#teas to help wake up
coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Herbal teas to help awaken & increase alertness
If you're looking for herbal teas to help awaken and increase alertness, here are some options:
Green tea: Green tea contains caffeine, which can provide a gentle energy boost and enhance mental alertness. It also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. This combination can create a state of focused calmness.
Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea has a refreshing and invigorating aroma that can help stimulate the senses and increase alertness. Its cooling effect may also help alleviate fatigue and improve mental clarity.
Ginseng tea: Ginseng is a popular herb known for its energizing effects. Ginseng tea can help improve cognitive function, enhance mental alertness, and boost physical stamina.
Yerba mate tea: Yerba mate is a traditional South American herb that contains caffeine and other stimulating compounds. Drinking yerba mate tea can provide a boost of energy, improve focus, and increase mental alertness.
Rosemary tea: Rosemary has a stimulating aroma and is believed to improve memory and cognitive function. Drinking rosemary tea can help increase mental alertness and improve concentration.
Lemongrass tea: Lemongrass has a fresh and citrusy flavor that can help uplift the mood and promote mental clarity. It is often used to combat fatigue and increase alertness.
Remember that herbal teas with stimulating properties may contain varying levels of caffeine or other natural stimulants.
If you are sensitive to caffeine or have any medical conditions, it's advisable to consume these teas in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 2 months
While I'm curious about the other's dreams in Book 7, a part of me is mostly looking forward to overall shenanigans with the Dream Team and their assigned overblot buddies!
Especially since it looks like we're revisiting past twstunes.
-Jamil and Octavinelle is always funny AND a recipe for disaster;
-I can already hear Azul complaining about Savanaclaw's weather, not to mention his overall lack of stamina and how Book 2's twstunes are all either chase sequences or Magift;
-Leona painting the roses. Or helping bake a tart. He can't even escape because then dream Riddle and Sebek will team up and yell at him.
(More rambling under the cut)
Really hoping the Heartslabyul dream sequence is just extra chaotic. Maybe everyone already knows it's a dream, maybe the blot becomes even more dangerous. Maybe Malleus makes an appearance.
Part of me wants Cater to get a new card. I love Trey, but people often forget that Cater is also an important friend of Riddle's, so getting him to be the one to snap Riddle out of the dream would be great!
Maybe we can get cards for Trey AND Cater (maybe Chen'ya too), since both Tweels are getting cards...
Also I need Deuce's sequence to be Rabbit Fest again. We already have outfits for both Silver, Ortho and Grim, so we only need ones for Leona, Sebek and Ace (and even then Sebek and Silver often wear matching outfits,so you really only have to think about Leona and Ace). Idia's tablet also gets a ribbon. There's also a gang fight.
I just need Leona to have the worst time possible in Heartslabyul dreams.
Ortho, after we finish Savanaclaw's dream sequence: Alright, now it's time for our next dream! And you know what that means!
Silver: Only one more dorm before we face Lord Malleus again?
Sebek: We have to deal with Ace now?
Idia: I can't handle Mr. Zero EQ (A.K.A Riddle), Extrovert Extraordinaire (A.K.A Cater) and TREY in the same dream?
Yuu and Grim, holding baseball bats: We can FINALLY punch Riddle's abusive mom in the face?
Everyone: ...
Jack: I'm sure she's not that bad...
Yuu: She is the OG Red Tyrant.
Grim: Who yelled at Trey's parents for 5 HOURS because they gave her kid a SLICE of a strawberry tart! WHO DOES THAT?!?!
Leona: Welp, that explains a LOT...
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Hii, can i request a drunk confession au? pretty please 🩷🤍
Thena who doesn't really drink much, wants to change things a little and drink more at this party the eternals have to attend, but she can not hold her alcohol to save her live and get terribly drunk.
The woman can barely stand, is talking nonsense, can get hurt if unsupervised, it's a miracle she didn't pass out in a ditch yet, so it's Gilgamesh duty to get her to her room safely.
When they are near her room, Thena starts telling her new friend her secret, she is in love with Gil!! but he can't know, she thinks he is soo charming and nice and beautiful and he is really stong and soo attractive, but he can't know.
And Gil is there blusing, because the love of his live just confessed her love to him but he can't do anything about it because she is very very drunk, so he just says "Gil? Never heard of him but he sounds nice, you should talk to him"
"To Gilgamesh!"
Cups of mead were raised in the air to celebrate the victory of the Strongest Eternal. Truly, it was a celebration of all of them--one's success was everyone's. The Eternal himself was happy to brush it off with a modest smile and a charming blush.
Thena smiled, raising one in her own hand, although she never actually partook in drink. She wasn't one for it--didn't like the taste, had no stomach for it. Her blood was too fast in her system, at least that was what she thought. Warriors did not need revelry.
Gilgamesh happily accepted three mugs and gulped them each down. He was good with revelry, and lucky he seemed so made for mirth and celebration. The townspeople happily jostled him in good humour.
Thena tilted her head as Kingo made his way over. There were times when Kingo could feign annoyance or reluctance to partake in their celebrations at times, but he and Gil had much in common in their characters.
He gave Gil a solid pat on the back, of course waving his hand from having slapped the metallic back of his armour. Kingo gave her a genial smile. "Come on, T, I thought you'd be in a good mood."
"I am."
He rolled his eyes at her. "Y'know, not being in a bad mood doesn't make it a good one."
She offered no further comment, looking at Gil again. He was attempting to move away from being the centre of attention. He was made for good times, of course, but he had a shyness to him, too. He was slowly gravitating in their direction.
"Loosen up a little, T," Kingo advised her quietly, and at a distance she would strictly forbid for anyone but him and her sisters. "It'll make him happy if you relax some."
She bristled under her skin. He was right. And after the fight they'd had today, she wanted Gilgamesh to find some reprieve from the ravages of the Deviant world outside Babylon's walls. She smiled at him from afar, even taking a sip of mead (it tasted awful).
"Hey," Gil smiled at her as he finally reached her side, replacing Kingo as the latter went to bug their smallest sibling. "I thought you didn't like ferment?"
She did not. But she smiled at him, "surely it is beloved for a reason."
He shrugged, taking another sip of his own. "It can be nice after a tough day."
She felt as if every sip she swallowed could be felt like a hot rock, travelling down her throat and then dispersing through her veins. Not even their senses could communicate such things, but she certainly felt herself succumbing to the fever of it. "You should rest."
He looked around the room, people partaking in the party and high spirits. "They wanted to celebrate us. It's silly, but they all worked hard to make this stuff. Seems a waste if we don't stay for even a little of it."
Such a soft heart, her Gilgamesh had.
Thena tilted her head, letting her eyes travel over the form of her partner for every and all battles. They had worked as well together today as any other. She had been airborne when she had seen Gilgamesh deal the last, finishing blow. It was impressive, even for an Eternal.
He was quite good at grasping her waist to throw her up in the air.
"The people here are nice," he commented very simply, but very honestly. He raised his cup for another sip.
She found herself mirroring his actions, as if it were the same as matching his rhythm in a battle. It was becoming easier with each sip. "They are."
Sersi was having a wonderful time, dancing with the women. Ikaris was hovering awkwardly, unknowing of how to insert himself but always looming over their sister's back.
Druig and Makkari were both having fun taunting and riling the various tradesmen sitting around the edges of the room. Now, that was a pair made for mirth and merriment. Even more so than Kingo and Sprite, who were having a drinking contest, much to some horror in the eyes of those who did know that Sprite was the same as her siblings in every way that mattered.
Ajak was watching from above, a funny look on her face, before disappearing, probably to wherever Phastos was hiding.
"Y'know I asked Ajak," Gilgamesh began quietly, having followed her gaze up to their leader before her departure. "She said that there were a few injuries, but no one died."
That was good news, worthy of revelry. Some battles would always have casualties, but every day in which they managed to escape with minimal loss was deserving of celebration.
"Thanks to you," she volunteered rather eagerly. He took another sip, and so, as did she. "You killed that thing all but single-handedly."
"Ah," he made a sound to excuse her flattery, taking on a bashful grin again. It pushed up the apples of his cheeks to the corners of his eyes. The lines indicating his good mood were tempting to her fingers. "None of us fight single-handed. It's all of us, together."
"Hm," she agreed, to a point. Indeed, they all fought together out there, as a team. But she often was of the opinion that Gilgamesh carried more than his fair share of the work on his wide shoulders. Wide, strong shoulders. She tilted her head. "Ikaris could do more."
Gilgamesh immediately snorted some laughter but turned his head towards her. "Thena!--you can't say that about your brother."
She rolled her eyes, happily swaying her head to and fro. It felt loose on top of her neck. "It is precisely because he is my brother that I may say that."
He partner merely chuckled, hiding it in his cup. Was it not yet empty? Hers was. "Okay, fine, just don't let Ajak hear you saying that. She'll make you two go on a bonding walk again."
It had been less of a walk and more a watch duty during which they had been all but physically shackled together. They had done their duty, surveilled the area. Then, once again within sight of Babylon Temple, Thena had kicked him from behind and clear through the city walls.
She had been scolded by both Ajak and Phastos, but she had no regrets.
She sighed, examining the bottom of her clay cup with only a stray drop swirling around within. "I would rather walk with you."
Gilgamesh said nothing of the plain but oddly sentimental remark. He looked at her, catching the way she was examining her vessel. "You okay?"
"Hm," she said again, and Gilgamesh always understood her little noises. No one else would. She tossed the cup onto the nearest table. It did not fall, but she hadn't done so with particular care either.
"Hey." Gilgamesh reached for her hand. He wasn't reprimanding her, but it was more than just curiosity in his voice. He grasped the hand that had tossed her cup away like a pebble.
She watched his hand apprehend hers. It was gentle, and soft, just like everything he did with her. Gilgamesh was kind, of course, but it was not mere kindness when he held her hand like this. Like he had been doing ever since they touched down on the planet.
"Look at me," he whispered. The chatter of the room faded and she felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek as he drew her face closer to his. The warmth of his palms added to her feeling of basking in the sun, like a lizard on a hot rock.
She swayed in his grasp, no longer caring if her knees were up to the task of walking. Perhaps she was more fatigued from the fight than she had first anticipated. What funny thought; she laughed.
"Whoa, hey," Gilgamesh moved closer, catching her against him before she could lean too far off her feet. He held her carefully, even casting glances around them. "Thena, you don't seem good."
She felt good, though, borderline ecstatic. It felt wonderful to be leaning on him like this, and her head felt as if she were being carried, rocking back and forth with the breeze. She pulled her head up, taking in Gil's concerned look and deep brown eyes. "Do you always look like this?"
His face contorted. It was a handsome face. "We gotta find Ajak."
Thena pointed, although she frowned when Ajak was no longer looking over them from the mezzanine. "She's gone somewhere."
"Okay," her companion said gently. He moved her more within his grasp, although still encouraging her to try and use her feet. "Let's get you to bed, huh? That sound good?"
"Bed," she remarked. They each had their own rooms in the temple. She would rather just sleep on the Domo. But Ajak said it was better for them to integrate themselves...somewhere...or something.
"Bed," he repeated, guiding her quietly towards the edge of the room to the nearest corridor. "You can get some rest, Thena."
She blinked. Her vision felt bleary, her feet as if they weighed...too much. "You know me."
He chuckled next to her. Her palm could feel the rumble of his chest against the plate of armour. He had a big, strong chest. "Yeah, I do know you."
She blinked, finally in the corridor. At least there was more air. "Do you know everyone?"
"Well, not everyone," he continued to laugh, as if she were oh-so-very funny.
She sighed, tilting her head against his shoulder. It was comfortable, and it allowed her to peek at the moon on their way to wherever he was guiding her. "Do you know Gilgamesh?"
"Uh... "
The delay was too long. Anyone who didn't know Gilgamesh was living a life bereft of joy. Thena leaned heavier on her walking assistance. "Gilgamesh is...the very best on the planet. On this planet, or any!"
He swayed from her outburst, trying to hold her both carefully and delicately.
She looked at him again. Her hand even came up to touch his cheeks. She liked the hair around his lips. It drew attention to them. "He is the very best. Kind, sweet, very funny. And he's handsome."
Her companion turned a peculiar shade of red. "O-Oh?"
She nodded, distracted for a moment by her hair swaying into her view. "He's kind, and sweet, and he's funny."
"You did say that."
She pursed her lips. Did she? "And handsome. And strong--he's quite good at lifting me, throwing me."
"Throwing you?"
"When we're fighting together," she sighed again. It was a happy sigh, though. "Fighting is when I may touch him all I like."
Again, he turned a shade of red.
"Off the battlefield I must control myself," she lamented. Not that she was always desiring to touch him. Or perhaps she was, based on what she was saying. "But something about him is so magnetic. One wishes to be as close to him as possible."
"Is that so?"
She stared ahead. They were at her room. It was her bed in front of her. But she didn't like her bed. "Oh."
"Are you okay?"
She looked at her friend again. He was lowering her to sit on her bed. But she didn't like sleeping. It was hard work. And sometimes she would sleep in Gil's bed instead. She preferred Gil's bed. "I miss Gil."
Her companion lowered her arms gently, setting her hands on her lap. She liked his arms. They were thick, but also soft. "You, uh, you should tell him."
"Hm," she pursed her lips. She didn't want to, for whatever reason she could not recall at the moment. "I don't think I should."
He was lying her down on her side, pulling her linen blanket over her. "Why not?"
She tried to tilt her head at him but it was already on the pillow. She wished it was on Gil's chest. "I don't know how to tell him I love him, I think."
"Well," he chuckled again, before leaning in and pressing a kiss on her hair. "I bet he'll understand, no matter how you try to tell him."
That was true, Gilgamesh always understood her.
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i think kenjaku would unironically be my best selfship blorbo when it comes to dealing with hellish writing endeavors…… i would ask them to threaten me (as a joke) bc i’m only productive under immense pressure and they would simply Do just that <333
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ugh dawg i feel you with that heat. i'm in texas (press f for me pls) and i'm just waiting for when the powergrid goes out again. like i'm legitimately terrified of it happening during the summer. i can handle the winter cause i can bundle up but you can't do shit in the summer 😭
i winced out loud, eesh... Slamming the f button for you my dude
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un-revenant · 8 months
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Finally managed to find the motivation to wake up early and do makeup before work everyday again, I’d forgotten how much better it makes me feel doing something fun and creative first thing each morning :)
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threatening my braincell with a knife: stop thinking about kimchay and sleep
the braincell: oooh what if chay happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and kim comes to the rescue
me shaking and sobbing: please stop
the braincell: KIM GOES FERAL
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zhongrin · 1 year
the first waking moments of the rainy season is something to be sought after and treasured, you learn. in the quietude of you and zhongli’s shared home, the ruffling of sheets and sweet scent of freshly-brewed tea wrap around you as your arms are around your lover, who’s being lulled to sleep by the hushed songs of the rain that beats in tandem with the heart against his ear— both being mellifluous and mellow. he snuggles in further, pressing his hand on your back to move yourself to him. the beating melody soon grows rapid and flustered, bringing a beaming grin and slightly mischievous chuckles to his lips. you care not for the teasing nature of the ex-archon, opting to sigh and gaze outside the window, where the wind and weather are recklessly banging against the foggy glass, but still, it brings a smile to your face. for if not for the misfortune of nature, the present would be nothing but a lost possibility— but even if it was, zhongli would find a way to make it happen, just as he always did. while the raindrops draw its first breaths and welcome a new dusk, the aroma of tea fades; at the moment zhongli gives in to the sound of a yearning slumber, and the settling strain of your heart. — 📮
kazu this is you right? :)))
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pixlokita · 2 years
do they know they are going on the "missions"? as in are they conciously aware they are killing people or does Glitchtrap prevent them from accessing those memories?
They probably have nightmares but they forget completely :Tc maybe they don’t remember in a very forced way but they feel something is wrong for sure whenever that happens. I don’t really know how the brain washing works in canon because Vanessa seems to ask for help in emails but then claims to not know :0c maybe there’s moments when they’re aware and then it gets repressed again (σ・з・)σ
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theygender · 1 year
*checking the tracking information for my package from under a pile of overpriced teas and vitamins* this next herbal supplement will fix me
#g o d what is up with my brain thats been making everything so hard recently#like. im in a job that im MUCH happier with now and loving it. im no longer living a waking trauma nightmare as a call center sup#...why is my brain acting like im forcing it on a trek through fucking mordor just trying to get through a normal day at work#im on break from school. why am i not able to do any of the things that i wanted to do during the semester but was too busy for#why am i not able to do anything that i want to do and if i DO manage to do it why am i not able to enjoy it#why am i living like every moment of my life in fear that im wasting my time or doing something wrong or not good enough#and like i KNOW the answers are adhd and depression and anxiety#but my buddy. my pal. @ the wrinkly fleshy thing in my skull#im on 6 different psychiatric medications with a total of up to 11 individual pills per day. im actively in therapy and have been for years#and my life is currently much better than it maybe has ever been! WHY am i still struggling so hard 😭#like i know recovery isnt a straight line and etc etc but like. it just feels like im doing everything im 'supposed' to do so what gives#so. gonna start drinking more plants i guess and see if that helps. im already on some that seem to help but i think i need more now#bc im having a bad time in my brain prison tbh :(#im not even like upset typing all this out either im just like. bewildered. incredulous. exhausted#lets hope this new overpriced tea fixes me i guess#rambling
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i would like to hold onto the hope that i will eventually no longer be in pain but i’m getting sick of this shit 🫠
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youasked · 1 year
Just a Headcanon
But what if Neville and Harry were given the opportunity to be God-brothers
I know, I know, but like. Wouldn't it be cute if from a young age Neville had always heard that he and Harry were god-brothers and then when he came to Howarts and met him, that manifested in a big brotherly behaviour??
Just like,imagine it for a moment and tell me it wouldn't be. The Cutest Thing Ever👏👏.
Also imagine how fun the story would become if suddenly Harry found himself an older brother. Like damn, with all the shit Harry pulls out at any given moment Neville has it cut out for him
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sbd-laytall · 2 years
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captain-amadeus · 1 year
If 🤥 was having a hard time sleeping,🌹would grow some Valerian, make tea from the roots, cuddle, and they'd fall asleep together awwww
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yoohyeon · 1 year
I broke my favorite mug and I was sad so my mom said to put it in my room and put things in it and I will do that thank you mom <3 cjbdjdbd
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chinateacup · 2 years
Hey fellas I haven’t been writing jealousy so much recently because I’m busy trying to Get Through The Day but if you tossed a few dollars in my Kofi it might just motivate me to write something down!
I am still over five hundred pounds short of rent and it’s due in December.
Love you all kissing you softly mwah mwah mwah
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