(TW) Cancer (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
A Cough You Can’t Shake (ao3) - Emptylester (timelordangel)
Summary: The tours are finished and wrapped up into two films and a book, but Dan’s re-branding might be something unexpected. As the most eventful year of their lives comes to a close, Dan finds himself with an unexpected diagnosis and a best friend he just can’t fathom leaving
Far Too Young To Die (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Phil didn’t think much of Dan’s sudden obsession with playing Panic! songs on the piano. He didn’t think much of Dan’s long sleeves or his lack of uploading. Well, that was until he found Dan’s journal and became concerned for his safety.
Happy Mistakes (ao3) - mollieblack
Summary: Dan’s mother is terminally ill and all she wants is for her son to finally find someone to settle down with, so when there’s a misunderstanding and she thinks he and Phil are dating, Phil panics and goes along with it, if only to keep her happy in her last days. Neither of them planned on her getting better.
In a Hospital Bed (ao3) - happilysurviving
Summary (tw): Dan is in his last moments and Phil comes to visit him, not ready at all for what unfolds.
Kitchen Tiles (ao3) - ahlohomora
Summary: He regrets not realizing sooner, he regrets not listening to his heart more closely, he regrets not picking up on a single one of the countless little but painstakingly clear signs, regrets not being honest with himself until now. But it’s of no use, because it is what it is, and all they have now is a few weeks. After all the months and years, now all they have is weeks.
Outside of the window (ao3) - Im_Innocent_I_Swear
Summary: (tw) Dan has had a lot of headaches lately, and when he suddenly wakes up without being able to see, he and his boyfriend Phil rush to the hospital. Turns out that Dan has a terminal disease and he will only live for a couple of weeks. He has to stay in the hospital, and because Phil isn’t family, he is only allowed to come an hour a day. And every day Dan asks him to describe what’s outside of the window. And Phil does. But in the meantime, when Phil is home alone, he feels worse and worse. He was going to lose the love of his life.
round and around and around and around we go (ao3) - theweirdesthingss
Summary: “I just didn’t tell them that abroad was heaven.”
The Swing At The End Of The World (fanfiction.net) - uhnonniemiss
Summary: AU where humans are given a watch at birth that shows you how much time you have left before you die. The year is 2025, and Phil’s watch has ticked down to his final day, so Dan helps him carry out his last wish.
when it feels like nothing else matter, will you put your arms around me? (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: “Sorry.” Phil says.
His father wraps his arms around him, and the embrace feels warm. It’s an embrace that he hasn’t felt in a long time. It’s like when he was a kid and something scary happened and his father just held him like nothing could ever hurt him because his father was there protecting him.
“It’s okay.” His father quietly whispers into his hairline. “It’s okay.”
He didn’t know how to tell him all the things that he wanted to say, like: I don’t know how to stop my thoughts from spiraling out of control. What if the medicine makes it worse? What do we do if things don’t get better? How do I live in a world that doesn’t have my dad in it?
“Let’s just enjoy right now.” His father says, and he doesn’t let go of him.
You Can’t Tackle Your Demons on Your Own (ao3) - Merrydith
Summary: Dan is obsessed with a series of books by the amazing author, Phil Lester. He spends his time at the coffee shop he works at reading the books over and over again in the closet. When he meets a new co-worker who is also named Phil, they go on a date. Little does Dan know, he’s sharing a cup of coffee with the author he’s considered his best friend for years. As he gets to know Phil, he finds that Phil is housing a destructive secret. Why did Phil apply to work at The Brew Bean in the first place and what happens when Phil starts breaking away, piece by piece? Can Dan save his beloved author or is Phil going to fall slowly and hopelessly into loneliness and despair? All the while, Dan is falling in love.
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anthonymorriswb · 4 months
Explore the key features of exceptional palliative care solutions. Understand their importance in providing comfort. Schedule a demo for more information.
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Don't Give Up Now - Untitled Part 11 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1411451902-don%27t-give-up-now-untitled-part-11?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=originalhybridlover&wp_originator=Hl4DtbqssSP4jbHPczixbOK7L7w6YkJpTVLcthw1cGo9h0OItO34GuwKst4Edj3M%2F4wxoN3jiBIzWBepMxjzPg0lGmC4Sg0EF1frsrNIPasIk1K6ZIqS%2B6jT6tKPgCUX Two years ago, Eda left after learning the truth of her parents' death. Never reconciling with Serkan. So why now was he in Italy seeking her out. Something isn't right. It feels wrong. Serkan wanted to spend his last months in this life with Eda. He was sick and didn't have much time left, and he wanted his last memories to be of her. It didn't matter if she hated him even more than the first time they met or if she wanted him dead. He needed her. When Eda learns what he is hiding, her heart breaks in a way she didn't know was possible. Can she convince him to save himself before she loses him forever?
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ecstilson-blog · 6 months
Dealing with Terminal Cancer
Sometimes I get scared to die, but at least I’m not in denial. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8U4Fq9x/
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compassionhcinc · 1 year
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jonitadavisposts · 1 year
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Hey! I'm in today's episode of @whyythepulse , talking about my adhd journey. Check it out! It's that time of the year when we make new year's resolutions in January, and they fizzle out by February despite the best intentions 😕. It's great to set goals, but chasing a better version of yourself can sometimes make you forget about where and who you are now. Instead of focusing on big changes for our first episode of 2023, we will talk about acceptance. We'll hear from people who came to terms with life-changing conditions and how they learned to make the best of things they could not change. You can listen to this episode, Making the Best of It, by clicking the link in our bio. . . . . . #cysticfibrosis #cysticfibrosislife #standupcomedy #terminalillness #coldallergy #adhd #neurodivergent #autism #whyy #npr Reposted from @whyythepulse https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFQLiBOaOY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecpdiary · 1 year
Terminal Illness
Dealing with a loved one with a terminal illness means you're left with a lot of feelings around end of life. Knowing it is an end of stage disease that is not curable, is for many, a hard pill to swallow.
Dealing with a loved one's terminal illness
But no matter how hard you try to work through the situation, no matter how hard you try to keep everything together, a terminal illness brings with it mixed emotions that aren’t easy to adjust to or work through. The good and the bad, everything is packed into those moments, when you’re having to get to grips with that situation.
How we anticipate, how we watch and deal with a loved one's challenges, is the difference between powering through and emotionally struggling through. It helps to understand the process, what happens to our loved ones when they leave us and what happens when they transition to 'spirit.' Then there are new pressures for us, of adjusting to a life without that person. New pressures that will ask for and demand new ways from each of us.
My new single life
As I type this, I continue to struggle with the fact that my life as a twin will change and for me, it will be the first time, I will have to navigate a life moving forward without my twin. We all have to get through grief, we may struggle to comprehend and grapple with our thoughts, and our feelings. Life with your loved one, everything you experience together, goes into those final moments.
Our loved ones also have to work on themselves 'spirit side'
But it's not just something we have to do earth side. When anyone transitions to spirit, they also have to work through their life, their relationship with us 'spirit side' all their deeds, what they did, versus what they didn't do, or could have done better. Their 'life' will be played out.
What is helpful, is to let anyone, dealing with a parent, sibling, or twin, with a terminal illness in a way that allows them to cope and come to terms with their impending loss.
For Sheila x
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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vibrantgroup9 · 11 months
Our need to relax, take time off work, recover our strength and also sleep well, cannot be over emphasized. We are no robots and therefore, require time to rest. Even machines cannot work for 24 hours continously, they need to rest and be serviced, or else, they’ll breakdown. Likewise, we humans. Regardless of how old or young we are, we need time off our normal activities. We must create time…
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mymetric360 · 5 months
"How do doctors inform patients of an incurable and fatal diagnosis?" #Doctors #IncurableDiagnosis #PatientInforming #TerminalIllness 🩺 Informing a patient of an incurable and fatal diagnosis is one of the toughest and most delicate tasks a doctor can face. It requires empathy, compassion, and the ability to communicate difficult news in a sensitive and respectful manner. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for informing patients of such diagnoses,... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/how-do-doctors-inform-patients-of-an-incurable-and-fatal-diagnosis/?feed_id=34710
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Many Gremin pop
Much pain
Gremin share for host:
Why wont this pain fucking stop!?
Out of pain meds again.
Please help us.
Need $ to get the right thing.
I'm so confused and hurting.
E-transfers to
#chronicpain #chronicillness #terminalillness #cancer #dissociativeidentitydisorder #diabetes #mutualaid #queer #literallydying #cannabis #helpthisqueer #financialaid
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#gettysburg #pennsylvania - Aug. 20
#motorcycles #charity #charityevent #fundraiser #rarediagnosis #terminalillness
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thebookishlydiaries · 4 years
Her Own Neverland - The Beginning
The acorn pierced by the point of an arrow
Now I know some of you may have heard this once before, not in real life, but in a fairy tale.
But this doesn’t happen in exactly the way you think it does, there are no fairies, no evil villains like Hook or Mr Smee, nor never growing up (although for our two main characters they may wish it to be true).
Yet how is it that there is always something that goes wrong, even when the hero doesn’t deserve it, whether it be in a fairy tale or real life.
So Ella is only nine years old. She should be in year three at primary school. Notice how I said ‘should?’ She spends most days in the hospital with her mum, but she can’t always be there every second of the day.
Ella is ill, but not in a way that can be cured or left to dwindle and die down after a few days.
Her fate has been decided for her, she has no choice. 
(An excerpt from my own writing drafts - Her Own Neverland)
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compassionhcinc · 1 year
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kimikodoescancer · 4 years
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[Excerpt] One of the things I found tough about cancer support groups was the tendency to focus on the positive in a way that sometimes invalidates people's pain.
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Visit our site to get resources for terminally ill patients living in Virginia. Read the full article
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With Every Single Beat of My Heart
Nobody thought a simple mistake could lead to a beautiful friendship. Especially not Ben. After getting in trouble with the law, his step-dad makes a deal with the court: complete community service hours rather than do any real jail time. Ben isn't exactly pleased to be spending his free time with the ill, at least until he meets another volunteer that turns his world upside down.
What happens with a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth falls for a guy who doesn't plan on living for very much longer?
AO3 & Wattpad
{Moodboard created by the phenomenal @real---remy -- follow them!!!}
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