#thank you for asking! <33
uldahstreetrat · 2 months
☀️ for Ophianne?
☀️ SUN — would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or are you somewhere in between? how come?
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"I believe most accurately I'd call myself an extrovert, and I believe most of Limsa would agree." Ophianne chuckled. "I've never been particularly shy, neither with my flirting nor my attitude. I enjoy being around people! Granted there are certain times I prefer being alone, when cooking for example. But I'm far more energized and happy when I have people around me." She shook her head with a roll of her eyes. "Mayhaps that's why I've shared so many a bed in the past."
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myjustice · 6 months
If Furina happened to see Disney films. Which musical would be her favorite? And/or favorite song?
this is such a funny question because she was based off of the original tale of the little mermaid & she would in fact be very weak for the little mermaid disney movie. part of your world would touch her in ways that are too personal & in parts of her heart that are currently dormant within her as she navigates through herself & figures herself out.
under the sea is also a bop to her lkjhgf.
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lanistas · 11 months
Question 8 with Helen, Ashley and Kate (as in the Sanctuary ladies). :)
Oooooooh I love all Sanctuary ladies :)
Share a car with - probably Helen. I just want to go on a road trip with her!
Share a bank account with - maybe Kate? I believe Kate to be rather thrifty, which is good for our shared sum of money. And do I sometimes question where our money comes from? Perhaps. But do I really care much? Nope xD
Share a cake with - Ashley! Preferably that would be sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night and sharing a cake in our pyjamas :)
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 11 months
For the ask game
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They all talk about karma, how it slowly comes
But life is short, enjoy it while you're young
- from Sober by G-Eazy
Send me “♪” and I will shuffle mp3/ipod/music player and write my favourite line with my handwriting
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
mai x azula for the ship ask game
I don't ship it tbh
Why don’t you ship it?
I'm not opposed, I just see their dynamic as friends.
What would have made you like it?
If someone could give me a compelling reason why the two are different enough / could bring out different sides of each other. I think part of why Mai & Azula's friendship works is Ty Lee's presence. Ty Lee is light & bubbly. Mai & Azula alone together - for some hangouts, as friends, sure. As like... a couple? I just don't really see it I feel like they are both too serious. I've read some fics for them & they tend to be a bit depressing for my taste idk
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Sure, I can see the appeal! I mean, they're both gorgeous & I do like them as friends so like, yeah, I'm not opposed to the ship it just doesn't really cater to my personal tastes unless it's maybe a throuple with another character like ty lee involved or something
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for the fanfic ask game: K >:3c
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Oh man :'D There's a few that are angsty in different ways. The one where Michael gets cancer is pretty high up there amongst all the death fic ideas (most of them are about endings A and B which are very inspiring, and I will probably write about them more at some point) but there's a few darker ones too with their moms and Ashley and I think those are worse even though they're shorter because there's not even a sliver of happiness in them. I can't name the angstiest though. :')
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izloveshorses · 9 months
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
for me, every fic has it's challenges, but the thing about me is i won't write it if it gets too difficult alskdjhf. but i'll say the easiest one was Younger Than Springtime because it was only like 3k ?? and it was a super simple, low stakes idea that wrapped itself up nicely. so fics like this are pretty easy to draft up.
the hardest fics are the ones that are workshopped for a long time. they go through a lot of changes before even the first chapter gets published (and sometimes i forget what i originally had in mind if it's been long enough and if i don't write everything down right a way 💀). but the one i'm working on right now, this road trip au, has gone through Several revisions in the year since i first jotted down an outline for the idea. sometimes the vision changes and that's okay 🙈 it's also Very Serious™ with Very Serious Topics and since i had a lot of time to build it up in my mind, i put more pressure on myself for it to be perfect than, say, a little meet cute fic like the one above.
fic ask game!
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tender-rosiey · 9 months
How did your exams go?
overall, it was okay, but omg science was terrible like I am pretty sure the person who put the questions had a terrible day and decided that we have to suffer as well 😭✋
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urlbending · 1 year
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The sellout au is actually a carmilla au! It's a proximity curse AU set early s1 that they decide there's Only One Way to cure. I had read a bellarke proximity curse au around the time (thats how old this fic is. We're talking the 100 s1!!) and really enjoyed it and thought it'd be a good match for laura and carmillas antagonistic relationship the first half of s1. I still think it's a really fun dubcon trope and should be used in more fics as like a magical handcuffed together/trapped in a closet situation The title is now deeply ironic, bc its hard to sell out for a dead fandom, but it was very much an active fandom at the time. It's 95% completed, but i chickened out when i got to writing the porn (which was the entire point of the fic), and the movie having a sex scene made me decide to shelve it Usually i find the plot and lead up to these types of fics can be boring, but this one has really fun quickfire plot scenes that I'm super proud of, and definitely helped when writing the wn married in vegas au im currently considering just finishing and posting it, mostly so it'll help knock arrow off my top fandoms in my profile. we'll see. Snippet: Only, when Laura's hand had grabbed Carmilla's to wrestle her off the computer, she felt a rush of clarity, like diving into a crisp pool on a hot summer day. They froze. Laura gingerly lifted her hand off, and felt the loss of contact like a dull ache. She put it back over Carmilla's, and the clear feeling returned. “Wow, they really messed this potion up.” “That's, that's not normal?” Laura's pulse was racing, which was a little ridiculous. Get it together, Hollis. “No, I've seen love potions in action before, and usually the second you make eye contact you start ripping off clothes. At the very least when there's physical contact. It takes some effort to screw up a potion this bad.” “What if it's a friendship potion? Maybe we just need to hug for a little bit and then we can get back to our busy, saving the university lives.” “Really, Kit Kat, a cuddle potion?” Carmilla smirked. “If you wanted to get into my bed so bad, you could've just asked.” “Ugh!” Laura threw up her hands. “If you want to be stuck like this forever, fine. I am going to go shower.” “Maybe it's a showering potion,” Carmilla called out as Laura trudged off to the bathroom. “Water could be the only way to break it! I really should come join you--” She slammed the door, but it wasn't thick enough to shut out Carmilla's laughter.
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kimtaegis · 5 days
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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emilyartstudio-s · 6 days
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hihhasotherfixations · 3 months
Just read your iconic “Price hates corner of the mouth kisses” post, and it got me thinking?
How would Price react if he went in for a kiss and reader, just to be a tease, turned her head so he’d only get the corner of her mouth or her cheek?
I love teasing this man.
Iconic? Oh my, you’re gonna get me blushing >//w//<
As to how he would react? Disbelief.
He’ll lean in and when you turn away, he pulls back, surprised and looking at you in confused disbelief. After all, this man absolutely thrives on your affection. Not showing it through physical actions such as kisses, hugs or his hand somewhere on you (waist, hip, shoulder, back, t h i g h) doesn’t even cross his mind.
But if he sees the little smirk on your face, realisation dawns on him.
Even though he knows you’re just teasing and being a little shit, there is the slightest hint of annoyance. After all, he wants that kiss.
He’ll give you a look, clearly conveying what he wants and lean in again, a slight warning in his eyes.
Let him kiss you, and he’s very happy, pressing an extra kiss to your mouth.
But. If you dare to lean away once more, his hand will shoot out and he’ll grip your chin, almost squishing your cheeks together as he turns your head to face him before pushing his lips onto yours.
Can’t decide if he’d make the kiss 10x more intense than he’d planned to - just to tease you back and show his displeasure - or press a light kiss like he was planning before, just to make a point. I can see both
“Little minx.” Might slip out after tho ;3
If he has his mind set on kissing you, he is doing it. Not the corner of your mouth, not miss because you lean away - no. He’s a man of his word, even if those words aren’t spoken yet.
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
GREETINGS! How are you doing? I've been practically gobbling up your posts (there very tasty)
Ok so hear me out- I've seen a couple posts like this but imagine-
The almighty all powerful wise creator isss
✨️A literal child✨️
Thanks for hearing me out! For you ->->❤️
Baby you taking on the world aw
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DAMN SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER!! i started fics before i answered my askbox :/
Aw i fucking love child reader stuff,
Lots of isekai animes/manhwa/manga do it and i eat that shit up everytime-
I also deeply appreciate when its not done creepily, like being turned 8 again, and having crushes on others who are... yknow, actually 8 yrs old or sm fucked up shit, like even if its 16 yr olds that doesnt make it any better, bc the protag will actually be like,, actually 20?!?!💀 the straights r wild man, i feel like it happens either way too, like its usually a male MC but thats just bc theyre more common tbh, like regardless of gender of protag 🥲
Sun: Child God Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short Headcanons
Stars: Mondstadt ppl bc i don't show them i love them enough
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment any I missed. /gen
Klee has recruited converted you to throwing bombs with her.
You are the only leash on that child too and the only thing standing between Jean and full head of gray hair. 💀
Kaeya doesn’t know whether he’s endlessly worried or endlessly amused that the most powerful god is currently a child
if Jean isnt freaking out over ur whereabouts, Diluc is instead, and worst case scenario, Noelle/Lisa/Albedo is in charge of you
and YES someone has to look out for you, bc ur ass will just start making a hot springs spot like ur in ur teapot or smth in dragonspine (Albedo was fascinated it stayed warm despite the weather so he let you make it/enjoy it before asking u to restore natural order lol)
(Albedo has definitely asked to study you and, unfortunately for Jean, asked u to demonstrate several powers u have)
You do work as a lucky charm for Bennett tho so he does babysit u sometimes
it mostly consists of Fischl, Benny, and Razor “adventuring” by trying to do smth like who can jump on the Anemo slimes and ride them around longest
(the answer is you btw, u managed to get a small fleet of them to bus you around, the teens were simultaneously terrified running around below u to catch you and also amazed)
Noelle is so happy making toddler you all the pancakes you can eat, Sucrose had to stop her from going overboard and not just listening completely to kids when it comes to food
She is now very concerned with making you a balanced diet, tho she will still make u an ungodly tall stack of pancakes every now and then <3
They kind of all equally provide for you, obv ur their god, and ur a literal cutie patootie child, they cant just leave you
(also u might like move a mountain or change the weather or smth if they don't watch you so most are a little paranoid of that too)
Lisa gets u all kinds of cute outfits, still stuff you'd like, but definitely snuck in some sumeru looking clothing lol
Fischl lends you all kinds of books to read, Bennett shows u all the cool views in the city and outside of it (when Jean lets him get away with taking u that far), and Razor…
Razor brings you to Andrius and the wolf pack for a wolf pack party and gives u all kinds of shiny trinkets he’d collected for you
Diluc/Jean/Noelle/Eula nearly had a heart attack when they found out
Amber lets you have all the piggyback rides you want lol
she even managed with her own crafting powers (and your probably editing the game code or smth) she somehow makes a reinforced glider with a small harness on the back for you to glide with her
(Venti has definitely helped for some fun flights by boosting the winds for you two)
ur absolutely spoiled rotten by him (and Dvalin, and Andrius, and the wind sprites)
if this god had money he’d spend it on wine and you lol
takes u flying all the time, any time, would drop everything to go to Mondstadt wilds and use his archon form wings to take you wherever you wanna go
tries to bring u to Angel’s Share but Diluc nearly hits him on the head with a wine bottle and brings you back home after kicking Venti out and giving you grape juice (yes you get all you want, within a healthy amount)
anyway the most important part abt you being a god and child is that you can now fulfill your childhood dreams of riding a dragon whenever you want
(one way to quickly get Mondstadt citizens to trust Dvalin again was just constantly seeing him flying overhead, occasionally seeing a small child on his back also helped lol)
(neither you nor Venti tell Jean you ride Dvalin and keep it an active secret from her.)
srry i took so long! i hope u liked my hot mess of writing (i think its even sloppier than usual bc of all the fic writing full sentences lately)
and if not, I'm sorrryyy 😭😭
I'm focusing on getting thru a haul of asks before getting around to posting that Eldritch AU Part 2 if anyone reads this :)
hope u guys are have a great weekend, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! :D
Safe Travels Anon,
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
sister cherry can we get some more sfw firefigher!ace hcs that you have in the vaults. i love him down 🥹🤲🏿🤲🏿
ask and you shall surely receive, my love!! y’all know how I feel about this mannnn omg. him and his stupid smile are in my cranium rent free 😫 driving me insane.
⚠️: fluff, comedy, light kissing and him being an absolute sweetheart
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firefighter!ace is unironically and blissfully unaware of the fact that he’s kind of Twitter/TikTok famous. Somebody happened to get a picture of him and a bunch of other first responders at an event and now he’s known on social media as ‘Firefighter Bae.’ Now he used it to his advantage to post workout vids, safety tips and humor about some of the things they encounter on the job.
firefighter!ace has a special lapel pin he always wears on his uniform or on his persons that he got from his crew mate, who passed in a fire years ago.
firefighter!ace has the HARDEST time letting the pets go from rescues. It can be someone’s dog with a whole name and address on the tag but he’s holding him like it’s his own.
“Are you sure we can’t keep him?” “Ace, give those people their dog so we can go!”
firefighter!ace adoresss kids! He’s always the first pick of the schools for fire safety day because he’s so charismatic and fun that the children just cling to him. Taking them on the fire truck, letting them wear the gear and even playing with them. He was such a natural, you became flustered and began to like him even more.
firefighter!ace gets along with all of your friends/roommates..a little too well in fact! Always going to Robin to snitch on you or Nami to gossip about how temperamental you are! But they adore him so much.
“You know how she is, she won’t listen to anybody.” “Tell me about it, she’s so hardheaded.” “Y’all do know I’m right here, don’t you? I can hear you!”
firefighter!ace owns a motorcycle and is an avid biker. He and his friends race + have their own lil club. He also brought you a matching jacket/helmet to ride with him.
firefighter!ace is suuuper affectionate. His love language is physical touch and always being near his s/o. All but gave up on being discreet when you guys FINALLY started dating and would kiss you on the cheek or grab your waist in front of the whole crew.
“What? I can’t kiss my wife? Assholes.” “You just started dating a month ago, calm down!
firefighter!ace loves when you play with his hair and lets him lay his head in your lap. He finds comfort in it after long days and rough calls. He’s already narcoleptic but he sleeps like a baby when you’re near him. Bonus points if you sing to him, he’s out like a light!
firefighter!ace loves dancing and he’s pretty good at it too.
firefighter!ace wears a matching beaded bracelet or necklace with your name/initials on it all the time. Carries it with him wherever he goes and always kisses it before going into a dangerous situation. And vice versa..to have each other’s strength. Even when you can’t show it.
firefighter!ace is incredibly bashful, despite his appearance, personality and reputation as a playboy. He gets insecure occasionally that you’ll find better.
“I know it’s not much, rookie. But I wanted to get you something. Just to show how proud I was of you..you did amazing on that call today.” “I know you can do better, I’m just happy you’re in my life.” “Oh shut up. As if anyone else could actually handle me. And I guess I’m kinda in love with you.”
firefighter!ace is never hesitant to tell you he loves you because he doesn’t know if it’ll ever be his last time saying it. So he doesn’t shy away from a moment to express his feelings.
firefighter!ace likes to show off during workouts by letting you sit on his back as he does pushups. But he knows you’re no princess and he’ll eventually get challenged by you to see who can do the most. (Of course placing a small wager to sweeten the deal.)
“Seriously, rookie. Here I am trying to be romantic and cool, and you ruin it. Such a goddamned brat.” “You were trying to showboat, you arrogant bastard and look where that got you. Now pay up.”
firefighter!ace LOVESSS watching you do your hair and going to the beauty supply with you. He loves the smell of all the natural oils and even asks you to pick him out some stuff. He doesn’t mind helping twist in a braid or two either. Once he gets the hang of it, this man is in your head like he’s a professional! Doing crochet, locs and all.
“Can you do the blonde braids again? They’re my favorite on you. Plus they look good with the uniform.” “You say that about all of them!”
firefighter!ace truly does love being in your presence. Whether it’s rushing through burning buildings or a chill night in his apartment, surrounded by ambient lighting and faux plants as the two of you cuddle…as long as he’s with you, it’s his happy place.
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wispscribbles · 10 months
you're gonna have to give your next ghostsoap drawings bite marks because i am fuckin chewing on your art all day every day cuz IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
THANK YOUU! so much biting! we all know they're already each other's chew toys - guess affection means bitey
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zu-is-here · 1 year
New headcannon! In relation to this. If we took that as being something that could have happened with the same Cross and Dream from darkcream, my headcannon iss.
Cross never actually read Dream this letter, perhaps tried to throw it out, but Dream saved it. He later comes to realise it might have been some sort of love confession, based on context of what happens soon afterwards. But he still doesn't actually know what it actually says.
Only then years later, handing the letter back to Cross, to ask him to read it to him on there wedding night.
Sickly sweet, but wanted to share something none angst related
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Too sweet to resist ♡
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