
Mnya, mnya... there's no way I can remember the dawn of spring sleep... Eh, hmm? Anzu, you're here now. Nacchan was supposed to be here with me before I fell asleep.
Option 1: You looked like you were sleeping comfortably. Option 2: I see.
Option 1: You looked like you were sleeping comfortably. That's right, I was sleeping so soundly I didn't even notice Nacchan had left. After all, Spring is the season when sleep is most comfortable unlike Summer. Hm~ I'm still sleepy, but now that Anzu is here now, I should wake up properly.
Option 2: I see. Mm. We stopped by the office together, and then Nacchan invited me to the Hanging Gardens. I think she called out to me because I looked sleepy, but... If she had to leave to do something else, she could've just told me ahead of time.
...Hm? Speak of the devil, Nacchan's sent me a message. "I'm sorry I left without calling, I wonder if you're awake now?" Hmm, how should I respond? Should I just message back "It's okay, I'm awake now~"?
Option 1: It's like she can see right through you. Option 2: I think that's fine.
Option 1: It's like she can see right through you. Ahaha, you're right. It's great timing that she reached out to me just as I woke up, isn't it? Being in Knights means we spend a lot of time together, so she probably knows how long my naps are. I wonder. I haven't thought about it much, but maybe I'll ask next time.
Option 2: I think that's fine. Yeah? If Anzu says it's okay, then I'm sure it's okay to send it. You ask if usual exchanges are like that? Yeah. It's a little blunt, but I guess that's how we are. We can meet up and talk about whatever's necessary in person, right?
Ah, a handkerchief? Aa, sorry. Nacchan responded, she said she put a handkerchief over my eyes whilst I slept so I wouldn't be dazzled by the sun when I woke up. But I can't find it anywhere..? Maybe it was blown away by the wind?
Option 1: Maybe... Option 2: I can't feel any wind...
Option 1: Maybe... Woah. Anzu, why did you come so close all of a sudden? Even that surprised me. If you wanted me to move, you should've just said so. Yoi~sho. ... The handkerchief. Ahaha, I see. It must've fell off my face whilst I was asleep and got crushed under my body.
Option 2: I can't feel any wind... Right. If it fluttered in the breeze, it might have ended up in the bushes or somewhere nearby. Ah, there it is. I just didn't look properly, I don't think it got dirty. I'll wash it and return it to Nacchan, since it's the handkerchief that served as an eye mask and let me sleep soundly.
A Secret Place
Just now, I was having tea with Secchan and Suu-chan at Cinnamon. In the flow of the conversation, I accidentally mentioned "Trickstudio". It was my fault for letting it slip, but Secchan was so keen on the conversation I got a little flustered.
Option 1: That's a little... Option 2: Was he interested?
Option 1: That's a little... Yeah. I guess he thought he could meet Yuu-kun if he went to that place, which is where Trickstar hold most of their activities. Even though he's been treated coldly many times, Secchan's willpower is truly amazing. Since I couldn't say anything, he tried to locate it himself... I wonder how that went?
Option 2: Was he interested? I guess he's not interested in the place itself, but the possibility that Yuu-kun might be there. ... Hm? So, in the end did I tell Secchan the location? I was worried Maa-kun would get angry if I told him, so I somehow avoided saying so. Isn't that great?♪
Knights also has a hangout area, but I don't think it's as impressive as Trickstudio. I'd also like a nice room where I can have a cup of tea elegantly and do some creative work...♪ However, it would be a hassle to arrange it all myself, so maybe I should get my brother to do it for me?
Option 1: Do you really want that? Option 2: Would you like me to arrange it?
Option 1: Do you really want that? Hehe. I hope it happens, but I'm not serious about it at the moment. To be honest, it seems like it would be more trouble than its worth... It would be a pain to manage. If someone decided to make one in their free time, maybe I'd enjoy going out to play and have fun in it.
Option 2: Would you like me to arrange it? No no. This is an important time for you, Anzu, so just think about and focus on yourself. I mean, it's only half a joke. I don't expect everything to go my way all of the time... But, well, if I want it one day, I'll be sure to ask Anzu for advice.
Speaking of Trickstudio, I'm going to meet up with Maa-kun soon ♪ It won't be for work. Maa-kun wanted to see a movie based on a manga he likes, so I promised I'd go. I'm not particularly interested in movies, but I'm looking forward to spending time with Maa-kun...♪
Option 1: Have fun. Option 2: That manga might be...
Option 1: Have fun. Thank you. Since we graduated, I feel like I've had even less time to hang out with Maa-kun... When we see each other again, I want to feel fully replenished in Maa-kun ingredients. But next time, I'd like to invite you too. I think I'll be able to have a better time if both Maa-kun and Anzu are there... ♪
Option 2: That manga might be... Do you know about it too, Anzu? Mm, it's based on a popular shounen manga. Maa-kun also emphasized that a lot of effort was put into the lore accuracy and action scenes. ... I think I'll give it a chance and watch it seriously. If it's interesting, I'll let Anzu know about it.
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