#tech is adorable
social-mockingbird · 1 year
keldabe kisses are the windows to the soul (pt. 1)
(tech x reader)
pt. 2 here! pt. 3 here!
well. i wrote this before i caught up on season two of the bad batch and i’ve been procrastinating on posting it so here we are. this is what happens when you let a girl go on a rant about how pretty she thinks clones’ eyes are and additionally give her an adorable nerdy neurodivergent clone boy to crush on. there is an implied past kix x reader because i love him, but this is primarily about tech. i plan on posting a part two once i figure out how flirting works again! this is pretty much the Hurt/Comfort before the Fluffy Romance. :)
author’s rec: if i say samuel kim’s version of burying the dead how quickly will y’all eat me
Clones, as a general rule, are supposed to look the same. 
Regulation hair, dark eyes, 1.83 meters tall. Callused hands, chiseled faces. Uniform speaking patterns. 
Clones, as an unspoken rule, look nothing alike. 
Part of this is their own doing—dyed hair, tattoos, dialects picked up after deployment, senses of humor. But there is also something innate to their differences. Clones are human beings, despite what Kaminoan scientists would have you believe, and humans can’t help but be unique. 
Plus, it’s in the eyes. 
No one could convince you differently. Back before the Order—before everything—you’d swear up and down to anyone who listened about how stupid it was that people got your boys mixed up. You understood, to a certain degree. You were a medic and you were trained to tell the difference. And the clones who refrained from tattoos or piercings or didn’t have gnarly scars did closely resemble one another. 
But it took the smallest amount of effort to see how Jesse’s eyes had an almost greenish tint to them in the sun, completely different to the warm orange humor of Fives’ eyes. Echo—before everything—had the darkest eyes, nearly black even in the light, and you’d once gotten close enough to Fox to see two flecks of blue in his right eye.   
Before everything, the boys had taught you the few bits of Mandalorian culture they knew. Besides some terms (and swears) in Mando’a, they’d taught you the Keldabe kiss. Bumping foreheads became a normal part of your routine when you sent them out of the medbay, even after Fives teasingly admitted to you that it usually had a more romantic connotation to it. You’d smiled, gently, and Keldabe kissed him so hard he’d fallen backwards on his butt. 
After that it had become something you all looked forward to, a gentle thing so different from the harshness of war, sharing a moment of peace and eye contact before you parted. For you and Kix, working late nights in the medbay, it danced along the edge of something deeper when you kissed each other goodnight, hands and lips touching as well as foreheads. 
And everything changed. 
The Order. The Empire. The running and hiding and screaming and dying. 
And oh, the worst part was your boys—the ones that made it—marching in uniform armor, white like bones, eyes dark and dead and colorless behind black visors. 
There was no telling them apart now. The Empire had made sure of that. 
So you’d jumped planets until you’d gotten a job in Cid’s Parlor on Ord Mantell, working behind the bar, mixing drinks and patching wounds, keeping your heart kind and closed, as far from Coruscant and the clones and the Empire as you dared to be. Cid was a fair boss, a strange spot of light in the neon night your world had become. She paid you well enough to cover rent and food and flowers and ignored the times you came out of the bathroom with wet cheeks and red eyes. Cid always insisted she kept you around because you could mix a flameout as well as you could set a broken wrist, and you’d saved her from several lawsuits in the past couple of months. But you knew she enjoyed having another person around. 
And everything changed. 
They shuffled in one by one, taking off buckets so gloriously marked and painted you were positive it was a trick of the light. But when the last one in line pulled his bucket off with the only hand he had, revealing pale skin and paler eyes, you cried out. Next moment you were holding Echo’s face in your hands, running your thumbs gently over his cheeks, tears blurring everything but the shine in his eyes, so much lighter, but still the same. 
“I thought you’d died, vod,” you sobbed, bringing your foreheads together. There were scars and plugs circling his head, and a screwdriver where his right hand used to be. But this was one of your boys, untainted, back from the dead, and he was whispering Mando’a in your ear as he hugged you. 
Cid was quick to pull you and the rest into the back rooms, afraid to draw too much attention. You sat with your thighs touching Echo’s, head on his shoulder, watching Cid bargain with Hunter, who looked more haggard than when you’d last met. 
You knew this squad, a group of reject clones who’d formed a force near the end of the war. Wrecker had frequented your section of the medbay after his risky escapades; Hunter was always the one picking him up. They’d added a little girl, Omega, sunshiny and blonde, and from the way they all watched her you were pretty sure she was the reason they were in hiding. Omega stared unabashedly at you, big eyes inquisitive and nervous. She’d nestled up next to Wrecker on the opposite corner of the room. 
The last clone in the squad caught your eye. He’d barely said a word since being unceremoniously shoved into the back rooms, instead choosing to tap furiously on a datapad. It was impossible to see his eyes through the blue glare from the datapad and his thick goggles. You remembered Wrecker rambling about Tech one day when he’d come into the medbay with a broken finger. From the way he’d been described, he was serious and shy, two traits Wrecker couldn’t understand but loved anyway. He certainly looked very serious, jaw set as he worked, shoulders hunched. He had longer fingers than most clones and seemed a bit taller, too. You guessed those were just a couple of the abnormalities that had singled him out, before everything.  
Then you felt Tech’s eyes on you. He’d caught you staring and was now fully focused on your face, raising one eyebrow in confusion. Without the glare from the datapad you could see the eyes behind his goggles. 
Pretty eyes. Big, golden, almost starry eyes. The rest of his face was stoic, but oh, you could read his soul through those eyes. 
He was beautiful. And you hadn’t expected that one bit. 
Tech blinked, confused that you kept staring without saying anything. A bit of the seriousness melted from his expression and was replaced by the cutest furrow between his eyebrows. 
“Can I…help you with something?” 
Echo stopped rubbing your back and glanced at you, suddenly aware of the staring contest you’d been having with his brother. 
“Oh, no, sorry, just staring off into space—didn’t mean to worry you,” you managed, and Tech nodded once, returning to his work. 
Echo, for his part, said very little. He only smiled, glancing at Tech, then you, a hint of his former humor glinting in his eyes. 
You blushed and hid your face in his chest to avoid the question you knew he was thinking. 
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gosh look at him he’s so CUTE
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magicandmundane · 1 month
Hunter: Fuck it. Let’s go back to Kamino and adopt that kid.
Wrecker, Tech, and Echo: Adopt—? Yeah okay, we’ve done weirder shit.
Crosshair: With all due respect, which is none at this point, what the fuck is wrong with you
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anstarwar · 1 month
I see your old man Tech. And I raise you, Tech and Phee together.
Ohhh challenge accepted! They’re just having a nice relaxing afternoon on Pabu enjoying the sun and being alive and happy and old together. Perhaps they just got back from an adventure?
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adh-d2 · 2 months
All in favor of christening that maneuver the Phee Fall say 'aye'
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fuzzy-set · 6 months
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Um, it turns out that I can't stop thinking about his sacred stigmata...
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crispywizardtale · 4 months
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crunchworldsupreme · 2 years
FinFin has been thinking thoughts [Audio recommended]
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 3 months
any of those star wars dudebros that wouldn’t stop complaining about how “annoying” or “weak” omega was in season one are NOT ALLOWED to enjoy her now that she’s a lil badass.
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Same, Omega. Same ❤️
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pigswithwings · 1 year
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love wins !! love wins
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nerdyprudesmuststim · 26 days
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emdroid stimboard !!
⛧ with tech stims !
☾ rq'd by anon !
x | x | x
x | ! | x
x | x | x
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social-mockingbird · 1 year
keldabe kisses are the windows to the soul (pt.2)
(tech x reader)
pt. 1 here!  pt. 3 here!
hello, lovely humans! i hope you’re doing well! here is part two! i thought this would only be two parts, but it will probably end up being three. it is a slower burn than i originally intended, but i am having a blast writing the Pining™️.
author’s rec: red giant by stellardrone is a gorgeous spacey vibe of a song and fits this part really well :D
You really weren’t that surprised Cid let you go with the boys. She’d taken one look at your suddenly watery eyes when Echo told you they were leaving, huffed, and started digging credits out of her pockets. 
“Advance pay,” she’d croaked at you. “Don’t be gone too long.” 
It had been two months of jobs, sleeping on the Marauder and eating rations, and you’d never been happier. Wrecker and Omega had taken to including you during their game nights, and Hunter had shown you a few basic moves with his hunting knife. You’d had at least two holofilm nights with Echo and he always cried at the sad parts and always pretended he didn’t. It was, despite some hairy missions and sleepless nights, a quiet sort of existence. So you’d had a lot of time to think.
They’d told you Tech’s thing was his smarts–the Kaminoans had blessed him with increased mental capacity and a photographic memory that made him wicked brilliant and a total nerd to boot. He still hadn’t stopped ranting about the beetles you’d found on Kashyyyk three weeks ago to anyone who would listen (you). 
But you swore his real talent was in perceptiveness–he noticed everything. 
Which was not helpful when you were prone to staring at him. 
He was captivating, and it was horrible. You told yourself it was because of how intent he got on his work, his rare smiles, his gentle hands. 
But you knew it was his eyes. 
Omega and Kix–God, you missed Kix–were the only clones you knew who ever came close to the particular shade of gold in Tech’s eyes, but Omega’s were too auburn, Kix’s too brown. It was a sharp contrast to the almost greyish-brown of Hunter’s eyes and the bluish tint of Wrecker’s one good eye. 
But he noticed every time you started to stare, and you could almost swear he’d started staring back–and that was not something you were prepared to handle. Kix used to do the same, meeting your eyes over trays of meds and bacta, noticing when you got too exhausted or overwhelmed. 
But your feelings for Kix were a pretty scar on your healing heart. You mourned him, and loved him, but you knew moving on was what he would have wanted for you, selfless as he was. 
And now there was Tech.
You told yourself it was a silly crush. You were lonely, and he was a weird sort of lovely. Gentle with you and Omega, patient, and quietly kind. He’d been the one to let you sit up with him when you needed a night to think, and the one to regale you with the oddest facts about his favorite monsters and animals from adventures to make you laugh and wonder. So you resigned yourself to quiet loving, the kind that didn’t scare people away, the kind that didn’t hurt too much when you had to move on. 
And then you hurt yourself during a stargazing trip. 
It was the perfect definition of trip, really; nothing more cartoonish could have happened to you than the way you caught your toe on a twisty root and flailed all the way to the ground, making a noise that sounded like a sick Wookie. A nasty flare of pain went up your wrist when it caught the brunt of your fall. 
Wrecker laughed first, because it was funny, but he was the first to pick you up and set you gently upright on the ground when he heard you groan. You did your best not to sniffle. They’d all had worse than some stupid scrapes and a tweaked wrist, and you weren’t about to complain. 
Hunter assured you your wrist wasn’t broken and took the bandages from Echo’s pack to wrap it while Omega cleaned the scrapes on your chin and palms and knees with something that stung. It was sweet, the way they all gathered around you, a pack of worried siblings. 
“I can carry her to the outcropping.” 
Tech’s voice was a surprise. He’d silently watched as his sister and brothers tended to you, eyes on your face the whole time. 
“That’s sweet, Tech, but I can walk.” You waggled your feet. “Still in tip-top shape.” Your left ankle twinged in protest, and you winced. 
It made sense that Tech would be able to carry you effortlessly. He was just as fast and strong as his brothers, and one of the tallest in the crew. It was just—he held you like it was nothing. You couldn’t feel him straining, and any shifting he did only brought you closer into his embrace. He’d encouraged you to wrap your arms around his neck to make transporting you a bit easier, and he didn’t seem to mind that you’d rested your head on his chest, eyes closed. There wasn’t much to see until the outcropping anyway. 
He had his own scent underneath the regulation soap you all used and it was driving you crazy. 
And thinking about it was driving you crazier. You were glad Echo couldn’t see your face because you wouldn’t be able to stand the knowing look he’d give you. Echo’s antics would reveal your feelings faster than you’d ever want. 
Faint pink light made you open your eyes just as Tech shifted your weight, setting you down on a flat rock and making sure your legs weren’t folded uncomfortably. He settled next to you and placed a hand over your eyes. 
“Tech. What?” You almost pried his hand away but then that would mean touching his hand and suddenly you were overthinking it and twisting your fingers in your lap. 
“Wait until everyone gets settled. In approximately seven ticks it will be the optimal viewing time.” 
So you sat, trying not to think about how warm his gloved hand was, and breathed out a sigh, focusing on the gentle warmth of the light seeping through Tech’s fingers. 
When he drew his hand away everything was new. 
Most planets you visited had sunrises in similar colors, buttery yellows and oranges and the sort of pink you loved as a little girl, but this sky was purple, and so clear. 
There was faint pink light on the horizon where the sun was starting to come up, lining the few flat clouds with scarlet, but the main attraction was the sky above it, a rich, smooth violet expanse, filled with stars and galaxies like gems on a gown. Even Wrecker went silent after his first delighted shout, and you watched the planets dance in a glassy sky, reflected in the smooth water below the outcropping. You forgot about your aching body during the minutes before the sun broke the bonds of the sea and cast pale, pretty light into your eyes. 
There was a glint to your right. You turned just in time to catch Tech shift towards the sun, turning his face into the light. 
Where had he been looking before? 
It gave you something to think about, for sure, as he carried you back to the Marauder, and you leaned your head against him and prayed that maybe everything was changing.
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magicandmundane · 17 hours
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Happy Father’s Day to them specifically ❤️
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #117
One day, May receives a threatening letter at work. It says, "Do you know who your nephew is?" and contains, crushed into the page, a dead spider.
Horrified, May calls Tony Stark. Plans are set in place immediately to move the Parkers into Stark Tower for protection while Tony tracks down the people who sent the threat. 
Peter is at school during the chaos of getting May to the tower. He only learns what's happened when he's called out of class. When he gets to the office, it's Tony waiting there (with the very stunned school secretary) to pick him up. He has his nanotech housing unit on.
Tony explains once they're in the car. Peter freaks out until Tony promises that May is already safely at the tower with Happy and Pepper. Only then does Peter notice that Tony's hands are shaking too.
All of this was not what the villains wanted. Their plan had been to scare May into abandoning Peter. They didn't know that she already knew who he was, and they definitely didn't know that the Parkers were close to Tony Stark.
An abandoned and homeless Peter would have been much easier to kidnap. Now, they will have to step up their game.
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nightskyfoxyy · 10 months
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Late nights on the Marauder
(idea from a chat with the lovely @niobiumao3 )
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izicodes · 5 months
Sugary Scribbles | #8
Saturday 6th January 2024
IT'S BASICALLY WORKING (on larger screens)! My never-ending war on website responsiveness continues! I have a large screen and I stupidly only took into account of MY screen size. What I did do though is created a message for phone-table sizes because it just wouldn't make sense it working on really small devices - in my opinion~! But for now I will put this on hold because I am excited about my other project idea I came up with yesterday oops~!
This is my first project of the year and it's super adorable in my opinion! It paints, it erases, it deletes and it saves your artwork! Ticks all the boxes I made at the beginning of the project! Turned a simple 'Make a HTML painting webpage' into something more cuter and cool! Job well done! 😩🙌🏾💗
You can try it out (if you have a larger screen size), all that happens is the painting will be off the mouse direction a bit, sorry!
link to the Sugary-Scribbles web app! 🍡
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Lastly, here is a cool drawing I made as I was testing the site~! I'm a better artist than this I swear, just not good using a mouse...
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List of resources I used during the project
Figma - to plan the webpage
Canva: to make the header
Photopea: for further photo editing
RedKetchup: to colour pick quickly
CSS Animations: to add the zoom-in-n-out animation
MDN Canvas: to know what the element does properly
YouTube Tutorial: to get inspiration and extra help
Flaticon: for the icons and cursors
Html2canvas API: to turn the drawing into an image (tutorial)
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That's all, have a nice day/night and happy coding! 🖤
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