#terror attacks
girlactionfigure · 1 month
The @UN created an exhibit dedicated to all terror victims worldwide, without including a single Israeli victim of terrorist violence.
To highlight the blatant absurdity of the UN, here’s an incomplete list of terror attacks against Israelis, by decade:🧵 
1. April 7, 2022 Tel Aviv Shooting - Casualties: 3 people killed, 6 injured - Group Responsible: Palestinian Islamic Jihad
2. November 23, 2022 Jerusalem Bus Bombing - Casualties:2 people killed, 18 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas 
3. October 7, 2023 Massacre - Casualties: Over 1,200 people killed, thousands injured, and many taken hostage - Group Responsible: Hamas, along with several other Palestinian terror groups. 
5. March 11, 2011 Itamar Attack - Casualties: 5 members of the Fogel family killed (parents and 3 children) - Group Responsible: Two Palestinian attackers, later linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
6. March 23, 2011 Jerusalem Bus 74 Bombing: - Casualties: 1 person was killed, 30 injured. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
7. November 18, 2014 Har Nof Synagogue Massacre - Casualties: 6 Israeli and 1 Druze killed - Group Responsible: Two Palestinian attackers, praised by Hamas
8. June 8, 2016 Tel Aviv Sarona Market Shooting: - Casualties: 4 people were killed. - Group Responsible: ISIS. 
2000s (Second Intifada)
9. June 1, 2001 Dolphinarium Discotheque Bombing - Casualties: 21 people killed, over 100 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
10. August 9, 2001 Sbarro Restaurant Bombing - Casualties: 15 people killed, over 130 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
11. January 17, 2002 Bat Mitzvah Massacre: - Casualties: 6 people killed, 33 injured.  - Group Responsible: al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
12. March 2, 2002 Yeshivat Beit Yisrael Massacre: - Casualties: 11 people, including 7 children, killed. - Group Responsible: Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
13. March 9, 2002 Café Moment Bombing: - Casualties: 11 people killed. - Group Responsible: Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas).
14. March 27, 2002 Park Hotel Massacre - Casualties: 30 people killed, 140 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
15. November 15, 2002 Hebron Shooting Attack - Casualties: 12 Israeli soldiers and security personnel killed - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad
16. November 21, 2002 Kiryat Menachem Massacre: - Casualties: 11 people killed. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
17. January 5, 2003 Tel-Aviv Central Bus Station Massacre: - Casualties: 23 people killed, over 100 injured.  - Group Responsible: Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
18. March 5, 2003 Haifa Bus 37 Suicide Bombing: - Casualties: 17 people killed, with most victims being students from Haifa University. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
19. May 18, 2003 French Hill Suicide Bombings: - Casualties: 5 people killed - Group Responsible: Hamas - Event: A suicide bomber disguised as a religious Jew detonated on a bus. A second bomber prematurely detonated, only killing himself.
20. August 19, 2003 Shmuel HaNavi Bus Bombing: - Casualties: 24 people killed including 7 children, 130 people injured.  - Group Responsible: Hamas.
21. September 9, 2003 Tzrifin Bus Stop Attack and Café Hillel Bombing: - Casualties: 14 people killed - Responsible Group: Riyad-us Saliheen Brigade of Martyrs - Event: Two Palestinian suicide bombings occurred within hours of each other; one at a crowded bus stop near Tel Aviv, the other at a popular Jerusalem nightspot.
22. October 4, 2003 Maxim Restaurant Bombing: - Casualties: 21 people killed, over 60 injured.  - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad.
23. December 25, 2003 Geha Interchange Bus Stop Bombing: - Casualties: 3 people killed - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
24. March 14, 2004 Ashdod Port Attack: - Casualties: 10 people killed, over 23 injured. - Responsible Group: Hamas and Farah.
25. August 31, 2004 Beersheba Bus Bombing: - Casualties: 16 people killed, over 100 injured - Responsible Group: Hamas.
26. February 24, 2005 Stage Club Bombing: - Casualties: 5 people killed, over 50 injured. - Responsible Group: Hamas. 
1980s - 1990s
27. 1987-1993 First Intifada - Casualties: Hundreds of Israelis, both civilians and soldiers, killed over 1,400 injured - Group Responsible: Various Palestinian groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad
28. October 19, 1994 Dizengoff Street Bus Bombing - Casualties: 22 people killed, 50 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
29. January 22, 1995 Beit Lid Suicide Bombings - Casualties: 21 Israeli soldiers and 1 civilian killed, over 60 injured - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad
30. July 30, 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings - Casualties: 16 people killed, 178 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas 
31. May 22, 1970 Avivim School Bus Massacre: - Casualties: 12 people, with 9 victims being children. - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command.
32. May 30, 1972 Lod Airport Massacre - Casualties: 26 people killed, 80 injured - Group Responsible: Japanese Red Army, in collaboration with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
33. September 5-6 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre - Casualties: 11 Israeli athletes and coaches killed - Group Responsible: Black September (Palestinian terrorist group)
34. April 11, 1974 Kiryat Shmona Massacre: - Casualties: 18 people killed with 8 victims being children, over 16 wounded. - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command.
35. May 15, 1974 Ma'alot Massacre - Casualties: 31 people, including 22 schoolchildren, killed. - Group Responsible: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
36. July 4, 1975 Zion Square Massacre: - Casualties: 15 people killed, 77 wounded. - Responsible Group: Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
37. March 11, 1978 Coastal Road Massacre - Casualties: 38 Israeli civilians killed, 71 injured - Group Responsible: Fatah (a faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization) 
1950s and 1960s
38. Fedayeen Raids (1950s): - Description: A series of cross-border attacks by Arab militants (Fedayeen) from neighboring countries, targeting Israeli civilians and military personnel. These raids included shootings, bombings, and infiltrations, leading to significant Israeli casualties.
38. March 17, 1954 Ma'ale Akrabim Massacre: - Casualties: 11 Israeli civilians killed - Description: A bus traveling from Eilat to Tel Aviv was ambushed by Palestinian militants who shot and killed most of the passengers.
39. November 23, 1964 Latrun Convoy Attack: - Casualties: 11 Israeli civilians killed - Description: A civilian convoy was ambushed by Palestinian militants near Latrun, resulting in multiple deaths.
End 🧵 
The Persian Jewess
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iloveisrael · 2 months
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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secular-jew · 6 months
The Religion of Peace brings just too much peace - including 19 aircraft intrusions, several missiles, and murderous terror attacks.
10:00 Two injured in stabbing attack in Central Station!!! Be’er Sheva. According to Arab media, the terrorist is Nagi Abu Frieh, a resident of Rahat (Israeli ID card, worked as a 🚌 driver in 🇮🇱).
14:45 The horrors of the October 7th massacre. Body parts and human bones buried in Kibbutz Bari were exposed due to rains that fell in the area. The parts that were located were transferred for identification at the Institute of Forensic Medicine. 💔🕯️
21:06 Maj. Sivan Weil, 20 years old, from Ra'anana, a fighter in the Eggoz unit, the commando formation, died of his wounds after being wounded on March 29, 2024 in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip.
23:15 Terror Attack in Gan Yavne - 3 seriously injured,the terrorist who carried out the attack, 19 years old from Doura who worked in one of the shops illegally, used to have a work permit in Israel. The terrorist without residency permits, arrived at the shopping center armed with 2 knives, and began a stabbing spree on the second floor, when he stabbed a young man who left the gym, then entered the gym, where he managed to stab another young man, and after He then manages to stab a third young man on the entrance floor. One of them is 17!
03:00 A hostile aircraft flew from Iraq and penetrated through Jordan until it exploded on a "structure" near the city Eilat- without being intercepted.
07:06 Sergeant Nadav Cohen, 20 years old, from Haifa, a fighter in the 77th Battalion, 'Saar Megolan' formation (7), was killed in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. 💔🕯️
In the past 24 hours, Israel has faced heartbreaking tragedies, with young lives lost to senseless terror. From the stabbing in Be’er Sheva’s Central Station to the disturbing aftermath of October 7th uncovered by the rain at Kibbutz Bari, each event weighs heavily on our hearts. We mourn Maj. Sivan Weil and Sgt. Nadav Cohen, young defenders of our nation, lost in the Gaza Strip. The attack in Gan Yavne, leaving three seriously injured, and the threat in Eilat, remind us of the constant dangers we face.
In these times of unbearable reality, my thoughts are with every person touched by these tragedies. I am endlessly grateful for our soldiers and heroes, like Sivan and Nadav, who stand on the front lines for our safety and freedom.
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
We are also constantly thinking about the 134 hostages, their unbearable reality. We need them back home.
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tmarshconnors · 16 days
23 Years Since September 11, 2001
Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001.  A day that forever altered the course of history, it remains etched in the hearts and minds of millions across the world. Though time has moved forward, the memory of that fateful day feels as raw and poignant as ever, reminding us of the fragility of life and the strength of human resilience.
On that clear Tuesday morning, the world watched in disbelief as two planes struck the Twin Towers in New York City, followed by another plane crashing into the Pentagon, and a fourth, United Flight 93, brought down in a Pennsylvania field by heroic passengers. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost in the span of a few short hours, but the ripple effects of that day continue to shape the world we live in today.
The aftermath of the attacks was a profound period of grief and confusion, but also one of unity and determination. Across the globe, people came together to mourn, to support, and to stand in solidarity. Strangers helped strangers; nations offered condolences and assistance. There was a shared sense of vulnerability, but also an unwavering commitment to persevere. This duality of pain and hope defined the years that followed.
For many, today will be a solemn day of remembrance. The names of the victims will be read aloud, as they are every year, at memorials across the country. Their lives, each unique and cherished, will once again be honoured. Families will gather to pay tribute to their loved ones, while first responders and military personnel will be recognised for their bravery and sacrifice.
But it’s important to remember that September 11 is not just about the events of that day. It is about the lives touched by the survivors who carry their scars, the families who mourn, the communities who rebuilt, and the world that changed in its wake. It’s a reminder of the importance of cherishing every moment, valuing human connection, and standing firm against forces that seek to divide us.
As we mark 23 years since the tragedy, let us also reflect on the lessons we’ve learned. We live in an era that continues to be shaped by the consequences of that day whether it’s in how we approach national security, foreign relations, or the very ways in which we relate to one another. The world may never fully recover from the impact of 9/11, but we can continue to move forward with a renewed commitment to peace, understanding, and compassion.
In the quiet moments of reflection tomorrow, may we honour the memory of those we lost, and may we find hope in the ways we’ve come together since. The legacy of September 11 will forever be a part of our collective consciousness, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, light can prevail.
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Authorities say at least 15 police officers and several civilians are dead after gunmen launched simultaneous attacks in two cities in Russia's Dagestan region. They took place as the country was celebrating the Orthodox festival of Pentecost. Local officials say a synagogue, two Orthodox churches and a police traffic post were targeted. 00:00 Intro and report 01:45 DW's Grzegorz Szymanowski reports from Riga, as the Kremlin has banned DW from operating in Russia
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cavalierzee · 4 months
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demolition-queen · 5 months
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Another baby was attacked by Israel. Torturing a baby? They're monsters, I hate all Israeli genocidaires and they supporters.
Zionism is a terrorism!
STOP zionism!
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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chloeworships · 8 months
I wanted to share this because if there is no resolution for these border issues and y’all are waiting for Trump to be re-elected to do it, you’ll be waiting forever 💀🤣🤣🤣🤣
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nando161mando · 4 months
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A Palestinian journalist pays tribute to his little boy who was just murdered by 'Israel'.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
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darshanan-blog · 1 year
Major: Bollywood Movie Review
Inspired by real life story of Major Sandeep Unnikrishanan (Adivi Sesh), serving in the 51 Special Action Group of the National Security Guards in India, “Major” movie is a heart touching tribute to the soldiers who live and die by the ideals to serve the nation and protect others who are weaker to defend themselves.  Major Unnikrishnan was killed in action during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks…
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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“1950s horror movies contrast radically with their 1940s predecessors. understandably – they were reflecting a whole new world. audiences wanted stories that connected directly to their lives, to the ever-expanding technology in their homes and workplaces. they also wanted horror movies that played to their fears – stoked by politicians – of the shadows that lay beyond their immediate, personal experience of the shiny american dream (applies to some of these movies).”
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newsbites · 1 year
Since its stage debut in 2015, the Tony-award-winning musical has invited audiences around the world to experience the remarkable story of how the small town of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, and its surrounding communities welcomed 7,000 passengers from 38 planes with open arms when they were stranded in the wake of 9/11.
Now, after becoming the longest-running Canadian musical in Broadway history with additional runs in Toronto, the U.S., UK, Ireland and Australia, this heartwarming, foot-stomping show will invite audiences back to where it all began. In summer 2023, an all-new production begins its first run at Gander’s Joseph R. Smallwood Arts and Culture Centre.
“The dream was always to have a production in Gander someday,” says Michael Rubinoff, the show’s originating producer. “What has driven us since the beginning is doing the story justice, and doing the people of Gander and Newfoundland and Labrador justice.”
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